HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-101.-1-19.1 P~NGBOARDMEMBEJP RICHARD G. WARD Chairman GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~~~ ylY '1.UfFOl.t ~ Y SSJj<\) t'a ~ ,1)~ ~'" v ~ ~~ ~ Q . ::: '~ en ce .~ 'I. "0 J;p.~ '" 4t. · .....; ~ ~O ~",,~,.} ~ '.I + i'~,y ~~~J- .' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11'19 Southold, New York 119'11 Fax (516) '165.3136 Telephone (516) '165..1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 6, 1996 Robert R. Samolewski 472 Meadow Road Kings Park, NY 11754 RE: Farm Stand Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-101-1-19.1 Dear Mr. Samolewski, The Planning Board has received your letter of January 12, 1996, requesting a waiver of site plan requirements for your proposed farm stand. The Board reviewed the sketch of your farm stand and parking requirements included with your letter and finds them acceptable. Therefore, the Board grants a waiver of site plan requirements for your seasonal farm stand. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. (2:tJ!! r~ Chairman ;';:7,;~~:~di::72 JJ4J(--J-!;n o;J, U!h/ ~ ~ .23'0- )( .1 ~ d- a4Z;~ ~ <J If'I ?;"~M"~ /<' ^" ;f. ~ a/:t J YY 1'" ~ ,/ , r Ae ./1 k~~ ~~~,p"- .~,-/. tl z~ ~ ('-f! ~--v ~ / c.' ". c> 4J. ~. // ;(" ~__________ . . Robert R. Samolewski Alvah's Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 January 12, 1996 Town of South old Planing Dept. Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Bob Kassnar, Please tind information you requested for my proposed farm stand on Route 48 in Cutchogue. If there is any additional information you would need please let me know. Respectfully ~v~~/4. Tele 7~i-0339 JAN 2 6 1900 Sui' ~. KK ""..L' ..----..~... -I~ ------.-+-~.-.,~-. , , , ' " .: I L_~~~ i " I -f------.-----l--f--.---~-----,- -----,.---+_.~..,- I I: I 1'1 I: I i.l: i 'I .~~ --I ~i"--'-~L: . -, , ! ,-, I ! I I' I ',:: I : . L~__ : I I ! 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'><. :s- 1 " "'-- .::."L.J "::,, , - ~) ~'-"i V") . '-~.- T ",;' '{ ~- 'i._~ , t'\ , \l :\ "> ,~" '- -:;, '^ L\. I J -""I ~ '"'- , ~'"X> - ,I "" '>-... >- -", \.;; ~ <0 N . . . . . . . ~ tj/J I'.K Robert R. Samolewski Alvah's Lane CutchogueN.Y.11935 January 12, 1996 Town of Southold Planing Dept Southold, N. Y 1197\ Dear Mr. Richard G. Ward, Please find enclosed a proposed Farm stand and Greenhouse that I would like to put up on my Family Farm. I had a telephone conversation with a most helpful Bob Kasner of planing. He recommended that I send you this information so you could review it and make any recommendations before I submit my application for permits. For the last 8 years my family and I have been pulling out our wagons to sell our produce and nursery stock on Route 48. We hope to make it a Little more permanent and a little less work. Please advise me if you have any suggestions or ifit is O.K. ~~~~~ Respectfully Robert R. Samolewski Mailing Address: Robert R. Samolewski 472 Meadow Rd. Kings Park, N. Y 11754 My Telephone # 757-0339 I~D~ ~ m fr'i: ' , II ii!-'~c,-, IJu L:,.'.~6.m> L f'~~..:.._,.. . . . J 11</ r ~ - ~ . ~ ~ ~J 1 ~ ~~ ~ t~ ~ L(~ ~I; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ "'-..l 1 ~ , I:) \') ~ " ~ ~ @ ~ ~ \. """ -<!. ~ ~ ....:.. ~ ~ ~ ~ " , J.. ~ 50 ~~~ ~ I:U ...... IS i \) }~ ,- ~ \t -.\ Si?r1 "(XC I ~ r;f~1 f fJ If. KirJ I- ~ ~ ~( I ) 1 3tJO r :}:y( If 07!?! If~ , . I ~ I lJ) " , r..: ." Ar, ,.-- .1 \0 -, , i ~ ., , I --.1 ! I \ I I \ I 0 U1 ". i - - _, .~ +-, I " . ..-' dJ .~ ~.- ""--1 L , < '.1' , C: ~_.-I ..J C' II) r-' , , ;- - --, j , , I u I , - I I I r' -. I 1.' I , """ . h . So . i '" .'1 . i l[l -r 50... 4 :> .J <i "~--"'",,,,,,,,",,,,- J . "I 1>0 I I , i I -----.--- "" '1"' -J) 'iii--....----. '8 -N .\n IT) i o TEST WE'LL1 ... -~ "t ~? >9 "\ , . "'1 ,.... ~<:' . '{-<l- EI '3 (;S'. 64 .2'" 800:A.J'::}.F . .. 3~J9.64 ;.3. 2O,OCX) S. F. .300.2 I 559'0610 W. 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