HomeMy WebLinkAboutBridle Ln Date: 03/13/03 Transaction(s): Name: Clerk ID: L1NDAC Town Of Southold P.OBox1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: 1 Permits Check#: 17304 Total Paid: Key, Span Energy - Gas Cont Dept 175 E Old County Rd Hicksville, NY 11801 17305 Subtotal $1,069.50 $1,069.50 Internal 10: 71651 FILE'No.Oll 03/12 '03 12:09 10: FAX: PAGE 2/ 11 '- File No. TOWN Oh"OuTiroLD 81GHWAYDEPARTMENT Peconic Laue pec:onie, New York 11958 (631) 765-3140 APPLICATIONIPERMIT FOR mGOW AY EXCAVATION AND Rl!:PAIR - ,. < PerDlit No. REVISED Ref./ffl00240617 APPLICATION IS IfEKEBY mad. to tile SaperialOlldeal .r ~Y' <ifill. Tow. .r S..tIoold f.r III. ;au_..r a. E>:cavali4. Pannlt p.......t to CIuopter 13 .rllle C.... .flb. Towa oCSoulbold, 8"""11< eaallly, New V.rl<, .ad otIler opp/leabl.I.ws, .rdl_.r replall... ror Ibu.",valioa .....ti. _...... The 'ppUelll .a.- to co..ply wilb aU , .ppUeobl< law.. .nIi._ oodM oad replallo... a.d 10 permit ..IlI.ri.... laspecc.11 to mab _ry i.~...r lb. J.bsit.. 'rID! 0.. Tvoe I) KEVSPAN ENERGY - GAS CONSTR. DEPT. -175 Eo OLD COUNTllY RD. - mCKSVILLEo NY 118111 N.... .r AppUo"l 4ddreu 8 R IIWi:. 2) lII:idce La.... Catebop. N..... of Owo.. .fPremi... /Ji(//)Lt 811./lJLl. ............. Lane.......Ct.... RlnllDdRd &. CrowD)aadLane-trenu. a total .f3.4151 in the prau arMS ofn.id roads In Cuthwue te Inmll ni maI.1 ....d ",mUll: - mltaile road eroalh~. ...d....... W.rk Deseripllolla'" Locatio. (Street N........, Homltl, C..... Streol) (a) la...stra_aloca""wilbia75foetorlidalwod.lI1Is? .V.. No_X_ .Jfy,., otller Town permitlmay be rtrquired. 4) BuDder'. LlcOlllO'No. Plamber's Lieease N., Eleelnclan'. Licea.. No. OlIle'r e'. License No. Signal ot Appl" ant 2.06-03 Date 5) .) Altoeb pIol p!411 sbowiDl: loealltut of proposed tx""vallon ..d relaliollSllip to aclj olIIlag prelllises or public streets or....... aad I1Vtnc a cIelaiIed descriptioa of layo.l of ....v.lI.n. b) Altoeb all other aec-..y permts alld lice..... far lhis project. c) Work covered by Chis appllcatlll1l may aol commeaee before Iss....ce of. mghw.y Enavalioa Pennll by Che ToWll Cieri<- 6) Tax Map: SeelIon 7) startiog Date: 8) Work Scbedale; . Block . Lot Completioa Date: fIlaM! Comnlellon Date )ta:uTadon . ...... ......, ............ ..... .... ........... ................... ........ 'aaliCy _1Ia1lo..............",..................,......................,.... ....ktllI & CQimp.~n....n. ................ ........, ........ ............... '0 '.vem.nt .ReplacomOllt.. ......... ........,... ........, ........ .....0....... .... 9) Vader wbleb .lIlboril)' is lbe appUcalioa made: 10) EltblUltecl Cost of PropOfed Work: S 11) Remark., FILE.No.Oll 03/12 '03 12:10 10: FAX: PAGE 3/ 11 " D-39 Page 1013 , TtOO240617 12) In!:\lrance Covera~e: (Attach Copy) a) Insurance Company. b) Policy # c) Swe wheIbor policy of cenification on file with the Highway Depanment: d) CovOl1l&e required extended 10 the Town: Bodily iJUury and property dlUllllge: $3oo,000/$S00,000 Bodily Injury. and $50.000 propetty damage. 13)~ a) Surety Bond Or Certified Check ofS b) Maintenance aonded provided: 2 Y""'" or provided in the loral amounl 3 Y""'" 14) Fees for llllPlications and permils; Bash: AODlioatioll Fee ................. 525.00 AI. _1_!Service Conneerions excavalions@ $20.00 ~ Slll A2. -'Addirional Excavations....., service@$IO.OO=$ No. a. Excavations 18" in depth or IlISS: 0-100 U: =$10.00 1.f.@SO.IO= Additional C. Excavations 18" in depth 10 S' in depCh: 0-100 I.f. ~ $30.00 3.315 I.f.@$0.30=~ Additional D. Excavation; S' in depth and over: 0-100 I.f. = $SO.OO I.r. t@ SO.SO = $ Addirional E. No. Urility Repair Excavarions @ $10.00 = $ Additional Repairs same service @ $S.oo - $ F. Norice 10 public utilirios proofmUSl be provided and anaehed 10 this application prior to issuance of pcmUl. . . . TOTAL COST 51.069.50.. ..Cheek sent 1/24/03 Allthori2:ation i. hereby granre<l u> the To"" Cleik olthe To"" of Southol<! III i.... s Hishway Excavation PcrmillO: KEYSPAN ENERGY DELIVERY in acoord&ncc with this application. Received by the Town Cleric Pen-nill....ed 3 /; 3 /J .3 . 3/13 /0"3 , Date SuPERlNTEljDENT OF HIGHWAYS . ~~~w;t:~/ Peter W. urig =//c:l~~ ~ 0.../ ) Permil No. 02 1/0 ~; PemUt apires one (1) Yt!l8r from Dalc of Issuance. No work to start without 48 hour notioe to the Superintendent of Highways. Pennit mus~ be avaiblblc: tor inspection. PAGE 5/ 11 FILE No.Oll 03/12 '03 12:10 ID: P~B, -11' 031TUEI 11: 04 " , " P,002 " ~ , """, . .. t;:f , ..... ,... ',' " - .,' \ , t;- ~ 1 ,.. ,1,' . , . "" ~ , , 'I: I, ' l"- I i I ) I 64ill~.f ICI-2J,,- 4- 11>/-34'1+4- li/-3.!-Z f?~ /s,( b S"Cz:.;'iZ I/:.s , . ';'~~.;LCLJ3 , MAlAk"'-: t1ti,J.t~ ;,J &Mff A44.s ~I~ u' . ',' ll~' B~JOI.L ~ff- Ulr~'(o r " cr. , I' . . .i ~ 1^ ~ ',:~ , . ~ ....... .. "1-,. -....\ . . i /~~ -2 . I I 'A, . .' . SEE SHE&r-- I - A- FAX: TEL;Sl6 7585136 PAGE 6/ 11 , FILE.No.Oll 03/12 '03 12:11 ID: FEB. .-11' 03 (TUE) 11; 04 BU GAS DES I GN PATCH :.. ... C<l- ---~~------...- ~J - ~ :; 1'\ ~ '~ Uu.x- i:1'\ 0 ~ t I I ~ I ",' I ~ ....... ~ I & I I I ~ ~~ I ~. C> :: "'II- 1'- '" ... - ::-\ ! ~ ~--._- ~ 'f"'o<> <:s --- t" ~~N ~ N roo. ,.... "'~..... N.... ......, . , . ~tI,l ~ u.. ~ is' ... _. . ~~. N i- ~ .. [ "i-,. ....! I I I I I I I I ~ I I ,II -.3 a 4 t .> P.003 .~ FILE. No.011 03/12 '03 12:11 ID: F~B. -11' 03 (TUE) II: 05 Ct2Dw,J /.~l:. 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