HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-7.-2-8 . VALERIE SCOP AZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1938 MEMORANDUM FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Board of Town Trustees Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Is- Your memorandum of February 7, 1990 regarding Robert Searle property on Fishers Island SCTM # 1000-07-2-8 TO: RE: DATE: February 16, 1990 According to the FIDCO maps that were approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health and adopted by the Planning Board in 1988, the above-referenced lot is a "subdivided" lot. The land that was owned by FIDCO (the Fishers Island Developement Company) was "subdivided" in the 1920s by Frederick Law Olmstead. His draft layout was used by the Company as it sold the lots. However,the plan as such was never formally approved or filed as a subdivision map. The 1988 actions of the County Health Department and the Town Planning Board were an attempt to rectify this situation. I reviewed this application with Victor Lessard, who was the key Town official to work with the Health Department (specifically Robert Villa) on the.FIDCO maps. If you want more background information, you might want to talk with Victor and Bob. You might also want to speak with Planning Board member Ken Edwards (788-7653). This project should be looked at as a Type I action because of the extent of wetlands on the lot. The Planning Board office,the Building Department office, and the Town Clerk's office, each have a copy of the FIDCO map. Victor will try to find another copy for your office. In the meantime, feel free to review the Planning Board's copy. cc: Planning Board Members Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector .. --.-- , , ';:>4 BFI LZ (?) iJ,S Pe> TRUSTEES lohn M. Bredemeyer, III. President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert 1. Krupski, lr. lohn L. Bednoski. lr. lohn B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 scan L. HARRIS Supervisor BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 February 7, 1990 TO: FROM: RE: Valerie Scopaz/Benny orlowskid John M. Bredemeyer, President Robert Searle Project / SCTM 00-7-2-8- Please advise this office whether the Robert Searle application on Fishers Island is in an approved subdivision. It is necessary that we have this information before we can proceed with the application. Thank you for your cooperation. fD)lrn@~UW]~ lJL\ I FEB - 8 19S(l _..._..__.w SOiJTHi.lLD 10~;".',~ .PV.NNli~G f.:aE__ _ __ . .~ ft\~(\\ rnO"U . 0.00 L.^.r~9~1' 1-<':..', t.rJ h-,_, . ':'1 I"';J . I.. !.... -.} c.... .--~ I , I": i (,") I .~.l (:; ! 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HARRIS Supervisor BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 February 7, 1990 TO: FROM: RE: Valerie Scopaz/Benny orlowskid John M. Bredemeyer, President Robert Searle Project / SCTM 00-7-2-8- Please advise this office whether the Robert Searle application on Fishers Island is in an approved subdivision. It is necessary that we have this information before we can proceed with the application. Thank you for your cooperation. \0) rn @ rn QJlti Ull( FII - 8 I11III SOUTHDLD Tiiv~~--'-; PLANNING [;C,;]:.?__ ~~ i~~.C,\i ~ l\: .J ..-. ,--'< Q) c:::::::; ~ Lc;-~l t--'::;, L ~ ,",,:;::,-, "' ;;; Ig " 'ti ...... \~~. ~'/...otf).oO \..~ .,rP" ~\~.. ~.. .. '"I " >..' iii5 ""F'~O?O~q,,'"b I.J"'\'-'"","l~!. U=re.: VA.C<...........c...e l...l.e... ~ . - FC.= Fre=..sr- ~k= S~.L- J. '", ~ ,--J' "" PLAN OF PROPERTY TO BE CONVE-YE[}' BY FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. to SHEARMAN BLOCK 32 LOT ~ l~ .... .. ~~ .~r' ..::: \) ~ ~ ~ i S Q'4't.\) \0- ~\l\l~ :< ~ _ ",")- .,' ) C ~'Q"C~\.:>"" ~~\'- -,C'--'~ \)1' ,\. J FISHERS ISLAND. SCALE: 1"= 100 ft. NEW YORK CHANDLER,PALMER8 KING NORWICH. CONN ROBERT """"?~O~O~E".b 'S~,<:. "'''-~''''e:..... 1000 :""'I....~"'\(.. 't.. - a .. . ~""bI>.'JI>Y<.~ '. "'--::..6. f.--....-_ c:- c :z o C':I :r~ . "- ,'_'::' .-u; (" -~. Q cC' ,.' ~ SEPT, 12. 1979 ""''''--rL.........'''"'' .......~,,"-"'" "zJ'!J/'i!.~ ~l"T1c::o-J.~ : "'3 Ie:=' ........."bl;)\"'T,.,