HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-69.-5-12.1 Licensed Land Surveyors 218 FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 $/.{fJFiL€ ~ 16; ~K. RODERICK VAN TUYL (L.S.! COLIN VAN TUYL RODERICK VAN TUYL. P. C. it (51SI47J.()170 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 June 30, 1993 Re:Moraillon/Klos Gentlemen: In behalf of Andre Moraillon and Ted Klos, we hereby apply for a line change on their properties on Ackerly Pond Lane, Southold, as shown on the enclosed map. The change in line involves an area of 475 square feet, which if approved will entail a convey- ance from Moraillon to Klos. The new proposed line has been agreed to by the common parties, and will better reflect the occupation of land by each party. We trust that this proposal will not incur any difficulty, and that action may be taken by the Board in due time. matter. Thank you for your consideration in this Very truly yours, ~2. 1/_~ cc: Ted Klos :'i 2 ,.--'- ,-- ----_. I f .::-,. 'ti ~ ~ ,\J '..; ..~ <, , I '~~ I " I ~~ /: ,\) I~ I L. 68 ';"-' ---. -, ":" --.--.~ _'_..~_.h _,.__ ~_,. ..,_ ACi<:.Ee~y ,c j:YONQ S.87"S'" zo''E .-IO.Zo 92. 0 S ... . - .I, ..~ HZ ZO"" '70, w ;e.e .._ '" I -., '77.~7 // r-.,J'.....""'~j 't- :.~t. 't ~~~' id' '. , (,. ~,~ ,'~:... r :1 :~~ . ,t ., A.l 'I . ,,~ ~" ....~ .~- , ,..,' I "'-... . ~ ""i,,.; '- $1/ 10. ;"ii)' ,", Q,I I It ,(;/ i ~ r;: ci J ,f';1 ~~ . ~~'..} ..1t.... .. rot.: ...! ";.~ \) )o,~ ).'1 ~"''f~ ' ^J' 'Ui;l' .':l, ~'\:?- lJ., ' .. ...~. () " t,.,! {,t. . fli ~ '1\ I ~ r.. 1'\ " / / . .* " iV;' ~/ VI LANi;' ~' : t' 'J' , .~ / .). ,/ ", '$p~ "'f?" /" 0('\" \ ',.. ~o.. . ,,{ .."., / 0 . ,,' .' .~...-, ~ < \. .. ,'. . '. . It .. ,,( .~- . . I ,g-- , 'l.. .~ ~ / 1,:' ,,' . .- ~J " "J 1,,~'\ ,,~ 41 ~ / \J ?' ,.. , -.' I ,/ i . II i ,., I ,. \" I /~ ~ 66~0t,' ,v~; 74: . ~ .. -='O'~ C~r/ *1.-c 00...1 , ,. /ci~ / . \ ,~ ~ .1-' j~ .... 0" I /-"';J120f~/,.:),.E 1..J / ./ivE (,.- .1 .; . '. ' i.'; <0_' '_'" I .~ J.. ..~ _' t_... ^" , . i I .-1 .~. , . '..- f' 1 '~~-":\.::')/'<L...~,.'". .S' U ,r: .'f; ) .f::' .:: f:,;; i;: A ,l. / r, r~l .." .. \, - . i..." /... t oJ .L._. ~ ~_~... ,. . 1 ~....., " " ' c"', i I\./ ,_,' I'<.. ,....1,' ~_ i._ U,. L-o',- n, 1:- ..., 1 .' l.1#. , """-"<",) l..v.....D .surrc..l.l<.. Ca./ N, 'r: scale: 40'=/" /J r~a: Z2, 361 SQ. ~t. .(. '',',' "'/-"':y,)?' .." 886 '""J ~.. .fl......'...,~I"5'..., - I "", ~..~ ~ ...../~ t, .. ... ... .'5u//(')/.~~ r::lJvt1flj T4X Parcel: UJa () - "" 9 - 5 - f Z. J (f.) ------l .- '" j '! ,.1 , , j .D(/,-'~ 'h~'tl{.';t::. ru ",,"rl.1'CJ'jo r/tl€. :N6IJr':;I1,-'e' Co. <7nd i'o t"/';;u'ih FOr/L Bani(. a.~ otWl'ttred Dec. 4) !99Z, /..!.o<!-er'-cJ!. Vd:!._ruy/' P. C. I'~, V....... I.~ i.icen;jed LIl...,d 6'H'lIcfyors ut+41enporl; N. )', !'2 .; /11;;,1nl.i II/eft r o ,. pipe L lIn__",_ tothlo_il._oI F,dIon 7'08" lito ___ UucatlOlIl-...'o'!. 0opfesof thk, _~. i.~ylT!l]p"'''''' tn. land S:Jrv-El, u.';;, i(,;,od I8aI rJI embos$ed 38W shsjl not be cilli)o .A lObe a valid ttue copy. Guarantees lndiIcCed ........ .... nil onIylDthe_..._lhl_ iI_ed. ""d on h._.... .. compan,. f;o'lernmenlallGllll" IIIIIIng instilutkn .rated hereoIi... ....-.lgnees 01 the ~_ . ....... GuarantHE W'& not ~ I lit........ ~GI'-. - - Amerui.d Ma".,'~ 1993. Nfcif'/7, /99.3. June Z,1!J,1993 2 1993 nf'ie N". g;;O~- .sO/~", L-.____.l SOUTlIOLD TOW;; PLANNING BOARO 8625-2