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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-31698 Date: 07/21/06 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS Location of Property: 51020 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 70 Block 2 Lot 8 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated SEPTEMBER 22, 2004 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 31264-Z dated JULY 12, 2005 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING PROFESSIONAL OFFICE WITH APARTMENT AS APPLIED FOR & AS PER CONDITIONS OF ZBA #5636 DATED 3/31/05. The certificate is issued to PATRICIA C & WILLIAM MOORE (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL C10-05-0007 07/18/06 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 2069644 04/20/06 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 06/02/06 HENRY SMITH PLUMBING Authorized Signature Rev. 1/81 Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 Nzt APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with theof 1Cowing: .. A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy-New dwelling$25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Switruning pool$25.00, Accessory building$25.00, Additions to accessory building$25.00, Businesses$50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building- $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy -$.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy- $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy -Residential $15.00, Cormnercial$15.00 Date. t�/y- 0 New Construction: Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) Location of Property: D Zo /' aln ,eo qc/ wmo V House No. n Street Hamlet Owner or Owners of Property: to 'eqC my o/7-r- Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Block Lot Subdivision Filed Map. Lot: Permit No. 'JJ o9(o 4>Z Date of Permit. Applicant: Health Dept. Approval: )fig Underwriters Approval: Vcs Planning Board Approval: ye16 � Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: (check one) Fee Submitted: $ Applicant Signature C Z-34 ff MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSEOQF SO(/Ty�l Southold, NY 11971 Chair h O OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR CA >e 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND0 Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM Date: June 23, 2006 To: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Jamie Richter, Town Engineer From: Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer4 Re: Moore Law Office 51020 Route 25, Southold SCTM# 1000-70-2-8 Status: Site inspection and Planning Board Approval of build out. In reference to the above, attached you will find an as built site plan dated April 20, 2006 approved by the Planning Board on June 12, 2006 along with the final letter. Site plan enclosed is for your records and does not need to be returned to the Planning Board. Thank you in advance. cc: file Enc.: 1 Site plan, letter MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSEV� sv�Tyo Southold, NY 11971 Chair �� �Q OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR w 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) N11I JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND OI�C�UAQ Southold, NY 1Y11 w' Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 June 19, 2006 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mrs. Patricia Moore 51020 NYS 25 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Proposed Site Inspection for Moore Law Office Located at 51020 Main Road, Southold SCTM#1000-70-2-8 Zone: RO Dear Mrs. Moore: At your written request, date received on June 7, 2006, for a Certificate of Occupancy final site inspection, Planning Department staff performed a site visit on June 9, 2006. In reference to the above, the Planning Board held a work session on June 12, 2006 to review the site plan dated May 17, 2005 and approved June 14, 2006. The Planning Board accepts the as built changes as described and noted on the site plan revised April 20, 2006. This is to inform you that the site plan requirements have been satisfied conditional of the following item: 1. All outdoor lighting will require review and approval from the Planning Board. Outdoor lighting shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. The lighting must meet the Town Code requirements. This letter does not condone any additional changes from the approved site plan or approvals from other agencies, if required. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Respectfully yours, )eri�lyn B. Woodhouse Southold Planning Chairperson cc: File, Building Department, Town Engineer FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 31264 Z Date JULY 12 , 2005 Permission is hereby granted to: PATRICIA C MOORE 51020 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING PROFESSIONAL OFFICE WITH APARTMENT AS APPLIED FOR PER ZBA, SCHD & PLANNING at premises located at 51020 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 070 Block 0002 Lot No. 008 pursuant to application dated SEPTEMBER 22 , 2004 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JANUARY 12 , 2007 . Fee $ 491 . 00 � 4 horized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 w APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS so Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman tiO 1p 53095 Main Road •P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer #t Southold,NY 11971-0959 Vincent Orlando G Q Office Location: James Dinizio,Jr. Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Michael A. Simon �lY 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) r Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS 1p� 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD l Tel. (631)765-1809• Fax(631)765-9064 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF MARCH 31, 2005 ZBA Ref. 5636 —WILLIAM AND PATRICIA MOORE Street & Locality: 51020 Main Road, Southold; CTM 70-2-8. Zone: Residential-Office Date of Public Hearing: March 3, 2005 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on March 3, 2005, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: REQUESTS MADE BY APPLICANTS: The applicants have requested the following: A) Special Exception under Section 100-71 B (ref. 100-91 B) for the establishment of two Apartment uses within the principal building. The principal building is occupied with professional offices, and an accessory building is used as a garage. The property is located in the Residential-Office Zone District. B) An area variance for the existing location of an accessory garage in a yard designated as a side yard Code Section 100-33 after proposed expansion of the principal building, instead of a required rear yard, based on the Building Department's October 8, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended January 14, 2005. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: This property is 40,099 sq. ft. in area with 122.85 feet along the east side of the Main Road (SR.25) in Southold. The property is improved with a single-story and two- story frame building, an accessory garage and metal shed, as shown on the February 19, 1998 survey prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno, L.S. The principal building is shown at 15.9 feet from the westerly (front) lot line, 31.9 feet from the northerly (side) lot line, 67.6 feet from the southerly (side) line, and at least 260 feet from the most easterly (rear) lot line. FINDINGS OF FACT In considering this application, the Board has reviewed the code requirements set forth pursuant to Article III, Section 100-71B (ref. 100-91) to establish Apartment uses in the Residential-Office Zone District and finds that the application complies with the requirements for the reasons noted below: 1. Each of the two apartments are proposed to meet the minimum requirements of the NYS Building Construction Code and other provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code, and the applicants will obtain final review determinations by the Building Inspector at the time of submitting final documentation Page 2—March 31, 2005 ZBA Ref. 5636—W. and P. Moore CTM 70-2-8 and applications for a building permit and certificate of occupancy. 2. The applicants confirmed that their parking plan complies with the layout and number of parking spaces required under the site plan regulations of Chapter 100 (Zoning), and that an application has been in the review stage through the Planning Board. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW Based on the testimony, documentation, and other evidence, the Zoning Board determined the following Findings of Fact to be true and relevant: SPECIAL EXCEPTION 1) The establishment of two Apartments are permitted uses in this Residential-Office (RO) Zone District, as noted in the Building Inspector's October 8, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended January 14, 2005, and provided by Article VII, Section 100-71.3B reasonable in relation to the District in which is located, adjacent use districts, and nearby and adjacent residential uses. 2) The Special Exception granted will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties. 3) The Apartment use(s) will not prevent orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent use districts. 4) No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, order of the Town would be adversely affected. 5) An Apartment is listed under Code Section 100-71B as an authorized use, subject to special exception review action by the Board of Appeals, and site plan approval from the Planning Board, prior to obtaining permits from the Building Inspector. 6) No adverse conditions were found after considering items listed under Section 100-263 and 100-264 of the Zoning Code. AREA VARIANCE 7) Grant of the relief requested will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood, or be a detriment to nearby properties. The accessory building is an existing garage presently located in the required rear yard. However, after construction of a proposed addition to the principal building, the yard in which this building is located will be re-designated as a side yard, based on the yard definitions under Section 100-12 of the zoning code. 8) The benefit sought cannot be achieved by some other method, feasible for the applicants to pursue, other than an area variance, because the garage was constructed in its present location more than 30 years ago. Page 2 of 3 Page 3—' March 31, 2005 ZBA Ref. 5636—W. and P. Moore CTM 70-2-8 9. Although the area variance is substantial (100% of the garage is located in a side yard), the existing location of this garage is not being changed. 10. No evidence has been submitted to indicate that this variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 11. The difficulty is self-created and is related to the applicant's plan to enlarge the principal building, which places the garage in a side yard, rather than behind the principal building. 12. The relief granted is the minimum determined necessary and adequate for enjoyment of continued use of the accessory building as a garage, while at the same time protecting and preserving the character of the neighborhood, as well as the health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding community. RESOLUTION: On motion by Member Orlando, seconded by Member Goehringer, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the application as applied for, for the location of two apartments in the principal building shown on the site maps prepared by Chorno Associates dated 9/10/04 and 1/6/05, SUBJECT to the following conditions: 1. A minimum 20 ft. wide clearance shall be provided between the principal building with the new addition and the accessory garage; 2. There shall be no backing out of vehicles onto the street. 3. Site Plan approval from the Planning Board and other applicable permits shall be obtained before occupancy of the new floor areas. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members liva (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Orlando, Dinizio, and Simon. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0). RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN 4 ` T/05 Approved for Filing Tage 3 of 3 O rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�t>nrJ�rJ�rJ��P�PcPr�rJrJ�r�r�rfrlrJ�rPrJ�cPrJ��Pcfrlr��P�PrJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�rlrPrJ�rJ�rJ�cPrJ�cPcPrJ�rJ�rPcPrJ'r�rlcPrJ�rJ@PrJ�rJ�rJ�cPrJ�cfcfrJ� o 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU S 5 TY 40 FULTTON STSTREET NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT S Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 REP ELECTRIC BILL& PAT MOORE 5 5 P.O. BOX 635 51020 MAIN ROAD 5 5 MATTITUCK, NY 11952, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 c5 Located at 51020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 5 5 5 Application Number: 2069644 Certificate Number: 2069644 eS Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit:31264Z BDC: ns11 �S SDescribed as a Residential 1200-1799 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: S 5 Basement,First Floor, Second Floor,Outside,Attic, 5 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 S herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 20th Day of April,2006. 5 5 Name TY Rate RatingCircuit Type Ul 5 5 Miscellaneous 5 2 offices-1 appartment 5 5 Alarm and Emergency Equipment 5 5 Combo Exit and Emergency Light 2 0 5 5 Exit Light 2 0 5 Dj Sensor 1 0 Carbon Monoxide rj 5 Sensor 3 0 Smoke 5 rj Appliances and Accessories 5 Water Heater 1 0 4.5 KW S5 Exhaust Fan 3 0 F.H.P. 5 Dish Washer 1 0 1.2 KW 5 5 5 Air Conditioner 2 0 20 Amps 5 Air Conditioner 1 0 30 Amps 5 5 Wiring and Devices Outlet 56 0 Fixture 5 Fixture 54 0 Incandescent 5 5 Fixture 2 0 Flourescent seal 5 Outlet 82 0 General Purpose 5 5 Continued on Next Page 1 of 2 S� 5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. j 5 5 l7 rJrJr PrJrJcrrJorJ�rJorJMr�ncrrJ rJrJr�rJr 111 g rSr:1 :: 1Jr!%, : :: : ::nrJ�rJ�rJ�rJrPr ncncnrJcl�cl::1 :1 JrJrJrrrlrlr�2PE rE3.PLr3ffi J�rJLL L3PL 0 O c.n�nc.ncl'acnrlrJ�rJ@PrJ�rJ�rJ@nr�rncPrJ'�nrJ'AJrJ'rJ�rJ'r�rJ'arJ�rJ�r�rJ�rJ�rJ'rJ�rJ'cnr�r.PrJ�rJ@P�nc.ncncPrJ�rJ'ar�r�cPrJ�rJ�rJ�rJ'cncnrJ'rJ'arJ��nr�cPrJ�rJ'rJ� o 5 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 BUREAU TY 40 FULTTONSTREET F C NEW YORK, NY 10038 l0 r5j CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by L5'U REP ELECTRIC BILL& PAT MOORE 5 Cj P.O. BOX 635 51020 MAIN ROAD 5 5 MATTITUCK, NY 11952, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 Located at 51020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5 55 5 c5 Application Number: 2069644 Certificate Number: 2069644 �5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit:31264Z BDC: ns11 �S 5 Described as a Residential 1200-1799 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: �5 5 Basement, First Floor, Second Floor,Outside,Attic, 5 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other S 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 20th Day of April,2006. Name (QTY Rate Ratin Circuit Tvoe �+ 5 Receptacle 50 0 General Purpose S 1j Switch 41 0 General Purpose Dj 5 Receptacle 10 0 GFCI 5 Receptacle 1 0 20 amp Laundry Receptacle 1 0 30 amp Dryer 5 5 Receptacle 1 0 50 amp Range 5 5 Paddle Fan 1 0 C5 SService lj 5 1 Phase 3W Service Rating 400 Amperes �5 5 Service Disconnect: 2 100 cb 5 5 Service Disconnect: 1 200 cb 5 Meters: 3 5 5 5 5 �5 seal 5 2 of 2 5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 5 o rrrsL3rcnr3I@0E3 J�rJ�rJ�rJrJ�rrrJ�nrnr�r�rJ�rJrJ�cnrJrJ�rJ�rJ�rlcP�fn : arJ�cnrJ�rJ�cnrJ�IrJ��lrJ��lr�cnrPcncnrJ�rJ�rJrJ�rJr�rJ�cn�nrPcPrJ�rJ��l a�lLffifflo c Fax (516) 765-1823 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road > Telephone (516)765-1802 P. O. Box 1179 'c Southold, New York 11971 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C E R T I F I C A T I O N / DATE: w Ne Q cg00(0 Building Permit nNo. -? I Z-(v Owner: (please print) Plumber: Ftt'Yl 1-1 (please print) Z certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. films (Plum rs si nature) Sworn to before me this aAd day of 1-9 Notary Public, county LINDA J COOPER NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New yak NO. OICOI822563,Suffolk Co erm Expires December 31,20M �o�.�OF SOUTy�6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: 1 �- 0 DATE �� I �� INSPECTOR aoe souTyo� 31 Z- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: p DATE �b �� �s INSPECTOR ''� yo�yOF SOU)y�6 w n 319-6 7- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [Xf] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [�] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: �r DATE s r�S INSPECTOR oF souryo6 31d-6t7- *©# TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION f�4._FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: b DATE ��/� , �� INSPECTOR �� 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ IF DATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR Z, 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ OUNDATION 1 ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: the DATE7/17 INSPECTOR OF SOOly�6 f f �'rC00N1V�� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ �/] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY V"I FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: �Z DATE �' C 3 �� INSPECTO ij FIEL ,INSPECTION REPORT I DATE COMMENTS ` `l FOUNDATION(1ST) - - — ---------------------------------- - �Q FOUNDATION(2ND) - - - - -- - x O • -r ROUGH FRAMING& PLUMBING /� - -catf - - It t �� INSULATION PER N.Y. STATE ENERGY CODE - -- - -- V - , r FINAL — 46 �^ ^ o - - ADDITIONAL COMMENTS G—)---ofo - d _ o a - - k o - -- m r � od - - 9 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN H,':LL Board of Health SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey, www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. 81V G y � Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Examined /? 20 Trustees Contact: Approved 7 / Z :20 r� Mail to: Disapproved a/c I is-& Phone: Expiration ! 2 20 r Buil ' g pector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT c=� 2 2 2004 Date to as 20 p - INSTRUCTIONS a. Thts application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code,housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether//applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done- -5-10-2-o Inain /load bou Gro f House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section -70 Block 07- Subdivision ZSubdivision Filed Map No. Lot „ (Name) ncY se and occupanCofprises and intended use y ro Ft s�anQ/ and occupancy of Proposed constrtfctipn: tdeJ use and occu panty � Ssr 07 c * z a .L:T wrk(check which applicable):New Building C.c SSp t/17�1L1 ----- �Removal — Demolition �Addihon Esol, ated Cost 0— -��_Other Work —'Alteration DO pp o rtumberof'dwellin Fee (Description) ;; rpUt,r of g units O v (To be paid on filin Cars_ -- umber of dwelling units on each gs application) U. Ifbusit ess floor , commercial of mi:;ed occupancy, ccupant specify Y' p fY nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Uut:; �,,. ,}'f•xistin � P�'alcss�ona� (�.e Height g structures, ifany: Front ' �� - vumber of St,-Z Rear Depth Z ns of > arne structure with alterations or additions: Front Deph v—=— Depth�2� r ;: �t �- - ' _Height Stein c S 8• Dimensions t .,;�.�.e 1CLV Construction: Front Number of Stories RearT�_ Height Number of Stories Re—��Depth 9. Sizeol'lot: Front �Z. Rear 10. Date of Purchase Depth Name of Former Owner 12. Does proposed 11. Zone or use district in which Premises are situated 2 p construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES—_ NO X NO�WiIl excess fill be removed from premises? YESNO _ _ 14. Names of Owner of premises M co roc Name of Architect Address S ozo/11q�n �( Name of Contractor Address o Phone No. p Address Phone No 5 a. Is this property y Phone No. P Pert within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO �C * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. NO X REQUIRED. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property line, '. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographic,,, data on survey. 'ATE OF NEW YORK) y, UNTY/O_F�J1(2 �CS� IYLGccMI-1)"t (Name of mdrvrdual signing contract)abovenamedbeing duly sworn, depo,,s and says I I,at(s)he is the applicant Ie is the (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc. id owner or owners, and is duly authorized to ) id his applica statements contained in tion perform or have performed the sail work and to rmed a the are true to the best of his knowledge : ;,d belief;and that tmake heworkwill d file this application;manner set forth in the application filed therewith. tobefore me this X day oST-fi a I / 20 Qi 7 111 No Public ./ MELANIE DOROSKI StgrratuPp �0 NOTARY PUBLIC State of New York No. 48 Qualified n S ffolk Countryy Commission E>pires September 30,'1 p 6 Climate-Specific Requirements Gross Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget Component Name/Description Area R-Value R-Value U-Factor U-Factor Roof 1:All-Wood Joist/Rafter/Truss 1180 30.0 0.0 0.035 0.054 Exterior Wall 1: Wood Frame,Any Spacing 744 15.0 0.0 0.082 0.079 Window 1: Wood Frame, Double Pane with Low-E Clear,shgc 0.60 112 --- 0.320 0.547 Door 1:Glass,Clear,shgc 0.60 45 --- --- 0.350 0.547 Door 2: Solid 21 --- --- 0.380 0.127 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry<=8" Furring:None, Wall Ht 7.8,Depth B.G. 5.8 720 --- 4.0 0.187 0.103 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss 1118 30.0 0.0 0.033 0.046 (a)Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. Envelope PASSES: Design 16%better than code Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed envelope system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck-EZ Version 2.4 Release 1. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. &ICCL e. C#OA.40 S'• 3- o s Principal Envelope Designer-Name S' atur Date F,cLEDARC `c��� 0. t:yo'yi� ¢;a a.-+ CP • y, ' •moi 01915 . f OF NES 6S — �D — Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ER �d STREET Jr� Z Q VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT FO: OWNER (no , N q E ACR. l�tF✓ �5 t , G(OVP_✓ S �b lI S W /{/�� [n TYPE OF BUILDING Y RE � S. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS COY Q a 3mo coa I z- s' 9 In - O C) OD D Q za Z G - -S rs f0 v ! 3 o0 5 56 T1AIjeumnIA , III. im A C-6 rvu �r (� spa gaze 5300 z9 L K—L 5,2 l89 ©�D g- 3P - i a3)oa- BR# a8o33- ProfessforV4 Gff- c2 a� � rove� - AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER eed I t AAT Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTH 3 Housiz.Pa . BULKHEAD Total DOCK Ye s a,tn. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■NINON■Ni■�i■■■■■■■■��■■■■■■ NOON■■i■■■�E�iR!■■■■■■■ ONE NOON■NONE N NOON■:NONE■ « :■■■■■■■REMAIR�■■■:■■■■■■■ONE ■ ` ■■■■E■i■E■■■■�i■■N■■E■■N ■:■■ NEE■■■■■■■■■Nil■■■■■MEN ■n:■■n ■■■■■N■■E■■■��■i■■E■i■NN■N■■■■ ■■i ■■O■■■ii�la■N■ENON■i■■■ ■■■:NOON■■■■�I■■■■■■NE■i■N■■■ : .. :::::■■:::: ■:■NOE■■E■O■es■NNE■n■■■■■■ • ■■■OO■E■■■■■O■■■■■■WN■E■■E ���tils7,sa •.. •.. .. ; . � Vs 1 12005 CHORNO ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS' PLANNERS ' INTERIOR DESIGN - 355 EDGEMONT AVENUE QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951 (215) 538-2070 - - - FAX (215)538-1638 July 5th, 2005 Mr. Damon Rallis Building Department Town of Southold NY Re: Addition and Alterations to an existing building at 51020 Main Road Southold NY SCTM # 70-2-8 Dear Damon: By this letter, I am requesting that the Light and Ventilation portions of the Calcutations, and HVAC Systems and Drescription required for compliance with the New York State Energy Code, be submitted when the contractors are hired, and information can be obtained. Both, the Residential and Office portions will meet the Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State. I also affirm that the fire partition separating the two offices will be 2 hours rated, and both, this partition and the one separating the office from the Apartment will be built in accordance with the UL design # U301 . The door in the partition betwee offices will be "B" label. Very truly yours, X64 /ng4elTChorno, AIA �FE,ED A,9C, . e. cy .ti cr.a 079 A bo. 0 F of Nt CHORNO ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS - PLANNERS - INTERIOR DESIGN 355 EDGEMONT AVENUE QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951 (215) 538.2070 r' yl r, I PAX (21S) $38.1638 i MAY 1 8 2005 "yy REPT. May 16,2005 Michael Verity,Chief Building Inspector Building Department Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rad P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 RE: Law Office of Patricia and William Moore 51020 Main Road,Southold SCTMB 1000-70-02.08 Dear Mr.Verity, This is to inform you that the existing non-confom ing front yard set back for onr project exceeds the average setback for new eorUMICtigm.However,this non-conforming setbaclt will not be expanded Town Cade Article XXIII100-230 A.States,"Established front yard setback.where the property in the vicinity is improved with principal buildings with front yards of less than that required by provisions of this chapter, the fi'ont yard setback shall be the average setback of the existing buildings within 300 feet of the proposed building on the same side ofthe street within the same use district." To the war within 300'of our existing o81ce the houses are less than the required setback .If you have any questions,or require additional information,please contact this office. Very truly yours, Angel oro A.I.A. 2 CHORNO ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 51020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD . NY 11971 (631) 765-6530 FAX(631)765-4643 June 2"d, 2006 Building Department. Town of Southold Re: Law Offices of Patricia and William Moore. 51020 Main Road - Southold - NY SCTM # 1000 - 70 - 02 - 08 Dear Sir: This letter is to certify that all the changes made during construction of the above referenced project, were done with my approval, and in accordance to the NYS Building Codes. a) The office entrance ceiling (80 sf) was changed to cathedral, and the insulation of that area, R:22 was substituted by R:19. The insulation in the walls, called to be R;15 was substituted by R:19 more than compensations for the change. b) Perforations in the rafters around the apartment skylights were introduced to provide required ventilation. c) All the metal strapping at the structural roof ridge was applied as per code requirements. d) The wall that separates the office area from the apartment is a 2 hr fire wall built as indicated in the approved drawings. Sincerely, DEQ ?R Angel B. Chorno, AIA .v'0 Q19t5� [/v F 0 * NES ,4 F: BUILDING PERMIT EXAMINER CHECKLIST DATE REVIEWED: -`/ IS/04�c APPLICANT: O - DATE SUBMITTED: S'/04-s" SCTM#DISTRICT: 1,000, SECTION: ,>0 , BLOCK: P , LOTk SUBDIVISION: ADDRESS: 510.20 AM -YV CITY: O" a ZONING DISTRICT: CONFORMING? BUILDING PERMITS OPEN/EXPIRED: PRE CO: Y OR N BP -Z/C/0 Z- , INFO BP -Z/C/0 Z- , INFO BP -Z/C/0 Z- , INFO SINGLE & SEPARATE CERTIFICATION-REQUIRED NOTES: LOTS 40,000SF-100-24.Lot recognition.(CREATED before June 30,1983),UNDERSIZED LATS FROM .TAN.1997 100-25.Merger.(A nonconforming at anytime after 7/1/8 REQ. LOT SIZE: ACT. LOT SIZE: REQ. LOT COV. ACT. LOT COV. REQ. FRONT PROP. FRONT REQ SIDE ACT. SIDE REQ. REAR PROP. REAR REQ. HEIGHT PROP. HEIGHT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ,���5,/ � e , hlle' ;� ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: —� WATERFRONT? DESCRIPTION: PANEL # FLOOD ZONE: BULKHEAD? DISTANCE? APPROVALS REQUIRED SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH DEPT: r NO, (BED ftDTE:_/_/_ PERMIT#: TOWN SEPTIC RECEIPT: Y or N SEPTIC CERTIFICATION: Y or N NEW YORK STATE DEC• PRE-DEC 9/1/75 YES o92O DTE: / /_ PERMIT#: SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUgfiES: Y S o : DTE: _/_/_ PERMIT#: TOWN ZONING BOARD APPROVAL: oh DTE: l /,.3/ /, ' PERMIT#: TOWN PLAN. BOARD APPROVALI; or NO DTE _/_/_ PERMIT#: TOWN HISTORICAL PRE (SPLIA): YES or NO NEW YORK STATE CODE COMPLIANCE (SEE PAGE 2Q7§' or NO NOTES: FEE STRUCTURE: FOUNDATION: SF FIRST FLOOR: SF SECOND FLOOR: SF OTHER: SF INIT OTHER TOTAL TOTAL: 19 SF FEE FEE FEE 1. SF)- C_Z00 6SF)= .SFX$' 3'0=$ +$ A00 +$ =$ 2. SF)-(_SF)= SFX$ =$ +$ +$ =$ 3. ( SF)- _SF)= SFX$ =$ +$ +$ FINAL TO .w y: NEW YORK STATE CODE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST CLIMATIC/GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA: Ground Snow Load:45 Wind Speed: 120MPH Seismic Design Category:B Weathering: Severe Frost Depth:36" Termite:M-H Decay:S-M Design Temp: 11 Ice Shield Underlay:YES Flood Hazards: USE/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: HEIGHT/FIRE AREA: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: DESIGN CRITERIA: ENGINEERED/PRESCRIPTIVE FULL FRAMING DESIGN ELEMENTS: Y/N HEADERS:Y/N WALL STUDS:Y/N GIRDERS: Y/N CEILING JOISTS:Y/N FLOOR JOISTS:Y/N ROOF RAFTERS:Y/N LUMBER SPECIES AND GRADE:Y/N DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS: Y/N LIVE:Y/N DEAD:Y/N SNOW:Y/N SEISMIC:Y/N WIND:Y/N WINDOW A DOOR SCHEDULE: MISSLE TEST REQUIREMENTS:Y/N EGRESS 5.7 S.F.:Y/N LIGHT 8%:Y/N VENT 4%: Y/N NAILING/CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: Y/N MEANS OF EGRESS:Y/N PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM: Y/N LOCATION OF FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: Y/N TRUSS DESIGN: Y/N CERTIFICATION:Y/N ENERGY CALLS: Y/N TOTAL COMPETENCE?Y/N(RETURN TO PAGE ONE) OF SOl�r�olo ` Town Hall,53095 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G Q Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 olyCUU ,� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 29,2005 Patricia Moore 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 To Whom It May Concern: Please take notice that before we can issue a building permit for proposed additions and alterations to an existing building at 51020 Main-Road, Southold,T\Y, SCTM#70-2-8,the following information is required from your architect on all sets of plans submitted to this department: 1.) Proper fire separation required.Alt ugh your design professional notes a fire separation between occupancies, at proposed separation.is incorrect. 2.) Fire ratings required.Fire rating ' formation is required for all doors separating occupancies. 3.) Floor load calculati s required.Please provide floor load calculations for the B use of the b ' ding. 4.) Fire ,unguis ers.Fire extinguishers are required and must be noted on plans. 5.) Smoke detectors. Smoke detecto e required outside of each bedroom. 6.) Carbon monoxid detector.Carbon monoxide detectors must be provided and noted on p s. 7.) Light&ventilation. /&ventilat* 'calculations required for the apartment use. 8.) Type of constru on requi ype of construction is noted as B,which is incorrect. 9.) Handicap r p.The railing on the handicap ramp is the incorrect height and must be a nded. We are sorry for an inconvenience this may cause.Please feel free to re-submit the application when your design professional has addressed the above referenced issues. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact this office at(631)765-1802 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Respectfully Yours, Damon Rallis,Permit Examiner CC: File NYS UNIFORM,. `FIRE';PREVENT`ION,AND:BUILDINGC.QD.E. :COMMERCIAL � MULTIPLE D:WELLING<OCUPANCIES 3 NYS.BUILDING::CODE (13)' Date: `:..:NYS:FIRE CODE':(F): Reviewer: : NYS�PLUMBING�CODE(P) NYS;MECHANICAL,CODE (M) Building: NYS FUEL GAS:CQ .E (FG). : Location; . . NYS`ENERGY COD'E.:(E) .. .. :. No:, Topic, Section: Req'd :or Allowed .. Actual 1: Occupancy B=302 2: ;Type<of Construction B-Table 601 3 -Height'& Bldg Area, B-503 Tabular Area :.. '.. B-Table"5.03 `Stogies'allowed ;.. . Tabular-Height 4 Height:Modification's .B-504 Sprinkler Tabular:Height(feet) Tabular'Height(story)''. Increase Allowed Tota Height Allowed i 5 Area Modifications. . B-506 (See work sheet) Area increase formula Eq 5=1 Frontage B-506.2 Eq.5-2 (P) perimeter of bldg (F)frontage of bldg (W)width, open space . Sprinkler '13-503.3 Single story 300% Multi:story 200% Total Area.Allowed Page 1'of 8 1 No Topic Section Req'd or Allowed. Actual 6 Ms. B-404 Definition. B-.404.1:1 Sprinkler-Pirotection 13=4.U.3 Smoke Control B-404. 4 Enclosure B-404.5 Auto Fire-Detection B-404.6' Interior Finish B-.404.8 Travel Distance '13-404:9 7 :13istance.-Separation B.-Tbl602 .:. Exterior Wall Openings . ':B-Tb)704.8 8" -Fire Rated donst'n :Incidental Use Areas B-Tbl 302.1.1 Accessory Occupancy B-302.2 Mixed Occupancy B-Tb1302.3.3 .,,, / i Fire Walls B-705. ,. . Fire Barrier B-706` Shaft:Enclosure 8=707' :Fire Partition 6=708 Smoke Barriers : B-70'9 :. :Opening Protectives . B Tbl 714:2 Fire:.Blocking 13-716 DraftStopping : 13-716.:3 I.Interior,Fi.nishes B-Tbl803.4::.. : 9': `Interior:Environment ' - Vin:.Rm .;Dirrienslons'-- B-1207:1: Min.:Ceiling;Height B=1207.2 Ventilation 13-1202.1 Light 8=1204.1 Page 2 of 8 No Topic Section Req'd or Allowed Actual 10 Exits=.Occupant Load B Tbl,1003.2.2 One.Exit Permitted B Tbi 1005.2.2 Egress Width B- 1003.2.3 .(per .occupant) Ceiling Height B 1003.2.4 Exit Signs B- Egress Illumination -B=1.0032.11 11 Egress Components Doors. Door Size ' . . B- 1; Door Swing B- 1003.3 .1.2 Locks].Latches B-1003:3:18. Panic.Hardware B- 1003.3.1.9 .Stairs. � Width B-1003.3.3.1 Headroom B-1003.3:3.2 Tread/RiserB=1003.3:3:3 Vertical Rise B-1003.3.3.6 l Handrails : B-1003.3:3.11 12 Exit Access l :Remoteness B.-1004:2.2.9 . Travel.Distance B-1004.2;4 Corridors Fire Rating B-1004,3:2:.1 Width B-1004: No ;.: :Topic;. . .: :.:Section: Req d .or Allowed: ActQal': : . ... Snow Load:-Ground B Fig`1608.2� :`Snow Load.-Roof' ASCE:7 (calci) .. :. Drifting Snow B-1608:7 Ponding:. . . B=160:8,.3.5 :Floor Loading Balton L'o`adin `9-T611607.'1 : Flood lain 8=1603'.1:6' Wird'Loading 84609 . Seismic Lvad'i (calci.' B=161.4: g` Foundation.Depth` B=1:80a 2 .:16 :Swimming Pool:s :`` .;B-31 Q9 '47. Electrical. ; . JExit Signs B-1003:2:10 Emergency Lights B-1003'.11 , Emergency:Power. B- .1'8 :. 'H/C,AC.CESS Exeih6i Buildings &A 1.04.4.: 5, ` . Parl mg B-Tbi 11061 Route B=1104.1 Entrance: B=1105r'I of Sleeping'Dooms ` ' �B TbI l l07 61 1 ofzDwellrn Units B-1:107.6.2 :Toilet Facilities. $-1109.2 Service:.Counters B-1109.12.3 Supplemental Appendix E Requirements . 7 Page 4 of 8 No Topic Section Req'd orAllowed Actual 19 Fire Protection Eq'p Sprinkler Systems 17-903 Extinguishing Systems F-904 Standpipe Systems F-905 Fire Extinguishers F�908 ire`Alarm Systems F-907 Smoke Detection F-907 Hi-Rise Fire Safety F-907.2.12 Visible Alarms F-Tbl 907.10.1.2 Smoke Control F-909 Smoke Vents F-910 'Fire Pumps F-913 Kitchen Hood':Ext' F-609.8. '20 Plumbing Code - Fi� Count P-TbI 403.1 I wat�_r SuR I: ' Service Pipe!Size' P-603. Fixture Pipe Size P-603.1 PipeMaterial P-Tbl 604.5. Labor Law Art. 10-A NYS-904.6: .Pipe:lnsdlation Energy Code Lawn Irrigation P-608.16.5 Pipe Freezing P-305.6. . SanitaryDrainage Drain Pipe Size P-TbI 709.1 Drain Pipe Material P-702 Vent Size P-TbI 910.4 Pipe Hangers .P-TbI 308.5 Alt Admittance Valves; P-917 �9 L. Page 5 of 8 No.: Topic Section '..Req'd or Allowed ::.Actual , . 21 Mechanical Code Ventilation Rates M-Tbl,403.3 Propane Below Grade M-502.8.10..1 Dryer Exhaust M-504 Kitchen-Exhaust M-506 Kitchen:Hoods M-507 'Kitchen'Make-Up:Air. >M-508 Chimney Termination M-Tbl�511 .2 Air Plenums M-602: Fire & Smoke Dampers M-6:07.5.1 Combustion Air. M-701 Con'fined* M-202 22 Fuel Gas Code Appliance Location FG-303 Combustion Air FG-304 Cleararice to Combust. FG-Tbl 308.2 Pipe MaterialFG-403 Shut Off VAV6s FG-409 Chirriney Termination. FG-Fig. 503.5.4 Gas.Vent'Termination : FG-Fig: Exit Terminal.Location :FG-503f8 Clothes,DryerrExhaust FG-613' Unvented:Room Heater FG-620 23'. 'Ener9Y: .Code Chapter 7`.(A8HRAE) E-701 . Chapter 8: Building'Envelope: E-802: C ,. Mechanical System .15-803 Service' Water Heating : ;E�804: Lighting;and Power.. E=805 :Total Buiidirig'Peri E=806 f Page 6'o 8 • /�sFLI`i FOR INTERNAL-USE ONLY `!!< SITE" £ LAWAV IbUtRMINATION . Initial Determination I SEP 2 4 2004 Ld� Date:_/ C:�4 / 1 Southold Town ate Sent: Planning BoW Project Name:�o��p Project Address: ;5]( Min Rcx-�, Suffolk County Tax Map No.:1000=::�o - - _Zoning District: Rn Request: PdCU+)y(\ knom, o F n��c� vac_ CA-C( 5 (Note: Copy of Building Permit Application and supporting documentation as to proposed use or uses should be submitted.) Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted: T rrn 4 Initial Determination as to whether site plan is required:'7—Z�Ae Signa ure of g Inspector F Planning Department (P.D.) Referral: it f� T. P.D. Date Received:_/ / o¢ o= sOu�Date of Comment: ' Y BLDG. UT Ho!D C rnments: We r �Se rJ Ir, t a Signat Plan 6JDb D'ept. Staff Reviewer Final Determination Date:0 9 / 0 V' w Decision: ..e. Sianature of Buildin nsoector l FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 8, 2004 TO: Patricia Moore 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated September 28, 2004 For permit to make additions to an existing office and create an accessory apartment at Location of property: 51020 Main Road, Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 70 Block 2 Lot 8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction requires special exception approval pursuant to Article VII Section 100-71 3-(R . In addition the proposed construction requires site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. ed e Note to Applicant: SiAny change or deviation to above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Depa -tment. CC: file, Planning Department FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 8, 2004 AMENDED: January 14, 2005 TO: Patricia Moore 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated September 28, 2004 For permit to make additions to an existing office and create an accessory partment at Location of property: 51020 Main Road, Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 70 Block 2 Lot 8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-33, which states, "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80,R-120,R- 200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." As a result of the proposed construction, the existing accessory garage will be located in the side yard. In addition the proposed construction requires site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board and requires special exception approval pursuant to Article VII Section 100-71 3 (B). This Notice of Disapproval was amended on January 14, 2005, to include the need for a variance. i 11Aj' / LZ<AtAored Sdg�nature l Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Planning Department ® I li r i �L Es — ---_- - - - - - — - --- • - Ir IFM I w I (�7 l0T+ r,re�eeI-A_'_a--w)- 2�, ToI :- I�lIsIi SOUTH -/- 1_Ywd-oELEVATION LEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=V-0" IIN.fiier-t Sr'�I li F�d<IZ�/d.&LIXE(Y-�L,,�S�Dt/r�•��.�A U_IGL- II-I .- Lr,LL6 2Y—_ �E- r'- 6o IS 296 ON: -O I' II 1 �rfc o�>� /I —u -= e_r70 %yn /TG�K — ` SECTION B Frs oB SCALE: 1/41•=1 -0" SECTION A—A EAST ELEVATION LAW .OFFIC S OF =t�e SlvM- _Y /- %D-- A`T0pQl.Elj+ : � 3-15 - , , III 05 TTfPAfRICIA MOORE WILLIAM MOORED" r RI E .ti 51020 MAIN ROAD I -2 ' N' — a y ., r SOUTHOLD NY _ J e w °TES ___— oF' Yi I CHORNO ASSOCIA NORTH ELEVATION aarchitects. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" QUAKER planners. Interior design OUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA GENERAL C ❑ NSTRUCTI ❑ N NO -FES CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA NAILING SCHEDULE AS PER PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN FROM 1995 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION, WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. GRaem Wpm SEmOc FROST [CESHELD ALL NAIL SPACING IS BASED AT 16' O.C. SPACING. ANY OTHER SPACING OR DIFFERENT APPLICATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEA LDIE TQUOTE DECAY DES tMDERLAYIENT FLOOD SHALL REFER TO THE PRESCRIPTIVE DEIGN SECTION OF THE WOOD FRAMING MANUAL FOR PROPER APPLICATION LOAD Ol+rD CATEGORY DEPTH TEIP. REGIOED 4s LDS 12s a sEWERE 3 Fr, TO WA AW � p IF Nus - ROOF FRAMING, TABLE 3.8 ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND L❑ADSi . ROOF SHEATHING,JOINTDESCRIPTIO, lTY. ACA1G TOTES 1214 .ONT IESCilIPT10 p'TY. yp�ACM tOiES SFEATrO1G I.GCATDN AT PANEL EMS SIFPORTS AI THE PANEL IOIES RAFTER To THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE MINIMUM LIVE LOAD TOP �� 10' WALU 4-9d COWR RAFTER rDE 111M PArELf ed Zo CRITERIA BELOW. REFER TO SECT. R301.4 / R301.5 OF N.Y.S. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE W - S� DITERM ZONE 5EIL ! 6'O,C. !d Cow= ! 12' OCraOTfl 2 POR PANT]_ FIELD 70 Tuum A PLATE lo' WAW 4�d CMO! ,LOST ENDWALL RAID: ANO RAZE TRUSS ! 4MA ed CO A1111 ! SEE NOTES• 1,3 USE LIVE A LIVE SF gOry.� � _"T TU AS PER � � NAIL [:FILING SHEATHING, GAILE EXCEPT SLEEPING ROOM 40 PSF ALL ROOMS D PORCHES s OVER PART CELW-JINSITDIPS AS vFRR TAME 347 -Wr _rAZr_ - sec LAP IIAM m. sPACDrGN❑TES AURDRAILS LHANDRAILS ny direction d CmERSTAIRS 23MOU- TO RAFTER WFCM - SBC ERm NAM r�w;u c • FELD THESE NOTE'S ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. TO RAFTER 2 - m cDIlvl EACH EM ,IAM WALL SHEATHING, 1). For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof. Including 4 feet on each side of the roof peak, ROOF2 _ 16d COMM •• the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shalt be used. TO RAPIER Elm NAM DEQ r'TIDIWUL lTY, SPACiHfi STRUCI IRAL M1 CMO, PER 7ADLE 3 2>• Tabulated 12 Inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to rafter / truss framing members with G>0.49. PANELS WFOI - SDC For framing members with <0.42<G(0.49, the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 Inches o.c. BUILDING CONSTRUCTIUN REQUIREMENTS 7/16. OSB 6d COlOI 3. OC. EDGE n BRACING AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION TO BE WALL FRAMING, PLYWIDm 6' a1:, FEW 3). Tabulated 4 Inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing to rafter / truss framing members 111th 00.49. For framing members with 0.42<G<0,49, the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 Inches o,c. FASTENING,ALL ANCHORING, ASSEMBLED AS PER N.Y.S. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE. 8 REFER TO THE FOLLOWING MANUALS FOR ADDITIONAL FASTENER REQUIREMENTS• JOINT DESCRIPTION MAY. SPACING NOTES WALLI�Wm f0' O.0 . FD?LD SSTD 10-99 Standard for Hurricane Resistant Construction TOP PLATE - 1611 FmT SEE NOTE, 1 FLOOR SHEATHING, TABLE 3.9 WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS, AITEROCTIOIS - Mal EA SIDE NAM .IDDRT DESCRDP7ION aTY. SPACING TES TROD LOCA AT K SPAM EDGES SIPPOtTS DI TIE PANEL ,RITES SCE 7-02 (REVISED FROM 7-98) Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures _ Bd CO1101 4• EDGE >aE CODrR! ! 6• ed COMM ! 12. OC STImi I O,C. NAM i tR tES,n NOTE. 2 FOR PANEL FIELD ,FADER 1Gd COMM LONID EDGES NAA. MUM a TUP GENERAL CONSTRUCTION N❑TEST PLATE TO STUD = Nd 2x6 NAM MOTES: FLOOR JOIST. wo _ 16d PER FACE NAD. THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO HE REFERRED TO IF 1. The Information on this set of construction documents u related no basic design END ,OST OR FOOT NOTE. MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. Intent and framing details, They are Intended as n construction old, not n substitute for generally accepted good building practice and compliance with current New York FLOOR FRAMING, 1). Nailing requirements are based on wall sheathing NOTES State building codes. The General Contractor Is responsible for providing standard nailed 6' on-coffer at the panel edge. If wall sheathing construction details and procedures to ensure n professionally finished. structurallyJOINT �'T1Q1 UTY. ACANG NOTES Is nailed 3' on-center at the panel edge to obtain higher THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO 8E REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. sound and weatherproof completed product. PER TOE shear capacities, nailing requirements for structural TRIP PLANE OR - !d JOIST NAM members shall be doubled, or alternate connectors, 1). For wall sheathing xtthin 4 feet of the corners, the 4 foot edge 2. The General Contractor Is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction such as shear plates, shall be used to maintain load path, zone attachment requirements shall meets current federal, state, county and local codes, ordinances and regulations, etc. TD JOIST 2 - !d ENDF:F'L06 be used. IUL These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this building and 2). When wall sheathing Is continuous over connected 2). Tabulated 12 Inch C.C. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud fronto members with should be adhered to even If they are In variance with the plan. TO JOIST 2 - Od END members the tabulated number of nails shall be permitted Q E- 16"d to be reduced tol - 16d nail per foot, G>0.49. For framing members with 0,42<G(, the null spacings shall be reduced to 6 Inches o.c. SILL OR ST PLATE 3). For exterior panel siding, galvinlzed box malls shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails. 3. Dimensions shall take precedent aver scale drawings (do not scale drawings). 4. The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes no TO SEAM •i�T NATL responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans, nor responsibility for 70 DeAM V ON LEDGER JMR TUE msT TNM construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safetyprecautions and programs In connection with the work. There are no warranties for a TO JCBS7 JPER OIST MAIL specific use expressed or Implied In the use of these plans. SILL OR TOP PLATE21 RW MIST To FOIT NOTE 5, Refer to floor plans, exterior elevations, and window d exterior door schedule for types and sizes of windows and exterior doors. GENERAL FRAMING NOTES 6,General Contractor Is to ensure that masonry and fireplace construction meets or 1. Unless otherwise noted, all framing material to be 82+BTR. Doug Fir. exceeds all manufacturers specifications and applicable codes. 2. Floors, watts, ceilings and rafters to be 16' O.C. unless otherwise noted. GENERAL DECK & PORCH NOTES GENERAL HVAC SYSTEM NOTES 7. General Contractor to consult and coordinate with the owner for all built In Items Provide fire-blocking where applicable. such as bookcases, shelving, pantry, closets, trim, etc, 1. Unless otherwise noted, all framing material to be Sl ACQ pressure 1. Mechanical subcontractor Is responsible for adhering to nil applicable 3. Unless otherwise noted, all bearing wall headers to be min. 2-ply 2xlepated lumber. codes and safety requirements. 8. Wind land required connections shall be taken Into account during construction. All headers to have adequate bearing on each end or as specified. The wind protection page should be reviewed prior to starting, 2. Girders for floor Joists to be min. 2-ply 2x10 unless otherwise noted. 2. HVAC subcontractor Is to fully coordinate all system data and requirements 4. All flush beams / headers to be Installed with heavy duty galvanized Girders shall be either lofted to posts w/ 1/2' dim. galy. bolts or with the equipment supplier. GENERAL FOUNDATION N❑TES hangers. Provide Galvanized Hangers and anchors where applicable to all anchored onto concrete pier, Joists connected to beans 3. HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit It -to 1. General Contractor 6 Mason to review plans, elevations and detaRs to determine 3. Joists to have blocking a 8' O.C. General Contractor, owner and equipment supplier for finial review and approval. Intended heights of finished floor(s) above typical grade. 5. Double up floor Joist under walls that run ri floor Joist and under bathtubs. Floors getting ceramic tale shallalt be be verified for fond capacity. 4. All ledgers attached to house to have n flashing barrier, lapping 2. All footing to rest on undisturbed (virgln) sail, behind the siding, between the house and ledger. Ledger shall be 6. Provide blocking / bridging In floor Joists 8 8' O.C.. Use solid blocking bolted to building with 1/'2' din. Galvanized bolts. 3. Provide 1/2' expansion Joint material between concrete slabs and abutting In floor Joists under all bearing walls. concrete or masonry walls occuring In exterior or unheated Interior areas. 5, All footing far posts and piers to be 4' below grade. Piers shall 7. Provide Insulation baffles at enve vents between rafters. Install draft blocking extend a minimum of 6' above grade. 4. Any new concrete walls being attached to existing (if any) concrete s rugate .to be installed with #4 re-bar, 18' long 8 12' D.C. Use approved epoxy for Installation, 6, All framing material to have appropriate galvanized hangers and 8. Unless otherwise noted, Roof and Wnllls to have n min, 4-ply 1/21 FNvrCbMrs. 5. Unless otherwise noted, all Interior slabs an grade to be 2500 pslconcrete exterior sheathing grade plywood. Plywood to cover over plates and headers. GENERAL PLUMBING NOTES GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES Exterior slabs on grade to be 3500 psi concrete 9. Unless otherwise noted, 3/4' T&G Fir ior Advantech plywood to be adhered to Joist w/ PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor Joists for sub flooring. Finished 1. All water supply, drainage and venting to be as per N.Y.S. 1. All electrical to be as per N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. sand or gravel fill with 6x6 wire mesh reinforcing. Interior slabs to be placed on 6 m16 floor to be Installed over as per manufacturers Instructions. Residential Construction Code 2. All electrical work shall be underwriters approved. polyethylene vapor barrier. Foundation Stab to be a minimum of 3-1/2' thick. 10. All bathroom walls to have 1/2' moistlure resistant sheetrock. Garage Walls 2, Verify septic system with Engineer for Suffolk County Health 6. Provide crawls ace with one 8x16 cast Iron foundation vent for ever 150 square and ceilings to have 5/8' Type-X sheetrock. Unless otherwise noted, rest of Department approval. 3. Smoke detectors to be located feet of area. P y q building to have 1/2' regular sheetrock. Alt sheetrock to be taped and finished. P pp N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code.tProvehauminimum of I Carbon t as per Section 317 of 3. If wall studs, plates ar Joists are cut out during Installation for Monoxide Detector in building, 7. Provide minimum 18'x24' access opening to crawl space area, 11. All roofs with n pitch of less that 4id2 shall be Installed with Ice 6 Water Harrier any plumbing related work, provide adequate bracing and plates or approved equal, to protect and secure the structure. Verify with the state code E. Dampproof exterior of foundation with bituminous coating as per section R406 of and manufacturers recommendation for maximum hole size and N.Y.S. code. A 6-mil polyethylene film shall be applied over the below grade portion 12. Sill plates to be pressure treated, Use with sill gasket and cop-rs litirw permitted. of exterior foundation walls prior to backfllling, approved equal termite shield. Plates to be anchored to foundation witFi a minimum 1/2' dlm.x7' long anchor bolts It 61 O.C. and w/I V of ends and corners. 9. Drainage to be provided as per section R405 of N.Y.S. residential code I_AVU FFI ES OF DATE: 3-15-05 ti�aEq Ago PATRICFA-MOORE - WILLCAM-MOORFs-' �5.- B. CNp.y�j. 51020 'MAIN ROAD? SOUTHOLD NY A- 4 OF CHORNO ASSOCIATES- architects. planners. Interior - design QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA RIDGE STRAPPING PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR STANDARD RIDGE STRAPPING FOR 16' O.C. RAFTERS WOOD FRAME C❑NSTRUCTI❑N WITH ALL MEMBERS AT GENERAL WIND PR❑TECTI❑N C❑NNECTI❑N NOTES ROOF ROOF CONNECTION PITCH SPAN CAPACITY Cplf) 16'v ❑.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 12' ;644 ASSEMBLY FOR ALL CONNECTIONS AND TECHNIQUES TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 312 16' 58 THE FOLLOWING MANUALS, 20' 073 a). 1995 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION 24' 287 RAFTER-TO-WALL b). SSTD 10-99 STANDARD FOR HURRICANE RESISTANT RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 12' 08 TY-DOWN CONNECTIONS COLLAR TIE c), ASCE 7-02 (REVISED FROM 7-98) MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES 16' 678 432 20' 847 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND FRAMER SHALL REFER TO ABOVE MANUALS FOR 24' 1017 WIND PROTECTION FOR PROPER INSTALLATION. ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE 28' 1186 IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE. 32' 1357 RAKE OVERHANG OUTLOOK 12' 392 CONNECTIONS 1). RIDGE TO RAFTER ASSEMBLY 16' 523 RAFTER UPLIF 1-1/4' x 20 GAUGE METAL STRAP SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH PAIR OF RAFTERS, 20' 653 SPAN WHEN A COLLAR TIE IS USED IN LEU OF A RIDGE STRAP, THE NUMBER OF 10d 5112 24' 783 121; OC 361 COMMON 28' 915 THETABULATED NUMBER OF 8dC N E HE STEEL STRAP. COLLARTIE NEED NOT EXCEED 32' 1045 16 OC 481 HOLDDOWNS WHERE REQUIRED 36' 1176 2>. RAFTER TO WALL ASSEMBLY 12' 351 16' 468 UPLIFT CONNECTIONS FORT RAFTER-TO-WALL, LATERAL FRAMING AND SHEAR CONNECTIONS FOR RAFTER, CEILING JOISTS OR 20' 585 WALL-TO-WALL AND WALL-TO-FOUNDATION TRUSS TO TOP PLATE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE TO CHART INCLUDED, WALL-TO-WALL USE 4-8d COMMON NAILS PER RAFTER AND / OR CEILING JOIST TO TOP PLATE 6d2 24' 702NNECTION MINBd NAILS CONNECTIONS CONNECTION AT WALL HEIGHTS UP TO 10' AND AT RAFTER / CEILING JOISTS OF CO . NOTES SPACING B 16' D.C. FOR AN ALTERNATIVE FOR LATERAL AND SHEAR CONNECTION. 28' 819 32' 936 SPAN CAPACITY REQUIRED WHEN RAFTER OR TRUSSES DO NOT FALL IN LINE WITH STUDS BELOW, RAFTERS OR 36' 1053 12' 427 lbs. 4 TRUSSES SHALL HE ATTACHED TO THE WALL TOP PLATE AND THE WALL TOP PLATE 12' 326 16' 526 lbs. 5 SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE WALL STUD WITH UPLIFT CONNECTIONS. 16' 435 20' 626 lbs, 5 3). WALL ASSEMBLY TO WALL ASSEMBLY, 712 20' 544 24' 726 lbs. 6 WALL STUDS ABOVE AND STUDS BELOW SHALL BE ATTACHED WITH UPLIFT CONNECTORS. 24' 652 28. 826 lbs. 7 WHEN WALL STUDS ABOVE DO NOT FALL IN LINE WITH STUDS BELOW, THE STUDS SHALL 1242 28' 761 BE ATTACHED TO A COMMON MEMBER IN THE FLOOR ASSEMBLY WITH UPLIFT CONNECTIONS. 32• 870 32' 927 lbs. 8 IT 36' 979 36' 770 lbs, 7 12' O.C, HOLDDOWNS WHERE REQUIRED 4). WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION, FIRST FLOOR WALL. STUDS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE FOUNDATION, SILL PLATE, OR WALL-TO-FOUNDATION BOTTOM PLATE WITH UPLIFT CONNECTORS, STEEL STRAPS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM HEADER GIRDER CONNECTIONS CONNECTIONS EMBEDMENT OF 7 INCHES IN CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS AND SLAB-ON-GRADE, 15 INCHES IN ROOF HEADER UPLIF1 LATERAL —•• MASONRY BLOCK FOUNDATIONS, OR BE LAPPED UNDER THE PLATE AND NAILED IN SPAN SPAN lbs. lbs, HOLDDOWN ANCHORS REQUIRED ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 3.3B OF SBC 1995 HIGH WIND EDITION WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION 254 FOR TYPE I AND TYPE II SHEAR WALLS MANUAL, WHEN THE STEEL STRAP IS LAPPED UNDER THE BOTTOM PLATE, 3-INCH SQUARE 2' 469 4' 939 25 (6' PANEL EDGE II SHEAR STRAPPING WASHERS SHALL BE USED IN THE ANCHOR BOLTS AND THE ANCHOR BOLT SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 72' D.C. FOR BUILDINGS WITH A CRAWL SPACE OR BASEMENT. BUILDINGS WITH A 6' 1408 762 WALL HOLDDOWN TYPICAL WIND LOAD PATH SLAB-ON-GRADE SIHALL HAVE ANCHOR BOLTS AT A MAXIMUM OF 32' D.C. STEEL STRAPS 20' 8' 1878 1016 HEIGHT CAPACITY (tbs.) EMBEDDED IN OR IN CONTACT WITH SLAB-ON-GRADE OR MASONRY BLOCK FOUNDATIONS S 10' 2347 1270 N.T.S. SHALL BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED COATED. 12' 2817 1524 8' 3375 14' 3286 1778 9' 3800 5). HOLDDOWN, 16' 3756 2032 101 4225 HOLDDOWN SHALL BE PROVIDED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SHEARWALL REQUIREMENTS OF TABLES 2' 620 254 3.5A-B FOR WALL TYPE I OR TABLE 3.16 FOR WALL TYPE II SELECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 4' 1239 504 WINDOW SILLPLATE FROM THE SBC 1995 HIGH WIND EDITION WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. A CONTINUOUS LOAD HEADER TRAPPING 6' 123PATH FROM THE HIOLDDOWN TO THE FOUNDATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED. WHERE A HOLDDOWN 6' 1659 9 762 762 CONNECTIONS SILL CONNECTORS RESISTS THE OVERTURNING LOAD FROM THE STORY OR STORIES ABOVE, THE HOLDDOWN SHALL BE 28' 10' 3098 1270 HEADER UPLIF SIZED FOR THE REQUIRED HOLDDOWN CAPACITY TENSION CAPACITY AT ITS LEVEL PLUS THE 12' 3718 1524 SPAN lbs. REQUIRED HOLDDOWN TENSION CAPACITY OF THE STORY OR STORIES ABOVE 14' 4338 1778 2' 254 16' 4958 2032 4' 504 HOLDDOWN ANCHORS F'IIOLDDOWN ANCHORS 6). CONNECTIONS AROUND WALL OPENING 2' 770 254 � HEADER AND / OR GIRDER CONNECTION SHALL BE ATTACHED WITH UPLIFT CONNECTIONS. 4' 1540 504 6' 762 6' 2310 762 e' 1016 7). WINDOW SILL PLATES, WINDOW SILL PLATES ALSO SHALL HAVE STEEL CONNECTIONS. 8' 3081 1016 10' 1270 2x4 WALL SILL PLATE (FLAT)i 1-PLY FOR OPENINGS UP TO 4'1 AND 2-PLY FOR 36' OPENINGS UP TO 6'0. !0' 3851 1270 12' 1524 2x6 WALL SILL PLATE (FLAT), 1-PLY FOR OPENINGS UP TO 5'11 AND 2-PLY FOR OPENINGS UP TO 8'9. 12' 4621 1524 , 14' 5391 1778 14 1778 7). CATHEDRAL CEILINGS 16' 6161 2032 16' 2032 TYPICAL SHEAR WALL ASSEMBLY WHERE RIDGE IS TO BE USED AS A STRUCTURAL BEAM, THE RAFTERS SHALL EITHER BE NOTCHED N.T.S. AND ANCHORED ON TOP OF THE BEAM OR SLOPE CONNECTORS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH MIN. NAIL SPACING FOR ROOF SHEATHING w/ ROOF RAFTERS 8 16' OC RAFTER TO RIDGE ALONG THE OPEN CEILING PART OF THE BUILDING. CONNECTIONS TO THE RIDGE AND WALL SHALL BE THE SAME AS ABOVE REQUIREMENTS. LOCATION NAIL SPACING AT NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE MIN,. NAIL SPACING FOR WALL SHEATHING ATTACHMENTS B). A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) STUDS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH CORNER IN AN EXTERIOR WALL. PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD LOCATION NAIL SPACING AT NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE USE (2) JACK STUDS ON EACH SIDE OF ALL WALL OPENINGS REQUIRING A HEADER UNLESS 4' PERIMETER 6' O.C. 6 O.C. PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD OTHERWISE NOTED. EDGE ZONE D.C. 4' EDGE ZONE 6. O,C. 12. O,C. USE (2) FULL LENGTH STUDS ON EACH SIDE FOR OPENINGS UP TO 6'0 AND (3) FOR LARGER OPENINGS 12' INTERIOR ZONE 6' O.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INTERIOR ZONE 6' O.C. 12' O.C. GABLE END WALL 4' O.C. 4' O.C. RAKE & RAKE TRUSS USE THE F❑LL❑WING USP BRAND OR APPROVED EQUAL METAL ACCORDING T❑ MANUFACTURESNNECTORS TO MEET THE RECOMMENDATION T❑ 01,CHIEVEUMAXIMUMTREQUIREMENTS. C❑NNECTI❑NS SHALL BE INSTALLED UPLIFT MINIMUM CATALOGUE MYN CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION LOAD CAPACITY FASTNERS NUMBER DESCRIPTION LOAD CAPACITY FASTEENENE RS NUMBER ADSS HOLDDOWN ANCHOR 4000 lbs, BOLT TO VERTICAL MEMBER, (2) 3/4x3-1/2 BOLTS RT10 RAFTER-TO-WALL STUD TY-DOWN ANCHIOR 585 lbs. RAFTER & STUDS C6) 8d COMMON NAILS EACH HOLT TO SILLi (1) 3/4x5-1/4 ANCHOR BOLTS RAFTER& STUD, (9) 10x1-1/2 NAILS EACH BOLT TO VERTICAL MEMBERS (2) 7/8x3-1/2 BOL S RT20 RAFTER-TO-WALL STUD TY-DOWN ANCHOR 1105 lbs. PLATEi (4) 10d COMMON N TDX6 HOLDDOWN ANCHOR 5100 lbs. LAW FF[ �� 'OP nATec 3-15-05 . BOLT TO SILLi 7/8x6-1/8 ANCHOR BOLTS RT7 RAFTER-TO-TOP PLATE TY-DOWN ANCHI3R 585 lbs. RAFTER AND PLATES (5) 8d COMMO NAILS EACH RAFTERi (8) 8x1-1/2 N ILS PATRIMA-MOOAE — WILLrAm-MOOR€s. KHST2 STRAP TIE 4220 lbs. (6) 5/8' DIA. BOLTS RT16 RAFTER-TO-TOP PLATE TY-DOWN ANCHOR 950 lbs. PLATES 8) 8d COMMON N LS KHST3 STRAP TIE 6180 lbs. C6) 3/4' DIA. BOLTS 51020 'MAIN RbAb- LSTA18 FLAT STRAP 1055 lbs. (14) 10d COMMON NAILS SPT44 & 6 STUD PLATE TIE 1070 lbs. PLATE AND STUDS (6) 16d COMM/ N A_ 5 LSTA30 FLAT STRAP 1670 lbs. (22) 10d COMMON NAILS SPTH4 & 6 STUD PLATE TIE 1470 lbs. PLATE AND STUDS C12) 10x1-1/ a SOUTHOLD NY CHORNO ASSOCIATES- Na ;Y, ;Qr architects. planners. Interior design - '41t;:�tYte�,•�O QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA TYPICAL DECK WIND UPLIFT REQUIREMENTS HEADER GIRDER C❑NNECTI❑NSI USE THE F❑LL❑WING USP BRAND OR APPROVED EQUAL GALVINIZED METAL CONNECTORS WITH THE REC❑MENDED FASTNERS AND DECK HEADER UPLIF SPAN SPAN lbs. INSTALLATI❑N BY MANUFACTURE. 6' 1408 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UPLIF GALV. MINIMUM 8' 1878 NUMBER lbs. FASTNER REQUIRED 20' 10' 2347 PBS44 4x4 1815 POST: (12) 16d COM, NAIL 12' 2817 POST CAP BEAM: (12) 16d COM, NAIL 6' 1859 4x4 POST: (8) 16d COM, NAIL 28' 8' 2479 PBSE44 END POST CAP 1430 BEAM: (8) 16d COM. NAIL 10' 3098 BEAM/GIRDER: (2) 5/8" BOLTS 12' 3718 KC44 4x4 COLUMN CA 3265 POST/COLUMN: (2) 5/8" DIA. BOLIS 6' 2310 36' 81 0' 3 81 PAU44 4x4 2240 FOOTING/PIER: 5/8"x7" ANCHOR BOLT 124621 POST ANCHOR POST/GIRDERI (12) 16d COMMON NAIL .S 4x4 WET POST ANCHOR CBE44 COLUMN BASE 3585 POST /GIRDERI (2) 1 /2" DIA. BOLT UPLIFT CONNECTI❑NS FOR: KCB44 4x4 5650 WET POST ANCHOR JOISTS-TO-GIRDER / HEADER COLUMN BASE POST/GIRDER: (2) 5/8" DIA, BOLTS ° 'o DECK CONNECTION MIN. 8d NAILs 6x6 POST: (12) 16d COM. NAIL SPAN CAPACITY REQUIRED PBS66 POST CAP 1815 BEAM: (12) 16d COM . NAIL t �° 12' 427 lbs. 4 6x6 POST: (8) 16d COM, NAIL � 16' 526 lbs. 5' PBSE66 END POST CAP 1430 BEAM: (8) 16d COM. NAIL a 20' 626 lbs. 5 6x6 5225 BEAM/GIRDER: (2) 5/8" BOLTS KCC66 — — 11,311 24' 726 lbs. 6 COLUMN CAP P❑ST/C❑LUMN: ( 4) 5/8" DIA, BOL S III , ,III ,;,111 ,;,111 ,;, ,,,III;,,111 ,;,111 , 28' 826 lbs. i' � TYPICAL DECK 32' 927 lbs, 8� PAU66 6x6 2350 F❑DYING/PIER: 5/8"x7" ANCHOR BOLT 36' 770 lbs. i' POST ANCH❑R P❑ST/GIRDERI (12) 16d COMMON NAI S N.T.S. .. 6x6 WET POST ANCHOR CBE66 COLUMN BASE 3570 POST/GIRDER: (2) 1/2" DIA. BOLT 6x6 WET POST ANCHOR - KCB66 5640 COLUMN BASE P❑ST/GIRDER: (2) 5/8" DIA, BOLTS de -o e - �� TY-DOWN 585 JOIST: (6)801 COMMON NAILS 0 0 o RT10 ANCHOR HEADER/GIRDER: (6) 8d COMMON NAI -S ALT , TY-DOWN JOIST: (9) 10x1-1/t'_ NAILS RT20 ANCHOR 1105 HEADER/GIRDERI (4) l0d COMMON NAI S Q AqC W A INSTALLATION NOTE S, LAW FFf E_S OF DATE: 3-15-05 1). ALL POSTS T❑ 1 E ANCH❑RED T❑ FOOTING ❑R PIER WIT H pATRICNA MOOAE - WILLCAM- MOORS 2). HEADER & GIRDER CONNECTIONS TO BE ATTACHED T EA P❑ST wTrH� PD��2c��1�rN Rf)�Af� SOUTHOLD Nle A- 6 O ASSOCIATES- 3), EACH JOIST TO BE ANCHORED TO GIRDER OR HEADE WITH TY-D WN ST planners_ Interior- design J❑IST HANGERS TO BE ATTACHED TO A PT LEDGER BOA K N, N L IA r, - o/.�lEi(/,SLoM AMC HE/Gi/Tcf! �No � 7AG e M T EX/ r T/� fc --- -'� >< ><— n ,�- w,,e,� � '�� iC` Ys d�o�r_Tk�.��o�rRo�_A:T sy6c��,D�✓� S/O N -'T5�_E/Rs7 �FGdG jHEs/ FJiW_/C Ta�/Tce.s/OL` 'ems`/�/ .'I �/�1C/,d. ..S77�GG .t7E_G�`� J� I.v( GI , s/.royv_sTa�e � a -s�i�:- kSC-te a//VZ WdG/< _ �)_— , � �7'T/n-�E'�:4;U6-cca-s✓�v6syt�>t<c-zvoT ,B� -REP,dire�'xGsTi�srG--- - �_ ' 1 -LN :_- - a �'• -�aEw sao�kl4G�e/lATH.- _ -- (/TAY - -`S' �..T_Q614IT�t/-S�t_.S,l-/6[!+•- .. r_a�,-ter_ /���+1�./ -F-L? �7--T_5E_. T_r?1T 1��-. �%'. _ /r4csr's 7aR -1711"d:E3CE-� zl - -- Ic _ II 7F/LrIT�rP -j-5b TA?c1I i I - 7 ✓l _ 'Y-677- 4 crym/bF<so, 71,o4651,�Ecilcrca7101,1 J „ d d � =cONcRET� 3 la- �sYJB,e n x rop- 2 SANITARY —�--_ n --.�-�/-F NOT TO SCALE ��—"" x /�YI�V �� �•:^ - Site Data: r (�Q SEPTIC SYSTEM DETAIL ��ST.G� ✓!NG_- . . Total Site : 40,094.77 sf - .921 Ac. �� \� ' Total Budding Area : Existing : 1,266 s1 I � Proposed: 3,154 sf -- J �B_o¢a3 cS ° vnr�Farrr/i�6 Allowable Sanitary Flow( Density) 9- Groundwater Management Zone V Allowable Flow far Silo : 600 gpd/Acre , E / �w;".',e: - !C- f `/-?"F'/'V'v- �' r/-�-�. 1:10Af C 500gpd/ac. x .921 Be :552.6 gpd allowed -E` LU 14.G-*On �_ _� i Sauvage Disposal System Design Calculations 5E7w„ ��' "'• v m � £� _��-/ "�" /�_/T- _ _ -�C� ��-'--G - --�- x (-1 I Sanitary /E , rs .- �._- Non-Medical Office : 2,384 sf .06 x 2384 143 gpd ;�°• gq,et �P �'A' D1""'� ,:w� Apartment 770 at 225 gdp 4e' 72' - Total Flow 368 gpd x Sewage Disposal System Design Septic Tank - x: Required : 370 gpd x 2 days : 740 gallons `^°uo�. , Provide 8'diameter - ( liquid depth, 1,000 gallons 370 ghpng Pools _ r /� � __ .At E�caM1'1E __ T LL ..fix/s/7�6<:,✓ k Lea d / 1.5 Pools 247 sl S Provide : 8'diameter - 12'deep 300 at >�7--a -_.,_ T - ryLOi�/ OFCai/S.AQ(,/CT/Ori/ �I. NOTE Septic Tank and Leaching Pdol to have '{rc��%'-`_-_� "' �U�L 2Jr' . .SOIJTi/OG� ..rte - c2 S_- VVG!Z%6h`0OFLr A,(TT,4-CE^C! / _ e"Traffic CoverseGE,4f�(G-d �- - ° •�dYG_7'1 Ss/6Ns :Nf7f/Ela, sHdGG8E- R�/ N4L -,•so�"E _7HeRE-,GRE No PR/Ve1Ts.:deld�,c/t�trl�z-es_-- _ _ r�Fh! '/.- 7r�'F�YC-.'S/�A/S.,ddM�IG :, S_ G - TU7Tbz / o—E, � 7Y-, - �� o-,�/�/_�Ld-���v1c��r�a�c-z�/e_ ,ZeiaG.4c•�cl��cJJ_vs:�:cl�- ��� REPd/R _cXISJTG :-- / ljS 020ERE0_ 8y SJQTE_GhlGt�/��R- - - '7OGYN_ OFcSQL1�/_{- OGd-fJl_ST1JR/G_Z�/S�'R/_CJ' /�r✓�/��'O.VJ:< . A . .-- ,�a M f{outd LEACHING BASIN DETAIL _PAa lM-Irem'. /- �rr�Fie,r/vim CAST II FRAME & GRATE CAMPBELL FOUNDRY - ILt4E+5.5 ,Z _ iRAGFlC COVE9 _��FAI+/—E _ ��-Q -E 'Q.IP N DIAME V' WEAR COURSE To BE PITCHED --'�+d Z, � /Q-V•�C%�(/ �_ _ N I 8 TOVVAROS DRPIN COVER IMINIMUM fMv1IMMM E E//tcR ' v'1/ 00 000 I C� I -�" � / `sr✓�R".-y .�rD�.c� d�/,1� 1 ��L �E�/ v"r SITE DRAINAGE ti'0/Pp.V ' o -ACL 1 �OFfi� M -.F'-6 ❑ Q aEEP $ RUN OFF FACTORS GRAVEL PARIUNG:0.6 ROOF: 1.0 O o q EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION:TOTAL 5,096 sl' _ EXISTING BUILDING d rl Scao�yG �1 ❑ U To �_ � IIT FLOOR.......,,GROSS= 624 SIT NET 407 sf 0/1 \U y a° \ r _ ON BASEMENT.......GROSS=624 sf NET 500 sf s 'QQ�• C ❑0 TOTAL EXISTING GROSS=1,890 sf NET 1,387,f NET=OCCUPIED SPACE EXCLUDING BATHROOMS,HALLWAYS,&CLOSETS PARKING "If�. t•YF T SAND / GRAVEL y I 7_ -•� _ OFFICE ADDITION Office Use: 11200 sf Uq GR4 5,r ' L 7 G / - XS/,a I I- /8 T�� S� - JIT FLOOR..... ....GROSS= 1,118 sf NET 932 sf Storage f/ 1000 sf 11 11 . l /cI I • -I`s - �- .17Er/�,�'d" j4 Y S,.� Tc�/, I,, BASEMENT.........GROSS= 1,118 sf NET 1000 sf g �p� f �o G'�ONLe II ` 0"1 S-0'• TO GROUND WATER EXISTING BUILDING, TOTAL NET(office use 887sf=8 spaces)(storage use 500 sf=1) 9 SPACES _ G +/ - �, NET 770 sf ,L° <1 A-/A ry_°r �, r I ACCESSORY APARTMENT 770 sf OFFICE ADDITION TOTAL NET(office use 932 st=9 spaces)(storage use 1000 at=1) 10 SPACES _ c CARPORT(COVERED PARKING SPACE)200 sf NET 0 ACCESSORY APARTMENT=1 PARKING SPACE(CARPORT) T�SI - GP -T 1\ ( TOTAL:20 SPACES RE A/Q• _ 7� ' !!a,1j { v TOTAL GROSS=3,006 sf W/OCARPORT) , NET 2,702 sf REQUIRED ® r ,per _ �yMECHANICALS,ARCHIVED FILE STORAGE 3 PROPOSED:10 SPACES - g7 - - 1 J ' LAND BANKIOSPACES TOTAL BULLDIrTG COVERAGE FOR DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 1 EXISTING BUILDING 624 sf eP.x!iar ' 9 /p . / II , I kSll OFFICE ADDITION 1,I16sf S.C.TAX No 1000 - 70 - 02 - 08 ACCESSORY APARTMENT - 2770 sf 60:F - ZONING DISTRICT : RESIDENTIAL- OFFICE CARPORT 1, SCALE:1•-20' TOTAL 2,782 sf KEY PLAN �Z=Y S 2 Q5. . f Edd Lh/ E s.. h Id ROM � -sueu�ye _ o-`e M" F DATE: LAW OFFICES 0 • ET_c,�E��lJ � �/ rJll • //yGICiGn - _ ' -- w,..,..•, ; °... pE A '^ cal" BPATRICIA PARICI A MOORE WILLIAM MOOR E �j 51020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY S- A-7,, 0191 �J -¢ �aE- - �},�, _ A '�E'� " ''` �a -i�'° �j °F •E'"� CHORNO ASSOCIATES ` '¢ `- "`4/r •� ' QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA architects. planners. Interior design ` `kA FIRE INSPECTION UNDERWRITERSCERTIRCAIE REQUIRED BEFORE REQUIRED OPENING COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF APP 0 EDASNOT� CODES ASEREQUR ED AND CONDITIONS OF y SOUTHOLDTOWNZBA FEE: BV: ✓ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD NOTI Y BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT — SOUfHOLDTOWNTRUSTEES 765-1 B02 8 AM TO 4 PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: N.Y.S.DEC 1. FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED �L�1L�--��� FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSULATION 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST 0� BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. 'jCU jI,JP AnNI�vYOI� 1 ALL CONSTRUC REQUREMENTSTION OF THE CODES OF NEW USE I5 SHALL MEET THE UIv I_I'1Vv�I.�L YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ,A'ITHOUT CERTIFICATE DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. Y�. OCCUPANCY OF PLUMBER CERTIFICATION ON LEAD CONTENT BEFORE DO NOT PROCEED WITH CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FRAMING UNTIL OF FOUNDATION LOCATION SOLDER USED IN WATER HAS BEEN APPROVED. SUPPLY SYSTEM CANNOT EXCEED 2110 OF 1% LEAD. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLOOD ZONE d.)11-;I' CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. COMPLY WITH CHAPTER"46" FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION PLUMBING SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. ALL PLUMBING WASTE &-WATER LINES NEED CERTIFICATION OF TESTING BEFORE COVERING NAILING & CONNECTIONS REQUIRED. RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF PURSUANT TO SECTION 45.10C OF THE TOWN CODE. CHORNO ASSOCIATES - DF arohRwl& plannem interior- dowgri - - - QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA ROM I i IF r 71 LP ' FFJi I �I • 1_ I ,r I _ - - � . I - I 1 - - -- — -- —7-- 7-7- IFI T I I , r • r I I � I _T wi Fm T ° I � _ I — FF ` I , - — , I I , � I - � — -- 'III �' • - - - - _ DATE: I Ell LAW -f F - -S "O I - I �. WIL TI FA`-I OF E LIAM MOOREI � I — u RC E A - - - I R R . I .rcu F. . C .h RA � � II .5 r I I _ 4 I - t - - '- _ - - --� W:i ��•� � � 51020 'M#iN RaI�D , , r A-2 . - �;• � ;er " SOUTHOLD NY T�o� 9' ,oF9N6yo CHORNO ASSOCIATES, /�/Q� orchiteote. plonnors. Interior, dNipn GG QUAKERTOWN, PENNIYLYANIA M I 3 b I O R] 1 y I o PENCE 07'26'10,, E • r /.. �i �� s�°"`'`°E r DAvjDOP�s B R�&B'V 10369 PACE s�P9SCp�, l ^ {{ MEQ Amp MNEYI_ //�°•. ♦ I fP.• GNRp,fl, 4 H ." FTNOE VJ d ry FRAME 0 � /-, , er'>m ,• IFS ,' �� - �� D ° OroE rG.W. a W y l : xRu, wwlva�� 33,s• 2.87° I OF It Fix ° ° I °• , o, �O • i 9 ° ASPNV.i ORM1QwAP . , • 4 4 M ° &4 Zoo• 4] gj GFRARAOEAME Ge• I y� as D I / '• :.. . UNE OF G N sO � � 40 78.2g,1p„y W \oPOST o 3 o bNn o y JO&N AQ v&0IJC �101F DEED LIBER 7&4�pRjE 3A v63 R p`p p i N JOCKEY CREEK R SURVEY OF PROPERTY 336,66' DEED ua D IVE SITUATED AT 45 pEEp Lib RR196p ijGA36 284 W PREPARED M ACCO E WITH THE MINIMUM 3 sANauM �R BUNnI As w"BUSHED SOUTHOLD BY M 1) AND ADOPTED NEW YORK STATE W!D p1l A.I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK * * S.C. TAX No. 1000-70-02-08 SCALE 1" =20' �9 OF WyOQ� FEBRUARY 19, 1998 ! N.Y.S. Lic. No. 49668 - UNATNomm ALTERATION OR ADDIDON TO THIS SURVEY Is A =I.XrON OF AREA = 40,099.77 s ff. NOTE: SECTION 7208 OF THE NEW YORK STATE T7' Joseph A. Ingegno EDUCATION 1.00f. 0.921 ac. METES x BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR THIS PROPERTY TAKEN COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING FROM DEED LIBER 9602 PAGE 284. Land Surveyor ,� SSE B"'"."°"•= INS SEN. °" EMBOSSED URNI SHALL NOT BE OR RED TO BE A YAUD TRUE COW On° 'SSTRRNLLYTo THE IP SOlil R TED HEREONM HE SUIROI CERTIFIED T0: IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF To THE Title Surrop — Subdivisions — Site Plans — ConeOue6on Layout IE DINf'c�ir�sDiTnlai usim mEa o° FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK TO THE ASSIGNEES of THE LENDING INSn- BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK PHONE (516)727-2090 Fax (516)722-5093 Mme"CERTIFICATIONS ARE Nor TRINNSFERVI WILLIAM MOORE PATRICIA MOORE OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING AOORESS THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY One Union Square P.O. Box 1931 ANp/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF Aquabo9ue, New York 11931 Riverhead; New York 11901 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. • I pip P 98- 151 , �s>lsai� i yT i i � 6R4VE ��� T7o S-�daES ,� 011 � m 9 0400 o Q OF E - — CHORNO ASSOCIATES y e7 /Q D 2 Architects - Planners - Interior Desip Y 355 Etlgemont Avenue OVAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 18951 _ o/uJ�a/S/Ovrc/s �z7L ortG v')./-�c✓ iasox -. CARSON MONOXIDE ALARM(S) I II CERTIFICATION REQUIRED , lTl�Egc - �(/DR_oTE�7 /o/c!-Th�AF/ �c. Fl4N }YlGG HE/Gi`/TLC! N-oPn!?Y�/d�k/17CK. T EX/ K 7__. /� 2O" . �rawc � = Rrsc aYG_ -17" rc,iN/_- ri. a✓cii: /D==3O.WZ . N/017/ (�_J 6, OR/G— -, -- + aLUEhrr r�rslOF� P�e_Fr /j�/tt/o_Cizg o/oe eci Law/ TJ£4es-= Uj// SElirfd S1, - - e..s/ _ /rvFslie � Ll��oB.cz/QD - - ea�E /1' z�ESAT4r:cr�MR Fes% ��fF/G /t/E/N�1Y SEC7`1017_ s _ s/a s� 5z�'*:�suiauc.. ---- l°F�eFlzj617ISCEKE.3/(1 �2�,/OG/J�4Y5-- _ E cxacc she//'.- (,l oho/o/(¢/� _F�o�TS!ST_4T,P8 L'r1 71A,tS7'� 7a/Z vEw— rrrLaLTAT}f haElXIZ . _-. TQ _LyC1T�fL-SxGSTLsLC�" Suffolk Count Department of Health Services Approval for Cone ruction-Ot er Than Single —�rotes✓_sWAcY�_ -- (/za�c9_:z8u� �51D4V G L k SACT/09 �0�5� R;x/ 6 Reference No..L 7h Dea'ga Flow F . t Family Usefsl*_ _ Cr1B<8_ These plans kava been review r gen 1 nfolwance with Suffolk (M/N� -Z4 -Q -----_-.-- County Department a Health Servide standards, relating i water __ _ ��II supply and sewage disposal. Regardless of any atRieeions. T — - � L/.,C.L Y1'�✓�_, F} to bf, in accordancinconsistencies twithr the attaof ched)permitconditionsand ction is to applicable ` tan unlessspecifically w _ }_I7�`AlisY✓:/2 SLO> -�1,rA-T�l_`gR expires 8 year the app my o 1 � s fmm by the nt.This 9 2005 ec x d �lep�teded rreprova � I i e I s_6d =-/'07 - . . _ _. „= �MEEf7fLLToN/t/oF�SOGITf�OG./�=Sf6e/F/CdT/eNS� , i ewer MAY 1 -r Approval Date n - U d -NCREj� x I Total Site : 40,094.77 s1 - .921 Ac. SEPT GNS''STEM DETAIL SANITARY OT TO Total Building Area : Exlsling : 1,266 at L-� `i ���� - Proposed: 3,154 sf 1�E�8_O¢_�C3_,C�35 NoT•4BC/TT/N6 i9<<G_. Allowable Sanitary Flow ( Density) nO° _�_ UNC ' Groundwater Management Zone V /_ �„ /�. --- .CO/kJP'QCD Allowable Flow for Site 600 gpd/Acre / _ E,.�J,$r LO "•°:'° ___ /_?�V 4-IV f - 500 gpd/ac. x .921 ac :552.6 gpd allowed _ a .. -E "L "'�""' 14. -OCdTp: S x 1 I 1 4 2005 ! .�-/ aru/s CR,Clxf/C: - Is 1 Sawage Disposal System Design Calculations . Sanitary ,.":"'" Wrc /E t ' 'WA '*T«,;""c,;,S� fe '-- Non-Medical Office : 2,384s1 .06 x 2384 143 gpd moo, qq,e gg,T,r' I I Q� i7c/G Apartment T70 sf 225 gdp - Total Flow 368 gpd Sewage Disposal System Design Septic Tank Required : 370 gpd x 2 days : 740 gallons q "� x Provide B'diameter - b'liquid depth, 1,000 gallons - I Leaching Pools - - - ` c:i_ ;-XZCL7ES X /$D 370 gpd / 1.5 gpd/sf 247 at _$ dn?Ej_E_2_. [� G LCL Li.tJE.,'�CONJJ'�E�lOi (_OECa.VST,C�L,ICT/O/t/ [L . �yC/S7'/SLG Provide : 8'dlameter - 12'deep 300 s1 - AEBf%_` _ 01-/16 26 . SOC17VOI-6 _ C -_-4LX/G R/6`f OF IXs(I}� x107,4 CeE/:j_' Mee NOTE Septic Tank and Leaching P6ol to have I'/_-`�}�j�a�EjQT'Y, .2� ]Q_,QC C�,E�//d _- �,- O'Z-OB- El"Traffic Covers �f+tljT2s1Ejc/C- S16N5 Ztflt/E� Sf/�� G �E E/� /IrEd ' /NOR/G(h//(L D•O-r CI4SE_h/o- Oe.-_13¢21 __ UG�)L�t_=SFGS 7J N p7J�s �THer2�-d'RE NOP.2/l/d 7-C- W, — I�elh_T'� //s'tFF�YC S/67-/S.:D.r�/vl<IGE.C� ' SGL ,8�/Q e.=Gd/-REG' _... I �✓ .- � CF/:rH sua��GT�eQ e7Y 0 o-1/g/�74 [.-calv�ir�a .zee gEed/R cX75 20QG_sk{oUG1�Cp S/AEGUdL Cf c748/ /G=- -- pctlIi� FLa o; l-jo�sr_v�FRtSour/y LD;E/1_ST�RGc,a/s�"R/C�' f/�.✓o':�RovTS_ ,4- '�_ .�- �cer� , FYI-sT.a - T Yr--- / I rr - � LEACHING BASIN CETAIL pm / �?�L^ � CAST IRON FRAME @ GRATE _1Z �� �•1 I � CAM,,,,_ FOUNDRY TRAMIC CovER _ 2(VE/lAF!✓t__,- 'y' 61AIAE TOWARDS DRAIN CO`,ER. a �QF NEi'(/y Y• WEAR COURSE TO BE PITCHED l�- I tti I' tiurliuuln 1' ulwuuu ft9cryFr O,D T Eh101✓= _ V'N/i�-�� '�3_4�fiy 6• .,Ly�_ •--�5"`— � .- �\ l9 h- 1'i ��1 , g i � GR SITE DRAINAGE - O=ACL Run Ulf Factors Gravel Parking :0.6 Roof:1.0 <o9pF S10NP I I I �OEF�P/.'4M �:;k_ dG Ovs ❑0 . Xa7 Com.- EEP !�� ❑p Existing and proposed building addition 2AIO 'e '�Z Z'�_� ❑ 0 o ❑p .N w ' Existing buildingLi _ �• '` , - I at Floor..............gross= 624 sf net=40751 2nd Floor............gross= 642 sl net=480 at � E' - . Basement...........gross= 624 sf not Parking Toi31 gross=1,89CI sl net=887 s1 µr q �, „ , ., \\ i ❑0 - Existing Building U 4 dw 52, g Total net = 887 sf 4 D V - der C - F I \ Office Addition. - i Office Addition Total net = 932 at t1 -� - � AYJ G • vs oMP_. '��K � /'r7_ -//"- SANG / GRAVEL.,� 75l FIbOL•..-::a.......gross= 1,11851 not=93251 Total 1,879 at la' - / S/.3 L2 > - I^ _ ,Bazament..........;grosi=1,118 if net- + 19 spaces required a I 0 _ �. v 7 ;G ' -/5- - Accessory Apartment 1 ' 770 sf �. Accessory ApanmenTotal 20 st 1 pace required • � -GRd'I7 0 SF / �' - _ x f -/G-I /;7"- ' a'-0" To caouND WATER ''.Carport - 200 sf spaces required tvT _�x/ ' ' r �6 _ \ o I / , . .. . _ Proposed 11 spaces built G •• 1 I �r9 jotal,Building Covorage 26 spaces Land Bank Sd /� ' I . . N f - �� ' ` (V� Accessory Existing ddil pabuildinrtment.....1.770 sl - -•OR4i_ - E 1 P . �E—_ � L . _ Carport ....L..... ...................20051 - N "Total..`.......2,782 sf . S .. Y _ O Root i 2,780rsf 1/2 : 1,3170 at t ' 0 = 1390 sl x 1 x2' = 282a,n S.C.TAX No 1000 - 70 - 02 - 08 & B'Dia. Leaching Ring : 40 sf%LI 20" ZONING DISTRICT : RESIDENTIAL- OFFICE �'T I 232/40= 5.8 Lf - Use 6 U of 8'Dia. Pool for East Side of Building I �_ '' x511/1 ' � ' 2 z ( z3 r_2 �� _ - - Add 3 Lf each to Parking Pool -_- 9_ I. SCALE•1"=20' , Parking : 6,065 sf O = 6,065 at x.6 x 2" = 607 a k !� ?iL'F�-,=Y �"--"•'•. -, F"� � f r 607/40= 15.2 Lt- Use(2)B'Dia. Pools 8 LI+3 L1 - J C'_Ld �sC• T- " . �_ - �-.I _'_ �I - In> KEY PLAN ' (2)B'Dia. Pools 12' Deep 17SV::-:2 i2-os. " AGI _.7v_ /Y/d sovin m LDATE: -7NFORNfAT/oV 7�KeA/ _ �� LAW OFFICES OF E�O,�vV B. cNo lin PATRICIA MOORE — WILLIAM MOORE � r'�a�t ��sc/L�-tt - - �Q- y ° " F " ' a5 ._ N• 51020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY oj� ' �y CHORNO ASSOCIATES architects. planners. Interior design z,, r a '•'° QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA ,r s/�EuIAG,e. , `xrte �N_ L L 4AI61RoTEc7,lm Ti4,t1�lc F'l�tN — 0 x y Mr oslvE� -FT wi C rl c�y c z sr q�WET- -A T-alOa l` I S. QX Ills -A -::_, ,al3cu8 4li FrAG_THEs/> dX - /B'Q - tR�T c (�X &07a d GE t N� 7137 �= aPenL ZV R fF/G � M�twCL3 � �r11t�1rSC� GD.iYNc�. - / abfl8 ei/sz- _ - _ =rte }3iN/JL1:22�/_y{(�Ee c�rits7r�'/tGt,LtZ1 '>'S '¢ c,rtr4t3 i d �u�r:f2s,^ :(`�'✓,T -SIZE DR?��k�41� Iso r4 �e Awl .SCALA.. 8,- . /-v_ .. dl�� (�fFEr�cL,rwwocsn 7x1ae4�rGaTra<srs� /�P— /i--ry✓�,.sp,•yp .TG. �i2L_ I, � R2� 7 SANITARY52!<� P /GY? [EIYGfJDf _ x ' Site Data 5EPTIG 5Y5TEM DETAIL Total Site 40,094.77 sl - .921 Ac. NOT TO s ^Le Total Building Area Existing Allowable Sanitary Flow r( Density) ,154 at `1 41 Groundwater Management Zone V / b"�,�•" �' L'D.z4ft) A Allowable Flow for Site : 600 god/Acre ¢ �/ ,_„, r"�j,� w'•• •^•_• _- ;7• t _ SLe- 500 god I ac. x .921 ac :552.6 gpd allowedjz , - Sawage Disposal System Design Calculations Sanitary Non-Medical Office . 2,384 s1 .06 x 2384 143 gpdP 99,et 49P M�" °V'46.75ri5�0 /A Apartment 770 at 225 gdP K_ - f o U /-•••' Total Flow 368 gpd °°°••"�" gI _ Sewage Disposal System Design m�•rM� ses 1r,o .,N•�,."'L,ar '>l�� ,( ' — G�� /_=.r-_fie__. x i Septic Tank b • Required 370 gpd x 2 days 740 gallons 5 X Mill Provide e'diameter - fi'li uid depth 1,000 gallons - — . f.�,� -.CyL� CGT -1'7FG� :11�1 r+. � ,/. �.�,. Xl q p Leaching Pools370 gpd / 1.5 gpd/sf 247 sf —8 Qrdn2gjE�_ GE.dCF//n/G_�X7L 7 _ x F( /,Sp7 f'EiQ„ Provide 8'diameter - 12'deep 300 sf _1_ 7S6J� /T1-7• '# "1/ r �-T '�Q(� 25 $0.'/T.yfQLv NOTE Septic Tank and Leaching Pbol to have A.eex�r - r'reTY .1�rr/scrxx _ ScT�� # /000 . 70 o2-oB x 8'Traffic Covers T A T AN-ly- F y ". /c ,, ` 4LjL 6E 14 F N 9�f -/w zal4l�I�/�!L D.o. - c<FSE A/o 0¢• 3¢2P y J.s tion = TFic-�eE ,a,eeNoP.eit/4 e.1c/ E2: wEus r - �'- �i�F . .G. .12�Ahfft�6D. �J+4GLt?�,R.EA�dIZS=_-., Win, ✓ I '� � - - w/rHfN Iso rp=rysul37EcTfRaf e7•y 7 l l lrz ; 4)4L 7"E&_W'kT tai,.. APPROVED BY I 7s , /o . •R PC/h' X/SrY�(6=S/ 6z/G t4F.aQ SIZE/VA1-LZ .f1 [7�"✓'{�R13/ la PLANNING BOARD I u, /{ S 0P-'IRCD Elj :'574/1 GN6/</�EQ . . - V a7T1:) 'V OF sac% OL1�yz� o.Rtc D/sjRl�T �✓o f , o urs A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD µ I 1�A3it6la� �b. '/✓�k[ ynek S7'4TE ScEyfC 33„',r�rq} , - - 1 6//1 06 H DATE v I -� . L_ACH ! NG BASIN DETAIL iIA'FIC COVER FOUNDRY �Lz.,e:✓s:�— i _ _ �VfiMEnL7', , 1 , \ Ja-��STitirc.c ss/t3oc r� .ctc .,d,¢�4•lllio �v( � N {n\ z v Aa COURSE TO BE P7EHEo 1 N �� CiaMEi rowxRas oaau co�rR WINIMM I' 41RNUM sso T � �- � vrs�cc'•' ..ta°.`ItJ,: � _._.2.,,,A,1, E �p SITE DRAINAGE Q=ACL PD �� � RUNOFFFACTORS GRAVEL PARKINGAI ROOF: I.0�yrAPR 2 4 2006 EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION:TOTAL 5,096 sf I� EXISTING BUILDING I --------_J tij �cz U VAC N' �? ? ,r ❑❑ I I FLOOR .. ..GROSS= 624 sf NET 407 sf r �'M,Q - Nn Pldriu�3 Ecom T A,/ :'`^',C,_ ❑[ 2 FLOOR. .-GROSS-642 sf NET 480 sf BASEMENT ...GROSS 624 sf NET 500 sf D 0 TOTAL EXISTING GROSS=1,890 sf NET 1,387 sf +' NET=OCCUPIED SPACE EXCLUDING BATHROOMS,HALLWAYS, &CLOSETS PARKING GRhVELOffice Use 1/200 sf OFFICEADDITION , Storage 111000 sf IIoo _ I FLOOR . .!.GROSS= 1,l 18 sf NET 932 Sf ' / 3 -� Ii f ��S{,3� i BASEMENT' . ...GROSS= 1,118 sf NET 1000 sf r 3'-0” TO GROUND WATER , EXISTING BUILDING T(jTALNET(officefse,8844f,e 8 spaces) (storage use 500 sf=1) 9SPACES ACCESSORY APARTMENT 770 sf NET 770 sf - OFFICE ADDITION TOTAL,, NET(office age 93){f=4 spaces)(storage use 1000 sf=1) 10 SPACES fin( �7rAt1 i � -tri g hr4c \ ,[ r / I, CARPORT(COVERED PARKING SPACE)200 sf NET 0 '� ACCESSORY APA�RTMENTI;I PAAKtNG SPACE(CARPORT) TOTAL GROSS=3y006 sf (W/O CARPORT) NET 2,702 sf ' ' UTAL: 20 SPACES REQUIRED •MECHANICALS',ARCHIVED FILE STORAGE ..® •Sib' ^ �-., '�' ,' PROPOSED-,"SPACES �A-tdltr%14io, / v f� - " LAND BANK AI SPACES 7„ �t '� T TOTAL BUdLDDIG COVERAGE FOR DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS EXISTING BUILDING 624 sf OFFICE ADDITION 1,1185( o.C.TAX No 1000 - '70 - 02 - 08 L �_� I ACCESSORY APARTMENT — 770 A ZONING DISTRICT : RESIDENTIAL- OFFICE CARPORT 200 sf f, SCALE:1 20' TOTAL / 2,782 sf i a g J �ars4ws' SCP'--,;�-,�. `�..,,.�„� . ,1 •-,�a g0SS ' KEY PLAN REi! 5.2.05 ^,k d t LAIN OFFICES OF DATE: r : '_'.,, • S A.„r': . �, - ��PEO qR� t of ” w e�� o �� I " /yM It1�4G1f1 WILLIAM AIIC)n'FtE --dam/ e�srstr�y . ,© `W'�T• �, �, 'y)"01915�i..0�� ROAD SOL1'T"4CLt i ����Z' i! 3 1, °FI CWORNO ASSOCIATES " - - _ • Jae-A d P 5[-a..♦ archttacts• atynannl. npdpIt iI �•'- „v�� `F ,:(. , :° 7 QUAKERTOWN, P SXL,YAJiIA 5,3 d/Avl�(/s/oN c s��C�E -DrsG.t!'J./-pe/1/�Wdy 4'o/t.s�EwAGK. PROTEC7`10V TWif % - AU,&l K 'x /� / J LJ-.--0. T. ZPE-41-.,ol-C --WA01--_ A/ _. 4WV LLDel\ - -- - ,O/QjVEIV eci Na • TSE/Rs SFGdG.jH�s/,�JF_1Nd4C,T0�/�'-o tJ�,srv�-�c d sHau s� 6�T. Iec;PV,==AAOWC Oil tigT�. z-L t SaT�zsz � -t21' /7v J", df�/G /B o -4 OR/I/E/N�' .�Ec. T/O/�!_ s,�ow slo�eA� s�lR �-o _ �sr�waue. �i�.,,2�r4R1�, ���•���rrtr l/ray/ ri��tR�tE �[z3st�GJcrCzN1 O �`� RE1'4/RGx/sTLvG �_ za 20�� uEW S/�k/4GC W/dTH �4SSj4lP /l�Y .T_ r .fRlk'/tJCtSS1OCTdPC W,OLG& . - -- - - _ -__- - T� tSs41-'�""_sKL�S .te'Zi _ ,q � l l,' •/ �CAOXG.Sl,CIE LC/,QGfG T (/TE+N 0 g 2SW / V4R/4E3L� sLn� sme� s'o.c, ) S/ 6 14z /1 . ,SEC T10/V SCdGL-- /-'C'a't -401/W- Ni G }} TC. � . B T j28 - c�1RB Ihfl Dfa/VE K/A y / el-AI, ! POAD F201,/1A CEA y T ZS e5. R s/1�E ORJI/El � Y /.6 7A�/e /V 5'� Il• t s . ( �M�ET GLG Towl/oF soUTyO[D S/°Ec/ /CdTo vS� � Cv,a a/Fs COAICRe7� / ..to c 112-0 l71B1�3S TaP— �d „mss-, ,� G" fir cuee C I SANITARY .22 60-11f4-0 Site Data' SEP71G SYSTEM DETAIL El.SIZrP.'�VP2/y l9 ��Y ski-.�ofE Total Site 40,094 77 sl - 921 Ac HOT TO so L-E Total Building Area Existing 1,266 sl ¢ Y 7E Proposed 3,154 st f 04'Q'j,�js, $(/- AFNV PIC C4.61e49 k/L '4 �kYCK� 4REd Allowable Sanitary Flow ( Density) Gr //� �^•R ceVL•'o'••oL /��Q/Ar10�i7i' �� �/�-yr[� � \ i Groundwundw ater Management Zone V £¢ z<. `�• /_ ,•,,,,.,�-,o /_�c ,rj,// .(�/COgJ/ NL TVN CO/HRQC�D ly x Allowable Flow for Site 600 gpd/Acre • J, sri4SE' . rl-(I 500 gpd/ac x 921 ac '552 6 gpd allowed n Sewage Disposal System Design Calculations •w:.. -< eo. .__-m �� ��` Sanitary . :n ,e /e , • re D. E. /ref/069 213D/ e4'i x Non-Med,cal Office 2,384 sf 06 x 2384 143 gpd p•m qq.e( L q9P � " •�48, r'o`w 77r '- x / Apartment 770 st 225 gdp •- C Total Flow 368 gpd S x /� ��.0/�Z Sewage Disposal System Design ��,.,. fi• r^WS•uMS L aJ e�G-,QG�,J//_/��/ - . �G4GE / /- /�Orr J x Septic Tank • Required 370 gpd x 2 days 740 gallons X Prowda 8'd,ameter - 6ligwd depth 1,000 gallons IQI % Leaching Pools - =1 ---„� >0, 0.7, /./OTE s 3709pd / 15gpd/sl 247s1 -8-O/d��EjEl2. GE4CH/NG /�b.JL e-G�t /Q�/ OFCa.Ns' RCIC /Oil/ X f{ !.`pr PE•Q' T r r r 4GL Plc/s J-iAlf� II I' Provide 8'd,ameler - 12'deep 300 s1 _=_L�-XJEEf'•- - ----- -_ _.-- . _ /-ZOUrE 25 oeAlnGs16� s r�7uRFsFFccw6 el6�tr©F�Csc1 ,AAJAc” </7- �L -- NOTE ' Septic Tank and leaching P601 to have rpf t7/'ERjT f(-RE 7b -,6E e�g,4�/�d ScT 7•*C /000 - 70 -02-03 x7)rA WL B-Traffic Covers *,4A-//4-` / -41";�/C S/6A/S 111VIA �ydt BE /eE/ rACEp /rJ/ oR/G/NqG �.o.T C4SE No 0¢- 3¢2� J- k LOc�1 /GT/.LS . 7.5/ NojE . THeA<'E dRE .vo PR/Vd Tc Lx/d T�=lL WEt-�S t. � x E-ND � x a - w7TH/til /-50 FEE7 of JHE 75' ,70 O,Q/r/A ,/A (,. COR/ T1CV,( C E/°GA E& AV/7/70 .PVD lv >s �o . r •REPd/ 2 6E7X1-S7-1A.1G s//ouGDER , cUR ?/4G I } o,eOcREO by SJ-0re- c v6i /E� e I I r' v IOWA/ of soc/7 �oL�yiSToR/G d/SJR/CJ / ✓D Qo v;TS A c3�f ` A I, �1 ' N I 1>ESi6V4T�D NEW f oRK SJ'QTE ScE• //C �j rS✓QY, r 7 PAVEME^/^' 7tfro c x9tiE I J 772 - S�' N ( - BT,S, N DETAIL fd4a/ vG' / re &4 jibo •. /p MCn.r iPOu FRANE b cre<•E / —:auvezrc rcuncar SyOC/t:.p[lLS —ipS=lm co�[n /11VE/v% V7. t .� /V hy(: 'xO�V' /� z- K,,a COURSE BE PICnEn N >,l� �i` 1 - cEss�� oD kE J.4V/OP '�•l N 6 ulnMLr r S u/ 44 �iF T� N tom= ',9 - I' uwwuu � ,1,.. f`xT �SC+dF�iy '�`Fw6y l9 xnrurwu /� .�{� .. 4., k/,d W (Wi 6 / �- � <C!(�� � -_ EVE-•e "�/ —�___T_—_ � � � r:uFEo I •'r n I r . . � � L :� .;..,r cs•s ! J,e15- IfEd✓ \ .-c .Pyq� .S” j. ' ) SITE DRAINAGE Q=ACL u1 L /NE / 1 I' I l fl ✓ RU'd DF '� \ aIi ,V ! O _ 10 - -- ' ,. •.•• •4 �; 1 J .kX - �!� f `--„"'� E K� RUN OFF FACTORS GRAVEL PARKING:0.6 ROOF: LC JL , F �Fi /'NASI . ' / C k ays ❑ 0 ti. LE o _ EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION: TOTAL 5,096 sf _ �� ITT IS ANG GROSS= G24 st NET 407 st y OOR / 9 -'8'4rE1��"-G� , ! -„ �_ -\ N •QN'QSC � N i �'7O ..-+il�o 'C I r �...i1 i..1 , • �L. . ' EXISTING BUILDING 7 viallE �- 7 Ems' .- "'- -----_ \ LIE: 7"OTAIO.EXISTING GROSS=1,890 sf NET" 1,387 sf Crfoof ' _F:•+t:•Q '- .Z� \ .GROSS=64-st NET 480sf,nn ,'LBASEMENT GROSS=6n4sf NET SOUsI Y`eu0ter:yi�'�;r;l--- V \ _� I NEP=OCCUPIED SPACE EXCLUDING BATHROOMS,HALLWAYS, &CLOSETS PARKING W � /Qr ) • r' /� 1 -�- l �— SOtotmge I/ 1000 s0 sl SAIJD / GRHVEL.r OR-ICE ADD1710N ' 1 s'FLOOR .. GROSS = L 118 sf NET 932 sf BASEMENT- ... GROSS= 1,1I8st NET 1000st rp OR,-U,JU wATFa EXISTING BUILDING Tr'TAL NETTtfl oml}se S87ef=Sspaees) (sforagc use 5011 sf 1) 9SPACES °� ACCESSORYAPARTMENT 770,1 NET 770 sf OFFICE ADDITION TC PAL NET(office gue 9331f=9 spaces) (storage use 1000 sf= 1) 10 SEACES I CARPORT (COVERED PARKING SPACE) 200,t NET U ACCESSORY APARTMENT=I PARKING SPACE(CARPORT) � x L >i /•X-Y `�_ I (`j TOTAL GROSS=3;006 sf (W/O CAPPORT) NET 2,702 c[ TOTAL: 20 SPACES REQUIRED A -MECHANICALS, ARCHIVED FILE STORAGE 1I s/ r q� N gyp` PROPOSED;f*SPACES ry \i ® u.tr.gn�.Po / ,� '_-� "'WCL%`4�f'Q jNG (�\ LAND BANh:%SPACES � TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE FOR DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS T"''QCia �•E.'.@' O _ - 'd �" ,lief --__ /I I ,� EXISTING BUILDING 624 sf J.C.TAX No 1000 - 70 - 02 - OB a ZONING DISTRICT : I IESIDENTIAL- OFFICE S!d ccy 'i9� � ry A4i� ' j �• I OFFICE ADDITION 1.118st J'11ks •/A _ � � ,y/� _ I p ACCESSORY APARTMENT 770sf SCALE:1'.20' 45 ,-/REI-•1/'^'/� ' v I 4 A1JB'u "� '4` ""V /g !a mss( 'l CARPORT - ^_OU sf r A'SBC(le- - TOTAL 2,782 sf 2p -�BIc�Zig 6 `�`�,STi� `-\` �'/ ry � R s l7• as I J 63' a4.s�+s G Gd"/Jr S' - t^o�.04� Gs-S � a KEY PLAN REY_.- S- 2.05 * C.y'ra/� REG I ,(`� - REST: 2.2.05 �--_,� ' DATE• os,;• ! lFoe -raT/o!V rdeEN RSrra _�_' l==t- _ -�1,. �' LAW OFFICES OF ..- c FRQNr SUR UE% Sf 4 -T ¢:^ ED A po RE d JDSEFHA .-WGEGI-10 -104Vyd4[ F .� �yCy0 PAT'RICIA MOORE - WILLIAM MOORE R✓y8 `, v ,�.ar� . z-!�'9a 'tea �;�� - "� ..' - , • . � x � • `Y• •• �:4 ��� �iH�05 eVey : 7�r as lroc — ,, i N'. r 5102 MAIM ROAD S'01JTHOLD NY -A-7 - S �� ti�oI 'b roe CHORNO ASSOCIATES 1 rF• s ASrIjE `£ -p r � 7/ N architects. planners. Interior design QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA