HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-106.-1-41 ..y~..,~. DEC-12-97 02:43 PM DITMARS CONSULTANTS 7187267912 P.02 Efthalia Katos 46.14243 Street Dougllt.~ton, NY 1 1 362 December 12, 1997 Re: Lot 10. Sound Beach & Sununit Drive, Mattituck. To Whom it May Concern: I am the owner of both lots which at one time belonged to B. KarlSonis and A. KarlSonis. Our attoney merged both lots and the deed reads Efthalia Katos and the land from Summit Drive through l(J Sound beach is mine only. The right of way from the north lot and from the south Jot are of no use since we have a dri veway from Summit Drive for the merged single lot. (Lot 41 & ~8 all: merged lots.) The right of way does not exist. There arc trees and it is overgroV\'l1. It was never used to this day. lfyou have any questions. please call me at 718.932.5600. Thank you. ~,t<,.r_' --!1{:z;;:.. . ~li~'Katos DEe I 5 .. . .....,-.!..., . ~ I ' -r"""~ '. ',co-~.., .,. t iY"Y c;,\lffOL,f ~ ' J ss.~ t'a ~".. ."'"'' ~." ,'J i:;:' -"..., """ 'f::. :;.\ '" '-J= ;....t.,; ~ en ;.. ~ ~-::; J:!,~ '\~ . ~"<// ~ ~()'./ ... ...~<::>"..y "'- T l' 'iY ~v- Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLAl'INING BOARD MEMBERS BENNE'IT ORLOWSKI. JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 6, 1998 Efthalia Katos 46-14243 Street Douglaston, NY 11362 RE: Certificate of Correction for Efthalia Katos Lot 10 of Captain Kidd Estates SCTM# 1000-106-1-41, 48 Dear Ms. Katos: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, January 5, 1998: WHEREAS, the parcels known as SCTM# 1000-106-1-41 and 48 are shown as Lot #10 on the Map of Captain Kidd Estates which was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 19, 1949, and WHEREAS, on September 1, 1970, the Planning Board approved a subdivision of Lot #10 into two lots which are shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as lots 106-1-41 and 106-1-48; and WHEREAS, on August 20, 1980, the Planning Board approved a change of right-of-way as shown on the map dated January 21, 1980; and WHEREAS, Efthalia Katos is the owner of both lot number 106-1-41 and lot number 106-1-48; and WHEREAS, Efthalia Katos has merged lots 106-1-41 and 106-1-48 into one parcel as described in the deed dated December 12, 1997, which has been sent to the Suffolk County Clerk's office for recording; and WHEREAS, Efthalia Katos has asked the Planning Board to remove the part of the right-of-way which is located on part of lot 106-1-41 and part of lot number 106-1-48 since the lots #41 and 48 have been merged and the merged parcel has access from Summit Drive; and . . Page 2 Certificate of Correction for Efthalia Katos January 6, 1998 WHEREAS, a Certificate of Correction has been submitted to eliminate the right- of-way as shown on the survey dated November 10, 1997 from AES Corp.;be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board authorize the Chairman to endorse the Certificate of Correction to eliminate the right-of-way located on part of lot number 106-1-41 and part of lot 106-1-48. Copies of the recorded documents must be submitted to this office. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, B~kft~l Chairman J cc: Rudolph Bruer John Boufis, Building Inspector --~~ .,.,......,1.." . . ~~ f'tl!. CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION Surveyor: Stephen E. Ravn, N.Y.S. Lie. No. 049664 d/b/a AES Corp., Planning, Engineering & Land Surveying 3760 Express Drive South, Islandia, New Y or~ 11779 Name of Map: "Map of Captain Kidd Estates", Lot #10 Location: Town of Southold Suffolk County Tax Map Designation 1000-106-1-41 & 48 Owner: Efthalia Katos 23-14 38th Street Astoria, New York Correction: Eliminate right of way on subject Lot # I 0 as merged. Lot merged into 1 lot see attached deed, attorney letter, owner's letter of merger, New York State Dept. Of Taxation and Finance (form TP584) and Engineer letter. Access is available from Summit Drive. Executed: Surveys of AES Corp., shows lot with and without right of way. Approved: This is to certify that the Planning Board of the Town of Southold approved the map correction described herein by Resolution dated 7777' I~ ~~~an ~/ /3 ,1998 Southold Planning Board .dL~ rJ.o 4-vu. ~ J.:h.w /Jd du.y~ 9~<v-c IH~ ., i:' I:, j!.; i. i,; ~(1U:"C- 9 e.{'-{~p.e.<U d:j JAN 5 1998, UNDA J. COOPER Notary Public. S_of N_~~ No. 4822683. Suffolk CountY Term Explras December 31, 1 --. L . L..) :z: . :z: UI Cl t- ~ <..r> - --J > :z: ~ ;:- ':':cC. . LJ. ... c '" I-- LJ~ c:>Q GI <> '" c..r> ::::>:x u.. t- c:::c uJ ~:::> Q t.. -0 ~ LU a: J--..- ~ c:J: L.U c C:I: :::J ....- .... 0: ..... c:::I"" E;(,n IS ::::r u> ,.c::: :z: CJ --.. "'" c::L "" ~ l- e:> cC - 0.. ::z ...s ::"c LJ - :.;z: N LOT o~ 00 ...;0 t'"""';- S H' 00' ~ ~+1.1: -- )~. :":-- , . wi. 6 o <:> ~..; ........ -ic$ "'<n LQ1 ;"0 en . . 0 ;Z:o '/M,H N. 38' ao-;-iv,' __~_..l_ LOT. II ~ d c::> t- ="'Z ...", ;:~ Z'" L_U 0 :z --' .: '" =-~ t..-.J II II c..r> 0 B . .,.. "'::Z ,.c ~ C>-~:.-C .. C':::), ...u t::C ~ c...n <r> L-' ! I'~">-. ::; ~,{ ::>". ~ t.O ;~ -, ___.-J '~ c L.' . >- ~ ~:--~ ~1 ~'4~ ;; ..- "7 - '" tC ~c. C:z: 'U',:,z:. -1'\1 ZlU' c. (.H...I ! "t ! LI..I U,.t 0:- \-;Ll~! S :-.>- U.J (.!; i . '1 0( ~~ l I ,'IJ '-,j ~~~ ...... ~'>. ~. / ',:::/ // ~'" / ....... .........,....... , '. " 06- (J~ bL, v/ ' b/f!.- . "" . ........ <'> ,., "", . ,p ~</ .i .'. -;:.6- '.\~ '" . ~~ ;::\: . co: <", Y)! ~ ~'i ~.~ ,. <r, G~f~ :;:;.." .......... {b;.." <0 , ...,' t:(" Q LOT. 14- v> >-__., 5,~8.0(l'~. 4rn.4'l. ~_ .... --- -'1. 1'0:41---' T - --foo, 0- &'.ocf\ ~~ Coo. ~ ~ :.,..l: ~~ u......d :::'- -i .....'" t..' ~wl cc 01", con,...t- C~lo '" 0 ;; :il- C) .fJ '-0 13 ....., k -- ~ tH.1! n ~ . (\ ,---'--' .--- I /'3 t2 ~ '"' '" >- '" ..... ~ ~ :t ,",. ..~ :L ~ ,.,. ~ ~:-:: ~ _' ,J"' C) ~4""1 .-., .,. tS: 'n',? ...... ... tot.. ....;U.. ..il n. '" " .n ct-U1':' ;i ~:~ ...; ~:' __ "0' :....u ~- C.? Z ~'O ., ,~ _. ~". Vl ~, 7- .;' t'. :' l.u (1;..' If: L.> ~o. :S: 1-,,:;,;,; :'') (".' - <'.... ... # L-'. h. t--. I:t u.. o:s:~ -.J:. .... . . FROM Panasonlc FAX SYSTEI'! PHONE 110. 718 204 9491 D..c. 30 1997 12: 35PI1 P3 NY. 1005 .Baroain MtI Sale Oeo1!'d. with CoW!nanl ao.ainst Ora"'IOf S Acl'_'Mividu.1 or eorpor.lion(Sinqle SlNIel) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THill INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD DE URED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE. made the 12 day of December .19 97 BETWEEN EFTHALIA KATOS 23-14 38th Street, Astoria, New York party of the lirst part. and EFTHALIA KATOS 23-14 38th Street, Astoria, New York party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party 01 the IIrllt part. in consldoratlon o. TEN and other good and valuable consideration . dollars paid by the party 01 the second part. does hereby grant and retllase unto the party 01 the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns 01 the party of the second part forever. ALL that cerIa in plot. piece or parcel 01 land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erecled. situate. Iyingandbeing:lnl!llet at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York, known and designated as part of Lot 10, in Block 1 on a certain map entitled, "MAP OF CAPTAIN KIIJD ESTATES" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 19, 1949 as Map NO. 1672, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of Summit Drive, said point marking the division line between Lots 9 and 10 as shown on the aforesaid mapI RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly side of Summit Drive, North 80 degrees 00 minutes East, 113.26 feet, THENCE Northwesterly along the division line between Lots 10 and 11 on said map, North 38 degrees 00 minutes West, 451.75 feet to a point along the Southerly side of Sound Beach Drive, THENCE south 52 degrees 00 minutes Wes~a1ong the southerly ~ide of sound Beach Drive a distance of 1001 feet to the division line between Lots 9 and 10, THENCE south 38 degrees 00 minutes East along said division line, 408.21 feet to the Northerly side of said Summit Avenue, at the point or place of BEGINNING. Being the same premises conveyed to the party of the first and second parts by two deeds dated 12/30/96 recorded 1/22/97 in Liber 118] TOGETHER with all right. tille and Inleresl, " any, of the parly 01 Ihe first part In and to any streels and roads abulllng Ihe above described premises 10 the cenler lines Ihereof: TOGETHER with Ihe appurtenances snd all PagE the estate and rlghls ollhe party of Ihe IIrsl parlin and 10 said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises 63 herein granted unto the party of Ihe second part. the heirs or sucoessors and assigns of the party 01 the second and part forever. 64 . AND the party 01 the first part covenants Ihal the party ollhe lirst part has nol done or suffered anylhing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whalever, exoepl as aforellaid. AND Ihe party 01 Ihe IIrsl part. In compliance with Section 1301 the Lien Law, covenants that Ihe parly of Ihe lirst part will reoelve Ihe consideration lor this conveyance and will hold Ihe right 10 receive such conslderallon as a trusl fund to be applied lirellor Ihe purpose 01 paying the cosl 01 the Improvement and will apply Ihe same firsl to Ihe payment 01 the cosl of the Improvement before using eny perl ollhe lolal 01 lhe same lor any other puroose. The word "party" shall be oonslrued as II II read "partles" whenever Ihe sense ollhis indenture sO requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe party 01 Ihe lirsl part has duly executed this deed Ihe day and year lirslabove wrillen. *section 106.00 Block 01.00 Lots 041.00 and 048.00 are now owned as one ~...conti.9U~US . a.rcel. IN PRESENCE OF: ~/ .~ ~:a~~ -LoGy-;) /' ?j 1:'To'''1''UZlT.TZl J{llrrt'lc: . FRO~l Panason i c FAX SYSTEI1 PHOHE HO. Q U&e,r-lS STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF On the I '- day 01 D ~ c.. , personally came ti ~I/ ~ 5$: 19 ,) , before me ~f;sJ to me known to be the Individual described in and who ..."", ....".,..., ,..., "J"."""" that execut~. I NI' I" . Notary Public, Slate of New YOlk NO. 41 . 4885832 Quanned in Queens Counly Commission expires Feb. 17, 199 'I STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF 5S: On Ihe day of 19 , before me personally came to me known', who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and say that he resides at thai he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing inslrument; Ihal he knows Ihe seal of said corporation; Ihatthe seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it wilt so affixed by order of tha board of direotors of said corporation. and that he signed h name thereto by like order. . '--r-~"~>. . 718 204 9491 Dec. 30 1997 12:36F'fo1 P4 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of personally came 19 . before me to me known 10 be the. Individual described in and who executed Ihe foregoing i....trum.nt, and acknC'wledged that executed the same, STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ss: On the day 01 19, baforO! me personally came Ihe subscribing witness to the foregoing Instrument, with, whom I am personally acqualnled, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at ; that he knows to be'the individual described In :and who executed th. loregolng instrument; that he, said subsorlblng witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto, -~ , ...~-. .-...._. .~-_.- ....-...-._- .~.---------..:-._-----._._._--..~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Tille No. TO .. l)i$triJ,U1I'db)' STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 250 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10177 SECTION I 0' BLOCK 0 , LOT Y' + Vt" COUNTY OR TOWN S \II fA, 1'- STREET AOORESS Recorded at Request of STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ReTURN BY MAIL TO PH-It,. Bb(Z.rJST~\~ ,E5~. \..ff,-02Jlo,. Q,(LOh-~~ A-S\l><L\ A I tJ.,. \ \ \ 03 III !o! It o <:I z is II: o bl II: l'; III VI " II: lil ~ VI '" ~ 'I! ;r . . FRO~I panason i c FAX SYSTE~1 PHONE NO. 718 204 9491 Dec. 30 1997 12:35PM P2 PHILIP J. BORNS'rEIN ATTORNEY Al LAW 48-02A BROADWAY ASTORIA. NEW YORK 11103 .ADMITT(O NEW YORK ANO N(.W JERS!:Y 8A~S TELEPHONE;: (718) 545-0400 FACSIMILE.: (718) 204.9491 December 30, 1997 To whom it may concern: on behalf of my client, EFTHALIA KATOS, I have prepared the enclosed Deed and necessary transfer documents to'merge into one Deed under one description two lots owned by Ms. Katos in the Town of Southold. This Deed has been sent to the Suffolk County Clerk's Office for recording and the original will be available upon its return by the County Clerk. If any party should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me directly. v~ ~ro, PHILIP J. BORNSTEIN PJB:ef . . P.02 DEC-12-97 02:43 PM DITMARS CONSULTANTS 7187267912 Efthalia Katos 46-14 243 Street Douglaston, NY 11362 December 12, 1997 Re: Lot 10, Sound Beach & Sununit Drive, Mattituck. To Whom it MElY Concern: I am the owner of both lots which at one time helonged to B. Kartsonis and A. Kartsonis. Our attoney mergeu both lots and the d<:cd reads Efthalia Katos and the land from Summit Drive through lO Sound beach is mine only. The right of way from the north lot and from the south lot are of no use since we have a urivcway from Summit Drive for the merged single lot. (Lot 41 & 48 are merged lots.) The right of way does not exist. There arc trees and it is overgrown. It was never used to this day. If you have any questions. please call me at 718-932-5600. Thank you. . /~ ,~~'~<I_-'~;;:;;:-' fthalia Katos . . FROH : Panason 1 C FAX SYSTE~I PHDHE HD. 718 204 9491 De!c. 30 1997 12: 37PI1 PS 'P.564 ('0/96) . Recording OHice Time Slamp 4 Now York Sial. Deparlmenl 01 T2UII.II(11'\ And Finlll1Ce Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return and Credit Line Mortgage Certificate ,ae Instfl/Ctions (TP'584-1) before camp/lltlng this form. Please prInt or Iype. ~ch d I A I lormation R lalln 10 Conve ance Granlor Na 1ndWit:JuIII; Inl. IIBf, nlif\1't initial) l(lndividual : I::.. J Corporallon Ma~ng add~ss _ }<.. J Parlnorship . Clly Slale JOlher 00'i...2...N~ Gran'" Name. (If. ./ri _ ' 'f';"'" //rot, _ "IH1s11 ( Individual -) - ~. ~~ 1c- ~t.. .5 J Corporalion Mamn address -1-1' ~ d- ,- I '-1 I ..., ] Pa.rtnership Cily Slale JOlher . Ji..-~.rI\ Sootal Security Number Social S"""rlly Number ZIP codo Foderal emlJlol'or Idonl,_ Soelel Seour"y Number Social SeOllrily Number ZIP code Federel employer Idont. number .00aUon and dascrlpUon 01 property oonveyad Tax maD deslt nallon Address CllyNllla"e Town Countv Section Block LOI \jt'LCi""-t- lcn..d $~ ~~ft\ \ ~ It)~ 01 'It So u+/"old f- I./X' ype 01 properly conveyed (chech sppIic:8b1e box) o 1 . 3 lamily house 5 0 Commercial/Industrial o Residential cooperative 6 0 Aparlmenl bUilding o Residential condominium . 7 0 OHlce building p.. Vacanlland 8 0 Other Dale 01 conveyance II;;>... I \~ f\ 7 I ....... 1"''' Peroenlege of real properly cOOVllyed which Is residential reBI properly % (au Instruclions) :oOOlllon of conveyance (check all thaI apply) i Conveyance 01 Ie. Int.resl 1. - Conveyance which co"ettl. 01 8 mere k. _ Contract Isslgnment - Acquillllon 01 a conlrolllng inlerest (alate change of ldenllly or form of ownerlhlp or I. _ Opllon aSllgnment or lurrend.. perconlage acquired %) oroan1zatkln (.naclt ~ tP.U4. J. ScIHIduht II) m. _ Le...hotd ...~nm8nt Of surrender - Transfe, of a controlling Intl'8st (slllIte g. ..... Conveyanc. for which credit for tal( n. ... lQasohold gU1I11 percentage tran.lerred 'Yo) previously paid will ~ claimed 0, - Conveyance or an easement _ Conveyan"" 10 _""rallve housing I.n..~ Form TP-5B4. I, &h~ 01 p. - Conveyance lor whioh exempllon Irom Corporalion h, _ Conveyance 01 coop01lllive .parlm.nl(S} trentlar lax II oIalmed (oomplete Sch8dvle B. Pari III) - Convoy.nc. purluMt to or In liou 01 I. - Synd1callon q. _ Conveyance 0' prOperly partly within and foreclosure 01 enlorcemlnt ol..curlly J. - Conveyance of air rlghls or dlvalcpmenl 9"rlly wilhotJ\ the slata InWe91 10.0011 Form Tp.5B4. I, SOh_Ii} rlghl. r. VOlher IrhI._} Ie edule B e Esta Tra s er ax Return Artie e 31 of the lax L w >6 J ,..., e 'art I - Compulatlon of Tax Due ~ 1 Enter amount Of oon$id.ration 10r the conveyance (II yoll are claiming .a IOI:I19XSmpl;0t1 from ',fiX, check the e~emptlon claimed box. enlrtrconsIdeTRtionendp",.,.edlo Part III}... ........................."". DExemptlon claimed 1 0 2 Continuing lien deducllon (see InS/rlJC(lon$ 1/ properry is laken subjec/ 10 morrg.g8 or lien) . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . 2 (;) 3 Taxable consideration (.ubtr.crl;l'Ie fl from line 1)............. _.................................................... 4 Tax: $2 for each $500, or Iraclional parllhereol, of considerallon on fine 3 ..................................... 4 5 Amount of credit claimed (.ee tn$/1<ICIIons end attach Form TP-1J84.1. Sohedvle G}..,.,...........,.,........,.,...... 6 8 Total tax due' {.wlt.clllne 5 'rom line 4)............,..............,.....,..............,........,..... ,. ......... 6 'art II - Compulallon 01 Additional Tax Due on Ihe Conveyance of Aesldenllal Real Properly lor $1 Million or More 1 Enter amount of consideration for conveyance (Irom Pert J, line 1) .............................................. ~ ;t 2 Taxable conslderellon (multiply line I by lhe percent.ge 0/ th, "Premises which is resid.nlial real properly; sea ins/ructions) . , . . . . 2 3 Total additional Irensler lax due' "" o(fine 2) ... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . .... . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. Please make check{s} payable 10 Ihe county clerk where the recording ia 10 lake place or It Ihe recording Is 10 teke place In New '\'brk :ily, make check(s) payable 10 the NYC c.parlmenl of Flnanc,. II no recording Is required. send Ihls relurn end your check(a) made -ayable 10 lhe Veparlment of Tllxllllon Ilnd Finance, dlrecUy to Ihe NYS Tax Oeparlmllnl, mB. Trensfer Tax, PO Box 5045, Albany NY 2205-5045. For recording ollieer's use Amount Dale received Transaction number received Po,11 $ rtrlll S . . FROI'I : Panason I c FAX SYSTEI'I PHOHE HO. 718 204 9491 Dec. 30 1997 12: 38P~1 P6 TP,584 (10/96) (back) Schedule B - (continued) Part III - Explanation 01 Exemption Claimed in Perl I, line 1 (check Rny hOKes that apply) The conveyance of real properfy is exempt from the real estale transler lax for the following rea90n: a. Conveyance Is to the United Nations, the United Slates at America, the otate of New York or any of their Instrumentalities, ag..ncias or politioal subdivisions (or any public corporation, Including a public corporation oreatad pursuant 10 agreement or oompaot with another otato or Canada).... .................... ............. ......... ................. ............. .......... a 0 b. Conveyanoa Is to seoure a debt or other obligation........................................... ...... ............ ............. b 0 c Conveyanoe Is without additional consideralion to confirm, oorreol. modify or supplement a prior conveyanoe. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 d. Conveyance of real properly is without consld",ration and not In oonnection with .a sale, Including conveyances oonveylng r"'alty as bona lide gihs ................................................................................. .................... d o e. Conveyance Is given in oonnectlon with a tax sale........................................................................... e 0 f. Conveyanoe is a mare ohange of Identity or form of ownership or organization where there .Is no change In benerlOlal ownership. (This "'xemptlon cannot be claimed for a conveyance' to a cooperative housing corporation of reat property comprising the coop",rativ. dwelling or dwalllngs.) Attaoh Form TP-584.1, Schedula F . . . . .. . . . . . . '.' . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 g. Conveyanca consists 01 deed of partition......... ............ ............ ........................ ........ ....... ............ 9 0 h. Conveyance is given pursuant to the federal bankruptcy act.. ........ ............... ........ ................ ......... ....... h 0 I. Conveyanoe consists of lhe exeoutlon of a contrect to sell real property without the use or occupancy ot such property or the granting of an option to purohase real property wlthoulthe use or occupanoy of suoh property. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . .... I j. Conveyance of an option or contraol to purohase real property with the us'" or occupancy of suoh property where the consideration ie lees than $200.000 and suoh property was used solely by the grantor as the grantor'll personal residence and consists of 8 1-.2-, or 3-family house, an Individual residential condominium unit, or the sal. of t10ck In a oooperatlve housing corporation In connecllon with the grant or transl",r of a proprietary leasehold covering an Individual (esldentla' cooperative apartment...................... ..................................... ............. ....... ............... ......... j k. Conveyance is not a oonveyance within the meaning of seclion 1401(e) 01 Arllcle 31 of the Tax law (attach docvments supporlingsuch cI.im)........... ........................... ............... ...................... ...................... ........ k o o i. Other (attach explanation).... .................................................................... ....... ............. ....... i Schedule C - Credit Line Mortaaae Certificate (Article 11 of the Tax Lawl Comptet'" th", following only If the Interest being transferred Is a fee simple interest. I (we) cerllfy thai: (oheck fhe appropriate box) 1 ~ The real property being sold or transferred Is not subject to an outstanding credillln. mortgage. 2 0 The real property being sold or transferred Is subJeot to an outstanding credllline mortgag"'. However, an exemption from the lax is claimed for the following reason: o The trMsfer 01 real property Is a transf.r of a fae simple Intereslto a person or pereons who held a fee simple Interest In the real property (whether as a joint tenant. a tenant in common or olherwlse) immediately before the transler. o The transter 01 reet property I. (A) to a person or porsons related by blood, marriage or adopllon 10 the original obligor or 10 one or more of the original obligors or (B) to a person or entity where 50% or more of th. beneflclallntereelln such real properly after the Iranefer Is held by the transferor or suoh related person or persons (es In the case 01 a transl",r to a trustee for the benefit of a minor or the Iransfer to 8 trust tor Ihe benefit of the transferor). o o o The transfer ot real property is a transfer to a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver. assignee or other officer of a court. o The maximum prinoipal amount secured by the credit line mortgage Is $3,000,000 or more and the real property betng sold or transferred is not principally Improved nor will it be improved by a one- to six-family owner-oooupled resldenoe or dwelling. Please note: for purpoeee of determining whether the maximum prinolpal amount .ecured Is $3,000,000 or more as desoribed above. the amounts seoured by two or more credit line mortgages may be aggregated under certain circumstances. See TSB-M-96(6)-R lor more Information regarding these aggregallon requirements. o Other (aUach detailed explanation). 3 0 The real property being transferred Is presenlly subject to an outstending credit line mortgage. However, no tax Is due for the following reason: o A oertifloate of dlsoharge of the oredllllne morlgage Is being offere<l at the 11m", of recording the deed. o A oheck has been drawn payable for transmission to Ihe cradllllne mortgegee or his aoent lor the balllnce due, and a satislaollon of suoh mortgagq will bq recorded as soon as Ills available. 4 0 The real property being transferred Is subjeot to an outstanding credit line mortgage recorded In (Inserlllber and page or rael or other Identification of the mortgage). The maximum principal amounl 01 debt or obligation secured by the mortgage Is . No exemption from tax is olahned and the tax 01 Is being paid herewith. (Makfl check psysble to county clerk where dlJed will be recorded or, "the ~rding 1$ to teke p"'ce in New York City. make check payable fo the NYC Depllrtment 01 Finance.) SiQnature (both the arantor(.) and arantee(s) must sian). Ths undsrsigned oertlly that the above return, Including any certification. schedule or auachment, is to Ihe best 01 hlslher knowledge. true and complete ~ " I/k~ Ko~ TltlQ ./ Granlea Title --~-..-,-..,-'-,-~~"-- ..~.".,c . . FRO~1 i' Panasoni c FAX SYSTEI'1 PHOHE HQ, : 718 204 9491 Dee, 30 1997 12:39PM P7 () () o \) l) fi) (;I '1 () e:l u o ',..1 .....lEt.ltYtrf__f\C:mmTllll-tA FOR COUNiY USE ONLY C1, SWIS Codo CZ, Dolo 0_ _rei... L I 1 Month u.y V.er REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITATI Of NEW YORK ITATI BOARD Of IItIAl. I'IIOI'ImY BERVICElI C3.Boo~ I 1C4.P8g.1 PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 Jd"..f217 ....71f5 1. Pr.perty I L_n '\I tv y'1Jj -r STRrrTNlJ Li1rJ!:) ...... NAMlE "'\1> ," 'T'(t..- L-7 ;r Nt>D\1.s:S) 2. Buy... Nom. an' OR TOWN lL A-11=> ) LAST HAMill COMrANV V>UAGli 1 ...COllE z.., F TI--\--A-- L.. I A- N!T NAMl lASl HAMIl COMPANY "IAWT NAME J. TM IndiC8t8 whIn future Tax lit"." to be ssnI I RUllna If otfm then buywr Mdl'fl$ (It bottom of fonn' _ A_ ~'b -111 ~ 8-f-t. SJ- . LAST NAMI! I ~NfY .l~.:1..Ll~ ~ 5-r- a~J:L '1..2. ~ ') I , of Parcel, OR D Pert of . Pert.1 FIftSTNMft -----.J IJJJ 1 (I~ .,.~ flII' 4. InQ..... the nucnlMr of AMnarn.nt Ron par.... trIIftIf'"'" 01' .... deed .. Deed Property SIz. .LY..P ,^",~/~ Ixl t'i-DloRI S Aa1E& . 10nIy R'"" of. ,_ Chock _ -...""., 4A. P!onn;ng Iloo"'_ SUbcfMslon _ Ex"" m. SubdlYlslonl\ppftMll_ R.....tOd r.. T..noIo< 4C. Parcel Approved tot 8ubdivition with Mep PMidvd o o o .. SeU.r Nom. ~TE2JH A- L I +1 ~ NAME ICOMPANY . FIA~J.IAMC 7. CI1~ the box below widell ",oilt .ccurately de~ the .... 01 the pro"rty- .t the limB of ...1<< A~ne F8milV Residential B or 3 FemUr R..kltntiel C Mldenllal V80Inl ~nd D Non-Residenlitl Vlclnt llnd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. $.ale Contract b8te B~ Agri'""ur.' F Commerdti o Aplr1ment . H Emot1olnfTMllnl' Amllsement I ~ Cornmunlly S.rvklo J Indultrlal K Publlo gorvlet L For.st Ch.dr. 1M box., below .. they ~ .. Owne..hlp Type It Condominium t. Now Con_ on V_mLond lOA. Property Loco"" within tn Agrlouhurol DIotrlel lOB. lIuver f8ClIlved 8 dhdonre notice fndlcltJng ,hot 'h. _rty It In In AorteuItuml DIotriet o o o o 1Z. D'-e of s..,/ Tren"" (;;/. ~ f;!, '"4 V,or )'-1 -" 1&. Ct._ OM or mare of .... tIDftdttIoM ., "lJftnbll to tremler: 1'-/'771 c.y y.., A B C o E l' o H I J Slit. e.twMn Aelattvet or Former Ref.ll,," Sale Between Rell!lted ComPBnlM M P.rtn.... In Buelneu On, or the 8uyort I, .hto . Seller BuVer Of' S.Il,r .. Oov~ AOenev or lendlno Instftutlon .,..d TVIM not Warrenty or 8e'll''" 8nd Sele CSpoeify Below) s,l. or Freatlonl!ll or L... thIM F.. tnterest (8peoIfy Btalow) Sionfnc.nt Change In Pro&*ty fletwHn 'llCIble Statu, and SIlt Oates S.'. or Buslneu h: lnafuded In Sale Prf~ Other lJnu.uII F8Ctol'l AffeatJnv Hal, Prtee ISpeoIfy BebNJ Non. 'S. Pull Solo "'.. . , d). f). V . 0 . 0 I , , . IFull Solt Plio, I. the 101.1 .mount p.ld 'or the property Incll,ldlng Qor.unal property. This P..,me", mey b, In lhe farm of C8.sh, othtr I>roplirty or good.. or tho aSSUmption of mortgllg8. or other obllQltUon..J PJ.... round 10 rh. 1tN,..... who,. doll., ..mour\'t. '..In_t.""......"'......nol I . P. /J,t) 0.0 I pr_ .......dod In lit. ..I. ,~ ASSESSMENT INfORMATION - 0818 ohould "f1oet lh.'8teo' Fln.1 N....m.n' Roll and TOK Bill II 16. Vear of ~ent RuI &em I which IttfomMtfan taken 17. T0t81 ~ Val.,. Cof all percelstn ttt"JlerJ I ; , , II. Property a... I-U T'. ""'ool 010...... Nomo I ZOo tu M84J ldentIfIer(,. I hon Identll1erl.t IN" fttor. than four. attach th..t with eddhlonll11~.1f s; (. . I Db '00 UlU..J,. 0 t. 0 !) I Lot.> OI.{/,15OO ~. OLt<&. aJb, I CERTIFICATION I I ""iil,lhlll 011 or 0.. ICe.", ullnfllrmaOlln onto..... on th.. form ""' ...... nlld wrud (10 tho ....1 or IIl1 .......h:d.. .... bello!) .nd I __ tIlnI .... .......... or IIIY..wfuI r"'- otatemmt 01' material r.d heroJ. wUI OUbJOd me '0 the pro_.. or lb. llIIIIlI 10" I'tIoU.. 10 !he ....Jdnc Ind IIlnt 01' .... ...........,.... BUYER BUYER'S AlTOIlNEY NV,.Jl. ....T...... FlItS' NIWI IlMR!ltO \ JJ Pt-l~ .,__..._.. __................_..A..... ":, ',-1" '. -.l ,'" ':}"', 't;".';. , .' ". :~<r':7 ,," ': ;;~ ~" I ~ ,r ' ~,' ~ , ,;'f' ",<", . ~. " ", ,'" ,)', '-Ji" , .,'. , ',:~~ \\ J..., '...1. '.,i. . ., ,'l,r::-; .' ,. 4')~/: . ~),,:,.~':'r/ _ I' \~;If . ' ...- '1\ \~'.'~";~ :~ ~J j \;;iV," ". l7>,' : , ',/~',,~ if' ;;' ,c',>::. '~~, ~ .. 'i'i" ... '.' . ,~\ i .,1:':''!- , ~, ~. ' " ,~. ,c' , i .~r ',. r '1.1' ,~ ;" d'b ~",ln, . "~;'::'-:'~:"" ~r ,~..: ",\ . " ,~T' ',J' . "" , , {,: ~ . :'~ ~.. ! '.",'x' I';" '~ " . " 'c, .'. ..., ." "f', , . " ~ 1 .,' v~r :;>'!'f! , ~'"~f'l .'':'i\~~'~ '-:';~.".jt V~ :. ,~.~?, '.' .'., ,i. I' J,t. '\. '~,,:' "." f'", r (' .~' ,.:. ", ,h.... ~ \;~ - , ,"-",.' '1.... " }. ,. ., " " ., \..01 ,\ , ~" ~,.i Of .. , . i'" ~\G\'I\ ~../' , ~,' .' .", ~' ',1; ". Q: <'f'. " " o O{ ! :'i /" ;';" '.' 'Il:; ..... ,', , ~" "}~: ',',~r i;,~ .'; , /~" -. .~c ", I " '-':!It. ':. . ,~' :". I ~~'Il ;. .< 'ir\. I", : '0 .~.~..' ',1. l .,; .1' ~ ., ,.j , '.;l, .') ~ /..,' , "?-' ~ ';~~T~: ..~""; \' 'I.' ~d'~ ' ';'" .r{l:~ ..'~;\f,;,:~'.~,~ ~'" r,,,1i'Jt ,t~ '1~ 1.:/,',;,'fir, :H t'> .", ':'J' ;;. <:>t,~~; :\'~l~ .. I' "f.,'t~ :;'J:~;i ltJ "~., , ~": ':'.:"i .,> r ,;~:;:::~.:~: '. ,. " II,' :t;J~,. ,:~~ I'...~ ""it. ":,;::~<~~: ....!:i I . ~~l ~~:.. "0,", .'<'," ,~~ ( ~"1 ; , ~ . . ,...J~..~, ,~: '~.~' v,\~~; " ,"\"' .,'~~.1 ~"~', (; . " " ". ...,. ~:' .~ \;;:1 "rFN\~. _ .', L, ~ ,,10 '.',.~, - ~ " ".. "',' '-"~' .-i'f .."lo,,'.' \.'1 , .' :'Ie .., " " ! ~:' , , , \> j i" " , .~ ,. , !..' '. . " ;r' < '.).; , .' :':<'.: "'...'", :;' " , ",. i ''Y'"t.. 'If: " 'I-i, ',\ .,':"' :; ,'c,' . ~ ~ ' ,.,' " 'r.. ~, ,.i . . ~~v. 18. 1997 12:53 PM P 3 FROM 11/13/1997 08:52 51 &-342-:;21 B A..S CORP ----p-l< \ I' '" f0p-'1" 1b~ ..P7S2-PAG.. 02 ff~ I~l~ surveyors A. E. S. CORP. engineers ~ architects 1 II UJt-t 1'(~ ( I' S- ( 8-z.. 7;;> . planners HfiIJ Expres., Ori",' Sourh Itlatoili(J., N.l'. 1/7'9 I'll. (5/6) 342-929:: F'<L. (516) 342.9211< 1'.0. 80..589 Wrsrbury, N.)~ //590 Ph. (516) 822.5589 Ftu (5/6) 8J2.5596 .~.. ..-.---...... -.-....'...-..... November 13. 1097 Town of SOUlhrJld Building Department Main slreet Southold, NY RE: SeT M.,AQ_JOOO-I06.I-4) 1'# 48 Sound Reach Drive Mattituck To whom il ma} concern, . 1 received a phone call from our clienl on the above mentioned parcel, stating thaI there was a "Stop work' order po$ted on the property, regarding the Right of Way across the property. The Right of Way as shown on an amendment \0 the map of "ClIptain Kidd Estates" was intended to provide access to the northerly portion of lot 10 which is now contlguOU$ly owned with the southerly portion by our client. Abandoning Ihe Right of Way at our Easterly property line will not affect or deny access 10 any adjoining property {'",ners, and is no longer required through lot to. Sillc~:eIY/ / ./~/ .--;/ I' ~ ,:,h,.,oo '~f Office ManBg<:r I/~/,,/f/ ,~/ ".,', ,I all.- " ~ - < 1 . ~t......t.. .:' :' ./' '// .. .- / ",' , . ~~ d~"~ ~ ~ ." /J" ~'" ,'<~ ~';, ''''' ~& ~ ~,~ ~ · ~""J . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 6, 1998 Efthalia Katos 46-14243 Street Douglaston, NY 11362 RE: Certificate of Correction for Efthalia Katos Lot 10 of Captain Kidd Estates SCTM# 1000-106-1-41, 48 Dear Ms. Katos: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, January 5, 1998: WHEREAS, the parcels known as SCTM# 1000-106-1-41 and 48 are shown as Lot #10 on the Map of Captain Kidd Estates which was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 19, 1949, and WHEREAS, on September 1, 1970, the Planning Board approved a subdivision of Lot #10 into two lots which are shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as lots 106-1-41 and 106-1-48; and WHEREAS, on August 20, 1980, the Planning Board approved a change of right-of-way as shown on the map dated January 21, 1980; and WHEREAS, Efthalia Katos is the owner of both lot number 106-1-41 and lot number 106-1-48; and WHEREAS, Efthalia Katos has merged lots 106-1-41 and 106-1-48 into one parcel as described in the deed dated December 12, 1997, which has been sent to the Suffolk County Clerk's office for recording; and WHEREAS, Efthalia Katos has asked the Planning Board to remove the part of the right-of-way which is located on part of lot 106-1-41 and part of lot number 106-1-48 since the lots #41 and 48 have been merged and the merged parcel has access from Summit Drive; and ,'f.~', " ~:"'~i'''' 7' --,~ . . Page 2 Certificate of Correction for Efthalia Katos January 6, 1998 WHEREAS, a Certificate of Correction has been submitted to eliminate the right- of-way as shown on the survey dated November 10, 1997 from AES Corp.;be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board authorize the Chairman to endorse the Certificate of Correction to eliminate the right-of-way located on part of lot number 106-1-41 and part of lot 106-1-48. Copies of the recorded documents must be submitted to this office. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, B~~iu Chairman J cc: Rudolph Bruer John Boufis, Building Inspector 11/13/1997 ee:52 516-342-9218 lIES CORP NOV. 18. 1997 12:53 PM P 3 ---P-)< \ ..,.. .,. f0~'t" 16~ .jJJS2JIN3E 02 FROM ~ ''''f~ 111 ltJt1 1'('1 ( 7'; S- ( 8'- ~ surveyors A. E. S. CORP. engineers - architects . planners J7fi() Express Dn'" Sou/II T,lanJia, N. r IT 7?<J 1'!I. (5/6) J42.92sr. FlU: (5T6,1342.9'l1X 1'. O. BOof 589 Wmbury, N,}: 11590 Ph. (516) 822-5589 FlU. (516) &2.5596 ~.-...._._.,_... ..........-... November 13. 1<l97 Town of Soulhold Building I.>epartn1~nl Main street Southold. NY RE: S C' T)vI EuOOO-106.1-41 &. 48 Sound ~"h nrl~ Mattituek To whom it roa) concern, 1 received a phone call from our client on the above mentioned parcel, staling lhalthere was a "Stop work' or'C!er poMed on the property, regarding the Rilht of Way across the property, Tho Rllht of Way as shown on an amendment to the map of .Captain Kldd Estates. was intended to provide access to the northerly panion of tOl 10 which is now contiguously owned With the southerly portiOll by our client. Abandoning the Right of Way at our Easterly property line wlll not affect or deny access to any adjoining property "woers. and is no longer required thrOUlh 101 10. Sinc~~IY/ " /~/ ~..--;:/ /' ~+--", (:""'L'! L'C ~~..' I OUIS aglllmoJ'k: j' Office Manager J :'o~~~ (C~~.lC;~~' ",:.;, DEe 15 '. , .~ ' i I i ~2~B~~0Jifl~i,Tri 'v' / .,' / ,J"." ~_~,../.., r "c/- ", " l." ./~~~.. , / /./ . .w" ~I' ../..J' -.I .,,' . -,":"-~:,\;:-"7T'lr, -."'~--- ...------:;;:'":",~' ~'""'- ;':,~'" y>, ~,-" ;. :;,'","~:-: .FROM Panasonlc FAX SYSTEM PHOHE f~O. 718 204 9491 Dec. 12 1997 02:45PM P2 NY- 1005 -BllfgRin and Sl'ltl o....d. with covenllnt agall..,t O'a""'O", Ac1I-lndivt(lUlli Of eofpma1ion (Slnole She.t) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER beFORE SIGNING THIS INSTAUMIlNT -THIS INSTIIUMIiNT SHOUlO bE USEO BY LAWYElla ONLY. THIS INOENTURE, made the 12 day of December ,'9 91 BETW&EN EFTHALIA KATOS 23-14 39th Street, Astoria, New York ,\' party of the first psrt, and , 1', EFTHALIA KATOS 23-14 38th street, Astoria, New York ['ljiL:,~1,5 .__.r1t.".'I, ,I ), ,.J, "~.i ' "t' ,;': party of the Sl'lcond part, WITNIiII&TH, that the party of the first part, In consideration of TEN and other good and valuable consideration dOllars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and reteese unto the party of the second pert. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, .',j~ :!: :,i~:' i::' ;~; -~Wi_i 'r~~ ,,~ .i\' \;it~' :,/ij: :~r '~:1~.i '':1;'' .)~I .!'i~/ if, '1" . :'~l{. ,~!. , ..~\f; , ~Jl }jf {, ALL that certain plot. 'piece or parcel of land, with the bulld.lngs and Improvements thereon ereoted, situate. lylngandbelnginllM:: at Mattituck, in the Town of South,old, C'Ounty of Su~folk and St~te of New York, known and designated as part of Lot ,10, in Block 1 on a certain map entitled, "MAP OF CAPTAIN KIDD ESTATES" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office. on January 19, 1949 as Map No. 1612, bounded and described as followsl BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of Summit Drive, said point marking the division line between Lots 9 and 10 as shown on the aforesaid map; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly side of Summit Drive, North 80 degrees 00 minutes East, 113.26 feet; -' THENCE Northwesterly along the division line between. Lots 10 and lIon said map, North 38 degrees 00 minutes Westr 451.15 feet to a point along the Southerly side of Sound Beach Drive; THENCE South 52 degrees 00 minutes Wes~along the Southerly side of Sound Beach Drive a distance of 100/feet to the division line between Lots 9 and 10; , .~. . ',j '.. ..; ., ~. '.': P'):" :;: \~ ;':\ '~ . ::\c -< . ~ )' , "~I' f, " .f :~,,~,,' :. ~ . '.. ,', ., ' " r ANO the party of the first part covenants that the party of the flr.t part has not done or sullered .nythlng whereby the said prem'.e. have been encumbered In any wey wh.tever. except .s eforesald. AND the party of the first part, In compli.nce with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will reoelve the conslderatlo,! for this conveyance and will hold the right to reoelve such oonalder.tlon .s · trust fund III be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the .eme first to the payment of the ooet of the Improv.ment before using .ny p.rt of the total of the s.me for .ny other OUrQOSe. Th. word "P.rty.. shall be oonstrued a. If it read ..p.rtl.... whenever the sense of thl. Indenture so require., i. " 't ,: } ~;: " ':' :)1-": ~ t : 'If. ;:", :' . "i' i ';<<~ : tN WITH!!!II WHI!RI!O" the party of the first p.rt he. duly exeouted this deed the day and year first above written. . , , ' 41 *Section 106.00 Block 01.00 Lots 041.00 and 048.00 are now owned as one. . 'contiguous parcel. ':. IN PRESENCE OF' ....--." .-."---- . 'I ,:,\ FROM PanaSontc FAX SYSTEM PHOHE NO. ~.t ;,. ;~. : i,STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ,: ,( " ss: 19') ,before me ~4.hj ," 'On the day 01 ," ;', "personallY came 'i ~11.r,... }. :' " (to me known to be the individual described in and who ;,:' , ;'executed the loregolng Instrument, and acknowledged ':' r that executed the same. ::: t' ';!> ,,' ';..' L' ','i . 'STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF sa: I ~ ',! ',On the day of 19. before me '!personally came ,;to me known', who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and :SBY that he resides at he Is the , the oorporatlon described , In and which executed the loregolng Instrument: that he , knows tile seal of said corporation: that the s.alaffixed to said : Instrument Is such corporate seal; that It was so affixed by , , ',order of the board of directors 01 Bald corporalfon, and " that he signed h name thereto by like order, BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINeT GRANTOR'S ACTS TiUe No. TO -- m.,tri/"df!(Jhy STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 2SOPARK AVRNI.m NEW YORK, N&W YORK 10177 .. if Q C!l z is '" 8 .. '" \ ~ .. (II ::> ll; ~ .. l ., (II E '"K''''-~d.c'.,,~._,. 718 204 9491 Dec. 12 1997 02:46P11 P3 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On th.. day 01 personally came 19 , before me ' to me known to be the individual described In and who executed the loregolng Instrument. and ackncowledged ' thai executed the same, sa] On the day 01 19 ,belore me personally came I the sUbsorlblng witness 10 the foregoing Inatrument. wit ' ' whom I am personally acquainted. who, being by me dul , sworn. did depose and say that he resides at STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SECTION l 0' BLOCK & , lOT Y I -I- '1'11" COUNTY OIl ToWN r ltI STREET ADDRESS If. It ; thaI he know to be'the Individu I desoribed In and who executed the foregoing Instrumen that he. said subaorlblng wllne88, was pre.ent and sa execute the same; and thet he. said wltne atth, same time SUbscribed h name as wlln_thereto. Recorded ot Requesl of STEWART TITLE INSURAN COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO , r ~. . /// c'f'. a.~~ , v A& ,00. '1/ ~\ \) / \\ 0~\) SO 9 -- 113.26 ---- DRIVE SUMM IT #IN~(17 /?ldvw"":-7/?,JL ~ / /970 o-~~ht..~ MAP OF LOT 10 PREPARED FOR NICK a NIKI HAIR STYLISTS, INC. AT MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. SCALE' I": 60' JULY 22, 1970 REFERENCE' MAP OF CAPTAIN /C/DD ESTATES FILED JAN. 19, 1949 FILE NO. 1672 eUARANTEED TO' e~ a. 4:'d.-1: LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.S. LIC.NO. 2.721S R'VERHEAD N.Y. ~,6 ...,.,........-.. "',.....~~ ~ - ,. ~ ~~..~_m.,_..._ - ~ .~~. " <.-"",,", -~ . . APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Sonthold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be....... .~~!I!~....................................... 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested. ) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber 6229 Page... n~........ . . . . .. .. On ........................, Liber Page On ......................., Liber Page On ......................., Liber Page On ......................., Liber Page On ......................., as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ....................................... or as distributee ................................................................. - . . . . . . 5. The area of the land is .................... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except 7. The land is encumbered by .. .Q1;1~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber ..~?~?....... Page J;1, ~.. . . . .. .. .. in original amount 31 000. Dawn Estates Inc. of $................ unpaId amount $.................. held by .................... .-.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. address ............................................._ (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of ................ unpaid amount $.................. held by ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. address ..................................................... =;-L"'.;r; ~"-_.,.-.~._~- .,,"":"-;o"""~ ~,...-~.,~.,--'-- ,.t:::~~~-';:~"'"'"::-"""""-~.. ':':_':'"71",.,"')>,",>,..~'''' .;~"r' ~, ,. . . (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber """,'...... Page ................ in original amount of $.............. unpaid amount $.................. held by ......................... ........................... address..................................................... 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except ..... .~~.t;~~l;1~rt.t;... .. . 9. The land lies in the following ;zoning use districts ........................................ 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept ................................................................................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land (does) (1 l) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is .............................................................. 13. Water mains will be laid by ............................................................. and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by ........................................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". -~../-'-~-;:,,::',~-,,"'-:;~'" ." ,-""".r;,;,, ~1\: 1,",,"'- ~':C~"';':'r"'hW'.f':t!.:o ,- ".,,,, ,"".-, .,<, """",~:C:':~~.F"" -,,..',....,.."""""""'....,,',..,.,.,"'~. ~ . . 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $. . . . . . . . .. as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at. . . . . . . . . . . . .. years. The Performance Bond will be written by DATE .............................., 19.... a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". NICK & NIKI HAIRSTYLISTS INC. By:CV'l ~ // ~A~ . (N~';'~ ~~~~~). .. ',;ksident'" . .. . . . .. By ..................................... ~...... (Signature and Title) . ~~. .~.~~.~~~ . ~.~~.~~.~!. .~~.~~.~~y.!. .~~~. ~ ersey (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ......~~............., ss: On the ................ day of .........................., 19......, before me personally came . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ............ executed the same. ................................................ Notary Public New York STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ................................ 55: On the ............_.....day ..:~~.~:y...U .... .........., 19..70., before me personally came .. .~.J;9K. ~X]:'RV~ .. .... .... ........ . . .. ..... to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that... he...... resides at No. . .41;+.. ~~.<:<.>~~. .~!=!~~f;:.... :r:~~~~.~~.... ~.~~. .-!~:~~ey . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. that ........ ~~ . . . .. .. .. . .. ... is the .......... :P.Z::~.~~!3:~~.~....... of ... ~n:~~..~. .~~~J.. .~.:n~f!rx~.I;~r~. .J;~~:........................... the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that . . . h~. . . . . . . . knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that....M...... . signed. .... his.... name theret ,",d"~.. ........ ~ II. LOTT NOSTll-'lIlJ L tl.lary Public, State of New V.... tlo. 31-8161600 - Qual. In New York Co. :tGmmllll.n i.pl", March 30, tt'"