HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-9.-10-11.1/Pierce .--. ~N{'2'Zt'E , _ __ ",,,,.I{,J-" --~ - ,""""A'" ~~~..!_~__,-p,u--f ____MON"'M~Nr ~.Ol RECEIVED BY SOUIHOW TOWN PlANNING BOARO J~ AT 982 NOT~" COQJCDllVATiE o/.sr,iuvC~s ~'<<E MCJ.SV~IP ~OM (/.5. C04sr~GEaDEn< ...r",.oIrVtl'V 7')Jr:IA;.JGV,L.4TION SrAT/OA./ "P~QS" ~ "i .Q PLAN OP P~op~~rY 70 ~'" CONVEYED 8Y' ~/SWECS 1.1I..AND OEV&Lt:JPM4,vr C~ 70 P.4T,lZICIA PI,.RCE ~.s""c~j /S..AND, A/.Y. C#4AJO'E.e,Ru,,,,,c,e , ~/NG A/o,eWIt:" I C.':UVN. . W,l.//.1TL~.c AVE. ----- """Wti4rL~ ,lll " 'It o '" !II "> N",rlfE. 5435 2,. SC"'LL 1"~4o' 0-.. R:rA.",,,u.~hA/e;. " 4~C",l( 07'0" ;C'ID<:o ~ /2,180 $-'" ~ AVG. IQ,lqfjl ADo,r;'(JA/f" ~y:' Ill. /~II /\I ZZ.41 n,' /(.155"......, I -,:.': O'o.~IIIe.H~,A - / _ __ ELE~'c... - ..... --w- 4e6A .. 8500 s.~ ,~ "- ~ . ... ~ ~ - - -_~. ~_ .--:~FICEAO .sG'CVIC~ _ e:o~o -----l--~-- t.. '" . " ... ,; G ~ " @ , !lI ,.. I/o . l\j 1'/ 0) &Jt,.,{..~ uo..~ 47~7' 521'03 S f..7"13'/III 100.00 ~ IV Z2.1.0., . / ~ w.,~, r..~ __.""'.4 -UOI.Jt _'I'. , :....:.:. ., ,~ ." '. WH'/J TL..EIZ AVE"'VE - :.{ '. '~:""':"-':"'-':::""-' .:"':":.;..--,---~._-:.._-'..:-~_':":'-..:.:...:.:.~ .._,:.;.'... -,". ....:. '. ~").;rr '..(. --(. ",.' ft ,/~~'~...lj ",. ....., "'""'. 'l't ,!.,.';"~;'..~ .~. ,~',f: 1t..:~.....\<,..;:tJ); . ," .,~. iJ . - .." A I" I, J" ,j"" //,,~/ .;-:,/ c--"" r~ r;.,!L..~ .\ .'.\" , . ~ " '.0 '" .. a ~ v-t..,........ ....'\ " , Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr" Chairman PRBilBnT'LH H '""''"'.........'j' JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 February 10, 1982 Mr. Richard Lark Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: particia Pierce, FIDCO Dear Mr. Lark: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, February 8, 1982 the fOllowing action was taken: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a set-off 106-13 on the property of Fishers Island Development Corporation, to be conveyed to Patricia Pierce, subject to the following con- dition: 1. Receipt of the final map within six (6) months from date of resolution Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary ~ RICHARD F. LARK ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD _ P. O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 119315 JANj 1 !(rc'/) TELEPHONE 816 734-6807 January 8, 1982 Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road - Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 ATT: Mrs. Susan E. Long, Secretary RE: Minor Subdivision for Fishers Island Development ',Corp. (Patricia Pierce), Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island, New York Dear Mrs. Long: In connection with the above-captioned matter, I am enclosing the following: 1. Application for Minor Subdivision in duplicate. 2. Short Environmental Assessment Form. 3. Six (6) copies of proposed subdivision prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King. 4. Copy of Application submitted to Zoning Board of Appeals on December 30, 1981. 5. My check payable to the order of the Town of Southold in the amount of $50.00 representing the filing fee. As you can see I have already applied to the Board of Appeals for the necessary variance. Pursuant to instructions received from Linda Kowalski, Clerk of the Board of Appeals, and Robert w. Tasker, Town Attorney, I am formally applying to the Planning Board for approval for the minor subdivision. The details and reasons for the subdivision are set forth in the variance applica- tion. If the Planning Board requires a hearing on this application, kindly advise me of the date and time. ver.. y.~t ~\11 you~.s./, .' ~~ I l' '/1 /'7~' ..' .' /' ~-' ./ /,.- - " ,,- .,.- " // ~/ v'.' /,....>' ll..i:<:hard F. Lark ~/ ~, RFL:bc Enclosures APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for ~K1lGi~ (iinal) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as foHows: I. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2 Th f th b.,.. . t b Minor Subdivision for F; """,r,, . e name 0 e su ","VISion IS 0 e................................... .'"'r""'f.............'Y'...... . . . . . ;r.q;!.p'~p,. P'~Y.~:j.!=lP!ll~P.t;. ~Q;r:p,.. .O?iil.t;r;i.C;i.&. .P.ierc.el.. . .. .. ...... .. " .. .. .... .. .. .... 3. The entire land under application is d.escribed in Schedule "An hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's offi.ce as follows: Liber .... !I.Ci;!..!:!.............. Page ..?.ll;3................ On .O.Gtp'I;l~.r. .l6.,..1.~5.~; Liber Page Page On Liber ........................, Liber On ........................, 111 and Testament of ........................................ or as . utee ................................................. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. The area of the land is .. .~47.......... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid ElDCIfjltX. . . . . . . . . . 7. The land is encumbered by . .~!=l.. . . .. .. ... . . . . .. .. .... .. .. . . .... .. .... ........ . . ....... . mortgage ~}6XXM~X of $. . . . . .... .. . . ... unpaid amount $. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. address . . . . . . .. Page .................... in original amount npaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. held by :;' ,"'~,":' '~""':":;'~:.::' .; . .. .Pagt . . . . . . . . . held by iA griJ!:...nl n--:-'lA1 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the lancl.OQCC~x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................................................................... 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts .".W'. .Wght. .~llJ. t.i.p;J.,~............ ... .~.~!?,i..9~n~.~.P.~!'.~~.~c;::t:... ........................................................ 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, )l!X~ llijs:fCJl; .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . II. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land. (does) ~~X~ He in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- . 'f . h' D' . . "'; shor" T,,1 ""d Wa""o"""or"''' ""orno,.."tion tnct,l WIt loa lstnct,ls .;.-.~...'T"..~....trt-'...".'l-"-H......'r-,....~!....f\,.,...y...r.."'rl-";............. 13. Water mains 1![~lbc ~~.~ . p.:t;'!=.f?!=n t), y. . Q~!=.q.. .c:lI:1.C\ . 9.P!=.I;' i3-.t;~~ . PY. .E: :j..S!l:J.~I;' s Island Waterworks Corporation <mdx~Mm~JOXX>>l'iitxlxxll1~fm:xixml!:ijxlit~X'X~K~X 14. Electric lines and standards llIQi:IkilKXlH:lI:Hbeltmyar.e . .pre sen tl y. .owned. and. aper ated by Fishers Island Electric Company . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... ~RRJljtk~lli>>~xdcKiox~ ~ 15. Gas mainsJrilk~~.are. pre.sently. .owned. and .o.pe:r:at:ed .b,y.. Eis.hers Island XDlIk**~~xW:lIx1xlxXllllKocx.xxwDitmK~xmaix~ Electric Company 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule HB" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule HC" hereto to show same. Whistler Avenue is a Town of Southold Highway. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land whkh are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are 110 reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule HD". . 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will he $.. ;~o;-. '" as itemized in Schedule WE" hereto annexed and requests that tbe maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at .. ::9:: . . ... years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise sbown on Schedule "F". DATE .. ..Jfl:l)~~!,'y..~ t........ .. ..", 19.~? R.l.p.l).~.:r;!,. .lRli3,rgl..I;!~v~l9.I1l,l1~I).. ~:a~~.~~;~2;.. ............... (Signatur{and Title)Rich F. Lark, Esq. Attorney for Fishers Island Development CQrp. f.:J.,s.l;LI'!.:n,. .IRlMA.. New. XQr.k.. .06.39.0... (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ...SUF.FOLK......................ss: On the.... .8.th......... day of ...... ..;r.a,J:).).lq.;r.Y........, 19. .IlZ... before me personally carne Richard F Lark k bh . d"d I d 'b d . d h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. to me nown to e t e In IV] ua escrl e In an . w c... executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that .... .l;1~ . . . . .. executed the same. 'Y::::RyB:UB:::~~ ~~~~~~e: Y.,k ~ ~~ Suffolk Count~ No. 52-5792800~ ................................................ Commission ExpIres March 30, 19_ Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF .................................. ss: On the .................. diay .............. of ..... . . .. ., 19. . . . . ., before me personally carne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de. pose and say that. .. .. .. . . ... resides at No. .................................................... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . that .......................... is the .......... . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... of ............................................................................ the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows the seal of said corporation; that tbe seal affio<ed by order of the board of directors of said corpor- ation, and that ............ signed ............ name thereto by like order. ................................................ Notary Public . SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Fishers Island, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a drill hole in the walk on the Northwesterly side of Whistler Avenue, said drill hole being located 233.09 feet North of a point which is 4538.64 feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangula- tion Station "PROS" and running from said point of beginning along Whistler Avenue South 670 13' West 100.0 feet to land now or formerly of Scott; thence along land now or formerly of Scott North 220 47' West 260.19 feet to land now or formerly of Gallaher; thence along land or formerly of Gallaher, North 620 21' East 44.16 feet to a monument and land of Fishers Island School District; thence along land of Fishers Island School District the following two courses and distances: (1) South 230 46' East 102.40 and (2) North 670 13' East 54.35 feet to land now or formerly of Horning; thence along land now or formerly of Horning South 220 47' East 161.55 feet to the Northwesterly side of Whistler Avenue and the point or place of BEGINNING. " , ... !,' \, j :"), \. : \ j r: l, ~ T ' I .~~~~'-'~~~~J 1.(../;\..::_1-, 1\_ ,\SS~:S~!,~~:I~ j I"U;',1.1 J:lSr::'IC1JOtlS: ' --(0)111 order to ollsv;.::r the qll"stions in this short E^F it is assum"d thot the pref'orer lIill use currently available infor",ation concerning the project nnd the lil:<:ly impQcts of the action. It is not expected that odditional 5tudic~, re~eorch or other investigations will be undertaken. (G) If any qoe~tion has been answered Yes the project mol' be ~ionif iCclnt C1n~ 0 cO~;1;)lt~ lcd Environr<l~ntol Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all qucistions hove been cn5wered 1.10 it is likely that this project is nol significant. (6) Envil'orlr~~nt(;l ^s~c~sm~rlt i. \,'i'rr'p:-oj':cl re501t--in 0 large physical change to iI,e project site or physicelly alter more ti'''1l 10 Clcres of lund?......................._Yes...lL-No 2. Iii 11 tl,Cl'(, be 0 mojar chon,]c to (lny unique or -uI,usuol lOild faIm found 011 the site?........._Yes-X-No 3. Will project alter or heve 0 large effect on . c;-:isti..,j loody of water?......................_Y,es,.LNo 4. Will project hove 0 potentially large impact .' . on 9rounc!\rClter quality?...................... Yesx'Na 5. \':i 11 pr0j ect signi f i cantly eff cd drain0ge - - --- flow on 9cljacent sites?....._................... Yesx No t,. \','ill project affect on)' threotencd or - -- elldClf1Jer(;d plant or onio101 species?.......... ._YesLNo 7. Will project result in 0 major adverse effect _ . on C1ir CjufJ.lit)'?.................................... .. Ycsx -No e. l'/ill project hove 0 mojoI' effect on vi'suol . - - chGroctcr of the cor,lr;luni{v or scenic views or vislos known;tobc import~nt to the community?YesxNo 9. Iii 11 proj'C,ct oc!veI- 5el)' i::ol'oc tony site or -~:- stnlcture of hi~,t(>ric, prehistoric or . ;}olcor"ltoloUicol imrOJ-tol1CC or OIlY site de~iSJn(Jtc:c1 us 0 cl-iiicCl} environmental creCl by D locol agenC)'?....."...... -.' ..--..... '-. .... ".--.. dO Yes X No 10. \'Iill project hove (l Inojor effect on existih(J - - or future recreational opportunities?.. ... ..._YesL_No 11. 11.i11 project result in _,"ajar traffic problems . or cOll~e 0 major effect to existing tronsportation s)'stcms?..................... ._YesoX-No 12. \'i i 11 PI-Oj ec t r.cfJu lor 1 y cou sc ob j ectionobl e o{;or~1 noi$c, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbo:lce os 0 resul t of the project 's ope rOo l ion? . . '_ . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Yes X No 13 . \'Ii 11 pro j e c t "0 v con)' i t;1 pac ton pub 1 i c h e 0 1 t h - - "r . so F (; t y? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Ye sX No l~. \'Iill project "ffect the cxistin~l community by - - directly causing 0 growth in permanent po;>ulation of more thon 5 percent over 0 one 1'(;01' poriod or hove 0 mojoI' ne9~tive effect On the charoCter of the communi.ty or neighborhood? ... . .. . . .. . . . ..... . ., .. . .. . .... ._Yesx.-No IS. Is there public controversy concernino the - project?.... ..-................. ._l'esA-No Richard F. Lark, Esq. PREPIlf~Ef~' S SlGIIA1UP-E REPP.ESEIlTIt~G]ishers Island DeveloE,ment Corp. D^TE Januarv 8. 19R~ MINOR SUBDIVISION 1. 6 copies sketch plan received spot elevations sent to Planning Board 2. Meet with Planning Board 3. Required changes sent in writing 4. New submission received 5. Approval of sketch plan 6. Sent letter with resolution approving 7. Application and fee If corporation, affidavit of ownership 6 copies of final map Covenants and restrictions ~ Description of property ~ Note on plat that sanitation ans water facilities meet County Board of Health specifications Developer attend meeting (official submission) 8. Public Hearing (within 45 days) Advertised Affidavits of publication received 9. Action by Planning Board (within 45 days) 10. Sent to County Planning Commission Received County's recommendations 11. Filed covenants and restrictions received 12. Authorization and signing of map / /