HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc - correspondence ,.< ," v ) , ,... ' :r/r{t)J!nl'/,~ /6' " \'-PlIk ~, ~, .\ \ . . I t,;~ 4\ ,'" '" "C:' \ (..... . " '. '/~ ~ (t'f/.~./ ~~ \-:)I~ %'.' 'i, ';""'1 \~::.:,. '\~/;\ . (:,., . ...., ~ IV \:'-" "'I ' ,-,' :.~{8'(,)\ , " ../ ". 1,\J y' '--;:.~.~:,,-,)~,;..;Vp TEL. SOUTHOLD 5~ZGGO TOWN OF SOUTH[]LD Orncc L1F BLlILDIHG IN!,I'CCTlm TOWN CLCRI('['; DFI'ICC SOLlTIIOLD. N. Y. Dec ember 14, 1961~, f';'~I.',~"', (~r;~y, T()dd & Sitr.!HS l! (1 \.!;. JJ ~:'t . r' r jJ.,\., "J:urlc. ), l~. t. Attr:: nT'. VH]('ntinc; As requcsted ploase find copy of zonine ordinance, ;,11:'1I]1vi;,10n J'<'r.ulntions and hl!:ln!c'y !;poc:tf'ieations . P]C:1~;O bc arlvi;,C'd that toll of thr, ea~;t end (C'statr:!; scction) of Fi",h("r~; IRland h:,~; ],('Cll (1(,c1"1'('(1 an "Opr:rl dC've1opml'nt area" by tbe 'j'rn)>, ],oard, :'0 Uw t j)J'lvatc rOcl;'] s may be ]'I,'Lintainucl and lmilding permi Ls j ;,~'lln"l \11](,n :IJ'1,1icaticJ".:: rn ct thC' r"quircm('nt~; or the ordinance 1'01' thr; "i," n~~:jdHltial ;)11<1 :\f:l'LcultuJ'nl "or:t:iOll ,,1' tli(; orc1:1nmwo. Trl1st,lnl'~ tlw nbovo \I:U J bC' 11,,1 fi.1'ul to you. __'. Ki,ndlv reml t ;~5v~ - feo .1'or cO)>Y of 20nlnr: ordJ.J1'lnco - to J me nt YO:.JJ' (~tlJ'l.i(J~;t cOD\fcnlcnce. Your~; truly !Ie{'fr'~ cl ----- I311:Ud:i ng Cc /\/1."7 lnspoctor \. " ] D Southold. N. Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. October 2, 1980 Mr. Richard Baker Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Mr. Baker: The Planning Board requests that you supply them with three more copies of the maps of Fishers Island. Thank yOU. Yours truly, Muriel Tolman, Secretary t.", TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman ~_~go.=0e2_ J AMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCffiE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. Mr. Jansen Noyes, Jr. 50 Broad Street New York, New York 10004 Dear Mr. Noyes: p TO D Southo1d. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765. 1938 May 27, 1981 Mr Raynor has directed me to write you requesting an updated map of the east end of Fishers Island which is brought up to date. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel TOlman, Secretary \ f _1.'.4" . ..."~: .;// .r:,"'; , '~il:;z}!}':L~) , "-.-.. . . . ~ ""~.-:.~!,,-...~.,,-,~ 1.... . . .,' ....~... :.~ .'::';/!~ '. ....... . Ilii ..P....,..\.v-.,.,.~ ~~J~~~~f~~ '1-iS.z:T:::;;~ '..4i;J'~ ~.... ;~'" ~-:* ; :,~'..,:~:-~,,,:,,;.~,, .',-,''''". . );;:i,\{;:~;).::t::.Y"~ .~ .~...-...".---".- . .~~~! r~::'~-~-=-~~,~.-. '., :'~ ;;,.;,:h.-"'~ . .~.,~-~. '~'<"..:~ ~S~~+.f.1 y, r::...,..-'__.......~;,_..,:..-.l c.:~ fJ\ SUITE 4100 345 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 JUl28 REC'O July 17, 1982 . 'AI f(e*'~ . ~,5 I 'f ~ dt1 ' p'!; -/ 6,," "f7,,,~,.t"'f'~ if" ~ .!-y~ ~6 . U#' I'our ~:~r of he')A)/l' November 10, 1981 ~r ~/ It was indeed a pleasure to talk to you about zoning OM" as it applies to the strip of land along the beach ~. ~ from the Hay Harbor Golf Course to the runway in front ~~' j of your house. f11JC8 As I stated clearly, I am not a developer of real i estate, nor do I wish to be branded in cocktail con- b . versation on the Island.as one. However, it is ~,,~ apparent to any commerclal developer and a good real , estate attorney upon reading the loosely written C' Southold Zoning ordinances that the entire B Zoning ~ v~ on the West End and especially inside the Ferry Distric~ can be, by special exception, developed for high density~ residential use. Such use can be set up on a land-lease~ and financed and operated as shoreline condominiums with time-sharing ownership. ~S Local sCuttlebut.t and it::; local legal cFin.'-o"'1 I"i'.Y ,-"", l(}-~ smuking some sort of grass if they believe iino. no1.o. ] the opinion that the County does not have the ultimate power to land-lease its own surplus unimproved acreageq;5 around the airport. Remember, what the County Fathers give in loosely written language to the local Ferry District can be taken away when the money hits the ~ ground. In this case the money hitting the ground is going to be over who pays for repaving the runway. Mr. George D. Lamborn Shearson Loeb Rhodes, 2 Greenwich Plaza Greenwich, Connecticut Inc. 06830 Re: Dear George: Having come to know governmental agencies' needs for money, I b~lieve a developer will go before the county Commissioners in the middle of winter and demonstrate that rateables on the net useable acreage _!- ..",",..,.:....;--. . George D. Lamborn Page two July 17, 1982 in the Ferry District and the land-lease income to the County will be beneficial to it. The County will then break its agreement with the Ferry District and lease the developer the net use able acreage and then put pressure on the Southold ZBA to grant a special exception under the existing zoning (see Article VI B (1) (b) of the Southold Code). The precedent for such a scheme on Suffolk County-owned land at MacArthur Airport is already in place where a motel, which can be sold as a time-sharing condominium in the future, is on a long-term land-lease. > "...,;.:....<:-..: This letter is not written to bring out legal rebuttal or stir up Fishers Island people, but to point out to people the potential of County land. I recommend that you approach the Town of Southold to alter the zoning from the Hay Harbor Golf Course to the East end of the runway, up to the movie theater. It is the net useable acreage above Coastal Flood Zone and out- side the FAA Slope Angle Easement that you want to re-zone in the Ferry District. ....,.;--':...,... '''. " '.' ._m.. ',,' ",.' .',,;'.', '''-'-.:',' -' '.', '.~'; ~';;{~::i';~~#~ ~i~~~i '0:'::'>'::':{i'-':;'0.~ The above remarks and comments are made only as a professional's observation of what may happen. It is too late to go to the battlements when a developer meets with the ZBA on a winter's evening. Finally, let me say, as someone in real estate who knows the numbers make sense, that I've seen a lot worse proposals get financed by reputable lenders on flimsier interpretations of local zoning. ~~~1:f~~~!;)~ ~~~~ '.",' ". ~';." -" ..--,- - . .~,,,' "-~ "" ,""i In conclusion, I don't want to be driving to the East End of the Island someday and see Work In Progress arrive down the road from your house and wonder who made the deal with the local County Engineer to get all that asphalt dumped nearby you. :...;,'(~:;).~,)':,'~r:;~:.x:::.:.':-~,:,~;; -"" .',..,/.:....;,'. .'0-.-..' :rJ:'~_::lf;;~.~ ;,_,......':....",;,,.',\..0-' . Again, many thanks, and I sincerely appreciate the invitation to come over and swim in your new pool. .-.,..,...-.,;"......,..:,. i~~ ",),;'"- ._ ':..',.....<.-~h~_;r,..:;;fiI'" :t:, "*-,,,Z,",,'4"<'><:"f'!:"" ,.~~!{~~~,~;,. cc: . Chip duPont /' Peter Sanger Arthur Pratt Stephen E. O'Neil Sincerely yours, 1~2chwerin . -~- ~.:,..,. --..--,'-"'- _.-.----_.~--.,....,.- JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK r; - _~=~ -/ /cUV~Opy fOR YOUR fi'.,:Y <:,~HDq' ~ f INfORMATION ; ~.':> <'%,~'::. J~ :::;..- ,= ...<.: -lO - " .'>Ie:..? . :::re:: .~ ~ ~:: ~o. .~~> '" *' ~,,".'. ~.'4fo'./. + ..,.~..;/ ""?- I_V ~-..::..p~~- kl.::-A l FtSrlub IS.FILl.: REGISTRAR OF V1T.U ST.~TISTICS "IARRL~GE OFFICER RECORDS MA.l'lAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall. .33095 ylain Road P.O. 30x 1179 Southoid. )few York 1197l Fax! .516) 765-1823 T~le?hone ;516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOl,\<'N CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 10, 1996 Robert P. Knauff. Manager-Secretary -Fishers I sland Ferry District Fishers .Island. New York 06390 Dear Phil: I would appreciate it if you would review the enclosed listing of Fishers Island Ferry District agreements. and advise whether they are complete for all the properties that the Ferry District leases. Also. please send copies of current leases for those that have expired. .lJ\any thanks. Very truly yours. /~.4"'--- r f Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure - -- - --_....~~_. .._~.. J,;~i I 1996 pg 11 5/11'/96 27.-Moved by Counclll1mll Moo,'e, ~ecolld..d by Coul1cilwomall Oliva, It wa~ RESOLVED that the TOWIl 1.I0ard of th" Town of Southold I",r..by authorlle~ alld dlrect~ the Towll Clel'll to r"adv""tl~" for ""5ume~ f"" two (2) members, betweell th" Age~ of 16 Alld 21, for the COIl~""V"t"'" Advl~OI'y Council. COUNCilMAN MOOnE, If Allyolle in th" A\HII,,"ce IlllOW5 50meOIl" who fil~ that cl'iter1A, Age 16 to 21. Il'~ A greAt opportUlllty to ~e,'ve 011 Towll'~ CAC. It Is A pAid po~ltioll, alld ~o I ""cotIl'Age you to get youllg p"ople out, alld put their- re~umes III if they're Illtere~ted III tht. po~ltloll. 27.-Vote of the Towll Board, Aye", Councilwom"n oliVA, Councll""," Supervisor' Cochrall. Thl~ "e~olutlOIl WAS duly ADOPTED. CouI1cl1nmn Townsend, Moor", Ju~tlce COUl1cllWol1mll EV:1IlS, lIu~~le, 20. -Moved by Coullcilwomall OliVA, ~"colld..d Was RESOLVED that the Towll Boa,'d of authorizes the prlntlllg of the Alltl-l.Iia~ Ilot to exceed $500.00. 20. - Vote of the TOWIl Board: Aye5' Coullcllwo"",n Oliva, C'OUIlcllma11 Supervl~o" Cochrall. This resolulloll w"s duly ADOPTED. hy COUllcllmall TOWIlgelld, it the Towll of Southold h",'"by Ta~ll Force pamphlet, At a co~t Counci1m;tn Townse11d, Moore, JU5tlce Councllwofl1"tl EV;lns, Ih..I!;sle, 29. _ Moved by Coullcllwoman lIus~le, ~ecollded by JU5tice Evans, it wa~ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold he,'eby ellgAg..~ the services of Dvlrka Alld OArtlluccl, Con~ultillg Ellglne..r~, t.O perfo,'m the lAndfill Closure Illve~ligAlioll and nepod, "t a co.t not to exceed $110,'100.00, all III accordance wlt.h theh- prop05al. of Decembe,' 11" 1995 And January 2Q, 1996. 29.-Vote of the Town Board' Aye., Councilwom,,,, OnVA, Counclll1mn Supe,-visot. Cochnu,. Thl. "e~olutlon wa. duly ADOPTED. Coullclll1mn TOW11~HHld, Moo...', JlI~t1ce Cnul1cllwomnn Evnnt:; , l1ussif!, 30. ,. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, ~econded by Councilman TOWIl~e'HI, It was HESOLVElJ thAt the Towll BOArd of the Town of Southold hereby create~ the po~llion of DAtA Proce~slllg Equlpmellt Ope"ato", and .et~ the following sa1;,,-y sC31e~ Elltry level Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step II Step 5 30. - Vote of the Town Councilwoman OiTvA, Supe,'vl.or Coch"AIl. This ,'esolulion WAS duly ADOPTED. Board, Aye", Counc11nmn $26,1172.70 $21 ,1132. (17 $27,979.90 $20,670.01' $29,0113.91' $29,562.55 Councilman Townsend, Moore, Justice COllI1Cilwomnn EV:1ns, lIu..I.., 31. _ Moved by Ju~tlce EVAnS, ~ecollded by Coullcllwol1mll 1I1Is~le, WHEREAS thO! Town Bo"rd Cl'p."t"d th" Fi.her. 1.I"nd HArbor Committe", consisting of delegAtes froll1 .ixtenn Island or9"niz"tlon. .nd association., in M"y 199'~ And ""appointed th" committ.e" in M"y 1995 (0" t.he purpos"S of recommending to the Town, a harbor ",,,n,,g,,me,,t pi"" (0" .11 Island hArbor; and Town W.t",'5 .dj."ent to Fisher; 1.IAnd, and fo,' th" pUI-pO'5~S of the assignment of rflOot-ln9s ;1nd anchot-<lge <lr~~as: 'NHERE.'\S the Fisher; Isl.nd II a r!:Jo'- Committe" ha. prp.parp.d t.h" Fisher's 1.land H.rbor MA".geme"t PI"n fo" conside,"t.;O" by the Town 80",'d: 'NHERE.'\S the Fish",'s 1.land Ih,'b,,.. ~nchor<lge loc:1t.ions in Town 'N:tt~....S continued t.o pf-"!r~r'=! r~contn"~nd~tif)115 Town 'N':tter3 ;Jdi<lc~nt to Fishp.r-; Isl:tnd; Cortlfni t tep. ::tdj:1f::2nt. on h:tr-bo'- :1ssigns moorings ~l1d to Fisher-s Isl:tnd :1nd fl1:tn:tg~fl1Pl1t polky in 'IIHERE.'\S the Fishen 1.I.nd H.,'~or' CO!1nnilte'! works in c!osecollabo".tion with t.he Tow" .ppointed gay Constables on th" il11plem"nt.tion o( 11T:tI1:tg~nlp.nt policy .:Ind thp. '-~5nlution or ;'I S ~Oci;1 t~d conflic~s; pg 12 5/111/96 THEREFORE LET .IT BE RE50l'/ED, that the Tawn Boanl does G'~ale the Fishers: Island Hal-bOlo Committee to rEc:Jltlfl1elld management policy for' the Town 'Naler""') ;Jdjac2nt to Fisher.s Islaru:1 mal<e aS3ignlllents or flloodngs ~Ild ~nchnl-~ge ;H.'::~S; and bF.! it her.by ha,-bo,- ..nd to FURTHER RESOLVED that the iollowing (wganizatlons ,"d .ssociations shall have delegates r:pn:!senting them on this c~lTIf11ittp.o:!: Ti1e Fisher"s Island Chic ,I\ssnciadon, Fisher-"j Island Club, Inc., Fisher-s Isl<1nd CanSerV;Jflcy, Fishel-; Isl~nd De'l'!loplTleflt Company, Fisher.s 1:r;land Fir-':! Oepcll'''tment, Fisher", Island Lobstennenls Assor.iat.jon, Fisher'J Island '(acht Club, CoJose Island Cor-p., Ihy Had:llw Club, Inc., Hay Har-bo,- Pn)pel-t~f Owner~'3 Association, Island PC!oplel:; Project., Plr:J t.p. I 5 CO'l~ ,"la.-in.., (1) aquacultu.-ist, (2) W"st lIad"". Pn1per-t'1 Owner's, and (I) H"y llal-b()f" PnJperty Owner", ;Jnd oe it FUR Ti-tER RE50L'/ED that :!ach of the <lbo'l~ listed organizations and .3ossoc:ations hay'! delegrl:ted tha following individurils to r'!pl-'!sent t.hem on the Fisher"; Island l'adJoc COllllllittee for- rln initi;;J1 tenH as noted, followed ~y c)nsecudve fivp. y~ar tenllS ;~Ild/o,. until and (Hher'.Nise r!:!colfll1lended t.o ~he lown Board by the FisIHH":; Island Hrlr~o'- COlllll1it.te~ =15 r:!quested by the org;u,izatlon Qr association bp.ing "~pr'!sf!nt.ed on thf! committee, effectl'lp. May Ill, 1996: Quwui.m!iu!\ Inilil!LlJ.:ll1' lM~lill!" I'hh"" Isllll,d Civic ^"",,:iilliulI I year I'isher:t blalld CllIb, I,,,,. J Y<'tIIR Fi~hen; 1,lalld CUIIN<,rvllllcy ~I yelll:l I:i~hen, INland Developmelll Co. J yetll:l Fhd1CI~~ 1:;lund Fire Dupal'lJ1lcnl " yea!':; risher~ l!-lltllld I...nbstcrlllell'tl ^~:)(\\:, "2 years I'illher:; 1:;lnnd Ylld,l Clnh 2 year~ (h)(m'-~ 1:;lnnd Corp. .4 ye:lI!: I IllY I ""I,or C1uh, ,"':. ~ ymlls flay Ilurhor Property OWller!'; ^s~;oc. l Y"'''" 1!:jUlld PUlple\ I)u\ject ,2 yellr:l PiI;lle'.q Cove Murine II Y(:\ll:' A(IWlclIJlurc :'\ Y(,HI'~ \Vest Harbor Propc..~rty ChVllCf yellf Wl,,~:lt I hub(lr l'n\pctly OWIl<~r year I lilY I hn bur PruperlY Owner yom LlH~li(~ U. Ot)mi I lUll i~ p...tr:-ioll.'i. S... Mllr~uenle 1'\11/1,,/1 Willium c:. I{idgway /I I Sh:wr f'vlillillOW,'iki KWlIlCih i... hJwunb, .II'. (',,,"k IJ.lI'!en f"?":YIl()ld.t: d-,;Ppnl. h. '1 'IHI .1,'!.lltlnn Willi 11m C. I~idl!\v;,y III Allie ){lIIidlln Hey""td.'. dUPl\'Il, Jr. .'SIeve; lvlalil1o\Vski 1;1'..", t-..1. 8,;rr, Jr. S,:mldel' ~jllcjHir 1~l1lbtHlI Vv. ~/h,...:lcod AND BE IT FUR TilER RESOLVED that Individuals serving In the capacity as Fishel-s Island Bay Conslable and Fishers Island Bay Constable and Fishers Island Representallve/Towll Justice shall se,-ve as ex-officio memhers of the Fishers Island lIarbo,- COlllllllllee, Board: Ayes: Councilman Councilman Townsend, 31, - Vote of the Town cffimClfwoman Oliva, Super visa,. Cochran, This resolution was duly ADOPTED, Mool-e, Jusllce Councilwoman Evans, lIussle,