HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-104.-12-12.2 southold Town Planning Board -13- September 4, 1973 On motion by Mr. coyle, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1974, as prepared above, be approved. vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Moisa, Raynor, Coyle, Grebe, Wickham. * * * On motion by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it was RESOLVED that the southold Town planning Board approve the change of lot line of Lots #203 and #204, Old Cove Road and wunneweta on Nassau point, Jane Widmayer, 333 West 57 Street, New York, N. Y. (owner). Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Moisa, coyle, Raynor, Grebe, Wickham. * * * On motion by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Moisa, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the southold Town Planning Board will be held September 18, 1973, at 7:30 P.M., Town Hall, Main Road, southold, New York. f Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Raynor, Moisa, coyle, Grebe, Wickham. ~ * * * The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, o ~ f.' ~ LA . -"1 - - //(c2---r<..-<:.". (" J.'-~~6 Marjorie McDermott, Secretary southold Town Planning Board John wickham, Chairman ",} ; , _~,~~~ 'H, "ay 22 t 1 'J74 JJaJ'), .C 1Ia}'er' ,~ Hrs 333 New . ' Dear Mrs. >~ cl~'j~_v('r~ . , 'I I .; ; I I Your lettar aM map <:1' '()X".)PE'l t.~ L: i',I' Point recei'l'eu. ) "~J' fiJ: 1 t in your fll'il so H '..;ill ,',' ? r;er., minent re,~oril. " l-," ,- <> / ~j(J~J~" ( ,.,,'J__L..,.:.... / l ~ > c, , ' r 'I ;~ 1J::l ~u ~4}P)1Y, A9M0 ~. &7/7 - !o& J ~~rr c<- ~.v-~ ~ !~tv..e~~.~ >4~~~, A adc~~~ ~...4- ~)L ,w ~ ad ~A o~ dou~_ ~Kbtv/1~~ .~~~ , ~ L4r ""'" ff~ _ ~~L;<4 ~d~ ! ~/;Z, 73. . ~~'~/:JOT-u i ~"--~LA<~jh-~-,<-~ I ~A ~ If{ ~ C<;~ t)!('(<t~/a4'~._ -I" '/,r-O /I /' .~/ /~~~ ft4 ~ .~ -hP-< ~ o~ &'7(;," -~( 7t&1'~r.41 ~7.- ~~ 4 ~ ~ .L~ :rU/L~Jo.F~' ~~ ~~;:~~~/4 i ~"r0(/~~. ?J /JflA-t ~~ V ~{~ Ct)~"JV~' ('1r .., ~ . I~ o:r;'-- c111? W ur 57 ;~ )1tu-~, 71{) ION'} , . ":j- "- ( '-. t- o -...J .~ ~ -, / t,O Ii. '", r ... ....\-... I' ! ! '" :~ 1- -t~ t- .~ f~) ~" I)~, I:~ .:::; .n '"Z L"} ~:::: 4f". "'l .0 _', I - , -. '-., , I -:';. 'I '..1.: . 'T ~; ;; <> ~ f :~ .,'. Wt: ~.y. '~'- ,,, -;,. o .r: o ~ll , ' 0.\ \ \:: \- ~ \'''1- .".. .- \) , '.\f {~ ...I' ." -:..\ \ \-, I N,' 1:'1. ~\.. \.U ? o \ \) Cl , ------.~tl,/ "J. ~ ------::.r ~"'~t>>.y ----_:<-~ .' :!~,. ~ '" >- '" ;t Q 3 I'f) o N i-. () - I II"I~ C ?tNI, ~JN_ .;J , S"I \ \').; \- \ , 'vi 'lIS" \- .\\- \ ~ '" -i V' ..1 \ , ~ '\ \ ) n 6 '6(, c ::t-. <:> "( II ~ -t... -; JOfO/ _ l_. -oO/r.1 ";..,.<31/Vn't:: - -- _ a '( rtz" I - ; " 01:> : s- ....;.i '- I -,!. U! - J. 't I, '" I~ 3 I~ I IJj () . I "6 0, " Vii r<)' -I.... ",I () --1 : t ". il) i\:$ b -' <l VJ ,- " ~ ~ (, ~ ':'1 Z l;-l c( -,. '-I \...') .)l...... l<l 0. Q.' .~ .~ "" ~':J-.^. '::' () v, , /~ '\tJ ~ '. . ~., -;-(t ...... '- '....... ('1\ . -) 0"--...) I'.J. r--( C. r- <.'" :- o .....\~:t! ~ -<-t ,-.\ 1<) ~;-""Y'\ (. I ,,1--_ ,. ~IQ3z fV) -9 o \ t'/-, . Cl ~ +- Cl -.J. >l <~ II o s..1- ~. 3: :.t.. " 0 J-< <:t.:;;f l<.::rBJ Q~ulVl VIa.. ..:) I./) ~ ~ ,.2<, <.J -( ~ Q (J~ ~ ') <:> \n (\^ \ o 2-1 (\ <f I rJ d _7 (\ fY\A y3 / If / / /' ( ,'. . ~ hlw- WiQ,may",.r~ 333 West 57 'I'll. street New York, ]IT.Y. June 24, 1973 Mr. John Wickham Southold Planning Board Town Clerks Office Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham; I've just received your letter from the Southold Planning Board, (copy enclosed) which is the reason I'm wri ting this letter since I was not able to be at the meeting to explain my intentions concerning our lots on Nassau Point. I left a letter and map information etc. with a secretary at the Town Clerks Office after being told that that would be adeJ,uate and my being at the meeting not necessary- (since it would l~ve been difficult to have been there on the date of the meeting)- I was told if I left the reJ,uest 8: " information a week ahead of the scheduled town meeting it gives the Board time to go over the varioRs reJ,uests, e:bc. 8: do whatever is needed. Well, after receiving your letter, I feel that absolutely notbDng was looked into or even understood concerning my reJ,uest - for otherwi3e I wouldn't have received such a letter from the Board. So, I shall restate my reJ,uest in this letter to you & perhaps it shall be understood. ____ When my sister and I in 1969 bought lots #203 8: #204 corner of Old Cove Road 8: Wunneweta on Nassau Point, these lots already being two (2) building lots, 10tff204 having approx. 100ft. road frontage and containing approx. sq. footage of .791 ac. (over 3/4 acre), & the second building lot #203 having approx. 391ft. road frontage and containing Sl.. footage of approx. ...849 ac. (over 4/5 aCEe). - In other words, both lots are less then an acre ea.ch right now, (but still larger than many lots on N .point) my having the lot line chan€;ed will not be altering the size. -(both road frontage & sq. foota,ge information comes from suvey maps & Southolds Tax statements. tcopies enclosed) My request was simply to divide the two lots in the opposite direction (tracing paper example enclosed). - 1'm merely tryinl' to N '''JIV 'J'jIJrr';';IJ,l ,.IIIIIII./.JIIJ.IIIII.II{ . . _ ~ "" rf .r M, ,I . . ,., ,., , " J", ~mprove the lots by making them more even ~n terms of road frontage and level building area, since lot #203 is mostly sloping land with a long road frontaGe, and lot #204 more level and only 100 ft. road frontage. Since we plan to build and live on one of the lots ourselves, I want this cl~nge made before doing so. - When we bou!'",ht this propErty and several times since then, while at the Town Clerks Office, I was always informed by both the building inspec-,or 8: the tax assessors that this would be a very simple matter to change th.; lot line, (since L'm not trying to change 2 lots to 3, or anything like that), that alII would have to do is attend one of the Ineetings & bring up my reJ,ue3t & 1 was alV11lQJs assured that they could see no reason for any opposition to nw reJ,uest. When the zoring law was being cjJ;anged to one acre, L again inquired at the Town" Clerks Office & was told again that L could do this at anytime - since my property already is designated as two (2) lots, and not just new property being broken up. - So now, that our pla,ns for building a home are coming closer we decided that this is the time to alter the lot lines between #203 8: #204. (CON'T) . . (2) . . When we werl" out in Southold a few weeks ago and left the information & maps for the Board Meeting, :I; was once again told that this should go througr easily, since it was simply a matter of the dividing line being changed on (2) lots & which is still to remain (2) building lots. Simply one lot containing the western -~ oil; lots #'203 & {1 204 and the other lot containing the eastern! of lots #203 & #204. We are planning to build on the eas:bern ~" of lots #203 & #204, with a driveway up the slope, and being that we would be livinG there ourselves, this makes us more concerned with the improvement that this line chanGe would bring to both lots, (improved road frontage, more level building area, & a visual improvement of approahhto both lots from Old Cove Road)~ We plan for now to hold this other lot or possibly sell it to a relative, as our living there our- selves would prompt a very special interest and concern to be very particular as to the future of tIns property and its inhabitants. Mr. Wickham, I hope this matter will be given your careful attention and that this change which we had always been reassured as being a simple matter, will be resolved easily. I would appreciate hearing from you as soon as possible. Sinc erely, r/!J~~ .. .. . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS June 18, 1973 John Wickham, Chairman Henry Mo.lsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle J. Miss Jean Widmayer 333 West 57th Street New York, New York_ 10019 Dear Miss Widmayer: The Planning Board reviewed your request for changing the lot lines for lots #203 and 204 on Map of Nassau Point. Each lot must have 40,000 square feet area and 150 feet frontage on the road. If you submit survey maps showing that each lot has the required area and frontage, the Board will act formally on your request. Sincerely, ,',,-- ,\'"'.' "{:::L\'\_' ","'-... G> Chairman -"------- Planning Board John Wickham, Southold Town /tle ._-::o-,,-,-~_-..;:-- ~,..,.,~_-,..,.... ..,..;,,.A:.......~.,,,.,'__~ ....' "',':>_i -lU.:.._;!4".::<r~..:}'"~ -t.t."..-- ~'--. --t--- ---- I \C . --- ! / I ! \ / ,/ ~ , , I , , .. \ \ ~ \ ,/ /' / ---.-~- ~ \ \ \ ,~,...,,:'(. .....~.D I'~' ;;OJ p.~~Q'N P \,'/J~'/ ~ ----- /~ ~.....~- ",d- V' .r.];{';t:' <\J\JI .\ v'- ~.."., l-oTS 1i ,;l..03 t '1l 020'+ NAss~ k::>/NT - iRACl:. D r-" ".... ;1 ) ,i.. _ 'r" I I I , i i i ~w , j I I I I I I I i '''l I I +- I I FRD/V) AtTAc.H-EDSuR.Ve.y NApS , 17Z . ..LHil;.A TION O~ .....,J;jIHON IS A \lIOLAT:ON Of f nil NeW VeRI( STAn: ,L" I!isURVf'l ',A~ ;.JOT Il~A~ING f. r:.>:'" '" ", '-'~ ,;.:"! f.!: c ~!N~I[;HfO sv"!: C:;j>f, ',7~~T~::' H'JUC;'J ~tlALl ~'lJN ',::;'_"" hj; ':h:;:-'r~_ THf SUii,','H ,.; . ,r. ,-' IV iii, :.:,.~:'~";,:',:;l:::;',A~, A(,<"-'('1, AND ",-oj .'yT..". t-..J<~O''', .... D , jS cr THI: nNOt~.G l~~rl- ~pl:l:S A:.~ ;'!l.n TkAN:;f~r,Aat.f 'v:lN:>rHUTIO..S O~ Wlj.SEQU~Nl " l~; , jl/&1ronteed 7~hle _ ~J~~ 1. -, ~ctl v rv"yor- ~.s _ -C:""fOorf'; N. 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AGeNCY A D lfNDING !N5i,rc;jL)"I l:51;: I: ;..._(;-~, AND 1:> THf A~SI(J,'.jHS Of lij~ l.,,<Ji,it, ",.sr:. lL.l.?'~, SU;',',';~IT~rs A~E r!~, T~ANSf;;r;'ABl !Co /It,;. 1/:,..,.,,_ . ' ;;..:. -_':'5 C~ SvaSfQiJr , OWNHS Surveyed lor ond j(J(/rdt1leed to Geor'le Boehle. . Mort;), 18,/9J6. ~~~. "ic o105eti .rl-lr-n:y<<; ~rdl1,oPl'Ij N. y: ~ J 1 I \ i i o v o If " ') , ~ Ii , , -_ Ii , 'k . t ~ ( . , ) ( ~ \:- ~ ~ ""l, \>\. ""l.. L. '";) ~ o () ---> O' /-ot .z 0:3 f" /'10" 3S0.0' .,...-- .!loa \;J ~ ..:::\ ~ , ., \C 11 ~.., .:. ;)\~ .......... \-.\ '. ''} Cl) Cl\ (l) Lot /7Z Lot Z04- o (1)0 3 S:0' Mln, L t:J t ,ZOS ~ c:. ~ [;:'oA'_,f '.)RIl{O ALHR,a.TlON O~ ",J.;,lliON ]() ,,!,' SURVEY IS A \lIOLATlON Of 7:09 OF nli, 1~,W YCRi( STAn, ~N lAW. MAP OF LOT No. 204 NASSAU PO/NT PS=CONIC SUFFOLK CO., N. y l,~~lt'; Of THIS ~l'~vrr >. A~ ;,JOT BrAr-ING T'"'" ,AND ~,;",r.'l':.;~"." .". u~ ':~D ~'_,,~ '._ .-~:...! 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