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N 43'17'58" ~~.~ ~ ..... 635,57' ' ' SITE PLAN ' ".. :i '* ~ 1" ~ ~ ~ ' 5- , EAS1 _ NATHAN L SERBTA 7'3 EAST ',:.IRISE H~GHWAY SLIIT 610 .~ VALLEY S!TREAM, NiY, 11588 ~L1,_',' ' NIEGB ~RCHITECT ~,0~ H.EHP ~TEA~~ TURNPIKE WEST HEfiPSTEAD, NiY, 11558 BUSINESS ['B~ L~T EXISTIHG :BUILBING AREA, HEW BANK ABBITIBN, TdTAL BIJ~LDING AREA, -7 P84,915, SQ,FT, 43,804, SQ,FT, ~9, SQ,FT, 44,454, SQ,FT, PERCENT [!IF LBT COVERAGE; 19;75% PERCENT [JF LANDSCAPE CDVERAGE, la,80% _¢ PLANNING BOARD MEMBER gOFFO(~- C~ ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. ~ G y~ P.O. Box 1179 Chairman < Southold, New York 11971 O WILLIAM J. CREMERS H Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS Oy ~ Telephone (516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. O RICHARD G. WARD 'II~l ~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 6, 1999 Sol Niego, Architect Niego Associates 600 Hempstead Tpke. West Hempstead, NY 11552 Re: Proposed amended site plan for Suffolk County National Bank SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 Dear Mr. Niego: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, April 5, 1999: The final public hearing, which was held at 7:35 p. m. was closed. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, this site plan, to be known as site plan for Suffolk County National Bank, is for a 620 square foot office addition to an existing bank; and WHEREAS, Nathan L. Serota is the owner of the property known an designated as King Kullen Shopping Center, Main Rd., Cutchogue, SCTM# 1000-97-5-12; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on March 25, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (6NYCRR), Part 617, makes a determination that this project is a Type II action and not subject to the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and Page 2 Proposed amended site plan for Suffolk Counly National Bank April 6, 1999 WHEREAS, this site plan, dated December 2, 1998, was certified by the Building Inspector on March 22, 1999, subject to certification of setbacks of adjacent parcels; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the notification provisions; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board approve and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final survey with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval stamp dated December 2, 1998, and revision of March 5, 1999, subject to a one year review from date of building permit. Enclosed please find 2 copies of the approved site plan; one for your records and one to be submitted to the Building Department when you apply for your building permit. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Tax Assessors Building Dept. WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, October 19, 2009 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Site Plans and Subdivisions Project name: Suffolk Coun Nat'I Bank SCTM#: 1000-97-5-12 Location: Main Road, Mattituck Descri tion: Old site Ian for a bank use. Status: Site Plan Action: _ Discuss site lighting with the a licant. Attachments: none Project name: Rich's Auto Bod SCTM#: 1000-102-3-1 Location: 29950 Main Road, Cutcho ue Description: This site plan is for new construction of a 1,759 sq. ft. auto repair building, existing office building of 1,620 sq. ft., existing auto repair of 130 sq. ft. on 37,428 sq. ft. parcel in the R-40 Zone located on the s/s/o NYS 25 at the s/w intersection of NYS 25 and Fleets Neck Road in Cutcho ue. Status: Re uest for final ins ection. Action: Review letter from a licant & discuss site work com leted. Attachments: Letter from Applicant & Draft Letter to Applicant. Project name: Guada no, Patrick SCTM#: 1000-27-1-2 ~ Location: The property is located on the north side of Orchard Street, a roximatel 1008' west of Platt Road, in Orient. Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 10-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 is 1.5 acres and Lot 2 is 8.5 acres, inclusive of a 1.5-acre building envelope and 6 acres of subdivision open space. Status: Conditional Sketch - Ex fired Action: Consider re-granting conditional sketch approval. _ Attachments: _ Staff Re~ortlfimeline Project name: Briarcliff Sod, Inc. - Conserv. SCTM#: 1000-97-10-1, 85-3-12.1, _ _ ~ 85-3-12.2 _ Location: The property is located on the s/s/o NYS Route 25 and the n/s/o Leslie's Road, aeproximately 1,500 feet e/o Bay Avenue, in Peconic. Description: This proposal is for a conservation subdivision of a 24.97-acre parcel into three lots where Lot 1 equals 1.71 acres, Lot 2 equals 1.71 acres and Lot 3 equals 21.55 acres from which the Development Rights to ~ 21.22 acres have been purchased by The County of Suffolk for the fur ose of farmland preservation___ ' Status: _ _Conditional Final Approval Action: Review_Access Easement. Attachments: I. Access Easement L___-_____ sirr; PLAN Presubmission conference - (within 30 days of written request) Cvmplete application received (within 4 months of presub. conterencel - uut CK l Application reviewed at work session '"1°~ nro. (within l(1 davs of receipt) - Applicant advised of necessary revisions - ~ (within 30 davs of review) D RmdG Scflzl=, ~',~7-y~ „uc oK Rec-iced submission received '"m' ,rot oK S~ _ ~"ro. Lead Agency Coordination ~''2 0 ` SEQR:1 determination ryP~~) ~ i2GFERRGD •t0: 0 0 /7//~ ~ ~r. n.. 7.oning 13oard oC Appeals r / _ e 3r z ~ (written comments within 60 days of request) P cn ~w Doard oC TrusJtl,~ees ~ OK -a ilding De rt ent (cert Ic lion ox a w ~ Suffoli: County Department of Planning/,~~} i"ro. OK can ~ Department of Transportation -State /j~/f~' oK ~ rra r OK ~ Department of Transportation -County j///3- ,r.~~ o v~ Suffolk County Dept. of II alth ,^ro. ox ~ C'ireCommissionersi,/~3-<t~`/~l Sen-t:~`1"99 N Received: ' Rt:CEI F ~ ~ C . X" ` ~.~1~1~/ ~~„j}.tZ 1 " Dratl Covenants uctRe~ is ions / ' oK Filed Covenants an(1 Restrictions ~iLandscape plan ,ro` oK ~ghtln~' pla(1 ixro. OK Curb Cut approvals y ~,J,~,~ '°1 oK ~ OK ! pprovnl . ~'L`ff]Ina~;~' plan i o~ OK 111/// ~~1 ,viewed by L'ngincer pro` ox Approval of site plan -with condilivns Endorsement of site"plan __~Ls.~gg Certificate vt Occupancy inspection 1V ~ ro~ °K K-0l If1V 1 ~ One year review e: • - - PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS r ~OSUFFU(~CO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road RICHARD G. WARD 4~7~~0 G~~ p,0. Box 1179 Chairmen A o= ~ Southold, New York 11971 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. ~ y 2 Fax (516) 765-3136 BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. ~ Tele hone (516) 765-1935 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ • ~ P KENNETH L. EDWARDS y~J~l Y ~aO~ Date Received pate Completed Filing Fee PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATIQN OF A SITE PLAN New Change of Use Re-use x Extension MAR 2 5 1998 X Revision of Approved Site Plan Name of BUSineSS or Slte: Suffolk County National Bank LOC2tlOn: Cutchogue, New York Address: Route 25, Main Road, Cutchogue Name of Applicant: Nathan L. Serota Address Of Applicant: 70 East Sunrise Highway -Suite 610, Valley Stream, NY 11580 Telephone: 516-561-9500 OWner of Land: Nathan L. Serota Agent or Person responsible Sol Niego, Architect for application: Address: 600 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, New York 11552 Telephone: 516-486-5340 Site plans prepared by: Sol Niego, Architect License No.: RAII 9114 Address: 600 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, New York 11552 Telephone: 516-486-5340 _ r Page 2 Planning Board Site Plan Application APPLICANTS AF~IDAVfT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOUC Nathan L. Serota being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at 70 East Sunrise Highway -Suite 610, Valley Stream, New York 11580 in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the of the (Title) (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.l which is hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the tide to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual hysical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Signe (Own rl Na an L. Serota Signed (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title) SWOrn t0 me this bay Of March 19 98 r (Notary Public) ~y p tet4 d No. 30.8802990 ~j E>,1ww30.1*~iifi Page 3 Planning Board Site Plan ARPlloatlon 224,915 Total Land Area of Site (acres or square feet) Business Zonln9 DIStrICt S.C. Existing Use of Site Shopping Center Shopping Center Proposed Uses on Slte. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more than one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area that will be reserved per use. Bank Supermarket and R atI 4tor G 2,232 sq.ft. 27,992 sq,ft. 14,200 sq,ft. 43,804 Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure(s) 620 Add. Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure(s) (44,424 -Total Proposed Floor Area) 19.759 Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) (Existing - No Change) Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by NO Board of Appeals -Case # & date No Board of Trustees -Case # & date No NY State Department of Environmental Conservation -Case # & date No Suffolk County Department Health Services -Case # & date N/A Case Number N/A Name of Applicant N/A Date of Decision N/A Expiration Date N/J,~_Other Nn Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? N/A If so, have proper permits been obtained? N!A Name of issuing agency _ N/A Number and date of permit issued. NO ACT/ON (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION) MAYBE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF 51TE PLAN BY PLANNING BOARD. l/IOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUT/ON. _ , - ~ la-i6~< 12!671-Text 12 PROJECT f.D. NUMBER Bt7.Zf SEAR -'',S Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) t. APPLICANT (SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME Sol Nie o, Architect for Nathan L. Scrota Suffolk County National Bank Expansion 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality --Cut Cho ue county Suffolk ' d. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map! Route 25, Main Road, N.S. 1,300.00 ft. west of Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York (Town of Southhold) 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ? New ®Expansion ? Modificationlalteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: New 620 sq.ft. addition to the south side of existing bank. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initlauy 5.16 acres Ultimately 5.16 acres 8. W1nI~LIL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? W Yes ? No If No. Describe brielly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJ ECT7 ? Residential ? Industrial ®Commercial ? Agriculture ? ParklFOresLOpen space ? Other Describe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OA ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL)? ? Yes ®No If yes, list agency(sl antl permiUapprovals 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTIOIJ HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ®Yes ? No It yes, list agency name and permiUapproval Original site development approved by both the Planning Board and the Architectural Review Board. 72. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? ®res ?NO Amended site plan a royal. I CERTI THAT HE INFORMATION ROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: So Ni o, Arc itec f athan L. Scrota Date: March 10, 1998 Signature: If the act nisi a Coastal Area, nd y u are a state agency, complete the Coasta ssessment Form befo ceeding with this assessment OVER 1 pARY u-ENVIRONMENTAL A MENT (io be completed by Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXCE'eD ANY TYPE I THgESHOLO IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.72? If yes. cooroinate tree review process area use tree FULL EAF. - ? Yes ? No e. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED' REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN a NYCRR, PART 677.67 tt No, a negative tlaularatlon ma~y^be supersetled by another involVetl agency. U Yes ? No C. COULD ACTION gESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be hantlwntten, if legible! C1. Existing air quality, surtace or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production ar tllsposaf, potential for erosion, drainage pr fiootling problems? Explain briefly. C2 Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, histonc, or other natural or cultural resources; or community or neighbomootl caaraeter? Explain brlefiy: C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wiltllife species, significant habitat!, or mreatened ar entlangeretl species? Explain hriefly: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain bflafly C5. Growth, subsequent development, qr relatetl activities likely to be inducetl by the proposetl action? Explain briefly. C6. Lang term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identlfletl in Ct-C$? Explain bdelty. C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. O. IS THERE, OR IS THERE LIKELY TO 9E. CONTAOVEASY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT57 ? Yes ? No If Yes. explain briefly PART 111-OETEAMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (fo be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (Le. urban of rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) tlurailon; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (t) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference suppotting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and atlequately addressed. ? Check this box if you have identified one or mare potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF andfor prepare a positive deCtaration. ? Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in arry~ significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments a3 necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Name of Lead AeenCy Pnnt or ivce name or Respons,ble Officer in lead AaencY itle or Restwnvble t icer Signature or Respons,bie O icer m Lead regency ianature or Prcparo Ut cif event from responv !e or iced Dam 2 K n i e g o a s s o c i a t e s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects & planners June 9, 1999 Mr. Robert Kassner Building Inspector Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Kassner: Pursuant to your field inspection at the above referred to premises with the general contractor, I have corrected my plans to show a new handicapped ramp at the main entry in accordance with A.D.A. standards. These amended drawings are sent for your review and approval. Sincerely, NIEGO ASSOCIATES Sol Niego% Architect/A.I.A. SN/jag cc: Burton Seelig/Serota & Sons ~~qq tJ ~ 1V „ n JUN ~ 0 1999 Southold Town ~PU~nrtunm+g Board fax - 516-486-4707 office - 516-486-5340 .Z:u-R.M. Publk hearing for the change far Ralpby a~ Pa~trtaa sad.John sad;:., Joame : Calasu, itt Cltmhv6lta,;~ .lbws-of-Southold,:.County~bf-Suf-~~,. .folk, State of'New-Yorlc.t$utfglk:;: County Tax Map Ntanber;.OJ~$7-'; ' 1-1~.4 & 12.3.: x- n • ~ fir. ; -'.The property is bordered On.bhe; worth by lead pow~or formerly,gf~ Pugliese; on the seat by land nowoi~ formerly of Ryslw, asd:.by Maim Road (NYS Rt. 25); on the souUt by knd now or formerly of Robinson; ' and on the west by lead"now or for-. - merly of Pugliese. 7:50 P.M. Public hearing for the' proposed lottine change [or Susan; ' Magg and Francis sad Judith Otjol4 is Mattituclc, Town of Southold, Comty o[ Suffollt, State of: New York. SuHoD: CotMty- Tax'.:mep Number 1000-1167-3 4, The property is bordered qa the north by land wow or formerly of Short D. Glaze and Hekn D. Glass; the eml by Halls .Creep jaJt.a.. MudCreek): qn the eouth'bykaQ' now qi formerly of Kevia'Cande and Ka Pufabl: and oa thewest. by HaNY Qi'oek Drive: 7:55"~P.M.Pablic-hearingfor the, proposed lot line change for $~ya mond J. Akscin and Keuoeth"L. & Carol M. lloht in Soutlwtd: Tow9. of Southold, Cqusty of SuKo4,. State of New.Yprk,. SuffolltCounty Taz .Map Number .1000.68-2-16. 17: The property k bordered on the north by land now or formerty of Francis Aksein and wire, apd by land now or formerly of Russell A. Pellkaao; on the east by land now.or. formerly of Edward R. Deytscti & Eileen E. Deutsch: on the southeast by land now or formerly of Raymond T Akscin & Rudolph 7. Dehpna; op the south by Maip Bayview Road; and on thewest.by land now or formerly of Francis Akscin and wife,. 8:00 P.M. Public hearing for the Proposed site phm for Hay Harbor qub, oa Flahets Island; Town "of Squthold,Cowty of SttB'ollt, State of New York: Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000.9-12.8.1.. The proparty is bordered opthe. north-by imd now or formerlyof Nags d 1Ht1Ye Heating Henry W. Hobson, ]r., arid. by Isnd NfxrilL B HBREBX. G1VEN now. or formerly of Joaa;L.. Poe' teat pwatupt ~ Ssjetiou 276 of the twtta, by:knd now or fomterly of Town Law, and .4tticle. X7i:V o[ the Jotia W. Mettler, "III & Cornelis code-ot the Tin "p[ Soygwld,.. a Daley, by htud.now or forejterly;pf STATE OF NEW YORK) public hearing wd4 be• heW by-the ~ Margaret M. Bogert, and by Eririclc !>L"i.+'tis"SiwoaWat!+stbY~o~A ",1M' )SS: iha._ ~ l~atl.r {~I,,,~:;,thaSt)ut¢'bY..:$toCk,WaydSrtgtt~' ~'~'y Southold„New Ytulc m said Town "and on the west by Heathulk Aw. CO~j~~~.,~ OF S FQLK) on the 5th day of Apn1,1999 on the Dates: Marsh zf;1999 - ~ V JC~dn i ~ i 1 ~ Of MattituCk, in said tptaetioa of the foUowtttg: BY ORDER OFTRE 7.30 P.Id..Pubhc bearingfor she SOUTHOI.,D'rQ~y. county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is proppooaa~edd~~~tginor wbatwasswa;Ygr PlnxrllNClt principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Rtcfmond Creelt,.Fara'v, Segiop 2,' Bennett aMWt~. ;n Peegaic, ".Town . of Southold; ° c7tairtnan weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, it1 County o[ Sttt(ollc,. State of xew - 1653-iTAI York. saHolk County era:: ~..•Map the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and xttmber laoo•6e-1-9. ' ' - ` ' State of New York, and that the Notice of which The property is bordered on the i,,o~a7l~pai ~to~rm~erlasi the annexed is a printed copy, has been regu- by wow Road: ao the aodtti by . i pubflshe~l in said Newspaper once each Richmond Cree1G and °n the want ~ for I weeks successively, by land-now or formerly o[ Peeoak Land Trtut. encing on the I s+ day :733 P1H. Public hearing fnr tqe AfR Q 6 1999 rl t 19 proposed amettdW sits plan for •Y-'IlatimjF Hook, ie~ Cutchogue, `rows ~ of SgotboM, County of Suffolk, Stets of New York..Sutfolk.:Cqunty 17ur,I~3~:.. ~@t1~i~fd TQWl1 xuot~looo-g?-s.lz= _ ~y~l~3fly ga~rd Principal Clerk The property. is bordered oa-the °O~st ~ °riN~ Sworn to bef re me this of New York Tekpbone m the .ntttluart by Main Roark m " day Of 19 -the southbyletbiasylxform~*of.. L Stpttord Friemeon; sod tm the wear 3 ~ MARY DIANA FOSTER bx 4oq now or:fortpedy ~ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK ~ 1 ~,~a N0.52.45552d2 StlFFOLK COIJNTY proposed sitC p4n ~ Mot-A-Mar CAiMMISSION EXPt~tFS AUGl1ST 31,19c Marina, .Fa Mattitutdt. Towtr~ of > t Southold, Cotmty.of Sutfg)k, Statp.--.~ o! New York. Suffolk Cgtulty Tax' . Map Nutnber 100D•1143'~ - PAY u d on the 8ekerao the aor~thwt , of kam Ave.: oa the southeau and atYh bJ k-Stoak:;,agd oa i -the west by Long peak, PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS • gUFFO(,~ O~Q CQ ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. or Gy~ p.0. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS Dy • Telephone (516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD ?IQl ~ ~a0 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mazch 24, 1999 Sol Niego, Architect Niego Associates 600 Hempstead Tpke. West Hempstead, NY 11552 Re: Proposed amended site plan for Suffolk County National Bank SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 Dear Mr. Niego: The above noted site plan application was scheduled for the Planning Board's Mazch 22, 1999 meeting. This meeting was canceled since the Planning Board didn't have a quorum that evening. All items scheduled for the March 22nd meeting have been re-scheduled for Monday, April 5, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, ~~tc O~ws~; Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adiacent Prooertv Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan. 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Proposed amended site plan for Suffolk County National Bank, SCTM#1000- 97- 5-12 located in the King Kullen Shopping Center. 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the General Business B) zone. 4. That the application is fora 620 square foot ofFice addition to an existing bank (see enclosed map). 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board office at (516) 765-1938. 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, April 5, 1999 at 7:35 p.m. in the meeting hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Rd., Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Traveler Watchman published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owners Name(s). Date: Notice of Hearing A public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: Nathan L. Serota NAME OF APPLICATION: Amended site plan for Suffolk County National Bank REFERENCE/TAX MAP 1000-97-5-12 SUBJECT OF HEARING: to construct a 620 square foot office addition to an existing bank ~ TIME & DATE HEARING: Monday, Apri15, 1999 at 7:35 p.m. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. PLANNING BOARD ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ (516) 765-1938 • • ~a ~f~~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ P.O. Box 1179, 53095 Main Road ~Ypl # ,~o~' Southold, New York 11971 ~ 4 Project: -~6~** ~ ~ Date: ~i~~'~~~- S/ - SCTM District 1.000 -Section _ ~ 7 -Block J`~ - Lot ~Z /I~Qi1I FMFNTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Y AX MAP NUMBERS: SECTION -BLOCK -LOT ~AME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD vvvv///// NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON PREPARING AP DATE: ,REVISED DATE: S ,NORTH ARROW & SCALE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY & INFORMATION TO DEFINE BOUNDARIES ~jLOCATIONS, NAMES & EXISTING WIDTHS OF ADJACENT STREETS & CURBS V/~OCATION & OWNERS OF ALL ADJOINING LANDS, AS SHOWN ON TAX RECORDS LOCATION & PURPOSE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS _ COMPLETE OUTLINE OF EXISTING DEED RESTRICTIONS APPLYING TO PROPERTY EXISTING ZONING AREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING OR STORM WATER OVERFLOWS ~ATER COURSES, MARSHES, WOODED AREAS, TREES 8" IN DIAMETER OR MORE ANY BUILDING WITHIN 100' OF PROPERTY * ~:1~~~-ef P""`~''~ Y PAVED AREAS, CULAR ACCESS TO PUBLIC STREETS ~~..C'~~~,o~ EXISTING DRAINAGE, CULVERTS & WATERLINES WITHIN OR ADJ. TO PROPERTY ? ~ ~~6~ LANDSCAPING ANLN~- PROPOSED BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS ~jOFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS (c~ MA~ 2 `L ~~49 ' OUTDOOR LIGHTING AND/OR PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS OUTDOOR SIGNS Southold Town 239 K -COUNTY NOTIFICATION: SIDEWALKS, LOCATIONS, WIDTHS. Plannlrlg B08fd _/CURB CUT ACCESS TO ROUTE 25 AS REQUIRED BY NYS D.O.T. SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN AND/OR SIZE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES r'tk~ ? HEATH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL H.S. Ref. G~~ `9B ~/O I. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 45 TOWN ZONING CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING & LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED L%~~ IS/ARE A PERMITTED USE IN THIS ~ DISTRICT ANDTHIS SITE PLAN MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS D~IS~TR%ICT AND IS S~O`CERT~[FIED. MICHAEL J. RITY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ ~ CUTCHC~GUE TIRE DISTRICT sue' ~ New Suffolk Road, PO Box 930, Cutchogue, NY 11935 D. Telephone (516) 734-6907 • Fax (516) 734-7079 March 14, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board • Mr. Bennett Orlowski Jr. Chairman PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski, Ref: Suffolk County National Bank Plan The board has reviewed the site plan for the above property and find that a Fire Well is not required. Thank you for forwarding the plan for our review. Very truly yours, Board of Fire C missioners r' Matthew J Martin, District Secretary ' t fl ~ r Yee l ! ~ ~ ~ ~F Y F MAC ~ 6 ~ssy _ Southold Town Planning Board fi J p,.~ { Yom} ~ ~v°~ 4~" ~VE ~ as~ j ey ~ e , STATE OF NEW YORK) )ss. ~'a~4;~ ~ v tyy9 I~CtiLI~D'At~ 'iyLY~d"ooirartormedyofPeconic °~>~!,~`Illantlai[ Iand>m.x. COUNTY OF lJF' OLK) NOTi :IS H$R$~Y OVEN. Z:75 p.aa. Public hearing eor, the r ~ , t'T,@l; down that ¢msuant to"~b4~ 27G`Of the proposed amended site plan for r • ~ 1 11.S Of ~id Town law, a~ Article 7txV oCthe -Suffolk County National Bank, N coon bean dul sworn, sa a she is code otthe Town ofSouWWd,apub- ~Cutchogue. Town of Southold, ~ ty+ g y lice fiear'ing-~Wiu be-hem-by the Cbmty bf Suffolk, State o[ New principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a .Sonthom Town Flaming Board, at York. Suffolk County Tax Map the Town ~ ilalh, Malq ::.rood, xumber 10000.97-saz. weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in SaHhokl,NprYorkinsaidTdwnon -The property is bordered m the the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and the ?2nd day of March, /999An the nofNeast by loud now or formerly of question otthe.followiog., , New.YorkTelephoee (NYNEX); on State of New York, and that the Notice of which 730 p.m.:J'trbSc Rearing for the tlib wuthedst by Main Road; on the the annexed is a printed copy, has been regll- proposcd rgttl4f. snbdivtsioh for south'by land now or formerly of Riclttrrond CreekFarma, Setxion x sanfoid Friemann; and un the wear - lady published in said Newspaper once each in Peconic, Town o[ Seuthotd, 'by lend now or formerly of Sanford Connty of Suffolk, Sate of New - - Friemanrt: - ~ week for ~ week successively, York." Suffolk .'Comfy Tax; Map Dated: March 2,1999 COmmenCin~ On the ~ day Number 100D=g6.1A. BY ORDER OF The property is bordered on the ~ TFIE SOUTHOLI) TOWN Of~~Q it 19 north by .land -now or formery of - PI.ANNIN6 BOARD , Peconic Land Truest, Inc.; m the east Beeaett Orlowski, Jr. by- Wells Road; m the south by ~ Chrirman QJ ~ Richmond C`eek;'and on the wear 1630.1TMI1 Pt1r1C1pa1 Clerk Sworn`to,,b.,e-fore me this ~S~" day of ~ ,Ilvt ~Z.~ 19~~ A MARY DIANA FOSTER ~~`L" `t'" ' - " - - " NN0~52.46552 2 SUFFOLK COUNTYf COMMISSION EXPI~lES AUGUST 31,19" n i e g o a s s o c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects & planners M E M O R A N D U M T0: Robert Kassner PROM: Sol Niego DATE: N•arch 8, 1999 RE: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road Cutchogue, New York SCTMIf 0100-097-05-12 fY`X if T"(Yf~f'.f~';'k TAY kiY ~:~f'.'f'.'f~fT'IfYfnifni(~fJ~'~n T~*'n n~C iY~~C iY'X ~~f 9f ~F SY ~C ~C ~C fY ~f'X ~~if ~if~f JY i~f ~f ~f f'C :~JY ~JY~{f ~f 'f if Enclosed are two corrected site plans of the above referred to project showing the corrected one-way traffic lane in front of the bank as requested by your Planning Board. Please destroy the previous two site plans (drawing SP-1) originally sent with the latest two sets of plans I sent you. Sol i go, Ar hitect/A A. SN/jag enclosure ,R.. ,.o..,, ~ ~ `s~a3 pp Soul;hold Tovain Planning ~g~rd fax - 516-486-4707 office - 516-486.5340 ~~~.~-X nie o associates R ,~r~" ~ ~ ,~(,`~)~~1~ 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 ~ ~ ~ 516-48fr5340 7ransmitta! of Drawings -Prints, etc. Suffolk County National Bank Town of Southold..-..Planning..DePt.~ )OB..................................................... SOB IE ......9&-.1.0 TO 53095 Main Road LOCATION......Main..Road ......Southold ,..New..York....1197.1 _Cut.cho.8lle.r..New.York............................... ATTENTION OF:....,.....Robert Kassner DATE........March.,4,_..1,999__._._....,...,... WE ARE TRANSMITTING HEREWITH VIA MAIL THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: NO COPIES 1 Duplicate copy of Suffolk Count Health De artment a roved lan 3 additional co ies of the latest site lan comes ondin to Suffolk Count Health De artment a royal. all items are for the above referred to o' or F ~ f ? SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND/OR APPROVAL . ~ ....~tA~..p..5...1599 ? APPROVED AS NOTED ? FOR CORRECTION Southold Town ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ANO/OR USE Plariri'irig ~oaTd......... ? PLEASE SUBMIT CORRECTED PRINTS OR EACH ITEM NUMBERED ? PLEASE RESUBMIT AS CORRECTED ....................................................COPIES.......................................................................-....... /i NOTE: PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS TRANSMITTAL YOURS TRULY, ~~~~Eo X~ PLANNI EG BOAR.D MEMB E>t~ o~~gpFFO(,~co • Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman G'y~ P.O. Box 1179 p < Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. ~ ~ Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G. WARD y'jlpl * ~a~~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 DATE: March 4, 1999 The above project is being sent to you for certification. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Prooertv Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan. 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Proposed amended site plan for Suffolk County National Bank, SCTM#'1000- 97- 5-12 located in the King Kullen Shopping Center. 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the General Business (B) zone. 4. That the application is fora 620 square foot office addition to an existing bank (see enclosed map). 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board office at (5'16) 765-'1938. 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, March 22, '1999 at 7:35 p.m. in the meeting hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Rd., Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Traveler Watchman published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owners Name(s): Date: Notice of Hearing A public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: Nathan L. Serota ~ NAME OF APPLICATION: Amended site plan for Suffolk County National Bank REFERENCE/TAX MAP 1000-97-5-12 SUBJECT OF HEARING: to construct a 620 square foot office addition to an existing bank ~ TIME & DATE HEARING: Monday, March 22 1999 at 7:35 p.m. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. PLANNING BOARD ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ (516) 765-1938 J i _ - ~,-T .,r=, 'N' ~ 29 ! ~ f t, ' ~ r - - Q z6.5o 29 ~ ' ~ E ; TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED = 314 SPACES Cz ~ i i~ ~ i ~ r~ I ~ ~ Z HG ~'~NG~ j i ~I""a HG No cz ~ . ~ ~ o- ~ I ~ ~ hp ~ ~ I ~ J i i i I l ~ ! ' EXISTING PYLON i SIGN T A I L I+4 "om*rw L m ~a 3 s q. f t. I 0 o~ EXIST. ~ I ~ ~ a BANK o pp • ~ rw ~.s r~ aria ~ M I I I a ll ~ o Q~ ~~j' ~ ~ ' ~ LINE OF RGOF cx~sr. nRVVCU ~p OVERHANG vTOiniE~rrzcie f ` we cwt ~f-:,;;. 3 ~ ~ ~ 635.57' SITE P ~ A N ~ A~~T P~P«.T_, owe ,fi ;t , SRN Ian IV,p ~ fi I E n/~I. rJ 1n°, . 3 1~ = 40' ~ 9~ ~ ~9 -t= PLANNING BOARD MEMBE~ gOFFO(,~ CD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. =.~0 Gyp p, 0. Box 1179 Chairman p Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS W ~ GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. O ~ .F Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G. WARD y'flpl ~ ~.DO~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF 50UTHOLD Mcu,rr ~ , 1999 Matthew Martin, Secretary Cutchogue Fire District New Suffolk Rd. Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mr. Martin: Enclosed please find one (1) survey dated ..~y~le. 11, 1998 ,for SUffo1K COUntV IVCI,h~Onal ~nK 7 SCTM~ 1000- 9~-s-Iz L~ The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fare- wells are needed. Please specify whether farewells are shallow or electric. ? The enclosed subdivision is being referred to you for your recom- mendation at to whether any farewells are needed. Please specify whether farewells are shallow or electric. Please reply by Ccrcl, 1 R, 1999. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. -~-~~niegb associates ~ 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 R~,p~ 5164865340 ~ ~ Transmittal of Drawings -Prints, etc. Suffolk County National Bank TO:..Town of Southold...-..Plannin&..??e.P.t~ )OB.....................................................IOBN ...98-10.. 53095..Main Road LOCATION.........Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Cutchogue, New York ATTENTION OF:......Robert Kassner DATE February 25, 1999 WE ARE TRANSMITTING HEREWITH VIA MAIL THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: NO COPIES 1 co of letter from Suffolk Count Health De artment and the a rov d lan for the above referred to ro'ect for our use. ? SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND/OR APPROVAL ? APPROVED ..................................................................................................................................~fAK...O..t...IJJ9....................... ? APPROVED AS NOTED ? FOR CORRECTION .....................................................................................................................^?.Q.U1thall:I.TOVILR.................... ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND/OR USE P~811 i11?1g B08~CI.................... ? PLEASE SUBMIT CORRECTED PRINTS OR EACH ITEM NUMBERED ? PLEASE RESUBMIT AS CORRECTED ....................................................COPIES........................-...................................................... NOTE: PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS TRANSMITTAL YOURS TRULY, Aj~p ~sya i cc w/enclosure: Burt Seelig f • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CLARE B. BRADLEY, M.D., M.P.H. COMMISSIONER February 19, 1999 Sol Niego, Architect 600 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead NY 11552 Dear Mr. Niego: Subject: Board of Review Hearing -January 26, 1999 C10-98-0010, Suffolk County National Bank, (T) Southold; SCTM 100-97-5-12. Enclosed is a copy of the Board of Review's findings, recommendations and determination concerning the subject application. Based on the information submitted, the Board granted the request for variance with the provisions indicated in the determination. The granting of this waiver does not imply that your application will be automatically approved. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete; otherwise, your approval will be subject to unnecessary delay. Very truly yours, Dennis Moran, P.E. ~ ~ 1 ~g99 Chairman, Board of Review ~1a -~oWn 6~~+ DM/Ir Southo\d Board q` P,ar;~in9 ~Fa Enclosure cc Board of Review File-Riverhead Vito Minei, P.E. James Bagg Tanima Adhya Nathan L. Serota 225 RpeRO Dnrve E~si H~uvnAUGe NY 11788-4290 • TeLepriONE (518) 653J079 • FAx (516) 853-3075 :~_~%'r '~,rFy i~Fe~ ~ n~~f ; ~ ~,~I,, . SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERV~I'`~)~~ ~ V','P}2~4 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ~ 26 P/f 9y Article 2, Scctiou 220, Sullolk County Suiitary Code To: Clare B. Bradley, M.D., M.1'.H., Commissioner From: Dennis Moran, P.E., Chairman Board of Rcvicw _ Subject: Repott of Findings and Recommendations of the Review Board: C10-98-0010, Suflblk County National B.mk, ('I') Southold; SCTM 100-97-5-12. Applicant: Sol Niego, Architect, 600 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead NY 11552 Notice of Hearing: January 8, 1999 - Hearing Date: January 26, 1999 Statement of Problem The project sewage design flow exceeds population density equivalent as required by Article 6, Section 760-607 A.2 and B.2 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. Fuiduigs and Facts 1. Project consists of a 620 s.f. addition to an existing bank building which is patt of a shopping center. The shopping center has an existing 43,804 s.f. of building on a 5.16 acre site. 2. Site is in Growidwater Management Zone IV. 3. Area is caned Business-B. 4. Public water is not available. The shopping center is served by two on-site wells; one well serves the bank. 5. There are no public water supply wells within one-half a mile of the site. 6. The existing saziitary Elow for the entire shopping center is 2,209 gpd. The addition of 620 s.f. of building will increase the design flow by 37 gpd. A . • Clare B. Bradley, M.D., M.P.H., Commissioner Page Two Subject: Report of Findings and Recommendations of the Review Board Regarding: C10-98-0010, Suffolk County National Bank, (T) Southold; SCTM 100-97-5-12. Findings and Facts (cont'd) 7. The bank has a separate sanitary system. Determination It was a 3 to 0 determination to grant the request for the variance. The addition of 37 gpd of sanitary flow should not have any substantial adverse effect on groundwater. a-~1~{`i.°~ Qu,ti..~,...~~~ona,.--- 1./fJ?.~ Date Dennis Moran, P.E., Chairmui DM/Ir 9 r~.~ _ n i e g o a s s o c i a c e s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects & planners November 18, 1998 Mr. Robert Kassner Town of Southold Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Kassner: In accordance with the request of the Suffolk County Bank, I am submitting a revised plan of the bank addition showing the existing canopy over the new ATM machine being extended to the westerly curb line in order to cover over the teller island servicing the ATM machine. This means that I will have to add two new structural Columns covered with split faced concrete block to match the existing columns atop the existing island where the ATM machine is to be placed. I would hope that this minor change would not require a new Planning Board session, since this extension of the existing canopy would match the presently existing canopy over the drive-up window. Please let me hear from you about this after you review the enclosed drawing. 1 ~j / ~ incerely, c ~~+ZZ'2~_ IEGO ASSOCI?~ ES , G%~ as'rP J ' JEQ Sol Niego, Architect/A. .A. SN/jag ~V~ .-i cc: Burt Seelig ,~~-~,T-a , R~ IvOV 2 0 198 Southold Town fax - 516-486-4707 office - S{P~4(jjy~l$Oald f _ K n i e g o a s s o c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 sol niego, a.i. a. J u l y 2 3, 19 9 8 architects & planners ?'.r. Robert Kassner Planning Department Town of Southold X3095 vain Road Southold, \ew York 11971 Re: Suffolk County Rational Bank Main Road Cutchogue, Xew York Dear Mr. Kassner: in accordance with my apperance with Burt Seelig of Sathan L. Serota~s office at the Planning Board meeting on Monday Jnly 20th and the revisions discussed relative to the turn around at the southerly end of the new bank addition, I am enclosing herewith two (2`, copies of the partial site plan at a scale of 1" 20' These plans show the revisions we discussed including the lowering of the EXIT sign just south of the drive-up windows. I hope that these revisions now meet with your Board s approval and that the only remaining item is the stamped plans from the Suffolk County Department of Health. As I mentioned to you, everything has beer. submitted to Steve Costa's office and I am awaiting his review and approval. As soon as the stamped approved plans are received by me, I will forward a stamped site plan to your office immediately. If there is anything further required from my office this time, p'.ease do not hesitate to call me immediately. Sin \'I O AS OCIATES r ~ l S ,Y'~iego, rchitect/ I.A. S'~~ lag / Enclosure; cc: Burt Seelig JUt 24 1998 ~idl Sathan L. Serota SoutholdRRTown fax - 516-486-4707 Po~ice ~~15~340 ~ ~ Pg ~ 80UTMOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW GOMMITTEE July 8,1tR16' 4;30 P.M. The ARC met at Town Nall. Member proant wero: Robert I. Brown, CaChairman John Greene, Landmarks Proasrvatlon Committee Robert W,. Keith, Secretary, MattlWak Herbert' Emet, 6c?uthold Howard Msinke, Cutchopue Yan Rloger, Greenport RIVERHEAD BUILDIN4 SUPPLY (QREENPORT) Robert Goodele, Chmer, bonald A. Denla, Archfled; Patricia C. Mooro, Attorney; end Jeffrey Bauer, Yard Manager, deaatbed the proposed 50,000 square foot building to roplec~ the prossnt lumbar yard. The ARC will meet on the alts at 4:30 on July 1E1 to consider the proposal. The discussion revolved about increasing the root pitch and using the Tight panda and color to make the storage aec~ion of the structure more archlltecturally pleasing. The rotall section and the signage were acoeEitable. Those making rho presentation indicated that they had received no noses of the meeting and had to make last minute changes In their sd~edulas to attend. BURTS RELIA9LE (SOUTHOLD). The Committee needs to know K the applicant plans to cover the old and new sections of the building with pie same new siding and asks lha colors of the roof, dding and trim. SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK (CUTCHO(3UE). The Committee , ; accepted the deafgn as presented. Robert W. Keith Secretary D JUL 16 1998 Southold Town Planning Board PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS. SpFFO(,t- • CO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. O.rO l/,y~ p.0. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS v' T GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. ~ ~ Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G. WARD - ?JOl ~ ~a0 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 10, 1998 Sol Niego, Architects Niego Associates 600 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead, NY 11552 RE: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 Dear Mr. Niego, The Planning Board has determined that as a result of the proposed construction, the additional traffic flow on the south side (front) of the building will result in an increased traffic hazard. Therefore, the Board requests that the entire area in front of the proposed addition be closed to traffic and landscaped, (see enclosed suggested plan). The east side exit sign to the Main Road should be reduced in size and lowered to improve sight access to the traffic coming from the east. The parallel striping on the east side of the building will have to be removed. In addition to the above, you must apply to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for health review before any possible final approval by this Board. The Town Engineers drainage report is enclosed for your attention. If you would like to discuss these suggestions with the Planning Board, you are invited to attend the work session meeting on Monday July 20, 1998, at 5 pm. in the main meeting room of the Town Hall. If you plan to attend, or have any questions, please contact this office. ' c e , e t Kassner Site Plan Reviewer Encl. THE S~FFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK D 6 WEST SECOND STREET • P.O. BOX 9000 • RIVERHEAO. NEW YORK 11901-9000 • (516) 727.2700 • fA%(676) 727.3210 WILLIAM E. HECK, JR. VICE PRESIDENT FACILITIES ANO SECURITY June 2,~ 1998 Niego Associates 600 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead, N.Y. 11552 Attention: Mr. Sol Niego Re: Cutchogue Expansion Dear Mr. Niego: In response to your letter of June 5, 1998, please see attached sketches of our old and new signage. 2 have still not heard anything about the details Mr. Bozuhoski requested concerning the expansion. Sincerely, ~ ~ . Encl:as WEH:gh cc: Mr. Julie Cohen ~ ` ; • w1 0 z ~•1 • , ~ , o • _ V ~ v 0 w 0 • a 0 ~1 ~ F . W ('3 c ~x M~ StiY' ~ ~ "'~1 • w ~ ~ w n i ego a s s o c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 sol niego, a.i.a• architects & planners June :i, .998 s__o~s. Ccun t~~ ,.ional Ba:: p `p'P,S t3CUnG SiLP_BC 2: V erl:ead. ~BF `:Ors :19Q_ 5r`____am 'e. Heck, Jr. yea. Bi__. ?ur~uan~ :e _.._.._ai review be ?io...._ 3oarc ~.~...~ce: :e Ure so;e addiciona; ~..or-at'_c:: to~~e ..,....seer :=:e --._::ni ~ 3oac._ ae~orv ate.. ~ ? a_^ .,~ics'_^~ co?,' o` ::^eir _ist a..~ cave ci..,e~ _~e^s aID 100.~::"~••COJVpli iOr a::SV.'e: 5 eS E'C.a~~c e. :'W'O _~C--IDS _ ..^:3'v sparred. '-o.: cuntempiatir.g re: o~~_~_ ~ ~ ~o. ~ c. es~er:or .:;e es-s:._ _ .,..~_~ing. please ie:. .:ne ~:no~. sv i ca:: ?lannino Board as paLt x~ ._._:~'~...i.~„_..... _-o:: :ace _ questio::s tiffs t~T.e. aiease do ..es:,..~,._ _..ce F . .°_Gt ASSOC'aTE ' ei Si 9rca~te"i ~ ..1. 5~` ,ac . _ tee.- _ o fax - 516-486.4707 office - 516-486-5340 ~o~gUFFO(,~coG ,~x RAYMOND L. JACOBS• o s~ JA~ES A. RICHTER; R.A. « i SUPERINTENDENT p ~ ~ ENGINEER SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT y` TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax. (516) - 765 - 1750 -7O'~ ~ ~~O Tel. (5l6).- 765 - 3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD e JUNE 25, 1998 f Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Drainage Review Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue, N.Y. SCTM 1000 - 97 - 05 - 12 Dear Mr. Orlowski As per your request, I have reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. The drainage calculations provided for the overall site indicate that existing dry-wells are .twenty four (24') feet deep. All of the pools inspected by my office were eight (8') feet deep with approximately one foot of water in each pool. Normally, this would facilitate a revision of the drainage design. However, in this case, the proposed addition to the Bank building extends out into the existing pavement area and since the amount of storm water run-off generated from both roof surfaces and asphalt pavement is the same, no additional drainage calculations will be required at this time. The construction of one new leaching pool (10' diameter x 8' deep) with a traffic bearing slab and cast iron gratefframe will be required immediately south of the new addition. This pool is to replace the existing one that will be filled in to allow for the expansion of the building. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact my office. S' erely, James A. Richter, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs ~ D (Superintendent of Highways) JUN 2 6 1y98 Southold Town ~ Planning Board F ~ ~ v~~ Gorc n i e g o a s s o c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects & planners June 26, 1998 Mr. Robert Kassner Town of Southold 5309 Main Road Southold, Sew York 11971 Re: Suffolk County Sational Bank Main Road Cutchogue, Sew York Dear ?:r. Kassner: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this morning, I am enclosing the correspondence together with the colored renderings of the sign change contemplated by the bank. It appears that the square foot areas fo the signage have not changed, but obviously they will have to apply for new sign permi `,.s. am sending you this to correct the statement that i made statir..g thee was to be no sigr. changes. hope that yocr Board will now review my entire submission and can act promptly or. same. inc rely, IEGOI ASSOC TES of \ie o, Architect, A. .A. SS;' jag cc: Sa t::an i. Serota D D Jules Coiten JUN 2 9 1998 Southold Town fax-516-486-4707 P~~bnnin~ Board office - 486- 340 RAYMOND L. JACOBS ~ ~ JAMES A. RICHTER; R.A. SUPERINTENDENT : SOUTHOLD'POWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ~ ~ ~ ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax. (516) - 765 - 1750 ~ Tel. (516) - 765 - 3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JUNE 25, 1998 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Drainage Review Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue, N.Y. SCTM 1000 - 97 - 05 - 12 Dear Mr. Orlowski As per your request, I have reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. The drainage calculations provided for the overall site indicate that existing dry-wells are twenty four (24') feet deep. All of the pools inspected by my office were eight (8') feet deep with approximately one foot of water in each pool. Normally, this would facilitate a revision of the drainage design. However, in this case, the proposed addition to the Bank building extends out into the existing pavement area and since the amount of storm water run-off generated from both roof surtaces and asphalt pavement is the same, no additional drainage calculations will be required at this time. The construction of one new leaching pool (10' diameter x 8' deep) with a traffic bearing slab and cast iron gratefframe will be required immediately south of the new addition. This pool is to replace the existing one that will be filled in to allow for the expansion of the building. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact my office. S' erely, James A. Richter, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs D I!5~ D (Superintendent of Highways) V JUN 2 6 1998 Southold Town Planning Board Sv3 j• i,~ ~ n i e~ o a s s o c i~a t e s 2 ~L 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 S1fr4865340 Transmittal of Drawings -Prints, etc. Town of Southold -Planning Board jOeSuffolk County Nat'l Banl~e X98-10 10: . 53095..Main..Road LOCATION..........M~~.zI..AA.~.d......................................... Southo.l.d,..New..Y.ork.....LL9..7.L Cutchogu.e>..New..Yo.r.k............................... ATTENTION OF:........ Robert Kassner DATE .......June...2.3.,...14.4.$.................... WE ARE TRANSMITTING HEREWITH VIA MAIL THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: NO. COPIES 6 co ies of SP-1 for the above ro'ect si ned an our tele hone conversa ' ? SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND/OR APPROVAL ? APPROVED ~ ? APPROVED ,45 NOTED ? FOR CORRECTION ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND/OR USE JUN..2. ? PLEASE SUBMIT CORRECTED PRINTS OR EACH ITEM NUMBERED SoiiiHiilil~Towri ? PLEASE RESUBMIT AS CORRECTED ....................................................COPIES.....................................P'18RRIIY9"B'O'81'Cl""""'" NOTE: PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS TRANSMITTAL YOU RS TRULY, ~ ~ nieso associates . m e g a a s s a c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new yarP~c 77552 TELECOPIER T9AN9MI'CTAL COVER BgEET FAxtk 516-466-4707 PLEASB pELIVER THE FORTHCOMING PAGES T0: NAME: 't-'~'k~i~-:.2.~...y,~.~.__-~.. DATE: 10B NAME: _ OUR 10B# FIRM: jJ-1,t,J--,,` ~ ~tiLy~.~l-i,,A,` 7 D ~ R ADDRESS: ~~c~-u~-~-T• ~,;P t.~{ JUN 2 3 i~5„ FAX MACHINE # i (y_~J ~ /,3 ~j ~J' Southold Town FROM: ~~~-l, ` Planning gOe~ NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUpING COVER SHEET ~~d-~ tJ '.....-T.~ 1F YOU p0 NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES P].EA9E CALL 516-486-5340 AS SOON AS P0962BL6, _ COMMENTS: ~ rY-( r ~ r`- (.....?~'.,y, , . - - - - - _ ~ ~s^-.-r.__ k CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The documents accoropan~.ittg this telecopy transmission contain information which is confidential. The tttEormation is intended only for the use of the individual or entity nomad on this Cransmieaion sheet. If you era not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any discloaura, copyi,nK, disnribation or the [eking of any aceion relative to the contents of this tetecapied :information is strictly prohibited, and that the 4ncumencs should ba reeuznad to rhie firm iadnediar.ely. In this ragxrd, i£ you have received Chia telecopy in error, please notify us by telephone iswediately so [hat we can arrgnge for the return of the doeuments. The original o£ the attached documanc wilt be senk by: ( ) Ordinary mail ( ) Maaaanger ( ) Ovarnz$hc mail/Federal £xpreae ( ) Thia will ba the only form of delivery of thi• document fez - 516-46b-4707 office - Slb•486.5340 P e ~ ~ ~ i ~ qq,, i ! ' ~~h ~4' ~ ~ ~ ~ n y II ~ x: e ~ L f ~ ~ i' ~ i .F, '~rl ~ 4 N r n~_. t ~ ~ ~ Cl ~ 9~~~ M ~ b' _ e _ i ~ w` ~ a: ~ 31 s Q ~ i i r ~ ~ ~ ~ ,•i ~ C) f''1 ~ ~ ~ i. - F ~~C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rt-,~~ ~ ~ z w ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ A ~j`, 33 ~JV ~ ~ .rye.: X4.1 V b+ `1'y' V' ~l / N n~ ~ i~ { / ~ ~ Z ~ l._. ~ i,ry~.. - ~ ~ A~~ d 2 c, 2 r, ~r ~ N~ ' ' ''z' z w a 4 i ~ ~ ~ + O 4' ~ ~ , , t - rte{ _ /j U. r ' ~ ~ wa,6 i ~ - _ ~b,- n iego associates 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new York 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects&planners June 11, 1998 o Mr. Rabert Kassner JUN 1 7 1998 Town of Southold Planning Board s3o9s Main Road Southold Town southold, Sew York 11971 Planning Board Re: Your Letter of May 29, 1998 Suffolk County ftaticnal Bank Cutchogue, Vew York SCT^:~1 1000-97-5-12 Dear v:r. Kassner: Ir. accordance with your letter of ?:ay 29th and t:he material contained therein, I have revised my plans as follows: 1. The site plan has been revised to show all of the individual cars, at a scale of 1" = 20~ together witl: front yard landscaping and parking calculations, including location of the handicapped space, properly marked. 2. There is no proposed outdoor lighting. All existing fixtures to remain. 3. The sign I believe you are referring to is the "East End Cleaners° sign at the bottom of the pylon. It appears to be 5~-0" above grade and should not block traffic views in either direction. If the Board, on its site inspection, still feels ~t is blocking traffic views, then it can be removed or raised above eye level when sitting in an RV, the highest vehicle seating for passenger vehicles. 4. The existing site is already drained, but as you requested, I have included calculations for the drainage of the entire site, with specific attention to the new bank addition. fax - 516-486-4707 office - 516-486-5340 n i e g o a s s o c i a t e s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 Regarding your note about the review by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, do you forward them a copy of my submission or do you wish me to contact them directly about their review of my plans. Your prompt attention to the enclosed would be greatly appreciated. incere y, :DIEGO A~SOCIATE Sol~~ti iego Architect/ I.A. S:~/jag cc: Burt Seelig fax - 516-486-4707 office - 516-486-5340 S~hi n iego associates 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 June 1?, 19 sol niego, a.i.a. D Mr. Robert Kassner i Town of Southold JUN 17 1yyH Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold. Sew York 11971 Southold Town Planning Board Re: Suffolk County Sational. Bank Main Road Cutchogue, Sew York Dear Mr. Kassner: ::n addition to the revised site plans I am resubmitting herewith, I am including the additional items requested in your letter of :~a.y ?9th. I have added these items to the various drawings as follows: i. Building construction information has been added to drawing SP-i. 2. First floor plan at 1/4° scale is drawing A-i. 3. Cellar floor plan at 1/4" scale is drawing S-:. 4. Exterior building elevations are shover. on drawit;g A-2. 5. Sew roofing material to match existing - see drawing A-2 and p}.otos. 6. There is no siding on the building - the exterior walls are of split. ribbed concrete brick - color - Arctic Frost H'hite as manufactured by Smithtown Concrete Products Co. 7. Sew windows to be fixed windows, tubular aluminum frames Dolor - duronodic bronze (see photos). 8. there are no new doors for the addition. The existing storefront entry doors have duronodic bronze frames and the existing rear exit door is a hollow metal door which will be repainted white to ma[ci~ the spit ribbed concrete block (see photos). 9. The aluminum trim around the entire building is white baked enamel and matches the white aluminum soffit material (see photos). fax - 516-486.4707 office - 516-486-5340 n i e g o a s s o c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 10. The new rooftop heating and cooling mechanical equipment is a single 3 ton heat pump to match existing rooftop equipment (see drawing A-3). All of this equipment is hidden from view by the roof mansard around the entire building (see photos). 11. All other rooftop equipment is shown on the roof plan (drawing A-3) and is likewise shielded from view by the roof mansard (see photos). 12. There are no chimneys, piers, or other new accent material for this addition. 13. There are no new canopies. The existing canopy over the remote teller area is of the same duronodic bronze metal roofing as is on the building (see photos). 14. I hate previously sent you color photos of the existing building, the shopping center to the rear, and the Telephone Company building to the east, the \APA Auto Parts building to the west and the Peconic Bay Vineyards to the south. All of these color photos were included with my original submission to the Planning Board. 15. There is no new bank signage contemplated. The only change would be the relocation of the existing sign on the south side where the new addition would be constructed. This sign would be reinstalled on the metal roofing over the addition exactly as it presently appears on the photos I previously sent you. If the Planning Board has any further questions about: the matching materials to be used, please do not hesitate t.o call me. 5~~.cerely, ?QIEGO ASS IAT~S~ \I V C Sol Ni go, Archite t/ I.A. SN/jag cc: Burt Seelig/tiathan L. Serota fax - 516-486-4707 office - 516-486-5340 PLANNIN(: BOARD MEMBEB~ gpFFO(,~ • ~0 C~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSHI, JR. hZ.~ Gy P.O. Box 1179 Chairman G Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS WO ~ Tele hone (516) 765-1938 GEOR RECHARDIG. WARD ~ JR .j.~ • O~~ P 0,(~ ~a PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: James Richter, Town Engineer FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Review of drainage for Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 DATE: May 22, 1998 Please review the attached for drainage. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways 5e'~ n i e g o a s s o c i ate s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects & planners Y:ay 21, 1998 ~~a, ..S ?:r. Robert Kassner MAY 2'L 1998 Town of Southold Planning Department Southold Town ?^.a it: Road Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road Cutchogue, New York S.C.T.'"..if 0100-097-05-I2 Dear Vr. Kassner: Zn accordance with our previous telephone conversations, i had our surveyor, Barrett, Bonacci, Hyman & Van Weele, L.L.S., field check the setbacks on the two adjacent properties and add their setbacks to the latest updated surveys enclosed herewith. As you can see from the updated survey, the average setback between the two adjacent properties is 65.20 and the r.ew setback for the bank, with its new 20 ft. addition would be 65.20, which is equal to the average of the two .adjacent properties. Z hope that this answers all of the Planning Board's question relative to existing and proposed setbacks. If you have any other questions at this time, please do not hesitate to call me. S'ncer ly. NI 0 SSOC TE So \iego, Archit ct; I.A. S:~~Jag Enclosures fax - 516-486-4707 office - 516-486-5340 PLANNING BOARD MEMBZ~ gpFFO~~- • ~~O~Q C~Gy Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. P.O. Box 1179 Chairman ~ Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~y • Telephone (516) 765-1935 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD ~~l ~ Qa~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 29, 1998 Sol Niego, Architect Niego Associates 600 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead, NY 11552 RE: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 Dear Mr. Niego, The Planning Board has received your letter of May 21, 1998, in regard to the set back for the above project. The site plan as dated March 20, 1998, is confusing, as it does not show any parking. The set-back survey dated May 7, 1998, shows the parking but on the building without the twenty foot addition. The following changes/additions must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1. Show existing building and addition on one plan at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1"= 20'), together with five foot front yard landscaping, parking and parking calculations, including a thirteen by twenty foot (13' by 20') handicapped space properly marked with sign. 2. Show any proposed outdoor lighting, including wattage and type of fixture. 3. Relocate or reduce height of sign. The sign blocks the view to the east for exiting cars. 4. Show drainage and drainage calculations. • In addition to the above, a review by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services is required before any possible final approval by this Board. Enclosed is a listing of additional data required by the Architectural Review Committee. Please deliver this material to the Planning Board office. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact this office. nc re , /may/ e t Kassner Site Plan Reviewer Encl. PLANNING BOARD MEMBEli.9~ g~FFO(,~- CO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. =0 G~~ p.0. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS O ~ ~ Telephone (516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICIIARD G. wARD y'flpl ~ ~a~~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 1, 1998 Sol Niego 600 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead, NY 11552 RE: Suffolk County National Bank Main Road, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-97-5-12 Dear Mr. Niego, The Planning Board has received your letter of March 11, 1998, regarding the above project. Southold Town Code 100-103 A & B, requires that structures shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from the right-of-way. There shall be an exception to the above if the adjacent parcels are developed, in which case the minimum front yard set back shall be the average of the setbacks of the adjacent parcels. A Building Department Notice of Disapproval and a Variance from the Board of Appeals will be required in order for the Board to proceed with your application. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. n 1~ ~ o r G. assner Site Plan Reviewer r n i e g o a s s o c i a t e s 600 hempstead turnpike, west hempstead, new york 11552 sol niego, a.i.a. architects&plannen; viarch 11, 1998 I Town of Southold Planning Board Town Ball "lain 32oad Chi 1R ~C0.Wff Southold, dew York 11971 Att: Richard G, Ward, Chairman Re: Suffolk Gounty rational Bank Addi[ion "lain Road Cutchogue, tiew York Dear i~ir. Ward: In accordance with your departments requirements, I am submitting herewith the following material for the proposed 620 sq.ft. front addition to the existing bank. The enclosures are as follows: 1. One (1) copy of site plan application. 2. dine (9) copies of site plan. 3. 1\ine (9) copies of exterior elevations. 4. One (1) copy of short form EAF. 5. One (1) copy of photographs of existing building and surrounding buildings on both sides of ?lain Road. 6. Check in the amount of $165.50 made payable to the Town of Southold for the "REVISED STTE PLAti" application. Please let me know if this submission is complete and when the Planning Board work session will be held relative to this submission. If you have any questions about any of the enclosed material, please do not hesitate to call me. "'4"3!!~ S' ncer ly, " w IEGO SSOCI TES!` MNR 25 1998 Soutt3old Town Planning Board o Nie Archite t A.I.A. SN/jag cc: tiathan L. Serota fax - 516-486.4707 office - 516-486.5340 1 f ~ t I ° al ~IQA~_ ES` f 4 M Z1 t:.~li . ~ 'r" 1. ti-gin. _~a 'may r: ~ tr.. i ~M"L.ti r \ . j \ - 4 3'~~ III t. _ ~ ;:n .1 ' _ ~5'. `V\ y_ p ~ p .1 yu ~u -`r a. r , _ j ~ ~ i r i 2: LI IS^.. ' _ ~ ' ® , L 'PIS ^e , Y ~ , r _ v ~ F r - - I I FYI , ~ - • IN - ~ .4'j y ~ fi r-. 7. •.~4~ r f . _ _ _ .,,.~Ti1Yh ,elr` cy~ ~ _ I ~„~~~j ~ III II 11 ~ I. III II ' ~I' " I C~[~ {~d - ~ [ III II i7~~ ~'Rr.~. l,.. 'N y - ~ '1111 1 w.,. s.... s, ~'i 'r . ~ ~4. ` r t i ~ b~ I , 1 / ;}y~' _ ~l S - - - S ' ~ l,Y - ~ F* r i S. i r _ P! _ C _ ~ ter" ~ ~ . . _ 1 ' ~r-. bet, c M-1 s ~4-, ~ iy .t. F~ ~ i :-i - i , r i! i1 i ~~~~1f ~ I~I~~ 1~, 1~ ~ I ,rat ;I, i. 1 ..:,sari ~ I I ~ ~ ~~Il~l M~ I~1 ili .E, •ii L e ' ~ ~ . I I . ~F~. .'.1 ~ \ - \ 1 - 7 _ I _ ti, revan~ `~x - - ou.Yei • rv. ~ R ' - -sego _ - - r{a - l 4 ~ -~t _ _ - _ _ c...: Wit-" r - . .r <..--d+s'-'.+k,1<[;~~a6Yrf ~ ' .?.fi."na-a--i'a'~"'. . . i _ _ ~ r 1 - R . .A 'y _ _ ~ , 1 , ~ _ 'i':: Mr' . } :f :'L f ~ r~~ 1 G: _ - y _ l w.. ~i _ ~ ' Y' , / - ~ ~ i I - f 1' ~ ~ ~ ~ - k?- ,rte.' a _ _ w~ 1 r ~ I R y. - ~ ti- ~ ~ i _ i" _ ~ Ix~ - ~ '5 l ~ ~s 1 ~ ` ` ~ 4 - t .r' ` ~r;.Y. <P ~ . 4 _ r ~ _ ~ _ y.. 5 ~ I _ ~L \ 6 v~zza z 'r ""r ~ i _ - :~'vit- h~ II~ yF J, . t 4 , --l' J ~ 1 e~ 1~ wz ~ ~a ~r x i- _ fi -..rri~i:'- r n i e g'o a s s o ~ i ate s bOQ hempstead'turnpike, west hempatead, new York 11552 ral, aorlEx TaAeaxizcAL coves aaExT PA]C! 516-4ab-4707 PLRASE D6LIVSR THE FOxTHCO`MCING EAGEB T0: NAME: ~ ~~s f~-1L%~! DATH: S ~1 a _ JOB NAME: ~J~~~lyF~_ r~.,; _F~"' ^ OUx ~J0y99 ~ FIRM: ~Q1~ 1~.J ~ ~ ,i,r` ~ C..(~ p~r~-~,~ ~ mac... " ADDRESS: FAX MACHINE P ~ n ~ ~ ~ t V. .~y PROM: a~CJt.. i ~~1 ~ rt., ',.l NUMBER OF GAGES INCLUDING CDVER SHEET (`S- i IF YOU DO NOT''xECEIVF, ALL THE PAGES PLEASE CALL 516-486-SS4O AS 800N AS PO~SI]iLE. ~s~-iea:aenm i u r x--rc~ce~,~s ~mvr.rsa~~~ corn~NTS : C' r, ; , ~c'S'"r"ar i~-- (.~Q,D ~C 11J G 1~- O Q-~C_9 t ns o~.C..... CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The documents aecompanying thin talecopy tranrmiu ion contain inEormetion which ie eonfidantial. Tha 'Lnformation is intanded only:lor the use of ikGa individual or aneity named on this transmission rheet. If you •ra not the intanded recipient, you are herby notified that any diecloaure, copying, distribution or iha Lakin of anX actabn relative to the contents o! this telacopieil information is etrice~y prohibited; and that the documents ahoyld be raeurned to this firm immediaeely. In thi• regard, if you have rec¢ived thin telecopy in error, please notify ur by tel¢phone'immediately eo that wa can arrange for the rorurn of the documents. The original of the etltached document will be senC'by: ( ) Ordinary mail ( ) Meaeenger ~ Ij 7y`~ ( Ovarni~ht marl/Federal Expru• ~h"C,) 'This will ba 'the only form of delivery o! this dacumant Southold Town Planning Board saz - sus-+ab•a~or omre - st~sa+o archi'~ecfs/planners C~`~ `fg6 534© 6Q0 hempsbead tarnpike C~ 1 d O west hem~ead n.y. S ~ . . - O 7 0 0 - O ~ • ° o 12 0 0 Z;S~43.5Tro• E bsas9• -Y . O w ~ h Y t'1 EXISTING St,I~ERMARKET QCI~ ~ 27.992 sq. ft, TQTAL PARKING PRQVIDED = 314 SPACES Q Q a w r z F-~i Q EXISTING e _ _ RETAIL a AREA t1E KEY ADDITI~t ` - _ ~ 14.200 sq.ft. z ® $ i s ~iw _ ® ® ® ® ~ f J N 43•IT50' V 635.57 SITE PLAN _ _ 1. , . _ - - ` ~1 I I ~ I ; x ~ ~ ~ v~ ; ~ E------ ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ ~~h i i M Q v\ -G __.___----.._----Y o ~ ~ G < _ ~ ~ it t ~1i ~ \3• ~ ~ V~ i `O ~ << `h~ \ N C-- m N1 EXISTING PYLON I Z SIGN ° ~ Q ~ ° Z ~ o~ 6 ~ AREA C]F NEW ADDITION EXISTING 620 S.F. NEW LANDSCAPING y ~ LANDSCAPING NEW HANDICAPPED T? MATCH EXISTING ~ TO REMAIN RAMP ~ EXISTING ~ N ~ ~ ,_r~ TREE TO- 'F ~ ~ NEW SEEDED REMAIN ~ ~ 52' 20' ~ AREA O a EXIST. ( 0 3 L BANK S zo'R o ~ ~ FIN.lst FLpOR 28.30 ~ ~ i~ p c _ _ _ _ _ , NEW / \ ~ E°XISTING ~ ~ Q ~ DRYWELL WELL m } EXIST. DRYWELL EXISING EXIT LINE ?F REOF SIGN To BE st~~~RC ?UERNANG ~ ( W~THECONCREDE LpWERED ~ ~ ~ Q ~P~~,N/F~oy%~ ct, L_ _ - ~ J EXISTING PLANTER v Z ~ Tp REMAIN Y ~ Q SCALES 1" = 20' ° ~ p = a ~ OF N~ ~ V p, M N N \ I o Q+r,~yp4 NIfG., - Q s Z 1 1 /2'~ 7. AFTER COMPACTION ~5 CONT. o c WEARING COURSE OE ASPHALTIC SEEDED AREA CONC. 6 t OF NF'<~' ~ - TOP SOIL R NOT : y ' ~ ~ REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALTIC nyn] ~ ~ 8 PAVING AT NEW SEEDED AREA a~ (SEE PLAN) 4" RECYCLED C' a ,j CONCRETE a R c`~ ~ TYPICAL CURB DETAIL c ~ 5'-0" NO SCALE a `n EDIT 0 0 ~ a ~ M N ` ~ r O S 0+/ 1'-8" 4'-0" 1'-8" V Z ~ O EXIT SIGN DETAIL H.C. - RAMP DETAfL o ~ ~ SCALE t/2" =1'-0" V, f SCALE: 3/4" =1'-0" ~ ~ m ~ I 6 ~ m O CL Z e _ ~ ~ d c Z p ~ T ~ ~ i EXIS i7NG PYG!)tJ SIGN I to ~ ~ ~ 4" AREA ?E NEW ADDITI?N ~ EXISTING 6 2 0 S,~, NEW LANDSCAPE ~ ~ ~ LANDSCAPE T? MATCH EXISTING ~ TO REMAIN ~ e~ ~ 3 ~ ~ EXISTING ~ ~ ~ TREE TN I a 52' 20' ~ REMAIN O 1 E X I S T, ( DRY/WELL ~ ~ Z ~ BANK S ~ ~ M ,5 . ~ , o ~ FIN. 1st ELOMR 28.30 ~ ~ ~ ~ O o ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ WELL } LINE R??~ EXIST. DRYWELL Z ~ _ ?VERHANG ~ TG BE FILLED ~ ~ ~ WITH CONCRETE EXISTING PLANTER Q ~ qCy Tp REMAIN 8 ~ a SCALE 1" = 20'-0" O ~ 0 * * t I G 4 i~~ ~ IL ~j1A ~ ~ V ~F NEVI Y~ r"- m ^O ~ i 2 ~ ~ C) ~ ~ O C ~ Z O V ~ ^O / 1 6 E%1STING PYLON SIGN I 1 y N ~ ' AREA DE NEW ADDITION NEW LANDSCAPE ~ ~ EXISTING 6 2 0 5.~. Tp MATCH EXISTING ~ ' LANDSCAPE ~ . Tp REMAIN EXISTING ~ ~ ~ , TREE Tp ~ ~ 52' 20' ~ EMAIN O } EXIST, ( ~ } Z ~ BANK S D WELL ~ c~ 5 i ~ O FIN. 1st FLppR 28.30 ~ ~ T~p o ~ ~ 2 S - ~ ~ ~ 0 c ~ ELL ~ } - - - - - ~ } F ~ LINE R~E~ EXIST. DRYWELL ~ ; ~ Z TO BE FILLED OVERHANG WITH CpNCRETE EXISTING PLANTER O ~ W ShctED,{~ Tp REMAIN v ~ SCALE 1" = 20'-0" f ~ a= ti v ~ ~ 1 X - # ~ ~ .rte. _ r i a ~ V ~ r' , _ ry Y ~~t Y~ • raj ~ Y• ~ ~ s n _ x > 4 s/C d.4...'"1 tea " ' x . i. ~ ~ i Jr,vt'v Kak ~ ~~J r i, r ~ ~ .~fY~y~y~r~~t••r•_•p ~l ~;4 +l> T~~~. ~~_'~n - ~ h. ~ ~ ~ ~ l r 5 t ~a y y' y. ,~.ry ~r~.~,. yy + ~ E , , rte 1L r .a..4~.' h.=--__" _ _ _ ' f''\'^`^'+~^v. ~ ,..-....r."+-..Ys i y; ° R M'R~' r ; p - b ~ t . a y $,~z ?~r h ` r , , y~.~ Vtpl !J y ~ ~ r+t ~ ~ % hi ~ s 'ti'; R', y~ .f~°'Tk~~ f ? . a ',K`r' ,,t~.. tFC.~lyn ~ ~rAet f. 7 i ~ ~ e y ~ :yir,~ w r ~,.~~,F~x€a~.r;.,' x+~a,..~ f ~ '4 ~r ( Y n ' 4 4 ~e ~ ~ ~l_ ~1w1 ~ ~,r.4 a * . Y.~g M ~Yi~' ~'}~.R~, ~ ~ i YJ +c 2 ~ a -w.r. ~ iLL ~ +y^ Mkt' ~ ~ ~ Spy `.K wt, M.i H'+ i ~ ~ ~ ( P'a». ~ 9 'a"~2 d . ~ ~ ~$r'y?. ,~-Fn,`}t'~ ~hw . ~~1 sy, rS X.n Y 'tt s i~ ".s~ Y`l .w '~Y^ 5r~. PEi, ~*Ci \ .i., „ ~ ? y, . ~ ~ ray„.~+i~+w ryr~ r F}yp~ ~`.ra~*~r~. a saj~ r~' 'y Y Y 1 *y r Yi t u n ~ ~~'e i w i Z a v r P x=r.-~s.~.5 4 ~Na1.~el~jJki,dJ '~~a t s, &,n, y,.-~'Y~~~.~'3'i,.j.~ _ of - i ! :>~o i_ ~ ~ ~51~ 1l !~^.y°v~ h r£7 4 as ~ t r}. d Air r" 't '.Y -r. i,. ~ : ~ r ~ ~ ti ~ + ~ P ~'°'sq~.r''2,5. a ~}~}S 9k+ ! I ~ ? t.. S' 4,r ,t .k .9~ yr...+Xrk'•y~r'~1 S, J5k 6' ~ al1!~ ~i< ' :'^'r '~i4 .f: ~ ..g. Pa+ t.." y'~,~i. P~~,~x..~ ~ ~r a ~ xa Y'•' .a~, r '"k~' '^r ~ t r a'~J;~-~d"'y~ .ill y r r ,a. ~ t ~r,..L1.w~tt.. w+ ~ -tit ~ .W~. s ' y ~ 3n~'+. . tr. ~e ~ " ~ ~ ~ „z~4 ikr"9 ' ,.Y't~iyH 4"!li,~ "r wsu'" ~Y,.- ~ s ".i~. ~ vT?'~ ~~9 k ht .y'~''oY +.'6 ~Y., ?G% y' ~ 'a-< Y rof' 'R ; {a'F tl'.,i ~ .a. T A .f .c v ~ eT~"~ "tom y .t 3 p v a ~ °`~y, 3. y'ft+~ sc'¢3Ak'' ~.v ysL'sy 's s .iPsR.` a A t .'v " ^k'TP ",A"arr 3D * Ll ~""+z,.`c-^^3r.~..c+. ~ - ~ 1 r r A 1~'+:: r >3j~ _ T,s"T~y " i k }Y l 4 n ~F Any t~ l < „ .~,vw , , . ti . / r 1 - R, z ~ ~ v` L `~(`i ' ~ ~p s ~ C v i h , ` } ~ _ P fie, ~ x ,."i ~ .dr ~ ~ .ar' ,'~.'Si"C ,A, w.rl '~,a) . i My rz .t~ a X ~ N { ...ir x-+qRa. sw { 1 r'f;~, y ~ 'Ge :Y` 1 n ~ r ~y ~l?~~ o~ 1< u~ .x~C'i ~ ~C fl tit k~ ~ K - ~ t d c... ~ '.,y ;xe ' N K ~ PLANN~ ~St I]Q~{~~ TOWN ';SOUTH , , -_s~ ~ DATE ~ V~-~~;' ~ ~I~~':fi~ x , . \ . ' 1~ A 1C t A r"". . 1 ii yb n`~ik T(4 rc , mod. t4 ' ~ Y.+ h/F' S. ~E REbCTY CO. r ~ ; I. T_, rurf~~NS 4cN CnE YE 'G?RP3 ,1` ~ .i' - i Js PAVED F,uhD S~!"ETvLfN ~ ~ T4'-O' f Z ~wae . - Fy V41N ~S ~4 Rk Dd 5 G ( w li f Wp C_p=A li LiAfNG W.~Li. /I'LFM,T x"41 - ,SEA t.c veL 1 1 ufe~ t °+~t < LINOSGh IL T ANA rN hl~ A < } lfi`! lea{~ n I' 'd , , • p_ ty Y w _ _ _ _ _ ( yr L G<,5irti4 .+Si fi XbfL Fbn.cL fir. NM { yyt}t J,~""~`~r t 4 / r ty4f r ~ u ,tf~ r#~ P 'rT.. i ~ ~ Y , t 7 I :.t }ti ,r 1. r, ~ u ~ ~ fi t ~ ( ~ x r ' i ~J a 9 y 3F. r-~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ `T ~ ~`f.«`p ~~Gy ~ ~ ~ p.~ , ~ x `~f. y f 1 c x ' ~ Ji ~ e P '.Y_' k ~F O qA N ter..-~ ~O X y' /tA bFN fi~ {'F*~,j, s?e~ ~v.i ~ ,.~3 ~ w. x~ >d ri co,a </tt r~ 4.0,. i~~ # , ~~t III,...- \ F... ~~G/eA~[ rl,.f VA~x~o vt/ 23-8 e'~~`,~.y'~~w "y2`~+`~' ~ ' AVP n 1 rNCj tI ~ ~ / ~ ~'r4RT G g nftt-a _ ~'f ( I I ~+/toCga~riJ Rrs couHG'!, y~` k5F &y~ a-~ {~SCc ~ Y. I ' uAiT ,dN1fT+'s p1~tM/M~r'x k~ r 9;yt'~"i~,.~ # X, 34. j I i vAp.a+N4 r ~,1 ( ~i ~r +`f i0.{K~ 1 /A ~ q X-Lr x~ ~ j ~ _ . ~ „^^~~w. ~ ~ ty~i y..,.. ~ , .i f^ ~ i Pf„c l5 ~ ~ I I J _ ~ ~ f ~ ~i ~ , i A t~ i~~ ~ ~ N ~ ~s _ ~r ~ - IFADE Ah1/t. G , + :.T 'ei r' c~vJ 'ke 4.r'?{', ' ? ~ - - rowARA c+rtK~ v'..~Sr/v~,r'~ ~ rLrsr,,T' ;;Tvrkd~ z +r i ; ~ ~ -I . i 1 CMTGcYL4 ~ c~croHCn ~ .x r~YK i ~n 4 '4 nK' A Y L ~ 4 . ~ ~.'ji/u R.K IAN !o v ? ^r< r 'c~k 4 ytx "~+.w'~° M~ 'Sy S ~ t S f~+r ' fir" SpAc:eS ' `wry ~ ~'e,. ~ ~ K ~ F S Y" .j',~ V 'Ahi . 4 111 !t) b y"v3~~ ,F~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ti. t.w . ~ t~' X N ~ A, a3 , . , , .~ . ~ ~.' ]iiT T f ~ ~ V~LLBy, ST~&M, N,Y, 11588 EXI3TING ~ APPLICANT~ ~ I ~DL NIEGD ~RCHI~ECT~ SUPERMARKET + W Z N OREG 600 HEClPSTBAD 'TURNPIKE WEST H,.EI.~PST!EAD, N,Y, ' ,i I n EXISTING,, PARKING PRBVlDE~ = 314 SPACE , , ZONING 'T~ULATIUN " '" ~ . LBT AREA, ~24,915. SQ,FT, ~-310 ~6. ~ EXISTING BUILDING AREA, 43,804. SQ,FT. NEW BANk: A~DITIBN~ . G20, 2Q.FT, TOTAL BUILDING AREA,, 44,454. I I EXISTING PYLUN PERCENT F. ,,LS~R~C.SB .,%.~V~R~E' 12,'20X 7' O" W ,~ 635.57' ' : SITE PLAN ' - 0, --.== - ,{ FEB 2 5 t Z Z IO Uoa ~ ~F~yw~LL\ ~' ~.o.v4 / J ,.~NC~ONTRP--~O IN Al:,~A o~ N~W BE?ORE BRA HAVE ~ CON- BE ~OTIFIED OF WORK IN OHS AND GRADES 8UR~EyOE. ~NG PER- TYPE M OS S MIX WITH NOT AS PER RSiO-4S "DIE-O-WALL" METAL REQ BE A 70° IN- WREN O" FOR ALL AREAS. OF TOILETS COMPLY WITH 3TWORK AND FIRE DAM ERS SgALn cO~PLY ~3~L, ELECTRICAL WORK PERFORMED BY A . L~N~ED E~EC~RXCAL CTOR. ~R~ ~LECTRICAL , SHAL~ AL~,LOC'~ THE NATIONAL COOE ~D :UTiLkTY'M ARE', N~ER OF ;THODS OF CON- THE BUILDING R CONCRETE OF AND THE ALLOWABLE. ATERI ALS' SHALL A~M C150~67. ALKALIS. INTERmEDIAtE :~RM~D ~ PER FOR EACH I?. s. ALL BARS SHALL BE DEFORMED INTERMEDI~gt/ GRA~E EILLET STEEL. HOOKED ENDS AND SHALL BE 40 TIMES TSE DIAMETER OF THE ~FOOT I NG S! ,1. THE SOIL AT THE LEVEL dF FOUNDATION INGS IS SAND AND C AY D SIONEU TO TONS PER SOUARE FOOT, SUBJEC~ TO VERI~Ar TION BY INSPECTION OF TH, E SI~E AFTER rATION AND BEFORE ANY FOOTINGS ARE DIFFERENCES IN FOOTING' LEVELS SHALL STEPPED UP OR DOWN AT AN ANGLE OF MUM. THE BOTTOM OF ALL EXTERIOR FOOTINGS P O,U N D'~ T,~ 01N S ' : eL FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL B~ STONE f]~RET~,; ' ~ ,3,t) ,,' F =S500 ,'P.S.I. ,' '. ,, ,i NO BACKF4LL:SHALL BE PLACED UNTIL 'WALLS ARE ADEQUATELY BRACED &ND CONOR~ HAS , ATTAINED ITS INITIAL SET. ' FINS? FL?OR SL~B SR~L .E 4" STONE 250~ P S.I ON WELL-COMPACTED EARTH WS~ED' WIRE MESH , WITR 06~SS WELDE~WIRE MESH. ', fi~ , PLUMBER SHALL PROVIDE PRO~ER SLEEVES FOUNDATION WALL AS R~UIR~D BY ~ 8HALL COORDiNA~ HIS WORK WITS THE FOU~I~A- ' TION CONTRACTOR. ~TERI~ EXPOSED ~RTION8 OF FOUNDATIONi:,WALL WATERPROOFED. S~OOTH ~ITE,.FINISH. . L, ~INX~ PROTECTION OF REINFORCING B~8 CONCRETE ~URED AGAINST THE EARTH 4'~0" BELOW LOWEST SHALL BE pLAIN CONCRETE F (UNLESS bTEERWISE NOT~D,'i T~AN WALLS 'ABOVE ANq3 WIDER" FOOTING~ 8RALL REST oN VIRGIN SOIL. PROVIDE~'2,-O" X 2'-0" OONCRETE PlERS~,~ INT~R~IOR COLUM~ WHERE REQUIRED. FOUNDATION PL~ ~R L~ATIONS oF PIER~ A HINIMU~ 97 GRADE. ALL FOOTINGS P.S.I. ALL FOOTINGS .. .: , -= Io0;7 C,F [ ! 7 BI' SRALL FREE ~DNTS OF .OILS, MATTER, ~D CON- FI'ED OF PER~ NOT i P~PORMED BY A SHALL , TME B~ LLD'ING '6X)NCRETE OF 28 DAYS. 'FOR ALL S,OO0 P..S.I. TEE BASIS OF SPECI- IS FAI~E~ IF AND THE ~LOW~BLE. ~S~ C150-67. C~M~N~ iS PER ASTM ~EAR FROM IN- IDS, ~KALIS INTERMED IA~E AS , PER A305-65. gEMENT FOR EAC~ ! · ALL 2. NO BACKF Iit~L , WITH ,,~8~6 6 F0~NDATION SHALL TION: WiTH l't, CEM~NT ~ttO~/~LON ' WH IT~:',FI N ISH. , 'x'!' : WATER~BOO: CONCRETE AG~iNST THE EARTH S~L~i]BE ¢ E. ALL BAR8 SH.~L~ B~-..DEFORHED INTeRMEDIAte: [ GRASE~BILLET ST,EF~L; HOOKED ENDS ~D ~8',,, , THE,BOILAT ~HELfVEL OF FOON'DATI,6N' INGS IS SAND AND CLAY, DESIGNED TO TONS PER SQUARE FOOT, SUE TION BY INSPECTION OF THE 8IT~ k~TER VAT,ON /[bid BEFORE dY FOOTINGS ARE DIFFERENCES IN ~OOTING LEVELS STEPPED UP OR DOWN AT AN ANGLEiOF 30"' MU~. THE B0~TOM 0r ALL ~TERIOR FOOTING~ A MINIM~ OF 4'-0" BELOW LOWES~ .~JOIN/~' ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE ~AIN CONCR~ F~OO aLL FOOTINGS (ENb~SS OTHERWISE NOT~D,I.~aLL FOOT~NSS saanL FOUNDATION PL /- No"J'D..G. . , 'r~A~ p4,1o .G,i~INIDI~.GNN~-I~- ff-o~ t--. w,~ , .,~,IC~,.JNT~FkiEID IN A ~,~A op 4E.W C.ONS'T'm.,UC'TION BE 5.75 BAGS. FOR 'STONE N~ IN o I CATIE5 oO L. UM N u Mi"5~P~ N 45°-17'50~ 0D5,57,i i. ¢5o.~9 "1 8040 164th STREET, IAMAIO NEW YORK 11432 TEL. 212 380-1000 ROY R'LiiJ~Ni~IAUM~ t,,i~, r /300 ' ,7'0 MAY 2 g lS98 Southold Town Planning Board TAX MAP NO. DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 97 BLOCK 5 LOT 12 REVISIONS . [ . BARRETT CONSUL~ ENC~r=ERS B ONAC C I LAND SURVEYORS PLAIteRS BARRETT, BONACCI & Van'W-EEl.~. P.C. 175 A Commerce Dflve, Houppouge, New YOF~ 11788 ' ~, ~ 1998 B.B.V,. P.C. TOWN OF PROPERTY SITUATE CUTCHOGUE SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y BOUNDARY SURVEY DD TS MAY 7, 199~3 1"= 30' 980217 OREGO EAS1 N 43°17'50'' z EXISTING SUPERMARKET (KINGKULLEN) 27,992 sq, ¢% FIN, 15t FLOOR 26,50 EXISTING RETAIL STORES 14,200 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 314 SPACES 70 EAST SURISE HIGHWAY SUIT 610 VALLEY STREAM, N,Y, 11588 APPLICANT: SOL NIEGB ARCHITECT ~ 600 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE <J~ WEST HEMPSTEAD, N,Y,11558 n EXISTING ZONE, BUSINESS , , ZONING TABULATION, LOT AREA~ 824,915, SQ,FT, EXISTING BUILDING AREA, 43,804, SD.FT. NEW BANK ADDITION~ G~O, SQ,FT, TOTAL BUILDING AREAl 44,434, SQ,FT, PERCENT OF LOT COVERAGE, 19,75% EXISTING PYLON PERCENT OF LANDSCAPE CBVERAGEI 12,80% SIGN DESCRIPTION 72'-0" OVERALL BUILDING 52'-0" EXISTINO BUILDING 12'-4" 20'--0" 2'-7" '-10" 1 '-10" 2'-7" EXISTING WINDOW ,-~u:.',:t ¢'IFFICER'S AREA 4" 6'-0" 1'-11" 3'-11" / \ @'-4" 21 '-7" 11 NEW ADDITION 9'-0" g-lO" 9'-0" 2'-8" EXISTING WINDOW EXISFING CUSTOMER 0 45'-6" LINE OF EXISTING SOFFIT OVER TELLER'S AREA 10'-10" EXISTIhlG TELLER .:,, AREA ? 30'-10" F' fq P L_A N SCALE: 1/~" -- q'-O" --A Z X 6'-0" EXISTING WINDOW 'o IN OEIL. ABOVE ~ EXISITING REMOTE TELLER ISLAND NEW WINDOW I~ :' 11'-8" NEW MANAGE 0 NEW WORK ROOM 19'-2' 30'-0" EXiSITING R EM OTE~"--~c/~%"~,~-,~foWp AT M TELLER ISLAND OF E> ~/NEW CONC. nLL6iD EXIS?iINO ISLAND ~TING CANOPY BOLLARDS NEW CANOPY OVERHANG (TO MATCHI EXIST.) DESCRIPTION GRADE RN, CELLAR FLCOR WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" 1"-0" NORTHELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" _"'"'_'°'L""&"'"A"'"_"E o~ 2~,,/,.,. SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATIONI ~ 1/8" : 1'-0" ~ 1~8" - ~ DESCRIPTION STING CANOPY EXISTING CANOPY NEW OANOPY (TO MATCH EXIST,) T.O. EXIST. DECK +12'-7 1/2' EXIST. OOOSENECK EXIST. 3 TON R.T, HEAT PUMP TOP OF NE~V AND ~XIST~ND MANSARD I~ +15'-6" A.F,F. ........... i__t o +~2'-7 V2' I I EXIST. 2 1/2 TON R,T, HEAT PUMP T.O. EXIST. DECK 0 EXrSTING CANOPY ROOF PLAN EXISTING ROOF TO BE RE-ROOFED INTEGRALLY WITH NEW ROOF OVER ADDITION EXIST. 3 TON R.T. HEAT PUMP EXIST, 4" R.D. 0 q' O~_EXIST~_O~.~ ~ +12'-7 1/2 T.O. EXIST, DECK +11'-7 _ ~,D~ FJ_(JST~ DECK © +12'-7 1/2" 1/¢ = 1'-0" T,O, NEW DECK I PARAPET TO BE REMOVED (DASHED) NEW BUILT-UP ROOF NEW 3 TON R,T, HEAT PUMP : LiNE OF EXISTING CANOPY AND, PARAPET TO BE REMOVED IiI J~ OFFSET R,D. ~N ~ CEIL, BELOW~ 4" E.g. . -- --~-- ~ ~ T.O, NEW DECK _~- ....... @ +11'-7 1/2" TOP OF N~ AND IXI~ING M~SARD ~ +15'-6" A.F,F. EXISTING CANOPY ROOF TO BE RE-ROOFED INTEGRALLY WITH NEW ROOF OVER ADDITION EXIST. DECK T.O, EXIST, DECK EXISTING CANOPY - NEW CANOP'~ {TO MATCH EXIST,) DESCRIPTION FRSI FLOOR REFLECTED ,CFI NG SCALE: 1/~" ?1 . AN DESCRIPTION NOTE: NEW CANOPY TO MATCH EXISTING, PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING @ 20' O.C. MAX. W/ 5/8" FC 60 SHEETROCK (TYPO ALUM. CLOSURE TO MATCH PANEL 22GA. METAL ROOFING IzT,O MATCH EXIST.' PERLINS @ MANSARD FRAMING MEMBERS @ 2'-6"0.C. ALUM. FASCIA MATCH EXIST. NEW SPLIT-RIB CONG. CLOCK W/ KOR-FIL SULATION AND DUR-O-WAL @ 16" O.C. VERT. TO MATCH EXIS[-ING o Z PATCH AND REPAIR EXISTING ASPHALTIC PAVING AS REQ. NEW 4" CONC. SIDEWALK W/ CURB g.g.g. (MATCH EXIST.' -- [5 BAR, CONT. (2) #5 BARS, CONT. 1/2" = 1'-0" 16" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 48" O.C. NOTE: FILL CORE OF PARAPET BLOCK WITH MORTAR (~(P.) COUNTER FLASHING & FLASHINg OVER CANT STRIP WOL. WOOD BLOCK TOP OF DECK @ +12'-7.5" AFF NEW BUILT-UP ROOFING ON 2" RIGID INSULATION ON 1 1/2" GALV. METAL DECK, TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF NEW W 14 x 22 ROOF BEAM ON ANCHORED BASE PLATE B" SHEETROCK ON METAL FURRING STRIPS, (5)4x3 1/2xl/4 ANGLES -NEW SUSPENDED ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE @ 9'-0" A.F.F., TO MATCH AND ALIGN W/ EXISTING CEILING NEW SILL TO MATCH EXISTING 5/8" SHEETROCK ON 3/4" METAL FURRING STRIPS, TO .MATCH EXISTING NEW 5" CONG. FLOOR SLAB REINF. W/ 66 66 WWM ON 4" COMPACTED FILL x 24" DOD INSULATION NOTE: NEW CANOPY TO MATCH EXISTING, PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING @ 20' O.C. MAX. W/ 5/8" FC 60 SHEETROCK (TYP.) 22GA. METAL ROOFING MATCH EXIST. PERLINS @ NEW SPLIT-RIB W/ KOR-FIL DUR-O-WAL TIE TO MATCH PATCH AND REPAIR EXISTING ASPHALTIC PAVING AS REQ. NEW 4" CONG. SIDEWALK CURB F.F.F. (MATCH EXIST. BAR, CONT. (TYP.) ALUM. CLOSURE PANEL TO MATCI / MANSARD FRAMIng MEMBERS @ 2'-6"0.C. ~ 4'-0" ALUM. FASCIA MATCH EXIST. :ONC. BLOCK JLATION AND lB" 0.0, VERT. WALL_.' 09 0 ~2) #5 BARS, CONT. Cf'CP.)- 1/2"x 16" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 48" O.C. (~'P.) NOTE: FILL CORE OF PARAPET BLOCK WITH MORTAR NEW BUiLT-UP ROOFING ON COUNTER FLASHING AND 2" RIGID iNSULATION ON FLASHING OVER CANT STRIP 1 1/2" GALV. METAL DECK, WOLMANIZED WOOD TO MATCH EXISTING ROC BLOCKING (TYPO NEW W 14 x 22 / ROOF BEAMS '---- / SHEETROCK ON METAL FURRING STRIPS, E (3)4"x,3 1/2"xl/4" ANGLES -NEW SUSPENDED ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE TO MATCH AND ALIGN W/ EXISTIING CEILING NEW SILL TO MATCH EXISTING 5/8:: SHEETROCK ON ,3/4 METAL FURRING STRIPS, TO MATCH EXISTING NEW 5" CONG. FLOOIR RDNF. W/ 66 66 WWM ON >2" x 24" RIGID INSULATION LINE OF EXISTING CANOPY, PARAPET & TO BE REMOVED (SHOWN DASHED) '/ \ @ 9'-0" AFF~ / LINE OF EXISTING WALLJl TO BE REMOVED ALTER SUPPORTING EXIST. ROOF (SHOWN DASHED) NOTE: COMPACT BACK AT NEW SLAB IN 4" LAYERS TO 95% DENSI~ (WP.) WELD EXIST. TO NEW REA NEWIW 14 x 22 EXISTING ROOFING, DECI AND STEEL TO REMAIN, PATCH AND REPAIR AS , ) EXIST. CEILING TO REMAIN, PATCH AND REPAIR AS RE(: EXIST. FLOOR SLAB A~ TO REMAIN UNCHANGE ..~_,,-LINE OF EXIST. WATER PIPE (2) #5 BARS, 48" LONG OVER EXIST. WATER PIPE IEQ. STEEL SEC 1/2" = I'-Y' AND UNCHANGED ON B .... B EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL EXISTING CELLAR FLOOR TO REMAIN UNCHANGED FOOTING TO REMAIN ;LAB DESCRIPTION 72'-0" OVERALL BUILDING 52'-0" 19'-0" EXISTING BUILDING , CONCRETE ANCHOR © 1'0" O.C, VERTICALY INTO EXISTING FOOTING~ ~ ~YP. 2 PLS. ~ EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXSTING 400AMP / _ ~ MENS WOMENS WOMENS EXISTING HOT ELECTRIC SERVICE '~" ~ TOILET TOILET LOUNGE R H~TER EXISTING REINFORCE W/ 6X6 W.W,' MESH ~ EXtSTING EXISTING WORK ROOM STORAGE AREA NOTE: WHEN EXCAVATING TAKE NOTICE OF LOCATDN OF WELL WATER ~ ~ EX[STINO SUPPLY LINE, AND TAKE PRECAUTION EMPLOYEES LOUNOE TO ADEQUATELY PROTECT SAME EXISTING I STORAGE VAULT Q ---- ~/.._EXISTING WELL PUMP & STORAGE TANK WATER SITE NEW ATM yEXISTiNG r.I 1'/ \\ //, -- TO BE LOCATED STOP ISLAND-SEE 1st. FLOOR CELLAR/FOUN SCALE: 1/8" = DAT ON PLAN SUPPLY LINE PLAN) III v'! ~0 0 U,, il. DESCRIPTION 72'-0" 52'-0" OVERALL BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXIST. BEAMS 7'-2" 3'-8" 3'-6" BEAMS 20'-0" 6'-6" NEW ADDITION J2 I EXIST, 1 1/2" x 20 DA,I I METAL DECK EXIST. ROOF DECK TO BE WELD TO NEW W 4 x 22 BEAM LINE OF EXIST. WALLITo BE REMOVED AFTER PROVIDIING SUPPORT FOR EXIST, ROOF CONSTRUCIION I I I NOTE: TOP OF NEW STEEL TO MATCHI TOP OF EX STNG STEEL NOTE: EXIST, CANOPY STEEL TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED ROOF FRAIV ING PLAN 1/4"= 1'-0" DESCRIPTtON EXISTING OFFICER'S AREA EXISTING OFFICE EXISTING ROOM EX]STING TELLER'S AREA NE~/ WORK ROOM E 5TING -- ~X~ppLY CLOSET EXISTING WORK ROOM 72'-0' EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING E~S~N~ 40~MP MENS WOMENS WOMENS : ELE~m~c SEt, CE TOILET TOILET LOUNGE W~T~ H~T~ 5" SLAB TO MATCH EXISTING REINFORCE W/ 6X6 W.W. MESH EXISTING STORAGE VAULT EXISTING EMPLOYEES LOUNGE EXISTING STORAGE AREA NOTE:, WHEN EXCAVATING TAK~ NO~ICE OF LOCATION OF WELL WATER SUPPLY LINE, AND TAKE PRECAUTION TO ADEQUATELY PROTE~T SAME WELL WATER SUPPLY LINE (SEE SEE PLAN) LINE OF EXISTING CANOPY CONG. FILLED BOLLANDS - . FLOOR PLAN DESCRIPTION ~J..q WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" 1'-0" CELLAR FLOOR GRADE NORTHELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" SOUCH ELEVATION SCAUE: 17~¥ i'~o" EAST ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL NOTES 12'-4" 1'-11" EXISTING :ONFERENCE ROOM FRSi SCALE: EXISTING WINDOW EXISTING WINDOW EXISTING OFFICER'S AREA EXISTING CUSTOMER EA Z / CUPON ~ ~ ,, .BOOTH ~ z ~ ' e'-o' 4" 4s'-¢ 17 /I \ ...... ~ ~LINE~OF' EXI~STING~SOFFIT f .... 4" EXISTING TELLER'S AREA OD 8'-4" 30'-10" ~ bJ NEW WINDOW NEW MANAGE OFFICE Cf'% 11'-8" E_~J~ING VAULT NEW WOI ROOM 21 '-7" NE~/ R.D. EXISTING WINDOW ~ IN CEIL. ABOVE FLOOR PLAN 1. Coda - All work to be done in accordance with the National Electrical Code and local municipality having jurisdicstio 4, Drawings and other additional data required, by landlord o 5. Circuits at panelboard shall be identified, lock clips app Electrical code~ 7. Lighting fixtures,lamps, and tubes shall be supplied by th following: representative will field locate control devices. 10. Electrical contractor to provide and install a complete ~'--0" electrical.system utilizing all new circuits, outlets, pa~ and apparatus. NEW CANOBY OVERHANG ll. Verify good working condition of the ~ater Heater serving (TO MATCHIEXlST,) premises and repair or replace a~ required. 12. Contractor shall connect all emergency lighting as indica~ reflected ceiling plan and in accordance with all national local codes. 13, Remove all unused electrical conduits from the demised pr~ Do not abandon any circuits in walls, ce~tzngs, attzc spa~ floors. 14. All wiring shall be ~12 AWG (min.) type THW or THWN insta~ conduit 1/2" (min.) if required by code. No aluminum con( or Romex type wiring is permitted, flex conduit is not except for final fixture connections. 15. All electrical equpment shall be U.L. listed. i6. All floor penetrations must be =oreboard, sleeved, §routel sealed and made waterproof. It is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate all floor penetration work w~ landlord prior to start of construction regardless of inf~ provided on plans. 17, Wiring must be plenum rated or in approved conduit if cci% a return air plenum. 18. It is the contractors responsibility to coordinate, provi, install any fire alarm or life safety equipment required national, state or local codes. 19, All drawing shall be comsidered shematic in nature and sh represent a completed project. Actual installation and m of achieving a satisfactory and i.tended installation are reaponslbility of the contractor. Locations of equipment intended to show a general arrangement and intended funct Coordinate work with all contract documents, owner provid equipment, equipment drawings, architectural, structural mechanical ~lans and contract specification. Coordinate other trades. NOTE: As drawings are schematic in nature modifications of work to comply with all building and/or electrical codes shall be provided. other bonded t and led th rmation e and the On . rith BOLLARDS EXISITING REbtOTEXX"~ ~//~NEW ATM ~/NEW CONC, TELLER ISLAND ATOP EXIS]ING ISLAND NEi4/ LANDSCAP/N 7-0 MA ¥CH EX/STING CONC. CURB TO REMAIN E~V/ S T-//V O P YL O /V RAMP TO fE£MA/N W/ THERMO [ ~~0 PLASTIC PAINT ~ EXIS T/NG TREE TO / ~'~ EXIST. / D S/~A/TOBE L 0 WEf~ED ~ SEPTIC SYSTEM ~ OO , TO REMAIN :~'!'[i -fi) ~ WELL FOR ~' i! BANK ONLY ~'NEW [ EX/ST/IVCPLA/VT£R LINE OF ROOF EXIST. DRYWELL OVERHANG~ TO BE FILLED (EXISTING) ~ I~ WITH CONCRETE PA1,R, TIAI SITE PLAN t i : --- 10' iII 635.5/' DESCRIPTION F/ow/ ~PTI¢ T~Nt~ q A ~ ~ /= T/c K A-/ SHOPPING 4¸1 SITUATED: AT IOGUE, TOWN ,OF SUFFOLK PLANZ~ CURB - CUT ,~, JITARY PLAN I&