HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-13.-3-11 Enclosed please find a copy of my letter to you dated March as of this date I have received no reply. please contact me as possible on this matter. / "7 7' t;..1 .-:'.'. /,1.. 4 //'~) 1/;. ;~IYV' I." / j " '7' . (') f'> ~,'I;.~~.al fJr.O: /Y"J :J::C'~'~' ,.".-., . . I '///:P ()f {'/-'-7. t>\ southold Town BuiDling Dept. TO Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 {"/.'J':/'.. i ./. . L g_t~rl,--;zi?'4'; (:~' d/' ~J' /. '~A'.' ._/?//~ ""'t:-- . f.-rJ A';:7 qt., .: -..-...' . ~eed'-~m() ri? /. , SCTM 1000-13,-3-11 J""~/8C'.. 9",18 June 4, 1991 25, 1991, as soon L c: z: I (Jl CD CD ..!-(."....../ ";/IV! WILLIAM H. PRICE JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW p, O. BOX E - B2B FRONT STREET GREENPORT,N.Y.11944 PHONE: (616) 477~1016 JUN - 5 1991 WILLIAM H. PRICE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 828 Front Street, P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Phone (516) 477-1016 Fax (516) 477-0130 March 25, 1991 Southold To~n BUilding Dept. Town Hall Mdin Road SouthOld, NY 11971 Gentlemen: He: SCTH 1000-13-3_]] Please be advised that I am the aEtorney for Suzanne M. Egan, the O~ner of SCTM Lot 1000-13-3-12 adjoining the Subject parcel. She and the owner of parcel adjoining the SUbject parcel to the west desire to Purchase the SUbject parcel. The SUbject parcel ~ould be equally divided and merged ~ith their eXisting lots. Please advise if any approvals would be required. I am encloSing a copy of the existing survey as ~ell as a copy of the single and separate search done in respect to the Subject parcel. Encs. cc. Suzanne M. Egan ,auJ. -(.11""11 verY~rUl yours, ~ ~~V~~- /' William H. Price, Jr. 7 . 7 i .( ...../" ", 'IJr '/, . I N' Ii", .t"j .,,1.' i/" /' ,. ~;:>.. " 1 ./..' ! I ~-16-r/ . ]/~/~ I>dI P /lke ~,~ ' ~~~~ _d .1- ~- U!I~/{' WILLIAM H. PRICE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 828 Front street, P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, N.Y. 11944 i?1/ ~ 'r-. Iw'Q,Udli4 FI!.J ID;:s. [',,' ('" .\.....I.!VW~bf>. N Ij..;.LC; ,..... \!JR' OJ " ~ f :991 Phone (516) 477-1016 >"'"~,,........... Fax (516) 477-0130 Harch 25, 1991 Southold Town Building Dept. Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: SCTH 1000-13-3-11 Gentlemen: Please be advised that I am the attorney for Suzanne M. Egan, the owner of SCTH Lot 1000-13-3-12 adjoining the subject parcel. She and the owner of parcel adjoining the subject parcel to the west desire to purchase the subject parcel. The subject parcel would be equally divided and merged with their existing lots. Please advise if any approvals would be required. I am enclosing a copy of the existing survey as well as a copy of the si.ngle and separate search done in respect to the subject parcel. Very truly yours, William H. Price, Jr. Encs. cc. Suzanne M. Egan IOU1-Lnt'1I1 ~..- ;.1... .....,..,0...'";,.",,,; ,......,~:,.;~.:~,_:. , .,\.. # ":.'...- - ~ '" . Iw~' u,ti/?)J.l1H(,( :'f'-;'''''"'''':''.. _ " I; r\ \ i ~..-_...(/V 'Ujl>t r { lr};'~<,.:. ,.- " WILLIAM H. PRICE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 828 Front street, P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, N.Y. 11944 \',' MAR 2 1/99/ Phone (516) 477-1016 Fax (516) 477-0130 March 25, 1991 Southo1d Town Building Dept. Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: SCTM 1000-13-3-11 Gentlemen: Please be advised that I am the attorney for Suzanne M. Egan, the owner of SCTM Lot 1000-13-3-12 adjoining the subject parcel. She and the owner of parcel adjoining the subject parcel to the west desire to purchase the subject parcel. The subject parcel would be equally divided and merged with their existing lots. Please advise if any approvals would be required. I am enclosing a copy of the existing survey as well as a copy of the single and separate search done in respect to the subject parcel. William H. Price, Jr. Encs. cc. Suzanne M. Egan IGI...1..-LIt't'111 - J,,; ...~.... ...~...,,"'.... Lo ~'-...c:t:a.. - ^.LV~.L-ll~d.U, .New ~orK 11901 [( \99\ W'R VARIANCE SEARCH " _,..;".. 0":-' , \c,;-:.:lfS'1'ATE OF NEW YORK) ,;.,,-~'~ . 58 : COUNTY OF SUF'FOLK) TITLE NO. 131-S-5512-SS PATRICIA A. J"UDD being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she resi.des at 210 Court street, Riverhead, New York 11901 and is over the age of 21 years and that she is VICE PRESIDENT of FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF . NEW YORK. That under he,r direction, title was examined to the parcels of land described on the annexed Schedule and labelled Parcels A, B, C, D AN'D E That said examination, dated 2-20-90 discloses a chain of Title to determine if any contiguous property was owned by an owner of property involved since the date of an previously applicable Zoning Ordinance as of 4-23-57. And, that this Affidavit is made to assist the Board of Zoning ',Appeals to the Town of Southold to reach any determination which requires as a basis therefore the information set forth herein and knowing full well that said Board will rely upon the truth thereof. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Sworn to before me this 2nd day of April 1990 PATRICIA A. JUDD VICE PRESIDENT 0w:at.L ()1fta.Ai.M-&: ....~ _ ~_~~c....,a I '11 ....,al. q;u ~ Title No. 131-S-5512-SS DES C RIP T ION S PARCEL "A" (SUBJECT PREMISES): ALL that certain plot, piece or parcels of land, situate, lying and bEdng at Brown's Hills, Orient, Town of Southold, County of Su:ffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of South View Drive at the northwesterly corner of land of Kluge and running thence along the southerly line of South View Drive a distance of 100 feet ito the northeasterly corner of land of Bauer; THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the northeasterly line of land of Bauer 150 feet more or less to lanQ of John B. Droskoski; THENCE in il. northeasterly direction along the northerly line of land of Oroskoski 100 feet more or less to a point marking the southwes1:erly corner of land of Kluge; THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly line of land of Kluge a distance of 150 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ALSO known and designated on the Real Property Tax Map as: Dist: 1000 Sect: 013.00 Blk: 03.00 Lot: 011.000 PARCEL "B" (ADJACENT NORTH): DESCRIBED PROPERTY 1000-013.00-03.00-012.000 PARCEL "C" (ADJACENT EAST): DESCRIBED PROPERTY 1000-018.00-04.00-007.000 PARCEL "0" (ADJACENT SOUTH): DESCRIBED PROPERTY 1000-013.00-03.00-010.000 PARCEL "E" (ADJACENT WEST): SOUTH VIEW DRIVE (PRIVATE ROAD) STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUF'FOLK) PATRICIA A. JUDD being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she resides at 210 Court Street, Riverhead, New York and is over the age of 21 years and that she is VICE PRESIDENT of FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. That the above are the true chains of title as shown on the record in thE! variance search under the above captioned title number. Sworn to before me this FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK PATRICIA A. JUDD, VICE PRESIDENT 2nd day of April 1990 ~() ~~~-~ MAISIE A.IMUNSKlLL ~ Public. Stale 01 N_""'" No. 011lR4842920 0ueU1ied 1ft SuII1IIk eo.-_q I ~ IbplreaJuly31. fLU. r~^.R 2 { 1:39/ , , 'f!;~: '~l~''''','.'''~'''''''"~~~~'' ,y<.,.,~,. ' .'-'O'rw"" ... CHAIN OF TITLE CHAIN OF TITLE FOR PARCEL "A": N. ALFRED LUCE TO BROWN'S HILI~ ESTATES, INC. LAST OWNER elF RECORD DATED: REC'D: LIBER: Title No. 131-S-5512-SS NOVEMBER 29, 1957 DECEMBER 12, 1957 4399 CP 114 CHAIN OF TITLE FOR PARCEL "B": ] N. ALFRED LUCE AND I JOSEPH M. ROSE ! TO WALTER G. KI.UGE AND EVELYN T. KlnGE, HIS WIFE 1 WALTER G. KLUGE DIED INTESTATE ON 9-4-78, SURROGATES COURT FILE NO. 707A1978. DATED: REC'D: LIBER: SEPTEMBER 16, 1948 OCTOBER 4, 1948 2879 CP 517 SUFFOLK COUNTY . EVELYN T. KJWGE DIED A RESIDENT OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON 10-9-80, 'SUFFOLK COUNTY SURROGATES COURT FILE NO. 1768P1980. WALTER L. KI,UGE DATED: FRIEDA KLUGE: PETREY FNA REC'D: FRIEDA TIMMONS, AS DEVISEES LIBER: UNDER THE U.sT WILL AND TESTAMENT OF EVELYN T. KLUGE, DECEASED TO SUZANNE M. E:GAN LAST OWNER elF RECORD CHAIN OF TI'I'LE FOR PARCEL "C": ANNA DROSKOSKI, WIFE OF JOHN B. DROSKOSKI JOHN B. DRUSKOSKI OR JOHN DRUSKOSKI TO JOSEPH B. DR~SKOSKI JOSEPH B. DROSKOSKI TO STANLEY DROSKOSKI . STANLEY DROSKOSKI I TO i STANLEY J. DROSKOSKI AND iANNA T. DROSKOSKI, HIS WIFE ; ! LAST OWNER a'F RECORD I STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) DATED: REC'D: LIBER: DATED: REC'D: LIBER: DATED: REC'D: LIBER: MAY 17, 1985 JUNE 24, 1985 9817 CP 283 JANUARY 17, 1948 JANAURY 23, 1948 2794 CP 453 NOVEMBER 7, 1969 NOVEMBER 14, 1969 6658 CP 192 JANUARY 27, 1971 JANUARY 27, 1971 6876 CP 395 PATRICIA. A. JUDD being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she resides at 210 Court Street, Riverhead, New York and is over the age of 21 years and that she is VICE PRESIDENT , .. of FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. i i That the ab()ve are the true chains of title as shown on the .record in the variance search under the above captioned title number. i " :1 , ,'Sworn to before me th~s " , I 2nd day of Apr~l 1990 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK N --' <:C <.C :1 PATRICIA A. JUDD, VICE PRESIDENT ~ 0 ~~'l1L , MAI8II! A. IIMUNSlCJU. IIIwy Public, Sta.. 01_.... No. 01 BR4842920 OueIifled in SullGlk Coun\y 0 . Comm_ Explr.. July 31, f9:L.L . CHAIN OP TITLE I I CHAIN OP TITLE POR PARCEL "0": N. ALFRED LUCE TO CHARLES F. BAUER AND ANNA C. BAUER, HIS WIFE CHARLES F. BAUER AND ANNA C. BAUER, HIS WIFE TO ROGER V. TABOR AND LYNDA J. TABOR, HIS WIFE ROGER V. TABOR AND LYNDA J. TABOR, HIS WIFE TO THOMAS W. HUGGARD AND MARGARET MAY HUGGARD, HIS WIFE THOMAS W. HUGGARD AND MARGARET MAY HUGGARD, HIS WIFE TO FRANCIS J. LITTLE III AND DONALD A. MILLER, AS JOINT TENATS FRANCIS J. LITTLE III AND DONALD F. MILLER, AS JOINT TENANTS TO VENETIA HANDS LAST OWNER OP RECORD CHAIN OP TITLE POR PARCEL "E": SOUTH VIEW DRIVE (PRIVATE ROAD) LAST OWNER OP RECORD STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) DATED: REC'D: LIBER: DATED: REC'D: LIBER: DATED: REC'D: LIBER: DATED: REC'D: LIBER: DATED: REC'D: LIBER: Title No. 131-S-5512-SS JUNE 15, 1956 JULY 6, 1956 4139 CP 23 MAY 5, 1962 MAY 8, 1962 5162 CP 326 DECEMBER 19, 1974 FEBRUARY 25, 1975 7802 CP 344 JUNE 27, 1980 JULY 1, 1980 8845 CP 328 FEBRUARY 4, 1984 APRIL 13, 1984 9545 CP 307 PATRICIA A. JUDD being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she res:ides at 210 Court Street, Riverhead, New York and is over the age of 21 years and that she is VICE PRESIDENT of FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. That the above are the true chains of title as shown on the record in the variance search under the above captioned title number. Sworn to before me this FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK 2nd day of April 1990 PATRICIA A. JUDD, VICE PRESIDENT ~.{lLt (} t;~ lLL. IIWS1I A. !llU\IJIlSQ..L ....., ..-. ~ <II .....__ ........'~...............n.--<,. . ~..w..._-:........,- ~~~..~ t1L1R t / .. 1/991 .,..<....~.,.. <<"<~,"'-'. '"":1'T~~1"~i ;:t-~\ :t;i;,",