HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-13.-1-12.1 fe,..- LZ5\tn_ -sc \,U'+ /=\U;:=- SThW SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY Michael A. LoGrande, Chairman Melvin M. Fritz, M.D., Secretary James T.B. Tripp, Member Eric J. Russo. Member John E. Gee, Jr" Member Administratjve Offices: 4060 Sunrise Highway, Oakdale, New York 11769-0901 (516) 589-5200 Fax No.: (516) 563-0370 July21,1997 rr~'!--J] '., . L .... '.' . (:.~ i.; i 1/1.<r " ""', In" Iii' ~--"'-j'l Uui JUl 2 3/997 @l L._ BGAED OF ;;.o,:;'Si;ORS TOWN OF SoiJrfif/OLD Assessor's Office Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Acquisition of Water Supply System and a portion of Real Property from Brown's Hills Estates, Inc. East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York SCW A Authorization #1 03 00 GO 98-004 /5-I-J2.. ] Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is a Certificate of Exemption, together with a copy of the deed dated July 17, 1997, pertaining to the above captioned acquisition by the Suffolk County Water Authority, to be noted and filed with the records of your office. A copy of this letter, together with Certificate of Exemption and copy of the deed, are being sent to the Planning Board with the request that it mark the official maps of the Town to show the location of this plot owned by the Water Authority. Any tax bills, if applicable, should be forwarded to the attention of our Accounting Department, Suffolk County Water Authority, P.O. Box 37, Oakdale, N.Y. 11769. Very truly yours, 'iv~ L. Van Nostrand, Counsel RVN:jc Encs. cc: Receiver of Taxes Town of Southold Planning Board PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER rn ~@~O\Yl~ 00' JUl 2 5 I9f11 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD In the Matter of the Acquisition of Water Supply and Distribution System and a portion of Real Property of BROWN'S HILLS ESTATES, INC., East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, by SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION TO: THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLEASE BE ADVISED, that the water supply and distribution system and a portion of real property of BROWN'S HILLS ESTATES, INC., was acquired by SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY on July 17, 1997, by deed dated July 17, 1997, executed and delivered pursuant to Contract dated May 29, 1996. The water supply and distribution system and a portion of real property affected by such transfer is set forth in the deed attached hereto. The SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY is a public benefit corporation and, pursuant to the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York, such real property owned by the AUTHORITY is exempt from assessment and payment of real estate tax. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate has been executed by the grantee on the 21 st da y of July, 19197. SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY &d,n/~fiN~ Michael A. LoGrande, Chairman/CEO BY: ----_=-"'0-,-- r-HX P. 2 nUe No....ll~Il\ti.~2....il9Id. TAX SCHEDULE T.M. 1000-01"~Ol-0l2.001 N n.. lax MUch made ........ _ onlylhe pmalooo ohowa 011 .1Iow d..1Il, Md '80 ..... Is modo ......11 MY put 01 lit. _ on wllleb uJd p~.h8t. Road .31 Ac. \V E -- s ASSESSED Tel', Bro..".. Hills Est. County Suffolk SectiOll Block Lot (.) Cily Town Southo1d Village Orient (Not Inc.) School Diltl'ict No. 2 PROPERTY CLASS. 692 .a''''sed Valllldoa L.nd . 300 Total. 300 DUptJlidoa RETURNS ~ 1996/97 Total Tax 5147.49 - Paid in 1,::~\/1~ 1982/83 to 1995/96 paid ~ " Q (~ 1981/82 & prior need chain of title , ... Apportionment done in South61d IIsse....or.. 1n 1981. WATER, No EXCEPT Water meter and lOwer rental ohlU'geo aoeruing .inee the dete of the lut reading .nd building purpo", or UnA.xed water (rontage charges auhaequently entered. 221.-3 C:Cln'II"IO.'. ""0 ill."..,. 0'" 1'1"1'\.11-......""" yo.. IlTS, 7/8/1997 :::A2 Sllndlrd N. Y.B. T. U. Form BOO' Bllllln Ind Sale Deed. with Covea&lu ..aiall GUillot', Acu-Indivjdual 01 CorporatKtD. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER RUORE 5IGHI!tO THI5'INSTRUMENT-THIS_TRUMENT SHOUlD RE USID RY LAWYERS_Y. -'It.:>-' THIS INDENruRE, made the _~ day of BETWEEN July , nineteen hundred and ninety-seven, BROWN'S HILLS ESTATES, INC., a domestic not-for-profit corporation, having a principal office in care of Michael Formica 95 Christopher Street New York, New York 10014 party of the lirst part, and SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, a domestic public benefit corporation, having its principal office at 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, New York 11769 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party oli the lirst part, in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, ~ lawful money of the United Stal.., paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AU. that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings aud improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being iID<lliDe at Orient,~in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described in Schedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof. The Premises are the same as those described in Liber 3923, cp 165. Reserving unto the party of the first part, its successors and/or assigns, an easement for ingress and egress over the roadways as presently configured, or may be configured in the future. .. U/"U~i1:lf J.V:,JI ~C-';Hts 727 7818 COMMONWEALTH ll!Io ----- COMMONwEALTH LAND ~rITl:.ll: INSURl\NCE COMPANY TITLE NO. ~'60420 SCHEDULE A nm PRmofISES IN ~RICH TIlE INSURED HAS THE ESTATE OR INTEREST COVERED IlY TlUS POLICy FEE PARCEL Amenaed, 7/9/97 CONVEYANCE IN FEE O:IL" WELL HOUSE J\ND PUMP STATION, ALL that certa~ P~l)t, piece or parce~ of land, situate, lyi~g ana being at Oriant, in the Town of Southol,i, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and descr1bed a. follows: EEGINN!NG ~t a post in the Wese side of Brown'S Hills ~oad (a P~1~ate Road) distant ~orth 31 degreee 54 minutes so seconds West, 355.44 feet North of a monument Set in tho north@r~y ~ide of ~Lin RoaQ (N.T.S. Rte 25) which marks the division line between land~ now or formerly of ~~ Droskoeki and premises conveyed hereLn; and RONNING THENCE along' the westerly ~ide of Brown's Hills Road (a private road); 2. North 42 de~reeB 39 m~uees 30 s@conds West 310.00 feet; 1. North 3~ degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West 16 fest to a point of deflection; ~CE North 79 d,egrl!!es 20 minutes 40 seconds East across said Bro~' s F.til~s Road 33 _ 00 feet to the easterly side of sa1d arown1a Hi~ls Road; THENCE eoutherly alo',g the easterly side of Ilrown'e Hills Road (1) South 42 degrees 39 minutee 30 second.s S41Ult 310.00 feet more or less to il pOint of defl61ceion l.n the road along lands now oX' fc>rme:rly of May Watson and (2) South 3:1. degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds East ~6 teet to a point On the easterly side of Srown's Hills Road; THENCE South 79 degreles 20 minutes 40 seconds We.st 35.41 feet 1:.0 the '.olesterly side of Brown' s Hi~ls Road, t.he point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to the burden,s and TOQE'THER with the bene.fits ot a roadway agreement set forth in L1ber J923 Cp 165, an electric agreement Set forth 1n Liber 4054 cp 82 and Covenants and Restr~ction5 in Liber 4212 cp 426. 'rOGETRER with the: ben,efits of an eaSement recorded in Liber ~1.81e cp 200. SUBJECT TO the BurdenlSl and TOGETHER ",ith ehe benefits of a water distribution system agreement dated 6/~O/S6 bet'kedn M. Alfred Luce and Brown's Hills Estates, II:LC. a copy of Which is annexed t(:> ehis conveyance.. FOR CONVgYANCINQ ONLY, (To~.ther with all right, title and interest of, in IF INTENoED POR CONVEYANCING (and to any stre.coB and read. abutting the above {d@8cribed p~emises, to the center line thereof. VUI 1)4/ Hb ll'li 15:35 FAX 914 6116 2738 . .'"=. Smith & Harris, LLP IaJ003 - ..~~ ". ":,,,,";'~1", . .'., A' 'I .___ . . ,. 1 -(If . 1'JUS ACUlIZUIT. _el. 'hi. 10 - cia, oC ~4JL . 1'". b, I b......n -. Altr.el 1:.u.. 0.. r..1el1q .t Or1.n'. SUCCollc Coun.,. . /'/' J....' and J...pb K. , , b.r.1n O.ll.d I, d....'1o ."b.r.hip oorpora'1on haY1nc it. otC1oe a' Orlont. '. l1.re1o .allec1 S.oond P.r". , ... _.T..I I , I i VlTWl:SSftJlt. . VR2D~S .11'.' 1'.1"1.. ~y. beret. Cor. o.~y.,.el'o 8.00n4 1'.1'" .b.8nel.rl,1q t.. te 1;be ..1'.... 1n.jbe el.Yel.,...t .. o " , Or1.at. R.Y.. C.n.rally known a. Bro.nl. Bill. a....... 'oC.tber w11;b otber propert,. and' . I i ./ . tb.r. 1. laid a w.'.r pump~nc .nd d1.'ributiac .'......b.r.by i' .b. own.r. oC lancb .1n 1;h. el...elo,..n, obtain . .uppl, of' ~.~ in .ad und.r.b. bod oC .... 01' III o( "id .tro... '-:... -!:~t'b . .. . '.., .."",'.,.". .. _1;.1'. and , I 1fHD&&S 'b. 'ir., P.rh.. -rrant .nd caann... 'ba. tb., , . 'r...ry.' part tb.r.o~1 and ,bat. 'b.r. .1. DO li.n 01' .noUlabnno. ":;;'?atp.rk'i.a1N~t .'b.r.~;~it1;~4i.~~i~:~~~"'.'r1s~'~;;;ti.:.;-~~0au;~1-;;i"1'-'~I:--'~':;""": .=-.... '.. ",i;'~bIR~:\';jl~I.~.i.. '~~.~.'",",~:t!.!i>.t~"c"li{"i#.. ~~~'.!'\'fi'~~~""'~.!1";i'Y";":""l',"":";'~::"':';:' ....;'1""". . 'D"l~"i;":'" ,,' " ". .. ....,. .... ...". .,.. ",'1\' '. .~. ", '''v . . . . :.. '~"~"::':":':!'.d.qu.....to.UPP,l' tor .1lorcUnal'J"hou..bold parpo.... "a~ ! '" I nuab.r ~~ ..y.n (~) r..id.no.. on 1;~. prop.~.. .dJ...nt t. the .z1.tine pipelin... .n4 WHEREAS a .p..ial ...bor.bip croup ot 'b. 8.0.nd P.r', ha. 1n.tall.d a. a part oC tat. ".'_ or .. . .appl".nt tberet. an .ddltional .otor .n4 o'her raOl1i'1.., r.Cerr.d t. bor.in a. tb. .r...ry. .,...... whereb, 'b. two .,..... in oonJano'ion' oan .d.qua..1T .appl, .n .ddi'lonal '*0 r..1d.no... and WHEREAS 1;b. .,.... oan b. .1a.11.rl, ezpand.el to . d.cr.. ar. tb. .01. own.rs oC tho .aid V.'.r s,.,... .zo.pt tb. " '. , .' j " .IICC10i.n1; '0 'ake o.r. ot 'be' n..d. ot 'b. d.Y.loplMnt no. , , r'..onabl, t.r.....~l.. a.d 'I lfBJtREAS 1t 1. and.r.tood and acr..d tta1; ... b......n tb. parti.. tb. ..id....r.~uppl' .,.,.. i. .nd 1. to b~ .on.id.r.d .'i . ... . '.' . ~.., . ....~. 1.._ . '. ... .... - -.- ,-, ' " '. . '. . ..........:.... , .' ':~.r:. ' '.:' . .;'. ..... ...... . , Vbl Ll4 / ~.lti f 1 [U~ 15:3b ~AX 914 ti66 2738 Smith & Harris. LLP 1aI004 , . POl'aOnalti7,,'.aftca".ao.'. a.'""a... ."t'c" .W. 11mRU'CIRK. ln oon'lel.r.tton of ilbe .. of' On. Dona. b, ..ob of' tb. par'l.. '0 tbe o'her p.ld. .be r.O.lp' .beroof' 1. berebT ..kaovl'clc.el. .nd 1. f'ur'ber oon.lelOl'.'10n at tb. pr'a1... a.4 of' 'h. ..,.....nt.. oOT.nanti., r...r.atlon. .nel unel.rt.kiD.. h.r'lnat'~ ..tif'orilb. IT IS xtmI.A1.LT AG@.UD..AI.J'OLLowS.1 '. 'I:.t ,-'~ .... '->. :, .' ~',. . .' ., . ,~. ;' ! i :' , ,. I ~ I' I r. ,. , pr...nt. craftti .ael'con.., .. S...nel Paril, tbe .ald Va'or SUPP1- of' ~ ..~.. ..( _ S,.t... 'lnoluellnc tb. .t.raC. *.nk. P"'P. pl... and .1..'1'1..1 1. . 1'11'.t P.I'U.. ber.bT bare.ln .nd ..11. .nd b, 'be.. ,. , .ppurt.n.no... . .> " .. ~t 2. S.oOnd P.r', .cr... t. op.rat. and "lnta1ft tbo ..1d 1,._.. in a prop.r. r,.,onabl. .nd vOI''''nl1.. "anor .. a. .. In.ur. tb. pr'.ont .vnor. of' iaproT'd proPOl'i1, ln tb. " d.T.lo...nil a .uppl, of' potabl. v.'.r for .11 ordlaal', bou.._ , bolel purpo.... .nd '0 ..k. .aoh va'.r .y.l1.bl. f'01' .aob PUI'PO'.. ., t.ir .nel rea.on.bl. ra... o_.n.ul'... vltb tb. opera'lon .nd "lnt.n.no. of' 'b. S,.,.., and ., l' i 3. S.oond P.ril, ..1".. to p.~t 'rank Kacor. Pl'o..n'l, ........~...,.:.....~, .............".'. .-. .-..... ......'.,.'-....-.-.,..-.----.... -....-...:-........ ; 'M" ........._. '. ...'........ ~ .".... .~....be~.:o_.~I'~t:~'.,.n~if.u n~~.!O$l~.. J1-..~. ~.~b1. ,...,;f.....l~~i,OI":......cn..r..'~\.....~ . ", ,N..! 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'1 . ,.~ ....\ . . , :....~ ..'I 'J j ill.. i10 tl... .abJ.., tio 'be ...t.. .nd r.cula'lon. .pplloabl. . -' '1" :. ....... ., " . ~: '.' . 4.........: .. . ... ....~ r . '.1 ..... ., ". ~. " '" . ,~ .. Il'~ ~~.~I I'AA ~14 Hijij 2738 Smith & Harris. LLP 1aI005 tl.., upon tb. followlnc t.rms and oondltlonsl .A. J"or .aob of tbe n.s1l "'0 conn.otlons (b.yond tb. .I orlgln.l s.y.n h.relnbefore oont"plat.dJ tb. 'lrst Partle. shall pay to tbe Seoond P.rty a .u. equal to on.-halt ot tbe aotual cost ot the tlrst res.rye sy.te.. ~. Vh.n nlne oonn.01l10n. haT. b..n mad., or .ooner it ".L lt so el.ot., tbe ~.oond Party _y lnstall"an addition.l.re..rye' sy.1I.., or 'Upple.ent the pr.s.nt .y.te. .. con.ider.d .dyl..ble by the Board 'of Dlreotor., .. . { C, TII1.re.fter..s further conneotlons are _de, tb. 'lr.t ~artlel sball pey to the S.oond Party a pro-rat. shar. , ot the aotuil:l C')st of the lnor.as1ne tbe w.t.r .y.... to ad.quately lupp;Ly the .d41tional delllllnd. 6. Any OWII.rs of' propert,. 1n the d.yelOplll.nt who' .r. own.r. . of lands ther.ll1 oapable of lubdlyl110n vlthln tb. re.trlotlon. pre..ntly i.poled th.r.on, or tbelr h.lr. or ...1en., d..lrln. to _ke conn.ctllons vlth the .at.r s,..t... _y do 10 upon the ~. i .:~:. ,".Iii",- ;~~,~~~~,~l:~~it~~40rJ:i~,t':~~~'~:it~~~~;~~;~It.t~~.:;i~~. t~e"").,j~l;;,~h!l....~,r_~.l.s. ~ ',~ ~.. "'".., " ...~...r...'.;.F'."'.',.",... . ,'J', . ...." '., . und.~ para.r.ph .5 of'thls agreeD..nt.',. .".,':' .,... . ."; . ..... . .......":.-- ;;;':.:(:\.... ;.':~ ;.,-..:~ ~ f: 1. S.oond Party further acre.. to per-it the 'ir., Parti.. to attach to and estsnd the dlstribution pip.. .nd mains up to. 'but not b.yond, . oontlnuou. straicbt line runn1nc nortb.rl, and southerly al.one tb. prtls.nt "..t.rn boundry 11n. of tb. Douela. Rob.rtu.n property, proylded, bovey.r, that the 'ir.t P.rti.. pey all oosts f'or suob att.oba.nts and .xt.nsion.. ;;- ,. ~, ~ ~ 8. Thl. .cr....nt .hall enur. to .nd blnd tbe beir., suoo.s.ors, 1 e.., 1 r.pr...nbtlTsS and as.len. of the sartle.. , : I ,I . I i:1 '''''. , ~.. ~, , .~ ". '..f' :.J .". ,~'. .' . ~ ~.L" UUU '/00 ':>1Il11.11 &. HarrIS. LLP .; .- IH WITNESS YHEREOr the part18. hereto haye hereunto .et tbe1r hand. th' day 'nd T.ar first aboye wr1tten. '7"1: / J//D IA,..c<Aj'U-t-:.:r j.~-(<L~ _ . Alfred Luo. ":..7huft.,~ ')-)-7 '/?N. I}~(....< Jo..ph M. Ro.. I.. " . -on ~ ~ . H~ 1tST.A~; UfO. BT.((~.t~'l...,{j~.f' 5u Pr.sid.nt ! -. " . . > ~':'~', ;'-~.",~.~,:::'~.':~.._,',":~ .....-.' .',,: ,'~'... .._.~ .:;".~.~_._ .~ . ..~,~. ",.-.:__ ~:~:. ..~',:" ,.:,ft;o "... ., a.:~1~~~f'!~~ ~~" ,t'0''''.IV.r,:~,.7.i'!'. ':.;IrYi"~l''':''s- '1:;.i:i:l".i':~"'!_n;:~1(',;'",, ~" .;,1' .:~~;:. ~ :fl"~':,f.' :"r::.",'" I~' '. '~'\ ,~;r;r~~~:~'; :-":}:.'".,.." --',' 'L"':.:":~:'..'::~'"'~;.T:r'::''' ..':.....!~~:-::'-' '0:.,."':" ..,~.;::. . ......:/~...:;'. -:... ....... ;.,." """,~""""----';"~'.-' .,' ~." ....---. -;~~- . 001.' ....... . " ". . '" ~ lai008 , " I!l '. ; ~ . ! ~ ! ! :1 'j . , , , ~ I .. r " . i ,.... -...........--- . -~.- _,^': '"..... .. '0:, ToC.E'nIER with .al1 right. title ;Lnd interest" if any, of the party of the fir9t part in ~dto ~y streets and roads abu.tting the above described pre~ses to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenarK:es and all the estate and rights of the party 01 the first part 10 and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th" premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns 01 the part;, 01 the second part lorever. AND the party 01 the first part covenants that the party 01 the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have b4,en incumbered in any way whatever, except as aloresaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive soch consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN wrrNESS WHEREOF, the pl,rty of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCX OF: BROWN'S HILLS ESTATES, INC. By: \ \- Michael Formica, President - - - - - r -' . " .TI O' NIW YOIII. COUNTY O' \\ ." ST A TI O' NIW YOIII. COUNTY Of II: _ the day of sona1ly came 19 . before me On the day of personally came 19 , before me me known to be the individual ,",uted the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that .TI O' NIW YOIII. COUNTY O. SUFFOLK .. the r1 t.::o- day of July -sonally came Michael Formica me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and - that he resides at No. 95 Christopher Street. ew York, New York t he is the President Brown's Hills Estates, ~~e" corporution described and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he JWS the seal of said corporation; that tbe seal affixed said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so .xed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- l, and that he signed h;~ name thereto by like order. 1997 , before me ISAAC RON HARRIS NOTARY PUBLIC. Stale of New York No. 4844497 Qualified in Westchester County S Commission Expires February 28, 1991' Bargain anll ~alr lull 'II H COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS >. = BROWN'S HILLS ESTATES, INC. TO 3UFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 'lOAID fOlM 0' NEW YOlK WARD Of TITLE UHDElWRlTfl5 Distrit"d,d b)' rsf American Title Insurance Company of New York ~ to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that .s: STAYI O. NIW YOII, COUNTY O. H' On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that of he is the , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. District SECTION BLOCK LOT 1000 013.00 01.00 12.001 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk Recorded At Request of First American Title Insurance Company of New York RETURN BY MAIL TO: Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, New York 11769-0901 Att: L. Van -.Nostrand, Esq. Zip No.