HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-63.-6-1 ,off gUFFO(�c��, PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSH � ' z �- �`, T SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman �'" ` Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 October 26 . 1992 John P. Sullivan lst Vice Commander American Legion Griswold-Terry-Glover Post, No. 803 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Waiver of Site Plan Amendment for Griswold-Terry-Glover Post, AKA American Legion Hall Southold, N.Y. SCTM #1000-063-6-1 Dear Mr. Sullivan; The Planning Board has reviewed your request for waiver of site plan approval for the expansion of the existing building by adding about 720 square feet, along with a band shell of about 96 feet to the west side of the structure. The purpose of the addition is to better utilize the existing meeting room or hall, as explained in your letter of October 13, 1992 and other supporting documentation that you submitted for the record. The Board waives the requirement that the site plan be amended. If further assistance is needed, please do not hesitateto contact this office. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman CC: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector GRISWOLD-TERRY - GLOVER POST, No. 603 1//S SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK October 13 , 1992 Mr . B. Orlowski Jr . , Chairman Southold Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold , NY 11971 Dear Mr . Orlowski : The American Legion , Post 803 , Southold , NY is desirous of expand- ing the present one story frame building . This expansion will comprise an area of 60 ' -0" x 12 ' -0" ( 720 sq. ft . ) adjacent to the main hall . This is considered necessary in order to provide a more pleasant and desirable atmosphere for the various functions held at this facility. Currently , depending on the number of persons attending , two areas are required to be utilized , one of which precludes the majority of patrons a clear vision to the entire area of the main hall . Additionally, the Southold Fire Dept . has recently requested the use of our facility for an emergency shelter with respect to an OSHA mandated emergency plan in the event of a natural disaster or/ and in particular to a disaster at the Van Duzer Gas Co . (refer to attached letter ) . The proposed expansion would provide additional space for this purpose also. Respectfully , qo hn P . Sullivan t Vice Commander l5 OCT 7 SO IUT ThII;LO L1'+ Pit;JG 30.2HJ ) SOUTHOLD FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief P.O. Box 1469 p: Mike G. Davos. Sr. Main Road. NY Rt, 25 (516) 765-2457 Southold. New York 11971 - {{#, 4' F✓st Assistant Chlel (516) 765-3385 ; William H. Sawicki (516) 765.1567 Second Assistant Chief el William F Salmon y' ~~ (516) 765.5620 Secreran• Keith Purcell (516) 705-1330 Treasurer OK O Ci CSC �EplLCLNLCKL Ronald Bulkovich CC (516) 765-2139 September 8, 1909- American 902American Legion Griswold-Terry Post No . 803 Main Road Southold, N .Y. 11971 To The Members Of The American Legion : The Southold Fire Department would like to request the use of your facilities as part of a pre-plan involving the evacuation of citizens in the area of C. F. Van Duzer's Gas Company . We would need to know who to contact during the day and as well as the night . The maximum capacity of your facility.A map or layout of the building and areas that can be used. We will be glad to discuss the pre-plan at any time . ` Thank You vfi;Cf C ' Keith Purcell Department Secretary o � NF ? �--=— - gym: I GRISWOLD-TERRY - GLOVER POST, No. 603 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Su Pi- October 26 , 1992 Ms . Valarie Scopec Southold Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold , NY 11971 Dear Ms . Scopec : Pursuant to our conversation of Oct . 14, 1992 , regarding the square footage of the Post building , the following information is forwarded : Existing Hall 1800 sq. ft . Addition 720 sq . ft . Side Room 716 sq. ft . Total 3236 sq. ft . Above does not include Kitchen, Pantry, Business Office , Executive Office . If additional information is required , do not hesitate to call . Very truly yours , John P . Sullivan 1st Vice Commander 5C1,&F,, gUFF0j,f P15 O =�0 Gym PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS W SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman • �� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 I _ A 14 A i s i I I h0— ,�'r4riG� �e GRISWOLD-TERRY - GLOVER POST, No. 603 fS SOLITHOLD. NEW YORK October 13 , 1992 Mr . B . Orlowski Jr . , Chairman Southold Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold , NY 11971 Dear Mr . Orlowski : The American Legion, Post 803 , Southold , NY is desirous of expand- ing the present one story frame building. This expansion will comprise an area of 60 ' -0" x 12 ' -0" ( 720 sq. ft . ) adjacent to the main hall . This is considered necessary in order to provide a more pleasant and desirable atmosphere for the various functions held at this facility. Currently, depending on the number of persons attending , two areas are required to be utilized , one of which precludes the majority of patrons a clear vision to the entire area of the main hall . Additionally, the Southold Fire Dept . has recently requested the use of our facility for an emergency shelter with respect to an OSHA mandated emergency plan in the event of a natural disaster or/ and in particular to a disaster at the Van Duzer Gas Co . (refer to attached letter ) . The proposed expansion would provide additional space for this purpose also . Respectfully, /ohn P . Sullivan 1st Vice Commander U SOUTHOLD FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief P.O. Box 1469 Mike G. Dav'.os. Sr. Main Road. NY Rt. 25 (516) 765-2457 Socthold, New York 11971 Frst Assistant Chief (516) 765-3385 William H. Sawicki (516) 765-1567 Second Assistant Chief 'Wilham F Salmon (516) 7655680 Secretary Keith Purcell (516) 765-1330 Treas:.�rer Ou 4 Ci L2ee�artrkeKt Ronald Butkovich (516) 765-2139 September 8, 1402 American Legion Griswold-Terry Post No . 803 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 To The Members Of The American Legion : The Southold Fire Department would like to request the use of your facilities as part of a pre-plan involving the evacuation of citizens in the area of C. F. Van Duzer's Gas Company . We would need to know who to contact during the day and as well as the night . The maximum capacity of your facility .A map or layout of the building and areas that can be used. We will be glad to discuss the pre-plan at any time . Thank You , A Keith Purcell Department Secretary 1!�31�f5 t t S LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SPRIe Type: No SP Required Project Type: Site Plans Status: No Site Plan Required SCTM # : 1000 - 63.-6-1 Project Name: American Legion Hall Address: NYS Route 25 Southold Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Griswold Terry Glover Post No. 803 Owner Name: Griswold Terry Glover Post Zone 1 : Approval Date: Alp/ L/C-/ 91 q,,:i Tc-/--� 10/,; &IqZ OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: yr p SC Filing Date: Cand R's : Home Assoc: RC �o,. ,� n, R and M Agreement: ent SCAN Date: . 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