HomeMy WebLinkAbout450 Soundview Ave Ext Date: 05/09/03 Transaction(s): 1 Permits Check#: 1431 Town Of South old P.OBox1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Total Paid: >i J;~~ Name: Key, Span Energy - Gas Cont Dept 175 E Old County Rd Hicksville, NY 11801 Clerk ID: L1NDAC 1431 Subtotal $45.00 $45.00 InternallD: 74748 F!LE No.669 05/05 '03 10:58 10: FAX: PAGE 2/ 5 Permit No. TOWN OF SOVTBOLD mGRWAYDEPARTMENT Pecol\ie Lane Peconic, New York 11958 (631) 765-3140 APPUCATIONIPERMlT FOR mGHW AY EXCAVATION AND REPAIR - RMRRGRNCV FileNo. Ref.#Tl00281S78 J\PPLICA TION IS lIERE8Y mad. to th. Suporintend..t of HighWllY. .r lb. Town .r Southold r.r lb. 1$...... or .. E~cavadelll Pennit punaent to CbapUt" 83 taCtII. Code of Ut" Towft oC Soudlold. Suttoak COUlIey, NfSW York, .ad other' .ppllcoblelawo, .rdl....... .r reauJado... ror th. """"lion berd. d...,.;bed. The .ppll..., ..,.... to comply witb all applicablo laws, ordiaanees. codu ud regula'Cioq&, aad to petlftit authQri2ed iD5p"toN to ,"atee necessary iAtpectlOI1& of fhe job ,I... Print or TVIHl 1) l(EYSPAN ENERGY - GAS CONSTlI. DEPT. -175 Eo OJ.D COUNTRY RD. _ HlCKSVlLLE. NY 11801 Name of AppUcul Addr... 2) 450 SoulIIdview AVeBDe 111':t.. Southold N..... .CO\\'.....fPr.- Addreu 3) Soundview AVellue Ere. - hellhole sf, naved area. a.bpror:. 3251 eJo Li'l!btbouse Road. Southold. to install a 'l!U If:tvite to 'NY. W.rt< DN<ripdo. ao. .......lI.n (Slreet N._r. Hamlet, Cr... S"""') <a) II eollll'tna4ltioA Ioc:ated within 75 feet 0' "4&1 wedands? *V. -((yes. otbtrTQwn penniU: may'" required. N._X_ 4) Builder', License No. PluDlber', Llcens< No. E1ectrieian'. UceDIO No. Other T Signat\ll' of canl 05-05-03 Date S) a) Attach plot plan ""owillg loeallon of proposed ..cavatlon and relati...hlp t. adjoiDlug premises .r public street, or or.... IOd giYlDg a detailed descrlplioa of layout of exeavation. h) Attacb all other nec.....ry permits and li..n.... for this project. c) W.rk covered by this appUeatlo. may not commen.e before Issuance of a Hlgbway Excavation Permit by the Towu Clerk. 6) Tax Map: SeI1tlOD 7) Startillg Date: 8) W.rt< Scbedul.: . Block . Lot C.mpletion Date: bm ComDletion Date Ext=avadon . ............. ...... ...... ... ............ ...... ......... ...... ...... ..... Fadll,>, loOWlalion..... ....................... ............ ....... ........... ..... aa.kIlU 40 C.mp.tdo.......................................................... P'YfmPllt Replacc.lltmt. ..... .................... ........ ............. .......... 9) UDder which auth.rity is lb. applicaliOD lllade, 10) EslImatedCooluCProposedW.rt<: $ !I) Remark.<: D.39 Page 1 f:lf3 FJLE No.669 05/05 '03 10:58 ID: FAX: PAGE 3/ 5 12) Ins_nee Covera~e: (AIlacb Copy) a) In_co Company; b) Policy # c) Stale whether policy of eeniticatioD,DIl file wilh Ihe Highway Depanment: d) Coverage required extended to the Town; 130dily iqiury and property damage: $300,0001$500,000 130dily Injury, and $50,000 property damage. TI00281578 13)~: a) Surety Bond Or Certified Check ofs b) Maintenance 130llded provided; 2 years Or provided in the lotal amount 3 years 14) Fees for aDDlications and tlefD1its; Bu!. ADDli."!!o" Fee ...... .......... $25.00 AI. ....!.-lService Connections excavatiollS @ S20.oo ~ $ 20.00 No. A2. -'Additionalllxca""'ions same service@ SIO.OO ~ $ No. B. Exca.vatiOllS IS" in deplh or Ie..: 0-100 Lf ~ $10.00 I.f. @ $O.IO~ $ Additional C. Exc:avati<ms IS" in depth to 5' in depth: 0-100 I.e. ~ S30.OO ~ _1.f. @ $0.30 = Additional P. Iixcavationa S' in depth and over: 0-100 I.e. ~ $50.00 l.r. @ $0.50 ~ $ AdditiDllal E. No. Utility Repair llxcavations @ $1 0.00 ~ S Repairs sarne service@ SS.OO ~ $ Additional F. Notiee to public utilities proormusl he provided and aItlIched to this application prior to issuance or permil. . . . TOTAL COST 545.00 Authorization is hereby Sfln~ f.O the Town Clerk of1he Town of~thold 10 i$SUe It. Highway Ex~variOfl PelTllit to; ~Ys]>AN ENERGY DELIVERY in oecord...,. with this application. Received hy the ~ Clerk Permit Issued 910 :; 4 C;/IJ3 Pcrmit No. --' o?57 Date .t:UuG: PemUt expires ODe (1) year from Date of Issuance. NQ work to }lwt without 48 hour nonce w \he Supc:rintendcllt of HighwaY$.. Pemrit mm. be available for iNpooaon, D..J9 Page 2: of3 FAX: TEL:S16 7585136 PAGE 5/ 5 p, 002 FIL~ No,669 05/05 '03 10:59 ID: MAY.-OS' OJ(MON) 08:48 BU GAS DESIGN PATCH KEYSPAN#AJ' " . " REQUEST F!JR'STREE'J: OPENING PEAWT: O "0' NASSAU. '. . '8TAT.E, CPUNTY, . MIS oIOIl NO. " ,NO. LPOA.11ON ~..:.. ~ JIJ It..J A1L EJt7': _ ~ iii '3~,r': ~ , W.oJPA 'NO. REaUSSTED ' .. JlY 'APPROmi " " RJ.i111.4 8KETCH 'c- - . G:' ,\ ~" ,(1\ :~ \ \ . .. '~ ' " " . , , , ',L.$L' f'l';:"'4S'C' . , " " " , ' , , " " '. ',gkb-- I~ 7~dS-.3 N . a . RU,SH', 'EMERGENCY ',,', INSTALLATION, .' :", , , NO HEAT ., A.,;. , , , ~,-W~' "