HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-07/30/1970MINUTES SOUTHODD TO~ BO~.RD OF ~PPE~LS july 30, 1970 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held at 7:30 PoM., Thursday, July 30, 1970, at the To~n Office, Main Road, Eouthold, New York. There were present: Messrs. Robert ~Y. Gillispie, Jr., Chairm~n; Robert Bergen; Charles Grigonis, Jr.; ?red Hulse, Jr. Also present: M~. Howard Terry, Building Inspector. Absent: N~. Serge Doyen, Jr. PUBLIC HEARING: A rehearing on Appeal No. 1311; upon applica- tion of Joseph D, Zaiser, Mill Creek Drive, Southold, New York~ for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, grticle iii, Section 300, Subsection 6~' for permission to locate carport (accessory use) in front yard area. Location of property: east side of Mill Creek Drive, Southold, New York, bounded north by ~m. J. Miller, east ~by Mill Creek, south by P. Porestieri~ west by Mill Creek Drive. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its p~folication in the official newspapers, sad notice to the applicant. THE CH~.I~I®~T: You first m~de an appeal for a variance on December 4, 1969. I~ your appeal dated June 26th for a rehearing you have given a lot more reason for requesting the variance. Is there anything you would like to add? MR.. Z~I~E~: Mill Creek Drive is a dead end street. It is a circle. Part of it is Grove Road. From Route 27A as yom come i~uto the colony~ it is Grove Road. Mill Creek comes back and meets Grove again. THE CH~IRI~i~N: Would anyone else like to speak in favor of this app~cat ~on. (There was no response.) T~ CHAiRtW~J~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this applmoa~on~ (Thoro was no ~e~onse.) BERGEN: It should be set back~ moved back. THE CH~R~I: It should be moved back at least a car-length. There is some doubt in my mind whether this application should be granted but in view of the beautiful reasons you have given, you have something to hang your hat on. i~. Z~,I~ER: Do-i have to move it back? ~ CHY..~w2~I&2~.~ You can't have it on the highway regardless of what the other fellow did. I think'we would wsnt to speciffy that the struct~e shall be open-sided. It IS a difficult thing to describe as a carport is one thing in one place and different in anothe~ pis. ce. in Piorida, it's different. ~e purpose of its being open sided is what you have pointed out- not block~g the visibility of the people across the street. However, we mi~t be creating a series of carports. ~e other side of the street would be look~g at ~ alley, a whole line of outhouses. I~. ~A!EER: Can I leave the uprights as my neighbor has done, and stretch canvas across the top? ~THE CH~.IR~2~: My definition is that it is still a struc- ture. tt would be a means of avoiding this action of the Beard. MR. ZAISF~R: Can this be done? THE C~I~I~: My impression would be ~no~ but I would like to hear from anyone else who has a~a opinion, MR. ?~ISER: It would no longer be a permanent structure. 0~ Towr_ Counsellor thought it should be a car-length back, at least. There is even some possibility that it should be attached to the house, but Z th~k in view of the circumstances of these t~ees~ it might be that if you had to attach it to the house you would have to chop down a lot of trees. ~A~. ZAIS~: You would have to okay the idea of putting it in the front? THE CH~: He was agreeable to putting it a car-length back. MR. Z~qER.~ It would be almost against the house anyway. It would loek like the devil. It would obstruct the view of the people across the street. THE CHAIR~L~2~: That's your opinion. Our opinion is different. Y~. Z~tSER: Rather than-move it, could I put canvas on it and take it off in the winter. ~rIE CEA!P~V~2?: I don~t like what your neighbor has done but he was here before zoning. Z would like to hear from the rest of the Board as to what they~think about leaving the uprights. ~Lq. ZA~R: I think it would look worse if it was moved ba~k. ~.~ ~-~t~_~: I don~t th~mk we can condone anything such as this~ would rather see a structure there. ~E CE&IRI~2~: I~oes anyone else have any questions? ~f nots ~. Hulse will offer a resolution granting permission f~ this structure (carport) to be placed at least 20 Feet from the property line, in the front yard area~ ~d to b, open sided. &t no time ~y the sides of this carport be enclosed. ~ ~: ~o you menu 20 ~eet ~rom the road edge~ T~ ~t'~: 20 ~e~t ~om the property l~e. ! i~gin~ these curbs as sho~ in this picture are on the highway... 20 ft. from the property l~e. ~. ~: May Z ask if ~nyone would like to buy a 10~ x 20~ structure For a floats It~Just needs st~ofoam ~da~eath ~d it would be a beautiful f~loat. ~nen does it have to co~ do~? ~ ~P~: Tou have ~0 days to remove it. You put it up last Nove~er without consulting the Build~g ~spector. DOes anyone want to buy the top part of a float? ~.fter in-vestigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission for a varianc~ £or permission to locate carport (accessory use) in Front yard area, located east side of Mill Creek Drive~ Bouthold, _~ew ~[ork. The Board finds that the applicant rejects advice of Town Co~usellor that carport be moved back 20 ft. from property line, in front yard area~ also refuses to attach carport to his house or to relocate carport in rear yard area. The Board finds that strict applicatien of the Ordinance will not produce practical difficulties or ~unecessary hardship. The hardship created is not unique and would be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district? and the variance would, change the character of the neig~hborhood and would not observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by ~r. Hulse, seconded by lf~. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED' ~oseph D~. Zaiser, Mill Creek Drive, $outhold, New Tork~ be D~NIED permission to locate carport (accessory use) in front yard area, as applied for on property located east side of Mill Creek Drive, Eouthold, New Vote of the Board: Grigonis. Ayes~- Messrs: G~ll~sp~ ~ Bergen, Hulse~ A discussion was held on Appeal No. 1~48~ Ralph T. Preston, Inc.~ Greenport, New Tork, This hea_zng was held over to 7:30 P.M. (~.SoT.~ Thursday, July ~0, 1970, at the request of ~ir. Sts~ley Corwin to. give him the opportunity to bring in a brief. THE CHAIRI~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for th~s application? MR. TERRT, B,~Id~ng Inspector: I spoke to I~. Ce~win and exerc_se ~ futility, and he was not he said it would be an ~ *~ going to bring in the brief° THE CHAIE~W~M~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this app_~cat~on? (~nere was no response.~ After investigation s. nd inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to use lot for storage of building materials~ et~o ~ocat~_on of property: east side of Manhanset ~venue. The Board does not condone the use of Residential property to store materials of any kind. ~mother means will have to be Found to take care of business expansion. The Board Finds that strict application of the Ordinance will not produce practical ~' ' ~' ~ · ~zFF~cu~oes or unnecessary hardshzp, the hardship created is not unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district$ and the variance does not observe spirit of the Ordinance and will change the character of the district. (~ ~otion by I~. Grigonis~ seconded by ~. Eulse, it was RE~O~ Ralph T. Pr_eston, Y~_co, Greenport, New York, be D~NIED permission to use lot For storage of building materials, etc. on property located east side of Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New ¥orko The applicant has ~0 days to clear the yard. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs. Gillispie, Bergen~ Hulse, Grigoniso PUBLIC ~I~[G: Appeal No. 1~1 - ?:4~ P.M. (~oS.T.)~ upon application of Virginia ~ulcher, 7 Hatless Place, ~est Hezpstead, New Tork, For a varia~uce in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 503, and Article X, Section 1000A, For per- mission to set off lot with less th~u 100 Ft. Frontage. Location of property: private road off south side of Peconic Bay Blvd., Eubdivision Map of ~dgemere Park, ~W~p No. 742, part of lot ~ Ee. urel, New York. _Wee paid The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application £or a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. ~E Ct~IR~N~' Is there anyone present who wishes to speak For this applications (There was no response.) T~ CHA~I~L~: ts there anyone present who wishes to speak against this applications (There was no response.) THE CPL~M~: This is a private road in Laurel. ~.e wants to save the strip along the water and sell the lot. This lot ~ as described on the survey could not be used For a structure~ It would have to be reserved and made part of lots on north side of I~R. TERRY] Bui~ding ! ~ ] Inspector: SilPs~mrth nacre the application. THE CH~IP~ Write Virginia Fu!cher a letter stating that the Board ks · cons~de~ ~-ng her application~ and is witbZ~olding decision until ?:30 P.M., August 20, 1970. A discussion was held on .~ppeal No. 12~4, Lloyd Hamilton~ ~ove Lane, Mattltuck, New York. This appeal was held over For decision - 8:00 P.M., 9Ynursday, July 30, 1970. .~Fter investigation mud inspection the Board Finds that this pro~ect was established prior to zoning, approximately 19~0, ~nd consists of nine Frame cottages with a single common area~' which have been leased by Lloyd Hamilton to various tenants over the last 20 years. .~. Hamilton now proposes to sell each o£ these nine Frame cottages and give to each of the buyers the right of use of a co~_~lon area For recreational purposes. The Board Finds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would be shared by all properties alike in the i~nuediate vicinity of this Property and in the sa~e use district; and the Variance does observe ti~e spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the character of the neig~hborhoodo on motion by I~. Bergen, seconded by M~. Hulse, it was RF~OL~ED Lloyd Hamilton, Love Lscae, Mattituck, ~ew York, be GR~.NTED permission to divide property and sell of£ existing cottages on property located northeast corner of Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck~ l~ew York, with the Following conditions: 1. The proposed o~mers shall be Formed into a corporation to maintain the common area. 2, it is suggested that memoersh_p corporation should be in a position to cover costs of maintenance and taxes. Vote of the Board: ~.yes:- Messrs. G.11zspze, Bergen, Hulse, . ~ Gr~gon_s. PUBLIC HF~R~TG~- Appeal No. 13~- 8:1~ P.M. ~E.S.T.), upon application of H~ M. Demerest & ~ons~ ~ain Road~ Orient, New Tork~ for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X~ ~ection 1003, for permission to renew farm labor camp permit° Location of property: south side of ~a~ Road, Orient, New .V_ork~ bounded north by R. Redden s~nd others~ east by other land of the applicants, south by Narrow River Road, west by Meyer~ Freeman, and others. Fee pd $~o00o The Chairman read affidavit of Louis ~ Demarest disclosing his interest in the above mentioned application in accordance with the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception~ legal notice o£ hearing, affidavit attesting to its poJolication in the official newspapers~ and notice to the applicant. THE CHg~M~: is there anyone present who wishes to speak For this application? (Tb. ere was no response.) ~&R. T~Y, Building Inspector: It has had Health Department inspection. ~ CHgIR2~q: It's a good labor camp. There have been no complaints that I ~ow of. THE CH~i~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to renew farm labor camp permit. Location of property: south side ~ Main Road, 0rient~ New Tork. The Board finds that the labor camo is a good one, and there have beea no complaints. The Bo~rd finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the 0rdin~nce will be observed. On motion by Mr. Huise, seconded by M~. Giilispie, it was ~ons, ~.~azn Road, Orients I~ew York; be GP~TE~ permission to renew farm labor camp peri_it on property located s~uth side of ~.in Road, Orient, New York. ~ Vote of the Board*. Ayes.'- Iffes~So Gillispie, Bergen~ Hulse, Gr igonis. PUBLIC ~IB-G: Appeal No. 1~7 - 8:~0 P.M. (E.E.T.), upon application of Adrianus sm.d Jerlna Van Ryswyk, Legion Avenue, Mattituck, New ~fork, for a variS~Uce in accordance with the Eoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 30~, and Article E, ~ection 1000A, for permission to set off lot with less than 100 ft. frontage. Location of property.~ south side of Legion Avenue, Mattituck, New York~ bounded north_ by Legion Avenue, east by A. Van Ryswyk, south by _T~ileska-McGrath, we~t by Ac Van.Eyswyk. Fee paid $~.00o The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a. variance, legal notice of hes~ving, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper~ and notice to the applicant. THE CH~IR~L~': Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? i~R. V~ff RYS~fk~K: Yes, (I~o Van Rys~vk, Board members and N~. Terry, Building Inspector, referred to ~p o£ property prepared by N~. Van Ryswyk. ~z~. Terry mentioned that F~. Van Ryswyk is a qualified draftsman.) ~2, V~ R~: This is the Rot I P~opose to sell. (Referring to map). ~ live here. (After further discussion o~ the ~p by the Board, ~. Terry, and ~. Van Eyswyk, the Ghairman asked if there was anyone else present who wishes to speak for this application.) (There was no response.) THE C~iR~2~I: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak agazn~t ~._~..s application? (There was no respo.~se.) After investigation and inspection the Bos~d finds that the applicant requests permission to set off lot with less than 100 ft. frontage located south side of Legion Avenue, Mattituck, New York. The Board is in agreement with the reasoning of the applicant who purchased the entire parcel in 1946 and has had a residence there since then. He is requesting that the northerly part be divided into two lots. This division would be in keeping with the lots on this side of Legion Avenue. The Board £1nds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would be shared by all properties alike on the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit o£ the Ordinance and will not change the character o£ the district. On motion by F~. Bergen, seconded by Y~. Hulse, it was R~SOLI~D Adrianus and Jerina Van Rysv~k~ L~gion ~venue~ Mattituck, New York~ be GR~NTED per~ission to set off lot with less than 100 ft. frontage on property located south side of Legion Avenue, Mattltuck, New York, with the following conditions: 1. ~ne setback has to be ~ ft. on the corner lot. Vote of the Board: Grigonis. Any additions would have to be in the rear. Ayes:- Messrs. Gi!lispie, Bergen, Hulse, PUBLIC HE~RIh~G: Appeal N~.~l~6 - 8:4~ P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Marion Couloucomudis, ~o~ndview Avenue, Eouthold, New York, for a variance in accordance with tlme Zoning Ordinance, A~ticle III, Section 300, Subsection 6, mud Section 309, for permission to remove existing accessory build~ug and replace with laeger accessory building with living quarters. Location of property: north side of So~ndview Avenue, ~outhold, New York, bounded north by L. i. ~o~d, east by J. L. Dowden, south by So~ndview Avenue, west by Meadow Point Properties. Fee pd. $~.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant o THE CHAIRM~I: is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? M~. ROBERT L. H~i~TT: I feel it has been described properly. I think the reasons for.wmutlng it are just. THE CH~IR~$~N: 1~at is the size of the lot we are talking about~ that the Couloueondis people own? ~. H~&TT: ~ would say the depth would be ~00 ft. and an average of 100 ft. wide~ However, there is an angle from the front yard to the bac~yard~ Z~m sorry i c~n~t give you anyth~mg acceptable because the people-left with the assumption that they would not be able to be here. T~vE C~iR~2~: How big would the structure be? MR. H~Z&TT: A two-car garage with living quarters over it. I would say 22 ft. x 24 ft. would be approximately the size. ~. TERRY, Building Inspector: It won't be smaller than that. ~Eq. BZFFATT: .&utomobiles are getting rather long. ~hat I picture is a ~idedoor entry at the west end of the building. In the Front you would have a stairway... 26 ft. would be ample. Upstairs there would be a kitchen-living room co~J0ination, bedroom and bath. It would be a complete apartment. ~w~o HUv~: Domestics would eat in the main house? MR. HY&TT,~ There would be cooking facilities. ~ CPL%IPd~a~'~: it would be a 24 ftc x 26 ft. two car garage with bedroom, living room combined with cooking area, and bath. }~o TEREY, Building Inspector: Efficiency type? !~ ~ HY~TT: Ye s. THE Ci~P~2{: 0he of the stipulations wou~c be that under no circumstances would this be leased or rented. ~lso, it should be further back from the road. ~. HYRTT: ~e present building is to be removed. It's 26 ~t. back from the road now. I~Ro HUME.* 26 ft. is plenty there because you are going down the bank. ~e don~t see any problem. THE CI~l~' I mi~mt suggest that the Buildf~ug Inspector go do~,~a there~ and we.~ll go according to his advice if.we should squeeze 2 ft. one way or ~uother. There is a little problem because of an angle. ~o T~aRT~ Building ~spector: Fred asked about the Housing Code... where it won't meet 8~0 sq. £t~ ~ but it could meet the Hous~ug Code in room size. They would need 380 sq.~ Ft. and on 26 ft. x 22 ft. they have ~60 sq. ft. THE CP~N: ~fD_at is in acceptance now? ~. TEP~RY~ Bu~±d~o ~m. spector~ ~0 s~o ft. They are going to have ~72 sq. £to for temporary. Permanent occupancy is 8~0 sq. ft. This is going to be temporary use. ~. TERR]f, Building Enspector; The ma~n house is year- r o~nd? _wR, ,~ffff~TT: I would say ~no~. ~ney flon~t live in it year- round at the. present time. ~,o ~: Is it a year-round house? Do they have heat in it? ~. H~ATT: Zt~s not completely winterized. THE CHAZP~ Do you propose to win :~erize the apartment? MR. HYATT: ~{e will have to insulate it but ! don~t think they will use it in the winter, THE CH~iR~: ~e cmn specify ~seasonal occupancy~. Temporary occupancy is 4~0 sq. Ft. This is ~72 sq. ft. They speczfzca_ly want cook!mg facilities. ~. ~E: This makes it a complete apartment. It would be sm_ ideal rental apartment but it is specified that it will not be For rental use. ~E CH&I~I~I: ~re there any other q~estions? MR, GR_TG0~ES: _r will offer a resolution granting this application ~with the stipulation tha.t thenew building to replace the old garage shall not exceed 24 rz. x 28 ft. MR. ~ATT: Z don~t have the drawings. 24 ft. x 28 Ft. would give me room for a stairway. THE CHA.~: The plans have been drawn For this building but you don~t have them? The ovzn~rs have them and they went away° ~ CPL~t~ ~ two-car garage with bedroom and bath and living room-kitchen comb~uation above.., no larger than 2[~ Ft. x 28 Ft. A condition of granting this application would be that the new structure shall be no closer to any of the lot lines than the present struct~e. In other words, no closer to the neighbor on the east o~ to the road. Tou may possible have to adjust the driveway. I don~t think it would be fair to put it closer to the lines than it presently is. Fk°~. HY~TT: May I check this drawing? (~. Hyatt and Board members referred to drawing.) ~'e can't go closer to the road. ~e can't go to the Front so we ~ve to ~o west ~les~ we get two ~o~e Feet in the back, which I ~m going to ask The bulldog ~i~t now is not adequate. ~ ~I~: ~ere is nothing elaborate abou~ the way. I t~k it would be an infringement on the neighbors to move closer. ~. TERRY, Building Inspector: idon~t see any problem there~ think it will fit in there. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to remove exm~t~ug accessory build- ing and replace with larger accessory building with living quarters located on north side of So~dview Avenue, ~outhold, New at the applicant desires '~ork. The findings o£ the Board are th to build a 24 ft. x 28 ft. structure cc with living quarters for domestic help T"ne Board finds that strict appli~ produce practical difficulties or unnec ship created in u_uique and would be in the i~mediate vicinity of this prop~ ntAfnlng a two-car garage above, for seasonal use. ation of the Ordinance will essary hardship; the hard- red by all pr~oerties alike rty and in the same use district; and the variance does observ~ the spirit of the Ordinance and will mot change the character of t2~e district. On motion by Y~. Bergen, seconded by F~. Huise, it was RESOLVED l~arlon Couloucoundis, So~ndview Avenue, ~outhold, New York, be GRA~TED permission to remove existing accessory building and replace with larger accessory building ,with living quarters located north side o£ Soundview ~venue~ So~o~hold, New York, with the £ollow~ug conditions: 1. The £aoilities created For domestic help shall not under any oircu~tances be leased to a~yone now or in the future. zac~lz~mes to be created are £or seasonal use only~ 2. The Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs. Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Grigonis. PUBLIC HEARI~TG: Appeal No. 1358 - 9:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application or.James Phillips, l~esland Road, Southold, New York, for a varianc~ in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article iii, Section 303, and Article X, Section 1000A, for permission to divide lot with insufficient area. Location of property: Chesnut, Birch,. & Wesland Roads, Southold1, New York, bounded north by ~esland Road, east by Birch Road, south by Chesnut Road, west by H. MetzendorF. The Chairmmm opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing~ affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, ~ud notice to the applicant. THE CHAIR~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? TERRY, Building Inspector: There will be no one here. THE C}~Lqi~.2E~ Do we have any questions? ~. T~RY: I saw the property this morning. ~. ?killip~s mother Is~ ill so he can't be here~ I suggested an even division. He said that would be perfectly alright with him. ~ CHALP}~: It would be best to enlarge the new lot. You can get a ~6 ft. house fac~ug south. The proposed lot would be approximately 10,000 Ft. The total property is approximately 22,080 ft. MR. T~qRT, Building Inspector: Divide it so you have an equal number of Feet~ on each lot. Divide the frontage on Birch Road in hal~. There would be ~n' equal frontage on Birch Road~ THE. CP~IR~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to divide lot with insufficient area located Chesnut, Birch and ~$esla~d Roads, Southold, New York. The applicant would be agreeable ~to ~n even division. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship~ the hardship created is unique and would be shared by all properties alike in the ~mmed~ate v~c~nzty o~ th~s p_oper~y and ~n the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the character of the district. On motion by i~. Huise, seconded by I~. Bergen~ it was R~OLVED James Phiiiips~ %[esland Road~ Southoid, New York, be C-R~J~TED permission to divide lot with insufficient area located at Chesnut, Birch~ and Wesland Roads~ $outhold, New York~ with the following conditions~ 1. Birch Road frontage on the part of the lot to be set off shall be t19 v~ .... __ _ .,~ ~. ~ustead o~ 1~5.~ £to The north line shall co~uence 119.75 ft. from the intersection of Birch and Chesnut mud proceed at right ~gles to lot line separating applicant's p~ope~ty from property next door. Vote of the Board: Ayes,-' Messrs. Giilispie~ Bergen, Huise~ Gr igon i s. P~BLIC ~RING:' Appeal No. 1359 - 9:15 P.M. (~.SoT.), upon application of Matthew Rao, 1533 Madison Avenue, West islip, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to build new one family dwelling with reduced front yard setback. Location of property: east side of Salt Aire~ Map of Salt Aire Eastates, Lot No. 27, Mattituck, New Tork. Fee Paid The Chairm~n opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing¢ affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CPL~IRi~W,· Is there anyone present ~no wishes to speak for this application? I~. RAO: Yes~ I am M~tthew Rao. ~Z. T~RY, Building ~aspector: Due to his diligence, they got s. 5~ ft. setback on the main part of the house. The deed specified a 50 ft. setback. No part was to be constructed within ~0 ft. THE C~L~2.~2~, How bzo is the property? ~o P~O: 100 ft. x 200 ft. There was a misunder2tanding .helpzng him to stake it out. on the part o~ the builder. I was ~ We thougb~ we had a ~ ft. cushion. ~. ~e could have gone back 60 ft. I am sorry we did not. THE CHA~' Does anyone else wish to speak £or this applica- tion? (The_~e was no response.) ~Lq~ RAO: ~ne reason why we have a 55 ft. average ~s that one home is 5~ ft. and another home on the block is ?~ Ftc THE CH~IR~I~2~: ~is makes for am unreasonable situation. They have had this problem on Shelter Island. ~ome homes are 100 ft. back sad some are 70 Ft. back° ~fter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to build new one family dwelling with reduced front yard setback. The property is located east side of ~alt Airs Way, Mattituck, New York. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. The 18 inch extension on the northerly part of this house will not harm or change the ne ig~hb orho od. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or wunecessary hardship~ the hardship created is unique and would be share~ by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property end in the same use district; ~ud the variance does observe the spirit of tlme Ordinance and will not change the character of the neig~hborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinence. On motion by Mr. Bergen, seconded by ~. Grigonis, it was RE~0LVED Matthew J. Rao, 1~55 Madison ~.venue, ~est Islip, New York,-be GR~'I~-~D permission to build new one family dwelling with reduced Front yard setback~ Vote of the Board: Grig on is. Ayes:- Messrs. Gi!lispie~ Bergen~ Hu!se, PUBLIC HE~RI~G: Appeal No. 1360 - 9:30 P~M. (~oS.T.), upon application of ~m~a ~nterprises~ Inc., Main Road, P. Oo Box 786, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the ~oning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 9, for permission to erect an on premises s~2odivision identification sign with reduced setback. Location of property: southwest corne~· of Peconic Bay Blvd. and Delmar Drive, Map of Laurel Co~uty Estates, Laurel-~ New York. The Chairman read affidavit of Stanley Siedjeski disclosing his interest in the above mentioned application in accordance with the General Municipal ~aw of the State of New York~ The Chairm~u opened the hes~ing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing, aF_zd~v~t attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applic~ut. THE CY~IRM~N: _Ts there ~uyone present ~d~o wishes to speak For this application? ~T~2~ SI~DJ~SKI: Yes~ I ar~ President of E~a 'Enterprise-s. I just put the-sign there and had it photographed. I would like to beautify it with shrubbery to make it look nice. .We only have 2 or 3 feet. ~ THE OHAIR~: How wide is the entrance? l~, BIEDJ~EEKI: (Referring to map) T~nere is no room... %0 ft. there. ~Ye have a.curb coming in 7 ft. from the side line. would be approximately l0 ft. from the curb line in~ %0 Ft..would be deeded to the to~ but where the sig~u is, would not. ~iE CPL~i~: ~o will own the property where the sign is? 1~. ~DEDJESi~I: ~e o~n it but someone o~s tb~e p~operty in back of it. ~e have permission to go back another foot fro~ ~. Cecil Yoong. He has given permission. T~ C~I~: i~e can't gr~t a si~u permission on what is go~mg to become a O~o!io road~ ~. S~~ ~s is private TP~ C~I~i~'~tT~ ~e can't grant on 50 fi. I~o ~RY: Building Inspector: It,s outside o~ %0 ~ Ci~,~: You must own more tha~ ~0 ft, iv~. S~SKI: 2 or 3 ft. It's kind of a wedge-shaped piece, ~ CP~I~: Tou have to get a varia~c~ From us to come closer to the road - 3% ~. S~Si~: ~ don~t os~ that 35 ~ CPL~: I think the Board generally agrees that is too much. Tour Fence will hays to bs on your own property. _There is a split rail fence on the other side, ~. H~g~, You are not going to deed this _zttle piece of property to the town? ~. ~D~S~: No. I~. P~JI~E: 'There Isn't going to be anything next to this little piece? ~. S~JESKI: ~aat was just left there for identification purpose s. THE dr~A~: Do you have to buy that wedge-shape piece? ~. SIED~ESE-i: It's the same ownership. t~R. TERRT, Building inspector: Zt was an old right-of-way. They bought the whole thing. THE CHAIP. Ir~N: I can_:t see any problem as long as you have the split rail fence. I think we are agreed that it is perfectly agreeable to hang the sign on the fence. Ton have a foot° ~. SKED~E~KI: ~fe have 2 or 3 feet. THE CP~%L~£~N: How close to the road? FR. ~LEDJESKI: Approximately 30 to 40 feet. 1,~. TERaRY, Building Inspector: There is quite an angle between the private road they are building sm~.d the boulevard. 1~i~. AXt~E: It should be no closer than 20 ft. ~R. ~,iEDJESI~I,-. You can only see it one way. After investigation and Im. spection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to erect ~n on premises subdivision identification sig~ with reduced setback at property locate8 southwest corner of Peconic Bay Blvd. The special exception is requested because of insufficient side line.. The ~pp!~c~n~ wishes to erect a ~10~ x 6~ si~ with z split ~ll fence in back of sign and evergreen shrubs on e~ch side. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established o~ permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by l~te. Bergen, seconded by Yin. Grigonis~ it was ,RESOLVED Emma Enterprises, Inc. be GPJ~WTED permission to erect on premises subdivision identification sign with reduced setback on p~operty located southwest corner of Peconic Bay Blvd. and Delmar Drive, Laumel, New York, with the following conditions: !. ~ign shall not be closem than 20 ft. to the north property line from Peconic Bay Blvd. 2. ~ign sbmil be 2 ft. from the 1Lne on new road being constructed in Laurel Country Estates. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs. Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Gr igon ~s. On motion by I~o Gillispie; seconded by Mir. Bergen, it was ITESOLVED that the mtnutes of the Southold Town Board of Appeals dated July 9, 1970, be approved as submitted, subject to m~uor oorrectfonso Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs. Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Grigonis. I~. Terry read letter from Greenport United Methodist Church requesting temporary si~s~ On motion by ~. Bergen, seconded by Mr. Gillispie, it was RES0L%~ED that signs for Greenport United Methodist Church be permitted ss requested. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs~ Gillispie~ Bergen~ Hu!se, Grigonis. I~o Terry read request from the Cutchogue Fire Department for use of signs. motion by Mm. erigonis, seconded by l~ir. Hu!se, it was RES0L~ that signs for Cutchogue Fire Department be permitted as requested with the condition that they be removed a week after necessary use. Vote of the Board: Gr igon is. Ayes:- Messrs. eiliispfe, Bergen, Huise, On motion by Fro. Git!~spie~ seconded by I¢~. B~rgen, it was RE~OLVF~D that the next regular mee~g of the Southold To~¢n Board of Appeals will be held at 7:30 P.M., Thursday~ August 20~ 1970, at the To~en 0ffice~ Main Road, Southold~ New York. Vote of the Board: igon is. Ayes:- MeSSrS. Gil!ispie, Bergen, ttuise~ On motion by ~. Hulse, seconded by ~o Bergen, it was RESOL~ that the Southold Town Board of Appeals set 7:30 P.M., (EoS.T.) Thursday, August 20, 1970, at the Town Office, Main Road~ Southold,.New ~ork, as the time and place of hearing upon applica- tion of Virginia 2. Fu!cher, 7 Hatless Place~ ~est Hempstead, l~ew York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ~rticle III~ Section 303, and ~rticle X, Eection 1000Y~, for per- mission to set off lot with less than 100 ft. frontage. Location of property: private road off south side of Peconic Bay Blvd., Subdivision Map o£ Edgemere Park, Map No. 742, part of lot ~ 14, Laurel, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs. Gitlispie, Bergen, Hulse, igonis. On ~otion by I~. Bergen, seconded by ~. C-rigonis, it was RESOLVED that the Southold~Town-Board of ~.ppeals set 7:4% P.M., (E.SoT.)~Thursday, August 20, 1970, at the Town Office, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Harrontine Realty Corpora- rich, 8~ Sunrise Highway~ Lynbrook, New York, for approval of access over private right-o£-way in accordance with the State o£ New York Town ?_~w, Section 280~.. Location of property: private right-of-way off southwest side of Hickory ~venue (private road), ~.~ap of Goose Bay Estates, Southold, I~ew York. Vote of the Board: Ayes~- Messrs. Giiiispie, Bergen, Hulse, Grigonis. On motion by l~Lv. Gillispie, secolnded by Mr~ Hulse, it was RESOL-VED~ that the Southold Town Board of Appeals set 8:00 P.M., (~.S.T.) ~nursday~ August 20, 1970~ at the Town 0£fice~, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Peter T. Neyland, ll% Broadway, Rockville Centre~ New York, For a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III~ Section 303, 305, 308, Section 300, $~fosection 6, and Sectien 309, for permission to build new one family dwelling on lot with less than 12,%00 sq. ft. of area with insufficient setback ~nd insufficient rear yard a~ea, ~ud construct accessory building in front yard area. Location of property: east side of Cedar Lane (private road), ~ast Marion, New York, boo,untied north by Lot ~ 126 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. ii, and Spring Pond east by Spring Pond, south by Lot ~ 127 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. II, s~ud Spring Road, west by Cedar Lane (private road). Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs. Giltispie, Bergen, Hulse~ GHigonis. -20- On motion by ~o Grigonis, seconded by ~l~. Bergen, it was REEOLVED that the Bouthoid'To~ Board of .~ppeals set 8:20 P.M. (E.S.T.) Thursday, August 20, 1970, at the To~a Office, as the time an~ place of hearing upon applics, tion of ~ne Fried, 47 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a varis~mce in accordance with the ~ ~' ~ ~on~no 0rdlnance,-Article III, Section 306, for permission to construct addition to existing dwelling with reduced front yard setback. Location of property; east side of Pine Tree Road, Nassau Farms, Map No. 1179, Lot # 19, Cutchogue, New York. Vote Of the Board: gyes:- Messrs. Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Grigonls. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.Mo APPROVED ~.z~__.,,~Ohairman Board of Appeals Re spe ct fully submitted, >~arjorie McDermott' Secretary Southold Town Board of ~ppeals ~ ~ Ch~.irman