HomeMy WebLinkAbout31668-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-31697 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Date: 07/20/06 Location of Property: 105 WATERVIEW DR SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 78 Block 7 Lot 9 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated DECEMBER 12, 2005 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 31668-Z dated DECEMBER 12, 2005 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UNDER, COVERED FRONT ENTRY WITH 2ND FLOOR BALCONY & NON -HABITABLE ATTIC AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to DOMINIC NICOLAZZI (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-00-0260 07/17/06 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 2023472 06/22/06 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 05/26/06 T.L. TUTHILL hor' ed o1gnature Rev. 1/81 , r/^A' SLAV. waaol r �. ----- Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JUL 2 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 'I. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. -2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage -disposal (S-9 fonn). '3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. �4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non -conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building- $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 / Date. _7 0 New Construction: V _Old or Pre-existing Building (check one) Location of Property: House No. LIJ 2 Ji �W () 21 JE Owner or Owners of Property: t 6 wr lnl Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Street Block -rtfz Lot Subdivision Filed Map. Lot: Permit No. --f 66 6 2 Date of Pennit. f Z IZ 0 Applicant: t r� c psJre- a t H'a 2 Health Dept. Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ Z,5-, " 6 u..7bG01�- C.Ot 3161 1 6 Z __ Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate: \/ (check one) licant Signature FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 31668 Z Date DECEMBER 12, 2005 Permission is hereby granted to: DOMINIC NICOLAZZI 81 PINCAIRE AVE FARMINGVILLE,NY 11738 for : CONSTRUCT ONE FAMILY DWLG W/GARAGE UNDER, COV. FRONT ENTRY WITH 2ND FL BALCONY & NON -HABITABLE ATTIC. THIS PERMIT REPLACES BP 29934. at premises located at 105 WATERVIEW DR SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 078 Block 0007 Lot No. 009 pursuant to application dated DECEMBER 12, 2005 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JUNE 12, 2007. Fee $ 2,147.80 l(w Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by G & S ELECTRICAL CONTR. P.O. BOX 215 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971, DOMONIC NICOLAZZI 105 WATERVIEW DRIVE C/O BAYVIEW SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Located at 105 WATERVIEW DRIVE C/O BAYVIEW SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Application Number: 2023472 Certificate Number: Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: 2023472 BDC: nsll Described as a Residential 3000-4000 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Basement, First Floor, Second Floor, Attached Garage, Outside, Attic, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 22nd Day of June, 2006. Name OTY Rate Rating Circuit Tvoe Alarm and Emergency Equipment Sensor 2 0 Carbon Monoxide Sensor 9 0 Smoke Appliances and Accessories Range 1 0 50 Amps Exhaust Fan 1 0 F.H.P. Dish Washer 1 0 1.2 KW Hydro Massage Tub (Therapeutic) 1 0 Furnace 1 0 Oil Steam Unit/Sauna 0 0 40 Amps Wiring and Devices Outlet 67 0 Fixture Fixture 67 0 Incandescent Outlet 122 0 General Purpose Receptacle 70 0 General Purpose Switch 69 0 General Purpose Receptacle 1 0 20 amp Laundry seal Receptacle 1 0 30 amp Dryer Continued on Next Page 1 of 2 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. O rJr rd3'CJ"t3ffl rJ�rJrJrJ��Prsrlor fr��PrJr1rJ�rJr�rJrJttrSr�r: a l morJ@P�.frJ�PrJrJrJrJrJr�rJ�JcJrJrJr1rJrJ�rJrJ�rJ�rJrJ�JrJ�rJ@P�Pr�i PrJrlrJ�1 5 rO 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 BUREAU F C 40 FULTTON STREET NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 CERTIFIES THAT C� 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 C5� G & S ELECTRICAL CONTR. DOMONIC NICOLAZZI 51 5 P.O. BOX 215 105 WATERVIEW DRIVE 5 5 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971, C/O BAYVIEW SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 5 105 WATERVIEW DRIVE C/O BAYVIEW SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 Located at 5 5 rcj 2023472 • 2023472 Application Number: Certificate Number. erj 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: rl cS Described as a Residential 3000-4000 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 �5 Basement, First Floor, Second Floor, Attached Garage, Outside, Attic, CA visual inspection of the electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed r5j 5 premises herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other promulgated 5 Sauthority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 22nd Day of June, 2006. Name OTY Rate Ratine Circuit Type 5 5 Heat, Light, Vent 1 0 5 5 tj Paddle Fan 1 0 5 5 5 GFCI Circuit Breaker 1 0 20 amp 5 5 Receptacle 10 0 GFCI Service C5 Ij 5 1 Phase 3W Service Rating 300 Amperes 5 5 Service Disconnect: 2 150 cb Meters: l LJ S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 seal 5 5 2 of 2 5 This be in is by the the location indicated. certificate may not altered any way and validated only presence of a raised seal at 5 5 o s�nrsr��r r rs��nu�rsrrsr rsr�ssss�sssssr�r�r�rsrrrsr�r 1:11:al rrrrrrr�rsrJ�r�r��n�nrrsrnr�rrr�r PLrL3 ss�ns� o Town Hall, 53095 Main Roac P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 j' W / Fax (631) 765.9502 Telephone(631)765-1802 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATION Building Permit No. 3 1 (o % 6 -,,3' Owner: -�boW1tN1C I)ICoLr17z 1 (Please print) Plumber: T, L 'ruT ttl L L_ (Please print) lead. Date: S�LG�O 0 I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% Sworn to before me this Y ---- - W'��mw' Notary Public, 3ILI9--ItAt,Lrounty (. I mbers Signature) E PAW Ndry �dINw lbk NO 01 OonrMssirt Fiplra)iih. I1, d 2'd 290V22Lt0. Goes -969-T£9 i DW 1SN02 00INI'�ZdJ 0S:Z0 9002 -5£ -ALM James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice -President SOF SO!/ly Peggy A. Dickerson �( Dave Bergen John Holzapfel A bC �yCO INTI BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 0128c THIS CERTIFIES that the house, deck, and garage Date July 12, 2006 At Waterview Drive and Main Bayview, Southold Suffolk County Tax Map # 78-7-9 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Datedl0/30/02 pursuant to which Trustees Permit # 5674 Dated Nov. 20, 2002 Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is house, deck and garage The certificate is issued to Dominic Nicolazzi aforesaid property. Authorized Signature owner of the Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice -President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson December 11, 2002 Catherine Mesiano, hic. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Morches, NY 11940 O��gUFFO(Ireel y� N BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RE: SCTM#78-7-9 Dominic Nicolazzi Waterview Drive & Main Bayview Southold, NY Dear Ms. Mesiano: Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during a Regular Meeting, held on November 20`h, 2002 regarding the above matter. WHEREAS, Catherine Mesiano, Inc.. on behalf of Dominic Nicolazzi applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated October 30`h, 2002. WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on November 20`h, 2002 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold -- 2 Town Code. WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, Safety and general welfare of the people of the town. NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved the application of DOMINIC NICOLAZZI for a Wetland Permit to construct a 50'x115' irreg. two story house and attached garage — 45'x79' irreg. deck and inground pool, septic system, pervious driveway, site grading, two proposed elevated walks, 3.5'x100' and 3.5'x60' both minimum 2-1/2' above grade and 4'x63' fixed timber dock minimum 3.5' above grade with 4'x8' steps to grade — 3'x325' wood chip paths. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. If inspections are required, at a fee of $5.00 per inspection (See attached schedule). FEES: None Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/cjc cc DEC Building Department Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. __..._Aa1� DATE: ..Nov. 20th; 2002 ISSUED TO .................... DOMINIC.... NICOLAZZI..:................................ I.. ....... ...... Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS•,•..': and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on .Nov. 20th 2002 and in consideration of the sum of ;.....200..00...... paid by Catherine-Mesiano-on-behalf of- Dotnihid... Nk6lazzi......... '.... , of r ...East ... l3o-k-he.s,.._......__...._................... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the/ reverse side hereof, of Southold Town _Truttees authorizes anri permits the following: Wetland Permit to construct a 50'x 115' itreg. two story house and attached garage — 45'x79' irteg. deck and inground pool, septic system, pervious driveway, site grading, two proposed elevated walks, 3.5'x 100' and 3.5'x60' both minimum 2-1/2' above grade and 4'x63' fixed timber dock minimum 3.5' above grade with 4'x8' steps to grade — 3'x325' wood chip paths. aY in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Phone: (631) 444-0365 • FAX: (631) 444-0360 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us PERMIT MODIFICATION Dominic Nicolazzi May 29, 2003 81 Pineaire Avenue Farmingville, NY 11738 Re: Permit # 1- 4738-02838/00001 Dear Mr. Nicolazzi: s v Erin M. Crotty Commissioner Your recent request to modify the above permit has been reviewed pursuant to 6NYCRR Part 621 (Uniform Procedures Regulations). It has been determined that the proposed modifications will not substantially change the scope of the permitted actions or the existing permit conditions. Therefore, the permit is amended to authorize:,-- Change uthorizer Change in ownership and revised configuration of project, as shown on plans prepared by Joseph A. Inc�egno, dated 1/23/02, last revised/1� 2/03, and stamped NYSDEC approved on 5/29/03. This letter is an amendment to the original permit, and as such, shall be available at the job site whenever authorized work is in progress. All other terms and conditions remain as written in the original permit. Very truly yours, Mark C. Carrara Permit Administrator cc: MHP C. Messiano File JEFFREY T. BUTLERS P.E. 20 OVERHILL RD. SHOREHAMI, NEW YORK 1 1 786 63 1 -208-BBSO LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MEMBER NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS December 28, 2004 Town of Southold Building Department Re: Nicolazzi Waterview Drive Southold, NY S.C.T.M.# 1000-78-07-09 Permit # 30192-Z Dear Sirs: JUL 10 Please note the following concerning this application: I have inspected and authorized the framing change from a 5 Y2" powerbeam to a 3 %z" powerbeam at the stair opening from the foundation to the first floor. Please call if you should have any this application. T. Butler�P.E. JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 20 OVERHILL RD. SHOREHAMp NEW YORK 1 1 786 631 -208-BB50 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MEMBER NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFEBBIONAL ENGINEERS October 22, 2004 Town of Southold Building Department Re: Nicolazzi Waterview Drive Southold, NY S.C.T.M.# 1000-78-07-09 Permit # 3&t92 --Z 3 16b S Dear Sirs: Please note the following concerning this application: I have inspected the foundation (6/27/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. • I have inspected the foundation damproofing (7/5/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. • I have inspected the strapping and anchoring(10/8/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. I have measured mean ridge height to the proposed finished grade and find that dwelling meets the max height requirements as proposed. Furthermore, in my professional opinion, the work in place conforms to the plans on file for this permit. Please call if you should have any additi^^.aheejjrams about this application. j9 T t a 2 dam. LL 2 2 9 2004 T. Butler/P.E. JEFFREY T. BUTLERp P.E. 20 OVERHILL RD. SHOREHAM, NEW YORK 1 1 786 A M4 631-20B-BB50 DECClr a LICENSED PROFEEBIONAL ENGINEER MEMBER NATIONAL BOCIET OF PROFEBBIONAL ENGINEERS - December 2, 2004 Town of Southold Building Department Re: Nicolazzi Waterview Drive Southold, NY S.C.T.M.# 1000-78-07-09 Permit # 39f92 -Z 3 I l.to' Dear Sirs: Please note the following concerning this application: • I have inspected the foundation (6/27/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. . I have inspected the foundation damproofing (7/5/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. . I have inspected the strapping and anchoring(10/8/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. • I have measured mean ridge height to the average existing grade and find that dwelling meets the max height requirements as proposed. Furthermore, in my professional opinion, the work in place conforms to the plans on file for this permit. Please call if you should have any additionalfabout this application. T. Butler, P.E. JEFFREY T. BUTLERS P.E. 20 OVERHILL RD. SHOREHAM, NEW YORK 1 17B6 63 1 -ZOB-BB50 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MEMBER NATIONAL SOCIETY GF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS October 22, 2004 Town of Southold Building Department Re: Nicolazzi Waterview Drive Southold, NY S.C.T.M.# 1000-78-07-09 Permit # 39.1.92 Dear Sirs: 25 Please note the following concerning this application: • I have inspected the foundation (6/27/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. • I have inspected the foundation damproofing (7/5/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. • I have inspected the strapping and anchoring(10/8/04) pursuant to the building code and find that the work conforms to the plan as filed with this application. Furthermore, in my professional opinion, the work in place conforms to the plans on file for this permit. Please call if you should have any additional concerns,atVt this application. � S' cerely, r. 7e Butler, P.E. r a'1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ J IN CATION [ ] FRAMING/ STRAPPING[ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ki DAfA, ,,d- Xd- CO w �- DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION ] FRAMING/ STRAPPING [ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION DATE 0-1'119 0� INSPECTOR U� a-7 7 3 �� 76S-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: 'g O DATE 7� ( J 0-5� INSPECTOR ' s � mw JAL d� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION 1,4 FRAMING/ STRAPPING[ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR FIELD • INCION REPORT DATE COMMENTS ATION (ISM yro r, �o FOUNDATION (2ND) 7 ROUGH FRAMING & PLUMBING O UI _ LIP.- Is- am_SINSULATION INSULATIONPER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE y - FINAL V1 O ADDITIONAL COMMENTS O 2 03 0 m ` o k . .� � y O z x \ 1 ra- y Il �y y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET 2 VILLAGE DIST.i SUB. LOT ZA /yl/q. t 1 C'.lv R ER OW Su a//�(�Oun J S P�' skl N� , r//vs ! E fJo L)AL� dAl. ACR. 00: ; 5.5 CA c. tz t.. -r S 1 W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. SEAS. VL. 7& FARM COMM, B. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE R"KS - / 6 44'7.3z �- - >,,� (:;612k w. 4,I . �1/f2. u,G[�n+. ve iPPs L i ,✓ �-/ � Swfl„/k�'a'u� Qa T Ze PoSK. q 3—Lll�3l' llol- eb�oski'iasu`�Ik�ou��;.,-�txsale craze r2 AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Acre Value Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Oat Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD r�r L) t — O v a J Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD Total DOCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL ' SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined 1017 2003 Approved /.�/ 2-,20 03 Disapproved a/c Expiration /Z200� BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ",,e� 3/W PERMIT NO. ;2 }�3 ye Building Inspector Do you have or need the following, before applying`? Board of Health 3 sets of Building Plans_ Planning Board approval Septic N.Y.S Contact: Mail to: i6\ Phone: (23\— (oS$-jo8b APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS Date C �'��� (,-P 20 G 3 a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. k. k1�� A 1 ) (SiMature of applicant or ame, if p c rporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder (- \w r -c / < cz Q-:1 Name of owner of premises (As on the tax roll or lat If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. con- t deed) I. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section —j Q Block —1 Subdivision Filed Ma N-41 V (Name) F o . Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building X Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost DIG O % O(Oe) Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units \ Number of dwelling units on each floor � If garage, number of cars a 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. WP 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Vac��s \cam Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front '-� E Q�N Rear a Depth Height a 0. Number of Stories a 9. Size of lot: Front � oC)Uk Rear = q b5 Depth-- 550' 10. Date of Purchase1(o�p3NameofFormer Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES_ NOJI�- 13. Will lot be re -graded? YES X NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES_ NO r' -'C y V'A-c 14. Names of Owner of premisesAddress Phone No. to3� �'t5'Scv Name of Architect C�kkgc Address Phone No G 3t- ao $tSSU Name of Contractor o V11 r Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES x NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) being duly swom, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this (O day of 0 20 MV Notary Public LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC, State of NewYotk No. 01B06020932 Qualified in Suffolk County ­ Term Expires March B, 20" Signature of Lkpplicantv JEFFREY T. BUTLERq P.E. 20 OVERHILL RD. SHOREHAM, NEW YORK 1 1 786 63 1-ZDB-BB50 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MEMBER NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS April 15, 2004 Town of Southold Building Department Re: Proposed Nicolazzi Residence 105 Waterview Drive Southold Residence Permit # 29934-Z Fan 31 lo(o Dear Sirs or Madam: As per your conversation with my client, Dominic Nicolazzi, I am writing to state that in my professional opinion the attached site plan showing a smaller house and deck footprint, rotated towards the North, is consistent with the DEC and Southold Town Trustees approvals. Both agencies approved a 75' setback to the proposed structure from the wetlands. I certify that the attached site plan proposes a distance of greater than 75' from the wetlands to any proposed structure. Please call if you should have any additional concerns about this application. F� '6 i 9i_ 4A c Jef Bu er, P.E. �»�tFSSIO�P� ,�° II I REScheck Compliance Certificate Permit Number Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release 1 Data filename: C:\Documents and Settings\JEFF\Desktop\MISC_JOBS\Misc Jobs 2003\030056-nicolazzi\FINAL SET\nicollazi.rck COUNTY: Suffolk STATE: New York HDD: 5750 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Detached 1 or 2 Family HEATING TYPE: Non -Electric DATE: 10/02/03 DATE OF PLANS: 10/1/03 PROJECT INFORMATION: Proposed Nicolazzi Residence Waterview Drive Southold, NY COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 691 Your Home UA = 589 14.8% Better Than Code (UA) Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 84 AFUE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Design Profess" o al has stamped and signed this page, they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge, belief, and professional jud or specifications are in mpliance with this Code. F✓ caSP P� i T Builder/Design Date .7 <� t J 1 c� ,73493 c," FESS°,OhP .E° Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R -Value R -Value U -Factor UA Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 2180 30.0 0.0 76 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 2204 15.0 0.0 120 Window 1: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low -E 408 0.340 139 Window 2: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low -E 152 0.340 52 Door 1: Glass 84 0.240 20 Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1426 15.0 0.0 110 Floor 1: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 2180 30.0 0.0 72 Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 84 AFUE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Design Profess" o al has stamped and signed this page, they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge, belief, and professional jud or specifications are in mpliance with this Code. F✓ caSP P� i T Builder/Design Date .7 <� t J 1 c� ,73493 c," FESS°,OhP .E° REScheck Inspection Checklist New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release 1 DATE: 10/02/03 Bldg Dept Use Ceilings: [ ] 1. Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss, R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Above -Grade Walls: [ ] 1. Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-15.0 cavity insulation Comments: [ ] 2. Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-15.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Windows: [ ] 1. Window 1: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low -E, U -factor: 0.340 For windows without labeled U -factors, describe features: # Panes_ Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: [ ] 2. Window 2: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low -E, U -factor: 0.340 For windows without labeled U -factors, describe features: # Panes_ Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: I Doors: [ ] 1. Door 1: Glass, U -factor: 0.240 Comments: Floors: [ ] 1. Floor 1: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space, R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: Heating and Cooling Equipment: [ ] 1. Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 84 AFUE or higher Make and Model Number I Air Leakage: [ ] Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. [ ] Recessed lights must be 1) Type IC rated, or 2) installed inside an appropriate air -tight assembly with a 0.5" clearance from combustible materials. If non -IC rated, the fixture must be installed with a 3" clearance from insulation. I Vapor Retarder: [ ] Required on the warm -in -winter side of all non -vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. Materials Identification: [ ] Materials and equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. [ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. [ ] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. Insulation R -values, glazing U -factors, and heating equipment efficiency must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-8 Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-4 Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-8. Return ducts in unconditioned spaces (except basements) must be insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: All joints, seams, and connections must be securely fastened with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic -plus -embedded -fabric, or tapes. Duct tape is not permitted. Exception: Continuously welded and locking -type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). Ducts shall be supported every 10 feet or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions Cooling ducts with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. Air filters are required in the return air system. The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Each dwelling unit has at lesat one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit Fireplaces: Fireplaces must be installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion air, as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State , the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code , as applicable. Service Water Heating: Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: [ ] All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. I Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 T or chilled fluids below 55 T must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes. Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thicknessfor HVAC Pipes. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range F 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25" to 2" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature Low Temperature Steam Condensate (for feed water) Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant, and Brine 201-250 1.0 Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non -Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature ( F) Up to 11, Up to 1.25" 1.5" to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thicknessfor HVAC Pipes. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range F 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25" to 2" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature Low Temperature Steam Condensate (for feed water) Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant, and Brine 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD (Building Department Use Only) _..,,,L �N dY cg ai 7_ ' FROM : C MESIAND INC FAX NO. : 631-878-8951 Jun. 12 2003 11:08AM P1 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DEC PERMIT NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 1.4738-02838/00001ChA ril. 18 2001 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBERS) PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE(5) Under the Environmental Conservation Lau April 18, 2005 TYPE OF PERMIT ■ Now ❑ Renewal ❑ Modification ■ Penait to Construct ❑ Permit to Operate ❑ Artie LC 15, Title 5: Protection ❑ 6NYCRR 6DS: Water guatitY ❑ Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR of Waters Certification 360: Solid Wast$ Monegement ❑ Article 15, Title 15; Water ❑ Article 17, Titles 7, 8- SPDES ❑ Article 27, Title 9: 6NYCRR supply 373; Hazardous Waste Management O Article 19: Air Pollution ❑ Article 15, Title 15: Water Control ❑ Article 34: Coastal Erosion Transport Management ❑ Artict• 23, Title 27: Mined ❑ Article 15, Title 15: Long Land Reclamation ❑ Article 36; Ftoociptain Island Wella Management ❑ Article 24: Freshwater Wetlands ❑ Article 15, Title 27: Wild, ❑ Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; Scenic and Recreational Rivers ■ Article 25: Tidal Wetlands 6NYCRR 380: Radiation control PERMIT ISSUED TO TELEPfIONE NUMBER Estate of J. 2ebrowski (631) 765.9283 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE C/o Jewell Gonzalez Estate of J. 2ebrowskl 1380 Waterview Drive Southold NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK ELEPHONE NUl18ER F:631) erine Mesiano Inc., 12 Mill Pond Lane, East Moriches, NY 11940 878-8951 AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY te of J. xebrowski property, northwest corner of Waterview Drive and Main Ba iaw Road Southold TION OF PROJECT/FACILITY F 01000.78-7-9 TY TOUR WATERCOURSE NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Goose Creek DC8CRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACrTMTY: Construct a single family dwelling, septic system and driveway. All work is to be done in accordance with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC approved. By acceptance of this permit, the Permittee agrees that the permit is contingent Leon strict compliance with the ECL, aLl applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 2 i 3) and any special Conditions included as part of this permit. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: ADDRESS Mark C. Carrara (CIN) Bldg. 040, SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 AUTHOR12ED SIGNATURE / j DATE // Page 1 of 4 • JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK ItEGIsrRAR OF VITA, STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFr1CIZR RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFriCER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER a4 �t9 �,) 93Y Y T + •n H;dl (IDS Maw Road P.O. Roy 117<1 Southold. Ne, ,wk 11'171 Fax ($161 765-1927 Telephone 1516) 18O1 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 24, 1993_ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts two (2) new forms to be used under the Flood Damage Prevent regulations of the Code of the Town of Southold: "Floodplain Development Permit Application" [FDP(93)], and "Certificate of Compliance for Development in Special Flood Hazard Area [C/C(93)). �hf_� Southold Town Clerk August 25, 7993 APPLICATION A,— PAGE PAGE I of 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION This form is to be filled out in duplicate. SECTION 1 GENERAL. PROVISIONS (APPLICANT to read and sittn)� 1. No work may start until a permit is issued. 2 The permit may be revoked if any false statements are made herein. 3. If revoked, all work must cease until permit is re -issued. 4. Development shall not be used or occupied until a Certificate of Compliance is issued. 5. The permit will expire if no work is commenced within six months of issuance. 6. Applicant is hereby informed that other permits may be required to fulfill lou, state and federal regulatory requirements. 7. Applicant hereby gives consent to the Local Administrator or his/her representative to make reasonable inspections required to verify compliance. 8 I, THE APPLICANT, CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN AND IN ATTACHMENTS TO THIS APPLICATION ARE, TO THE EBW BEST OF MY KNOLEDGE, TRUE AND ACCURATE. (APPLICANT ) YS SIGNATUREt"" j_^" DATE—LZ Z (7 V 3 SECTION 2• PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (To be completed by APPLICANTI BUILDER S t %311 732 IcaI-r,>.,_�r ..,.4 7 Clop — S -OV S -2y a)�Z�3-88Sv To avoid delay in processing the application, please provide enough information to easily identify the project location. Provide the street address, lot number or legal description (attach) and, outside urban areas. the distance to the nearest intersecting road or well-known landmark A sketch attached to this application showing the project location would be helpful. Sc Tt,,74� /00c – %Q — 7 –1 co2�v car wr+i4�v ti ry2tt/ Q �nisi�v/3s��v �w /�o9/J 'S TNoc() FDP(93) APPLICATION PAGE 2 OF n DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Check all appbcablc boxes). A. STRUCTURAL. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY STRUCTURE TYPE O -New Structure 19 -Residential (1-4 Family) ❑ Addition ❑ Residential (More than 4 Family) ❑ Alteration ❑ Non-residential (Floodproofmg? ❑ Yes) ❑ Relocation ❑ Combined Use (Residential & Commercial) ❑ Demolition - R ❑ Manufactured (Mobile) Home (in Manu - 0 Replacement factured Home Park? ❑ Yes) ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT B. OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES: O -Fill ❑ Mining ❑ Drilling a Grading ❑ Excavation (Except for Structural Development Checked Above) ❑ Watercourse Alteration (Including Dredging and Channel Modifications) ❑ Drainage Improvements (Including Culvert Work) ❑ Road, Street or Bridge Construction ❑ Subdivision (New or Expansion) AIndividual Water or Sewer System ❑ Other (Please Specify) After completing SECTION 2, APPLICANT should submit form to Local Administrator for review. SECTION 3 FLOODPLAIN DETERMINATION fFo be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR) The proposed development is located on FIRM Panel No. . Dated The Proposed Development: ❑ Is NOT located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (Notify the applicant that the application review is complete and NO FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED) - 0 Is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. FIRM zone designation is 100 -Year flood elevation at the site is: - Ft. NGVD (MSL) ❑ Unavailable ❑ The proposed development is located in a floodway. FBFM Panel No. Dated ❑ See Section 4 for additional instructions. SIGNED APPLICATION N PAGE 3 OF a SECTION < ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED (To be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATORI The appGcam must submit the documents checked below before the application can be processed: ❑ A site plan showing the location of all existing structures, water bodies, adjacent roads, lot dimensions and proposed development. ❑ Development plans, drawn to scale, and specificatipns, including where applicable: details for anchoring structures, proposed elevation of lowest floor (including basement), types of water resistant materials used below the fust floor, details of floodproofmg of utilities located below the first floor and details of enclosures below the first floor. 0 Subdivision or other development plans (If the subdivision or other development exceeds 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is the lesser, the applicant must provide 100 -year flood elevations if they are not otherwise available). ❑ Plans showing the extent of watercourse relocation and/or landform alterations. ❑ Top of new fill elevation Ft. NGVD (MSL). Ft: NGVD MSL. For ❑ FloodprooCmg protection level (non-residential only) (MSL). floodproofed structures, applicant must attach certification from registered engineer or architect. 0 Certification from a registered engineer that the proposed activity in a regulatory floodway will not result in any increase in the height of the 100 -year flood. A copy of all data and calculations supporting this finding must also be submitted. SECTION SECTION 5 PERMIT DETERMINATION (To be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATQM I have determined that the proposed activity. A. O Is B. O Is not in conformance with provisions of Local Law #_, 19_ The permit is issued subject to the conditions attached to and made put of this permit- SIGNED ermit SIGNED DATE If BOX A is checked, the Local Administrator may issue a Development Permit upon payment of designated fee. if BOX B is checked, the Local Administrator will provide a written summary of deficiencies. Applicant may revise and resubmit an application to the local Administrator or may request a hearing from the Board of Appeals. APPLICATION a PAGE a OF a APPEALS: Appealed to Board of Appeals? Q Yes ❑ No Hearing date: Appeals Board Decision --- Approved? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 6 AS BUILT ELEVATIONS (To be submitted by APPLICANT before Certificate of Compliance is issued The following information must be provided for project structures. This section must be completed by a registered professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor (or attach a certification to this application). Complete 1 or 2 below. 1. Actual (As -Built) Elevation of the top of the lowest floor, including basement in Coastal H]Ph Hazard Areas , bottom of lowest structural member of the lowest floor, excluding piling and columns) is: FT. NGVD (MSL). 2. - Actual (As -Built) Elevation of floodproofmg protection is FT. NGVD (MSL) NOTE: Any work performed prior to submittal of the above information is at the risk of the Applicant SECTION 7• COMPLIANCE ACTION (To be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR) The LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR will complete this section as applicable based on inspection of the project to ensure compliance with the community's local law for flood damage prevention. INSPECTIONS: DATE BY DEFICIENCIES? ❑ YES ❑ NO DATE BY DEFICIENCIES? ❑ YES ❑ NO DATE BY DEFICIENCIES? ❑ YES ❑ NO SECTION 8: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE(To be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR) . Certificate of Compliance issued: DATE BY: Attachment B SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE for Development in a Special Flood Hazard Area TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA (OWNER MUST RETAIN THIS CERTIFICATE) PREMISES LOCATED AT: OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. PERMIT DA' CHECK ONE: ❑ NEW BUILDING ❑ EXISTING BUILDING ❑ VACANT LAND THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR IS TO COMPLETE A. OR B. BELOW: A. COMPLIANCE IS HEREBY CERTIFIED WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL LAW # , 19 SIGNED: DATED: B. COMPLIANCE IS HEREBY CERTIFIED WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL LAW # , 19_, AS MODIFIED BY VARIANCE # DATED SIGNED: DATED: C/C(93) N 05'10'26" 3-193' h y 1 \ 1 \ y 1 \ 1 I \ \ z I \ Q / \ I ` z / / COASTAL BARRIER IOENTIFIEU 11-16-90 ap pU I �2 I OUTLINE OF DEC - APFROVAL FROM FLAN5 BY )SEEN A. INEE6NO, 5. OATBD 1123/02 F.F. = 6.F = -4f HOLE / J / / / / / / / SITE DATA: 015T: 1000 5EG: 78 BLOGK 07 LOT: 09 AREA OF 51TE: 235614.84 SOFT. = 5.409 AGRES 51TE PLAN BA5ED ON 5URVEY BY: JOSEPH A. INOEONO LAND SURVEYOR 1380 ROANOKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 1931 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 TEL.: (651) 727-2090 FAX: (631) 727-1727 Tr -5T }-TOLE DATA (TEST HOLE DUG BY MLUONALD 5EOSGIENOE ON FEBRUARY 4, 1999) J' RK BROWN LOAM OL 2' AY GLAYEY SAND 5G V SHR IN BROWN SILTY SAND 5M Io' .TER IN PALE BROWN E SAND 5P IT i a W � a H 0 m�Lo XZq H tflOQ� O�m �cl�� O N ENGINEER t r ply �• JEFFREY T. BUTLER. PE. Q J O I Lu O Q IL Lu O Q q O z �w r Lu o CD w 7 NQQr Q Q O��O O C N J m O F-� C/1 Lu O O w O O 0 D- n `n O s � O z o z Q � � Q FACE: 1 of I TABLE R30L4 WIND MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS IPSiJ USE LIVE LOAD EXTERIOR BALCONIES 60 DECKS 40 PASSENGER VEHICLE GARAGES 50 ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE 10 ATTICS WITH STORAGE 20 ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS 40 SLEEPING ROOMS 30 STAIRS 40 GUARDRAILS AND HANDRAILS 200 4 n DESIGN CRITERIA K *THESE PLANS 4RE INCOMPLETE WITHOUT DETAIL SHEETS (ADDENDUM TO DRAWING SET)# GROUND WIND DETIL SHEET FOR SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM WINTER DESIGN H WID CONNECTION rREIQUIR:E'r-fENTS FLOOD LIVE DEAD ROOF UPLIFT LOAD WALL SHEATHING USE/ OCCUPANCY HEIGHT OPENING PROTECTION BT TYPE OF SPEED WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS FROST PERSUANT TO 1609.1.4, SEE FA5TENIN6 SCHEDULE ON DETAIL SHEET IN THIS SET - - DESIGN CRITERIA K *THESE PLANS 4RE INCOMPLETE WITHOUT DETAIL SHEETS (ADDENDUM TO DRAWING SET)# GROUND WIND SEISMIC SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM WINTER DESIGN ICI SHIELD UNC?RLAYMENT FLOOD LIVE DEAD ROOF UPLIFT LOAD WALL SHEATHING USE/ OCCUPANCY HEIGHT FIRE AREA TYPE OF SPEED EXPOSURE FROST SNOW DESIGN LINE U M W tin Qtu MASONRY CHIMNEY L [` ' I LOAD (MPH) CATAGORY CATAGORY WEATHERING DEPTH TERMITE DECAY TEMP FLeE ED HAZARDS LOAD LOAD SUCTION LOAD CLASSIFICATION CONSTRUCTION MODERATE 5LIGHT TO '! FROM 1995 PERIMITER EDGE ZONE - 33.2 pef EDGE ZONE • 75.6 p,F FIRST FLOOR • 7311 SOFT. 45 per 170 B G SEVERE 48" 70 HEAVY I MODERATE II I: YE5 FIRM MAPS 40 PeF 70 pef INTERIOR ZONE • 76.6 Pef INTERIOR ZONE • I0A pef R-3 33'9" SECOND FLOOR • 1496 SOFT TYpE V FRONT ELEVATION Solmi, �I ■I I � ■.� . '■ i� _I ---'—III IIII IIiI VIII III II 1 I REAR ELEVATION t O m CONT RIDGE VENT I U M W tin Qtu MASONRY CHIMNEY L [` ' I I-5.11_ - - .- - -- -' - :- .-__ __- -� _- - - ___ - -- IN ■ -- - �_ � -- �._ - _ —_ ___ - — _ - - ,C ASPHALT SHINGLES iYP MEN -..- ' T r _` -- ' :� — _` - - — - - __ --- — _ X6 FASCIA BD. _ _ - --IX8 FRIEZE BD r IXIO RAKE BO e ii Nis ■� ■I - ■ In Ali■ ■� ■�i - - 77 LLiT L. 3--7 7 - CEDAR 5HINGLEB TYP. - — - _ 7711 C — — FRONT ELEVATION Solmi, �I ■I I � ■.� . '■ i� _I ---'—III IIII IIiI VIII III II 1 I REAR ELEVATION t NOTE: SEE PAGE & OF 6 FOR DEMONSTRATION OF CONFORMANCE TO HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PERSUANT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE I PLUMBER CERTI _(CATION ONLEADCONTFI L,,r :NE CERTIFICATE 0= (JGCUnA'VCY SOLDER USED IN 14 ATL R SUPPLYSYSTEMCANN, T EXCEED 2/10 OF 1% L EAU. PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING WASTE 6 WATER LINES NEED TESTING BEFORE COVERING CERTIFICATION OF pp NOT PROCEED WITH NAILING & CONNECTIONS FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY REQUIRED. OF FOUNDATION LOCATION HAS BEEN APPROVED. OCCUPANCY OR All 0ONSTRUCTIONSHALL USE IS UNLAWFUL MEET THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE COOES OF NEWYORK STATE: WITHOUT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW ]RK STATE & TOWN CODES ASF.-UIREDAND CONDITION$OF APPROVED AS NOTED 4. BOUTHOLDTOWNZBA �104,DATE; e 3 B.P.I -2 e IWSOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD FEE: A 7tD BY: SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT / 765.1602 6 AM TO 4 PM FOR THE N.Y.S. DEC FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE 1 FORNPOUR D CONCRETEUIRED REQUIRED 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING S. INSULATION LL�� AiLT 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST nOOD ZONE- a1=� ALL BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW COMPLY WITHGHAPTER"4Ei„ FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENYORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TION DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. ■ r- I N m U M W tin Qtu IN ■ i MEN e ii Nis ■� ■I - ■ In Ali■ ■� ■�i NOTE: SEE PAGE & OF 6 FOR DEMONSTRATION OF CONFORMANCE TO HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PERSUANT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE I PLUMBER CERTI _(CATION ONLEADCONTFI L,,r :NE CERTIFICATE 0= (JGCUnA'VCY SOLDER USED IN 14 ATL R SUPPLYSYSTEMCANN, T EXCEED 2/10 OF 1% L EAU. PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING WASTE 6 WATER LINES NEED TESTING BEFORE COVERING CERTIFICATION OF pp NOT PROCEED WITH NAILING & CONNECTIONS FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY REQUIRED. OF FOUNDATION LOCATION HAS BEEN APPROVED. OCCUPANCY OR All 0ONSTRUCTIONSHALL USE IS UNLAWFUL MEET THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE COOES OF NEWYORK STATE: WITHOUT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW ]RK STATE & TOWN CODES ASF.-UIREDAND CONDITION$OF APPROVED AS NOTED 4. BOUTHOLDTOWNZBA �104,DATE; e 3 B.P.I -2 e IWSOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD FEE: A 7tD BY: SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT / 765.1602 6 AM TO 4 PM FOR THE N.Y.S. DEC FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE 1 FORNPOUR D CONCRETEUIRED REQUIRED 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING S. INSULATION LL�� AiLT 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST nOOD ZONE- a1=� ALL BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW COMPLY WITHGHAPTER"4Ei„ FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENYORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TION DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. ■ r- I N m U M W tin Qtu PAGE: e I Of rO b— -71 I t .TLL J 11 L T 1 - �I�r'iL1�- - - - RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION MEAN HEIGHT (100-13 DEFINITIONS) e r _ G TYPI _ - IO" RND CEDAR .AlL, OMITTED I I - - FIq'MO VIE01 - - AvE. EXIST, GRADE • ELE 9.6 SLAB - ELE 8.1 LEFT 6117E ELEVATION l 1112 MASONRY CNIMNEI" l I Tf L L _ LI1 r� 1 -ll. L-T,L LP11--- �LLf4-L L -.LL r LI 11- TLCI:TJLI.1 1_T III -2-1 i- }r}r- 1 I I I T T iI�LrL -_ II ILi II _III LI'1[L - - .-.�J1J i-�Z— FIk - -_ - - I r -L1_ -F =E - -_ -- - - I . C _ LI -LI Tr i Ticl- -j of m T Ll 1 II CIl - -—- W �m m� 14 X Z LL RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION MEAN HEIGHT (100-13 DEFINITIONS) e r _ G TYPI _ - IO" RND CEDAR .AlL, OMITTED I I - - FIq'MO VIE01 - - AvE. EXIST, GRADE • ELE 9.6 SLAB - ELE 8.1 LEFT 6117E ELEVATION l 1112 MASONRY CNIMNEI" l I Tf L L _ LI1 r� 1 -ll. L-T,L LP11--- �LLf4-L L -.LL r LI 11- TLCI:TJLI.1 1_T III -2-1 i- }r}r- 1 I I I T T iI�LrL -_ II ILi II _III LI'1[L - - .-.�J1J i-�Z— FIk - -_ - - I r -L1_ -F =E - -_ -- - - I . C _ LI -LI Tr i Ticl- -j of ENGINEER: I m p -—- W �m m� X Z LL ID Q p� 1— Qlu 0 0 61� LU O 55 LL m U- w W r u o ENGINEER: I WAGE: 2 of (o p -—- W p� 0 0 61� 55 0 W r u o b ir ozm m m ego 0 s Z .4 —_ _ Q u m O W `� a L a ". o n WAGE: 2 of (o • pm Z FOUNDATION PLANSEE OR _._ 3" nve" TA • 550 FJ 16"IO.L. I I��QI--- INTERCONNECT PER CODE TYP.µma m 1.1 � LF1 r Xz LAV ID SINK TUB'/ I SHOWER Lu 31 O O P.G. FOOTING, W W � SECOND FLOOR � m 2 2' ;�I -__— ----------------------- INK i DW MAIN FLOOR w� SNF Ln U 2" A G.O. 4" VTR -------------------------------- I � I I 1 I ul G 2" 4,. PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM (NTS) 0 2.. 3' FAI i i G.O. C.O. TO AN APPROVED SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM CAST IRON HOUSE TRAP I u a 78' 2" 13'4" 64' 10" 6' 8" 6' 8" � 28' 0" � 7' 1011 12' 6" 16' 6" P 15" DIAMETER P.G. FOOTING TO SUITABLE 17' U" 8' b" SOIL OR 48" BELOW GRADE TYPICAL ---------------- 2-2X10 GCAS" P.C. FOUNDATION WALL R q a ON 30" WIDE X 15" DEEP SHIM TO BOTTOM ;-STEEL - n p P.O. FOOTING. PROVIDE WITH CMU AND MORTAR o 'x 4--4 BARE CONT REBAR p • F, , IN FOOTING PROVIDE CMU ANV.HORTAR Yo &6x IDLEDG8l'� fR'b___________________________________________________.__________________________I • • • • + , G BOLI • - • • • •I • • • +__ __ _ _____ _ _ _______ FILL IN A_6 RFAWR _ __ naD CCA LEDGER _ I i ' ! � 30310 30310 30310 I I ' .___________ __,._____ ' ___i � - JT SOLD GROUTSOLID r I -_ _-_ 1 Y B. + Y • ---------------------------------- ----------- T i _ �_____•__ I r __ _ ./, - BEAM PO ET T_____________________________ __i • YDLKET 1 GROUT 50Y10 I / ' L. ' K METAL D G NG 1 BE POLKET SEAQ F31OLID LLI r I q U�IryH �'. G. SLAB A 01•� R C�pOURED GONG. SLAB - 3000 -_______________________� _________, , / IIX r c IX �.r ,u = { �'rUl FI 'c -'rte 30310 r c ry J , • • • i • • , • 1 I� y dI I p E I C W/ 6 MIL. POLY, 1 6X6 WWM J 0 ' • i DW WALL W/ 5/6' GWS I I , 5"_" a i $' 7 d $' U" a r m r - 4" CRUSHED STONE OVER COMPACTED L , I i b�sr------ ------BEA, POCK --- 1 r I N BATE CID xX4 LLd SHOE i SEE CRO56 SECTION I l a INSULATE R-15� ; GROUT SOLID 1,p ' F` r.o BOLT CONNECTION 1 I% X I Y• 3 BOTTOM QF BEAMS v ARE FLUE�1 I .J-1�_ i .- _r__+ j E r 1 p a U LL P. m Y 4" STEEL COLUMN ON Oar- 1 > I W 12 x 46 L m I m p o 'i ' —ti- 30" T 30" X 36" DEEP J W _ Y '�• • a -- , _ gg '_ti__ --L i1 mp on 30310 II T/8" T'1960 __________________________ , ST________ 2_4" EEL pm Z FOUNDATION PLANSEE OR _._ -- nve" TA • 550 FJ 16"IO.L. I I��QI--- INTERCONNECT PER CODE TYP.µma m 1.1 � LF1 r Xz ID G12, d I O Lu 0 O O P.G. FOOTING, W � � n 90 � m ;�I -__— 16'3" w� SNF ' III6 v a ' ~ Q I M w« o I J J I I 7 Q a a yr III • cx I1 / . .G IIl/8TJ55060„ FJ,EaSAM j- I PROVIDE 11 POCKET a PARTITIONS TYP. UNDER PAR PARTIIONS m _ _ _____OLLLfi21r1 _ 1__ m m z i ; i BEAM POCKET u F - , - GROOT SOLD I n OOLUMN5:ON i • ; ; !___I�_I •- I ' IN T. SIDES, , 36 k60"X36"DEQ O i ul " GWB i ' P.G. FOOTING, TYP. I I I ♦ 1 ON OCT.BSIDES, ]x4 CGA SuOE I 1 1 I •_____a 1 T___• _ 1 O I Q Q L ��rr I I Gi I 2+ GAR ARAG'� '• SOLID MASONRY PIER A I -i' ELEvi4TE BURNER UNITS A -PROVIDE 5/8" F.O. J i 1 IB" ABOVE SLAB CODE I, F I L I _ GW9 ON WALLS AND i "' i i WITH T.C. FLUES FOR FURNACE I = 1 - AND HOT WATER HEATER i Q HWH PROWIDE 5/8" F ro I .0 CEILING PER CODE MASONRY FIREPLACE AND • , 1 GW0 PER CODE r �` 4" POURED GONG. 5LL45 - 3000 P.S.I. r= III CHIMNEY ABOVE ; - �CE , _ - i-11 (f FI X- , x VERIFY SIZE OF FLUES REOWIRED • I 1 1 6 HIL. POLY, 4 6X6 WWM I ' X % t, s 4CRUSHED STONE AVER COMPACTED FILL r • 1 i o I $ J. I IPUJ� SEE CROSS SECTION I • I p o �, m I J I _ S. xCKET 7 1 I I i- - BEA" POCKET R BEAM II, OLI I ,f,ET GROUT SOLID I - li_ GRWT 1: ROUT SOLI MEGHANIG'AL 1 m , M I -------------- - ' __ G__a_____________________________ _ F• T - --------- ROOM ' . _ . ':. '+ '. 215 GALLON 2l5 GALL .. .. . -- _ - _ .. .. • - i • it i 6 OIL TANK OIL TAN I •,•-------------� -30310 , _ --- - r i_________ _______. . FI ______________ __________ ♦ ,' ,• 30310 J • , I o ' _______1 __ 1 1 � , -- - • I � . f - -_ • •. • � COMPACTED FILL I � __________—• _ I_ 30310 _ 1 • _ �' 30310 ' ' • ------- 8' 6" T 10" ` T 10 8,6" 7-3" 7' $" T 4" ♦ I I' 4" 210.1 16'4" 10'2" 16'4" 22' 0" h C FOUNDATION PLANSEE OR HGHDETAIL WIND CONNECTION REOUIREMENT5 SMOKE DETECTOR IS INTERCONNECT PER CODE h C PAGE: 3 of & w W • $ m 1.1 � LF1 r Xz ID G12, Q Q O Lu 0 O O azm W � � n 90 � PAGE: 3 of & • $ m LLm O O W 0 O O azm � n 90 � m w� SNF v a PAGE: 3 of & EGRESS CODE RR31011 HIn!mue opening arae 411 emergency escape and re cue opening. .Hall H.ve a minimum net clear oP.W'53 or 5.7 .gl.me Fee! 10 530. ml EXCEPTION G'�de door apemnga .hall nlnlmum net elver opening or 5 eq ere Feet IO 465 m2' RR310 I5 Mlnllmum opening nelgnt The mm mum net c'ser opening He,gnt 11 .Nell be 24 [,.he. (610 me' RR31013 Mlnlmum opening uldtl- The .'—um net Gear open ng width 1 .ha0 be 20 Inchae (508 mml, RR31o'l 4 Oparotlonal .on etrelnte. Emergency aecape and ewde openinge .hell be opereuonal from the ".lde or the room without the ue or keye or tools. WINDOW AND DOOR (INCLUDES ATTIC) PRODUCT CODE R.O. SIZE Tl\3115]-1 (HXW) HINGE DIRECTION REVERSED COUNT TYPE SHUTTER SIZE (HXW) COMMENTS - _ v H 48A'FF d T p B O" CLG NGT BEDROOM 02 T\A'JUJb �t � � m .fRR�I✓, R R I V 1 TW3046-2 4' 8 1/8'' x 6' 3 5/16" NN NA I WINDOW 4' 10 1/8" x 6' l 5/16" MEETS EGRESS CODE TW3046 4' 8 7/E31' x 3' 1 5/8" N NA l WINDOW 4' 10 1/81' x 3' 6 1/8° MEETS EGRESS CODE TW3046 4' 8 T/4511° x 31 1 5/811 N NA 2 WINDOW 4' 1 11411 x 3' 6 1/811 MEETS EGRESS CODE TW3046 4' 8 7/4�I1" x 31 1 5/8" N NA 5 WINDOW 6' 10 1/8" x 31 6 1/8° MEETS EGRESS CODE TW3052-3 5' 4 l/EII," x 9' 511 NNN NA I WINDOW 5' 4 1/5" x e' 5" MEETS EGRESS CODE 12XBO SLIDING FRENCH 2 6' 2" 1 or waw r � H NN YES I SLIDING DOOR 6' 10" X 6'10" MEETS EGRESS CODE 24X36 OVAL 31 011 x I2� O" N NA I WINDOW 3' 4" x 2' 4" i 11:5ULATE R 15 V r I I JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. I I m ________________ _ ______________________________LL AW251-3 2' 411 x 7 O" NNN NA I WINDOW 2' 4" x -1' 4" Z AN31 31011 x ;?4" _ I N NA 2 WINDOW 3' 8" x 2' B" 1 0 n - I WLu z m n o I VERIFY ALL ROUGH OPENINGS WITH 1ANUFACTURER WINDOWS ARE TO MEET DESIGN PREiSSURE OF 40 PSI AND TO HAVE A U VALUE OF .34 1 N n" 12 I I' Yfi" nv' o'I1" SECOND FLOOR PLAN LIVING AREA = 1432 SQ FT UNFINI5HED AREA = 150 SQ FT SMOKE DETECTOR INTERCONNECT PER CODE 4x4 POST 4 6HOR PER DETAIL Ill TYP 1! 2-2X10 HDR U O 0 BAL ON'Ir' (SU � v 5/4" X 6" DECKING m.PROVIDER IL PER CODE X =HG I 06L 3 2XI HDR, 111 4 l' SITTING. RI)OM 80" CLG, HIa T. =G r 6 b" I FRENSrH GCO 0 11 X III" r_ 2-2x10 FLUSH IDR W 0 u YI a Q I a 2-2x10 4" U' IH" 0 113' "U I AA 1046 '_ BEARING WALL Tl\3115]-1 O U W 2-1 3l4' x 9 1/4" FI.L HDR MASTER BATH Mimi — CLG CT °ASTER BEDRO M _ v H 48A'FF d CLO, p B O" CLG NGT BEDROOM 02 T\A'JUJb �t � � m .fRR�I✓, R R I V 1 80' CLG NGT Ko m � ry m I � � X �n LL U wn " 2x12 F IU G 2x10 R. p 0 ml LO, F— BEARING WALL 4"I"J" — 2-2xk, 14DR, 2-2xlp HDR. SPACE Lu W.LG. W�LG. TV.W3Wb 1 3046 MIF' Yfi" nv' o'I1" SECOND FLOOR PLAN LIVING AREA = 1432 SQ FT UNFINI5HED AREA = 150 SQ FT SMOKE DETECTOR INTERCONNECT PER CODE 4x4 POST 4 6HOR PER DETAIL Ill TYP 1! 2-2X10 HDR U O 0 BAL ON'Ir' (SU � v 5/4" X 6" DECKING m.PROVIDER IL PER CODE X =HG I 06L 3 2XI HDR, 111 4 l' SITTING. RI)OM 80" CLG, HIa T. =G r 6 b" I FRENSrH GCO 0 11 X III" r_ 2-2x10 FLUSH IDR W 0 u YI a Q I a 2-2x10 4" U' IH" 0 113' "U I AA 1046 '_ BEARING WALL J / O LO W vER'F' 5ZE MASTER BATH Mimi — CLG CT p 80 CLG Hs- _ v H 48A'FF d CLO, R VENT T BEDROOM 02 T\A'JUJb TWANh � � m .fRR�I✓, R R I V U 80' CLG NGT Ko m � m I � � X �n LL I wn " 2x12 F IU G 2x10 R. p 0 LO, F— N ATTIG SPACE Lu 3: m o TV.W3Wb 1 3046 Yfi" nv' o'I1" SECOND FLOOR PLAN LIVING AREA = 1432 SQ FT UNFINI5HED AREA = 150 SQ FT SMOKE DETECTOR INTERCONNECT PER CODE 4x4 POST 4 6HOR PER DETAIL Ill TYP 1! 2-2X10 HDR U O 0 BAL ON'Ir' (SU � v 5/4" X 6" DECKING m.PROVIDER IL PER CODE X =HG I 06L 3 2XI HDR, 111 4 l' SITTING. RI)OM 80" CLG, HIa T. =G r 6 b" I FRENSrH GCO 0 11 X III" r_ 2-2x10 FLUSH IDR W 0 u YI a Q I a 2-2x10 4" U' IH" 0 113' "U CLO. j B n' I" LAUND. oV�I 80"CLG HIST x x r. I 2x4 POST ■ ;/ BEARING WALL CLO. �- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ " W4 N O., I AA 1046 '_ r— "———— — ——-------- —. -- —— --4 O WHIRLPJOL TUB W vER'F' 5ZE MASTER BATH 0W — CLG CT p 80 CLG Hs- CLO. j B n' I" LAUND. oV�I 80"CLG HIST x x r. I 2x4 POST ■ ;/ BEARING WALL CLO. �- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ " W4 N O., CSU5TOM � I WASHE r— "———— — ——-------- —. -- —— --4 '4\11, IIVll W IK3W4 U p 80 CLG Hs- _ v H 48A'FF CLO, R VENT T yy 1� 1 T\A'JUJb TWANh � � m .fRR�I✓, R R I V I LL Ko m � i:,aR�_rRRi I � UN LL I wn " 2x12 F IU G 2x10 R. 0 F— 6 ATTIG SPACE Lu 3: m o LL W � u I CSU5TOM � I WASHE 14'10 3 0 W W BEDROOM /' U p 80 CLG Hs- _ v CLO, R VENT T yy 1� 1 T\A'JUJb TWANh � � m I LL Ko 14'10 3 U W I a F /' OR, ER a O R VENT T � � m I LL ,a9`"4 m � I 1 J wn " 2x12 F IU G 2x10 R. 0 F— 6 ATTIG SPACE Lu 3: m o LL W � u I z s ENGIN or waw r � H I EFEv r, e o V I > �a i 11:5ULATE R 15 V r I I JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. I I m ________________ _ ______________________________LL ______________ I _ m 1 Z fd w a _ I W If O 1 0 n - I WLu z m n o I IA 2 31 PH.4e"AFF I — J x u' DEC ► 2 OPENING PROTECTION BY WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELH SEE DETAIL SHEET FOR PERSUANT TO 1609.1 4, SEE HIGH WIND CONNECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE ON REQUIREMENTS DETAIL SHEET IN THIS SET PAGE: 5 of ro � � m m � 1 J wn xZLL 0 F— 6 Lu 3: m o LL W W ENGIN or waw r EFEv r, e o > �a i I p9 fESS10Nw JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. m U m Z fd _ W If 0 o WLu z m n o a r 2 gp Q O Woo a o O Z 0 3 N r U o O W m u cf) It m O N 0cr Q - o w s I, OPENING PROTECTION BY WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELH SEE DETAIL SHEET FOR PERSUANT TO 1609.1 4, SEE HIGH WIND CONNECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE ON REQUIREMENTS DETAIL SHEET IN THIS SET PAGE: 5 of ro LIGHT 4 VENTILATION+SCHEDULE: ROOM FLOOR AREA lSO.FT.J LIGHTING PROVIDED /50.FT.J LIGHTING REQUIRED l50.FTJ VENTILATION PROVIDED (50.FT.J VENTILATION REQUIRED BO.FT.) FIRST FLOOR SHIM TO BOTTOM OF 5T --- NX WITH CMU ANG' MORTAR \N { V� STUDY 212 38.1 IT.O IT l 85 LIVING ROOM 419 63.0 335 295 160 BREAKFAST/ KITCHEN 418 56.2 30.2 253 191 SUNROOM 200 1142 16.0 53 1 80 DEN 221 252 182 II.B 91 - J / 2Y10 RJ 1. 16' O,G wl W 12X46/ \ 7 n A 112 PITCH AVE PROPOSED GRADE. ELE 12.2 -- --- MASTER BEDROOM 203 31.0 22.6 171 11.3 BEDROOM •2 IT * 25.2 14.2 11.6 1.1 BEDROOM -3 225 25.2 18.0 II.B 90 BEDROOM •4 195 25 2 IS b IIB 1.B SHINGLE RIDGE CAP 5HINGLE5 FELT PAPER J RIDGE VENT EXHAUST AIR _ ROOF SHEATHING ITT F RIDGE VENT DETAIL MEAN ROOF HEIGHT _ _ 100-13 ORRIN TION5 MASTER BEDROOM 3/4" PLYWOOD 5UBFLOOR X-30 INSULATION WAIN5COTT CLG BOTTOM OF FOOTING 6 ELE 4.1 — - -- - — SECT ION B -B GROUNWIATER o ELE 3.0 — - — ATTIC UJ.I.C, LIVING ROOM 4' STEEL COLUMN ON 36" Y 36" X 12" DP P S FOOTING 4' P.O. SLAB REMO/E JN5UTABLE BOIL AND REPLACE WITH CLEAN SAND AND GRAJEL COMPAQ IN 6' LIFTS SEE DETAIL SHEET FOR HIGH WIND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 0 U 0 0 BEDROOM "3 3-1 3/4' X II 1/0" M L F J 30" X 15' 5PREAD FOOTING WITH 4-•4 EARS CONT TYP WALL BELOW HDR. COVERED 2x IO R R HDR, PORCH �g SHIM TO BOTTOM OF 5T --- NX WITH CMU ANG' MORTAR \N { V� PROVIDE CMU AND MORTAR FILL IN AS REQUIRED B LOCK METAL DECKING )i f fl WITH P C SLAB ABOVE O FINISH SURFACE TO BE SLATE FIRST FLOOR ELE 11,1' — — - — J'J' � M'J" 61 a'4� U BOLT CONNECTION '. BOTTOM OF BEAMS ) �n 2X6 C T A 16 O.0 J/ ARE FLUSH, TYF. AT IIIA JAFF O - J / 2Y10 RJ 1. 16' O,G wl W 12X46/ \ 7 n A 112 PITCH AVE PROPOSED GRADE. ELE 12.2 -- --- — N, CELLAR i AVE EXI5MNG GRADE w ELE E6'---- TOP OF SLAB • ELE 6.1' i BOTTOM OF FOOTING 6 ELE 4.1 — - -- - — SECT ION B -B GROUNWIATER o ELE 3.0 — - — ATTIC UJ.I.C, LIVING ROOM 4' STEEL COLUMN ON 36" Y 36" X 12" DP P S FOOTING 4' P.O. SLAB REMO/E JN5UTABLE BOIL AND REPLACE WITH CLEAN SAND AND GRAJEL COMPAQ IN 6' LIFTS SEE DETAIL SHEET FOR HIGH WIND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 0 U 0 0 BEDROOM "3 3-1 3/4' X II 1/0" M L F J 30" X 15' 5PREAD FOOTING WITH 4-•4 EARS CONT TYP WALL BELOW HDR. 1 2x IO R R HDR, \ • 16" O.C. �g 20,2 PITCH NX \N { V� R 0 )i f fl O O 0 2 PITCH J'J' � M'J" a'4� U \ ) �n 2X6 C T A 16 O.0 J/ AT IIIA JAFF O - J / 2Y10 RJ 1. 16' O,G wl n \ 1� ITU" U n •� LL z _ N m 2X12 RIDGE F k H .o m 1 u n d RUBBER Y MEMBRANE ROOF V z U T i1ll42' � TN3041 -�- — - — - —\�-- - — - — - — - — - - — - — -- - v U a ATTIC I IWALL BELOW r ATTIC/ROOF FRAMING PLAN SMOKE DETECTOR 1, INTERCONNECT PER CODE '2 3D214 c T 21u CT •16 0C HDR. 1 2-2YI HDR, u �g 15• FELT ROOF VENTILATION 1300 OF THE INSULATED U 2x IG R R R 0 n I6 O C. / f fl O 0 2 PITCH J'J' M'J" a'4� ) / 2X6 C T A 16 O.0 J/ AT IIIA JAFF :77, J / 2Y10 RJ 1. 16' O,G wl / 2Y I0 R R -, @ PITCH 7 n A 112 PITCH } N, i 11 o„ -�- — - — - —\�-- - — - — - — - — - - — - — -- - v U a ATTIC I IWALL BELOW r ATTIC/ROOF FRAMING PLAN SMOKE DETECTOR 1, INTERCONNECT PER CODE '2 3D214 c T 21u CT •16 0C m a12 RIDGE ^35 ASPHALT SHINGLES ON 12 10 RAFTERS 1/2' MIN PLYWOOD SHEATIHING u �g 15• FELT ROOF VENTILATION 1300 OF THE INSULATED U CONT RIGGE /ENT BAFFLE AS REQUIRED FOR ROOF /ENTILATION R 0 f fl O m ATTIC SPACE I II 3.4'SUEFLOOR R-30 INSULATION 112" GLIB i J _ jl STUDY `_ BEDROOM » -, 5 -AIRS IN 7----1 1nnnnnn] =f 3'4" 5UBFLOOR Ll VVVVVV1t3 ON _- -- 3•a _ �{ _ W 12 Y 46 ,♦ 510' RC GWB ON '• WALLS CEILINGS AMC AROUND 57AIRWELL 3 -COATS SPACKLE PAINT GARAGE 4' P C SLAB WITH .., s=j ' 6X&YIO WWM REIFORCEMENT I SECTI�,:)N A -A REMO /E jN5UITABLE 5OIL ANG REPLACE WITH -LEAN SAND AND GRAVEL COMPACT H 6' LFTB OH X6 PRIME TRIM FASCIA 31B" A/C SOFFIT WITH CONT SCREENED VENT I/2 GWB 2%4 SIDDS 11115 INSULATION 112 OD% SHEATHING TY IRK HOU5EWRAP CEDAR SIDING -- — TOP OF PLATE -- —TOP OF 5UBFLOOR -- -�— TOP OF CEILING ---'— TOP OF 5UBFLOOR ----�— TOP OF FOUNDATION 2%6 CCA SILL 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS BILL SEAL TERMITE 51.IIELG B" CONC. FOUNDATION 30"X15' CONC, FTG W/4 •4 BARS CONT. DAMPROOF BELOW GRADE 30" X 15' SPREAD FOOTING WITH 4!4 BARS OON' TIP ----�— TOP OF FOOTING N� LL - Lu ,SBF W@W Yo *�7Bu`� y„i w y U. 07 Nps JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. D J z Q N 11 ry O UJ W r a 0 N Q Q z z w Q O V LL O > H- O L) � O z H- o o 0 W N Y (3 ri) If 990 a W 0 E m O 0 u v u cr F d z yy k U 5 PAGE: a12 RIDGE ^35 ASPHALT SHINGLES ON 12 10 RAFTERS 1/2' MIN PLYWOOD SHEATIHING 112 CDx SHEATHNG ON WOOD RAFTERS IEEE PLANS) �g 15• FELT ROOF VENTILATION 1300 OF THE INSULATED A5PHALT ROO= 5HINGLE5 CEILING AREA UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED CONT RIGGE /ENT BAFFLE AS REQUIRED FOR ROOF /ENTILATION ATTIC SPACE I II 3.4'SUEFLOOR R-30 INSULATION 112" GLIB i J _ jl STUDY `_ BEDROOM » -, 5 -AIRS IN 7----1 1nnnnnn] =f 3'4" 5UBFLOOR Ll VVVVVV1t3 ON _- -- 3•a _ �{ _ W 12 Y 46 ,♦ 510' RC GWB ON '• WALLS CEILINGS AMC AROUND 57AIRWELL 3 -COATS SPACKLE PAINT GARAGE 4' P C SLAB WITH .., s=j ' 6X&YIO WWM REIFORCEMENT I SECTI�,:)N A -A REMO /E jN5UITABLE 5OIL ANG REPLACE WITH -LEAN SAND AND GRAVEL COMPACT H 6' LFTB OH X6 PRIME TRIM FASCIA 31B" A/C SOFFIT WITH CONT SCREENED VENT I/2 GWB 2%4 SIDDS 11115 INSULATION 112 OD% SHEATHING TY IRK HOU5EWRAP CEDAR SIDING -- — TOP OF PLATE -- —TOP OF 5UBFLOOR -- -�— TOP OF CEILING ---'— TOP OF 5UBFLOOR ----�— TOP OF FOUNDATION 2%6 CCA SILL 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS BILL SEAL TERMITE 51.IIELG B" CONC. FOUNDATION 30"X15' CONC, FTG W/4 •4 BARS CONT. DAMPROOF BELOW GRADE 30" X 15' SPREAD FOOTING WITH 4!4 BARS OON' TIP ----�— TOP OF FOOTING N� LL - Lu ,SBF W@W Yo *�7Bu`� y„i w y U. 07 Nps JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. D J z Q N 11 ry O UJ W r a 0 N Q Q z z w Q O V LL O > H- O L) � O z H- o o 0 W N Y (3 ri) If 990 a W 0 E m O 0 u v u cr F d z yy k U 5 PAGE: 0 BORED HOLE DIAMETER 601 OF STUD DEPT 5/e" MIN. TO E NOTCH MUST N 40% OF STUD O 14%2 BUT NEED NOT E 40P IS FT, MAX. FOUNDATION CLEARANCE FROM SLOPES FIGURE 8403.1.1.1 STUD 9/0" MIN. TO EDGE BORED HOLM SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN THE 8,411E CRO" SECTION OF CUT OR NOTCH IN STUD NOTCHING AND BORED HOLE LIMITATIONS FOR INTERIOR NONBEARING WALLS (WFCM 1995 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION, 3.4,3.1.1) TOP PLATES BORED HOLE MAX DIAMETER 40% OF STUD DEPTH 5/e" MIN, TO EDGE STUD 5/8" MIN. TO EDGE EXTERIOR OR BEARING WALL NOTCH GRE 90% OF THE TOP qF FOOTING LI u2 "7x4 CONTw-'Ous% LATERAL BRACP.. AT 6' O.L. TRUSS OR CEILING JOIST 2-106 NAILS ( GABLE END TRUSS -T 14/3 BUT NEED NOT H 5d COOLER NAILS AT 10" O.C,�4 EXCEED 40 FT. MAX. 2"x4" BLOCK NAILED TO EACH - BRACE WITH 4-1041 NAILS /J GYPSUM BOARD) 9d COOLER NAIL$ AT T" D.C. 90 GAUGE STRAP 10-Od NAILS ry to GAGE (0.004') AND L5" WIDE METAL TIE ACROSS AND TO EACH SIDE OF T14E NOTCH WITH S -16d NAILS EACH SIDE TOP PLATE FRAMING TO ACCOMMODATE PIPING NOTCH MST NOT EXCEED 25% OF STUD DEPTH NOTCHES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN MIDDLE CNE -THIRD OF STUD LENGTH IF HOLE IS BETWEEN 40% AND 60% BORED HOLE$ SHALL NOT OF STUD De -PT-:. THEN 8TUO `1UST BE BE LOCATED IN THE SAME DOUBLE AND 40 MORE THAN TWO CR0E.8 SECTION OF CLT OR SUCCESS VE 8T275 ARE .^�CJ[BLED NOTCH IN STUD AND SO BOR® NOTCHING: AND BORED HOLE LIMITATIONS FOR EXTERIOR WALLS AND BEARING WALLS (WFCM 1995 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION, 3.4,1,1,1) TOP PLATE BOTTOM TOP PLATE BAND JOIST OR BLOCK[ 31" PLATE - RAFTERS AND GEEING J018T8 OR APPROVED ROOF TRUSS SECOND STORY JOIST IS PERMITTED TO BE CUT OR NOTCHED FLOOR JOIST- BETWEEN THESE LIMITS SEE DRILLING AND NOTCHING PROVISIONS WFCFI SECTION BAND JOIST OR BLOCKING ,BOTTOM PLATE JOUST CRAWL SPACE OR BASEMENT FOUNDATION FOR BLOCKING AND BRIDGING SEE WFCM SECTION 3.3 JOIST 3 IN. MIN. A TOP PLATE - SEE DRILLING AND NOTCHING PROVISIONS WALL ST)D- SEE DRILLING AND NOTCHING PROVISIONS WFCM SECTION JOIST ENDS TO BE BLOCKED AGAINST ROTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH WFCM -END RESTRAINT AND 3,3.1.4 BRIDGING PLATFORM FRAMING INTERMEDIATE BEARING WALL TYPICAL WALL, FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING GABLE t� NO TYPV NAILS ENOWALL STUDS - BRACING >ti TABLE Ii05.1,4 WINDTBORNE DEClRIB PRgT�YtON FA6'TENING SGHEg4JLE 'FOR, 400D STOUCTURAL PAN" a. THIS TABLE BASED) ON A MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (Si SECOND GUST) OF BO MPH AND MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 33 PW OR LESS. b. FASTENERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT OPPOSING ENDS OF THE WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL. a. NAILS SHALL EIE 10d COMMON OR 126 BOX NAILS. d. WHERE SCREWS ARE ATTACH® TO MASONRY OR MA60NRYlST{{fFCO, THEY SHALL BE ATTACHED UTILIZING VIpRAT10N-RE#ISTANT ANCHORS HAVING'A MINIMUM WITHDRAWAL CAPACITY OF 480 POUNDS. a. WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS *"W- HAVE A MINI'NM THICKNESS OF 1/1¢ INCH 1`11.1 Oa) AND A MAXIMUM OF S FEET *438 NO. f. PANELS SHALL BE PRECUTAYEQ TO COVER THE 6LOPENINGS WITH All 44MBNT HARDWARE PROVIDED. a TABLE FROM SBCCI - II EDI r , BRACING AT END BAYS IFCM FIGURE 3.6b) Sd NAIL AT 4" O.C. NAILS BASED ON SHEAR WALL REQUIREMENTS IAGM �-'—CENTER 2x BLOCKING ON SHEATHING JOINT EDi 15/32 WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS ON GABLE FACE AND ON WALL BELOW BASED ON SHEARWALL REQUIREMENTS ENDWALL, BALLOON FRAMING PREFERRED 'METHOD ROOF FRAMING-- DOUBLE TOP CONNECTORS FULL LENGTH —'HEAD STUI 11 WALL STUD$ 1641 NAIL AT 24" O.CI h R /-G7FN8)M BOARD S WOOD STRUCTUIFAL PANEL INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE Sd NAIL AT tr° O.C. WITH NAILING SCHEDULE (ALL PANEL EDGES) (TABLE 3,1, WCFM HIGH WIND EDITION) Sd NAIL AT 17" O.C. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT PANEL EDGES (a) OUTSIDE CORNER DETAIL 8d NAIL AT 6" O.C, GYPSUM BOARD (ALL PANEL EDGES) WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL INSTAyLW M ACCORDANCE ibd NAIL AT 24" O.C. WITH NAILING SCHEDULE (TABLE 3.1, WCFM HIGH WIND EDITION) ed NAIL AT 6" O.C. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS AT PANEL EDGES AND 12' O.C. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT PANEL EDGES (b) INSIDE CORNER DETAIL EXTERIOR CORNER FRAMING i!AI&MIR SPACING 2 FEET 4 PRET 6 RE'T PANS,, SPAN S PANEL SPAN < PANEL SPAN, C PANEL SPAN FASTENER TYPE C2-FmIr C 4 MEET < 6mw C 8 FEET 21/2" '6 I6" K" UPLI WOOD SCREWS ADDITION TO CONNECTORS GCtt�NEC'j WALL 67=6 AND AT TOP AND 21/2" •S WOOD SCREWS 6" 161' 16" 12" a. THIS TABLE BASED) ON A MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (Si SECOND GUST) OF BO MPH AND MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 33 PW OR LESS. b. FASTENERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT OPPOSING ENDS OF THE WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL. a. NAILS SHALL EIE 10d COMMON OR 126 BOX NAILS. d. WHERE SCREWS ARE ATTACH® TO MASONRY OR MA60NRYlST{{fFCO, THEY SHALL BE ATTACHED UTILIZING VIpRAT10N-RE#ISTANT ANCHORS HAVING'A MINIMUM WITHDRAWAL CAPACITY OF 480 POUNDS. a. WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS *"W- HAVE A MINI'NM THICKNESS OF 1/1¢ INCH 1`11.1 Oa) AND A MAXIMUM OF S FEET *438 NO. f. PANELS SHALL BE PRECUTAYEQ TO COVER THE 6LOPENINGS WITH All 44MBNT HARDWARE PROVIDED. a TABLE FROM SBCCI - II EDI r , BRACING AT END BAYS IFCM FIGURE 3.6b) Sd NAIL AT 4" O.C. NAILS BASED ON SHEAR WALL REQUIREMENTS IAGM �-'—CENTER 2x BLOCKING ON SHEATHING JOINT EDi 15/32 WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS ON GABLE FACE AND ON WALL BELOW BASED ON SHEARWALL REQUIREMENTS ENDWALL, BALLOON FRAMING PREFERRED 'METHOD ROOF FRAMING-- DOUBLE TOP CONNECTORS FULL LENGTH —'HEAD STUI 11 WALL STUD$ 1641 NAIL AT 24" O.CI h R /-G7FN8)M BOARD S WOOD STRUCTUIFAL PANEL INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE Sd NAIL AT tr° O.C. WITH NAILING SCHEDULE (ALL PANEL EDGES) (TABLE 3,1, WCFM HIGH WIND EDITION) Sd NAIL AT 17" O.C. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT PANEL EDGES (a) OUTSIDE CORNER DETAIL 8d NAIL AT 6" O.C, GYPSUM BOARD (ALL PANEL EDGES) WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL INSTAyLW M ACCORDANCE ibd NAIL AT 24" O.C. WITH NAILING SCHEDULE (TABLE 3.1, WCFM HIGH WIND EDITION) ed NAIL AT 6" O.C. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS AT PANEL EDGES AND 12' O.C. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT PANEL EDGES (b) INSIDE CORNER DETAIL EXTERIOR CORNER FRAMING 7�1I11�1�1��: FRAMING AND UPLIFT �EElEL �I� A- r - r v -- F TUB WATER CLOSETS, FICsURE iR�C�'T.2 MINIMUM FIXTURE LEARANCE Fes, y II NOTE: UPLIFT CONNECTION 116 REQUIRED -- AT EACH END OF HEADER AND _ r----�----�r--' r !{� . I 1 AT BOTTOM OF HEADER STUDS IN AT UPLI ADDITION TO CONNECTORS GCtt�NEC'j WALL 67=6 AND AT TOP AND 7�1I11�1�1��: FRAMING AND UPLIFT �EElEL �I� A- r - r v -- F TUB WATER CLOSETS, FICsURE iR�C�'T.2 MINIMUM FIXTURE LEARANCE Fes, y II 120 MILE PER HOUR ZONE - NAILING SCHEDULE (TABLE 3,1, WFCM NIGH WIND EDITION) GENERAL NOTES. (TABLE 3.8 WFCM WIGHT WIND EDITION) The design of this structure is based gypon the prescriptive eppmach using the i. All we* "I be performed ineccordanee with all @10111 ' Wood Froma Conebuctlgn Manual Mph Wood Edition (WFCM) published by The Amerinsn Forest munlelFlel; best aonhlg and building codes and ordlfjancep�- ROOF 6HEATWING ATTACHMENT REdiUIR&MEWTS FOR WIND LOADS and Paper Association. (1955) havingjurlsdicdon and beat standards of construction ' (V MPH 3 -SECOND GU6T • b0 MPH rAST90Tt`1iILE WIND SPEED POR TABLE R, 3Y1.2.1.9jf ' Non-stmCtaat elements aro based upon The NV ew ort Stele R I as denU I Gain-Jnu a e D 2003 JOINT DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF NAILS NAIL SPACING ROOF FRAMING RAFTER TO TOP PLATE (TOE -NAILED) 4.8d PER RAFTER CEILING JOIST TO TOP PLATE (TOE -NAILED) A -ad PER JOIST CEILING JOIST TO PARALLEL RAFTER (FACE -NAILED) 9-16d EACH LAP CEILING JOIST LAPS OVER PARTITIONS (FACE -NAILED) 9 -II EACH LAP COLLAR TIE TO RAFTER (FACB ,TAILED) 6-9d PER TIE BLOCKING TO, RAFTER (TOE -NAILED) 2-8d EACH END RIM BOATED TO RAFTER (END -NAILED) 2-I6d EACH END - WALL FRAMING -I ! NOTE J PER FOCT Vinci BEE (FAC NAILED) T T PATE 6 T PLATE D OP L Op TOp PLATES AT INTERSECTIONS (FACE -NAILED) 4-16d JOINTS - EACH SIDE Pl11JD TO STUD (FACE-NAILW 2.16d 24" O.O. H"0W TO HEADIER (FACE -NAILED) I6d 16" O.C. ALONG EDGES TOP OR BOTTOM PLATE TO STUD (END-NAILEDJ 2-I6d PER 2.4 STUD 3-I6d PER 2x6 STUD 4-16d PER 2x8 STUD BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR JOIST, BANDJOIST, ENDJOIST OR BLOCKING (FACE -NAILED) 2Asid (SEE NOTE ID) PER FOOT FLOOR FRAMING ' JOIOT TO SILL, TOP PLATE OR GIRDER (TOE -NAILED) 4-8d PER JOIST BRIDGING TO JOIST (TOE -NAILED) 2-06 EACH END BLOCKING TO JOIST (TOE -NAILED) 2 -lid EACH END BLOCKING TO SILL OR TOP PLATE (TOE NAILEDJ 3-I6d EACH BLOCK LEDGER STRIP TO BEAM (FACE -NAILED) 3-16d EACH JOIST JOIST ON LEDGER TO BEAM (TOE -NAILED) 3 -ed PER JOIST BAND JOIST TO JOIST (END -NAILED) 3-I6d PER JOIST BAND JOIST TO SILL OR TOP PLATE (TOE -NAILED) 2-I6d (SEE NOTE U PER FOOT ROOF SHEATHING STRUCTURAL PANELS ed (SEE TABLE 3.8) DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING 1"x6" OR Eke" 2-8d PER SUPPORT fklO" OR WIDER A 3-eid PER SUPPORT CEILING SHEATHING GYPSUM IdkLLBOARD 9d COOLERS T" EDGE / 10" FIELD WALL SHEATHING ' STRUCTURAL PANELS ad (SEE TABLE 3.9) FIREBOARD PANELS 1/16„ 6d 3" EDGE / 6" FIELD 28/37, ed 3" EDGE / 6" FIELD GYPSUM WALLBOARD 5d COOLERS T" EDGE / 10" FIELD HARDBOARD ed (SEE TABLE 3.eJ PARTICLEBOARD PANELS ed 1 06EE TABLE 3.9) DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING I"xe OR 1"xe" 2-Bd PER SUPPORT I"slo" OR WIDER 3 -lid PER SUPPORT FLOOR SHEATHING STRUCTURAL PANELS - I" OR LESS ed 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD GREATER THAN I" IOd 6" EDGE / 6" FIELD DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING I"x6" OR 1"xB" 2-Bd PER SUPPORT "x10" OR WIDER 3-Sd PER SUPPORT I. NA41.I116; ReMAREMENTS ARE BASED ON WALL SHEATHING NAILED L" ON -CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE. IF WALL SHEATHING Ie NAILED S" ON -CENTER AT THE r'ANEL w TO OBTAIN HIGHER SHEAR CAPACMES, NAILING REWIREMENT5 FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL SE DOUBLED. OR ALTERNATE CONNECtORe, 51 AS 5142a4R PLATED. SHALL BE Ue b TO MAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH, 2. WHEN WALL SHEATHING IS CONTINUOUS OVER CONNECTED MEMBERS, THE TABULATED NUMBER CF NAILS SHALL SE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED TO 1-I66 NAIL PER FOOT (TABLE 3.2AWFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) DI Ar> rn cnNJnATrnNI ANttWOR BOLT CONNECTIONS RESISTING LATERAL s SHEAR LOADS ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION FOUNDATION BRACING WALL PERIMETER MAXIMUM ANCHOR BOLT SPACING SUPPORTING EDGE NAIL SPACING (IN.) (1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS) SILL PLATE i0 FOUNDATION STORY 46 `CRAWL SPACE * BASEMENT) 2 STORIES ALL 23 3 STORIES 15 WALL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION 3 Is 7 STORIES B6 (SLAB -CHARADE) 6 me -- al,nonnv AFF nFTA11 nine: rwn lc c,w,-r F+""-•, "-�R,•y- ^ �- -^- . - _.__ _. __ _ J` 4 (TABLE 3,9 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) WALL SHEATHING ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS fl7n MI 8 -SECOND GUST • 100 MPH FASTEST -MILE WIND SPEED PER TABLE R3- 6HEATi41NG LOCATION STUD SPACING STRUCTURAL SHEATHING MAXIMUM NAIL SPACING (SEE µOrf a fINGHS SPACING OR PANEL SIDING FOR ad COMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) (INGHE9, O.C.P E 6 4' EDGE ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE D E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 E • NAIL SPACING AT PANEL EDGES iIN.) F " NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PA`[ i FIE�C ('4.1 I- FOR WALL SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE CORNERS THE 4 FOOT EDGE ZONE AT ACHMENT REOuIREMENTS SHALL BE USED 2 7,49BULAT@'i 7 RICH 0-C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES 5HE4TWNG A^AGHEV -C STUD FRAMING _W_ E ERS Lal GM 4A--- FOR �rAM n6 '-IEMBE2n WhTA O -2 LIE NG,. SPAG'NG--S SHALL 3. FOR EXTBR OR PAN.= S>D+\G 1.11 AAN Z2 BOr ^ 5 a" __ BE Pui^'TT3'O BE SuBS-1'_ Ti FOR CAPON NA:rS. I" ry practice. q For the Clmsgc and Geographical Design Criteria, a"Tabie R301 2(1) on cover thoot The Amencan Institute o1 Architects Conditions shall annul' All non -engineered lumber to be Douglas Fir #2 or better to all work performed on this proloon. l Wind Limite ibnt-Seaton R301.2.1 2. The Contractor @licit verify all condition at d1b'10s. A Design Crilerle-Section R301.2.1.1 (See Table R301.2.1.2 for Wind -Borne Debris Protection discrepancies must be brought to the a0emion of the Rol mar Fastening Schedule For Wood Structurel Panels) prior is commencement a consruction. The ContractorIPhall'be Dead Load -Section R301.3 responsible for corrections not reported once he hes star id work Live Load -Section R301 4 except for hidden jab conditions, Light and Venffabon-Section R303 3, Contractor shell guarantee to the Owner that all metarl s and Minimum Room Ames -Section R304 equipment Incorporated in the work will be new, and that I I work Catling HelghtSactlon R306 will be of good quality, free from faults and defects for a p nod Sanitation -Section R306 of one year from the dale of the fins( Certificate of Occup icy. Toilet Bath and Shower Spaces -Section R307 4. The Engineer shall not be responsible for the construct on means, Gluing -Section R306 methods, techniques. sequences or procedures, or forts safety Garages and Carports -Section R309 precautions and programs in connection with the work, ajld he SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING ST}iUCTURAI- SHEATHING MAkif1 NAIL9PA¢INt3 (SEE NOTE a (INCHES, O.C.) OR PANEL SIDING FOR ac OMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) !IN ES, O:C.J E 6 MEN NOTE 40 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 16 F 6 (SEE NOTE 31 E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE 1) E 4 (SEE NOTE 4) GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRU96 p F Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings -Section R310 shall not be responsible for the contmeters failure to cion) obs Eots-Section R311 the work in accordance with the construction doglmems. ',The E NAIL 9PACIN AT PANEL EDGES lIN.) Landings -Section R312 Engineer shell not be responsible for the acts or oml.4. Vii F " NAIL SPACING\4T INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD (IN.) Ramps -Section R313 the conlrantor. No changes shell be made in the docume is Stairways -Section R314 and/or the building as designed without the expressedw den I. FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH Handrails -Section R315 consent of the Engineer. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. Guards-Sechon R316 S. The contractor and all subcontractors shall maintain cc ntinuous Smoke Alarms -Seddon R317 Insurance coverage Including statutory policies (Worker 2. T ULATED 12 INCH O -G. N AIL SPACING ASSUMES SHE ATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUS S FRA MING FoamPlaslc-9eodon R318 Compensation, etc.) general l'ebl1ltYin an mount not ME�9 WITH l .49, FpitF FRAMING MEMSERS WITH O.42G20.49 THE SPACINGS SHALL BE Flame Spread and Snake -Section R319 lava that $6 million and automobile liability and damage RECWCEp TO 6 INOHE9 O.C. Insulation-Ser4Wn R320 coverage not lees than $2million. The Engineer shell be I Dwelling Uml eaparauon-Section R321 a named insured con any and all policies. Moisture Vapor Retardem-Section R322 6. Provide 0 026' aluminum lemke shields over fibrous S. TI40ULATF-0 6 INCH O.G. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRl1S8 FRAMING Protection Against Decay- Section R323 Insulation at nil perimeter sllls.YV MEMBERS WITH Gi0A9. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42MVO.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Protection Against TermitesSenfion R324 7. All wood in Lrod ntawith concrete or masonry to be W`.'.Mahized REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. Site Address-Sedton R326 or pressure ornamented. Accesslhllily-Section'R325 8. Asingle station smoke detector alarm dance shell be' istalled 4. TABULATED 4 INCH O.C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRU" FRAMING Flood Resistant Constmcllon-Section R327 In each bedroom, on all floors and shall be all lnlarcannm land per code. MEMBERS WITH G10.49. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH CARGI(O.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Fhiundedons-Chapter 4 99. A t 1pathroma is without opergWe windows to be meatily van6latd REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.G. Design based upon presumptive load bearing values dsendy gravel and/or gravel at 3080 pounds New York Stele Code. r square fool Contmcor to consult Engineer if different soil materials are found upon excavation, de. Hooting -t m designed f) protide 70 degrees F. HMA cancer pe q 0 P designed air-tempereture at0 degrees F. and 16 MPH col id. $ or test hole, for alternative loading and foundation wall design. 11, All electrical wore to bol In accordance to the rules am regulations of the N.Y.B.F.U. and a N.Y B.F.U. certificate Is T512 - I6° 0-G. Strong -Tia Foundation Notes. to he presented to are Owner at the completion of me job,TSI2 ,.�.r '6" Anchor Bolls (SSTB 28) Sea chert on this sheat for spacing 12. Plumbing Installation m comply with lata and Local codes USE 4-8d NAILS 8" poured concrete foundation wall, 8V high, 3000# test and the sewage disposal system to meet Health Dopa lent standards. AT EACH STUD Minimum depth -Section 403.1.4, 48" mimmum coverage to top a footing 13, Do not scale drawings. Use figure dimensions only. 16" x 8" poured concrete wall footings, 3000# test 14. All work to conform to the rules and regulations of the New York at 2-1 W" x 11 718" Micmlam Girder (or 316' x 11718' Power Beam) Energy Conservation Construction Code. All glazed areal to be double 4" poured concrete Boor slab wlih 6x6x#10 mesh and vapor barrier glazed and all exledhir doors to have insulated come I Damp pronOng at exterior foundation below gmde-Section R406 15, The Insulation protection as indicated on these plannlexceeds 30" x 30' x 12' deep poured concrete column footings, 3000# test the Code's minimum standards. Deck and parch footings as noted, 3000# test, 48" minimum buried depth 16, These drawings and specifications are instruments of service and Foundation wall to extend a minimum of S' above finished grade shall remain the property tithe Engineer whether the pm act for All footings to he carded drown to undisturbed and which they aro made IS executed a not. They may not b i used No foobng,shall he set higher than a 30 degree angle from any other thinning on any other project except by written authorization of U Engineer Pour no concrele on frozen ground or In freezing weather 17. The engineer has not been retained for site super,66 an, on-site 1 Provide 3 Y" steel lolly columns inspections and certifications ss required or requested bI the owner, Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall hes sufficient strength and has been contractor or local building department " anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill (Section R404.1.7) UPLIFT - CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS a 0 0 Froom-WFCM ProsuipOve Method VBE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTORS Floor fromingshell'be nailed In accordance with Table 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND DraBalopptng-Seclion R502.12 INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT 0 FirablodtingSeGion R602.13 CONSTRUCTION CATALOG CMWO2 •• r , Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i I. NA41.I116; ReMAREMENTS ARE BASED ON WALL SHEATHING NAILED L" ON -CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE. IF WALL SHEATHING Ie NAILED S" ON -CENTER AT THE r'ANEL w TO OBTAIN HIGHER SHEAR CAPACMES, NAILING REWIREMENT5 FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL SE DOUBLED. OR ALTERNATE CONNECtORe, 51 AS 5142a4R PLATED. SHALL BE Ue b TO MAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH, 2. WHEN WALL SHEATHING IS CONTINUOUS OVER CONNECTED MEMBERS, THE TABULATED NUMBER CF NAILS SHALL SE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED TO 1-I66 NAIL PER FOOT (TABLE 3.2AWFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) DI Ar> rn cnNJnATrnNI ANttWOR BOLT CONNECTIONS RESISTING LATERAL s SHEAR LOADS ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION FOUNDATION BRACING WALL PERIMETER MAXIMUM ANCHOR BOLT SPACING SUPPORTING EDGE NAIL SPACING (IN.) (1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS) SILL PLATE i0 FOUNDATION STORY 46 `CRAWL SPACE * BASEMENT) 2 STORIES ALL 23 3 STORIES 15 WALL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION 3 Is 7 STORIES B6 (SLAB -CHARADE) 6 me -- al,nonnv AFF nFTA11 nine: rwn lc c,w,-r F+""-•, "-�R,•y- ^ �- -^- . - _.__ _. __ _ J` 4 (TABLE 3,9 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) WALL SHEATHING ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS fl7n MI 8 -SECOND GUST • 100 MPH FASTEST -MILE WIND SPEED PER TABLE R3- 6HEATi41NG LOCATION STUD SPACING STRUCTURAL SHEATHING MAXIMUM NAIL SPACING (SEE µOrf a fINGHS SPACING OR PANEL SIDING FOR ad COMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) (INGHE9, O.C.P E 6 4' EDGE ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE D E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 E • NAIL SPACING AT PANEL EDGES iIN.) F " NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PA`[ i FIE�C ('4.1 I- FOR WALL SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE CORNERS THE 4 FOOT EDGE ZONE AT ACHMENT REOuIREMENTS SHALL BE USED 2 7,49BULAT@'i 7 RICH 0-C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES 5HE4TWNG A^AGHEV -C STUD FRAMING _W_ E ERS Lal GM 4A--- FOR �rAM n6 '-IEMBE2n WhTA O -2 LIE NG,. SPAG'NG--S SHALL 3. FOR EXTBR OR PAN.= S>D+\G 1.11 AAN Z2 BOr ^ 5 a" __ BE Pui^'TT3'O BE SuBS-1'_ Ti FOR CAPON NA:rS. I" ry practice. q For the Clmsgc and Geographical Design Criteria, a"Tabie R301 2(1) on cover thoot The Amencan Institute o1 Architects Conditions shall annul' All non -engineered lumber to be Douglas Fir #2 or better to all work performed on this proloon. l Wind Limite ibnt-Seaton R301.2.1 2. The Contractor @licit verify all condition at d1b'10s. A Design Crilerle-Section R301.2.1.1 (See Table R301.2.1.2 for Wind -Borne Debris Protection discrepancies must be brought to the a0emion of the Rol mar Fastening Schedule For Wood Structurel Panels) prior is commencement a consruction. The ContractorIPhall'be Dead Load -Section R301.3 responsible for corrections not reported once he hes star id work Live Load -Section R301 4 except for hidden jab conditions, Light and Venffabon-Section R303 3, Contractor shell guarantee to the Owner that all metarl s and Minimum Room Ames -Section R304 equipment Incorporated in the work will be new, and that I I work Catling HelghtSactlon R306 will be of good quality, free from faults and defects for a p nod Sanitation -Section R306 of one year from the dale of the fins( Certificate of Occup icy. Toilet Bath and Shower Spaces -Section R307 4. The Engineer shall not be responsible for the construct on means, Gluing -Section R306 methods, techniques. sequences or procedures, or forts safety Garages and Carports -Section R309 precautions and programs in connection with the work, ajld he SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING ST}iUCTURAI- SHEATHING MAkif1 NAIL9PA¢INt3 (SEE NOTE a (INCHES, O.C.) OR PANEL SIDING FOR ac OMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) !IN ES, O:C.J E 6 MEN NOTE 40 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 16 F 6 (SEE NOTE 31 E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE 1) E 4 (SEE NOTE 4) GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRU96 p F Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings -Section R310 shall not be responsible for the contmeters failure to cion) obs Eots-Section R311 the work in accordance with the construction doglmems. ',The E NAIL 9PACIN AT PANEL EDGES lIN.) Landings -Section R312 Engineer shell not be responsible for the acts or oml.4. Vii F " NAIL SPACING\4T INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD (IN.) Ramps -Section R313 the conlrantor. No changes shell be made in the docume is Stairways -Section R314 and/or the building as designed without the expressedw den I. FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH Handrails -Section R315 consent of the Engineer. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. Guards-Sechon R316 S. The contractor and all subcontractors shall maintain cc ntinuous Smoke Alarms -Seddon R317 Insurance coverage Including statutory policies (Worker 2. T ULATED 12 INCH O -G. N AIL SPACING ASSUMES SHE ATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUS S FRA MING FoamPlaslc-9eodon R318 Compensation, etc.) general l'ebl1ltYin an mount not ME�9 WITH l .49, FpitF FRAMING MEMSERS WITH O.42G20.49 THE SPACINGS SHALL BE Flame Spread and Snake -Section R319 lava that $6 million and automobile liability and damage RECWCEp TO 6 INOHE9 O.C. Insulation-Ser4Wn R320 coverage not lees than $2million. The Engineer shell be I Dwelling Uml eaparauon-Section R321 a named insured con any and all policies. Moisture Vapor Retardem-Section R322 6. Provide 0 026' aluminum lemke shields over fibrous S. TI40ULATF-0 6 INCH O.G. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRl1S8 FRAMING Protection Against Decay- Section R323 Insulation at nil perimeter sllls.YV MEMBERS WITH Gi0A9. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42MVO.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Protection Against TermitesSenfion R324 7. All wood in Lrod ntawith concrete or masonry to be W`.'.Mahized REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. Site Address-Sedton R326 or pressure ornamented. Accesslhllily-Section'R325 8. Asingle station smoke detector alarm dance shell be' istalled 4. TABULATED 4 INCH O.C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRU" FRAMING Flood Resistant Constmcllon-Section R327 In each bedroom, on all floors and shall be all lnlarcannm land per code. MEMBERS WITH G10.49. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH CARGI(O.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Fhiundedons-Chapter 4 99. A t 1pathroma is without opergWe windows to be meatily van6latd REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.G. Design based upon presumptive load bearing values dsendy gravel and/or gravel at 3080 pounds New York Stele Code. r square fool Contmcor to consult Engineer if different soil materials are found upon excavation, de. Hooting -t m designed f) protide 70 degrees F. HMA cancer pe q 0 P designed air-tempereture at0 degrees F. and 16 MPH col id. $ or test hole, for alternative loading and foundation wall design. 11, All electrical wore to bol In accordance to the rules am regulations of the N.Y.B.F.U. and a N.Y B.F.U. certificate Is T512 - I6° 0-G. Strong -Tia Foundation Notes. to he presented to are Owner at the completion of me job,TSI2 ,.�.r '6" Anchor Bolls (SSTB 28) Sea chert on this sheat for spacing 12. Plumbing Installation m comply with lata and Local codes USE 4-8d NAILS 8" poured concrete foundation wall, 8V high, 3000# test and the sewage disposal system to meet Health Dopa lent standards. AT EACH STUD Minimum depth -Section 403.1.4, 48" mimmum coverage to top a footing 13, Do not scale drawings. Use figure dimensions only. 16" x 8" poured concrete wall footings, 3000# test 14. All work to conform to the rules and regulations of the New York at 2-1 W" x 11 718" Micmlam Girder (or 316' x 11718' Power Beam) Energy Conservation Construction Code. All glazed areal to be double 4" poured concrete Boor slab wlih 6x6x#10 mesh and vapor barrier glazed and all exledhir doors to have insulated come I Damp pronOng at exterior foundation below gmde-Section R406 15, The Insulation protection as indicated on these plannlexceeds 30" x 30' x 12' deep poured concrete column footings, 3000# test the Code's minimum standards. Deck and parch footings as noted, 3000# test, 48" minimum buried depth 16, These drawings and specifications are instruments of service and Foundation wall to extend a minimum of S' above finished grade shall remain the property tithe Engineer whether the pm act for All footings to he carded drown to undisturbed and which they aro made IS executed a not. They may not b i used No foobng,shall he set higher than a 30 degree angle from any other thinning on any other project except by written authorization of U Engineer Pour no concrele on frozen ground or In freezing weather 17. The engineer has not been retained for site super,66 an, on-site 1 Provide 3 Y" steel lolly columns inspections and certifications ss required or requested bI the owner, Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall hes sufficient strength and has been contractor or local building department " anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill (Section R404.1.7) UPLIFT - CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS a 0 0 Froom-WFCM ProsuipOve Method VBE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTORS Floor fromingshell'be nailed In accordance with Table 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND DraBalopptng-Seclion R502.12 INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT 0 FirablodtingSeGion R602.13 CONSTRUCTION CATALOG CMWO2 •• r , Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i nine: rwn lc c,w,-r F+""-•, "-�R,•y- ^ �- -^- . - _.__ _. __ _ J` 4 (TABLE 3,9 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) WALL SHEATHING ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS fl7n MI 8 -SECOND GUST • 100 MPH FASTEST -MILE WIND SPEED PER TABLE R3- 6HEATi41NG LOCATION STUD SPACING STRUCTURAL SHEATHING MAXIMUM NAIL SPACING (SEE µOrf a fINGHS SPACING OR PANEL SIDING FOR ad COMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) (INGHE9, O.C.P E 6 4' EDGE ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE D E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 E • NAIL SPACING AT PANEL EDGES iIN.) F " NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PA`[ i FIE�C ('4.1 I- FOR WALL SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE CORNERS THE 4 FOOT EDGE ZONE AT ACHMENT REOuIREMENTS SHALL BE USED 2 7,49BULAT@'i 7 RICH 0-C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES 5HE4TWNG A^AGHEV -C STUD FRAMING _W_ E ERS Lal GM 4A--- FOR �rAM n6 '-IEMBE2n WhTA O -2 LIE NG,. SPAG'NG--S SHALL 3. FOR EXTBR OR PAN.= S>D+\G 1.11 AAN Z2 BOr ^ 5 a" __ BE Pui^'TT3'O BE SuBS-1'_ Ti FOR CAPON NA:rS. I" ry practice. q For the Clmsgc and Geographical Design Criteria, a"Tabie R301 2(1) on cover thoot The Amencan Institute o1 Architects Conditions shall annul' All non -engineered lumber to be Douglas Fir #2 or better to all work performed on this proloon. l Wind Limite ibnt-Seaton R301.2.1 2. The Contractor @licit verify all condition at d1b'10s. A Design Crilerle-Section R301.2.1.1 (See Table R301.2.1.2 for Wind -Borne Debris Protection discrepancies must be brought to the a0emion of the Rol mar Fastening Schedule For Wood Structurel Panels) prior is commencement a consruction. The ContractorIPhall'be Dead Load -Section R301.3 responsible for corrections not reported once he hes star id work Live Load -Section R301 4 except for hidden jab conditions, Light and Venffabon-Section R303 3, Contractor shell guarantee to the Owner that all metarl s and Minimum Room Ames -Section R304 equipment Incorporated in the work will be new, and that I I work Catling HelghtSactlon R306 will be of good quality, free from faults and defects for a p nod Sanitation -Section R306 of one year from the dale of the fins( Certificate of Occup icy. Toilet Bath and Shower Spaces -Section R307 4. The Engineer shall not be responsible for the construct on means, Gluing -Section R306 methods, techniques. sequences or procedures, or forts safety Garages and Carports -Section R309 precautions and programs in connection with the work, ajld he SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING ST}iUCTURAI- SHEATHING MAkif1 NAIL9PA¢INt3 (SEE NOTE a (INCHES, O.C.) OR PANEL SIDING FOR ac OMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) !IN ES, O:C.J E 6 MEN NOTE 40 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 16 F 6 (SEE NOTE 31 E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE 1) E 4 (SEE NOTE 4) GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRU96 p F Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings -Section R310 shall not be responsible for the contmeters failure to cion) obs Eots-Section R311 the work in accordance with the construction doglmems. ',The E NAIL 9PACIN AT PANEL EDGES lIN.) Landings -Section R312 Engineer shell not be responsible for the acts or oml.4. Vii F " NAIL SPACING\4T INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD (IN.) Ramps -Section R313 the conlrantor. No changes shell be made in the docume is Stairways -Section R314 and/or the building as designed without the expressedw den I. FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH Handrails -Section R315 consent of the Engineer. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. Guards-Sechon R316 S. The contractor and all subcontractors shall maintain cc ntinuous Smoke Alarms -Seddon R317 Insurance coverage Including statutory policies (Worker 2. T ULATED 12 INCH O -G. N AIL SPACING ASSUMES SHE ATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUS S FRA MING FoamPlaslc-9eodon R318 Compensation, etc.) general l'ebl1ltYin an mount not ME�9 WITH l .49, FpitF FRAMING MEMSERS WITH O.42G20.49 THE SPACINGS SHALL BE Flame Spread and Snake -Section R319 lava that $6 million and automobile liability and damage RECWCEp TO 6 INOHE9 O.C. Insulation-Ser4Wn R320 coverage not lees than $2million. The Engineer shell be I Dwelling Uml eaparauon-Section R321 a named insured con any and all policies. Moisture Vapor Retardem-Section R322 6. Provide 0 026' aluminum lemke shields over fibrous S. TI40ULATF-0 6 INCH O.G. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRl1S8 FRAMING Protection Against Decay- Section R323 Insulation at nil perimeter sllls.YV MEMBERS WITH Gi0A9. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42MVO.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Protection Against TermitesSenfion R324 7. All wood in Lrod ntawith concrete or masonry to be W`.'.Mahized REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. Site Address-Sedton R326 or pressure ornamented. Accesslhllily-Section'R325 8. Asingle station smoke detector alarm dance shell be' istalled 4. TABULATED 4 INCH O.C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRU" FRAMING Flood Resistant Constmcllon-Section R327 In each bedroom, on all floors and shall be all lnlarcannm land per code. MEMBERS WITH G10.49. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH CARGI(O.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Fhiundedons-Chapter 4 99. A t 1pathroma is without opergWe windows to be meatily van6latd REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.G. Design based upon presumptive load bearing values dsendy gravel and/or gravel at 3080 pounds New York Stele Code. r square fool Contmcor to consult Engineer if different soil materials are found upon excavation, de. Hooting -t m designed f) protide 70 degrees F. HMA cancer pe q 0 P designed air-tempereture at0 degrees F. and 16 MPH col id. $ or test hole, for alternative loading and foundation wall design. 11, All electrical wore to bol In accordance to the rules am regulations of the N.Y.B.F.U. and a N.Y B.F.U. certificate Is T512 - I6° 0-G. Strong -Tia Foundation Notes. to he presented to are Owner at the completion of me job,TSI2 ,.�.r '6" Anchor Bolls (SSTB 28) Sea chert on this sheat for spacing 12. Plumbing Installation m comply with lata and Local codes USE 4-8d NAILS 8" poured concrete foundation wall, 8V high, 3000# test and the sewage disposal system to meet Health Dopa lent standards. AT EACH STUD Minimum depth -Section 403.1.4, 48" mimmum coverage to top a footing 13, Do not scale drawings. Use figure dimensions only. 16" x 8" poured concrete wall footings, 3000# test 14. All work to conform to the rules and regulations of the New York at 2-1 W" x 11 718" Micmlam Girder (or 316' x 11718' Power Beam) Energy Conservation Construction Code. All glazed areal to be double 4" poured concrete Boor slab wlih 6x6x#10 mesh and vapor barrier glazed and all exledhir doors to have insulated come I Damp pronOng at exterior foundation below gmde-Section R406 15, The Insulation protection as indicated on these plannlexceeds 30" x 30' x 12' deep poured concrete column footings, 3000# test the Code's minimum standards. Deck and parch footings as noted, 3000# test, 48" minimum buried depth 16, These drawings and specifications are instruments of service and Foundation wall to extend a minimum of S' above finished grade shall remain the property tithe Engineer whether the pm act for All footings to he carded drown to undisturbed and which they aro made IS executed a not. They may not b i used No foobng,shall he set higher than a 30 degree angle from any other thinning on any other project except by written authorization of U Engineer Pour no concrele on frozen ground or In freezing weather 17. The engineer has not been retained for site super,66 an, on-site 1 Provide 3 Y" steel lolly columns inspections and certifications ss required or requested bI the owner, Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall hes sufficient strength and has been contractor or local building department " anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill (Section R404.1.7) UPLIFT - CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS a 0 0 Froom-WFCM ProsuipOve Method VBE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTORS Floor fromingshell'be nailed In accordance with Table 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND DraBalopptng-Seclion R502.12 INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT 0 FirablodtingSeGion R602.13 CONSTRUCTION CATALOG CMWO2 •• r , Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i E • NAIL SPACING AT PANEL EDGES iIN.) F " NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PA`[ i FIE�C ('4.1 I- FOR WALL SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE CORNERS THE 4 FOOT EDGE ZONE AT ACHMENT REOuIREMENTS SHALL BE USED 2 7,49BULAT@'i 7 RICH 0-C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES 5HE4TWNG A^AGHEV -C STUD FRAMING _W_ E ERS Lal GM 4A--- FOR �rAM n6 '-IEMBE2n WhTA O -2 LIE NG,. SPAG'NG--S SHALL 3. FOR EXTBR OR PAN.= S>D+\G 1.11 AAN Z2 BOr ^ 5 a" __ BE Pui^'TT3'O BE SuBS-1'_ Ti FOR CAPON NA:rS. I" ry practice. q For the Clmsgc and Geographical Design Criteria, a"Tabie R301 2(1) on cover thoot The Amencan Institute o1 Architects Conditions shall annul' All non -engineered lumber to be Douglas Fir #2 or better to all work performed on this proloon. l Wind Limite ibnt-Seaton R301.2.1 2. The Contractor @licit verify all condition at d1b'10s. A Design Crilerle-Section R301.2.1.1 (See Table R301.2.1.2 for Wind -Borne Debris Protection discrepancies must be brought to the a0emion of the Rol mar Fastening Schedule For Wood Structurel Panels) prior is commencement a consruction. The ContractorIPhall'be Dead Load -Section R301.3 responsible for corrections not reported once he hes star id work Live Load -Section R301 4 except for hidden jab conditions, Light and Venffabon-Section R303 3, Contractor shell guarantee to the Owner that all metarl s and Minimum Room Ames -Section R304 equipment Incorporated in the work will be new, and that I I work Catling HelghtSactlon R306 will be of good quality, free from faults and defects for a p nod Sanitation -Section R306 of one year from the dale of the fins( Certificate of Occup icy. Toilet Bath and Shower Spaces -Section R307 4. The Engineer shall not be responsible for the construct on means, Gluing -Section R306 methods, techniques. sequences or procedures, or forts safety Garages and Carports -Section R309 precautions and programs in connection with the work, ajld he SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING ST}iUCTURAI- SHEATHING MAkif1 NAIL9PA¢INt3 (SEE NOTE a (INCHES, O.C.) OR PANEL SIDING FOR ac OMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) !IN ES, O:C.J E 6 MEN NOTE 40 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 16 F 6 (SEE NOTE 31 E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE 1) E 4 (SEE NOTE 4) GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRU96 p F Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings -Section R310 shall not be responsible for the contmeters failure to cion) obs Eots-Section R311 the work in accordance with the construction doglmems. ',The E NAIL 9PACIN AT PANEL EDGES lIN.) Landings -Section R312 Engineer shell not be responsible for the acts or oml.4. Vii F " NAIL SPACING\4T INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD (IN.) Ramps -Section R313 the conlrantor. No changes shell be made in the docume is Stairways -Section R314 and/or the building as designed without the expressedw den I. FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH Handrails -Section R315 consent of the Engineer. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. Guards-Sechon R316 S. The contractor and all subcontractors shall maintain cc ntinuous Smoke Alarms -Seddon R317 Insurance coverage Including statutory policies (Worker 2. T ULATED 12 INCH O -G. N AIL SPACING ASSUMES SHE ATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUS S FRA MING FoamPlaslc-9eodon R318 Compensation, etc.) general l'ebl1ltYin an mount not ME�9 WITH l .49, FpitF FRAMING MEMSERS WITH O.42G20.49 THE SPACINGS SHALL BE Flame Spread and Snake -Section R319 lava that $6 million and automobile liability and damage RECWCEp TO 6 INOHE9 O.C. Insulation-Ser4Wn R320 coverage not lees than $2million. The Engineer shell be I Dwelling Uml eaparauon-Section R321 a named insured con any and all policies. Moisture Vapor Retardem-Section R322 6. Provide 0 026' aluminum lemke shields over fibrous S. TI40ULATF-0 6 INCH O.G. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRl1S8 FRAMING Protection Against Decay- Section R323 Insulation at nil perimeter sllls.YV MEMBERS WITH Gi0A9. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42MVO.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Protection Against TermitesSenfion R324 7. All wood in Lrod ntawith concrete or masonry to be W`.'.Mahized REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. Site Address-Sedton R326 or pressure ornamented. Accesslhllily-Section'R325 8. Asingle station smoke detector alarm dance shell be' istalled 4. TABULATED 4 INCH O.C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRU" FRAMING Flood Resistant Constmcllon-Section R327 In each bedroom, on all floors and shall be all lnlarcannm land per code. MEMBERS WITH G10.49. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH CARGI(O.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Fhiundedons-Chapter 4 99. A t 1pathroma is without opergWe windows to be meatily van6latd REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.G. Design based upon presumptive load bearing values dsendy gravel and/or gravel at 3080 pounds New York Stele Code. r square fool Contmcor to consult Engineer if different soil materials are found upon excavation, de. Hooting -t m designed f) protide 70 degrees F. HMA cancer pe q 0 P designed air-tempereture at0 degrees F. and 16 MPH col id. $ or test hole, for alternative loading and foundation wall design. 11, All electrical wore to bol In accordance to the rules am regulations of the N.Y.B.F.U. and a N.Y B.F.U. certificate Is T512 - I6° 0-G. Strong -Tia Foundation Notes. to he presented to are Owner at the completion of me job,TSI2 ,.�.r '6" Anchor Bolls (SSTB 28) Sea chert on this sheat for spacing 12. Plumbing Installation m comply with lata and Local codes USE 4-8d NAILS 8" poured concrete foundation wall, 8V high, 3000# test and the sewage disposal system to meet Health Dopa lent standards. AT EACH STUD Minimum depth -Section 403.1.4, 48" mimmum coverage to top a footing 13, Do not scale drawings. Use figure dimensions only. 16" x 8" poured concrete wall footings, 3000# test 14. All work to conform to the rules and regulations of the New York at 2-1 W" x 11 718" Micmlam Girder (or 316' x 11718' Power Beam) Energy Conservation Construction Code. All glazed areal to be double 4" poured concrete Boor slab wlih 6x6x#10 mesh and vapor barrier glazed and all exledhir doors to have insulated come I Damp pronOng at exterior foundation below gmde-Section R406 15, The Insulation protection as indicated on these plannlexceeds 30" x 30' x 12' deep poured concrete column footings, 3000# test the Code's minimum standards. Deck and parch footings as noted, 3000# test, 48" minimum buried depth 16, These drawings and specifications are instruments of service and Foundation wall to extend a minimum of S' above finished grade shall remain the property tithe Engineer whether the pm act for All footings to he carded drown to undisturbed and which they aro made IS executed a not. They may not b i used No foobng,shall he set higher than a 30 degree angle from any other thinning on any other project except by written authorization of U Engineer Pour no concrele on frozen ground or In freezing weather 17. The engineer has not been retained for site super,66 an, on-site 1 Provide 3 Y" steel lolly columns inspections and certifications ss required or requested bI the owner, Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall hes sufficient strength and has been contractor or local building department " anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill (Section R404.1.7) UPLIFT - CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS a 0 0 Froom-WFCM ProsuipOve Method VBE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTORS Floor fromingshell'be nailed In accordance with Table 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND DraBalopptng-Seclion R502.12 INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT 0 FirablodtingSeGion R602.13 CONSTRUCTION CATALOG CMWO2 •• r , Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING ST}iUCTURAI- SHEATHING MAkif1 NAIL9PA¢INt3 (SEE NOTE a (INCHES, O.C.) OR PANEL SIDING FOR ac OMMON NAILS (SEE NOTE 3) !IN ES, O:C.J E 6 MEN NOTE 40 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 16 F 6 (SEE NOTE 31 E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12 (SEE NOTE 1) E 4 (SEE NOTE 4) GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRU96 p F Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings -Section R310 shall not be responsible for the contmeters failure to cion) obs Eots-Section R311 the work in accordance with the construction doglmems. ',The E NAIL 9PACIN AT PANEL EDGES lIN.) Landings -Section R312 Engineer shell not be responsible for the acts or oml.4. Vii F " NAIL SPACING\4T INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD (IN.) Ramps -Section R313 the conlrantor. No changes shell be made in the docume is Stairways -Section R314 and/or the building as designed without the expressedw den I. FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH Handrails -Section R315 consent of the Engineer. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. Guards-Sechon R316 S. The contractor and all subcontractors shall maintain cc ntinuous Smoke Alarms -Seddon R317 Insurance coverage Including statutory policies (Worker 2. T ULATED 12 INCH O -G. N AIL SPACING ASSUMES SHE ATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUS S FRA MING FoamPlaslc-9eodon R318 Compensation, etc.) general l'ebl1ltYin an mount not ME�9 WITH l .49, FpitF FRAMING MEMSERS WITH O.42G20.49 THE SPACINGS SHALL BE Flame Spread and Snake -Section R319 lava that $6 million and automobile liability and damage RECWCEp TO 6 INOHE9 O.C. Insulation-Ser4Wn R320 coverage not lees than $2million. The Engineer shell be I Dwelling Uml eaparauon-Section R321 a named insured con any and all policies. Moisture Vapor Retardem-Section R322 6. Provide 0 026' aluminum lemke shields over fibrous S. TI40ULATF-0 6 INCH O.G. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRl1S8 FRAMING Protection Against Decay- Section R323 Insulation at nil perimeter sllls.YV MEMBERS WITH Gi0A9. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42MVO.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Protection Against TermitesSenfion R324 7. All wood in Lrod ntawith concrete or masonry to be W`.'.Mahized REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. Site Address-Sedton R326 or pressure ornamented. Accesslhllily-Section'R325 8. Asingle station smoke detector alarm dance shell be' istalled 4. TABULATED 4 INCH O.C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRU" FRAMING Flood Resistant Constmcllon-Section R327 In each bedroom, on all floors and shall be all lnlarcannm land per code. MEMBERS WITH G10.49. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH CARGI(O.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Fhiundedons-Chapter 4 99. A t 1pathroma is without opergWe windows to be meatily van6latd REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.G. Design based upon presumptive load bearing values dsendy gravel and/or gravel at 3080 pounds New York Stele Code. r square fool Contmcor to consult Engineer if different soil materials are found upon excavation, de. Hooting -t m designed f) protide 70 degrees F. HMA cancer pe q 0 P designed air-tempereture at0 degrees F. and 16 MPH col id. $ or test hole, for alternative loading and foundation wall design. 11, All electrical wore to bol In accordance to the rules am regulations of the N.Y.B.F.U. and a N.Y B.F.U. certificate Is T512 - I6° 0-G. Strong -Tia Foundation Notes. to he presented to are Owner at the completion of me job,TSI2 ,.�.r '6" Anchor Bolls (SSTB 28) Sea chert on this sheat for spacing 12. Plumbing Installation m comply with lata and Local codes USE 4-8d NAILS 8" poured concrete foundation wall, 8V high, 3000# test and the sewage disposal system to meet Health Dopa lent standards. AT EACH STUD Minimum depth -Section 403.1.4, 48" mimmum coverage to top a footing 13, Do not scale drawings. Use figure dimensions only. 16" x 8" poured concrete wall footings, 3000# test 14. All work to conform to the rules and regulations of the New York at 2-1 W" x 11 718" Micmlam Girder (or 316' x 11718' Power Beam) Energy Conservation Construction Code. All glazed areal to be double 4" poured concrete Boor slab wlih 6x6x#10 mesh and vapor barrier glazed and all exledhir doors to have insulated come I Damp pronOng at exterior foundation below gmde-Section R406 15, The Insulation protection as indicated on these plannlexceeds 30" x 30' x 12' deep poured concrete column footings, 3000# test the Code's minimum standards. Deck and parch footings as noted, 3000# test, 48" minimum buried depth 16, These drawings and specifications are instruments of service and Foundation wall to extend a minimum of S' above finished grade shall remain the property tithe Engineer whether the pm act for All footings to he carded drown to undisturbed and which they aro made IS executed a not. They may not b i used No foobng,shall he set higher than a 30 degree angle from any other thinning on any other project except by written authorization of U Engineer Pour no concrele on frozen ground or In freezing weather 17. The engineer has not been retained for site super,66 an, on-site 1 Provide 3 Y" steel lolly columns inspections and certifications ss required or requested bI the owner, Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall hes sufficient strength and has been contractor or local building department " anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill (Section R404.1.7) UPLIFT - CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS a 0 0 Froom-WFCM ProsuipOve Method VBE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTORS Floor fromingshell'be nailed In accordance with Table 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND DraBalopptng-Seclion R502.12 INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT 0 FirablodtingSeGion R602.13 CONSTRUCTION CATALOG CMWO2 •• r , Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings -Section R310 shall not be responsible for the contmeters failure to cion) obs Eots-Section R311 the work in accordance with the construction doglmems. ',The E NAIL 9PACIN AT PANEL EDGES lIN.) Landings -Section R312 Engineer shell not be responsible for the acts or oml.4. Vii F " NAIL SPACING\4T INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD (IN.) Ramps -Section R313 the conlrantor. No changes shell be made in the docume is Stairways -Section R314 and/or the building as designed without the expressedw den I. FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH Handrails -Section R315 consent of the Engineer. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. Guards-Sechon R316 S. The contractor and all subcontractors shall maintain cc ntinuous Smoke Alarms -Seddon R317 Insurance coverage Including statutory policies (Worker 2. T ULATED 12 INCH O -G. N AIL SPACING ASSUMES SHE ATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUS S FRA MING FoamPlaslc-9eodon R318 Compensation, etc.) general l'ebl1ltYin an mount not ME�9 WITH l .49, FpitF FRAMING MEMSERS WITH O.42G20.49 THE SPACINGS SHALL BE Flame Spread and Snake -Section R319 lava that $6 million and automobile liability and damage RECWCEp TO 6 INOHE9 O.C. Insulation-Ser4Wn R320 coverage not lees than $2million. The Engineer shell be I Dwelling Uml eaparauon-Section R321 a named insured con any and all policies. Moisture Vapor Retardem-Section R322 6. Provide 0 026' aluminum lemke shields over fibrous S. TI40ULATF-0 6 INCH O.G. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRl1S8 FRAMING Protection Against Decay- Section R323 Insulation at nil perimeter sllls.YV MEMBERS WITH Gi0A9. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42MVO.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Protection Against TermitesSenfion R324 7. All wood in Lrod ntawith concrete or masonry to be W`.'.Mahized REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. Site Address-Sedton R326 or pressure ornamented. Accesslhllily-Section'R325 8. Asingle station smoke detector alarm dance shell be' istalled 4. TABULATED 4 INCH O.C. NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRU" FRAMING Flood Resistant Constmcllon-Section R327 In each bedroom, on all floors and shall be all lnlarcannm land per code. MEMBERS WITH G10.49. FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH CARGI(O.49, THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE Fhiundedons-Chapter 4 99. A t 1pathroma is without opergWe windows to be meatily van6latd REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.G. Design based upon presumptive load bearing values dsendy gravel and/or gravel at 3080 pounds New York Stele Code. r square fool Contmcor to consult Engineer if different soil materials are found upon excavation, de. Hooting -t m designed f) protide 70 degrees F. HMA cancer pe q 0 P designed air-tempereture at0 degrees F. and 16 MPH col id. $ or test hole, for alternative loading and foundation wall design. 11, All electrical wore to bol In accordance to the rules am regulations of the N.Y.B.F.U. and a N.Y B.F.U. certificate Is T512 - I6° 0-G. Strong -Tia Foundation Notes. to he presented to are Owner at the completion of me job,TSI2 ,.�.r '6" Anchor Bolls (SSTB 28) Sea chert on this sheat for spacing 12. Plumbing Installation m comply with lata and Local codes USE 4-8d NAILS 8" poured concrete foundation wall, 8V high, 3000# test and the sewage disposal system to meet Health Dopa lent standards. AT EACH STUD Minimum depth -Section 403.1.4, 48" mimmum coverage to top a footing 13, Do not scale drawings. Use figure dimensions only. 16" x 8" poured concrete wall footings, 3000# test 14. All work to conform to the rules and regulations of the New York at 2-1 W" x 11 718" Micmlam Girder (or 316' x 11718' Power Beam) Energy Conservation Construction Code. All glazed areal to be double 4" poured concrete Boor slab wlih 6x6x#10 mesh and vapor barrier glazed and all exledhir doors to have insulated come I Damp pronOng at exterior foundation below gmde-Section R406 15, The Insulation protection as indicated on these plannlexceeds 30" x 30' x 12' deep poured concrete column footings, 3000# test the Code's minimum standards. Deck and parch footings as noted, 3000# test, 48" minimum buried depth 16, These drawings and specifications are instruments of service and Foundation wall to extend a minimum of S' above finished grade shall remain the property tithe Engineer whether the pm act for All footings to he carded drown to undisturbed and which they aro made IS executed a not. They may not b i used No foobng,shall he set higher than a 30 degree angle from any other thinning on any other project except by written authorization of U Engineer Pour no concrele on frozen ground or In freezing weather 17. The engineer has not been retained for site super,66 an, on-site 1 Provide 3 Y" steel lolly columns inspections and certifications ss required or requested bI the owner, Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall hes sufficient strength and has been contractor or local building department " anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill (Section R404.1.7) UPLIFT - CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS a 0 0 Froom-WFCM ProsuipOve Method VBE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CONNECTORS Floor fromingshell'be nailed In accordance with Table 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND DraBalopptng-Seclion R502.12 INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT 0 FirablodtingSeGion R602.13 CONSTRUCTION CATALOG CMWO2 •• r , Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i Floor Construction: ANCHOR BOLTS IN FOUNDATION USE. LTP4 - 16" 04 •- %G OSB plywood oub %oor,�, fallen per Table 3.1 WFCM BSTB28 WITH BEARING PLATE, SEE FOUNDATION AT EXTERIOR ' , Floor joists: San Foundegran and floor Plans, spacing as noted NOTES FOR SPACING Ii PERIMITER AND .• Fasten perTablaI WFCM 2-2x6 CCA sill with termite shield end sill seal SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST USE: GAfNAGE/HOUSE Finish boom per 6greerrem LTP4 48" O.C. AT EXTERIOR PERIMETER AND GARAGEHOUSE COMMON WALL COMMON WALL Well Construction-WFOMI Pmsalptive Method USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END USE 48d NAILS Wall foaming and finishing) shall be nailed and or screwed in accordance withI AT EACH END Table 3.1 WFCM GARAGE STUD TO GARAGE SILL PLATE USE. 1x6 Pine fascia, wrap SSP CONNECTOR AT 16" D,C. Overhangs as noted USE 4Sit NAILS ATEACPEND BILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND Vinyl vented soffits ` Aluminum gutters and leaders RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION USE. RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION Sidi 'See Elevations MTS 12 16'0.C. Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i Tyvek housewrap USE 4 gal NAILS AT EAC, cND 'h" OSB sheathing, see fastening schedule, Table 3.1 WFCM 2x4 Studs (tg 16' o.c. win 2x4 shoe and double 2x4 plate FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE. 'G" Gypsum wall board META 36, 16" O C. 5/8" Type X GWS 1n garalge USE 4 ed NAILS AT EACH END Y" MR GWS in wet areae FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MT512, 16" O C. At least one window in catch sleeping room shall comply with the exit requirements of section R310 USE 4 gal NAILS AT EACH END Note drilling and notching limitations in figure R602 6(1) for bearing wells and figure R602.5(2) for non-bearing wells. RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE. Follow exterior corner framing dated figure R602 10.5 MTS 12, EACH ROOF RAFTER USE B 16d NAILS AT EACH END Roof Assemblies -WFCM Prescriptive Method Asphalt stip shingles shall have a minimum of six(6) fasteners per shingle (section R905 6) RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USEI' Simpson Strong -Tie Undedeyment application) (Section 8905.2 7) CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END MT812 For roof slopes of mo(2) )units vertical in twelvd(12) units horizontal (17 -percent scope), AT EACH ROOF RAFTER AT EACH STUD up to four(4) units vertical In malve(12) units horizontal (33 -pecan) slope), undedayment shell he two(2) layers applied in the following manner. Apply a 19 -inch (483 mm) strip of DECK POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION USE underlaymenl fell parallel with and sterling at the eaves, fastened suRclantly to hold In place. PBS44A FOR EACH POST - USE 14 - 16d NAILS Starting at the save, apply 36 -inch -wide (914 mm) sheets of underayment, overlapping ' successive sheets 19 mdhes (483 mm), and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. DECK POST TO GIRDER CONNECTION USE: Fa roof slopes of four(4) units vertical in twelve(12) units PC44 FOR EACH POST I Ice Protection (Section R, 91 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Undedayment In High wind (Section R gnS 2.7.2) MTS12 Q EACH JOIST tr Flashing (Section R 99612.8) Chimney's and Firespeces-Chapter 10 GIRDER TO DECK JOIST CONNECTION USE: Energy Efficiency -Chapter 11, see attached report MTS12 G EACH JOIST Mechanical-Chapmr 12 _ General Mechanics Systems -Chapter 13 PORCH POST TO DECi@-:.-6Er Harting and Cooling Equipment -Chapter 14 2 - ACA - USE 14 -16d NAILS Exhaust Systems-Chaplar 15 Ouch Systems -Chapter 116 PORCH POST TO GIRDER USE. 2 - AC4 Combustion Air -Chapter 17 USE 14 - 16d NAILS Chimneys and Vents -Chapter 18 Plumbing-PanVllPORCH ROOF RAFTER TO GIRDER USE FL.I,:)OR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS - 1 3/4" MINIMUMMTS 12 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER EDGE DISTANCE�_ BP_ - CANTILEVER CONDITION �-- Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i Ed 110 Simpson Strong-Tle AC4 AT EACH POST 2" MINIMUM SIDECOVER •'s TF " Slmpaon Strong -TIB -6844 AT EACH POST FOOTING PORCH COLUMN CONNECTIONS 4 4 le d SEE PLAN 4 4 n �4 d A 4 Slmpeon Strong -Tie SSTB28 WITH BP 1 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL Slarpoon Strong -Tie MT630 OR MT812 AT EACH ROOF RAFTER Il`� II�tlNI•`�� USE 8-16d NAILS AT V/ EACH END STUD TO ROOF RAFTER CONNECTION Simpson strong -Tie MSTA36 - I6" O.C, USE 4.8d NAILS 0 AT EACH STUD FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS 1/2" SPACINNOTRANSFER ALLOWSHOLDDOWINSTALLATIOSIDEWALLDWALL HOLDDOW(PF4D59RNER STUD 0 NNECTED TO 614EAR OLDPOWN HD5) 0 bd COMMONm ILS AT 6" O.G. BLOCKING AT 24" 04. ALLOWS HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION - O 0 2-I6d COMMON NAILS AT 10" O.C. CORNER STUD 0 A CONNECTED TO TRANSFER SHEAR HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS (WFCM FIGURE 3.1a d 4.1b) Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH RAFTER 4-IOd x 1 1/2" NOTE ATTACH LEDGER TO FRAMING MEMBER WITH 2-1/2" X 5" LAG BOLTS AT 16" ON CENTER Stmpson Strong -Tie U210 2X6 AT EACH CEILING JOIST 4-IOCI x 1 1/2" Simpson Strong -Tie U210 2x8 AT EACH DECK/PORCH JOIST 4-I0d x 1 1/2" TYPICAL PORCH/DECK LEDGER CONNECTIONS K RAFTER RIDGE BEAM RIDGE TENSION STRAP CS20 USE a -lid NAILS IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER RIDGE TENSION STRAP DETAIL 0 i _ N a5'ID76' 1 ` � 1 It ` I \ \ " a .�/ // consTnL BARfEIER �/ / IDENrIFi® IHb-90 off AJ I .2k / 1 i x i 2 stow YORY 97=z 6F. . 60. aa' 1 I II I � 1 0 e it 51TE DATA: DIST: 1000 5EG: 18 13LOGK: Oi LOT: O9 AREA OF 51TE: 255b14Z4 SOFT. = 5.409 ACRE -5 51 -TE PLAN BASED ON SURVEY_BY.. -105EPH A. WOEENO LAND SURVEYOR. 13W PDANOKE-AVENLE P.O. BOX Illm RIVM*IEA0, W 11901 T€L..:-(631) 177-2090 FAAk (631) 1Z1-1721 I 6 W 9 9 It 1 t JET k1OLE EtATA (TEST HOLE D358Y MCOON4ID�GIENGE OtiAR'Y 4, 194H) EL. 1A' Q. &Z m LOAM OL GRAY GLAY S 5 4' \1ER IN BROVN 51LTY riPllJ SM lo' 4TER IN PALE 9ROVJt ! 5AND SP IT I 0 N - 13-4" 42' I W 22'0" LINE OF DECK ABOVE — ___________, PILE NOTES: 1. Piles to be southern yellow pine pressure treated _________________----------------------- ' __________ ---------------------------------------------------------------- —� � I GCA .6 ratention timber piles with 10' or 12' butt and K '26 or 30' long, in accordance with ASTM 0.25 standards 3 8'3" y, til. y 5„ e' S„ B, ti„ 8'3' See plan for size and location. 2 Piles are to be mstelled under the supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer who will be responsible = 10 DIAMETER DC for maintaining pile logs. All piles are to be driven a WOOD PILE, 5 TON minimum of 10' into ground water and to the minimum CAPACITY, TYP. AT DECK - bearing capacity specified on the plan. All beanng capacity is to be as measured by the "Engineering News' formula. The Professional Engineer is to provide certified pile logs and certification of _____________________�_ __________ y _______________________ _ pile bearing capacity to the architect or design 1 • •� - -- - — - — engineer upon completion of pile installation ------- ------------- ------- --- ------ - --------------- -- 3 Ad piles are to be cut off at design height fir' a' 3" a' 3" 8T 7" 9'3" after driving. 4 Grade beams are to be poured as shown on plan and mzetordance vain-bTe7fC'i'code, Lrw"Ne-w York._tZe ata_ ._CCA- Building- Code and prevailing local modes and standards. WOOD PILE, 20 TOIX, Concrete is to be 3000 psi min. 28 day strength and steel CAPACITY, YR. AT COIL reinforcement is to have a working stress of 20,000 psi ; s 5. All piling handling, setting, and driving shall conform to ; . L the N.Y.S. Department of Transportation Code requirements ;�� ;• Damaged piles shall be repaired or removed as per instructions of the design engineer. i. ''} W 6, Piles shall be driven to-withm 3" of the design locations. Piles tolerance out of shall require remedial action as per the design engineer j - - - - IMROF05ED POOL kri- 7. Ail pile and deck hardware shall be hot dipped galvanized W v In accordance with ASTM At 53 Any damaged areas shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the resident architect All steel connectors shall be grade 2 or equal. �•� • • �•� C B. Alt timber girders and braces shall be CCA treated _ for ground contact use as per AWPA standards 9 Use galvanaed nails for all exposed areas. 10. Please be advised that this pile foundation has been - _ 34'0"- - designed for all required environmental loads with the existing - - soil level of approximately +6 0 MSL Any loss of soil below this elevation will be detrimental to the stability of the pile group. If the soil elevation falls below this point, remedial action will be required. The addition of soil above this - — :___ _________________ - =�'-.e----------------------- ___ ___________ ______ __ _____ -- o • ---------____-- -- _ ••— - - — - — -� - — - — - d s'- _"""-------- -------------� -----, n elevation will not harm the performance of the foundation ----------- ------• ---` 11. Contractor to provide 2x4 CCA cross bracing on deck piles r 12 Location of pile foundation or property Is not the responsibility of the design engineer All setback lines and pile locations to be located and staked by others Q in m prior to construction Y V In: o, w 10" DIAMETER GGA o 2 WOOD PILE, 10 TON i O Z� CAPAG'TY, T"P W Z J 17' 0" a' b"Y 25' bn _� — ' J i ' I � m ' I r O v - ' ------ - ------------- } a 1 I-,----- , I b , CELLAR 'FrA Q Z N ly---------------------------------- - til n 5 I I 1 I F I � I 00 DIAMETER GGA i to, a" W J OD PILE 5 TO ,,1 N W ______1 CAPACITY I , 1 : , 1 ' I - _ENGINEER: ITU"IN' = !FPsr14 T- IL Y *„ c 1- J --------------------------- --- I ti� h')' 9' I 9" h' 3 JEFFREY T. BUTLER, ItI T -T o pian , i I I ' y W J O_ U � 1 m ' 1' I 0 < 50_ D MASONRY PIER - I - W W O p WITH T C FLUES FOR �l1RhAGE _ = = - L S ° U - AND NOT 'WATER 4E4'ER F -r '� — z "A50NRY FIREP_ACE AND Q ' m CUIMNEY AEOVE _IN + VERIFY S.ZE OF L'LJES REOWREGLU n n i O> O • , U a G, , 7 0 Y Y O _____________i____ _________________- FI ____________________ ____________________. O__ n L a Nin • � l PILE PLAN ------------------------------------------------ , a w Y w _ ------------- D L a a � m 10'4" 8„ a, to” a.. I ti. i.. 22' 0" 3 a Q f 7x,,,, 0 N E / i'., / / ry / �/ / 2 I ' I 1 / �' /"// opo. (J 4, // / / ' '/ / i / / lop// � I > T' / / COASTAL HARRIER )DI IFIE�1 11-16/-90/ / ! %v � Y/ y /A A /,Ol �i W � // �///�/�/ ✓�'j � � / /// /// j FT T,FT ,/ // /i// i T IF / . r / ,(jam �'F'�4i � ',F 1✓ / // / / ' % OF NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. 1929 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: _n EXISTING CONTOUR ONES ARE SHOWN THUS: - - -- to - - - - - - EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE AS PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION 2 THIS PROPERTY IS IN FLOOD ZONE AS (EL 8) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CD166 G 10NE AS BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED 3. 11-16-90 COASTAL BARRIER FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1990, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS 4 UPLAND AREA = 74,644 aR ft FOR SUCH USE BY TITLE ASSOCIATION THE MINIMUM AS ESTABLISHED SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK ,COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX I No. 1000-78-07-09 !SCALE 1"=50' JANUARY 23, 2002 JULY 181 2002 ADDED PROPOSED WELL FEBRUA Y 12, 2003 REVISED SITE PLAN JULY 2�, 2003 REVISED LOT COVERAGE JULY 29. 2004 FOUNDATION LOCATION AREA = 235.614.84 sq. ft. (TO -TE LINE) 5.409 ac. CJRTIFIED TO: DOMINIC NICOLAZZI I UNAU HOR 2 E ALTERATON OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VlounON OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY CEWIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING IASTR KION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- FLUON CEWIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. -Ni N 85'10"tD +�.� 11'GCCIUL1J SUFFOLK CCUINT)' ?3a Ip 20934PR 30 AN 11: 41 + JUICE V'ASTEVYAfEH MCMI / O � �v NOTES, 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. 1929 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:SV 2. PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM STRUCTURE SHOWN THUS: PROPOSED EKPANSION POOL ® PROPOSED LEACHING POOL 0 PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK 3. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 4. THIS PROPERTY IS IN FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. e) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 3610300166 G ZONE AE RASE FLOOD ELEVATION5 DETERMINED 5. 11-16-90 COASTAL BARRIER FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1990, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. 6. UPLAND AREA = 74,644 eq. ff. PROPOSED HOUSE G GARAGE IS 5,191.q. ft. OR 6.95} OF UPLAND AREA 7. APPROXIMATELY 500 au. ye.. OF FILL WILL BE NEEDED. B. HOUSE TO BE BUILT ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. S )y.3p 5p„ f 1 T 1 T flCs, 1 I '1 o s I, I a � c Pr SUFFOLK COUNTY III' SURVEf OF PROPERTY li'ITUATED AT SOUTHOLD TOW14 OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAXI No. 1000-78-07-09 (SCALE 1 "=50' J NUARY 23, 2002 JULY 141, 2002 ADDED PROPOSED WELL FEBRUARY 12, 2003 REVISED SITE PLAN PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR A 6INGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY DATEg-5-0�Z_ HS REF. O. RI0-0O.-02(pO APPROVED FOR MAXIMUM OF —q—D D ODMS EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL RNgX'a aEv. 9s NP EL .Y YYR. IPIIC lIT0.ID1/''/1' i4!( nYM fTL µ>J A EA = 235.614.84 sq. ft. (TO TE LINE) 5.409 ac. ESTATE OF JULIUS ZEBROWSKI S\ Td, 7i N0.E FOR SANITARY SYSTEM TEST HOLE DATA ii (TEST HOLE DUG BY V'c.RIN4 n GEOS.IENGE ON FEBRUARY 4, 1999) Nft�r Wort WD W artx IN ew Son n I4 N?1. II� UNAUMORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VOLITION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STALE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SELL OR EMBOSSED SELL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL. RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTTUFON LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSG- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. )seph A. Ingegno Land Surveyor Surreys - Subdivisions - Site Plane - Construction Layout (631)727-2090 fax (631)727-1727 ES LOCATED AT L. FL Ar ��1io IG ;OANOKE AVENUE I I l II ), New York 11901 10 SEPTIC TANK (Il Td( gL / 1 I III a F1c>yw .exp„ yA� e 1 yu owc.¢ 1 i, ♦ POOLS is _ rf W YA SM MIX Or AINN N"TL 0115 ILEEACHING Nr LV �iomlm -ll) I MO FX. A 5 a ionull u,o mi `vw�i wnrx'Ei'imlrw .. I. ANN . or v�o H ". M99WL I A NUP As our Mr 4Wx 0 YMMrYR mloele Im m+vJ vwiNw 10m�uo oam �m mwe svu I or ON miW �in. rmlwa or zl/n `ami AIa'^Iv.wu�'nlnAN,.aral".. re Au al�.r1.1""""uu n IY Mn .IYm, Now Tu+. u0 wNu>I.0 I uw . iw M:°w"x�Iii mxil`"�"O`uiulrw14d'ww AND if wl°WLiI. NE NE INAKI I' S\ Td, 7i N0.E FOR SANITARY SYSTEM TEST HOLE DATA ii (TEST HOLE DUG BY V'c.RIN4 n GEOS.IENGE ON FEBRUARY 4, 1999) Nft�r Wort WD W artx IN ew Son n I4 N?1. II� UNAUMORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VOLITION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STALE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SELL OR EMBOSSED SELL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL. RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTTUFON LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSG- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. )seph A. Ingegno Land Surveyor Surreys - Subdivisions - Site Plane - Construction Layout (631)727-2090 fax (631)727-1727 ES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS ;OANOKE AVENUE P,0 Box 1931 ), New York 11901 RlverheaE, New York 11901-0965 N p¢ ,S! E / a O� u all NOI. ESE%STNS ARE REFERENCED EFEERENS CREED SHOWN 122 DATUM SUI'' VEY OF PROPERTY G 2 / f 2. PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM STRICTURE SHOWN THUS: SITUA TED AT • PROPOSED/ EXPANSION POOL PROPOSED LEACHING P004 ILII', SOUTHOLD PROPOSED SERTIC TANK fix' 3. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS $NOW% NEIIEON ARE FROM FIELD 1f O W I `� OF S 0 U T H[*O L D OBSERVATIONS T AND IN FLOOR DRTA O0i OTNERR. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 4. THIS INSURANCE IS IN FLOOD No. AE EL R FLOOD BASE FLOOD IDSWATIOMS D TWINED � S.C. I; AX No. 1000-78-07-09 4 S. H-1 R -SO COKSEAL SARRlR FL000 NSMMNOi NOT AW WRtE FOR NEW O9 N " ' s°Rovl""i."I�wI�R°u°sia°I�"rE�"'�ers.Aar'I�.'R�IeRI� III SCALE 1 =50' R. urLAND ARG E T4sw+ eR.T JANUARY 23 2002 / PROPOS[p HOUSE, v$MGt, CK d Pb01, 1R �,W!'PR N• 011 71.03% OF UPIANO AREA , T. APPROXIMATELY aop w. Pau OF Fui WILL iE NEEDED. ' ' 13R 18, 2002 ADDED PROPOSED WELL UARY 12, yj003 REVISED SITE PLAN U4Y 28, 2003 REVISED LOT COVERAGE b / AREA = 235,614.84 sq. ff. (i0 TIE UNE) 5.409 CO. CO.NIS E CERTIFIED T0: 71 as, E DOMINIC NICOLAZZI 75, / PRQPQ I�SEPTt� SYSTEM DETA'L � f j// �' / �/ / / �N� �J//%/ _ � y� �}.� "'v • mRW�imal +f�+'Eil. 'mow ��,u. IniY � --, ,wl � w /"�/// / / // //// ////�k�' / :_: d •may, �p,� sEe�vNK-W wP. a No' w..,� �////% j j i//// j/ J //,�'� /// }�;;�]..: u:w• `IeWX.f[K 4,EIM �' VIII 1u xYw // M. , mm xane r imoLEACHING POOIS (6) z Wtl1FlF 51 W W1E � 41YM fblw6T[ •,IVIEfM E SW MS �vM� Ubwn Mlb mW4 XPIE O ]W w n SOfv > MIL Mpp6lMll E • ,wWu (i Y. ,11V TM,E9 b E yo • m1ou. 11U], fW f E PfflmMOl W In[W„EpYM1d LMGMrt OWI' iMll /�7� AN+ bWWY EIRP Y41CI fW1Y VMM EEGLM NId1, MLTOI muE 1 ylnn".v,an°lpGp�n•Iwa�i®m•unel ,avu /7'/',' .,'''.; ,,ql,_'`` ; .._'Y'..° ; •Nu,axmlwn EASV .0 IVa,lo WARS LXE GlMi�c nKK BMW. E WII/NE (xm . xu luuwz I,/•T a ,w. ENmI Moss wD Mm w,c awl E wnxl(n `I // // // /// // / / / ? .I' ? {'�` :)' • C mry MM6 E1MFM %ACM •E IMSL •OWL E Il.n„wkv, / TEST HOLE DATA GEST NOTE DVC HY Mna0.4ld, GMSC;CN^.: ON I IIDRUARY 4, 1999) .y'.�Wy UNN1fHOPItED ALTERATION OOIRR ADM” P Voly M1• �l 1,, •` x III y ttCC¶MO0,ST�� d�JyRpY�EY 13WE NEEW 1DID STATE //. F)IMxTION CiW. 4�ca, ddd� m.««IFn Wu wPE1 NSN6Su�SE m NO E1I�LSM S� 50ryRN1 NGT 6 CURbERED ///// /S.•~ 1 �' TO 9E A YMJD THE COPY. p', CERtN ROARS INW, HWEON SHALL RUN tom. a1 O _ 4 IS MWTIApSTEHApE 'PAIHb�m NINE DOW TITO� iHSUE L 2 MIND INKS UEES N&NEONIG '� TUTION. CERTV MXuk OE ME NOT TPAN6fEWLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY ANO/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. PREPARE) IN ACCOROMCE WITH WE MWIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SIRNETS A5 ESTUXII \ A FBY OR HE NI USE BY D APPROVED A D ADO WIO y� FOR UCHASSOCIATION Joseph A. Ingegno ,esu Land Surveyor rifle SUTveye - Subdivisions - Site Plane - Constmc7ion Layout yQ1 i, PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (831)727-1727 \ ' OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS N.Y.S. LIc. No. 49060 �I 322 ROANOKE AVENUE P.O. Box 1931 IRNERHPD. New York 11901 Riverhead, New Yolk 11901-0985 IN as-lu L. I x 37.93' T F- 'T SURVEY OF PROPERTY clt� T/ DA A T T/ 51ITUATED AT rig SOUTHOLD FF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o SUFFOLK:COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-78-07-09 T T SCALE 1"=50' JANUARY 23, 2002 T, JULY 18 2002 ADDED PROPOSED WELL FEBRUARY 12, 2003 REVISED SITE PLAN JULY 28, 2003 REVISED LOT COVERAGE g JULY 21, 2004 FOUNDATION LOCATION JUNE 19, 2006 FINAL SURVEY T, o IlU T TTI T,/ T/ "T' AREA = 235.614.84 sq. ft. T I ED. 1,TT, / , (TO TIE LINE) 5.409 1 FT "I T, r Co. T S-C,D.H.S. No. RI0-00-0260 q;,30'5 i. vo US PR TIFIED TO DOMINIC NICOLAZZI L SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY, LTD. Q, F/FT T, H, COASTAL BARRIER IDENTIFIED 11-16790, FF 'T 'T/ ZONE AS (EL. 0) OFF 'IT UP I THIS PROPERTY IS IN FLOOD C', FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP N. 3610300166 G ZONE Al, BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED T/ "I T/ A 4— 2 11 16-90 COASTAL BARRIER FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1990, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. J, T, / � // , 13 UPLAND AREA - 74.644 sq ft Tz F, T 4, ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.GVo 1929 DATUM T, T/ LT IF DA -P EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS 1929 CFa TO fi, ELEVATION = 17 9- F, IT' IF OL FT, FT T/ BASEMENT h GARAGE N, ELEVA . FOR = a 1 FT L/ L 9 I T T FT o T 'S y II T," T LF FT 1,9 I 'T F Gv S z J� lFA- E 41 T' A UNAUTHORIZED ALLEGATION OR ADDITION To THIS SURVEYIS A VIOLATION OF SCCTPRJ 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW F%T COPES 0 THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING FF THE' -AND` SURVEYOR 5 INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALI NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALS TRUE COPY FF CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY is PREPARED. AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND Si LS LENDINGNSTIPUT1 0N EI 1STED HEREON. TO THE AAND SSIGNEE' THE LENDING NSTI— EDITION CERTIFICATIOOF NS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS or WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED IS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED BY NTHE EJ A IF 5 AND APPROVED A�TADGF'ENC Joseph A. Ingegno FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORE ATE HTLE ASSOCIATION Land Surveyor GO Trle SO,,, - SEbd,,rs,YFW — S,W %Ns — CN,,UuIffUr, lOpOt PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (631)727-1727 QC`CES LOGTEO AT MAILING ADDRESS NI Lic N. 49668 322 ROANOKE AVENUE PO B., 1931 —0965 I RIVERHEAD. N. Riverhead. 11901Riverhead. EeA York 11901