HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-63.-3-2 . t. . . . '11I/(W/U-Frt.E ~ Date FEBRUARY 25 1997 ~ I'P Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # 1000- 63-3-2 Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to nearest intersection, hamlet! opposite intersection of Hommel and 70 BOISSEAU AVENUE, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. Boisseau Avenues Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage of existing building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 SQ. ft. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office space). (see attached) Existing and proposed uses (see attached) ir'~ ~ @ If"ll 'Ill ~ .Ql !' U 'I' 1\1\ 1\ :\ ." '1::,\ \ \:\1', FEB 211997 \i.~) \ l- -, )_ ~ ~- -' L~.XG~;;/~~' .:L_ ," J Lot area 1. 69 a. Zoning District LI Parking required 5 cars Name RICHARD A. WINTERS (prospective purchaser - with others) Renter/Owner? (If renter, attach owner's permission to pursue this inquiry). Address Hortons Lane, Southold, N.Y. Phone 516-765-1036 (home) 516-765-5214 (office) ------------------------------------------------------ Please attach a surveyor sketch of the property, at a l' to 20' scale, showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings and required parking spaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site. Show which buildings will have which use. If you need any additional information. or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (516) 765.1938 . ," , . . Brief Description of Project and Reason for waiver Request: The proposed utility of the subject property is to rent to local contractors and small businesses that need storage space. A classic example would be an electrical contractor that needs space to store supplies and possibly as a base of operations. As the building offers heat and air conditioning, such utility would be appropriate. First floor area is 4800 square feet. Interior renovations, in the form of partitions, are planned on an as needed basis. The basement offers an additional 1600 square feet of heated and ventilated area that may be partioned into rental units for commercial and private storage where temperature/humidity control is important. No exterior renovations/additions to the exisitng building are planned except asthetic. Roll up doors may be installed, as required, for easy access by tenants. Exterior or yard storage is expected to be offered. be for individuals to park boats on trailers or for such storage of materials that contractors may require. Examples could other outside New perimeter fencing and lighting will likely be installed. Paving will be limited to gravel/stone. It is expected that the use will be limited to storage only, with no tenant employees at the side on a regular basis. Parking requirements will therefore be minimal with adequate space available to satisfy the one car parking/1000 square feet of building requirement. The prospective purchasers view the planned utility as passive and less intense than the prior use. Prior use was on site manufacturing with many full time employees. The purchasers also view the planned use as fulfilling a local need to contractors now operating from their basement, garage and residence backyard. The request for waiver of site plan requirement is based on the following: 1. The cost of site plan approval and associated delays will jeopardize the sale. 2. It is believed that the exisiting zoning (light industrial) is permissive of all planned utility. 3. Planned utility is less intense than prior utility. Prior manufacturing required on site people and ground discharge of some materials other than water. .- ~.---- \ '. ,., ~. .: ;:.:......:.'<.>'....... ,;'" -.-. .' . \ ' . \ \ \ \ \ . \ ... , . 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I II I AVE:.Nue. ~~.~~ , t i: ~ 1 t~q~ <" -J; ~ ~ 1Q.~s:' -\ "';i~ -:\J=.L r- , '... '~ ~ \ . ~ ,... ~1' ,~ 4~ , > . J' . "f. ; ., \ \ \ , t~ f\ At' ... j - s 7 . t" '"' 2'Zlot.&4' li. i..O""" r f!..A,..,lT"lto-Il'", to., a,..- ~~...1;' .' . " ,.'~ ?J1:l l' c" .. ; ~f ~ t,~ j; '" ~ "' ~ - . , ! " If {, /I " ,,1 <' ./ t, , ~ i ~~ . U ....,.:. .$- ~ ft -( ft ," '- !> 9 - Ii T 1! ,.~ -I '; j _. "---...-. z o . ~-.,l " ! ii", "1"''-' II" ,- , :~ . " Ii' ,I !> 1 I I I . , I' l' 'I,' :. "1 ;: ~1f ~,;:: ;~:;: ;" ::1 ;,' ,. \ :;.:' ': :I~ h:.~'~ I,. '. .,., ,-- '.' 'll ,...., :....., :' "'1;,1""::'."'1' ro' ,t i ..I ,;. ',.1 ,I.: j~' ..J: '.',:. ;'~.'; ,1'1 :--. ,!:: ': J' :, 'I ,. ,. I)~l' I .: ~':;, ;'1, t.;. 1 . . ~:'. r. ~_~, i j::.' ~ ':!i""."ll;\., 1j::',I'] ~~J :]'.'" ::1':';;;' :," ~;: :. I '. _.1, . .,d . .! ,j .1..1 1 ~..~: . i :' '~:I:" ;1" :1 "j'Y', f.~'i JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK f 0(. REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD /, i Ciio') " ':'}t c.. /S i":'"') September 19, 1996 To: Southold Town Planning Board/ Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Tow~ding Department Judith Terr~ FOI L Request From: Re: Please review the attached FOIL Request from Dalton Environmental, Ltd., and submit your response to me. I respectfully remind you that you have five (5) business days in which to respond. Thank you. Thank you. SEP20 . -, DALTON ENVIRONMENTAL, LTD. --~~ ~ _.:..~.~.I!L~. First Street P.D. Box 222 NewSuJJolk, NY 11956 516 - 734 - 6450 Fax 516-734-5152 September 17, 1996 Freedom of Information Officer Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED SEP191!96 Re: 700 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Clerk Dear Sir/Madame: Under the provision of the New York Freedom of Information Law (Article 6, Public Officers Law) I am hereby requesting access to certain information from your agency. I would like access to information in your agency's files regarding the known or potential environmental and public health hazards posed by any: 1. toxic waste dump 2. waste water discharge 3, chemical storage faciIi ty 4. solid waste site 5. air discharge 6. pelToleum storage facilities, or 7. toxic spill(s), if any located at the abovereferenced site address or within a one-half mile radius of the site. Specifically I would like to obtain a copy of any town, building department, planning hOq~d or zoning. board of appe::tls record regarding LI-:te site; If there are any fees im posed for searching or copying the materials I have requested, please inform me of that fact before filling this request. I would appreciate your handling this request as quickly as possible, However, if you do not grant it within 10 working days, as the law provides, I will deem it denied. Thank you in advance. Very .truluours, - /' .~. '-_.'_-~ - , .--,.,.. / ...._~ Dunewood Truglia, Esq. President J:.'/I1'ir011l/Wn/U! C'onSII/{UJits "- '1tl/ru1tiL Ft pu:p.~ Date FEBRUARY 25 1997 to::.. /P Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # 1000- 63-3-2 Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to nearest intersection, hamletJ opposite intersection of Hommel and 70 BOISSEAU AVENUE, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. Boisseau Avenues Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage of existing building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 sq. ft. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office spaceJ. (see attached) Existing and proposed uses (see attached) -...... .'\ \ I'j Is [r;) 1Fu~lj lli l'I"'i.! \1\ ~({~.~;~-;~~~'" I: i Ii I ~ l L... ....;,. . ,.,.,\"..,..,1 , . ~., I; .- . ,'i !-::.;:" ._~~...,~.."".-. " Lot area 1. 69 a. Zoning District LI Parking required 5 cars Name RICHARD A. WINTERS (prospective purchaser - with others) Renter/Owner? (If renter, attach owner's permission to pursue this inquiryJ. Address Hortons Lane, Southold, N.Y. Phone 516-765-1036 (home) 516-765-5214 (office) ------------------------------------------------------ Please attach a SUlVey or sketch of the property, at a l' to 20' scale, showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings and required parking spaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site. Show which buildings will have which use. If you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at(516J 765.1938 ~ Brief Description of Project and Reason for Waiver Request: The proposed utility of the subject property is to rent to local contractors and small businesses that need storage space. A classic example would be an electrical contractor that needs space to store supplies and possibly as a base of operations. As the building offers heat and air conditioning, such utility would be appropriate. First floor area is 4800 square feet. Interior renovations, in the form of partitions, are planned on an as needed basis. The basement offers an additional 1600 square feet of heated and ventilated area that may be partioned into rental units for commercial and private storage where temperature/humidity control is important. No exterior renovations/additions to the exisitng building are planned except asthetic. Roll up doors may be installed, as required, for easy access by tenants. Exterior or yard storage is expected to be offered. be for individuals to park boats on trailers or for such storage of materials that contractors may require. Examples could other outside New perimeter fencing and lighting will likely be installed. Paving will be limited to gravel/stone. It is expected that the use will be limited to storage only, with no tenant employees at the side on a regular basis. Parking requirements will therefore be minimal with adequate space available to satisfy the one car parking/1000 square feet of building requirement. The prospective purchasers view the planned utility as passive and less intense than the prior use. Prior use was on site manufacturing with many full time employees. The purchasers also view the planned use as fulfilling a local need to contractors now operating from their basement, garage and residence backyard. The request for waiver of site plan requirement is based on the following: 1. The cost of site plan approval and associated delays will jeopardize the sale. 2. It is believed that the exisiting zoning (light industrial) is permissive of all planned utility. 3. Planned utility is less intense than prior utility_ Prior manufacturing required on site people and ground discharge of some materials other than water. \ '-. \" " \ \ \ \ .\ \ ' \ \ \'.. '\ '. . .. \ . \ \ \. . , u__\ \. \ \ \\ ,\ ;-'- tTil""-'" " \ \\ , e, ..~,,:~~ ,"; .: b: __,. ,', .'~ I I ~ \\"\\." '\ . Ii9 ! ;\'\ \ u~-l r-- . '"i~'i;:\\'~ 0 Ii' ~ .' ,,.. .. .' - ---- ------ :...:.,...... , ..:. \ ::~:f}.i, ~:./..,: ~'<~:,>~,~i:;_:".~~.,..,. . W!t~.~, ;..r.d._....._.~~'.d~...LJILf)..,~ "}>" I'''r'~ I' . ii~ i': IT-I :j ;r, g . !; I'~ h:l i '", n I~ (Ii,~ I ~~~) I~ !I'~ Ir ;:.~ ! -n . /-i IS ~ . ! "CI ~, , . !'l ',1.; C. ,~ 0 . ~I~ \ ...0 0 C ~r.~~ I ~_'l, '-. !:iT ," :~: ~n ~;.~ ~. ~\.~ ~) .,....J. ~'i .il ~ ,. . o . . ~ ~ :f ~ <r)f ", -... " ;; . . . U :' r ". ;' . T .. .,. , - r i roO) ~ ;, :3'<:: --,j' ~ ~ .... !f b. -l ~ - . ;;r , - ~ ~ ~~ n ..:: ,~ :.~'-\ >~I' ~. "I" .'!>~"', , ...,. ., r~ ~ ":. fr :k~ c' . ;.f ~ I ' oitt' ~ ~ ~ -1 h -: -< ~.... ... j' ti t{ f ~ iL ~ 5' " ~, ~ ~ . !I ~ : " ""1?? "\ "\ f~ ? ' ~. \..,V-.J I, i [ , f/ol/;;.;;.6A.L.) AVe-Hue. .t-~r-~t- , t l' ~ 1 t, t~~ ~~J;~ t( I.1 -='.1-L '. ~ ~ .~ . ~ fj ,~ 4~ /1 'f: i t - ( ~\, , , <:), ",-- , 0'., ~, ~ ~~ 5,f , ~.y.(, ~..- I ;-- -- ~ , , .. , , . , . -" "j-';;'" c:.. '. 0 1" ." Z~I -, ,. ,. f" .- 1J .... IfI' ,':I ~ :i: 00 f! i >- I" J\ ... ']I .. r [J '. D ^' ' , - r 0 .f\ ~ I~ ,. ., l'\ . P .~ J: - 4- j\ ~ \) ~. i ~ I" I. < 0, ;;. fJ - I '" 0 E I~ rn ~i ,_ I" . \ \ \ , \ \ \ , I, \ I. I. -y~ f\ .., ., f '7 <lit t" '"\ OZ';G..c4 L !> , ~! ^! "' ----I~! . IU,/ ~~f ---J i 4 Ii: ~ ? ----~ ~, l Q ~\- " '!i" - Ov-" .'r" 'I . , ' , ,I' " Ii :1 ~ r 'I _ . .' . ~: ..' , , I I I I ~ . ,:f'. . .~ :1;, .Li.' . 1 '. ", ~ p : . - ,'I ,( ,'I' .' I' ", I ! . ' . i ", d ~.(' I' ';,. '''', 'I"" , 1 p : I" :,' .i, :l : 't' , . t: " ",,11, '" "'i/ ",' . ~', ", I"'.. .. ,"p . ,(,: "'., . .~{ . "', "/ "!' ", !,. -. '.j '.' " " "11[; 1}I",.:'I':,::'".:"'j i: :. I. -",.-,11 J.I ' . r. : .j i " ~f , I I 'f '. .: r 'I' 'r." :...,