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5GpM TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ROAD TYPICAL PLOT PLAN THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE D[SPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTSIN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. HOWARD W. YOUNG, NTY.S.L.$. LlC. NO. 4S893 "THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ALI_ LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2SI OF THE TOWN LAW AND ARTICLE XVIH OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLDJ THE DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LOTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-40 DISTRICT, EXCEPT THAT THE MINIMUM LOT AREA SNALL GE 80000 S F. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAG BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF GOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION DATED BY DATE: CHAIRMAN, PLANNING BOARD THE LOT UNES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED, CANNOT BE ALTERED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD. AND LOTS MUST BE SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. NOTE' I. SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DIST. IQQQ SEC% 107 BLK I LOT 2 2~ A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ~o~ - ~o~ o HAS BEEN FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUBqTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN LIBER 11421 CR448 p, OPD 30000 ® 666¢Z1 ~'~' pARCEL TO BE DEDICATED TO THE ToWN OF sOUTHOLD AREA = 2_47 s ~ H-ALTH, Approv,,d is sccordance wilh'AdiEle vi, .~.ctio~ ~1 C ~unty San;t_~ry Code / ~ ~ ~ , ~' -. LOCATION MAP I~Z~_ DATA, I. TOTAL AREA = 19.1220 ACRES 2 ZONING USE DISTRICT: R - 80 (RESIDENTIAL ;5. TOTAL NO OF LOTS = 6 LOW DENSITY A) BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board APPROVJD BY , pLANNING BOARD . _-T~W;4 oi~ 50UTNOLD MAP OF MATTITUCK AT MATTITUCK. TOWN OF SUFFOLK CREEK ESTATES SOUTHOLD COUNTY, N.Y. 1~24 ~92 AVENUE, RIVERHEAD. N.Y. VI, YOUNG, N.Y.S. P.E. B L,S, LIC, NO. 12845 t, YOUNG, N.Y.S. L,S. MC. NO. 4869S THOMAS C. WOLPERT, N.Y.S.P.E. LIC. NO. 61481 50006 ~ ` a ,r~, DG ;~j PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~ ~ ~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~ ~ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~0;~~~~~~ aa~,,;l'- Richard G. Ward - ;S Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ~,r>v=}'lti,.~ P.O. Box 1179 Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York t 1971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (5{6) 765-1823 February 25, 1992 James H. Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, New York 11706 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates S/WJc Mill Road and Grand Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Cohill: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on February 24, 1992: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys dated October 31, 1991 with the following conditions to be affixed to the map: 1. All items listed in the Engineering Inspector's report dated February 18, 1992, including the planting of the. street trees, must be completed before any building permit will be issued. 2. The Planning Board in a letter dated January 22, 1992, reduced the calipher size of the street trees to be planted on the western edge of the open space lot (along Grand Avenue) down to between 1 & 1/2" to 2". All the other street trees shall comply with the Town's specifications. The Planning Board reserves the right to re-inspect the smaller trees within one year of planting and to require their replacement if any should die within that period of time. Please notify the Board, in writing, when all items have been completed. Enclosed is a copy of the map which was endorsed by the Chairman. The mylar maps, which were also endorsed by Chairman, must be picked up at this office and filed in the office of the County Clerk. Any plat not so filed or recorded within sixty (60) days of the date of final approval, shall become null and void. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Benn~ ~ sk~, ~~S Chairman enc. cc: victor Lessaxdy Building Department Scott Russell, Assessors Office James Richter, Engineering Inspector ~ n u U - . 11421P~448 _ $DUTN~L~iG~,'N PLANNING BOAP,D DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made the 24th day of February, 1992, by JAMES H. COHILL, residing at 131 South Awixa Ave., Bay Shore, New York 11706, Declarant. WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, as provided by the Declarant, and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of a subdivision application entitled, "Major Subdivision - Mattituck Creek Estates", by resolution dated October 1, 1991, a copy of gist.: .000 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and as a sec.: condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold -0700 Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be ;lock: clon recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and ,ot: WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and 2000 determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel, NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: THAT Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the ' :,'r.' intentions above expressed, does hereby make known, admits, publishes, covenants and agrees that the said premises herein /~'!~o described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants T which shall run with the land an shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, 'l'egal representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns, to :~r.; ~ wit: 11421P~449 1. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. The area on the subdivision map designated "Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer" is designated as such to protect the steep sloped areas of the site from unnecessary erosion, This area shall remain in its natural state. Maintenance of this natural vegetation shall be the only use or activity allowed. 3. The use and development of the portion of Lot 1 that is designated "Agricultural Reserve Basement Area" will forever be restricted to some or all of the following: a) farming operations and activities (including soil preparation, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, and drainage control} and any other normal and customary farming operations; and the use of farm vehicles and equipment in connection therewith, all as designed and intended to promote and enhance agricultural production encompassing the production for commercial purposes of field crops (including without limitation, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes and dry beans); fruits (including without limitation, apples, peaches, grapes, cherries and berries); vegetables (including without limitation, tomatoes, snap bcan~, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli and onions}; horticultural specialties (including without limitation, nursery stock, ornamental shrubs and ornamental trees and flowers); and all other farm products; b) open fallow; c) operations encompassing livestock and livestock products (including cattle, sheep, goats, horses and poultry) which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning Board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board; d) landscaped, wooded areas with lanes, walkways, foot paths, ponds or brooks and recreational areas for -2- ~ , ' 1~~~1PC~50 compatible recreational uses, which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board. 4. The following shall be adhered to on the Agricultural Reserve Basement Area for the purpose of maintaining said premises in its current condition for continued agricultural production and to prevent the degradation or loss of the aesthetic open space value of- said premises: a) It shall be managed in accordance with the conservation plan developed by the Soil Conservation Service for this particular property, and shall remain in compliance with all updates of the report. The Planning Board shall have the right to require updated reports when deemed necessary. b) No regrading shall be conducted thereon; the natural contours thereof shall remain generally undisturbed and no fill or spoil shall be placed thereon. c) No top soil, loam, sand, stone, gravel, rock or minerals shall be excavated or removed therefrom or placed thereon. d) Farming practices shall be such that erosion of the land is minimized and is in accordance with the standards of the Soil Conservation Management Plan, and nothing shall be permitted to occur thereon which would result in increased erosion of said premises. c) No streets, roadways or other rights of way for non-farming vehicular use shall be constructed or granted thereon. f) Except as may be required for reasons of irrigation, drainage, sanitation or disease control, no tree;, plants or other vegetation located thereon, shall be killed destroyed, cut or removed therefrom. g) No dumping, placement, storage or burning of any liquid or solid waste, garbage, ashes, sawdust, trash, rubbish, refuse or other toxic, hazardous, objectionable, unsightly or oL-fensive material shall be permitted on or within the said premises. h) The said premises will forever be kept open and free of all signs, bill boards or other forms of visual advertisement or display. i) Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed ar erected within or upon the said premises without Planning Board approval. Structures ~ ~~421FC451 ~ (including, but not limited to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed, subject to Planning Board approval. j) Retail sales shall be restricted to the sale of items produced on the property, and shall be subject to Planning Board approval. 5. The Declarants reserve the right to the exclusive use and possession of the area known as the Agricultural Rcscrve Easement Area, to the extent not inconsistent with the covenants and restrictions hereinabove set forth; and Declarants may exclude the general public or any designated person or persons from the use of or entry upon the said Agricultural Reserve Easement, except that the Town shall have the continuing right to inspect the said area to the extent reasonably required to monitor compliance with the covenants, terms and, provisions hereof, and to assure that such covenants, terms and provisions have not been violated, such inspection to be at reasonable times. 5. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold,, or its successor body, after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing, but their consent to such modification shall not be required. 7. In addition to the rights of other parties to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants, the Planning Board shall also have the authority, through appropriate legal action and after due notice to the Declarants, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns, to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants. IN WITNESS WHEREOF', the Declarant has hereunto set his hand and sea]. the day and year above written. . C~ JAM L'S H. COFIILL -9- _ r~~.~. 11 ~21PC452 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OI' SUFI'OLK ) On this 24th day of February, 1992, before me personally came JAMES H. COHILL, owner of certain real property located on Mi11 Road and Grand Avenue, Mattituck, New York, the subject property covered by this Declaration; that he did read the above Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and understands its contents; that he did swear to me that he executed the same. ,~'~~~:2 Notary Public cv! s',rnca Nnitry pv:,bc~ Stag of NaW ipM NU. Jf-L~JU JJiO `f LIT ~(I.i~ .!1 UI Min (.nYfl(~( Pornmi.von I:npires Jun, 31, 4D3Q ~7% -S- 1~ 2~P~453 ~ Oc lobar :f4, 19'1 SCHEDULC A :~Urf c~C :CCC; DC sCrlpt lOn 1'C r17nCtt:r °I'l.lttltLlCk CYi'_u F: E~tettU[;" hl,iCti luck, 'Town of ::uu Chold, _:uL Co lk COUn Cy, fl~ni Yurlc ALL that certain plot, puce or parc¢1 of land, with the buildings cold improvCments thereon erected, situate, lying :.tnd being at f•lattiCUU}_, ~!'G'Jn OL SOUtftOlCl, County O1.' SUtl:Olk .lnd ~L"Lice Of I1uW YUI"}:, lion nil.xl ..~n~l Isb.C 111U 1ClC at the incu r::uct ion oL the wu:~tut~ly i.du oL Cry, ncl l,vi: rnJu ::n~! cli~• ::ouChurly side vi f~till !toad; f:UNflINC thence from said point o1 beginning along the wast%rly ~icu oc Crand hvEnuu the following two (2) courses and distances: (~L) Soul'h 27 deg. 4`; min. 19 ecc. 1. ~t :1C L14 •l .dL' tcLC; :.OllCh ~`J di: c), lU min. SJ •:uC. W~ut ~U.l.'~lJ LCC:C L.r L~~r~~l nu~.r .fit' Lot"nwrLy LugCnu O. Gr;i1; RUI:UIfIC thence North 25 deg. min. 59 sac. 4lest aloncf l:,nd now or :cr!n:;rly i:ugcne O. Cral 17:1.56 Lust to the north~a~t~rly corner of l:~n~1 ns'.r or formerly Lugenc O. Crat; klJll41f11~: L:It~_iiuv _;out-.h t,-L ,.lu,). '1.7 wln. 71 :;i.~~_, llt.:1C aLi~n~l I,.. n~i vi lurm~~r Ly L:uyunu U. Ct'.tt ~tlunc] .Land now i~r Lai mut'ly 1'lui-~ticC ,~.~u l.~'r:, hn.1 uLorn) l.,nd now or 1"or'un_i 1y Yl ll. Liam .aid L: ~'rlha L.u'?~nUr. 4:i ~;u.v~. Lu~.t to l.tnd nosf ur foruwrly Lllcli hl. Islack Guyton; RUIlh1Z1lC thence 1Jorth 25 di=g. 11 min. 79 sec. F7cat alone land now or fOrmarly L'llen 11. Ulack Cuyton and along land now or formerly I'.L iz:~G~lh V. 1'ox 1022.`x' fu~t to thC: sou L'hcr~ly sicJ Of 14i1.L Road; I:UI:IIIIJC thCnc~ aluru) tho :.outli~_rly ::.ido of I•lil L Road tlto colluwinq c!+r„t (s) coursas and distanuo:: (1) Uorth 55 deg. ;G min. 5'1 Sec. 1'.ast 2. J3 J:eet; (2) hfcrUL G1 deg). )1 min. 51 3i:c. Ldat 250.29 Feet; (s) 1~lOrth 7U dccj. UG min. 41 qua. East ~d J.:: :i fCCt to Lhia ..~:.tcrly ~idu of Crand /;vcnuo ?nd tUu poinC or pL~._u Of bcgiruling. C.~C~I I.1~%.11I 1170 an aL'Ca UL 1`). 1~~: IJ :~C rU G.• r-- 'Y MAJOR SUBDIVISION 'b Gov. Camplete application _,:ceived 6 "1~`L~e~.__. Application reviewed ~t work session ixml GK ixJ00io. OK Applicant advised of necessary revisions Revised submission received ixro. OK ~xro. OK Sketch plan approval H 84 .o~~d sk~.~(-~ -with conditions Lead Agency Coordination ~ /84 ~ ~EQRA determination ao 8 ~ Preliminary maps received 6~J /Gy_._ Preliminary maps reviewed at work session ixro. lG~ -revisions _ ix~ru~ OK Road profiles/drainage submitted ixro.` OK -revisions ixm~ OK Road profiles/drainage reviewed be Engineer ~ I kc xro. OK F s.. 9.3 a ~ u7~y ixro. OK ~ , fen--~S t~ ~DJS Sent to County Pianning Commission '~a~(Y°~R~ z~~ ixro. oK • D 2~~q i ro~ OK Review of SCPC report V~ `s~~` Preliminary hearing Preliminary approval ~ ° D -with conditions u~ yo -si Sant to Fire Commissioner ' 1 ~ ~ - y-y~ w~P.~o~ , Receipt of firewell location zo 8 Notification to applicant to include on final map d ~ r ~ ~ ~Q°"` Fey{ Ash ?~uRJ7.~ i~Pl1~ ~rt,i~„Caq Draft Covenants and Restrictions received c- Draft Covenants and Restrictions reviewed i~ a~~K~~c "G~ ~xro• OK Filed Covenants and Restrictions received-~~ e`er Bond estimate submitted Bond adopted by PB q /6~', v7t.oo t nx,P. ~¢a =9~F6Y. )I Bond adopted by TB i 40 1 eV u78,5 0 Determination of park & playground fee 3 ~ o ~ 5~. o~ Park & playground fee adopted by TB Open Space documents Documents reviewed by TA rn~ i~~z~`*,~ Mo-~f .n[H!~, ~.n.UC-V.Q~'.. k,'IIo~ 7~ Receipt of mylars and paper prints with , . ,r < ~ ,1 „ ~ p,g'~ Health approval Final Public Hearing ~ ~"3D T i ~+„~s. Approval of subdivision -with conditions io~~-i 3~S ~4 ~t~ Payment of bond Payment of inspection fee Payment of park & playground fee Endorsement of subdivision ~ JJ2'i~ ~zI ~ llll rtbYh~. MS r..,, te. Approvds: a. !s sny federal per>tlt ree¦1nd? _ Yes ~_he 0. Oas pnJeet Invel ve Staa er /edaat /unding er Haneingt __Yn X_ NO e. Leul end epimal approvals: Approwl Aeauf nd Suhd ttal Apereral (Ya, Ib) (Type) (Date) (OaG) acy, To¦n, rlnaee earn Y Cluster Clty. Torn. Y11Uge ?lanMne Bard ~ ~n Clty, Torn, Zal~ Bard Clty. Canty Ikalth Oevarternt n OtMr local egencfef it OtMr rpfena aemefef State Agmcles iedenl AgmNef C. 1NIOIeMtlOWIL OETA[LS • Atteth any adet tlaal inlerrtlm ea ay he needN to elan fy your pro~act. I/ then an er ry M any adwne fapaeta affaelaad ¦ith tM pnpaal. eltafe dlfevaf aeM lnpatp and !Ae ruena M1eh ue be taten t0 NtipG er aveld ths. pROAIIM'S Sl6hATUl1C: tw-Oi tlnt: Land Surv AEfee3eMlNe: ,lames Cnhill DAn: 03/15/89 _a_ _ z_.~ ' '~1 ~ , E i- T APPE110It A ~20~ EAr ~~~FNClAD:NtEN1Al ASSESSMENT -PANT I SOyiTNOIO N e, srJN1pO80PR® ~ rreieet InMteketen NOTICt: v~Tkt~dsee,=ewwn~t '''~d.s+pn.d to uslst 1n det.rwlMng rh.tAer CM utlon propesM eay Mw / ilgnlllpnt atfett en CM and rcnrW+t. ?teue eeeefate tM Mtire Dat/ SMet. M7sser! LO Moe geutfenf rtil 0e Canlldend a cart et tM appltutien ter approval /nd nay M sueJett to IurNer wrttfcatfpn and puAite nWeu. Pte+lda /ny addletenal tntargtfon yee Oeitew rill nNded to eaeleM PANTS 2 and 7. IL q afpacted coat coaOledon et the EI1r rltl M dependent on lnfer+rtlen eur+antly awllaeA aM x111 net Inwiw her stWlef, resurc'+ er lnvacf eatfen. If 1MenNtlen ralelrl ng sucN Wdtttenal cork is +waratlfele, fe 1nd1uH eM spetlfy Nt1+ Instance. ifAME 0/ OAOJCCi: WINE AND AOONESS Or OM1d fif Di+fennt! Ma.lor Subdivision James Cohill AOOAESS AND NAM OF A?PLIftNT: veer oh i 11 uu p 131 Awixa Avenue ' m Bay Shore, New York 11706 jT.7fT~~8Fa>•eT P , O[SpttKtON Or rgOJECT: (llrlNiy dnerlEe type et Oroleu er eetton) Major Subdivision (Cluster) 9 Lot's ' (PLEASE COIRIETE EACH gI1ESTiDN - Indtute N.A. 1f net app1fu01e) i A. SITE DCSCNI?TION (Mys1u1 setttng e/ orerell pnleet, beU dewtanM and undewleP.J area) 1. P~Mrd M.reetar of [M 1wM: q.n.rflly ant/e~ flop. , Wn7rflly mhan and rolllnq er lrnqular f. ?wfa+t land me: lrp/tn InduftrlN , Ce.Mrcial Sueurean Ruret rereft Agrleul LUre _,~Jaer S. Teal acreage of oroiett Ina: 18.9eref. Aepre:lf+a to aenage: Presently ARer Cofetletlen rnfently After Cewtetten Iffador er Srufhlmd ~ arch ~ 7cns Ha[er Surffu Area ~ 7crH 0 ie^ss ~ar.?area- Woods 0.5 acres ~•5 Kns Unregeuced (rock, ~ wrch er ffil) _l7cres _ ~cref aarteul rani 17.77cns 13.6ern Het4nd (Fnshrater or ane ether paved p,1 fens ~.7 fern Tidal ss her ArtteLs turfaees N. <S er F.:.L.) ~_7cres ~_acros awn Otnw (tn ate tyre) 0.7 7trd 4yL7trH •rwat Is ^•edorntnant sort twels) on nro)ret sRe? ~yp~l_L,QdfO__.__._._ S. f t,Y ;ner• beroc. outcrovet has on ^rn t+ct sits? __~rrf X _vr t ~•a; !s ceotn ;c aedroc':? N/A (~n •eec) a. ADproflnaG pereMtaae of Dropefad ero~ett f1p rith fleoa:: o-los 99__ : tn-lss ~ t; iSS er greater _]~t. I. If pro)aet tonttgwus m, er contain a buttdlnn er ffa llfad on Ma Nat1Ma1 Mglsto e1 Ntftertt ?latyt_ fy X No ' e. YAat 1f N. depN m Ne raNr tablet 3Ot/Nt I' 9. 0o Mnting Or 1bMng opoortlptl etas pryMtly fast 1n tM pro2Kt anai ~y X Ne 10. Oey proJKt am mntan atfy fpK1y e1 plMt er minut 1Ve eMt tf ldytf/1N y at er Mdanyrod - _ ry ~:b, keteMlrp to -Identify fath LpK1.f 11. Ara tMn yy utlque er unusual land fares an the DrotKt ata! (Le. t11Hf, dung, OthK geelegtta /erertloni - ty ~~Ne. (DyeMbe 1 12. If tM pro,1Kt stq.pryently yN by tM eaeeunlty er Mlghborheed as M epen fete. er rKrytlae ary - Yy Jx~ Ne. 1]. Dey tha p t f1N Offer er Ineluda seMte Hera er rtsLa knave m M talMrtant to tM tewaettyE Iy J1 Ne N. Straaef dthln Or tenLlguoui m Dro~Kt aRt7 a. Nave 01 ftreM aN nas OI Mwr m wh1N it if trl buGry 1!, taky, peNf, Wttad any rlthin er eantlquoy m prolaet ary: i a. Naar ; b. Slta (fe antf) 1d. Nhy 1! Ma dnalMnt land usa and :entnq tlasflHeaNen Mlthtn f 1/t M1e rN1ui 0/ the prolaet la.l. single faefiy nadanttal, a-2) and the 7cale e1 derelepwMt q. 2 ftery). ' Uses =Agricultural Zoning Classificattion = R 80 e. raaEtt gESCatrrtaN i 1. ?Ayttut dlnwntons Md sula of pro~eet (1111 In dteMftens y approprlatal a. Total centigueus Knaga avnN by oroJect foonsor 18.9 ants. D. ?rolaet aeroage dewloeN: ~ acry taaallr: ~ any vi deutay. e. ?rolaet atrnge m reran unewaoeee 11.9 e. LMgth er prolKt, In etly: N A (1f abproprlate) l/ prdt.Ri is M yoanston o/ eftstln0 Atndteaa enemt of efpanfton prepyNa bufidlnq tCVan /eat- . age IV/A d.wlaped aernge M_L. I. Nebo e/ et/-ftrset parting fogey aftftlne Dropefed g. Nuiaesi ryltular tries gemraGd Der hour 4.2 (upon capletten of DroJKt} h. [I ref /denttal: Nunpar end cype e1 hom inq un1 n: :ne funny Tr0 Fsetly Nu1NDle Fasily Condesintw IMtLI 9 U1 tlsaea 1. OrtMtaaan ':ef gnperneod-Clty-aegf oral Estimated Fmol oyment CommerNal N/A N/A IndustHal N/A N/A Total hetgnt of tailesc -ronoted s[rur_ore _ 35_!xt. i ' 2. Iler nUth nriurnl auterlal (1.f. roof, Nrth, KC.) r111 Df rtnmed /rva Ne flte . teM • ,.e:uelt yards. 4er soy urN o1 regetatlon (treef, shrubs, ground towns) rtll N rerove0 Irew ftd 4.8acres. e. 4111 any store forost (ewr YJO yon otd) er etMr loullylSgertant wgeatten pe rrrored by UH preJetti res ,l ~y S. An thrro any plans Pon re-vagetatten t0 roDUce that reswd during tenstroettat X ias ~'a L If Nngle Dh+fe proJeet: Mtletated ported of eenatrtxtlen ~~sntM, (tneludinq dwslltlenl. i.~ I/ sltl-pMNd protect: a. taut outer eI phafN antlel Datad Ib. b. AnNelNted 4te o1 eaewaneaannt pMfe ! ~ tit ~yar (InelWt,q N/ dafe11t1en) A c. Approslste eesletlen data Heal chase north gear. d. If OhNe 1 flnanetal ly deDeMwt ae febsaauent sMaesi _YN X•~„, Ne 411) blasting xtur duritq eeintrvetlanT rn X Ne q. Ihnaler of Jobs ganented: durirp. eenstrvettan altw proJaet 1! eaeelete 10. NuMr et Jebf e1lNnatea by M1f OroJaet _p„•.. 11. M111 preJeet reletn rolatatlon of any proJaets er hetittlut 1'aa X pe. i1 yb, eaDlete:, 12. a. [f surface er fubfurfan liquid raaa Hspesal InwIrN7 ~~ip ~_!1s. _ b. Ir3~ef, 1ndltab tyn 01 caste (sawge,; Indtutrlal. elx.) Sanitary, Sewage e. [f surfaee disposal nasal of strou tote rhteb effluent x111 M dlseharged N/A _ „ • U. Mill surfaN area 0/ eaHtlnq Irtef peMS,, itroaaO, bays e. ether furfate wtan:ayf N Incnesad er deereased by Droeeialt ._res X Ne. Id. b Dro]ett er any portion et Drofeet heated Ih tM 100 year flood DIN~t ref X !b 1S. e. Oees Drofeet Inwlre dlsoefal of solid wsteT X rN Ib b. II ytl, viii an eNstlnq solid rate dlfnofal faetltty N usedi ~(_Yes Ne a it yef, give nree:Southold Town Landfi~atlai Cutchogue d. 4111 any wires net qe lore a sewge dlsoesal fystee er tote a fanltary IandHlli hf K hp 16. 4111 DmJeet me heretetdes er pestlcldast X YN Me ti. 4111 pro]eet routinely produee odors (fore tMn em heYr' eer daylt _ jef _j(_ne ls. 4111 prefect produee ooeretlnq nelN eseeedtng tM iota] anblend neife Iwelst - has _X h0 19. W11 DroJeet result to ae Increase In a,ergy usQ X yN _lo. [f yes. 1ndlpte tyDe!t) Electric 20. ester fuoely Is Iron veils Indlute ounietnq uwdty gals/nlnvta. 21. soul anNetnatad rater usage per dar ZJQ~ oats/day. 22. Zonlnq: a. Bhat 1s donlnant xoninq claffiHUtion of fltet ~B.Bn b. Current soot Vie zoning tl assiHeatlon Of ftte R 81) _ c. !s areoesen use co•sisten:,.ith present tentnet Yes d. tf no. 1ndlCate desired Lemne N/A_ . t. Z ~ l ~~gUFFO(~-CO ~4 : G o ! ~ 9~ o f PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS W h=- SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman O <'J ~ ~ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. ~y Richard G. Ward ~al~'~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box I t79 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (S (6) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Faz (516) 765-1823 April 8, 1992 James Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, New York 11706 RE: Approved Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates iJames Cohill} SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Cohill: The Planning Board has reviewed the March 18th letter from Dennis Schrader and William Smith in reference to the Covenants and Restrictions for the above mentioned subdivision. The Board is not in favor of the location proposed for the barn and greenhouses. It is the Planning Board's intention that the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area remain as either a viable farm or as open space, and that all structures be located within the building envelope that was assigned to the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area. However, in order to accommodate your request, the Board is agreeable to amending the building envelope for Lot #1 (please see enclosed sketch for clarification). In this manner, all structures, both permanent and temporary, can be located within the building envelope. If you wish to so amend the building envelope, have your attorney prepare an affidavit of correction and submit such draft to this office. The Planning Board will adopt the affidavit of correction by resolution.. You must then file it in the office of the County Clerk. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning the above. Very truly y/ours,/ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. "''S Chairman Encl. cc: Dennis Schrader Howard Young, Young and Young Peter Danowski, Jr., Attorney \ N ~ To BE .N PPRTNE TO`HN ~f Vim, i f 5a3 28 TQREP :247 mm R~~~ X50- ~~A ..E DSO 00 W v,0 N55 565 N?O° ,50 ~ V' Q s t °'D W Ne 3 00 ~ 6 a 20 29 W~ m 36g2 '8`.°'- Z50. N a o~ O s Gl 48 m D O .D ,jg_ O w. NV. m O s N \ N6~ P`yg09 / \29- 4 u o ac ~ ~ 2t t S'~ `O2 mom. O s ° 6°taa / o a 1 H . m y1 Ph 'Spppp O 15000.-- \ x~ ~ = soo.o~ NS o, K'E 5~6. N, ytO 1500 -at"~. N / ~ ` ~tHO.~ 2L s 1 y µ.10° 06 o ~ ` , s ~ ° ~ /tHES 1~ ~~l el~ :O / iawEx N..a~ c~~-'~ a 23 ~c~ i o w ew° - , s. t30 942% 5 ME~t / Q -C\EC~/ ~ N~~tY t t~ a Ej ~~~'L4 / f ~ K tye °01 5t 5, 1 cozfpF , cA ~ ~ t YH f tOHtvv1G ~ ~ ~f ~ 6~ 1.?N _i t_ ,s. 0 o"E~ e~ ~ 668°2 P~`es ENT PREP a j 4o A EPSEtd a ~ t5.µE5Eµ~~~TSyV m. / o P6RfCU~T UR P~ Pt eo a 2j8~ Pct es ~ R`9D , `i r'~/ y~p'1' / O t°F~ ~aY wo n ti~ Q ~ o eo v~o oQ'= `--~~~a Cv o ti J ry°~,o y t° ti C0 0 a 4 t~0 O N N O ~ P N iP0-O_ ti N N N pt 69 - 1> ~ wp tOp \1~p 9 Z S- Fry.31. G ~GD o~ v h"~ £ N D~0 GR,c. 5 - ~ ~ ~ `P~ ti% tT?3f ~ 5 0~ ~ 3 £ ~ ~~2 S6\° o C ~ \ ~ yt\Y ~ /y / of 1Y w' c ~ to`~~°oy`/ / oa tOtm o ~je~ s ~ ~ ~o° o~ 8elft` ` " Z: ~`\g torme~tY \ WiUlom `1 ~ noW of $°tto ..'.e{ K' PLANNING BOARD MEMI;E~ ~ OSUffU~KC BENNETT ORLOWSHI, JR. ~O~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman ~ OG.y P.O. Box 1179 ~ ~ Southold, New York 11971-0959 WILLIAM J. CREMERS N Z Fax (63l) 76b-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHLE LATHAM, JR. O ~ Telephone 1631) 765-1938 RICHARD CAGGIANO '~ifJ~~ ~~Q~~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 24, 2000 James Glover Glover Perennial Growers P.O. Box 1587 Mattituck,lVY 11952 Dear Mr. Glover, The Planning Board has reviewed your proposal to build a greenhouse on property that you have leased at SCTM # ]000-107-1-2.1. This parcel is the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area of the Mattituck Creek Estates subdivision. The Covenants and Restrictions filed on the subdivision prohibit non-agricultural buildings in the easement azea, and all agricultural buildings must receive Planning Board approval. The building you propose is 96 ft. long, 27 ft. wide, and 12 ft. high. The Planning Board finds these dimensions acceptable. The location suggested is 117 ft. from the western property Gne and approximately 90 ft. south of the utility easement. This location has also been approved. Any significant alterations of size or location should be submitted to the Planning Board. The Planning Board realizes that greenhouses, although an agricultural use, have a different visual impact from other fazming operations. The Planning Board may require landscaping to offset these visual impacts if the greenhouse operations on the property are further expanded. A copy of this letter has been given to the Building Department on your behalf. Sincerely, Craig Turner, Planner GLOVER PERENNIAL GROWERS ~ Specialty Grtwndcovers and Perennials Site Location: Mailing Address: 1180 East Mdl-Road- P.O. Box 1587 Mattiitutit, NY 11952- M~titttdt, NY 11952 TEL: (618)288-148Y FAX: (618)288-1493 October 6, 2000 Dear Planning Board members: I am writing to the Planning Board to formally request peratiasion to wnstntct one greenhouse in the Mattituck Creek Estates subdivision, section 107, block 1.00, lot 2.00. This lot is owned by Landcratt F,nvironments and is leased in part to Glover Perennials L.L.C. The proposed greenhouse will be located within the boundaries of Glover Perennials L.L.C. leased area and will be for agricultural purposes only. The dimensions of this greenhouse will be as follows: 96 feet long, 27 feet wide and 12 feet tall. Its type of construction will be a polyethylene covered "hoop house" with groundposts 4 feet on center. Tf you have any further questions please contact me at 29&1492. Thank you very much for your consideration Sincerely, ~j'J~~~ ~ ~ JamV Gl r D i V D OCT 1 U zuuu Southold Town Planning Board ~ ~ M~ L.ANnCR AFT E N V I R O N M E N T S 516 298-3510 FAX 298-3514 1200 EAST MILL ROAD MATTITUCK, N.Y. 11952 March 6, 1998 c~i~' Ms. Melissa Spiro @ Planning Board Office, Town of Southold ~ U P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 SOUth01d Town RE: Lot # 1 of Mattituck Creek Estates Subdivision Planning Board scTM# 1000-1o7-1-z.1 Dear Ms. Spiro, Landcraft Environments, a partnership, is the owner of the above referenced property. On Sept. 1, 1997 Landcraft Environments entered into a lease as Land- lord with Glovers Perennials, LLC as tenant for a portion of the above refer- enced property (see attached map). Glovers perennials will be using this land to grow ornamental perennials. These container grown plants must be protected during the winter for a period of approximately 3 to 4 months. Glovers perennials has provided cover with what is refered to in this industry as "Cold Frames" or "Over-Wintering houses". This consists of a single layer of white plastic supported by bent pipe. This eguipment has no foundation or footings of any kind. They are not heated. During the remaining 8 or 9 months of the year these covers are removed and the plants and ground beneath are open to the elements. On March 2, 1998 Glovers Perennials was visited by Mr. Edward Forrester, the Director of Code Enforcement. He reported that an adjoininh neighbor complained that this operation was in violation of the covenants and restrictions of this property. We realize that there is some discrepancy, currently being reviewed by the town, as to whether or not these covers are considered structures. It is our understanding that they are not structures but rather necessary agricultural equipment as defined by The State of New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. We did not believe that this use required planning board approval or build- ing permits. If in fact the planning board feels differently this letter is a request for permission for this operation to continue as it is a bonafide agricultural enterprise. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, i iam Smit partner Dennis Schrader, partner - 5 ~ ~ . f is! i r / ~6•~ / r wb Ar ~ Na ~ • ` ~ ! ~ ~ 'j / ~ ~ J`,'~ / ~ /rte' / ~ ~C'~~ • _ - tits . ~ ~ - ' ~ pP~ P / ~ N'! J ~~~5 PN~ f pS~M~N ,r ~ ~ _ 0 ~G / ~ ~5 E u+ ,J/~V N y ~f 5 ~ i~v ' /r' ~ ~ ~ G~ ~ j . 'P 1 tb ~29~ ~ / i ~ / i / . / .s°~J^ i ~j i ~ ~~J ~~yED / I o • r ~ / ~ •,,v ~ Z .',S I~5 - - - ~ ~ .r..~ ~"i;u, pa . t .V Y. / ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ , pe i ! +1 ~ ~ / / ! r r-• ~ ~ 4 O4d ~ ~ / ~ ~ r / / / ~ ~ I / ^ r' / r ~~$OFFO~,~co PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o~0 Gyp BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road y ~ P.O. Box 1179 Chairman v, ~ Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ ~ ~ Fax (516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LA ~S, JR. y~ol ~ ~aO~ Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G. WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 26, 1998 H.John Pavlak 3625 Grand Ave. , P.O. Box 962 Mattituck, NY 11952 William Burrows 4340 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 216 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Your letter of February 16, 1998 concerning greenhouse construction in Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM# 1000-107-1-2.1 Dear Messrs. Paviak and Burrows: The Planning Board reviewed your letter of February 16th at the February 23rd work session. The Planning Board asked me to forward the inquiry to Ed Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement. I have enclosed a copy of the information forwarded to Mr. Forrester and will notify you of his response upon receipt. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the enclosed information. Since el , Bliss pir ` Planner enc. 11421P~448` DNS lNG BO R4 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made the 24th day of February, 1992, by JAMES H. COHILL, residing at 131 South Awixa Ave., Bay Shore, New York 11706, Declarant. WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, as provided by the Declarant, and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of a subdivision application entitled, "Major Subdivision - Mattituck Creek Estates", by resolution dated October 1, 1991, a copy of .st.: )00 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and as a ,c,. condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold i7oO Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be ock: l04 recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and t: WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and cdp determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel, NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: THAT Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the 'ti:. :~:i intentions above expressed, does hereby make known, admits, ~ publishes, covenants and agrees that the said premises herein S described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land an shall be binding upon all •-purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, > > '~~:'7:ega1 representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns, to "wit : I _S-/ 11421P~449 1. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. The area on the subdivision map designated "Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer" is designated as such to protect the steep sloped areas of the site Lrom unnecessary erosion. This area shall remain in its natural state. Maintenance of this natural vegetation shall be the only use or activity allowed. 3. The use and development of the portion of Lot 1 that is designated "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area" will forever be restricted to some or all of the following: a) farming operations and activities (including soil preparation, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, and drainage control) and any other normal and customary farming operations; and the use of farm vehicles and equipment in connection therewith, all as designed and intended to promote and enhance agricultural production encompassing the production for commercial purposes of field crops (including without limitation, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes and dry beans); fruits (including without limitation, apples, peaches, grapes, cherries and berries); vegetables (including without- limitation, tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli and onions); horticultural specialties (including without limitation, nursery stock, ornamental shrubs and ornamental trees and flowers); and all other farm products; b) open fallow; c) operations encompassing livestock and livestock products (including cattle, sheep, goats, horses and poultry) which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning,Board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board; d) landscaped, wooded areas with lanes, walkways, foot paths, ponds or brooks and recreational areas for -2- ' 1~~irc~50 ~ compatible recreational uses, which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board. 4. " i ; g sha31 be adhered to on th Rd ~prsmis+es -in its a drF~1°t c egradation or 1 s~'id premise s a) It shall be managed in accordance with the conservation plan developed by the Soil Conservation Service for this particular property, and shall remain in compliance with all updates of the report. The Planning Board shall have the right to require updated reports when deemed necessary. b) No regrading shall be conducted thereon; the natural contours thereof shall remain generally undisturbed and no fill or spoil shall be placed thereon. c) No top soil, loam, sand, stone, gravel, rock or minerals shall be excavated or removed therefrom or placed thereon. d) Farming practices shall be such that erosion of the land is minimized and is in accordance with the standards of the Soil Conservation Management Plan, and nothing shall be permitted to occur thereon which would result in increased erosion of said gremises. ~T4,`tstrcet5; mAdways or other rights of w v #9r~ n~ng yeti a consLrucLCa o~ gre~nted-thereatti'~ f) Except as may be required for reasons of irrigation, drainage, sanitation or disease control, no trees, plants or other vegetation located thereon, shall be killed destroyed, cut or removed therefrom. g) No dumping, placement, storage or burning of any liquid or solid waste, garbage, ashes, sawdust, trash, rubbish, refuse or other toxic, hazardous, objectionable, unsightly or of-fensivc material shall be permitted on or within the said premises. h) The said premises will forever be kept open and free of all signs, bill boards or other forms of visual advertisement or display. r'y`~r~,{icrmanent structures of buildings'«~ii~ll~ placed or erected within or ii pnemi~ ets -3- 2~PL451 ~ `q shag.,<~kbut ; riot ~ .~imCed to Fences ) or b & t wh ~ "'a~~-~See as accessory ~ buii~~~sq& ion o Chc .~s sAL ~ mg o arming oar approva . j) Retail sales shall be restricted to the sale of items produced on the property, and shall be subject to Planning Board approval. 5. The Declarants reserve the right to the exclusive use and possession of the area known as the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area, to the extent not inconsistent with the covenants and restrictions hereinabove set forth; and Declarants may exclude the general public or any designated person or persons from the use of or entry upon the said Agricultural Reserve Easement, except that the Town shalt have the continuing right to inspect the said area to the extent reasonably required to monitor compliance with the covenants, terms and. provisions hereof, and to assure that such covenants, terms and provisions have not been violated, such inspection to be at reasonable times. • 5. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold,. or its successor body, after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing, but their consent to such modification shall not be required. 7. In addition to the rights of other parties to enforce the l: conditions and restrictions of these covenants, the Planning Board shall also have the authority, through appropriate legal action and after due notice to the Declarants, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributces, successors, and assigns, to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants. r~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has hereunto set his hand and sea]. the day and year above written. . JAMES H. COHILL -4- ' i r ' ~ o~~SUFFO(,~coG PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS h~ y Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. o ~ p.0. Box 1179 Chairman ~ ~ Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMER6 ~,y~ ~ Fax (616) 766-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~l ~ ~a Telephone (516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Ed Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement FROM: Melissa Spiro, Planner RE: Construction within Agricultural Reserve Area on Lot #1 of Mattituck Creek Estates Subdivision SCTM# 1000-107-1-2.1 DATE: February 265, 1998 I have enclosed a letter dated February 16, 1998, from neighboring property owners of the Mattituck Creek Estates subdivision. The neighbors are raising several questions in regard to the uses occurring on the property. On February 24, 1992, the Planning Board approved the major subdivision of Mattituck Creek Estates. Lot #1 of the subdivision included a designated building envelope and an Agricultural Reserve Area. By resolution on June 29, 1992, the Planning Board amended the building envelope for Lot #1 (Exhibit 1). By a second resolution on April 11, 1995, the Planning Board again amended the building envelope for Lot #1 (Exhibit 2). A Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions was recorded as part of the final subdivision approval. Condition Number 4(i) of the Declaration requires the following in regard to the Agricultural Reserve area: "Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed or erected within or upon the said premises without Planning Board approval. Structures (including but not limited to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed, subject to Planning Board approval." "No streets, roadways or other rights of way for non-farming vehicular use shall be constructed or granted thereon." Please refer to the enclosed Declaration for additional information pertaining to the Agricultural Reserve Area. The Planning Board has not allowed the construction of greenhouses in any area other than that shown on Exhibit 2. At the February 23, 1998, work session, the Planning Board asked me to refer the enclosed letter to you for your review of the placement of the greenhouses. The Planning Board is not in favor of allowing greenhouses in areas other than the designated building envelopes. In addition, please advise in regard to the use of the right-of-way mentioned in the letter. Please let me know if you require any additional information. PB ~yS K February 16, 1998 D Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Boazd Southold Town Hall F EB 1 a P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Dear Mr. Orlowski: Funning Board For the past seven months we have been watching the neighboring property known as Maztituck Creek Estates which fronts on Grand Avenue and Mill Road in Mattituck. Several years ago a piece of property and a house were sold on Mill Road and several greenhouses were constructed. It was always our understanding that there was an open space easement on this subdivision and the SE portion was to remain undeveloped. We were also told by the town that no greenhouses were ever to be constructed south of the electrical wires that run through the property. During the past seven months, the construction of greenhouses is well south of the power lines. We also notice the establishment of a right-of-way across the open space area to Grand Avenue where lazge trucks have made deliveries. Is this construction legal and has it been approved by Southold Town? Were permits issued to develop this open space? Were certified letters sent to all owners of surrounding property informing them of a caning change in this area? We are enclosing a copy of a map we obtained from the Stype Agency. We hope you will give this matter your immediate attention. i Sincerely, ~~P~- H. John Pavlak 3625 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 962 Mattituck, NY 11952 William Burrows 4340 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 216 Mattituck, NY 11952 Enc. 1 _ ~xr~~a~T 1 ~ =w ~e, , E am t N55°5fi 51~E. 2.83 ROAD M.' LL 2.8.29 N.70° ..E at700 150.00 543. t3 ~ N6P3l51 23a.ae, N gai t oao Isa. Ea--~ N 48.~ ~ m .°,_o`~ a ,n PARCEL 4/ W N++. a (~xoluE U ~ TO THE T 11'a~- E. t28 m w u -Irx AREA = 2 EpSEMENt W~ f' ID q2 f`N N ~ w ~Uo fER 'b. ~ mo O '-¢u+cE 30000 5.1. 36426 s.f. m,a. p sF ~ ~ ~ U N ° N. ' j $ its+~ 30000 s.t. °o g ~ MEl p ~ Z ~IS ~ M0.1 p p tD ¢a+ 33521 s. t. _ Nj; NOIf V ISaAD_ _ ISOaO _ 21~a9 ewi o N. TO°o6 al"E 300.00- N6:°164t`E ~ , p Z 1 _ x J BJNUNN' ENYE\Oe S p ~ 1 W D ~n a_ 1y ~ g823 29x29 ~r QcN ~~i Onq~j ` 1 6 SEMENt ' I yG ISI R;p LIGHT ...~._r--"~~- \IxEi . 60 _1 iCwtJ~._.. of Cltcielc eCNt6 O .b ~ J i ~ o / N x' i m 0 668227 rs't. N_ ~ ~ or ~ u, qp4 Atres m _ 15.3 REA ~ RESERVE EASEMENT A m pGRiCUET UR AI a 8t93T5s.f ~ iv Ar eo i 0 or ~ 1 p0r Es m {4.2189 n~ ~ A m ~I O Y R, gg~Y~ T~ B§~j. o ~ 1 ~~Bya. N ~ya'6~ ~ N ? GO 't`POP F,Y 4 Ja°~GF/dl v S~\oG ~ ~~~C T~ ° or ~ 0 / v ~ ~ ~i ~ e1.69 \l IOO.Il ~ N ~~ti o+mE+ty o a p9' 1 430.9 = ~ ~ ,'p £ W ry ' ~ O J O N~ PG !ryl o f A U~ ti Ej'S J O° In ~0 j en ~ G~ ~ SZS C%p j .,•r now or formerly c1aN or formerly ~sld ; m ~ ~ f! Beriho l.Ew ~ o u,. '•^-•iei K_ t3Dtta ' Wtlliom _ 3 Q,~~TT ~ ry: n, ~ ~ t'.,; w: , o~~gOFFO(,f-~O PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS hy. Gy Q?` Richard G. Ward, Chaimran y = ^y~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~ • ~Y P- O- Box 1179 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold, New York 11971 Mark S. McDonald ~f71 ~a~ Fax (516) 765-3136 Kenneth L. Edwards ~ Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r April 11, 1995 William Smith Landcraft Environments Ltd. 1200 East Mill Road Mattituck, New York 11952-1289 RE: Approved Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Smith: The following took place at the April 10, 1995 Planning Board public meeting: WHEREAS, the major subdivision, Mattituck Creek Estates was approved by the Southold Planning Board on February 24, 1992, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 25, 1992; and WHEREAS, a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions was required by the Planning Board as a condition of final subdivision approval, and such document was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 11421, Page 448; and WHEREAS, condition Number 4(i) of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions requires that: "Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed or erected within or upon the said premises without Planning Board approval. Structures (including but not limited to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed, subject to Planning Board approval"; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 1995, the Planning Board received a letter from William Smith and Dennis Schrader, who are currently leasing Lot Number 1 in the Mattituck Creek Estates subdivision, and who plan to purchase Lot Number 1 in this subdivision, in regard to locating greenhouses in areas other than the designated building envelope for this lot; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has reviewed the March 10, 1995 letter, in which a particular area was proposed to locate greenhouses within the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area, and WHEREAS, after discussing the proposed location with William Smith, the Planning Board determined that an alternative site, on the north side of the existing LILCO easement, would be a more suitable location within the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area to locate greenhouses since the alternative location would allowed the greenhouses to be located adjacent to the existing building envelopes for the subdivision; s be it therefore RESOLVED that the Planning Board allow William Smith and Dennis Schrader to locate greenhouses within the area of the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area shown on the attached map dated April 7, 1995 and as described below: 1. Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot Number 2; Running thence from said point of beginning along the southerly side of Lot Number 2, 294.29 feet; Running thence North 67 feet; Running thence along the southerly side of Lot Number 3, 150 feet; Running thence South 19 degrees 53' 19" East, 155 feet to the northerly line of the LILCO Easement; Running thence 275 feet to the easterly side of the building envelope setback line for Lot Number 1 (as amended by Certificate of Correction executed on June 22, 1992); Running thence 120.74 feet along the easterly side of the building envelope setback line for Lot Number 1 to the point of beginning. 2. A minimum sideyard setback of twenty (20) feet from the southerly property line of Lot 2 and 3 is required within the area described above. Any use other than that described in the letter dated Marcfi 10, 1995 from Dennis Schrader and William Smith is subject to Planning Board approval. In addition, the Planning Board has reviewed the request to extend the north-west corner of the established building envelope for Lot Number 1 by approximately 750 square feet to allow construction of greenhouses in a square and perpendicular manner. The Planning Board will allow the greenhouses to be constructed in this location since the original building setback was established from the Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer Area rather than from Mill Road. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincer~~~;. 'W Richa ~ and ~ Mt1 Chairman enc. cc: Building Department Jim Cohill O ' W ~ ' _ - ~ rnA P UA7~ wT ~Z.a~ _ _ _T _ kon o M 1 LL ?'+R.rt ~ auo rr 7o•Ix;an uo sa:t ?R . ~ y GI'b15i .e o ua. s a r. ~.ir 91 ° e,F g v. ~ ~ PARCEL TO J r 4 ~,.r 'e¢ 3 3 ( TO THE TOWN M.N( \Y' E tt' u N ..f9 ARC'A 1 Za7 1 _Nt .~i,~, N~y~Z1 f ~Q 1.. ~ ~ O ,Y O wy'v . 6. ~ °o O 30000 s. t. ~ .36426 t. t. °,,2g. a \ N t~ 1 ..,,Q 30000 :.t. g g _ 1.. ~1>\ 33521 s. t. . - n~~ NtiL «c\> I:A 00 ISO.an - -~\4 ~1'l.'-. 2\a v9 14REA FoR ° t t ~ 1 . es' 1 . ` ~ "P~orloi~tD G~lNMou~ES 1, N Yit -e 1 ~ _ - _,.,r....._...- Merl _ \ ~?5 T ~~er t _ _ _ _.L k ~i~.«r - s- 66822~ ~i.t ~ G o r 1 LL ar w 15µ S µVE EASCMtPI AI\t,A I Pt A6HICVlSURFL :619379>"1 • a\ 10 pr a i o i 14. 218.1 Air t; A ~ w ~ 0 r '~~o . , N Ate. N \1/ ` W M~ N 4 ~Y,~r ~6 O t aJ~/ ti i\'y ~Y J o \ ~ wad ti `bti ~,,,V ty >an C9 430.9 ~ ~p 2 ~ I ~y O ~ ~ Nil. .1p~'J1 ~ r)\1 2 Q~ N n1 ~ or f0itt1e71Y o ~ S2 G:S, ~ now or lormeriy 9ertho ~ 4°.s ` ,i ~ila w.'' iorriel K. eotin 'William 3 Q. a / / '7i n, ~ ~ l t r. ~ O~ C _ - • ~ Pe ` ~S i? K February 16, 1998 ~ Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board F 18 Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southaid Tawn r~snniny Board Dear Mr. Orlowski: For the past seven months we have been watching the neighboring property known as Mattituck Creek Estates which fronts on Grand Avenue and Mill Road in Mattituck. Several years ago a piece of property and a house were sold on Mill Road and several greenhouses were constructed. It was always our understanding that there was an open space easement on this subdivision and the SE portion was to remain undeveloped. We were also told by the town that no greenhouses were ever to be constructed south of the electrical wires that run through the property. During the past seven months, the construction of greenhouses is well south of the power lines. We also notice the establishment of a right-of-way across the open space area to Grand Avenue where large trucks have made deliveries. Is this construction legal and has it been approved by Southold Town? Were permits issued to develop this open space? Were certified letters sent to all owners of surrounding property informing them of a zoning change in this area? We are enclosing a copy of a reap we obtained from the Stype Agency. We hope you will give this matter your immediate attention. Sincerely, l~ P~ H. John Pavlak 3625 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 962 Mattituck, NY l 1952 ~y~Z'~'Lt'~t/z William Burrows 4340 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 216 Mattituck, NY 11952 Enc. 1 / ~ - Mi~L ~ z s s e_ 1 . °3 ROAb .o _ o, pp 40.00 ~00 ~ L+48.91' `,Q~'",''~''''!~' ' 1~ _ ~~5-, L7 18 00 N C7 O . ~ 50. ~5 ~n 104Sr-"' a a 2~. ~ N N' l HOUSE GI N 3 . eUl,gbi. 8 1 s p 4 !n o S eApAeE~i~ ~ O M O ~~o € I ~ lJ 30000 e.t, ~ ~tNd.4`~" 3C1f1dCi 1,1, i ~ X8428 I.L ,~~,kg ow „°EE33~S21 ~,r, oo $ , ~6_ _ p '`+~ooKV6~Nse:aAAt:Bllio< Ott ISo 0 138.2~~. IJ 63 07~ _eo'tolio 1sl.ntlb 16Ni'INb cbMpAN'f EASEMENT tl1aEN _ _ o _ _ ~ bk ELEttpiC pOV~Ep LINES _ - - - V_ - - 1 ty. Uf1 III p r/ U. A GGI rl tl ~ er 1 n t ~ /w~lrr~' ~ A a.r-t~ ~ yv ~ . I '•...u.~.......... ~,~Z dp~N S~AOE ~A58M~Nt 6~1 ~ ~ Aretl 61g3~5e1. ?r' of 14, 2IEj~ ACkps a r . ,y IISS~ /J'~.wn,rv ~'VI a~ V ~v Ar~ t~p~,~gg~~,, lB~ e+~.s~ ,1 0 f•~N~ ~ ~ ~ 3.61°17 31' W. tc,,'43C115 ~ h+ `6 ~`v r . ~ ~ 9 b c y o ~ y G `61, now or formerly ~ ~ $ ~ d o . ~ °`~6'~~ ~iHiam a Berlho Lewendoskl ~ ~ 9 ° S,~ ~ r~ ttusl ~llt~elt"f~ Inca / ~ ~ eln peed, p.d, box ri3 I ~ IIIuOk, N9w York 11952 o~ ~\O~e I G~~~ G . rsl' P+ . r ~~~SU~ FF ~ p PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS a,~~0 dy ~ Richard G. Ward, Chairman y = Town Hall, 53095 Main Road George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~ N P. O. Box 1179 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. y ~ 1~AY Southold, New York 11971 Mark S. McDonald ~ ~~l ~ '~a~1'r Telephone (5 6) 76536938 Kenneth L. Edwards ~~~Ji PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 11, 1995 William Smith Landcraft Environments Ltd. 1200 East Mill Road Mattituck, New York 11952-1289 RE: Approved Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Smith: The following took place at the April 10, 1995 Planning Board public meeting: WHEREAS, the major subdivision, Mattituck Creek Estates was approved by the Southold Planning Board on February 24, 1992, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 25, 1992; and WHEREAS, a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions was required by the Planning Board as a condition of final subdivision approval, and such document was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 11421, Page 448; and WHEREAS, condition Number 4I i) of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions requires that: "Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed or erected within ar upon the said premises without Planning Board approval. Structures (including but not limited to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed, subject to Planning Board approval"; and • WHEREAS, on March 10, 1995, the Planning Board received a letter from William Smith and Dennis Schrader, who are currently leasing Lot Number 1 in the Mattituck Creek Estates subdivision, and who plan to purchase Lot Number 1 in this subdivision, in regard to locating greenhouses in areas other than the designated building envelope for this lot; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has reviewed the March 10, 1995 letter, in which a particular area was proposed to locate greenhouses within the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area, and WHEREAS, after discussing the proposed location with William Smith, the Planning Board determined that an alternative site, on the north side of the existing LILCO easement, would be a more suitable location within the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area to locate greenhouses since the alternative location would allowed the greenhouses to be located adjacent to the existing building envelopes for the subdivision; be it therefore RESOLVED that the Planning Board allow William Smith and Dennis Schrader to locate greenhouses within the area of the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area shown on the attached map dated April 7, 1995 and as described below: 1. Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot Number 2; Running thence from said point of beginning along the southerly side of Lot Number 2, 294.29 feet; Running thence North 67 feet; Running thence along the southerly side of Lot Number 3, 150 feet; Running thence South 19 degrees 53' 19" East, 155 feet to the northerly line of the LILCO Easement; Running thence 275 feet to the easterly side of the building envelope setback line for Lot Number 1 (as amended by Certificate of Correction executed on June 22, 1992); Running thence 120.74 feet along the easterly side of the building envelope setback line for Lot Number 1 to the point of beginning. 2. A minimum sideyard setback of twenty (20) feet from the southerly property line of Lot 2 and 3 is required within the area described above. Any use other than that described in the letter dated March 10, 1995 from Dennis Schrader and William Smith is subject to Planning Board approval. In addition, the Planning Board has reviewed the request to extend the north-west corner of the established building envelope for Lot Number 1 by approximately 750 square feet to allow construction of greenhouses in a square and perpendicular manner. The Planning Board will allow the greenhouses to be constructed in this location since the original building setback was established from the Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer Area rather than from Mill Road. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincer y Richah~rcJ n~~ Chairman enc. _ cc: Building Department Jim Cohill M + I , ~ n1p p UAY&'D _N PT ~7~93 2.9~ ROAD ga:+,A ` N 7A°M' "E. 1 G sG. PAflCE4 TO BE M. ~ LLr p5q.2•j ~ anoo uo uG ~ TO THE TOWN 0~ `~gPD151 64~ s . c uu ^~n AP EA r 24T t.t l f ? / /\2016 .p ~ ~ i0 Q W O P DO Vr 7;79/~a X26 f ~c I.l.~l~ r~ n 4 ^ jb426 s.t. u'. ~Ol e EYfrT w.: I q~?~ / 1.~ Rio Oy_u~r~ 3~00~ ~.t. N, _ y o. ~ N ~i~i 9~6+ / ~ 000 2.1. ° - - nr Z7 Ll~ ~.a '.1 w~ 1 4.1. m ,•.000' SO GOG._ NGy1??t t7, AREAD DES _44 . _ ~ ~~nc 1G ~I Y r r ~ ~ by t ~ ' , r r. _ ~ ~ 1 ° 4Q+L? •r I N ~ 1 / 66 B ZZT ~I~, t. tT1 ; o w 15.340 µvE ~EnStiMpctt nnln 1 A `S UR nt• Kk.SE bt9lTS A .T pGN1t:U ni ao Y r 0 c e z t R. ~ M 7' ~tlYy~ t~ ~ i Y V ; I 1 a N t~ y Y V W 1 y N 1 • N J O ,o M149 `6ti \ c ,nG 1i 9 ~P % 434• 2~ ~ / ,.,n G4 c'o u6 •i fin Ut°v , i~ ~ ° ~ 3 f 5ti G'Str m Lin J1 ur: ear ~ arteo / w.•. now or t°rmarly ylittiom $ ~OG\ xc Hortibl K. Botl° ~ ~ C•.u ~ _ ~~T %i~t~tl~a~x ~ PD ~ a.P~ (51612983510 S/~Y~~~ Fax 1516) 2983514 ENVIRONMENTS LTD. 1200 East Mill Road, Mattituck, N.Y. 118(((5```''2~~~1268 ~r~ 3/10/95 ~ ~ ~ O u ; I r; i , Southold Town Planning Board ~ `;~I; ~ ~ 3 Town Hall Main Road s - ..--.i Southold, N.Y. 11971 ~ ~^n Re: Covenants and Restrictions 11421 PC 449, Mattituck Creek Estates, Agricultural Reserve Easement Area. To whom it may concern, This letter is to apprise you of our proposed intentions for the agricultural reserve easement area of Mattituck creek estates and to request your cooper- ation with the development of our business. We are the current owners of lot #3 of the above referenced sub-division. We also currently lease lot #1 from the owner; Mr. James Cohill. Our business, a wholesale growing operation currently consisting of three greenhouses is located on lot #1. We have negotiated with Mr. Cohill to purchase both lot #1 and lot #2 and plan on expanding our business with additional greenhouses as detailed on attached drawings. The proposed structures located on lot # 2 do not require the planning boards approval, however the structures located on lot #1 do, as per section 4i of the covenants and restrictions. We request your approval of two items: Item 1. The extention of the north-west corner of the building envelope by approximately 750 square feet in order to allow construction of greenhouses # 4,5, and 6 in a square and perpendicular manor. This would allow greater ease in both construction and use. Item 2. Permission to erect agricultural structures in an area of approx- imately 62,500 square feet (250' x 250') located as shown on attached plot plan. This area would be needed for the future expansion of our business and would consist of either a single ridge and furro style glass greenhouse or up to 14 individual freestanding polyhouses (plastic covered greenhouses). Such structures are deemed necessary for bonafide agricultural pro- duction Development of greenhouse structures will be carried out with the advise and guidence of Mr. Ralph Freeman of the Cornell Cooperative Extension. Please feel free to call us with any questions. We look forward to your timely response. W~.th best regar s, Dennis Schrader illiam it ` _ 1 e o GE~tO N O~ ~ ,rr sp MME •an -ter 5q5 ZP SEA a 247 i.l v'~o' !l' Kd .y g5u~' N~naOG\eUUU i~ N 1~'A u a o~ w,ac O a Sf+4Z .pi\. C fi~'~1h •0 \9 0~ ~ 11 ~~L1 M O~Q N N ~i 'J V1ayP / S V ~ V.Y y. 1~~LL ~ \o{a ~ 9'~ y ~o uoo O o 0 a~'e Q\ .,y' N~ QO o _ xW'~ 1 ~i 1 ~aM~~ 21 ti `.N TOr Ob ~ a`'a S ~ 4 V w o 'b- ~ way. o. ~ awu bg'1 _ - o~.N' ~ 'aW`c a. \1 J~2y4ri M Nt i c~a Mac C \ ~ ~ M t 1 HtOIG y+ \ `\G G 1 ~,l L \\S.V I M ~ a. Y~ ` \G \i a{ q I i~ O i V ' 6 1° £ 5o~a ~ 66 0\2 Mai ib t , nlatn ~ \5 3A~4 EP~4M 1, a /o ` µt5~N6E9i~5.,\ / Ro .W pG~1cU``UµP P\ to 4 t10 \ nt\ r: 3 1 A .rt ~'a B~6pppp i yy 9S;. • - I r 1 Vv ~ / ~ a*~ CVO v~ ~ ~ ~ U' (.~y/ Sy ~d~V li PN ' ~ 4~\ N i0 ~0. ti ~iV \a / N NV67 ~ '7 ' 11 U ~~\i e' 21 `m. J` a3~' 1 ` ~ how ; `.y'~' 4\` av ~w ~ ~ o ..c Q \ ~o~mB~1Y ~WiN\om 1 n~' i a c~ otto / ,.i no tt. Lncnsl -~---~gl~ 18.N3~ II.46' f~fErl~~o ~1~~R ~ = X8,41' a. N ~ 7i% ~ IZB .Ib ` n ' O ~ I Moey,erJ ~11wI~JS apPQOx • 35'' x 70' ~ ~ ~I ' l y 6 ~ 7~ g g l ~ i ` ~ I 96'I-___-- ---li9s' I ~ ~ \ ~ 1 \ I ~ L ' 1 I I _ - - - ~ N 3 EKiSf~Jti C~I~NI~oJ~~i ~1 G. oPO• Z-_22398_ _ - ~ Z, i~3 ~rzur7~ Z1~'9HZ _ l-ll.Go EAyE~1E~tr o _ - :-(OVER M - ~1,n~ FI.~rJ - MAT~f1'JU~. GI2~E~ E<~1'A(~~~vtw1 ~ la~y -loti -i - z I~TAI V ~I ,~J. Grxc•?J ~R , ~iGAI,~ : I - 50' ukf~w~u u~rjEfAlo~I ~ f~twifaN ~1We~ H N I.nt Z I.of 3 wr ut ~ o~ SA^DtD AREA I pE11o(~h i l~tED EX ya~~ APPR~• 7K0 r~QU~uE P( ~ S'(EV11 w' ~~x~r(fJr B~i~a~l~ _ I Eu~,f.or~ - ~ _ - - _ _ _ - - $ ~ ~A _ - - - ~ m ~ ~ STEM z. RECUi~hfEpAR~ FoR-wcA(o~I of ASP-~u1~tJRAI. ~~Yc7GRE~ aJ~~. ' -(o tat, A2~A = 7n'n' x 250 ; 61f6 to ~ 6ochTo~l o~ FUfO~ C~~JAu~t,~ ~ RATE CorJhitif~Jc~ of EIfI~Erz.- ~tJG~~ ' \ I R.~DcE r W2I'w Ct~h ~'(~IcTillt~ cR ~ \\i IH ~ ' ~ TAr~DI~y FbL'~ NoJhF.~i, z8 x 96 EALFI, Pl~rPt~l~ ~~E: ~ 6 ~p P~~ • • su united States Soil Riverhead County Center ~ 5 Department of Conservation Room E-16 Agriculture Service Riverhead, New York 11901-3398 August 23, 1994 Ms. Malissa Spiro Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Spiro: This letter is in regard to my phone conversation and subsequent visit with James Cohill, owner of Mattituck Creek Estates. Mr. Cohill telephoned our office concerned about the cover crop situation on his parcel and wanted someone to visit and assess the situation. I made an appointment with him and met with him August 18th. Before Mr. Cohill arrived I had an opportunity to walk around on the property to assess the situation. I noticed no evidence of any eroison problems. When Mr. Cohill arrived he presented me with a letter from Bill Smith to the Southold Town Planning Board, dated 03/18/92. The letter stated his intent to cover crop in 1992 and use the land productively in the 1993 and 1994 seasons. This has not been done. There is, however, sufficient weed cover to negate any soil loss from the field. I advised Mr Cohill that we are not a regulatory agency and he should speak to Mr. Smith to find an amicable solution. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact this office. Sincerely, W ry~ ~vn.~~. Brian H. Zimmerman Soil Conservation Technician p ~ ~ SOUTNf:! D?C4`Cs+i i. PLAPIN(N3 B6u80 e.. ..µf O Ths Soil Conservation Service SCS-~-f I9 an sgency of Me 10-~ v Department of Agriculture AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOVER r ~r~`" ~~SUf FO( OG ~~p FF,:.: o r'• r. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS W 4` SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Oy ~ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. ' (f ~o,). Richard G. Ward $ ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 Jttly 6, 1992 James Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, NY 11706 RE: Major Subdivision for Mattituck Creek Estates Reeve Road & Mill Road Mattituck SCTM#1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Cohill: Enclosed please find the June 2, 1992 report from James Richter, Engineering Inspector for your records. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Ve~rry truly y(/o7ur~/si/, Bennett Orlowski, Jr.~ s Chairman Encl. ~~g~FFO(,~~~ r. L~ ~(s RAYMOND L. JACOBS u'~ .T JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF O o ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS y~01 ~ ~,aO~" INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .JUNE 2, 1992 MR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN - PLANNING BOARD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD SOllTHOLD, NHW YORK 11971 RE: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES_(Ma~or Subdivision) REEVE ROAD & MILL ROAD - MATTITUCK SCTM # 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr Orlowski:. At the request of the owner of the above referenced subdivision, I have conducted a final inspection of the property. My last report, dated 2/18/92 indicated four (4) items that needed work. All of these items have been completed satisfactorily. Street trees have also been planted along Mill k Reeve Road. The size and quantity of these trees appear to be adequate. Several of these trees, however, appear to be lifeless. It may be possible, with ad3itional care,. tp bring these trees back to good health but it is too early in the season to be sure. If, in time, these trees do not re9uvenate, they should be replaced with new trees. At this time, all of the required construction for this subdivision has been completed in a satisfactory manner. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact my office. S' erely, awes A. ich er, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs (Superintendent of Highways) File 1 ~~~a SOUTHOLD PLANNING BO~ 12 JUNE 2 1992 N6 ; DSO/ti - n ~ Mr. Orlowski: Mattituck Creek Estates - Planning Board to authorize the Chairman to endorse a Certificate of Correction. for this approved subdivision. SCTM $1000-107-1-2. Mr. Ward: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution. WHEREAS, the major subdivision of Mattituck Creek Estates was approved by the Planning Board on February 24, 1992; and WHEREAS, the subdivision map was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 25, 1992; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated April 8, 1992, the Planning Board agreed to allow the applicant to enlarge the building envelope for Lot #1, so as to allow all structures, both permanent and temporary, to be located within the building envelope; and WHEREAS, a Certificate of Correction has been submitted by Mr. Peter S. Danowski, Jr., attorney for the subdivider, showing a larger building envelope in accordance with the Planning Board's April 8, 1992 correspondence; and Be it therefore RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board authorize the Chairman to endorse the Certificate of Correction before a , Notary. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion. All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ward, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. *******xx**x*********x*****x*******x**** Mr: Henry Raynor Manor Hill Vineyard SCTM#1000-101-1-4.1. - I would like to bring before the Board a request. I have been before the Board a few times at work session. The proposal that I outlined in my letter of June 8th was primarily to subdivide the property into twenty-two five acre parcels. On each of those parcels we would stipulate a building area. The idea here is to preserve sixty eight acres of vineyards that has already been established. I would think this would be an opportunity for the Town where the applicant is willing to go to five acres to get a considerably less density on the overall one hundred and seventeen acres. The yield on the two acre basis is .~I'fl somewhere in the neighborhood of forty six or forty seven lots. '~1~ 1 Certificate of Correction Surveyor: Howard W. Young, N.Y.S. Lic. No. 45893 Young & Young, Planning, Engineering & Land Surveying 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 Name of Map: "Map of Mattituck Creek Estates" Filed March 25, 1992 File No. 9203 Location: Town of Southold Suffolk County Tax Map Designation 1000-107-1-2 Owner: James Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, New York 11706 Correction: Amend the Buildable area and thereby decrease the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area of Lot 1 as shown on Exhibit "A° attached herewith. Executed: { Howard W. Yin , N.Y S. Lic. No. 45893 State of New York Count of Suffolk On , 1992, before me came Howard W. Young, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument duly acknowledged that he executed he same. PETEpR~&q~DANOYV8K6 JR. T~~min~mY Notary Public !t sep{.3~ 143 Approved: This is to certify that the Planning Board of the Town of Southold approved the map correction described hen by Resolution ated ~ 1992. c.F•-, Ir , 1992 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Cha' man Southold Planning Board y,__..w..,,.__..._~._.°__..._ t F _ r STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this 22nd day of June, 1992, before me personally appeared HOWARD W. YOUNG, to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. S PETER SkDANOWSKI, JR. Nwlury Nan 63-0~8678Y6 w Yak STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.: TQm IMIed In ButfoU: Counq Ezyina M+aA 30.10d? COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) E_ On this 22nd day of June, 1992, before me personally appeared BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC, 3 AEyy ypRK COMMISSION E~)(PIRES NTE 3p ~y~f 1 I EXHIBIT 'A' R~ P~ - - ~ 0 ; ~~G P ~ z ,,t a, o ~Gc PGA ~Pg~ ~ ~ JO O~P`e, ~ `a . i N ~d uA c \ ' i y ~ o N~c r ~ ~ ap~q a ~ o. N„ `M+L~ 'fi. p Oar` O ~G * •J ~ oqk as ~,\G`~t~'( i 60~~~~~~PPS O~ A c0~' ~ JPP PN~ F. GJ N 6 ,io''~`' AGQ9~~,F.SgGR~S 6~k,~ 6~ P ~3. - . ? MAP PREPARED FOR. MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES ~ A7 MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK GOUNTY, N.Y. ~ ~1'OUNG B YOUNG ~ 0 OBTRANOER AVENUE, RIVER HEAD N.Y. DATES MlIY S, 992 j4LDEN WYOUNG,N.Y.S P.E.A L.S.IIC. NO.12d{5 SCALE I 10~ - HOWARD W.YOUNG N.YS LS L1G N0. 45893 NO. ' 82-03A3 THOMAS C.WOLPk~RT, N.YS. P.E. LIC. N0.614B3 / • a Certificate of Correction Surveyor: Howard W. Young, N.Y.S. Lic. No. 45893 Young & Young, Planning, Engineering & Land Surveying 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 Name of Map: "Map of Mattituck Creek Estates" Filed March 25, 1992 File No. 9203 Location: Town of Southold Suffolk County Tax Map Designation 1000-107-1-2 Owner: James Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, New York 11706 Correction: Amend the Buildable area and thereby decrease the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area of Lot 1 as shown on'/Exhibit "A" aattache'd herewith. Executed: Howard W. Yourr~, N.Y.S. Lic. No. 45893. State of New York Coun of Suffolk Ong .~1GL~/L17 ~~r ~ , 1992, before me came Howard W. Young, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument duly acpk~n~owledged that he executed .he same. I1o~aY -Na 62~7d886 J Yak ~j Ol? _ .F~< TxE:p~~ Notary Public / Sep+~ ao, ~~i~i3 Approved: This is to certify that the Planning Board of the Town of Southold approved the map corre tion described he e' by Re o io ate ~ t ~ ~r , / 1992. 1992 Bennett Orlows i, Jr., Cha' min Southold Planning Board i? a ~S ,l 'ij i3 X11 ~~j EXHIBIT 'A' ~ R~ PD - 4 ~ e Np~~~ / P ~ 2 ~~~t ee. / \ e ~Ol Z / P P9' ~ ~e O \NPG~~ Off` i Z ' ~ `4 a use ~''a ~ 2 \ 7 \ N~ O W ~ o 4 ~ Oa p~ ~ `rN. '6. / LMJ 0 6 ~~Ny P~~'~ ~~ti ~6~ MQ* vPPpR~gF• ,ia'~~ PGPS ~6599~~9 Nm 5~ P r-+. i' . /P PREPARED FOR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES AT MATTITUCK `TOWN OF SOUTNOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. ~µ-~-"f-~- {YOUNG 8 YOUNG 0 OSTRANDER AVENUE, RIVERHEAD NY. DATES AUIY 5,1992 AIDEN WYOUNG, N.Y.S P. E.s L.S. LIC. N0. 12d4S SCALE 1 • 1 ~ - HOWARD w.rOUNG N.Y.S. LS LIG N0. 45893 N0. ' 82'0343 ~ 'THOMAS C,WOLP~RT, N.YS. P.E. LIC. N0.61483 • ~ a STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this 22nd day of June, 1992, before me personally appeared HOWARD W. YOUNG, to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. PETEpR~3~,DANOW~KI..IN. STATE OF NEW YORK ) Momry ~ ~~1~ r~ ~u9tlBsd In $uTlnYc On1rMp, . s s Term E~ 19.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) P-f` On this 22nd day of June, 1992, before me personally appeared BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. _ Notary Public NOTARY PUBUC, SAINEIN ~ COMIMISSION p~PIRES 93 1 ~ ~ Ms LAW OFFICES PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. 616 ROANOKE AVENUE P. O. BOX 779 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 (516) 727-4900 PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. FAX (516) 727-7451 MICHAEL T. CLIFFORD OF COUNSEL ROBERT F. KOZAKIEWICZ June 22, 1992 Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road - Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Melissa Re: James H. Cohill - Matti tuck Creek Estates Dear Melissa: I enclose a Certificate of Correction regarding the subdivision of Mr. James H. Cohill, known as Mattituck Creek Estates. This affidavit, which will be filed with the County Clerk, has been executed by Mr. Young and contains an attachment which is consistent with discussions held by the Planning Board, which discussions resulted in a communication from you which permits this Certificate. It would be appreciated if Mr. Orlowski's signature could be obtained as soon as possible, inasmuch as we are attempting to set up closings on several lots. I have included 3 originals that I would ask to be signed by the Chairman before a Notary who will execute the verification on the back side of the form. When I have recorded the Certificate, I will forward a copy for your records. Ver truly yours, PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. PSD:gsg p ~C~~~~~4~', ~~.;r~ 2 2 1992 $OUTNOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD PPS a RAYMOND L. JACOBS ti~ •T JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q • 'F ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~~01 ~ ~.aO~' INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JUNE 2, 1992 MR. BENNHTT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN - PLANNING BOARD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NHW YORK 11971 RE: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES (Major Subdivision) REEVE ROAD b MILL ROAD - MATTITUCK SCTM # 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr Orlowski: At the request of the owner of the above referenced subdivision, I have conducted a final inspection of the property. My last report, dated 2/18/92 indicated four (4) items that needed work. All of these items have been completed satisfactorily. Street trees have also been planted along Mill & Reeve Road. The size and quantity of these trees appear to be adequate. Several of these trees, however, appear to be lifeless. It may be possible, with additional care, to bring these trees back to good health but it is too early in the season to be sure. If, in time, these trees do not rejuvenate, they should be replaced with new trees. At this time, all of the required construction for this subdivision has been completed in a satisfactory manner. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact my office. S' erely, ames ich eRr,nnRM.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs ~ ~ ~ u- U (Superintendent of Highways) _ )2 File O~~SpFFO(~1'~,~ °y~ o PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS W ~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~ ~ ~ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~f~l y" ~.aO Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1438 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Faz (516) 765-1823 April 8, 1992 James Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, New York 11706 RE: Approved Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates (James Cohill) SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Cohill: The Planning Board has reviewed the March 18th letter from Dennis Schrader and William Smith in reference to the Covenants and Restrictions for the above mentioned subdivision. The Board is not in favor of the location proposed for the barn and greenhouses. It is the Planning Board's intention that the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area remain as either a viable farm or as open space, and that all structures. be located within the building envelope that was assigned to the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area. However, in order to accommodate your request, the Board is agreeable to amending the building envelope for Lot #1 (please see enclosed sketch for clarification). In this manner, all structures, both permanent and temporary, can be located within the building envelope. If you wish to so amend the building envelope, have your attorney prepare an affidavit of correction and submit such draft to this office. The Planning Board will adopt the affidavit of correction by resolution. You must then file it in the office of the County Clerk. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning the above. Very truly yours, ~e 2 a~ ~ Bennett Orlowski, r. "'S Chairman Encl. cc: Dennis Schrader Howard Young, Young and Young Peter Danowski, Jr., Attorney i N 1 W .lJ b ~a 1 m m ° Ng5°565\ E ROAD 543.28 2.83 ~ IsG. ~ PARCEL TO BE fJ.70°06 ~~E' iso 0o TO THE TOWN 0 150 0o AREA = 247 sf M., L~ 258 29 N ~ oza 0 ww-° ~~A p3\5\ 23648 a n or7( wwDO N 6 g0.00. w. Nw w Roos[ w _ O > W~o N / aim ~ ~'4- ~q/ / \4e\6 ~u 6 i° q ran e s t `"D~O e Y F.. 4 rnro m O 3642 ~ u~ a I ~ \O4Z wOO ~ Op0 st. N SG b O O ~ WRPGF 3p N Nt N 2W N c EN`EME o. ~i//~ i m o, 3 0 $ iD ~ ! , ~AS\ON% ~ z 6 °m3 2 3p000 st. o °o _E.i Zlp-a9~ rR~ \ R ~ :fE \ ~ ` id, i EiL®O N- \441 F _150.00. _ _ . 6~° O ~ 1,s Est oj35.Lt s.f. y 15000___ 300.00 xGie N.70°Ofi 41 E 1 2 1 O ~ Nom` 1 O ` ° w'. O ~ J~\G~uG CMYElO~E r p W R' 1 ~ \3P 23 ~ rD K \ Zy 42`3 f 6 _ \1\1 _-\N °0~ S\_ ~\,tf \G S\NG CG1dP FN1 Ep//N[o'"[~~ L' ~ rim DER r~ `II, EN ~ 1 .,i' - ! _ ' w' - / pG / is. t. / ~ 88g22 ~ 1 \5 3404 A`rssOE NT AREA EA ME ! p 1 m AGR\CULt URPIA Kea ER5 g315st n O A m \4 2\e~ Ages ~ a 0 Q 0 ~ A: G i.` B9g 6~. O 9ye_9\~` y ~ / ' ~ p tiA O v~, Pia `0 GG SOo PGA 9p/ N N k ~ JF. . N N = \~CO ~ ~ m, 0, O g\ r0~ \V m V P\ 69 1 N \bry r / a \OO.p30 9 ' ~ o h ~ Hau 2 m. fib5 oy f0 ~ N. .1, i E\Y 0.6\°173\ ~\o ~~O' ti`0 + "inl Paw °r ~ E: m~QY\aP~ ~ o ~ 3 f ti9 v evur- 9 l~ H m (1 m ~O n; m~: L\;eP fotmeclY 5k\ 'o o °,e ~(i r.a pOW Or ¢f10G' ~ L~ w.~~C~ a 0¢riho 1~' $ ~ ~ accn~ - now or formerly ,WU\;om G G.~n Boi\G " Q 'p Nort'\et K. ~ ~ ~P ; t Suf. ~1 ~ ~i ~ 3 any (SIb) 623-6053 ENVlRONMEN~1~~~' 8770den Avenue. Baldwin fN.~', 771 1~ d 155 3/18/92 ~ i Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall p~NNING80PRD Main Road Southols, N.Y. 11971 Re: Covenants and Restrictions 11421 PC 449, Mattituck Creek Estates, ",gr:cult,:ral Raserce Ea~~ment Area. To whom it may concern, We are writing to the town planning board to apprise you of our proposed intention for the agricultural reserve easement area of Mattituck Creek Estates. We would like to be certain that the proposed agricultural use falls within the exceptable parameters of the covenants and restrictions. The area and surrounding lots are presently owned by Mr. James Cohill. At this time we are going into contract to purchase the residence on lot # 3 as well as lease the agricultural reserve easement area, approximately 15 acres, for a three year term. At the end of the three year lease we will have the option to either renew the lease or purchase the property. It is our intention to move and expand our existing wholesale growing oper- ation to this property (growing operation is in accordance with sec. 3a of:the C. and R.). We have been in contact with Mr. William Sanok at the Cooperative Extension office in Riverhead and plan on following his recommendations, as well as consultation with Mr. Allan Connell from Soil Conservation. Our wholesale growing operation will involve the following: For the first growing season (1992) we intend on planting cover crops as recommended by the cooperative extension in order to re-establish the fertility and condition of the soil. For the second and third seasons (1993 1994) we intend to grow mixed vegetables and ornamental crops. As the business grows we may need to construct a barn, approximately 75' x 100' for storage of equipment and dry goods. We may also need to construct three or four greenhouses, approximately 28' x 96' each. See attached sketch. See also sec. 4i of the C. and R. All structures would be in accordance with current local building codes. We must have conformation that the construction of these structures would be permissible before we establish our business at this location. Since we are supposed to go into contract within the next week, and would like to establish a cover crop on the property as soon as possible, we look forward to your timely reslso~e. Thank you. With best regards Dennis Schrader William ith • - ~~rr~~~ G~~ Fh~AT~~ ~o - - N1J~L ~~~D 4 ~ , E ~t4t~~ 1N' ' - ~ Y i CulrTu? ' j, Ick~%r~2V fri ~%1~Fi~'1Et~J~ lAT # ~ i AREA -15, 3 ,otfiE~ 7 Q` ~s' ~ ~o~KIMnfE&y ~'x Ioo~ ~J I I'RnFtXiED Gzgt?JI~oJ~ APR~nt4MAt0.Y t8' x 96~ ~tivutTiorl FoR-Bo(rl oF-(A!% ~ 1~x1~ K F~EXiB~~ I 1 r ISM j r i ~'3 ~ - ___..u ; SGi' ` SGT ~~~j/LC PHONE: 852-2OOU SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Edward P. :{QmalriP, COUNTY CLERI{ .vvenrrrnr.. new ronn ~ woi own of Southold Assessor own of Southold Planning Board Chief Deputy County Treasurer To Whom Tliis May Concern: The Subdivision Map Of: -"~G C j Was Filed, °Z ~ I ~9~~' Filed Number, / A}-stract Number, ~ , Township, Southold dwner: Very truly yours, County Clerk D ~ ,ti ;i ~ u ~ ~r, I F~( Map Department APR - 8 U j ININ NG BOARD Forrn No. 49 ,x-rsr:e}s. • s~o, ~ ' (516) bY7-b05E ~ y ENVIRONMEN ~ B770aw~Av~.n.~. Baldwin li1.~71~7{~ 3/18/92 Q 155 tam `I ~ 2 ~ Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall TNOLOTOWN Main Road puNNINGB0AR0 Southols, N.Y. 11971 Re: Covenants and Restrictions 11421 PC 449, Mattituck Creek Estates, Agricultural Reserve Easement Area. To whom it may concern, We are writing to the town planning board to apprise you of our proposed intention for the agricultural reserve easement area of Mattituck Creek Estates. We would like to be certain that the proposed agricultural use falls within the exceptable parameters of the covenants and restrictions. The area and surrounding lots are presently owned by Mr. James Cohill. At this time we are going into contract to purchase the residence on lot # 3 as well as lease the agricultural reserve easement area, approximately 15 acres, for a three year term. At the end of the three year lease we will have the option to either renew the lease or purchase the property. It is our intention to move and expand our existing wholesale growing oper- ation to this property (growing operation is in accordance .with sec. 3a of-.the C, and R.). We have been in contact with Mr. William Sanok at the Cooperative Extension office in Riverhead and plan on following his recommendations, as well as consultation with Mr. Allan Connell from Soil Conservation. Our wholesale growing operation will involve the following; For the first growing season (1992) we intend on planting cover crops as recommended by the cooperative extension in order to re-establish the fertility and condition of the soil. For the second and third seasons (1993 1994) we intend to grow mixed vegetables and ornamental crops. As the business grows we map need to construct a barn, approximately 75' x 100' for storage of equipment and dry goods. We may also need to construct three or four greenhouses, approximately 28' x 96' each. See attached sketch. See also sec. 4i of the C. and R. All structures would be in accordance with current local building codes. We must have conformation that the construction of these structures would be permissible before we establish our business at this location. Since we are supposed to go into contract within the next week, and would like to establish a cover crop on the property as soon as possible, we look forward to your timely resjrom.~. Thank you. With best regards Dennis Schrader William ith a • ~ • ~IA~~GK- ~RF-~~- ~~ATF~ ~`ilLL /7~~D G~~2 w(~ 3 - wf~!~ LoTz~ ~ _ _ - _ L I ~ LEU(421C` TR!°'~'o'hl°f~l Ll ~ _ - 1 AREA `-15.3 AUiE~ alt 7 2s' ~U(RXr~a7 &4P~ ApPRa~I~0.Y 7r'x ioo~ ~RDFi7~D h}o~Eh 4 APPaofiHa'~+.Y~g~x 96~~ ' ~tpt.~(totJ FoR-Bofhi oF~(~}Fi 1 ~ i I { 4~~ b D ~i~ ~ 2 0 1~J2 so~~ ~ r; _ i ~ ~ See. ~oc~~EfOLkCpG~ JiSDITH T. TERRY ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK G T P.O. BoX 1179 REGISPRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS N Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Q F3X (516) 765-1$23 ~~0 Telephone (516) 765-1801 1 ,Y. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 10, 1992: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends their resolution no. 64, adopted on March 13, 1990, determining the amount to be deposited in lieu of land for Park and Playground purposes in the subdivision of Mattituck Creek Estates, from $10,500.00 to $10,000.00, of which the sum of $100.00, being the appraisal cost, shall be deducted and payable to the General Fund. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk March 11, 1992 D V MMt ~ 2 ~ I TOWN NING BOARD ~o . ~o ~ o PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ? w SCOTT L. HARRIS ~ ~ Supervisor Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~ ~ George Ritchie La[ham. Jr. ~~l .`b 1~ Richard G. Ward ~ '{ti Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald ~"~~J P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (5 I6) 765-1823 TO: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~0~/~ RE: Park and Playground Fee and Bond Estimate for Mattituck Creek Estates (James Cohill) SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 DATE: March 4, 1992 Please note the following in reference to the above mentioned subdivision: 1. On March 13, 1990, the Town Board adopted a resolution determining that $11,500.00 be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for Park and Playground purposes. for the above mentioned subdivision. 2. On May 22, 1990, the Subdivision of Land Section of the Town Code was amended to include a set fee for Park and Playground purposes of $2,000.00 per vacant lot. 3. After the Town Board set the amount for tie Park and Playground fee, the subdivision proposal was substantially revised. The number of lots was reduced from 9 lots to 6 lots, and the entire southerly cul-de-sac was omitted. Since the application was changed, the $11,500 fee was no longer valid. Accordingly, the new fee had to be based on the May 22, 1990 Code revision. ($2,000. per vacant lot. This subdivision has 6 lots; of which 5 are vacant.) 4. The subdivider opted to complete the subdivision improvements that were required in the bond estimate prior to the endorsement of the subdivision. The improvements have been installed in a manner acceptable to the Engineering Inspector and the ,"7S RAYMOND L. JACOBS N T JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q ~ ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~,~OI ~~0~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FEBRUARY 18, 1992 ----_.._.__.__w._, Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. p ~ 0 i=~ 1 r~ l Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road - ~ r'Cii i r a;,:L ~ Southold, New York 11971 Re: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES (MAJOR SUBDIVISION) f"'"'" P~IANNNGHOA D SCTM ll 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr. Orlowski: ' I have been asked by the owner of the above referenced subdivision, Mr, James H. Cohill, to do a final inspection of the above referenced subdivision. A few minor items have been noted and should be taken care of before approvals are given. 1. Excess Material: Several large piles of excess material still remain on the site. These piles should be removed or regraded into the Site. 2. Catch Sox: The catch box at the North West corner of the site along Mill Road has been filled with an excessive amount of silt & sand. This box should be cleaned out. 3. Tree Stumps: The stump located in the sholder of Mill Road should be removed. Mr. Foster has proviously agreed to do this. 4. Topsoil & Seed: The Right of Way & Easment Area at the North East corner of the site along Mill Road will require Topsoil & Seed. The Right of Way & Easment Area at the South West corner of the Sith along Reeve Road will require Seeding. Street Trees have not been induced in the above list. It is my understanding that the Planning Board has allowed Mr. Cohill a certain period of time to complete this item. With exception of the items listed above, the installation of the drainage systems in this project have been completed in a satisfactory manner. Enclosed you will find copies of my inspection reports for this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or if you need any additional assistance in this matter, please contact my office, S' erely, ENC cc: Raymond L. Jacobs ames A. Richter, R.A. James H. Cohill Art Foster file ~ SUBMTSSION WITHOUT COVER LET^ i SENDER: "~'`~~t - e~ SUBJECT: G«k ~S~~~s COMMENTS: ~ .5 ~a~ci m~PS my ti a{S ~ c n~ ~;lec~ C+R 'ZNS~ec4 ~ ar -ate = 4 6 74 . o a ~1ark ? 'PiwySra = 10 ~ oou . ~ v 1 ~ 6 7 ~ • ~ a ~j one c~.~ck k. FEB 2 d 1992 $DUTHDLD TOWN PLANNING 90ARD 11421PC448 ~T"o`oTOV~~ p~pNNING BDAit~ DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made the 24th day of February, 1992, by SAMES H. COHILL, residing at 131 South Awixa Ave., Bay Shore, New York 11706, Declarant. WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, as provided by the Declarant, and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of a subdivision application entitled, "Major Subdivision - Mattituck Creek Estates", by resolution dated October 1, 1991, a copy of ist.: which is attached hereto and made a ~ 000 part hereof, and as a ec.• condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold 0700 Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be 7 ock: ,lon recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and ,t; WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and { zCb0 ~ determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel, NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: THAT Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the :~y:, `.'r.+ intentions above expressed, does hereby make known, admits, -L_ publishes, covenants and agrees that the said premises herein E described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants ` ,T/~~ which shall run with the land an shall be binding upon all 'w---..~--. --purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, i 'legal representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns, to ' -wit: ~ I _~l`> 11421P~~49 1. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. The area on the subdivision map designated "Natural vegetation Retention Buffer" is designated as such to protect the steep sloped areas of the site from unnecessary erosion. This area shall remain in its natural state. Maintenance of this natural vegetation shall be the only use or activity allowed. 3. The use and development of the portion of Lot 1 that is designated "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area" will forever be restricted to some or all of the following: a) farming operations and activities (including soil preparation, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, and drainage control) and any other normal and customary farming operations; and the use of farm vehicles and equipment in connection therewith, all as designed and intended to promote and enhance agricultural production encompassing the production for commercial purposes of field crops (including without limitation, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes and dry beans); fruits (including without limitation, apples, peaches, grapes, cherries and berries); vegetables (including without limitation, tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli and onions); horticultural specialties (including without limitation, nursery stock, ornamental shrubs and ornamental trees and flowers); and all other farm products; b) open fallow; c) operations encompassing livestock and livestock products (including cattle, sheep, goats, horses and poultry) which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning Board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board; d) landscaped, wooded areas with lanes, walkways, foot paths, ponds or brooks and recreational areas for -2- _ _ - - . ~ ~ . 11~iPC450 compatible recreational uses, which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board. 4. The following shall be adhered to on the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area for the purpose of maintaining said premises in its current condition for continued agricultural production and to prevent the degradation or loss of the aesthetic open space value of said premises: a) It shall be managed in accordance with the conservation plan developed by the Soil Conservation Service for this particular property, and shall remain in compliance with all updates of the report. The Planning Board shall have the right to require updated reports when deemed necessary. b) No regrading shall be conducted thereon; the natural contours thereof shall remain generally undisturbed and no fill or spoil shall be placed thereon. c) No top soil, loam, sand, stone, gravel, rock or minerals shall be excavated or removed therefrom or placed thereon. d) Farming practices shall be such that erosion of the land is minimized and is in accordance with the standards of the Soil Conservation Management Plan, and nothing shall be permitted to occur thereon which would result in increased erosion of said premises. c) No streets, roadways or other rights of way for non-farming vehicular use shall be constructed or granted thereon. f) Except as may be required for reasons of irrigation, drainage, sanitation or disease control, no trees, plants or other vegetation located thereon, shall be killed destroyed, cut or removed therefrom. g) No dumping, placement, storage or burning of any liquid or solid waste, garbage, ashes, sawdust, trash, rubbish, refuse or other toxic, hazardous, objectionable, unsightly or offensive material shall be permitted on or within the said premises. h) The said premises will forever be kept open and free of all signs, bill boards or other forms of visual advertisement or display. i) Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed or erected within or upon the said premises without Planning Board approval. Structures -C- 1~421PC451 ~ (including, but not limited to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures Lor the utilization of the said premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed, subject to Planning Board approval. j) Retail sales shall be restricted to the sale of items produced on the groperty, and shall be subject to Planning Board approval. 5. The Declarants reserve the right to the exclusive use and possession of the area known as the Agricultural Reserve Basement Area, to the extent not inconsistent with the covenants and restrictions hereinabove set forth; and Declarants may exclude the general public or any designated person or persons from the use of or entry upon the said Agricultural Reserve Easement, except that the Town shall have the continuing right to inspect the said area to the extent reasonably required to monitor compliance with the covenants, terms and, provisions hereof, and to assure that such covenants, terms and provisions have not been violated, such inspection to be at reasonable times. 5. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, or its successor body, after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing, but their consent to such modification shall not be required. 7. Zn addition to the rights of other parties to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants, the Planning Board shall also have the authority, through appropriate legal action and after due notice to the Declarants, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributers, successors, and assigns, to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has hereunto set his hand and sea]. the day and year above written. JAMES H. COHILL -4- 4.». m ~ fl 11421FC~52 STATE OP NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On this 24th day of February, 1992, before me personally came JAMES H. COHILL, owner of certain real property located on Mill Road and Grand Avenue, Mattituck, New York, the subject property covered by this Declaration; that he did read the above Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and understands its contents; that he did swear to me tlh'//~a',t hie) execu(tn/ed the same. / V ~ ~ 4 ~i~ ~ J ~.lL-2 Notary Public c S'. rna~ Notary Pubbc, Slnre of NeVI lOl+ No. G2~G505J:0 Cua!iL eJ of .`;UII41k GOUII[y ommiaiun Eepiras Jan. 31,~}OQQ 2 r/ 1 -5- 1~21F~453 ~ Oct'oY~ur n, 1901 SCHEDULC A U~t c~CS tC-:G DC SCrlptlOn Pe rialc tOY "Matt ltUCk Creak L'`JCd to r," t. b!.icciCUCk, 'POVrn oY SuuCltold, ::uCl.'o~l.k County, flow Yuch: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of lunJ, wiCh thu building: and in+provemunts thereon erected, nituat'e, lying ru,d Ueing at t•l,,ttitu~:):, 7'c'.Jn of ~outhold, County of SutEolk and Stag of h1.~w York, t~ounrl~ J .u,~l Isl?C111N1PIC at the int~r::uCtion O1' thv wu:aurly ::idc oc Cram( P.~1orn~u ;.nd tl,~ c:auCh~rly ~iJc: oe Mill I.aaU; R[7N1lIPIC thence Lrom said point of beginning along thu wasttrly sides o_ Crand f;v~nuu the tollowiny two (2) course anJ dintanc:vs: (~1) `:oath 27 Ueg, a5 a,i.n. 19 cur.. pact U4a.~lu tec:t; ::UU tYr ~°J Jeg. lU rain. ~'J CuC. Wu~t SU.L. `eU P.ect to l.~nc-1 i,Gw .~r lu,'uwrly LugCnu O. Cr;i1; RUfltJIWC thence North 2S deg. 22 min. S9 sec. 4Jest along 1anU now or icrn,r:rly Eugene 0. CraE 177.5% Yuet to the nortP+~autarly corner of land no:; or rotmerly Lugene O. CraF; I:Illlllllir: tl,unCU ;;Quell L1 Jar). J."/ w1i7. ]L ..uu. 1dr:::t LLr,n<j I._i n~.l i ,,,,r ~r lV(-nw 1'Ly I'.urJurw U. GCU1, ~r1Vng lanJ rIV6t car Luriuu L'lf I'lw:unCc ',-.n,l.i}:, anJ alum] 1.u1d uow or focmrscly Ni].liam .ruU f:crch+, L.u'd~nUr.::1:r ~a.0', Li ~_L to l.~nU now or ionucrly lllcn M. IsJ acl. Guycon; P.UIlPlIIJG thence ]JOrth 25 deg. 11 min. 79 sc:c. SJest along land no~.J or rorm~rly E11en M. Cilack Cuyton and crLong lanrt now or PormUrly 1:1iz;~G~th V. Pox 102:.9: [oct to the: ~oulherly ::iura of h(i11 i:crJ; RUI:I7INC thence a.lonry tho couth~_rly :..ida ol~ id i ] 1 Kcrd tlio tG1lGwini) chr._~ (J) coucs~s and Ji~tancGS: (1) tlorth 55 deg. SG min. 51 sec. lust 2.i5s xeet; (2) tJortfr G1 day. ~l min. ;1 nee. Last 250.29 taut; (s) North 70 deg. uG min. 41 L~rst i47.a3 [eat to the '.re:~cc-rig :iJt• of C.r[,nd hvr:nuu and the poutC or p1.a~.u or bocJir,niny. LJll~t~h 111117 r; .,n aL~e~, OL 19 12ZU ;11_.LLL:. 11~21P~454 ' • ` <,,lrror . iii. c.' ~ i ~ 1 ~ of ~ - rl.:~n'rJlrvc u0nltu r`u.rvull'us T tic.cn-r I_ IlnlLI:IS Nrnnrn ihlnw ~l.i, J,„ C~L.n, m.rn ~ Sul~r n'nnr f/r ^p. Gen, I~r Hli hrc I..ril r,r, u. 1,. Ii uJ r:uJ G. W:uJ ~~ti ili lawn I I,,II, ~ II,'IS ;al .rin I(rr,~~ ~11.rrAS NilLnielJ I`U Ur„ 11~7'i Fruurih I.. LJ w.r,J~ ]uuiln,lil, rJ,.w Ynr 1, I I'//I PLANNING ItOAlcU QFFI~ l? trlrl+h„nc lilhl 7o5.IV1K TOWN OI~ SOU'I'I10Lp I~.r~ I>Irrl 71r~,-IY,]J OcluLrtr 11'1'11 fctcr Danowski, Jr. v 1 t, lioano}:c Avenue P.O. I]ox. 779 I~ivcnc~ad, New York 11901 RG: Major Subdivision MatCi.000k Creek Latatcs ;C'I'Mtl ].000-107-1-? Dear Mr.. Danowski: 1'hc following Cook place at the mcdting oP the Southold "'o'.m Punning board on ScpCcmbcr J0, 199.i: '1'hc Cinal public hearing, which was held at 7: J0 P.[~t-, wais closed. The Planning Aoard required a Declaration cf Covenants and I?estci.ct.i.ons as <leti.ned in the enclo::ed "AclriculCural Reserve I!:,::~~ment. Wren." ;:uc:h Dcc laration i~; Co Un ~ubmi.tCCd to Cl,u PLnnu.Ln~_J CJ~;rcd foe j-gvicw. Bc it 1tESOLVED Co adopt the Engineering Inspector's report dated September 10, 1991. Maps revised in accordance with the report must be submitted to this office. Ile it ItF:f:OLV1iD Co adopC Chc bond esC.unulr_ daCC~1 ar. reviscu ScpCCrrlbcr "1.0, 1991, .cn<1 Co ecconuncnd s;~mc to Chc 'town Uonr.d. '1'hic; bond csCiuccCC is Co Cake Chc p.lacc of. Chc bond estimate adopted by Chc 'town Lloard on MaicP~ 1], 1991. 'L'hc current bond cstirnatc is in the ~unount o[ X77,900, with an in~-.pccCion fcc .in the amount of $1,67.1.00. `Phc board rcqucsCCd that the follow.inr~ revisions be rnadc Co the final rn..rp: ~421P~455 ~ Page 2 i~1lCtit'uc~: Crock L'sCntcs 1. The "Open Space L,~sement" shown us pain oL T,ot [Jwnbor 1 .i.s Lo be rc-labeled a, "Agri.cule.ural. Rcscrvc~ I:n i-enu~nP Wren.' 2. '1'hc actual building envelope, wi-Ch p~opcr ccCb.icPs, to be indicnCed Eor Lot 1. 'l'Ih: ~JCn,~c~_~l buLlc7.inq envelol,u shuwn of ]7,9G5 sduare t.ecC is not acceptable. ['lease contact Chic oEf.i.ce it you hcrvc: ,rny yuc::r ions: i~c,c7,,i'cli.r,r~ Llrc alwvc. Very truly your, j , I3cnnett Orlowski, Jr. ~ ~ ~ Chairman cnc 1r.. - . ~ ~O ~pG 1,;,~ r, - 1c ?L\'D!0`1D L. J:ICOBS u tart' ?.;J~ ~ rn J:+?1LS A. RIC:iT°_3 SCPERI~lTENDE:IT 01?' p ~ ~ G:IGI:ItiERI,1G xlc~:l;aYS ~yol ~ ~~0~' IyspecTOR 76i-31ao 7~~s-3o7o oFr•ICE or rxE E~1cI~ErR 11421P~456 TDWN t~F SOUT110LD SEPTG?BER 10, 1991 >ir.. BrrlNr-rT oar.owsK1, .rn. ca,vIl:rLV~ - Y~.vwtsc iso.vRD TOGN FIALL, 53095 :L\IN RO:\D SOUTHOLD, NEIJ YOP.K 11971 RE: ?lATTITUCK CREEK ESTdTES (`IAJOR SUBDIVISION) SCT?I 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request I have reviewed the maps S plans for the abuvc reEcrur.ced subdivision. The drainage designed Eor `1i11 Road to the north of c'ac site indicates a tributary area that splits the existing road down its centerline. Durin; the last rainfall I visited the site and noticed that the Water runnins; do~.:n the north side of ^fill Road also crossed over to the south side before ti~~a proposed Catch P,asin location. IC should also be noted Chat- future driveways for the building areas on lots 1~2 may also contribute to thu runnof t: due Co Ct-~c existing contours of the site. It is therefore recommended that the number of Leaching Pools be increased from 2 to 5 pools. The size of the pools should 'oe as indicated on the plan. (10'-0" Dia. x 12'-0" Deep). The drainage designed l:or Grand Avenue on the south east corner of the site is satisfactory. GOnCLCCC. i`IOnumen C_: should also be placed at all locations where new P ropcrty Lines inCCrsuct wiCh exi:;tin}, 'L'ows Roads. I have revised Che Bond Estimate accordingly and have enclosed a copy for your use. LL you h:rve any gnos:tions or require any addition;~1 info rma Lion conce rn in,; the above, Ylcase contact my oEEice. iiiZercly,~ I / I// , / ~ ~ ~c l Le!~ 'r', i~ t. i"J:nnes A."Ricl~Ccr, It.il. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs / Lile t i ~p I ~ I :.L`Ui}NN ~!n~r. . f.UllZj~. 11~1P~45~ o`o ' c°Gy A J JAMES A. RICHTER 2.1YMOND L. JAC06S ~ rn SUPE3INTENDENT OP O ~ ENGINEERING Hr.clnanv5 ~~01 ~~0~ INSPECTOR 76~-3140 76i-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTIiOLD Revised SEPTG;iCER 20,1791 BOND ESTIMATE POR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATGS AT MAT'LITUCK, TOWN OI SOUTHOLD SCTM It 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITE>1 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICP: Ai1CUST DRAINAGE: 1. 2 EA. CATCH llASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 1,000.OC 15G V.I'. LEACItiNC CAS INS (10' N) 300.00 46,500.00 3. 180 L. P. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEIJAY APRONS 25.00 2,SGv'.00 5. ~ 600 S.Y. `TOPSOIL S SEED 5.00 x,000.00 10 EA. CONCAL•''fE hI0Nl7PIEN'I'S 100.00 1,006.00 7. 46 EA. STRCET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 c. JoU MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OP TRAFFIC L.S. 3>OOO.OG SUC-TOTe~L = $ 77,900.OG + G% INSPECTION FGE = 9, G 7 4. G 0 TOTAL = $ 82; 574. C0 Page 1 01 I lK l'~ ~ II i~~l o Ili aJ I ..i~ i S UiHOID tUY(N PLINNINC t)OdIiU _ _ ' i ~ ' 11421PG458 'I ~ d , ~ I o ~ 3 '1 Y t" v w z v ~ u G .b ~ ~ II i p ~ w n ~ ~ X N ~ p. I ~ I o° ° z~ n o y~ V " m a n V ~ ~ i N N ~ ~ ~1 0 0 ~ I~~ - v b H ail ~ ~ ~ ~I !D N RECORD & RETURN,TO: Peter 5. Danowski~ Jr•~ Es9• 616 Roanoke Ave. Sox 779 RiVethead, NY `-7.190? ),I~;~~ :~"l ,1~ - James H, Cohill cc: Art Foster, Artco Inc. 131 Awixa Avenue Bay whore, N. Y, 11706 February 18, 1992 Pir. F_ennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairmar_ .~outhold Planning Board Dear Mr. Orlowski: I had telephone conversations today with both the ~i'owr Engineer, James Richter and my contractor, Artie Foster, relative to the mounds of dirt remaining after the drainage project was com- pleted to Mr. Richter's satisfaction. It is respectfully requested that the Board grant some trust ar.d leeway for Mr. Foster in complying with this request, as you have done with the tree planting, because of the extreme wet conditions which are beyond human control. f°~r, Foster explained to me that he is in danger of having vehicles mired in the muck if he tries to move the dirt at this time. Because of the financial plight of everyone involved, it would be most a*;preciated if the Board would give me my arproval upon payment of the fees due• without delaying any further because of inclement weather conditions. This will enable an early closing on the sale of my property to a nurser'hian and quick payment to Artco, a local businessman, who is su°fering along with many others because of the depressed state of the economy on the North Fork of Long Island. Thank you for your consideration. ~:incerely, , ~meshill 9~ ~ ~ S~FFOI~-~, ~ ,~~,uPG~c~ ~0~0 Orry AP o ; c ~S RAYMOND L. JACOBS ~ r=i+ JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q ~ ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~~01 ~ .r~O! INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FEBRUARY 18, 1992 a ~ -r....__ ._.......,n Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~V1 f"ti ~1 Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road t!;I~~ Southold, New York 11971 FEB I g 1992 u Re: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES (MAJOR SUBDIVISION) NINGBD qNp SCTM 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr. Orlowski: , I have been asked by the owner of the above referenced subdivision, Mr, James H. Cohill, to do a final inspection of the above referenced subdivision. A few minor items have been noted and should be taken care of before approvals are given. 1. Excess Material: Several large piles of excess material still remain on the site. These piles should be removed or regraded into the Site. 2. Catch Box: The catch box at the North West corner of the site along Mill Road has been filled with an excessive amount of silt & sand. This box should be cleaned out. 3. Tree Stumps: The stump located in the sholder of Mill Road should be removed. Mr. Foster has proviously agreed to do this. 4. Topsoil & Seed: The Right of Way & Easment Area at the North East corner of the site along Mill Road will require Topsoil & Seed. The Right of Way & Easment Area at the South West corner of the Sith along Reeve Road will require Seeding. Street Trees have not been induced in the above list. It is my understanding that the Planning Board has allowed Mr. Cohill a certain period of time to complete this item. With exception of the items listed above, the installation of the drainage systems in this project have been completed in a satisfactory manner. Enclosed you will find copies of my inspection reports for this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or if you need any additional assistance in this matter, please contact my office. / S' erely, ENC cc: Raymond L. Jacobs awes A. Richter, R.A. James H. Cohill Art Foster file • ~SpFFD(K~O S RAYMOND L. JACOBS N T JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF O ~ ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~,~01 x ~~0~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 'S 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INSPECTION REPORT DATE FEBRUARY 7, 1992 PROJECT: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES DAY MON TUE WED THU RI SAT SU WEATHER SUN CLEAR RCAS RAIN SNOW REPORT If SCTM If 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 TEMP - 32-50 50-70 70-8 85+ CONTRACTOR: 0 N WIND STI HIGH O1 PROJECT FOREMAN: HUMIDITY DRY MOD HIGH AVERAGE FIELD FORCE: ART FOSTER NAME OF CONTRACTOR NON-MANUAL MANUAL REMARKS VISITORS: TIME NAME REPRESENTING REMARKS E UIPMENT AT THE SITE: 1 - EXCAVATOR 1 - DUMP TRUCK ; 1 - EQUIPMENT TRUCK 1 - FRONT END LOADER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: * Construction of drainage system at North West corner of the site has begun, * Clearing & Grubbing was necessary within proposed drainage easment as well as existing Town Right of Way. Several large trees were removed from the Town's R.O.W. & permission was given by Mr. Raymond Jacobs to discarde the stumps and brush at the Town's Landfill for No Fee. * The catch basin at the North West corner of the site was relocated to the East end of the proposed easment. Existing contours of the road as well as the adjacent embankment made this necessary for a safe installation. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~r~ ,:~i3 FEB 19 1992 ~ SOiiil601D TOWN PLM'N"4tNG BOARD PAGE 1 OF 1 ~ oS~FFOt,~~o • RAYMOND L. JACOBS N T JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q ~ ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~,~rol ~ ~~0~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 3~0~ R ~ M R r-~ OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER IS V 15 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD !f INSPECTION REPORT FEB 19 1992 ~ DATE FEBRUARY 11 1992 SOUTHOLD TOR'n,A~`. PROJECT: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES DAY MON WED ~SU WEATHER SUN LE OVERCAST RAIN SNOW REPORT if SCTM 11 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 TEMP 0- 32-50 50-70 70-8 85+ CONTRACTOR: ARTCO DRAINAGE WIND STIL HIGH 02 PROJECT FOREMAN: HUMIDITY DRY OD HIGH AVERAGE FIELD FORCE: ART FOSTER NAME OF CONTRACTOR NON-MANUAL MANUAL REMARKS VISITORS: TIME NAME REPRESENTING REMARKS E UIPMENT AT THE SITE: 1 - EXCAVATOR 1 - FRONT END LOADER 1 - EQUIPMENT TRUCK ; 1 - BULDOZER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: * The drainage system at the North West cornei of the site is 95~ complete. The 18" ~ Corrugated Metal Pipe has been installed properly & is ready for backfilling. * 5 - 10'~ x 12' Deep Leaching Pools with Dome covers have been installed at this Location. * The catch basin has been installed. Asphalt patch was placed around the casting & compacted. Mr. Foster has been instructed & has agreed to come back in the future & Hot Patch both catch basins with asphalt as soon as the weather permits. * A large tree stump has been left in the R.O.W. of Mill Lane. This tree was old and not cut down during the clearing operation. It is, however, a potential hazard and should be removed. Mr. Foster has agreed to do this. * The drainage system at the easment in the South East corner of the site is approximately 70Y< complete. The leaching pools are in place. No piping has been installed to date at this location. The catch basin has not been installed. PAGE 1 OF 1 ~ g~FFO(,~~o~ r RAYMOND L. JACOBS tpf'~ rn JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q • ~ ~d 1NG: HIGHWAYS ~,yOl ~ ~~0~ Y30~ i 765-3140 07 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER rE~ B ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INSPECTION REPORT DATE FEBRUARY 14 1992 PROJECT: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES DAY MON T WED THU FRI SAT SU WEATHER SUN CLE OVERCAST RAIN W REPORT 1{ SCTM 11 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 TEMP -3 32-50 S - 0 70-8 85+ CONTRACTOR:ARTCO DRAINAGE WIND STIL MOD HIGH 03 PROJECT FOREMAN: HUMIDITY DRY OD H H AVERAGE FIELD FORCE: ART FOSTER NAME OF CONTRACTOR NON iMANUAL MANUAL REMARKS VISITORS: TIME NAME REPRESENTING REMARKS E UIPMENT AT THE SITE: 1 - E%CAVATOR ; 1 - FRONT END LOADER ; 1 - EQUIPMENT TRUCK ; 1 - BULDOZER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: * The catch basin for the drainage system at the South East corner of the site has been installed. The drainage pipe from the existing inlet in the Town Right of Way has been cut off. This has created a drainage problem at the curve in the road. Mr. Foster has been directed to attach the existing pipe to the new catch basin. * By the end of the day, Mr. Foster had connected the existing pipe to the New catch basin. This modification to the system has corrected the drainage problem and meets the Town's requirements. * The remaining drainage system at this .location has been installed satisfactorily. All corrugated pipe has been installed in a satisfactory manner. * The area around the inlet casting at the catch box was filled in with recycled concrete to a height level with the existing pavement. Mr. Foster has agreed to hot patch this area with Asphalt as soon as the weather permits. * Final grading 5 removal of excess material is all that remains to complete the drainage installation at this location. PAGE1 OF 1 ~~oSpEFD(,~~,y RAYMOND L. JACOBS ~ T JAMES A. RICHTER HIGHWAYSENDENT OF O,j~o~ ~ ~~0~ INSPEC ~ ~ 0 M f2 i 765-3140 765-30 'J l'1 LS ' OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER FEB C 9 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INSPECTION REPORT DATE FEBRUARY 1 1992 PROJECT: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES DAY MON TU W THU FRI SAT SU WEATHER SUN CLE OVERCAST IN SNOW REPORT 01 SCTM 11 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 TEMP 0-32 2-50 - 70-8 85+ CONTRACTOR: ARTCO DRAINAGE WIND TI MOD HIGH 04 PROJECT FOREMAN: HUMIDITY DRY OD HIGH AVERAGE FIELD FORCE: ART FOSTER NAME OF CONTRACTOR NON-*fANUAL MANUAL REMARKS VISITORS: TIME NAME REPRESENTING REMARKS E UIPMENT AT THE SITE: 1 - FRONT END LOADER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: * North West Corner of the Site: - No work in progress at this time - Two piles of excess material still remain in the sholder area of Mill Road and should be removed. - One tree stump still remains in the sholder area of Mill Road and should be removed. Mr. Foster has previously agreed to do this. - The catch basin has been filled in with excessive amounts of silt & sand. This material should 'be removed. - The drainage system has been completed in a satisfactory manner. * South East Corner of the Site: - No work in progress at this time. - The easment area has been regraded to its original elevations. Four piles of excess material still remain on the site. This material should be removed. - The drainage system has been completed in a satisfactory manner. PAGE 1 OF 1 ~ /~?i/~T C!r~lC+~ ~i7t~ZS na ARTCO DRAINAGE CORP. ~S P.O. BOX 1132 MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 (516) 298-9660 ~-z n~ ~Ji~,Q-~- ; ~,,L G~~.--P~weo, ,P~ . Cie ~o. ,7.~~-cam C' cuc_e.. ~Dr~i~a~2- ~ A-e,~-c.~ ~'-a~-~ c~.ctc.~~ . yh~ ~-e--Cwco .w,~o.-~~.~o ~n-a-a` ~ C~.~ ~~v ,tom ~ ~,~.e~ ~ ~2~~'/1,ecc~X-cam (~y~.c~ Ca-.4~Jj -ti-Q~.c-v;-v ,~-v~ ~.G'Lco ~r~, FEB ' 41992 c~~~: ow it v _ + , ~ y ~1~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jc, Chairman ~ ~ I ; Supervisor George Ri[chie Latham, Jr. ~'q Richard G. Ward ~ ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box t 179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 January 22, 1992 James H. Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, New York 11706 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates S/W/c Mill Road and Grand Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Cohill: This is in response to your letter of December 29, 1991 in which you asked if the performance bond estimate for Mattituck Creek Estates could be reduced with regard to the number of street trees and the amount of road drainage. With regard to the street trees, the Board is willing to reduce the calipher size of those street trees that will be planted on the western edge of the open space lot (along Grand Avenue) down to between 1 & 1/2" to 2". All the other street trees shall comply with the Town's specifications (2 & 1/2" to 3"). The Planning Board will reserve the right to re-inspect the smaller trees within one year of planting and to require their replacement if any should die within that period of time. With regard to the drainage, it appears that the drainage required by the bond estimate is necessary; therefore it cannot be waived. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, >~ennett Orlowski, Jr. ~ ~~c) Chairman OUTSTANDING ITEMS FOR MATTITUCK CREER ESTATES 1. Submission of final maps (5 paper prints and 2 mylars) all containing the following: a. A valid stamp of Health Department approval; b. A notation that a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has been filed, and an indication of the Liber and Page number. c. The "Open Space Easement" shown as part of Lot Number 1 is to re-labled as "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area." 2. Submission of six {6) revised Road and Drainage Plans. 3. Submission of a Draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, and acceptance of same by the Planning Board and Town Attorney. Upon acceptance, the Declaration must be filed in the office of the County Clerk., and a copy of the filed document must be submitted to the Planning Board. 2. Submission of a Letter of Credit, cash or a Performance Bond from a recognized bonding company, in the amount of the approved bond estimate, and acceptance of same by the Town Board. 3. Submission of the inspection fee, 4. Submission of the Park and Playground fee in the amount of $10,000. ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN~OARD 21 JANUARY 1~ 1992 C Mr. Jim Cohill - Mattituck Creek Estates, In my letter to you two weeks ago which Melissa told me you answered at a work session. I have two questions, one of them is on street trees, and the other was on the addition of 1500 more leaching pools that were called for on the survey by Young and Young and reviewed by my brother who is a civil engineer, graduate of Cornell. I'll go back seven years, I thought I purchased a farm in the middle of the suburbs. I was already surrounded on three sides by Mattituck suburbs of one lot and less property, and to the east was development rights to farms that had been sold so it was like a panoramic vista forever to the east I thought. In your latest plans you call for forty six trees on the perimeter of eighty percent of my property. Through negotiations, with this Planning Board, most of my land is now farm land. I looked around the north fork and I talked to a number of farmers and the last thing they want on farm land are trees at the end of a road. They can't turn their vehicles, they can't access a farm and they also think they cast a shadow on.the growing crops. So I think that the Board should probably reconsider the number of trees which would be fine in suburbia, but my farm is being turned back into a farm. You reduced the one acre lots to thirty thousand to thirty-four thousand square feet and I think Melissa said you people agreed that it is so overgrown on the western end of East Mill Road that street trees would be superfluous. In fact, I was over there cutting down some trees that got knocked down by Hurricane Bob. C Now, the leaching pool situation my brother went over and looked it over and we also met with Jamie Richter, the Town Engineer and we were quite puzzled that we are being asked to add leaching pools because my brother said what was recommended by Young and Young in the original survey was more then adequate to handle the run-of from any new houses that were put in on East Road. There already is an existing house there so he felt that the leaching pools would be capable of handling any run-off even from a major storm. My brother he asked a question, who really defines what is necessary? Is it your Town Engineer or do you people do it? What is the source of somebody saying that I have to spend this kind of major money for my five little lots on East Mill Road. There is a depression right now on the North Fork and I am part of it. Mr. Orlowski: Well, the Town Engineer makes that decision. Mr. Cohill: The Town Engineer is a very nice young man but he doesn't have the experience of Young and Young or my brother. My brother has done more sewer jobs in New York City than anybody on Long Island. I come from a long line of family who have done tunnel work and everything and I think we are talking about qualifications here and I think Jamie was the first one to admit that I am being asked to underwrite the overflow from the adjacent farm property to the North. I think it is just an undo thing when I have already, I mean, I have reduced my yield of lots on the property by one third and you further cut lot SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNI~OARD 22 JANUARY ~ 1992 C sizes so that eighty percent of my nineteen plus acres is now open farmland forever for the Town of Southold. So, I respectfully request that the Board think again about the kind of money you are making me spend and I don't think it is smart money for you or for me. Mr. Orlowski: Well, talking with Jamie, he still stands by his report. Mr. Cohill: He stands by his report. (Inaudible) But I am telling you that he says that his report is that the leaching thing that for water that cuts across from North to South. I was surprised when this gentlemen said that his property flows to the North because where I am the water flows from the North to the South. The Krupski's farm to my north just at the bottom part of my property going down towards the inlet, it crosses the road. Zn fact, I think there is a pipe down below me under the road now that handles the overflow. I just think it is an undo hardship to ask me to solve the Towns water problem that has been there for a hundred years. Mr. Orlowski: Alright, well we'll touch base with the Town Engineer. Mr. Cohill: Thank you, I would appreciate it. On the trees, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I'm sorry. Mr. Orlowski: Well, on the trees and the planting, basically we are leaving it in open space but adding a little greenery is not bad either and depending on whether you want to plant a different type of tree there, I don't know if the Board has a comment on them. Mr. Cohill: My understanding Mr. Chairman is that you grew up on a farm and I tell you I watch the guys on the tractors and they make the turn at the end of the field. You are reducing the possible farming on the field by putting the trees at the end. The tractors can't make the turn. It is simple logistics. Mr. Orlowski: Well, I grew up with those trees at the end of the farm, it is right on the Main Road. Mr. Cohill: At both ends?. Mr. Orlowski: Sometimes, it kind of keeps us off the road. I really don't think that. is a valid argument. Mr. Cohill: You don't think interfering with the farm vehicles? There are very few farms on the North Fork that have trees at the end of their rows of cultivation. My property is being turned back to a farm in the middle of suburbia and you are trying to play both ends against the middle here I feel. You are trying to be a farm and I'm surrounded by suburbia and SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNI~OARD 23 JANUARY ~ 1992 C you are treating my farm now like suburbia. The trees are just completely out of place. Mr. Orlowski: We'll take a look at it. Mr. Cohill: My suggestion was with the lots where there are no trees I can completely agree that it would make it look nicer. Along East Mill Road. Mr. Orlowski: Well, where there are trees now, we are not asking you to plant more. Mr. Cohill: No, but I mean up East Mill Road I can see why you would want nice trees if you were going to put homes along there but, where there are no homes it really in my opinion it would look nicer, I mean, I live in that house and I look eastward and it is awful nice to see that open farmland for about three or four miles. Mr. Ward: I may be confused, but I thought you sent a letter saying that you and I may well have confused it with another, but I thought you said there was someone interested in using it for nursery stock? Mr. Cohill: Yes. C Mr. McDonald: So they were thinking of growing trees there?. Mr. Cohill: Yes, in a hot house environment, container trees, ornamental shrubbery. Not big trees. Mr. McDonald: Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other questions for the Board? Mr. Schneider: I think we are going so fast that I didn't catch everything that was said. I heard something about Lot number three. Mr. Orlowski: If lot number three is subdivided in the future, the access to lot number two shall be incorporated with the access to the newly created lots. Mr. Schneider: In other words, that right-of-way that I presented Mr. Orlowski: Well, it could be a right-of-way going right over connecting three and two later on as a common right-of-way. Mr. Schneider: I thought that was what I had. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN~OARD 24 JANUARY ~ 1992 C Mr. Orlowski: You have a flag lot right now but, if it is subdivided in the future and you are going to have four lots here we may have to upgrade this road. Mr. Schneider: I see in other words, that might have to be made wider and so therefore it would be taken from lot number three. Mr. Orlowski: We would use that part of the flag lot, the flag part. Mr. Schneider: I see. Mr. Orlowski: Any other questions? ****x******:~**x****~*~:***~************ Mr. Tom Flatter: Here on behalf of Saltaire I have a few questions regarding the Matthews property in Mattituck. By the way, I understand it has been named Willow Run, is that correct? Mr. McDonald: The name has been changed in the last five minutes? Mr. Tom Flatter: I was just told that before. It was brought to my attention yesterday. Since back in 1988 we were having a C few discussions with you people regarding the location of the clustering and the access through Wave Crest Lane and down Oregon Road and so forth, and back in May of 1990 you came through with a redesign which pretty much met our requests exactly and we were really happy. It looks like it has been put back exactly as it was before that according to the correspondence I have got here, a little sketch map. Is this correct? Mr. Orlowski: Well, it was recommended that it go back that way. We haven't looked at what is before us now. Mr. McDonald: We haven't reviewed it yet, it is very fresh. It hasn't come up to our work session yet. Mr. Flatter: Four lots, that is all it shows so far. Everything has been moved back to the North. We don't have that southern access out of the development which is our biggest concern. I can show it to you if you would like. Mr. McDonald: It hasn't been brought up before the Board yet. Mr. Flatter: I am concerned why it has suddenly changed because again reviewing the files, about the only thing we saw was two letters of correspondence, one coming from the farm bureau which was a generality and it didn't mention the project specifically but it was in the file and it looked like it referred to it and I am going to say we have the utmost respect for farmers out here and so forth but I thought he was a little out of line. He ~~'C'` James H, Cohill 131 Awixa Avenue Bay Shore, Iv. Y. 11706 Dec, 29, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman planning Board Town of Southold P, 0. Box 1179 Southold, i. Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: 1 spoke to you recently about a nurseryman interested in pur- chasing my house and open space (Mattituck Creek Estates) to grow ornamental shrubbery. in discussing with him and his partner the possible planting of "street trees around the perimeter of my property, it was pointed out that it was inconsistent with the open-space, open. view p licies of your planning board to screen off the eastern farms least on Grand Avenue) so that ir. future years residents of the area would have their panoramic view blocked out by shade trees. r~urther, they pointed out that they did not consider it desirable to block the sun from the open. fields where they would be trying to maximize exposure to sunlight for growth. I met recently with the Town Engineering jnspector Richter and also pointed out to him that street trees would be unnecessary along the western edge of my property on $ast Mill Hd. because it is so overgrown with natural trees. '~rith the above in mind, I am respectfully requesting that you and your board review the attached list of items for bonding to see if perhaps 20 street trees planted in front of the 4 building lots that do not have trees would suffice. There is also the matter of the added leaching basins from the reco- mendation of my engineers, Young & Young who felt that the flun- off from my property would more than ade uately be taker, care of by two ten foot leaching pools, i'7r. ~ichter explained why he increased the number of leaching pools by 150% over the reees mmended number and that was to take care of the overflow from the property north of me on East Mill koad, My brother, Thomas w. Cohill, Civil Engineer, ~'ornell Graduate 1949, and with more sewer construction experience than anyone on Lor.~ Island,agrees with Young & Young's recommendation and considers it an anprese- dented influence by the Office of the Engineer to decide that my responsibilites for rainfall flow extend beyond my own property boundaries. In other words, why should I with my measly 6 lots on 19 + acres be required to finance the rainfall flow that has existed in that particular area for 100 years? R a ~ ~ is ~ - 11992 TOWN Bi0 BOARD Mr. Orlowski - i understand why the Town aims high on bonding a protect such as mine, but I respectfully request that it be reviewed and adJusted downward to reflect these factors: 1. 4~6 trees are r.ot required for reasons stated. 2. Two leaching pools are more than adequate. 3. Maintenance and protection of traffic in Jan/Feb. are unneccessary for a Job that estimates say will take three days or less. 4. Driveway aprons - greatly exaggerated and unable to be specific about location until property is sold and owners decide on plans. 5• adJust inspection fee accordingly. Thank you kindly for your consideration ar.d I will make myself available and with the professional assistance of my brother would very much like a chance to appear for a one-on-one meeting or with your board or with anyone you might designate. Thank you. Sincerely, ~ . Cam. ames H. Cohill ~S~FFUIK~~ ~G-. Y ~ t:AYP1U*1D L. J.1C0115 u-+ E'1. ~ ' SUPCRINTGCIDC:VT VF ~ ~ E;1G1@:GC:RI::C ttlcml:\YS ~Yp1 ra0 rasT~rcn~a 7vG-J14U ~'~ii1r•~'' 7o~-JU;u OPPLCP: OP '1'il'.'. ii.'~C.1?lfaR ' 'fU'.J:d Ut~' 5U11'LIIOLU Itvv 1. url P:I'II.'L;i.l: :=U, I'J'J I ISUNU PS'1'1:4.'c'1'I? i nl: M,A'f'1't'l'UCK CItP;h;l: f.5'1':A'CF.S 1T ,~IA'1"C1'1'UCI:, T~14i;: UP SUU'l'IIULD S(`t'PI ii 1000 lU7 - 111 - 02 111_73;1 t UAN'L•I'C1' IJICSCf:ll'"t_LUN UNIT 1'RICf A?IOUC:'C llR:\].Nr107?: 1. 2 I.A. C:YfCII L'AS1N3 - $ 3,500.00 $ 7,060.OG L56 V.I•'. L6:ACiiLNG IS:A5L:~5 (]u' 17) 300.00 'rri,S00.00 3. 130 L.F. L3" (-1 CNp 30. U0 5,400. G0 4. 100 S.Y. IIRLVPa,'Al' Al'ltUh;S 25.110 2,500.00 5. G00 S.Y. '1'Ul'SUIi. 2. Jt?I?U _>•OU 3,000.OU 6. 10 h:A. CUtJCRI:'CI{ ~h;;;U?1k1;'l'a 100.00 1,000.00 i . 4(i LA. 51'kGG'C 'f L2t:65 200.00 9 , 200. UU .i. Ju6 hlAlf.'C1:SACl; h: I'8u'l'l:Cl'lui: r)I~ 'I'I<:\PP l l: L.:i. 3,000. UU SUC-'TOTAL = :7 7 7 , `)OU. Ull I- t.'% 'L;dSI'1:C'I'ION PGF = 4 , 67 ~ . VU '1'0'1':11. _ $ B Y r % •1 . 0 U rr I',i l;c I o~ 1 p i S UIHOIDTUVrN ' ~ Pl r1NIfINC If0A1(0 ~ ~Tu4'~FrL-E hL5 LAW OFFICES PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. 616 ROANOKE AVENUE P. O. BOX 779 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 (516) 727-4900 PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. FAX (516) 727-7451 MICHAEL T. CLIFFORD OF COUN6EL ROBERT F. KOZAKIEWICZ December 5, 1991 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall - 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Major Subdivision - Mattituck Creek Estates (James Co hill) - SCTM #1000-107-1-2 Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed two Mylar and five paper prints of the final map, with Health Department date of approval of November 19, 1991, in connection with the above subdivision. Very truly yours, P TER S. DANOWSKI, JR. P SD: gsg Encls. HAND DELIVERED cc: James Cohill Young & Young, Surveyors D p~ - 51961 n NI ~~S~fFOLKCO ~~ce' RAYMOND L. JACOBS N T JAMES A. RICHTER ENGINEERING SUPERINTENDENT OF ~ HIGHWAYS ~~OI ~ .r1a~~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOVEMBER 25, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall - 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Mattituck Creek Estates (Major Subdivision) SCTM 1P 1000 - 107 - 1 - 2 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request, I have reviewed the revisions to the drainage plans for the above referenced Subdivision (Dated 10/31/91). The Drainage as proposed along the North West corner of the Site has been increased in accordance with my last report. I have found the remaining information on the drawings to be satisfactory with reguards to meeting the requirements of the Towns Highway Specifications. If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact my office at your convenience. 'ncerely, ames A. Ric ter, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs file ~ on~n: ~ 2 6 1991 i ~ ~i sourHOLO ro~r,~~.~ PLANNING RC4~,„ ' ''~~~~gpFFO(~ ~y PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS z SCOTT L. HARRIS p E', ~ ~ ~ Supervisor Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman - ~ George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~~~J'. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Richard G. Ward err ~ ,ti ;;7 P.O. Box 1 I79 Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE 19 Telephone (5l6) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (Sl6) 765-1823 No,;e,,.~oerZ 58, i~~) James Richter, Road Inspector Highway Department Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Richter: The Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following application for your review. Application Name:' /Ng-N-;~-~C~ Creek ~S-1z,~Ps Tax Map No.: 1000- 107-1-~- Street Location: /y1,7/ Bn~ ('~rc,n,l rz. Hamlet Location: /Yla Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated / / ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated / / ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated 1 ! ) ? Road Profiles (Dated ly / "31 /q~ ) _ Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated / / ) Other (Dated / / ) Sketch Site Plan (Dated / / ) Preliminary Site Plan (Dated / / ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated / / ) O/~ther (Dated / 1 ) Comments- ~aoaLc~iL ~r /L~p ~n~if y.Q~ ,n n~.x.a.,~J cIn A@.i ti Pt,L1_ V~_A X. nil ~ Contact Person: SS ~ Ylir~„y2~_ r • LAW OFFICES ~ PETER S. DANOWSKI, .JR. 616 ROANOKE AVENUE P. O. BOX 779 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 (516) 727-4900 PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. FAX (516) 727-7451 MICHAEL T. CLIFFORD OF COUNSEL ROBERT F. KOZAKIEWICZ November 12, 1991 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall - 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Re: Major Subdivision - Mattituck Creek Estates James Cohill (1000 - 107 - 1 - 2) Dear Mr. Orlowski: Pursuant to paragraph 3 of your letter of October 22, 1991 (copy enclosed), enclosed find six Road and Drainage Plans, last dated October 31, 1991. Ver truly yours, ~.P~x-G1J ~ .~l,~n-6w~. ~ a~ PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR, ~~11 P SD: g sg Encls. HAND DELIVERED cc: James H. Cohill Young & Young 5~ _ , SOUTHOLQ Tp4"[At - G ~ f~~ 0 PLANNING BOARD MF,M BFRS `j' SCU'IT L,. FIAR RIS Renne? Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman ~l oy`~~~`~~: ~~~~i~ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. d 7~~1 ~j Richard G. Ward ~ rr Town Hall. 53095 Main Road J~ r, ~.r~~" Mark S. McDmn;dd P.O. Box 1179 Kcnnc~h L. Edwards Southold, Ncw York 11471 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765.1438 TOWt`I OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 October 22, 1991 Peter S. Danowski, Jr. 616 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 779 Riverhead, New York 11901 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM#1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Danowski: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, October 21, 1991. WHEREAS, James Cohill is the owner of the property known and designated as 5CTM#1000-107-1-2, located on the southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Mill Road in Mattituck; and WHEREAS, this major subdivision, to be known as Mattituck Creek Estates, is for 6 lots on 19.122 acres; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8), Part 617, declared itself Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration on June 30, 1989; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said lot-line amendment application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on September 30, 1991; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; and be it therefore, ' ~ Page 2 Mattituck Creek Estates RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional final approval on the surveys dated August 13, 1991, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions. These conditions must be met within six (6) months of the date of this resolution. ,~1. Submission of a Draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions including all Covenants and Restrictions requested in the Planning Board's October 1, 1991 correspondence, and acceptance of same by the Planning Board and Town Attorney. Upon acceptance, the Declaration must be filed in the office of the County Clerk, and a copy of the filed document must be submitted to the Planning Board. 2. Submission of final maps (5 maps prints and 2 mylars) all containing the following: a. A valid stamp of Health Department approval; b. A notation that a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has been filed, and an indication of the Liber and Page number. c. The "Open Space Easement" shown as part of Lot Number 1 is to be re-labled as "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area." d. The actual building envelope, with the proper setbacks, is to be indicated for Lot 1. 3. Submission of six (6) Road and Drainage Plans revised in accordance with the Engineering Inspector's report dated September 10, 1991. 4. Submission of a Letter of Credit, cash or a Performance Bond from a recognized bonding company, in the amount of the approved bond estimate ($77,900.00), and acceptance of same by the Town Board. 5. Submission of the inspection fee in the amount of $4,674.00. Page 3 Mattituck Creek Estates b. Submission of the Park and Playground fee in the amount of $10,000.00 Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, 0~,, Bennett Orlowski, Jr ""5 Chairman ~ -(P~Fi (_4_ LAW OFFICES PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. 616 ROANOKE AVENUE P. O. BOX 779 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 (516) 727.4900 PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. FAX (516) 727-7451 MICHAEL T. CLIFFORD OF COUNSEL ROBERT F. KOZAKIEWICZ October 28, 1991 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Melissa Re: Mattituck Creek Estates at Mattituck (James H. Cohill) Dear Melissa: In connection with the above major subdivision, enclosed find six paper prints of the final road and drainage plan and six paper prints of the Map of Mattituck Creek Estates, last dated October 23, 1991. Please confirm when everything is in order so that we may have the final Mylar prints restamped by the Health Department. Very truly yours, PE ER S. DANOWSKI, JR. P SD:gsg Encls. Hand Delivered Also cnc ~osec4 ~ cokes o~ C } ~ . +I OCT 2 9 ~gg~ L ~ SOUTHOl;7 F©s!+t~ t ~_strn'G •:qD i DECLARATION OF COL'ENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS Ma;or Su4division Mai of M,attituck Creek Estates i ! LAW OPF~CES PETER 5. DANOWSKI, JR. $16 ROANOHE AVENUE P.O. Boz 779 RIVERH EAD, NY u9oi ~ ~ i UfiCLARATION OF COVENANTS NAND RF,S'P12ICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made the ~ 6 day of October, 1991, by JAMES H. COHILL, residing at 131 South Awir.a Ave. , [say Shore, New York 11706, Declarant. WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Nnw York, more particularly bounded and described as set forL-h in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, as provided by the Declarant, and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the grantiny of a subdivision application entitled, "Major Subdivision - Mat-tituck Creek Estates", by resolution dated October 1, 1991, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and as a condition o[ grantiny said approval, the 'Ibwn of Southold Vlanniny t3oard has required thaC Chc within D~~claraCion be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and Dist.: 1000 WiirREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and Sec.: determined that same will be in L-hc best- inter.=st of the 107 Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel, 61ock: 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WI'PNESSE'PH: Lot: TIIAT Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the iutcantions above expres>;c~c3, dons hereby make known, admits, publishes, covenants and agrees that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which slcall run with the land ?nd shal.L be bindiny upon a.l.;l purchasers and holders of said premises, th^ir heirs, executors, loyal representatives, distributees, successors, and assiRRgns,~ltRo wit: o LS ~ 1'J LS rtl~; 2 ~ SGUTNGLDTOWN PIANNWG BOARD ~ , . 1. '1'hurc shall. Lu: no l.urthc:r suladivi.r:.ion of any let in l,,:rl,ctully. '1'I,u .,ru.t ut, llt.: ::ululiv Lc:iun w.tl, rl.::; i~lu~it. ucl "N,ilur .il V.:,JC[etion I<r:runciun I-ful Ler" .Ls rlusi.,lu.tcc:d as such Co protr_'c[ the ::tecp sloped areas of the site: from unnecessary erosion. 'i'li:is area shall remain in iCs natural state. maintenance of this natural. vcgc:t~rtion ::ha1:L be Lhr: only u::c ut: acl i v Lt y :tl Luwrrl. '1'lic use and rlcvr:loputctnt ul: Cllc Lx~rtiou uC l.oC th.,t is cicc:ignulud "Ayri.cultur,al Itescrvr~ l:,t_:.:rucnt Arun" w.LLl forever be lustr.ictcd to :>uwe ur .,L1 ul the lu:Lluwiug: f: atnnirn~ opcrrttious and acCivilic:; (i.ncludin0 :;oil prcl,,tr,~l ion, cuttiv,ttiun, f~r~iLi;:at.i~n, irtillafion, I,v:-:C C.,nt rul, an..l rlt ,tin, u)u cunLt„I) .lull .u,y ul lu•Y nuunal ,ut.l cu_:tuntaty f,.umin,l r,l,ut,.tiwts; .uul tl,.: use ul I:utw v,:li.i.clus curl c,luLl,mcul rn cunncct.iuu tPti:crn;i t It, .ti 1 <ts ricsulncrl .t nit i.ntr:ndud Co l,rowotc ar.cl cnh,uu;u ,uJr.i.culCUntl pr:uducCi.c,n cnc:owpassinq the l,cuclu,_r ion fur conuncrcia~l. j',ur[,p::C:: iJt Licl.l cruf, (i.ni.lu,lin,l withrtut. ]imil,.tt.iun, ,:.~iu, wltu,,l, u,,1'.: ryr.;, tra[lcy, I,.ry, I:ttit,ttuc:: ,.uul ,Jty L;~:,u,::): lruil.: (inclu..liu.l wi.Llnxtt .LLmI[.uCiun, .~~y~l.a, I,uaultu:: ,J i.,In:::, ,•Itcr t' i~::: ,.tint I~ct r.i.r:::) : vc,Jct ,,Llr:s l i utr.l urJ i.u,J aritlwut. liwiCtttiun, tunialocs, t:n,.tl~ Ixans, c:,ubuyu, c~trro[s, I-~cct.s, cnuliClow~r, brouculx and union::); hpr'ticu:Leur<tl specialt.Les (includi.n~,] withuuC ] unit:ic ion, uur::cry sCOOk, orn;tm~_:utal slirut,:; :,nc1 utn.uu,~ut..,l rrc,::: .uul Ll~,w,:r:•l; ,tu,l ,tll i;tln~r I,trw l,ru~lui:l L) open faL_low; c) opcrati.ons cncumpassLny 1.ivusl:ocL: Muni livestocl: l,rocluct:: (incLudin,J c,tttlc, ::Iwr:l,, ,]pal's, liorscr; t,nrl peel e r y) wlt i ch .u luwtd acc.:l,t .,L l.: .turf re,,~un~,L Ly uccr:ss,try l,y tftc Pl.uutiny !ward .,nrl 4rlticlt uru ::u1;Jcr.t tri .ipl,r uva.l by the t'luuni ncJ Uu,tf rl; dl land:;cal,cd, wpodcd areas wieh Lanc: wal{:ways, foot pul: Pl::, J-iOhdS Ur hrpu}:~ arld 1~CC rC., I-lpllill a1 Ca5 fOr _z_ ! ! . compatihlc rcr.rcat.ional usus, which arc found acceptable and reasonably nee;essary by the Planning board and which are subject to approval by the Ylanniny Board. 4, 'I'hc followi.uq :~L,all. be ~+dhr:rcd C.o on t-hc ngri.cul.tural Reserve L:asement nrca [or Chc purpose oC ma.LntaLuinc~ said premises in its current condition fo> continued agricultural production and to prevent the degradation or loss of the aesthetic open space value of said premises: a) It steal]. be managed in accordance with the r;onscrvatLon plan developed by nc~ :;oil Coriservril ion ;lervicr• Lur 1. l,i. p;u~r..cular: proln;Cty, and shall. remain in compliance with a.L1 updates of Lire report. 1'hc Planning Hoard shall have the riy_ht to require updated reports when deemed necessary. b) No regrading shall be conducted thereon; the natural. contours Chcrcol' :;hai"I. remain genural]y undisturbed and no 1`i-11. or spoil shall be tilacc_d thcr.con. c) No top ::oil, loam, sand, stone, yrervcl, rock or mineral„ sha~L]. be excavated or rcmovcd thcrclrom~or placed c.hereon. d) I'ann.inrr I,r•rcCiccs :;Ir..rl.l be sucl, Lli.,t. erosion uC the land is minimi•r.ed and is in accordance with the standards of. the Soil Conservation Manayentont flan, and not:hinq shall be permitted to occur thereon which would result i.n increased erosion of said premises. c) No stri~cts, rua<lways or other righCS of way for non-fcuwing vchicu:Lar use sh~rll lu: cun:;tnu;ccd or: cJ r..utCUd thcrcou. E) Except as may be rec;uired for reasons of irrigation, drainage, sanitation or disease control, no trees, plants or other vegetation located thereon, shall be F:i]1ed destroyed, cu L- or rcmovcd therefrom. y) Nu dumping, placcuu.nt, storage or horning of nny liquid ur: :;o.Lid waste, yarbayo, ashes, sawdust, trash, rubbish, refuse or other toxic, hazardous, objectionable, unsightly or oEfensivc material shall be pcr:mitLCd nn or wi.tltin Lhc sai.cJ premises. h) 'I'P,e said premises will forever he kept open dnd free of all r,igns, hill boards or ot:hcr I:orrns of visua.L advcrti~z•mcnt or display. i) 'Pemporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed or erected with.tn or upon the said premise:: without: Planning l.loard ~ipl,rova]. structures -3- _ _ ~ . i (iucludiny, 1,uC not ]_imiCvd Ci, fc:ncc::) or lnri.ldi.ng:; which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said prcmi.ses Lot bonaPi.dc agricultural production may be .cllowed, subjcc% to L~Lnnnin~l Liuard approval. j) FtuC~cil :;nle:; :;hill] be reo-:lricCc:ci l~; Uie ::a1c. of item:: l.uuduci,d on tltc property, and s;haLl be sui,jccc Lo Planning Board approval. 5. The Declarants reserve the right to the exclusive use and ho:arasion of Clu: area known n the A,lriculkurnl Rcrc:rvr: h.i:,~•nunil /u ~•,i, l u 1 hu ur.l uul uul i un~,i~~. i::l cut. wi 1 h 1 Ln i:uvunauC~: ,lu~a resCr;icCiun? frcrcin~.tLuvc _:e C. LurClt; quid Declarants may exclude the ycncral public or any designated person or persons .From the use of or cntr:y upon the said Agricultural Reserve L•'asement, except that the Town shall have the continuing right to .inspect the said area to the c:;tent reasc~natrly r.cyui.red t.o monitor cc,m1:,liance with Chc covenants, ccnus and In:ovisions hcrcot, crud to a:;~,urc thet such covcnnnrs, Corms and provision:: h.rn~ noC bc:cn vtolated, r;uclr iu::pccCi.on Co be aC rc.u>unabLr_ t'.-rocs. 6. These covenants and restrictions eau bc: modified only aC the request of the then owner of the premises with the .vpprov,tl o!' a majoriL-y plus one of. Chc Planning Board of rho 'Town of ':uuChold, or it:, succ:u:;,;ur body, ,i1Cc r l~ub ir. hest ing. Adjuiui.n,~ prupcrl:y ~ronnu:: :;fc,rll L,a enCil led to notice of ~:uch public': hcariny, tart their consent to such modiLication shall not: be required. I:n addition to Chc rights of ul-hcr. parCies to enforce ehc condi.Cion::, ;uul r:csCri.ctions of Ui~:s,~ cc,vc:nanCS etc Planning Lioer:d shall also have the aurhori.ty, Chrrnulh apl:u.~opriatc Icga1 ~u,:tion and after due noCice to Chc Declarants, their. heirs, executors, lcg<:rl reprce:cnt.<,ti.ves, distributees, successors, and assigns;, Co enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants. IN W1'1'NiiSS WIIIiRI:OF, the Decl.arnnt hn:; Li:•r.eunCo e:eC hi:: hand and seal. Chc day rind year above written. i. ~71\ S I I. C O I1 I L L _q_ ~ _ i STATE OF NE44 YORK ) ) S v . COUN'PY OF SUFI'OLK ) On this day of October, 1991, before me person- ally came JAMES H. COHILL, owner of certain real property located on Mill Road and Crand Avenue, Mattituck, New York, the subject property covered by Ch is Declaration; thnL' Pin did ce•ad the above D e.cLaration of Covenants and Restriction:; and undersCands its contents; that he did swear to me that he executed the same. Notary Public GAIL S. DOSS Notary Public, Stale 5 2Nmw YoAc No.52.66o County q'~ OuaGfis>i In S~ Jan, 31,191 Comtaisspn Fag+ _ ~ _ ~ October 24, 1991 Suggested pcscr.iption Perimeter "M<<tt-ituck Creek. E:_:tatec;° .~f M.i l:liluck, '1'uwn of :h.nr f.huld, Gu1'I~ulk CuunCy, IJ ~.-w Yurk. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, To4m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: bIiCINLJING at the intersection of the westurLy ~idc: of Crand Avenue and the southerly side of Mill Road; RUNNING thence frorn said point of beginning along the westerly side of Grand Avenue the following two (2) courses and distances: {1) South 27 deg. 45 min. 19 sec. Last 844.48 feet; (2) :,oath 29 deg. 18 mi.n. 53 sec. West 5u1.9u feet to land now or formerly Eugene O. Graf; 12UNtJIWG thence North 25 deg. 22 min. 59 sec. West along land now or formerly Eugene O. Graf 173.56 feet to the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly Eugene O, Graf; I:UNIJINC thence South G1 deg. 17 win. 31 sec. West along land now or fo nnerly Eugene o. Grat, along land now or formerly Florence Paulak, and along land now or fornwrly William „nd licrttr~ l.uw~ndc,~ki. ~ISU.~~'~ feet to land now or tonnerly Ellen M. black Guytnn; RUNNIPJG thence North 25 deg. 11 min. 39 sec. West along land now or formerly Ellen M. Black Cuyton and along land now or formerly Elizabeth V. Fox 1022.9"l. feet to the southerly side of t4i11 Road; 1UNlJ1NG thence along the southerly side of Milt Road tlic fol.lowiny thr~~ (3) courses and di•.ctunces: (1) North 55 deg. 56 min. 51 sec. East 2.83 feet; (2) North 61 deg. 31 min. 51 sec, East 258.29 feet; (3) North 70 deg. U6 min. 41 sec, East 543.28 feet to the westerly side of Grand Avenue and the point or place of beginning. COtJ'PAINIIJG an area of 19.1220 acres. ' ~ is .III/ OC,1~~~n~~~n. / pG , ! ' o PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~ pTp = ' SCOTT L. HAKRIS Rcnncu Orlnwxki, Jr., ('bairm:m 4n f ` tiupcrvi+or (icorgc Ritc'hic L:uham. Jr. ,1~~n _s~M ~ ~a4ri , Itich:uJ G. \V and ~ x; T 'hewn II;III, S1U'/S M:un I<~~ad M:uA S. hlrlhnrJJ V' U. Hux 1174 K cunrlh I_ Lrl w:u J. SuW huIJ. Ncw Ym4. 11971 PLANNING BOARD UI~FLCG 'frlrphunr 15 161 71 5-1938 TOWN Of SOU'1'I-IOLD fax 1516) 71i5-I%?1 OcCobcr 1., 1.`1`11 Pctcr Danowski, Jr. G1G Roanoke Avenue Y.O. Box 774 Riverhead, New York 11901 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SC'PMU 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Danowski: The following took place at the meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on September 30, 1991: '1'hc final public hearing, which was held at 7:30 P.M., was closed. The Planning Board required a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions as defined in the enclosed "Agricultural Reserve L'asement Area." Such Declaration is to be submitted to the Planning Board for review. Be it RESOLVED to adopt the Engineering Inspector's report dated September 10, 1991. Maps revised in accordance with the report must be submitted to this office. Bc iY_ RESOLVED to adopt L-hc bond estirn~rte dated as revised September. 20, 1.991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. This bond estimate is L-o take the place of the bond estimate adopted by the Town Board on March 13, 1991. The current bond estimate is in the amount of $77,900, with an inspection fee in the amount of $4,674.00. The Board requested that the following revisions be made to the final map: _ _ _ . Page 2 Mattituck Creek Estates 1. The "Open Space Easement" shown as part of Lot Number 1 i.s to be re-labeled as "Agricultural Rescrvc Easement. Area." 2. The actual building envelope, with proper setbacks, i.s to be indicated for Lot 1. The general building envelope shown of 33,965 square f.cet is not acceptable. Please contact this offi.cc if you h:rvc ~uiV ~irrcr.tinn:: r rr7~, r<1 i nr~ t hr ,r l,u v,• . Very truly yours, -~r f " ,,~~a~rl~c'! ~~~[r~%,.r~.~. 11 Dennett Orlowski, Jr. ""j Chairman cncls. ( l t~~'rt~~ W '~^o G ~ , :a A PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ' ~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman ~ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward x ' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1 179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 l;C~abz~rc ~`l , i ci ~ James Richter, Road Inspector Highway Department Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Richter: The Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following application for tyour review. Application Name: Mct }'{"i~~G- ~Pel,k G~'4'a~?<. Tax Map No.: 1000- 7 - I - Street Location: IY1~lI ~,,.a I ;.,~..r h,iF~n~~- Hamlet Location: /Yl-,-(}~},,cK Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated / / ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated / / ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated / 1 ) Road Profiles (Dated / / ) Grading and Drainage Plans ( Dated I(v / 23 /a l ) Other (Dated / / ) Sketch Site Plan (Dated / / ) Preliminary Site Plan (Dated / / ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated / / ) Other (/D~ated / / ) Comments: rIJ AUa}~Dn;4- 'n^CY.p~_6 ~;~.i~tf:~.~Y ~X.<t r?2/~ r~i?U,~L Contact Person: ~~r~.~t5~/J~~+l'r) ~oSOFFOt,~ ~Gy o ~ < PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ti ty. 2 SCOTT L. HARRIS i. ~iE ~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~~E ® " ~ Supervisor George Ri[chie Latham, Jr. o a~ l ~ ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Richard G. Ward _ Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 October 22, 1991 Peter S. Danowski, Jr. 616 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 779 Riverhead, New York 11901 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM#1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Danowski: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, October 21, 1991. WHEREAS, James Cohill is the owner of the property known and designated as SCTM#1000-107-1-2, located on the southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Mill Road in Mattituck; and WHEREAS, this major subdivision, to be known as Mattituck Creek Estates, is for 6 lots on 19.122 acres; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8), Part 617, declared itself Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration on June 30, 1989; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said lot-line amendment application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on September 30, 1991; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; and be it therefore, i ~ Page 2 Mattituck Creek Estates RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional final approval on the surveys dated August 13, 1991, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions. These conditions must be met within six (6) months of the date of this resolution. 1. Submission of a Draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions including all Covenants and Restrictions requested in the Planning Board's October 1, 1991 correspondence, and acceptance of same by the Planning Board and Town Attorney. Upon acceptance, the Declaration must be filed in the office of the County Clerk, and a copy of the filed document must be submitted to the Planning Board. 2. Submission of final maps (5 maps prints and 2 mylars) all containing the following: a. A valid stamp of Health Department approval; b. A notation that a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has been filed, and an indication of the Liber and Page number. c. The "Open Space Easement" shown as part of Lot Number 1 is to be re-labled as "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area." d. The actual building envelope, with the proper setbacks, is to be indicated for Lot 1. 3. Submission of six (6) Road and Drainage Plans revised in accordance with the Engineering Inspector's report dated September 10, 1991. 4. Submission of a Letter of Credit, cash or a Performance Bond from a recognized bonding company, in the amount of the approved bond estimate ($77,900.00), and acceptance of same by the Town Board. 5. Submission of the inspection fee in the amount of $4,674.00. Page 3 Mattituck Creek Estates 6. Submission of the Park and Playground fee in the amount of $10,000.00 Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, 0~' r Bennett Orlowski, Jr 'O'S Chairman ~tICI~/G&._ Ps-/C'f ~i~f o5~FF0iKC0 JUDITH T. TERRY ~ iG Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ~ = P.O. Box 1179 REC1sTRnR of vlTnL sTnT[sTtcs N ~ Southold, New York 11971 MARRiAOE OFFICER yQ~, Q~' Teleph ne (5166576821801 .~1 ~ ya OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 8, 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the revised amount of $77,900.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the major subdivision of "Mattituck Creek Estates", all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and James A. Richter, Engineering Inspector. Judith T. TerrFj/~Y~ Southold Town Clerk October 10, 1991 u ~~~aa~ ~ rr, ocr i i j~sj U SOUTFIOLl1 TOWN PLANNING 80ARD ~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS " ~ ~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman _ Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~ Richard G. Ward ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'Fax (516) 765-1823 October 1, 1991 Peter S. Danowski, Jr. 616 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 779 Riverhead, New York 11901 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Danowski: The following took place at the meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on September 30, 1991: The final public hearing, which was held at 7:30 P.M., was closed. The Planning Board required a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions as defined in the enclosed "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area." Such Declaration is to be submitted to the Planning Board for review. Be it RESOLVED to adopt the Engineering Inspector's report dated September 10, 1991. Maps revised in accordance with the report must be submitted to this office. Be it RESOLVED to adopt the bond estimate dated as revised September 20, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. This bond estimate is to take the place of the bond estimate adopted by the Town Board on March 13, 1991. The current bond estimate is in the amount of $77,900, with an inspection fee in the amount of $4,674.00. The Board requested that the following revisions be made to the final map: • Page 2 Mattituck Creek Estates 1. The "Open Space Easement" shown as part of Lot Number 1 is to be re-labeled as "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area." 2. The actual building envelope, with proper setbacks, is to be indicated for Lot 1. The general building envelope shown of 33,965 square feet is not acceptable. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, ~~~~~v~~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr, i~'~n~ Chairman encls. "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area" ^ovenants and Restrictions for Mattituck Creek Estates The following covenants and restrictions shall be included in proper legal form in a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions which must be filed prior to final approval of the subdivision. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said. premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns. 1. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. The area on the subdivision map designated "Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer" is designated as such to protect the steep sloped areas of the site from unnecessary erosion. This area shall remain in its natural state. Maintenance of this natural vegetation shall be the only use or activity allowed. 3. The use and development of the portion of Lot 1 that is designated "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area" will forever be restricted to some or all of the following: a) farming operations and activities (including soil preparation, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, and drainage control) and any other normal and customary farming operations; and the use of farm vehicles and equipment in connection therewith, all as designed and intended to promote and enhance agricultural production encompassing the production for commercial purposes of field crops (including without limitation, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes and dry beans); fruits {including without limitation, apples, peaches, grapes, cherries and berries); vegetables (including without limitation, tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli and onions); horticultural specialties (including without limitation, nursery stock, ornamental shrubs and ornamental trees and flowers); and all other farm products; b) open fallow; c) operations encompassing livestock and livestock products (including cattle, sheep, goats, horses and poultry) which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning Board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board; d) landscaped, wooded areas with lanes, walkways, foot paths, ponds or brooks and recreational areas for compatible recreational uses, which are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning board and which are subject to approval by the Planning Board. 4. The following shall be adhered to on the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area for the purpose of maintaining said premises in its current condition for continued agricultural production and to prevent the degradation or loss of the aesthetic open space value of said premises: a) It shall be managed in accordance with the conservation plan developed by the Soil Conservation Service for this particular property, and shall remain in compliance with all updates of the report. The Planning Board shall have the right to require updated reports when deemed necessary. b) No regrading shall be conducted thereon; the natural contours thereof shall remain generally undisturbed and no fill or spoil shall be placed thereon. c) No top soil, loam, sand, stone, gravel, rock or minerals shall be excavated or removed therefrom or placed thereon. d) Farming practices shall be such that erosion of the land is minimized and is in accordance with the standards of the Soil Conservation Management Plan, and nothing shall be permitted to occur thereon which would result in increased erosion of said premises. e) No streets, roadways or other rights of way for non-farming vehicular use shall be constructed or granted thereon. f) Except as may be required for reasons of irrigation, drainage, sanitation or disease control, no trees, plants or other vegetation located thereon, shall be killed destroyed, cut or removed therefrom. g) No dumping, placement, storage or burning of any liquid or solid waste, garbage, ashes, sawdust, trash, rubbish, refuse or other toxic, hazardous, objectionable, unsightly or offensive material shall be permitted on or within the said premises. h) The said premises will forever be kept open and free of all signs, bill boards or other forms of visual advertisement or display. i) Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall not be placed or erected within or upon the said premises without Planning Board approval. Structures ~ • (including, but not limited to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed, subject to Planning Board approval. j) Retail sales shall be restricted to the sale of items produced on the property, and shall be subject to Planning Board approval. 5. The Declarants reserve the right to the exclusive use and possession of the area known as the Agricultural Reserve Easement Area, to the extent not inconsistent with the covenants and restrictions hereinabove set forth; and Declarants may exclude the general public or any designated person or persons from the use of or entry upon the said Agricultural Reserve Easement, except that the Town shall have the continuing right to inspect the said area to the extent reasonably required to monitor compliance with the covenants, terms and provisions hereof, and to assure that such covenants, terms and provisions have not been violated, such inspection to be at reasonable times. 6. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, or its successor body, after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing, but their consent to such modification shall not be required. 7. In addition to the rights of other parties to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants, the Planning Board shall also have the authority, through appropriate legal action and after due notice to the Declarants, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns, to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these covenants. ~SUFFDI~- ~~~~~,u~ ~:T RAY;fOND L. JACOBS t~P Ks; ' s, JA:fES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF ~ " ~"f ~ ENGI:QEERNG HIGHWAYS ~~0~ INSPECTOR 1 x} 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGNEER TOWDi OF SOL'THOLD SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 MR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN - PLANNING BOARD TOWN HALL, 53095 hL4IN R0:\D SOUTHOLD, NESJ YORK 11971 RE: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES (h]AJOR SUBDIVISION) SCThS ll 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request I have reviewed the maps & plans for the above referenced subdivision. The drainage designed for "fill Road to the north of the site indicates a tributary area that splits the existing road down its centerline. During the last rainfall I visited the site and noticed that the water running down the north side of Mill Road also crossed over to the south side before the proposed Catch Basin location. It should also be noted that future driveways for the building areas on lots 1&2 may also contribute to the runnoff due to the existing contours of the site. It is therefore recommended that the number of Leaching Pools be increased from 2 to 5 pools. The size of the pools should be as indicated on the plan. (10'-0" Dia. x 12'-0" Deep). The drainage designed for Grand Avenue on the south east corner of the site is satisfactory. Concrete Monuments should also be placed at all locations where new Property Lines intersect with existing Town Roads. I have revised the Bond Estimate accordingly and have enclosed a copy for your use. _ . If you have any questions or require any additional information concerning the above, Please contact my office. in~ercly,/~ / ~ ~lCc ~ ' ~[~~l ~ c ,'J:unes A.-Ricli er, I.. A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs ~ file ~ / / _ -...r---~----~'-~ h w~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ sa S~FFatK RAYMOND L. JACOBS can [i' rn JAP1E5 A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS O~y O~ INSPECTORNG ~~1 x~ 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE HNGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Revised SEPTrMBER 20,1991 BOND ESTI`fATE FOR MATTITUCK CREEK HSTA'FES AT MATTITUCK, TOF(N OF SOUTHOLD SCTM 11 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITEM UANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DRAINAGE• 1. 2 EA. CATCH BASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 2. 156 V.F. LEACHING BASINS (10' Q~) 300.00 46,500.00 3. 180 L.F. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEWAY APRONS 25.00 2,500.00 5. 600 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 5.00 3,000.00 6. 10 EA. CONCRETE MONUPIENTS 100.00 1,000.00 7. 46 EA. STREET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 8. Job MAINTENANCE S PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 77,900.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = 4, 6 7 4. 0 0 TOTAL = $ 82,574.00 Page 1 of 1 i .ELI ~ i L f j ~ S UiHOLD TOWN ' PLANNING80ARD t , . ~OS FFDL~~©G414 U ti car ~ ` t " ^ C PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~y E'"'xry~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman t~ ~ ~ ,tea Supervisor Geor a Ri[chie Latham, 1r. c~h Richard G. Ward ` Town Hall, 53095 Main Roac Mark S. McDonald ~~xar. P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOTJTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 SOUTHOLD T:;=~ PLANNING BOARII" MINUTES SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 Present were: Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman G. Richie Latham Richard Ward Kenneth Edwards Mark McDonald Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner C Melissa Spiro, Planner Holly Perrone, Secretary Jane Rousseau, Secretary Mr. Orlowski: Good evening, I would like to call this meeting to order. First order of business is to set Monday, October 21, 1991 at 7:30 p.m, at the Southold Town Ha11, Main Road, Southold as the time and place for the next regular Planning Board Meeting. Mr. Latham: So moved. Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded, Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. McDonald, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ward, Mr. Orlowski. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Final Subdivisions t ° ~ ~ I - i Mr. Orlowski: 7:30 p.m. Mattituck Creek Estates (James Cohill) This major subdivision is for six lots on 19.1220 acres located on the southwest corner of Mill Road and Grand _ PLANNING BOARD ~ 2 SEPTEMBER 3~ 1991j C Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM # 1000-107-1-2. We have proof of publication in both the local papers and at this time everything is in order for a final hearing. I'll ask if there are any objections to this subdivision? Hearing none, are there any endorsements of this subdivision? Hearing none, is there anyone out there neither pro nor con but may have information pertaining to this subdivision that would be of interest to the Board? Hearing none, any questions from the Board? Board: No questions. Mr. Orlowski: O.K., hearing no further questions, we have a Engineering Report, I'll entertain a motion to adopt it. Mr. Ward: So moved. Mr. Edwards: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Ward, Mr. Edwards, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Latham, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: We have the bond estimate. Mr. Ward: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution. RESOLVED to adopt the bond estimate dated as revised September 20, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Hoard. This bond estimate is to take the place of the bond estimate adopted by the Town Board on March 13, 1991. The current bond estimate is in the amount of $77,900, with an inspection fee in the amount of $4,674.00. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Latham, Mr. Ward, Mr. McDonald. Mr. Edwards, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: The Board would also like to see some revisions to the map: ` 1. The "Open Space Easement" shown as part of Lot Number one is to be re-labeled as "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area." PLANNING BOARD • 3 SEPTEMBER ~ 1991 1 ~ ~ C 2. The actual building envelope, with proper set-backs, is to be indicated for Lot one. The general building envelope shown of 33,965 square feet is not acceptable. The Planning Board is also requiring a declaration of Covenants and Restriction for the Agricultural Reserve Easement area. A copy of these covenants and restrictions will be in the office for anyone to take a look at. They will be available tomorrow morning. That is all I have here, I'll entertain a motion to close this hearing. Mr. Latham: So moved. Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. **********************r~**:*x*****~***** Mr. Orlowski: 7:35 - Baxter/Terp - This proposed lot line change is to subtract 8,352 square feet of land from a 121,051 square foot parcel and to add it to a 28,550 square foot parcel located on the east side of Griffing Avenue and State Road 25 in Cutchogue. SCTM # 1000-102-5-9.3. We have proof of publication in both the local papers. At this time I'll ask if there are any objections to this lot line change? Hearing none, are there any endorsements? Richard J. Cron: On behalf of the applicant. In the light of the fact that all required documents have now been submitted to this Board, I would move on behalf of the applicant that the application be approved as submitted. .Mr. Orlowski: O.K., any other endorsements? Hearing none, is there anyone out there neither pro nor con but may have information pertaining to this application that might be of interest to the Board? Hearing none, any questions from the Board? Board: No questions. Mr. Orlowski: Being there are no further questions, I'll entertain a motion to close the hearing. Mr. McDonald: I make a motion to close this hearing. Mr. Latham: Second. ' h~O~~kJ,~fD(q-COGS o ~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ti ~ Z SCOTT L. HARRIS a- ~ Supervisor Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman 0~``~ ~ - George Ritchie Latham. Jr. -Tf~ ~~J,,t~ Richard G. Ward ~F~¢~' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York t 1971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 October 1, 1991 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: Major Subdivision Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM# 1000-107-1-Z Dear Mrs. Terry: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held on Monday, September 30, 1991. BE IT RESOLVED to adopt the bond estimate dated as revised September 20, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. This bond estimate is to take the place of the bond. estimate adopted by the Town Board on March 13, 1991. The current bond estimate is in the amount of $77,900.00, with an inspection fee in the amount of $4,674.00. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, ~JJo~~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~S Chairman Encl. Bond Estimate o~05~FFOlk~oGy ~ ~E~ tin rn JAMES A. RICHTER RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF Q ~ ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~~OI ~~Oe" INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Revised SEPTEPIBER 20,1991 BOND ESTIMATE FOR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM fl 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DRAINAGE: 1. 2 EA. CATCH BASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 2. 156 V.F. LEACHING BASINS (10' 0) 300.00 46,800.00 3. 180 L.F. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEWAY APRONS 25.00 2,500.00 5. 600 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 5.00 3,000.00 6. 10 EA. CONCRETE MONUMENTS 100.00 1,000.00 7. 46 EA. STREET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 Job MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 77,900.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = 4,674.00 TOTAL = $ 82,574.00 Page 1 of 1 S UTHOIDTOriN PLANNINGBOaRD ~ arasTC AF YEW YO81ls ~...w ..morn Botu, and by land now a formerly d north by land now or formerly of _ Ellen M BLck Guytan; an the weft Jams Gamton atsd wift; w the east LEGALNOT(C8 by land now a formerly o[ I]izabeth aide by a private rod; an the mouth by Narfca e[Pablie Haaretg V. Foz. Rocky Ledge Inc.; on the went by ks - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [hu 7:35 P.M. Finil approvil for the lot Fishers Islad Sound Went Harbor: the pursuant to Section 276 of the Hne change for Baztcr/Terp n 7:45 P.M. Final approvil for the la Town Lw, • public heatiatg will be - Cutchogue, is the Town d Southold, line change for Porter dt Mary Gms pBf s held by the Strudsoid Ttnae Planning Courtly of Suffolk and the State o[ and Michael Laughlin on Fishers (y OI Board, at tha Town Hall, Main Rod, New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Island, in the Town of Sonthol8, Southold, New Yok is said Town on Number. 1000-f 02-5-9.3. County of Sutfalk and the Snte d ~ hkh the 30th day d September 1991 on The progeny is bordered on [he New York. Suffolk Cotmty Tu Map ed )0 the quenion d dse followog: rartheau by land now or fortnedy of Number. 1000.2-1-I5.1 d< 16. 7:30 P.M. Final approval of the North Street Realty; on the east by The propetty is bordered on the lake major subdivision for Mattituck land saw or fomtedy d Stanlry 6. k north by land now or formerly of gy Of Creek Estaw looted K Mattituck, in Helen B. Case; on the southeastby Charles 7. Harringan; on the nonh- the Town d Saathdd, Crory of Suf• Main Rwd (N.Y.S. 27); on the aauth nu by a prune road; on the south- foik and the Stage. d Nsvr York. Suf• by land now or formerly of Richard wt by a private rwd; on the awth- folk County Tax Map Number. 1000- Cron; on the southwest by Griffing moat by ¦ privae mad. L07-1.2. Street; on the northwest o[ School Any penan desiring to be heard on 7 The property is botched on the House Lane. the above maser shouid appear at the nosh by Mill Rad; on the ranhwt 7:40 P.M. Finil approval Eor the la time and place specified. by Raeve Road; on dte southeast by line change for Porter J. and Mary Dated: September 13, 1991 Grand Avenue, by land now or for- Goss an Fishers Island, N the Town BY ORDER OF THfi merly of Eugane O. Gn[, by land of Southold, County o[ Suffolk sad SOUTHOLD TOWN now or formerly of Florence I4ulek, the Stue o[ New York. Suffolk Court- PLANNING BOARD by land now or formerly of William ry Tax Map Number. 1000-2-1.13 & Bennett Orlowski, la - & Berth Lewendoski; on tfie south by 14. Chairrnsn land now or formerly of Hamet K. The progeny is bordcrcd on the 7159.1TS19 PLArvrvI1VU ~ r _ BerthLewendoski;onthe h ~-~~UN'I'YOI=SUP(=OLK 55: by land now or formerly of Haz- S' I I' I: O E N L W Y O R K riet K. Bo[ta, and by land now or formerly of Ellen M. Black Guyton; on the west by land now or formerly ofElizabe[hV. Patricia Wood,' being duly sworn, says Iha[ she is the Fox. Editor, of 'I'I-IE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WA7CFIMAN, 7:35 P.M. Final approval for public newspaper printed a[ Southold, in Suffolk County; the lot line change For Bax- ter/Terp at Cutchogue, in the ;ind that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, Town of Southold, County of h,is been published in said Long Island Travclcr~Watchman Suffolk and the State of New once cacti week for , ~ York. Suffolk County Tax Map ' ' ' ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ° k Number 1000-102-5-9.3. , i The property is bordered on successively, cornmenc'ing on the f ~ the northeast by land now or ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' formerly of North Street Real- ty; on the east by land now or <lay of ....,~~4~:r-..-~,,,~_,,.,,) 9 >.y.. , formerly of Stanley G. & Helen B. Case; on the southeast by ~ ~ 1 Main Road (N Y.S. 25); on [he ~ ~ ~ ~ _ :r. 1.._,~ , , , south by land now or formerly of Richard Cron; on [he southwest by Griffing Street; on the northwest of School House J x~- Lane. Swrvn in hefnrc me this . clay of 7:40 P.M. Final approval for the lot line change for Porter 1. ' E' .~.~.~,.-F'~_.. 19`:x,! . and Mary Goss on Fishers ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and the State of New York. Suffolk County 'Pan Map Number 1000-2-1-13 & - The property is bordered on Notary Public the north by land now or formerly of James Gannon and BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER wife; on [he east by a private NOTARY PUBLIC, SL to of New York LEGALS NOTICE road; on [he south by Rocky No. 4806846 Notice of Public Hearing Ledge Inc.; on the west by Qualillerl in Sullolk Co~Jnl~ Fishers Island Sound West Commission Expiros 8/j~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Hartior. EN that pursuant [o Section 27b 7:45 P.M. Final approval for of the Town Law, a public hear- the lot Tine change for Porter & ing will be held by the Southold Mary Goss and Michael lbwn Planning Board, at the Laughlin on Fishers Island, in Town Hall, Main Road, the Town of Southold, County Southold, New York in said of Suffolk and State of New Town on the 30th day of York. Suffolk County Tax Map September, 1991 on [he question Number 1000.2-1-15.1 & 16. of the following: The property is bordered on 7:30 P.M. Final approval of the north by land now or [he major subdivision for Mat- formerly of Charles J. Harr- tituck Creek Estates located at mg[on; on the northeast by a Mattituck, in [he Town of Private road; on the southeast by Southold, County of Suffolk a private road; on the southwest and the Slate of New York. Suf- by a private road. folk County Tax Map Number Any Person desiring to be 1000-107-1-2. heard on the above matter The property is bordered on should appear at the time and the north by Mill Road; on the Place above specified. northeast by Reeve Road; on the Dated: September 13, 1991 southeast by Grand Avenue, by BY ORDER OF THE land now or formerly of Eugene SOUTHOLD TOWN O. Graf, by land now or former- PLANNING BOARD ly of Florence Paulak, by land Bennet[ Orlowski, Jr. now or formerly of William & Chairman • 1X-9/19/91(65) 4 Q~c~~FFOtKCOG s RAYMOND L. JACOBS t~i~ T JAMES A. RICHTER ENGINEERING HIGHWAYSENDENT OF O'~0~ ~~0~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Revised SEPTEMBER 20,1991 BOND ESTIMATE FOR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM kk 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITEM UQ ANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DRAINAGE: 1. 2 EA. CATCH BASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 2. 156 V.F. LEACHING BASINS (10' 300.00 46,800.00 3. 180 L.F. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEWAY APRONS 25.00 2,500.00 5. 600 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 5.00 3,000.00 6. 10 EA. CONCRETE MONUMENTS 100.00 1,000.00 7. 46 EA. STREET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 g, Job MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 77,900.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = 4,674.00 TOTAL = $ 82574.00 Page 1 of 1 o ~ ~od~ ~a~ i . ~~s~ ~ ~ PIANNhVNG80ARD z RAYMOND L. JACOBS N T JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q • ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS 'r~0.~ ~ ,~~0~' INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEPTEMBER 10,1991 BOND ESTIMATE FOR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM 11 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DRAINAGE: i. 2 EA. CATCH BASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 2. 156 V.F. LEACHING BASINS (10' 300.00 46,800.00 3. 180 L.F. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEWAY APRONS 25.00 2,500.00 5. 600 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 5.00 3,000.00 6. 10 EA. CONCRETE MONUMENTS 100.00 1,000.00 7. 2 EA. DEEP FIRE WELL 10,000.00 20,000.00 8. 46 EA. STREET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 9. Job MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 97,900.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = 5,874.00 TOTAL = $ 103,774.00 1 ~ 1~~ \ Page 1 of 1 .),O r 9 p ~Ua~ i o s~so i ~ PIANNiNG 8Q1RD + • _ ~ti3 ~JrFi7(,~r~,~ ,_c . E PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS t" SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ,r, .Y#:+ ~ Supervisor , George Ritchie Latham. Jr. ~ ~ a~~.. Richard G. Ward - ;x ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pax (516) 765-1823 September 19, 1991 Peter S. Danowski, Jr. P.O. Box 779 616 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 RE: Mattituck Creek Estates SCTM# 1000-107-1-2 Dear Mr. Danowski: The enclosed report dated September 10, 1991, from James Richter, Engineering Inspector will be reviewed at the Planning Board's September 30, 1991, public meeting. Enclosed also is a copy of the Mattituck Fire District's report concluding that the installation of fire wells will not be necessary. Item Number 7 of the Bond Estimate will therefore be eliminated. Please note that this report is for your information only. It has not been adopted by the Planning Board. Very truly yours, 6~aLG~~ ~iG~6uhd/u, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. '~'~5 Chairman enc. _ _ . ~ ~ ~ Phone 298-8833 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT SU~FII-E P.O. BOX 666, 1000 PIKE STREET P~ MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 11952 I1'~5 September 10, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: Mattituck Creek Estates Dear Sir, Please be advised that the elimination of lots 7, 8, and 9 within the above mentioned sub-division and the installation of a submersible well by the Fire District at the corner of Mill Road and Grand Avenue and a shallow well installed on Mill Road adjacent to Sebastian Cove Road, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District feel that there will be sufficient fire protection for this sub-division at present. Therefore, the two firewell installations recommended by the Fire District on the original plan submitted in August of 1989, may be eliminated at this time, assuming that no further lots will be added in the future. If there are any changes in the number of lots the Board would then review the fire well situation for the protection of any proposed additions. Cordially, For the Board of Fire Commissioners, ~C..c~ John A. ogh, Sect. Mattituck ire Dist. 1 ~,i SOUTNOLD TONN PLANNING BOAkp ~ S~FFO(~~D~ ~ ~ sua~u PD ° ~ ~ MS a RAYMOND L. JACOBS tin rZj, JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF p O ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS '~,~0~ ~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 76~-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 MR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN - PLANNING BOARD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 RE: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES (MAJOR SUBDIVISION) SCTM 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request I have reviewed the maps & plans for the above referenced subdivision. The drainage designed for Mill Road to the north of the site indicates a tributary area that splits the existing road down its centerline. During the last rainfall I visited the site and noticed that the water running down the north side of Mill Road also crossed over to the south side before the proposed Catch Basin location. It should also be noted that future driveways for the building areas on lots 1&2 may also contribute to the runnoff due to the existing contours of the site. It is therefore recommended that the number of Leaching Pools be increased from 2 to 5 pools. The size of the pools should be as indicated on the plan. (10'-0" Dia. x 12'-0" Deep). The drainage designed for Grand Avenue on the south east corner of the site is satisfactory. Concrete Monuments should also be placed at all locations where new Property Lines intersect with existing Town Roads. I have revised the Bond Estimate accordingly and have enclosed a copy for your use. _ If you have any questions or require any additional information concerning the above, Please contact my office. n erely, James A. Rich et~A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs ; / file j ~ , O d ~ : _ ~ , ~ F OYtN i--~~ ,t • ~~g~EFO(K~O oy o- RAYMOND L. JACOBS to rZ JAMES A. RICHTER SUPERINTENDENT OF Q ~ ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS ~,~rol ~ ~~0~' INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEPTEMBER 10,1991 BOND ESTIMATE FOR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM ll 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DRAINAGE: 1. 2 EA. CATCH BASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 2. 156 V.F. LEACHING BASINS (10' 300.00 46,800.00 3. 180 L.F. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEWAY APRONS 25.00 2,500.00 5. 600 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 5.00 3,000.00 6. 10 EA. CONCRETE MONUMENTS 100.00 1,000.00 7. 2 EA. DEEP FIRE WELL 10,000.00 20,000.00 8. 46 EA. STREET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 9. Job MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 97,900.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = 5,874.00 TOTAL = $ 103,774.00 Page 1 of 1 p 1~6~~df~~j;~ _ ° : a i.. UTHOIDTOWN " PLANNING 80ARD ' Phone 298-8833 MATT~TUCK FIRE DISTRICT SUC#~C-E P.O. BOX 886, Y000 PIKE STREET QB MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Y1952 !x'1.5 September 10, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: Mattituck Creek Estates Dear Sir, Please be advised that the elimination of lots 7, 8, and 9 within the above mentioned sub-division and the installation of a submersible well by the Fire District at the corner of Mill Road and Grand Avenue and a shallow well installed on Mill Road adjacent to Sebastian Cove Road, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District feel that there will be sufficient fire protection for this sub-division at present. Therefore, the two firewell installations recommended by the Fire District on the original plan submitted in August of 1989, may be eliminated at this time, assuming that no further lots will be added in the future. If there are any changes in the number of lots the Board would then review the fire well situation for the protection of any proposed additions. Cordially, For the Board of Fire Commissioners, . L..~ v John A. ogh, Sect. Mattituck ire Dist. D _ ~ ~ ~~.4 t ~ 1991 PLA OARD ~~gVFFUI,('~~~ ~ BdFc,~ ~ MS a < RAYMOND L. JACOBS t~l~ T JAMES A. RICHTER HIGHWAYSINDENT OF ~ ~ ENGINEERING ~Q! ~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 MR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN - PLANNING BOARD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 RE: MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES (MAJOR SUBDIVISION) SCTM 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request I have reviewed the maps & plans for the above referenced subdivision. The drainage designed for Mill Road to the north of the site indicates a tributary area that splits the existing road down its centerline. During the last rainfall I visited the site and noticed that the water running down the north side of Mill Road also crossed over to the south side before the proposed Catch Basin location. It should also be noted that future driveways for the building areas on lots 1&2 may also contribute to the runnoff due to the existing contours of the site. It is therefore recommended that the number of Leaching Pools be increased from 2 to 5 pools. The size of the pools should be as indicated on the plan. (10'-0" Dia. x 12'-0" Deep). The drainage designed for Grand Avenue on the south east corner of the site is satisfactory. Concrete Monuments should also be placed at all locations where new Property Lines intersect with existing Town Roads. I have revised the Bond Estimate accordingly and have enclosed a copy for your use. If you have any questions or require any additional information concerning the above, Please contact my office. n erely, James A. ich~er, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs file ~ ~ WN K% 180-040 4-81 SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION PLAN JA*1ES OC'~)ALL Cooperator SUffOLK COUNTY SDIt AND WATER CDNSERVATIDN DISTRICT RIVERHEAD, NEW VORN 11901 PHONE 516-121.2315 RhrertKSO OouMy Center 30G Center Drive, Room E-16 Riverhead, N.Y. 11901.3398 SUFFOLK COUNTY SOIL 84 WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Assisted by UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE ~ 18 Z 4 ^ CONSERVATION PLAN MAP Owner-_~L_M~~_ Operator CountylParish /9. State _ 7e~K. _ Oate O Z 3'.~~_. Approximate acres - _~s__. Approximate scale ~ ° 660 Couperatin9 with.-.`rv "~L~ Oistnci JK/11~~~ Q~61. - N Plan Identification Phom number _ ~T~ ~ 17_' S7s : Assisted by A~J[JJ~/ ...r. CDA/~YfLG USDA Soil Conservation Service ? S. C. Sw?~.~ w ~ ? \ if 1 ~ oyy,~ J~""'°" ~t of C.' a ~ ~ ~IG.~.. R~. t a~ J~ ~y * ~ I w~ 4 ' ` r '4i t. ~ , r s. .a-, t I `I i... - s- r.. Y ~J yy r 's M ` ~ )s J ~ ~5~~1. j L-• .+.~.e'~ ,{p~,~y.t. p J ~~p, 1"a'i U. S. Department of Agriculture NY-CPA-S Soil Conservation Service 2/85 LEGEND FOR CONSERVATION PLAN MAP Public Highway - - - _ - Private Road Railroad ~ Building ~-~r---ir-1 Underground Transmission Line (Pipe or Cable) O2 Field Number 5 Ac. Field Acreage Property Boundary - - - - - Crop Boundary x Fence (existing) / Fence (planned) N"i Stream Connected Areas Dike or Levee - D D - Diversion Farm Pond C _ Grassed Waterway or Outlet d d Q H ~ Hedge O Obstruction Removal - • • • • • • - Open Drain Spring a Spring Development Streambank Protection ~T-~T-~ Terrace o Tile or Closed Drain Trail. or Walkway B Wildlife Border Xc 31E 31E Windbreak f4-COlIF77~ nw. 471 na.c.+.coa-'n CONSERVATION PLAN MAP UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 0 eooperalinQ wiM C ~~ndiM Di~aiel ~o-..,o_S Ca ° Pun No. oau j~ b . 1987 _ Operator ~t3//o~~r owe/./ - ~ ~ Scab /~.z /667' Acrd 18.9 . ea..T e! a /S ~/I1a t:.~ N ~ k ' Prow No: ~ : p tt /6 l7 Location (Community, wataraMd, road 8 disunca, alc.l C. Syr /cee~e ,Qu. ~ G~,.~ A„e. (,'e-.gars r hl~~~ ~~k CAPA131LITY MAP - U.S. Department of Agriculture NY-CPA 4 Soil Conservation Service Z/g5 C6PABILITY G$OUP OF SOILS The capability classification is a grouping of soils that shows in a general way how suitable the soils are for most kinds of farming. The grouping is based on limitations of the soil, the risk of dam- age when they are used, and the way they respond to treatment. Light ..Class Soils with few limitations that restrict their use. Green I Class Soils with some limitations that reduce the choice of plants Yellow II or require moderate conservation practices. Class Soils with severe limitations that reduce the choice of Red III plants, or require special conservation practices, of both. Soils with very severe limitations that restrict the choice Class of plants, require special conservation practices with care- Blue IV ful management, or both. Soils with limitations impractical to remove without major Dark Class reclamation. Use limited largely to pasture, woodland, or Green V wildlife. Soils with very severe limitations that make them generally Class unsuited for cultivation. Generally suited to pasture, wood- Orange VI land, or wildlife. Soils with extreme limitations. Restricted to woodland, Brown wildlife, or specially managed pasture. Class Soils and land forms that are suited only for wildlife, Purple VIII recreation, water supply, or esthetic purposes. LEGEND PO$ SOIL 1:lAP UNPUBLISHED SOIL SURVEY PUBLISHED SOIL SURVEY 67-Soil Number ` B_2 Soil Boundary Soil Symbol Slope. Class 67 : ~ /irG C-Slope Class o-z : I Slope Boundary f!r 2-Erosion Class Erosion Boundary Soil Boundary SLOPE EROSION A-Level or nearly level D-Dloderately steep B-Gently sloping E-Steep 1-Slight 3-Severe C-Strongly sloping F-Very steep 2-Moderate 4-Very Severe SPECIAL SYMBOLS Gravel oe a Marsh a111L Sand spot Stones d LTY Pits ~ R Clay spot Rock outcrop vv v Gully „w~ Drainageway (perennial) -ti.f~ Wet spots .r Escarpment vvvwv Drainageway (intermittent)_~~~ /-f i BCS•CONB-1 B U.B. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OCTOBER 19]4 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SOIL 1VI'AP _..._Owner ~°-'."-5 ~°~^~ll Operator Q°b°`k ~~~'°-~l Conntp S~'~ Ik State Yr~k Soil sarvey sheet(s) or code nos.- 16 * I~ Approximate scaly i ° t6b'(.' " Prepared byp U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service cooperating with 5~ Ik C~~..~.y S,:l a_.,~ W 1~ Conservation District i r~. PIa ~ x,~,;,~~. Tm' . HaA a., ~m E •3 ~ ..,rA:l Y ra I c 10 E; r'. Ha gi Tm i~,• IB HaA D~ o W Boundary and f% ;d Gnes on ,his photograph were prepared icy the purpose of cs~:_ervs;iisn planning artd should hat ~e consW~ 8s legsl boundaries in the sate of land. HAVEN SOILS (HaA, HaB, HaC, H¢). Haven soils are deep, well-drained, medium-textured soils that formed in a loamy or silty layer over stratified coarse sand and gravel. The texture from 0 - 19 inches is loam, silt loam, and very fine sandy loam. From 19 - 28 inches the range is silt loam, very fine sandy loam, and gravelly loam, while the texture from 28 - 55 inches is gravelly sand, loamy sand, sandy loam or stratified sand and gravel. The permeability is moderate in [he root zone (surface layer and subsoil) and rapid or very rapid in the underlying layer. These soils have moderate to high available moisture capacities (see attached table). Haven soils have low organic matter content and low natural supply of plant nutrients, but crops respond well to lime and fertilizer. When the soils are intensively cultivated the likelihood of crusting is great, however the returning of cover crop residue decreases this problem. Generally, these soils are well suited to crops commonly grown in Suffolk County. + . , HaA Haven loam 0 - 2 percent slopes. These sails are usually large in area and nearly level with some areas of slight undulation. The erosion hazard of these soils is slight but 1 erosion problems are likely to occur in undulating areas. Irrigation water should be applied at a moderate rate. Management concerns in- elude crusting after rain, maintaining tilth, and .reduction of the plow pan. HaB Haven loam, 2 - 6 percent slopes. Most small deposits of this soil have short slopes, but larger areas are undulating. Cultivated areas of this soil are 2 - 3 inches shallower to gravel than the representative Haven soil because of past erosion. The erosion hazard of this soil is moderate to slight. The number of consecutive years these soils can be safely cultivated depends on practices used for erosion control and water management. These soils should not be cultivated intensively unless adequate measures are used to help control erosion. Zn addition to erosion control, management concerns include increasing the organic matter content to help keep the soil loose and crust free, and breaking up the plow pan. Irri- gation water can be applied at a moderate rate. Practices that help control erosion greatly increase the effectiveness of natural rainfall and irrigation water. Areas of soil that are eroded have reduced water holding capacities. RdB Riverhead sandy loam, 3 - B percent slopes. Most small deposits of this soil have moderately short slopes, but large areas are undulating. Cultivated areas are 2 - 3 inches shallower to coarse sand and gravel than the representative Riverhead soil because of past erosion. The erosion hazard is slight to moderate. Keeping cover crops on the soil in winter and returning crop residue will help to pro- tect exposed areas from"~zosion. Diverting runoff water from higher areas also helps to reduce erosion damage. Irrigation water can be applied at a moderate rate. ~ ~ ~ I s' ^ , + I . o . 5> ~ u, Y" "rf! F ~i1 i ~ T ,~Y"i I" I G U 1 t'; lS Y. Ei, _ ..r ~ I I ~ I ~ r-~ t-.:i vt C ' _ f, ~ r r V I _ ,A. u. ~j ' fiE=i::CIFD Cll= t::?E::C:F..;liJbfEi F~IWI:? A4-'~='~..:[i:A.'i :i:l1N ?'i S i f5 t to d I-; y 1~. i :.-i I"I L: it I'I Il E? I f-ii?1 ~ 1='i E+.iilt e,;j , F17p1 led ~ PL. tarr;oltn{; I)='Ce Arrn:~unti I:-~t.te {JcL7-r'a.t;ivE? F;eE:~~r~:9 Y , ~ ~ ~ ~ Gr"~.~F:1and 1 j.'. . A. . ti=i r ~ ~ ~ •1~ r : F, i Ea i i r', a. rl d C~; a F_+ s r i i n •a ~!+ise! I-'i..wirl~~ 'l;he_.;e 'Pirld> ' ~ ~ ~ ~ a.nnt.aal iv t;o hrea6: ++-1~i E:ompacte~9 , ~ ! i i ! a.yer-s ai:crr e,.':a i rl si~rfty , , , , , Y'?iW_i IrlC reii Ei. e:'S W2:.'I~Et I` , , , , ~ i , 4?ec'".:.U 1 ::..L 1:; C, II o A rn {B t',:~+F(?c; r-,;i ijt , , , , , ~~E.i'r1etY d. 'r I I, 11'1 ~.-I ai. E: I' clt I (1. ,IE , ~ r{r.ii+.:ctiorl of ur'Fac'e r'+.trnrFf , ~ ~ hell;=: to rEadt.lc:e et~,~:;inrl. , u~; - . ~ , f:: O rt 5; E• I"v a. t i ~ ~ rl Y' ~ I r, i ~ i , i C. 5 cL I I is tl 8. t' p $ 0.'t~ : O 1'r w';', i" r fie ; i:i s a. r- e r" r? s L- d I.,¢•.ri~~,iica4 iy. 'tittis tai V I F,ef4:+ , ~ 'i7 r,: i rn r- v e i3 rl to Iil d i rl I, i3 i n ;j i~ ~ [I , 1 ~ g:~F,yrsiE.:..V, ch:s•rrlca.f ar...1 , ~ f; i i +o i s a. I c: a rn~ i t i o i i 3 c~ f t l-, c , ..ail. Whf?n restir;~a field , ~ p I ril'rt. <i cover` cr r,~~ t'„+ x+ad , ~~r•_)~,.r'Iii.: rna.'~'te:r~ a,nc: ;:~r~c~tcci; ~L'hEa , , , , r ~ ~ 'd. Il Ci 1:1 t t3 E~ rl i 3. P, t.l Y E3 1 ~ 1~, Ac 11IC~L :;..4cr (.:ov;:.r' I , , ~ , , L-. .,taL-~I Isl-I a r.,,vi.?r iEror~ ;t .t._et.. , i , i , h1.1"VF..r c; .t, i, t.. F,iI{.tC E? , i r ~ e Y 0 5 I rl p i~'j d !i Y a Il C (It a'l;'l; e I' y - improve water- ini'iitraticnia , ~ aerraticn-I ar,d l?iI'i;I-,. Cereal ' ~ l r-ye sliou i d {?e P {anted ~ZL a , , i ~ ~ rBte "'Y I:i u'.51'rt2I9 per aC Y'e + , f•;~ r" i r i; f t r' ri E• r `I]! t'. i, . , I: . _ pl1.r,~4r..?.I I:~i3for',,: `::e;~tcrni_~er- 1.... , ~ :,a.tr may tie ;:l.l!?tsi; i 1;l.ited a~t: a. , ~ ~ t... ~ , f I'. {.1 <s i r i? I <.:; , iii r` a c: r c~r . V.J a i_i . D I:~ <i Y~ t i in ~ r? 1, 7 ~F ?a <a i' i r i_A 1 t tl l: e f'' ;7.'3 i, { ] 1 ~ ~ rl 5 Ei i~ 'c!, i;; I Il r E: Y- Y' i C: F >f1 r~ 9 ] •Fi'-i .SFi.S6EB5 4~+~k'tl I i 4?E=.'::+::tFL1 1.1F [a{_~:I'3ttiJPJLy nSSvA} p.y-'I-t..:f.~_tlil'J'~ i f` ; ti i a n r'! i~:~ .::I A. E; G~ I i e:"r d !'d... Amc,uii±: Da'(:e Amollr!t Ua.t~ ~ PJ-a.rr-at i'•fn f;.•,::,-,rd ~ . i l.. Fx.r i.],pp .},i i , 'k::'.a IjP"3E}. i:311 j , . IIiF= na.t~ra.! -lr:;r~aew~iy t.}'f; f i ri e ti r'! t 1..~ e p . n ra a F, i, r- rn a : i rr l-rt r s::. c o v r? r 't . , , i i i r- F.. Y E:i I'"! q !..A i i l` f:, r` j r' I'.! 'I'' I' p r0 , ~ , , i i. l.1 Y'Y" I I"!;~ . i'' i ::all 3. iil I ;;'i: lAt B ::''F• . , i , 1'" Ei E• F:: I r! •_l f-i e_ ,1 i- rr 4 C 41 F.; rci { 1 4 5 . c, r r7 r f~:t , l- a. I i f~ f~? s c u. f' t' i ; , , , , { _ . Ei: Y. 'd L: t- E . ~'i. F• '~i j:- r, j., tr.: c~-, f t, 5 r- a r. r e . F; e :I. t, !.a , j ~ r a. t: r E:• , , , i .I. 'c'~. i i 5 E:., E, CI i L.! ? r" I i t G ic, 1 k:, U . , , ~ , , f? r- is C f' n ~ - i 1"! <i ? i:i I I-! . iJ.'F. i.??~~'ar-tlnent :~f ,~i•jr-icrii'tl„u-n i~'tx':Je U;~ ' i I . Il t~= r' il. t i o I", A to . 1'-~ J am c'• s, . c~ t~, i i { (~:i~~':::i~11~.C:i i~a}= C,t=t:~i~<:3ICih•A'..3 k.S~I1J AJ:'F='L.:i:C~,r,,'}':{IItt{ ..+'a~e.;= i s1:ed L~,,~ A I ~:I.f1 C:onf~~e I I i l e i ri i I a I'7 r7 p C i i`, G' .:i i l e r ...tJo. A.moi.ar?t: ~ L]ate ~ Anurun~t i~a'tc ~ I~a:i.rra'P;i~._ f:c?,:~>rcl r:-~:- I 7.115. i~l~~ 'AFn- - luutr iitctt. ;;4aa-r:ayemerrt:. A G' .r.; I y f` e r- t i I i ~.,1".~. it c p ,J i rl ,_Ic , ~ ~ , ~ y rl r. ,..1 a f ~ 1 ! 'L e_.'t; r ie ' i u t t'_., . , ~ ~ i.~r! it,r-ate fel-'t1 ..:=F)r- rs~qu{prnr?rl , , , ' -v2 Fs r] { ~ :i!~1ua<:LI ly tc' t:=f~s:;ur',= ~ i:~,mrna=l-~d. I , ~ r '~L't; e: e; a, r ai. r:' I i F• 1 , i i t F. f, r r , , ~ ~ , , r t; i1 I ri ':A 'is ~t r: C i i l'~. ':r i C r= I' W ll i? rt r i i r i dl. 4' Imo, I V I r1' I e r' l_ t Ei t" 8 n 7. . , , i i i rn3l+:il-i'j 3. Cj „I !.i.5 {;fri §.`it 'ii j:O Y-;-i kny , , , , , 't 1 ?i i f Ci `::i 9 4 a. C: E'dl e 5'?'G , Pfl Et't ti, i r p T , , i r 8.17 !7~ I i i- 'L'P: I O ki. r! i3 rt i.l Y- i '.:f? Il 't 'f' r_ r' frl , i i C~'1'!{'nY'11i 5)ii g@ci.'.i pi"I d.I va.r i a't i on i rr ? ! ar,t uptaF::~r c+ t; t: i rn :...rri F, I- { ; , r.. ' ~ ~ 'l; i-: ~ C r.... IP t . ~ I_i r~ P' r, r.:~ n . _ . ..1.. LI F.~ i rnF,ortar~t: e ..f i i t i i Lhl a.nd ' , ' O I' •:{'<i 1'1 i. r r'. I-!'t t? 1't {7 'i a D (ail 't fn;vla;7_~rnerlt pica.Il ,y1-~cru l d bE> r i (:I9 b'E i O~,e~l {'OY t;hE Gr'iiF75 t:G tie , ~ ~ q r" w n . T 1-~ e E:' ! a. rl I ' u I d , ; , , a.ddr"e=;=_ tree rc>=... i ~a t.ra.I a. rii .;urrl.' r,{ ' r'~ u t r- i r? rl '1: > i n t l-. e i I a r'I cI e: r- o p ' ~ r~.__ i'..-l Lae. .(hca pl:~r, __.Y',au4~~ sG'ec:i~Ey thir= cr-!ii:?r t:r-r.~p r- t'. a. t i „ r. a. rl ,,-.i 1:. i r, ,::4 „ ..r ~ ~ u r- c e , a rl d , ~ { ~ a. rn o i.a rrt n f p I a rrt rna ~t r- i e rl is > t tna. t , ~ ~ wi i i bcr use•ci t;!i me-el; tFie r_r-~,p Pert, i l i'L;v n.r...e~as, t;orrta.c t Corr.'r I I C: ,....-r e; r a. t i E:,; Er r1=, i o'". +'~~r- a=.=::.si't-:~.r~cc-~ irl ,ar~velr~{oir'?~.3 a. r.utr- I erlt rn~:~rl~r.gerncrr.t p ear. sir , your ~Fat-ra. } n{ r' I C tl f t l.d I` P is j3 P ~ !.tl. 1.5.43. Dei,:artrl:=nt i., n a' r„, r': ~~i B Y-'J I E A LL ~7 y J..~~"y ,.J-ctrI1G ~S 4.ci {-,t t~a_.{::,:ilia (1F ur_{-::t"i3Ti?IalS ta!'dSJ r''<4='4~'L...J:C;..; ,_3 `3 - 1 F i Er f ~ i a n n e ,.a A.I., i I i to d , : , ~ earirol.tn'L- Ua.l-c; hJarra.'i:i~.~i~:r 1=~c:carrl i A.171 r. r,r I'1 i JJ d. l: , L : J,.. Ar ':,a.., .-r.._r _ f_'(?3t: tila.plaa@SP.,,as,t , Tmo i frrnent t:fre f,t i I nw i ny i teri: : , f r" rn t; F; f ~ T rrt. er r- * d F' r~ s 7.: Iii a. r, a. ~=1 ca rn e r; t E; i a d ar tr e I p c• d t~ y , ~L-~:trva.'::i.l: an: ruF~r~cFl~i.r.te:• , rccr:rr,;r;;,..::t:i~.,,s ir,rlu,:lir't<} , , CI-~Crnl~ _ I'i~;{;(::al <iIiCI , , , , , C,.AI j: L1 r":a. •1tii r:: t~. tiE?Cn1-l ' t4aint:air, a.~:::C.sr"a. 3: r. rer.or-::', ` , : [:tlerfilCa.15 agipl isd, , , , ~ ~ e ~a ~..r i h rn e r~ t: a f i b r ra.'l-.:= r ,2 s 'i; i r. i d E` , ; a.;_:pI ica.tion eouil:rrif'nt a.t the , b c l3 i r'. r', i r, f i= a c h rg r' a, w i I-, , sea .':.:o i-. a. n ..I w'r'. e r, a I:; r F r- i t e , ~ ~-a e a. s,',,-, . ,j . : M i r, t a. i I'1 c. t i ri; a rn h`I a. n c! r , , i , r , , ~ 1. r'F 1 t7 a.t f?i~ I'-!i j:? I n. I'nJ 7. TOii, f- t .J IAI-t <F:,t? - F' i i:,a! i nf:' , ~ ~ r,<'ha.l 1 cit i „r; of" ur'~cler•ar-ourn9 , p i Fus ~l] i t: I::, i p e. I i r~ e w i~{, I-, r, y d r a. rrt s , , , '1:C S'.6Ct ~i 8•.J i,•r" i tjat r Osl wateY , ~ wiil :_~reatly ;r,rrea.>c 'll-,e , a.F,;ylica.tir,n e{'i'ic:iar,cy ri' , ~ ir-rig<'itior,. F'fpe; ine sl'~oul,a , , , , be ; C:C a.t r..•rl S:C~ ii5 ti' rl r::Cl`B-ei.SE , ~ thin 'l-ot;a I f Erng Lh cif I:,~,r-tab I e : p i p i;~ cl i s t' i t, i.r't i o r'. I i I-, e s. l" ri i s wiI! e+fn.,~ti.,~ely ..;~3CY'na53~? , , , i {)t'f?SStS t'C. I ¢~c45eF.S a.t cS C, Y- I I'7 E:: i Ei Y. , noz:tes and i',elfo t;, achii:ve , rn~~rE~ unifor-rn appi ir,.ti~~r~ c,P i r r` i ,7 a. t i r'. a'L e r c. e• fz r- t r , , ~ e-rrtir e i'ield, :::IF,r 1-reads , ; , rir a ~a; 'G I". <a. v _ i n I r r ! z: e , : , C , r, a -a l c• s t . m p L-, i „ 1.1.E3. L)e±,a.r.^i;rne:~rrf; t' t`,~.Ir- i ru. tr.tre F a•-f e' r?=• -nserva'~i,:n-, Ear=rvli..e 3 'e Ei{:i~.f:: ia;:?sl f f~= I:1 Ei::-'ISIl1tiJEri Ah•.IT7 kF'P't...SC ?.~~51: (~I'~J i+.ss i <.~~Ci=d =may A l i 3r~ C;<~r~r~~= I I f~it.ld_ f='iarir,e,ri ~ AS~pI ii=d , hJc,. >~lr~c~ltnt Date t~rnourlt llate Narra.tluE FS a:; c:o+-,J 1.. hJ c• , Lan > 4 , ~ ^'4.4~ - S r i n 4:: ; e r- l: I~ r" i j a t i r, r, , ::zystern , Tr r i ga.~t_. i c,n i E?Sr+Ei~nt i X1.1 to the , ~ I:; r- ~ ~ to a c. 'L- i r, rr F' I-, i ;.1 I-. q r.t a. I i 'r: y cr-nF,e> rut i._~~n~] 1£•;dtl'ld. rhe~ , ~ <a y s E= rn Lased s; h, La ! ~:I 'a J, p i y a. i; e r" , ~ ~ in a. ur,if~,rru ntri.rr'~c:rr':: , ~ ~ ~ - c; r is ~a ~ , , , ~ , , G'Il tii el`Va'I:I OIl ....rt",'' e i i i , F, t- C~ V I E? ii 5 5 15. Y: 3. r, E: E:' w 1 t h > T: e rn , i ; 1!5. roc Ill r, ':JeFf =i<4'=, Irr-i;7-itf~.~r~ 1.aater` , hiz~.na~gernent , ~ AI_,I_~iy irri9ai-ior. '.aster" ir, a. rnanr~Er that wi I I u',a.:cirnize cr~.,p , ~ ~ Yield 'ie.r,i1 rnirlirni~z.-, excessive , ~ ~ ~ irrl=7a.tl~~n, rr'I<la.-tr,n ' I ! <.r..h~E=~:;LtI ir'.•:q <;I-IOUI~:1 r..n<aidnr 1;1,e , ~ asnolar'rt of r'air,faul{,"-rc~p ' c:on;;i.u~it~~tive Lase <~.r?r;l watt;er.. , ~ , t I o r. , ~ ~ i; I-, o f a. r- rn . L r- r" i to t i o r , r , , ~ E?'Y H. i uJ.'I: i nr'i5 l-ia rl t,e pE?Y"!'ij Y'Ine Cf ~ , , i 4.1 JJ i ~ r, t- f? l1 i3 ci h iU y hi ici i5i i I , Cvr',e;ervati~.r'. Eiervice. L-:'y , ' I r" u n r, i r, .:q k i E' A d e v a. 4 u a t: i r, r', f , , 4..,~; , ~ ~ tl-,e _y_tE;n-~, actu<:~I applic~7.tlc,r, r-atr*,.. j -Y 4 s'y:>tE:rn~car, be dEatE;rrnirred. : { l- i-, i > I r, F r, r- m Fi't i r. I v a. I Il .t b I e , w f. e n m ca. k: i r'.'=1 i r r i ,1 ~=7. t i r: , , ~:1ec i s i nr'~s.. I ' i , I , Plent Available Slater ~bluT'! f,~acft!,es of Some SiLiOl~C ~+OtIIiLy SoiI8 Sofsture Capacity :b3.stL<:e Capacity 4'~isizse Capacity ?cisL•ts~e Capacity 0 - 6" 0 - I2" 0 - IR" 0 - 24" SOIL Ac-in/Ac 9c-Sss/Ac Ac-iss/Ac AC-iri/AC ?=idge'immq~ta~ CB°~. 3g8. Sh3, 0.9 - 1.2 I.8 - 2.4 2.7 - 3.5 ?.5 - 4.4 74^.C) Career (C¢4, CpC, ~ About 0.2 0.4 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.7 0.7 - L 0 Fbr Plymouth Part ace the PIy~ Sezies T~~n (RaA, FaB, F,aC, 0.8 - 1.2 L 7 - 2.4 2.5 - 3.6 2:7 - 4.4 M~tauk (MFA,P+F.3,I~L" 0.7-1.2 1.3-2.4 2.^-3.6 2.6-4.8 McA, P1c8. McG~ ~tavlc (2''.n.4,Pnt3,?~, 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.8 0.5-1.3 0.7-1.7 I'a.~ ply~s, (PIA, Pl]!, PIG, 0.2 - 0,5 0.5 - I.0 0.7 - I.4 I.q - 1.9 ~3. ~3) (°a.9, PsB) 0.4 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.I - I.4 l.4 - 1.9 Qivertxad (Rc'A, RcS, Rd.^, 0.7-0.9 L3-L3 2.0-2.7 2.6-3.6 Rea. P.eC, Rp_~ ASSISTA*TCF. AVAILAEL.: Tn c~'dERS . 7r?e Suffolk County Soil aad Water Conservation District and U.S.D.A.. Soil Conservation Service. located at: ..Ri~rerkend, .eiYEkNF..~S L' ~?Gi. - (516) 727-2315, pmvidea - G' r~Yk- ~w TECHIJiCAL ASSIS'PADIfs: including Planning. surveys, design, layout and supervision of installation of practices. , Faxta Conservation Practices i - Soil Emsian Control, (including), i.e.. - Irrigation Systems. (including), i. e., sod watexvay.:diversians~ terrace, lend irrigation system evaluations and t - Drain~Sysoeas -Agronomic Systems -Agricultural Waste Management All conservation practices installed must meet U.S.D.A., Soil Conservation Service Standards and Specifications. CONSERVATION PtAIaTIIQG a conservation p]mi is a report of cansexvaticn alternatives developed jointly with the landowner and conservation teda:icimt after a field assessment of the: property. Suggested iaQrovemaits are made to obtain the optiman potential for the chosen cxrop, yet pmtect and conserve soil and water. All decisions are made by G'~e landowner/ operator. Also included in the plan are aerial photos and soil maps with cocs2lete vp-to-date soil descriptions. die owner/operator of all faxes e~ooeeding 25 acres should request a conservation plan in order to be in oamp].iance with New York State law. SOILS IIVFORMATION Soils Maps: mapping of soil types an aerial photos. identified by symbols. Soil Descsipticas: describes the physical Properties of the soil and points out potential problems associated with the soil as thsy relate to agriculture. AL~tICfA~VRES. VALUE ASSESSMEftP Tandowner assistance in soil type determination for Agricultural Assessment programs. United States Soil 127 Past Pain Street ~~)f Department of Conservation Riverhead, New `Lock 11901 ~~FF Agriculture Service PE~I''VVVEVT VEGETATIVE C(NER Ofd CRITICAL AREAS-SL ll DEFII`ZITIOLI: Planting vegetation such as trees, shruL-s, vitses, gasses or legim~es on highly erodible or critically emdina areas such as gullies, banks, roadsides, field borders and sinilar problem areas. May include wading, shaping and filling as needed for establishing vegetation. P[JRP('SE: To stabilize the soil, reduce damage from sediment and runoff to downstrex~ areas and to improve wildlife habitat and visual resources. This practice is limited to correcting erosion or sediment pollution problems originating on agricultural land. DFSI(a1t: SCS will provide feasibility, cost estimate, species and fertil- izer recocrmrmdations, management assistance and final certi- fication services. ESTABLIS'~&"Ehfi: SC.S will supervise and check establishment as needed. IC is up to the landa+mer to ensure proper and tiz~ly establishment. M9IN.CIIJA*'CE: Proper and tiz~ely maintenance will ensue effectiveness and will protect yo~s investment. PRAC?ZCE WIId. BE CEidIFL~ CgA1PI,EI?,' BY SCS ?T~C,"N: 1. All grading, shapinb, filling and seedbed preparation is properly completed. 2. Approved vegetation varieties are planted at recommended rates. 3. All veo fated areas are proper.Iy fertilized, Limed, seeded or planted and mulched within 10 days of any mechanical disturbance of tie soil. For Further information, feel free to call 727-2315. 0 8/63 PLANTS FOR CONSERVATION 1N THE NORTIIEAST USDA - SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PLANT SHEE1''NE-9 REDTnP (Agrostis alba L.) Uses: Redtop is used for erosion control, pastures, temporary grass in turf see dings, and occasionally for hay. It is often used for stabilizing S j ' critical areas, such as ditch , ' and channel banks, strip mine spoils, and grassed waterways. ~ ~ I D~es~c~r~~ipti~~on: Redtop is a , rr rz~us perennial grass ~ that makes a coarse but fairly ~ dense turf, Leaves are nar- - row and sharp and about 3/8 ~ L inch wide. The stems are 'x:,:~~ ' , slender, growing to 30 or 4O ~ inches tall. Heads are py - >'1~~~ ramidal and reddish in color-- hence the common name of red- ~;4! top. ~ ~ ; Varieties: llo improved se - > i, ectl- ions or varieties of this ~ ' grass have been developed, y Only common redtop is used. J Sources: Redtop seed is ( ' read ly available in the com - mercial market. ~Ad~aptat~ion: Redtop is wide - ' spreadin the Northeast, Tt ~ ~ N ~ `ijlll does better in the humid North J ,`fl than in the warttter climates of the southern portions. It , t wil l ~r t.' ; . grow under a wide variety of soil and moisture conditions. It seems no other grass will trtler;,LC~ so great a variety of conditions as this grass. It grows on vary acid soils and poor clayey soils of low fertility. It is drought-resint,,nl and is also a wetland grass. Cstablishment: Because of its small seed, redtop should have a comtnn t, we-T1 prepare3 seedbed. It may be sown in early pring or late summ Seeding depth is ]/4 inch. Redtop is seldom ever seeded alone exr,eLt., -2- on occasion, for temporary or soil-conserving turf. Rates of seeding will vary depending upon purpose, and whether seeded alone or in mix- tures. When used for erosion control on critical areas, fertilizing is essential to give rapid cover. In mixtures, rates of 3 to 5 pounds per acre are generally used. For pure stands, seeding rates are from lU to 30 pounds per acre. The high rates are used for critical area stahilization. Management: Redtop f s generally ZONE OF PRINCIPAL rrq~-arcc~Teed~-as a poor land grass, ADAPTATION IN THE I~~~~~~a, uut it will respond to fertilizer rr and line. It does not withstand NORTHEAST +'f:::j'•-::r..~ continuous close grazing, It will also disappear under fre - ~a;•"••••:" o-; ~ quent close mowing. It will per- sist longer on critical areas i;i;:•~5~. since the grass is not often haw ,-.~c;;:.;. Redtop PLANTS fOR CONSERVATION IN THE NORTHEAST USDA - SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PLANT SHEET NE-8 ' RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra L.) Uses: This grass is used as a turf for lawns, athletic fields, golf courses, and playgrounds. It is an excellent soil binder and used ex- tensively for stabilizing waterways, .slopes, banks, cuts, and fills. It is also-used as a cover crop in orchards. Des~cri_ t~io~n: Red fescue occurs i'i~wo- forms , creeping and bunch-type. Creeping red fes- cue ;spreads by short under- ground'stems that make a tight uniform sod. Chewings fescue is tufted and spreads by de - veloping new shoots. Leaves of red fescue are bright green, wiry, and narrow. They are pressed together in V shape and appear nearly .round, Stems are usually bent at the reddish or purplish base and grow about 2 feet tall. Panicle seedhead is contracted or narrow. Varieties: Improved varieties of-~ fescue in the Northeast region are Illahee and Pennlawn. Uncommon varieties are Rainier, Golfrood, Trinity, Clatsop (Oregon), Duraturf (Canada), Olds (Canada), and Jamestown (Rhode Island). Pennlawn and Illahee are superior varieties for the Northeast. No improved varieties of Chewings fescue are on the market. Sources: The wmmon varieties are readily available from com- mercial sources. A~d~a~t~ati~on: This grass is Red fescue hardy, wear - resistant, and shade tolerant. It is drought- resistant after establishment. and adapted to sandy and acid soils. It _2- prefers well-drained soils, but requires ample moisture for establish- ment. Its prime area of use in the Northeast is New York, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the New England States. In the other states of the Northeast region, 'the grass is adapted to` the cooler zones. In areas of high temperatures and humidity, the grass may turn brown or deteriorate during the summer. It will generally recover in the fall when temperature and moisture conditions are more favorable. Establishment: Red fescue is rarely seeded in pure stands. It is used, ins' e'g`ad, w~tFi grasses and legumes for specific purposes, such as for lawns, erosion control, or recreational areas. Seedbed preparation, fertilizing, liming, rate and dates of seeding, and weed control re- quirements are generally governed by the companion grasses in the mix- ture. When red fescues are added to a mixture they usually ZONE OF PRINCIPAL constitute 25 to 60 percent of the mixture:.by weight. In shaded ADAPTATION IN THE areas, : red fescue is often the NORTHEAST key grass in-;.the mixture. . Mana men t: ~'~To maintain stand vigor,;.an density on lawns and recreational; dreas, apply fer - tiliiers annually. For critical erosion areas;. Less frequent use of ,fertilizers may be satis - factory.r When red fescue domi- Rea Fescue nates~~:a stand, mowing con - sis'~ently?•below 1-1/2 inches can causesevere damage to the stand. uso.~scs nvers.nie. Mo...n PLANTS FOR CONSERUATION IN THE NORTHEAST USDA - SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PLANT SHEET NE-3 TALL FESCUE (Festuca arundinacea, Schreb.) Uses: Tall fescue is used for pastures, hay, crop rotations, recreational areas, and stabilization of waterways, slopes, banks, cuts, fills, and spoils. Foliage is eaten by geese, deer, and cottontailed rabbits. The plant also provides nesting and fall and winter cover for birds. Descri ti on: Tall fescue is an introduction from Europe. It is a robust, ong- ived, deep-rooted, bunchy grass often with short rhizomes. Stems are 3 to 4 feet tall, erect, and smooth. Leaves are broad, flat, generally smooth on the underside, and ribbed on the upper side. Head is a nodding panicle from 4 to 12 inches long. Varieties: There are two well-known varieties Kentucky 31 and Alta. These are very similar and neither superior to the other except as affected by local environment. Kentucky 31 is usually used as standard in the _ _ Northeast. Kenwell is a variety release from Kentucky promising ,J more pal atabi 1 i ty and disease re - j , , ~ ~f , sistance than either Kentucky 31 or i ~ 1 Alta. ~ 't. ~ ~ ~ f / Sources : Kentucky 31 and Alta ~ ~ ~ - , j ~ '.r , varieties are readily available ~ + ~~./f'r`f from commercial seed dealers. The ~ I~~~ ~ y supply of Kenwell i s 1 imi ted at the ' ~ ` ~ ~ c ' present time. f i" t - - ~ A~dapt~ati~on_: This plant is adapted to- a wide range of climatic con di - l ~~.;3 ~ ~ ~'F`,; tions. It is affected more by ~ moisture than temperature. It pro- ~ duces topgrowth when soil tempera - __.,y:. ture is as low as 40°F. It tolerants a pH range of 3.0 to 8.0, ' but does best at 6.0 to 7.0. It iC ~ grows best on fine to medium tex - tured soils. It will grow on shal- s low and claypan soils if they are moist. Establishment: Drill at depths of about 3/4 inch on a well - prepared, weed- ree, irm seedbed. Hydraulic seeding or broadcasting may be necessary on - 2- critical areas. Seeding rates vary from 10 to 15 pounds per acre for pasture and hay to 50 to 60 pounds per acre on critical areas. For lawns and recrea- tional areas, tfie seeding rates may be as high as 250 pounds per acre. Plant in early spring as soon as soil conditions permit or from middle of August to early September. In some areas, late September or October seedings may be satisfactory. Apply lime and fertilizer according to test for establishment. Legumes may be added for hay or pasture; but are difficult to maintain in tall fescue stands owing to the aggressive growth of this grass. Management: Maintain fertility by applying fertilizers based on soil tests. braze in the spring when the plant is about 8 inches high or between the boot to early head stage. For hay or silage, cut between boot and early head stage. Later harvests give lower quality forage. On critical areas, mowing is desirable. Tall fescue tends to get clumpy on critical areas if not mowed at least once very 2 years. ZONE OF PRINCIPAL ADAPTATION IN THE NORTHEAST •`:c : i~ Regional Technical Service Center Upper Darby, Pennsylvania Apri 1 1969 ~g~fFO(K~o RAYMOND L. JACOBS N T JAMES A. RICHTER ~ `T' ENGINEERING HIGHWAYSENDENT OF 0'~OI ~ ~~0~ INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEPTEMBER 10,1991 BOND ESTIMATE FOR MATTITUCK CREEK ESTATES AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM 11 1000 - 107 - O1 - 02 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DRAINAGE: 1. 2 EA. CATCH BASINS $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 2. 156 V.F. LEACHING BASINS (10' 300.00 46,800.00 3. 180 L.F. 18" ~ CMP 30.00 5,400.00 4. 100 S.Y. DRIVEWAY APRONS 25.00 2,500.00 5. 600 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 5.00 3,000.00 6. 10 EA. CONCRETE MONUMENTS 100.00 1,000.00 7. 2 EA. DEEP FIRE WELL 10,000.00 20,000.00 8. 46 EA. STREET TREES 200.00 9,200.00 9. Job MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. 3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 97,900.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = 5,874.00 TOTAL = $ 103,774.00 1 ~ 1q~1 \ Page 1 of 1 ,1,0 r 9~Qk 9 ~ ~Od~