HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-108.-4-10 , . 'r/;:'Z":~~?:q., <yP~~\lHDl,f ;~0 ;;'$:)vII'- . ~~ ~." ~ . ,." . "..,.'.... .'. ~\. lY==>> '," ,: ;..c:, N QJ.;, f"~"-' .., '~CI> J \.: ""1 ';\'!;o.. t.e ~t"r '}.c,1;,oo"" ..~'",,__ , ~ '~,'" ," $:)~/Y " ''(}, '1. .:".'S ~,e -~~::;<-.;;~_;;rj0'j '.' ,:.-:;;;;;;Y" /~ fi!K../ ./S Town Hall, 53095 Main P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11 .lIT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR -\X (516) 765 ' 1823 'HONE (516) 765 - 1800 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 15, 1992 To: Zoning Board of 1ppeals Planning Board Building Department From: Scott L. Harris Supervisor Re: Complaint of William A, Villano with regard to the Baxter Building, Elijah Lane, Mattituck On July 29, 1992, I copied correspondence to each Department with reference to above. I replied to Mr. Villano on August 13, with the assistance of each Department's reply to me on this subject. Would you please review the latest correspondence from Mr. Villano, and his neighbors, and comment to me in writing as to whether anything has occurred since the August 13th response which would change the situation. ill m@rnuwrn"m SEP I 6 1992' L:J SOUTHOLD TOWN PlANNING BOARD BRIEFING FOR ENCLOSED Scott Harris, Town supervisor Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: LETTER ~...---,----~....- ,-_.. ",. 7) ,.... , -'fT i-': '18 f~ (. 'c 'i t j n -;,;........:;;.:'-~' ."-' I.t 1 '1.\r;'1 I"" C>;:;:; ! 0 ~M) iJU: '" 'l i_..,...,-.~.,; ~":-;';':,"'''; . "tL '.':,',-" ',' .} \,,', -~,- ~:>~~';'~ i.'.: i: ~!l.U.:~.c.~d-~= September 09, 1992 The enclosed letter was sent in response to the Town of Southol for allowing the Baxter Building on Elijah's Lane and Route 25, Matt New York to open as a retail auto parts store on a residential road. A quick synopsis: No site plan was ordered. zoning was not for retail. The guidelines asked for by the Town have now turned into a joke The traffic is funneled onto a residential road with no shoulder or curbes. No traffic study. The school bus pickS children up and drops them off at the entra to the retail store which is open for business earlier than the arrival of the buses. Children assemble to await the arrival of the buses. Open Saturday and Sunday. The entrance for this parking lot has been set directly across from a residential driveway. A road sign, "Watch for Children" across from the retail store is being ignored. Please understand that Elijah Lane is a long road, a beautiful neighborhood with many young families. Why must we risk our lives when the Town of SOljthold can rectify this situation but will not a' I continue to ask, why not? Address: 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Encl: Signed Petition (;);o:o:y 't)/;~ W~' v~no Registered Voter/Taxpayer -.... _._~-_.. -- "'-'-'---'''-'''' "-"III[ .Af" ....- . . ,.). '~~" . _o;>~ Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 September 09, 1992 :.. .~~ ,', " Attention: Mr. Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Re: Lindsey Auto Parts store Elijha Lane & Rt. 25 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Dear Mr. Goehringer: Q On Saturday, August 30, 1992, my children dnd- many from the neighborhood (off and on about 11 children) played around our house. This Saturday . was quite different from many others because across the street is now a retail auto parts store. I believe you have made a serious mistake by allowing the parking lot on the residential cross road, Elijah Lane. Not only has the building become an eye sore, but it's parking and 'access is a joke, putting a pile of dirt in the center of the parking lot, and painting a few parking lines on a pot-hold, gravel and glass filled lot just will not due. Elijah Lane is too narrow for retail traffic and has no shoulders or curbes. Putting the entrance directly across from my driveway should not have been allowed. Sir, did you realilze that the Baxter Building has ample road frontage on 25? Why can't the entrance and exit come off the Main Road? The entrance and exit on Elijah Lane should be closed and curbed off. It is my understanding with the Lindsey Auto Parts Store that you have allowed the first entrance for a retail business..... .on a residential road in southOld.<..{~'tj".. ': '_<~;;itnt: '.r,"'-"'"'' :_~i1J~n~ .- Please understand that copies of this letter have been sent to Messrs. Joe Sawicki, George Hochbrueckner, Scott Barris and LaValle with briefing letters. Also understand that I hold you and your ';:':\:' office responsible for any children or drivers being injured in or around th, Baxte: ::::::::~d that With all the law suits filed' against this Town ~:.~~~i~ that you are most likely battle hardened, but you have now threatened my .......'.~..~...: family. I will not stand for this unnecessary hardship.' , "":,,'J-'~ '1));yja.m.. i JiY,,1.no. ~~r/~~d Voter '/';~'" ..J 0' . ".'! .. .;;:'. ,~;~~ ~ ~_' ",'.w",' o'_fi.-" .::~:'~:~ :::;;tF :~,; HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 MATIHEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney August 13, 1992 Mr. William A. Villano 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Villano: As a result of my inquiry to the Southold Town Zoriing Board, Planning Board and Building Department,. I enclose correspondence from each. in the matter of the Baxter Building. As you can see, once the Zoning Board determined that the use was proper, the matter was reviewed by the Planning Board for site plan approval. The Planning Board waived site plan requirements provided the parking and landscaping requirements, which included an island, were met. You will note, however, that the Planning Board will re-review the site plan and traffic situation at such time as the store expands into the rest of the building or a new tenant is added. At such time as this occurs, you should make your feelings known, in writing, to the Planning Board, so that they may incorporate your comments into their decision-making process. Lastly, I note in your letter that you are requesting that I override the Planning Board in its site plan review. However, you should be aware that the Town Board of the Town of Southold has delegated its authority to review site plan applications to the Planning Board, and has retained no veto power over its decisions. Sincerely, ~~~ J~. Scott L. Harris Supervisor . SLH:ps Ene. . r" ~- fdY ':,\\ffiJl,,"~'~ ,r(~~ t'a '\ ()~ %\ ~ ~\:'J Cl . <n \ ;;e~ \Jo: I !"r'r 11' 0.,,''''''' . ~(j \'~11";)~:;)""').of . ~~;;'~,:.~~.o:::~~~;:;;~ ~I::,_j.l . ~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards scan L HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 July 30, 1992 'william villano 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Mattituck Auto Parts store at Baxter Buil~ing N/W/c State Route 25 & Elijah's Lane, Mattituck Zoning: Limited Business SCTM~ 1000-108-4-11.2 Dear Mr. Villano: This is in response to your letter of July 23, 1992, protesting this Board's granting of a site plan waiver to Mattituck Auto Parts for the use of the Baxter Building. Pursuant to the Board of Appeals' determination that this is an allowed use in this zone, the Planning Board inspected the site to determine traffic conditions and parking requirements at the property. The flow of traffic on Elijah's Lane at the time of inspection was minimal. However, we did require that an island be installed in front of the parking lot on Elijah's Lane to channel the ingress and egress to the property. The auto parts store is only one use in this building , the rest of the building is vacant. At such time as the auto parts store expands into the rest of the building, or a new tenant is added, the Planning Board will re-review the site plan and the traffic situation to determine if a traffic study and site plan are needed. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Sincerely, ~~0k Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Scott Louis Harris, Supervisor William Lindsey . L r . " '~~~"':;>-, I. ~~\lfFO{.t />"" ~. I ~'.: '%-. ~ ~'.::s '{' ~\\ :::. ~~ c::::l . , 'en :2:::1 ~ ..., ~.~ \~, 01 '. J.:'~. ~ If ~.,~..,., .~~.i ".,7fOj ., ,~".' "'-<"'->~"-~ . ,-" SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 29, 1992 To: Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Board Building Department Scott L. Harris ~ Supervisor From: Re: Attached Corre , . ~ ~f(Le fJb Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Kindly review the attached and advise me of your opinion on the concerns express therein. Please let me hear from you by August 6th. Thank you, rn m@rnow~ m JUl 2 8 1992 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING B[lMiIJ , ~ ., . Certi~d Mail, RRR . 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, New York July 17, 1992 rD1rn@rnuwrn~ llU JUL 20\992 .~ , -' Sli;;E'"W~SORS OFFICE ':....,....',I~\ '-iF sOuri';,OLD I'JJ.'" '-oJ Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Main Road Southold, New York Dear Supervisor Harris: Recently, by word of mouth, it has come to my attention that the old Baxter building on Elijah Lane, Mattituck, will now be converted into a retail auto parts store. Living on Elijah Lane for the past three years, we have frequently had problems with cars racing up and down the street. I believe, as do others, that a retail business on this street would only further this problem. Elijah Lane is the home of many families in Mattituck. In fact, it may be one of the most populated side roads in all of the Town of Southold. Many of the neighborhood's children are picked up and dropped off by the school bus on that very corner. Indeed, right across the street from the Baxter building is a road sign warning, "CHILDREN AT PLAY, DRIVE CAREFULLY". I called the Planning Board and found out that the site plan approval was waived for this auto parts store proposal. There should at least be a traffric study done on this project. I believe, as do others, you are asking the residents of Elijah Lane to face: 1. Increased threat to their children's safety. 2. Increased traffic. 3. Lowered property value. 4. A detrimental change in the character of our neighborhood. 5. Residential. Elijah Lane becomming a thru-way, even on Sundays. I do not want to give the impression that the building should sit vacant forever, I only want to stress that, perhaps, it is not best used as is presently proposed. Aa Supervisor, I bel1eve, as do others, that y6u should review the zoning purpose, which I understand is open to interpretation Please insist on a site plan and a traffic study before allowing' any work to be.completed at the Baxter building. Sincerely, cc Planning Board Mr. Victor Lessard William A. Villano 1;;1/~ a ~ ~U~ . . I WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSED USE OF THE IN MATTITUCK. BAXTER BUILDING LOCATED ON THE MAIN ROAD AND ELIJAH'S LANE tfJJfuJP' if ~'iPfl'~ ()~Yl/ .au-a/l/ [;k1&~ <f = cJ.HfA/;;Q9 / ---' /;( .;2GO pUJ P tt'S c",^,,- ('iI'Tf7ITUCK AJY /1'7{';)... 10 cJ AJ;< 4:' ~ '- iJ'-dl .; 4ftc!7fi~1.f!c~<d /JY (7 r'J?__ ~)) c; eCld" 2) reJ 71) /1../J<IJ,eL,)2,;p . <'/ /,;:7 J.(:J<" /< "pc;"-,,>.;/' /~ fL(~' ~:.--t ~~. / ...; - (j ( (5 ttff.4-tf /q;<.J13 J (f('gcJ !:{ir/;-/I- !jJ./J~ (&LIS" [L P AflS L-c--.e- / 79'r-' /a / -11;4 IANlJ . rfl aft Ltu,C';. ~ ! I WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSED USE OF THE BAXTER BUILDING LOCATED ON THE MAIN ROAD AND ELIJAH'S LANE IN MATTITUCL , .) (/ 9s-~zJ n 11r;;"J-,4~ c ) ) () C ~'fL,i{ fiLi' Xfit!F~L ~'-<</ ,0/1 . . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bcnncu Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L HARRIS Supervisor T <fephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 JUIle 18, 1992 William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck NY 11952 RE: Waiver for change of use for premises of William Baxter, Main Road and Elijah's Lane, Mattituck Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) SCTM# 1000-108-4-10 Dear Mr. Lindsay: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of June 15, 1992, in which you propose an 8' by 30' landscaped area at the midway point of the 130' wide parking area on Elijah's Lane. The Board will waive site plan requirements provided the parking and landscaping, as shown on your sketch received by the Board on June 15, 1992, copy enclosed, is installed prior to the issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy for the site. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, 7J:'H./1(.~-t(-~~ /~ ItA Bennett Orlowski, Jr. f" ~ Chairman cc: William Baxter Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector. ;,1:,- .: . ',e . . . ~ (lJ (trVI 0:- ("t'>. 0)(.0 (.,- - o ;/ / \' . J<l\'/-O<d jO 10\ " \J;)\ll GL\~\ \ \ \ \ \ \ S b 0" ~\ ~..,,~ C? -b In lfl n '" J~~ \ ,~ ~-:"r' "0 \ .~ \ ~..O <'> \ O~ % \00 -- ~ ----- () \ ---- ------ " -'--- ---;;,S"l('\.-a __-.-- _____._ :lAIUO _.-~~~~;..~'\ .... - . - -- . - - '~.!- - - - - r \ ~- t ~ \ ~ I \ ~ \l -j\, ;z w J> o J> U> \-;. \~; \ \ I J> o ~' ?: l~ ~ ..-:- J;> -, ou a ,- 1> ~ " u '" n 1> 1> '" CJ n lD '" .,. o ) :.} -, , Ul .- 1> ;n ~I h '" cv ~I '" W '-- \ \ '\ -~\ \'..\ -- ~/ -~ / //' r' 'liY1T) ~~ E~ ~ 'i' P- i'" cQ UH~()O !JNlIlN\' Id Wl.Ol 01OI/IfIOS ,... t Ii, ~I 2=~.:; I !II"! : i~J' ~I /I~ II ~I II'n 1 ~ I @ ;~IJ~:! !'> ? o '" );...1:' ~:rc ..,-., (~t4 ~- t:.g~ w-c. -< Z' f. ...C> :r ~ ",0, 0, Ul" I g~(. ...~. I. :r o ,_ r v '" -, <> ~ z n '" ~. o '" 3 ro ~ :L. ~ ::;.; -. () 3 :r. I' f.: c: r 1> '-- ." r l> -. -, "' n '" IIJ (1 >' iO ~ C> lD a ,. ::u '" 6 () V> "' n -, () '-- '" o < '" 0;: '" '" n ." 1) V 1> oJ> 1> " 1) " ~ ~ '" - .. 'P' ~ c- GJ -\ ce- O::- ~ . I V- I I , - -----// /- ~ _/ (' \'\ ') \\ '\l ' S\ ....... / -- /.- -- -- ;\~. -- ... . -,/~' ~ o "'" '" fl I 7l-< I V') f t:) --- " . . . 16 ~ ~ Jel:: ./ $I ~Fid 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Re: Baxter Building approval Retail Auto Parts Dear Mr. Orlowski: This is further to my letter of July 17, 1992 addressed to Supervisor Harris, copy enclosed. Your letter of June 18, 1992 to William Lindsay waiving site plan approval and having no mention of a traffic study is very upsetting as stated at length in the enclosed correspondence. The Zoning Board made a determination that this retail auto store was more of a wholesale operation then a retail store. Time will tell. Why has no traffic study been done on this populated long thru street and how in your determination to waive site plan and traffic study did IOU resolve the traffic problem on this residential road-{ I live on Elijah Lane and I know there is a traffic problem, especially as the cars, pick-up trucks, tractors carrying hay and school buses turn off of 25 onto Elijah. If this auto parts store must be; I pray that you have the entrance and exit corne off of Route 25 as is appropriate for a retail store in the Town of Southold. The risk to the Children of Elijah Lane cannot be ignored. Please reconsider the consequences of having a retail store opening on to Elijah Lane where so many children play. WJ-L~ J~ "ITnWN " ,,-, _.~- Very truly yours, William Villano . Certi~d Mail, I1RR 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, New York July 17, 1992 Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Main Road Southold, New York Dear Supervisor Harris: Recently,lby word of mouth, it has come to my attention that the old Baxter building on Elijah Lane, Mattituck, will now be converted into a retail auto parts store. Living on Elijah Lane for the past three years, we have frequently had problems with cars racing up and down the street. I believe, as do others, that a retail business on this street would only further this problem. Elijah Lane is the home of many families in Mattituck. In fact, it may be one of the most popUlated side roads in all of the Town of Southold. Many of the neighborhood's children are picked up and droppe off by the school bus on that very corner. Indeed, right across the street from the Baxter building is a road sign warning, "CIIIJ,DREN AT PLAY, DRIVE CAREFULLY". I called the Planning Board and found out that the site plan approval was waived for this auto parts store proposal. There should at least be a traffric study done on this project. I believe, as do others, you are asking the residents of Elijah Lane to face, 1. Increased threat to ~h~ir children's safety. 2. Increased traffic. 3. Lowered property value. 4. A detrimental change in the character of our neighborhood. 5. Residentia11 Elijah Lane becomming a thru-way, even on Sundays. I do not want to give the impression that the building shOUld sit vacant forever, I only want to stress that, perhaps, it is not best us~d as is presently proposed. As Supervisor, I believe, as do others, that you should review the zoning purpose, which I understand is open to interpretation. Please insist on a site plan and a traffic study before allowing any work to be completed at the Baxter building. Sincerely, William A. Villano cc Planning Board Mr. victor Lessard W~a~ ~\J~ . ;t~, .," Itj,.h' .;. i . " .: tC'C . . I WOULD LI~E HORE INFORHATION ON TUE PROPOSED USE OF TUE BAXTER BUILDING LOCATED ON TUE HAIN ROAD AND ELIJAU'S LANE IN HAl'TITUCl. . tali!,/A; p' -r ~. f P.P.~ () J2e(Vrw/ t'$ua,z/ '11/)1..9--( -= d(1~ AI ;Jfl .;lC,O (( ( i I" rf S (/lJ{ (H17T17UC Ie A).V 119(;)- ICy' If;;, C{',.. /' Jl;/ 4ft Iff fJ.t. t.r!~ "d !J <. ' (l ,<'/;> ,d)15 r (t d\~ Q,'J r,J I) 1 (dl ,I i? 71 r /1.fJdJt:./1 /l;JJ I ) -'/f- _-"c' / "---")- ,/'J /,')f' ..f /<;t7Cf' /1c/' ~y v . , <i) ~. ...... ? a /. ~ (--k.o~/ , '->'~-' ~ I (is tc I .!iJL.!.J.J? D 1&-'-1 L) f.::L P "If S L".....L / 79'.1)';;( j / ;[/;/llM l' , '. it.t:-' " ft~. t..' If Ie . . . I ROULD LI~E HORE INFORHATION ON THE PROPOSED USE OF THE BAXTER BUILDING LOCATED ON THE HAIN ROAD AND ELIJAH'S LANE IN HATTITUCL / jJcl95~zJ n/1S>1,4t- c ./(}.17 "") ) () c /~~ t{ d'or >t,h 1t1z{;~:G I, . ;tl>'" .;" ;itJ:,. .;- i- " '.\\ . ", . . .su.~At.E) 1'6 r- 1(1( . certified Mail, ~RR 260 Elijah Lane Mattituck, New York July 17, 1992 Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Main Road Southold, New York Dear Supervisor Harris: Recently, 'by word of mouth, it has come to my attention that the old Baxter building on Elijah Lane, Mattituck, will now be converted into a retail auto parts store. Living on Elijah Lane for the past three years, we have frequently had problems with cars racing up and down the street. I believe, as do others, that a retail business on this street would only further this problem. Elijah Lane is the home of many families in Mattituck. In fact, it may be one of the most populated side roads in all of the Town of Southold. Many of the neighborhood's children are picked up and dropped off by the school bus on that very corner. Indeed, right across the street from the Baxter building is a road sign warning, "CHILDREN AT PLAY, DRIVE CAREFULLY". I called the Planning Board and found out that the site plan approval was waived for this auto parts store proposal. There should at least be a traffric study done on this project. I believe, as do others, you are asking the residents of Elijah Lane to face: 1. Increased threat to th~i~ children's safety. 2. Increased traffic. 3. Lowered property value. 4. A detrimental change in the character of our neighborhood. 5. Residentiall Elijah Lane becomming a thtu-way, even on Sundays. I do not want to give the impression that the building should sit vacant forever, I only want to stress that, perhaps, it is not best used as is presently proposed. As Supervisor, I believe, as do others, that you should review the zoning purpose, which I understand is open to interpretation. Please insist on a site plan and a traffic study before allowing any work to be. completed at the Baxter building. Sincerely, William A. Villano cc Planning Board Mr. Victor Lessard it~, '. liJ~ a ~ ~\j~ fD) UI] .ll 20m2 ~ (,,)-~.. if ili .-IT r:Y va 1.5 U U:1 i i: l' -.-- ,; 1 i ~ Ie ';:f"'-"" . . I WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSED USE OF THE IN MATTITUCK. BAXTER BUILDING LOCATED ON THE MAIN ROAD AND ELIJAH'S LANE ({JJ!i!uvl" if Qpp",_ ()~ cZU-a/L/ 't~i2~ It 1;' ..' It '0= d9fAI;;I(9 ..2C,O 6ufptfs Uw( /'VI'tITIT (jUe N. II 119{ 'J-- /CO /!:{,4:'<<. ,Ed? trlrtcf7i!lt~flud jJt.. /1 ff;')~~~_ ;/>-15 e ~ d\ I' ~'J K' J 111 Cd.tl~lu c 7/) ILtJcIJr-frlll1 t ) '-' - . c--7 ./' 1< ,. _,YI /< p /' 0<:./ If:::d f 7"~' ~;.~ (.J?~ _ . / f is t/.o'l. ff ! {f,<J B l::L /H.f!5 L...,,,<'-- . . I WOULD LI~E MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSED USE OF THE BAXTER BUILDING LOCATED ON THE MAIN ROAD AND ELIJAH'S LANE IN HATTITUCL / )J () 9L<;~{J n {<r)>; 4(- C J ) {) [; f(fL ~ lif.f )f/d: 1&;t,;'Z, hJ:,' " Ie , . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennet( Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Lalham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 June 18, 1992 William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck NY 11952 RE: Waiver for change of use for premises of William Baxter, Main Road and Elijah's Lane, Mattituck Zoning District: Limited Business (LBl SCTM>> 1000-108-4-10 Dear Mr. Lindsay: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of June 15, 1992, in which you propose an 8' by 30' landscaped area at the midway point of the 130' wide parking area on Elijah's Lane. The Board will waive site plan requirements provided the parking and landscaping, as shown on your sketch received by the Board on June 15, 1992, copy enclosed, is installed prior to the issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy for the site. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, -a,~~~;~/~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~,. Chairman cc: William Baxter Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector. hI;- '. tC '\' ,>\"J.o<a )0 ')Q \ 10 f. \)"JUl 6/-' \13\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o~ C> ),,0 __-.---- C> _- \ .---- '- _--- ,,,,l! _.-- --~-~- \ UCllS _,-- )AIUO ]. _, .__~ ~ '--=-=-=:~-::'~'"' r~ .. --<,,0' \ \. ~, I = \ 0:; I \ .. \\ \ .....' "tt' \~/ 0- b ~ '.;, t> " " .5 " '" :>c '" - t> \i=- " ~, C, \J- 'r-: \ ')\' ~ (0 <lIVI 0:- ('It.. 0)<0 (It - o ;;:' ( ;z U> l> o l> U. l> o :< S': J~ '-:0> ....-. 1> , '" o U on n p 1> '" '" " n 1O N -t> o ..-" , , III ,- 1> :n nl p '" 10 (JI '" CO 0-, '\ ':) \ \ '-,J ~/ ~' .../ ~ ,... / OH~08 ~NlIlN~ld N/AOl OlOHlOO$ r;;j I 2:- ~,' I. Il1~ !I/!:! I ;/ :l~J ~I f^l II ~I @ ~I C~d , . . ~ '.~ --l o o Ol. D 0, '" \;. \~; \ \ \ '" .\1> G;~ "- ,':'> ? o ~ F" ).Jot:_ n~c: ..lrrl r!N~' L..g~ w_;. -<z~ -iC>~ ~n-_ o~- VI n: g~(,- .-f.'" X o ,> r III <:J 0" ..~" J, " 111\1\.0 ;:.~~ ,,- ..... ?O ~~.o " '" o .... r- J> -, o .... '3 '" .... :L. ~ -' :::: o '3 ., ;.0 (l ,.. '" <. c: Z r 'U )> r ., "' J> u '" - - C> In "' \D " 0 ., " (0 ;U '" 0 0 '= <- 10 n >'.,. '3'. .. . <- .... o ~ on <;: III N o " , (' \'\ ;, ,'\.1- c\ J' ~ .-/'"'~// ~ , .-/'" --- .../ /' ...- ;,1:-' .,- / "Af' ~ o -.. ~ I 7l I .-- ---. ... -r.Y1l) ~~ E~ ~ f' e r' ai ,.' E Ii, V') ~ --- "It ~ .......<1 . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.1823 June 18, 1992 William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck NY 11952 RE: Waiver for change of use for premises of William Baxter, Main Road and Elijah's Lane, Mattituck Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) SCTM# 1000-108-4-10 Dear Mr. Lindsay: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of June 15, 1992, in which you propose an 8' by 30' landscaped area at the midway point of the 130' wide parking area on Elijah's Lane. The Board will waive site plan requirements provided the parking and landscaping, as shown on your sketch received by the Board on June 15, 1992, copy enclosed, is installed prior to the issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy for the site. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, ~~~{~/~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~,. Chairman cc: William Baxter Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector. ~ \ \ \ \ \ , \ , \ \ \ \ (\ \ '/ , ~,:~=-~;::'II :':"5 G,;;;:'~iED St.:.::JECT -,"l -.....,':"','-,~. J. ,JO CUtSIDE STCR~G':' r ^S _'_': ..........:..............,;5: 7hE ZONING CODE)':' \ '"': R~..::ULt.li::D Sf SEC:7'lvi~ Ice - 52 CF 2. AC-' C\$ SY THE SCU'..,. -..... ,HOLD ",WN PLMHIING 90t.RD. nO'" or J pr,\er,Jr. \., \~\\\\O(1\ ,_v \or(1\er J ~I006'OO"E., t-\" c..- z -' -- .- -' o 3~ ~ o ~ cP_ o 0 "f- ~ (;3 ~ C? ~ . .- ..L c..- ~ \ , \ -- ~sp\'\t.\..' R'f.. \ tI G \ \\- : \~'~;:\:l,:\<<\::L \,,\r ~C \ c \ ' . \ $. -','. \ . (/1',\ j \ - I' -' ,ie .-"'" -/,- .Z," st\p.\J~---- 00 \~ . ~IC>\'I. ~---- _ _ -- 9<,;- I '\\: ~.--~-_/ _ 0 ~ ~ ' I'~ I.: I I' 12' I I' I Ii I ,; II! N.84045'40"w, I \ o "gll . CC.AlION ROj...... ;'??S~"I.\1'~~'C Of '" S'iS~'t ,~ '" -;"1> '" <~ )- \;,'t''._ .... L4rJ ;)e:... ""CAPfa 4RE 4 Area: 9/240 5, f, 31.49' '--.. Ii 0: 0 - , .~" "6 -0" ... .; W rv141N PI,'"'O I". r . 1\ c.. ~ Y. U' 395.33' " I ( - ir:::;J - 'PI! afosQ> J S LA...:i1> , '. 1 , ~ ~ -- , .. . \ . !?JCIS1"lfJ(,.. (!,.) .., . I .- (GlQAs>) U L 0\.1<: \ \ \ \ \ , \ \.. ~(.~ ~o "'c:: z"" -'" ",0 O"l~ co "'.... 00 ,,~ "'- co'" . L-.. --, r=='_..:::?~ C:;:-I.J <S'el IN;) C\ = (- l " ES N ~ r~-...:~=-' 1...:::=-) -- --.-.. ~ - . . , l' C) '., .... f1' R,\\~ June 15, 1992 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: Waiver of Site Plan SCTM# 1000-108-4-10 Dear Mr. Chairman: Pursuant to our meeting with members of the Planning Board at the site of the Baxter building on Friday, June 12, 1992, we submit the attached sketch for Board review. As recommended, an island of grass will be constructed at the midway point of the 130' parking area open to Elijah's Lane. This will consist of removal of the blacktop paving material covering an area approximately 35' by 8' and replacing it with top soil. Grass will be seeded and small trees will be planted to indicate the ends of the landscaped area as noted on the copy of the existing Site Plan. This barrier will effectively reduce the entry/exit area of the parking lot to two 25' lanes, one North and one South of the above mentioned island, as measured from the end of the last park- ing space to the adjacent end of the island. Every effort will be made to align the new grass area with the existing curb line to maintain continuity of road width and shoulder profile currently in place at this location. Highlighted areas on sketch indicate this. This modification, in conjunction with previously submitted data concerning signs and their lighting, trees and land- scaping of the existing plot, parking calculations based on Southold Town formulas for area of building being r the ZBA approval are now on file with the Planning ~ @ ~ 0 w rn JUN '5. m ~J&'fl/, . . . We request the a Waiver of Site Board consider these Plan so we can apply and begin this project. . modifications and grant for a Building Permit Yours truly, /)A ~ .t:.~ William L. Lindsay E"{C~FTiC,~ WAS GRANTED SUBJECT 70 :Cf~ CI7iC,';S : I. NO OUTSIDE STCRAGE {AS RE,3ULAi2:0 af SECTiGN :CO "7"HE ZONING CODE)' 2. AC-:C\S BY THE SOU'THOLD TOWN PLANNING SOARD. y - 62 OF \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , - Jr:::::J - ~ I I I \ \ \ \ p,~-:<.\er ,Jr. J. ~u \~\\\\Or0 \orr0er\'/ , \lOV! or \ \ \ . l'~ ol'oSa> I, LA.U1> (\ (" 'y v ~ y, ~I ,^ ?r\~l.-- ~o ^ ""If..\tl'-' ?~~ ~tB~\:\~\:i < . o " ccA"nON . ?t'~o~,~ l\fl'f ... st.~ ~~STt~ \ i , \ \ \ \ , \ \ \- , <11 ,( \ r \ \ ~ \', \'~ '~. ~ ty \~ i" st\fl.Ue ~~ o \1"1\. 1'\\G\'\ ~~ 00 __ -- (, 6' ~_/ /<'0 i I~~- g I ' ~ I .: II~: Ii: I, II! N. 84045' 40" I W. \ z. <0 o ~. o 0, ~ .z. ~ ~. .r '" --;'~ S <~ r Cl ?~ ~ " i::)(\STI/I.l~ Cu 1'l L I~t: (GiA~9 '- o ~ . (' \ ~ :..- \ ~ 0\ -,,,,", ." --co " ~o :Z ~ ~!:i \ ;o::r - ~ ZO G)~ U1 '" "'.... = , 00 ~ >::!; \ , Elz c:;g \ \ INU \ ~ ..0>) '- ,. OJ..... Cl 0 'f- - c;? ~ '" - .- ..L. ;2",... .- ~"'- .- LAIIDSC'p ~ ED .- ARE A '- ~ Area = 9/240 s. f. 1 31.49' '- N.85036'30"w 395.38' i'v141N r- ," ^ r N;, i', --'", , , .. ~ . SUBJECT: Mattituck Auto Parts (Bill LLindsay) June 8, 1992, meeting with Bill Baxter to discuss site plan requirements. Mr. Baxter explained that the landscaping requested by the Planning Board to define the entrance to the property would not allow maneuver room for trailer truck delivery. He suggested the! parking on the north side be moved to the property line as per , the attached sketch. Mr. Baxter also mentioned that the street trees requested were not necessary, as there were existing trees along most of the property lines. . Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 ( . June 1, 1992 ~;::;~ I' .L'? t2K/ 7.2)- ./0= 'l RE: Waiver of site plan SCTM# 1000-108-4-10 Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to your review of our letter dated May 25, 1992 and the Board's subsequent suggestions of May 29, 1992, we submit the following based on the original site plan. (1) Existing trees and landscaping noted. Addition of two 6'x2'x2' CCA planter boxes beneath proposed 6' store windows on East side of building, flanking the entrance door. Split rail corner markers at North and South parking area corners on Elijah's Lane, consisting of 1 upright post and 4 diagonal rails at each location backing low fOliage. (2) New double-faced, freestanding sign measuring 3' high by 6' wide at location of existing freestanding sign, to be 5' above ground at lower edge and lighted by 75 watt flood lights in existing fixtures. Wall sign on East side above door and windows at entrance. Sign to be 2' high by 20' long based on 40' horizontal frontage wall. Signs to be red lettering on white background with red border. Wall sign to be lighted by 2 75 watt flood lights suspended from and facing the building. (3) Sketch of signs attached. (4) Revised parking area arrangement on site plan to include one handicapped parking space. Bold arrows indicating traffic flow to and from Elijah's Lane. rn m @ rn 0 W ~ Q! ! - 2 l"S') i I S! F'" i...~,;...,..J . . (4 cont.) As Elijah's Lane is a 40MPH secondary, crowned road with no center or shoulder markings, curb- ing or islands should not be necessary. (5) Rented area of building measures 40'x120' for 4800 sq. ft. indicated by gray shaded area. All calculations for parking based on rented area. Yours truly, 0. K ;f.;t . 11 . . d iJ Wl lam L. Lln say )- ;/d / C'I' 1 ( 0--- ~4-M q D <<II fi ~ ~ ~ ~~ r= A:J-2F -~~~. , ~ 11~ TO: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Violations DATE: January 16, 1999 The following violations have come to the attention of the Planning Board: Goodale used car lot Main Road, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-122-6-30.1 Used cars being stored and sold on Jerome lot across the street. Lucas Ford Hortons Lane, Southold SCTM# 1000-59-3-32.1 Used cars for sale on front landscaped area Fleet Bank Main Road, Southold SCTM# 1000- Lighting off site Creative Environmental Design Main Road, Peconic SCTM# 1000- Two signs and outdoor display w/o site plan Lindse Auto paytS' Jah's Lan -. S~O-108-4010 Second driveway to Rte. 25 and area---violates plan Please review for corrective action. EXCEPTION WAS GRANTED SUBJECT TO CONOITIONS ' I, NO OUTSIDE STORAGE (AS REGULATED BY SECTION 100 - 62 OF THE ZONING CODE); 2, ACTIONS BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, y -pJ- \ \ \ \ -< ~ - ., '. J \ -,.?>; ".. (=--, I!!!!J C:f' f. ~ ",0 S:~I e,'""', c:::r ...::..a;j N 5S21 ~ I c.t:_l @) ~~J 1!!!!J---1 ~o:'! ~ ~ ,-. - - ~ ~'~ ~, J /~<:.:'.' " '<. "" C>- "'tY" eo'/.,er ,Je 'an' J 1fJ\\\\ \ \ \orn'er\'1 (\0'" or \ \ \ \ \ , . f\ (. 'oo"€.' 'noOO ~. \ \ ::-- o oCt.:T\ON r.oppRo:t\.fc.~'C f Sc.,N ~'(s,..~tA v ->-, ~ J' A> '11> '" (~ r ,. -;:;. ,. o ?~ ~ .... S\'4.Ru9 o ""' ~\G\'4. . .. al_ 00 ,. ""' (;? ""' ~ . .... .L .... ""' ~ u.....~O 0 , \ \ E.1.'~- .- 0.- ~ ?- v- 0' \ \ ""''' A o ,O~:_91240Q 00 0 0 n' 't V '0 $i~ ''b. o E)(Is-r"JIr' '!;t""^, 00 3/.49' -- N,85036'30"W N.84045 40"W, . 395.38' MAIN Rr /. r . " . .. .,-' .Y)J-= ~ct: VJ~ o zg -::) --l<( . . fft,:,:'i __.__ · ,'::"-::1 ~ . .,,- V'-_:1 1 f" ':';:::~2::.::- I ~ ,"",,~ , :;). ~ A '~ ~ ti "" u I. lL 0- W Do '" " _'...1 rYJ ::< ,~ , ':E If) IU) I~ OCI !~ , ! I 0' r- ~ <::( V) ~ >- <( (f) t:::J ,Z i, [. -' ( i j 5 , .,!. \:.: ~ .." "- C :t D e:,- -:2 () (i: (2r V> ~ I' o "" x '1S ft ~ '" -> ~ . . ~~r- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box I 179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 May 29, 1992 william L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck NY 11952 RE: waiver for change of use for premises of William Baxter, Main Road and Elijah's Lane, Mattituck Zoning District: Limited Business (LB) SCTM~ 1000-108-4-10 Dear Mr. Lindsay: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of May 25, 1992, in which you request a waiver of site plan application for a change of use of the above referenced property. The Planning Board would like to suggest some additional landscaping, and requests the following information before it can consider a waiver: 1. Street trees and landscaping as indicated on the enclosed sketch. 2. Type and wattage of any proposed outdoor lighting. All lighting must be shielded to the premises. 3. Sketch to scale, showing color, of any proposed outdoor sign. 4. Parking calculations, including handicapped parking. Suggested parking arrangement is included on the enclosed sketch. 5. Area of building, in square feet, to be occupied for the above use. May 25, SlI!JPiI (.1;;-- I'~ ;tiC. r/ sI:nl w-:>-- 1992 . . Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Chairman: , ...o:~"' ~~:l:~~C'~ - SIlUl\1O~GO J~~fD 1 MIlIlIIl"" With reference to property described on Suffolk Co. Tax Map 1000-108-4-10 owned by Wm. J. Baxter, Jr. and its anticipated use for wholesale/retail Auto Parts Business, we submit the following proposal for board consideration. (1) An existing, approved, site plan is currently in effect for the above referenced property as of March 13, 1989. Copy enclosed. (2) Also enclosed is a copy of recent correspondence with the ZBA which indicates no opposition to our proposed use of the premesis. (3) Parking criteria remain essentially the same with mod- ification to allocation of area as follows: Office space-200sq. ft. @ 1/100sq. ft. = 2 spaces Retail space-960sq. ft. @ 1/200sq. ft. = 5 spaces Warehouse-3640sq. ft. @ 1/1000sq. ft. = 4 spaces Total required = 11 spaces Total spaces provided = 13 spaces (4) No structural changes are proposed to the building except for front window replacement and signage. Such work will be performed in accordance with Building Dept. regulations. Therefore, in light of the above, we request a waiver of site plan application and approval to use the existing plan. Yours truly, tJ)&., t ~v4(J encl. 2 William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 298-5268 home 727-8700 work #_-.-i_-*",,;- . APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Telephone (516) 765-1809 \ Mr. William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck, NY 11952 . SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 7, 1992 Re: Your Inquiry Received May 4, 1992 - Auto Parts Business Limited Business (LB) Zone District as of 1/10/89 Dear Mr. Lindsay: We are in receipt of your communications pursuant to contact you have had recently with the Planning Board or its staff and your proposed occupancy of the Baxter Bros. building at the westerly corner of Elijah's Lane and northerly side of Main Road in Cutchogue (1000-108-4-10. The subject premises is presently zoned LB (Limited Business). In checking with the Planning Board, we find that there was a conditional site plan approval rendered March 13, 1989 for an "as built" building layout (as of January 30, 1989) and upon which is noted the Special Exception granted under Appl. No. 3801 (for manufacture and assembly of classic cars). Based on the use granted in the Special Exception for assembly and manufacture of classic cars, and the fact that the Limited Business zone district permits auto parts wholesaling and warehousing, as well as motorcycle shop repairs and services, and retail uses supplemental to the above services, it is our position that an auto parts business is not prohibited. J" It,is recommended that you file a written request for a waiver or for other approval before the Southold Town Planning Board since this requirement was imposed by them at the time of endorsing the site plan in 1989. Also, you will not be permitted to have outside storage in any manner and will be required to apply to the Building Department for appropriate certificate of occupancy/use as amended and/or building permits 00 m.: :70~ m:@1 ,.... , SOUTHOLD T)V", _-i PLANNING 6fV,-;i -" ~.4" , /.. P<;tge , ' To: , Re:' - 2- May 7, 199~ :Mr. William L..indsay Auto Parts Business in LB Zone . (1000-108-4-10) as may be deemed necessary based upon the nature of the work to be performed. 1k cc: Chairman and Mernbe the Southo1d Town Planning Board Building Department (Attn: Mr. Lessard and Mr. Fisher) -' J~ ~ ,', " . . Su6ALE 1"',6 ./ ;tit SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor V:> ~ Gerard p, Goehringer, Chairman Charles Grigonis, Ie Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Ie Robert A Villa Telephone (516) 765-1809 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTH OLD May 7, 1992 Mr. William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Your Inquiry Received May 4, 1992 - Auto Parts Business Limited Business (LB) Zone District as of 1/10/89 Dear Mr. Lindsay: We are in receipt of your communications pursuant to contact you have had recently with the Planning Board or its staff and your proposed occupancy of the Baxter Bros. building at the westerly corner of Elijah's Lane and northerly side of Main Road in Cutchogue (1000-108-4-10. The sUbject premises is presently zoned LB (Limited Business). In checking with the Planning Board, we find that there was a conditional site plan approval rendered March 13, 1989 for an "as built" building layout (as of January 30, 1989) and upon which is noted the Special Exception granted under Appl. No. 3801 (for manufacture and assembly of classic cars). Based on the use granted in the Special Exception for assembly and manufacture of classic cars, and the fact that the Limited Business zone district permits auto parts wholesaling and warehousing, as well as motorcycle shop repairs and services, and retail uses supplemental to the above services, it is our position that an auto parts business is not prohibited. It is recommended that you file a written request for a waiver or for other approval before the Southold Town Planning Board since this requirement was imposed by them at the time of endorsing the site plan in 1989. Also, you will not be permitted to have outside storage in any manner and will be required to apply to the Building Department for appropriate certificate of occupancy/use as amended and/or buil . ro), ~ @ ~ 1\.lU MAY I I ~ SOUTHOLO TOWN PlANNING BOARD Page . To: Re: . . 2- May 7, 1992~ Mr. William L. Lindsay Auto Parts Business in ~ LB Zone (1000-108-4-10) as may be deemed necessary based upon the nature of the work to be performed. lk cc: ~~dy2~;?@ Chairman and Members of the Southo1d Town Planning Board Building Department (Attn: Mr. Lessard and Mr. Fisher) ., . Chairman, Planning Board Town Of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Sir: . April 28, 1992 St.I6h<< /6 b-V' tIS We request the Planning Board review the following proposal for the building located on the West side of Elijah's Lane at the intersection of Rt. 25 in Mattituck, former site of Baxter Bros. It is our intention to lease the Southern half of this building for the purpose of establishing a wholesale / retail Auto Parts business. Leased area to be approximately 4800 sq. ft., measuring 40 x 120. Changes to the structure would include making the Southeast corner a store front by installing plate glass windows at the existing location of the overhead door, the Easternmost window on the South facing wall, and a new window between the South- east corner and the entrance door. The door would also be changed to a glass unit. These changes would create an entrance for wholesale and retail customers utilizing the existing park- ing area on the East end of the building, accessed from Elijah's LanG. Employee parking would be on the North side. Inside building changes to include additional overhead lighting and modification of heat and air conditioning ducts as required for efficient climate control and proper lighting of warehouse space and retail sales area. Installation of shelving, gondolas, and storage racks as appropriate to Auto Parts business. Erect a service counter, non-structural facade behind counter, and pegboard walls as necessary for proper display of merchandise as is commonly seen in establishments selling parts and acces- sories. ~-::::1 fD)1~ :;::-~\ ~U'U . \ SOUT~01D"'.: j PlMI,\j.j, .;-~ Yours truly, IJ~ / ~ William L. Lindsay P.O. Box 662 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 . . " . -Pt:.:'.!iCl> l?()i<~,:,,') i.f-o'~ {2-0' OFFICG ';;00 StQFf. "RE'1:4'L %0 ~"cl 3T<AA<le 31040 SQFl 'if 0 0 /0-r;'4(... rJRc.}j ~ ~ . . -.~P-i\.fj:J.. fl.,I't;::J\ } )~T 1<~'tJT~ ......... ~--".._~..-~, ~.T.'~-____..__ I I CFf'Cc I ..s1t'1l'V;(~e I- I I i , , , L- s-r,\ I:' .:\ (; ~-r f I I f I I I t I , I tpJCfi'ty;Z- -rr-. HO : KA: VJ~} OF (.dAl(il-fQ\.l2? --- --- ------.... ~~--",S~':'f,~~~,>~ L,::.~=,-==_:J WrbLt~A(_~ iIW-l)f of Re:T/,' L Si\ ...",: A'K<':A n., '-". r~~..i)"b7;.~i) .....uv-~ -,1~,.) OF "J/,Jb(l,..)~ .f"> r:..fA.;'t) (-2-' ST,S{(-C.f-'~sT. :S~'t': f1t.H, PLA~.......,",V1 I-~r ,""'.1\<.,', lItJNI7 '1/IJu/() I LI: --'1.~ '___ ,'..,- ...&.,-.,"',_",___..._..__1___... '0;1 /'-' t:'1'(71,j(,./~71',.J ) )[-,'''-''It:2t<:. e.'3f..1!t>.,lr,... (,:, J'f,J~<...s) 81 ;)AJ-I '5 14:. ..), "'./ =/1 J'I,;: Ri_l'_)J". 1.'/"/ .'" ,-j..." (1..._ ""I'"r "d'/l,(..-. D11', ,.,'1,: ,'. r};r,'l..-IX>- (S Si'rI')~-S) i i ,I 'l "'-~ --~~ ;i:: ,1\ ... ".' \ .......... . . ~ .. <..' '- ,~; .' L "- ~ ~ \ ,J ~ ~. ,"\ , ~ >I' "t, , I;' ~.\ H ., F; .'':) i~ '" '0 :s 01 c c q ),' ~ '-\ I "\ \!.) I ~( tt: rJ I v '=- . I - /., i,_') (#-J i ~,\ ~ '. I '.' '1'. 11'\ i 1\, _. I . I , ~~ i ~~~~ I"~ ~ ~ -( I ,. \ \ '1'1 I '. '! ')11 f I r' rl I '. r-I I ," 'i1 [l [l ....J \ \-- \J . '\ , .J I . . . \}l o 1.\\\ f'l\ . . . ~. '\' tl\OU )2\'j.O~ )0 O\'~ \}l ) 0\ LOo ,)\, f-\)2 ,~..OO. 2 CD , (JI(,>J I 0:- "'.:. I mID ",- - 0, ~- . I ;Z CD .:. 0 .:. 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JiI!"-------'.-- " ) ". .\~ '-I\'\ c \\ J' / ~ '.'1 /.--~ , ,,'I ~",\ ,) ~I . e/l rJ'7 \ ~ ~ ~ ? o ~ o ~ o ~ '3 '" ~ ::z ~ ~ o '3 <- (J) o >' - '" ~ <- ;" ~~ ~ // / /' ~--" . .- .~/ -- I ?l - . .-;.~~/:.-:....:.~ -~~ ~------... -~ . ~> .u~ . r-' I '---- .-" .... - - -- EXCEPT!ON WAS GRAN~ED SUBJECT TO COrJO!;10f:S NO OUTSIDE STORAGE i AS REGULATED BY SECTION 100 THE ZONING CODE}; 2. ACTIONS BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD. ,,0'1'1 01 'fJ\\\\O'" \OI",el\'J J. e,O-;.\el ,J\. - 62 OF Y \ -F:J- \ \ \ I \ \ \ , ( , , , \ . . .~ "'OO"~' 11000 ~, -, U ocAi\O~ tl>pp~O~iitlofl'( f sP-" ~....s1"tM \\99" ,..:" 49--- ,tV' .Z~. - <--- ~~ ,~~\ "- , \ \ SPf\I<LI BI<R\<.\HG .. ... ~R'C. fl. . \ ~ttt- (' \--- c./ "7 '>-. U"1 ? o ~ .r .<> "1> J' (~ ;.. eLOG. eLoe\<. n'j eO"e, s1'O~ ~ ~' -;;. ~' o 3 ~ .~o ~. o o. ~ o ~ . , .. \?!'( \C \' \~ \~ "'0 \~ o -- 0<, -- -- - 0 , , . -' s,,~". ~~ , ,,'G" r--' \ o' ~_____ o l:-_".-__._--r co ;; m . . .... (P_ 00 ~ ~ (;;3 ~ ~ . - ..L ARE: A (" --;7 --- V \ 0' \ \ \ 395,38' \ .....- (,1.....- e-- -- .... ~ -, . 9' I LANDSCAPED Area = 91240 s.f, " I I 31.49' -- N.85036'30"W N, 84045' 40"W / 1\;1/\ I i\J R( ',' , >/ \ ; \ J\; , ..:; H T Or) c.. , -...;) PARKING CRITERIA' TOTAL BUILDING AREA 9600 SF 4800 SF. OF BUILDING IS VACANT 4800SF OFBUILDING IS USED AS FOLLOWS. LOUN G E APPR OX I MATE L Y 86 SF b'-THROOMS APPROXIMATELY 110 S.F BOILER ROOM. APPROXIMATELY 72 SF OFF, CE SPACE. APPROXIMATELY BOO S,F r.sSF"hY '-REA APPRCXIMATELY~"SF 8GO SF OFFICE SPACE@ I STALL /150 SF" 3732 SF OF ASSEMBLY AREA @l I STALL / 500 SF, " - 5,3 74 12.7 STA LLS STALLS ST ALLS REQUIRED . . RESOLVED that the southold Town planning Board approve the s Built site plan dated March 8, 1989, and a~thorize.t~e hairrnan to endorse the Plan, with the follow~ng cond1t~on: 1. Any change in the number of employees and or use of the building must come before the Planning Board for their review SITE PLAN WILLIAM J. BAXTER ,JR. l' . ~ ',' . " _.~-":o..:,_-:;-~,-_ , ~..:)- G \;~~1, .4." MO. ~ ~.. j AT MATTITUCK 'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK DATE SCALE NO MAR B,1989 FEB 23,1989 JAN, 31,1989 I"" 50' 8\1- 0113 NuT< S; " '",' ._.., L .; MONUMENT t I...._~ \ .... '. "i. "....' ' - . . . r ,... '___ ,,~_-'-.. ;,. ,",,~CJ 2, SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP ,.:: MAR 13.9' '~D1STIOOOSECTWBL4LOTI0 77- , 89 3 THIS SURVEY INDICAT / /~~ ~-'/;r)2ZJ!/- "-- C9J'jDITIONS OF THE P ;Y~ jRVEYED 1/30/89, .\....- - ' ,--" -__ WJ ---- II I REFrRENCE: uwmfnl 'MY 2 7 _ ~i . uM'ouTHOlI'IZ[D ALTUtATION 0111: ADDITION TO TW!S SuJh''fY SA vlOLATlOfll Of ,[C'TIOH 720il 0If HIE HEW 'fORI( STATE EDUCATION LA. . CO"IU r:I THIS SlJIII'iEY NOT .a~"G TH( LAND SUllllv('f'OlI"~ 1...tt:ED SEAL Oft ENIOSSED SEAl. SHALL NOT U. CONSIDEIt[O TO 8( A VALID TRUE copy .GU....AHTUS 'HOlc.a.TlO H[REON SHAL.L lIIIUN ONLY TO TH( P'f:lIIISOM fO" WHOW Tt4E suWVEY IS PRf.PA"[D AND (JIj HIS HHALF TO THE T1Tl.( CON,..,.,.. GOVElUI- IlIENTAL. AGf.NCY "NO l.f.NOtfitG- IMSTltuTIO'" LISTED H[R[Ofll, AND TO ntE USIGN[(S OF ~Io4E LENDING tH5TITUTIOH GUAlIIIAflITUS ..lit[ HOT HtMlSFUUSLE TO ADOITIOflAL IHSTITUTlQHS 01'1 SuBSEQuEHT aWflIERS . DISTANC!S SHOW" H(PlEOM F'''O. "'''~ERTY LIMES TOEXISTufCi STRU(TU"ES ARE. '0" A ,"(Cll'IC ,.U""O'E AIlfD ARE MOT TO liE lJSEO TO nUILISH ,.NQP[fHT LINES a" FOllll THE ["[CTiON '" FENCES THE PARCEL SHOWN, HEREO AS SHDWN ON THE oC"M BOUNDARY LINES" PREPARED J, 8AXTER. JR. ET AL. -=t l:r>11l.J. /...1{. - Lt:'-' fQ;'f:,. 7S u S~ IV .z:..... YOUNG a YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENI RIVERHEAO, NEW YORe ALDEN W YOUNG. PROFESSIONAL ENGINE ER AND LAND SURVEYDR NY,S UCENSE NO 12845 HOWARD W YOUNG, LAND SURVEYOR NYS LICENSE NO 45893 BRANDIS & SONS INC.