HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-84.-3-5 <' e..' SSll<l. '1>UfFOlA't>~ ,. ~v ~ :::. "" ~ ~~ ~ . ~.')) ~Q./ + ~~~v =xP .: VALERIE SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor From: Valerie Scopaz, A.I.C.P.,Town Planner Date: June 26, 2000 Subject: Correspondence of Mr. & Mrs. Oates A review of the Planning Board's files revealed the following: 1. The Planning Board adopted a Waiver of Site Plan Approval on March 16,1998. 2. One of the specific conditions attached to the waiver was that "no trees will be removed in an area 100' from the front property line" (one copy each of the waiver resolution and the site plan are attached). 3. The approved site plan does not permit use of the front yard for outdoor display or storage. VS:ck cc: Planning Board Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer . ~ . . '~?- ., , ( / . I Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1197l Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Qe/l1~' JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board Police Department Code Enforcement Tax Assessors From: Jean W Cochran, supe~~ June 7, 2000 Date: I recently received the attached letter from David and Diane Oates outlining their concerns regarding their neighborhood. In order to answer Mr. and Mrs. Oates, I need input from your perspective. Please review tI1e attached letter and provide me witl1 written input. I would appreciate your prompt attention to tI1is request. /rbw Attachment ~pI",q ~~ ~, .<1 JUN 08 20Uu ' . SoutOOJd Town Plarmmg Board " ~ . . May 29, 2000 Supervisor Jean Cochran Southold Town Hall Southold, NY Dear Supervisor Cochran: "Enough is enough" I am sure that all of us have heard or said this phrase at least once but now it has taken on a special meaning for those of us who live on Matthews Lane in Cutchogue. My name is David Oates and with my wife Diane, am asking for your help to resolve a very serious matter but first our history. Both of us were born and raised in Southold for the past 54 and 51 years respectively. We married in 1972 and built our home on the north east comer of Cox Lane and Matthews Lane. At that time, there were farm fields and densely wooded parcels of land surrounding our subdivision known as Northwoods. Today we are facing the prospect of becoming an independent hamlet known as the "Armpit" of Cutchogue. Northwoods has 10 well kept residences whose occupants were proud to live in Southold Town. Proud until now. The latest addition to the neighborhood is a 'junkyard' whose entrance is across from Matthews Lane. It is our understanding that BP Wrecking was issued a site plan waiver by the Planning Board. We don't understand how this could possibly have occurred for the following reasons. Number one is that the Suffolk County Health Dept had a moratorium on new business development in the area surrounding the landfill when the waiver was given. Without Health Dept Approval, what do the occupants use for a sanitary facility? Besides the moratorium, we don't think consideration was given to the magnitude of the operation in relation to the size of the property and its proximity to a residential area. Trucks, trailers, dumpsters and other vehicles are parked along both sides of the road and on occasion parked on the road due to lack of space. There have been times when only one lane of traffic is allowed to pass. This is a business that operates seven days a week and should not have been located at the entrance of a residential area. The Code Enforcement Officer has been contacted on numerous occasions by one of our neighbors but to no avail. Our understanding is that responses have ranged from "he's a nice guy" to "he pays the fine" to "its in the hands of the State Court". Should we have a code at all if it can not be enforced? Number two on our list encompasses issues that affect all residents of the town regardless of where they live or how affluent they might be. Those issues are economic and quality of life. All of us here on Matthews Lane have worked very hard to build equity in our property. Equity that we all count on for the time when we can finally enjoy the fruits of our labor in retirement. Here in Northwoods, our taxes have consistently gone up while our property values have plunged. Three years ago we filed a property tax grievance and were told that our property could easily sell for its assessed value. Our response was to send a letter to the assessors office offering our property to anyone there at its assessed value. We still check the mail daily for a response. Of course, with what has happened here on Cox Lane, we would not expect an offer, nor would we actively seek one. Southold is our home and we would like to remain here with the . . ~ ',," knowledge that our rights as homeowners and taxpayers are protected, We don't feel that they are, How would anyone like to waken to, or in our case, be awakened by the sound of heavy trucks, equipment, and the general clanging and banging of metal being dropped or broken everyday including Sundays and holidays? Not only is there noise pollution but the property is an eyesore now and even worse during the six months when there is no foliage. And how can we be assured that of all the machinery and vehicles being dismantled, there is not some liquid or other pollutant being introduced into an already suspect water supply? We would suppose these are the same complaints and fears that were voiced by the residents of Depot Lane when the "junkyard" was located there and the end result was to issue a site plan waiver for a new location in direct conflict with the County moratorium. This was done without regard for the adverse impact it would have on our residential subdivision. Their problem was solved and ours was created. Unfortunately this is an action we can not accept. We are not against anyone earning a living. However, we are steadfastly against earning it at the extreme expense of others. If we have made any statement that is inaccurate or accusation that is offensive to any party, we sincerely apologize. It is just our frustration in seeing 25 years of dedication and hard work evaporate. As we stated in our opening, we truly need your help and seek the reversal of the waiver and relocation of the business as the only viable solution. Please take the time to tour our neighborhood with the members of the Planning Board and hopefully this will make the decision easier. We look forward to your response. l)~ &~ \,l ~a.IlL, ~ -tuJ David & Diane Oates 7100 Cox Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 ~~...!-flcnfrl~;l 1 'i .' ", .;; JUNI 2000 I i '-O;:;..~:~':. '" '. I j '-'~''''''. U . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chainnan WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARDG. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box Il79 Southold, New York Il971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 17,1998 Robert pfluger 510 Yennecott Dr. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Request for site plan waiver for Robert pfluger Trucking, Rigging & Mill Righting, Cox La., Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-84-3-5 Dear Mr. pfluger: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, March 16, 1998: WHEREAS, Robert pfluger Is the contract vendee of the property known and designated as SCTM# 1000-84-3-5 located on Cox Lane in Cutchogue; and WHEREAS, a light industrial use is a permitted use in this Light Industrial (L11 zone; and WHEREAS, an examination has been made of all uses and the existing parking was determined to be adequate for all uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed change from a former use as light industrial to the same use will not be a more intensive use of this property; and WHEREAS, no trees will be removed in an area 100' from the front property line; and WHEREAS, any violation of the conditions of this resolution may be grounds for rescinding this waiver; be it therefore . . . J Page 2 Site plan waiver for Robert Pfluger March 17. 1998 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a waiver of site plan requirements. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. o~on .1( Bennett 0"0"'0, J' J Chairman cc: Ed Forrester, Town Investigator . . ~ P6 I<r:.. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1802 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Robert Kasner, Site Plan Reviewer Gary J. Fish, Building Inspector ~.~ Premises @ 6725 Cox Lane, Cutchogue Suff. Co. Tax Map #1000-84-3-5 March 5, 1998 FROM: RE: DATE: Attached is a copy of a letter that I received from Robert Pfluger regarding the above premises. I believe that he needs to contact the Planning Board before removing any trees. Would you please direct him. GAF:gar ;~}f~WIF(....f1r.~.\ )!)~.") i'".~_" MAR I 9 1998'" Southold Town Planning Boaru . . , rn MAR -13. ROBERT PFLUGER 510 Yennecott Drive SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-2083 i%\l> 8LDG.DEPr. 00 ..ij Mr. Gary Fish Southold Town Building Department Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Fish: I am in the process of leasing premises from Oliver Campbell at 6725 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York (SCTM #1000-84-3-5). My intention with the property is to locate my business on it which consists of trucking, rigging and mill righting. I also collect and restore antique cars and trucks. I am a member of the American Truck Historical Society. I will need to remove a few trees from the property to gain better access and turn around room for my trucks. It is my opinion my business would fit in with the neighborhood as the property is in a Light Industrial zoned area. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. v ~I;:"' Robert Pfluger