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July Ii, 1993
John Wickham
Private road
Cutchogue, NY 11935
RE: Request for Historic Sign Status
Wickham Farm Stand Roof Sign
Route 25, Cutchogue
SCTM# 1000-102-6-20.1
Dear Mr. Wickham:
The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town
Planning Board on Monday July 12, 1993:
WHEREAS, Southold Town Code 100-205 F Historic Signs, provides
that the Planning Board in consultation with the Historic
Landmark Preservation Commission, may find that a particular
sign is a historic sign; and
WHEREAS, The Wickham fruit Farm located on Route 25, in
Cutchogue and designated as SCTM# 1000-6-20.1 was cited by
the United States Department of Agriculture as being the oldest
farm under continuous cultivation in the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, The New York State Building-Structure Inventory Form
labeled CU 35 in the Town Historic Building Survey done by the
Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities
(SPLIA) attests to the historic quality of Wickham's Fruit
Farm; and
WHEREAS, a fruit stand has been on the site since 1947, and the
fruit stand roof sign erected in 1958, which has not changed in
color, shape or size, is the most visible identification of this
historic farm; and
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning
Board finds that the Wickham Fruit Stand Roof Sign is a
historic sign.
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(516) 765-1801
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
To: Richard G. Ward, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board
From: Southold Town Landmark Preservation Conunission
Subject: Request for Historic Sign Status of the Roof Sign at Wickham's Fruit Farm.
Date: June 18, 1993
After careful consideration of your request, the Landmark Preservation Commission finds the roof
sign at the Wickham Fruit Farm to be an Historic Sign because of its age and its relationship to
the Wickham Farm, which, through its many restorations, has cpntinued to be unique and histori-
cally significant.
The Conunission would further suggest consideration be given to the addition of historic data to
the sign.
The following points were considered in arriving at our conclusions:
1. The Wickham Farm has been operated by the same family since the signing of the Con-
stitution of our country. This fact is recognized by the US Department of Agriculture in the form
of a certificate presented to the Wickham family.
2. The Wickham Farm has been growing fruit for the last 55 years. This was one of the
first conunercial fruit-growing projects in Southold Town.
3. A fruit stand has been on the site since 1947. The present structure was built in 1954.
The present roof sign was erected in 1958. This sign has not changed in color, shape or size.
4. A sign by defmition represents the existence of something. This sign represents a farm
that has been an integral part of Southold's history for more than two centuries.
5. The New York State Building-Structure Inventory Form labeled CU 35 in the Town
Historic Building Survey done by SPUA (Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities)
attests to the historic quality of Wickham's Fruit Farm.
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John A. Stack, Chairman.
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Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman
George Ritchie Latham. Jr.
Richard G. Ward
Mark S. McDonald
Kenneth L. Edwards
Telephone (516) 765-1938
Town Hill!. 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Soulhold. New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
TO: John A, Stack, Chairman, Landmark Preservation j~,(
Commission ,( t( j'f ."( Ie
FROM: Richard G. Ward, Chairman~b ~
SUBJECT: Request for Historic Sign Status
Roof Sign, Wickham's Fruit Farm
Route 25, Cutchogue
SCTM# 1000-102-6-20.1
May 26, 1993
The Southold Town Code Section 100-205 F,"Historic Signs",
provides for the Historic Landmark Preservation Commission to
give consultation to the Planning Board on Historic Signs.
Please provide the Planning Board with your recommendations
concerning the attached request for Historic Sign status made by
John Wickham for his farm stand roof sign.
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May 17 1993 v'S
. Rout, 25~ C~tch.<lllue. Longrl'.IlInd. lII"'YJOrk 11935
Planmng Boaro 01 the 10Wn 0 :southOI
Southold Town Hall
Main Rd
Southold, NY 11971
Tel. 1516) 734-6637
Dear Members of the Planning Board:
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In accordance with Section 100-205 (F) of the Southold Town Code, I hereby request
Historic Sign designation for the "Wickham's Fruit Farm" roof sign on our fruit stand,
South side of Route 25, Cutchogue.
This farm is one of the oldest farms in the US. In 1988 my wife and I were presented
with a Certificate of Recognition from the US Department of Agriculture noting that our
farm has been in the same family since the birth of the US Constitution. At the awards
ceremony, it was cited as being the oldest farm under continuous cultivation in the State
of New York. There is clear evidence of its being farmed by native Americans long
before 1640.
We believe Wickham's Fruit Farm in its present configuration makes a posItive
contribution to the image of Southold Town, and in particular to the village of Cutchogue.
It is a landmark for many people, both long-term residents and visitors from Long Island,
New York City and beyond. The sign in question is the most important and visible
reflection of that landmark. It and the farm are institutions which we intend will continue
to characterize the Town.
We started growing fruit on this farm about 55 years ago. A temporary fruit stand was
placed at the site of the present stand beginning in 1947, and towed away from the site
when the season was over. The present stand structure was built in 1954 and has been
added on to twice, once in 1958 and again in 1967. The present roof sign was erected at
the time of the first addition. It remains the same size, colors and shape today, having
been repainted two or three times.
I believe the sign on our fruit stand reflects the historic nature of our farm, and farming
in general in the Town, such that it qualifies for historic designation.
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John Wickham
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cc. Historic Landmarks Comm
MAY 181993 \~/
~ 100-205
~ 100-206
building wall by means satisfactory to the Building
F. Historic signs. The Planning Board may find that a particular
sign is an historic sign. In making such a finding, the
Planning Board, in consultation with the Historic Landmarks
Commission, must find that the proposed sign is of significant
historic quality in terms of age or design or by reason of its
relationship to an historic renovation project. The Board of
Appeals may allow the reconstruction, repair and mainte-
nance of historic signs upon such terms as may be just and
proper in addition to or to the exclusion of any other signs
permitted by this chapter.
G. Temporary signs. The erection, installation or maintenance of
temporary signs, as defined herein, is hereby prohibited,
except that the Building Inspector may grant special
permission for the maintenance of the following signs:
(1) A temporary sign announcing special events, etc., not
exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in area, which is
erected by a municipal, charitable or nonprofit organiza- .
tion is permitted for a period not to exceed thirty (30)
(2) Temporary interior signs announcing special sales or
events shall be permitted in the Hamlet Business and
General Business Districts. Such signs shall cover no
more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the window area
to which they are affixed, and shall be removed within
twenty (20) days.
~ 100-206. Unsafe, abandoned and unlawful signs.
A. The owner of a sign and the owner of the premises on which
such sign is located shall be jointly liable to mRintain such
sign, including its illumination sources, in a neat and orderly
condition and good working- order at all times and to prevent
the development of any rust, corrosion, rotting or other
detpriorrrtion in'the physical appeara.nee or safety of such sign.
2 - 25 - tom
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(516)283-3195 Fa,,,(516)283-0235 f>b
30 Jagger Lane, P.O. Box 2088, Southampton, NY 11969
June IS, 1993
Richard Ward, Chairman
Southold Town Planning Board
Town of Southold, Town Hall
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
Re: Wickham family property located East
of New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue (SCTM#I000-11O-08-32.5 & 32.7)
Dear Mr. Ward:
The Peconic Land Trust has been retained by John and Tom Wickham of
Cutchogue to assist them with the identification and implementation of a conservation!
limited development plan for the above referenced property. The Wickham family's goal
is to identify a means to realize some of the equity in their property while also protecting
the integrity and natural character of the land and surrounding environment.
To this end, the Trust has prepared an environmental conditions map and a fIrst
draft of a limited development concept plan for the property. We would be pleased to
have the opportunity to review these maps with the Planning Board. I will contact the
Planning Department to schedule some time in a Planning Board work session.
We look forward to working cooperatively with the Planning Board on this
project. Thank you very much.
Assistant Director
cc: John Wickham
Tom Wickham
oorrn @ rn 0 w mlml
I JUN 161993 .':";!
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