HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-101.-2-1 ,~ .<1Y "Fn/ '<'> "y- ~\\'( u J( ,...~ rR~N~.~r~B.~~~,D T\t~:%tl%t" ~~,,"!~~\{!" ~-':,~~) Southold,N.Y.1197! HE~RY E. RA YNOR, Jr.. Chairmtln JAMES WALL BEN:-.iETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATIIAM,Jr. WILUAM F. MULLE:-.i. h. TELEPHONE 765-1938 September 15, 1982 Mr. John Tuthill Elijah's Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Proposed Subdivision Dear Mr. Tuthill: We are presently holding in our office six copies of a proposed survey by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C.. I am also in receipt of a letter to you dated July 30th regarding a survey for your Middle Road farmhouse to be conveyed to Mr. Steele. If you will furnish the board with appropriate information for processing, we would be most happy to comply. I take note in the exception of Mr. Van Tuyl's statement "evil" municipal control as his father is one of the original estab- lishers in outlining zoning. I would respectfully request that you do not submit any materials to me at my place of business, Raynor-suter Hardware, as we have a very capable office in the Town Hall and to the best of my knowledge, I am not rendering any services at my place of business to Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. as he has indicated to you based on his suggestion of leaving materials at my place of business. Please feel free to contact my office for an appointment if you have any questions regarding your proposal. Your "greens" on Locust Avenue look the best I have seen on the North Fork in years! Regards, Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board cc: Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. TO RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 1 1944 516~477-0170 DATE July 30, 1982 Hr. :John Tuthill Elijahs Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Mr. Tuthill: Enclosed (at last) are six copies of the survey you requested for the l'liddle Road farmhouse parcel to be conve;yed to Mr. Steele. Thi;3 type of rna~ is required in order that it may be presented to and approved by the Southold TOval Planning Board, a necessary "evil" in this day of municipal control. You may either take these to the Town Hall in Southold (Planning Board office) or perhaps give them to Henry Raynor (Chairman) at the Raynor-Suter Hardware store in Hattituck, and he will follow through with the proposed subdivision approval. If this is approved and Mr. Steele requires a separate map for his own use, this can be furnished at little additional cost. Will he want some corners set? When all is finalized, we shall submit our state- ment for services rendered. SUBJECT "Steele" survey . Yours truly, c-:-- rz:: V c:--- / ___9 Roderick Van Tuyl~PC ro,m MI S.N72 'he Dmw,og ~Q("J, In(. Ko, 000, Dull",. l~"" :,>/1 (C ~_~;{ _r? t' \ CC;,~C 0, / '/' - ,;:>- -f!!>O'" t'- J 4~'<>>::~--:'~'!5"E 'I :,- ",::-"~1;" ~;- I --- .,~.. ,-- '.' I ,'d In . \ " . ~- ~, ..l' '3 - -L. \\) '\,)'" .\'. 'I. j \.r. '. 'J' D~('~ < ,,\,\\; . \"J l-"' ...a. .....3':'". '00 l0' ,~ "'-:-] 1.0 LJ :"L' ,:,j" I r:\ ~ 2:.'a_ ~ 5,49"29' i5"w' 111 ,- , \ 2~,:,~::-.O , ; 1...- ]) "" .1.- Ul 00 ... UI >,' 1-.. I i-I i !)' ,2 'IT! . " .. 580'" N ..' ---,- L-ONG ,------ ,~---- , I'SL.ANO ,...-- ----.----.--- ~~.,--'~ , , " i SL-ftbllt:. CouH+tj 7I'.tK Map De5i~ncrl-jOft: OIs+'/ooo, ~C+.IO/, B/t.2, Pe~/.I, ond 5ec+./OS,S/k,2'ffoFbI.7. '__....J.___._.____., ____.~._ UI 6. " ~', '" o Ol. '. :::.L \L \ \ ~ i o C Z -I .r , '1h n v 15 1\ , j U\ L 11 11 C r 1\ ,\. 'L, C. -',-::::: p',-,r)j.:.r '-, ,r" .', ._..... . ..._,-",C"",___ -~'._-:. f-:~F~. -i~"-r or::-r:: ....,......./ "- " L...... ", :):"'.,J L.':';t,,'C) ... :::'f::C .....,. " l- --~ i { _L ... '\ ,1 ,'" -,-.-,,-I"'r-I 1__' - ,/;':--t j ;;; (_.-i~~,....<_ , -T'OWN or= :'5cx.JTHOI.-(), N.Y ?cale: 2OO'~I" 70+01 ~= 19~:t:: O'.:..-.es A....... +n I:>s se+ 04'''' 1.239.,c. ~'( " RECEIVED ~\l\G ~tI\l.~ ~","~1~l\~ \982 . , . / aflO': ----- _.- /,;;/ ~tL.~O -'.' /~~ // )< ,// -I DAlE /; I PNAUTHOltlLfO' AUtk....,.UN 0/1. ADOfTIO", 10 nus SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF ,ECTION 7209 OF TH~ NEW YORK STAn fDUCATION LAW. COPl6 OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT IEARINQ 1Hf LAND SURV~YOR'S INKED SEAL OR fMIOSSfl) SfAL SHAll NOT IE CONSIDEHD 10 at A VALlO TRUf COPY. OUARANTffS tf\lC-!CAT~D H~il.mN SHALL RUN CNly TO THE P~kSC'N FOR WHOM THE liUll;VEY J$ PltfPAREO, AND ON HIS 8.EHALF TO YHe -' 11TLE COMPANY.. GOVfllNMfNTAL AGENCY ANC lENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEIo\iC)N, AND '0 THf ASSIGNEES Of THE LENDING ..n- 'NnON. GUAlANTEES ARE NOT TItAfdfH....k '0 ADDr1'IOt4AllNSTtTVJloNS OR SUl5fOI" OWt4HSI Mapf::>ed Jut,! ."Z9, 1"382 (200E:G/Ck: Vt:oN /'DyL., PC. _IZ~,\/ __ , ~ LiceHt>e<d CaHd Surve';/ors Gr-ee~ New Ybrk. ---1