HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-125.-1-14 _.,.....-r.-..'..,._~.~,_..,.,...,-,c_-~"...,.. .<'T-' -.'-' _..r.~-'_"....~.,~ ,.' oy .~. _"'_,\\\1"".__; Ul.-,~"< < """"",,", lJecember 3, 19'i4 Mr. Morton J. Phillips Phillips Investigation and Patrol Bureau Pike street Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Phillips: pursuant to our con..erwation of this morning, I contacted Mr. Raynor of the planning Board. He has informed me that the Planning Board will require a sketch of where the floodlight is to be installed. The light must be non-glare fro~ either direction on the highway. You or your clie~t must asaume the liability for the use of tbeelec'tricity. If you need any further help or information you can contact ~~.Raynor at 298-8420 during the day. Yours truly, ;0;'. "'Il!!.1lIiII ~[uriel Brush, Secr,tary southold Town Planning Board cc: Rev. Trench , , -, ____ _~__ ,__.,___.-",.~"",,!~~~~W'""~~~Y:'''''ffi<~. :'7L"""*"1"'''''''''~ "'.'-' , ..' "-":j;"';c:1'/!I~_'_' .,-' ~."",,,.:,:,,,!>,;;,;;...n,,"f":... ..:f!'-~4:"."".>''''.''.'-i''. , .' " ,'_".i",~,,'~"'"','1,~,-:~~~;;!ir' Dece.ber 2 197'+ Bureau Your letter to the Zoning Boar4 REa liCbtinC at 0.-, lmaculata to llIe for answer. !,i Plea.e be a4vlleda Flood liChtinC and ~ther property li~tinl ,JI\l.anninC )30ar4 function _ !.rUde 100-13'+ of Zoninl oode ot The 'Of 60uthold. , ',- rr .t~~J,:'~ r.~:}~:" ~ Ii'; I alll forwarding your letter to the planning Board with a oopy lettlJl'-~' '. . . . I vould;adv18a that you c.ntactMrs BrWlh, their secretary, '~. ainge ,for an interV.iew at their Dee.16th a.etinl, the phon. number 165-1313. beti...1m 9" &04, PM. . ~ ' . Yours truly If'/ ; ",I' .. ;, ...---'" , { .. / " (. BUild1Ja.g InspeetQrl ~.-." --- ; -. " \ '1~ . .p.....r \.,1, ,-, ",,,",,"'" _,' '. ~ ..;J .~..J..~ ~:. \ . (.-.^~~.?' ,., t';,C~\! ~,.. _. ;:,;,y c/,:!v./2--f- - '?L J .-/ .,- -; ~\ , -~~_/ \ . ~ ;~~~\ _.--,.----~-' _.~..-J-": "~~ -- ----.' - ]:.' ~ ' ---- -.--- -- -"- ~_.---' ~-~ ------ ".;;;...-.-".-- =-~,,_.--- ."'--~ .' . . J~HHp$ ~n\1t$tisatin1t nub Jatrol purenu LICENSED AND !lONDED BY THE STATE OF NEW YORK PIKE STREET. MATTrruCK, N. Y. 11952 PHONE: 516 298-4245 INTRUSION ALARMS CML CR1MINAL MATRJMONIAL MlSSING PERSONS GUARDS PLA1NCLOTHES PROPERTY PATROL MORTON J. PHILLIPS Gradrule, Suffolk County police AClldem)' Member of: Association Licensed Detective, State of N. Y. National Sheriff's Association Detective Inspector International Police Congress NOvember 29, 1974 southol~ Town Zoning Board Southold L. 1. Gentlemen. It has been brought to my attention by Reverend Trench of the Diocese of Rockville Center, Rockville Center, L. I. that to have a light installed by L. I. Lighting Co. to illuminate the entrance to Camp Immaculata property, Pe- conic Bay Blvd, Mattituck, aDroval must be granted by your Board. At your convenience if an appointment can be made with me to show you exactly where we would like the light installed I would appreciatte the same. Very trulY.. y~~. 'j 'I. ~'7~ ~t:ton J. Phillips MJP Ircs