HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Lifeguard Certifications ****************** .* * .* * * * * * * * * * * . TOWNOF * * SOUTHOLD * * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : 2006 LIFEGUARD t * CERTIFICATIONS * .* * .* * ****************** THOMAS ANDERSON i;..... ... ~ ~ ~2 .: ~u _< ~ '. ~ '~51 .. ~", " c: ':;Ii '-~ ... '.. "0 II.. 1:.. >'" JI ~ - Q !! 51 li " I '+ I .~ - '" '. This recognizes that THOMAS ,tNDF.:RSON has comple: ed the requirements for LIFEGU.-\:l.D THAINING AND FIRST AID conducted by WESTCIJESTER CO N Y Date completed 05/0412004 The .\mencan Red Cross recognizes Ibis certifi as valid for3 _is) fromcomplelion: This recognizes that THOMAS ANDE.1S0N has COmpleted the requirements for WATERF;~ONT L1FEGUARDING conducted by WZ<;TCHF-STER CO 1" y Dare Completed The . 05/10/2J04 AmenCOl Red Cross recognizes' . as valid for u/a dtis certificate '- )'ear(s) from completion date. Amc:rican~ .!1 AaoclIllion.V Healthcare PrOVid7;rmdlAe. _ ThOlJas Anderson Tlts__llattlulaa..., -.PfolOd..-.....,.",. InOMcIuIhoa~ :::-"" IiIh fie -... 01-:':::"'" ...... it tIulllLBlor~"-'o H.I~ _ 5/30/06 /CPR UEOj ""'-. ....- ~ nJ~~:O:_ / ELIZABETH BANNON REALm AND SAFETY SERVICES INSTRUcroR AumoRlZATION Elizabeth Bannon is authoriZed as an instructor in WATER SAFETY ='" II'" ~e ioU ""CI E" CD: .. :5- .. ~ 51 .. 8 ~ This lttognizes that Elizabeth Bannon has completed the requirements for H'undamentals or Instructor Training 1:'" Ill'" u2 1:(,) u" Eu Ca= by the +{ ~ conducted by Camp I!' ce Bay Date completed 06/1712006 The American Red Qoss recognizes this certilicne as Vlllid for I !""l"(s) from complelion d:ue. + Suffolk County Chapter This authorization expires December 31. 2007 This rerognizes mat This recogniZes that ='" ~ Elizabeth Banno" Elizabeth 3annon II'" ='" ~ ,,0 .. has completed the requirements for II'" has completed the requiremencs for -.. ~ ,,0 .. =U CPR for the Professional Rescuer -.. ~ 17undamentals of Instructor Training .. ..u ~ a E"CI' e ""CI ~ C&! E" .. 8 ~ conducted by CD: ~ conducteu by + '"' Camp Blue Bay .. + '"' Camp Bille Bay li .. Date completed 06/1812006 -S Date completed 06/17121l06 ~ .. The American Red Cross recognizes dtis certificate ~ The .\merican Red Cross recognizes lhis certificate as Vlllid for 1 !""<s) from completion d:ue. asVlllidforl yearts) from completion date. TIlls recognizes that Elizabeth Bannon has completed the requirements for AED Essentials ='" II'" ,g2 =U E"CI" C&! ~ .. ~ a ~ .. 8 ~ conducted by Camp Blue Bay Date completed 06/1212006 The American Red Cross recognIzeS d1is cert1licare as Vlllid for 1 year(s) from completion d:ue. . .'"' . .s ~ COURTNEY BROWN TIlls recognizes that This recognizes that Courtney Brown c:- ~ Courmey Brown c:- ~ .- has completed the requiremencs for .- has 'completed the requirements for .!!I! .. ,,0 .. ~ -~ ~ ~U ~U "" .. Lifeguard Training & First Aid "" 51 ~ Waterfront Lifegnard Module E" .. E" ~ CllI: e CllI: ~ conducted by ~ conducted by + ., SUNY Cortland College + li' ~ SUNY Cortland College '5 J ~ Date completed 5/15/2006 Date completed 5nt2006 The American Red Cross recognizes this certilicare The ..o\m.erican Red Cross recognizes lhis certific:ue as valid for 3 year(s) from completion date. as valid for NArear(s) from completion date. This recognizes that COurlI1ey Brown has completed the requirements for CPRlAED for the Professional Rescue. .. ~ 51 ~ ~ +1 c:- .- .!If =u E" c&! conducted by SUNY Cortland College Date completed 5/15/2006 The .werican Red Cross recogniZes this cert:ific:ue as ,..d for 1 year(s) from completion date. ~ _>.,'-'-._...J..-_.....~,. _-,,_'.._ ~.- _wo...,_.~.........,~., ." GIBSON CAMPBELL ~III 11111 uO .-10 aU E'l:I eel! ~ " ~ " ~ " e ~ +1 ~III .111 uO -- ioU "'l:I E" ee= " ~ ~ s ~ +1 ~III .111 uO _10 a;u E'l:I eel! +1 ~ " ~ 11 " e ~ This recognizes mat GIBSON CAMPBELL has completed the requirements for Lifeguard Training and First Aid conducted by Town Of Sonthold Date completed 06/0912004 The .\meric:m Red Cross recognizes this certilic:uc as valld for 3 rear(s) from completion dale. ~ This recognizes that Gibson W CamnbelI has completed the requirements for CPR for the Professional Rescner conducted by Town of Southold Date completed 06/1412006 The Amertcan Red ero.s recognizes this cenilic:ae :IS valid for 1 yearts) from completion dale. . This recognizes that Gibbon CamnbelI has completed the requirements for Waterfront Lifegnarding conduaed by Town of Sonthold Dare completed 06/1712006 The Amertcan Red Cross ~" this cenilic:ue :IS valid for nla year(s) from COOlpletlon dale. CONOR CORRIDAN 1:- .- sf "u .'ll E. CD: +:il -s l 1:- ... uO "Cu "'ll E" CD: +:il -s ~ ~ 1:- .- uO -.. "u h . CD: " ~ 51 ~ I +1 ~ ~ " ~ .. 15 ~ ~ This recOgnizes that Conor Corridan has completed the requirements for CPR for the Professional Rescuer conducted by Town of Southold Dare completed 06122/2005 The AmeriCUl RaI Cross n!CllgIlill!s ibis c:mllicue as>>lidfor 1 !"U"(slfrommmpleli..dare. ~ " ~ " .. " e ~ This recognizes that CONOR CORRIDAN has completed the requirements for Waterfront Lifeguarding conducted by Peconic Health & Racquet Date completed 06/1812004 The American Red Cross retognizes thls certi1iC2le as valid for o/a year(s) from completion date. This recognizes that CONOR CORRlDAN has completed the requirements for Lifeguard Training and First Aid ......, conducted by Peconi. Health & Raeqnet Date completed 06/0712004 111e AmeriCUl Bed Cross tecOIPliZes ibis c:etUIic:are \. IS YIild for 3 yeat(s) from compIelion.... " " KEN REEVES RECREATION SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 970 Peconic Lane P.O. Box 267 Peconic, New York 11958 Telephone: (631) 765-5182 Fax: (631) 765-6581 E-mail: Ken.Reeves@town.southold.ny.us TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM THIS MEMO WILL CERTIFY THAT HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR FOR THE PROFESSIONAL RESCUER RECERTIFICATION CLASS HELD AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN RECREATION CENTER ON FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2006. WE ARE CURRENTLY AWAITING ARRIVAL OF THE COURSE COMPLETION CARDS FROM THE RED CROSS. nlotter, American Red Cross Instructor JORDAN DOROSKI 1:- .- Jie ..u ." E. -Ca: ~ " l: 51 .. II Ii: +1 1:- .- .22 ..u ." E. -Ca: " l: 51 .. II Ii: +1 ~ 1:- .- 022 liu E" -c& ~ " l: 51 .. II Ii: +1 TI1is recognizes that Jordan Doroski has completed the requirements for Lifegunrd Training and First Aid conducted by Town of South old Date completed 06/1712006 The .\meri~ Red Cross recognizes this certific:ue as vaIld lor year(s) from completion dale. ~ This recognizes that Jordan Doroski has completed the requirements for Waterfront Lifeguarding conducted by Riverbead Recreation Department Date completed 03/01/2003 The .\melic:m Red Cross remgnizes this cenilic:ue asV2lidfor nla year(s)fromcompletiondale. This recognizes that Jordan Doroski has completed the requirements for CPR for the Professional Rescuer condul.1:ed by Town of Soutbold Date completed . Q6/li112006 The .o\mencan Red Cross recogruzes iliis cerlificue as V2lid for 1 yearfs) from completion dale. ELISSA FONDILLER This recognizes that TI1is recognizes that I: on ~ Elissa Fondilter I: on ~ Elissa Fondlller .on U .H2 " has completed the requirements for " has completed the requirements for "U ~ 'CU !l ." 51 CPR for the Professional Rescuer . &1 Waterfront Lifeguarding E. " E" ~ CD: 5 C& ~ conducted by ~ conducted by + .:- Ii GRMlLWAUKEE WISC .. Town of Southold 'S J .. Date completed Date completed l 06/1412006 08/16/2002 The American Red Cross recognizes cttis ceniftcue The AmeriClUl Red Cross recognlm thb certJficate as valid fnr 1 year(,) from completion dale. asvaJtdlnr nla,..r(s) from compledondate. ....,.:" I This recognizes that CUI ThIs recognizes that i ElisSll Fondiller III UI 2! Elissa ~~J,t(f!'" I 1:= ~ ha!=i completed the rcquirement5 for Ue .. is " 0;: U '5 has completed the requirements for i Liregtu1l"d Trninin~ nml First Aid ." II 4fb Em" /J'#1J ." ~ E E.== ce& conducted by cr: a= ~ 1 ~ conducted by .:- Town of Southold /'III/;h'ek, NY .. 'S Date completed 06/08/2005 ~ Date completed 'Il/o. '" The American Red Cross recognizes this certificate The AmeriClUl Red Cross recognizes thb certJlicaIe as valid fot 3 year(s) (rom completion <bite. as ,.ud for j J"'lII"(') from COllpledon dale. ~ .. ~ 51 .. e I ~i c:- .- .2e "(J 1I"Cl E. CIla: c:- .- s! "(J ."Cl E. CIla: ~ .. ~ II I _"'1.. ~ ~J ~ .. ~ II I __~. I ":'~Z!J ! c:- ,,- ve 'C(J ."Cl E. CIla: EMILY HARPER This recognizes that EMILY HARPER has completed the requirements for FUNDAMENTALS OF INSTRUCTOR TRAINING conducted by NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER Date compleled OS/21/2004 The AIDeri~ Red Cross rec:ognIzes this conificale as valid 1'0'" year(s) frnID completion dale. ~.... .i". This recognizes that Emily Harper has completed the requirements for Watenront Lifeguarding conducted by GR MILWAUKEE WlSC D:lte completed 07/1212003 The .\merican Red Cross rec:ognIzes this conilicue as ,.nd lor nta year(s) frnID complolion dare This recognizes that EMILY HARFal has completed the requirements for CPRlAED FOR THE PROFESSIONAL RESCUER conducted by NASSAU COUNTY CHAP1'ER Dace compleled 04/1512006 The .\merican Red Cross rec:ognIzes this conificue as ,.nd I'or 1 year(s) from compIoIlon dale. ,- CUI caUl ~2 "U G E'a c& ....., , -1 -r c:- ~ 111/1 .!!f .. "(J ~ 1I"Cl 51 E. .. e CIla: I ~1J li' '5 ..;. ..J- .. I HEALTII AND SAFETY SERVICEs L'ISTRUcrOR AUTIlORIZATION EMILY HARPER is authorized as an instructor in WATER SAFETY (R.04) by the ~ASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER This authorization expires December 31. 2007 This recognizes that EMILY HARPER has completed the requirements for LIFEGUARD TRAINING AND FIRST AID conducted by NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER Dale completed OS/2012004 Th. Am.n.... Red Cross rec:ognIzes this ceniJicale as vaJid I'or' ",",(s) frnID compIoIion dale. ROBERT HARPER This recogniZeS that Clll HEALTH AND SAFETY SER~lCES 1:'" ~ ROBERT HARPER llllll INSTRUcrOR AUl'HORlZATION Ba has completed the requitements for uO ROBERT HARPER " " .- - ~~ -(,) -.. ~ \\ "u CPR FOR THE PROFESSIONAL G is authorized as an instructor in ." 51 E" E. " RESCUER WATER SAFETY (r.04) Cll: e ( ~& ~ conducted by by the + ill NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER ~ NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER } ,!o'; j Date completed 05/1812006 ., The Americ:m Red Cross recognizes Ibis cenilicue -=- ..:J This authorization expires :IS V3lid for I ,..r(s) from completion dale. .J \. December 31. 2007 1:'" .'" ,,0 -.. ..U ." E. Cll: ~ " ~ 51 ij ~ ,1.~ -rJ ( This recognizes that ROBERT HAIU'ER has completed the requirements for AED ESSENTIALS 1:'" ... .'" is' ,,0 " 'CU i h " Cll: e ~ ~I conducted by NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER Date completed 05/1812006 The Americ:m Red Cross recognizes Ibis cenilicue as V3lid for I year(s) fromallllp1ellondare. '"!II -1lI!11 " c.)C; -'"- .. (J :: 41 .. e'C ... -0;:: ~a: :1: This n:cognize$ th:u ROBERT IW!PER b:Is completed the requir=ems tOr + WATERFRom: conduacd bv S01l'lEIOLD TOliN BEACH DaIC CllIIIpJerrn 6-1.7-2000 1lIe_...e...........1lIts CItllIica as_6lr n/ll!tlr(slbatm"f'--'" ~_. ( This recognizes that ROBERT HARPER has completed the requirements for LIFEGUARD TRAINING AND FlRST AID conducted by NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER Date completed 05/1812006 The Americ:m Red Cross recognizes lbis cenili asV3lidfor3 year(s) from alIIlpletion = .~ BRITTANY KNOTE This recOgnizes that This recogniZes that C'" ~ Britnoy Knot utUTTANY KNOTE II'" .!Ie " has completed the requirements for :: ~ has completed the requirements for aiU !l! " .10 " E" ~ Waterfront Ufoguardlng ::!.. !l! AED ESSENTIALS " "U ca:& s !" 51 ~ conducted by " =41 S conducted by + II C= l\ TWll 01' Hempstead/Parks & Rec 1l NYU Palladium + i l Date completed 3/2512006 Date completed 12/13/2005 The Americ:m Red Cross recognizes this certific:ne . thiscerlific:ue :lS valid for Oyeur(s) from completion date. '" The :\merican Red Cross recogmzes os v:d1d for I yeur(s) from completion dale. c'" lU -.. ..u 41" E. c= " !l! 51 e l\ +1 ~ This recognizes that .r (:RITTANY KNOTE has completed the requirements for LIFEGUARD TRAINING AND FIRST AID conducted by Twn of Hempstead/Parks & Rec Date completed 12I1312U05 The American Red Cross recognizes this certificale .-I:d For 3 vear(s) from completion date. "lIS'~ . c'" ~ II'" Se " aiU !l! 51 Ell " C= S ~ + ~, ~ 1l l This recognizes that BRITTANY KNOTE has completed the requirements for CPR FOR THE PROFESSIONAL RESCUER conducted by Two 01' Hempstead/Parks & Rec Dare completed 12/13/2005 The Americ:m Red Cross recognizes this certificate lIS valid for 1 yeur(s) from completion dale. .- .-.. ----~.~___.~____.__u___ 11\ , i 11\ - ~ 0 , ,- ~ ;<.l ''':I :11 . U:: ~ t- " :5 , - RYAN KRAEMER / Tbs. rec0gl1izes ~hlJ . -..:~ :eo;.:. ~:IL;;;" ::1;.0' R) ,\,' KReiDlER :~;J.5 ':~0i!1iJ1e~ed ~ht: rt"tjuiremems (or Lif~gu~lru Tra:nin~ :.mu First Aid ,..;[,':..IU,[':'.""'-' . Pecnnic Ht:alth .i. Racuut't ~<~r(; ,-;~;:l~it::!:':::' U3. :U,;OO.+ .. -:r::-!',,:Vi {t'" .,,~, -"r:,,?r:.ilr,~ :~iS_::':!i:i:.:.:.;.: .;.JI .): :"'}f!1 ;~:!)mpjt'~!Cl~ ;ialE'. ) J -" Lic: ';;.3 \ .. " - 0 , .. , " . .. " 'lI ~ - ~ I- r R \. \.\ KR,\DI i:R h.. ._"i;::;),C~:::~: ~:~;:: :'"t::t;~,j;::;;;~:;:~ :.-.'- \\:Ht'rfronr Lf(;~uardin!~ PtClJllIC Ht:':iJlll ~ R:.l.:\.tI.H:::" J..tU.t:LH!~ .;jj;.. ;:;: ;I:;J ,.::.;,.. ~ :,". "ii, ,,,c:,,:',. 'j' ',::", 1:- .- sf "U h celll: ~ !! 51 e ~ +1 ~ 1ltis recognizes that Rvan Kraemer has completed the requirements for CPR for the Professional Rescuer conducted by Town of Southold Dale completed 0611412006 Tbe Ameri= Red Cross recognizes tbis certific:ue as.aild for 1 year(s) from completion date, JAIMIE MACDONALD This recogniZes that This recognizes thar c- ~ Jaimie MacDonald C" ~ JAIMIE MACDONALD ,,- ".. 110 " has completed. the requirements for 110 " has completed the requirements for - .. i -.. ! "u Lifeguard Training and First Aid =u a Waterfront Lifeguarding ." S" s. S " cd! e CD: ~ conducted by ~ conducted by + ~ Town of Southold + ~ Town of Southold I Date completed .. Date completed 0910612004 09/0612004 l The American Red Cross recogni2e IlIis cenificate The American Red Cross recognizes this certificale as valid lor 3 ,....(s) fromc:ompleliondale. as vaJid lor nla ,....(s) ~om completion dale. ~ AmericanHeart A Association.Y Learn and u... Healthcare Provider Jaimie L MacDonald Thls card cer1ffi.. that tho above IndMduaJ has succassfuIIy completed lha national cognitive and sJdlls OII8luations In llCCOIdanco with tho cuniculum of the Amortcan Heart_ for the BLS for Hea<<hcare Providers (CPR & AED) Program. 6!1llj (j'(;g Issue Date Recommended RenewlII Date ClIJ ~lIJ . c.aQ~ --~ -y - a~ .x Sa;;: cC=~ + KATHLEEN MACDONALD C:III 1111I \,10 -.. "<oJ ." E. <(Ill: +~ ~ '" This =o_~es tII:l.t Kathleen MAcDonald ~ " ~ " ~ " e ~ This recogniZes that KATHLEEN MADONLAD has completed the requirements for Lifeguard Training and First Aid conducted by Town Of South old Date completed 06l09/Z004 The .\merlcm Red Cross recognizes Ibis cetIificue as wlid for 3 year(sl from c:omplelioo dole. L ~G!j'11i!ff"'1!lI.&.ffi'G.n":11tS for COMM FIRST AID & SAFETY FIRST S-g~ by Date completed 01../26/2001 The .\metiClll Red Cross reco'!ll't" Ibis cetIificue 15 \'3iid for 3 ~-ems) from COll1tl1etion date. CUI ~ UI . UQ~ -.... ..y 'S a~~ Sa;;: cC= ~ + American Heart A Association. V Learn and Live. Healthcare Pro.vider KathleenM. MacDonald This card certifies that the above individual has successfuily completed the national cognttive and skills evaluations in accordance with the aJrriculurn of the American Heart Association for the BLS for Hea/thcare Providers (CPR & AEO) Progtam. 9/09 e/i:llL- Issue Date Reoommltflded Renewai Date This recOgaizes that ) KATHLEEN MacDONALD has completed the requirements for , WATERFRONT LlFEGUARDING I ., conducted by PECONIC HEALTH & RACQUET Datecompleted 5/28/2001 the.\mericm Red Cross reDlgnizes Ibis terlificue aswlidforn/ a "",(s) from comp1ecioa dare. - u ~ ue .. iu i ~! ~ +1 ." TIMOTHY MCELROY - - ..----- "'. Tbls reCogmu. that TIMOTHY McELROY bas completed the rcquircmenrs for WATERFRONT LIFEGUARDING PECONICH ~~iiACQUET 4/27/03 Dare completed n.e Ameda111led Ctos$ recognlza dIls cerUlicue ~ as Y2I1d Cor n/ a _(s) from campleu.. dare. l:1II ... uO -.. "U u~ Eu <= This recognizes that Tim McElrov has completed the requirements for Lifeguard Training and First Aid ~ o !l! o ~ " e ~ +~ .t conducted by Town of Southold Date completed 0611712006 The .werican Red Cross recognizes this certificate as valid for 3. year(s) from completion date. EAST MARlON FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 162 East Marion, New York 11939-0162 Ph: (631) 477-0539. Fax: (631) 477-4046 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF Gregory S. Wallace Chief of Deparrme1lf Carol A. Miller 1 Sf Assistant Chief Keith Baker 2nd Assistalll Chief' To Whom It May Concern: Timothy McElroy successfully completed CPR Healthcare Provider on 5/10/06. The certification is through American Heart ....,,"""; a"'.l" .and ilie.certifi<:llt;on i.. good fur two years. His card will be mailed soon. z::...---- /' Gregory allace Chief of Dt:;Jartment American Heart Association CPR Instructor Ex.chlll&: 01 thA &at: Marlon Fire DMw1mAnt Helbert 5cheIInger 1899-1901 . GeoIge KIng 1901.1903' DanIel Vail 1903-1904 . Irving T_ 1904-1906' G.B. Nowell 1906-1907 .Clanlnco ScheIInger 1907.1913' Irving Rag... 1913.1918. George King 1918-1919. Herbert Schellinger 1919-1920. Archie King 192D-1921 . James Gagen 1921-1924. Averill Ketcham 1924.1925. A. Halsey Brown 1924-1926. EvenIa _1926-1931 . Chester Keld1am 1931-1934' D. Egbert Brown 1934-1937 .A_ _1937. GeIaJd HorrrneIl943' Paul OUarty 1944-1945'_ 0...- 1945-1947. Geraki Hommel 1947-1950 . Douglas Rogers 1950.1951 . Richard Ketcham 1951-1952. Gerald Hommel 1952-1953 . James Matt 1953-1954. Daniel DzenkowskI1954-1956. George Muir 1955-1957. Watter Cook 1957-1958. Gordon Aackett 1958-1960. Anthony W1sowaty 1960-1961 . Kenneth Ketcham 1981-1962. George Arnold 19B2~1964. Waller Cook 1984-1988 . Kennlltt1 Ketcham 1988-1961' Joseph Dzriowskll961.1969 . Arthur Quintana 1961l-1911 . Ff8I1k Betgora Jr. 1971.1913' Reymond Jecobe 1913-1975 . Donald Ozenkowskl1975~19n. Chartes Woznick 19n-1979. Steve SChott 1979-1981 . Donald Ozenkowskl1981-1983 Robert Wallace 1983-1985 Walter Galpa 1985-1987. Kim OzenkowskI1987-1988. Carteton Raab 1988~1990. Bill Anderson 1990-1992. Michael VollnskI1992-1994. James Stulsky '994~1998. Daniel Wood 1996~1998. _ Doucett 1998' Raymond Jacobs Jr. 1999-2002' Bryan Weingart 2002-2003' WlHIam lloMhue 2004 - 2005' COLIN PALLADINO ~ " ~ ~ I +1 CUI 3U1 i& ~& ~ " ~ ~ I +1 CII ~& 1& II i ~& ~ +1 Dj t l& ~ +1 This recognizes that Colin Palladino has completed the requirements for CPR for lhe Professional Rescner conducted by Brookhaven National Lab Date completed 02/1212006 The Amertcan Red Cross recognizes this ""r1lficate a.< VlIild ror 1 year(s) from completion date. This recognizes that Colin Palladino has completed the requirements for Anlomnled Exlernal Defibrillnlion Training conducted by Brookhaven National Lub Date completed 02119/2006 The American Red Cross recognlzes thls cer1lficate as valid for 1 year(s) from completion dare. Thls recognizes that Colin Palladino h.. completed the requirements for Walerfl'onl Lh'eguarding conducted by Brookhaven National Lab Date completed 0312012006 The American Red Cross recognizes li1ls cer1lficare as valid for n/. year(s) from completion date. Thls recognizes that Colin Palladino h.. completed the requirements for Lifeguard Training and Firsl Aid conducted by Brookhaven National Lab Date completed 03/1912006 The American Red Cross recognizes this cel1Ificate ~ ' LINDSAY RIEMER This recognizes that ~~~~b 1:- ~ Lindsay Riemer .. has completed the requirements for 1:. ~ uO " Ill- -.. ~ uO " has completed the requirt::meI1ts for "U a Waterfront Lifeguarding -.. ~ 1lI"ll "U LIFEGUARD TRAINING EIlI ~ 1II"ll a e EIII " & FIRST AID ell: ~ conducted by e ell: ~ conducted by + '" Riverilead Recreation Department .. Plattsburgh State ;S + '" .. Date completed 03/01/2003 .. 12/3/05 l ~ Date completed The .\merican Red. Cross recognizes d1is certilicu.e l The .\metic:lll ~Cross recogPizeS this cettilicare asvalidfor nia year(s} from completion date. '" valid for yearl'} from complelion date. American Rean A Association. Y Learn and Live. HealthcaFe Provider Lindsav Riemer this caret certifies ,that the above individual has SUccessfully completed ~ national cognitfve and skills evaluations in accordance with the cuniculum of the American Heart Association for the BLS for HeaJlhcare Providers (CPR & AEO) Program, (;10(; 9/Q~ Issue Date Recommended ~ Date LAUREN SMITH This recognizes that This recogniZes that 1:. ~ LAUREN SMITH 1:" ~ LAUREN SMITH .. has completed the requirements for .a has completed the requirements for J!2 to to ~ .2.. ~ aiU ~ Lifeguard Training and Community ..u ~ Waterfront Lifeguarding .-a E1 .. First Aid and Safety E. .. e e Car: ~ conducted by Car: ~ conducted by + .... Swim Ouest + ~. Swim Ouest ~ Date completed 0411312004 ~ Date completed 04/1612004 l The .weric:m Red Cross recognizes this certificare l The .~can Red Cross recognizes lhis certificate as>alidfor 3 year(s) from completion <ble. as >aIid fur nla year(s) from completion date. TI1is recognizes that Lauren Smith 1:: .0 .2.. aiU El Car: ,;g, '" to ~ to ~ .. e ~ has completed the requirements tor CPR for the Professional Rescuer +! l conducted by Town of Southold Date completed 06/1412006 The American Red Cross recognizes lhis certificate as valid for 1 \'ea['(S) from completion dale. ANDREW STRITZL This recognizes that ANDREW STRlTZL has completed. me requirements for Lifeguard Tr:lining and First Aid '"Ill -Ill ! C ~ ..:...! -~ -::: o " e"C :: 0"- <:3i: r h:1s compic::e:! the =equitcn= (or TIlls recognizes tlw: A.J.'lDREV' S~I'~"7"'i='T 1:0' ".. 1)0 -.. ;<J E~ <& ~ a ~ :i1 ~ e ~ 'iATElU'RON'! LU'EGnAJlllING con<1u=d by +'" ~ 1 conduaed by Town Of Southold Date completed 0610912004 The AmeriCll1 Red Cross reco!Dlzes Ibis cenilicne :IS >aIid for 3 yeor(s)[romcompledoo dare. + ll"M'''''ilii>lmaLm .. RACQl[E'l: 1IIe._Red~Q,9loollira :lSV2iidfar jOIt(s)ftaat~da. This recognizes that This recognizes that 1:'" ~ Andrew Stritzl Andrew Stritzl Ill'" 1:'" ~ ~e " has completed the requirements for Ill" ~ 1)0 a has completed the requirements for iU CPR for the Professional Rescuer -.. ~ :i1 ;<J E~ e E~ :i1 AED Essentials <& e ~ conducted by <& ~ conducted by + '" Town of Southold .. + " Riverhead Recreation Department "S .. ~ Date completed 0611412006 "S .. Date completed 06/1812005 '" The American Red Cross recognizes lbis certific:ll:e 1 :IS valid for I. year(s) from completion date. The American Red Cross recognizes ctus certitic:ue :IS valid for 1 yeatts) from COlIlplelion d:ue. JENNIFER WHY ARD ,. This recognizes that This recognizes th,u I:UI ~ Jennifer Whvward I:UI :So Jennifer Whvard aUl aUl Jre " has completed the requirements tor lie " has completed the requirements tor ~ 'l:U !! Lifegnard Training and First Aid aiU CPR for the Professional Rescuer 0" ii1 E" ~ Eo ~ ell " ell:: " ~ ~ conducted by conducted by + .., Town of Southold + I Riverhead Recreation Department .. ~ Date completed 06/1712006 ~ Date completed 1 06/18/2005 The AmeriCUI Red Cross recognizes Ibis certificate ,The American Red Cross recognizes thi$ cetti6uue as valid for 3 yeaJ1s) from completion date. as V'.tIJd for I year(s) from compJelion dale. "~._-._--.... This recognizes that C- This recognizes that .-. 1:. ~ Jennifer Whvard Ul!ti JENNIFER WHYARD Be has completed the requirements for 'CU '5 has compJeted the requirements tOr .. ." Jl 'l:U i AED Essentials E... WATERFRONT ." E e CCm ! ell Jl conducted by ~.~ducred by + I Riverbead Recreation Department + SOUTHOLD TOWN BEACH . . Date completed 06/1812005 Date completed 6-29-2000 Ii The...' '" The American Red Cross recognizes this certificate encao Il<d Cross fel;OfIJliZa dIl:i <<rtilicaie asvalldfor 1 year(s) from completion dale. ....w lor nf a rearts) reo.. comPleltoo dare. i -.."'t:--~-.~:'~__ jI I '\1 KEN REEVES RECREATION SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 970 Peconic Lane P.O. Box 267 Peconic, New York 11958 Telephone: (631) 765-5182 Fax: (631) 765-6581 E-mail: Ken.ReeveS@town.southold.ny.us TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM THIS MEMO WILL CERTIFY THAT ~t ~Wl.f[~ td-\11:..0 ~O HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR FOR THE PROFESSIONAL RESCUER RECERTIFICATION CLASS HELD AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN RECREATION CENTER ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2006. WE ARE CURRENTLY AWAITING ARRIVAL OF THE COURSE COMPLETION CARDS FROM THE RED CROSS. 01\ &b ~ Q N\\;\ClN \J'--..:) Debbie Hennenlotter, American Red Cross Instructor &:;.. 111/1 ue iu E" -ell ,'" .i', , . "1:%,.;-.j ! . SEAN liHY ARW This recognizes that ~ '" it 51 6 " ~ ill I '" SEAN WHY ARD has compJeted the requirements for '" - = ~ i .., 8 l~ ;. .t\ Lifeguard Training and First Aid conducted by Peconic Health & Racquet Date completed 03120{2004 The American Red Cross recogniZes iJiiS ce.iiJica.. as valid ror 3 year('} from completion dale. &:;. Ill" ",0 -.. "U ." E. 4l1: +:0 -S " ~ This recognizes thut SEANWHYARD has completed the requirements for Waterfront Lifeguarding conducted by Peconic Health & Racquet Date completed 04/0412004 lbe ADlerian Red Cross recognizes lhis ~cue as valid for nla year(') from completion date, :S- '" it 51 ~ ~ This recognizes that Sean Whvward has completed the requirements for CPR for the Professional Rescuer conducted b,' Town of South old Date completed 0611412006 The American Red Cross recognizes this certi6cue as Yalid for 1. year(s) from. completion date. . C'" llI"'oi uCt -..... "U - G'C.x EG", ~a:: ~ + . . LAURA YOUNG 1.'1tisill"!l :~. "that LAURA YOUNG b2s completed the~ for WATERFROll'! I.IFEGlJARDIN conduclaI by RIV'ElUlEAIl TO'liII DC DEFT Date completed 3/2/02 11Ie.lmeric:m Bed Cmss........1hls COEIllic:Ile :IS wild for 3 ,...w .... CIIIItJlelIoa cble. American Heart A Associalion. Y Learn and live. Healthcare Provider Laura YOllnll This card certifies that the above individual has successtully completed the national cognitive and skills evaluations in accoraance wtth the cunicukJm of the American Heart Association for the BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR & AEO) Program. ~m~ Q~~ Issue Date Recommended AenewaI Date 1:- .- s!! aiU E~ cel! ~ ~ ! 51 " 8 ~ This recognizes that Laura Youne has completed the requirements for Lifeguard Training and First Aid +I conducted by Town of Southold Date completed 06/0812005 The American Red Cross re<:ognizes this certi1i as valid for 3 year(sJ from completion w:e