HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-122.-3-10 RECEIVED FEB 1 3 2003 Southold Town Cleft February 10, 2003 P.O. Box 1083 2124 Bay Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 TR- Members, Town Board Southold Town P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members: I am writing to express my strong opposition to the application filed by Amerada Hess to seek a zoning variance in order to construct a convenience store at its Bay Avenue/Main Road, Mattituck location. As anyone who lives on or near Bay Avenue can attest, the interference in the traffic pattern caused by the installation of a traffic light at the Factory Avenue/Main Road intersection a few years ago has resulted in an enormous increase in the amount of backed up traffic on the Main Road and the near impossibility of making a left mm off Bay Avenue. The assumption that this intersection can sustain any increase at all in the amount of traffic is ludicrous; the belief that it could accommodate the amount of traffic caused by a convenience store is beyond reason. If the traffic problem weren't enough to halt this proposal in its tracks, the fact that there is already a convenience store (Handy Pantry) a short distance East and a grocery store (Waldbaum's) an even shorter distance to the West, should. I urge you to deny any attempt by Amerada Hess to upgrade - in any way - its operation at this location. Thank you for your consideration. /ct Southold Town Pfannin~ Board Sincerely, _,,,,/ , ti; REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOKMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor t1~ork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 848 OF 2003 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 16, 2003: WHEREAS, thc petitioner has requested to amend the Zoning Map of thc Town of Southold by changing the Zoning Disthct designation of SCTM# 1000-122-3-10 from Marine 1 (M-I) District to General Business (B) District; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on this proposed Local Law on the 16th day of December, 2003 at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS the Town Board has determined that it is not in the best interest of the community to proceed with the application for change of zone; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby denies the request of Amerada Hess to change the zone from Marine 1 (M-l) to General Business (B). Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk The Town Board Southold Township Town Hall Main Street Southold, NY Frances Pope Sladkus 6300 Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel, NY t 1948 December 11, 2003 RE: 12/16/03 P.H. 0 5:10 PM on Hess change of zone apl. RECEIVED DEC 12 2003 Soulhohl Town Clerk Dear Members of the Board, I am writing with regard to the hearing set for December 15, 2003 on the subject of a zone change for Amerada Hess Corporation as it relates to the property on the southeastern comer of Route 25 and Bay Avenue where a Hess gas facility is now in place. It is truly amazing to me that our newspapers are full of stories regarding efforts on the part of yourselves, the farm families, many non-profit orga~iT, fions and town residents to preserve the natural beauty of the North Fork and its vital rural character. The same strong feelings seem to be held by both political parties despite the fact that the manner in which such goals are realized is so often debated. In what way exactly does the zone variance requested add to the rural character or natural beauty of Route 25? There are already no fewer than five facilities which sell "ready to go" food within a quarter of a mile from Bay and 25; there are at least three food markets in which people can shop within a quarter ora mile fi.om Bay and 25. It hardly seems like a pressing need for the community to have another "market" in the neighborhood. Is the only saving consideration that the proposed Hess Market may be open much longer hours, maybe even 24 hours a day?. How does that add to the rural character and beauty of the North Fork? My vote would be a resounding '~NO" to such a variance. Thank you for taking the time to consider my opinion. Sincerely, Frances Pope Sladkus DEC { 5 2003 $ouih0/d Town Boor~ Hess expansion RF-_ Neville, Elizabeth · 12/16/03 Page 1 of 1 5:10PI~ Amerada He~l~_hange:,of, zone application From: Hazel Kahan [hazel@leafages.com] Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 8:36 PM To: e.neville@town.southold.ny,us Subject: Hess expansion Southold Town Board Attn: Betty Neville This is to register my opposition to the Hess Corporation's plans for a large expansion of the station, including a convenience store. As a Mattimck resident, I object to the intensified use of the land next to the wetlands. In addition, traffic is already a dangerous problem at the intersection. And, one cannot help note, there is no reason to build a convenience store in an area that is already supplied by Genovese/CVS and Handy Pantry. Losing the bowling alley, which provides entertainment in an area where entertainment is scarce, will deprive residents of all ages of an institution that is part of Mattituck~s culture. It is appalling that yet another large corporation is insinuating its self-interest in a way of life that is becoming increasingly endangered. Neither I, nor my family and friends, will continue to buy gasoline from the Hess station if this plan goes through. Hazel Kahan POB 877 Matfimck, NY 11952 298 5540 ~i~' 9Nc~ DEC - 9 Southold Piannin~ 8oar~ 12/8/2003 P.O. Box 418 Mattituck, New York 11952-0418 November 17, 2003 Southold Town - Supervisor ~/ Planning Board Zoning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Hess Station Main Road Mattituck, New York NO¥ 2 4 2O03 Planninj Board Dear Town Members: This letter is being sent since as of now I will be unable to attend the December hearing concerning the referenced Mattituck business and verbally express my displeasure in their expansion mini mart plan. My sincere hope is that the hearing is a formality and this plan will be denied. We do not need a convenience store, we have Handy Pantry, supermarkets and local deli's. We do not need more people eating/drinking and driving. We do not need another place to buy lottery tickets. We do not need soda stacked by the case by gas pumps - they do this at the Riverhead Hess thereby blocking pump access. I think the function of a gasoline station is to sell gasoline and possibly oil, washer fluid and have an air pump. Not sell groceries, that is what a grocery store is for. I discontinued frequenting other Hess stations because of Blocked pumps. More people parked in and around the station for the mini mart than for the purchasing of fuel. People pumping fuel while the vehicle is running, smoking or talking on a cell phone. The attendant cannot see them and I'm certain these things are all a violation of some safety or government ordinance. Is this the appearance and hazards we want for our town? NOV 2 O ::¢ i,C, SUPERVISORS O::FICE 'f,()WN OF SOIJTHOLD Further the present station is poorly maintained now, so how will Hess maintain more? Pumps are out of service weekly, the air hose is out of order or the attendant is busy soeiaiizing. Over the years I have completed Hess provided questionnaires and have seen no improvement. So why would we allow more to go the disrepair. The only plus is usually their price is competitive. Also, do we really need more traffic on that comer? Personally I was rear ended several years ago at that location. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Roberta M. Kalous P.O. Box 418 Mattituck, New York 11952-0418 November 17, 2003 Southold Town - Supervisor Planning Board Zoning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Hess Station Main Road Mattituck, New York Dear Town Members: This letter is being sent since as of now I will be unable to attend the December heating concerning the referenced Mattituck business and verbally express my displeasure in their expansion mini mart plan. My sincere hope is that the heating is a formality and this plan will be denied. We do not need a convenience store, we have Handy Pantry, supermarkets and local deli's. We do not need more people eating/drinking and driving. We do not need another place to buy lottery tickets. We do not need soda stacked by the case by gas pumps - they do this at the Riverhead Hess thereby blocking pump access. I think the function of a gasoline station is to sell gasoline and possibly oil, washer fluid and have an air pump. Not sell groceries, that is what a grocery store is for. I discontinued frequenting other Hess stations because of Blocked pumps. More people parked in and around the station for the mini mart than for the purchasing of fuel. People pumping fuel while the vehicle is running, smoking or talking on a cell phone. The attendant cannot see them and I'm certain these things are all a violation of some safety or government ordinance. Is this the appearance and hazards we want for our town? Further the present station is poorly maintained now, so how will Hess maintain more? Pumps are out of service weekly, the air hose is out of order or the attendant is busy socializing. Over the years I have completed Hess provided questionnaires and have seen no improvement. So why would we allow more to go the disrepair. The only plus is usually their price is competitive. Also, do we really need more traffic on that comer? Personally I was rear ended several years ago at that location. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Roberta M. Kalous P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 Memorandum PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk From: Vaierie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner ~/~ Re: Change of Zone Petition -- · ...~ Amerada Hess Corporation S/E/c SR 25 and Bay Avenue, Mattituck SCTM # 1000-122-03-10 Date: November 18, 2003 The Planning Board reviewed this petition again at its last work session. It decided to rescind its prior recommendation dated August 14, 2001 whereby the rezoning petition was supported. The Planning Board's decision wa?based on a re-assessment of certain key facts: the primary one of which is~that there is a limited amount of Marine Business zoning within the Town, and that this zoning shou d be protected from any loss and encroachment. This fact is highlighted in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program document. Additionally, on reviewing the environmental assessment information, the Board also feels that the traffic situation at this subject location would worsen as a result of a change of zone to General Business because the number of permitted uses is both greater and allows for more intensive uses. As a result, the Planning Board strongly recommends denying the proposed petition. F.S.T. OF NEW YORK, INC 125 Baylis Ave - Suite 290 - Melvi.[le, NY 1 ! 747 Phone (631) 756-5999 - Fax (631 ) 756-5944 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD/PLANNING DEPT. DATE: 9/5/03 FROM: MARLO BENTO JOB: PN-N8581 RE: AMERADA HESS/MATTITUCK 53095 MAIN ROAD MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11971 A'l-r: BRUNO SEMON We are SENDING you the following items: [] Attached [] Via [] Shop drawing [] Prints [] Copy of letter [] Change order Plans [] Samples E] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I 7 plans These are TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted x For your use [] Approved as noted [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Prints RETURNED after loaned to us. [] For review and comment [] For BIDS due 19 [~ Resubmit [] Submit [~ Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL OUR OFF THANK YOU...MARLO COPY TO: M:~admln.forms~trans. DOC. EUGENE L. DENICOLA ANDREA DENICOLA EUGENE L. DENICOLA A~'~ORi~I~Y AT LAW It~RITAGE BUILDEN'G 200 RAILROAD AV~ NL~ P.O. BOX 68 September 10, 2003 Town of Southold Southold Town Hall PO Box 1179 53095 State Road Southold, NY 11971 Att: Bruno Semon, Sr. Site Plan Reviewer Re: Applicant: SCTM No. Premises: Amerada Hess Corporation 1000-122-3-10 s/e/c Route 25 & Main Road, Mattituck, NY Dear Mr. Semon: To further our meeting of Tuesday, September 9th, 2003, I enclose herewith a copy of memorandum from Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman of the Planning Board to Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk, dated August 14, 2001. The memorandum indicates that the Planning Board is in favor of the proposed change of zone from Marine I to General Business. I neglected to deliver a copy of this memorandum to you at our meeting. I trust same will be of assistance to you. Thank you for your courtesy and ELD:ro enclosure 8EP 1 1 20O3 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO COPY FOR YOUR INFORMATION Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED AUG 14 2001 Southold Town Clerk TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman Planning Boar~ Request for comment on zone change request for Amerada Hess Main Road, Mattimck SCTM# 1000-122-3-10 Zone Marine I (MI) August 14, 2001 The Planning Board is in favor of the zone change from Marine I (MI) to General Business for the above parcel. The Marine I (MI) designation was originally set because of the marina south of the gas station located on Jan)es Creek. All properties east of the gas station are zoned General Business. Properties across the street are zoned General Business and Residential Office ~O). This rezoning would make the gas station a permitted use by Special Exception of the Board of Appeals. EUGENE L. DENICOLA ,~NDREA DENICOLA EUGENE L. DE~[ICOLA September 9, 2003 HAND DELIVERED Office of the Southold Town Board edo Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk 53095 Main Road Mattituck, NY 11971 Re: Applicant: SCTM No. Premises: Amerada Hess Corporation 100-122-3-10 ECE,IVE 8EP - 9 s/e/c Route 25 & Main Road, Mattituck, NY Dear Sirs/Madam: The undersigned is the attorney for the applicant, Amerada Hess Corporation, regarding the petition requesting a change of zone of the premises from Marine I (MI) to General Business zoning district. I refer you to my August 4, 2003 correspondence, a copy of which is enclosed, that annexes a timeline setting forth the processing of this matter. As of the above date, this matter has not been scheduled for a public hearing by the Town Board, nor I have received any communication or explanation regarding the Town's prolonged delay in hearing the application. The applicant, Amerada Hess Corporation, has responded to all requests by the Town in a prompt manner. The Town's continued hesitation to schedule a hearing is causing an unnecessary burden on those persons charged with redevelopment and modernizing existing Amerada Hess fac'flities. Additionally, it creates project budget difficulties based upon estimated fmaetables for projects and the allocation of funds. It is respectfully requested that this correspondence and enclosures be circulated to the Town Board, and that a public heating be scheduled as expeditiously as is possible. I await your advice with reference to the foregoing. l~l.D:ro enclosures cc: Office of'the Town Attorney .dtt: Pat Finnegan, Asst. Town Attorney w~ enclosure Department of Planning Att: Jgermet Orlowski, Planning Board Chairman, w~ enclosure Amerada Hess Corporation Att: Timothy 0 'Connor, Retail Real Estate Director Att: Andrew Lautenbacher, N.E. Permit Manager FST of New York,, Inc. Att: Kevin Papasian, Project Manager August 4, 2003 Office of the Town Board Town of Southold 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Mattituck, NY 11971 Re: Applicant: SCTM No. Premises: Amerada Hess Corporation 100-122-3-10 s/eYe Route 25 & Main Road, Mattituek Dear Sirs/Madam: The undersigned is the attorney for the applicant, Amerada Hess Corporation, regarding the petition requesting a change of zone of the premises fi-om Marine I (MI) to General Business zoning district. I annex hereto a timeline setting forth the processing of this application by the Town, commencing with the filing of the petition on March 19, 2001. It is my understanding that the Town Board has received Mr. Raynor's final SEQRA report, however, said SEQRA report has not been adopted by resolution of the Town Board. In view of the period of time which has elapsed since the initial filing of the petition, it is respectfully requested that the Town Board schedule a public hearing regarding this application. In the alternative, the undersigned and the engineer for Hess would be pleased to attend a work session of the Town Board to discuss the application to move this matter to a public hearing. Your courtesy and advice upon receipt hereof is respectfully requested. Very truly yours, ELD :ro enclosure Eugene L. DeNicola cc: Office of the Town Attorney Att: Pat Finnegan, Aast. Town Attorney Amerada Hess Corporation Att: Timothy 0 'Connor, RetaiI Real Estate Director Att: Andrew Lautenbacher, N.E. Permit itdanager FST of New York,, Inc. Att: Kevin Papasian, Project Manager all w~ enclosure APPLICATION OF AMERADA HESS CORPORATION June 26, 2000 March 19, 2001 Ju~31,2001 August 14,2001 August 28, 2001 October 4, 2001 January29,2002 February26, 2002 March l5,2002 October 10, 2002 Ju~,2003 Initial meeting with Planning staff'member, Robert G. Kassner, to discuss proposed application Petition requesting change of zone filed Resolution No. 544 adopted by Town Board declaring itself the lead agency in regard to SEQRA Planning Board report issued in favor of zone change Resolution issued retaining Nelson, Pope & Voorhis as Town's consultant to prepare SEQRA report Letter received fi.om Suffolk County Planning Commission finding no significant county-wide or inter-community impact Letter received fi.om Nelson, Pope & Voorhis declining to prepare SEQRA, citing conflict of interest John J. Raynor retained as Town's consultant to prepare SEQRA report Draft SEQRA submitted to Town Planning Department by Town's consultant, John J. Raynor Planning Board memo transmitted to Raynor for further comments and analysis to SEQRA report Final SEQRA submitted to Town by John J. Raynor (upon information and belief) GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY gr eg.yakaboski@town.sout hold.ny.us PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY pat ricia.finnegan¢~town.southold, ny.us JOSHUA Y. HORTON Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765 1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: From: Date: Re: Supervisor Horton Town Board PatrJcJa A. FJnnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney February 14, 2003 Change of Zone Applications FEB 1 4 200 S0uth01d Town Planning Board The following is a monthly status on the pending change of zone applications: -Val Scopaz prepared a 1/21/03 memo to Elizabeth Neville containing on the second draft SEQRA report prepared by John J.' Raynor, the consultant performing the SEQRA reviev¢ for the Town. On January 29, 2003, I forwarded the memo to Raynor, asking him to consider Val's comments and prepare a final report. I have received several calls from the attorney representing Hess inquiring as to the status, as well as from Jospeh Finora, a neighbor of the gas station. Both have been advised that the SEQRA process is moving along. I expect to receive a report from Raynor within the next few weeks. Once the report is received, it will be forwarded tO Val for review and subsequently scheduled for hearing. Mattituck Housing/Factory Avenue (AHD)-- You have recently received a copy of my 2/10/03 letter to George Weiser outlining the next steps of the process, as it relates to the change of zone. This letter was sent in response to his inquiry both by phone and letter about the process and when he could expect a public hearing. No request for moratorium waiver has been filed by the applicant, nor have they provided all the requested information to complete SEQRA. Quad Enterprises - no activity - see attached 10/21/02 memo. DBM Co. - Please see attached memo for information on this application. To date, nothing has been done with this application. Richard Israel was in the Clerk's office last week requesting information on the status of the application. At this time, the Board can decide if correspondence should go out to the applicant regarding the moratorium, if the application should be accepted and SEQRA should begin, or if the application should be returned. Please advise how the Board wished to handle this matter as Mr. Israel has been calling the Town Attorney's office for advice on the application. PeF/:~r~---~.n-~_t.~,r~,--]~ction- This is a George Weiser subdivision proposed in So~q~dl,~J..~c~d;.~r~&~. On December 3, 2,002, an incomplete application for waiver from the moratorium was received in the Clerk s office. I returned the application to Ms. Mesia .~Tj~r~..l~e~jr~ber ~!with a copy of the moratorium law and advised her that mor(~ information was required.I On January 22, 2003, a letter was received in the Clerk's office asking that the.waiver a~plication be withdrawn and the fee refunded. No further information was offered. Estate of Grace Edson- no activity - see attached memo. Windham Resources LLC- This is a new application, which has just been determined to be acceptable by Planning and the Town Attorney's Office. Accordingly, the SEQRA process will begin shortly. The applicant seeks to change the zone on a property located at Athol Crescent, Fishers Island, from R-80 to HB. The request is made because the "residential zone is out of character with the surrounding land uses and the proposed use of the property next door". It is hoped that the SEQRA and Planning process can move along such that the public hearing can be scheduled for the August Town Board meeting on Fishers Island. If you have any questions or comments on any of these matters, please contact me. Pat PAF/md cc: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk w/attachment Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner w/attachment GREGORY F, YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY KATHLEEN MURRAY ASSISTANT TOWN ATTOKNEY PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN AS~gLqTANT TOWN ATTORNEY JOSHUA Y. ItORTON Supervisor Town Hall, 58095 Route 26 P.O. Box 1179 Sou~holdi New York 11971-0959 ~elephone (OBi) 765-1989 e-moil: greg:yakaboski@town:sou~held:ny:us katlfleeumurr ay(~town.southold.ny.us pab icia,filmegan~town,southo ld.ny.us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Supervisor Horton Southold Town Board From: Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Date: October 21,2002 Re" Change of Zone Applications (Non-AHD) The following is a list of all of the pending change of zone applications presently before the Town Board. Amerada Hess - I forwarded a status memo on this on October 15th -- Val Scopaz's memo was forwarded to Raynor on October 10, 2002, for review in conjunction with SEQRA · Skrezic - hearing to be held 10/22/02 Quad Enterprises - R-80 to HD. Application to construct 126 senior townhouse units on a 31.4 acre parcel between Young Avenue (Railroad Avenue) and Boisseau Avenue, south of Rte 48 in Southold. SEQRA has been commenced and file has been forwarded to Suffolk County Planning for review. They will not perform their review until they have the recommendations of the Planning Board, and additional items mentioned in the SEQRA report (SCWA availability letter, density computation, and Archaeological Survey). The Planning Board will not prepare recommendations until after the moratorium has concluded. The Board can consider whether they want the Town Attorney to correspond with the applicant re: the moratorium, to advise the applicant that no further action will be taken on this application until after the moratorium has concluded, and to advise them of the further information needed to complete SEQRA per the report of NPV. DBM Co.-Two applications have been submitted by Richard Israel on behalf of DBM Co., for developments known as Highpoint Pines and Highpoint Landing. Highpoint Pines is designed as an affordable subdivision under the AHD and Highpoint Landing is a senior condominium development under the HD zone. The property is currently zoned R-80. No action has been taken on these applications to date, and they are waiting to be reviewed by the Planning Board and the Town Attorney's Office for completeness. Again, the Board can decide if correspondence shou!d go o_ut to t!~.~._a~.p_!i_c_a_nt rega r_d_!p_g ~.h__e_ ~_o_r..a_t0F!_ym, _an_d_.decide if they want to begin the SEQRA process now or wait until the moratorium has concluded. It makes no sense to refer the matter to the Planning Board at this time. Peconic Design and Construction - Petition submitted by George Wieser for rezoning from HB and R-80 to HB to allow for the development of an 18-unit retirement community, consisting of 9 semi-detached units. The property is on the north side of the Main Road, east of Boisseau Ave in Southold. Application was filed on October 30, 2001. SEQRA has not been started. It is my understanding there have been discussions about altering the plan as submitted with regard to landscaping, etc. I have left a message with applicant's agent, Cathy Mesiano, to contact me with a status update. Estate of Grace Edson - On the Main Road in Cutchogue, change from R-80 to HB. Per the applicant, SEQRA has not been started. The applicant was considering altering the application to change the zone to B- General Business. Greg spoke with Gail Wickham, applicant's attorney in May 2000 and asked if the rezoning application was ready for submittal to the Town Board. She said it was not, she was still considering changes and would be meeting with the Planning Board. Ms. Wickham indicated that she would send a letter when the application was ready to be submitted, and the Town Attorney's office has not heard from her on this matter since then. At this time, the Town Board could either do nothing, consider denying the application for inactivity, or I could correspond with applicant to determine what applicant intends to do. Accordingly, the only two active applications not held up by the moratorium are Skrezic and Hess. Skrezic will have the hearing on Tuesday, and SEQRA is still being conducted on Hess. A question has been raised as to whether the Board is required to consider the applications that have been submitted, or whether, particularly in the case of DBM where no action has taken place, the Board can simply refuse to entertain the petition at this time. The Code reads, "The Town Board, upon its own motion or by petition, may, from time to time, amend, supplement, change, modify, or repeal..." the Zoning Code. The question is whether the word "ma.V' gives the Board the right to refuse to entertain the petition. There is no state law requirement that the Board hear the petition. However, since the Code provides the opportunity to change the zone by filing a petition, the Board may run into some problems if it simply decides to refuse the petition. I spoke with an attorney at the Department of State, who agreed that basic due process would require the Board make some decision on the application. Based on the moratorium, it may be reasonable for the Board to pass a resolution rejecting the application of DBM, indicating it would be appropriate to refile it after the moratorium. Otherwise, SEQRA could be started with the understanding that no action will be taken by the Planning Board until after the moratorium. As such, the Board can decide how it wishes to proceed with these matters, either to correspond with the applicants, take no action at all, or return the applications. AMERADA HESS CORPORATION 1 HESS pLAZA 732-750-6000 WOODBR[DGE, NJ 07095-0961 732-750-6105 (FAX) . _ RECEIVED Januaw 24,2003 Town of Southold or Current Property Owner 907 Bay Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 VIA: CERTIFIED MAIL # 7000 1670 0012 2877 2426 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED JAN 3 1 2003 Soulhold l'owlt " i Re: Groundwater Usage in the Mattituck Area 907 Bay Avenue Dear Property Owner: Amerada Hess Corporation (Hess) is conducting a groundwater investigation in the area along Bay Avenue, E. Legion Avenue, and N. Riley Avenue in Mattituck, New York. As part of the investigation, Hess is requited by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to research groundwater usage of neighboring properties. Please return the attached questionnaire to confirm whether your property does or does not utilize an irrigation or drinking water supply well. If you have any questions, please contact Meagan Gabe of Quantum Management Group, Inc. at (609) 259-4091 or the undersigned at (732) 750-7068. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Dawn M. Johnson Manager, Refining and Madc. eting Remediation Enclosure CCi Brian Austin, NYSDEC Region I (wi Enclosure) Mike .Sherwood, Shaw (wi Enclosure) Meagan Gabe, Quantum Management Group (w. Town of Southold, 53095 Route 25, Southold, NY ptannml~ Boar . S:~New York Sites\Region l\32481\Documents~32481 potable well survey letter.doc Groundwater Usage Questionnaire Property Owner: Address: ts il in use? Depth of Well Oale of Installation Telephone; Does property have an irrigation well? Is it in use? , If no. when was the last date of use? Whal is your approximate annual usage of water from this well? Depth of Welt , Amount of Well Screening Oa~e o~' Installation A~e the installation records (well log) available? Name oi' irrigation company that services system Does property have a well used for drinking water or other household uses? · If no. when was the last date of use? , Amount of Well Screening A.-e t.he ,nstallat,on records (well log) available? Name of company thai services syslem Please describe any problems you may have had in the last year with your well system or with the quality o~r the water in your system. S '¢4e.,., Yor'~ ~tes~J:~e<j,on 1~3248 I~DocurnentsLSurvey Document.doc GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY OSHVA Y. no.ToN Supervisor V'~ Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971~0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 e-mail: m-emvakaboski@town.southold.ny.us patricia.finnegan @town. southold, ny. us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Januaw 29,2003 John J. Raynor, PE & LS, PC Deerfield Green 860 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, NY 11976 JAN 292 Southold Town Planning Board Re: Amerada Hess - Chan.qe in Zone Application Dear Mr. Raynor: Enclosed please find a copy of memorandum from Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner, dated January 21, 2003 (including attachments), with respect to the Environmental Assessment Review you prepared in the above captioned matter. Please conduct the requested research giving your consideration to the comments of Ms. Scopaz, and prepared a final draft of your report for review by the Town Board. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. V.~ truly yours, AP sa t;isC:;r tA ~ e/A~t~on/r EeCq ' PAR~.~ eno. CC: Southold Town Board w/o enc. Town Clerk w/o enc. Town Planner w/o enc. GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY JOSHUA Y. HORTON Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 e-mail: a, reg.vakaboski(~ town.southold.ny.us patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: From: Date: Re: Supervisor Horton Town Board Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney January 29, 2003 Amerada Hess - Change of Zone JAN 2 9 003 S0uth01d Town Pla:~:~,~ -d Attached is a memorandum dated January 21, 2003, with attachments, from Valerie Scopaz regarding the Amerada Hess change of zone application. As you may recall, the applicant seeks to change the zone from Marine (M-1) to General Business (B), in order to make improvements to the gas station, which is a pre-existing, non-conforming use. Once Raynor has provided a revised SEQRA report, the report will be referred to Planning for their final report, and the matter will be listed for a public hearing. The applicant is very anxious about the status and has been calling me regularly inquiring about the same. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Pat PAF/md attachments CC: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk w/o attachments Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner w/o attachments VP, T .ER.r~. SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (616) 766-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Confidential Interoffice Memorandum To: From: Re: Date: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk J'/.,,a~-~ Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner Environmental Assessment Review - Amerada Hess Corporation January 21, 2003 I have reviewed the revised EAF and my prior memorandum on this subject of June 27, 2002, attached, and, again, find inconsistencies that suggest that it should be returned to the environmental consultant for revision. The inconsistencies are noted below: Page 2: The subject parcel is listed as being in an area that is a transition between the "Mattituck hamlet center and less intensely developed commercial properties that exist to the west." No explanation is provided as to why the properties to the west are considered to be "less intensely developed" than the properties to the east. Page 3: The proposed underlined text assumes that the loss of slightly more than half an acre of marine zoning is not significant, but fails to inform as to the percentage of the total MI zoning represented by this half acre. The Town has a very limited amount of Marine zoning and given the Town's stated policy (in the LWRP) of maintaining access to the waterfront, any reduction of that access through a change of zone requires close examination. Page 3: Also, in this proposed paragraph the argument is made that the subject parcel's lack of actual frontage on the water negates the value of the marine zoning. This argument assumes that boat and marine engine repair and sales and display, yacht brokers and marine insurance brokers (all permitted uses within the MI zone) require waterfront property. The fact that three marine sales and display businesses (two of which also do engine repair) are located in close proximity on this same stretch of road (none of them on the waterfront) suggests otherwise. Page 4: The analysis of why permitted within the proposed primary justification. The anal~ potential impact to this intersel the proposed square footage ( :he site is unsuitable for most businesses 3 district uses water supply factors as its ,sis fails to include consideration of the ;tion of increased traffic that may result when .),480) is increased nearly six-fold over the existing square footage (416) and the number of fueling stations is increased from 6 to 8. ~ Page 4: Paragraph 5 states tl~at "During the course of site plan review, the Planning Board will be require~l to initiate a SEQRA review in order to fully assess the potential environmental impacts associated with that specific action." I strongly recommend changing the zone. Once the; mitigate potential environment Town Board's ability at this sta Page 4: Paragraph 6 indicates expand the gas station use, th review whatever proposed use recommend that the Town Bo~ changing the zone for whatev( compatible with the Town's Ior Page 5: The traffic generatior from the NYS Department of T the projected growth of that cc Page 6: There is no discussi that the Town Board take this hard look before one is changed, the Planning Board's ability to impacts will be significantly less than the e of the review. hat if the property owner decides not to ~ Planning Board would have the authority to might be put forth at that time. I strongly rd assess at this point in time whether r use is allowed within the B district is i-term planning goals and objectives. ~nalysis would benefit from data available ansportation about existing traffic counts and ~nt within this area. ~n about the potential environmental danger implicit in increasing the storage and use of petroleum-based fuels on a site located approximately 50 feet from surface water and 3 feet from groundwater. Given the strong stance the Town Board has taken on the importance of protecting its fragile water resources, an action to increase the potential damage to those resources must be looked at very carefully in the EAF. Page 7: The second paragraph states that "It is unlikely that any potential uses on the site would significantly increase wastewater generation, water usage or traffic generation over current levels." The draft EAF does not appear to provide sufficient quantitative information in support of that statement. I recommend further research ant revision before acceptance of the draft EAF. VP, L~RIE 8COPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Confidential Interoffice Memorandum To: Re: Date: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner Environmental Assessment Review- Amerada Hess Corporation June 27, 2002 I have reviewed the draft EAR and find inconsistencies that suggest that it should be returned to the environmental consultant for revision. The inconsistencies are noted below: The review does not take into account that the proposed rezoning will delete M-I zoning of which the Town has a very limited amount. Access to the waterfront and preservation of marine zoning on the waterfront is important to the Town. The review contradicts itself by stating that the proposed rezoning will increase the potential for additional traffic and intensification of land use at a busy intersection, but since the existing use is a gasoline service station that the intensification of that use will not be significant. The review indicates that proposed rezoning will make possible a use or range of uses that can have more intense impacts on the groundwater, the environment and the transportation infrastructure yet downplays those potential impacts by supposing that the existing use is the only use to which the site will be put. NOVm I 8outholdTow Sd ANSIdlTTAL Phone: (631) 726-7600 Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Job: SEQRA Review No: 1647 Date: October 21, 2002 Hand Delivery Pick Up Ordinary Mail · UPS Overnight -) Message: Pursuant to your letter of October 10, 2002, enclosed is a revised draft Environmental Assessment Review. This report has been revised in response to the comments in the memorandum by Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner. You will notice two final drafts. One final draft is on tan paper. The revisions are in bold typeface and underlined, to facilitate review. The final draft on white paper has plain typeface. Please review the revised final draft at your earliest convenience and supply us with your comments, as our office would like to complete this project as expeditiously as possible. If you have any questions, please call. Signe~~ Joseph Lombardi Deerfield Green Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, New York 11976 ENVIRO~AL ASSESSMI~rr REVlL~ ]~P,~IRO~ AND PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS AMERADA I[ESS CORPORATION - MAITITUCK Prepared for:. Prepared by.' Date: Elizabeth A Neville, Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Board, Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S, P.C. Deerfield Green, 860 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, New York 11976 Mamh 13, 2002 Revised: October 21, 2002 The Town of Southold Town Board has retained John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. f0~; consulting services in the review of the above referenced application. The proposed action involves a change of zone from Madne 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) Distdct on a 0.528 acre parcel of land located in Mattituck, The site is improved with a pre-existing, non- conforming gasoline service station. The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site more appropriately match the existing use. It would also serve as a precursor for a site plan application to raze the existing service station and build a new 2,480 s.f. Hess convenience store, 1,944 s.f. canopy, four new dispensing islands, upgrade the existing tanks and new landscaping. This document analyzes the site and the potential impacts associated with the proposed change of zone. In addition, the site has also been inspected for environmental/planning constraints. Location and Site Overview The project site is located on the southeast corner of the inters~ection of Main Road (S.R. 25) and Bay Avenue, just west of the Mattituck hamlet's central business district, Town of 1 Southold, County of Suffolk. The subject parCel is more particularly described as Suffolk County Tax Map parcel number 1000-122-3-10. The parcel contains 150 feet of frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25), an improved State maintained roadway and 140 feet of frontage on Bay Avenue, an~improved Town maintained roadway. As previously mentioned, the site is currently improved with a gasoline service station. James Creek~ a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay, is located on the parcel immediately south of the subject parcel. However, the subject parcel does not aPpear to contain either wetlands or other environmental sensitive featureS. Additionally, according to the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP) "Circles and Squares Map", the site does not appear to be located in a known archaeologically sensitive area. Proposed Action The proposed action involves a change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District on a 0.528 acro pamel of land located in Mattituck. The site is currently improved with a pro-existing, non-conforming gasoline service station. The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site more appropriately match the existing USe, The proposed change of zone is a Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA. Coordinated review is optional. The Town Board has assumed Lead Agency status for the purpose of SEQRA review. The Suffolk County Planning Commission, on 10/4/2001, determined that the proposed action was a matter of Local Determination. The Suffolk County Plannlng Commission is only an "interested party" pursuant to SEQRA. Land Use and Zoning The subject pamel is located in along the major thoroughfare (Main Road a.k.a.S.R. 25) in an area that serves as a transition between the Mattituck hamlet center and less intensely developed commercial properties that exist to the west. According to the Town Zoning Map, the subject parcel and the two parcels south of it are zoned Maride 1 (M1) District. This is the only area of M1 zoning in the vicinity of the project. 2 The purpose of M1 Zoning is to 'pmvide a waterfront location for a limited range of water- dependent and water related uses...which require or benef'~ from direct access to or location in madne or tidal waters but which am located within the town's tidal creeks or natural coves'. James Creek is a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay. The two other parcels located in this area of M1 zone have direct frontage on James Creek and are improved. The pamel adjacent to the subject parcel contains a small marina facility. The parcel south of that contains a single family residence. Both of these uses are permitted in the M1 zone. The subject pamel, which has no frontage on James Creek, contains a gasoline service station. This use is not one of the uses permitted in the M1 zone either by dght or by special permit. Therefore, the existing service station is a pm-existing, non-conforming use. Furthermore, the lack of direct frontage on James Creek restricts potential conforming uses on the site to either 1 ) Boat and marine engine repair and sales and display, yacht brokers and marine insurance brokers or 2) Buildings structures and uses owned by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. //'lTf the request for a change of zone is approved, the area of M1 zoning in the owrl will be diminished by a little more than half an acre. It is noted that acc6ss to the waterfront and the preservation of marine zonin(~ on the waterfront Is an important component of the Town's comprehe, nsive plan. However. as stated above, the subject parcel does not have direct access to the waterfront. Given its size and location, the sub!ect parcel is not particularly well suited for the non- waterfront uses permitted in the M1 zone. ~*v~,,4y'~ ~ The current Zoning Map indicates that areas immediately east, west and north of the subject parcel are zoned General Business (B). The purpose of this zone is '1o provide for retail and wholesale commercial development and limited office and industrial development outside of the hamlet central business areas, generally along major highway. The General Business (B) zone "is designed to accommodate uses that benefit from large numbers of motorists, need fairly large parcels of land and that may involve characteristics such as heavy trucking and noise. Gasoline service stations are permitted by a Special Exception in the General Business (B) Zone. The size of the subject parcel (0.528 acres) would preclude its suitability for some of the more intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone. For example, the parcel is ' simply too small to accommodate the spatial requirements for most wholesale business, 3 warehouses, building material storage, food processing and packaging plants, whole and retail sale of nursery and garden materialS, fully enclosed commercial recreation facilities and similar permitted uses. Likewise, it may be difficult to construct a viably sized building and also provide required parking and loading facilities for other permitted uses such as restaurants, fratemal or social institutional meeting halls, Auditoriums, theaters, libraries and museums and drinking establishments. Furiher limiting the potential uses on the site are the Suffolk County Department of Health Service regulations with respect to sanitary waste flow. The sanitary design flow is computed using the SCDHS manual "Standards For Approval Of Plans And Construction For Sewage Disposal Systems For Other Than Single Family Residences". The site lies within Groundwater Management Zone IV. Since public water is available, Sewage Flow cannot exceed 600 gallor3s per day per acre. Given its size (0.528 acres), current requirements limit the amount of sanitary waste generated on the subject parcel to only 316 gallons per day. .1~.,'~ Based on the above, it would appear that only the comparatively less intense uses ,.~)~,f~Jpermitted in the General Business (B) Zone like offices, banks, retail stores, personal ' ./v~r~' service shops, art galleries, artists and craftmen's workshops and gasoline service stations y' would be appropriate, It should be noted that any potential expansion or change to the existing gasoline service station would require Site Plan Review by the Town Planning Board. During the course of :that Site Plan review, the Planning Board will be required to initiate a SEQRA review in order to fully assess the potential environmental impacts associated with that specific action. Similarly. should a future owner of the subject parcel decide to change the use on the site to one of the other uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone, a Site Plan and SEQRA review by the Planning Board would be in order. In their review, the Planning Board would analyze the impacts associated with the specific proposal for which Site Plan approval is sought. Based on their assessment, the Planning Board can require whatever appropriate conditions they deem necessary to minimize any potential impacts. 4 Traffic Generation Since the subject parcel is ill suited for conversion to tt~e more intense traffic generating uses permitted in the General Business (B) District, it is unlikely that the proposed change of z0ne from Marine I (M1) District to General Business (B) District will result in a substantial increase in traffic generation on the subject parcel, As mentioned previously, the _parcel's size and sanitary_ flow constraints would limit it's potential redevelopment to the comparatively less intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone. like offices, banks, retail stores. persorial service shops, art galleries, artists and craftmen's worksho-Os and service stations. At present, the service station has six fueling stations and some minor retail use at the site. Items are generally limited to cigarettes, automotive _Products (oil, windshield fluid, etc) and soft drinks in cases. There is no automotive repair component to the existing use. There is no question that the proposed service station with 8 fueling stations and a 2,480 s.f. convenience store can be expected to generate some additional peak period trins. It Should be noted that not all of the site-generated traffic will be new traffic added to the adjacent roadway system. Certainly the traffic generated by the eXist,no service station has to be taken into account. Additionally, uses such as retail establishments banks, gas stations and convenience stores attract patrons from the r)assing stream of traffic. The pass-by trip comes directly from the traffic stream passing the facility_ on the ad!acent street system and does not require a diversion from another roadway. According to information found in the "Trip Generation Handbook. An ITE Proposed Recommended Practice". approximately 47% to 62% of the peak period trips to the proposed service station/convenience store would be pass-by trips. Therefore, the proposed zoning change and subsequent redevelopment of the site is not expected to result in a significant increase in peak period trips. 5 The subject parcel is has substantial frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25). Main :Road is one of the principal arterial roads in the area. The roadway is improved w'~h one travel lane in each direction and a tuming lane. Site distance in the vicinity of the subject parcel is adequate. Given the current usage of the site, the proposed change in zone is not likely to have a significant impact with regard to traffic generation. Soils and ToDography The Suffolk County Soil Survey 0Namer 1975) classifies the soils on site as Cut & Fill land, gently sloping (CUB). The site is relatively flat. According to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps, elevations on the site range from about 11.5 feet in the northwesterly portion of the site, near the intersection of Main Road and Bay Avenue, to slightly less than 10 feet in the southerly portion of the site. Horizontal slopes across the site are 0-5%. The property contains no significant landforms or geologic features. Water Resources Groundwater in the vicinity of the subject parcel is approximately 3 feet above mean sea level. Given the site's proximity to James Creek, it is likely that the groundwater elevation fluctuates slightly, with the tide. The relatively shallow depth to groundwater may effect the installation of sanitary systems on the site, further acting to limit the type of potential uses that could be permitted if the proposed change of zone to General Business (B) Distdct is approved. Summary_ The proposed change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) Distdct would increase the number of potential uses on the site. However, parcel size, other zoning constraints (parking and loading requirements) and Suffolk County Department of Health Service requirements would all serve to limit the intensity of the types of uses that the site could physically accommodate. For the most part, potential uses would be comparable or less intense than the existing gasoline service station use. The subject parcel does not contain any significant environmental features that would limit potential development that is consistent with the provisions of the General Business (B) 6 Zone. According to the Tow~ Zoning Map, significant areas immediately' east and west of the subject pamel and on the opposite side of Main Road from the subject pamel are currently zoned General Business (B). The proposed zone change would make the zoning on the subject parcel consistent with that on adjacent properties along Main Road. The site is improved with a gasoline service station. It is unlikely that any potential uses on the site would significantly increase wastewater generation, water usage or traffic generation over current levels. Site distance along Main Road (S,R. 25) is adequate in the vicinity of the subject parcel. The change in zone is not anticipated to cause a meaningful increase in the amount of traffic generated by the site. Therefore, no significant impact to the surrounding roadways are anticipated. The proposed change in zone would also serve to make the pre-existing non-conforming gasoline service station, a conforming use. The Town Board may wish to consider this information prior to rendering a SEQRA Determination of Significant and a zone change decision. If the issues have been adequately addressed, a Negative Declaration may be appropriate at the Board's discretion. Our firm would be pleased to fu.rther review any additional information or provide a recommended Determination of Significance with further input from the Board. 7 VS January 12, 2003 Dear Ms. Scopaz, I have only been a resident of Mattituck for the past nine months but, after much research, decided to move here for its charm and beauty. I cannot express to you my dismay upon hearing that the Amerada Hess Corporation, based in New Jersey, is intending to construct a 2,480 square foot "convenience store" directly across from my new home. Route 25 and Bay Avenue are already quite congested, especially in the summer, when people are heading to the bay beaches or to the two playgrounds located on Bay Avenue. I am amazed that this type of project would even be considered, seeing that one block down the road is the Mattituck Plaza, or in the other direction, the "Handy Pantry". Apparently, a 1,944 square foot canopy and bright lights are part of this project as well. Having once lived across from this type of a store, I must alert you that these parking lots do attract local teenagers till all hours of the night as well. Now that we are trying to preserve the beauty of Southold as well as to insure the picturesque quality it has which so attracts visitors from all over, let us consider the ramifications of allowing an enormous "convenience store" upon the hamlet and shopkeepers of Mattituck. I sincerely hope that this project, which is directly bordering James Creek, will not be allowed to proceed. Thank you very much for your time in this matter. Sincerely, Jacques S~varese 11255 Main Road P.O. Box 544 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 cc Mr. Horton William Moore T. Wickham P.O. BoxY8 11305 Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 January 1, 2003 Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Town of $outhold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 $outhold, NY 11971-0959 Dear Ms. Scopaz, First off, Happy New Year. We are all hoping for a bright year ahead for the beautiful town of 5outhold and all its residents and wish you success in your dedicated work at Town Hall. This is my second letter regarding the "supersizing" of the Hess station located on Main Road and Bay Avenue in Matfituck, a stone's throw from our home. After reading the Assessment Review pre- pared for the town (which seems to favor the Amerada Hess Corporation) by Water Mill-based John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C., I am very concerned about the size and nature of the proposed facility and its likely impact on our neighborhood, the business hamlet and James Creek. I list my reasons below: · The area described in the Review as a "transition area" between a highly developed commercial area (Mattituck Plaza) and the hamlet is not accurately named. It is a part of the business/residen- tial hamlet composed of small businesses and homes on all sides, and is only two blocks from Love Lane. The proposed 2,480 s.f. convenience store and 1,944 s.f. canopy over eight fueling stations does not reflect the character and size of the hamlet businesses, and would be an eyesore, cast- ing bright lights into the surrounding homes and the creek area, especially if this becomes a 24- hour operation (common with Hess super stations). The convenience store would compete wilh many local businesses run by local residents along Main Road and down Love Lane, all within a quarter mile of the proposed development. This is no small business seeking needed expansion and improvements. This is a New Jersey-based corporation looking for increased revenue at the expense of a North Fork neighborhood. · To think for a second that this supersizing will not impact negatively on a sensitive, over-congested traffic area is ludicrous. The increased traffic generated by a larger, more diverse business over a likely longer period of daily operation will strain both residents and pass-by travelers. And a replica of the proposed station already exists two blocks away, and is serviced by a traffic light at Factory Avenue. No matter what the Hess Corporation may say, there is no need for this upgrade. · The proposed development would be located within 100 feet of James Creek and the addition of more tanks coupled with gasoline runoff and litter on this sensitive half acre is environmentally unwise. With the current Marine 1 zoning, it's questionable whether the current gas station should ever have been allowed there, let alone encouraged to bury more tanks. From everyone I've spoken to, it's clear that local residents and merchants do not want this over- sized operation in their community. Please proceed with caution when reviewing the request for zoning change and plan approval. Would you want this business in your neighborhood or on your creek? We request that you consider the wishes of the community, those who must live everyday with the results of your actions. Sincerely, ~eorgeahn Packard cc: Joshua Horton, Supervisor Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk GREGORY F. YAKABO SKI T. OWN ATTORNEY KATH I J~,EN MURRAY ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY JOSHUA Y. HOg{TON Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold~ New York 11971-0959 ~elephone (681) 765-1939 e-m~ih greg.yakaboski@town.southold.ny.us kathleen.murray~town, soufl~old.ny.us patricia, fim~egan@town,southold.ny.us OFFICE OF THE TO.tN ATTORNEY '['OWN OF SOUTItOLD To: From: Date: Re: Memorandum Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney October 23, 2002 Amerada Hess - change of zone application Zuu Southold Town Board Val: Please find attached the SEQRA report of John Raynor, P.E. for the above referenced change of zone application for your review. I forwarded your memo of June 27, 2002 to Raynor for comment, and received the enclosed as a response. Pat PAF/md Attachment cc: Town Board w/attachment Town Clerk w/attachment Phone: (631) 726-7600 Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Job: SEQRA Review No: 1647 Date: October 21, 2002 Hand Delivery Pick Up Ordinary Mail · UPS Overnight Message: Pursuant to your letter of October 10, 2002, enclosed is a revised draft Environmental Assessment Review. This report has been revised in response to the comments in the memorandum by Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner. You will notice two final drafts. One final draft is on tan paper. The revisions are in bold typeface and underlined, to facilitate review. The final draft on white paper has plain typeface. Please review the revised final draft at your earliest convenience and supply us with your comments, as our office would like to complete this project as expeditiously as possible. If you have any questions, please call. Sign~/ // Joseph Lombardi Deerfield Green Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, New York 11976 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW ENVIRONlVIENTAL AND PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS AME. RADA ]IF~$ CORPORATION - II~_ATIITUCK Prepared for: Prepared by: Date: Elizabeth A Neville, Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Board, Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. Deerfield Green, 860 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, New York 11976 March 13, 2002 Revised: October 21, 2002 The Town of Southold Town Board has retained John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. for consulting services in the review of the above referenced application. The proposed action involves a change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District on a 0.528 acre parcel of land located in Mattituck. The site is improved with a pre-existing, non- conforming gasoline service station. The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site more appropriately match the existing use. It would also serve as a precursor for a site plan application to raze the existing service station and build a new 2,480 s.f. Hess convenience store, 1,944 s.f. canopy, four new dispensing islands, upgrade the existing tanks and new landscaping. This document analyzes the site and the potential impacts associated with the proposed change of zone. In addition, the site has also been inspected for environmental/planning constraints. Location and Site Overview The project site is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Main Road (S.R. 25) and Bay Avenue, just west of the Mattituck hamlet's central business district, Town of 1 Southold, County of Suffolk. The subject parcel is moro particularly described as Suffolk County Tax Map parcel number 1000-122-3-10. The parcel contains 150 feet of frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25), an improved State maintained roadway and 140 feet of frontage on Bay Avenue, and improved Town maintained roadway. As previously mentioned, the site is currently improved with a gasoline service station. James Creek, a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay, is located on the parcel immediately south of the subject parcel. However, the subject parcel does not appear to contain either wetlands or other environmental sensitive features. Additionally, according to the NYS Office of Pad<s, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP) "Circles and Squares Map", the site does not appear to be located in a known archaeologically sensitive area. Proposed Action The proposed action involves a change of zone from Marine I (M1) District to General Business (B) District on a 0.528 acro parcel of land located in Mattituck. The site is currently improved with a pro-existing, non-conforming gasoline service station. The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site more appropriately match the existing use. The proposed change of zone is a Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA. Coordinated review is optional. The Town Board has assumed Lead Agency status for the purpose of SEQRA review. The Suffolk County Planning Commission, on 10/4/2001, determined that the proposed action was a matter of Local Determination. The Suffolk County Planning Commission is only an "interested party" pursuant to SEQRA. Land Use and Zoning The subject parcel is located in along the major thoroughfare (Main Road a.k.a.S.R. 25) in an area that serves as a transition between the Mattituck hamlet center and less intensely developed commercial properties that exist to the west. According to the Town Zoning Map, the subject parcel and the two parcels south of it are zoned Marir~e 1 (M1) District. This is the only area of M1 zoning in the vicinity of the project. 2 The purpose of M1 Zoning is to "provide a waterfront location for a limited range of water- dependent and water related uses...which require or benefit from direct access to or location in madne or tidal waters but which are located within the town's tidal creeks or natural coves". James Creek is a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay. The two other pamels located in this area of M1 zone have direct frontage on James Creek and are improved. The parcel adjacent to the subject parcel contains a small marina facility. The parcel south of that contains a single family residence. Both of these uses are permitted in the M1 zone. The subject parcel, which has no frontage on James Creek, contains a gasoline service station. This use is not one of the uses permitted in the M1 zone either by right or by special permit. Therefore, the existing service station is a pre-existing, non-conforming use. Furthermore, the lack of direct frontage on James Creek restricts potential conforming uses on the site to either 1 ) Boat and madne engine repair and sales and display, yacht brokers and marine insurance brokers or 2) Buildings structures and uses owned by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. If the reo_uest for a change of zone is approved, the area of M1 zoning in the Town will be diminished by a little more than half an acre. It is noted that access to the waterfront and the preservation of marine zoning on the waterfront is an important component of the Town's comprehe, nsive plan. However. as stated above, the subject parcel does not have direct access to the waterfront. Given its size and location, the subject parcel is not particularly well suited for the non- waterfront uses permitted in the M1 zone. The current Zoning Map indicates that areas immediately east, west and north of the subject parcel are zoned General Business (B). The purpose of this zone is '1o provide for retail and wholesale commercial development and limited office and industrial development outside of the hamlet central business areas, generally along major highway. The General Business (B) zone "is designed to accommodate uses that benefit from large numbers of motorists, need fairly large parcels of land and that may involve characteristics such as heavy trucking and noise. Gasoline service stations are permitted by a Special Exception in the General Business (B) Zone. The size of the subject parcel (0.528 acres) would preclude its suitability for some of the more intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone. For example, the parcel is simply too small to accommodate the spatial requirements for most wholesale business, 3 warehouses, building material storage, food processing and packaging plants, whole and retail sale of nursery and garden materials, fully enclosed commemial recreation facilities and similar permitted uses. Likewise, it may be difficult to construct a viably sized building and also provide required parking and loading facilities for other permitted uses such as restaurants, fraternal or social institutional meeting halls, Auditoriums, theaters, libraries and museums and drinking establishments. Further limiting the potential uses on the site are the Suffolk County Department of Health Service regulations with respect to sanitary waste flow. The sanitary design flow is computed using the SCDHS manual "Standards For Approval Of Plans And Construction For Sewage Disposal Systems For Other Than Single Family Residences". The site lies within Groundwater Management Zone IV. Since public water is available, Sewage Flow cannot exceed 600 gallons per day per acre. Given its size (0.528 acres), current requirements limit the amount of sanitary waste generated on the subject pamel to only 316 gallons per day. Based on the above, it would appear that only the comparatively less intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone like offices, banks, retail stores, personal service shops, art galleries, artists and craftmen's workshops and gasoline service stations would be appropriate. It should be noted that any potential expansion or change to the existing gasoline service station would require Site Plan Review by the Town Planning Board. During the course of that Site Plan review, the Planning Board will be required to initiate a SEQRA review in order to fully assess the potential environmental impacts associated with that specific action. Similarly. should a future owner of the subject parcel decide to change the use on the site to one of the other uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone, a Site Plan and SEQRA review by the Planning Board would be in order. In their review, the Planning Board would analyze the impacts associated with the specific proposal for which Site Plan approval is sought. Based on their assessment, the Planning Board can require whatever appropriate conditions they deem necessary to minimize any potential impacts. Tmffio Generation Since the subject parcel is ill suited for conversion to tl~e more intense traffic generating uses permitted in the General Business (B) District, it is unlikely that the proposed change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District will result in a substantial increase in traffic generation on the subject parcel. As mentioned previously, the parcel's size and sanitary flow constraints would limit it's potential redevelopment to the comparatively less intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone, like offices, banks, retail stores, personal service shops, art galleries, artists and craftmen's workshops and service stations. At present, the service station has six fueling stations and some minor retail use at the site. Items are generally limited to cigarettes, automotive products (oil, windshield fluid, etc) and soft drinks in cases. There is no automotive repair component to the existing use. There is no question that the proposed service station with 8 fueling stations and a 2.480 s.f. convenience store can be expected to generate some additional peak period trips. It should be noted that not all of the site-generated traffic will be new traffic added to the adjacent roadway system. Certainly the traffic generated by the existing service station has to be taken into account. Additionally, uses such as retail establishments banks, gas stations and convenience stores attract patrons from the passing stream of traffic. The pass-by trip comes directly from the traffic stream 13assinq the facility_ on the ad!acent street system and does not require a diversion from another roadway. According to information found in the "Trip Generation Handbook, An ITE Proposed Recommended Practice", approximately 47% to 62% of the peak period trips to the proposed service station/convenience store would be pass-by trips. Therefore, the proposed zoning change and subsequent redevelopment of the site is not expected to result in a significant increase in peak period trips. 5 The subject parcel is has substantial frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25). Main Road is one of the principal arterial roads in the area. The roadway is improved with one travel lane in each direction and a turning lane. Site distance in the vicinity of the subject parcel is adequate. Given the current usage of the site, the proposed change in zone is not likely to have a significant impact with regard to traffic generation. Soils and Topography The Suffolk County Soil Survey (Warner 1975) classifies the soils on site as Cut & Fill land, gently sloping (CUB). The site is relatively flat. According to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps, elevations on the site range from about 11.5 feet in the northwesterly portion of the site, near the intersec~on of Main Road and Bay Avenue, to slightly less than 10 feet in the southerly portion of the site. Horizontal slopes across the site are 0-5%. The property contains no significant landforms or geologic features. Water Resources Groundwater in the vicinity of the subject parcel is approximately 3 feet above mean sea level. Given the site's proximity to James Creek, it is likely that the groundwater elevation fluctuates slightly, with the tide. The relatively shallow depth to groundwater may effect the installation of sanitary systems on the site, further acting to limit the type of potential uses that could be permitted if the proposed change of zone to General Business (B) District is approved. Summary The proposed change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District would increase the number of potential uses on the site. However, parcel size, other zoning constraints (parking and loading requirements) and Suffolk County Department of Health Service requirements would all serve to limit the intensity of the types of uses that the site could physically accommodate. For the most part, potential uses would be comparable or less intense than the existing gasoline service station use. The subject parcel does not contain any significant environmental features that would limit potential development that is consistent with the provisions of the General Business (B) 6 Zone. According to the Town Zoning Map, significant areas immediately east and west of the subject pamel and on the opposite side of Main Road from the subject parcel are currently zoned General Business (B). The proposed zone change would make the zoning on the subject parcel consistent with that on adjacent properties along Main Road. The site is improved with a gasoline service station. It is unlikely that any potential uses on the site would significantly increase wastewater generation, water usage or traffic generation over current levels. Site distance along Main Road (S.R. 25) is adequate in the vicinity of the subject parcel. The change in zone is not anticipated to cause a meaningful increase in the amount of traffic generated by the site. Therefore, no significant impact to the surrounding roadways are anticipated. The proposed change in zone would also serve to make the pre-existing non-conforming gasoline service station, a conforming use. The Town Board may wish to consider this information prior to rendering a SEQRA Determination of Significant and a zone change decision. If the issues have been adequately addressed, a Negative Declaration may be appropriate at the Board's discretion. Our firm would be pleased to further review any additional information or provide a recommended Determination of Significance with further input from the Board. 7 NOV !3 Phone: (631) 726-7600 Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P. O. Box 1179 Southold, PlY 11971-0959 Job: SEQRA Review No: 1647 Date: October 21, 2002 Hand Delivery Pick Up Ordinary Mail · UPS Overnight Messaqe: Pursuant to your letter of October 10, 2002, enclosed is a revised draft Environmental Assessment Review. This report has been revised in response to the comments in the memorandum by Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner. You will notice two final drafts. One final draft is on tan paper. The revisions are in bold typeface and underlined, to facilitate review. The final draft on white paper has plain typeface. Please review the revised final draft at your earliest convenience and supply us with your comments, as our office would like to complete this project as expeditiously as possible. If you have any questions, please call. Signe~ Joseph Lombardi dehn do Rayne P,Eo & Deerfield Green P.O. Box 720 Montauk Highway Water Mill, New York 11976 ENVIRO~ ASSESSMENT REVIEW ENVIRONME~AL ~ PLANNING CONSmERATIONS AM~.~A tl~x$ CORPORATION - MATm~c~ Prepared for: Prepared by: Date: Elizabeth A Neville, Southold Town Clerk Town of Southoid Town Board, Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. Deerfield Green, 860 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, New York 11976 March 13, 2002 Revised: October 21. 2002 The Town of Southold Town Board has retained John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. for consulting services in the review of the above referenced application. The proposed action involves a change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District on a 0.528 acre parcel of land located in Mattituck. The site is improved with a pre-existing, non- conforming gasoline service station. The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site more appropriately match the existing use. It would also serve as a precursor for a site plan application to raze the existing service station and build a new 2,480 s.f. Hess convenience store, 1,944 s.f. canopy, four new dispensing islands, upgrade the existing tanks and new landscaping. This document analyzes the site and the potential impacts associated with the proposed change of zone. In addition, the site has also been inspected for environmental/planning constraints. Location and Site Overview The project site is located on the southeast comer of the intersection of Main Road (S.R. 25) and Bay Avenue, just west of the Mattituck hamlet's central business district, Town of 1 Southold, County of Suffolk. The subject pamel is moro particularly described as Suffolk County Tax Map parcel number 1000-122-3-10. The parcel contains 150 feet of frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25), an improved State maintained roadway and 140 feet of frontage on Bay Avenue, and improved Town maintained roadway. As previously mentioned, the site is currently improved with a gasoline service station. James Creek, a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay, is located on the pamel immediately south of the subject parcel. However, the subject parcel does not appear to contain either wetlands or other envirOnmental sensitive features. Additionally, according to the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP) "Cimles and Squares Map", the site does not appear to be located in a known archaeologically sensitive area. Proposed Action The proposed action involves a change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) Distdct on a 0.528 acre parcel of land located in Mattituck. The site is currently improved with a pro-existing, non-conforming gasoline service station. The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site moro appropriately match the existing use. The proposed change of zone is a Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA. Coordinated review is optional. The Town Board has assumed Lead Agency status for the purpose of SEQRA review. The Suffolk County Planning Commission, on 10/4/2001, determined that the proposed action was a matter of Local Determination. The Suffolk County Planning Commission is only an "interested party" pursuant to SEQRA. Land Use and Zoninq The subject parcel is located in along the major thoroughfare (Main Road a.k.a.S.R. 25) in an area that serves as a transition between the Mattituck hamlet center and less intensely developed commercial properties that exist to the west. According to the Town Zoning Map, the subject parcel and the two parcels south of it are zoned Maride 1 (M1) District. This is the only area of M1 zoning in the vicinity of the project. 2 The purpose of M1 Zoning is to "provide a waterfront location for a limited range of water- dependent and water related uses...which require or benefit from direct access to or location in madne or tidal waters but which are located within the town's tidal creeks or natural coves". James Creek is a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay. The two other pamels located in this area of M1 zone have direct frontage on James Creek and are improved. The pamel adjacent to the subject pamel contains a small madna facility. The parcel south of that contains a single family residence. Both of these uses are permitted in the M1 zone. The subject pamel, which has no frontage on James Creek, contains a gasoline service station. This use is not one of the uses permitted in the M1 zone either by right or by special permit. Therefore, the existing service station is a pre-existing, non-conforming use. Furthermore, the lack of direct frontage on James Creek restricts potential conforming uses on the site to either 1) Boat and marine engine repair and sales and display, yacht brokers and marine insurance brokers or 2) Buildings structures and uses owned by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. If the request for a change of zone is aDDroved, the area of M1 zoning in the Town will be diminished b_v a little more than half an acre. It is noted that access to the waterfront and the preservation of marine zoning on the waterfront is an important component of the Town's comprehe, nsive Dian. However, as stated above, the subject parcel does not have direct access to the waterfront. Given its size and location, the subject parcel is not particularly well suited for the non- waterfront uses permitted in the M1 zone. The current Zoning Map indicates that areas immediately east, west and north of the subject parcel are zoned General Business (B). The purpose of this zone is "to provide for retail and wholesale commercial development and limited office and industrial development outside of the hamlet central business areas, generally along major highway. The General Business (B) zone "is designed to accommodate uses that benefit from large numbers of motorists, need fairly large parcels of land and that may involve characteristics such as heavy trucking and noise. Gasoline service stations are permitted by a Special Exception in the General Business (B) Zone. The size of the subject parcel (0.528 acres) would preclude its suitability for some of the more intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone. For example, the parcel is simply too small to accommodate the spatial requirements for most wholesale business, 3 warehouses, building material storage, food processing and packaging plants, whole and retail sale of nursery and garden materialS, fully enclosed commemial recreation facilities and similar permitted uses. Likewise, it may be difficult to construct a viably sized building and also provide required parking and loading facilities for other permitted uses such as restaurants, fratemal or social institutional meeting halls, Auditoriums, theaters, libraries and museums and drinking establishments. Further limiting the potential uses on the site are the Suffolk County Department of Health Service regulations with respect to sanitary waste flow. The sanitary design flow is computed using the SCDHS manual "Standards For Approval Of Plans And Construction For Sewage Disposal Systems For Other Than Single Family Residences". The site lies within Groundwater Management Zone IV. Since public water is available, Sewage Flow cannot exceed 600 gallons per day per acre. Given its size (0.528 acres), current requirements limit the amount of sanitary waste generated on the subject parcel to only 316 gallons per day. Based on the above, it would appear that only the comparatively less intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone like offices, banks, retail stores, personal service shops, art galleries, artists and craftmen's workshops and gasoline service stations would be appropriate. tt should be noted that any potential expansion or change to the existing gasoline service station would require Site Plan Review by the Town Planning Board. During the course of that Site Plan review, the Planning Board will be required to initiate a SEQRA review in order to fully assess the potential environmental impacts associated with that specific action. Similarly. should a future owner of the sub!ect parcel decide to change the use on the site to one of the other uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone, a Site Plan and SEQRA review by the Planning Board would be in order. In their review, the Planning Board would analyze the impacts associated with the specific Dro=osal for which Site Plan a_n_oroval is sought. Based on their assessment, the Planning Board can require whatever appropriate conditions they deem necessary to minimize any potential impacts. 4 Traffic Generation Since the subject parcel is ill suited for conversion to tl~e more intense traffic generating uses permitted in the General Business (B) District, it is unlikely that the proposed change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District will result in a substantial increase in traffic generation on the subject parcel. As mentioned previously, the parcel's size and sanitary flow constraints would limit it's potential redevelopment to the comparatively less intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone, like offices, banks, retail stores, personal service shops, art galleries, artists and craftmen's workshops and service stations. At present, the service station has six fueling stations and some minor retail use at the site. Items are generally limited to cigarettes, automotive products (oil, windshield fluid, etc) and soft drinks in cases. There is no automotive repair component to the existing use. There is no guestion that the proposed service station with 8 fueling stations and a 2.480 s.f. convenience store can be expected to generate some additional peak period trips. It should be noted that not all of the site-generated traffic will be new traffic added to the adjacent roadway system. Certainly the traffic generated by the existing service station has to be taken into account. Additionally. uses such as retail establishments banks, gas stations and convenience stores attract patrons from the passing stream of traffic. The pass-by trio comes directly from the traffic stream passing the facility on the ad!acent street system and does not require a diversion from another roadway. According to information found in the "Trip Generation Handbook, An ITE Proposed Recommended Practice", approximately 47% to 62% of the peak period trips to the proposed service station/convenience store would be pass-by trips. Therefore, the proposed zoning change and subse(luent redevelopment of the site is not expected to result in a significant increase in peak period trips. 5 The subject pamel is has substantial frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25). Main Road is one of the principal arterial roads in the area. The roadway is improved with one travel lane in each direction and a turning lane. Site distance in the vicinity of the subject parcel is adequate. Given the current usage of the site, the proposed change in zone is not likely to have a significant impact with regard to traffic generation. Soils and Topography The Suffolk County Soil Survey (Warner 1975) classifies the soils on site as Cut & Fill land, gently sloping (CUB). The site is relatively flat. According to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps, elevations on the site range from about 11.5 feet in the northwesterly portion of the site, near the intersection of Main Road and Bay Avenue, to slightly less than 10 feet in the southerly portion of the site. Horizontal slopes across the site are 0-5%. The property contains no significant landforms or geologic features. Water Resources Groundwater in the vicinity of the subject parcel is approximately 3 feet above mean sea level. Given the site's proximity to James Creek, it is likely that the groundwater elevation fluctuates slightly, with the tide. The relatively shallow depth to groundwater may effect the installation of sanitary systems on the site, further acting to limit the type of potential uses that could be 3ermitted if the proposed change of zone to General BuSiness (B) District is approved. Summary_ The proposed change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) District to General Business (B) District would increase the number of potential uses on the site. However, parcel size, other zoning constraints (parking and loading requirements) and Suffolk County Department of Health Service requirements would all serve to limit the intensity of the types of uses that the site could physically accommodate. For the most part, potential uses would be comparable or less intense than the existing gasoline service station use. The subject parcel does not contain any significant environmental features that would limit potential development that is consistent with the provisions of the General Business (B) 6 Zone. According to the Town Zoning Map, significant areas immediately east and west of the subject pamel and on the opposite side of Main Road from the subject parcel are currently zoned General Business (B). The proposed zone change would make the zoning on the subject parcel consistent with that on adjacent properties along Main Road. The site is improved with a gasoline service station. It is unlikely that any potential uses on the site would significantly increase wastewater generation, water usage or traffic generation over current levels. Site distance along Main Road (S.R. 25) is adequate in the vicinity of the subject parcel. The change in zone is not anticipated to cause a meaningful increase in the amount of traffic generated by the site. Therefore, no significant impact to the surrounding roadways are anticipated. The proposed change in zone would also serve to make the pre-existing non-conforming gasoline service station, a'conforming use. The Town Board may wish to consider this information prior to rendering a SEQRA Determination of Significant and a zone change decision. If the issues have been adequately addressed, a Negative Declaration may be appropriate at the Board's discretion. Our firm would be pleased to further review any additional information or provide a recommended Determination of Significance with further input from the Board. 7 GREGORY F. YAKABoSKI TOWN ATTORNEY KA'rHLEEN MURRAY ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY PATRtCIA A. FINNEGAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTOKNEY JOSHUA Y. I{ORTO~Y; Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Sou~hoid, New York 11971~0959 q~elephone (63i) 765-1939 e-m~l: greg.yakaboski@town. ~outhold. ny. us kathlecn, murray~town, soulflold.ny.us patricia,finnegan~town.southold.ny.us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Supervisor Horton Southold Town Board Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq./~/' Assistant Town Attorney October 15, 2002 Amerada Hess Change of Zone Application M1 Marine to B General Business As you may recall, Amerada Hess has filed an application to change the zone from M-1 to B on its property in Mattituck. The existing service station is a non-conforming use. Hess intends to upgrade the gas pumps and construct a convenience store. After reviewing the draft SEQRA report prepared by John J. Raynor, P.E., Valerie Scopaz prepared a memo containing several items to be considered by Raynor before preparing his final report. I have forwarded this memo to Raynor for review and comment. Additionally, Ms. Scopaz advised me that we should consider the Planning Board memo of 8/14/01 recommending approval of the application to be rescinded. The Planning Board will reconsider the application after they have considered the final SEQRA report and the proximity of this lot to the water in conjunction with the LWRP. The attachment is a timeline of significant events with regard to this application. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. PF/md Attachment cc: Valerie Scopaz 3/19/01 3~29~0 1 7/31/01 8/4/01 8/14/01 8/16/01 8/28/01 l 014101 1/29/02 2~26~02 2~27~02 3/4/02 3/15/02 6~27~02 7/2/02 0Il 0/02 0Il 1/02 Application of Amerada Hess for Change of zone M1 to B TIMELINE Application filed, change zone from M-1 Marine to B General Business Itr from Village Marine arty, neighboring property--no objection to Hess zone change, wants to make sure their property will not be changed, and will remain M-I. Resolution--Town is lead agency, transmit to PB, SCPD Application referred to PB PB report--in favor of zone change. e-mail from Val Scopaz to Bob Kassner--- suggests rescinding memo re: PB in favor of zone change Resolution--NPV retained to do SEQRA Itr from SCPD, petition is a matter for local determination, no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. Recvd Itr from NPV, conflict and cant do SEQRA Resolution--Raynor retained to do SEQRA File transmitted to Raynor photos sent by TA office to Raynor Draft SEQRA completed by Raynor Memo from Val Scopaz, finds inconsistencies in Raynor draft report, should be referred back to Raynor for further comments and analysis. Executive Session - draft Raynor report and Val's memo discussed--- PB memo forwarded to Raynor for review. PAF spoke to applicants attorney, advised him that SEQRA report not finalized yet, hearing will not take place until it is received and reviewed by Planning Board. Fax Memo From John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. Date: June 12, 2002 To-' ~Scott Hughes Phone #765-1938 Fax Number: 765-3136 Number of Pages: 8 (including the cover page) From: Carol Bishop - For Joseph Lombardi John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., p.c. 860 Deerfield Green - Montauk Highway P.O. Box 720 - Water Mill NY 11976 Phone: 631-726-7600 - Fax 631-726-4378 Subject: Message: SEQRA Review - Amerada Hess ~orp. As requested, the info sent on March 15, 2002. Phone: (631) 726-7600 Greg Yakaboski, Esq. Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Job: SEQRA Review No: 1647 IDate: March 15, 2002 Hand Delivery Pick Up Ordinary Mail · UPS Ovemight Message: Attached please find a copy of a draft SEQRA Review for the Change in Zone Application for the .Hess Gas Station in Mattituck. Please review it at your earliest convenience and let me know if any revisions are needed. If acceptable, I will send ~jou a final report. If you have any questions, please call. Sig~ / Joseph Lombardi Deerfieid Green Montauk Highway Ra /ne & L.S. P.O. Box 720 Water Mill, New York 11976 ENVmO~,~ Ass~s~m~rr ~ ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS AMERADA HESS CORPORATION - MAr[[lOCK Prepared for. Elizabeth A Neville, Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Board, Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 Prepared by: Date: John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. Deerfield Green, 860,,bfe~ntauk Highway P.O. Box 720 / ~' Water Mill, New~N,1~ March 13 X,v? The Town of Southold Town Board has consulting services in the review of the involves a change of zone from 0.528 acre parcel of land located conforming gasoline zoning on the site m( prec.ureor for a site plan 2,480 s.f. Hess conve upgradethe Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. for The proposed action General Business (B) District on a improved with a pre-existing, non- ~f zone application is an effort to have the existing use. It would also serve as a service station and build a new s.f. canopy, four new dispensing islands, change of zone. constraints. Location and Site Overview ite and the i~otential impacts associated with the proposed site has ~ilso been inspected for environmental/planning The project site is located on the southeast comer of the intersection of Main Road (S.R. 25) and Bay Avenue, just west of the Mattituck hamlet's centrallbusiness district, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. The subject parcel is more particularly described as Suffolk County Tax Map parcel number 1000-122-3-10. The parcel contains 150 feet of frontage on Main Road (S.R. 25), an improved State maintained roadway and 140 feet of frontage on Bay Avenue, and improved Town maintained roadway. As previously mentioned, the site is currently improved with a gasoline service station. James Creek, a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay, is located on the parcel immediately south of the subject parcel. However, the subject parcel does not appear to contain either wetlands or other environmental sensitive features. Additionally, according to the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP) "Circles and Squares Map", the site does not appear to be located in a known archaeologically sensitive area. Pro0osed Action The proposed action involves a change of zone from Madne.~v11) District to General Business (B) Distdct on a 0.528 acre parcel of land located in/lYral~fuck. The site is currently improved with a pre-existing, non-conforming gasoline ser~,e~ The change of zone application is an effort to have the zoning on the site m/°'~'~pro"~t~match the existi'ng use. ' // V The proposed change of zone is a Unlisted Ac~(n'~u~uant to SEQRA. Coordinated review is optional. The TOwn Board has assumed"<L'~.d~ency Status for'the purpose'of SEQRA review. ~~.~,,",~ The Suffolk County Planning Commiss!o'~,~:~l/Oh~'~}01, determined that the proposed action was a matter of Local D/eten~nat~on.~T~e Suffolk county Planning Commission is only an "inte rested party' p~U~o~RA~2 The subject pa(~p~ ~ate~' i~ along the major thoroughfare (Main Road a:k.a.S.R. 25)in enema that serve's,~s'~,t~n2eftion between the aattituck hamlet center and less intensely developed commerci~l,P,,~gp'erties that exist to the west. According to the Town Zoning Map, the subject parcel and the two parcels south of it are zoned Marine I (M1) District. This is the only area of M1 zoning in the vicinity of the project. The purpose of M1 Zoning is to "provide a waterfront location for a limited range of water- dependent and water related uses...which require or benefit from direct access to or location in marine or tidal waters but which are located within the town's tidal creeks or natural coves". James Creek is a tidal creek that provides access to Peconic Bay. The two other parcels located in this area of M1 zone have direct frontage on James Creek and are improved. The parcel adjacent to the subject parcel contains a small marina facility. The parcel south of that contains a single family residence. Both of these uses are permitted in the M1 zone. The subject parcel, which has no frontage on James Creek, contains a gasoline service station. This use is not one of the uses permitted in the M1 zone either by dght or by special permit. Therefore, the existing service station is a pre-existing, non-conforming use. Furthermore, the lack of direct frontage on James Creek restricts potential conforming uses on the site to either 1) Boat and marine engine repair and sales and display, yacht brokers and marine, insurance brokers or 2) Buildings structures and u2~ owned by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. ',l'he current Zoning Map indicates that areas immediatel/y, e.~t, w~{,a'~north of the subject Parcel are zoned General Business (B). The purp/~'e/Sf this zone"i6~o provide for retail and wholesale commercial development and li~t~/qJf~ and industrial development outside of the hamlet central business areas, ge ~he~al~y'~Jdng major highway. The General Business (B) ~one "is designed to accommodate u~t~ benefit from large numbers of motorists, need fairly large parcels~ of I~t'aP..~ that m'"'a~volve characteristics such as heavy truckingrand noise. Gasoline ser~c~t.~e permitted by a Special Exception in the General Business (B) Zone.~-~ ~.~ more intense uses permitt~,~ i~i~F'G~ Business (B) Zone. For example, the parcel is simply too small to accomrffe,d,~t~he ~;~a'tial requirements for most wholesale business, warehouses, buildi.r)g-ma.tedal ~,pr~ge, food processing and packaging plants, whole and retail sale of num/~-a~en m'~t~n'als, fully enclosed commercial recreation facilities and similar permitte{:~'~'~i' } )~.....V.. / ' Likewise~ it may be ~iffiEulr'to construct a viably sized building and also provide required parking ahd loading fa~s for other permitted uses such as restaurants, fratemal or social institutional meeting halls, Auditoriums, theaters, libraries and museums and drinking establishments. Further limiting the potential uses on the site are the Suffolk County Department of Health Service regulations with respect to sanitary waste flow. The sanitary design flow is computed using the SCDHS manual "Standards For Approval Of Plans And Construction For Sewage Disposal Systems For Other Than Single Family Residences". The site lies within Groundwater Management Zone IV. Since public water is available, Sewage Flow cannot exceed 600 gallons per day per acre. Given its size (0.528 acres), current requirements limit the amount of sanitary waste generated on the subject parcel to onlY 316 gallons per day. Based on the above, it would appear that only the comparatively less intense uses permitted in the General Business (B) Zone like offices, banks, retail stores, personal service shops, art galleries, artists andcraftmen's workshops and gasoline service stations Would be appropriate. It should be noted that any potential expansion or change to the existing gasoline service station, or change of use on the site would require Site Plan Review by the Town Planning Board. During the course of that Site Plan review, the Planni/ng~Board would initiate a · SEQRA review in order to fully assess the potential environm/e~lt~Hmpacts associated with that specific action. ~,,.~ Trafflo Generation //~/~ ' Since ihe subject parcel is ill suited for conversion ~;L~th/e,m~e intense traffic generating uses permitted in the General Business (B) District. It is"q,?'l~y that the proposed change of zone from Marine I (M1) District to Gen~ness (B) D~trict will result in a substantial increase in traffic generation on the subj~t I~g..~.,~ecially when compared to the traffic generated by the existing gasoline~...~ ~sorvice~e~3h("ase"e'n'site' The subject parcel is has au! ~l'Tj_.rontag~j~ Main Road (S.R. 25). Main Road is one of the principal arterial roa~' ~h~ar,~,ea.~',~he roadway is improved with one travel lane in each direction and a tumin'{ ~la'h~/Site.xr~stance in the vicinity of the subject parcel is adequate. Given th/e-ear~ is'~'e~the_site, the proposed change in zone is not likely to have asignifica~,)~h~ ~a~traffic generation. The Suffolk Gounty SoilXb~urvey {Warner 1975) classifies the soils on site as Gut & Fill land, gently sloping (CUB). lbo site is relatively flat. According to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works lopographic Maps, elevations on the site range from about t 1.5 feet in the northwesterly portion of the site, near the intemoction of Main Road and Bay Avenue, to slightly less than 10 feet in the southerly portion of the site. Horizontal slopes acro~s the site are 0-5%. The property contains no significant landforms or geologic features. Water Resourqes Groundwater in the vicinity of the subject parcel is approximately 3 feet above mean sea level. Given the site's proximity to James Creek, it is likely that the groundwater elevation fluctuates slightly, with the tide. The relatively shallow depth to groundwater may effect the installation of sanitary systems on the site, further acting to limit the type of potential uses that could be perm~ted if the proposed change of zone to General Business (B) District is approved. Summary_ The proposed change of zone from Marine 1 (M1) Distdct to Ge~al Business (B) District would increase the number of potential uses on the site./Ho~fever, parcel size, other zoning constraints (parking and loading requirements) ar~rxS~l~ff, o-'lk,,County Department of . Health Service requirements would all serve te limit th~in't~nsit~ ~1~ types of uses that the site could physically accommodate. For the~;)~t part, potap.,~ uses would be comparable or less intense than the existing gaso~e~",e~,J~tation use. The subject parcel does not contain any significant .~_vi~m(~ntal features that would limit potential development that is consisten<t'~e pr0~/~'~O~ of the Gener~al Business (B) Zone. According to the Town Zoning a~,~t~..?rca~..areas immediately east and west of the subject parcel and on,the opposite ~d~d~/Mei~Road from the subject pamel are currently zoned General BtJsine/es~. The'~l~li01~sed zone change would make the zoning on the subjectparcel consi~t/,w~ t at)..~n a~nt properties along Main Road. The site is improved with a g'a~lin~ser~;~ station. It is unlikely that any potential uses 'on the site would si~g~re~,,,~stewater generation, water usage or traffic generation over current lev~,J~--~,~ ' Site distance alor~o~d (S.R. 25)is adequate in the vicinity of the subject parcel. The change in zone i~qot ~af'iticipated to cause a ~eaningful increase in the amount of traffic generated by the site. "l~erefore, no significan{ impact to the surrounding roadways are anticipated. The proposed change in zone would also serve to make the pre-existing non-conforming gasoline service station, a conforming use. The Town Board may wish to consider this information prior to rendering a SEQRA Determination of Significant and a zone change decision. If the issues have been adequately addressed, a Negative Declaration may be appropriate at the Board's discretion. Our firm would be pleased to further review any additional information or provide a recommended Determination of Significance with further input from the Board. EUGENE L. DENICOLA March 5, 2002 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Applicant: Amerada Hess Corporation SCTM NO. 100-122-3-10 Premises: Main Road, Mattituck Change of Zone M-1 Marine to B General Business Dear Ms. Neville: RECEIVED ~AFI' 6 2002 Southold Town Clerk $outhold Town Planning Board Thank you for your courtesies in our recent telephone communications. To further same, the Suffolk County Planning Commission has requested a radius map for their review in connection with this application. Accordingly, I enclose the following: Six (6) prints of radius map, depicting both a 200' and 500' radius, indicating the names and addresses of property owners within 500' of the premises, and the uses and zoning districts within 200 feet of the premises. I trust the enclosed radius map is acceptable. Should information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ro enclosures you require any additional Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation herein. P.O. Box 1105 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 January 16, 2002 298-1145 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971-0959 Chairman Dear Mr. Orlowski: Most of the residents of Mattituck and all the residents situated South of the site of the proposed Hess Station expansion (2,480 Sq. Ft. CONVENIENCE STORE, 1944 Sq. Ft. CANOPY, FOUR (4) NEW DISPENSING ISLANDS) on Bay Avenue and Rt. 25 are somewhat amazed that the planning board is in favor of a zone change from Marine 1 (M1) to General Business. After reviewing the Full Environmental Assessment form, it is Quite obvious the information provided by the Applicant/Sponsor is not all correct. Has your board visited this site? If so, when? The South- ern most border of this site is in very close proximity to James Creek. How can we constantly talk about protecting the environ- ment and preserving our rural character and then say we are in favor of this? Also, a good site review, particularly to the south of the site, will indicate a tremendous change that has already taken place by other commercial interests in the area. For one thing many trees over 100 years old have recently been destroyed both to the East and South West of subject site. The glare of lights as you enter Bay Avenue is so overpowering in the evening that motorists and residents have been complaining about the blinding effect presently existing. To say it looks like a lighted ballpark in the evening is an understatement. How can you as chairman of the Planning Board say the Planning Board is in favor of such an atrocious change? This can only be imaginative rather than real. Are you aware of the increased lighting and traffic congestion that ensues from a combination Hess Station and Convenience Store? Please take a good look at the Riverhead Hess location before you make any further rash determinations. JAN 18 2002 ra, E.A. Southold Town Planning Board RECEIVED OCT Southold Tow. Clerk DEPAFO~IENT OF PLANNING COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, AICP October 4, 2001 Town Clerk Town of Southold Applicant: Zoning Action: Amerada Hess Corp. Change of zone from M- 1 Marine to B General Business Municipal File No.: 317 S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-01-04 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above referenced application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination ashere is no apparent significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G:\CCHORNY~ZONING~.ONING~WORKING\LD2CO%SEPT~SD01 ~I SEP OCT 1 * 2Uu l 8outhold Town Planning Board PLANNING BOARD MIgMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHJkRD CAGGIANO Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1936 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman Planning Boar~ Request for comment on zone change request for Amerada Hess Main Road, Mattimck SCTM# 1000-122-3-10 Zone Marine I (MI) August 14, 2001 The Planning Board is in favor of the zone change from Marine I {MI) to General Business for the above parcel. The Marine I (MI) designation was originally set because of the marina south of the gas station located on James Creek. All properties east of the gas station are zoned General Business. Properties across the street are zoned General Business and Residential Office (PO). This rezoning would make the gas station a permitted use by Special Exception of the Board of Appeals. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE T OVv-N CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 August 4, 2001 AU6 06 2001 Southold Town Planning Board Gentlemen: Transmitted is proposed change of zone application of the Amerada Hess Corporation for change of zone from M-1 Marine to B General Business on property located on thc south side of Main Road (Route 25) and the east side of Bay Avenue, Mattituck. Please prepare an official report defining thc Planning Board's recommendations with regard to this proposed change of zone and forward same to me. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosures (3) cc: Town Board Town Attorney E. DeNicola, Attorney ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 545 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 31, 2001: WHEREAS a petition has been received from Amerada Hess Corporation for a change of zone from M-1 Marine to B General Business on a certain property located on the south side of Main Road (Route 25) and thc east side of Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York and identified as SCTM#1000-122-3-10; now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this petition to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and reports, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY MARY C. WILSON ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1889 Fax (631) 765-1823 E-mail: townattorney~southold.org OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: From: Date: Re: Memorandum Valerie Scopaz Principal Planner Gregory F. Yakaboski, Esq. Town Attorney May 30, 2001 Amerada Hess Change in Zone Southold Town Planning Board Val: To the best of my knowledge, there is no motion before the Town Board at this time to review the zoning designation of Village Marine. Greg /md cc: Town Clerk Town Board VALERIE SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Gregory F. Yakaboski, Esq., Town Attorney Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner April 9, 2001 Amerada Hess SCTM#1000-122-3-10 I am forwarding to you a letter from counsel for Village Marine regarding a Change of Zone Petition for the adjoining property - Amerada Hess. Please advise as to whether there is a motion on the table for the Town Board to review the zoning of the Village Marine property concurrent with its review of the Hess petition to change the zoning of the Hess property from M-I to B. VS:ck cc: Anthony B. Tohill, Esq. ~4THONY B. TOHILL MICHAEL T. CLIFFORD C~r CO4JNSI~L ANTHONY ]~. TOHILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 12 FIRST STREET P. O. BOX 1330 lqtlVE~/HEAD, NEw YOEE 11901-09013 T[LEPHONE: (631) 727-8383 April 6, 2001 Ms. Valerie Scopaz P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: COZ -- Amerada Hess Dear Valerie: My client continues to be concerned that the Town is considering at the instance of Amerada Hess a change of zone o~n my client's property. Could you advise so that my client's interests are protected. ABT/lm Very truly yours, Anthony B. Tohill AP' - 9 VALERIE SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 5, 2001 Anthony B. Tohill, Esq. P.O. Box 1330 12 First Street ' Riverhead, NY 11901-0903 Re: Your Letter of March 29, 2001 Dear Mr. Tohill: With this letter, I am notifying the Town Board of your concerns. The Change of Zone Application submitted by Amerada Hess is specific to the .528 subject site of the gasoline station; also noted as Tax Lot #10 of District 1000, Section 122, Block 3. A complete copy of the Change of Zone Application including a metes and bounds description can be viewed and obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. Very truly yours, Valerie Scopaz, AICP Town Planner cc: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk ANTHONY B. TOHILL H lC HAEL T. CLIFFORD OF COUNSI~L -ANTHONY B. TOI-IILL, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 12 FIRST STREET P. O. BOX 1330 RIVEI~HEAD, NEw YO~K 11901-0908 TELEPHONE: (~31) 727~83 March 29, 2001 VIA FIRST CLASS MItlL and FACSIMILE: 765-3136 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Department Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 MAR 3 0 2001 · ., )uthold Town Re: Change of Zone Application Amerada Hess Corporation Southeast Corner of Main Road and Bay Avenue, Mattituck ~ ~ Dear Valerie: I am legal counsel for PWK Enterprises, Inc. doing business as village Marine located contiguous to and south of the Hess gas station described in caption. My client has received a form notice from Amerada Hess stating that company intends to apply to change the zone at the "southeast corner New York State Route 25 and Bay Avenue, Mattituck" from M-I to B. My client is concerned with the imprecision of the description of the land area subject to the application for a change of zone. More particularly, my client who has no objection to the application of Amerada Hess would object to any change of the M-I classification for the premises owned and/or occupied by Village Marine. In view of the Town Code provisions relating to nonconforming uses, my client does not wish any change in its M-I status, but my client does understand for the same reasons the interests of Amerada Hess in seeking a change of zone for their property. C6uld you advise me that I may report to my client that there will be no Town Board consideration of a change of zone Ms. Valerie Scopaz March 29, 2001 Page 2 which would disturb the M-I Marine premises. Thank you. ABT/lm cc (via facsimile): Mr. Victor Levy at 288-2459 permitted use status of the Village Very truly yours, Anthony B. Tohill .ANTHONY B. TOHILL, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW P.o~ Box 1330 Riverh~ad, New York 11901-0903 FAX 631-727-6336 Ms__. Vaierie .S. copaz Victor Levy Fax NO: 765-3136 [ 288-2459 Sent Sender Initm. FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS PAGE: DATE~ RE: ATTACHMENTS: COMMENTS: ANTHONY B. TOHILL, P.C. Fax Number: 631-727-6336 3 March 29, 2001 ~g~ge Q~ Zone A_~licatio~ Letter A.B.T. THIS COMMUNICATION ~AY CONTAIN INFORMATION WHICH IS CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR PROTECTED BY THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT OR OTHER APPLICABLE PRIVILEGE. IT NOTIFIED T~AT ANY DISCLOSURE, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS DOCUMSNT IS Mar-29-01 11:49A P.02 .A_,.',~THON¥ B, '1"01.I IL'r., IE FIIR,,~T STREET P. O, I~,DX ~330 March 29, 2001 a~d F&CS~MXLE: 765-31;~ MS. Valarie scopaz Planning Departmen~ Southold Town Hall P.O. Box t179 Southold, NY 11972 Re: Change of Zone Application Amerada Hess Corporation Southeast CorDer of Main Road and Bay Avenue~ M~ttit~ck Dear ValerS.~: ]i am legal counsel for PWK Enterprises, Inc. doing business as Village Marine located contlgnous to and south of the Hess gas station described in caption. My client has received a form notice from Amerada Hess stating thai; company intends to apply to cha~ge the zone a~ the "southeast corner New York State Route 25 and Bay Avenue, MattitucA" fro:A M-I to B. My client is concerned witE the imprecision of the description of the land area subject :o the application for a change of Mere particularly, my client who has no objection to the application of Af~ezada Hess would object to any change of the M-I claseifLcation for the premises owned and/or occupied by Village Mar[ne. in view of %he Town Cods proviskons ~elating to llozeonformin9 uses, my client does not wish any change in its M-I status, buL [~y client does understand for the sa~e reasons the interests of Amerada Hess in seeking a chan~e of zone for ~hei~ Could you advise me that I may ~eport to my client that there will be no Town Board consideration o~ a chan~e of zone Mar-29-01 11:49A P.03 Mm. Valerie Scopa~ March 29, 2(]01 ~age 2 which would disturb the M-I permitted use ~tatus of the village Marine premises. Thank you. ABT/im cc (via facsimile): Mz'. Victor Levy at 288-2~59 Very truly yours, Anthony B. Tohill ANTHONY B. TOHILL MICHAEL T. CLIFFORD OF COUNSEL 12 FIRST STREET P. O. BOX 1330 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901-09 March 29, 2001 VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL and FACSIMILE: 765-3136 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Department Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Dear Valerie: 3 0 2001 Change of Zone Application Amerada Hess Corporation Southeast Corner of Main Road and Bay Avenue, Mattituck I am legal counsel for.PWK Enterprises, Inc. doing_ business as Village Marine located contiguous to and south of the Hess gas station described in caption. My client has received a form notice from Amerada Hess stating that company intends to apply to change the zone at the "southeast corner New York State Route 25 and Bay Avenue, Mattituck" from M-I to B. My client is concerned with the imprecision of the description of the land area subject to the application for a change of zone. More particularly, my client who has no objection to the application of Amerada Hess would object to any change of the M-I classification for the premises owned and/or occupied by Village Marine. In view of the Town Code provisions relating to nonconforming uses, my client does not wish any change in its M-I status, but my client does understand for the same reasons the interests of Amerada Hess in seeking a change of zone for their property. Could you advise me that I may report to my client that there will be no Town Board consideration of a change of zone Ms. Valerie Scopaz March 29, 2001 Page 2 which would disturb the M-I permitted use status Marine premises. Thank you. ABT/lm cc (via facsimile): Mr. Victor Levy at 288-2459 of the Village Very truly yours, Anthony B. Tohill EUGENE L0 DEt~q'ICOLA A~TOI~*q~Y AT LAW March 29, 2001 Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Applicant: Amerada HeSs Corporation ~ Premises: s/dc Main Road (Rte. 2SA) &,Bay Avenue Mattituck, New York ~ Petition for Change of Zone fromM-I Mhri~e to B General Business Dear Sir or Madam: On March 19, 2001, the undersigned filed the above petition with your office. On the same date, an Affidavit of Proof of Mailing of Notice with annexed certified receipts. I have not received the requested confirmation from your office that this affidavit was received. I enclose herewith signed return receipts, which completes your notification procedure. Please sign the enclosed copy of this correspondence, confirming your receipt of the foregoing, as well as the Affidavit of Proof of Mailing of Notice previously forwarded on March 19th. I also request you provide me with a receipt for the $1,000.00 filing fee which was paid on March 19, 2001. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation herein. Very truly yours, Eugene L. DeNicola r enclosures The undersigned confirms receipt of the foregoing: BY: ~/~, ~.z~4~ Dated: ( / / / Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 03/30/01 Transaction(s): 1 Petition Receipt: 18919 Subtotal $1,000.00 Check#:18919 Total Paid: $1,000.00 Name: Amerado, Hess Corporation One Hess Plaza Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Intemal ID: 29236 EUOENE L. DENI~OLA AND P, EA DENICOLA EUGENE L. DF~IOOLA A~ 17.~Y~Y A~ LAW IlAR 2 1 2001 SoutholdTownChrk March 19, 2001 Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Application of Amerada Hess Corporation Premises: s/e/c Main Road (Rte. 25A) & Bay Avenue Mattituck, New York Petition for Change of Zone from M-I Marine to B General Business Dear Sir or Madam: .The undersigned is the attomey for the applicant, Am~ Hess Corporation, relative to the above referenced. On March 19th the undei~gned filed with your office a petition requesting a change of zone of the said premises. To complete the requirements of Section 100-292 of your Code, enclosed please find Affidavit of Proof of Mailing of Notice with notice to property owners on the reverse page, and original stamped certified receipts. Return receipts from property owners will be submitted to you upon my receipt of same. Kindly sign the enclosed copy of this correspondence confirming your receipt of the foregoing, and return same to my office in the postpaid envelope provided. I also request that you return to my office the receipt for filing fee paid at the rune the application was filed. Thank you or your courtesy and cooperation herein. ro enclosures PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE NAME PWK ENTERPRISES, INC. GLORIA & THEODORE MAGEN SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK JOHN & JOAN SAWICKI RAYMOND FERRtCK ADDRESS C/O William H. Kope,Jr. 3000 Marcus Avenue, La~e~Success, 610 ThewStrand East Marion, NY 11939 6 West Second Street PO Box 269, Riverhead, NY 11901 PO Box 602, Laurel, NY 11948 PO Box 790, Mattituck, NY 11952 NY 11042 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS.: R~SEANNE ORSKI ,residingat 416 Hillside Avenue, West Sayvi.1 le, NY , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ] 9 day of Ma rch. 2001 , ~9~X , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the abov-.-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of 5outhold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Sayvil le, NY ;that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to me this 19th dayof March . ,I~KXX 2.001 Notary Public ELAINE BU$CHING | Notary Publio, Stat~ of New York No. 52.4778B41 Oual~i~,ed in Suffolk County Commissi ~n Expires July 31, ~ ~.rOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of AMERADA HESS CORPORATION , to the To~vn Board of the Town of $outhold. TO: NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to requesta chanqe of zone from M-I Marine to B General Business zoning district That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to yo~ur ~rope ~rty and is des- crlbed as follows: southeast corner New York State Route 25 ana t~ay avenue, Mattituck~ Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: M-I Marine 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: B General Business 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, 5outhold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the n~atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times or in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: March 19 , 2001 Post Office Address: One Hess Plaza Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 hess Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 8 Vehicle Fueling Positions of Service Station with Convenience Market March 08, 2001 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 162.78 68.16 1.00 1302 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total Saturday 2-Way Volume 5.03 0.00 1.00 40 5.03 0.00 1.00 40 10.06 6.01 1.00 80 6.69 0.00 1.00 54 6.69 0.00 1.00 54 13.38 7.98 1.00 107 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 0.00 1.00 0 0.00 1.00 0 Note: Source: A zero indicates no data available. Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS IilUOI~-,N~ L. DRNICOLA March 15, 2001 HAND DELIVERI~I} Town of $outhold Department of Planning Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Applicant: Amerada Hess Corporation Premise~: a/eJc Main Road & Bay Avenue, Mattituck Petition for Change of Zone from M-1 Marine to General B Business Dear Sir or Madam: Please be advised the undersisned is the attorney for Amerada Hess Corporation. To further the above captioned matter, enclosed please find the following: · Three copies of Petition requesting change of zone. · Three copies of Long Environmental Assessment Form. · Transactional Disclosure Affidavit. · Six (6) prints of 500-foot radius map. · Check of the undersignad to the Town of Southold in the sum of $1,000.00 representing filing fee. Kindly forward to my office receipt for filing fee paid. Kindly notif~ my office of such public hearing as may be scheduled for this matter. My office is arranging to notify surrounding property owners of the filing of this application. The appropriate affidavit and return receipts will be submitted to you. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation herein. ro enclosures PETITION "0. ~ / 7 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLO IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING 'ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION ZONE TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: AMERADA HESS CORPORATION BY having an office !. I, WILLIAM V. WQLFRGM , ~e~ie~g at One Hess Plaza~ Woodbridge Petitioner ~ Jersey, 07095 -Stef-folk-Gou~tyr-4~ew-¥~t-k, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Matt/tuck, New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: SEE ANNEXED METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Change of Zone from M-I Marine to B General Business 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Applicant proposes to redevelop the existing site which is currently a Hess gasoline filling station. · Applicant will construct a Hess Express convenience store, a new canopy over four new pump island dispensers with associated parking and landscaping improvements, · The subject premises were formedy in the B General Business zone, however, were re- zoned to M-I Marine in or about 1989. · Applicant cannot redevelop the subject premises, as presently zoned, and requests the subject premises be rezoned to B General Business. · The rezoning to B General Business will be more in keeping with the Business zoning along New York State Route 25. AMERADA H~S CORPORATION STATE OF NEW YORK)ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Real Estate', Manager WILLIAM V. WOLFROM, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petition in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sign WILLIAM V. WOLFROM, Sworn to before me this !~'( day of March / ' Nota ~'--y Pubhc 2001 ROSEANNE ORSKI NOTARY PU, BUC, State of New Ymk -o. 4604559 Qual~ie~l. in Suffolk Term Exmres Am'l AU. ~I-tAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVE~IENTS ~HEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND B~iNG AT MATTITUCK, IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. COUNTY OF ~UFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK AND DESIGNAI~u AS TAX LOT 10 OF OIS~IRICT 1000, ~CTtON 122, BLOCK 3, MORE PARTICULARLY BOIJNDE~ AND DESCRIBED AS FOI. LOW~: BEGJNNING AT THE CORNER FORMED BY THE IN~.J~SECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD (ROU'I~ 25) ~MTH THE EASTERLY SIDE OF BAY AVENUE; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 51 DEGREES 50 k~NUTES O0 SECONDS EAST, 150.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF MAlE ROAD (ROU~ 2S) TO A THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 40 ~E:CONDS EAST, 150,00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE souTH so DEC, REgS 25 MINUTES ~0 SECONDS WEST. 191.61 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF BAY AVENUE; THENCE NORTH O* ~[GRggS 5, MINUTES O0 SECONDS WEST. ~*0.00 ·LONG THE EASTERLY aD[ OF SAY AVENUE TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 23,055:1: SQUARE FEET OR 0.53 ACRES MORE OR LESS. :- 14~16-2 (2/87)--7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQF Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a projec or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmenta analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affectint the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determinatior process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic projec data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range'of possible impacts that may occur from a project or acti°n. It provide: guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentia[ly-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not th~ impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: I-I Part 1 [] Part 2 I-IPart 3 Upon review of the information ~ecorded on this FAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which Wlil' not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* [] C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Raze and Rebt~ild of Hess Mattituck Name of Action Town of Southold Name of Lead 'Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Date 1 PART 1--PROJECT INFOI~IATION ~, Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effe on the environment. Please complete the entke form, Parts A through F. Answers to these questions will be consider( as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addition information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol, new studies, research or investigation, if information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and speci each instance. NAME OF ACTION Raze & Rebuild of Hess Ma~tituck LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Street Address, Munl¢lpelity and County) S/E/C of Route 25 and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, Southold, NY NAME OF APPUCANTISPONSOR I BUSINESS TELEPHONE Amerada Hess Corporation I 173-21750-6192 ADDRESS 1 Hess Plaza · CIT~'IPO I STATE I ZIP CODE 07095 N~ nTna~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE ) Woodb~ ~qer NJ NAME OF OWNER (If different) ADDRESS CITY/PO STATE I ZiP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Raze and Rebuild of Hess Mattituck. Proposed project includes new 2,480 S.F. He~S coqvenince s_~tore, 1,944 S.F. Canopy, four (4) new dispersing islands, upgrade to existing tan~ and new landscaping. Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physic~al setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: DUrban Dlndustrial F'~Commercial ' r-iResidential (suburban) I-IRural (non-farl r-IForest r-lAgriculture r'lOther 2. Total acreage of project area: .52 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE 'PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) .036 acres 0 acres Forested 0 acres 0 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres 0 '~ . acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) .10 acres f) acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces .384 acres .427 acres Other (Indicate type) L~ndscapa 0 acres .093 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site[, ~lymou)~L ~[o~.. s~.= t/PIA~)i; c_~- ~ ~ll ~c~ - · a'. soil drainage: FRWell drained ! Q0 % of site C}/vloderately well drained % of site DPoorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the N Land Classification System? N/A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site~' i-lyes I~No a. What is depth.to bedrock? 14/P, (in feet) 2 5. 'Approximate percentage of pr sed project site with slopes: ~0-10 0 % ~)10-15% % E~15% or greater 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? I-lYes lglNo 7. is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks.~ I~Yes 8. What is the depth of the water table.~ l0 (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole sOurce aquifed r-lYes [~No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area?' F-lYes []No 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered~ i--lyes []No According to kJ~ 'l'o~K ?~n~'¢ ~w~¢ Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site~ (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formationsl I-lYes F~No Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area~. I-lYes I~No If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community;~ FqYes D~iNo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: James Creek a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: N/A a. Name b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by'~xisting p~ublic utilities~ ~]Yes [-INo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection~ r~Yes [~No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection~ I-lYes ~]No 18. Is the'site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 2S-AA Section 303 and 304? ~Yes ~No . 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous tc~ a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617~ l-lYes ~}No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes~ r'lyes ~No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor b. P~oject acreage to be developed: .528 acres initially; o 528 c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped 0 acres. d. Length of project, in mi[es: N/A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed 100 %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing § ; proposed 9 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour J0~ (upon completion of project).~ h, If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Initially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 19 height; . 41 width; 60 length. j. Linear feet of fr0.ntage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is;~ 1 50 ft. · acres. acres ultimately. Condominium 2. How much natural materi e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed fr he site? 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? r"iYes ENO i-IN/A a. If yes, for what intend~ purpose is the site being reclaimed? Topso~.l b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ~lYes r-INo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I-tYes ~OO C~ tons/c ~c~c yard~ , for planting 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? .0 1 acres. 5. Will any mature forest'(over 100 years 0Id) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this proiect? I-lYes :rE]No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction. 4 months, (including demolition). 7. If multkphased: a. Total number of phases anticipated 2 (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I [ 0 month 0 [ c. Approximate completion date of final phase ~ month d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~Yes I-INo 8. Will blasting occur during construction? I-lYes 9. Number.of jobs generated: during construction 30 ; after project is complete 6 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? F-lyes ENo If yes, explain year, (including demolition). year, - 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? l-lyes .~No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ~Yes I-INo Type ~waqe 300 GPD 14. Will surface area of an existing Water body increase or decrease by proposal? l-lYes Explain_. 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ~Yes a. If yes, what is the amount per month .25 b. d. project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ~Yes :.~No DNo tons If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? E]Yes , l"lNo If yes, give name (~UTCktOC~UI~ [-F~pe~-~- ; location Willany wastes notgointoasewagedisposalsystem orinto asanita~ landfill? ~Yes [].No If Yes, explain wastes ~hat can be recycled (ex bottler,glass etc.) 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? b. I} yes, what is the anticipated site life? 0 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? i-iYes ~'Yes l-tNo · 2 5 tons/month. years. ~o 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ~Yes ~[~1o 20. Will project produce operating no~se exceeding the local ambient noise levels? t-lYes 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~es i-INo If ~/es , indicate type(s) &le'~ctric r qas 22. If water supply is from wel[s, indicate pumping capacity N~A gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 300 gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? i-lyes :N~No If Yes, explain -. X~No 4 25. Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board (~Yes I-INo City, Town, Village Planning Board ~Yes I-1No City, Town Zoning Board ~Yes ENo City, County Health Department [~Yes ENo Other Local Agencies (~Yes Other Regional Agencies I-lYes State Agencies I-Wes i~No Federal Agencies EYes r~No Architectural Review Site Plan Waste & Haz/Material Fire Prevention · Submittal Date 3/01. _ C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? (~Yes ENo If Yes, indicate decision required: I-Izoning amendment i-lzoning variance . Especial use permit I-Isubdivision Esite plan r-lnew/revision of master plan Eresource management plan ~]other chanqe of zone 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? Marine '1 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 20% 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? General Business 5. What is the maximum potential deveJopment of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the pr6posed action consistent with the recommended, uses in adopted local land use plans? ~Yes Eh 7. What at'the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a %~ mile radius of proposed action? Busing'ss. Marine-l~ Residential/Office, Presidental 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding [and uses within a ',~ mile? ~Yes El' 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? (DYes 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, polic fire protection)? I-lyes ~No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? [3Yes ENo 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? EYes ~N . a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? EYes ENo- D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adver impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which yod propose to mitigate avoid them E. Verification I certify ttlmt the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Spo~s~ame ~----'~ ~A~'e,S,A~ O{ ~A~ ~,~,~ ~ ~-~,~&~K~ ~0r ~,~S O,~. Date B - I - O~ Signature I[ ~', ~~' Title Flea,CT ~a,~(E~ If the ,~ion is ~he Coast,~ ~e,, and you area state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before pr;ceedi. with this assessment. 5 nj Postage Certified Fee [~- Return Receipt Fee r--~ (Endomement Required) Restricted Del~ve~ Fee ~'1 (Endomemem Required) Tota~ Postage & Fees nj JOHN & JOAN SAWICKI PO Box 602 r-I Postage L'-I Certified Fee ~- Return Receipt Foe I-~ (Endorsement Redu[red) I--I Restricted Delivery Fee ¢-I (Endorsement ReqLdred~ ~ I ~ec.,loJ~'~. NArP,{~P,4~e~'C~q~CCfk~fI~¢To ~le~ed by mailer) ~J~;~~-~t ............................................ ~/PO Box 269 ... t~.,,.,,~.~ ~ ' ~'1'; ~ ........................ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also corr A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) B. Date of item 4 if Restrict~ Delivew is desire. ~ B Pdnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ~gn~ure ~ -- AEanh this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ",.~' ~- / ~ ~A, ~ D. Is delivew add~ different from item 17 JO~ & JO~ SAWICKI PO Box 602 ~ ~u~e], NY 11948 Se~ceTy~ ~ Ce~ified Mail ~ Express Mail ~ R~ister~ ~ Return Receipt for Me~ ~ I~ur~ Mail ~ C~.D. ~ 4~ ~E~m F~) ~ y~ A~icle Numar (Copy from se~ice la~ PS FO~ 3811, J~ly 19.~ Dora.tic Rotu~ R.eipt ,02595-. Complete items 1, 2, .d 3. Also complete ,.b, Pd.C.dy) iB. Dateo Pdnt your name and address on the mveme so that we can return the ca~ to you. ~ ~ / ~ A A~ach this card to the back of the mailpi~e, or on the front if space pe~its. ~ ~ ~ A PO Box 790 ~a~tuck~ RY 11952 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2~ Article Number (Copy from service label) ,7o0oo.r ZOoo r)5 ? /3zo PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt for Men 102595-0( · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: A. Received by (Please Pdnt Clearly) C. Sig ture SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 6 West Second Street PO Box 269 Riverhead, NY 11901 2. Article Number (Copy from service label)~ 9 ODd O0 fO- (30 PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-( APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts interest on the part of town officers and employees. ~h, of purpose of this form is to provide information which ca~ alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and alio~T it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same, YOUR NAlqg: AMERADA HESS CORPORATION (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATuKE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone X Approval of plat __ Exemption from plat or official map . Other (If "Other," name the activity.) DO you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship- includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. 'Business interest- means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or emplol~ment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5~ of the shares. YES NO ~ If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name Of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer Or employee or his or her spouse, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater th~.n 5% of the shares sibling, of the corporate stock of the applic~n~ (when the appl~ca~ is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted hls~a¥ of March~ 2001 AMERADA HESS CORi~IQ~ /-~--~ Print name Willi~n V. Wolfrcm OAK Pt. RILE:Y SITE \\ \\ S E CTION BLOCK 142 2 KEY M AP SECTION BLOCK 142 1 ,SUBJECT FENCE SECTIO BLOCK I SECTION 14-3 BLOCK 3 3TES TAX MAP INFORMATION BASED ON UPON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEPARTMENT OF TAX ASSESSMENT, 3/8/00. ZONING INFORMATION OBTAINED FORM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING DEPARTMENT. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE AREA MAP ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE USES OF THE PROPERTY SURROUNDING THE SUBJECT OODBRIDGE, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER N.Y. STATE UC. No. 070406 APPLICANT AMERADA HESS CORPORAl( ONE HESS PLAZA N.J. 07095 I It;l: C~RTAIF, II:'F~ RY : CTION OCk 141 4 V AMERADA HESS CORP. 1 HESS PLAZA WOOODBRIDGE. N.J. 07095 PWK ENTERPRISES INC. C/O WIMJAM H. KOPE dR. 3000 MARCUS AVENUE LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. 11042 GRACE FINORA 185 BAY AVENUE P.O. BOX 1105 MATnTUCK, N.Y. 11952 PETER PETROWSKI 235 FAST LEGION ROAD MAnic,TUCK. N.Y. 11952 MAYNARD PALMER P.O. BOX 651 MATnTUCK. N.Y. 11952 MARGARET LYONS VERONICA SHEPPARD P.O. BOX 269 MATllTUCK, N.Y, 11952 DEIRDRA MOONEY 11600 MAIN ROAD MATI1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 LEONARD LLEWELYN 1625 DEEPHOLE DRIVE MATTITUCK, N.Y. 11952 MAUREEN M. MOONEY 89 PERSHING AVENUE LOCUST VALLEY, N.Y. 11560 SIX KINGS LLC. 2290 D~.PHOLE DRIVE MATTITUCK, .N.Y. 11952 8900 PECONIC BAY BLVD. LAUREL, N.Y. 11948 LUCK MILLER 11250 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 59.3 MATT11~JCK, N.Y. 11952 GLORIA & THEODORE MACEN 610 THE STRAND EAST MARION, N.Y. 119.39 ALAN CARGINALE P.O. BOX 77 MATI1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 ZDZlSLAW MIKOLAdCZK `301 KELL AVENUE STATEN ISLAND, N.Y, 10`314 FRANK MILOWSKI 700 dOHN ROAD P.O. BOX 456 MATI1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 CHRISTINA E. STEINER 2 JOHNS ROAD P.O. BOX .310 MATn~JCK. N.Y. 11952 PHIUP CARDINALE 785 PECONIC BAY BLVD. RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 s~c 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 .122 122 ,3 ,3 LOT 10 15.1 12,15 14,26 16 17 1.2 2 5.1 6 7 8 9 1.4 21 22 2`3 25.2 MI MI MI,R-40 R-40 R.-40 R-40 BUS BUS BUS, BUS BUS R-~AD GEGRGEANN PACKARD 11305 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 648 MATII~JCK, N.Y 11952 MARGARET McCADE 11255 MNN ROAD P.O. BOX 976 MATnllJCK. N.Y. 11952 doHN & dOAN SAWICKI P.O. BOX 602 LAUREL, N.Y. 11948 RAYMOND ~ FF~RICK P~O. 80X 790 MATII~UCK. N.Y. 11952 EVANGEUCAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 1100 BAYER ROAD MATI1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 JOSEPH LAZZARO P.O. BOX 1262 MATrlTIJCK, N.Y. 11952 NANCY WAGNER-~TZEL C/O Ut J JAN WAGNER 510 LEGION AVENUE P.O. BOX 975 MATTITIJCK, N.Y. 11952 CHRISTINE EUJOTF P.O. BOX 1.300 MATT1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 STEVE DUKE 640 LEGION AVENUE MATTI~JCK, N.Y. 11952 JOHN VANRYSWYZ 780 LEGION AVENUE MATTiTUCK, N.Y. 11952 GUY H. STURNIOLO 148 WHIP 0 WILL ROAD RUFF'IN, N.C. 27`326-8892 EUGENE & WENDY PACHOLK 618 CARPENTER STREET GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 LUKE AURIELA BURGON P.O. BOX 679 MATI11UCK, N.Y. 11952 WILUAM & DI F~-N COOPER P.O. BOX 1153 MATI1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 ~.c 142 142 142 142 142 142 14-2 142 142 142 142 142 142 141 LEGEND 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 LOT 19 20 21 22 2`3 8 9 10 11 14 15 18 41 R-O R-O R-O BUS R-O R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-O R-O I SECTION 122 I BLOCK ,:3 ZONING ACTION *CHANGE OF ZONE FROM M1 TO GENERAL BUSINESS *RAZE AND REBUILD EXISTING GAS STATION FACILITY 485 EAST LEGION AVENUE 10898 MAIN ROAD'INC. 143 P,O. BOX 274. MIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. 11953 SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 143 6 WEST SECOND S'IREET P.O. BOX 269 RIYERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 ROB ROY REALTY CORP. 143 P.O. BOX 129 MATrlllJCK, N.Y. 11952 W. F... d. ASSOCIA'IE:S 143 P.O. BOX 14.29 MAT~TUCK, N.Y. 11952 JODY PUMILLO 143 210 PAT LANE MATTITIJCK, N.Y. 11952 RAYMOND & GERALDINE FOX 143 590 OCEAN AVENUE MASSAPEQUA, N.Y. 11758-5227 JOSEPH FASZCZEWSI(I 14.3 510 BAY AVE~/UE MATTI]UCK, N.Y. 11952 MARY MURPHY 14,5 44.5 E. LEGION AVENUE MATrlTUCK. N.Y. 11952 DAV1D & KAREN MINEO 14.,3 1165 77th STREET BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11228 MARTIN ,J. TARPEY ,JR. 143 595 BAY AVENUE MATI]TI.ICK, N.Y. 11952 YOLANDA KEELE 200 E. 28th STREET; APT. O 143 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 P~- P' R PETROWSKI 235 E. LEGION AVENUE MATT1TUCK, N.Y. 11952 ELEANOR KAST 80-09 78th AVENUE P.O. BOX 648 MATI]'t~ICK, N.Y 11952 DIANE DINNIGAN 3,.'30 F_ LEGION AVENUE MATrlTUCK, N.Y. 11952 RICHARD FIELD 400 E. LEGION AVENUE MATI]TUCK, N.Y. 11952 143 143 143 143 142 14-2 142 14.2 BETHANy CE. METARY ASSOCIATION lC/& J. STANLY PAEKIN PARK AVENUE MATTITUCK, N.Y. 11952 ALAN CARDINALE P.O. BOX 77 MATnTUCK, N.Y. 11952 MARYELLEN REINHARDT 11535 MAIN ROAD MATRTUCK, N.Y. 11952 P.W.K. ENTERPRISES C/O P~. i~ KOPKE 3000 MARCUS AVENUE LAKE SUCESS. N.Y. 11042 4 4 4. 1 1 2 2 4.1 4..2 54.2 33.3 9 10 1 2 ,3 4- 5 6 7 8 25.1 26 16 17 R--~,~O BUS BUS BUS BUS, R-40 BUS, R-AD R-,lO R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 BUS R-O BUS MARINE I RESIDENCE LOW DENSITY I R-Q I RESIDENTIAL/OFRCE NERAL BUSINESS 500' RADIUS UNE SECTION/BLOCK BOUNDARY ZONE BOUNDARY LOT NUMBER FST of NY 1"=100' DRAWN BY: MAB CHECKED BY:K.p. MIDDLE RD " SOUND AVE OAK PI RILEY AVE KEY MAP SECTION 142 BLOCK 1 NOTES 1. TAX MAP INFORMATION BASED ON"UPON TOWN DEPARTMENT OF TAX ASSESSMENT, ';5/8/00. ZONING INFORMATION OBTAINED FORM ZONING DEPARTMENT. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION OBTAINED SOUTHOLD DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT. SITE OF SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FROM TOWN OF \\ S E CTION BLOCK 14-2' 2 ~SUBJECT PARCEL FENCE SALES S E CTION 14-3 BLOCK 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE AREA MAP APPLICANT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE USES OF THE AMERADA HESS PROPERTY SURROUNDING THE SUBJECT ONE HESS PLAZA OODBRIDGE, N.J. 07095 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER N.Y, STATE LIC, No, 070406 SECTION 141 BLOCK 4 I SECTION 1~3 BLOCK 4 CORPORATION SECTION 122 BLOCK 5 ZOiNING ACTION *C~ANGE OF ZONE FROM M1 TQ GENERAL BUSINESS *RAZE AND REBUILD EXISTING G~S STATION FACILITY 500' RADIUS SITEINFORMA~ON 5 10 3 12.13 3 14,26 3 16 3 17 SUBJECT PARCEL: AMERADA HESS CORP. 122 1 HESS PLAZA WOOODBRIDGE. N.J. 07095 p ~y.. ~_hl._~r~_~ p RI S E S INC. 122 C/O ~IJJAM H. KOPE JR. 3000 MARCUS AVENUE LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y, 11042 GRACE RNORA 122 185 BAY AVENUE P.O, BOX 1105 MA~q~TUCK, N,Y, 11952 PETER pE~ROWSKI 122 235 EAST LEGION ROAD MATI]IllJCK, N.Y. 11952 DEIRDRA MOONEY 122 EAST MARION. N.Y. 11939 MATI1TUCK, N.Y. 1~9,52~ STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. 10314., _ " 122 FRANK MILOWSKI , . M~[~L_E_]~LAND N.Y. 11953 P,O. BOX 1429 RAYMOND & GERALDINE FOX 143 MATflllJOK, N.Y 11952 530 E. LEGION AVENUE , MATTI~JCK, N y.]'~9.52 C/O J. STANLY PAEKIN C/O PETER KOPKE R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 BUS BUS 7 BUS 8 BUS 9 BUS GEORGEANN PACKARD 11305 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 648 MATh'fUCK, N.Y 11952 3 21 R-40 142 2 19 142 2 20 142 2 21 142 2 22 142 2 23 14-2 2 8 142 2 9 142 2 10 142 2 11 142 2 13.1 142 2 14 142 2 15 142 2 18 141 4 ~ ZONE R-O R-O R-O BUS R-O R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-O R-O 3 22 R-40 145 145 142 14.2 142 142 23 25.2 27.25 4.1 54.2 33.3 5 7 26 16 R-40 R-40 R-40 BUS BUS 9US,R-40 BUS,R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 R-40 BUS R-O BUS LEGEND MARINE I RESIDENCE LOW DENSITY R-O RESIDENTIAL/OH"iCE  G ENERAL BUSINESS 500' RADIUS UNE ]~ SUBJECT PROPERTY SECTION/BLOCK BOUNDARY ZONE BOUNDARY LOT N~MBER .... DRAWN BY: MAB CHECKED BY:K,p. DATE: 1111-00 =ROJECT NO, 8581 DWG. NO. 6 10.23 9.97 9 55 9.21 t5 9.37 x 9.82 9.26 TC 9,46 BC X 9.69 X 9.76 8.89 FC 8.98 BC 8.67 X 9.50 X 9.61 8.84 © 8.07 8.28 X 10.21 TC 9~97 BC 9.46 8,75 BC 7.30 BC 6.9! BC 6.65 BC 6.33 BC 6,48 BC 6.75: BC 7.18 X 10,76 TC 10 38 10.63 x BC TC 10.28 BO 9.88 10.39X TC 10.03 BC 9.73 9.19 TC 9.76 BC 9.25 lO 15 ASPHALT x 10.90 ~CB~\ 8.12 '\ TC 9.61 9.09 o CONC. 8/'~,D BC 9.24 9,87 79.9' ~2 / / ,:,866 MH I 0a.54 o 8,39 TC 9.46 8.98 CONC. 8.77 ac 8,87 47.3' ~.93 08.89 8.59o 9.26 8.95° o 8.85 BC o 8.37 1 W/ ,TC 8,86 ;., BC 8.38 8.58 F.F. CONC. TC 9.46 TANK FIELD% ~ 0 © © °6.8 3.45 BOAT PARKING AREA FOR LOT 15.1 0 x 8.66 0 0 57.5' FENCE ON LINE X 8.67 GAS VENTS °8,17 (5) 2½'DIA. / / / 2 STY WOOD FRAME BLDG. LEGEND MH 8.57 CB r;~ CB 8.92 OSC UNIDENTIFIED MANHOLE W/ RIM ELEVATION CATCH BASIN W/ RIM ELEVATION CATCH BASIN CIRCULAR CATCH BASIN W/ RIM ELEVATION 5" COVER W/ RIM ELEVATION WOOD Uq]LITY POLE METAL STANCHION W/ LIGHT SEWER CLEANOUT TELEPHONE KIOSK W/ BOLLARDS GASOLINE FILLER 8'931E]c-~oDl~ PUMP ISLAND AND FUEL DISPENSER WITH ELEVATIONS ~WOOD LINE W G- X X )( WATER LINE ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE LINE (A.G.) GAS LINE 00000 LOT 9 & GLORIA MAGEN / x 8.93 6' WOOD STOCKADE FENCE X 8,¸ X 5.66 HEAVILY WOODED AREA FENCE 7.49 1 STY 7.53 X 8.37 WOOD FRAME 1. :~7.65 BLDG. 2. OF -PROPANE TANKS ASPHALT GAS VENT PIPES BOLLARD AIR PUMP SIGNS SPOT ELEVATION FOUND MONUMIENT N 06'50'00" DESCRIPTION: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON EREC~D, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT MATTITUCK, IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUIFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK AND DESIGNATED AS TAX [LOT 10 OF DISTRICT 1000, SEC~ON 122, BLOCK 3, MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD (ROUTE 25) NTH THE EASTERLY SIDE OF BAY AVENUE; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 51 DEGREES 50 MINUTES O0 SEL~JDS EAST, 150.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAL (ROUTE 25) TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 23 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EASt. 150.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 60 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 10 SECONDs WEST, 191,61 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF BAY AVEN~-' THENCE NORTH 04 DEGREES 34 MINUTES O0 SECOI~DS ~'~S'" ,4.0.00 t~E. ET ALONG THE EASTERLY SIDE OF BAY AVENUE TO THf POl&~ OR PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 23,035+ SQUARE PEET OR 0.55 ACREfJ4~[ OR LESS. 8' CHAIN LINK FENCE 6' METAL FENCE CONTOUR W/ VALUE CONCRETE CURB / DROP CURB E PROPERTY LINE W/ BEARING AND DISTANCE NOTES: SURVEY OF DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 122, BLOCK ELEVATIONS ARE IN FEET AND ARE REFERRED TO NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929, 2.5' DIA. ON 3. THE PRIMARY BENCHMARK IS USC&GS BM L 326 BET 1966, ELEVATION 27,739', ~ CONCRETE PADS ITC USERS OF THIS MAP ARE CAUTIONED THAT THE UIERGROUND 4. 7,01 IBC 6,65 UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED, NOR ISHERE ANY GUARANTEE i~T~C 6. WOOD FRAME N/F WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO THE SITE ARE SHOWN OITHIS MAP. THE UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON 'WERE OBTAINED FROM LLITY MARKOUTS ~ BLDG. P.W.K. ENTERPRISES, INC. AND ACTUAL FIELD MEASUIREMENTS. 7~ 5. NO PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, SITE SERVED BY ON-TE WELL; LOCATION ~?~ UNKNOWN AT TIME OF SURVEY. ~ IBC 6.59 6. PROPERTY IS ZONED M-I BUSINESS. PLANNING BOARD, 25' TO THE REAR AND 20' C(~BIN~D TO THE SIDE. 94 0.8' N 0,8' E 8. BASED UPON REVIEW OF THE FEDERAL EMERGEN( M~NAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, PANEL 112 OF ~2~CO~MUNITY NUMBER 3608130112E FLOOD AND 500 YEAR FLOOD; OR CERTAIN ARE3 SUIJECT TO 100 YEAR ~ FLOODING WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS LESS THAN 100T ~R WHERE THE ~x 1.78 CON~IBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS LESS THAN 1 iQUAI[ MILE; OR AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM THE BASE FLOOD. CERTIFICATION: TO AMERADA HESS CORPORATION: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT Al) THI SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS BASED WERE MADE (i) IN ACCORDANCE WIt MINvluM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR "ALTA/ACSM LAND TLR SJRVEYS," JOINTLY ESTABLISHED AND ADOPTED BY ALTA AND ACSIFlN 1~92. AND INCLUDES ITEMS 4,5,8,9,10 AND 11 OF TABLE A THEREOF, kND ¢) PURSUANT TO THE ACCURACY STANDARDS (AS ADOPTED BY ALTA ND /CSM AND IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATION) OF A SUBUFAN ~RVEY. X 7,89 FEET JOHN R. McWlLLIAMS, L.S. 3 28-03 LIC. 050277 sc 7.54 GRAPHIC SCALE 20 O 10 20 40 1 inch =20 ft. FST of NY 1"=20'-( DRAWN BY: CPS CHECKED BY:Kp DATE: 5/18/oo PROJECT NO. PN-N8581 DWG. NO. 1 8581TOPO 324 -600 0 KEY MAP SITE GRAPHIC SCALE 300 600 1200 ( ~ FEET ) UPGRAOE TO INCLUDE NEW PRODUCT PIPING, VAPOR PIPING, MONITORING AND CONCRETE PAD. ALL TO SCHD REQUIREMENTS. VM RF 8 AF 8 VA 1 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING ROOT CERASIFERA ("THUNDERCLOUD") PINUS S~UBUS VACCINIUM AUGUS~FOLIUM I PURPLE LEAF FLOWERING PLUM TREE I 7'-6' HT, N/A' B&B WHITE PINE I 5'-6' 6'-0" 0 C. D&B VIBURNUM R YHTIDOPHYLLGM LOWBUSH BLUEBERRY NA]]VE I 2 GAL 12'-°'o.c.I 2 GAL. LEA~HERLEAF VIBURNUM I 4'-5" [ 6'-0" O,C.IB&B VINCA MINOR PERWiNKLE FLAT 8" O,C. PER FLAT RUBIECNIA FULGIGA GOLDSTROM CORNFLOWER 2'-0" 2'-0" O.C. TYP. VA VA PC ~ VA VA / -- 05'N '~ 07' E s SFY WOOD FRAME SP~CES ~ LOT 9 THEODORE ZONED PC 1 MAGEN GLORIa5 GENERAL BUSINES~ HANDICAP PARKING ~ SPACE (SEE SITE DETAILS #3). HEAVILY WOODED AREA N L. EXIST, PROpER3Y UNE W/ BE~RING BLDG 1 STY WOOD FRAME BLDG VR ~PROPANE TANKS CONCRETE PADS DATA TOTAL SITE AREA. BUILDING AREA: CANOPY AREA' TOTAL: IMPERVIOUS AREA*: LANDSCAPED AREA, PARKING: 23.035 S,F. 2.480 S.F. 108 % 4.424 S.f. 19.2 % 4.05B S.F. 17,6 % REQUIRED: 13.4 9-- REGULAR SPACES PROPOSED 2 LANDBANKED SPACES PROPOSED TOTAL PROVIDED = 1t SPACES STY LOT 15.1 ZONE. MARINE I ~ WOOD FRAME N/F /3LDG P.W.K. ENTERPRISES, IN(;. * IMPERVIOUS AREA EXCLUDES CANOPY AND BUILDING AREA --AsF 3 o's ~/ ZONED MARINE I 1,9'E PK NAIL PF CONCRE~ M~ENT 0.2' N 0.2' E SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=20'-0" SEC 122 BLOCK _5 LOT 10 ZONED MARINE I I1© FST of NY 1"=20'_0'~ DRAWN BY: CPS CHECKED B~Kp DATE: 6/22/00 PROJECT N0.8581 3WG. NO, 2 8581~SITE,dwg 32481 HessMatt-site.dwg EXISTING TO REMAIN. REMOVE EXlS~NG CASTING, BACKFILL AND ABANDON EXISTING S3RU~JRE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF APPUCABLE GOVERNING AU3HORITIE% EXI$~NO TO REMAIN. EXISTING (5) DOUBLE WALL TANK FIELD TO REMAIN W1TO NEW TANK TOP UPGRADE TO INCLUDE NEW PRODUCT PIPING. VAPOR PIPING, MONITORING AND CONCREqrE PAR. ALL TO $CHD REQUIREMENTS. REMOVE EXISTING DRYWELL AND ALL APPUCABLE APPURTENANCES. TO REMAIN. EXlS~NG TO REMAIN. REMOVE ISLANDS, CONCRE3E PAD, · AND ALL APPLICABLE / / CON, / / ,/ / / / 0 o © / o © © / © © o 0 /o / / OF ASPHALT / 1 MASONF PK NAIL 0.8' N 0.8' E BOAT PARKING AREA FOR LOT 15.1 ...~GRASS ~ FENCE ON LINE GAS VENTS (5) 2~"DIA, / / / / / 2 STY WOOD FRAME BLDG. REMOVE EXISTING BOLLARDS (TYP). CLEAR AND GRUB AREA TO 1 STY WOOD FRAME BLDG. PROPANE TANKS 2.5' DIA. ON CONCRETE PADS 1 STY LOT 15.1 WOOD FRAME N/F BLDG. P.W.K. ENTERPRISES, INC. EXISTING BOLLARDS (TYP). LOT 9 THEODORF & MAGEN __ REMO ~ EXISTING CASTING, BACKFILL AND ABANDON EXISTING OF A~PPUCABLE GOVERNING GLORIA EXISTING DRYWELL AND ALL APPUCABLE APPURTENANCES. BACKFILL AND ABANDON EXISTING STEUTIJRE TO THE REOUIRENENTS OF APPLICABLE O0~/ERNING AUTHORITIES. [ FENCE 1.5' E ~ LIMIT OF FENCE REMOVAL HEA%ILY WOODED AREA FENCE 0.4' $ 0.4' E BUILDINO AND ~(~ ALL APPUCABLE APPURTENANCES ACCORDING TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REQUIREMENTS. ~ METAL STANCHION W/ UGHT G G OAS UNE · FOUND MONUMENT N 06"50'00" E PROPE~3',' UNE W/' BEARIHe [] TELEPHONE NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND U~LITIES. 2. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT WORK SCHEDULE TO AMERADA HESS (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, UNLESS OTHER1MSE STATED BY AMERADA HESS IN WRITING. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION OF SITE FOR SAFETY AND SECURITY ISSUES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 4. ALL WORK PERFORMED TO BE IN ACCORDANCE ~13~1 FEDERAL, STA3E, COUNTY. AND LOCAL GOVERNING AU3~IORITY REGULATIONS AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF AMERADA HESS. 5. CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY VaTH AMERADA HESS ALL ITEMS TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, AS WELL AS ALL ITEMS TO BE STOCKPILED FOR AMERADA HESS. 6. CONTRACTOR TO SAND/WATER BLAST ALL EXISTING PAINTED CONCRETE CURBS. EXISTING CURBING THAT IS DAMAGED SHALL BE REPLACED PER HESS SPECIFICATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING MONITORING WELLS TO MEET NEW RESURFACING ELEVATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO AME~;~ADA HESS SPECIFICATIONS. 8. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSAL OF ALL REMOVED ITEMS IN ACCORDANCE ~ITH ALL GOVERNING AUTRORITIES 9. ALL WORK IN REGARD TO UTIUTIES SHALL BE COORDINATED BY ~:1 ' ~ CONTRACTOR W1TH GOVERNING UTILITY AGENCY HA\4NG ~ ~¢~ FST of NY DRAWN BY: CPS CHECKED BY:Kp DATE: 5/18/00 PROJECT NO. 8581 DWO. NO. 3 E DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS AREA DRAINING TO L1. L2. LS. AND L4 IMPERVIOUS AREA, TOTAL AREA = 10,250 SF RUN-OFF VOLUME = AREA X 2 IN RUN-OFF X 100~ = 10~250 X 2/12 = 1,705,0 CF PERVIOUS AREA: TOTAL AREA = 244 SF RUN-OFF VOLUME = AREA X 2 IN RUN-OFF X 10% = 24-4 X 2/12 X 10 = 4.1 CF TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED = 1,709.1 CF PROVIDE (5) 10 FT DIA. LEACHINB BASINS 5, 5, 5, 5 AND 5 FT DEEP PROVIDING A TOTAL STORAGE OF 1 710 5 CF AREA DRAINING TO 15. LB. L7. AND C8 IMPERVIOUS AREA. TOTAL AREA = 9,10A SF RUN-OFF VOLUME = AREA X 2 IN RUN-OFF X 100~. PROVIDE (¢) 10 FT DIA. LEACHINQ BASINS 6, B, B AND 5 FI- BEEP HessMatt-site.dw9 1076 x '10 90 x950 x 961 ,97 X 990 9 57 TC 9 61 BC x 982 TO 10.25 TC 946 BC 9 07"~ 976 8 89 969 J ~oFSTING (3) 10,000 UBLE WALL TANK FIELD TO RE)~AIN WITH NEW TANK TOP ~ ~OPGRADE TO iNCLUDE NEW TC 8~56 PRODUCT PIPING, VAPOR PIP~, 8 28 8.07 BC J 10.59 x / ~--~ x 10 21 ~ TC 9! / TC 976 BC 9 /' TC 1,:',38 1065X BC 9,94 TC 10 28 BC TO lO 2 STY WOOD FRAME TC 10 05 BLDG, BC 9 75 BC 55 Ig. TO ~'~ 8.93 ~ x 926 875 BC 7]0 BC 6.99 7 B5 BLDO x 749 , I ST~' TC 755 WOOD FRAML BC ] 07 BLDC, DRAINAGE LEGEND No. TYPE SIZE RIM ELEVATION INVERT COVER TYPE LEACHING 10 FI DIA 7,10 2,85 OPEN L1 BASIN 5 FI DEEP ORATE LEACHING 10 FT OIA 7.50 1-2,85 OPEN L2 BASIN 5 FT DEEP 2-2.85 GRATE LEACHING 10 FI DIA 8.35 1-2 85 SOLID L3 BASIN 5 Fi DEEP 2-2,85 COVER LEACHING 10 FT DIA 8.80 2.85 SOLID L4 BASIN 5 FT DEEP COVER LEACHING lO FT DIA 7.90 1-2.85 SOLID L5 BASIN 5 FT DEEP 2-2.85 COVER LEACHING 10 FT DIA 1-4,00 SOLID L6 BASIN 6 FT DEEP 9.85 2-4..00 COVER LEACHING 10 FT BI^ 1-4.00 OPEN L7 BASIN 6 FI DEEP 9.45 2-~ O0 GRATE 1-4,00 OPEN LEACHING 10 FT DIA 9.15 2-4.00 GRATE L8 BASIN 6 FT DEEP 3-4.00 1-4.00 LEACHING 10 FT OlA 8.95 2-2.40 OPEN 3- ,00 GRATE L9 BASIN 5 FT DEEP '~-~,00 CATCH 4'-O"x CURB C10 BASIN 2'-5'x 8 50 4k42 INLET TYPE C-1 6~ DEPTH LEACHING BASIN EFFECTIVE DEPTH DOES NOT INCLUDE HEAVY DUTY H-20 TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB TOP. (SEE SITE DETAILS 1~3 FOR LEACHING BASIN DETAILS) BC 6.65: BC 6.53 BC 6 48 BC 6 7~ BC 718: BC BC 7,5-It 1 STY LOT 15 1 / WOOD FRAME N/F I / BLDG. P.W,K. ENTERPRISES, INC.  ~ ZONED MARINE I 5,0' TC 6 72 1 9' BC %.39 77 Pl'< NAIL × 69& 0 8' N ~ 08' E ~6 78 ~: '697 '? 789 LOT 9 EODORE & GLORIA MAGEN GENERAL/~USINESS / ) 566 HEAVILY WOODED AREA FENCE S N x 5.49 2O I0 LEGEND 26 ~ GRAPHIC SCALE FlIT of NY r SCALE: 1 "= 20'-0" DRAWN B~ CPS CHECKED BY:Kp DATE: s/m/GO PROJECT N0.8581 DWG. NO. E HessMott-ske.dwg 10,000 GAllON ~ . TANK TO VAPOR ONITORING Al PAD. ALL TO SCHD NEW 3' FIBERGLASS PIPINO (TYP). 2 STY WOOD FRAME B~G. LOT 9 N/F THEODORE & GLORIA MAGEN ZONED GENERAL BUSINESS 4EW DOUBLE WALL FIBERGLASS 2' PRIMARY PIPING 'WI~I 5" SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PRODUCT PIPING FENCE 1.5' E HEAVILY WC)ODED AREA FENCE 0.4' S 0.4' E BLD6 15 10 5 0 -5 s.4o 5,50 , [ BLDQ 1"=10' VERTICAL L-FI ~ 1"=20' HORIZONTAL ~LOE; P.W.K. ENTERPRISES, INC. 5 CALCULA3]ONS ZONED MARINE PK NAIL I 0.8' N 0.8' E 1"=10' VERTICAL 1'=20' HORIZONTAL ~L P~-T LEGEND - COLORS PIPING REQUIRED. SCHEMATIC WATER SERVICE DIA,GRAM LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION T/E EXISTING [ELEPHONE/ELECT~IC LINE (U G.) 'li~ SANITARY CALCULATIONS "~";.' CONV~I110NAL SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSl~M RE(~JIREMON1S AREA OF SITE, 0 53 ACRES HYDROGEQLOGIC ZONE: ZONE IV -- 600 GPD/AC DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 20 PT:b ALLOWABUE SANITARY FLOW: 600 X 0.53 = 31B GpD PROPOSED SANITARY FLOW: .03 X 2480 = 744 GPD PROPOSED FLOW < ALLOWABLE FLOW: A T~ADITIONAL SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM MAY BE USED. B. ~ IRAP DE;SION (KffCHON) KITCHEN WASTE FLOW = 2480 x .12 GPD/SQ.F% - 297,60 GPD PER S.C,B.H, STANDARDS %IL MINIMUM DIbtENSIONS FOR A GREASE TRAP ARE AN 8' BIA WITH A 5' LIQUID DEPTH. PROVIDE (1) § FT DIAMETER 1500 GALLON GREASE TRAP WITH 5 FT LIQUID DEPTH SANITARY LEGEND NO TYPE SIZE ~IM EL. !NVERT COVER S1 GREASE TRAP ~' BIA, E 8.46 6.00 IN) SOLID ~" DEEP W 8.41 5,50 OUT) COVER 5' UQ, DEPTH S2 SEPTIC TANK ~' DIAMETER E 8,39 5.40 (iN) SOLID 2O GRAPHIC SCALE aD FEET FST of NY 1"=20'-0" BRAWN BY: CPS CHECKED BY:Kp DATE: 8/oo PROJECT NO. 8581 DWG. NO. 5 8581ELEV 12' (68,0 ~. F~.) SIGH FRONT ELEVATION OP~ORALEQUIP~ENT SCREEN SECURITY UGHT (OP1]ONAL) -V-GROOVE CON]ROL JOINT -SECURITY LIGHT (OP31ONAL) C02 FILL BOX BY O.C. REAR ELEVATION SC^LE:l/4' = 1'-0' GA. STANDING V GROOVE SEAM ROOF PRE-RNISHED HE~S GREEN (PETERSEN) ALUMINUM PRE-RNISHED HE~S GREEN (PE]ERSEN) ADVANTAGE SPLIT FACE BLOCK PANEL COLOR: AH NEW ROCK WHITE ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL PRE-FINISHED WHITE ~'ll'l GREEN 'VINYL GRAPHICS ADVANTAGE SPUT FACE BLOCK PANEL COL~OR: AH NEW ROCK WHIT ]HIS PLAN IS FOR PRESENTA310N PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT AN ARCHI~ECI1JRAL OR ENGINEERING PLAN. ARCHIIECT TO PROVIDE SIGNED AND SEALED ARCHIIECllJRAL AND OR ENOINEERE9 PLANS FOR REVIEW, EXTERIOR COVERING COLOR SCHEDULF 2' E.I.ES. ~"IEER SYS'IEM; DRYVIT COLOR ~10 - CHINA 1' E.I.F.S. ~EER S~M: DRY~IT COLOR #132- MOUNTAIN FOG (GRAY) 1' E.I.F.S. VENEER SYSIB,t: DRYVIT COLOR tli692- SHAMROCK (GREEN) 1' EI.F.S. VENEER SYS~3M: DRYVIT COLOR ~310 - CHINA (~l~E) RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0' LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4' = 11'-0' FST of NY DRAM BY: CPS CHECKED BY:Kp DATE: 1/1/99 PROJECT NO. 8581 DWG. NO. 8 ~ MEN ~'~ B.S. BUI~ING SUPPUER G.C. GENER~ CON~ACT~ (PRODDED BY AHC) ~ ./ ~ / ,/~ ./ , ~ ~' E.S. EQUIPMENT SUPPUER (PRO~D~ BY AHC) ~~ ~ ~ * ~IS PLAN IS FOR PRESENTATION PURPOSES ~ BY &C., E.S., C.S., D~, NAVE0, AHC ALT. ONLY ANO IS NOT AN AECHI~CTURAL OR ~ BY M~l~ R~ ERECTOR ~ ENGINEERING PLAN. ARCHI~CT TO PRO, DE ENGINEERED PLANS FOR REVIEW. ~IPME~ P~ MCA = 9.5 ~PS (120V/lC/60) ~C MCA = 18.75 ~PS (20~/1,/60) ~C FST of ~Y 1 / CPS BY:Kp (cus~) 8581 8581FLR