HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-101.-2-22 o
6 copies sketch plan received
spot elevations
sent to Planning Board~
Meet with Planning Board
Required changes sent in writing
New submission received
Approval of sketch plan
Sent letter with resolution app5oving
Application and fee
If corporation, affidavit of ownership
6 copies of final map
Covenants and restrictions
Description of property
Note on plat that sanitation ans water facilities
meet County Board of Health specifications
Developer attend meeting (official submission)
Public Hearing within 45 days)
Advertised Affidavits of publication
Action by Planning Board (within 45 days)
Sent to County Planning Commission
Received County's recommendations
Filed covenants and restrictions received
Authorization and signing of map
HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chairman
Southold, N.Y. 11971
July 13, 1983
Mr. Hallock E. Tuthill
RR Box 183-C
Cutchogue, New York 11935
Dear Mr. Tuthill:
Prior to any action by our Board, please supply our
office with six (6) copies of an updated survey. The
surveyed map in our files is dated May 13, 1937.
Also please be advised that the present zoning require-
ment for a building lot is two acres (80,000 square feet).
Thank you for your cooperation.
Very truly yours,
By Susan E. Long, Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board
Tov~ Hall
Southold, New York 11971
The following statements are offered for your consideration
in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its
referral to the Suffolk County Planuing Commission:
No grading, other than foundation excavation for a
residential building is proposed.
No new roads are proposed and no changes will be made in
the grades of the existing roads.
No new drainage structures or alteration of existing
structures are proposed.
Yours truly
~------~) -;l'--~ order to onswer the questions ±n LhLs short EAF i¢ Ls assume
the[ ~he prepoz-er v$i~ use currenLL7 ovot.iobie Lnfor~o~on concernLng the
project ond thc: libel/ ~m~acLs of ibc ac~on.
odditiono] s{udie~, rc:~ecrch or other ~nves¢i~otions will be undertaken.
(b) If any question has been answered Ye~ the projec~ may be
(c) If all questions hove been answered Ho it is likely ~hot ibis
projcc~ i5 mol
(d) 5nvironmtn~al A s sc r, sr,nenl '
to ibc project site or physically alter more
[h~:n 10 acre5 of l~nc~? ..................... Yes
2. %/i!1 there bcc major char]g% ~o on7 unique ~ ' '
-u~,usuol lc:nd foxm found on the
3. %'/ii1 pro~cc~ o!~er or here s larQe~ e~ ,cc~ ~ on' ' '
exis~inU bad7 of ws[:~r? ..................... Yes,
4. %7111 projcci hove o po~entiol!~ lor~c impoc~ ' '
5. Will projcc~ significcntly cfFec~ drainage
flow on adjacent si[es? ....................... Yes ~ No
6. %','ill projec[ off ecl om)' threatened or
endangered plonL or animal species? .......... Yes
7 %'/ill projes~ resalt in o major '
8. %'/ill prnjcc~ hc~vc o mo jar elf cc% on visual
c}~c;rac~cr of ~he coramunity or scenic views or
v~sto_$ l;nown to be: importoni Eo
~,~ communz
Y Ulil project odver~e!y ~mpoc[ ony s..~e or ..
structure of his. torte, prehistoric or
paleon~o!ogicc:l lapel lance or o;~>' site
designated os ~ cri[icc:l environmen%ol orca
10. Will project hove a major effect on cxis~ih0
nzL_e ........... Yes. ~ No
or fuLurc recreational oppor~u '
11. %,'.%1~ projec% result in .major traffic problems
or. cour. c o major efifcc~ ia existing
¢ran=porLoi~on sys'Lemr~? ....................... Yes ~ No
12. Will project .raouiorly cause objec~ionoble
odors, noise, glare, vibration, or clcc~ricoI
disturbance os a rcsu!t of tile proj"
operolion? ......... ' ............................ Yes
13. %'/ill project J,avc on)' ixqoocl on public }~oal[h ''
o~ .5oJ o ..................................... es o
14. Will pPojc:ct off cci the exlstin9 community by
directly causing o growth in permcncnt
populolJon of more than 5 pcrccni over o one
year perioc} or }love o mo jar ncqolive effect
on {he choroclcr of ~he communi~7 or
nci~hbor}lood? ................................. Yes
]5. ]5 [~crc public controversy concernin~
project? ......................................
§ A106-20 SOUTHOLD CODE § A106-21
§ AI06-20. General requirements.
Before making auy offer to sell, or before entering into a con-
trac: for the sale of, any part of a proposed subdivision, and before
any permit for the erection of a structure, removal of topsoil or for
dredging any channel in such 'subdivision shall be granted, and
before undertaking any land clearance, grading or channel
dredging operations? the subdivider shall apply to the Planning
Board for approval of such proposed subdivision in accordance
with the requirements and pursuant to the procedures set forth in
these regulations.
§ AI06-21. Sketch plan.
A. Submission of sketch plan. The applicant shall submit to
the Planning Board at least two (2) weeks prior to the
regular meeting of the Board twelve {12) copies of the
sketch plan of the proposed subdivision, with road profiles
and topographic elevations at five-foot contours and the
proposed drainage areas. Such plan shall comply ;vith the
requirements of Article IV, § A106-40. [Amended 5-8-73]
B. Discussion of improvements, requirements and
(1} At its meeting with the applicant, the Planning Board
should discuss the objectives of these regula;ions and
the requirements for street improvements, drainage,
sewerage, water supply, fire protection and other
similar aspects. In addition, the review will cover the
availability of existing services and other pertinent
(2) At this meeting, the Planning Board shall classify the
proposed subdivision as a minor or major subdivision,
as defined in these regmlations. However, wl~en it
deems it necessary for protection of the public health,
§ A],06-21
§ A106-22
safety and welfare, the Board may require that a
minor subdivision comply with all or some of the
requirements specified for major subdivisions. If a
proposed subdivision is classified and approved as A-'
minor subdivisinn, the subdivider shall then comply
with the procedure outlined in Article II, § A106-22,
of these regulations. If it is classified as a major
subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the
procedures outlined in Article II, §§ A106-23, A106-24
and AI06-25.
Study of sketch plan. The Planning Board shall determine
whether a subdivision sketch plan meets the purposes of
these regmlations. Any changes to be made on the proposed
subdivision map required by the Planning Board shall be
submitted, in writing, to the applicant or his duly
authorized representative. All such changes shall be in-
corporated in the applicant's next submission to the
Planning Board.
§ A106-22. Approval of minor subdivision.
A. Application and fee.
(1) Within six (6) months after the approval of the sketch
plan by the Planning Board, the subdivider shall
submit an application for approval of a final plat. If
such application is not received within slx (6) months,
the Planning Board approval of the sketch plan shall
expire. The plat shall follow the layout of the sketch
plan, as approved by the Board, plus any recom-
mendations made by the Planning Board. Said ap-
plication shall also conform to the requirements listed
in Article IV, § A106-41.
(2} All applications for plat approval for minor sub-
divisions shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars
(850.) or twenty-five dollars ($25.) per lot, whichever is
greater. [Amended 4-22-80]
B. Number of copies. Six (6} copies of the final plat shall be
presented ta the Planning Board at least two (2) weeks
prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting.
AI0609 a-25-8o
§ A106-22 SOUTHOLD CODE § A106-23
C. Subdivider to attend Planning Board meeting. The suB--'
divider or lfis duly authorized representative shall attend
the meeting of the Planning Board to discuss the final plat.
D. When officially submitted. The final plat shall be con-
sidered officially submitted only when all the surveys,
plans, required certifications and signatures and other data
requLred in Article IV, § A106-41, are submitted complete
and in good form, together with the application and fee, at
regular meeting of the Planning Board.
E. Public he~ing. Before the Planning Board shall asr on the
final plat, it shall hold a public hearing in accordance with
§ 276 of the Town Law.
F. Action on subdivision plat. The Planning Board shall,
within forty-five t45) days from the public hearing date,
approve, approve with modification or disapprove the final
Preliminary plat for major subdivision. [Amended 5-
A. Application and fee.
(1) Prior to the filing of an application for the approval of
a major subdivision plat, the subdivider shall file with
the Town Clerk an application in duplicate for the
approval of a preliminary plat of the proposed sub-
division, in the form prescribed in Article IV, § A106-
42. Tbe preliminary plat shall comply with the re-
quirements set forth in these regalations, including
Article IV, § AI06-42, and 8§ 276 and 277 of the
Town Law.
(2) The application filed with the Town Clerk shall be
accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.) plus five
dollars (S5.) per acre, or part thereof, in the proposed
subdivf~ion and an inspection fee equal to four percent
{4%) of the amoonr, of the approved performance bond.
§ A106-38 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § A10fi-a0
to such tidewater, together ~vith the necessary stairways,
walks or other facilities to afford convenienl, access to such
waterway. [Amended 5-8-73]
Docu~nents to be Submitted
§ A106-40. Sketch plan.
A. The sketch plan initially submitted to the Planning Board
shall be based on the town tax map, at a scale of one
inch equals one hundred { 100) feet. The sketch plan shall be
submitted showing tbe following infcrmation:
A key map showing the location of the proposed
subdivision and the distance to tt~e nearest existing
street intersection.
(2) All existing structures, wooded areas, streams and
other significant physical features within the area to
be subdivided and within two hundred (200) feel,
l,hereof. Contours shall be indicated al, intervals of not
more than five (5} feet except for minor subdivisions,
where contours will be required only upon request of
the Planning Board. Two-foot contours may be
required by l,he Planning Board where drainage
problems are deemed to exist.
{3t The name of the subdivision property owner and of all
adjoining property owners as listed on the town tax
(4) To~vn tax map, school district number and sheet
(5) Location of available utilities and of proposed,
mapped or existing streets.
(6) The proposed lot and street layout, including
recrea[ion areas; systems of drainage, sewerage and
water supply {see § A106-41C below) within the
subdivided area.
§ A106-40 SOUTHOLD CODE ,~..A106-41
(7) Notations of ail existing restrictions on the use of
land, including easements, covenants or zoning lines.
B. A statement in affidavit form shall be submitted setting
forth the names and addresses of all persons, corporations,
partnerships and associates having an interest, direct or
indirect, in the subdivision, and the nature of such interest.
[Added 5-8-73]
§ A106-41. Minor subdivision plat.
A. In the case of minor subdivisions only, the final plat ap-
pIication shall include ali information shown on the ap-
proved sketch pIan plus the following information:
(1) A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are
intended to cover ali or part of the tract.
(2) An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the
tract, giving complete descriptive data by bearings
and distances, made and certified to by a licensed
engineer or land surveyor. The corners of the tract
shall also be located on the ground and marked hy
monuments as approved by the Town Engineer, and
shall be referenced and shown on the plat.
(3) All sanitation and water supply facilities shall be
designed to meet the specifications of the County
Board of Health, and a note to this effect shall be
stated on the p!at and signed by a licensed engineer.
(4) Proposed subdivision name and name of the town and
"county in which it is located.
(5) The date, North point, map scale, name and address of
record owner and subdivider.
B. If ~his plat is ko be filed wi~h the County Clerk, it shall be
printed upon linen or be clearly drawn in india ink upon
tracing cloth. The size of the sheets shall not exceed thirty-
six by twenty (36 x 20) inches to comply ~vith Section 335
of the Real Property Law.
To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold:
The undersigned applicant berehy applies for (tentative) (final) approw~l of a subdivision plat
accordance with Article 16 of tbe Town I.aw and tbe Rules and Regnlations of tile Soutbold Town
Planning Board, and represents and states as follows:
1. The applicant is the owner o~ record of the land nnder application. (If the applicant is not tile
owner of record of the land nnder application, the applicant shall state his interest in said
land under application.)
2. The name of the subdivision is to he ...................................................
3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed
4. The land is held hy tbe applicant under (leeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as
Liher .... '.~- .~'~.7 ........... Page .... /..~t..Q(7: ............ (-)n ............. ~/.~..;
Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... :
Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ;
Liher ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ;
Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ;
as devised under the Last Will and Testament of .......................................
or as distributee .......................................................................
5. The area of the land is ..... ,0-~,~ .~.: .... acre/l.
6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the (late hereof bare been paid except ............
7. Tbe land is encumbered by .............................................................
mortgage (s) as follows:
(a) Mortgage recorded in l,iber .............. Page .................. in original amount
of $ .............. unpaid amount $ ..................... beld by ......................
.............. address ..............................................................
(b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ......... Page ....................... in original amount
of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ......................
.............. address ...............................................................
(c) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in orig'inal amount
of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ......................
...................... address .........................................................
There are no other encumbrances or liens ~tgainst the ]and except ........................
9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts .......................................
i0. No part of the land lies under water whether title ~vater, stream, pond xvater or otherwise, ex~
11. The applicant shall at his expense iustall ail required public improvemeuts.
12. The land (e~) (does not) lie in a \Vater District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis-
trict, if within a District, is .............................................................
13. Water rnaius will be laid by ...........................................................
and (a) (no) charge will he made for installing said mains.
14. Electric lines and standards will be installed hy .........................................
..................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said
15. 'Gas mains will he installed hy ...........................................................
and (a) (no) charge will be made for iostalling said mains.
16. If streets shown on the plat are clai~ned by the applicaut to he existing public streets in the
Suffolk County Ilighway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same.
17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing pnblic streets in the
Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same.
18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the hind which are not located an,1 shown
on the plat.
19. Where the plat shoxvs proposed streets which are extensious of streets on adjoining sub-
division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said
existing maps at their coujunctions with the proposed streets.
20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer prot~f of title as required 1)y Sec.
335 of the Real Property Law.
21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restricti,ms, covenants, etc. Annex
Schedule "D".
22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required puhlic iml~rovements will be
$ .......... as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the ~naturity of the
Performance Bond be fixed at .............. years. The Performance Bond will he wrilten by
a licensed surety company nnless otherwise shown on Schedule "F'.
DATE ..... ~ .................. , 19~x ~}~c/~' ~,
(Name of Applicant)
(Signature and Title)
..... ,. ~.&---.OC~m... : x. . to me known to be the individual described in and who
executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that . .~.~ ..... executed the same.
STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ............................ ss: term fix~ires March 30. 19~
On the ................ day ............ of .............. , 19 ...... , before me personally came
................... to me known, who being by me dnly sworn did
pose and say that ............ resides at No ....................................................
......................... that .......................... is the ..........
.................. Of ........................................................................
the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows
the seal of said corporation: that the seal affixed hy order of the board of directors of said c~rporation.
and that ............ signed .............. name thereto by like order.
Notary Public