HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-113.-2-2 i 1 tlucwiq Uc~Kl li~'Y Lrils Lo RV ? L~`kke UdyY dl .neV xun waa n~. No ~ 9¢ - ~ duly Y led in tho County Olo'ah'B oYi'io® oY 9uY4o11€ CouutY dr.~ ~-~~a+ I / ~ J _ae May No. 7 /6 2 N ~_y~.~ Q s 4° Fr^ M .w J -SLEDZI ESKI vLG-/fir2~"~" ' y/u~ ~b~ .yg ¢T'Tg°~, E. ~ ASS. No. ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ Q N . •9s ?t'bO Q `b• b6 ~ / ~ ~ ~ /000p• LANE ~ ~ ~ s ' 's OouutY Oltlrk of SuYto'Lk County b 1 "V ~a~ M a / . S.P3°2330°E. 72R5Y~ 3.23°I6'6OE. 179.3 ~2 S.le°/630 "E. 142.3p' pb~ b~ / 00 `I E1~C 271.73 121.02 120.0E IIB.01~ 98.T42QP7~ 73.00 89.30 S~/Oq/PO„E bb ~M" / 4 eo oy 4. 191D~ b ; _ - vi /tly b SO N / ? 3 ~ N PLAYGROUND em 20 c 18 o IS~,lI rt/a 14 m 12 n 10 mo ~ B / ti 3' /eg te'f ~ TER ERounY/ mm m u m o QP~~~/ °w n r ~ro / ob b bb'® •g N. /4° ~ ~ ' M, Alb x' 1.159 ACRES m b ° o ~E$ Of Suffolk L ~ - J, ~ ~ / ~ 0' b,°q' TEST /30.Op °W Q Clerk m _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _BN/GO/roG- 3 T- B.ICk G/N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / y' ~ Hp LE Y q .-m - ~ Z - / E W Ins. 106.00 121.00 120.00' 113.00' 117.00 I18.00~ I18.00~ IT0.00~ ~ t) / O _,'Y~1 ~ W~ S.Y2°Y6 50 E, ~ 985.00 yy~ / 5 bq 2 ~ all m 0 1ee.es w ° ROSEWOOD DRIVE •yeepo N o m°° I o W o N. E2 28'50°W 911.00 P ,'ff~ m ~ ti1 ~ 49,6' y mm ~ 96.0E 110.00 IIS.00 IIS.00 115.00 119.00 118.00 117 QO V•` 2 ~A nl ~ o RECHARGE m u '9~0+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ev/co/N scr _ Bgcw <nvc _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - 0 1 m = 1!' 3 HOLE -L~' 3e 4 e .96~ 169.4!' 3 'Ve BASIN 50.00 3e I ~ O I ' . S.P2°D730 E. PP4.3B a m S.Y Y6~5CrE ~ - n WW¢`'I ~ v \n o n w Q m 3~ b "Q ~ ~ 0.737 ACRE ~ m i ~ l(P N~ a „ ) o _ o ~ m o it . - A q m I X 1 1 m ai P b °I ri f °i N A b 0 M 2 i o°- Rm 121 t-a me. 19 S~JI I7 ~ 15 F ^ 13 ti .II 8 T ~ ro° a ~~6 pe 1 I -lu- ml-a~Ch mw $l nm ~ 054 u 'm 59.54' 100.08 i 99.2b'0.70 I 21A1' e+ q I - N.2P 99.30 IIB.00', 80.69' ST.b4~ 12.eS~ 760 W, N.2030P0 Y9979~OW N.I/90 0601Y N.22°2B 40 W. P00.40 N, IB°363PW 7N.23°03401 W. E00.03 - 10 N422°5730 W6.01~ 117.00' 143,01' 26tl4.47 I m loo.la CHARLES MURPHY I _ X969 TYPICAL WELL TEST HOLES ~ ~ \ I LOT AREA SCHEDULE THIS 1670 CER7I FY THAT 7N 13 SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS ~ \ l LOT N0. SD. FT. BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF 1 2 \ ~Di 1 27667 90UTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OFAPPROVAL OATED~-~----A=-- 'i p .gym ` ~ \i°,F Y 21768 ' ~ 9~ ~ tt. E ~ ' 'B ~ 3 20603 BY• w-CHAIRMAN ~ ~ 4 Y0467 DA7 , .Y 9L i ~~n .°r_ _ FS PoO,\ ~ 6 23036 - igal ~ i :e ~ Pa007 SUPPLY AND SEWAQE DISPOSAL~FACIL (TIES e' ~ B 32809 4K!•4 TH18 DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH 7NE ~~i-- 9 P0019 ~ S'A EOUIREMEN73 OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY o ~ ~ 10 201Y0 Iq EALTH. n_ , P.E. AI II 20134 p~n,a(~". ~ ~ Cq7/TUC IP P0143 y NEW YORK STATE LICENSE N0.P9ePe °"9 •.E \ FE,Y 'Y 13 P0091 MO's`' JAMESPOR7, NEW YpRK _ y P~ y 14 P0115 •,°„"a w°~=.S ~ i:O ~a3gN n^or 15 20184 ~qt y RTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAd MADE BY ME B IB P0060 berBA EYS COMPLETED DECEMBER E, 1968 AND I I7 2010E T A~ A C E MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS. ~ HEREON °e ~ ~ le 201e4 CTU 19 D THEIR P081TIONe ARE CORRECTLY X °o • s° • 19- 2pO0P * HOW 7HA A L DIMEN910N9 AND 9EODETIC DE7AIL4 PD'D YO P008 E L KEY MAP Y aubnervblt mp-' \P 3'9pm. spp o m pN~~ 27 20148 ~ C y o~ wGiLaw~ (/..GRA.i- L9. 9S F 92672 .l F, E - - - - 'N ~ AREA OF ENTIR PARCEL• 14.E ~ NEW YORK STATE LICE SE N0.Etl7E6 E PP ACRES 9F0 JQ' N / iw~N ~ CcB FEET ~ - ~ ~ LANG 5 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OWNED'AND DEVELOPED BYE - SEPTIC TANK CESSPODL RI VERHEAD, NEW'YORK S' /a 6 - JOHN -9 ROSE KOROLESK6 , °'ade SOUND AVENUE '1j ~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED ARRANSEMENT9 i, e FOR WATER SUPPLY AND 9EWAOE 019P09AL FOR°ROSEWOOD MATTITUCK, N.Y. =°mm ~ ri~ ~~\}\-..'"'"l...a ESTATES° IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WERE APPROVED . 1 r STREET ON THE ABOVE DATE, THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY ~ IF INSTALLATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND 5EWERpDE FACIL- J~ .m / pr<ro.,l ~ ~ ITIES ARE COMPLETED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF ABOVE OF /.°=a,"yd°..,~ -u, ! f ApPQOVAL DATE. UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THId CERTIF• 1V1 `.o ~°e` KATE OF APPROVAL, APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL SHALL _ ~ 5 BE SUBMITTED TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF - - °ROSEWOOD ESTATES° o E HEALTH. APPROVAL OF THIS RENEWAL APPLICATION SHALL ~ 1, ~ o _ BE SUBJECT 70 THE REOUIREMENT9 IN EFFECT AT 7NE TIME MATT~'T'UCK c`'dR o. OF FILIN3 SUCH APPL1CA710N.~ a y CONSENF'19 HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THE MAP TOWN OF SOU7HOLD /"`O~°' ~~"9~~- ; c n ON WHICH THIS ENDOR9EMEN7 APPEARS IN THE FFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. P - _ of s.e° ,wu o e u+ SECTION 1113 OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW, AND 9 CTION Y ' j / a. ao°+ sy 'm OF ARTICLE VI OF THE UFFOLK COUNTY 9A A Y CODE. ~ ~ ~ 100 0 100 E00 ~ - - - - - - SCALE/h=100 e°nd ' DI ECTOR, DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTA SANITATION i - _ F~. .Sae thaZd Town ='tanning Board _5- Lece~raher 9, 2968. P~~RCEL II - Beginning at the intersection of the nar'ciawesterly line,of T~Eillle Road (CR 27} as relocated, with the northeasterly boundarly 3tS Zand o~ 3~aroslci and the. southwesterly boundary of Zand of i`fnadd; from .said paint of beginning running north.4vesterZy along said land of T3arosTCi, 300 Feet; thence along said land of Mudd, two caursbs: (1} northeasterly paxalleZ to said northwesterly Zine of PaLi.ldZe Road, X00 feet, thence (2~ so}.ztheasterly parallel to said. boundary line of Doroski, 300 feet to said northwesterly line of :~illZe Road. tr_ence southwesterly along said northwesterly Zine, X00 feet to th.e point of 'beginnig, excepting whateverpartof the above described Parcel II cahieh is already in the 44B`° zone. Qn motion by Nir, Coyle, seconded by ~Rr. Grebbe, it was R :iBSGH:VBD that the Southold Tavarz Planning hoard recommmend favorably to the 'Southold Town Board the changes of zone from aT~rr Residential and $~.gxi cultural district. to sfBTT Bus mess I3istrict on the property described herein. The Board finds that this property is conducive to business to conorm with. the ®haracter of .the adjoining property owned by I3orosTci. Vote o3 the ward: Ayes:- i~ir. nloisa, ~Ir. LFnTcelbach, T~Tr. Coyle, Tvir. Grebe. ~ ~ ~ ~ tan motion by Ptir. Grebe, seconded by 1 r. l~ioisa, it was RESQL~D that tine Saut&sold Ta~gn Planning..3aard grant final approval to the subdivision to 'oe i~nown as Rosewood Estates, subject to the suba~~vider pasting a bond and said band being accepted by the Southold Town Board. a Vote os the Board: ayes.- fir. I~2oisa, Mr. Ur~elbach, T~Fr, Hrebe, Tdtr'. Coyle. a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ .the next regular meeting oa the Southold Tawn Planning Board will be held at 7:30 P,I~T., ~ NT,anlay, ,Tanuaxy 13, 19~s9, at the Tom Lice, A~Iain Road, Southall, T3e~-a Yax:~:. The :meeting. was adjoarned at 10:30 P.~3. I Respectfully subm.ttett, Barbara C. s'3ittmann, aecretaxy Southoll Town P7a.nning Board I-flBNi2Y. MQIS~, ACTIIxIG CII~Rtt'L°N - , r r i ~ ~ JOSEPH J. KOZOFSKV. OFPUTV ~ . PHONE' PARK 7-4700 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE f-~vr,7 ~ 1 _ ~ NORMISN E. KL1Mf;;,~000NTY CLERK RIVERNEAD. NEWp YORK 11901 January 28, 1969 '.r. ~ie:.ry ~laus~sen Souti~clu ~ l..r:nir.~ :ioard Souc`;;;iL ::onr;. ~Isseesors Gwr;ers: Joan ~.ose i,oroles~a ;:itnes:: ::,late: X3/26/68 1'ax ~esarch Ctf. iio. 303-68 To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: Was Filed, 1/<^4/69.2:4L`i'.... File Number, $240 Abstract Number, x+246 Township , :iOtrthOld Book, 12 Page, 17 Very truly yours, n ~Courity Clerk Map Department COUNTY OF SUFFOLK L~ ~ O~ - p~ Mj NL Q r•1s STEVE LEVY CARRIE MEEK GALLAGHER SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY DIVISION OF REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT Apri13, 2009 Mazk Terry, Principal Planner - Town of Southold Plazuvng Department 54375 Route 25 P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: SCTM# 1000-113.00-02.00-024.000 Deaz Mr. Terry: ` ' Suffolk County holds title to the above referenced°p~cel of land which is indicated on the enclosed map. Please be advised the County of Suffolk will sell the property to the Town of Southold for the total County investment of $1,623.60. If you aze interested in this property please notify this office in writing within thirty (30) days, attention to the undersigned. It is important that you refer to the above tax map number. A Town boazd resolution will be needed stating the purpose of acquiring such property along with county investment. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, R. J. Bhatt Auction/Sales Unit (631)853-5939 Enclosure LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS (631) 853-5900 H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 210 FLOOR ? P.O. BOX 6100 ? FAX (631) 853-5906 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAU PPAUG E, NY 11788-0099 FAX (631) 853-5905 S~ pL AYCROUNC7 SEE SEC. NC.1D6 _MA7CH LINE RECkARCE ~ - P - $ ~p ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 4 cfi 391 ~ °r~D! * ` i \ :F 1 ~ ~ f ~ ry FL ~ ~ 775 °^K9 ~d n 4 . ~c .n 4r A'o O~Q t]6f n~lpl~i ~ li r W " 5'rr t © ~ ~ ~ 5r ~ "~a e nn • ~ nao ' ,,e ~ ~ o a"~ r ° 9i u rig ~ Q.(1 c r~.s . b ti ~ ^ ~ • r 'fig r~ 1,•4G~ 3~ O 'T `,y n Q >u .ir y ~ 5 °a g 1 J O g ~ ,k~ °ref 1.3Afc7 t ~ o ' m rsy Q ~ .a sas r ~ 0 ° ° r V~ +,g l.c rn f50'1 W ~ 31.aA az " ~1 ' IACRICULTURAL tg CPEN SPACEI ^0 70 rm ° ~5 m 1~, , r~i! ~ 1fi1 r9 q'9 °,s hfi1 g 1.~.. r~s n. _ - e '208311;U320~w}„~Aq~rPRpralS~mge11BO0~Prddti1017300x.dgn~'T [.x r~396B4565yr2(3541739 ~DSBL 101]B1T3B0020002400Q _ -a; s ~r t~ ~ (r f J ~ v'`October 16, 1974 Mr. Edward Bage, P.E. Laughing Waters Southold, New York 11971 Re: Rosewood Estates Dear Ed: Mr. Johnson was in to see me this afternoon. He owns M^' three acres of property to the east of this subdivision formerly owned by J. Sledzieski. He said that the pipe from the catch basin at ~ northerly end of Rosewood Drive is directed toward the park and playground rather than the recharge basin as shown on the map. Therefore, the water is racing through the t park and playground to the point that there is a large galley with uprooted trees. The water then continues on to h1s property causing over a foot of water in the spring. He had a natural drain there but this is more than he Ij can manage and is unable to get his car out at times. He also remarked that there is a considerable amount of debris on what should be the recharge basin. I discussed this with Ray Dean and he suggested that i I ask you to go over there and check it out and give us your findings and recommendations. I'm enclosing a ~p to help you out. If you need any more information, the file is in the office. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosure r,~--- l4attltuok, R.Yr May 11~ 7q~2 Nr. 8ebert V111e, P.~. 8liffolk County Depart~cent of health Gcnapty Center Riverhhead, N.Y. Dear b1r; Ms wish to apply for re~appreval of the lots in snbdivisicn "Fiesenood Bststes" oft Coat 'Reek Road, !lattituck, 1f.Y. Lets ]k. 2 3 i?, andZp are pi~saentiy mnder contract of sales loth, and t are sold, ~he dwelling on lot 8 is preseatly accupied. The ors~ina~, cap was approved by the Ronthold Teaea Planning board on 3anuary S tgbg, the roans are eompleted and the bcod has been released by the Town of Ronsthoid. The asap is new cti the a proved list tinder the new scniag ordinance eendpienta adopted last December 1~, 1g~1. ?~,a, of the lots will, meet the tier requlreswntajtbr wells and cesapoolsa septic tanks etc in the April t, t~g'~a rrewiations of the Health Departmente Any further information required will be suppiell on request. Xoura truly 4. 4. ~ ~l 1. f 1 1 ~ ' r~- September 8, 1971 Southold Town Board 16 South Street cisaanport, Ben+ York oantle~msne Please be advised that the followiaq resolution was passed by the Southold Town Planning Board at their regular meeting held on September 7, 1971e "1T WAS R8$OLVSD that the Southold Toti+n Planning Board rec~mand to the Southold Iowa Board, the release of the performance bond for the roads in the subdivision "Rosewood Setatss", located at Mattituck, B.Y." This recommendation is made with regard to the favorable recom~endatio: of release of the bon4 by the Superintendent of Highways. Attached hereto, plaaaa find copy of recommendation of the Super- int~ndent o! Highways and report of inspection by Charles /?brahams, Inspection EngiaNr. Respectfully submitted, 3bhn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Bosrd JiI: BB ~l ~DI~z I _ , CHARLES ABRAHAMS PROFE6810NAL ENGINEER P. O. BOX 765 MATTITUCK, N. Y. 11952 (618) 298-8-)09 August 20, 1971 3Lr. Raymond Dean, Supt. Southold Town Highway Dept. Peconie, N.Y. lte: Itoaewood Fatates Mattituak. Dear Sir: On August 19, 1971, I inspected the subject pro3eot ae directed by you to determine the statue of the progress of the work with the view of lifting the bond covering this oper- ation. The following report is submitted herewith: The work of constructing the road together with the curbs and grading and seeding of the shoulder areas has been completed in accordance with the approved map and specifications. The following items are still pending: 1 - The highway area shall be monumented as regaired by Section 3 of Speciticationa. ]tonuments are required at curves, intersections and points of change of alignment. 2 - Guard rails and STOP sign shall be provided at the turnaround in accordance with the requirements of Section 5 of Speoificationa. 3 - The aatoh basins should be cleaned out. The in- ' spector should be notified when the work is to be done. 4 - The mound of earth located on Lot 20 should be ' levelled to prevent erosion of sand onto the road section. ltespectYa/lly submitted, CHAktLGS AI31te1I3AY3, P.li. CAikep CC: Nr. Richard Lark T _-_~_rF-__ - - - _ _ _ _ . Amy, rq n s , S`. :~..~},z~_5. - ~t~~£tltt~ ~P~ttl•#ntpaTt ~afan of ~nuthnl~ ~ecanie, 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765.3140 Superintendent 734-5217 August 27, 1971 Town of Southold Punning Board . .Southold, N. Y. 11971 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find Setter from the Town Inspector, Mr. Charles Abrahams, in regard to Rosewood Estates in Mattituck. I have also inspected same, and find Items 3 & 4 completed. ..Therefore, I am requesting the release of the bond covering the operation. j~ Yours very truly, V` . ymond C, Dean Enc. RCDJjr - ~~1~£uttg ~E~ttztmPxlt (`3[afnn of nix#ljnlO ~ecuixic, 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 Superintendent August 27, 1971 Town of Southold Planning Eoard Southold, N. Y. 11971 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find letter from the Town Inspector, Mr. Charles Abrahams, in regard to Rosewood Estates in Mattituck, I have also inspected same, and find Items 3 & 4 completed. Therefore, I am requesting the release of the bond covering the operation. j~~ Yours very truly, V' ymond C. Dean Enc. RCDljr CHARLES ABRAHAMS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P. O. BOX 785 MA7TITUCK. N. Y. 11952 1316) 298-9 SOS August 20, 1971 lLr. N,aymond Dean, Supt. Southold Town Highway Dept. Peeonie, N.X. Re: Rosewood Estates Mattituok. Dear Sir: On August 19, 1971, I inepeoted the aub~eot pro~eot as directed by you to determine the status of the progress of the work with the view of lifting the bond covering this oper- ation. The following report is submitted herewitht The work of constructing the road together with the curbs and grading and seeding of the shoulder areas has been completed in accordance with the approved map and specifications. The following items are still pending: 1 - The highway area shall be monnmented as required by Seotion 3 of Specifications. lionuments are required at curves, intersections and points of ohange of alignment. 2 - Guard rails and STOP sign shall be provided at the turnaround in accordance with the requirements of Section 5 of Specifications. 3 - The oatoh basins should be cleaned out. The in- ' epeetor should be notified when the work is to be done. 4 - The mound of earth located on Lot 20 should be levelled to prevent erosion of sand onto the road section. 8espeotfujlly submitted, CEAItLES ASkAIIAD(S, P.E. CA:kep CC: Mr. Richard Larg CHARLES ABRAHAMS PROFEBBIONAL ENGINEER P, O. BOX 788 MATTITUC K, N. Y. 11952 (era) aaa.s7os OCTOBER 9,1970 MR RAYMOND DEANS SUPT RE: ROSEWOOD ESTATES SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPT MATTlTUCK PECONIC, N Y DEAR SIR: ON OCTOBER 8TH AND 9TH,197O ~ INSPECTED THE INSTALLATION OF THE ASPHALT GUTTERS ON THE SUBJECT PROJECT, THE FOLLOWING REPORT IS SUBMITTED HEREWITH, SUBSEQUENT TO THE STABILIZATION OF THE ROAD BED ON 9/26/70 THE ROAD WAS FINE ORADEO AND ROLLED WITH A TEN TON ROLLER, EXPOSING A CURB HEIGHT ABOVE THE ROAD SURFACE OF 6 INCHES AS REQUIRED BY SEC- TION 11(B), TRENCHES 2 FEET WIDE AND .3 INCHES DEEP WERE EXCAVATED A- LONGSIDE THE CURB AND FILLED WITH ASPHALT FOR A LENGTH OF APPROXIM- ATELY 3S0 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE ROAD WHERE THE SLOPE IS OR EXCEEDS FIVE PERCENT AND FOR A LENGTH OF lO FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE CURVES AND INTAKE BASINS AT THE TOP OF THE ROAD AND ALSO ON EACH SIDE OF THE',. INTAKE BASINS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ROAD, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 11(C), AFTER WHICH THE ASPHALT WAS ROLLED WITH A TEN TON ROLLER, THE TREE AT THE FOOT OF ?HE ROAD HAS BEEN CUT DOWN TO ABOUT 6 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND SURFACE, THE ROOTS WILL HAVE TO BE REMOVED;. TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 6 INCHES TO PERMIT STABILIZATION OF THIS AREA. THE AREAS BETWEEN'THE ROAD SECTION ANO PROPERTY LINES HAVE NOT BEEN ORADED'.AND SEEDED, THE SLOPES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD HAVE NOT BEEN SEEDED. THE CATCH •BASINS SHOULD BE CLEANED OUT. R/E(QS^PECTFULLY~/S/U•DBM~I~/T/~TED,1 CHARLES ABRAHAMS, P.E. CC - MR R.#C7HARD LARK PAUL CDRAZZINI & $ONS CHARLES ABRAHAMS PROFE6610NAL ENGINEER P. O. BOX 766 MATTITUGK, N. Y. 71952 (3161 2Y6-Y 703 OCTOBER 1,1970 C\4R RAYMOND DEAN, SUPT RE: ROSEWOOD ESTATES SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPT MATTITUCK, N Y PECONIC, N Y DEAR SIR: ON SEPTEMBER 30,1970 ~ INSPECTED THE SUBJECT PROJECT TO DE- TERMINE'THE DEPTH OF PENETRATION OF THE BITUMINOUS CUT BACK INTO THE ROADBED, THE FOLLOWING REPORT IS SUBMITTED HEREWITH, BORINGS WERE TAKEN IN THE CENTER AND ON EACH SIDE OF THE ROAD SECTION A7 INTERVALS OF lOO FEET TO A DEPTH OF fi INCHES, THE FOLLOWING BORING DATA IS SUBtA1TTED: ROSE~N000 DRIVE STATION PENETRATION 1 +~'b 2 + 00 6" 3 + 00 6" 4 + 00 6" 5 + 00 6" 6 + 00 6" 7 + 00 6" 8 + 00 6" 9 + 00 6" 10 + 00 6" 11 + 00 6" 12 + 00 6" 13 + 00 6" 14 + 00 5" 1S + OO CE~;TER OS"!CENTEf. OF! TURNAROUND 1$ + OO ~ CF T6!' 'S/S+JOFl TURNAROUND 1$ + OO 6" NHS OF TURNAROUND THE FINE GRADING AND ROLLING OF THE ROAD BED HAD NOT BEEN DONE AT THE TIME OF THIS INSPECTION. THE SLOPE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE ROAD HAD BEEN BULLDOSED TO A SLOPE OF 1 ON 2. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CHARLES ABRAHAMS, P,E, CC - PAUL CORAZZINI 8c SONS MR RICHARD LARK CHARLES ABRAHHM.S PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P, O. BOX 785 MATTITUCK, N. Y. 17952 (616) 2CB•8709 ~CTOBLR 4,19&9 h9R RAYMOND DEANS SUPT RE: ROSEWOOD ESTATES PROJECT SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPT I'.~ATIITUCK~ N Y PECONIC~ N Y DEAR SIR: AS DIRECYED BY YOU V9A TELEPHONES ~ INSPECTED THE SUBJECT PROJECT ON OCTOBER 4, 1969 TO OBSERVE THE EFFECT OF EROSION OF ROSE- WOOD DRIVE ON THE ADJOININC> PROPERTY uELONGINO TO W. PAUSEWANG. ~ SUBId1T THE FOLLOWING REPORT. ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF ROSE!~lOOD DRIVE THERE IS A DIFFER- ENC~ OF BETWEEN THREE TO FOUR FEET FR Ofd THE ROAD SURFACE TO THE SUR- FACE OF THE PAUSEWANG PROPERTY. THE EHa1TH SLOPES DOWN FROM THE ROAD LEVc"L TO THE PAUSEWANG GROUND LEVEL AT AFJ ANGLE OF APPROXIMATELY 45 DEGREES. THIS IS CONTRARY TO SPECIFICATiON~ WHICH REQUIRE THAT THE ROAD SURFACE SHALL MEET THE ABUTTING GROUND SURFACE WITH A 'I ON 2 SLOPE, AS A RESULT OF EROSION A DEEP CHANNEL HAS BEEN FORIAEO CLOSE 70 THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ROAD ALONG THE FULL LENGTH OF THE PAUSEWANG PROPERTY. THIS CHANNEL HAS CUT THROUGH THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AT SEVER- AL POINTS AS A RESULT OF WHICH SUBSTANTIAL QUANTITIES OF SAND HAVE BEEN DEPOSITED ON THE PAUSEWANG PROPERTY. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ROSEWOOD DRIVE AND ADJOINING LOTS #S AND #E> THE ROAD SURFACE MEETS THE ABUTTING GROUND SURFACE AT AN ANGLE OF APPROXIMATELY 40 DEGREES CONTRARY TO SPECIFICATION #1O, FORMING CHARLES ABRAHAMS PROFE6810NAL ENOIN EER P. O. BOX 785 MATTITUCK, N. Y. 71952 (818) 2DB-0708 A(.SLOPI'NG SAND BANK BETWEEN 8 ANp TEN FEET HIGH. SUBSTANTIAL QUANTI- TIES OF SAND HAVE BEEN ERODED FROM 7HE SAND BANK ONTO THE SURFACE OF 7HE ROAD. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS ARE MADE HEREWITH TO THE END THAT 7HE THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EROSION MP.Y BE PREVENTED; 'I ~ THAT CONTINUOUS INTEGRAL CURBS AND GUTTERS BE CONSTRUCTED ON 60TH SIDES OF THE ROAD FROM STATION F).+ 4G TO THE LEACHING BASINS NEAR COX NECK LANE. 2 - THAT THE SLOPNG BANKS ALONG THE PAU:,EWANG PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ROAD ANO THE SLOPING BANKS ALONG LOTS #S AND #6 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE ROAD BE COVERED WITH GRASS SOD. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, i ~@. of Nf ri`~, * Cif ~'.....,.«,•;,y~ !~''t" ~J.~/~.~Jl~-Q/S a v'''`~ CHARLES ABRAHAMS P.E. i r r! ~Y .1 ~ ~ J', q, v~ L \~O r' I003h i ~ N February 2, 1971 Southold Town Board lb South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen; Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by the Southold Town Planning Board at their regular meeting held on February 1, 1971: IT WAS RESOLVED that.,the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board a 50% reduction in the performance bond, from $22,000. to $11,b00., for the completion of the roads in the aubdiwiaion "Rosewood EatBtea", located at Cox Neck Road and Hexgen Avenue, Mattituck, New York. Attached hereto, ~rleaae find a coyly of the report of inspection as submitted by Lawrence Tuthill, P.E., dated January 21, 1971. Respectfully sbbmitted, JW/bn John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board LAWRENCE M. TLJTHILL PROFE6810NAL EN GIN EER IN4ET WNE EXT. G REENPO RT, N. Y. ORe[N•oRT 7-1652 Feb. 1, 1971 Southold Town m arming Board Main Street Scuthold~ N, y, Gentle;hen; I have inspected the roads of Rosewcod, '•'attituck an3 estimate ;he fo~lgwing work to be done: Land clearing ' 1 tree` ~ 20p.0(' dough grading ncne Fine grading non= Surfacing l,Cx~C 1£ 5.!''('/1£ sn~ 4~r00,00 Curbs none Leach_ne basins none Catch basins none ?ipe none °it~amino~s gutter 55 if ~ ~ 2.~0~1£ 110.0~~ Sncr ase costs over 3 years C-CO.OC Admin_strative costs 500.00 "i S,rtIO,OC respectifully subm tied 7' ~ /s,~~ / y/~ <; iepteeLes iS. 1170 John lcsseloski •ewad ~?wane NattitaC9c. 1teT "ltsieue04 ~iltaM7a/" Dea7C 111f. lt04tgleik~i I?e outlined bg Ns. Dean. Chas. Xbsa1?aes• anal •ypel! is ens coawsaati~a liN}r wNk, you will be regnised tlr opNp'iete the gsadinq et the lnta-asoua~d'i~t the a~th ~d o! y+aas ssbdi~laisa "ltoeeweod ~irtat/1s`' "Ths tie grading !os the satire presser aiaet be eaepi~dtd to ark~:,M~ even enslaee !as the oiling sad attar the !dual eo~rlt o! ad:1, -the eats basiaa sh@pid be oleaned ant. l1a se~gaaedo the. U~epe of the Laa1c seas the JteMaitbeslp end, It Mill he s~ieeortosy tde ~MOt the spnisoawata m~ t~la polatt naaely shoat 7 tt. o! level asea lsoa the ensb to the property live sad the l os 3 wiope to the top o! the saeic wbtsh liaalip should be seeded. i haw talked with Ns. tanNManq and ~b agrees that,,it will lfe eatietactesy to apply topsail to the •lopi lrefi tlyo dn~rioq dawn to his psepesty and thsa seed wit!? a laws gsafr `~r~rtvire. segasd~ the gutter legnise~rnta ae that port of tAo highway where the grads has a 51i os wwn elope. you will he tur~OOte4'-~ t~M.. *;~il~aRioas of ~ 'FOMR, xil u onti iced by !!s. Dean. , : - _ . I as hopetui that thin pxe~eet Can 2» aa~pleted is the neas future so that 1t is not eapvaed to the heave salve o! aaothsz wiates. sinoesei)y lyou(s~Lr, J~a Mioktw. ChiisNa ca-aaraond Dena ioutheld 'lbws piaaaiaq Deazd Chas. Ahsabaae Milliaia laneewanq a ~t ~s.~,...~ v, r . , f, ' ~ l % ~c 'i"~ ~ Auguut ~i4', 1GIdt ~Y- v ~ ~ >~s. Rase Xor~leaki ppoand A.?emu litttittask, >rew York llb6td near pfardars dos y ~.~R: 4'ho latter part et July and the first part o! August the hoary rain •terre we had caused the eaabankment of the ;eew road (called Rosewood Drire} bnil~i on your property to gi?e ray, oausis>; aha?y warh-oat. As thin road borders q property the result was tpaat I suttored soesslderable darage. ply garage was issundated with lft iesobes pt tad and part of 4 Lwn was oorered with rn8 up to a depth of 8 inehee all as a result of this wash oat. The break throrRh in July osourred about dti feet wait of Qas ltesk Aoad and the break thraigh thta tint pelt of August 5d !Nt Most of Ooz pteek Road. lhia was eallsd to your attention by telephone and alto perooually but you ha?~ dons nothing Co oorreoC the oondition or in any fay rad• any effort Co aLan up the sass. Therefore it hrs Deoore necessary for tae to call soaeope elr• to clasp the rud and sand oat of ons ga»gc and oft of oar lawn and to reste» onr property to the oondiCion it was in riot to wasps-outs. be base rcoei?ed an estirate of for this job. piowcgr •inoe »cei?ing this estirrtc we haw load anetber •terae and another wish-out trot your property. Tha thunderstorr oa the night at Augwst p18, ],i?89 = caused tart tad to sorer part st cry lain. This brcapc through ooearred LDO het feat of Qoss gook Road. In view of thU rceord wash-out it will Nst oo»idcrably aq» than the i origiral utirats of #lpi0 to ~stt q property back to its origimrl condition. I brreebccp greatly iMOSrrenienoed by Chia whole "r busls»as. For a tsw weeks I htd slot bNn able to get ry oar in q' gaa+agc baoause of Cho read an4 tberc pease beep rapt' other nulaanoN in oopneotion rich this whale rattle. i t .w r r Vii:. ~v At~uat 527, 1969 k SMrs. Aare toroleski I t't?ink 2 hrvs been most prtlent ir? this matter and naw mast ark that the sorrdition bs oorrsotsd red ~?y~ property restored to itr orlsinrl condition by yon no later than 9eptemner 152, 1959. Zt it is not lone by tort time I will prosoed with the olNn-up job rnd bill you for sans. I moss sertai~nly rarnt this oandition oorreat~ bsters the hesq? Fall mina and sincerely hope you will be 'neighborly and so-operate. Vary traly j ' ~ / L ~ / ~:3~e Y Orrban eagies sent to Toby eWA5~5 w»d PIJ61PttIlta 530Al83 r?isu ~.s4s xs« ~tso~+ree r.~c, ~?e~mo~ryr ¦a~ sow ~i~alctitvclc, L. 2. , t~+ 1roa~°?r ~11~s Dtris Silt l111t~ i1t 1~ui~lell{ra A! 't11M i'oAd f!4 A~It "~OrN1004 atitMl~ ~'a0~n and law ftaral,Nlci. a®ac w~dR 1NSa • s4r~w A~w. ~tttta~, tr. x. , oaar e~rae~tta~ iassrreeiw +~qs~ a~a tw s~rLNe~w~Mw~ of bay dl gars faq~i sa~? cwt ~ rra~ii l~sw to b. snsta~,].~t aianq tt?s. aroM ~r ~ ~ ~a s!c +oae ,~,,1•a crossswq tt ~ Dui tarns +ws t se lr+ast t0 ~t p~grt ts~ a:,rN start of eartui~q +rMel? ~sllst sw..wa ~x +s «r~~sgr +wrs.«.~n u ~ swal to >M >te~ss esniy, 3bl~w ~rl~urs. aa~?oid 'dew ~ terra !t. lgst. ri~uwa~?s Ct1i4. ]IlalitalM~ t.1C. .TN~wr ~t`iglt~ • . TEL. 765-266? ~ g~EFD(M~oG~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE DF BUILDING INSPECTOR y~ 63'f ~ TOWN~CLERK'S DFFICE "'Ol ~~~~0 5CLITHCLD. N. Y, April 15, 1969 Mr. Charles Abrahams, P. E, Love Lane & Middle Road Mattituck, L.L , New York 11952 Dear Sir; Enclosed please find a copy of "Rosewood" map which Larry Tuthill has marked the location and footage of curbing in red. At the Planning Board meeting last night they decided to write the owner of "Corey Cxeek Estates" to replace the road end as shown on the filed map. They will not approve any change at this time. Yours truly, ,.~.a~2Q.~~eN Howard Terry Building Inspector cc to Ray Dean, Supt. of Highways , Peconic O~,U f k~oGy I~FFI ~ 5OR Albert N. Martocchia T D KY87CF.1~HY]iZ~f7i~EY TELEPHONE SLIP6RVISOR 1 GREEN PO RT ']-G 55? ~`r~1l.TL/ G REENPORT, L. I.. N. Y. January 15, 1969 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Dear John: This is to advise you that the Board has received security in the amount of $22,000.00 from John Koroleski for the completion of roads in the Rosewood Development. Sincerely CL V Albert M. Martocchia Supervisor AMM/ea ~ ''3 .:.'a w v.' > R 'd""~%.' S~'- r e:°a`4'~ `rC,FtR. a.. January 17, 1969 Mr. Lawrence Tuthill, P.T. Inlet Lane Extension Greenport, L. I, New York 11944 Dear Larry, Will you please atop at my office and mark in the curbing on the "Rosewood Estates" map as you had it estimated? Charles Abraharis has requested this for his inspection of the Sob. Thank you. Yours truly, sue. ; r, Howard Terry ~eN Building Inspector • ~P~GS ~o ~ ~~aStWOOd SEA ~ItC hW 14 SvAT ~oR. Ch14AJG~tS ~4NL1 E~CepTieMS D~`c, ~ 1, / s ~ ~ Town Of Southold ~°~fF~ ~ ~ HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS November, 1968 HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Any person or persons desirous of dedicating land for town highway purposes shall be re- quired to file four (4) prints of the proposed layout of such highway with the Planning Board of the Town of Southold. The Planning Board shall examine such prints and prepare a written report thereon, con±aining its recommendations concerning the proposed layout, and file the same with the Southold Town Board and one copy to the Superintendent of Highways, together with one print of the proposed layout. The Planning Board shall retain one print for its files and shall return one print to the applicant. Thereafter, the Town Board shall approve or disapprove such layout and so advise the Planning Board and the applicant. After such proposed layout has been approved by the Southold Town Board, the following specifications shall be complied with: - 1. Any person or persons desiring to dedicate real estate to the Town of Southold for highway purposes must execute and submit to the Town Board the following: - a. A duly acknowledged dedication and release, together with the required County Clerk's recording fees. b. Proposed consent to the Town Board. c. Proposed order of the Superintendent. d. A survey map of the property which shall show the actual location of the highway area within the highway right-of-way. e. An attorney's certificate of title and an abstract of title certified to the Town Board by an attorney or a 2,000, title policy issued in the name of the Town of Southold. f. A bargain and sale deed with covenant against grantor's acts in the proper form for re- cording in the County Clerk's Office. 'Che foregoing six documents shall be fastened together in one folder and the dedication and release shall include the signatures of all fee owners, easement owners, mortgages and so forth, and the attorney's certificate shall certify to such. 2. All highways accepted by the Town as Town Highways must he at least fifty (50) feet in width; such width shall hereinafter be known as the bounds of the highway. 3. All proposed highways shall be properly surveyed, monumented with concrete monuments on all points, curves and intersections. All roads shall be laid out in a "station mark" system showing elevations, percentage of grade distances between station marks, all drainage pipes, drainage struc- tures, recharge basins, etc. to be clearly shown on both map and profile map of each road. All profile maps to be on a large scale, clearly and legibly printed with not more than one (1) road on one page or sheer.. Name of highway, name of all adjacent owners, if any, drainage rights of way or leaching areas, width and length of highway, scale of map shall not be more than 1" to 200'. An additional survey map of the property other than the one in the folder shall also be submitted. 4. All highways terminating at tidewater sball have a width of not less than 100 feet back from the mean high water mark. All highways on water front property must have the same access to the water as above required. Each dead-end shall have a stop sign on a 10 foot steel U type sign post. 5. All dead-end highways must have a width of not less than 100 feet for a distance of 100 feet back from the dead end to provide for aturn-around, all of which must be free of trees, bushes, and stumps. A guard rail shall be installed along the entire dead-end line. Such guard rail shall be of gal- ' vanized steel (flex-beam type) 18%2 inches in ~a idth mounted on 6" x 6" x 4' posts dipped in creosote to a depth of 30" and placed in the ground to a depth of 30". A standard stop sign shall be placed in the center of the dead-end in the rear of the guard rail. 6. The name of such highway may be proposed by the owner or owners of property dedicating such highways but the name of such highway shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board. 7. A width of 36 feet shall be hereinafter known as the highway area from which all trees, brush, rocks, stumps and other obstructions shall be thoroughly cleared and all such material shall he removed from the bounds of the highway, the remaining distance from the curb line to the property line, shall be raked and seeded. 8. The portion known as the highway area shall be plowed, disc-harrowed, rolled and graded to a uniform surface to the longitudinal grade as shown on the final map. 9. Six inches of Bank Run Base Material with a gravel content of 20% or more will be install- ed below the finished grade of the road section if the existing material is not satisfactory, and shall be free cf all vegetable matter. 10. Where cuts and fills are necessary in order to bring the highway to the proper grade and cross sections, the cut or fill shall meet the abutting surface with a 1 on 2 slope. Where the slope or fill extends beyond the fifty feet, the necessary releases, easements or deeds must be obtained from the property owner or owners. 11. Concrete curbs, when deemed necessary by the Superintendent of Highways, storm sewers, leaching basins, leaching areas and gutters, shall be installed in accordance with the requirements and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Highways. When leaching basins and gutters are re- quired, the same shall be constructed as follows: a. Leaching basins: Only inlet type basins shall be used. All basins within fifty (50) feet of each other shall be connected to each other wi h ei hteen (18) nch corrugated pnipe, o`r 14 inch asbestos cement pipe. ! ~ p~ A~ N~` ~ P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~ 1+ T ^ ~ ~O b. Concrete curbs: Curbs shall be installed on all streets within the subdivision or develop- ment. All intersections shall have a curve with a radius of not less than twelve (12) feet. The distance between curb faces on both sides of the highway shall be 36 feet. Curbs shall be 6 inches wide, 16 inches d~e~~ove road surfaces. y.0 !C, concrete curb on both sides of all roads are required unless waived by the Superintendent of Highways and the Planning Board. Integral curb and gutter shall be installed at all intersections for at least ten (10) feet each side of the curve and at least ten (10) feet each side of a drainage inlet structure intake. Integral curb and gutter on both sides of any road having a grade of 5% or more. 12. After the highway area has been properly graded, rolled, and shaped to the approval of the ' Superintendent of Highways, the thirty-six (36) foot section in the center of the highway area (here- inafter referred to as the road section") shall be stabilized with an application of three (3) gallons of MC-250 (bituminous cut-back) per square yard mixed to a depth of (6) inches in two (2) separate applications. Within two (2) months and not less than one (1) month after stabilization, the road section shall be rolled and properly prepared and an application of one-half (~/2) gallon of RC-250 (bituminous cut back) per square yard shall be applied with sufficient sand to absorb the excess oil. In case of dry weather, the sub-grade shall be wet-down before the application of oil. Before ±he highway is accepted by the Town of Southold, the Superintendent of Highways shall examine the same a.nd thereafter a final application of .3 gallons of RC-250 (bituminous cut back) per square yard, shall be applied and shall be covered with three eighths (3/8) inch blue stone, which shall be rolled with a roller having a minimum weight of {5) tons. Where curbs are installed, the road section shall be deemed to be the entire area within the curbs. 13. On both sides of the oiled surface or road section of the highway area, there shall be a six (6) foot shoulder which shall be graded and free from all trees, brush, rocks, stumps, and other ob- structions, and raked and seeded. 1~4. Before any highway shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, as a town highway by dedication, the assessed value of the buildings and structures on the land on both sides of such high- way (as shown on the current tax roll of the Town of Southold) shall have an assessed value of not less than forty thousand ($40,000.00) dollars per mile proportioned at that rate if more or less than a mile. 15. Where it is necessary to have a drainage area located beyond the fifty (50) foot bounds of the highway, fee title to such area shall be conveyed to the Town of Southold, together with the necessary land to connect such area to the bounds of the highway. Corrugated pipe having a mini- mum diameter of eighteen (18) inches extending from the drainage area to the bounds of the highway shall be installed with clean out boxes at 150 foot intervals. 16. Sidewalks shall be standard four foot in width, four inches thick, except in driveways where they must be not less than six inches thick. All curbs and gutters to be built to standard forms as may be directed by the Superintedent of Highways. On existing Town Highways the Town will furnish the necessary engineering, grading, fill and labor; the property owner or owners shall furnish the necessary ready mixed concrete and shall deliver such concrete to the site as directed by the Superintendent of Highways. The amount of sidewalk construction throughout the Town shall be determined by the Town Board. 17. Whenever in the opinion of the Superintendent of Highways he feels that for the best in- terest of the Town, alterations or modifications should be made to the above specifications, rules and regulations, such alterations or modifications may be made on the recommendation of the Super- indent of Highways to and with the approval of the Town Board. 18. These specifications shall be effective on and after November 7, 1968. 4~ December 19~ 1968 Charles Abrahams Lt>ve Lane 8 Middle ~ d Mattitucks N.Y. Dear Sir; gaalosed p ase find the highway speeification sheet applicable to "Rosew Eatatos" off Bergen Ave & Cox Neck Road, Mattltuak. Also enelo is a copy of the Bond Estaimast for this subdivision work if will be helpful. 7 understa that the Highway 3uperendent has .talked with you about certain al ant changes to be made Lo sa>ti some existing, trees and that only.., 0 ft of ,curbing .will be required at cornersy intersections efts, cad of the entire 2ehgtht and Chat one. or twtr lots are to be regra so that."easements or overlapping fills" trill - not be required. Xours truly'. .Build Inspector s LAWRENCE M.TUTHILL PROFS®®IONAL ENOIN EER INLET LANF 6XT. OR Eff NPO RT, N. Y. GRiiN?a AT 7.1652 Southold `_'o~n °^nnin~ E02~u ..i=_T'e 't e; osewocd, ."attituck., i.- . ;~entlem~~n: [r e=time fox- the uorrl ~b.r ';he raas]s at vose~~ocd ;attituck i. ~s Fo7_lovas: ',and c7.earing 3C",~^ sough g•--ding 2,5'0 cy .SG~cy 1,250.00 ^ine grading 1,600 1~` ~.~0/L 4II0,0;:~ ;,zi°facing 1,6~^,^ if 5.0~~1f ",000.00 !'orbs ~0~ 1 ~ C~ elf 1, 20C. nn Leac'ing basins ~ 1,n00.^ ea. a,^C6.00 Catch b=sins 4 ~ `;50C~,^0 ea. 2,'1C'n,0r ?ine 1"i1 1~, if ~ 11.0^~1.~' 760.00 Eitwni_nous gutter 5K 1% " 2.'!^/li' 110.0^ hcrea_se cost= over 3 ;gear ~:=rio3 2,^('0.0° t,dminiz>;r ci.v~ _osts 1ZLk00.0C 22,000.nr ~scecti£ully submitted, /7-~J-~~_ Lai-renc e 'Tuthill ~ ' December 10, 1968 Southold Town Board 16 south Street Greenport, L.I., Blew York Gentlemen ; The Planning Board held a public hearing on the Subdivision of John and Rose Koroleaki, known ae Rosewood Estates, Bergen Avenue and Cox Bieck Road, Blattituck, Hew York. Originally a bond estimate of $24,000. was submitted and approved for this subdivision. At the hearing some changes were made and the bond estimate.,. has been reduced to $22,000. A copy of Engineer Lawrence Tuthill'a revised estimate will be forwarded as soon as it is received. Mr. Lazk, Attorney for the Korolsaki'a, expects to present the necessary security at the Town Board meeting on December 10 ao that the map can be signed and filed this week. Yours truly, S~p~r'rlslQL ~/7~6i.~.Y~ L~t.IJ, BIenry MOiaa, Acting Chairman Southold Town Planning Boazd H~o;~n~ san. its-> scut { Suffolk County Department of Health ' Riverhead, New York Division of Environmental Health Services CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS xx;e. So;xn ;:crcle3ki 'o~ar.~ A~~r~;~uc 'I'O: r~',t.u:d<, P:er,` fork 11sac;o '!'I~> c~•rtiticate is issue4 under the provisions of the Sufioll: Cuwlty Sanitary ('udo in cunnec- Lecemt5er 5, iSE~1 Iiun, ~c Tali Uu~ at,ln~o val oi' plans nn for your realty subdicisiun Icnu~cn an iL. ~ "_:.i.... ..:"AA i fhr inlh~wing' data u:;s furnishod in connection with th~• suLn;issinn of Lhe plan,_ . :,y. Sou+~i:cl~, <uS'olk `.'aunty, ices-: York Lor:~tinn J}.'Z.~ ~c~~rs (nppr~~s.l 5u. of Lets ~1.... Size (a ~ n'ox.) 11~r x 1 !1 _a11 1~.~~s ura;~. rc1 L.iu,-; . "f~~l.,~~ra~~I~y h,q~iL to t~r~nnul 11'xtor -1Lu:: Min: When ~ t::p sai;.; ti."_1.8 lozrnf 1 ,5-12.0 aa, - losmq trace , s csa; . ~ 4,0- ;~1 ...r:,.~ ~race~ ravel: , ' - L. ~r2 •0:0-ULb"tdp'ebil, ~1. 1 ~n r -0~, ~ liu~ f~ni in [illl}ict ro sf£ect deei~t of set9arp ctispopal, !$C ~i,.i~~:~~' 'sna ~raa 1-s•we:' L, ti;a Town o! ,outhold. )rainagi~ ertah lot, incLi.vidual .'ells constructed 3r; n~er ni~soyesi. ha..t.;e t'.;te~cdstuplG <,:,a•ai,~rts of•iiori7.tr, and'rq:tyim~n bY`t'QO feet; horizontal cjct~xrace 1'rcr; ne jiapo:aal ay-step. lea osch 20 t, a F,00-~;a11on rrlnimum ]3qui:Y cr racit; a,proq~,' t;?o. y~;;tic "e:ea,,c~,+:tis Uo a cers;^scol'ciJn'siAtin~"oS'at'leaet~~3ba7 eq. ft. ci' ouisiar, ridt~ •all le ~ ^i~ e ci' a--owed p;receet cessiJOOl. eel j,j4n: ,,..Nx:avic'e::..ti.i 4t; r 3-, uci oJi~:'&nd r'ra.~ cbll'ar anc constructed on t.o;7 of a me:.iiu:,n-cost=.e r::r;;, az•, ,tai:, fore ,n~:-i'unil! ri4u36. as .s~acilisd or.. sipatvJVe: F,lars: . ,In~~~~-al of Lhis subdi~"isinn i~ granted on condition: 1. That tho tirotinsed f:x•ililios fur water supply and sewn~e dist~osal are instullo~l iu con- ~'miL}~ kith staid plans. Thal private se~eago disposal systems shall nn longer bo constructed or used altar pnhlir .rert;ge facilific; becnnu~ acnilable. ~ Lno13 i,'1) 1 ice.r:aos ''1°-~•.`-'1.~: -•drr3n. 11. W. I~;n~"nls, P. P;. Ilimrt~n~. _ ui.^, trlct G,c. Uiciaion of P:n~"irr~n nu•n t;~l F:n~i4~~~~ni COUNTY OF SUFFOLK xoTlcE of BEARIxG. STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss: NOTICE IS THEREBY GIVEN that) pursuant to Section 276 of the Towh-. Law, Public -hearing r7~i~1 be held by i the Southold Town P181ining Board at the Tgwn office, MairY2load, so.rthGa C. Whitney Booth, Jr., bein dul sworn, Boys New York, dTOwn on the 9th 9 Y day of nece lass, at saa o ~.o i; thot he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND n the evening'of said day, on the-- TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- question oY ,approval of the followinc 'i, plat: ; paper printed of Southold, in Suffolk County; and shot 1. Plat of property owned by John and Rase x oteski, entitled Rosewood ~ the notice of which the annexed is q printed copy, has been Estates, eonsting of a pateel of lane of i4.z2x acres; situated in Mattttuck,; published in said Long Islond Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ty, New York, and bounded and de~, i icft,.,•• l..•., N,eek~ scribed $s,{ollows: I man once each week for l in th BEGInnt~f SG at a monument un , at the int0r$eetion of the northerly ~ successively, commencing on the line of.$ergeii~AVenue and the west- erly line oY Cox Neck Road and day of ~ 19. ~ ~ from said point of beginning run " ~ ning thence along the northerly ~ • line of Be en .Avenue S. 75° 36. 30' ~ ~ ' ~ ' W. 440.55 feetto a monument and ~ lands of Charles Murphy, formerly t•••••• oY William Lindsay; running thence along said lands of Murphy the following eight courses. and dis- Lances: (ll N: 22° 5T 30" W. 684.47 / feet; (2) N. 23° 03' 40" W. •200.05 Sworn t0 before me this d0 feet; (3) N. 18° 3G' 30" W.'100.15 v y a feet; (4) N: 22°28' 40" W. 200.40 ......•~~7 ,~'~y feet: (5) N.-19° 45' 20" W. 100.Or ~f°"••s•••':......, 19..~.~P feet; (6) N. 21° 45' 46" W. 9973 feet; (7) N. 20° 30' 20" W. 100 ;.~3 feet; and (5) N. 22° 1T 50" W. 5989 feet to a monument and lands o+ ~ / / ~ % ~ J. Sledjeski; running thence alon;~, ~.ff~ , _ said lands of Sledjeski the following -~L..~r. ~rA_J~-, four courses and distances: (ll N Nota Public i / 74° 42' lDo E. 373.56 feet to a point; ~L~•J~~~.l~`.~ (2) S. 23 23 30' E. 727.52 feet toy ~ a monument; (3)-S. 23° 16'-30" E. "rc, _ i01n 179.70 feet to a monument; and (4) Cnmmiss r n S. 16° ,~6' 30" E. 142.30 feet to a ~ ~.xrir r ii 30 191 monument and lands of Pausewang;' runriiug thence along said lands of PS,~usewang the following two courses 'snd distances: (1) 6. 10° 11' 20" E. 189.06 feet to a monument; and (2) S. 86° 15' 00" E. 206.55 feet to a monument set on the westerly lire of Coi, Neck Road; running thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road 3: 20° 13' 30" W. 25.28 feet to. an angle point in said road; con- I timing thence along the westerly line oY Cox Neck Road 3.4°56'30"E. 224.50.. ~:cet to the monument set at • the poi)tt or place of beginniug~, ~ Containing ap area of 14.22 acres. Any person d=siring to ti¢ heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above -specified. DATED: NOVEMBER 6, 1968 BY ORDER' OF THE 80UTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ,HEARING I!I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearing will be held by COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ Ss: Southold, New York, in said Town on the 9th day of December, 1968, at , 8:30 o'clock in the everting of said , ~~L b~~ ~c7-~ L~..t U~-+-..~- day, on the question of approval of ~ j ' ~ ' ' ' • • • • • ~ ~ ~rn9 d'alY Sworn, the following plat: says that . is Printer and Publisher pf the SUFFOLK 1. Plat of property owned by Jnhn i and Rose xorolesk;, untitled Rose- WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at GreenpOrt, is safid wood Estates, consisting of a parcel of lava of 14.22z acres, situated in county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, Nuw Yu,,k, ana copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times bounded! and described as follows: ' BEGINNIL~TG at a mo~munent set ~ tTaCe fri Poch Week, faY ~'~?-E-,,,,, , , , , , , , , , • ,N~~ at the intersection n1 the north- er y hne o ergen - enue and the I, ~r y succaessively oammencin on the ~e c ~x ' wester] line of Cox 'Neck Road' a,nd from said oint of b~ inn . F li en to Bergen AvfenueeSl ~thci~~g day ~Of l,C~~._kt, .(,~;.a_ I9.~~ V ° r1y I la 30" W. 440.55 feet to a monument i?4~~.... and ]ands of Charles Murphy, Tor- .SwQIn t0 before me this ~11 ; merly of William Lindsay; running rjp~r of )l.+,i 'A4+rr ~`-1~,.,. 19.4~,ij, i thence along said Lands of Murphy ) the following eight courses and distances:: (1) N. 22" a~ 30" W. ' • • • • 684.47 Yeet, (2) N. 23 03 40" W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 200.06 feet; (3) N. 18' 36 30" W. z L " " C~ 100.15 feet; (4) 'N. 22` 28' 40" W. - 200.40 feet; (5) N. 19` 45' 20" W. 100.06 feet; (6) V. 21° 45' 40" W. 99.79 feet; (7) N. 20` 30' 20" W. e:.c>. e~_., 100.06 feet; and (8) N. 22° 1T 60" ~ µ„F°,,., . _ _ . W. 59.64 to a monument and lands ~ ~ of J. STedjeski; .running thence ~ ' ':Sv~~ ~-...gin along said lands of Sledjeski the ~ ~ f 7b kollowing four courses and ,jr7 distances: (1) N. 74~ 42' / 10" E. 373.56 Meet to a poinb (2) S. 23° 23' 30" E. 727.52 Peet to a monument; (3) S. 23° 18' 3.0" E. 179.70 feet to a monu- ment; and (4) S. 16° 16' 30" E. 142.30 feet to a monument and lands of Pausewang; running thence along said lands of P'ause- wang the following two courses and distances: (1) S. 10° 11' 20" E. 189.08 feet to a monument; and (2) S. 86° 15' 00" E. 206.55 feet to a monument set on the. west- _ erly line of Cax Neck Road; run- ' ning thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road S. 20` 13' 30" W. 28.58 feet to an angle point in ~ said road; continuing thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road 'S. 4° 56' 30" E. 224.50 feet to the monument set at the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 14.222 acres-. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should' appear I, at the time and place above specified. SATED: NOV~FIM~BER. 6, 1968, BY ~OR~DER OF THE SOUTHOLD j 'TOWN PZANiVING BOARD ~J~OHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN lt_ 29 November 20, 1968 Mr. Lawrence Tuthill, P.E. Inlet Lane Extension dreenport, L.I., New York 11944 Dear Larry, At the last Town Board meeting some of the "Planning Board and Highway Dept.' procedures were changed giving all inspection and final approval authority to the Superintendent of Highways. Mr. Dean and Robert Kart P.E. have had a conference on the requirements for "Rosewood Eatatea", Mattituck, N. Y. It was agreed to eliminate from the bond estimate all curbs (Item 5), 2 of the leaching basins at the northerly end (Item 6), and one catch basin (Item 7). You are requested to via it the premises sometime between December 3 and 5 to see how much grading remains to be done and have a revised bond eat:lmate, leaving out the items listed above and all work done to that date, for the hearing, 8:00 P. M., Monday December 9. Yours truly, i Howard Terry Building Inspector cc: Raymond Dean November 7, 1968 Robert Kart, Surveyor 138 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, L.I., New Yozk 11901 Dear Mr. Karts Enclosed please find copy of bond estimate foz "Rosewood Estates." Yours truly, Howard Terry Building Inspector i; November 7, 1968 Mr. Charles Abrahams, P.B. middle Road & Love Lane Mattituck, L.I., New York 11952 Dear Sir; Enclosed please find a revised map and drainage structure plan for "Rosewood Sstates", Cox Neck Road & Bergen Avenu®, Mattituck. This enclosed plan was accept®d by th® Planning Board at the m®eting last night. They plan to start work on the road and regrading of lots 6 & 7 in a few days. Fleaee check this one out in the usual procedur®, Youxs truly, °~ohn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board November 7, 1968 Town Board, Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, L.I., New Xork Gentlemen; Our engineer has estimated the coat of roads, drainage, and other improvements foz the aubdivlaion to be known as "Rosewood $etatea", owned by John & Roae Kozoleaki, at $24,000. The Planning Board has accepted this figure and recommends to the Town Soazd the amount of the bond for this subdivision be $24,000. A copy of the engineer's estimate is enclosed. Yours truly, f John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board LAWRENCE M.TUTHILL PROFEBBIONAL ENGINEER INLET LANE BJCT. DR EENPO RTC N. Y. D R[[N1011T 7-065 Z D':ovember 6, 1968 Southold Tow: ?=lanning '~.rd 'ain Street Sor.t'~old~ T' ?,e: 'osevaood, ?at:,ituck Gentlemen; y estimate nor the bends Bor t.ie roads at :osewcod, ztti~uck, zs as iollok*s: Land clsaring 300.00 zoivstii grading 2,500 cp w .50~ cg 1,25C?.CO ~e'ine grading 1,600 1 .40hf L~8C.00 .)urfacing l,bn^ if r - 5.00/L° 8000.00 Curbs 3,200 l r; 1.00f1f 3,200.00 Leach basics 1a 1,000.0 eu. L:,000.00 Ga'cch basins Lt 50^.OC ea. ^ 2,000.00 i-i-,e 1~.,1 190 1i a , 4.~ /1f 760.0 itutninous gutter 55 ~ 2. ,C~li' 114.OC Incre:sa costs ov:r 3 1>ear ,~riod 2,!'OC.06 ~.dm'.nistrative costs 1,100.00 r.' 2l~,ono.eo i"soectifulls~ submitted, G ~a~-es- ~ a L2~.axert~"~ ii. Tat,ill LAWRENCE M. TLJTHILL PRO~E~a1ONAL [NOINEER INLET LANE 6xT. GREEN PO RT, N. Y. GRL[N/OR1 7.1632 80 ~ sabe r b, 14~! Swthnld *oxn P2usnin` Baaxd tkaAn ~t:sst 8rnitholA, ~II.L. Ref Roaswood, ?kattltu0k Qsntlamere r t~ satiwats fnr t~s k~cnda Oor the roaets at Roas~cod, ?9abt11nOk, 3a as YolloKat Land ¢iesrix~ :300.00 ~'de~xeh ~zrdit~ F,So~ cy~ .5~!/ cy i,8~0~00 Fins aradie~ 1,b00 1P t~ ~a .lt~/lf GAO~OC Rarfacin~ i,bOC? lY ~ 9 r.04/lf B,flOQ.Cf) Rirbe~ 3,x^0 if ~ 1[OC/1P 3800.00 lwnat! b«ains la ~ ~ 1,Q00.t7C> sa. 4,000.00 Gateh br»ins li ~ 4 5oC'.d[` ea. 2,000.('0 Pipe 1$« 190 if ~ ~ 4.n<~/li 7b0.o0 A.ttuainnun g~ittcr S5 ]i v $ 2.t'#?I].t 11a.Oc Incrssae costa orsr 3 year parind 2~OE10.Off adeiniatratire costs 1.bt30.00 ~ 211,000.00 P,"soectiinlly subRitt?ed, c~.--=~'G~-4~-t Laxrancs M. 7t~~~.i11 • c`~t$~fu~ ~E~~rtmelxt ~[afax arf ~autl~alD ~ecanic, ~ 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN TEL, 78D•8140 SUPERINTENDENT August 7, 1968 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: I have inspected the map and approve the lay-out of the road(s) at ROSAVOOD ESTATB9~ on property owned by Johe and Rose Koroleski~ Mattituck~ New York. Ve~ru~~you~ 7L. RAYMOND C. DEAN, RCD:a Supt. of Highways $.2.~ LK ~ July 18, 1968 Mr. Robert Kart, L.B. 138 Roanoke Avenue ]tiveYhead, L. x. , xew Yc?x'k 11901 Dear sirs Vpan fuxth®r discussion o! the proposed subdivision "Rosewood" with our engineers, wa Mould like you to submit your prapwed !or leaching basins and recharge basin in ~sre detail - nusiber and vise o! grecaat rings, type of drainage inlet, length & sloe of pips at the north turn, aUo any plan for the iosprovasernt of the zechargs area on !t/IP corner. On the final asap we would like you to show any necessary "easesr?nts" for cut and fill areas along the roafl if they emend beyond the fifty (SO) foot width. Thanking you for your cooperation. Yours truly. Jc8ln illckham, ChairmifA Southold Town 8lanning Board a.a. Lawrenw Tuthill P.E. 1ticSsard Lank Attorney LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 516-298-8353 July 1'], 1968 Z'own of Southold Planning Board N:ain Road .Southold, Pdew York Re: "Rosewood Estates" - Subdivision Mattituck, New York Gentlemen: I am enclosing an Application for Approval cf Plat of the above captioned subdivision, filing fees of ~1~0, and a revised preliminary subdivision Flan for "Rosewood Estates." Your consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated. Very ruly yours, i RFL/as ~ichard F. Lark encls. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (lf the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be.."Rq~ey,*.OQd.E,~tate$" . 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows Liter .....5G45 Page .....359.............. On .NavsmU.er..5.,..7.964; Liter Page On Liter Page On Liter Page On Liter Page On as devised under the Last Will and Testament of or as distributee 5. The area of the land is . acres. 6. Al] taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid 7. The land is encumbered by NO..II1n~Ug2~es . mortgage (s) as follows: recorded in Liter Page in original amount of $ unpaid amount held by address recorded in Liter Page in original amount of unpaid amount held by address . - recorded in Liber Page in original amount of $ unpaid amount held U' address 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land SC 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts A'! ,Residential, and Agrz cul dux:a7 10. 1Vo part of the land lies under water whether tide ~a~ater, stream, pond water or otherwise, 7743C7C 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land 3('g'd~K) (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict,if within a District, is No 13. Water mains will be laid ~y ~ , 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by Z,OT,tg , ~,$~2IaC1 , ~igklt~,I?~ , C~.qt~any, . and 3C (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. mains will be installed ~C Ifi. 1f streets shown on the plat are claimed Uy the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Higlnvay system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed Uy the applicant to Ue existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway- system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. See attached. 18. There are no e:;istin~ Uuildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps Ueretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". Wi11 follow. 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Sch~ed~ule~"F". DATE ..JRly..l.'7., 196.8. .....~~°`-.~.%~p~ ame Applicant;) Jo11n ~leski J ~~l ( Rose Koroleski 182 Sound Ave.,, Mattituck~ N...Y. (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ...SU~#'P.~k ss: On the ...12th, . , , , , . day of July, , , , , , , , , , , , , 19..68 before me personally came Koroleski J.o~. l~prgle ski, .and. Rose . , . , , , to me known to be the individuaL°described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ...they„ executed th j i Notary Public RKHgRp F. LARK NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York 'Na 5~7g325pp-SUffoNc GwnrX,, ~'^^~bn F.>~iAe Alardl 30, 1.9../,~ S'CATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . ss: On the ..................day ............of 19......, before me personally came to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose ancisay that resides at No ................................................that is the of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ..............knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. anti that : ..............signed.............. name thereto by like order. Notary Public CHEDULE "A" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set at the intersection of the northerly line of Bergen Avenue and the westerly line of Cox Neck Road and from said point of beginning rtiung thence along the northerly line of Bergen Avenue S. 75° 36' 30" W. 440.55 feet to a monument and lands of Charles Murphy, formerly of William Lindsay; running thence along said lands of Murphy the following eight courses and distances: (1) N. 22° 57' 30" W. 684.4'] feet; (2) N. 23° 03' 40" W. 200.05 feet; (3) N. 18° 36' 30" W. 100.15 feet; (4) N. 22° 28' 40" W. 200.40 feet; (5) N. 19° 45' 20" W. 100.06 feet; (6) N. 21° 45' 40" W. 99.79 feet; (7) N. 20° 30' 20" W. 100.06 feet; and (8) N. 22° 17' 50" W. 59.64 feet to a monument and lands of J. Sledjeski; running thence along said lands of Sledjeski the following four courses and distances: (1) N. 74° 42' 10" E. 373.56 feet to a point; (2) S. 23° 23° 30" E. 727.52 feet to a monument; (3) S. 23° 16' 30" E. 1'79.'70 feet to a monument; and (4) S. 16° 16' 30" E. 142.3C feet to a monument and lands of Pausewang; running thence along said lands of Pausewang the following two courses and distances: (1) S. 10° 11' 20" E. 189.08 feet to a monument; and (2) S. 86° 15' 00" E. 206.55 feet to a monument set on the westerly line of Cox Neck Road; running thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road S. 20° 13' 30" W. 28.28 feet to an angle point in said road; continuing thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road S. 4° 56' 30" E. 224.50 feet to the monument set at the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 14.222 acres. scHEnvLE „cam Existing publio streets in the Town of Southold Highway system are: Cox Neck Road Bergen Avenue R i ~ APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (lf the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 1.. The name of the subdivision is to be. «YCi~1I00d $1ltttSf!" 3. The entire land tinder application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows Liber .....5~5 Page ....359.............. On ~OT~AS..Sf..l~; Liber Page On Liber Page On Liber Page On Liber Page On as devised under the Last Will and Testament of or as distributee 5. The area of the land is .1~~?~.~........... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid 7. The land is encumbered by N0..AlAT~g2g2S mortgage (s) as follows: 4g]C~ recorded in Liber Page in original amount of $ unpaid amount held b y address recorded in Liber Page in original amount of unpaid amount held b y address i • . (recorded in Liber Page in original amount of $ unpaid amount held by address f3. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land . 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts w~M . $l~d.~'~~ a~ 'a.Cli~~tlx'AS 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise,X~ 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land~l (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict,if within a District,is BO 13. Water mains will be laid 1~t 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by ;+.~.~~~.~~t.~.C~.Q~~.. and (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. mains will be installed ]b. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. li. IE streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. ~®e 8ti'~'i~C21~• 18. There are no esistin~ buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 2G. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". Wl}.l tOllaars i • _ . 2?. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be , , , , , . , and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at . years. The Performance Bond will 6e written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise show/n on Sche/dule "F". DATE .!r~.17~ 19~. ..mks.v...~''k'"~L~C'C~,'~iDlOr......... amvgf App ica ) ~ ~ i 182 Sauced Avs., Mettituck, Y. (Address) STA'L'E OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ...?1"~.t=o~ ss: On the ...3:~....... day of 19. ~ before me personally came Jahn.,Kosrolsski.ead &o~® Sorclasld to me known to be the individuaiNdescribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ...}.'h.~.... ee%xe~cuted the same. N tary Public kICr+Aao F. LARK .JTARV PUBLIC, Sto}e of New Yala No. 52-7432500-Suffolk Count`14(.~, Commission ~Expi res March 30, 79../,~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the ..................day .:..........of 19......, before me personally came to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that resides at No ................................................that is the of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ..............knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that ..............signed.............. name thereto by like order. Notary Public SCHEDULE "A" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set at the intersection of the northerly line of Bergen Avenue and the westerly line of Cox Neck Road and from said point of beginning running thence along the northerly line of Bergen Avenue S. '75° 36' 30" W. 440.55 feet to a monument and lands of Charles Murphy, formerly of William Lindsay; running thence along said lands of Murph„v the following eight courses and distances: (1) N. 22° 5~' 30" W. 684.x? feet; (2) N. 23° 03' 40" W. 200.05 feet; (3) nf. 18° 36' 30" W. 100.15 °eet; (4) N. 22° 28' 40" W. 200.40 feet; (5) N. 19° 45' .n. _ ;;.,;6 feet; (6) N. 21° 45' 40" W. 99.79 feet; (7) N. 20° 30' 20" W. 100.06 feet; and (8) N. 22° 1'7' S0" W. 59.64 feet to a monument and lands of J. Sledjeski; running thence along said lands of Sledjeski the following four courses and distances: (1) N. '74° 42' 10" E. 3'73.56 feet to a point; (2) S. 23° 23' 30" E. '72'7.52 feet to a monument; (3) S. 23° 16' 30" E. 1'79.0 feet to a monument; and (4) S. 16° 16' 30" E. 142.30 feet to a monument and lands of Pausewang; running thence along said lands of Pausewang the following two courses and distances: (1) S. 10° 11' 20" E. 189.08 feet to a monument; and (2) S. 86° 15' 00" E. 206.55 feet to a monument set on the westerly line of Cox Neck Road; running thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road S. 20° 13° 30" W. 28.28 feet to an angle point in said road; continuing thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road S. 4° 56' 30" E. 224.50 feet to the monument set at the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 14.222 acres. SCHEDULE "C" Existing pubL~o streets in the Town of Southold Highway system are: Cox Neck Road , Bergen Avenue July 8, 1968 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: I have inspected the map and disapprove the lay-out of the proposed road<s) at ROSEWOOD ESTATES, on property owned by John and Rose Koroleski, Mattituck, New York, because the road should connect with property on West side. /V/ery truly yours, v YMOND C, DEAN, RCD:a Sup `t. of Highways i - i ~ r. ~ ~ Y~ h~~ ~ ~ I • • PGAYG PO UND 'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ III ~ Rim ~ ~ i ~G :e2 GV/Il / - III I GTQ KIS/N PO ~yE / i ~ t 'I ~ ~ i R i y cS-r R., P16F ~ ~ .'care ov K![ ~ ~ fQ TD e s a~~Sr!w<"aT~: _ moo. i _ ~ ~ - ~r>>/ ~ ~ ~ ~ f y'~ 1 vi ~ i ~ ~ I ' ~ ~ Iii ~ I ~ _ _ r,~ _ x l mil„ „ I~ ~ ~ / .rte ! ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ _ _ _ i i i, _ ~ j , / , / ~ ~ ! ~ ~ / ~ /~/,,8 ~ ' 1 ~ ~ _ 1 ~ y ~ h M---~y --~a-_ _ y - - - P ' G .7u R.°HY ~ - C PLAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' SCALES I'440' M y,i o ~ - 6 ni ' y ~ r~ v ~ . z• .~<"r ~ 4 a a p ~ - ~a- ~ PROFILE ~ 'i,, j..~_ q• 1'rE0'~NOR. ~ I 3dLE, 1'r 4'YERL it , f TYPICAL SECTION ' ii ~ PROPOSED GUTTER i'r +I I I'',~ ~ yea 2 F c _ ' / -.y, LAST IRON coNn rocai e3 ~ _ _ - - ~''i~~k . 6~ nerurwere.4rn er fiaeb'HraY 1~ , Anao. ~ ~I FeWa.SY d>.~ GR F94,14 ' re... 3-...snl n ~;Qti (l ftj7 * TGGAO.•. T k OAp r F ~I , . °.4/ , NK - _ _ - - G.c~n.rc <c.xe 4 C..rrea / ! DemE ID To., TBy„q yIL~COMK (1lOCK yy„°n~\ _ ~ ~ I f p N i ~ a \ i ~ / QrGIU}T ~ ~ ICI ,gyp, `I,. ~ Ge',c MiNa ssc r~o.v ~ ~'x IZ •teN. Fa4nvr. ~ _ ill u~~ ~ a n- w / o - Proposed Drajnage Plan orF<NSr "ROSEWOOD• ESTATE'S'° ' ' ' ~ ro II II N Matti tuck LLl__ ~ Town- of'Sautirold oo~ PLAN ~ /,,~„~..,W«~,eFD d, Suftglk CoUryfy,N:Y. C CARLStlN 4 pa~vS pR E(y I!L p - eCALE~ 1"r40' NOV'Sr 1968 r7 TYPICAL SECTION',~F CATCH & LEACHING 9AS1NS i _ I ' - - RoeERT'A RT • - LyyAND' u, oR. _ ` 9CALE+ 1.141 xs.a~c~eaee , ~ ~ ~ RI EPN d '>5 C ~k~ . I i. _ ~ y ' f ' ~ ~ hy. ' \ ~ \ \ S2 \/SS ~ k 2 Yy 3p yy S.4°8g 30 °F['K ~ I J. SLEDZI ESKI qW o~a :75991 >s.35Q 2p Nay a ~ ~ 200'0°, LANE I'' 5.23°23'30°E. T2L52' 9.23°16'30°E. 179.70' S./6°16'30"E. / ~ y bry / / Y:p \ ' • 116.01 43.42 142.30' b' o,V I I V Y71.73 ~ 121.02 120.02 118.01' 96.7420.27 73. D0 69.30 S'/0°//20"f 0 ~ / 4 0~ 1 0"~ ' y' / ° O O H 13 16s.De' s0, / `at 3 I ~ ~ W °i o 20 0 18 o I6 m 14 i 12 n 10 ~ o 8 / / ~ h 3' ~B, f ? m n I', m o PLAYGROUND '_n~o ti ~ F N A n ro ~ ~ b° y F / ~ ~ n' 1.159 ACRES IM'h m _ _ n _ mro I~~~,,,fff m m ~ m ~ m °r / `o h 0 N' N. /9°23'30"W - .J I ' - m- _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ eairo+u~ 5 r sack c,u 'A / . y TEST /30.00 ~ Q ~ HOLE r % _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ i - _ _ _ _ _ / E W ~ u~ q 106.00' 121.00' 120.00' IIB.00' IIZOO' II6.00' 116.00' 170.00' 00 / pry el I W 9.22°26 50 E. ~59' , 5 - ' N.22°P6'50"W, m 986.00 bm 2 ml y N P q 186.96 W ROSEWOOD h DRIVE ,e9eoo wo e~a o W o N. 22°26'50"W, 911.00' P ~ o~ m ll 49,5' y y M Vq2 96.00 118.00 118.00 115.00 115.00 116.00 116.00 117.00 ~ ~ 2 hl 4i m° 3 S;p ® m N ~ o RECHARGE m b '4~a 0% - - "TEST - - - - - - evsaiu ser _ eq<lt ciuE _ _ - _ _ , - o I m _ s,• 3 64.95" 169.41' 3 m I HOLE ~ - BASIN 50,00 3e I o 1 - - - - - - 9.YY°5T 30 E. 224.36 0 o m S.2 26'S0"E o I n m n o ~ ~ ° e 3 u, 0.737 ACRE -m I~ mn v ~ m - o o~ - y ~I n Mm 1 ° b b A M1 A A AI AG 14 4 pM = I = oM w 121 19 _ 17 - 15 13 - II - 9 - 7 '~.ti 6 a°~ 1 ~I W ~I o m oa ml or. ob' y °i ~ = ny ~ 59.64' OJQ' m ,0.76'41 I 21A1' N.22 750 100.06' = 99.2b 99:30' 118.00' 80.69' 57.54' 12.56' '4 I W W N.20 3020 ,21459,0 N.19°9520 ° ° 42.61' 72.49' 116.01' 103.45' II6.01' 117.00' 143,01' 206.00' m 99.79 - /0006' W N.22 2840 W. 200.40 N. 18 3fi 3p W N.Y3°03 40 W 200.05 - N.22°57 30 W. 884.47 100.15 CHARLES MURPHY I TYPICAL WELL TEST HOLES LOT AREA SCHEDULE THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS 9UBDIV 1910N PLAT HAS LOT NO. S0. FT. BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNI NO BOARD OF THE TOWN Of I 2 I\\ ~Gj. 1 27597 SOUTHOLD BY RE90LUTION OFAPPROVAL DATEO I . > .~-r ^ vie \~~P 2 21758 °n ° N • \ 3 20603 BY+ CHAIRMAN I^ °a y 4 Y0467 DATE+ ie ~~F"~ FS OOp , 0 5 23036 I „ E ~ 6 YS660 „~-THE-WATF,R 9UPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACIL ITIE3 'I" ~ ~ ° °a ~ ~ B 32909 .'FOR ALL' LOTS LPN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE 'I "'.5,7ANDA:1~{OS AND.'REOUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY - -.o ; ~ ~ 0 10 2001Y0 DEPARTNEN7 O,F NEAL7M. K ~ II 20134 P.E. ^ ~ MATT/TU ~ 12 20149 ~ , NEW YORK STATE LICEN9E N429528 a°°"^y 'A~~M EpU CNffR CK 13 20091 _ _ JAME3POR7, NEW YORK /\y p/V aioune JI~ IYpV a pEN =~0 15 20164 , +V~H~e~jlCi61Y N~ ~ TIFY THAT TH 19 MAP WAS MADE BY ME 0E0 ~ 16 20060 kiDAj ~d'TIlAlS.. Y9 COMPLE TED DECEMBER E, 1988 ANO 'I e ~ 17 20/OY 7 AT"ALL .rvON T MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS+ • HEREON ' e ,5u •^•e ~ IB YOIB4 AFTUA'LLY EX19T H THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY I 1I 19 2000E OWN ANQ THAT A L DINENSIONS AND OEO DETIC DETAIl9 D °am«,;61e KEY MAP POP PO 2009Y A~E CORREL'T. pump- 2 L1 " N q r 1n I+ 21 20148 ~ ~"f,. . > g p m ~I oo o ao PH ~ 2+' / ~n,....F' ,.4.. - 7!I" L 9. VIE AREA OF ENTIRE PARCEL+ 14.22Y ACRES NEW YORK STATE LICENSE NO. P87Y6 RIVERNEAD, NEW YORK I~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~i TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OWNED AfJD DEVELOPED BYE SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL RrvERHEaD, NEw YORK IR-5-68 ~ JOHN d ROSE KOROLESKI an .r°dr - --~--n-.---.-~-.-,--- SOUND A V EN U E THIS IS i0 CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED ARRANGEMENTS ` r-~ _ _;P _ _ FOR WATER SUPPLY ANO SEWAGE DISPOSAL FOR 'ROSE WOOD MATr1TUCK, N.Y ~ -~--1~-7 ~,.,e.~.... ~ I=-,---_ - ESTATES" IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHO LD WERE APPROVED - I' l~I T _i 1 ~ ~ I_1. STREET ON THE ABOVE DATE. THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY L' 1 m _ ° IF INSTA ELATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE FACIL- 1 L_ P i1,°" I ~ ~-=.,o (TIES ARE COMP LE7E0 WITHIN ONE YEAR OF ABOVE ^A ^ o of ~ i°°<~„^ye°me I' APPROVAL DATE. UPON THE EKPIRATION OF TH19 CERTIF• 1Y1Hr a u 1`i`^t" KATE OF APPROVA L, APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL SHALL ' _ a -3 l ~ o BE SUBM/77EbTOTHE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF °ROSEWOOD ESTATES° ~ a' E ~ HEALTH. APPROVAL OF THIS RENEWAL APPLICATION SHALL / ~ m ~ ,p„ OF FU~ING SUCHNAPPLOICATIONNT9 IN EFFECT Ai THE TINE MATTITUCK Cam,=.°ef c°° o p CONSENT 19 HEREBY GIVEN FOR 7HE fILINS OF THE MAP TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1.°°n,°y ~,°q:mil-- - a c ~w \1~JY ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN 7HE OFFICE OF " 7HE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. o w n. ' 1°bi ~.e° r9n i a SECTION 1118 OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW, AND SECTION Y l0 6~ ao°. sy /I ! m ~ OF ARTICLE VI OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. 100 0 100 Y00 f ' - - SCA LEII°-100' °„d ~ DIRECTOR, OI V. OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION ~ _ _ ~I t ~'1 l I~ ~Y 11 , - 1 ~ ~ 4~ ~~d. 4 ~ ~ it P.~. Y 1 N~C~ i ~ Jy~ rymo a I J. SLEDZIESKI °p'' ~ RQA~ . j ~ by q° ~6 Va ~ I ,~o q q4 n° r a x° ~ 0 3' ~ ti~yt' I. ~i ~ i ~ ~ / / /O» i I / ~ , ~ 1727bE" 6'3 179.7 S S' O» ry oy J .f I 4 ~ i ~i 1 I ~ X280'/ 1 ! / ' I i I I i / SiD•Ji' a ti m 1 { II aQ 14 ''l ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ i i i ~ 1 / zco a B• ie' Xg° l J 3 I o / / I / /i 1 ~ I ~ I i 1 ~ ~ 1 C ~ W ~I~S 1 I i i I I I s_e'= a r/r-a~N° 1 ~ n a ~ V~ I VV ~~3 .I~r') ti / / uN~ / I X20' v 18 0 16 I o / 14 0 12 b IO o { "z v°"~ ! /i ~ x ` / ~ I \ ~ W 1~ h~ / ~~0~ . - / i r / n ~ 7 ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ r>'~'fl.l$ ! I so. : 1 J9o ~ as ~ i P i / / f i . ~ p~,?^~+, _I--- { I,-e~,/ 1 I ,::1,' ! 3 '+Jy / ~ ~ I , Q III ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~a9.~ye1 6°ck n e. - 1- I_. 1- i "°6 ~ \ I a { W I ~ ~i~ ^ i ~ ~ I ~ `lto Jzo Jza uo rz0' ~ 12aa i/ / ~5 \ Y 1 1 ~~I ~ ~ {{{j I c / , ~~_F'ZJ,C _ ~ ~ 8 ~o "ROSEWOOD' l _ - ' ~ 8 / /DRIVE" i I 'so ~ ~ ~ i I ` a9s' ~ I'I ~ i ~r~o' Jeo Jzo N5' - JIS' . u5'~ /15' ,Il5' ! GS I ~ i~ H w. /,p4+'/ i ,m-- - _ r i~ J 1 ~ i I _ ~./1 V JS ~ I I 1 ~II ~ ~ I.~4~\~/ ~ s 5a I 1 r` ~ ~ P I - G~bu. ld.°y~ ed I6ocF /inc ~ I~ i / / / II I{ ` 111 P 11 I ~ ~~t~~/~/ ~ ~ ' ~ ' 1 II I ~ - I I ~ It I~ I~M ~ ~ i w / 21 ~ l * I o i h /b/ 61 y, I ~ i 1 / ! I ~ ~ f 19 17 i~l ~ 15 ,13 n i I^ i~ I ~ 1 f l y I I I"~ ~ I l/ l /I !l ~ za9q~ ~ Jam. . ~ ~ / I IJ ! ! _ _ _ . 1 { i i ~ W I 1 / s .8~1' hoo.de' 7' ~ ~,oo De' I 1 ~ 1 J 1 1 r I' N~/ /j SSW, lN. PO.39 Y0 N.PI.4640 W ./9.4E 20 W N.~B° 8'40"W. 200.40' MiB•303p W, N.23°0340 WI E00.0E N.22°371 O W. J 1 ISo' I 1884.47' I ~ ~I~ j ~y ~y tiatiy ~o rod' a°, a s v°~ r ~ ,~h ~ I Ma MI' n m M Q1 11 m _ I I CHARLES MURPHY PLAN ~'llll I ~ 9CALE~1"`100' ~ P. I,ci3,b0 _ ~ f { i~ 4~ ~ ~.0~ ~P.VC: 43.19 '~~40.0 P.L•39.00 f{) 111 ~ 37.16 ~ r-___ 1 li exiif,mq 9wvo'e ~ : 6 I I ' I I ~.67 ' PRtjPOSED i ~ ~PE.O ~ ~ ~ 'n ~~I GRADE ~ . i ~ r I rrR I 'I ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 - ~ ~ia:o>~ f ~ i I 1 ~ i i ~ " ~ ~3~ ~ I, i ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ 'I ~ ~ ~ ~~I ICI 1 ~ 1 ~ ~i + i.7 i ~ ~ ~ ~ 4x'" I I '1 I f i f I, i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ti ~ ~ I i '1 ~ ~ ' 1 I, i II ~ I ' i i j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I i ~ , ~ ~ ° ~ °I p~ ry~ ~ en m m ~ pw ~ u y°~ v ~ -+--~1--- ~ ~n~ V, ~ ~ ~ Do{om o.a ~elerenmd ~ ' ~ R P~~ V PI P i~ C~ f._ T y~ y O M' N W N N 1`o OS.C.BG. .°4~Ve N o a ° 3 0 $ ° m 9 ° 3 g P S ° ~ ° v ~ N r n v 8 W ' P _ ~ V N ~ ~ ` O ~ 01 0 ~ ti ~p ~ S N Vt P P P n 4 N ~ ~ O O a Z( 1 U W CENTER LINE PROFILE °ROSEWOODDRIVE° 1~' hI scaLE. 1"N00' HOR. ".ID'VERT. Preliminary Subdivision Plan' so DEVELOPERS+ JOHN 9 ROSE KO_ROLESKI rIROSEWOOD ESTATES° zs' SOUND AVENUE MattltUCk / zJ~ ~ MATTITUCK~ N.Y. TOWn of Southold / /6 ~ Suffolk County, N.Y. ~ - ~ .-c~ s/aPa 1o exisl/ng NO THIS PROPERTY 19 20NED "A•RESIDENTIAL 8 FApM. - IF--- Rono 5ea7roN _ LOT DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE APPROXIMATE. r (I° b° paved }a H9hway aapf. _ { TOTAL AREA OF SUBDIVISION ° 14,282' ACRES May 24c 168 / ap ti frcwl~oa°) 1 ALL LOTS SHALL HAVEA MINIMUM WIDTH OF IOO fEET AND SHAl4 HAYE AN AREA OF 2 Op S0: FLT OR MORE. JULY IS° 1968 QNLY ONE PpIN¢IPA4 6y1LOfNG WILL SE 60NSTRUCTED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION aN EAON' LoT. / r, I y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s_s • '~'9~€~T^L"LIIC'~~*M£"~7;'"~7'`'`rv ""'~..°i~""~'4"i'~'a+e c y. -q~C1':YS"4'o_;., `ua-,ceaR rn_,..n: n+.._~-~...,~..+.~~i. Y ~ _ z P s ~E ii i ~ t _ y"M 't~ C l 1 a f~ df t~ ~ f~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k y~ ~ Vi ~ ~S 1 ~ a ~ ~ w t ~ ~F ~ ~ a ff I ti < ~ i r~' , . ~1ti ~ 7 _ f ~ l.s+..~`ti yT {y ~ ~ n y~5p~t 1 / 1^~~ _ ~ 4.~~4~ ',~,y~r ,f ~ tl r ~ ~ ~ i.~Y~~ yt'^r•" wry t 6 , r i r ~ r V n~ j{ 1V ` ~ ~ ~ _ t F. ` 4 f 4~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ry t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~r;; ~ to ~ y, e ~ ~ ,r , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~x ~ ~ t` b i 1 I 'f' ~j I t ~ I y J 3~ t ~ ' x 7 K ~ i' , } , ~ ~ j ~ ~ 3 n v ~ ~ r q w"~.. k ~ q ~ ~ t ~ k. ~J ~ ~ : ~ G,~Np.~.ay ~ ~ ~ t GNU PiAK r= i~ w G ~ ~ _