HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-85.-3-6.1MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD O 0 Z m ~r~ ' -s. 5~o 6S'OO"E./ - IBg, 53 ' ENGINEERS , P. C . N. 57°30"00 "W. ZONE ZONE EXISTING USE AUTO BODY SHOP AREA = I. 374 ACRES OWNERS FRANK 8 ROBERT KLOS 37570 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 57o30'00"E 240 O0 ' DRAINAGE CRITERIA BUILDING COVERAGE = 2700 SQ. FT. (NEW) PARKING = 95.00 SO. FT(NEW) ~,000 SO, F'~ 12000 X IXO. 17-- 2040 CU. ET. 2040142.2414=1~. I 4'XB'DIA LEACHING RINGS PROVIDE 12 PARKING CRITERIA CUSTOMERS - 3 EMPLOYEES ' B CONTOUR LINES ARE REFERENCED TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP [z?,~l PROPOSED ELEVATION '~ TRAFFIC DIRECTION OUTLINE SURVEY BY OTHERS TO FIVE EASTERN LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D~.T~ ~OV 2,i FRANK SITE AT -TOWN PLAN ROBERT PECONIC OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y, I000 KLOS - 085 03 SCALE I" 30' OCT 13 , 1986 6. I 86 -647 - D T S Y 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 November 25, 1986 Mr. Victor Lessard Executive Administrator Building Department Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Ted's Auto Body Shop Dear Mr. Lessard: Please let this confirm the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, November 24, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan and supplemental landscape plan for Ted's Auto Body for construction of an addition on the existing auto body repair shop located at Cutchogue, survey dated October 13, 1986, landscape plan dated November 17, 1986; subject to: 1.Certification by the Building Department If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Thomas Klos *** note - would you please forward three site plans to the Building Department for certification, thank you. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCO'I-F L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Bennett ~y/~ Orlowski, Jr. Chairman ~& . Request for Certificate of Occupa for Ted's Auto Body SCTM#1000-85-3-6.1 Date: December 1, 1992 In response to the applicant's request for a Certificate of Occupancy, the site plan file and the site were reviewed. The Planning Board finds that the landscaping and fencing that have been installed since our last inspection in 1987 are satisfactory substitutions for that which was shown on the approved site plan of 1986. Accordingly, there is no objection to your issuing a Certificate of Occupancy. T LD Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 23, 1987 Mr. Thomas Klos P.O. Box 771 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Site Plan for "Ted's Auto Body" Dear Mr. Klos: Enclosed is a survey for the above mentioned proposal which has been endorsed by the Chairman. Very truly yours, approved BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane enc. SITE PLAN ELEMENTS §100-134 Town Code OOl 2 9 198E, Lot, block, and section number, if any, or the property taken from tax records Name and address of the owner of record Name and address of the person preparing the map Date, North arrow and written and graphic scale Sufficient description or information to precisely define the boundaries of the property. Ail distances shall be in feet and tenths of a foot. Ail angles shall be given to the nearest ten seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in ten thousand. The locations, name, and existing width of adjacent streets and curblines The location and owners of all adjoining iands, as shown on the latest tax records Location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations, and areas dedicated to public use withinor adjoining property. A complete outline of existing deed restrictions or covenants applying to theproperty Existing zoning Existing contours at intervals of five or less, referred to a datum satisfactory tO the Board Approximate boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater overflo Location of existing watercourses, marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops isolated trees with a diameter of eight inches or measured three feet above the base of the trunk and other significant existing features. Location of uses and outlines of structures, drawn to scale on and within one hundred (100) feet of the lots. Paved areas, sidewalks~ and wehicular access between the site and public streets Locations, dimensions, grades and flow direction of existing sewers, culverts and waterlines as well as other underground and above ground utilities within and adjacent to the property. Other existing development, including fences, landscaping and screening The location of proposed buildings or structural improvement The location and design ofall uses not requiring structures such as off street parking and loading areas. The location, direction, power and time of use of any proposed outdoor lighting or public address systems. The location of, and plans for, any outdoor signs The location and arrangement of proposed means of access and egress, including sidewalks, driveways or other paved areas; profiles indicating grading and cross sections showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalks and lcoation and size of water and sewer lines. OVER... Site plan elements cont. (~100-134) Any proposed grading, screening and other landscaping including types and locations of proposed street trees. The location of all proposed waterlines, valves and hydrants ~nd of all sewer lines or alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. An outline of any proposed deed retrictions and/or covenants. Any contemplted public improvements on or adjoining the property. If the site development plan indictes onl~ a first stage, a supplementary plan shall indicate ultimate develoment. Any other information deemed by the Planning Board necessary to determine conformity of the site plan with the intent and regulations of this chapter. 14-1b-4 (9/84) ePR State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I Project Information [To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor] 1. AppJicantJsponsor D New ~ Expansion ~ Modification/alteration 5. Describe project briefly: 6. Precise location (road intersectibns, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) / Initially ~. acres Ultimately ~ ~ acres 8. Will roused action comply with existing zoning or othe~ existing land use testrictions~ ~Yes ~ No If NO, describe briefly 9, What is present [and use in vicinity of project~ ~ Residential ~ Industrial ~ Commercial ~ Agriculture ~ Parkland/open space ~ Other Describe: 10. Does action involve a etmi~apptoval, or funding, now or uitimateiy, from any other ~ Yes ~ No If yes. list agenc~s) and permi~approvals ; governmen a agency (Federal. state or Iocal}~ 11. Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval~ 12. As result of p~o osed action wil~ existing permi~approvat require modification~ I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS [RUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER FILE COPY T LD Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 August 17, 1987 Mr. Frank Klos c/o Ted's Auto Body Main Road Peconic, NY 11958 RE: Site Plan for Ted's Auto Body Mr. Klos: As per, your request, the Planning Board inspected the above mentioned site on August 14. The Planning Board does not recommend that a certificate of occupancy be issed for this site since the landscaping and parking are not developed as shown on the approved site plan. Upon notice of completion of these elements as per the approved site plan, please notify our office and an inspection will be scheduled. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN S~D TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane MJ ~ecretary cc: Building Department T D Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 November 12, 1986 Mr. Thomas Klos 1520 Jocky Creek Drive Souttu~-l~l, NY 11971 C~-~' v~k%~ RE: Site Plan for "Ted's Auto Body" Dear Mr. Klos: Please let this confirm the request of the Board at the Monday, November 10, 1986 meeting. It was the consensus of the Planning Board to request that a rendering of the proposed building be submitted; as well as, a revised plan indicating the intent with regard to landscaping and the driveway along with the parking delineated. The Board had no objection to the proposed building. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 November 12, 1986 Mr. Thomas Klos 1520 Jocky Creek Drive Southold, NY 11971 RE: Site Plan for "Ted's Auto Body" Dear Mr. Klos: Please let this confirm the request of the Board at the Monday, November 10, 1986 meeting. It was the consensus of the Planning Board to request that a rendering of the proposed building be submitted; as well as, a revised plan indicating the intent with regard to landscaping and the driveway along with the parking delineated. The Board had no objection to the proposed building. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary SU. FF( FY HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman .]'AMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 January 20, 1982 TELEPHONE 765-1938 Mr. George Fisher Senior Building Inspector Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Fisher: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday January 18, 1982 the following action was taken: RESOLVED to approve the parking plan of Frank and Robert Klos, located at Peconic, subject to the following conditions: Property should be fenced off for parking control Limit parking in the front of the building to the used cars sales The rear of the property to be used for the wrecking business Wrecked cars to be no closer than 40 feet from the state road 5. Traffic flow to conform with sketch plan Attch. cc: Board of Appeals Applicant/ Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Sec~et~-~y TO~D s Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 SITE PLAN REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND PROCEDURES Required documents: 1. Six surveys with all site plan elements, see 2. Filing fee of $100 3. Long Environmental Assessment, Part I see attached list attached Procedure: 1. The above items are submitted to the Planning Board 2. The application is placed on the agenda for the Board's review. 3. Field inspection made 4. Inspection report at next meeting 5. Recommendations on revisions or Board can forward site plan to the Building Department for Certification 6. If certified, the Planning Board can take final action on the site plan 7. If approved, the Chairman endorses the surveys when any conditions have been met. II Z ,~.ECE,VED BY TED -.5 AuTO 150'DY ,S t--10P ~OuTE Z.5' '~_CON tC, N.Y, '1 ,~mymot~ ce 19.-. by BRIARCUr'F LAND~CAPI~, I~IC.