HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-140.-1-5 T D LD FILE COpy y South old , N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 August 31, 1987 Howard E. Pachman Pachman and Oshrin, P.C. 366 Veterans Memorial Highway P.O. Box 273 Commack, New York 11725 Re: Site plan for Dinizio SCTM# 1000-140-01-005 W/c of C.R. 48 and Wickham Avenue, Mattituck Dear Mr. Pachman: The above named application cannot be acted on by the Planning Board until a Special Exception and Variance are obtained by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Permission must be obtained: l)to expand a Special Exception use (Public Garage (Article VII VII 100-70, B. (4) ) 2)to reduce the required side and rear yard setbacks (bulk and parking schedule) of 25' and 35' respectively, for the accessory building. If there are any further questions, do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, j~~ Valerie scopaz~ Town Planner cc: Francis Yakaboski, Special Town Attorney Bennett Orlowski, Chairman, Planning Board Victor Lessard, Executive Administrator Gerald Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Zoning Appeals FI#.'t.<ttm"--~"';;~C.--,:;m;:;":,,--~~~-:-.-;iW1l:..;r,,., . ~-~, 7.,""'" 'u~..,,"w.m' ~u INC~ ';-0"- . E CENTER DINIZIO SER:~CKHAM AVENUE ROUTE 4'3 NY 11952 MATTITUGK. ___-.--i.,'""",;y;t-,,, ~'_~~.-"-'::;'-;;"".T.',~.;,.:.,.~:;;-;';''''':'7Ffiift:;w.iti;.. =_":.-7"";"=',- ----,. "f~C,-T'_ '~'--.~~',--.~' ="'" ;'1 8 6 , :1\ , ''.. ,: , __ 7 ~/ -."- L-::I~//L--'" PAY / . L _ 'TOTHE /,;, ,,,"1- __ ")< , _._ il O~:L.A :~!" ~,;rA~7r=- ',' F~~~,I~S1 ___ ~] . 0 a 5 II_ _ '_"'~;;;..~~,..~;_ - - '0 "-0" _ _ ~__ -. ~ 1,07 9 ~ c..-=,~, ~.~ ~'=_,,,,,,,~ t FOR B bll' 1.0 2 '-~",",_ ! II' 0 0 ~ ~_ _~,,~,._ ~"'_', 'f, ______ ..:,:",,:~~~ ----; f "? ~ /# 19.v:~ ' /jYct/, /.' ,"~ I $ /?C />C --" 'LJOLLARS 50-791/214 - --,'-- ..- -. ."....-"C..::.-::.__. I~t..__""f~___ ~ PACHMAN & OSHRIN, P. C. HOWARD E. PACHMAN ALAN D. OSHRIN ATTORNEYS 366 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY P.O. BOX 273 COMMACK. NEW VORK I I 725 TELEPHONE ARBA CODE 6 16 643-2200 KAREN R. BROWN July 22, 1987 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall - Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Dinizio at Mattituck Dear Mr. Orlowski: Further to your letter of June 9th, we enclose herein six prints of revised site plan prepared by Young & Young, surveyors, relative to the above-captioned property. We also return papers and check previoulsy forwarded with our letter of May 15th. As we have several times discussed with the Town Planner, this is a pre-existing site, upon which a new building has been erected. There is not enough room to provide 25% of the area for plantings. provision has been made for 20% planting by taking up some of the existing blacktop. We believe this 20% coverage should be adequate to satisfy the Board's discretionary requirements. We would appreciate your advice as to when we may discuss this matter informally with you or the Planning Director, in an effort to move the site plan along. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Howard E. pachman HEP:ss cc: Mr. Albert Dinizio RECEIVED BY ~~r ~~ m BOARD Enclosures T LD Y . 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED WITH YOUR APPLICATIONS FORMS TOTHE PLANNING BOARD Please complete, sign and return to the Office of the Planning Board with your completed applications forms. If your answer to any of the following questions is ~, please indicate these on your guaranteed surveyor submit other appropriate evidence; 1. Are there any wetland grasses on this parcel? Yes (Attached is a list of the wetland grasses defined by the Town Code, Chapter 97, for your reference) Q 2. Are there any other premises under your ownership abutting this parcel? Yes e 3. Are there any building permits pending on this parcel? Yes (3 4. Are there any other applications pending concerning this property before any other department or agency?(Town , State, County, etc.) Yes No 5. Is there any application pending before any other agency with regard tp a different project on this parcel? 6. Was this property the subject of any prior application to the Planning Board? Yes @ Yes G Yes @ 7. Was this property the subject of any prior applications to the Board of Appeals? I certify that the above statements are true and will be relied on by the Planning Board in considering this application. Sig or authorized agent ..,.../3o/f-7 da t'e RECEIVED BY SOUTHOW TOWN PlANNING BOARb DATE ---:::':' ,. Attachment to questionnaire for, the Planning Board STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ss: On the :=S'O day of --* ~"t L ,19q before me personally came 'l'>,.L~~T ~,V \ 1\J\~ \ 0 to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ~~ execufed~t~e same. ~~~liC - "OWARD E. PACHMAN Notary PubliC. S_ of New York ..~-"..~ Commilllion Exp"es iJ 1 ~ r r-- 'RECEIVED BY 00111"" ',,", oOlnn ~t,;u r;"uJ II,; ,., ,t.;7"nif.C ...iJr\[' JUL j.i U >- DATE -c4 ~ 14-16-4(9/84) .)., ft ~1~ '\ PROJECT 1.0. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS NUMBER State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only , PART I Project Information (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 3. j//C ,. 4. o Expansion S. Describe project briefly: 7f; D Modification/alteration ct/h,,7;ucI t!J 5.1;.,,/ hun.. //7..;7;/ <5P//#o/ 3cJ'X{;CJ' 6. Precise location (road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) ,;17' "#4;7~cA",1/ew )0 ;-,K t'h '74~ t5tM /1/,c.k/'9i71- ,1J/e_ ,hIJ)-7J. ji/esT Ct7/ur 111 A'J." yp 7. Amount of land affected: Initiallv acres Ultimately /f?3//,S'F......... 8. Will posed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictionsl Yes D No If No, describe briefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of projec~/ o Residential D Industrial ~ Commercial Describe: o Agriculture D Parkland/open space D Other 10 Does action involve a p DYes it/approval, or funding, now or ultimately, from any other governmental agency (Federal, state or 10cal}1 No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 11. Does any aspect of t DYe, No ction have a currently valid permit or approvaU If yes, list agency name and permit/approval type 12 As result of prop:os DYes action will existing permit/approval require modificationl No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: 1Y-\. \) \ <0\<-1 0 Date: .,./30/R'I , I Signature: OVER If the action is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency....~I!!Q, thA. Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this ass"~){t:D BY I i PART II Environmental Assessment (To be completed by Agency) A. Does action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.1U [] Ye, [] No If yes, coordinate the review process and use the FULl/LONG FORM EAF B. Will action receive coordinated review as provided for Unlisted Actions in 6..NYCRR, Part 617.7l involved action DYes 0 No If No, a negative declaration may be superceded by another C. Could action result in ANY adverse effects on, to, or arising from the following: (Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal. potentIal for erosion drainage or flooding problemsl Explain briefly: C2. Historic, archeological, visual or aesthetic, or other natural or cultural resources; agricultural districts; or community or neighborhood character? Explain brietJ C3. Vegetation or fauna, movement of fish or wildlife species, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered ~pecies? Explain briefly (4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly (5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly. (6. Secondary, cumulative, or other effects not identified in (1.c6~ Explain briefly. (7. A change in use of either quantity or type of energyl Explain briefly. PART III Determination of Significance (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. o Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL/LONG FORM EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. o Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analYSis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL.oNOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here, and en attachments as necessary, the reasons supportng this determination: Agency Name Agency Preparer's Name Preparf>r"s SignaturelTitle Date ____ '.'"-'''-'-'''_.'><'-'''~'-''',".....""",~,-_.",,,...~ ,,,-,,-,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.- ~'.&' ,~ / / FORM NO.4 '<. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall So.urho.ld, N.Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. 2-15719 Date. . . ~1.a.y . .1.'. . '.9 B l. . THIS CERTIFIES that the building. . . .R~ ?~.i.~ . ~ ?'.i.~ ~ ~ :,.g. . a u .to . I; 'lr3& (. . dar~~ ~ ~.d by fire. Lacatian af Property ... 5 ?.7.~ . Ro.ut.". ~.8. .~. .1.3) '? !-I.i.c. ~~ ".11\ .~ Y f'.'. . . t1!l.t.t. \, )J.c.~ , . fLY. House No, Street Hamler Caunty Tax Map No. 1000 Section ... 1 ~~. . . . . .Block ...O!......... .Lot . . .05. . . . . . . . . . . . Subdivision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Filed Map No. ....... .Lot No.. ............. confo.rms substantially to. the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated December 18, '.986 hi I B 'Id' P . N I 5 5962 pursuant to w c I U1 1I1g erollt o. ..................... dated December 24,1986 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this ccrtificate is issued is . . . . . . . . . REPAIR EXISTING AUTO GARAGE DAMAGED BY FIRE AS APPLIED FOR. TIle certificate is issued to. .... ~ ~ BE.R ~ . ~.I.~ ~ ~ .1.0. {o'wn;,;, '~~Kj{,Jl.,i(,i9'X . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the afaresaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval N/A UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N.~??.7.2. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFIC^TION D^TED: ..,~.~.4~.~.......... Duil~~ Inspector Re",1/81 RECEIVED BY SGU1HGlG 1GWN PlANNING BG~RU ~L2319Bt FORM NO.4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No.. .Z.1.()~1.5......... Date..... .~a:c.h.1 !.................., 19 .8! THIS CERTIFIES that the building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5775 County Road 27 or Middle Road Location of Property ..... ."325. .WiG:kh.a.m. A;v.enl.le.,........... Matti.t.uck............ House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ... 1 ;.0. . . . . .Block ....]......... .Lot . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . Subdivision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Filed Map No. ....... .Lot No. ............. . rfi'.q ui r elllenJ 1>. for B-1 (Garage) buil t prior to conforms substantially to the -APP*itlatlOf\-1t>1' -tiU1l1l1fl~ ~I'mit -heretof()re-filed -in"thi5 'uffire-chrted-- . Certit'i<;a.te of .Occupancy Z 1 0415 '" Allr.ll. .23........, 1~.7.. pursuant towfl.tdi-BuilElM'l~~erm1t-No.-.,,:,................... dated ...... .111?-r.C.tl . ) .1.,. . . . . . . . . . . 19 8.1. , was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1;>,..1. .Gq.r.a.g~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . .. . . . The certificate is issued to ....... .Sb pl.l . Oil. . C 9... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (owner.-I~"m...tM1Mtr-- of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval ...... .N,( I!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO.... .11/)1.......................................... . .(j.~.. 1;:(. J/.~..... Building Inspector R.v.l/81 ~ECEIVED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING bL" ' .~ DATE , Southold, N.Y. 11971 \f(J.1 -- ~D ~rU6 YoJ~~ \'\\-e-. ()Y"\ ~ lJfl-... vJ) .~c..~ Mr. Howard E. Pachman -~ CloY ~ octarr\\I\C- Pachman and Oshrin, P.C. l~~~~ ~. . ~ Attorneys ~~ 1- rI1X\l.J.J\O\:~.......a., ~~~:~~:r!~: ,:::ria, High. ~V ~ Y~,~~ Re: Site Plan for Dinizio a '~,A~~ ~\O..fl ~l';C'-' _____J-:- ~ 5\"'- \" l ~ . . . ;.ffi..~ :-yrYlf- The application which you r' J-oC::; " with regard to the above mentioned propos li,iJY" ac. ~ by the Planner and the Planning Boar. 'i~ '. . We are returning said appl :t i~~J..ete and request that the site plan be revised ...~J..uae the following information: (516) 765-1938 June 9, 1987 Dear Mr. Pachman: 1. Definition of how the property is being used; what percentage is auto repair, storage, etc. for all buildings on the site. 2. Percentage of landscaping including street trees; 25% required 3. Show parking as according to schedule depending on how the building area will be used. Parking to be calculated and shown on the site plan. Drainage calculations to also be on the site plan with appropriate drainage. Hhen the application has been resubmitted including the information requested above, the Board will consider this matter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~O~~~ (1y~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., C~AIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. "'~"::.- ,\ ~ ! 'I. '. .. j ~ '; PAY "'~ TOTHE ~ 2 ORDER OF :l~ .: . . I . I FOR " .'-_ .i!!ll:c . . PACHMAN & OSHRIN. P. C. ~ECEIVED BY SDUTI';:lD I'''' , ":"I"^ r^\RU I" lJlill fL" -':11 'U '.' l.., II iJ/i MAY 18 1987 DATE HOWARD E. PACHMAN ALAN O. OSHRIN ATTORNEYS 366 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIOHWAY P.O. BOX 273 COMMACK. NEW YORK I 1725 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 1516 643-2200 - KAREN R. BROWN May 15, 1987 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall - Main Street Southold, NY 11971 Re: Dinizio - Property located at Route 48 & Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York Gentlemen: We enclose herein the following items in furtherance of our client's request for site plan approval: 1. Six prints of site plan prepared by Young & Young, dated March 20, 1987. 2. Our client's check in the sum of $100.00, payable to the Town of Southold, covering application fee. 3. Short Environmental Assessment Form executed by Mr. Dinizio. 4. Planning Board Questionnaire, duly executed and notarized. 5. Copies of certificates of occupancy covering the existing structure. 6. Copy of deed to property; there are no covenants and restrictions of record. We have been in touch with Building Inspector, Victor Lessard, who has reviewed the site plan and has indicated that it fully complies with the zoning in the area and does not require variances for accessory buildings. We believe that the site plan contains all the requisite information. Should you require further documentation or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. HEP:ss Enclosures cc: Hr. and Mrs. Albert M. Dinizio -'- ~ .- 1 ~ 50-791/214 t i:t.-, ~19f.r:-? l,I. - - ~.....r ~ I $/~tJ~ ~ I I 1- , DINIZIO SERVICE CENTER. INC, AOUTE 48 & WICKHAM AVE~UE MATTITUCK. NY 11952 " 3186 " " _..r.--__.._ .......__.~. -'--"'--::nOLLARS ~. NOFlTl-I FOFlI< BANI< M.coItH".k.N.Y.l1U2 f J 11'00 1 ~8bll' , ~_;r-~~ 1:0 2 ~1.0?"l ~ 21: 11'0 ~1"'Ob-~08 511' -~-~".~.. - /~/ ~.~ ~~~ ;h~AM~ i$-P/ ~1~' Southold,N.Y.11971 " I ,,~ (516) 765-1938 August 31, 1987 Howard E. Pachman Pachman and Oshrin, P.C. 366 Veterans Memorial Highway P.O. Box 273 Commack, New York 11725 Re: Site plan for Dinizio SCTMI! 'lO00-140-01-005 W/c of C.R. 48 and Wickham Avenue, Mattituck Dear Mr. Pachman: The above named application cannot be acted on by the Planning Board until a Special Exception and Variance are obtained by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Permission must be obtained: l)to expand a Special Exception use (Public Garage (Article VII VII 100-70, B. (4) ) 2)to reduce the required side and rear yard setbacks (bulk and parking schedule) of 25' and 35' respectively, for the accessory building. If there are any further questions, do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, j~ ~tty Valerie Scopaz Town Planner cc: Francis Yakaboski, Special Town Attorney Bennett Orlowski, Chairman, Planning Board Victor Lessard, Executive Administrator Gerald Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Zoning Appeals '-,Iv - /-~ - TOWN OF SOUTH OLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD .- ~o j(}Ic'r - OWNER A J)/'h/Z.IO --~---- FORMER OWNER STREET "I I !N C::Jc\L~dD'" , W", ! JYJ (.1 - I 'S . . .J-.- . / / ",o"-'.....YJ ' /,. .....( ,,/ f\. VG::.._~ \.I.,t-" : =-_-===:C.,-- ... _-1--_ ,. f 3 2- · SEAS. . VL. Jt/. I VILLAGE i lLl0-4-t I ... ,,- IE VJ,~(i~ ACR;Lf'V' l:JIAI / r TYPE OF BUILDING ifil ~ <'-.)--, ",.-r-. C"9CB. 'MICS. Mkt. Val~.' \.. : \. . REMARKS . LOT DIST. I SUB. FARM LAND "'loa IMP. ..sloG ~ 1" CJ-(;) TOTAL DATE _---2:!lY:.~__~ )~~) &-0 ! I ;{ ()cJD S;;.:.L...,n' .~. .I,C-L C' <:c.. 9 W; Pl~~.:d ~5'lf z 1/...../7d.... I, ,. ? /,~ # r:' ' /. '/97'1' . ~/7~ ...;././ /4,da, "':/'_/1,1, l),,,, 2.10 P </i'~ L ./~/_/' "'-9 r .J' </."', __ i ~;t p,p I..:J~ G /Lj'tL1Y ,nJ"r.:- QCtI"'YJore- '" __~,"CD I -..T-----~-. -~-_._-~-_._-_._--_._--~---~-----_._----_.._-~_._-- , Tillable Woodland Meadowland - ------....----.---- --_._->--...__._~_._--_._---~~~ House Plot Total FRONTAGE ON WATER I ! FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD / '7.). '/. /" ,- - '," ,- , -. - /Cco - Ide) - 1- (, =-:,:,;==---,"---=:---==o?=-~----=----- OWNER . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ,,~~/ ~ . J STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT ~ ! () '-,. \. -Le/1 FORMER OWNER {..:.-,~.-\~.- . >'~l ~ r:~ (' .----. (' '''' 9 =- O~~C-. 'C=~ I ~==~='.='~-=.' RES. tf f I I SEAS. VL. LAND IMP. TOTAL N E Cv< - 'vi II, K' ;;// S "W . " _ t--.1'.ddL':.' g 02 . -6 I / FARM COMM...)CB. - ACR. ~>...- O\-\;e ..... . .~ ~ 4:150 C' ~-'l."j ) TYPE OF BUILDING ~ '~}~ffvt:J , . , MISe. Mkt. Value DATE REMARKS F / ...~---:;) . I ",' " ;:...' .~ " L'-I () D 3 ? (' D _ /.i2,..:? ..0...2. i __ .~.k 0 0 _fR~.L<;?-'_+-- '7700 / i AGE I I , ()-(;,/ . . . . c, -di' ,e _ <+- "2 \:\if~"':'S. i~~<;;; ~ 5SlY-.u.--;::/ J BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW _______.__ I FARM : Acre i Value Per , Acre ABOVE Value Tillable 1 +- ---_..- -~.--_._._- Tillable 2 i ___ - -----1--------- T:ilable 3 ! _____~____ I Vv'oodland ! r i i , + I I .- / ./__ J' ....../ /" -" .- < '7 ~O ' Swampland I i FRONTAGE ON WATER "#f' ,L.,F ,;,:..- ~i i I -...---..--.------------;------ - , . /B' " /,;( ~ 0 Brushland : FRONTAGE ON ROAD - - - (" - - It ,0 .;?7 J-'<' : , - -..- House Plot DEPTH P7~_'"2.:----/ I I - --=-, -h I .. ~KHEAD -L ,<h<-,~ - I I I , I DOCK . I I - Toto! . , Mr. Frank Yakaboski Attorney at Law 456 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Dinizio Deed Dear Frank: LD Southold. N,Y, 11971 (516) 765-1938 December 16, 1986 Enclosed is a copy of the deed for the property of Albert M. Dinizio located at Mattituck, as per your request. enc. Very truly yours, Y;'(}J,t JM.~ Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board T Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765- 1938 December 16, 1986 Mr. Albert M. Dinizio 44 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Dear Mr. Dinizio: As per my conversation with you wife on December 15, 1986, enclosed is a packet for filing for site plan approval. Please note, the site plan must contain all the site plan elements and must be endorsed by a licensed surveyor or engineer pursuant to Section 100-134. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN 7~~T~OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD I'YlQu m. ~ By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. ~ T LD Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 December 12, 1986 Mr. Albert M. Dinizio 480 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Dear Mr. Dinizio: On October 15, 1986, your wife left a check and survey print at our office preparatory, according to your wife, to the filing of a proper application for site plan review for premises situated at County Route 48 and Wickham Avenue. To date, a proper application with necessary documents has never been filed, and accordingly we return herewith your check and survey print. Very truly yours, ~rlQc~~ ~~~an Southold Town Planning Board BO:dms \ g) MARY ANN I)INIZIO 44 SUNSET LA~ GR~rNPORT, NY' 11944 " ~ I I " Memo _I: 2 2 ~ I. 'I ~ 2271: 9 2 2 -- .,.-' ," '"" . ~. ."-~ ~. ,.4 _.... ~ ~~...:: -:,'. ,~..'- . "~-1lii '.~ -~-- ":'\;;. l --- 127 50-1122/2214 $ / tHJ. ?'7J r/- - Patjtothe ~ fJ .,' l!%1'A ~.s.utbil4~ SAVINGS BANK 54375 Main Road $outhold, N.Y. 11971 1 .;p f2- -- Dgl1r1 rs -.- ~ '~........... ..z. - o ~ "'9~ q,..r ?~ %., ff' "0 ... ~ ~ 0_ ~ ~~L. "0.... '" '? <:l> "'_ '-{;::;... .,,,, "'9L.. q. C- <<' I'~ 0el ~e C'l- \01 \?>" 01 e' I' ~" , , / .j;' ;/":> , , ! ,'3: Cl ~ .Cl ~. "- v ., '> 0 , to 0'; ~ ,el 0' ~ ~ > ,. . 0 ~" ry.\) ~O 'v~ \)'J ~\ SURvEY FOR DINIZIO'S SERVICE CENTER, INC. NorE' . : MONUMENT AT MATTlTI./CK TOWN OF SOI./THOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK DATE SCALE' NO. SEP,r /6, /986 JAN. 9, /979 I " : 40'/ 78 - 832 *UN.l.Vr"'OR1ZEOAlT[RAfIOP<lQRADorTIONTO THIS SUIh'fY IS A ~IOLA rlON OF SEe TION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EOUCATION LAW _coPlrs OF THIS SURVEY NOT BEARING llil LAND SURV[YOR'S'NKEOS[AI,.DRE".eOSSEDSEALSHAlL NOT BE CON510EI'IE010 BEA VALID HlUECOPY *GUARIlNTHS INOICATEOI-IEREONSHALLRUNONLYTO THE P(RSOl\l FOR WHQt.! THE SURV[l' IS PREPARED, .ll,1\I0 0.. HIS BEHALF TO THE TiTlE COloOPANY,GQV[RN. i.lENTAL AGn~CYANO LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED I<EREON,ANOTQTHE ASSIG"IEESOF T"lr LENDING INSTITUTION. GUARANTEES AI'lE NOT TI'lANSFEFlABlE TO AOO'TIONAlINST,TUT!ONSOFlSUBSEQUENT OWNERS. .OISTANCES SHOW,. HEREON FRO'" PROPERTY l'NES TO E ~'ST'NG SH/UCTl/RES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE ANO ARE NOT TO 9E USED TO ESfA9l1S.... PROPEI'lTY LINES OR FOR n'E [R[eTlON OF F[NCES r, ~lI YOUNG a YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AvENUE R1VERHEAD, NEw YORK ALDEN W YOUNG,PROFESSIONAl ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR N_YSUCENSE NO 12845 HOWARD w. YOUNG, LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.S, LICENSE NO, 45893 I -~ (3 fL/w-1-d j ! .~ ~' ....p ~... ..,:;. <'><,> .- "- 0_ <'>~"?c.<>_ U:!~ Oo? .so NOTC, . z MONIIMCNT 'v~ <:/;) ~\ c SURVEY FOR OINIZIO'S SERVICE CENTER, INC. AT MATT/TUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK * UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. * COPIES OF THIS SURVEY NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. *GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERN. MENTAL AGENCY AND lENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE lENDING INSTITUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. * DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED'TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR THE ERECTION OF FENCES. DATE ' SCALE: NO. SEPT. /6, /986 JAN. 9, 1979 I " = 40' 78 - 832 'j-, YOUNG a YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK ALDEN W. YOUNG,PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.S.LICENSE NO.12845 HOWARD W. YOUNG, LAND SURVEYOR NYS. I.ICENSE N0.45893 onT 11\ ~~.r I, r'" "" SJ ~ 1 . y.. OV t- / ~/ ~ / Z -<::::::==> / o .....t. ~o ~<::> ~ 0..... ..,. .- -Clc ""~ ~ , / / ~ ."\.0" 'G. , , , , , , / <S> -:;. Go ~ -to...... .- o~ '?"" ~ ~ :L Go C'~ -:> ""~ o~ , , , , , , , 'V> <.- ~. , ') \ ts' :<j~')\ ~ ~ . -, " o ... 44.34 '-.... S/"i700"W. ~~ ?0~ .. HALF HOUSED ALnquwN OR MR M oR -0 MMs SURVEY Is A VIOLATION OR MOTION 7 OF OF MF NEW YOU STAR } �� 1i• �I_ THE'111 LANO`SUgVEYORS INREOTHIS EI 'SFA{OR RING M5055Ep SEAL SHALL HOT IF IAI.CONSIDERED E ♦A, 9 RO / 10 BE A VALID TRUE COPY +UARANIEFS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN r 1 ! CO !,¢• •I•�R GN{Y TO PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURYEF F! S MHAU TO THE UP �L frITLFED,COMPANY, GOVERDON INMENT&AGENCY AMC LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HERSDN, AND• O THE ASSIGNEES GE THE LENDING INSTIS �yJw IOW. GARE NOT TRANSSEMN A. tiF UiUARAPMEES TEOHAL INSTIIUTIOMs OR SLUEOURv ' } SITE .� . POLE ;T •► !p� ¢ eyr,E R 15.1 IFR < r°4• R.�'�ry ap'pP��4 FQ'c� ° ' e ° 9• pY• p!p (I r •T"+6i+ +r• �� ! `! p� a \ ry+��, L•I �@ LANDSCAPING CRITERIA ,p 6 TOTAL AREA = 18311 s.f. ; ANDSCAPED AREA = 3650 s.f. ,�fy�� E- 1 (3650 s.f. — 18311 s.f. ) X 0 = 19.9 41<5p S ° PERCENT LANDSCAPED = 0 % ° e �L N 3 \\ / � oBF e W LOCATIOIU N MAP \ ,• I:^ ?6�p461pRZp � " " DRAINAGE CRITERIA A 4 v rY @1 ? ? a !a 1p POLE • v., g y ¢, Ap ! yR F� A = 13,990 s.f. °yFe r!c I*BIT p �• �1 R = 211 RAINFALL = 0. 17 ft.' r!d• a�Pr ,... a a a`V •.+} C = COEFF. OF RUNOFF - 0.90 Oy a4p° a 4 �0. b ` . `'rte ¢=¢ pry CIP4 � ao "4 ��± + P. a * \` ¢p! EXISTING DRAINAGE (Zt)IBI 81- DIA Xc.f.+ 68.DE C.f.LE.f. = 31 PO Required • ADDITION PROVIDE PROVIDED VOLUME �g ry a AF __ _ _ +• _ ! QD DIA.X IDI- II DEEP LEACHING POOLS. IN 4• _ ___ _ e" __ i ° k -O-- DIA. X II--O-- DEEP L.P.-s. TOTAL 0\0 `lZ& +So,4 PARKING CRITERIA I STALL/ EMPLOYEE + I STALL /° r •k ' .,pv 0 NO. OF EMPLOYEES = 3 } NO. OF BAYS = 4 ' 3 + 4 = 7 Noe ay�nlP°ry 4Qvpr` df^ fat �,c4 gcPa y\o`" dP NO. OF STALLS REQ. 7 = �o• EP! �`�� p�t�, o °> 4j* NO. OF STALLS PROV. = 8 14. Jdl X04• ,j•. .ye'.yge NY,, N° 0 OrpOa °�� 2° !' (' • ^^• < yQ �� SITE PLAN P • Lar.. P ° e+,RB \ PREPARED FOR AQ �'f �4A, �° 'LO ! c DINIZIO�S SERV-6E CENTER , INC . AT MATTITUCK • s' A 5� o°v TOWN OF SOUTHOLD V• SUFFOLK COUNTY , N.Y. i TE 1. UFOOLK COUNTY TAX MAP a•rIB DIST. 1000 SECT.140 BLK.01 LOT-W-5 rR• 2. ■ a MONUMENT S,TOTAL AREA a 18311 S.F. 4.ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED 4 TO MSL DATUM4',(E OF NEM, S.ZONING USE DISTRICT - B-1 -GENERAL BUSINESS S A O OWNER- O.4 w' ♦0 Yf ALBERT M. OINIZ IO � 3• RS 44 SUNSET LANE JULY 13, 1987 A GREENPORT R N.Y. 11944 DATE- MARCH 2O, 19 B7 10 O 10 20 N YOU t 0 �g3 VE EAD , N.Y. E SCALE- I° 20' ALDE .AY .E.B L.S. LIC. NO.12845 i NO. 86 - 1596 HOWARD S. L.S. LIC. NO. 45893 � 60115 IIYL'EE�� i