HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-122.-6-29 (2)NOT E: I THE ,MK~ZTECTS SE~L O~ . THIS i~&V, ING I$ P~I~ FOR ~ITKTU~L LAYOUT ~V. ,,~ , GAgRETT A. STRANG ¢,u~'~¢~.,~ -'r't,,,,-~,.~, ,~ archi tect -~,'.~', Main Road P.O. Box 1412 Southold N.Y. 11971 516 - 765 ' 5455 DMw..v Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 12, 1988 Troy Gustavson 429 Main Street P.O. Box F Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Suffolk Times/News Review Site Plan located in Matt. SCTM ~1000-122-6-p/o29 Dear Mr. Gustavson: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, May 9, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval subject to drainage problem, bank stabilization, and plantings being completed by the afternoon of Friday, May 13, 1988. If you have any questions, Please do not hesitate to contact this office. enc: 3t Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. ~' CHAIRMAN ~ D Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 13, 1987 Mr. Garrett Strang Architect P.O. Box1412 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Suffolk Times - Dear Mr. Strang: Please let this confirm the the Southold Town Planning Board, following action taken by Monday, February 9, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan for the Suffolk Times for construction of a business office for the Suffolk Times and News Review located at Mattituck to the Building Department for Certification. Survey dated as amended January 29, 1987. Would you please, also, proposal; as well as, three to the Building Department. submit a landscape plan for the additional site plans for referral If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD cc: Building Department By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary TOWN OF $OUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART I . roposed Busi'ness Offi~*e Troy & Joan Gustavson * *- suffolk Ti~es' : News Review ' (a~} c/o Suffolk 'Times · . 429 ~ain Street Garrett A, Stra~,R.A*. GreenpOr%r New York 11944' ~.~.; Southold, New York ~97] .......... .. 9E~[~ ~ oooj~r: (Sr~em~ ~.sc~t~e C7~e of ~ec: 3~ Ac:~n) _ Construction of 6,500 ~* 'Sq; ft', One story building ~ith parking area. and' landscaping as required. Ago~xJ~ce scrooge: ~sencly Af~sr Co~lec~a,, Presently Af~a~ Ccmolac~an ~ ~e~cw ae ~rusnIand 0 ~cr~s ,, 0 ~c~s ' .,,. 0 3. ~h~,; is c~c~ :3 ~ea~:cx? N/A ~A 'eec} '-- - ;1~/73 . ~' ' · ,- ...... ~..... .-... T ......... :~ .. ..: J-.. ~-~[* .-. ~-.~.~-~. . .' ,. + '~.. : .f .~.,~:~_:.~. .-..~,. 12. 13. 14. Appr~xi~.aCe percentage of proposed prujec~ site with slopes: C]-10.% ~Q 7. ~s p~ect ~ncfguous th, or c~taln ~ bulldin6 or site 11seed on the National Register Places) Yes X .. ~ 9. ~ h~ttn9 Qr flshtflg op~JttaN~r~antly exist tn the pro~ect area? Yes ~"Ho 10. ~es p~Ject sice con~in.afl~sp~tes Qf pl~t or animal life ~t ts ldefltt(l~ as ~reaTefled or 11. Are ~%ere any ~lque oK wusual land ~ on tho p~ec~ $t~e? (i.e. c1~(fs, dynes, o~er g~logtc&l festoons- Yes ~ ~. ~s ~e p~JecC si~.~rosently ~ by ~ ~nity or ~lgh~orhood as YeS ~ ~. ............. . .... . .,. . ~.~... -,- .. '-~ ~es' ~he P~senc ~t~e offer or inctu~ s~flic va~s ar vts~s ~n ~ be t~fl~ C°.~e ~mt~? - Yes ~ fro ' '.*, . · ~. 15. within or ~ntigoOus CO project a~ea: Nm of seres lnd ~ of ~ver M ~h~ch Jt ts ~buca~ ~/'~ ' ' Lakes, Ponds, tdeclafld arges within or c~ntiguous Co proj[ect ar~a: ...... &. H~'~ N/A :'b. Size (in acres) · 16. Nhat ts the dominant lanc~ use and zoning classtflcstton within a 1/4 mile radius af 1;Aa pro3ec+~ (e.g~ s~ngle fimly ~s~n~l, KoZ) end ~e scale of ~eveJopmenc (e.g. ~ SCO~). "B~' & "B-I" BuSiness PR~E~ DESCRIPTX~ ' I, Physical di~nstons and s~1e of 9~ect (ftl) in dt~nstons as app~p~late} a. Total ~ttguous acreage ~ed by p~Ject sponsor 1 , 1 4 acres .... P~ject at.age ~ r~aJn ~developed . ~5 '. '.'" Length of p~JecC. ~n mites: N/~ (tf If p~ecC tS afl ~paflstofl o~ existing, tndicaCe percent.of ~afls~ofl p~s*d: age ; ~veloped at.age Hu~er of offostr*~t perktng spaces existing '~ ' · lxiG~m vehicular trips generated per huur __4 If r~$idenctal: Number end t~pe nC houstng units: ; proposed 4] - __ [upon completion of p~ject) One 'F~nill T~o F~mily N/A Multi~le build(nc 'squar~ foot Ulti~ce If': Orlen~at'Jon liei~Abornood-Ct ty-Regiona] CG.~::..~ ret .~ l Neiq[borhood Industrial Total height of oJleit p~posed s~cture - £scin~ced [mpl oymenC 36 '28 feet. Condominium Se How much natur31 material (I.e. rock, earth, etc.)'~tll be r~.'r, ov~.~ fror,~ t~e Site - tan~ ~ ~n~ ac~s o~ vegetation ~t~ees, shahs, ~un~ cove~s) ~]1 ~e re~ve~ from s~te ~t11 an~ ~tur~ ~o~est (ove~ ]~ ~e~r~ old) or ot~er 1oca11~-Import~nt vegetation project? ,,, Yes ~ ~ Are ~ro 4n~ p1~s far ~*v~et~t~Qn to replace tha~ r~ve~ ~ur~n~ const~cC~on? ~ Yes '~o Anttctp&ted period of construction 1 2 months, (Including demolition). a. Total number of phases aflttctpaced ' No. *'- .- b. Anticipated date of cmmence~ent phase 1 month year (Including g- ApProximate completion date final phase ranch , year. d. I$ phase I financially dependent on subsequent phases? .- Yes 12 · 8. ¥111 blas~tng occur during construction? Yes × No g. Number of Jobs g~nerated: during construction ~ : after project ts complete 10. Nu~er of Jobs eliminated by t~ts pro~ect 0 · 11. V$11 project requtr~ relocation af any projects ar facilities? Yes × * No. If yes, explain.: lZ. e. Is surface or subsurface liquid waste disposal Involved?. ,~ Yes No. b. If yes, Indicate type of waste (sewage, ~ndustrJal, etc.) ~ewa~e C. ~ surface disposal name of stre~ Into ~htch effluent ~tll be dlscherged 13. VIll surface are~ of existing lakes, ponds, stre~s, hays or o~he~ surface wader, aye be Increased or decreased by ;ruposal? ., Yes ,, ~ ~o. 14. ~s 15. a. b. c. d. 16. 17. 18. lg. ZO. Z1. Z~. pro~ect or any portion of project located ~n the 100 ~e~r r'load plain? Does pro, eot Involve dtspasal of sola4 waste? × Yes ~f yes. w111 an extsttng solid waste disposal facility be used? × Yes if yes, gtve nmae: Town ~dfill ~ 1ocatton Cu~choque N.Y. ~171 any wastes not ge inca e sewage dtsposal system or Into a sanitary landfill? ~11 project use herbicides or pesticides? ._.._.Yes × ~o ~111 prejectrouttnely produce odurs'(mare tho, one hour per day)? Yes ~111 project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambience no,se levels? . ~ill pro~ect resu1~ tn an Increase tn ener~Yuse? × Yes ~o. Electricity, Fuel Oil and/or Gas [f waCe~ Supply is f~m wells indic~t~ pump~n~ c~pacJty 8 gals/minute. Total anticipated ~atar usage ~er ~ay ~ ~0 9als/day. Zoning: a. ~hac Is dominant 'toning classJfic~tJcn of Site? . b. Current $~eclfJc :on~g cla~$if~c3CJon o~ sJ:e c. ls proposed use c:nsts:anC with pre,ant zoning? d. [f no. IndiCate desired ZOning Yes X No Yes X NO , Yes ~....~No If yes. Indicate type(s) Business General Business Yes Ce 26. Approval s: a. ;s any Federa! per. lc required? Yes .,, × No b. Dans project Involve State'or Feder;i fundin6 Or financing? c. Lo'al and Regional approvals: ¢l~;y, Town, VJTlage 8nard City, Town, Village Planning ~Oard City, Town, ~n~ng Boa~d - ' City, County Hii]~ Oe;ar~nc O~er local ~encies Other regional ageflc~es '. State Agencies . ~daral ~enctes Approve! Required (~es, ~lo) (Type) N :¥ "D.O.T. __ Yes X. No Submittal Approval (Date) (Oate) , P 41~uss such lmpac~/ and the measures ~h~cn can be ~xen to mitigate Or avoid ~ . ' ' -.TZTL[: ................ Ga~rett A. Stran~r Architect R[~£~TI~G: ...... Troy ~ Joan Gustavson (ownerI 'DATE: October 22, 19~6 REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN. ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION SECTION-BLOCK-LOT TAX MAP NUMBERS NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD !NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON PREPARING MAP DATE, NORTH POINT AND WRITTEN & GRAPHIC SCALE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY & INFORMATION TO DEFINE BOUNDARIES iLOCATIONS, NAMES & EXISTING WIDTHS OF ADJACENT STREETS & CURBS LOCATION & OWNERS OF ALL AD3OINING LANDS, AS SHOWN ON TAX RECORDS LOCATION & PURPOSE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS ~,iCOMPLETE OUTLINE OF EXISTING DEED RESTRICTIONS APPLYING TO PROPERTY EXISTING ZONING AREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING OR STORM WATER OVERFLOWS WATER COURSES, MARSHES, WOODED AREAS, TREES 8" IN DIAMETER OR MORE ANY BUILDING WITHIN 100' OF PROPERTY PAVED AREAS, SIDEWALKS, VEHICULAR ACCESS TO PUBLIC STREETS EXISTING SEWERS, CULVERTS, WATERLINES WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO PROPERTY FENCING LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING PROPOSED BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS OUTDOOR LIGHTING OR PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS OUTDOOR SIGNS 239K SIDEWALKS LOCATIONS WIDTHS: SIZE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES Planning Board Page 22 May 9, 1988 Mr. Orlowski: Motion made ~nd seconded. Any questions on the motion?' All those in favor? Vote of the Board; Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: Being as I have nothing left on my agenda, any questions from the Board. Mr. Mullen?, Mr. Latham?, Ward? Board Members: No questions. Mr. Mullen: Make a motion to adjourn. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Ms. Scopaz? Ms. Scopaz: No. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Ail those in favor? Vote of the Board; Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Gustavson: May I have an opertunity to address the Board? Or is the meeting now over? Mr. Orlowski: The meeting is now over. ~ ~ Mr. Gustavson: I did not expect any action, I actually want some advice. Some guidance regarding the Suffolk Times building in Mattituck. We had hoped to be on the agenda tonight. I understand an inspection was made last week. There is a couple.of problems. One with the parking lot and another with a bank that was not landscaped. My question is, is there any possibility of provisional approval, site plan approval, based on a couple of small details on very large project. We are scheduled to move there in about ten days. If we can not move in May, we might as well not move till September. Because we have to put a paper out on Wednesday night and begin moving at six a.m. on a Thursday to next weeks paper out. Doing it in the middle of the summer really becomes a very difficult situation. I believe virtually everything else that you have asked for has been done. We acknowledge that there were puddles in the parking lot. Two small ones, I think. The contractor said that he will come back and reroll it. I am just wondering do we really have to wait two weeks, I guess we do now that the meeting is over. Two weeks to get you folks to pass it. Mr. Orlowski: The policy of this Board has always been any approval that we give, the final approval that we give. The project must be Planning Board Page 23 May 9, 1988 complete because we have gotten caught in the ringer so many times with projects not being complete. The Building Department, Mr. Lessard, I know has actually issued a temporary C.O. We don't even acknowledge that they exist. This Board is not ready to do that till it is complete. We have the site plan, it is signed. The policy is when it is done we will give our recommendations. I don't know if you have any problems down there, Mr. Lessard? Mr. Gustavson: I can understand that policy. But the fact of a puddle in the parking lot. Mr. Orlowski: The problem is that the puddle always stays a puddle for the next twenty something years. Mr. Gustavson: I understand that, I just wondered is there such a thing as contingent upon, I guess, the temporary approval? I understand your concern. All I can say is we will certainly take care of it. But the fact is if we have to wait now for two weeks and then presumably another week we are in June. Mr. Orlowski: Will you have it done in two weeks? Mr. Gustavson: It has probably been done by now. This was an inspection that took place last week. In anticipation of being on the agenda this evening. Mr. Orlowski: We only did it Friday. Mr. Gustavson: The other issue as understand it, now this is all second hand from our construction manager, was an embankment that did not have wood chips on it. Again .... being the project that seems to make the landscaping insignificant. It is going to cause a major, I mean to relocate twenty employees a two hundred thousand dollar computer system and get out a newspaper next week. To do that, once we get into June, it really becomes an ordeal for us. Mr. Ward: Who did the inspection? Melissa? .. Ms. Spiro: Victor, myself and Val. Mr. Ward: What was missing? Ms. Spiro: The plantings in the back. Mr. Lessard: Ail the backing in the back was cut away but nothing put on it to hold it. There was one tree there that was like two foot above. The parking lot was two foot below the grade of the roots and we did not know what would happen to that. The Pin oaks that were shown on the site plan were laying on the ground all cut up. Mr. Mullen: When do you think you can complete these reco~endations? Any idea? Planning Board Page 24 May 9, 1988 Mr. Gustavson: If the issue is the parking lot and the embankments, they will be completed this week. Mr. Mullen: I will go out Thursday with Vic and check it out. We can make it subject to if you want to do that. Mr. Latham: Is it in the back, the plantings too? Mr. Lessard: I don't know what the design is for the back. Mr. Gustavson: My understanding is all the landscaping done. Ail the sod has been laid. All the plantings. The embankments that we are talking about are designed to take wood chips. Mr. Lessard: When we were out there the back planters were not planted. The banks were raw, if you want to use that word. And it was raining like the old cat, you know. Mr. Mullen: Why don't we do this Vic? You believe you will have everything improved by Friday? I will come down and go out with you and check it out. If you want to make it subject to. I agree I don't think we should for a couple of things like that, but we do want to have it done. Mr. Gustavson: I don't mean to underestimate the significance. I understand we need to do that. Mr. Mullen: We have been stuck before. Mr. Gustavson: I understand that. Mr. Mullen: So do you want to do it subject to that? Mr. Ward: When we meet Friday we can vote on it then. Mr. Mullen: We would have to open the meeting again, I assume? Mr. Lessard: It does not call for a public meeting. If you people want to go subject to and come back and make your report and your discission. Mr. Mullen: I will come down 9 O'clock Friday morning. Mr. Lessard: I will make myself available as far as that is. Mr. Orlowski: As long as everything is complete this Board can just tell Victor. We can do it in a form of a motion since this one is closed already. Do you want to make it subject to? Mr. Lessard: There is still one other thing that is disturbing, when you graded out in the front. When you left there, the grade is like two or three feet above the natural roots. That is going to choke them. I would strongly suggest, I have no authority to do this, it is Planning Board Page 25 May 9, 1988 strictly advice and you can throw it out the window. Those things well out or you are going to lose them. Mr. Gustavson: O.K. As I said we went through a heck of a lot of trouble to save them. Mr. Lessard: Except the two on the east that were cut down. I got a little upset about that. I am a tree nut anyway. Ms. Scopaz: Can your landscaper put a well around them without disturbing the rest of the root? Like you said the trees are going to die. Mr. Gustavson: You mean so much higher than the roots. Mr. Lessard: Yes. That happened to me on my own property. I lost twenty trees after they pumped in off the creek and built it up. They can't breathe. They just plain choke. Mr. Mullen: I would like to make a motion of approval subject to inspection on Friday the 13th. Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Everything has to be done. Mr. Gustavson: I say if it is not, then we blew our chance. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Vote of the Board; Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: Anyone else? Mr. Barnes: I think I am in the same dilenmna. Mr. Orlowski: I think you are too. That is why I asked. Mr. Barnes: My name is Leroy Barnes and I represent Southold as the construction contractor. We had a letter from the Board stating what we had to do. Which we did. On Friday Victor and I assume you (Valerie) and the young lady (Melissa) inspected it and found water. Saturday we did not find any water, nor Sunday, nor today. It is a very slow run off. It was designed by the Miller Associates. They were very close to almost no run off at all. The Peconic surveyors changed it so we would have a little more slow then it is now. But it is running off. We will comply. We will do anything else you would like in order to get a temporary C.O. SUFFOLK TIMES/NEWS REVIEW FIELD INSPECTION REPORT This site was inspected on Friday, May 6, 1988 by Victor Lessard, Valerie Scopaz and Melissa Spiro. The following items need to be corrected before final approval. The drainage on the top parking lot needs to be corrected. It was raining on the day of the inspection and it was apparent that the pitch was not correct. Banks in the back need to be stabilized and properly planted. Planting is not complete in the back of the property. For the record, some Oak trees which were stated as existing on the site plan, were cut down. It is suggested that wells be put around the Oak trees in the front of the building. Please also show location of the dumpster. l, N.Y. 11971 765-1938 .pril 15, 1987 Mr. Garrett Strang Architect P.O. Box 1412 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Suffolk Times/ News Review Site Plan at Mattituck Dear Mr. Strang: Please let this confirm the following action taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 13, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approvD the site pla9 for the Suffolk Times/News Review for construction of a business office located at Main Road, Mattituck, site plan dated as amended April 8, 1987 a~d supplemental landscape plan dated April 13, 1987; subject to: 1. Receipt of approval for the curb cut from the NY State Department of Transportation. Upon receipt of the curb cut permit, please submit a copy to our office. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Building Department )-- GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0081 t ® · COUNTY OF SUFFOLK !t~.~SOUTHOLD Property Tax Service Agency', ...... T' LD 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 14, 1987 Mr. Garrett Strang Architect P.O. Box 1412 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Suffolk Times Site Plan Dear Mr. Strang: Please let this confirm the recommendations of the Southold Town Planning Board at the regular meeting of January l2, 1987 with regard to the above mentioned site plan. It was the consensus of the entrance to the parking area be widened to 20'. Board to recommend that the in the front of the building It was also recommended by the Executive Administrator of the Building Department that the applications be made for the curb cut at this time. We also request that the final site plan include all of the site plan elements pursuant to the Town Code. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours,~-- ~ · BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-19~8 Raymond Jacobs Highway Superintendent Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southold, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: Application of (Major subdivision, minor subdivision, site plan) Hamlet /~c~J~ ~C¢~ MATERIAL SUBMITTED: File Sketch plan Preliminary map__ Street Profiles Grading Plan Preliminary site plan Final Map ~ Suffolk County Tax Mmp No. Comments: Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD SUFFOLK CO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL H. 5. NO, NIAP OF' P2L)PEf2_'TY ~ ~,~ -~-~ % ...................... ~FFOLK CO. DEPT. OF ~ALTH ~RVICES. APR 2 5 19~c, D~PT. OF ~:e, New Yo~ .............. This is to t~rfify lhct lh~ropos~'o~gements f~ ~t~ and sewag~ disposol for ~ ~ ' with o total of -- ~ -- lots endorsement oppe::~ . ....... , i FILE NO. 5-5D-8,6,,-05 SUFFOLK CO. PLANNING DEP1 SUB, D REVIEW SECTION J'U,E 4, ]98~, BY: C':'~".b,~,¢' ~le subdivision of this parcel, as proposed, has been approved by the Suffolk County Planning · Oomuission subject to ~ conditions deemed neces- sa~ to help preserve the traffic sRfety ~ lefer to letter for condltAotm. ,ii ~ Y GARRETT A. STRANG architect Main Road P.O. Box 1412 Southold N,Y, 11971 516- 765 - 5455 i RECEIVED BY GARRETT A. STRANG architect Mail3 Road P.O. Box 1412 Southold N,Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5455 ~["~TtOF/ THiTOUGH CURd, GARRETT A. STRANG architect Main Road P.O. Box 1412 Southold N.Y. 11971 516 -765 - 5455 s 1-r'g~ ~ATA. GARRETT A. STRANG architect Main Road P.O. Box 1412 Southold N.Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5455 Li