HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-6.-2-25.2 WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Jamie Richter, Town Engineer FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer~ DATE: February 2, 1999 RE: Review of request of Susan E. Young, Architect regarding expansion of Bloethe's Grocery Store, Cresent Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-6-2-25.2 The Planning Board has received your request to review the above project. The attached staff report was presented to the Board at its work session on Monday February I, 1999. A copy is attached for your use. cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement Gary Fish, Building Inspector MEMORANDUM - Site Plan Application TO: Planning Board FROM: Bob Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Letter to Building Department regarding Bloethe Grocery Store on Fishers Island Cresent Avenue, Fishers Avenue SCTM# 1000-6-2-22.5 Zoning District - Limited Business (LB) Comprising 16,397 square feet in a LB 80,000square foot zone. The property is improved with several buildings including a 9,045 square foot grocery store/shopping Center. REQUEST Applicant requests to divide the existing 9,045 square foot grocery store to provide two additional retail or personal service stores. REVIEW This is a non-conforming lot in this (LB) zone. The property was split twice in 1973. The property has an accessory apartment in addition to the grocery store. - Lot coverage and other site plan details are not indicated. - Parking required for the retail store and apartment = 46 spaces, 17 are provided on the property, the remainder are on the street. Ken Edwards input is not possible until his return from vacation. - No approved site plan exists for this property. RECOMMENDA TION The existing lot and uses are preexisting and non-conforming as to area and use (retail store). An expansion in intensity of a non-conforming retail use is prohibited by Code. The Planning Board deems the expansion in intensity of the non-conforming retail use not permitted by Code and recommends a memo to the Building Department detailing the reasons for this decision. !(')or-,-,::"'Q- - -- OWNER "2... }... '_=> . - . . ... ... - - - - - - - ... - -- - -- - - --- - - --- -- - --- -- ----- , '. RES. STREET VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT LAND IMP. TOTAL FARM DATE .L)J E r-. . ~CoY"1ic: ~ ...+; ~M'c i:J,J. 0, W . -- /.~.~ . vi IND. ~ eltWf ACREAGE \ O.~.m5 ' TYPE OF BUILDING 2a SEAS; VL. I CB. ~'-~-'. FRONTAGE ON WAT " Sj!", t:. ,,' 0 0 ~ \ /.:>-Jri/cr.">Ci _.)~,< , ~.s: ..3 PERIhI; 72.""- .,/:J."'/7YES-r ~"O Farm Acre Value , FRONTAGE ON ROAD IJ'7 (! BULKHEAD DOCK ~.- _.' Tillable 1 \" ''./' Woodland Tillable 2 Tillable, 3 Swampland Brushla~4 House Plot . .~- -. . ~-. . ~~,. .. .-.',...-..... Total -\ . -.." . ... . . ~ _.~_<____:____ _ ~__~__"-. ---'-"0----'.___ ---------.-- ...-- ?CJ tlJL0;';~) I --.. /...{-O .... J I ( (' r tP I A.. p' ;; ,..<- 'j 11 :\ i " l~S~O? ~ d ,M. Bldg. U"t:> t F9dation Basement Extension Extension Ext. Walls Fi..,. Place i/-f>lI> Garage, Pa,tJo Dri.yeway O. B. ," "', fr '- '" ' __-'_ -; t/ . l{ ,/"" , /. ''J ,-..,- a .0 .' " h'i, ~ !:!.. [ . -.... :7 \ ,~'.;:?tiiif.:" ~ - . , I'I!"~~'. d' 'If ~- "I' ' , , - ';"'1. - 1 , , l ! 1-- . , io"] I , L-- \~; . - - a. ~,.. i' ; ...-: - .' J ,.. 1 r;.. Bath Floors Interior Finish Porch Porch 'Q"I\ f:-.... ../ J.,(; Heat ;+f Roof Type Rooms 1 st Floor Rooms 2nd Floor Dormer , . ,"k I I i " I I " , , ; ~ ~,. tr'g... flL' : j}r '.A I I l ~~ *tY' ...;t / z,~ ( /' 17/ , {.' , is'' '....'i-~. t",,~:.'::. :.~-' ~ ::::~~X~?~. -r:~"";"'j- v-'rr_~'f'~" .':~~~~>~~;~- ~ .,;;;.._.. . ._...oi-'- ,....--.c ~ "tt;::ii? ~: n.t'~,:t-: ~-~~-~--" ~< __~r+:J~_:.~~; , "...,,,,.. ~..."-.~., _. __ _.;i...t, Print Key Output 5769SS1 V4R2MO 980228 SOUTHOLD Page 1 01/28/99 10:16:29 Display Device User ... DSP12 BOB CRESCENT AVE = OWNER & MAILING INFO \===!=MISC BLOETHE WILLIAM R !RS-SS CRESCENT AVE ! 1 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 ! BANK DATE: 1/28/99 ROLL SEC TAXABLE TOTAL RES SITE TOTAL COM SITE ACCT NO 06 ,======== ====== ASSESSMENT DATA =========== ! * *CURRENT* * RES PERCENT !LAND 1,600 * * TAXABLE * * !TOTAL 21,300 COUNTY 21,300 **PRIOR** TOWN 21,300 !LAND 1,600 SCHOOL 21,300 !TOTAL 21,300 ==DIMENSIONS ===!======= SALES INFORMATION ================================== ACRES .37 !BOOK 11445 SALE DATE 03/30/92 SALE PRICE 300,000 lPAGE 22 PR OWNER BLOETHE WILLIAM E & RUTH =======TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 =============!== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 3 ===== CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE !FD027 !FF080 !FG081 ! F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF NYSRPS ASSESSMENT SCHOOL FISHERS PRCLS 481 ATT ROW INQUIRY ISLAND S BLDG 473889 SOUTHOLD 6.-2-22.5 F1=NEXT PARCEL 75.10- 03-017 F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC F10=GO TO MENU Subndssiotl Without a Cover LeUer Sefl.der: JO-fY'i i(.... Ri cJ\ r-if\- Subject: Bloe..;ttu-'s ~scent ft.,fi. .. Grocer ~-m(L- SCTM#: 1000- ~ - 2 - 2.2. S Date: I I ~ '7 /1~ Comments: CC 0 f- leJ{ to G~ FIsh vi Y.....tAAf.. flwYIS 0lU1F' ~) P6 tz SUSAN E. YOUNG, ARCHITECT 215 WEST 88TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 TEL. & FAX (212) 724-7204 January 21, 1999 Mr. Gary Fish Southold Building Department PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 b~.;2 ~d.S'2. Re: Bloethe's Crescent Ave. Grocery Store Section 006, Block 2, Lot 22.5 Dear Mr. Fish, Enclosed please find a survey, photographs and two proposals to create separate commercial rental units in part of the above mentioned property. The drawings show a portion of the present grocery store partitioned off for the unit(s). Work will be at the ground floor only. Here are some statistics on the project Zonin : Lot Size: Existing Grocery Store Size: Proposed New Store 1: Proposed New Store 2: Occupancy Group of Existing Store Groce Store: Occupancy Group of Proposed Store (Beauty Parlor, Gift Shop or Clothing Store : Utilities: Parking: Stories: 2 plus partial cellar <") C!> '.1 c"'l ,.~ D /. Limited Business LB 16,397 SF or .376 Acre 9,045 SF 673 SF 520 SF C-2 (moderate hazard) C-1 (low hazard) Public electrici tele hone and water, on site se tic Asphalt paved parking area along the front of the store (17 spaces @ 8' wide each), three spaces at rear of building and ublic arkin alon the street 0 osite the store. At the street side the First floor is at grade. At the rear of the building the first floor is below grade. There is a partial cellar. At the west side of the building there is an owner-occupied a artment above. 2 We would like to anticipate the applications and construction that might be required. As a business man Mr. Bloethe is understandably concerned that the construction and the applications could cost more than the rental he can realize in a few summer months that it would likely be occupied. He also needs to understand the limits to the use of this property the future if our application were approved? Right now, a beauty parlor is the prospective tenant and may continue indefinitely, however there is no assurance. In the past, Mr. Bloethe has had inquiries from a gift shop and a children's clothing shop who might like small rental spaces. Ideally, Mr. Bloethe would like a generic retail space or possibly two spaces into which different commercial tenants might be allowed. What other tenancies could use this space without further application or construction? Could Mr. Bloethe use it again as part of his store? I'll call in a few days. Thanks, ../" // ~~~~~r' SusanE:.~ / ~i ~: t: .~. '5 :. . l' ~! -I ~l I Paved ~ - --I \ Parking C CI) C b AREA- 16397' ~ I ~~ ..... I~ ..... Deck c \ ~ ~ CI) - l lu c 't .~I t{J 0 ~I C ~ , monument. ~I .l '" {i .. ~ 1 I ~l) 15) ~) (~ ~ N/F MANNETTI 1.5' \' HEDGES , .~N 8r>Oo'30"E~..!7.66--"" , 0.4 51 Ik __ .______ - --T- --rr --. .-- __..- ---------------- S 860 44 40 W ------r- .-- ---'60.28 ~;~;;~-~------ strut line 0.75 4' stoke mont.ment --, " , N/F McCORMICK "- , \ .~~ Cc ,'t ~ , -,_Edge of Lawn , , , , \ . 5tOCItode.. fem:e ,1 . \ ( . 4.5' iron pipe ~ ,,-- 10980' . ' N 8(~ 3,!-'_40 E. . p,,>r. Teleph.+ II_ I ~ l\ti I q) Overhead Utilities Sand 80x iron pPe LConc. Cover .ft ~ ~ ill I; I~ ~ ~ It ~ CIj ~I STORE 2.2' iral PPe CRESCENT AVENUE NOTE: Coordinate di$lr1nces ortJ mtlO$Uf'tJt from U. S. (Joost fJfI(/ 6BtKhHt: .sl. . Ti'imgulotioti SIr1Iion "PROS. . GUARANTEED TO WILJ.JAAI R. BLO~HE a /liTH H. BLOETHE tnd FLEET BANK,' N.A. IN ACCORDANCE WIT!!. THE MINIMUM STANDARDS Fe. nTl.E SUmEYS OFTHE NEW m9K STATE LANDTr. ASSOCIATIONS. SURVEY MAP PREPARED FOR WILLIAM R. BLOETHE"8 RUTH H. BtOETJ CRESCENT AVENUE FISHERS ISLAND. Scale: 1"= 20 feet NEW YORK Chandler, PoI",..S K~. Norwif:/l. JANUARY 6,1992 . ~ C). "l-~ ~E\(HAU'!>" t\j~ () C) ~ .~ ~ .- ~ ~ stoke . I I leK~ JE~/~+. 2>frlt:.~ -r;" 6""';~"'<f ~ ~o reo ~;reF'.. DOWN '5Yz" uP gY2" PARKIi-JG ~ 'f ~ !:Ex I~-r.. Deck "'0 APT. Aeov LA . I " \O)'-Il" )" r(-o" t .., ~NSW ?AR:n'n ow 'NALL R..OCE3RY s.r 0 R E io---,eE MA IN ~334 17 ~. F LIeOF'O-:'!:::'D . ~E:.F'~RA"'F: <:''10 RoE. / . It> 2.~ <5,1'< - J',')(ISj'Il-!& .~ 'cQtJCe-""f'E. to ~TeRloR.- ~p..l.l. ~1f.Jt<. (p'- "J"- UP 8:'2..1 t"",,,,oow i'- L . I UMf' ..ue I ~~IT j 0.8' /.. ~. e'-"O'~=-~ sidewalk I ----- --------- -----r.---~-- ----~~ r--- -'"\- E'~~". 860 #' 40 I W I I WINDOW'? I I R : I<. I , i l!> "l I I I '1 p Q -' 1 1 2. III - I I A i I I I, '5 (., 7 '3 4 C IE'. E:: ~ C. e:- t-J I' A\fE::=t--JUE: \ \ / .e:.XI-r 10 --;160~~8r---'--~r~ ~p2---~---- I I ; , , ~''''''Y;) hl . G ;streetli.7e 0.175' II 12- I:' 14 1'5 II-:- Cone. romp - -- --- \ 1 ____________..l" DRAWING TITlE, PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-I JDO, WlWAM BLOETHE STORE DIVISION, CRESCENT AVE., F.I.N.Y. ~ C) ~~ ~ E\(HAU'!l" l\j~ Q C) ~ .! ~ .- l ~ . ~ ~ ~ stoke / sidewalk ~ t=-~i--""~'i--- -~---~~~~.-----~6;'- 44T4fjTl-W- ~-----ii6o.~8r- -~--~r~ ~f:::!:-- --~ - --- I " I 'MINDOW<7: . I I I , ii' :'''I\AI!:I~ I " : ,A I" ! R: . K.". : I I ,I--J: ; G. ;streetl/.?fJ 0.175 · I 2. '3 \ 4 5 c-.. '( ~ I ~ I 10 It 12. I I~ 14 1'5 /\.0 \ I I I \ I I I i I I ~'RKIt-.JG- I r~~ lEx 1"5-r: Deck "{O APi. AeoV 6\(I"!>+. _.af-r/~<!!. "'t:J .(;,.",=11''1 ~,-e ~;feP.. . ",,'oliN 5Y:.' \O)'-Il,I 't-.1so'M " ?,AR:'ITrI of..! 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