HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5538 John M.Bredemeyer III,President h0�,o� sv�Tyolo Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino,Vice-President 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G �� Telephone(631) 765-1892 Charles J.Sanders Fax(631) 765-6641 IOU BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE 1' Pre-construction, hay bale line/silt boom/silt curtain 1St day of construction YMW4MOMU& SILT 010044 l NSTM LA--r/W. S i s 4 Project complete,'compliance inspection. INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: s 11 Al . �, oom `w Hs Ins - - ��1� CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: h d1V1 w WA n no Corp Southold Town Trustees 54375 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 January 23, 2017 Dear Southold Town Trustees, As per your request, I am writing this notarized statement to advise that Soundview Marine Corp. has installed a Silt Boom at 2260 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel and guarantee same will remain in place for the duration of the work on said property. Respectfully, Richard B �toMari � Ig U Soundview Marine Corp. DIANE DISALVO NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEEW Vokk S7"A-I-U(-1941�6�C. "( SGUO,( f 1-77 T�FI S NO. 91 Da47�� C6vAu ) Z fl zr i7, 1� ►� � D� �v , �ft W3I1M t��4il�, PHONE FAX WEB Board Of Southold . Town Trustees SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. . 5"S'3! DATE: ...J.~Ile.29~..}g02 ISSUED TO .......~9.J:\J;;.~.:r...g..I.c.ATl:lg:E.N~NAP.P.... i\ut~llrii!ntilln Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York. 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952~ and the Southokl Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN' WATERS;!:; and in accordance with the Resolution of The BOard adopted at a meeting held on .APE.i~.._2._1_,. 2002._... and in consideration of the sum of $._22_2:_02_._ paid by Robert & Kathleen Knapp ....... ...... ....m.............................................................-....... ............................................:............;........ of ....._~.~_\J:':"'l._..... .- N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southokl Town Trustees authorizes and permits the foUowing: Wetland Permit to construct an 1133 sq. [t. one-story framed 1 residential addition with a deck,to- the exist. residence , with the .. conditions that a staked row of haybales is placed down around t. " perime~er of the property before const. begins, the septic system aM in accordance with the c:!etailed specifications as pre~nted in -the originating apolication. 1S relocated to the east slde of the property, and drywe'ils &gutters are installed, as per site plan dated 4/27 4~WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporat<<: ~al to be a~xed, and these p~sents to be subscribed by a malor1ty of the said Board as of thiS datil. //~.~/~~ Tf'fISl.n r ) \ . " .~~-_..-.!_' "~_.~.~'-_. ._~ "'-" ~-" ".. , TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permittee Robert & Kathleen Knapp raIdiag at 2260 Peconic Bay Blvd.. Laurel N. Y.. lIS part. of dJe coasideratioa for dJe i.....~ of die Pamk does II.... 'AI -f aod pt'eICdbe to dJe fol. lowUo&: 1. That dJe said Boud of T_ aod me T_ of SoI.......d _ reIeuecI &om ...,. aod aU cIamap, or dIims fOt .w...;a. of .... adslag dIncdr or ~ .. . .-k of ...,. 01*" atloa pedormecl F"~"t to dds peaaIt, aod die ..w p . 1 will, ec his or '* _ ~nK" cIefeod ...,. Ud aU Slidu_II....""...... ..,. dJirclpudes, ... dJe said P .do"1 'f fall JWlilIt) wlIh reSpect thaeto, to dJe ClOftIl'Iete '- of dJe Boud of 'i'~ of 1be Towa of So. '" ~ 2. That dds Petmlt is' wIid foi: . .period of . 24 -. 'Which is eo ,", d to be dJe --ted ~.tequired eo '"""'P'~ dJe wock ladwd, butihoaldclt. .,......... "lWlIM, ftIIIIIC't for an -.loa may be mode to dJe Boud at a ~ date. ~. That rhIs Permit sbauld be reialaed lacIeflaltely, or lIS long lIS die said ~ ...w.c. to ......i_ln dJe sttucCuIe or project la1'Olved, to ptoride eYidelKe to aDJOOe _t.ed dJat IIICh- od:wioa _ origioa11y obtalaed. 4. That die wodc.lamhed wiI1 be subject to dJe iaspeclioo aod appron1 of dJe Boud or fa ageots, aod ...--pI/.ft('" wich . die prcnoisioas of dJe cwlgI_f1", ....p1icof1ool, -.., be cause for tnoeatioa of dds J>emdt ..,. resoIudoo of the said Boetd. 5. That cbetc will be 110 WIteIwn'""'o: laterfereace wich aaviptioa lIS a result of dJe wock betela ~. . 6. That there sbaI1 be 110 laterfereoce wich the rip of dJe puhlic to pus aod ... aIaag dJe beach bel1ieen high aod low water DWks. . 7. That if future "l-''"- of dJe Town of Soo~ ftIJUire the -.I Ud/or akaaioas la die 1ocatiao of dJe ,..,de betela ..110 .,/rd, or if, la die oplnloa of the BoMd of T-. the. wade abaU cause wueuoaable obsttucooo to free oa~ the said ~ wl1l be ~ apoa clue aodtIe, to remove Ot a1ter dds wock or ptoject betela staled wiII.c e\fC I'~ I to dJe T_ of Soucbo1d.' . . 8. That me said Board wiI1 be notiflecl..,. the Permiaee OJ me [~ 'fk~...Of cbe,..,de IIICh- orized. 9. That the PermIttee wiI1 abtala aU other peauIa aod ........... that -.., be ncpdred lap.- pIemenla1 to rhIs permit 'Which "'y be IUbject to reYOIre apoa fallure to abtala -. ',-' .....'--~".,_......"._,.,,-~,,----'" ....... ,...........- (" ...""~~_.._--".>..__.- Albert J. Krupski, President . James King, Vice~ President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggv A. Dickerson . Town Han 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 29, 2002 Glenn A. Haase, R.A. 58 Julbet Drive Sayville, NY 11782 RE: ROBERT & KATHLEEN KNAPP 2260 PECONIC BAY BLVD., LAUREL SCTM#145-4-4 Dear Mr. Haase: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Glenn A. Haase, R.A. on behalf of ROBERT & KATHLEEN KNAPP applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated March 28, 2002, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 24, 2002, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 ofthe Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, 2 . . NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of ROBERT & KATHLEEN KNAPP to construct an 1133 sq. ft. one-story framed residential addition with a deck, to the existing residence, with the condition that a staked row of hay bales is placed down around the perimeter of the property before construction begins, the septic system is relocated to the east side of the property, and that drywells and roof gutters are installed, all as depicted on site plan dated April 27, 2002. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: None Very truly yours, ~ (J. /~-f'~' ~ Albert J. Krup&i, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms ~ !II ~r:::t:<S ;::ii1~~I~;1 ') fl ~ ~8l"""oCO ~ l ~ :-i :>: ~ '. ~~ ~~::j it: f:i ~c...Cl9 l'lilllh!il~ ::-fCl::!j :-t S2 <.rj c: . ::t~8l - '. r- :'l ~ II' "':!;:'" r-~ ",,,,0> ~ ~Ia ~~~ ~ [:1-;:::i ~ ... <::::;;:9 Cl . ;j i~~~I~IU' ~~ Cl - :>i; Cl ~ !i2 ~ 3;:~ i~ill!li! Ii """0:'>: f'l ~ """0"""0 - """0 ... '" !i;: lIil.ll:l il ~~ ;l>>- s;;: P<t . ::0 ,.II" .1 ~ ~ '" ;~~~ I a~ ~ .!C r- r- ~ ~~ !ti '" 0 ~ Ili!lij~ !I -; Cl ~ ~ .~ ""'-- ,~--- . . \ {).JrJJD Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Thursday, April 18, 2002, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Melvyn Morris, seconded by Bret Hedges, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Wetland Permit Application of ROBERT & KATHLEEN KNAPP to construct a one-story framed residential addition to the existing residence. Proposed addition is 1133 sq.ft. with a deck. Located: 2260 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#145-4-4 Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~ I . . ~'m_ I <::~> 7; -""__-:::-:::7 I -,~ "'''c "'- '%, % -1- + r . , l[) > ~ "T '"' i;i ,-l ~ ~ ~ i i I 8 1 - . i i fu ,I ej ~ ~ 6.~" *~.. V) l:!Ji! ~- . >-~~a ~l~ ~"'I 01 . .:1:1 (, wl!il! I. ~ 'I ~ E : . "II' II!!! !! ~ II! ,hi!!! i;jjl1I M'lll i iiii . . ~ . ~ i i ; i ~ "'il 11111 I"'" .!!'!! i iiiii ~! !q 11111 Jdu iell! I Iii , I 'I ' II !II Ilil 'i!i' lI, !)!I II Ii i . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice~Pre5ident , Henry Smith Artie Foster K.m Poliwoda Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only ~ (~('~cJ, _Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~etland Permit Application ".. Major Waiver/Amendment/Changes ....-tteceived Application:~ ~eceivedFee:$ ~ ,e"ompleted Application~ _Incomplete _SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type II_ Unlisted_ _Coordination:(date ~ ......cAC Referral Sent: 3 ~ ~te ofInspection: , _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: '""'1'ublic Hearing He~t>JJ, Resolution: Minor tvjLii,' ') W I, ", L V ! . .- r~~ Name of Applicant Mil.. f ~ ~s I<cker f k./V A-p P Address Z.Z~ PlECONIC, BAJ( B(lJD. Ui0f2.EL NC;lJ.JY~I<. IICf4.8 Phone Number:( ) G3 ( - Zq ~ - c:::~9 0 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 14S -64- - CJO 4- Property Location: S~ We;:;; t CC>~Ne"" of ~~ ~CON Ie. raA-Y fuul--E:VAR.D '4 ePGf~J'I\~ A.-Ve (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: 0fA;NiN A. bJ--AASE . R.A.. (At<a-J-l TJ&.-T) (If applicable) , Address: t:38 -Ju....SliE-r DF2.\VE. 5A-T'utvL-€-. N&..J ~~R.k... ) n B'Z. Phone: CP3l - SG>3 - 3 34~ .... . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): '2.2, <=, I ~ ~ verG ~ t Area Zoning: j2. - 4 a Previous use ofproperty:~' de.-nc e... Intended use of property: QeS IdenG~ Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date ~ _ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? "-.J No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments ifnecessary):50 r~1J~C T I A- ONf: s:roi2-Y rRArH-EP /2..f5/PE+J7J:tAL A-W rnci-.J "'0 ~15TI"-lc, ,l2ESID~0E..-e P8cpoSEO ""'PO/TIC, N fG 11::3>-=3 ~ FT WITH 'PEG\::::. .... . . Board of Trustees Application WETLANDrrRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: 6\,VN~te. :p...TE:NO'S ,0 A-t:>D ON A ONE.. 'S.T?::lR.<{ FRAMED A-'DD I TICN To eX ISTINe; g:e:SlDE-Nc.E.., S XQ,.uArION. FOe. l=OoTn..j.q> '=f FOuNOA-TloN w~LLS. Area of wetlands on lot: N6N E square feet Percent coverage of lot: ~ 0 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: ss .9--feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: CO 5. 2 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No >< Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 11 cubic yards How much material will be filled? ~ 0 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: 3 feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: .()? o/c. Manner in which material will be removed or deposited:~VA..r! 0\...1 By ~ M4P CM2:.n:D '&"WALi 9 . . , tz.JH P il<.Uc-lC-- i=-~c..A-lJA.T1oN \ '" f='O~ rconi-l<:1S' Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): ---blaf-.!F .... . Board of Trustees . Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Q\J.J ~E.(2.. IN.-re''-I'DS TO c..o"-1 STl<.tJCJT , A ot4~ ~ rPA.\-1.1SO A.OPITt0t-..l Tb E..:'4lsrtr-.l'1 RESIDtS1-.J~ . Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No ~ Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No ~ Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated?fl-(cubic yards) How much material will be filled? o (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: R€1--1OJl>.L <::::2..l:: 5Cl1L- FoR. f'=oo.....Nl~S 'Eq -lSk:LHoE and :j<eHoueo 15'1 DC..JH,~ ~ Sl~ . Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) NCN~. 4 .ard of Trustees APplicate AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I, !i.(J "'EO p'j Iv. //)1/' AI> P (print owner of property) residingatd~~ 0 ( mailing thqP.~L IV'/ flQ/.[C6 do hereby authorize o,lENN A..j.}~E ~A. . ..- Pt5CO.N(V fbjr'( address) 6/...///:). (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ~*:;Ltys~) 8 .... . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: . ~~ ~NDAIl-,69TAT~ "iUU5T · ~ S Jv\ITH .J~. . t:: \..-UNO/< t1 A:::: HufJ . Address: . NogrH FOfZ.Ic BAIJ "- ~lJ.sT 275 ~ HoUclv 1<:aA.D Po. 8?lC' ~""I14. KSl-VIL..I-E, 'NEW' 'Tog.\C 11/41 F.t!} .(0)C Itt - \ 8 EYfczq~ RPAD NE.W CANA,At-.1 6"'. oa,S40 P6 BOX (p J LA0/ZE1.. I NE:W'mR\C. 1 '94 B -STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~N A.+JMSF ,residingat5e> dU8~-r DJ2\V1: .~'1V11/tJ6 tJe..u '(oe..~ . \ n 8'2. , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 16 dayof A~\ L- , 2oo!.., deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth. in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at ~hexvI ia... t-of '( , that said Notices were mailed each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sw= to ~ "" "" 1, ~ Day of q.{lJ ,2~ . ) .... Notary Public ~~ co":~~~~~ ibf7 ... . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall . 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of _~rl-_~_M"-.\~~_____ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I,OfL-Pl.1.... A. HAASE~ , residing at 181$ .lvl_BET DtZ..\VE 1 SA"lvlvvE I t-IE.W 't'C(Z.!L. 1/'"')~'2 being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the II day ofAf'12.lL..., 200'2.. I personally posted the property known as PQe.eJt..1" ~ J;::ATl-I~1'-I ~APP . by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of thF \AA\ p'ublic l1earin9.: DakEi...9f hearing noted thereon to be heldW<<ct,~t\I~I"'~~- tntrQ.t)tu\' -r.CO T'IT\ Dated: Sworn to JifiV day this 200). Notary Public INA CHARKOW NmAIlV~BUCkS1ate of New;; No.OIC ~ Comm~SuffoIk ~ 'Q,h t ... .' u;-t6.4j2l871-TexI12 I P~OJ"CT 1.0. NUMBEi1 . . 617.21 Appendix C Slale Environmental Quaiity Review SHORTEN~RONMENTALASSESSMENTFORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Oniy PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) SEe I 2. PAOJEC7 NAME ~ 01- Municipality 4. PAEC:SE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks. elc., or prQviae map) fl<cJEoTSIrr:; L-OOATED ON Ihe 5ovt-hweSt- COR...U!ROf= PECON I C 6A~ P->o0LJ:O.V."'P,",., ISPqe t---fEU A-\)I;.l.JvE... .. County'$UFR:) 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: CJ New ~ Expansion 0 Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: ..-n~ A Oe.JE aNNE..e '%.Nr.E".H~S ro C.ONSTQ.<.JCr S~'1 AOOIT10N m e.x \STn-..LGr ~SID=Nc-e.. . 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFrECTED: lnilially ..~ 5 acres UltimatelY. 0 .c::; acres a. WIlL. PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ~es 0 No If No, describe briefly 9. VJHAT IS PRESENT LAND tJSc IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ~ Residenlial O.!ndustrial [J Commercial Desc:lbe: o Agriculture LJ Park/Forest/Ooen space UOther '0. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCALI? O[J<: COt-Nrt t:>~r. t:>p fM>AT:T#- ~ Yes 0 No If yes. list agency(s) and permiUapprovals ,. ~F . · 1CJwt-J t::F SOcJT1-cJc..P S <<J/C-O IN ~ P Efl4.f2..T",..U::...., I , . N.Y, S . pepII>fLT1-{&I r Of' t!NvIRONIv(6NT41- Gc:NS~U4, T:j.ON 11. OOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTIO'" HAVE A CURRENTLY VALlO PERMIT OR APPROVAL? DYes' 'gJ No If y__s. list agency name and permiUapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE .\1QDIFICAT10N? DYes ~NO .~_ I CERT1Pf THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE 8EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ApplkaI'Il/sponsor name: R..A_ Dale 3/1.{" (0 2. Signature: If the action is in the Constaf Area, and ,OU are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this a.~!?essment OVER ... PART IJ-=NVIROi"JME~,ri.SScSSMENT r~o be c:Jr.-:cietec ~y Age!':. I ..:... Goes AG7:C,'l =:\C2~:J ":'NY ,.~~, T;';::;E.3f-iOLJ!N 5 .'l':'C??. ~';;::'T j,i.'Z? ;/ yes. .::ocramata :ne reVll~W ::;rccess ana 'Jsa ~/'1e =UL:.. ::"A'=-. ! C....<iS L:-.le i 3.' 'Nlll AC7:CN ,EC:2,VS :8CROINA720 .'1E'IIE'N AS ?RC'1I0E0 .=.:" UN":S720'87:CNS iN 5 N'(C"A. .'.''', ;;7.57 " ."0. ""O,,,,vo oeo:." may .:le sucerseCec :ly 3.ncH':er ;nvOlvec agency. ! ~Yes C~e C. C:JULO A.CT.iON ~E5UL7 :N ).NY ADVe;:;SE :.:=:=:G75 ASSCC:..:.. TED ',VITH -':-i: .=',JLLCWING; ~AnS'Ners :nay ::e .ianaWrmen. d :egrClel C1. E.:dsling air quality. surtaea or' grounowaler Quality or :::uantlty. ,iOlse ,e'fels. :xlSting :raific :attarns, sClid,yasi!~ ,Jrcauc:jcn~r ~Is;;c pOlenllal fer erosion, :::ralnage or .'loOding proOlems1 S:'tolam ::Jrieily: C2. Aeslhellc. agriCUltural. 3.fChaeologicat. histone. Jr other ~atural or cuilural ~esources: or commuOIty or neit;nOcrnOOd c::arae:er? ~Dlarn :::r co. '1eqlalalfon or :auna. .'lsn. snellfisn or 'Nlldllte soecies. slgnlficant :"lacitats. or :hreatened or ~ndan~ereo scec:es? =xclam Jrtefly: c~. A e:::mmunily's existing ;Jlans or goals as attle:ally adoated. or a cnange in use ar intensHy ot use at land or other natural resources? Explam :;r CS. GrOwth. suoseouent '~e"e!oomen[. or related ac:ivitles likelY to be induceo oy the oroo05eo ac:ien? Exola:n :metly. .....C!. Lcng :erm, snort :erm..:::;mulative. or ol/'ier 9:rfec:s nOl icentified in C~.CS? :.x;:llam :merly, '.... .O:::tner !moac:s ,inc:;;cing :::-:anges In 'Jse of i!!ttler quamily or :y~e or anergy)? :::.'toiasn :;rietly. J. :5 THE::l.E. -:A:$ ,i-iE::iE ~:K2:..':' T05E. C::JNTriOVE?SY ~ELAIED -:-0 ?QTENTlAL AO'l:.::!SE :?W1FiONME!'H':'L :MP~C73? '__ Yes ;~Ne :t ';les. ~xclain Clrietly PARi 1I1-0EiERMINAiION OF SiGNIFICANCE (To ~e comoleted ~y Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For eaC:1 adverse etfect identified atove. determine whetner it is substantiaJ.large. [mcortanr or otherwise signific :acJ'1 effect snould be assessed in connection witn its {al setting (Le. urban or rural); (b) _ ;Jrobability of occo.;=1!1g; (C) duration- irreversibility; (el geograonic SC:Jce; anCl (r) magnituCle. If necessary, add attachments or reterence supponing materials. :nsure eXQlanations ccntalO sutficient delaillo snow that a1l relevant adverse impacts have been identified anCl adequately accressec. -' C:'eck this box if :/QU have identifiea ene or more potentially large or significant 2.C'Iersa imaac:s whic:1 .'.1 A ': ac:::.Jr. Then :JrQceea direcrly to :he r=ULL ::Ar= 3.nd/or prepare a positive- declaration. C;'ecx ~hjs ::ox if you have derermined, based on the information and analysis above and any succortinc dac:.Jfnenraclcn. :hai ~he prooosea ac:ion l,'VILL ,"JOT result in~f1Y significant adverse environmental imcac::: AND ;Jrovlce an 3.ttac:sments as necessary, the reasons sup carting this determination: ...."",... ')1 ~.:...u .-I..;~ne'l ""nl 'J' '''O~ '<,om+" ~l ";~'~oon\IO'~ '''':ll,c~r ,n ~"'..o -.....:ne.' ,,110: 01 >("',oon~'Ol~ Orflcer ~,,,nJfL:(eJI <l:"~con\IOII!' ':r:'CN ,n ~,,"JQ ,....<nev },~(l.l.:u(e .)r r"~~~r,,"r ~'r C:":e''''''H :ram I"",oon\,o,,,,, :)rf,,:~rt .)..1(' 2 .. :;t ~ ::c V) .:J 0::' OJ AREA (TO BULKHEAO): 22,912 S.F. = 0.526 AG. 4.5 \'\ \J () \'\ ~ \'\ ~ \'\ , ~ '" C\j " ;]0,7' ~I...J C) 4.0 ," ~ 5.0 oo~ L..A G CERTIFIED TO: ROBERT W. KNAPP KA THLEEN KNAPP E"ASEJJCNTS AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES RECORDED OR UNRECoRom ARC NOT GtlARANTffD UNlESS PHYSICAlLY EVIDENT ON THE: PREJi/SES AT THE T1ME: OF THf: SUR\IE'Y. GUARANTEEs INDICATED HERroN SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE: PER5DN(S) FOR ItHOM THE: SlJR\ofY IS PR&ARED, .wo ON HIS BEHALF TO THE: Tm.E: COM- PANY, GOVERNIrIENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INST1TlJTIONS LISTED HERroN, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE: LENDING 1NSTTTUT1ON. G/JARAN7EE'S ARE NOT 1RAN5FFRABt.E ro ADDITIONAL INSTTTUT10NS OR SUBSEQUENT' OWNERS. THE 0FFSF:Ts (OR DII/ENSJONS) SHOWN HERroN FROU THE: STRUCTURES TO THE PROPeRTY UNE:s ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPfJSE AND USE AND THERE:- FORE ARE NOT INmmED TO GUIDE THE: ERECJ10N OF FENCES, ReTAINING WALLS. POOLS. PATIOS. Pf.ANT1NG}REAS, ADDfTIONS ro BUILDINGS AND ANY OTHER CONS1RUCT1ON. license no. 050149 SURVEY OF LOT 19 MAP OF EDGEMERE PARK SITUATE AT LAUREL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SCALE: /"=40' DATE: JANUARY 9. 2002 S.C.T.M. O/ST. 0900 SEC. 145 BLK.04 LOT004 fNJ({2) ~lF8 Marc E. CMroot. L5. ~to Paul T. Can<dizo. L5. Robert A. Kart, L5. Good Gn1und ~ P.c. I LINE OF WETLANDS FLAGS IF]/02 AS PER SURVEY IBY NORTHSTAR Haase associates px. ARCHITECTS SITE DATA & PLANNERS 86.LLEET DRIVE PEC 0 N I C BAY BOULEVARD TOTAL SITE AREA = 22,912 SQUARE FEET (.526 AC.) SAwII 1 P Nz_ rowc H162MAXIMUM BUILDING AREA (20PERCENT OF SITE) ^ 6at 22,912 X .20 = 4582.4 SQUARE FEET. 6"NnRCH1TEGT56OS.O EXISTING RESIDENCE AREA ONE STORY FRAMED RESIDENCE = 1,618 SQUARE FEET EDGE M FAVMW FRAMED GARAGE = 130 SQUARE FEET I - ExISTMBRIDWU&L PROPOSED ONESTORY ADDITION= 1123 SQUARE FEET PROPOSED WOOD DECK = 352 SQUARE FEET N 10 00' 00'1 E EXISTING WOOD DECK = 693 SQUARE FEET TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 4,516 SQUARE FEET h Ln Ln � � r 242' I k5' e z anw z z ul F 10VE E%18TWI �' d 6111D r, J 13.7 � j Q Q Ld y4 32' o U m Z 1 _ C) U) Q ' 7'0 FROPOSED WOOD � WNy a DECK - 352 SWAARE p W FEET-FIN DECK HEIGHT W Q EL.10 p n Q cr- Z " Q� a 0 40.4' 4 / / j 8 w vnaem ac.,wx 50J' on�wwo nnc n 1 n'1 E%IBTRG GOOD DECK 302' g 16,6. REVISIONS onre oescnivnwa � W b e PROPOSED SITE PLAN SCALE. P . 10'-0" 0 r N y him SURVEY INFORMATION BASED / ' y ON SURVEY BY NORTHSTAR SURVEYING, P.C. �( GLENN k HAASE R.A. _ DATED JANUARY 2ND 2002 ED qRC E%BTM BUxKm 2.23' S NN A.Nq 'Si s 2006— C1 n u O� 9TF j 5 l0 40' 41 W 5 66 IS' 31" W 5831' S 65 06' 05 W SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NO ! 112.95' 0900 SEC 145 ELK 04 LOT 004 " L A G 0 CI N P - 1 LINE OF IIIETLANDS FLAGS FlN CAST IRON COVERS TO GRADE LEACHING POOL 1/9/02 AS PER&IRVEY FLR 5Y NORTNSTAR 8.00' (Insect and water proof) —pppRO%. GRADE ELEV. 8.50' g APPROX. GRADE ELEV. 57 16'-0• CAST IRON COVERS TO GRADE a, OFlNISHED GRADE 0 INV.ELEV. 6.DD DRIVEWAY (Insect and water proof) W ELEV.(6.5') Q. �a a s e HOUSE TRAP INV, ELEV. 5,8 CONCRETE COVER WHEN NOT T GRADE eaeociatea P.C. 5'-0" 24" - 24" INV. ELEV. 5.1 C.0 (Precast reinforced concrete) - OP OF LEACHIN ARCHITECTS = 6" 1HK. SLAB POOL ELEV. 5.6 _ NLE zD 2D & PLANNERS EDGE OF PAVENEM GAS Min. 4" dla. FLOW �_ BACKFILL WITH 2' 0 ® � ® _ ® ® to 0 IRON 903 to a 240,0 Pipe or LINE - V. ELEV. 5.32 ® = = 131 ® ® D 58 JULBET DRIVE FLR 5.5' egmva ent SAND AND GRAVEL ® 05 ® = = tm Im CRAWEL pitched m OUTLET ® ® ® ® ® ED ® - SAYVILLE NEW YIORK IPfb2 T- 0TTOM OF LEA HING 4' M per foot i MIn. 4' dlo. CL 2400 ® mi ® _ ® I:D m a to 6�I1_565_ 949 � � 4' MIN. 4' pioa or equivalent ® ® ® ® ® ® p OOL ELEV. 3,12 PAx 691-0693949 PEC 0 N I C BAY BOULEVARD ' LIQUID DEP H MN pltcN 1/8 per foot 2' MIN. 6AHAR0HI7E0T56G54 OAPPROVED REINFORCED ABOVE GROUNDWATER POOL ELEV. 1-O0' BOTTOM OF LF�A ' OCONCRETE SEPTIC TANK IP-0" 8'-0' 20'-0" 8'-0' EDGE OF PAVEMENT SEPTIC TANK BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION GROUND W97ER ELEV, 1'-0" ELEV, 0'-0 EXISTING 61 WALL SANITARY SYSTEM I PROFILE N 10 00' 00" E 99.61' do Ilk w ROOF DRAINAGE cs 9 ,e APPROX. GRADE ELEV. 6.50' POOLSz 241' 9 ,`R CAST IRON COVERS TO GRADE 5 49 (Insect and water proof) 111 3 4 /Go z NZJ w a CONCRETE COVER WHEN NOT TO GRADE Q OP OF LEACHING J N POOL ELEV. 5.fi2 Y REMOVE EXISTING // / ® ® ® ® ® ® ® �- �{ t4 SHED 1 / / W Im 05 = ® ® m 93 a r— ® ® 02 ® ® 4r I moi'/ / ® ® ® ® ® ® Jim® p m OTTOM OF LEACHING OOL ELEV. 3.12 z !� 2' MIN. J / ABOVE GROUNDWATER W _j � lLl BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION GROUND WgTER z W Q ELEV. 1'-0" ELEV. 0-0 0 HV REMOVE EXISTING SANITARY 1!-I p ^� CESSPOOLS v 3' SAND AND GRAVEL FILLDRAINAGE POOL p Q PROPOSED WOOD BEYOND LEACHING POOLS Z N 9 DECK - 352 SQUARE Q ^ Q Qj FEET-FIN DECK HEIGHT EL. 7.6' ;F , DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS w W �u SEPTIC i Q 1 W ROOF AREA = 2800 SQFT O TANKQI I 6'.I V!' 2" RAINFALL + (.17) FEET CL / / 5'-I• O PROPOSED I LEII THIN 2800 SQ.FT X (.17' RAINFALL) = 467 CUBIC FEETCf Q 467 CUBIC FEET / 42.42 CU.FT/VF= 11 V.F REQUIRED (L Q-I N J d SEPTIC TANK P00 0 THEREFORE USE (4) 8'-O" DIA POOLS ® 3 VF EA. QI a — j W TOTAL VF SUPPLIED = 12 VF. Z g / PROPOSED LOW PROFILE SYSTEM I _ 'm` SITE DATA p� 2J' / j LEACHIN POCIL 1 K zii w TOTAL SITE AREA = 22,912 SQUARE FEET (.526 AC.) ePOi (Ti 10" MAXIMUM BUILDING AREA (20PERCENT OF SITE) / 6';�`' ' 22,9112 X .20 = 4582.4 SQUARE FEET. Ser, MI, i EXISTING RESIDENCE AREA ONE STORY FRAMED RESIDENCE = 1 ,678 SQUARE FEET (6.5') �� LEACHIN ^ Q ,LJy'1 EXISTING WOOD DECK ; / 1 i POEI I—I FRAMED GARAGE = 730 SQUARE FEET BOARD O 1 PROPOSED ONESTORY ADDITION= 1123 SQUARE FEET PROPOSED WOOD DECK 352 SQUARE FEET TOWN OF GRAVEL DRIVEWAY DATE -rllltV EXISTING WOOD DECK = 693 SQUARE FEET TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 4,576 SQUARE FEET - � - �2' = 2' SAND AND GRAVEL FILL R VISIONS I. BEYOND DRAINAGE POOLS onrc oes i' ASPER T sauTiaLo Boa OF IRuTEE OF S9 / 65' GRADE NOTE: ALL GUTTERS AND ROOF 6" DIA DRAIN PIPE % / DRAINAGE SHALL BE TIED TO 01/8"' PER FT. moi' DRAINAGE POOLS AS INDICATED I i BASF DRAINAGE F23 ,'POOLS e e GROUNDWATER PROPOSED SITE PLAN SCALE• I' M'� Q RELOCATE 8EP11O EYEIEIH TO FRONT YARD 1EE0 GLENN A. HAASE R.A. vJ] PROVIDE DRAINAGE RE6 AGE 61ROC10FOR PROPER ROOF " N •, -10ID' SURVEY INFORMATION EASED 221 TEST HOLE ON SURVEY BY NORTHS AR SURVEYING, P.G. 2006— C1 EXIBTNG EIL.KV✓EM 5 65 06' G:�S " W 5 10 40' 41" W5 66 IS' 31" W 5831 DATED JANUARY 2ND 2002 112.95 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NO T A 0 n n T T .0900 SEG 145 15LK 04 LOT 004 m ii I