HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-113.-12-10.4 SII, ^1 71221Q�p ` BUILDING: TOTAL' 5.720 sa ft. \ �- - le,C7 ZO N 1 AREA Proposed: 5,000 sq ft. ' Existing Barn. 720 sq ft. THe b. s T^�P�cT 150 HoSITE DATA 13A RT ,2D, LOT COVERAGE: 10.2 % actual / 30 % max \ 9oUT� O L 7 J,Y. n q 71 " IOOO - 113 - 11• - LANDSCAPPED: 51.9 % actual 135 % min AREA N 467' 17_ 30" SCTM # 1000 - 113 - 12 - 10.4 PARKING CALCULATIONS: Mat \� to PROPERTY: County Road 48 Repair Shop: 4 spaces per bay x 3 bays = 12 Spaces / �I f� ADDRESS attituck, N.Y., 11952 43 �..\ plus one space per employee x 4 employees = 4 spaces / � I � Existing Storage' 720 sf @ 1 per 1000 sf = 0.7 spaces / ,� W ( , 3 OWNER: Thomas & Ellen Talbot O / / , rO 150 Hobart Road T TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: 167 / 17 SPACES 3 A \ \@- Southold, N.Y., 11971 1 Rx�,LP.S FIR (,5' - I b) Tel # 516 - 765-5124 �/� } TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 17 SPACES - /3 \ GuaTlrJci O L O J including 2 handicapped parking spaces / 45 �_ T12EE0 7� ID 1 + * / �c��IN EXISTING : Limited Business (LB) 6v Or r r ZONING O 7f / O Q Z TRUCK PARKING 3 LOADING: % + SITE: 1 28 Acres (56,029 sq. ft ) p LOADING BERTHS: 1 Provided / 1 Required _ - - ! ' r . AREAWN • LL // �� SURVEYOR: Peconic Surveyors, P.0 L.1. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: \o P.O. Box 909 Proposed Bulldina: �• 1m Main Road Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor �, Southold, N.Y. 11971 w 5000 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 833 cf. �- / ' 1 License # u 49618 ' ExIsTINC� TREEa "� _ N Ca I2gvEfL / ~\ Dated January 3, 1995 C Use: dE RE LAOV ED \ �t\\ �oURT Yf+RO - = 217.4 cf. \ \� WAI.L /LJoLNt ECIJaIr�• PFI R -IUN!PER(�oMPAc.TA) NOTES: Elevations shown are based on National Q_ 2 - 10'-0" x T-8" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf - LIgLJIT 150• W ,N,P.15� 3a"m, 2 - 10'-0" x 5'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 342.1 cf, = 684.2 cf. , i� Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. i DU 1� TI I.L of.�..lti TOTAL = 901.6 cf. - % \ O 901.6 c.f, provided > 833 c.f. required � PRc+r�sEO � J/ ., k Public water is not available within 500 ft o /� of property Ph-`rWELL F W Proposed Relocated Barn: / o Fr `' F7 H" \\ Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor / • The locations of wells and cesspools shown J 720 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 120 cf. •\ „ / \k ;%�'ti hereon are from field observations and or F2AIJDHL sEINBERGt (-JAKE• \/ P.C>, toV IJ9rp S �' ! U, data obtained from others. Use: 1 - 10'-0" x 2'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 136.8 cf. = 136.8 cf. IOoa • 11 �, - 14 - 10 1 - i `I�PrtoPooE,v Aye \ = 136 8 cf a I A9 �. �A ICRP W E1..L U ,srYr+r TOTAL i L Y UGI-p5 FIR 8 ed It ' '• J ed > 120 c.f. required _provided q - 136.8 c.f. p A\ A'�•,DPt�Et> Proposed Asphalt Driveway. - bill rat Jrr �� Rainfall x Runoff Factor Area x Ral .ca r 4,200 Sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 700 c.f 5o FT W D !LJ5 FPar A NELU ' �1.4V� r�P "� i� OWNTsScUsz1T-1 y (% NO SANITA F2Y C`r6TEM5 I Ls,mI,IIPhAENT H id \\� IR.E>P ,IR, sHpf4 aGl-+r ISO W, rl,Rs, n LL Use, FOUND INTI-i - iw RI^P'IJS CjPOQ:$.Pr oiJele- TILL 04WN 1 - to'-0" x T-8" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf. = 108.7 cf. L, b Z-Q�]� Is,F, 4Kiv, 45.0 - 1 - 10'-0" x 4'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 273.7 cf - n �6 / ^ �t 1 - 10'-0" x 5'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 342.1 Cf. = 342.1 cf. panpnsEjw . MATT TUC K TOTAL = 724 5 d. WE'LL- 724.5 ELD 724.5 c.f. provided > 700 cf. required 4 FT, NI4N cruAlN t \ \ / K LnJI� FG�NcE I \ ' c•1w,vEL \ SIT 3 r . 11952 Proposed Gravel Parkins Area. �UJE� \\ _ Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor fi 17 saA.cEs , . l -- 10,185 sf. x 2112 x 0.3 = 509.2 c.f. •\ I _ - �- •4F7 „JIv� ! \ w Z . \ ` k Eklb 1Nfa f co JcRETE Q I ✓ O CONSERVA Q Use: - 108.7 cf. I v" •a- ,aFRON � � , y (] U ARM - 1 - 10'-0" x 3'-B" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf. - 410.6 cf. {✓YC18TI JCS oAatJ� E A E L i.po.AE 1 u , 2 - 10'-0" x T-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 205.3 cf. _ , 4 • cr-, TOTAL = 519.3 cf C E T R� R.. N V a ' \ \ !Arj \9' ��DRY ELA-� �N k q,�\a'' v.s r,r �e ,ce' o F w J �F z 519.3 c.f. provided > 509.2 cf. required /So * 9 yr P " ;,r �/ io x GFTH t o\ '' 'its � .6OG' N/F PI.8FZ120 N \ 1 A _ 2REEtJ RTSN y �9'}�V• ~ w SANITARY SYSTEM \ / r Jam= - PFIT2�-ri J1-W, PE - 2 �gGpLJRTY `1G `' IOCO - II'aj - 13 - 11 goLic -rip, 3m^ o.c, \ � 160 W, H,/P, S, yo.F Q 1- HYDROLOGIC ZONE: IV - 300 gpd/Acre e-2<° MT T LL oowN / \ 'o y A1PP�0V�D BY ALLOWABLE FLOW: 300 gpd X 1 28 = 384 gpd \ LlcWay \� PLANNING BOARD pLUE SR2LrF Sa' �� JN s - � Fr, Hr. � � I �a a:•rae' � � TOWN OF S0U1fH0LD DESIGN FLOW: • .,, •B � y(i l:4'7U1 PI.AIENT , DA E pE 231 96 1. Proposed Addition 200 gpd �, .t t 'f4el a sp.leP '� F�2'0 r9�C5E•D d/sf 1v11Dr>�.E RoaD S"OORPIN GENTEq-1rJC, 72b W, 4 �, \ DF-YWEI-( F (0.04 gP ) \ 2.9 J3 H. LF HOLLOW RAM Cl \ � { \� F�c,ILR,aNq \ IO FT Of x. l] FT' H, 0.04 gpd X 5000 sf = 200 gpd \, ' pIx HILLS IJ.Y, II %h Ce 28.8 gpd loco - 1]•1 - 2.- I _ 2. Existing Barn \ JNoE + cT Ra UNID �O �+� �IJN1 Peri - fir- Z,"-1 ov� !2✓z'-3°CAL) (004gpd/sf) _ # 0.04 gpd X 720 sf = 28.8 gpd >>� \ 0a1 t ( 01795 •l ' Total Site Design Flow. 228.8 gpd _._� S�aN1 yaa-ti SVBTE,M � �� A6Pw ,y� o,c, Ib v+ �!T SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES - _ _ hc. AI-• set'TLa Ta.,••i K. - t ! , ENT PFITZER JIJNIPI�R.r I BE N\ APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY - f-=BF_T:J2L.^12 ! �\ `�"'� ori 1 C" SANITARY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS p-�(P -o { da GAS L ErUIi M 1ZAt PL Js ' �' \ zE kovp 25 PT Project gfav�} _ H.S. REF.NO.J FLOW� FLr6 FT: Exl'- r. F oN \ I C><PJ \�P J 2 Yz _ 3"�sL WIDE T�r3T I-bL LY�T�. _ r�,) US i/G - I- BFT, PW � rte. FT NIGH - � Total design flow = 228.8 gpd TYPE 11 _ 6R0L•JN Ld.eM Drawn By: -)..IT UNOErP. I ZOIUNv !` F p } 1 \. This approval is granted for the consWetion of the sanitary EI.Ec.Trsle L{' - FT Septic Tank: 228.8 x2 day = 457.6 gpd disposal and water supply facilities pursumtto Articles VB and SGr?v I GC N R gROLJN etLTY Checked By: t.l'9 Use 1 - Rectangular Septic Tank @ 1000 gal l of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and is not en expressed I N } nor Implied approval to discharge from or occupy the ` - slructure(s) shown. THIS APPROVAL EXPIRES TWO(2)YEARS \ n I TEST HoL E Loc Tor Date: G/2�/�1C� Leaching Pools: Area required = 228.8 / 1 5 = 152.5 sf FROM D�E BELOW. WWWO Need Area vertical fl of 8' dia or 6 pPp li } L.nwN \ Scale: la ; 2.0 ,-o" 3 - B' dia.x 4' h. Leaching Pools TOTAL 17, FT N 14H ;rA \ z TE SIGNATURE •( �0\J$49 O , ! \ \ F ' F� : PCT: T2E� >J Sheet Title. 1 P�.LIi,i f>RGW Plus 50% future expansion, 9\ - - � , _ my%� • 1, e COFi N i 'te 1 - V dia. x 6' h. Leaching Pool \y0„+,'T���� f Jg ! Z -b JNr�E'Rgru"JNp I coda.eE . ei FREE srrN vll.,4 � E1-C.C.T(ZIG 0/,•4Jv s�o t� \ r'���� 'tq t` ilslN�es NOTE MANGE(S) \� BER✓1�� SITE � \� 81yN '>p \a. y-�� by Dept of Health SafvJces _ I_ ' PLAN J � 5-02F_:11NI P-lErG-i3. .•-. _'�_ coLIcRL%.TE Nc gI2o IJNo ihduetri•1 wtotoo b£.bi�tthat GLRf'a v-I`*� rL�.l� •Pursuant to auf folk CouMty. aenitsty Code Articles 1 Ahd 12, I, I _ N', FOUNr� . hEtehY cectifY tbdt theta will Mot to any cifib permit► Dt j 4 � - FP(ta FbsE eNd there sill be Ire _ ___ - non=tltlhitCtl+ aetltso ditldinki d from the building -. _ tnkic or biertdeutl msttltthlb fitbted At the isittl uNletltl ape Water lines must be inspected by the �- - Iso. 54 uTILIT`r bJteinptiohtl ars yttlhted pOYtlneht tD thDse Attieltl� Suffol); Counib' Dept. of Health Services. \ 3 2C.o r-T To �'� � s Iii `w� rz, L � • , ^,,i I 17 FT', Sheet No: !2. bete--� Call his' .: `s sCi l ol9rs in advance, \ co,� I• EcI Ro l7 lticilitY Dwnerle f3igdtllOttl to <CiF'Ci?Ih.i inspectlon(s)• cel.JC RETE cURO-? Te6T MOLE OW% MkrJC7 - 2a�t� cURe�Ivc, �P¢o M�DVN�LD c�E'A�9c.JEaIcE � SOLITrbLD, IJ, f. 119'71 TO WtEE.T sU FF"OL c0. PwT IF DP.R+T; IC T`I d)Ll(.� yyyJJJD��RK3 SITE PLAN Iia N Rev . 6/1 /9Ce I •�OTS rv�Nj00S ajSJILDIwSG iJK.�--* 1 . Well must provide a continuous yield of at least I' IPI. bi Dgt�t�01 Vortih I'MaJ r1knio t;90 gallons per minute (measured at the outlet FYI -'w"A of the storage tank. LIST OF LAND OWNERS Fir k+" 2. Storage tank located in the bm building must be a minimum of eighty two (82) Lem y gal len capacity. KEY TAX MAP # OWNER USE >✓, s4' A. 113-12-9 BLANCH GEORGE 3, All materials, installations and items I T •410'4 do with the new well must conform to Health ng to B. 113-12-10.1 GARY J. DOBKIN & KENNETH GRIFFITH ��� `� C. 113-12-10.2 ADAM ASSOCIATES ELw * T— y. Department standards. IE, t40, I' IE, 4210 D. 113-12-10.3 THOMAS TALBOT VACANTSIN. I E. 113-12-10.4 THOMAS S ELLEN TALBOT PROJECT SITE b For I a F. 113-12-11 FABRIZO GENTILE VACANT 90 FT z2 Fr O .AP w1TH Lo[H G. 113-12-12 DOMINICK PRINCIPI VACANT v[urILATco cAelNa �j H. 113-12-13 RICHARD PRINCIPI 3 ANOTHER e E P T I;J rIc„/J F L_ E (f) O 1. 113-14-8 WILLIAM F. AMATO & WIFE J. 113-14-9 RANDAL SEINBERG 3 WIFE RESIDENCE K. 113-14-10 RANDAL SEINBERG & WIFE AGRICULTURE gII L. 113-14-11 SUFFOLK COUNTY M. 113-7-19.23 JAMES J. BISSETT III 3 IRENE R. Q Z N. 121.2-1 MIDDLE ROAD SHOPPING CENTER RETAIL I, I W O. 121-2-2.1 J.I.M.D. INC. VACANT P. 121-5-4.1 MICHAEL ADAMOWICZ S OTHERS `'"^oF ,^.,"'^T 9iL• a4' `^'T '"'N Q. 121-6-1 PHILP F. CARDINALE & SUSAN M. rRo LLL [PvER m ARAv[ R. 113-12-14 MICHAEL CARAFTIS & WIFE v I Flu- � ^ VALVE v�.0 LT LUG•R MP P.POYNON[ W TOP L 9.4. .1,101.1 P'YILOINGt FLANGE ALve L j P °•_ -- -- I T PIPE TA . �E HV IK 1-61 C .1C v j TANH W6, f C'•O' A wlolu B I a i l]LCCOEft MCTeR AIiL[ O DYTLR � J I � U / VO l V'� - ��\ ❑ •• I PIE%. SURFACE 11 r% NOTE CHANGE(S) .._, I I SOIL. ej, Nosltltl6FNL�RG .. : FINISHED GRADE I + SINSO' .h cll 21• NLET—..— F_MIN. _ — ��V / ' �� / � '' ❑ ❑ 6 1 r euANc"vreLE Z A / LLL JJJ� H Mi I, P olA OUTLET PYNP Cl 1155 2100 FLOW LINE t MIN. /'DIA N Q . ,',. / ! L 00 PIPE OR If / \ \ PL CHEDE 4'/11 NT N' . Id' •t EQUIVALENT t 11 730 P l r (j r \ �— ' 1 PITCHED I/S'/I' weu C QfiCgPliq Eln Cr `I R•n� T ! / p e' e.+e INA •- at1 ;: I w � • < 3LL I'D 056. W CLL w o If ) loo0 4"�L• D 0 L Tr `/ /:;�� G°�r. rs.. AMIN PACRtEq w , c 8_01 �T - ¢ - - 3-7 AtjOIFEA jTkATIIH TYPICAL_ SEPTIc• TANK. v , t G✓p-ped `N LIfILITY NIGDL C r10/1� CIJo0.TIJ Ro,7 CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER TO GRADE / p�I.Ss ' c2, t8 wlVrfl w.Rj�€ I-oc N.INq FINISHED GRADE D A 1 % TYPICAL .WELL 'bETAIL INLET MIN, p DIP rIfl l� SS [ C LA2400 PIPE fefeCt 9(p�L(• ISS DMIN, ID'DROPY OUTLINE (IF DIST PoOL MIN.CLASS 2900 OR EOUIVALENVPLENT PIPE Drawn Lj'rTH -�- 0 PIl/O%O MIN. \/ ® ®®® ® SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY Checked By: IJ9 m a. II S'1®®® `a C— r FLOW o V - ® ®® ? N.S. REF.N0. Date: G 4 9 L ?n, TYPE L2 L1 S !-7"L14-L Scale: 00100'-011 This approval is granted for the construction of the sanitary - Q, disposal and water supply facilities pursuant to Articles VB and 7 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Gods and is not in expressed Sheet Title: Ns'i w j nor implied approval to discharge tmm or occupy the o n I structures) shown. THIS APPROVAL EXPIRES TWO(2)YEARS SITE FROM TH DATE BELOW, 11r ,'MIN r11, � y y6 PLAN A. flu 8bin a� O E SIGNATURE nr Y c & SITE DETAILS �1 IV LE E^tJ17 ' 41 N®��.. �.�' A1�`e'J�ro'�I(i'�1� III, 2FT MIN 0.0OVE GflOUNOWATER 1 { KEY MAP 0 ELLS �y� �� 1M� O LEK NINCq FGM1/L6 OPCNFILL MgTEkIPL TO OE CLEAN "a D9p4 of Nealfh$0NIC85 Sheet No: SAND,AND GRAVEL +i G % 130 wo SCALE: 1" al 100' - ON 6'MIN PENETRATION IN A VIRGIN STRATA OF SAND AND GRAVE Water Ater ilne^J a ry4 be inspected by the T SufWkt 130untV l)el:,t. of 1-10alth Services, YPIu _F..c-01I4G IxDOI_ Call 862M100, 2-4 hours In advance, to schedule inspection(s). 2 I PLANNING BOARD MEMBE ��$�FFOJ41 RICHARD G.WARD �1� �Gy� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman v O 7 P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM1 JR. '� w 2 4 Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y� ����" Telephone(516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 24, 1996 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed site plan for Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop SCTM#1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Talbot: The following took place at the December 23, 1996 Planning Board Public Meeting: The final public hearing for the Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop was closed. WHEREAS, Thomas Talbot is the owner of the property known and designated as Agricultural Equipment Building, located at County Route 48, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-113-12-10.4; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on July 2, 1996; and WHEREAS, this site plan for Thomas Talbot is for a 5,000 square foot Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8), Part 617, declared itself lead agency and Issued a Negative Declaration on August 26, 1996; and WHEREAS, this site plan was certified by Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector, on December 23, 1996; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval on the surveys dated August 1, 1996, and authorize the Chairman to endorse the Page 2 Site plan for Thomas Talbot December 24, 1996 final surveys subject to a one year review from date of building permit. Please find an endorsed copy of the plan for your records. You may contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. nce elly !chard G. Ward Chairman enc. cc: Building Dept. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS h�� OGy�;` BENNETT ORLOWSKII JR. y p < Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman '.', y Z P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS = Y .1,� Southold, New York 11971 KENNETH L.EDWARDS y • � '.. Fax (516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. ? l �.� Telephone(516) 765-1938 RICHARD G_WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 5, 1997 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site plan for Agricultural Equipment Machine Shop SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 . Dear Mr. Talbot: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, November 3, 1997: The final site plan approval for an agricultural equipment repair shop granted on December 23, 1996, is rescinded. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Thomas Talbot is the owner of the property known and designated as Agricultural Equipment Machine Shop located at County Route 48, Mattituck, SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on July 2, 1996; and WHEREAS, this site plan for Thomas Talbot is for a 5,000 square foot Agricultural Equipment Machine Shop; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8), Part 617, declared itself lead agency and issued a Negative Declaration on August 26, 1996; and Page 2 Site plan for Talbot November 5, 1997 WHEREAS, this site plan was certified by Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector, on December 23, 1996, and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval on the surveys dated October 23, 1997 and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys subject to a one year review from date of building permit. Enclosed please find 2 copies of the approved site plan; one for your records and one to be submitted to the Building Department when you apply for your building permit. Sincerely, � Bennett OX- rlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. cc: Building Dept. SITE PLAN Presubmission conference (within 30 days of written request) Complete application received (within 4 months of presub. conference) Application reviewed at work session ,ro_` ex (within 10 days of receipt) FAUm 0 Applicant advised of necessary revisions (within 30 days of review) Revised submission received ro.` ex oK Lead ,Agency Coordination 3 SEQRA determination o REFERRED T a- o 3 u H Zo ing B and of Appeals a vsr a zo N ( ritten comments within 60 days of request) ra Board of Trustees o -3Wding DepartPent c rtification) �` oK ox a Suffolk County Department of Planning ro.` oK cea w v Department of Transportation -St$.1to ro.` oK z (co4/1/`-%hl 6-o-Yb - 00 aPtment of Transportation o- County �.` oK e lk County Dept. of Health O K ,ro.` oK Y, re Commissioners Sent: R � Received• O ti t CE VED: P.6 tr B-aa Draft Covenants �r� Q estrictions rill I Filed Covenants and Restrictions , Landscape plan 'LOQ ixro. OK Lighting plan ro` oK ✓Cyrb Cut approval CcO aaxr�pEt'% �fP��K " S LOQ X Inco. K $eaith approval .m� OK rainabe plan o� � /'YI t'� ' � � / ro� OK Reviewed by Engineer �` OK Approval of site plan -with conditions Endorsement of site'plan o1 a3 0 Certificate of Occupancy inspection 25t i^ro. OK One year review kq r;;71 • BINDER CONTROL SHEET Information to be Submitted or Included with Submission to Architectural Review Committee Date Received Date Sent to ARC Site plan Type of building construction, occupancy, use and fire separation Floor plans drawn to scale - 1/4" = P preferred Elevation drawings to scale of all sides of each building, 1/4" = 1'preferred including the following information: Type and color of roofing - include sample Type and color of siding - include sample Type of windows and doors to be used, material and color of all windows and door frames - include sample Type and color of trim material - include sample Type of heating/cooling equipment to be used. Show exterior locations of all equipment i.e. heat pumps, air conditioning compressors, etc. on plans and/or elevations. Type and locations of all roof-mounted mechanical equipment Type and locations of all mechanical equipment and/or plumbing venting through roof or building sidewall. Type, color and style of proposed masonry material for chimneys or accent walls - include samples or photos. Details, color, type and style of any proposed ornamentation, awnings, canopies or tents. Photos of existing buildings and/or neighboring properties from four directions of project site. Type, color and design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. Comments: PLANNING BOARD MEMBEf zr�µ gUFFD(�- RICHARD G. WARD %V CQ • Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman 't� P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR C •C Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. y„ , Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS �4 r Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS Date Received Date Completed PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Filing Fee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN _New Change of Use JUL 2 t `.' a-use Extension _Revision of Approved Site Plan Name of Business or Site: fivasll Location: 2Cj.�j (Fri i:±q 1 � l 4a Address: L 111K N Name of Applicant: Address of Applicant: �e�O {�c�} r � �� � Jci N� Telephone: /CSF _ �)� i Owner of Land Agent or Person responsible for application: Iy C Address: Telephone: Site plans prepared by: License No.: Address: ] Telephone: a Page 3 Planning Board Site Plan Application 2,5A, Total Land Area of Site (acres or square feet) / _kj Zoning District Existing Use of Site Varlt Proposed Use of Site C -Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure's) -.1) ross Floor Area of Proposed Structure's) p Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) Percent of Lot for Parking (Where applicable) �- Percent of Lot for Landscaping (Where applicable) Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by n o Board of Appeals - Case # & date n 0 Board of Trustees - Case # & date no NY State Department of Environmental Conservation Case # & date Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Other Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? r,,,-yjfnq If so, have proper permits been obtained? t �t-Name of issuing agency Number and date of permit NO ACTION (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION) MAYBE UNDERTAKEN UNTM APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN SY PLANNING HOARD. VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. Page 2 Application Planning Board Site Plan App APPUCANPS AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK _ ���, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at � t hp��Q in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property,OFt*a�F of the (specify whether Partnership or Corp.) (Title) which Is hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, 'including all rights any duly has been care n established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan Infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined alrorl comply with vae the regulations adopted by �ovedanninwill o6 be altered or he Iclhangedng of tn any mane Plans dnerllwithouut he approval that the plans submitted, as app Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Signed (Owner) Qw�1f,Q Signed (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title( Sworn to me this— 19 R b U• day of J v a !NocarY Pu tic) fL1.�.1''E'it'I Sfi5SO Nolea7 Pw rci ,State of New Yolk Na.4755734 QUUW in Su14o0cq� Canm�9cden 6xplrae Nov.AL 9'q i SEOR 617.21 ty871_Text 12 Appendix C PROJECT I.O. NUMBER State Environmental Quality Revtew : . SHORT ENVIRONM ENT ACTt�ONS only FOR For Applicant or Project sponsor) PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by PPI 2 PROJECT NAME 1. APPLICANT(SPONSOR Lr� County 3. PROJECT LOCATION: 1 11 ppp /I MunicioalitY romment landmark lo., P de ma/�]� _ /'�_ ��J• 7 y, PRECISE LOCATION(Street address andaintersecnons, P N20 CT) C_O k� S. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ❑Modificationlalteration. New ❑Expansion I�Ur�� 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT yBRIEFLY: /fir rlC j.� 1� Ay pd acres 7. AMOUNT OF LAND FEC7ED: acres Ultimately --��— Initially a yyILL PROPOSED AN ION 'p oPoescrihe briefly ING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LANG USE RESTRICTION Yes L— Other WH Agriculture EI ParWFOrestJOpe0 space g AT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINE,�,FCommerc al ,,,ccccccYYYYYY ❑Industrial Irk, � Residentlal scribe: NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. 10. GOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING• ' royals STATE OR LOCAL) No If yes. list age nt/(s) and PermitlaPP ,Yes ON HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? it. 00ES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTT Yes name and permillaPProval G �No If yes,list agency f2_ AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL F�CISTING PEPMITIAPPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? yes Na 1 I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED VE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MV KNOWLEDGE Date: IfIl JPI 0;111 Appllcantlsponsor name: f�/ Signature: VN'•� YO' are a state agency, complete t e and y with this assessment If the Coastal AssessmentsForrn tion is in the Cobefore proceeding OVER 1 E- & ERRY,TOWN CLERK RECEIPT 059853 n of Southold , ' 19 G ld,New York 11971 DATE e.516-765-1600 p $ BY. PLANNING BOARD MEMZS BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. OG Town Hall, 53095 Ma Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y 1� Southold, New York KENNETH L.EDWARDS 0 Fax (516) 765-31' GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. 41, �� Telephone(516) 765-1t RICHARD G.WARD �JOl PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE : Talbot Site Plan Rte. 48 & Cox Neck Road, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-113-12-10 . 4 DATE: October 26, 1999 An inspection was made of the above property on October 26 , 1999 . The Planning Board recommends that a Certificate of Occupancy be issued. Pa ,� MEMORANDUM TO: Bennett Orlowski, Chairman FROM: Edward Forrester, Building Department DATE: October 15, 1999 RE: Talbot Site Plan SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 1 conducted an on-site inspection of the above referenced premise to ascertain compliance with approved site plan. I found discrepancies as noted on the attached photocopy of the approved plan. I OI 19 j991^'8 rein ewo6 re Po r2A w IT. t a\bofi @ w) �e')qy Loo V,Fc syss;a+v llarc� cuY�xa� Sear¢ can nvrtae lf4vek - mos-t he fav-06 , 1`r jrro have +0 let' Tow-t. tCYIIw W N%-en �wrk corn t e4e c� OK tvf �ar�CiN� S�arP$ .J" /7 0 0 Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: MMO� S feel man Subject: R9. Lc ;Pmemf Mach��� Shap SCTM#: i 000- 113 - /2- _ l0 Date: 1113 J° 7 Comments: rbvisecl Plans . NOV i a PLANNING BOARD MEMBA �agUFFO(qk C • RICHARD G.WARD :2 GG Town Hall, 53095 Main Road � P.O. Box 1179 cm GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. ti 2 Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. O T Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y �� Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 14, 1997 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Proposed Site Plan for Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Talbot, The Planning Board has received the enclosed report from the Town Engineer. It is sent to you for your attention. ' cerely, Bennett Orlowski, Chairman �gUFF04.. RAYMOND L. ]A OBS h�Q °�y ] ES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERINTENDENT 00 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Dy • PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, N.Y. Fax. (516)-765-1750 �rV �QQ Tel. (516) -765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JANUARY 27, 1997 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Agricultural Equipment & Repair Shop 205 County Route 48, Mattituck, N.Y. SCTM #: 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Orlowski : As per your request, I have reviewed the proposed drainage for the above referenced project. The design proposed is adequate with one exception. The Town currently uses a runoff coefficient of 0.6 for stone blend parking areas. The coefficient used in the design calculations provided a factor of 0.3. This change would double the amount drainage required to a total of twelve (12) vertical feet needed to collect runoff generated in the gravel parking area. All other calculations meet or exceed Town requirements. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact my office. erely, James . Richter, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs (Superintendent of Highways) PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of New York ) SS: County Suffolk ) of said county says she is the LEGAL AD CLERK of Suffolk County Life, news aper publ'shed in the Town of • County of Suffolk, State of New York, and annexed is a printed copy that has been m; regularly published in said newspapers r ewr; once a Creek for week (s) s. successivel , comtencit the day t of 1996 , ,O" ? d u. A[w LEGAL CLERK • Sworn to before me this day E 1996. x U---- ; N to llc -arJ4 o m WA NWXGWM WWPdkAtbdNWYA* o OiNidba�f�r ms`s rn AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as SL%M '/DOD - /13` /Z -/©.</ Zce-4/r l 0k jA 7t- //-6 by placing the Town's official poster notices(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remainqd in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on ;e-. Q 1996. 1 have sent notices, by certified mail, the receipts of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the above mentioned property on ®ec 1996. 7 /i/omAS %i9�/J0 Your name ((print) Signature /5'?") 14,6Id �.r� a� 10%l ✓y //97l Address Date Notary Public HELENE O. HORNS i!t DEC 2 3 1996 Notary Public, State of New York No. 495!R$4 _��i Qualified in- ffolk County SOUTr1, p -y" Commission Expires May 22, 19 7 FLANP��;i iL� _t PLEASE RETURN THIS AFF/DAWTAND CERTIF/ED MAIL RECEIPTS ON THE DAY OF, OR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING Re: S000sg, Ff 1 9,F'fq;e �S�iop�i�.o�r,r T•911o7� SCTM#: /o©o - iia -/a - lo, y Date of Hearing: / a3 9G F II Is your RETURN ADDRM corrtil on the reverse side? ch n P 426 746 758 3 W D Gs US Postal Servide Receipt for Certified Mail m No Insurance Coverage Provided. m Do not use for international Mail See reverse 33 Sent Stye 8 Number ost Office State &ZIP Code A t- SZ Postage $ i Codified Fee �(� 1 I Special Delivery Fee i 1 Restricted Delivery Fee N � Return Receipt Stwwin to _ Whom 8 Rehm Date ees nae ^' + CT J4 ostage y Fees � Po tma or 0,la - € ,,f, w o Gam. � a to - Tn- L w 3 __ - -�— ❑ � -I o o m 3'm y o m E m Thank you for using Return Receipt Service. $ O TOTIL P age 8 Ea co a o M Pas a4r .G E �� t° j' 6 G 6' ti ••.Flit-� - --�--- 0 ..�a° Sr ig a 05 UL U r6 l 691311111 esJesa eta uo peteldwoo�B tno6 sl i hl E Da �Er x&$ Ts � •� � � € €E a: N m aIXo Wa�583 $ c �1 - y 6epls esiena eta uo peteldwoo �noA at : R_ CU EMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CEPTIFICATIOt +! j SECTION—BLOCK—LOT TAX MAP NUMBERS /c7t76— '—w' 7 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON PREPARING MAP i A< DATE, NORTH POINT AND WRITTF_N & GRAPHIC SCALE All DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY & INFORMATION TO DEFINE BOUNDARIES I LOCATIONS , NAMES & EXISTING WIDTHS OF ADJACENT STREETS & CURBS i LOCATION & OWNERS OF ALL ADJOINING LANDS , AS SHOWN ON TAX RECORDS ' LOCATION & PURPOSE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS ^" COMPLETE OUTLINE OF EXISTING DEED RESTRICTIONS APPLYING TO PROPERTY EXISTING ZONING (4,g) iAREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING OR STORM WATER OVERFLOWS ..,WATER COURSES , MARSHES , WOODED AREAS , TREES 8" IN DIAMETER OP. MORE 41''ANY EUILDING WITHIN 100 ' OF PROPERTY PAVED AREAS , SIDEWALKS , VEHICULAR ACCESS TO PUBLIC STREETS rxloTg) EXISTING SEWERS , CULVERTS , WATERLINES WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO PROPERTY C: ; FENCING LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING (4,, PROPOSED B JIL INGGS--�OR TRU TT �RAL: IMPP�VE'.�ME�S D LOAD SWEET GEAS C/ � (y)! OUTDOOR LIGHTING OR PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS C1! OUTDOOR SIGNS- 239K SIDEWALKS LOCATIONNS WIDTHS : SIZE OF WATER A D SEWER LINES tea" n7 z •e ✓ ` e r�1°ms s' 7134Fs�3 -y �9/d9 ` L��.�� �9/ o5�FF0U�co m Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 25 P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 � ( TELEPHONE(516) 765-1009 FAX Na. (516) 765-102 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI JAMES DINIZIO, JR. Appeal No. 3843 : Upon application of ADAM ASSOCIATES for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII , Section 100-82 for approval of insufficient lot area and width of proposed Lot No. 4 (which is located in the LB Zone District) as shown on the subdivision map pending before the Southold Town Planning Board. Property location: North Side of C.R. 48, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map District 1000, Section 113 , Block 12, Lot 10. WHEREAS , a public was held and concluded on June 29 , 1989 in the Matter of the Application of the ADAM ASSOCIATES under Appeal No. 3843 ; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the Board Members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning and the surrounding areas ; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following Findings of Fact: 1 . The subject premises is a described parcel of land containing a total area of 7 . 6797 acres with 150 .54 ft. frontage along the north side of County Road 48 and 363 . 36 ft. frontage along a private right-of-way ( to the north) , Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, and identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 113, Block 12, Lot 10 . 2 . Under jurisdiction by this Board in this application is the requested lot area of proposed Lot No. 4 of 56,029 sq. ft. with the established 150 . 54 ft. lot width. The remaining section of the premises is proposed for division into three other lots which will conform to the minimum lot size requirement for the R-80 Low-Density Residential Zone District as follows : (a) Lot N1 consisting of 90 , 182 sq. ft. ; (b) Lot 02 consisting of 98 , 7.75 sq . ft. and ( c) Lot $3 Page 2 - Appeal No. 3843 Matter of ADAM ASSOCIATES Decision Rendered June 29, 1989 consisting of 90, 000 sq, Subdivisft . , all as shown on the Minor ion Map prepared by Peconic Surveyors & Engineers dated May 7, 1987 ( revised January 30, 1989 ) . Zoning CodetforethislrequiresnalmOnimumnaoBuareaGofd80e000fstile ft, and 175 ft. width for each newly established parcel in this Limited Business (LB) Zone District. 4 • In considering this determines: application, the Board finds and (a) that the circumstances of this application are uniquely related to the premises; (b) that the relief requested is not unreasonable in light of the circumstances; (c) that the variance will not in turn cause a substantial effect on the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience and/or order of the Town; (d) that although the relief requested is substantial in relation to the requirements, the grant of the variance will. not create any increase in density since the with residences; lots are improved ( e) that there is no other method feasible for appellants to pursue other than a variance; interes ( f ) that in considering all of the above, the ts of justice will be served by granting the variance, as applied. ACCORDINGLY, on motion by Mr. Din.i_zio, seconded by Mr. Sawicki , it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the relief as requested under Appeal No. 3843 in the Matter of the Application of ADAM ASSOCIATES for insufficient lot area and width of proposed Lot No. 4 of 56, 029 sq. ft . and 150. 54 feet, respectively. Vote of the Board: Ayes : Messrs. Goehringer, Doyen, Grigoni.s , Sawicki and Di_nizio. This resolution was duly adopted. lk GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, HA�C IRMpN COUNTY OF SUFFOI K SFATE OF NEW YORK PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that TOWN OFSOUTHOLD _ slie is the Production Coordinator, ofthe TRAV- NOT E IC HEARING RING ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed H M Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no- NOTICE IS HEREBY lice of which the annexed is a printed copy, GIVEN that pursuant to Article has been published in said Traveler Watchman XXV of the code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will once each week for be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town ................................. ....._..............................week, _ Hall,Main Road,Southold,New �` on the York in said Town on the 23rd successively, commenting ...� ........... day of December, 1996 on the d c- 19 96 question of the following: y . . .�A �""-"""" 7:50 P.M.Final public hear- j.ng for the to sed siteplanforj _c� Mattituck, J own of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- I�.............day folk County Tax Map Number Sworn to befor{e� me this�.�............ ygof 1000-113-12-100.4. / '.+w ! ..................... . I y../.6 This property is bordered on the south by County Route 48, on the east by land now or for- / merly of Fabrizo Gentile,on the Q .... u , ....................... ...... ........................... west by land now or formerly of Notary Public the Middle Road Shopping Cen- ter and Randal Seinberg and wife, and on the north by land BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER now or formerly of Thomas Tal- NOTARY PUBLIC,48of New York bot. Qualified in Sutfolk Coun Dated:December 6,1996 Commission Expires $ 1 I98 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Richard G.Ward,Chairman IX-12/12/96(36) facsimile TR AN S M I TT A L Date: To: X let# j o Fax #: 3 6 <q— �-S Re: Pages: (including covert p From: Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Rd. P.o. Box 1179 Southold, W 11971 Phone: (516) 765-1938 Fax #: (516) 765-3136 Permit No. ..4$-$?.... Septi mber 3, 1996 . ^ PERMIT UNDER SECTION 136 of ARTICLE VI of HIGHWAY LAW WMrq/,$@CUM Ile 01 ANCIO VI el In.Hlphw.y lar proYld,t p•rmlb Ip wort wrrn,n In•O.,'y I'd light 01 w.Y.E.C•pl In conn•clrOn rlln P•,bnwp ,b,.n In- "l-1...nCC O/I 10"-Ivv l OI a C..ly Iced oI op•nllOnl OI.ep........n DVr,wnl le In. ".+r.Ien.W IKVM Iw•nlY•I.vert 01 In•lv.nl4.nlpon\Ilon Cb Dor.lion,I,r m IK'0•r y�r%v, hly4.{M,I,Ilyly-dMrnln•IY•Inl1•.nln•IY•Inl I_P and n,I Y. ,v, .1 In. Ilre.OYr, FOVntp p•rgn,ilio,eelpOle llpn el w,ynl<Ip.IIlY 1n.11l pnl,ryGl prlm0r0•t ...n..., , y mad dent Or o,.Y.n.hl'amf Or ConleGtl,nleeVCh,md,OrCenlb Vel—w. y. m.0,tent erw.y.ny went.IbvC,Vre a, O.AR",er Ing 0•.•n•.e or w0, p.eo ..-Ong-he,eel,er I.y o/mNn111n Ihq\A YnduplOynd rlr q p,<OnOvlb or O•gin......ver or w.pr pipe\.••Capt In.«a0.,•c•rlln IM pima•rid t MdOtpnl DI l ror\p•r m n r n L•a e. Ina GOV,tIy eVDednpndanl O/NIdWYt101erp Nd 9vanl,nolwllheb Mlnp Inv Coni•n101 IvnChlw yn,VK Oyanylown aVp.dnl\rldml,a by mypinU,nlmklp.l l 'r.ty.Any In,, , v COrpOlUlen feare1I{.ruponanytowar,mad 0,the p1111.101wld Inlnp In•p...ment a• aroyoIM,Wrppq Wlhprtatl by IN,MtUOn,ON 0111 04,wCwlnp\Wrmq I,o'o-o•e M4L1.NONllnpandlne{n({knl{a4ona In anY0anm1p11D•<I. bw,•q Iy mVnl<1p.1COrpe'•IIOn IMIIMwand 11Mn0y elanIUUOIIIy Ie d•pOJI wlq u•epWrly I Vpe'w.nct nr wa^r wm el 'Ill-4wIIYbOnC1*,m-yby,PauI,.d.,.wneluen preCed.nl la In'o..nano Ol In.w•n•IIs.e.l0.d In uhwCuan.rA•Gevnly iup•nnl.ro.nl.nau.u.en.n r.D V,r.a-, ee+.,tine the 1.1" G of hlphv6ywOM1 pCrmll\,InClvdlnd the Ie.\100.cn.rDeO h•r.lw.II'll.-O10.M.In.i sumer or ben(1 ever\nlwlnp In•gr1O•m.Ke OI In. I.e WI.m•nla Or inew.,O.to P/plKl the In,....1.of I..CeVnly 4,,,ng p.ner""e"v1 In.ryY pynW N 10 a AlpAw.y wort permit,With,•\D•<I 10 0•I`.r.y•nl,l nC, pl r c r•r r ,.pw.upn.theft Lae Inln CMatd(nen the".apenb•III...Cl..sort."-,.om.n,u.u.n4 wnkh rat •ese 4.q..n"OI.00e •IO'he Ioolliy,In.0IIn.p(Illy j,OdI •O..r, ba pegnM 1.111111 wtmin me m qct ur,ylnp capedlyf lAe.ehtnQGOVnlyread end afty propOudInt"0.,m.mm.tI"Il"la„ el•.n.ae\y"Ing-the agent to which.VGn Lil9tY enrr•Iye•mY u..eIn„. IO wdnln ln.nnon.bly I.......of,lvtw...na any...,NoOe .CC•I., .Kul wnkh here been aeblfahed by the C,vmy 1vp.nm.noml.Upon Iomp„u0n 01 m.rml wlmtn u.ceway,ad,tool of raY,\ulnodl.a Dv m. w•,e- capelWon,mvnl4p.sty,and N4 or It,IV g gig.,I In Inpntl.iM0 D.n I porting 10,In♦ma m.naaa eM,•wig of,vcn wore or potion of eKh wort n I.11pnh room m,I, 01 Ing OIIMwohpato An advanhing ileo,de D4Y Dr d•+k•.p„ny11,IIn111.1rnluroIn••a.11owelIN.!•Cnen.h,llbC nmovd hem u•COYn1rrwddent ofr,y er of election D.of ..h Sthne hl to IU VKubn.The COVnIy WDVInbn0.n1 IOW mil.I dem,n0 by^•.11,to the fall known IYdela of 1.pwnU,.DDan nl Ornp or p.,IY r•IDOn,w, 'p. - p.Guon el..Ch advenlllne alert,Olmlay O/device.Iw lla emov.11n0.1111 h noI r.mov0 ronin Ir•n1117010ap hem IAS dee of U.mdling OI I VCh e.m.ro.ln•<oanp.vpe'nr. mry omen.ny WCh adY.rllllnp Ilpn,d1apl•y0.device,e,1ny p.r1mu.dl,fromIn.CWnlyrw O,ianl Olway.lM elm......y,O.d,Iphl OIw.y.n.f .,,."v „ . Ompm.....n..uCu0. mean IM eeur9 width baawon the bounce,line at CI Dw D.ny rhllh III l 0.•n pV,,.,,0•.Dpmpdu.d by the C Wnly 0'Choir Iled pwpOR\,oil properly C,wn,Ing Cee auper{nbndenl OI IJa pedK4.On Ap gaVmCd IWLdI<IIOn Ipr G WnIY Io.d OVrpO V d.JI Olp p.ny peer wAkn M(Oyrlly Wpellne,W enl M\01 Wm10IVd CdkllOn OW'ny NI w'p0 0' COnCV VG40n.IKWIIPG{Ipn pI ITpIOYe TInI an0.11 pope11Y whit”n.a O.Come p.n OI N.iOVnly IpK\Y.ICm WOVen dKlGelkn OI VM.AnY p•I\On.IIIm d t w o * , . eNUY b14.We Wafill Nmh•40Minorm0,.W, WIneu1tli101 the cOunly 0.4(vd Ingo one NOvurW OolpnIwe,CAtlaY0l NObllOq to be nCO+.r.d bYtb COVn1Y\vplMpne••n.np ono - p sopa Una.,Ine.ruw b,In.c a u,vplen,recon U. 0 T KGpd.Ma wlln Ne prOYLIOna Ol hop e.11<Ie,,IWm.y.tip b.r•mOr.O torr.bomalle ep.Iurb IN VGIIOn\M mllnlenlM1 of C OVnly read.on the C ovnly•1,O„It,- - IVplemeCW11oI41.nIla, Y GWn1Y WpIIInLnd.nl uponpe.....n IF I n.CWn1Y co,"OI In,C OV^'y err 0 ^ WHEREAS a certain hway aS has been IImproved and Is oln the SuffolknCoulntyMiddle Road Road Svslem and CR N1p 48 n WHEREAS, Thomas Talbot E 150 Hobart Road, Southold, NY 11971 T n : Z i nty C u install 20' of residential asphalt ramp. Restore Count R.O.W. All S'eo esI D rmisslen �c b Specifications and/or Typical Sections. On the n/s/o CR 48, Middle Road, 260±' e/ouCox /D O as per sketch or map attached Neck, Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold. NOW.THEREFORE, permission Is heleby granted to said NOTE: Sprinkler systems are not Io do said Work Vp0^ Ine lollowinq Condrlrpns permitted On the County CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS RIO.W. 1, When concrete la removed, cul concrete with concrete saw two feel outside the limits of ther excavollon and for the IVII pansl wldlh.When the cul Is made In pavemenl wllhln 10199101 the panel folnl,the pavemenl shall be removed for lull panel wldth from the w1 on the lar slde of the eaeaJet,OO 10 the pane/folni. 2. Baeklllland thoroughly compact fill using POWER TAMPER,placing 30,10 so that various lYDes of soil are In same relative Position w bel,,e 93:0haling. Grade to original mrlaa5a. J. Replace pave'•nl,sl dew s lk or surfac9 same 99 0xlsllnp;II conenle,F9plac9 using 1:1 714:3 1/2 MI. 0One fele eoncre 19911 1,Uu by.n.0 materia 1, replace using same type as r9mov9dr e, 11 eoncre I. curb A removed, r9 place wllh ilmllar curb 1:1 3/4:3 1/2 mix. 5, Edg9 01 Jacking Plls or any other excavation shall be not 1961.lhon 5 1991 from Edge of P9vem9nl. No - UndercUtling allowed In PII, 6. Notley the D9D+rife and al Yaph anklwhen the work la bb9gln so lh 9l anin sp9ellon untie Maness Ih9 operation' .Tele e 1/852-4100 This Dermal shall not be asslgnetl o, Iransle,red wihovl he written consent of the Commissioner of P The work aulhorited by Ihis permit shall be Performed under the sea Dvrvl3ion and to the salolar 01 of lit wo k mi 1 Works or his npns9n411vp, otitic works. Particular attention Is called Ip the necessity of In r s5 on9> 01 PVbI1C Public Works. o oughly Compacting the back 1111, Which will The Commissioner 1 P c t e hen It by the Commissloncr 01 aulhodzed by this permit,and Prompt notice of I Icomplepp�ek's notice b said a The said applicant hereby agrees to hold the Slats. Courtly and Town h r fl applicant of (he dela when II Inl9 nos to begin the work during he progress o1 the work a0lh0dsed by this,permit or by reason thereof. es3 on account of damag9s of an kin whl h APPIIC&nlcsrUllas all persona concerned with actual work Under this Y d c may a,I,, and the State,County and Town shall be held harmless on seeowt Ina/.ol, The Commissl0ner of Publlc Works 19$6,965 he right to el any Uma re oke o,9 nnul hlsv armlet W0rkm9ny Compensation Insur,,.ce with the farms and conditions Upon which it Is granted. The applicant agrees to Day all necessaryp sold Ing sold nlIng f fall to r,l ConIlled'by the Commissioner of Public Worss Such P Intentrel Io supe rel with and days fon by e refloating son pd the Ptholio Work under Ihis permit to be commenced wl hin thiirty da to ys ro made wham len days from the dIna0 0l such Permrl a a The applicant shall submit a detailed plan of structure babe bvilt,twHh al nest Ipml^o�continued In a a Ing eenllied accovnl It Is understood Inst should IUWn chart 0e01Uow Menne, ap pllcstlon end permit the Applicant shall on notice 1, grade I r Commissions'i I p ODOt, C Malhed of construction hla Own es g t or grade of the highway /soulr9 elhanpes In Ih9 work cove,en by 1n,, pens.within the ('me so apedUed In notice. o Public Works mak 7rallle shall be maintained by Thea Make Such nets ssary than Y PPIIc8nI on this seclion o1 the highway while the work Is Inprogressej. al A Certified Check and UnIII Its II^aI tom ole l'o- Bond Cash 1^ he sum of $ ...la 000..00.... On PIIS page idle to Inc County Treasury,of Sunolk „ d9Do311ed 93 HCUFlly that the hlghwey will ba d r951o,eIp 115 Covnly OrlglnaltOndlilpn where tllslVrOad al the Cxpen3e of In'apple the workhas beencOmp191ed,and he said Commis5lone. 1 P nroy be necessary for that ur Public Works lsn I cs^tea soon a, In consideration 01 granting thiss PlIntill thes said applicant CCe ett 0, relus• 0 parts mIthe work,lld 10 pe red all or 85 mVcn of such 0,D0 5, as v^ders,q reed acre els II subject to conditions de1c,ibe0. APnGta rel ... .Ce mmr 551.n. . .. / o <, of Pvpnc wen s. Sunpn CoVnr. . , .. � .icy'... ... . ... .. . . Dale U AVOID SERIOUS DAMAGE TO VITAL UNOEnGROUNO FACILITIES. P JUNIPER 7.9000 OR FOR TELEPHONE FACILITIES CALL N Y. TEL CO. F WORK AUTHORIZED By THIS PERMIT LEASE CALL LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COa.IpA my LORAL PARK 2.OFFICIAL 75 BEFORE STARTING T..c cc: Town Of Southold Form P-136 !�� Ia oI rill IIE'� — 51996 , SO+JTii^uLD i?i4t'a facsimile TRANS M I TT A L Date: S/ 17 To: dl - �i`✓ '� Fax #: 76" Re: Pages: (including cover) 761S i y3 8 From: Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, W 11971 Phone: (516) 765-1938 Fax#: (516) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o��gUFFOt C RICHARD G.WARD hQ. �r/� Town Hall, ox 1179 Main Road B P.O. Box Chairman L GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. y x Southold, New York 11971 u� Af Fax(516) 765-3136 BE ILLIANETT J.CREMERS JR. O Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS y'�O ��� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Article XXV of the code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 23rd day of December, 1996 on the question of the following: 7:50 P.M. Final public hearing for the proposed site plan for Thomas Talbot, in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-113-12-10.4. This property is bordered on the south by County Route 48, on the east by land now or formerly of Fabrizo Gentile, on the west by land now or formerly of the Middle Road Shopping Center and Randal Scinberg and wife, and on the north by land now or formerly of Thomas Talbot. Dated: December 6, 1996 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Richard G. Ward Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1996 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE, THANK YOU. COPIES SENT TO: Traveler Watchman Suffolk Times Permit No, ., G8 V.... September 3, 7.996 ll�Kv PERMIT UNDER SECTION 136 of ARTICLE VI of HIGHWAY LAWS Wh.,,tl,$,cllOn 13e 9l Anldl Vl of IN,Hlphvq L•v pre.Ia n;P I—'I Io/-.1% lr mIt,'I.VmlyI d11,MeI.,, E•C•pl In c wm.1t.m film e••<ww,/cue• mdnl•na K,I Mp"Ontonl DI 1 CDVnty r0•p pr open stens of 1 Caponrbn Dwwml Ie Inr p•o•nlyl of IKuon 1-•n1Y•1•.1n of In,1"'Ipon UlOn<w 00•nlon,I,-e,,.`( 'r-. Iv.nlY-OMr•Iphly nln.,nl/rlly-eM,nln•ly-loll•.nlnnY'Inn•.,•M nln•IY'Inr,.'101n•••rlr0•ellv,Mq,gn,Ilrn,tOrpOnllon 0<mVnitlp•IIIT In•II<pnlrry[I erlmpr0 . - tovntY read dohs vl vym,nu,K,ill aenn'llon Ip men ro.0,or[wurv<I-imin m•Iw^hn.0 npnt or•.<Y•ray.,br\•..vue IVF,pr eanrV(IIOn,o/,n10�••n•r0 or enol peo^r c/o Wrap Ion,el,er bye,mJnbin Inndn V/l/oprovnp rl/•1p/ienOvlb o•a'rl•.•p•.,•-••er-•brplq•,I VS.,1.,I'bb. ,H,,In,nrml,md<Wellbn•01,y.l Dv•^•1 n..n0n IMt ly•VparlM•M•n19110•Fil all ap•nl,nplv11h It'"Inp In,<.m. p•In Rnlu pnn,ypy anyloin•vwnnt'-dinl,aby•ray eln,r mtnklwl,VlnorllY.Any.•��.� o corppnUon m•Y,ml.,upon my teunl y load to,IN.purpel,of vle•nlnp In,plvm•ni e,Iw rn,ws.,pyrpeM•VlnOrll,d by Ihll ln'ti bN only Ill.,NC W Ino a q/•nll I r Ore•0•[ Ivrrin.4.111hlltMl•yIn•ILnlNdonlInYptn•nl pr 0,00 1, C9rpwnlen lh•en•.r and IS Nn by tI-.I VInOn1Yb0,pe,Il rlm N,'O.yrrylVp••Inl•,y,a..... IV-0l'"-10r„•Vnlybend.0 ob 19W1•d"teMfllon pnc'.ml 1p ln,pn-I'm,el m•gr.•Jlp•ed0.din mHw<II pe.oNna In.l'wncr.1h hep en,TMtwrnly,vp,nnl.rowlNul.r111thr n p�n.e-' 1.1p yvple pomn 1,.11IvOlnplM l•nmq<nr,9•e In... rlY•I•.r elape•Ila of,non,yo•bon•[pwnnl•<lnp1h.111w1Iml,IIrn. - r,OWr.m,n lael lnaVr,t o1.11 1.0.n in... ...OI Ih•<eVnly QV'm11"1 e•no/rn,K• .11,".ylpv,•wNla•nlpnvrys,Iylnym.NlmWIN n,qts lO O,l.,vrY lobs Krq e • ' omtI?y Vq -h-11 t-1-Inlotonlld•nllonint plelgclb•<Muyup,nM0,nlep^•^l lne nr nk vnkn"Yb(pegnhl IN."I". IN,n•tl., . I u•rbM1 lulu- r - `Mbw'1- of,t<'I 1111m I Imjml,Ilead no hPlny upon 1,nmrp.. n1 _110,,11 ung bnnrp•q,nm1,1M„Imlle vnkn w[n b<lulY n•Y lmp•I•IM. n. r "'I'm'up W.Y,St. .-It. countyroe C.Vn T,p0.I'l.no I I V......, nolom•n 'onabry 1...q••bl•Ivtv",rM,raylitr.p.,Olpp.rminp,<<m,n •[<•r,o.di , 1 •awl, nkM1 h.v,e.In a1,pn.n or by Vc .j,q,T, 0.nnl.nD.nl.vDen[U^o,•Ile••er In. •.Dn ranln In.tm,,,rw0 Flom D1 Fry.11,-0111.1 by In.119 Da+l •H'•C- Cerpe/•110 SmVnICIP•IIIY.•rad ni l II11111no lion In Inlnr lr,n,0 D•In po..... .. QI, IK„me"pallel IV:h•.erl Or ponlpn or l VN von ,I 1•I l o1h rnhln.11 1,­, I"In-QII illln.volap.rmltl.An.OY.nl dnp dog1, VYpr 1•ri<r,o/,rayp.nulr•ol n.cfro 1n a N0110m•f Ihil ltmplbm nlll b•nmov,ctramin.<ov,ty rwa n",o I-,y"ln.e_-, I"m•wnY 1.•pondbl(for ill•/•<Ubn.iM county Iwnlnbn0•nl Inm m,I.I p_."or_,,I 0lNt Il\me•.m Iad/,n or a.0­91.Ipp.r.nl a-n.,of p6ry tvloo•Lb,r �[ m,.lI of Sven•0"no"no pooldbpl•y or dtvlu.III illnmevl„no.un1.molnmens.•--Inlvn1Y mel e•y,kOm 4.1,of IN,ma111np el lWh 1,m•M.In•[eV^h Ivo•'.nit 1r- nrne.,my m<n edY.,Ihlnp Ilan,dll>hy O,0.0".e/InY p.,n n.,e 01.1.-m.c ounly rw1 pool o,vay.Th-k11-IeV ItIY Ia,d 11ph1 el vay'lops.Ionto pm 901.1 el mh,r n w'v„rblh Dt l.r'e In,bIb,of III prop.ray vum wwnn n b.•••911th•ua o.,Dpro D•In.d by IM eWn1Y for C9vn1Y read pV,90H I,ill DrDgr1Y e.a vn.en.n•[ego`, nl••Wtnl9l nit pr,ill" "n a nI•a&sou ulum,e lud.11enen lel c W my,0•d av,Dov e,JI D•Ow nY e••,r rnkn q v0.An1y lvgnnl.ro•n1 nal I,sum•a I V nldlubn aWnp P.q w n,vVCUon,rM.pnal(yCUpn or Imprpwm,nt aM•11 prOD.rIY'+nl<n N r b•(o•••,qn"m,"'T load•Y<Nm wfgwh e"Ie•IIOn oe Vy,Any"Item,ILm w C"O'41•o- I.Cil.WU W W W b•fine of mel sol NIn h,nlY raw panus Iter mor I m.m 1m.movum0 Jet...for'019 ay 91 NOLlbn.Sob,neo>.I Id by 1n,county,V",loll np..•r I•'d e.m - d In<cowlY u..awy b Int u•al pI h•cDVmly•cad brad r,r u.d V md.,mn•/IIP.Io/mo tw,n,vulpn.ncenllrvcuen arQ mllnitneK•el COVn1Y Fol pI em m,[ovn,yp,o r v ,ceaea ne<vlln Inl plovlponr of lmr aruar,rM m,v hp e,qm0 rd m......m n........... by 11v(WnIY[V"rinl•n O,nl VDOn glltlem IO IM e0Vn1Y(Ov1 Ol ln•<evmir I.CW/1 DI In.1111,. '- WHEREAS, a certain highway known as the has been Improved and Is on the Suffolk County Road Svslem An }d e Road CR No. 48 i o WHEREAS. Thomas Talbot E 150 Hobart Road, Southold, NY 11971 n � Z yy 5 c y install 20' of residential asphalt ramp. Restore County R.O.W. All per SUftol�C ounlly > oro S ecif,ications and/or Typical Sections, On the n/s/o CR 48, Middle Road, 260±' e/o Cox i CD o � DO' SkIl or map alhehed Neck, Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold. NOW. THEREFORE, permission Is hereby granted to said NOTE: Sprinkler systems are not 10 do Said work upon he following condrllcmy permitted oil the County CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS R,O.W. 1 When comet, is re,movtd, Sul •acavallon and lorlhv full panel width /Whentlh•cull$made lnpavemanlwllhln t0leele the roposed lolihlpan•Ilolnl,lh, pavement shall be removed Io,lull pan,l wldlh Irom the cul on the las ald•of the eaea0allun to the panel lolnl. 7. Bal and thoroughly compact IS,using POWER TAMPER,placing sopa to that various type,of Zoll at,In name relative poslllon AS belor• •,,;iaaling. Grade to original euriace. J• R•pbee pave me nit sidewalk or surface Sam, es eal,ling;Ileonerela•replace vring 1:1 JHSJ I/7 mla rico• mia concnlel II bltum moue mala Fiat, replaw Using same typo as removed, concrete Curb I. removed, re plat, with ilmll•r curb 1:I Wil 1/7 mla, 5. Edge of JackInq Plla or any olh•r eacavillon shall be not I•as.than 5 hes from Edge 91 P,v•menl. No Undere U liing allowed In PII. a, Nolllyar' Dep&rlm,nl al Ya phan k/Srq�when th, vo,k la to begs n So that an ln/p,Cllorl a an be m,d•of the openI n' Tele.U852-4100 This permit shall not be assigned o, Iranslerled w4novl the wr illen consent of the Commissioner of P The work aulhorited by this Dermis shall be Dlrlormed under the auperv4ion and to the sails gcllon VI lit Walk,, of vvbb( World or his Wore sense live, vbllc works, Pa Wolkl aIle-sten IS called to the neCeeSlly of holoughly Como,l the back IIII, which will be Public works. The Commissioner of Public Works shell , avl,ed by the CommhStener ill be oulhodted by this permit, and prompt "leen ons week's nonce by said applicant of the dale when it Intends 10 begln he wo,k The sold applicant hereby agrees to hold COmolellon dullCounty and Town harmless on account at damages DI any kind which may art<• A lof the work aulh drifted beSta a,y this permit or by reason thereof, Applicant progress eanl ee 111 slit alt Pa and the Isom$concerned with actual work Under this permit arSlate,County and Town shall be held he on account thereof, I dui covered by Workmen I The Coms and Commissioner of public Works r,$@,a$ the light l0 el any time rival orannvl this permit Should he 11 0 apDllcatnllf all llo comely with the terms and agrees lona y which it Is granted. The by th and agrees to pay all necessary ekDenseS Incldenl to supe.vl$ion end In spe<Uvn b r coillled by the Commissioner of put works, SUCh payment to be made within Ian Work under this permit to be commenced wnhln Thin Y Bison of the q(timing OI Sven The applicant shall submit & Y days Irom the data of days Homthe finds,l detailed plan of suucl r pan and continued In ung 0 & e ctrlllied II la understood that should lulus chs ngea In h,u,e ;Qbebuilt,g iidha o elhellhll0wol D Q,,Slf a manner oUnl a Dlicallon and Dermll,he a oraposed method I conWtr Vclip hPi own ex Applicant Shall on reasonable rap lice Irom he Co Of the ONr DI Public Work.mak In the alk Covered by Incl pen$e within the "me 50 specified In notice. Traf lie shelf be maintained by the &Vatican,on lest sec" a Sven necessary chsmg+s II A Certified Check on of Ihp highway while the work If in progress and Until Ill Itnal cornoe 1 o- M1 on 1110 > Bond Cash In the Sum of s ... 1. 000.00 daQ9aled _43 aecurllY lhallh._,d..,...._.. payableeQO11plv2.__.m...___..�..-- ^ �• avn05k COVn Y r fO.ad In llf OrlPlnelContlltlon weer � -' abaa been completed,and the f eld a db Wrbed al the esDense of l he a on❑ ds too-+ af "eY be necessary for Ihal purpose COm n`If slOn a.pl FUbll W <a nl !n Consideratlpn of DraP 11 oq lhlff Peum the id app❑ c or4flfherebyauthOrlfed Io aapand all iy vnoeri, ca nl nceollor relUfa 1p perform the w ork. O.a3 much pl such pPPpf•t at 9ned acceoq 11 subiecl to condhtons deft ribea. Commissioner pl PV"Ic lvpM1 f. $UI10�1 �Oon�, 7o nv010 SERIOUS DAneAGE 70 VITAL VNpEnG ROUNp FA ORK AUT �p BY RT THIS pFI-+ONF. FACILITIES tE$ CALL N V TELCOPLEASE FLORAL PARS( LONGO ItGHTING COtifPe " E5 PLEASE SInN 9 PI-ION 7 OFFICIAL i$ BEFORE STARTING .ter r'c� •Cr,pnf of Sov thold Fnrrn F-1J6 • ' -..- _. OEC - 51996 i snuir+oi n ul�•;ra PLLNfllNr!IBARD PLANNING BOARD MEMBER �gOFFd(� C; 0 RICHARD G.WARD" �.Z �G Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. ti at Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSHI,JR. p T t' Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS �0,( PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Thomas, Fisher, Senior Building Inspector FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Agricltural Equipment Repair Shop \\\ Route 48, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-113-12-10 .4 DATE : December 3, 1996 Please review the attached for certification. Attachments : ai1C91-�TcRAL 11S11TEi C=MMI i— • .,'SOS""r0� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. BOX 1179 n :astcnne ;ovc p "� Southold, -New York 11971 P_ amiec °nemces: - � Fax (516) 765-3136 iavnmes vaPonc. :r. _y • ��.;' Telephone (516) 765-1938 ;ernaeec:a 'vaisn liana '/an ;ur-n `aumaiG/'mole PLANNING BOARD OFFICE beer- ?arc Vew :urfolk/Gu[coeue TOWN OF SOUTHOLD =awarC Neinke 'bane<l laurel :ave imrviolo �eoerc '.:n ch L' l7 f November 18, 1996 ,l Ls.it � 2 Robert .G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer tn,_ Planning Board Office Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop 205 County Road 48, Mattituck SCTM # 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Bob: Based on our reivew of the submission for the above referenced property on Thursday, November 14 1996, the committee submits the following report : We recommend the folllowing modifications to the completed submission: 1. Windows on south elevation (facing Route 48) should not be bay windows, but flat, as the bay is too residential. We would also suggest consideration of shutters to soften the facade. 2. The transition of siding material from wood in the office area to metal in the shop area is awkward. We recommend that the office area walls be inset at least one foot on each side to facilitate the transition. 3. The awnings over the doors seem unnecessarily wide, and proportionally awkward. We recommend that they extend only immediately over the doors. 4. We would like confirmation that all windows on the west elevation are G54, Andersen. 5. We reserve approval of the sign pending submission of a shop drawing or otherwise showing more detail, specifically the lettering, and color. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact me at my office. Respectfully submitted, �------ Robert Brown, A.I.A. Co-chair ARC cc: Garrett Strang Robert Keith RK Submission Without a Carer Letter Sender: M Y TCL'I Ix)t Subject: A�1(i -0-uol ECrirm2nt �e pCGi( shop SCTM#: 1OJJOO- 113 Date: 11 113 Comments: { IUUc�r Plans _ c,levation dfau�� n�5 _ u,wn���g c4e,f-u� Is wiw` NX 13M6 SOU LFHOLD TOVaiV PLAP1NfNG 80A8D PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � C � RICHARD G.WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman t P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Telephone(516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS 'hO,( ���„� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: James Richter, Town Engineer FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Review of drainage for Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop 205 County Road 48, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-113-12-10 .4 DATE : November 4, 1996 Please review the attached for drainage . cc : Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways 4KATTITUCK FIRE DISTRIA K P. O Box 666, Pike Street Mattituck, New York 11952-0666 office (516) 298-8837 fax (516) 298-8841 Commissioners John A.Keogh,Sect. Walter Kosianowski,Chairman Barbara Dickerson,Treas. John M.Divello John C.Harrison George Lessard,Sr. G.Thomas Woodhull September 30, 1996 J Planning Board Office Town of Southold Southold, NY 11971 RE: SCTM #1000-113-12-10.4 AND SCTM 111000-125-1-P/o 2.20 & 2.27 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the above listed Surveys have been reviewed by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District. It is found that, as of this date, both of these properties have sufficient firewell coverage. Sincerely, o n A. eogh, M tituck Fire ist OCT 2 1996 SAMUELS & S35 Main Road A ITECTS 25235 Main RL[ETTV OFTRUE vA1 F4ML gj4,l, CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 P3 (516) 734.6405 RK FAX (516) 734.6407 DATE ' Oe " �-. ATT.TI O TO �l WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order Ef -�� <'�y✓��5Jr)� _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION - h THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval "p For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return_corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS -- - COPY TO � � , =�L'z SIGNED: 4 — _ reowa z<ct cmc.cAmn sea.plan. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notifylus at once. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 0 a ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES MARY E. HIBBERD, M.D., M.P.H. COMMISSIONER September 19, 1996 R.G. Kassner Southold Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Tom Talbot(Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop) SCTM#: 1000-113-12 & 10.4 Dear Mr. Kassner: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS; 'Department")has received your letter concerning the above-referenced project. The Department has no objection to your designation as lead agency. Based on a review of the subject coordination,the Department offers the following comments. Article VI Application Status: An application for the proposed construction of a 5,000 sq. ft. agricultural equipment repair structure was approved by the SCDHS Office of Wastewater Management on 8/5/96 (HS#C10- 96-004). Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at 852-2741. Si)nc��erelyy,,� Mark J. Reuschle Environmental Planner Office of Ecology MJR/amf cc: Vito Minei, P.E. Stephen Costa,P.E. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTRL QNALITV SEP 2 3 COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901-3397 852-2100 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 1'Richard G. Ward, Chairmany Town Hall, 53095 Main Road George Ritchie Latham, Jr. YO 9 Southold, New York 11971 B Mark tS. McDonald r ' Ol �aO�r Fax (516) 765-3136 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 9 1996 John A. Keogh, Secretary Mattituck Fire District Pike St. Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Mr. Keogh: Enclosed please find two (2) surveys dated for scTM 1 00— The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fire— wells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. ❑ The enclosed subdivision is being referred to you for your recom— mendation at to whether any firewells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shal ow or electric. Please reply by —3-1996. Thank you for your cooperation. Si r ly, / ,O ii l rd G. Ward Chairman enc. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Town Hall, 63095 Main Road RICHARD G.WARD P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. y 2 Fax (516) 765-3136 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Telephone (516) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS • KENNETH L.EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 27, 1996 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed site plan for Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Talbot: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, August 26, 1996: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, establishes itself as lead agency, and as lead agency makes a determination of non-significance, and grants a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely Richard G. Ward Chairman enc. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �5�� fl( (CO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road RICHARD G.WARD �� � liy�, P.O. Box 1179 Chairman v p t Southold, New York 11971 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Fax (516) 765-3136 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR- " w Telephone (516) 765-1935 WILLIAM J. CREMERS �� �'� P KENNETH L.EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significant August 26, 1996 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Proposed site plan for Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop SCTM#: 1000-113-12-10.4 Location: Rt. 25, Mattituck SEQR Status: Type I ( ) Unlisted ( X ) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No ( X ) Description of Action: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 5,000 square foot agricultural equipment repair shop Page 2 SEQR Negative Declaration -Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop August 26, 1996 Reasons Supporting This Determination: This project involves the construction of a 5,000 square foot building for the repair of agricultural equipment. Repair shop use is a permitted use in this Limited Business (LB) zone, thus the proposed action is consistent with zoning. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed, and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. There has not been any correspondence received from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the allotted time. Therefore, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The applicant will have to comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) and all relevant standards of water supply and sewage disposal systems. Design and flow specification, subsurface soil conditions and site plan details will have to be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). This impact is not considered significant due to the anticipated project compliance with established requirements of the SCSC and the SCDHS and the required relevant permits. For Further Information: Contact Person: Robert G. Kassner Address: Planning Board Telephone Number: (516) 765-1938 cc: Michael D. Zagata, DEC Albany Suffolk County Dept. of Health Suffolk County Water Authority New York State Dept. of Transportation Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Building Dept. Applicant PLANNING BOARD MEMBE• S�Jr�*��� - • RICHARD G.WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman ���� :;A P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. o '� ,, Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. ,? v Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMER9 1� -Y KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone (516) 765-1935 `�ijJol �a��.,r, PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 23, 1996 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: . Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop 205 County Road 48, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Talbot, The Planning Board has received the enclosed request for information from the Architectural Review Committee. Please send the requested information to this office as soon as possible so that we may forward it to the committee. If you have any questions of either co-chairmen of the committee they would be happy to assist you. Mr. Garrett Strang can be reached at 765-5455; Mr. Robert Brown can be reached at 477-9752. If you have any additional questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. Sincerely i RobeYt G. Kassner "Site Plan Reviewer Encl. cc: Garrett Strang Robert Brown Nancy Steelman August 19, 1996 Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer Planning Board Office Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE : Architectural Review Committee Meeting 4 : 00 P .M. , Friday August 16 , 1996 Dear Bob; The Architectural Review Committee held a meeting as indicated above and submits the following report of it' s findings : Strong' s Marine Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck Y Tax Map # 1000-122-04-44 . 2 1000-122-09-03 & 6 . 1 This application is approved incorporating the revisions to the drawings and samples submitted under applicants cover letter dated August 9 , 1996 . Laurel Lake Vineyard Main Road, Laurel, New York Tax Map # 1000-125-01-2 . 26 , 2 .27 , 2 . 28 & 2 . 29 This application is incomplete and will be reviewed upon receipt of the following "check list" information: * Type of heating/cooling equipment to be used. Show exterior locations of all equipment i.e. , heatpumps, air conditioning compressors, etc. on plans and/or elevations . * Type and locations of all roof or wall penetrations including mechanical equipment and/or plumbing venting. * Type, color and style of proposed stucco material for chimneys. * Details, color, type and style of any proposed ornamentation, awnings, canopies or tents including sample or photograph of material color. * Type, Color and Design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer Page Two August 19, 1996 Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop 205 County Road 48 , Mattituck New York Tax Map # 1000-113-12-10 . 4 This application is incomplete and will be reviewed upon receipt of the following "check list" information: * Floor Plans of New Building Drawn to Scale - 1/4"=1' preferred. * Elevation Drawings to Scale of all sides of the New Building, 1/4"=1'preferred. * Details, Photographs or Brochure Showing the Proposed Awnings. * Type, Color and Design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. The submitted plan and elevation drawings must coincide inasmuch as inconsistencies exist in the previously submitted sketches . In addition the committee would like the applicant to consider providing a more pleasing window treatment on the south-facing elevation of the new building. Upon receipt of the above, the Committee will re-convene and respond to the Board with its comments . Very truly yours, Garrett A. Strang, Architect Cc-Chairman ARC • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 40 v Pl6 ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STEPHEN G. HAYDUK,P.E. COMMISSIONER August 5, 1996 Town of Southold Planning Board Office 53095 Main Road AUG 9 '996 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 , Attention: R.G. Kassmer RE: C.R. 48, Middle Road - Thomas Talbot (Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop) - SCTM #1000-113-12-10.4 Gentlemen: This Department has reviewed the above-referenced SEQRA. Specifically note that: This Department's acceptance of the Town as lead agency, pursuant to Part 617, Article 8 (SEQRA) , in no way waives the County's rights pursuant to 239K of the General Municipal Law and Section 136 of the Highway Law. A permit from this Department will be required pursuant to Section 136 of the Highway Law for any improvements this Department deems necessary along the County right-of-way. Before a permit is issued by this Department for these improvements, documentation pursuant to Section 239k of the New York State General Municipal Law must be forwarded to us from the Town Building Department for our review and comments. If you have any questions, kindly contact this office at 852-4099. Very truly yours, Richard J. LaValle, P.E. Chief Engineer By: ,V z� M. Paul Campagrfif Permits Enginegr RJL/MPC/jfb SUFFOLK COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 335 YAPHANK AVENUE • YAPHANK. N.Y. 11880 • (516) 852-4000 FAX (516)852-4150 PF3 S A M U E L S & S T E E L M A N August 1, 1996 . Mr. Robert Kassner Planning Department Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop Mattituck, New York Site Plan Application Dear Mr. Kassner, Enclosed, please find nine (9) revised Site Plans for the above referenced project incorporating the following changes: 1. Revision to entry driveway as requested by the Planning Board. 2. Relocation of business sign adjacent to entry and 15' off property line. 3. Miscellaneous changes to sanitary system as requested by SCHD. If we can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Samuel & Steelman-Architects ancy Ste n, R.A. t n L ARCHITECTS r 25235 MAIN ROAD AUG CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516)734-6405 FAX(516) 734-6407 `---- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD �`�� CQ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman ,r � ���.,., P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. o '� '; Southold, New York 11971 E3ENNE'CP ORLOWdKI,JR. �� s- T _� Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS' f�U� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C {, Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1 . Your jurisdiction in the action described below, 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you 'n your resp nse. Project Name: Requested Action: • i SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I V')` Unlisted /� Contact Person: �16X ( 16) 765-1-1938 Page 2 Lead Agency Coordination Request The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Comments: Please feePIree to contact this office for further information. Sins is G. Ward Chairman cc: ea s ees Building Department Southold Town Board Suffolk County Department of Health Services NYSDEC - Albany Suffolk County Department of Public Works U q A MNI GGTP ,zr ,ng,r kers New York state nep2rtmant nf T-pnspQFil;;tiQA John nht (;raannnrt P Fil'n I f}ilitiac Raymond VanEftep r_rt nrt Viliagp Administrator oT70 SEO'r y PROJ E;- LD. :Iufa BtR Appendix C -',-- State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART —PROJECT INFORMATION TO ce completea by applicant or Project sponsor) L PROJECT,NAME I. ApOLICANT!SPONSOR > /"T j..T_n f i7 � J. PROJECT LOCATION: A-()-) ! M unm:oaltlY / ��l I �. roan intersections, proprominentdrk elanmas, etcromm , or pae ao 1, PRECISE LOCATION tSlreet aoaress ana S. IS PROPOSED ACTION: New Cl Ex cansion ElMoaiticationlalteration. o. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: t 7. UANAFFECTED: Inill acres Ultimately acres 3. HILL PROPOSED >CTION COMpIY ',PITH EXISTING ZONING CR OTHER <[STING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? qYes L_No II Na. aescnae onelly 9. 'NHAi IS PR ES EDIT UNO USE IN `/IC:N1T'rl��gO77F PROJECT' i�1 P3rklFores[lOoen space L Other tRemoentlal ❑Inaustnal W�Commerual i_.;?gncwture Oascnoe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOL`/E A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGE?ICY IFEDEPA STATE OR EyesLOCAL)? Eyes E No If yes. list aglenc•/(s) ana permil/approvals n. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ❑Yes ,21 No If yes. list agency name and permdlappraval rApplicanasocinsor ESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL—EXISTING PERMITIAPPROVAL REQUIRE .MODIFICATION? NoI CERTIFY THAT THEINFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNONILEDG`cDate: /name: J 31gnamre: If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBl gUFFD( � 0 C RICHARD G.WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ,- -Q�' OG� ChairmanP.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. :; Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Fax(516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ) ��, i Telephone (516) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 30, 1996 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed site plan for Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Talbot: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, July 29, 1996: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board start the coordination process on this unlisted action. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, ai �� ���/x- Chairman PLANNING BOARD MEM$ 0 ?y pgQFFO(�-�, RICHARD G.WARD CJS CQG .\ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman P.O. Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. y ='� Southold, New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. y y Fax (516) 765-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS O �;. Telephone(516) 765-1935 KENNETH L.EDWARDS V+ yif, 0�;•.' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 15, 1996 Thomas Talbot 150 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop 205 County Road 48, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Mr. Talbot, The Planning Board has received your elevation drawings for review by the Architectural Review Committee. The drawings are inadequate; please review the attached list to see the details required. If you have any questions of either co-chairmen of the committee they would be happy to assist you. Mr. Garrett Strang can be reached at 765-5455; Mr. Robert Brown can be reached at 477-9752. If you have any additional questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. in r y _ / � K o ert Kassner Site Plan Reviewer cc: Garrett Strang Robert Brown Nancy Steelman INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION TO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE. * Site Plan. * Type of Building Construction, Occupancy, Use and Fire Separation (if it projects beyond building envelope) . * Floor Plans Drawn to Scale - 1/4"=1' preferred. * Elevation Drawings to Scale of all sides of each Building, 1/411=1'preferred including the following information: - Type and color of roofing - include sample. - Type and color of siding - include sample. - Type of windows and doors to be used, material and color of all windows and door frames - include sample. - Type and color of trim material - include sample. * Rendering of building if possible. * Type of heating/cooling equipment to be used. Show exterior locations of all equipment i. e. , heatpumps, air conditioning compressors, etc. on plans and/or elevations. * Type and locations of all roof-mounted mechanical equipment. * Type and locations of all mechanical equipment, plumbing and/or attic venting through roof or building sidewall. * Type, color and style of Proposed mason ry al for chimneys or accent walls - include samplesorphotos. * Details, color, type and style of any proposed ornamentation, awnings, canopies or tents. * Photos of existing buildings and/or neighboring properties from four directions of Project site if possible. * Type, Color and Design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. * Presubmission conference if requested by applicant. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD Chairman GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. .''� BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. - Town Hall. 53095 Main Road N WILLIAM J. CREMERS P.O. Box 1179 KENNETH L. EDWARDS Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) '65-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (5 16) 765- 3 13 6 FAX COVEg I SHEET We are transmitting .from: FAX' # 765-3136 Date: .' `- Subject: �� / ��� RLQ/► I Fax : d#4 From: S S• I L ,/` Please call us at 1516) 765-1938 if you did not receive all paces Total (number of paces :nodding cover letter: ry#1 y, , �/* °� f 7 TIP 19 Ix N l 9 P. U �\ 3J easy (H 1t -4 nbuepa �n -do3szrr�sr- `\ �� � '\\ -SZl = . 1'irndsv \� 1 IN W31 CL X Pd (ls/Pd weg F \ � � dna k 9XPf ,-h qslpd \ �� oG,r. . b • 1!PPd P= " p,~ �:- OJoI � �-off 5 'd/H 'M Ot,l'-..., • : _ ,\; R+3�bh r�� u zirto98 :M0 :3NO W31 wio1S oMaoad—++ 1b�r,o� 8 �i �ciM "w 0 PHOS • � S'ap`rdS L� �a d I=>` ; O X c ria x iu!>IJed. )OL < P' �N OZ Q '7 Z 1 WJOIS "r'rVC -+,1y piano ] uuo1S sd'N 'M oSi 1 rlh n ) PHOS b A--t'ZYI17?61NnaN ,lvr1 • i a 0.1, X — ---- ina x 'N 1d5 � s►ldoi - �,��,.�;.' 1 p Zr Q'3coaoTad�1\_' 3 • T � l� -�• � � ANN P ' _ _ t,_ �� c� �, .s,> �' - y 1 �1� • � r 1 -ua.., � �� _ f wW` � �Y 1 ,y' �� � ��kF� _• J e: y _ .,� i � ti �.: ��` Y �. C�' ��� � 1; kr - �� t .y<y ... � ,.. Rs r �` _ ¢�'�4_,. a. _ � .. 1. "iP.,� ^.:l:� _ §:i _.. �� ___ �, � � �- '"'�•,� `vi;., y.,., �. . n p, w ��..��� i�Y � i ; s� r - =,--—, _ . at I..Aff111. X i a Yc S A M U E L S & S T E E L M A N June 25, 1996 Mr. Robert Kasner Che�K inargW6,. Planning Department Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop Mattituck, New York Site Plan Application Dear Mr. Kasner, Enclosed, please find the following items for Site Plan Approval for the above referenced project: 1. Application for Site Plan Approval and Environmental Assessment Form 2. A Check for $425 for the application fee 3. 9 sets of Site Plan drawings by Samuels & Steelman Architects 4. 2 Sets of Architectural Drawings (floor plan and elevations) drawn by Bob Grigonis and stamped by Lawrence Tuthill, Professional Engineer and Metal Building Drawings prepared by Independence Steel Products. An Application has been made to SCHD for their approvals. We will forward this approval to you once it is finalized. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact the owner, Tom Talbot at 734-7439. Sincerely, Sa I Steelm m Architects JUL 21996 l/ nc L. St an R.A. 16 ARCHITECTS v 5 MAI a U , NEW YOR 11935 x.15 734-6405 511 6)734-6464 07 r S A M U E L S & S T E E L M A N February 13, 1996 Planning Board � Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 L Re: Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop Route 48 Mattituck, New York Dear Board Members, We are submitting a preliminary Site Plan for a proposed Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop in Mattituck for your review. This project is located adjacent to the shopping center on the corner of Route 48 and Cox Neck Road and involves the construction of a perfabricatated metal building. The site plan indicates an accessory building in the front yard area. This building is an old barn (see photos) that has recently been moved to the site. The owner would like to use this building as a visual buffer to conceal the metal building behind and to reflect the agricultural nature of his business. Based on the Town's zoning code, this accessory building cannot be located in the front yard. We are willing to proceed with a variance if the Planning Board feel this would be acceptable. We would appreciate your review and comments regarding this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely Sa & Steel Architects ancy S Iman fG . FEB 130% ARCHITECTS - -- 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NEW YORK 11935 (516)734-6405 FAX(516)734-6407 Town Hall. 53095 'vlain Road irn n P.O. Box ork -19 Southold, New York 11971 (J n = ; __ a aemcers: W r„ F a3 (516) -65-3136 Teleohone (516) 765-1938 �. 3zrrace�e �'/aisn � �OI � �ro0 FI� '.n iieGer .lana '/an iur=n Soucaia/'-_mc pLA.NL TIN.L G BOARD OFFICE ve> iur.'oikfCu[com:e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD :+"war 'neinae i:lal�31G'CI LV J vie imrncc 7acef '.:nc1 1 'J IL7 r November 18, 1996 NOY2 ? M Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer Planning Board Office Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Agricultural Equipment Repair Shop 205 County Road 48, Mattituck SCTM # 1000-113-12-10.4 Dear Bob: Based on our rervew of the submission for the above referenced property on Thursday, November 14 1996, the committee submits the following report : We recommend the folllowing modifications to the completed submission: 1. Windows on south elevation (facing Route 48) should not be bay windows, but flat, as the bay is too residential. We would also suggest consideration of shutters to soften the facade. 2 The transition of siding material from wood in the office area to metal in the shop area is awkward. We recommend that the office area walls be inset at least one foot on each side to facilitate the transition. 3. The awnings over the doors seem unnecessarily wide, and proportionally awkward. We recommend that they extend only immediately over the +oors. 4. We would like confirmation that all windows on the west elevation are G54, Andersen. 5. We reserve approval of the sign pending submission of a shop drawing or otherwise showing more detail, specifically the lettering, and color. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact me at my office. Respectfully submitted, Robert Brown, A.I.A. Co-chair ARC cc: Garrett Strang Robert Keith SETTING A NEW STANDARD DEMANDS WE BE ANYTHING BUT STANDARD. Smooth operating,Andersent'Gliding 2,,').Pre-drilled for easy application.See Windows have a bold detailed profile that your Andersen supplier for other wall blends beautifully with contemporary styles. thicknesses. Both sash move smoothly,with adjustable glides,on a Perma-Shield"track.Low- PERMA-FIT®DIVIDED LIGHT maintenance Perma-Shield sheath on GRILLES.Available in interior,exterior exterior frame and sash designed not to and custom grilles.See page 167. rust,pit or corrode.Natural wood interior,The gliding window is available in white, SandtoneorTerratone'°color. ,' r © y BASIC UNIT FEATURES: yf " t, „ 1.FRAME.Wood members 3 - are treated with a water repel- v lent preservative and covered •a'5 with white,Terratone or Sandtone Perma-Shield cover. Fold-out-and-lock nailing t t-.) _ flanges accommodate 41M and ` 4Y'wall construction. r 0P6y�G 5� Z.SASH.Wood core treated with a water repellent Pre- You don't have to know all servative and completely d the 50-plus design innovations in covered with white, Terratone or Sandtone our gliding window to enjoy its (PVC)sheath clear wood stopson ilii,ri t 1 performance and appreciate the 1 or allow natm al comfort It brings to your home. wood interior It may be enough to know and low- maintenance V 0 this all-new window raises the exte"°`• r r ' standards of gliding window r' f performance far above the ) extraordinary. PERMA-CLEAN® INSECT SCREEN. But you may find it an addi- / Removablealuminum tional comfort to know this window 2-panel insect screen is avail- able in white,Terratone or F, opens and closes three times easier �r ;i w �l� A' � Sandtone color. than other so-called gliders. 3• t,r°r " PERMA-CLEAN®PASS- And that it's the world's most GLAZING. " , THROUGH SCREEN.Easy oper- High-Performance or - - ating pass-through screen in white, weathertight Wood gliding win- High-Performance Sun'insulating Sandtone or Terratone color available for glassoffer the ultimate in comfort and G43,G53,G436 and G536 only. dow. The only one with a 3-point quality.For high altitude or other special 6.HANDLE AND ESCUTCHEON glazings,contact your local Andersen PLATE.Highly detailed lock handle and locking system that operates with supplier. escutcheon plate available in contemporary a single control . That Andersen 4.WEATHERSTRIPPING.Flexible bulb stone,chrome,black,white or red color.A High-Performance'" or High- and spring tension type vinyl is factory traditional solid brass or antique brass han- applied for tight seal between sash and framedle and escutcheon plate is also available. Performance Sun" solar control 5.LOCKING HARDWARE.Lock puPlease specify at time of order. glass is standard for year round sash firmly closed or ejects for opening.llsCUSTODIAL LOCK.Contact your comfort. Temporary handle furnished with unit. supplier for availability. Alter five ears of rethinking, RECOMMENDED OPTIONAL y g, ACCESSORIES: re-engineering and recreating PINE EXTENSION JAMBS.Sizes avail- the gliding window, We offer you able from Andersen for 54q"6°Ar,°or 76"wall thicknesses(basic,jamb width far unit is the standard all others will be a for time living up to. 99 GLIDING WINDOWS -- 2 111/4 Table Of 3-n /a' a n l<" 5 ' Basic Unit Unit Dimension - f- - } --/js (ess) - r tlzooj (iso61 Leto i Dimensions in parentheses 3-s' a'-9" 5-s" 6'-s' throughout this book are Hough Opening fgUj—} }-��21y) -t (152a) (1629) metric equivalents,shown erw in I millimeters wiles otherwise Interior and Eoderior Unobstructed Glass" 1 12 s/+e' 18 she" 24 shs� 30 shs" _ _� noted. Grille Patterns (319) 1 47z) (s24) r 1 6) 1�_TT G32 642 o.�_. -1- G32 fi42 ka LL �E 71 II 1 1, l G33 G43 G53 G63 633 G43 853 �lI �IIIJ I II 1- � M son JILIU ON M 6336 G436 G5T3611 G636 1 GM 6436 65116 314e' F G34 644 654 064 Ga4 Go 804 F G35 G45 G55 655 G35 G45 G55 G65 Unobstructed glass measurement is for single sash only. iMzi, Ili Active sash Passive sash Venting Configuration NOTE:All venting indicated as viewed from the exterior. Dimension to top of operator handle in open position 101118" ' 1'9-3/8" 2'1 3/8' 2'5.1/16" 2'4-9/16 (256) (543) (645( (738) (725) h aT e III gill QLA G2 sizesP G36 saes v G4 sizes 05 s$es 610-1/16"(1830) 60314"(1543) 4'8314'(1441) 4'5-1188"(1348) 4'5.-1116"(1360) \floor line Handle Locations Operational force 8lbs. 100 AA 9 F Y I I � j j ? i I � i t ko Ov4kwar� ? 9�FLrssl N*� I 10Vi e/Sl �J _____- z5 ____ - _ ........ L� sj S O 4 f gOFESS{DNF J I T i i i 7 J __W 1 �rtr 50 14e m , 7 { 4\ `0 ' Mo I F NEW r vw gOFESSO'4V j t v+h I Y M r)) VC 1� SPS •x ol C) C=F i � Oi3 C=F'Ti1GON IS -Ri% Soo-rHQ� 68 50 All' IT—W r- S d� � pf kv,' r� ys 9 &A.avIF PAt, uT TDP > B p r0 M Co R a TP uSS e_ R-t1 KeQFr = a 'PuetJs � / r a4" O.C, f7 a9 GF+tt4t_6 STCECEtLtav ( % O.S.3, p90 ESS1�NPyk SAID G to4�°, E-- 1 A 130ACD - 3 41TCA) CELAC S1D6+Xr s � ax4 ccA oc2fTC Cl R-B �L IN j �- - 80 ZONE✓ \ I N 87' 1_7_ 3o" � N F So FT NPIZ-1JRnL ° O %IJ P 1=E R-� S = Y ^ ' V J O FE;JCE Q Z O C- LP� zoNG W W GO U0.TYA RC7 CSI Ih 5 i . � t • � Q k, W Cu L. Iv - m i P^ F-tom."7r 00 \ 7 Z . �u18Tn.lc� / / / � ¢ • ' 6{-lopP'hJc� • � J � ' 2 p - r.C FS g�U�}7 W,� PRO POSLrP � -fY Nfi F:EL.oG.TEn \ ti ` 0 • E I.IT p.rr "I orilvG ,� y E Project No: 110 r Drawn By: Ito N Checked By: o - N Date: ( 7 .` Scale: H C1ID �9\\ O ?� Sheet Title: I)L � SITE PLAN s B7' la" �ro'' 1.�1 Iso. s•a-' ' I Sheet No: FB13 M Soul_THOLD TOWN SITE PLAN PLANKING BOARD SCALE : 1" = 20'- 0" _ . - - • ' Ili BUILDING: TOTAL' 5,720 sg. ft. - g p ZO N ff, Nh AREA Proposed 5,000 sq. ft , 2 Existing Barn: 720 sq. ft. \ ` 9 : TNo MH.s T�L3oT 7 so Hob< RT �D. SITE DATA -.�i�`ily�, ylo LOT COVERAGE: 10.2 % actual 1 30 % max •9ouTI4o LP tJ,Y,-119 71 1000, - 113 12 10, 3 LANDSCAPPED: 51.9 % actual 135 % min �}5 AREA N X70 17_ 30 c. _ _ - SCTM # 1000 - 113 - 12 - 10.4 PARKING CALCULATIONS: / \� Repair Shop: 4 spaces per bay x 3 bays = 12 spaces � N PROPERTY: Mat County Road 48 plus one space per employee x 4 employees = 4 spaces ADDRESS Mattituck, N.Y., 11952 ^hh Existing Storage' 720 sf @ 1 per 1000 sf = 0.7 spaces / U i\ �$ V / �( a \ u OWNER: Thomas 6 Ellen Talbot TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 16.7 117 SPACES "L / d hl 3 + t • I \ Sou Hobart Road = 0 / ` J �I Southold, N.Y., 11971 �n LO TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 17 SPACES _ /8 % FX1eTu.lc� O t 1 t p�LJGL.AS FIR (8 Tel # 516 - 765-5124 �/ } including 2 handicapped parking spaces q5 TRE^ip T + u j OI � Fe+..+o.IN r � po � EXISTING : Limited Business (LB) V O T N 1t / (I� ZONING �! Z' TRUCK PARKING 6 LOADING: O / \ `� LOADING BERTHS: 1 Provided ! 1 Required_ p - SITE: 1.28 Acres (56,029 sq. ft.) W . ( • AREA SURVEYOR: Peconic Surveyors, P.C. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: P.O. Box 909 Proposed Building: - jr Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor ( �s` Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 5000 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 833 d. License # LS 49618 (,u a -Ip m a•,q Dated: January 3, 1995 ex1eTMG TfLEE ` - :i� ��,►" ' EE Mov ED GDLJR1' Y�RO Use. = 217 4 cf. 2 - 10'-0" x 3'-B" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf. kJALL/HoIJNT, A 44^5, .PFI R aUIJIPERCCaMP�TA) a 2 - 10'-0" x 5'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 342.1 cf. = 684.2 cf. LIpILIT 150. 1nl '+•I,P,e, �„ - 16 3v"•, 't3- a4"� G, NOTES: Elevations shown are based on National TOTAL = 901 6 cf / _ oUdK_ TILL 1�AIw N Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. \ / z 901.6 cf. provided > 833 c.f. required j - / 1 - o J / \ x Public water is not available within 500 H [� a PI��EEo ( \\, of property W Proposed Relocated Barn: / to Rr . 5 FT. �1, • \ O \ Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor \ / • 4, • 1 The locations of wells and cesspools shown 720 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 120 cf. pr JDA s�1N8EZG -1 Ft,FE •� I ' hereon are from field observations and or P.O u0«. I$w S } -� "/ data obtained from others. /QI 'Usa. M.�TTITUoI� 1 - 10'-0" x 2'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 136.8 cf. = 136 B cf. loop - I3 - 14 - 10 `NIr-IoryoPolorw •ay • '' TOTAL = 136.8 cf. a I � !'�_: 136.8 c.f. provided > 120 cf. required I f - 1 i0 ET6 6Pr H, d _ " CouCaL,.�S FIR. Ig'-lo) ` I � 7 raz - 4�8'-lo'I+ � • Proposed Asphalt Drlvewav' Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor 4,200 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 700 c.f. iso FT W.DILl,5 FRetl t•«IELL _ ._ ,typ. l•« - � v "p NO SANITA I2Y 6`f6TEM5 (' UkQ• w+' Via LL M°JNT,brEGLlRIr`I q �� \� tpt yPF uyLir ILL- '" � Use. FOUND WITI-I - ,N R..,DILJS �' DJeK TILL '04WN 108.7cf. ' F, �C L � ZONE\ r rn 1 - 10'-0" x 3-8" Solid Dome @ 108 7 Cf. _ 273 7 cf 1 - 10-0' x 4'-0" Storm Drain Ring @273.7 cf. - `_ 1 - 10-0' x 5-0" Storm Drain Ring @342 1 cf. = 342.1 cf. PROPFSEr� \ \ MATT TUCK TOTAL = 724 5 cf 724.5 c.f. provided > 700 c.f required L.IN1� rGNCI \ 61T Proposed Gravel Parking Area: w aTE2 i lyI«U Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor SIJELr 1 I� ,-7 sa•.�E� �.. AR.�H+ 11952 Lau 10,185 sf. x 2112 x 0.3 = 509.2 c.f. I�i 1 , - .; �" . - ,4 rvJ vC. / ® i�-P12 Po : . • � . , Lx rs2+ "d IID+/lw(:A I cO NGRESL- t / pR�rW G, II9 V CONSERVA t Use: = 108.7 cf \ I"I LL. .. d-• .a N �_� 1OFT# 1 - 10'-0" x T-8" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf eRE� ° "• c n 205.3 cf = 410.6 cf. >✓><'16T11J� I - ; L A U RE L e N - 2 - 10'-0" x 3'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ q~povE qP Via' v ��'p \ _ c - TOTAL = 519.3 cf 8i-11oPPItJCq TR^Wsroi Q w J - 519.3 c.f. provided > 509.2 c.f. required \� at=1JT EIZ /S \I ' kP. /• A- yp \\., h >\� `E J j p51� _I ❑ n o �� +tom,/ ° ,w Ps `« ce a ' = 6z 3 „' ++aa O ps , ,, � � o y � , LL a 6 NSF FyaRlzo yE+.,TIL� ,A.TI © 1J MAP 0 SANITARY SYSTEM \ � s - Ala- FRONT STREET L- ©G r � w " Om / PF IT2Gr•L .iNNIPG arow ylouNT O 1 Ca(jFrtl�lFb RAF N•V 119�{•�I- HYDROLOGIC ZONE: IV - 300 gpolAcre cho"o rI �, •r0^ 0,a, y'% .; ecouRlrr +� u jyy4 000 , 113 - 1 a - I ¢ r_ 16-241' HT • \^ P� 1 \�I�6D LJ, N/f//P. - • - pL1DK Ji1LL ALLOWABLE FLOW: 300 gpd X 1.28 = 384 gpd BLUE SPR YF ;4ALKv14Y \W • S" LAo-JN \ DESIGN FLOW: 5 - Co FT HT A e wbq' ,FJMf. 1. proposed Addition 200 gpd \\ \ p ° w 16MI0,PArSENT \ ` P7. t 't ,It L°P"eli� $HOP \ \ P12Df-b6ED (0.04 gpd/sf) M1Dr�L-E, Ro�D sHoPPlNly eeNTEriINe„ + +r 'y?e_o rF,. \ \ Ur+-Y0 11 F `I 29 a N. L • HOLLOW ISD oFrce . 11 Fr, H. " 0.04 gpd X 5000 sf = 200 gpd \ 288 gpd 2. Existing Barn C" \ JA�P n Er E 3 r✓{ !� \ LIMIJER ry ROIJNU PI=1rLEP- JI�NIPER � �i-� Z:i-�cavA (2f2 -.3CPs-) (0.04 gpd/sf) \ \ COLO TIP 0.04 gpd X 720 sf = 28.8 gpd 9E.PTIG LaNE t Y I�,- Total Site Design Flow 228.8 gpd SANITLRY SYaTEM ' ISD. AL. sdPrlc.T•4N1� �� ` ASPNi.LT PFIT2.ERJUNIPER-( �a'•1A�G✓�� 1, F . A ANT R.lf I,c�«Er.PJ�` �12 FT 11isr-1 `�- -.L•TNE.E GRIVG ' �' bG" o•c. Ib-24 ' r1T 4 ,Y� SANITARY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS LEkH1NGr r 0ci.e PLUS \\ i�� ��"\ z61.wavp a`o F'r' C FLrrLJFi' Ex�ielNsioN \ ', = . I %Pr LPI 2'/i' 3"Cs�L- WID'e �i TEST FbLE LYS ice. Pr jectN 9Go4 Total design flow = 228 8 gpd vW 6 FT Her+ \ II T % _ il. IJNOB / ` 3ROI.JN LgaM Drawn R-Pa2D�}h1i7- R Iree"r FTSeptic Tank: 228.8 x 2 day = 457.6 gpd LC ' U Use 1 - Rectangular Septic Tank @ 1000 gal VIC - ' le 11 g¢cwrJ aILTY Cf �BY r.l!! Q 1•` NOL E La r�.T IoiJ I 1,9 FT Data: G/2�✓9G Leaching Pools: Area required = 228 8 / 1.5 = 152 5 sf �\�p Need 6.1 vertical ft of B' dia. or P�% Y fl Lr w N 3 - 8' dia x 4' h. Leaching Pools To TA I- 1z FT H 1gH 8 �-6 4 •`\ Scats: p� yo •_,0," Plus 50°k future expansion, P( a"i9 t5a.t0 j� t t - Y5- Z P� t r>rvw, i 1 - 8' dia x 6' h. Leaching Pool \SOH�.rn���6 p+J9 \ \ " ,'� `7« Sheet Tree: SA i1 p! n'r�N �O f+•A .�t•1 i� L` L3+J e^Es4 ll \Q� eL RVIOE s• O .SITE code Atticlea l add 121 I+ //J7U[b:"-' I n * ' 4ny._ _. __ h-."tF __.h',o..-.�: 1 No GyfZOJNp � � ' •Fur•uent to 6u[ioik CouMty sabitery \ •«b 1 1 k e jFLVuTE ,,.I4•r Ly.R, ' harpliy e•itify thdt theta' wili not be any industrial aaete• or other ` eLlRF.� PO ij Jr-, mite er '"""`g non=eehitery waetee dieth►thea ttntli the at he site and there ai11 pe ai a5 tditie or haeardoue aeleruteuentotodthdaehArticle� a specific W \ - ro es:emptione are grehted p « 1 r'o r T I - set No LJTIL.I�/ ... bate /a• - Co,� wEe1�- fto ., I� f?ecilitr o+mer'e aigfleture �`\ - -- } - • 17 FT Sheet � Go�Gui.cr�. a=•J,i.1„,+ ./ rI_ST' IJOLEr oJ(S \\ i 4fv C i � MG caN/�LD GirA9GIENGE. I �-GLJ R•t'7iNCi e' �PIZo I - �1 DE« InT OF f"U P-+L.IG F�K3 L�TEt �JI1I9(P . 61•' .IFri cn.T,0NS SITE PLAN \ 0 10 11 10 60 NCALE : 1" = 20._ 0" i I I I , NOTES: - m 1 . Well must provide a continuous yield of at least Fiva (5) gallons per minute (measured at the outlet of the storage tank. 2. Storage tank located in the LIST OF LAND OWNERS building must be a minimum of eighty two (92) KEY TAX MAP # OWNER USE gallon capacity. A. 113.12-9 BLANCH GEORGE 3. All mater tai sr installations and items having to B. 113-12-10.1 GARY J. DOBKIN & KENNETH GRIFFITH do with the new well must conform to Health C. 113-12-10.2 ADAM ASSOCIATES Department standards. D. 113-12-10.3 THOMAS TALBOT VACANT E. 113-12-10.4 THOMAS & ELLEN TALBOT PROJECT SITE a F. 113-12-11 FABRIZO GENTILE VACANT O G. 113-12-12 DOMINICKPRINCIPI VACANT C.C1.PIwTgLCo<K ' H. 113-12-13 RICHARD PRINCIPI & ANOTHER I. 113-14-8 WILLIAM F. AMATO & WIFE T I Q J. 113-14-9 RANDAL SEINBERG & WIFE RESIDENCE K. 113-14-10 RANDAL SEINBERG & WIFE AGRICULTURE L. 113-14-11 SUFFOLK COUNTY M. 113-7-19.23 JAMES J. BISSETT III & IRENE R. I Q Z N. 121-2-1 MIDDLE ROAD SHOPPING CENTER RETAIL O. 121-2-2.1 J.I.M.D. INC. VACANT I a P. 121.5-4.1 MICHAEL ADAMOWICZ & OTHERS LLI Q. 121-6-1 PHILP F. CARDINALE & SUSAN M. __ `AL' '"`° n/ FneH wcl.L �{w To GwAvc LL. R. 113-12-14 MICHAEL CARAFTIS & WIFE '�.. `C �• �oM�. "' pLAn V,ALV E V.Au LT 7 !.� TA, 4Hou'uo TH HA HP IL.I. lL-`I' 9.L' I ueE nwLaNGI W CHEConw'T T E VALV P,u LEsq _I. \ uIT 51 PIPC Ho cH 'VH TAMILDIINGI LIJ VA \ -SSSS J 'ALC[oEq H C AR pLLIL t Duren OA„ O ; CASING, , J p PC m c� Y1E2. BuwtACE 27 CAST IRON COVERS i .•. I FINISHED GRADE EMT ! ' . \� // ! /% .\ ❑ ❑ INLET 1 20 20 A :TMIN OUTLET \ HdglN 4•DIA,G. fi' 12' eu15rHEwuryLc z! Z • r 'PIPE OA4EOUIVALENT FLOW LINE IN MIIN. 4'OIA PUHP N• f� IE• ,t EQUI PIPE p 1 ,PITCHED I/q•/I' EQUIVALENT CA P161Cp4&.SL 4 �0 T I �- PITCHED ,/6•:1' VVELL sc-w v _ R, R. r PRoP09ED \r F�� \ � T i •'' I C I� 3TIN YI v �� 1000 CAL. PACH Er4 T' ILpIN(16 � i�� ��� ... �MIN_ V A 1 �--IiUNgc` IN4� vA hA�5H WATER A -SAQWFEA iTNATUH� -rv.NK- N s1' LI7 f t \ CAST IFosHor _ `'�E OF New V- LIY E N DrJLC fi Or.D [hIOQYV-I RRA n FRAM AND COVER TO GRADE POI-e y / GR, -A& WIV'7H w•FIEF4 Loc KING 9T I FINISHED GRADE y Q, 1 _ .I. ,2•• s-�.x C 01795 'TYPICAL WP-LL • )P-TAIL A P ••\ I yJLET ❑ MIN 4 DIA. a 1 O PIT 29oU PIPE PITCXEO MIN IB'OflOP•T' \ Ve"n' (IF DIST FEEL OUTLINEroject MIN.CLASS 2900 OR EQUIVALENT PIPE lS� tlrx PITCHED MIN Drawn By: uT Checked By: rJ g 2s' �C MAX Sod, I�lis ® ® qn\ Date: L�2�h/96 �nl Scale: A, loo'-Ou \\ \ & Sheet Title: ul �i1 p\ S 'P --- - yI SITE O Ills' J 3 ,I MIN PLAN it All e DIAD & SITE DETAILS Ci ylll �nl KEY MAP + END 2 F MIN ABOVE GROUNDWATER,, O LI -PbOI—g BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN o so 140 -"00 SCALE: 1" = 100' - 0" °ND.ANo QR°°f' Sheet No: V II Pk Nf RAn:a, "A of :..�'.• Ga- 4.: .:gf • i i O N BUILDING: TOTAL 5 720 sq. ft AREA Proposed: 5,000 sq. ft. F2- - g0 ZO N .9/ /9 ro r Existing Barn: 720 sq. ft. \ j LOT COVERAGE: 10.2 % actual / 30 % max 150 HorjART Ro, , cuTHaLo �' �, IIgT) SITE DATA LANDSCAPPED: 51.9 % actual 135 % min \ loop - n3 - 12 - lo. 3 - fI5 4 AREA N 4670 17_ 30" G - -- -- -A SCTM # 0 RKING CALCULATIONS: � 100 - 113 - 12 - 10.4PA iRepair Shop: 4 spaces per bay x 3 bays = 12 spacesplus one space per employee x 4 employees = 4 spaces 01PROPERTY: Mat County Road 48 Existing Storage: 720 sf @ 1 per 1000 sf = 0.7 spaces 0 '\ILL \ ADDRESS Mattituck, N.Y., 11952 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: 16.7 / 17 SPACES 003OWNER: Thomas & Ellen Talbot d W - 19 \ S 150 Hobart Road % 0 3 / %T- Southold, 5d,, N.Y65 1971 TOTAL PARKING SPADES PROVIDED: 17 SPACES i 8 \ r�dgTUJc� ( / y, xLL�,LAS RR (8 - lo'� (n O including 2 handicapped parking spaces 45 TR.E&e IL d nclrl�.IN N O} * / N � f^` EXISTING : Limited Business (LB) L.f� TRUCK PARKING & LOADING: / AO O O Zt 1I, / ZONING LOADING BERTHS: 1 Provided / 1 Required - ���// Z • _ j t \ 1 28 Acres (56,029 sq. ft.) AREA a P.O. Baw DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: ZpNG j / a k SURVEYOR: P.O. Box 909 Surveyors, P.C. Proposed Building: LL Area x Rainfall x Runoff FactorMain ' 1�' \"o • . • .5 5000 sf, x 2/12 x 1.0 = 833 cf. - / �m Sout Road .-,-j- Southold, N.Y. 11971 L Use: ExreTING TREEa -R.: _ m Cg 12A��� � License # LS 49618 2 - 10'-0" x 3'-8" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf. = 217.4 cf 25 E REMov En (� �oURT YeaRP 111 11 Y� - _ L LI ` Dated. January 3, 1995 C 2 - 10'-0" x 5'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 342.1 cf. = 684.2 cf IAAI. /ed°IJI47 ECIJa'ITY ,� PFI R -i PE R. 2 TOTAL = 901 6 Cf. LIp {NT 150, W ^J,P,s, 0 3a"m, le • za"o,=, NOTES: Elevations shown are based on National a ` I Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 901.6 c.f. provided > 833 c.f. required j I • v Proposed Relocated Barn: pr+-YweLL. Public water is not available within 500 ft 0 Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor 5 FT �+• • p\\ \ p ,; of property UVJ W 720 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 120 cf. \ \ / 'p R,ntiIDKL. sLNp�El2.ci � WIFE •� > ! �i . ' .� The locations of wells and cesspools shown J Use: p•o, �O p " ! I>>• !� hereon are from field observations and or 1 - 10'-0" x 2'-0" Storm Drain Rin @ 136.8 cf. = 136.8 cf. vt^TTITllcic N,y. u95z S / - • Q 9 loco - 11; - 14 - Io data obtained from others. LNL TOTAL = 136.8 cf. a ��Pr2.oFOeF.D ay 136.8 c.f. provided > 120 c.f. required - / �!? = %�_'� =TO T W ESL \ �1 CbLCL^�S FIR (b'_lo') ) �� Ia FTdsr6FT N, ` U� \ I '-`\ S �C7HR 4�8'-b'I-I Proposed Asphalt Driveway Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor .-N , PsuIL.M1�INC� . � ° • c 4, Y 4,200 sf. x 2/12 x 1.0 = 700 c.f. ISO FT RAD I LI,S FRorA y.IELL. Sol x 1Aa' 1 / ' \ ` - +-• .. ,RIauLTWAxAI_ 1 a -o NO SANITA I2Y DYSTEMS � EI¢IJIPMRNT 11 WA" I'Io,JNT5C:Cj4iITY � �\ \ �� � U �•+ , Use: Fou No I.LITFI • IN Q. PIL15 I�' SPAIR SNop 1 , L11•1-Ir ISOW, H,I's, p 1 - 10'-0" x T-8" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf = 108.7 cf _sogc. ik�,p, i olJelc •TILL O.u..IN _ `$I/•]/u, y��` ° L 1 ZL^ 1 - 10'-0" x 4'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 273.7 cf. = 273 7 cf L � ZO1JL�. 1'i P. Et:Ew, .45,0 1 - 1.0'-0" x 5'-0" Storm Drain Ring @ 342 1 cf. = 342.1 cf. r \ V TOTAL = 724.5 cf r Q 724.5 c.f, provided > 700 c.f. required WELL. 1 ' �'° M A T T I T U C K48 �'-,5.�^ Pr000sed Gravel Parking Area. WPTEz gR.A,1 lI_L. Area x Rainfall x Runoff Factor s JF L`I ' " r� 2w"tic' \ � I A 11952 ' 10,185 sf. x 2/12 x 0.3 = 509.2 c.f. \ � -� • ' - ------ - -- - - - tout:t - - Use: 1 10'-0' x T-B" Solid Dome @ 108.7 cf = 108.7 cf. \ I„I �' Il \ ^� r/ ��Rlere 1 \I } oaks. w z LL 2 0" Storm Drain Ring @ 205.3 cf = 410.6 cf. al '�•, APRON c^. � < G 119 p �o sERVA (✓sc 18T I�C-A i.DOVE '� re .�4� \ eJe°cE. Ilk, O AREA !+ � - TOTAL = 519.3 cf. SHIoPPI+JCg uNv = tQ 'I • _ w�'%� _ u a E -� 519.3 c.f. provided > 509.2 c.f. required \ eENT Eft R+ L A L e -�.� p, 0 PRPPOSED \ k Z Z "a:{16rK," � . ❑ ,k \ 'ij"/ DRYWELL - m•U\ E„ vs • o 0 O ( zIz FRONT STKtEET \ I � g SANITARY SYSTEM zL ©G ° HYDROLOGIC ZONE: IV - 300 gpd/Acre CgoLjo TIP, jro" o.o, A �B6GURITY 14 looO�nl R•Y hL Y, Il9s}s} w • ¢ ALLOWABLE FLOW: 300 gpd X 1.28 = 384 gpd • \ FT' - pusrL oAwN / p ~ pLLIE SPRI r, LILyJAY \ DESIGN FLOW: s - � FT, Nr, SMALL 200 gpd 1. Proposed Addition �� \ p• v� t ''1CSuIPMCNr \ t I.rzBp..ra s,-IoP \ Pre'D-095 LED i DFr-Y W EL•L { (0.04 gpd/sf) MIDr,�L,E, Ro•>t7 s.HOPPINy cENTERINC, '" 72p' ✓",Fr 0.04 gpd X 5000 sf = 200 gpd \ / z99 H.,.LF HOLLOW R•a�0 \ k \ `'Fi•c,lum "g . \� IoFT, o .II FT 1••I, 1 �, `E OF Nfy, 288 d Pix HILLS N,Y II"lft Cc 2. Existing Barn 9P loo o - I11 - z- \ ,- p __ } qt! • ST ro (0.04 gpd/sf) ~ JIJDER RaUNl7 \ \ �''`�/'WF�'E 3 1 I� }� \ '4'- 1=1 TLER JI�N'PER- 0.04 gpd X 720 sf = 28.8 gpd SEPTIC LaNE \ - -o ru= ` \ I P- z4" HT I �• I ae Z z Total Site Design Flow. 228.8 gpd \ \ 1� `'� _/ I - 01795 -1 �~ •, -.1 SH NITA.RY SYgTEM i cytL, sdT''rlc.T•4Nk- l �,,. t \ /µ6P++�LT PFIT2EfL JIJNIPEA226OMP^--7A RfD AP . \ SANITARY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1-'-nFS-7J"•IsF \ \ • J5N-rR-le - LEA•-H41,N4q I>mL6 PLLI6 \, r� '-L�•"^L12'.E DrLlv[- 3G" O,c, Ib' 24" IJT FUTIJRL' SAj•#�NaION \ �" ' �Vi/E7,P\ _'� zEl-�ovr� r 25 F-r Total design flow = 228.8 gpd I - 6 FT ew . 61T rLl[yH \ �_; \LPI �'is - a"�kL HIDE T BT I-(OLE 1 T,q rolect N gfeo4 Septic Tank: 228.8 x 2 day = 457.6 gpd Iffi61bWN LOAM Drawn 6y: IJ IJ,'11 CnRD�ND F p Use 1 - Rectangular Septic Tank @ 1000 gal Smr?TRIC. m T seRvIeE \ ; (p 4 FT glzol.Jr-! aILTY Checked By: r.19 Leaching Pools: Area required = 228.8 / 1.5 = 152.5 sf „ '�. Ck IAU TEST HOLE Lo cA.T lo7.l Need 6.1 vertical fl of 8' dia. or G.Lcv, -a•4••q ' 2'S FT 3 - 8' dla.x 4' h. Leaching Pools To JA Ia FTN 14 rt G , \ } Z Date: G/24/9G. Pius 50% future,expansion, 4 LAWN \ .( RI. 9`l5 � , Scale: I" i ip '•CI' 1 - 8' dia. x 6' h. Leaching Pool ; \yam p.frP'-t -- -_2 P(IS'f" lT2F..E PALe. tsRcWlJ Sheet Title: ;-to \� \ I `'\ \ FVFG Q.T.`N i7".Ici _ D JNDERCgRoIJNp GO�.0.eEL , 91 !. �q EJECT RIG 6+NCS y > � y- IL 6ERVIGE SITE ' "puctlunnt to eutfnik cduaty sahitety code Articles 7 and 12' II / J- Ii__.�. ��- ' heteby 'e'rti Ey that thefe will hot be eby ihduetrial aaetee bt btha!` 4 - • SnOeE__L11.I RIE<-+3 PL/4N ato will be he hair-aabitity aaetee ditl}ialeeetftote n ed atetheieita�bAnd elee hepecitic pareits at \ - eol.IeRI=TE No g12c11No to*10 or haaatddbe Meta A n Ni' _ _ cuRlb 45.. FOUND axemptiohe are grehted petii to thdee Atlicls� " E-pl�pcsz bate ��� •/� • \ _ Y '2 FT TO -� 6 I�pl •9.O" Igo. 54 UTILITY docility owner`e itigeature '\ �` cox INEcIr- Raf+ o _ . I •f � POLE Sheet No: 4 ee,.JC RETE e'J Rb✓ \\ - FT, Tes-T MOLE ter: \ Iv11VfJ L-f. AISi , 5MLYN/.LD CgFL-- DE TO 1.As7' UFOcooL1TNOLD, jjg7j . DEFT OF hUI}LIG yyy���IIIDDDRK, Gw.TE �/ 1 / 9 G 6f•'Z-ZC.I FI CATIONS/ SITE PLAN / o Io �IWeSCALE • 1' = 20'- D" �I i I NOTES: Ravi 6/1 /9e �WL.D([JG Y•I�.L-:tel I. . Well must provide a continuous yield of at least I, P.41141 1'MNJ FIL/Is (9) gallons per minute (measured at the outlet Gsr�nE. EL*4 of the storage tank. ' 2. Storage tank located .in the LIST �F LAND OWNERS building must be A minimum of eighty two (e2) Li1010S 54 J BST 1G \ ( gallon capacity. i 1.J 1� KEY TAX MAP # OWNER USE j E, 1 3. All materials, inetal lations and items having to A. 113-12-9 BLANCH GEORGE �QO(JedD (-k,,.— f I 41/ do with the new well must conform to Health B. 113-12-10.1 GARY J. DOBKIN & KENNETH GRIFFITH : Department standards. C. 113-12-10.2 ADAM ASSOCIATES ELw + 1 IF– 4.40 I, T IE, D. 113-12-10.3 THOMAS TALBOT VACANT E. 113-12-10.4 THOMAS & ELLEN TALBOT PROJECT SITE F. 113-12-11 FABRIZO GENTILE VACANT j 90 FT as FTO VINTILATCD CA91NG1 G. 113-12-12 DOMINICK PRINCIPI VACANT GAP w.'H LOCH H. 113-12-13 RICHARD PRINCIPI & ANOTHER S E, P I ! IG P 12.E r I_ f= I U) I. 113-14-8 WILLIAM F. AMATO & WIFE J. 113-14-9 RANDAL SEINBERG & WIFE RESIDENCE K. 113-14-10 RANDAL SEINBERG & WIFE AGRICULTURE �, i&H L. 113-14-11 SUFFOLK COUNTY M. 113-7-19.23 JAMES J. BISSETT III & IRENE R. az N. 121-2-1 MIDDLE ROAD SHOPPING CENTER RETAIL I a_ O. 121-2-2.1 J.I.M.D. INC. VACANT P. 121-5-4.1 MICHAEL ADAMOWICZ & OTHERS a^A'� ,^N•'^T eL?16„ 2e" c'1'[T '^.N Q. 121-6-1 PHILP F. CARDINALE & SUSAN M. [. I A^ Ta GgAO[ W R. 113-12-14 MICHAEL CARAFTIS & WIFE I ff NG.nzL74 I LLI9 _I _ _LHCcq w[[ Y1TNEs4 - -I' Z) � - Cf _ ❑ I TA MPi 61 CO F �j' HYO110}N C,1M/.TIC TSllIL9leln C 1 ' 1 1 CryEcq C [ [ j I �LCCO6R , I I 1-IaTeq CAIp LC 'PUTE 1 0 0 U 1 0 v�ve PIDY. DY^FACE I SOIL CAST IRON COVERS PINISHED GRADE Ril.e/.RIIJ4 1: 24' y 2'MA%. � 24• . I I ' INLE T—aT Z . II �� H N' MIN 4' DIA. OUTLET vuav CLASS 2400 PLO* LINE _ N MN. 1PIPE w Q . PIPE E EQUIVALENT 1 H' IR' �< QGUI PIPE DR p PITCHED I/4'/I' 1, EQUIVALENT = d ����yy �\ , \ \ �- 1 PITCHED 1/eY ' w[u , p x n B�C%.�q FR..r�4 ��w �' L R E' GA9 WAS ' 0 o O peo�oeeo � P f . O .1� / /� A I; 1000 CIAL. PAGu[1l . � '.-` C a i . •.I 4 MIN. 71 an Inl4 �, ; ,, :� �SA4uEvtK AT0.iTdH2+ TYPI4AL SEPTIC, -r^NK N C I N 9LRClN tett,,.. �LIFa.�' \ \ - SLG Y NAIDDL.E Ro^0 C1J°P-n-I Qo.D CASs IPOq FRAME AND COVER TO GRAPE \ \ I --- / , cE!, to WiLOT`H v RJF1F tr {E OF fit* FINISHED GRADE 1 gt� 6T -- �'� I TYPICAL .WP-LL bETAILLTMIN %plCLA550PIPE PITCHEpMIN. rOJCCI 9(p O I ( I/4"/I' {IF DISI P00 OUTLINE MIN CLASS 2400 OR \� EQUIVALENT PIPE Dra B PII/G%1'MIN n y. VT Checked By: I.Ig QVC 25 10 0 �4\\ MAX. 19 Date: spJp6� ® ® ` I-oR Scale: PI n- o Sheet Title: I� nl SITE y14s Ile LL 3'M'N '16PLAN BbIA & SITE y"I DETAILS 2±L MIN ABOVE GROUNDWATER KEY MAP O RACNFILL MATERIAL TO OE CLEAN Q µ R,0 1.5e 'S°° SCALE: 1" 100' - 0" SAN.,ANO GRAVEL Sheet No: 6'MIN PENETRATIION IN A VIRGIN STRATA OF SAND AND GRAVE T-(PIDOL2 rTs aA A1 I- I A- �;o ,�R\ �� Flr Yf\r g /7s dF aLv J1e7- \m JNT, Ec�1 a'ITY y . 11 --- PFIT -2 .1 ''� vfa) �� (c.o Fa L le, AT ISe WN.P. o dlc T'I6 L ' G O n G - I OAK 4&r3'- e'4 -,I B Ud PI..IENT ',.: .' I.Jn J� wIOJNT,BEcIJ4iITY _°_ F\ SNpro ur,Hr ISol..l, Hqs, y��jooc � F oiJelz TALL o4WN �� Q \ +O l:Cl � I . Cf7'lV C4 / h�` . I ARC. I .•� .t \\ I'J Sr3•.c Eg .4 FT k4DE i �I } co NcaE re 1 / R.a Nip _ ,�Q- • \o�P o� ,PR-,���9c> `v �1 Seo 1 \ • e` at'M �°`-r. 0/•• rPP.OppSFp '�� .�- �' + \ D2YWE, \ � � IOKrx GFT'I-! •z clz JUN, la` \ } \\ - �; A .� N y .SgEC N/F 2 e GFtE \ ` • \ '.F�\ a..\v. - 0'-'6='c TIAL 4 c o -E SPRJCF_ A ucWay -_ ❑T, �s _ Co NL L.v-1N �•� •\ 'ur.F�, 2A't bay � \\ t :,I`M�WINE SHap 5'+o PPWCq CENTER INC, OLL OW Ra.•.D \ •F { ^ No PLU AA�IN4 , `�� f7P. ! II 'Y4Co A FIGL RICE" IOF LJIJbERly ROIJNI7 \ � I "'hJY' __ _ t SEPTIG LINE V .'�V 1=1TZ B,�- JIJrvIPEIt� _ - C SENT F2--r •c1-IINy Pcc E:9 PLus \ Jj, J�"-E. ' aE CKhklN61nN L` VAA Dr1ivF • - FT, c✓+• X11c5+I-+ ff LXc+71LIG s6Rv ICE /" • t I TEST Hn�E Lnia'*IOgN IN 'I ^a-f �g-( 16��' p.r-�\ NOTC ; (4o1NaEcrt PPED a •\� SPRcE I.�OGYtTCa !1J '�.L,\ � FREe ^7'rl.� i �<� 62AJELA Krol" RF/- wm EyJ'p F ! '� 13il,iNL.[.�• ,.. c IJ Fol NAa DicwPPEt) /}c Lc 5,5 _,,,,yy - ' * 2Cea PT To I5o. 54 - - _ cox IJECI� R.o.av QS Pte+' �v`st �-to,'�. 11100 YTwa IO�LS��q 45 coIJCIZETC c�IRO-� '