HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-102.-5-6 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards scon L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Nay 28, 1992 Shirley Haubner, President Old Town Arts & Crafts Guild The Guild House Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Waiver for proposed addition to building SCTM* 1000-102-5-6 Dear Ms. Haubner: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of May 9, 1992, in which you request a waiver of site plan application for an addition to the above referenced building. The Planning Board will not require the filing of a site plan for the 723 square foot addition to the rear of the existing building. However, the addition must meet the required yard setbacks. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~rr~: all.).- Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector CTl'u gud!d cJ!.ou1>e , I I I I' 1 I i ' 'wi II I,OLD,,: 'TOWN, i AN8 tuUi ~-r I I GUILD, I . ,.1 'llIIC'1 Tr , I j I ! I [ , ' ~hLF ~) ?'t3 - ~ ;(!{Lv Cutc'/wfjue, o'Vew 'Yo.J. 11935 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 May 9, 1992 Sir: The Old Town Arts & Crafts Guild is a 501(c)(3) Federally Ta~ E~empt Membership Organization located in Cutchogue. It owns and occupies the building at the traffic light in Cutchogue and conducts its community activities on this site. This building consists of a two story structure with a gable roof and two one story shed additions. The two story part is stable. The shed additions are unstable due to inadequate foundations, deteriorating sills and floor joists, and leaking roofs. The recommendation of several local builders is unanimous; Repair is iMprac~ical and a~ bes~, ~emporary. Tear ~he shed addi~ions dONn before ~hey fall dONn and build a sensible addi~ion. The footprint of the e~isting structure and the proposed modification is shown in the attached sketch and has been discussed with Mr. Curtis Horton of the Building Department. There is no code violation with the construction of the addition as shown. There is, however, an off-street parking requirement which cannot be met, although parking requirements will not change. Staff parking at the rear of the building remains unchanged. Public parking for visitors to the shop is via a private parking lot ne~t door and bank and firehouse parking lots across the street. The Guild submits that there will be no change in the use or frequency of use of this activity as the result of this addition, and respectfully requests waiver of Site Plan approval for replacement of 342 ft. of e~isting structure weeh , 72' 00. fL ,"Woo. '.ee ''''''e' 'C'Wfnj'j'@m n ~ m ~1\ l\lli W:Y I 2 9d2 ~) , \ ~7/.. Shirley Haubner, President Old Town Arts & Crafts Guild ~SOUTHOLO TOWN "-'t/ 'K~NN\NG BO~RO s't COVf:1< ( Ill: ~11'H- GR..Lb. LDC."~1> !/If:./I"~S ,!.VI L i ,llOLlT Iq~ -) f N ArPITlo", t>~;f'C'L..I""'-I:'1'V \ i i , . ') . . / .-.C ISH R IL r; . I'< .... .... ~ llJ Z ~ r-- - I C.E LLA,~ _ ~NiF:1' "' L__ _ _ IN ~~eLt: ROOf 'Z. $1'{ ~ PARi C.EL'-~R ~ N >- ~ 1J.J 0- o o.L 0- I- l.f) w 1;<: ;1 \/ . .. 2 B- 10 , 5100p SCALE '/5"~I'-O" OLD TOWN ART5 ~ CRAfT - C\JTC\-\O~ljt: C-ROTHL\;,'VE.R 1985 - .. r : . I lv' I~ I';' If I' r- - -,~~I II II _ol~ I r ,i,' til ."d" ~ . . ,.!:II I r.1' :).~~I ... ~Ij\ '.) -llJi'" j --.J;1"71 1 ~,}" ~-: t. ~ :r- p..l} ~t -, - j 'l~)o I { ~ :'~_ I t; iH' 1"'-1 ' .. ,...'1 I r); I , i ) r------ 1 II Ir- I I r- Ii II I' I I I I Ii --2:_'1 I !- --- -----t --- ~- - - I ~ ;-- . I? ,----- ~ I '" iii o . . L I ",'" L__ i'" r .-.. -"- ~ ";l ;.. cJ;:I , " t ....J1f "\ .... . ~ '" . I . ; . , . , . ' J () ~ ~ f. ~ ~ " -l . hf . " ~ 'I i Ii t ,I )~ . ~'I ~-~ ) , . > \' . 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W. YOt.lt-lC:t, L.S. ~EAt)) N.'(. RCH 1939 ~ ~ f, ~ ~, ~' '" '\j ;-.J :i C'E S5 POOL 7 I ,- - _ _ G> / S'"Ti4r r It- fT I~ ;:<:',c;!, I r,/ G.- /;: I - , C:1Slf'RH _ ;=-= 'IL ~ IO~~"~ 15T1: Ih'::' ~ ~ I Hy. I ',~ I, Ib'-<:,,' ( I. 10' 20'- +-_ / / - l{l Z'sTY", 2.8'-6' ln' -.il "'I I 15.'" I' r" , 'I.' I :; I - 'I l! 01 \ <0' '< i 0, . I 5 68044'W C.U(( r:.. C.J-r I ' .71:0.5<0 II.J ~ -..J IlJ u ~ - f..J 0 u.. . \9 (.l) '" I\J ;:; lJ..) ,- lJ..j ~ - \j - - Ill) !.t) :t I 0 0- ~ t<) J IF) \: \..i ~ I I I NOTe- . = CONCRE"TE'- M(lNu~~ C ~n MARCH \q~q SCALE' -:- I If.lCH c 20 ~T. C,R01I4LED6R. \qe5 , tAP OF PROPERTY OF . f?EJYiYY &. MTE eRA WrORD CUTCHOGUE I L. I. , .N. Y I Vy-/c . ~/Y-"9 _____ ;' -'V C -"9. <:- . v ..c:- s 44' - .J ~..s 7- /'.:-....c. 7.s' . . ~ ~/....... '" .~ ( . ~ ~ ~ "- "- ~ ~ :} } c, ~ ~,0 " 11\ -( . \ ~' ~ -#'. ~ '! I A-y ~A-f ~ .~ tv I (}W'- ( (fZ. - ~ - fo .ti ~ .5 .38.44'W. 76,.56' IN ROAD / ,0, G.J ~ . ~ .~. ~ C) ~ .}. ~ ~ c.., '? , '? c, ~ ~'i /yO TE.'- . =- CONCRETE ;"10NUHFNT M/JRCIi /9.39' oC/1LE.c fiNCH: 40 FeeT 0/'1 NfL L R. YOU N G, P E. & L .5 ALOE/'! vv. YO UN6, L, .:). R/ VERHE/lO, /II, Y. cor f " ,p" t \.JY\'~' j-- J ~ ,S601-~ " '", " .' " f I r .' 1 / l ut/ 1 . . ~l , & ~ \'.' " j t/\{\J' ~ \ <'1;., l:~ Ufl..l\ v,t. . f., i: "-l {','J Q."71~\ '\,1,'1 /,.{,' 'l'~ ; . ',." "t' CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK HISTORICAL COUNCIL - /7 Pi!> ;/ff- / rr vis ~.L,~~ /"T~vtf dd"f(~ Cutchogue - Long Island - New York 11935 RECEIVED May 5, 1992 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 r:.,w 61992 ~1'4\~""" ...-.- '"'-4. Sirs and Madam; The Heritage Alliance is an organization formed to act as the information sharing agency for the non-profit historical societies and museums in the Town of Southold. This organization was formed as a direct result of conversations with the U.S./U.K. Countryside Stewardship Exchange Planning Group. This group was impressed with the fact that the individual historical and related societies were well supported by a large membership and were in no immediate danger of internal dissolution. They were, however, very much concerned with the possibility that external development pressures might very well overwhelm each individual organization. They recommended that we speak as a single voice to the Town Government on behalf of the historical heritage within the Town and the maintenance of same. With this impetus, the first meeting of the Heritage Alliance, under the sponsorship of the OLD HOUSE SOCIETY, was held on November 16, 1991. At that time Mr. Robert Bayley was elected Chairman. Attached is a roster of the organizations invited and the representatives attending. Meetings have been held every month since then. Mr. Bayley has applied for appointment to the Stewardship Initiative Task Force. You can be assured that Mr. Bayley is eminently qualified .and has the full support of the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council. We strongly urge his appointment. Sinc~~ ~ William Peters, President Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Co un ~ ~@~D\'IJ~ 00 MAY - 7 I9Q'Z il SOUTHOlD TOWN PLANNING BOARD cc: Gertrude Koop, President, Mattituck Historical Society James Grathwohl, Chairman, Old House Society Wesley Dickinson, President, Southold Historical Society Frank Coyle, President, Stirling Historical Society Merlon Wiggin, Dir., East End Seaport and Marine Foundation John Dorman, President, Oysterponds Historical Society Walter Smith, President, Indian Museum Robert Long, Representative, Railr9ad Museum John Stack, Chairman, Landmarks Preservation Commission Antonia Booth, Historian, Southold Town Name Antonia Booth Frank Coyle Merlon Wiggin Evelyn Gunther Rita Young Edna Schaedel June Metzner William Peters James Grathwohl (Convener) Herbert Ernest Robert Bayley Michael Zweig li -,~-_. ~T'- SOUTHOLD TOWN HERITAGE ALLIANCE Attendees at Initial Meetinq on November 16. 1991 at Cutchoque Free Librarv Orqanization Phone Town Historian 765-1981 Stirling Historical Society 477-0099 East End Seaport & Marine 477-0030 Foundation Mattituck Historical Society 298-8056 Mattituck Historical Society 298-8747 Mattituck Historical Society 298-4450 Old House Society; CUtchogue- 734-7113 New Suffolk Historical Council (Same as above.) 734-5989 (Same as above.) 734-6507 Southold Historical Society 765-1212 Town Landmarks Preservation Commission 477-5024 North Fork Planning Conference 765-1604 ----" sueR/.&"" RK P6 CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK HISTORICAL COUNCIL Cutchogue - Long Island - New York 11935 January 31, 1990 North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Mattituck, N.Y. 119~ Att'n Mr. John Kanas, President Dear Mr. Kanas; Since our first letter to you dated January 26, 1990, additional action has been taken by the E~ecutive Board which may be of interest to you. At a special meetinq held last niqht, the Board approved the following actions: 1. Increase the e~isting off-street parking lot by 1,330 sq. ft. 2. Proceed with the building permit application. 3. Obtain official waiver (if necessary) from the Town Planning Board. With respect to items 2 & 3 above, we have had informal discussions with both Town aqencies. They have indicated approval. The Information/Visitor/Reception Building we are planning is an e~isting mid-eighteenth century former carriage house which has been donated to the Historical Council by Mr & Mrs W. Preston Tuthill of Cutchogue. It is presently a peacock coop. In the process of relocation to the Village Green, its exterior will be restored as a carriaqe house. Mr Richard Noncarrow, President of the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has been contacted with regard to our Cutchogue Walking Tour Project. He has agreed to recommend that the C of C underwrite tour map publication costs. 40:&(2 William peters~an Building Project -r fn), ~ ~ ~ ~ \~UL! ~~ ftB - " \900 bee: Planning Board -- sclITiTr t'L~,~,i" Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 29, 1990 William Peters Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council P.o. Box 714 Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Proposed move of one story building onto Council property Dear Mr. Peters: The Planning Board has reviewed your request to move a one story building measuring approximately 14' x 28' onto the Council's property at Route 25 and Case's Lane, Cutchogue. The Board will not require the filing of a site plan for the building, which is to be placed at the south side of the parking area, provided that all set back requirements are met as per Town Code. If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, !3~-rt/1<.Lt;L 6lU!~~ ~ r0 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. vS Chairman RK cc: Victor Lessard, Building Dept. ~. ,:.= /'-.." --" \_1 ,r-,' ," ,: ,;' I' ...... j' _.. ----- r'-~,' ". I.~ ~~. ~~ l _ '.-' t . - -~.... ,...... 'f" , _....,/~.1 i ;-".J' r. '. -, ._~V,'-.l. c.' \.~, \"/\r .- ,/(-.. ~/ , Or;\~...J /~ ,<.S'" /'. -i.-' . Fl..AG V~ ~.t 1 i-'tIr' -\ , "1 ~ i, :l " .' ,,..,'1". " --\ '2. c~-r'< u ~-{2.t~. - '~~ if---- / '',> /--'" g[S? M~~ r:iJ'n i \.:J ,.." t.f\.) e,,,",", ,,'X.V' ;-. 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I l~ ~;O to 'l.0 , I. fJi'rl I \oJ - ~~ 't.f\J I-lrl, . ,:<-" 11t,'~/!/ ,': ~S!,';'1 I.) - ---J ~..J'!/'''"I ,17"'Q" - '"'- :c,'. .,riJ "4'9"~--'" ' '" 6JW. / i "" ed-fitJon :('1., of 'iYcntSt8ttc ~ not boarfno Iseal<< be....._ ~.ha"run -?m the IUIVU\" 'naif to the !tnl agency snl lOl"$On end .1ding Instl.. t ttansferehle . 1Uhaoq...,. St....LTL;~:.. \ \ -~1.;O >....\\~ -'~ l'~-~ ~t I , t , I ;~.~ ~ ~~~ \ji.-..,: ~ . 1 "'..1 '.,0.:<( <l '01 ;' w , :.:' .. - '- ,C\ ,~ \ \ , \ i i \ \ , , L- 49~t: " "'" I I ," <~.- ,1 , I i , I"~ j I, , , /1 I ~ , i, .~~ I I SUF'~_CC: 70X !.~~~:~r:'~i_~.:. j_~.~~ ~JC~\~-.~:...~! C;Ul~DA~TEED fOA.tv'![:r21C1,t"J """!-ITl_E [!"iS~-;i....A"jCt. (Q. AS ~~_n.-;._~\~:.f~'Y :~~; r~.~~'C'ErJ: '::.< j,: ,.~-: ~.-) . ~:,:,Q ':"_.':":~......... _.:'~:__..:....~..:-'l~~_ - "'-,'- ,I " - . :..-'....:.:::--. ! ',' f. />:"--.... ://......~ --- '---' . ...' J .'__ ~ \.. .:.-' .... --------.----. -:::::....-..-.._-_.~. ....:::. :.-^.t~~.: ~-;'.j;2\(C-Y~';.,:;; - ,~;.j.~r~:t:~H';"::'fl.T N''(,' .--------_..__. -_.4--- I. -""''''~_? ., CUTCHOGUE.NEW SUFFOLK HISTORICAL COUNCIL $L\6i='11..E ~/ PB f-,K S Lt P<f'-t<.r\<,.of2.. HI'\1"-RI$. Cutchogue - Long Island - New York 11935 . January 26, 1990 North Fork Bank ~ Trust Co. Mattituck, N.Y. 11971 Att'n Mr. John Kanas, President Dear Mr. Kanasl It has come to the attention of the CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK HISTORICAL COUNCIL that your bank building in Cutchogue may shortly become available to a local non-profit organization. The COUNCIL would very much appreciate being considered for this gift. Our use for your bank building would be as a Farm Museum. Over the years, as local farms modernized, the COUNCIL has become the recipient of early farm implements and equipment. These artifacts are presently stored in Hallock Tuthill's barn on Alvah's Lane in Cutchogue. The long range plan of the COUNCIL was to move a donated barn onto the Village Green, converting it to a museum to house these artifacts. Barns have been offered but the electric, telephone and cablevision wire costs associated with any move along Main Road have been prohibitive. Your building would make a handsome museum to serve this purpose. Funds are available for any necessary interior refurbishment. Last year some 15,000 people visited the Cutchogue Village Green, touring the OLD HOUSE, the WICKHAM FARMHOUSE and the SCHOOLHOUSE, and attending events on the Green. In the fall the COUNCIL hosted the Association of Suffolk County Historical Societies and expanded the formal tour to include the OLD BURYING GROUND in Cutchoque, also a COUNCIL property. With your bank building as a Farm Museum in the center of the Hamlet, the Village Green to the west and the OLD BURYING GROUND to the east, a self-Q.uided "Walking Tour of Cutchogue" can be initiated, with vineyards, wineries, farm stands, art galleries and restaurants included. Visitors would park off- street at the Villaqe Green and obtain walkinq maps at the Village Green Information/Visitor/Reception Center presently beinq planned. Th COUNCIL' . . t t" b "ld" " D ~ @ lli 0 W ~-,rnt e s prImary In eres In your Ul lng IS as r- .' . qround floor facility. For maximum utilization, the up ~.' floor could be used by some other tax-exempt organizat"4jiml, JAN30lgg0 with utility and maintenance costs shared. ~~l t . ", . , . The COUNCIL is recoqnized as a tax-exempt orqanization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its headquarters are at the Cutchoque Villaqe Green. The objectives of the COUNCIL are described in the by-laws attached. If any additional information is required or if I can be of any assistance, please call me at 734-6977. G_~_c. . Si~<:f; t2~ Georqe Brown, President Pt-A-IV"/V'I N'(, B b A-~ D roJ~@ rn a If} ~c'-' ~JI JAN 301900 L..~.._. :-:'i' :--