HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-101.-1-4 n. • `0 BY PELLETREAU & PELLETREA G � '1A'NNI ^!nn KI U r NG P.-, PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW `._. _ gg OBE RT 5.PELLETREAU JOHN J MART (1 01-043) JOHN J.ROE,111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RI CHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11772 (ro 60-1Dao1 J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL 516447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A SEAMAN TERRENCE P BUCKLEY VANESSAM SHEEHAN' DIRECT DIAL BENJAMIN HERZWEIG 447-8906 OF COUNSEL RUSSELL C BURCHERI0 DOUGLAS LEROSE DENNIS D.0 DOHERTY,JR •ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEWJERSEV August 14, 1987 Honorable Francis J . Murphy Supervisor , Town of Southold Old Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Council Members : Honorable Jean W. Cochran P.O. Box 285 Southold, New York 11971 Honorable Raymond W. Edwards P.O. Box 511 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Honorable George L. Penny, IV P.O. Box 57 Greenport, New York 11944 Honorable James Schondebare P.O. Box 1018 Southold, New York 10971 Honorable Paul Stoutenburgh Skunk Lane Cutchogue, New York 11935 Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Planning Board Director Town of Southold Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: L & R Vineyards Associates Dear Supervisor Murphy, Council Members and Mr . Orlowski : Please accept this letter as a follow-up to our letter of August 13 , 1987 regarding the Change of Zone Application for L & R Vineyards Association. PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Page Two August 14 , 1987 Hon. Francis J . Murphy, et al . We wish to clarify that the withdrawal of the Application is requested only because we are seeking a less environmentally sensitive area . We will pursue another Change of Zone Application within the very near future, retaining a residential character on all parcels proposed. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter . Very truly yours , PELLFTREAU & PEL ETREAU Jans F. Haeberle Legal Assistant JFH: lyn 070OZ/1-2 i July 1, 1987 Dear "i.r: ' We are writing to express our opposition to the proposed "Carr Condo-Vineyard Swap" . We are against the rezoning of Carr' s Elijah ' s Lane, Mattituck property for reasons that include : The land is located in one of the last remaining agricultural areas of Southold Town. It is within the proposed "green belt" of the Master Plan . If 13.1 housing units are built, it would not only subvert the Master Plan before it can be implemented, but it would ruin a large tract of our precious farmland . Note : !ertain nearby properties have been purchased by the County under the Farm Land Preservation Act . Southold Town is now at the cross- roads and projects such as this lead us down the lanes of the bed- room communities of Nassau and western Suffolk Counties. While our major concern is the loss of farmland, we would also like to mention the following issues: Water Supply : How will the water table be affected by 131 hous- ing—un-its.s�Ts there sufficient available ground water to support such development (estimated usage is 29,250 gals. per day) and how will it effect the underground water supply to the surround- ing area. Northside Elijah' s La. residents need carbon filters for wells as the Tem.ik levels exceed NYS limits . Traffic Flow: Oregon Rd . and Elijah' s La. are narrow, crowned and poorly drained roads. The estimated additional 520 vehicular trips per hour would severely decrease the efficiency of these roads . Also, would it be necessary to install a traffic light at the intersection of Elijah' s La. and County Rd . 48 . Fire Protection. Is the Mattituck Fire Dept . equi.pped, to pro- ter.t 1.31 additional units or wuld new equipment have to be purchased. ;schools : Is the Mattituck=Cutchogue School District prepared to accommodate a possible increase of 200 or more students or would new buildings have to be built and extra faculty hired. Solid Waste Disposal: Is the Southold Town landfill prepared to accept household waste generated by an additional 131 units. Need: Last but not least, let' s consider if the need for these housing; units is really present . There are already other develop- ment projects started in the Town that remain unfinished. Issues such as these must all be considered before such a large scale zoning change is made . If we are to preserve our unique way of life here in Southold Town, all zoning must be studied carefully and building 131 housing units in a vineyard is just poor planning . 31�'Pern&'e�tte truly ours, RECEIVED BYSOUiNOID TU1a ri ,,ulir'G BOARD eerkWos�L JUL 5 1 S7 Elijah' s La. Mattituck, NY 11952 WAIL 76 ,,�us,.aah G•e� July 1, 1987 Dear Sir. : ' We are writing to express our opposition to the proposed "Carr Condo-Vineyard Swap" . We are against the rezoning of Carr' s Elijah ' s Lane, Mattituck property for reasons that include : The land is located in one of the last remaining agricultural areas of Southold Town. It is within the proposed "green belt" of the Master Plan. If 131 housing units are built, it would not only subvert the Master Plan before it can be implemented, but it would ruin a large tract of our precious farmland. Note : !ertain nearby properties have been purchased by the County under the Farm Land Preservation Act . Southold Town is now at the cross- roads and projects such as this lead us down the lanes of the bed- room communities of Nassau and western Suffolk Counties . While our major concern is the loss of farmland, we would also like to mention the following issues: Water Supply : How will the water table be affected by 131 hous- ing units. Is there sufficient available ground water to support such development (estimated usage is 29,250 gals. per day) and how will it effect the underground water supply to the surround- ing area. Northside Elijah' s La. residents need carbon filters for wells as the Temik levels exceed NYS limits. Traffic Flow: Oregon Rd. and Elijah' s La. are narrow, crowned andpoorly drained roads . The estimated additional 520 vehicular trips per hour would severely decrease the efficiency of these roads . Also, would it be necessary to install a traffic light at the intersection of Elijah' s La. and County Rd. 48 . Fire Protection: is the Mattituck Fire Dept . equipped to pro- tect 1.31 additional. units or wuld new equipment have to be purchased . Schools : Is the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District prepared to accommodate a possible increase of 200 or more students or would new buildings have to be built and extra faculty hired. Solid Waste Disposal: Is the Southold Town landfill prepared to accept household waste generated by an additional 131 units. Need: Last but not least, let' s consider if the need for these housing units is really present. There are already other develop- ment projects started in the Town that remain unfinished. Issues such as these must all be considered before such a large scale zoning change is made . If we are to preserve our unique way of life here in Southold Town, all zoning must be studied carefully and building 131 housing units in a vineyard is just poor planning. Ver truly yours, , 7 RECEIVED BY A�y _d" 7X� SQ jl JLD T(f'' Dennis a na a to Deerkoski ���, fu.....1A BOARO Elijah' s La. [ 5 1987 Mattituck, NY 11952 - --- ' - r:�e�rn BY SCUTULD Toni f1"'��''�' 2000�2D Ore-on a-on Road 1�-8LOA 1-'attituck, PI.Y. 11952 July 1 , 1937 Office -s of the Town of Southold Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear GtJ �2r+cJ rY 'v It has come to our attention that there has been an application for a zoning change on land on Elijah's Lane in Pattituck. i`r. Richard Carr, applicant , would like to change the agricultural zone on 115.6 acres to M-light multiple zoning. He proposes to build 131 homes on this acreage. We are vehemently opposed to such a change in the zoning. This piece of land is in the middle of Southold Town' s lamest agricultural district. It is even deemed as such on the proposed master plan. If you let in one housing development , that opens the door for the remaining form acres to be re-zoned. It is vital to Southold Town to retain its rural atmosrhere. ;7e ask that you please veto the application for a zoning change. Gne hundred thirty-one homes on one hundred fifteen acres is just raping the land. Sincerely, HAJ00- SUo!lbijcs-w� r6dV4 — Wlu. F16JE -ry !�5M vrlru(>O�.,.J,J s 00 0 N Ikn,.,�,� o��g�FFOL{-�o JuTE UVJ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T. TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 17, 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is the petition of Richard T. Carr for L E R Vineyards Associates for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District to I'M" Light Multiple Residence District on certain property located north of C.R. '48 and east of Elijah's Lane, Mattituck. Please prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected by your recommendation and transmit the same to me. Thank you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment h 0 M RECEIVED CASE NO: JUN 151987 STATE CF NEW YORK SN*A&To" Cwk PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE. MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ....................... ...................................................... TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: RICHARD T. CARR, for 444 East 86th Street, 1. I, JJ—&-.9 , residing at New York, New York 10028 ................. . . . .. . . . .... (insert name of petitioner) SK1&&:6ackRRI0txNMRxV2xk, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at I�axxiRusk...1lQW..X9rk..11,Q52........ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: - SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE "A" - 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, Including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To permit a change of zone from A Residential & Agricultural District to M Light Multiple - Residence District on the described property. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: That such zoning will provide a better use of the subject property when combined with the use for which the Norris Estates property is zoned. iX. -X(L. S.) C CARR... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:— COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) RICHARD CARR . CHAR ...... . , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on informatics and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ... ... I T. CARR Sworn to before me >l� this day of . .. .. . .. . .. 194.7 h. ........ .�.. .. . . `... .. . SUSAN M.CARDINALE Notary Public. NOTARY PUBLIC,Stets of New York QusI No.52.4011954ffolk 40 CommissioExPnlies L' -/� g_V f .3r 1 SCHEDULE "A" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck. Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument placed for a bound in the southerly end of a curve which connects the northerly side of Middle Road C.R. 27 with the easterly side of Elijah's Lane and from said point of beginning running thence in a northwesterly direction along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 52.53 feet, a distance of 78.82 feet to a point on the easterly side of Elijah' s Lane. RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Elijah' s Lane North 25" 42 ' 00" West 1521.70 feet to a monument. RUNNING THENCE along said land of L & R Vineyards Associates, North 25" 25 ' 50" West 1748 .40 feet to a monument on the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Martin Sidor & Sons, Inc. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Martin Sidor & Sons, Inc. North 63" 53 ' 30" East 385.00 feet to a monument at the northeasterly corner of said land. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Martin Sidor & Sons, Inc. North 25* 25' 50" West 120.00 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Vincent and Stella Bialeski. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Vincent and Stella Bialeski. North 25" 25 ' 50" West 269.97 feet to a monument on the southerly side of Oregon Road. RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Oregon Road, North 63' 58 ' 10" East 383 . 56 feet to a' monument and land now or formerly of Joseph Yaboni and another, formerly Joseph Zuhoski . RUNNING THENCE along said land of Joseph Yaboni and another, formerly Joseph Zuhoski, South 26" 51 ' 50" East 1861. 33 feet to a monument. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Joseph Yaboni and another, formerly Joseph Zuhoski, North 64' 02 ' 50" East 838. 69 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Alice B. Berkman, formerly Daniel Ruthinoski . RUNNING THENCE along said land of Alice B. Berkman, formerly Daniel Ruthinoski, South 28" 55 ' 20" East 51. 59 feet. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Alice B. Berkman, formerly Daniel Ruthinoski, North 66" 13 ' 30" East 368.57 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill . RUNNING THENCE along said land of John C. Tuthill South 29^ 18 ' 10" East 1736. 12 feet to a monument on the northerly side of Middle Road C.R. 27. RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Middle Road C.R. 27 through a monument South 600 56 ' 20" West 352.33 feet to land now or formerly of Richard T. Carr. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Richard T. Carr North 29" 03 ' 40" West 401.65 feet. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Richard T. Carr South 60" 56, 20" West 200.00 feet. RUNNING THENCE along said land of Richard T. Carr South 29" 03' 40" East 397.24 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road C.R. 27. RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of !Siddle Road C.R. 27 through a monument South 62' 37' 20" West 649.44 feet to a monument. RUNNING THENCE along said land of L & R Vineyards Associates North 270 22' 40" West 10.00 feet to a monument. RUNNING THENCE along said land of L & R Vineyards Associates South 620 37 ' 20" West 40.00 feet to a monument. RUNNING THENCE along said land of L & R Vineyards Associates South 27" 22 ' 40" East 10.00 feet to a monument on the northerly side of !Siddle Road C.R. 27. RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of !Siddle Road C.R. 27 South 62" 37 ' 20" West 176.78 feet to a monument. RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of !Siddle Road C.R. 27 South 62" 37 ' 20" West 481. 54 feet. RUNNING THENCE to a point on the northerly side of !Siddle Road C.R. 27 and the East end of a curve. continuing along the arc of said curve bearing to the right having a radius of 1885. 11 feet. a distance of 187.89 feet to the concrete monument at the point or place of BEGINNING. 59U/1-2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EAF ENVIRO;IMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART I Project information NOTICE: This document a. desmened to assist in determining whether the action Proposed may have a significant effect on the erivlrc*.mr•nt. Please complete the entire Data Sheet. Answers to these questions will be coeside AS Dart of the Noliution for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete. PARTS 2 and 3. it is expecteo that ccmolotion of the EAF will be dependent on information Cu. involve new studies, research or investigation. If Informatit rrently available and illflno so indicate and specify each instance. on requiring such a0ditial work is unavailable.ab • NAME OF PROJECT: NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER (if Different) L & R VINEYARDS ASSOCIATES (Name) AODRESS AND NAME OF APPLICANT: treat - Richard T. Carr ina 1 �7 State iDr c90 Shamrock Properties Corp. EUSIKSS PHONE: _212-868-4777 350 Fifth Avenue Room 1826 treat * Please Contact: (516) 475-5656 -New Ynrlc- Oil PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU tate tp 20 Church Street, P.O. Box 110 Patchogue, N.Y. 11772 Attn: John J. Ha DESCRIDTICY OF PROJECT: (Briefly describe type of project Or action) Change of zone from A/R 80 to M Light Multiple (Realty subdivision of den_ .ty no greater than 131 Units on antis narcell (PLEASE COMPLETE EACH QUESTION - Indicate N.A. if not applicable) A. SITE DESCRIPTION (Physical setting of overall project, both develoned and undeveloped areas) 1. General character of the land: Generally uniform slope X Generally uneven and rolling or irregular 2. Present land use: Urban Industriali , Commercial , Suburban _ , Rl Forest Agriculture _X ,tether —� ura -- 3. Total acreage of oroject area: 11j.6ac res. _ Aoproximate acreage: Presently After Completion Presently After Complet Meadow or Brushland acres _acres dater Surface Area _acres __ ac Forested ___acres __acres Unvegetated (rock, agricultural earth or fill) _acres ac 11r�6aCrl5 �acres — -- Roads, buildinns 'lmtland (Freshwater or and other paved Tidal as ner Articles surfaces na, 7.5 or r.C.L.) --acres _acres __acres __ac Other (indicate tyne) _acres _ac a, rrat IS ^-edom,nar.t sail trpr(z) on oroject site? To_psoiland &_gravel mix_ S. a ._re :ner• be.dro'K outcro,)otnos on ^rnie.ct site.? re.s X_ Nr t . wma: is dr.oth to bedrock? NJA_..... _('n meet) 6. Approximate percentaoe of proposed project site with slopes: 0-10: 1 00 �• 1n.1S>• __; 15: or greater _i. ). is project contiguous to, or contain a building or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places? _Yes __L_ft !. What is the depth to the water table? ±50 feet 9. Do hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _Yes X No 10. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered - __Yes —X—"O. according to - Identify each species 11. Are there any unique or unusual land forms On the project site? (i.e. cliffs, dunes,—other geological fomations - _Yes _2L_No. (Describe 12. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation ) area - Yes _X_No. 13. Does the present site offer or include scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? Yet X No 14. Streams within or contiguous to project area: A. Name of stream and name of river to which it is tributary N/A 15. Lakes, Ponds, Vetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name N/A ; b. Size (in acres) 16. What is the dominant land use and zoning classification within a 1/4 mile radius of the project (e.g. single family residential, R-2) and the scale of development (e.g. 2 story), A Residential/Agricultural S. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned by project sponsor 115.6 acres. b. Project acreage developed: 115.6acres initially; 11 5.6acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped 0_ d. Lengti, of project, in miles: __VA (if appropriate) - e. If project is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of expansion proposed: building square foot. age ; developed acreage f. (lumber of off-strErt Parking spaces existing 0 proposed .pes_thfi•Zoning ordinance of the g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 520 (upon completion of project) Town of Southold h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: :ne Family Two Family Multiple Family Y Condominium Initial 131 Ultimate 131 i, If: Orientation e,gnborhood-City-Regional Estimated Employment Commercial Industrial j. Total height of tallest nronosea structure fret. Per the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold -2- M 2. Now much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site - _tons cubic yards. 3. Now many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site - 0 acres. e. Will any mature forest (Over 100 years old) or other totally-important vegetation be removed by this project? _Yes X No S. Are there any plans for re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? X Yes No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 48 months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased project: a. Total number of phases anticipated No. b. Anticipated date of commencement phase ' month year (including demolition) - c. Approximate completion date final phase month _wear. d. Is phase 1 financially dependent on subsequent phases? _Yes No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Yes _1—No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 25 : after project is complete 5 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Yes -IL--No. If yes, explain: 12. a. is surface or subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? -2L-Yes _40. b. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, irrdnst riel;ate-) sewage (domestic) c. If surface disposal name of stream into which effluent will be discharged N/A 13. Will surface area of existing lakes, ponds, streams, bays or other surface waterways be increased or decreased by proposal? _Yes ___X__No. 14. Is project or any portion of project located in the 100 year flood plain? _Yes X 0 15. a. Does project involve disposal of solid waste? Yes X No b. If yes, will an existing solid waste disnosat facility be used? Yes ilo c. if yes, give name: : location d. !fill any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? Yes __No 16. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Yes X No 17. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Yes X No 18. Will project produce o0erating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? _Yes __X_No 19. Will project result in an increase in energy use? X Yes _4o. If yes, indicate types) electricity 20. it water suoot is from wells indicate oumoin capacity sDecifications of the Suffolk y g per the/gats/minute. County Dep t. of 21. Total anticinated water usage per day29,Z5Q_oals/day. Health Services 22. Zoning: a. Ilhat 1s dominant zoning classification of site? _ aR/R()-_ b. Curren: specific zen,no classification of site AR 80 . !s or000sed use corslstep_ wit0 present zoningr NO d. If no, indicate desired zor,ng moi=Light Mtllti.lL1!`�*S.e.2..$fit ached note) 26. Approvals: a. Is any Federal permit required? Yes -1—NO b. Does project involve State or Federal funding or financing? _—Yes X No C. local and Regional approvals: Approval Required Submittal Approval (Yes, No) (Type) (Date) (Date) City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning Board y s on zone City, Town, Zoning Board City, County Health Department VPS Wa & ewer Other local agencies yes crvr Other regional agencies �_ State Agencies No Federal Agencies No C. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with the proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate or avoid them. PREPARER'S SIGNATORE: PF. . .F.TREAT & P lFTRFATI TITLE: At_ tornpv for Annlirant REPRESENTING: _R.TCHARTI T_ CARR DATE: JUNE 1 A_ 1 9R7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NOTE: In connection with this change of zone, the applicant will covenant, when granted, to reduce the density on the presently zoned M Norris Estates parcel to twenty-seven (27) units. _a. 1 y ' OREGON ROAD X 575 N.63°58'10 E. 383.56' 4 180'. 176's III III _ ly f 8. II S I � Q 2B I o M e w tb 41500+- S.F o 40500+_ S.F. 4 ti Up, V 'III III r o, L ED LEE ED + a C, b R p' MOr//n Sidor 8 Sons, Inc. -- Q s` 912E s I T;T 38500' o rn MIDDLE RD. INDFT RD.) 270''1 2 60.6 O III o. X I O e O N q 1 h o �� LOCATION MAP E 1 _ 57.5 SCALE 'I"= Boo' 770t,111,1e , \\ 10 - --- - - - - - - -- t O I�I R a � I I R 4!1 0 "OPEN SPACE" 1' IIIf 0 d AREA=13.5'- ACRES fn :il Up, O III ' 575 W Q TOWER IIII 1 / % p L ONO, L INC ' I � �NO L/GRT/NG � IIII - CO. EASEMENT p . , IIII I 22 N CL 21 0 2p �4 460001 S.F. '+ 430001 S.F 43pp03 SF 8 4j`�0• 5 .5 o �8 , I60's 160''- 123'+ III • N CONO. CURS r /SO` b0 '� 165'*- 200 ^_ ) I III I m li I Abce B. Berkmon / O ( 250'+- w ' I' formerly Danie/ Rulhinoski 425003 SF $ 40000*S.E o_ ! O ' ,4 ` ¢/ O /501. 9 111111 s� I / 46-4 Ieo't I t OR D' \ N 4p . - -- O N I I z7o� o, I II I 40000+ o / I _ i I S. I o F o" O - 1+ -�'----- - _ __-136857' _ 2701 RE . rn o o I+ \ ,• 41.0 X45 ' ----- --_ I IIII 270't , - 0 b qp / N X5 00 / ,-_ 1 - / - -�_ ..------- --- ° N \\ /l c N \ m I+ it I `♦ '( I, 1 z70'm 1. 1 - 44.5 " t A II GEE O 0 L IN R VINEYARDS ASSOCIATES I it "o ,N y lO I 37.5 I!4 375 1 p m PROPOSED SUBDIVISION p AREA = 65.8' ACRES 270'= '', 'O CLUSTER CALCULATION / II j / � Is I / / / I+ O ,65.8 X 43660 : 2866248 SX LOTS O �' Q 28fi624,8 &F X BO%,+ 800Q0:.'L@P� - T Al v z71'x i // -'--40 LIE. - 1 Oil'Z ZOZoO / i 46.0* ACRES N44.0 "OPEN SPACE" I p' AREA =22.4'- ACRES 270's 43.5 ❑ UR O X38.0 ( 270'+- + -- ' - ---- I, II\ - - - �6 I. AREA _ A RESIDENTIAL- CL . // SITE DATA; I I \ , 16.6580 ACRES 'll 11 2. ZONINGI'USE DISTRICT nE. i AGRICULTURAL T - - ------- - --'r 1 OTS - 30 4. LENGTHLOF ROAD - 850 L.F r �- 270't - - I 50. II II 1 N JII 6. AREOPE�dF SPACE SPACE 30.6 '°/35.6 ACRES' a a a + N II II I I I ) 48.0 T 5.60°5� 20"W. 270'+ 1 I I , 200 I s! 2' 00' 400'+- 48.5 \\SO. II II 11 // !^ / n/t R. arr BE m W m ) III m Ot' r6RARE 00 g \ 0 _/ II I A �'= -)' 5,F T , I �i I 80,000 h.F, 50.6 DNRw ES OI AREA - p '\ 4aa'1 DARN / \\ \ / ,I ,. ❑ ❑COOP � ---------- 45 - ! / fir- Sx ED aI.O p°DP \\ 1 N $ - L_� 'I /' f E°.1 \------- I b I at N pp� uliv, I ✓ 1 A 00 O \ 2"9 20 W. Np a 2 s�Y / /' II , o I+ \ 0.00' 0 FR. HSE. / r/ /Z40' '234.873 N 577 �2•co"6 I -I - \ ` ' 402JJ'+ 3 `---9Z1000 � // 73 82L,71 i' 176 58.22' 200.00 - - , v I L - - --��r / I I, 2I L;Ipp 4Bl.Sa - _ - _ - - _s z- 562°JT20'W / \' ____'_" � li , /1 ' +_ 658.32' -------- _ R=/885//' L-lBZ 890 �-- 5.62°37'20"W. 1 �_coonty of Suffolk ROA r- �/ \�I - ' MIODL��- - -"-' __IIII{ SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN FOR L 8 R VINEYARDS ASSOCIATES AT MArrirucK \ IMHUHRANI MIIRwMw„° AAAAAR,: TOWN OF SOUTHOCD �w \ I®fME ENIRBM IS A BEEP Q. 5 Bfft ISM G!DR� -T- TEAT, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. YNEW 4? �m "" w ' €6rlas of HERE sucver MAA x01 su.m, NOTE l ■- MONUMENT! �OUNO SCALE- HIT '� / LAND mxvevon s N1ID see'OR ❑- MONUMENT i LACED MEBUSUP VAL DULL NOT N MNSIDE90 j TOTAL AREA = 5.6580 ACRES re iE + v.RUS TRUE Corr. 4 SUFFCO.TAX P DIST. 1000 SECT/O/BL.O/LOT 003 , AUG. 20, 1985 fjDARANT IS INDICATES HEREON SHALL nun /000 /0/ 0/ 04.1 OCT. 2 , 1985 /, , 456ga DENY TQ{NF,PERSON FOR WHOM THE SUMVfI IS RRR'ARfD, AND On HIS THALR TO THE 1000 /O/ Ol 043 MAR. 14, /986 �' ' ri{u co"surc, covwNmENUI AOwcr AIS j ,/OG17 /O/ O/ 0M44 JULY l0, /986 lAMD SBF�f - r LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEwmN, AND /DDD III Of 005 TO THE ASSIGNEES OR ICE IEWING INSTIL /000 /00 O¢ 06/ AUG. 1, 1966 - TRADER. GUARANTEES AM NOT TRANSRM.0 ` YOUNGALDEN B YOUNG rO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SU.NRCUE R „ AUG. .4, l9Bfi - 4OWA W. YOUNG', ,RE S.RE.B L,S.C/C.NO.12845 �"'""R` HOWAROW YO(/NG,KY,S. LS'L/C.NO 458 ptl - I - - - - -- - - - III• - -- --- _— . , - - LOCA . LISY SK ETI '\ ROAD OREGON 0 I N.63-58'10"E, I I� 17 A IF mJ o N •� .q• h Wpr1 04 b I .Y I I A, Vb M` tpFp{ t0 N , W 4 8' LED 4 y° OR O €. O b AR Martin Sidor & Sons, Inc. ME o I I SRI, I , 0 3B3.00 ' Ir_ N.63 53 30"E, , IIII • e r w' � E v'c Ell e r` NE _ o G O • OW E 4M ♦ a^ 4..y" u.u1.1aIN. u R un \ w n r IIII II T • J.+ i _ — i. .— �` � � I 4,'` , ri. ` • EUYI ' WI[IGCE IMAM RYI i MY US s I � i OWER p LONTG /SL'QND L / HNT/ GCO. EASE NT �� _ ' N N 0 0 I 1 I I , d nO RI'. a jell ' I� 0, I'I' Alice B. Berkman �`n� W- II formerly Don/e/ Rufhinostri n� I N IIj4 • Yw � N OR mK I yu O M (11 NO II N64°02"50 E. 83B.69 EL 7 A 36857' q \ O • . VIII , , W N TOY f °' q I O T l i C I, I 2 4 N O O , I , I H O ° O C') AREA = 115.6580ACRES ' c COMPUTATIONS: Howard Young Young & Young 400 Ostrander Ave w � Riverhell NY r rr f, I oPumF ns E. p ADDENDUM:* Henry E. Raynor,, Jr. *Some addendums approximate subject to Young & Young , III revised map N EST RD O IT n Rl ' V ,S.6P°56'2OI N! i! ; i 2E:o 00 / 2 N EOO -N o - n - - ---- - - EO O' o E'+ m• ZONING CLASSIFICATION: sN Eo c°wF w o .� All surrounding areas zoned AR80 T ' = 80,0006,F eneM �' II I'Suf�alk County ,Planning' Comnission ' Jurisdiction AREA - - - - ZONING: AR80 o C �1E.. .ARM- I'y II CU°V " a III ' p ° ❑ EIROf 3 SPEEDO ❑ _ q W . b li O ally 4eusE -- 5.62"9720F7W. R^V O env 40.00 2 O FIE. N 6 E. /7401 , 241.87 //746 , PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONE I 3, 527°?2'40"E. ,� /60.06' 50.00' 402.37 From ARBO 52.52 l000 �_ 60°35120"W To M-1 p� 6 6 79 S 6:1 General Multiple 632 DA' 176781 —., �� 30 , , - __- •I Residence) ._.- �- 5.6?°37170"W' 27 R— 5.62°3720"W. 48L64 658.32' Lounry o/ S°/Yo/k III R Rc/BBS.//' L=/B7891 1 ROAD M I DDL E I'P; MINOR SUBDIVISION PREPARED FOR L 8 R. VINEYARDS ASSOCIATES III, AT MATTITUCK D .- TOWN OF SOUTHOL ,t OF SE NF . SUFFOLK COUNTY, N 5. w Ulnux,.R° .Lalo,non OR ADDGEq NOTE l ■= M II UMENT FOUND N 1 D �O m TELI SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF ❑- M61 UMENT PL ACED S'CAL E' I = /00 * r04FP W A St 7104 7209 or THE NEW YORK STAR - EDUCAIION LAW ID+ 3 TQTA9�AREA - 117 4945 ACRES CONEE OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT RMRM L' ID - I THE LAIH sunvvuns INrcsD s5u OR I'a _ - � 4 5f)FF �O TAX DIST 1000 SECT 101 BL K.0/ Lor 004 AUG. 20, 1.985 p THEOSSD EUHVSHAu HOTSEFAILOR eR 113 � - John C Tuthill � I ' /000 /0/ 0/ 003 OCT. 2 , 1985 it TO EE E veu0 TRUE L NO Young C Pak 1000 /00 04 P/O 006 _ DEC. 2, 1985 TO U A VA ID TRUE Eo HEREON sNALL NUN John C T IX residence vacant-land-- 1 .�. vacant Yell � "�r+� _ r'Q, O. ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVO (] 1 • B 95893 yDF IE PREPARED, AI4D ON HI5 BEHALF TO THE 1�{ b - �y LLW TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AM ^� 7 John C 'fUt}�ill YBUN /R'T.EN.w'E LENDING INSTnunon LISTED HeRLON, AND N t 'vacant lana ALDEN W. YS.P.EAEL.S.LICERI TD THE ASSIGNEES OF THE INNING Ell HOWARD W YOUNG,NYS.L.S. CIC.NO.45893 NUl GUARANTEES ARE NOT T ANSIRI r0 ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SIIREFOII[Y - .PEES. Irk III