HomeMy WebLinkAbout650 Eagles Nest Ct . Date: 10/18/01 Transaction(s): Name: Clerk ID: L YNDAB 1 Permits Check#: 3728 Key, Span Energy 448 East Main Street Patchogue, NY 11727 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Total Paid: '" 11J'? ~ 3728 Subtotal $45.00 $45.00 IntemallD: 41326 ~- ........ . 1:(jW/&: t"'t'nIlIL I~V. File No. \~ 'b Ref. TOWN OF'Si,(J1'HOLD HIGHWAY DEPA~TMENT Peconic " Lane Peconic,. New.~ York .t1958 (~16) 765c31 qO P.o. f2,o~ 176 J.. APPLICATION/PE~MIT FO~ HIGHWAY EXCAVATION AND ~EPAI~ g TI00094734 APPLICATION IS HE~EBY made to the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold for the issuance of an ExcaV~,tlon Permit pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable laws, ordinances or regulations for the excavat,~n heretn described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordina~'~s, codes and regulations, and to permit aut~orlzed inspectors to make; necessary<~.~spections of the job site. \, Print or Type 1) KEY SPAN ENERGY Name of Applicant 175 E. Old.Country Rd.. Hicksville. NY 11801 . Address 2) Name of Owner of Premises Address 3) 650 EAGLES NEST CT. - LAUREL Work Des!,ription and Location (Street, Number, Hamlet, Cross Street) ".", (a) \fs construction J~pted withii1\7S:,feet of tl~al wetlands7 *Yes_No X *If yes. other-Iown permits .:J1\ay be required. 4) Builder's License No. Plumber's License No. Electrician's License No. 5) a) Attach plot plan showing locatlo,n ,of' proposed,'elrcavation and relationship to adjoining premises or public' stre,ets or areas, and giving a detailed descrlp- ~ tion of layout of excavation. .: :'; b) Atfach all other necessary perm~~'s and licenses for this project. c) Work covered by this 'applicatIO.~. may not commence before issuance of a Highway Excavation Permit by ,.tlJe Town Clerk. 6) Tax Map: Section Block , Lot' 7) Starting Date: 10/26/01 , Completion Date 11/26/01 8) Work Schedule: ,,' \. ~ '\. Completion Date .:..\ Excavation.................. ,;"~.'~ .';.................. , \, Facility Installation. .........;:...,................. Backfill & Compaction........:..................... Pavement Replacement........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9) . Under which authority is the applieatlon made: 10) Estimated Cost of Proposed Work: :"$' 11) Remarks: BELL HOLE N/S GRASS AREA APPROX., 755' W/O wmTE EAGLE DR. \ '; .' ,l~:... P:IIn... 1 nf l (' , ~:;'.:,;;J:." 'ft!~\ 1".",I""'""'c, I!!~.. ~..',:;v'... :;:.:-:'.... .;...:....,., ;.,..,'.," ,.,.' :.:::::,.;. '. '..\,'.',' .;' .. 12) Insurance Coveraqe: (Attach a) Insurance Company: b) Policy t c) State whether policy ment: copy ).\ ' Tl00094734 ", of cer,tJflcatlon on. file with the Highway Depart- d) Coverage required extend~'~':to the Town: Bodily Injury and prope.i;~y damage: $300,000/$500,000 Bodily Injury, and $50,000 property da')'~ge. 13) Security: a) Surety Bond total amount of $ b) Maintenance Bond or, Fertifled Check provided in the 3 years 2 years or provided" 14) Fees for applications and permits: ":. " Basic Application Fee........ $25.00 AI. 1 /Servlce Connections',:excavatlons @ $20.00 = $ 20.00 ~ A2. /Addltional Excavations same service @ $10.00 = $ ~ i3. Excavations 18" in depth or, 'less: 0-100 l.f. = $10.00 >" .... I.f. @ $0.10 -'_~$';' Additional . c. Excavations.-~111" in depth. -19 :.51 in depth: 0-100 I.f. =.$30.00 I.f. @ $0.30 <$ Additional D. Excavations 5' In depth and over: 0-100 I.f. = $50.00 l.f. @ $0.50 7'$- Additional 45.00 ' E. Utility Repair":Excavations @$10.00, = $ No. ."-; Repairs same service '@ $5.00..= $ .-- Additional F. Notice to public 'utilities prciof must be provided and attacl)edto this application prior to Is.llance of permit. .....' * *' :-*,"? , TOTAL COST: 9 .." . Authorization is hereby granted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold to Issue a Higl'lway Excavation Permit to: ~e..\1 ,""Ol".n in accordance wlth,thls application. .,'> \ 1 .....,. SljlPER INTENDENT OF H lGHWA YS TOWN SOUTHOLD" NEW YORK .;:':,;: Received by the Town Clerk \O~tO\ ate _:.' Permit Issued,' 10\ Vl'>\cn Date \ ,.'.' ,Permit No. 133 ~: Permit expires one (1) year fr.cim Date of Issuance. No work to start without 48 h()~r notice .to the S"perintendent of Highways. Per,mlt must be available for 'h,"pectlon. Page 2 of 3 n ," Copy Distribution: Highway Department Inspector Applicant Town Clerk I nspection Date 1st ,:' INS P E C TOR ':5 .-t" .,:' R E COR D Findings {use code) .- 2nd 3rd J. 4th ,/ \. ~' _/ :." REMARk~ CODE '. , - Tl00094734 Applicant Notified (To Permit Clerk) .-- IB - Improper barricades IL - Improper 1ight~\ ST - Sunken trenc!l{..,~'r\ excavation UTM - Unable to measure (due to backfilling) BUC - BUIlding unde,.:. CO'lstructlon - WIP - Work In' progress DB - -Improper bacl(flli' (too high) (not sufficient) HFS - Inspector holqlng for final settlement of excavation RFR - Ready to rep8lr' \. \ KEYSPAN/&A..r REQUEST FOR STREET OPENING PERMIT FC-6111.4 D STATE D NASSAU COUNTY D SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ S"~71IDlJ:) PEN'6~IT ~~ JOBI1ooo94734 LOCATION ~~U:. ;I&s'r 6-'; ~ ~#1t'L- f//f~. ~ R~~~~~~OR .&. f!:> U);h 'Ii. ~ ~,t. (Iv U-t.du. W.OJPA FOREMAN NO. REQUESTED BY o)C I ~ II __ DEPARTMENT VJ;..! ..Jc.RtI./Z- GASCONSTR. L.-Z,) -.s./~ APPROVED ~~tr Nts-t e17 7~S' ' ~ ~1..t'D rt tJ?.s- -.59- 3 N SKETCH t\\ I ~ I~\ ~ @ I' tA - 1 I ~ I~ l::1' I~ ~ rltw Us$.. V\ I ~) tt ~~ () 1_'_' ~ .