HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-102.-1-33.3 I C ( (' " ( Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 February 14, 1974 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: Re: Leisure Greens, Inc. Change of Zone This is to inform you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on January 30, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Wickham, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend ~isaDDr.pval of the request for change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "Mool" General Multiple Residence District of certain property located at Cutchogue, New York, known as Leisure Greens, Inc. This recommendation was made in view of the fact that the Planning Board presented in the master plan the conception that there be no multiple residences between Mattituck and Southold and this was supported by 85% of the people. This is not in conformity with the Master Plan and the Board does not consider it good use of this land. It appears on the surface that this type of land use would tend to landlock or create a block of the property to the north, east and west. A copy of the letter from the Cutchogue"New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce recommending approval seems to be at variance with the expressed views of some of the businessmen in the village. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grebe, Moisa, Wickham Abstained: Mr. Raynor Absent: Mr. Coyle Yours truly, / . :~. ~~~r~ Muri~Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board \ /~~- ,~ I ( ------r- n__~" " ~_.__.- " I l.- '\ ' -, //>/~ " // / ' / \ ~ ~, I -- \ ,/ /) \ , , \ \\ \ \ f'i':::'-~JY71 "''TL?-....~-i -.- I r , \ \ \ \ I" \ L - Ii \ \ 'I I __..L.._ I \ -~ I '~1.~ v , 11/ ,'~ / Z-.'. " / ,,7/'-- / / ( / ,. "y -'y/ .~---- \: \~, \ \ \\ -- , \1'\ '\\ c-\\: d\ ; i I I "',-.\ ,," II -l~'___-'L ~'-'-'-----. I '- '1/" I ''-/' ".,' I 'f / ," / / - '~, ---J f --~-- / , /. - -J ~i ~-,~ 'j :'\ \ i 1 1 \ \\ \\ / ---- ;; >j,r , j/il I / // I c=/; S C ,.....- ,I .:c::;,c, 4- C <:. ,,7' C;f2Pb.N :-):, Iii &(>'0 = / ~- JIVe; ,'/ , / {---reek //1 ~0' ~\~/ -I", ) I: ,~- ~ /. r -,...., , \ ( GARY FANNER OLSEN COUN ELLOR AT LAW P. Q. BOX 38 ; MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298.4844 :'cJl "". ~,~, r' ~. '7'- Septer.nber 18, 1973 Re: Leisure Greens, Inc. Gentler.nen: Please be advised that I will be representing Leisure Greens, Inc. in re its application for perr.nission to build a planned retirer.nent cor.nr.nunity on prer.nises owned by it in Cutchogue. I have been advised by the architect, Anthony Lorio, who is in the process of preparing prelir.ninary plans and sketches, that he had arranged, through Mrs. McDerr.nott of your office, an appointr.nent to generally discuss this r.natter with you on Septer.nber 18, 1973, at approxir.nately 9: 30 p. r.n.. He then advised r.ne that your office had indicated it did not wish to r.neet with hir.n at that tir.ne. Accordingly, I ar.n hereby reqUest}Cavise r.ne in writing as to a convenient date to informally diSfJU \ r.ny client's proposals. I would appreC.l.'ate".four pI ac' g . is on your calendar at the next pzssible date. / J" I ,/ I' I. Ver.y':r yo u/s , if ,~- ,,/:., p."': f ,/' 1':'" ;.t ~."" .' Att: John Wickhar.n, Chairr.nan cc: Stanley Sledjeski \ ( ( ( { . IN CLERK 765.3783 Building Dept. ~ Planning Bd. Board of Appeals 765-2660 Town Of Southold TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuan to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-6, Sections 239-1 and m, the .'I'-CI\aJlou:cl. (ag.ency involved) zoning action to the Suffolk e) of the town of Southold, N. Y. hereby refers the following propose (check County Plonning Commission: New and recodified zoning ordinance Amendment to the zoning ordinance :...~. Zoning changes Special permits Variances Location within 5 of affected la nd: .::.u.t.C!IIl)l':'liI,....... .~c>>;rt. feet of: (check one or more) Town or village boundary line ......... State W"'lJtl'''''' road, ~U}l8tpl'.es"", State or county park or recreation area Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated Commen lor 'la .,u as%' : 'th. So\l1;a.1d Ta_ PlaonillJ Deuel re~ dh.pprO....l of tbct lrflqt.tat nee 0;[ ZOCl4t. 'rId. fee_datim,... ade In dew 01 tile tll~t tlaat tbe n, Ioaaod ,ra.eot. Ui tbe I114l1t.. plan tile ~epUo. tllatl dilen .. _ 1. c..i4.... IIetweea MattHud all4 SoIatlllold a. tide ... ......". II)' tile !MO,le. Date: _.., "2, 1914 (~iin~td~?V...~?~~.. .V"Cltei_ Tide Date rec ived by Suffolk County Planning Commission File No. c ( ( ( GARY FANNER OLSEN COUN ELLOR AT LAW 8 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE SIB 298-4844 February 6, 1974 Re: Leisure Greens, Inc. File fI 1262 Hemen: Pl ase let this confirm that I appeared before the Board on January 30, 19 4, at which time the presentation was made in re the above matter. I reby request that this matter again be re-scheduled for a further he ring with the Board, at which time I would hope that this application fo a change of zone could be decided based upon the merits rather than up n personalities. I would expect at thaCtime .t? have ~tanley Sledjeski, on of the principals, present to answer questions. that may be presented by the Board. / '\ v~r~_~.:~rours, _".,..,., ;I....... l. ..-.-.., .,,,,,-,,;1,,. ~~ "'--.t ~,~....... ,,;''',' .,~ ,.....~ ~.., GARY FLANNER OLSEN -~ .' y -~..""'- . ~,..,. ._...;."__'c...-._._-~..... , .f G /mrc ( cc: Stanley Sledjeski I T(;f.:-:f",':(~< I ! ..,_., _:',.J7./7,'/' .........,., <7', _ . _ y. l_....~<.:.. /.....") <1 , ------~- , , I__~ti:-i- >, 7 U:; I. 1..- ~f22 !./J~..-u...?{/ <\ "'7 So thold Town Planning Board To n Clerk's Office Ma n Road So thold, New York 11971 ,';"~-:'-i<-=-LD .) ~ ( ( ( Suff~l~ County ryepartment of P1annine Veterans :~emorial Ri~huay Hauppau'le, eew York 11737 February 11, 1974 Town of Southold Town Clerk ( '!un. File ;'0. 222 Leisure Greens,Inc. Petitioner Ge t lernen : ase be advised that pursuant to Sections 1323 to 1332 of the folk County Charter, the above captioned application is not in the jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Planning commission. Very truly yours, Lee F. Koppelman U ~,) -:'\.I , ! by 1"'<'-''-'' .' ~., '.... .. '. ~_... ....A";~;..~ !~ . . . . ".-"'.' ,I, i: .~-i' ; .t ~_~ ',2"" t I Pebruary 26, '1974 , -i- Mr. Albert Martocchia, Supervisor 16 South Street Greenport; New York 11944 Re: Leisure Greens, Inc. Dear Supervisor: The Planning Board has not recommended this change of zone for the reaSons stated in our resolution of January 30, 1974. Subsequent to our letter to you there have been further developments more or less related to this case which you will find documented in the minutes of our meeting of Pebruary 20th. (A copy of the not yet approved minutes are enclosed for your information, both as to Leisure Greens. pp. 4 and 5 and Laurel Country Estates pp. 11 and 12.) Beginning at the time when these developers walked out of a meeting of the Cutchogue - New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce when they learned that you and I had been invited to be at their presentation right up to the present, there have been a number of occasions when the Planning Board has learned that the facts were at variance with the statements of the developers. I have discussed this matter with Bob Tasker and with a New York City attorney and find that, for what it's worth, the only comment this board can make is that in our opinion these developers have not acted responsibly. This is certainly an understatement of our opinion and we sincerely hope that the Town Board before reaching a decision on this case will consider not only the irregularities in the case but the total picture which seems foreign to this town, also the actions of some of these particular developers in other subdivisions. . ~-; \ i , \ I I 1 , .,-;Z');, ~,l j -'." ..17 ;::~~:~! iif:;'<" " ""v,,1 "-":;'l; "'1.-'1-..,.," :'! age 2 upervisor . Albert Martocchia ~ .. t',:' ~ Pinal1y, some time ago the Town Board took negative action n an application for change of zone for the same purpose on New ffo1k Lane in cutchogue, a more desirable location. It would ppear also that many residents are opposed to the Norris project likewise for the same purpose. The Planning Board respectfully uggests that Leisure Greens is not the right plsce and this is ot.the proper, time for this type of land use at this location. , " , " ,,;~ ."A' ,.,' ::". ?;, . ~' "" .. .' ,''''',\ Very sincerely, --., John ~ckham. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ;..,~ .- ! ,..,' 'i~:;~~~_~~~_.';..":';~:{,i :~~~~':;L;.-:.: :}~:-i;~~g~:~~:{;~lf'- ~. ~~~~~1~t~;~~~~~t~t!$;l" - _..;t. ..;j.,.fJ,'K'.},:';". -.;,f,:-~..;,,;'~;~.< -~:~;.'~:~':::i;i:&:iiiJr~ Town c/o Sout ( " ( (' ( Bertha Kurczewski Depot Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 April 22, 1974 Board of Southold Town r. Albert Richmond, Town Clerk old, New York 11971 Gent emen: Cutc who abou dept occu long a de and prop grea prop the I am the sole owner of a farm on the West side of Depot Lane, ogue. The rear of the farm adjoins the property of Sledjeski, s making application to build apartments. My farm fronts 1,800 feet on Depot Lane. It is approximately 650 feet in and is adjacent to this property for about 1,800 feet. Although I am renting the farm for farming purposes, and y the residence, I realize I may not be able to do so much r. I believe the farm is one of the best in Cutchogue for elopment of fine homes. It is near transportation, shopping hurches. It is off but near Route 25 and Route 27A. I am very fearful that a change of zone on the Sledjeski rty and the erection of moderate or low price houses will ly diminish the value of my property and all of the adjoining rties. Therefore, I would like to go on record as opposing pplication. Very truly yours, ~(/4 dv' Bertha Kurczews~ cc: upervisor Albert Martocchia Martin Suter James Homan James Rich . Louis Demarest , . TO: I R~i' . w. \ 30 'TEOLD 1\}~{N BOAIiD LE SVE.~ GRE31,~S IFC. ( . , : i,/~-:,~-~, ( " . . .,:) -'~ ":?-'.. ,?" 1" .~) ( .) ( . T' e Learrue of 'Jomen Va ters o~' Ri verhead-3outhold does not take a posi ion OD snecific looal housing developments exoept in relation to the 'outnold fovm Development Plan for which we have stated our suppor It is therein recommended that only one multiple un~t de v- elopme t be sited at eaoh of three hamlets, Greenport, Southold 'and Mattit k. Our support of the Development Plan is based on the best use of and in any given area. We believe t;13.t multiple housing should be cc~tiguous to shoppinS, publio transportation and sooial .assembl rhe location in Cutchogue, therefore, does qualify in this 'respeo to a much greater extent than does the application made for l'Iattitv k. 'l'he biggest ooncern in a decision on rezoning should not be the uestion of how muoh taxes will be paid but how appropriate it is to t e area. A Change of zone in this instanoe would be logical if it w re considered as an alternative to a Mattituck development because there is less congestion and more acoessible public facilities for sen or citizens. In of dens too hie; single an adde and 296 concern lieve i for the of mult one uni sewage stalled cesspoo tem wou were to Health Tn citizen Avenue ly, we there i ants or gested Th is a tw realize school down sc needs. service Th posed d esti:llat $16,800 approxi would c considering the Leisure Greens application from the standpoint ty, we feel that the number of buildings and occupants is much Un~er the present one aore residential zoning, about 40 esidences averaging even five occupants per house would yield population of 200. The proposed plan contains 74 buildings units, which would house approximately 600 people. With the about water supplY for existing residents of the Town, we be- would be irresponsible to consider such a population density given acreage. It is our position that future consideration pIe housing whether cluster or condominiums should be based on per ~ acre lot Hith sewers and town water. Even with tertiary reatment required, when would it be mandatory that it be in- Since oompletion is estimated over a period of five years, s would be used until a oostly tertiary sewage treatment sys- d be economically feasible. If the demand for condominiums drop, one could envision the applicant aSking the Board of or a delay or waiver on sewer construction after a few years. ~pplical1t has stated the need for more housing for senior eXClusivelY. Here, again we question whether this is Madison alesmanship creating a need for eXClusionary housing. Certain- o need moderate priced hOUSing for young and old alike, ,but a question of legality in prescribing the age of the occup- the circumstances of family age and size, other than that sug- y the physical limitations of the units. comparison of income through school taxes to the district -edged sword. While it may be true that additional' income is from a development where f~w if' any ohildren would add to the urden, it is also true that many senior oitizens tend to vote 001 budgets because they have no personal involvement in school Although the development is self maintained, some munioipal such as fire and police protection must be provided. cost of residential hOUSing as an alternative to the pro- velopment as conceived by the Leisure Greens prospectus, s the cost of each house on a one aore plot at an unrealistic exclusive of land. Considering today's cost of building at ately ~)O.OO per sq. ft., a 1200 sq. ft. house without garage st more than twice that figure, or $)6,000. Tax on the land - - - .- - .....' ~ = -.' ." i, I, . . . . . i .....\". :;,- "~ ~~'i~{.>,. .:'?V~. .~ ----'~..'e" , ,.. , , , .,-', ", -":-'~}'/"~:::A .>.' " { ";~'> '1 longer $3.,50 per sq. ft.. but $7.50 at that looatlois.... ding to a, building' assessor in the Town. 'n1~;,t(,)tal.:.:!ft.x.._ " ' seand land today:would beat least $1530rather.:~PaD.""',~9:~ 1mated by Lels\lreQreens. ,The difference between;,199.:~QOo.tOI' VB. $61,,000 total tax for residential ):J.ousinglB.,a:,~r.~,te&l_ lcalternativeb~sis,ofcompariS!?n than $12, 784;:;:~1'~~~ ,._ d,in SCl'lOOl, ~axthey sugge~t '", "', . ""...;,,/:::"{:;'it~ the rel1abllity of their estimated schooltaiis, ection ,of ,the projected cost.of.bulldlngcondollllnlums, Board 'wQ~dbewel1, adVised, toinyestigatettlorough-ll',\' tlng a 'change 'of' ,zone. "f',,'U','.i-':;'" , ; '.~ -- -,:;: ._,,~>:~,.,~,':- ,":~..:: '. .. .. ~. . . - ,-" - .., - '-.. ... :'. _. ,...,.to' ''''-'~~~-:-:~.:~'f~: _ _ . "", '.'" ...:.t{:'f~~~l;,~}~j~~.f~:yr"~::~~~o~;h~~~en, vqter,s:_:li~i}~~~t' .:~. -, -.)..; ~ . ," ',A. - "" . ,-:.~~:~:~ :q;~ ;'.;...~.;::~":;' . "', /;~:i~;~< ,''t-~ t _ _;l.;l-' .",' . t~' -, o' . . ,,~'\~~-f'rt~~~; ':'<.:'" ." .., ::~;1~1"~;:~: (\ :'';.:-:')''/i~~',,-.:: < -:.. . ~ ; .~,. ... , .':-..:", . ~ ,., - - _.- . . "-~ ...: . !:--. :~. ..~. .::)-:1:'1'; --;:. (~ \. ( r ( NF10~~ c NORTH FORK ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL, INC. Box 311, Southold. New York 11971 April 23, 1974 Southol South S Greenpo Town Bo ard ee't ,New' York Gentleme : ~. The North Fork Environmental Council, Inc. 't@._. t.. " _,,14m should like to ek some questions e.r,:. 1. When the t change is-granted, what guarantee do the people; of that the projected plan will be followed? projected plan is- not followed, what recourse does' the town have? Is the altered plan subject to the same scrunity as the origi- nal p an? 3.. What Tovision- fs there to require a: developer- to coordinate his plan wi th he owners of adjacent property? 4'. What s the legality of setting age 11mi ts or' family size limits OIlL e1"8' or renterS'in a project such as this? 5.,s the effect on a, Town IS civic life of al taring the population e of a Town by introducing. housing limited or'restricted to and more a11'fluent residentS' or- to other limited specifi.cations? Sincerely-, ~~'t~''''l' S.(\t~ Loraine S Teny,pres.. NFEC .. ,: ,'-~', ....t ..'j, (~ " . .r/ ( \, " Marbh 22, 1974 ..",;" .~ ' ,.'" ..;'.;,;......,"/.,-,..;;"",j~~,'1';,.t'i.'o\t'~~;.;otJi:~~~..~,....}.."li., .."""'-"C"" :,.'", ", ~ Gary Planner Olsen, Baq. Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Leisure Greens CII Dear Mr. Olsen: Following is the information re the above captioned matter as per your request. On motion made by Mr. Wickham, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend dhapproval of the request for chan e of zone from "A" Residential an gr cultura 1str1ct to " al MUltiple_Residence 1S r c 0 certain property locateci at C~.t.(::hogue,New York, known as Leisure Greens, .Inc. ThIs-recommendation was made. in view of the fact that the Planning Soard presented in the lIIast!r p1~_~ conce tio t there no mul tiple residences betwee-"../o!at.titJ.l<<-If. . and Southold and this was su orted b 5~ 0 the people. This is not in conformity with the Master Plan and the - consider . t appears on the surface that this type of land use would tend to landlock or create a block of property to the north, east and west. A copy of the letter from the Cutchogue - New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce recommending approval seems to be at variance with the expressed views of some of the businessmen in the village. '"~,':-t;,...." Vote of the Board: Ayes I Messrs. Grebe, Moisa, Wickham Abstained: Mr. Raynor The Suffolk County Department of Planning D.. determined that the application is not within their jurisdiction. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary '.' {......:,. :..:- ;"-,~,~.:>,,': .:"":' ,. '. "",'.:' . ~ "--"". , ( ( ( ., R.CCE1'!ED , c GARY FL NNER OLSEN DEe \).,\"17 r ~Q!ID!o\.o TOWl!. .......- ; 'j E ~ P. Q. BOX 3 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONd'tISLAND. NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516.298-4844 COUNSE LOR AT LAW December 8. 1977 Re: Leisure Greens Inc. File # 1262 ear Mr. Martocchia: lease be advised that I have been reviewing my file. and I ould appreciate your again taking our application up with the own Board at yourmeeting of December 2. 1977. I have dis- us sed this file with my client. Sanley Sledjeski. and he has stressed me that this project will be senior citizen condominium commu- ity. He has stated that a local bank has expressed an interest in is project and it is not contemplated that governmental funding ill be utilized. FO/clr would be hoped that the Board would act favora ation. lbert Martocchia uperintendent of Town of Southold ain Road outhold. New Y()rk 11971 c: Stanley Sledjeski Mattituck. New York 11952 ,~: ( ( ( ( ~ T l~, 1975 thold fown Plannlae Board thold, .e. York 11971 Slr: fhh letter h to 1D:lorm TOU that the Outo~e Jr.. Ihdfolk o IIber of Co_eree, on tho 9th d.7 of Jul7, 1975, took. oouzr.hd YO e to baok or 110t to back the bulldll1C of' 0011do.11111111e 111 Ou chogue. fhl. yote ... dOl1e without prlor 1l0U!iceU0I1 of the .e bonlllp. fhe yote waa taken with .embon t!lat were prw_t at th U_, and the tal17 waa a. follow.: ~~ Y.. 111 Support 2fIf. lICIt 1n Support l~ .lbet.lned Motion wa. pa.eed 111 support of tllO DulldlD& of 00I1do.1111U11.. We, a. . Oballbor of Commeroe, want to be 011 reoord 1n full eupport lIaOJd.Dg 111 the bu11dlug of aald 00I1do.lI111111., witll all duo 11anoe. to baild1Qg and Ilealth cod.. a. pre.crlbed b7 tile fown Southold, Jle. lork. orel7 TOur., ~~r:/~ nt X. Xallan 00 re.pol1d_ce Seoretar7 Cu Choguo .e. Su:ltoli: Chamber of Co_co ~~ ~~~. 0/ ",. c, ( ( i ( Public Hearing held April 23, 1974 presen Justic James were Supervisor Albert Martocchia, Justice Martin suter, Louis Demarest, Councilman James Homan, and Councilman ich. Counci man Homan read the notice of hearing. P rsuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Requirements of the Bu"lding Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yo , public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the ffice of the Supervisor, 16 South street, Greenport, New York, said Town on the 23rd day of April, 1974, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Ma s) of theJTown of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. BE Griffin from sa Greens, westerl of Scho (1 (2 Pelkovs feet to 251. 03 o p.m. (E.D.S.T.) by changing from "A" Residential and ural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District in property located at Cutchogue, New York, known as Greens, Inc., and more particularly bounded and described ws: INNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of street with the northwesterly line of School House Road; d point of beginning running along other land of Leisure Inc. in the direct extension southwesterly of said north- line, S. 520 55' 20" W. - 162.41 feet; thence along land 1 House Road, two courses: N. 370 13' 30" w. - 400.0 feet; thence S. 530 05' 40" W. - 407.11 feet to land of Greiner & y; thence along said land, N. 360 54' 20" W. - 2009.51 land of Zuhoski; thence along said land, N. 500 18' 10" E. eet; thence along land of Beebe & others, three courses: (1) N. 560 00' 50" E. - 145.28 feet; thence (2) S. 370 13 ' 30" E. - 221.47 feet; thence (3) N. 390 29' 10" E. - 563.41 feet; thence along land of Kurozew ki, s. 380 30' 50" E. - 1901.44 feet; ;thence along land of Tyler, o courses: of (1) (2) of Schoo s. 370 38' 50" W. - 210.23 feet; thence S. 370 04' 40" E. - 273.68 feet; thence along land of Town Id, two courses: S. 520 55' 20" W. - 170.0 feet, thence S. 370 04' 40" E. - 95.0 feet to said northwesterly line House Road; thence along said northwesterly line, S. 520 c ( ( ( . Leisu e Greens, Inc. -2- April 23, 1974 " W. - 55.10 feet to the point of BEGINNING. containing ny person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amend- ment hould appear at the time and place so specified. Dated March 28, 1974 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK SOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend roval of the request for change of zone from "A" Residential and ricultural District to "M-l" ~eneral Multiple Residence Distr'ct of certain property located at Cutchogue, New york, known as Le'sure Greens, Inc. This recommendation was made in view of the f ct that the Planning Board pre aster la t10n that ere be no multiple residences between Mattituck u old and this was sup orte e. This is orm1ty with the Master Plan and the Board does not er it good use of this land. It appears on the surface that ype of land use would tend to land lock or create a block of operty to the north, east and west. A copy of the letter he Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce recommending al seems to be at variance with the expressed views of some businessmen in the village. publication was presented from the Suffolk Weekly Long Island Traveler/Mattituck Watchman. he following letter under date of February 14, 1974 from uthold Town Planning Board was read. to inform you that the following action was taken by Planning Board at a regular meeting held on n motion made by Mr.wickham, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was consi this the p from appro of t ote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grebe, Moisa, Wickham Abstained: Mr. Raynor Absent: Mr. Coyle he following letter was received from the Suffolk County Depar ment of Planning under date of February 11, 1974. c ( ( ( Leisu e Greens, Inc. -3- April 23, 1974 men: lease be advised that pursuant to Sections 1323 to 1332 of the S ffolk county Charter, the above captioned application is not 'thin the jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Planning Commi sion. comme it is favor speak time appli Gary attor Matti herei stock seeki cultu 46.16 which loca t Board landl plann due t the T A rea who n to th for 0 maint needs facil There /s/ Lee F. Koppelman by Gerald G. Newman rtocchia: You have heard the legal notice, the description property, the proof of posting by the Long Island Traveler/ uck watchman and the Suffolk Weekly Times, the comments of uthold Town planning Board recommending disapproval and the ts of the Suffolk County Department of Planning which states not within their jurisdiction. I will hear all those in of the application first and after that those wishing to in opposition and after that rebuttals or comments. At this will entertain anyone who wishes to speak in favor of the ation. lsen, Esq.: My name is Gary Flanner Olsen and I am the ey for the applicant. My main office is at Main Road, uck, New York. I represent Leisure Greens, Inc., the petitioner , a New York corporation and a disclosure statement of the olders has been submitted with the application. My client is g to obtain a change of zone from "A: Residential and Agri- al District to "M-l" General ~ultiple Residence District of acres in Cutchogue at the northerly end of Griffing Street is the street on which the present Cutchogue Post Office is d, directly to the north of that. t the outset, contrary to the impression from the Planning no parcels surrounding this particular piece would become eked. The presentation of the zone change is to create a d retirement community. It is my client's position that the large number of senior citizens in our town who call wn of Southold their home, many were born?and raised here. need exists for facilities for our senior citizens. citizens t only contribute to the economy but have contributed talent area. It is encumbent on our town government to provide r senior citizens who wish to remain in Southold but can't in their own homes and grounds and this mkes care of their instead of moving out of the area to find such similar ties. It is a very real need as shown by Colonial village. is a long waiting list. It is attractive and a big success ( ( ( c Leisu e Greens, Inc. servi and h which There squar one b units would units layou singl All w would acres ings open. maint maint the u be a for t be a be 55 years built water ments hydra be if of As per h at th count appro would worth syste parce and t would -4- April 23, 1974 Greens would provide the same type of accommodations a condominium concept. My client has retained the an architect for the layout and residential buiidings will be available to answer any questions concerning same you may have. would like now to go over some of the design features. would be 74 buildings with four living units, two of 1165.5 feet with two bedrooms and two of 926.5 square feet with droom. Multiply 74 by 4 and you have a total of 296 living which density is less than the Southold Town requirements permit. Sketches have been prepared of the outside of the as well as for the design of the interior and the proposed The design was prepared so the units would be attractive stories. Two units in each building would have fireplaces. uld be condominiums. They would not be rentals. Every unit be individually owned. The living units would comprise 7.52 38.63 acres remain open. On a percentage basis, the build- ould comprise roughly 16% of the acreage and 84% would remain The individuals would be responsible for the interior nance and the corporation or a homeowners' association would in the outside arid the recreational building. It is expected its would sell for 30 to 35 thousand dollars and there would onthly maintenance charge which the residents would incur e outside maintenance and the public buildings. There would ecreation hall and a swimming pool. The minimum age would or over for one of the owners and no children under eighteen of age living in the units. All roads would be private and to town specifications and parking would meet the code. and sewage would be constructed as to governmental require- The water system would be sufficient to supply fire ts for the fire department and underwriter standards. would like to review what the school tax consequence would this proposal was accepted. We have received from the Board essors 14,300 for each building. The school tax is $7.61 ndred. Each building, therefore, would have a school tax present rate of $1,088 or a total of $80,500. This doesn't the land, the recreation hall or sewage disposal plant. The imate school tax revenue would be $90,000. No children be sent from this project to the school system so $90,000 of taxes would be generated with no increase to the school If this property were divided into single family one acre s - on 46 acres approximately 40 plots could be developed king a conservative figure of two children per family, there be approximately eighty children costing $122,000. This is ( ( ( ( Leisu e Greens, Inc. -5- April 23, 1974 based homes $109, on school figures of $1,525 per pupil per year. Forty on approximately 1200 square feet would cost our taxpayers opposed to a net gain of $90,000 for this plan. should this project be approved? Why is this a good locat'on? First of all, there is good access to the roads, the exist'ng roads. School House Road leads out onto Depot Lane and street to Route 25 and Griffing Street to Route 25. This t would be close to public transportation. It would be for the senior citizens to get to the bus and it is quite to the train station. There are four churches close by. her stores are within walking distance, etc. It is also par 3 golf course and would be very convenient for the nts of this community and it is also close to the library. the above reasons make this an ideal location where a car a must. It is also a good location because it is set back he Main Road. It is not readily visible. It would be a ecluded complex. It is not surrounded by an improved area. surrounded by open farmland. We have made presentations to s organizations. The Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of ce has supported our concept and I will read that letter to w. North proje hand close The 0 near resid All 0 "At a regular menthly meeting of the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Cha r of Commerce, held at the Fisherman's Rest, January 9th, 1974, architectural plans for a senior Citizens planned Retirement Comm nity were presented by Leisure Greens Inc. "Many questions were asked and answered and after much disc ssion a motion was made approving the architectural plans, site and type of housing and a change of zoning from residential to MIas presented by Leisure Greens Inc. It was seconded and unan'mously approved. "The membership, at this time, felt that a project of this type ould be an asset to the Cutchogue Village Community." /s/ Fred W. Kaelin, Jr. President itio give by p and comm For all of these reasons, I urge the Board to grant the pet- It is a serious and meritorious application which would be thoughtful consideration. It will satisfy a very real need oviding the senior citizens of Southold good living conditions here is no question we need this type of project within our nity. ( ( ( ( Leisu e Greens, Inc. -6- April 23, 1974 I thought as I carne up there is really, considering the size of th's project, a relatively small turnout tonight. I think we are a 1 aware that at public hearings the people are basically oppos d to the proposals. Very seldom do you find people in favor of a roject corne out for it. people are well aware that this heari g was going to be held tonight and the turnout is surprisingly small which I think is an indication that the community is behind this roject, that there is a need for it and it is a good propo al. Thank you. Mr. M rtocchia: Is there anyone else who would like to speak in favor of this application. Fred aelin, Jr.: I am president of the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamb r of Commerce. The chamber did vote to approve the approval of th"s plan and also of the approval of the change of zone. patri'k Gorman: As a resident of Cutchogue I am voting in favor and e dorse it wholeheartedly. Rober much compa devel to ad I lik have famil pract be gi the p disap multi this of th ments devel Mr. M there Is th Alec purch Inc. plan Begley: I am a member of the Town of Southold. I was very nterested in the presentation and I noticed there was a ison made between school taxes if we had this condominium pment and forty families on the same acreage. I would like another point. I don't like to think just in terms of taxes. to think in terms of proaucing wealth. If you do not you othing to collect taxes from. In this development you have es who will be bringing wealth into this community and taking cally nothing from it. I think this is something that should en serious consideration by the group. I also noticed in eliminary statement that the Southold Town Planning Board roved this project and it was stated that they wanted no le resident developments between Mattituck and Southold. Does pply to all multiple resident development? Are they aware fact there are different types of multiple resident develop- This would be different than some sort of an urban renewal ped by an agency of the government. rtocchia: I don't know how much area that encompasses. Is anyone else who would like to speak in favor of this petition? re anyone who wishes to speak in opposition? argrove: I am the owner of Long Island Vineyards. we have sed the property immediately to the north of Leisure Greens, It is my understanding that Leisure Greens has discussed their ith all adjacent property owners. They have not talked to ( ( ( c Leisu e Greens, Inc. me. would Leisu agric secon speci not b corre -7- April 23, 1974 To stanley Sledjeski) You did after you represented so. I like to clarify some points as I understand it so far. e Greens, Inc. has submitted for a town zoning change from Itural to multiple use. whatever they are proposing is ary to the general change. It is not contingent on their ic proposal. It is not a selective change. A change would nd them to what they are presenting this evening. Is that t? Mr. M rtocchia: Yes. rgrove: It is my understanding that the Chamber of Commerce, failed to notify me of the meeting although they did notify , did vote to support the change as proposed. The distinction rying to make is that the chamber did not approve a general to M-l. It was for this specific change for an elderly g development. What they are approving is a specific plan hat the Town Board must consider is the approval of a 1 change to M-l. As a result of that I think it must be on general zoning. M-l change gives motels, hotels and t camps and without a selective zoning change, the Town Board be granting any zoning change regardless of the good faith people who are making the proposal. If they have taken 46 in the center of Cutchogue and plan to put 300 units, say 600 - 1200 people would occupy the buildings, I would like to point out t ere would be a 50% increase in Cutchogue. What this will do to Cu chogue's economy and Cutchogue is as much your guess as mine. I obj ct to it on the grounds of density. There is ten times as many eople as on any other land. It is too much for Cutchogue at this ment. I bought my land because it was in the center of an agric Itural area. The pressures high density would exert on farmi would be quite serious indeed. I don't know how the Board goes a out deciding something like this. Does it look at individual land the land next to it. There is one thing of clustering, and t re will be single acre so it would be a poor way to use the land. Let me read to you the final statement on the petition to the To n Board. "Furthermore, the surrounding area would not be advers ly affected, since it is presently farmland rather than homes.' Why wouldn't farmland be hurt? You could make that assess ent until the last bit of farmland is gone. Give the farmla d a chance. Mr. H which other I am chang housi when gener argue touri would of th odebush, Cutchogue: I have taken a few notes. First of all I woul like to mention this concept of the master plan. I think accord'ng to the letter from Mr. Wickham, I think 85% have approved this p an and this plan is a guideline for orderly growth in this commun ty and one of the purposes is to avoid crowding like we have ( ( / { , ( Leisu e Greens. Inc -8- April 23, 1974 in west end. This proposal is outside the area recommended in th master plan for cluster housing. It seems to me that putting 74 bu'ldings on 46 acres would make this a very crowded arrangement. I do ot see how it could leave enough open space. I wonder whether the s wage plan is very adquate. I don't think it was too well expla'ned. I would say if this proposal is approved, it could open the g tes for other proposals in this area. I have a letter from Dr. white I would like to read. Infor tion required for proper evaluation of water and waste dispo al systems for multiple residences. 1 1 . Type of tertiary sewer plant. Manufacture - What has been his experience in this field? plans for disposal of effluent? Injection wells. if so what is the proof that they will work. in the area to be used. What is the strata of the area. will it accept such effluent? plans for the disposal of the sludge? will a licensed sewer plant operator be required? what guarantee that the plant will work? Has a schedule of fines been worked out for each day that effluent does not meet Health Department standards? As an alternative would a performance bond be more equitable? If the project is built and the plant does not meet standards, how will a new plant be financed if a performance bond is not required. Who approves the final selection of the type of plant to be installed? How will the plant be monitored. weekly. monthly, etc.? Each 100 units will require 10,950,000 gallons of water per year. How many acres of land will be required to support this amount of water withdrawal. if injection wells are not possible? Submitted by Prof. walter L. smith . . Mr. M rtocchia: I believe the attorney indicated he has someone with im who can answer some of the technical questions. Mr. 0 sen: We have the architect who designed the layout and the exter or and interior of the units. Ed Hu hes, cutchogue: The Town Board has already said they would like 0 have acre zoning in the area and this would create less than ( ( ( ( Leisu e Greens, Inc. -9- April 23, 1974 an ac elder scarc Mr. W Farm. with the w west of gr exper upsta a res the e have of th Town in th opera if yo peopl opera real erect thous chanc well Easte could Here ing a Sou th exper agric doing the T has t have but t happe a pre devel Marto Attor after e. We have to consider the surrounding facilities for these y people, doctors, hospitals. In this area they are a ty. These things should be considered as well as the .ecology. ckham: I would like to speak on behalf of wickham Fruit Eleven years ago Cornell University entered into an experiment ickham Fruit Farms to grow a particular kind of grape. It is ne grape of the world. In America, it had only been grown f the Rocky Mountains. We planted some two and a half acres pes. This experiment far exceeded anybody's ideas. On an mental basis we have had twenty-six tons per acre. In e New York the grape section is only one-fifth of that. As It of this experiment many of the wine growing companies of st became definitely interested, and some individuals. You eard Mr. Hargrove's testimony. Mr. Hargrove came here because successful experiments started by Cornell and because the f Southold has repeatedly said we want to keep agriculture Town of southold. I have a little different background. I e a fruit farm. There is nothing worse than people pollution have a fruit farm. We have had nothing but trouble with and to think of putting this many people next to a vineyard ion where a chap has come here with his wife, has made a very nvestment and before he is finished planting this farm and ng the winery that he plans for, he will have hundreds of nds of dollars invested. I plead with you not to cut off any of his success. If this proves to be successful, it could ean the establishment of a vitally important industry on n Long Island. The assessed valuation of that total industry far surpass the assessed valuation of the project before us. s a gentlemen and his wife with an experimental project talk- out sixty acres. There could be 60,000 acres in the Town of Id because the ends justify the cost of the land. It is mental but we have said we favor agriculture and we have an Itural economy and we want to make the most of it. He is it for us and I think we should be appreciative. ow, I would like to change my hat and speak for the people of wn of Southold as Chairman of the Planning Board. Something rned up within the week which has a bearing on this case. I n my hands some papers, copies of which the Town Board has, ese summarize in a few short words something which has ed. We have just received notice in the past week as regards ious development of some of these principles. This other pment, which I won't name.....(At this point Supervisor chia stopped Mr. wickham and asked Mr. Robert Tasker, Town ey, to come to the table. He conferred with Mr. Tasker and a few moments Mr. Olsen joined them.) ( ( ,- ( ( Leis e Greens, Inc. are with us. -10- April 23, 1974 rtocchia: Mr. wickham, I feel at this point that I cannot you to speak for the Planning Board any further. The comments reo You can't speak for the Planning Board until you'meet hem. We have to stay with the merits of the proposition before Warren: Mr. supervisor, you know on many occasions we had out for the master plan. They were held in every area. I ally was at most of them and it took alot of time and planning e up with that master plan and to think of this in the Town chogue with the problems that haven't even been discussed. It eal after all the trouble we went through for the master plan. The 0 e acre zoning we fought for. Alot of people don't like it. This 's one way to break it down. The water problem in Cutchogue. We ha e had meetings on the water. Cutchogue is the hub of the water for almost the whole town including Greenport. what this will do, I can only guess what might happen. I really hope that the Town Board takes a very good look at this and denies this application. Mr. M rtocchia: The floor is now open for any other ideas. Marti that one 0 grant the t of Ne met. has t Ahern: The gentleman made reasons to the type of zoning, e.could put motels and lodging houses and whatever. I am the principles. If this planned retirement community is d, you can't put anything else in there. When it comes to pe of sewage all this is determined by the Health Department York state and Suffolk County and these standards have to be Everything has to be built according to specifications and it meet the standards. Shirl y L. Bachrach, League of Women Voters of Riverhead-Southold prese ted the following letter. TO: RE: a pos to th suppo elopm Matti use 0 shoul asse April 23, 1974 OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD EISURE GREENS, INC. e League of Women Voters of Riverhead-southold does not take tion on specific local housing developments except in relation southold Town Development plan for which we have stated our t. It is therein recommended that only one multiple unit dev- nt be sited at each of three hamlets, Greenport, Southold and uck. Our support of the Development plan is based on the best land in any given area. We believe that multiple housing be contiguous to shopping, public transportation and social ly. The location in Cutchogue, therefore, does qualify in this ( r ( Leis re Greens, Inc. -11- April 23, 1974 resp ct to a much greater extent than does the application made for Matt'tuck. The biggest concern in a decision on rezoning should not be t e question of how much taxes will be paid but how appropriate it is t the area. A change of zone in this instance would be logical if i were considered as an alternative to a Mattituck development beca se there is less congestion and more accessible public facilities for s nior citizens. n considering the Leisure Greens application from the stand- of density, we feel that the number of buildings and occupants h too high. Under the present one acre residential zoning, 40 single residences averaging even five occupants per house would yield an added population of 200. The proposed plan contains 74 bu'ldings and 296 units, which would house approximately 600 peopl with the concern about water supply for existing residents of th Town, we believe it would be irresponsible to consider such a poptll tion density for the given acreage. It is our position that futur consideration of multiple housing whether cluster or condominiums shoul be based on one unit per 1/2 acre lot with sewers and town water Even with tertiary sewage treatment required, when would it be ma datory that it be installed? Since completion is estimated over period of five years, cesspools would be used until a costly terti ry sewage treatment system would be economically feasible. If the d mand for condominiums were to drop, one could envision the appli ant asking the Board of Health for a delay or waiver on sewer const uction after a few years. citiz Avenu Certa but t occup that is a reali the s vote in sc munic he applicant has stated the need for more housing for senior ns exclusively. Here, again we question whether this is Madison salesmanship creating a need for exclusionary housing. nly, we do need moderate priced housing for young and old alike, ere is a question of legality in prescribing the age of the nts or the circumstances of family age and size, other than uggested by the physical limitations of the units. he comparison of income through school taxes to the district wo-edged sword. While it may be true that additional income is ed from a development where few if any children would add to hool burden, it is also true that many senior citizens tend to own school budgets because they have no personal involvement 001 needs. Although the development is self maintained, some al services such as fire and police protection must be provided. cost of residential housing as an alternative to the proposed ment as conceived by the Leisure Greens prospectus, estimates t of each house on a one acre plot at an unrealistic $16,800 c ( ( Leis e Greens, Inc. -12- April 23, 1974 excl appr with Tax that tota than $90, is a resid sive of land. Considering today's cost of building at imately $30.00 per square foot, a 1200 square foot house t garage would cost more than twice that figure, or $j6,000. the land is no longer $3.50 per square foot, but $7.50 at location, according to a building assessor in the Town. The tax on house and land today would be at least $1530 rather $319.62 estimated by Leisure Greens. The difference between o for M-l versus $61,000 total tax for residential housing ore realistic alternative basis of comparison than $12,784 ntial yield in school tax they suggest. I refle Board ing a the reliability of their estimated school tax is a tion of the projected cost of building condominiums, the Town would be well advised to investigate thoroughly before grant- change of zone. League of Women Voters of Riverhead- Southold Mrs. Shirley L. Bachrach Environmental Quality Chairman Mrs. Margaret Harris president Mr. H rgrove: Wou~d that (M-l zone) in fact encompass motels, hotel and tourist camps? Mr. T sker: In the M-l the permitted uses are as in the M but motel , hotels and tourist camps are permitted as a special exception. Mrs. erry: The North Fork Environmental Council would like to ask some uestions: . When a zoning change is granted, what guarantee do the peopl of the town have that the projected plan will be followed? If the projected plan is not followed, what recourse does the t wn have? Is the altered plan subject to the same scrutiny as the 0 iginal plan? what provision is there to require a developer to coordinate his p an with the owners of adjacent property? what is the legality of setting age limits or family size limit on purchasers or renters in a project such as this? popul What is the effect on a Town's civic life of altering tion balance of a Town by introducing housing limited or the ( ( (, Leis re Greens, Inc. -13- Apr il 23, 1974 rest icted to older and more affluent residents or to other limited spec'fications? Mr. artocchia: On a change of zone it is the duty of this Board to m ke our decision based on what is being asked for and~in our cons'dered opinion we are supposed to decide not who will own the prop rty but is the site in question a proper site for the zoning that is being asked for. Mr. impo will Mr. Mr. Alot of those questions that were just asked are what guarantee will the people have that these people through with any plans? No guarantee. When we submitted our plans, we have to follow through plans. These are the guidelines and as far as a retirement ity, we are not trying to separate the community. what we lling is a way of life. It is a terrible thing when people d and lonely and need people to take them shopping and here re with people their own age and they are much happier. If checks into Leisure Village they will find the people are ied and love the life they are living. Quest'on: Are they happier or are they programmed? Jean attra relat wept place for a Mr. G young place need iedke: I have been over to Leisure village. It is very tive. This, to my personal opinion, is hideous. There is no onship to what Leisure Village has done. Why are the tears or elderly people? what about our young people? They need a to live that is moderately expensive. Overweighing the town retired community would not be good for the future. rman: People have to have somewhere to couples looking for two or three rooms. of rent. They are lost. So as the lady laces for our people to live. live. I have six They cannot find a has just said we Alber Orlowski: I live close to the site. I am in favor of it. I thi k it is great and we need it. Ellsw worry pitch to se peopl this rth Fuller, Cutchogue: I am one of those old folks you don't about. I think it is a great idea. Mr. Wickham makes a great for grapes. He makes a great pitch for his associate. I like grapes raised as well as potatoes but this is something for and I think we ought to think about people. I think you in roup ought to think about people, for people that need help. We c don' and Mr. $30, invo the is a ( ( ( Inc. April 23, 1974 -14- n get along without the grape. It can move over a bit. I know why they can't be raised next to people. People eat rink grapes so they get along pretty well in that stage. I rtainly for it and I don't worry about being too close to ughes: This isn't a philanthropic organization. People with 00 at least can move into them. Most of these people are ved in some way themselves. These people are the ones speaking oudest. As far as being an agricultural area, it definitely d I think these things should be taken into consideration. Mrs. iedke: I have one other question. I know that full disclos- ures of ownership is supposed to be given to the Planning Board. I wo Id like to hear exactly who the owners are including the owne s of Milmat. Mr. oman read the following disclosure statement from the file. JOHN GRADOWSKI, being duly sworn deposes and states: That I am the President of Leisure Greens, Inc., a New York corp ration, having a place of business at Main Road, Mattituck, N. Y 2. That I submit this Disclosure statement setting forth the name of all the stockholders of said corporation: Hans Ketelsen-16 Hedgegrow Lane, Commack, N.Y. Irving Levin-22 Railroad Avenue,Sayville, N.Y. Thomas Emma-Soundview Acres, Shoreham, N.Y. Leonard Emma-Circle Drive, Shoreham, N.Y. Mary Ahern-Ashley Lane, Shoreham, N.Y. Martin Ahern-Ashley Lane, Shoreham, N.Y. Stanley Sledjeski, Mattituck, N.Y. John Gradowski - Southold, N.Y. Bruce Persson-Harbor Beach Road, Mt. Sinai, N.Y. Leisure Greens, Inc. by: /s/ John Gradowski, President Mrs. iedke: what is the association between Leisure Greens and Milma ? Stanl y Sledjeski: There are two people, Martin Ahern and myself, who a e the sole owners of Milmat and if this goes through we will ( ( ( " Leis re Greens, Inc. -15- April 23, 1974 be t e managers. Mrs. Tiedke: There are no other stockholders involved with'either deal stan ey Sledjeski: No. Mrs. some Mr. iindi appl at t for firs but Lori just to g ever will Aven erry: Did you say that there was someone here who could give explanation to the remarks of Dr. Smith? lsen: As far as the sewage disposal and water issues, as I ated in my presentation, they would be constructed with all cable requirements. This is an initial proposal. we did not is stage get involved in spending a terrific amount of money etailed reports to be done. Before this can proceed we must get our change of zone. Then a more detailed proposal his is to give a general idea to what we have in mind. Mr. can perhaps explain anything you would want to know. It is to give an idea and there are alot of governmental processes through before something like this can be finalized. what- the uptodate standards and we will have to meet them and we I appreciate the comment of being compared to a Madison e salesman since I am from Mattituck. Mr. hern: I believe in your master plan, it is stated that it shou d be reviewed at the end of ten years and the ten years are up. Mr. artocchia: No, they are not. Mr. Mr. feet any Mr. on it over. great plan minim too. small raham: Alot of stress has been made in mentioning the tance of abiding by the master plan but the zoning law also es for modification and that is why we are here to consider rits of this matter. rman: My in-laws have an eighteen acre farm a few hundred from this site and we have a farmer there and he didn't make ference that he couldn't farm if this building was put up. rgrove: You don't pick a potato out of the ground and chew that I have noticed. One man said the grapes should just move Vineyards have been moving out of California. One of the promises is it has a lightened land use. The county Executive's or retaining agriculture is for keeping the density at a m. It isn't to keep it green and pretty although that is nice, It is this type of land use that would be disastrous to a community like Cutchogue. we will stay. I speak for the ( ( ( Leis re Greens, Inc. -16- April 23, 1974 enti e Kaloski family and they are completely opposed to the prog am. Mrs. abid iti grea Tiedke: I think someone said that they would indeed have to by the plans they proposed. I don't think that is the way worked. I think once the downzoning is granted, there is a deal of latitude. Is this correct? Mr. artocchia: Many steps have Mrs. Even they Mr. no a don' Boar Mr. with and the poin s. M-l is different from other types of zoning. to be taken, Attorney General's office, etc. Tiedke: Even if this whole plan went through all that. after that what leaway do they have for still changing it if wish? ickham: It is apparent that after that some developers pay tention to what they have said. They make promises that they live up to. This has been the experience of the Planning odebush: I wonder how the board can consider this proposal ut knowing in advance what the implications are about sewage ater. If the plans have not been prepared I just wonder how oard can consider this without knowing the answer to those Mr. artocchia: It would have to meet the Suffolk County spec fications. Mrs. Tiedke: How can you consider the change of zoning without seei g plans? Mr. artocchia: Ours has to come first and others are taken care of a ter that. Mr. is a pump abid Does hern: The Suffolk County Health Department has a guide ~at ailable to anyone who asks them as to what is required for ng stations. There is a whole set of plans and you have to by them. You have to have approval by the Planning Board. 't the Planning Board have to approve the plans? Mr. rtocchia: Yes. Mr. wher \ arren: I was at a meeting that these gentlemen were at they had another subdivision.............. Mr. artocchia: we have to stick with the issue. J . ( ( ( (, April 23, 1974 Leis re Greens, Inc. -17- arren: We have a right to develop this town and stop out- s from just clipping out of it. When it comes to.......... Mr. artocchia: Out of order. Does anyone else wish to be heard? Bob of t cons to b Mr. perm put mitt iesehahn: Is there any reason why, knowing the critical nature e North Fork of Long Island, why zoning changes aren't dered based on the contingency or the nature of what's going done to that land? Why is a blanket zoning change made? artocchia: At the present time, zoning ordinances do not t us to do that. with the zoning change, we may be able to onditions on it. It is a yes or no case right now as sub- d. Mr. iesehahn: It is being considered for change? Mr. artocchia: Yes. Mr. the clos artocchia: Has ubject matter? d and the board everyone had an opportunity to be heard on There being none, the hearing is declared will make a determination in the near future. Hear ng closed at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~'?~~/d~,--, Mur ie fB'~ush ,~ecretary .: q'~~~;.<, -*};~("-~:;-- ZUHosl<1 .. 11 ~ '.4 fl ~........ 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