HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-12/17/1970$ utholcl Town Boar o eals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 119"?'1 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillimie, ,Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. MINUTES SOUTHOT. O TOWN BOARD 0~ ~PPEALB December ' i?~ i~?0 "- A regular meeting of the Seuthold Town Boar~ ef Appeals was held at 7.3 P. N., Thursday, December 17, 1970, at the Town 0ffiee I~ain Road, Southeld, New York. There were present: l~essrs: Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman; Robert Bergen; Charles Grigouis, Jr.; Fred Hulse, Jr. Absent: F~. Serge Doyen, Jr. Also present: N~. Howard Terry, .Buil~ing Inspector. ~I,~:C HEARING: Appeal No, 1392 - 7:30 P.M, (E.D.S.T.)~ apon appl~¢atien~of~Harol~' Keber, Eastwood Drfve Extension & He!den Avenue, Cutchog~e, New~Terk, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning 0rdinance, Article III, Sect~om 300, SubseCtion (6), and Article III, Section 309, for pe~mission to construct accessory bmilding_in sideyard are~ w~t~i ins~fficient setback. LocatiOn of y: Eastweed Drive Extensien~& Holden AVenue, Let .~ 24 ef i Estates, Section II, PleetsNeck, Gutchog%%e,~Newm..mTOrk. Fee The Chairman opened the h~a~iug by reading the application rom a. variance, legal notice of hea~iag, affidavit attesting to i~s publication in the official newspapers, and ~tice te the applicant. THE CHAIR~: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this ap~Iic~ati~n? /~R. WA~0ID KOBER: i thi~k everything you have read su3mned it -2- ~R. BERG~'~: I haVe looked at the sitmation, and the~e is no other place that he can place a garage. THE CHAIRI~N: is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) A~ter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to construct accessory building in sideyard area with insufficient setback. The location of cesspools prevents the garage from being located any. further to the rear ef the property. The lot is triangmlar, facing on two streets; cesspools are in the center ef the rea~ yard. The setback will be comparable to other homes in the a~ea. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. The Board finds that strict application of the 0rdina~ce would produce practical difficulties or ~unecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique.and weald not be shar~d by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance wilt not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by N~. Bergen, seconded by ~r. Giilispie, it was 'RESOLVED Harold Kober, Eastwo'od Drive Extension & Holden Avenue, Cutchegue, No, York, be GRANTED permission to construct~ accessory building in sideyard area w~th~insufficient setback en property located: Eastwood Drive Extension & Holden Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, as applied for. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis, Hulse. PUB~tC ~RING:~ Appeal No. 13~3 7:40'P.~I- (E~D.S.T.), upon applies ion of Chester ~l~wskl, ~qmash Avenue,~ Omtchog~e, New York a Ja~s ~an~ing, ~Jacksom~Street, NeW S~elk, New Ye~k, for :e in 'acc~r~anc~ ~ith~'the Zoning Ordinance, ~Article ~I, Sec~i0n 300, Subsection ~6), and ~tic~e IiI,~Bectien 309, for permission te construct accessory~building~in frcntyard area. Location e~ property: south side ef Jackson Street, New Suffer, New York, be~ded north by JackSe~ Street, east by Je~ P. Mann,g, south by Peconic Bay, west by E. ~iarv~. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIRNAN: The applicant has submitted a rough sketch which indicates that the garage would be 200 Feet from Jackson Street. This lot is 400 to 500 Feet deep and between the proposed garage and the read'is a tennis court of 78 Feet~ about 36 Feet behind the backstop; so you already have two structures between the proposed garage and the street. THE C~AIRNAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak For this application? MR. CH ESTER ORLOWSKI: i would like to say that all the garages on Jackson_Street~are on the road side. It is waterfront property. TBI~. CHA~: How wide is the lot? MR. oRLO~jk~r: 200 Feet, but two b~others bought the property so it is tplit,~ Each of them has 100 Feat. The driveway is a mutual driveway. THE CHAIRNAN: Does anyone else wish to speak for this applica- tion? (There was no response.) THE C~IRMA~: is there anyone present who wishes te speak against this~ application? (There was no response.) AFter investigation and inspectien the Board Finds that the applicant requests permission to constr~ct accessory building in Frontya~d area en property located south side of Jackson .Btreet, New S~ffolk, New York. The lot'is a long lot lead~g From Jackson Street to Peconic Bay. The proposed garage would be near the dwelling but en the westerly side of the property se as not te bleck the view From the house to the highway. There are other garages in the Front yards of similar houses en this street. The Beard Finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties er unnecessary ha~dSh.ip; the hard- ship created is unique and would not be. shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by ¥~. Hulse, seconded by Mr. Bergen, it was RESOLVED Chester Orlowski, Pequash Avenue, Cutchog~e, New ~ork a/c_~ames~Nanning, JaCkson ~treet, ~ew Suffolk, New York, be GRANTED permission to construct accessory building in frentyard area on property located south side of Jackson S~reet, New Suffolk, New Yerk, as applied for; subject to the following conditioms: -4- The two-ca~ garage mUst be located at least 200 feet from Jackson Street; and eight feet from the westerly line. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen~ Grigenis, Hnlse ~ PUBLIC -~ARING:~ Appeal No. 1394 - 8:00 P.M. (N.D.S.T.), ~pon application of Dri-Gen Realty Corp., North Oakwood~Road, Laurel~ New York, for a~variance in accordance with the Zonfng Ordinance, Article X, Eection 1008 (last paragraph) for permission to use subdivision for multiple_residence dwellings with increased density. Location of property: (Map ef Greenport Hemes) south side ef Main Road, Greenport, Ne~ York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Ninth ~treet, south by L. I. Rail~oad, west by A. Cassidy. Fee paid The Chairman opened the hearingby reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIR~9~I~: This application is for increased density. (The Chairman~and members of the Board referred to the Map which was prepared by Van Tuyl, dated July 30, 1970, which had accompanied the application from Bri-Gen requesting a change of Zone.) It doesn't appear that the surveyor gave the acreage. MR. DRISCO~.T~: I represent ~ri-Gen Realty Corp. ~e have about ? and 1/~acres. THis is the proposed layout ef the apartments, themselves.., one bedroom apartments. THE CHAIRM&~: This application converts density by square footage, and.not density per acre. }~. DRISCOLL: It is 7 and 1/3 acres. THE OHAIR~AN: Your property on the Van Tuyl map extends from where to where? NE. I~ISCOLL: From the Railroad te the Main Road. I think the ~igures are on the other mUp. (The Chairman and members of the Board discussed the measure- ments of the property.) THE CHAiR~': I believe it is somewhere between ? and 7~ acres._ Anypersen wishing to speak For this application might explain the history of it. MR. BRISCOLI~: I am speaking for it because I think the Town is in need of a..Senior Citizen Village. THE CHAIRMAN: This term "Senior Citizen Village", how de you propose to. keep.it Senior Citizens? ~hat would be the age limi- tation? Broek~aven had-to.pass a ~pe~ial resolution, new in the ~tate.- You must be 5~ years old a~d have no children. 2. DRIBCOLL: We'are not going to put an age limit en We will allow childless couples. ~R. DRISC OLL~· run well ever 200. THE CHAIRI~: MR. DRiSCOI~: T~E CEAIRNAN: Couples with children will not be allowed te Getting back to density; the density now can Hew many people do you have new? About !80, but there are some empty apartments. 180, including children. There are about I0 empty apartments. They are houses, are they net? MR. DRiBcoI~: They are apartments. One is a unit ef fo~v. ~e have four, two and singles. There are eight singles. There is eno with fo~r apartments in erie building; and about 18 doubles. This would be 48 units. It started as 50 but ome burned down. It started as 50 units en separate lets, individual filed lets; each unit on i~s own let. THE CHAIR.MAN: ~hen were these built? MR. DR~COLL: They were built as housing for defense w~rkers. THE CHAIRNA~: There have been several owners. MR. ~RI~CO~: I can't answer that. The ~ederal ~ove~nment built it for defense workers and it was sold te Joe Erupski. ~. DRIBO ~L14: en it. Twig CHAIRMAN: MR. You bemght it at auction. From the Federal Government. They foreclosed Be, y~u have 38 units occupied. ~ut we have net fixed them up. THE CHA~RNA~: This ~lan projects the building ef new units. What do you~prepese te de with the eld ones? I~R. DRI~COr.T.: We are going to try to relocate them and rebuild them. Wetll fix them up on the outside. They are on blocks. They have very good frames, sheathing inside and out, and hardwood floors. THE CHAIP~MAN: Does anyone else wish to speak for this application? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRMAN: Does anyone present wish to speak agains~ this applicat ion? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRMAN: I will have to speak against the density which is way~ beyond that which is allowed. FA~. DRISCOLL: You will have 100 units, but less people. THE CHAIR~: We have spent ten or twelve years s~udying the water supply. If yo~ have seven and a half acres, the maximum density would be based on 12,%00 sq. ft. a lot, if each house were separately located. However, the Board of Health would enter into it except that, in ~his case, you do have utilities. On larger subdivisions where water and sewage are not available, the Board ef Health and the Town are going to 40,000 sq. Ft. Ne have tried to recognize that with the whole thrust of providing for the many people who are moving out here both from western Suffolk and from Nassau, it is going to be necessary to have cluster zoning but it still has te be related to water. The water survey indicates a density of more than 2.2 dwellings per acre; this is dwelling u~its. The restriction of "nc children" that you propose Would not be in line with any ether town in Suffolk County except Y~eismre Village which has a restriction of "no children", unless visiting. In trying to provide for our own situation out here, we have evolved from years of work on it a figure of 8,000 sq. Ft. maxi- mum for a living unit, not a dwelling unit. This is to cover motels, apartments, etc. Under no circumstances can it exceed 8,000 sq. ft. for a dwelling unit. This is just the Board 0F Appeals, not the Town Board. We can,t change the zon~ug laws. We can make exceptions for top~graphical conditions, hardships, etc., but we can't violate the basic concept in anything as important as density. F~. DRISCODL: You are telling me to put up 35 units. T~E~CHA~: I am telling you the situation we are in. i have discussed this with counsel, the Planning Board, and members of the To~ BOard. There is one thing going i~ your favor and that is~that you have ~on-conforming use. You~ density is denser than what would be permitted under the present ordinance. I~R. I~RISCO~._~: If I rebuild the Fifty units, I will have ever 300 people_against_200 people, if we build new units. THE CEAIRMAN: I am sure you are aware that where they are trying te restrict the number of bedrooms, it is being held constitutional. You can not zone out children. All we can control is the number of dwelling u~its. In other words, the density of dwelling units ena piece of property. The reason you are here, I suppose, is that you would be permitted approximately 38 or 40 units under the past zoning ordinance, and under the present ordinance you would, only be permitted about 30 units. I understand that part ofthe theory in zoning it "B" was to give you more latitude, if you moved the buildings off Shat property and established them somewhere else, you could make the property into something else other than apartments. MR. DRISCOY~L: This property was primarily bought with the approval of a lot of. people specifically for what we want te do. THE CHAIRMAN: I also assume that you did not buy it out of charity. 2~R. t}RISCOT,?~: You have to go ever a certain amount of apart- ments to make it~profitable. It is not practical te take down %0 apartments to build less apartments. THE CHAIRI~A~: I would be glad to hear from anyone else on the Board,~ either "pro" or "con~. MR. GRIGO~TE:~ If we c~Uld improve a little part of the area, it would be~a lot~better than what we have there new. MR. DRI~OOLI~ There would be less population. You can't put seven or eight_eh~ldren in one bedroom. TEE 'CHA]ZL~: The newest cases indicate that you can't restrict an apartment~dwel!ing t~ one bedroom apartments. The theory of one bedroom apartments is very simple; you can't Populate with children who will' raise sclio~l taxes thereby inflicting extra tax en simgle Families. I~ zoning, they have tried to put in all sorts of restrictions that would prevent a small Family From establishing itself. I am merely pointing out that if you get in an area where you take in a partner, the partner being the government; it would be far less restrictive. MR. DRiSCOY~: I would not deal with the U. S. Government. are not. yeu~., own bess. T~E CNAIEi4AN: It would presumably reduce ~the number of children in that area but if you reconstruct the houses elsewhere on separate sites, there would be the same problem. MR. DRISCOLL~ Right now, the Village of Greenport is working with the Federal Government for low cost housing. They are working to get these houses relocated. Where are you going to put the people who are in that place? That is why the Village wants it. THE CHAIRMAN: You can not throw people out of low cost housing without finding another place for them to go. MR. DRISCOLL: It has nothing to do with the government. THE CHAIRNAN: Then you would remove these people and put them in the rebuilt houses. MR. DRISCOLL: IF the Town takes the houses ever. If not, they would be destroyed. The Village has been looking like that for years. T~ CHAIRMAN: Suppose they get them? MR. DRI~COLL: Then they can do what they want with them. THE CHAIRMAN: What will they solve? MR. DRISCOLL: They are trying to rebuild Greenport and make it look decent; to get decent housing. You can't take 38 families and put them on the payroll. This is what will happen if we rebuild without relocating these houses. The government has absolutely nothing to do with om~ project. Do you have any regulations that you govern part of Greenport Village? We stop on the Village line. THE CHAIRI~N: The only reason I brought that up is that we belong to the Planning Commission and we hear quite frequently what they can and can not do. They have not moved very strongly yet but they could. The Suffolk Development Corporation is supposed to be an insulating barrier. MR. DRISCOLL: In the newspapers, it says the Federal Govern- ment is going to build thousands of homes in Brookbaven and ~outhold Towns. THE CHAIRM~: Did they name the corporation; the Suffolk Development Corporation? MR. DRiSCOLL: No. They are just stating the fact of how many low income~houses would be put in each county or township, and if these ho~ses were relocated that would be part of it for ~outhold Town. T~ CHAIRN~N: My position would be (I am just speaking for m~self) THat we would go somewhere in betyeen the proposed, which is 8,000 sq. ft., which would give a density of %.2 on 7~ acres, or 39 apartments. ~ince you do have non-conforming use there is some basis, along the lines ~f my discussion with the Town Atterpey today. I think we would be justified in permitting the same numoer you have there now. That would not be depriving you in what might be called vested rights. It is also supporttd by the fact that you have electricity, gas, sewage, water. The big thing is that yom have sewage and water. hash this out. private. I, personally, would like to reserve decision and I have a few thomghts I would like to discuss in NR. GRIGONIS: U.D.C. ~aybe if you could show a little bit that you are trying to.keep them out. ~. DRISCOL~: You are going to get the Federal Government and you will get~what they want. MR. ~: I will make a motion that we reserve decision. TM~ CHAIRMAN: Are there amy other questions? If not, I will second_ the. motion that we reserve decision until later tonight so we can discuss it more fully. FA~. HULS~: Ehall we hold it until the next meeting? MR. DRISCOr~T~: Greenport is trying to deal with us. We have to kmewwhether_we are going to sell them the houses or keep them. MR. EUL~E: Would three weeks make that much difference? ~R. DRiSCOY~: This is for new ~aits; eno bedroom, i don~t knew how big a landlord yom have been but I restrict the n~mber of tenants that go into my apartments. I can do it with some- thing new but I certainly can't do it with what is there now. The leases are.going to specify that two people are going to live there. I am mot going to stop a~yone ~rom having their grand- children visit there, for at least a week. THE CHAIRNAN: This would be similar to Leisure Village. MR. DRI~CODL: I would take in younger married couples, i do believe in mixing~ye~nger with older people. We are not goiug in for coudominiums. THE OHAIRNAN: $19,~00~te $38,000; one or two bedrooms; two u~its;~ all one floor; slab type~ constrmctien. MR. DRISCO~?~; Electric heat. People pay for their own swimming pool. _You will let us know. On motion-by ~. E~lse, seconded by Mr. Gillispie, it was RESOSVED that decisiou en Application No. 1394 be postponed ~til the~mext meeting of the S~euthold Town Board ef Appeals is held at the Tom Office, Main Road, ~outhold, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~essrs: Gillispie, BerEen, GRI~onis, Hulse. For the Record: The following people appeared before the ~euthold Town Board~ of Appeals on December 17th, 1970. A transcript of their complaint follows: Re: Bittner Property Nr. Angelo Petrucci Firs. Aagele Petrucci Nfs. Cornelia Charnews F~. Edward Charnews N~. John B. Sepenoski, Jr. ~i~s. John B. Eepenoski, Jr. Nm. ~tanley ~epenoski M~. Charnews (~r.) Mr. Nelson ~c~ THE CMAIRMAN: What is the subject of the discussion? i~R. A~ PETRUCCI: I was here last year and you ordered the people not tO do again what they did this year. I spent $100.00 for a Sign on my property in Peconic, a bit away from the horse farm. They did the same thing again. It was F~iday and they had horses r~nning aremnd all over. ~MR. JOHN B. SEPENOSKI, JR.: i kicked them off my land. TEE CHAIRMAN~ This is a Hunt Club, Re~coats. I~RE. CORNELIA CHARNEWS: They have 30 does and 30 horses. I~RS. PETRUCCI: ~rny can this man repeatedly ~gnore all these signs a~d all of thes~ people here who don~t want the horses on their land? How come he can do it? This man has 30 horses and they get loose. They go on Peconic I~ne. He was told by this Board that he sheutd have written permission from the people if he wants to ride on their land. THE CHAIRMAn: You are all landowners in the vicinity. Has anyone in this room given him permission? I~R. JOHN B. SEPENOBKI, JR.: No. TEE CHAIRNAN: What was the date of this occurrence, December 4th, the Smithtown Hunt Club? MR. PETRUCCI: They did it once before. -ll- MR. C~J~?~EWS (~r.): I saw tracks on my land. I told his daughter that I donl~ want~them to be tracking up my~land. After a rain it did quite a bit of damage. About two weeks later this H~nt comes. They ran over my land with horses and dogs. It seems like it was spite, like they were saying "I dontt care for you~. MR. STA~LE~ S~EPE~OSKI: i gave M~. Bittner, his wife and his daughter, permission to ride across my property as a shortcut to the barns instead of going the long way around. I was given permission to use his beach. 2~R. PETRUCCI: These people are not polite. They don~t care for anyone else._ i am a half mile from his place. MR. JO~ B. SEPENOSKI, JR.: t have a letter here from my father; and_ another letter here from Kenney~s Road: "I would l~ke to know that my children would not be outside on that day when they have a Hunt". - THE CHA~AIg: (Reading from letter signed by Mr. John B. Sepenoski) "t have never given permission and never will". This was a fox hunt. Mr. Richard Grigonis also sent a letter. (The Chairman read from letter of ~. Grigonis). ~S~veral weeks ago my wife saw two beautiful horses. She and.my fou~ year old, while hanging clothes, heard the sound of horses. She saw one of the same two riders. He galloped by and said he could find no sign. Several days later t heard about the fox hun~s". We also have a statement from F~. Petrucci and from 2~s. John.B. Sepenoski. MR. JOHN B. SEPE~OSEX, JR.: I submit the following statemen~ prepared by myself...Z said I do not want horses on this land. T~n~ee times Z warned them to.leave. I had answers like "Dogs cantt read.., call the police.., are you the owner?.., everyone else likes us". I do not know one landowner who hms given per- mission. THE CHAIRf~L~: The same thing mast have happened a couple of hundred years ago. MRS. PETRUCCI: Because it happened a couple of hundred years ago doesn,t make it right. THE CHA~: I remember about some Hunt Club on the North Shore. that~ had rights to hunt in perpetuity. · recall that I~. Bittner was supposed te have written permission. This was the action of the Board on June 8, 1970: "After investigation and t~spection the Board finds that applicant~ requests permission to establish and maintain a riding academy, etc. There is an ample area t~ take ~care of parking facilities. The Board finds that it is ~in the public interest. Therefore, it was RESOLV~D~that Theodore Bittner be GRANTED permission on property~ located south side, etc., subject te the~follewing condi~ions: 1. There shall be a sign 2 ft. x 3 ft. at each highway. It shall be 4 ft. above ground level. There shall be one on-premises sign which shall be located ~ feet from the property li~e. 0ffstreet parking. All riding instructors and trail riding shall be on the property of the owner or on ether premises with the con- sent of the owners. No riding on highways. Boarding Shall be approved by the Board of Appeals. Outside storage. THE C~IR]~D~N: It looks to ms astir all riding instructions or trail ridingshallbe on the property of the owners. Consent has been violated. M~. SEPENOSEX: It is the fox hounds. I~ someone stands in front of a house, ~the horses come on the front lawns. MR. CHAR~S: They come through my property. MR. STA~ S~EPEN0SKI: They come theough with a couple of horses. I own a farm there. They have their o~n property but there is a short cut so they would go across mine. MR. NEI~ON ~~: i live two miles from the academy. I think my land is as close as any land that I know of. My land is posted as well as any. These horses really started to chid up 'my road. I never gave permission to use my land. There were about 30 horses and hounds. F~y wife said if she were out~ide she would have been scared stiff. My property is two miles to the west on the EO~Lud, about"12 acres. Tou should see what horses can do to a private roadway. There is no open land where ~ am. If you go, you go on roadways. . They come right down 2nd Avenue, right by the jetty. They leave it all chopped up. ]~R. C~S: Even before this, they were riding on land without asking permission. NRS. PETRUCCI: it has been going en since they opened up there. ~. PETRUCCI: When you ask them to keep away From your land, they say you don!t understand horses. NRS. PETR~CCI: That's the kind of answers you get. They say the whole community should be delighted to see the redcoats. Tes, I like to see them in pier,yes. ~'. SMEPENOSKI, ~.: They chop up anything in the way. I have strawberries~and cabbages. THE CHAIRM~N: How many people have had crop damage? MR. S~pENOBKI, JR.: ~e cover some crops. Some people save the seed, but that is not it. I do have some c~ops. THE CHAIRNAN: MRS. PETRUCC I: It might look like weeds. They violated What the Board said should be done. They should have written permission. MR. S~PE~OSKI, JR.: He said my father had given permission. Once they~get on your property you cantt get them elf. 2~r. Glenn Booth said he would have him arrested. MR. CHARNEl: Suppose a horse gets hurt on my property, he would sue me. MR. STAi~LtEY ~PENOSKI: They start their hunts on Town peeperty. They could sue the Town~.. _i~ybe the Town gave permission. The last time they went through Charnews~ property and then through Town property. MRS. PETE~CCI: These are people who are coming From the west; not our own town people. l~R. HUI~: It's called Smithtown Hunt Club but they come from all over. MR. Me~: You have heard about population explosion; this is horse population explosion. ~MRS. SEPENOSKi: ~His year they had three hunts. MR. PETRUCCI: I went 'to the Poli6e Station in Peconlc on that day. They said they knew all about it besause ~hey had had Fifteen calls. The records are at the station. MR. STAN~,~ SEPENOSKI: ~y wife called. MR. ~: Did they Send a man down? MR. PETRUCCI: No. ~. SEPENOSKI: Th~o years ago two' friends of mine used to fox hunt, no g~s,~and in.ten minutes two police cars chased them. I~RS. PETRUCCi: That's what i dealt understand. This man has been doing this For two years. He violates all the rules, instead of one hunt, it*s three. ME. ' BTA~T~.Y SEPENOSKi: not mind. - If somebody came with two dogs, ~ would THE. CHAIRNAN: ~e don~t have any information. ~TEHear and make decisions. I think we should take this up with the TOWn Attorney and find out.what is the maxim~ we can do, and do it. i$ may be that he Will recommend that we withdraw permission. Thank you for coming in. On motion by l~i~. Grigonis, seconded by ~. Bergen, it was REsoLvED that the next meeting ~f the S0Uthold Town :Beard of Appeals be held at 7:30 P.M., Thmrsday, January 14, 197~, at the~Town Office, Main Road, S~uthold, New York. Veto' of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis, HulSe. On motion by rm. Bergeh, seconded by Hr. Gillispie, it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Semibold Town Board of Appeals dated December 3rd, 1970, be approved as smbmitted, subject to minor correction as noted. Vote of the Beard: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis, Hulse. ~ignRenewal (~acNtsh) was approved as submitted. On motion by 1.~. Gillespie, seconded by ~. Bergen, it was RF~0LVED that Action be confirmed on Appeal No. 1385, Leo Sternlich~, Jr., Route %~, Riverhead, New York, for permission to use p~emises for new and used car lot. Location o~ premises: north side of ~ain Road (Route 2%), Greenport, New York. Also, that action be confirmed on Appeal No. 1387, Smith- town's Hi,Bigns, Inc., 564 Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, New York, for permission to.erect on Dremises~ground sign with excessive height. Location of property: south side of Nain Road, Green- port, New_York$ subject to the following cond~t~ nsc Also, that action be con£irmed en Appeal No. 1388, Smith- town's Hi-~igns, Inc., %6~ Jericho Turnpike, ~mithtown, New York, for permission to erect on premises gro~und sign with excessiVe height. Lecati0n of property: north side of Hain Road, Greenport, New York; subject to the conditionsas fellows: 1. That the signs shall be no closer than 16 feet from grade, and no closer than 5 feet to any property line. 2. The top of the signs te be no higher than 21 Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Hessrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis, Eu!se. On motion by Fro. Grigonis, seconded by Mr. Hulse, it was RE~OL~ that~ the Southold Tow~ Board of Appeals set 7:30 P.H. (E.S.T.) Thursday, January 14, 1971, at-th~ Town office, Hain Road, Southold, New oYork, as the time and place of hearing upon applicatlon of Dri-Gen Realty Corp., North 0akwood Road, ~aurel, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zeroing Ordinance, Article X~ Section 1008 (last paragraph~, for permission to use subdivision for multiple r~sidence dwellings with increased density. Location ef property:~ (Map e£ Green- port Homes) south side off. Hain Road, Greenport, New York, bounded north by ~Iain Road,~ east by Ninth Street, south by r.. i. Railroad, west by A. Cassidy. Vote of the Beard: Eessrs: Gilltspie, Bergen, Grigenis, Hulse. On motion by N~. Hulse, seconded by ~. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Beard o2 Appeals set 7:40 P.M. (E.~.T..) Thursday, January 14, 1971,~ at the Town office, Nain Road, Southold, NeW.york, as the time and place of hearing upon applicatie~ ef Gerassimes & Machi Totolos, ~ew Suffolk Avenu~ ~ Deep Hole Drive East, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 307, for permission to 6enstruct addition to existing selling with ins~ficient ~sideyard a~ea. Loc~tion of property: New Suffolk AVenu~ & M/S Deep Hole Drive East. Lot ~ 47, Deep Hole Creek Estates, !~lattituck. New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis, Hulse. On motion by ~i~. Bergen, seconded by M~. Hulse, it was RE~LVED that the Sou~thold Town Board of .A~peals se~ 7~0 P.M. (E~S,T.) Thursday, ~January 14, 1971, at the Town 0ffice,~ ~lain Road,~ SOu~hold, Eew~York, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Dominick Zito d/b/a The Senthold I~n, Inc., ~tain Road, Southold, New York~ for a special exception in accordance With the Zoning 0rdi~ancem Article iV, Section 408, SubseCtion (a), for Dermission to enlarge existing ground sign with additional height. Location Of property: 'north side of Main Read, Southold, New York, bounded north by L. Barnett, east by D~ Barnett, south by 2~ain Road, west by F. w.~Thompson. Vote ef the Board: Ayes:- Nessrs: Gil!ispie, Bergen, Grigonis, Hulse. -16- 0n motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by ~. Bergen, it was 'RESOLVED that the'~Southold Town Board of Appeals set 8:00 P. E. (E'.E.T,), Thursday, January 14, 1971, at the Town Office, Eain Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place Of hearing upon application of: Pursuant to Section 26?, SubdiVision 6 of the Town Law of t~ State of New ~erk on the Board's motion, a re-hearing on Appeal No. ll02; upon application of Theodore 0. Bittner, 'SoUndview Avenue, SoUthold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article I~I, Section 300, Subsection 5 (d), £er permission to operate and.~ maintain stables and a riding academy. Location e£ property: s~uth side o£ SeundvieW Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded north by Soundview Avenue, east by Zeb~oski-Booth, south by North Road, West by Sepenoski-Bittner. Vote ef the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigenis, Hulse. The Eeet~ng was adjourned at 9:30 Re spectfully submitted, I~ar~orie McDermott, Secretary Seuthold Town Board o~ Appeal~s