HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-98.-1-3 ""--;:::r;;.~,,,,~," '-~'-" _~_"""".~}'~,f'~:_..,,,,\~,, ,___._:-,,'~;;~~<"'-:;"';l!:~Jli':1':"'~~"i,~:\'....,".._ ___.~".~}mr'{;;..-'''I:::'r~:C(;,n~~":~,,~''l!t'::r.:,,,:-~'~~':~![':';17~::'"~r~~"""::;1Yf:\~~';:l'~':'~'t':!~~~__ Southold. N. Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREPilRIg}{ i gQRBQU JAMES WALL BENNE'l"l' ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCffiE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 March 10, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Gehring 1170 Leslie Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gehring: Enclosed please find correspondence from Lawrence Tuthill, Town Engineer with regard to the conditions stated in your letter of February 5, 1982. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary Enc. ____.:..-~_._::.:,"_k':~"'_ ----'-'-----"""-. _ _.~"'''''''~ ....~^~!-..="'-..",.~!Io.,'~:l'.~'.'f.'~.:.,. '_""""''''~ ,...'~"~"'i,'t__' ~......... ~~ {. ~_,'~.'", _",_,~w.!,,~ .,?i~',:--IT:~l;~'Z~';;', ~.~';,.1"ii~...~.~~".' _ _>..,,",-,..,..~:~"'t""""""'''_T.''''''-''_''''''''~'}Zl;""'!Y__c~,. ...::.. LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PRDFE881DNAI. ENGINEER INLET LANE IEXT. GREENPDAT, N.Y. 11944 IllIIlEEN..aRT 7-16.2 February 18, 19112 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. lChairman Southold Town P~anning :eoard Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ReI Residence of Mr. Philip Gehring, tot fIB !ay HONS 1170 Leslie Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mr. Raynor: Mr. 'l.aymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways and I rode by the above mentioned residence. :It. was noted that there was no run-off from the highway. '!he property slopes away from the road to a natural low area at the end of the rear yard. :It. is presumed that this area is where ponding would take place during periods of fro.en ground. 'lbis is a natural occurance throughout South old Town and is not caused by the subdivision of land. To date the problem of flooding in areas of when the ground is fro.en has not warranted legistation or regulation for the protection of the home owner. This particular case is a gQ(!d example for the need of professional reports to be secured from prospective hOllle ownsre before purchasing property. At that time they would be fore warned of such probable conditions. nen the p,"pective buyer could de___e whether this condition would be eo offensive to him. At this time we have no solutions. Sincerely yours, ~/ _....;~_.. A ~ ~ YIf ~,,-, -,-....,.... Y' - ~".~"'--. ,c~.' ,,,,,,.."'H.~rn-""""-'-!"~'~~.0""~._''''''~''''''~.',",'C'O-... .",,_":~ ~~ ~"''''. ._,._,,...., . ~=..~---.. .~ , ^..' . .-. V. K:"" . CElVED 8Y , RE, 'HU~ll\b BUMlD SO\l1lIUill 1U'li~ l""lI' . . .J / /kIf I~:V ~~V y-. ~j 1\10 Lc:SLlc ~'o~ (v-rc..!,.\-oG:.u', 10'1 1l~~S- 'F~wA~'f S/I~flZ. lOw,:) ?LAA>A>' #.) ~ ~o~ Sou'T1toL 1:> I ~ 'f ~ 1:>........ "",--, ~, _ ~ " r .l- . l\ '-~ Ino 'L...R... ~. /Y. "- ~~_ ' Y--.-"-~ ~ ~ , o~ " (\3A>J \lo"f~, Lor #-%), \i.lL .J.....~_ '- ""..... ~. ",: i"" ~~ ~ ~ --lo a. ~.<=.' c...:o ~ \..u.c-. ~ ...... , '-v<- ~ ,,/...., ~ -{-.. ~ ,I.........t- ~~ ~~ c.--\c." --- 0.-..0 ~:Q'- {-. ?~ ~, ~. 'j i.:..o ~ c9. . .~ : \\ .J> \....- ov-- c:..o.......... '-0 ~ o. _ 0."..." ~t>'-'.," 9... \\, 1~16\ d -rQ~ ~. ~~ e~ ~ '- ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~.~~ ~4 ~~-\-.~ ~ ~ ~ '-~ ~." 'a ~. ~'-"o ..v"'.~ ...j) J r"";""J ~ ~ .......+- p. ~~.;~ ~'" ~''''',. 0.0 -h:. ~~ ~ --\..0 ~. ~"" ~ """'--~ ~ p~-\..."... w- <f"J """ ~-tL ~ p ..!)....p o..-.D -I:l-....-l, 't ~~, ............ ~.. 'ow 'Y' ~ ". ~v Qj) ,k.. ~ .:.... ..,~ .~ t- ~;. i -C-"~~':~':"""-':':""'- .c...'_u-t~?"J'"1Y:...~".-:"~~,,~,,~,,?,,,'7':";,~--.,,;'f"'.~''J!,'. _ ~ ~ _ ,.,...."r...,,,, '.,,1['.. . .. .. ...~.,~ ,."......,"'~~:~.""~r~". ~._..._,_.__,_~..~. _ -..,__. ~__, _~ '~'_""'.~; .,.,.;,~___ , .. /j~,.r ~ ~~.:~* ~~ ~ ~ ~..~ ~'~_.'-4. u~ ~~ ~-\- OUA- ~ '-- ~"". J? ~JL ~ 0 ~ .J.~-\ ~ ~ p~-t.......... ~ -tL.. to,.~ , ~+ ~ h'~~'.;::t.~ - ~4.... p~ ~ ~ '- tl..c... ('-,. "-^- t~~~... '/ { r-D~ ~ t~....'l-' Ou-- ~~~ ~ "- ~~ ot ~ ~o~ 0-0 ~ pct;-. ,:t CPh ~ po ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ '-- ~ (A>..... W.... ~€"...u'.~~ ,<\lSV" ~+ ~ '-- ~ r'""-~ 9a ~~ ~ ~J ~..-lL ~ '^-D ~ -r~tt- S"'Z.~ s-. ~':" \)~ 'j~ ~~~, ~/?? ~)j~ ~":%;'.""""<""!"C'~'>::::~"''''''''~'_'''~''_~,,~~~~., .~ ~ ... ~~...~i'''!''_ ......".__"' '."''W ~";"fW"'''-'!l'''>'''-'-'-'''"'- ."'._,~,- ,.~-.;i)''''''.~Y-'._ . Q .,_.~""..."....",.....-,!}..~j~ T Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. ChaIrman I'RSBEAISK E 9gAI?WJ JAMES WALL BENNETI' ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765. 1938 February 11, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gehring 1170 Les lie Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gehring: We are in receipt of you letter dated February 5, 1982 and have forwarded copy of same to our Town Engineer and Superintendent of Highways for their review on this matter and possible suggestions to alternatives to alleviate your situation. This board will await input and possible decisions from the office of the Superintendent of Highways. very truly yours, Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board sel cc: Superintendent of Highways Town Engineer . .,_ ,,> """1-".>.,,, .f. " \ , ."l(.~'" .~.... ......... . '.- SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LESTER M. AlBERT~N'~'~~' COUNTY CLERK RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 June g. 1972 11.1. GWl'lli:ralLoli: F.ains. DiC,)uty 'l're.:" ~mn:r SQuthold Plannin& Board SQuthol~ Board or A.lessors Owns:~;: Clo....sen Constnlct1on Corp. 'liU. No. 07-67;;0$ To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: BAY HOMJi;S AT P~CONIC Was Filed, 6/2/72,<1:JOP.ff1. File Number, J72) Abstract Number, ?OOG Township, South old Book, 1) Page, 17 Very truly yours, ~J&M<f-I.~ ~ounty Clerk"': Map Deurtment Form 49 "'i PHONE: PARK 7-4700 ;".,."..,~_~~",_..""""""",:,,..,.,.~r '.,~...,-'~~_._ ~__ ~ ","",,~,<~,~'C""'~"_'~ _.""~;,l'l';:i~'lf!'-,~..____.,,..'DlJ" W";.,.~_".k.,""","'f!.":,"'_':'_-""_~_"""~~'~"_'__ .J. Ol'IIl ~)d.". .I.~t:;...4 SCDH . . Suffolk County Department of Health Riverhead, New York Division of Environmental Health Services CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS Clausen Construction Corporation 340 North Bicycle Path Road Selden, New York 11784 TO: This certificate is issued under the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connec- tion with the approval of plans on .~~:!!. .2.o.~ .~??~.. for your realty subdivision known as BAY, HOMES ........................................................................................ The following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans. LocatioGU:t:<;~qg~!l.,. .~ql'!~. 'If. ~.0.41:~ql ~.,. .S.4~\ql~. ~~.4~~):, 1. ~!'!~. .Y.q~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acres (approx.) .) 0,2.9.6 No. of Lots ... J P. . . Size (approx.) . .4.4,000. ~R.U.a.r:fl . fee:t. . . . . . . . . Owner intends to ..b.lIi.l~.tlPJJ.s.gs. .Ol))y..................................................... Topography .gentle .slope............................................................... Depth to Ground Water - Max: . .?9.'. Min: .1~.'.. When . ~!l.r.<;~ .1~??.................... Soil.. 2.'. .top. SP.il .and. ]p,am; .6'.'. cJay.; .sao~.lI11.cI.gr.m~J................................ Grading (cut or fill) .NQt. to. 'affect. design.of.s.ewage.d:isp.osal.fac.i.l.i.ties............ Drainage . .~~. !lPP.r:q'{~<,l.!>y. .~~El.Tl?\'I~..o.~ .~q~~r~.l.c!............... ... ..................... Water Supply ... .Qn .eactl. .1.o.t . il)~jy.i.d.lIal.weJJ.s. .C;QI}~j:f~.C.t.~q . 1D. !f\pJ1.n.ex. \lPPf!l.V.~q .~.Y. ~t1e Suffolk County Department of Health and minimum of 100 feet horizontal distance . . . ; . . .f-r-om. nea.r.est. sewage. .disposal .system.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S wa e lots 1, 2 & 7 - On each lot, one 900-gallon minimum liquid capacity approved type septic tan~ c~nnectea.to.tw6.approved.type.precast.or.D16ck.cessp661s'eacn'developing'a'minimum of 150 squar~. fll.e.t; .Qf. )~p~.h.i.rJg. 9-fllp. .b.~l.Q~. t~ll. .i.rJ1 ~j:. p.i.p.~ .il} .111l:t.u.r:C\1. . Qr. ~11.d.i.~~l!r!>!l~. .lI]E!4i ~f!1~~.oarse sand and/or gravel, or in the case of unusual soil, the excavation is to be carried to a depth until a .6-foot strata..of.. vi rg:i n .long. I s.land .s atld. a.nd .grave.l. .is . eocounter.ed. an.d. .the . poo). .i.s . proyj ded wi th a minimum 3-foot sand and gravel collar for a one-family house as specified on approved plans. lots.3-6 -' On. -eaeA' lot. -one '9f)O~ga-"1(lI'l'll1~ n.i111um.l i qu.i<l .eaJ:lacHy. .apJ:lr0ved .type. sep.ti.Q . tank. connected Approval of this subdivision is granted on condition: to one approved type precast or block cesspool 1. That the proposed facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are installed in con- developing formity with said plans. a minimum . 2. That P!iyate sewage di.sposal systems shaH no longer be constructed or used after public of 300 A. sewerage faCllibes become available. square feet of leaching area below the inlet :c an Tuyl and Son pipe in natural or undisturbed medium-coarse Bldg. Dept. Southold (T) ,,- .~_ . _ fA sand and/or gravel, or. Dept. of State _ Subdivided.land Unit /~~~in.the case of un~sual Federal Housing Administradon ., so11, the excavatlon Rl'verhead Off' . ~: W. Davld.s, P. E. Director,. is to be carried lce DIVISIon of EnVIronmental SamtatlOnt d th t'l o a ep un 1 a 6-foot strata of virgin long Island sand and gravel is encountered and the pool is provided with a minimum 3-foot sand and gravel collar . for a one-family house as specified on iooroved clans. 'igqfu~ ;!El~parlnumt ~ofun of ~out!jolb 'ew:nir, ~. 1. 11958 . RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent . Tel. 785-3140 734-5211 Ma, 4. 1972 , ; 'l'be Pl.-la. Beu:cl TeInl of Seat_1d SolItbe1d. ... YOJrk GnU_' I baft iaapected the up ad app_ the la,_t el tile 10"(.) at Ba, ....... lap Cl_ OIIIIt. 0.. .. _tb aicI8 of Lealie liD... But Qatcbe.... 11ft YOJrk. RCD.a tnl, you.~ RAYaD C. D1IAN. Slap't. of Hi.....'. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF I1EAHING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearing will be held hy the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road Southold New York, in said Town on th~ 22nd day of May, 1972, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day. No. 1 - Upon application of Clarence C. Fleet for approval of subdivision Map entitled Big Green Acres at Cutchogue, New York, consisting of parcel of land of 9.5 acres, situated at Cut- chogue, in the Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north by line of Stepnoski and Blairon; on the east by Stillwater Avenue; on the south by Hand Estate; on the west by Fleets N@ck Road (also known as,~,jash Avenue). No. .2 - Upon application of Clausen Construction Co., Inc. for approval of subdivision Map entitled B~y Homes, Cutchogue, New York, consisting of parcel of land of 10.29 acres, situated at Cutchogue, New York, and bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north by Leslie Road; on the east by land of Ponti no; on the south by land of P. Kujawski; on the west by land of M. Kujawski. Any person desiring to be heard on the alxlve proposed sub- division should appear at the time and place alxlve specified. DATED: May 1, 1972, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 f ss: J :-!:,1>art c. I>Jr':;r be- d I S ........ ................ .............. mg uy worn. says that . .".~. " is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that thE' notia:. of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in E'Qch week, for . , ....... ?)1,e. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. weeks . I . the eleventr SUCceSSIVe, y oom~nc:~ng on . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . " ~~~l '970 day of .. ", /'"~ ....; . . ~ "'~' '> ...:.c.- .". ;5J....'jf-. ~:', :'.L .~','.",.,....... Sworn to before me this. /....-,~.. 1 ~. J1 . 7'7, ! _______ . day of ..;7.((14'1'.......,.,. 19.~ 0/ /" . ./~'/ '?/<-;d' .4"",~;.......... .'... I '" ~~. _.... . ... . J SEPH L TO :'~~3END, JR. /. , , , . . NOTA"":lh~I8~' St. " "f':~" 'f~r:' . . . . . . . . f~;j 52 'j 6633S QU<Jilfld' I.! ;::,_:f:~,E( County 7.:./ Commission bpirl:5 M;]rch 30, !o;'}(..,(, . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law. public: hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, South- old, New York, in said Town on the 22nd day of May, 1972, at 7 :30 o'clock in the evenin:{ of said day. No. 1 - Upon appEcation of Clarence C. Fleet for approval of subdivision Map entitled Bib Green Acres at Cutchogue, New York, consisting of parcel of land of 9.5 acres, situated at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and desr.ribed as follows: Bounded on the north by line of Stepnoski and Blairon; on the east by Stillwater Avenue; on the south by Hand Estate; on the west by Fleets Neck Road (a1so known as Pequash Avenue). No. 2 - Upon application of Clausen Construction Co., Inc. for approval of subdivision Map entitled Bay Homes, Cutchogue, New York, consisting of parcel of land of 10.29 acres, situa ten at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne\l.' York, and bounded and describ- ed as follows: Bounded on the north by Les- lie 'Road; on the east by land of Pontino; on the south by land of P. Kujawski; on the west by land of M. Kujawski. Any person desiring- to be heard - on the above proposed subdivision should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: MAY 1, 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch. h k f /1'-/1/ ,y. II / k,,, man once eac wee or .....(:._._....y.(,"'........I,...~ .t~{.. wee T successively, commencing on the ............./1..................... day of ........7t.:G.i:71...;.'z:J;-, g' . ...... .... .,. ,.,. ....... .;<.I.c:.(t!!.::c;.l'f.:?:.?f:,.,.. "... .... -,!':' {,4:. Sworn to before me this .../,2............ day of ...~l.Li..t~1.........' 19,t;1". ...........(~d!4.fiF...... , fl,r;::-L[ ,""wr,,'E NO~3ry rL"-i:,";, ~~,,':/,,!'"f [Jew )'orl( ", ""'" r,(;unty i\':j _ ~ ' ,-,';';1COJ CommisSlO1l ~x";.,~,, '3 ~ ..... r"".,-, ;;,Jrc,] 0, 19Z' '-;> IT~5-11 , . . LEGAL NO'1'ICE NO'1'ICE OF HEARING NO'1'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t.hAt. purauant. t.o Sect.ion 276 of the Town Law, public hearing will be held by the sout.hold Town planning Board at. the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in aaid Town on t.he 22nd day of May, 1972, at. 7:30 o'clock in t.he evening of said day. No. 1 - Upon applicat.ion of Clarence C. Pleet fpr approval of subdivision Map entitled Big Green Acres at. Cut.choque, New York, consisting of parcel of land of 9.5 acrea, ait.uated at. Cut.choque, in the Town of Sout.hold, Suffolk Count.y, New York, and bounded and deacribed as follows: Bounded on the north by line of Stepnoski and Blairon; on the east by St.illwater Avenue i on the south by Hand Eatat.e; on the west. by Pl_ta Neck Road (also known as Pequash Avenue). No.2 - upon application of Clausen Construct.ion CO., Inc. for approval of subdivision Map ent.it.led Bay Homes, Cut.choque, New York, consisting of parcel of land of 10.29 acres, aituated at Cut.choque, in the Town of Sout.hold, Suffolk COunt.y, New York, and bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north by Leslie Road; on the east. by land of pont.ino 1 on t.he south by land of P. Kujawski; on the west by land of l4. KujaWSki. . . . Any person doairing to be heard on the above proposed subdivision should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: May 1, 1972, BY OMER OF 'l'BE SOO'J.'HOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN ********** PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, May 11, 1972, and FORWARD EIGHT COPIES OJ! AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION 'l'O 'l'BE SOOTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, MAIN ROAD, SOOTHOLD, NEW YORK. ********** Copies mailed to the following on May 5, 1972: The Suffolk Weekly Times The Long Island Traveler-Mat.tituck Watchman Leffert.. P. Edson acting for Clarenoe Pl.et Riohard Cron acting for Clausen Construotion . . ~~ ~/~ ~ flkuI- ~ ~ ':Y~ //.9H 516 734-5100 January 10, 1972 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11972 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Clausen Construction Corp. located south side Leslie Rd., Peconic, New York Dear Sirs: Pursuant to your request at the regular meeting of the Planning Board on December 20, 1971, and your letter to me in connection therewith dated December 21, 1971, we are pleased to submit herewith a photocopy of the letter sent to Mr. Joseph Pontino to fulfill the condition required for preliminary approval of the above subdivision map. After we mailed the attached letter to Mr. Pontino, we had occasion to call him twice on the telephone to request a reply to our letter. On both occasions he indicated that he would do so, and also, that he was not interested in selling any part of his property adjoining the subdivision premises, and in particular, a small wedged piece with a frontage of approximately 25 feet on Leslie Road. We had requested that he indicate that answer on the letter that we had sent to him and return same to me which hehas to the present date failed to do so. We trust that you will deem our efforts most satisfactory in this matter. RJC/jf Enclosure . . December 23, 1971 Joseph Pontino Indian Neck Lane Peconic, New York Re: Clausen Construction Company, Inc. Proposed Subdivision _ Leslie Lane, Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Mr. Pontino: We are writing to you in behalf of our client, Clausen Con- struction Company, Inc., for the purpose of determining if you would be interested in selling, at a fair price, a wedge-shaped piece of land with a .frontage of approximately 25 feet on Leslie Road, Cutchogue, owned by you and adjoining lands presently of Glintenkamp. The reason for this purchase is to secure a road frontage of a minimum 135 feet for a lot in a proposed subdivision map for the Glintenkamp parcel to be filed with the Southold Town Planning Board. We should greatly appreciate if we could secure your prompt answer to our request. If you desire, you may write your answer on the bottom of this letter, and thereafter return same to the undersigned in the enclosed, self-addressed stamped envelope. Thanking you for your courtesies and hopefully a prompt answer. Sincerely, Richard J. Cron RJC/jf ~ I - A ; .I, i I I I i,' I i ,~,iI" ~".: ; ,;I 2t i,' ilx ~,I; ~ i I I I I ~' i I ':iJ( i ~: I ~ I I ~ I I I <I' !1 :1i ?, ! ~; ,i!I1, ,~ i December 21, 1971 Richard J. Cron, Attorney Main Road Cutchogue, New York Re: Proposed subdivision of Clausen Construction Co., Inc.,Located at S/S Leslie Road, peconic, N.Y. Dear Mr. Cron: Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by the Southold Town Planning Board at their regular meeting held on December 20, 1971: "IT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant preliminary approval to the proposed subdivision of Clausen Construction Co., Inc., property located at S/S Leslie Road, Peconic, New York, subject to the following condition: The owners' attorney, Richard Cron, to make an effort to obtain a wedge of the easterly adjoining property, owned by pontino, to increase the frontage on lot i 10. The planning Board will require a copy of letter of request to purchase additional property, to be sent to Mr. pontino by Richard Cron, Attorney ale Clausen Construction Co., Inc., and copy of answer received from Mr. Pontino, if any." Very sincerely, -./ / .....r ' " I Henry F. Southold . ~ Moisa, Vice-Chairman Town Planning Board HFM:BN cc- Town Board .,";<'" I \ , i i , , ! i ! t~ " I I I ! i I ~ ,,,,," "--.. i , , i j \J . r, I ! -5' / ., , /~ .- --",- t I i I\) {1ft "{ JI-,,<,.;.,~~. ., _c..___.....,__.-.,..-.---~~"""---'''''''''''''. ~~E':;~i~,~~~~~,;~-':_;:;iif:~>'.;;'.'i(,.:;;r~(".il;'J"t,~."'i>~'$';;;;\!1f~1t:11}';.;.liFS:~;.:>ir,~')'.~~1!'..4~..~~.,,"!:~~.}<-~~~....--. , \ ">'6'+1 .. \. I;:> ",. of'l'..J..Hod ' ,~ " ~ . _ 01 oz<;t;e'S ' $'Z'o-/J'$" .;;7" ( , , '- ~ Q \ (~ \) " .. "- I>, ~ ~ I;; Ii) 'W) T> , ;:-. \', IN r'~ f:> lr. ',).") I ~: Ii; lUo~ .... IY\ ."" "'-!:>- - .... .... ~' l" ,) Jl 13, .... "I '<' I.) '. ',C. 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I .. l.... --,f 7,' II ~ .d.J!'!' .".. t .1 L't block.:; oel"' "'wrJ>C j I ~~;~~~~::;#M I J f l 1 1 ., 1 " 4ROI.I1'lO ~" X.\"\.\ \/' \' . ,\' 2.' , MAP OF Bj\~\{ t-i 0 IvIES AT PECONIG TO\.xJN OF SOUTHO~p --- SUFi:oiK-COUNT~Y --NEw YORK lOPSOI L t. LOA.M -L o' T a..AY I .,~ I , )-:-.... SAND 4 C+'.AVE:L j , j, i. t. I r' I 't. I , LL_ / / ~ / ,/ c:./I_.I ~ L. 1 , I I j ! .. D'E'''-'.''. " ('\\^ 'f-,_,'l>' :'." /). \".1: )~" V ;-,'-,_~.__\J:."/,,__...-:,'.',. \...1 y ~: ~, ..,..__ (\. ~J_^. _ .___ \' , II (I ii' iC!:;"" rnl\i(~TTI i ('1\-) r ) ,--.._t ,0 ,- f"'" A' t. 5GPM PUMP - OC'^/N ,. _ 4'2GAL, r,o.,l'lK -L 'J '" 12,".L Tb" .,' '"'!J ~ ~', ~- /fd /1 ''j // , /1' / , " r ~ " ~ " , " ,. I / / 1 / / I /. I/~ / / I / FLOOR. r- ( l , , t. PITlESS A.DA.PT[k: ) FOuNOA. 8" T''',Q., ,. c1 ~ . tr ELL PO I NT WA'E::l.. , I f i .~ ~ ... ~ ~ I ~ ~;~ TYPICAL WEL.L ~ .c' ...., f, .~: " ~ ,,' TOPSOI L ~ lOAM 2' .' ""'/' ' ~ o' T C\.A Y .--f.... SAt-lD' '.;RWE:L I. 5'lz' " l' I t I r . I.:b i L_L_- TEeT" H-' e' - .;( 'Lt. -- '-'. ~~. snv.~ Tl- WE~L' 35 ...L1 .--25' I \ HOUse I ~g"""""'''' \ 1- I. . R PCX>L 16' ,.g -j.<.Q~ ~ d TYPlqL. LAYOUT i)v. .\ N.se'50'SO'E.-14H,O TIE ~INE. ;.. ~ ::> i o r ~ / I ,I ,;; ~ MY >lOME:S j~~ j!.1 'J *: ~ ... ~ 'Z o .. p, KU.,IAW6KI ". -"t --#-~~x. ~~ 5CALE -600-1" !;..., Ii,,- i p ~ '.-. .~-~ '- :J ;'..j ~ BA\{ HOMES AT PECONIG 'rO\'\lN Ot'SOUTHOLD ~,---,,,,-'_."-'-'~- ~ BUFf.'OLK COUNTY NEw YORK , J,."- ~.. r_- ,., /Mo"," ~...coJ,..e. "y~"'t&oQt1 c:....v....A5 .._........-',':"'""_:"'"0T._-::,~ ., L_J1.:....,;{- 4' ON&! PQDL..SY~ TY,.'CA.... ~ACt'l~~"'"'$. ~~,'.:~~.,. ::.;..,~~* -E1..E.VArJON- - 9OOGALSEPn~ TNiK- LOrs 3.4;$,t;. n:> HAVE 900 GAI... SEpnc;. ""l'iK . ONE; POOL.. LDn; ,.,nrHRU IQ TO ,",~V1i:CJOOCiN.,'5EP-fi<; ~N~(T'iI.9?q;)LS. seAL E - \001" \" t...... r'.7:;;;;. ,.,''':;'.':=1 . .' ~..:;h ~,,~~,~,,^,;.-,., I :::r:~"4L'-~~~"'A,S::==: o 100 200 3CO ~-e'j ,.........'!'-,....... 400 O\.'1NeD AND PEVQLQ'Yi::DJ~V CLAUSEN CONSTRUc:.f:!)N CORR ~o N BltYtLl~PI\THROAD SE.~N,N.Y. WE HEREBY CE\<f1FY THAT' THIS MhP W.AS MI\DE FROM ACTUAl.5WVEX$ 8Y \J5 .. .. oi> FE8RQARY? 1972 AND Ti-lAT MONiJMENTS HAVE BEEN SET AT POINTS SHOWN THU$;G , ,{N':-l TUYL.."'ON ~/ AREA -= 10.2.96 ACRES . L.ICENSED lANPS GRtOEHPO~N,Y. THE WATERSLlPPlY.AND SE.'w'AGEDI5f'Q5AL. FAGii..ITIES FOR ALL. LOTS IN 'THIS DEVELOPMENT'COMPL'Y WITH n-lI:.S~DARD5 AM QEQLlI~EMI:NT5 or THE. SVFFOLKCOUNIY DE~l:cT'MENT OF'" HEALTH, 1'J.f' 'Trc:'x c"p,';"f o~p ....,.,';." ~_..n- c: U~:1;J0,~.'f;;HTAi.. <:;,. i.'I" tC{~j;:__,:-'_r: "-,-f ...f-:~R{'\:'d ~T S->SU/..tL ("'~",~,~<r\.:_~ t" ;, r.:, . ~{':';.. :~ ~, VI.' A 1 fro. - '''' ~.,' ~;:.r:: :t)~:-~: '( ~";'~-~! !(~''iL ~ ,- ." O,-"~;t;-~"., f ~,,, ~,-,:...r;j Alt-' /1.1._. :,'_;;:;:11.'" f"'.V,T-t O'[~~i:'.~:NT ~.. " 'Pl" '" c~,"..:t I (\""1,1 ,....''':.,~ .'. './' v.~ H' .1 _,'~~ iA;\. . _ '.__J ') ;j~'..I": ".f........".' ..'r, , ' l .. '"' .", . ! ',- I, .,~, ~.l:, I C;;,.j-,,:::: {...-'Ni~R '. v tu,'t: '';-::~.C''''~." NY. Si,A.TE LICEnSE NO. ~~nD ~~,~ .soUTi-iOLD'TOWN .PLANNIf'jG BOARDij' '. . . , ' , _ ~'O ,t Jl {) ,~ -. k-P_ . , . CHNC2.MAN u _ m.p y v~ ?<?72-- /', ~ A~Et1ENTS rolltWATE.R SuPPl..Y '.O~ .,< IN ". . ; '\i!f~Rr:: ~PPROED ON THE . eo\i~ . n::..~~ ~#~L~tL ee-vALl,OPlIlL'(ifflt-!S""\.L/I\ 1'iON Ol'"5A/D FKII.JT1~jrQE.{.oMPlETED ~'fMIN~ '\'fENtOF ~E.AOOVf! Oi'I)l:WroNTHEEXPlW,TIONOFllIiSCERrlFI"'TE OF ~AL,AePl.r.<:.ArtON FOQ Re.Nt.-w'AJ,.. 5HAU.6S: $UBM1'lTEDfO ~IS DEPARTME"IT. ~ ~NE"""'AJ..AWLlCA~5l-\.Al.L Be. S\J6JECJi,rol1-lE.R€QU1 RE;MENTS. IN Ef"feci'A:r THF-ItME:OF FlUNO 5!,.)CI11\Pp\"H::.Al10N. .' . QJN5E"'lT rS~RE~'(,IV!i;.~ .FORtHEf'iL"tNc;. Ol='rH1S MAP IN rHf.': QFpllCE OF THE COUNTY ~IN A.CCOfi.D~ WITH 5ECf!OM 1118 0;:: rm:;PWwc HE~rH LP>.W AND 5ECnON'2 OF N2.nCLI;::;V\. OFTHE 5UFi'FCL I( COUNTY S~If1l\~Y ~, '. ...... ~....... .... .' 7 'Il~, . ~C4~~;.~ oi~IG,DtV.Of ENVll'-'ONME~TAL~I"'^TiON .....untORlZED..m......... 'OR~ TO THIS SURYEY IS A. ~ON CII '-j l~ION;UD9 OF .UflNi.W YOlK STAll ~llON LAW. COPIES OF THIS SOlVEY MAP NOT ....6NG THE LAND SURVEYOR'S 1NKf-D S~"'L OR lMIQSSED SEAL SH....LL NOT IE cotSMlID TO IE A YALID TItUl COPY. GOA.RA...ms lHQIGATID HEUON IHA'U.-::if ...~ OHiI,y to THE ~ FOt WHOM ntI 1$ '""~; ...., Oil "1$ _ ":! IMI .... l~ tP....~. QOV-""~ lI>I1"I' ~ '=' ......""" .101\llE "'-' _.~ ~"'::;'::";X''''J rn 'r~ ". ~ ., i. : '''<~~., /