HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-83.-2-2 - - ----.-- ---- - ,.~."_~__~.-"h . -.> -"'->...--- . " -',;, ----=---~~........_~-~~,~-. -~-. . WHEREAS, 0 petition was heretofore filed with the Town Boord of the Town of Southold by .~.~~~.~;J;..~~...~.~.~~.~~...~...~~.~!:.~~.~~..~!:~p.~:':':!:... requesting 0 change, modificotion and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- "A" Residential General ing from ..?p.!;LM};'J!;.~:I"t:gf.?.l:-.... District to ...:~M:::!.:'..J:l:g.l:-.tJ.P.;1,~...!l:'?sidence District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its' report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ......lh~h....day of .......m......J~p.fJl.................., 197.!L.., and due deliberation having been hod thereon (oW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is GRANTED, SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: That no buildings shall be permitted to be constructed in the area embraced within 200 feet measured perpendicular to the western boundary line of the premises described in the applica- tion. DATED: MAY 23, 1978 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK . ~~..._.""_:--~-",-,",,~,.._,, " ...,..~ .--- . -. . -..-.....-... ~-\ D Southold. N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL TELIWHONE 765-1938 March 13, 1978 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 30, 1978. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the petition of Nicholas Aliano and Patricia Krupski, Case #238, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District on. property located at Cutchogue, New York, in view of the fact that it is apparent that the petitioner must move the motel and facilities back from the Sound as a result of substantial loss of beach through erosion. The type of recreational use asked for is completely in accordance with the development plan of the Town of Southold for this location. Yo~s truly, .1 - r~;:L~, . -~--...... . T Southold. N. Y, 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E, RAYNOR. Jr, FREDERICK E, GORDON JAMES WALL TELEPHONe 765. 11138 March 8, 1978 Mr. Nicholas Aliano Box 263 Shoreham, New York 11786 Dear Mr. Aliano: The following is the action taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 30, 1978. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the petition of Nicholas Aliano and Patricia Krupski, Case #238, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District on property located at Cutchogue, New York, in view of the fact that it is apparent that the petitioner must move the motel and facilities back from the Sound as a result of substantial loss of beach through erosion. The type of recreational use asked for is completely in accordance with the development plan of the Town of Southold for this location. Yours truly, M ".1 BMh~ Southold Town Planning Board . . . . Suffolk Co. lOt] Dp.partnen.t of Planninr, H. Lee ryenn~.don ?:~c~ut~'.V0. 0fiice Builr.ing Veterans l1emorial =~lr:hl'lay Hauppauge, He" York 117G7 (516) 979-2918 Town of Southold Planning Board March 1, 1978 Petitioner: Mun. File No. : Zoning Action: Aliano & Krupski 238 C/Z "A" Residential & Agricultural to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District SD-78-4 S.C.P.D. File MO.: Gentlemen Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1123 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been referre~ to the Suffolk County Planninr, Co~ssion is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Comments, Very truly yours, Lee F. ~oppelman nirector of Planninr, GGIl; jk ./ I ) l by . ,.Jr. ,,,0 ':" Gerale. G. newman Chief Planner " "l",--,,-J1-"'^-~ cc: Town Clerk .- "- . . -. . .i\ 1te Resort Motel (, Restaurant Tel. 734.6370 744.1448 P. O. BOX 917, DEPOT LANE CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 Re: File #238 Re: Questions by Mr. Newman 1. Has been forwarded to Mr. Newman 2. A preliminary site plan not prepared 3. (a) ourrent M-l Zoning is 6 Aores (b) Current number of Motel Gues Units is 36 (0) Seating Capacity of restaurant is 50 (d) Number of parking spaoes is 70 (e) Current recreational Facilities are: a 26' x 58' outdoor pool with diving board (9t' deep) a ohildrens wading pool 16' wide x 3' deep a childrens swings & sand box area a basketba11 court 22' x 20' 5 dressing rooms and utility room 22' x 70' 4. We have outgrown our present facilities we turn away hundreds of people every summer - We are highly rated by Mobil Travel Guide, we accomodate people who are sent to us by the Greenport Chamber of Commerce - also Local peoples Friends and Relatives, Churoh Groups and retirement Groups in addition to our regular following of family vacationers. This need for expansion is oompounded by the eroBion of our beach front. Motel units are thereby in eminent danger of being wiped out. (CONT. NEXT PAGE) l\~~, ~~ . . ... . ~ 1iie Resort Motel & Restaurant Tel. 734.6370 744-1448 P. O. BOX 917, DEPOT LANE CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 Cant. from Page #1 We are a summer resort open May 1st to Oct. 1st and immediate plans are to Landscape, seed and build a golf course in the center of the planned new construction which units would compliment tennis courts, playgrounds etc. Time is of the essense if I am to at least grade and landscape for May 1st opening and to sensibly plan for new units for necessary expansion to handle current business in addition to the immediate erosion crisis - Action is required ~ t1me 1s running out. Respectively, ~\~~. ~~ ~"~"",~..._...." po . -- .~~ ep - .. .... ."~ . .. .... , ;~ February 23, 1978 Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Dept. o1\Plann1ng Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge ,New York 11787 ,.:..~,-"""' Dear Mr. Newman: ''''''''~i;N In reference to your file #238 in the matter of the petition ~.lftcholas ~Uano and Patlllcia Krupski, I supply '-"I<:~ the follOwing informatijn as per your request. 1. JUlil,.\I;..,commenda1:ions of the Town Planning Board have>"""""" been submitted previousf;y. There were no conditione established. Anything ,ermitted lnthe Code of the Town of Southold tor that zonin,section is recOmmended to be allowed by th~Boal"d .;; .,.-. 2. The Town ot SO~old'does not require a site plan until such time.lllllt:t:tre change'~:ot zone is grimtedc,at1dthepetitioh..x' .:11. ready to proceed with ~'project. The site plan 1$ also governed by the Code.' ;t~,:~_~, .._~ t. lU1(1.,4. These 1-.pms have been supplied by Mr. Aliano and are attached heretoi' . Yours 'truly, Mul"j;..~~:rul!lt. Secretary Southo1d Town Planning BO$rd ~ , - .~ ~. ,. -, '."'- -~ .....,..- ~ .- -' '.",," -., .~.".,,,, ~-,= - , . . . February 15, 1978 f .~.." Mr. Nicholas Aliano Box a63, Ashley Lane Shoreham, New York 11786 Dear Mr. Aliano: I am enclosing correspondence whiCh I received from the Suffolk County Department of Planning. I telephoned Mr. Newman about this and he indicated that there was not necessarily a problem but that they "rould like the additional information., Items 1 and 2 will be taken care of from this office. You should prepare ite~ 3 and 4 and submit to this office. I will in turn submit same to the County. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold ToWn Planning Board Y' ,i-....." ~ .~ ~~'r " - .- --~.,.... , .......,. ... .- . '--~ February 10, 1978 Mr. Gerald Newman Suffolk County PlanrtiIlg Department Veterans Memorial H1ghway .r..; , Hauppauge, New ,York 11787 Dear Mr. Newman: Put-suant to following is the Board as regards ~ ~.:' '-l. conversation this morning with Mr. Aliano, the reBolU~0t1"pa8SeP. bY' the SO,uthold Town Planning ',' ': "',::, 'i, ." " ,__..', "', his change of zone petition. .. .. ,t.... RESOLVED to recommend to;the SouthQld Town Board approVal of the petition of Nicholas Aliano, and Patricia ~P8ki, Case #236, f~r8. change of zone from itA" Re$1dential and Agricultural D1strict to "M-l" General Multlpl-'Reslc;lenee D1striet on property located at Cutchogue, New York, in view Of the, fact that it, lsapparent that the petitioner must move the motel .nd fac11itie~ bac~ from the SOund as a resul~ ofsubstanti.l los. of beach thrO~ erosion. Tbetyp,e of recr.aUo~lU8e "ask!!(ifor is completely, in accordance with the development plan of the Town of Southold for this location. ... , . Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board - ,:",~., "1 l .';",'t -tt;. "l<.h . ~,; , ~ >> February , iL~ .ii .'j! _;;i' ~ , ,I '1\:1, /~\ 1ft. ,,;,. :~ :l ;~~ I ~'-'" ,'f~ Mr. .. Gerald Newman t7'" sun. .olk County Flann. ... g Department Veterans Memorial Hi way Hauppauge, New York 787 , .f.f~~: Dear Mr. Newman: '1{ .;;:- Pursuant to Sectionsl,23to 1332 of the Suffol 'c' ounty Charter, the Planning Board 01 the Town of SQuthold here ,refers the following proposed z~ing action ,to the Suffolk .', '. unty Planning Commission:'~, :,.~ .t ' ,~ Amendment of zoning ,.. pC change of zone) ~' Looation of affected' Road. Cut+gue ~ :,i- within 500 feet Of L'. Island Sound I f ,;;',";, gBoard ~ecommends approv of the petition t it is a~arent that tetitioner must llities back from the So :, as a result of ch through erosion. The, of recreational etely in accordance with '. developmentplan d for this location. ~t.i' Mr. A1i.no has reque ed as early a dec18ion asisslblebecause of the approaching r ". rt season. , ' ~'t- , Yours truly, ~' ~ {~ I ~i~~l~~~ ~~i:i Board I.~~ . .~ " ,{ ~ ,t{ .~ · ti ;~1;_f,) ~ ...., '1"... ~_M --' --" ,. 'tf'I"~.,4r ~- .., ,r >> ~:' <t;::, :~ ,~ . -~ Comments - the .Plann in view of 1lhe fllct move the motell!md"f substantial, loss of use asked forls .com of the Townof$Outh "" 1978 ~i!' -lJ:,~. ,$~':~ i+~ It:, ",C~ ",'" ~5 'i.tt \c~:~: , ; ,jZ' .- . -- . Suffolk County Dep~rtMent of Planninp H. Lee Dennison Executive Office 13uilclinf>, '7eterans Hel'1Oria'- !li~ht'ay l:auppauee" '!3tJ Yor!: 117D7 Town of Southold Planning Board Petitioner Nicholas Aliano & Patricia Krupski 7onin" Action: "A" Residential & Agricultural to "M-l" General Multiple Residence 238 District. 1'1un, Fila !~o. e r,entlernen: Please be advised that pursuant to Sections l3~3 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above c!'lption.ed a;'pl1cation will not be revieue,l because of noncompliance with req,Jirenents for notice ani naps as stipulate~ in Informational Bulletin \'10. 8 of the Suffolk County Plannin~ r:ol'1lllission. The followinc info~~tion will only be accepted ~on submission throu~h the of- fices of the municipal referrin~ a~ency' Please provide the following: (1) Recommendations of the Town Planning Bd. including any and all cond1tions established; (2) Pre11minary S1te plan indicating intended uSe of the premises; (3) Map of adjoining premises of Beachcomber Motel indicating: acreage; number ot motel guest units; seat- ing capacity of restaurant; number of parking spaces and available recre- ational tacilities; and (4) explanatory intormat10n as to .....plan tor future growth as required...". Thank you. Very truly yours, Lee ":. Roppell'l8n Director of Plannin~ by Jd, ,.) ~- /~ Geral1 G. ~lewman Chief Planner " /...:"".;-. ,,------ GGN:jk ",C""~'" c G 1101 ,) ""~J."~'.;AE"y..""""~"",,,,,,. .' ..- -.. -."- ...--""~~"'" . ~~ ~/~~ Town Board of the Town of Soutbold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 ". -.07 ._-~ ..~ . ~~- ~ ~ ~ f'/.9.Y5 516 734.5100 December S, 1977 Re:AppUaat;ion of (1238) -Nichola, Aliano and P_tdcia Krupski for Chanse of Zone Classification l~P"l!IIliaes Situate at CutchoRue. New Y<<k Dear Sirs: Tbe above-captioned application was submitted to the Town Clerk on December 2, 1977. Kindly note on your records that the under'igned is retained as the attorney for the appliC8Qts, and in the light thereot, would respectfully request that all future Corres- pondence and action be directed to the underaigned at his office address herein indicated. ' Thanking you for your courtesies'and cooperation herein. RJC/jf CC I Sout'ho1d Town Plannins Board Va., truly yours, (#/~, /~/ ,;/.. ~'--- Riohard J. Cron - . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS K o Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 7, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is petition of Nicholas Aliano and Patricia Krupski requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommendations. Very truly yours, ~~~~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 .~m , .- - . CASE NO: ...i!.~?..... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE. MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMEI'If'l' OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OJ!' THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: n, tlCllnA' ALUm .ad 1. I .....'~J.'-:I~..Q,~..................... ,residing at ...~.~,.~~.,................ .............. (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ............~.~!~~... ....................... and more particularl)' bounded and described as follows: ALL that cuuiD plot, pi... o~ pal'cal of laad, with tha buil.iq. 'M i..~ov....t8 tbel'aoft .I'act.', dtuat., lyina.ad baina .t CutcbOlu., TOWIl of Southold, CoUDty of Suffolk aDd SUt. of .... Yodt, .nd '..cribed .. fo 1l0lfll : IIGI.I. .t . lIO_t at the intal:.action of the ...tedy lina of Duck Pond load .ad the .outhuly li.. of Duck POM Roed which lIODU...t i. .i.Unt Iol'th 290 .50' .50" laat 213.08 feu fl'OII the nol'tlweatel'1y comaI' of 1.... of t. Ali.no; theace fl'OII ..id point of baaini.. &'UllIliDl Iol'th .520 31' 10" laat pal't1,. thJ:ouah laad. of t. Ali.no .ad P.tdoi. bupaki to 1.... of R. Ia_l; tbnce dona .aid bad. of a. Ia_l .ad J. Zuho.ki the follow!na two (2) coun.. .ad 'iatane..: (1) South 4.50 .52' 40" laat 39.06 fHt; .ad (2) South 460 17' SO" Ia.t 367.21 ie.t; thane. frOll .ai. point &'Uns.nl aloq laad. of.Ual...t~louth 430 42' 10" W..t 946.44 fe.t to 1.... of fdlinael'-lhar; th.nce alona .aid leat ....Uo... 1.ad. Io~th 420 01' 40" West 465.90 feet to the .outhel'1,. .1.. of Daok Po" Road; th.no. .10lIl the .outhel'ly aiele of Duck Poad Road Iol'th 290 SO' .50" laat 213.08 feet to the IIOn..at .t the point 01' place of amllllDlG. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to change, modify and amend thE" Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To chanae that portion of the .bove de.odbed pulli... fl'OII . pre.ot1,. .oDed "A<' ".idaDtial ead Asl'icultur.l Diltrict to . "K-l" Zon"Diatl'ict. . ~_m~ - . . 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The ........... IIDal ..jo....... the ,naU..~.,., to be ..... xoaecl f.e . '....1' o,....t" ....ol't _t.l .1tuata off toDa bla.. Iou.. . Aftd ,..an of ope...t101l. it baa bee_ olwioue to the .ppll- ..aa t.t '..Ult1... 1a ."1'''0Il to &'OOM ... . ....th....t. .un be ""1d" fo.. lUHa ill the &'..o..t _al o,...tlO1l f.e to ..f.et .. . '1'0IU8bl. ... vlabla b..l..... AD ...11,.... of the ..l1..t of ...ol't _e.l. .boRa 'CI'ODI .... fOl' loin... teaaf.e ... ..f 1 -..pool ...11..'..... To dac., oal,. . ......... pool baa ..... ..... .. . faaillt, to the ......, .-ote1. Ie dueeGUn.. 1t 1. lateed.. to '1:09"'. ,... 3 lolf ... t_u ,.ot.l1tiaa. In ""e.. to ."a ,dlte ....h ... f..Ultl.. .. _11 ., ,lata 101' futun pwth .. ft4IUl.... lt 1. ......tfdJ' .......t.. that t!da .,,11..e100 be p"cad. (L. s.) (1..1.) STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFbLK, ) n..." AI.V-~ ... tt!.~~.~. ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , BEING nUL Y SWORN, depos~ and say/; that .....~ t~~etitione.in the within action; thatt~l_~~ read the foregoing Petition and know" the contents thereof; that the same is true t(JlO~ own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those mattersth., believ~ it to be true. Sworn to before me (L. S.) Deemlft 77 .......................,19... . .. ... ... "~~~bli~. J CRON v RlCliARD h 'State 001. t 1>" in t e County : o~,ry)'5S6f2iro - S!,Ho~ar. 30, \9cl>( No. 52-0 .on Exf)tres 'vC()l11lSS\ ,.."'.vi....i...o'..\.~,_.__.'....__'''''..;.. ....: . ., ..~.'".'.,,, __~__.'...r. ".;. ...........,:'.. -, '.,',,,...,...._.;.,,~,;,..._,..'-' ....,...""'..,;"',., ~"""""''-''''_''''''''_=''''''''''_,"'' ''"'_'..'''~' ""'.-,~,,,,,,,",,,'C._~___...,.-,,,,,, . TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of NICHOIAS ALIANO and PATRICIA KRUPSKI NOTICE to the Town Board of the Town of South old. TO: RICHARD L. HAMMEL Laurel, N.Y. 11948 JOHN ZUHOSKI, JR & wife Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 FRANK McBRIDE North Road Cucchogue, N.Y. 11935 JOHN FELLINGER-IHAR & wife .3180 Duck Pond Road P. O. Box 47 Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to request a change of zone classification 2. That the property which is the subiect of the Petition is located adjacent to your prol?erty and is des. cribedasfollows: North by Nicholas Aliano and patiicia Krupsk~; West by Duck Pond Road and John Fe11inger-Ihar; South by Nicholas Aliano .<Inri P.<It"riri;'l l{rl1p~ki, ann F.a~t: by .John Zuhoski and R. Hammel 3. That the property. which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoniny district: In part "A' Residential & Agricu1;itura1 and in part "M-I' 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the f II' d" I 'f' . "M 1" o owmg zone IStrlct c ass I Icatlon: - 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a .written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the l1)atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of South old and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: December 2, 1977 Petitioner Post Office Address: Duck Pond Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 . .- .0 PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS NAME Richard L. Hamme 1 Laurel, N. Y. 11948 John Zuhoski, Jr. & wife Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 Frank McBride North Road Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 John Fellinger-Ihar & wife 3180 Duck Pond Road P.O. Box 47 ,Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: JANE FlATLEY . residing at Woodcliff Drive, Matt~tuck, New York 0 being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 2nd day of December ,19 77 ,deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of South old ; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Cutchogue ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. ./ Sworn to me this 2nd day of December ,19~. c;!(~l!u-1~ ~~",,;~,=::"_M NOT A.R 100GS53 Suffoolk COlHtty N.. 52. . 'arch 30. 19~7Cf CI,lllln\:,,;hJn E::.plrf'3 r-. ", --{l 'b-l~ F 4'{c. , Jane Flatl , ( , .-- . L..ONG "'0 CJ"" o SCALE: 800'= (', o c: " "T- "" o z o :;0 o " o JR~60M ilOP.O '" o .... " .... <: " :I: (J) . "~--'-'~-----==e==---:------------ ~ . - t..ONG I ~ 10' ..1-. '\~'l' ): \: ~. ~ f .} jr -' I. .: -- I ! .1;: ~ ... IT . \ , \ 'i .'" " ',( \ "", " ,9"'''--- " i . ~ ,~--- --<- -'......." . ..~_.*..->. 18L ,', -,....,NO ~ " "\- ~ .~ l It) U ~ Q' .' " 'b t o Q .~ ~ _:"'" ~ -.:-_----- .--_.-, - b ~ i . ~ ~ ~ --:- I I I" I ~ ~ i ~ ,1 -1./> ..-..~ to,' i t--ft-J ~ c '" i,;"~f.'~-/'){.. i ~ _. ~-i :1(:',;1-/ r-~=' -:-~ r"~/\(1.C:'l' :.!\,/ '1"" So UNO ..1. i / J / " / ~' c' -;"" FUr;. .',/-, ,.....'~,- .........- -ON '- '."'f,o......r...'0:'.J".- OF' .~' 't:::::: ~~.. "'_ T:;; I=rzOM 4" TO 'NT-/" M t:U:>6 J!':OIZ . ~ ''''' ~ It { ~.- :\ ./ i r....... -',.' .,-.- ,< ,,^,~ /\ { 1 ..r". ... ;' .. I " :1.,"'1~ };. ~"" " ..' /,; ,I.", J;' "t ~ V.__l ....... ...' '--....-~~-.~.:-~"f_~.__r'-'f~~ .--" ~.. ",-,' l' 1;; '- ~ t ~ ~ ,it. AT CUTCH06Uf': TOWNOF SouTHOLD,N.Y i , . . i q I 1 ~ I I ~ 'I ~ ~.:" I ' 1 ~ I .' " 4- -.! -. -, , i I ok' t Sc;;elie: 200',,, {" ZvhO$'" , , , i /l t/ / V / /' // .-:/" // /,.'- " '" I < v . ~ ,':..-- At"-,-" .- f . . c _ . ! "..-'It" ".L' I _,,' ....,.'"..~/'r,., AC~<""i ,"'1-~"-,,:iCf~,'frldl} ,_>>1i&;:.:; _:orne,.---,.', /S~ i""dli.;~rl. >. ,"/ I t i I I I I I ;;; , .' / -:.<1NAUTHOl:IZED ALTERATION OR AOD1TIO'" / - /' TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLA TlON OF /' / SfCTlON 72C9 Cf THE NEW YORK STATE ,. ~ EDUCATION lAW. ///// , C9Pt~S Of TUS ~U~V::Y MAP NOT BEARING / THE lA:';D 58"""1''::,'5 iN2,D S~AJ. OR /' "' EMBCS~~D ~C,\: ::-:.\Ll r<CT f,~ C:;NSIDERED . /~ / TO b: A VAL,[) r::.;~ cn. // / GUArAt,E:S." ;~,:-;,: ~H-\LL RUN ,/.' / ONLY TO H:', iP.: SURVEY /' ~ IS Fo.:~ ).-.." p ~.' t";' Tn;: ,// :~'" C~',' "'~~;DANDiVrQPped 1'10".30,19'7'1 . / 1..... A" -...... ,/ .~ ~ ,.;), Co 1~,Silr::> /~ Te. Gc)/-"^,,. _ , i"A',Sh~Ot)EEt:2.' '-0;__:. 'J;::;',-V Tt_r,.~ ?::':.:, // ~~.~,;>;~.iiONAL ::<s..._ ,.5 uR ~u5SEQUENT /~ V ~- I " . =--- /' ...........,1,( __ en ~'!!d t..-a,'"'/rl ~ur/e~:5 '"" '--'- ur-ee;r!->Of r t.J6.--V "l-'O""'k, / /