HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-11/12/1970 $outholdTownBoar o£Appeals SOUTHOLD, L, I.' N. Y. 11~71 Telephone 765-P6~0 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert ~. Gillispie, Jr.~ Chairman Robert Be.r~en Charles Grisonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. MINUTE~ ~0UTHOLD T0~ BOARD OF APPEALS November 12, 1970 A regui~v meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, November 12, 1970, at the Town Office, ~iain Road, ~outhold, New Tork. There were present: Messrs: Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman; Robert Bergen~ Fred Hulse, Jr.; Charles Grigonis, Jr. Also present: Howard Terry, Building Znspector. PUBLIC ~I~"G: Appeal No. 1~79 - 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Herbert A. & Margaret J. Fisher,. 245 Youngs Avenue, Mattituck, New Tomk, for a. variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IZI, ~ection )00~ ~ubsection 6~ and Article lIl~ ~ection 309, for permission to locate accessory building in froot yard ~ea. Location of property: north side of Toungs Avenue, Mattituck, New Tork, bounded north by Deer Park Subdivision, east by Barbara T. ~ta~zee, south by Youngs Avenue, west by Harry Tuthill. Fee paid ~.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance~ legal notice of b_earing, affidavit attesting to its publicstion in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? HERBERT FISHER: Z am the applicant. THE CHAZR~. After you bought the property a new road was cut tk~ough behind you, is that correct? After the lot was laid out. THE CPIAIF2~2~: When did you construct your ~. FISHER: It was started in 1969. THE CHALRF~N: ~rnen was this road cut through? ~w2~. FISHER~: P~ior to that year. ~HE CHA]~l~kl~: ~Uaen was the property divided up? }~. F~: Previous to my ownership, previous to zoning; back in the late 30ts. TEE CHAiR_W~2~: Some' houses were on this road before zoning; ~dith Young in the late ~0ts. ~R. FiSEER: They were ~0 foot lots and the lots we bought were made into 100 £oot lots. THE CHA~i~2~: Does ~uyone else wish to speak for this applicat i on ? (There was no response.) TF~ CHAIR~?~kN: is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this.application? (There was no response.) A~ter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to locate accessory building in front ym~d area. AppliCant wishes to build a detached garage at the rear of his home. The Board finds that a public road has been cut through at the rear of the~ applicant's property which makes it impossible to meets'the setback requirements with- such an accessory building; and this subdivision was laid out before zoning. The Board finds that strict application of ~he Ordinance would producm practical d~fficulties or unnecesszry hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not~ be sh~red by all proper- ties alike in the i~mediate'Vicinity of this property and in the s~.me use district? and the vari'ance will not Change the character of the neighborhood, ~md will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by }~. Bergen, seconded by P~. Hulse, it was ~0L~ED Herbert~ ~. & Margaret J. Fisher, 2~ Yoongs &venue, Hattftuck~ New York, be GPj~N~ permission to ~rect accessory building ~n front-yard area on property located on north side of Toungs Avenue; subject to the following condition: -3- That the garage be located at least 20 feet from Y~rk Road in the backyard area as determined by the original front yard, which w~s on Youngs Avenue. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~essrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse. Pt~LtC HEARIlffG:- Appeal i~0. 1381 - ?:~ P.M. (E.~.T,), upon application Of Harold E. &'Alva'h B. Goldsmith, ~ellS- ~venue, Southold, New POrk, for approval of access over private r~ght-of- way~ in accordance with the ~tate of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property: Private right-of-way o£~ north side of Middle-Road (UR27), Peconio, New York, bounded north by H. & A. Goldsmith, east by Peconic Properties and Henry Reichman, south by Middle Road (GR27), west by C. Diller & others. Fee paid $~.00. The Chair~n opened the hearing by reading the appl~oatlon for approval of access, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHA~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? .~V~GOI~S~iTH: i would l~ke to speak For it. I would like to say it was left to me and my brother. Ther~ was a house that we, as a family, tensed for m~ny years datingback to 1918. ~om~ of the property up there was sold (we own it). ~ TEE CHAI~: How deep does your property extend back From hightide? ~. GOI~I~H: ~me krea is a little over nine acres. owned a ~arm in the 40~s before zoning. TP~E CHAIRI~{: What was the total acreage of the farm, ~. GOI~t~TH: That was the or_gmnal total. THE ~AIR~N. When you SOld' to Dillor -~ Understand you retained a right-of-way over the easterly border of the property. ~, GOiE)$~i~H: ~t the time this was subject ~to change; if, ~as a~d when it ~ight be advantageous to have it in another' location but' that was never'~exerOised. It Wa~ discussed at the t~me the property was sold but it never came to pass. It was just idle conversation. THE 'CHA!R~: This is the only possible way you have to get to this propertY, It is l0 feet Wide ~nd measures a mile and one- tenth. It's a tough road. Now you want to sell this whole nine acres to one individual? ~no is the indiv~dua_ who has the place now? '~. ~OED~TH: ~r.~ Ross; my-property on the east. He has' a right-of-way over the same road but just ,~ses it in the THE HA~°d~t~. This r~gh~-of-way wanders off the line. know one thing we can't do is grant a right-of-way over someone else~s property. .MR. GOLDS~H: Tou mean you would require a copy o£ the Deed? TEE CHAIE3~: I think it should be in the record. The only thing we can.grant is what is in your Deed. Even doing that we are varying the State law somewhat, which we have the power to do. The State law requires 16 feet. t~R. GOED~I~_TTE: When did it go into effect? It seems strange to me that at the time the papers were dra'gn up we were not aware of that fact, regs~ding width and right-of-way. That was before zoning. Tg~E CHAiR~: I was wondering what the thinking was when you sold it in regards to passing. You could not pass two vehicles on a l0 foot right-of-way. There are several turn-offs. I~A~. 1T~"- If a f~ilow owned the property and wanted to put up a fence, that would be the end of the turn-offs. l~. BERGS{: Lots of places are eight or ten feet from the road. ~. GOI~M!TH: At the time the Deed was dra%~ it was understood that there would be a l0 foot right-of-Way. I don~t know when the exact bo~daries were delineated. I wish I had known this was re quired. ~ Ct~I~T~ k~%atever action we take will be subject to your producing th~ Deed. (The' Chairman read from the rules: ~Eo permit shall be issued ~uuless street or high altitude, eto.~). ~. GOLDS~Lt~H: That applies to subdivisions. THE CHAiR~MAN: {continuing to read ~where it would p~oduce un- necessary hardship the applicant may appeal to ~n Administration o~flcer, Building Inspector, etc.~). That is the authority under which we are operating here. I can remember'when 280A was Origi- nally put in, and Z have been dealing with it since ~A~ TEREY, B~ldzng ~_nspector. It waS-in longer than that a~d nobody paid much attention to it tmtil banks and city lawyers became interested in it. MR. GO~St~!TH: (Referring to Map) This is something that has been proposed for just so many yeses i hesitate to b~ing it up. There is a road Eolng From ~oundView ROad and connecting with Oregon. Apparently it's on the map now in Which' CaSe it,s a right-Of-way. Henry ~ith has a certain area there. This is, I would say, more than one-half way from existing roads to our area. THE CI~L~J-~: How much Further do they have to go? ~. GOLTk%~.CITH: I thi~k one or two farms. There is a road now that goes up to Vails Road. Td]E CHAI~N: Is that a Town Road. t~o T~.I:~Y, Building Inspector: It will be eventually. !e~.. GOID~IITH: (DiscuSsing the map with' the' Board members) This d~tted line shows two roads; two separate roads eventually going'throUgh there. This was originally proposed connecting with ~oundview and Oregon. THE~ CHAIP~%N: property. I~. GOIDSI~LI~fH: It's a couple of thousand feet to get to your This line will go through the middle of it. ~. HALOID GOIDS~.7iTH: Z£ and' when that h'ighway went through we would give up our right-of-way to North Road. T~ CHAIRI~L~N': i wonder if that shomld not be' inserted in the action of this Board. It will have to be improved~ and the only thing we can approve is.the area under discussion~ subject to inspection of the Bui lding Department. I would think yon would have to get a bulldozer in and take down the hedgerow. MR. H. GOIDSMITH: ~. Diller is supposed to maintain the right- of-way. _ . THE CP_AiR~W~ I presume you are asking for access because you are going to sell. ~. A. GOIDSMITH~ The people who are interested are interested because they ~ant to build a house on it. There is just one man. THE CHAIF~J~N: Is there electricity? ~R. H. GOIDSI~H: Yes~ and. telephone. _ . THE CHAIP2~,: It' has to be suitable for emergency vehicles~ fire trucks~ ambulance, etc. ~. GO~S~ITH: I can only say i assume f~om what I heard that the prospective buyer ,has been up there many times and is willing to proceed if he can get permission to build ~'home. Ho, Ne are here to comply in any way we can with whatever rules and regulations there are. This situatioo has existed from a long time before regulations. THE CHAIR~'L~_N: We canlt be put in the position of granting a right-of-way over someone else~s property. ~. GOLOS~KETH: ~oul~ the width or the location of the r~ght- of-way have any bearing? The fact that the right-of-way b~s been l0 feet wide for ove~ twenty years and that it was prior to zoning, would this have any bearing? THE Ci~: I think it does bu~ this man may want to Sub- divide-s'it so the right-of-way ~is a problem. %mat we would grant would be l0 feet on the easterly line of the Diller property. .~. GO~S~W!ITH: it is along the easterly line of the property. There is an existing right-of-way now. It can be shared. THE CHAIF2~: ~e run into a Situation... there may be a tree s'o 'th~ right-of-way naturally goes around the tree. Tou may wander over on Ross~s property. MR. GO!DStCITH: Ross is on the northwest corner. ~. BERGS: This property surrounds him? THE CHA~M~2¢: His property crosses your property? Fi~. GOEOSMiTH: Ye s. ~. H. GOIDSF~H: i suppose whoever buys it could make the access wherever he wants iS. ~L~. BE~G~: The road has to be improved for fire trucks and ambulance s. ~. A. GOZDS~H: They can't go up there for the other people. These people have the same access as we do. I~R. k~Y~%~¢.: They were there before we were responsible. TR~E CHAiR~' How many people ase that rlght-o£-way? ~E¢. GOYJDSMITH: RoSs. He sometimes uses the access of Reichman. He has a friendly ~elationship~ He goes that way sometimeS. The fact of the matter is that the Biller~s are responsible and they would have to maintain that access in better form. There has been no fuss about it. THE CH~kIP~M~hN: There will be a Fuss now because this fellow wants to b~.y and will have to improve the right-of-way for fire trucks and what he will have to improve is I0 feet. i think we should postpone d~cision until we see your Deed. I~. C-OiDSY~ITH: I would be very happy to get it for you. ~. HULSE: Is it something that is pressing? Do you have the De~a at home? We could postpone until later this evening. ~. GOLDS~H: i would have to get hold of Rennle Terry. I believe he has a copy. THE CHAIR~L¢i~: I believe the Board is inclined to act~favorably but before granting we would have to see w'nat we are doing. i~. GOIDSkrITH: What would be the earliest action? TBE CPiA~w~: We meet every three Weeks but could grant Subject to a defined right-of-way because if it is not defined, we would have to define it. T HE CHA~M~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) A~fter i~vestigatIon ama inspect~ n ~he Board finds that the applicant requests permission for approval of access over private right-of-way'in accordance with the State of New York To~a Law, Section 280A. A right-of-way borders the easterly line Of the property of Diller, and has been used for over twenty years. W~nen property was sold to Diller, Harold E. and Alvah E. Goldsmith retained right-of-way over easterly property of Diller. The applicants propose to sell the property to one individualwho ~shes to build a house on it. The rigb3~-of-way is l0 feet wide, and off the north side of Middle Road (CR27), Peconic, New York. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would prodUce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be sha~ed by all' properties alike in the i~3aediate vzc~n~y of this prooerty an~ in the-sameuse district; and the variance will~not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. ' ' _'e seconded by Mr. Hulse, it was On ~otion by Mr. G~llzsoz , RESOLVED Harold~E- and AlvahE. Goldsmith, %~ells ~%venue, ~outhold, New York, be GR~NTED approval of access over Private right-of-way as applied for. Locat'ion of property: private right- of-way off north side of ~iddle Road (CR27), Peconie, New York, Henry Reich.man~ south by Middle ROad (CR27), wes~ oy' O. ~z]...er & others. Th~S approval of access ~s C-RANTED subject to the following conditions: -8- 1. Appiicaat must produce Deed showing that i0 Foot wide right-of-way bordering the easterly line of property of Diller does exist. 2. It is understood that one residence may be constructed on this property. 3. That the right-of-way be improved to the satisfaction of the Building Department in order ~to provi~de for access of emer- gency vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances. ~. This action to become final when the applicant produces Deed showing proof of existence of l0 foot wide right-of-way. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Piessrs: Gillispie, Bergen~ Hulse. PUBLIC ~G: Appeal do. 1382- 8:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Kenneth Schold~ Soundview Avenue, Southold,-New York a/c Samuel S. Cohen, Leeton Drive, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the .Zoning O~dinance, Article /ii, Section 300, Subsection 6'& Article iii, Section 309, for pe~- mission to locate accessory buildiag in-front yard area. Location of propemty: north side of Leeton Drive~ $outhold, New York~ bounded north by L. I. ~ou_ud~ east by Jo~nne C. Lowell, south by Leeton Drive, west by Go Ac Goldner. _Wee paid $~.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of bearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers~ and notice to the applicant. THE C~%IR~: ts there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? ~5~. EE~ETH SCHOID: I am her~ in reference' tO the application but have nothing to state other than what is in the application. THE CHAPMAN: Tt~is is an application for an accessory build- ing i~ the front yard"ares. The backyard area is Long Island Sound. There are other accessory buildings in the~.front yard a~ea of Leeton Drive. TAN~ CH~IR/~I$2\7: Is there anyone present ~no wishes to speak against this application? i~. BERGS: Has the applicant thoug~ht of building an attached gar age ? P~. SCHOID: it~has been discussed. It's a personal thing, it would probably be better attached because it would be in the building line. -9- FA~. BERGen: Right now on that block there are no garages, just some pump houses. ~MR. $CHOLD: There are no accessory buildings standing alone in front yard areas. I~L~. BERGEE: This will probably start scmething. ~. ~OI~D: This is true. THE CHAIR~: Could it be attached to the house? }~. ~CHOLD: I think ~'iF you people Fe~l that is the way you would grant a variance, they would consider it. THE CHAIRF~I~: it is certainly pre£erable because we have an odd situation. ~'ith property on the water people think' that is their £ront yard but this is not true, legally speaking, i£ people live across the Street some consideration-should be given to them. It would be better if they would attach it to the house. MR. B~GE~: ~ither side, whatever is appropriate. T~E CHAI~: Just so it doesn't change the sidelines. They tOO narro~y now. 'THE Ct~P~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) AFter investigation and inspection the Board Finds that the applicant requests permission to locate accessorybullding in Front yard area on north side of Y~eeton Dr~ve, ~outhold, New Tork. The Board Finds that it would be preferable to attach garage to house in' such a manner as not to change the presently existing sidelines. There are no other detached accessory buildings in the Front yard area in the n~ighborhood.' This will tend to improve the area as 'it is preferable not to have a number of detached Front yard buildings. The Board £inds tha't strict application 0£ the Ordinance would produce practical d~£ficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and 'in the same use distr-ict; a~d the variance will not change the character OF the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by ]@. Hulse, seconded by .Mr. Bergen, it was RESOLVED Kenneth ~chold, ~oundview Avenue, ~outhold, New York, a/c Samuel B. Cohed, LeetOn Drive, ~onthold, Kew Tork, be Gt~TED oermission to construct attached garage in Front y~rd 8.rea in ~uoh a manner as not to change the ores~ntly existing sidelines of the present structure. The garage ~ay be attached to the house on either side or in the middle, whichever is convenient. This application is granted subject to the following conditions: That the garage shall be no closer than 3~ feet to the street line. Vote of the Board: Lyes:- I~!essrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse. · -- t T PUBLIC EEY~G: ApPeal No 1380 8:15 P.M. rE.S, .), mpon application of Catherine E. Phillips, Bay Avenue, EattituCk, New -fork, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article i-i~, Section~300, Subsection ~ (s), for permission to reinstate use of two (2) family dwelling as a non- conforming use. Location of property: west side of Bay &venUe, Mattituck, New York, bounded' north by ~rnest Wilsberg, east by Bay Avenue, south by J. A. Hallock, west by F. & J. Fumille. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special excet~tion, legal notice of hearing, a££1davit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CH~IPJ~A~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? I~'. JOHN EC~RT: I am Mrs. Phill'ip~ son-in,law.-' For purposes of' clarification ~t~ts is classified today as being a sired'lo apartment. Zt has a ~at~oom and s. large room tha~ can be used for -living and cook~g purposes~ ~- wife and i msed it and then we built ou~ own place; and then l.~rs. Phillips had the place all 'to herself. ~he is in her nighties and has a very limited income, tt is necessary to get some money together tb make ~epairs. By being able to rent this apartment it would be possible to derive this amount of money. THE OH~¥~T: H~w large is the lot? could not give yom the specifications. T~E CH~.iLg_~!~ You don~t plan to enlarge the apartments l~. ECEERT: She just plans to re-use it. ~ince zonlmg came in at that time~ there were no requirements necessary before that, and we merely want to conform to the law. THE CPA~{: This was used before the Ordinance went in in 1948. You don~t plan any enlargement of the apart~ment? l~. ~Cir~RT: Zt would remain the same. It has both shower and cooking facilities. THE CHAIRMAi~: is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this applicstion? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRI~L~W= The only question is whether that Should be continued as a use after the time your mother-in-law needs it. I~R. BERC-~: Are we allowed to put a limit on itt THE CHA~!~: On a special permit or specigl exception there can be a condition, ts }~s. Phillips going to spend much money on the apartment? P~. ~CMMRT: Zt will cost two or three thousand dollars. T~ CHA~I~2~: you put into it. be a handicap. Iff you ever had to sell it yom Would want what if it is not useable as an apartment it could ~. ~Ci~ERT: We are talking about a person not being here, it is rather awkward. At such time it would be sold as a private dwelling. It would not necessarily enhance the value. ~. HUL.~E.' This will cease when ~[rs. Phillips disposes of the place. ~he might decide to move into an apartment herself. wants to stay in her own home. I~. HOWARD TER~RY, Building Inspector: You can limit it to the present owner. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to reinstate use 0f two (2) family dwelling gvenUe,'~attituCk, New York.'~ TheBoard finds that app!ics, nt wishes to rent studio apartment in her home. This apartment had been used previous to zoning. The B0ar~'finds that the public conven~ience and welfare and justice Wild-be served and the'legally established or permitted Use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently'or substantially injured and the spirit of the ~rdinance will be observed. On motion by F~. Bergen, seconded by 1~. Hulse, it was R~OLVED Catha~ine M. Phill~ps, Bay ~v~nue, Mattit~ek, New York, be GRf~WTED approval to reactivate Studio apartment in house located'west side of Bay'~venue~ Mattituck, New York, so~oject to the following conditions: 1. Rental of studio apartment shall be con£ined to the present owner. 2. There shall be no enlargement of the outside dimensions of the present studio apartment. Vote of the Board: &yes:-~iessrs: Gillispie, Bergen~ Hu!se. PUBLIC 5~AR~G: ~ppea! No. 1383 - 8:30 P.M. (E~'E.Ti), u~pon application of Edward & Shirley Puttz, 9th and ~iggins Street, Greenport, New York, For a variance in accordance with ~he Eoning Ordnance, ~rticle III, ~ectioa ~03 and 307, ~nd ~rticle ~, ~ction~lO00~ & 1000~, for permission to convert non-conforming building into one family dweiliag with insufficien$ side yard and lot ~ea. ~ocation Of property: northeast corner of Wiggins & 9th ~treet, G-ree~port, New York, ~Map No. ~8, ~. Bue! Corwin~ lot ~s ll & 12. Fe~ paid $~.00. The Chairman opened the hes~ing byrreading the application for a variance,' legal notice OF hearing, affidavit attesting' to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the ~pplicant. THE C?IA~2~: ts there anyone present who wishes to speak for ~is application? t~. ~)W~RD P-0~TZ: It~s all stated right there. MR. ~GEN: In ot~er words, yOU~have two lots and want to swing around to face the other street. map. ~. ~LTZ: That Foundation is existing. THE CHALRi~: ~ believe that these lots a~ ~n anI old filed This survey is dated March 12, 1963.. is that a full cellar? ~. P0~Z: It has abo~t a four foot depth. ~ ~THE CitriC_CAN: ~tt woUld'be your idea to put the house on the existing Foundation. W~at is the dim nsion? i~, PU~TE: 24. ft~ x 37 ~. There is an overhang on the end of feet on either side. 'THE CFi~IRI~N: Is there m~yone present~ ~no wishes to spe~ against this application? (There was inO response.) b. fter investigation and inspection the Board Finds that the ~.pplicant requests permission to convert non~conforming build~i~ng into one family dwelling with insufficient side~ yard '~a~d lot area located northeast corner of ~Yiggins & 9th Street, Greenport, ~ew York. The Board finds that while the lot is too' small it would be a hardship to have two lots-When one is not used; Also the fact exists that there is city water, ~nich is ~ plus. This property is on an old Filed map and the lots should be divided. The Board Finds that strict aPPlication of the 0rdinanSe would produce practical d~ff~culties or unnecessary hardship ; the hardship cre~ted is unique an8 woul8 not'be shared by all pz, operties alike in the imr~ediate vicinity of this property and in the same ~se d~strict; and the variance w~ll not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by I¢lr. Gi!lispie, seconded by ~. Bergen, it was RESOLVED Edward & Shirley PUltZ, 9th & Wiggins Street, Greeh~o~t, New York, be GRA~'I~ED permission as applied for~ on prope~y~located northeast corner Of ~iggins & 9th Street, Greenport, ~ew York, subject to the following conditions: That the new construction shall occupy lot which is ?~ ft. x 124 ft. The westerly line of the new lot shall start at a point 75 feet from the property line, lot No. 28 on ~iggins ~treet, and run parallel to the easterly line to the point of intersection of tlme northerly line adjoining lot ~s 8, 9 and 10. A fUrther consideration is that there be no side yard variance permitted on t~e new construction in tlme future. The house may be enlarge~ over the original foundation ~ Feet on the north and south. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- M&ssrs: Gilli~spie, Bergen, Hulse. PUBLIC HE~A{ING: Appeal No. 1384 -~ 8~.4~ P.M. (E.S~T.), upon applicstion of Salvator~ Vindi~ui, Gillette i~ve, East Marion, New Yo~k, for a Variance-in accordance with the ~oning Ordinance, Article iii, Section ~07, For per~_fsSion to construc.~ addition to existing dwelling' with insufficient Side yard area. Location of property: west side of Gillette Drive, East l~arion, New York, Subdivision ~ap of ~L%rion ~anor, Lot ~ 19. Fee paid $~.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. T~ CHAIRlr~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? I~R. ~k~VATOR~ VINDIG~I: Yes, I am the owner. T~ CHAIRMAn: The proposed addition in on the South side of the house locate~ on Gillette Drive.. The lot is one on~ the approved Filed map which is par~t of the zoning ordinance, which makes it a sPecial' case. Ordinarily, the~ Buildinglnspector can grant but where the lot' frontage is l~feet, 'it has to 'go'before this Board. The proposal is to add t~ F~et which will reduC~ the side yard on the south side to l$~feet. Ton already have a ten Foot side yard on the north side of the house. Milo VINDIGt~I: It would help a rather personal situation. T~E CitAIRi~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) After investigation and~ inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to constrmct addition to existing dwelling with insufficient side yard area located west sid~ of Gillette Drive, ~ast Marion, New YOrk. The Board finds that the applicent requires additional space and that this space is permitted under the present zoning ordinance. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce pr~ctical difficulties or ~nnece~SarY hardship~ the hardshiP is unique and would not be shared ~Oy ~ll properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and ~n th~ sa~e use distr~ct; and the variance w~ll not change the character~ o£ the neig~hborhood and will observe the spirit o£ the Ordinance. On motion by l~[r. Hulse, seconded by ~. Grigonis, it was tTE~OLVED Salvatore Vindigni, Gillette Drive, ~ast New York, be G-RAI~?EO permTssion t'o construct a~d'ition to existing dwelling wtth insufficient sid~ yard area located west side Gillette Drive, ~ast Marion, New York, subject to the Following c ondit ion: That the building remain a single Family residence. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~iessrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hu!se, Grigonis. PUBLIC HEARII~G: Appeal I9o. 138~ - 9:00 P.M. (E.S~T.), upon application of Frank Gonzalez d/b/a Townsend Manor Inn, Inc., 7]Jl - 726 Main Street, Greenport, A~ew York, for a-specia! exception in accordance with the-Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 'lO, for permission to e~ect ~an off- premises direct~ional sign. Locatioh~ ~f p~Operty: land-of Ahdrew ~assidy, south~ 'slde~of ~Iain~Road~ G~eenpOrt~ New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Dri-Gen Realty Corp., south by L. I. Railroad, west by Fleet Lu~oer Gompany. Fee paid $~.00. The Chairman opened' the hearing by reading the alopiica~ion for a spec!si exception, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CP~--q'~{: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? ~R. FRA~ GON~Z: %~hat I have to say is right there in the application. THE C~.~LRi{A~N: You have signs now? E. GO~iZ ~A!~Z: I have two very poor signs I will take down. i~o TE~qY, Building Inspector.~ Ee hms one ~t Rees6~s o~ ti_~$ Etate p~ope~ty and wi1% have to be ~emoved. T~ C)L~XR.~2{: The sign on Reese's development you Dian to re apply for? Yes. THE CH~L°~AI{: Then you will eliminate the other? This sign you are applying for now ~ill replace you~ need for this sign? ~IE. R~JI~E: It should come d-own. ~=at should be made a Condition. The condition should be that these other two signs be _~emoved. ~ ..... THE~'G?IA~tT: Does s~uyone else wish to spes. k for this application? . !~. ROBOT i~G~S~ Orient: ~aat aSout th~ ~ize~ of th~s~ two signs? _, . ' T~ 'CMA~: 'The sizes we have standardized pretty directional' is 4~ ft. ~ 6 it; ~d a business si~ is 6 ft. 6 in. x 12 ~t. 6 !~. R~GHE~: Would this be 4 ft. x 6 ft.? THE CHAIrlift!{: Y_T this application is granted, that would be the maximum size. Ten or fifteen years ago we had larger signs bat now the maximum size is 4 ft. x'6 ft.~ for a place to eat, a place to sleep', a place of amusement, which is what'tt~e local economy is based on in the sum~e~ time. Th~.t is the' basis under which we grant'this type of sign. This directional would not be granted ~or a grocery store or bank, etc. ~e assume that a person would k~now where to look _~or a bank. >~. HUGHEB: .My questions are not ~for or against~. ~MR. GONZJ~EZ: You mentioned 4 ft. x 6 £t., or could it be 24 sq. ft. The name is TOwnsen'd Manor Inn. iS I fit it into a 6 foot sign, you would not be S. ble to read it. tt might help a little if I could use a 3 ft. x 8 ft. sign. THE Ci~IRI~i: That would be agree~oie but it should be no closer th~n ~ feet ~0 s~y property line, street line or ~ain Road line. If it goes past Fleet~S pmoperty line you would have to determln~, probably about ~ feet inside the pole line. Building Inspector: it cha~ges at Fleets. AFter investigation and inspection the Boa~d finds that the applicant requests permission to erect an off-premises d~_ect~onal sign on property of ~gndrew Oassidy, south' side of Main Road, Greenport, New York. This sign ~s in the interest of the community in view Of the fact that it advertises Townsend Manor ]i~.n; a place to eat, a i~lacs to' sleep, which is what the local sum_~er time economy is based on. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and just%ce ~i!l bs served and the legally established or permitte'~~ nee of 'nelghbOrhood p~operty ~d adjoining use districts will not be permaASntly or s~bstantially injured and the spirit .of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by ~iv. Hu!se, seconded by ~. Bergen, it was EE~OLVEO' Frank' G0nzaloz d/b/a ToWnsend ~anor Inn, irc., 71~- - 726 l~in ~treet, Greonpor~ New York, bS G~D permission t0 erect~ off-premises directional sign as applied for~, s~oject to the following conditions: The size shall not exceed 21~ sq. ft. It-mus~be 10ezted at least~£iVe feet frOmlany property llne, and subject to rules that govern signs. g' condition is that' the applicmnt~s sign at the Reese development n~ar the railroad bridge~between Greenport and ~uthold be ~remove~; and ~tha~ the~ 'sign presently on public ~property located near th~ 'Nassau Brick COmpany, on the south side as you enter Greenport, be rer~oved. Vote of tlne Board~ Grigonls. Ayes:- ~essrs: Gillispie, Bergen~ Hu!se, · PUBLIC ~_J~RIk.~G:'' ~ppeal No. 1386 - 9:'1%' P.?il-~ (~.B.T.),~ upon , R~verhe d, New application of ~o ~ernlioh~ ~Jrj, Rou~ %8, .... Tork,~ for-a special exception 'in~ acoorde~ce with'the Zoning ~d~ance, ~tible~f,"Section ~00,~SUbsection l, ~d~Article ~ 'A, Section 420,~ Bubs~ction 2 (d), for permiSSiOn to use premises a hew and~ USed c~ lot. Locat'iOn of prOpe~y: north-side of Main Road, (Route 2%)~ Greenport, New York, bounded n~brth by land~ of the Village of~ereenport, east by Fred Hulse, south~by Maih Road, (ROute 2%), ~we~t by land now or formerly of Jester & Benjamin. Fee paid ~'~h~ Cna~mmu opened the b_earing b - ~._~ ' · y ~eading the application a special'exception, 'legal notice of he~ing,~ ~ffidavit attesting ~o'its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHALvtF~t: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? I~R. !W.O ETEP~TT.TCHT: As you may know, we bought" out a Ford franchise. ~e don~t have a display area to Conduct b'usineSs If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. TL~E CH~qi%M~: ~at is the acreag~ involved? ~. ~TE_~LIC~: I would guess it's about an acre and a half. THE C~L~: The purpose-here, as you State, 'is to sell and~ display au'tomdoiI~s on tli~s=lot. -One of our problems is used cars. There was a junk~yard there before. _ ~. ~'?~SE: There is still a jun~a~d in back. It might be ~0~ OVe~ ~OW. ~ ~ . T~ C~t~T: You would just have operable vehicles? ~. S~RI{~C~: Not wrecks. The only time it mz~a~ happen is if someone had an accident. F~. HU-~.* You are not going to run a salvage yard? THE CHA~R~ Would-you bring~ a ~eoked car into the service side o~ the busimess, ia the used ca~ lot? ~. $~LICHT:~ Y~S, ~util ~adjmster came a~ound. I don~t ~ oao.. ~ you would see the car from the " T~~ C~q~: .... ~ ~sh~s~ ~h~Uld %e~ E~ted, yom would be happy with temporary storage for. abm O U $. t~j~y O weeks. . ~ ~. S~LICH~: I non t even think I would have one there. ~iR. liD-GHES: If this gentleman~had an advantageous offer could he sell out, and would the same restrictions 'hold? My second question~ why~ if they are going to put new or used cars for display on the north side, would it not be possible to make room for wrecks on the south side? THE CHAIR3~N: Is it possibles ~Lr. ~ternlicht, to keep the ~ecks on the south side? I~. ~TE~w~LICHT: The property is about 600 feet deep but there ~s an awful lot of Cleaning up and site work which won,t be done for six months or a year. THE CHAI~2~: "~fr.~ Hu~ghes brought up a ver~ legitimate question. This is one of the things people would be unhappy about. MR. ~I~h'LICHT: it would"~ot'be ~ur intent b~cause it's tb the benefit of ~outhold and myself. ~_ge want a clean looking place. T~E CHAIRN~kN: I am thinking of putting a time limit on it. ~ TEP~Y, Building Inspector: YOU already set conditions whom you gave a permit ~o~CampbelI. it had all the usual restrictions. ~e ha~ Problems with the place next door on the east side. They were allowed a ttz~ee month period. TRE GF~iRNAN~ ~recks are a problem. They happen every night. ~Ye have had this problem with gas station people. 'l~. HUG?~ES: My point was simply that w~ecks should be held on the south side rather than on the aorth Side. I know how long insurance companies take. This is the entrance to Greenport which is very important. YR. ~TERI~LICHT: There ~is no place on the south side to put something like that but there will be in a year or two. it will take an awful lot of fill. I~. ~: That place used to be a junk yard. That,s the way it started. MR. ~TERNLICHT: ~e have no junk there now. W~e have no place for people to pull up and look at the cars. THE Ct~IRN~: ~e don~t have the action handy that was granted tO Campbell in~ the Past, but the ~uSual restrictions are no major repamr work Shall be Performed in the Open. Zt will be located at least l~ feet from t.h~'proPe~ty l~he,., all fuel oil at least l~ ft. from~the pr'oper~y l~ne. No damage~ Vehicle shall be stored in the open. No parking excep~ those of Mervmce shall be permltt ~MR. ~TERNLICHT: He got an exception to display new or automobiles on that property. Thee CEALR~: I donTt think anyone has ever come up with a solution. HR. STEP~'~LICHT: Our application is not for a place to store ~e oks. . - · ~ ~,~%T- The ~equ~re~ent means you could sto~e a ~ecked vehicle omder cover. ~no Could afford that kind of Cover? This application, wo are considering now, is pr~m~ ly For the azsol y and sale of new ~d used cars. There could be pick-up trucks. That's our Tm C~'~: ~%re you going to fence the sides or the~ rear?. i~. ~TER~,~_,CHT. ~e do not plan to. ! ~on~t know what the regulatiOns are. If vandalism came' ab'out~ we m~t. ~e would ligJat it. The cars are always locked but if somebody wants to get in~ they can get in. .. ~' ~TT' MT. business too. TBi~ CPIAIR}z'~: %Fmc are the present owners? ~. ET~RNL!CHT: it will ~e a separate corporation. ~e are TezsTng fro~ Campbell- Greenpor't Ford Hotor. ~fe have an option to buy but will not buy for ~en years. Philde Corporation- . . THE CHAIP2~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) After investigation and inspectiOn the Board Finds that applicant r~qdeStS permission t¥ use premises For new and used car lbt~ the pr~m~ises are loc~t~d mo~th 'side Of Hain Road (Route 2~), Greenpor~, New York. ~pplica~t in~ends~to use the prop~rt~ for the sale ~d' ~isplay o~ new and used a~omobiles. The pr0pe~ty- is directly across From premises used by Greenport F0rd-Hercury~ ~c. in ~hich corpora~o~ applicant is interested. The sale'0f new and~u~ed cars Will be particularly promoted ~ince it will permit a visible and open display of such automobiles. ~ motion by ~. Hulse, seconded by F~. Gill~spie, it was ' ~0L~D '~o Sterntick$, ~Jr., ROute ~8~ Riverhead, New York, be ~~ permission to mse p~emises fo~ mew and used car lot located north side o~ ~a~ Road (Route 2~), Greenport, New s~oject to the following conditioms: ' ~h~ open on i. No majo~ repair work shall be performed zn ~ ~ this oroperty. 2. No p~mps or lubricating or other devices sh}ali be located on the property. 3- Ne Fmel oil e~ similar substances shall bo stored on the property. 4- Ne automobile pa~ts, ~is~m~le~ e~ damaged vehicles e~ simil~ ~tieles m~ be stored in the open en ~his p~ope~y. 5' Ne p~k~g of damaged vehicles s~ll exceed a pe~i~ of ~ee weeks. S. Illmmi~a~ion of ~his p~ki~g lo~ shall be done in s~h a way as ne~ ~o provide a ~z~d $o ~r~fic em ReuSe 25. 7. No vehicle tier ~isplay sha~ be p~ked close~ ~m l0 fees Se She property li~e. Vote of the Board: Grigonis, Ayes:- Eessrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, PUBLIC 2~R.ING: Appeal Nc. 1387 - 9:30 P.H.~ (E;E.T.), upon applie~tton oF rEmtthtownls Hi, Sig~s, Inc., 564 Jericho T~npike, ~mithtown, New York, for a special exception in--accordamce with the Zen[ug ~dimance, Article IV, ~ection 408 (a), For permission to erect on premise~ g~Vound sigm wi~h excessive height a~d area. Location ~F property: south side of Nai~ Read, Greenport, New York, bounded north by ~ain Road, east by Brown-Giovan~elli, south By Railroad, west by Gladys CsaJko. The Chaix~man opened the hearing by reading the application For a special exception, legal notice of hearimg, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice te the applicant. ~ ~~ Is ~here a~yeme p~esent who wishes te speak fe~ t~s application? ~. T~~~ ~: This is a b~echure p~ om~ by ~er~ Meter a~d Shat is~he ide~!ty we ~e t~Lug te mai~tai~ t~ will ~ead F o~d-Ne~c~y. ~. ~Y, Buf!~ing ~specter: ~is will Be t~ second greed si~. E. BENZE: The sig~ is~21 square feet. THE CHAiRNA~: This is the sign we are concerned with. a sign. down.there now? There is NR. BENZE: Yes, iS will be removed. TEE CHAIRNAN: ~ur ~rdinance Permits one pole 6 Ft. 6 in. x F$.~ 6 in. Zu some cas~es the heigh~ has been varied. ~e have not va~ie~ the total square-footage except ~n unusual eases. We a~e limited en square ffeot~e But ~ c~ v~y the hei~t. ~. ~ ~e~ de ~ke s~le~ s~s. ~e ~e onl~ ~he eree~e~, ~e~ .the ~ufaet~e~. TBe~e ~e s~l!e~ T~ C~~ Ne s~ shall stud clese~ tha~ 5"~eet to prepe~y ~e. You nee~ se~h~g along ~e line cf 81.25 ~is is the si~ ~ y~ have ~a~ om ~ application? ~. B~: Yes, ~hat~s t~ location of it. We have Sketc~s ~, Benze submitted sketches ~e t~ Be~ shying actual ph~ieal die--ions ef the si~). exceed~ t~.. sqe~e footage. ~. ~: ~ow hi~ is a tractor trailer, 15 feet? T~ C~: i$ feet ~e t~e"be~tom edge of ~he si~. You don~t. ~ant~ Se ~ock it d~.. As fa~ as t~ overall di~nsions, wo~id ~ve to be ~mi$ed te 81~ sq, ft. ~at ~cludes t~ outside di~nsions, ~d no p~ of ~ to everh~g the 5 feet area; stmg~ or de~le faced. ~. ~: It will be perpemdiomlar te t~ s~ee~. I have et~ ~r~ags but'~ don~t th~k I should tie yom ap for time. ~oa;~ 119 sq. ft. be ~ ~~: It oanSt exceed $1~ sq. ~. ~:' ~is is a si~ pro~ im matiom-wifle ~se. ~ ~~: Ne really don~$ ~ve much eemt~el ever esthetics. ~. B~: I~ does ~imtaim centrally. ~. ~s:' smppes~g ~hat sf~ was ~ted em a building, weald Shat eh~ge the ee~lexion of this? ~. ~Y, B~ild~g ~specto~: Yen ~e only aH~d 30 imohes above ~he ~. ~~ Gould i~ expand ove~ $~ buildimg? T~ p~eb~m is ~ Fe~d ~ee~$~ ~ a b~d sign like ~t. ~ ~~: ~an yom get a wi~e ' ~. ~, ~B~lld~g ~s~c~: ~ey have a f~ont w~e sign the b~ild~g mow~ ~. ~~ Tt~s eo~ng dowm, amd the name of t~ dealer. ~e e~ ~re because you ~e the Bo~a ef Appeals. THE GEAr: This Beard has never g~anted over--simed signs. I~ the early da~ 5~ e~ &~ of the ~alk ~elated~te si~s ~d eli~at~g ~hem. ~y cases have gene to the ~up~e~ Co~ and we ~ve Been ~fir~d. ~p~e~ Ce~.~ .~e.w~ to identify ~a~ we ~e se~g ~e the public. ~ would g~dly Pu~ up a sign li~ o~e. ~ey ~ve ~ee sizes of b~and si~s. Ne~ $~a$ i$ should infl~nce you bu~ the T~ ef ~ou$~on a~s ~ ~EAtRNAN: As £a~ as Signs a~e concerned, they are given thew edicts~ .by~Nadison Avenue. So f~r we have Been able ~hts VisUal po~ien. ! ~ow~Don ~ in S~u~ha~om p~e~y ~11. I will have ~o ask why i$ was flone.- I am ~ ~ Pl~g Oe~ssi~. ~. ~B~~: 'I don.~~ ~ew of any Fo~d de~ler ~o~ does~ ~ve a si~ ~p.- I. think Vail has a pretty~geed size si~. ~. ~Y, B~i~ing ~spec$e~: Vail just spen~ $3,5~ ~o have his st~ eat do~ I~E. 8TERNLICHT: ~ mean the omc en the east side of the Building. ~. TERRY, Buliding:_Iuspector: I~,ls 6 ft. x 10 ft. TEE-GNA~: Nay~e you fe~ws had Better ce~ back, me prejudice.~ ~t ~de~S$~d $~$ you hxve diffi~ulties and ~$ people lt~ to s~d~dime. We ~et ~a~ e~ Dee~er 3rd Bu~ ~ you ~e no~ ~ea~y we ~11 postpone again. ~. B~: We will be ~eady... 81.2% sq. ft. and a reasonable ~i&h~ so~ a ~mck.can go ~der i~. On me~i~ by ~. Grigenis, seconded by ~.. EulSe, ~!~ was ~S$~ ~ha~ Ap~aI Ne. 1387, ~h~s ~i-S~s, ~c., 55~ ~e~'f~h~ T~p~, Smf~hto~, NeWYork,~be Pos~emed decisi~ ~$i! Deee~e~ 3, 197G, without preJmdiee. Veto ef ~he B~d: Ayes:- Nessrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, -PDBY~IO HEARING':-' Appeal No. 1388 -$:~% P.]~.Y'(E;S.T;), upon In~., 56~'Je~l~he T~npi~, ~h~e~ New Yo~k,-fer a m~e~ial exemption ~ .a~ee~e ~ Zoning ~rdin~ce, ~i~le ~, ~c~ien ~08 (a), for Se eree~ on_premises ~o~d si~ wi~h excessive ~i~t amd '~ea. ~ecatiem ef prcper~y: ne~h~'si~e ~ ~im Road (RouSe 25) G~eenpor~, N~w Ye~k, b~ded mo~h By l~d ef ~he Villa~ef Greenpert, east by'F~ed Eulse, south by ~ Read (R~e 2%), wes~ by land new fer~rly, ef ~es~er & Bemja~. -23- The 0hairmsm opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hea~img,- a~fidavit a~es~img ~o t~s puBliea~ion ~ ~he official mewsp~pers, ~ ne~i~e ~e ~ applle~t. T~ O~~: Is ~here amyeme presen~ who wis~s ~e speak f~ ~his appl~a~iom? ~. ~: Yes. We ~e en~ asking fo~ addi2iomal height. You ha~ a ~i~m 1% f~. ~'~L ~d we ~e asking for 21 rS. 6 in. e~ square footage-is 73 sq. f~.; 13 ft. 1 ~, x 5--f~; $ 7/16 in. ' I~s a si~ for mew ~ ~se~ oars lcca~ed cem$rally im ~he width ef ~he preper~y. ~ 0~~: You wan~ 13 f~. 1 in. x 5 ftc; S ~. ~ would give you 6 fee,.of elegance, which is a reasonable ~eques~. ~. BENZE~ The sign would be illuminated a~d double faced. Afte~ investigation amd inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to erect em premises ground sig~ with excessive height a~d area. Lo&arista of'property: north side ef l~aim Road (ROUte 25), Greemport, Ne~ York. The Beard, finds that the applicant proposes a 13 ft. 1 i~. x 5 ft. $ 7/16 in. sign that would give 6 feet ef clearance; the total square footage would Be 73 sq. ft. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and Justioe will Be served amd the legally established o~ permit~e~ use of nei~_be~he~ property ~d adJo~img ass disquiets wi~ no~ be pendently e~ sUbst~tially inJ~ed amd ~ spiri~ ef ~he ~im~ee will Be ~bserved. motion by ~. Bergen, seconded by I~r. ~ulse, it was greumd sign as applied for.subject to usual sign regulatioms: No pa~t--ef the sign shall be closer tham5 feet to the property line. Vote ef ~e Board: Ayes:- ~essrs. Gillispie, Bergen, Rulse, ~rigc~is. 6n motion by I~m.-.Gillispie, seoended by ~r. t~ulse, it was REF~LVED that the~Einu~es ef the Be~thold Te~m Boa~d cf Appeals dated OctoBer 22, 197~, Be approved as..submitte~, subject to minor Vote ef the Board: Ayes:- l~essrs: Gillispie, Bergem, ~ulse, Grigomis. On mo$ion By He. Bergen, seeomded by He. G~igonis, iS was RE~VED that the'next regular ~eeting of the Seuthold Tew~ Board of Appeals will be held at'7~30 P.N., Thursday, December 3, 1970, a~ the Town Office, t/ainRoad, Southold, New York. On motion by He. Gillispie, seconded DyNe. Bergen, it was RE~O~VED TEAT THE SOUthold Town-BOard 'of Appeals set 7=30 P.~, (E.S.T,),~Thursd~y,.December 3~ 197~ at the Town Office~ l~ain Road, ~ou~Hol~, NeW'York, aS ~he '2i~ a~d pla~e ef ~iag ap~m application of S~h~owm~s Hi~i~s, ~, ~Je~ich~ ~r~pike, Smithies, New Yor~, ~o~ a SPeefal exeeP~iom in accor~am~e~wi~h the Zoming Ord~ce ~i~le ~, ~ec~iom ~$ (a), for p~r~ssiom ~o e~e~ ~m p~emises'~ ~e~d si~ wi~h excessive¥~i~ sou~ s~e of Road, eas~ By B~-Giev~nelli, seu~h Csajko. Vote of ~he Bea~d~ Ayes:- Hess~s: Giilispie, Bergen, Grtgonis. 0m motion Dy He.-Bergen, seconded Dy He. H~lse, It was RF~VED ~hat-th~ ~u~hold Tewn~Board 'of Appeals set 7:~ P.1/; Yo~k, £or.a variance in aeo~0~danee with the Zoml~-g /~dtnance, A~tiole X, ~eotion 10~7, ~ubsec~io~ (e), f~ pe~iss_fon addition ~o existing n~n-cemforming Dusiness-Buildimg. ~oca~iom of property: south side of Haim Road, Oatct/ogue, New Yo~k, BOunded north~' ~y west Dy A. vote of the Board: Ayes:- Hessrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, 0n motion by He. Grigehis, seconded by He. Gillispie, it was RE~O~.VED that th~ ~outhold ToWn BOard of Appeals Let 8:00 P;~I. (E.~.T.),~-Thu~'sday, December 3, 1~7~,~ a~~ the To~n 'Office, 1/aim Road, ~out~old, New yorE, as the time amd place of hearing upon application of James & Elizabet~ Giambalvo, 72 Cola~bia Roa~, Rockvillo Centre, Now Yo~k,. for a variance in a~co~danoe with ~he Zoni~g Ordinance, Article Yl-i, Section 303, amd Article X, Section 1000A, for permission to separate lots amd use as separate lots with less tham~'I00 ft. £remtage. Y~ecatien of'p~operty: west 'side of NOrth Oakweod Road, Y~et ~ts 28 & 2~ ef ~=aurel Park Smbdivlsion, ~au~el, New York. Vote of the Board: AYes:- Nesmrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hmlse, Grigonis. RE~OLVED ~hat th~ $oUtheld Towa-Bosm~ ~f Appeals se~ 8:15 ~euthold, New York, as ~ ~l~ ~ place of he~i$~ upon ef~ ~. E. Smith-Eider, Box 394, Be~erd, New Ye~k a/e Je~ Fishers Im~md, New Y~k, for approval of access over p~ivate read in ~ccer~ce with the ~a~e of New York To~ ~w, ~e~ion 280A. ~eatie~ ef p~ope~ty: private road (Crescent Eve~ue) elf westerly si~e of Fox Avenue ~ni~g~r~u~ly parallel~ te Fishers I~md ~e~d t~om~ the area ~e~ as N~rth Hill ~ctiem, sai~ private read~ ex~emdimg im ~ easterly d~ectiem we~l~~ evemt~lly connect te t~ To~ o~ed ~d ~i~tatmed p~t ef crescent Avenue which extends mert~r~ from the b~imess section ~ F~ Avenue. Veto ef the Be~d: A~s:- N~ssrs: Gi~ispfe, Bergen, Grigem is. The ~eetimg was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Re spe ct£ully sol, mitred,