HomeMy WebLinkAbout1450 Horton Ln Date: 06/13/01 Transaction(s): 1 Permits Check#: 1240 Name: Key, Span Energy 448 East Main Street Patchogue, NY 11727 Clerk 10: L1NDAC Town Of South old P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Total Paid: 1240 Subtotal $45.00 $45.00 IntemallD: 34077 ~ermit ~o. (:) ".file No. I " Rd. , :~:~~{.:::.~~; ~~: ~' ,~.'.> . ;,.:>:..... j.. . , ,'. '..... ,,' ..' '.'.'- ~ ~:.:." ~:. ;.-. .; "I '",' ,...... . .. ," ',' ,.,." . , " .; .:'.~ : iHi:;W:' -;.'.. ".::',' . . ' " 9) 10) ,', ll) n-':\'1 lOO 'd 1 TOWN OF- S;'>U,,'HOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Pcconic LtlnC Peconlc. New' YOI"'J< -11950 (SlG) ,7G5~31qO P.o,lOo'!. /7& APPLICATION/PERMIT FOR HIGHWAY EXCAVATION AND REPAIR APPLICATION IS HEREBY ",.de to tlie Superintendent of Highways of the Town of SouthoJd fer" the iSSUilnc.o of an Exc;avri~iort Permit pursuant to Chapter 03 of the Code of the Town of Southafd. SufrolllO: County, New York, .-nd other applic:ablc la1N's, ordinances or regulations (Of" the e;(~vi\fion herein de$crlbeda The. applicant agreos to cornp.ly ".,ith an applicable laws, ordina~'~s, codes and regulations.. and lo p~rmit author-bed inspectors to make.; nccessa~\inspcctlons of the jOb site. Print or Type 1) ImY SPAN ENf.RGY 1,4R F.....~T HAm STltERT Name of Applicant PATcnnr.UF., Nr:W YORK Address 11721 2) Address ~o u 1\.." I :J Hamlet, Cross StrOl!:t) Name of Owner of Premises / 1.../ J:}b r-b t'C--/7) ,.J L /1+ :,' work Description and Location (Street NUfI1bc:r, e 3) (oj ..' 1'5 construction located within :75 feet of. tid9l1 wetlands? *Vcs_No *1 ryes, other"'""'!own permits may be requi red. 11) Builder's Liccr'ls~ No. Plumber's License. No. Electrician's LIcensc: No. Other Trade's License No. 5) a) Attach plot plan showing location .o.f proposed. i!X'CiI..r.JUon and relUionshlp to adjoining premises or public "stre..cts or areas, and giving a deta.iled descrip- tion of layoul of eXC":Jvalion. .' =." b) JHrnch all other ne:cc5sary pcrrni~s :Jnd 1ic::~n5es ror this P,.ojcct. c) Work covered by thi5 ~ppJic..lliDii m:JY not commenCe before issuance of .. Highway E)(cnv~tion Permit by the Town CI~rk. 6) lax Map: Saction Blbcl< . Lot. 7) 0) COmpletion DElle Starling Dllte: Work Schedule; Pha \. CompleUon Dute ~ ..'\ - Excavation....................... ...................... , Fat::ility Installation.... .~.. ... ..:..... ....~..... ..... I ..' . Backfill & Compaction.........:...................... pnvement RepJill;cment....... .~..'.""'''..'''.'...'... Under which ....thorily is the appliea,tion made: Eslimated CoSl of Proposed Worlc: ' $ Remarks: \. .:- '.. P"flP. 1 or :i mSSSL m:13l H~LYd NDIS30 SYD OS 61>:60 (30L) 10 ,lI- 'NOr ,"..:.':_f ;.. ..... ...... " ,. .'. f~~. ~~\~ (:/??':::..:}.... ,'. ...' ,..::" :.:~:-:' ::.:.~,.:.: ~<)/}/ ~. ".;.,:, .. ~t:~;i!;~{:.;~{: . ...... ". I~,({' , ~:rr.:;:~::. :.:.:~. . f~~:'~..:' ',':: :: .~ l:;/!~\)': . Wi':::-: m'd '. , \ .. 12) Insunncc Coveraqt!: (A un!;n copy).:.., a) Insuranc:c Company; b) poliey I ... c) State whctht:r polic:y or ccr,tification on. fil~ with the Highway Depart- ment: d) Coverage: reqlJir-ed e)(.tcnd~~. to the Town; Bodily injury .nd prope':t,! damage: $300.000/$SOO.OOO Bodily Injury, and $50,000 property r;l.~age. 13) Security: .) Surety Bond toto1 amount of $ b) Maintenance Bond pn:n/ided.: Dr "Certifieil Cheek provided in the 3 ye3~5 2 YCilrs Dr 111) F~e5 for llppllciltions and oer-rnits: Bilsic ADPliciJtion Fee........$25,OO N A ,. IScrviC:,e. Connections. c.xc;aviltions (I $20.00 :;;; S 2- 0 - ~ Al. IAdditional EXC3viltions same sCr"Vlce @ $10.00 =: $ ~ " E)(eavatians 1011 In depth 'o'r. .Iess: 0-100 I.r. ~ $10.00 ,- I.f. 0 $0.10 -':$ Additional Exc:ovations...1.O'1 in depth to S' In dc'pth: 0-100 I.r. ~ $30.00 ,I.f. ~ $0.30 ~,) Addi tio"al Excavations 5' in depth and over: 1)-100 1. f. ~ $SO.OO '.' I.r. Il $0.50 '7::$ Additional B. 'C. O. 1:. Utilily Rop.ir.,:Excov.t1ons 0$10.00 ~ $ 1'10. .-- Rcpairs same. s"C!rvlcQ ,@ $5.00 = $ Additional F. Notice to public: 'utilities proOf must be provided and this appllcation prior to is~uance of permit. " * .. ~;.:: attaehed to <:!!- ~OT^L CO~'l' ! yr: Authorization Is hereby granted to tllo Town Clerk or tho Town of Southold to issue a Highway Excavation Permit to: In accordance with ..this application. TElolOENT OF HIGHWAYS SOUTHOLD.. NEW YORI( (p _ (;L -0 / Date RecelVed by the Town Clerk tp/nJ/dj Date. /07 Permit Issued~' (, //J /61 Date . .Permit No. ~; Permil expires Dna (1) year r~Om Date of Issu.nce. No work to stort without 110 hour notica .to the Sl;Iperintendant of Hlghwoys. Permit must be aVililabll for In5pocticn. Page 2 Dr 3 mmL 91s:13.L H8.LVd N~IS30 SV~ nH 6HO (3n.L)IO,Z]-'Nnr Fc.6111.4 PERMIT NO. LOCATION IEASON FOR OPENING W.O./PA NO. 1EQUESTED BY APPROVED SKETCH '0- KEYSPAN/.v-Af REQUEST FOR STREET OPENING PERMIT . o STATE o NASSAU COUNTY MIS JOB NO. HoI.1i>,J LA. ~ ~a- E/s IkI~ .s;,..(?~a FOREMAN O SUFFOLK COUNTY C.4 iJfP6Jc , DEPARTMENT GAS CONSTR. MAINT. & SERVICES v :1::... c ~ ~ -t""" , ~ I t I - ~ ~ ~ r-- ~ ~ ~ 1Z V I 1Mlleli ~ , l is ~nn ',1 qrmgL qjg:131 ~'Slr;.. 6~O ..t;:- /013 -09-1 N _~ R ~ ;!:. Vi' u.. Vi",", C \'">~ ~ XI: H~lVd N~IS3a SV~ ns Og:60 (3nl)\O,Zj-'Nnr