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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-122.-5-8 ~\;.. '" ',"," .. ", . , .. Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD - STATE"ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (5161 765.1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE OOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. OOUG LASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI September 4, 1987 Mrs. Florence Rolle Box 221 - Church Lane Aquebogue, NY 11931 Re: Appeal No. 3371 (Variance) Prior Appeal No. 254 2/4/60 - Albert Zanowski Dear Mrs. Rolle: After researching our records back to the inception of zoning (1957), we find that there was a vari ance . granted on February 4,1960 in the Matter of the Applica- tion of Albert Zanowski concerning a set-off of a 90 ft. wide section (to be merged with the Papishes) and leaving a remaining 90 ft. wide lot. At that time, a minimum lot area of 12,500 sq. ft~ was required, and a variance was granted for the reduction of the parcel as shown on the Map of Albert Zanowski dated January 29, 1951 ,and referred to as Lot #3. The Lot referred to as #4 appears to have properly b.een sold and merged with Eleanor Papish's northerly lot, and therefore the conditions of the 1960 variance have been complied with. It is the position of the Board that an additional variance as applied is not necessary under the above circumstances; however, you must continue with the Planning Board for set-off division approval. We are furnishing copies of this letter to the Building Department, Planning Board, and Suffolk County Health Department for their records. . . Page 2 - September 4, 1987 Matter of Florence Rolle, Appeal #3371 and #274 Enclosed is a copy of the 1951 Map of Albert Zanowski prepared by Otto VanTuyl, L.S. for reference and future use. Yours very truly, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN lk Enclosure Copies to: Building Department Planning Board Suffolk County Health Department . . .--- ,- ~. ( ~N.~~'fij~YORK ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPE. Dated January' 21, 196 Appeal No. 29+ __,~.. "c T'-lF 70NING BOARD OF APPEALS OF TOWN OF SOUTHC I I , 'OJ>:';El ~o SEE Yi.. "IC.114- I~ -01" \\ ce,,,. .,~ .., \ ".',. 7 ..." " . ..,~-'" ~ ~ , 'Atel b' I I j .'q(.H _ Z __ l~.'.~ , , , \ .~' ,.- ,\ . :\ o ",. \ i \ .~- ')' 'f ~, " .... '\ ': 1'.:.\<1 .I . ~70A . . i -, . (i I I ! \ , ',~I . I] .J ,BUU< ~ 1 ----. (.- --- \;....../~10US Ut::l..l:>'......- - ':;oc JL. ,\ .11 r "I -- , . .. ... . DA TEitllll:': "~ " r !I .' '- ACT Appeal No. 2!$1t Doted JanU817 21, 1960 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD A1Mrt zanowsk1 To ltr'a11se Road Mat-tttuck. Rev York r:1E11 r at a meeting af the Zoning Baard of Appeals on ThurS., ~brUary It, 1960 was considered and the action indicated below was taken an yaur ( ) Request far variance due ta lack af access to property ( ) Request for a special exception under the Zaning Ordinance IX) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, ( ) (]]III 11 L SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution af the Board it was determined that a specia' '" I: I ," ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article................ Section ................ Subsection. paragraph. ................ af the Zaning Ordinance, and the decision af the Building Insl' : c', be reversed ( ) be canfirmed because . . . . . 8.10 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon appl1oation of '''U11al1l \i1ckbal1, uo": Albert Zanovsld, Krause Road, Mattituak, New ::lork, tor a VaJ: I f.I'~! in acoordanoe With the ZOn1ng orcUnance, ArtIcle X, Seotion : 101).1 tor pe1'lll1sdon to divide a lot leaving a portion le88 than 1:1 IHI .l:1 by tM Ordinance. Looatlon of property. But side Old Jul' I il~1; Mattituok, New York, part ot lots 3 and '+ on map ot propertJ I t Albert Zanowak1, suneye!l by otto W. Van TU71 &: Son dated JII ! 011::'1 29, 19;.1 and revised September 13, 1951. . 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Baard it wos determinE\d that ~pl~6iintp~iti'1f.. aoP'iloA\!iti1~ 't6u!ilOif'liM1J'~~adtJ!" med"~~: : lHr ~ :,1. av1nlr 0011' 90"ttf..dthl1aIm&ldng two lots ot three, and cana ,'II I 1.1 w thou~ the requesw var ance. (b) The hardship created (is) (~t) unique and ~) (would not) be shared by al : "l ., , mp'1i ~~1"ui~a.f1~6 'i'~ertyt~~~.i"1~A~ ~d~~~t '''!\~.'J.\\r;;:'.E:~: ;:~ ~:...L :It; i"l.arger lOt"""than m&nJ- 1I1the area aiid ladeI' tlian I ,til: :,1 I." 1& ou. (c) The variance (does) (~~lf'\16t) ~serve the spirit of the Ordinance and (~ ': .d<l y ",bOR!le Jr..e .character of tbe ,distri-.t be~QLl.Se the 160 ft. lot will enhan4fe :; 1'1 111 t.,;. .. oornooa DeGause OX" US J.arger size and the 90 ft. lot will I I 111 I:: ;':,.:0 I \-11th the other trontage. 1fi the area and the depth will be ,;,'I.a~1 I', and therefor,,!, it was further determined that the requested variance (X) be granted ( e ;. . " and that the: previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed (X) be re\ "i ,d This variance is granted with the condition that it is : I,r the sale ot this property to :lrs. Eleanor Pap1sh. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Judith T. Bolten Secretary FORM ZB4 c. Z. < <t G- o. . i " . ! . 86."." \ 85:';0 , ! I<RAUS i . .r ! I i"l I I ! , \ I ! , ~. i , f . , I t , i I I I I I r ~ 1- ,\\ \.., U\ J () ...r" I . . So' F...~'\k Tuthill F'\i>e II.l8 '/4"";----.--...-" ,. o g 't~.91 . ~... -;; ~. " ill ~ -23 " . , le~...c:. I iJ' ,:1 I '1 ~_;J. ..L 'i ~-_ , .~__.:~.:.:~, ,~ l~... ., J....OT MAP FoR. 8 AL.BEKT 9 ZANOWSKI i= AT. MATTITUCK NEW YOpo!:,K , ~ Q. ~ ~ t '\ 6 ~ .~ Ii . !1jo r::: !lo.O <il <l) oj- e.",,,, Ie 100' so I" ,,.-r.~4 cIQ..e4 ~ <l) Pipa ,. . ..5_ o Ql N .~ t II It I ~ <) .., Z-45~ 4 x: Ih' . ?~(tf.'W .- 11,0 ~ 2.20*' (\( 2a"I'i\'~ o 3 . <1)0 " !H.'fo 65 lt1o(J". 111.40 -"--'" --"""_.~---,-......... lJ} :3 ~ )C ~ ... G1 \J;-.f -II) ~\ ---- -- -- R ---'-'~'r-'-'-,,-_~ 0..... 0 0 '--_ '10 --L~ .J",,, ...ary, .z...3, t::>$' I , ~' ,. I-ic..,:f: s-~Iv..~,.. I Re'o/;:,"cd $,~PT''\~Jt9'31 Grdi:!"np.,r-"t, N.~_.--J >, - -. . '.. ,I ,'J ., '1 -'-'- ------..-./.,., -:- ~ ( "? -...-~._v I~ 1'1- --;' /) ....----~- j'}J " -..... ~---..-... -" ....------..:--- 't 4, t <":"':). '- ~ I \.~ ' - -~- . <c<<" ',-""_.. ~__\) ,f " rF-:----_;, ):;::-_. \J '. j, /'-'l " iI/PO i~d, (/. ". . r" .tc c.) 1'5 , " ! ""-..-V'''',-.--,:>..", :s,~'1/ , " . \ '. " '. " , . , . I ~.I.. -. " <-._ '/C"'{"_j I.,'-:;;-:'--~.'''':_'<'._--'-' \i ~ Uo,,; \ l__ '.--- L~.::-----_2' \\ r r....,\",\..>\,.. '\ '\\ . . /. ~ '.'. , . . . ,.:; ~~i '.f \ ,~ . '\.... I \, '-'>\-c--_. ., '- -i ~'\ / ~__ _ \ \ \ ~-t.;,I...'_~" ________.. . , \ ......~ . "" -\.-~_._- '- . '.' 'I ",-,'. --_ . , __ . _v_ ~ "\\~ . ". ' -, \ .. '-:"'- "- '\ ~ , ."--- - '\ '_.~. .~, \ ~~. ""~.~'''~~;~... --"~'" \V, . tL Zdt!o...'~ki I \ I ;J . ~1 . - . i ! I " ..., -'. . 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'i ,) ", .- i cl; I ell f. r)'l "1\'1 I Geo. JJl't,;..."'.ll..i,.... .. 1l.ooIC", '-4.,/ ll>i.'~. ..; ". <-f \..1 ..... 50-A, ! ~ ( ) l--,~)_:. 1-: ).(0 {' i -'/1 , I ell . ';; -(,! - . ' ,', ~ '-,,\ '. " .~, I -L-..-+_____ . " I i _', '. . , j 'J i!: ,~;: ' 1$. D<; P';:-ff'ts '1 ' E , ~ ! .:..\,: '9 c_'~11 .~ "'- , , '-~ '- 1--- i .' Po " "\ .... r-iu -..~~-... "'. ." _.~-----. t . " -".. ',. I . .\; /', \. ':j' " - ',"".' /", ,. . - "f. ~~. ') ..; ~ _""', ',' ,d.._ '.: .l..~~__~~..::__~,~..." . -, T ,", ,~"'. . . Southold Town Board of Appeal: MAIN ROAD - STATE"ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I" N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-180 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GDEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGDNIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI September 4, 1987 Mrs. Florence Rolle Box 221 - Church Lane Aquebogue, NY 11931 Re: Appeal No. 3371 (Vari ance) Prior'Appeal No. 254 2)4)60 - Albert Zanowski Dear Mrs. Rolle: After researching our records back to the inception of zoning (1957), we find that there was a variance granted on February 4, 1960 in the Matter of the Applica- tion of Albert Zanowskiconcerning a set-off of a 90 ft. wide section (to be merged with the Papishes) and leaving a remaining 90 ft. wide lot. At that time, a minimum lot area of 12,500 sq. ft~ was required, and a variance was granted for the ,reduction of the parcel as shown on the Map of Albert Zanowski dated January 29, 1951, and referred to as .Lot #3. The Lot referred to as #4 appears to have properly been sold and merged with Eleanor Papish's northerly lot, and therefore the conditions of the 1960 variance have been complied with. It is the position of the Board that an additional variance as applied is not necessary under the above circumstances; however, you must continue with the Planning Board for set-off division approval. We are furnishing copies of this letter to the Building Department, Planning Board, and Suffolk County Health Department for their records. Page 2 - September 4, 1987 Matter of Florence Rolle, Appeal #3371 and #274 Enclosed is a copy of the 1951 Map of Albert Zanowski prepared by Otto VanTuyl, L.S. for reference and future US". Yours very truly, lk Enclosure Copies to: Building Department Planning Board Suffolk County Health Department GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN --- . . ,- "':'; (4_~__~~'-- _ !VN.. .QF... ~,9.';!J.i!'ll!!!tl:'.l:iJ.'lfWYORK ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPE. Dated January 21, 1'16 Appeal No, 29+ , __,~" ^C Tl-II' 70NING BOARD OF APPEALS OF TOWN OF SOUTHG IT ,.' ...""~ I "..~ '\ 1 \ I I , . . I ,. . r I p , i 'r · I , ,~i\1 PJ ",q-- ( I :."f'\ -r! !! \\ ",C..'" "'''' ~\ .. " r"'C ~ ~i\" :\ , :1.1').6. \ . , \ \ ,,' ".~ ),""\, " . ~. ---,., "- " .....'\ . .- .,. It;.,,) .i :- ~.; b I I i( j , '101<1 . . o ,,"' " u . .'. '.~ Ii " " j \ I , ..\ II L 6UL~ ~o:: ll~~'~!~~l~:~~" "J;-""';';f'~''''''''lt'~''''':0t.'', ~".....,..;pr ., ,,,,ti,""I"Qiil ',"".:' """" ---'-'''--'1'1' i i;" ,c~>jr',I;. :i'_'(:,:;"i:\ii: ~,'r:~~: .:~~:"*;\! '0'"' .~",~""'~___'''-'''__'.' ~.,_~.,.;;:I1:""'\~;":f"" ir:",,"'#i'>1:J:. ' ,--~ :_-.L,~;1i:.~,a,i~ ir;,~;;;itt;;;~~;~~~~~ ~s,'>"" __1.~. - ~ ':.;":.~:"; ;., ,:_; , ACTiC:-'l Ol~ Tr-E ZO>'!lNG i)OAi<l)~(i~-;:I;P~:~:~'~'-' , 21.;~:.l'? 51 :'~')~i) .~:~ -1" [>0' ,I S('_ntl':!r:,l' ,?1. 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(S..~;~.T.), \:lIOn. a~'-~'i)l'~C;~li~tL::l ci: 'J:i::.l.:'.;u:J ';-:il:;:.dL~m, :l/t: ~llb()r't. Z~!10'\1'31.t:Lf~ K~:-nune. Ht/:3.d, Njitt1 tue~_~:~ ::!:~,:J ~'.o~-k1' .~\:l"' ,<.~ V:U:'1a::1CeJ ,l.:l acccrct:l"HI3 He,th tho Zon1n:t Or(U.n::Ll1C:~'" :,l't:l;:l," X. .,ol~'d.on 10CD:\, :::':)~r r:crm:L'~;:i,:)n 'f.:o d:~.v:1.d{l f'~ lot l.Gav1"~:;I~ u ::c;:':lon :..t):.:'.1 t:-~,b...ll p1'ElSicrthvd ;)7t;:l:i.1l"C~~H;1:mC(;. l}.<:,;~~ti('x:"Ol':?~O~o:'::;:': C:::C,)"C, :;1d,: )U SI"O y,:ml, ;..1 .', t""C.,! ,1.1\1 -,Or."l' -".rt 0. 1e""., .J d.,,,, U1 '~1'1P ot "'r0':el'7f of ..\.l,"i:>1rt Zn.;lD"t(9:i~i'1 fnu:~'~';:'ye~i "by otto If. ....:~n ';,~l~"ll ;~.; SC;l}. .lat(;d ;'anuo,::-:r :lh l):,'J,l'Gd :rn'llisotl ::optc-Utoe:c> 13:. lS";~.o . ___..__..,_..._..___.. _,____, __~"4_"_______ ,_~_,_,_'4 ___.__~__~_'__ ___.,_____. ._.___._n__ " ,F 1>1'<':1_:. i3y !'{ ';olu;icn of iho Boon; it WClS cLr;~rTI11>:1 t .,:"".....,..--........,. 'l'.o,,,! 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';>,.!lU~J l'h,'/1':]I~ ",n l''ta., ,'10',1 <Jnr, ~his ''-f)\),LU it,i~;.. i~~ a 1.a.l1t-;~Jl~ ()';:. than ln141~/ in t-hc, ,..~t.Ou.'- ~"I/ld":";''1!r "1~1nOr:Lg1,naliy ;:U"'l:, OlIvo, ,,~"'"t:~ "to ' , , ' , '"",-.:"" I'C) fhe' \'Ullcn:e ko::~s) 1't1't't;t'':> T10t) t'l't)scrye tile splrl1 of ;'ht~ Or-']Inonce u:d (~\"":i'O'f":fl (would not:1 \ ,,'I, \. cct"f I" I'slric;,t tc'o 'C '';'If:l 160 Zt. 1~it 111111 nnl1U:,1C!o the neiro;h- tc,~j!ib<id' 11'"but'e oi""ft13 .l.tu'hd~ 'li:~a Bnd ",lL2I 'N ft. l'.>t \Jill be in ~':oenj,nG ',ii.t:l tIla othor j~ontagi!ls in thu aroa l;U1cl l;~la uapth "ill b3 greatet'. '" <:JIHJ 1"1''::'1"8+:' e it wus fun-her detcrrrirled Th:i! the ri?cucsL'll V:]rli "ICe (ooi") i i,-""" "",ei", , ,~'. 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In t - Ir, 'l' dl Q i' . . 5'6.34 8S:60 ---~+ I<RAlJ~ r---..-> I " 1 ,... so -, I \ \ : I \ I I ...-::~ ~~-~--' - ~._.. ---,-.__._~---"_._.. Fr.'''''' Tut' 'J' ... _", I --- '- ,. LOT MAP F(.")R.. ALBER.T Z,A,NOWSr<. AT MATTI TUCK N EW Yo~K l- e! -<; \J if) 5c"le 100': I" <:: /1 i'\ ., o .., -- -'-~ ~'d_ ~"'-.. l~ :; ~ ~ !; :;- -' f! } ", -." -" r---R 0..... (;;) {; "-- --.".... --+---- ' 1._._~ --..-.--- I -- i -Jon...",,.-,:!, ;;'.3, 17i3,)'1 UdMrr~ L-ict.nlc.d. $u v"'t'Y-~ ;?~',~""r.d ~,.e,"..T.\ ~_>\SS-l c..;'r'd~'Tp'-'rT; r....;,'-Y:. "'~,." "''''''''',00.',"-,,,<,,,,,.- ,-,,~,,_,-+;""_"_",","..,"'_"~''''''''':;''''''<"_ ,I:r~'~~ _l-,~",;_;;:~~ ..~.:".,<.. AI'''''''''-ttlill - , <~ ~""'.~ ~- - -W-'-.-'''''' /. ?J i".... Y:.-- '-'I .,..j . . f .,.) . ~ i '--.. . <;, .-;1) E , -..1- I J i f i ", (vi ;i ! : ' , , '~f - '-, .-. / ,:J , 1 .'"] I~ "~'I / '',..''---'-'-----.<','-<..'/ Me/s:- / ?,l} 1/'1,'/'(; . -co;":' -~~-----:r . .......c-j.. 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';:C'''\' """.""_""',/ "" :\~~ ).,.2_~~~""~/; . i t,',',-, . to.. ~ ':' .' .} , -'~-~-"---'"-"(i'-"-- I. ,1",,\ j I. , ~'-l j; ,_ () _,", ,. ~., /; 'd- I'" 11 '/.r--':r U \ '7.,:....'._,1_.".. '"'j '''~''''S .' " ...c.. '--- .. I --'--V'''''-'-1;:>""" :s:.~'1/ .:, 'j --'t-.... .'_______ _~. "- / ~: j .. (1) Geo. g~' <~:(~ ;'::: Cf) 1\..- C1,.:, (,1'\\ , "I " i ~-.;' .. :.( .:c.: C. ':"(,. :.::.:........--..---./i r .. " 'i. I .. i' , '" ~'f'apid' " 1;"""- '&7 A. Ii -.1' I .. I J.. I ~.. , I ,'\. ., '-# LJGt\..,~ ---- , , \ .............-.- I ~'.~ C-) l--,~),__.,. '.::. \ ~ '/ ij .(0 I t---.. " I' " " r:> ('\ .-. 'r,- "....vr..\L....; -.------- .\ , t 'c , I" . , \ ,\: . ./ \ ,:/:/. . ,,:', -~' /:';--" " /- #, "' " ..... ., . .:' '-~'-~~~.#"';-"".#"', ". ~ ) -:...:. , r.-.. -- I I ! - - - Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 26, 1985 Ms. Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham, and Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: set-off for Florence Rolle Dear Ms. Wickham: The Planning Board reviewed the above mentioned application at the regular meeting, of June 24, 1985. It was the consensus of the Board to hold this application in abeyance pending action by the Board of Appeals regarding the insufficient area, width and depth variances. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ OrU:x>>~~)\:~HL RJ:':> BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CH~iRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary < cc: Zoning Board of Appeals Lo'<s . 12cJ ~_ \.-~ , IN :::O;Of2IZC1NL":::,.,,-,C, Alo2.2A. c,;;,P'--l\L.Al2- [Io...i ~ I.:e.e.. . -:::,.t\l,;.C> ~ortoUl..-Q b~ ~HO..J_C W.jl..IT 'Pea- -2:.P.::>A 'QeCJ. S,l 0"-\ , Doe..~ Tt\l~ fib"/";; vJA ,,,,,"'- ; ",a.><<E--- GA'( ""C< J>. ~rz.- 'N~lo!.:r"::- . wo~ ..A A(zTl~~ 3I.) I ,Is,':.? rr~,,: ....liij~~.......II1l~..~ .~.__._-'--~ \ \',.I',H " ,,',t ""'",.... . ..1 ",' NIA ...... 1 7 1ge-: . ~', ..., I ::: ,.' IIIAII ...... " i /...-- I ~; C._--,- , \. . '; . ~,-"..J 'c." 'at ~"'t(1 ......" SEt. "OM. Ill.014 ~; ~ ...... "':.In, " I l . " " !' . ,:! ,,' . t:l j ~ - i ~~ .;; ~~ u . '" . uo :~ ~~ ~ . ...." " o "'. . tl'.o. u '. 1'1 \ \ ..~.. ."--~ . ""1""'-" ': i: ::.~ ~ .t~,: i .}. ~ .' 1,1. 1 -r ~_l 1; " J .\- I I ,~~ .~~_ h " ...~ ~I ., ,. i ( ,~ i \ 31 -::\ ',- '" ) '\._. ~-\ ; .r' ~: ag! i;' ", " .:: , ;[ /) I , /' -"'-l~.::' ; I' '::'~1' fl ." . .. :'1 \~~..~~\ ..' " / / ,/~ ------ ../ ~,!l ;f: W ~, \. \ .~ r/ ......~;'i.. ... '" _/~('.. .."":. v:.'Y~.-~ ;'II4I:II:I.lfO \ ,;('.A l,!l .~" NO." /' '. 011.01. .;5i 't.Ill.".? lfll( / .,,(; C)l' pf' ..U.Vl;, ~ \ , ,r;',,,,-I' , //.c,'- \. \- Q~" I~: '1; '. "--', JL_L ~ .. -~. ,., "", j, !,;\f ).__1 :( :/\1 1fT'! . .;.,,~. \ r~; I', lh I 11 1(" .7 c,. 'il1 '> 'r I;" ;-...1 i.... h~ I.... :" i--, I c; ~''''-~---l ..----'.:-- "1/ ----:',,- 1 , . --: r ."J ! I 1= I [ '" l --~ . _'~TJ OLE.luli'Nii}/" . " [T. ); :~ c i..0 fl r-: l' ;:1 (J\ fT, 8, -- I-~' ',> t"r- ~'; -<;;so; f ~~!!! iiI -.:J i: @ -= co ~ CD::; -=~ UII~ "'" ~ :-"....l-t-._!:..i: -t'~'~L , ~I) ~b b;_J -'.l~ 1'0. ./ \.-)! "- '-, ...,. I' .~ .(1\? I:cp. ~ '-- , ~' ,..... )- i~ 'I' ;', OJ !" ll.' :Co, 1:' _f>. 'f I f- z' (151m ~:L' ~:iE ~: !'"' _ Jv:: \( ~ ..- Ilr' .- ~~"3:': " ------------... ,.-.--- . .----+--- --- - \ 10\'-, Ir.,,",", ' !..~ I ' " "--'1 ;- \~I~\---,- I ,~\c, ", i:,: I:: I 1-,', " I' 1/ I . r-: := ?\~:i , , &; r-,' ~ , -..- <.~' L.. ~' i rl i11!\ ;\J ~ f:., " J , ~"-../ I ~ ,,, m , < !;" ~ ;:.: \ ',,= \' !>' , .-:;() " ~... - C( .. (")"~') ..J" 'I , ;--"'~ , ~. i -F . J (" l 14+c..;., .' "'ill ." . ...~: ',..f ~- ~ I II ,> (I) , .~ . J It;) ~... \,.....-"-, :\~ J3'; I :.;h I m j I ,,- .._,. LL,j \'\ :~A;;: --', .~.. ,;..j , ".' '--=..... CC';--. I o,~~ F i CY("LO.~i-' r'" ---I .._-~ I -. '------ " I . \-;, '. 7 / ,," ,,/,,-, -G,.'--''''. ...t'. .i; -;L- <; ~.~ c, ~" -~ ". '0 k > " '. .,J., ',' ~ , >- i Cf cl 8'-"1''''" __ ..1 .....''::::._____ ---"'e -- 2L' 67 .~ 11 " 'r ".AI(1rH ,:)! I....' ( -, -, >. I )1- i " " -i:::.. \." r' , r') i ..- ;~ ", r__ . r- , ,. ,- '. > , '~ , ~ ;, r- I, ') "" '\- , , !~; I. ~ \i~._. T] i ,?! \ t-d \ r \. c r-,..... 'I l, ~ r;,-' '-<, I . 33-77 -- Z . . ID'/N OF SCX1l'HOID SHORI' ~ ASSESSMENI' FOIM MAY 1 7 1985 INSTRllCTIOOS: lal In order to ~ the questions in this short FAF it is assurred that the preparer will use currently available infozmation concerning the project and the likely iInpacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (hI If any question has been answered Yes, the project may be significant and a CCIIpleted Environmental Assessmant Fonn is necessary. lc) If all questions have been answered No, it is likely that this project is not significant. (d) Environmental Assessmant: 1. will project result in a large physical change to the project site or physically alter rrore than 10 acres of land? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. No 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or unusual land fonn found on the site? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................ No 3. will project alter or have a large effect on an existing body of water? 4. will project have a potentially large iInpact on groundwater quality? 5. will project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites? . No No . No 6. will project affect arry threatened or endangered plants or animal species? No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality? No B. Will project have a major effect on visual character of the camunity or scenic views or vistas kn::Mn to be important to the camunity? . . . . . No 9. will project adversely irrpact any site or structure of historic, pre- historic, or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical enviroIlIOOlltal area by a local agen:y? ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No 10. will project have a major effect on existing or future recreational O};JI;XJrturri.ties? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No -..... - 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation systems? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.- . . No 12. will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation? 13. will project have any inpact on public health or safety? . . . . . . . No . . . . No 14. Will project affect the existing carm.mi.ty by directly causing a growth in pezmanent population of rrore than 5 percent over a one-year period or have a major negative effect on the character of the carm.mi.ty or neighborhood? No 15. Is there public controversy concerning the project? . . . //, g/;:l/// /--1 . ; 7 ' ~/g4t"~;o" . . . . . . . No PREP1\RER 's SIGNATURE: Tr.nE:Attorney for Applicant REPRESENl'ING: DATE: Hay 14 , 1985 . . May 14, 1985 M~Y i. Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Set-Off for Florence Rolle Gentlemen: The following statements are offered for your consideration in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (1) No grading, other than foundation excavation for a residential building is proposed. (2) No new roads are proposed and no changes will be made in the grades of the existing roads. (3) No new drainage structures or alteration of existing structures are proposed. Yours truly, , . " . . APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT MAY 1 7 !~'~ To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: Set-Off The undersigned applicant hereby applies for ~~$ (final) approval of a ;t1lllKlillisi01lX~ in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) Set-Off 2. The name of t!!..e!~s to be ..~.~~::9~~..~~.:r:.n~.WA9~..l\qn~............. ................................................................................................. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber 8292 Page 187 On . .1)..g~P.ll t. .J-.ct.. .~9.77.; ........................ ...................... Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ......................... Liber ........................ Page ............. ......... On ........................ ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................, Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................ ; as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ........................................ or as distributee ........................................................................ ................................................................................................ 5. The area of the land is .~:.Q 9... .... ... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid~~J!:{(........ .,...J""... ................................................................................................ 7. The land is encumbered by ...... R9.. . . ." .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .... . . . . . .. . . . mortgage(s)&K~~ (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page.................... in original amount of $. . . . . .. . . .. . . ... unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . . . ... held by .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. address ...................................................... (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page .................... in original amount of $. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. held by ........................... . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. address ...................................................... ,,' . . (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page.................... in original amount of $. .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. " . . . .. held by ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land li~ . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . ......................................................................................... Q Th I d I' . h f II' . d'. . "A" Residential & _. e an les 10 t e 0 owmg zOning use IS.rlctS ...................................... ..M+.~9Htt::4+!lJ..................................................................... . 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise,-ex- ""P~ ................................................................................... II. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land~~ (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is .............................................................. 13. Water mains will be laid by ... ..N! A........... .......................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by .. M{ A.................................. lines. and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said 15. Gas mains will be installed by . . .. ~/. ~.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. N / A 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "B'" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "C". . . and required public impro\'ement' will he .' 22. The npplic;l11t estim3te~ that the cost oi grnrling $. .... "'" as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturit)' of the Performance Bond be fixed at ............ years, The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed suret,r company unless otherwise shown on Schedule ifF". DATE ..l:1~,~..~~!.................... 19.~? FLORENCE ROLLE ~ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . (Name of Applicant) B)'~~.~..................... (Signature and Title) App 1 ican t Church Lane ..4g.t!~P.qgJ.!~,. .t:l!'.Vi'. Y.Q~k.. H9.:n........... (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF 14th May, 85 On the .................. day of ..........................19....... before me personally came FLORENCE ROLLE k b h . d"d I d 'b d' d .. .. . . . . . .. .. .... . .. .... .... .... ........ .... .. .. .......... .. ........ .. .... .. .. ... to me Ono\vn to e t e 10 IVl ua escrl e In an . Whl:" executed the foregoing instrument. and acknowlfdged that ..f!J:1~......... executed the same, ABIGAil A. WICKHAM NolaIy Public. S1Ilte of. New York No. 1ia-4e4287t (lUllIlf1ed .. 8uIolk COl.mtV K'I'J CcnmlalQa __1IMiII ao.1~ ... .J14'1?::f.l!lll~. ... ....'. Notal)' p~/17" STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF .................................. ss: - ---... - On the .................. day....,'......... of ........... 19....... before me personally came . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . to me known. who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that ............ resides at No. ~................................................... .. . . .. .. ; . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . that ..:....................... is the .......... ......... ........ of ...:..................;..................................................... the corporation descn'bed in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order ol the board of directors of said corpor- ation. and. that ............ signed ............ name thereto b)' like order. Notary Public ................................................. . . SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Kraus Road, which point is marked by a monument set at the southwest corner of the premises herein described and land now or formerly of Jacobs, and which point is distant 86.34 feet westerly from the intersection of the east side of Olejule Lane with the north side of Kraus Road; from said point or place of beginning, UNNING THENCE along said land now or formerly of Jacobs the f llowing two (2) courses and distances: 1) North 20 35' 10" East 144.84 feet to a monument; 2) North 870 24' 50" West 111.40 feet to a monument set on th east side of Olejule Lane; along said east side of Olejule Lane the follo two (2) courses and distances: 1) North lP 03' 20" West 16.51 feet; 2) North 140 03' 20" West 73.77 feet land now or formerly of Pa ish; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 870 24' 50" East 221.42 feet to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Simchick; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 20 35' 10" West 86.70 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of DePetris; " . . RUNNING THENCE along said land South 20 35' 10" West 154.97 feet to a monument and the north side of Kraus Road; RUNNING THENCE along the north side of Kraus Road North 800 37' 20" West 85.60 feet to a monument and the point or place of BEGINNING. . . SCHEDULE B Olejule Lane and Kraus Road are existing public streets in the Town of Southold highway system. . (- . . r "':'" t.. Schedule "c. , ., Said premises shall be subject to the following covenants and restrictions, which will run with the land: 1. The premises shall be used only for a single-family residence. The dwelling shall not exceed two-stories in height, with an attached garage for not more than two automobiles. A two- story dwelling shall contain a first-floor area of not less than 1,200 square feet and a one-story dwelling shall contain a floor area of not less than 1,500 square feet, (excluding attached garage). 2. No dwelling or structure may be erected or modified without the prior written approval of the site location and building plans and specifications by th~ party of the first part. . .' ". 3. No mobile type home or trailer shall be kept; used, or allowed on said premises with the exception of a boat. trailer, which shall be stored near the rear boundary'. . ,.\ '... >;., ~ '. ". ;,:.::-:.' - ~. .' . '.. . 4. maintained on housed in 'the No animals, livestock or poultry of any ,kind the premises, except domestic animals, which dwelling. ' shall b shall b -J( ..~ :i.r t !~~jj~.~: .' -~ .l."~ -:;.,.::~.." -'.~~;.~ and and 5. These.cov~nants and'restrictions'wil!' remain in fore effect until January Ii 2007 , and may be enforced by an action damages, an'.injunction dr'both.' .' '. . . . ..:.-~ -, " '. .6'" . . .' reserves the any of these owner.of the . . The party of the first part,~'successors.or ass~' right to alter, modify, extend, terminate or annul covenants, in whole or in part, by agreement with the premises. . ...... . ... ... '.' . ". I . , ..;:." . """ "., .' " . ....;;..:.... . . .. . . . '." . ...... . .". ,. . .". '. . t' ... " . . " 0" '. '. " .' -. .. ..... . . .' -. :..~..:..>-~; : ~.;tt'~':j. . . .. r. t.. ." . ..~. . ".' 0' .' ',' . , '.. , . ..... -;'!i": ". <~~'.~r ':" _:..... -~.-..--'-- ,,";''' ":-.: :-:-.;~i:.<..~.~..:-:-...'.,~;=-"~'~"-~~-:::~ .-~.'.~.~" :><:~.~~':;~'~":"::~f~~~~.:.>):~: <::~~::~:']:,:r:::;?"/./;.>-':;!.< ,:'.":~: ~'::',~:.' ". :.:..;:......,...\'.. .,~::''''.;. '.. , . :; . . Il1i .' 1 '7 f 0,- ,.114"0 _ I I rtill APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board or the Town or Southold: Set-Off The undersigned applicant hereby applies ror l(~ll)C (final) approval or a ~1Ib!IiIIi.9ioaK~ in accordance with Article 16 or the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations or tile Southold Town Planning Board. and represents and states as rollows: 1. The applicant is the owner or record or the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner or record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) Set-Off 2. The name of t!!..~~s to be ..~~F::9.~~..~P.t;.f.!p.t;~nc;:~..Kq~.k............ ................................................................................................. 3. The entire land under application Is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber 8292 ........................ Page .. ..1,Pd.. . .. . .. . .. . ... On ..~}.\g"$l:..l.Q...1. 9.77. ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On . ......................... Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ......................... Liber Page ...................... On . ........................ ........................, Liber Page ...................... On . . ........................ ........................, as devised under the Last Will and Testament or ........................................ or u distributee, ... .... .... .... .... ............... ...............~.... ....... ........... ................................................................................................ So The area of the 1aacl It .\: ~ Q. . . II .. II. aera.. 6. AU taXea which are llena Oft the land at the date hereof have been paJcl~JTlK....... ................................................................................................ 1. TIle land Is eIlcumberecl bJ ......R9..................................................... mortrace (a) at"'"""" (a) Mortgage recorded In Lfber ............ Paae .................... In original amounl of................. unpaid amount ,... .,............ held bJ .... ........ ....... .... ... ................ .......... addre.. ............................................."........ (b) Mortgage recorded In Liber ............ Page .................... In original amount of $............. ... unpaid amount ,......~......... held by ...... ............. ........ ................. ......... addreaa ........ .............................................. 'It ";<. .. , . . (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber ......'..,.. Page.................... in original amount of $.... ............ unpaid amount $.............. .. held by .........................., . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .., address ,.... ... . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , 8, There are no other encumbrances or liens against (he land lj~ . . . . , , , .. .. ,. ..., .. " , . . ......................................................................................... 9 Th I d I' , h f II' . d" "A" Residential & . e an les m t e 0 owmg zonmg use Istncts ........ .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .{\.In'.i.C;:H~t:).rr!iJ.............................................................. ........ 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise,elC" ~~ ......................................................,............................ 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The landil(d1re4 (does not) lie: in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict. if within a District, is .............................................................. 13. Water mains will be laid by ... ..~I A........... ...................................'...... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. . 14. Electric: lines and standards will be installed by .)!{ A .. .. .. .. . ..... .. ... .. ......... .. .. ..... .................. ............. and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be IOlt.Oed b1 "0 ."J!.,~~... .0..0.0...#.......0...0.... ..... ...... ........... and (a) (no) eharee will be made for Instatlinr ..Id main.. ,- 16. If streets sbown on tbe plat are c:Wmed by tbe appHcant to be' cidstlnr public streets Iu the Suffolk County HI(hway system. annex Scbedule "B" bereto. to s)low same. N I A 17. If streets sbown on tbe plat are claimed by tbe applicant to be exlstinr public streets Iu tbe Town of Soutbold Hirbway system, annex Schedule ~ bercto to sbow same. I:--,tti.'. 18. There are no exlstinr bundinp or structures on tbe land wblcb are Dot located and shown on tbe plat. 19. Where tbe plat sbows proposed streets whicb are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- divislon maps beretofore med. tbere a~ no reserve strips at the end of tbe streets on ..itl existing maps at their conjuncdons witb tbe proposed streets. 20. In tbe course of these proceedinp. tbe applicant will offer proof of title u required by Sec. 335 of tbe Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed. deed for lots showing Scbedule .lie". -~'~ all restrictions. covenants. etc. Annex ~.:;._; --~. ,,' , 22. The applic:lnt estim:lte~ that the cost oi ~r:Hiinb and rrguiH:d public jmpro\'ement~ will h(" . . S.......... as itemized in Schedule "E" herelU annexed and requests that the maturit)' of the Performance Bond bc fixed at ............ years. The Perlormance Bond will be writlen by a licensed suret)' compan)' unle;s other wise shown on Schedule "F". DATE ..l:1~y'..l.~!..................., 19.~? FLORENCE ROLLE ................................................ (Name o( Applicant) B)' "?c~.~..................... (Signature and Title) App 1 ican t Church Lane .Ag"l!~P.qg,l!h .t:l!'!.Vl. X(rrK.. H~.:n........... (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ....s.l!f! 14th May, 85 On the .................. day of .......................... 19....... belore me personally came FLORENCE ROLLE k b th . d"d I d 'b d . d h .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .... .... .... ...... .. ...... .. ........ .... ........ .. ............ to mt "110lvn to e e 10 IVl ua <<!'scrl e 10 an . ,". (... executed the foregoing instrument, and aeknowlrdged that . .~I:~...... ... executed the same. A8IGAII.A. WlCKHAM.,_v NolBry ~bIQ, 5We ~ Mat_ ~o..a2>-4M2811 OlUlllfied In Suffolk County _4'rJ C:omml~ 69- MaI'IJI~ 1lU.1 ...J! !t~JalJJ.&~~_._......... _. Noi;;~~'blic STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ...o.... ........... ...... ... .......... ...55: On the .................. &y ............... of ...........19.......beloremepersonallycame .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,to me kno\vn. \vho being by me duly $\yom did de. -- d h 'd N ~..-' pose an say t at ............ resl es at 0.: . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . ,- . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . that ..:....................... is the . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. of ....:..... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ -~ . ~. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the corporation descn'bed in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows the seal o( said corporation; that the" seal affixed by order ol the board of directors o( said corpor- ation. and that ............ signed .......;.... name thereto by like order. ................................................ "'olary Public ; . . SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Kraus Road, which point is marked by a monument set at the southwest corner of the premises herein described and land now or formerly of Jacobs, and which point is distant 86.34 feet westerly from the intersection of the east side of Olejule Lane with the north side of Kraus Road; from said point or place of beginning, RUNNING THENCE along said land now or formerly of Jacobs the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) North 20 35' 10" East 144.84 feet to a monument; (2) North 870 24' 50" West Ill. 40 feet to a monument set on the east side of Olejule Lane; RUNNING THENCE along said east side of Olejule Lane the following two (2) courses and distances: ,- ,- ' (1) North 110 03' 20" West 16.51 feet; (2) North 140 03' 20" West 73.77 feet land now or formerly of Papish; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 870 24' 50" East 221. 42 ,. feet to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Simchick; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 20 35' 10" West 86.70 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of DePetris; : . . RUNNING THENCE along said land South 2. 35' 10" West 154.97 feet to a monument and the north side of Kraus Road; RUNNING THENCE along the north side of Kraus Road North 80. 37' 20" West 85.60 feet to a monument and the point or place of BEGINNING. , ; . . SCHEDULE B Olejule Lane and Kraus Road are existing public streets in the Town of Southold highway system. . t .'. ; ". , , ":,:'" ',4., ~ .' ;';..,., '. ..... " :- ~'. " , ~... ,; -.:." .... .... ..... - -.""".. ~')..~..... '''-''''-. .. . .... 'J~.' . -.' '. ~,'. .~".~. ~ .,..:...r;"~g~, ?rjiV>.~t'~:!:~< -~~.:..:.~ ~~-,,'f'~ '4.,..... .'t,.'.. ;"~,fI"'.' ...,. '.. ;'~;.'r:. '. . ' '. -'. .;, , .... ..' ,"'<l . ... . " , '. ,~ ..- .- .-" ..,.'.~:- ~-, , .. '* .'..... '-'.'II! -....~~. " ... -~....'--. ,--""'-,'':1.;<'';- '~.'.' ,["",,.r~~.. C~.:?,,(\~,~~: . , , .)o..<r "f;~J :~.~!!~3,,' " '.-..'~" ,~".,,::', :r~~i~,~'. ' . r" ( . . Schedule lie" -... Said premises shall be subject to the following covenants and restrictions, which will run with the landl , 1, The premises shall be used only for a single-family residence. The dwelling shall not exceed two-stories in height, with an attached garage for not more than two automobiles. A two- story dwelling shall contain a first-floor area of not less than l,~OO square feet and a one-story dwelling shall contain a floor area of not less than 1,500 square feet, (excluding attached garage) . 2. No dwelling or structure may be erected or modified without the prior written approval of the site location and building plans and specifications by the party of the f~rst part. . ., ... . - 3. 'No mobile. type home or trailer shall be kept; used, or allowed on said premises with the exception of a boat-trailer, which shall be stored near the rear boundary. ., " : 4. No animals, livestock or poultry of any.kind shall b maintained on the premises, except domestic animals, which shall b housed in 'the dwelling. . .' . . . >..,:,:' .... . ..,.... _;.,\"....,;*",1.,;,~{~"'..5... These' coven..anu. ....aneS-.restrictions. will' remain 'in aiia:4ifteqt:"until January 1i'200 '4...aama...., an"ln'unct:ion ~:il~'t.'l!S" . -'~~:: ~ '..~~i .;>;"':'-::~';''-~~~~~ ~~"' co;' ,.:;;~(' .~~; . . ~ , .".. , ", ;t~ ~'~1;~".~"{;:}. .';\:.: .",". .~~: .,.'-..:'_:~';<-.~:':.;.,. " ." '-;.' \.". -. . .. ..' ..... .. 9. :: .,. "'~"'":,,, ..):.}.-:... .. -- . .....,. .. ~ ~':';~~i~~:i:,~,:'.( .~ 4.,.~;:~.i;,. ... . ., .. ':'';''':'~''~':I,';1i't',,..,,.. ...~ .. ..~: . :...".' ,,\ . , ,<;'g~t-)'/!'Zj'~',t1.;S~;'~;';' ",,;'.,; :.~;;..; ..., ,........,"',.~.~~..,,>... "'" riJ~',i: ':_'~~' '~'-':'-:::i;':'>:,J-~'~.'jl }\.',~)'. r;~:,~';~;:,,~,.- .' -... .~?,~.", ''': '?~;':"J...., '"\.,<.fi!,f~~'.";i:I;"'-"'; ,~;"'. '.. "'~J'-~~-.~' ...."'\:..&:--. '. 'l'f>,;-~-'" "....:.-~:-..-"F.~,,"'~,...lI;;" 7.~"" ":, .... . "!'.N,,';-I';-~ , -;-. .';"'~~;:' "~"'." J.!e."'l~"" ......J;'-~""'t.>.....:..".~.~...,..... '''. :t-"~ ..t.~... ,,'t -'I: .:.:, ~!fir"a.1\'''~''. """",'.".",.' -., AA":." ~ . '.-, ~~'t '.. ' ," . , . ..~.!.~,"I";f', ". o,.W, ,,{,~ '~1iit, "':~1o:.......tL",. -'e~"f~..Lc:' "'., ".. ' _ .~1*~t,,-. t~:1~f:~~:.~:~!:;.:'_?1 '. ". , , . ," , . .... .. : , '. ,:: . . . . .'.. . . LAW OFFICES MA't 1 ., 1985 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J BRESSLER ABIGAIL A, WICKHAM WICKHAM, WICKHAM a BRESSLER, PC. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 516-298-8353 FRANKLYN A FARRIS May 15, 1985 Southo1d Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Set-off application of Florence Rolle Gen t lemen : Enclosed are the following in connection with the above application: 1. Application, in duplicate; 2. Legal description (attached to application as Exhibit A) ; 3. List of adjoining owners; 4. Copy of the tax map; 5. Short Environmental Assessment Form; 6. Statement as to grading; 7. 12 prints of the survey; 8. Check in the sum of $50.00, representing the application fee. We are also filing an application with the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Variance. If any additional information is required, please contact us as soon as possible. Very truly yours, . ()l~JallA~ ?:;;;]/a~l A. Wickham /emu encls. . . I 1'~11j~~, Re: Application of Florence Rolle Adioining Owners Suffolk County Tax Map No.: 1000-122-5-2 1000~122-5-3.5 1000-122-5-3.6 1000-122-5-7 1000-122-5-9 Name & Address: Ms. Eleanor Papish 01eju1e Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. & Mrs. John Simichick, Jr. RR1 01ejule La. - Box 64B Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters Mattituck, NY 11952 Ms. Rose DePetris Kraus Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. Charles Jacobs 01eju1e Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 . . I ~, .", ....~.~ i .l., "J, '", .{ :\ ;- ''#' '.' ~'J .~-; .L '. , t-~.>; ',i V'\~ ~ (~. f'c- (IJ :, ~., , ( , .J .. - ,; "'" (\' r. ol~ ~ 'i ,. . i' <( . r ' ~ J, ,1 I'C. .l.,~~ ; ,'(":" OL99 '.1. ll. oX) ~~! ........ ',,, " \- iX, - <'1 \~ <\1 \,.} ,~ '7 / L --=:.....:........ L- , T .. , , "' , r I I. 1_3'~"C;:.1f'I01j^) -, '. -,~ ffit" c~c~6-~ ' "~~d1 ~ j f1J ~ !~ ~2_ v. ,'(' 1"'1 L...- ,) @ h.i '<T r- OJ' ll'; U) ~ ~ " t ~ ':f' .. <!' , . ~~'~~ .--_!'.'."'--' -~:-- V9'VVI ~ , ~; \ L: -""'.... 01 !" , ~". 101 " . , ~ . t:\ i _ " , ',b'.'.-It .....</' ',"/'./ rl '."- ,(.()j<'"'~ 'r?" , ,<,' \--. "":. ~',-;..;.r\ \,,{'<O - -no?', .;..-' ,,:..'b. " k,,-i,.t /-', \ " e." U fa:,: K 1 rJ ;:n: I .!f; I 'I ",','" I / 1'\' i ' , 7 i -'I' , , I.. 'I :,," !, (. ,,' , > ~ _::, ,:/'1101 ,IV ',~€:;:: ~! \) :") ,- ..~ ::'! ':10l \'./ ..._.J," (~.:--: ''''.:'Y~D I nlJ I -1. 'N '~l ,~ ;J '"---. '''];'~ \0 '.' 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