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Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938.
March 3,1987
Mr. Henry E. Raynor,
320 Love Lane
Mattituck, NY 11952
Re: Set-off for Pufahl
located at Mattituck
Dear Mr. Raynor:
Please let this confirm our coversation of February 27,
Upon review of the file for the above mentioned proposal,
there is no evidence that the covenants and restrictions required
by the Planning Board have bben filed in the office of the
County Clerk.
Since the covenants and restrictions were a condition
of the approval, would you please file the declarationat your
earliest convenience and forward a certified copy to our office
so we may finalize this matter.
If they have been filed, would you please mail us a copy
of the recorded declaration for our file. Thank you.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact
our office.
Very truly yours,
cc: Walter Gatz
Diane M. ~chu-ltze, Secretary
S~ ~ 'f. y
Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
June 12, 1985
Mr. Henry E. Raynor,
P.O. Drawer A
Jamesport, NY 11947
Re: Set-off for
Joseph and Lee Pufahl
Dear Mr. Raynor:
The following actio~re taken by the Southold Town
Planning Board, Monday, June 10, 1985.
RESOLVED that the $outhold Town Planning Board declare
themselves lead agency under the State Environmental Quality
Review for the set-off of Joseph and Lee Pufahl located at
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board a_~pprove
the set-off of Joseph and Lee Pufahl, located at Mattitu~k,
for two l~s on 29.54 acres, plan dated as amended March
21, 1985 subject to the review and comments of the Suffolk
County Planning Commission.
Would you please forward three surveys for the referral
to the County.
Enclosed is a copy of the negative declaration which was
also granted by the Board on June 10.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to
contact our office.
Very truly yours,
By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary
Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
October 9, 1985
Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr.
320 Love Lane
Mattituck, NY 11952
Re: Set-off for Joseph and Lee Pufahl
Dear Mr. Raynor:
The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning
Board, Monday, October 7, 1985.
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept and
request compliance with the resolution of the Suffolk County
Planning Commission dated September 9, 1985 r~garding the
set-off of Joseph and Lee Pufahl located at Sound Avenue
Enclosed is a copy of the resolution for your review.
When we are in receipt of the filed covenants and restrictions
and the surveys with the notation that covenants and restrictions
have been filed which affect the subdivision, the Chairman can
endorse the surveys.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact
our office.
Very truly yours,
By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary
Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman
Town of Southold Planning Board
Main Road
Southold, N.Y. 11971
September 9, 1985
Minor Subdivision - Joseph & Lee Pufahl and Walter & Marilyn Gatz
Northerly side of Sound Avenue, 917.83 feet westerly from Cox
Neck Lane, Mattituck, New York.
Dear Mr. Orlowski:
The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting on September
4, 1985, reviewed the proposed subdivision plat entitled, '~4/nor Sub~division -
Joseph & Lee Pufahl and Walter & Marilyn Gatz", referred to i~f-~hrsuant to
Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter. After due study and deliberation it
resolved to approve said map subject to the following eight conditions deemed neces-
dary to help preserve the traffic safety and carrying capacity of Sound Avenue, a
section of which is a county road.
No lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines changed in any manner at
any future date unless authorized by the Town of Southold Planning
Since this tract has the potential to be further subdivided, any sub-
division of any part of this tract in the future shall have a map of
the subdivision filed in the office of the County Clerk.
3. Ail driveways on Sound Avenue shall make an angle of at least 70° and
preferably 90° with the road.
Each lot having frontage on Sound Avenue shall have a turnaround pro-
vision, such as a T-shaped shunt, so that a vehicle leaving a lot
will not have to back out into the traffic stream on the road.
Ail stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement
of this subdivision or any of its lots shall be retained on the site
by adequate drainage structures so that it will not flow out onto the
right-of-way of Sound Avenue.
Since there is the possibility that the 50 foot right-of-way will be
utilized as a subdivision road in the future a short radius curve
with a suggested radius of 20 feet shall be provided at the inter-
section of the westerly side of the right-of-way with the northerly
side of Sound Avenue.
Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. 2 September 9, 1985
Re:Minor Subdivision - Joseph & Lee Pufahl and Waiter & Marilyn Gatz
Conditions 1-6, inclusive, shall be filed as covenants and restric-
tions in the office of County Clerk on or prior to the granting of
approval to this subdivision.
These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request
of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority
plus one of the Town Board of the Town of Southold after a public
hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of
such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not
be required.
The final map shall bear the following note: A Declaration of Cove-
nants and Restrictions has been filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's
office which affects lots in this subdivision.
The Commission also offers the following comments on the map for your use
and consideration:
It is suggested that before approval is granted to this subdivision
that the subdivider(s) be required to submit this proposal to the
Suffolk County Department of Health Services for review to insure
~hat the proposed subdivision will meet the requirements and stan-
dards of that agency.
2 o
Conditional approval of this subdivision does not in any way imply
approval of the layout of future subdivision of this tract presently
under consideration.
Due to the minimum lot area requirement of the zoning classification
of this property being considerably less than the area of Lots i and
2 consideration should be given to requiring a covenant and restric-
tion that will prohibit the future subdivision of these lots.
Very truly yours,
Lee E. Koppelman
Director of Planning
Charles G. Lmnd'," Chief Planner
Subdivision Review Section
File: S-SD-85-25
Encl.: Map
cc: R. A. Villa, P.E., SCDHS
A. Barton Cass, Comm., SCDPW
Southold, N.Y, 11971
(516) 765-1938
August 14, 1985
Mr. Charles G. Lind
Chief Planner
Subdivision Review Section
Suffolk County Planning Commission
Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Pufahl and Gatz
Your file No. 133-D-85-58
Dear Mr. Lind:
In accordance with your letter of July 30, 1985, enclosed
herewith is one additional copy of the final map for the above
mentioned subdivision.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you require any
additional information.
ery tru o rs,
By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary
AU$ 2 1985
(516) 360-5207
Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman
Town of Southold Planning Board
Main Road
Southold, N.Y. 11971
Deer Mr. Orlowski:
'July 30, 1985
Frell~tnary Final X
Plac Na~t: Minor Subdivision - Pufahl & Gatz
Location: N/wly/s Sound Ave., C.R. 48,
917.83' wly/of Cox Neck Lane
Mattituck, N.Y.
Please be ad. sad chac purse&nc co Section 1333, ArticLe ~ZZ o~ cbs S~Lf~olk C~mcy
~cer, the above referral ~11 hoc be re.eyed by the S~o~ Co~cy P~uluf.
Co~ss~ be~e o~ u~co~lance ~ch ~eq~re~ncs ~or .oc~ce md upe as so,pu-
l copy
~XL~u~ of final map (3 copies are required)
copy. of prell~tnary ~ap
copy of proposed srad~.~$ plan
copy of proposed road profiles
copy of proposed d=a~nale pla~
C~y O~ CO~8F/~c Mp
~CCOF fr~ N.Y.S.D.E.C (T~dal Weclaflds ~4/oc Freshvacer WeCl~ds ACC)
Very c~ly yours,
Lee E. ICoppelBam
Director of Plannin$
S~di~i~ ~vl~ Section
Southold, N.Y. 11971
Richard Ward
Kenneth. Edwards
William F. Mullen, Jr.
Suffolk County Planning Commission
Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, New York 11787
JulY 24, 1985 765-1938
Pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County
Charter, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the
following proposed final plat to the Suffolk County Planning Commission:
(Map of) (Minor Subdivision)
Tax Parcel Identifier No. lcaa
121- 1 4.1
Material Submitted:
Minor Subdivision - Class A(3 copies)
Class B (2 copies) X
Major Subdivision (3 Copies)
Preliminary Map (1 copy) ; Topographic Map (1 copy) ;
Darinage Plan (1 copy) ; Street Profiles (1 copy) ;
Grading Plan (1 copy) ; Planning Board Res. (1 copy) ;
Other material (specify and give number of copies)
Waiver of Subdivision Requirements - See attached sheet
Very truly yours,
(Map of) (Minor Subdivision-),, Joseph' and Lee Pufahl
~{amlet or Village Mattituck
The following items normally required as part of the subdivision applica-
tion have been waived.
Check, as required.
Preliminary Map
Street Profiles
Other (describe)
Topographic M~p X Drainage Plan X
X Grading Plan X Lands'cape Plan -X
1) ~nor Subdivision
a) Not required by subdivision regulations
· b) Subdivision of lot on an existing improved filed map
c) Other (describe)
2) Major Subdivision
a) No new drainage structures and no changes in existing drainage proposed
b) No new roads and no changes in existing roads proposed X
c) No major site clearing and grading proposed X
d) Other (describe)
Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
June 10, 1985
Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law
State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section.
617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is
hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board as lead agency for
the action described below has determined that the project will not
have a significant effect on the environment.
The minor subdivision of Joseph a~d Lee Pufahl is for two
lots on 29.54 acres located at Mattituck. Tax Map NO. 1000-121-1-4.1
The project has been determined not to have a significant
effect on the environment for the following reasons:
An environmental assessment has been submitted which
indicated that no significant adverse effects to the
environment were likely to occur should the project
be implemented as planned.
Because there has been no response from the Department
of Environmental Conservation in the alotted time,
assumed that there are no comments or objections from that
The Suffolk County Department of Health Services has no
objection to our designation of lead agency status. There
is no record of an application to the department. The
project appears to conform to Suffolk County Article VI,
with regard to lot size. An application to the Department
of Health Services is required and must receive approval.
The project will meet all the requirements of the Code
of the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Diane M. Schu~tze,
Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, New York
Copies mailed to the following;
Robert Flack, DEC Commissioner
NYS, DEC at Stony Brook
Suffolk County Department of Health Services
Suffolk County Planning Commission
Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor
Henry ~. Raynor,Jr., Agent
8outhold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
June 10, 1985'
Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law
State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section.
617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is
hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board as lead agency for
the action described below has determined that the project will not
have a significant effect on the environment.
The minor subdivision of Joseph and Lee 'Pufahl is for two
lots on 29.54 acres located at Mattituck. Tax Map No. 1000-121-t-4.1
The project has been determined not to have a significant
effect on the environment for the following reasons:
An environmental assessment has been submitted which
indicated that no significant adverse effects to the
environment were likely to occur should the project
be implemented as planned.
Because there has been no response from the Department
of Environmental Conservation in the alotted time,
assumed that there are no comments or objections from that
The Suffolk County Department of Health Services has no
objection to our designation of lead agency status. There
is no record of an application to the department. The
project appears to conform to Suffolk County Article VI,
with regard to lot size. An application to the Department
of Health Services is required and must receive approval.
The project will meet all the requirements of the Code
of the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Diane M-. SchuEtze,
Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, New York
MAY 31 1985
Date ,5'-
We are in receipt of your letter dated ~,/~. J~¥'~'-~oncerning the above
referenced project.
This Department has no objection to your designation of lead agency status.
This Department is in agreement with your initial determination.
This Department does not agree with your initial determination. See
Insufficient information is available for technical comments.
There is no record of an application to this Department.
A more accurate project location is needed.
(Suffolk County Tax Map #)
6. This Department has received an application and it is:
7. It appears that the project can be served by:
Sewage Disposal System
Sewer System and Treatment Works
Subsurface Sewage Disposal System(s)
Water Supply System
A Public Water Supply System
Individual Water Supply System{s}
The Health Department's primary environmental concern pertaining
to development is that the applicant c~ly with the requirements of the
Suffolk County Sanitary Code especially Article V and VI, and relevant
construction standards for water supply and sanitary sewage disposal.
These considerations are to be reviewed completely at the time of
application. Full considermtion in placement of water supply wells
and disposal systems is given to state and town wetland requirements.
The Health Department maintains Jurisdiction over final location of
disposal and well systems and the applicant should not undertake to
construct any water supply or disposal system without Health Department
Other portions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code also apply to
conmmrcial development such as Article XII. The Lead Agency is requested
to forward a copy of this form to the applicant with its findings.
Further comment may be provided upon completion of the application
N ame~
Phone ~- ~ ~
Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
May 24, 1985
Environmental Analysis Unit
DEC, Building 40, Room 219
Stony Brook, New York 11794
Enclosed find a completed ~0~X~X Environmental Assessment Form
and a copy of the map of the minor subdivision of Joseph and
Lee Pufahl at Mattituck, Tax Map No. 1000-121-1-4.1
This Project is unlisted and an initial determination of
non-significance has been made. We wish to coordinate this
action to confirm our initial determination~ ~ .~ . ~.
May we have your views on this matter. Written comments
on this project will be received at this office until June 7,
1985. We shall interpret lack of response to mean there is no
objection by your agency in regard to the State Environmental
Quality Review Act% and our agency will assume the status of
lead agency.
cc: Department of
Yours truly,
By Diane M. Schultze o-- _~L~L~
, o~re~ary
Health Services
123 Central Avenue
Greenport NY 11942
May 14, 1985
Southold Town Planning Board
Main Road
Southold NY 11971
This letter shall serve to notify the Board that the parcel
we have purchased from Fred and Jean Jens is limited to the 5.0
acre parcel so described in the submission before you.
~rY truly~s, ~ /~
Southold Town Planning Board
Town Hall
$outhold, New York 11971
The following statements are offered fcr your consideration
in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its
re[erral to the Suffolk County Planning Co~r~ission:
(1) No grading, other than foundation excavation for a
residential building is proposed.
NC new roads are proposed and no changes will be made in
the grades of the existing roads.
Nc new drainage structures or alteration of existing
structures are proposed.
Yours truly,
PROJECT I k-F O .~.'-LA T I 0 N
Joseph & Lee Pufahl '
Sound Avenue
Mattituck, NY 1195~
~-'._'-_- · r ...... :
set off
to~soil sand
6. Ap:roxi..-ate ~er:entace of proposed project site with slopes: 0-10: IO-1Z: ]-5 '.; 1S~ o~
Places ? Yes ~ No
8. ~hat is the Uap~9 to bhe water table? ~0 feet . ..
g. ~ hunting or fishing o~po~unities presently ezist In the ~?oject area) .. Yes X'"rio
10. ~es ~ject site contMn ~ny species of plant or animl life that Is identified
?cant?aa - ~e$ ..~ ~4o, acc~ing to - Identify eac,9 species
Are tgere any unique or unusual land fo.'-:,s on th~ ~mject site? {I.e. cliffs, dunes, ot~er
~s the o~ject sit~rese~tly used by the ~ni:~ or ~ ' ~.~-
Yes X ~o ~- ·
a. N:~ NONE
; b. Siz~ (in
............ = ~,.,nn a 1/4 =ile rz~ius of Lhe c.v.~ ..... n. (e.g. Z .... '" A/R
1. I~y:tcal di,r. ensicns and scaJe cf ~ ~ '+ (fill in dir,,~nsior, s as
a. Total ccnti~ucus acreage c~ned bk' ~r'~jeet sK-cnscr 5 acres.
b. Project acreag~ devet:ped: ~ acre~ initially: 5 acres ultimately.
P~ject acreage t~ r~ain undeveloped ~ 0 .
ye, c .... t.~. generated per hou~ (upon c:mpletlcn cf
h. If ~s~d .... .~ ,( .... r an~ ty~e aK h~usin; .
One'F~sily T~o F~cily Hu~tiple F~ily
Tctal height of tallest Pr::':sed structure '
buildin~ squam fc
?eat..Der zonin~ ordinan.ce.
natural m~teria) {i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be re.ovid from the site - 0
How many acres of vegetation (trees. shr~Jbs, ~-~un~ covers) will be removed
Will any mature forest {over 100 years old) or other Ioo&lly-fm;ortant vegetation be removed by
project? . Yes X
Are there any glans for re-vegetation to replace that re~oveU during const~d:tion? ..~Yes
If single ~hase ~r~jao:: Anticipated oeriod of o:~str~::ion 0 months. (including
Zf ~ulti-phas~d aroject: a. Total n~nber of phases anticipated ' No. "' '
'"-' -- b. A~ticioateU d..~ of co,.--~.ence~ent phase I
Yes ~' Re. If yes,
IL a. Is ~,,-f___ or subsurface Iicuid waste '
dls..~, invclve~? ~ Yes
· -, . ~n~ ..... ty:e cf wa~.e (s~a~, i~c~strial, etc. ) sewerage
]~. a. Does 7r-:jet: involve di:r:sal of solid ~asce? . Yes XNo
b. I, y_., will an ~i ...... s:lid waste ~ ..... be
....... 1 facility used? _ Yes X ~o
c. If yes, ~',. .'
_ ~ ...... sy:tcm or into a sanitary lan~,,ll. ~ Yes
16. ~i!l - ~-~-- ...~'.~ ~. ~.. - - . . --
17. ~lll -- -~-- r~utlnely -,-du% odors (.,-:~r~ t~an one hour per C:y)?Yes X No
l~. Will ~- ~ -- Or:duce .....
ex.e_dh,, the local ~:bience noise levels? __ Yes ~
19. ~ill :~'ec- result in a: i ...... ' If
- - n ..... ~ :n ener~j, use? Yes ~ ~o. ye:, indicate
c.~ls/mnu:e. Der SCDHS specs
a. Is ~ny FeCeral ~er~..,i: required? Yes ~No
b. Does project involve S~3Ce or Fe~ersl fundin$ or financing?
¢. La~l and Regional e~=rovals:
City, Town, V~lla~e
City, Town, Vil]~=e
:.. City, To~n, Zon~ ~erd
-~'. City. County hea~
Submittal A~ro~
(Cate~ (Oa:e
To the Planning Board of the Town of Soutbold:
The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in
accordanee with Article 16 of the Town Laxv and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town
Planning Board, and represents and states as follows:
The applicant is the owner of reeord of the land under annlication. (If the applicant is not the
owner of record of the land under application, the appli'c'ant shall state his interest in said
land under application.)
The name of the subdivision is to be "Set off" of Joseph and Lee Pufahl
The entire land under appiica:ion is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed
4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds re:ordeal in c..;; ~ ....
- ~,,.o,k County Clerk's ct:tee as
Liber ........................ Pa~- ....................... On .......................
Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ;
L:'~er ........................ pa7e ...................... On ................
LiL~- .......................... Page ...................... On .......................
as devised under the Last \','{:~ and Tcs~a....n. o£
or as distributee ........................................................................
5. The area of the land is .... .[ ............ acres.
6. A',I taxes wl~ich are Hens on the land at the (late hereof have been paid except ............
7. The land is encumbered by ... N/A
mortgn~'e ('s) as follows: ...........................................................
(a) ,Mortg'agc recorded in Liber .............. Paze .................. in original amount
of $ .............. unpald amount $ ..................... hehl by . .....................
.............. address
(b) -Mt~rt;ra~,-e recorded in Liber ......... P~,-c . ...................... in original amount
of .............. unpaid amount S ...................... held by . .....................
.............. address ...............................................................
(c) Mortg'age recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount
of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by . .....................
· ..................... address .........................................................
8. There are no other encumbrances or liens agaiost the land exceptN. Q[q~..
9. The land lles in the following zoning use dis:rices .
No part o{ the iand lies under water wheti'.cr tide water, stream, pond water or otherwis':, ex-
cept .... .........................................................................
The apsiieant shal! at his expense ' ~--~: "
m ..... ai~ requ;red pub!ia :mprovemen:s,
The land (~.g, tc,,i) (does not} lie in a \Voter District or \Voter Supply Distri:t. Name of Dis~
trkt. if ,vlth~n a District. is .............................................................
\Voter mains will be laid by . ...........................................................
and (al (no) charge will be made fcr~,.:~,.l.L,..'.--'-':'-,- said
Eiectri: lines and standards ;vili be insta!ied :-'L I:,L C 0
..................................... and (al (no) cimrge will be made /or installing' said
Gas mains will be installed by ...
and (al (no) charge wiiIbe made for ins:aii,ng said mains.
Ii streets shown on the plat are claimed hy II:c applicant to be existing' public streets in the
Sui."olk Count;,' tlighv,'ay system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same.
If streets sim',vn on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing' public streets in the
Town of Soutilr,ld Iligir~'.'ay system, anne:: £ci'~edule"C" hereto to show same.
There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which arc not located anti shown
on the plat.
\Vhere the plat shows pror~oscd streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub-
division maps i:eretoforc iiicd, there arc no reserve str~px at tile er](] of tile streets on said
In the course of these prr~cet"!iu;r;, the applica::~ will ,,il'er prot,i c~f title a~ required b.v Sec.
335 or' the kc_l !'rolmrty Lax,.,.
Scl:cdule "D".
22. The applicant estimates that the cost o[ grading' and required public improvements will be
$...0. ...... as itemized in Schedule "E" Bereto annexed and reqnests that the maturity o{ the
Performance Bond be fixed at: .............. years. The Performance Bond will be written by
a licensed surety company unless otheDvise shown~n Schedule "F".
DATE ............................... 19 ........ ~ ...... ~ .....
. .........
On the ................ day ............ of .............. , 19 ....... b~[ore mc pcrs~nMly came
........................ to'iue known, who bein~ by me duly sworn d~d de-
pose and ~ay that ............ resides at No .....................................................
................................ thnt .......................... is the ..........
ti~c corporation described in and wBich executcd iht fi,regoinz instrument; tim: ............ knows
thc ~cal of gMd corporation; thnt lhe seal affixed hy order of the board of directors of said corpnrntion.
a,,,l ~hat ............ si~v~cd .............. name thereto b2,' l;i:c order.
Notary PuBlic