HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-89.-3-1.1 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .................. '~..a.~...~..o..~..~t~s..e.~ .............................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made c~ part thereof by chong~ "A" Residential and "M-i" GeneraIz lng from ......... ~J~?..~_..q.u..~..t:..~.~..~..].. ...... District to ..M.~.~r.~:~.]:.e....~..e.~.J....d.~..~..°..~ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to ~aid petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .6..~.h.. ...... day of ............... ~.8,y .......................... , 19...8...0.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is DENIED. Dated: June 10, 1980 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD '. . ,?' :"i:!i;.'&}~i:;'~~~~~:;I'~" ,;:it~a;"'S, ~".t1i2cn!.. -.,,~ 1,(,3 .,;,.'f<'itl.:"N.40"S7'.i(O"/E. - 43.02' " ,;Y#.:J.t,;fi~'~2Q/~"SlI"~ ~'\. "'f~~~__~8:)4e. -lsl.42: ~;:::.,~.,::)~~tj~5~,..,~:t;f.~. ~.() ~A' .t7~~1t..'!;."."i'~, Ititlt~,. , t~f' .,~;i~f~N~~"~_ '230.0 ll;','.' 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Suffoll:: C O<.J n+<j t::br-k . ~..,- , ", '. 1: \J '1 IV en ~" VI \. ~ 1 \ ill II ~ l: ~ .... ~ ".... , ,.~ ---".- ""."'" ';~'. ; -."" .'" ----_._---~, . -- ,,-- -.----- ---.------- - -,.. MAP TO .QCCCX'.<1~y 4PPLIC4T/ON t='CJt:Z C/NwGEi OP ZbNt;; r::t2OM 'A' 7t) 'M-I" fV/.AO€ FOIZ ..W A..YNE: .L'J:?~OC' A7""E:S AT " . BAYV/E:W TOWN OF: Scx.;T#-{OLO. N.Y. '" \\'-. \\ '1\ '\.... i' \ . .~. \ \ " . ~'-"'a shown is ;rr:med .~. -et!ts./~I"'., excepf- po.-f- of prt'!",i:ses, ~ed "{Yf ,1"- 6enerol l'v1ul-l-iplte I<:esiclence. " \ I' Scale: Zoo',"'I" . " .. "----- "1- . , .,/,,'., '/'-"\-'- '\, ...-- < ....---.., \ \ .~ _______-0:, \ 7- ('C-\ ,t\ ::-::::I;~~~~~~ \ 'Q\~ \(~. . '\ ). \ (;)./ \ \ ---,-' \ - \\\ ,\" ~ ", / /~ '<i6( \ ~ , . ~ -;-,c\ '?oC."i1 /),~ \ \ S. \<\ .n --../ \ 1:. \.. ' / Ye;.' '., \ \./ t. \ ~. ",\) .', . - \ . rz.. .' ,..Dr' .., \ "-i \ \' ''''-/// / Dr \ t:'. \\\ '..~ v o~,' {' i -\" e/,.~! f cl I " \. \ \ Area=7.8:r Ac.. '12; '" f"esidence \ \ I , , , \ \ MOIpp.cI Nov. 7, 1979 (ZOOEIZICI<: VAiV7{;JY,-.RC. Z. V ~__ -r "'1-~ "_ 1..t'c:;.,.fUIe/ 4.tInd Si.n:c;: . $,..~.t - 1Ww .. ".. ::l~J "'--~ 'I ~ ~ " ':" I I , i I I I I >~ , "I ~ '.: < ;': -.~r7~-" -',;" ''':'':'""i*'':"U'_.'f~ )i'd;<.i:,~ ' '"',::'1>,:1 {.li'Y..&~_ . . -- .... .~ J , / I ...... ':~ .- , !""'..~: .,~:r.<ti -""::" ....-.. .... .'-,~. T D S . . p Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 March 20, 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gazza 2850 Cedar Beach Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gazza: I am in receipt of your letter of March 17, 1980 with regard to the application of Wayne Associates for a change oill zone in the Cedar Beach area. The Southold Town Planning Board took the following action at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980. "RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Wayne Associates for a change of zone from A Residential to M-l General Multiple-Residence for property located at Southold because it is not in conformity with the development map of the Town of Southold." This information was transmitted to the Town Clerk on March 14, 1980. She, in turn, has transmitted the appropriate papers to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for its determination. Upon receipt of the Commission's findings, the matter will be placed for a public hearing. This will be advertised in the local papers. It is at the public hearing that you should voice your objection in order for your letter to be part of the hearing. I hope this information has been of some help to you. Please feel free to call if there is anything further you would like to know. Yours truly, .. Muriel Tolman, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board I' . d.?t ern~" . c13.,a1 , 2350 Cedar Beach Road Southold, ~ew York 11971 March 17, 1980 ~~ Southold Town Board Zuulub Boa.rd Z, Planning Board 3 Southold Trustees Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: It has come to our attention that the Town of Southcld is considering a re-zoning of the property behind the General Wayne Inn to accommodate fourteen condominiums on six acres for Wayne Associates. ~y wife and I currently live in our home on two and a half acres fronting Dryad's Basin approximately one thousand feet east of the General Wayne Inn. Our land originally consisted of five building lots. We could erect additional housing units on our land but have declined to do so in an attempt to protect the local environment. lie firmly believe that the environnent in this area cannot survive even minimal density one-acre zoning, no less one- half acre zoning and fourteen units per six acres could produce disastrous environmental consequences. ) / In addition, allowing housing units on less than one acre in this instance would provide incentive for other landowners to attempt to do the same with their land. If some landowners are allowed to maximize profits by increased density housing on their land, the other landowners should not be denied the same privilege. It would certainly be unfair to allow housing units on less than one-half acre in this case and expect the other property owners in the town to be held to the one-acre zoning. The Wayne Associates re-zoning could not only endan~er the environment in this area, but could set a precedent that may harm the overall environment of Southold Town. In additbn to the above, our objections to this re- zoning are also based on the following reasons. We believe the re-zoning could deteriorate the quality of the croundwater rapiply, possibly to the point of causing many wells to be unusable for h~~an consumption. Our well 1.1~'\~tf~ ~t-~ "- . .2 ) . water has been deteriorating since we moved into our house and this well is right up near the road, one h~~dred and twenty feet from the high-water mark. Last year, we had to install water purification equipment in our house at a cost of $500.00. This equipment worked well until a few months ago, when the water began turning brown and smelled strongly of hydrogen sulfide due to intrusion from the creek. We tried a commercial charcoal filter installation at the pump, but the levels of contamination were too high for it to purify. We spent another $500.00 for another well on our property, again near the road and over one hundred feet from the water, which produced water with very high salt content. Finally, the installation of a potassium permanganate oxi- dation/reduction system at a' cost of $700.00 on the original well brought the contamination levels to acceptable standards. However, we are still drinking brown water and remember, we have these problems with one house on two and one-half acres of land. It is obvious that even now our water situation is tenuous and that any disturbance or lowering of this water table would probably ruin our well permanently. Fourteen units on six acres one thousand feet to the west would use sufficient water to lower the water table, especially with lawn maintenance and a proposed swimming pool. It should also be noted that our wells were driven on our land at points that have elevations of ten feet, which are fairly high elevations for the Cedar Beach area. Cedar 3each, in general, is a low-lying area with shallow groundwater. In order to prevent waste disposal problems, a single housing unit is required to have one tank and five pools. This means the condominiums would have to have fourteen tanks and seventy pools, all discharging waste into a six-acre parcel with shallow groundwater, part of which is wetlands fronting on Cedar Beach Creek. If the housing units have to be one hundred feet from the water as well as the cesspools, and the wells have to be one hundred feet from the pools, we don't see how fourteen tanks, seventy pools, fourteen living units, roads, parking lots, a SWimming pool and wells could even be put onto six acres, part of which is wetlands, without subsequent perma- nent damage to the environment. Also, the run-off from the roads and parking facilities as well as lawn maintenance products could undoubtedly pollute one of the cleanest productive creeks in the Town. In addition, the only access channel to the bay abuts this property, and is very narrow, which would preclude placing any docks or mooring any boats in front of the property without blocking the channel. This would certainly create , . . . ( 3 ) . additional future problems. We have also reviewed the Short Environmental Assess- ment form submitted by Wayne Associates and take exception to their checking "no" on the following items; #3 #4 #6 scallops Creek is Pollution could be caused in Cedar Beach Creek. Groundwater quality could deteriorate. Blue claw crabs in addition to clams, mussels, and turtles. As we mentioned before, Cedar Beach a very productive m~rine system. #8 This area is one of the most beautiful in the Town with natural wetlands and Cedar trees, and should be maintained as close to its present state as possible. Right now the resident of Suffolk County who use Cedar Beach Park have a beautiful view to the west, of the creek, wetlands and wooded acres. These condominiums would be placed right in the center of this view. #10 The disruption of the views and water quality could negate future recreational opportunities. #11 The project could effect, navigation in the creek. Also, Bayview Road is the main access route to this area and a Business Zone would increase truckinr, and traffic along a residential route which is also a school bus route. #12 We feel re-zoning of this area and the General Wayne Inn area would bring objectional noise to the area. #13 Public Health could be endan~ered through shell- fish contamination. #14 would have co=unity. Condominiums and down-zoning of the property a major negative effect on the character of this #15 Public controversy does exist. t1y wife and I used to live in Nanorville and feel that one of the smartest things the Town of Brookhaven ever did was to change the area to two-acre zoning to protect the g,roundwater and environment for present and future genera- tions. We strongly hope that the Town of Southold will also at least maintain the one-acre zoninr, if not increase it to protect our groundwater ,and local environr.Jent and to prevent the demise of one of Long Island's most beautiful areas. Thank you for your concern. V~ry trull yours, /.- ~ ---- ,,',.,' ,,.. ,?'{~.-- AR '",-<- {lu7?-"~ Rofe'"rtafl'drl?~ne Gazza ...- - \ i "'I nn, /' ~/ ~. "^, \' , -:" ~ " " :, "-: " ' j \ I I, 1 !R1>An i [T ] 77~/'1 w ~ ZI -\'\/ ' ~ t , \ < ,,) L I' \ h ~ b lDWE:'Bifr~f\~f'\ ! AH~IN IRO ~\~ ~6 J , ~;r~ ~ ~ "J' ..... f-I J r3':~;+' fl OV.I ""A~. ~~ ~ ~ "'~ <1' " /'" / ......, "is- l:>; :9K} L sl' 4. 'YN/!? ~ n rn fi __ ~ ~I V/~~ _I f~ ,f\~~ ;;-1 ~, IvYl Creek - - ~ "''<.. ",' Q O-l> "',y o ... ,I>- <,,0'<- (/ c. ~........ '1\ lQ\~ \~ ,,';' "",,- -0" Q' o '<- ,<" ~" c: /(,-J' '" '\ is' 'h . v ,e.,1>- ,,0 /''-<> .,/ 'v '-' \ ~/. / ,: ';~' \.~~O \/ '. # , "17': \, <0 0'0 1>-0 ~ ,~ C'<> ,'" "" v /' . s . T D Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765-1938 March 14, 1980 Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial'of the apPlication of Wayne Associates for a change of zone from A Residential to M-l General Multiple-Residence for property located at Southold because it is not in conformity with the development map of the Town of Southold. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR" CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary ~-... . . SOUTHOLD-PECONIC CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. Jolarch 1 st ,1 ~cll.J superv~sor W~~~~am R. pe~~ I~I Town of southo~d, southo~d, N. Y. Dear superv~sor, The fo~~o~ng reso~ut~on was presented and acted upon at a meet~ng of the Board of D~rectors he~d on Monday,February 25th,1 ::I(:)V. " whe:ceas there appears on the Aoenda :for the TOwn Board llLeet~ng February 26th,1::1ClU under "Reso~ut~ons-ItelU 15 " ~n reference to an app~~cat~on for a change ~n zo~ng ~n the cedar Beach area, we w~sh to 00 on record as :fo~~ows- S~nce 1::156, th~s assoc~at~on was one of the or~g~n~ pro- ponents and sponsors of zo~ng ~n the Town of southo~d and have heart~~y approved the upgra~ng of zo~ng and have con- s~stent~y opposed downgrad~ng and spot zo~ng. The appe~ wh~ch wo~d perw.J.t the erect~on o:f Fourteen condolU~~um Ap- artllLents on S~x Acres p~us, was Thoroug~y d~scussed and ~t was una.IUll1ous~y agreed that th~s appea.... sho~d be de~ed.~ we trust that you w~~~ ~nform the llLembers of your p~~ng Board and the Zo~ng Board of APpea....s accord~ng~y. Th~ ~ou for your cooperat~on ~n th~s matter. curdt: 'Y;1.t1o pre1dent r~ ~ Ii }. . ._ot,/"'" ,'/7- ___ J ~;/;'!y /- .A ,.../ \< /V Crig. r,l~J' I~~~-.-. .:1 ~...... _'~-__ .jfO) IT, 't:4 IT;" Ui\\/,i/,? fnl1 I {t!. ...,!',.- ,I." n j I' ,!_,~"-,_,,,_o.,,,,y,--,,-, ,-. h. '-~ :i --,/ -.-.--.....--.:::.." i 'I ,., 1'/ . i " ; . . ! ~ ! i n Ij f~IAR - 4 1980 r Ii ;; jiJli; 1 i:-: j'" ...;}.._""......,_-.~.__J_~~~__.,~.,_ -.-_JU: -10\'''' ' [ 'ii.., Cr.;" "'I D ' '~'~'--:'~~="-----':~-'~'-~~J .\ t . V\ Cc~:~.::; l/T.G, j/ 1''1 ;/ 'I} .--- ?, .-------- .. AdZ. C:~o -- File ___ -------- "WHAT'S GOOD FOR SOUTHOLD-PECONIC IS GOOD FOR EACH AND EVERYONE." . New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Unit Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 516-751-7900 .\.-e February 19, 1980 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 - :2-;:Y~ ... ...... ~ Robert F. Flecke Commissioner Re: Application of Wayne Associates - 14 Unit Townhouse Condominium at Cedar Cove Dear Ms. Terry: Review and approval of this project is subject to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). It is our understanding that the Town desires to assume lead agency re- sponsibility in connection with this SEQRA review. This Department has no objection to the Town being lead agency. await your determination of significance before processing the Tidal Permit Application that has been filed in this office. , We will Wetlands As you are aware, a lead agency determination of significance must be made before any action is taken on any request for permit and approvals. Please ad- vise us when you have made this determination. Very truly ~ce~ ~J k n, P.E. Region upervisor of Regu~a ry Affairs DJL:ll cc: wayne Associates, Attn: John E. Gillies . . .. ..... ~ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulato:r:y Affairs Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 Robert F. F1acke Commissioner December 7, 1979 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southo1d Southo1d, NY 11971 RECEIVED DEe 1 3 1979 Re: Zone Change by Wayne Associates TOlVlI C'erk Sou/hcld Dear Ms. Terry: This parcel is adjacent to tidal waters and wetlands. As we have not received any Tidal Wetland application, we are unable to determine to what extent the proposed change will affect tidal waters as the survey supplied shows no inprovercents. Until additional infonnation and/or application is made, we cannot make a detenni.nation of significance and request that the Town delay any decision until we can carrnent. Ve:r:y 7YJ:urs, . ~. Haj~ Alternate * Tidal Wetlands permit Mministrator RLH/cr . . JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS K TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 5, 1979 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is petition of Wayne Associates requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District on certain property at Bayview, Southold, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommenda- tions. Very truly yours, ~~~~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosures (5) . . ~ . CASE NO. 02 'I q STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. A Residential to M-l General Multiple-Residence District TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership having its office at 320 ..2.'-1'1 - 00'-10 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York, by JOHN E. GILLIES, a co-partner, the undersigned, is the contract vendee for certain real property situated at Bayview, So~thold, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Bayview in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, shown on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Map of Cedar Beach Park" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office December 20, 1927, as Map No. 90, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Orchard Lane (private) with the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road; running thence along the southerly side of Orchard Lane south 66052'20" east 4.51. 63.feet to a point; running thence north 60037'40" east 63.02 feet to a pOint; running thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 156.20 feet a distance of 121.09 feet; running thence south 58046'50" east 181.42 feet to a monument; running thence south 62007'20" east 205 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; thence southerly and southeasterly along the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 feet more or less to the northerly line of lot No. 39 on Map of Cedar Beach Park aforementioned; running thence north 62007'20" west 220 feet to a point; thence north 22007'40" east 28.25 feet; running thence north 66052'20" west 754.52 feet to the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive; running thence along the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive and along the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road north 23007'40" east 322.11 :feet to the corner first above mentioned at the point or place of BEGINNING. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To rezone the above described premises from A Residential-AgriCUlture to M-l General Multiple-Residence District, excepting therefrom that portion of the above described premises fronting on Cedar Beach Road currently zoned within an M-l Multiple-Residence Dis- Trict. . . , 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: It is the intention of the petitioner, upon the granting of this application, to seek a spe- cial exception from the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to permit the utilization of the most easterly 6.1 acres more or less of the afore- described premises for the construction and maintenance thereon of fourteel condominium townhouse dwellings, together with such other accessories and improvements to the premises associated with such use. 4. Petitioner verily believes that the utilization of a portion of said premises for the uses set forth above is consistent with sound zoning and planning and constitutes proper use of the premises which are the subject of this proceeding. STATE OF NEW YORK ~~. E. GILLIES ss. : COUNTY OF NASSAU ) JOHN E. GILLIES, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is a co-partner of WAYNE ASSOCIATES, the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except a.s to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me f}~ U~, {I JOHN Eo:' GILLIES thi. 20th day of ~ 1979 (!~ (J r' CAF,OL'fN A. N![MCZYK NOTARY PUB~ ie. S'_3U d NJ'N York N.:>. 30-1. i"':"S Qualified in N.;:'~c;u C~unty 0> J Commission Expires Mar<;h 30. 19...LJ ",\;"):,."1,, i": i::~!\C~::.K Y(\fi~ ",- r':\,);~~;Uc. State 01 ",uN ,', ,.. 1'!;J :',046113775 J' :::;'uiJ!;ticd in Hassau C:,'mty ( .,.,or b.:j':r~s f,\:..rch ,,)O~ Ji l.,);nm,~, . . . Case No. .t<?,3 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD In the Matter of the Application of WAYNE ASSOCIATES FULL DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT For a Change of Zone of Premises at Bayview, Southold, New York, from A-Residential-Agricultural to M-l. STATE OF NEW YORK ) 55. : COUNTY OF NASSAU ) .:2.'1'1- 00'10 WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership, by JOHN E. GILLIES, a co-partner, of 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. That this affidavit is made by your deponent and intended to be filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold with respect to the above entitled application made affecting premises located upon the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road, Bayview, Town of Southold, New York, more fully described in application aforementioned. 2. Name and address of applicant: WAYNE ASSOCIATES, 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York. 3. Name and address of all persons having any interest what- soever in the property described in this application, direct or indirect, vested or contingent, are as follows: Contract Vendee WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership, composed of: PASQUALE A. GEMMA, 40 East 88th Street, New York, N.Y. 10028 JOHN E. GILLIES, 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York 11735 KEW REALTY, 108 Allen Boulevard, Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735 RICHARD WALGROVE, 2 Tudor City Place, New York, N. Y. 10017 Owners of Real Estate and Contract Vendors ROBALD REALTY CORP., a domestic corporation, having a place of business at Cedar Beach Drive, Southold, New York. The shareholders, officers and directors thereof are: ROBERT G. NORKUS and ALDONA NORKUS, his wife, both residing at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York. NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO., Mattituck, New York -~ . . 4. The names and addresses of all persons who will receive any benefit as a result of their work, effort and services in connection with said application are as follows: RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C., Front Street, Greenport, N.Y. - Professional engineer and surveyor. 5. The name and address of all persons who are officers or employees of the Town of Southold and heretofore listed in paragraphs 4 and 5: NONE. 6. The names and addresses of all persons set forth under paragraphs 4 and 5 who arei':'elated to any officer or employee of the Town of Southold are as follows: NONE, to the best of your deponent's information and belief. ~L~;< OHN E. GILLIES .. Sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1979 ~,~:r,~ N L . .a.e of New York . . o. 30.4643775 Quar,fled in Nassau C Com .. f otJnty 9/ mlSSIOll xpires March 30, 19-2,. -2- . . CASE NO. 0/4'.3 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. A Residential to M-l General Multiple-Residence District TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: The undersigned, constituting the owners in fee of the premises which are the subject of the above captioned application, do herein con- sent to the filing thereof by the contract-vendee, WAYNE ASSOCIATES. ROBALD d~D)44-, ALDONA NORKUS By L_..____ O!ll_l(l_~ (l~)/"'r.') ! , ! . . ~~~!L. ~;!i0nT ErlV lHCl:!t~..::::~r.iJ:...l~liNErl.Ll~Q.ill:l Ji;2TRUCT i('~::: (a.) In (.r.:J('l' t.-:. un!:'^'~r the qu~~t:icn_9 i.n this ~hOI~t EAf' bJ i!l a[l!;ul"led thilt the rr~t\al"Qr wil.~ \lse r":rn-~lltly n'wila:ble tllf0"/I).1~lon concerJlinf~ l.hn Pl'Cl,;f)ct. 1)0(1 ttl!l 11J.c~1:: imr('ct.~ :Jf th" dctiC'n. It. 1:; net. expect.ed that I1Jdlt.ioIlb.l studiee, rebearcn Dr 0tner i!h"~stigatiJns ...,ill be 'l~.dertabm. (b) If ani ~:pH;!1t;ion has i'Pf~n [lns.....:rnd Yes th~ project ;J\.1j' to si,.;,nificant and a cOMt'leted Environf'lenUll A[l!,;CG~~lcnt Foell is necc:,L'111ry. (c) If al.l <:pmstions h1.l\:e bef!!) Hn~Nf..:rerJ No it is like],., that th:l..s project is ~ significant. (d) t:.l1vtrom:um t,,:=Jl Iwse~sm':Hl.!: .. '.' 12. 13. ] tWill projl!ct ref;'llt ir. c1 inr..:(! rhjr~ic:ll ciwnge to the prcj~ct sit~ 81' physicqlly nlter morc than 10 acres of 1 and? . . . . .. . . . . . . . Yes ~No Yes ~o Yes ~NO Yos ~NO Yus ..:.:::: II 0 lOB ...:::::: No You -!:::': No Yes j./""No 2. iN' iLL t.h-er~ br-: a naj.::"r c~'ln:1p;f' .~o any UlUqU-:? 0]' unusual land form j\:"-J.lld ::0 the sit.e? t " . 3. ~~ill projp.ct -31 ter or hav.<:! a larg~ effect Oll an existing body of wa t9r? .. . . . , .. .. t . ~. 'HijJ prC' jl_~.::::.t hU\'e tl pc~entia:.ly lar?;e tmpactJ On ground;.mtel' quai..ily? ~ .. . . . . , . '" 5 . ','fi.ll proJect .sl[;ni'fic3ntl~o l~f ~oct. tirn.i.nage flow (;1l <:idjac€!nt. sites? ..... " .. .. t . . . 6. '1't'112 pro jec t a ffe c t. an:l thr~~g tflrlcd rn" erdangorer1 r1ant or dnLr,al species? . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . 7. '''{lll 1-'.ro.J'?!~t res'JJ.t ~.n ~ r.:ajv~' adVl'nH~ eff9r:t on aiJ~ QU-31i:-,y':l . .. . . .. . .. . . . " . 8. Wi.ll proJr~ct hnve ;J. iT.a.jcr efft-ct On .:i31iul cLllr-. actel' of the C'0r1~~irL~t;)" cr .sc~r,j,= vie.....~ or \Oistas known to be ii:1~ortrl.nt. to the corfl.munity? ". " 9. -"all prGj~o::t h.dversf?ly lr.,P,:i::: ar.y site ('t' str:lt;t:~ l..:re cf ili~tcric r pre-ni.sto".iJ~, or pf:l.l€orlt.olC'(.l(,1.\J imp01.tallce or any site de~ignated a3 a o::ritical envirQnm~ntal area ~y a local agency? .. Yes V- No Yes V- No Yes '/No Y~5 0/ No -- Yes ......... _No 10. 'l/jl1 'p~('jet't 1',3';1'1 ;: /r.U,l0l- e~'f.::('t. Oil e^~9t.in.'; 01' future re':l'eatioIHl.': :)ppcri;!lrlj.~.ies7 . . . 11. 1,.\:ill projf:-C '.:, re'.>'l.~ t, in mil jr.:r tl'afLi.c P,~O')J.'~ltJ'~ <::1' :ll~1e a ~ajcr effect. to exis~ipg tl'8flspur~ation s}'R":~rrs? . . . .. . .. 0 . " " . " v,r~i] pr('.~'?ct. r{:~~'LLrt~'~Y cat:~~ ;'!~.i~':::'J.'-:'nilbJ'; odm's, rici-:-~, glnr~, vibratIon, (lr dJO:~tl'J.::A.l dist\lrr._ <lnce as a r~.5ul!. of tne pl'O.J~,-:tfs operation? . '1/ i 1) prr::. ject have any il:,pa:: 1- en p'lbl ic heal t.h Ql' saf!'::!,:;)"> . . .. .. . . . . . . " . 14. :,,'ill prcjflct ~1ffe:+. ':.he exis~~:1~ r::Qnr:1\I~i~j' b:,- iirectly CBtlSlng a gr0wt~ in ;)~r~fin~n~ ~c~'ILn- t.ion of r;;cre t.:hJ~l 5 percf';'r.":. 'j'/'"!.r a r_\r.':-i't~CiI' ./', r~->rj'_~"j (-T' h3ve a :,j;-'~:-:'l' r:t>r;'l: :''fe err(>c~. On th'2 vr r:haractCI' of the ('or~.m:.mit.)' ":or r,ei;;hbiJrhcod?" Yt~S _ No 15. I~j tb'~re p-Jblic rorltT(")'I'!I'!~:l '::>rlc~I'nint. r,h'! J-'l'O,lf!ct.? __ ,'il!S 50 PRSfAItEF:' S ~IGN/"fl'RE: MY?;(c::/!rr"cM 7?~-.!..y_ TiTLE;~~-C~ ~ ~ F:U'~L.m~;~: rlATEC->ijZ3// '7 --- , , , :J' t 17", . . TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of Way ne. A 55 oc-; <<.:f C5 to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, NOTICE TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: f 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to ~tition the Town Board of the Town of Sou!old to reguesta eA.I'1A/ge of 20..o/e H~ kc-.s A 7"'0 /'1-1 6eNe,~",L #vL7I",(e !?eStoe"vc . 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribedasfollows: //1/#/ A-T cAe ~04',ve/C! 6t/A!'c/l/1.A:<tJ L.4'A/e.l L"e.bl#-t' ~0 6A-& / t!O-*,tJ /1'/7 d 7,d' /1c/2es v 3. That the property which is the sub 'ect of such Petition is located in the following .wning district: e /1/0 /7- I 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will req~st that thAe above-described prop~ty be laced in the following zone district classification: - I ~ ~ e'.ed. . 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you milY then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the l1}atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of South old and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: /V',., v e m )""y .:23 J'177 WCLf/Je A,S.s c:u:,ia..-C;le5 81. VohN F. eil);es Petitioner Post Office Address: :3 ;w Cc- /d /L'L /,../ .s: T 7;i.eN /Q'/.P.4L-e. y: V. ~ / I , ,cY..~",:,-"'r-''''''C'''7''-;-,; :";.' ...c~,,,:c,-~,';""~""-,,~,-o,,,,_~" .~' "'_~'-.:;~": ,---"--cr' ':-:-- . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS NAME ANN I'f/lY;e... Woe! ke r JohN C' 0, Da..rnf hell II . Ot<eel1$6errt <Sf .,[JLJSIoN. /YJA55 {)~,21.5 S"",ThDLD1 New YoIZK: t/?7/ ...l to ~ OOe ~ w (0 u:: ~i= C'0 ffi 00 0: o LL l- e. w o W 0: ~ = CL 1"- co ~ c..o ...l <t :21 c o ~...J UJ s:;;: il Ii ~ ,. ~< > '- OZ Q) _, ""ffie: ~ ~ W~Q) o ~~~ LL. o::z::a::- t- ~f2 a.. ~15 ill ~:z o z W 0: 4> lJ Y Y ~ ~ ~ e;'-4~ ('?) Cl ~t; ~\)\)1I-(O ~ Q " <'if" ~>>~ <'0 >- ~:;1': C!i ~[2 .,;:::::;a: ffi:J i~ ~~ i~ or;gLoJ fa NOV 2;:: ~ :>::LU :>::o;n :>::3: 23 -l 0 ~~ ~~ 3:0 ?::5 :s ~ w .....LU ~O& O&iX o"'~ l~ IW -< -l t> 3:~ ?;:i~ ;:~~ ;*a: ~ ~ 4ft-19 ~ oc I ~~ ~~--' 0::::;::> oot/; ..w,'\a. 1:1~ -\. fa In <1>0 <I><~ ~~~ Bj~::g ~CI"'~ -c. 10 T ....... 3:11A1l3S !d13:13H NHn131l ~ let--.!::...-- S3:11A1l3S lVNOIldO ;oJ. ~ ~ '" S33:J UlH 1131SVWlSOd llnSNO:l e 2 9L6 I . Jdv 'OO8f WJOd Sd ~ = CL W " << ~ '" it: , STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: ::.:T;;hN F hiJ/ie5 .residingat-3o?O ConkliN ..siled Fa..r t'Y) inrdqje. /II. 'I 1/.7. {~ . being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ..:i";),Y1 day of /\/ n >' '" m he''' , 19 '7 '1 ' deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at '- <;'n <<_\+110 J iN, '1 ' ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. ~d!~. Sworn to me this d,~ rd day of Aj" >,em hey'. 19.:1$-. c0~ j- /..,-7'-;/ / () /Y> /YU ,:r;P~ Notary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVill! ~OTARY PUBLIC, Slale of New Yorl No. 52,8125850, Suffolk Cou.!1lY r,'rm Expires March 3D, 19j(O '. . . CASE NO. c2. 'IS STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTH OLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. A Residential to M-l General Multiple-Residence District TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership having its office at 320 ..2lj9- OO,/-O Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York, by JOHN E. GILLIES, a co-partner, the undersigned, is the contract vendee for certain real property situated at Bayview, Southold, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Bayview in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, shown on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Map of Cedar Beach Park" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office December 20, 1927, as Map No. 90, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Orchard Lane (private) with the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road; running thence along the southerly side of Orchard Lane south 66052'20" east 4.51. 63-feet to a point; running thence north 60037'40" east 63.02 feet to a point; running thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 156.20 feet a distance of 121.09 feet; running thence south 58046'50" east 181.42 feet to a monument; running thence south 62007'20" east 205 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; thence southerly and southeasterly along the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 feet more or less to the northerly line of _lot No. 39 on Map of Cedar Beach Park aforementioned; running thence north 62007'20" west 220 feet to a point; thence north 22007'40" east 28.25 feet; running thence north 66052'20" west 754.52 feet to the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive; running thence along the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive and along the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road north 23007'40" east 322.11 feet to the corner first above mentioned at the point or place of BEGINNING. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To rezone the above described premises from A Residential-Agriculture to M-l General Multiple-Residence District, excepting therefrom that portion of the above described premises fronting on Cedar Beach Road currently zoned within an M-l Multiple-Residence Dis- Trict. . . . . 4. The names and addresses of all persons who will receive any benefit as a result of their work, effort and services in connection with said application are as follows: RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C., Front Street, Greenport, N.Y. - Professional engineer and surveyor. 5. The name and address of all persons who are officers or employees of the Town of Southold and heretofore listed in paragraphs 4 and 5: NONE. 6. The names and addresses of all persons set forth under paragraphs 4 and 5 who are ~elated to any officer or employee of the Town of Southold are as follows: NONE, to the best of your deponent's information and belief. ~/k, OHN E. GILLIES .. Sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1979 ~^~~~ OL.C. S.ate of New York .No. 30-4643775 QualifIed in Nassau C t Commission Expires March ~~~ ~91 / -2- " . . 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: It is the intention of the petitioner, upon the granting of this application, to seek a spe- cial exception from the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to permit the utilization of the most easterly 6.1 acres more or less of the afore- described premises for the construction and maintenance thereon of four tee, condominium townhouse dwellings, together with such other accessories and improvements to the premises associated with such use. 4. petitioner verily believes that the utilization of a portion of said premises for the uses set forth above is consistent with sound zoning and planning and constitutes proper use of the premises which are the subject of this proceeding. STATE OF NEW YORK fL~~. L)fOHN ~. G~LLIES- 55. : COUNTY OF NASSAU ) JOHN E. GILLIES, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is a co-partner of WAYNE ASSOCIATES, the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. ~A/~J-4 J~N E. GILLIES , Sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1~79 ~-rtl~~ . . Case No. ~L,L3 ' STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of WAYNE ASSOCIATES FULL DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT For a Change of Zone of Premises at Bayview, Southold, New York, from A-Residential-Agricultural to M-l. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. : COUNTY OF NASSAU ) WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership, by ,;1.'-/9- CJO'fO JOHN E. GILLIES, a co-partner, of 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. That this affidavit is made by your deponent and intended to be filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold with respect to the above entitled application made affecting premises located upon the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road, Bayview, Town of Southold, New York, more fully described in application aforementioned. 2. Name and address of applicant: WAYNE ASSOCIATES, 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York. 3. Name and address of all persons having any interest what- soever in the property described in this application, direct or indirect, vested or contingent, are as follows: Contract Vendee WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership, composed of: PASQUALE A. GEMMA, 40 East 88th Street, New York, N.Y. 10028 JOHN E. GILLIES, 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York 11735 KEW REALTY, 108 Allen Boulevard, Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735 RICHARD WALGROVE, 2 Tudor City Place, New York, N. Y. 10017 OWners of Real Estate and Contract Vendors ROBALD REALTY CORP., a domestic corporation, having a place of business at Cedar Beach Drive, Southold, New York. The shareholders, officers and directors thereof are: ROBERT G. NORKUS and ALDONA NORKUS, his wife, both residing at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York. NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO., Mattituck, New York 'j.'.",,,,,,,~, . . CASE NO. ctl4'3 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. A Residential to M-l General Multiple-Residence District TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: The undersigned, constituting the owners in fee of the premises which are the subject of the above captioned application, do herein con- sent to the filing thereof by the contract-vendee, WAYNE ASSOCIATES. ROBALD d~D)4~ ALDONA NORKUS By , -- - /: Ih-l(l-~ (1:?/"",I) 'd'!'lcIH: l.\_!!- ,j '-f , ( i t , 2i! l(~E.Y.lliQt!t~~:.!i. r:~ I __1.01; F;:lil:1.Q.1IJ~Ol u., ):;2TR;.:cTJ..('~;:; l (a) In c.rd'?l' t.:. iln.f.w~r the flll8!-3tlcnc; 1.n this short EAr bJ 1,!:l a.'1!;IH'l",d that the r,r'Jr.ll'cr .....i11 liS!.: :":JT~ntly n"wil.3.blc lllfo'-"1.1tiol) con('endnf~ t.h~. pl'(I,jt'l\~, Ami tho 11l'(i.!'ly iOlr-:lI::ts of thn acticn. It i:; net ,~xpect.ed t.hat .llLlditiollbl stUl1iee, recearcn or "::tner in"vestigatl:ms ...,ill be 11:.dertllk~n. (b) If ani qHo:.;~~~ion has h~en llfl~\>".!p'd Ye::; tn~ project m:lj" te Bir,nificant and a cOMpleted EnvironMental Anscn,s:TJent F'or;fl i& neCf':i!lfl17. (c) If aLl 'iuestions hf1.\:e bee:1 an;';\"j~rerJ No it. is .like]}"' that th1.s project is E21 significant. (d) Snv troru71e'n t.al "sse !Jsmon~ 1. Will project re.s'll t In a 1 C1rve rh"l~ic;ll cimnge to the proj~ct &it~ 01; physic~lly Alter more than 10 acres of land? . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes ~No Yes ~o Yes ...:::::- N 0 Y08 ~NO ros ~NO lOB .!:::: No Yeo ~No 'jes V""'/iO 2. ......lll there b~ a najor chlln1.f~ '..:.(., any tan q u..:o nr unusual land form fOu.nd On the .9 i t.e? . . . 3. ~\'ilJ. projp.ct 03.1 ter or have a larg~ effect 011 an existing body of water? . . . . . . . . . L..Wil1 pl'cj~c.t hav~ ~1 pctentia~.lr lar?;8 tmpactJ On ground\'lAter quality? ..........,.". 5, ',..ill pr<.\..lect s l~~~nificalltly I~f 1 o':.'t <.lrninagn flew en adjacent. site~? ............. 6. "',111 rroJ~ct afft'ct 11111 thre.!ltfmcd rJl~ en::tangere:1 rlant Or' i::lnilf,al species? . . .. . ~ . . . , . 7. Will l-'iOJ'3ct res1Jl t :in a r.:.aj<.:,t' adverse effect on air quali~,y? . . , . . . . ... . . . . 8. \o/ill proJr~ct hl'l\'e q iWJ.jor cfft-H:t :'1:1 ":1s\ial ct;~lr--" acter of the com.r..unltr or sc~r.j!:, vie.....~ or \'istas known to be importt!.nt to the CQiN:111nity? . . . 9. "J/ill prc.je-::t b.dversr.ly lmpa.::t. a:-.y site or str:lt:t:. ure cf ili.stoI"ic, pl'i:>-nist.o~'i~, or p&::"€ont.olC'(,.H'a.1 importance or ar.y sittJ -do?sigr.c..t,:::d as a critical envirc.'rur.~ntal area 'ry a local agency? . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes V- No Yes V- No Yes ,/' No y~::; v' No -- 1('5 ......-- No 10. l,oJill rrc'ject h!1'/f> ~"3 fu ture recrea tiona~ 1r!ll.Jvl" e~'f'j('t. on e^~::Jtins:; 01' oppcrc1wj. t.ies 7 ll. ":ill projE-c':. l'e~JTL t :~tl..l-'O::' a -:;ajor effec t. sy~:'"?rrs ? i.n me j'.:r t!"iff"ic p':'~Cl.:;J.'~l:i'" (;r to exj~_;t.i('lg treJ\spor':..:J.':.ion ... '." ~2. 't,l~l] pr-:::.~'?ct. rC~~'J1.a~'~y caU.sF'~ ~'l~.i~~":..:"'mabJ'~ odors, f,cis~, ~lnr~J vibration, or ~~j"O~t.cJ.:::R..l d~5t:lrt:- ance as a r~sul t. of triO;;! pJ'o".ic:ct t S oreration? . l3. ..../ill project ba'~'e any ir:-pa.::t en p'Jblic health (ir safet.;,"'> . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.. ~'i11 prcjfo'ct. f.fre:.. .~he exj.st1:1'; r::Or4~ll~i ~'j bj" jirectly ~ausing a growth in p~~~~nel~~ ~G~'lln- t.ion of r-;CTe tl13n 5 pen:1?n-<:. ','J'::r a r)r.'=-j"N1r /" '. r<;:'r~~"j cr have a :';I(lj'-Jl' r~'!~;]::."!~ erf(>ct~ vn Ui~ v charact.ei. of the cor!Jl1~mit./ ')J" r.ei~hb()rhcod? Yes No 15. I:; th'?re p....lbllc c:'orltr()'''-~n:;i' G~m(,~l'ninl t.h.~ reo i~~c.~? -- '(ns ~o PR::PAhEP.'S ~IGNl.Tl'RE:~fff!! ,/!'rr",ch47Rs bY .~:TLg~~~.~~~~~~"t: t!';:f~~:.J2:rJ:~: DATE //43/7 '7 ---- , , .' J I tile. --.,,",".' " . . TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J n the Matter ofthe Petition of wayne. AssociQ..'fcs to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. NOTICE TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: f 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to B-I'tition the Town Board of the Town of Sou~old to reguesta d,.1/fAN7e o"c ..cove HL># k'es A 7""0 /'1-/ 6e,Ne,~"L #vL7/,,/e f(eSt{)t!!rVc . 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribedasfollows: /Ah!///V ,t;.T _he t!ORA/e,€ c:;tJ~c/l/9~& LA'Ne" 4.t7.#.-f' &..,,0 A.4& / ~o~,P a'/7 d 7,d'Rc/i?es v 3. That the property which is the sub' ct of such Petition is located in the following loning district: e .4 #0 /1- 1 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will req~st that thAe above-described proPRty b.e placed in the following lOne district classification: /f~ -I ~ ~~ ~~ . 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the Il)atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: .A!..,vemJ,...v :23 1177 WaYl'le As.soe=ia..C/e5 B1. (h,);N E. {};/);'es Petitioner Post Office Address: :3:>-0 C'ope/ /L'L N./' 5'T ;z;i"eN /$tJL74k. rJ!: V, , / I ,.~;-,....,..," ,"'_~'_', .,~.-.'.;.-..-'e"~ . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS NAME AI/N Iil!yje..- Woe/ /(e r 00htJ C' 0. L'a..l?1f bell ...l to <C :2: 00 c "<:j" W coG:: ~ ;:: ("I) ffi o U 0: -.::r 0 = LL. 0... I- !l.. W U W 0: / / Ol.{unsherrt tSt .)3os1oN. /YJ.155 ();J,.:1./S .$vThDL.D1 New y'olZK: 1177/ ~ COO 't""q CO ~.:;.~ ~"'.i ...l I <i :EI C *...J J. ~ ~~ ~j f' _ no...J ~ I'"\). ~1 ~~W J':\... LL a:~ OJ 1 c.; ~~ 6i I w cc ~~~ \-. o ~~~ '-J . u.. ~a:_ ~ 55: 10 a.. ~~ .:i ijj ;;' 'I- Uz W 0: w w ~ o w ;;: w ~ " ~ < W. I- (.) i <n' , ~ ~~ li~t. ,~- :3f"5 ~~>- '..: ~:::3 '~f5f5 :i~ ~~ I~g- ~ NOV i ~~ ~p:: I~u.. n.,Q ~ 0]5>- o~>- ~~ ~ IIJ ~ -< ;",~ ;~~ i;ijifi' ~ ~ 1n:i19 '00::; o~::; 00<1> W.,,\O:; ~ I~:i~ i3j~~ ~~~ t:)...~ .0(-'" 211:~: ~ " < ~ ~ <n l'! ~ 9L61 Old" 'OOSfWlO.:1Sd I U u.. U . . ~I ~I . I , I . 1>-1 .~ 'w 0 >- I> 'Ii a:::::i ::!;o w,w OW ~ 10 ~~ w,o ::; oi~ I ~~ ...J 1(.) ~w ~ ,e: !E':;;: ()!I- '<1>0 & I~ (I) a: 3:JIMI3S ldl3:.131l Nlln131l S3:.1JAIl3S lVNOUdO S33:11:l0:l1131SVW1SOd 11nSN0:.1 (C) Cl -.::r = CL STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: ~lJN F hi J/ie.., . residingat.3o?O ConkJiN <Stred F "'-r IYl ;/J!fdQ.Je jI/ . fj //7. 1.1) . being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ..",-~yt day of 1\1 n of '" m .h e , , 19 '1 7 ' deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of South old ; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at '- ~n ..>1-11 0 I d. /V. '1. ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) ("."""d) ~;I 9.v~ ~'".-. Sworn to me this cJ. ~ YC/ day of IV" ve m hey, 19'2!t-. rrf: J-~J"fAf / () /n/YV ':L/~ Notary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVill! ~OTARY PUBLIC. Stale of New Yori Ho. 52.8125850. Suffolk Cou!llY l'mn Expires March 30. 19j{O