HomeMy WebLinkAboutBulkhead Reconstruction & Restoration-Klipp Park Bid Specifications - -'.110 mot refundable) (i"'des postage) BID - BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION - KLIPP PARK t BID OPENING: 11 :00 A.M.. Thursday. September 12. 1996 9/3/961. SB Construction & Contracting Ltd, 108 Higbie Lane. West Islip. NY 11795 665-4382 2. South Shore Docks I nc, Po Box 37 East Quogue Ny 11942 3/5/963. Costello Marine Contrg. Corp., P.O. Box 2124, Greenport, NY 11944-477-1199 George Costello 3/5/96 II. Stout Construction, Inc., 90 Union Ave., Islip. NY 11751 581-0034 Robert Brandt and William Marquardt 3/5/965. Heaney Marine Const., 410 Fifth St.. Greenport, NY 11944 477-1705 /5796 6. Ribar Contracting Inc., 336 Maple Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 Tel 516-333-6300 M. Sheehan Fax 333-6352 /6/96 7. Latham Sand & Gravel. Inc. PO Box 776. Orient, NY 11957 323-2585 '/6/968. Dal Construction Corp.. PO Box 1304. Center Moriches. NY 11934 874-3303 /9/969. Lawrence Tuthill. P.E.. P.O. Box 162. Greenport, NY 11944 477-1652 10. 11. 12. ... '. f . I ~~ PAY ~ TO THE I ORDER OF ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . FOR . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER f~ufF~ / ~.~~,~ j~ ~\\ ..J' ::, ?i ~ , Cl . ,tj ''''' ::e~ ~ _ N ~~. ~ ~ +A.. ,,~ ~ ~Q./ + i-~'" ~ .. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Thomas E. Samuels, President James H. Rambo, Inc. Bishops Lane Southampton, New York 11968 Dear Tom: June 6, 1997 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11 79 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Superintendent of Highways Jacobs has informed me that the Bulkhead Reconstruction and Restoration at Klipp Park has been completed, therefore, I am returning herewith your $500.00 bid check. Enclosu re l~ .oC:95?~ JAMES H. RAMS ,I c: .. 8ISH~~~"D SQUTHAMP ,'. riP Very truly yours, ~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk ... . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 8, 1997 Thomas E. Samuels, President James H. Rambo, Inc. Bishops Lane Southampton, New York 11968 Dear Mr. Samuels: In accordance with a directive from Commissioner of Public works Raymond L. Jacobs, I am returning herewith your $39,288.00 checks ($37,288.00 & $2,000.00) posted as a bond for the Bulkhead Reconstruction and Restoration at Klipp Park, Greenport, N. Y . I am in receipt of your $500.00 posted will return to complete the project when appropriate. as a bond guaranteeing you the weather conditions are Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosu res . . ,.. JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. BISHOPS NE f01t;MPTON NY 11968 1</ il'" % Cert Checks2000010353{~5;9 2 " ;~.~,*::::". " ~ .- , DATE i " CT$ DOLLARS !!Ie-= J X~ ~ '01;1;1;?1: o3.lIo252"l'(' .. ~_~ ^L_~L_~~~ 26508 ,. . !$IA,SH. 1 .. BI '""" -THA '" b , INC. -" '_,,, DATE 111,q~~_ __~ $}-060 ,t/1I DOLLARS m=.'"::" . FOR ~~~;r~~' 11'021;50811' .:02l.a.ol;l;l;?l: 03"'0252'1'( " Iii' ----- ~ RAYMOND l. JACOBS Commissioner . . Public Works Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, NY. 11958 Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 January 8, 1997 Mrs. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RECEIVED JAN 8 1997 Southold Town CIeri< Dear Mrs. Terry: I concur with the engineer's report (attached) dated January 7, 1997 and recommend release of the bond for the Klipp Park bulkhead restoration. ~;~ Raymond L. Jacobs Commissioner of Public Works I I PAY TO THE ORDER OF FOR . . JAME'tH?~I~~ p- BISH~ ~mC7' .. SOUTHAMP~_~m;b '-""b/o only c...... I ,26 8 5 6 and . _...ma v drawn f!iff2 ~ r-'l...d '" .. ~~~~, I~.~ "" 'fJ.r.:; 00 lJtJIS 0 0 CTS $;1'1 ,!;"" ~ , DOLLARS m=- -.- ~~. Jt;~tY~- 03I110252"l"( , .. (Au'''''';.od s;g ~e l~ rx:Jl~~) ".02ra . c 51;""'-1"02'1,0 'u " ". I;I;I;?I: . RAYMOND L. JACOBS Fax. (516) -765-1750 . JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, N.Y. Tel. (516)-765-3070 SUPERINTENDENT SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JANUARY 7, 1997 Mr. Raymond L. Jacobs Superintendent - Southold Town Highway Peconic Lane, P.O. Box 178 Peconic, New York 11958 Re: Klipp Park Bulkhead Restoration Final Inspection Dear Ray: The above referenced bulkhead restoration project has been substantially completed with the exception of six bolts. The bolts have not been installed due to the water levels at low tide. The contractor has proposed to wait for a possible extreme low tide that typically occurs this time of year due to storm conditions and northwest winds. I have enclosed a copy of a letter from the contractor concerning this matter for your reference. As per our discussions, the Town should withhold five hundred ($ 500) dollars from the contract price. The contractor has also agreed to provide a check for an additional five hundred ($ 500) dollars made payable to the Town as a bond guaranteeing that they will return to complete the project. At this time, with the above taken into consideration, I would recommend payment for the project. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact my office. . . JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. BISHOPS LANE SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y. 11968 PHONE: (516) 283-1254 WUNNEWETA ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 PHONE: (516) 734-5858 January 3, 1997 Mr. James Richter Town Engineer Town of Southold Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Klipp Park, Greenport Dear Mr. Richter: The referenced project is complete but for six bolts at the seaward end of the launching ramp. These bolts secure the 6"X6" timber at the base of the resheathed ramp. When the original structure was constructed, a coffer dam was built around the ramp and the area in question was dewatered to enable construction of the launching ramp in the dry. As you know, no coffer dam and dewatering were included in the plans. Such a procedure would increase the cost of the project three fold. The 6"X6" timbers are presently secure with 10"X3/8" dock spikes, which penetrate the original bulkhead. Therefore, we agree to the Town's witholding $500.00 of the contract price until a reasonable time (3 months +or-) has passed in hopes the weather conditions will be such that the bottom of the outer ramp is exposed at an extreme low tide (northwest winter gale). The available crew live in Southold and will keep bolts, generator and drills at Michael Davids' house on Hortons Lane. We can move in very short notice. The work will take one hour. We are skeptical, however, that even at an extreme low tide the area will be exposed. The ramp (constructed by the N. Y . State Parks Comm.) was, on inqu~ry, designed to launch boats especially in emergency conditions, hence the dewatering process was designed. We understand that you feel that the timber will prevent the toe of the sheathing from being displaced. In our opinion, given the rigidity of the sheathing and the quadruple lag bolts in each board, there will be no toe . . failure. The resheathing of this project should be effective for another thirty years. Some other components of the structure will fail first we are sure. I enclose our certified check for $500.00 to secure the Town for the uninstalled bolts and our invoice for the balance of the job. We trust you will be able to release our bonding check and pay for the balance of the project. If we can be of further help, or you wish an on site inspection, do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, ~~. Thomas E.Samuels cc: Ray Jacobs Supervisor Jean Cochrane Town Clerk, Judith Terry i.' . . JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. RECEIVED JAN 6 1997 BISHOPS LANE SOUTHAMPTO~ N Y 11968 PHONE 15161283125' WUNNEWETA ROAD CUTCHOGUE N Y 11935 PHONE (516) 734.5858 Southold Town Clerk January 3, 1997 Mr. James Richter Town Engineer Town of Southold Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Klipp Park, Greenport Dear Mr. Richter: The referenced project is complete but for six bolts at the seaward end of the launching ramp. These bolts secure the 6"X6" timber at the base of the resheathed ramp. When the original structure was constructed, a coffer dam was built around the ramp and the area in question was dewatered to enable construction of the launching ramp in the dry. As you know, no coffer dam and dewatering were included in the plans. Such a procedure would increase the cost of the project three fold. The 61X6" timbers are presently secure with 10"X3/8" dock spikes, which penetrate the original bulkhead. Therefore, we agree to the Town's witholding $500.00 of the contract price until a reasonable time (3 months +or-) has passed in hopes the weather conditions will be such that the bottom of the outer ramp is exposed at an extreme low tide (northwest winter gale). The available crew live in Southold and will keep bolts, generator and drills at Michael Davids' house on Hortons Lane. We can move in very short notice. The work will take one hour. We are skeptical, however, that even at an extreme low tide the area will be exposed. The ramp (constructed by was, on inquiry, designed to emergency conditions, hence designed. We understand that you feel that the timber will prevent the toe of the sheathing from being displaced. In our opinion, given the rigidity of the sheathing and the quadruple lag bolts in each board, there will be no toe the N. Y . state Parks Comm.) launch boats especially in the dewatering process was . ..' . . failure. The resheathing of this project should be effective for another thirty years. Some other components of the structure will fail first we are sure. I enclose our certified check for $500.00 to secure the Town for the uninstalled bolts and our invoice for the balance of the jOb. We trust you will be able to release our bonding check and pay for the balance of the project. If we can be of further help, or you wish an on site inspection, do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, ~~. Thomas E.Sarnuels cc: Ray Jacobs Supervisor Jean Cochrane Town Clerk, Judith Terry , ~ . . THIS AGREEMENT made this 11 th day of October, 1996, between the I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipality of the State of New York, having its principal office at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, (the "Town") and JAMES H. RAMBO, INC., having its principal office at Bishops Lane, Southampton, New York (the "Contractor") agree as follows: 1 . Performance of the Work. The Contractor shall perform the services in accordance with the description of those services set forth in the Bid Specifica- tions for Bulkhead Reconstruction and Restoration: Klipp Park, Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York, dated July 9, 1996. 2. Compensation. The unit bid price schedule for the services to be fur- nished by Contractor is found in the Contractor's bid dated September 11, 1996, which is incorporated into this Agreement. 3. Commencement and Completion Dates. Contractor shall commence the work immediately and shall diligently and continuously prosecute the work at such date as will allow it to be completed and installed no later than sixty days from the signing of this contract. 4. Workers Compensation. Contractor agrees that it has or will secure, for the term of this contract, Workers Compensation coverage as required by law or this contract shall be void and of no effect. 5. Satisfaction of Legal Requirements. Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions in General Municipal Law 3103-a. '. . . 6. Non-Collusive Bid. Contractor certifies that its bid has been arrived at by the Contractor independently and has been submitted without collu- sion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type de- scribed in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the Contractor, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the Contractor or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. 7. Contractor's Representations. Contractor makes the following warranties and representations: A. Contractor warrants that Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances or regulations applicable to all of the services to be performed by Contractor. B. Contractor represents that the information furnished by Contractor with the bid is accurate and complete and Contractor acknowledges that Town has relied upon the accuracy and completeness of that information in the selection of Contractor as the lowest responsible bidder. C. The Contractor represents that Contractor shall utilize its best efforts to insure that Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MBE's and WBE's) have the opportunity to participate as subcontractors under this Agreement. In the event the contractor subcontracts twenty-five percent (25%) or more of its work hereun- 2 . . der, Contractor shall submit to the town an MBE and a WBE Utilization Plan, prior to execution of this Agreement. 8. Quality. Contractor agrees to provide, perform and complete all of the foregoing in a proper and workmanlike manner, consistent with the highest stan- dards of professional and construction practices and in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant to, this contract, and with the greatest economy, ef- fi-::iency, and expedition consistent therewith, with only new, undamaged and first quality equipment, materials and supplies. 9. Technical Ability To Perform. Contractor represents and warrants that it is sufficiently experienced and competent, and has the necessary capital, facilities, plant, organization, and staff, to provide, perform complete the work in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant to, this contract. 10. Warranty of Work. Contractor warrants that the work and all of its components shall be free of defects and flaws in design, workmanship and materi- als and shall be fit, sufficient and suitable for the purpose expressed in the specifications. Contractor agrees promptly and without charge, to correct any failure to fulfill the above warranty that may be discovered or may develop at any time within one (1) year of the final payment. 11. Contract Price. The contract price shall be paid in a lump sum upon completion of the work described in this contract in a manner approved by the Town Engineer. 3 .\ . . 12. Prevailing Wage Rates. Contractor agrees to comply with the ,Jrovisions of the New York State Labor Law relating to the payment of prevailing wage rates to the extent applicable, or the applicable State Law in the state of disposal. In the event that at any time during performance under the contract the Contractor is required to increase the wages paid to any of its employees as a result of such requirement, all costs resulting there from shall be borne exclusively by Contractor. 13. Insurance and Indemnification. Contractor agrees to maintain general liability (comprehensive form) insurance with aggregate limits of one million dollars in accordance with the schedule attached as Exhibit A. Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town of Southold against any and all liability, demand, cost or charge which the Town may directly or indirectly suffer as a result of Contractor performing the terms of this agreement. 14. Performance Bond. Contractor shall for the period of the performance of services hereunder, maintain Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of one hundred percent of the amount specified in the Bid proposal which has been incorporated into this Agreement. 15. Subcontracts. Contractor shall not enter into any subcontracts in connection with the services to be performed by Contractor hereunder without the prior written approval by the Town of such subcontracts. All such subcontracts shall make express reference to the terms and conditions of the Agreement and 4 " . . shall obligate the subcontractor to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the services to be performed under the subcontract. In the event the subcontractor is required to furnish any insurance or bonds for the benefit of Contractor, the Town shall also be named as an additional in- sured or obligee. 16. Prevailing Wage Rate. Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions of the New York State Labor Law relating to the payment of prevailing wage rates to the extent applicable, or the applicable State Law in the state of Jlsposal. In the event that at any time during performance under this Agreement the Contractor is required to increase the wages paid to any of its employees as a result of such requirement, all costs resulting therefrom shall be borne exclusively by Contractor. 17. Independent Contractor. Contractor agrees that it will conduct itself consistent with its status, said status being that of an independent contractor and, Contractor, its employees or agents will neither hold themselves out nor claim to be an officer or employee of the Town of Southold nor make claim to any right accruing thereto including, but not limited to, Worker's Compensation, Un- employment Benefits, Social Security or Retirement Membership or credit. 18. Dispute Resolution Procedure. If Contractor disputes or objects to any requirement, direction, instruction, interpretation, determination, or decision of 5 . . Town, Contractor may notify Town in writing of its dispute or objection and of the amount of any equitable adjustment to the contract price or contract time to which Contractor claims it will be entitled as a result thereof; provided, however, that Contractor shall, nevertheless, proceed without delay to perform the work as required, directed, instructed, interpreted, determined, or decided by Town, without regard to such dispute or objection. Unless Contractor so notifies Town within two (2) business days after receipt of such requirement, direction, instruction, interpretation, determination, or decision, Contractor shall be con- clusively deemed to have waived all such disputes or objections and all claims based thereon. 19. Contractor's Remedies. If Town fails or refuses to satisfy a final demand made by Contractor pursuant to this contract, or to otherwise resolve the dispute which is the subject of such demand to the satisfaction of Contractor, within ten days following receipt of such demand, then Contractor shall be entitled to pursue such remedies, not inconsistent with the provisions of this contract, as it may have in law or equity. 20. Town's Remedies. If it should appear at any time prior to final pay- ment that Contractor has failed or refused to prosecute, or has delayed in the prosecution of, the work with diligence at a rate that assures completion of the work in full compliance with the requirements of this contract on or before the completion date, or has attempted to assign this contract or Contractor's rights 6 . . under this contract, either in whole or in part, or has falsely made any repre- sentation or warranty in this contract, or has otherwise failed, refused, or delayed to perform or satisfy any other requirement of this contract or has failed to pay its debts as they come due and has failed to cure any such default within five business days after Contractor's receipt of written notice of such default, then Town shall have the right, at its election and without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equity, to pursue anyone or more of the following remedies: A. Town may contract to complete all defective work, have such cor- rection performed at Contractor's expense, terminate the contract without liability for further payments, or pursue such remedies as it may have in law or equity. 21. Binding Effect. This contract shall be binding upon Town and Contractor and upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and permitted successors and assigns. Every reference in this contract to a party shall also be deemed to be a reference to the authorized offi- cers, employees, agents, and representatives of such party. 22. Assignment. Contractor shall not (1) assign this contract in whole or in part, (2) assign any of Contractor's rights or obligations under this contract, or (3) assign any payment due or to become due under this contract without the prior express written approval of Town, which approval may be withheld in the sole and unfettered discretion of Town. Town may assign this contract in whole or in part, 7 .>. . . or any or all of its rights or obligations under this contract, without the consent of Contractor. 23. Notices. All notices required or permitted to be given under this con- tract shall be in writing and shall be deemed received by the addressee thereof when delivered in person on a business day at the address set forth below or on the third business day after being deposited in any main or branch United States post office, for delivery at the address set forth below by properly addressed, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Notices and communications to Town shall be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address: TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Notices and communications to Contractor shall be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address: JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. Bishops Lane Southampton, New York Attention: Thomas Samuels 24. Governing Laws. This contract and the rights of Town and Contractor under this contract shall be interpreted according to the internal laws of the State of New York. 8 ;. . . 25. Non-Discrimination Clause. In accordance with Article 15 of the Exec- IJ'.ive Law and all other State and federal statutory and constitutional non-dis- crimination provisions, the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or marital status. 26. Non-Collusive Bidding Requirement. If this contract was awarded based upon the submission of bids, Contractor warrants, under penalty of perjury, that its bid was arrived at independently and without collusion aimed at restricting competition. 27. Severability. The provisions of this contract shall be interpreted when possible to sustain their legality and enforceability as a whole. In the event any provision of this contract shall be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, in whole or in part, neither the validity of the remaining part of such provision, nor the validity of any other provisions of this contract shall, in any way, be affected thereby. 28. Entire Agreement. This contract sets forth the entire agreement of Tawn and Contractor with respect to the accomplishment of the work and the pay- ment of the contract price therefore, and there are no other understandings or agreements, oral or written, between Town and Contractor with respect to the work and the compensation therefore. Nothing in this contract shall be construed to waive or limit any aspect of Town's lawful authority to regulate the activities of Contractor, its subcontractors or any other person or to regulate the work, the work site or any other matter falling within its lawful regulatory jurisdiction and powers. No review, inspection, test, audit, measurement, order, determination, decision, disapproval, 9 " . . approval, payment for or use or acceptance of the work, or any other act or omission of Town shall imply, create any interest in, be deemed to be the issuance of or require Town to issue any license or permit to Contractor or any subcontractor. 29. Amendments. No modification, addition, deletion, revision, alteration or other change to this contract shall be effective unless and until such change is reduced to writing and executed and delivered by Town and Contractor. 30. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. B. Contractor shall not assign, conveyor otherwise transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Town. C. This Agreement, including the Bid Specifications, Bid Form, and all Exhibits attached thereto represent the entire agreement between the Town and Contractor relating to the Services to be performed hereunder. This Agreement may be modified only by written agreement of Contractor and Town. D. To the extent of any inconsistency among the documents constituting the agreement of the parties, the priority among those documents shall be: 1. This Agreement 2. The Bid Specifications, including Exhibits 3. The Contractor's Bid E. If any provision of the Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of the Agreement and this Agreement shall be enforced as if such invalid and unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. 10 .'. . . F. Contractor agrees that it shall not discriminate and that it shall cause there to be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work, or against any applicant for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex, age, marital status, handicap or national origin in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of New York. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By: C"\ JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. By: THOMAS SAMUELS, President STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) lit! On this ../...L.- day of ~/J/ , 1996, before me personally came JEAN W. COCHRAN, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at Boisseau Avenue, Southold, New York, and that she is the Supervisor of the Town of Southold, the Municipal Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that she II -. . . , . knows the seal of said Town; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such Town seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that she signed his name thereto by like order. STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) A A -:/ ~~ ~~~ t/ Notary Public JUDITH r. TERRY Notary Public, State of New York No. 52-0344963 ~ Qualifioo in Suf10lk County Commission Expires May 31.19 On this IIf day of (f)eT{)~ , 1996, before me personally came THOMAS SAMUELS, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the President of James H. Rambo, Inc. the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. I2k~tIJ.A~~ Notary Public _ JOt4ANNA O. MILLElI -.. PubliC, $tele of N_..... ..._~No. 01MI5081UI ........lfied in Sulfolll ~ ~on bpir_JunII3, 12 . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VlTAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 11, 1996 Thomas E. Samuels, President James H. Rambo Inc. Bishops Lane Southampton, New York 11968 Dear Tom: Enclosed is the agreement between the Town of Southold and James H. Rambo I nc. for the Bulkhead Reconstruction and Restoration at Klipp Park, Gull Pond, Greenpot. Please sign both copies and return the copy marked "Town" to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures A.D.tlllt. CERTIFICA DFINStJRANCE .. CSR CP DATE (MMIDDfYYl ..... RAMBO-1 10/08/96 PftODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION See Meefus Inc. ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE P 0 Box 2340 HOLOER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTENO OR Rte. 25 & Shade Tree Lane ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Aquebogue NY 11931 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Peter J. Sabat COMPA.NY 516-722-3500 A American Employers Ins eo INSURED COMPANY B COMPANY Jaaes B. Ralllbo Inc. C Bishops Lane COMPANY Southampton NY 11968 D << < ...... i....ii ...)i)i.... << ...................................................... THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BElOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMBER POUCY EfFECTIVE POUCY EXPIRATION UMITS LTR DATE CMMIDDIYYI DATE CMMIDDIYYI GENERAL UABtUTY GENERAL AGGREGATE .2,000,000 - A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY AJR309620 11/01/95 11/01/96 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG .2,000,000 ......... I CLAIMS MADE [!] OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY .1,000,000 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE .1,000,000 - - FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone firel . 50.000 M ED EXP (Any one pelllonl . 5 000 ~OM08lLE UA8IUTY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT . - ANY AUTO - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY . SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per per.on) f-- f-- HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY . NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per.ccidentl f-- f-- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ ~ARAOE UA8IUTY AUTO ONLY- EA ACCIDENT . ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: )i ......... i. f-- f-- EACH ACCIDENT . AGGREGATE . EXCESS UABlUTY EACH OCCURRENCE . R' UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE . OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM $ WORKERS COMPENSATJON AND I STATUTORY LIMITS ....... ...........i .......... EMPLOYERS' UA81UTY EACH ACCIDENT . THE PROPRIETOR/ R:NCL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT . PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE - EACH EMPLOYEE . OT_ De$CflPTlON OF OPERATIONSILOCATJONSIV9ICLESISPECtAL ITEMS CERTIFICATE HQLDER ""!"'/ </ / /) / TOWNSOU SHOUlD ANY OF THE MOVE De$CRlBED POUCIES BE CANCB.LED BEFORE THE RECEIVeD EXfIIftATJON DATE THEREOF. THE I$SUNO COMPANY W1U ENDeAVOR TO MAIL Town of Southold ~ DAYS WflTTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTlFtCATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, Attn: Town Clerk OCT 9 1996 Main Road BUT FAlLUflE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHAU IMPOSE NO OBUOATtON OR UABlUTY Southo1d NY 11971 OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. SoulhoId Town O...lr AUTHONzm ........TATIOi-f /' .'?J; o_...~ . c~J€j'~.. i*'I9~1 ...... iii .c.t~ORDCOR .ATII:HII)lll\3 . REalVED OCT 8 1996 Southold Town Oerle Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Att: Judith T.Terry Re: Bulkhead reconstruction Klipp Park, Greenport Dear Ms. Terry: . JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. BISHOPS LANE SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y. 11968 PHONE: (516) 283-1254 WUNNEWETA ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 PHONE (516) 734-5858 October 7, 1996 Our enclosed certified check in the amount of $37,288.00 is in lieu of bonding for the above referenced project. Certificates of Insurance for Liability and Workmen's Compensation will follow. Sincerely, ~S Thomas E. Samuels . . -y Cert Checks 2000010353 26592 M 'I, ,qqG 50-<66/214 $ i1 ,l,i~ ~u~ JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. BISHOPS NE I !501AMPTON NY 11968 :i 'C)~ _ 0" ... ~ z DATE CTS o " FtR JjY~ ~ O!;!;!;?I: 03"'02529'. DOLLARS mE'"::" .. . ~1J1~~ f~'V.C:;<~ .,1 ~ ~':.. ~ 5 ="" ~ ~ Cf.) =e CJ N. ~ ~N ~(;:). ~N 4t. ~~ ," ~o./ .. ~~~/ '<>>- - ~,v ----<~- . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Mlrin Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October l!, 1996 Thomas E. Samuels James H. Rambo Inc. Bishops Lane Southampton, New York 11968 Dear Mr. Samuels: The Southold Town Board, at a regular meeting held on October 1, 1996, accepted your bid in the amount of $39,288.00 for furnishing and supplying all labor and materials for the reconstruction and restoration of the existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, N. Y " all in accordance with the bid specifications. I have asked the Town Attorney to prepare the contract for this project. In the meantime, I enclose herewith the requirements with regard to insurance and bonds, and ask that you file them with me at your earliest convenience. Once the contract is executed your $2,000.00 bid check will be returned to you. Very truly yours, ~~., Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosu res . ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10. S...\FETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 10."1 i"ilC (,::lIl1r:Kll)r SII:!11 !)C r(':"~plltl<:illlc: li)( illil;;llill{!. 1H:1ll1- :::1!11f1[! ;Jlltl ,Qmcn'lSlfljZ ;:11 .~:lfelr pre-:::l\lliflllS ;lIld pnltlr:llll.<i ;1\ crlllT1C~TTl1l1 '"ilh Ille' pCr(llrrn:lfl(":.' (l( tll(" Ct1l1Ir;tC! 10.:.2 in ;iH: '"'vell! rile C(li1lf:l("l{lf enc:O\lI1ICr.<: ()lI (he .~ll<': Ill:tlc-i:ll r'~:1.<:{ In:1hir hciievcd 1(1 hr: ;'I.<;ht::>IO.<i or p(Jh'("hlorin;ll<.:~i hH1ilcnd ;'I'CH) I.\'hich h:l,S rH11 hco..:!l wnd<.:retl h:lrmIC:'>5. ;i1<.: C[)llIr;lC!(Jr~i1;ll1 iI11l11c::ui:lIel:' _~l(ln \'V'prk in the :'lr~"';l ::ffec:e~i ;:rKi rCPOrI ihe crJlldhioll tn (h~ Own<::r ;1llc.l Archite'':1 in writing. :"l1e '-.vork in :he Jffe'~'lecl ;1rc:<~h:!/1 nOI lhere:ftCf he: fc:,>umcd '_":t:~_:pt h\' ';'I,'rinen ;l~r("~melll or rbe O~'11(.:r :md COlHf:lC!or if in :-::CI llle Ill:llcri:li i,<; :1.<;he::<:IC)S llf ))(}iycillclrill:ue:d hip/1enyl (PC\) '1I1d Ii:!.<; IHlI iW~:Tl rendcre:'J h:lrlllless Tll(,: \"<:'ork ill tile :lrrect<::d 'lre:l <:h:1i1 he rc:<:tllllCU in the ::ilSellc: ,,( :1:;11<::<:10,<; Of pulyciliori- 11:11ni l)ipilC1WI (PCB), or ':'..'hen il h:l~ hc-=n n:nde:rc(l h:lr1l1j<.:.,,~, !w '\'rinC~l :llzrc~me:nl 01 Ihe Owner :111(1 Clllllr:1("1or, or in It'("llf{l:lnc: ~'llh fin:li ueterl1lin:Ut(1I1 1'1,' the Archilc("t Clll ';\'hic;il :flllll:lII(Hl ),:1,<; rICH !)CO::11 dcm:lIldcd, (If 11\' 'lrhilr.l\j(lfl tlndc~ ,\nick' 10,1,3 Tl1C r.: )ll1r:l("10f _"ih:lil :1tH h(~ ..{:qllirnll....1r.<:U:llll Ifl Anic;c ~ '11 i If:rf( Jfll1 Wilhc HH ('Cln_<;Clll :~1"- \"(fllrk ...d:lI il1~ !C 1 :::;j)tO~1! lS or 1"")1\1 :,hlllf\:lln,i hlpiH.::n-lIPCnl 10,1,:1 "I' :IH: I\lHc:-;1 :;,Xlcnl permittcd hy ::1\\'. 1l1c (~'(\'llcr~il::il :l1(ic:~\!'.-1f\' ::nd Illlil,i i1:1fOlic~s tIll': r:Olllr::Clur. \rchiwcl. Ardll- 'V_'. ~ ::'lTl,<;\lll:l111.<; ;:"d :l\Z<:T11." ::nd ~!1lpl(H'("e." Ilf :lIl~' (II lilem '1(]lll :;nti ::\4:linSI ':i:lilll.", d::l11:H!t:S. In."I.'>C::: ::nd ~~pellSc::;, inctu(i- ill~ i"ll il(l! 1lll1ilCtllO ',lIlflftlC\'<; (ce;o;. ;lri::;il1\4 ntl[ ll( or r<:::;ultil1:.!; inlll1 jK'rlllflll:l1lCC of 111<: \X.'11rk illll1C :lfknr'tI ;:rc:: if ~F1 {::Cl lj,C ;11:1Il:'-i:li i" :::-:iW:;I"S Ill' ;111i\TillrlT1l1:11ed l'ipIWll\'i {i'~:nl :ltl{1 ~l::S 'H 'I 'll:'_':l t:l1(il.'n",i 11:1]'111h:~s, III t )\'ltll..'.1 I ll:ll ,~11Ch I~::lilll, 'J:1l11;:l!;t:. :(1"'; 11 ','~:"cq",: ',<; ::IHihUl::ilic.: In hlldih- illiun' '-'U"kne:.<; ',li,'-"'::::"t: OJ !C::lll '" In i!l1l1r',' !q '11 l('o'lr\ll'1i01l "i I:Ull!ihh: :ll"C)l1C~I'" ,,,111"- '11;:1\ 11': 'X:'\IK ~l,,('in 'n{'jl1tiillg h,,,,, III 'l~I' '-t"~lIlIIlH! ",,-"'('!lllll1. :1111 '1I1i\' '" rlu: ':":1("11 ('::1I"l':i ill \\'llflll"11' ill [1:rl'l hv l("1!iijR'!l! ;~Ct.<; :11" 'lmis<;lf)ll~ 'll :ll(' ()\\,:wr. !1l\"()llC dire,::I\' :)1" 11dilc:'h' ':!111,ic,,"C~! 11\' 'he (l\\'llr~:- [)f ::ll\'tlllC :(11' .\'11(><;(__ ::(:~,"i Ill' 11\':1(":' '11:1\- ill.' ;i:rhic. '('f-!::nllcC"'; : l( whcrlwr "1' :llll ;U('!l ::11111 d::lll:H.(!.:, '11<;S 'If '::-:pel1"e ;S ':::Ilscd 'n I':lrl :'". .: ~1:1rr',' Ilt:t'1111lifie'.i lH.:r("1ll1(il"i'_ ,0;"01 !)hii\!:lljfltl~h:lill1fH ht, ','t)ll~'nlt:-:.I '(1 11(:U:1I1.;. ::i1fitlw:, 'lr rco.IIICC '1ll1el ni!ill." 'll Ilhlig:lllrlll::; 'll Iltlt'l:1nll\ '\"ilicl1 Tf1tlid '.'lhl"r't'l.'i~c ~::<l.<:t :;<;)(J:: p:1r,,' 'lr I)cr.<;llll 'iC'Clli1l..",i in :hi.<; ~uhn:lr:lt~r::nil iO ii '0 " SAF~:'f 'JF :)SRSONS ).,ND Pl::tOPfi::RTY 10::, nl~ ',)(l!I::("l(lf ~h:lil '::i<e ~l':I'<;lll1::hlt' !1H".:::ttflf'n;"l (Ilr <:1"". "I ':11(1 ;Il:ttl :HIl\'ir,ie 't.:::91l1:1I1k :~f(H(Tli{l(l 'f' :)f(~"'-=l1( "::!11; 111t1(\' 'I' :( ':-;,~ :/1' ',"11t11Cl\"(_"0~'.<; '11 !he X:'"1( ::1lt! r.Hhf:~ ;11:r"llll,C ,,,:iHl Ill:!'," 11(" :JtTt'Clcd tllc-rell,' ,2 Illc \'\'(l.-k :nl,1 tll:llCri:lj" :ul(1 r'lfl.i!'llll'll' III he inn.rp'l' '::I(":! 'hc-r:in. 'y!lethc' :11 ~\(!f~IW_' 'H1 "I' fllr :h("~iIC, ''1''IC~ ";llC ""q("JI' ')1 --'lIurnl 'II ,h~ ,',:l1ltr;lClllr ':Jr 11'.' ::"TI)C"lltl;:C""_<; "1' :::'II,.qll",pllllr::c, Jlllr::c {l( 'I" :11(1 , . " . ~ ",,,"'.~'" 'V' 'II " 'I ::r li:;I-'" 11 .: ".~ '''" '1 Ii ::_~ ;""11'" ';'C' '1" :1;,' ":r:-, n'.'~"'\O .,'" ;:"...- ,..",.. "~:l~' ':::'" , 'IC' ., . ~ .;, ' '"q,":, . 10.2,2 -;'ll(' (::'n(r:;("I()r~il:liI ~iq- :1(11',":<: :lllC.I ("lfll!'h ',':lil :lI~l)til'::llie 1::':'\'<;. ',((iin:lIlC:.<;. nd,,=~, n:glli:llltrll~ :'111t! j;-;n'jlli "f'_!'::c (It l" li,iir ;':1 J( ht lrlt ic<; ! 'C:llilll.! nf1~:1{c:r\' ~1( ;"~~<;I 1I1S "1' rHI'Pt..'i'l \ "T :tll':r ,1t(l!("cillll fn1m II:Hn:H!-:, injlln' (Ir I'J~" 10,2_3 Tl1(' (',:lIllr::nllr <:i':111 ~:~e~_'t :md Ill:linl:lln, :1.<; fC'Plil':" il\ r.::-:i_qillQ, ('Hltiilillll_C ::nd perfl1nn"nc,:, 'lf :hc (:(1111r:l('t ('::t<:I'11, :lilic~;)"f('_:.nl::r(l.< (llf ,~;;lIC!~' :lnr.i i1rfl\crTitlll inl:lll(iilll! 1""'lillt: (i:mm:r<;l1-/.tl.<; ::n(j 'lIl1er ;'\'::rninll."l ;1l.!:lil1.<;1 h::7:1rd~, l)rIHI11t!1!:HlIlt: ~::IC"r'" rCl!\li:lI1(ltl.<; :Jllc1 IlrHir\'inl<: 'l~'llt"l'_<; :lnd ll.<;("r~ (ll' :1(ii:lt'(:lll ~ilt..:,<: :mr,l qliiille<; 10.2..t \'('hen ~I.<;e (11 _<;ff)f:l~l: r,( ,:xrjl)"ive:,~ 'lr l'IIH.:r h:1Z:lrtlrl\t~ 111::1(::'1:11... or :~pliptl1C111 or unU.<;JJ:1I l11(:tl'oll,<; ;'Ire rlCt:'::,-o;:1r~' I( If ~:-:e:~"1,llj(m Ilf 'ile '-X'"nrk. rhe \.:mlr:tnor si1::11 ~:":e1"I'i:<:c ',llllH!<;1 Clrc ~md C:'lrry '.Hl _"neh :lc:ivilU::: tinder ,<;IIP(:~l.'i::;icHl n{ pro[1cr!\' !1U:liiiir:d per.<;llIlflcl. 10,2_3 The C:lIHr:'l('"1or ~i1;tlll'roll1rllj," r~lIlCc.ly r.iml1:1go:' :':11(110.<;.<; (olher :11::111 dmn:lc,e: nr Ill!;."; inSl1r~t:J under propcrt\' ill~l1r:lllC,: rC:~ltlirct.1 \1,. the: CDI1Ir.tCt l)oCllme:lHsl H1I'r0l1f:f1\' rcif:rr~d lo'11l Cl:Ht<;c.<; 11I_2,!.1 ::l1d I fl2. I _,; c:'ltlsed il1 whole (lr in (1:Jt! fn' the C;ll1lr;ICI()f, :1 ';lIhC(llllr::Clor. :J" SUh-<;l,1ilnllllr:lnnr. (If ::n\"rlllt" ',tir,=,~':h' or in(jjf~("II\" ~TllrioYr'd by :lilY of them. Ilr !'y :lIl\'~lTH' fc 11' ",-ilo.<:t:" :1(,'!:<; 1l1e~: rn:ry he li:lhic :'lfld for ':'.'l1idl The '. :OIlIr::C1nr :s ;~,:<:\l(1I1:<:ihic ',lIlcir':' (:l:nl;"l('<; Ifl,2,1_2 ::ml 111,2.1,,;. n:(:::nl d:111l::g~ nr in<;" ;:llrihut;lhie III :lC!,<; or ollli<<;jOIl,"i of tll(.' (. )'(\'11(::- :If\fC!l;IC(-t :H ::nnl11e dircnl\' (If !lldif~o,.th' ':."111ploH:d Iw ':"!lhe:' (11 lhem, Dr ;,,- :lr1\"(me for -:I.'hose ::('1'<; ,:ilhcl" !If thenl 1ll:n' he: ii~llll'. :lnc! nOI :1rTrihllf:1hic: !(\ (he :'::1111 Ill' "ei1li(,!l'~Kt" "t" Ill(' r.::ll'lr::nfl( !"1w !()f(".!llilH2. (lhlilZ:lli(lTl."i" (If IIle CrHlIr:wlflr :ll(' '11 :1(.klillClIl I,ll ill<:' (_:rllllr:.(.'!or~ "hiiQ::Uion... under !':Il:ll.!r::ph ,; I,~ 10.2.5 -;'lw ',:lIl1r::C!(lf <:h:lil de~q~n:lle :: rC<;llt 1I1sihic IIH'Tllh('f 'Ii" ill(" ':nmr:1(lnr<: Ilrt.!:l11l7:::01l1l::f ;he: SiftO ,:,.'hll.~{' ,_Iw\' ~h:tll he rlw pn~o,'o:n!lt 111 'If ::("cidt"llt"_ Thi<; i~'::r~(lll ~h:lll 11e: I he I' (Jllll-:lCll lI' ;: ~; lpr-:'"i'lIf.'l1(iCT1t '11111:<;-" Illi'Cr'(\'!_<;c '_ic~;il!f1:ll("~! 'l\' :11(' (> 'Ill r:!{']l Ir '11 "Yfilllll!:'11 t!w "WlltOf;lllt! ,\rC:liIC':! 10.:_7' The (>'lllf'::C~()f ~h:li1Il'll i(l;ld (ll :'1.':'"11111 ::11\' ;l:trl ,11 '111' "'1f1StIUC!1l1!l 'Jr SII{" 1(1 il{" :Il:ttkd "II ;:;<; III ~:llli::tH:'_'r if." ';:l!{,!\' 10.': EME~GENC:E5 10,3_ 1 'Il :,0 '_~:tl(.":-ll~";l(T :UTt'Cl illt!, ~:lIi:!,' 111 1'(.""'( Ill." , " I )11 I! 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'nil I!.":'" ~hl" ( '1\I(::r'l :nl(j fill' ,:,:hic't dw {".lllll':;(llH 11\:1\ ~1"" '.!::lk :i;;h,,~ ','ilt.'~ll'~. ,'itch '1f'~~~111f'!l<; ;'1' :', 'Ill' "tlll:1("'>t ',,' "':111" "'Ill (;lC!'" . 'r ,\' :11\'( 'Tl" ',iil~:::t 1\' H '1\' '11 ," "\ "Ill'"'' :" :tt" ;::T.'" '1\(':1\ ",'\ :11\"'1](:'~)r -,':1r,q' .~ ,::1', "'!H'tl' '11.... 'w ":11 ;l"" .'1'1..... "t'" \1.' ,~r;'::"".~E""':' ,\ 2'1! '''" o. ,.. ~ ~ _ ~;J;::;- -O,jr'" "II" ',~:~" -"1" . "I::III:~ :(It .;:tll1::~'~'; ;)C(:::IT.~C (11 '~1(l(ii\\ ;IIIII!"\' "C(I,llY,I- llnI1::1 ~IC!<Il(:SS ()f ~;i,~:~::SC. 'If (iC:li, ni;l1(" ('.~1l1lr:1CI_nr ':nlt""\'('''::.'' .3 '-::11111" Inr ~bl11:11..!~." 1'1..:(::11.<:'-: of hndih- 111111f': ~ickt1t'~s ')f :il"c:1.<.;t:. rJf dC:llh "f:lll\- rf~r,,{lll !,!IH:~ [11:111 rhe (\111- : rl:e:" ~ ('ll1Dinyf.'''':S , "::1In1<: iClf d:lI11:lt.!.e" ;I1Sllre(1 11\' \t.c;u:d 1'('T<:llll;li injllTY li:111ijil': '__~l\":~:l\~'.: ':\'ill('h ~lrc SIISl:lilln! (1) h\' ;: f)crSrll1 ..." :(:",111 ('(:111 I Jffcll-':;(' r.iin:nh- '.'f illliirt:'.:~h' nj:llcti III '::1\I'I(1\"111\.:nl of "lIC~l IH.:rson h~ the C~Hllr;l('If1r. fl( (2) !n' :lllol he;' pt."rsnn: ;3 ,_'!::il11" lIlT ct:lln;a!.cs, IJllll.;r '.h:1Il Itl Ihe \'(i(Hk il,<;df. hC':;:lI"C nf 11li\lr~' iO (IT dl.':"lrl,1C1l011 of r:1l1~!lhlc prop- ',,::'"1\" :!1ciu(iin~ 10.<;,<; of \1.':(' rC::;lliling tl1en.:frolll: _5 r:~;11fn.<; inf d:l.0l;12~~ he'=~\l.~e oi 11(I(liI~- illiury. dC~lh of :: 11<:f.<;011 or j1ropCf'Y d:llTl:'l~e ;ui:<:illl:~ (1111 III {)I;v!\cr- -;;ilip. m:linH:n:ll\Ce or \1St'" of :: mOl(lr "duck:: :1nti _i c1:lil11:" illVol\'11lg (Dlltr~(HI;11 ii:li1ililY in:';llf:lllU': :lppii- c::illc to Ihe C()lur:lcfofS (lhli~":llioll~ undcr f':lr::~r;1pil l. L R 11_ i _2 ';-\1e :1l"l1f:lll(''':'' rcqllin:d In' S\lhp:'lr::~r:lph ! I. 1.1 ;;h:lll he ..\.-rlllct, :CJr "Ill ic:;:<: lll:m iinlll.<; ,Jf li:ti1ilil\' specillcd ill 111C Con- '1"::<':' "I>("\T111C~11S '11[" :-cl!lliref.l ill' I:l\"\.'. -:o...I,i(-j'C'!f"r crlVer:lgt: is '...!1(::ll~r r~( 'n:;:I~C:;. ",-hctllCr ""rio<.:n (Ill ;111 <l(:c:urn:ncc or :-!::111l"-il1:1tlt: 11:1.<;I;<;.,>i1:lI1 :lC "1;1111{:11IlCti '.\-i,I'\1I11 illlcrnll1lillll l-r()lll r_i:~IC (11 -(HI111lCnee!llCll1 {l( !he \Y/CJrK \1I11il d:ne :l( fin;lj :'11\.:11C'11 ::11(1 !C:-1l11ll:11IIl!\ (,f ::n\. n1V(:r:l(!C rcqo;n:d 10 he 1l1:ltn, :;1Il1t:',' ::lle- ;ill::l !1:1\'lllC111. 1"1 .1_3 (~:.:nilicl!t:.<: (If in<;ur:lnCl: :ICC~rl:lhic t(l (he ':h'\'ller<;h::H 'n; ::it;,~! ""-lIh ihe Uwner prior 10 cornmC~l(,-'::l1cnl nf Ill!:: \,,'orx, :',lC:"~ c;::nilic::l!.:':" ,~l1d :Ile in;<;t1r::nc~ p(liicr:~ rCtlllirt:d lw 'jli:" P-:':r::gr:;pn ~jl:lil::-r1n(::lll ;1 pHl\'I."lOll ,h::I :.:over:"lt:~ ':iT('rd':;'J i\l1(jer !Il~ ;-:olicie;o; "..ill not he :.:::nc:i1r.:.j Of :1l1u'Q;C:ci :n '::-::~If(" :_1tltil ::lle~l::;1 _~(1 d~\'.<; Dfinr "'rillct\ rlolic': i':l;<; h,..:'.:n gjq:n (\ 111.;' )'\.'llC~ :r:Jl\. "I :he !'elfe2(lin{!, in:"llr::l1CC '-(l\T:-::~e.~ ;:r~ ",:-:;!Ilf:<:'j :(~ rC:~':11I1 :ll IOfe:.: ;ll(~r iin:d D:l\.lllCnl ::n(,j :1fe ro:.::1;<;00- :111\ ';';;-:ii;1l)ic. _:n ::(idi!l(Jn:ti c~nilic::'(' ::-";irienC1n'Z ':Cll1tillll:HiOll " 'lIC:' '"")\-:::-::lll'::,ll:lil h(' ,<:UI1111llfed "'1111 '11<' fill:l1.\PPliCI1101l 'or :'::\-:11e11 .:.<: W-:l11lfeti lw Sllh!i:lr:;~r;1nl1 (.1 i fJ,':'_ :1lI0(111;1IiOll '-'1J1C..:;-nllll;! r':-:Iu(ll(lll q( C;l\'er::lZe <:il:1il he ;ul"m.<;hc-:1 :)\' :Ile ;111Ir:1("'I,r ~.;Itl ~;::::<:(lll;1hic prrllnl1l11C:"<: 111 ::cnJrct::nC'-' .,...nil the .:1111r: CI{ll ~IH{)nl1:1lioll ::nd lleiie!. 11 OWNEi=f''S UAB1LlTY INSURANC:S : _.4_' T.he \'I;\.'lle~ ,,11:111 he rc::;pol1;c;ihk' Ie ,r ilUfCil:l!';1I1l.! ::nt: '11:1I1l1::1I11111! !Ile '~'CVllcr-; i1:<:Il:Ji 1;::11i1i,,' II\<;Hf:1I1("(:. D\1flllll:1ii\- 'IK" ~'.\.'I1(::- !ll:l'- :J\trC:l:t:<:C ;111t.! rn:liIl1:!in flllWf II1Sllf:1I1(:I.: felt "cif- 'f(~!e~.11()11 :t\Z:llll.<;l ct;:ill1~ ".hicil i11:\\- :~f1!';e Irt1l11 (lllC:-:lll(ll1~ IIHl(,:" ;hc '::111Ir:;n T11e ',:,Hllf::C1(1( ,tl:lil ntH llt.: !~:C;!1(lI1~iilic ,,_ ",rC:l:1"1l!\! ::T1ti "1:11111:1111Hlg 11.'-; :Ilt'.- IIUC"" ,IlCCIIJC.,llh' 'C.'fllCH:" '111" ,'lpru1l1:1I :-~\"ll('f <: :i::hiiil\" T'.llllfC:"! ;l',' me : !I II r.:c ~qCP~~Tv :NSURANC~ ,;_, 'lIC~" ,HllC:--".i"l' :'f(]\.ltiC~,!. :hc )~\.IlC:'" :;t1;1jl ;Hlf(n:::"i: :iI'ci ;11;1111111111_ ill :: r:rlllll':l1H. 'If ("fllnp:1111eS i:l\"ftdly :HlIIH,ri7.'::t.i :" i" I)IJ<:illC."~ 'n tile illriseiicticlIl in -:o..'hich lh(:'" f'nliC~i ::; .,."._' ~1"1.':'f\' 'n_"tlr:lllC': :!1 :he ::1111'11111 'If lhe :llll;:li (~nl> "liT' \'" :_" ~lll"'i"nlCtll 'lH'(.iiiic;111~n:" Ihcn:~(l c(~r (11:: 'r'" 'v: "II'" . '11 ~~:'I:T(":!'l(":~\ . '''I ;':i:<:'-<: .... '1 hrllll ',.,""".'- 'tIC" 'I , " ~,'" I \ 'l~T Ir~II1C-' ~1l:1il )I. ,'<(. "1"'."1("',1 1\ I". I '1 . ::,. ",' 1111(" ~. , .Inll.!.... .ii 'p' :1'<1 '"I!la''' " . '111le1" rl1:1Il 11('. '1\ !In \1:1<; ::11 ;ll<;IIl:lhlt; :1l1'''~'';: in !l1" ('I! '1""1\ H.~pllll.-:t :1\. ~hl~ i':lf::~!r;:I'i1 11 ~ !O ~1f" ,,"'p.,! .....:lIC!l... '..::uli,_:' Tll1:" in,"\lr;1l1c~'~i1:1i1 il1{"";ll<l~: intr......,:.<: ,,( '!w' 'n'T1l.':. :11'. (::llllr:ICHH <:;llil'__~'"ff:1C:f'(" ;Jilt! .:::llh_:ali"_,,,llr;H."T"!'. ill :1,,- 'X.'lJH 1 i _3_ 1.1 I'rop~'~I\' ill.<:l,r:alC'" <;11:til h,: '''1 :m :til lI"k ;,. ,ii('.' Ir lI'nl ::Ilci ,~I1:111 ir1,<:llf~ :ln~in:"r ,he ;'('ril<: (11 iir~: :l!ld '~"\lC!llic:i '.-,,\'~..r:II!': :1l1!.i pin':<:ic:J\ io~.<: or (br1l11t!t" irK!lldillg, ,:"..ilhc".'l fllTpiicni, 'II ,Ii n,,"'..:r;lCC_ ~tH:ft. .,'::n(bli<;I1l_ !1l:IIi{"iI1ll," !11i"r-hll.f. :.,'il:!\":t". 1:li"'. Wfll"\.;_ re:lll1(lr:1ry htlildilHL" :m(i ~;d'ri<: rl"IH".-:li illO.lll:iilll! dt"Tl\lllilinn 'Jc:::::"i('IICd h~- ~!1i(H(TllH'!lt i'( :111\- ::PI,lic':11)ic Iq.r:1i n::HlIf{'nH:l11<:, :1lltl'>h::i1 (-o\'(lr n-;:,<;(\ll:ll,IC n 'll'l,,'ll'~:lr If III il lr "r(hilc:cl_~ <:en'ic::<: :znd C:":Pr.:!l."c..::<: rCOIrirt:d :1.<: :: n..:::nll "I ""llJ Ill;':\J(f:d lo~:<; C:nver:H!e fOf nthe:- pe~il.<; ~tl;lil III II \'(' W:lt1in_'(1 lllllc:<:<: rlll1er~.:i.'w I'rr1vidc-:l in llle <:(llllr::n l)e1("lllll'l,r~ ;r ,he- (hvner doe:; nllt intend 1/1 i1ufch;1.':(' ';11("11 pr(l!'- crn' il1~~Ir.:nc~ requin:'J }w Ihe C(Hlfr::C :llld ('.-illl ::i1 :l( :1".' ((l\'t:r:lgf_~ ill Ihe :11111111111 dl::o;cribeti ;:ht":~. (lie ()\\'111'!';ll:dl"n inform !hl': \.(lIlIr.tClllf in wrilin\]. rriof :(1 cnll11nCncr:l1H.:l1t '.11 ,ht' \'i7ork_ The COll1r::aor 111:1\' then cirec~ in.<;l.lr;lnce '-,,!lic!1 ",-ill pfOlect tl,C illlCle~t:<: of lilt" COIHf:lc:or. SuIKnrHr:l(lOr" :lJld :'::',111- '<;(lilnllllr::Cl()r:o; ill Tile W;(lrk. :llld !l~' :1Dpnlpri:11<.' n,:lItUt.." r.)rr.!er rht' ,:,,:"1 Ihereof ,,<;11;111 !It" cil':1rged 1(1 (h~ (l<;\.'ner. If IIw Conlf:lc, IP'- i~ d:un:lI,:nl i)\' 111(' f:lihlrc 0[" 11C21('(1 ,11' lilt..' (1\\'11('! I"~ 1)\11'. '...:h:l~e III' !ll:llIU::lll ill.<;IIT:nKI." ;tc; dC~Cfihc~j :;11(H-[.:, \\-1111'1111 ~;l llllliryill!! lil(,' Ct1Illr:l("lor, then ,he ()1:\'ll/.'r "lll:dl :"::If :Iil ((':I"flll- ::lllc t'O.<;I<; i)rOllCfi~' ::lTflh1.lt:lille :hen':lo. 11_3.1_3 If ,Il{' pn>!'x':-!\- in~llr:lla:e 'e~ulir'.::-; l11illi"'ll1n (k.'till(.li- hie~ ::nd ,<:lIen (jedtlClihl~ :lrc ir.lcmdkti ;11 tile '._::1l1lF.:("t \)P':11- 111t'nl;<;. !he C:()fllr:t('lrlr <;h:'lll rJ:l.V co.<;t~ 11(ll cr1t":~r:~i iwo:..':1\1."C il( <:l1ch detillccihle:o;. if file I_~~'nc:- or ill<;UfCT ;Ilcrc::."c<: (Ile ['1..~'ltIlrl::i ~nini!l1ul1l ciedlletihje~ :1hp\'~ rhe :101Otll1l.<: ,'(1 itil..'llrifict! ('r if rile 0'C";ne~ ~ie~t:<; 1'0 1"'I1IrC!l;L<;e 'hI;': 'n<;llf:1l1CC -:".-ill1 .;:lilll1t:ln- ~k.'!ilit" 'ihic ::010Iln,<;. rile U..:...ner<;h:til ho: '~:"m1l1.<;ih!e tor "11\'nl('111 'le rllt' ::dtiiclllO:li C~l.<;{~ (1111 -::1ve:-e:J he~;1I!:"c ('( ~1.I(ll Illcrc~:<:("'_11)r \-ohml::f': '-,('~hICllbic:<; ;r dc'.iuellhie:<: ::r(.' :le1l Itil.'111ilic'_i III Ill<." C',JII{f;lt-t !)octllllCnl.~_ .he r"1<:\.'ner ~:':lil i':I\" '-'l"lS :1{'1 (':'t.'::C'_1 !lC''-::llS(' 'If ',ic-:!tl('lihlc:;, 11_3_1_4 .:t1I~~_<; ltllr:".......isc prflv1tiC".i 111 '11(" :Jllll::l'. -)l)(.\l rlll.:l1I,<;. :Jl1~ i'rrlnCrl\< in;':llf::llC": ~1l::i1 C')\'::::- illli"l1l "1:<: (It filt' '.X', ,,'k .~IIHnl (ltf lll{' ~il~ :ltll.;1'" ,:vnrtCl1 .;r"prcl\.;:j 1'( rile (\\\.'llCI ir ill(' "::111(' '::<:1:1I1ii:<:IH.:ti iOll1t..' ;:I1P((J,'~:i. ::lltl :ti,"OI'O,-!lrlll:" o( ril(' .x:, III, illlr:11lSIC 11.3.2 30iler ;:Ind M..chinery insurance_ i-ill' '1".11(.: ;il:dl fllltc!l:z::;{' :11\(.1 1ll:1II1l:1111 hZlijr.:;- :111(; III:1Cilil1("-'. '11.<;lll;;lH.'. rr:qllin:d !l,- Il1e C.;llllr:KI OPC.1l1\,(,.,1jI:<; 'U ht' ':1'(\ ."hleb .;j,:tll spccilil::lh- ':nn'r "\lei! in:<;luni '1/;itT~:-; i11l1ll\!. ~ll"l:dl:HllllI :111(1 'llllil !in::J ;l("(,.:::pt:II1CC hI' li'e O\'\:l1t"T: nl;~ iIl91l::1l{'(' "j':llI (lit 1111if.: '111I.'ft::1<; ':I '11(.' nn"n{'r. r.:lIl1f~C(lr. ::;tIOnHllr;:(.t{lr" :Hl\' -::'111- _IIl'P'I1H::CIIlI" 'II :11C 'X"lI\.(_ ,i,:liII1l.'1:;lIlf.-',t:l1"IIlC'_'S 111(1 :ilc "\\"11("' ::llll ( ltlll',:C!I" 11.::i:J Loss at U~e lnsur3nc~'!. 'he '~t',I1f." 1t '11(' '\\.:ll"' '11111'" :11:1\. :1111(:1:1."<-' anI n::1l11::lll '11'\1 1l"1I1::1U:: ,. '\;il 11."111't' iH.: )<:\'l1C~ :Tg::ill~1 111.":" '1{ ',T.'1(" ,,( :11(' ,1tt:l<':' :~'('1"..:~'t' 1,11't' 10 '110:." .'1" 'Ull\:r h::7.:1nj... '1(1<:'\.0:....'(.. ..;:11."(",1 :.i1e '\\.Il{" \\.'::I\'~ ::1I rig~lI.<; '.ll' :1("111111 :1:t!:IIl1:<:( lilt' C[l1Hr:IC!(lf i'ell' Ic'''': (lj- II~(' <11 Ihe (lWIl(,':'<: PI/lpCr1\'. illdlldill~ nll\~C(.l\I(':lIi:d hlo;,,,l'~ ,!lIC !', ~-ire ' 1I .'llle~ h:l;'_::n;" '1I' \'\.!1:'.T~ '~-:l\r"r..:~1 ~,,3 4 f .!'C ~~~lI11r::c'nr '~'11H~~T<: :tl ':'.ff!l11\Z '11;t\ :ll~IIl::I'(.' '(II 11:::\:- !<:\;." 'lIlH."~ :11::11 'iH'''t: ._i~~r__"ii),'"' 'lf~~!"I~ ,.( -"( '(11(" 'I".' ::1 1nl~ '1'- IIC'\lCl!'~i n :1~ :'n11''''!',- 11"'lr: 1\"" "'''I< 'I(" -11:li1 ~ 1]("' ~ ,~" r :: 11'. . : " . ",'''",0111'" II' 'T" ':;ti '" ~~: r .dt. :'C'(;'JM!:~li ';:"1 "H)'. ,-.....~ ,,-,-- ~ ' - ~..... ."" ~ ......." --~"..~" . 11.3.5 -r dUrlll!.! rhe Prnic-:; cnn~TnlC:lnn i'~rI(l<i :tw r )<:\'nc:- '11.~l1n:~ j,rllnertTl:."", 'c::i or rW~~.';(1Tl-:li or hod" :!dj"ininl! "f ::t!j:;. ',I."T11 fl' <il(' ~ile \1\' j'lHlf1ert'" :1l.<;llr;lIK~ tHHk~ !'lliicir:~ ,<:ep::r::r:: I'!'ll' :i111<;(" itl.<;\lrirHZ 'lIe P:"(lit:'::. (lr if :lll".:!' lill;'tj P;I\'I1lC1H rrl1p- il1~l1r;1tlce ;" '(1 :,e pnn"itied rlll IIl::- C'Hllp1e'{":l I'~oi<:c: '1Inllll!i1:: I1lllkv rlr ;~niicir::~ (1ther lil;'tll Iho.c;C' ill.c::\Irill~ rhe: Proj- "t,t ~hlrirll~ Ih... t:(lll<;lnlnirll1 rt"f'iIJ(i. rile (),,,oller ...hall w::in: ;:jl ;iUiH<; in :lccort!:mc(" ~'i!h ih".: tcrm.<:. f)( SUhp:1f:lgr:tnh 11 5 - Cor '.i:lI11;l{l~<; C:lll<;{"'.I 11\- GTe 'H !Jlher periL.. ('f,\:~r("d IH' ,hi:; <:CP':lT:lIC ilrr1pCf1\' rrl<;llr.lIlC-: \11 scp:lr;lt,: pr1iicic<: _<:h:1H pnn'irk' :lli:; \\';:r\"C~ 'If 'illil!()l!:l\ifJll hy '~ndll('<::<':T11<':1H nr 'Hl1lTI.visc, 11,3,6 ilefofe: :'111 '~X:){l~ure 10 [OS.1i m:ZI' 1:>CC\lr. ,Ile n't'.'ner .'ill~:il :lil.:: ~\'ilil IIH~ C"Hr::c:lJf :J C[)ry o( C:1dl pojk'\' Ih:H ill('iudc:=; :lI.<;lH:lllC~ (.'ovcr:llle:o required h,' [hi::: P:lf:12f:zph 11_.-:' t:.:1Cl TloikT'il1;1i! cnrl{:zin ;:.jJ ~ener:zny :tppiiohh: (Ol1dilirm~. ci{"!lni- ,illl1.'i. (,:;'{ctu.<;inn:<i ::11(1 endnf.<;~mCT1!s rd:zred In lhi.": ProjeCT.. E:acil poiiev <::il:1il cfll1l:1in ~ rrnvi.'c;uHl [11:11 tll(" policy t\.'ii! nor he ~::llcdkcl I H ;ll1l1'WC~i !(l c:tpire until :J( i<.-::!':f .-\1) 1.1:1\'.'i' pnof "";'1l- le11 1l11lic: 11:1!' he~~I\'en 10 rile:' Clll1lr:lclflf 11.3.i Waivers. ot Subrogation. The Owm:r :llld Clllllr.lClCH ,....:live ::il rigill.<i :.nz:ml$1 r.l) -::1(h (l{ht'f ::nd 711l\' (Ii 111e:r .<::uhcon. 'r::C'(Jr.'i_'l1h.<;uIKrJlHr.:C'lor::;. :ltzel1ts :tntl e"!1ll1jr1\'{"~s. :"':1cl1 of iJ1C 'llt1C ;:l1d 121 Ille ..'fchil~(l. .\fchilt"Cl-C; '~:lll$Id';:1HS.'il"l1:Ir:HC :':JlH~:lC!lf~ dcscrihe-:i ;n i\nide: <1. :f :l11\'. :lI1d ::n~' of [heir <::uh. ':'lfll'i:lC:rH.'\ _'>1.11)''<;~1I~cmllr:IC1{)r.<i. :1~eT1t.<: :111(1 '-'lnpi(l\'C~S, f{lf :i:lln:lCC~ C:l1l~Cr.! iw ;ire (Jf !lltler 11crii.<; 10 l!lC :::":lC!11 '~'}n:fe~! h,. :'n'!x'rl~" ;rl~llf:111CT ';ill:lincti flt1f:<;tl:lIlt 1111111:<; !':lr:ll.!r:lI1;l i I '_~ (Jr ,1111e:- ;->n1IlCrl\':ll'Hlr::nn: ::pplk:li}k' if) Ihc: \Xiruk. r::-:C'.:DI<:tIC:l fllc!illS :..<;:hC\' 11:1\'':: 'n pfnCe"-:'.!s (If '1,(11 :ll:<iUr:lnC::~ hcid 1"1,. :ilt' )'t'.'IH:r ::.<: 11c:iun::ry ~'h{'" C")'t'.'ncr nr C":~mH"11nor, :1:<; :If'rronri:ne. ~i1;1i1 ;-cOllirc Ilf :11(" ,\rellilf'C. \fCl1iICC'1'> C/H1~l.Iil::nl<;.:;Ctl:lr:IIC ::'lI1(r::CI(H.<; dc"'crih/:~ifl I\rtic!e 11. J :In\' :11lt.! Ihe ~lIhefJ/llf:1C' Inr<; :;ui)-,:;uhcOlllr::cnfS. :;lc!e:1l.<; :;11(1 (:111010\",.'_'<; ilj ::Il" nl :hC~l. ;~\' ~:I~pn)l)n:l!t. :ll!fC"::nC:lIS. 'VrTllcn ",'hen.' fCl.!.:lil,- rr=~l\lirc'j "lJf '~iitiitv. ~mlii;:r ......;:1\''''::'';, :::1C:' ill f:n'or ()( 'lIher I);:rtic:<: ~'1tlln. '_'r::II:;(l here:ill_ The: ~{)iicje-~ .<;i1:lil i1ro\';(ic 'inch -:>.:::i"':r.<: ill <:nluo, ;':::111'11 h,' :::n(,i(lr.<;,;:nC"." rlf 'lll1t:f":\'I:<;C. \ ,:,..:'!i"f~f (lj::ulJrflQ,:lllfll1 ~i1::i1 hL::'rC~:11n: :::;'0:1 p(,'':"snn or '::1Iil;. ~.'IC" rtlcltl!-!,h Ih:1l pC,:,. "1l1 (If ~)lrlt\. ':',,'rlllld (ltllt:::"':\';_~e !,~...t';:: (111I\' :'1 ir1tie!1lIlifk:::ltOll. :-::111 i:1C1U:1I ~H ~Jti't'f":\':.~t:. '.iici rHH :~~l\' !hc ;n.~llf::lJe' ;1fe:l'lum 'iir,-,,:.:~h' ')r indirL::"i\'. ::nd ':!':i1t:lht'"r nr :l()1 Ille:' ,1c,:,:<;n!1 nf ::-:lIilY :':ltl ~n II1~tlr::hi~ :nterl':51 in 111e:' rrOfl<':."ny j:1I11:1Q:,.:d. ~ 1,3,8 ;\ :o.<;:c; :n:<;l1H~oj ul1(.1cr OwnC'''~ ;lrOf1oen\- il1."illf:tI1C-: ,ll~!l he :aiiu"ilC':U h\' 'l1e (.;":\'11C':" ;:::; Ii(lllt.:i:tf\. :lnd 1ll~dc ;1:1":lhle!(l tile ')wl1t."r ::"i :itluci:w, 'or !he il1:<;urc'js. ::.<; 'heir :1l1t'rest.<: :1l:1\, :PI1(:':;f. ~l\n!e-:: 'l' 'e~;uirC':llenr.<; "I :Ill\' .1ppiiC::hlc :non~::12.c-: ':lll~e ::n(l ,',t" :-::IIhn::r;:\Z.r:1Pll i 1 ~ !ll :-1H: ':Hllr:1ClfH,il:111 p:l\' ;Unt'1I1rf::c:or~ !iH~:r \lSI ';i.;:re.<: 'll' ill.O:;llr:lI1C~ :lffl("~::d::: r~':'::\'::~1 )\. tll(" r':J1l1r::C'(H :nti .~,. :flO((JprT:l!t"a!re~':l1l':lr"i. ,:,.'nlte:' ',':w'"('c::::i!v T~ltl1r'':~l !'or ':::iiti;f\' :Il;lil re~lt1;re ::;l1hcon!f;:Cl11r::: . \:ll(t." p:l"nlent.<:: l' 'l1e~r':.III"~llilC'. Hltf::Clt Jr:~ :0 ~illlii;:r 111;111;'le; 11.3.9 :r f'::llrirnl :tl "'riljll~ l)\" :1 Il~rr\' ;11 :1l1/"n:,<;,. rhe- ()wner !<; '1()\Ic:;tn' ~ll::II. "l''')!) lCf:,lrn::,K"~ iJl :~tl ;llqlfl:"tI '(JO:;<; ;rl"~ ~''1)(' ;-,'r :~nJnl'; :,,~~'-nnn:1l1r:'~ 'Ji ~Ilt" ......Wlll'~ ~ (.lIlli(;<; '-he ~~l.<;; ':~;ll,r'_".: '1(l!1tl<; "';:11 i:e "'1:;rll,l:,i ::l!::1l10:;1 :-Jrf1("':":'_i.~ /f.-::'~~'."~-:1 ::,~ "'10' 'If' '-',~. ......~". ~~l::ti '.;(':"'''11 :!l : ;("~:lr:'l'" ::("-'_-'11'111 '~nl' -....w., "l' ;'y:',.. .:~::iI ;j':: nIHIl(' 1::( ,r. -'IC . 11" ....., ".~ " 111 ,_....:": . "" "~: l' ~:.. . 'u':nf-' ~" "I(" :',,, ....::(. ""'":1''' ;:,.....:,.. .!",., "::1" .......". '.i::'-:- . 11.3.10 Tilf'l 'WT1(or :1.<:: li,-ill~'I;H\.- <::il:1il 11;:\'-" ,"""""1 II' :Tlji'I"1 ~;T1fj C;1.'~IIt' :1 1/1<::<:: 1\'llh ill<;nr("r.~ ~lnie.<;" ('!lC .,( ~i\(' p:lrTi'.'~ '!l '11 If 1:"-/ ~i1:ril "j,ic'" in ..qitil1{!. "'lIl1ill nt.~, d:1\-~ :1ir~'! ~l(.,.tlrr,..t)( ,. '1/1(1";'. III Ihe (''''''!JCr...; '..:7':("1";<:" ,,( Iln<: 111'>:\"(" i! QiCl1 ,,j'iC"H>l1 i"_ :11:1(.1-... ;lriJirr:llo1<:<::i!:lil h.: rilo<:("ll :t<: 111(ll',,_lnl In i':I1:a!r:adl j ~ n'r: (hVI\f"f :1.'<:: f1dll(Tlr',' ~1l;lil. ill rl1:11 ";1."':. 'll:lk(.: .<::I'nlnllc'll '\'111\ 'tl.~ll1 cr.~ in :If.'_-' )fll:1l1/'" '.,'jll1 (lire':! It 'n<; ,,( ':111.11 :11 hit I ;lll 11 ~ II (ii'<;lliiJ111it'11 (Jf in<;lrr:lIJr'"' pn".'':"~~~I~ !1\' :lri,ltf:lII1Hl is 1('{llrn('~I. !llc :1.fh;lr:lIl'r~ 1\'d1 tiin'C'<::lICi1 '.li<;ifih"li/1I1 11.3.11 1'::r1i:tlIIC':l!fl~IIl("\' Ilr tr<;(' ill ::('~-'1!(I:lIH'(: ~,'i!h 1':lr:!I:I:1(,/1 ~lq"h:ll1 1\(11 C'ltl1l1l('rlC: ulllii thc inSlIr:lI1n.' C()ll1p;II1~' ," (-Pill P:lll;r::; I,((widing prnpen,' :l1qlr:ll1C~ 11:ln" (IHl:-C:llCr,! !(1 ~111"11 1':1r11:11 IlC':.'1.lp:1T1C:,' Ilr Il<;r:' h\' ':n(1l1r~ell1C!'1 :If <lll1("r't'.'i_<::(' 1'11'_' (.l>:\"l1cr :JT1d I he" (:rllllr:l("1fJr,!l::i!I;:kc fC::~(l!l:lhie<:lq'<; 1II,,11!:lil1 ':'l11.~cn! (1(' lilt" ;":<;l":II1C::" (":llllp:lIl" "f nHHf';lIlit:_<: :ll1(i ~l1:til ,=\'ir!loll1 mtllu~1 "'r;llr:'ll CI1l1:<;elll. l;lKe 11" :lCli()1l ':',.;tI1ICC;!1t'~'l 1(1 p:lI'li:-Ji lJ(-C,lp:mn' (Jr l.l!'C 111:11 't'..t)tlld ClIl<;e ClIlC:ll::li1lt1. l:11~.<::(:!lr rcduCt ion or il1"illr:1I1C; 11.J PERFORMANCE SOND AND PAYMENT SOND 11.4. nl(:' (~~"ncr :;11;til )l:1V~ (he rich I 1(1 require lile Crllllr-:lt lor tP fUfnish hOll(I:<; cnvcrill12. f:1irllfut l,c':"(orlll:1I1fT 1)1111<: ':;lll. If:1C! :Jnd r:J\'tllCm of nhli!Z:lI;on:<; ::fi:<;ill~ Ihere'.1l1der .1.<:~lif1u' !;111'tl in biddjll~ rentlirl':Il1Clll'<: or <:pc~:if1(::rh' ;Cqtlilt'd ill Il1e C(JI11f::C! Dllntlllt'lll~ on 111C" d:tle r)f '-'':t'nllinfl oj Ihe C:llHr:1C' 11.4.2 lip~'ll 111C :e~llK'c;1 'd :;r1\- ;x.~.<;n!111f ~::l1in' :lI~p(".:rllll~ 1(' ill' :1 l1('ICnll:li hCllcfic;:Jn- 1)[ hI H1lL<; C~l\'(.'ruH! P:l\'11\CIIT ~.r "lllil!:1 :illl1_<; ::n.<;iIH! Illlflcr 'ht' \.:!lHr::c. 111(' '.:~lIllr:lcr"r ~11:1H 1111'll1Plh :urnish:1 :':11'\' "I Ih(' !'nndo:; ~'f <::i1::il j)l":'!lll1 :: nll'\' 1(' 111_' ;l\:HI" ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12. 1 UNCOVEFHNG OF 'NORK 12..~. ]r:J :'(lrliI1l1 "I 'h(.' ;\""'ll;": '-~lI":l':~i {'llIllr::n "1 '11(' \rr:hll~~" :; ;e~lIIL:o;t '\f II' ''':'''ll1irC!lH'TlI<::~Jlt":.'iti{;lih' ';'(1'1'.";<::1"; '11 rhl' r:,'"lr::Cl !)fl("1ttll/"nl<:: :t 11111..:1 ir f(".]lllr':'.i in -\,rllil1{! "1 11" \r":lllt:"C'_. ;11' 1111f."(l\'('rl.'~1 C(lf ;hc \ !"('il II t"_'1 ,(lh<::en'::llIHl :::Hi !1" :l'pl;lC:"J ::t ;f1e (',"lltr;W'(l(, "::.:pcn<;(" ':',.;tI11 1111 ~'tl;lll{!f: 1\ '(1(' '-.:1Illr:1(" ,;lllC 12_1.2 H :1 [lfH1!fl11 ..i !tH: IX,'llr\{ 11:1_<:: 1't":ll ,.'rll'l:rr'(! '\'111{ rl III' \rr:llIlt::t.:! il:l:<; rlfH~!w~'iliClllt. ~f':lU~IC"d '(' ()Il~<:n'" !111111 'I' it...; h'.'~nQ nl\'t'ft'tl. 'h(.'.\r("ilict",:~ :11::\' f('Oll~~_q 1(1 ':'.'!' ':;11Cil "X'"ri; ::1111 II ,h:1H !It' '1Il/"lln:n:'.1 !'\' 'Ile '::Hllr::/."(l! !f ;ll(ll 'X:'Hk ~..; :n ::t"("l1r(I:111(',.. ":i01 Ille . .:ltHr::n 1")"("'11111':11:-; ""<;IS 11 'IIH"""" tilt.! ::l1d --'~"I:IC'::l1('nl'll;:il. ',\. ':!"!PF'IHI;lT" :l:11H!',- I ',.,;!-. :w ,'!1:1n~'~'.1 'I' ~IH: ~WI1('r !I <::llt!) ':C'Jri< '~'1!11 :11 :C'.""/,I::I\["" \':111 'hc ".!lll1r::('1 i)IJ("l,l1lle,'rC; '!le '1!'lr:W)(,r ~il:lIl :):)\' ~1U";1 r'..:I"; '1111(.'<;.0:; ;11(" 'r1l1(lililHl .,:::~ :;\I"{~~t 1)\' 11l' \''''-111:' '1":: ":;':1r::1( ',', 1111 r::Cll Jr ;11 "':)!C!l ~., 'I':ll '11('" '") >:\,- :1l." :: l'.ril : 1(' ;.t":I1( 1II<::d "I' " 'i i):J\'1l1C"1 )1~\I("il :::1:<;1.<; 12_2 CORRECTION OF WORK 12.2..1 ,"he (:IHllr:lC!Or ~il:1tl '1("11'1'11\' lJn.:": \,\:"t-k ":it",:,"i '1\ rile \rCHlI~'~'! 'If '::dil1\.!: '. :l1U 'f T1 \ ,~, 1 H.: ; '_"_ T\ I II (': 11<." 11.~ " IH" '1'"11''' """"'_-"'1 '1'1('(1' "1''' "Hr::' . III '1llIt '11'" ....11I'''1::lll!;:1 'TlH'It."J'''' ':IHI ""i,... ':'1"'/':1('1 ''''::11,' "llTl'U"'-' 'Iq," ',,, '::::11 "'-I' '" ''';1'1' .\! . I ~ ' . , , 111 ": "fT' . . SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS The following supplements modify, change, delete from or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.I.A. Doc:Jment ,,,", 201-1987 Edition Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, suboaragraph or clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, ,he unaltered provisions of that Article, paragraph, subparagraph, or clause shall remain in effect ARTIC,--E 1 through ARTICLE 10 No Change ARTICLE 11 - INSURANCE AND BONOS 111 Contractor's Liability insurance. 11.1.1 In the first line following the "maintain", insert the words, "in a comoany or companies licensed to do business in the state in which the prolec~ is located." " , I I. I. ADO: .7 Liability insurance shall indude all major divisions of coverage and be on a ccmprenensive basis including: .". H (6) Premises - Operations independent Contractors Protective. Products and Comolered Operations. Contrac~uai-inciuding specified provision for the Contrac~or's obligations under P3ragraph 4.18. Owned, ,lon-owned. and hired motor vehicies. Broad Tcrm coverage for property damage. (1) (2) (3) (41 11.1.2 AOO:__ The Contrac:or shall furnish insurance with the following minimum iimits: ; 'Norkers' Comcensalion a. Stale ana Federal: Stalutorj b. Employer's Liabiiity ;; 100,000. 3UL~-<;-;E.~C ~E.=CNS:=.',-,C~'C>'j~ ~E3~CFP.:1CN ::: . . .2 Comorehensive General Liability (Including Premises - Operations; Independent Contractor's Protective: Products and Completed Operations; Broad form Property Damage): a. Bodily Injurr $ 1,000.000 Each Occurrence $ 1,000,000 Aggregate, Products and Completed Operations. b. Property Damage: $ 250.000 Each Occurrence $ 250,000 Aggregate c. Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period of one year after final payment and contractor shall continue to provide evidence of such coverage to the Town on an annuai basis during the Aforementioned period d. Property Camage Liability Insurance shall include Coverage for the following hazards: C (collapse). U (underground). e. Contrac~ual Liabiiity (Hoid Harmless Coverage): i. Personal !njurj. with Employment E,xc:usion deleted: $ 1.000.000 A.ggregate. .3 Ccmorehensive AL;,omobile Liability (owned. non-owned. hired): a. Bodily InjL;rr $1 ,QOO.OOO Each Person $ 1.000,000 Each Accident b. Property Camage: $ 250,000 Each Ocourrence .J..RT1C..c '2 thrcugn A.RTICLE ~4 .\lo C~anges END OF SECTION: 3L:L.~:--:E.~C =E':CNS7?~~.::7;CN.1 =~S--;-:P,~T1Ci'j . . THE A/\\ERICAN iNSTiTUTE OF ARCHITECTS AlA Documenf AJ'11 Performance Bond \!--iOW ALL ,'viE"; BY THESe PRESE,"iTS: that I"..... ;...~.. 1,,/1 ".un.. ".ti "hi,.... "'. I,,'II!" rid.. ... (",,"''''"'1 :<5 "nnco;ti. h~rejn<i(t~!'" ca/lp.d Contr;Jctor. and, IH...... :"...., {"il ,,~rn.. ,,,,., ."in...., ,,. ;,.t.1 lid.. ",j ;",....,., :;s Sur~ty, ~~r~inafter -::;;iled Surety, arp. h~!d and ,'irmly !:JolJna 'Jnto ..II..... :".....1,,;1 ".m.. ,,,,; H'........." 1"11:,1,,,1.. '" ,)",,""'1 .15 ObiilSe<e. herein<liter called Owner, in ;he ;mount Qf Dt)llars rs I, ,lor ~he payment whereof Conrr~Ci()r .1na Surety jind lhernselves. their SUCCessors and assigns. jQrncly ;;nd 5everdllv, firmlY by these presents. hp.irs, ~:'I:ecufor5. -1rirT1rni~lralr)rS. 'NH E" E,IS, ~_)ntnctor :1;lS bv 'Nnnen .1,?r~em'e"t ,j;'ltp.d '0 ~'1'~r..d into '::lnlr;;C ',villl !)wnp~ :nr H,.,.. ;",,.., 'lid ,.,....P. '<1dr"~1 .".., d("1l:,,,',,.,,n ", "'n,,~o:l\ in .1ccorrlnnce with Drawing5 and Spp.cifit:atio"ns prepared by III~... ...,,.., (,,11 "'""~ ."" ",rl,..<< '''.J..~.I t"I.. ,,/ ",..I",,,~" '1i,if:~" :-~n(I"C :;V -~'~~""1(::> "'~;jr:~ .; '~;;rt '~e'~'J1 ;;11'1 ,<: ~l~'~'n,lrtn~ -Pt<>c.~,) ",.,.,<: 'lIp "~ r ~:; I" I:::' : ( '" f~' .. ,'II .. ,,'" ,~( ~ ' "I" ,';(-;\.'f'IT "::r '<l' , ",.-:. .'J^n~If~j(~ .,..'1......"'..., i1I,,,''',.....!'vm., ''''''''ll,.,". ,,~_ :~l'!v"r;'" ,,,....... .."., '" .,,,.....r:. .... !''''H'' ..,.....,.....,,''',. . PERFORMANCE BON. ~ow THE~H0R:E. iHE CONl)rTlf')N OF THIS OBllC,\TION is juCh th~l. ,f CQnfraC,or ;,:....lil prnmcd'l ,nd :','llhruilv pP'lnr1T1 ','Jld Cantr"c:. then :hlS ooligalion ,nJ11 be ,'1)11 and '/010: olherwis~ :1 5n,11l "~mdin in ;ull rnrc~ lnd eif~(~ The SUfP.(V her~by waives notice of .jny alteration Qf e:e<:!enS1on Qi rIme made bv the Ownp.f Whene'/~r Contracror shail be, Jnd declared bv Owner \0 be in default under the Conlract. thl'! Owner haVIng performed Owner's obii~a(ion'i there'Jnder. the Surety may promorly remedy the default. Of 'inall promo!!v ,) Comole~e" the Cbntract in accordance with ilS term'i Jnd conditiOn<;, or 2) Oblain 1 bid Of bids for comoleting :he Conrrac! in .Kcordance wIth Its terms :lnd conditions. and uoon de. ,erminatlon QY Surety oi the lowest respon'5ibl~ bidder, or, if the Owner elects. upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsIble ,.dder. arrange for J contract betwe<en such bidder and Owner. and make lvaiiable as \Nork progresses [even though there should :,e .1 default or J succesSion or Signed anci :.ealed this day or 'Wilrll'~~1 '.~,t'lfl('" I defauit~ unrie~ ~ho? C'Jnlr,lC' or::0nlr<lct<, 'Ji comolo?~l{)n arranged under thi< DdfJIV,lphl ~uifiClp.n{ hind.; to f)dV :ho? cast of (omDIi<>tion 'e.;; th~ h.1Llnce ()I th~ ,ontr;jct DrIC~, but not ~:":c~pdiflg, Incllldjn~ other ((').;t;: .1nr] ri,lm<l~e<, lar wnicM (he Sur~~'I mJv ni<> li<lbi~ "'~re'Jnde' thp Jm()'Jnt let 'orth in the ilr,:-r:J,H"~f.JD;' hO;>'~'Ji, Thp :erm "1');)IJn(e of rhe (onlr;;ct arice," .)s IJ'i~d in 'hl< ;JJr;H~qDh, ;11,111 mean ~hf" tot..1 amount ;J,lv,lI,ie bv Owno;>r :0 C:Jntractor under ;he CanrrJCi .;nd Jnv ,1m~lldment<; th~r~to, 1e~; (he~moun{ properly ':J~id bv O\Nn~~ :0 C:Jnlr,lCror .'~nv ;uif !)nde~ :hl'; bond muq iJe In<lrtU!~ri 'Jpfr)rp the e:":olf;;tion 0( :\NO '2) '1p.Jrs :rr}m Ih~ j.lre r)n ','I/;'I(n iinal p:]vm~nt under rh~ ConTract falls due. ,'10 right 0; iCtion shail ,Ic:rue' 0n 'hI'; ;,onrl :0 I)r 'or the use of ~n\" per.;on or CQrOO(:}(lon ()ther rh~n !he Owner named },ere,n or the heirs, ~,'(e(u(or". .Jomlnrs- tracars or succes~or<; or :he Owner ,Q ;.: .~ "',"II1(.I/I,j/! ~...,,' '''('' ,'lfrt'f\'J ),..,11 ....IA)')C...'MfNf ....3,~ H~r"I;'-.~,'~H~, ,(',"<1) .,.'oJf: ",if",,' '~"'.n,,''''v '''-:1 .;; :HE '""':;'1<:.,,,< :J-:;-;;,I." ,,('-,~;:,:"-, ';.' ...,'....... ./A;:;~II~lG -"r"~.....~.., ~...l"fr1r::::::.",.,01 '''''1'1'.... .,'" '<1,_ ",:;",'1 "-"--' .. ~'l ~ -.-;~'Ir!'1n~ ,'."" ~n'1 ':In~u~"~ "-::1' '<:....<:..~~"(~"" . . THE AivlERICAN INSTiTUTE OF'-\RCHITECTS .,-~~ ,\:,.;:.V;;l \\;"!~~,i' II} .~_., ~~~~2S _;d...:L~~.J~ _ ..~'" . ~ .------ AlA OOC'Jmenc A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS 3CNO is ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH ::>t~FCRIv\ANC: 3CNO :N ~AvOR 'JF T1-\E QWNER CONOlT!Ol'll:O ON ;HE ~ULL ,....NO ;AITHFVl ;I~:tF0RM,\o"'''C: OF ~HE C::)NTR/\Ci :<>i<)W"LL ,'vIEN 3'( THESE PRESENTS: ,hal 'H~!~ .n1!!" '"il n"m.. II"! Hidr..'\ .~, Ie,;:.,; 1,,1>:, ". C,)n"~(tOfj 3S ?~1nc;cai. nere~naiter called o~incJoal. 3nd. HO!'.e ;nlo!rl ~uil "~m.. lI.d ,ddr..n .,r I"l;~l "11<:, ", ~Uf.."f/ ,15 5ur~~v, ,1ere!narter '::JHed Surety, :;.re heid and ":r;T1iv bound unto HO!'." '''e'' ",II '''.om.. \1''':1 lnd..... 'H :,!,~..l .,,;.. ,." 0.....n...' :3.5 '=bli~e~. 'ereq'ai~er::iiled :Jwner. 'or :he 'Jse lnd 'Je.,ei!c Jr ::Jlmancs ,i5 ~~r~'nheiow de!'ined. n :he 3.mount Jr H"'f'" n,,~rt 1 'um ~<::lUol.l :0 JI ,'",UC .In...-;ni/ .,1 :nl! ~On.lrol.(1 Jrice! Doilars ') 'or me :nvment 'Nner~oi ?:-inc:oai and Surer'! Jmo :hemseives. ~he!r :'e!r'3, ~xeC'Jror'5. ;;,omlnISH;:;,tors, :uc:=:ssor'5 3.nd isslgns, ;ointlv1na 5e'If~~a!lv, :irmlV JV ~.hese :)r~sent5. '/VHE?~.,,:,,5, ?-rnc 0;)1 ias -::v vr:(,e'l "gr~~me.,t jated .0 ~'lter~rJ n(e .:; ,,::-nff.1C Nltn ':-wner :or ....... 'n~.." 'J,I "~m..., \CClf"H "n.f.I ,1...,crHf"on "li rHo,e!:l: ;n J(::::::r.janc~ Nltn Drawings 3nd SpeciiiC3(10nS :::repared ~'l 'H'-I'" "'1<'''1 lull nAme Inrll<:irlfr:'H 'ft ',.t:ol.l :"I"! ",. "1(".,..-:0 .:::-:-::c :'1 '~'~r~nr,:= -;--:;j,C~ _'''' -,er~c:r lnc -er~~.,;;..,~", -::,'o;:>:r.~'J n 'he ,-=::::;n:i1C . ,~.>.,; ~ ,-- ,',"- .,~ ,., . '''~ .- '_', { 'J ~ ; {' ~J r: .;:, ""'; ,',' - -.~.. N"~r. '!A;->'IING ,'r:'ir:~f"'>""- :}f1Olor:-:n'"n'1 ""l"!,,~ :::r:v"<::f'O ',,,...-.; _,,'On '<; ;U01..<:1'':I "'1'" 'J,......,..~'Jltnf1 LABe AND IY1ATERIAL PAYiYUe- BOND ,'l(~W ,HP.U()RE. fHE C::JNorr;('JN :;,~ n-;IS 081:(;.\,:01'1 :S ~uc,' :h.1f. :f .orrnCIOJI Sh.ll! promptlv m.lk~ p;wmen! :0 JIf C'..1lm"ntS d~ ,'e~e!n.]ifer .-::e1ines:. 'or ,}jJ ;.lbor ,1m) !11.1rC'T.iI'J~€d r)r ;p.3<0n.,blv reouired for lJ"e in :he perffJ(rnanc~ of :he ~:;Jn(rac. ih~n ~hlS ooligal1on '.h...il je ;1')10. Q(ne"Nl'3e ,{ );'ad rem,)ln:n fuil force .lnd ~riect.'iJbleCL, hQwe'/I~r.;o rht> fo!- :owin~ condition,>: ,.l" ,::-ialmJnt is deiined is 'Jne '"1;iVing a dire,:; con. ~rJC: \virh :he ?,inc:oal 'Jr .....,lh -l 5uOCQntr;Jctor !)r the ?'lnC1o"i :or :"oor. ,'n;Jre'iai. Jr borh. used Qr reJ'ion.Jblv :e':luln~d 'Or 'lse In the 'Jeriormanc~ Qf ttH? (anlract. ,;,oor Jnd :T!;{rerIJl beIng ,:an..irlJe<:i ro :nduc1e 'h..r part or N.::lter, gas. '::lOWer. !ighr. ;'eJe ad. gasoiine. ~eleDnf)ne ie"llce: (Jr {,e('l(..f of '?cuiomenr jjr~c:lv JoollcJbie to 'he C()nlrac~. Th~ ,ioove named ?~lnC1P.lj Jnd Surely hereby ioindv Jno ievp.railv ~~ree wllh the Owner :h.]t ~'/erv c.ialm;l!H as herein defined. who has not been paid in lull berore the ~:<piration ai 3 oenod oj nine{v (901 d;JVS after the dare on which the !asi oj such clajman(i 'Nork: or iaOor was done ar :Jerformed. or :nareridis 'Nere '':urnished jv such d.umanl. mav sue on ~his bond for ,he use or ,uch ciJlmanr. :Jrnsec!Jre the SUIt to Final i1Jd~menr ;'or such ,um ~)r ~um<; as mav be Justlv due daimal1r. Jnd .".lve ,?)[eCUflon Ihe,,~..,n The Owner :;n.lil m){ be :i.able for ',he ~avme"r "tinv costs or ~:<penses :If Jnv 5UC,' SUIL J. ,''-JO iUI! ,)r dcllOn ;hJd Je Cammf"nced her~'Jnder ::,v JnV ci;umanl: ,.1 L:nle~5 C:;;lInanl. olher th,Jn one navin,;; a direct comrac: 'Nl(h 'he ~rinclOaL snalf havl'! given wnllen ,'1f)IICe to Jnv twO') of ,he ;oHowlng: ,he ?nnCIOJI. ihe Gwn~r 0r the 5un~~'1 "Dove '1ameo. within 'llnp"Y :90) :javs ~ller suc;,,:i:..mant dici :)r ;::eriormed (he ias; ()f :he NfJrj( ')r i..oor, 'Jr iurnlshed ~he 'ast ()r 'he marertais r()r .-vnlC:' -;alo ;:!alm '<;T1.Jde ,t<lrrng -.virh 5UOSlanf1Ji Signed :3.na seaied :his day :1T IrV,ln,'<<1 ':1/",.".." accur.:'l.('( (he ,lmounr d..imed Jnd ~he name 0t (he party ~o wnom rhe malertais -.vere furnished. or for wnom ~he 'Nork ()r iabor 'NH done or performed. Such nOlice snaH he ,er'.'eo by m"iling: the ~ame by regl'HereO mJil or cerllfied mad; pOSI.:lge prepaid, in an envelope "d. dressed to (he Principal. O\IVner or Surety, H any pl"c,? wnere In orfic~ is regularlv mainrained for :he rrans- .jc:ion oi bUSlneS'i. or served in ..nv manner in which ie~al process m..v be :ierved in the 5la!e in whiCh the dtore'.iaid ;JroJect i<; looted. save that such service need no! be made bv ,} public officer. 01 After the expiration oi one (1) 'fear follOWing the date on which Prinr.lpal ceJsed Work on said Canlract. I! oeln't understood. howe'''!r. thaI if any limilation -:om. bodi~d in rhi.. bond is proniblted by Jnv law canrrollin'5' ~he constructIon her~..,t ;ucn limj{aliOn )(,<111 be de'?med ro be .Imended so JS ro be equal to rhe minimum period or limir.lIion .oermifled by such law. c; Other rh.ln ;n J irate court ot campe!ent jurisdiction :n :lnd for the county or orher polihCill subdivl"ion of :he Siare in which ~he ?rojecl. or any part thereof, is ,iruate-:J. or in the Unlced Slares Oi<;ricr. Court for the dis;rlC :n '.vnlch :he ?~orect. or anv Dart thereof. is sit- :Jared. and noc ~jsewnere. .1 The Jmoun! of !hls bond 5h.tll be (~duced b... and to ~he ~:'trent of Jnv pavment i)r p<iVmenfS made in good ,;alrh hereunder. ;ndu$ive or !he payment by 5ure{y of ,"'ec,~.lnIC::' ;iens whIch mav be filed QI :eo:ord ",';;.Jinst ;aid imOrQvement. N;,e~he" r)r not cLlim 'or :he amount ,')r sucn iien ':Je pre5enled 'Jnder ~nd Jg:ain~i ~hlCj bono. 19 :PnnC1ndil ;i~JII rll(" {SUf"IVI ~('~II C:.U(' _IA ;0f:'_',\.H'-Ir lil1 ..,' '/"'" 'J.'., ",.....!:, 'I."H") \.'1I) \~H:K 'I'd') 'A,\:['{l,'1 "'~'.\j:'I: H'NI) '."::-'~ ,"-;;'": ;lC...'1Tf.....~.; ,-/~ 'l.'J .'./,":;'-';11'1( ,;.'~I I:,' ., .! 'J.'\RNING, ~:r";r:1'!''''l~'' :-:r<nlor:'lOVlnC ',"nt"r~"l 'J.5. .;:::::'U1QTlt 1'lW"i ;Jm1 '''l '>ljOt..e~ ',", '''oal ::re<;~e~Jllnn . . GENERAL RELEASE (To be submitted with requisition for Final Payment) KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that tC.Jmrac:orl for and in consideration of the sum of lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by: (CwnerlContrac:ing Agency) and its successors and assigns and administrators, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sum and sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, speciaities, covenants, contracts, controversies. agreements. promises, variances, trespasses. damages, judgments. patents, extents, executions. claims and demands whatsoever in law and equity, whioh against the said , and (Cwner/C.Jntracting Agenc/) JAtvlES A. RICHTER, R.A., now have or which heirs, executors. or administrators hereafter can, shail. or may have. for upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever. from the beginning of the worid to the day cf the date of these presents rising out of the construction. in accordance with the contract entered into cetween parties hereto, dated: suopiements thereto. , 19 _ and any admittance or IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersignec corporation has caused this agreement to be signed by its affixed and duly attested by and its corporate seai to be hereto its this day of ,19 ..;ttest: Principai: BUL:<HEAO RECCNSTC='-":C7iCN .3, RESTCPiOTiON . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK ~ "Co <;,UfFOl.t ~ \:;Y.'S:S.~ t'a~ i,'~ ~.'" ., " -~ ' 0'= :..c.) .\i _ .. N ~. en :0: 8~ '\~ J:!' -(V". "A "'" '*' ~ ^' ~O./ .. ~~~ -?-~#" . REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 1996 John A. Costello, President Costello Marine Contracting Corp. 423 Fifth Street, P.O. Box 2124 Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Costello: The Southold Town Board, at a regular meeting held on October 1, 1996, accepted the bid of James H. Rambo, I nc. , in the amount of $39,288.00, for the reconstruction and restoration of the bulkhead at Klipp Park. Thank you for submitting your bid on this project. Returned herewith is your 5% Bid Bond. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . AlA Document A310 Bid Bond Y3858 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thatwe Costello Marine C . C iHere ,n\erl full n..me .lnd .addren or leg..i lllle 01 (antaClorl ontract1TIg orp. P. O. Box 2124, Greenport, New York 11944 as Principal, hereinafter call~d tlie Principal, ana Utica Mutual Insurance COffinanV 180 Ge S N Ha f d N Y k l34t~re Insert full n..me .lnd .lOdre5S or le~",l tlffe ol-$url!ly) nesee treet, ew rt or, ew or ~ a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of new York as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold Southold, New York (Here Insert full name and .lddress or leg.ll lItle oi Ownerl as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of of amount bid Five Percent (5) Dollars 15 I, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for Reconstruction/Restoration of Bulkhead Klipp Park, Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York {Here Insert full name, address and aescrlOtlon of prOleCt] NOW, THEREFORE. if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid. and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful periormanc:e or such Contract and for the prompt payment of tabor and material furni'ihed in the prO'ieCUClOn thereof, or in the event of the iailure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principai shall pay to the Obligee the difference nor to exceed the penalty hereof berween the amoun( specified in said bid and such larger amaun( far which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid. then thi'i obligation shall be null and vOJd. olnerwl5e to remain in full force and effect. '- Signed and sealed this 10th day of September 1'.'96 ~JlHA'\MJ ( itMa (Witness) Costello Marine Contracting Corp- I ~/l _ d;'lI"'l1ao.. . " . ~ ~":?'-7::~ L.-e....._'-.~ ,ttOhn Costello (Tiete) President --- 1.;;;::~I~~e;;:~ ~~ai) Marie ViVenizo (Tille) Attcrney-int ct (Sean '-'1YLa~ I~ .'----' I~ (WiUlessJ AlA DOCUMENT A]1a . 1110 BONO. AlA ~. FEBRUARY 1970 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ,o\RCHITEC7S, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHING.QN, O. C. 20006 1 . . UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW HARTFORD. NEW YORK N 253 O. - POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, as a New York Corporation. having Its principal office in the Town of New Hartford. County of Oneida. State of New York. does hereby make. constitute and appoint William F. Siudse!l, ,Jr. I Marie ViVenzio, Mark S. Gursky Selden. Nel" York . d . ~s true and lawful Anorney(s)-in-fact in their separate capac~y n more than one IS name above to make, execute. sIgn. seal and dallvery for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed (w~hout power of redelagation) any and all bonds and undenakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (except bonds guaranteeing tha payment of principal and Interest pf notes. mono.aae bonds and mongages) provided the amount of no one bond or undenaking d three fl11110n and lJOnOU------------ D II ($3 000 000 00--- ) excee soars ' ,. . The execution of such bonds and undenakings shall be as binding upon said UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and to all intents and purposes as W the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by Its regularly elected officers and Its Home Office in New Hartford. New York. This Power of Anorney is granted under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Directors of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY on the 27th day of November. 1961. ~Re$olyed. tnat the President of any V,ce.PreSIClent, in conjunction wit" the Secretary or any AsSIstant Secretary, be and they are herecy aU1horized and empowered to apooint Anorneys-in-tact of the Company, in its name and as its acts. to execute and acknowtedge tor and on tts behaU as Surety any and all bonds. recognizances. contracts of Indemnity and all o!her wntlngs ObligatOry In !Me natura mereof, with power to anaen theretO the seal of the Company. My sucn writings so ltxeCU'1l!1d by such Anorneys-in-laC1 snail oe binding upon tne Company as tt they had been duly aeknOWlecged by toe regularly eleaed Officers of the Company in their own proper persons. "No Theretore, the signatures 01. such officers and the seal of the Como any may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney by. facsimile. and any such Power of Anorney bearing such facsimile signatures or seal snail be valid and binding upon the Company" In Witness Whereof, the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by Its Authorized Officers. this 11th day of November '9--2} STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA } sse UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ~~/~ Charrman lot the Board ChIef ExeClllive Officer ~~u~ Secretary On this II th day of November 19 ....2.L before me. a Notary Public in and for the State of New York. personally came W. CRAIG HESTON and GEORGE P. WARDLEY to me known, who a.cknowledged execution of the preceding instrument and. being by me duly sworn. do depose and say. that they are President and Secretary respectively of UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY; and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. and that the said corporate seal is affixed and their signatures subscribed to saId instrument by authority and order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto sel my hand at New Hanford. New ;:ork, the day and year first above wrmen. .,j . /' / IJ ,;;; / ,j )21.. {" f~" '/ Hichael J. ;yss Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA } ss: In Wttness 'Nhereof. York. this 10th have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the said Corooration at New Hartford. New day 01 September 19 ~ J. .~ ~..l.w~., _~ ; -' ,'. Ststant Secretary . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY Ox Utica Mutual Insurance Company o Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company STATE OFnnn...nn~~~..Ig.J;:~....1 COUNl'Y OF...n...2.\if.19J.t...J On thisnnn......JQt.h........day oL.........n.......n.......;?~J?t.~J?~J;.....nn .........n.19nnn2Pbefore me personally came did.d~n;;;d.;;~~;~h;~~e.i;;::::....:::::::.~.~~!iijj5.~~~......!'f~~:..y.~~~.:~:':.:~~:.~~~n~:..~..~:~.:::: that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the Corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument. that he knows the seal of said Corporation, that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate ';"a1; that it was so affixed pursuant to power conferred on him bya Power of Attorney granted, to hi", by said :~~~:~n and =:=~;nt as Atto7T7F~ CZ=1Pj=t to su~ QualJt~ ~~:=:>>County1 t2-J..Jy...JJ1:dIL(::Ii~~.........nnn........: Commission E'x;:nie. March 30. 9.Z-I / ; NDTARY PU8~_..m"'h.'- V PRINCIPAL'S INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT 55.: STATE OF......__.__n..__n.................! 55.: COUNl'Y OF............................... On this...__......__......__......__.day of.......__..__......__..__..__.......n____...__..........n...__.__..n...19...__..., before me personally came ................n........nnnnnn.......__.__.........n...__...............nn__.__n.........__n..__............____..........__.__....., to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. NOTARY PUBLl C PRINCIPAL'S CO-PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF.....__.....__...........n...______! 55.: COUNl'Y OFn...__.__.__.....__.....nn. On this.............n.n........n..day of.__..............__.....__.nn__..............n.n...........n...__..__19..__..__, before me personally came :.....:::.:............:...::............:...:::.............::..:.........::::::..........:....:::......::..::.....:..:.:..:.::.:....::........................................:.~..:et::; :'o~ ::=:~p:: to be the person who is described in the foregoing instrument and he acknowledges that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of the said Co-partnership. MOTARY PUBLJ C PRINCIPAL'S CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT WlLUAM F. BINDSEIL. JR. Notary Public. State 01 N_ York No. 52-0294800 Qualified in Naeaau County a-7 Commie.ion Ex;>;,ae March 30. 19ZJ On thisnnJ9.thnn.__.n..nnday of.nnnnn__.~~p.1;mnb.e.);'......n__n__...........nnn....nnI9...29., before me personally came ..nnn...)QM...CQ!?1;!;ll9n__.........n.__..nnn__.n...nnn__.......__...n........__..........__.n...' to me known, who, being by me duly sworn. did depose and say. that he resides in.nn...nnGX!;l;UpD.rt.,...NewnyD.rk.....____........n...__.....____nn....n.........; that he is..... .... P:t:es.idl;U.t........ ................0f...........__....GQ13.tellD...11arine...Cout:t:ac.ting...Co:t:p.....................____, the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the Corporate Seal of said Corporation; and the Seal affixed to said instnunent is such Corporate ~t it was so affixed)>y order or the Board or Directors of said Corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like onler. I .____.._..__._______._..~~_./L__~___;;~~~,~:~~~_~_:~~:~.._on - 'lOH~\' -:"19L-:-': STATE OF.---Jl~~n.X9.~~............l 55.: COUNl'Y OFnS.WJg.+.Js..........n. UTI<ttMUTUAL INSURANCE COM.NY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 From Annual Report Filed with New York Insurance Departmern IJSSETS LIABILITIES fWD SURPLUS u.s. Governmernal Direct Guararneed Bonds. .. $ 191.628.832 Reserve for All Losses. . . . . . . . . . .. $ 596.117.277 All Other Bonds. ............................ 1.009.991.147 Unearned Premiums. . . . . . . . . ... 240.360.246 Stocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.224.789 Reserve for Claim Expenses. . . . . 189.148.006 Mortgages. . ......,......................... ..0- Dividends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . " 8.482.052 Cash . .. . ..... .............................. 12.207.445 Taxes Accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.439.802 Equities & Deposits In Pools and Associations.. 9.340.327 Federal Income Tax. . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.127.003 Premiums in Course of Collection. . . . . . . . . . . .. 89.081.184 Amoums Withheld on Accourn lrnerest Due and Accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.417.014 of Others 20.384.031 Other Admitted Assets. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... 68.197.355 Provisions for Reinsurance 13.424,847 Miscellaneous Accoums Payable 50.546.613 Total Admitted Assets. .... ......... $ 1.463.088.093 Total Liabilities $ 1,132.029.877 Surplus Funds: Dividend Reserve. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . ... $ General Volumary Reserve. . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Cornlngern Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . .. Divisible Surplus. . . . . , . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. Surplus as regards Policyholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.558,907 1,500.000 1.700.000 325.299.308 331.058.215 Total... , $ 1,463.088.093 STATE OF NE'N YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA ss: W. Craig Heston. Chairman & CEO of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. New Hartford. New York. being duly sworn, says that he is the above described offlcer of said Corporation. and that on the 31 st day of December. 1995: all of the assets shown above were the absolute Prtlperty of the said Corporation. free and clear from an' liens or claims thereon except as above stated. and that the foregoing statement Is a full and true exhibit of all assets and liabilities of the said Corporation at the close of business December 31. 1995. according to the best of his knowledge. information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 19th day of March. 1996. pjacItuiJ j) ~ I~ Chairman & CEO Notary Public in the State of New York Appoirned in Oneida Coumy My Commission Expires April 3D, 1996 Attest ~ \-> \J~ Secretary 8-B-5o Ed. 4-96 , . .,~~ ,~~ ~ ';)\lfFOl.t ~ ~ )Y5:::>.~~'.' ~~ ~7< ~i5 ""''2 .~ C/O ;e :~ ~ -, ,,~ ~.:j '" ~ . "",y ~O./ + i-~/ ~;~ . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 1996 Lawrence M. Tuthill New Suffolk Dock Building 1215 Inlet Lane, P.O. Box 162 Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Tuthill: The Southold Town Board, at a regular meeting held on October 1, 1996, accepted the bid of James H. Rambo, Inc., in the amount of $39,288.00, for the reconstruction and restoration of the bulkhead at Klipp Park. Thank you for submitting your bid on this project. Returned herewith is your $3,500.00 Bid Bond. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure , . FRlJ1 : P~scni c FAX SYSTEM . F'\-GE ~. Sep. I2l3 1996 01:01F,1 P3 OFFER OF SURETY (To be Completed by Each 8idder) BOND # GE-5795319 ,. / r In the event the above Proposal is accepted and the undersigned is awarded the Contract for the work, the undersigned offers as surety for faithful performance, bond and/or bonds to protect labor and material men, the following surety: Sigred GULF INSURANCE COMPANY SUREiY COMPANY n ''"'7/I.? ./:1. / Yew So.) .{f.,jk ..!/oi-I<., Ov, j 111 f "'~ ~.,j~ltl .. / I ;::',. i!$~ a t'l'! I ov)./~n\. (Bidd"') CERTIFICATE OF SURETY to be signed by a duly authorized official. agent or attomey of the Surety Company, In the event that the above Proposal is accepted and the contract for the work is awarded to said SOUTHOLD TCWN BOARD the (BidO~}me1NSURANCE CQMAPNY will execute (5urOtV Compony) the Surety Bonds as herein before provided, . " ,. ,'. Signed: ~J-ok~ '60 ~ A"IllOlUd Offlolol Agent. or Attorney DEBORAH BEL TON, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ..\. Date: SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1996 IMPORTANT: THIS PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT WHEN CERTIFIED CHECK IS SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF BID BOND, OR 610 MAY 6E REJECTED. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION E-1 '-',_,,_'~.;;;':1';"""'Ii_.'~ _N:.. -~ .-. ...-.-,....- .' '~,; .n# '~~~~~~_' ,. "~:.~~~~~~;.:~4ht':~{~~~~.;,~:.;:;;~::.~~.. -. ... ';.,,:,:,",.t;...;,.;.~,':';'~';t;".~ \ . . THE A\/1ERICAN lNSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS " AlA Dcc:;memA310 Bid Bond BOND # GE-5795319 Kl'JOW ALL J\iEN BY THEe PREcI'lTS, 1215 INLET LANE GREENPORT, NY 11944 4S Principal, herein..iter ailed the Principal, and 5550 W. TOUHY AVENUE SKOKIE, IL 60077 a cnrpor.tion duly organized under the laws oi the Slate oi MISSOURI as Sure!y, herein.iter ciled the Surety, are held .no firmly bound unto SOUTHHOLD TOWN BOARD 'l'OWN HALL - 5309 MAIN ROAD :Here inler. loai! naml:' #lCI 4cicltTP or 1"111 lil;e 0' C""'HI that we NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING (H~ft' In!ffr lull na",t:' ~"d ...::dl~ -=r !~~j !iill:' 131 C~"~c:rol't GULF INSURANCE COMPANY (H_ ;....11 Juil ""''''Of' ~..d ~dd't!" Of' !C!;lj filiI:' 01 S"~t'rl as Cbii3ee, herein.iter oiled the Obligee, in t."e sum 01 THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND 00/100--------- Coilars C53,500.00----J, fer the p.;yment of '.Yhic.~ sum 'NeB ;:ir.a tTuiy ~ be macie,. the s.ici ?:indpci .;nci the s..id Sure!"/, binri ~ul'5e!v.es~ our :'e~~. ~-e!:::tcrs. 3dmjni~ttGtc~, 'sUC=:!:5Sors .:.i.nd a-Ssil$!'!s, Jointly and ~e..,;z~Hy, firmiy ::v th~a ::r!!::ent. ~Nj., E:t;:A.:. the ?rinc:p.;i has suomittec a ~ici for 3UL~H~D RECCNSTRUCTICN & RESTCRATICN :<LIPP ?ACK MA!.\JHASSET A VENUE GREENPORT, NY NOW, 7i-U:~::rC:U:. if \r:e Cbiiae'e :nlil .c:=t the bid lJi the ?rinciDli .nli ~he .'ri"coil snail enter into ~ c;'nlr;.C1 'MIL' ?."1e Cbii,!ee in ,:c:~rdinQ -Mlh the temn 0; 'UCI bid. ~d JiYe ,uc, bona Ot CQnC:S .n rmy be ,~fied~.j" th~ biddln~ or Conmc: CoC'..:mentl ....,th .iCed :.nci !.uificient :un:~ let the iailhfui peno~nC1: 0; ~uCi'1 Contract ind rot lne ::ttompt ;:..vment of I~Dr :.nd :naren.;i fumrsnea in me ~roset".U1on lhen!oi. or in the 1="1cnl 0. the f.ailure at the ?rincip31 to en~r suc."'.l C""lr=c: ;nd ~ ~uc.., =ana or benes. ii the ?rinc.i~i :nail ;2ay to tne ObH!~ the ciiife~a nor to ~m the ;:Ien.;tty ;'ereoi ~W'e'!!f1 :.o,e .1mOU"t !DeCiied :n ~id ~ia ;nd ~ucn !;~er ~mount for wnic."1. rJ1e Cbli~ may in 3000 f;i..h OJntr..c: .....nth ""ott'lller ?artY ~ ,er.'arm the Won: COV1!!reC by 'Soifci ~id. then this obfiption shall oe nuil .;nd ..,.,id. otherwne to rem~in in :Uii fo~ ~nd ene"'..L IH~te ;1\1t:1t fuii f1.ame. ..\dare-lI..na 'Je'2c..eiollon ~i ~rol~l Signed ana sealed :nis 12TI1 d.y oi SEPTEMBER 1996 NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING (Wiuzl!!3'J I I BY: (p"neil'';) (5~..JI muoJ , ( , " \t.(c J).,Lel JcJ r: /;KJJcYjlk ( " (Wd".".) 1 GULJi'---INSURANCS COMPANY ~ _ ,- '\ rSU"''''t ,) \ rSe,il BY: \\, '- ~ ~",-,I't..\-' \..)C\~\ DEBORAH BELTCN (Tide) ATTORNEY-IN-?ACT ..i..... .ooc:JMENT A.JlI. 310 3CNQ . AlA ~.. ;oaUAJl,V 1".0 EO . 1liE AMERION ~:7"..;-:,! ::;: ......c:~lnc: ~:-:: .i:~_ .~. _~'N.. ',llfAS"rtINC":"::N. :to '.:. ~ \ Sr.A'!'Z OF NEW YORK . l ss.; COmITY OF NEW YORK . day OT DEBORAH BELTON 12TH SEPTEMBER 1a~ 'cei=:::e per-...onally =e :0 :ne lc::cWt:, who, being by me duly SW<lC, Cn.1..';~ did cie;:o:se a::d saY' tl:a~ he ~ ;,., N'EW YORK that. he:s ~-\.:OC--.r-in-Fac: or t:e CJ~1ion ,..,_.--~ in a:ci.wbi6 exec"~ the a~~""'; L1...~t;: ~ he . k=.oW'S ~e seal or s.:id COJr;:oraCpl:.,. t:tat tl:e se:al ~m--1 to .said ir1str.JJ:::::e::t is suci1 corpar:tte 5e3l; ..."-,, it = so -m-:ea. !:,Uo.-::U=>: to paw= conier-e-.:l on him by a. P6we" of. . r:J!!'}' ~ to him by said ~r;Cr:1t:.on ~:;. h.e sig:ed. saicij;;s;",:mc.t.a:sA1-!"l'l"-!ey-in-F~ r;cr;nicn ~ to sue::. auC.ccr/. ~' PAUL KUSHr>.JER .. - . Notary P.!Jbl.'iC_.::;.~3t~ of New York. /h I ~. # # No ~~ 7':,29&355 ~ Qualifieci i~ ;'Jzssau County DV CommisSion Expires July 31. 19.E ~ .'1CTUT ~u '------ . ~~CP.ti.'S rnnIYmu.4.L .'!.l,;='fOWLZDGiiIDfT S'r_;"=Z OF $S.; COl:N'!'"l" OF en. ..:....;~ d.ay cL 1 Q----, beiore ::le p~y =e , to me k:::.cwn = lc::cwn to :::.e to be :1::.e i::.d.i~1ici.ual c.esc::.::ee. i::. az::.c. -:me ~e:"':'2d. the foregoing ~.I::e:lt.,.mci he a"':- cw~-s~ to r::e that . . . .J.e ~~..:::_~ :::eC'":i-e., !iOTJAT ?U8L~ C p~mCl' .U:S co-c .-;.B:::,':~r-~-..-;:m> A.CQl'OWLEDGU!EN! S'I'_;":::; O~ C~Cf:"7' CF c!:. ....~~ ';';;.'70": ~a_ b~ :::::.e ;er:cna.ily c::::.s a. :::.e=.i::e:- .of.::e ~~.:'" or to me k::.owu and. 3.::::.awn to ::::.e he ad::::cwieciges t!:a: he~..:t2d. t:e s:;:r;:.e :c :e :::.e ~e=::on ?rile is ci~C::=eC. :::. =.s f~it:g ins::":-o"":t ;r~ as ::-,.; :or -:::'e ac: ~ ci~ or :e siici Cr:'-ar=e..~ JtouaT ?UBI.1 C ~CP..4.L'S COJL.~~ a~Owu:n~ ~~':'Z OF ss.; COmrrY OF On....i~ "'!2Y,."r 1'!~ be:cre me 9-"' ~;Yy =me to me lc::awn, wile, bemg by me duly swcr::. dici ~ and. say, == !1e:esides ;.,. '6= :::e;c:".;. the wr;cz::.ticn ~..bed. =. mci ?1cicii e:ec-..:mci. t:.e ~ ~ -::at: he ~ t!:e Wz:i^'4..t.: Sesi at ~i,.; C;r;:o~ :=i the Seal ~ :0 sail:i ==-=~ is sud1 C:lr::-^'4=: Sea.l: tll2t it was sa as::=ci by r~ or tl1e E=r.i or ~i==c of. said C%:'....c=::cn. mli d= he ~ his = tl:=e= by Iike aMe:-_ i'lQTJJll' ?'llSl.lC \ . GULF INSURANCE cl,PANY . .. KANSAS CiTY, MISSOURI POWER OF ATTO~"iEY ORIGI:>iALS OF THIS POWER OF ATTOR:\EY ARE PRINTED 0:\ HIXE SAFETY PAPER WITH TEAL I:\K. DePLlCA TES SHALL HAVE THE SA..\1E FORCE A.'iD EFFECT AS '\.~ ORIGI~AL Ol'lL Y WHE:"i ISSUED I:\" CONJUNCTION WITH THE ORIGINAL. KNOW;-"; ALL ME~ BY THESE PRESE:-.iTS: ThaI tll.: Gulf fnsuran~t: Com- pany. a <.:orporati\ln Jul~' organizl:d unUlOf the !;l\VS of the Slate of Missouri. having us prin.:ipaJ office in the >2lty 0f Irvmg;. T cus. pursuant to the followmg resolution. adopted by the Finance & ExecutIve C'.1mmltlCe of :he Board ot Directors of lhe said Company on the 10th day of August. 199~. tll wit: ""RESOL YED, that the President Executive Vil.:c Pn:silknt or any Senil)f Vice President of the Company shall have a'ulhorilY to make. execule and dc'liver a Power of Attorney constilur.ing as Altorncy-in-Fal.:t. sUl.:h pcrsom. firms. or corporations as may be selected from time t() time: ;ImJ any such ,-\tlorney-in-"act may be removed and the authoritv granted him revoked bv the President. or any Executive Vice PreSIdent, or an;" Senior Viee Prcsidem. "Dr bv the Board 01 Directors nr by the Finance ;Ind Executive Committee of (he Board of DireclOrs. - RESOLVED. that nothin!! in this Powcr of Attorney shall Ix construed as a ~rant of aUlhoritv to the 3.nomev(s;=in-fact to sign. execute. acknowlcd1!e, deliver nr (~her- wise issue'a policy or pclicics of insurance lln behaJf of Gulf Insurance Company. RESOLVED, that the si~nature vi the President. Exccutive Vice President or any Senior Vice Pre-;ident. ;Ind the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any wch Power of Attorney or any ..:ertiticate reJatmg thereto by iacsimile. and any such powers so executed and certified by facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the fUlure with respect to any bond and documents relaiin!;! 1:0 such bonds to w'hich they are attached." Gulf Insurance Company does herehy mak~. clmstitute and appoint BOND NUMBER GE . 5795319 PRINCIPAL: NAME, ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING 1215 INLET LANE GREENPORT, NY 11944 EFFECTIVE DATE SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1996 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 70,000.00 EST. ( BOND AMOUNT l $ 3,500.00-------- DEBORAH BELTON, STATE OF NEW YORK ilS true and lawful auorney\sl-in-facl, With full power and authority hereby conferred in its name. place and stead. to sign. execute, acknowledge and deliver in its behalf. as surety. any and all bonds and undertakmgs of suretyship. and 10 bind Gulf Insurancc Company thereby as fully and to the same exlenl as if any bonds, undertakmgs and documents relating to such bonds anLlfor undertakings were sl,gned by the duly authOrized lltficer of the Gulf Insurance Company and all the acts of said attorneyis)-m-facl. pursuant to the authorilY herein given, are hereby raIl tied and contirmed. The obligati0n of the Company shall nO{ exceed one million lSI.OOO,OOO.OOl dollars. IN WI~SS WHEREOF, the Gulf Insurance Company has caused these presents to he signed hy any officer of the Company and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed. ~ [ ;)/~ STATE OF ~EW YORK l Christopher E. Watson ) SS President COUNTY OF NEW YORK I " On this 1st day of February. 1994 A.D.. before me came Christopher E, Watson. knm\'" 10 me personally who bein~ by me duly sworn. did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Westchester. State of ~'ew York: thai he is the President of the Gulf Insurance Company. the corporation described in and which exec:uted the above instrument: that he knows the seal of ..aid corporation: that the seal affixed to the said instruments is such corporate seal: that it was so affixed b~ order of the Buard of Directors of said corporation and that he "i~ned his name. thereto by like order. (;LLF INSuRA!\CE COMP~:"lY ss 1~L.~ Ursula Kerrigan So. 02 KE 5043950 Qualified in New York County Comm. Expires May 15. 1997 STATE OF NEW '''ORK COlJNTY OF ~EW YORK I. the undersi~ned. Senior Vice PresidcnI of the Gulf Insurance Cnmpan\'. a \<lissouri attached POWER OF A TfOR:'IlEY remains in full rorce. . /~>, -. d d Sid -. ,. ,,"~~:.. \ Sll1;nc an _ e<l C ;jllhe Cl[~ IIf ';ew York. .:::~ / c_~ ',,,\ ~ ~ SE~-\L Corporation. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ::md :bll.tl the 12TH d:.n 01 SEPTEMBER !IJ96 ,~ \ '~; , ~ -;- C;, /\(' ^ -+- , ! '~'\L- ~~ . .i\\n'fJt:L' \liniH:f .....'r",. '~""'l(:t"'. . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 1, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of James H. Rambo, Inc., in the amount of $39,288.00, for furnishing and supplying all labor and materials for the reconstruction and restoration of the existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, N.Y., all in accordance with the bid specifications. tZ/../nf ~~ ~di;h~j-. Te':.'".~_._ rf Southold Town Clerk October 2, 1996 \. .. , -- ., ... . . . . . PROJECT DESCRIPTION BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION: KLIPP PARK, GREENPORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK THIS PROJECT INCLUDES NEW FILTER CLOTH AND NEW SHEATHING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF APPROXIMATELY 395 LINEAL FEET OF EXISTING BULKHEAD. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: . INSTALLATION OF APPROXIMATELY THREE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (395') FEET OF NEW BULKHEAD SHEATHING. TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (265') FEET SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION. (SEE TYPICAL SECTION SHEET # 2). ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (130') FEET SHALL BE AT EACH SIDE OF EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP. (SEE DETAIL SHEET # 3). EXCAVATE TO A DEPTH OF 2'-0" BELOW EXISTING MUD LINE BEHIND ALL EXISTING BULKHEAD SECTIONS THAT REQUIRE NEW SHEATHING. ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON SITE WITH SILT FENCE AND HAY BAILS AT THE PERIMETER TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM ENTERING TIDAL AREAS. . . BULKHEAD AREAS REQUIRING WORK SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC INSTALLED BEHIND ALL NEW SHEATHING. INSTALLATION SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITH A MINIMUM OVERLAP OF 2'-0". . THE EXISTING BOAT RAMP SHALL REMAIN OPEN DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY SAFEGUARDS TO ENSURE SAFE ACCESS. . THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT LEFT ON SITE. PROPER FENCING AND BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SEPARATE THE WORK SITE FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC. REQUESTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND ALL INQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE ENGINEERS OFFICE: S.T.E.D., PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958. ATTENTION - JAMES A. RICHTER - (516) 765 3070 The foregoing Project Description is provided for general information only. It is not part on the Contract Documents. For the specific provisions and requirements of this project, please refer to the full Specifications and Contract Drawings. . . INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Invitation to bid Instruction to Bidders Proposal Form N.Y.S. Affirmative Action Certification AlA Bid Bond Offer of Surety A-1 through A-1 B-1 through B-2 C-1 through C-2 0-1 through 0-1 AlA Document # A31 0 E-1 through E-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS AlA General Conditions Supplementary General Conditions AlA Performance Bond General Release Prevailing Wage Rates Compliance with Labor Law & other Dept. of Labor Regulations Non-Discrimination Clause AlA Document # A201 F-1 through F-2 AlA Document # A311 G-1 through G-1 H-1 through H-1 J-1 through J-8 K-1 through K-2 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS General Conditions Part 1 - General Specifications Site Plan . Sections & Details Page 1 Page 2 through 4 Drawing # 1 Drawing # 2 & 3 . . INVITATION TO BID PROJECT: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION KLIPP PARK, MANHANSET AVE., GREENPORT, NEW YORK The Town Board of the Town of South old will receive bids for the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park in accordance with the Specifications prepared by James A. Richter, RA, Southold Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958. Bids will be received at the office of the Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until: 11:00AM Thursdav , September I? 1996. All Specifications are provided herein. A fee. of twenty five dollars ($25.00), cash or check, made payable to the Town of Southold will be required for one (1) copy of the Contract Documents. There are no refunds. This invitation to bid is not an offer and shall in no way bind the Town of Southold to award a contract for performance of the project. Should the Town of Southold decide to award a contract, it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities, and to reject any or all bids, and to retain bids for 45 days from the date of receipt. The CONTRACTOR MAY NOT withdraw his bid during this period. Bid security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% will be required of each bidder. Performance bonds in the amount of 25% of the contract price shall be required of the successful bidder. Please advise if you intend to bid or not. Dated: August 20.1996 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD By: Judith T. Terry South old Town Clerk BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION A -1 . . INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. PROPOSALS Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the "Proposal Form" provided. The bidders shall write in ink, both in words & numerals, the price for which he proposed: to furnish all materials, plant, equipment, tools, shoring or bracing, scaffolds, or other facilities, & to perform all labor and services necessary for the proper completion of the work in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, and subject at all times to the approval of the Architect. Proposals shall be addressed as indicated on I nvitation for Bids and shall be delivered enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked "Proposal" bearing title of work, and Bidders Name. No proposal shall be considered which has not been received by the Southold Town Clerk prior to the hour and date stated. Each proposal must be signed in writing with the full name and address of bidder. B. PROPOSAL GUARANTY A proposal will not be accepted or considered unless accompanied by a guaranty in the form of a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the total bid, payable to the Town of Southold. As soon as the proposal prices have been compared, the Owner shall retum the bidder's bond or the certified checks accompanying such proposals as, in his judgement, wouid not likely be involved in making the award. All other proposal quantities will be held until the contract and contract bond have been executed after which they will be released or returned to the respective bidders whose proposals they accompanied. C. OMISSIONS AND DISCREPANCIES Bidders should carefully examine the drawings and specifications, visit the site of work, and fully inform themselves of all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from the drawings, specifications, or other documents or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the Architect who may issue a written instruction to all bidders. D. PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place indicated in the Invitation for Bids. Bidders, there authorized agents, and other interested parties are invited to be present. E. AWARD OF CONTRACT Award of contract will be made as soon as practical. a contract may be awarded to a responsible bidder other than the lowest money bidder, if it is in the best interest of the Town. No bid may be withdrawn after scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of 45 days pending execution of a contract by successful bidder. The competency and responsibility of the bidder and his sub..contractors will be considered in making the award. The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error, to accept any bid, or to reject any or all bids. The contract form will be a Standard form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor (Stipulated Lump Sum). The Town will either award the project or reject all proposals received within forty-five (45) days after . the formal opening of proposals. The acceptance of a proposal will be a notice in writing signed by the Town Clerk and no other act shall constitute the acceptance of a proposal. The acceptance of a proposal shall bind the successful bidder to execute the contract and to deliver separate performance and payment bonds made by a Surety Company, as stipulated herein. The amount of the bonds shall not be less than twenty five percent ( 25 % ) of the contract price of the work. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION B-1 . . F. WITHDRAWALS OF PROPOSALS Any bidder upon his or her authorized representative's written request presented not later than the hour set for the opening thereof, will be given permission to withdraw his proposal. At the time of opening the proposals, when such proposals are reached, it will be returned to him unread. G. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error and to reject any and/or all proposals. Without limning the generality of the foregoing, any proposal which in incomplete, obscure, or irregular may be rejected; any proposal accompanied by an insufficient or irregular certified check or bidder's bond bay be rejected, any proposal having interlineation, erasure or corrections may be rejected. The Town also reserves the right to reject any bid if an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the Town that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. H. TIME FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will be required to appear before the Town in person; or if a firm or corporation, a duly authorized representative shall so appear, and execute six (6) copies of the Contract and furnish satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) days after notice that the Contract has been awarded to him. Failure to execute Contract shall constitute a breach of the agreement effected by the acceptance of the Proposal. The damages to the Town for such breach will include loss from interference with his construction program and other items, the accurate amount of which it will be difficult or impossible to compute. The amount of the certified check or bidder's bond accompanying the Proposal of such bidder shall be retained by the Town, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for such breach. In the event any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted shall fail or refuse to execute the Contract as herein before provided, the Town may, at there option, determine that such bidder has abandoned the Contract, and thereupon, his proposal and acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the Town shall be entitled to liquidated damages as above provided. I. TIME LIMIT TO COMMENCE AND COMPLETE WORK The contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after the date stipulated in the notice to proceed which was given to him by the Town of Southold and shall complete the work within the calendar day limit as set forth by him in his Proposal, but not more than sixty (60) working days. . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION B-2 . . PROPOSAL FORM DATE: 9/tt/t76 NAME OF BIDDER: ~II-~~ '-::2.'.~. } ~ __,,) ~~ ~c,;~ 1/9~ TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the Contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined the Contract Documents (dated July 9, 1996) including bidding requirements, general and special conditions, specifications, contract documents, and addenda, if any (Note: Acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all labor & materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the work at: KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD RESTORATION AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION MANHANSET AVENUE, GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 in accordance with the Contract Documents and Addenda, if any, prepared by JAMES A. , RICHTER, R.A., Southold Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, and complying with all the stipulations contained therein and will furnish the required Performance Bond; that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 1 . . PROPOSAL FORM CONT. FURNISH AND SUPPLY ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF TREATED TIMBER BULKHEADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED 'LUMP~UM"9F'~~('.Atw~~~~t?e~ {wJJlen In wo ljJ5 , c2J>1? ~ (written in n bers) unit prices for extras shall include the cost for materials and installation of same: PILING - (12" DiA. X 24') TIE RODS - (3/4" Galv.) DEAD MEN & BACKER PILES ~~~ ~tf~ PER~.~ (Writt~ ~5: ()t) (w n '/~) (written , ~ I; (written in numbers) (written in numbers) (written in numbers) And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town after notice of the acceptance of said proposal shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract and the sum represented by the certified check accompanying this proposal shall be forfeited to the Town as Liquidated damages; otherwise the certified check shall be retumed to the bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date of the receiving bids. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a period of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal or by mutual agreement may extend this time period. Signature of Bidd~/f,~ 1f~~~~t1~//Ud. Business Address: ~ ~tpf' 1/9~ . Telephone Number: 05"/~/oz9a/I.:l6'~ I ' Date: 9/'//9'~ BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 2 . . NEW YORK STATE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH BIDDER) Bidder's Certifications: A bidder will not be eligible for award of a contract under this Invitation for Bids unless such bidder has submitted as a part of its bid the following certification, which will be deemed a part of the resulting contract: BIDDER'S CERTIFICATION ~/I.~~. (Bidder) Certifi.es that: . 1. it intends to. us~ ~he ,foll.owing listed construction trades in the work under the contract ~ ; and, 2. a. as to those trades set forth in the preceding paragraph one hereof for which it is eligible under Part 1 of these Bid Conditions for participation in the Nassau-Suffolk County Plan it will comply with the said County area within the scope of coverage of that Plan, 'those trades being: I/~ ; and/or, b, as to those trades for which it is required by these Bid Conditions to comply with Part II of these Bid Conditions, it adopts the minimum minority man- power utilization goals and the specific affirmative action steps contained in said Part II, for all construction work (both state and non-state) in the afore- mentioned area ubje t these id Conditions, these trades being: . ; and, 3. it will obtain from each of its subcontractors and submit to the contracting or administering agency prior to the award of any subcontractor under this contract the subcontractor certification required by these Bid Conditions. ~{:~~,~~/,~~. (Signature of Authorize~~entative of Bidder) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION D - 1 . !$IA1\iSH. I. .. 61 ~ THA ... ~,. , !C:l:. . INC. . 26508 # 50-566/214 DATE II ,qCj~ I jZ; $V06D 1"1/11 00 DOUOO CTS DOLLARS Ill=''':: ~~ffl;r~- ""021:.508"" 1:02~1,01:.1:.1:.?1: 0:1"'0252'1'[ ." .. . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I AlA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we (Here insen full name and olddress or legal title of Contractor} as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and (Here insert full name and addn!ss or leg.l title of Surety) a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Ownerl as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Dollars ($ ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) NOW, THE REF 0 R E, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Ptincipal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the ~vent of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void. otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this day of 19 (Witness) { (Title) (Principal) (Seal) (Witness) { (Title) (Surety) (Sea/) AlA DOCUMENT A3l. . 810 80ND . AlA ~ . FE8RUARY 1970 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, O. C. 20006 1 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. . . OFFER OF SURETY (To be Completed by Each Bidder) In the event the above Proposal is accepted and the undersigned is awarded the Contract for the work, the undersigned offers as surety for faithful performance, bond and/or bonds to protect labor and material men, the following surety: SURETY COMPANY Signed (Bidder) CERTIFICATE OF SURETY to be signed by a duly authorized official, agent or attorney of the Surety Company. In the event that the above Proposal is accepted and the contract for the work is awarded to said (Bidders Name) the will execute (Surety Company) the Surety Bonds as herein before provided. Signed: Authorized Official, Agent, or Attorney , Date: IMPORTANT: THIS PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT WHEN CERTIFIED CHECK IS SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF BID BOND, OR BID MAY BE REJECTED. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION E - 1 . . TilE A MER CAN N S T T UTE o F ARC II TECT~ .'" ;~ AlA DoclllnelZl A2GI General Conditions of the Contract for Construction THIS !JOel/MENT liAS !"'''ORTA/I.']' LEGAl. CONSFQUENCES: CO,VSUl.TATJ();\' U:'ITl! /l^" AnORNE}" IS ENC<JL;R~lG/;"J) \n71-f RBSI'T:CT TU ITS ;l!O!JIFICAT!()A' 1987 EDITION TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 8. TIME 2. OWNER 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 3 CONTRACTOR 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 4. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT II. INSURANCE AND BONDS 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 12. UNCOVERING 'AND CORRECTION OF WORK 6. CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 1.1. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS - CHANGES IN THE WORK 14. TERMINA TrON OR SUSPENSION Of THE CONTRACT This document h:IS heen :tpprovcc! and endorsed by the A.<isoci:lIctl Gcner:ll Contr:\Clor.<i of America C:npnigln Ill] t. 191'::;, 191A, 192'1. 19;1.c. Ill"il. 19"H. !Wit. 19(,...l" I <)(i), 19(,7, Jl)iU. 197(1, @19.R7h\'ThcAmerican In~iilU1l'(lrArchilt:CI.<; 1-:;:; ~cw l"tlrk '\\"Cllll<':. N ,\'\. _, \'(":1.<;hingIIH), D.C.. 2fJllll(i, rh.:pn1ductl(11l fIr The rn:llcri:l! ht'r~'jn (lr SUh."I:ll1ti:11 qtl(ll:lli(JlllJf it<; prtl\'i~h)ns \\"illHJul \\ritlt"ll pnll1i.ssiclll ,}r Ihe ,\1,\ \'i{)!:lI\.:S th~ n)l1\"ri~!lH bw.s or lhe l:niled ~(;lll'S ;Illt! will hl.' suhjeCt III kJ.!;11 PTlJSCCUI;{)1\S r:TT:1 CAUTION: You should use an original AlA document which has this caution printed in red. ~ An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (;FNFRAI. (:()N[)lTH)NS ()F TIlE (:(lNTHACT f")R (J1N<;Tltli(:THlN. 1'{)I'RTFENT11 F.IlITI{)N ,\!,\. . 'f' I"~~ Till'. :\!\-lFlW ,,\N IN....,-IT1 '"1'1-: (If' ^,H:lllTU"TS. I ~~"i NEW' I( JIll.; A\"ENl 'E, N,\t' 'XASIIlN(;'n lN, [J( 2(~1(J(, A201-1987 WARNING; Unllcen~ed nh"tncopying viol",tes U.S. copyr;Qhlllllws and is subject to leg~1 prosecution. . l),(il'>, 9L),~ 12.3 9,R.2. 9.9..3, 9. 10.!. 9_ ] U...; 3.16,6.2.1,12.1 4.2_.~. In .1.tH, 4.2.3. <1,).2. 1.:;,1.11 I. l. I . .~, I ] .i:U-i. 4.).7, .1.:'>,9. 6.1 l. 10.:' 4.2.6, 9.R.2. 12.2.1. 1.1,5 4..1.6. 4.3.R, 4.3.9. f1.,).2 :UJ.4,9.4,9'1 1.1.1,4.5.1 3.8 11..1.11 '1.2..". -,"',-, 9.2. 9.3, 9.4. 95, 1,9.6..1. 910.1. 9.10.:,>. 1<i.2.<i :l" J n.2, :1. J 24 lhrml~h., [l.R, 3. IR.:;. 4.2.-,9.'.2.1]3.1.-1. 15.4.2. l~.':; 4.J A, 4.:1.2. ,j_,;:j, '-i..:iA. 4.5. R,,), 1, [O.I.l. 11._,.y. 11.:;,\0 4.1 4.11 2.'1. ,1.,,12.(,. .i.2. 4..1.2. "i.,,_G. ":",1.2. -,2.], i,.:Hi. -,4. 9.2. 9._"11 9 H_J.,,(J.llJ,l, 9.10.5. 12.1, 12.~,L 110;_1. 1_,';.2. H.2.2. 14.2.'i ,\I"('l1llc("1 l.imj\;ui\Jtls ()[ AUlhlJr11Y ;lnd l{r.:sp(JIlsihility ,1.,'_"_', _)_ J 2.R. 1,]2.1 t. .i.I.L '1.2,1 'L2,2. 'U..;;'. .i.l.C,. '1.2.-;-. 'i,2.10. 4.2.12. 'i.2.I_~. -<",2. ',2.1. -,'f. 9.i.2. l),(),'l. (.J.(,(; ,II, 1,-hill'Cl '.~ Addit i011a] S~T\'kTS :md EXp~'IlSl'S 2.'1. 9_H2. 115,J 1.12.2.[, 12.2_-l. 1_"':;,2. I ,,_"i_.\ 1.ol.24 Architect's Administration of the Contract 4.2, -i..'U1. 'U,'7. 4..1. 9_4, \15 _"_].2_n.1_12_R.,iIR.3..-i,2,- .iSl. 4,2.6, 12 1.2. 12.2_1 i,," ,1.2_(" ,",.2.~. ';.2.11. ,d.ll. 'i.2.I" I [. !.'I'I,.i,"i'(',,~.-.,i.(,.-~H.H,1.:~.H~_J. I. ':lX.2, \1,<) 1.10_1.2. l.i.<;.2. 14.2.2, I,U.'; 4_2.2, 'i.2.9. 4.,\.6. 9.4.2. C),H.2, 'l.l.J_2. lJ.IO, 1. 15"i <i.2.6. 4.2.7. .i.l_R. 45.7. 7.'1.1, 12, I. ,13.'5.2 , -l..i,'7,9.4.2. 9,5.1,9.10.1, l.i.'i Archil!.'Cl'~ Pro,t:t"t Repre.<;t:lH:llive 4.2.10 ArchillTI'~ Iklatilll1stlip with C(lntr:J('uH 1.1.2,3.2, I. 5.2,2. .~5 _i. _1, 'i. 1 , .'>. - ,.'>, ,1, I I. 3.1.2 ,R. .'>.12. I I . .1.16. :1,1 R, .j .2..i. 4.2.4. 4_2_0. .d.12. <;.2.6_2.2, -54. 9.R.2. Il.~.-. 12.1, 1.--\,::;; ,\rchill'(!'" lkl:Jtionship \\'jlh SulKomr;lClors I 1.2.4_2..'>, ".2A.,.1,9.6.4. li.5- 9,'L2. 95.]. 9.HL i ''-2.2. 'i.2S 4.2.9, 4...l,.6. 9.4.2. 9,";_1. 9H.2. <.)_9_2, 9_10,1. 1.~,'i IILI ,1. JR.I. lJ 10_2.10,1 4 6.1 I Acceptance of Nonconforming Work Accc]1rance o( \\-ork 96(1, Access to Work ,.\cci<.!cnl f're\Tnlillll ."crs ;11ld ()ll1i~siOI1S ,1,2, 1,5.2.2. 1_.-'!,2,.1 Il.R, 4.19. Hll. Hl.IA. 10,2.;, Add<.:n(I:1 l\ddilll)Il~1 en<;l. C:l:1jm.~ for Additioll:lllnspections and Testing Addition:ll Time. Cl:Jims (or ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT Adn:rtisClllcnl or lnvit<llion to Bid Aesthetic Effcct Allowances AII.risk Insur:lIlt'c Applications for Payment 9_R.~. 2-1..-\_.".".1.:;. Aprn)\';d" Arbitration Architect i\rehillTI. Ikfinitioll oi '\rchilcCI. EXI<:nl of Authority ,j.i.<i2.(1_', l,l.:i. 9';. lJ,()__\, "U.-L2, A n:l1 11 ect-.. Apprm':ll.. 2 ,i,.l, '), 1, ,1.10_.:'.. Archilct'1 's AtHhoril\' to lkj<:Cl \1;:-'ork Archit<:ct-~ C:opyrij.!:ht Art"l1il{'Cl',~ Ikcisi(lll<; .;'_2. '1_'>,('.'1 \),2.9'1.').::; :\rdlitc{'l'_~ Insp<'Tlil1!1s Art'hir~'ct ..~ In.'irrut'li(lIls 1\ 1"l'hill'CI',~ lnl~'rprl't;llil IllS I\rt'hirl'ct-s ()n-Sill' OhS<:r\':lliclns Ar(,'llil~.<..t',<; Ikl1rl'Sl'IlI:11illllS Arcllil<.'C1S ~iH: Visits A.;hestl)s 1\11' lr11(.'\''i' F<"l'.~ '\\'I;;lrd ()f.'i<:paratt' t:(lnrraCl.~ Award of Subcontracts and Other Contracts for F'ortions of the Work Basic Definitions l1iddll1g Hl'{/llirr'1lll'1l1" Boiler and Machinery Insurance Hond<;.I.il'f1 l\tllHIs. l'cr(c1l1l1:lnCC :md f';I\'l11C111 5.2 1.1 1 1.1, I ! - :;,2.1, ] I.-i_! 11.3.2 >J 10_2 -l_(l_<l, '-).1 ()"~' I 1..-\9. 1 I'i . INDEX Huildin,ll: Permit ,1,'" I Capitalization 1.4 Cenific:He ofSuhst:m(i~1 Completion 9.R.2 Certificates for Payment '1.2-'5. 4_2_9. 9_';,.-\. 9.4, 9_ 'i. q(, 1, <.),6.0,9- I. <J_R.-\.lJ.IO_1. 9.10..1, I:',;, IA.1.1.1, )'(,2"j Cert;ficale~ of In~pe("li(1n. Te~tinJ:t or Approval 5.12.11, 1.1. ':;,'! CeflifiC:Jtc~ nf In.'illl":Jnce 9..i.2. 9, 1 0.2. II I,.'; Change Orders. 1.1.1. lA, I. 3,R_2.4, .';.11. 4.:!.R, <1_3,.1. <i.2_."l. '7 1,7.2,7,.1.2,,1.9 Ill..), J 1,,':.1,2. 11.'>,4. ] J..~9, 12.1.2 ;.2.1 Change Orders, Definition o( Changes. CHANGES IN THE WORK Claim. Definition of Claims and Disputes 7.1 3.11,4.2.R.7,Rj.1.9_~_1 11.3.1 4.3. .:.i.4, 4S 6.2_5. 8,3,2. 9..'\.1.2. 9_';.~. 9.IOA. IO,I,'! Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims 4.5.6 Claims for Additional Cost. 4_.1,6.4.3,7,4..'1,9.6. J. I. !O_~ Claims tor Additional Time 4.3_6. 4.3,8, 4_.~.l). H,~.2 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions 4.3.6 Cl:Jim.<; for Dam:J~e.'i .,\, IR, ,j,.1.9, 6, I 1,6.2_5.83_2. lj'i.1.2. 10.1.4 Cl<lim~ SUhjCCl (0 Arbirr;llioll. 'f.'>.2. "i_'i.'1. 'i::; I Cleaning Up 3.15,(1,.~ Commencement of Statutory Limitation Period 13.7 C(JlnmcnCClTlt'nr (,( rhl' \\'()rk. Ccmditions Re[:l!in~ I() 2.1.2. 2.2.1. .~.2.1, :i.2.2. ..l,7.1. .';10.1. .i,1.2/;. _1,1,.'7. ",2_1. 6,2.2. R.l.2, R.2.2. 9.2. 1 I 1 J. 11 ,.Hi, 11.';.1 C(Jlnllll'l1Ccmcnt o( thl' \\;'(Hk. lkfinili<}fl o( R.l.2 C(JrnnluniClli(lIl'i F:Jcilil:Jlill~ (:(1I1(I';1Cl A,lnlini",tr:l1;(lll (:tllllpktillll. (:()IHlil;fllI.S Ikl:l1ing It) '1.5,2.94.2. <,l,R. 99 t. 9 COMPLETION. PAYMENTS AND. _-\91. .i.Z_'!. i ! I, .".1 'i, .i.2.2. \11, II "'i. 12_2.2. 'i,2.1 .j,,:.'), 1,,,,"'1 9 4.2,9, '1.5_::;.2. H, 1 I. R.I ,~, X.Z..i. !,l,R. 9_9," Cornrli:lI1cewithL;Jw~ 13,.~.6.."l,-;-.3 1.".4.i I, ]().2.2.ll.l. II". 15,1. 1.'l.'1.1, 1_'\_"i.2, 1:>'6. 1'1 1.1, 14.2.1..3 C(JIl~'C:llcd or (inknown Condilion,~ 'i..~(i Londili"l1.s0{thcConlracl 1 I 1 -,r,] I COllSent, \'(,'rillcn 1_."\.1. .i.12.R, .~.I ,i.2, .i.1 ,2. 4.,i_'1. 4."i."i. 9..~.2, 9A.2, 9,lJ, 1.9. !O,2. <) 10..-\.1 () 1.2. I n.I.,l. Ilj.l, 11..~.I.4. I I.,tl I. 1.~.2. 15_,j.2 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS C(lnstructi(lI1 (:h:mgc Directive, Definitj(ln ()( Construction Change Directives 1.1.1,4.2.8. CclllMruc!iOll Schcdllle~. ContractOr's Contingent Assignment of Subcontracts Continuing Contract Performance Conlr:JC1, lkfinilion of . CONTRACT, TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE (;CllllplcliIJll, Suh.<;tanli,ll 1.'.1 -:-.1,7.3,9..).1.1 :';.W.6.1_.1 5.4 4.3.4 11.2 C(lntract Admini.<;lr;Hinn COl1lract A\"\':Jrd :Jnd Execurion. 4_.'1;, ,-\.:....-.... Condition~ Rc:J;Jlln~ to ,,_ID. ':;.2, 9.2, 11.1 .1, 2 A201-1987 COrllr,ll"l Timl". Definilion of 5.,1.1 L 14 4. 9,j, 9,"i -'.,-.1, II.:'Hl.ll,'i.l 1.1, 1.2.- .~. 2.2, 'i. "." 1.1.1 "UA.4'i.5 ,j Hi.'l..""l.~. 4.4.4. 'i.2..i. .1 I. 12.2_'i, IL~. 9.1 1.'7,.1. 12.1.1 8.1.1 Contract Documents, The COntr:Kl [)ocllmcn!~. Copies Furnished :Jlld Use o( Ctmlr:Jcr Dncuments. Definition (If COn!r:Jct Perform,met' Dtlrjn~ Arhitr:J1ion Contract Sum. '\_R. 6_1,.1. -.2, -:'..-\, 9.1, 9."':, II Contract Sum. Definilion (J( (:(llllr:tct l'irne ,U,6..I.'; H. .C-l-I. -_2.] A.2 [. R.l, I. (j-. AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (;F.NERAI. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONHRlICT10N . FOljRTEF.NTI! F.DITJON AlA" . ,_c' IllR" THF. AMERICAN lNST1T\'TF. OF A RCIIITF.f:TS. l-;~'i NF.\\' YORK AVENt IF.. 1'1,\1;'_. \l;'ASIlIN(;TON. [) C .!O()OI' WARNING: Unlicens~d phnlocopying violates U,S. copyright laws <lnd is subject to leg<tt prol';eculion. . CONTRACTOR COTllr:'lCI(lf. Definition of Contr:J:Clor"s Bid. Contractor's Construction Schedules Contr3C[or"s Emplo....ees :~.3.2, 3.<1.2. 3.8.1., ]0.2, 10.3, Contractor's Liability Insurance ContrJctor'-" Helmion.<;hip with Sep:1r:ue Contr:J:ctor,<; :md Owner's Forces,3.] 4.2. 4.2.4, 6. 12.2'; COJ1lr:IClOr',<; ReI:J:Iionship with SubCOmr:'lC1or5, ).IR.I, 3.18.2, 5.2. 'd. ).4, 9.6.2,11.3.1,11.3.8, Contr:lcmr's Rel:Hion.<;hip wittl the Archilecl \.1.2,3.2.1,3.2.2, ?<H. .1S1. 3./.3, 3.11. .~.12.R 3.16, 3.18. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.2.6, 4.2.12. 'i.2. 6.2.2, i,:~A, 9.8.2,11.."0.7, 12.1, l.~,'i ConIr;lCtor'.<; !{eprescnt;uiomi \.2.2. .1.'1. 1, H.l. [.9.;\..:1, Contr:J:Clor.<; Responsihility for Tho.<;e Pcrforlllin~the\'(,'ork .L~.2,~.IH,'L2.3, In C()ntr:lClor'!; Re\'iew ofContraCI DoC\mlent.~ 1,2.2, .".2. ~.-::-,'\ C:()ntractor"~ RiFtllllO Stnr the Work 9.'7 Conlran(}r'.~ Hijlhllo Tl'rminalt' Ihl' C:omr:1t'1 1,'1.1 C(Jlltr;Klor.~ Suhlllitt:ll~ t ! lJ, 5, It . 5 12, cl ,2. 7, 'i .2.1. 1.2...;. :5,0,9.2,9..'\ I. 9.R.2. 9.9.1, 9.10.2, 1),ltl.,). 10./.2. lIA.2, 11.-i,;II C(lnlr:l('l()r'~ Stlp<:rintl'ntl<"lll .~.9, 10.2.6 C()llIrat'l()r'~ ;-\uJ'll'rvisioll and C{)ll~truClion l'rnn:tlurt's 1.2.'1. ,>'.~. .-1. "i. 'i.2 ~. H.2.2. H.2.5. 10 II I 1.7,11.2.1 1.2.2. 1.2.'1.5,.>'.1. 5.1 n. 5,12.7, (1.1.5. (1,2.1 Copil'~ Furrllsl1cd lIf [)r:lw;n~~ and Specification:; 1.3, 2.2'i, ~,'Il Corrl'ction of\Xrork 2.3,2.4, <i.2.1, 9.R.2. 9,, [2.2. lj," 1.;11 C(l~t. Definitionnf 7..'\.6. 14,3.'i CO."it:; 2A. 5.2.1. .-l,.7.<i. j.R.2, ,).1 'i.2. 'L3.6, 4..),7. '1.~,H.l, 'i.2..'1. O. J .1. (,.2.:3, (U. '7.-\.).;'1, 75,6, 7,3.7,9.7, 9B.2, 9.10.2. 11..;.I,-\.ll,~A.I1.3.9, 12,/, 12.2.1./2.2.4. 12.2.'i, !,-\.'J.I<i Cutting and Patching. 3.14,6.2.0 Damage to COllstruCtion of Owner or Separme ConlnlClor:; 3.14.2, 6.2A,, 10.2,1.2, 10.2.'i, 10.3, 11.1, 11.3. 12.2.5 Dam:lgetollw\v'ork),I'L2.9.9.1., 10.3./1,.3 ]):tma~e:<;, Cl:1ims for. .-\.1 fl, 4..-\.9. (,.1.], 6.2.'i, R.3.2, 9.5.!.2, 10.! A D:lIn:lge~ for Delay 0.1.1. H.3..~: l);lIe ofComrnelln:ment oflhe '\lI/ork, Definition of. R.1.2 ));l\t. ~lf Sut)!;(:!nli:ll Clllllpleti()l1, lJefinili{lTl clf. R.I.:' J):IY, Dcfinilionof. R.l.4 [)t'cisioll~ of the Architect. 4.2.<1, 4,2.7, 4.2.1 ] , 4,2.12, 4.2.1.\ 4,:~.2, 4..~6, 4.4.1, 4A.<I. 4,;, (}..,,\, 7,3.6, 7,.'J,H, R.!.3, R5.1. 9.2. 9.'1. 9.5.1. 9.8.2. 9.9.1. 10.1.2. [35.2. 14.2.2, 1'1.2.4 Decisions to Withhold Certification J 4.1./.,-\ DcfcCI;\'C or Nonconforming Work. Acceptance. IkjcCliOtl :mtl Correction of 2..~, 2.4. 5.5. [.4.2.!.;'.),9.5.2. 9,H.2. 9.9.1. 10.2.5. 12, Defect;ve \"(;ork, Definilion of 5.;.1 lkfiniciom I.!, 2.1 1. ,).1, ."5.1, ~.Jl.l. 5.12.2..3,12.5.4,1.1. 4..-\,1. -;,1, <iI.2, 7.2.1. 7"i.1. ~:~.6, R.[, LJ.I. 9.8.1 Delays and Extensions of Time -'i.j.t, 4..-\.R.I. 'L:'l.H.2. 6.1 l. lJ.2,,-l,. 7.2.1, '7..~.1. -.:'>A. '7..1.'i. 7 "U-i. '7.-\9. Rl 1.8.3, IO.:U, H1.1A I )i~pllle~ 4.1.4. 4,,1, .f.4, .L '5.6.2. 'i. ('..". .., ..-\.R. I)..~. I .2 !l(Jnllnl'rlI~ :lI1d S;lrllples :lIlhe Silt' .~.11 [lr:(\'\'ill~.~. j)dinltiol1 01 I,).'i I )r;(\'\'in~<; :1l1d ~peciflcl1i{lll.~. ll,~{' :md ()......nt'r~hip of 1.1 I, I ,:1. 2.2 S. ,~.I \ 'i ~ [)lll\' III [{('\'iew COntr;tCl !)(IClllllt'nt~ ;md Field C:(ll,(lit;(lll~ .1.2 UrtTtl\'C /);IlC or ln~l1r:Lnce R.2.1. J 1,1.2 3 3.1,6.1,2 ILl 3.10,6.] .5 ;'.9, .~, 18,4,2.3. II 1.1. 14.2.1 1 11.1 (:{JnlraCltt:ll 1.i:lhil;IV In.stlr:l1lce C;(1I,nlillal;(I11:111d(:(lrre!:lli(1ll . Emergencies 'i,"'- 10.3 Employee$. COlHr:tetor'5 :-, :',2. :'1.-'f.=:, "',R, \. ~,t).-1.IH 1. 3.lfU, 4.2.3, 4.2.6.,10..;. I Equipment. L<lbor. M<tlcri;ll.~ :Ind 1 1.3. 1 1,6, .-\.'1, :15.1. 3R.2, 5.12,:', 3.12.7. 3.12. I I, .", I .". ~.I 'i. 1 . '-i .2, -, 6.2.1. i.3.ri 9..L::. 9,.::' 3, II .-1. 12.2.'1. l'-i ExccmionandProwcs.c;oftheWork I 13.1.2J..1.2,.:'.:j,I. 3-5.1. 4.2.2. 4.2..", 4..-\4..f .;R. 6.2.2. -: I.~, 1..-\.9,8.2,8.,).9.' I,Ll. I-i.... Execution, Correlation and Intent of the Conlr3Ct Documents 1.2, .~.: I Extensions of Time 4.:'1.!. 4,.1.R. -.2. I .:':<fU. 10,."'.1 FailureofPaymenthrComraClOr ()SI .".I.i.l.1 1 F:liluft'ofP:tymcllthy()wncr -i.....-.IJ7, l.i.I.~ F:mhy \l'ork (See Ddccfive or Nonconforrnin~ Work] Final Completion and Final Payment 4.2. I, 4.;,'),9.10, II 1.2. 11.1,". II ,3s, Financi:;l! Ammgements, Owner's Fire and Extt"Il(JecJ COVCr:I,tlt" InSllr:mce 4.2.Y.'U2. 12.."'.1. 1....- 2.2.1 I I. ~ GENERAL PROVISIONS Governing Law (;U:lr:I111C(".~ 1St'(,: \'(':lrr:lllty and \'(!:lrr:ltltics) II:li'~IHI()lIs M:Hcri:ll.s IdclHificlIillll (lfC/mtr:ll'11)ocumcnIS Itlt.-mirk:lli(JIltlf Suh{'{lt1lr:ll'lclrs :ltId Supplins , Indemnification .1,17.3.18, l),lO.2, 10,14. II Information and Services Required of the Owner. 'i:'1.'I. (I. l~. (J. 1.'1. (1.2.<J. l),.~.2, lJ.(i, I , '-U' 9.IO,j. 10.1.4. 112, 115. Injury or Damage to Person or Property Inspeclions. 1 13.1 10.1, IlL.!..'( \,21 ",21 "'.12.11.1.":', 'I, {),H.~. ')-').2. 15.'i.1. 15'),2 4.3.9 5.~ .\, ~.-".4. 4.1.6,9.4.2. 9.R.2. 9,lJ,2. 4.2,6.4.2,9. In:<;lruct;ons to Oitkter!; lnslnlctions to the COlHraCfOT. .-\,H. tnslll.l1lce 4.;'.9. 6.!.1, 7..-\6.4, Insurance, Boller and Machinery Insurance. Contractor's liability Insurance, Effective [):ne of Insurance, Loss of Use. Insurance, Owner's Liability. Insurance, Property IIlSUraf10:::, SlOred M:lIeri:l.ls .~ 7 !. ~ .2.2. Sl.IO.I. 1',::; 1.11 1,4.2.K.'i.2.t."j.2 \)..~.2, 9.H.2. I;).Y.I, 9.1 n..:.. II 11.3.2 11.1 R.2.2. II 1.2 11..1,:'1 11.2 IO.2.'i.11.3 9..1,.2, 11.1 I..j INSURANCE AND BONDS Imllrance Companies, C<lnSCnl to P:lrti~l Ckcup:mcy Insur:tnce C<ll1lp:lnies. Settlement with Intent of the Cnntr:lct D<)l'umcms 11 9.9.1. J !....., II ! I ~ 1 () 1.2.,"', ~. I 2.'--1, [ -.j 4.2.6. 4.2.7. -4.2. Interest. 13.6 Interpretation. 1,,4,1.1.4..1, I. "i.!. (1. 1.2. R, 1 ,4 Imerpretatiom. \X;ritlen 't.2.11, 4,2, !2. '""....' ~ JoincJer and C()n~(llid:Hi(}n of Claim:; Required 4, 'i.G Judgment on Final Award oj, 'i I.", "j.4. 1 . 4.5.7 Labor and Materials, Equipment I 1-3. I.] .6. 3.4, .'i. 'i. I. .-\}-i2. ... [2.2, 5.12.'::'. .~.12.-. ~.12.11,." H. .~.I'i.I. '1.2.7, 6.2.\. -~.6. (H.2. lJ......-\. 12.2.'-i, [-I !.;lhor \)is"lIte.~ . 1-1,".1 1.;l\\-'.~;lIldHegul:ll;on.s 15..::'6,5,-:'. ~.1,-:'.'1.1 1,'i,'i'J..f'i- 9() 1. 10.2.2. 11.1. 1\ ,,-\. 1.1,.1. I .-,'i, ! :,-'i.I. I :~.S.2. ).H1 l.iens 2 1.2. ';,.-\.2. "d,::; \. R.2.2. 9.....,.~. l). 1().2 Limitation on Consolidation or Joinder 4.5,5 [jmil:lti(m~, St:lll1t('~(lf <-!.~..f.2. 12.2.(1. I ~,- l.imil:ni()l1sofAuth(lri!\' -'..1,,1.'1 I 2.'1.2,1. (~,2."". 'i.2.-. -i.l.IO, -).2.2. -::.2.4. -,j, 11,.~.I(l AlA DOCUMENT A201 . GF.NERAl. CONDITIONS OF T1IE' CONTRACT FOR CONSTR\lCT10N . FOl IIlTEENTII EDITION AlA'" . 'c) I"fl- TllF ^~1FR!C^N INSTITl'TFfJF ^RClIITECTS. 1",~<; ;--':E\Y' '}'l1RK A\:FN1'F.. N \X'.. \'('ASHIN(;'1(lN, 1) {: 1Ilflll(, A2D1-1987 3 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws i'tnd is subject 10 legal prosecution. . Limlt:llio!lS nr l.irihilll\ 2.:,>. ."I.2.1..~ -';.1, ,'l_-_~. ,l,.12.R, ,1_12.1 l. :'1,17. :UR, 'i.Z.':'. '-i.2.7. Q.2 12.. 9.6.'L 9.10.4, ), 11._1,7, 1~_..L2. 13.5.2 I.lInil:l1illllS DrTilllc. General, .1.1.1, ).7..', ~,H_2, .l"I!1, ,'l, 12.5. '\,15.1. -i,2.1. .j.2.- 4.2.1\, Ii 3.2. ~ ~_), IJ,.l"j'L:1,(l, .d9. .L"j,.f.2. "i,2.I, "i.2..":.. <i,lA. "7_,.'~. -.<i, H,' 9-'i. l)(1.2, l,I,H, SH). ') In. \ I 11, I [,_~, t. 11..":..2, I 1.,'\_'\ 11.:'.< 12.2.2. J3.'i, l.i.7 l.illli(;lliolls of Time, Specific, I 0, _,. J I, :u "i. I. 4.2.!. 'i.::'. I I. 4.3. <i.4. .:i,S. ":i. ,1, , 5.4. -.3.'3. '_.~.9. fl.2, 9,2. 9:U. 9_).3. 904.1. 96.1. 9.'. 9JU, 9.10.2. ] I.l..~, 11.:\.6, t 1~.1(), I \,3.l!. 12.2.2. 12.2.4. 12.2,6. 13.7, I<i Loss of Use Insurance 11.3.3 M;Hcri,11 Supplicr~ l.,~ I,:U 2.1. 4.2.'1. 4.2.0. ).2.1. 9.1.1. 9,:U.2, 9J..'J, 94.2, 9.6.-;. 9.lo.,j !O.I.II1.2.,j I. J .~, 1.1.6. ;l>.'i. .".'i.I. .-),H.2, 5,12.11. .".I."l, :U;:;.I. 4,2.-:-, 0.2.1. -.~.6, 9.5.2, 9J,~. 12.2.4, 14 i\lc:ms, i\-'h:lhnds. Tcchniques. Sequences and I'rocctltln-'~ of C(JnSlrllC\l(Jl1 .~J.l, 4.:::..1. .:\,2.7. 9.4.2 Minor Changes in the Work 11.1.'i.2.R,.i.3.7,: 1.7.4 MISCEllANEOUS PROVISIONS 13 ,\hl(\ifk:l1illns. !)Cnnilioll (If 1.1 I ,\lodinCllioll.<;l()rllcCOlllr;lCl 1.\.I.I.I.2.5,7..~..~.II, ,~ 1.2,",:, tU.I. 9.: Mutual Responsibility 6.2 Nonconforming Work. Acceptance of 12.3 ;\j, lIK()nl()rl11in~ \'\'(lrk, Rejection :me! ClJrrcc!ioll of 25. J, ,US. t),'i.2, 9.H.2. 12, 1:'\,- 1..'\ 2.:~, 2.'i, ,",.2..1. 5.2.2. .,.-.-l,. .'J,-,-i. :"9. !l.12.H. ,~.I~~.t) ,I~ 'I~. 'j,'-I.4. -i'i, 'i.2.1. 'i..'J, 5.4.1 I, H.2.2.9,:j,I, ()''S,I,96.1.Q.-. 9,10.111\.2. IO.2.(), 11.1,5, 11,,':>.12.2.2, 1 .!-2. 'I, I ,'. ,'. I.':;, 1. I __~. 'i. 2.. I,~ 2,.', 2,<i..'.9,.':> ILH,.',12.\).'U, I. R.2.2. 9.LI, 1),'1,\. 9- l).I(), 12.2.2, 12.2.--1. 13.3, I ~ 'i.2. l-i 13<i.I,I."l.S.2 R,2.2 fl-blni:ils. ,\-I;t1crbb, 1l:17.,lfdlllIS l.:lhor. Equlpmenl :llld >. L!..!.. .U2,', .1,12,-. N()lice Notice, Written '-I.4"i'-I,",';2.1.'i,.':>,'i.--1.1 10.] .2. ]{),2.b. II 15. 11 ':>. Nfllict' ()fTe."rin~ ;tlld InspeCtion." NllIicc 10 Proceed Notices. Permits. Fees and (HlSCr\',uiom. Arcllj'l'<.:t",~ On-Silt.: 2.2...':>.3.7, ~U, ~.i().-i. IO.2...!. 4.L.2, ,i.2.5, 4.:'..Cl. 9/i.2, (), 'i l. \).1 n, I, 1.'1<; 1.2.2. .1.2.2 9.6.0. \).R.l. \),9. 1\.5.11 ,j.2.2, 4.2.9, 'l..'l,.G. 9../,2. I),H.2. 9.9.2. 9.10.1 .j...!..2. 4.2.~, .j, Hi, I).i..!., <.JSI. 'J.IO.I, 1"'1 2.". 5.<.J, 'j .'.-:. 7,H...!..2, 11,. 12.2, 1.",<;.2. I.j -\ I ()h~cf\';llitm~, Contranor's ( h:cup;mc\' (In.Sill" InspcvtiollS In" lhl" Arcllill"<.:I (lll.SiIC (lhsl'!T;llion.s hI' lilt.: l\rcl1itt'cr ()rtlcr", \'i'rillcn OWNER 2 ()wlll"r. Definition of 2.1 Owner, Information and Services Required of the. 2 1.2, 2.2,-j,-\'i.6.9 10.1.". 11.2. I!,;), 1.-\".1.1-1.1.1";. I.~,\," (lwllcr's Al1lhoril\' ~.~ I."' I,.". .j,2,9. 'i.2.1, '1,2.'1. 'j,t.]. --\.1. K.2.L ')-\1. ')".2,11.'1 !, 12.2,'j. I.' ';.2.1'1.2,1-'1.-\.1 (h\'lll"r''' Fin:lllci;11 Clp:lhilil\' 2..2.1. 14 1 I." Owner's liability Insurance 1'.2 (h\"11Cr'<; L(l::;,~ of llsc In~urancl" II.~.' (l"'lltT ," fl.cl:niollship with SlIhClllHr<l<:\nrs I 1,2, 1,2.1. ;'1 I t),('"j (l\\"ll<.:r"S Hi~hl In Carry (111l111e \,\'nrk 2,4. 12.2,.j. 1.;.2.2.2 Owner's Right to Clean Up . Owner's Right to Perform Construction and to Award Separate Contracts 6.1 Owner's Right to Stop the Work. 2.3. /~,.~."7 (h\'Ilt'r'~ Rig:ht to Su~pC'nd Ihe \X:mk 14,:" ()wm:r'~ Ri~hl t{) Terminate rhe <:(IO,r:lct J '~.2 Ownership and Use of Architect's Drawings, Specifications and Other Documents 1.1,2.';. "'.' Partial Occupancy or Use 9,(j,().9.9, Il,.~.11 Patching, Cutting and 3.14, (1..!.{1 Patents. Royalties and 3.17 Payment, Applications for 4.2.'i, 9.2. 9.3, tJ,,~, 9.'i.l, 9.R..~, 910.1. 9.HlJ, t),IO<i. 14.2.4 Payment, Certificates for .:I.2."i. .:1.2,9. ()J.,~, 9.4, 9"- \).(1.1.\).('.(1.'),71.9.H..~,\).I() I.q Ill~, I~,"'. l.i.I.I.,-\, l.i.2-1 Payment, Failure of. .U.-, 9.">.1 ,) 9.7,,1 1:;, l"i.2.1.2 .i.2.1. .i,2,\), '" '2, -i .",;. (j.ln. II. I.!. 1 1 I,':>, I I "~' ';. 1 2..-\ I -.".()4. (j,)/l,5. I U9, 11.4 4J,.-i.l).~.lH1. <).H,", <.) lO." IU1. l'i.2.-l, 9, 1'1 " /(2. 9'" \.~ 9,(1.2, 9/d. (l.(l,'j, II,-\,I--! \"i.2,12 10.1 -;(j,i. 9.10-l" \1.1,.9.11,'1 Permits. Fees and Notices 2.2,5,3.7. .'.1:", :".1, {).t. I fI.2..! PERSONS AND PROPERTY, PROTECTION OF 10 1'1 Ilyclllorin:l1cd liiphen~'1 Ill. 1 Product Dal:\, Defini,;o!1 of. -\ 12.2 Product Data and Samples, Shop Drawings .-\.11.3.12. "1.2.- Progress and Completion .d..!. --1."i. 8.2 Progress Payments .j. ~ 't. <).,. 9.6. q~,,,,, \) I(),~. 1"'<1. l.i.2..; Project, !)dinit;(lll l)fthc 1.1.4 Project Manual. Ikf'inllif)fl(lfthe 1.1.7 Project M:\nuals 2..2 .:; Project RepreSCnl:lli,'l".~ -i,2.W Property Insurance IO,~.'i. 11.3 PROTECTION OF PERSONS ANO PROPERTY 10 Ikgul:ltions and I.:lws I.,':>, .':>/,,,.', .1.1:'.4.1 I. (I. 'i. 'i. 4.5.7,10.2.2. 11.1, 11..), 1.1.1, 1.:'l.4. 1:-\.1.1, 1~1,'i.2. I.H). I.j Rejection ofWork'.".I. ,j,2.6. \2.2 Release." (If I):';livers :mlll.iens . 9.111.2 lh:prcSl'llt:tlioll.~ I 2.2..~,1.1,'.12.-. (;,2.2, H,2, 1. <.);.':>, 94.2. l),"i.I, \l,K 2. \).Ill, I 2.,II"! I.;,'l, '1.2.1 n. 'i I I. ".1.2. I ,~2. I 4.4. ,j." ',;,' !':Iymcnt. Fill:ll I'ayment Bond, Performance Bond and P;l\'lllC1H.~, Pr[l~rcs.~ PA YMENTS AND COMPLETION 1':1\'IllCIlL<; III SullC< HHr;lctOl",<; PCB l'erforlll;lllCc Bond :md P:1Ylllcnt Bond HcprCSl'fl I ;11 ;\'C" ".1.1,4.2.1, Resolution of Claims and Disputes 1{<.:spllnsihihty for Those I'crforTnillg lhl" \'.;.'[11'1\ Ikl:1in:IRC 9;.1, 9CJ.2. I).X-\. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions by Contractor He\'jc,,' of Cmllr:lnO(s SUhI1l11l:11~ hy (hvnl"r ;md ArchilC('l '1.2,~. h, I ... (),.!. 10 \).1).1.\)101.910-\ I .2.2. 3.2, .~ - ~ 12,- , 'i.2.-.,U,9, Hc\'icw flf Shop ])r~l\\'ing.~ )'rodl1C! l):t1;1 :mdS;11ll!)lt'stn-(:<1111r:l{'l<lr Rights and Remedies ,j,2.(i,.i.,Qi,.i" ';.;,(;\.(1.,;, In,!.; In.2..; 1[.\ 12 ".2.1. ",2.,",. '!,2.. ') S,2 ,12; ."'.1 :;.2. In!.:; 13.4. I i 3.17 11.2.2.,'.2..j,:;,1 - ,"" l. :-1; I. <')'1.1. <,'- 111..') 12.2.2. 12,2 .j. 4 A201.1987 6.3 Royalties and Patents AlA DOCUMENT A201 . {iENERAI. CONDITIONS OF TilE CO!"TRACT FOR cnNSTRI!CTH1N. FO!1HTEENTll ElJIT10:o..: r\li\"- o:'I'.lfC Till' M..IF!W:,\N INST1Tl1TE ()E I\RClHTf'CTS. 1 ~>." NE\'(' YClIlK AVFN1'F.. N \'('. \'(',\Sl!1N(;,],(lr-,; I) ,- .!II(1(lh WARNING: Unlicem'U'!d photocopying violl'lles U.S. copyrlghllaws l'lnd I!': suhiecllo leq1'l1 pmsecutlon . Rules and Nolices for Arbitration Safely of Persons and Property Salely Precautions and Programs S:lll1Jlk~. DclinitiOJl of Samples. Shop Drawings. Product Data and Samples at the Site, Documents and Schedule of Values ;-;clln!tllc,o;_ (:r1ll_'lnlcti(1I1 SCP:lt':lI(" (:(11l1t':lCl~ ;ll1t! (,(lll'r:lnIH.~ "11. 4.5.2 10.2 -.10.1 .I, i.2, ~ 3.12, ,i 2,' 3.11 9.2,9_)_1 '10 .il ,~. If <, .'JWci:lI1n.<:!,(Tli()11~ :ll1(1 rc.<:ling Specifications, Dcfinillo11 of lht' Specifications, The SI:ll\llC<;Il( !.imil:l!if,n" S(llppiflj.! Ill/' W:nrl-: ,"I (lied Icl:11cri:lI" SlIhnmtr:l{"IOr, Dcrinilil1ll of SUBCONTRACTORS 1.I.i,II-i2"i,>i. .j";", (i, I I .,-:. 12 12. 122'; .~, I 2. J .~ 1 J 3.12. 'L2_"7' 3.13. (; I 1,0.2. I <) R2. 9_101. I.~_'i ,i2 ". '\29, 'i..".(;, q <,12. () I (J 1. I.~.'i ,12(;. 12 2.1. 1,'\') 1.1,6 I. 1.1.6, 1 I -. 1 :? 'I. I ~.,~ I 1 '1.,)'12,122.<1.1'>; 2 , ,'i.1""7. q -. 111 1 J In 1. : -i. I I , \) ,~ .2, 1 fl,2. I ,2, 1 1,.' I 'f, I 2.~ ,4 Shop Dr;t\\'ill~S, r1cfinilinn of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples Site, Use 01 ,<;il(' 111~p('clifll1." 1.2.2, ""~ :-;il(' \'j"il", Archil(:n's .l, 4,2.2. '1.29, 'i.5.(j. 'i.2.2. .;2. ()<;.I. ') R,2. (12 "lIh("lHllr:lCll'r.~. \X;nrk h, I 5 t 2'1. ~ ,,2. ,'> 12.1. .i .2~. ; ,~. ::; ,'i Subcontractual Relallons 5.3, <; i. () ~,1.2 ()h,2. ')(d, 9(, 1. IfI,21, II ,~--;.IIJ,R.I,i.1 I 1.i,2 I..:, l.j..'.2 SOI1l11ilUI" I '>.>'2.'>. ,J" In. ',f 1.1, 12,i.2.- -i21. <;.2." - ,1',;)2, Q,1 I.tJR2, f_),) 1. r~ 102 <1111,. In 12 11:, Subrogation, Waivers of (, I I II 1, ;,11.3.7 Subst~ntlalComplelion i,2 ',) i 5,;'; ~,I 1,.4.,1", R2,J,. 9.8. ')91 ! 22 I 122.2. 1.''7 ,<;1111~1:1Il1i:l! Cnmpl,'!il111, !J('finirion of t) .4..1 SlIhstilll(ifll1 Dr S\lh(,O!1Ir:l("lfJr,~ ; 2 ;,2.,j ,<;lll}~lilll'ilm llf the ArchiltTl .j, ~ ,_~ S\lhqi!l)ri(ll1~ n( /ll:ll("ri:1I,~ ,>'; j <;ub''''llhcnnrr;I{"lO[, 1 )efinition of <;. i.2 "llh~urf:1('f: ClllHlilifHlS 4.,'.6 Successors and Assigns 13.2 SupfHinlendenl 3.9. 1 fl,.U, Supervision and Construction Procedures 1 2,1. 3.3. ."1. 1.2 ~ '11,,1, (,1 J,. (i.2.'1. -; 1 .J" - 5 i R.2. H ~I. lP. IL. !,i .j'i 1 .j ,j ,". .:; ,j f 1.. () t II 2. (, I fl~. l'~, 2,2 ()-'.) I l) 102, 9.1(1~ 2.2,2. ~.IH ~ SIIITII S,lfel\', -"lrr\T\'.~ r:nllscnIO( . Suspension by the Owner tor Convenience 14,3 SII"PCIl-"inll nr llle \1;I,,-k I'>' -, <; i2, 11 I II 1 i ;::;l1~I't'llsif)n fll TC'll11in:ll;nll o( Ill(' (.nmrat:1 ,j ~ -. "i I I II Taxes 3.6. - ~ (,i Termination by the Contractor 14.1 T ermlnallon by the Owner for Cause " -I j I. 14.2 l('rmill:1liof) n( Ihe Arclli1('Cl .; 1 ' lennin:lljon or 111(' (.nnlr:Klnr 'i2.:! TERMINA TION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT j' Tests and Inspections 1, ,~.J" ,12(,. 'i2l). (I .i2 122 1,13.5 TIME 8 Time, Delays and Extensions 01 fJ,R, -;-,2.1 8.3 Time Url1jl~. Sp('("ific 2.1,2.2.2,1. 2.j..1, !O, 1, II. ),1 ".1 '121, i.2,! t 4,', 'i.1, 4'i. <;~. ::;<1, ':"..'.,) ;,J,,9. R.2. ()..!, U .1,.1 q-l, 1,. (),LI.9,(, 1,9'7,!>.R.2,9.10.2, if.I"1,, 111,(,.11 II' II J I!, 12.2.2. 12.2.,i, 12.2 (', l.~ I,i -I,.J, ,j 1,h, ,j 1, '-,l,.j i .1 .; ()-',2 II,., 12 12.1 'I '('. H " I 1(1 I --: 1 i, --: ~,1, 2 Time LImits on Claims rille In \\'(lrk UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK Uncovering of Work llnltllt''''-Tn (:(ll1diliOl1~ Ilnil I'ri((:~ I !~C (Ir j)'.lnlrlWTll~ 111.11, 2';. ',12 - ::; Use of Site Values, Schedule of W..iver 01 Claims: Final P8ymenl \~ :lhTr pr Cbilll" I" lll(> ArchlW'__1 \X ;Ii\~'r nl r:I:1II11<: hI lhe (:llllrr:lCl0f \\':I;'Tr o( r:birn~ h\' Ihe ()\Ylln 3.13," 1 1.1'.2 9.2," .' 4.3.5. ,i.:; I \) III 1',i,2 ')IO,i 11 ,- I' i' .j , "i "i I n q ~ II.',::;, II i) tl 1 (1 1,. I 1 ~ \\ :li"':r (,r l.i"ll~ \'{ ;liITr~ ,,( c;l,hp'~:lIi' '" Warranly :lIvl \'';-:Hr:1t11k.~ "lfI..! "I I I ,~. I I " - 3.5, .j,.!'l 12I2 l--; - 1 ~ .i q~~' <1.5.4 I I ~ ,LJ,iJ,. II >". 'I X 2. q \) I \\'e:llhcr {)el:l\'~ When ArbltrRtlon May Be Demanded \'X;ork. Dt'finirinll"/ W'rirlell (>Jll"1:'11I l.~ r U~, ; Ii.! i 12 i ,j Q1l1.2. 1.11/1,,1(112,111.1 , I I, 1 'i. ! f~ I I 1".2 I ~ ,i 2 i.211 i.2.12..I'- , 12 H, , 12 '.', ,i'" 'i .ii q::; 1,0,- q Ill. ll' 1 1. 122.i 13.3, 1>"'2. 1 ,j ",-;",(1 .2 9 H2. (] t) I. 11 J,.I. \"\'1 111en lrHCTpn'I:llin!lS Wrltlen Notice 2 -l, 2 'i. ,>.0. j ". <;21 -; " ::; .1.1,1. H.2,2. q.1 I, Ill..'!,,!! 11,.11,1,.1222, \"(;dllt'll (hd!'l~ 2.' ,(l..i, -: R 22, 1 1,1, ('. 12 I I!. 2, I ~ ;.~ 1 i AlA DOCUMENT 1\201. r;FNFIlIII IJ'NllnlllN~ Ill' Till, ('rlNTHAl:T i<lfl r:fJNSTllll, lHlN' ':"I'lnITNTll 1'.I"TI(',.,. .\fo\' . ,~, "'''l- 1"1 If' A,\1rJIII:,\N Jr~<;TITI1"f I-' 1)1' Alii I rn I:(;'J~. I ~~~ NF\~' \"()(H: !I\TNI 'f. ,'\.' w \X'.\"lllN(: 1 (IN. (, ( !"""I' A201-1987 5 W^,lNING; U"lk~"!IIf'rl nllotocopyinq viol;JIp.~ u.s. c:opyri(Jhll~..../'I:" !'Inri '!II .."bil'C:ll" 10!'lJ'1l1 PI"....":,,H"n . . GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TilE CONTRACT FOH CONSTRUCTION ] ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 .1 BASIC DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The COIllr:lcl, f)OC1I11l<:111.<: consi.c:1 of the Agreemcl11 hetween ()n-ncr :mc1 (.c)I1lr:lClor (Ilercinrlfler the ^~reemerll), C(lI1diljon~ ()I Ihe (:f)l1tr;lct {(;encr:d, Suprkmcnt;Jry ;Jnd oll1(:r Condition"), lh:l\\'il1gS. -"!'CCinC:lIilll1S, :lddcntl:l is.''llcd pri(H III C:":CC111i()fl ()f 11ll" C(Jl1tr;1CI, other dnculllcnl.c: listed in till.: ^wecmcllt :md r-,.lndHiclIillll.': is.<:ucd :l[ter execution of the Contr~CL ^ Modin. c:tlioll is r 1) ;1 '\\'rilten ;tlllendment to the Cnnlr:Kl signed by hoth p:mics, IZl :1 Ch:1n~(:, Order. (.~) ;l COIl.'aructioll Ch:1l1ge Dirt'clive (If (1\):1 writ!Cll order for ::l1l1innr ch:mge in the \'{fork is,<;t1cd lw 'he Architect. \ Illlt::.c:S specin<::llly cmllll(:r:llcd ill Ill<.. Agrn:rncnt, Ihe Cnrllr:tct DOr:lInH.'ll\~ do not include olher doc\l!1lctl(~ Stich ;\.<; hitktinR requiremen!.<; (:ldvenisefllent or ;11"it~ti(l1l 1(1 hid. Instr11nion~ 10 Bidders, <;:l1llple form.c;, the Contr;lC1Or'.<; bitl or por!lons of ~ddcnd~ rcl:Hin~ 10 hitkling reqlliremcl1t,<:) 1 . , .2 THE CONTRACT TIll" (:(1I11r;I(1 !)tl("ltllWnts ftm" tlH: CClIllr;lct rtlr CCll1.<;lflKlillll The COlltr:lCt rcptt's~nts lhe ("Iuhr ~nd inlcgr~tetl ~W('('lll('nl Iwl~Tr:n Ill(' 1):111;('.<; l'creltl ~1l(1 ,S{lpcr.<:edc~ l'rl()f llew'ti:lIilln~, ICpIC<:['l1t:lli(lIl~ ()1 :tgrt'TlllCIlt.S, eilher wrillen (Ir (lT~l. The Om, Ir:1Cl may ht: :llllClldccl {)f modified only h\.:t Modification. The Contr:l(l I )IKUlIlcnt.<; .<;h~lIllot he CtlllSlf1ted to cr('~lc ~ contr;lC" 11I;11 rcl~li{1I1.<:llip or :lI1y kind (1) hetwccn th(' ArchiltTl ~nd Con. lr;lcl(H, (1.) 1,ct\....Tcn the ()n'ncr :tntl :1 S\lhct1l11r:lCHH Cll Suh- <:llhClll1tr:1Ctnr or I:\l hetQ.'ccn :lilY rer.solls or ('11Iilks nlller rh:lIl tll(" (),,"11(:r :md Conlr;H:lnr The ArchitecI sh:1I1. ho't\"('ver. he entitled to pCrfnI111;tnn" :md enrorcC'lllen! of ohlig:nion.s lHHler Illl' C:(llllr;lC! irlICll(IC(i t{l bcilil:l\(' pCrfClrtl1:lIlCC (lr the I\rchilt"cl ':; dlllic:; 1.1.3 THE WORK 'l'!ll' leflll "\'('('rk' mC:lns Ihe CIIllSlf\l(""!icln :lnt! ,<;cfvin.":; rcqllin:t.l hy the Cnnlr:Kt Doculllcnt.s, 't\.hetltcr compleled or p:trti:llh- cornpll'tcd, :111(1 indudes at! otht'r !:lhor, Ill:llcri:tls, l'qttiplllCllt ;lnd <:CI"vicc:-" pnwidcd or In he provided h~' lhe (,tllllr:lCt{lr to 1'1111111 the (.cllllr:Ktor'" ohlig:llion.<O The \'("ork 111:1\ ("llll"titl1t(" Ille whllle or :1 P;lrl of the I'rllic("\ 1 ,1.4 THE PROJECT The l'rojcct is 111(' lnt:!1 CC1l1.<:trllc!ion of ",,'bich lhc \'V"(Hk I)('r, !"llfflled ltntlcr the (:(1111r:1("1 D(IC\lmcnl.<: 111;1\' ht' the Whlllt' (If;1 P;1f1 :mtl \'I.'hicl1 111:1\' inclnde c(Jllslnlcliun Iw rht" (}wncr or lw . . . <:cp;lr:lIC Cfllllr:lC!nr.<: 1.1,5 THE DRAWINGS 'l'he !lr;ln-jllg.<; ;In: Ihe gr:1I,hi(' :111<1 pinllfi:ll pClnic1I1.c; clf 111(" C;tlll- I r:lcr !lrl("\1I11cnt:;. \vherc\'cr It 'Cliett :111<.1 't\.hC!l(T(.r issut'd. <:l1j1\vil1.l! Ille (k<;ign. !oclliclll ;lIld dimcn<:jnns Ill' the \'<.'ork, geJlu:illy inclllttillj1 pl;1I1'<:, d(T;llirtfIS SCClirt1l.", dt"t:lil.c;. :;(1Il'd- 1111:'" :tlld ~li:lgr:Il11.c; 1.1.6 THE SPECIFICATIONS ]'11(" ';pc~'ifi(':lti(H1S ;ln~ Ih:l1 rrHli(l!l {l( IlK C>lnlr:\C1 {)(I("urnnll,<: ('1111,SIS11Tlj.!. ()f ll1e ,<;nillcn r('quif('Il1ClllS [tH m:llcri:lls, ("{l',ir' ment, ("(lt1S\rtlCli(H1 .",,'stems, st:ln(l~rds :1I1d 't'..'flllitl1:1l1S11;]' f(lr the \"<'ork, ~Il(t perfortl\~llce of r('l~ted :;('r\"lces 1. 1. 7 THE PROJECT MANUAL The ProjeCt M:Ult1~i is the volume uS\I:lII\' :l.<;scmhled for the \'Cork which tn:lY inclmlc the hidding requircJllt'I1t.<;, ,s:lInr,k rorrn.<;, Conditions of the Contf;'lCI :mtl ;;f'eciilc~tion,<: 1.2 EXECUTION, COAAELA TION AND INTENT 1.2.1 Th(' Conlr:1C1 DOCIIlllents sh:lll he signed h\' tilt' Owner :mtl COlllr:Klor :lS provided ill lhe Agn."Cll1clll. l! either the Owner or Contr:lctnr or both do nOI .<;iJ,!n :111 the Coni r;lC( Document!';, the Archirect .<Oh::lll identify such tlllsi~nerl Docu. men!.<; \lpon request. 1.2.2 Execution or the- C(lntr::lct hr thc Corllf:lCtor 1.<: :1 rcplc- ,scnt;HioI11!l:11 the COTHr~('Ior h:l~ \'isilcd lhc .c;itc, hC({lIllt' r:lnlil- i:lr with 10cII conditiolls under which lhc \'(:ork is III ht' pcr- formed :md COrrd:1ICd rcr.<:on~1 ollscr,,::niolls witl1 require- ments or the Contr:1Cl f)()('umems. 1.2_3 The (ntent of tile Contr:lCl DOcUllH"n!.<; is III inclll(t(> :lll itellls ne(('s.<;:!rr for lilt" proper ex('cution :lIld cOll1l,le\i(1tl or the \'(:nrk ll\" rhe ConlraCtor The Contr;KI I )oCtmWI1I:; :11"(' ("(lfllPi<' Illent:lry, :m<l wh:ll is required hy one :=:11:111 he ;l.c; hinding ;1>: H required hy :111: perfllrlll:lIlC(, hy 1l1r COll1r;lC!(lr ~1t:ll1 Iw rcquin'd (llllv 10 tile CXH'1l1 ("(In.<;i~tcnl 't\'ith tile C(llltr;lC! 1)(1("11 l11Cnt,S :lIltl rC:1.<:on:lhly infcr:lhlc frum !he111 ;1'<: heing Tlt"("c.<:<;~1\ lel produce Ill(' intended resulls 1.2.4 Orp,:mi7_:11ion of the Specifk':lliolls into dh'isi(1!1s <:('("110I1S :lIlct :trtkles, :m<l :nr:1llf!c1llcrll or Dr:1\\"illgs sl1:11111(11 COIl1rill the C!mtr:lCIClr in (t1vi(ling tl1~ \'(Iork ~nl(lI1fZ- Sl\I)('(llHI:!(-t(ll.c; (lr irl t'SI:lhlisllinf! \h(' eXlent (If \"(!(lrk to be pClfoflW?<I bl' :1Il\" tr:lde 1.2.5 tlnlcss nllwrwi<;e ,C::l:lle(t in the- C(mrr;lC{ !JClCtllll("TlI.<;. wc}rtl.<: ",,'llich h:lvC wcll-knon'n Icd1nic:11 In CtHl.c;Ir1,C\i!lll ilHlttS Iry 11le:lIling'" :lre 11.<;('(1 ill lhe {~olltr:lt'r [)tl('tlIl1Clll.<: ill :tc("(ln!- ;111("(" Wilh S\1(11 recl1glli7.ed llleH1ill~,C; 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 1.3,1 Tht' Dr:g\'ings, SpccifiC:llioll.c; :llld olher dOC\!Il1("!1l<; prcp:lrcd I", the Arcllilect :u(' in.<:trUlllt'lll.<: of ll1e ArchileCI-f', ~("n'ic(' throu~h 't\'l1i,1l the Work 1(1 he c:<cnttccj h\' rhe Clln. Ir:l("lllr is descrihed The (',cllHr:lCttH 111:l\- 1(:'I:lin l11H: ('lllltr:1Cl r("("llnt ,S('I_ Neither rhe (:rllllr;lCI(lr ll(lr ;tny Sllhccll1Ir:I(1(H. S\II,- c;uhc()n\r~Clnr or rn:lteri:11 or equirllHclIl <:upplier sl1:111 fJt\'n nr Cl:1il11 :1 crlpnigl1t in rhe !)r;lwill?,.<;, SpcdtiClti(tllC:: :l1HI flllH"t docull1enlS l)fep;lret! In' rht' Architect. :mcl \Illlcc:<; ollwn,.-(q' ;mlicltr'{l rhe Archilect ,,11:111 h(' deemed llw :lulll()r ll( Ilwll1 ;!!)t I will l"('l:lill ;111 CfHl1l1lCllll:1"". ~t:1lUl0f\' ~11(1 {llller r("<;(-'PT(I ri,~hl~ ill :lc1dilioll ro tl1(' c(Jp"rip.:l1t, All c(lpie.c; or lhem c):cej11 rile COIlI1:IC1nr'.c; record .<:('(. S11:1I1 hl' rf'!tlmetl or <:llir:lhly ;WCflllll!(''.1 for lotlw Arc-hilen. (Ill requcs\. Up011 ("(1ll1plcri{Hl nr 111(' \'X'ork !"1w I h:l,,'illgS, "pecificlli(HlS :111(1 (ltlln rll)("111l1('IlIo.; prf"J';rrt'r,1 h\' lilt' Arc:llilccl, :1I1tl c(lpie.c; IIH:r('rd ftlrllisll('(llt) Ill(' (t1l1Ir;tr tnr, ;II'C fn! 11.<:(" solely n.itl1 re,<:pecl In rhis P!()]CCI Tl1n ;11(' llfll 1(' he II.<:cd h\' rile C(llllr~cl{)r or :11l\' SlIhn'"lr;lct"l. Sllh sl,hnlllrr:l("!(lr Ilr 111:11C,i:1I {Ir <:-qUiplllCIlI Sllpplin (Ill f]llwr I',"j tTl.<: Of fllr :lddirifl1l.c; In Ihis Projen tllll"';ck Ihe <;('1)1'(' nl 11,,-, 6 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . I;P!FlfAL C()Nt'ITH1N~ I II" '1111' ('( W flfM:l 1"' III C( IN'; 111111'llfH') , r"l 'P 1 IT~J I 11 Fill I I' 'I; ,\I^ ~ . ,~, 1"l'l7 TrlF A~.\F11lr:,"t' IN<;1"I1"\l"l"1' or ,,,"Helli'l Fr:,!,S. 1""'\<; Nl"W' ',' l1'K A'TN1IF,.... \_~ \l:',\':I IftJ'; I t "~ I" 'n,,,~, IOJAnNIN~' lInliepn<ll!?d I"Ihol('lcot"V1nO vloIRl"!!': US_ co"vriol,'I~......c: Rnn f<: ..,,1->;".-:1 '...'..':)nl prn<:l!17t1l10fl . \"Ill!.; ixillHllH the spcr:i(ic wrincn C()!lSCIH or the owner :lIld :\rctlilcrl Tile C:IHllf;:JC1(H, SuhcrlfltraClrHs. ,C;\IIl.<;uhC(1flll;lC{(lrS :l1ltl ll1;llnial or equipment .<;lIpfllicr.<: :uc gr:lIllCtl ;1 limited IiCI_'IlSC 1(\ usc :1I1d reproduce :'lppliclhle [1oniorls or rht' Dr;!\\'- In~..!.". Sr:,ccificHiol).<: :lllcJ other (\ocurllcnl.<: prcp:1rcd hy the l\rcl1ilCC! :l[lpropri:1lt': Ip and (O!' lIS(' in Ille ("xenltion of their \Vork ul1der llle COl1tr:lcr !)ocumcn!.s All ('(Jpies tn:l(!c ullch::r Illis license ,sh:111 heir the SI:1l\l!\1r\" r:f)r"'\'ri~lll nOlicc. ir :m)". "Il(l\\"ll "ll IlK' !)r:ln:ing<;, Spcdficl1irlllS :1I1d other rl(lnll11cnts Ilfcp:llnl hy lhe.: Architect Suhmit!:ll Of di,strihtllioll 1(1 meet offici:11 regtll:l1on' Icquin."I1lClllS PI" ror other pmpo<;('s ill con- IH:nillll \Y;lh !l1i~ f'fOj('Cl l~ 1lot III he C"oll<;lfued :\~ puhliCuiOl1 ill (]cnJg:lIiCH) (J( tIlt' ArcllilCC1-~ ctJpyriRhl en IJ\]Kor rc.<;("rvccl l'ighlS 1. 4 CAP IT ALlZA TION 1,4,1 l'crm,<; Glpil:llin-:d ill Ihc~(' Cener:l) C1Jllcliliorl.<; include (IH1Se wnich :1r(' (I) spccincIlIy (lefill('d, (2) lhe litle,<; II( 111111l- hCfl'd :lr1iclcs ;10<1 idcmificd reference,<; III P:u:lgr;lphs, Suhp:lr:I' gr:lphs :lIld C1:1\I<;t's in the dCJr:t111WIlI m (51 ll1e tille::; 1)( (ltl1G dOC\lIlICIl!~ Pllhlisht'd ll\' the Alllcricln lllslilllte of Architcct<;. 1.5 INTERPRET A TION 1.5.1 In lilt' inlcrC,<;1 o( hrcdty the l.Cllllr:ICl Documents fre- qUl'lllh' omil 1111 Jdiryillg word.<; ,<;\lell :1<; ":111" :111(1 ";111\'" :lIld :Irti- clcs<;lIch :1,<: "lhc" :lIlcl ':111," hUllhe f:1cI tll:1I :1l1lodineror:m :lI'liclc is ;Ih<;cnl /rorn (llle <;1:llclllenl :lIld :lppt":Jr<; in :1llolher IS nOI illlclldet! to :1 (re('1 Il1e inlerprcl:lli(l1l (Jf either <;1:lICIllCIlI. ARTICLE 2 OWNER 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1. TIlt' O"'IK'T i,<; the IH:r<;CJIl (lr clllilY identifit'cl as stich ill llll' i\f.!rcClllclll :tncl L<; referred to thnll1.'lIJOUl Ihe Conlract I )(lCtllllcnl,<; :1.<; i( ,<;inglllar ill Il1lmlwr Tht' !crnl "Owner"' me:lIls Ill(' ()wtlc.'r ~11' Ih(' ()wlln'~ aulhllfrzec! rcpl'l"S('lll:lIive 2~ 1.2 .)'11(' (h\'lllT UP'l11 rC:IscJ1l:lhk wrillen requesl sh:llI fllrni,<;h In the Cl:lrHr:tClor ill \Vl'ilin~ infll/lll:nicHl which is tl<.Tes-":lr~' :tnd l'clc\':l11t ror Iht' C{)lllr:tC!or In e\':llu:Ilt', ni\'l': notke of or ('11['111'('(' llH.:ch;Ulk ',<; liell lights SttCh ill It 11'11l:llil Jll <;11:111 il1cllld(::1 ('()tHTl st:1lt't1lt'1l1 01 lllc tC(IJld )q~:ll lille to Iht' I'(operty Oil which Ille Pr()i~TI i<: Inctted, tlsu:llly rererred 1(1 :1.<; lhe "lie, ;lIld 1l1e ()WlltT'S illlCl'e~1 1l1erein ;11 l11c lime 01 eXecUlion of the l\grn:lllt'1l1 :Ind, wilhin five <1:,,'.<; :lfler ;tt1\' ch:lIl~e, infnnn:l\ioll ()f sHch ch:lIl.llc in (illc. recorded Of tlt1f(ocortled, 2.2 INFORMA TION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 2.2,1 The (h\-tlcr ,,,I1:tll. ;11 the reqlK'_<;t or lhe Cfllllr;lctnr, prior to exc("tttion nf lhe Agreemenl :lT1<.1 prolllplly Irollltime to time IIH-'re:lrlt't, (urn ish 10 the COlllr:\Ctor ft':1.<;on;lhk' c,'idr:nce 111;\1 111l:11lCi:ll :lrr:111~('lllt'nls h:IV(' ht'cn m:ltk' 10 (l1HilI Ill(' Ol;\ll1cr's 'lhli~:l1i(lllS undc!' thc C:elfllr:ICl_/^'Ofl}- "lIless sflch l'('fls(t11aIJle ('/'I(I('II(c 11'('1"(' 1/()"II;slwr! Oil 1"('({II('SI /I/';or /0 Ihe exenlf'OH f!! Ihl' /1,l!.I'(,C/1Wllf, Ill(' !".n~!I('(fil'(' om/roclnr would Hof /)(' 1'l"/lIiJ-l'rI/() ('SC'C"/!/, Ih(' ilRI'('t'II/C'I1I III' /fl UI111111l'1/{(' Ihe \r.rJl"~:,; 2.2,2 Tht.' (h\"!lcr ..;h:t11 f\1t'I1i,<;h .<:tln'('~'<; de~crihing ph~'.<:icll cll:lr:tClcristic", leg:rl1inlil:lli(JIls :1I1cl utilil~' 1{)(':l1iclf1~ f'lr lilt.' <;ile 'If Ihe P!Cljn-t, :1l1c1 :t leg:ll tks(:riplioll of tile Silc 2.2.3 Fx((:pl for 11Cftnil<; :In(l IC(,<; n.hkh :lfC thl' ,cspOll..<:ihilil\' (11 I!lt' (:lltllr:tcllJr IltHicr the (:I"llr:t('! !llIClttlWlll.<:, lhc' ()"'!le! ..;11;t11 '-a:!,'lJrC :llld I):!~' Inr n<:n:,<;<;:If\- :tppIC)\':I!.C;, e:I,<:ClllCllls, :1.'<:~cs'<;- . lIlen!s :1t1tl c!1;\n!I'<; rcquin'c1 for ("(1t1S11tIUi()I1, u<:{' or 1)((ltl1:111(\ ll( 11crm:l!l/'Il! <;lrI1nltre<; rlf fIll' prrlll:ltlClll cll:!nf.!C~ itl ('~:i-"til'l.! (:wililics 2,2,4 In(1I1!l1:1tinr\ Of scrvin:s ttnder Ihe o<<:'.:ncr':; Crl!1l1(\I<;h:dl he ftlrni<;lwd hy 1l1e n"'"cr <:\'ilh rC:Isnll:lh!e I1rrJt1111111'.";,<; [f) ;J\'nid dd:l\' in orderh' Ilr(lgn."',.<; of 111(" \'(:IJrk 2.2.5 llnk',<;~ oth(T~\'i,<;(' prl1\'idnl in Ill,:, (',Otll r:tcl I), WI II t)('1l1 '; Ihe Cnllll:wrnf <<:',:i1llw furnished, ftc(' o( cl1:n,l.!c_ ';\lfl1 (')I'ic:~ of llr:lwings :ttHI f'rfljen /I\:lIl!1:1Is :1~ :1t'(' 1(':lQ'II;rhl\ t1Cn~~-":t!\ If I! ("{('nllion of 111(' \'(:lllk 2.2,6 The flllTj.toing :Ir(;' in :1dclition 10 nlhn dl1tk.~ ;tnr! n',<;!)lltl, sihilitit'" III Ille (h\'l1f.'r t'l1l1111rr:llnl hndll :IIHIl'~;pn-i:1lh' 11111";" in I{'-"Iw('t tn Anicic (1 (Cclll,<;tn1Clio!l hy (hnlf'r or h~. ,\l'Jl:l1:!Il' (:rlnlr;lC1or-"l, Article 0 (1':1~.tllcnts :11ld C:1Jlllpl(,tif1111 :llld Artic\c II (lnSl1f:lllCC :111(1 1\(1!1(I.<;) 2.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 2.3.1 If the Crllllr;tetm f:li!.<; 10 ('orrC(1 \'X:mk t\'hiell is nol itl :ICC!Ht!:lIlU.' w;111111C rcquirClllelllS (If rllt' (:(1I1Ir:lCl [){lClllllt'lll-" :1-" rt"quircti h~' P;l:l':1graph 12.2 or per.<;i-"telllly r:1i1s to "clfry (llll Work irl :Jccord:JTlC"e' with the Cnllfr~cl [)OCIlt'IlCllt,<;, the Owner, hI' \\'rillcll order ,~i~ncd rC'f,<;oll:llly or hV:1I1 :lgnll specific:tlll' <.;(l cmp(H\.'ered hy 111(" OWller in wriling, Ill:!)' (lrtk'r lilt' CC}tltr;tt lor 111.<;t(lP the \'(iork. or :HlY portion therco(, untilll1e c:ttlSe (or such order h;\s hccn dimitl;\ll.'tI: however, lhe ri~hl of tile Ownc"r tfl <;l{JI1lhc \:{icHk -,,1l:111 nOI ~i\'e ri.<;{' t():1 tllIl\' oFltl1e P:11'l o( Ihe Owner 10 exerci.<;c IhL<; rj~hl for rile hcnenl of the Crlll. tr:Klor or :1I'y othef person or clltily, except 10 llle exlcnt required 1l\' Sllt'p:lr:lgr:lph (L I.:' 2,4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 2.4,1 If the COtltr:tClor dd:IUIl,<; or I1q~!cclS tf' (';11')'\' (1\11 11H' \X.:nrk in an:onl:lIl("c wilh lhe CCltllr:l('t J)Of.'1ttlH'lll~ :ttl(! f:lils wilhin :1 ,<;(,'ven.(I:n' pc-ricld :lflc:r receipl of <:\'l'iltc:n nlllin: lnltll lht' (\\\'l1cr lel ('llllHllCtlC(' :lllc! Clllllinttc- nJ!'l(;'nilltl Ilf stH'll dd':lllil Ill' lH'glcCl ",illt dili~('rl("e :111<.1 pr(l1l1plm'<:s. 111(' (),,"rWI 1ll:IY aileI' ,<;lIch ,<:(,"\'('ll-d:I\' period give Iht' Cllntr:lCIIl! :1 "CClllld ,,'rillt'11 tllllin: to C(lrt'I.'('t ,<:lIell dc(ic;('l1ctc.<'; wilhin :t<;n:lltHI s('''c.'n.d:l\' pe.'rll'(1. If the Ctltlll':lC!cl!' within SItCh ....C','fHld _<';('\'('11 d:lr pefiod :111(,"1' ({'cdp! of ,"uCll<:t'C(llld nol ice f:lils III '''lll 1ll('!lIT ;lIld Cfllllillll(' HJ CfHfcn :l11Y delidctHie<;, [Ill' (l\\'llCf 1ll:1~' Wilholll prejudice III olher rt'lllnli{'<; Illc ()"'tH'T fll:t\' h:I\'(', COHen <;lIcl1 deficicncies, 111 <:;l1ell CL<:C :m :tl'pn'11I'1:1IC' {:1l:1n~e Order sh:11l he i<;sllt'{1 dcduCling froll1 p:t\'!llt'llIS lhCI1 OJ l!lct'(,:tflcr (hie llle (;lllllr:lClllr the ('ll,o.:l fl( ('(lflcnirll! Stw!' (Icfi dcndcs. illChl(litlg CllllIIK'llSati(lIl ((1r 11le Arcllitcc!.s :1(kliljclt1:tl sen'jces :lllCI expt'll,<;(",<: Ill:lcle necc,<;.<;:ln' 1,\, ,<;IICll CICr:llIII, tlt'f.!lcc1 01' r:JiItl(c, SUdl action hy Ihe Oo:vllt"r :tnd :tIlHlll~'L<: cl1:lrgt'd tn lht: (:olllr:Ktor ;lre h(lth Sllhrcct to prior ;\pprflt':11 of 1 Ill' Archi I('Cl, II p:n'Il1(,lll<; thell or lIlere:lrter dllt' 1hc Cntltr:I('\(Jt :1r(' 1)01 su(fi('inu 10 ('()Vel such ;lllHHlIllS, tht' (;IJll1r:lCtll! sh:1I1 p',1\ lilt' dirfcl'CflCt' to lhe (lWllet ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR 3.1 DEFINITION 3.1. T1H~ CCJI,lr:1C!111 is tll(" ))t'rsllll flr (:ntill' idclllifit,(! :IS <;lwll ill Ih(' ^wecllwllI :md i_<; r('[crled 10 1!U'ClIH,dH'I!! lhe (!111lt:lIl 1)'WI1llll'IH~ :IS if <;itll~IIJ:lf in tlllll1her '1'111'1('1111 "(('tltr:tlJ,,, t1l(':lIlS tll{' (.~llllt:lnlJr ClI lhe ((HJ[r;l('IC11<; :H!!IH'tiJ,,1 tqHC<:CIll:niq: AlA DOCUMENT '\~Ol . 1;r-:Nt:UAI. (:I'NIltll0I\ts (lr lItl'. C{JNTllM:T Fell( <:ONsTllll(:THJN' Hlt1lltlTNTIl F!)11111N ,"A. '!':I "lIe 1 t 11' /\~lrHl1 AN tN<;TlTIITF OF ^IH:IUTFC t<;. t ~~o:; Nnl' YOaK ^\'t:I',/I tF, N \l' W'i\,SIlINC'1 (IN 1\( 2'ltJ!l(; A201-1987 7 W^ANING' llnll(':pn!l"d J"hnlnl':nnv'''Q vlol"l..!! U,S, coPV,I"hl lnw!lIUtrl 1"1 !luhl,.("! In 1"0"1 nrn""("lIllnn, . 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR 3.2.1 The C(llltr:lC!or ~11:lfl ofcflllty o;'t1d~' ;lIld CtJlllf':lrc Ihe C:rHltr;lC! [)IIC\llllC111.<: wilh (,:lch (1Iller :lllt! WillI il1r(Jr1l1;lIifln turnisllcd )1\' the ()wner pursu:1Il1 [(I Slrhp:mlp,r:lph 2.2.2 ;II1d sh:ll! :l! once rq,or! 10 the Archilect errors, inn HIsistt'llcic." or llmis,sitlll." discovcol{'d The CfllHr:1C!ol Sh:1H 11(11 he Ibllk 1(\ tile (h\"l1(:r~)r ^rchitC(l f(ll d:1l11:1W,' rc.'illllillg fnll11CflnrS, ilH"'.lllSic:. !ellcje,<; or Plllission.c; in the CClIUr:lct Documen's unft'.<:.<; IIIC C:(Hllr:IC'{lr rl'Cflgni7.cd Sllell ericH, jJlUlIlsi.<iIl'IWY (11 <)\niSSlllll :lnd kll(l~...illgjr failed to report it [n the Mchilen. If lht' CPIl- Ir:1Ctor po:r(orlll'<: :lI1Y construction :lcth'ily knowing it involves ;1 recognized error, ill('()Tl~i.';lenc~' or otlli,,;,,;ion in Ihe Conlr;ICI !)oCtlrnCnl~ willH)llt ~lIcl1 1l00ict In the AI'C"hitccl. lhe COfllr:1C' lor ~h:rll ;IS';H!I1t: :lppropri:llt" rcspollsihilily f{ll such perfor. 1ll:1l1lT :1111.1,,11:111 he:lr;Ill :lpproprimt: :1I111Hlllt of the :lltrilHH:1hlc ellSlS ftH correction 3.2.2 The COlHr:lClor ,c;h~1I l;!ke Fi(;'ld rne:lsurt;mcnl.<; :lIlU v(;'riry field c{llldiliollS ;md ,c;h:lll c:uefuJly cornp:ne: ,C;Ud1 Field me;!- Sllre1TH:nt~ ;llld condilions :111<1 nther inforll1:rtioll known to the (:r)l)lr:lctllr willllhl" C()Iltr:lCl [)clCl1ll11"!lIS 11('/"(lr(' ClJt111llCncing :l('li\';lil".<;. Errf)r~, inconsLc;lcnck',<; or ()llli:';,c;ioIlS di~nlVercd ~h:lll he reported III the Archilect :ll once 3.2.3 The (Onlr;JClOr ~h;ll1 perform llle \'(.'ork in :lCcord:1l1ce will1 lhe CPlltr;\C1 Document.<; and ~Uhlllitl:lL<; ;1[1pl'llVcd rur, suall{ If) l'ar:lgr;lpl1 ,~_12 3.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 3.3.1 The COlllr;JClor ,c;h:-;lI c;lIpervisc ;tnd dirt'("( the \'{lork, 11sing lhe Conlr;lCtor'." he,"t ,,,kill ;md :lltemion, The Cnnlr:IClol sil:dl he solely re~p()nsihk for :md h:lve control over CtlmarllC- llllll mc:rll~, mefhcl(ls. lcchniqll(',~, ~{:q\lelKeS :lIld pnlCcdurc~ :111d rIll CC1(lrtlin:lIill~ :lll ponilllls ()r rill' \VJClrl< under rhe (;l)ll- lr:I('(, lIllle.".':: C.onrr:lCt [)OClllllents gh'C olher ~p('drk im;lnK' lion:" (orlo:rnin~ rhese rn:lller.<; 3.3.2 The CrmtraClOr ."hall he re,<:pol1,<;ihle In the Owner for :ICI.<: ;llld (llllissifll1S of lhe Contr:IClor',<; employee:;, Suhcnnlr:Il'lors ;111d their ;1!1elH.~ ;lll(l employecs, ;1l1t! olher rer~llll." performing l1onicl!lS of lhe \'(/ork under ;1 cllntr;KI wilh Ilrt' Corllr:l(olClr, 3.3.3 The COlllr:lCtor sh:lll nOI he reli~'ved ofohlig;lIiollS 10 PCI- form the \'X'nrk in ;lCcord:mce with the COnlr:/C1 l)onlt1H:nIS eilher hy :lCtidtit's or dUlie:o; or tile Arcllitt'ct in lilt' ^rchilecl',e; ;ldlllinistr;llioll of Ihe COl1tr:Kl. en hy It'Sts. inspt'c\lon,'i or :1111)1'(1\':11.'1 required or performed hy persons olher Ih:lIl lhe CIllilr:ICIIH", 3.3.4 Tile Cnlllr:lctor .';11;111 he rt'spoll.<;ihle for inspeclion or por- I if Ill." or \'('flrk :llre:ldy pCrrorlm:d under this \,OIl!r:lcl !o dCler, minc Ih:ll ,";{1clt portions ;11"(,' in pHlper condilioll to receive ,c;ub, ..;("qucm \'\." C Jrk, 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 3.4.1 \ Inl1,:s<; other\\"j,<;(' provided ill tl1(:' (~()JHr:I(! l)IlClllllCllIS, II'l' (;(lnll';lClllr sll;illllnl\'ide :lnd ll:IY fIll' bllllf, nl:ltni:rls. cqllip, llH'IH. lCltll" ("(lI\struclillll equipment :llld 11l;IlJlillery, W:IICI'. I1c:tl, 1.11 ilit ie,". tr:lIlSplJrt:lIi(lIl, ;In(/ lIther fadlilit"s and S('lTicl'S IK'('I'..;s:n" f"1 proper execulion ;lll(l ('(llllpk'tillll of the \'(:ork. \\'ll('11H.:1' tc.:rl1pllf;I1Y Ill' pernl:11lt.'Il\ :llld WhClht'1 llr llCH innl1')J1J' r:llnl (If lCl llc in('(lrp(lr:llcd in the WJllrk, 304.2 TIlt" C:lllllr;rC1ll!' -"11:111 cnrlltTC -"trin di....ciplillt. :lIld g(l(ld (lllier ;lllHll1,l! the (:(llllr:1('Illl'-S l'lllpl1,\'CC" ;ll1d cllhcl ptT"llll,,, (:lIT\'ing (JUt Ille {,(JllIr:wl rile (:nlltf:lctrJl" <;h;lll nol I,c:rlllil {'11l1)I(l\'I1H:t11 'lr IHllit perS(lll.<; III IWl"S(l1lS rH11 "killnl in 1:ISks :1.,,"igncc.1 II' ltlerll . 3.5 WARRANTY 3.5.1 The (rllltl;ICr(lr "'-:1 rr;lI 11 " 10 tilt, (l""IWT :111(1 i\J\ !lill'c! tll:1! m:llcri:lLe; :md ('qUipllWlll furnished 1H)cln IIH' (111111;11.1 will I,,: or good qll:llir\' ;1ll(1 Il('W IInk's" Clll1t'rwiq' rcqlliJ!'cl Of l'Clrnil led hy Ill(' COllrr;1C1 [)ClCnmnlls, Ih:Jl Ilw W"'rk ,,"-ill Iw frn rrom dt'/CT1<; Ill)1 inllClenl in rhe QU;llit\. n'rj11iH:d [11 l'Ctllli1tnl :111<1 lll:tl rill' \':(lrk will Cflflforll1 ~,-.ith 11)1' I'CqllilfollWlH'; of 111, {;(llllr:lCl 11(JClllller1tS. \"(I'(nk Ill11 (,ClJ1fClrrllillg Ie' 111(.'<;(' f('{plirl' JllClllS. including .<;l1h"tilu!ioJ1S IlOl pr[llwl'l~ :Ippn1\'("c! :111<1 ;1\llhllri7ed T1l:l\' h(' C!lll."idercd defcr,tin_' Th(' <:(1l1l1:rr-1<1l" w:lrr;Ill1)' excludes remedy fen d:tJll~'~(, nr defeel. c:rus{'(1 11\ ;lhtt';t', II11l(tif'iCHi(1l1<; IH11 ('xcc\lle(! In' rile C{1I1tr;1I'!1)l illlllfflp("r llr i.ISllfficienl 1l1:lil1len:1l1Cf:, imprl'fwr ('f'cr:lli('ll, III tHlltll:tl we:1l' :mc! le:n llnd{~1 n(Jrlll:lllt<;:t~C. If rt:quiwd 11\' Ille ^rcl1irn'!. the Cotllr:lClor _<:11:111 11lt'Jli..;h _<;;lIisf:lC\llry {'\'idcll((' :l~' III Ill(' kil1(1 :1J1d qU:llity or Ill;llcri:1L<; :1I1d eql1ipmenl 3.6 TAXES 3.6.1 The C()n1r:1ClOr~h~1l r~Y s;Jle~, COIl<;lI11wr, \lse :1nd~silllil:ll I:Ixe,<; for th(' WClrk or pnrtioJ1:C: thereof I'f<n'id('d In' rhe (:01)- lr:IC\(1I Wllich ;lrc ICg:llh' C'n:K!('(1 tVrH'1l 11icl( :11(,' I('('('i\'('(\ III nc~cJti:lIiClIlS ('lllH'ludc(l. whether (lr IHlI rt'! r:lfeni\'(" (If tlH'ld, <;chedulcd tn go inlo ('(feet 3.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 3.7,1 (lnles." {lthcrwisc prc)\'ided jf! the C(Hllr:l("1 ])('UlIlWIJ1S. llle Crllltr:lC/or ,,,11:111 _"ecur(:' ;!nd p:ly fnr tile huildin~ pe!'ll1it ;IIHI (1lhel pl'fllli1.<; ;Ill(t j1.I1\TrllflK'IlI:'[ rl't:~;. li('(_'I1<.;('<; :1Il(! itlsp{"Clirlf1.~ m.TeS.<;;Ir\' Illl Plll[lCr e:'(enltion ;lIld ("()lIlJlleti('ll Il( llw \',"'llk \\'hich ;1rc CUSlll1l1;lI'ih' .';ccured ;If'ler /:':'(ecoti'11\ 1,1 II".. (:llI1Ir:ttl ;l1ld "",hi('ll ;lfe kg;ItI\, rctp.irc<l ~'\Il1eTl hjd~ ~11(' l('ceil"('t! {II lH:W' li:llillll,<; (ll1ldu(lnl 3.7.2 The (:clll.r;1Clllf -',11:111 ((lmpl\' \\-irll ;ltl(1 givc tlCltttc'; lequired In 1;1\\''<;, nr<lin:l1lce.<;, rule::;, r<:gtll;llillll.<; :1I1d 1:1\\,(111 (lrdn,<; of puhlic :lulhori.ics he;rring 011 perf(jrrn:llK~' o( rll(' \\'1 Irk. 3.7.3 II is nol Ihe COll1r:lt.\or',<; respoll<;ihilit\' III :lsCerl:lin lh;1I tilt' Comr:lct [)onllnent.<; ;Jr(" in :lcCor(l:llHT \\:ith ;lppliclhk I;":I/s, ,e;t;IHIICS, ortlin:lIlce,c:, h1/ilding codes, :1I1d rules ;1I1d l{'gul:1 I inn.<; , IlcJwever, ir lhe CtllHr:lct(H oh."crve." Ill:!! PllOi( II1S Il( Il1e (:(llllr:1Cl !)(IOIIlWnIS arc ~\ v:lri;ll1('e lilcrewitll, lIlt. (,lll1rr:lC!lll sll;11I prnrnplly 1l(lliFy lhe Architect ;md Owner in wriling. :lnd neCc.<;S:lr" ch:1I1gc_<; ,.::h:111 he :lccompHsl1ed 11\' ;lppmpri:l1c r""(ldifiC:Hi(Hl 3.7.4 If Ih(" Clllltr:ICtO( performs \'V'ork kll(ltvill~ il to he ('(lJl' 1f;lry 10 I;,,,-,s. ,"l:I1lHes. ordin:lI1ccs, huilding codes, :lnd rule.'> :111(1 reguj;Hion~ Wilho\lt such notice 10 lhe ^rchiw(r ;lIld OWl1er, the COlllr;l("\or .<;11;111 :IS,<;UlllC rull rcspCln.<;ihilit\' rOl" .<;lIch \X;ork :llld ,<;h:11I he:lr lhl' ;lftrihlH:lhl(' c.:()Sl~ 3.8 ALLOWANCES 3.8.1 The COlllr:lCtor ."11:111 includt: ill the COlllr:1C! Sltlll :1(1 ;lIlow:lllc.:cs q:lll'd in lht' COl1lr:lct [)oculllt'nts, Itelll.<; C(l\'{ornl 11\' :111o\\';IIKC.<; :<;h:111 tw ,"\lppli('(I r(lr ."llell :m)(lt11lt~ ;111([ lw sllth pn<;ons or elltiti('s :1." lIlt' ()wller Ill:l" direct. tnll Ihe (:llrHr:ll'1Cll" sll:11I III II h(: n:quirnl 10 employ per.c:.lltl~ or cllli!ic.<; ;1~(:Iill.<;! wl1i('h lh~ CCJ1lIl":KIUt m:llH:'S re;lsollah!t' ohjcCTiotl 3.8.2 llnk-.",<; 11111l'rwis(' pnl\'idnt in ll1c <:(1Il11';1~'1 [)(l(tlllt('tllS 01 rn;llt'ri:lI~ ;11)([ equipnJ('nt under ;1Il ;1I1( 1\\':111("(' sl1;111 be "Cll'Clnl [llClmplly h~' Ille Owner lCl ;n"'kl dcl:l\' in the \'\Cllk; .2 :11101\';111((''' sl1:tll ("ovel' 111(' COSI !I) 111(' CrHl!r:tCll11 I)f tll;lIeri:li.c:. ;lIltl equipl1)(,1l1 t1elivern.l :tl rhe sire ;lnd :111 rnlllil'ed r;lx('-". Ie..;<; ;lppliC1hl,' lr:ldc (li<;cr1!1I1t'~' 8 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . I:PJf'IlAl. (:(1r-.;r)llH1NS (1! llrr (()N["ll,\('T Hill (()NS'lIlI'I'rHlN. l(ll'tlIFr.rnll l'rllllfH"; 1\1,\' .,-;, I 'lIe 11'1' AMFH1C:AN INsTrTI'TI' tH' ~11C.III 1Ft 1''', I - Ie; Nl'\X' Y( l1!" ,\\'FNllr. N \~ \\ ,\';llltU;'I(l!\: 11\ 2'''111(, WARNING: Unlicensed pholoeoflylng vlolAles U.S. copyright l:twe: And Is subj..c! In lell"'" prO!.p.cullon, . .3 CnFllr:IClor'" cn."t." fur lInlo:lding :md h:rndling:1\ the site, l:ll1or, insl:ll1:Ul01l ensL<;, (l\'erl1e:ltf. profit :md orhel expcn.<;es contemplated for sla1ed ;tllow;mcc ;tIlHllH1l.<: .<;11:111 be included in the (:ontr:K! Surn ;md rHll in lIlt: :1I10W;lIlcc,<;' .<1 WllC'!l("\'t'r ("(ISiS ;11"(' 1111)1 C ,11:111 (If les,Ci 11\;111 ;lll1n\":llln.:,";, Il1e Cnlllr;j("r Sum <::11:111 he :l(liu.<:tct! :lCcnrtlingly h~' Ch:lllgC Order. The :llllO\11I1 of tile Ch:mgc (lrcler '<:/1:111 reflect (I) rllt' clirfcrcllcc hcl\vecn ;ICI\l:11 COS!" :rnd thl.: :lIloo;\';mccs tinder C!:111<;r." .~.H2.2 :rnd (2) Ch:lllgCS in Cnlllr:1C1or'.<: C(I<;I.<: \1nde1" 0:111:<;(' ,", H.2_~ 3.9 SUPERINTENDENT 3.9.1 The COrllr~ctor"h:;l.lI employ :1 competent .superinten- dent :md necess:lry ~.<;<:ist;1nls who .<:11:111 he in ;1(!Cn(!:lllCC :11 the flmjecl ~il(' during pcrf(Jrlll~mcc of Ihe Work The sllperintell- (11..'111 ,<:,h:111 rcpre:::cnt rhe (:onlr~Cl(H, :llld (,()l1llllt,nic:lli(lIl,c; givel} 10 !he superintendent sh~"1 be~::: hinding :1,<: if given 10 the Con- rr:1Ctor. Illlport:1111 COlTlITHmiC:11ion,c; c;h:lll be confirmed in writ- ing, Other COIllJ111111ic:ltioTl.<; sh:1I1 he c;imibrly confirmed on \\'rill<.:n feque,<;r in eKh C:l,e;e. 3.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 3,10.1 The Conrr:wtm, prolllpll~' :Ifrer heing :I\,":lrdcd lhe Con. ll':ICI, ,<;11:111 prepare ;lIld s\lhlllir for rhe (h\'ner's :Jnd Mcllilect','i inlorm:Ilion;1 COllll':lClor'::; COn.<;frtlUiol1 s('!lnlllk for rhe \'(lork, rile ,<;Clll~dlllc ,<;11:111 ll(1{ exceed rime limi!.e; currelll under I11L' (:l Jlltr:KI I )(1('\1Il1cn1.<;, shaft he l'('\'isr:d:1I ;lppn)pri:lI(' inler\';II.o:.:'Is required hy ll1e conditions flf Illc Work ;1Il(] Prlli(TL c;11:111 he rcbred 10 lhe cntire Project 10 lhe ('xtt"lll required hy rh(' Con. 11':ICl 1)(lCl1ll1ClllS, :llld Sh;lll ptoddc 1'01' expnlirious :llld pr:Kli- (;Ihll' execurion of the W/nrk 3,10.2 TIH' ClIntr:l('lnr sh:lll prcp:lrc mId kcep cllrrent. for rhe Arcllile{'t-s :lPlml\":II, :1 "wheduk (Ir ,<:'Uhlllilt:JI,o:. which i,<; ('()(lrdi. 11:ttcd wil111l1e (,lllllr:lClllr',<: ('(1I1SlrUni(l1l .<:chnltlk :l1ld :rllo\\'s I he Arcllil<:n rC;I<:IIll:lhle rimc 10 r('vi('\\' snhmiI1:l1.<: 3.10,3 Tile Ct'nlr:lClof .<:h:lll cunform 10 lhe lllll<:! Icu:nl ,"CIH.'tlllln 3.11 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE 3.11.1 The COtHr:l(lm .<:11:111 rn:lhll:1in :11 rhe ,<:ile for llll' (It\'ner one r('Corcl C(}p~' of the lJr:1winRo:., Specifictlioll,<;, :ltklend:J, Ch:lIl~c Orders :lntl olher MocliOc:tfiOIlS, ill good order :md Ill:lrkccl cllrn'lllly ro record Ch:111~eS :md selecTioll,<; m:Kte during tr InSI runion, :lIld ill additioll :lppro\'cd Shop Dr:lwill~s, Prod, Itct 1):11:1, S:lI11plc.<: :lnd ,<;illlil:lr required ,<;\lhll1ilt:II.<;_ Th(',o:.(.' sh:t11 Iw :1\':lil:r11Ic 10 Ill(' Architect :lIld sh:lIl he delivered 1Ulllc Archi. leCI f(lr Sllhlllill:Jl to the Owner upon cOlllplelion or the Work, 3.12 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 3,12,1 Shop Drawitlgs :11'<: dr:r\\'illgs, di:lgr:II11,<;, ,<;dwduks :1l1t! IllllLT d:lt;t SPt'Ci:ltly prepared [Ill' lilt' "":(Jrk by lhe (;\llllr:/CI(lr lIt ;1 StlllC(HHr:l('tl)r, ,"lllh,sullCl)ntr:I('\llt, IlWnllf:lClllrn, slrpplicr (Jl dislrill1l1fJr ro illl1.<:lr:l1<: Senne ponioll of rile Work, 3,12.2 I'rmllln D:Il:1 :Ht' illuc;lr:llillllS, ,<;I:lIld:lrd schnluk's, per- !r'l'lll:I!l('C ('h:rrt,<;, ill.<:lrIlCli{HlS, Ill'(l<-:I1I1I'e,<;, di:l~r:"ll.<: :lIld Illher ill1illlll:ui(1ll flrrnishnl h\- Ihe (:fllltr;t('II,r lfl Hhl~Tl:11e lll:lleri:lls IH l'<ptipllll'111 fIll' SIHlll' Il(lrli(1Il tl{ Illl: \':fH'1.: 3,12,3 ,<';:lIllpks :lTC ph\'sicl! CX:llllPlcs which illu,<:\r:lle tll:lIl'ri:lls, ctl'ripmenl <}f \\-rnklll:l1l,<dlip :1I1d C~I:lhlisl1 sl:lIldard<: 11\ \\'hich lilt" \\:-orl-.: will he jtldW'(i 3,12,4 "1~1)lll)r:l\\'illgs, I'nl(hl('1 l);ll:t, S:lllll,I('<: :rnd ,<:iI11i!:lr sub- 111ill:ds :11(: IHII (:lllllr:Il'l ]lfl('\IlIICI1L<; 'I'he P11T1'(I<;{' (11 theil' suh, IlIill;ll is '(I <I(,IlHIIl';11':I!C for thos(' porti{lll<: of the \\'nrk fot . n-l1ic!l '<:Irllllltl r:ll<: ;lre fC(lllirrtl the t\';l~ Illl' (_lllllr:l(lf 11 Jlf(l!'1 1<:('S to conform 10 lhe infClrm:llifll1 given :lI1d Ille (lesign CCIt1CC])1 r~xpn:s,<;l'd ill Ihe C(lllIr:\Ct Doculllenrs Ih,'\'i(".y 11\' th~' Mc!1ilr:CI is ,<:llhicct l(lllle lilllil:Jli(1n::; ()f Sllhp:n:l,Qr:1J)ll /1_2,- 3.12.5 TIle <:(lnlr:1Clllr sh:11I rC"icw, :ll)I'!I)\.'(' :lt1<1 .<:'llhIJlillllllw Ardlilen Shllp l)r:l\\'irl~,<:, Pf(KhlCl !);ll;l, <:;;lll1ples :111d <;jfnibr ,'>1lhlnill:tI.<: rC(ltlifnl hy the COIlII':ICl 1)(lClllll{'l1l.~ wirh rCI';(1l1 :lhlc prOlllptlll:S::; and ill such <:cqu{'ll(:e :1.<: In C:HI.<;e tll) dcl:l\- ill rhe \'(cork or in rhe :1cti\'ilies of lhe OWller (IT nf sep:lT:lIe C011 t!':1etpr<; Stlhllliu:ll.<: lIl:lde hy lhe: Cotlrr:IC!(lr \\'hich :1TC Ilfll required by lhe Contr:lcl f)oClIIIlC1I1S 1l1:1Y hc n:lllflwt! wilhrllll :lC1illrl 3.12.6 rhe CtlTlrr:Klor ,<:11:111 perf0rl11 nCl jlunion of Ihe \"('(lrk reqllirillJ~ _<:11hmitr:11 :111(1 r("\'ic\\' llf Sht]!l l>r:lwillg,<;, I'('tl(ht('t [):II:1, S:Il11pks or ,';illlil:lr suhll1iu:lls llllril till' respen!\'(: ,';ul1tl1It' (:IIIi:IS heen :lpproved hy the ArchilCCI Such \X'OIl-: sh:llf IlL' ill :IC((lf(I:Ill('c n.irll :Jpprrl\'(:'(1 Sllhlllift:lls 3.12.7 IJr :lpplO\'ing :l1ld ,<:uhlllilling Sho!) Dr:l\\-inw, Prndllct 1):11:1. Salllples :1l1d Silllil:lI' c;ul1lllin:II,<;, rhe Cil1llr:lclr_lt n:pl('Sl'IIIS tll:ll rhe COlllr:IClor h:IS deleflllined ;lnd verified 111:1I<:1'i:I;";, field IllCr,S\lr('lllenrs :lntl field Ctlll.<:lructillll criteri;1 tCI:lret!IJwr<:I(). ()I "ill do ~;o, :tlld h:1S checked ;md COllrdin:lInllhc iI11(lflll:rritlll t'(llll:lillet! within slid 1 ,<;ubmit!;lls ""ith Ihe requiremenls "r llle \X'nrk :lIld of lhe COlllr:lct I)OCIIllll.:llfS 3.12.8 The COfllr;l('tOt .<:h:llIllol h(' relil'n:d of respfltlsihilit~ frll dc\'i;rtiolls frolll rcquirclllelH.o:. of the Cllllll;tCl Il(I('11ll1t'1l1'; h" the Ardlirect's :tppro\':-rl pf Shpp 1)r:lwings, PTllf.!lIC! l':11:1. S:II11pk<: (II .<;illli!:lr ,<:llhl1lill:ll.s 1111Ic<:<; !he C-,(1I1tr:wtlll ln~ <;pcTificIlh' inftlflllnl rhe Archirect in \\'Iititlg of ,<;uch dn'i:i1i(l!l :ll Ill(' lime or suhrnilf:ll :llld the ArchiH'Ct l1:t~ !!IITl1 ~"'rill('f\ :lppro\':11 1/1 rile ,<;pecj(i{: ded:Jtillll The Cnllfr:Wlor "h:ll1 nlll he n:lk'vcd or 1't',<;pOll,<;ihilit" fOf errrH,<: or {I!lli,<;<:illl\~ ill ,<:';1101' [1,:1\\', ill!!.<;, l'l(ldllCt 1);II:t, S:lIl1plcs tlf ,Silllil;ll SII1111lilt:lls In llle I\lclli let:I'~ ;IPplll\':ll lll(T('()f 3.12.9 -l-Il(' (:()lltl':I('lllr ,,11:111 dircC1 .<:pecific :lltt.'llrirltl, ill ~Yrilillg or Oil t('.<:lIhl1lhtnt Shop Ilt:I",-ings, Prodllcl !);rI:I, S:t1l1r)k": ()I ,simibr ,"I1hl11il 1:11.<; , tll tt'Vi,<;iIHl,<; (lllll"r 111:1n ll1rI~f.' 1('(P,('Qcr.{ 11\ the' ArchilcC! on pn:-\'i(}u.<: ,<:\lhl11il!:ll-" 3.12.10 Illfflrm:llion:11 ,<;uh11lift:lls UpOIl which IIH' .'\tchilcn i~ nPI cxpc('led rll 1;Ike respoll::;i\-e :1Cliol1 II1:r' )w.<:o itlCl1l ificd in rhe (:tHllr:l('l i)nnll11Ctll,<; 3.12.11 W'llell pTllr(.'ssi()Il:11 ('('rtif1cuion (lfpnl<lr1ll:lIl('{' l'!'ilni:1 of rn:Heri:II.", ,<;y.<:lcm.<: or cqUiplllClll j,<; required hy 111(' COflrr;lct DoulIllnll,<;, 111(' Architccl ,<;h:l11 hc eT1liti(-d III rdy tlpfltl rhe :lCCltr:lCY ;lnd complclcne,<:s of SUdl Cllcnl:rtiOll_<; :111(1 ("':rrin, CHinllS 3.13 USE OF SITE 3.13.1 The C/llltr:lt'r(lr Sh:lll ccmfine fl!lcr:1I1<1I1S:1I Ihe _<;il~> lfl ;1J'(':IS perlllilled Iw 1:1W, ordill:III('('~, pnlllil~ :llltll!lc Clll1rr:wt DIlClllllcnt." :tnd Sh:lJllllll 1lI11l':J<:t1Il:thh- ('I1('\lt11her tile ~;it{' \',ilh rn:ll{'ri:lls or equipment 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING 3,14.1 The (:llllrr:IC1(l! ,<;11;111 h(' rcs!)rlllsihlr' fllr (-llltilll~, Iiftilll! fir p:l1c!ling requircd 1(1 nllllplrlc Ill(' \-':-ork or fO 11l:1kc if:; Il:trl.<; fir IO~Clher prnpeT 1\' 3.14.2 TIle (:lllltr;rctrll :>h:lll Illll t!:llll:lgC 'I! CIHI:llli!Cr:1 1,,1("li"11 01 Ill(' \'Cllrk or htlh- or rmr!i;llly COlllll!cln! ('lHl~lnKti(lt1ld Tllt (h\'tl('l (11 ,<:cp:lr:r1t' ("(llllr:/ClIIlS h~' C\lllinf!, fl:ltt'l,itlj\ III "ltH" \\-j<;{' :llrcring <:~Id', ('tltl';truC!i(l(1. 'II 1,\' r:'((-:I\:llilll1 -l-IH.' (,1'111 r:!l lllr sh;dl tlol CUI or nrhCT\\'i.<:e ;1It('f ~\Ich Cf111SI!lll.tiflll h,- tlH AI^ DOCUMENT ^'01 . (:l'NI'IlAI ('( lNllrl 1I1N<; (11 Ilrr ( t IN 1 tl,\(:'l I'll!l {111'!<; 1 tll '! 1!' 11\' . F< It 'll! rl'~!1 tt rllIllf IN ,\l~' . -'I'HI-.lllr,\~tr:IlW.\.:tN<;I'n'TI'()r,\II(.lIlrl't r'; 1-",Nl~W'Y')lH;I\\T~Jt'l-.,rJ\I" '\,\<;IIlr-'!(:I'H~.I" i'~"'" A201-1987 9 W^nrnNG: Unricpnllll'd phnln~"f'lV;nQ v;nl;llp~ U,S, r:{1f'lVrlnl" ltlw!: ;lllrll~ <:uhf..r:l 10 I..onl flm....r.:ul;nn. . (h\lllcr or:[ ~cp;lr~l(, CnnlT:lCl0f except 1:\'llh ~'rillcll cnnse1l! of the ()\\'IICr :lf1t1 (If ,~IICh .<;('P:1(:I1(' C(lntr:lcl(H: .';lIeh nm.<;Cl11 <;11:111 1101 he unre:\s(ll1;lhlr \',.'ilhhclcl The C(lntf:lcIOT .<;11;111 n(ll IIme:1- ,<;011:1111" ~\,j(I1/J()kl (r(J1ll tile Owner Of ;J SCP:lT;lf(" (ontr:Wl0T the C(ll1tr:lclOfs ({lflc;cnt to CUllinR of ()ltH'rwi,<;(' :lI(crin~ lilt' \\lork. 3.15 CLEANING UP 3.15.1 The Cnntf:1CtoT .c;h~1f keep th(" prcllIl.":;es :mtl surround- il1~ ;UC;\ fr('t' frolll :lCcu1llul;lliotl of n'~.c;lc l11;l!nl:lls Of ruhbi.<;11 (;tllsccI by O[)Cr;Ul0Ils under the COlllr:ICL Al completion o( the \'(:ork the COlllf:lClClt .<;11;111 remove frOlTl ;1Ilt! :lhotll the Projeu W;l.<;lc I11:Hni:l!.<;, nlhhish. the Corllr:K!oT"C. (pols. cOllstruction e-quipmclll. nwcl1incry ;lnd SLlTplu.<; lll:1lcri:lls. 3.15.2 If the Cnnlr;Jctor f~i1.C: In clem up ;l:'; provided in the Contr:1C! Docul1lenl."i, the Owner Ill:l" <If) so :111<1 Ih(' COe:1 thereof ."i1l:111 he ch:lrgnllo tile' CfHllr;JC!or 3.16 ACCESS TO WORK 3,16.1 TIle COnlr:1Clor sh;lll providC' the O~'ller ;llld Architect :tccess 10 tlte \X,'mk ;n prcpar:lt;on :md progres.c; wherever loeHnl 3.17 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS 3.17.1 Thc (;nl1tr;lClor c:1l:l1l P:ly all r(IY:lllie."i ;lnt! license ke,"i. The Contr:tcwr .c;h~1I ddend .'iuits or d;.tim,<: for infringement of p:lIen( right.<: ;lnd .c;h:lll hold the Owner ;1I1d Architect h:lfIllles."i (mill loe:s 011 ;:!COllIIU thcrcor, hut .sh~1I Ilpl he rC."ipoll.';;hle for sll(:h dcfell."ie or Ips,<: n'herl;1 P:lrtjcul:tr dcsip:n, proCC<j,<: or prod- ucl o(~ p:lniclIl:lr lIl:tllllf:1Cturer or m:l1lllbctl!f(.'rs is required h~' the COlllr:lCl [)onrtlH'nt."i I-I(lwr~ver, i( the CPllIr;l("!or 11;.s re:l- son (0 helieve tlt:l( Ihe required d(~,c:iRIl, proccss or produ('( is;1I1 infringemenl of;1 p;lIent, the Conlr:lC(Or :<ill:11I he responsihle for ,"il1c111o.c:.c; lInles,c: .c:uch inform:ltion i.C: prol11pll~' fmni~hed to Il1e Archilect 3.1 B INDEMNIFICA TlON 3.18,1 To tilt' ftllk:-;1 ('Xlelll I'Cf111iocd hy 1:1'\' , Ill(' CorHr;IClor :-;h:lll indClllllif\' :lIld hc)ld h;lfTllles.<: Ihe ()Wller, Archil('Ct, Arch;- !t'("!'~ nlll~uh;1llt.c:. :1I1d :lFtCIHS ::tnd efllrlo\'('('~ of ;lily of th(,1ll from and :If!:lin.C:1 c!:lim.c:, d:uTl:1RCS. losscs ;1tH.I expen."iCS, includ. illf~ hOI not limilnt In :lltnrn('ys" f('('s, :Irisinl! out of or rc_snlting lr'lllIIK'l'(flrlll:II1("(, (I( tile \Xi(lrk,IJf{l\'icl('(1 111;11 ,'illdl rbilll, (lam. :lgC, If)SS (ll" eXf)CIl.sc L<: :lItrihlH:1hk to l)(ldil~' injury. _c:ickne.c:s. di.<:C:1.<:e or dc:tth. or t(1 injury ((1 or dC.C:lrllclioll of t;mp,ihlc prof)- ('fly (olher 111:1Il tl1(' W/ork it.c:("lI') including lose: of us(" rc.<:\llting Ihndrolll, hut onl\' IOlhc eXlenl caused ill t\'holt.' or in p;lrt hy negligent ;1('1." or olllis."ioll.C: of IIle COlltr:Klor, :1 S"hcontr:tctor. anyone direclh' or indirectly employed hy them or :mynne (or ~'ll{l.<:e ;KIS t!ln' m:ly he li:lhk:, reg:lrdle.<:.<: of t\'l1ethcr or riot .stJch cbim. d;lI11;lgC.lfl.<:,C: or expen.<:c is c:ttlscd in p;1rt h~.;t P:lrty indemnified hereunder. Su("h ohligation .c:11:1I1 nol he cOIl.C:lrt!ed 1(1 I1cp::llC. :Ihridgc, nr leduce (lIl1cr ri~llls or lIhlig:lIioll.C: of jlHktllllil~' whic-h n'fJlllrl otl1cP\'i.c:e l?xi,<:t as 10:1 p:1rly or per.soll dcsni!,('(1 in thi" 1':11':lgr;lph ."' IH 3_18.2 In claim.<: :t~:linsl :tny -p~r.<:on or enlity indcl1l1lined tInder !his P:lr:tj.!r;lph _.1,_IR hY:l1l t"mf1I(lyce of rIle Clllllr:lCltlf,:t Slrhn11lIr:lClf)f. :1I1nllle directly or indirectly employed b~' Ihem (lr ;11l\'OllC for ~'h(l_<:c :1C1S they m~y he li:rhle. the indemllil1ca- lilm (ll)lig;l1illll (lI1dcr thi,<: P~r~~r:lph .', 1 R .<:11:111 Ilfll Ill: limilC(1 hy ;1 lilllil:nillll (lll :11 l1(JUlll 'lr lrl'<" flf d;l1l1:lgCo;. PHllPCllS:lIiflll or lWIH:fiJ" 1':l~.:lhk h~' (II' ffll lhe (:,Jlllr:K'(lr (11';1 SUhUJlllr:lC!flr \111(j(T \\'(Jrkcr<:- (lr w(lrkrnCIl'" ("()IIlf1CIlS;lIi(ll1 ;ICf,"i. t!is:ll)i1itr !)CIlC(i1 :1("1.<: rn fJlhcr C1llplfJ\TC hetlcnt ;1("1." 3.18.3 T1H' r,hlif!:1lill(l'<: o( Ille (:llnlr;JC](H' Trndef thi" l':rr:t~!r:1J1h , IR ,<:It:lllnf)~ exr<;lld In lhe !i~hilit~, of tilt' Alclliln:I, Ihe AIC-hi- . IC("\'.C: ((1I1<:\1lt;1I11". :lnd :tgen!.<: ;1nd t'1l1J11o\'c"{,'<: of :IJlY or Ihnl1 ;lrisill~ 0\11 of (11 the pfcp;lr:lti(lJl or appnl\':tl n( m:I('<:, t11:1\\'illW opiniolls. rcp{)rl.~, ,",llPT\'.<;, (;h;1l1~e Ord('r."i, clt":ip.n<: or '~Ilf'I'in(':1 lioll.<:. or (2) the Riving of or the r:1ilure to giv(' dirr.ctioll<; (l( itlSlnlcti(lJ)s hy the ,\rc-llitect. the Architect's C(Hlsldt:lllrs, ;llltl :lgems :tntl emplnyce.c: of ;my of !helll fl((J\"itkcl spcll gi\'in~ (11' f:lihue In giv~' 1.<: the prim:lry c~tl.c:e of the injury or d:1J11;JW' ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRA TION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 ARCHITECT 4,1,1 The Archilecl is the person I;lWf'III~' liccn.c:ed I(J PI:lClk"c ;trc!lilccturc or :11) crith)' I:nvfully pr:1clicilllZ :1fchilectlllC idt'I1' tified :1.<: .<:\lch in Ihe Awecrncnl :lIld i.c: referred 10 throll~lt(llll Ihe C(Jntr~CI DOCll1llenl.C: :t.<: if sillgtll~r in Illlnthn The term "Architect' mem.'; tll,=, Archilect or the ArchiteCl'.<: ;llTlIHlfi7.ed reprcselll;lIivc 4.1.2 J)tHics. rcspon,c:ihililic.s :md limil:ltior),C: o( :lulhoril~' of the Arc-hilect :tC: :<iCI fonh ill the Contr::tct Document..; sh:lll no! he restricted. Illodificd or extended wHllollt ....,.rittcn COll..;enl of the Owner, (Olltr:lCfOr :Iud Architect. Consent sll~l1 110t he UfH(::l' ,"i()ll;lhlr -wjlhhel(l. ~.1.3 In C:l.c;e of ternlill::trion (I( employment or tl1(' Archilect, 111(' Owner ."iil::tll :tppoinl :tn :1rcl1itect ;lg::lin.C;1 wholll the Con- tr::t'ctor r1l~kcs no re:l.c:oll::lhh: ohjection ;md whose .<:t:lIUS under thc (:'lIllr:'Cl !)()(lunent.'i sh~1I he th:1l of the [fHlller :lrdlilcC-l ~.1.4 I )i.<:pl1tCS ~ri.<;jn,g llnder Stthp~r:lRr:lph.c: 'i.I.2 ;m(i 'I 1.'.1, .c:11;11l he .c:ubiccl 10 ;trhitr:1tioll. 4.2 ARCHITECT'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.2.1 The Archilecl ~'i11 prnvid(' ;1drnini.';lr::l!iO!l or the C{lnlr~Cl ;1'<: dc.c:crihcd ill the Conlr~CI DoctllTlent~. :1I1t! 1:\'ill he lh(" ()~'IH:r".<: wprc,':;ent:Hivc (I) tluring cOIl.<:trnniclll. (2) \Ill(H nll;!l p;lyrncllI 1.<: due' :lIld (.') 1;...ith Il1e Owncr-s C(lIlCUITcnn:. from tim(' (0 liul(' during lhe correction period ck."nihed ill P;H:l' gr:tph t 2_2 The Aldlite('( will ;Hlvis(' ;rntl (1J1l';t111 with Ill(" ()WIlt'!" Tll(. Archilect will h:I\T :llItl10riQ' 1(1 :Wl (ll1lH.'h:IH (1' (he O~"H:r onh- In Ihe exrcllt prodded In tl1f:' COrltr:lC! U(lCIlIlWI1(<;. unk's.C: other~'i.<:e modified hy writlen instrUlllent in :1C('nrd:lIlce ,...jlh (lllwr "f(l\'isiclll~ {)( the C(llltr:lct ~.2.2 The Architect will \'1.c:H the ,<:ile ;.tl illlerV:l!.<: :Ipprnpri:nc 10 flie ,<:t:lge of c-onslrtlction to he(""ome p,cner:1l1y f:nnili;1r wilh the prowess ~ncl qll:1litr of Ihe completed Work ;lllel to delerminc in gener:!1 if lhe \'(;qrk i,c: hein~ performed in :1 Jll~lllH:r indiClI ill,U lh:rr the Work, t\'IlC'1l COIllpkled, will he in :I("Cflld:llHT 'with the CfJl1Ir;!("1 !)nnll11elllS 'hlwcv~r. th(' /\rchi't'CI will Il(l( 1ll' r{'quilcd !n nl:lke CXh:l\lsth'e or (On1i1l110\lS oll.sire il1.<:!ln:lion" Ifl check cJtt;1li1y or qtl~nlit\' of the \1:lork (1n (11(' \1;I,C:I,<: of nil .c;ilc {)hsen':lli{lll~ :ts ;111 architect. lhe- ArchitecI will k("q~ the Owner in (ormed of prnwe,c:s of tile \'{:ork. :tnd will cnc!e:I\'nr 1(' g\l::trd lhe OWl1er ;l~:1in.c:t defects :lIld dcficiendt:s ill tht' \\:-'ork. ~.2.3 The ArchiH"Cl will not h~\'c control ovcr or c!l;lrw: of :llHI will not he respnn.c;ihlc for construClioll Tl1(':tn<:, (llelhods. lc('hniqllc,;. ."l'qucllu..c:. nr procedllres. or for ,o;:lfc!! plf"CllllirHl'; :tnd plogr:lIl1s in COlHltTlion \\"ith (ll(" \'I.;'orl-:. sirl("(" tllt'se :11/' solely tile C(Jllll:1{"!or s rc.C:[lflll.<:ihility ;J.<: provided in l':lr;lgr:lplt _~'_~ The Arcl1ilt'ct will not he rt:spflllsihl~ for the Clllllr:!{'!rll ," f:lllurl" 10 C:lrn' O(Jt the W.'(lrk in :tc-('onbnc". w;tl1 !l,~' (."'lIIY-' [,)(l('unWllr<: Thc ArchileCI will nol h:!vl' COlltHll (l\'(,'I "I' Ch:HI",' of :111(1 will no! ht' re~p()llsibl(' for ;10.<; III 'JIlli<:.<:ifll1." III IllI" (:llfl 10 A201-19S7 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . f;fN"n,\1. CONnrnc IN'' or '11lfo (f 'Nl ftACI H IR CONS-I III 11:1'1( 11'1 . 1-01 '11 TFrnl I I Fill t t' l~,' AlA ~ . '~'1'm~ -IIII' AMFlIH ;AN IN<:TITPTf' (11 All( I !J-I IT-' ". I ~ \'; NI'\'C Y' Hn: A \TNJlr. ~I \\ \\,~ o:.:Hn~r :lllr,' I' """fl" WAnNING: !Jnlh":pn"l'lrl nholocnpVirll:! vio!",,.!: U.S. COflYllql11 Il'Iw<: I'Iflrllc:; ~lIbipcl !,., Ip!J;o1 flmOl",..\I11(Hl . Ir:1Ctnr, Sllh(flfllr~(,l(m;, or Ihdf :l~C'nl." (.IT ell1phwce:=;, (lr Ilf:lny rllher pcr.<;()n~ performing portkms of the \"(Iork 4.2.4 Communications Facilitating Contract Administra- tion. E)[<:~rt as other't~:isC' provided in the COlllr:lct OOC"lllncms Il[ when direct (<Hllnltlnic;lli(H1S h~v(' heen ,<;pcci:lllr :Hlth()- ri7.nl. the (h"meT ;111<1 COlllr:1C!OT ,<;11:111 endc;lvor ICl communi. CllC lIH(lll~h lht' Architect. COlllllluniC:lIioll.<; hr :lIld \'....ilh the Architcct's C<)ll,",uh;lll!,<; ,c;h:t11 he IhrcHl~h the Architc('!_ C:Illl1rnll- niClliOrl.<; hy and with Suhconlr~Klor.c; ~nd m:lIcri:l1 suppliers sh:tll he through the COfllr:lclOr COTT11l1uniclIiollS h~' ;Jlld \"'ith <;cp:tr~re (OlllT:lClOrS .c;I1:l11 he through the (hvncr. 4.2.5 Based (In the Architect"." oh.<;er";lIiOlls ;'Ind enlu:uiolls of the C()nlr:1Cl(lr'~ ^prliC:Hion~ for r~rlllenl, Ih(" Architect will rcvie~' :md certify the ;T1nollnl~ due lhe Contr:tctor :lIld will issue Ccrtillc:tIC.C; for P:tyment in ,c;uch :lnHlllOl~. 4_2.6 Thc Archilcct wilt 11:1V(' :nllhoritr rn rejcCl \'{Inrk which doc.c; 1101 nmfonn to lltt' (:onll":l("I !)oCl.1lll(..'nls. \,\Ihcllt'''cr the Architect consider.c; it nt'ce~~:lrr or :lclvis:tblc for implemefll:l- rion of ~he intent of the Contr:1cl !)oculllellls, the Archilect \"ilI h;Jve :1lTI!lorirr to requin: :1dditioll:t1 inspection or rcstin~ of thc \'Cork in :lccord:tncc wilh .Cjllhp:tr:lgr:tphs ]3,5.2 :l.1ld 13.5.3, \\"hether or nO! such \X/ork i.c; f:thric:ucd, inst:llIed or compklC:ci. Iltnvcvcr, neither rhis :luthorilY of the Mc!litect nor:l decision m;lt!c ill ~(l(ld f;lilh eilher In excrci.c;e or nOI 10 exercisc .<;llch :lllrlHlrilY Sll;lll givl' ri.<;l' 111:1 tllll)' I'" rl's[lfulsihility (lr Illl' Ardli. leet to Ille COl1lr:rClor, Suhcontr:Kror.c;, m:llcri:t1 ;lIld cqnipmel11 suppliers. their :lgcnls or cmployecs, or OIlier person.<; perform- ing portioll.<; (If rhe \X;ork 4.2.7 The' Architect ~vill review :tnd ;lppnl\'e or (:lke (Hiler :rppropri:lIc ;Jeliflll upon the COl1lr:!ClOr,c; ...ubltlitt:tl::: :::ucl1 ;1::: ~h()r fkHVillJlS. Prodl1C! D:lt:t ;lnd S:unples, hilt only for the limited purpo."t' of checking for C(lnforlll~rlC~ with inrorTll;uion givcn :l1ld the dc:::iJ!n concept e:<pres.<;cd in the COtl1r:1Ct Door. 111el1l.C;, The Arcllitecl's :IClioll will h~' f:lkcll with s\lch rC;tSIlI1- ahll' promptTH.'.<;.<; :IS 10 C:IUSC 110 dcl:l\" in Ilw \'(lork or in till' :1Clivilic,<; of Ihe Owner, CnfHr:l("1or or scp:mllc COIl1r:lCfOrS, while :ll1owing ,<;uHicient timc in the Architect's profe....<;jollal iud!lmenllo permit :tdequ:nc review R~view of ."Hcll :::ubmiu:tJs i" not conducted for the purpos{" of determining the :Kcur:lcy :1l1<.! complclcIlCS,<; of other de{:lils ,"\lcll :IS dilll('IlSion", :md qU:lIltities, or for suhst:l11li:lIing instfllClions for inst:l!1;Hion or perfor1ll:mce or equipment or sy.5lcms, :III or which rerll:lin tile responsibility of the Contr:lClor as required by Ihe Contr;lC! Documents, The Archilect',,, review of the C01Hr:Ktor,<j ,'luhmil. t:lls .<ill;l" not relieve the Contr:lCtor of the ()bli~:II;()llS ulltler I':lr:l~r:lph,<; _-).3, 3.<; :tnd ~. ]2. The Architect',c; review ,<jh:t11 not con...litllfe ;lppro\':J1 of ,<;:tfety prec:lutions or, lInle.<;~ otherwis~' spccillClII\' _<;t;llet! hr the ArchilcCt, of :my com:lruction mC:\Jl,<;. melhot!,<;, tt'clmiqu<."s, .<::equcIKcs or rron:dures. The Archilccl '.::; :lrpH)\':ll or :1 ."pn:ilIc ilem ...11;111 nOI indiclle :tpprot.:tl of an :1.",<;clllhly o( which the item is :1 component 4.2.8 The Architect will rrer~re Ch;lIl~e Ort!ers :1l1d ConstflK- tion CI1:lIl~e Din"cth'e~. :tnd m:,y :lI1thori7.e minor ch~llgt.s in rile \v'ork :1.<; provided in r:lr:t~r:lpll 7.4 4.2.9 The Arclliten will conduct inspcCliolls 10 dclcrrnine llle <I:lIC or (!:llc<; of Suh.<;t:1Il1i:l1 COl1lplelioll :llld thc t!:lIt' of fln:11 (lunpletiol1. ,\\'ill r('("civ!': :lud for,\\':lrt! l(l Ihe ()~\'rll'r for 111(..' ()'\'I1Cr".<; rc\'ic~- ;md record" '\\Til!en w:ll"r:lIllics ;llld rel:ltcd (111C\11l1('lll.<:: required hy Ihe C:llIllr:1C! :1IHI :l.c;.<;cmhled hy lhe C'lll1r:lCtIH. :lI\d will is'll Ie :l fin:,! Cntill<::llc {or 1':1 n Jl(.'nl upon nlll1[1Ii:lnct' t\"itlllhc requirclllClll.<; (lr (l1e CIH1tr:Kt ])llctrrllelll,<; 4.2.10 If Till' (),\\'l1n :lllt! ,\rdlitcn ;1J.tlec. lllC Archilcct will pril- ,-idl' "Ile Ol mow projeCT wpreSClH:nin:.<:: In :l<;~isl ill (arr\'illg . Oll( tilt" ArchileCls tp'spoll.<;ihilitie." :tt (he ,<;ilf The IIIHicc;, resp(lll.<;ihililies ~lld lill1;I:lrilll)." or ;lllrIHHilt- ()f StIch !1(llier'l rerr('~t"nl:ltivc.<:: .<::11:111 he :1.<; S('I f(lrth ill:11l {'xllit)i! ((1 h~' ilWllrp{' r:llr.d ill (Ile Con!r:lct I ){lCllmenls 4.2.11 The ,\rcllilt'CI will irllnpret ;lIHI decide rn:llln.<:: '_'(H1Cnn in~~ pnrllrrll:lllC(' llll(ler :11l~1 rC'qu;remcl1l<; ()f rile (:IJlllr:l('l !lnC\lIll("Il!S Oil wrincll reqllest of ('ilhn lhe ()~\'Il('r or (:lJllll':'f I(lr TIll' l\r("l1ir('("I<: rC.<;lloIlSC rn such request<: 1.\'ill h'_' 111:1(\(' with re:l.<;(Jn:1hlc pr(lmpln!~.<;s :1llcl '\\'ithill :11l\' tirn~ limit... :'grn'c.I \1[1(111 ]r rll\ :lgrcell1cllt i~ 11l:1(le ("(1I1(Trniflf! 111C lil1lC' '\\'ithill '\\:hich illrcrrret:1lion... required of the Ardlilcn sll:lll b(: fill ni.c;hecl in cOlllpli:mcc with tllis P:lr:tp.r:lph 4_.2. tllen (lcl:1Y S11:111 not he rccogniznl un :I(count of f:lil\lre hy Ih~ ArchiteCt (n fur- nL..11 .<;\lCh inlerprC'l:uion,c; until] "i d:1\'-" :lf1cr '\\'rinCll rC(jU('<;1 i-" l11:1de fortht'1ll 4.2.12 ]111crprCl:lliflns :lIld decisions of rhe Ar("hiICl"1 ~'ill Ill' ("Ofl.<;iStClll with the intent of and rCI~;()1l:1hly illfn;r11k llnllllhc Cnrllr:1ct DOCUlllcnl,c:; :lIld 't'.'m he in ~'rilill~ or ill the rOrl1) 01 tlr:lwinp:s \'('hen lll:1kinp; such interprct:ltions :lIld c1('(\c;ifll1<;. the Architect will cnde~\I()r 10 securc f;lithrul perf(lflll:lllCC ]n' lHlth Owner :tlld COlltr:1ctt)l, ~'iIl not ,<;Illl...... p:lrli:tfilY 1(1 dlller :1l1d will not he liahle for results of iIllCr])l"C'I:l1ioll<:: III dt'cisioll" s<' rcndered ill gnod f:lilh. 4.2.13 The Archilccl 's dl'Ci,<;irllls I III m:lllcrs ret:lIing rf) :w-"lllclic effect ,\\'i11 he nn:1I ir consi.c;I(.'11I wHh tht' il1lCI1t l"xpn.'<::,<;n\ ill Ihl' C(lIltr:l(( [)rl('HlllenlS 4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.3.1 OeflnlUon. A C]:tim i~ ;I dem:mc! or :l.<;,<jcnion j)\' (111(" of (he p:lrtie~ .<;eekin~, ::t!' :11ll:tller o{ ri~hl. :t(!jusllllenl or in!erprc. l:lIirll1 of Contr:1C! term:';. p:lyment of nlolH"Y, exlell...i(lI1 Ilf tillle nr olht'r relief ~'ilh re."pec! to the lcnn.<; or !he COIHran The lcrlll "Cl:1il1l" :Ils(J indlldc.<: olllcr dispute.<; :Jnd m:lI1t'rs in qut'<; lion bel ween the ()wner ;lnu Cnntr:lClor ;lrising IlUI or / fr rel:lt. ing 10 the COlltr:t({ C1:lim,<; rnu.<;( he m;lde hy t\'ritten notice The re,"poll.<;ibility 10 .<;uh.sl;lnli:tte C!:lilll.<; ,<;l1all fr'<;1 with lh:.: I':trtv l1l:tkill~ Il1e Cl:tim. 4.3.2 D@cision of Architect. Cl:1illl.",illCludillg th(lSl' :llle~ill~ :111 error or omission h~' the Archilecl, .<;h:lll he reft'rred inilbHy t(l Ihe Architecl f(1r :tctiOll ;1.<; rr()\'ic!ed in P:lr:lgr:lph ,1.'1 A tlt'd. .c;i(lI\ lw the Archilect,:1S provided in Suhp:lr:1W:lph 'i,'I,/i. shall be rcquired :1",:1 condition precedent 10 :nhitr:llion or Iiri~:llioll of a Claim hClwecn the Comr:lCtor :llld Owner :l.s ro ;111 .<;lH,:h m:tller.<; :lrising prior to the d;Jle fh1:lII1':lYll1enl is tlue, rC~:lrdlcss ()r (I) W!I{"t]1er .<;lICh matters rdalc t(, exeCl'I;tlll :In<! rrflgn:s<:: llf Ihe Wmk or (2) fhe extent to t\.-hich the \'(.'Ork h:l.<; heen com. plcled Tllc decision hy Ihe Architect in rcsrofl.<;c to :l C1:1illl .<;11:11lnol he:l conditiOll prccedcl1l to arhilr:lltoll or lilig:llifln in (Ill.' c\'cnl (lllhc position of Archilect is V:1ClIll. (2) tht" AlchiH.:Cl has not received evidence or h:l~ f:rilcd ((1 render :1 dcds;rJll within :J~reed til1l(' limits, C'JJ the Archilect h;ts r:likd 10 l:rkc :1C1iOfl required under Subp:tr:lgr:tpl1 <j<I.'i wilhin .-){1 d:l~'S :lflcr 111(' Cl:lirn is m:1de. (Ii) 4<; d:n's h:1v(' pas...ed :lfler Ihe (:!:,illl 11:1.<; In"ell referred ro 111(: ArchiteCT or ("i) 11ll? Cbilll rcl:Jlcs In ;1 rll('(:II:lI1ic'.<; lie!l 4.3.3 Tim@ limits on Claims. Cl:rilllS hy either 1l:1fl\' 1Iltl.<;1 11(" ll1;Ic!C willi in 2! d:l\".<; :Iftcr occurrence of the C\"l'1l1 !-!i\'i!lf~ the 1'1 '>11("11 C:l:1irn rll" t\,ithin 21 d:t\'~ aflcr IIH~ C!:lilll:llll firsl rcnlglltZl'S the COlldilioll gi\';!l~ risc ro the (:1:1im, whichcv('r i..; 1:lIcr Cbilll;-; 1\111Sr h(' 111:ltlr: hy '\\'riltell IHlficc. All :1(1(lili(1ll:11 (:l:lirn 111:](1(' :lfler lht' inili:11 CI:1inl 11:1.<:: het'n ill1plellH'llled h\' (:h:1I1gC llltl("1 will !l(ll lit" considClt'd 1IIlk:~sc;uhlllillCd in ;1 tillwl\' lll:ll1ller AlA DOCUMENT A201 .. l:r"'FlI,\1 I (lNl111 !l IN.. I)r T!IF. ('(lNlll,\(:T F()r{ I( lNS'1 llll(:l rf)N . H II fllTFPn II r~llrTI(lr~ \I.~. .. ,; 1"Il--IIII. \~lr!ltf,\N(N"IlTlqFI1"^"("1lnH'-r'~ 1~\~,N"t":""nR" -\\TNI'F.N\"- \,\',\ql1l.Jl:1'tll, III .'Illf/I{, A201-1987 11 W^RNIN(;: IJnlll':pn..",oj phnlr:>l':opv1nQ v;nl~I","~ u.s. r:1'TPVrlOll11;tw.. ~Ilrl ic; "ll,~;pr::l In 1"011' pm!'ll"r.\Illon. . 4.3.4 Continuing Contract PerformAnce. P("n<1ill~ fin:!! re~n. hllioll of:t C1:tim inch1(lin~ :nhin:H;oll, llllle,c:," cllllcn\'jc:c :1grcccl ill ,"riling the Corllr:1C!or ,<:11:111 proceed c1i1i~('tl\I\' t";II1 (wrfor. 11l:11HT of Ill<' Contr;Jct :llld tile (h\'Il('r ,c:h:lll ("(llltinllc to 1l\:Jkr 1':l\'lTlCIlI.<:.'tl ;lCcon.bnce with the Contr:1C{ T)nCUnlcnLC: 4.3.5 Waiver of Claims: Final Payment. The m:lkillg of rin;ll P:1VlllCI1lc:h:lll con~tilllle :1 w:livn of C1aill1'" hy lilt' ()~'Ilcr except rho<;(' :lric:ing from' .1 liens. Cl:1ilTlC:. security inlelcc:I-" Of l'llCtllllhr:mu.'.<; ;tri<;- in.'! out of the (;Ol1lr:l<:1 ;mtl un.c:cttletl: .2 f:lilure of the \'(.'ork 10 c(lmpl~. with the requirements or the COlllr:1CI Document.": Of .3 lcrlll.'i of -"prod:'! I t...:tfr;tlllie:'i required hy the Cfll1tr:lCl I)(Klllllenlc:. 4.3.6 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions, If crlll- ditio!l."" ;ne cnCOIlllH::l'ed ;II rile site which :m.' (I) .""uhsurf:lce or {lthcrwi.';C cllnn::lled physical <..:()llc!ili()fl."" whidl differ m:l1eri- :llly from those.: indicltcd in lhe Contr:ICl Documents or (2) unknown phy~iC;tr conditions of ;111 Ullu~u:l1 n;ttme. which dif- fer rn;llcri:lIly from rIH)...e ordin:lrily found 10 exist :lIld genel';tlly recogni7.('d ;t,e:; inherent in constructioll :1("1j"ilie.e:; of rhe cl1:H:ICler provjded for in the Cnnrr;l("r r}OC\lI11Cllr.S. rhcll noricc hr lilt: ohsCl'ving p:1rly .e:;h:1I1 he .\.!ivel1 rll Il1e olher p:1rly prompt Iy hefore Cf)ll(tirion" :uc di.<:turhed :1nt! in no ("vent l;tter rh:lll 21 d:1\'." :lfter firsl obser.':mcc of the nmcJition... The Melli. tlTt \vill promptly in\'e.stig:lte such conditions :lIlcL i{ they difkr rn:lteri:lJh' ;md Clu.<:e:1I1 incre:1sc or dccrcl,""c in the Ctllltr:IClor's O)SI (Jf, or'rime r('quired for, J1f:r{0rr11;t1l('e of :111)' P:lrt of the \'i/tJlk, \\:illl"l'UHllIlWlld:lIl t'q\lit:lhk: :1(IjIISllllt'tll in rhe (:r)lllr:tCl Sum or Cnntr:1Cr Time, or hoth. If rhe Architect d('tcrmjlle~ 111:11 the conditi(ln~ ~f the site :HC not rTl;1teri:llly different from tho,'iC indiclIcd in the Contr:1ct DoclIment<; :lIld th;tt lln cl1:mge in rhe lerm.<; of the Cnll!r:Kt i~ jllstifk(L IIll' Architect sl1:11l '<;(1 nlltif\' lhe ()Wll<:r and Contr:Klor in "'ritinR. ~':ltil1g the rClson.<: (:l:1illl.<; hy ,..-irher p:lrty ;n (lpp()siti(ln 1() ."11Ch determin:uitl\) I1Ht~1 he m;l(!e "tvirhin 21 etays ;1fter the Architec! 11:l.s gi\'en 1llltice o{ 1l1e decision. If the Owner :tnd Cnntr:l("rflr C:\llIlflt :tgn..'l' Oil :111 :ldju,<:Il11ent in rhe Conn:lcl Sum or COlllr:1ct Time, the :ltljuStmcnt sl1:111 he referred 10 Ihe Architec! rill' initi:11 deter. min:lliOI1, .<;l1hiect In f~lrther pmceedin~s pur,';t1:1tll tn P~r~,gI;1ph L'i 4.3.7 Claims for Additional Cost. If the Contr:lClnr w;shl'." to tll:tkc CI:lirn for :m illcre:l.<;e in the C011lr:lct Sum. wrillen notice :l.e:; provided herein sh:ll1 he gi\'ell hefore proceeding to e':<<:Ctlle the \X'ork. Prior notice is not required for C:1:tim,<; rel:1ting IO;ln (,'lllergeflC)' el1d:111!!erjll~ life or property arising under Par:l. W:lph 10.5. If the Contr:lclor hclk~\'e.<; additional cost i... il1\'I)lv('d f(lr rC;I.<:(IIl.<; inchttlillg hut n()! limited t(l (1):1 wrillcll illtoprct:Hioll from the Architect. (2):1ll order by tile Owner to srop Ihe \X'ork where the Contr:lctor W:l.e:; nOl ;tl f:lull, (~):1 wril- tell {lnlcr {tlf;J min()f ch:lI1ge in the \'(/(lrk i,<:~ucd In' thl' ,'rchi. t(,'(.t, ('1) f;lilure or p;IYlllcnr hy rhe OWller, (e;) tcr1l1ill':nilll1 of rhe Cllntr:1C! h~' rhe Owner. ((1) Owner's su'<:pcn.,c:;inn Of (7) otller re:I~(ll1ahll' g!'o\llld~, (:l:lil1l sh:IIJ he med in :H.Tortl:mCl' \\"ilh tlie prcl("~<.lur(' t'st:lhIL.;hcu herein 4,3.8 Claims for Additional Time 4_3.8.1 If lIH~ COt1rr:1Ctor wishc.<; ro lll:lke Oainl for:ltl incre:l,<;c in the C(lIllr:1cr Time. "t\:rilten tHllin:;t.<: pnH'idecJ herein sll:!!! he !--!ilTI1 The: Contr:1Clor',<; CI:lim .<;11:111 include:lll csUrn;tte of cost ;1l1t1 (Jr PI( lh:lhk cfkn (1/ t1t'by nil prnHn:ss of lilt' \'(;nrk, III rhe: (';1."1.' <Ir:l CfJlllinll;ng dd:I\' <mlr (1I1e (:I:lilll j,<; t1I.Tl',<;,e:;:lrv II :llh"l're:;c nT:lIhcr condirions ;rrc tht' h:1Sis for :1 C1:lil11 rill' ;lddititlll:l1 lime, stich Cbil1l <;11;111 he doculllcnted hy c1:H;1 . ,<:Ilh,c:;t:l!llbling II1:1r wt:;lllwr ("(HHJiliIH1.~ \\"("r~' :llI1lIlllJ1:11 f('T Illl. p('lif1llflfrillW:1ll(1 Clllll(IIl(lt 11;11'(' IW('11 !(':tQ"I:,ll)\' :ulli('il':lln! :llld IIl:l! we:llhu CtllHlitiollS h:ld :111 :It!vnsc effen 'lll tIll" sdwdllkd constnl(1;(1I1 4.3.9 Injury or Damage to Person or Property. If ('itlln fl;lIl: to the C(ltllr;JC!e:;lIffers in;llry or d;tI11:1~R' r(l per<;oll (11 J11flJ1('f!\ hC'C;lu<;c of ~Il ;1C! Of o!lli~sion of rhe other f1:1r!\', of :1f1\' (If tile wher pally'e:; employee..; or :lgCnt.<;, (IT of !ltller." frll \,:h[)e:;~: :1Cl~ :;trch p:lrly is Jeg:1l1y li:lhle, written nor ice of :;l1ch iniu!'\' (It (\:Ul1:1gC, wherher or not insured, .<:11:111 lw given !tl the ollln p~rty within :1 re:t<:on:lhle lime nrH exc('('"(lillg 2\ cby,c:; :lfter fir~t oh,c:;er";mcC'_ The notke ,e:;h:1I1 rrovide ,<;urlicielll (lr:l;til tll cn:lhlc rile other P:1Tly In ill\"e~lig:ltl" the m:1frer If;J Cl:1im for :lddi. !loll:11 COSIoI' lime tcl:ltctl tn thi,c:; Cbim i.~ III he :\sscrt,,=d il"I1:111 be filed :IS provided ill Sul"lp:1r:lgr;tpll,c:; 'i ,1-; ()f 'I :~R. 4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.4.1 The Architect will re"ie\<.' (:I:lin"",, :md l:tk(: one or !l1(lf(' of Ihe following prelil11in:lfY :lction." l;',:ithinlell d:n'<; o{ n:u'ipr llf:l Claim: (I) r('qlle.<:1 :lddilion;tl supporting (I:1t:1 fl'(lm the CI:li'l1:IIll (21 ~\lhl1lil ;I schedule to lhe p:lrtic.<: jmliclting wh(,11 rhe Archi- tect ('xpecls 10 r:lke :lction, Cl,j rejecl rhe Claim in t...IHlJe or ill pari, .<:I:llill~ r(":!sOlls (or rl".'j('ction, (.1) rt'Crlllll11entl ;IPPf(l\':11 nf rhe Cl:1illll)\' the fllher p:lrlY or (';) ,<:tl'~(,.'it :1 ((\llll'roll1i,<:(', The Arcl1iten may ~Is(). hut i.e:; nol nhli~;tted to. ll(lliry tl1(' .<:tlle!\". if :1IH". of lhe n:llure :md :11llO\lnl nf rhe Cl:lill1 4.4.2 I{:1 Cl:1im 1l:1~ Iwell n:solved, the Ar(hiw("! will f'rcp:nc Of (}ht:lin :lpprllpri:llt: d(lCUlllCnt;tti(lI1 4.4.3 Ir:l Cl:1im 11:\.0.; Ilot heen re,<:(lh-ed, !Ill' p:tl'l\' 1I1:1kill~', Ill!' C1:1im ,,,h~II, wilhin len d:l}'S ;lfler rhe Ardlilcct'" pfclilnin:lry re~pollst:. t:lkc olle or more of rhe followin!! ;1Cti(ln~: (I l,"llhmit :lddilioll:ll .'illpp(}rlill~ d:II:1 req\1C<:lnl hy thl.' t\lchilr"Ct, (..:) llHldify rJl(' Initial Cbim (lr{.") Il()tity the A'chiltTr th:ll Iht' in;lt;ll CJ:lilll ,'it:mds 4.4.4 If:t Cbim 11:1S no! heen re.<:nh'Cd :rftn ((lllsi(icr:ltintl of' the fon:~()ing :ll1d of ftlt'thn evidence presenred hy the p:tnil'S!lt rcques\('d hy the Architect, the Architect ",'111 no!ih' Tile p:lrlie<; in writin~ lh;tl !he' Archilcct".<: decision n'iJI he m:ICII' n'jll1in ,<;(""ell d:1~'s, which tleci.~ioll Sh:lll he fin:ll :1Ilt! hindin!! (111 tile p:lrlic~ htlt ~uhiect 10 :1rhltr:ltiotl, I.lpon ~xpir~tion of such lime peritld, the Arcllite("l t'\.-'iI! render t(l the p:1rlit'.<; rl1(' Melliten.' written decision rel:lIi\'C tn the Cbim. inchlditl~ ;rny ch:lllgc ill th(' Contract Slllll or Cnlltr:lC! Tim(' or hoth, Ir llwrc i.e:;:1 Slln,'I\ :tlld thcre ;111[1(::11'.<: ro he ~ po.<:sihilitr o{ ;1 (;ontr;l("lor'.e:; dd:n,lr, lhe Arcl1it~('t 1ll:IY, hut i~ not ohlig:lled 10, notH,' the surel" :tnd n:qlle,"t llle '<;11f('1\",~ :1.<;Si.o;t:llKC in rC.'i(lJvil1~ the crl1llrnn'r.~,' 4,5 ARBITRATION 4.5.1 Controversies and Claims Subject to Arbitration. I\rl\' controver.';y or C1:1irn :uising (lul of or rcl:llnl to rhe C(Jnll:1C1 or rhe hreldl thcrcor. sh:1I1 he .<:crlled Iw :1rhilr;lljoll ill :H'Clll d:ll11,T wilh rhe Con.<:trll("\ioll Induslr\' ^rhilr:1I;(1I1 Hulce:; or !Ill' Al1lnicln Arh;lr;lIi'lll ASS\J("i:lli(lll, ;111(1 i\tcl~lllClll 1ll1lHl tl\(' :lw:1rd rendered h~' fllt' :Irhilr:nor {H ;Jrhitr:ll(lrS Ill:l\' llC l'llrcrcd in ;m~' court h:lvjll~ ;tlri,e:;dinion thereof. (':'(("('1'1 nHlrff'\'l'!'"ir'~ Of CI;lim.<: rel:1\il1~ to ;w,,c:;fhclic effcc1 :lnd c:<Cl..'pt till'S" \'\":lj\Td :1<; pnl\'i(lcd for ill SIII'p:lr;r~r:1ph 'i._~.<;. :;UcJl ("(lllrrr\\'l'l""ie:; III Cl:1illls upon "t','hich till' I\rchitcct 11:1," given nlltilT :mcl renderet! :1 dccisiflll :IS pun'id('t! in S\ll1p:lr;J~r:lph 'I,.i ,i"II:11I he "li!lj'Tt II' :lrl)ill';l(il III lIP' 'n t\'t'illCll tleTll:llHI (lr eilher 11:lrI \ I\r Ilit r:lt if III lll:t\. h(' ('!lTlll11('tlfe(1 t\'llcll 'j<; (l:1y~ kll'(' )1:1.<;"1.'(1 :11/('1 ',1 (:1:ti!11 11:1.<; hlTn referred In tl1(' Arcl1ite('! :1." flf(l\'idnl ill 1';ll:1gt:q1ll ,j " ;11ld no dt'cj<:il H1 11:1.e:; Iwen tendered 12 A201-1987 ^I^ DOCUMENT ^201 . ':FNFll"t. (:rll"lllTlf IN>; ('I" nil' , ,ir--; t H:\I'1 rl Hl ( 'INS1!11'1 "I t( Jr': " 'I 'II t I n'H11 ]'1'1 r II \1',: ^I^~ . "'.l'm- illl'^/drull','\r'-'IN"'I!TI.'iT(ll ^!lI:I!1IH r".I~\;;rJl"X ;rllU;^\'INt'F,r.J\Y \'i"\"ltr'JI:t"~~ 1" ""'0" WAI1NING; Unllr~n,o;_d pholn!:'OflVinlJ vinl.:tll"!; U,S. cOl1yrlahll~w" :onri i.. ..nhi_r.I 10 I..Oilll1''''''_!:'lllln., . 4.5.2 Rules and Notices for Arbitration. Cl:1jm~ hClwn:n the ()Wl1Cf ;Jml (:(lnlr;lC\(Jr nOl rc.",oJ"cd under l':u:lgr::trh '1.1 sh:tll, ir suhject to ::lrhilr:llion under Suhr;Jr:l~r:trh -1.'1.1, he decidccl h\' :lrhilr;11inn ill :lCcord:lIlCC wilh the COIl,<;lruction Indw:;lrv Arhitr:ltion Rille." of (he l\mcriGlI1 Arhitr:llion A.';.<;oci:ltion cur- Tenth' in crfen. unlc.<;'<; (he r:lrtics rnolu:llly ';1wee othCfwi.<;<.:. Notice or dcm:md for :lfhitr:ltion _"h:lJl he med in ""'riling <;>,'jth Ihe olher fl:Jrly to the ^p:reclllelll het~'Ccn the Owner :md Con- lr:lf::lnr :lnd with the Amcric:m Arhitr;l1ion A::;soci::llion, ;mu :1 copy sh:lll be riled with the Architect. 4.5.3 Contract Pertormance During Arbitration. J)urillf.! arhi. [r:lIinn proceedings. the Owner :Ind COnfr:lClor shall comply with SUhp::tf:1gr;lpl1 4,,'.1 4.5.4 When Arbitration May Be Demanded. Demand for arhi. tr:lIioll of :ll1Y CI:lim fll:1Y nOl he m:ldc until tbe e:1rJier of (I) {he d:lIe on which the Archilect h:1~ n:ndered :1 fin:1! ~\'rit1en clcci- <;ion on the C1:lim, (2) the tcnlh (l:1y :1fler the p;1f1ie~ h:1vc pre- ~ctlled cyklcnc(' to the Architect or h:lVC heen ~i"cn re:1son:lhlc OppOflllllit\. 10 do .<;0. if the Architect !l:l::; not rendered :1 fim.! wrinen cleci~jon IH' th:lI d:lIe, or c,) ;tny oft!1e five events (kscrillCtl ill Sllhp:lragr:1ph '1.5,2 \'::11en:t wrillcn decision of the Architect ::;I:lIcS tl1:l\ (1) rhe decision is nml hut .<;uhjcct 10 :trbitr:.Hion :lllt! (2):] dcm:md for :lrhirr:lIioll of :1 Claim covered hy ,<;uch decision musl he Ill:ll!t..: willlinJ,1j d:I\'s :Iflcr lhe d:llt' on which tilt" P:lrt\. m;lkillg Ihe dern:tntl rccciq~... rhe fin:11 written decision, then f:tilllre 10 dCr1l:mt!-:Jrhitr:ll;o!1 ~\'ilhin s:lid ,,0 d:I\',,,' period slt::tH re.'iult in rhe Architect's decisioll he('"omin~ nn::tl :1nd billdill~ upon the e hvnn :1I1d Cflntr:l(tor Jf the Archilcct render,,, ;1 dcci."ion afler :rrhitr:lIi(ll1 J1rrl('c~,din~s 1':1"t' heen inili:ucd, sllch dccisi(lIl m:l\' he cnterct! :1-" ("videllcc.'. hIll sllall Illlt ,<;tlpt"rsc(lc ;trhilr:J!icHl PH1- cccdings ullless lhe decision is :ICCCpl:lhk 10 :Til p:lftics ("I l1lccrned ,\ delll:md for :lrhitr:uion ,'i11:111 be 1l1:ltk' within the lime limits ,<;pceificd in ,<;uhp:1r:lW;tph.<; '1.5.] :l1\rl 4,'-;.4 :1I1d U:I\I,<;C ,'j, ';.'l. 1 :1.<; :l!'!,liohk, :111<1 in OIlier C:l<;CS wilhin :I re:l.<;on;lble tillle :Jfrer the Cl:Jim h;r,<; ;trisen. :lI1d in no evenr .<;h:1I1 ir ht' Ilmde ;Iltcr the d;ll(" whe1l ;nstittl!iO!1 or Ieg:11 or eq\lil:lhle pron:.:edings h:lsed on ,"Hell O;lill1 \'\'ould he h:uret! h\' the :ll'pliC:lhl(' sl:HlIlC:: (If limir;ttions :1,<; determined p\lrsu:1l11 rr) Paf:lgr;tph 1:~.7 4.5.5 limitation on Consolidation or Joinder. No :trhilr:lIio!l ;Irising out (l( (lr rel:l{jng to Ihe Clll1tr:Kt \){lctll1l~'nt.<; .<;11:111 include, In' ,nll.<;nlid:ttion or joinder or in :lily other l1l;mncr, lhe Archhect. the Archilect's el1lrloyce,~ or COllS\TlI:mts, excepl hy written conscnl conr:lining specinc reference 10 the Agree. ment ;rnd <;il!llcd h\. thc Architect. O\'\.nCT, C01Hr::tctor :tnd :l!1~' odlcr pCrSllll or entiry sO\l~ht tf) he joined No ;trhifr:HiOIl ,'i11:111 inch Ide hy C{1n.~()lid::lljon (ir joinder or in :1ny other m:tnner. p;lrlit:s Olhcr II1:tn lhe OWller, COfltr:H,:lnr, :I -';CP:lr:ll(' (fl1l{r:lC. ror ;1<; <k<;('rihcd in Ankle (i :lIld other [1er,'iOI1,<; .<:uh~I:IIl(i:llly il1\'nh-c<l in ;1 nl1l1l1101l q\l("~li(lll flf f:l<:1 or 1:lw whose prc~cncc is required if complete relid is 10 he :tccord{..t! in :lrhilr:uion, No person or enlity {llher th:tn rhe O\'\'!l(:'r, Cnnlr:1ClOr or ::l.<;ep:lr:ue conlr:lC1(Jr :t<; de,<:crihcd in Article (, ,<;1\:111 he included :I.<:;lll orig- in:d Third p:lrt\. Dr :It!dilional lhird part\. lo:tn :lrhilr:uiOll ,,,,hose ill1cn.".<;1 or rc<;ponsihility i.<; inSllh~I;mli:l1. Consent 10 :1rhitr:llion ill\"rlh'ing :111 :1t!(litiClI1:1.1 rWr~(lI1 flr entiry ...h:lll llllr CfHlstifUle ((ltl.<;en! III ;!rhitr:l!i(Hl flf:1 di...ptllt' rHl\ de<:nih(,ll therein ilr n.ilh :1 ller<;fHl IH Clllit\. nOl ll:tll1ed or described !herein The (ore. gOillR :lgrC('!l1e11l 10 :1rhilr;ut.: :tnd other ;lp.reclllenr.o; ICl :lrhilr:lle \\'1111 :!11 :n!<lili(1!1:11 rer.<;l1fl or cnril\' tluh' Ctlf1Snllcd 10 h\' p:.nic.<; III lIw /\grc~'nwnl "11:t1l he specific:dl\' cnfllrCl':llllc under :1.ppii c:lhlc I:l\"\' in :1Il\' conrT h:1\'illg juri<;dic!ipf1 lhcn,nf . 4.5.6 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims. ,f\, p:nll' \'...11(1 fi1e~ ;l notice of t1clll:mu for ;rrhilr;rli(111 Inusl :lS"Crl in lhc delll:lnu :111 Cl:1ill1s then known III lh;H p:lrI\' on which ;1rhiH:1 lion i~ [1erllJi\lnl to h(' dCl1lan(1nl W'hCII :1 P:1rI)" f:til~ TO illc!llt!t :t CI:t11ll through (l\'crsight, il1;1dverl'..:nCf_' IIf t-";(("ll<;:lllV 1lq~It,("I. or WhCll :1 Cl:tim h:1,<; m:llured or heC'l) ;Icq\lirctl <;UI1...cqllelllh, the ;rrhilr:1\(lr or ;lrhilr:tlor::; Ill;!)" permil :1nI~'!1dmcI11 4_5,7 Judgment on Final Award. Tlw :1w;lrd rendered hy lilt' :lrhilr:llOr or :1rt)llr:ttllr.<; ::;11;r1l he f1n:II, ;llld iudf-!meTl! 111:1\' he enrered UPOIl it in :1ccord:lIlce ~,/itl1 ;lppliC:1hk I:m' in ;r11\' Cllun h:1"il1~ jurisdiction thereof ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1 DEFINITIONS 5.1.1 A SuhCtlntr:lClor is :1 person or t"THit~. \\'!Hl !l;IS :1 dircct contr:lCl with the COlltr:lCIOr 10 perform ;r portioll flf the '.(ork :1t the .<;iIC, The leon "Suhcontr;rctor'" i.<; rekneel to thrrlughllllt tile Conlr:Jcl Documcllls :tS if ,,,ingul:lr in Illlmher :Hld rllC;Hl~ :1 Sllhnmlr:l("!or or :1Il :nltllorin,d rcpre~{'nlali\'(' of lh;' Slll1nl!l. Ir:1Clor The terlll "Suhcontr:1Ctnr'. do("s IlO! include :1 sql:1r:t1C conlr:J(IOf or ,<;uhcomr:Klors Of;1 scpal;llC conn;wttlr 5.1.2 A Sllh....l1hconlf:1("\or i<; :1 pcr<;(\1l Of '-"Htily \\'htl l1:t" :1 (lireCI or indirect C<llltracl ",'ilh a S\lll("(Hllr:ICllll II' 11crf(1l1l1 :1 pOl'liol1 of the \'(iork:tl the ,'iilC The tefln "Strll.,<;llhcol1lr:rCl(H' is referred Itllhnl11gholllll1e CtHllr:l("{ 1)(l("1l!lle"nts :1." if...il1~~\,l:tr in Jlumher ;tnd mC:lIl,<; :l Sllh-s\li)("tHll!';IClll' Il! :111 :11111111.-i:-ul represcnt:llivc (If tI,e :;;llh.,<;\.hcr1Ilrr:ICllll 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK 5.2.1 I lnles," Olhcr~\'i."(" st:l!ed in th~ (.of1tr:wl I )llCtf11l{'1lL~ (11 lhe hiddill~ r('fJllircll1cTlt.<;, lhe Clllll raCIllt, :IS <;( 1()l1 :1" Pl:I("' ric;rhk' :trtcr :lw:Jrd llf tll(' Contr;l('t. <;1,:,11 rllrnisll in \\"ritil1g 1(1 the Owncr through the ArchileCl the n:1I11("<; of per<;()ll<; (11' e1lli. lies (jncludil1~ lhosc who :1IC ro furnish ll1:llcri:lls or c(]uip!1H.'lll f:lhriC:Jlnl 10;1 spcci:t1 design) prr1plJSetl [llt 1:;1("11 priIH.ip:11 I"'!- lion o( tllc \'hlfk, Th(' Archilect \'\'i11 rl"lllllf1lh' reply III tllc Clln Ir:JC!or ill writinp. ~t:1tin~ 1;vllelher llr tlell lfw (),=\'nn lJr tl1r: Archir(TI, :Ifrcr due il1\'esfi~:l!ion, h:l.<; n::l.<;lln:lhlr (lhjcClirm rll :lI1Y ~uch proposcd pl:rson or cntity F:tiiule III lhe 0"'1)('1 or Architect to reply promptly .'ih:rll con.<:liIU((' lltllic.-c III IHl rC;IS(~ll- :lhle ohienir1ll. 5.2.2 The (.lll1tr:,clor ,,,h:ll1not ((ll1lr:.Cl \\'ilh ;1' fll'llll\lSnl pcr' son III ('I"in' rn '=\'ho!1l Ill{' (hvnr:r Ill' Archil(Tl h:l<; m:I(It' 1(':1 sOIl;lhle ;md linwh' 1)lJjC('lirlll The r.fll1lr:ICIlJl .,,11:111 !ll'l \l(' reqllired 1(1 Clllllr:lCt ~\"ilh :1Il\'(llle I{l n'IHHll rl1(" (,tllltl;If'\(ll 11;P: m:u!c re:I~I)n:lhle llhiccti(lIl 5.2.3 If {he ()wllcr Ilf Architect 1,:1.<; Icrsl'll;lllk' '1Ilin'liIH1 tl':1 pcrSi 111 or enlit\. proposed hy the (:lJnfr:l('IOI, rllt' (:l ,rllr;Wrlll ."l1all prorose :11lllthcr If) '=\'hOlll lhe ()\"\'Iwr or AI','hilt'!'l 1t:IS r1l1 rC:l~(1I1;rhle I lhjcClillIl, Th(" Ccllltr;ICI .'-'\1111 -:11:111 he il1("t::1SC(1 '" dccrC:lsed hy Ihe difference in cost occlsiol1ed 11,. SHeil ch:ll1gc ;Inc! :1Il :lppHlpri:llc (:h:111~(" (lrder ,<:jl:l11 he ;<;,<;llnl 11, 1\"\"('\"(.1 Ill' illr:re:J,'w in the Cllrllr:Kr Slim ...11:111 hc :IUn\"\'ed for <:\1el1 Cl1:111g" 11111('<;<; the CWllr:IClnr 11:1.<; :lctecl plOll1plh :111(1 H__'<;llflll"i\('h ill ,<;lIll111itting 1l:11llt'<; :.S Irq\lirnl 5.2.4 '1'11(' (:l11111:1('I(lI" ,<;11:111 1)(11 (~h:H1g(':1 "1r!1('fllllr:1C\"r 1'('1"')11 (1/ entily pn"';{)ll<:h' <";(-,In:lrt! ir rlw (~\\'Il'" 'H'\f('hilt"("1 1l1:1k{'<: 1(";I<;()l1;llll(: (ll)j{:c.ti(lll III <;11("11 Ch:l!lg-: AlA DOCUMENT A201 . r;FN!:HAL t:(INrHTl(lr>!<; (lr nrl' 1:(1r>!111,\l:1 Hm ('r)I~':l1!l'f"ll('I'" rr'ltr1IFP-JlIl Flllll/)N 11,1" . "'1<1"-'111 A.\Irnl(',\l\'IN<:lT11ITFllr~rl(rr1l1:r:T" 1-,r,NF'.'\'YIJ!lK."\T~,jlT ~:w \'\',\<;llrU,:ll'.'>! 11(' ,lP"f!" A2D1-1987 13 W^r'HJltIG: UnliCI"'no;..ct r>hOln"'~"vlnQ viol;llcS U,S. cnf1\,,;n'" ,,,....,<: ;lmll<: "'uht".;:' II'> '''O~I flmo;prOn... . 5.3 SUB CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 5.3.1 r~r :lppropri::lrc :l~rCernenl. wrilleH where Iqz:llh' rnJllil'cd fen \';llidirJ" ltlC COJlrr:lctor sl1:l1l require e:lCll SUbCfllHf:lClCH, ICI !he l';'(tcnl of lhe \'(Iork 10 he performed hy lilt' S\lh(Onrr:1CI()f. to he hound to the Conlr:lCIOr h,' lcrrn~ of tile Cnrllr;ICI Donl- nll'lll.~. :mtllO :lSSUlll(' low:Htlrl1c COJl/r:tnOf :111 rllt' nhlij.!:llIOllS :ll'tf re.c;pon,<;ihili!ies which the COl1lr:lctor. h\' Illese !)()C\I' 111en!s. :I,<;'<;\JnlC'<; IO'~\::lnl the O~;n('>r :1nd Architect. E:lch suhcon- IrK! :l.c:reCOlcnt sl1:l1l preserve ;Trlt! prOlcCl the ri~llI'<; of the Owner ;lntl Ar,hilecl under the C"nlr::acl Document" with fCSpCCl to the \"\:ork to he perfor1lln! hr the Sul1contr:lctor .<:0 rl1;1l .<;llhcol1lr:lcrillg thereof will nor prejudice ..such ri~ht~, ;md Sh;lll allo,,' 1.0 the S1.lhcontr;lC!or, 1I111("~,e:; .<;pccHic:llly pun-idee! o(llcrwi~(' in Ihe .e:;u!1contr;lct ;lgreement. the hCllctlt of :111 rigl1l~, remedies :lnU r("(tress ;:a~;:ain.<;l the COlllr:lctor th;ll tile COlllr:lctor, h,' the COfltr;lct Document.";, h;lS :1g:lill.e:;1 the (hvncr \'(/l1ert~ ;lpprl1pri:1te, the Contr:-tclor .<;h:111 require c:lch Stlhcontr~C1(H ro elller into .e:;irnil:1r ;Iweetnelll.<; with Sub-suh- C(lfllr:lctor.<;_ The COlltr;IClor sh:11l Ill;:ake ;lV:li!;lhle to e:lCh pro- poscd Subconrr:lctor, prior 1(1 tile exectHion of the sUhCCmlr:1ct ;lgrcCnlt'llt, copies of rhe Contr:lct Document.e:; to "'hich the SuhCOl1lr;tClnr ''''ill he botllld, ;llld, upon wrinen rcqllc.<;t of the Suhcontr:IClflr, itlt'llliry tn the SuhccJIltr::lctor terlllS :1ntl r:ondi- lions of the proposcd .'i\lhconlr:1ct ;:tgreement t\'hich 111::1\' he;t:t ,.ari:rncc ",'ilh the COlltract OnCtlllJeIH,e:;. Suhcontr;lClOr::; sh:lll simibrly rn;lkc copk',<; of appliohle portion.c:; ofe:;\lch documcnts ::l";lil;lhle to Illeir respective fnop<l.'ied Suh-suhnHlIr;lctors 5,4 CONTINGENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUBCONTRACTS 5.4,1 E;lctl "ulxnntr:Kt a~reeT1lelll fpr;l portioll of the" Work is ;l."sip.ncd hy the ConlfaClOr to lhe O't....ner provided tll;u. .1 ;Isf'-ignm('nt is effective' onl~" after terminatioll of rhe C:Olllr~ct h~' Il1e ()u'ner for CUISe: pur,C:;\I;mI lO P;lr:l- gr:lph 1 "'-2 and (Jill)' for lhose .'iuhcontraCl ~Wf'enlt"lll.'> \\'hich (Ill' ()'t\'tler ;ICCQ11.C:; Iw notifying the Suhcotl. lr;lctor in writing: :lnd .2 :lssignrl1e!lt is suhject to the prior ri.Rht.e:; (If the .e:;met}', if ;It,~,. [}hli~:lletl under hond n:l;ning In the COfllr;lt.t. 5.4.2 If the \X/ork 11:1.<; htTn .e:;u.c:;pendcd for more th:lll ~(J d:,)'s, tile Sl1hCflnlr;lCtc.Jr'S ("ompct1.<;;lIioll .e:;11;1I1 he equil:lhly ;lditl.'itcd, ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6,1.1 The Owner re.e:;erves the ri~IH In pcrform ("(}n~lnlction or n"cr;llinll~ rd:llcd 10 llle Prnj('("1 't\"ith the OWll("f.C:; own force.";. ;1l1t! to ;1\\;lr<!<;cp;lI';lle conll:lns in c(llHwctioll willl other por- linn...; of lhe l'l(ljcct !II' ollH'r cOIl.'arunion or npcr:llioll,e:; (lilliI(' .'iitc lindeI' COllditic)!l,e:; of lhe COlllr:1ct idenlicll or ,e:;UhSI:lIlli;t:lly ,c:;illli!;Jr to these illclt1din)2 tllo.c:;e portion.e:; rcl:lIcd tn in.'iur;lIlCe ;Incl \Y;li\Tr or _e:;l!hro~:Jti(lll_ If lhe COlltt:lC!or d:lirll.e:; that dcl:Ty III ;1{ldiliclll:11 (-CI,,>I is hlV(llvl'(1 hec111~e (If ~tlc11 ;\{,ticltl 1", tilt, ()\\'I1('1, tl1(' <:(llllr;l("lor ,..;J1:I/l tlI;lke ,";IIel1 Cbim ;1.e:; provided d'ic'- ,\'here In the COlllr:lC! f)ll(\lf1lf:nts 6.1,2 \\'hcl1 "cp;H;1Ie contr:\CIS ;ne ;m';lrdn! for different por- lilll,e:; ()f Ilw Pnlject or (Hiler ClHlSln.nioll olllpcr:lIioll.e:; (III the sile_ the tCTlll "Colltr;lC!or" in the Cn!1lr:ln Documenls in e;lCh (':1<;(- <:;h;1I1 rlH.':1ll the Cflnrr:IClflr \,'lIp r:xt'nIIC<; c;lcll ,<;('J1:If;IIt' ()\\,l1cr-(<llHr;l(lr'l ^glcClllClll . 6.1,3 '1'11(' ()wller .c:;11;11t prllddc fClt coorr,lin;l!icltl llf the- :1cti\'i- tics of rhe O't\'ner's (H\.n f(lrces ;llltl of ea('\l <;e-p:1r:1tl" COll1r:I("!OI 't\'ilh the \"(:ork (,f th('" <;rl1llf:1ClOr, 'I\.hCl .'i1l:111 ("()(lrer:JlC 't\'irll them The COlltraC!or ,e:;hall p:1rticip:lle with other Separ:lIC cnn tr:1Clr,rs :mt! Ilw Owner in reviewing their Ctlll<;tntoifltl _e:;dw(i lIles 't\'hcll direcled to do <;(1 The COrlJr:l(lOI ,<;11;.11 r1l:1kc ;111\ revisioll.'i to the COIl.'Hructioll schedule ;111(1 Cmllr;lct Sum deemed tl('("cs.e:;:Jr\' :1ller a joint re\'il:"w :md Illlltual :lwecllwnl Tlw COfl,e:;trtIClioll .'ichedules .c:;h;lllthen nJn.e:;lillltf' 111(' seheclule<; to he uscd In' the ContraClor. .e:;er;t:r;lte crHl!r:1(~IC1r" :1nt! tile OWnCf unril suhsequentl)" revLe:;ed. 6.1.4 Unless olherwLe:;c:- rro\'ickd in Ill(" Conlr:tCl DnCllllletHS, wilen lhe OWller performs constrtlction or npct:nion.'i rel:IICtl 10 lhe Project ll'ilh tile: Ot\'ncr',~ o.....n forc~.~, th,. Ownc:r shall ht' deemed to be ,e:;ubiecl to the S:1rne oblig:1lim1,C:; ;md 10 11:1"'1:' the ~:lll1e righl.e:; which apply to the Conlr:tc!m under lhe Cotldi. tiom of llle C(lnlr:lCl, including, withoUl excluding (ltller.C:;, {Il()~e .C:;I,llcd in Article .'\ thi,e:; Article fi and Article.e:; In. 11 :1lld 12 6,2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.2.1 The Comr;IClor ~1l:111 :1ffmcllhe Owner ;md sep:1r;1Ic C(ll)' tr;lclors f(.";I...on:lhle Oprorltlnitr for intrndllClinn :Itl(l .e:;tor;Ige or their Imlleri:lls ;md equipment and rerforll1:Hlt,{, of their ;Icli,'i. ti{'.c:; and sh:1.l1 connect :lIld coordin:lte the Crmtr;lC\nr',"; con. .~lrllction :1I1d npermiolls "'.ith fheir.C:; as required hy Il1e COtltr:1CI DnC\II1lCllt,c:; 6.2.2 If p;t:rt of the Cnlltr;t:ctor",e:; Work depend.e:; r()f pmpn execution or result.e:; upon cOllstruction or olwr:Hioll.e:; hy the Owner or ~ sep:1l":1le contr:IClOr, lhe Cnntr:1('1or .e:;Il:1Il. prior (11 pmceeding \\:ilh 111:11 pOrlioll of the \'(fork, prompth' report to Ihe Architect :1pp:1rent cliscrep:1ncies or defeCls in such other cllll.',aruclioll 111;11 w(luld rt:lldcr it ullsuit:lhk fot sHch ploper CXt'cullon :md restlll.C:; r:lilure of the Contr;lCtn1" .e:;(l t(l report sll:111 Constitule :lll :lCknotl'ledjZlTlclll tll;lt Ill(" O't\'ner"s Of sep;I' rale cOlllr:Jclor.e:;' ccllnplclcd or p;t:rti;t:lh' cOlllpleted ([ltl~lnl("lilm i.e:; /it and prop<:r 10 receive lhe C01l!r:lct()r".~ \X/ork. excepl ;t.e:; to defects nOI then rC:I.<;ol1;lhl" di.'i('(wcr:lhle 6.2.3 Cost.e:; caused hy dd;1\'s or hy impro!x:rh' timed ;ICli\'itj('<; or ddcnive nm.<;lructiotl ,<;h:111 be home hy tile p:lft\. rc.e:;pnllsi. bit" Iht:rdm 6.2.4 Tht: C(llllr;lc!ol ~1T:lfl promptly rCllll:tly dalll;I~t' wroll~' rully c:1u.c:;ed hy the ConrraClor lO comrtelcd or r:lflialh' COIll- pleleet con.'itruction or 10 prorcny of tile OwnCl or .<;t:p:tr:lIc COlllr;IC!OtS ;I.'i prcwitlcd ill SlIbp:u:Jgrapl1 J 0.2.'; 6.2.5 C:l:1illls ;lnd othcr di.e:;purc,<; :1ntl mailers in que,,'ioll hctween !he Contr;'Clor ;lIld ;I ,e:;ep;1r;Uc conlr:lClor .e:;11:1I1 hee:;uh jc(t 10 the provi.<;ifllls of P:lr~gr:tph 4.3 rnl\'idcd the .e:;ep:lr:lIe nmtr:Wlfll 11:1.e:; ff"ciproc;t1 ()hfi~:lIi(lt1-" 6.2.6 Tht:: (In.-ner :l1ld c;lch sep~r;lle con{r;lctor sh;z11 11:1\'(' the .'i:lI11e rr:.<;po!1.e:;ihililies f(lr cu"in~ :111<1 p;Hclling ;I.e:; ;11'(" dcsnihnf for tht' COllll:JClor in f':H:Jgr:lph 3.14 6.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP 6.3.1 If:1 disf1l1lt" :lriscs alll(Jn~ the C(llllr:lf'."!rH, .'iCP:1I;rlC ("(lll- If;lClor.<:; ;Itld tilt' OWllel :1S to lhe respnn.e:;ihiliry Illlde!' rheir n:e:;pecfi\'c ('fllHr:lCts rIll' rn:lirl!:linin~ the plemist's ;IIHI ,<;llrnl\lIld. in~ ;rr(':J free from 1;\';1.<;1(' 1l1:1I('Tials :lIld rl1hhi<;11 :1<; cte,~crih('(1 ill P:1r;u!r;lph ~,! "', the ()wnn lll;IY cle:1n lip ;lf1d :lilpC:l1e rh(' ("('''1 :I111I111H rlll)-,,(' r(,spll11sihlc :1''; tl1(' ^rchil<:C1 llt'ICTlIliIlC<; 1<, he ill<;l 14 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . C;FNfIlAI r:CJNDITH lNS (If" 111F U1NTltM.l Fr 'll (:1 )N';Tll\'r:'1I{lr~ . I'r 'I 'Ill FFNl'l1 rl'l r l' H ^ IA - .'~, 1""- "Ill' ^,\ll'lHf:"'\~ INS'1 rn 'T1': I ,I' ^ IlClllf Fr-I ". I - Ie; ~H'\Y ; ("0'; ^'Tr.JI tr: ~.. 'x 1\ _\ ':1 IfUr ;-1' 'I'.' t" ',,,,,,,, W^nNING: !Jnlle...,,!<..(\ rho'I''{'Ol"'Vinq \liCllllt..!': U.S_ CO['lyliql1111lw<: ,,,,rll<: 1'luni..~t 10 l!'O1l1 pmu'etJtlon. . ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.1 CHANGES 7.1.1 (:ll:Jl1~e.<; in the \'(Iork 1ll:1," he :1c((llllplishcd ;1f!CT excel!' lillfl (l( the CIHllT:lct. ;111d witlHHll irH':llkl;lting tile C(1I1tr:ln. by C!l:lIlgc Order, r;(1I1SlrUcriOll CI1:m~(' !)jreclive or order (or ;l minfJr ch;rnl:(' jn [he \'(Iork. ,<;1I11;CCl to lilt' lirllit:llion,<; .<;I:llt..'d In Il1is Artieit' :: :Illd dsnvhere ill the Contr,ler I)ocumcnl.<; 7.1.2 ^ (:h:lIlf!c Ollkr ,,,h;J1I he h;lsnl \'POll :l~reelllcnt ;lI11Cln~ 111(' Owner, C(lnlr:rCloT ;end Architect: :1 Con.<jlfllclinn Ch:lI1gc Dircni\'c requires :lgrCe11lent b,' the (h\'ner ;11l<! Architect ;l.ncJ 111;1\' or Ill:!r not IK :lgrccd to hy the C(JIHr:lctoT: :1Il order for;j minor cf1:tllge ill the W'nrk T11;lr he i.~.<;\lcd hy lhe Ard,itcct :lInllC'. 7.1.3 Cl1:111W.'.<; ill till' \X,'nrk shall he p(:rforllled uncltT ;lppli- ctlJl(' pro\';...;on... of [he Cnrlfr:1Cl Docllf1lc.Wi. :md rhe COllude- rm ,..11:111 proceed pf(lmr1ir, unle...,<; Olhnwise rmwidcd in the (:h;lnge Order, C{)ll.<;frUClion C:h:1np.e DifeClin~ or order (or ;1 1l1inor cl1;ln~(" in rhe \'Cork. 7.1.4 I( unil price... :Ire q:llt'd in {hc Colltr:1cl Document.<; or <:uhscqllenrl~' ;lgfcl'd UPOIl, ;lnd i( qU:llltilics origill:1l1y COIl- tC1llpl:lIec! :Ire so cl1:m~ed in :1 propo...ed Ch;lIlge Order Of Con- ,<;trll(lll)l1 (:Il:tngc Direcrivc lh:!r :lpplicHi{)1l ()f such unil Inicl's 1'1 (rll:llllitir.:.<; (If \\:(11'1\ pnlp{)snl will CHt,'''", suhsl:lIlri:11 itlcqtlir~' tll tilt Owner or COtltr:1Clor. the :lpplic:Jhle 1I1ljt prices .<;h;11I he {'(rttit:lhIY:1(tjll.<;ICd 7.2 CHANGE OROERS 7.2.1 1\ Ch:lllge Ord('l" i,<; :1 writh:n itl<:Inll11l'lll prcp:trni h~' rhe ,\tcl1i'lTI :md signcd hy the ()"'Ill'r. COlltr:lclor :md l\rdliICl.t, ,<:t:lting their :tgrcc'nCllr Irp(JIl :zll lJ( (Ill' (llll(l\\"ing' ,1 :1 cl1;1Ilge in the W'ork: .2 lhl' :lInfllllH o( th~ :1(.ljustlllcnr in lilt' Conll':l{"{ SIUll, if :rn\": :lIld ,3 lhe t'XIl'llt o( the :ldiuSIlllt'1l1 in lilt' COlllr:.ct Timt:, if :111\' 7.2.2 J\lelhod" ll."cd in delcrlllinill~ :I(IjUS!lllelll." III lhe COIlIr:lCl SUtll m;ry indude Ihust, listed in Suhp:lr:lgr:lph 7,,~,~ 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7,3,1 ^ Con.<;lrunioll C:h;]ll~c Dirt'("\i\T i::;:1 \\'rillen order pre" p:lrt'd hy the ArC/lilecl :Jnd signed Iw lhe Owner :Jnd Architt'cI, direCling;1 Ch:IIl~C in the \'\:ork :lnd ,<;t:lling:l rropo~ed 11:lsi,<; (or :ldju.<;II11t'1l1. if :1IlY, ill lIlt' COntr:1C1 Sum or COlllr:Jt't Time, 01" hlllh The ()wller tll;l\' hy (;flllsrruni(lIl (:h:1I1~e DifCClivc, \\";tIHluI ill\':rlid:nirlg tht' COlltr:lCl. I)rder c.:h:II1~t's ill the \'\:01'1.: Wilhill llle gt'll('r:l1 .<;("opt.' o( lht: CCltHr:lt"l cOllsi,"Iing o( :lddi. lillflS, tldetifl1l,<; {H otl1~r rt'vj,<;illllS, lhe (:lltllr:lcl S\Ull :lIld CClll- lr:ln Til11e hdllg :It!j\l.stcd :lCcordillgh' 7,3.2 A Constrlloiol1 CI1;lIlge Directive .<;11:111 he l!.<;cd in lhc :lhsCIl("l' or IOlal :rWet'ment on Ihc t('rlllS of:t Ch:lllgt' Order 7.3,3 If tht' Cllll.<;ln'ctiIJll Challge !Jin'oivt' pnlvide:<o f(lr :1Il :rdjll<:/IlK'lll 10 file C:Ollrr:lt'l SHill, Illc :l(ljUSlIllt:llt ,<;hall he h:l.<;cd 'It) (lilt' of rhe folln\\'ing rnellltlds .1 IliOIU:ll :lccepl:l1l('c o( :r IUl11p S(1111 properly ilClllin'd :lr1d 'iUppllrlnl h~' .<;ufficit'rll suhsl:rrlli:lIing d:H:llfl r"lt'T- Illil (T:lhl:lfiflll ,2 lllli! 111iC"<; ..t:lrnl in 11](' (:IJlltl;l("r 111)('11t11('lll:<O 'II s(lh- <:('(f\I(,1111\ :I.~r(:nl UP(lll: . ,3 (11<;1 Ip he dt'tcr1l1illcl! ill :r rl1:ll1lWt :1/!rrTd 11['''!J hI Ihe p:H[i(',<:: :md :111111111:111\. :lCcrpt:l!1lc nxn! (11 !WIC('Il! :If!'.' fee: or .4 :IS pt'(J\'ided in SUhl/:lf:lgl:lph - .~ 6 7.3.4 UPO!l receipl pr :I COrl,<;tnlni()1l Ch:lt1gl' UiH'ni\'c. the COlltr:lClOf .<;hall promptly rt'(Jcecc! ""ilb lll(' ch~llg(' in lhe \'(/of'k invlll\'cd :mu :1d\'i:<o~ {Ile "rchiler:l of lhe C:Ill1tr:tClllr':<o :JRfc('llle!l1 OT dis:l~re('rnenl wilh tll(' IIlClh()rl. if ;tl1\' JH()\,i(!c(! in the (:(III.''1nlCl1rll1 CJ1:lllgC !)ir<'."Clj\'(' fllf d(,lt'rnlillill~ lilt' pn). posed :ldin<;ll1lcll1 ill The Corllr:lC! SUlll or CnrHr:1Cl Time 7.3.5 A (:llll,<;fnIClifl!l CI1:1Il~e DireCTi\'t:.' ."igncd Ill. lhe Cl1tllr:lC- tor in([iC:lt(',<; the :lflreemenl of the C.onrr:.lClor (herewilh, illclud- in,~ :Jct;ll.<;rmellt in Contr;lCl Sum :lnd Corllr:lCl Tillle or lhe Ill('{!lod fnr detcl'lninin,Q thelll. Stich :IWcelllt:1l1 ,<;11:111 lw cfTec live illlllWtli:lIl'lr ::md ,<;h:llt he rccorded :1,<; :l C:h:1t1~(' Order. 7.3.6 I( Ille Ctlnrr:lt'!!Jr (i(le," not rC-Spllll(! pn1l11pll,' I If (lis:lgrC('.<; with the Illcthod (or :ld;tl.'>tlllt'IH in thc Conlr:lC"1 Slllll, 111(' Illethod :l1ld rhe ;1c1juslmcTlt Sh~lll h(" d('tCrIllillCd hy tile Archi- tecl nil rile h:J,<;i.<; of re:Jsoo:Jhle ('xpendiIUH'.<; ;Jnd ~l\'inf.!.<; o( 1110se performing lht'" \\:'orl.: :Htrihlll:1hk 1(1 Il1e dl:1ll~(', inchrd- ing, ill (":I.<:e (If all illnC;l-"e ill the CClrHr:l("t SIIIll :t 1"f.':I:<Orln:lhk :IlJcH\":lIlc(, for o\'t'rhe:zt! :lIlt! prone In :<ouch cr"t', :1lld :11<:(1\11)11<.'1 CJ:III-"e ~..~,.".,~. lhe C(lntr:lCt()f <;11:lll keep :Hl(! plesent. ill -"IICh rorm :1.<; lh{: Archilect 111:1)" prc~crihe, :Ill ilemi7,ed :1("("IHl1ltillg Ingt'lIwr t\'ilh :IJ'PTIlJlri:UC ,<;llpJlorling d:lI:J link's." nllwr\\"i<:r. pn1\'idnl in lht (:lllltr:l("1 l)f)CHIllt'IlIS, n'<:1" I(H Ihe Pll!ll(I<:('~ III tl1i.s Su!Jp:lr:lgr:lph "7 :U, :<oh:llJ h(" lilllited tfl rhe ro/lnt\'iTl.I!' ,1 C(l~I~ (I( !:lhor, incllldillg<;nd:ll~cCnrit~.. old ;r~(' :11lrl ulll'mploymenr in,<;tlT:m('(', rrill.l!c h('llenls w<jl1ired hI' :l,gn'ellll'll! or C"U.'il (llll , :lIHI \\'(111-;('1"." fll \\'llkllH'l1<: (f>1l1pcll.s:lri(HI illSlll':tIl('C': ,2 (""Sl." of rn:ltcri:lIs SUPll1ies ;1l1t! equipllll'Tlt irwhld. ill~ nl,<;l 11r tr:1I1.<;plJrl:ll;flll. whelher illCIl!'J)I'r:Hnl ()I ('(1Il,<;\III \l.'t1: _3 retlt:ll ('nsls or rll:lcl1;Il('I"\' :Ind equipmClI1 ('\dtl~~i\'(. (If h:IIH! r(j(ll<;, t\'lwlhr.:r ft'tl.etl fl(Hll tilt' (:lllHI':J(lllr (I' (ltllcr,<;; .4 Cfl.<;!," o( prcmium:<o for :111 hond<; :md insl1r:l1lcc. /wrmil ft'e.<;, :Jlld ,..,:11('.<;, use (11" silllibr 1:1\t'S rel:llcd 10 111(' \'(inl'k: :lI'Jd .5 :l(lclilioll:d ('O.<;!.<; of .<;upen'i."il m :ltl([ fidd officc IWfS<lt\- Ild dif'('nlt. :lIlrihul:lhle TO [he ch:lIlgt'. 7,3.71'ellding nn:d (klerlllin:lli(Jn (l( ("(1:<01 rll tll<.' (h\'rWl", :mlOUlH," nOl ill dispuI(' Ill:ly he illdudnt in t\r1plicniollS ['or 1-':1~"l1l'l1t The :tnlOUIlI of credil !ll he :ll1(l\\"nl hy lhe COIur:lt tor 1(Jllle ()t\'llcr (Of':I dt:lelioll or ch:!ll~e ,,'hich r('.<;lllr.<; in:t net tlnTCl.<;C' in Ihe Conlr:1Ct Sum ,"'11:111 he :lnU:l' Ill'l CO.<;1 :I.S COil. rirrllnl hy lilt' Ardlilecl. \'(/llen h(Jt!l :1(ldilillll~ :ltld nctlit", t"llVt:rin.'l. rd:ltt'd \'(/I/rk ('I Sllh:<olilutilJll.'i :11{' il1\'{)I\'l'd itl :1 ch:ltlge, the :lIlo\\":lIlcc (or 1l\'l'rhl';ld :1Ild plofil .<;h:lll hc figllll'd Oil rhe h:ISi.<; of' IlCl incrt::I.<:l'. if :rn}", will1 fC."I'Cr.:! to tl1:1( Ch:lIlgl' 7.3.8 If the ()t\'ner :md C{Jlltr:lct(/r dn 11{11 agrce \\'ill1 lhe :ldju,<;'Il1CIlI in (:lHllr;lC! TimC' fll" the 1l1('lhlld ffn lk'tt'l"minillg it. 111(.' adjuSrllH'1l1 tlr th(' l11('lhnd sl1:dl hr r('fenet! I() till' Arcl1irnl (ell" dClermin:lliflll 7.3,9 \'X'lwn tile C)t\'nt:l :lllti C:()lltl':IC!I)1 ;lgrn' t\'jlb lilt" (Ierc! lllin:n;tlll 1l1:11k: h~' tll(' ^'cl1iltTt t"lHICl'1'I1in!! lhe :ldjllSlIllClllo,; in lhe (:(1,11r:l("1 Slrm :llJ(! (:lIllr r:lCl TilllC, I II' (>llltT\liv' 1(':1('\1 :lgIC" t1l('nr 1lpnn lhl' :ldjll.<;llllClltS. .""eh ;1l-!'C('n1erH,,!l:!1I lw cffn ti\(' illllllt'dbl('ly :111(1 :<oh:lIllw f("PJrc!I'(1 hI pn.r:lr:lIi'ltl :11111 (':\('( II (inn Ill' all :lpprnpri:rtt' (:ll:lll'~l' ()nl("! AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (:r:Nl'ltAt. (llN[JllltlN<;. III TlrF I (IN'111M:l f"(JIl C:(lNQ'ltl'l:1rrlN' ['(ll'lllTFNTI! l:llll'flN ,Il.\' . "IT'>H- 1111 ""'FlIlf^,o,,:IN';rll'1'lFllF^Il(:llnH"l';.I~l~NrW'Y{ml\^\"FNI'F N\l IX',\,;lIlNI:lllN ll( !"""', A201-1987 15 W^nN.NG: Un'h:en!tt"d photocopylno vlol"'I...!: U.S, copvrlght t",ws ",nnls <:,ubi,.r;llo 1"0",1 r>ro~..r;1I11n" . 7.4 MINOR CHANGC:S IN THE WORK 7,4.1 T1H': !\n.,:i1iu.:c! will h:1VC :lut!l(1ri(\" ~() ()(de:- min{1r ch;ll1~es in ~hc \X"orK no{ in\-()jvin~ JUiU:-itlllC:1H ill lh~ Comracl Surn or :..:x(cllsi(ll1 or the Cnnlr~ct- Time ;'Inti nor incnnsislem ':\-'irh (l1e ilHC!1l ,,{ the CO!Hl';Ict f)O(:l..II11CIH."i StlC.'h ch:In~O:::s <;11:111 he crk:ctcd 11\" 'vmlen order and Sh:llf he hHluing lm tile Own:.::r Jnu CUl1lr:lCIO( The Comr:IClor .'i11~1I carry our such 1;vrilien ()(dc,s nnml!'(lv. ARTICLE 8 TIME 8.1 DERNITIONS 8.1.1 Unies,<; otherwise rro....icied. Cuntr..ct Time is [he period of time, includjn~ :1Ur!lorized :ldiuSlIllent5. :1I10ltcd in the Con. [r.let Documcms (or Sub:Hami:J1 Completion or tile Work. 8.1.2 The u:ne of commencement of (he Work is the (hue ~Sl:lhli.shcd in the Agreement. 111c d;J{c 5h~n nOl he po~tfxmcd l-,y the f;lilur~ lO ;1C1 of the Comr<lCtor or of rcr~()n~ or entities for whom (he COl1tr:lCtor is resoonsihie. 8.1.3 The d:nt: (If SUhSI:lOtwl Completion i~ the d:nc certified iw the :\rchi\ec~ in :lccord:lI1o.: with P~Ir:l~r:1ph 9B. 8.1,4 Thc tcrm . d:I(' :IS used in lile Cll1l1r:l(t 1)( 1(\lIlH:nlS sh:dl [1H...-:1I1 c:dellu:lr \.i:1Y llllk:~~ (llhcrwisc ,'ifX-ciliclliy <.k:filll..:t! 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2.1 Time limlls sl;Heu in tile COIllr.H:t [)OClllll(:IIlS ;lre Ill' the e~scnce of the Contract. By executing tll<.: A~!:rct'"mclll the Con- tLlt'[(lI' Clll1fifll1S [11:1l ll1<.: t:(llHr:KI Time i~:1 rl.;tS(lI1:ihlc l'Uic)(1 for perforl1ling the \'(-'ork, 8.2.2 TIH..' (~I,ntr:l("Ulr ,,,h:lll nllf knll.......ingh.. l'XCl.:PI hy :Igree. 1111:111 or in.caructioll of tile C)'l\.'llcr in ,,'riling, pn:ll1:nun:h' com. Ill("TH<.' (lp(:r:l1ic)flS C)!1 lilt' "ilC rlr elsewhere i,ri(Jr HJ ti,e dTt.'Cli\T d:He of illsllr:U1ce I'eqll,in.:d lw Anidc 11 to hc fllrl1lshcd h~' thc Clllltr:lcwr, The d:m: of cummellcemelll of tile \""ork Sh:llf nOI i)c l"h;ll1gt.'d ny liK' dkCli....e U:1(C of SUdl ill~ur:llln::_ l :nies," lh(.' d:lIc ()f (nmmcnn::T1lcnl is e~t:lhlish(~d 11'1.' :1 Ilotice tp pron:~,:tj ~i\'C'11 In' 111(.: (h\.IWf lilt: C:lllltr.I('\{Jr"ll:11l IUllil\' [Ill.: (}WlltT III \\"rllillg 11(11 It":;." 111:111 li\'C; d:l\"~ lJE" rllllt'!" :1!.!.ltxd IX:ritJ(..! Il(:hlre cOllll11t:!1cing the \X:ork 10 permit thc liIlH.:!\' liJil1~ of l11orq.r:lges. rncl'hanics liens :Illtl other sCClIrin' imcrC.'its. 8.2.3 The Contr;zClor sh:tll prtlc:ceu expeditiously with :lde- qU:llc force:>> ;ll1d .<;11:111 :Kilicvr: Subsl:lmi:lI Completion willlin lilt: COIU r:1C! Time. 8.3 DELA YS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 8.3.1 If tile COlllr:1Clor!.<; tle::tycd:H ;Ill\" linK" in rro~f(:ss of llle \'{!l )rk h\" ;111 :ICl Dr neglec, of the O\...ncr or ,\rdlHect. or Of;lll l'1l1plnyc:.: of dtller. O( of :t ~p:lr:llC (Ol1lr:luor employed Iw till' ()wner. or Iw Ch:ll1Rl.:.<; ordercd JTl th(.' \"('-ork. or Iw I:lhor (liSptll<.'S. firc, ~lnll.'HI:l1 dC-j:lY in ddi\'eries. un:l\'l lid:thle C:l~tl:tltit:s Ill" (lIher CIUSCS hC\'lllH.l (hc C:tllHr:ll:!lll'" CIHHrc,1. (Jr 11\, dd:l\" :nllhorizetl hv The Owncr pCllding ;zrhilr:llion, r)f by oll1t:.r :";111.<';<:''' ~'hicl1 tll('.\rclliteCl dell:nllinc~ 1ll:IY Iusli!\' dc!:Iy. l]lC11 [ill" (:,ll1lr:1C1 TinK sh:lil h(' C'XlClldt:~i Iw (:ll:zn!!l..' ()rdcr I()!" ."uch l'e:I-"\)11:li~i(." Tl111e ::s [hc :\rcilJleCl 1ll:1~' dctcrmillc. 8.3.2 (:::lilll.<; rd:llin~ to lime "I\:lll hl..' IIl:H.lt. ill ;ltT(}rd:lllc~ ~vrrl1 :1I)lliir ::hie pl(l\'isH)I1S 1.11- !)::r:tgr:ll~i1 .. ~ 8.3.3 'i'hr~ ,):lr:lI!:';lnh x , UCJ("~ 11111 :~n:'~'llItk' ',-''.''H'::''~.:: \11' --::1111- :l\~'''':,~ '()r 'ld::': hI: ':!lhl..'~ ;1:ln\' :lllUt:r '111H':: "nl\'l~H)ll.~ ;)( ;l1e '11(,':1('; 1)\ IClIrl1l"l1t" . ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.1.1 The Cllntr:lC: -"1II11 i~ S!:lI('U in the A!!reCll1c!lt :lntl. includ. ing authorized atliu:::ullt:nt.'i. is the total ;Jnlflllnt p:l\':lhk: hy the Owner [0 tile Contr:lctor for perfOrm31K"e III the Work under tile COntr:lCt 1)(IC1I1llent.<;. 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 9.2.1 Before (he fir~1 Applic:llion for P3ymenL the Contr:lclOr Sh:11J sl.lhmit If) the: ArchileC( a schedule of \';lll1c~ :lllllGlletJ (0 \':lrious portions of tilt: \,,"'ork. rrcp:trcd in such form and sup- pOrled by stB.:h U:H:1 10 .<;ub.c;tanti:He iL<; :\Ccur:1CY as the ArchitcCt rn:1Y require. This schedule, unlc~.<; obiected to hv {he Architect. shall he u.'iccJ :IS :l h:tc;is for reviewill~ ,he Contr:1Ctor"s Applicl- lions for P:lymem. 9.3 ,",PPLlCATlONS FOR PAYMENT 9.3.1 At ibst tcn d:tys l)eforc tilt: d:llC est:lhlisl1<:u for C:lcl1 rrogres." r:l\;ment, the Conrr:lcwr Sh:lll submit to the Architect :1I1 itcrnizetl,\ppiicHilln lur P:rymenr for nper:Hions completcd in :1CCfJrtl~tr1cc ~....i{ll the schcdule of \':llucs, Such :tppliClliotl .'ih:til he nlll:lri7.et!. if rt'qllircd. :IlH.l'iurponed 11,. such d:lt:l -;l1hSlanti;Hin~ thc COlHr:tclor's ri~l1l [0 p:lymclll ;\S the OWllcr or :\rdlit<.Tl In:lY f('quire,<;udl :IS copk's or ft"(]IIi.'iilions fro(11 SUI1Clll1tr:ll.ttJr.<; :1I1d m:Ht.:ri:ll slIpplicrs. :lIld rdk:cting rC::lill:lgc if provided for elscwhere in tile Comr:lct !)O<.'lllllCllt.<;. Such :lPllliCllitlll~ I1t:1y include ['<.'qlll:~t,<; ltJrp:1Yllll'lll (JI1 :It'l"<HIl1\ of <,'h:1I1~<:S in (he Work Wllicl1 Il:I\'(: h(.'(:n properl~' :Fllt!lc)riznl t1\" C:Ol1."lft1("{i(JI1 Ch:lllgC Directivcs hUI I1c11 YCI included in Cil:lllgC (Jfdcr~. 9.3.1,2 Sll('il :lpplicllil111S 1l1:1Y [)\ Jf incltltlc 1"l"lllll'SI., (c lr j1:I~'- fllClH of :lIlH Jllm." the COl1tr:K'lor clol'." 1101 ilHcnl! 10 pay III :1 Suhn 1I11 r:1Clnr Of rn:llt'ri:ll supplier hC'::;lUSC of ;r disnlllc (If IHlll'r rCISOIl. 9.3.2 1 ;Ille~," olll<.'T\\'!<;;l' pnl\"idctl in lIle C()lHr:1C1 DllClll11l'llIS. p:I\'mt:1lt!" ...hall he m:ltle Oil account of m:tferi;d::; :111(1 CqUiPllll"t1t dl'lh"Cn.:tl :ll1d ,"uit:il)l\. ,~lnITd :1( (Ilt' Sill' for ;;llhs('qUt'lll ill{"()r- I)or:tlilll\ ill Il1e \X'lJlk II :lflprovnl ill :al\':llRT In- II\{" (h\'lIlT. P:I\'111CI11 lllay ,,,ill1i!:lrly he Jll:ldc i'or ll1:l1cri:ds :;11(1 ClJUipllll'l1l suitahlY Sfored off lht' site:l! :llocnion :lgrcct! upon ill writing. P:t~'I11C11l for l11:lIt'ri:lls :1I11lequiplllt:nt ston.:ti on or olT Iht.: Sill' si1:111 ht: CflllC.lilit')I1('U UpOll compli:mce hy tllC C0l1lr:1Clor with procedure.'i .<;:uis(actnry ((l the Owner Tn eSI:lhlish tht: Owm:r"s tilk to ,"ucl1 m:lleri:tls anti equiplllem or ()Itlt'rwisc proll'Cl lhe OWller" S intcrt:sL :lIld ,"h;1I1 include :lpplic:lhic in.<;ur:lIlC':. slor:lgc ;tnd Ir:lIl~p()n:lti()l1 to lhe<;ite lilr such [lI:lIt.'ri:ll!' :tlllJ l:quipmc:lt"lOrctl off lht' .-;ile, 9.3,3 The Comr:ICHlr W:lrr:t111~ th:u (illt: (11 :111 \\"Ilrk covered hy :lll r\j1plicl1ion for P:l\'Illt:nt \vill p:t<;.<; to tilC OWller 1l01:11t.:r th:1Il the lime Dr p:lynH':T1l. The Contr:lClor fllnl1cr warr:llH::: :11:1( Upllo'iuhmill:li ()f :lrl l\npiiCllicJl1 rtlf 1):l\"111l'111 :111 \"\/(,rl\ rC)! ',Yl1kh C(:rtiliclles :C)f !1:lymelll h:IVC hCCll prc'.'i(lUS!\' i......'lt.d :Ind n:I\'n)C:lr::: rcedved !'rom Il1e O~vner <.;h;zll. !n till' hl'Sl of ;Ill' (:onlr:z<.'tor ," kllllwlcdgt:. illlUr11l:1t10n :lI1d hdi<:L he Ir<.":..' :tnd clc:.lr of ii(.'lls. claims, ,,,ecunn' Inf(.:rcst.~ ()r C:llcumhr:lllCL'!' ill (:I\-'flr (ll lill..' Clll1lr;H'l(lr o..;UhC1Jlllr:lCJ(lrs. 1ll:11e:-i:zi ~llppJi(:r.... rlr (llilcr per."I)ll." (If c:nITlle." tll:lkitl1!:t cl:tim il\' rC:I.<';\Jll 'If Il:I\'llll! i)n1\'idc~i ::Ji'<lf. :n:lleri:ll.c: :1Il(i L'Utli!1tllt:nr reborn:: ~\l [he \'\"lIk 9,4 CERT1F1CATES FOR PAYMENT 9.4.1 :'hc :\rClllICC; \\'ill, -Y:lhin ~<:'''cn '.i:,''':' :IIIC:" r::':'~';pt 1) 'ile '.l)(llr;lC;llr.; :\llj)iiCll11lTl :fl; :':l\"inl':1[. :.::[[1::: !SSIIC :ill 16 A201- 1987 AlA DOCUMENT ,4.201 . , ;:NF.I{'\l "(':'>:1)1"'")( )"~ )1' ','; 1,'- ',",i"I\,\( ':{m ':'l~""Tlll'r:','I('~. q ''! '1;:"-'1"11 j'!)I'~'II).... ".., . ;:!t)l-l-'''ll;:.\,\.t;:;!I(:,\.~;!r>.J~-;''I'::'''~'..lF\J~{:~;:;'' ~"':F ':In; \':;':';:T ':", '-\".'11:'..;,,;(" .J1'In~lltJG: :Jniicen~@'d onOlOCOOVTnO 'lIo111les If.S ~:')ovrtont 1::Iw<' ""!:l;:<:- ,llO"~<:::: t~ l'!<::lll Dm:o;eC\Jllor . ()n'l1er:l C:CrlrfiC:Ht: ((If" P:l\"lT1Clll. Wilil :1 Cf)rW ,(I tilt" Clllllr:JC If If (or such :lI11f1Un! :l."i tile :\rchiICCl dcu..:rmitH.::~ i." propt:rh' due. (lr Il( Hih' lht.: COfHf;lClor :m(i Ownc:- in \\Titin:'l of the .\rcilil<':c:-" n::ISilIlS fClf ';.VllhlHliding ':t.'n i(1CH ion in will lie fIr in i':lr! ;IS pnJ\'i(!<.:d ill Slli)p:lr:lgclpil \),-'i, I 9,4.2 The i:-;.su~lI1cc of:1 Ccnific:nc (or P:lymem will cnn~(jnHi::;1 n:preselll:uion nv (he Archilect to the Owner. b:l.'iccl Oil lhe Architects obser,';llion:; at the .'lite and tile (!:ua comprising (he i\nriic:ujon (or P';l\'lTIem. tl1~H rh(" \""'ork 11;IS rrowessed to the point indiC:lIed :md (11:1(. (0 tile best of tile ArchilcCt'S knowl. cd,gc. iniormation :md belief. qu:liilY of tl,c Work is in :IG':or. li:mu: with the Contr.IC! Documents. 'n1C foregOln~ rerre~el1l:1- lions :lrc suhteCt to an C'v:llu;l{jon (}f the Work for con(orm:lncc ','.'ilb the:: Contr~ct Documents upon SUhS[:IIHi;ll Completion, 10 I'esult.<; of subsequent tests ;md insrcctions, to minor de\-i:;nioos rrom tile Contract Documents correct:lble rmur 10 completion :Jod to .:;pecific qualific::nions expressed b~' the Architect. The iSSll:1I1C': of rl Certific:ne for P:lymcm will further consliune a rt'presen(~tion th:tr the Contr:lClOr is enti{led to p:l.....ment in (he :1I110Um certified, However, the issu:tnct: of J Certificue for Pay- Im:n! will 11(l( l,~ :1 rt:prcscnl:lfi(}O th:n the Architcct h:l~ (I) m;lt!e :':Xh:luslive or continuous 01l-:;itc inSpC(:lions to chct.:k lhe (ll.l:llit\' or qU:ll1lity of the \\'?ork, (2) reviewed cons!mctiol1 IllC:lIlS, method.<;, tcchnlqut:5, .'ic:.:uut:llces or procedure!';, (.~) r<:\"icwcd copies of requisilion,<; receiv<.:t! from SubCOlllractors :lIld m:neri:tl <;uprliers :lnd other dma reqlleStec.l by [he Owner [()~1.1bsLlnti~le llle Contractors ri~11r to p:.zvmcnt or (4) mac.le t.:x:trnin:uion 10 :ISccrt:lin how ur for what purpose the Comr:J("- II lr h:L<; llscLlllloneV pfevi()l.I~h' p:lid on ;ICCOlUl[ of the COlllr:K! SUIll. 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 9.5.1 The Archllect m:ty decide i1()t to certify p:lymCnl :1l10 m;n' >:vilhiH11d :1 C:cnificne for P:lynlt'll! in whol!.: Of in p:trt, ,1(1 I he eXTel1t rC:1.<;on:lhly nCCCSS;If\' to prOlect (11<.: O~"ner, if in the '\rcj,i{cc[.~ Oni1l10!1 the represem:uiol1s to tile O"t\'ncr n:ql.lirc:d il~' SUi'P:lf:l1lraph 9A.2 C;:1l1110t he Ill:l<.le. If tile ArehireCl i~ lIn:lhle to ccnih" p:lymcm in the :llnOlll1( of rill: Aprlic:nion, the :\Ichilect \\'iI1llotiry the COlltr:1C!or ;md Owner :L<; rroyit1cd in ."uhp:lr:lgr:lpll l) '" I. If till: Cmltf;IClOf :lI1t! ArchiteCl C:1I11101 :lgre~ Oil :1 n:n~cd :l1lHllllll, rill' ArchilcCt "".m prompth' Issue:l C~nifk-:Ht: for f1:lvmelll fOf the :lI11011rH for which Ihe Archilect is :ll1lc II) m:lkc such rerfcsent:llions lel the Ownef_ The t\rcili- \el"l 1ll:1~' :11."0 dl't:kle 11()( 10 cl'nify p:tYllll'llt or. het':luse ()f -"lli'sl."qllel1li~' disco\'<:rcd evidencc ()r sllb~eqll<.:nt {lb:~Cf'\':l1i(m:;, m:1\' nullify lhe wi10ic or :1 p:rrt of :1 Ccrtific:zt<: for P:lymem prcviousl\' is.<;ued, to SUdl extent as m:lV be I1Ccc~'i;lry III l11e ,\rclliICC"_-s opiniol1 10 r)fOlect rile O't....n("r frum loss hec:ltl...e of. ,1 ddecli\'<: \XIork nOI rcml'dicd: ,2 tl1ird part\' cl:lims filcti or re:l.<.;ol1:lhk' t:\'ldcnce indica- in~ proi1:tble t1lin2 ()( _<;lKll cJ:lim...; ,3 f:liiun: ~lf the Contf:lClor to 1ll:1KC p:1Ylllents prop- ::1'1\' \(1 Suh('ontr:lCturs ilr for i:tbor. m:uef1ais elr ~'qUIJ1l11C!ll: .4 rC:L"{)Il:lhlc :_'vidence t!l;ll rhe \'(:{}rk <.::11111(1( !)l' Cf11ll- f,iclui !or tile unpaid h;li:lIlcl' 'Ji" the C()lltr:l(..'t :-;OIn: .5 '-.l:iI1l;llH': tel tile (),=',;ne~ l1r :lI1()\iIC:'" l"(llltr:ll'ltlr: ,6 re:I~(Hl:ll)lc '..:'.'idc11Cc 111:11 ;Ill' \\'(lrk '>\'ill Il(ll he: ~'{lm, plelC(! within [Ill" C:(H1tr:lt.': TilllC, :lllt! th:lllllC l111n:llti 11:!i:ll1U: ":'1."1111<1 Il(){i'e :Itiequ;llc III l.',1\-er :lcu:ll (lr ii(:Uld:Ht"J d:11l1:11..!.C." I'(lr till.' :lllliCTn:llcd ~k:!:1\' 1r . ( :'C"'I"lC:11 ':l1illn' r()~-:lrr-; ll!. Ille \\"lI'k :11 :ICr:'llC::111CC ',\-1\11 :11,' " H,rr:lCt :)< I("Ull1('!H.~ . 9,5.2 \'X'hen the :1l1(1\'c re;lson." ror \....illlho!<iing ('(,.:niiicltion :lrc r<':!1l0\'l:li. c~nilk;lll()n \\'iIl be 111:1<.il' for ;lll1nunt<; !'re\'illllsi\' wnJlheid, 9_6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.6,1 :\flef (11!.: ArchilCC\ h:l~ i~.'illl:d ;1 C::":r1iliclte [(lr Il:I\'IlH,'T11. the Owner sh:rll m:lke r:lylllem in tile m:lIlncr :ll1d o;vitilin the time pro\'ided in thc Comr:Kt Documents, and shall .<;() nntify (he Archiret:L 9.6.2 Tile Contr:lClor si1all j1romprly p:lY e:lch Sul1c:onli.lClOr. uJ10n re:ceipl of J1:Iymem from the Owner, om of 111c :llnOllnt p~id to the Comr:lCHlr on account of such Subcnntr:1Cto(s por, (Jon of ti1e W'ork. the :1mount to wt1ich s:tid Sui1("ot1{r:1('tor is entitled., reflectinEt percent:1ges :tctually ret:l.inecJ from p:l\'ml:nt.<; [(l tile ContraCtor on acCOunt of such Subcomr:lcwr",<; ronioll of the \""ork, The Contr.\ctor shall, by appropri:tte agreement with e:1ch SubcontractOr, require e:lch SubcontrtlctDr !O m:lke paymems to SlIh-suocomtdCtOrs in simil:l.r m:tnner. 9.6.3 The Architect wiil, on request, furnish (() a S~bcontr:1c' tor, if )1r.l.cticable. inf()rm:nion regarding percem~~e5 of com- rlction Of J.Jnoums J.rr1ied for hy [he Comr.\ctor J.nd aCtion l:lkcn :11t:rcon by the: Archiceel :tnd Owner on ;lceOl1nl of por, liollS of tht: Work done by such SUhCOnlr::1CIOr. 9.6_4 Neither t11e: Owner nor Architect ...h:dl h:lve an obli~:lti()n to P:lY or to see to the: payment of money 10 a SU(JComr:IClOf except ;15 may otherwise be required by l:\w 9.6.5 P:lymcm to m:l1eri:r1 sllprlie~ Sh:lll be tre:Hcu in a l11:mner <;imil:lr 10 til:lt rro\'iued in Suhp:lr:!~r:lph::; 9.6.2, 9.fi.?- :Jt1<.19.(i"i. 9.6.6 r\ C:.:rtific:lte for Payment, :1 pro~ress r:1ymcnl, or I':lnial or emin: use or OCCI.I[1:mcy of the Projecl hy [11e Owner silall not constitute :lCCepl:lllce of \Xrork lUll in :lCcord:u'lCe with [hc C()1ltr:lCT D(lCllment.s. 9.7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT 9.7.1 If the ArchiteCI doe... n<.l( i::;suc:1 Ccnifk:lle for PJ.VOlent, thrOll~h no C:lUlt of the Contractor. wichin seven d:lvS :l.ftcr rece:ipt of (Ile COnlr:l('[Or'S Application for [>:lyment. or if tile Owner does nOI [1:1\" the COntr.\Clor within seven d;tys :lftcr the dme cst:lDfisheu in lilt': Comr:IC[ [)ocumcllf,<; the ;11110Ullt cer- lined t,~- ihe Architect or :lw:lrdCtl hy :Irl,ilr:llion, tilClltill' (nn. tr:letor 1ll:1". uron scven :Hklition:tl d;IYS' written nOtice 10 tll<.: O'\vner :md ArcllileCL .SlOp the Work until p:lylllent o( the :lllllllllll owing Il:l~ hn-n rl't"eivcd. The COl1lr:a,'1 Tillll- shall he l.:xlcndcd :lppropri:llely :md the Cumr:ICl Sum sh:lll he incn::lsed hy the amOl!nt of the Contl.lcto(s re:l~on:1hle cost~ of Slllll-(jo't\'n, llcl:1Y :lno ~(:Irt-up, >:....hich S11:111 he :lccomplisjlcd :l~ rrovided ill Article 7, 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9.8,1 SUi,<.;t:lnti:11 Comnleliol1 is the Sl:l~l.: in tIll' p[()gn.:~s ()f Ille \'(.'ork <;\'!lcn the \'\.-'ofk Of desi!o!n~lled portion tl1crco( \,<; suffi. ci<:nt!y complete in :lcc()rd~nce <;\'i(11 the COlH(aCI Documents ,~() lile O't\'ner c:m m;cupy or utilize;; the \""ork !()r it<; imcmkd u.<;c. 9.8,2 \X-l1e11 Ille C(llHr:I('Wr c(ll1sidcr:-; ll1;ll the \\-:ork, or;t por, tion tileR'of whki1 ijle Chvner :l!ol:rces to :H':C~pt scp:lr:llcl\'. I~ ~uhst:lf1li:ll1y completc, ,he Contr:lClor sl1:l11 pn:p:lre ;lnd submit I(J tile .'\rchile:..:\ ;1 comprehensiye- lisl of itcms 10 hl' (,(l1llplctnl r1r ':Clffn'lni. TIll' Cuntr:lCluf -.:tl:lll prncc:etl rnHlllHI\' \(1 <.'11111, ntclc ::Ild ~., lrreCl ilems (1O (he Il.<;t, Failurc t(J incllltk::1I1 ile1l1 (1I1 "tlcil Ii.";; <j<H.'S ;HH t1il(.:f the rcsr,)(H',~ihiiilv (Jf tIle (:(l!ltf:lcrlr l(l :ofllole:c :ltl \'('or\\ l!l ;,\('cc'rdanc(' ""'1(h lilc (::JlH:'::C1 ;)()CI' illei1IS :1fln rI,:c:.':f"lt of th~ r::"ntr:1Clnr ~ iist. illc .'\f(:ilil<.'~-: <:\'ilI :ll:lI-;:C :rn lnSneCII(l!l itl 'Jt"leflllEllt: ':;'o'ile'iler lil<.: \'i':(lr;..; '1r dc"il.!. .),IA DOCUMENT :"201 . :;,,:"'f'H,\!. '.f.)NI1t'~-](lN." '11' ,';If ':():-':'i!lA(:~- ;'(lR ~r)~:.<;lR\'( .,-:< I"" "'11:R1T:>:-';TII Enrnn:-.: "."-'.':"',\:1"1" '.,"I~.'''Tl'''1''T''F\II(.'IIT!''.''-'': -'~'JI"""\"H!\ ""'"':1 ,., '("\',11101(;-;-1":" ~(""1h A201.19S7 17 NARNING' ',Jr'llice"~en nnOlocoovino Vl01;ues U,S :oovnonl ;"wo; <'Ino is suoiee~ 10 \~O<'l. ~m'!';eeUIH'l" . n;I1('(1 portion thereor j<; ,<:'UhS!:lf1li:ll1y ('nrnplclc If tile Arcllitcn',<:' in<;pectinn disclose." :111)" item. ~\'he!lwT or not incl\T(lcd on tl1(:" COnlr;lC!Or-,<; ILl;;(, which is no! in ;JCC(1rd:111ce ~",'i1 h the requirements of Ill(' Corllf;lCt [)ocument<;, the Cornr:lc- lor <;11:111. h<JofC 1,<;<:'\1:111(1: or ll1e CCrlifk:lIl' or SuhSl:m!i:ll Com- p!ctitll1, ('()lllplctc ()f C<lffccl<;lICh Henl IlprllllH)tifiC:ltillll hy lhe Architect The Conlr:lClnr ,<;h;ll1 then submit :1 request ror :Hl()lhcr inspection hy the ArchiteCt ((1 determine Sllhst:Hlli:11 <:(11l1!,lcl;C}1l. \'Clll'1l 1111: \'X-rlrk Of dcsign:llt'd !)(lrtirll1 (1ICrC(l! is suh<;t:mli;tlly complete. the Architect <:vill prcp;tr(:' :1 CcrtinC;llC or SlIhst:uHi:i1 Completillrl ~..hich sl1:111 est:lhli,sh lhe d:JIC fl( Sub- ,''';In!i:11 Completion. 8h;l1l e8t~hlish re.<;pollsihilitic8 of the Owner :md COl1lr:1("lflr for security, m~il1\enml(T, hc~t. utililic-", d:llll;lgC to thc \'{/ork :l!1d ill"llr:lIlCC, :md .<:11:111 fix tilt' timc withill whic:h tile Cnt1!r:lClor sl1:111 finish ;111 ilcl11.<; (111 tile Ii.<;t ;1Ccomp:1t1\'ing Ill(' CcnificlIe. \'(.':1.rr:1ntie.<; required by The Con- lr:1Cl ])(IUl11lL'1l1." shall ((lll1llKIKC Oil tile <.1:lIe of Suhst;Jllti:11 (:C1I11pk'tjlll1 Cl( Illc WClrk elf dcsign:llcd pc/ni()!l thnc()( \lllles.s Clll1tTwist' pnl\'i(lcd ill the CcnifiC:ll~ of Sltll.<;t:lIlti:ll (;()lllplc- licln rhe CcrtificlIc of Suh.<;l:1llti:t1 C(lrnplclioll .<:h:111 he sub- mi1led In Ihe Owner :mtl Contr:lClor for their wri!1("n :lCCCp- l:mn: (I( rc.<:po!1sjhililies ;ls<;iRned tn them ill .<;ueh Certinc;Jte 9.8_3 IlpIJllc.;llhst:tnti;t! (~Clll'plt'ticlIl ll( ti,e \'('"clrk II' {Ir.'<:ign:ltcd pCI1'!itlll IIH.:rt'(J( :lllti 11j1flll ;lppliC:lliem In- 111(' (:llIHr:K((lr :111d u.:rtilic:1tiOll hy tIle Archilect. lhe Owner .<;11:1.11 Ill:lke p:1Yll1enl, l'c1kC1in~ :ldiusl11H'lll ill rel:lin:1~e, if :Hl\'. (or <;Udl \\'nrk C Jl pOl" litlll thcreclf :1.<: pn)\'jdct.l in the Ccmtr:lct !)OC\1Il1t'111S 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE 9.9.1 The O'i\'ncl' 111:1Y pccl1r" or u.<;t'" ~ny ("ompk.'tcd or p;1(". li:llh' complcted pfJrljnll of th(' \"(;nrk :It :m~' <;1:1j!t' 1;\'hen ,<;\1ell portion is tlesign:llcd In' st'p:n:ltc :tgrccmCllt with th-= Crmlr;\("- IClI", provitlnl ,<:lIell nn:l1Il:1I1CY or t1Sf is con.<:Cl1tcd In h\' llle in<;I1tl:1 :'-<: required 1lIHkr Suhp:lr:lgT":1ph ll..~ II :111<.1 :ll1tlHlrizt'{l hy puhlic :nllllllrillt'<: h:I\'il1g jllri<;(tinifll1 (lver Ihc \'Cork Sucll parti:tl {Jcnlp:llH:~" or lISC 1l1:ly CClll1l1l("nc~ whelher or !lOI lhe p(lrtillll i.<: .'illh.'il:lIlli:tlh' nJmplctc, Prt)\'j<le(1 llw (hvncr :11l<! CllllIr:H:Ior 11:1\"(' :l("('Cllll'r.l in writing tht'" rcspI1l1.<:ihilitic<; ;t<;signed ICl c:lCh ()f them rln 11:1\'IllCIlI.<:. rCI:1in:lgc if ;my.<;ecu. I'jl\", 1l1:1il1lcn:l1lcC', he:ll, \1tililic,<;, t!:101:tgf 10 the Work :1ntl in<;ur. :mn.:. :lnd 1l:lvc :lgrcTd in wriling cOIKclI1ing lhe pcrill(! (fJr ('or. rC('Ilon or tile \'('ork :Inti cpmmCIlcel11C1H of t\':1If:llltic<: rct)llire{1 lw tile Crmtr:Kl f)tICtll11ent.<;, W'hen Ihc (:{lIl\r:lct{Jr ('lln.<;iticr,<;:1 pr,rti()1l .<:l1h.<;I:1.f111;1llv comrie-Ie, rllt' Cnnlr:1C!(,)1' .<;h:111 prepare :md .<:\lhlllit :I U<;l to 111(' Architect a,<; pf(wit!cd under Sl1hp:1r:1W:1ph 9R,2. COllsc-IH of the COTltf;lCIOr to J1:1rti:lI flceu- p:mcy or use ,<;11:111 not he unre:l;<;on:lhly wilhhdtl The' st:1~(, of the proR"cs<: of the \'(fork sl1:11l he clt'terrl1illnl hy writlf'1l :1jJ.ree. rllenl hefwecll tile ()t\'l1er :mcl Contractor Of. if lHJ :1.!HCCIIlCnt i,.; rC:1Cl1ed, hy dcci.<;jol1 of 111(' Architect 9.9.2 Illll1lc<.li:udy rrior 10 ,<;ueh 11:lni:ll Pcctlp;ll1n' "r l1,<;e. the ()n'11Cf, Cfmlf:1C\{lr :llld Archilect <;h:111 ioillll\' illsllecl tile.: :1l"e:t 10 he (lccuJlied or rnrlin!1 or tile \'('nr\.; to he 11.~t"d in order 1(1 del ermine :11l(i In:ord Ill!.' ('{Jlldilinll or tl1(' \,\:flrk 9.9.3 [Inle:o:;" rllher"'.r....c ;lgr('Cd Upllll, P:Uli:11 (ICTlrp:Hlt"~ (Jr r1.<;(' (1[:1 )lC)rtjrlll (lr j"<lrticll1.<; (If rhe \'X'clrk <:h:lll !lll! nm<:lil\lIC :lCU':p' \:l1lCC of \'Cllr!.; not cnmpldtH.! with Ihe w(fllirCllll'!1t.... o( lhe C:\Hllr:lct J)<lC!llllefll,,, 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PA YMENT 9,10.1 llpc'll recr'ipt of <'"linen llo1in: tll:ll the \Vprk i<: re:ldY Illf !ill:ll inspl'ClilHl :mr.! ;lC<Tpl:llH.'l' ;1I1(! IlJlcHl t('(Tip! (l(:1 nn:ll '\11llliclticlll for l':n'llwnt. Ill(' Ard1itect \\'ill 11I(lt11!'tl\' lH:-lk(' . sucll ill."pccti(J1l :mcJ, 1;\'11t'1l!11r: Architect fintls the \'('or!.; :ICCTI11 :lhlc under Ille COlltr:lr! Document<: :1t1<1 tile Cnnll;l("! fl1l1\' pC1 formed, the M('l1itcrr 1;\' ill prompt!\' ;'<;.<:11(" :1 fin:!) Certifk:llC for P:IYtllel1l ,<;t:tlill~ 111:11 10 tile he~t of the Mchitcrt"s l<nll1;\'lcdf!C'. il1fnrrn:tlllll1 :md helief, :1I1d Oil the h:l.<:is Df thc: Archif('(!'s 1l1l<;en':llicHls :lml in.<:pcl'tion.<:. lhe \'(;olk h;l::; IV_Tn cOlllpleted in :1('cord:H1c~ 1;\'illl tern1S :md c(lntlilions o( lhe COlltr;lC( [)O(U menl.<: ;md 111:1l Ihe entire hal:tncc !lllllld ICl he rhle 1/1(' (:i1l1tr:1f tor :lT1cl Ilotcd ill s:lid 011:11 CcnifiC:llc i,<; due ;l1lt1 p:IY:lhk The ArchjltTl'8 rlll:ll (:ertific:1.te for l':IVll1Cn!1;\'il! C0I1.<:til111e :1111rtlll'r fl'[lrCsc'nt:llioll th:1I cnndilion<; Ii.<:tccl in Suhp:tr:l/-!r;tpl1 C) I fl..! :1<; precccklll to the COrl\f:lClnr'.<; heing clllitlecl \(1 fin:ll p:lnllCnt 11:1\'e' heen fulfilled 9.10.2 Neilher I1n:ll p:1YlllC'nl nor :1.lly fem:1ining rcl:lilH'l! perccflt:1~t" sl1:lll hecotl1c dl1(, until Ihe CnIHr:l(l(lr SUhlllit.<: t{l tile ArchilCl't (1):111 :lfl1cl:1vil that P:lyroJ1s, hilt<: fllr tl1:lIcri:l1s :lnt! C1111i!)I11CllI, :llHf (lther il1(lchH.'cllle~.<; C{llltHTtc<1 \\'illl fhe WlHk for Wllich Il1e Owner or the Owner's 11r(lpen)' llli/-!hl he respofl.<;:ihk or enCllmhered (Ies.<; ;1mOl1n!S 1;\'i!hhdd 11\' ()~...ncr1 Il:l\'(' llt'cn p:tid or otht:rv.:i<;c s:1tisfkd, (2) a certificlIc C"'idcnc. ing tll:1l ill<;\Ir:mce required hy the Cnl1lr:/C1 l)onlI11C!lt<; 10 1'('111:1in in force :lfter I1n:11 r:1~'fm:nt i<; currenth' in crf('('f ;md ~\'i1l !lot he CIlKdlcd or ;tllownl !o cxpire ul1!iI :It IC:l~l~n d:1\'." priol writlcn notice 11;1<; heen ~iveTl to the ()<:\'ncr. t.~):1 \HillC1l ,,1:l1cnWI1! tl1:11 the Contr:lClOr kl1o't\.<; pr I'll) suh<:l:lnti:tl rc:t<:on IIl:u lhe in<:ttT:1rlCe 't\'W nfll he renewahle 10 n1\'e1" the perind required hy tile (:I)tllr:1C1 l)IICtllnel1f~, (-'1) Cllll~("nt Ilf .<;lll'{:l\' if :111\'. to fin:ll p:lymel11 ;lml ('il. if required lH' the Owner, nlllC'r d;ll:l e-."I:1hli<;hill~ fl:1ymellt or 8:11i.<;f:1ctioll of (lhli~:lti()n-",<;llch :IS \"('CTipl-", rcle:l,<:('<: :In<l1;\';livc:r<; or liel1s, d:tim<;. "'{'('lIrill' inlCl('st~ (lr CI1Clllllhr:1t1ccs :lTiSi!lg (HI! (If the Clllllr:lCI, ICl tll(' t':'(1{'1l1 :lIHI in <:Ilell fClrm :IS m:1Y h(' dcsigl1:11t'c1 hy the ()Wl1('r 11:1 ,c.;tlhc'r't), Ir:lC!llr rctll.<:e<; to furni.'ih :1 r("IC:l,<:(" (lr t\.;tiVCl lTqt1irr'c11n' Il1e ()Wll('l, the Contr:1Ctor m:lY furnish :I hond s:tti.<;f:1.C!of\ 1(1 Il1e ()\\'Il("r tl1 indemnify the OWl1er :1f,."!:lin.<:1 ,<:\1('11 licn 1f<:llcll liell rem:l;ns lIn'<::llisfkcl :t(tel' p:lnllClll.<: :lrc m:lI.k, Ihe (',llIltl:tClCl! <;11:111 reftllld ICl lhe Owner :111 nl()t1('\' tl1:1I tlw (It\'llCI 111:1" he ('C111111l'llnl III fla~' in Ili.<;('ll;Ugillg .<:11('1\ fiCII, inl Itl(lin~~ ;111 crl"t'; :lllcl re:tSCH1:lhlc :lllc}fnC\...... lel'<;. 9.10.3 If, ;Ifter SUhSl:lllli:,! C:(Hlll1lclilHlIJf Ihe \'iilH'k. fill;l] ('/1111' pk"linll thereof i<; m:1terially dcl:1yed tIHOIIJ.!h IlO f;Htlt of the Ccmlr:1Ctor or h\' i~sllalKc of Ch:ln~e Orders ;lffeClil1!! fill:d completion, :lnd lh~ Archilect .<;0 COnnflll<;. the Owner ,<:hall. uron ~p"lic~tiOtl hy Ihe Contr:1('10r :1.nd certincuion h,' Ih(' Architect, :lnd ~..-ithotll terll1in:1.ting the Contr:lcl. m:lkc payment o( the h:ll:lI1ce due for th:u pOllino of the Work fully compleled :md :1nTpted. If the rel11:l;llill~ h:1l~nco::' ror \'(imk not f\lt1~. (mil. plcted ('1' correned i~ k's.<; tll~11 ret:lin:IRe .<;Ii!)111:lIec.l ill the e(lI1. Ir:ICl l)f'nlml'nt~, :111(1 ifhond.<; h~\'(' heen fl1rnistw(l, Illl' \,"ritlCl1 COllsent o( SIHC!\' 10 p:l~'tllcnt o( the h:lbllcC du(' f(lt tll:l( prll tillll "f Ihe \"(.:Ilrk ftll1y ('(Hlll,letc(1 :md :lccC'!lte(t sl1:111 he <;lll1!ll;t led 11" 111(" (ontr?Cl0r to Ihe' Al'chilect prior III cntificllioll of S\1Cl1 11:1~'nH:!11. Such p:l)'rnenl ,<:I1:II! he 11l:1de under t~'rlll;, :l1ld ("fll1dilion,<: ~n\'etnif1g. fin:,1 p:l~'lll{"l1t. (":,<("cpl Ih:ll it .<:11;111 IlO! ("[m<:(jt(lIC:I 1;\':li\'("'T nf c1:lir1l~ Th(" ltl:1kin~ III fill:l! P:l\'lllCllt ~11:r!l ("fln<:till1le:l \\':I1\'('r of d:liI1l.<; 11" the OWller :1<; !llfH'idccl in Still P:H;lCr;1J)!l 'I.,;.S 9.10.4 Accept:lIlcc ()f filul p:1Ylllenll'n' the C:IHltr:l("lllf, :/"rll1 ClHltr:l('tcH (If m;uf'li:l1<;lqlplier Sh:lll ClHl<:till1tC :1 't\':li\'C"I (11 ('I:lirn<; hy \11:11 !l~VC':' except IllIl9~ pr('\'lCl(l<:I\' l1la(k in ""litillg ;ll1d id"IHilkd hY th:11 p:l\"('r' :IS \1(1<:('III('r! :11 the Ir11l(. 01 fin:ll l\ppliC:l!i('" 1(11 !':l\llWlll SlIell 1;\':livcr,~ SII:111 Il(" ill :llll\itir'n II' tIll' \\::Ii\'('r (!('."njll('d in :>lIhp:lr:lgr:lplt cj ~ <; 18 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A101 ' (:FNFHAl. C()N1JlTH n:<; (HI III' r 'lNTllM: I ':IJII I l 'NS'I IIIIlTI( H! ' \' 'I 'II T ITN 111 "ll! II' ", \IA" . ("I"l-1~TltF^r.\nlll..\I":lr.{<:TITlTlc'll'..\llI.'II.lrl 1~ l~\";Nr\Y'\ll!ll\,\\TNllr,N" .\'..II"III"-";I'H! 1" 'rl'lf)', WArHJING: tJ"Il.."n<:prl rl1IJ11J~Of'Vino vinlnlp~ U.S. cnflvriohl how!,! $,"rll!' 'mll!...., In h'Ont rmiO:<>,.lI11{'1n . ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 10.1.1 The CCHllr:lClor .<;I1:dl he respollsihk:, for inili:lling. rn:lm- r:lining ;lnt! sllpcfvi.<;.ng all .<;;t1efy prec;lu(inflS ;mtl r"lrograms 111 ('(JllI1CCI;t/fl wilh the pcrf()rm:l1lC{' (If (11(' CtJl1!r:tel 10.1.2 In rile c\'ell! tile Ctllllr:lClcn ('lKfHlnlcrs t)ll lhe ,'lile lllaler;;11 rC:l.<;r Hlahly helieved In he ;"l,<;hc.<;los or [1nlychlorin:llcc! hiphcnyl (PCB) which 11:1.<; not heen rendered h:trlllJcSS. lhe COl1lr;lc!or .<;hall illlllletli:Hely SlOP \'Xlprk in Ihe :Ire! :lffeClecl ;1llt! rcpon the oHldition 10 the (h....ner :1Il<.! ArchitccI in writing. The \V(1rk in the :,rrccted ;lfel .<;11:111 nOI there:lCler he resumed C'\tTpl hy ~.'rillell :lgrc~rne1l1 of the Ch\'llcr ;md Conlr:lClor if in f:lCl tile m:llcri:11 is ;I<;l1e.<;IO.<; or poJychJorin:lIed biphenyl (PCB) :rnd h:l~ nol lWt'n rendereu l1;trmle:<i~_ Tll(' \'(lurk in lhe :Iffectct! :lrCl ',11;111 he rC:<iHllled in fhe :Jh~ellce o( :J:<ibe:<ito... or poJychlori- 1l:11t'd biphenyl (PCB). or ,,\'hen il 11:1.<; been rendered h:lrTTlIC:<i.'i, !w wrillCIl :l~Hee01enl of lhe Owner :llld COlllr:1C1or. or in :K{"(lrtl:lncC wilh fill:ll delerrnin:llioll hy tile Archilecl on "..hleh :lfhill':lIj()!1 h:l:<i 1l(1l been dem:l1l(kd. ()r by :lrbirr:lli(1n under Anicle .j 10.1.3 The C()tllr:lC1or Sh:lll nol he required pnr~u:rllr III Article i 10 perform wilhout con:<ielll :my W'(lfk re!:llillg III asl)t':<ilo,c; or plJlychh'lill:llcd hiphenyl (POl) 10.1"4 '1'(llhe flrfk'SI eXlenl pcrmiUt'tl by l:lW, Illl: ()<;"'11cr ~h:lll indemnify ;lIld hold 11:1fI11lcss the COlltr:lClof. Arehilt:cl. Archi" tlTI '.<; cOIl.'iull:IIH,<; :lnt! :lgenl'<; :lIld emplo\'C'e.<; o( :1I1Y o( them Irom :md :rg:lill:<il Cl:1illlS. d:1ll1:lgC,c;. los.<;c.<; :md o:pcllse,c;. inclUd- ing hut nor limiled 10 :ttlorne"s' fee.... :lri.<;in~ oul of or r('st1lting Irom perforll1:I1lCC of the \\:inrk in Ihe affected :lfe;l jf in f;ICI {Ile tll:t1ni:d i~ :l.o.;/)<-'Slo.o.; (II' !JnJyrhl(lrin:llt:t! hiplit'llrl (I'el\) :tllt! has rllll hecn n':lldcrnl h:lrlllk..o.;.<;. pro\'ided Ih:lt .o.;llch CI:lilll, d:1Il1:1gc., h,o.;o.; Ill' t.xpcnsc i.<; :rltril1\lt:lllk: III hl)dily ill;l1l"~'. si('klH"S~. dise;l~c r II' dc:uh. or 10 injun' II) or tlCSI!'lw!iotl of l:mgihk Ilrt)pt'n~" (nlhCl rh:lll Ihe \'Cork il,<;dr) inclllding loss o( use rc.o.;lIlting I Ileldrlll11. h\ll IHlly !ll Ihl: eXIt"lll cIII,<;("(1 in Whfllc llr ill p:lrllJy Ilq_digCllt :lCl.o.; (II" IHllissillllS III' lllf.. (h\'lH.:r, :1l1Ylllle dirlTlfy 1)1" int!i1cctly C1l1p!o\'t'd hy the ()n'!Jer or :lllyonc for who_'il' :lCf.<; thl" (h\'ll('r 111:1~' he li:lhle, rcg:lrdlc<:;s nf whcther Ill' nor sllt"h r!:lim. d;1I11:1gC. lo.o.;s or expense is c:ulsed in p:nl hy :1 p:lt"ty ilHkll111ilkd IH:rnllldcr, S'IeJl (lhlig:lIillll Sh:ll1 nlll hl' n)ll::;lrlll't! II) neg:lI{:. :rhridge, Ill' fl'thll.:e (1lher rigllls III Ilhlig;lIi()fls I)f illtklll1lll~' \...Ilich ,,-"c)tllt! ()Iherwisc exist :1::; 11):t p:lrly Ill" pen,(lll dc.o.;nihnl in ll1i::; Suhp:lr:lgr:lph 10.1 ,.'f 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.2.1 The Cllllrr:lClClr ,0.;11:111 t;lkc: rt':l.<;oll:thk- pn:,c:H11icm::; for s:lll:t\, Ilf. ;mt! Sh:IH pHwitk re:lsoll:lhll' prllltTlioll to prC\'CIll d:t1l1:lgC. inlur:" \lr 10::;.<; 10 .1 t"mpjo\'ee.<; on the \Y'ol"k :111(\ olher per~on.<: who 1ll;1~' he :lfft'Clcd lllereh\': .2 lilt: \'\:orl< :mt! tn:tlni:lIo.; :111(\ t'f.jmpllWIlI 1(1 ht. illcorpo- r:unl llwrein. \dlelller in ,<;lor:lgt' (Hl flr off rhe ~ilc. llnder elre. custod\' (II COlllro! of lh(' Contr:lcror or lilt' {:(II11r:lCIOf_'i ~lrhCl)t1rr:1C\lll.<: lH S\lh-.<nlhnllllr:IC.' IllfS :lnd "3 tlfhcr pflJpert\' :l! the ,000IIt' 01 :ldi:ltTI11 rhereln. .<:ueh ;1,<; Irees. ,<;jlfuh<;. I:n....ns. \\';11\(<;. p:rvemellls. rn:lCh...:1YS, <:rntCl\lrt'~ :r,,(! Ulilitic.<; IInr dc<;i,!n:llnl for relllf1\':ll, rdo" C:l1iO!1 or ll'plan'llWI1I ill 111(' ("ourse o( (ollstruC!inll. . 10.2.2 The COlllr:tclof .<:11:111 ~i\'e !\(llicc<; :md COIl1I,h I\-irlt :lppliC:lhk I:H\'<;. (Jrdin:lllceS. rule_<;, rcgl1l:t!ilJll~ :Jrl<J l:n\'hll flnkl<; o( puhlic :-rlll!lorilic::; hC':Jdng nn <;:Jfe!\' or f)cr.<:oll.<; or r1rnl1L'1"l\' 01 Ihdr prorection (rolll lbrn:lge. iniun' or 11)<;<: 10.2.3 Tilt. (:lllllr:tCf{/r ~h:lll erect alltll1l:lilll:lin. :r<; rt'tlllircll 11\ e)Ci<:rifl~ ((HltliliclIl<: :mt! per(flrrn:;mce (If rll(" C:rlnrr:tn. f(::1<;1111- :lhk .c;:-rfcJ,w:1rd::; fllr .<;~fct)' ;1nc1 prOICrl;oll. inr.:h1dill,f; 1)I)~rillg d:mger sign::; :md (II her '(\'~rninj,!s :J~:titlsl h:r7:11'l.l::;. prnlll1r1l!:trillg s:tfery rcgul:lIiol1.<: :lllc! Ilnlifyill~ O""llcr~ :1l1t! u<;er.o.; or ;lllj:l{"l"Tl! ,<;iles :lIld tllilillc_<; 10.2.4 \'\'hen lIse or slor:l~e o( cxrJosive:s or (llher h:lz:ndot!.o.; l1l:ueri;tl:<i or equipmcnr or unUSU:l1 mcthod<; :-rre llece.<;.<;;lf\' (or (')CenrliOIl of the \'\:nrk, the C:onlr~('tor ~h:llJ cxercise \1111111.<;1 Gm: :Jnd (';ury Oil such :-rclivilie.<: tlllder .'Hlper\'i~ion o( properly qU:llined per.<;clIlncl. 10,2.5 The COlllr:l('lOr .<;h:111 prompfly relllc(!y d:1Ill:I~(, :Jlld j()S~ (olher Ih:1I1 d:lIn:l~e or los::; insured Hilder propCfl\' ins\lrance re:qllirctl hy Ihe COl1lr:lcll)oClln1enl.<;) In propefl\' referred rn in C:l:iuscs 10.2. 1.2 :1nd !O_2,1..~ c;l\l~ed in whole or ill p:1tl hy lhe Crllllr:ICI(Jr. :t SllheolHr:lCtnr. :! SUh-~llhc(HHr:IClor. (II' :l1l\'11Il(' dircnly or indirectly crnrloyC'd hy :my of them. Ilr hy :lllyorlt' fol' wl1os(" :1('ts fhey Ill:ly he H:Jhle :Inti for ",'l1i("11 the COlllr:\Clllr 1.<; re~p(lllsihll' under (]:IU~C~ 111.2,1.2 :md IO,l! ,,'1. e:,,;("(:pr tj;lIn:t~e (lI' l(l.<:_<; :1ftrihUl:lhle t(l :lCI.<: (lr ()mi.<;<:ioll'<; of the {h';ncr or Mchilcct or :mnme directly or indircnJy employed hy clIller of lhem. or h~" :Ul\'one ror who'<;(, :lC!.<; cill1t"f of lhcfll 1l1:ly he Ji:lhle. :llld not :lllrihlll;1hle 10 thc f:nllt m negligence o( lhe Clllllr:I("IClr Tht' forcgoing ohli~:l1joll.<; o( lhc C0l1lr:l("1111 :11(' in :ldditioll III tile Clllllr:lC!or'.<; ohJi~:lli()ll.<; under /':n:lgraph .~, lH 10.2.61'11(' (;clI1tr:lct(lr ::;h:111 de.<;i~n:1I(,,:1 re,<;pllllSihlc lllClllllt"f (If lhe Conlr:1Clnr"s org:l11iz:nioll:lr the ",ill' ","'h(lse dUly .<;h:tll he lilt' pn.'\'t'tlfiqll of ;Jccidcnt.... This 11t':r.<;Oll ...hall he: the COlllr:1C!(lr'<; sllpcrillle:nde:nr I1lll(;s.<; clrller",.i::;t. dcsigrl:llcd h\' Ih(' (,lll1lr:1C!llr in writing tn the (h\'llt'f :llld Architcct 10.2,7 The COlllr:lCtor sh:lll not loadlH permil :111\' P:lrl (1llhe Cllll.<:trllctillll or silt' III hc JO;lded 0.;(1 :1,0.; 10 crHI:lllW__T irs s:II(.I\' 10.3 EMERGENCIES 10.3_1 In :111 elllt'fgt'IlCr ;dkclilll--( S:Ifl'ly llf !lersnll.<: l H I'n 11'('1t\'. the: Crllllr:JCTof .<;Il:tll :lCT,:l1 the Crmlr:rClOt.<: di.<;ne:tit111_ 1(1 pre. \'elH tlll'e:Ilt"llnt d:un:rw:. injun' or ICJ~s Addilioll:lJ IOrnpell<:;1 !ion or eX\(.'ll.<;illll or timc Cl:lilllCt! h~' the COlllr:1C!CJr PI1 :1C"("( IUIlI O(:1Il clllngetlC~'<;h:lll h(" delennillcd :1::; pro\"it!cd ill P:lf:lgr:lph 'i,' :l11d Arlit'lt.: ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS 11,1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.1.1 Tht" (:lllllr;l("!()f" .<;h:iH rurc!t:l<;c frlllll :lIl(f tl1;lillr:lin in:l Ctllllp:my or comp:lIlic~ 1;nv(ulh" :Jl1thori7,ed If) do hll.<;ille:s.. in Ih(" ;llrisdictioll in ",.hicl1 llle I'rok'Cl is IOCllCd<;uch ill.<;1II:1I1('(:, :1::; >:\'ill protcct fhl: (:olllr:letor from cfailll~ sel fonh hdow t\'hich 1ll:1~' :lrl~t: (lilt or or n,.'suh (rolll the Clllllr;IClor'" llpcr:tlillll,o.; Ilnder Ill(. (:lllltr:rCl :1I1d fllr >:\'l1i("11 rllC (:(lllll:tC!l lr nl:I~- he Il'jl:,J!I' li:lhlc, whelhe:r ~ltch opt'r:lIioll<; he lw rhe (:nlllr:JC1(lf III It\' :1 Sllhqmlr:Kllll Ill" In' :mYIlllc directly (ll i'I(!irTul\' (,ll1plll\ClI hI' :1l1~' o( thcll1. or lw :Jllyolle for 1;\'ho",e :1Cl<; :111\' oj lhell) 111:1\- he li:lhl("' .1 d:li"l~ IttHlcr ""llrkcr.<;- (11 wl1rKIll("!1." nlllll)('n~;:llillt1. tli":lhilil\- hClld;1 :rnt! orher :;illlil:n r:l1lplnvc" lWlldil :H'I~ ""llich :Ire :lppliclhle r(l rile \\,:(JfK 1(' he !'{T(nllncd: AlA DOCUMENT ^201 . (;r:r"fH:'1!. r:(lNlllTI()N': (11' TllF U)NT!~^CT !'fill (()N'<;TIIllf'TI()N' !"(llIRTFI:NTlI F:llrTI{'r,' ,Il^' , 1;:II'IW' 1111 ,H1FIlll.^N lr,,, ITII 1"1 F flF ^!f(:l1n 1:C"1~. 1- I'; NEW. Y()I~K /I\TNITI:_ N \'('. W'''''"lNI; rl 'r.J It, !IW1I.... A201-19R7 19 t':II~N'~lG, Un'k","~p.d rholt'll':nl"vinCl violate!: u.s. COI'lVriqhlIRw" ,>I'd l~ .,ohl"clln 1"9111 rr'(l""Clltlon . .2 (l:li!11S flll t!;1l11:lges hCC1I1SC elf h(ltJil\' illjtln. (I("CllP:l- rir'!1:lI sickness (Jr {!isC;t<;<.:, (lr de;.!ll! (If the (:rllltr:Kt!n's Cllll,l(l\'Cc,,; .3 cl:1ilm frn d:lm:lges I)Cc:lllse (lr h(1(til\" injllry, sicklles.<; Of <!is(':I<;C. Of dC:llh of :lny rcrsol1 other 111:111 the COll- Ir:1Clrl(." cmplrlYt'c,,: .4 cl:lill1.<; for d:lm:lgt'.<: insured hy tl.',t!:d rwr:"oll:ll injllry li;lhili~\ C(l\'cr:lgc ......hich ;11"(' SUQ:l11lcd (I) hy :1 pcrS(1l1 :1~;:1 (C"lllt (Jf:1I10ITc!1sC directly or il1din:ctl~' rcl:Jtct.llo ernpl(1\-mCnl of such p<.:rson hy tho:: CorHr:lClof, or (2) h,,' :1I1111hcr perS(Hl: .5 CI:li1ll.<: for d;rlll:ll!CS. olher 111:111 In Ihe \'(;(1rk itsdf, heell!SC of injury In or d('<;\fllClio!1 of t:ll'l~ihk prop- ern', i!1dl1d;n~ loss of use rcsllhing therefrom: .6 CI;lil1l~ for d:l.m:l~e:~ h(~c:nl~e of bndily inj\lry, dC;lIh of ~ pcr~on or rropeny d:lI11:lge ;Jri~ill~ oul or owner- ,<:;hip, lll:linlen:lIlCC or U~<: of :1 !nolOI' vehicle; :mtl _7 cl:l;m~ il1vol\'in/ot eOlllr:lC1U:ll li:lhi1ity ;ll_<;ur:mn: appli- clhk In the COlltr:lClOr'<; oh[i~:l,ioll,o; under P:tr:lW:lpl1 11H 11.1.2 The in<:;ur;l1l("C required hy SUbp:1f:l~r:'ph II. 1.1 ~h.ll1 be "'rinen fur nOI le.<;~ than limit.c: of Ii:lhility .<;pecified in the Con- tracl 1)ll("ll1ll(:nt~ 1J!" rC(fllircd hy bw, .....hidll'vcr ('(IVerage i~ glc;llcr Ol\Tr;lgc.';, \'.'h<:[ll<:r t\'ritlen ell1 :111 (Iccurr<:nce (lr cl:t;m,<;-Ill:t(lt.: h:l.<;i~, ~h:lll he rtl;lilll:tiTWt.! \\'ill1(lut interruption frol1\ d:lIc of (OIllI1lCnCClllcnt or the \'\;ork Ulllil d:rtc or nn:ll p:I\'rnCllt :1I1t1ler11lin:llin!l or :Hly ("(lH:r:l~c required 10 he llI:lin- l:l;11Cd :1(le; rin:11 p:lynH.:lll. 11, 1.3 Ccrlincllt.:~ pr InSllr:mn: :lCccpl:lhlc \(l the (h"\.'lleT ,<:;h:lll he filed with the Owner prior to COlnmcnccment or the: Work_ Thc.<;e Ccnitic;lle.<; and the in.<;l1r:mce poli<:ie.c: required by thi.c: I'ar:.!gr:lph 1 I 1 .<;11:111 COnl:l;n ;l pHH'i,..;iOIl tll.1t C(lVer:l~e~ ;IHmdcd under 1 he policie.c: tI.'lll not he G1Ilcclled or :1l1o'tl.'ccl to expire until :11 le:I.<;1 _.l,0 d:1y.... prior -wr;lIcn not;cc 11:1." been ~i\"en III IhL" (hVllcr If :1IlY (lr the f(lf(:Wlin~ in.<;llr:lIlCC CCl\'er:lgc<; :I1'e required to rcm:dn jll force :lher I1n:II p:l\"l11C!11 :1I1U :In' re:l~on" :1hl\' :n::1il:1hk. :ll1 :tdclition:11 ecrt;tiC:1Te evidencing e(llllinu:uion (If sllch con::r:1~e shall he ::;uhl11ilted 1."\'ith Ihe tin:l! AppliclIiol1 for 1':.!ymcl1t ;I~ required hy Sllllp:lf:1gr:lpll 9! 0.2" lnlorm:uion concerning reduction or cover:1~e"ll:lll he furn1.<:;hetl by the ('.Olltr:ICl(lr with TC:l::;on:thlc promp111e~$ in :1CuHcbnn.' wilh tile (:(lntr:lct(ll"~ illf(Jrlll:ll;lJ1) :111<1 helief. 11_2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.2.1 Thl' ()Wller ::;h:lll he rc~p(ln.<;ihk l'c lr purel1:1."il1~ :lml m:linl:lininJ.t lhe ()WllCT'S 11.<:;u:l1 li:lhililr in..,m:Itl("('. Oplion:llly, lilt.' (h..-lleT 1Il:1\' purch:lsc :1lIt1 m:linl:tilllllhcr in,..;m:lll(l' rOI ."dr. prot(;'ClitHl :1lZ:lill~1 c!:liIllS 1."\'l1icl1 1ll:'Y :ui.<;e Irtll11 opcr:llions Hlld(.'r tile C{JllIr:ICl Th!." Ctllllr:\Clor _<;h:lI1 not lit, n'_<:;poll.c:;hlc lor p\1rclt:I"ill~ :llld lll:llnl:lining tlli." option:11 (h\'IU,:r'.<:; liahility IfIS\II:IlKe unless ,,,peeilie:llly requiretl hy !he COlllr;1Cl I )IICtllHC!1I.'i 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11.3.1 (Inlc:.~~ Ilthcn"ise Iml\'idetl. the O,\-nef sh:II1 pUTch:ISl: ;lllt1 l11:lint:lin. in :1 COl1lp:1f1Y or cOl1lp:1l1ic~ 1:lwfllll~- :1Ut!101"i7.ctl III ri,l husinc"<:;::; in the iurisdiClion ill 'I'\-hicl1 the Project is l(lclll.tl. prll!'en~' inS\lr:1l10: ill Ill<.:' :lllHllllll or Ihe initi:ll Con- Ir;1CT :-;11111 ;1:< \,<:ll :IS .<:;llh<:;('(IIlClll nHld;rk:lIitln_~ thcreln f(IT the 1,'Illirc \,'nfl.; ;11 lhe<:ile (111 :1 repl:lcr:11lC!l1 co<:;t 11;I,<;i., 1."\'itl1(lut \'lll. \1111:11\- tlnhlt'li!llt'::; Sllell pltlpel"l\ in"tlr:lllCC ~h:lfl l)e 111:lin- T;lill!."(1 lmll'<;" IltlHT,,'i"l' PI(ll'itlnl in lhc t:()lllt<tCl 1),lCl1ll1C111S '11 111IWr\\'i<;(" ;Ijll!."nl in "'I'ilillg h\" :111 p{"r<:;(lI1~ :llHI clllitie.<; wl1\\ :I!t' heTldici;lli("~ l)rSllch in"\ll:1l1CC:. ulltil finalll:tYlIle!lI 11:t-" heen 111:lrk :1" IlIl't-Klnl in 1':lr:n!I;lpll t), (l (lr Ul1lilll11!Wr.<:;1l11 (1I l'l1lil\" . olhn 111:111 !II(' I )\\l1n h:T-":1ll i'l<:;IH:lhk illIClt'<.;1 ill II". P'(ll'(TI\ I'cquired 11~ thi~ 1':1I:'~!r:1I11t II ; 10 he (-~'n'rl'{l. ~,'l1icll('\-'''T i<.; culier Thi~ in.<;ur:tnc(' ,<;h:llt Ill("luck illl('rf'<;ls l'f 'he (lw1\('1", 111(' Contr:lctnl, Sllhcontr:rC!(lrs :llltl SlIh-<;I\h(('lllr:lCtlll'; ill lht' \'('ork I'rop(:ny irt~Hr:l!1(T ,<:;11:111 hf: fIll ;m :lllri<;k p'llin- fOrTlI :H1d .<;h:1111n.<:;\lf(" :1,!~;n~1 lht' peril.<:; or fire :1nd n:It'Tlded ("()\"{'1":II!C :1I1tl [1l1y~iC:lllll~~ nr <1:IIl1:lge including, t\"ithnUI dUl'licrtiol1 III nl\'cr:l~c, lhefl, v:1n(bli"lll, m:lIiciflll<: !lli<:f"lli"r. ("11II:lp,"C. 1:11<;(" work, !empor:1ry huild;ng" :1I1d tkhri<; Tf'!lHl\':11 il1cltldilll! derlHllit;(Hl 11CGI~;1l11t'tlI1Y etl({IFTllH.'tl! (.r ;UI\' :If'!1Iit':111k' Iq~:11 rce!tUrCr1lelll<;, :Hld ,<;11:111 ("over rt';I.<;{H1:lhlc C( ll11P(:II'.;:11 i( HI fllr ^ TcllilCC1' .<;<:;<:r\'lt'(''<; :111(1 CXpCll.<:t:~ rC'C)l tlr':t I :I~ ;1 rt::il tit 'II ,"l'Cll jl1~Hred 10'<;'<;, COVel':lge for OIlier perils ,<:;h;11I nol 1)(' r('q\liretl tlllles::; otIH?r\'.'i.o;(;' provided in tile C(llllr:ln !)onllll('llt.<:; If lhe Owner cloes fl(1! ;lller1<1 1(1 purd':I-"e such prop- ('rt~" il1~ur:1l1ee required hy The COl1tr:lcl :11ld \'\"illt :III of rll/.' ((l\'t'r:lgc~ ill Ihe :lIlHHlrH dC.<:;crihcd ahtl\"C', Ihe t)wl1l'r ~h:t11 ~(1 i"form fhe Contr:lCl(lr ill writing prior In C(HllIllell(Cmcnl (If the \,\iqrk_ The ConlraClOr m:lY the" crfecl in.<;tH:lI1C(' wl1ich \'..i1l pnllcct tilt' iIUcre.'it.c: ()ftIH:" C{)l1tr:1CI(lf, Sllhc()1ltr:lct()rS :Ul(l ~l1h- SUhC0111r:IClors in the Work, :1nd hy :lppmpri:1!e CI1:lnge Order the ("{l~l 1I1en:{Jr ,<;It:llllw cl1:lrgcclto Ihe Owner, If Ihe C()l1tr:lc 1\11' i.<; d:llll:l~l.tf h~' tht' (;lihm: (ll Ileglccl t)r IlK' ()Wl1l"! 1(' 11111- Ch:1St' or 1ll:1illl:!ill ill~tlr:lll('(' ;1'<; dc."cr;hcd :lh{ll"t:. w;llloul<;{l notifying 111(' Ctllllr:lclor, then the Ot\'IK'1 _<:;11:111 hc:n ;llIr(':1s\11l :lhk' eo::;l,<; properly :llITihut:lhle therelo Ir the pf(IP{.'T1y ill,<;ur:I1lCC" rC(Iuill'.'; 1l1illill1\Ull (I('dll(.ti- ble~ and such dedlletihle~ ;Ire identified ill 111(' COlllr:1Cl Docu- ments, the COnlT:lClOr sh~11 p:1y CO,<;I,<:; l10t co\'crr:d h<:,c:ltl~(, nr .c:ueh (h:doctihles. If the OWller or in,o;tlfer inerC:1Sl''' tile wquircd m;ninHlIll dcdt1Ctihl(~~ ;Jho\'e tile :U1'ounl.<:; .~o identil1cd or Ir Ihc Owner e1ect.<:; to pllrclm.<;e 111;,<; ;I1Sllr:1IKC t\'itl1 \"Ohllll:ll'\' dnlu(- lihle :1mOlllll.", the Otl'ner ,o;h:ll1 he re'.<;f1011~ihle for p:lyrm:nl of lhe :1ddition:l1 co~t.<; ll(ll covered he:c:ltl~C nr ::;uc1\ ;l1crC:1~nl or \'oIUlll:1ry dedtlCliblc~ Ir deductihle..; :1rC !lot idcntified in lhc CC)I1lr:1ct lJ()ct1l1lent.<;, Ihe O'('..'l1er .<;11:111 pay (l'~l.<:; I1IH ("(l\'unl l)("C:lll,<;C ()r dedllctihles. t Inlt'~s Ollu:rwi:<>e prflvltlcd in IlK (:OIl11:1C1 1 )O{'ll- llIl'lltS. !Ili.<; pf(lpl'rly in.<;llr:tllCl' ,,11:111 ("(lVer [1!.ll"lillll.<; (Jf tilt, \\'ll!'k ~lfHl'd ofr the _<:;ilt' :lrtcr wrinCll :lppro\-:t1 or 111<: ()',"11('1 :1t Ihe \':1111<' ('.<:;1:11111.,11<.:(1 ill !hl' appro\":11. :111<1 :tl..,(l purl illl1~ of llle \'{'f Ilk i1llT:l\1sil 11.3.2 Boller and Machinery Insurance. rll(' (hnWI ,~Il:t11 pllrdl;l.<;c :lllll lll;linl:till h(l;ler :llHl 111:ICI1illt"1"\' IIlS\I1:lIHT rcqn;red hy Ihe COll!r:lC! DO("tllllf.,:nts lH Iw 1:1tY. which Sll;lll Slll'cifl(':III\' ('tl\"('r ,<;tldl lnSll1'C(1 llh;c("\s tltl1il1g illS\:lll:tth1l1 ;ltHI tlntil fin:11 :\Ccepl:l1Ke hy tile Owner; llti,<; iIlStl1:lIl("e ~h:lll indtltle inll'rl'~l~ of Ill{: ()\\"Ilcr, Cnlllr:lClor, StlhnHltr:t<.-lor.<; :1IlL! S1I11- ,<;llhnllllr:W!fll<; in Ihe \\/lll'k, :Itld the ()\\'ll{"t ;llld (:l1111I:ICHll Sh:lll he n:ll11nl inSUlnls 11.3.3 Loss of U~e Insurance. The Owner. :Il the ()\\'Ill'1'~ optillll, may plHeh:l~(, :lllcl Ill:linl:till~u('h in<;\lr;lll('C :1" \\'ill insurt" lilt" ()t\'Ilt"r :lg:tin,'il In.<;.<:; or USt" (Jr the O"'llt"r'.<:; pro(lcT'I\ dtle \() nre or {lllter !1:17.:1rd.<:, lHJ1."\'t'vcr CHIS('(I The {)\\'IH:, \\':li\'~," :111 ri~hl~ of :1t"!iol1 :lg:llll~t the COIIlI:IClllr lor 1(J~-" or IIS(' (II tilt: ()Wller',<:; prtll1CflY. ;nclmling C<JlI.<;CQllCl)li:ll hl~S('S tltlC I(l (il'(' 01 tlll1l'r 11:1;/.;lrd-" h(l\ven:r c:nl<:ed. 11.3.4 U th(' COll\r:1Cl(lr reqt1C-"IS in "-rilil1~ 111:11 in<;\II;lll('(: Illl risk." lIllier tl1:m those d('.<;crihcd herein or ror (J!ltn <:;!"_"Ci:rll1:I'l.- :lI<1.c: he included in lilt' property ill""r:tncc pl1!in". the ()n'll('! ,,11:111, if pi l<:;sihk , illChlde ~tlch il1<;llr:llltC, ;u1(1 lIlt: (.11<:;1 11l('!l'(lf <:;11:111 he dl:H~ed l() !11~ C:(J!1tr:IC!(lr h\' :'!~IHllpli:lI(' (:ll:TI\g<' ()nl('r 20 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT ^201 . (;r.NI'HAI. (:(lNDITI(IN<; (11" IIII' (:!lNT!lM:r f()1l rJ1N<;rlfI1f:TI(lh" I(1I'!11ITNtlll"]lrTltlr\' AI..,~. . ,;::, T>lA- I Ill' A"1rnll :AN IN~TITII1T (IF AHCIli'ln:.'" I"'~" NFW' Y' lilY- A\'FNI <I',!\' \\ . '.\','<,;\11;";(; 111~: I) ( .!'1fl", , W^nN1NG: Unlleen.."," phOlocnpy,nq vlolales U.S. ~nnvrinhl taws and i", <;uhj,.el 10 I,.~l'tl pro!l~CUlion . 11.3.5 If durin!a Il1e Project cOll.<:fnlCltflll !1efind the (h....ncr insure'" plopenie<:. red or pcrsnn:d or hoth. :ldif)inil1~ flr :ltlj;J- (TIll III the site hy prorerty insur:Hl("C 1I11der policies ,"("p:lr:I((: IIOIll IhflS(' in.<:\1rill~ the ['mice1. nT if ;trier flll;l1 p:rymcnl rrop- erly if1~l1r;HlC{' is to he pro\'ided on Ill(" cOlllplcwd I'n*:cr through ;1 policy Of pnlicie.<; other rh:lll 1110.<;(' ill,<;mill~ the Proj- err r.hHirlg Ill(' Clm<:lnlc!i(lll rcri{)(l, lhe ()"'Iler Stl:IJl w;lhT :,11 righ!.<: ill :1('(ord;llltT with the term.<: of SUhp:1r:lgr:1ph 11 .".7 for d:llll:lgC<; (;1\1<;('<.1 11," fire or nrhCT perils cO\.'("Tecl hy this .<:ep;lr;llC JlrllplT!~' ill<;ur:llln', All .<:('p:lr:lI(' policies ,<:11:111 pro\'ide Ihis \\':lh-er of <:nhl()~:l\i()1l hy t'IH.lofSt'IllCIll or (ltht'f"\'isl:. 11.3.6 Before ;1n exposure 10 10'<;'<; m;J\' occur, the nt\'ncr sl1;lIl filt witl1 lhe COlllr~C!or ~ copy o( c~ch policy tll:lt includes in<:.ur:lllce c()Vcr:IRe,~ required hy thi.<:. P:tr:l,gr:Jpll 11.,1 E:lCl1 polin' ,<;i,~f1 cont:Jin :J1l Rener:Jlly :lpplic:lhle conditions, dcfini. tions, c:H:lusillns ;lntl elldor,<;eIllCnl.<:. reJ:lIed 10 lhi,<:' Project. E:lcll policy ,<;11:111 cC)nl~jn :1 provi.<:.ioll tll;!l tl1(" pC)lic~' will nOl be cmcdlcd or ;ll1owcd IP expire until :1{ Ie:!'<;t :\0 d:IY.<:.' prior wril. ten nlltice 11:1'<:' heen gi\'en to the COl1lr:lClor 11,3,7 Waivers of Subrogation. The OWIlt'r :lIld rOlllr:lClor \\':1ivt' all riglH'<; ;Ig:lin.<:.I (I) c:1ch olll('r :11lt! :111\' o( their ,<:.uhcon, Ir:tel(lr.<:., Slll).Stlhcolllr:l{"lOr.<;. :1~ell(s :1Ilt! t"TlJplo\'C'es, c;lch orthc other. and (2) tile Architect, Archil~'Ct'.<; cOIl.<:.ull:lflIS, st:p:lr:Jle cllntr:IClllrs de.':;crihed in Article c" if :111\', :llld :lny o( their .c:uh. C(lIltr;lctor,<;, soh.subcolllr:lClor.<:.. ;Igenl.c: :lI1d employees, ((If d;lIn:I~C".<; clu.c:cd hy fire or (uller peril.c: to lhe extent cov('n:d hy [ll"opert~. inSl1r:llln.' oht:lined pur.<:'U:lnl 10 thi.c: P:lr:l~r:1ph 11 "~ or 11lher propeny ill~lIT;ll1("e :lppliclhle 10 the \"(iOlk. e:<ccpl .<:.ucil right.<:. ;IS Illey h:l\'l: to proceed.<:. o(<:.ucl1 in.<:.ur:mce held hy tht' Owner :1:' rid\t(:i:1ry The Otvner or COflfr:lC1or. :1'<:' :lppropri;1tt:, ,<:11;111 require o( the Archilcct. Archilect'.<; ("1I11~ult:1nt.<:.. '<:'l'P:1(:1I<: contr:ICI()r.<; t1c.<;crihl'd in Article 0, i( ;my, :lIldlll(' suhcontr;\c, IClfS, .<;uh-.<:.tlh("(1I11 r:lCt{)r.<:', ay.ent.<:. :md Clllpt(lY{'C.<:. f)r :IIlY ()f them, hy ;Ippropri:llc ;IWtTlllem,<:" wfil1en where It:g:lll~' required for \':'didity. ;;imil:lr \\':1ivers (,;Teh in f:l\'OT o( other p:1rtie.<:. entun. cr:lIed herein, The policies Sh:lll providl' '<:'\lch 't...:!iver.<:. o( '<:'lIhro- g:nilln hy cndor'<:'f.:mcnt or olhcrwi.<:c, ^ w:1iver of ,c:ullro~:lIi(l11 <:h;1I1 hl' l'ffccri\T :1,<; to ;1 pcr.<:.on or CllIity eVl'n though IIl:11 per, <;1)11 or entity t\'otild othen\'j,<;(' h:l\;C;l dUly (If intlenmifiGHjon, COllI ractll:ll or othern'i.<;e. did !lot p:ly lhc in.<:.ur:1I1Cc premium dircctl~' or indirectly, :llld ~'hether or nOl the pcr,<:.on or entity 11;1(..1 :1n in,<;ur:1hk interest in the property d:lIn:I~('(1. 11.3,8 A 10.<;'<; imured under Owners properly illslIT:ulce sl1~1l hc ;u.li\l~lcd hy rhe O"'ner :1S fidllci:1ry :1nd l1lade p:fphle to the OWlJt"T ;\.<:' fkhlCi:1rr for the in!':lIn:t1s, :1.<:. their interest.<; Ill:l)' :)flpe:lr, suhject 10 requircmenf.<; o( :my :1ppliC:lhlc mortg:J~cC' cl:HI:"e :mcl of Suhp:rr:Jp:r:lph 11.~.lll The COlltr:\Ctor .c:l\all [J:1Y Suhcolltr:Jctors their iusI .<:.hme.<; of in.<;uf;lnce procr-cd!': received )1\' lhe Contr:I<,'lof, :md by :lrrropri:uC' :JweClllt"nlS, t\'ritlcll where k:g:lll!' n:quirct! ror \':,lidity. .<:.11:111 require SlIhCOfllr:lClOrS III fl1:lkc P:l\'IlH:nl.c: 1(1 their Suh-.<;uhuIlltr:tcllJr,<; in ~illlil:lr 111:mner 11.3,9 I( required in writin~ hy :1 p"r1r in intC!'est, the Owner ;1.<; fidllci:lrv sll;JlI, upon occurrence o( :1Il ill.~Hf~'d 10<:'<;. givc hCHl(1 (IJr propef I'cr(oflll:mcr: (I( lhe OWllCf',<: dulie,<; Thc ("(I,<;{ of I'l'qllircd hond,<; sh;11l he ch:lr:gl'd :Ig:lin.<:.t rron:nl.c: leceived :1,<; fidUCI;lr\' The OWller shall deposit ill :1 .<;('p;lr:1tl:" ;1("('01.1111 pro. n'l:d,~<:.(J n'ce1\'ctl. wl1icl1 the OWllcr ';11:111 di.';!rihute in ;lccor- tbl1ce with '<:'\1<.:11 :1~reCll1CIH :1.<:. the P:lftit.,<; in inll'r{~S' 1Il:1\' 1{':Kh, (II' ill :1CC()lci;lll{"{' ~'ith :m :lfhilr:ltion :n"':1(d ill wl1ich GI.<;C the pllwnlllr(' sh;.lI he ;1.<:. [H(Jvided in l':n;lgr:lph 'I <; If :lfter <:'lIch I'l"~ 11\' flllwr SIW('i:11 :1~'n~1l1t'rlt i.c: rll:I(ll'. tepl;H"clIlctlt ()( d:l!ll- :l~t"tI J110J1t'1"l v ~h:ll1 h(' c!J\'(:rccI h\' :lpprOpr1:llt' {:h;IIlW' ()rdcr. . 11.3,10 The I lwn('l :l.~ fitl\lci:ll'\' <:.11;111 h;1\'~' 1'(1\\"("1 lfl :tclill<;1 :111'1 ~ettk' ;1 1(1<:'<; \\'11h il1<:'lIl'cr.<:' 1Il11e<:<: (111e 1)/ II\(" 1';lrli,,'<: in it1I('I:'~1 Sil:lll (lhjcC! in wliling t\'ithin fjvt' (l:1y~ :l(t('! ()("("ltr!('IH(' ,11 h,~~ III the nt\'!lCr'~ c:'{('lci~(' qf Illi<; l1ot\Tr: il <;oell ollie' lil\ll I"" m:l<lc, ;11 I)il1';1l<1I,<; ,<:.ll;!Illv: CIl(l.<;('ll :1<: lH<l\'i(lnl in 1';n:tgl:lI,11 .i; The OWller :1<:. fidllci:lTY <:h;111. in lh;ll (':1<;(', 111:1kc <:('llIcIllClll '.\it 11 ill,<:lIIt'1"S ill :ICCOld:lIl('r' \\'itl1 t!iICcti(Jlls or';ucl1 ;llhitt:llfJr~ If dL<:.rrihll\iol1 oj in.<;lIr:lllrC pro("{'Cd,<: lw ;u-hit 1':11 if III is I('qlliH'd, lilt' ;lfl1itr;1!or.<:. will difl'CI '<:'lIcl1 di.<;trihtllillt1 11.3.11 l';lrli:ll O(,Cllp:lIlc\, or ll~t' ill ;t('('lld:ltHT with I':Il:lgr;l[lll 1l.9 ~h:ll1 nOI COllllllcnn' lIlltil the in<:lIr:lIlU' COlllp:ll1\ (11 (Otll p:mie.<:. prnviding pr(lflcrI\' in.<:'Hr:HlU' h:!\T ((Jrl.<:('lllnl 10 ~11('11 P;lTli:ll on:llp:rncy nr \1<:'-: hy ('nclor.<;el11Ctlt flr fllIlCT"\\'isc rll( (hvl1('r :Ill(l tlw Cnlltl':I("1or .<:.h:llll:Ikc rC:l<:.nl1:Ihl(' ,<;!CP': III nl11;litl ('(1I1.<;CI1I (Jf 111e in,<;l.r:1JlCC Clllnp;lll\' (II' (,(lmll:H1i('~ :llHf ~ll:111 wilho\l1 flltltl1:11 wrillcll UHI.<:.cnt. t:lkc Ilfl :ICliclF1 witllrcs[lCC! 1(1 P:lf1i:IIIKClIP:lIlCY (1I ll.<;(' tl1;1I t\'(ltlkl C1\I'<:'{' C11lU:II;llifll1,l:rpse llt ft'dllCl ion o( in.<:'llr:lllCc 11.4 PERFORMANCE BONO AND PAYMENT BOND 11.4.1 Tflr: ()wner .<:.Il:ll1l1:IVC the right 10 require tilt' Clllltt:l( tor 1(1 fl1rnisI1 h(llltls clJ\'erill~ (:Jith(ul perfnrm:lllCe ll( tilt' <:1,,1, Iract :Jml p:I~'lllenf of {1hli~:l!i()n.c: :lTi.<:.ing thereunder ;]<:' sli!lU' bwd in hidding requiremcllts or .c:!lC'cif1c1fh' ret]ujl('d ill 1l1e Clll1lr:lCt f)onlll1elll,<; Oil the (l:Jt(' of c:,<ccuti(11l of !he OH1IJ:Wt 11.4.2 IIp<lIl tht' l('qtleSt ()f :1IlY per~lJll (lr (,Illity ;l[lfw:lliflg lc' hC;F pnlcnti:ll hcncfid:lIl' o( h(llldf; ("(!\'('ling [':l\'lIlCllf f'( nh!il~:l li(1I1~ :Iri.<:.in~! 1111(1('1' lilt' (:(lIltr:l("t. Ill<: {:lllltT:I(.tllr <;11:111 Iltfllllplh fl1rnish :1 ("oP\' o( lllc hOflds or ,<:.11:111 pe1'mit :1 ('(JpI' 1(' he ilIad,' ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12,1 UNCOVERING OF WORK 12.1.1 I( :) portion nr Ihe \\";ork is ("()\'tTcd ("0111r:ll'\' 1(1 the l\rcl1i1en'" reqtlesl I)r 10 leqllireml'lll<: <:.pecificllh' t.'xpr(',~<:("d ill the C:llntr:lct [)rJ('1"I1{"1ll~. it 1I111St, i( rnlllirnl ill wril;IH! hI Ill(" Arcllilt'Cl. h(: unco\'ernl [or lile Arr.:hil('("t'S flhSCI"\':l1iol1 ;111(1 hc rt'pi:lce(/ :11 the (>ll1tt:lclor.<; expenst' \\'ithfllll cl1:mgc itl 111< COlli r;,CI Time 12.1.2 If a p(lllion Ill" the \'(ior\.; l1:1s het'n ("f)\"('wd \\'l1ith IlK" ^rcllilecl h;ls 11(11 .<:.pcciiic':lll\' rcqt1t'Sled IlJ f)ll.<;t'I"\"t' priClT tfl ils hl'ill!2 CO\Tretl. the Archilecl 111:ly r('qucs! 1(1 ';Ct' such \'("ork ;"HI it <:.h:l11 he IHl('fl\"('r('(1 1)1' tht' (:IJ1ltr:1CHlt I( <:.tlel1 WfHk is ill ;lc("(Jrd:Jllc('" t\'i111 the (:1111\1':1("1 PCl(\Hllt'lll-". C'lSt.<:. ()f UlI("ClI'('1 in~ :1nd wpl;lcenwnt<:h:r11. h\, :lppTfJpri;uc (:h:ll1~W (htler. l1e ch:lrgetllo the O,vn{'r If <;Heh \'(.'fJrk i.<; 1101 in :1t'cnltl:lllc(' \\'ilh !he CClllfr:l("1 [)()nHnent~, lhc (:01111':1("101' <:.11;.Jl p:I\' '<:'11C11 ('f)~IS 1I1l1t's,<; the cOlldili(Hl W:l.<:. c:nl<;cct hy the {)""11C1 or:l .<:.ep:lr:lI(' C(llllr:IC!(lr ill wl1icll (,"\"('Ill the ()t\'llcT<:I1:111 I)t' l"l'SllfJllSiillf' Ill! p:l\'lllenl or ,<:.uch CO<:'!.<; , 2.2 CORRECTION OF WORK 12.2.1 The L!llHr:WI()r .<:11;111 prfllllptl\' ("lIlTt W'ork rej{'(lf.'d h\ lhe Arel,ill'("! or r;lilinl-! 10 rnJlrOT1ll 1(1 lhe r('qllir{,T11eIlL~ "I tile (:olllr:1C1 l)(lC\Ullt'lil'<:'. ,,'helher f,!l'<:'t'lq'{! hcfclrc {ll ;111('1 Suhst;lllti;d Completion :11ll! ",'hcther Pf not (;lhri(-:llnl. ill<:l;llkd fH ("Ill1lplt'!n! "l'lw (:OJllr;Klflr<;I1:111 hC:lr Cll<:IS tl( ('(\tlt"C1ill~! such rejcCI!'!1 \'Cofk, iIH!\ltling ;Tdr,lilinll:i1 l('qill~ :111\1 in,~p(< lioll.<; :Ind ('(Hllrll'll.<:.:lIifln (flr Ihe "fehileel <; <:en'in'" :l!ld (':xp('n~e,~ Ill;llk' lwC"{'<;<;:rn' thereh\ 12.2.2 If within !Ille \'(':H :Ifrn fhe d:!I(' n( ,<';tltl'<:'l:1111i:rI (!!1T11,1, tillll of Ill(' y,;'(ll'k 'H (1c.:.<:.iun:l1c\l Pfllli(lll 1I1CI('(>I. 'II :Illcr IIIC (!:il( AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (;F~lf;IIAI {(lNl>1 I'll If'!S (II TIll" (:( JNTll,'IIT H)I; U IN';'t ll1lf:'l I( IN . I( II :tn EFnnl F.1JITION AI'" . If,' 1"f.l-\111' ,\,\\l'llH .\~J IN" III ! 'II,' 'I" AIH:Jlrlrr: f''<:', 1-\" NFW' Yf >Ilk: ,\\ I"NI T. N \\' \~,\<;IIINl;1 fl!\:. I" 10Iln.-; A201-1987 21 W^RNtNG: tlnUr:..no;prf ph(1tor:OPV1nQ vif'Jt~le!: u.s. copyriqhl l;tw!: ~nrfl:<t <:uhipf:'l In 1"9nl r",'l..cutf(ln. . for nHllllH.'llCClllenl of l,'.'~rr;Jnnc.~ e.<:f:1hli~h('cl under Suh- P;lr:1gr:lph 9.9. I. or hr lerms of;1I1 ::rppliohle sred:1! ~V-;lrr;1nt}' required hy the Contr:1ct Documents, :llly of the \,:-'ork i~ found to he nor in :lccord:1nce with the reqlliremenl.s or fIle Contr:lct f)oClllllcnrs, !he \,olllr::rcror .<;11:111 COfreer it promptly :1fter n:ceipl of !;\'rillcn nolice fTorn lhe Owner In dn ."0 tlllles.<: the O"',:ner 11;1,<; rreviousl~' Riven the COl1tr:1CIOT :1 wriltc:n :wccr- l;Hlce of such condition. This per rod of Olll' \'C:1T .<:11:111 he extended ':vilh respcct 10 poni(lI1<: of \'(;ork nrSI performed ;lftel Suh."l::lllri:ll Completion hy the period of tillle between Suhst:1n- li:l! Completion :lIld the Klll:1! perforfll:1IlCe of rhe \'(lork. Thi!'i ohli!,!;ltion under Ihis SUhp:1T;lRr:lrh 12.2,2 ."ih~1I ~1If"ive :Jccep. lancc of the \'V'ork under rhe Conrr:.1ct :md terrnin:ltion or tile Contr:JCl, Thr: Owner ."ill:lll ~i\"e such nmice rroll1plly :Jftcr dis. co\'ery of the condition. 12.2.3 The COllU:lCtor .<;11:.111 rell1(1\'e frolll [he ."iite pOrliOfl!'l of tht' \\/ork \vhicll ;Ire nOI in :lccord:lI1ce -,:<,'i{h the reqllirclllcl1t.<; of lht' COlllr:lCt DocUlllents :lnd :lre neither corrected by the Contr:1Clor nor :lCceplcd by the Owner. 12.2.4 If the COlltr:lctor r:li!.<; 10 correct nonconforming \"(lork within :J re:1.<;ol1:lble time, the O~\"ller n\:1Y correct it in :Jccor- d:Jnce with P:Jr:.1Rr:Jph 2.1 If the Contr:1ctnr does 110r proceeu with correction of sHch nonconforming \"('ork within ~ rr::JsOI1. :Ihk lime fixed hy ,-,'ritrcnllotice from the Archilect, [he Owner rll:IY remo\'e it :md <:lore the ~:1h':Jhle l11:llcri;lfs or equipment :Jt thc COlllr:lctor's expense, If the Contr:Jctor cloc.<: not p:'~' co~t.<; of ,<;netl rem(H":J1 :1nd slor:1ge within lell d:n'.<: :Jffer written nPticc. the Owner 1ll:J" Urflll ren :Jclclition:ll ct:1\'~' writ!en 110[;('e ,~cfl.<;uch lll:Jteri:ll.'i :lOci equipmem :JI :wC!ioll or :II priv:Jlc ,":'lIe :lIld .<:/1:111 ::ICCOUllt for llle rroceed~ thereof, :1rler dedl1nil1g ells!.<; :mt! cl:III1:1ges lh:H ."houkl h:.1ve hetll home h~' the COIl- Ir:1C!f,r. illC\uding compcl1,<:;ltiflll for rIle Archite("t's ,<;("rvice." ;lncl o:pcnse." mmle n('ces.<;:l~' therd1\' If ."uch rroceed.<: of .<;:'I1e do nfll cover CO.<:IS ,-,'hicl1 the COl1tr:t(lOr shoule! h:1VC home. the C:(Il)!r:ICl Sum Sll:111 he n:<!tlced hy lhc t1cnciency. If r:1Yllll"llts 11ICT1llr tllere::tfter <-hIe [h(' Contr:l("t(lr :lre rHl( .<:tlff'idf'lltlfl (,(WCI' .<:\lcl1 :ulH1nlll, the Contr:lClor ,<:h:lll p:IY rh(' diffncnce 10 rhe ()wner 12.2_5 The Conlr:lcror sh:1I1 hem the CO.<:1 of c-(lrreCtill~ dC"lnl\'ctl or d:lIl1:lgCt! con.<;UIlClioll. whether COl11plcled or p:lrli:t1h' ("fllTlpIl'Inl, of the Owner or '<:(']1:lr:ll(" C0l1tr:l{"101'.<; c:rll."nl hy Ihe COnlr:lClo(<; correction or f{'1ll0\':IJ of \Vork \"\'hich L<; ntH in :lCCord:tllCf' wilh the requircmcllt<; of [he COil' Ir:KI 1)()C:llll1ClllS 12.2.6 Nmhing cOllt:Jined in rhi.<; l':lr:l~r:1ph 12.2 .<;h:llll1e COIl- slrued 10 c.<:I::rhll.<:11 :J rcriod of Jimil:ttion wilh respeCl 10 olher ohli~:Jti()n:<: which the COfllnlctor might l1:.1v(" under Ihe COfl- tr:KI I)(lC\1IllC1l1.<: Est:lhli.<:hmelll of Il1e lime period flf one \T::rr a," t1esnihnl ill .'iuhp:lr:rgr:lph 12.2.2 rd:llc<; only to Ihe c;pccHic llhli,l!:lIion o( the COlllr::rClor 10 correct tl1e \"(Iork. :1llcl 11;1.<; IlO n:l:lIipll,<:hip In ::le lime tvitl1ill which Ihe oblig:1ljOll to comply I:\'irh Ihe COlllr:lct DOCUlllC'ntS n1:1y he <:ou,I!ht 10 he enforn:u. Ilor 10 Ihe time ,,'ithin ,-,'Ilich pron'ctlin~s lll:ly be COllllllCllc:etl III ec;l:thli.<:!l Ihe COlltr:lclor,<; Ij:lhi1il~' I:\'ifh re:<:pccl to rhe Con- lr;l{"!(ll .<; {)hli~:Jti()ll.<: olher l/l~n .<:pecirk:llh. In (orrect the \'i:llrk. 12.3 ACCEPTANCE OF NONCONFORMING WORK 12.3.1 If Ill(> O'-"ner prcfer~ In Kcepl \X'ork which i.<: nor in ;lccnrd:trlCe with the reqttirelllCllts of lhe COlltr;1Ct Doolments. Ihe ()Wflcr Tll:l\' do <;0 in<;lc:ltl or requiring it<; r('I1H1\':1I ;111(.1 cor- TlTlil'll, ill '-"!liell C1S{" the Cflllfr;lCT SUIlI will Ix' rctlt1CCcl :l."i :lflpnlpri:ue ;m(! equil:lhle, "llch :ldjllSrll1CIlI ,<:11:111 he ("(feClet! \\hethn or 1101 nn:ll P:lylll('Tll 11:1" hecn lll;I(iC . ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.1 GOVERNING LAW 13.1.1 '1'11(' Conlr:;rct sh:'ll! he gfl\ocrnect hy the bl:\' (,fllw Ilbcc ~Vhele lIw Proicc! is )o(':llet! 13.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 13.2.1 The Owner :md r:nnfr:Jctor respccrivcly hind them. <:('1\"('<;, Ihcir p:lrlners, .'iuccessor.<::. ;1.<::,<:ign.<; :llld kg:ll represcllt:l. tivc.<: 1(\ [he olher p:lrfY hereto :Itld 10 p;lr!ncr~. ,<:u("ce~,<:()r."i. :l.<;,"iign.<: :Jllcl Jcp::JJ rerrec;elll~ti\'es of ,<;\Jell other P:1rI\. ill re.<:pe':1 rn ('o\'en:lIlts. :;rgreernenls ;md ohli~:Jlion<: corll;linecl ill the COil' rr:1C[ Doormenfs. Neither f):lrty to fh~ C()n1r:lCl ,<;11:111 :J,<:.<;i~n !he COlltr:lCt :1.<: :;r ,-,'hole wit !lout wrilten conS~11l or [he pfher If erthCI paf1r :lItempl." 10 rn:lke suel1:J1l :J.<:,<:igmllC"1l1 ~\:ithfHll<;llC!l consenr, th:ll p:lny sl1:J1I nevcnl1clc.<:s n:Il1:1il1 kg:llly re:,prlll,,(1)!c for :111 ohlig:llions under the COl1tr:lCl 13.3 WRITTEN NOTICE 13.3.1 Written rHltic~ .~h:lfl he deemed to h:l\'(' hn'fl dul\' <;ervecl if delivered in per.<;(ltl 10 Ihe inctivichl:J! or :J memher (If Ihe firm flr enth\" or to :1n officer of the corpflr:nif)ll f(Jr ~\'hich i[ W:I.<; irllcnded. or if delivcf{'d :11 or selll h~. rq~i"it('r('d or ccnrfinf 1ll;lil to [he I:J.<:[ hn<;incs.<: :lcldress known In the P:lrt\. /li\'ill/l IH)(ice 13.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 13,4.1 Dutie.<; ::mt! ()hli~:lli(lll."i illlp(J.<;nl hy Ille C:()llIr:w, DIIClI. ments :Jlld ri~hl.<: :llld refllctlic~ :J\':li1:lhle tllerell11der sl1:1111)(" in :ltldi!ionlo :lIlt!nol ;llilllrt:Hioll (If duties. ohlig:TtiOlls. righ!." alltl re!Tl\':'dic.<:. r1\herwi.<:e imposed or ;1\'ail:lhle hy I:1w. 13,4.2 Nfl :IClioll or f:lilure to :1C! hy till" ()""lln. Architen or CfJl111':!Clor Sh;ltl COllslil\lr('" :1 w;!iver Of:l righl rlr dllt\' :lffrll(in.l them \1nder [11~ \,olllr:lCl, nor <;h:111 ,<:l1ch action or f:lil1H'(" III :1("1 ('(ll1s1irlllC :lppnJV;11 of (If :lcq\liec;ccl1U' in:l hl'C::lch 1!l('f('\1l1(1c1. c:,<cept :1.<: rn:JY he .<:.pecinc:llly :tweed in writing 13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 Te,';\.<;. inslKTlillll.<; :1fld :tppn1\':lls (Jr 1)(JI"tillflS (Ir lht' \'\;ork requirtd hy Ihe Conlf:Jct !)(lCllmcrll~ or hy I:m',<;, llnH. n:lnce.<:, r\lles, rC.'!U[:Hillll:<:: or ord('r~ pf rJl1hlic :luthorilic<; h:I~'il1g juri<::dictiol1 ,<;11;111 he m:lde :1t :lll :lrproprr:uc time t lnlc.<:<:: !ltller. wi.~(" pro\.itkd. Ihe ContraC1or ,<:11:111 1l1:lkc arr:lngclllC'!1t~ rr II' .<:tlch tt":<:f,<;. inspection.<; :lIld :lpprn\.:JI.<; ~\'ilh :m independent le<;t. inJl l:1hor:lIPry or elllil~' :Iccept:lhle to lilt' Ot\'ller. or t-,ilh rile :Ippnlprbte ptll1lir ;!\ll!lclfiIY. :1ll~1 .<:.11;111 hear ;111 rel:lI('d ('f1,';!.<:: (II IC.<;I,<;. ill.<.:I){'ctirln.<:. and :lppnn':lls The C(}lllr:K!o!" .~h:llI giq' {he Archilt'CI tillldy Ilotice n( WhCll :lnt! ",'here lcsts :111(1 ill';!l!.T' !ion." ;lrt' 1(1 he l1l:ltle so Ihe A,chiten 11l:IY ohserve such prl'ec dun:s The O'-"llcr<:.Il:111 hCII ('OSL<: or le."il.'>. ill.<:pcnifltl<; rll :rpprrJ\":lis \'\"hich do not hccmnc ll:quin:T11cnts U1l1il :111('1' bid" :u-e rec-dw.:d or n{'~oli:l!i(lllS cOllcluded 13.5.2 If Ihe ^rcI1ill"n, ()""Ilcr (If' pl111lic :ulrh(Hilie" Il:l\'ing iurisdiction defermine rll:J1 portiOIl,<:' of the \'('ork requite' :Idcli. tion:!1 le<;lill~. in.<;p{"(,"fioll or :1ppro\':11 nOI included lIlJder ."lth p:lr:lgr:lph J .~.S,!, llw Archil('Cl will. !lP{lll wl"illetl :lur!1fll'i7:IIirlll from lhe Owner. illstnlcl the CtJlHI':l('!Or 10 1ll:lke :lrr:rl1.\-!.elll("Il!<; flJf s\lch :1(l(liri(IIl:J1 [e,<:till~. inspcCliflll In :lppnl\':t1ln' :111 cnril\ :w\ept:lhl(' 1(1 the ()"""cr. :tnd 11H' COIl!r:IClor ,<;h:1I1 ~i\'~' lillH'h nor ice to rhe Archilec! of 1:':I1Cll :l11(1 ,-,'here ICSl" and ill,<:JlI"lj"Tl." :1J'C III he 111:ldc .<;1' lhe Archil<'TJ In;l\ nh<;("l'IT':Hcll prflc('(hlt(.~ 22 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . r;F.NF.Ht\1. CONI)[1'H lNS ()I' TI IF ('ONTRACI rnll CON<;TlH'(: nr)N . F()I 'Int.:rr-rl'll !:Ill IllW ,\111" ~ <1:' IflR- TI/(' .\/I.IF.fllc:.\N l1','<:111'['1'Y;: nf" IIrH:1I11F('T~ I "7\~ Nrw' rnrn: 1I\'('Nl'F. N \'i \'i'''<;llltl(:!, II-.; I' ( '1111Ol<, WARN'f<J(1: Unliepno;..rt ohnlrJrOl1ylnq vinl~l~s U,S. enflvriqllllnwo; nnn j", "'lIhjPcl In lI'onl prm,prulinn . The' O"-'Tlcr SI1;I/J be:lr such costS except :l.'i rrovided in Suh- p:lragr:lpll 1'::',5,.~ 13.5.3 If :'iucl1 procedures for testing, inspection or :lpprovaJ lllH.k:r SUIJp;1ragr:lphs and 13.5.2 reveal failure of the punioll,c; of lhe \'(iork to comply with requiremem~ established 11\' the CO(l[f:lct Documents, the COl1lr:lctOr sh:lll be::lr all costs m:lde necessary by such f:1ilure including those of rere::ltcd proc:nlures and compens:Hion for the Architect"..- services ;md eXIK'nses 13.5.4 Ikquircd certilicl{cs of testing, inspectioll or approval ..hall. unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents. he secured hy the COnlractor and promptly delivered t() the :\rdlitect 13.5.5 If the Architect is (() observe tests. inspeCtions or approv:lls required hv the Contract Documem,c:;, the Architect \"\'ilJ do so promptly and, where rr:Kticable.:n the normal place of testing. 13.5.6 Tests or in:'ipections conducted pursuallt to the COI1- Ir:lCI Documents sllall be made rrumptly to :1void unrr:-dSonabk dd:1Y in Ihe W'ork, 13.6 INTEREST 13,6.1 P:1ymems clue and unpaid under the Comract Docu- ments sl1:111 bear intereSI from the d:lte rayment is due at such r:llt: :LC:; Ille parties may agree upon in writin~ or, in the :Ibsence !ht.'reof.:lr tile le~:ll r:l1e rrevaiIin~ from rime to time:lt tile pl:1ce when: tile Protect is located 13.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMIT A TION PERIOD 13.7.1 As hetween the Owner ;ltld COlltract()f" .1 Before Substantial Completion. As to :H:ts or f:lilun:s tn :H:l ()('cmring prior to Il1e relevant d:lIe of Suhst:l1l- ti:ll Complc:tioll, any :Ipplicahle Sl:lfllle of limit:uiolls shall (-Ol1lnK'tlt.'C to run and :U1y a1k:~ed GllL'it' of :lCtioll shaJl he deemed 10 have accrued ill any and all c\'ems nor I:Jlcr than ,<;uch d:ue of Suhst:lIllial Completion; .2 Between Substantial Completion and Final Certll~ cate for Payment. Ar. to :IC[,<; or f:lilures to :let occur- ring subsequent to thc relev:mt d:ne of Suhr.tamial Complelion and prior to issu:mce of the final Certifi- Gue: for P:lymenl. any aprlicable slatute of limit:uions Sh:ll1 commence h') run and an)' allqzed GlUSe of :lCtion Sh;lll be deemed lO have accrued in :lI1y ;md :111 events not l:lter tl1ml tile dale of issu:lI1ce of tile fin:ll Certificate for P:lymt'lll; :lIld .3 After Final Certificate for Payment. As to act." or failures ro act occurrinR :lfter the reJc\iam d:ue of is,su- :tnce of the fin:ll CertifiC:He for P:lymcm, :lIly appli. Glhk statute of limit:nion,s Sil:lll commence t{l rllll :md :ll1y :lllegcd Cluse of :lCtion sl1:ll1 be deemed to !lave accrued in :1I1y :ml! :111 events not l:lter than tile d:ue of :l11y :lCt or f:lilllre to :ICt h~' the CorHr:K{or pursu:IIH 10 :m\" \\.:lrr:l1lty prnvidL'd undLT P:lr:I!J;r:lph _-1_'1. the d:lte of ;lilY correction of the \'(iork or !:lilllre 1l) corren the \X'"ork hy the COn!r:lCtor under P:1raW:1pl1 1.2.2, 1)1" lhe d:Jle o( :1('1\1:11 C0!1l111i.'ision or :1l1\. (ltIH..'!' :1<."1 Of failure II) pel'j(Jrlll :ll1Y {hlty <Jr ()hlig:uilHl I)~. Iht' {:lllllr:I("!llr or ()wller. whichever o<:cur~ 1:1."1 . ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14.1 TERMINA TION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1,1 The Contractor may terminate the Contract if tile \'V.ork is Slopped for a period of.30 days through no :ICt or f;mlt of the Contractor or a Subconrracror _ Sub-sl.lhcolHractor or their agents or employee.s or any other persons performing portiolls of rhe Work under contract 'tvith the Contr:lctor, for ;lny of the following reasons: .1 issuance of an order of a court or orller public :llHhor. ity having jurisdiction; .2 an act of government, such as a declar:nion of n:Hion:11 emergency, making matcrial unavailable; .3 beC:lUse the Architect has nOI issued a Cenific:ne for Payment and has not notified the Contractor of tllC reason for withholding certification as provided in Subraragr:lph 9.4_1, or because the Ownerh:ls not made payment on a Certificate for Payment.. within the lime srated in the Contract Docllmenrs; .4 if repe:ned suspensions, deJ:1YS or imerruptions hy the Owner :tS described in Paragr:lrh 14.3 constitute ill the aggreg:ne more ttlan 100 percent of the total num- ber of days scheduled for completion, or 120 days in ;Iny :\65-d~y period. whichever is less: or .5 the Owner has f:l:iled to furnish 10 rhe Contractor prompdy, upon the COntr;lCtor','; request, rC:lsflll:lhlc evidence as required by SUhp:lr;lp:r;lpll 2,2. I. 14.1.2 If one of the above reasons exists, the ConlraCtor m~~-, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and Architect. terminate the Conrr'dct and recover from the Owner payment for Work execUled and for proven loss with respect !O maleri:tl,s, equipment, tools, and COI1,slnlCtion equipment and machinery, including rC:I.<;on:lble overhe:ld, profit :In(1 d:lln:lg(.'s. 14.1.3 If the \Vork is Slopped for :l period of (lO d:1YS tlll"Ollgtl no (let or fault of the Comr;lCtor or :l Subcontwctor or t l1l'ir :I~ents or employees or :tny other persons performing portioll,'; of the Work under contraCt with the COl1lraclOr beC:lll,'i(.' lhe OWllcr 11:ls persiSlt'ntl\- failed to fulfilllhe O\'\'o(.r..<; ohli.'Z:Hions until:!" the Clllltran !)t)(.'UllK'lltS \'\'itll respect t(l 11I:\tlcrs ill1p(n. {;tm to the: rrogress of the \'(iork, the Contr:lClOr 11l:1\._ UpOIl .seven addition:11 tiays. wrjuen llotice to the O~'ncr and IlK' Archilect, lermin:ne tile CC)l1tr:lct and reC(wer fnllll the O\'\.ner as pnlvitled in Suhparagrapll 14.1,2 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE 14.2.1 Tile Owner m:IY termin:ue lhe COll[ract if the.: COl1lractor. ,1 persislently or repc:lledly refuses or f:lils ro supply enough properly skilled workers or proper Ill:l[erl:lls; .2 f:lils to make p:1ymel1l to Suhcol1lr:lclOrs for llI;lleri:ll,'i or J:lhor in :Kcord:lIlce witl1 the respecl ive :1!J;rcCmC!lts het~'een !he C(mtr:lCt()f :lnd lilt" S\JIK(llllr:lCft)r.'i: .3 persisrently disregards laws, ordill:lllces, or full'S, rq,t. ul:llions or orders Of:l puhlic :llllhoril\. h:lving Juris- dinioll: or .4 ()therwist' is gllihy ()f suhsl:rllti:ll hre:lch ()I;I prt)\"i,<;i(1I1 of the Cll!ltr:lCl Docllme.:llt.'i. 14.2.2 \'(:l1cn ally of the ;lhove rt::lsons (";XiSl, Ihc {),,\.11("1 111"'11 cc:nil"ic:Hi(lll hy tile Architect tll:1I silrficiell\ C;IIIS(" l'"i.'il" I(l iu,,,; AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (;J;NERAl. V1NPlT10NS OF TflE CONTltAC1 I'(lH CONsTHllcnON. r'Ol,nTEENTlI El11Tl()N .\IA" . q:, 1<)}(-'"11 IF AMFlHC..\r-.; lNSTlT1 TE (IF AtH:I/lTECTS. I ~Vi NF:\'(. )"(}In" AVENI!E, N,'>);'. 'X'ASIIIN(;-]'(lr", llr' 2000(, A201-1987 23 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to leg..t prosecution. . lify;uch :lc1ioll, Ill:l)' withou! prejlldice to :H1I' <llhel' riJ!.hl.~ or rcm('{jic~ (:If tlH' Owner :lllcl:lfter ~i\'in~ the (~()nlr:tn()r ;lJld the (:()IHf:1C10r'." "ure(y, if :111\', s("vell d:l\'S' ",,"fillet) 1101;(C. !cnlli- n;llc CIll[lloVIllf:lll of the Contr:K!Of and Tll:l\',<;lIhiect to ;IIlY rrinr ri~hts of the surel)' .1 l;tkc po",<;c~,<;ion of the ,,,iff :mc! of:111 f11:1ICl;:lls. ('quip- ment, tools. :llld con.<;lronion ("qUip1llC1H :1Tlcllll:lChin- cry thereon owned In- the Contr:lC1or: .2 :Ieee!,! :lssi~nme11l of ,c;uhcontr:1cl.o; purSIl:1I11 to Par;}- gr;lrl1 'i.'1: :1llcl .3 finish llle \\'ork by wh:1fc\'er rcasoll;1hle rnctl1ml {he Owner 111:1)' dt"crn expedient 14.2.3 \'('hen lhe Owner !erl1lill:lleS the Contract for one of fhe rC:lSt)llS .<;(:lled in Suhr:1r:1p.r:1rh 1'1.2. I, tile CtlTltr:1Clor :;11:111 not he entilled to receive fll rI her r:lyTTlel11 until the ',Xiork is firli_"hcd. 14.2.4 If {he lIIlP;li'f b:lbncl::' of tilt:" Contr:Kl Sll111 exceeds CO."IS of finisllill14 lhe Work. including compcll.,,:uion for the Melli- tectO,; service::; :In,1 cxpen.'\c::; Ill:lde llece.s.<;:Jr~' therehy. such excc.<;s ."ih;IH he p:liu ro the Contr;ICl0f. If such 0)'<;1.<> exceed the tlnp:tid h:II:1l1ce. thc COl1tr;lctor .<;11;111 pay lhe difference 1(J the . ()WllCr. rhe :UIlOIIIlJ 10 he p:lid rolhe CCHllr;tC!or (H ()\,,-llel. :r.'- the (":1.<;(' 111:1\' Iv:, Sh;ll1 he ccrti!ied tw Ilw Archirect. lIpnll :1ppfi- C"IjOIl. :11lt! this ()hli~:1finn for p:1yrncnt <;11:111 sl1r\'ive rerTnin:l tiOIl or the COlllr;lct 14.3 SUSPENSION 8Y THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE 14.3.1 The (hvn<:"r iliA)". n'llhollt cltl.<;e. order rllf" COIHr:ICHH in wriling J{1 sll."ipend, dcl:J\. or interrupt the "Cork in whfltc or in 1':1rl for such period of time :IS the OWllcr m:l\" det('flllinc 14.3.2 An :ld;u.<;llllelll .<;11:111 he made for itH:rC;l.<;es in tht COSI or pcrform:mn> of the COlllr:iCl. including profit (lI) the fllnc;l.<;cc! cost of p~rff.Jrlll:Hlcc. ctu,<;ed hy suspension. del:r" or interrup. tion No :ldju.<;tlllcnr sh:t111w 1l1:1d(" to lite extent- _1 tltat perform:1nc(" i:'i. 1;\':1:'i or ~vO\rkl h:I\T heell sn S\I.<; pellckd. debyecl or illlernlpted b\' :lJHlIllcr C:I\IS(' f(ll which tht' Cl)ntr:1Clor is rt'.<;ponsihlc: 01 .2 111:11 :In equitahle :Jdiu.5tfltl::'tH i," made or d'.:nird under another fmn'i.<;ion of this Contr:1C1 14.3.3 Adiustlllelll.<; m:tde in tile ensl of perfOTlll:lnce 111:1\- 11:1\'(' :I mUlu;llly agreed fixcd or percCI1I:1Rl::' fec_ 24 A201-19B7 AlA DOCUMENT A20i . (;f'.NI'\.I....I, C:(lN!ltTI(lNS (IF Tlll1 (lNlrl,\\:T HlIt (-(If'l''IIlII(-Jlllr,' 1<)I'HlIF~~111 F"1111'~: AlA"" . if, I <lR- -, I 11" A/"olFH1CAN tN~T!TtITF nr .\nc.IlI1TI"T~ I -:o~" NF\~' n Ill" A\TNl W_ N \\ \\ .\<:f IIN! ;-1' II":, I' ( 21lP<~, WARNING: Vnlle..n!,,," [Ihot"~"T'vlnQ '/Inlitle<i; U.S_ CO!"Jvrlght l;'twct :md Ii'; <i;lIhl...el In I"'CjI1I prn....clltlnn 31B7 . . SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS The following supplements modify, change, delete from or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.I.A. Document A 201-1987 Edition. Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph or clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that Article, paragraph, subparagraph, or clause shall remain in effect. ARTICLE 1 through ARTICLE 10 No Change ARTICLE 11 - INSURANCE AND BONDS 111 Contractor's Liability Insurance. 11.1.1 In the first line following the "maintain", insert the words, "in a company or companies licensed to do business in the state in which the project is located." 11.1.1 ADD: .7 Liability insurance shall include all major divisions of coverage and be on a comprehensive basis including: (1) Premises - Operations (2) Independent Contractors Protective. (3) Products and Completed Operations. (4) Contractual-including specified provision for the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 4.18. (5) Owned, non-owned, and hired motor vehicles. (6) Broad form coverage for property damage. 11.1.2 ADD: ... The Contractor shall furnish insurance with the following minimum limits: .1 Workers' Compensation a. State and Federal: Statutory b. Employer's Liability $ 100,000. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION F - 1 . . .2 Comprehensive General Liability (Including Premises - Operations; Independent Contractor's Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad form Property Damage): a. Bodily Injury: $ 1,000,000 Each Occurrence $ 1,000,000 Aggregate, Products and Completed Operations. b. Property Damage: $ 250,000 Each Occurrence $ 250,000 Aggregate c. Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period of one year after final payment and contractor shall continue to provide evidence of such coverage to the Town on an annual basis during the Aforementioned period. d. Property Damage Liability Insurance shall include Coverage for the following hazards: C (collapse), U (underground). e. Contractual Liability (Hold Harmless Coverage): f. Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $ 1,000,000 Aggregate .3 Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): a. Bodily Injury: $ 1,000,000 Each Person $ 1,000,000 Each Accident b. Property Damage: $ 250,000 Each Occurrence ARTICLE 12 through ARTICLE 14 No Changes END OF SECTION: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION F-2 . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE or ARCHITECTS I AlA Document AJ7) Performance Bond KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that I"~,~ ;"10:-" ,,,II ".om.. ond .drl'~<I n. l"IPI l;lt.. nl r:nt"r~"lr"l as Principal, hereinaft~r called Contractor, and, (1ft... jnH~'1 lull n~m.. ~nd Ufrl'''H Of rtlt',,1 lill.. 0/ S"...tvl as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (H...I!!' ;nll!'" (1111 ""m.. .nd lriri"." 0' l"Il'! 1;1'" 01 O......n..') as Obligee. hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of Dollars ($ I, for the payment whereof Contri!ctor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs. executors, ..rlrnini!l>frrlilors, successors and assigns. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated [H('... ;n~('rl lull 'umt', uid...n .11..! d(',c,i,.."on ,,( "'('reCl) 19 , entered into (I conlr<lct with OwnN for in accordance with Drawings an"d Specificalions prepared by Ill..,.. ;"''''1 1,,11 n~m.. .,,<'1 .'rin..... ..,..1"11.1 hIt.. nl ^"hit....lI which contract is by reference rn~de .1 p.:\rt hereof, ;.Irld is hereinafter fp.ferred t(") .:J5 rhe Confract. AlA OOCUM[NT A]II ' PfR.frll('_I....~~u R()~IO AND I_ARlJR ,\Nt) ,\1AHRIA' P'\Yr..lfNT R()~[) . AlA ,~ lfRRt)I\RY l'l~(l tD . rHt 1\,\.HRI('\'.i II'-;<;rlll!ff (H I\RCllIffCTS : -I; ': Y IH'f ~ w. Wi\"I!)~I(.r()rJ n C 20001', W^n~IlNG: Unlken!'l"d pholn~nl'vl"q vlnl:llp'l U.S. copyrlQhl Inw!'l :Inri f..; ..;uhl,.elln '''Qnl "m'l~elllto" . PERFORMANCE BON' NOW. THEREFORE, THE CONOrWJN OF THIS OBLIGATION is such thill, jf Contractor sh.,1I promptly .lnd (,:o;th(ully pprfnrlll said Contract. fhen this obligation shall be null and void: otherwise it sh.lll rF:'m,lin in full force .lnd effect The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration Or extension of lime made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner to be in default under the Contract, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, Or shall promptly 1) Complete' the Cbntract in accordance with its terms and conditions, or 2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the (on tract in accordance with tts terms and conditions, and upon de. termination by Surety of the lowest responsible- bidder, or, if the Owner elects, upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of Signed and sealed this day of defaults under the contract or contrilcts of completion arranged under this DarJgraphl sufficient funds tn pay the cost of completion less the b.1l.1nce of the (onlract price, but nol e:'(ce~ding. including olher r:oqs and nam,lges for which the Surety mav be li,1ble hereunder, the amount set forth in the flrsr jJ.Hilgraph h/;'reoL Th~ term "balance of the confract price," as IJsed in this p.1Trlgraph, shall m~an the fotal amount p,1y.lhle by Owner to Conlractor under the COnfrJct and Jnv amendmenrs thereto, less the amount properly paid by Owner to eonlf,Klar Any suit under this bond must be instituted bpfore the expiration of two (2) years from the dare on which final payment under the Contract falls due. No right of aclion shall accrue 'on lhis bond to or (or the use of any per<;on or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the heirs, executors, adminis. tralors or successors of the Owner. 19 I ,P"ntrp,11I IS("Jh (W;tn('~(J ,rif/C) I ISIIr('fr} 150:-,111 (Witn('_,.,) lli,Il'j AlA DOCUMENT AJlI . PERr()'lMANCE AOND AND lABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BONO' AlA @J rfRRUARY 1'17{1 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHIHCTS. 17)S N.Y. AVE., N.W__ WASHtNcrON, 0 C 200f)1t 2 WARNING: Unllc:ensed photocopying viohues U.S. copvrlght laws ,md is subject to fp.qal prosecution, . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AlA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BONO 1$ ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERFORMANCE BONO !N FAvOR OF THE OWNER CQNDITlONED ON THE FULL AND FAITHfUL PERFORM,\NCE OF THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (H~fe insert full n.lm~ and Jdd,..'\S '" 1l:'!l.IJ lrll~ 'JI (nnuJelml as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, {H~'e tnsl!n luU ""m"" ~ndlddrl!H or !el;~[ tille of Su.etyl as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto tHe,,,,, inse.' full nam"" .....d Jrld'P~1 0' legal Inre 01 Own""" as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit of claimants as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of (Here insert J sum equal to H leau one-Inll of the cantuCI pricel Dollars ($ for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. J, administrarors, WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated (Here ;n~l!'rl lull name. .1ddreH ~nd dl!~Cfiplion rJt projel:1J 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (H~'e '""'r! full nAme ~,.,d ~ddr(,H rJT !"~AI lilll!' 0; Arch;I"~O which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AlA DOCUMENT ,\311 . f'H~FORM^NCE BOND ,\NO L/\8QR AND MAHRlt\l PAY.\.IENT BONO' A!A @ FE8RUARY 1970 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ,\RCHtTECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE.. N W, WASHINGTON, 0_ C 20Q06 3 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright I!I_ and is subject to legal pro5p.cutfon. lAB~ AND MATERIAL PAYM. BOND NOW, THfRHORE. THE CONDITION OF THIS 081 leA nON is such thar. if PrincipJI shall promptly make payment to all claim,mls as hereinafter defined. for all labor and m,l{crial u,:>ed or rea~onably required for u~e in the performance of the Confra(!, then this obligation ~h<lJl be void; otherwise if shall remain in full force dnd effect, subject, however, fa the fol. lowing conditions: 1. A claimant is defined as one h.:lving a direct con- tract wilh the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both, used or reason.Jbly required for IJse in the performance of the Contract. labor and malerial being comlrued to include that part of waler, gas, power, light. heat. oil, gasoline, telephrme service or rental of equipment directly applicable to the (anlracr. 2. The above ndmed Principal ann Surety hereby joinlly and severally agree with the Owner that every claimant a~ herein defined. who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the dale on which the last of such clajmi'lnrs work or labor was done or performed. or materials were furnished by such cl.limanf. may sue on this bond for the use of such claimant. prosecute Ihe suit 10 (inal judgment (or such sum or 5um') as may be justly due claimant. and have execution thereon. The Owner shall not be liable for the payment of any COsls or expenses of any such suil. ). No sui I or action 511;:111 be comm~nced hereunder by any claiman!: a) Unless cl::limant, other tnan one having a direct contracl with the Principal. shall have given written no lice to any two of the following: the Principal, the Owner, or the Sure~y above named. wilhin ninety (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of Ihe work or labor, or furnished the lasl of Ihe materials for which said claim is made, staling with subslantial Signed and sealed this day of aCcuracy the amount cl.limed and Ihe name of the party to whom the materials were furnished, or (or whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such not fee shall be served by mailing the ~ame by regislered mail or certified mail; postage prepaid, in an envelope ad- dressed to the Principal. Owner or Surely, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the trans- action of bUSIness, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid project is located. save that such service need not be made bv .1 public officer. bl After the expiration of one [1) year following the dale on which Principal ceased Work on said Conlract, it bein~ understood. however, that if olny limitation em- bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the constructIon hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal 10 the minImum period of limitation permitted by such law. e) Other th.ln in J ':itate court of competent jurisdiction in and for the countv or olher politic,1 suhdivision of the slate in which the Project. or any part thereof, is situated. or in the United Slates Oi"lric! Court for the district in which the Project. or any part thereof, is sit. uated, and not elsewhere. 4. The amount of lhl~ bond shall be reduced by and 10 the extent of any payment or paymenlS made in good faith hereunder. inclu5ive of the payment by Surety of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record against said improvement, whether or not cl.,im for the amount of such lien be presented under and against this bond. 19 ! (Principal) fS~~h IW;ln('~~} (Tith') i (Su,..ry) fSl'JiI rWlln.".'! 'Tith'} AlA DOCUMENT A]T1 . "[lUORMANCE BONO AND LAAOR ANO MATERIAL PAYMENr RONO . AlA ~ ~(BIH)^l(y 1':170 ED . THE AMfRIC,\N INQnuTE O~ MKHITECT"i, 171<; N Y. AVf.. NW. WASHINCTON, D C }()('IO(, 4 WARNING: Unlicensed photocoDvinq violates U.S. copyright 13Wl'I and Is subjl!ct to legal prosecution. . . GENERAL RELEASE (To be submitted with requisition for Final Payment) KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that (Contractor) for and in consideration of the sum of lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by: (Owner/Contracting Agency) and its successors and assigns and administrators, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sum and sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, patents, extents, executions, claims and demands whatsoever in law and equity, which against the said (Owner/Contracting Agency) , and JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A., now have or which heirs, executors, or administrators hereafter can, shall, or may have, for upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents rising out of the construction, in accordance with the contract entered into between parties hereto, dated: supplements thereto. , 19 _ and any admittance or IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this agreement to be signed by its affixed and duly attested by and its corporate seal to be hereto its this day of , 19 Attest: Principal: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION G - 1 . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES ATTACHMENT WAGE DETERMINATION for BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION at KLIPP PARK MANHANSET AVENUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 NOTE: NEW YOUR STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR RATES APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. CONTACT THE N. Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FOR THE CURRENT PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION H - 1 NEW~K STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NY 12240 . Schedule Type - COMPLETE 1995B Date 08/13/96 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. T /0 SOUTHOLO PRC 9605127 SUFFOLK COUNTY 01 JAMES MCMAHON TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179 Location and Type of Project PR00ECT ID #: NONE REPAIR KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD, SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 In response to your request, enclosed are schedules of the prevailing hourly wage rates and the prevail 1ng hOurly supplements for the above project, together with copies of the Notice of Contract Let (PW-16) for your use. The schedules must be annexed to and form a part of the specifications for this project when itis advertised for bids. These schedules have been prepared and 'forwarded in accordance with Section 220 of the Labor Law, which provides that it shall be the duty of the fiscal officer to ascertain and determine the schedules of supplements to be provided and wages to be paid to workers, laborers and mechanics employed on publ 1c work projects, and to file such schedules with the Department having jurisdiction. The attached rates are based on the latest information available to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Publ ic Work. Care should be taken to review the rates for obvious errors. It is the respons1bi 1 ity of the Publ ic Work contractor to use the proper rate. Any corrections should be brought to the Depart~ent's attention immediately. This schedule is applicable only from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996. unless otherwise noted. If your project goes beyond the period covered by this determination. a new determination should be requested when this schedule expires. Note: A 1983 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 220 OF THE LABOR LAW REQUIRES THE PRESERVATION OF ORIGINAL DR TRANSCRIPTS OF PAYROLL RECORDS FOR THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE WORK IN THE AWARDED CONTRACT. very truly yours. CHET RYSEDORPH DIRECTOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTING AGENCIES: Upon cancellation or completiOn of this project, enter the necessary information and return this page to the ALBANY OFFICE of the Bureau at the address listed below: PROJECT HAS BEEN: Date completed Date Cancelled Date postponed Unti 1 Signature Ti tle contracting Agency For additional information, contact the following District Offices: St.Off.Bldg.#12Campus Albany,NY 12240 155 Main St. W. Rochester,NY 14614 175 Fulton Ave. ,Hempstead NY 11550 207 Genesee St. Utica, NY 13501 65 Court St. Buffalo,NY14202 30 Wall St. Binghamton,NY13901 333E.washingtonSt.Syracuse13292 30 GlennSt. ,White PlainsNY10603 PW-200 (4-95) docm: letter1a 411tONTRACT REQUIREMENTS . Each publ ic work contract to which the State. a publ ic benefit corporation, a municipal corporation or a commission appointed pursuant to law is a party and which may involve the employment of laborers. workers or mechanics, shall comply with the requirements of Article 8 (Sections 220-223) of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days in anyone week except in the extraordinary emergencies set forth in the Labor Law or where a dispensation 1S granted by the Commissioner of Labor. 2. Each 1 aborer, worker or machan i c emp 1 oyed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevail ing rate of wages as indicated on a the wage schedule provided by the Department, Bureau of Public Work. The prevail ing rate of wage shall be annually determined no later than thirty days prior to July 1st of each year. The prevail ing rate of wage for the period commencing July fist of such year through June thirtieth, inclusive of the following year shall be the rate of wage set forth in collective barga i n i ng agreements for the same per i od, i nc 1 ud i ng those increases for such periOd which are directly ascertainable from such col lect1ve bargaining agreements. (See Sections 220.3, 220.5) 3. It shall be the duty of the department of jurisdiction to file with the fiscal officer, the classification of workers mechanics and laborers to be employed on a publ ic work project, together with a statement of the work to be performed by each classification. (See Section 220.3-a) 4. The contractor and every subcontractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place at the work site a statement of all wage rates and supplements to be paid or provided for the various classes of mechanics, workers or laborers. (See Section 220.3-a) s. No employee shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journey- level workers in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to its work force on any job under the registered program.- Any employee who is not registered as above, shall be paid or provided the prevail ing wage and supplement rate for the J.ourney level classification of work actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of registration of its program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage and supplement rates for the area of construction, prior to using any apprent i cas on the contract work. (See Sect i on 220.3 -e) 6. (a) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color, disabil ity. sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qual ified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. (See Section 220-e(a)) (b) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed. color, disabil ity, sex or national origin. (See Section 220-e(b)) Note: The Human Rights Law also prOhibits discrimination in employment because of age, marital status or religion. (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of fifty dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract. (Section 220-e(c)) (d) The contract may be cancelled or terminated by the State or municipal ity, and all moneys due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of the antidiscrimination sections of the contract. (See Section 220-e( d)) 7. (a) All contractors or their subcontractors shall provide to their subcontractors a copy of the prevail ing wage rate schedule specified in the publ ic work contract as well as any subsequently issued schedules. A failure to provide these schedules by a contractor or subcontractor is a violation of Article 8 or the Labor Law. (See Section 220-e(d) ) (b) All subcontractors engaged by a publ ic improvement contractor or its subcontractor, upon receipt of the original schedule and any subsequently issued schedules, shall provide to such contractor a verified statement attesting that the subcontractor has received the wage schedule and will payor provide the appl icable rate of wages and supplements specified therein. (See Section 220-a) PW-3 (4-95). ATTENTION:4IItLL CONTRACTORS ANO SUBCONTRACTORS ~ ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE INTRODUCTION; Below are the major provisions of the Labor Law covering workers on pUbl ic work projects. HOURS: A laborer, worker or mechanic is permitted to work on a public work project no more than eight hours a day and no more than five days in a week, except in case of extraordinary emergency such as a fire, flood or danger to 1 ife or property. You may apply to the Bureau of Publ ic Work for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular publ ic work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for laborers, workers and mechanics employed on a publ ic work project shall be not less than those 1 isted in the current prevail ing rate schedule for the local ity where the work is performed. If a prevail jng rate schedule for the project has not been provided to the prime contractor by the department of juriSdiction (i .e., the governmental entity awarding the public work contract), or to a subcontractor by the prime contractor, the appl icable schedule must be obtained from the Department of Jurisdiction, who must make written appl ication to the Bureau of Public Work, Labor Department, Building No. 12, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. The prime, contractor is responsible for any underpayments of prevail tng wages or supplements by its subcontractors. PAYROLL RECORDS: Every contractor and subcontractor must keep origtnals or transcripts of payroll records, showing for each person employed on publ ic work, the fol lowing: 1. Name 2. Address and phone number 3. Social Securtity Number, 4. Occupational classification in which worked, 5. Hourly wage rate paid 6. Supplements provided 7. Daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification 8. Deductions made 9. Actual wages paid. When payroll records are r.equested by the Commissioner each payroll record must be affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury which means a notorized signature to that effect. Such records must be kept on the site of the work when the contractor or subcontractor does not maintain a regular place of business in New York State and the amount of the contract exceeds $25,000 All other contractors and subcontractors must within 5 days after a request produce at the work site "the oroginal payrolls or transcripts. The original payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years from the date of completion of the project. POSTING: The current prevatl ing rate schedule must be posted in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the public work project. APPRENTICES: Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates if they are not individually registered under a program or agreement registered with the Commissioner of Labor. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of its program and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification can be no greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on any jOb under the registered program. An employee listed on a payroll as an apprentice, who is not registered as above, must be paid the prevail ing journeyman's wage rate for that classification of work. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS: When a complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor alleging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to payor provide the prevail ing wages or supplements, or when the Commissioner of Labor bel ieves that unpaid wages or supplements may be due, payments on the publ ic work contract may be withheld from the prime contractor in a sufficient amount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and civil penalty, pending a final determination. INTEREST AND PENALTIES; If an underpayment of wages or supplements is found. interest must be added at the rate then in effect prescribed by the Superintendent of Banks pursuant to section 14-a of the banking law per annum from the date of underpayment to the date of the new payment, and may also include the imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed 25% of the amount due. DEBARMENT; When final determinations have been made against a contractor or subcontractor in two instances within a Six-year peFiod determining that it wi1 lful ly failed to payor provide the prevail ing rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor will be inel igible to bid on or be awarded a publ ic work contract for a period of five years from the second final determination. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS (Contlnued) CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Willful violations of the Prevail ing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. DISCRIMINATION: No employee or appl icant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age, race, creed, color, national origin. sex, d1sabil ity or marital status. Every employer subject to the New York State Human Rights Law must conspicuously post at its offices. places of employment or employment training centers, notices furnished by the State Division of Human RightS. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing worker's compensation insurance and disability benefits must post in 'a conspicuouS place notices of such coverage in a form prescribed by the Workers' Compensation Board. Employers 1 iable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must conspicuously post notices furnished by the State Department of Labor. PW 19 (4-95) doem: letter2b NOTICE OF ~ PREVAILING WAGE RATE PUBLICATIONS~ APPLICABLE TO ALL COUNTIES (~) AS NOTED ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULES PAGES. The annual determination of the prevail ing rates of wages and supplements for workers employed on publ ic work projects throughout the state will be publ ished on May 31st of each year. These new rates will be in effect July 1st thru June 30th. This new determination will supersede the original schedule or any prior issued annual determination. It is the responsibi 1 ity of the contracting agency or its agents to provide all prevail ing rate schedules to contractors immediately upon receipt. An rate chen e from a reviousl issued determination becomes effective Jul 1st re ardless of whether the new determination has been received b the contractor. When you review the schedule for a particular occupation, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These are the dates that additional adjustments become effective. PW-202 (4-95) docm: letterd . . VERIFYING THE REGISTRATION APPRENTICES Certain State and Federal Laws require that apprentices must be individually registered as such in order to be paid apprenticeship rates on Publ ic Work. The New York Labor Department is the official registration agency for apprentices in New York State. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York State. Each year the apprentice training central office in Albany receives hundreds of requests from Federal and State Agencies. Contractors. and other interested parties requesting verification of individual apprentice registrations. The fol lowing information is provided in order to clarify New York State procedures. All registered apprentices in New York State are individually registered by name, address, social security number. starting date of training. and other related data. This information is computerized and is available ONLY through the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Persons wishing to verify the apprentice registration of any individual should write to the Senior Employment Consultant. New York State Department of Labor. Job Service and Training Division, Building 12. Room 223, State Office Building Campu's, Albany, New York 12240. All inquiries MUST include name and social security number and wil 1 be answered in writing. The response will indicate whether or not the individual is registered, and if so, will provide other pertinent information regarding the registration. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is written verification from the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprentice Training Offices outside Albany can provide conclusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof that any individual is registered in that program. Furthermore, the existence or possession of wallet cards. identification cards or copies of state forms are not conclusive proof of the registration of any individual as an apprentice. PW-2Q3 (4-95) doem: 1 etter2e . . * ' ' , '. . , , ' l ".'- Ii - . ~ . NEW YORK ST ATE DEPT. OF LABOR Bureau of Public Work State Office Building Campus Albany, NY 12240 T/O SOUTHOLD Schedule Type COMPLETE 19958 Date 08/13/96 Prevailing Rate Case No. JAMES MCMAHON TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179 SQUTHOLD NY 11971 9605127 PROJECT 10 *: NONE REPAIR KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD, SQUTHOLD 01 SUFFOLK COUNTY . AGY. OF JURIS. TOWN NAT. OF PROJECT: OTHER RECON,MAINT,REPAIR,ALT Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec.220.3a of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. Accordingly, you MUST complete ONE of these requests for EACH prime contract let immediately upon notifying a successful bidder for this Public Work project. PhotocoPY as many blank forms as required to supply one for each contractor. Return this request to the address given above o Project CANCELLED, POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated, new rates and supplements will be requested. o CONTRACT AWARDED: (check one and indicate date of first legal instrument which bound agency to contract.1 o Letter of Intent o Contract Signed o Resolution Work to be done by this prime contractor: Type of Contract: CHECK APPLICABLE TYPE 81011 General Construction 8 (02) Heating!Ventilation (04) Plumbing (05) Other 0(03) Electrical Contractor Information: ALL INFORMATION MUST BE SUPPLIED Federal Employer Identification Number: Name: Address: City: Amount of Contract Approximate Completion Date: I I Estimated Date Entire Project Will be Completed: State: Approximate Starting Oate: CONTRACTS NOT YET AWARDED Type of Contract (Check all applicable contract types) 8(01) General Construction 8 (02) Heating!Ventilation (04) Plumbing (05) Other 5 i gnature 0(03) Electrical Date PW-16 (1-91) . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page New Yorh State Department of Labor --________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE INFORMATION The information 1 isted below is provided to assist you in the interpretation of particular requirements, for each classification of worker, contained in the attached Schedule of Prevail tng Rates. HOLIDAYS ~ Paid Hal idays are days for which an e1 tgible employee receives a regular day's pay, but is not required to perform work. Note: If an employee works on a day 1 isted as a paid hol iday, this remuneration is in addition to payment of the required prevail ing rate for the work actually performed. OVERTIME Overtime hol iday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on specified hol idays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The appl icable hol idays are listed under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME. The required rate of pay for these covered hol idays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section 1 istings for each classification. Supplemental Benefits Particular attention should be given to the supplemental benefit requirements. Although in most cases the payment or provision of supplements is for each hour worked. some classifications require the payment or provision of supplements for each hour paid (this may include paid hol idays on which no work is performed) and/or may require supplements to be paid or provided at a premium rate for premium hours worked. Effective Dates When you review the schedule for a particular trade or occupation, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column(s) of rates. These are the dates that any adjustments become effective. However, if the last date 1 isted in a particular occupation is prior to June 30 of the current year, the rate 1 isted for that time period is val id until the new annual determination takes effect on July 1 of that year. All contractors and subcontractors are required to pay the current prevailing rates of wages and supplements and, if the department of jurisdiction does not provide a copy of the current annual determination on or before July 1, you should contact the Bureau of Public Work for the correct information. Workers Compensation In accordance with Section 142 of the State Finance Law, the contractor shall maintain coverage under the life of the contract for the benefit of such employees as required by the provisions of the New York State Workers Compensation Law. -Contractor to be awarded contract must provide proof of Workers' Compensation coverage prior to being allowed to begin work. -The pol icy of insurance must be issued by a company authorized to provide Workers' compensation coverage in this state. -Proof of coverage must be on form C-i05.2 (certificate of wokers' compensation insurance) and must name this agency as a certififcate hol der. -If New York State coverage is added to an existing out of state pol icy, it can only be added to a pol icy of a company authorized to write workers' compensation coverage in this state,and the coverage must be 1 isted under item 3A of the information page. PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Page 2 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -The contract must maintain proof that subcontractors dOing work covered under this contract secure and maintain a workers' compensation pol icy for all employees working in New York State. If you have any questions concerning the attached schedule or would like additional information, please contact the BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK at (518) 457-5589 or write to the NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT of LABOR. BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK, BUILDING 12, STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS. ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240. (7/01/93) OVERTIME Following is an explanation of the cOde(s) 1 isted in the OVERTIME section of each classification contained in the attached schedule. Additional requirements may also be 1 isted in the OVERTIME section. A ) Time and one half of AA )Time and one half of B ) Time and one half of 81) Time and one half of and the 1st. 8 hours additional hours. C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. C1) Double the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. o ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. 01) Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. E1) Time and one half 1st 4 hours on Saturday double the hourly rate all additional Saturday hours. E2) Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that week due to inclement weather. E3) Between Nov. 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that weekdue to inclement weather. provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week. E4) Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that week due to inclement weather F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. G ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. H ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Ho11days. I ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. J ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Hal idays. K ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Hol idays. L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Hol1days. o ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. Sunday and Hal idays. P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. Q ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Hal idays. R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. S ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. U ) Four times the hourly rate for Hal idays. if worked. V ) Incluing benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. ( W ) Time and one half for benefit on all overtime hours. ~ BENEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED. for each hour worked. unless otherwise noted the hourly rate after 7 the hourly rate after 7 the hourly rate after B the hourly rate for the on Saturday. Double the hours per day. and one half hours per day. hours per day. 9th. & 10th. hours Week days hourly rate for all New Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-~-------------------------------- . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 3 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B HOLIDAYS Fal lowing is an explanation of the code(s) 1 isted in the HOLIDAY section of each classification contained in the attached schedule. The Hal idays as 1 isted below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. ( 1 ) None. ( 2 ) Labor Day. ( 3 ) Memorial Day and Labor Day. ( 4 ) Memorial Day and July 4th. ( 5 ) Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. ( 6 ) New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. ( 7 ) Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Veterans Day. ( 8 ) Good Friday. ( 9 ) Lincoln's Birthday. ( 10 ) Washington'S Birthday. ( 11 ) Columbus Day. ( 12 ) Election Day. ( 13 ) Presidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day. ( 15 ) Veteran's Day. ( 16 ) Day after Thanksgiving Day. ( 17 ) July 4th. ( 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. ( 19 ) 1/2 Day before New Years Day. ( 20 ) Thanksgiving Day. ( 21 ) New Years Day. ( 22 .) Christmas Day. ( 23 ) Day before Christmas. ( 24 ) Day before New Years Day. ( 25 ) Presidents Day. ( 26 ) Mart i n Luther King, Jr. Day. (7/01/91) Page 4 P~EVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASBESTOS WORKER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 1/01/96- 12/31/95 6/30/96 Asbestos Worker....... $ 29.27 addit. $0.75 ~ (per hour) 8/01/94- 8/01/95- 7/31/95 12/31/95 rem./abatement only... $ 19.75 $ 20.25 OVERTIME: See ( C, O. T*, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. overtime code T* appl ies to Labor Day only if worked. OVERTIME: rem./abatement: See ( 8. E, J ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 7. 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 rates. 1 st 2nd 3rd 50% 60% 70% year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 17.75 Same % as wages of $ 17.75 Journeyman rem & abatement $ 6.41 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-12 BOILERMAKER ~(per hour) 9/01/94- 8/31/95 9/01/95- 8/31/96 Bo i 1 ermaker. . . . . . . . . . . $ 30.33 31.35 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID:See ( 8, 16. 23, 24 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. O'VER'TIME:See ( 4. 6. 7, ii, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage 1 st 2nd 60% 65% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's 3rd 70% 4th 75% 5th 80% 6th 85% 7th 90% 8th 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS; (per hour worked) $3.40 plus 47% of Wage Rate $3.40 plus 47% of Wage Rate Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 4-5 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 5 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-~.------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Bu; 1 ding: Millwright..... . .$ 27.71 $ 28.53 OVERTIME PAY: See S, E2. F. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 8. 10. ii, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st. 2nd. 55% 65% 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd. 4th. 75% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked} Journeyman $ 19.23 $ 19.45 Appr 1st term 12.32 12.57 Appr 2nd term 13.50 13.75 Appr 3rd term 15.26 15.51 Appr 4th term 17.02 17.27 Listed supplements apply to ill cl ass i f ieat ions ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-740 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 1/01/96- 12/31/95 6/30/96 Carpet/Res;' ient Floor Coverer $ 27.98 $ 28.49 OVERTIME PAY: See B. E. E2. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18. 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. QVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 10. 11, 13. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st. 2nd. 40% 50% 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd. 4th. 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - See below. 8 - 2287 CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Piledriver... _....... $ 27.98 Dockbu; 1 der. . . . . . . . . . 27.98 $ 28.49 28.49 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E. E2. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See OVERTIME: See 1 ) on HOLIOAY PAGE attached. 5. 6, 10. 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 5 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 APPRENTICES: ( 1 1st. 2nd. 40% 50% ) year 3rd. 65% terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 4th. 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - See below. 8-1456 CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Marine Construction: Marine Diver..........$ Tender. . . . 34.05 25.56 $ 34.69 26.01 OVERTIME PAY; See ( B, E. E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 10. 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-14S6/D CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Timberman $ 25.69 $ 26.15 OVERTIME: See ( 8, E, E2. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6. 10, 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-1536h CARPENTER The following Supplemental Benefits apply to the preceding Carpenter categories and/or occupational titles unless otherwise noted. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman: Apprentices: $ 17.05 11.12 $ 17.55 11.96 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-nyc/supp CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96 - 6/30/96 Sui lding: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy/Highway: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 21.14 $ 0.98 additional $ 27.79 $ 0.98 additional . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 7 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E. 0 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID:See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 10. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES; 1st 2nd 40% 55% ( 1) 3rd 65% year terms 4th 80% at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $16.44 $16.44 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 4-SUF ELEVATOR WAGES (per hour) 7iol/95- 6/30/96 Elevator Constructor... Helper.... . $ 31.31 23.48 Modern. & service.. 27.33 " Helper 20.50 OVERTIME PAY:CDNSTR. See ( C. M. T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY:MODERN./SERV. See ( 8. F, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS; PAID: See ( 5. 6. 7. 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME; See ( 5. 6. 7. 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Construction MOdern./Service $ 9.52 $ 9.37 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-1 GLAZIER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Glazier.... . $ 25. 10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5. 6. 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES; 1 s t 2nd 35% 45% ( I ) 3rd 60% year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 4th 80% Page 8 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- ----- ---- - - --- - - -- -- - ---- - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term $ 16.27 8.98 10.32 11. 20 12.31 Listed supplements apply to Ab1 classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1087 ELECTRICIAN ~(per hour) 5/01/95- 4/30/96 5/01/96- 4/30/97 5/01/97- 4/30/98 Electrician. . .... ..... . Fire Alarm............. Audio/Sound.. . . ... ..... $ 30.35 30.35 30.35 $ 31.35 31.35 31.35 $ 32.35 32.35 32.35 OVERTIME PAY: See Following Note* plus ( B*, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Note*: 9th, 10th, & 11th hours of weekdays to be paid at 1 1/2 times straight time rate. All additional weekday hours double time. HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 1 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME, See 5, 6. 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Apprentices: ( 1 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percents based on gross wages-others per hour) 5/01/95- 11/01/96- 11/01/97- 10/31/96 10/31/97 4/30/98 Journeyman 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 1st yr 33% + 33% + 33% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 2nd yr 43.5% + 43 . 5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 3rd yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 4th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 5th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 6th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 4-25 Security Alarm Technician: 7/01/91- 6/30/92 Journeyman: $ 15.00 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE Attached HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked 17 & 1/2% + $ . 10 4-25 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 9 New Yor~ State Department of Labor __________________________________Ca5e Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICIAN WAGES(per hour) 5/01/95- 4/30/96 5/01/96- 4/30/97 5/01/97- 4/30/98 L i naman. . . . _ . . . . . . . . Technician. ..... . Heavy Equip. Oper...... Truck Driver........... Groundman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30. 35 30.35 30.35 30.35 30.35 $ 31.35 31.35 31.35 31.35 31.35 $ 32.35 32.35 32.35 32.35 32.35 OVERTIME PAY: See Following Note* plus ( 8*,0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Note*: 9th. 10th & 11th hours of wk weekdays to be paid at 1 1/2 times straight time rate HOLIDAYS: PAID:See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. O\ifR'TIME: See 5, 6. 16. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1 st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percents based on gross wages-others per hour) 5/01/95- 11/01/96- 11/01/97- 10/31/96 10/31/97 4/30/98 JOURNEYMAN 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 1st yr 33%+ 33%+ 33%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 2nd yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 3rd yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 4th yr 43.5%+ 43. 5%+ 43.5% $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 5th yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43 _ 5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 6th yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications (X)Yes ( )No. 4-251ine ELECTRICIAN Appl icable to electrical maintenance of existing electrical systems including, but not limited to, traffic signals and street lighting. ~(per hour) 5/01/95- 4/30/96 Electrician $ 23.75 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. H. P ) on OVERTIME 'PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. '6"V'ERTIME:See ( 5. 6. 16. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Page i 0 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 APPRENTICES: 1st 2nd 40% 50% ( 1 3rd 60% year 4th 70% terms at the following Wage. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 32 1/2% of wage plus $2.25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No 4-25m TELECOMMUNICATION WORKER - Voice, Data, Video WAGES(per hour) 8/01/94- 08/06/95- 08/04/96- 08/03/97 8/05/95 08/03/96 08/02/97 08/03/98 Field Tech *note* Starting 6.94 7.15 After 6 mas 8.06 8.05 12 mas 9.00 9.08 18 mas 10.04 10.23 +3.5% +3.0% 24 mas 11.21 11.51 per hr. per hr. 30 mas 12.51 12.98 36 mas 13.96 14.61 42 mas 15.59 16.46 48 mas 17.39 18.54 54 mas 19.42 20.89 60 mas 22.14 23.53 Tele. Tech. Assoc. 23.40 23.53 +.3.5% +3.5% OVERTIME PAY: See (8,I,S) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: Paid: See ( 5.6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Overtime: See ( 5,6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS;(per hour worked) 19.3% of wage Listed supplements apply to ALL claSSifications (X)Yes ( )NO. NYNEX/1 . b IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Structural. . . ... ... .. Riggers............. . Machinery Movers..... Erectors. . $ 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 Add 1t. $0.75 per hour OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, 81, O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS; PAID: See ( 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1st. 2nd. $13.65 14.25 1/2 ) year 3rd. 14.85 terms at the 4th. 5th. 15.45 15.45 follow1ng wage. 6th. 15.45 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE N~w Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . Page 11 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprent ices $ 28.78 21.43 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-40/361 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Reinforcing & Metal Lathing.... $ 29.42 OVERTIME PAY: See C. 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. QVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10. 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, ( 1 1st 2nd $14.00 $17_41 year terms at the following wage rates. 3rd 4th $20.89 $24.37 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman $ 14.79 Apprentices 9.39 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-46 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96 6/30/96 Ornamental. . . . . . . . . . . Chain Link Fence..... $ 26.15 26.15 addit. $0.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 01, E*, Q, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. *Double time after 7 hours on Saturday. HOLIOAYS, PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 8 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: (1/2 **) year terms at the following percentage of JourneymanIs wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% **Appr. indentured after 7/01/93-1st months. 6th. 95% term is 4 months. 6th term is eight SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman and Apprs. indentured prior to 7/01/93 $ 20.90 Page 12 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B Apprs _ indentured after 7/01/93 1st term 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 17.23 17.69 18.15 19.07 19.52 20.44 Listed supplements apply toALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )NO. 8-5BO LABORER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Building Laborer: All Classifications... $ 21.00 $ 0.50 additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E. Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $13.73 $ 13.73 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-66 LABORER - HEAVY/HIGHWAY Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group # 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group # 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, PQwer Tool, Trackmen, Landscape. Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. WAGES(per hour) 6/01/95 5/31/96 Heavy/Highway Laborer: Group # 1............. Group # 2............. Group # 3............. $ 23.00 22.47 20.72 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. F, R. E4 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOA YS: PAID:See ( 5. 6. 16. 26 )* on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ----- *2 hours pay for each day worked that week OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 16, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 9.97 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No 4-1298 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 1 3 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 --------------------------------------------------------------- MASON - Building WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Building: 81"" i ck 1 ayer. . . . $ 30.77 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( S, 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hour) terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd 4th 5th (500 hrs) 70% 80% 90% 6th ( 500 hrs) 95% 1st 2nd 50% 60% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 14.31 $ 12.76 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications )Yes ( X )NO. 8-nydc MASON Cement Mason...... $ 27.99 7/01/95- 6/30/96 addit. $1.36 per hr. ~(per hour) 7/01/94- 6/30/95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 8, 13. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 60% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 70% 4th. 80% 5th. 90% 6th. 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 13.47 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-780 MASON - Buildina WAGES(per hour) 1/01/95- 6/30/95 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Bu i 1 ding: Plasterer............ . $ 23.00 Additional $.50 per hr Additional $.50 per hr OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6. 11, 15. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 14 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Numoer---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 APPRENTICES:( 1 ) year terms at the fol lowing percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st term 2nd 3rd 40% 60% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman........... $ 14.69 Apprentices......... .after 3 mos. of employment, same as journeyman. Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( x )Yes )NO. 8-202p MASON-8u i 1 di nQ WAGES (per hour) 1/01/95- 6/30/95 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 8ui 1 di ng: Mosaic & Terrazzo Worker Helper $ 27.38 26.07 Additional SOc per hr. Additional SOc per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( i ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 12.40 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-3 MASON - 8uildinQ ~(per hour) 4/27/92- 4/27/93 4/28/93- 4/27/94 Sui lding: Tile Layer........ Addi tional $2.00 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 24.91 HOLIOAYS; PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8. 10. 1i. 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES; wage. 1st. 2nd. 45% 50% 1/2 year terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 55% 4th. 60% 5th. 70% 6th. 80% SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 12.41 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-52 N'ew York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 15 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B MASON - Buildinq WAGES(per hour) 5/03/93- 5/02/94 Bu i 1 ding: Tile Layer Helper & Finisher....... $ 23.70 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, is, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 10.09 Listed supplements apply to !11 classifications ( x )Yes ( ~ - Pointer/Caulker/Cleaner )No. 8-88 ~(per hour) 7/01/94- 6/30/96 7/01/96- 6/30/97 Pointer, Cleaner,& Caulker (Mason)..... $ 23.18 COLA ra i se -QVERrIME PAY: See ( B, H on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 25, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 st 2nd $10.00 11.50 year 3rd 13.00 terms at 4th 15.00 the following 5th 18.00 wage rates. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1 st year Appr 2nd year Appr 3rd year Appr 4th year Appr 5th year $ 11.46 2.50 20% of $' 1. 46 40% of $11. 46 60% of $11.46 80% of $ 11. 46 Listed supplements apply to !11 classifications (X)Yes ( )No. 8-66w MASON - Buildinq ~(per hour) 7/05/95- 1/04/96 Stone Setter. . .. $ 31.96 OVERTIME PAY: See C. D on OVERTIME PAGE attached, HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 55% 60% year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th. 65% 5th. 70% 6th. 80% 7th. 90% 8th. 95% Page 16 PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman 1st & 2nd yr Apprs. All other Apprs $ 17.60 $ 17.16 $ 17.60 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )NO. 8-84 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) t(01(95- 6(30(95 7(01(95- 12(3t(95 1(01(96- 6(30(96 Derrickman/Rigger. ... $ 28.59 addit. $0.80 per hr. addit. $0.80 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOA YS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1(2 wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 60% 70% year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th. 80% 5th. 90% 6th. 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 20.10 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-197 MASON-Bui1dina WAGES(per hour) 7(01(93- 12(31(93 1(Ot(94- 6(30(94 Bu i 1 ding: Marb1e- Sawyer. Rubber & Po1isher............$ Marb1e- Cleaner....... 14.37 add .85 per hr. no add per hr no add per hr 28.78 Ma i ntenance. . . 13.22 OVERTIME PAY: See (A,E.Q,V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: Journeymen except Cleaners and Maintenancemen receive 1/2 days pay for Labor Day. Cleaners, Maintenancemen and 1st three terms of apprentices receive (5.6.11,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. All others no paid ho1 idays. APPRENTICES: 1(2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. SO% 54% 59% 63% 67% 72% 76% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Sawyer/Rubber/Pol isher Cleaner/Maintenance Apprentices $11.62 $ 3.50 $ 5.43 plus wage % of $ 6.19 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-24 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 17 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASON - Buildina ~(per hour) 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Sui lding: Marble Cutters & Setters_. .. ... . ... . _ $ 28.64 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: Journeymen receive 4 hours pay on Labor Day. Apprentices 1st three terms, See ( 5. 6. 8, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached plus any day following a Thursday or Sunday Holiday. All other Apprentices. See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( wage. 1st. 2nd_ 50% 55% 1/2 ) year terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 65% 4th. 70% 5th. 6th. 80% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr hour worked) Journeyman $ 13.55 Apprentices $ 6.05 plus wage % of $ 7.50 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 MASON-Bui ldinQ ~(per hour 7/01/93- 12/31/93 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Marble-Riggers, Crane & Derrickman $ 24.82 Addit. .70 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: 1/2 Day for Labor Day. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $19.47 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-20 PAINTER ~(per hour) 4/0'/94- 3/31/95 4/01/95- 3/31/96 Brush. Paper Hanger. . . . $ 23.88 Structural Steel....... 31.46 Spray, Scaffold........ 26.35 Sandblasting... ..... _.. 26.35 Repa i nt/Renova t 1 on. . . . . 20.89* *Additional $2.00 per hr. for Hanging Scaffold. Rolling Scaffold 20' and over. Add1t. $1.45 per hr. Spray. Sandblasting, and Page 18 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19956 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, K ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY-Reoaint/Renovation: See ( B ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY, PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year 1st 10.73 11.84 12.94 10.73 terms at 2nd 16.01 17.62 19.24 16.01 the following 3rd 19.11 21.09 23.08 19.11 rates. Brush Scaff. /S8 Struc.Stl. Rpt/Ren. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Rpt/Ren. Journeyman All other Journeyman Appr 1st year Appr all other terms $10.39 12.45 4.76 10.18 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications (x)Yes ( )No. 4-1486 PLUM8ER ~(per hour) 5/01/95- 10/31/95 11 /01 /95- 4/30/96 5/01/96- 10/31/96 11/01/96- 4/30/97 Plumber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 31.75 $ 32.00 $ 32.25 $ 32.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. i5"V'E"RTIME:See ( 5. 6, 15. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentages of journeyman#s wage 1st 40% 2nd 50% 3rd 65% 4th 70% 5th 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked*) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term Appr 5th term *Sunday and Hal iday $13.78 7.54 9.18 9.22 9.86 10.24 Benefits paid at $14.13 7.94 9.56 9.56 10.19 10.55 Double Time $14.28 8.34 9.90 9.90 10.51 10.86 rate. $14.53 8.74 10.23 10.23 10.84 11.17 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( X )Yes ( )No 4-200 STEAMFITTER Steam Fitter..... ..... Sprinkler Fitter...... 6/28/95- 1/02/96 $ 30.05 30.05 1/03/96- 6/30/96 ~(per hour) Additional $0.50 per hI'" to be allocated OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 19 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-----~---------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 HOLIDAYS: PAID: See OVERTIME: ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. See ( 5, 6. 7, 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage. 1st. 40% ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 2nd. 50% 3rd. 65% 4th. 80% 5th. 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman: Apprentices: $ 17.84 $ 0.34 plus term % of $ 17.50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Ves ( )No. 8-638A STEAMFITTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Refrigeration, A/c. Oil Burner and Stoker Service and Instal lations. Limited on Refrigeration to combined compressors up to five (5) horsepower and on A/C. Heating and Air Cool ing to combined compressors up to ten (10) horsepower. Steamfitter. $ 20.15 OVERTIME PAY:See ( B. E. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PALO: See ( 5, 6, 7, ii, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: If any of the above fall on Sat.. code S applies (if worked). APPRENTICES, 1st 6mo $5.75 ( 1 ) year terms at 2nd 6mo 2nd yr $9.56 $11.59 the following wage. 3rd yr 4th yr $13.58 $16.46 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year $ 7.46 6.75 6.88 7.04 7.25 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-6388 ROOFER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/93- 9/30/93 Roofer/Waterproofer. .... .... $ 22.14 OVERTIME PAY-New Roof: See ( A, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY-Reroof: See ( B. E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID; See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 10, 13, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. . Page 20 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 APPRENTICES: wage. 1st 2nd 50% 55% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's 3rd 60% 4th 65% 5th 70% 6th 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $14.58 wage% of $14.58 + $ 0.03 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes )No SHEETMETAL WORKER WAGES(per hour) 2/01/95- 8/01/95- 2/0'/96- 7/31/95 1/31/96 7/31/96 Sheetmetal Worker. . . . $ 32.21 add; t. $.60 addit. $.65 per hr to be per hr to be allocated allocated 4-154 OVERTIME PAY: See C, D. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 7. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1/2 year terms at the fo1 lowing wages. 1st. 9.67 2nd. 11.28 3rd. 12.88 4th. 14.49 5th. 16.11 6th. 17.69 7th. 19.33 8th. 22.55 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term Appr 5th term Appr 6th term Appr 7th term Appr 8th term $ 14.58 5.94 6.48 7.07 7.66 8.32 9.52 9.96 11.98 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-28 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic performing the work. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . Page 21 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 TEAMSTER-BuildinQ Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euel id and Turnapull type trucks. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Truck Driver (Building and Group 1................ Group 2................. Heavy /H; ghway) : $ 23.235 23.795 OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8. E. R on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See (5.6.7, ii, 12)* on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 'D"V'ERTIME:See ( 5. 6. 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. * must work two days in hel iday week. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Group 1........ .......... Group 2. .... '" ...._.. Listed supplements apply to $ 16.7625 16.8025 ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No 4-282nsh SHEETMETAL WORKER . WAGES (per hour) Sign Erector......... 11/01/94- 6/30/95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. E, P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 23.25 HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 10, 11, 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME; See ( 5, 6, 10. 11, 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 35% 40% 45% 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th 50% 5th 55% 10th 80% 6th 60% 7th 65% 8th 70% 9th 75% Journeyman SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Appr 1st &.2nd yrs Appr 3rd yr Appr 4th yr Appr 5th yr $ 4.83 plus $ 27.00 per day plus 20% of wage $ 4.40 plus 2% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 2.00 per day plus 18% af wage $ 3.58 plus $ 4.00 per day plus 20% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 6.00 per day plus 20% of wage Listed supplements apply to A1h classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-137 Page 22 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAINTER - StripinQ Hiahwav ~(per hour) 4/01/95- 3/31/96 4/01/96- 3/31/97 Painter (Striping-Highway etc.): Striping-Machine Oper. Helper...... Linerman.......... . $ 16.92 15.14 19.59 $ 17.57 15.79 20.09 QVERTIME PAY: See B. E. P. S on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10. 11. 12, 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 8. 10. 11. 12. 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ O. 50 plus 24% of wage Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( ELECTRICIAN )No. 8-230 ~(per hour) 4/02/95- 3/30/96 Tree Trjmmer (Line Clearance Special ist) $ 17.13 OVERTIME: See B. E. P. T ) on OVERTIME PAGE Attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID:See ( 5. 6. 8. 9. 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached (Must Work Day - Before) OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8.9. 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 3.89 Listed supplements apply to all classifications ( x ) Yes ( ) No. 4-1049 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- "'PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 23 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B SURVEY CREW - Buildinq WAGES:(oer hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Survey Rates-Building: Party Chief......... Instrument Man...... Rodman/Chainman... .. $ 25.76 21.77 14.46 OVERTIME PAY: See A. E. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 7. 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 14.40* '" $11.00 of above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )NO. 8-15Db SURVEY CREW Heavv/Hiohwav WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Survey Rates-Heavy/Hiway: Party Chief..,...... $ 25.95 Instrument Man...... 21.49 ROdman/Chainman.. ... 19,11 OVERTIME: See ( B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour .worked) $ 14.40* *$11.00 of above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No. 8-15D-N/S Page 24 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SURVEY CREW - Consultina Enaineer CONSULTING ENGINEER SURVEY Feasibil ity and prel iminary design surveying, line and grade surveying for inspection or supervision of construction when performed under a consulting engineer agreement. WAGES; (per hour) 7/01/95- 5/30/96 7/01/96- 6/30/97 Survey Rates: Party Chief.........$ Instrument Man...... Rodman/Chainman... .. 21.26 17.93 15.18 Addit. $0.90 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( S, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS; PAID: See ( 5, 6, 7, 8, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 7. 8. 11, 1~ ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) * $ 9.20 * $6.80 of the above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1SDc CORE ORILLlNG ~(per hour) 10/17/93- 10/16/94 Core Drilling: Dr ill er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He 1 per. . . . . . . . . . $ 20.235 17.725 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. See ( S. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 6.19 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 Heavv/Hiahwav POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR WAGES(per hour) 8/01/94- 7/31/95 Well Dr; ller: Driller........... . Helper.... . $ 21.45 19.20 OVERTIME PAY; See ( B. E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. to. 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 10. 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Peas 25 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - ---- - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - --- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 6.55"'plus 10% of straight time rate *$8.05 plus 10% of straight time rate for overtime hours. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138well POWER EOUIPMENT OPERATOR - Buildina BUILDING: CLASS "A":Asphalt Spreader. Backhoe Crawler. Boiler, Boring Machine, Cherry Picker (over 50 tons), Concrete pump, Crane, Derrick, Dragl ine. Dredge. Gradall, Grader, Hoist, Loading Machine (10 yds or more), Milling Machine. Pile Driver. Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural Steel/Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver. Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem, Shovel. Sideboom Tractor, Stone Spreader (Self Propelled). Tank Work, Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "8" , Backhoe. Boom Truck. Bulldozer, Boring MaChine/Auger. Cherrypicker, Conveyor-Multi, Dinky Locomotive, Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum), Loading Machine & Front Loader, Mulch Machine (Machine fed), Power Winches (All others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller. Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine, Scoop, Carryall, Scraper, Maint. Man on Tower Crane, Trenching Machine, Vermeer Cutter, Work Boat. CLASS "C": Curb Machine. Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip. & Well Point), Field Mechanic, Milling Machine (Small), Pulvi-Mixer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt), Vac-All, Welding/Burning, Compressor (Structural Steel & 2 or more in Battery), Concrete FiniShing Machine, Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Curing Machine, Fireman, Hoist (1 Drum), Ridge Cutter, Striping Machine, Welding Machine (Structural Steel & Pi 1 e Work). CLASS "0" , Compressor (Pile, Crane, Stone Setting), Concrete Breaker/Saw Cutter, Work Lift (Walk Behind/Power Operated), Generator (Pile work), Hydra Hammer, Hand Operated Mechanical Compactors. Pin Puller, Portable Heater, Power-Broom/Buggy/Grinders, Pumps-Single Action 1 to 3 inches/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm, Hand Trenching Machine, Welding Machine. Class" E ": Batching Plant, Generator, Grinder, Mixer, Mulching Machine. Oiler, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 inches), Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler on Tower ~r.ane, Track Tamper, Tractor, Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 5/31/96 Class" A"............ _.. $ *Add $3.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" 8 "......,........ *Add $2.00 for Hazardous Waste Class " C ". ......... _.. *Add $1.00 for Hazardous Waste Class D ....... Class" E 29.25* Work 27.75* Work 26.75* Work 24.75 23.75 800m length over 100 150 250 350 foot add $ $ $ $ per hour *Cranes 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 Page 26 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 8, 9, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* *must work day before & day after, or receive 2 hours per intermittent day OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* Apprentice Rate is $15.60 FOR 36 MONTH TERM SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 17.29*Note *Note:OVERTIME JOURNEYMAN $13.95 -- APPRENTICE $3.35 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )NO 4-138 Heavv/Hiohwav POWER EOUIPMENT OPERATOR HEAVY / HIGHWAY: CLASS "A" :Asphalt Spreader, Backhoe Crawler. Boiler, Bortng Machine, Cherry Picker (over SO tons), Concrete pump, Crane, Derrick, Dragl tne, Dredge, Gradall, Grader. Hoist Loading Machine (10 yds or more), Mi 1 1 ing Machine. Pi le Driver, Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural Steel/Truck Mounted. Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem, Shovel, Sideboom Tractor. Stone Spreader (Self Propelled), Tank Work. Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "8": Backhoe, Boom Truck, Bulldozer. Boring Machine/Auger, Cherrypicker, Conveyor-Multi, Dinky Locomotive, Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum). Loading Machine & Front.' Loader, Mu 1 ch Mach i ne (MaCh i ne fed), Power W 1 nchs (A 11 others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller, Hydraul ic Pump with Boring Machine. Scoop, Carryal', Scraper, Maint. Man on Tower Crane, Trenching Machine, Vermeer Cutter, Work Boat. CLASS "C": Curb Machine, Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip. & Well Point). d Field Mechanic, Mill ing Machine (Small), Pulvi-Mixer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt). Vac-All, Welding/Burning, Compressor (Structural Steel & 2 or more in Battery). Concrete FiniShing Machine, Concrete Spreader. Conveyor. Curing Machine, Fireman, Hoist (1 Drum), Ridge Cutter, Striping Machine, Welding Machine (Structural Steel & Pile Work). CLASS "0": Compressor (Pile. Crane. Stone Setting), Concrete Breaker/Saw Cutter, Work Lift (Walk Behind, Power Operated), Generator (Pile Work1, Hydra Hammer. Hand Operated Mechanical Compactors. Pin Puller, Portable Heater, Power-Broom/Buggy/Grinders, Pumps-Single Action 1 to 3 inChes/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm. Hand Trenching Machine, Welding Machine. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 27 New Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 Class" E "; Batching Plant. Generator, Grinder, Mixer. Mulching Machine. Oiler, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 inches), Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler on Tower Crane, Track Tamper, Tractor, Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. Class F Lead Tee TV Crew. Class G Wet Out Tee. Class H Technician. WAGES ( per hour ) 7/01/95- 5/31/96 Class " A ".......... _ . . . . $ *Add $3.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" B ".... ......... *Add $2.00 for Hazardous Waste Class " C ".. .._........ *Add $1.00 for Hazardous Waste Class 0 Class E Class F Class G Class H . ...... ...... *Cranes Boom length over 100 150 250 350 30.05* Work 28.05* Work. 27.05* Work. 25.05 24.05 26.70 26.20 26.20 foot add $ $ $ $ 0.50 per hour 0.75 1.00 1. 50 OVERTIME PAY: See D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* *must work day before & day after,or receive 2 hrs per intermittent day OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached* APPRENTICE RATE is $15.60 per hr for entire 36 month term SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 17.29* NOTE *Note: OVERTIME JOURNEYMAN $13.95 -- APPRENTICE $3.35 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No. 4-138 MARINE CONSTRUCTION ~(per hour) 10/01/94- 9/30/95 10/01/95- 9/30/96 Hydraul ic Dredge: Class A: Leverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineer, Derrick Op. Chief mate on Dredge. Class C: Maint. Eng........... Mate.. . ......... Boat Captain......... Class 0: Deckhand. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fireman, 0 i 1 er. . . . . . . Shareman...... . $ 22.44 20.78 20.47 $ 23.35 21. 51 21. 20 20.32 18.97 19.12 21.04 19.65 19.80 15.83 16.44 15.83 16.15 16.77 16.15 Page 28 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Tug Boats: Class A: Tug Master. .... .... _. Tug Chief Engineer.. Class C: Tug Captain.. ........ Tug Engineer........ Class D: Tug Deckhand......... Dipper and Clamshell Dredges: Class A: Operator............ . Eng i neer. . . _ . . . . _ . , . . Class C: Maint. Engineer....... Mate..... ..... ....... Boat Master, Welder.. Boat Captain. ........ Class 0: Oi 1 ar..... . ..... ... . . Deckhand. . . . . _ . . . . . . . 9605'27 SUF FOLK 1995B 20.00 19.49 20.71 20. '9 19.12 19.12 19.80 19.80 '6.03 16.36 22.83 21. 22 23.76 21. 97 20.32 18.97 20.0' 19.12 21.04 19.65 20.72 '9.80 16.44 '6.03 16.77 16.36 OVERTIME PAY: Sea ( S, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ~IME: See ( 5. 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. The following SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to ALL classifications of the above HYDRAULIC, DIPPER, CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG BOATS. All Class A SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) All Class C All Class D $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage 4-25a ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 29 New York. State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number------~--------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARINE CONSTRUCTION WAGES(per hour) 10/01/94- 9/30/95 10/01/95- 9/30/96 Drill Boat: Class A: Engineer...... .... Blaster.......... . Driller... ... ..... Class C: Welder/Machinist. . Class 0: Oiler/Helper. ..... Deckhand. . . . . . . . . . $ 21.58 21.81 21.59 21.42 19.27 15.15 $ 22.35 22.59 22.36 22.18 19.66 15.43 OVERTIME PAY: See 8. E. p. 5 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 6V'E'R"TIME: See ( 5. 6. 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Class A $ 4.63 plus $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Class C $ 4.34 plus $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Class.Q $ 4.06 plus $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Ves ( )No. 4-25/3 . . STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GOVERNOR W. AVERELL HARRIMAN STATE OFFICE BUILOING CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240 08/09/96 EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE A WARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, when two final determinations have been rendered against a contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor within any consecutive six-year period determining that such contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor has WILLFULLY failed to pay the prevailing wage and/or supplements; or when one final determination involves the falsification of payroll records or the kickback of wages and/or supplements, said contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor shall be debarred and ineligible to submit a bid on or be awarded any public work contract/sub-contract with the state, any municipal corporation or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. Contractor Number of Determ's Date of first Willful Date of last Willful Fiscal Officer (see Note) . Barred until --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montour Metals, Inc. I 16'North Catherine St., Montour Falls, NY (2) 9/28/90 09/24/91 DOL 09/24/96 Sloan Steel Erectors & Equip. Rental Inc. 1560 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14206 (2) 10/18/89 02/19/92 DOL 02/19/97 Great Neck Electric Co., Inc. 245 East Shore Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023 (2) 12/31/90 04/04/92 DOL 04/04/97 Global Oceanic Enterprises POBox 99, Langhorne, PA 19047 (2) 03/29/90 09/15/92 DOL 09/15/97 G&C Construction Corp. 3706 12th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11218 (3) 09/28/90 10/06/92 DOL 10/06/97 10/16/95 DOL 10/16/00 Nelson's Lamplighters, Inc. 1811 Castle Gardens Road, Vestal, NY 13850 (2) OS/29/87 10/30/92 DOL 10/30/97 Owners Management & Const. Corp. 14-08 Clintonville St., Whitestone, NY 11357 (2) 06/07/91 01/08/93 DOL 01/08/98 LH 1 (.;.a6) Rosenthal Contracting, Inc. R.D. I, Box 402, Owego, NY 13827 (2) 12/07/92 01/28/93 DOL 01/28/98 Melisz Building Impvt., Inc. 49 Crescent Place, Lackawanna, NY 14218 (2) 07/24/87 01/29/93 DOL 01/29/98 Atlantic Contracting Corp. 52-09 31st PI., Long Island City, NY 11101 (2) 11/23/92 02/08/93 DOL 02/08/98 J.F.B. Painting & Supply, Inc. 722 West Gray Street, Elmira, NY 14901 (2) 11/28/88 02/19/93 DOL 02/19/98 Easton Industries, Inc. 3100 7th Ave., Troy, NY 12180 (2) 10/26/92 04/08/93 DOL 04/08/98 Finger Lakes Painting & Decorating 150 Lenox Road, Geneva, NY 14456 (1) 06/28/93 DOL 06/28/98 Silver Steel Erectors 494 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222 (2) 06/03/93 11/30/93 DOL 11/30/98 Environspan Safety Corp. lOWest 36th Street, New York, NY (*) (*) (*) DOL 01/25/99 Ron Kenyon & Sons Excavating 16305 Holley Rd., Holley, NY 14470 (2) 12/09/90 01/27/94 DOL 01/27/99 Gorton Construction POBox 606, Norwich, NY 13815 (2) 03/19/90 01/27/94 DOL 01/27/99 Perfect Power Corporation dba Experience Electric Corp. 305-8 Knickerbocker Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716 (2) 04/11/94 04/11/94 DOL 04/1 1/99 . . T J S Masonry 32 Woodland Park, Rochester, NY 14610 (2) 05/05/94 05/05/94 DOL 05/05/99 Oliver Construction Engineering and Architectural Network R.R. I, Box 466, Chazy, NY 12992 (2) 05/09/94 05/09/94 DOL 05/09/99 Smith Fence Industrial, Inc. 10165 Main Street, POBox 99, Clarence, NY 14031 (2) 07/23/93 05/09/94 DOL 05/09/99 North Country Installers, Inc. and Alter ego The Locker Master, Inc. Box 33, Main Street, West Pawlet, VT 05775 (2) 01/03/94 OS/26/94 DOL OS/26/99 VRD.Decorating, Inc. 2300 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 (2) OS/26/94 OS/26/94 DOL OS/26/99 Grandview Painting Co., Inc. 2300 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 (successor to VRD) DOL OS/26/99 Castle Electrical Contractors, Inc. 1210 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14609 (2) 12/19/91 06/08/94 DOL 06/08/99 A & L Environmental Services, Inc. 1549 Fifth Avenue, Bayshore, NY 11706 (2) 12/03/93 06/22/94 DOL 06/22/99 BQE Contracting Corp. 24-38 49th Street, Astoria, NY 11103 (2) 08/10/94 08/10/94 NYC 08/10/99 Will C. Kirk dba Kirk Construction POBox 9, Cleveland, NY 13042 (2) 03/06/89 08/23/94 DOL 08/23/99 John J. Billone Plumbing and Heating AKA Billone Mechanical 195 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14608 (2) 09/01/94 DOL 09/01/99 Seneca Hawk, Inc. 9138 Southwestern Blvd., Angola, NY 14006 (2) 03/23/93 09/14/94 DOL 09/14/99 Baker Development & Construction Co., Inc. 1251 Electric Ave., Lackawanna, NY 14218 (21) 09/29/94 DOL 09/29/99 Leonard 1. Ogden, Inc. 795 Portland Ave., Rochester, NY 14621 (8) 10/05/94 DOL 10/05/99 ABC Tree, Shrub & Landscape Services, Inc. 192 Witmer Road, North Tonawanda, NY 14120 (2) 11/16/94 11/16/94 DOL 11116/99 Mandy Electric, Inc. 14 Grand Canyon Lane, Tanglewood Hills, NY 11727 (I) 12/30/94 DOL 12/30/99 Pokerwinski Ceramic Tile 13 Juneberry Lane, Liverpool, NY 13090 (I) 12/28/95 01/26/95 DOL 01/26/00 Dion R. DeFedericis dba Applewood Construction Co. 860 Sherwood Court, Depew, NY 14043 (3) 02/22/95 DOL 02/22/00 Genesis General Contracting Co., Inc. 866 82nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220 (2) 02/02/95 02/02/95 DOL 02/28/00 Dendis Construction, Inc. 1164 Route 96, Waterloo, NY 13165 (2) 11/04/94 03/20/95 DOL 03/21/00 Christian Construction Corp. 420A E Illth Street, New York, NY 10029 798 Lake Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 (4) 03/27/95 DOL 03/27/00 Southwestern Environmental 676 Mountainview Drive, Lewiston, NY 14092 . . (2) 03/21/90 05/04/95 DOL 05/04/00 P & C Giampilis Contracting Co., Inc. 62-49 30th Ave., Woodside, NY 11377 (4) 05/05/95 DOL 05/05/00 J & A Roofing and Siding Co., Inc. 394 Hasbrouck Ave., Kingston, NY 12401 (2) 06/12/95 06/21/95 DOL 06/21/00 Spec "7" Management, Inc. 3857 Clover Street, Henrietta, NY 14467 (2) 09/01/94 06/09/95 DOL 06/09/00 Iason Building Construction Corp. 174 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (2) 12/29/93 07/18/95 DOL-NYC 07/18/00 Dimension 2 Associates or Dimension 2 Assoc. Lawn Sprinklers 189 Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725 (2) 06/14/94 07/25/95 DOL 07/25/00 Three Diamond Mason, Inc. POBox 485, Farrningville, NY 11738 (2) OS/26/94 10/13/95 DOL 10/13/00 P C & J Contracting Co., Inc. 33-46 55th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 (2) 10/31/95 10/31/95 NYC I 0/31/00 Lawrence K. Woods Construction Co., Inc. 34-46 I 12th Street, Corona, NY 11368 (I) 11/14/95 NYC III I 4/00 ALJ Electric Co., Inc. 717 Elk Street" Buffalo, NY 14210 (2) 10/03/95 10/03/95 DOL 12/04/00 Attack Asbestos, Inc. 516-2C Industrial Loop, Staten Island, NY 10309 (I) 12/05/95 NYC 12/05/00 Associates Environmental Services, Inc. 326 Freling Huysen Ave., Newark, NJ 07114 (1) 12/11/95 NYC 12/11/00 Shareef Enterprises, Inc. 230 Pratt Street, Buffalo, NY 14203 (1) 12/18/95 DOL 12/18/00 Black Diamond Fabricating Company POBox 252 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 (2) 01/18/96 DOL 01/18/01 Jeanne Bentivegna dba Impact Painting 120 Christian Ave., Rochester, NY 14615 (1) 01/24/96 DOL 01/24/01 OLCO ConstrUction, Inc. 96 Morris Road, Schenectady, NY 12304 (1) 01/24/96 DOL 01/24/01 John M. Contro & Sons Plumbing and Heating 31 Clinton Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 (2) 12/20/95 02/06/96 DOL 02/06/01 Interphase Company, Ltd. POBox 365, Marlboro, NJ 07746 (3) 04/20/94 05/19/95 02/09/96 DOL 02/09/01 Mega General Contracting Corp. 20-44 20th Street, Astoria, NY 11103 (1) 02/09/96 DOL 02/09/01 Allstate Specialty Services, Inc. 1087 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101 (multiple violations) 02/26/96 NYC 02/26/01 Beatum & Cheatum Construction Corp. POBox 1246, Buffalo, NY 14240 (multiple violations) 04/03/96 DOL 04/03/01 CBC Industries, Inc. 272-60 Grand Central Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11005 and CMK Painting & Construction Co., Inc. N 600 Hillside Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (1) 04/15/96 DOL 04/15/01 . . Hunt Construction Corp. 60 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 (2) 04/23/96 04/23/96 NYC 04/23/0 I Apex Contracting and Demolition 11-15 31st Drive, Long Island City, NY 11106 (2) 10/11/91 04/30/96 NYC 04/30/01 Rocco Fischetti &' Sons Services 200 Hempstead Ave., West Hempstead, NY 11532 (6) 05/08/96 NYC 05/08/01 Dover Accessibility Products, Inc. 6266 Hurt Road, Horn Lake, MI 38637 (multiple violations) 06/03/96 DOL 06/03/01 DME Contracting, Inc. AIkIa DME National Roofmg Systems, AIkIa DMENRS, AIkIa DMENCC, AIkIa DMECA, AIkIa Titan, and Peter Chardon, and Darlene M. Edwards, AIkIa Darlene E. Chardon, and Mary Lydia Chardon AIkIa Mary L. Restrepo 375 Verrazano Ave., Copiague, NY 11726 (3) 08/31/93 07/25/94 DOL (violated debarment order) 06/06/96 DOL 06/06/01 4H Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 484 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY 11238 (I) 06/12/96 NYC 06/12/01 G.A. Contractors 139-31 Queens Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435 (I) 06/21/96 NYC 06/21/01 (2) 09/29/94 DOL 09/29/99 North Shore Construction Enterprises 464 New York Avenue, Huntington, NY 11743 & 139-31 Queens Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435 (I) 06/21/96 NYC 06/21/01 DSR Asbestos Removal Company 89 Westbrook Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10303 (1) 06/28/96 NYC 06/28/01 Gerace Contracting Corp. 2427 E. 29th Street, Suite 1-H, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (1) 07/22/96 DOL 07/22/01 Note: C*) Pursuant to a Stipulation dated January 14, 1994 and an Order and Determination dated January 25, 1994, in lieu of a finding concerning the willfulness of any violations, the employer has voluntarily agreed to preclude itself from bidding on or being awarded any public work for a five-year period. Note: Where the Fiscal Officer is denoted "NYC," the information has been provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office, the agency issuing the determinations. Any questions regarding these listings should be addressed directly to the Comptroller. The Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor will respond in regard to listings where the Fiscal Officer is listed as "DOL." STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT CF LABOR . . BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY. NY 12240 REQUEST FOR WAGE AND SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLES 8 AND 9 OF THE LABOR LAW Submit this form for new schedules or for determination for additional occupations. Provide all information Requested Below SUBMI'ITED BY: (CHECK ONE) o CONTRACTING AGENCY o ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERING FIRM o PUBLIC WORK DISTRICT OFFICE I DATE A PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT TO BE LET BY: (Enter Data Pertaining to Contracting Agency) 1. Name and complete address (number, street. city or town, zip code) 2. o N.Y. State Units 007 City 001 DOT 008 Local School District 0020GS 009 Special Local District, Le.. 003 DORMITORY AUTHORITY Fire. Sewer, Water District 004 STATE UNIVERSITY 010 Village CONSTRUCTION FUND 011 Town DOS MENTAL HYGIENE 012 County FACILITIES CORP. 013 Other Non.N.Y. State 006 OTHER N.Y. STATE UNIT (Describe) - 3. SEND REPLY TO (NAME AND ADDRESS): 4. SERVICE REQUIRED. Check appropriate box and provide project information. o New Schedule of Wages and Supplements. I APPROXIMATE BID DATE I o Additional Occupation and/or Redetermination PRC NUMBER ISSUED PREVIOUSLY FOR I OFFICE USE ONLY TELEPHONE: ( ) THIS PROJECT B. PROJECT PARTICULARS S. Project TITLE and/or description of work to be performed. 6. Location of Project: Include contract identification number, if applicable Location on Site Route NolStreetAddress Village or City Town Cou nty 7. Nature of Project - Check One B. OCCUPATION FOR PROJECT 0 1. New Building 0 Construction (Building, Heavy 0 Guards, Watchmen 0 2. Addition to Existing Structure HighwaylSewer/Water) 0 Janitors, porters, cleaners 0 3. Heavy and Highway Construction (New and Repair) 0 Tunnelling 0 Moving furniture and 0 4. New Sewer or Waterline 0 Residential equipment 0 5. Other New Construction (Explain) 0 Landscape Maintenance 0 Trash and refuse removal 0 6. Other Reconstruction, Maintenance, Repair or Alteration 0 Elevator maintenance 0 Window cleaners ~ 7. Demolition 0 Exterminators, Fumigators 0 Other (Describe) 8. Buildina Service Contract 9. Name and Title of Requester Signature Locality Designations OFFICE USE ONLY Locality Designations SEE OTHER SIDE FOR LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC WORK CONTRACTS PW-39 (10-94) STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 8 (Section 220-223) AND ARTICLE 9 (Section 230 - 239) OF THE NEW YORK STATE LABOR LAW PREY AILING RATE SCHEDULE: The Labor Law requires public work contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers or mechanics employed in the performance of a public work contract not less than the prevailing rate of wage and to provide supplements (fringe benefits) in accordance with the prevailing practices in the locality where the work is performed. The Department of Jurisdiction awarding a public work contract MUST obtain a prevailing rate schedule from the Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor listing the hourly rates for the trades and occupations of the workers to be employed on the public work project. This schedule may be obtained by completing and forwarding the Request for Wage and Supplement Information on the reverse side hereof. The prevailing rate schedule MUST be included in the specifications for the contract to be awarded and is deemed part of the pu];llic work contract. Upon the signing of the contract, the Department of Jurisdiction MUST advise the Bureau of Public Work on a form supplied by the Bureau as to the name of the contractor to whom the contract was awarded, the date and the amount of the contract. A "Department of Jurisdiction" includes a state department agency, board or commission; a county, city, town or village; a school district, board of education or board of cooperative educational services; a sewer, water, fire, improvement and other district corporations, a public benefit corporation; and a public authority awarding a public work contract. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS FROM CONTRACTORS: When the Bureau of Public Work finds that a contractor or subcontractor on a public work project failed to payor provide the requisite prevailing wages or supplements, the Bureau is authorized by Sections 220-b and 235.2 of the Labor Law to so notify the financial officer of the Department of Jurisdiction that awarded the public work contract. Such officer MUST then withhold or cause to be withheld from any payment due the prime contractor on account of such contract the amount indicated by the Bureau of Public Work as sufficient to satisfy the unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and any civilfenalty that may be assessed by the Commissioner of Labor. The withholding continues unti a final determination of the underpayment by the Commissioner of Labor or by the Court in the event a legal proceeding for review of the Commissioner of Labor's determination is instituted. The Department of Jurisdiction shall comply with an order of the Commissioner of Labor or of the Court with respect to the release of the funds so withheld. . . COMPLIANCE WITH THE LABOR LAW AND OTHER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGULATIONS A. STATE REGULATIONS: 1. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable provisions of the "labor law" as amended, of the State of New York. This Contract shall be void unless applicable sections of said labor law are complied with. 2. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be part of this Contract shall be deemed to be included herein and this Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and, if through mere mistake or otherwise any such provision is not included, then upon the application of either party hereto, the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such inclusion. Specifically, Section 220-E, of the labor law, as so amended, prohibits in contracts, discrimination on account of race, creed, color, or national origin in employment of citizens upon public works. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Owner under this Contract a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of said paragraph, this Contract may be canceled or terminated by the Owner and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. B. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: 1. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. By the submission of this bid, the bidder, offeror, applicant, or subcontractor certifies that he does not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. He certifies further that he will not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he will not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under this control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder, offerer, applicant, or subcontractor agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in his contract. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. He further agrees that (except where he has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) he will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $ 10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause; that he will retain such certifications in his files; and that he will forward the following notice to such proposed subcontractors (except where the proposed subcontractors have submitted identical certifications for specific time periods): BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J " 1 . . 2. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATIONS OF NON SEGREGATED FACILITIES. A certification of Nonsegregated Facilities must be submitted prior 10 the award of a subcontract exceeding $ 10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each subcontract or for all subcontracts during a period (i.e., quarterly, semiannually, or annually). NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001. "During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative aclion to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race. creed, color, or national origin. (3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11245 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, and regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of labor. (5) The contractor will fumish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of labor. or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of labor for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. . (6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govemment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11245 of September 24,1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24.1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of labor, or as otherwise provided by law. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-2 . . (7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24,1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vender. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States.' 3. FEDERAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN EMPLOYMENT 1-12.805.4 Reoorts and Other Required Information (a) Requirements for prime contractors and subcontractors. (1) Each agency shall require each prime contractor and each prime contractor and subcontractor shall cause its subcontractors to file annually, on or before March 31, complete and accurate reports on Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) promulgated jointly by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Plans for Progress, or on such form as may hereafter be promulgated in its place, if such prime contractor or subcontractor (I) is not exempt from the provisions of this Sub-part 1-12.8 in accordance with 1-12.804; (Ii) has 50 or more employees; (iii) is a prime contractor or first-tier subcontractor; and (iv) has a contract, sub-contract, or purchase order amounting to $ 50,000 or more, or serves as a depository of Govemment funds in any amount, or is a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agent for U.S. savings bonds and savings notes: Provided. that any subcontractor below the first tier which performs construction work at the site of construction shall be required, to file such a report if it meets the requirements in subdivisions (I), (ii), and (iv) of this paragraph (a) (1). (2) Each person required by subparagraph (1) of this paragraph to submit reports shall file such a report with the contracting or administering agency within 30 days after the award to him of a contract or subcontract, unless such person has submitted such a report within 12 months preceding the date of the award. Subsequent reports shall be submitted annually in accordance with subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, or at such other intervals as the agency or the Director may require. The agency, with the approval of the Director, may extend the time for filing any report. (3) The Director, the agency, or the applican~ on their own motions, may require a prime contractor to keep employment or other records and to fumish in the form requested, within reasonable limits, such information as the Director, agency, or the applicant deems necessary for the administration of the Order. (4) The failure to file timely, complete, and accurate reports, as required, constitutes noncompliance with the prime contractor's or subcontractor's obligations under the Equal Opportunity clause and is a ground for the imposition by the agency, the Director, an applicant, prime contractor or subcontractor, of any sanction authorized by the Order and the regulations in this sub-part. Any such failure shall be reported in writing to the Director by the agency as soon as practicable after it occurs. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-3 . . 1-12.805.4 Reoorts and Other Required Information (b) Requirements for bidders or prospective contractors. (1) Each agency shall require each bidder or prospective prime contractor and proposed subcontractor, where appropriate, to state in the bid or at the outset of negotiations for the contract whether it has participated in any previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause; and, if so, whether it has filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director, an agency, or the former President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filing requirements. The statement shall be in the form of a representation by the bidder or offeror substantially as follows: 'The bidder (or offeror) represents that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause herein, or the clause originally contained in section 301 of Executive Order No. 10925, or the clause contained in section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, filed all required compliance reports; and that representations indication submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors will be obtained prior to subcontract awards." (The above representation need not be submitted in connection with contracts or subcontracts which are exempt from the clause. ) When a bidder or offeror fails to execute the representation, the omission shall be considered a minor Informality and the bidder or offeror shall be permitted to satisfy the requirement prior to award. (2) In any case in which a bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed subcontractor, which participated in a previous contract of subcontract subject to Executive Onders No. 10925, 11114, or 11246, has not filed a report due under the applicable filing requirements, no contract or subcontract shall be awarded, unless such contractor submits a report covering the delinquent period or such other period specified by the agency or the Director. (3) A bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed subcontractor shall be required to submit such information as the agency or the Director requests prior to the award of the contract or subcontract. When a determination has been made to award the contract or subcontract to a specific contractor, such contractor shall be required, prior to awand, or after the award, or both, to fumish such other information as the agency, the applicant, or the Director requests. ( C ) Use of reports. Reports filed pursuant to this 1-12.805.4 shall be used only in connection with the administration of the Order, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or in furtherance of the purposes of the Order and said Act. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-4 . . ( d) Acquisition of Report Forms. Standard Form 100 is available in all GSA supply depots. Copies of the form may be obtained from GSA through the contracting or administering agency. The stock number for the fonm is as follows: Standard Form No. Title Stock Number 100 7540-926-2049 Equal employment opportunity employer information report. 1-12.805.4 PROCUREMENT STANDARDS , A. All contracts for construction or repair shall include a prevision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kick Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). This Act provides that each Contractor shall be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The Grantee shall report all suspected or reported violations to the Grantor Agency. B. Where applicable, all Contracts awarded in excess of $ 2,000 for construction contracts and in excess of $ 2,500 for other contracts which involve the employment of mechanics or laborers shall include a provision for compliance with Section 103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety SlandardsAct (40 U.S.C. 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 5). Under Section 103 of the Act, each Contractor shall be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work day of II hours and a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work day or work week is penmissible provided thatthe worker is compensated at a rate of not less than 1-112 times the basic Rate of pay for all hours worked in excess 8 hours in any calendar day or 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of the act is applicable to construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, ro dangerous to his health and safety as determined under construction, safety, and health standards promulgated by the Secretary of Labor. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-5 . . C. Each contract of an amount in excess of $ 2,500 awarded by a Grantee or Subgrantee shall provide that the recipient will comply with applicable regulations and standards of the Cost of Living Council in establishing wages and prices. The provision shall advise the recipient that submission of a Bid or offer or the submittal of an invoice or voucher for property. goods, or services furnished under a contract or agreement with the Grantee shall constitute a certification by him that amounts to be paid do not exceed maximum allowable levels authorized by the Cost of Living Council regulations or standards. Violations shall be reported to the Grantor Agency and the local Internal Revenue Service field office. D. Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $ 100,000 shall contain a provision which requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to the Grantor Agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. E. Contracts shall contain such contractual provisions or conditions which will allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contracts tenms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. F. All contracts, amounts for which are in excess of $ 2,500, shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the grantee including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition. such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be tenminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. G. In all contracts for construction or facility improvement awarded in excess of $ 100,000, grantees shall observe the bonding requirements provided in Attachment 8 to this Circular. . H. All contracts and subgrants in excess of $ 10,000 shall include provisions for compliance with Executive Order No. 11246, entitled, "Equal Employment Opportunity". as supplemented in Department of labor Regulations (41 CFR, Part 60). Each contractor or subgrantee shall be required to have an affirmative action plan which declares that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, and age and which specifies goals and target dates to assure the implementation of that plan. The grantee shall establish procedures to assure compliance with this requirement by contractors or subgrantees and to assure that suspected or reported violations are promptly investigated. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-6 . . COMPLIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR LAW Pursuant to Article 8 of the Labor Law, the contractor's attention is directed to the following requirements: 1 . Section 220.2 which requires a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days in anyone week except in the emergencies set forth in the Labor Law. 2. Section 220.3 which requires a provision that each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon such public work, shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate or wages and shall be provided supplements not less than the prevailing supplements as determined by the fiscal officer. 3. Section 220.3-a also requires that the contractor and every subcontractor on public works contracts shall post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work a legible statement of all wage rates and supplements as specified in the contract to be paid or provided, as the case may be, for the various classes of mechanics, workingmen, or laborers employed on the work. 4. Section 220.3-e provides that apprentices will be permitted to work as such only when they are registered, individually, under a bona fide program registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to his work force on any job under the registered program. Any employee listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered as above, shall be paid the wage rate determined by the New York State Department of Labor for the classification of work he actually performed, The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate rations and wage rates, for the area of construction prior to using any apprentice on the contract work. 5. Section 220-e which requires provisions by which the contractor with the State or municipality agrees: (a) That in the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on behalf of such contractor or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, creed, color or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (b) That no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract on account of race, creed, color or nationai origin. (Your attention is directed to the provisions of the State law against Discrimination which also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age); . ( C ) That there may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor by the State or municipality under this contract a penalty of five dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract; BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-7 . . (d) That this contract may be canceled or tenninated by the State or municipality, and all moneys due or to beccme due hereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this section of the contract. 6. The aforesaid provisions of Section 220-e which covers every contract for or on behalf of the State or municipality for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equipment or supplies shall be limited to operations performed within the territorial limits of the State of New York. 7. Section 222 which requires that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents for at least six consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment; that persons other than citizens of the State of New York may be employed when such citizens are not available; and that if the requirements of Section 222 conceming preference in employment to citizens of the State of New York are not complied with, the contract shall be void. 8. Section 222-a which requires that if in the construction of the public work a harmful dust hazard is created for which appliances or methods for the elimination of harmful dust have been approved by the Board of Standard Appeals, such appliances or methods shall be installed and maintained and effectively operated by the contractor; and that if the provisions of Section 222-a concerning harmful dust hazards are not complied with, the contract shall be void. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Every State contracting agency, including Public authorities, must include in each contract paragraphs ( c) through (g) of the Standard State Contract Clauses promulgated by the Governor on September 12, 1963 and amended November 14, 1963. Labor classifications not appearing on the accompanying schedule of wages can be used only with the consent of the department of jurisdiction and then the rate to be paid will be given by the department of jurisdiction after being advised by the New York State Department of Labor. The contractor shall make such provision for disability benefits, workmen's compensation, unemployment insurance, social security and safety code provisions as are required by law. General Regulation No.1, as issued by the State Commission for Human Rights, requires that each contract contains a stipulation that: "It is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto that every contractor and subcontractor engaged in the public work described in this contract shall post and maintain at each of his establishments and at all places at which the public work described hereunder is being conducted, the Notice of the State Commission for Human Rights indicating the substantive provisions of the Law Against Discrimination, where complaints may be filed, and other pertinent information. Such Notice shall be posted in easily accessible and well lighted places customarily frequented by employees and applicants for . employment." The Notice may be obtained from the department having jurisdiction, or from the office of the State Commission for Human Rights in the respective area. You are requested to refer to the Bureau of Public Work all charges of discrimination in employment including discrimination because of age, race, creed, color or national origin. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-8 . . NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of payor other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. b. The contractor will send to each' labor union or representative of workers with which ne has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the Commission of Human Rights, advising such labor union or representative of the Contractor's agreement under clauses "a." through "h." hereinafter called "non-discrimination clauses", and requesting such labor union or representative to agree in writing, whether in such collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding or otherwise, that such labor union or representative will not discriminate against any member or applicant for membership because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal membership opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not be limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. Such notice shall be given by the Contractor, and such written agreement shall be made by such labor union or representative, prior to the commencement of performances of this contract. If such a labor union or union representative fails or refuses so to agree in writing, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Commission for Human Rights of such failure or refusal. c. The Contractor will post and keep posted in conspicuous places, available to employee and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Commission for Human Rights setting forth the substance of the provision of clauses "a." and "b." and such provisions of the State's Laws against discrimination as the Commission for Human Rights shall determine. d. The Contractor will state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, that all qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed. color, or national origin. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION K - 1 . . e. The Contractor will comply with the prevision of Sections 291-229 of the Executive Law and the Civil Rights Law, will furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the Commission for Human Rights under these non-discrimination clauses as such sections of the Executive Law and will, permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the Commission for Human Rights and Owner representatives counsel for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. f. This Contract may be forthwith canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the Commission of Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these non-discrimination clauses, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for future contracts made by or on behalf of the Owner/Contracting Agency until he satisfied the Commission for Human Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. Such finding shall be made by the Commission for Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the Commission have failed to achieve compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and after a verified complaint has been filed with the Commission, notice thereof has been given to the Contractor and an opportunity has been afforded him to be heard publicly before three members on the Commission. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies otherwise provided by law. g. If this Contract is canceled or terminated under clause "f." , in addition to other rights of the Owner provided in this contract upon its breach by the Contractor, the Contractor will hold the Owner Harmless against any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Owner in completing the work or in purchasing the services, material equipment, or supplies contemplated by this contract, and the Owner may withhold payments from the contractor in an amount sufficient for this purpose and recourse may be had against the surety on the performance bond if necessary. h. The Contractor will include the provisions of clauses "a.", through "g." in every subcontract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor as to operations to be performed within jurisdictional local of the Project being contracted by the Owner. The Contractor will take such action in enforcing such provisions of such subcontract or purchase as the Owner/Contracting Agency may direct, including sanctions or remedies for non- compliance. If the Contractor becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation with a sub-contractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Contraction Agency/ Owner, the Contractor shall promptly so notify the Owner's representatives/ counsel, request him to intervene and protect the interests of the Owner (Contracting Agency's jurisdictional area). BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION K-2 . '. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The contractor shall supply all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary or required to complete the work. The contractor shall fully familiarize himself with existing site conditions. The locations of all underground utilities shall be verified prior to commencing work. Damage to existing utilities shall be repaired at the contractors expense. B. The contractor may store his materials and equipment on the work site but the Town of Southold will not be responsible for damage or theft of same, C, In the event that anything reasonable, necessary or proper for the complete performance of the work to produce a first class finished job, has not been described in these specifications clearly, through oversight or palpable error, the contractor shall, notwithstanding, execute and provide all omitted works and things as if they were severally described, without extra charge and to the satisfaction of the Town's authorized representatives. D. The contractor shall be responsible for all construction facilities and temporary controls. These items would include all temporary electric, heat, telephone, water and sanitary facilities. Barricades shall be provided around all hazardous areas during construction and shall be maintained and lighted in accordance with all State and Local Code requirements. E. The contractor may submit substitutions for products specified herein, where such substitutions are allowed. Requests for substitutions shall be submitted with complete data necessary to substantiate compliance with the contract documents. All substitutions shall be approved in writing prior to being ordered, fabricated or incorporated into the work. No claims for additional costs related to substitutions will be allowed. F. The contractor is specifically advised that he shall be responsible for on-site safety in regard to his area of work and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southold and the Architect from any and all claims resulting from on-site accidents or safety conditions. . G. The contractor shall be responsible for cleaning all work related debris generated during this project in a timely fashion. All dredge spoil & debris generated at this site shall be deposited by the contractor at the Southold Town Collection Center at NO COST. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 1 . . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. General provisions of the Contract, including General conditions and Supplementary Conditions, apply to work in this section. B. Standard Site Plan, Typical Sections & Detail drawings attached. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: All new construction shall meet the minimum requirements of the Southold Town Trustees and the New York State Dept. Of Environmental Conservation. The work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all work including but not limited to the following: A). Excavation behind existing bulkheads. 1. All bulkhead areas requiring new sheathing shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 2'-0" below existing mud line. Excavation shall be in such a manner as to limit the amount of damage to the existing pavement. Any unnecessary damage to the existing pavement surface shall be replaced by the contractor at no additional cost. 2. Existing bulkhead Structures shall remain in place. The contractor shall verify the integrity of all existing Pileing, Tie Rods & Dead Man Systems during the excavation. The engineer shall be notified of all items that require replacement. Items replaced without written approval of the engineer shall be deemed as not to have been replaced. Cost for replacement of all items shall be a unit cost for each. Damaged items due to excavations shall be replaced at the Contractors expense. B). Installation of new Sheathing. 1. Provide new 2" x 10" x 14 Foot "T & G" Treated Wood Sheathing over existing. All new sheathing shall be spiked to both top and bottom whalers. (Approximate overall length - 265 Lineal Feet) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 2 , 1.03 . . 2. Provide new 2" x 10" "T & G" Treated Wood Sheathing over existing sheathing at each side of existing Concrete Ramp. (Approximate overall length - 65 Lineal Feet - Each Side) New sheathing shall be scribed to fit the existing ramp. (Note: The Contractor shall remove all existing lag bolts in existing sheathing after the bulkhead has been excavated.) 3. Provide Yo" diameter x 8" Galvanized Lag Bolts at new ramp sheathing. New sheathing shall be securely anchored to existing whalers with two (2) bolts at each Whaler. (Typical 4 bolts per board) 4. Provide new 6" x 6" Treated Wood whaler at toe of new sheathing along existing concrete ramp. Anchor new whaler to all existing Pileing with 3/4" diameter galvanized bolts. (See drawing section detail sheet # 3) C). Installation of new filter fabric. 1. Provide new Poly "X" Filter Fabric over all new bulkhead sheathing. Fabric shall be continuous and extend from top of bulkhead to a minimum of two (2') feet below the existing mud line. All splices shall have a minimum overlap of two (2') feet. D). Removal of Debris. 1. All debris and dredge spoil generated from the proposed construction shall be removed by the contractor and deposited at the South old Town Collection Center. There will be no charge for material deposited at the town facility. STANDARDS: A. All new construction shall comply with the following reference standards: 1). American Society of Civil Engineering Standard Practices. , 1.04 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: A. Contractor must show evidence of the following qualifications: 1). A minimum of five (5) years continuous experience in bulkhead construction. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 3 . . . . 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. The contractor shall be responsible for verifying all existing conditions and limitations. The extent of clearing and the amount of required excavation shall be verified by the contractor prior to submitting his bid. B. The contractor shall be responsible for fully investigation the existing site conditions and shall be responsible for verifying all dimensions and quantities. 1.06 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Delivery, storage and handling of equipment and bulkhead materials shall be in accordance with industry standards. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS: A. The park site shall remain open during construction. The contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary safeguards to ensure safe access. B. Excavation and stockpiling of backfill material: 1). All stockpiling of excavation material shall be in an approved location immediately adjacent to the construction area. All stockpiles shall be protected with a continuous barrier of silt screen and hay bails to prevent silt from entering tidal waters. 1). No backfilling shall be permitted in freezing weather. END OF SPECIFICATIONS BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 4 . #_j . t.' -1, L, . . . PROJECT DESCRIPTION BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION: KLIPP PARK, GREEN PORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK THIS PROJECT INCLUDES NEW FILTER CLOTH AND NEW SHEATHING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF APPROXIMATELY 395 LINEAL FEET OF EXISTING BULKHEAD. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: . INSTALLATION OF APPROXIMATELY THREE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (395') FEET OF NEW BULKHEAD SHEATHING. TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (265') FEET SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION. (SEE TYPICA~EET # 2). ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (~30') FEET SHALL BE A EACH SIDE F EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP. (SEE DETAIL SHEET # 3). EXCAVATE TO A DEPTH OF!t .nt.n.......lllllTlllS......'ItE BEHIND ALL EXISTING BULKHEAD SECTIONS THAT REQUIRE NEW SHEATHING. ALL ? EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON SITE WITH SILT FENC~ - . HAY BAILS AT THE PERIMETER TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM ENT~ TIDAL AREAS. . . BULKHEAD AREAS REQUIRING WORK SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC INSTALLED BEHIND ALL NEW SHEATHING. INSTALLATION SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITH A MINIMUM OVERLAP OF 2'_0". . THE EXISTING BOAT RAMP SHALL REMAIN OPEN DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY SAFEGUARDS TO ENSURE SAFE ACCESS. . THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT LEFT ON SITE. PROPER FENCING AND BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SEPARATE THE WORK SITE FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC. REQUESTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND ALL INQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE ENGINEERS OFFICE: S.T.E.D., PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958. ATTENTION - JAMES A. RICHTER - (516) 765 3070 The foregoing Project Description is provided for general information only. It is not part on the Contract Documents. For the specific provisions and requirements of this project, please refer to the full Specifications and Contract Drawings. . . f , 1 J INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Invitation to bid Instruction to Bidders Proposal Form N.Y.S. Affirmative Action Certification AlA Bid Bond Offer of Surety A-1 through A-1 B-1 through B-2 C-1 through C-2 0-1 through 0-1 AlA Document # A31 0 E-1 through E-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS AlA General Conditions Supplementary General Conditions AlA Performance Bond General Release Prevailing Wage Rates Compliance with Labor Law & other Dept. of Labor Regulations Non-Discrimination Clause AlA Document # A201 F-1 through F-2 AlA Document # A311 G-1 through G-1 H-1 through H-1 J-1 through J-8 K-1 through K-2 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS General Conditions Part 1 - General Specifications Site Plan . Sections & Details Page 1 Page 2 through 4 Drawing # 1 Drawing # 2 & 3 . . 1. 1 1 INVITATION TO BID PROJECT: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION KLIPP PARK, MANHANSET AVE., GREEN PORT, NEW YORK The Town Board of the Town of South old will receive bids for the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park in accordance with the Specifications prepared by James A. Richter, RA, Southold Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958. Bids will be received at the office of the Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until: 11:00 AM Thursdav , September l~ 1996. All Specifications are provided herein. A fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00), cash or check, made payable to the Town of Southold will be required for one (1) copy of the Contract Documents. There are no refunds. This invitation to bid is not an offer and shall in no way bind the Town of South old to award a contract for performance of the project. Should the Town of Southold decide to award a contract, it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Town of South old reserves the right to waive any informalities, and to reject any or all bids, and to retain bids for 45 days from the date of receipt. The CONTRACTOR MAY NOT withdraw his bid during this period. Bid security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% will be required of each bidder. Performance bonds in the amount of 25% of the contract price shall be required of the successful bidder. Please advise if you intend to bid or not. Dated: Aup!;ust 20.1996 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD By: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION A - 1 . . 1, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. PROPOSALS Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the "Proposal Form" provided. The bidders shall write in ink, both in words & numerals, the price for which he proposed: to furnish all materials, plant, equipmen~ tools, shoring or bracing, scaffolds, or other facilities, & to perfonn all labor and services necessary for the proper completion of the work in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, and subject at all times to the approval of the Architect. Proposals shall be addressed as indicated on Invitation for Bids and shall be delivered enclosed In an opaque sealed envelope marked "Proposal" bearing title of work, and Bidders Name. No proposal shall be considered which has not been received by the Southold Town Clerk prior to the hour and date stated. Each proposal must be signed in writing with the full name and address of bidder. B. PROPOSAL GUARANTY A proposal will not be accepted or considered unless accompanied by a guaranty in the fonn of a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the total bid, payable to the Town of Southoid. As soon as the proposal prices have been compared, the Owner shall return the bidder's bond or the certified checks accompanying such proposals as, in his judgement, would not likely be Involved in making the award. All other proposal quantities will be held until the contract and contract bond have been executed after which they will be released or returned to the respective bidders whose proposals they accompanied. C. OMISSIONS AND DISCREPANCIES Bidders should carefully examine the drawings and specifications, visit the site of work, and fully inform themselves of all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from the drawings, specifications, or other documents or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the Architect who may issue a written instruction to all bidders. D. PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place indicated in the Invitation for Bids. Bidders, there authorized agents, and other interested parties are invited to be present. E. AWARD OF CONTRACT Award of contract will be made as soon as practical. a contract may be awarded to a responsible bidder other than the lowest money bidder, if it is in the best interest of the Town. No bid may be withdrawn after scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of 45 days pending execution of a contract by successful bidder. The competency and responsibility of the bidder and his sub-contractors will be considered in making the award. The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error, to accept any bid, or to reject any or all bids. The contract fonn will be a Standard fonn of Agreement between Owner and Contractor (Stipulated Lump Sum). The Town will either award the project or reject all proposals received within forty-five (45) days after . the fonnal opening of proposals. The acceptance of a proposal will be a notice in writing signed by the Town Clerk and no other act shall constitute the acceptance of a proposal. The acceptance of a proposal shall bind the successful bidder to execute the contract and to deliver separate perfonnance and payment bonds made by a Surety Company, as stipulated herein. The amount of the bonds shall not be less than twenty five percent ( 25 % ) of the contract price of the work. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION B-1 . . 1.. 1 J I F. WITHDRAWALS OF PROPOSALS Any bidder upon his or her authorized representative's written request presented not later than the hour set for the opening thereof, will be given permission to withdraw his proposal. At the time of opening the proposals, when such proposals are reached, it will be returned to him unread. G. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error and to reject any and/or all proposals. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any proposal which in incomplete, obscure, or irregular may be rejected; any proposal accompanied by an insufficient or irregular certified check or bidder's bond bay be rejected, any proposal having interlineation, erasure or corrections may be rejected. The Town also reserves the right to reject any bid if an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the Town that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. H. TIME FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will be required to appear before the Town in person; or if a firm or corporation, a duly authorized representative shall so appear, and execute six (6) copies of the Contract and furnish satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) days after notice that the Contract has been awarded to him. Failure to execute Contract shall constitute a breach of the agreement effected by the acceptance of the Proposal. The damages to the Town for such breach will include loss from interference with his construction program and other items, the accurate amount of which it will be difficult or impossible to compute. The amount of the certified check or bidder's bond accompanying the Proposal of such bidder shall be retained by the Town, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for such breach. In the event any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted shall fail or refuse to execute the Contract as herein before provided, the Town may, at there option, determine that such bidder has abandoned the Contract, and thereupon, his proposal and acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the Town shall be entitled to liquidated damages as above provided. I. TIME LIMIT TO COMMENCE AND COMPLETE WORK The contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after the date stipulated in the notice to proceed which was given to him by the Town of Southold and shall complete the work within the calendar day limit as set forth by him in his Proposal, but not more than sixty (60) working days. . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION B-2 . . t I , l PROPOSAL FORM DATE: '? - I 1- "7"," NAME OF BIDDER: LOS Te.../I 0 ma..-v,'IIe.... Con+rttChr;j Covp. If.).j 5-tt1 5-t-. - po 00;( ;;L/;A'-f 0veULpoV-t) NY /lq'-f'-j TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the Contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined the Contract Documents (dated July 9, 1996) including bidding requirements, general and special conditions, specifications, contract documents, and addenda, if any (Note: Acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all labor & materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the work at: KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD RESTORATION AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION MANHANSET AVENUE, GREEN PORT, NEW YORK 11944 in accordance with the Contract Documents and Addenda, if any, prepared by JAMES A. , RICHTER, R.A., South old Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, and complying with all the stipulations contained therein and will furnish the required Performance Bond; that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 1 . . 1 , PROPOSAL FORM CONT. FURNISH AND SUPPLY ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF TREATED TIMBER BULKHEADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED "LUMP SUM" OF: . i' /, Foy-f/&/ I W 0 7JU:il4~tU...A- IV/II L Uuntf.N. t/.. ~ ,c,:fly './(J I.'IL (written in ~rdS) j!( q;z.. 9 "5 o. 0 0 .' (written in numbers) unit prices for extras shall include the cost for materials and installation of same: PILING - (12" DiA. X 24') TIE RODS - (3/4" Galv.) DEAD MEN & BACKER PILES EACH EACH PER LINEAR FOOT FiII~ /-IumlmL f)IJ/lMs O/.-flllHlwd. r~f11L1 h:.r:kU'l i)o(/tt.-rs (written in words) (written in words) f () ~...J (written in words) ~?OO.OO u,.. r/~?oo eA. lI>/?cJQ (written in numbers) (written in numbers) (written in numbers) And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town after notice of the acceptance of said proposal shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract and the sum represented by the certified check accompanying this proposal shall be forfeited to the Town as Liquidated damages; otherwise the certified check shall be retumed to the bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date of the receiving bids. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a period of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal or by mutual agreement may extend this time period. Signature of Bidder: ~L4'~ j/ J.f,.J..3 ?-r.!7 ~. PO ?JOY ;L/",J..~ 6re &1/YJrl-, NY " ? 1Lt--'-S " P E- .- Business Address: . //Cf'f-7 Telephone Number: if77~/lq1 Date: ,;; - Iv - 9 & BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C -2 . . ,=EP 12 .. 95 0'3: 23 TO[..n--j elf ';C1UTHC'LD F',l c. "--" ,--,' 5: :"!EME"n OF ,-IOI+-COLLUSIOi'1 (To be Compleled by Ecch Bidder) In QCGordcnce wiTh Section 103-d G~nerol ""/,unici~1 Law, effective Septemc~r 1 f 1966, evert bid or proposal h"reafter mode to a political subdivision of the Stote "r or,y public defXJdment, agency, or officiol thereof or to d fire district or ony ogent:y or official thereof far work or s~rvices p,,,formed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, sholl contain the following stotemen' subscribed 10 by the bidder ond affirmed by such bidder os trw under the penalties of perjury; nan-collusive bidding certification. a. By submission 'c,f this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf or ony bidder certifie" ond in the cose of 0 ioint bid, each party thereto certifies oS to its own organ; zoti on, unde r pena I iy of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid hove been arrived at independently with~ut collusion, conslJlt:ltion/. communication, or agreement, For the purpos~ of r~srricting competitionr os to any matter relating to such prices with ony othf!( bidder or any competi tor. (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which hove been quoted in thb bid have not been knowingly c!isclo<ed by the bidder and will not blowingly be disclosed by the bidder p~jor to opening, direc;l, or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor. (3) No oth~mpt has been mode or wi II be mode by the bidder to induce any other person, portnership, or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose or restricting competition. b. The per,on signing this bid or proposal certifie~ that-he hos fully informed himself regording the C1ccurOCY of the statements contained in this certificotion, and under the srotements con~cjned in this certificationl ond under the penaltie5 of peijury I affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicoble to the bidder, '" ",,,II m the person signing in its b..holf, c. That attached hereto (if 0 corporote bidder) is 0 certified copy of resolurion cuthor- izing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behelf of the corporote bidder. C3 c;EF' 12 "3t, 09: 24 T(I[.1I1. '::;OUTHCCI'I ,-' . f'.L '- ~ , . RES 0 L UTI 0 t.J Co.:=. 1~llo /Vl/l' ~('~d /'~. -I-..-A /"L:"'L1i R.e~::';I..edthat _r,-c '/I~jrt-C Luy\/rV'-L/'77"_j (Nome or Corp::>ra;;an) ---' c)/'o e. be QutnNi~ed to sign anel submit the bid or propose I of this corpo.otion for tho following project ~ I< e Cr/'yt S"-IJ.ucf1"0"- ~ ptUJL.- - (l/~ s.u-- J}-a I2t 5~..f7"~ ;< I ;DO , 6 n~t~/2/)Y';-. N V (De!cribe project) and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate os to non-collusion required by sectio" one-hundred-three-d (l03-d) or the General J./lunicip:ll Low os the ocr and deed of such corporation, ulid for any inaccuracies or mis"'stotements in such certificate this carporete bidder sholl be liable under the penalties or perjury. l' The loregoing j, a true and correct copy of the resolution odopted by (0 <:i-/dt.o I(7lfl/1.f Cd"yc-fyttc-fi/l4 Corp , / ing 01 the Boord of Directors hel'd on the 3'/V!:> corporation at 0 r:;eet- day 01 ~\ I 19 'lid (SEAl OF THE CORPQRATIOr'l) -~~--;..~ Lm':s 01 New York I 1965 eh. 751, Sec. 103-0, as omnndec effective September I, 1965. C4 . . , , NEW YORK STATE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH BIDDER) Bidder's Certifications: A bidder will not be eligible for award of a contract under this Invitation for Bids unless such bidder has submitted as a part of its bid the following certification, which will be deemed a part of the resulting contract: BIDDER'S CERTIFICATION Co s-f-e 1/ 0 rY\ tVVi ne- Cem +va c -Ii 111 Cov;). (Bidder) Certifies that: 1. it intends to use the following listed construction trades in the work under the contract "Nt>NIJf II t!l "-'-II!'IZ... T#",,.,, (I""rLY<'-Lv !I1AIL';vtL rO^,rhJC!.r,N'1 {'o"'t'. ; and, 2. a. as to those trades set forth in the preceding paragraph one hereof for which it is eligible under Part 1 of these Bid Conditions for participation in the Nassau-Suffolk County Plan it will comply with the said County area within the scope of coverage of that Plan, those trades being: /-:'/A ; and/or, b. as to those trades for which it is required by these Bid Conditions to comply with Part II of these Bid Conditions, it adopts the minimum minority man- power utilization goals and the specific affinmative action steps contained in said Part II, for all construction work (both state and non-state) in the afore- mentioned area subject to these Bid Conditions, these trades being: /J1,,4I2#v l! ~&1I'\/TH.A-C/t- /,.Vi /~ u. I ,'7 MJ/~T- 1/'JL~"1"'l;J.c:.s A,yn L4f,od6LS ,. . ; and, 3. it will obtain from each of its subcontractors and submit to the contracting or administering agency prior to the award of any subcontractor under this contract the subcontractor certification required by these Bid Conditions. ;::;, a r/Z6S I ;)d'I\j r- ature of Authorized Representative of Bidder) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION 0-1 . . .. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . AlA Document A310 Bid Bond Y3858 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Costello Marine C . C iHere Insert lull lume .nd loddren or leg,,1 lule 01 ContrloClorl ontract~g orp. P. O. Box 2124, Gree.noort, New York 11944 as Principal, hereinafter call<!d ttie Principal, ana-- Utica Mutual Insurance Co~v 180 Ge S N!far f d N Y k 134tbl<<'re ,nsert lull ".me and addri!'ss or leSlol 11 eo --Suretyl nesee treet, ew t or, ew or j a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of new York as Surety, hereinaFter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold Southold, New York (Here ,nset! full n.me ind iddress or legl.l mle oi Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of of amount bid Five Percent (5) Dollars ($ I, for tbe payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for Reconstruction/Restoration of Bulkhead Klipp Park, Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York IHere inserl full name, addn!ss and deKflollon of prolecn NOW, THE REF 0 R E. if the Obligee shall accept the bid at the Principal and the Principal shall enter into it Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful pertormance or such Contract and for the prompt payment ot labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereot. or in the event or the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds. if the Princip~ shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed rhe penalty hereot between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee m.ay in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by s.aid bid. then this obligation shall be null .and void. otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 10th day of September 1996 ,,~tHAWJ [ icrwc (Witness). I Costello Marine Contracting Corp. 3''<'!'il'/)__ ~zZr6o ohn Costello (Titl., President Utica Mutual Insurance Company I . _ (~ty). ,7 (s../) 1 -7'11 cLA-Lc Lu. ~~~) Marie ViVenizo(Titl.) Attcrney-in ' ct (Sea.l] .----, ~""';r ~ f ~ (Witness) AlA DOC\JMENT A31D . 1110 BONO. AlA 8. FEBRUARY 1970 EO . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 N.Y. AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON. O. C. 20006 1 . . UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW HARTFORD, NEW YORK N 253 O. - POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, as a New York Corporation, having Its principal office in the Town of New Hartford. County of Oneida, State of New York, does hereby make, constitute and appoint William F, Bindseil, Jr., Marie ViVenzio, Mark S, Gursky Selden, Nel" York , d b k ut' tts true and lawful Anorney(s)-in-fact in their separate capactty n more (han one IS name a ove to ma e, exec e, sign, seal and delivery for and on tts behalf as surety and as tts act and deed (wtthout power 01 redelegation) any and all bonds and undenaklngs and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (except bonds guaranteeing the payment of principal and Intetest of notes, lTlOJ!o.aQe bonds and mongages) provided the amount of no one bond or undertaking exceeds .hree Million and UUrl 00------------ Dollars ($3,000,000,00--- ). The execution 01 such bonds and undenakings shall be as binding upon said UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and to all intents and purposes as n the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by 1Is regularly elected officers and tts Home Office in New Hartford, New York, This Power of Anorney is granted under and by authortty of the following resolution adopted by the Directors of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY on the 27th day 01 November, 1961. -Resolved. that the President of any Vice-PreSident, in conjunction wit" the Secretary or any AsSistant Secretary, bl and they are he,ecy authorized and empowered to appoint Attorneys.in.lact of the Company, in its name and IS ils acts. 10 execute and acknowtedge1ar and on hs behalf as Surety any and .n bonds. recognizances. contracts of lndemnfty and .11 Other wnttngl obligatory. 'n tne nature tn.,aof. with powe, to anaen theretO the seal of th. Company. Any sucn writings so exeCU1ed by such Anorneys.in.lao snaU ce binding upon tne Company as ft they had been duly aCknowleoged by tne regularly eleCled Officers of the Company in their own proper persons. -No Therefore, the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney by a facsimile. and any such Power of Marney bearing sucl"l facsimile signatures or seal snail be valid and oinding upon the Company.- In Witness Whereof, the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by Its Authorized Officers, this [1 th day 01 November , 19 ---2} STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA } ss: UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ~~/~ Charrmanlo1 the Board Chief exectnive OffIcer ~~ U" ~~. ) Secretary On this 11 th day of November 19 ~ before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Naw York, personally came W, CRAIG HESTON and GEORGE p, WARDLEY to me known, who acknowledged execution ot the preceding Instrument and, being by me duly sworn, do dapose and say, thatlhey are President and Secretary respectively of UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: and thaI the seal affixed to said instrument Is the corporate seal of UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: and that the said corporate seal is affixed and their signatures subscribed to said instrument by aUlhorlty and order of the Board 01 Direcrors of said Corporation. wr~~nTeSlimOny Whereol, i have hereunto sel my hand at New Hartf10rd' N/ew ;;ork~ tthe diJI~y and year first above ,..sCJ~"", ,) ,/ "'S" '~l" / l( :':, !II- [, 'J i ,.,... ~ Hichael J. Vyss Notary PUblic ... 'i :; .J /...~ "'.jfJ ... )..~~ I Stephen J Lorenz ' , Asslsta", Secretary of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby cenify that the foregoing IS a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, which is still in full force and eHect. } ss: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA In Wttness Whereof. York, this 10th have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the said Corporation at New Hartford, New day of September '9 2L... A. .~ _'l.!.W'.' .~ SJstant Secretary . . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY Ox Utica Mutual Insurance Company D Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company STATE . OFnuu.......~~;?"u.'X"Q.~!Ll COUNTY OF......u.'?~JQJ.~....J On thisuuu.u...JQth........day oL....u...u..uun.u.u...'?~J1J;.~~J;".mu...u....uuu19uu..9.~ore me personally came did'd~'~';;;;;~~:~h;~~~'~:::::::::::'.~.~~;i1*-~~~:)f~~.:Y~~~..i<J1~~:.~~:.:.~~..~:...~..~:~.:~:: that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the Corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation, that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to power conferred on him by a Power of Attorney granted to him by said Corporation and that he signed said instrument as Attorn7- iD-Fact Said Corporatiofp.:Cant to such authority. WILLIAM F. BINDSElL. JR. ! I '() /~ f/ r- ~:I~~i=~:;en a., n.~.~).. .~..dlLcrii:!~u...uuu...uuu:.... Commission expires March 30. 19:tJ ; NOTART' PUBt~_mm..mu i...-- PRINCIPAL'S INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ss.: STATE OFu...u....uuu...................l 58.: COUNTY OF.u...uu..u....uuu...u.. On thisu.....uuu......u.......uday of.uu..u........u....uuu........u......n...u.u..u.............0019...00.00, Wore me personally came ....00.0000..........00.........00...0000......00...00....00............00...00.....0000.....0000.0000..........0000......0000.00........00.00.... to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ...--.--nn......___.._..............._n............._n__...........uu...__......__.....uu.... NOTARY PUILI C PRINCIPAL'S CO.PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF...............u........uu....u.l 58.: COUNTY OF......m...uuu..u.u...... On thisu.....u.........uu........day oLuu.u.uuu.u.mu.....u....u....nun............u...........19......... before me personally came 00...........000000..........00.....00...00........00....00..00..00.........nu.......u...n.un...u....mu....u...........u...., a member of the Co-partnership of ........u...........u..uu......u....uu..uu........u.n...u.U...U.n.uu..u.u...nuuu....u.....u..u.......u................ to me known and known to me to be the person who is described in the foregoing instrument and he acknowledges that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of the said Co-partnership. NOTARY PUll J C PRINCIPAL'S CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT WILLIAM F. BINDSEIL. JR. Not1Iry Public. State of N_ Yen No. 52 0294800 Qualified In N_u County si.7 Commiasion ex;""", March 30. 1 On thisnu19.t.h.unn...u....day oLn...u....S.~P.tgI))OOL.........nu.uuuun...n...n.u19...9.Q.. before me personally came .u..nu......nn......n)QJ:m...CQ!>.t~lJ.Q.....uu.uun....un....n.....u.uu.....u.un...n...uu...uu......nu. to me known, who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and say. that he resides in.u.........G.r.~~.nPQr.:t;....New.nX.Qr.k""hnhnn........nn.............n...n.....; that he is..... ....J?r.esiden.t....... ........... ..... .0f.....n.n.......Cos.tellQ..l1aJ::in~...Co.ntr.acting..GOIp........................., the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the Corporate Seal of said Corporation; and the Seal affixed to said instrument is such Corporate ~that it was so affixed-by order I of the Board of Directors of said Corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. STATE OF.....N~"'n'X"9.~~............l COUNTY OF.;;.~Jg.+K.h....hn. 55.: /'- .,-" ,-;:: -'-- <- ______.__...h_n_._.-___.___...._. 1(:'"...;;V"'!3l.. UT. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.ANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 From Annual Report Filed wtth New York Insurance Department -"SSETS U.S. Governmental Direct Guaranteed Bonds. .. $ All Other Bonds............................. Stocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..... .. Mortgages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... Cash............................... ........ Equttles & Deposits in Pools and Associations.. Premiums in Course of CollectIon............. Interest Due and Accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Other Admttted Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Total Admitted Assets. 191 .628.832 1.009.991,147 64,224,789 -0- 12,207,445 9,340.327 89,081.184 . 18.417,014 68,197,355 $ 1,463,088.093 LIABILITIES I#D SURPLUS Reserve for All Losses. . . . .... . . .. $ Unearned Premiums.......... .. Reserve for Claim Expenses. . . . . . Dividends. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. Taxes Accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Income Tax. . . . . .. . . . . .. Amounts Withheld on Account of Others Provisions for Reinsurance Miscellaneous Accounts Payable Total Liabilities $ 596.117.277 240.360,246 189.148.006 8.482,052 7.439,802 6,127,003 20.384.031 13.424.847 50,546.613 1,132,029,877 Surplus Funds: Dividend Reserve...................... $ 2.558.907 General Voluntary Reserve. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,500.000 Special Contingent Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700.000 Divisible Surplus. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. 325.299.308 Surplus as regards Policyholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 331,058.215 Total. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... $ 1.463,088.093 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA ss: W. Craig Heston, Chairman & CEO of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, New Hartford, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is the above described officer of said Corporation, and that on the 31 st day of December, 1995: all of the assets shown above were the absoiute property of the said Corporation, free and clear from all liens or claims thereon except as above stated, and that the foregoing statement Is a full and true exhibit of all assats and lIabUltles of the said Corporation at the close of business December 31, 1995, according to the best of his knowledge, 'informatlon and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 19th day of March, 1996. pJ~ Notary Public in the State of New York Appointed in Oneida County My Commission Expires April 30, 1996 8-6-50 Ed. 4-96 J ~ l;;t Chairman & CEO ~ \-' \J~ Secretary Attest . . , , THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I AlA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we (Here insert full name and addre5s or legit title of Contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Surety) a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of as Surety, herilafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto II IH". in,,,, full n.m. .nd .dd"" 0' l.g.1 ,HI. of Own,,} as Obligee, hereina ed t~, ~um of ~ t..:; Dollars ($ l, for the payment of w sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our ~ , . ". _ , successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by ~ents, i:J) <5 sj 'i}'. h.. '" bm 00' ~ IH'.o' n.m., .dd"" .nd d.",iplion of pco;,," NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Ptincipal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee In accordance with the terms oi such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specjjied In the bidding or Contract Documents Wlth~OO and sufficleWt surety for the faithful performance of such Contractlnd for the prompt payment O~d matenal mshed In the prosecution ther f. or I event of the fadur f the Principal to e er such Contr glV~ '!!f 'l}e to t . the differen no {O'X ty hereof between ate bl n ar r whi the Oblig nao ai ract with another per rm e Work vere by Id Id, tli is obli all be null and Id. otherwls maIO 1M full force an e ect Signed and sealed this ~/D (Witness) day of 19 . { (Till.) (Principal) (S.a/) (Witness) { (Title) (Surety) (S.a/) AlA DOCUMENT A310. 810 BOND. AlA @. FEBRUARY 1970 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 1 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to leg~,prosecution. -I-.) . . (j J 1 OFFER OF SURETY (To be Completed by Each Bidder) In the event the above Proposal is accepted and the undersigned is awarded the Contract for the work, the undersigned offers as surety for faithful performance, bond and/or bonds to protect labor and material men, the following surety: SURETY COMPANY Signed (Bidder) CERTIFICATE OF SURETY to be signed by a duly authorized official, agent or attorney of the Surety Company. In the event that the above Proposal is accepted and the contract for the work is awarded to said (Bidders Name) the will execute (Surely Company) the Surety Bonds as herein before provided. Signed: Authorized Official, Agent, or Attorney , Date: IMPORTANT: THIS PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT WHEN CERTIFIED CHECK IS SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF BID BOND, OR BID MAY BE REJECTED. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION E - 1 ). ;._~~ . . TilE A MER C^ N N S T T UTE o F ARC II TECT, AlA Documelll A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction nus f)()(-:UMENT /fAS IMPOf(TANT LEGA'- CONST:Q(JE!'v'CES: CO'vSf.JI.TAT/();\' W.,TFl AN ATH)RNT:r IS ENCCJ{;RAG1:D lI"ITH RESf'!:CT TU fT., ,ll()[)/F1CAT!()^' 1987 EDITION TABLE OF ARTICLES I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 8. TIME 2. OWNER 9. PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 3. CONTRA.CTOR 10. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 4. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 11. INSURANCE AND BONDS 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 12. UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 6. CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS U. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7. OIANGES [N THE WORK 14. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT Tllis dOCUOlClH h;ts heen ;lppro\'ccl ;mcl endorsed by the Ao;soci:lU:tl Gcner~l Contractors of Arm:riCI C(lpyri~tlllqll, 1910;, 191H. !l)2'::;' I{).~~. !()'il. ll)c;H, 19(11. !l/(,."" It)66. It)()7, fl)70, 197('. @ll)R:h\'Th('^meric;Hlln~tillll(:nfArchile(,I<:'. [-~" Ncw Y ()rk ,\ \'CTlllC. N, \'(" _, \'(;;l~hill!!(()ll. I),c.. 2(J()()(i_ Hcpn lduCli{1ll (If Ihe l11:11cri:l[ herein (Ir <'Uh.<:.(;lll1i:11 quol:Jti(l11 'If it" pn)\'i~i( )[1.C, \\'iIIHI\l1 \\ ritlel1 pcrmi~~i(H1 (lr 111e :\1/\ no\atc~ the Cl}pyri~jH I:I~.~ or the IIn1le(l Stall'~ ;md will he ~uhjel"1 to le).!:11 rn)~culi()n... rm CAUTION: You should use an original AlA document which has this caution printed in red. ~ An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AlA DOCUMENT A201 . CENFHAI. (:(lNIlITI(JNS OF TIlL CONTHACT F()R U1N'iT1Hlr:TH1~. l'(ll'RTF.ENTII EDITION ,\I,\~ . IF' Ill"'- Till.: ........IEH1t:AN IN.\TJTt'.! EO!' AllCflITECT'i. l-~<; NE\'\:' '(lith: A\TM'!'., N\'\:.. \('A.'illIN{;"/'nN. fl,C :I~KI(, A201-1987 WARNING: Unlicen!':ed !"h"ln-::opying violates U.S. coPYri9ht laws lInd is subject to legal prosecution. . Acceptance of Nonconforming Work Ac<,:cpfancc of \X:ork 9.6.6, Access to Work. Acejdcnl i'n:\'cnt;on A<.:ts:md (ll11issions (>.(1.(;, 9.9J. 12.3 9.H.2, 9.9.;', 9. ]0.1. 9. J 0.5 3.16, 4.2..~. 10 ..1,.2.1, :1:.,2.2. .1.5 .2, .~ _ J 2 .R, .~. r H. <i .2..~. '4.5.2. <i.3.9 fj..l.l, 10.1.4, 10.2.5, 134.2. 13.7, 14.] I\tkkmla 1.1 1,5.11 ,\tldiliol1:1ICn:<;I.C1airll.<;ior. :j,.-'>.6.4..l.7,'+J.9.6.1 I, Ill.) Additional Inspt'Ctiom; dlld Testing. 4.2.6, 9.R.2. 12.2.]. 1.1.:; Additjoll:l! Time. Claims for. 4.3.6, 4.3.H. 4.3.9. A.3.2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT ,., .3, 4, 9.4, 9, Ad"crliscmem or ]nvtl:H;OO to Bid. 1.1.] Aesthetic EffeCt. Allowances 3.8 All-risk Insur:lll('c 11..1.1.1 Applications tor Payment 4.2.'\.7.1.7,9.2,9.3,9.4, 9.'}. 1, 9.6..1, S1.H..'L Y,IO.[ 9.10.."".9,10.'1, J 1.1.3. l'i.2.<1 2 '-i. :i .3.5, 5. "i, ,,,".10.2, j. 12.<1 throu~h ~. 12.R, ~. [R.3. <i.2.7, 9,.~.2. 11.~.IA. 1~,4.2, [~.') 'L 1.<1, 4.3.2. 4..~,'i. '-fAA. 4.5, H.5.!, ]0.1.2. 11.).9. IJ,.~.IU 4.1 4.1.1 2.4.-l" 12.<1. 4.2. 4.j.2. .L3.6. '.1.2. "7.2.1. '..'1.6, ',4. 9.2. 9,:\.1. 9X5. 9.10.[. 9.10,."',12.1,12.2.1, US1. U.'i.2. 1'i.2.2. 14.2.'i . '\fcl1ilt:Ct. Lil1lil;HiIJtl~ lJr AlIlhllrilY ;1Il(1 Hc:c;r(lI1~ihili'y .-l" ,~..1. .'1.12.H. ,'1,12.11. 'LI.2. 4.2.[. '-1.2.2, -1.2..'1. -i.2.6. '-1.2.7. '1.2.10. 4.2.12, '-1.2,].1. 4.,~,2. ~,2.[. i,oi. 9.''1. 9/d) Ar\lliltTl 's Ad\!iI;IJll:II .'it'!'\'it"('~ ;lIld EXpt'l1."t'~ 2..1.9K.2. 11.--\,1.1. 12.2.1. 12.2."1. 1.~."i.2. l:i,c:...\ ]4.2."; Architect's Administration of the Contract 4.2, .L.'1h. 'U.7. <i.,1. 9<i, 9.5 ,:U2,6. .1.12.A. :i. lEU. ..1.2.7 :i.').I. 4.2.6. 12.1.2. I.' .1.2.<1,4.2.7. .i.2. [ I. .1.2. [2. .'-2.1 i 1.1. 'Iil"i. .;,'), (15. -:-.i.<"l, 7.,iH. K,l,.i. K.,~I. J. 9.K.2, 9,, [j.').2. 14.2.2, ['U.o! 4.2.2,4.2.9, <i..i.6, 9.4.2, 9R.2. 9.l.J.2. 9, ]0, I. 13,' 4.2.6. <i.2 .i. 4 .l.R. -L:i .7,7,4.1, 12. [ , J 5.5.2 ' <'i..i,7 4.2.2,4.2.5,4.3.<1,9.4.2, 9.5.1,9.10.1, 13.5 Ar{"hilLT1'.~ Prcljt:t't R('rre&:nt:JtivC' 4.2.10 ArClliH:C(:C; Hd:llioll.<:hip with COIllr.lctor 1.1.2,3.2.1, .'\.2.2, ,i..i.:i. :is!. ,1.7.-1, .'U [. .i.]2.R, .''1.12.] J. .i.16. 3.]R, 4.2..~, <i.lA, .i.l.(,. .1.2,12.1.2,6.2.2,7,.'1,.4, 9.R.2. 11,.i.7. 12.1. l:i.'> Ardl;It'Cl':C; Ikl:H;ons!lir with Suhcolllr;lC\or:c; 1 1 .2. 4.2..~. 4.2.4, 4.2.6. 9.6..i. 9.64. 1 [.';,- 9.4.2,9SI.9.1fl.[ -1.2.2. 4.2.'i. <I.2.ll. 4..i.(,.'i.!, 9.H.2.,10,1. 1."'."i 10.! .~.IA.J,9.[().2. 10.1.4 6.1.1 ^ppn)\,:tl.... Arbitration Architect Architecl. ]kflnil;llll 01 Archilt'Cl. Extc11l or AlllhClrilY Ij,'-i, :;.2. 6..~. ll...i, y,::;, 9,(i.~. 9.H.2. An.:hiIL'Ct'S ApprO\.;tl~ 2-1. :''5.1. 5.10.2, An,:llitcCl ':c; Au(hnrit\. to [(ejccI \X,'ork ArchilL"ct'.s Cllpyri,l.1:l1t Architect',s J)ct'i.~ilJn~. .j ..i .2. .j "~ ,fl, 'f 9.2. '-).t, <J.-) ArchiIU'I':C; Ill~pl'('1ill1l.s Architect'.s [llstl'uctilJil.<: An.'l1ill'L"I':C; Inlerprel:tti(J1l.<; Archilen',.; ()ll-Si(t' Oh:c;en.;ltic)I1"; Ardlll1..,(.t','" Ikpre:C;ClH:ui,m:c; Architcn'.~ Sitt' \';SiIS A~hc.~t(IS 1\ltClr11t'\.~. F(T.'" t\ \'\';Ird 'Ir St'Jl;lr:Il{' ClJntr::lnf;. Award of Subcontracts and Other Contracts tor Portions of the Work Basic Definitions Ili\klin~ Reqtl;rcnll'nt~ Boiler and Machinery Insurance Bond....l.it'n BCltltl.~. I'Crrlll'lll:llln':lIl\ll'aYIllt'rll. 5.2 1,1 1.1. [.1 I "", c:..2.]. 11,'1 I 11.3.2 <) 10.2 "',.~,6.4,9.10.:~.II..-l,l). II.'i . INDEX Building /'ermit~., 1 Capitalization 1.4 Certiflc~tC' ofSuh.<;{:mria[ CI)nlr1etion 9.R.2 Certificates for Payment '1.2,5. 4.2.9. 9:L~, 9.4, 9,~, 9,61. 9.('.6. 9,~.1. 9.A_3, 9.10.\, 9.IO..~. I~,;. [II.I I..~. 1 "i.2,'i Certificates of Inspection. Testinp: or Approval .~, 12.11, l.i.5A Certif1c:ttcsnfln:C;llr:mc(' 9"i. 1.5 Change Orders. 1.1.\,2.'1.1, 3.R.2.4, 3.11. 4.2.A, '~.3,,\ -).2.~, 7 I, 7.2, 7.3,2,8.3.1. 9.3,1.1. 9.1f1.3. J L~.1.2, Il._~A, 11..~.9. 12.1.2 7.2.\ 7,1 3.11,4.2.8, 7, R,.~.l. ]0.[.3 11.3.1 4.3, .-.lA. 4.'5, ().2.'5. 8.3.2. 9..~.1.2, 9.3.3. 9.]{),4. 1(J,fA Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims 4.5.6 Claims for Additional Cost. <, 4..J,.9. 6.1 .1. lU,~ Claims for Additional Time 4,,8, <I.3.Y. H..3.2 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions 4.3.6 Cl;zim:c; for D~ma~t::c;. . . .~. ]R, '1..1.9, 6.1.1, 6.2,'5. Fl,.L~, 9.".1.2, ]0.1.4 Cbims Suhicct 10 Arb;tr.llioll ~..~,2. .:1.'1.'1. ,j,':;, J Cleaning Up 3.15, ()"~ Commencement ot Statutory Limitation Period 13.7 CnmmCI1CCmelll orthc \'(;ork. Con(1itions Rd:llill~ to 2.1.2. 2.2.1. .i.2.1, :i.2.2. .-1,.7.1, .~.I().I. .....12.6. .1..-- c:..2.I. (,.2.2. R.l.2, A.2,2, 9.2. 11.1.5. Il..Hi. 11 A. 1 Commenccment or ttl{, \,\'ork, Ikflnition of Fl,I.2 Cllll1n111niC:ltillll.o; F~ciUt:!till.R <:I)llIT:l{'l l\dJ1lini!';tr~ti(lrl COlllplt:tioll. L(Jndili()n.~ Ik[;tting 10 . .j,5.2. 9.4.2, 9.R, 99.1, COMPLETION, PAYMENTS AND <:()mplc:lillll,Suh:C;l:lIltial Change Orders. DefiniliOIl of . Changes. CHANGES IN THE WORK Claim, DeftnlUon of Claims and Disputes. ~,9, [. -1.2.<1. ".2.1 .ill,."'.t"i,.i.2.2..i.2.'J. 9. [0. 11.3."i, 12.2.2. l.i,"".! 9 4.2.l.J. 'U.'i.2. H, 1 j. A.l "\ H.2..J.,. 9R. 9.9,], \2.2.2. l,i.7 Comr1i::lnc(' ,,'ilh Lnw,.; 1.3, ,i.6. .~,7,,i, 1.1. 4, I. [. 10.2.2. I [.1, l!..~. l.i.!. [3."i.1, 1.~.'5.2, [.'16. l<i.1.1. 14.2.1,3 C()nn::tkd or (fnknown Conditions ,j.,~.6 (;lllldilillllsllllhe (;'1l11r;1{"t I I !, 1 1.-. (i I I COllselll, \'(;rillen 1.5.1. .~.I2.K, :i. I ,1.2,';' J .2. 4..i.",j. <i,:;.~, 9.-\.2. 9.R.2, 9.9.1. 9.10.2. 9.10..i,IO.[.2, to.I.."', I [._U, 11.~.1.4, II.,; I [. 1.~.2. l,i,'Ll CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS C<lnszruc:ti(JIl Ch:mge DircCfive, DC'linilion of Construction Change Directives. 1.1.1, <i.2.B. C<lnMruction Schedules. Conlnlcmr's Contingent Assignment of Subcontracts Continuing Contract Performance COntraCI, lkfinition of CONTRACT, TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE <i,~,7. 5A.I.1.14 Cllntr;!CI Admini:c;tr.uion 5..1.,i, ~.9,.j. \,},::; COmr;lC! Al\'areJ ;m<l Excnllioll. Conditions Rel:lt;nR l()~.-.l, .'uo, 5.2, 9.2,1 1.1.5, 11,.~.ci. 11,4.1 1.1, 1.2. '7 ..~. 2.2. c:., ~,5 1.11 <I.5A,4";..3 4.4.4, S.2..J.,. 12..~. l-i.2,4 9.1 ..~. !.,i. 11. r.l 8,1,1 1.1.'1.6 7,.i.l 7 l. 7.3, 3.10'.6.1..'1, 5.4 4.3.4 I.J.2 Contract Documents, The ConrraCI OooI01('nt,.;. CopiC':c; Furni,.;hed :llld U,Sf:' of. elJlltr:!ct DncumcHI:C;, Dellnition ()f CIJlllr:lCl P('r1(lOll:IIlC(" During Arhitr.l(ion Contract Sum . .i.R. 'i..~.6. <i.:i.7, 6.1..1. -.2. "..1. 9.1, Y.;,<1, Contract Sum, Definition of COrl1r;K! Time oi..~,6. 'UH. -I.i,'f, -,2.1 R.2.]. A,.i.!. 9", 2 A201-1987 Contract Time Definition of AlA DOCUMENT A201 . Gf.NERAI. CONDITIONS OF TIlE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRIICT10N . FOURTF.f.NTH EnlTl0N AlA'" . ':C) Il)~F THf. AMF.RICAN INSTITl'1'F. OF ARCIIITf.CTS. I '7 Vi Nf.\'(' YORK AVF.NIIE. NSC. 'X'ASIIIN(;TON. D,C 20011(, WARNING: Unlicensed phOlocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal pm~ecution. . CONTRACTOR 3 Contractor. Definition of 3.1,6.].2 Comractor's Bid 1.1.] Contractor's Construction Schedules 3.10,6.1.3 Contractor'.__ Emrlovee~ .~_3.2, 3.4.2. 3.8.1, 3.9, .~, 18,4.2.3.,10.2. ]0.3. 11.1.], Contractor's Uablllty Insurance 11.1 C(JntrOlClOr"s Hel:Jlion.<;hip with Separate Contractors :md Owner's For(:es,,6. 12.2.5 C0I11r:I(IOr',<; Rel:lliomhip with SulKonlraclors 1.2.4. j.3.2. 3.JR.1, 3.]8.2, S.2. 5..~, 5.4, 11.3.f!, Contractor's Rel:l.lionship with the ArchiteCt ] .1.2, 3-2.1,3.2.2, 3..~..~, 3.'1.1, 3.;.3, 3.11, .~.12.R 3.16. 3.18, 4.2.3, 4.2.'1, 4.2.6, 4.2.12,5.1,6.2..2,7.3.4, 9.R.2, 11.3.7, 12.J. I:~,~ C:onrr:ICtor'sHcprescm:uions. I.L2,;'I.) l..~,J.J ClmtraCttlr's Responsihility for Thflse Pcrforlnin~ the Work J..~.2. .~.IH. 4.2.3. to C:ontr:IClo(.~ Rl:'\'icw ofComr;lCt Docllment.~ 1.2.2, Contractor's Ri~h{ to Stop the Work 9.7 Clllllr:I('lo(.~ Ri~hlIO Tcrmin:lI(.' the ConlraCl Io'i.! C(Jlllr.l(.'tor'.~ Suhll1ilt:lls :'1.10. .'1, I ! . 5. I 2, .:i.2.. j'. '.2. I. ;.2.';. 7,.'1.6,9.2. Y..'I I. 9.A.2. 9,9.1. 9. to.2, 9.10.."', IO!.2. 11.'1.2, 11A.;'1 C(llllr:l(1or'.~ Sup<:rinlcn<.h,:l11 :0\.9.10.2.(' (;rmlr:l(.'lflr'.~ Supervisi{ln and C()n.~lrtICTi(1Il1>rcl("c<lllrl'.~. I.Z.'I, .:>.....:>.... .'1.'1. .i.2 'I. H.2.2. H.L5. 10 I I 1 I'1. .'1,5, 1. 5.10. .:>....12.7. (1. I ..J.... (1.2.! Copi(.'!i Furnished ()ff)ra~'in~s and Specifications<:;.3:1 I CorreCTion of \'(Iork 9.A.2, 9.9.1. ]2.1.2, 12.2. 11.:.1.:'\ Cost. Definition of 7..,.6.14,3.'; Cos!.e; 2.4. ".2.1. ,"'.7.4. 5.A.2. 3.1 ';.2. 4.3.6. 4..~.7. 4.3.H.I. ';.2.~. 6.1.1. Cl.l..1. (d, I,.LL"', 7.3.6, 7..,.7. 9.7, 9A,2. 9.1 D.2, 11.::U .2. IIJ,l..,. 11.3.4, 11.3.9, 12.1, 12.2.1. 12.2.4. 12.2.". 13-S. 14 Cutting and Patching. 3.14,6.2.6 Damage to Constructi{m of Owner or Separate Contr-.lCtors 3.14.2. 6.2.4,,, ]0.2.5. W.3. 11.1. 11.3, 12.2.5 D:unaFte 10 Ihe Work 3.14.2,,10.3. IIJ Ibmagcs. Claims'for. ."'.IR, 4.3.9, o.l.l, Cl.2.5. R.3.2., Ill.! A D~m:l~c~ for Dd:IY O. r.l. 8.3.3:,/ Date OfCI)mmeIICt'Tllent Ill" rhe Work, Definition {If . R,I.2 1):lIe of Substanti,,1 Completion, Definition of. R, I .!1 I):lY, Definilion of. R.1.4 fkcisiollS of ihc Archilect 4.2.6,4.2.7,4.2.1].4.2.12,4.2. U, 4..,.2. 'U,6, 4.-i.1, 4.4..:1. 4.5. (l.,1, 7..1,6. I..~H, A.l.3, 8..:U, 9.2, l).<l. 9.5.1. 9.8.2. 9,,14.2.2,14.2,4 Decisions to Withhold Certification 9.5,9.7. 14.1.1..1 Defecti,'e or Nonconforming W'ork. Acceptance. Ikjcction and Correction of 2.3.2.'1, .,.5.!' 4.2.1. 4.2.6. 4..~5, 9.5.2. l),R.2. 9.9.1. ]0.2.5. 12, U.7.I.) Defective \'(iork, Dcf1nilion of ).:;.1 Ikl1nitiom 1.1,2.1.1. .1.1. :~.5.l. .:1.,. I 2.1. .:1.,.12.2. :'.12.3, 4.!.1. 4..1.1. ;.1,6,1.2,,.1. ":1..:>....6. R.I, 9.!. 9.A.I Delays and Extensions of Time 4,). I. 4.,:I.,.R.I, 4.j.H.2. 6, 1.1. 6.2.3. 7.2.1. ~.:U. 7.~.4. :,_,,'i. 7.5,H. ~.:>"'.9. R,I.]. 8.3,10.).1. 1'l.1.1.4 IJiSplllt'S 4.'.4.4..:1.,,4.4.4, 5.0.2.':;,6,.'-. -:Ui. 1).~.1.1 1)(lnlmt'nl.~ and S:II11ples:lllhe Sill' 5.11 I )r:l't","in~.~. Ill'finiti{lIl of 1.1.:; I )r:l\\'in~s and Spc:cifiC:lliom. llse and O't","ner,c:hip of. 1.1.1. I.:L 2.2.<;. '.11. I:\.J, llW\'lo Ikvi!';"w Comract Docul1lents :md Fidd C(lndjlilln.~' :1.,,2 EfflTtl\T Dale of Insur:mcc R.2.2. 11.'1.2 (:tlntr:IClual l.iahility InSllr:lIKe. (:()(lnlinmi(ltl:lnd{:(lrrd:lliclIl . Emergencies '1.).-.10.3 Employees. CommCtor's 3.;', .'-.R.I. .~9. :~, I H \. ), 8.!.2. lCU, 1-i.2.11 Equipmem.I.~bor.Materi~r.~:lnd \.1.3.11.(;.3.'1..:1.,.1.1. ~.A.2. .1.12.3, 3.\2,7, .:1.,.12.11. 3.1.:l,. .:l,.ICj,\, 4.2.', 6.2.1. :.~,6. 9,3.2, 9..'.3. II.". 12.2.-i. 14 Execution and Progrcs.c: of thl:' Work I 1,3. I.Z..,. :>.2, ,:l,..-{, 1. 4.2J. 4..'1.4. 4.3.8. ().2..2. "7.I..:l,. 7..:l,.9. 8.2, 8,." 9.5. 9, I,Ll. I'U ExecutIon, Correlation and Intent of the Contr~ct Documems 1.2, .~."7.1 EXlensionsofTime,.-o\.R. 7.2.1 .:l,:"8.~.1().5,1 FailureofP:tymemhyComractor. 9,':;.1..,.1'1.2.1 ' f:li1l1rcofP:lymcmI1yOwflt'r 4.,-,\1,7, Hl,,~ Faulty Work (See Defective or Noncollformin~ Work} Final Completion and Final Payment <1.2. I. 4..:1.,,;.9.10, 11.1,2. I! .1._'. 11.3.<;, Financial Arr:mgcments. Owner's Fire :lnd ExrcmJecl Covcr:lgc Insur:lnce 'L2.~. '15.1 12.5.1. 1.-o\.~ 2.2.1 II.J, GENERAL PROVISIONS Governing Law (;LJ;lr:lllltT.~ (Sct' Warr:IIlIY :10<1 \'(,':lrr:lTlli<:s) Il:l'l~lHt(JusM:l\cri:ll!i,'1 Idc!ltific:llion of CClTllr:Kt Document." 1,2 \ h.k:milk:llillll ofStlhctllllr;u:t()r.~ :1Il(.\ Supplins . -=; 2 I Indemnification. .,.17.3.18, y, I 0.2, Ill. I 4. 11 ~.1.2. I I..~.- Information and Services Required of the Owner, '1..'1.'1. {J.I,~. 11.J..i, (I.LIl. {),.:I.,,2. <J.o.!, lJJ1"j. tJ.H,:,\. C),'.J.2, 9.Hl.j. 10.1.'1. 11.2. II,.J,. t.".'i.!, 15.;.2 Injury or Damage to Person or Property 4.3.9 IllSpecti(}n.~ 3.5.j. .'.5.4. 57.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.6,, 9<i,2. 9.8.2,,1:1.,.:; Inslructions 10 Bidders I. I . I Inslruction.c; 10 !he Contractor. 3.8, I . 4.l.H. :; .2.1, '7. 12. \. 1'1, ':;.2 Insurnnce. 4..~,9. G.!.!, 7..~.6.<i. ~).,'I.2. <J.R.2, 9.9.1. lJ.IO.2. II Insurance, Boller and Machinery 11.3.2 Insurance, Contractor's Liability 11.1 Insurance. EffeCtive D:lte of H.2.2. II 1,2 Insurance, L08sof Use. I I..',:'; Insurance, Owner's Liability 11.2 Insurance, Property IO,2S 11.3 Insur.mce. Slored M:lterial5 1).5.2. ] 1..'.1 A 1 13.1 INSURANCE AND BONDS 11l5urance Compllnies, C(JIlscnt 10 P:lrtial OCCUP:lllCY II1Stlr.,mcc Ctllllpanies, Scttlemenl ~'ith Intent of the Contr:lct Do(umc!H'<; 11 9,9,\.! 1..'1.11 11:>'" 10 1.2..:>.... :~. I 2. -I. 4.2.6. Q.2.7. -i.2.12, 4.2.1.:1.,. -.j Interest, 13.6 Interpretation 1.2.),,4.1.1, '-U, I. ';.1. 6.1.2. H.1.4 Imerprct:uion5, \X!rillell 4.2. I I. -i.2, 12, '-1..:1.,.- Joinder :lIlcl COllsolidmion of Cl::lim,<:; Required 4, ".6 Judgment on Final Award 4S I. <lS4.1. 4.5.7 Labor and Materials, Equipment 1 1.:,. 1.I .6. 3.4, 3S l. 5.H.2. .'1.12.2., .'.12.3. .:1.,12.-, 3.12.11..,15. .'1,J'1.I. '1.2.:,6.2.1. - ..l..6. 9.,'1.2.1),.,.,,,.12.":.4,1-1 l.ahor Di~flllle.c; H..~, I 1.:1\\'." ;md Regul:uion!i I.,. .,.6. ,J,.-. .'.1.'-. 4.1 I. ,is 'S. .:j, 'i,~, 9.Y,I. 10.2.2, 11.1. 11.."'. 1.'-,1. 1.';.<i. 1.'1.';.]. 1.'.';.2. 1.-0\.6 Liens'-,2. 'f.j,:; I. H.2.2. 9.5.5. '9.! 0.2 limitation on Consolidation or Joinder 4.5.5 Limilation~.Slal\ltl'~of 4,':;.42. 12.2.('. I~- . Limil:lfl01lS of l.i;t!)iIiIY 2~. .~.2.1,;li. :;.1. .~_7.."..~ [2.A, .".12.11. ),17. ),JR. 1.2(,. <oj ,2."':', 4.2.12. 6.2.2. 9<i.2.l,l,6.tf. 9.10.4. 10.14, 10.2.S, II 1.2. 11.2.1. 11__~.7, L~A.2. 13.5.2 l.illlit:UIOllS ofTimc. C,cncnl.! 2.2.1. 2.2.'1. _~.2.], 3,i,:'J, .....1-1.2. .".[fl, ~.12_5. .1.15.1, 4.2.1. '~.2.~. 4.2.11, '1..1.2. ''I :'1.,1. ..i.:I,,'!.'I.:Ui, '1..",9. '1.')A.2. <;.2.1. ).2,,1. b.lA. 7,.1.'~. 7.4. 1-1.2.1),::;. (J,h...!:, O,H, tJ.l). 9 In, 11.1..1, ll..U. \1..1.2, 11..~,:;. 11..1,(1. [l.LI. 12.2.2. 13.S, 15.7 l.ill1il:lIillns of Time. Specific 2.1.2. 2.2. I, 2.<i. 3. 10, :\.11, .i.11.1. 4.2.1, '1.2.11, 4.3. 4.4. 4,5. 5.,1, SA. -.3.S, 7.,1.9. 8.2. 9.2, 9,3. r. 9,3.3. 9.4.]. 9.6.1. 9.~. 9.R.2, 9. ]0.2. II.] .3, [[ .:\.<1, 11".10, II.:U 1,,1.1.7. I.i Loss of Use Insurance 11.3.3 M:tlcrial Sllpplicr~ 1.).1.).] 2.1, 9.).1. 9,:'-1.2. 9JJ, 9.4.2, 9_6.5. 9.1().~ 10.!. 1l1.2..j I 15. 1.] _6. .iA, ).5.1. j.H.2. 312.11,3.13, 3.1'i.1. 4.2.:, 6.2.1. :'.3.6,9,5.2. 9,:'-.i. ]2.2.4, ]4 i\lc:'lIls. r...lcl!1flds. Techniques. SequclKt"S and Pmu.-dmes ofConStruC1iolliJ. J. <-i.2..i. .i.2.7. 9.4.2 Minor Changes in the Work I I. 'L2.R,.1_.i_7,-:-.I. 7.4 MISCEllANEOUS PROVISIONS 13 1\lodifk:nions. lkrinilioll of. 1.1 1 .\1iJdifiClIiOll.<.; 1(1 IIII.' C:oruract 1.1.1. 1.1.2. .i.7..1. _i_ 1 I, 'U .2,4.2.1, 5_2..i. 7. H.5. \, 9_-::' Mutual Responsibility. 6.2 Nonconforming Work. Acceptance of 12.3 N(}llCOllrOrmill~ \'('ork, Rejcction ;l1ld Corrcction of 2..'1.1. 't..l,'i. lJ.",2. 9.R.2. 12, l:i.7.I..i 2_i. 2.'i. :L:..I, 5.2.2. 5,7"i. .i.-_.c~.9. 3.] 2.R. ~_12,l), .i_I-. 'i .i. '1..4.4. 4,'i. ".2.L 'i_:i. .,.4.1.1. H.2.2. 9.4.1. 9".I,9'<,.1,9,-.Q.IO.l0,1.1.10,2..().11.1.,i.ll"i. ]2.2.2. IL1A. !.i_.i. I.i,'i,!. 1:'1_'i.2. 14 2,.i. 2A. ,;.';), 5.ILH. :'1.12.9. .U. .1. H.2.2. 9-Ll. 9.::;,1. 9.:. 9.1!J, 12.2.2. 12.2A. 13.3, 1 \ 'i.2. 14 13,'i.I, 13.5.2 R.2.2 M:lIt'ri:lh. M;lIcri:lls. ll:lz:udtH1." L:lbllr. Equipment :111<.1 ~.I1..2. :UL.i. ,i.12.:. Notice Notice, Written 'l_4 _.j. .~ 'i, 'i ,2, l. 'i.5. ::;,4, I 10.1.2. 1!1.2.().II.J_.i.11 i. NOlit.e of Testing :lI1U In.~rcctions . Nolice 10 Proceed 2.2..~.3.7, ,-'\,15, '..H).-i, 10.1.2 4.2.2, '1.2.1. 4.';.6. 9.4.1. 9.~ l. Y.IO_1. 15"i 1.2.2. ';.2.2 9,6.6, 9.A.]. 9.9. 11.5, II,9,4.;i(, 9..1.1. 9.H.2. 9.9.2, 9.10.] ,i.L2. 4.L"i, .j,,;.(,. 9..j.'!. <)".1. 9.llJ.r. I,i.'i 2,.i. .i.I.). .i.,;.7. :, H.2.2. II ,_~.q. 12.1. 12.1, l_i.'i.2. H.,-,\,t OWNER. 2 Owner. Definition of 2.1 Owner, Information and Services Required of the 2 1.2. 2.2, .j.l",j, 6. lJ. 10_1.4. 11.2, ! 1,5, I.i 'i_I. 1-1.1.1.::;. I.U._~ ()WIlCr'S AUlllorit\. ,i_R, I. ,j.1 "~' 4_2.9. ::;.2.1. :;,1.4, 'i.'j, 1. -_~.I. H.2.L {HI. 9i.2. II..i,!, 12.2,4. 1~,::;.2. J'U. 1..f....;,1 {)\\'I1l'r'-" Fin:mci;11 C::lP:lhilil\' 2..2.1. I '-i.l.I_~ Owner's Liability Insurance 11_2 ( )\\,l1er' " 1.{l~S (If llse Insllr:mCl' ! I,.', ~ ()n'I1t'fS Ikl:nionship wilh Suhcontr:1Clnrs 1.1.2, ::;,1..1 ;.i.l.9_h_.i 2.4, 12.2..1. 14.2,2.2 Notices, Permits, Fees and ()flS<.'r,":llifln.~. An:hileC!'~ On.Site OI),Scn':llielns. C<lnlra{"lor's C kcup:mcy . C hl-S;IC InSpct'ljolls by Ihe Archilecl ()Il-SiIC ()hSC1'\':llillllS lw lllc Archilt.O ()rl!t.:rs, \\'riltell ()\\'11(.'(S Hi~111 10 Clrry (hll Ihe \X:nrk Owner's Right to Clean Up . Owner's Right to Perform Conslructlon and to Award Separate Contracts 6.1 Owner's Right to Stop the Work 2.3,1.:i,"7 Ownt"r'.~ Ri~ht 10 Suspend rhe Work 1';,5 Ownt:r'~ Rijjlhl 10 Terntin:.uc the Conlr:lct 1.l.2 Ownership and Use of Architect's Drawings. Specifications and Other Documents 11 1.1.3. 2.2."i, -;"~ Partial Occupancy or Use 9_(lri. 9.9, 11.,~, II Patching, Cutting and 3.14, (,.2,(, Patents, Royalties and 3.17 Payment, Applications for 4.2. ')., 9.-.j, 9.-'1.1, 9.H..~. 9.10,1.9,10.';. 9.10.4. "1<1.2.<1 Payment, Certificates for. 4.2.". 4.2_9. 9.,~..1. 9.4, 9. 'i. 9.(1.1. (),fl.(l.I): 1.9,H,.~. 9,10_1. 9,10"i. 1,-'\,7. I ,i. I. I.."l. 1'1.1.,1 Payment, Failure of 4.."l.:. 9S1 ,5. 9.7, l),IO.2. \4.1.15. .j,2.1. .j.2.9, <I ~.2, 4.i"i. 9, 1/1, Il.l_L 11.1..~, I I._i.", 12J_1 -';.(;4. 9,105.11..1,9.11.4 4J,.-j, 9J, 9,6. ')l_R...;. 9.10,.-'\, 1 :Ui. 1.i.2.,~ 9, l.j "i-'Ll.9,::;,1.5. Y.h.2. I.),(')"i, 9.cl..i, II,~,H. I.U.!_2 In I -"!lA. 9.IO,,'\, II _-'\,9, 11 ,.j Permits, Fees and Notices . 2.2..~. 3.7, .~ I.~. 7,:'>1I.~. 10,2.": PERSONSANO PROPERTY, PROTECTION OF 10 I'nln:hlorin:ltcd Biphcnyl 1 ()_ ! Produc! Data. Definition of. .l, 12.2 Product Data and Samples, Shop Drawings .1,.] 1.3.12, '1,2,- Progress and Completion <-i.2.2. -u.1. 8.2 Progress Payments .j, .l,.'j. 1)_-'1 9.6, QH_-'l. {)1O"~' l,iJi, lei.2,,; Project, ])efinilionofthc 1.1.4 Project Manual, lkfinlti{lrl {If the 1.1.7 Pm ice! Manual..:; 2.2,<;' Project Represent:lth'cs -1.2, HI Property Insurance 111.2.'i.11.3 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10 Rejjluhitions and L"1WS 1_1. j.fi. .i.7, .i_l:i. 4,1.1. Ij.::;, 'i. < Il.l. II .i. ].~.]. J:H. l.iSI. 13".2. I.H.. H Rejcctiooof\V/{lrk .-'\,:;.1, Rde:lse.~ flf\'(':livt'r.c; :lnd Liens (). 1 fl_.!. Ikprescnt:lliolls .2.2, .~,::;I, ,~.12,-. ().2.2. H.2.1, 9..i..1. 9,-i.2. lJ, ':;.1, 9.H_.!.. 9.1 () I 2,\ I. U I, ~q. "i, I I. -'; 1.2. I ,~2 _ I 4.4,i.'i ~_~ .2. '~.2_,~, (11 ~. (,.2.10 ()_Y.l. 9, In.2. Y 1(11, l':lYlllt'1H. Fin:ll Payment Bond, Performance Bond and P:IYIllCIll.c;. Pffl~:re_c;~ PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 1':I\.ll1ClH.~ If \ Sl1hClltltr:lCtor.~ PCB Perform:mce Bond :md l':lymcntBond ]kprCSt'fll:lti\.t...., '1.2.1[1, Resolution of Claims and Disputes Ih,:spollsihilil\' for Thosl' Pt.:rforrnin~ lht' \~IOl'k Rctain:l~C 9_1.1,9.6.2. 9.H-'I. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions by Contractor. Rt"\'icw o( Cnnfr:Ktor's Sul1milt;ll.c; hy (hvlll'r ;md Architecl,.~,""_.l,.~ 12,- .~ \(I,!. ~ I fl_2..i_ I I ..~ 12. '1.2.""'. ,~,2.{). ';,2.1, "i.2,.~. \).2. ')s.2 lk"icw of .,)hop I )r;lwiIlR:->. ProduCl J):H:1 :md S:lfllpks Iw COlllr:ICIOI Rights and Remedies "i..!,(i. .i.q,. .i,"i 'i,.i. G, L 6,.\ 4 A201-19B7 6.3 Royalties and Patents ~ 12.':; 1.2. 2.,~ 2 ,.j, 'IS I . .i, 1 :; ,2. -,1,! H~I. 9_'i_1. ')-. Ill.2_:; 10.,i. 12.2.2, 12.~.j. 13.4. ! i 3.17 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TilE CONTRACT FOR 01NS1.RI !CTtON . F()[lHTEENTII EIlIT!O;\; Ali''" . .,:, IllJ.l~ '!"tIE AMFHI(:AN INST1T1TTE ()F ARC!IITE(:TS_ l-~'i NF.\'(' HmK AVENI'E. r-; \'(. ''('ASI!JN(;T(l:\; I) I' .:Olll1" WARNING: UnliCl!'nsp.d photocopYing viol~tP.5 U.S. copyright IMY5 ~nd It'l 5l1bjl!'C1lo Il!'g~1 pmsecution . Rules and Notices for Arbitration Safety of Persons and Property Safety Precautions and Programs S:ullplc.<;. Dcfiflifioll q( Samples. Shop Drawings. Product Data and Samples at the Site, Documents and Schedule of Values s("hnluk,,_ (:fl!l.~lfll("li{\n Sep:lr:IIC (:1 lilt r:1ClS :m<! (:(lIllr:H:l(lr.~ 4.5.2 10.2 -i.2' 1.2.:-,10.1 ~, 12.' I 1.3.12. <1.2 ~ 3,11 9.2. <)..~_l .'10 Il.'!.,\1'i2.L:.,j. .1'<;<;.6,11 '_"':,121.2. 12..2."i .\.12.1 .\ I J. 3.12, 'L2,~ 3.13. (i. r .1,6.2.1 9IU.9,I(jJ,15"i ,il:;. 'i.2.9.'1.5.<l, q !),2. 910 1. 1.:1,<:; ,j.2.(,. 12.2.1. 1,\,') 1.1.6 I 1.1. 1.1.6. 1 1 -:-. 1I'l, 1,\, \.11 'L'i -1.2. 122.6. 1,\.; 'i \,--:,9;. Ifl I 2,IO.\.I<i.1 2. In,Z. 1.2.1! ..'.1'1 12.2.'i <;11 5 1,2.4, \. \,2." 12.1. Shop Dr:n...il1~.<;, DC'flnilinn of . Shop Drawings. Product Dala and Samples SlIe, Use of . ."ire !l1_"pt'Cli(IIl~ 1,2.2, Silt' \'i.~il.... Ar('hilect"~ .,.~A. 4.2,2. .i.29,'~ _"d). '1.2,2. IJ"'_ I. ',) ,q,2. 9,.U. ~PI-,('i;llln~p('ni(Jll... :lIHI 'l'c,"lin~ Speclficallons, !>C!l11;1;(1Il o( the Specifications, The .<';I:lllI't'''(I(I.imjl;lIifln~ <';1(J!'Jlill~ Ilw \,\-'nrk ~I()r('d l\l:1lf:ri:ll.. S\lhnmlr:KHlr, l)dini,illl1 "r SUBCONTRACTORS SlIhcnlllr:lC!nr.... \'{:ork h\ 25. (1.2 I. t)', ,j .2.~. "5, ';.ti Subcontractual Relations 5_3, <; ,j. {) _~ 1,2. ()(il. ()(l_', \)(1 I. 10,21, !1._~,7.11_:!..,R. l'i_1,1.2 l.i_.'.2 Sllhmill:1l~ l~. .-'.2,.-'+. _-'t, I (l,~,' 1.~_12.i2_-:-. '1,2 1. '12.-'.. -\(I.Cl2.\)5.I,tJH2,f.l91.')_l1l,21110" Ifll.2 111.5 Subrog9tlon, Waivers of (, 1 I. I I " ; 11.3.7 SubslllnUal Completion .i29. i .~_"2. !-l,1 1 !-l, I _ \, ,q,2.~ 9,8, tJ_q 1.12.21 12_2.2. 1_~.7. ,'-'uh"l:rnli:11 C'Hllpk-lhln, [)cOni,ioll Ilf tJ,H.1 Sllh..Hiltuinn fIr SUhCOIllr:lc'or... "2.~. -'i.2.'i Suh"lirltlioll o{ lhc "Ichi't'n -i.l._-'. SIII),<:1 illllillll<: or ~1:rl~ri:lI.<: :~_ <;,1 Sllh-<:ull('(llltr;I\1llr. I)cfinilion Ilf <;.1.2 S,th"\lrf:Jc': C(lIl(Hlilln,<; <i,.~,6 Successors and Assigns 13.2 Superlntendenl 3.9, I P.l(, Supervision and Construetlon Procedures 1_2 q. 3.3, .~,'i. i.2~. ,U i. (,1.-'+. (i.2,,'i."7! _~. -,~ i. R.L IHI. 10 12. I'i ,'i'll..; ,jA.<;.; 11..'J.I(l!.."10~. H.2 {)91 '-) 102,9, In 2.2,1. ~.1 H SlIrct\ SurclY. r:OIl<:Clll (If Sun'!.'\"... . Suspension by the Owner tor Convenience 14.3 '-;lI<;pt'n<;i< rl1 (If the \\;'<1.-1\ i_:' . 'i i..!, I.f. ) Ii. I i ~ S\l<;p{'n~;{Jn Of Tnlllinalioll o( lht' Conlr:1C1 .i ~"7, 'i,i f I II Taxes 3,6, -:' ~ hi T@rmlnationbytheContractor 14.1 T erminallon by the Owner tor Clliuse <; 'I. I 14.2 Te-rmin:Jli(m of lhe Arch;'~n 'I.I \ Tcrll1in:llill"nfIIICC(lIltr:KIClr 1';.2.2 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14 TestsandlnspecUons __',J,.~.4_2h,'i.2l),IJ.i,2, 12,21.13.5 TIME B Time, Delays and Ex1enslons of ,jJ,H. 7.2.1. 8.3 Time Lirni,~. Spt"cific,2, r, 2,'1..~ 10, .~, I I .~. I <:., I, 1_2 L .i.2.11. 'U. 'iA. 4.'5. ~..\ 'iA, 7,.~<:;. i,,~.9, R.2, '1.2, II _~_I. 9_.~,~. t),i. I . 9.(,.1. 9 c. 9.R.2, 9. I (),2. ) J 1,,~. I f ,~h_ 1 1 ,~ '''. 11 J J I, 12.22, 12.2.,j. ! 2,2 (l. I_~ ~. I,i 4..~,'i ~h.'i ~r;l.,i i .j <; <I ',2.0-', .' Time Limits on Claims Tille!n \'{'ml\ UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK Uncovering of Work Iln['llt'<:f.Tll (:cllldiliIJTl<: f1nill'rit't:... 1!"('{l{f)0C11l1wnl~ Use of Site Values, Schedule of Waiver of Claims: Final Payment \'(":lh't'r {If n:lim<: h~' tht" Al<:hilt":1 \x::th"'f qf CI:lilll" h~' tilt' Contr:lt"!(If W':rhTf nfCl:1illl.<: hr lhc O"'nn q, t 0'\, 1 1 ~ \'('C:1rhCf Dcl:n'" When Arbitration May Be Demanded W;ork. Ddinilinn IIf W'l'illcn(',IIll<:CIl' 4 ; "', 9 ~2. \'(i:lh',:rllfU,'u<: W':li\'t'r<:.,f.<:;llhnlw"j,,,, Warranty :111(1 W':lH:Jlllic... \'{'lillcn Itlt('rIHTt;llinll_'t Wrltlen Notice .1<;, ;2!,"". In2(;. \"(I';I1(.n (lr(lt'l_'t 12 12.1 'l~(',H~I!OI 7. I,i, ~ .~." 2 I . I I. I 5. 2.2 <\. ~!.! -. " 3.13," I I. (, 2 1 9.2, n, I 4,3.5, -j ;.1. (j III -l, I'.j_..' '). II ~ ,i. I 1 . ~ -. I ~.' i 2 i';,i:;j "q { 11.',<; It 1,1 - l,i2 'l.1(1..' I I ~ ". ! I ~.- 3.5, .l.2". 12.2.2 H - 1 ~ .iq~l <1,5.4 11, i..l.,::; ,~. 9~ 5, 9,HL 01).1 \ I, ," l2Y, '\ ),2. i 12 r ~I. Q,!f1_l. qlo~, 1012. In_I .. I I ,~ I ,-I. f 1 .~ II 1 \,2. "i2 .12_1112 12.1 2,.'.2.'1. .',n, .'.12 H.~ 12_<,1 ,i I" -i .j i <:;.l.l I, I1.2.2. (1.1 1. '1." I. 1.1 - 'J 1 n ~!' t 2 1 1 I ~, 1 1_". ! 2 ,2 2. ! l ,2 '1, 13,3, I'. ~" 2. Ii 2.' ,~qi , - -: R2,2, I I~q 12.1 12,2 !.' "'.:, I,i " I I 9R,2. f1l) l. 11,"..1, AlA DOCUMENT A,201 . I;FN"'~"1 C.(lNlln1flN~ (II" TIll' ((lNT",,(:"!" HlIl (:(lr-J.'''ltlllr-lrflN. 1'<)I'll'lITNTIl1'.JltT!(IN ,\11'1 ~ . ,f-. I"l-l- nlf' A ,\ll'JItr:AN IN"-llll q,.. f 11' "tlr _111'1 F(:T~. 1-\", Nf'\X' Y()IIK A\T,NITf.. N \X-. \X'A"lIlN(;-1 (IN. 11 C, !'''lfl(, A201-1987 5 W^"NING: U"llc~n!u~ri flhotocnpvinq vlohllf!!l U.S_ copvriahll;'fWlf IIod In !'"hi~cllo I~Q~I ptr/!'tpeullf)" . . GENERAL CONDITJONS OF THE CONTRACT FOI< CONSTRUCTION J ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The COlllr:1C! nOClll1lCnt~ consi.c;1 of the Ag:reemcn! hClwcen Owner :JI1c1 COl1lr~ClOr (here;n~fler the ^~ret:'rneflf), Conditions (II the Cflntr~ln (Gencr~l, Sllprlernelll:lry :lncl olher Conditionc;). I )r:l\\';llg~. :;pccifk:llioll,t;, :ltklcnd:l iSSIIl'd prior In c:'tl'clIlion or lhe COlli r:lCt , other documents 1i,c;H:d in the Agreement ~ml Mndificnions issued ;trll~r execution or the Comr:1Ct. ^ ~lodifi. cation is (1) :1 t'.'riUen :lInendment.lo the Conlr:K( "'i~ned hy hoth p:trlics, (2) :t Ch:mge Order. L:l,) :1 Con.c;ITuctioll Ch:mge [)ireclive or (4) :1 tnitlell order (or:; minor ch:lIlg('" in the \'(fork issllcd In' ll1e ArchilCT\ links.'> sp('CiOc:tlly emulH:r:llcd ill lilt' Agreelllent, !hl' COlltr:lCl DOCllIlll'TllS do nlll inc!mk' olher doculllents .<;llcl1 :1.<; hidctinR requiremcnt<; (;l{lvcni.<;Cf11enl or ill\'ll;1tioll 10 hid, InSlr1.1Clion!' 10 Bidders, <;;1fllple forms, Ihe Corllr:1CIOr',<; bid or pOrlinn.<; of :1r1dend:1 rc!;uinR 10 hie.kling reqlliremclll.<;). 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The C(1r1l1':ICl l)(J<:\lIllenl.c; form rhl: C0I11r;K1 for COIl."lwClion The Cnrl1r:1Cl rcprc!'/:nl!' lhe ('mire :md iIllCJ:!r:lletl :1Wet"lllC'nl IWltnTll tile p:lrlie.<; hereto ;:md !'\Ipe.'r.<;edcs prior rl('p..oli:lIinns, lC!1fC.'Wllt:llion.c; or :tWCCtllCnls. eHher "'rillen or or:11. The Coo- 11':1("1 rn:ty he :1I11endcd or modified nnlr h":1 "!odifiC:l1iol1, The Contr:lcl f)nnllllclH.<; shall not he CPI1.<;!rlled 10 crC:11c:1 COnlr:1C- 1\1:1J rel:11i(H1Ship{1(:my kill(t (I) hetweell 111(' Architect :l11(1 (:cJn- H:1("1()I', (1) hCl\vt'CIl lhe (l1;....ner :md :1 Sllhcnr1lr:1ClOr 01 Suh- <:1lhcnntr:Wlflr fir (:,) her ween :lny r~r.<;OIle; or ('l1tifiC's olher rh;1I1 lhr: OWller :lIld COnlr:lclnr. The An:hilec! .<;h:ll1. hot\'('\'cr. he cl1lillnllo PCrrOllll:lIHT :1I1d cnrorn:l1lel1l of ohlig:lliollS under 1111,.' C:lH1traCt ill1ell<!e(i l(l r~ci1iI:II(, perhlrlll:mcc Ilf rhe l\n:hill..TI',<; (\lIlics 1.1.3 THE WORK The tcrm "\'('ork" mC:111!' rile cOll!'rnKlinn :lnd .c;crvicC's rL'quirt'tl hr lhe COlllr:l(-1 Doculllt'I1t.c;, t\'hclhcI completcd or parli:tlly completed, :Ind includes :111 olher l:1lmr, 1ll:llt:ri:II.c;, t'quipml.:nl :1lld -:crvin.'s pnl\'idnl or 10 he.' pro"ided hy Ihe CorHr:1(lm ro fullill the COlHr:lCtor'.<; ohlig:lllot1s. Tile \'rork Ill:l\' CtHl.<;1iHllt' rhe whole or :1 p:m or lilt' Plnject. 1,1,4 THE PROJECT The.' ['1/lilT' ie; rllt' lol:ll CIlt1strll('!in" of n-l1ich lhe \'(iork )lcr- rllr!1letl 1ItH,in I he ConI r:1("1 f)nClll1l('nt.<; 1ll;1\' he ! h(' whole or :t P:lrl ;llld which lll:IY indlltlc ('Ol1e;lnl('lIUIl hy rhe (h\'llcr or hy -:(,p:lr:1lL' ("(llllr:IClnr.c; 1.1,5 THE DRAWINGS 'f'11(' 1 )r:J"-ill~S :11(' the gr:lphic :1I1d f,in(lfi:ll pllrrilln.<; (lr Ill,: C()ll- rr:let l)rlf:\lll\Cl1rs. wlleTen:r II'Clle'd ;111,1 't'..'hl'Il(.'\Tr i.<;s\l(:d, ,<;IHl\\-ing thL' design. lncuirlll ;1I1t1 dimcnsion" 1)( Iht' \'(!ork. gellt'l':llh' inchldillj! pl;1Il:';. ,_'In';l!jrl!l<; <;(.'nill!l."_ tlel:lil<;, _<;cl1ed- lIk'<; :111(1 di:1~!r:lIll<; 1_1,6 THE SPECIFICATIONS '1"11(' Specificl1illll_<; :lre 111:11 pr)T1illn (If Ill(' (:IHllr:lCl {)(I(."llIlWfH.<; c\lnsi,<;lil1~ or tIle: wrillcn rc-q\lirelllCnle; fot m:rtni:1I.<;. ~ql1ir- tllt'IlI, nm.c;ln1C1iTHl !'y.<;1Clll,<;, ,<;t:1nd~rd.<; :1I1d t\'(lrknlarlship r(lf lhe Work, :1nc1 perforll1:mct: of rd;l1ed ser\'ic~s 1.1.7 THE PROJECT MANUAL The Projcct M;1rl\t~1 j,<; the "olume usu:tll" :1sscmhled for the \X'ork which Ill:lY includc Ihe hidding requirel11cms, s:1mple form.e:;, Comti1i(lll,<; of Ihe Cnntr~cf ~ntl Speciric:1tion<; 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT 1.2,1 The COlllr:K1 Documellls 5h;l;1l he signed hy the Owner :tnd COfllr:Klor :15 prodded in the Agrn.:t1lt'nt. If cill1cr tilt' Owner or Contr.tclnT or hoth do not 5ign ~II the Comr:ICl Dncumen!.<;, lhe Archilect <;h:t11 identiry :,;uch tlllsi~ned nocu- lllCnI.<; upon request. 1,2.2 Execution of the COlllr;l;cl hy rhe Cnlltr:1("1or i.<; :1 re:pfC- 5Cl11;lltOn tll;ll the COlllr:lctor h~s visited 111(" ,<;lle:, hecollle f;lmil- i:lr with IOCII C,"(mdiliorl,<; under which rhe \'(':ork is to he per- rormcd :111<1 corrcl:1:tcu per,c;ol1;l1 Oh5Cr\-:lriolls wirh req11ire- ments (If tI,e COlHr:l:Ct Document.'i. 1_2.3 The inlent or rhe (:ontr;l('1 DocllllH'nt.<; i.<; to include :llf ilem<; nece.<;.<;:1ry ror Ihe proper execution :lI1d completion or rht'? \'(:ork Il\' rhe C:onlr:1CI()r The COnl~ct I )OCt1lllenl.<; :lW complC" mcnl:lr\', :111(1 ~h:lI j.<; lequired hy one sh:llI h(' :1.<; hindinp. ;J~ H reqllil('(i hy :111: pcrr/lrnl~nce hy tl1(" C(II11r:lctllT ::;It:111 he required nnly !olhC- extcnr cOll,'ii.<;tem wirh tile COlllr:lcl "{lCll' IllCnI!' :llld rC:I~on;lhly infcr:lhle frolll !helll :Ie; hc1ng nccc<;<;:1!\ 10 produce rll(' inlcne.lnt rC<;lIll'<;. 1.2,4 Orp,:llli7.:Jtion of the Specifiolions into divisinns,"coiom and ;1rtidcs. :md :1rr:lll~Cl11erH of Dr:twitlp.s sl1;llll1ol n1111 rt Illhe COlllr:1Cror in dividing tilt' \'(1ork :1ll1(m~ Suho l!lH:ICtO\'.<; or ill (.<;1:lhli~hillg the c:,<lent or Work to he performed h\' :l1lY rr;lth.: 1.2.5 Ullles,<; nlhcr~'j,<;c ,<;(:tled in the- C/lnrr:lct Doqrmen!.<;, word<; 'l'\'hkh Il:lVC well-known lec!lIli(:11 or con~tfllclioll indll~ Iry Ilic:lIlinp.<; :lr(' IL<;ecl in the Conrr:le.-l r)oClllm:nl.~ in :lCcord- :lIlCC with ~lWI1 reco,gni7:ed I1lC;lllill~S 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 1.3,1 Tht" Dr:lwin~,<;, Specilic:ltill1l!' :tne! ()ther clllCUfllClll.<; prep:uccl Il\' the Archilccr ;lre ;nstnllllCIHs of rhe Archil_ecI'~ s('(\'ke Il1rOlIRh ",'hich lhe Work to he o:cnlled by Ih.... Con- rr:IClor i.<:' de<;crihed Tht' Cnlltr:lctor 1ll:lY rt'lain (IlK' cOlllr:KI rt'cord sct. Neither ll1e Cnlltr;lClOr nor ;lIH- SUhnll1lr:lctllr. Suh- .<;lll1contr:lCIOr or m:lleri:1I or equipmcnt ~llpplk'r ~h;111 (It\-1l or dailll :1 copnighl in rhe J)r:lwill~s_ Spedlicllioll<; ;lIHI (lll1n dOC\1tllt'lll.<; prep;lrecl Il\' tlH.' Archilect. :111d \1nlc~s ollwf\\'i"f.' indiclInlthe Architect .<;11:111 he dcemcd tlH' :r1111111r of II1e1l1 :l1ld tt.'ill rel:lill :111 ("flllllllClIl 1:1't'.... sl:Il\llnry :1llt1 (ltller fc.'<;('n't,'(1 'igI1r'-' ill :Hldilioll lo rll(' (()pnip.hL All copir-." of rhel11. c:,\('cpr Ill(' Ollllr:I(-tllr.s renHd ,<:.n, ,<;11;111 he t('llIrlK'd 01 Sllil:lhly :1CnllIll1C(1 for lo1hc Ardlircn. (\11 reflllc.<:'!. upon ('(llllplrliofl of Ihe \"\'(lrk rhe 1 )r:1\\'iTl~s,"pccinC:llion.<; :111(1 olhcr dO('\II11('I11<; prcp:llnl lw l1w Arcl1itect. :11HI ('opic~ thereor rl1f11i~lH'd 10 the Clll1ft';H lor, :1tC rOf lIq~ .<;Illcly <:\'ill1 re.<;p~c1 ro Ihis ]Jr(),ecl They :uc 11r>! 1(1 he Ir,<;('(I h,' lilt' (~(1I11r:1C\(lf lIT :my SIIII(-rH1lr;lC!I'f. <;\Ih <;llhC<Hlrr:1C!(lr Ilr rn:llCli:t1 (Ir equipmeTll .<;upplk-1 (In rlrllt.'! I'lrlj ('("1.<; or for :lddiriIlH.<; \11 Ihi.<; Projen ol1rc:ide' rlw<;cflpc of ItlC 6 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . f:n!Fl/AI. CON[}rT!{lr.'<; (ll' 'II rr f-f 'N tn/lCl Fflll 0 IN':nlllf''lr H~ . f'( 1I1fl I l:1'f.ll If F.ll! IV"; ,\1,\. . '" l"R7 TIll' .VIFlllL-'N INST1T1ITF "" !\llCllll t:fTS_ '''''' Nr\'(- )r W.; "\TNIII'. N \':' \X'A';I rpH; I {'''' r.r _"","" WARUINr,- Ilrlllcpnc;r.d /'Ihnlf'Cf'lTwlna vlnhH"!'s U_S. cnfIVrinhf ,,..w~ ;tnd !<; ~u~i"r:! If' I_ant rHT\~"!'Ctl!lOll. . - \\\lJk W;I!Jrl\H !Ill: spcciric wril!CI1 COIlSCll! of the Owncr :ll1d Arcllil{'C( 'I"he C{lI1tr:lClnf, Suhcrmfr:lt:!rm';, S\lh-~uh((m'r~n(m; :llltl m:llCli:1I or eqllipmelH .<;upplicrs ;uc gr:mlct! :J IilllilccJ liccnse tel \I.':;e :llld reproduce :1pplif.:ahle portion." or lhe Dr:1't\'- Ings. Spcciric:l1io!ls ;Jnd olher docull1el1l~ prcp:ucd hy the l\rcl1ilCCl :lppropri;J1C tn :lnd for 11.<;(' in lht, excCtlliorl (If 1heir \\--ork lindeI' (he COnlr;ICi DOellfllcnr.<;. All ('opies m:lc!e lIflc!c:r Ihis license sl1:l11 he:lr the sI:IIU1ory f:opniEZhl notice, if :111)'. ."IU)\\'11 fIll the [)r:rn:ing.... SpccificuicHlS ;lnd olhel dl)("tllllt:I1L<; I'rrp:llcd hy the Arcl1ircct. SlIhmiH;l1 or di.snihulion ((I meet ornei;!! regul:lIor\' reqllirClIlt"'''S (ll for olht:r pmposc." ;11 ("Oll- !H,:cliol1 \\;;111 Il1i."I I'roject L<; not to he con~lrl1ecl ;t~ puhliclIillll in c!c(og:1tion of rhe Archilec1"s copyri~IH or other rC.'wrvcU lij,.!Ill.':; 1.4 CAPITALIZATION 1.4.1 Term,<; C:lpit:llizeu ill th('~e (;("ncr:d CI lIldilifHl~ include !ho~c which :lfC (I) .<;rlt'CiIlCllly ddillcd. (2l rlu: lillt:~ of num- hcrcd ;lrtick~ and idclltilkd referenec~ In P:lr:lW:lphs, Slll,p:lr:l- gr:lph.<; and CI:I\l.<;cs ill the dOClllnenl flf L"'.J tilt, litle,<; of (llher lIIICUllll'JlI,S Pllhli'shed h~' tll{' AIIH:riCIll ]n.<,;lilute (If Archil ens. 1.5 INTERPRET A TlON 1.5.1 In tile inH:resl of hre\'ily lhe \'{Illlr:lCl [)pcumcl1t.<; (re- qlll'lItl~' (llllilll1odif~'illg word.<; .<;uch :,~ ":1/1" :Illd ";111(' ;Illd ;lrti. cll'.~ .<;llCI1 :1.<; "Ihe" :lIlcJ ":lI1." hili tile f:lCI th:11 ;J modifier or:1I1 ;If'ticle i.<; :11),<;cnl frolll (Ill(' .<;I;IlCllH:n, and appell'S in ;tllolller i~ not ilHcnued !f) :lfkc! the illlcrpret:uioll of t'ilhcr .'.t;lIClllenl. ARTICLE 2 OWNER 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1,1 Tile O'\'lwr i.<; the per,<;ol1 or cl1IilY idcmiOed :f.e: .<;uch in lilt' ^greement :lIld i,<; referred If) thnlllJ{lu)UI lhe C(ll1tr:lCl [)(lCIIIlH,'I11.<; :1.<; if ~inJHII:tr in THlllllwr. The term "(h\'nel" llle:ll1S lhe (hvller Of the C lwlH'r's :mlhllriz('d repre,e:('nr:llive. 2.1.2 TIH.' ()\\,Ilcr Uplll1 rt':lsllI1:rhle ,vrillcl1 n:qll<."'sl ,<;h:11I fllrni~h 10 the ContraClor ill \\Tilil1!-! inl'0fl11:nioll \\'l1ich is Ilccc.':;s:lry and rc!t.T:llll (or rllt' CIIIlIr:I(IOr ro ("\':IIU:llt.. ghT notice' of or ('11((11'('(' tll{'{'I1:/Ilk"s lil'll ril-!hl~ SlI('1l illlill'lll:llillll ~h:III incllId{.':1 t'(l1H:Ct SI:llCIllt'llI 01 llle recllrd le~:11 thle to !he properly Oil ,,'Ilich lilt' Pn1jtTt i.<: hH.':llcd, US":llIy refern:d Ifl :J.<; the .<;ite. and 1]le (h\'Il('r-_<: inrcre.'i1 11!t'r{'in ;11 11ll' lime (If e:,,:cClllilJl) ()f lilt' !\Wt'l'1llClll :11ld. within riV1':' d:I"s after :111\' Ch:Il1gr.:, inform:ltion o( sHch challge in lille. reC'ordt'd or llIlrecmded. 2.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REOUIRED OF THE OWNER 2.2,1 Tilt' (h\'llcr sh:tI/' :11 tile n:qllt'Sl of Ill{' CfIlllr:lclflr, prim to e:<cnl1ifln of the ^greemelll :1I1d prolllplly from limc 10 limc rherc:lht"r. furnish to Ihe" C(Jlllr:1Ctflr re:l.<;on:lhk' e,'idt'nc<' tll:lt f'in:lllt:i:ll :lrr:lll~R'IlH.'I1I.<; h:lve h('C1l lll:lde 10 h,llill lll{' Owner'.<; 'lhli~:1ti(lIl.<; lindeI' the Cllnlr:lcl. (A(I/f!' "l1lt'S." SIKh 1"('11,((",((1,1(' (,/.,tI('JI{'(' ",(',.(' -,,,nlished 011 r('(/I/('Sl ''''/')1" In Ow (',Ycc,"u/in" f!/ fh{' :I,!!.reCIHCI/I. (/J(' !".n.,,!wclll'(' ("01l11'(1{'1(1/" 1I'ould unf IJe r('f/lf/t-I'd In {',y('ntle 1/1(' AI!''('('l1WIIf (JI' /0 01111111('11((' (/Ie If(wlt.( 2.2.2 The ()"'I1('r "h:11I (urni.<;h <;ur\'ey," de."C:rihing physicl] c!l;tr:lneri.sli<.:s. legal 1i1llil:H;OI1S and lllilily l"clIio!1.<i for Ihe sile [Ir rhe I'r()jcr:r. ;lnd:l Iq,!:11 dc~crip'ion of Ihe sHe 2.2,3 F.xc.:q)1 rill' pnlllir.<; :111(1 [ec,o:: ",hii'll :m' llle l('<;p(1l1.<;ihiliry (I! Ille t:lJ/lIr:l('lllr 1111(lcr IIlc (:(lIl1r:lcr 1)(l(,'lll11('l1rs, rllt' t ''''Ilt'!" ~h:11I <;1,'Cllrc :rlld P:lY f{lr nCCC.<;S:Ir\' :lpplll\':Il.<;, (,:I!'<':f1H:nl~. :r,"_<;{'S.<;- . men!.<; ;md ch:lrgc~ required for C(1(1<;1fl.1C1!PIl, liSt' I1r (l{(ill':IIH"\ or 11Cflll:l1l('!ll <;trllClllre,e: or (nr pCflll:IIlCl1t ch:mw_'<; ill ~'~:iSli!lg f:tdliries 2.2.4 In((H'Il1:lthlll (H servkes II!1tkr llle ()1:\'ller.,~ ('Illlllt)1 <;ll:tll he rllrrlislwt! In' rhe OWller 1:\'Hh rC:lsllfl:rhk' IHfl!llplfl"<;<; 10 :l"nitl del:l\ ill mdcrly progrc<;," of tile \'(:nrk 2.2.5 llnks,<; 11tht:r1:\'i.<;~ pnH'kk(f in rllt' (',[lIllr:lt-r 1)1l{'1111H'lll'; rhe (:lllllt:rC1()r will he rlrrni,<;llnl, fr('(" (If ch;rf~{,. "tlt.!, fll[lil',<; Ilf I )r:I1:\'illg.<: :lIld ProjeCt ~l:IIHl:ll:" :J.e: :lrc l{':I,<;(111:1hly Ilcn_::;~;ll \ [or (":,,:ecuIIIlIl of tile \'(:lllk 2.2_6 TIIC f(Heg{)in~ :If(:' in :l(klitillnICl Ilthn (lt1!i('~ :111(1 rc,<;r'lll\ ...;ihi/iri('s (II tilt' (h\'llcr ('1lIHll('r:lInlhert'ill :1l1{1 C~;I\('li:rll\' IlHl"" in r('SJWCI 10 Anicle (1 (Consfructioll hy Owner or hy Scp:rl:I!C C:llllII:lClOrS), Article tl ([\:I\'I11t'I1I.<; :llld (:IJlllpkrifHl) :ll\(1 1\r1i('lc I I ([nSlIr:rn<.T :lnd f\ollds) 2.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 2,3.1 If lhc COl1lr:lc1or (:1i1~ to corrccr "';:nrk t\'l1i<.:11 is l\(1r ill :K("(lrd:lTln: wirl1lhc requirements or rhe (:(Hllr;1Ct I){lnllllnlt.~ :IS r~qllircd h~- P21:Jgr:Jph 12.2 or rersistenll\- f:lil... to 'c:trry Ollr Work in :l(COrd:lnce' ~vith Ihe COlllr::lC't DocllnleIH.<;. the ()wllcr, hy wrill{'n order si~lled pcr.<;on:1Hy or hy :111 agetlt ,speciric:rlh' "fl empowered hy lhe Owner in writing, m:1Y order rhe COllrr:r(- lor In ,<;IOP rh(~ \'("ork, or :lIly porlion ,hereof. ulltiltll(" C:"I~e for .<;uch order h:J:; hC('1l clhnill:Jlctl: howevcr. the ri~hr or rhe Owner ro .<;IOp tl1(.' Wo(k sl1:111 not ~j"c ri~(" In:l dUlY 1111 rlH' P:1I't of the (h'\'ncr to ("xerci~e Ihis ri~hl for lhe hellefit of the (:on- tr:u:ror or :1lly other per.<;(J1l or entity, except f(. rile {'xtenl r('qllired hy Sllhp:lf;l~r:Jph <1_1 ,.~ 2.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 2.4.1 If rht, ConlraClor dd:1tlll.<; O( ncglects to (":11'1'\- (llll thl' \,,\lurk ill :lCCord:IIKe with rhe Cnnlr:wl [)O('l1Il1{'nl.o..; :uld !":lib ,,-ill1in :t ,<;('v<.:n,<.I:1\' period :lfl<.:r receipt of "-'linen nOlice fl11111 Ille ()Wl1C( I(l ('fllllmt'lHT :llltl ("(lllrilllle C11rtr:Clillll llr ."IIl'll de(:1\111 Ill' 1H'J.!ft'Cr willl diligt"ll(:e :md 1}l'(1Inp!IH:<;~, 111C ()~\-I1('( 1l1:1Y :lftt'1' such ,<;e\'t"n-(!:l,' pt:ri(Jd give tll(.' t:(llltr:lCIIH :1 <;('([1I1d wriltell l\lllke 1(' Cllrn:n '<;U<:l1 (It:riciCI1('i('.~ willllll :t "('(-(lllll ,"(.'\Tll.(t:lY period_ If lht" CllfHraCII'r wirhin ,~l1ch ,<;(.''.'(111<1 <;{'I't'll- d:lr pt'ri(ld :lller rccdlll of '<;lIch SCCOIHI I)lllic{' r;1if." tll (,(!lll' Iln'Il({' :rn<l ('(1llrillIW If! ('oITt'n :rrl~' dclki{,rlcic';, Ill{' ()WI1('1 lll:I~', wilhour prejudice In olher n:ll1edit'~ Ihe ()\\,llt'1 111:1\' 11:1\'(.', CfllTtTt ,<;lleh (knck'11Cie~, III .<;Itch CI."(' :lIl :lpIHl'pri:ll(' (:h:1nW' Order <;h:lll be is<;ued deduninl-! rrIJIll p:l\'!ll<.'lll~ 11H'1l (11 rln'I'{':lflcr <lilt' 'he (:IHHr:r('I(lr lilt' Ol,"1 (,f Cflnt'Clillt! s(1("h (It'li- dcncic,<;. indudillg ('(llllpet1s:11io!) (or 'he Ardlitecr-~ :ldditi(II1;1( sCf\'icc,<; :tnd c:<pen.<;(",<; rn:ldt> nen=ss:Jr~- hy .<;rICh dcf:lllll. nt'glec! or (:Iilure. Such ;telion hy tht' O"...n<.:r :lnd :1I1101l1ll,<; ch:lr.l!ed ro tilt, COlHr:Ktor :lre horh suhject ro prior :lpprf!I':11 of !he Archi wet. !( P:I\'lll/..'IlI.<; ,11('11 or therC:lftcr due Ihe (:01111':1('\01 ;lre not <;urnck:nr 10 ('ovt'r ,<;lIch :1I1IOUTll,<;, tht' COlllr:lctll! ,<;h:1I1 1';1\- lht' t1ifkrenn: 10 rhe ()1:\'11el ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR 3.1 DEFINITION 3_1.1 The C(llHr:lt'lfH i.<; fhe per,<;IH) fir ('IHill' idCtllincd :I~ <;IICIt In 111(' Al-!rt'Cl1ll'l1l :llld i_<; rc(erJ('d In throllgllo(1t the f;1l1l11:1('! 1)1)f'111JH'!l1~ :1.<; if <;illj!1ll:tr ill tl1lT1'lh('r rhe Inlll '(,llIlIr:l(II)I" rn<.':III~ 111(' (.ol1lr:IC!Or Of 111(' C(llltr:IlI!l!<; ;l(II!Hlri/_nf rqHc.<;(,Tlt:lli\'t' ^I^ DOCUMENT "1701 . CENF1!^1. U1NIllTl0NS 01' TilE (:nNTIlACT FOJ{ CONSTIHICTlnN . FOtIIlTF.FNTl! FnlTlnN ,\lA" . 1':1 1'l~Cl tll A/IlFltlf AN IN<;T1TlITF or I'''WlrITFCTS. I ~,<:; N'~\'t' YOHK A\'FNtlJ' N \'(' \'(I,A.';lrIN(;'l (IN l' r: lflfll)(; A201-1987 7 W^nNlNC::~ tlnlh'!fO"t'lp.cf I"hnlor:nrJY"'Q vlnl~llI!!': u.s. cnpvr'ghllnw'li: ""lfl", "'""II"r:1 In 1"(1"1 f1rn....r:ullnn. . 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR 3.2.1 The Cllllfl:lclor .<;k,rr c;1rcflllly ,"l\ld~' ~IHI cnlllp:l((' lhe (:lllllracl 1)(lctlIllClll~ with c;lch (1l11el :tI1l! willI inhHI1l:1tlilll lurnisllcd h~. rhe Owner purSl1:1I11 If I Slrhp;u;Jp,r:lf,h 2.2.2 ;lntl ,..hall ;1l (lI1("e rCp(lrt If) tllC ^rchilec! CiltlrS. innlll.<;i<;lencic.<; {Jr fHllissiIHl.<; <.1i."C<lv('rnl. The <:(llllr:l("!()!' "l,:ll! FHlt he 1i:1lllc I') rhe Owner or Archhcct for d:lIn;r~t' rcslIhing frOIll errors, inCllllsi.<;. rencie..:; or omission." in the COl1tr;1CI 1)0CIII11('I1I.<; unks... \l1e (:(Hllr;lC!()r rCOlgni7.cd .<;II(h ernn, innmsi.';!crH"Y (ll (ll1li<;.c;illll :111<-1 kn(H\'illgly f:tiled 10 repOf1 il In rile Architect. If lhe Cpo- 11';J(:lor performs :llly Cf)I1.<;trucrion :1("li\'jl~' kllowin~ iI involve."; :1 l'('co~ni7..ed crror, incoflsi...len('r or ()nli.<;.<;ioll in the COlli r;lct f)o("\nncnt."i without :-uch noTice !o the ArchileCl, tl1(' C:(llltr~c' lor ,'>h:lI1 :1S:-\IIllf: appropl'i:llc re."ipollsihitily for ,<;Hell perfnr- m:uH.T :lnd shall he;lr :"1Il ;lppropri:lIe amount of lhe :lltrihul:lhlc COSI."i for ("orrlTllon, 3.2.2 The C:ontr:lctor shalll:lke I1dd rne;!!\uremeI1lS :md "erify ridd conditions :"md ...h:dl c;uefully comp;lre .<;uch licit! me;!- Sllfelllcnt... :ll1d condition." :lncl Cllher inform:lIiOI1 knowll to the COlltr:1t:I(Jr \\'i1h till' COl1tr:lct r)oCUll1CIlI~ before c0l111m:ncing :Ic(i\'ilic.<;. Errors. ill('Ollsislcncies Of {Jl1li,<;sioIlS di:-covercd .<;h:11I he n:por!cd to the Architect :1{ OIlC:': 3.2.3 The Contr~cTor Sh;lll perform tht' \'(:ork in :lccortl:lIlCe t"illl tile COlltr:lcl Documents :1l1d SUhlllitt:lf.<; approved rur, SU;Il1( In P;lr:lgr;lpl1 .~ 12 3.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 3.3.1 The C:Olllr;lCIOr .<;It;11I .<;l.IpCf\'isC :md direct lilt' \'(:ork, Ilsing Ihe ContnlClor's he.<;1 ,c;kill :mcl ;lI1elltion. The (;nntr:Klor sh;ill hc ,<;oldy re.<;pollsibk for ;md have CPlltrol O\'l"r COIlStrtlC. li(lll 111<::111<;, 111('II1(l(ls, let:hni<IIIC.'i, ,<;nl\ICI1("l'S :rnd pnKTthtn:::- :lnd for c(lortlin:lljll~ ;111 ponion!' o( till' \'GIork under the Coil. tr:tCl. !lilies.'> Contract J)(lCUlll("nt.<; .Qiq:' lither spt'dl1c in-"Iruc, tions C0I1Cl"fning lhe.'ie rmllter.<;. 3.3,2 The Cl lnlr:1C1or sh:IIII)(: re."p(Hl,<;ihle 1(1 the ()wner f{lr :lets :llltl {lmts.<;j()ll.<; (If thc (:()rltr;lCfflr's elnrl(I~'cc.<i, Slll)l'(lntraclflfS :md till'ir :1!!Cllf.'i ;111d cmplo,'("c.'i, and other rl'rSfmS 11crfoflninJ,t portions of lIw \'(/ork lIf1der ;1 l'Olllr:Kl with I Ill' COlllr:H.'tflr 3.3.3 The COlltr:lCTor sh:11l 1101 hc relkved of ohlig;ulofl.<; 10 per. form the \'X'ork in :lccClH.l:mce with tht' COnlr:lt:1 DOCUlllentS ellhcr hy :lCli\'i1ics or dwie... of the Archill'ct in the An:hiIC(.:t'.<i :tdlllinislr:lljo!l of the Ctlntr:lCl, ()f' hy TeSIS, IllSPtTlioll.'i or :IPlmw:lIs required Of perfol"mcu hy persons mller th:tn the Cfllltr:lct(lr. 3,3,4 Thc (;tllllr:lCtor .<i11:11I he rt:SPflllSihle for in."pcction of por- li'lt)S flf \'('(ll"k :,If(::,d~' perf()rlllC(lumler till." C":CHltr:lCt It) deter, mine 111;11 ~1I("h ponions :m," ill proper condition 10 re(:civc .<;oh, '><:qllCllt \\"-'ork. 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 3,4.1 I 'nll'S<; otherwis(' pro\'illcd in llle Co/ltr:l("t l)oClllllClll.<;, 1111.: (:lmlr:rC!fll" .'ih;llI pnl\'id(' :Inti 1':ly f{lr [:II)(lr, 111:II('I"i:lls, nl'lip, llIellt. 1(ltlf..... C!ltlSlru("lilln <:qllipIlH:nl :rnd 1I1:ld1im:ry, water, IH::rl. ulilities. tr:lll."pon:lIion. :llld 0111('1' f:ldlitk.... :1Il<.! sl'n'i('l'::: 11lTI:<;S:tt"\" fl'l" pnllx:r exenllion ;Ind nlllll)lcli(JIl (If lhe \'{:f,rk. Wlll'!ller lemp()l"al'Y fir per1ll:lIlerH :md whelhcr or 1101 ill('llrpo, 1:llnt fir lfl he inc(lrp(H:rted in lhe "'{lrk. 3.4,2 The CfHllr:r("ltl!' Sh:lll ellr(lrce~lricl disciplinc :lll(\ good (lld('f :ItlHlFl~ rIle (:Il/ltr;'cl(lr',~ t'llllllfl\TC" ;111<1 (,ther Pl'fS(Hl.<; t.":lITI'ing flU! the (;flllll":lCI 'j'he: (:('llIr:ICI(Jr ,,>11:111 !lIlt 11crll1il clllpl1n'lllt'nr fll 1111 fit perSlllls {II per:-n!lS flOI _<;killed in l:l...I(s ;1.""i~IWtll{llhcll\ . 3.5 WARRANTY 3,5,1 The (:rl1ltr:lctpr w:nr:lIlt.<; tn the ()n'n('r ;l11d t\rchilCl"t Ih:H m:ltcrbl.,> ;l!l(1 Cflllipnwlll ftlf!lisI1c(llllHler Ill(' (>11111:1("1 willl'f' o( g(lod qll:lli,,' :llld flew l1t1lc:-<; olhcrwi.<;f' required or pelln;r led hy 111(' Corllr:1Cl [)oCllmC'Ilt,<;. rll:II the \X:(lTk n'ill lw rrc(' frolll dcfcn~ Ilor inherenl in the qU:11i1r H'qllirn.l (If pCTmillnl :1T1d th;ll Ihe \'(-'(lrk will ('(lrlforlll \'-'ilh the rcqlli1f:l1lCllt'; or TIU' <;fllllr:lct [>tlCtlIllClll.'i \'V'llrk Illll cOllf(lI"lniIlJ! If I fhcsc r('{,,!in' mellt,~, ineht<lin,g .<;llh...titutiflll.~ !l(lt pn'11('rly :lI'Pfll\'I'(j ;1!1(1 :llltIHIr17ed. 111:1\' tl(' Cllll_<;ic1cn:d dckni\T Tl1(' (;llllll:Wlflr." \\,:\rr:lllly e:'lc!l1des reTllnly fOI tl:Hn:I~C (II defecl C:H1.<;nl h~ :Ihll.',e, lllfldilk:lliI1l1.'i FHll e:'lCnllC'd In' tllC (:lHlrr;lf"l(lf', ilnpnlllCl fIr illS\lffidenl 11l:linTCll:IIlCe, imprl1pcr III'cr:llillll, (11 IlfJllll;ll '\\'(";Jr :ll1d le:lr IIndClllorlll:ll 11.":lgC. If rt:quilnt tHo 111(' /\rdlilCC!. tl1(' C(Jlltr:wtnr <;11:llIlUflli<;h .<;:Ili.<;f:lctorr ('\'idcll("(: :1," III rhe kind :lIld qll:llilY llf 111:II('ri:ll... :rnd cqllipmcn! 3.6 TAXES 3,6.1 The COlltr:lClOr ,~h:lll P:lY .'l:llc.o;;, COI1.<;IIIll('r. 11,<;t' :1I1d-sirnil:lr t;IXC'<; for the Work or pnrrion... thereof I'flwidcd by Ill(' C,m. ll':1("!(lr n'hich :!f(' ICJ:..!:ltly C'1l:l("wt! ~\'lwl1 l1id~ :l1T I"("ccl\'nl or lH.:goli:1I1011S concluded. n'hClhcr or Ill)! n:1 effective or Ilwn:h sd1edulr:d In go jllln effect 3,7 PERMITS. FEES AND NOTICES 3,7.1 llnk'.<;.<; ()Iher't\'i~e pro\'ided in tilt. COlltr;lC1 ])(\(1I111ClH,<;, Ihe COlllr:1f."lor .<;11:111 secure and p:ly for the Ilundin~ permil :rntl !llhel' permits ;lIltl ~{l\,(,f1llllenl;11 fees. liccllSt'S ;sn(! illSpCCliflll~ lKTcs,o;;;lry J'(l[ (lffll)cr (,:'leClllil)l1 :llHI (,()llIpk"iflll fIt ItIC \,'(Hk whicl1 al"e CUSI(ll11;1fih' .<;e:cl1red :lfler eXt'CI.tioll of lhe (:lllltr:lC! :lIld which :lrc k~:lth' H.'qllircd when hid~ :Ht' r('rchTd 01 Ill'W' 11:11il)ll", CIIIIChHkd. 3,7,2 'I'he (:llnlr:Ktflf' .'ih:11J Clllllply with :Iln! giv(' Illllitc': fl'cl'ti/'ed 1)\' 1:1\\'.", llrdln;tll(es. rtllc~, reRul:ni(lll,<; :11lc! I:r\\ful orders of f111hlk :lulh()rllie~ hC:lring Oil rerforrn:lllfT of the \"'()I"k 3.7.3 It is not lhe Contr:lCtor'.<; rcspoll...ihilil\' l(l ascertain thar the COlllf:lCl f)onuncl1ls :lr(~ in :lC(Ord:llln: wilh :tppliclllk.' 1:lws. ,"I:1l\HCS, ordin:lllct'!'i, hl1ildin~ code.~. ;1nd nile... :md wgul:t. lion.<;. IlonTver. if thl' COlllr:lct(lf ohscf\Je:.~ that ponifln.<; of Ihe Contr:\Ct f)oClll1lCnts ar(~ ;H \':lri:ll1('e Ihere't\'ill1. lilt' Contr:tClor .<;11:111 promptly 11(llif~' th(' Archite(:t :lnd ()wller in writing. and ncc('.c;sary ch:lllge.<; ,<;h:11I he ;Jccompli.<ihed In- :lpprllpri:lIC j\'!rI(Uficuioll 3.7.4 If lhl- COlltr;I(lOr rerforms Work kn(lwill~ il to he ("llll' Imry 101:1'1;\'.... .<;I;lltItC5. ordilmllcc:.<;, hllildinfo! code.<;. ;md rule." :md reglll:Hion~ wilholH .<;uch notice 10 Iht' Art:hill'CI :1Ilt! Owner. the CnTllr:tl"lOr .'ihall :1~.<;lImC full n~sron...ihililr rm .<;\lell W'Ofk and ,,>h:111 heir the :lIlrihul;lhl(' ('oSls. 3,8 ALLOWANCES 3.8,1 The (;nlllr;lctm Sh:lll indm\(: in tht' (;r1111 r:lct Sum :111 :lllow:lIlccs .<;I:lIed in the Col1lr;ICl DOCIIIllClll.<;, Hems ('o\'('lt'd t)\. :lllow;uKe.<; .<;11;111 he .<;lIpplit'd f(lr such ;UllO\lnls and 11" stich pnslIll.<; or enlities ;1." Ill(' ()wncr may dire(t. hut I Ill' (:lllllf:tt-IOI stl:lll Ilflt h(: required rll l"lllplclr {ler:::(HlS (Ir t'!lti!ie,s ;1~~;lill.<;f \\'11icl1 tile (:(1l1Ir;KI()r rn:lke.'i rC:1.<;(JIl:1hle Illlje(.tillll 3,8.2 I!nk~.<; (llhl'fwisl' pnn'idt:t! in the (:llIHI':In [)('Clrlllcnts ,1 tn:rlcri:lls :mt! CqUiPlllC'nt undef ;1t1 :lll(lW:l!lCf.: .s11:1I1 he ,'>deC!etlIH(lll1prl~' hr lhe Owner In :1\'lJid dt:I;I~' in Il1e \\0.-1.;; .2 :lll(IW;IIKI~~ ,~h:III ("(we!" the ("(lsr ll~ llll" (:ll1ltr:ll'llll fll 1ll:lll"ri:tls :md equipment delivered :11 lhl' silt: :lI1d ;111 wqllil"cd laxcs, It'ss applicthk tl':tt.!e t1i_<;('O\lIlI~;: 8 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A'Ol . 1:I'NFlIA1. ('(l['-j1lr1IflNS (II nil' UlNtllM:T nJll (flN.s""l'C1'lfl"" _ H"'rnITNTll rrHllfll~ AI^~ . ,,,, l'lle 1111: A"II'HI(.AN INSTlTI "IT fH'"I/(:lll IH'T.". 1-\<; Nrw- Yf llH, ,'\'FNllF. N \~ \'i'.\"llI~if;'11 '1'\ I l I 1'''111'' WM~N'NG: Unlicensed pholor.ol1ylng vio!;,tf!!> U.S, cOPvril1hll19w!'l And III sUbjfl!'ctlt'llf!<JA' prosecution. . .3 CcHllr;IClor"S co~\." j(Jr 1I1lIo;l(.ling :md handling :It lhc sill'. l:thor, insl:tll:rtioll COC:IS. (l\'c.:rhe:u.l. profil and (Jlhel" expense.c: (nlllcmpl:ucd for c:l:llcd :tllowancc :Ull0urHs shall he included in the Cnll1r:ICf Sum :mcJ !lOf in Iht' :lllow;mcc<i: .t1 WhCIlC\TT CO,'H.<; ;1..(' I1HllC II1:m Of les... 111;111 :lllo,,":lIlCCS, the Cnnlr:ln SUlll ,<;11:111 he :lditr<;\cd :1<'cmtlill~lr h~' (]1:1I1J!C (hdcr. The ;IIlHltlll! (}f lhe (:h:lIl~c (lrcJcr .c:h;tll rCnCG (I) lhe difference: hetween ;1("1\1:11 (O,'i!C: :lIld the :1110W:lIlC{",C: under Cl~II.<;~ .~.H,2.2 :lnd (2) cll:llIgcs in COlltr:wlor'.<; costs lIndel O;lt1<;c .' H.2.:.I,. 3.9 SUPERINTENDENT 3.9.1 Th~ CorllT;'lClor "h",1I employ a C:Oll1pelent c:uperinlcn- den! :1Ilt! m'ces.<;:trr :ls.c:i.c:l:mt.<: who ,<:h:11I he in ;'lllcnd:mce ;11 the Project site dllrill~ pCrr()rl11~nCC or lhe Work. The ~lIpcrilHen- dCnI ,<;h;lll rcprt"~cnl the Conrr:lctor, ;'lntl ("Ol1lnltIflIGllion~ give1l In fhe ~upcrjnte'ndcnt sh~lI he;!~ himting ~,<; ir ~iVCfl In the Con- Ir~ct(lr. Illlpnrt:ml comrnuniCllion,'i ~1J:l1I be ('(mfirmed in writ. jn~~, Olher COllllllllllic;uion... ,'ihall he ,<;irnil:lrlr nmfirmed 011 \\'rilft:Jl rcqlle~1 in C:1ch ca<;e, 3.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 3,10,1 1'l1t, Conlr;lclor, prompll~' :trter heing :l\\':uded I lie Ctln- tr:lCt. SIl:1II prep;lrc ;llld <;1 I 11111 it ror Ille (h\'ller','i :Illd Arcl1ilccl'S inlilflll:llion:' (:0I11r:1C1Or',<: COI1,..trllClion Sdl(xhllc ror the \'{/ork. The schedule ,<;h:1I1 not exceed time limils currCIlI IInder the Conlract Document;';. ,<;h:11I he re\'i,<;f~d:11 :lppropri;lI(, inter\':lls;ls required_ hr Ill(: ('ollL!ilion.c: or lilt' Work ;rlld Project. ~1l:111 h(;' I'I,:!:U(.'U 10 the CllIire I'roject 10 lhl' {'XICI1l rC{Jllircd hy tile Con. 11';1('1 1)11('UlllC!US, :111(1 SI1:111 Ill'{n'itlc hlf cxpnlil1l1\lS :1Il(1 pracli- (';1I1lc l':,<ecwion or lIlt' \'(/ork 3.10.2 The (:(1I1tr:I(IOr Sh:lll prcp:lr(' IIlld kecp curren!. for Iht' ArclliH..'CI'S :!pprm':ll. :1 schedule or ~Hhl11itt:tI:'l; which is coord i- Il:ltnl \\'ilh lilt' (:(llllr:lt'lflr',<; COll<:;II'UCliOIl ,<;cheduk :lIld allows Iht' ArchiltTl r(':I<;oll:lhle lime- 10 I'(','i"", suhndlt:lls 3,10.3 The Cqlllr:telor ...hall confol'm In Iht' IllOSI It't.'<:nt s('llnllll<:.<; 3.11 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE 3.11.1 The CI)f\lr:1(lflf ,<;11:111 tn:1i111:1in:1I Ille sile f(lr lhe Owner one f<-'ClIfd t'op~' of the [)r~wings. SpedfiC:1l ions. :lduenda. Ch:mp:c Order;,; :1ntl other Mo(\ific:1tiom. ill ~ood ordCI :md ll1:lrked cunelllly to record <:h:1n~es :lIld ,<:c!cctions m:ltle durin~ ('I 1ll.<;1 rtlclillll, :1Ilt! in :u.ldilillll :Ippnl\'ed Sll()p Dr:lwiflp:S, Prod- Ilt'l I ):ll:l. S~mple,<; :mt! ,'iimil:lr rt'(Illircd ,<;tThlllill:lls, "'I,C','iC !>h:'lll he :t\':til:Thlc 10 the ArchilC'CI :lIld ,..h:11I he delivered lolhc Arrhi- leCl ror slIhmilt:11 10 the Chvner upon nUllpleliol1 or {he- Work. 3.12 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 3.12.1 Shop Pr:lwillgs :lrt' dl':l\\'iIlMS, di;lgr:lI11s. schnluk:s :llld I llher d:lI:l,<;ped:ilh' pn.'p:lred fpr lht, \'fork hy 111<: Contr;IClor or :l Sllhnllllr:ICI(Ir. SUh-,<:\lhnllllr:wtllr. 1n:lllIlf:lclllrcr. supplier (If dislrihllllll' III iIIustrale Stll1lt' ponioll of the W:ork, 3_12.2 Product D:1I:1 ;lrc iIln<:lr:ililllls, ,<;I:lI1d:lrd schedules, pcr- [111'''':111('(' cl1:1r1.<:, ilJstrHCli(lIl,<;. Ill'(h::htlrcs. di;lJ.!r:IIll.'i :1I1t! (It!ler illf'(JI"m:uion rllrni~h('(lll\' the Cpl1Ir:l('!or 10 illtrslr:ut' 1ll:l1eri:ll~ III equipmelll ["(If ~(Hne Pllrti(1l1 11f lhe \X:(Il'1.; 3,12.3 S:ltllpk<; :lrc !)hy"ical t'X:llllpfc,<; t\'llkh illtr,<:Ir:lle lll:lleri;ll<;, C(!lrilllnellt (H WlHl<111:l!l~11ip :1Ilt! CS1:II,I;,<;I, _<;I:lnt!;ntl.<; Iw t\-!lil.-h tile \'\:orl.; will he jut!ged 3,12,4 Sllll]) Ikl\\'illgs, I'rodll{'\ [ht:l, ,o;;;:llllpfc~ :111<1 ~it1lil:1r ,'i\lh- 111ill:lI," :lIe Illll C:(lnlr:w! I )(JClllll('lll~_ 'I'he 11111"!)11SC Ill' their suh- (lIill:11 j<; III d('nlllll~lr:llC fflr lho:<;(' ponillll<:; of lhe \'\ork for . which sllhlllill:11<; ;Ire reqtlil'f'd tht' W:1Y lilt' (.tllllr:IClll! Ilrfll)!l<;~'" r(1 conform III tile inform;Jtion gi\'(-'n :Ill(l lhe dc<;ign cOl!n:pl exrrc<;_'>cd ill lhe (:011lr:1('1 {){)(:\Ilm:nl,<; n~..\'it''i\' !H- tlw Archil('n is <;uhicn 10 tile Jimil;Jlioll<; or SlIhp:n:tW:11'11 'i.2_7 3.12.5 The C:Ol1lr;l('lor sl1:l11 re\'it'~\', :lfll't()\.'(.' :lnd ,'>Uhlllil 10 Ihe Arrl1ilecl Shllp !)r:ll;\'il1g,'i, l'r(I(!tlCI U:ll:l,o;;;:lIl1pk~ ;1l1d ';illlil:n suhmitl:II,<; f('quired by lhe C.Onlr:iCI {)OClllll('nI,<; with rC:ISIJI! :1hle flIOIllPUl('<;,<: :uHI in .<;uch<:equc~llc(, :1<; In c1tlse nn del:". ill lhe \'(!ork Of in Ihe :lCI;,'iti\"'s nf the Ownef lIf or <;ep:tr;llt' um, Ir:lClor<;_ ,O;;;tlhlllitt:ll." lJl;JrI\'" hr the C0l11r:lCIor ~\'hich :lrC nor required hy the Colllr:lCl l)(}Clllllelll~ fll:'Y 11(' reI limed wilhoUI aClion 3.12.6 The COlllr:KlOr ,<;11:111 perr0fl11 11(1 portion or lilt.' Work requiring <;uhllJill:ll ;J[ld r('\'ie~' or Shl1ll I )r:Jwing,<;, Product 1):11:1, S:II11plc,<; or simil:lr ,,,"hlllill:ll,<; \lnlil lhe re~pt'C1h'e ~;lIhll1il. 1:lllJ:lS htTIl :lpproved hy lhe ArdliltTl, S\lcl\ \\'orl< '>":111 hl' in :lccrlr(I;IIHT 't\'1111 :lppn1,'etl ,<:tlhnlitt:II.<;, 3.12.7 Br :lppm"ill~ :Ind ,<;tlhmifling ShlJp I)r:I\\'in~s, l'roducI I):U:I, S:lI11plt.','i :u,d ~illlil:lr stlhmill:lls, lilt. C:Illltl':lt.'tl_1r rcpn.'sUllS 111:11 lhe ClIl1lr:KlOr 11:1," determined :md vt'rined ll1alcri:lls, [kid rnC:lStlr('ltlt'nls :md field Clm<;lf\lclioll niteri:l rcl:lIcd I!lCH'll1. 01 \\ill till SC1, :lIld h:l<: checked ;JIlt! Ctlt1r(lln:lIn! Ille iI1j(IIlTl:lliIH1 eOlll:lillnl 't\'itl1in stich ,""bmilt:lls l;\'ilh lilt' n:qllirl'lllt'llIS 01 lht.' Work :llld or lh('" ContraCl J)OClllllCn!!'i 3,12.8 The COl1lr:lClof ,<:h:,1I 1101 he relil'\'ed or r('splIll,<:ihilil' rIll dc\'i:II;Oll.<; hom fequir(,Ill('11l:'> of the Crllllr:I,,1 [lfl('(ll1l{'tll'; Il\' the ArchiTccts :lpl'((1\':l1 or SII(lp !)r:lwings, Prl1ducl [1;11:1. S:II11pl('.<: III ,<;illlil:1I ,<;lIl1mlll:II,<; 11111('.<;<; lilt' COlllr:Wtol' 11:1-" SIll'cilk:llIy inf(lnllC'(1 lilt' ArdlillTI in \\'lilillJ! (,[ ,"tWll (1('\'i:llilIl1 :11 Ihe lime or suhlllilt:ll :lIld 1lle Art'lliln.:t h:1." ~i\Tll t",'rill{'ll :lpPf(}\,;J1 III the _<;pc'cine dc\'i;Jrioll_ The C(llllr:1Cl(lr <;11:111 tHlt he I'!~liev('d or n..~pon,<;ihiliq' fill errOf.c: or omissit lllS in Shop I )r:lw- iI1Jl~, PrndUCI 1):11:1, Sample,<; or ~illlil:lt SlIhlllill;lls In till.' 1\I('hi- If.'l:l',~ :lppnl\':11 IhnC(Ir 3_12.9 Tht' C:onlr:wlor ,<;11;111 direct ,<;p(Tific :lllt'lllil HI, ill writing Ill' (Ill 1t'<;llhmill('d Shelp !)r:rn-illg<:, I'r(l(hlCl 1):11:1, S:1l11I,h:,'; III ,<:imil:1r ,<;tlhl11ill:'I.<:, In revisiol1,'i olhrr lh;m Ihn<;c rrqu('<;tn! h\ lh{' Arc!l;I(TI Oil prl?dOll_<; ,<;Uhlllitl;II.<; 3.12.10 Inrllf1u:lIhln:ll Sttl)f1ljlt~l.c; tlJlflll ,,'llidl Ill{' An:hil('I'1 i~ 11(11 cxpcCled lp I:lke rt'_<:1"1l1n<:hT :lc1ioll 111:11 he ,<;() identified ill lIlt' (;c)lllr:1('1 ;)(It'llll1ellf.'i 3.12.11 Whcll pnlf<.'~.<:i(Jll:11 (C"rtifiC:lticlIl of pnhlflll;1l1t'(' (Tilni:l of m:lleri:lls. ,c;Y'>ICIll,<; or equiprnclll i~ required h~' tht' CI1l11laCl l)OUIIIl(.tll.'i. lilt, ArchileCI _<:h:tll hc ('lllilled In rch' UpOIl Ihe :Kcur;lCY ;111(1 complelene,<;<; or such cllclll:lliol1.<; :lI1d ct'rtifi. C;Jti"I1.<; 3.13 USE DFSITE 3,13.1 Tht" COl1lraC!or ,<;hall confine oper:Hion,,> :11 tht' sitt' 1(\ an,';Js pr:rllliltnl h~' 1:IW, ordill:lIlc("~, IWIlllil.<; ;1Ilt! Ihe f,:(lIl1l';WI I)OClIlHClll!' :lI1d .<;11:1111101 llIHt'a<;Ollahly ('tlCIlIHh('r lilt' siw \',itl1 m:lleri:llc; or equipmenl 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING 3,14.1 The <:ontf:tctor ,<;11:111 he rc~poll,<:ihk fnr CllllinH. nllilll! flr p:llchin!-! required (0 ('(llllpl('{c Ihe \X'ork or tfllll:rke il.'; '1:1n,~ fh logcther prnperh', 3.14.2 The Clllltr:lClol :.11:11111111 d:lIl1:I~K '" C1Hlanj.!t'l :lllflrli"1l 0/111(' \~-(}rk or fulh' or p:lffi:llly n1l11pkll'd C!IIl.<;lfll(linll o{rlle ()Wllef Of <;t'p:lr:llt' rlllltr:IClnrs hy CU!linj~. r):llcl1in~! 111 1 'IIH" \\-;SC :lhcring_<;ucl'. ('llll';1 f\l('lilHl , 11r 11Y e:"<CI\':lIi(lIl '1'11(' (,rllllr:l( UH <;11;111 IHll cut or {}Iht'f~'ist' :11I('f _<;lIcl1 ('nll<;rll(nillll h\' llw AlA DOCUMENT ^201 . (:rNl'IlAI. 1:/)Nlll'lllIN.o,; (II' '1'111' C/1NI'IM:T H\;1 1.IIN"IIH'I'T[flr\" PlIlurl'pJ'111 rnntflN ,\i"" .". l'IH.llrr ,'~lFllI' ,'~; 1I"'; 11 II '"11' f It' AlII:III n:'. ,.;_ I' \~. Nr\~ yr Hll-.; ^\"'~lI'I-:_ N W ,,:,,"IIIN(; l' IN_ I' f l'~MI" A20 1-1 987 9 Wl\nH1NG: U"lif:pn!l..d phnlnt:nf'IVlnQ viol<l1f'!': U,S, r:f'rw.1nhl h~W!l nnd Is ~u"'j,"f:t 10 l..p"I pm!'I"C\lti(ln . (hvner O! :1 .<;ep:Jr::He C(l111r;l~\Or l.:XCCp' with writlCl1 con.c;crll11( tht' (}Wllt,>T :lIld of .such sep;lr;IlC (0l1lr:1Cl0T; "neh cOllsenl Sh:ll1 Il(l! he UlHC:I.<;(lIl;thl" tvilhhcld. The COnlr:lClor Sh:lll11111 unrC;l- .o;clIl:.hl" wirhhold fr'olll tile Owner Of ;1 g'p"r:lle cnntr;lClor lhe C(Jlllr:lclo(.c; CC1Il,<;CIlI to Clltlin~ or otherwise ;lllcrill~ Ill(' \'i:'nrk. 3.15 CLEANING UP 3.15.1 Tile Cnlltr:1CtcH .<;11;111 kl"cp tl1(' prcnli;<;e<; ;llld ,<;\lmJUll<!' ill~ :1T(';1 free fmm ;lcCllmul~lion of n';l.c;tc mmcri:1l.c; or TU,hbi.<;h Ctll,<;ec! hy oper:Jliol1.c: under the COllI r:1C1 , Al completion nfthe \'(:ork the COl1tf:lC[(lr ,<;Imll remove from :lIld :lhout ,Il(> Proiect n':l...lc m:lICri:lI.<;, nlhhi.',h. the COT1lr:lCl(lf'" I(l()l.c;, nlllstnlCli(ln equipmellt. m:ldlillery and ,"iUrpJu5 1l1;1leri:lI.<;, 3.15.2 If the (:onrr;tClor f;lil,<: In clr;;tll up ;tS pHwidecl in rhe (:o11lr:lct Docwm:nr,<;, Ihe Owner 111:1" do so :lIld the cost rhereof .<;11:111 he ch:lrgcd 10 th~ CCllllr;lCt(H 3.16 ACCESS TO WORK 3.16.1 The COlllr:lClOr sh;tll providt" the OWller :md Architect :lcces.<; to the \'(,'mk in Drep:u:nion :lIld pr()p;re.<;~ wherever locHed 3.17 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS 3.17,1 TI1(:' Contr;lctor ...h;tl1 P:ly :111 rtlY:llties ;Inti license fees. The COl1!r:lctor 5klll defend 5uil,<; or c1;ih1l5 for infrinRemenl of p:lIent ri!;!hts ;lnd .<:h:11I hold the O'tvner :mcl Architecl h:lrlllless frolll 1(l~S Oil :lccount thereof, hut sl1:t1l not he re,<:ponsihle for stich defense or 10.<;.<; wl1cn:l p:lftietll:tr {\csi~n, rlOcess or prod- tl("t of;l p:miClll:lr m;ltHlf;lCturcr or nmlluf;lcturers i.<; required hy the Contr:lCt Document.<;. However, if the Contractor h:ls rC:l- son 10 heliC"'t" til;1t 1he required design. proccs.... or prodU('I is an inrringement or;1 p:w:nt, !he Contr:l("\or .<;hall he f'e.<;pollsihk' for such loss lInle,<:s such inrorll1:llion i.c; promprly rurni.<:hcd to Ille Alchilect 3.1 B INDEMNIFICATION 3.18.1 To rhe rUlle:-;1 eXlcnt perlllillcd h~' I:"". !Il(:' Cotllr:lctor .<:11:111 indemnif\' :111(1 hold h~rl1lless Ihe Owner, Archilect. Archi. ((.'("1'.<: cO!l<;ult:mts, ;'Jnd :I~CIltS :1l1d cmplovees of :In}' or !tH,:m from ;mcl ;1~:lin.<;t c1:lims, t!:UTl:lgcs. los,<;('s :mt! expen~(..s, induct- !fl.l! hur nOI !illlilnllo :lllllrn('y.<:' fee.<;. ;lri..;\ng Olll of or r(,~\ll1jng IlIml !lCl"lOflll:UH"(:' (lr the Work, prodded tll:1I .000Hcll d:lil11. dalll- :t!-!c. loss 01 e:.cpensC' i~ :lltrihl1t:lhl~ ro hodily injury. sickne:c::~, clise:l.<;e or dc:tth. or 10 injury t(l or de...truction or t:mp.ihlc prop- t'r1Y {p!ller rh:m th(:' \'('ork itself) indlldin~ los.... of II."C re.""lting thcrdrolll, lmlllllly t(llhe cxtent cltl.<:t'd in 't\'holr: or in P:lrt hy nt'gli~ent :1('1.<: or omi.<:siollS of the Contr;l('lor, :1 'slIhcnntr;lcror. ;lIlyOJlt" directly or indirectly employed hy them or :1n~'one ror who.<:e :Kts fhey m:lY he li:lhle, rq~;lf(lIess or 't\.'hethcr or not "lIch cbim. d:lIn:I~K, 1f1~s or cXf'cn.<;c i,<; cltt.<;ecl ill p:lrt hY:l p:lrtr indemnified hereunder. 'such nhliJa:llion sh:lllnol he construcd !(\ llq.t:1Ie. :lhritlge. or reduce o!lIcr ri~h,.<: or nhlig:nioll.<: of indemnity which would (l!herwi,<:e exi~I :t.<; to:l p:lrtr or person dc.<;nilwd in 1I1i~ 1':lr:lgr:lph _" I H 3.18.2 In cl:lim~ :I~:lin.<:t :lI'lr 'persoll or cllli'y indemnified Ilnder this 1':lr:l/olr:Jph .",I,q hY:l1l emplflyec ()fllle {:()ll1r:lct(lr.:J ~uhc(}nlractor. ;lTlynne direCtly or indirectly employed by them or ;l11yone fClr l\'hn<:e :Jct~ !hcy Ill:l}' he lI:thle, Iht' Illdel1lnific:l- film (lhlig:Uillll \1Tlclcr fhi.<: P:lr:l~r:lph .'.I,q sl1alllHll hl' limired hy :1 lirnil:Jli(lll (HI :lfllO\l1l1 or 1)'1"(' or d:II11:lge;<;, Ctllllpell'<::llillll or IH_'Il(:nf~ p:I~';lhl{' hy (lI" rIll" the <:llllll:lClIlr or :1 SuhClllllr:IClor tlll(ler workl'r< or \\'of'kmcll'.<: CCllllpCll_<::lliol1 :In.<;. dis:lhilify hCllCnt an.<: or orhcr Cllll'loycc hCllefil ;K't~. 318.3 The (}hlin:lli(lll~ (lr lilt' COl1tr;I('lo!" IIllder fhi<: P:lr:lgr:lph ~ I H ~h:11111(l1 cXIl..'tld III !he 1i:lhilily or !ilt, A/chitcCl, 111(' Alchi- . (('C!'~ C(IIlSlllt:Jf1t.<:. :lnd :l,gcnt,<: :llld e11lpl(,\"Cc~ (lr :Ill\' ()r tlWlll :ni"ifl~ ()II! ()f (I) tll(.' prcp:lr:lli(lll (If :lflflnl\':ll (lr 111:11'<;, dr:l\\"ill~!<;, opinions. r('port.<:. .<;HrVCYS, Ch:m~C' Orders, desiglls or .<:p('cincl riolls, or (2) fhe .Ilivinp, of or the r:tilme to ,givC' dir('C!ioll~ or in.<:If1.lctioll.<; hy the Archil("Ct. the Arctljt~C1-.<: CfHl<;ull:lIlt.<;, ;lnd :I~ellt.<: ;lnd employee.<: of ;my or Ihem 11r(widr'd such ~i~'jn.l! (lr failtnc !n ~ivc is Ihl' primary GlIlSe or the injury or d:Ull:lW' ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 ARCHITECT 4.1.1 The Archilect is rhe person I~wf\l"r Iicen,<:ed r(l PI:tC1ltT archilccHlrc or :In entity l;twrully rr;Jcticin,g :trc,l1i1ec!I1re ideo- rinct! :1.<: .<:uch in lll~ ^~rt'et11cn' :md is rderrt.d to throllg\lOllt the CmHr;lcl DOCllfllCI1I.<: ~.<: if singul:u in numher. Tile terlll "/\rchitect" lI1e~n!'i the Arc.-hilect or the Architecr"." :nllhori7,ed reprcsclll:llivc. 4.1.2 Dulies. rcspon,c;ihilities ~nd limi!:llion.c; of :tUIllori!;' or the Architect :1$ .'iet fnuh in the Conlr:tct f)ocllmellls .<;h;lll nor h(' restricted, modified or eXlcnded without 't\'riTlen COllsenl of tilt' OWller, Contractor :1I1d Archirecl. Consenl .<;h:tll not he tlmea. ,<:ol1:lhlr withheld. 4.1.3 In C:I...(" or ternlin::llion of employmem or the Architec!, the Owner .<:11:\11 :lppoill( ;In :lrchitect :lR;iin.c;1 wl10m the Con tr:fctor f1l:lkc~ no re:lson:\hle ohjcction ;lm\ who~c .<:{:lltl.c; tinder rhc (;OIllr;ICI J)o(.'t1ll1enl.<: ,<:11;111 he th:tl or Ihe former ;n-chitcn 4.1.4 I )i.C;Plllcs :1ri.<;jl1~ tl11der Sllhp:lr;l~r:lphs 'I. 1.2 ;ff)(l 'I 1 ..~ shall he .<:uhjccI In ;Irhilr:l!ion. 4.2 ARCHITECT'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.2.1 The Archi!("cl \"m rrovidc :tdrninislr:nion or the Cnlllr;lt"! :1.... dc.c;crihnl ill the Cnnlr;lct Documents :llld ~'i11 h(:' tl1(' O~'ncr",<; represent:llh'c (I) durin~ con.'HflKtiotl. (2) lllllil fin:l! p:lymCtlt i:c:: due :md (.~) with the O't\'IlCr"." ("(Jl1currcncc. from time to lillle duritl~ the correction period de.c;crihed in P:H:I. graph 12.2 Th(' Archilt'n will :ldvis{' :md QlllS111t wilh rll(" ()Wll('T_ The ArdliteC! willl1:n'c :llnhoriry 10 :lCl (JIlIW!l:IIf (lr rhc O~'ncr only to the e:<tCll! prm'idcd in the Corllr:lCI Documt'nt.o:. unlf.'s.<; otherwi~e Illodined hy wrillen itl<;trtll11enl in :1{TOrdaflcr..' 't\'i!/1 ollln provi.<:i(ll1~ or 111(:' Conlr:lcl 4_2.2 The Archilec! wi/1 visit the site at inter\'~ls ;lppropri:nc 10 till! S!;I~~ or (()n...trtlctiOI1 tn heC'om~ gener:llly f:lf1liti:t:r wilh lilt" rro~rc.c;5 ;lnd qU;llity or tile comr1ctC'd Work ;1"<1 to defermine in I-lctlcr:ll if Ihe \'(.'ork i.<; hein~ perrormed in :t fll:lllllt'r indiclI- illlllh:tlllw \'(lork, '~VllCll compleled, t\'ilI be;n :t(TOld:lIlCC \vjlh the' CfJlllr:tcl !)OClllllCtllS Ilclt\'cver. tl1(' Archilcc1 will l)(ll Ilf.' rcqllired !o m;lkc CXh:lllslj\'e or ContimHl\Is ol1-,<:ire ill.c;pec{iof1<: 10 check q\l:llity or ql1:mlity or the Work On the ha<:is of [In. .<;ilc oh.<;ef\':lIi(Jll~ :t.<: :lll :rrchilcCI, the Archilccf wHf \((:l'P the Owner inrormed of progre.<;c; or !he Work. :11111 will endc:I\'pr 10 ,lZu;lrd the O\\'ner ;lg:linst dereos ;lIld denckllcies ill the \"\:"ork 4.2.3 The Architect will not h;Jve control over or dl;lf',lZC or :md will nOl hc respon.<;ihlc ror construction mc:lt1~. mClhod.", lcchniqllec;, .C;('qu{"Jl("t'~ or pro("("(:IlIrcs, or ror .<::lk" P'('cll1fhlll" :lll(:l pr()gr:lfn~ in ClJllIll,Tlion wilh Ihe \'{-'ork, ~i,we lhese ;11(" .<:oldy th(:' COl1tt:wlor." rc.'~p(Jnsihili!y :1~ provided in l':lr:rgr:lpll 5,.~ Tile Archi!<T! \\"iIIllor he r~Sp(IIl.c;il~lc r(ll Ill(' (:(l1llr:,{'r(lf..~ f:lilul't:' In clfry out Ill{' \'Vork in :I(,Tnrd;lllC~ \....jlh tll(' C.,),III:ICI f.)(If"Ulll('n!<;_ "l"11{' Architect willnOI 11:1\'e {"(ll1ltol fll'el llf" Ch:HW: or ;Jlld will rHH he re.<:pnnsible f(lr an,<; or ollli~"i(Jll." {If tlte COil. 10 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201. (;r.Nf:lfAf. (:C1Nl~ITtllN.~ fIr Tltf' (.(JNlllM:-r HlR (:(IN<;.tntlf:ll(lN. Hlt"nFr:~n!T rtJ,rT'H\' AlA. . r,:, .'",- TltF IIMI'IIICAN tN<;"'ITlIT!' (11' AIH'lll"t u:',~. 1-',0: NF\'/' Yllll~: A\TNIIl" N \X \\ ,~'" IIN(;'lllh'. l' "(I""" Wl\nNING: IJ""e"""l..ri f1hOlOCnf1yiI10 vl<':!l"ll!!I U.S. COI'l}"lqhll",w~ ''''d 1"1 !!ublf"CI In l"a~1 f'rn'l.f':lIllon . Ir:lClor. Sllhcnnlr;\("\tlfS, or their :l~enl"'llr ernphlyee~. or llf:my other pcr:=:on.c; performing portions of th~ Work 4.2.4 Communications Fscllltstlng Contract Administra- tion. Except ;l," otherwise provided in Ihl!" COllH:1Ct DnCUfTlCfHS or '....hen direct COfTl11luniCllion,c; h~\'C' heen ...pecj:1I1~' ::tutho. ri7.l~d, lilt' Owncr :md Contr;lC!Of sh:ltI em.IC;lvor 1(1 COlllmuni. cite throu~h tll{,' Architect. C()lllllHlIliclIiol1'" by ;1Il(1 Wllh the ArchiU:Cl '.<; conslllt:1lll,<; 511:111 he tllrO\I~h Ihe Archiler:L COll1l1l\l- niC:Hiolls by :Uld with .suhC(}lllr~lCl(lr.<; ;mcl 1T1:1lcr;,,1 .c;upplicr,<; ~h:tll he through the COlllr:1CIOL COlnlllllniGI\;o!ls hy :1110 with C;CP:lf:UC contr::lClOr,<; sh::tll he lhro\l~h tile Owner. 4.2.5 B:1scd on the Architect's ()h.c;er":llioll'<; and C'\':llu:llions of the COlllr;1Clor".C; AppiiC::ttion:<; for P~Yl1lcnt, th~ Architect will rcviC'~v ~nd (eflify till:' ;Jl1lount:<; dllc the Conlr;JClor :md will Lc;,<;uc CeniI1Glte.<; for r~yment in ~lIcll :lmol1nl~. 4.2.6 The Archilect will h:1\'c :lIl1horif)' In rciccI Work which d(lc~ nOI conform 10 tht' C(Jnlr~ct DOl'ul1lcl1l,c;. \,\/hcllcvcr the Archilect con,c;idcr.<; it ncce,c;!\:lry or :ldvis:Jhlc for hnplemenca. lion of the iOlent of Ihe Contr:1ct \)ocumel1ls, the Archilect ~vill h~vc ;1ulhor;IY 10 require :l(kliliofl:11 in!\rectiotl or le:<;lin~ of the \x"ork in :1ecord:mce ,,'ith Stll"p;1r:tgraph~ 13.5.2 :Hld 13,5.3, \\'hclller or not ,<;Hcll \'('ork i~ fahricaled. in.<;I;llIed or completed, Ilowc\'cr, neither Ihi,c; alFlh{lrity of the Architect nor :1 decision m:lde in gond f;lith either 10 cxcrci,c;c or not 10 t'xcr{:;,o:;c ,<;uCh :1tllhoriIY ...h:lll g;Vt' ri...t' 1(1:1 dill)' or rcspon.sihililY of Iht' An:hi. ICCI III the (:(lI1lr:lClor, SuhC<llllr:lct()f.<i. m;ueri:11 :1I1d c(!I,ipmeru <;upplil:rs, their :l~cnt.<; or employees, or other per!'>olls perform. in~ po(tion.c; of th(' \'(iork. 4.2.7 The Architect tvill review :ll1d ;lppro\'~ or !:Ike other appropriate :l(lion upon th~ Contr:H:lOr',c; ~llhlTlill:lls .<:ucl1 a,c; SllOp f)f:Jt\'in~s. Product D:1t;l :md S:1Illples, hut only for the limiled purpo.<;c of checkin~ for conforrn:Jllce with il1form:nion ~ivcll :lIld the de~i~n cOllcepl c:"Cpres,c;cd ill the Cnntr:lct Docu. 1ll(,l1t.<;, The Arrl1itecl'<; :Ktioll "vill he !:Ik<'n ,,'ilh .c;uch rca,c;OI1- :lhle pf(ll11ptlle~.c; ;1:0; 1(1 GIUSC 110 dd:l)' in Ihe \'(lork or ill the :lCli"it;cs of tile O"'n~r, COlllr:lctor or s<'[1:1r:1le COr1lr;lCtor.'l, while :tJJowin~ .c;\Iflicien( time in tile Architec!'s pro(e!)...ional jlld~mclll 10 permit adequ:llc review, Revie".... of .'itlCh suhmiu:lLc; ic; not conducted for the pUfpO'<:c'" of delcnnining the ;JCClIr:1C'y :md compIC{eIH....<:.<; of other details .'iucl1 as dimensions ;1Il(1 t/u;llllities, or for slIhst:mtiating instrllCli(ln~ ror ill.'>I:1I1;nion or per(or1ll:nH:e of eqlliprnerH or .<;y::acm~, :III of ",hieh rel11:lin thc re.'lpon~ihilitr of the COmf:lCtof :t.<; required by Ihe C:olllr:ICl I)ocllmenl~. The: Architect's revie't\. or tile COl1lraclor'~ !\uhmH. 1:11.<; .'illal1 nol relieve thc C0111r:1(10r (If the ohli~;llion,c; unuer Par;l~raph.5 ~.3, ,~.C; ;lnd .~.] 2. Thc Architccr,o; review ~h:1I111O{ COIl:'ilitute :1pprO\'al or ,<;:lfel}' prcc:nniolls or. unlcs:<; otherwise specil1c:dly ,o;t;lted hy lhe Architect, or ;tny ('on.c:trunion l1lC:lll~. nlctl1fJtl,c;, lcchn;(lllc.'i, .<;equence~ (1r pn1ccdllrcs, The ^rcllitcCl'S :lppro\":11 of :1 .'ipecil1c item .<;h:11I not indic:1le :1l1pro\.:l1 of :111 :l.<:~!..:mhly of wl1ich Ihe item is a component. 4.2.8 The ArchitecI tvill prepare Ch:lI1~e Order:<; :1nd ConstrtlC- liull Ch;1n~e Dircctiq:s, ;md f1l:1)' :I\llhorize minor ch~nge:<; in the \'V'or" :1.<; proddnl in r:If~~I:lph 7.1 4.2.9 The Arcl1il(.'n ",ill conduct il1.'lpectioll,<:: III determine tile d:Tt(' or d:Ilt'.<; of Suhst:lIl1i:ll Complelion :Iud Iht' d:lle of 111l:1l CfHnplclioll, ",ill receive :111(\ fOrl;\':lfd to llle O~\'llel for lilt' ()\\'Ilt:r'.c; review :Tlld rec()rd,~ t\'rillen w:1rr;lI1tie~ and rcl;lll:'d d(lCl1ll1etlt~ requirt..'d hy thc COl1tr:ICI :lnd :1:'i'<;(,l11hl('(1 hy the Ctl1llr:lct(H, :Tnd will is.<:\IC :1 fin:ll Ccrtil"iClIC for Payml'1l1 UPOIl (,ulllJ1li:1nce willl tile rt'quin'lllclll.<; of Ille Contr:lCt nOCtll11ent~ 4.2.10 If lhe ()\'\'[1('r :tlld Arc!lilen :lgl(T, the Archilect "'ill prp. \'ide (lilt' Of more projn:1 reprc<;(,Jlt:lli\'cs 10 :lo;.<;I.<:;t in Glrrying . 0111 the Archit('ct'_~ respollSil1ilitie.<; :11 {hc<;it(' !'tIC duties rc,<:ponc;ihi1ilie.<; ;lnd lill1il:lIinn.<; or :lllll1ority of <;uch project rcrre<:enl:1l1v(',~ sh:Tll he :l~ .<:('1 forth in ;1Il exl1ihil to Iw illc()rp(\ r:1led in Ihe COlHf;lCt D(l('lllllenIS 4.2.11 The Archilecl will ill!{'rprel ~lld (kcide lll:lI ler.<: 1:(l1HT!'Il ing pcrfOrl11:IIlC':.' 1111l\cr :lnd requirements fl( the (',111111';1(,1' I )nCl1l1l('nl~ on writtell r('quc.<;l of eilllf'llllC (hVllcr OJ' <';Ol1lr:H lpl" The Archilect'" r(':.pollsc to c;uch fCIlllc<;t<: will he 1l1:1ck "'ith re:l<;on:lhlc prlllllptlll'sS and tI.'itl1in any lime limit." :Iw(":el upon If no :IWet'llll'TlI i<; made nHln'rning the lim!' wilhin t':llictl inlerpret;1tion... required of tht' Archilt'n <;11:111 hi: f\lr. ni,<;hed in ('nl1lpli~nce t\.'itl1 tl1i:<; P:tf:1W:1flh "1,2. Ihell del:l\' ,<;11:111 nOl he r('co~ni7.ed 1.10 :1ccnUnl of f~ilur(" h\' tht' ^rel1ile(111l flll- ni.<;h _<;uch interprC{:tlion:<; lInli! 10:; cbv,<; ;lfter 1;\'rillcll rcqm'<;l i<; tl1:l(\e for them 4.2.12 Inlt'rprel;lliflll.<: :tlld deci.<;i(m~ fJf Ihe ^rc11ilcCl 1;\'ill 1)(' (OI1<;;.<;lelll \\'lth tile ilHt'nt of :md rel.';oll:lhly illkr:thk !H1I1I llt(' Con/faC1 Documents :md will he in 1;\'riting 01 ill the form of drawin~<;. Whe'rm:1kin~ ,<;ueh inlerrrct:lli<m:<; ;lI1d dr'(}c;irlll<;. lIlt' Architect O:\!1I1 endcavor 10 .<;ecure f:1ililful perform:lllc(' In' hI llh Owner and Cunlr:Ktnr. ~..1II nOt sho..... P:Hli:llily 10 cjther :lnd will nOI Il~ liahle for result.<; of tIllCrprcl:ltioll<; o! (kd~ion<: C;1l r('mkred ill good f:lilh 4.2.13 The ^lclliICCI'.<; (\eci.<;lon.s fin m:lIler.s n:l:llillj.t III :I{'Sllll:!i( effeCI \,\.ilI he fin:11 if con.Sj,<;leTlI with Iht" lIlIelll (':"Cprc<:sed in Ille C(Hltr:ICI DOClllnen!.... 4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.3.1 Definition. A CI:1im i~ :I dern:-.nd or :l,<;c;<::nion lw nil(' of the p:lnie5 ,<;l:"ekin~. :1S :I 1ll:111er of ri~hl. :ldju,o:;ullellt or illlcrpn," 1;lliO!l of C:ontr:lct term,c;, p:1ymem of money. extension nr lime or Dtller rdief ~"i!h re~rect to Ihe It'fm,c; of the COlllr:lc{ '1'11(' lerm "C1:liOl" :11.<;0 includes olher displlle.<; :lIld m:lllef'.<: ill qlles linn hel ween !1l(' ( )wner and COllll';ICl0r :lfisillg flul (II I lr rd;ll' ing to Ihe Colltr:lCl C1;lims mu.<;! h(' m:lde hy t....rincn Il()li('e The resJ1onc;ihilil~' to ,<;Uh:<;l:1Tlti:lle Claim<; ,0:;11:111 rec;t ~\'llh Ihe r:1rl\. m:lkill~ lll(' C]aim. 4.3.2 Decision of Architect. C]:1illlC:;, 'including 1!l(lSC alleging :Tll error Of olllisc;ioll hy tht, Art'hilcct, .<;11:111 h(' rckned inilially 10 the Archilcct for action :IS providt'd in P:lr:lgr:lpll 'l.:r A dt'ci. ",ion hy lhe Arcl1itcCt,:lS provided in Suhp:lr:l~r:lpl1 'L'l-'i, .<;11:111 he required :I~ a condition precedent 10 :1fhilr:1!ioll or lilig:nion of :1 Claim hetween fhe COnlr:lctor :tI1d Owncr :1S 10 ;111 .<;lIcl1 m:.fIler.<; :lfi~ing prior 10 the d:1lc On:11 J'mY11lcnl is dm:. rCll:lrdlcc;s of (1) whetller .<;uch m:tllers rel:1le to executillll :lnd i'n 'Wesc:; (ll the \"(fork or (2) thl:" extcllt to t....hich Ihe \t'orl< h:I.O; he<:l1 COlll' plcled The deci.<;ion hy the Architcct in re.<;pun.<;!..: 10 :1 C1:1illl <;11:111 !lol he :l ('(mclition precedent 10 ;1rhilr:Hion or lili~:1!illll ill Ille evenl (!) lhe pCl<;ili!m of ArCl1iIC('1 is \.:Ic;ml, (2) Il1e AII.:llil('C1 h:1.<; nol received evidence or h:1,<; f:lilcd to fL'nder :1 decision 1;\'ill1in ;l~reed lime limils, (~) tht' Architect has railed 10 t:lkc :lCtillll reqllired under Sllbpar:1~rarh <l.<i.,j wilhin ,~(I d:I~'<; :1f1L'1 Ih,,: C1:rilll is nl:1dc. (4) <10:; d:Jr.<; h:1ve P:ls.<:;cd ;1fter the C!:lilll 11:1S heen referred 10 Ill'''' Architect or (0:;) the CI:lilll reblcc; 10 :1 1ll(.:TII;mk'~ lien. 4.3.3 Time Limits on Claims. Cl:1irm by (,:;111<.:1' 1':1rl\' !lltlSt he m:l(k willlin 211.1:1\'.<: :Ifl<=r IICC\lrrenCe (ll tll<: e\'(.'111 ~i\'ing ri.',e tll sl1('h C:laim (n wilhin 21 (by,<; :Iflcr 1[1(." cl:1ill1:1nl firsl rcCl )gllizt'." the Cflnd;ll1ll1 ,2ivinJ! risc lel the <:l:1ill1. wl1iclH'\Tr is bIn (:!:rill1~ II1I1.S1 he 1ll:1dc hy -:\'rillc!l nfJlin~. An :I(i(iilion:tl C1:Jilll 111:1\1(' :1!II:l 111e inili:ll C1;1illl 11:1<; hcen implcllwntt'et h\' (:]\:IIII1C f heln ~"il1 Ilfll hc (onc;I(I....I(.(I tllllc.<;s ,<;uhmil1nl ill :1 lil11('I\' 1ll:lllrH,'r AtA DOCUMENT 11.201 . f:I'NF!l,\l (:fH.JlllTt(lN\ or TIll'. (:C1NI n,\(:1' FOR {('I\1"'11111(1 HlN . l""1tlTFnn 11 f.1'nlnN "l.~" . ';'I'lH-II!r \~"'l1lf!\NIN';lln'TF'lr^IlCllnFI:1';, 1~\"NF\"('Y(lR"-\\TNt'rN\"(' W,\<;JIINf:nJI" Ill. !Unllt, A201-19B7 11 W^RNING: I1nlle"n"l!'d Jlh(lln1"npv1no vinlales U.S. ~C'IPVflQht ll'l"'ll ;Inri ill 'lut:l;..et tn l"i:Jl'l1 Jlrnl'lecutlon, . 4.3.4 Continuing Contract Performance. rcndin~ fill:,l rr:~o- hllioll of:t (];rim including :1rhilf:Hioll, Ilnle~~ olhcl"wj<;c :lgrccc[ ill "'riling the COlllr;rctor ...11:111 pl"o("(.'cd dilj~("lllly wjlh perror- llI;lI1ce (If Ill(' <:nl1lr:1CI :lnd tllC (h"llcr .<;11:111 nltllill1lt' III lll:Jkc p:lymelll~ in :lCcord:mce with tile Cnnlr;1C1 f)ncum~tUs 4.3.5 Waiver of Claims: Final Payment. The m:lkin~ of final p:lyrnCllI sl1:111 consli!tne ;1 ~':ljver of O;lil11" hr lhe ()~'l1cr except 1110,<;(' :Irising from- .1 liens. CI:lhns. ,<;ecurhy interes!.c; PI" ('Il('umhr;'llln...'s :lriS. jn~ out fl( the COlllr~c' :md unsctlled: .2 failure o( the \'(lork to comply with the requirements of the Contract f)ocumcllIS; Of .3 terms of s~cj:tl t~::lrr:lIl1ie.<; required hy Ihe CClIllr:lcl [)llClIIl1Cl1l.'i 4.3.6 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions, If Cflll- dilion.c; :m: etlC0111llered;11 fhe site ~vhich ~I'c (1) ~l1b.<;t1rf:lce or 01 hefwi~e cnllcc:lIed ph)':'iic:l1 condition.c; which differ m:lleri- :lIly from lho.c;e imliclled in the (;ontr:ICI I)onllnent,<; or (2) unknown ph)'~ic:ll condilion::; of:m U1HI5U:1II1:1ll1re. ';'.'hicll dif- fer m:l1cri:llly frollltho.'it:" ordin:1ri1r found In exist :llld ~ellCI:lII~' reco~ni7,ed :l!' inherent in con.'''ruCtioll :tc!jvilic!' of the cl1ar:lctn provided for in lhe CPlHr"Cl f)onllllcnl.<;. th{"1l notice hr the ohc;ervil1~ pany sh:J1I he ~jvcl1 III the olher p:lny promptly before conditione; :1re disturhed :tnd in no evenl Inter lhan 2' tl:1y.<; ;IClcr fie..! observ:mce of the condilions, The Mchi- I<:('t will promptly ill\'c:."liR:ne ,<;\lch condiliollS :md, if they differ rn:l{cri;Jlh' :tnd (';Iu~e an incre:l.c;e or dccn:::I.<;c in lhc COlltr:lCtor'.C; ensl of, or-time r{"quired for, pcrforf1l:Jnce of :Ul)' p:lrr of the \'</l Jrk. will J'l'ClHnnlelld :1IJ cquil:lhk' :ldjtl.<;1111cnt in lhe < :l)IlII:ICI SUIn or (:Ol1lr:lCl Time, or hoth. If the Architect tktcrminc.<; th:1I the condili(ln~ m the site are not m;.l:teri;lIly different from those indiC:ltt:<I in the Contr:tCl D0C'111l1Cnts :md th~t no ch:mge illlhe lcnm of the COlltr:lct i~ justifk'(1. 111(' Architect ...11:111 ~o n(llify tilt: < )Wller and C(llltnl(lor in wliting, St:llillg Ihe rC;l.<;on.c;. CJ:!im," hy either p:my in oppo$ilion 10 .<;"cl1 delernlin:llion IlHlst he m:1(1e within 21 {by.<; :lfler lhe Archilect hac; ~h'ell Iloticc or the tk:cisioll. If (he OWllcr :lIld Contr:lClor C:II\1l01 :1~rl'C on :Ill :Idjwamelll in rhe Contr:lcl Sum Of COlllt:1CI Timc, the ;ltljwall1Cll! sl1:II1 he referred 10 Ih(' Archile'ct lor initi:ll deler- min:nioll, sllhjecr (0 further proceeding... pur.<;mlllr In P:tr:1~r:Jpl1 ~i. ,I. 4,3_7 Claims for AddlUonal Cost. If the Contr;IClor wishc... to nl:lke (]:lim for:111 increase illlhe COf1lr;lct ,c::;lIfll, wrillen nOlice :is IHO\'idccl herein .<;11:111 he given hdore proceeding 10 exectllC thc \'X-'ork. Prior nOlin' is not reqllift'd for CI:1ims rel:tling 10 ~n l'mergcncy cnd:tll!{Cring life or propert)' :lri.<;ing llnde~ 1':lf:l- gl:lpll Ii)..). If tile C:lllllr:ICI()f belic\'e~ :lddilillll:ll (-f),..t i~ il1v()lvt'd fl)r n::I.<;(1I1,<; iIlClllU;ll~ btll nllt limited 1(1 (I):t wrill('n illll'rprel:nion from the ArchileCI. (2) an order hr tile ()~;ner W ,C;IOp lhe \'(.'ork ""here the Conlr:lcl0f ~V:I.<; nOI :tl f:1Uh, (:'):1 wril- lCIl order for :l minor ch:m~e in lhe Work iS~lled hy lhe Melli- leel. (<i) failurc of p:lymenl by lhe Owner, (e;) tcrllJin:u;oll of the Clllllr:Kt h~' the Owner. (6) Owner'... ~u.<:pC'nsi(}n or (7) olher f(::l~flll:lhk' grOlllld~. C]:lim ...11:111 he filed in :IC(-(lf(J:Il1("l.' tvill1lhe pfflCedtlre l'~l:lhli~lled herein 4.3.8 Claims for Additional Time 4.3_8.1 Jr lhe COrllr:lCtor ~'..i.<;l1c~ 10 lll:lk(' Cl:liT11 for:1I1 incre:l.<;c in lhe COlllr:1c( Time. n'rillen noticl':1~ pl'O\'ided herein .<;h:lfl he ,ui\"l'n The COlllr:lctor',c; Cl;lilll .<;h:lll include :rll c.<;lilll:lle or CO.<;t :1Ilt.! of proll:lhlc cffcCl of d('b)' Oil prllgrc~~ of lhe \';ork In lhe Cl.<';(: (If:1 clIlllinuillg deby (JIll)' lInt' <:1:Ii1l1 1.<; rlt,(,c!'~;ln' 4_3_8.2 If :Ith-cr<:e ""(':1Iher ('(lIHlili(1Il.c; :lft. thl? 11:I."i,c; ror a Cbi1ll f(lr ;l(klition:tl lime, ,<:lIch C1:lilll sll:lIl he donllnenH:d by d:n:l . Sllh.<;t:1I1Ii:lling Ih:11 wf::1tI1CI (,(lfldh;(Hl.<; ';\,'er'_' :lll1ll111H:tl {{If !llI' pctifld III 1;111(' :lIHI CfHII(IIHlt Iw\'(' heen le;I';! 1Il;.l)!\' :IIHifll':l1nl. :lnd 111;11 "'c1!hcr ("(H1(liliflll~ tlad :111 :r(l\'('r.<;(" dfcCl <III rlit .<;dl('{I'llnl ('{)ll.<;trl1C'li(lll 4.3.9 Injury or Damage to Person or Property, If eilher P:Hl: to the COlllr:l(l .<;ufrers injmy or d:1rll:lgc 10 pcrc;on or f1lOfWrl\ h('c:ltIs{' of:ln ;ICI or llmiS.'>inn or rhe other P:lrty. or :1I1Y of Ille ofhef p:1rty'!i ernployees or :l~Ctll~, or of (llller.<; fflr who,<;(.: :IC!" ~llch rart)' i.c; Icg:tlly 1i:1hle, ~'riltefl llolice of .<:lIeh Injun (11 d:lln:lge, wl1ell1er or nnt in.<;urcd, ...11:111 lw p.i\'cn rn Il1e lIlher p:lfty willlill :1 re::l...ol1:1hk lime nnt exccedill~ 21 ct:I~-S :lfter firsr ohserv:1l1ce. Th(' nOlice ,c;I1:111 I'nl\'i<le ,~uflkielH <lCl:1i1lo cn:lhk lhe other p:wy In in\'e~tig:lIe lhe lll:1l1er. I( :t C1:lim for :rddi- tiOll;!1 COSI or lime rel:1lcd In (IlLc; (:l:1il11 i!i 10 he :!.c;~erled. il ,,11:111 he filed :1.C; prrwided in Suhp:lr::lgr:trh~ 'I. -=', ~ 1 n ., .~.R 4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.4.1 The Architecl will revie~' CI::Iim~ :md I:lkc on(' or mon' o( Ilu: ffl/lllwing rrdimil1:1ry :ICli(ln.C; l\'ithill len d:IY~ ()f receipl !If:l Cl:Iilll; (I) reqlll::....t :ltldilion:11 ~urporting <I:t(:I flpl1l the CI:lil1l:IIl!. (2) .'illhlllit :1 schedule to Ihe p:lrlie.c; jlldiCllin~ wll(,ll the Archi- teel C'xpeCl.<; 10 t:lke :lc!ion, L'" reject tilt" C:1:Iim in 't\'hok 01' in P:lrl, .c;t:l!i!l~ f(':l::;om: for r~j(,C1ion. (.1) recommcnd :Ipprtl\':ll n( lhe Cl:1im h\' Ihe OIlier P:lrty m (<:;) ::;\lgpec;1 :1 ("Oll1pIOllli.c;(: Tht. Architecl 1ll:1\" :tl.<;o. hUI is 1lot nhljg~l1ed In, notiry Ihe surer\'. if :111\-. of fhe n:tlure :Itld :llllotlnl of rhe Claim 4.4.2 If:l CI;lilll 11:1S h("'Cll rl'~olvC(l, the Archilcn will pl('p:lle or f)!ll:lill :lppH1pri:II{' dllClIm{'l11~lhlll 4.4.3 11':1 Cl:lim 11;1.<; not htTll re~ol\'ed, Ihe p:U'I\' lll:lkill~~ III(' Cl:tilll .<;11:111. within len d;l}'5 :1(I(;'r the A1chil('er.~ plclil1lill:tr~ respon,<;c. t:lk(' one or more or Ihe rollo",inJ! :lCtions' fIt suh1llir :uldilion:11 sllpponillg d:ll:r r{'qll{'~I(:d by Ihe 1\1I:l1irl'{'l. (2) modify Ill<.' initi:11 Cbim or(,~) Ilolih- Ihe ArdliH:ct Ihal lIlt' inili;lf C1:lilll ,"I:II1<.1s 4,4.4 If:! Claim h:l!' nfll heen lesol\'cd :If!n nlll.<;idcr:rlion of rhl' rf)rq~fJing alld of fUr!hn evidence presented I1\' the p:lniec; or rl'qU(;,!'lc<l hy the Archilcct, [he ArChjlCCl n.m nOlify Il1e p:lr1i('~ in writjn~ th:1{ the Arellifeel',c; tlccisiol1 ",ill he 01:1<1(" wilhin ~{"-ell d:1Y.<;, which decision ~h:lll he fin:!1 :md t)illdin~ llll rhe p:lrtic.o: hut .<:uhjl'CI 10 :1rhilr:llion. Upon eXpir:11;O!l of ,c;nch lime period. the Arcllil('cl will render ro the p:lffies the ArchileC1<: l\'rillcn deci::;ioll rcl:llhT 10 the CI:1im. inchrdillP. :rny ch:rnf.!e ill Ihe Colltr:lCt SlIllI or Clllllr:1CI Time or 11(1111. If Ihele i.C;:1 e;un:l\ :lIld thert' ~rpe:1r!' 10 he :l pos,c;ihility of:J COlltr:tclllf'!' def:lul!. the M<:bilcCI fll:ly, hili is nOl nhli~:tl('d 10, nwif,- (Iw s\lfer,' :md reql1c~1 tilt' ,c;\lfety'.<; :lS,,,,i::;t;lllCC in rC::;(llv;ng 1l1e COnlrtn'ns\' 4.5 ARBITRATION 4.5.1 Controversies and Claims Subject to Arbitration. /\11\' COnII'OVer.<;y or Claim :lri.<;ing flUl of or rcl:unl (0 Ihe Cnl1lr:rn. or fhe hrC::lch lhereof, sh:11I he .c;cflled b\' ;lfhilr:1liOIl ill :1('("01, d:lIlc{' tvilh Ihe Con.c;tnwtioll Illd{l~try Arhilr:llillll Hulc<; of liH' All1nk;lll ^rhilr:lliflll A.<;sll('imifm, :lml jlltl~"'(,lll lq"lll Ihe :lw:ud rendered h\' lhe :lrhilr:lIor or :trhilr:tHlr.C; m:l\' he clunt'll in :J11~' court h:tvi;1,g juri.<;dinioll thereof. eXtTpl c~llllrfl''{'r<;i{'s or C!:tirn.c; rel:1tin~ III :w.~lht'ti(' effecl :lnd except thfJ~(' w:li\'l'd :1<; provided for in 5\lhp:lr:1Rr:1ph q._~.') 5uch Cfllllnl\'l'rsk-e; 'lr (:!;Jilll.<; upon which Ihe I\rchirccl h:l.<; ,~i"c:n ll11lin' :tlld rendered :1 decisiol1 :tS prodded in 51Ihp;IIa~r:lph 'i.., ., <;11:111 he <;IIhjo'n III :lIhilr:ililHl I1pllll l\,,.ill('n dClll:lIld or cithn 1);1fI\ Arhill:ili,Ul 111:IY h(" CflllHlll.ncc(i ~-hell 'I" d:t".<; h:l\'f: 1):IC;SCI! :llln :r (:t:lilll ha.c; heen n:fcrred to IlIt' Archirt'CI :l~ pro\'itlnl in 1':n:rj.!I:II)1l ,( ; :lnd no dedc;ion h:1S heen tcndered 12 A201-1987 AI^ DOCUMENT ^101 . (;ENEll^l. (:f):-'::lfTH IN<; Ill' TIlt' . < INr n,\l "r HlIl 1< IN~1111 'f .-! I( Ir-: . I. lI'H 1 [-1-NTI! n 'I r 1111\' ^,^4 . ,;c. t'l"'- nrl'. ^MFIIH',\N lNS'I 1'1'1 "1 t. "1 AIH:fll t I~t. 1<:, 1 ~~" ~"r\x "llllf; A\'1Nl T. N \t "",I <.;J lI'Jr : I < ~~I f" 'lIflr,,, Wi\nNIHG; Unlrt'r":,,:O!'d r'hotor.or'Vi"~ viol:.l",:,,: U.S. cnJ'lyr1oht IAWOCI: :.nrt lOCI: ..uhj..r:' 10 l"oill r'rf):,,:"'r:utj(." . 4.5.2 Rules and Notices for Arbitration. Cbirn~ hCIU,Tl'1l lhe ()wner ;lntl \.ontr;lCtor not rC.<;oJvcd ul1(ler P:1r:l~r::lph 'i.4 ...hal1. if suhject 10 ::lrhi\r;ztinn under Suhp;lr;rgr;rph <1 'i.l. h~ decided hy :lrhitr;11ion ill accordance with rhe Om,..tfuct;(lll Indu.<ary Arhitr:llion Rules of the Amcric;zn Arl1itr:llinn As.<;od:llilln CUf. ren!ly in effect. unle."s tht" p:lnic.<; rnllllt:1l1y ::I~ree otherwise. Nolice or clcrn;lIld for :uhitr;1lion .0:;11;111 he filed in wriling. with lhcolhcr p:lrly!O tile ^~reCrneI11 hef~"'cen Ihe OWller ;l11d Con- tr:Klor ;lntl t....ith the AmeriClIl Arhitr:l1ion Associ::!ljon, ::Inu :1 copy sl1:l1l he filed t\'ilh the Architect. 4.5.3 Contract Performance During Arbitration. !)urilll<! ;lrhi. If:lIion rroceedill~s. the Owner ;Inti Conlr::lClOr sh:tll comply with Suhpar:lgr::lph 4..1<1. 4.5.4 When Arbitration May Be Demanded. Delll::lnd r(lr :1rlli. tr:lIi()fl or any C1:1im I1l:lY not he m:H..k lHllil the e:'ldler or (I) the t!:ltC on which the Archilecl h:l.<: rendered :1 nn:ll n'rilten dcci- "ion on lhe (I:lil1\, (2) thc tenth (by :lhcr the p:lrties h:wc rre- .<:('lllet! c,.i(\encc tn the Archilecr or h:lv(' heen Riven re:l.'o;oll:lblc opportunity 10 do so. ir the Architect h:ls not rendered :l rin:ll wrillcn decision hy 111:11 d:1te, or C~) ;IllY or the live evems descrihed ill Suhp:lT:1gr:1ph ,1 :~,2 \'1(lh~n ;l t\'r;tl{'n dcci.c;ion or the Architect St:llcs tl1:11 (1) the decision is fill:11 hut suhject In ;trbitr:1tion :lnd (2):l dcm;md ror :lrhilr;Hio!l or :l Cl:1im covered hy .<;l1ch ded<;ioll IntlSI he 111:I(\e n'ill1i" ~O rl:1rs :lher 1l1e (\:11(' on which Ill(' P:lrl\' m;tkillg lilt' dem:md rcceives the fill:ll wrillcn dt'Ci,..ion. then r;til1Jre to tkl1l:Jnd-:lThitr:l\ioll within .<::lid ~n d:,,'< period ,c;I1;tll resull in Ihe Architect',<; cJeci.<;ioll henuning fin;tl :1nd hindinp: upon the ()"'ner :1ntl COnlr:1("tor Ir the Archil(~ct rellder.<; :1 dccisiOIl :lfter :Hhi\r:uion proceed;nJ;!:.<; Il:tvt' heen inili:1led, ,<;ucll decision fll:ty he elllcred :IS cvidcllt:l', hIll ,,,h:llIl1ot .<;upersl'de :lThilr:"ioll pro- t:cc-dinR<; tlnks,<; lhe decision ;~ :lCccpt:lhlc tll :lfl p:trlics clllKerncd. 4,5.4.2 A dell1:111(1 rOT :uhilr:Hion Sh:lll be made within the time lin!iIS .<;pl'cffied in :-'llbp:lr:1W::lph.<: ,1.5. I :Illd <1.';.4 :lIld O:1\1.<;c /1.:;.'1 1 :1.<; :lppliC:lhk. :Ind in olher c;t~e~ within :l rc:t.'mn:lbk time :lrter tile Cl:1im Im<: :lri.<;cn, :lnd in no evem sh:11I it he Ill:ltle :ltkr lhe d:llC' when imail,Ilio!1 of lc~:ll nr t'quilahle proceeding.I;, h:t<:ed on such C):t;1ll n.ould he h:1rn~d h\. the appliC:lhlc St:ltlllC or Iimir:lliom :1.<; determined pllr,<;1l:1I1t 10 P:lr:l~T:1nh 1.:1,,"7 4.5.5 limitation on Consolidation or Joinder. No :lrhilr:llio!1 :lri.I;,ing Olll or or rd:tting 10 the Contr:1Ct l)oCtlm~'nl.I;, .<;h:11I include, hy consolid:llion or joinder or in ::111)' other lll:lllncr, fl1~ ^rchitcCl, the Architect'.<; employee!' or cOllstlll:1nts, excepl hy n.riltcn (OUS('IlI cont:1ininR .<;pecHic: rderence 10 Ih(' ^RfCC' menl :1nd .<;iJ.!l1('d h,' the Architt'Ct. On.ner. COlllr:1ctOf :mtl :my olher pt:I.<:1l1l fir cnlily .<;(JH~lll to he joined No :lrhilr;uiol1 sllall include. hy cPTlsolid:tlion (11' joinder or in :lny other m:U1ncr. panic.<; olllcr 111:111 thc Ot\:ner. Contr:Klor. :1 .<:ep:1r:lI(' ("fllllf;l<> lor :1S descrihed in Article rl :1n<l other per.<;(1I1.<; .<;uh<;t:mti:llly ill,'oln:d ill :1 Cllnllllf)fl qll('.C;!1011 or f:1Ct or 1:11'.' who~e pn.:.c:en(T is required ir complele refier i.<; 10 he :lccordcd in :Irhitr:uioll. No person Of entin' otller tl1:111 lhe Owner, Cnnlr:1ctor or ::1.<:ep:mne C!llHr:1Ctor :l<:' de,c;crihcd ill Article (i Sh:ll1 be included :IS:111 orig- in:l1 Ihird p:ITfy or :1ddllioll:11 lhird P:1rl'. TO:11l :lrhitr:llion who,c;c itHcre,<;t rlr rc.<;prll1sihilily i.I;, insull,<;1:1I1Ii:ll. COll.<;elll to :lI'llitr:llion ilwoh.il1J.! ;111 ;lddilion:1.1 rerc:on or clllity .<:11:111 nol CO!l.<;tillllC l'OI1.<;Cnt II) :lrhilr:llioTl Or:l di!'pUlt' !lot de<:crihed lherdn or t\'i1h :1 perSOll or ('Iltil\. lUll 1l:11l1cd or descrihcd Iherein The rorc" I-!()ill,g :IWCC1llCllI to :lrllitr:lIe :1nd other :1,llrt'CI1l(:'IlI.<; In :1rhitr;H(' \\"1111:111 :lddilion:11 flcr~nll or elllilY duly cOI1<;enled III hy panico; ll' the Agn"efllt"llt <;h:J1l h(' <;p('cifk:lfly cn/nrCC:lhlc under :tppli. c:lhle 1;I\Y in :l!1" l"'llU1 h:1\'ing ;tlri<;dictilln Ihereof . 4.5.6 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims. ^ p:1r1y ",h(l file." ;l nolice of del1l:1nd for :lrhilr:llinn IllUsl :IS-"Crl in 111(' dem:tnd :111 C1:1ims !hen kl10tvn 10 tl1:lI P:lrly Oil n.l1ich :llhitl':1 linn 1.<; pcrlllilled to he dcm:lIldnl \'(/h('lI:1 p:lny r:lil<; HI include :1 C1:lim through ()\'C'rsip;hl, il1:1clvcrlence or c<Ctt~:lhk' Ilc~!kn, rn n'l1cn :1 C!:lim 11:1.<; 1l1:11uT(:,:d or hecl1 ;Ic:quiret! suhscqllently. lhe :1rhilr:llOr or :1rhilr:lIors 1ll~r perl1lil :mwndll1Cllt 4,5.7 Judgment on Final Award. Thc :1w:1HI rendered hY lilt' :lrbitr~tm or :1rbitr:ttors 511:1.11 he fin:l!. :lnd it1dgmcIlI 111:1\' he en.ered upon it in :1CC()rd~IlCe with :JppliC:1hlc 1:1t\' in :111Y courl h:lVin~ jmi.<;diction thereof. ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1 DEFINITIONS 5.1.1 A Suhcontr:1CtOr i.<;:1 per,'mn or t'lllily ".110 11:1:0.:1 dircct contr:tct with the COlllr:lctor to perrorm :1 portion (lr tile \'(-.ork :H thf' ,<;iIC. Tile term "Sub<:Ontr:Ktor.' is rekned 10 tl1rnl1~h(l\l1 the COl1lr:1c! Docul1lent.<; :1S ir singtll:lr in ll\1I11hcr :lIltf l11c:m~ :I SUhC(llltr:K.t()r or :111 :nllhorizcd rcpre....cllt:ltiw. (Ir llw SII11C(1I1. Ir:lClllf, The tertl1 "Suhcolllr:lCtor.. d(l("!' not include :1....Cp:II":II(' ("{mlr:1.ctor or suhcnlllr:tctors Or;J sep:lr:lle conll';I(t(l1' 5.1.2 A Suh.,<;l1lx-Olllr:l(lflr i<; :1 PCr.<;rlll or entilY ",IH) 11:ls a {lirecI or indirect ("(JIltr:1('! Wllh ;l SuhCCllllr:lClrlf I() pt:rfflllll :1 pllt"tirm or the Work :11 the .<;Ite, The terlll "SlI11.S\II1("(Jllll':ICI{II' is referred hlthnlllp;hotll ll)e C()I1lr:tC'lI)()c11ll1e'nlS :1.<; ir ,<;il1gllbr in numher :md 111e:II1S :1 Suh-SlIhCOlllT:1C101 Of :111 :tlllhflrii'.cd rcprest:lll:lli....c or the Stlh"s\lhc(>ntr:ICI{)r 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OntER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK 5.2.1 llnles,<; Olllt'rwist' .<;I:1!cd in the C(1l1lr:1Cl I )()nllll("l1t~ {II tIlt' hid(ling rC{J1lirerllcnt.<;. lhe (:rl!llr:lClrlr, :1,<; ,<;(l{lll :1-" I)I;H'- tk:lhle :1fter :1t\':1rd of tht' Conlr:1ct, sl1:ll1 fml1i~h in \\"riling 10 the Owner Ihrotlgll lhe Architect the n:1Jl1es of p('T<;(ll1~ or ('l1li. tie.<; (includin,g IIlo,<;c n'hn :lIC to rurnisl1 fl1:11{'Ti:tl~ or equipmellt r:lhriC:llec! to :1 speci:ll design) propo~ed fm <::\("11 prillcip:l1 pm- lion of the Work. The Architect n.iJI rrrl111fltly reply llltlle COil fr:1nnr ill n'riting .<;l:llin~ whcther or 1101 Ilw (l".lwr or lhe Archil{Tl. :tfler (hlC in\.esti~:lljllll, 11:1.<: re:l,<;(111:11,!c (llljCCli1lfl ICl :lt1\' SIKh propo.<;cd !In,<:on or Clllily F:titlll"e of the Un'lln fIr Architect Ifl reply pnlmptly ~I1:111 con,<;titule Il(ltice III n(1 r(':I.'>CIII- ahle ohjection 5.2.2 The COlllr:.ctol" .<;11:111 nOI COlllr:l('l \<\"ith ;1 pml'(lsnl pr:l.. <;r1l1 01 ('lllilY 10 ".hOI1l tile ()t\"n~r or Archilcct 11:1<: 11I:I{\C 1(':1. .<;(1I1:lhlc :11\(1 limcl\" rll*:cti<II'. Tll(' (:rllllr:ICl(lf"ll:llI Ill" llc r(:'quirC'd II' C0l1lr:1C1 with :lI1yOllC 10 t..-lHlIH ,lIe ('.!Hlll:1Cllll 11:1-" 1l1;1(k re:I.<:(JI):lhk rlhjcni(llI. 5.2.3 Ir the ()\Vllcr (lr ArchitcCI 11:1.<: 1(":1.<;( lI1:II)I,: (lIJjr:Clillll Ic I :1 l'crSIIll (11' erllilY PTlII)(J,<;cd hy 111e C:(lntr:1C!(Il. tIlt' (:(11111':1<.1(11 <;11:111 proposc ;lllolhcr In whom Ihe Owner or ^,cl1il(:r.-l 11:.<: llfl rC:l~Ofl:thl(' ohjectioll. The Con(r:1CI SUIIl ,<;11:111 he illue;I<;(."{1 (l( decreased by the difference in e{l~t occlc:io!1cd hy ."lIclt Cll;IIl.l.!.t' :lnd:m :lppropri:l1c Ch:lll~e Order ~1l:11l be j<;sunl, Ilrn'T\'cr. t1(l inCTe:I.'W in tile Clll1tr:1Cl Stlln .<;!l:llf ht, :lllowt'd for ,<;Hcll cll:1n.\.!,l" tll1l(",<;~ tilt' C;01l1r:1C!nr lI:ls actcd prnlllplly :md rl"spcll1<;in'h' III .<;lIll1l1itling n:llllt'~ :IS required 5.2.4 .1.1H: (:llIllr:l('!()! .<:11:111 rHlt ch:m~l":( Slrlwlllllr;t{.lr)I' !'("t<;rltl or Clllit\. pr('vIr1u<;1:'<:deClrtl if thl" (h\"11("T (If /11("1111("('1 111:t1WS rt':I.<;c111:lll!l: (11)jt'CliIJfl II) -"II(.!) Cll:111ge AlA DOCUMENT A201 . r;I'NU~^L (:rIN')ITlllN<; (If TilE 1.:( ItJ1 II",: HIll {'()r':': lilt 1(:'[ l~lN . HlITft'l !'FN 111 1':rllll()N ,\t\' "~"'lJo;-T"F^l>lrnl':,\N1N<;TIIII1T')r"Il('.Iln!TT<; l-\"NF\Y.i"(JRk:^\'FNt'I' r-.'\\ \'I:,^-qll~J(:lfll\: I)r: }'lIl1lf, A201-1987 13 W^nUltlG: Un/icpn"C"rl f'hnl"',....nvl"o viol;\lr.s u.s. COl1v.i,,'" t"w~ :mrl i~ "l,hip!':t to '..onl pmS"l":u"". . 5.3 SUB CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 5.3.1 By ;JPJ1roprj~lc :lJ!re~lI1el1t, wriltcn where lqz:llly required for \';llidily. the COllfr:lctor ~h:1J1 require C~dl Subcolltr:1c!{H, to 1he extcllt of th(" Work 10 he performed hy {he S\lh(onITacIOr. to he hound \0 the COllrr:1ctor hy lerlll~ of lhe- C0I1!r:1C1 Doc\!- I1ll'rlt.<;, :lIld to ;1.".'>UIll(' lnw:lrcl tilt' Cnlllr;tClOr :111 the o!llig:1liolls :111(1 re.<;p(JF1sjbiJitje~ which the C:onlf:1("10r, hy tl'ese f)()oJ' metH.c;. :1.<;SUOles to~..:';'trd the Ot'.;ner :10(1 Architect. E:1ch ,C;UhCOIl' tract :1,t!:rccmenf ,<;11;111 rresen:e :1nd protect the ri~l1l.<; of the Owner and Architect under file COl1tf;lCI l)ocumcm:c: with respect to the \'('ork \0 he performed hy the SuhCOnlr:1ClOr ,'H) rl1;ll .<;uhcontr:1Cling thereof will not prejudice such rigb!.";, :l.Ild ,',11:111 :lIlot\, t(1 the Sl1hcOnlr~c!Or, tlllle~,<; .<;pecifi(:1J1~' prp\'ided (lthcrwi,<;e in rhe ,<;uhcolllr~ct ;lwee111l'll!, the hellen, or :111 rights. rerncdil'~ :u,tl reclre:;;s :t~~ill...t thl' Conlr:\ClOr 111;71 the Conlractor, lw llle CorHr::tct Documents, 11:1.<; :lp:;lin,c;t the O""l1er \Vhere :lrrrflpri;lte, the (;orltr:1Clor slmll require (,:lcll Suhconl r~Clor 10 enter into ,c;imil:u ;1~reemetll,c; "(\'ith Suh-suh- contractor,c;, The C(Jntr:lclor ~h~1l m::tke ;1V:1il:lhle 10 e:1(h pro- posed Suheonlr:1(lor. rrior to the execution of the ,c;uhcolllr;lct :lgrecmt'nl. copie~ of lhe Conu:1c! DOCUlncnI,C; to which the SuhcOlllr;Ktor will be: hmmu, :1I1d, upon writlen reque,c;t o( the Suhcontr:lClor, idell{ify In the Suhcontraclor IeI'm:;; :lnd condi- Ilon,C; of the rroposcd sllhCOnlr:lCI :1grcelllelll which In:l" he at \'ariance with the COlllr:lCI OOC\lIm,"tll.<;, Subcontraclor:;; .<ih:1I1 .<iilnil:lrty ll1:lkc ((lpie,,; ()( :lpplic;111Ic p(lni()T1s fl( ,c;(lcll (I(l(."llment:;; ;I\'ail:lhle 10 their respenive rroppsed Suh-suhnllltr:lC1or,C; 5.4 CONTINGENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUBCONTRACTS 5.4.1 E:ICh suhconlr:1Ct :1weemelll for:1 portion oftl1(" Work i... :1.<;.<;ir,ncd h~'-111C C(lnlr:1Clor to Ille Owner PHIVit1cd rh:II' ,1 :t.s...i~nrnt'1lI is e(fc("liv~ only :lfler ICfmin;lIioll o( tile Contr:t<:1 hy the O""ner for c:m,"e pursU;1lll to P;1r:I- gr:lph 1 tj ,2 ;1I1d only (or 1110'<;(' ,<;llhcontr:lCf :t~r("("nl('nl~ which lht' ()'{'\'Ilcr :U:CCPI'<; hy nOlifying Ihe Suhnlll- Ir:1Clor in writing: :1I1d _2 :I,c;,<;ignmelll is .<;uhjecl to lhe prior ri~ht<; (l( Ille ,<;melY, ir ;lIl\', ()hli~:lled under hond rcl;llin~ 10 the Conlract. 5.4.2 If the Work 1I:l'<; heen ,c;lI.c;pended for Illor(' Ih;m ,'.0 d:lr~. tIlt' SllhC(lntr;IC\<lr's nllnren.<i:,ti()fl ,c;hall he Ctlllil:l11I,' :Itl;tl.<;!ed, ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6,1,1 The Ot\.'ner reserve,c; the ri~ht !o perform con,C;lnletion or npcr:llioll.<i rd:llcd \0 Ihe Prn;er! '{'\'ith the Ot\'nt>r',c; (ltVIl fOl'n:.<;. ;lnd III :l\\':lnl _<;('P:lf:IIC conlr:lct,o:: ill ('(IlHwnioll with oll1er pOI" tiol)," of Iht' Project or olher ('oll.O::lrunjo!l or oper:uiolls Oil tht' site lindeI' Condilinfl.<; of lil(' COlllr:l('! idcnticll or ,c;ul1slanli:1l1y simil:lr ro thcse indudinp: tho.c;e portions rcl:l1ed t(1 in.c;ur:mce :lIl(l '{'\':I1\'t'r of ,<;lIhrog:Jlioll, If the CflIl1r:lClor c1;lilll,<; Ih:ll dd;IY or :lddilinn:11 co<;\ i,c; involved h('(":II1."(' o( "11f.:11 :Inioll hr lhe ()Wlln, lhe Clllllr:I('IOr ."hallm:lke "u('1I U:lim :1.<: I'rll\'idnl ct,,(.. where ill the COlltr;1C1 Document,<; 6,1,2 \\'hell sep:lr;ll(' conlr:l(''-O:: ;HI: ;IW;IIc!el! for diffc.>relll !,or- lillll<:- ()f I lie Pn);c('t Ill' other COll,<:ITllf'lion or ol'cr:Hion,<: (111 thl..' ,<:-ilL'. tl1(' terl11 "Colllr:lctor" in lll~ COlllr:lCl 110nUl1t'lll.O:: in each (-:1."(' <:-1':111 rnr::1I1 Ill(' (:fHl!r:lcl(J{ \dHl (';'(t'CllIC<: ('ach <;('Jl;lr:l1(' f )wllcr-fllIHr:l('I(1I Aj.!ICt'1l1t'l1t . 6.1.3 Tile- Owner 511:111 pr(lddf' ror (uordination of the :tCll\'i. lies of lhe Otvner',<; (l'{'\'n force<: :lnd o( e:l(h c;ep:u:lle ('(llHr:t(lOl with rll(' \"(lork of rhe CrHlIr:1Clor, "(\'ho ,<;11:111 coorer:lle '{'\'itt1 lllt~lll. The (:0I11r:1('\or <:It;lll p:tTlicip;1te with mileI' ,o::epar:11C (nil lr;lCt(lr,<; :md fhe {)'{'\'ner in reviewing lheir COn.<;lfllCI;on .<;('h('(1 ule,<; "(\'hen direcled In do "0 The COfltr:1('lOr ,,11:111 make :(!l\' revi,c;jon.<; tn lhe cOfl<:tnlclioll ,c;ch("duk :lnt! (orllracl S\llll deemed ne('e~s:lrr :ther :l joint (evi("~' :md lllltlll:tl :tgrt'l,,'Jlll'll1 The cOTlslntniol1 schedule<: sl1:1l1 then ('(Hl,c;Iiture lhe ,c;c!lf:chlk." 10 he ll.<;ed Il\' Ihe Conrr;lClor, <:er:lr:lle COnlr;l(~I(lr,<; :1nl! Ihe Owner unlil .c;llh,<;~q\1en!ly (evi<:ed, 6.1.4 Unle5<: other't\'j,c;e r(()vickd in fhe Ctll1tr:1Cl D()('Illnellt,<;. whe-n the Owner perform.c; ('OIl:<;tf\lCtion or opcr:uion." rebled to Ille ProiCCl ~'ilh the Owncr'.<; own forces, Iht:' Owner ,c;h;11l ht deemed In be <:Ubje-Cl 10 rhe ,C;:lme oblig:ltionf' ;Inti to h:1H' lhe ,o:::une rights which :lpply 10 the Contr:1ctor under the C(lIl(Ii. tiom o( the Cnnlr:1cl, illcllldin~, without e;'(cluding (l!IH~r.<; Iho:;;e ,,;t:1led in Aniclc .1. lhi,c; Article (, :tlltl Article,o; 10, 11 ~nd 12, 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.2,1 The COl1lf"'..!Clor ,<;11:111 afford the O""n(:r and separ:tlc COil. tr:JClor,,; r(,~.<iomlhle opportunity (or introduction :1Il<! .<;tor:l~(, o( their 1l1;1leri;ll,c; ;md equipment :1nd rerforlll:Hl('e of their ;lcli\'i. !ies :lnd ,o;l1all conncct and coordin:lle lhe C()lltr;1C10r'_~ COll' .c::lrUClion :1Ilt! opcr:llion,o:: with Iheir,<;:1.<i required hr rile Contr:tc! D(lCllll1Cnl.". 6.2.2 If p:m of Ihe Contr:1ctor'<; Work depend." for pmpcr cx("culion or rC~\IIt<: upon e<Hl,c;truction or oper:1tiolls h~' the Otvner (lr :1 scp:1f:lle contr:tClor. the Conlr:1ctnr ,0;11:111. prior ro pmceedin~ with II1:1! ronion of the Work. promplh' reporl If I the Archilecl :tpp:lrenl di.<;crep:lncic.<; or defen<; in ,<;uell other Cllll,<;lruClioll Ih:11 would render it unsui!:lhk ror ,""el1 propt'l execution :tnd n:<:ult.<i. F;lilure o( the Contractor <;(\ In rcporl .<;11:111 consli1ulc :10 :1C'kl1otvledp:ITlCIlI tl1:11 tllc Owner',>:: or sep;l- r~le C011lr:IClorS' complelcd or p:lrti:llly compkletl ('nn,"IfllC!ioll i.c; fit :1I1d proper 10 recci....e the Comr:IClOr',o; Work, except :1.<; In ddn:t<: nOI then rC:I.<;on:lh1r dj,''Cnver;lhlc 6.2,3 Cm!.c; cltl.<;ed hy dd:t"~ or hy illlpropcrh' timcd :l('(h'ilk'." or defective cnn.<;Iruction .<;h:lll be home hy the P:lf1Y rc."poll";' ble rherefor 6.2.4 The COnlr:Klor Sh:IH promptly rClllcdy t1:Ul1:1~l' wrong- fully (,,;'It1~ed by the Cnlllr:1ctor 10 completed or r:mi:llly CI1l11- rlCICd con<;!rllclion or to property o( Ille OWllcr or .c;cp:lrall' Cfllltr:ICI()r,<; :1:;; pf(lvklcd in SUI)p:lr:lgr:lpll 1(1,2," 6.2.5 C1:1im,o:: ;lllc! other di,c;pUlC.<i :tne! 11l:l11er,o:: in que,cajoll het"(\'('C'1l the COnlr:lClor :Illd :1 ,c;ep:u;.lIc conlraCtor ,C;I1:111 he suh. iee! In the proVj.<;iflllf' o( P:lr:l~r;lph 4,3 prnvided rllt' scp:lr:lll..' {'Ol1lr:w!nr 11:1'<: redprool ohlip.:uiOll<: 6,2.6 The Onmcr :llld c:leh scp:u:lle ('Olltr:l('lflr .<;11:111 h:I\'t' thc s:tme re,<;poll,<;ihilities for cl111in~ :Inti p:1ICl1illg :(S ;Irc dC,c;nihnl for rhe COlHr:lClor in l':lI:1~r:lph ,'., I tj 6.3 OWNER.S RIGlH TO CLEAN UP 6.3.1 If:l di<:plltt" :tri:;;es :lIllOIl~ rhe Contraclflf, ,';("P:lI:1I(' C(ll1' fr;IClor,c; :lI1d the Owner :1.0:: to rhe re.<:ponsihilit\, IUHler their rc"pcctivc ('fllltr:lCl~ f(l( rn:lillf:lining tll(" Incllli"cs ;11)(1 ,C;\lrflll,rltl. ill~ :tn':! free (rolll W:I.C;I{~ m:tl('ri:ll.o:: ;lIld ruhhisl1 ;1.C; de~r:rih('(l in P;'lT:lgr:lpll .~.1 "', lhe Owner m;l~' f:k:m up :Hld :111nC:II(' rll(' OJc;r ;IIHllIlIl 111/)<';(' rc<:plln<;ihk :1." Ill(' Ar('hillTI d('r('l'll1ill~'" !lllw jU<;l 14 A201-1987 AlA DOClIMENT A201 . (;rNI'RIII <:ON1)ITJ()N<; or TIlE cnNTll^('!, Ff llt (:()N~;TllllfTHJr.; . FIll 'In U':NTII n II I If n. ^ III" . ,~, I'm-IIII' A,\lrlllCAN IN,,'IITl ~TF. or ARCI1ITFf'" s, 1 -\'; ~JFW )f HI 1\ '-\TN11t'. N \'1; \'1;.\ ';1 or:, ;-j ('I\: P ( ,"'"'''' W^RNING: Unlle_,,!'!..rl rhnh'.enflvin(t viol:!!_!'! U,S. COf'lV,iQhll:!\I'I<: :m"l.. !luhl..r.! '" I_a;!l pm!'!_cuHon. . ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.1 CHANGES 7.1.1 C:h:lIl~e.<; ill the \'(/ork nJ:1Y he ;lccompIL<;hed :lfler e:<ecu- linn of the COIl":IC(, :lnd witlHl111 in\':llid:llillp. tile COllrr:IC(, hy Change Order, COIl,<;lrUClion CI1:lIl~(, f)iren;v{" or order for :l millor change in rhe \\lurk. ,~lthic('r 10 lilt' lim;t;lI;on,,, ,<:;I:lIl'd in Ihi.<; Aniclt' "7 :ll1d d<;(''!;vhere ill the Comr:ICl I)O('tUIlCIlf,<; 7.1.2 ^ (:ll:trlf!t' ()rtkr <:;11;111 lle h:1St'tf llllTll1 agrt"elllcnl :1Il1cmg the Owner, COlllr:lClor :1I1(i Archilect; :1 Con~tf\lcti{)n Ch:mgc Directi\'(" reqlljr(:~ :'~rCeTllenl by the O.,Yllcr :lnd Architect and 1ll:1\" or Ill:!y not he agreed !n h~' the COlllr:ICrfJr: :111 order for:l 1l1l111lr cl1:rng<: in lht' \'(lOTI.;. Ill;')" he is.<;\tl'd h~' Ihl' Architcu :donc. 7.1.3 (:ll:lllge:=: ill tht, \'(,'(lrk ."11;111 h(' pt'rfcJrmed lindeI' :Ippli- C:lllle- provi,o;ion~ of lht' COrHnlCl DOnllnCllI."i, ~nd Ihe C(llllr~c- tor ,~h:l" proceed promr11r, link:o;,o; Olht'rwi.<;e provided in lhe Cll:lIlge Order, Con,O;lruction CIl:lIl~t' Direnh'e or Of tIer for :1 lllinor cl1:lIl~e in the \'(:'ork, 7.1.4 If lInil price,<: :In' ,"it;1ted in the COlltr;lct l)ocwnent.<: or "llh,<:equ(,llfl~' :lgrct'tl upon, ;In<l if qU;1lltilie~ ori~in;llly con- It'lllpl:IICd :lre,<:o ch;lIl~ecl in :l propo<;ed Ch;ll1~e Order or Con- SlfllClioll Change Direclive Ih;1I :lpplic:uiol1 of ,o;u('h urlil prit"l'.<i III </1l:lIllili<.:.<: of \X:ork proposed \\'ill ClU_<:t: SUh<;t:HHi:ll illcquilr III Ihe Owner or Contr:lClor, Iht' :Ippliclhle lInil pricc~ ,o;h:ll1 he eqHil;rh1r :ldjuSICd 7.2 CHANGE ORDERS 7.2.1 A Ch:lIlgc Order Lo; a Wrilll'1l in<;trllrllelll pn:p:m:d hy lhe Alcl1it(:n :llld signed h~' Ihe (hVller, C0l1lr:1Clor :Illd l\rchitcCl, ,<;t;llin,u; lheir :lgret'lIlellt UpOll :111 o( Ihe follOWing' .1 :t dl;1n,u;e in tht" \'(:ork: .2 the :1I110Ullt of lhe :ldjIlS11l1t'rH in the COIllI':ICl SIIIIl. if :tll~'; :llld .3 the eX1CIlt I)f lhe :ldjw;lmclll in tht.' ContnlCl Timc, if :111 ~. 7.2.2 J\klhod_<: II-"etl in dCICrlTlil1ill~ :1djll-,,"ncllI.<; In the COIlll';ICI Sllm 1l1:IY include Ihn<i{' IL<;led in ,~llhp:tr:lp:r:lph 7..\..\. 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7.3.1 A Con,<;ffuuioll C:h:lIl~t' Dirt"Cli\'e i~:1 writlCIl (lftlcr pre- p:lred hy {he Ardlilect ;lllt! !';igned hy lhe Owner :1lltl Ardlilt'C1, din.Tling:l chmlue in the \X:ork :lIld .<;1:lting:1 propo:'ictl h:l!iii.<; for ;ldjllslmcnl, if :lIlY. in Ill(' Corllr:ICI Sum or C0l1tr:1C1 Time, or hnlh. The ()\\"lll'r r1l:IY hy (:oll.<;lruclioll Ch:lIl~l' f.)in::t'livc. Wilhotll ill\.:rlid:lling Ihl' COlllr;1CI. (lnkr eh:lI1,ltC:';<: in Ill{' \'(;ork within Ill(" general .<:cope of lhe COlllr:1C1 ull1.<;islil1~ of :nldi. lions, deletion,<; or olher rl'\'i.<;jolls, the C:olllr:lcr Slim :lIld COil. Ir:lCI Time..: hdng :ldjll.'HCd :In''{lrdin~ly 7_3.2 A Comarllclioll Ch:Ul.'K DireCtive ,<;l1all he u,<;ed in the :1h.<;CIl('l' o( lotal agreemenl Oil the lerrn<; Or;1 Ch:lnge Order. 7.3.3 l( lhl' Cflll,<:frtlClioll Ch:lllgr.: f)ireC!ive pro\'ide_" for ;lll ;1t1;u<;lIncnt co lhe COlHr:lCl SIUll, the :1djll.'.amcllt ,<:11:111 I1t. ha,<;etJ (111 (!Ill' (}f the f(lll(}\\'iIlR mClIHlt1.<;. .1 111111ual ;leCl'pl:lIlCc (If :r lump Slllll prflfl(:rl~' itemized and -<;llflported hy sufficient <;llh.<;I:tIlti;llin,lt t!:Il;1 to per. mir CT:lht:Tti(lll: .2 llllil prices ,<;l;ltnl ill Ill(' (:(Hllr:l("t I )(lCllll1("I1I,<: (I,,,,,h- <.:cqUC'llIJy :1.l!r(:C'ct Upllll: . .3 CO_<;1 tp he detcrlllincd in ;1 m:lIlllf.'l ;I,l!wnl "I'nll hI th(:' partie.<; :lnd :J tl1\1IIt:ll1y ;H.Tepl;lhl(:' fh:nl (II [Wln"ll :1W" fce: or .4 :1,<; provided in SUhr:lr:lgr:II111 ~~(. 7.3.4 Upon receipt o( d Cotl,<;ln,ctillll C11:H1Ut' Direnive. the Cnrltr:1r!or ,<;h;'111 r>rnmrtty flrocccd Wilh Ih(' ch;mgc in the \Xlork invoh'cd :Jnd :!dvi<;e- the- Archilecl o( tile Cotltr:tctor'<; :1,Rrt"t"menl or di,<::I~r{'efT1Cm wilh lllf" Illcth(ld, if ;lIH', provided ill Ihe C()f1.<;lruclion r:h:;mw' l>irf:Cli\'(' for d(,lcrll1inill~ Ihe p'o. po,<;cd ;ld;I1.<;""(,,'lI in Ihe Conlrdc' Surn fll C:olltr:JCI Time. 7.3.5 A Con,<;lnlCtion Ch:lIlg~ DireCTive ,<:iRned hy the C(1I1lr:I(. tor indiolcs the :lgrcemel1l oflhe C:onrr:-lctnr lhcre~\'ith, irl<:"lud. jn,~ :1d;lJ,<:rmC1lI in COlllr:!CI SUITl :lnd CClIHr;lct Tillie or lilt' melhod (or c!clcrmininp. thf::'lll. SlId1 :lgrC("'lllcnr ,<;11:111 1)(' cfTl.:c' live illlnwdi:ltdr :md ,<;11:111 he recorded :t,,, :I CI1:lIl~e Ordcr 7.3.6 If Ihe Conlnlnor doe.<: not rC':o;pond proll1ptly or di.<;:lgrec.<; with thc' ll1t'thod for :1djl1,<;tlll('nt in the Contracl SWH, rhe method :lI1d the :ldju,<;trnent .<;h:lll he delerl11incdln' rhe Archi. tect Oil the 11:1,<;i,c; of rC:I,<;oll:lhk eXlwndiqlw,<; :ll1d ,~\'illg.c; of l!lose' perforllling tht' \\:.'ork :lllrillllt;lhle In Ihe ch:lt1~e, includ. ing, in (":ISe {l( :m incrC:1.<;e in the COlltr:Kt SUlll, :r r(':1,<;(111:1hlc ;zllow;lll("(' for ovcrhc::':td :lIld prOnl In _<;l1ch (';IS(:', :Jnd ;llsn undel C!:IIISC ~-.~..~_,~, lhe CClIlfr:ICt(lr ,<;11:111 keep :Hl(1 pl{:~('nl. in ,<;uch (orm :1.<; Ihe Arehilen 1ll:1)" prescrihe, :111 ile-mi7,t'd accounting tfl~t'tl1er wich :'pprllpri:II{' -<;uPflflrting (1:11:1. llnlc,<:s (1111('r\\"i<;c pl'{l\'idcd ill lhl' C:Olllr:lCl I )nClllllt'lHs. {'(l<:IS for the pllrpll'<:c... (I( lhis ,l.iuhP:II';'gl:lph --;,~_(, .<;h:lll he limiled t(l lIlt' ({)f1(ln'illg. .1 cn<;!.<; Ilf I:thor, including ,<:o("i:l1 s('emity, (lId :I,'-W :trld lllH:rnpl(l\'IIlt'llt in,<;ur:mn:. (rillgc IWIlen,S n:(luirnl 11~ :lgn'('lllCnl Ill" custOtll, :1tld ~\"(lrkt'r.'" In \"flt!OlWllS ('(11l11Wtl....:uifl1l ilt<;III':IIl('C: .2 ('{)Sf,<: flf lll:llc.:ri:1ls. ,<:llpplk:.<; :111t! ctluipmClll, 1llCltlcf, ing Cf)SI (1( Ir:U1Sp(lI"t:llifll1, whether iI1CflqlI1r:lll.'d III Clll1,C;(IIl1('d: .3 renl:ll ("0,<;1'<; of 1l1:1ChillC'IT :lIld equiptllellt. exclll.<;i\'(' of h;llld !OCI!.<:. n.l1ethcr rcnted ftlllll lh(:' COlltr:!("tt}f Ill' others: .4 CO,<;IS of pn.llliwll.<; (or :111 hond" :lnd i1l.<;1lf;ln(T. Iwrmic k't',<;, :md s;cle,<:. 11.<;e or ,simil:H taxe.<; rd:llcd 10 lh(' \'(lurk: :lnd .5 :lddilioll:ll ("(1.<;1.<; of ,<;llper\';sioll :111<1 fieltl n(r;ct' pn,<;ljl\. nel dirl'C'fh' ;llfri!lIll:lhle to the ch;lIlgc. 7.3.7 f'enclin,lt nllal dClenllin:nion o( ('osr 1(1 the ()\\,I1(,I', :1I1101llHS nor in cli,<;fltHt. Illay he illdmlnl in Applicniolls (or P:c~'rnelll. TI1(' :lIn0\1111 of Cft'dil to he :llIllwcd hy lilt, COl1lr:H.. ror 10 fllc Owner for;1 del<."lioll or dl:ll1~e ~'l1i('h rc.<;ulc" ill :1 net dccre:lst' in 111<:: Contr:lCl SUIll _c;11:1I1 he :IClU;11 11t.:r cost :IS COil. firlllcd hr the A,chitt:cl. \'(/hen !loth :lddiliCltl.C; :tnd nnlils nl\'t:'rill~ rd:lted \'(Inrk nr SUh,"IilutillllS :rn' ;Iwol\'ctl ;11 :1 ch:lIlg<::, Ihe :dlo"':lt1ce (or o\'l"rhC:1l1 and pt'flnl ....11:111 he nglllctl onthc 11:I.<;j", of tlel incre:l...c. if:m)', wilh respecr III rll:!! ch;lngc 7.3.8 If the ()~\'llcr :md Cfllltr:Ktor elo nnr :lgnT with JIll' adju<;IInelll in CorHr;lCl TimC' or the method fot delnlllinill,l! il. the ;l(lju,<;lllleTH or the tllclhfld ,,11:111 he rC"lt.'flec! 'Illhe i\rchilCCl ((lr dCICflllill:Hillll 7.3.9 w'hell Il1e Owner ;Inti COtlICtCl0! :l.l!fn: wilh the delel- lllinmiflll 111:lllc hr rile Architect concerning tile :ldiu-"IIlIC!lI<; ill tile (:Olltr:WI SlIltl :llld Cnrnr:1Cl Tillle, (11' (JlIWfWi...c le:lCh :lgICt.' I11Clll UllOll 1l1e :ldjtlSlrllcnt,<;. .<:"ch :1~n'el1lcrlt <;11:111 h(' dknilT imlllnli:llc1r :111(1 .c;h:dl he recorded In' prCI':lf:u;!ln :llld exn II lion of:ltI :lpprnpri;tlc Cl1:111gl,: ()/'(I('I AlA DOCUMENT A201 . CI'NFIlAI.! (lNlllTlC)N<; Ill' 1'llr (:ONHI,\CT r(Hl UlN<;Tlll'ClrnN" FfH'lnTFN1"11 FIII'llnN ,\!,\' . "ll"~-nl1 '\~lrrlH.A1\.'lN<;lln'lFrll'^UUIlITrT''; 1~\<:NI'_\'\:-Yf)llI\A\"FNI'r N\l: \'\:'^~;JI!NCI(lN.l)f: .!'IfIUr. A201-1987 15 W^nNING: UnIfC~"~l!'d photor:....rv1nQ viol",,,!! U.S, COpYright I:lws ilnrlls SlIbi,.cl 10 1"9:11 l"Jrtl!l,.eullnn . 7.4 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.4.1 The ArcllilcCI \;I.,ill h:1VC :lUll1oril\" ({) order minnf ch:IIl!lt.::> in the W"ork IlO! i!ll:olvlnl! ;J.ujllsunem in tile ConrraCl Sum or ::xt<:!lsiOIl of the Contract'- Time :10(1 not inconsislem ';'.'jrh the intent o( lh/..' Contr:lCI Documenl.<i Such chan~e~ shall he dfcClCtl 11\" wrincn ()n:Jc~ :md shall be hindjn~ on the Owm.:r :mu CUfllr:ICIOf The Contr:IClor sl1all carry ou[ such tvrillen {mien; promr'lll\' ARTICLE 8 TIME 8.1 DEFINITIONS 8.1.1 Unies,<i ocherwj::;c rmwided, Cumra<."l Time is the period of time, includin!l :lutllorized :ldjwHmems. ;Illoucd in the Con- tf:1Ct Documents for SUhSldl1[i.lI Completion of the Work. 8.1.2 The d:ne of commencement of the ""ork is the d:llC ~.'il~111IisheLl in the Agreement. l11e d;ue sh~U not he posqxmcd lw llle f:lilure to :lCl of the Col1tr.lctor or of rer~on!'i or emities ror whom rile COIHr:1Ctor i!'i n,..-sponsihle, 8.1..3 Th~ d:1IC.: ~ If Suhst:ln[i:d Completion i!'i the d:He (crlified h\' \h~ Architect in :lccord:tncl' \vith P:lr:;Zll,r.1rh 9.H. 8.1.4 The (enll "tl:l{' :1.0.; used in lhe:C(llltr:lct 1)IICtlllH..:llls,o.;l1:tJl Illt.:-:1Il clll:ndar d:1Y lI11k:~s otl1c.:n...i.o.;e sp('"l"ili<.::iliy defined. 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2..1 Time limils Strltcu in tile COIHr:K't lJO(,.'ulllelllS :lre of the cS."encr: or tht" Contract. By exenning tll<.' r\~uct"mcl1l tht. Con. 11':IC!or cOl1linll.<; Ih:ll lllc LOl1tr:lct Til1l<': i....:t rC;IS(1l1ahlc,: pcri~ld ror pcrforllling tIll': \'('ork. 8.2.2 Thc COlli r:wtor shall not kll(J.....ill~h.. l'XU.:pl hy :If.!.l"l'l" lllclH or in.C;truCliol1 o( the O't',.'ncr ill 't\'ritillg, rrcm:nurdy (om. mcnce npl'r:llllll1S Oil lilt" ,<;lIe (Ir dse.....hcrc prior to the dTc.:t'li\'c dalc Dr inSllr:1I1CC fequircd lw Artidt: 11 tll 1)(: rUrt11,o;he:d h~' the COlHr.Ktor, The t!:;zre o( commencemr:J1I oj lilt" \'(fork Sh:lll nlll hc chan~l..'d 11Y thl' :.:fk:nil.'e Jate of such illSUr.1l1Ct:, l ink'ss tIll,: d:He: of COlTIlllelKC!11Clll i:;; l.ii{:Ihlish<.xl hy :1 I1fllk'l..' \(1 pro(."(."t"tl ,l.:i"'t'1) fly the ()W1Wl", lIlt.. (:(ll1lr:I('\{lr<;II:llllllllily ll1(,' (h""l!,:1' ill \\"l'ilillg lUll I(:~s II1:Ul Ji\'t.. days (II' (lll'ef :ll.!l(,:nl p(:ritld fl(:fllre ollllmellCing tl1(.' \'(;ork lU permit the: timely liIill~ of IlHlrt~:I~c:-;, Inedl:mic's licns :Ind othcr security intercsrs. 8.2.3 The Comr:tnor :;;h:1I1 pron.'t:d expeditiously wi(h aut"- qu:lte rorces and Sh:1Jl achieve -"uhst;u1lial Completion wirhin l11e COl1lr:lct Time, 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 8.3.1 If llle COlllr:lCtor is c..lr:layc-d :1( :In\-" tim<.' in proj.!re!'is o( the \'(.'ork 11" :1Il :lct or ne~iec; of the O..vner n1' ..\rchilel"t. or of:lIl cl1lpIIH't:t: of either. or of:1 !'icpar:nc CtllllranOr cmployetl Iw the ().....ncr. Of Iw Ch:lllj.!(;.C; oft.kred In the W'ork. or 11\' !;Ij,or di....plll(,"s. firc, tIIlllStl:t1 dt'-lay in dt.'liV{.oncs, Ull:l\'l lic.l:lhlc C:lsu:lllie=, \H other c:uscs ht:ynntl Ih<.: ClIlltf:It"IOr<; ,:(Jotro!. or h\' del:l\' :lllthOflZl.t! hv Itle' Owner pCl1ding :lri'litr:lIioll. (11' h~; lllhc.:'r l';luse:-; ",'hic:ll tllC Architcl-' dctl.:rllline~ nl;l~' 11Istif\' deb\'. 111cn :ill' t:(Hllr:ICl Time shall h(' :..'xtt:lldeti lw (:h:1I1~C ()rdt:f I()r SUdl i'L":IS\ Hl;lhie rinle ::.... lht; :\rcimcct 111;1\' determine. 8.3.2 U:llI11~ rei:llin!l: {U lime .--h:lll he Tll;U..lt' in :1(,'crlrd:ll1ce: with ;Illplic::hll' prO\'iSlllns llf P::r;lgr:lph -I. ~ 8.3.3 Tilis f):If;H..!:-;mil "i.: ',Il)t'~ 11(11 [)n:dlltlt" '(:',"l\',,'r:: (lI" d:Hl1' :l\,':'~'.~ 11'1' ~_k'b': 11\' -:,:jlhc:- ;):ll"l\' '.ITlOCr : )IIH'::' :1H l\'lSlt 1I1.~ i If {ilt' ~Ilt r:1C: [)( lCllIllClll.... . ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.1.1 The COlllracl Sum is sl:Jtcd in the Au.rCCllIC!lI :lI1d, includ, in~ :mthorizecl Jdju,'Hment.~, i~ the IOL:1I ;Jnlount p:I\':lhlc.: In' the Owner to tile Contr:lCtor for rerform~nce of the Work under the COntr:Kt [)(lCllnlcnt.'i, 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 902.1 Before tbe firsl Applic:uion for PJyment. the Contr:Ktor sll:!:ll suhmit to the Architect d scheclulc o( valtle~ :1110c;Hl.:d to \':lrious portions of rile Work, rrcfY.lrcd in such (orm ami sup. ported by stlch U:H:;Z 10 substantiate its ;lcruracy :L<; the Arcllitect 111:iy require. This schedule, unlcs.'i obiectcd to hy the Architect. sh;ill he u.<;cd :1!'i a 11:ISis for reviewinR tile Comr.lctor's Applicl- ti()n~ for P~lymem, 9.3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 9.3,1 1\( 1~:lS1 ten t!riv!'i he(ore the d:ne c.<;t:lbli~hed for -:.::lCh rro~re!'i,C; p:1\."mem. rh~ Comr:ICt(}r sh:llI submit 10 rile M<.:l1itccr an itemized Applic:nion (or Payment for opcr:;ztiol1!'i completed in Jccord:llKe: ~....iLh IIle schedule o( \':liut"s. -"uch applic:Jt ion ::;i1:11l he notarized, if I'equired. :Jnd .'iuppllrled h~' ,'mclt d:ll:1 ,c;ulls1ami:1(il1~ the C"!Hr:tctor's ri,l.du 10 p:lymCJ1l :l~ the ()wncr or .-\rcl1ilt.:n m:/y require, ,su('h :lS copie=, or rnll1i,<;iliol\.<; froll\ SUhefll1tr:K'l{lr~ :llltl lll:lteri:11 supplicrs, ;11\d l'cf1ccling n.:t:1in:lg(.: if provided for elsewhere: in tile Comr:lCl Do<:tnllCnt!'i Such :lpplicllillllS 1l1:IY illdude n:qllc='ts lilr P:lYlll(,'nt tlll aCCtHlIll of ch:II1JZl.:'<; in the Work which 11:1\'e hec:n propc1'l" :1111111 lri7.etl hy Con='lrtKtillll Ch:mgt: Dircnive!'i hill III l! yt't includnl in C11:11l}..!t: Orders 9..301.2 -"11('11 :lpplicll;llll.C; ll1:IY Ill)! inchK\t: r(,.tlllesls lelr I);l~" 1ll(,'1lI (If :lI11tluntS lht' (:(Hltr.l(.'J{lr Cl<)l':-; 111l( intt:lltl 1(1 P:1Y III :1 Sllhc(llllr:ll."lnr or rn:lI(,ori:l! supplier heCIUsc or:l disputc l!t' OIlIer rCISllll 9.3.2 (Inles." (Jlht.'n..'i~t: pro\'idc..'t! in the COll(r;lc: I )o("tllllel1IS, p:I\'mellt=, Sll:lll he rn:l(le (111 ;Icc()um ()f m:llt:'ri;ll~ :lIlt! CqlliplllClll llt'ii\'erec.l :In(l''llit:lhl\' Slllrec! :1{ tile silt' rllr _"III)s('(llK:nt ill(-llr- plll':llicll1 ill 111(,' \\;'lll'k. If :Ippro\!e<l in a(i\':lllCC In- JIll" (l"-'Ilt.'i". p:IYIllCTll Ill:'y ',illlilarly hc Ili:ldc for lll:ltcri:lls :mtl l-quiplll(,'1l1 SUit:lhh' slOn:<1 off the site: a( :t IOC:;Zlion a~n:cd upon in \"'ntin~, 1):lymtOnl for 111:1Ieri:t1s :lIld cquipment sUlfetl Oil or off 11H,.'si1C Sh:lll he conc.lili")llcu upon c()mpH:mc~ hy the: COlHr:Klor \,,'itl1 f1rocc-t111n.~ .'i;ni~f:1Ct(}r)' to {Ile Owner to t:.<;I:lhlisll the Ownc.:r''i lille to ,<;uCllmmeri:!:ls :lnd equipmcnt or oll1<.'rwisc protect rhe O\....T1e:r..~ intere!'il, :lnd _~Il:tiJ inclmk ::pplk::lbie insllr:lllCl.:, SlIJCll-lt.' :md Ir:lI1:"pon:lIioll 10 the site for sllch ll1:ltCri:ll~ :llld e-quipmc:1l Slored o(f rh(,: site, 9.3.3 The COIlIr:lCtor \....:lrr:Ul!!'i t11:1f litlt'" 10 :IJI \'(;ork COVt'rl'c..! hy :Ill Applicltio!1 for [J;I\'l1H:lll \vill P:1SS to the ()t\'I1t'"r no 1:1lt.'r IIl:lll lilt'" lill1r: of p:I\'mt:nt. The COlltr:tcwr iunllcr 'l\':lrr:l1HS tll:1l uponsul1mitt:11 or ;lll "pplicuioll for P:I\'lllCIlt :IH \'(il )I'k rl If \vhich C:;rtiI1CllCS fllr P;J...me1l1 h:IVC: hl'C:l pre\';( lU,,,I\' iSSllt"ti ant! n:I\'mcnt.c; rec.:d\'ctl rrol1ltl1c Owner sl1:lll. 10 lhe 11t......1 of llle C(llllr:lClors kllllwledl-le, illform:lIion :lIlti hcik:f. he (ree :lnt! cie:lr of liens. daims, sccllri{\- imcrc:'il." Ilr '..:ncUml1f:lllcC.... in f;IVllr ()f Illl.." (:\Il'lr:lt"1(lf. Stl;)('clnlr:lCt(lrs. m;ltc.:ri:li ~uppli<..'l","', Ilr (JllH.:r per.;()!ls (II' cnTlli<.."s 11l:lkill~;1 cl:lim h\' re:l....(JIl Ilf.tl:1\"1111..! i)rll\'it.lt:li i:lhor. m;llcri:lls :lllt! cquipmenr :e::lllllg !() lhe \\1 lff,.. 9.4 CERTIFICATES F=OR PAYMENT 9.4.1 'i'he ..\rC!lit<:Cl '.\'iil. ';\"l{tlin ~c':cn d;;';.~ :lftcr rr':~':,:lnl II :llc (:i 1Illr:IC1l1r:.; t\!'niic1tHlIl :'rlr !':lnncnl :".'lIJH:~' !SSlIl' III : Ill' 16 .0.201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A.20' . ':ENF.H,\i, "";\'I)ITl( 1'\1"; 'w ','liE ""...~'I,,\( :'- "(lU ':'1~"'TI11'r:""'\(1"': . .;, 'i 'Wl"i'E'JT1! ~'nlTII :'... \lA' . ":,n"'-'7'llF.\.\IFH!r:.\.,",!N<;-:'7n"1'l:'.~f'\I~r:!I:~'''':""1", ,-'~':F":' 'HO: \\'""',1'" T\~III.-.:(;.:.r'.... '" ':':lw'" on, n~IlNG: 'Jniicen~et1 onolocoOVlnc '/lollllP.5 U,S, =~ovr'onll~ ''''1) !~ "uotect to I~aal omsecutlOI"' . (lWIl':.:r:l Ccniflcllt' (or P:l\'l11Cl1l. \\"jril :1 Cor'y :{I tl1(:' ClHl!r:1(- fUr. lor _"lIel1 ;mlflullt ;IS liH: Architect (k:lcrmillc~ i... properh' due or ll{l{if\' tht' C:omr:H,;lOr and Owner in ,\'riljn~ o( [he ArcililcC:'<; n::l!'nn:<< fOf willtlloidillg (Tnificlliol1 in will lie Of in i,:tfl :1." provided in Sohp:lr:lgr:lph (}_~_ i 9.4.2 Tile iSl'u:mcc of;1 Ccnifk:1te for P:lymenl will con:<>unne;1 n.:pre:-el1l:11ion hy rile :\rchitcct I{l (he Owner. b:I,'H.:c! Oil the ArchiH:ct"S ob~er,'alions al rhe site :lnd tile <.1m:; comprising the AnriicHion for Pa"mem. el1;11 t]l{" \v"ork l1:1S rro~ressed to the point indiC;tlc::d anu tI1:1t. [0 tile be;;t of the Archilect".'i knowl- edge. information and helief. qU:llilY of the \'(lork Lc; in :teem- d:u1l'c will, tile COnl"IC! Documents. 'n,e foregOing repr(:scm:l- liollS ;Ir(' suhject \0 ;lll ('v:lhmtioll of tile Work Cor conform:mce ,'.'illl rhe Contr:1ct Documem~ upon Suh5t:mti:ll Cl1mplClion. to I"C511it-" uf sU!Jsequcm test.<; J.nd in,<;pcclions. 10 minor de'..i::ltions (rom (he Contract Oocum(:nts correctable pnor to completion :m<.l to specific quaJific:ltions expressed b~" the Architect. The iSSU;1I1Ce of d Certificlte for P;lymem will further constitute :t rcpr(:sentJ.rioll thm the Comr:J.ctor is entitled to p~vmem in the ;1Il1(mnI ccnified. However. thc issllJ.nce of:J. Certificate for P~y. Illcn! "viii Ilot he a rcnrcs('llt:nion th;ll tile :\rc!lilect l1as (1) Ill;llk: (:xl1:lu5tivc or cOfHintlou!" on.silC ill,<;oec:tiollS to cl1ct.:k the (!ll:lliIY or qll:lI1titv of the \'(;mk, (21 rc\'icwt~d constnlClion 11lc:ltl,<;, method<;. techniques. seqllem:e,<; or prm.:cdures. (,~) rc,'icwed copies of requisiti(lIl~ receivcd fn)m :iubc<mtf:JCH)f5 ;md rTIatcri:IJ ,'iuprliers ;lnd (Jll1cr (1m3 requested by the Owner (() :"uh.s(:1I1ti~te tile COnlractor.s ri!-!11C to p:Ivme!1l or r<+) made <.:x:unin~lIi{)n 10 ;l!'ccftain how ur lor ""nm l'urpo!'e the Comr:lc. l( Ir h:L" used money previously p:licj on account of thc Contr:lct SUlll" 9.S DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 9.5,1 Thc Architect m:ty decide nol to certiry paymcnt ;Ind T1l:I\. ,vithh(lltl:l (;crtilic:ltc for P:lyme.'11l in whole or in fl:trt..lO Ihe extenl re:l.<;on:lhl~' l1ece!'s:lry 10 prolect the ()~'ncr. if in the '\rchitcct'.<; opinton lhe rcpre.<;el1l:uiol1s to tile (hvner requifed by Sut1p:tr:ljZr.lph 9.'~.2 cannot be m:u.le. If the Archirec! i,<; ul1:1hlt: to certify p:lymem in the :1I1l0UnI of rhe ^ppiiC:Hion. the ArchitcCt ':VillllOlify (he COlHr:lClor and Owner as rrovide.'e.1 in Stthp;lr;lI.~r:tph l) ~.l. Ir the Col1lraClor :lI1d Architect C:lllllClI :l\zrco: on ;1 i"cvi!'cc.i :ul1ount. lilt. Archilect ",'ill promptly t.<;SllC :1 Cenific1tc for P:lymenr for the :lIlltlUnt for which Ihe ArcililCCt i:-; :lhlt' 10 make sud' rerre.sem:uions 10 the Owner. The Archi- ItTt m:1Y :ll~o dtTide nO! 10 t"t'rtify p:lymclU or. hct":ltIse uf '''llIJ~cque!1(i\' discovered C'\'idt'!1(c (lr suhsequcnc (lhScn.:lli()Ils. m:1\' llullify [Ile wilole or a part of a Ccnific:lte for P:lyment prt'viousl\' issucd. to slIdl e:uenl :IS Ill:l\' he nce.'C~.S;ln' in lhe ..\rc!lilcrr",~ fJrinion 10 J1fOtect the O\,:n("1- from loss hec:ntsC' 0(: .1 ddtTli\'e \Xlork not remedicd; .2 l!mt] p:!rt\' claims filctl or rC:15011:1hlc.' t.'vidcnn~ inc.iic:n- ill~ pflliJ;lble m;n~ of .'iue.'h C!:lims; .3 r;Jiiure of (he Con!r:lclor to 1ll:1ke p~vlllel1(!, prop. ,:rl\" tCl SU])("(Hllf;tc:ltlfS Ilr f(lf iah(lr. l11:ltcn:lis (lr (.:ql11pl11eJll: ,4 rt::l."oll:lhk: t..'videnn.: tl1:1\ li1e \'Fork ,::1l11l0( Ilt' Cflm- 1'lt'ICd ]t)f. tIle unn:titl h:li:lllCC of the Clllllr:lct Stun: .5 d;Ull:lge.: (0 Il1C OWl1e:- or :ll1otilt.:- C()l\lr:lt"lur: ,6 1.(.-:ISoll;lhle ~\'idclln: ll1:11 lile.: \v'ork ~.iJl nOl hc {,'om. pk':IC(t \\'itllin the CWHr:IC TilllC. ;mt! 111:ll lhe tllln:lid haiance ~'(lllid r1(H IX:' ;ltie.'UU:tlC 1(1 i....(l\"t:r :ICI11:;1 (lr ikllllu:nt"t.: d;1Il1:1~e." ((lr tile :tllll("tll:lIt'd de!:!\.: 'lr .7 :l(_"'''l''ll.lll ':llilt!"(' I{l '..':Ir:-': ltl: fll(' \"(.(1ft.: ;1\ :ICCllfC::ltlC.."C '.,.Tlll :11(" ',)llIf;I(': 1){)Cl1!1lC'nt,~ . 9.5.2 \,\'hcl1 tl1{' :Iho\.e re:l<;on,'i for ,.....1I11hoklin!Z certilic:ttipll :lfl' n::movcc.:. c:enifiC:Hion will bc m:ldc ftlr ;lll1ClUrll." pfe'villl1sly ',,\.jtlll1eit:. 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.6.1 A(ter tht: An::~lilt"('1 11:1'<; i,<;stl(;tl :1 c;t.:nilicltc ri If P:I~'ll1t'!1t. lhe (h.:ner shall m;lkt: p~yment in the m;mner and ".....itllin the time pro1.'ic.led in lhe Comrilct Documents, ane.! shall .'i(l notify {he Architect. 9.6.2 The ContrJ.ctor .<;hal] rromptly p:1y e::lctl Suhconlr.Jcwr, upon receipt of raymenr from the Owner. out of lilt: ;unoum paid to the ContraCTOr on aCCQum of such Subcnmf:lCtor's por- tion of tile Work. the :lmOllnt to which s:lic.l Suhn)lltr':1ctor is entitled. reflecting percemages actually rctained from p:lymcnts to the Com1.lCtor on account of such Subcontr.lcwr'.'i ponion or the Work. The Contractor shall. by appropriate :lgreemenr wirh e:lch Subcontractor, require oeh SubcOntr.:tCtOf to m;lkc paymems to Suh~subconmtctors in similar manner. 9.6.3 nle Architect will, on requ<:St, furnish to a St'lbcomr:lc. {Of. jf I'l.;Ctic:Ible. inform:i1tion regarding percentages of com. rlClion or amount.'i :::prlied for hy the Comrncwr and aCtion taken :l'efcon hy the ArchiteCl :md Owner on ;It.:counl of por. tions of thc Work done by ,'iuch SlIhcontf:lCtof. 9,6.4 Neirher the O'l:vncr nOf Architect !ih:1IIl1:lve:m olJiig:llion to p.1Y or to sc~ to the payment of money to :1 Subcomr.l<.:tor except ;I!, mny Q{hef'~.'i,'ie be required by iaw. 9.6.5 P:l,\'mcnt to lllaleri:ll suppliers Sh:lll be tre:ncc.l in a l11:!nn<.:r ..::;imilar 10 lil:11 f'Jrov;ued in Subrar:l~l.lph.s 9.6.2, 9.G.; ;lnc.1 t).().,i. 9,6.6 ,\ C:~nificate for P:tymem. a progrt..-::>.'i p~lymC'm. or p;lrtial or entire." lI~e or OCCtlpancy of the ProjeCT hy rile Ownef ,'ihall not t.on.'ililllle acccrl:mce of \'(tork nOl in ;tccordanc~ with the C{)l1tract D(lctUnent.'i. 9,7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT 9.7.1 If tile Architect does not issue:t Ccnific:lte (or P:lymcllt. throu!o!h no [~1Ult of the Conrr~etor, within seven days ;tfter rec~ipl of tile Contr.1Ctor.... Aprlic:ltiOtl (or P;lymem. or if tht: Owner does not r:t~" the Contr:lC10r within seven d;tys afler the dme e,<;mhlishecJ in Ille Cootr.1Ct Docurncl1l$ tlJt' ;llnOUlH t't:r- tificd hy thc Arehitcct or :lw:mjcd by arhilr:Jtiol1. tllell lill' Con. tractor m:l\'. Uflon seven :ld<.lilion:I1 d:1YS. writlcn llC}{ice 10 tllC Owner :md Arcllhect. ,'ilOp the Work uncil rmymclll of till: :1I1l01l11t ()will~ 11:1:-; ht'cn n.'t"e.'ivcd. Tht' Contr:l(.'\ Time.' sl1:rlll1t' cXlcnc.lcc.J :lflpropri:uely :md the Cuntr.ICt SUIll Sll:lil lJe inCfc:t.<;ed hy the :lmount of the Contrilcmr','i rC<l<;ol1;thlc e.-oS'S of shut-down, ucl:IY ~1I1d st:lrHlp, Wllich ,00h;11I he ;Jt.Ctll11plisllCd :IS rrovitled in Article 7. 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9,8.1 Suhslami;t1 Comnletion is the SI:lgC in lht., pro"m.:.<;s (If I he.' \'C:ork \.\.ilcn the \"",;ork or desi~n:lletl roniol1 thcreof i~ sufli- o::icnlly -::omplete in :lo;ord:1nce \.\'jth the Comr:IC! O()Ctll11Cllt~ so llle Owncr call occury or lIti!i7.e the Work ror it" inrcndnt u!'c. 9,8,2 \\"'l1en Ihe.' COlllr:lCtor Cllt1!'itlc..;r:-; lh:lt the \\"/ork, or:: por. rion lhcn.:of which .he Owner :l~ret:s to ;KTCpl separ:zlely. IS <;uhsr:Ulri:dly complete.'. th~ Comr:Klor sl1:111 pn.:p;m: ami ."1l11I1lil 10 tll(" Ardlilec.-l ;1 l"nmprei1cn:<>i\.c list of itel11." to he COl11pk:lnl or l:orrtTle.'tl. The COlHr.lelOr sl1all prncecd rrOl1llHI\' 1.(1 t"( llll- nlelt' ;mt! ("orren ilelll.'i on the ii.'it. F:liiurc lO int"ll1<.le :111 itcm ()1] ,<;uch ii.<;; dot'S :Hll ;lJ1er tht: rI::5ron,'iihilit\, of tIlt' COll\r:KHlr to c:ompk'!c :111 \'Cork III accnrt!anc:e- Wll~1 thl:: (::II'1r:1('1 ;)1>01- 1 lH.:n(." :"I(Hl I"t"n~!nl of lhe..; (:mrr:lClor <; list. l!1c,\rcllilet.l ~'ill 111:11.::..- ;or! 1n.'ineCll0I1 10 dt'tt.'rmine wilt::her ill<': \v.or\.: ! lr dt'"i~. AlA. DOCUMENT .1,201' r;;:;.;FH"f. r,l:>.JI)!T!(lN~ 'IF -:-nF. U1N.:-H,.\CT r-/1R (n:-:.<;TRl'C.;]li-':' "llt1RTF~NTIl :':IHTln:-.' ,,'. '."-'.'11-" ;\iF!I!' "1;'-.'<;1"1"1"'''''''''''1' ',II(.;II"1"F.....-.-; :-~~'H";;:. (\HI\.\...7"'1'r...;'-~~.\<;I!I~~{;";.I\;'\; :', ':I~I!!I, A201-1987 17 ',vARN1NG. '.J!'Iticen"'ea onolocoov'no Vlolatp.s U,S. ::oovr'OMII::lWS ::Inti is 5uoieeT 10 11!''::l~1 om!ieo:::winn. . n:1tecl portion thereof jo; sl1h,<;t:H11i:llly complete 1I tll(' Architect's in<;pecllo11 disdosc:.<; :111)" Hem, whether or nm included on lhe COnlr:lctor'S Ii~t, which 1.<; 11(11 in ;Jccnrd:lllce with the n:quirerm'llfS of the COlltr~Cl J)OCI1I11('lHS, the (;orllr:lc- tor .<;11:111, hdflrc issu:rllCC o( the Ccnincllc of Sllh.<;!:lll\i:11 COfll- pletion, (OIllP)c'IC Uf correct ,c;uch itelll upon llolinc;uioll h~' the Architect The Conlf:Jclnr 0;11::111 then suhmit :1 rcqllcsl for :uHlIhcr inspectioll hy the Architect 1(1 dctermine Suh.';t:mti;11 Completion \X:hcn llle \'fork Of dc.<:ign:lIn.1 portion thereof is Sl1h<;':IlHi:lll~' complete. the Architect will prcp;m: ;J CcrtHic;lIc of Suhst;lI11i:11 Completion ~...hich Sh:1Jl (;:"o;t:lhli.c;h tilt, d:llc of Suh- q:1l1Ii:1J Completioll. ,c;h::lll eSl;Jhli.<;!1 re.<;pon~ihilili('~ o( !he Owner :1I1d C()ntr~Cl{Jr (or seCt,rily, rn~illlemlllce, he:lt. tllmt;es. t!;nll:1ge 10 lhe \'(fork :mt! in,<:l.lr:lllcc. ;111<1 ,<;11:111 fix lilt' lillle within which Ihe Cnll(r:lClor sl1~,11 fll1ish :,11 ilel1l." on (he li."( ;IC((1Il1p:1nying 111(' (:(~ninC:11(', "X':ur:mt;c,c; required by the- COll- Ir:lt'l l)(Jnllnt:lu~ ,,,11:111 ('(1I11l1H.:lln.: Oil lhe t!;\tc of Suh,<;I:lIlli:ll Completion n( Ihe Work or dcsign:'led portion thereof unless oll1crw;,<;c pnJ\'jd(.'d in Jhc CcnHiC:l!c o( SuhSI:lIHi:11 CO/llpk- lill.) 'rI)C <:crlifk;lle of Sllh...t;lnti~1 C()/llplcti(m ,<;11:111 h~ ,<;ul1- m;lled (0 the Owncr ~11l1 Conlr:lCtor for their ~vrill~n :JcC'cp- l:mCl' (I( re<:I'{1Il.<:ihil;lk... ;t<L<;i~m"d 10 them in ,<:uch CeniOC:lIe, 9.8_3 1 'POI) "lll1<:I:lIlli:l1 Complctloll o( thc \'{lor" or d('si~n:l1ed portion (hef(:nf ;md UpOll :lpplic:ltion by lhe ContraClor ;md n:nilic:1(ion hy Ihe Archilcct, the Owner ,<;h:llll11ake p:1ymcnt, fClkcli!lg :lditL<:IIllt'nl in rct:lin:1Fte, if any, (or "'\lch \'('qrk or pOl" lil1l1 Illere()( :t,<: pn)\'idctl in Ihe Contr;lCl DOCUlllents 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE 9;9.1 The O"",:ner m:q' OCCl1P" or u...e ~IlY cOll1plcted or P:lf' (i:tlh' COll1pk"l{"d poninn of Ih(' \'(Iork ;11 :tll" m:llK' when sHch portioll i... dcsign:lled h" sepm:nc :lgrt't'll1elll 'l.villl tile Cnlllt:l(" Inr. provided snch nc("up:mcy nr U,<;(' i... (,OI1,<:("I1I<.:d (0 b\' lhe ill~urt:r :1... required lindeI' SlIhp:lr:tI!1';lph 11,5,1' :tlld authori/'cd hy puhlic :lIl1horil1t._<: h:,,';n~ jurisdiction over the \"(.'nrk S\I('11 p:lrti:1J (l('{'tlp:lI1<:~' or llse Ill:'y COll1lllCncf.' whelher or Flol Ihe p(lni(lIl is ,<:uh.<:I:I111t:tlly ("(llllplctt:, pnwi(led the ()wn<.:r :tnd C:lJll1r:K.t(lr 11;,\'(' ;1(Tq11t'd in wriling Ihe I'C.SpIHl,c;ihililic<: ;lssigned 1(1 l';ICI1 (If Ihem fIll' p:l~'llle!lt..., ret:1in:l~e if :my, .<:ectl. rili', m:lilllen;lIlCe. he:!l. IItililie,s. d:tnl:lge to the \v'ork :111(1 in,<;lIr- :1IlCC. :md h:l\'c :twced in t\'rilill~ COfl(:crnillJ.! lhe period (or ('01'- reniOll o( lhe \'(.'ork :lIld COIl1l11CTlCC!ll('nt o( w~It:llllles reqllircd hv tile Cllntr:1C't {)(lcuntenl:c;, \'('11("" (l1e (;l)lllr:1CIOr cnn,<;idcr,<::l ponioll ,<:uh.<:t:1Jl!i~ll\' complcte, the COl1lr:tcll,lr sh:1I1 prqmrc :lllt.l .<:lIhmil ;l Ii...l 10 the Architect :t'<; provided under Sllhp:tr:l~r~ph 9_R,2 Con...ent o( lhe COlHr;lCtnr 10 p:lTti~t occu. p;mcy or u...e .<:h:11l nol he unre:Json;lhly 'tvil hlH"ltI_ The .<;I;1~(" of 111(' proWe...s n( tile Work ~h;lll he dClerlllinnl h~' ~vrjllen :1~ree' I11Cnl helwe-en lhe ()wller :lIld C(lIltr:lClor {II', i( 11Il :lweCI1lCnt is rCl(hl'tl, hy decision o( [he Architect. 9.9.2 Illll1lcdi;w.:l\' prior to .<:uell P:lrt;:11 occup:lIlry Ilr ll~e. (he (h"!ler, Conlt:1Clor :1I1d Archilect <;11:,11 joinlly in...pecl Ihe :11'(':1 to h<: O(TUpie<i or portion o( Ihe \'{'ork 10 he u:::'.:d ill nrder 10 dCICl'lllil1t' :111<1 record (he n)lldition o( the \X;llrk 9.9.3 \ !nle.<:.c: olll<:n:..:i,'>l' :lgreetl upon, p:lrti:ll occupancy III l,se 11!":1 portion nr portiun,<: {If the W'ork <:h:llIllllf COllstitll[(' :I('t'ep. (;Illt'C o( \"('(1(" nol cOlllph'ing """llll the n:qllin':lllcll1s o( lht' <:tllllT;lC! 1){1("1ltllt'nt.c: 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 9.10.1 \ 11"011 reedpl nf t\'!inctl llolice 111:11 fhe \"(I{lrk j<: ready (l11' On;]1 illC;!~C(li{ln :1111.1 :l(CCpl:ll1CC :lIHlllllflll InTi pI (If;, rin:ll Applicltillll (nf l';l\'ment, lhe Arclli(f.'Cl will prol1lplh' 111:lkc . ,<;\lch jl1,<::pc('lion :lnd, 't\'llelllh<.: Architec( find<: tl1(' \'('ofk ;lccepl ahle l1nt!e-r the Contr:l('( Documet1l~ ;llld (he Conll:K! f\lll\' pel. forme". the Archilect t\,iI1 promptly i,<:,<:ue ;1 nml Certifk:lt(' fw !-';lYfllCll! ,<:I:11jng Ih:1t to the he"'l o( the Mchiten'::: l<1l(l't\'1e(\~c, inf'(lTlll:t1ifll1 ;111(1 lwlid. :111(\ nil 111(" h:1<:is (If lilt: Arc!lilC(l'.c: oh...el'\,:lIioll.c: :tlld in,<:peClions, lh(' ""'olk h:1-<: h'_TIl complclnl ill :Kcord~llce 't\'ilh terms :tnt! cnnd;lion.c: [If Il1e (:01111':1('1 J)()("u mcnl... ;md tha( the en (ire h:ll~ll(e (ountlln he dllc IlIe COIlIr:1C lor :lllCl nOled ill .<:~id fin:I' CCrlificlIe j,<: dill: :lIId P:1Y;lhl(' The Architt'C't.... rin:ll Ccrllfk:11e ror 1';lyrnelll 't\'iIl C()Il...IiIIlIC:l fUrlhn r('prc~(,lll:l1ion II1:u cOlldit;on,<: 1i.<:lcd in SlIhp;lr:IW:lph 910,1 ;IS precedenl I() the Contr:lctor',<: he;ll~ entilled 10 fin:ll p;l\'tl1cnt h:'\le heen fulfilled, 9,10.2 Neither !in:ll P:1YlllCll1 nor :lny Wl11:1ining r('I:,illnl pcrcclll:1Jat' ,<:h:lll he(ol1lc due until thc CofUr:tClnr ,<:uhlllil.c: 10 (he Archilccl (1);1Il affhl:1v;1 tl1:1l p:1yrolls. hilt<: fIll' ll1:ltcrials :1I1d ('ql1iplllellt. :tnd other jndchtcdllCSS conrwctnl witlt the WOlk for ......hich Ille Owner or the Owner'~ pmpcny llli~lll he rcspon.c;ihle or encumhered (less ~mOUlll'" 't\'i! hhdd hy Ot\'Il<::r) It:1Ve twen p;lid or otherwi...e .c;:lti~fle(1, (2) ;l ct"rtific:He eddenc ing lh~t ill...ur:mcc required hy the COlllr:lCt I)OClllllcrll... 1(1 relll;l;n in force :lfter !i1l:11 r;lYlllel1l is currell!h' in c(fen :llld '>':ill lUll he cUKdkd or :tllo\",ed 10 expire lUllil :11 k;I~1 ,\f1 d:'y< prim \'I.'rillen not;ce 11:1.<: heen ~ivel1lo the ()<:'.'ncr, C~):1 t\'r;lIell ...1:JlClllent II1:l1 Ihe r:(lnlr~ct()r kno't\',<; o( IHl suhsl:1nti:11 re:I"'OIl th~1 lhe instlT:lTlce will not he I'en('w~hk 10 ('(1\'('r the period required hy (he COIl1r:ICI l)oClnnef1l,"i, (.1) ('(l11.<:('Tll o( ,<;lH~~1\', i( :my. to rin:ll p:lyrnenl :1I1d (<:'l. If reqtlired In. (he Owner olhel d:1\:1 e"'l:lhli."hil1~ f'l;l~'tllCTlI or ~mi,c;f:1CliOIl or (lhli~:lIif)n.c;,<;lIdl ;1<; rcceipl"i. rde:IS(,,<: :Jlld w:livers of licll.'i, C'l:tiIllS, ,st'Cl,rily illln!."."il" (II' cnC1.lIllhr:lllCCS :lTisil1~ {)Ul ()f the COlltT;ICl, 1(1 rl,(' (':,<Ielll :lI1ll in ~\lcl1 (orm as m:lY he desigl1:llcd hr lite ()wnn If ;1 Snhnlll- Ir:tClor rclll,<:CS 10 (urni,<:1t :1 relc:ls(' or .....:livn requiled In' lhe OWI1('I, lilt' COlllr;I(:lor m:1Y furnish:l hond "';IIi,<:r:lClory III 1l1e ()wnt'! If1 im1cmllify 111(" Owner ;l~:,in"'l ~tlch lit."l. IfO:\1C11 liell rCIlI:lill.<: 111ls:lli,"iricd :tfter P:1YIllt'nt,c; ;m: m:.dt'. lhe COlllr:1('IlH .<::11:111 re1'l1n<.llo the O't\'ner :111 mOIlC"Y 111;1l the ()WIl('1 m;IY he compelled III I':ly in di."ich:lI~hl~ ...lICIt liel1, including :111 CO"!'; :11)(1 re:ISfnl:lhk all(ITll('Y,". lee<:, 9.10.3 If. :tltt"r Suh,<;I:nlli:,1 Complelion or Ihe \v'ork, fill:J! COtll- pletion Ihereo( i... m:Heri:llly dcl:lyed (hrollJlh no (;l1.h o( lite Contr:lctor or by L<:,<;\l:1tl(C of Ch:lIl~e Orders :l(kcti"~ nll;,1 complelion. :lOd lhe ArdlileCt ~o conflrm,<:, (he OWller ,<:h;,ll uron appliC:llioll hy Ihe Contr:l('lor :tilt! ccrti1i(:Itinn hy lhe Architect, :111(1 't\'i1hmn leTlnill:Hin~ the COlllr;KI. 1ll:1ke P:1Ylllf"llt o( [he h:ll:tnct" dut" (or th~l ponion of the \'{'ork (Idly cotllplt"Ie(! :1I1d :lcn:pl(,:d, I( the rt"l11:1illitlR h:1I;lIlCe' for Work no( fully COIll- pIClt"{! !H correCled i.<: 1cs,<: lh:1I1 re!:tln:l~e ~liplll:lI<.:(I ill Ill{: Con Ir:IClI)()Clllllent~, ;md i(hond... h:1\'(" heen (urni,<:ht"d. the wr;ll('ll (OI1:<;CI1I of s\lTety to p:lymcnl or Ih(" ha/:llH,(, due fot 1h:1l [1l II , t;(1n of lhe \'(inrk (ully completed :llld :tcccpled ,<:11:111 he :<;l1hll1;l- lcd hy lilt" ColllT:lCIor In the ArchHecl prior 1(1 C('nifk;lIioll 01 ,<:\I('h p:lynWIlI. Such p;lyrncnl ~1l:111 he m:lcle tinder lerlll" :1I1d ('flllditioll,<: ~ll\'t'rnillg fin:I' r':1Ylllelll, exccpt th:lI il ,<;h:rfl no( C"OIl,"i(jluIC:1 't\':1i'l.'cr of c!:lilll'" Tht" l11:1killR (lr nn;,l p:1Ylllenr ...11:,11 ("Cln:<;Iillllc:' \'I.':li\'er of d:lillls 11\ tile O't\'llcr :,<: p'{l\'ir1ed in Suh p:U:Jgr:,!)h ,j,,~.'i 9.10.4 ACCe[lI:Jt)cc of nn:ll p:lYlllcnl h\' (he Cmllr:l('IOr, :1'-;1,11 ClllHr:,clol (n m:H('!i:lr ,~\IPJl'i('r ,<;11:111 (flll<:lilUle ;1 't\';li\'n III d:lilll,<: hy (11:11 paver:" excepl Ihost' prc\';oll<:ly madr: in 't\'!itillg :llld idcllIilkd lw th:ll P:"T{' :1'" \llls{'"lr(\ :11 Ihe tim(" 01 fill:!! {\ppli(-:"illl' Iln 1':'YllWfll Such t\':livcr~ ,<:h;lllll{' ill :Hlllilil1.1 III 11H' W:li\'('r (k.c;nih('(1 in Sllhp:tr:lgT:lpll ;i ".'i 18 A201-1987 AlA OOCUMENT ^'Ol " (;FNFHAI. UlNIJlTH INS (lillII' 111NTItA(: t I'f)ll (11N:<;TIlI If-Tlf "J . "'I'll' F.FN111 !"lllll' IN .\ I^~' . P, ft.u.c "" 11'_ A~'F1l1f :,\N IUSTl"l iTF { II' AltCl1H f"f .1 ~_ I -:- \~ Nl'\'(' ., (lIn; A\'FN1Ir. N w \':^~III~f; I' 1~) 11 f' !Il' It~, W^nrJIN(;: lInll~Pll!':l"ti I"hntoeoT'lVinq vi "I",,,,!! U,S. eor1Vrlahll~w!! ;Inr;jl!t "'"ht.~l ,...I",q"1 r'm"'~r."l1('!" . ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 10.1.1 The CUlllr:1Clor ."ilt:dl he re."ipoll<;ihk for initialing, m;lIrl- t:rining :md ."upc,"vi.c;ing :111 <;;tfe1r pret':1urinn."i :md rrOgr;ull!'; ill COIlIK'Clioll wilh the pcr(orm:lf)("{' o( the COlltf'act 10.1.2 In the {'velll the Cf)f1lr:rC1<l!" t'IlC{)tmlcr~ on the ,C;ill' ll1:lIcri:l1 re:l."illn:lhl}' helieved \0 he :1.<;hc,<;lo.<; or pnlychlorin:lIcd biphenyl (Pcn) \\'l1ich 11:1<; nol he!.:n rClldt:H:tl h:lrllllcss, the COlllr:lClor ,<;h:11I illll1leuj:llely "'!OP \"(lprk in the ;lrc:, :1rrectcd :tlld (CpOrl 1111." condition In the (hvner :lIld Architect in writing. Tilt' Work in the :,rrecled :uc:t ,',l1all not there:1(lcr he rC."Unlcd f..'XU.'pl hy written :lgrcemcllt or the Owner :md COlllr:lcl0( if in f:1C1 lhe lll:lIcri:ll 1.<; :1<;l1e<;lo,<; or polychlorin:ued hiphenyl (PCB) :rntl h:l.<; not be(.'n l'cnderct.l harTllle~~. Tht' \'(Iurk in the :Ifreclec.l arel ~h:11I he rC~lIlll("t.I in !IH~ :11)~eIKe (,f ~~be~IO,<; or polychlori- n:l\t'd hiphenyl (PCB), or "..hen ;t h:J~ heen rendered h;trmlc,<;!'\, hy written agreement or the Owncr ;!nd Clllllr:lCtor, or in :H:rord:lI1cc with (in:11 determin:llioll hy the Archilccl 011 \\'l1icl1 :lrhilr:llioll 11:1!'\ nOl been dermlllded, or by :lrhitr:ltiOTl ullder Anick' ,t. 10.1.3 The COIlIf:IClor sh:lll nOl he n:quirt'd Pllf.<;ll:1I1110 I\rtk:lc "7 III pt'rfonn wilhout COI1."CIl! :my Work rcl:llillJ,! 1(1 :1.<;1}{'~lo.<; or 1'1)1~'~'11IlJl'ill:lled hipllell~'1 (PCB) 10.1.4 Ttllhc rllllc<;l CXlerll pcnniut'd hy I:l\\', lilt' Owner .<;11;111 indCIl1l\ify :mtl hold h:lflllles." tile COlltr:lclor. Archilt'Cl, Archi- lect..<; Cfmsult:mt.<; :lnd :lgcnl,c; :md empioyee,c; of :IIlY of tllem Il-ol11 :lI1d :'g:lin.c;t c!:lilll,<;, d:II11:I'-!C.<;, lo.<;,<;e:o: :Inti t'xpcllses, incllltl- illf,! hUI nol limiH.'d 10 :lIlorlH:v,c;. fees. arising out of or resulling from pcrfllrlll:1IlCt' of the \'('"ork illlht: :!rfcclt"tl :m'::1 if in f:lcr the Ill:lI~.rf:ll i~ :1."h(.'slOs or jJolycl1lllrin:i1nl hiphenyl (PCB) :mtll1:l.<; Illll heell H.'IHlernlll:lnlllc,"s, pnJ\.idc(III1:1l ~lIt:h c1:lilll, d:lIll:I.Ql:., loss or n:pt'llsc i." :I!lrillln:lhk: 10 hodily in;tlry. sid:lles.<;. (\i'<;C:I~l' III de:llh. or 10 injun. to Ill" destruction of !;lllgihk' propCr1\' (1lIller !11:11) rhe \X:llrk il<;df) indlltlillJ,! 111.<:'<; of US(' rt".<;lIhing lllt'fdrrllll. IJllt I!llly lllllw eXlt.rll clll'wtl in Whlll(" (Jr ill p:lrll)~' rlt"J..!ligt'lll :leI." or olllis."iOllS Ilf IllI." OWl1er, ;JnYOIlt' tlireclly or intlirn:llr t'lllplon~d hy lhe ()n.llt:r 01' :lIlyom: for \\"110.<;(" ;1("1.<; lilt' ()wller 1l1:1\" he 11:lhlt:. rcg:lnllc.<;s (If whclher Ilr nlll .<:11("11 Cl:1illl, t1:lIl1:lge, loss or cxpcnst' i.<> CIII."t.'tl in P:lrl hy :1 p:lny ilHIl"lllllilkd 11crnll1(lt:r. StlCll.llhlig:lIifll1 sh:11I ntH hc nl1lSlfUctl III nq~:IIC. :rhridW':. Ilr retlu~T (Ilht'l riJ,!flls fll (Ihlig;uitlll.'i tlf inde1llnity \\'1Iicl1 would olhclt\'i.,<;t. l"."xisl :IS 11l:1 P:ll"ly (lr perSOll tlcscrillt'<.1 ill Illi... ~tlhp:lr:IW:lllh I (I. J .(~. 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.2.1 Till"." Conlf:lclor sh:11l t:lk(" rC:I.<;oll:lhk- precllHioll:" for safely (lL :lIltl Sll:lll pro\'ide rl':I.<;llIl:lhk' jln}lt'Cli(lI1 tl) pre\'ent tlam:lge. iniur~. pr In.''!'\ 10: .1 t'mplo\T('"'O:; on thc \'{'"ork :md mher pel.'':OI1.O:; who m:ly he' :lfftTlc(\ thcreh~.: .2 llle \'.::ork :111(1 m:ueli:ll,,, :ll1d eqllipl1lt.'llIlll ht' llll."orpo- 1':11("(1 1 herein , whethel in ~I(lr:lge Oil 01' (lIT Ihe ~He, under em..'. cU.O:;lody III COlllrol of lilt:" Cnlllr:It'lllr or Ihe (:(llllr:lClIH." ~t1llnllllr:KII,r." IIf Suh..<;uhnllllr:K- lo!.O:; and .3 orln."r pr(lpt'n~' :11 till.' site or :ldj:ltTlll ,h~'relo, ."uch :r::; Iree~. ,<;f1rl1h~. I:r\"\'n.<;, w:rik<;. p:r\'eltlel1l.<:, rll:Hlw:IY.<;, .<:lnle'llrrt"s :lrltt lrlililic." 11Ilr (It'.<;igll:tlnl flJI' felllfl\':!I, rele)- C;rliflll Ilr rq)I;l(t'IlWIll in llit" Cflll!.<:e of t"oll:"trllelioll. . 10.2.2 The Cllllrr:lClm .<:l1all ,givC' rloti("{.'<; :md f'(Jlllph' \'.ill1 appliclhk 1:1,,'<;. ortlin:lllce.<;, fllk."!'\, re~ul:llinll." all{J la",lul ()nkr," of pnhlic :rtllf1ori!ic,c; fJt":nillg Oil ,<::lfC't" of !'cr,c;ollS or propel'll or lheir 1"Cllecriotl rrolll d:lfn:lge. injury [II' It)!'\" 10.2,3 "'he (:(lIllr:r{"\(H .<;11:111 creel :llltl m:linlain. :1<: ft'(ll,irnl 11~ exi!'\rillR corlditiorl!'\ :md perform:mn,> of rl1(> CrllHr:ln. r~::l<:flll- :Ihlc .":lkgu:lrd,<: for .<;~fc!)' :lnd I'totc("fioll. ilKludillg [lllsrillg d:lnger .<;ign.<: :md olhel w~rning.<; :1~:lin.c;r h:I7:;nd<;, prtltlllllg:rrillf,! <;:Ifclr rq~lll:i1ioll.<: :m(l nnlifyin~ OWl1er<; :md tl.<:CI." of :lrlj;lCcnl ."ile.<; :lIltlulililies. 10.2.4 \X'hcn 1I.<:{, or "'Ior:l~e of C:Xplll::;ive,<; or olller h:lz:lrdoll.\ m:neri:lls or equipmenl or unu.<;ual method.<: :lrc I1CCC'<;.<;:ln' f(lr ("xt'cUlioll of the \'Cork, the Contr::lC"lor sh:11I exelcise UlIllO<:1 CUT :mtl ("arn' on slIch ;l("lh-'ilie,c; ullder .<;tlpervisiol1 of propC'rly qll:llifled per,<;llIlrlcl. 10.2.5 The C(Jlllr~nor .,,11:111 promptlr relllcdy drul1a,gc :mtllo...." (olher Il1al1 dalll:l,ge or lo,'i.<; in...ured under properlY inSllf:lrltT required by the Contr:lCt I)ocumems) 10 prnpert\' It'fcrn:t!IP in O;1lJ.<;C.<: :lnt! 10.2.1.:' clIIsed in ,;\'Imle or in p:ltl b~. lilt' C:fllllr:IC!(lr. :1 ~uhC(lIltr:Jclnr, ::I Suh-sullr"(Hllr:ICl(>r, ()r :lrl~'tHW directly or indireC'tly cll1ploYl:d hr :111)' of Ihel11. Ilr hy :1I1\'(1ll(' fm who.<;t' :lCIS lhey m:IY he liahle and for which tilt" Conlr:Klnr is resp(lIl...ihlc under C:l:Iu:"es :lnd It),2,1..~. n:n:pl d:ull:l~e or In.<:!'\ :"lrihtll:lhle In :1('1.<; or {)llli.".<;ielll~ of lilt. (hVller or Archilcct or anyone directlr or ilHlirenly clllployed hy eilhn of !hern, or hy :1l1\"one for ""/1O.<;e :lCI:" either pf thcfll 1ll:ly he li:lhl('. :lIltl not a"rjhllt~hle 10 the f:ll1lt or ncgli~t'll(.T or I Ill' LfllHr:lClor The f(Jrq~oil1~ ohli~Wlioll." of the Cnnlr:l("lol :trc in :HJdilifJll \(1 I he (:0111 r:lct()r~ ()hli!ot~li(lll,c; under P:lr:lwapll .~. I H 10.2,6 Tile ContraClor .<;hall t1e.<;l~n~lc;! re.<;pollsihk lll('fllher of Ihe C011lr;1(:10r,<: or~;!ni7.;ltion:1I {he ,c;ile who.<;(" tluty sh:11I he tilt" pn:n.'nl!1)1l of :rccidenIS, "hi~ per,<:oll .<;h:llIlw lhe C0l1l1':1C10l'.~ sllpcrinlendt'lll Illllc<;,,, f,ll1t:r",,'ist' dt:.'>i~llalt"d 11\. Iht" {:llll1r:I("111r ill \\"rilillg III Iht' ()",un :lIld ^rt"hil~T' 10.2.7 Tilt" COIlII':KIOI ~h:llIlloI IO:ld III permil :IIlY P:lrt 01 Ihl' ctlllS-trllClillll or silt" 10 he IO:ltlt'd so :I:" 10 t'l1d:mgcl' its .'Ukl\' 10.3 EMERGENCIES 10.3.1 In:1tl t'l1ll'lj.!l'llCr :Ifkclin~ s:lh:ty <If pcr.<;tlll,<; I" 1m lf1crty, Ille Contr:Klor ,<;1\:111 :ICI,:II the C()l1Ir:lclor'~ tli~("It."lifln. tp pIC. \'CI" rllre:ltcllC~1 tl:llll:lge. injllr~. fJr Ie JS.<; , Adtliliell1:lf \.lJrnpel1.<;;r. I ion or c;'\lt'll.<;ioTl or lime cl;lillled hr lhe COnlr:Klol (Ill :ICCllurll of:1I1 emngt:llcy..h;ln h(" determined :I!'\ pnn.itlnl in l':lr;lW:lpll 'i,,", :IIHt Anidc 7 ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS 11 . 1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCe 11.1,1 Th{" Contr:ICllJr ::;/1:111 pllrch:l.<:e fmm :lllt! m:lint:Tin in :1 cllmp:IIlY or ("oll1p:lIlie.<: I:""hlnr aOll1ori7.<xt !ll do h\l.<;ille~." in Ihe juri"t1klioll ill which 1ft!' ProjC't"! i~ tOCllt't!<;ucl1 ill.<;ur:lIl("e :I~ will pl'OICC.t fh,~ COlllr:lt"lOr from c1:ti1ll~ .<:("1 fortll hdo\\' ~\'hich rll:I~' :lrlse OUI of or re.<;llh frolll 111(' Clllllr;Kt{lr~ flper:Hilln.\ under Iht. (:onlr:1("1 :1l1d fnr which Iht: COlllr:l("lo1 tll:ly he Iq!:,Ih- li:lhlt:. whelher "llch op('r:1Iion<: h(' hy Ihl' <:olllr:l("Hll tll In-:r SUhqmlr:lt"lOI or IJY :lnYlll1e direclty or indin'uh. ('ll1pll)~cd hy any of thelll. /)1' In- ;1I1\'OI1C for \\'ho~e :I("(S :tny oj 1I1C11l1l1:1\. he li:rIJI(' .1 c!:lim.<: ltrltkr w{)rkn!'\' (11 Wflfkllll'n." nHllpl'I1~;;lliflll. dis:lhilil'. helll'fit :111(1 olher "imil;" l'lllplllvl'(, IWlwfil :ICI~ ".!lich :Ire :lpplil":lhk- 10 Ih(" W:OI k In he !,crforllled: AI^ DOCUMENT A201 . {;FNF"RM r:(lNt)rTION~ OF TlH~ CONTllACT FOil CONsnllWTlPN. t'(lIIRTI~ENTlI F.nrnoN .\IA. . t{)I'll17Trlt ^,~WllH'.ANrNo.:nn1'lFelf'^IH:III'lI'(:.I", I-\<;NF\~'Y()IU< ^\Tf'IIIF, N\'{' \~'lIqtrNI:rflN 11'. IUIII.-, A201-19R7 19 \"MI:U.U"'G: lInIiC'!'"llp.(t pholocnf"v'nQ vlottttE'!l u.s. cnnyr'9"hf 1_", ;mn l~ llunl_cl In '''91'11 plTl!l~Cllllon . . .2 CI:li111~ (ClI da11l:lge.<; hn::lIlsc of h()dily !lJilln", ()('Cl1P;I- lion:ll sicklH:"s$ f)f di.<;<::I."(:, or dC;1l11 of the C{)nlranor'~ clllplcl\'ec.<;: .3 Cl:lilllS (or d:nn:lgc,c:; hCCIIISt" of hodily injury. skk1l{'s.' Of dL<;c1.<;<:. or dellh of ;IllY rl.:r"oll fltl1er rl1:lIl ,he Con- It:1CI(lr".<; Cllll)I()yec,<;; .4 c1:1irns for d:lIl1:lges ;nqm:d hy (!.,wIl pnsoll:ll injury Ji:lhilil\" ("nvcr:1gc which :lIC sust:lillCd (I) 1n':1 persoll ;lS:t rC:':\111 of;\1l orrcn::;c dirt'nly Of indirectly 1"I.:I;II('d 10 c!11pl(l~'llH.:nl of ...Heh person hy lht" Cotllr:lClor, Of (2) lw :lIlothcr person: .5 CI:li1lls ror d:llll:ljZt.S, {Jlller (han to Ihe \"(Iork itself, lWClllSC of injury 10 or Ck'.<:tnlCtjOIl of (;ln~ihlc prop- crt\', including 10."'" of l1.<;(.> rcsllhillg therefrom; .6 cl:lims for d:1.m:lJ!cs hcc:1.t1se of htldily injury, dC~lIh of ~ person or rropcny d:IIT1;1~e ;1rj!':ill~ out o( OO;Vllcr- .<;hip, m:linlen:IllCe or ust' of :1 molOr vehicle; ~nd .7 d:lilll.<; iTlvolvill~ contr:Klu:11 liahilily in~ur:lIlce :!ppli- Gillie 10 the C(Jnlr~lclOr"s ohli~:11ion~ under P:tr~lgr:1rh .,.IH 11.1,2 The imur:lIlCC rcquin:t1 hy SlIbp:1f~.gr~.ph I 1,1.1 ,<;11;111 be ..vrillcll for no{ le~." {h:m limits of Ii;."ilil)" specifit.-d in the Con- Ir:.ct 1)11('\Ull(.'nt,<; Cll" n.,;r'llired hy I:l\\', ~\..hidlt'''('r CI)\ler:1lo!l' i,<; g'eater. Co\'t.:rages, whether ~\'rilH.'n (lll :1Il ou:urrCllCC or daims'lllmle h~.sis, Sll:11] h(' m:lint:tinnl will1('tll hucrruption frolll tlmt' o( ("{lIll1ncnct.'lllclll o( the \Xiork until dale of nll;,1 P:I\'Il1t:nl :lI1d tcrmin:llion o(:my cover:l~e n:quin.:d to hl' m:lin- l:lincd :lfler Hn:lI p:lymt'1l1. 11.1.3 Ccrtiric:nes pf lnsunlnn.' :lccept:lblc ((llhe ()wncr ,c;h:llI he med wilh the Owner prior 10 commcll(:clllcnl of the Work. These Cenific:lle.<; ~nd the ;m:ur:mce policies required by this P:1r~gr;lph 1 t. I .';l1all cnnt:lin :1 provisklll 111:11 cO\ier:l~es :Iffordcd under lhe policies will not be GlI1cdled or :1l1o'W\'Cd to expire 1I11lil ;11 k:l,c;t ,~O (by"" prior wrillCll notice h:l~ heen ~jvell In tilt' Owner. If ;lIlY of the forcgoinp, ill)';lIr:lIKe cCl\'er.lJ.K~ ;If(:~ required to rcm:lin in (orce after nnlll p:1ymcl11 :lI1d :1r(' re:l~{)n.' ably ;,\':liI:lhk, an :Idclilion:ll CCniliGlle evidencing cOlllillu:ltion of ~Ilt'h co\'cr;lj,le ~h:11I he ,c;UhOlillcd (\.itll 'he fin:ll Appliclllon for I':.JYlllenl :/.<; required by Sllhp;lr::lgr:lph 9, Ifl,Z, lnforlll:Hioll concerning reduclion of co\'er:l~e ."h:lll he furni~h('d by the (:Cllllr:l('!(lr with rC:I~(lI1:lhlc rrOmpllH..'s,<; in :Kcord:lncc: with tilt' Contr:K'I{)I"'<; inform:llion ~nd helief, 11.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.2.1 Till' (JI;\'I1t'r Sh:lll IX' resp(lllsihh: flH pllf(:Il:l~in~ ;lI1d m:lint:lining the ()wncr'~ 11~t1;11 H;,hililY in!illr:lI1ce. Option:lIly, llll' ()\Vl1Cf 111:1\' p\Irc:ll~ISC :Illd Il}:tintain Illller il1sllr:lIlt'l' f(1I ,~t'lr. proltTliOIl ;l~:lin~t cl:lims which 1ll;1)' ;uisc from OpCr:lliol1s IInd('r lhe CllllmlCf. The COl1lr:l('lor sh:ll1 !lot he r('~p()n~ihle II H p\lr("lI;,~ing :lIld m;,int:linillg thi~ oplioll:ll Ownl:(,<; li:lhility iIlSllt:Il1l'(' unless specifiG.lly rt'quired hy Ihe ClIlltr;lt'! 1)lln"nClll~. 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11.3.1 IIt1k'~s ()therl;\'i~e lmlvidnl, the: Owner ,,,11:111 purCh:II'C ;tnd Ill:linlaill, in :1 comp:IIW or cnlllp:mics I:t\\.rully :ltltl111ri7.ed (( I dn hU."in(.',<;.<; in the jurisdiclioll ill v.-hid, the Project is IlH::ltl'd. pnlpl'l'lY in."\lr:IIKt.' ill lhe ;lIlH1Ilnt clf Ihe initi;ll Con- n:l("l SIIIll :1." well :1.0.; ~lIh."eql1l.'llf nlfldinc;lIioll.O: IIK'reln ror the elllire "'ork :1\ the ,<;he: nn ;1 repl:!cellll'lll ("oSI h:I~i.<; wi,hntH \'01. 11111:11'\' dnlunihln Such pmpl...'rt~' il1~ur:lll('(' .c;h:IU he: 1ll:1in. l:titlnl. 11Ille<.;s (Ith('l"wi_<;(' 1)I(1\'id('d in thl' (:lllltl:lCl [)flCUIl1(.'llts "I ntlll't\...ise :twced ill \\,,.ifit1~ hy ;111 1)('r-"ol1-" :llld enlhies \...1111 .tlC ht.tH:fici:t\ie<; Il( stich itlSur:lllCC. until fill;11 p:lyn1l'lll 11:1.<; heen l1ud(" :IS pn'\'i(inl in I':lr:l~r:lph (,! {l or lIlllil flO pf:r"'lllIH l'lllilY . othn 111:111 till' {h,,'tH"r h:l<;:lll i,,_<;ur:lhk illl('1(',Q in tll" flt(IIWl't\ required hy thi<; 1':1I:lgr:lph 11 ,l, 10 he ("(l\"(,l'nL n'I1j{:I1('\-'~'1 i~ e:lflicr. 'l'Ili,e; ltl-"ur:lllce .<;11:,11 illclu{\e interC,';ls (,r 'he (l\\'l1er, tll' (:(lFltr:IClllr, S\thnlFltr:tC1llf~ :lIHI .'::;llh-,<;llhulntr:lCl(}fc; ;,1 111(' \'Cork Pr()Jwny il1~\tr:rn((' sl1:\11 h,: {Ill :Itl ;ll1-risJ.; 1)(llic\- f(lnn :ltld ~h:lIl in.<;tlr(' :I,!~itl~t Ihe pt'ri1.<:; (If fire :l1lt1 eXlc!l(lcd c!l\'('r;lgc :1l1t! phy~iGI11(,<:;,c; IH (btll:l~e inclllding, t\'illltl\ll (h!I'liclli'Jt1 {ll nl\'cr:l~C, !llcrt, \':1ndalisl11, ll1;tli("illtt<:; 1l1i,<;dlir'/. (-()I1:fJlSl' 1:11.../' n'(lrk. lempOr:1IY hllil<lill~~ :1rHI <lchris tr;I'Hl\.:tI ilH'ltl(litll~ dellHlliti(Hl flCc~sinl1nl hy Cllf(lrn'nWllI (l( :lI1Y :lpl,lk;111Ic IC~:11 rl"IttilTI1H..'I1I.<i. ,lilt! ,,,11:111 ('(lvcr fC;tSIHl:lhlc n H11IX'tlS:tt it HI flH Archilect's ,o:("rvin;s ;lIld cxpense<; rcqllin.'d :1<; ;1 n.::-;uh "I such in."lIfct! loss, C:(lVer:l~e (or olher peri!..; ,<;11:111 tlOI he requit('d ullkss otherwist' provided in tile COIHr:ln 1)(lCtlllH-'T1l,<:; If Ihe Owner doe~ not inlend 10 purclla.<;c ,,;nel1 prill" crty insur:1llce required hy the COIlI1:lcl ;lIld n'itll ;111 of rl1(' co\'t.'r:lges in the ;llllOlllll described :111(1\'C, the ()\\"II('I sl1:tlt Sf) illfllrl11 th{" Olntr:l(l(lr in writing rri(lr I(l nllllmenccment (If the \'Xiork. The COlltr:ICtor 11l:l}' then cHecl insl1r:mce whicll ",,'iII pnlleCI tile il1(ere,c;t~ ()ftlu: C()Iltr:lct(lr, Sl.hcc)l1tractllrs :u1(I ~~II)- Suhcolltr:KIOf,<; in the \X/ork, :lnd hy :lppropri:II<.' Cl1:IItW-' Order the COSI thereof ,<;hall he r:h:lf~ed to the Owner. If Ihe CllrHr:J(- Inr i.s d;II11:I~erl hy tile f~lillln: or nt'~ln:l of ilK' C)Wllef II' pltt. d1;lSl' or 11l:1illl:.in insur:tnn.' ~s dc.<;nihed :lIl0\"C. wilhoUl <;0 ll()lifyill~ lilt' Contractor, lhell Ihe O""'l1l'l ,<;11:111 he:H :111 f'(':I<;Ol) :Ihle co."I." properly ;lIlrihul:lhle thereto. 11,3.1.3 If tll<.' pnlpeny insur;lf1ce reqllirc~ tllitlinl\1111 (Inlun;, ble~ :Ifld such dedl1Clihle~ ;lfe idcl1(ified ill Ihe COlllr:lCl Doctl- 1ll("l1(S, the C.onlr:1ClOr sl1:111 p:1:y costs not ('(l\'('ff:d heclose of ,c;uch dedtlCtihle.<;, If file Owner or insurer illcre;lses Ille t'('quircd minimum dcductihk,<; :1ho\'l'." the ~lllounl.<; ,<;0 id('ntified or if Ill(' Owner c:lect~ to p"rcha,<;e lilis inSllr:1llCC <:,:ilh Vl )ltll1t~ll'y dnlw:. fibit' ~mnllnt~. the Owner .<;h:11I he re,<;romiihk fm p;lynWn\ o( till' :ldtHlion:ll costs not covered hec:1\1sc (If such il1c,.('a,<;('d or \'Ollllll:1fY dcdllctibl(.'s If deductihle,<; :HC nof idcnlified in the C(llllr:Kt \)oClIment.", lilt' Owner ~h;11l p:I\' CllSI.O: llll! l'll\'Ct'<.'(1 hec:1usc of dcdu(-lihles. 11.3.1 A llnlt's~ olherwi,<;c provided ill the (;01111 :WI ! )OCU- melliS, lhi~ propcrt~' in,c;ur:lllCC ~h~lll cover ponil lite; of Ihe \'('ork ,O:Iort't1 0(( 1111' sill' :Iflcr writ!cn :lppro\'al of Il1l.' ()Wlll'l :ll !II(' \':lhle l',,,t;lhlisl1ed ill the :lpprc)\':II, :md :ll~(l !)llnifJll-" Ilf III(' \'(.( ),-1< in Ir;lllSil. 11.3.2 Boller and Machinery Insurance. TIll.' (h\"t1("! shafl plll"ch;ISC :llld ll1;Jinl:lin hl)ilcr :lml m:lcl1itlcry Hl,<;\l!";lllfT required hy tl1(' C.olllracl Docul1lent." (II h~' !:It\., \\'hich shall spl'l'Hk;llly COV('l" sucll insured ohjects lImitlg ill....I:tI!:llillll :llld untillin:1I :lCCl'pl:lllt'l' hy llll' OWll('r: this ;nsm:lllcc shall illdudl' illll"TS1,e; (If IIH.' Owner, CIllllr:lCl()r. Stlhccmlr:l<:lllrs :lIltl S\th- suhconlracto!".s ill the \'X/orl.:, :111(1 Ihe OWlH'I :Inti C(lIltl:!t'IIH sl1;111 he 11:llllnl illslll'nls 11.3.3 Loss of UPle Insurance, The ()Wlll'r, :ll llle Owner's oplion. lll~IY pureh:l.<;c :md t1l;!inl:li" ,<;uell in....Ur:ll1Cl: :1<; will ins\lre the U(\'ner ;1~:Jin'<;l 10.';'" of usC,' o( thc ()~'l1C,'r'" propcrt\ dlle to nre or ()111~r h;17.artl.<;, ho(\'('vC1' CUt sed Thc (l\\.tll'! \\'~li\'es:lll riJ.du,c; or :Ictlon ~lg;lin,"t the COIHr:lctor f(lr ItlSS of tl~e tl{ {Ill' UWller's [llOpl.'ny, including c()t1sequcnti;III(I~,"cS due III firc or olher h:17':1f(1.e; ho\'-'t"\'er clIl<:;ed. 11.3,4 Jr tll(' COlllr:lctor reqlle~t~ in n'ritll11J: IIl;lt inSltl:lnee fl1! risk", fllher 11l:1Il those descrihed Ilerdllllr for olher _<;pn'i:lf 11:17' :ll'd~ he included in lilt' propCni' inS\lf:lIHT 11l1!itT. Ihc ()".t!C! <;h~lI, ir r(ls,,,ihle, include ,<;lIch in<;tlf:mn.:, :lnd IIIC e(l.<:;t tllCH'(l[" <;11:111 h(' cll:1rf.(t"d Ii) Ih~ C<ltllr;IC!C)f 11\' :IPPfllllli:II{' C:l1:nlj..!(' ()rder. 20 A201-1987 ^IA DOCUMENT ,11.201 . (;rN"-H^I. CONDITIONe; or IIII' C :()NTI~M:T FOR CflNST1!lI( :Tfl IN . rr II'HI ITN t 11 FI)IT1( I"'" ^I"'" . '<" Iqfl~ 'IIII' ^Mr.tH(:^N INSTll'l tTF. (IF i\UC!llTF(:'1 s, t~,<; N!'\t' Y()UK i\~TNI IF N \t . \t.,\t.;IIlN(;1 ():>" 11 ( .!qllllr' WARNING: UnllcE"nll",d photoc.opyln9 violates U.S. ~n"vriClhllaw!ll Imd 1Illlllhj!l!Cl '0 "'gall""'ll~e"ti"". . 11.3.5 If elwing rhe ProjecT con.':;rn1Clion period the (h\'llcr insore" propenies. rc~1 or rcr.'mn:lf Of bolh. ~c1if)illing (If :ldj;J- celli If I 111(' .;jle hy property insur:mce under pulierc." sep:1r:IIC horn rhn.c;e irl.'Hlring !he Proiect. Of if ~ftcr fill~1 p:l\'IllClll prop- erly in.<:tH:lIlce Lc; In he prodded on rhe COf1lPIcI{'d I'rojCCl ll1nlllgl1 :t policy or ro1icies other Ih:1Il rllO,<;(' insurill~ fhe Pruj- (Tl dnrillg Ill(' conc;lrUClion period. the OWller Sh;lll \\'~in.' ;11I ri~hr<; in :H:c()fd~nce ~vi(1l the 'eon.s or ::;\Ihp~r:'Rr:lph 11.."'.7 for d;IIl\;lI!CS GIII.sed hr fire or orher perils covered hy this .<;cp;tr:llc property insur:mcc:. All ,<:cp:lr:llc polidt'.c; .c;hall provide Ihis waiver of suhrog:ltioll h}' elH.lorsclllclll or nthcnt'i.sc. 11.3.6 Ikfure rill exposure '0 10'<;,'; Tllar oc<:ur. the (h"ner sh:-ill file wilh the COlltr:lCIOr ;t copy or c:lch policy 111:11 includes ill<;t1f:ll1ce covcr:l.Re~ required hy thi<; P:lr:'!U:lph II.). E:lch policy sl1;111 COl1(:lin :1.11 .'(ener:llly :'Ipplic:lhle condition,c;, defini- lions, cx<"lu:o:;ion:o:; alld endorscment." rel:lled tn Ihi." Project. EdCh policy :o:;h:1Il cont:'lin :l rrovi.c;ion 111m tll(' policy ~....i11 nOl be c1l'lcdlcd or ;lIlowcd to expire unlil :'II le:lsl ,~1I (l:1y,'" prinr wril- tcn llotice h:l.<; heen gh'en 10 the COn1r:lCIOr, 11,3,7 Waivers of Subrogation. The Owner ;lml (;olllr:lclor w:1ivt' :111 rights ;Jg:lin,"1 (I) c;tch olher :111<.1 :U1y or tlleir ."uhcon- tr:K!Of.", ,"iuh","itlhcolltr:tC'lor,"i, :1~ents :1I1d empkl\'et':s, c:lch or the lJlllt'!. :11lt! (2) rIle Architect, Archilt,'C't',<; cOfl,<;ull;lIltS, ,<;ep:lr:llc ClJI11r:lctor,<: described in Article 0, if :111\', :m(\ :ll1r of Iheir sub- COl1lr:lClor,<;, ,<;l1b..<;uhCOIlIr:1Clo('s, ~genl.'i and employees, for d:lI11;I~C.'i clt!.<;('d h~' fire or olher perit!' 10 the extenl co\'cred by I'l'llperly insl1f:lI1C'c oht:lincd rmr,<;u:ml 10 lhi!' P:lr:tgr:lph I I..~ or oll1el' properly illsur:lllcl' :lpplic:lhlc 10 lht' \'{iork, execpl ,'luch ri1-!tus ;J,'l they h:l\'<: 10 proc!"ecl.c; or <;uch ill."ur:1I1('e held Iw lhe OWlll'1 :1.<: fiduci:try, The O~\'llcr or Contr:l("!or, :1,'l :lppropri:tlc, Sh:lll require or lhe Archhect, Architcc!',c; ull1,<;ull:ml<:, ,<:cp:lr:llc cOlltr:lt"lors de,'lcrihctl in Article <i, ir :my" :llltlthe ,<;uh<."Ol1lr:K- Il)!'<;, ,<:lll'-"<;llh("()fllr:IC1()r,<;, :l1-!enls :lIlcl elnl)lflY('("S (Ir :IIlY Clr 111Cfl), hy :lppmpri:t1f :tWn'll1elll~, 'tvritten where IC1-!:llly required (or \':1/idity, ,<;imi!;lr ~'I,":liverse:tch in r:tvor or other p:lrties ellUlTI- cr:Iled herein, The: polkies ,<;h:lll provide such \'\::Iiver.'i or sIIbro- g:llinn by cndo!'.<;cl11enl or (Jlhcr~"i,<:e, ^ w:1iver or ,'luhrop;:ltioll sh:ill he erreClh'C.: :1-" to:t per,<;on or entity even Ihllllgtllh:1I pCI" S()I1 IJr elllity t\'(llllel olhert\'Lc;e h:I\.'(";:I dUly C)r indemniOClliotl, Ctlnlr:lCtu:ll Of' othern'j,<;e, did nOI p:'y the in.<;ur~ncc premium directly or ill(lin:clly. :md wheth~r or !lot Ihe per,<:oll or C'l1ti!~' 11:1(.1 ;m insm:thle interest ill the rrope-rl\' cl:lIn:l~cd, 11.3,8 A I<J.<;5 jnsllfeu under Owner's prclpertr ill.<;llr:Ulce ,,,11:111 he :ldiustcd hy the Owner :t,<; fiduci:try :tnd ll1:tdc r~Y:lhle to the Owncr :1.<; nduci:lry ror tile in~l1rcds, :l~ their intcre~t~ Ill:l)" appc:lf. <:uhject to reqllirelllenl~ or :1I1Y :tppliclhlc mong:t,Ree cl:1\'~e :Inti of Sllhp:lr.1,R:r:lph 1I,,~,I(I. The COl1tr:lctor ,<:11:111 p:ty SUhUlI1Ir:lCIor,<: thcir ill!'t ,"ill;lre~ of in,<;ur:tllce procl:'cd~ reech'ed h\' the Conlr:IClor, :l1ld hy arrropri:1I1:' :1J!ret'lllelll.c;, writlcn wlll,:rc: ICg:llly required ror ....alidity. ~hall rc'quire SllhCOrHr:lClOrS tll 1l1:1kc P:l\'lIICI1l,<; In Iheir SlIh.,<;uhnliltr:lctors in sil1ljj~r lll:lIlller 11.3,9 If required ill writin~ hY:I p~r1y in illlnC."iI, the {hvner :t<; r;dltci:lr~' ,<:11:111, upon oCCllrrence of :In ill."II((,'(I lo~,<;. ~i,'c hond ror propt'r pcrform:1llcc of tilt, O"'llcr',<: dWies, The (u,<;t of rcquired hllntL<: ,<:11:111 he ch:lr,gccl :lg:liIlSI proct'(:ds reeeivcd ;IS fiduci:ln' The Owner ,<:11:111 dt'pn,<;il in :1 ,<;ep:lr:tle ;lCCOUlll pro. ('(:nl.<; .<:fI n:cci\'('d, which Iht; (h"Ilt'r ,<;h:11I tti,strihutt' in :1c..Tor- t1:mcc witll ,<;t1ch :1~reCI11Cll' :1.<: the p:lflit'<; in irlll'l'{.',<;r rn:l\, le:lCh, or ill :lC("ord:mn: ~"ilh :111 :lrhilr:Jtioll :It\':lrd in wllich c:t,"e lhe l,rrlCl'{lurc ,<:h:lll he :1,<: pltlvided in 1':'r:I~!r:lpl1 ,je; Ir :lrter <:llch lr1S" Ill' IHller ,"pc:ci:lJ :IJlH'l'Illt'lll i,c; m:lflc, l'Cpl:ln:1I1Cll! Clr d:II11' :Ignl plClpt.'r1~' ,<;h:lI1 hc C'ln"t:rn! hy :lppnl!)ri:lIt' (:h:lIl,v,e ()rdcr, . 11,3,10 Th(' (h"nn :\.<; fhluci:ln' '<;]':111 11:t\T P(H\ ("I II' :alitt':1 :1(1,1 <;CIII(' :1 I(}<:~ wilh ill~llr{'r,<; 11l1le,<;~ tl!H' (If llu: 11:lrlk<: in illlt'tC~1 shall (lhjc'n in w,iting t\'itI1rn fi\'t' d:I\'<: :llln 1l{'ntl'tCIH~' 11[ Irl~~ to ll1c ()~'ll("l"'<; e:,<('r6<:(' ,If !hi<: pn~'n: it <:ttch "hiC'li"t' h,.' 1l1:1d<.', arl)ill':lIfll,<: ~Il:tll he ChtISC1' :1,<: lHCIYitlnl in l':ll:l!!l:q,II'1 :; The OWlI('r:1<; (jclllci:TrY <;11:111. ill tll:!1 C:l~C 111:1kc s{'lllnm'lll \\';111 ;ll,<:IIl{'!'.<; in :lcnnd:l1lU' \\"ilb dirC"ctions r1( slIch ;trI1il,:1IIlJ~ !! di,<:ll'ihllliOll 01 illS\1r:IIl.C prClc{'cd,<: h\. ;Jrhilr:lliol1 is ICqllilt'd, thc ;lrh;lr:llnr,<; will dirr.'(1 ~l1ch disll'ihulillfl 11,3,11 1':lrli:lllln:\lp:mcy or 11<:(" ill :1tcrltd:lIln' ",ilh I':lr:lfU:lf1h IJ.l) ,Sh:lllllOl COllllllC"KC:' lIlltil lhe in.<;lu:II1CC ((llllp:lIl'. 'u (,{llll- p:lIlic,<; providin~ property insur~ne~ h:l~T Cflll<;clllnl lO ::lIeh p:lni:ll occup:mcy nr 1I,<;e hy endorsement nr 1l1hrr~'ist' The ()Wtlcr :tntlthe COlllr:1C1or .~h:llll:lkc rC:l<:oll:lhk ,<:t~'I'" III ohtain Cotl~l'nt or ll1e ill<;l1r:lIlCf COIllP:lll\' (lr ('(l1ll1':111ic~ :tn<l -,,11:111, withoUl l1lt"lI~1 written con,<;ent, I:lke no anioll Wil111{'SJl('C,"1 1(1 p:tTti:11 ncctlp:UlCr or use IIl:!1 would <':111<;(' (,;1I1(,t'II:II;nl1, 1:lp,<;(" nJ reduction of in,<;llr:uKc, 11.4 PERFORMANCE BONO AND PAYMENT BONO 11.4.1 Th{" Owner ,<;11:111 h:lve th~ righl to require lhl' U ltHl':I(" lor 1(1 rllrni,<;h h(md.<: crlverin~ (:tithrul pcrrml1l:lIlct' rd lilt' (:I)ll, tr:lCf :md r:I~'melll or olllj~~tions :tri.<;in~ lhereulltl':r :1~ ,<;tipu" lalnl in biddill~ requiremcl1ls or ,<;pf:XinC:ll1~' l'equiled in 1l1e Clllur:lCl [)(!CIllllt'lllS tll1 the d:lIc or exenllioll Clf' Ill(' C:Ill111:l("1 11,4.2 '-Jp(lIl tht' lequt'.sl C1r :llly per,<;llIl 'IF elltif" :1I'PC:1Iil1g II' he:l pOlcllli:11 hCllcfici:lry orhond,<; co\'Crillg P:l\'t1It'lllllr I1hnl~:l lion<; :lri.<:ing ullder lhe CPlllr:1Cl. Ihc C0l1lr:1Clllr<:h:1J1 !Hfll1lPlh rllrni,o;h :1 ('oP~" of lIlt' hond.<: or <;h:III per-mil ;t ('Opl' l{' he ilIad'.' ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12.1 UNCOVERING OF WORK 12,1,1 Ir :l porlio!l or the \Xiork is cmTrcd nllltr:lf1 In tile Archilt'n',<; reqllt',<;l flf 10 rt:quiremcnt,<; ,~I'cTilk;llh- C'<I'!('s<;{'11 in rhe (:lllllr:lt'1 IX)('IIIIWlllS, il IIlltSl, ir re(jtlirctl in wrilitH! hI the ArchilecT. he 11I1ccn'crc:d ror the Al'chil(T(,~ llhsC:IT:uiClI1 :lllr.! he rcpl:1c{"d :tl the (:111111;1(:10(,<; e~pcn~t' withpll1 eh:mw_' ill lIw COlllr:lct Tillie 12,1,2 Ir:1 portioll of Ihc \'{Imk h:1," IWl'll co\'t:lecl \\'!lith Ihe ArclTilecl 1m," llol ,<;pedfk:III\" rcqt1esled In oh<;cr\'c l'til1l l(l ils hcil11Z co\'ered, thc Ardlilect 'l1:1~' r('{Joe"t III <;('l: ,<:nel1 \'Cprl, :lIld il<;I1;l1! he llll('(l\'crc(l hr lilt, COlllr:K!ClI If ,<;11(11 \X', Ilk is ill :lc("{lrcl:tllce t\"iI11 llle r.:lmlr:Kl I>fIClIl1Wlll.<;. ('1)."'-" clf tltl('!I\-'CI' ing :lIld 1'('1'1:/('(:'111('111 Sh:lll. lw :1f1prrlpri:llc (:J1:1"W' (\ldn, 1'(' cl1:lrgl.'d III Ihe (h....tler. II ,<;ltch \~"lJrk i,<: nol in :ltTlllcl:IIl(C \dll1 lht' COl1tr:t('t J)nCtllllenls, lhc Cnntr:l('/nf ,,,11:111 P:I\'<;Ilch <,osL<; lllll(.'s,<; rhe conditio!1 W:l:<; c'u."ied hy tilt' t )n"nt:l or :1 <;(,p:lr:llt' cfll11r:lClor ill which ("V('lll tile On'nel ,<:h:lll he rl'sp'Hl,<:ihlc 1'01 payment or .<;11('11 co,<;(,<;, 12.2 CORRECTION OF WORK 12.2.1 The Clllltr:K'lor ~h:lll prnlllplh' (,('rleel \X,'ork r("jnlnl In- fhe Arcl111cct Clr r:tiling tll CClllrClrtH 1(1 111(' 1t'(lllit('tlll'tl1.<; '11 lhe Contr:lcl J)O('l 1l1ll'1 11,<; , \\'IH:thn llhsCl'\'nl hefole (ll :111('1 Sull.slanti:11 {:tJlllplt'liclIl :Illd whelllc:r Cll n'lt f:lhriClIt'll, ill"I:III,'tl IIr CllIllplctnl Tilt: (:cllllr:tClcH ,<;h:lll I)c!r (.'11Q<; (lr ((l!t,'('lill'( .such n.:it'cted \'Cork. iIlCludill'~ :lfldilifll1:tI ,cQing :111(1 itlSpr' lion.<; :lIld COlllpt'llS:uiclll fllr the Alr:l1iltTI <: <:('l'\'i".''' :111(1 t~Xll("I,<:('S 111:1(1(' 11('((,<;S:lI'\' I Il("l'c'l,~' 12.2.2 If. willlill (1!le n.:Jr :1(1('1' 111(' d:llC Ilr Slt11S1:ulli:d 'IUll!,II', lion 0/ lhe \'('ork or tlt'.si~ll:l1t'(1 pOl'1iOIl Illclt'lIf. III :lllcI lilt, d:ite AlA DOCUMENT A201 . t :n'lFflAI. I (INllITH IN" (J!' TIll' U INTn,^l:1 F( 1!i r:t INS" III',"r !IIN . l'( llnl'! ITNT!I F!l'TlON AlA. . "'l"J.l- TIll' ,\l>lI'rllf ,\N INSlTJ 1 ''1'1'' 11' A'H:rll'l FCr<; t7\<; 1.1'\'(' YllIH, ^\TNl 'F.. N \\' \~'^.slllNCt c1N II ': J.!IlIlI(; A201-19S7 21 W^RNING: tl""~fI"!I:prl f'h(Jt"I':f)!1V1r'9 vl"""e!llJ,S, copyriqhll:lw"I ~"d I!': <;lIhi"r.1 10 Iflgnl f'rI'H'flcuIlC'l" . for COfllll1(.:ncemcnl of \~':;lrr~nlie~ ~.c;l~hli.c;h('d ullder ,C:;uI1- p;lr:lgr:lph 9.9.1. or hy !crm~ of:m :lppliC:lh1e ,c;peci:ll w:lrr:lfltr required by the Contr:1CI DOCUI11CIll.<;, :lllY of the \l;lork is round to he no' in ;lccor<.!:lnce '."1111 the requirernem,c; or the Contr;lct Documents. the COnlr:lClOr .c;h:all correct it promptly :lfter receipl of tvril1cn nOlke from the Owner tn do ~{1 \lnles.<: the Ch\'ner h;l'<; rreviolisly given the Conlr~ct(lr ;l wriltCl1 :lccep- !;lflCe of ,"uell condition. Thi.<; period of one YC:lr .<:11:11] he extended tvjth rc,<;pcct 10 ponion.c; or \~:ork fir,<:l performed :lfler Suhst:l!Hi;l! Completion by the period or time between Suhst:ln- Ii:!l Completion ;lntl the ;:telll:ll rerforrmlllce of rhe \'{;ork. Thi::; (lhfi~:llion under lht.. Suhp:U:lRr;lph 12.2.2 .c;I1:l11 survive :1eeep- (;ll1ce of the \'{iork tInder the Contr:1ct :1nd lermin:ltion of the Contr:lCI The Owner .<;h:11l p:i\'e ~lIch notice rromptly :1(tc:r elif'- co\'ery of the condition. 12.2.3 The (olHr:1ctor .<;tl:lll remo\'e from the .<;ile portjun~ of llle \'{iork which ;lrc not in ;lccord:lllce t','illl lhe requirement<; flf lilt, (;011Ir;lC1 Document.<; ;1nd ;Ire neither corrected hy the COlllraclor nor acccrled hy lhe Owner. 12.2.4 If the Contr:lctor f:lil~ lO correct noncon(ormil1~ Work within :1 ret~on:1ble time, the O~!Ile'r In';!r ("orrect iI in :1C("or- d:111Ce wilh r:1ra~r:tph 2.tI_ J( thc COlHr:tctor do(':~ nol proccc-:u with correction of such noncon(orrninlZ \"(Iork within :1 rC:t.<;OI1- ;lhle time fixed hy written notice fromttH: Architect, the Owner m:ly remo\'e il :1nd ,<;tore tile .<;:II\':1l1le m:llcri:ll.c; or equipment :U the Contr;lCtor'.<; expen.<;c, If the Contr:lC10r docs nOI p:ty co~t~ of _<;tlch remm':ll :1nd :<ilOr:tge' wilhin tell d:ty~ :lftt:r written notice, the O't'.'Iler ll1:1Y uron ten :1ddilion:J1 d:I~'s' wrillen nolicc sell ~t1Ch l1l:lleri:1l,c; ;mcl equipment :11 :1l1CtiOIl or:1I rri\,;1I(' ,<;:lle ;md .<:h:1I1 ~CCOllllt (or the rrocct:d:c; thereof, :lfler c1cdllCtinR co.<:t.<; :lIld d;IIIl;l~e~ th:lI should h:t\'e hecll home h~' the COil. !raCIClr, inchlding ccHnpell...:llillll f{)r lhe Architec!'s .<;c;rvice~ ,llle! cxpell.<;cs tn:tde l1('ce:<i~:try fhereby. If such rroceed<: of .<::tle do nOI cover COSI~ which the Contr;lctor should h;tvc horne, the Cnlllr:ICI SlIll1 .<;11:111 he reduced hy the deficiency If r:1YJ11C'IlI.<; then or tllC'n:~fler due {he Contr;1Clor :lre!lot .<:ufficient In cover such ;1111011111. Ihe COlllr:lClor ,<;11:111 p:lY the di(fl:"rence 10 lhe ()wner 12.2.5 The CotHr:lctor sh:11l he:lr the com of n1rreclillR dC<;lfll\"cd or d:lIl1:l~cd f,:f)I1~truClion, 'tvllc'hcr completed or p:lI'lially COll1pIClt'd, of the Owner or _<:cp:lr:He {'(J1l1r:K'or:o; c:HIsnl h~' the (;ol1lr:lClo(,<; correctioll or rel1lo\':II o( \Xfork which ;,c; not in accmd:tnce ~'i1h the requirCIlI{'I1I.<: of the Con- tr:lCt I)()('tlnlenl.'i 12.2.6 NOlhin~ COlH:1ined in Ihi... P:1r:l~r:tph 12.2 .<;h:llIl1e con. stnlcd to e.:c;l;lhli...h :l f1erind of limit:ttion t\-'ith respect to otller nhli,g:1fion... 't\'hich the Contr:'!ctor mi~hl h:tvc tinder the COIl- lr:lC! DOC'UIllCl1lS, E,c;I:lhli.:c;hmelU of Ihe lime: f1criod flf olle "C:1r :1.0.; tk:scrihnl ill Suhp:lragr:lph 12.2.2 rd:lIt'..; only 10 the ,"pcdfi(- lIhlig:lIion of the COlllr:tClor to correct 111e \'(fork, ;lIld h:l~ no rdllioll.<:hip In :~le lirn(: within whicl1lhc obli~:lIi()n to comf1ly with the Conlr:lct !)ocurncnr.:c; nl:ly he .<:oll~IH to he enforced, nllr In the time \\'ithin which pf(l{:l:cdin~s 111:1)' h~ cOlllT11enced tn c~l:1hli~h the COTlfr:lc,or'.<: !i:lhility wilh re."pccI '0 fhe Con- Ir:I('fo'-s ohli~:Itiol1.c:. olher Ih:Jn ~pecific:1l1y 10 correcl lhe \'(-'ork, 12.3 ACCEPTANCE OF NONCONFORMING WORK 12.3.1 If the ()"'Iler prefers t(l :tCCC'Jlf W'ork 't"hich is Il(lt in :tCclHd:ll1ce with (he requiremenls or the COlllr:t<:1 Documents, tht' (lWIlt'r 111:1\' do ."0 lnsle:l(.l of requirin,g il," r('lll{l\':11 :1lld cor- I(Ttioll, ill which CI.<:(" the CnTlfr:lcl Sum \"iII he redllced :1." :l]lpnlIHi:flt" :1nd equil:lhle. SIKh :ld;II~'lllellf .<:11:111 he effecu:d Whclhn or llOl fin:-tl p:l\'mell! 11:1<: heen m;ldc . ARTICLE 13 MISCEllANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.1 GOVERNING LAW 13,1.1 TI1C C(llltr:tct .'ill:!!l he g<lvcrnt:c1 hy tllC 1:1,,' or the pl:ltT whcre Ih~' I'roje('l i... ]oGlled 13.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 13.2.1 The Owner :Jlld Cnntr:lctor respecti\'cl)' hind fh('ln- ,<;<:I\'('s. 'heir p:lflnCr.5. ,"UCCC.'isor.<:, :I.:c;...j~n_c:. and leg:ll rcrre.<:l'lIl;I, tive." 1(1 the other P:lrt)' hereto :tnd 10 p:lrlner."'. ."llcces_<;o!'''. :l...,<:i~n~ :tnd lc~al repre,<;en!;:ltivcs of .<;lich olher r:1rly in re."pe('1 to CO\'en:Jnl.5, :I~rcclllent~ :lnd ohli~:1tions COlH:1ined in rhe Con- tr:lct Documents. Neither f):lrty to th~ COlllr:lct ...hall :l.<:_<;ip.n lilt' COlltr:lCt :1~ :t whole 't\-,irhout written cOIl,<;ent of fhe olher_ If eithcl pnrq' :lllelllpt... 10 m:1ke ~tlch:ln :ls...ignlllCllf wilhoul _<:ll('h ({)n~('nl, lh;11 p:lrty ...h;lll nevcnhelc.<;.<; rel1l:linlq!:llIy responsihle for :111 (Jhli~:tli()ns under the COl1lr:tct. 13.3 WRITTEN NOTICE 13.3,1 \"(I rill en tloti('l~ ,<;11:111 he deemecl to h:Jve ht'en dill\' ,<;ervet! if delivered in rcr~OIl 10 the inclh'khl:tl or :l ml'mher of the linn llr cmity or 10 :lll officer or !he cnrrllrmi()I1 f(lr which if \\":1." inlcnded_ or if delivcfl'tl:ll or ,<;{"nt hy re~i.<:tc-r('d or ('('rtified m:lil to the l:l...t hll.<:ines." :lddrc~.c; known In the p:lrt\, ,t!idlllZ notice 13.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 13.4.1 DUlic~ :tnd ohli,t!:11ion... impo...nl hy the C:0111r:\I.', DonI, IllCIll,<; :lod ri~hls :lnd H'l1ledie~ :I\':lil:lhk- thereunder ...11:111 he in addition 10 :1Il(\ nOl :llilllil:lliOIl of dulie.". ohlig:lIiol1f', ri~tll,o.; ;Jlltl remedies otherwise imro...cd or :T\':Iil:lhle hy law 13.4.2 No :IClioll or f:lilure to ;lC! hy lhe OWIlC,'r. Archilt'Cl 01 COlltr:le'or .<;11;111 (o!l.<:litnl(" ;J \'\':'1i\'er of:l ri,l!ht or dUly ;Irr(lldnl Ihl.'lH tinder the COlltr:l("{. nor .<;h:11I such :lCtion or f:lilurc III an con~lil\llC :lpprov:lf of (Ir :1cq\lic~CeIH:e in ;1 hn::ldl 111c:rclIlld':l, cxcepl :1'<: m;IY he .<;pedfic:llly :IWecd in ,,-riling 13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 TC"L<:, ill.<:penilln,<: :Itld :lppro\':lI,c; of llOni{lllo.; of tht' \,\inrk required hy the Cj)lllr~C' [)m:unlclll." or hy 1:1\\',<:. (Jali- n;mce.", rule.'i. re~ul:lliflIlS or ordcr~ Clf rllhlic :llIthoritic." Il:n'jllj.! juri!'diclion .o.;h:11I be 1ll:lde :It :tn :lppropri:llc limc. IInle.<:" (l,her, \\'i~t' pm\'i<kd. the C:ontr:lCtor ...11:111 m;lke :!rr:lIl~CIl1{'tlf'<; r(lr .<;ucll les\.<;. itl~pCClioll~ :lIld :Jpprn\':tl.<: ,,'jlh :m independctlt tCSl, inJ! l:1hor:11Clry or enlily :lcccpt:1hlc 10 Ihe Owner, or "'ilh tll(' :lppropri:lIe j1uhlic :Hllhorit~.. :Ill~l ...h:11I heIr :111 rdued ('OSl.<; of tl....I.o.;, in.o.;IK'Cllllll.c; :tnd :lllpnH':lls. Thl' (:(lnlr:ll'lllr .<;11:111 giq' lht' Archill'l'l timely tlolk'l' o( when :Ind ,,'here tl'st~ :1Il(! in "pcc- lioll." :lr(' TO he Ill:ltk .<:(l fh{' Archilen 1ll:1)' oh.<:{"r\'e snch procc. dure.<: Tile O",'ner ,..11:111 hC:lr cn..ts of t!~.<:IS. in.<;pc("fions Of appro\':l!.<; ,,'hieh do nflf hecollle' reqtlirellwnt.<: U1uil :Ifter hid." :Ire recci\'n.! (lr ne~!lli:lli(ln.<: n"Kllltle(l. 13.5.2 Ir the ArCl1il('ct, OWIle:r or Jluhlic :11tl!1of'llil's h:ldng illri~dlCliCln dC'lcflllille 111:11 portion.<: of the \"(:ork requiTe' :Id<li, lioll:tl le.<;till~_ in,<;pectioll or :tppro\';1I not included tlnder Suh. p:lr;lgr:'I-,h 1.~ ~ ,. tll(' Arc:!lill'("l ,,'ill. upon \\'riflcl1 :rull1clllZ:Tlifll1 rrolll file Otl.'lwr. ill_<:trtlCl the COnll';lctor to make :It'r:ltIgl'lllCTllS for ."ltch mldilioll:111l'SlinFl. in,<;pt.'Ction Of :Ippl'Cl\':d h\' :llluHit\ :1<'Tcplahle to rhe ()wner. :ttld the C(lIHra("!or ~h:tll gi\'(' lilllCh' notice!o Ill(' Architect of t\.-hcn :lIld ,,-hef(, teSI<; :lnd in.<;Ill,'{'lil 'Jl,<; :11't. t(1 he Jlladc so lhe ArchiteCf 1ll:ly nh<;CI'\T ~;\rdl prot-elllln'" 22 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A20t . (;ENF;R,\1. C.ONDIT1(lNS rll' nlE ({IN'I'RAC! FOIl CONSnll'CIV)~1 . J'll( 'nTEFNf'lf r:!)II!1 )/.: AlA'" . rc'I"~- TlIF. M.1F.nw....N IN"TlTl;TF. Of' AIlClllTFC'TS \"'<; NFW' ,-nIH: ,\\TNI'F. ~W W'AqIlN!:!!,!'.: I' ( _'linn" WAR:NIN\.: U"'iC"'"!'l_d phOlnr:oJlYfn9' violPlIl?s U.S, eOl"v,iqhllllw'Illnrl i!; <:uhif'eltn lI"plll pro"=lIr:lIU,.," . -;;111.: Owner shall hc;lr such cOSts except as provided in Sub. par:lgr;lpl1 13.5..). 13.5.3 If -"lIeh procedures for teslil1~, in~pection or (Ipproval \Ill(k.''f Subpnragr::tphs 13.5.1 and 13.5.2 reveal failure of the Pllr!;()",<; or (he Work to comply with requirements established hy the Contract Documents, the Cont1.lctor sl1all bC:1r all costS m:lde ncces.c;ary by suell failure including those of repeated I,roccdure... and compensation for the Architect's services tlnd expenses 13.5.4 Ikquircu certificates of (l'Sting, inspection or approval shall, unless olherwise required by the Contr:KI O(l(:ulllcnts. he sccured hy the ContraclOf and promptly delivered w the ArchiteCl. 13.5.5 If the Architect is 10 observe tests, inspections or :lpprov;ds required by the Conrract Documents, the Architect will do so promptly and, where practicable. at the normal place of lesting. 13.5.6 Tests or inspections conducted pursuant 10 the Con- rr:lCt Documents shall be made promptly to avoid unreasonable ddlY in the Work. 13.6 INTEREST 13.6.1 P:lymems due and unpaid under the Contract Doeu- mel1lS shall bear imereSI from the d:ne paymem is due at stich fate :l<; tile p:lrlies Ill:l)' agree upon in writin~ or, in the <Ihsenee 1l1en:oL at the leg:11 rme rrevamn~ from time to rime at the phlce ~.herc: the Projecl is located. 13.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD 13.7.1 As bel ween the Owner and Comr:lctor: .1 Before Substantial Completion. As to :1("IS or failures - to act ()(:curring prior 10 the relt"::1l11 d:nt' of Suhst:ln" ti:ll COlllplc:tioll, any applical>lc: S\:lIl1te of limit:llions shall conmK,1ce [0 rull and :lny aJlLllt'"tl Glll<ie of :lct ion sh:t11 he deemed to h:lVe accrued in any and all events not l:lter th:1I1 ,c;uch dale of SlIbsl:Intial Completion; .2 Between Substantial Completion and Fina' Certifi- cate for Payment. As to ;1<:tS or failures to aCI occur. ring sllb.<;eqllcllt to the relc\';tllt d::ne of Suhst:1lllial Compietion and prior to issu:mce of the final Certifi- Gue for Paymelll, any 41pplk:lhle statute of limitations slwl1 commence to run and any alleged cllIse of :lCtioll shall he deemed to havc accmed in any and:111 t'vel1ls no! l;uer th:1Il the date of issu:lnce of the fin:ll Certifjclte for Payment: :Inti ,3 After Final Certificate for Payment. As to ;Jets or f:lilures to :Jct occurring :ICier the rdevam dale of issu. ance of the final Certificate for P:lymem, :lny :Ippli- Glhle st:Hlllc of lilllit:ltions Sh:ll1 commence to run :lI1d :Il1Y alleged C:lllse of :Iction Sh:lll he deemed to have accrued ill allY :lIld :111 evel1ls not l:uer th:1ll the d:lle of any act O( r:lilure to :lCl hy the Contractor rurslI:nlt to :lIly \\":Irr:lIl\Y providcu under P:lr:l~r:lph :~..:;. Ihe..' tl:llC of :lny c:orn:ction of tht" \Xiork or l':lilun: 1(1 correcl lhe W'ork hr lhe COlllr:IC{(lf 1Illde..'r P:lr.1Waph 12.2, or lhc d:llC or :lclual (,:llllltlli,..siO!1 or :111\. olhcr :IC! or f:lilurc 10 pcrfo(m ;IllY duty or ohlig:l1ioll hy !ll<,' C:lllllr:IC!Or ()(" ()WllL'r, whidll'vcr occur." I:ISI. . ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OJ: THE CONTRACT 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1.1 The Contractor may tc::rminate the Conrract if the \'V.ork is stOpped for a period of 30 days through no aCt or fault of lhe Contractor or a Subcontr~cror, Suh-subcontractor or their agents or employees or any mher persons pcrforming portions of the Work under Contract with rhe Contractor, for :my of lhe following rca.<;ons: .1 issuance of an order of a coun or orher public author- ity h:lving jurisdiction; .2 an act of government, such as a declar:nion of n:.uion:ll emergency, making material un:wail;lble; .3 bec~use the Architect has not issued a Certific;ne for Payment and has not notified the Contractor of the reason for withholding certification as provided in Subparagraph 9.4.1, or because the Owner .has nm made payment on a Certificate for Payment.. within the time sr:1ted in the Contract Documents; ,4 if repc:ncd suspensions, deJOIYs or imcrrup,ions by the Owner :1S described in Paragraph 14.3 constitute in the :1ggregate more than 100 percent of the tQ1al num- ber of days scheduled for completion, or 120 days in any ,~6S-day period, whichever is less: or .5 the Owner has failed (0 furnish 10 tile Contractor promptly, upon the Comi.lctor's requesl, reason::lblc evidence as required by Subparagrapll 2,1. J. 14.1.2 If one of tile above reasons exists, tile Col1tracror m:1Y, upon seven additional days' wrinen nOlice 10 the O~\'ner :lll(\ ArcllileCt, termimue lhe Contract and recover from the Owner p:lyment for Work executed and for proven loss wirh respect 10 materi:ll~, equipment, lools, ;lnd constnlt'tioll equipment and m<Jchincry, including re:L<;onable ovcrhe:id, profit and dal1l:I~(:s. 14.1.3 If lhe \X,'()rk is .'i{()ppcd ft)r:l peri(Kt ofbl) <.bys tllnll1~11 no act or fault of the Contractor or :.I Suheolltr:tclor or lheir agent.<; or employees or any other persons performing portjons of tile Work under contr:lct ~'ith [he ComraClor hectust'" the Owner ha<; r<,'r,c;iSlt'll1ly failed to fulfill the ChVllt.'f"'S ohli,l!:lliollS lllltlcr tilt, C(lntr:lt"t !)(lCUI11l.'nts with respect I(l 1l1:lllers illllltll"- l:Int to lht' progress of the..' Work, the Contractor 111:IY. UpOll ,c;even additjonal day~' written notice to the O"'"ner and lhe Architect. termin:l1e the Contr.lCI :lnd recover from llle Owner :IS provided in Suhpara~raph 14.1.2. 14.2 TERMiNATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE 14.2.1 The Owner may tcrmin:He the Contract jf lhe C{lI1tr:1CI()f: ,1 persistently or repe:Hedly refuses or r:lils to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper 1ll:11eri:lls; .2 f<tils to make p;lyment to Suheomr:JclOrs for materials or hlhor in ;K'COrd~lnce wittl the respcni\'e :lweClllelll.<; between the Conti-Jcwr :ind the SuIKolllr:lctors: .3 persistently disrcg::lrds I;IWS. ordin:lllct.'s, or rul<:s, rq,.!- ul;niol1s or orders of :1 ruhhc :1l1111mit y having juris. diction: or ,4 (lthcrwise is ,guilty or suhst:lIllial bn::lcl1 (It';! pnn'isillll of the Contract [)oculllenl:-;. 14,2.2 \\(!1K'll :Lily or tilt.. :Iho\'<.' re;I~(Jns exist. thl' (h\'I\(.'1 lip' III cenincni(lll tlY the i\rchilecl that sufficicnt C:rUSe l'xiSlS II) iu,~. AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (a~NF.RAI. CONDITIONS OF TilE C(lNTRM:T FOR cnNSTRllCTrON . FOI ~!nF.ENTI! EDITION .\[,\" . (c;: I'm"" THF A/l.H~Hrc."N INSTITIITE Of I\IH:tlITF.Cr~. I"'~<; NF.\'t. YOIIl\. A"l:NIIE. N,'X'.. '\X'ASlllN(;"!'()f\.", 1) (. .!fI(l(J(, A201-1987 23 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright Il'IWS and Is subject to leglll prosecution. . . - !i(~.\::tlch :1CtiOl1, lll:1r wilhotlt prejudice 10 :111\ [Hllcr fiy.lll... (If rcmcdic:; of tile Owner ~n(l::lfler f!iving the Cnnlf:1Clor ;111(1 the CCllltr:Kl()('S ,<;llreIY, if ;lI1y, ,"("ven <1:1\,,'" written notice. lenni. n:1I(: CllllJlo~'IlH~1ll of the COn'r~K!Or ;llld 111:1)'. ,<;\tlJj(.'ct I(l ;lIly rrio( rights of till':: .'wrety: .1 l:lke pos.<;cs,<;ion of the .'iile ;lIld of;111 fll;1{cri:1ls, equir' men!, [(lols. ;lIlcl COrl..;!rll("lion equipmellt ;1Ilt! m;lchin- ery thereon o~vned lw the Conlr:lC!ol: .2 :lCO'''pl :1.<;.<iignlllent of ,<;uhcontr:lCl." pUrS":1ll! to f':lf::l- gr;:tph <;.4; -;Jlltl .3 finish the \'X/orle by wh:nc\'cr re:lsoll:1ble method the O\vner Ill:ty deem e:-:pec!ient 14.2.3 When the (}tvner termimlcs the COnlr:lct for one of fhe re:1.<;("'.<; SI:1lecl in Suhr:lr:1f!:r;1pll I ~i .2.], the C(Hllf::lCIOr ,<;11;111 n(H he entitled l() receive funher r;lyment until the Work i." rinishcd. 14.2.4 If the ul1p:lid b;llmlCe of 111(" Contr:l:CI Slim exceed:\ CO~I'<; of finishing the Work, including cornpctl.<;:niol1 for tile Archi. lee"'" services :md expen.<;cs l1l;lde nccess;lrr therehr. ~uch {,'xce.'iS sh:IH he p:lid \(J the Contr:lClor. If such costs exceed the unp:lid hal:lIlce, thl? Contr;ictor .<;11:111 r:1Y the difference 10 the . (lwller rhe atlHHlnt to he Jl:lid to the COIllI;l(1pr {lr {lwrlCf :1." Ihe else nl:1~' hC'. sl1:tll he cenified hy the Archilecc Upf){l :1pJlli. Gllion. :11lt! this {lhl;~:ltifln fnr p:l.ymerll ,<;h:111 <;urvivc tcrlllif1:J lion of lhe COFHr:lct 14.3 SUSPENSION BY THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE 14.3.1 The Owne-r Ill;ly. \"jlllmJl (":lll.<;e. (lTdcr llle' C:(lIl1r;J<:I(l!" in wrilin~ In .<i\l.<;pend. dcby or il1lefl'upt the \'('rnk in whflk (lr ill pmt for s\lch p<:>:ri(){1 of rime :lS Ihe Owner fll:I\' de!f"rmine 14.3.2 An :ldju<:;rlllcrn sh:!H he made for iTlCH'::ISCS in tilt' ('os I of perfOrl1l:1IKt' of the ConI r:1Ct , including pfoflt on the ill.<.'fC:lscd ("ost o( pf'?rfOrll1;11Ke. c:lu.<;ed h)' .SH.<;rension. del:l\' or interrup. tion No ~diu.<;tlllcnl 5h;11I 1-,(" ll1~d{" 10 tile eXlerlt. .1 Ihat perfofrn:mC'l:." is. too':l.S or would h:l\T heell ,<;n .<;\1.<;. l'ell(lcd. del:1yed or inlerrupled h\' :lIlO{l!cr Cltl.<;(' ror which the Comr:lC\Of is resrom:ihle: or .2 th;it :lll equitahle :ldiwmllent is ll1;1lk or c!f.:nicd under :lI1olher J1rrH'ision of this ConI r:l("L 14.3.3 Adhlsllllcnt.<; 11l;lde in the cosl of perfofm:mce m:ly 11.;1\'(" :l rl1l1lu:lll\" :Ign:ed fixed or rcrcclll:t~e (ee. 24 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A20t . (;I'.NI'."A' CONI liTH IN~ (II' Tlrl' (:l )NTllM:T FIliI ("(ll'l~nnl(ll\ IN. H 11 'I' I lI:rJ r 11 I'l11I!( 'I': AlA'" . rc'I')~- 'r r IF A~If'III( :AN lN~Trn rrr. (11" ""<:II1T1'( '"1". 1 7~~ NI'\~' Yr II'" A\TNlIf'" N \\ \\'1"1 lINf :-1' 'N, " ( .!(\('"'' WARNING: lJnll~..n"..rl phnln~"l"Vlna vlnlflle!'l U.S_ coPvrlg"I Inw!" l'nrll" "\'lIh;..~t In I..~:'!I pm""'cIJllnn 3187 . . SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS The following supplements modify, change, delete from or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.IA Document A 201-1987 Edition. Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph or clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that Article, paragraph, subparagraph, or clause shall remain in effect. ARTICLE 1 through ARTICLE 10 No Change ARTICLE 11 - INSURANCE AND BONDS 11.1 Contractor's Liability Insurance. 11.1.1 In the first line following the "maintain", insert the words, "in a company or companies licensed to do business in the state in which the project is located." 11.1.1 ADD: .7 Liability insurance shall include all major divisions of coverage and be on a comprehensive basis including: (1) Premises - Operations (2) Independent Contractors Protective. (3) Products and Completed Operations. (4) Contractual-including specified provision for the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 4.18. (5) Owned, non-owned, and hired motor vehicles. (6) Broad form coverage for property damage. 11.1.2 ADD: ... The Contractor shall furnish insurance with the following minimum limits: .1 Workers' Compensation a. State and Federal: Statutory b. Employer's Liability $ 100,000. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION F - 1 . . .2 Comprehensive General Liability (Including Premises - Operations; Independent Contractor's Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad form Property Damage): a. Bodily Injury: $ 1,000,000 Each Occurrence $ 1,000,000 Aggregate, Products and Completed Operations. b. Property Damage: $ 250,000 Each Occurrence $ 250,000 Aggregate c. Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period of one year after final payment and contractor shall continue to provide evidence of such coverage to the Town on an annual basis during the Aforementioned period. d. Property Damage Liability Insurance shall include Coverage for the following hazards: C (collapse), U (underground). e. Contractual Liability (Hold Harmless Coverage): f. Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $ 1,000,000 Aggregate. .3 Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): a. Bodily Injury: $ 1,000,000 Each Person $ 1,000,000 Each Accident b. Property Damage: $ 250,000 Each Occurrence ARTICLE 12 through ARTICLE 14 No Changes END OF SECTION: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION F-2 . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS , AlA Documenl 11311 Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: thaI "Ip',~ ,..."',,, lull ",m.. ~nd ;odd,..., n, II'JI.t till.. of r:""Ir~,.rllrl as Principal, hereinaft~r called Contractor, and, fllf'fp. i..'....' full nam.. ...rI ufrl.",. ('U 1"!II.l ,i,l.. nf S,,''''yl as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ("(Or,. '"H'" lull ",mI!' I,.,d .dd,..~, n' It'llll ",I.. "I 0...."..') as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amounl of Dollars ($ J, for the payment whereof Contr;tctor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs. executors, admjni!itr<110rS, successors and assigns, joinlly and severally, firmly by these presenls. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated Iii,.,!! '''''CTI lull ""m... .1rld....n .1",1 d"'<:';I'>,.on .." flfoiecll 19 , eflter~d inlo a contr<lct with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prep.Hed by Ill..... ,""." full """'" "nd .riri,.... "..I"JIIlr rid.. ..I A"hir,.cll which contract is by reference rn.:tde ::I p::Irt hereof, and is hereini1fter referred try ~s lhe COr1tr;J(J. "'^ DOCUMENT 1\]11 . r>f~r()I~\''',~Wf RnNO I\Nf) I.ABOR ,'ND .\\^tr~'M J""Y"lfNT f:H)r-.;n . ^I^ li!I I~RRlJ/'RY l'rn fD . rllf A,\.HR1C.\"'" II';~TlT1!Tf Of MlCHtlfCrS. i,~l; .": Y I\\'l N \V. \lV..\"IWIf:TI)I'I 0 C loon" WA""IlNG: l1"Ur.l!,,\IIf'd phnlnr:nJ'lv1Ilq vlnl:tl,," U.s. cOflyrlqht 111\01''' ;lnrt I" ,,"hl,.clln h'qnl pm"p.r.lIl1n" . PERFORMANCE BON' NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDlTIl')N OF THIS OBLIGATION is such lhal, if Confractor shall promptly <lod failhfully perform said (ontr<Jct, then this obligafion shall be null and void; otherwise il shall remain in full force ilnd effect The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or e:dension of lime made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner to be in default under the Contract, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder. the Surety may promptly remedy the defauh, or shall promptly 1) Complete' the Cbntract in accordance with its ferms and conditions, or 2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with liS terms and conditions, and upon de. termination by Surety of rhe lowest responsible- bidder, or, if the Owner elects, upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of Signed and sealed this day of defaulls under the conlract or cantr<lcls of completion arranged under !hiS parJgr,lphl sufficient funds tn P,ly the cost of completion less the b,11ance o( the conrrac! price. but not exceedin!<:. including olher costs and dam,lges for which the Suretv may be liable hereunder, Ihe amount set forth in the rlfSf pM<lgrJph hereof. The term "balance of the contract price,.' JS used in Ihis par<lgraph, shall mean the tOfal amount paY,lhle hy Owner to Contractor under the Contract and anv amendments therelo, less the amount properly paid by Owner to Contractor. Any suit under this hond musl be imlttuted before the expiration of two (2) years from the date on which final payment under the Contract falls due. No right of aclion shall accrue .Qn thi') bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other fh~n the Owner named herein or the heirs. e;.::ecutors, adminis- trators or successors of the Owner. 19 [ rPrllltl",." IS('.JI) IWi(n~'!i~' ,rifl(') I (SUf('fr) eSr.l!t /W;/n('_",J ITiffl') AlA DOCUMENT AJll . PUl:rORMANCE BONO ANQ lABOR AND MAT'ER1Al P^YMENT 80NO . AI^ @l ffBRUARY 1'17(1 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTlTUH Of ARCHITECTS, 17)5 N.Y. AVE.. N.W.. W^<;HINGTON. D. C. 2~ 2 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopyIng violates U.S. copyright taws and is subject to lP.'qal prosecution. . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS ~.~;."'; if AlA Document A311 labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMUlTM-"EOUSlY WITH PERFOR~IANCE BONO IN FAVQROF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTR,\CT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: thai (Hf!le rn\erl full n;'ime !nd ,1ddf~\S O. leg.l' lIde or Conr,~(ll"! as Principal, hereinafler called Principal, and, rH~re ins,!" full "a me 'I'd address or I,.gal rille of Surelyl as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unlo IHe'f! irHer, full ",me .lnd ;'il'ld'f!H or legal l.ll'! 0/ Qwnl!fI as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit 01 claimants as hereinhelow defined. in the amount of (Here int!!,l a sum l!Quill 10 ;'it least one-tulf of the (onu.CI price) Dollars ($ ), for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presenls. WHEREAS, Principal has by wrilten agreement dated (Here intert {ull name, ;'iddreH and deleri"l;on 01 plalE'ell 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by IHl::'roe ;"II~.t fvll ""rnoe ~.,d "dd.t'H rJf 11"IlAI lilloe of ,\r(nirto:ll which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AlA DOCUMENT A311 . I'ERFORMANCE IlOND AND lABOR AND MATERIAL PAy.....tENT BONO . A!A @ rfBRUARY 1970 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF .-\RCH1HCTS, 1iJS NY AVE.. N,W.. WASHINGTON, 0 C 20006 3 WARNING: Unlicensed pholocopying violates U.S. copyright 18W'5 and Is subject to legal prosecution. lAB~ AND MATERIAL PAYMA- BOND NOW, THfRHORE. THE CONDITION OF THIS 08r leA TlON IS such Ihat. if Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as hereinafter defined. fOf all labor and material uc,ed Or rea<;onably required (or U5e in the performance of the Confra(t, then this obligation (,h<ill be void; otherWise it shall remain in fuJl force ,md effect, subject, however, to the (01. lowing conditions: 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct con. tract with the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or bOlh, used or reasonably required for IJse in the performance of the Contract. labor and malerial being comlrued to indude that part of Woller, gas. power, light, heat. oil, gasoline, lelephone service or rental of equipment directly applicable to the (onlract. 2. The above named Principal and Surely hereby jointly and severally agree wirh the Owner that every daimant as herein defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period 0; ninety (90) days after the date on which the. last of such claim;tnt's work or labor wa5 done or performed, or materials were furnished by such claimant, may sue on this bond for the use of such claimant. prosecute the suit to final judgment for such ,;um or 5ums as may b~ justly due daimant, and have execution thereon. The Owner shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of .1Oy such suil. J. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant: a) Unless daimanl, olher thJn one having a direct conlraCI with the Prit:'cipal, shall have given written notice to any two of the following: the Principal, the Owner, or the Surety above named, within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of the work or labor, or furnished the lasl of the materials for which said claim is made, slaling with substantial Signed and sealed this day of accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the parfy to whom the materials were furnished. or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall, be served by mailing rhe ~ame by regiSlered mail or certified mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope ad. dre-ssed to Ihe Principal. Owner or Surely, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the trans. action of business, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid project is located, save thoU such service need not be made bv a public officer. bl After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Princip.11 ceased Work on said Contract, it being understood, however, thai if any limifation em- bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law confrolling the construction hereof such limitation shall fJe deemed fo be amended 50 as 10 be equal to the minimum period of limitation permilted by such law. c) Other than in J slate court of competenf jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivision of the slale in which the Project, or any part thereof. is situated, or in lhe Uniled States District Court for the district In which the Project, or any part thereof, is sit- uated, and not elsewhere. 4. The amount of Ihis bond shall be reduced by and to the e:dent of any payment or paymenls made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of the payment by Surety of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record against said improvement, whether or not claim for the amount of such lien be presented under and against this bond, 19 I (Principal) (Sf'~h (Wilnt.\~) (Til/(o) i (Sun.ty) (S{"JII 'W'lnf'H! ifill,') AlA DOCUMENT ")11 0 PEl(fORMANCE BONn AND lABOR ANI") MA HRIAt r"YM[NT ~ONO 0 ^,A @ f~8IHJARY 1970 ED . THE AMfRtC,\N IN'\TlTUTE Of AR(HIHCTS, 171'> NY AVE., N_W. WASHINCTON. D. C 211(1()(. 4 WARNING: Un"een~ed I'hotoeopyinq violate!l U.S. eopyright laws and 1'1 subiect to legal prosecution, . . GENERAL RELEASE (To be submitted with requisition for Final Payment) KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that (Contractor) for and in consideration of the sum of lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by: (Owner/Contracting Agency) and its successors and assigns and administrators, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sum and sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, patents, extents, executions, claims and demands whatsoever in law and equity, which against the said , and (Owner/Contracting Agency) JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A., now have or which heirs, executors, or administrators hereafter can, shall, or may have, for upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents rising out of the construction, in accordance with the contract entered into between parties hereto, dated: supplements thereto. , 19 _ and any admittance or IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this agreement to be signed by its affixed and duly attested by and its corporate seal to be hereto its this day of , 19 Attest: Principal: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION G - 1 < . . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES ATTACHMENT WAGE DETERMINATION for BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION at KLIPP PARK MANHANSET AVENUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 NOTE: NEW YOUR STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR RATES APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. CONTACT THE N. Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FOR THE CURRENT PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION H - 1 . NE~K STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY. NY 12240 . schedule Type - COMPLETE 1995B Date OB/13/96 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. T/O SDUTHOLD PRC 9605127 SUFFOLK COUNTY 01 JAMES MCMAHON TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179 Location and Type of Project PROJECT ID #: NONE REPAIR KLIPP PARK BULKHEAO, SOUTHOLO SOUTHOLD NY 11971 In response to your request. enclosed are schedules of the prevailing hourly wage rates and the prevailing hOurly supplements for the above project. together with copies of the Notice of contract Let (PW-16) for your use. The schedules must be annexed to and form a part of the specifications for this project when it 1s advertised for bids. These schedules have been prepared and forwarded in 'accordance with Section 220 of the Labor Law, which provides that it shall be the duty of the fiscal officer to ascertain and determine the schedules of supplements to be provided and wages to be paid to workers. laborers and mechaniCS employed on publiC work projects, and to file such schedules with the Department having jurisd1ction. The attached rates are based on the latest information available to the Department of Labor, BureaU of Publ ic Work. Care should be taken to review the rates for obviouS errors. It is the responsibility of the PUbliC Work contractor to use the proper rate. Any corrections should be brought to the Depar~ment/s attention immediately. This schedule is appl tcable only from July i, 1995 through June 30. i996. unless otherwise noted. If your project goes beyond the period covered by this determination, a new determination should be requested when this schedule expires. Note: A 1983 AMENOMENT TO SECTION 220 OF THE LABOR LAW REQUIRES THE PRESERVATION OF ORIGINAL OR TRANSCRIPTS OF PAYROLL RECORDS FOR THREE YEARS FROM THE OATE OF COMPLETION OF THE WORK IN THE AWARDED CONTRACT. very truly yours, CHET RYSEOORPH DIRECTOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTING AGENCIES: upon cancellatiOn or completion of this project. enter the necessary informatiOn and return this page to the ALBANY OFFICE of the Bureau at the address listed below: PROJECT HAS BEEN: Date Completed Date Cancelled Date postponed Unti 1 Signature Title For additional information. contact the following District Offices: Contracting Agency St.Off.Bldg.#12Campus Albany.NY 12240 155 Main St. W. Rochester.NY 14614 175 Fulton Ave. .Hempstead NY 11550 207 Genesee St. Utica, NY 13501 65 Court St. Buffalo,NY14202 30 Wall St. Binghamton,NY13901 333E.washingtonSt.Syracuse13292 30 GlennSt. .White PlainsNY10603 PW-200 (4-95) docm: letteria , ~ONTRACT REQUIREMENTS . Each publ ic work contract to which the State, a public benefit corporation. a municipal corporation or a commission appointed pursuant to law is a party and which may involve the employment of laborers, workers or mechanics. shall comply with the requirements of Article 8 (Sections 220-223) of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days in anyone week except in the extraordinary emergencies set forth in the Labor Law or where a dispensation is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. 2. Each 1 aborer,_ worker or mechan i c amployed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as indicated on a the wage schedule provided by the Department. Bureau of Public Work. The prevail tng rate of wage shall be annually determined no later than thirty days prior to July 1st of each year. The prevail ing rate of wage for the period commencing July fist of such year through June thirtieth, inclusive of the following year shall be the rate of wage set forth in collective bargaining agreements for the same period, including those increases for such period which are directly ascertainable from such collective bargaining agreements. (See Sections 220.3, 220.5) 3. It shall be the duty of the department of jurisdiction to file with the fiscal officer, the classification of workers mechanics and laborers to be employed on a publ ic work project, together with a statement of the work to be performed by each classification. (See Section 220.3-a) 4. The contractor and every subcontractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place at the work site a statement of all wage rates and supplements to be paid or provided for the various classes of mechanics, workers or 1 aborers. (See Sect 1 on 220. 3-a) 5. No employee shalt be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually registered with the New York State Department of Labor.- The allowable ratio of apprentices to journey- level workers in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to its work force on any job under the registered program. Any employee who is not registered as above, shall be paid or provided the prevailing wage and supplement rate for the tourney level classification of work actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of registration of its program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage and supplement rates for the area of construction, prior to using any apprent ices on the contract work. (See Sect i on 220. 3-e) 6. (a) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed. color, disabtl ity, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. (See Section 220-e(a)) (b) No contractor, subcontractor. nor any person acting on its behalf, shall in any manner. discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed. color, disability, sex or national origin. (See Section 220-e(b)) Note: The Human Rights Law also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age, marital status or rel igion. (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of fifty dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract. (Section 220-e(c)) r.--" (d) The contract may be cancelled or terminated by the State or municipal ity, and all moneys due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited, for a second or anysubsequent violation of the terms or conditions of the antidiscrimination sections of the contract. (See Section 220-e(d)) 7. (a) All contractors or their subcontractors shall provide to their subcontractors a copy of the prevail ing wage rate schedule specified in the publiC work contract as well as any subsequently issued schedules. A failure to provide these schedules by a contractor or subcontractor is a violation of Article 8 or the Labor Law. (See Section 220-e(d)) (b) All subcontractors engaged by a pUbl ic improvement contractor or its subcontractor. upon receipt of the original schedule and any subsequently issued schedules, shall provide to such contractor a verified statement attesting that the subcontractor has received the wage schedule and will payor provide the applicable rate of wages and supplements speCified therein. (See Section 220-a) PW-3 (4-95). , I . ATTENTION ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. ENGAGED ON ~IC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE INTRODUCTION: Below are the major provisions of the Labor Law covering workers on pubJ ic work projects. HOURS: A laborer. worker or mechanic is permitted to work on a public work project no more than eight hours a day and no more than five days in a week, except in case of extraordinary emergency such as a fire. flood or danger to 1 ifs or property. You may apply to the BUreau of Publ ic Work for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular publ ic work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for laborers. workers and mechanics employed on a publ ic work project shall be not less than those 1 isted in the current prevail ing rate schedule for the local ity where the work is performed. I f a preva i 1 i ng ra te schedu 1 e for the proj ect has not been provided to the prime contractor by the department of jurisdiction (i .e., the governmental entity awarding the pub1 ic work contract), or to a subcontractor by the prime contractor, the appl icab1e schedule must be obtained from the Department of Jurisdiction. who must make written appl ication to the Bureau of Public Work, Labor Department, Building No. i2, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. The prime contractor is responsible for any underpayments of prevail ing wages or supplements by its subcontractors. PAYROLL RECORDS; Every contractor and subcontractor must keep originals or transcripts of payroll records, Showing for each person employed on publ ic work. the following; 1. Name 2. Address and phone number 3. Social Securtity Number, 4. Occupational classification in which worked, 5. Hourly wage rate paid 6. Supplements provided 7. Daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification 8. Deductions made 9. Actual wages paid. When payroll records are r.equested by the Commissioner each payroll record must be affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury which means a notorized signature to that effect. Such recordS must be kept on the site of the work when the contractor or subcontractor does not maintain a regular place of business in New York State and the amount of the contract exceeds $25.000 All other contractors and subcontractors must within 5 days after a request produce at the work site the orogina1 payrolls or transcripts. The original payrOlls or transcripts must be preserved for three years from the date of completion of the project. POSTING: The current prevailing rate schedule must be posted in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the PUbliC work project. APPRENTICES: Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates if they are not individually registered under a program or agreement registered with the Commissioner of Labor. The contractor or subcontractor will be reqUired to furnish written evidence of the registration of its program and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification can be no greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on any jOb under the registered program. An employee 1 isted on a payroll as an apprentice, who is not_ registered as above. must be paid the prevai 1 ing journeyman~s wage rate for that classification of work. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS: When a complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor alleging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to payor provide the prevail 1ng wages or supplements, or when the Commissioner of Labor bel ieves that unpaid wages or supplements may be due, payments on the pUblic work contract may be withheld from the prime contractor in a sufficient amount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and civil penalty, pending a final determination. INTEREST AND PENALTIES: If an underpayment of wages or supplements 1s found. interest must be added at the rate then in effect prescribed by the Superintendent of Banks pursuant to section 14-a of the banking law per annum from the date of underpayment to the date of the new payment, and may also include the imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed 25% of the amount dUe. DEBARMENT; When final determinations have been made against a contractor or subcontractor in two instances within a Six-year pe~iod determining that it wi 1 Ifu1 1y failed to payor provide the prevail ing rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor will be inal igible to bid on or be awarded a publ lC work contract for a periOd of five years from the second final determination. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS (Cont1nued) CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Willful violations of the Prevail ing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) ,constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment. or both. DISCRIMINATION: No employee or appl icant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age. race. creed. color, national origin, sex, disability or marital status. Every employer subject to the New York State Human Rights Law must conspicuously post at its off1ces. places of employment or employment training centers. notices furnished by the State Division of Human Rights. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing worker's compensation insurance and disability benefits 'must post in a conspicuous place notices of such coverage in a form prescribed by the Workers' Compensation Board. Employers liable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must conspicuously post notices furnished by the State Department ~f Labor. PW 19 (4-95) docm: letter2b I NOTICE OF4IIt PREVAILING WAGE RATE PUBLICATIONS~ APPLICABLE TO ALL COUNTIES (0) AS NoTEo ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULES PAGES. The annual determination of the prevail ing rates of wages and supplements for workers employed on public work projects throughout the state will be pUbl ished on May 31st of each year. These new rates will be in effect July 1st thru June 30th. This new determination will supersede the original schedule or any prl0r issued annual determination. It is the responsibil ity of the contracting agency or its agents to provide all prevail ing rate schedules to contractors immediately upon receipt. Anv rate chanae from a oreviouslv issued determination becomes effective Julv 1st. reaardless of whether the new determination has been received bv the contractor. When you review the schedule for a particular occupation. your attention should be directed to the. dates above the column of rates. These are the dates that additional adjustments become effective. PW~202 (4-95) docm: letterd . . VERIFYING THE REGISTRATION APPRENTICES Certain State and Federal Laws require that apprentices must be individually registered as such in order to be paid apprenticeShip rates on Publ ic Work. The New York Labor Department ;s the official registration agency for apprentices in New York State. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York State_ Each year the apprentice training central office in Albany receives hundreds of requests from Federal and State Agencies. Contractors, and other interested parties requesting verification of individual apprentice registrations. The following information is provided in order to clarify New York State procedures. All registered apprentices in New York State are individually registered by name, address, social security number, starting date of training, and other related data. This information is computerized and is available ONLY through the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Persons wishing to verify the apprentice registration of any individual should write to the Senior Employment Consultant, New York State Department of Labor, Job Service and Training Division, Building 12, Room 223, State Office Building Campu.s, Albany, New York 12240. All inquiries MUST include name and social security number and will be answered in writing. The response will indicate whether or not the individual is registered, and if so, will provide other pertinent information regarding the registration. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is written verification from the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprentice Training Offices outside Albany can provide conclusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conClusive prOOf that any individual is registered in that program. Furthermore, the existence or posseSSion of or copies of state forms are not conclusive individual as an apprentice. wallet cards, identification cardS proof of the registration of any PW-203 (4-95) docm: 1 etter2e . . NEW YORK ST ATE DEPT. OF LABOR Bureau of Public Work State Office Building Campus Albany. NY 12240 T/D SOUTHOLD Schedule Type COMPLETE 19958 Date 08/13/96 Prevai I ing Rate Case No. JAt.lES MCMAHON TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 9605127 PROJECT 10 #: NONE REPAIR KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD. SOUTHOLD 01 SUFFOLK COUNTY AGY. OF JURIS. TOWN NAT. OF PROJECT: OTHER RECON,MAINT,REPAIR,ALT Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec.220.3a of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. Accordingly. you MUST complete ONE of these requests for EACH prime contract let immediately upon notifying a successful bidder for this Public Work project. Photocopy as many blank forms as required to supply one for each contractor. Retum this request to the address given above o Project CANCELLED. POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own empioyees. If reactivated. new rates and supplements will be requested. o CONTRACT AWARDED: Icheck one and indicate date of first legal o Letter of Intent instrument which bound o Resolution agency to contract.) o Contract Signed Work to be done by this prime contractor: Type of Contract: CHECK APPLICABLE TYPE 8(01) General Construction 8 (02) Heating/Ventilation 104) Plumbing 10S) Other 0(03) Electrical Contractor Information: ALL INFORMATION MUST BE SUPPLIED Federal Employer Identification Number. Name: Address: City: Amount of Contract Approximate Completion Date: I I Estimated Date Entire Project Will be Completed: State: Approximate Starting Date: Zip: I I I CONTRACTS NOT YET AWARDED Type of Contract 8(01) General Construction (04) Plumbing Signature ICheck all applicable contract types) 8(02) Heating/Ventilation (OS) Other o (03) Electrical Date PW-16 (1"911 ~ew Yorh State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 INSTRUCTIONS PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE INFORMATION The information 1 isted below 1s provided to assist you in the interpretation of particular requirements. for each classification of worker, contained in the attached Schedule of Prevailing Rates. HOLIDAYS PAID Paid Hal idays are days for which an e1 igible employee receives a regular dayls pay. but is not required to perform work. Note: If an employee workS on a day 1 isted as a paid hol tday. this remuneration is in addition to payment of the required prevail ing rate for the work actually performed. OVERTIME Overtime hol iday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on specified holidays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The appl icable hol idays are 1 isted under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME. The required rate of pay for these covered hol idays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section listings for each classification. Supplemental Benefits Particular attention Should be given to the supplemental benefit requirements. Although in most cases the payment or prOVision of supplements is for each hour worked, some classifications require the payment or provision of supplements for each hour paid (this may include paid holidays on which no work is performed) and/or may require supplements to be paid or prOvided at a premium rate for premium hours worked. Effective Dates When you review the schedule for a particular trade or occupation, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column(s) of rates. These are the dates that any adjustments become effective. However. if the last date 1 isted in a particular occupation is prior to June 30 of the current year, the rate listed for that time periOd is val id until the new annual determination takes effect on July 1 of that year. All contractors and subcontractors are required to pay the current prevail ing rates of wages and supplements and, if the department of jurisdiction does not provide a copy of the current annual determination on or before July 1. you should contact the Bureau of Public Work for the correct information. Workers Comoensation In accordance with Sect ton 142 of the State Finance Law. the contractor shall maintain coverage under the life of the contract for the benefit of such employees as required by the provisions of the New York State Workers Compensation Law. -Contractor to be awarded contract must provide prOOf of Workers' Compensation coverage prior to being allowed to begin work. -The pol icy of insurance must be issued by a company authorized to provide Workers' compensation coverage in this state. -Proof of coverage must be on form C-105.2 (certificate of wokersl compensation insurance) and must name this agency as a certififcate holder. -If New York State coverage is added to an existing out of state pol icy, it can only be added to a policy of a company authorized to write workers' compensation coverage in this state,and the coverage must be 1 isted under item 3A of the information page. Page 2 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B -The contract must maintain proof that subcontractors doing work covered under this contract secure and maintain a workers' compensation pol icy for all employees working in New York State. If you have any questions concerning the attached schedule or would like additional information. please contact the BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK at (5i8) 457-5589 or wr1te to the NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT of LABOR, BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK, BUILDING 12, STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS, ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240. (7/01/93) OVERTIME Following is an explanation of the code(s) 1 isted in the OVERTIME section of each classification contained in the attached schedule. Additional requirements may also be 1 isted in the OVERTIME section. A ) Time and one half of AA )T1me and one half of 8 ) Time and one half of 8i) Time and one half of and the 1st. 8 hours additional hours. C ) Double the hourly rate after 1 hours per day. C1) Double the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. D ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. D1) Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. E1) Time and one half 1st 4 hours on Saturday double the hourly rate all add1tional Saturday hours. E2) Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost dur1na that 'week due to inclement weather. E3) 8etween Nov. 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make~up day at straight t1me when a day is lost durina that weekdue to inclement weather, provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week. ( E4) Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is, lost durina that week due to inclement weather ( F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. ( G ) T1me and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. ( H ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. Sunday and Hal idays. ( I ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. ( J ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. ( K ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays. ( L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. ( M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. ( N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. ( a ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Hal idays. ( P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. ( Q ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Hal idays. ( R ) Double the hourly rate on Hol idays. ( S ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays. if worked. ( T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays. if worked. ( U ) Four times the hourly rate for Ho11days. if worked. ( V ) Incluing benefits at SAME ~REMIUM as shown for overtime. ( W ) Time and one half for benefit on all overtime hours. NOTE: BENEFITS are ~ER HOUR WORKED. for each hour worked. unless otherwise noted the hourly rate after 7 the hourly rate after 7 the hourly rate after B the hourly rate for the on Saturday. Double the hours per day. and one half hours per day. hours per day. 9th. & 10th. hours Week days hourly rate for all I . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 3 . 'New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number----.~~-.-------------____________ 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLIDAYS Following is an explanation of the code(s) 1 isted in the HOLIDAY section of each classification contained in the attached schedule. The Hal idays as 1 isted below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. ( 1) None. ( 2) Labor Day. e 3) Memorial Day and Labor Day. e 4) Memorial Day and JUly 4th. ( 5) Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. e 6) New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. e 7) Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Veterans Day. ( 8) Good Friday. ( g) Lincoln's Birthday. ( 10 ) Washington's Birthday. ( ii ) Columbus Day. ( 12 ) Election Day. ( 13 ) PreSidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day. ( 15 ) Veteran's Day. ( 16 ) Day after Thanksgiving Day. ( 17 ) July 4th. ( 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. ( 19 ) 1/2 Day before New Years Day. ( 20 ) Thanksgiving Day. ( 21 ) New Years Day. . ( .22..) Christmas Day. ( 23 ) Day before Christmas. ( 24 ) Day before New Years Day. ( 25 ) Presidents Day. ( 26 ) Martin Luther King, 0r. Day. (7/01/91) Page 4 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASBESTOS WORKER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 1/01/96- 12/31/95 6/30/96 Asbestos Worker... _. $ 29.27 addit. $0.75 ~ (per hour) 8/01/94- 8/01/95- 7/31/95 12/31/95 rem./abatement only... $ 19.75 $ 20.25 OVERTIME: See ( C. O. T*, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. overtime code T* appl ias to'Labor Day only if worked. OVERTIME: rem./abatement: See ( B, E, J ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: (1 year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's rates. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 50% 60% 70% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 17.75 Same % as wages of $ 17.75 Journeyman rem & abatement $ 6.41 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-12 BOILERMAKER ~(per 'hour) 9/01/94- 8/31/95 9/01/95- 8/31/96 Boilermaker.......... .$ 30.33 31.35 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS, PAIO:See ( a, 16, 23. 24 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME:See ( 4, 6, 7. 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, wage 1st 2nd 60% 65% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's 3rd 70% 4th 75% 5th 80% 6th 85% 7th 90% 8th 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $3.40 plus 47% of wage Rate $3.40 plus 47% of Wage Rate Listed supplements apply to !bb classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 4-5 I 'New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number--.~------------------------------ . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 5 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Building: Mi llwright...........$ 27.71 $ 28.53 OVERTIME PAY; See ( B, E2, F,. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10, ii, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st. 2nd. 55% 65% 1 ) year terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd. 4th. 75% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman $ 19.23 $ 19.45 Appr 1st term 12.32 12.57 Appr 2nd term 13.50 13.75 Appr 3rd term 15.26 15.51 Appr 4th term 17.02 17.27 Listed supplements apply to !kk classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-740 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Carpet/Resil ient Floor Covel"er $ 27.98 $ 28.49 OVERTIME PAY: See ( S, E, E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME; See ( 5, 6. 10, 11, 13. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st. 2nd. 40% 50% 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd. 4th. 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour wOl"ked) - See below. 8-2287 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 P; 1 edr i vel" . . . . . . . . . .. $ 27.98 Dockbu i 1 del". . . . . . . . . . 27.98 $ 28.49 28.49 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. e, E2. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See OVERTIME: See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. loon HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 6 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number-~----.---w----------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ---------------------------~---------------------------------~-~--------------- APPRENTICES: ( 1 1st. 2nd. 40% 50% ) year 3rd. 65% terms at the fal lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 4th. 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) ~ See below. 8-1456 CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 5/30/96 Marine Construction: Marine D-iver..........$ Tender. . . . 34.05 25.56 $ 34.69 26.01 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. E2. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 10. 11. 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - See below. 8-1456/0 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Timberman $ 25.59 $ 26.15 OVERTIME: See ( 8. E. E2. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5. 6. 10. 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - See below. 8-1536h CARPENTER The following Supplemental Benefits apply to the preceding Carpenter categories and/or occupational titles unless otherwise noted. SUPPLEMENTAL BENE~ITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman: Apprentices: $ 17.05 11.72 $ 17.55 11.96 Listed supplements applY. to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-nyc/supp CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Bui 1 di ng: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy/Highway: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 27.74 $ 0.9a additional $ 27.79 $ 0.98 additional I ------~_. ,'New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Numbe~-~.------------------_____________ . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 7 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 --------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. HOLlOA YS: PAID:See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OV'E'RTIME: See ( 5, 6, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st 2nd 40% 55% ( , ) 3rd 65% year terms 4th 80% at the following percentage of jou~neyman's wage. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pe~ hour worked) $16.44 $'6.44 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 4-SUF ELEVATOR ~ (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Elevato~ Constructor... He 1 pe~. . . . . . . . $ 31.31 23.48 Modern. & service.. 27.33 " Helper 20.50 - OVERTIME PAY:CONSTR. See ( C, M, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY:MOOERN./SERV. See ( 8. F. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 7, ii, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hOur worked) Construction MOdern./Se~vice $ 9.52 $ 9.37 Listed supplements apply to .!!::..b. classifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-1 GLAZIER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 G 1 az i er . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $ 25, 10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5. 6. 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached, APPRENTICES: 1st 2nd 35% 45% ( , ) 3rd 60% yea~ terms at the following pe~centage of uou~neyman's wage. 4th 80% Page 8 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number----------------w----------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term $ 16.27 8.98 10.32 11.20 12.31 Listed supplements apply to !hb classifications ( x )Yes ( lNo. 8-1087 ELECTRICIAN $ 31. 35 31. 35 31.35 5/01/97- 4/30/98 $ 32.35 32.35 32.35 Electrician...... ...... Fire Alarm............. Audio/Sound....... ..... 5/01/95- 4/30/96 $ 30.35 30.35 30.35 5/01/96- 4/30/97 ~(per hour) OVERTIME PAY: See Following Note* plus ( B*, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Note*: 9th. 10th. & 11th hours of weekdays to be paid at 1 1/2 times straight time rate. All additional weekday hours double time. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVEiiTIME: See ( 5. 6. 16. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Apprentices: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percents based on gross wages-others pel'" hour) 5/01/95- 11/01/96- 11/01/97- 10/31/96 10/31/97 4/30/98 Journeyman 43.5% + 43.5% ... 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 1st yr 33% + 33% + 33% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 2nd yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 3rd yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 4th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 5th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 6th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 4-25 Security Alarm Technician: 7/01/91- 6/30/92 Journeyman: $ 15.00 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. S on OVERTIME PAGE Attached HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked 17 & 1/2% + $ .10 4-25 I New Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 9 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ELECTRICIAN ~(per hour) 5(01(95- 4(30(96 5(01(96- 4(30(97 5(01(97- 4(30(98 Lineman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technician............ . Heavy Equip. Oper...... Truck Dr i ver. . . . . . . . . . . Groundman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30.35 30.35 30.35 30.35 30.35 $ 31. 35 31. 35 31.35 31. 35 31. 35 $ 32.35 32.35 32.35 32.35 32.35 OVERTIME PAY: See Following Note* plus ( 8*.0. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Note*: 9th, 10th & 11th hours of wk weekdays to be paid at 1 1/2 times straight time rate HOLIOAYS: PAID:See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See 5. 6, 16. 25 ) on- HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percents based on gross wages-others per hour) 5(01(95- 11(01(96- 11(0'(97- 10(31(96 10(31/97 4(30(98 JOURNEYMAN 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 1st yr 33%+ 33%+ 33%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 2nd yr 43.5%+ 43. 5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 3rd yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 4th yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5% $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 5th yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 6th yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications (X)Yes ( )No. 4-2511ne ELECTRICIAN Applicable to electrical maintenance of existing electrical systems including, but not 1 im1ted to, traffic signals and street lighting. ~(per hour) 5(01(95- 4(30(96 E 1 ectr 1 c i an $ 23.75 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. H, P ) on OVERTIME'PAGE attached. HOLIOA YS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5V'ER'TIME:See ( 5, 6. 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 10 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPRENTICES, ( 1 1st 2nd 3rd 40% 50% 60% year terms at the following Wage. 4th 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 32 1/2% of wage plus $2.25 Listed supplements apply to ill classificattons ( X )Yes ( )No 4-25m TELECOMMUNICATION WORKER - Votce, Data, Video WAGES(per hour) S/01/94- OS/06/95- OS/04/96- 08/03/97 8/05/95 08/03/96 08/02/97 08/03/98 Field Tech *note* Starting 6.94 7.15 After 6 mos S.06 S.05 12 mos 9.00 9.0S 1S mos 10.04 10.23 +3.5% +3.0% 24 mos 11. 21 11. 51 per hr. per hr. 30 mos 12.51 12.98 36 mos 13.96 14.61 42 mos 15.59 16.46 48 mos n.39 1S.54 54 mos 19.42 20.S9 60 mos 22.14 23.53 Tele. Tech. Assoc. 23.40 23.53 +.3.5% +3.5% OVERTIME PAY: See (B,I.S) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOA YS , Paid See ( 5,6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Overtime: See ( 5,6,7.11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) 19.3% of wage Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications (X)Yes ( )No. NYNEX/1 . b IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Structural. ..... .... . Riggers............. . Machinery Movers..... " Erectors. . . $ 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 Addit. $0.75 per hour OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8, 81, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1st. 2nd. $13.65 14.25 1/2 ) year 3rd. 14.85 terms at the 4th. 5th. 15.46 15.45 following 6th. 15.45 wage. - --l 'New Yor1< State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 11 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 28.78 21.43 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-40/361 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Reinforcing & Metal Lathing. $ 29.42 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAlO: See ( 1 ) OVERTIME: See ( on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 8. 10, ii, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 1st 2nd $14.00 $17.41 year terms at the following wage rates, 3rd 4th $20.89 $24.37 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman $ 14.79 Apprentices 9.39 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-46 IRONWORKER ~(per hour) Ornamenta 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Chain Link Fence..... 7/01/95- 12/31/95 $ 26.15 26.15 1/01/96 6/30/96 addit. $0.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, Di, E*, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. *Double time after 7 hours on Saturday. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: (1/2 **) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% **Appr. indentured after 7/01/93-1st months. 6th. 95% term is 4 months, 6th term 1s eight SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman and Apprs. indentured prior to 7/01/93 $ 20.90 Page 12 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ------------.---------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apprs. indentured after 7/01/93 1st term 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 17.23 17.69 18.15 19.07 19.52 20.44 Listed supplements apply toALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-580 LABORER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Building Laborer: All Classifications... $ 21.00 $ 0.50 additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. CiiiE'RTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $13.73 $ 13.73 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-66 LABORER - HEAVY/HIGHWAY Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group # 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group # 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, PQwer Tool. Trackmen, Landscape, Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. ~(per hour) 6/01/95 5/31/96 Heavy/Highway Laborer: Group # 1............. Group # 2............. Group # 3............. $ 23.00 22.47 20.72 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, F, R, E4 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlDA YS: PAIO:See ( 5. 6, 16. 26 )* on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ----- *2 hours pay for each day worked that week OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 16. 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 9.97 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( x )Yes ( )No 4 - 129B i .' . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 13 'New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Numbe~----~.---------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 --------------------------------------------------------------- MASON - Building WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Building: Bricklayer. . $ .30.77 OVERTIME PAY; See ( A. E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hour) terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd 4th 5th (500 hrs) 70% 80% 90% 6th ( 500 hr.) 95% 1st 2nd 50% 60% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 14.31 $ 12.76 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications lYe. ( X )No. 8-nydc MASON WAGES(per hour) 7/01/94- 6/30/95 Cement Mason.......... $ 27.99 7/01/95- 6/30/96 addit. $1 . 36 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( S. 6, 8. 13, 25 ) an HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES' wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 60% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 70% 4th. 80% 5th. 90% 6th. 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 13.47 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x. )Ves ( )No. MASON - Bu;ldlna ~(per hour) 1/01/95- 7/01/95- 1/0'/96- 6/30/95 12/31/95 6/30/96 But 1 di ng: Plasterer.. ....... .... $ 23.00 Additional Additional $.50 per hr $.50 per hr OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 8-780 HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. S. 6. 11, 15. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 14 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 APPRENTICES:( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of journeymanls wage. 1st term 2nd 3rd 40% 60% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman........... $ 14.69 Apprentices......... .after 3 mos. of employment, same as journeyman. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )NO. 8-202p MASON-Bui ldina WAGES (per hour) 1/01/95- 6/30/95 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Sui 1 di n9: Mosaic & Terrazzo Worker Helper $ 27.38 26.07 Additional SOc per hr. Additional SOc per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIQA YS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( S, 6. 8, 10, ii, 15, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 12.40 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-3 MASON - Bu1ldina ~(per hour) 4/27/92- 4/27/93 4/28/93- 4/27/94 Sui lding: Tile Layer............ Additional $2.00 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 24.91 HOLIQAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10. 11. 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage. 1st. 2nd. 45% 50% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of Journeymanls 3rd. 55% 4th. 60% 5th. 70% 6th. 80% SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 12.41 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x lYes ( )No. 8-52 1 ,J ,JNew Yorl< State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number----------------------------______ ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 15 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 MASON - 8uildinq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAGES(per hour) Bu i 1 ding: Tile Layer Helper & Finisher.. __... 5/03/93- 5/02/94 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 23.70 HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 8. 10. 11, 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 10.09 Listed supplements apply to Ahh classifications ( x )Yes ( ~ - Pointer/Caulker/Cleaner ~(per hour) Pointer. Cleaner,& Caulker (Mason)..... )NO. 8-88 7/01/94- 6/30/96 7/01/96- 6/30/97 $ 23.18 COLA raise OVERTIME PAY, See ( e, H on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDA YS, PAID: See ( t OVERTIME: See APPRENTICES, ( 1 at 2nd $10,00 11.50 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5. 6. 25. 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. year 3rd 13.00 terms at 4th 15.00 wage rates. the following 5th 18.00 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st year Appr 2nd year Appr 3rd year Appr 4th year Appr 5th year $ 11,46 2.50 20% of $".46 40% of $11 _ 46 60% of $ 11 . 46 80% of $ 11 .46 MASON - Buildina Listed supplements apply to ALL class1fications (X)Yes ( )No. 8-66w ~(per hour) 7/05/95- '/04/96 OVERTIME PAY: See Stone Setter.......... $ 31.96 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. C, 0 HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 18 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 8. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, ( 1/2 wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 55% 60% year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th. 65% 5th. 10% 6th. 80% 7th, 90% 8th. 95% Page 16 New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman 1st & 2nd yr Apprs. All other Apprs $ 17.60 $ 17.16 $ 17 .60 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yss ( lNo. 8-84 IRONWORKER ~(per hour) 1/01/95- 6/30/95 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Oerrickman/Rigger... . $ 28.59 addit. $0.80 per hr. addit. $0.80 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 60% ( 1/2 year terms at the follow1ng percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 70% 4th. 80% 5th. 90% 6th. 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 20.10 Listed supplements apply to ~ clasS1fications ( x )Yes ( lNo. 8-197 MASON-Buildina ~(per hour) 7/01/93- 12/31/93 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Building: Marble- Sawyer. Rubber & Polisher............$ Marble- Cleaner....... 14.37 add .85 per hr. no add per hr no add per hr 28.78 - Maintenance... 13.22 OVERTIME PAY: See (A,E,Q,V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAV: Journeymen except Cleaners and Maintenancemen receive 1/2 days pay for Labor Day. Cleaners. Maintenancemen and 1st three terms of apprentices receive ( ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. All others no pa1d ho11days. APPRENTICES: 1/2 1 year terms at the follow1ng percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 50% 54% 59% 63% 67% 72% 76% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Sawyer/Rubber/Pollshar Cleaner/Maintenance Apprentices $11.62 $ 3.50 $ 5.43 plus wage % of $ 6.19 Listed supplements apply to Abb classifications ( x )Yes ( 8-24 )No. I . , ,lNew York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-----------------------------_____ 411tPREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE 4IIt Page 17 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASON - Buildinq l'M.ill(per hour) 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Sui lding: Marble Cutters & Setters............ . $ 28.64 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS; PAID: Journeymen receive 4 hours pay on Labor Day. Apprentices 1st three terms. See ( 5. 6. 8. 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached plus any day fol lowing a Thursday or Sunday Holiday. All other Apprentices. See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 55% 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman'S 3rd. 65% 4th. 70% 5th. 6th. 80% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr hour worked) Journeyman $ '3.55 Apprentices $ 6.05 plus wage % of $ 7.50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 MASON-Buildina WAGES(per hour 7/01/93- 12/31/93 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Marble-Riggers, Crane & Derrickman $ 24.82 Addit. .70 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, C, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: 1/2 Day for Labor Day. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $'9.47 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( x )Yes ( )NO. 8-20 PAINTER ~(per hour) 4/01/94- 3/31/95 4/0'/95- 3/31/96 Brush, Paper Hanger. . . . $ 23.88 Structural Steel....... 31.46 Spray, Scaffold........ 26.35 Sandblasting.. ..... .... 26.35 Repa i nt/Renova t i on. . . . . 20.89* -Additional $2.00 per hr. for Hanging Scaffold, Roll 1ng Scaffold 20' and over. Add1t. $1.45 pee hr. Spray, Sandblasting, and Page 18 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor -_________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, K ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY-Repaint/Renovation: See ( 8 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year 1st 10.73 11.84 12.94 10.73 terms at 2nd 16.01 17.62 19.24 16.01 the following rates. 3rd 19.11 21.09 23.08 19.11 Brush Scaff. /SB Struc. Stl. Rpt/Ren. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Rpt/Ren. Journeyman All other Journeyman Appr 1st year Appr all other terms $10.39 12.45 4.76 10.18 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications (X)Yes ( )No. 4-1486 PLUMBER ~(per hour) 5/01/95- 10/31/95 11/01/95- 4/30/96 $ 32.00 5/01/96- 10/31/96 11/01/96- 4/30/97 P' umber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 31. 75 $ 32: 25 $ 32.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. iiVE"ili'IME:See ( 5. 6, 15. 25 ) on HDLlDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentages of journeyman's wage 1st 40% 2nd 50% 3rd 65% 4th 70% 5th 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS; (per hour worked*) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term Appr 5th term *Sunday and Holiday $13.78 7.54 9.18 9.22 9.86 10.24 Benefits paid at $14.13 7.94 9.56 9.56 10.19 10.55 Double Time $14.28 8.34 9.90 9.90 10.51 10.86 rate. $14.53 8.74 10.23 10.23 10.84 11.17 Listed supplements apply to !hb classifications ( X )Yes ( )No 4-200 STEAMFITTER ~(per hour) 6/28/95- 1/02/96 1/03/96- 6/30/96 Steam Fitter... .... . .. Sprinkler Fitter...... $ 30.05 30.05 Additional $0.50 per hr to be allocated OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. j . . , 'New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number.--------------------------------- . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 19 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 HOLIOAYS: PAID: See OVERTIME: ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. See ( 5. 6, 7. ii, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 40% 50% 65% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman: Apprentices: $ 17.84 $ 0.34 plus term % of $ 17.50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-638A STEAMF ITTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Refrigeration, A/C. Oil Burner and Stoker Service and Installations. Limited on Refrigeration to combined compressors up to five (5) horsepower and on A/C, Heating and Air Cool ing to combined compressors up to ten (10) horsepower. Steamfitter..... ..... $ 20.15 OVERTIME PAY:See ( B. E. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 7, ii, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: If any of the above fall on Sat., code S applies (if worked). APPRENTICES: 1st 6mo $5.75 ( 1 ) year terms at 2nd 6mo 2nd yr $9.56 $11.59 the following wage. 3rd yr 4th yr $13.58 $16.46 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year $ 7.46 6.75 6.88 7.04 7.25 Listed supplements apply to .ill classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-6388 ROOFER ~(per hour) 4/01/93- 9/30/93 Roofer/Waterproofer......... $ 22.14 OVERTIME PAY-New Roof: See ( A. E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY-Reroof: See ( B. E. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOA YS: PAID: See ( 1 Q"iJE"'R'TIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5. 6. 10. 13. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 20 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19956 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPRENTICES; wage. 1 st 2nd 50% 55% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's 3rd 60% 4th 65% 5th 70% 6th 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $14.58 wage% of $14.58 + $ 0.03 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X lYe. )No 4-154 SHEETMETAL WORKER WAGES(per hour) 2/01/95- 8/01/95- 2/01/96- 7/31/95 1/31/96 7/31/96 Sheetmetal Worker. . . . $ 32.21 add it . $.60 addit. $.65 per hr to be per hr to be a 11 ocated allocated OVERTIME PAY; See c, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS; PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 7. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES; 1/2 year terms at the following wages. 1st. 9.67 2nd. 11.28 3rd. 12.88 4th. 14.49 5th. 16.11 6th. 17.69 7th. 19.33 8th. 22.55 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term Appr 5th term Appr 6th term Appr 7th term Appr 8th term $ 14.58 5.94 6.48 7.07 7.66 8.32 9.52 9.96 11.98 Listed supplements apply to !kh classifications ( X )Yes ( )NO. 8-28 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic performing the work. I . , . ,'New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-------------------------------___ . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 21 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAMSTER-Buildinq Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Truck Driver (Building and Group 1.. ...... ......... Group 2................. Heavy/Highway) : $ 23.235 23.795 OVERTIME PAY: See ( S. E. R on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 7, 11. 12 )* on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. D'V"E'RTIME:See ( 5, 6. 7. 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. * must work two days in holiday week. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Group 1.................. Group 2.............._ Listed supplements apply to $ 16.7625 16.8025 !bh classifications ( X )Ve. ( )No 4-282nsh SHEETMETAL WORKER ~ (per hour) 11/01/94- 6/30/95 Sign Erector......... $ 23.25 OVERTIME PAY: See A, E. P. T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 10. 11, 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10. 1,. 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 35% 40% 45% 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th 50% 5th 55% 6th 60% 7th 65% 8th 70% 9th 75% 10th 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st & 2nd yrs $ 4.83 plus $ 27.00 per day plus 20% of wage $.4.40 plus 2% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 2.00 per day plus 18% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 4.00 per day plus 20% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 6.00 per day plus 20% of wage Appr 3rd yr Appr 4th yr Appr 5th yr Listed supplements apply to !bh classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-137 Page 22 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAINTER - Strioina Hiahwav WAGES(per hour) 4/01/95- 3/31/96 4/01/96- 3/31/97 Painter (Striping-Highway etc.): Striping-Machine Oper. Helper........ . Linerman............. . $ 16.92 15.14 19.59 $ 17.57 15.79 20.09 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P. 5 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOA YS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 8. 10, 11. 12. 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10, 11. 12, 15, 16 ) on HOLIOAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 0.50 plus 24% of wage Listed supplements apply to !hb classifications ( x }Yes ( ELECTRICIAN )NO. 8-230 ~(per hour) 4/02/95- 3/30/96 Tree Tr~mmer (Line Clearance Special 1st) $ 17.13 OVERTIME: See ( 8, E, P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE Attached. HOLIDAYS; PAID:See ( 5. 6. 8, 9, ii, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached (Must Work Day - Before) OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 8. 9. 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 3.89 Listed supplements apply to all classifications ( x ) Yes ( ) No. 4-1049 I . , " ,New York State ----------------------------------Case ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 23 Department of labor Number----~----------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SURVEY CREW - Bu11dinQ WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Survey Rates-Building: Party Chief......... Instrument Man...... Rodman/Chainman.... _ $ 25.76 21.77 14.46 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOAYS, PAID: See ( 5. 6. 7. 1,. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 14'-40* * $11.00 of above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( x )Ye5 )No. 8-15Db Heavv/Hiahwav SURVEY CREW WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Survey Rates-Heavy/H1way: Party Chief......... $ 25.<;15 Instrument Man...... 21.49 Rodman/Chainman.... . 19.11 OVERTIME, See ( B. E. Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 5, 6. 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour 'worked) $ 14.40* *$11.00 of above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No. 8-15D-N/S Page 24 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SURVEY CREW - Consultina Enatneer CONSULTING ENGINEER SURVEY Feasibil ity and prel iminary design surveying. line and grade surveying for inspection or supervision of construction when performed under a consulting engineer agreement. WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 7/01/96- 6/30/97 Survey Rates: party Chief. ... .....$ Instrument Man...... Rodman/Chainman..... 21. 26 17.93 15.18 Addit. $0.90 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8. E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 7. 8, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 7. 8. 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) '" $ 9.20 '" $6.80 of the above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-i5Dc CORE DRILLING ~(per hour) 10/17/93- 10/16/94 Core Dri 11 in9: Dr 111 er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He 1 per _ . . . . . . . . . $ 20.235 17.725 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E. P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIOAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 6.19 Listed supplements apply to Ah1 classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - Heavv/H1ahwav WAGES(per hour) 8/01/94- 7/31/95 Well Driller: Driller........... . Helper.... . $ 21.45 19.20 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 10, 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 10. 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. f ,v~iT".~. . . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . PaQe 25 , , , 'New York State Deoartment of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number.-~---~--------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 6.55*plus 10% of straight time rate *$8.05 plus 10% of straight time rate for overtime hours. Listed supplements apply to !bh classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138well POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - BuildinQ BUILDING, CLASS "A" :Asphal t Spreader, Backhoe Crawler, Boi ler, Boring Machine, Cherry Picker (over 50 tons), Concrete pump, Crane, Derrick, Dragl in8, Dredge, Gradall, Grader. Hoist, Loading Machine (10 ydS or more), Milling Machine. Pile Driver, Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural SteeT/Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem, Shovel, Sideboom Tractor, Stone Spreader (Self Propelled), Tank Work, Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "B", Backhoe, Boom Truck, Bulldozer, Boring MaChine/Auger, Cherrypicker, Conveyor-Multi, Dinky Locomotive, Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum), Loading Machine & Front Loader, Mulch Machine (Machine fed). Power Winches (All others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller, Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine, Scoop, Carryall, Scraper, Maint. Man on Tower Crane, TrenChing Machine, Vermeer Cutter, Work Boat. CLASS "C" , Curb Machine, Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip. & Well Point), Field Mechanic, Milling Machine (Small), Pu!vi-M1xer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt), Vac-All, Welding/Burning, Compressor (Structural Steel & 2 or more in Battery), Concrete Finishing Machine, Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Curing Machine, Fireman, Hoist (1 Drum), Ridge Cutter, Striping MaChine, Welding Machine (Structural Steel & Pile Work). CLASS "0": Compressor (Pile, Crane, Stone Setting), Concrete Breaker/Saw Cutter, Work Lift (Walk Behind/Power Operated), Generator (Pile Work), Hydra Hammer, Hand Operated Mechanical Compactors, Pin Puller, Portable Heater, Power-Broom/Buggy/Gr-inders, Pumps-Single Action 1 to 3 inChes/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm, Hand TrenChing Machine, Welding Machine. Class " E ": Batching Plant, Generator, Grinder, Mixer. Mulching Machine, 01ler, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 inches), Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, 011er on Tower- .Crane, Track Tamper, Tractor, Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 5/31/96 Class " A "............... $ *Add $3.00 for Hazardous Waste Class II B ". ....... ....... *Add $2.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" C "............... *Add $1.00 for Hazardous Waste Class 0 ............ Class" E............ 29.25* Work 27.75* Work 26.75* Work 24.75 23.75 *Cranes Boom length over 100 foot add 150 250 350 $ 0.50 per hour $ 0.75 $ 1.00 $ 1.50 ~. Page 26 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERTIME PAY: See ( D. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 8. 9, 10. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* *must work day before & day after. or receive 2 hours per intermittent day OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 8. 9. 10. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* Apprentice Rate is $15.60 FOR 36 MONTH TERM SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 17.29*Note *Note:OVERTIME JOURNEYMAN $13.95 -- APPRENTICE $3.35 Listed supplements apply to !bb classifications ( x )Yes )No 4-138 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - Heavv/HiahW8v HEAVY I HIGHWAY: CLASS "A":Asphalt Spreader, Backhoe Crawler. Boiler, 80ring Machine, Cherry Picker (over 50 tons), Concrete pump, Crane, Derrick, Dragline, Dredge, Gradall. Grader, Hoist Loading Machine (10 yds or more), Mill ing Machine, Pile Driver. Power WinCh-Stone Setting/Structural Steel/Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scraper 1n Tandem, Shovel, S1deboom Tractor. Stone Spreader (Self Propelled), Tank Work, Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "B": Backhoe, Boom TrUCk, Bulldozer,Boring Machine/Auger, Cherrypicker. Conveyor-Multi. Dinky Locomotive, Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum), Loading Machine & Front., Loader, Mu 1 ch Mach i ne (Mach i ne fed), Power Wi nchs (A 11 others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller. Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine, Scoop. Carryall, Scraper, Maint. Man on Tower Crane, Trenching Machine. Vermeer Cutter, Work Boat. CLASS "e": Curb Machine, Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip. & Well Point), d Field Mechanic, Milling Machine (Small), Pulvi-Mixer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt). Vac-All, Welding/Burning. Compressor (Structural Steel & 2 or more in Battery), Concrete Finishing Machine, Concrete Spreader. Conveyor. Curing Machine. Fireman, Hoist (i Drum). Ridge Cutter. Striping Machine. Welding Machine (Structural Steel & Pile Work). CLASS "0": Compressor (Pile, Crane. Stone Setting), Concrete Breaker/Saw Cutter. Work Lift (Walk Behind, Power Operated), Generator (Pile Work), Hydra Hammer. Hand Operated Mechanical Compactors. Pin Puller. Portable Heater, Power-Broom/Buggy/Grinders, Pumps-Single Action 1 to 3 inches/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm, Hand TrenChing Machine, Welding Machine. ! , 'New Yor!,: State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- . PREVAILING RA TE SCHEDULE . Page 27 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 Class" E ": Batching Plant, Generator, Grinder, Mixer. Mulching Machine. Oiler, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 inches), Root Cutter. Stump Chipper, Oiler on Tower Crane, Track Tamper, Tractor, Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. Class F Lead Tee TV Crew. Class G Wet Out Tee. Class H Technician. WAGES ( per hour ) 7/01/95- 5/31/96 Class " A "......... $ ~Add $3.00 for Hazardous Waste C, ass " B "............. *Add $2.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" C "............. *Add $1.00 for Hazardous Waste Class 0 ....... _ . . . . . Class E..... ........ Class F.... .... ,.... Class G ........... Class H ............. "'Cranes Boom length over 100 150 250 350 30.05* Work 28.05* Work. 27.05* Work. 25.05 24.05 26.70 26.20 26.20 foot add $ $ $ $ 0.50 0.75 1.00 1. 50 per hour OVERTIME PAY: See O. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOA YS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 8. 9, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* "'must work day before & day after,or receive 2 hrs per intermittent day OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. B. 9, 10, 16 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached* APPRENTICE RATE is $15.60 per hr for entire 36 month term SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 17.29* NOTE "'Note: OVERTIME JOURNEYMAN $13.95 -- APPRENTICE $3.35 Listed supplements apply to !hk classifications ( x )Yes lNo. 4-138 MARINE CONSTRUCTION ~,(per hour) 10/01/94- 9/30/95 10/01/95- 9/30/96 Hydraulic Dredge; Class A: Leverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineer, Derrick Op. Chief mate on Dredge. Class C: Maint. Eng........... Mate. . . .... .......... Boat Captain......... Class 0: Deckhand. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fireman. 0; 1 er. . . . . . . Shareman. . . . . . . . . $ 22.44 20.78 20.47 $ 23.35 21. 51 21.20 20.32 18.97 19.12 21.04 19.65 19.80 15.83 16.44 15.83 16.15 16.77 16.15 Page 28 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Tug Boats: Class A: Tug Master... ... ..... Tug Chief Engineer... Class C: Tug Captain. ... ...... Tug Engineer... ...... Class D: Tug Deckhand......... Dipper and Clamshell Dredges: Class A: Operatbr............ . Engineer............ . Class C: Ma1nt. Engineer....... Mate.... ...... ....... Boat Master, Welder.. Boat Captain. ....... . Class 0: Oiler............... . Deckhand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B 20.00 19.49 20.71 20.19 19.12 19.12 19.80 19.80 16.03 16.36 22.83 21.22 23.76 21. 97 20.32 18.97 20.01 19.12 21.04 19.65 20.72 19.80 16.44 16.03 16.77 16.36 OVERTIME PAY: See B, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAV: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. The fol lowing SUP~LEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to ALL classifications of the above HVORAULIC, DIPPER, CLAMSHELL OREOGES and TUG BOATS. All Class A SU~PLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) All Class C All Class 0 $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage 4-25a I , New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------_____________ . PREVAI LING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 29 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARINE CONSTRUCTION WAGES(per hour) '0/01/94- 9/30/95 10/01/95- 9/30/96 Dr; 11 Boat: Class A: E ng; near. . . . . . . . . . Blaster.......... . Driller.......... . Class C: Welder/Machinist. . Class 0: Oiler/Helper..... . Deckhand. . . . . . . . . . $ 21.58 21.81 21.59 21.42 19.27 15.15 $ 22.35 22.59 22.36 22.18 19.66 15.43 OVERTIME PAY: See 8, E. p. S on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOAY; PAID: See ( 5, 6, 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ~IME: See ( 5. 6, 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Class A $ 4.63 plus $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Class C $ 4.34 plus $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Class..D $ 4.06 plus $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Listed supplements apply to A.!"b classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-25/3 . . STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GOVERNOR W. AVERELL HARRIMAN STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY. NEW YOR K 12240 08/09/96 EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE A WARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, when two final determinations have been rendered against a contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor within any consecutive six-year period determining that such contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor has WILLFULLY failed to pay the prevailing wage and/or supplements; or when one final determination involves the falsification of payroll records or the kickback of wages and/or supplements, said contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor shall be debarred and ineligible to submit a bid on or be awarded any public work contract/sub-contract with the state, any municipal corporation or public body for a period of five years from the date of debannent. Contractor Number of Determ's Date of first Willful Date of last Willful Fiscal Officer (see Note) . Barred until --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montour Metals, Inc. 116North Catherine St., Montour Falls, NY (2) 9/28/90 . 09/24/91 DOL 09/24/96 Sloan Steel Erectors & Equip. Rental Inc. 1560 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14206 (2) 10/18/89 02/19/92 DOL 02/19/97 Great Neck Electric CD., Inc. 245 East Shore Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023 (2) 12/31190 04/04/92 DOL 04/04/97 Global Oceanic Enterprises POBox 99, Langhorne, PA 19047 (2) 03/29/90 09/15/92 DOL 09/15/97 G&C Construction Corp. 3706 12th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11218 (3) 09/28/90 10/06/92 DOL 10/06/97 10/16/95 DOL 10/16/00 Nelson's Lamplighters, Inc. 1811 Castle Gardens Road, Vestal, NY 13850 (2) OS/29/87 10/30/92 DOL 10/30/97 Owners Management & Const. Corp. 14-08 Clintonville St., Whitestone, NY 11357 (2) 06/07/91 01/08/93 DOL 01108/98 LH 1 (4-86) -- Rosenthal Contracting, Inc. RD. I, Box 402, Owego, NY 13827 (2) 12/07/92 01/28/93 DOL 01/28/98 Melisz Building Impvt., Inc. 49 Crescent Place, Lackawanna, NY 14218 (2) 07/24/87 01/29/93 DOL 01/29/98 Atlantic Contracting Corp. 52-09 31st PI., Long Island City, NY 11101 (2) 11/23/92 02/08/93 DOL 02/08/98 J.F.B. Painting & Supply, Inc. 722 West Gray Street, Elmira, NY 14901 (2) 11/28/88 02/19/93 DOL 02/19/98 Easton Industries, Inc. 3100 7th Ave., Troy, NY 12180 (2) 10/26/92 04/08/93 DOL 04/08/98 Finger Lakes Painting & Decorating 150 Lenox Road, Geneva, NY 14456 (I) 06/28/93 DOL 06/28/98 Silver Steel Erectors 494 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222 (2) 06/03/93 11/30/93 DOL 11/30/98 Environspan Safety Corp. 10 West 36th Street, New York, NY (*) (*) (*) DOL 01/25/99 Ron Kenyon & Sons Excavating 16305 Holley Rd., Holley, NY 14470 (2) 12/09/90 01/27/94 DOL 01/27/99 Gorton Construction POBox 606, Norwich, NY 13815 (2) 03/19/90 01/27/94 DOL 01/27/99 Perfect Power Corporation dba Experience Electric Corp. 305-8 Knickerbocker Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716 (2) 04/11/94 04/11/94 DOL 04/11/99 :i- . . T J S Masonry 32 Woodland Park, Rochester, NY 14610 (2) 05/05/94 05/05/94 DOL 05/05/99 Oliver Construction Engineering and Architectural Network R.R. I, Box 466, Chazy, NY 12992 (2) 05/09/94 05/09/94 DOL 05/09/99 Smith Fence Industrial, Inc. 10165 Main Street, POBox 99, Clarence, NY 14031 (2) 07/23/93 05/09/94 DOL 05/09/99 North Country Installers, Inc. and Alter ego The Locker Master, Inc. Box 33, Main Street, West Pawlet, VT 05775 (2) 01/03/94 OS/26/94 DOL OS/26/99 VRD.Decorating, Inc. 2300 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 (2) OS/26/94 OS/26/94 DOL OS/26/99 Grandview Painting Co., Inc. 2300 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 (successor to VRD) DOL OS/26/99 Castle Electrical Contractors, Inc. 1210 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14609 (2) 12/19/91 06/08/94 DOL 06/08/99 A & L Environmental Services, Inc. 1549 Fifth Avenue, Bayshore, NY 11706 (2) 12/03/93 06/22/94 DOL 06/22/99 BQE Contracting Corp. 24-38 49th Street, Astoria, NY 11103 (2) 08/10/94 08/10/94 NYC 08/10/99 Will C. Kirk dba Kirk Construction POBox 9, Cleveland, NY 13042 (2) 03/06/89 08/23/94 DOL 08/23/99 John J. Billone Plumbing and Heating AKA Billone Mechanical 195 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14608 (2) 09/01/94 DOL 09/01/99 -- Seneca Hawk, Inc. 9138 Southwestern Blvd., Angola, NY 14006 (2) 03123/93 09114/94 DOL 09/14/99 Baker Development & Construction Co., Inc. 1251 Electric Ave., Lackawanna, NY 14218 (21) 09/29/94 DOL 09/29/99 Leonard 1. Ogden, Inc. 795 Portland Ave., Rochester, NY 14621 (8) 10/05/94 DOL 10105/99 ABC Tree, Shrub & Landscape Services, Inc. 192 Witmer Road, North Tonawanda, NY 14120 (2) 11116/94 11116/94 DOL 11116/99 Mandy Electric, Inc. 14 Grand Canyon Lane, Tanglewood Hills, NY 11727 (1) 12/30/94 DOL 12/30/99 Pokerwinski Ceramic Tile 13. Juneberry Lane, Liverpool, NY 13090 (1) 12/28/95 01/26/95 DOL 01126/00 Dion R. DeFedericis dba Applewood Construction Co. 860 Sherwood Court, Depew, NY 14043 (3) 02122/95 DOL 02/22/00 Genesis General Contracting Co., Inc. 866 82nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220 (2) 02/02/95 02/02/95 DOL 02/28/00 Dendis Construction, Inc. 1164 Route 96, Waterloo, NY 13165 (2) 11104/94 03/20/95 DOL 03/21/00 Christian Construction Corp. 420A E ll1th Street, New York, NY 10029 798 Lake Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 (4) 03/27/95 DOL 03/27/00 Southwestern Environmental 676 Mountainview Drive, Lewiston, NY 14092 , " . . (2) 03/21/90 05/04/95 DOL 05/04/00 p & C Giampilis Contracting Co., Inc. 62-49 30th Ave., Woodside, NY 11377 (4) 05/05/95 DOL 05/05/00 J & A Roofing and Siding Co., Inc. 394 Hasbrouck Ave., Kingston, NY 12401 (2) 06/12/95 06/21/95 DOL 06/21/00 Spec "7" Management, Inc. 3857 Clover Street, Henrietta, NY 14467 (2) 09/01/94 06/09/95 DOL 06/09/00 Iason Building Construction Corp. 174 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (2) 12/29/93 07/18/95 DOL-NYC 07/18/00 Dimen~ion 2 Associates or Dimension 2 Assoc. Lawn Sprinklers 189 Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725 (2) 06/14/94 07/25/95 DOL 07/25/00 TIrree Diamond Mason, Inc. POBox 485, Farmingville, NY 11738 (2) OS/26/94 10/13/95 DOL 10/13/00 P C & J Contracting Co., Inc. 33-46 55th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 (2) 10/31/95 10/31/95 NYC 10/31/00 Lawrence K. Woods Construction Co., Inc. 34-46 112th Street, Corona, NY 11368 (1) 11/14/95 NYC 11/14/00 ALl Electric Co., Inc. 717 Elk Street" Buffalo, NY 14210 (2) 10/03/95 10/03/95 DOL 12/04/00 Attack Asbestos, Inc. 516-2C Industrial Loop, Staten Island, NY 10309 (1) 12/05/95 NYC 12/05/00 Associates Environmental Services, Inc. 326 Freling Huysen Ave., Newark, NJ 07114 ~ (1) 12/11/95 NYC 12/11/00 Shareef Enterprises, Inc. 230 Pratt Street, Buffalo, NY 14203 (1) 12/18/95 DOL 12/18/00 Black Diamond Fabricating Company POBox 252 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 (2) 01/18/96 DOL 01/18/01 Jeanne Bentivegna dba Impact Painting 120 Christian Ave., Rochester, NY 14615 (1) 01/24/96 DOL 01/24/01 OLCO Construction, Inc. 96 Morris Road, Schenectady, NY 12304 (1) 01/24/96 DOL 01/24/01 John M. Contro & Sons Plumbing and Heating 31 Clinton Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 (2) 12/20/95 02/06/96 DOL 02/06/01 Interphase Company, Ltd. POBox 365, Marlboro, NJ 07746 (3) 04/20/94 05/19/95 02/09/96 DOL 02/09/01 Mega General Contracting Corp. 20-44 20th Street, Astoria, NY 11103 (1) 02/09/96 DOL 02/09/01 Allstate Specialty Services, Inc. 1087 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101 (multiple violations) 02/26/96 NYC 02/26/01 Beatum & Cheatum Construction Corp. POBox 1246, Buffalo, NY 14240 (multiple violations) 04/03/96 DOL 04/03/01 CBC Industries, Inc. 272-60 Grand Central Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11005 and CMK Painting & Construction Co., Inc. N 600 Hillside Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (1) 04/15/96 DOL 04/15/01 t . . Hunt Construction Corp. 60 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 (2) 04/23/96 04/23/96 NYC 04/23/0 I Apex Contracting and Demolition 11-15 31st Drive, Long Island City, NY 11106 (2) 10/11/91 04/30/96 NYC 04/3 % I Rocco Fischetti &" Sons Services 200 Hempstead Ave., West Hempstead, NY 11532 (6) 05/08/96 NYC 05/08/0 I Dover Accessibility Products, Inc. 6266 Hurt Road, Horn Lake, MI 38637 (multiple violations) 06/03/96 DOL 06/03/0 I DME Contracting, Inc. Alk/a DME National Roofing Systems, Alk/a DMENRS, Alk/a DMENCC, Alk/a DMECA, Alk/a Titan, and Peter Chardon, and Darlene M. Edwards, Alk/a Darlene E. Chardon, and Mary Lydia Chardon Alk/a Mary L. Restrepo 375 Verrazano Ave., Copiague, NY 11726 (3) 08/31/93 07/25/94 DOL (violated debarment order) 06/06/96 DOL 06/06/0 I 4H Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 484 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY 11238 (I) 06/12/96 NYC 06/12/01 G.A. Contractors 139-31 Queens Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435 (I) 06/21/96 NYC 06/21/0 I (2) 09/29/94 DOL 09/29/99 North Shore Construction Enterprises 464 New York A venue, Huntington, NY 11743 & 139-31 Queens Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435 (I) 06/21/96 NYC 06/21/0 I DSR Asbestos Removal Company 89 Westbrook Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10303 (1) 06/28/96 NYC Gerace Contracting Corp. 2427 E. 29th Street, Suite I-H, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (1) 07/22/96 DOL " 06/28/01 07/22/01 Note: (*) Pursuant to a Stipulation dated January 14, 1994 and an Order and Determination dated January 25, 1994, in lieu of a finding concerning the willfulness of any violations, the employer has voluntarily agreed to preclude itself from bidding on or being awarded any public work for a five-year period. Note: Where the Fiscal Officer is denoted "NYC," the information has been provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office, the agency issuing the determinations. Any questions regarding these listings should be addressed directly to the Comptroller. The Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor will respond in regard to listings where the Fiscal Officer is listed as "DOL." I STAlE OF NEl^' YORK DEP.ARTMENl OF LABOR . *..., ,.. ...1 . . Ii. U ~<- . BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NY 12240 REQUEST FOR WAGE AND SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION ASREQurnED BY ARTICLES 8 AND 9 OF THE LABOR LAW Submit this form for new schedules or for determination for additional occupations, Provide all information Requested Below o PUBLIC WORK DISTRICT OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: (CHECK ONE) o CONTRACTING AGENCY o ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERING FIRM I DATE A. PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT TO BE LET BY: (Enter Data Pertaining to Contracting Agency) 1. Name and complete address (number, street. CIty or town, zip code) 2. o N.Y. State Units 007City 001 DOT o OB Local School District 0020GS 009 Special Local District, I.e., 003 OORMITORY AUTHORITY Fire, Sewer. Water District 004 STATE UNIVERSITY 010 Village CONSTRUCTION FUND o l1Town o OS MENTAL HYGIENE 012 County FACiliTIES CORP. o 13 Other Non-N. Y. State 0060THER N.Y. STATE UNIT (Describe) 3. SEND REPLY TO (NAME AND ADDRESS): 4. SERVICE REQUIRED. Check appropriate box and provide project information. o New Schedule of Wages and Supplements. I APPROXIMATE BID DATE I n Additional Occupation and/or Redetermination PRC NUMBER ISSUED PREVIOUSLY FOR I OFFICE USE ONLY TELEPHONE: ( ) THIS PROJECT B. PROJECT PARTICULARS S. Project TITLE and/or description of work to be performed. 6. Location of Project: Include contract identification number, if applicable Location on Site Route NolStreet Address Village or City Town County 7. Nature of Project - Check One B. OCCUPATION FOR PROJECT 0 1. New Building 0 Construction (Building, Heavy 0 Guards, Watchmen 0 2. Addition to Existing Structure HighwaylSewerlWater) 0 Janitors, porters, cleaners 0 3. Heavy and HighwayConstruction (New and Repair) 0 Tunnelling 0 Moving furniture and 0 4. New Sewer or Waterline 0 Residential equipment 0 S. Other New Construction (Explain) 0 Landscape Maintenance 0 Trash and refuse removal 0 6. Other Reconstruction. Maintenance. Repair or Alteration 0 Elevator maintenance 0 Window cleaners R 7. Demolition 0 Exterminators, Fumigators 0 Other (Describe) 8. Buildino Service Contract 9. Name and Title of Requester Signature I I j J I I j 1 OFFICE USE ONLY Locality Designations Locality Designations PW-39 (10-94) SEE OTHER SIDE FOR LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC WORK CONTRACTS STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 8 (Section 220-223) ANP ARTICLE 9 (Sec#,on 230.239) OF THE NEWYORK STATE LABOR LA W PRE V AILING RATE SCHEDULE: The Labor Law requires public work contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers or mechanics em~loyed in the performance of a public work contract not less than the prevailing rate of wage and to provide supplements (fringe benefits) in accordance with the prevailing practices in the locality where the work is performed. The Department of Jurisdiction awarding a public work contract MUST obtain a prevailing rate schedule from the Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor listing the hourly rates for the trades and occupations of the workers to be employed on the public work project. This schedule mal be obtained by completing and forwarding the Request for Wage and Supplement Information on the reverse side hereof. The prevailing rate schedule MUST be mcluded in the specifications for the contract to be awarded and is deemed part of the public work contract. Upon the signing of the contract, the Department of Jurisdiction MUST advise the Bureau of Public Work on a form supplied by the Bureau as to the name of the contractor to whom the contract was awarded, the date and the amount of the contract. A "Department of Jurisdiction" includes a state department agency, board or commission; a county, city, town or village; a school district, board of education or board of cooperative educational services; a sewer, water, fire, improvement and other district corporations, a public benefit corporation; and a public authority awarding a public work contract. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS FROM CONTRACTORS: When the Bureau of Public Work finds that a contractor or subcontractor on a public work project failed to payor provide the requisite prevailing wages or supplements, the Bureau is authorized by Sections 220-b and 235.2 of the Labor Law to so notify the financial officer of the Department of Jurisdiction that awarded the public work contract. Such officer MUST then withhold or cause to be withheld from any payment due the prime contractor on account of such contract the amount indicated by the Bureau of Public Work as sufficient to satisfy the unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and any civilfenalty that may be assessed by the Commissioner of Labor. The withholding continues unti a final determination of the underpayment by the Commissioner of Labor. or by the Court in the event a legal proceeding for review of the Commissioner of Labor's determination is instituted. The Department of Jurisdiction shall comply with an order of the Commissioner of Labor or of the Court with respect to the release of the funds so withheld. . . COMPLIANCE WITH THE LABOR LAW AND OTHER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGULATIONS A. STATE REGULATIONS: 1. The Contractor shall comply with the applicabie provisions of the "labor law" as amended. of the State of New York. This Contract shall be void unless applicable sections of said labor law are complied with. 2. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be part of this Contract shall be deemed to be included herein and this Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and, if through mere mistake or otherwise any such provision is not included, then upon the application of either party hereto, the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such inclusion. Specifically, Section 220-E, of the labor law, as so amended, prohibits in contracts, discrimination on account of race, creed, color, or national origin in employment of citizens upon public works. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Owner under this Contract a penalty of fIVe ($5.00) dollars for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of said paragraph, this Contract may be canceled or terminated by the Owner and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. B. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: 1. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. By the submission of this bid, the bidder, offeror, applicant, or subcontractor certifies that he does not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. He certifies further that he will not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he will not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under this control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder, offerer, applicant, or subcontractor agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in his contract. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating. areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. He further agrees that (except where he has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific lime periods) he will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $ 10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of lhe Equal Opportunity clause; that he will retain such certifications in his files; and that he will forward the following notice to such proposed subcontractors (except where the proposed subcontractors have submitted identical certifications for specific time periods): BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J - 1 . . 2. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATIONS OF NON SEGREGATED FACILITIES. A certification of Nonsegregated Faciiities must be submitted prior to the award of a subcontract exceeding $ 10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each subcontract or for ail subcontracts during a period (Le., quarterly, semiannuaily, or annuaily). NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001. "During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as foilows: (1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shail include, but not be limited to, the foilowing: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The contractor will, in ail solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that ail qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. (3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a coilective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11245 of September 24, 1965, and shail post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The contractorwiil comply with ail provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, and regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of labor. (5) The contractor will fumish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of labor for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. . (6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govemment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11245 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of labor, or as otherwise provided by law. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-2 . . (7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vender. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United Slates to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United Slates.' 3. FEDERAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN EMPLOYMENT 1-12.805.4 Reoorts and Other Reauired Information (a) Requirements for prime contractors and subcontractors. (1) Each agency shall require each prime contractor and each prime contractor and subcontractor shall cause its subcontractors to file annually, on or before March 31, complete and accurate reports on Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) promulgated jointly by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Plans for Progress, or on such form as may hereafter be promulgated in its place, if such prime contractor or subcontractor (I) is not exempt from the provisions of this Sub-part 1-12.8 in accordance with 1-12.804; (i1) has 50 or more employees; (iii) is a prime contractor or first-tier subcontractor; and (iv) has a contract, sub-<:ontract, or purchase order amounting to $ 50,000 or more, or serves as a depository of Govemment funds in any amount, or is a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agent for U.S. savings bonds and savings notes: Provided, that any subcontractor below the first tier which performs construction work at the site of construction shall be required, to file such a report if it meets the requirements in subdivisions (I), (i1), and (iv) of this paragraph (a) (1). (2) Each person required by subparagraph (1) of this paragraph to submit reports shall file such a report with the contracting or administering agency within 30 days after the award to him of a contract or subcontract, unless such person has submitted such a report within 12 months preceding the date of the award. Subsequent reports shall be submitted annually in accordance with subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, or at such other intervals as the agency or the Director may require, The agency, with the approval of the Director, may extend the time for filing any report. (3) The Director, the agency, or the applicant, on their own motions, may require a prime contractor to keep employment or other records and to fumish in lhe form requested, within reasonable limits, such information as the Director, agency, or the applicant deems necessary for the administration of the Order. . (4) The failure to file timely, complete, and accurate reports, as required, constitutes noncompliance with the prime contractor's or subcontractor's obligations under the Equal Opportunity clause and is a ground for the imposition by the agency, the Director, an applican~ prime contractor or subcontractor, of any sanction authorized by the Order and the regulations in this sub-part. Any such failure shall be reported in writing to the Director by the agency as soon as practicable after it occurs. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-3 . . 1-12.805.4 Reoorts and Other Required Information (b) Requirements for bidders or prospective contractors. (1) Each agency shall require each bidder or prospective prime contractor and proposed subcontractor, where appropriate, to state in the bid or at the outset of negotiations for the contract whether it has participated in any previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause; and, if so, whether it has filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director, an agency, or the former Presidenfs Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filing requirements. The statement shall be in the form of a representation by the bidder or offeror substantially as follows: "The bidder (or offeror) represents that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, participated in a previous contract or"subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause herein, or the clause originally contained in section 301 of Executive Order No. 10925, or the clause contained in section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, filed all required compliance reports; and that representations indication submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors will be obtained prior to subcontract awards.' (The above representation need not be submitted in connection with contracts or subcontracts which are exempt from the clause. ) When a bidder or offeror fails to execute the representation, the omission shall be considered a minor informality and the bidder or offeror shall be permitted to satisfy the requirement prior to award. (2) In any case in which a bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed subcontractor, which participated in a previous contract of subcontract subject to Executive Orders No. 10925, 11114, or 11246, has not filed a report due under the applicable filing requirements, no contract or subcontract shall be awarded, unless such contractor submits a report covering the delinquent period or such other period specified by the agency or the Director. (3) A bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed subcontractor shall be required to submit such information as the agency or the Director requests prior to the award of the contract or subcontract. When a determination has been made to award the contract or subcontract to a specific contractor, such contractor shall be required, prior to award, or after the award, or both, to fumish such other information as the agency, the applicant, or the Director requests. , ( C ) Use of reports. Reports filed pursuant to this 1-12.805.4 shall be used only in connection with the administration of the Order, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. or in furtherance of the purposes of the Order and said Act. . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-4 . . ( d) Acquisition of Report Forms. Standard Form 100 is available in all GSA supply depots. Copies of the form may be obtained from GSA through the contracting or administering agency. The stock number for the form is as follows: Standard Form No. Title Stock Number 100 7540-926-2049 Equal employment opportunity employer information report. 1-12.805.4 PROCUREMENT STANDARDS . A. All contracts for construction or repair shall include a prevision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kick Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). This Act provides that each Contractor shall be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The Grantee shall report all suspected or reported violations to the Grantor Agency. B. Where applicable, all Contracts awarded in excess of $ 2,000 for construction contracts and in excess of $ 2,500 for other contracts which involve the employment of mechanics or laborers shall include a provision for compliance with Section 103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 5). Under Section 103 of the Act, each Contractor shall be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work day of l! hours and a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work day or work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of nolless than 1-1/2 times the basic Rate of pay for all hours worked in excess 8 hours in any calendar day or 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of the act is applicable 10 construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, ro dangerous to his health and safety as determined under construction, safety, and heaith standards promulgated by the Secretary of Labor. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-5 . . C. Each contract of an amount in excess of $ 2,500 awarded by a Grantee or Subgrantee shall provide that the recipient will comply with applicable regulations and standards of the Cost of Living Council in establishing wages and prices. The provision shall advise the recipient that submission of a Bid or offer or the submittal of an invoice or voucher for property. goods, or services furnished under a contract or agreement with the Grantee shall constitute a certification by him that amounts to be paid do not exceed maximum allowable levels authorized by the Cost of Living Council regulations or standards. Violations shall be reported to the Grantor Agency and the local Internal Revenue Service field office. D. Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $ 100,000 shall contain a provision which requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to the Grantor Agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. E. Contracts shall contain such contractual provisions or conditions which will allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contracts terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. . F. All contracts, amounts for which are in excess of $ 2,500, shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the grantee including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. G. In all contracts for construction or facility improvement awarded in excess of $ 100,000, grantees shall observe the bonding requirements provided in Attachment B to this Circular. H. All contracts and subgrants in excess of $ 10,000 shall include provisions for compliance with Executive Order No. 11246, entitled, "Equal Employment Opportunity", as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (41 CFR, Part 60). Each contractor or subgrantee shall be required to have an affirmative action plan which declares that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin. sex, and age and which specifies goals and target dates to assure the implementation of that plan. The grantee shall establish procedures to assure compliance with this requirement by contractors or subgrantees and to assure that suspected or reported violations are promptly investigated. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-6 . . COMPLIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR LAW Pursuant to Article 8 of the Labor Law, the contractor's attention is directed to the following requirements: 1 . Section 220.2 which requires a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days in anyone week except in the emergencies set forth in the Labor Law. 2. Section 220.3 which requires a provision that each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon such public work, shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate or wages and shall be provided supplements not less than the prevailing supplements as determined by the fiscal officer. 3. Section 220.3-a also requires that the contractor and every subcontractor on public works contracts shall post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work a legible statement of all wage rates and supplements as specified in the contract to be paid or provided, as the case may be, for the various classes of mechanics, workingmen, or laborers employed on the work. 4. Section 220.3-e provides that apprentices will be permitted to work as such only when they are registered, individually, under a bona fide program registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to his work force on any job under the registered program. Any employee listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered as above, shall be paid the wage rate determined by the New York State Department of Labor for the classification of work he actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate rations and wage rates, for the area of construction prior to using any apprentice on the contract work. 5. Section 220-e which requires provisions by which the contractor with the State or municipality agrees: (a) That in the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on behalf of such contractor or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, creed, color or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates: (b) That no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract on account of race, creed, color or national origin, (Your attention is directed to the provisions of the State law against Discriminalion which also prohibits discriminalion in employment because of age); ( c ) That there may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor by the State or municipality under this contract a penalty of five dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-7 . . (d) That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the State or municipality, and all moneys due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this section of the contract. 6. The aforesaid provisions of Section 220-e which covers every contract for or on behalf of the State or municipality for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equipment or supplies shall be limited to operations performed within the territorial limits of the State of New York. 7. Section 222 which requires that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents for at least six consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment; that persons other than citizens of the State of New York may be employed when such citizens are not available; and that if the requirements of Section 222 conceming preference in employment to citizens of the State of New York are not complied with, the contract shall be void. 8. Section 222-a which requires that if in the construction of the public work a harmful dust hazard is created for which appliances or methods for the elimination of harmful dust have been approved by the Board of Standard Appeals, such appliances or methods shall be installed and maintained and effectively operated by the contractor; and that if the provisions of Section 222-a concerning harmful dust hazards are not complied with, the contract shall be void. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Every State contracting agency, including Public authorities, must include in each contract paragraphs ( c) through (g) of the Standard Slate Contract Clauses promulgated by the Govemor on September 12, 1963 and amended November 14,1963. Labor classifications not appearing on the accompanying schedule of wages can be used only with the consent of the department of jurisdiction and then the rate to be paid will be given by the department of jurisdiction after being advised by the New York State Department of Labor. The contractor shall make such provision for disability benefits, workmen's compensation, unemployment insurance, social security and safety code provisions as are required by law. General Regulation No.1, as issued by the State Commission for Human Rights, requires that each contract contains a stipulation that: "It is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto that every contractor and subcontractor engaged in the public work described in this contract shall post and maintain at each of his establishments and at all places at which the public work described hereunder is being conducted, the Notice of the State Commission for Human Rights indicating the substantive provisions of the Law Against Discrimination, where complaints may be filed, and other pertinent information. Such Notice shall be posted in easily accessible and well lighted places customarily frequented by employees and applicants for , employment." The Notice may be obtained from the department having jurisdiction, or from the office of the State Commission for Human Rights in the respective area. You are requested to refer to the Bureau of Public Work all charges of discrimination in employment including discrimination because of age, race, creed, color or national origin. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J - 8 . . NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of payor other forms of compensation, and seiection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. b. The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which ne has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the Commission of Human Rights, advising such labor union or representative of the Contractor's agreement under clauses "a." through "h." hereinafter called "non-discrimination clauses", and requesting such labor union or representative to agree in writing, whether in such collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding or otherwise, that such labor union or representative will not discriminate against any member or applicant for membership because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal membership opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not be limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. Such notice shall be given by the Contractor, and such written agreement shall be made by such labor union or representative, prior to the commencement of performances of this contract. If su.ch a labor union or union representative fails or refuses so to agree in writing, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Commission for Human Rights of such failure or refusal. c. The Contractor will post and keep posted in conspicuous places, available to employee and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Commission for Human Rights setting forth the substance of the provision of clauses "a." and "b." and such provisions of the State's Laws against discrimination as the Commission for Human Rights shall determine. . d. The Contractor will state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, that all qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION K - 1 . . e. The Contractor will comply with the prevision of Sections 291-229 of the Executive Law and the Civil Rights Law, will furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the Commission for Human Rights under these non-discrimination clauses as such sections of the Executive Law and will, permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the Commission for Human Rights and Owner representatives counsel for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. f. This Contract may be forthwith canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the Commission of Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these non-discrimination clauses, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for future contracts made by or on behalf of the Owner/Contracting Agency until he satisfied the Commission for Human Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. Such finding shall be made by the Commission for Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the Commission have failed to achieve compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and after a verified complaint has been filed with the Commission, notice thereof has been given to the Contractor and an opportunity has been afforded him to be heard publicly before three members on the Commission. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies otherwise provided by law. g. If this Contract is canceled or terminated under clause "f." , in addition to other rights of the Owner provided in this contract upon its breach by the Contractor, the Contractor will hold the Owner Harmless against any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Owner in completing the work or in purchasing the services, material equipment, or supplies contemplated by this contract, and the Owner may withhold payments from the contractor in an amount sufficient for this purpose and recourse may be had against the surety on the performance bond if necessary. h. The Contractor will include the provisions of clauses "a.", through "g." in every subcontract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor as to operations to be performed within jurisdictional local of the Project being contracted by the Owner. The Contractor will take such action in enforcing such provisions of such subcontract or purchase as the Owner/Contracting Agency may direct, including sanctions or remedies for non- compliance. If the Contractor becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation with a sub-contractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Contraction Agency/ Owner, the Contractor shall promptly so notify the Owner's representatives/ counsel, request him to intervene and protect the interests of the Owner (Contracting Agency's jurisdictional area). . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION K-2 . . .. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The contractor shall supply all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary or required to complete the work. The contractor shall fully familiarize himself with existing site conditions. The locations of all underground utilities shall be verified prior to commencing work. Damage to existing utilities shall be repaired at the contractors expense. B. The contractor may store his materials and equipment on the work site but the Town of Southold will not be responsible for damage or theft of same. C. In the event that anything reasonable, necessary or proper for the complete performance of the work to produce a first class finished job, has not been described in these specifications clearly, through oversight or palpable error, the contractor shall, notwithstanding, execute and provide all omitted works and things as if they were severally described, without extra charge and to the satisfaction of the Town's authorized representatives. D. The contractor shall be responsible for all construction facilities and temporary controls. These items would include all temporary electric, heat, telephone, water and sanitary facilities. Barricades shall be provided around all hazardous areas during construction and shall be maintained and lighted in accordance with all State and Local Code requirements. E. The contractor may submit substitutions for products specified herein, where such substitutions are allowed. Requests for substitutions shall be submitted with complete data necessary to substantiate compliance with the contract documents. All substitutions shall be approved in writing prior to being ordered, fabricated or incorporated into the work. No claims for additional costs related to substitutions will be allowed. F. The contractor is specifically advised that he shall be responsible for on-site safety in regard to his area of work and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southold and the Architect from any and all claims resulting from on-site accidents or safety conditions. . G. The contractor shall be responsible for cleaning all work related debris generated during this project in a timely fashion. All dredge spoil & debris generated at this site shall be deposited by the contractor at the Southold Town Collection Center at NO COST. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 1 . . . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. General provisions of the Contract, including General conditions and Supplementary Conditions, apply to work in this section. B. Standard Site Plan, Typical Sections & Detail drawings attached. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: All new construction shall meet the minimum requirements of the Southold Town Trustees and the New York State Dept. Of Environmental Conservation. The work under this section shall consist of fumishing all labor, material, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all work including but not limited to the following: A). Excavation behind existing bulkheads. 1. All bulkhead areas requiring new sheathing shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 2'-0" below existing mud line. Excavation shall be in such a manner as to limit the amount of damage to the existing pavement. Anv unneces..",nl damage to the existing pavement surface shall be replaced by the contractor at no additional cost. ? l( 2. Existing bulkhead Structures shall~in in place. The contractor shall verify the integrity of all existing iteing, :rie Rods & Dead Man Systems during the excavation. The enginee all be notified of all items that require replacement. Items replaced without written approval of the engineer shall be deemed as not to have been replaced. Cost for replacement of all items shall be a unit cost for each. Q.amaged items due to excavations shall be replaced at the Contractors p'l(p"mse. I B). Installation of new Sheathing. 1. Provide new 2" x 10" x 14 Foot "T & G" Treated Wood Sheathing over existing. All new sheathing shall be spiked to both top and bottom whalers. (Approximate overall length - 265 Lineal Feet) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 2 ,., > 1.03 1.04 . . 2. Provide new 2" x 10" "T & G" Treated Wood Sheathing over existing sheathing at each side of existing Concrete Ramp. (Approximate overall length - 65 Lineal Feet - Each Side) New sheathing shall be scribed to fit the existing ramp. (Note: The Contractor shall remove all existing lag bolts in existing sheathing after the bulkhead has been excavated.) 3. Provide y," diameter x 8" Galvanized Lag Bolts at new ramp sheathing. New sheathing shall be securely anchored to existing whalers with two (2) bolts at each Whaler. (Typical 4 bolts per board) 4. Provide new 6" x 6" Treated Wood whaler at toe of new sheathing along existing concrete ramp. Anchor new whaler to all existing Pileing with 3/4" diameter galvanized bolts. (See drawing section detail sheet # 3) C). Installation of new filter fabric. 1. Provide new Poly "X" Filter Fabric over all new bulkhead sheathing. Fabric shall be continuous and extend from top of bulkhead to a minimum of two (2') feet below the existing mud line. All splices shall have a minimum overlap of two (2') feet. D). Removal of Debris. 1. All debris and dredge spoil generated from the proposed construction shall be removed by the contractor and deposited at the South old Town Collection Center. There will be no charge for material deposited at the town facility . STANDARDS: A. All new construction shall comply with the following reference standards: 1). American Society of Civil Engineering Standard Practices. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: A. Contractor must show evidence of the following qualifications: 1). A minimum of five (5) years continuous experience in bulkhead construction. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 3 " . . . 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A The contractor shall be responsible for verifying all existing conditions and limitations. The extent of clearing and the amount of required excavation shall be verified by the contractor prior to submitting his bid. B. The contractor shall be responsible for fully investigation the existing site conditions and shall be responsible for verifying all dimensions and quantities. 1.06 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING: A Delivery, storage and handling of equipment and bulkhead materials shall be in accordance with industry standards. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS: A The park site shall remain open during construction. The contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary safeguards to ensure safe access. B. Excavation and stockpiling of backfill material: 1). All stockpiling of excavation material shall be in an approved location immediately adjacent to the construction area. All stockpiles shall be protected with a continuous barrier of silt screen and hay bails to prevent silt from entering tidal waters. 1). No backfilling shall be permitted in freezing weather. END OF SPECIFICATIONS BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 4 f ~ .... ~ ~ e W J t ~ 0--- j ..J 1 w z z ~ (..) EXISTING BULKHEAD . TO REMAIN GULL EXISTING POND OECSn I I . EXISTING -.-/ FLOATING DOCK SITE PLAN . . SCALE: ~.. = 60.0' , NOTE: THIS SITE PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A SURVEY PREPARED BY RODERIC VAN TUYL, P.C. MARCH 31, 1981 GARDNERS BAY ~ ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK '-' BEACH c:. - r'. EXISTING UTIUTY POLE ( LINE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING RESTROOM FACIUTI EXISTING CONCR::. J J: RAMP SE SECTION DETAIL SHE:13 FOR WORK AT EACH SIDE OF RAMP EXISTING BULKHEAD TO REMAIN ----; . . . . 'j N~ ~O~~> 105' , , PARKING LOT \ \ \ \ \ \ \~ ~ \ ~ '\~ 4- \- \~ ~ z o ~ c: o ~ Ul W c: c <: w c: w::r:: "'...J o_ Il._ gm 0.. ~ '" ~-- ., :z - '" ~ - ~ - ~ :: a:: c:: 0 ::;:: ~ - 0 - ;: ...J = W 0 == Z - - - - I- = (.) - = ..; == z 0 -- 0 "" - C 2: = W ll. 8 w z :5 .............. c C z E13 c (.) W ll. " ::r:: ~l: c: 0 " > .... " w ~ :z !!! W ~ a; z < c:: c ~ c: o c .. c.. w .. Z b-Ci w z ;:: W III a:: W < ~ ~ ~ ;;; ~ ~ co N co M ~ co co co - " ::; " CIl w .. ~ '" III W ::; :; :z ~ < c:: C b~ MEJ,.~ ~ ...(S_~~ ~~ ~... tf_ ~ ~:; +E .- . "'-;::I' :: ~dI ~.;- ~nos& ,^ . TOP OF WHALER , .. ';> N , .. ';> ;,. , .. ';> ;., -- I M.H.W. TOP OF WHALER M.L.IN. BED ELEVATION VARIES . . 12" DIA. x 24' LONG PRESSURE TREATED PILING AT a'..o" O.C. 314" DIAMETER GALVANIZED THROUGH BOLT. EXISTlNG 6 x 6 PRESSURE TREATED WHALER. EXISTING GRADE 10" DIAMETER PRESSURE TREATED DEAD MEN. CONTlNUOUS WITH a" DIAMETER BACKER PILING AT a'..o" O.C. " 3/4" DIAMETER x 20' LONG GALVANIZED TlE RODS. ~I NEW 2 x 10 x 14' T&G PRESSURE TREATED SHEATHING. TYPICAL ! INSTALL OVER EXISTING SHEATHING I NEW FILTER FABRIC. I EXTEND 2'..0" MINIMUM I BELOW MUD LINE. I I NOTES: ALL EXPOSED BOLT CONNECTIONS SHALL BE COUNTERSUNK. ALL NEW BULKHEAD MATERIALS SUCH AS PILING, SHEATHING, WHALERS AND DEAD MEN SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED # 20 CREOSOTE OR TREATED TO REFUSAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATlON OF ALL BATTON STRIPS; GALVANIZED BOLTS, NUTS & WASHERS; NAILS & OTHER MISCELANEOUS MATERIALS NECESSARY TO ENSURE A COMPLETE & PROPER INSTALLATlON , TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'..0" ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN 01 lL ULJI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROPOSED: BULKHEAD RESTORATION KLIPP PARK GREENPORT, NEW YORK PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 719/96 SHe-: '2 of '3 DRAWING ~: 2 DRAWN: JAMES A. RJCHTER SCTM.: 1000. 4:l - 02 - 07 .... ,'''- . . EXISTING PILING TO REMAIN. EXISTING WHALERS & SHEATHING TO REMAIN. EXISTING GRADE EXCAVATION OF THIS AREA AS REQUIRE7 \ NEW FILTER FABRIC TO BE INSTAllED BEHIND SHEATHING NEW 2 x ~O TREATED SHEATHING WITH 1/2" DIAMETER x 8" LONG GALVANIZED LAGG BOLTS: (2 EACH PER BOARD PER WHALER.) ,......0 ..~ ~ ~ ..~ PROVIDE NEW 3/4" GALVANIZED BOLTS AT EACH EXISTING PILING. COUNTERSINK AT NEW WHALER NEW 6 x 6 TREATED CONTINUOUS WHALER. '-1. ." I t.;?- e1iEMOVE EXISTING GALV. GG OLTS FROM FACE OF G SHEATHING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW WORK. EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP TO REMAIN. SCRIBE NEW SHEATHING AS REQUIRED. SECTION DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" . ~) SOUTHOLD TOWN . 0) lL JL:;dU ENGINEEBlNG DEPARTMENT PROPOSED: BULKHEAD RESTORATION KLIPP PARK GREENPORT, NEW YORK PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 7/9/96 DRAWING #: 3 DRAWN: JAMES A. RlCHTEI'l SCTM #: 1000.43 . 02 . 07 SHEET 3 of 3 -- - ,.. . . PROPOSAL FORM DATE: fin/iii , . lev ~ ff"I!( [Jade /2./ 3 ~ /~ I /.. Ifh~ P 0 C; }-(:-':I') fori N'1 l/ ?f'f J. (!v~<~u /1 --t:-I/.,- / / 2", /lilt J' O<.J1I-ev NAME OF BIDDER: ..., () ~.:. Ie: 7- TO: SOUTH OLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the Contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined the Contract Documents (dated July 9,1996) including bidding requirements, general and special conditions, specifications, contract documents, and addenda, if any (Note: Acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all labor & materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the work at: KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD RESTORATION AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION MANHANSET AVENUE, GREEN PORT, NEW YORK 11944 in accordance with the Contract Documents and Addenda, if any, prepared by JAMES A. . RICHTER, R.A., Southold Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, and complying with all the stipulations contained therein and will furnish the . required Performance Bond; that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 1 ~ ..... . . PROPOSAL FORM CONT. FURNISH AND SUPPLY ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF TREATED TIMBER BULKHEADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED "LUMP SUM" OF' I I (I / // roRT" --rh~e.e --r~O" ~.,J el /'-r ~u/td1-~ e, h. ()J,t- d<J/{pJ 13/ 88/ :!- (wri en in words) (written in numbers) unit prices for extras shall include the cost for materials and installation of same: PILING - (12" DiA. X 24') TIE RODS - (3/4" Galv.) DEAD MEN & BACKER PILES Ar;:;.c~~'YI_' rIA '/"li~r> }t:;< ),,,,,.J.,, (r:IX .ufr.. r:,,~r~/lo;( r fl., ./.I/ci-, (writte~ woQ$ (] :!..: (ien 51~S) ;::. (wntten in WOrdsj' 4-5 D ~ (written in numbers) (written in numbers) (written in numbers) And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town after notice of the acceptance of said proposal shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract and the sum represented by the certified check accompanying this proposal shall be forfeited to the Town as liquidated damages; otherwise the certified check shall be returned to the bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date of the receiving bids. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a period of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal or by mutual agreement may extend this time period. -J /}% ?:.-dtff Signature of Bidder: 0/ <--- , Business Address: ILl S" ~ '-I ..:::: C'l'" 1: O. 13.. /, L . &:r......r~-j /0/ 7 ~'-' iJI f- it J).. '- ( drilY- '3 VII" h f Telephone Numbei 57() If 77 - / t 5'1- Date: 9'~z-h{ , BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 2 .' I / / -~- . . . NEW YORK STATE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH BIDDER) Bidder's Certifications: A bidder will not be eligible for award of a contract under this Invitation for Bids unless such bidder has submitted as a part of its bid the following certification, which will be deemed a part of the resulting contract: BIDDER'S CERTIFICATION II,...; .J'.I(.// J)(j<.{ g~ /..;... . (Bidder) Certifies that: 1. listed con~tructipn tr.a as in the work under the . c." .1/ /d....... I ..w c'" IS J i /Y'-I .}. ; and. 2. a. as to those trades set forth in the preceding paragraph one hereof for which it is eligible under Part 1 of these Bid Conditions for participation in the Nassau-Suffolk County Plan it will comply with the said County area within the scope of coverage of that Plan, those trade beipg: Ie .n E I C r lh (:jr ( })(J ((" ii, fI ^ rCVey vi rn"^' .~I ; and/or, b. as to those trades for which it is required by these Bid Conditions to comply with Part II of these Bid Conditions, it adopts the minimum minority man- power utilization goals and the specific affirmative action steps contained in said Part II, for all construction work (both state and non-state) in the afore- mentioned area s bject these Bid Gonditions, ese trades being: ./ r el'o z a<.l:l' ',fp,. . 1':" ""- Iw"- ; and, . 3. it will obtain from each of its subcontractors and submit to the contracting or administering agency prior to the award of any subcontractor under this contract the subcontrac,!9tiertification re~ir~these. ~onditions. /~ ~J /.-(.vL/k Of..JJev (Signature of Authorized Representative of Bidder) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION 0-1 / r t ,',: i' , i: ,. j: ,. j. FR01 : PanaS<:r1 i c FAX ~ . Sep. I<l3 1995 Ell: Ellfl'l P3 A-GE HJ. : OFFER OF SURETY (l" 0 be Completed by Each Bidder) BOND * GE-5795319 In the event the above pl'Oposai is accepted and the undersigned is awarded the Contract for the work, the undersigned offers as surety for faithful performance, bond and/or bonds to protect labor and material men, the following surety: Sig!'1ed GULF INSURANCE CCMPANY SURETY COMPANY 1/ew S~ ~jk .f)0,,1<.. 3v./ III? /~ /)"C~t/ (Bid..,) f? ~:;. /1''' I ovpi:lt CERTIFICATE OF SURETY to be signed by a duly authorized official, agent or attorney of the Surety Company. In the event that the above Proposal is accepted and the contract for the work is awarded to said SOUTHOLD 'l'a'lN BOARD (8Id<1~'tNSURANCE CC>>1APNY will execute the (Sur....~.ny) the Surety Bonds as herein before provided. ~,;. Signed: ~~O~J\ \) ~Q ~ AulIloIOd 0llI0Ia. Agent. or -may DEBORAH BEL TCN , ATl'ORNEY -IN-FACT Date: SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1996 IMPORTANT: THIS PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT WHEN CERTIFIED CHECK IS SUBMITTED IN l.IEU OF 610 BOND, OR BID MAY BE REJECTED. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION E -1 .=-~.~'~.'_...~-~~.-. -\;,-,'",'~..,~ .---.. . -- ..... .", '1<~'~:!io.;:".~:::t:'~""'''''''''' """.'.'l~""".~''''.l.J:l:;r-;,,,,..<~ . . ""'l"'wr 1, II.. Ai\-1ER1CAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH1TECTS " AlA Doc:Jmel1C .A3iO Bjd Bond BOND * GE-5795319 KNOW ALL MEN BY THEe PRESEi'ITS. thac we NEW SUFFOLK OOCK BUILDING 1215 INLET LANE . rH~,.. In!ftf luU rram,::, md ~drm ~t' !~.1i Ti,ht :.1 ~nlMCSOrt GREENPORT, NY 11944 4S Principal, herein.iter ailed the Prindp.l. and 5550 W. TOUHY AVENUE SKOKIE, IL 60077 a c:Jrpor.ticn duly org.nized under the laws of the Slate at MISSOURI as Surety, hereinafter oiled the Surety, are held .no firmly bound unto SOU'1'HHOLD TOWN BOARD '!'OWN HALL - 5309 MAIN ROAD (He'e in'.rl fail name' .Jftd .MdrnI or 1"111 Iide oi C.......~I GULF INSURANCE COMPANY I"'~ ;,.,.,. ''''I ~1ftC' aft'4 ..dd,", ~ lepl 1.1l1t' 01 SWI1!'Il"; ;.s Cbligee. hereinafter oiled the Obligee. in the sum 0/ THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND 00/100 Coilars (53,500.00---), fer the payrr.ent or wnio sum wen and truiy to be made. the said ?:'incpai .no the s.id SUret'l/, bind ::ursei"e!~ our ;,e:r.;, !XeC"Jtcrs, 3dminis:ratcrs, suc~scrs <ll1d assig~s, joindy and se":ler;iIy, firmlY bv these :::resenc. Wl.,E:tE.~.s. the ?rincp.i has submitted a. bid for {Here inlet'l lu;1 iUn\C. ~. .na ciec:iollon oi ~rc,C'C1 3ULXHEAD RECCNSTRUCTION & aESTORATICN XLI!'!? nc.,< MAl'llHASSET AVENUE GREENPORT, NY NO'N, TrU:~~-;C:U. if me Cbli~ snlil K:::n the ::'id ,,1 the mnci~..j -1na the ~rinci'Pij shlil ent.r into ~ Canlnet with 4"0 Cbji~ee in ~==J'I9"ce 'l'rIth me telmS of ,uen bid. md gi'Ye "'Ct bond 01 bones oiS ~y be ,peciiied in the- btdtUn~ or C",ntnc: COC'.zmenu wilh 3Dca and wirtCient :un:ty rot the taHhtui periormance Of sucn Canax: oind (or the ;Jrompt p~au 01 !~t ;nd :naceriai famished in die ?l'05ccnlon Ifter,ea;. QI' in the ~t oi me (ailure 01 the Prinepa. to enter .1Ie." CDntr.lc ;;nd p.e !IIc:. Ioand '" bonds. ;11lle mncj~ .niUI :>IV to till! Obll!..... .he difference no. to aaeO the _oj.... nereof betL.aw the a'ftOunt specified in said bid and 3Ucft J:ll'3er .lmounl for wnid\ me Oblisee may in Fed qith 1;Cntrxt with ;nocher 'PIny !D pe,;orm the Worit covered by SOlid ~d. then this obligation shall be nuU :lnd 'WOid. otherwise to rem.lit1 ;n /Uil 10= mci eif.... Signed and sealeo :ills 12TH dilY 0; SEPTEMBER 1996 NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING (Wi"'....1 I ! BY: (Prlm::i;:~J (St>.uJ muoJ rI r1.w1ittJ; '2 ~tij,_ I . ( (Wi"""'l { GUL~SURANCE COMPANY . ../'" (SUll!fY~! _, rs..n BY: \\, ~ C k\1't.- \:X \\f-,., DEBORAH BELTCN mUd ATTORNEY-IN-FACT AlA DOCtt. lfolT Anw. SID acNe. AlA.. F!al.JAay 1WQ CD . 1'lfE J\MERlCAN lNSTITUTE os AJ.CifTtC'S. 17'..5 :'oI_~. AVE... K.W.. WASHINC7CH. o. C. .:aaJ5 ,'L~':E: OF NEW YOR: \ s:s.: NEW YOR . . ~OmITY OF On .L.;c: 12TH 'SEPTEMBER 1Q~ == me per.:a=lly =e :0 me 1c:awn. wi1o, being by me duly ~ day "T' DEBORAH BELTON Lid ~ = say: t!:a~ he ~ ;~ NEW YORK ~ he is A::cc..'"7-in-Fae of t:e C:>r,l<1r.1ticn ..........."-:i in a:d ,wbicil. e:cec'.:t.e<1 the ,.....:..... bt..,,, "-~ ,...,,~ he' k::.ows t::e se:U or said. C:>r;:o=ticn. that the seal ,.;;;....... :0 said. ~ is sue::. ~ seal; . ~= it w=s sa -m-Pd ;>= to pcT<liI'e:' conie=!d. 0%1 him by a F<iw= of . CJ!!']' g:=ted to him. by said ::"r-,.or-..t::cn .~ t!:alo, he sig:ed. said.~i,as..w-"-"'Y-in-Fae . ",0== to sue auQcri-7- .' PAUL KUSHNER " Notary Public, 3!m~ of New York /'?~, -/ .# No. 017389'355 fJU..,(--I" Qualified In Nassau County DV ' i Commission Expires July 31, 19.1! . ~aTUT ~IJ 1--____, P"!-n-l'C!l'-u"S lNDrvmUAL ACl\:'iOWLEDGmlT ~_~--:' OF s:s.: :OT.J:NT"!' OF ell ~t.,;<:, da.y C.;. 1Q_ ~ :e p~y c::::e , to me !c:cwn ami Jc:awn to == to be the i-"':."Tidual. ci.~:-"-=ed. i::. aJ::ci. who ~..:.'ted. the to~ing ~~t, ax:.ci he aci=owier'-Pd to me that , ' , ~e ~..::~ t::.e ~"'e. lfQ1"1RT r'U8t.! C pgmc::r-u"S CO-C_U.~~ AQ;NOwu:DGMEN': S'r_~~ OF c=~ OF (s:s.: \ i en -~;~ "';:".yo';' ~Q_ beion::e ;:~y =~ a :::.emi:e of:l:e ~ or to me !c:cwn ana. 1c:.own t::) :e , he aci=cwiedr-s ~ he~.:.tI!!i ti:.e=e to ce ::e ~ -;vi:.c is d.~.J:eC. :: =.e f~g i:cst:'"..::::en't:anci a5=ci.:ar:l:e ac:ami ~ or tb.e sii<i ~e..~ .aTIIT ~U8Ll C l'!UNC!l'-u"S COKPOLUE ACXNOWLEDGMEN'! S'l':.~=:: OF C01JN!"! OF (s:s.: , On~"" ,..;~,..,;. iO_ beiore c:e y, .3iTy c::m:a to me lc:cw1:. wi1o. bC1lJ by == duly swcr.:. dili ciepcse = say, tha1: he rSd.es ;~ d::= =.e 10:"";' the C:>r;:or.mcn cie:='.i:eli On ami ....m=. e:cec'.:.tI!!i the ~ !=... '~-"'::U he ~ :!:a C:>x.......ta s.sl ci said.'~ =:l:e Seal .0;;..... ~ said~is su= ~ Seal; that it '"" sa ",- -1 by-:e of :e 3o=i or !l;.~ of said. ~ ami ~ he sisJ:eli m: =- ~ by like omc. 'IaUIT ~USL; t: 'Eli GULF INSURANCE IMPANY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI POWER OF ATTOR"iEY ORIGINALS OF TIllS POWER OF A TTOR:-;EY ARE PRl:-;TED ON BLLE SAFETY PAPER WITH TEAL I:-;K. DULlCA TES SHALL HAVE THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS AN ORIGINAL ONLY WHE:-; ISSUED 1:-; CONJUNCTION WITH THE ORIGINAL. KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai .he Gulf Insurance Com- pany. a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Stale of \1issouri. having its principal office in the city' of Irving. Texas. pursuant to the following resolutilm. adopted by the Finance & Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the said Company on the 10th day of August. 1993. to wit: "RESOLVED, that the President. Executive Vice Presidenlur any Senior Vii.:e President of the Company shall have authority to make. execute and dc"liver a Power of Attorney constituting as Auomey-in.Fa.:t. such persons. iirms. or corporations as may be selected from time to time: and any -;uch .\uomey-inJact may be removed and the authority granted him revoked by the President. or any E:\ecutive Vice President. or any Senior Vice President. or by the Board of Directors or by the Finance and Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. RESOLVED, that nothing in this Power of Attorney shall be construed as a grant of authority to the attomeyls)-in-fact to sign. ex.ecute, acknowledge. deliver llf other- wise issue a policy or policies of insurance on behalf of Gulf Insurance Company. RESOLVED. that the signature of the President. E.'(ecutive Vice President or any Senior Vice President. and the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or any certificate relating thereto by tacsimile. and any such powers so executed and certified by facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond and documents relatine: to such bonds 10 which {hev are attached." Gulf Insurance Company does hereby make. constitute and appoint DEBORAH BELTON, STATE OF NEW YORK . ~~~~ER GE 5795319 ( PRINCIPAL; I NAME. ADDRESS CITY, STATE. ZIP NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING 1215 INLET LANE GREENPORT, NY 11944 EFFECTIVE DATE SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1996 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 70,000.00 EST. BOND AMOUNT $ 3,500.00 - its true and lawful attorneylsHn-fact. with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name. place and stead. to sign. execute. acknowledge and deliver in its behalf. as surety. :1Oy and ail bonds and undertakings of .;uretyship. and to bind Gulf Insurance Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if any bonds, undertakings and documents relating to such bonds and/Of undertakings were signed by the duly authorized officer of the Gulf Insurance Company and all the acts of said attorney(s)-in~facl. pursuant to the authority herein given. are hereby ratiticd and confirmed. The obligation of the Company shall not exceed one million ( dollars. IN WITNESS WHEREOI'\ the Gulf Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by any officer of the Company and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed. I I COUNTY OF NEW YORK I On this 1st day of February. 1994 A.D., before me came Christopher E. Watson, known to me personally who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; thllt he resides in the County of Westchester, State of ~ew York: that he is the President of the Gulf Insurance Company, tbe corporation described in and which exeCuted the above instrument: that he knows the seal of said corporation: that the seal affixed to the said instruments is such corporate seal; that it W&'i so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name, thereto by like order. {. the undersigned. Senior Vice President Ilf the Gulf lnsurance Cumpany. a :\'lissouri Corporation. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTOR:\EY remains in full :'orcl'. ~ .0~ANCE" ~'~~~ \ , 'i "/::",?CA'4s..~vt..<> -; .' -," ", '- ~ ' :;,.' ............ \1.. ' ::. " 3Jl<..n. : , ,."'~'// "'~ STATE OF NEW YORK 5S STATE OF ';EW YORK 'is Cl)l;~TY OF 'lEW YORK Signed and Sealed..t ,ht' i~::\ ()f '>eW\'nr!.;,. GULF INSURANCE COMPA:-;Y ~ [ ;J/~ Christopher E. Watson President 1~ 2-';r- Ursula Kerrigan No. 02 KE 5043950 Qualined in Sew York County Comm. Expires May 15, 1m I)all'd the 12TH SEPTEMBER .1996 day of 'v ~p,~ La"TCnCe P. Miniter Senior Vice President .~ -~- -- - - - -----------AiRBILL- 75611]' 111.21.---- . -. j . USE THISAJRBILL FOR SHIPMENTS WITHIN THE CONTINENT Ai U.SA, ALASAAAND HAWAII. PACKAGE _- USfTHfINTERNAT/ONAL AIR WAYB/LLFOF/SHIPMENTS TO PUfRTOFlIC(J.ANDALL NON U.S. LOCATIONS. TRACKING NUMBER QUESTlQNS? CALL 800-238-5355 TOLL FREE. 756't'31lWSa L Dale 8BIIDBl'8 copy '-'.".urPhOne Number (Very Important) To (Recipient's Name) Please Print (!i16.,1" - -- - - - - - - - -- DepartmenVFloor No. StRle ZlP Required XJ BmRecipient's FedE~Acct_ No 30 Bi113rdPartyFedE~Aoct_ No Accl./CredilCardNo SERVICES (Check only one box) - -<Mm/ght (V.""'l'bynmOlis'''''''mofflln~'1 {""li"''k/)r",%~:~7moo" 11[~]~~/NG 51q~=GING "0"""'[""" 560FfllEXlE17fR' 12 ~EDEX PAK" 52 0 FCOEX PAK* 13 ,O/EDEX sax 53 0 FEDEX BOX 14.'t:I~EXTt1BE 54DFEOEXTUBE Eoonomy TMODsy Go\.wnment 0Vem1Qht (1JeIIVfry/)YSl!")f1~""sm"'ilaY'.1 !ResMcflldlOr,"I""""!<1"""","y) 300 ECllNONr 46 0 f%~R 41 CJ ~XrlAGE -- IIOfpdCkifle5lM'fIWIb'.j 70 0 OVERNIGHT 80 0 TWO-DAY FREIGHT" _ FREIGHT" IConl;rmecl_""<<>q,,""'1 i~li:7i~c:~~~~;.:.may .:~If~~de'f:"",,'-;,i~': (Fill in {1DItf'EKDAY Box H) 31D~TURDAY DELIVER {2~KDAY 3LJ ~~R.f..1~~:~:;) 4 0 DANGEROUS GOODS (Exlmcllarge) 50 HOLD FOR PICK-UP 6 D e~~e~;~ GOO<Is Shi~per', Deela",!>on 001 reQuired lOye.9.lJIll145,._ i<g_1II 7 D OTHER SPECIAL SERVICE 9 0 r~~~tCK.UP o 12 0 ~';!;!~:"'~rLlVERY (11 ofIe'adJ .i. Recipienl's Phone Number (Very Importanl) co4.TYT t M. S'-han 'E'I.lItItJ::.k'a~IIt_ goo z~c""j.. III ..... Avenue ::: q 1 1 Company TOWN CLERK is.J~ ~p StlUl~ 1'111.1N AQ ?ity, ,'- ~ldijf"eLri ~V 1 YOUR IffTERNAL BILLING REFERENCE INFORMATION (optional) (First 24 chaiJctflrs will SP(J8Bf on InllOlC8.) State F HOLD FOR PICK-Up, Print ""... Ad~ress CliY- SERVICE CONDITIONS. DECLARED VALUE AND LIMIT DF LIABILITY ~s6uo/~~i~~~~~:tt~~i~~~rV~~~:~t~~~=~c~~~ Sllnl!er'scopyofthisairtlilllorinlormaUon,5ervil::ecooditionslTllly ~~r~e;;::'=u~aml{lhl ServICe, See u.s. GOVllfnm&l1t WfJwillno\ba~la!oranyclaiminllXC8l&oI$IOOp6f ~:aJ:e;h~~~fs1~~:~;~~f ~~:s~~ua~~~a~ ~i~~:re~~~: Paranaddltionatcllarge,andOOcumentyoul9ctuellosst0f8timefy claIm. LImitations foond In the current Federal ExpteSS SaMee Guide ~~~~d:~~~~~::~n:o:~~'. profit, attorney's fees, CO$IS, lll'lCl oIher forms of damage whether dlfact.lncidanlat,eon!lllquantia!,Of_speelalishmMadloth~greatefol $l00orthedeclareclvaluespeclfiedtothelefl,Recoverycannot eKCeEidac\ualdocumenledloss. Tha maximum Declarad Vaiua lor FedExLellerandFedExPakpackagesis$SOO.OO. In the event of un1.imfllv_r>>livery,FeOeral Exp18S5 will at your r~lll'lClwilh$Ofl'lfJlimilationsrefundalltransportalioocharges p8ld.SaeSaIVlCl:!Guidetorfurtherlntormation SenderauthorilesFedel8lExpresstodeli~erthissl1ipmenlwithout obtainIng a delivery signature and shall Indemnity and h~d harmless Federal Express tram any claims resultrng therelrom 4DBIIiCredllC3rl! E" Dale ~c~GtS, WEI6HT YOURDECLARE1J -\~'F~~- .:;. t' TO' Total DIM SHIPMtNTichargeable Weight) o L '" x H w x State .br,iloo"oo, No. IfPRequired Required Federal Express Use Base Charges j- Declar&dValueCharge 00.,' Other 2 Total Charges REVtSION DATE 6192 PARTf137204 NCREC3I93 FORMAT'l36 11361 ~1991.92FEDEX PRINTECIN u,s,~ .."",~~ , . . RIBAR CONTRACTING INC. . RB 336 MAPLE AVENUE, WESTBURY, N. Y. 11590 TELEPHONE 516-333-6300 TELEFAX 516-333-6352 . RB687 September 3, 1996 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southhold, N.Y. 11971 Attention: Plan Sales Re: Restoration/Reconstruction of Existing Bulkhead, Greenport, N.Y. Bid Date 9/12/96 - 11:00 A.M. Subj: Bid Documents Dear Ms. Warren: Enclosed please find our check #3692 in the amount of $25.00 to purchase the plans and specifications for the above referenced project. please forward the documents as soon as possible using our Federal Express Account #1585-2559-3. Thank you. Very truly yours, RIBAR CONTRACTING, INC. Mildred K. Sheehan ~ SfP:i 1996 ... D.i ~ 'Ill" iii ~tdf/uc/ ~ .LL~~,,- Ene. LusPlI :;z,t:, CONTRACTORS . ENGINEERS RUG-26-1996 22:37 P.01 . . ~~~. CITC fiLE NO 136574 IESTCAATIDM/RECDMITRUL1rION Of AM EXISTING BULKH~ .. Greenpart, MY co: SUffolk KLipp park,Manh..set Avenue OWIIR:TO'I01 of I_hold S3095 Ma;n Road Southold,NT 11971 516-765-1BOO '.REPORTER mealimc. ~~f"" ~ C(,\'). .. \~tJ t? {,~~~ STATlIS BIDS CLOSB SEPTEMN. 12 11:00 AM P l 8 frOll OWnllr, po_' 125, """orefundlbl., Bid So<: 5" bank draft, cer check gr b;d bond IIDDERS ==<!lI!._~__~IIl~~~===!!I_==.=!!!.--=====._;;:;::= TOTRL P.01 . . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that she is the Production Coordinator, of the TRA V- ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no- tice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler Watchman once each week for / ... ... ........ ...... ....... ............. .......... .......... .... ........ weeks -~- successively, commencing on the ....2.7........... day,~..................a~~":;:!~..,....... ,19/."{ ..f..{.?.~~~~.:~~....(~.~4:~......... NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law. that sealed bids are sought and re- quested for the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park, Manhanset A v- enue, Greenport, N.Y. Speci- fications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of South old, Town Hall. 53095 Main Road, Southold. New York 11971, upon pay- ment of a $25 non-refundable fec, het\\.'cen the hours 01'8:00 A.M. and 4:00 PM.. Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted in accordance \\'ith the bid specifications. The sealed bids. together with a Non-Collusive Bid Ccr- ti ficate and bank draft. certified check. or bid bond in the amount of 5%. will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 12, 1996, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board ofthe Town of South old reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informal- ity in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of South old to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Bulkhead Reconstruction," and submit- ted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of South old is exempt. Dated, August21, 1996 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk IX-8/29/96(78) . ~'Y~ Sworn to before me thiS .........;?\............. day of ............................/:i.~~"C':..7............"..... ,19...'1.~ j ,.....,..,.......~~..(l...d:.~~"". Notary l'ublic BfI,RSAR'A it ~\:~ ~ ,'~f:DER NOTARy ?UGUc. ~' 01 I\lLW YOt~ N'J. ,;;)~:-./;,lG Qual;~if;d 11 ::~.;L!i\ CO!J!!.~ . / Commission [xO,:2: rfJ3/f'i.6 . . STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the ~ day of August 1996, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Legal Notice, Notice to Bidders, Bulkhead Reconstruction & Restoration, Klipp Park, Greenport, N.Y.. bid opening: 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 12, 1996, Southold Town Clerk's Office. ~~~ f7 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 2~ day of August, 1996. ~/- ft. ~ ~~,...J N tary Pu ic UNDAJ. COOPER NowIry Public. Slale of N.... Vorl< No. 4822C.63. Suffolk COUnl\h-. Tflrm !,::Y',)~r"'~ .,'-C. ",,'''',..1~ : ,t 7(", JI . . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, N.Y. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $25.00 non-refundable fee, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.. Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid specifications. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft, certified check, or bid bond in the amount of 5%, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 12, 1996, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Bulkhead Reconstruction", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any til)(, federal, state, or local, from which the town of Southold is exempt. Dated: August 21, 1996. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 29, 1996, AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. FORWARD ONE (1) TOWN CLERK, TOWN Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Supt. of Highways Jacobs Executive Administrator McMahon Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Construction Data Corporation Town Clerk's Bulletin Board ~2Ut~d :1-4 j4-<:~ J/~ \ _-5 q; . /~ .~ v/ L- A' -' /' //- '''-_-:' ./ (. cL-- -T-C -lj C-- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS II I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park. Manhanset Avenue. Greenport. N.Y. Sp",cifications may b", obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $25.00 non-refundable fee, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid specifications. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft, certified check, or bid bond in the amount of 5%, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M.. Thursday. September 12. 1996, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Bulkhead Reconstruction", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any. tAX, federal, state, or local, from which the town of Southold is exempt. Dated: August 21, 1996. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 29. 1996, AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, HALL. PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. FORWARD ONE (1) TOWN CLERK, TOWN Copies to the following: I ! I I I I The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Supt. of Highways Jacobs Executive Administrator McMahon Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's I nformation Services Construction Data Corporation Town Clerk's Bulletin Board . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 20, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for Bulkhead Reconstruction and Restoration at Klipp Park, Gull Pond Inlet, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York. ~,AJJ~~ ~-T. Te~ Southold Town Clerk August 21, 1996 . . . . . PROJECT DESCRIPTION BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION: KLIPP PARK, GREENPORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK THIS PROJECT INCLUDES NEW FILTER CLOTH AND NEW SHEATHING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF APPROXIMATELY 395 LINEAL FEET OF EXISTING BULKHEAD. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: . INSTALLATION OF APPROXIMATELY THREE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (395') FEET OF NEW BULKHEAD SHEATHING. TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (265') FEET SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION. (SEE TYPICAL SECTION SHEET # 2). ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (130') FEET SHALL BE AT EACH SIDE OF EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP. (SEE DETAIL SHEET # 3). EXCAVATE TO A DEPTH OF 2'-0" BELOW EXISTING MUD LINE BEHIND ALL EXISTING BULKHEAD SECTIONS THAT REQUIRE NEW SHEATHING. ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON SITE WITH SILT FENCE AND HAY BAILS AT THE PERIMETER TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM ENTERING TIDAL AREAS. . . BULKHEAD AREAS REQUIRING WORK SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC INSTALLED BEHIND ALL NEW SHEATHING. INSTALLATION SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITH A MINIMUM OVERLAP OF 2'-0". . THE EXISTING BOAT RAMP SHALL REMAIN OPEN DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY SAFEGUARDS TO ENSURE SAFE ACCESS. . THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT LEFT ON SITE. PROPER FENCING AND BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SEPARATE THE WORK SITE FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC. REQUESTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND ALL INQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE ENGINEERS OFFICE: S.T.E.D., PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958. ATTENTION - JAMES A. RICHTER - (516) 765 3070 The foregoing Project Description is provided for general information only. It is not part on the Contract Documents. For the specific provisions and requirements of this project, please refer to the full Specifications and Contract Drawings. . . INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Invitation to bid Instruction to Bidders Proposal Form N.Y.S. Affirmative Action Certification AlA Bid Bond Offer of Surety A-1 through A-1 B-1 through B-2 C-1 through C-2 0-1 through 0-1 AlA Document # A31 0 E-1 through E-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS AlA General Conditions Supplementary General Conditions AlA Performance Bond General Release Prevailing Wage Rates Compliance with Labor Law & other Dept. of Labor Regulations Non-Discrimination Clause AlA Document # A201 F-1 through F-2 AlA Document # A311 G-1 through G-1 H-1 through H-1 J-1 through J-8 K-1 through K-2 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA TrONS General Conditions Part 1 - General Specifications Site Plan . Sections & Details Page 1 Page 2 through 4 Drawing # 1 Drawing # 2 & 3 . . INVITATION TO BID PROJECT: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION KLIPP PARK, MANHANSET AVE., GREENPORT, NEW YORK The Town Board of the Town of South old will receive bids for the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park in accordance with the Specifications prepared by James A. Richter, R.A., Southold Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958. Bids will be received at the office of the Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until: 11:00AM Thursdav , September I? 1996. All Specifications are provided herein. A fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00), cash or check, made payable to the Town of Southold will be required for one (1) copy of the Contract Documents. There are no refunds. This invitation to bid is not an offer and shall in no way bind the Town of South old to award a contract for performance of the project. Should the Town of South old decide to award a contract, it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities, and to reject any or all bids, and to retain bids for 45 days from the date of receipt. The CONTRACTOR MAY NOT withdraw his bid during this period. Bid security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% will be required of each bidder. Performance bonds in the amount of 25% of the contract price shall be required of the successful bidder. Please advise if you intend to bid or not. . Dated: August 20 1996 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD By: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION A -1 . . INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. PROPOSALS Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the "Proposal Form" provided. The bidders shall write in ink, both in words & numerals, the price for which he proposed: to furnish all materials, plant, equipment, tools, shoring or bracing, scaffolds, or other facilities, & to perform all labor and services necessary for the proper completion of the work in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, and subject at all times to the approval of the Architect. Proposals shall be addressed as indicated on Invitation for Bids and shall be delivered enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked "Proposal" bearing title of work, and Bidders Name. No proposal shall be considered which has not been received by the Southold Town Clerk prior to the hour and date stated. Each proposal must be signed in writing with the full name and address of bidder. B. PROPOSAL GUARANTY A proposal will not be accepted or considered unless accompanied by a guaranty in the form of a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the total bid, payable to the Town of Southold. As soon as the proposal prices have been compared, the Owner shall retum the bidders bond or the certified checks accompanying such proposals as, in his judgement, would not likely be involved in making the award. All other proposal quantities will be held until the contract and contract bond have been executed after which they will be released or retumed to the respective bidders whose proposals they accompanied. C. OMISSIONS AND DISCREPANCIES Bidders should carefully examine the drawings and specifications, visit the site of work, and fully inform themselves of all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from the drawings, specifications, or other documents or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the Architect who may issue a written instruction to all bidders. D. PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place indicated in the Invitation for Bids. Bidders, there authorized agents, and other interested parties are invited to be present. E. AWARD OF CONTRACT Award of contract will be made as soon as practical. a contract may be awarded to a responsible bidder other than the lowest money bidder, if it is in the best interest of the Town. No bid may be withdrawn after scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of 45 days pending execution of a contract by successful bidder. The competency and responsibility of the bidder and his sub-contractors will be considered in making the award. The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error, to accept any bid, or to reject any or all bids. The contract form will be a Standard form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor (Stipulated Lump Sum). The Town will either award the project or reject all proposals received within forty-five (45) days after . the formal opening of proposals. The acceptance of a proposal will be a notice in writing signed by the Town Clerk and no other act shall constitute the acceptance of a proposal. The acceptance of a proposal shall bind the successful bidder to execute the contract and to deliver separate performance and payment bonds made by a Surety Company, as stipulated herein. The amount of the bonds shall not be less than twenty five percent ( 25 % ) of the contract price of the work. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION B-1 . . F. WITHDRAWALS OF PROPOSALS Any bidder upon his or her authorized representative's written request presented not later than the hour set for the opening thereof, will be given permission to withdraw his proposal. At the time of opening the proposais, when such proposals are reached, it will be returned to him unread. G. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error and to reject any and/or all proposals. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any proposal which in incomplete, obscure, or irregular may be rejected; any proposal accompanied by an insufficient or irregular certified check or bidder's bond bay be rejected, any proposal having interlineation, erasure or corrections may be rejected. The Town also reserves the right to reject any bid if an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the Town that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. H. TIME FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will be required to appear before the Town in person; or if a firm or corporation, a duly authorized representative shall so appear, and execute six (6) copies of the Contract and furnish satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) days after notice that the Contract has been awarded to him. Failure to execute Contract shall constitute a breach of the agreement effected by the acceptance of the Proposal. The damages to the Town for such breach will include loss from interference with his construction program and other items, the accurate amount of which it will be difficult or impossible to compute. The amount of the certified check or bidder's bond accompanying the Proposal of such bidder shall be retained by the Town, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for such breach. In the event any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted shall fail or refuse to execute the Contract as herein before provided, the Town may, at there option, determine that such bidder has abandoned the Contract, and thereupon, his proposal and acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the Town shall be entitled to liquidated damages as above provided. I. TIME LIMIT TO COMMENCE AND COMPLETE WORK The contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after the date stipulated in the notice to proceed which was given to him by the Town of Southold and shall complete the work within the calendar day limit as set forth by him in his Proposal, but not more than sixty (60) working days. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION B-2 . . PROPOSAL FORM DATE: NAME OF BIDDER: TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: The undersigned as bidder, declares that the only persons, company, or parties interested in this proposal as principals are named below; that this proposal is made without any connection, directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no person acting for or employed by the aforementioned owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the Contract, or the supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined the Contract Documents (dated July 9, 1996) including bidding requirements, general and special conditions, specifications, contract documents, and addenda, if any (Note: Acknowledgment of addenda and their dates must be included as indicated on bottom page); and he proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all labor & materials not provided by the Town (See Specifications) and to perform all the work required to construct, perform and complete the work at: KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD RESTORATION AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION MANHANSET AVENUE, GREEN PORT, NEW YORK 11944 in accordance with the Contract Documents and Addenda, if any, prepared by JAMES A. , RICHTER, RA, Southold Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, and complying with all the stipulations contained therein and will furnish the required Performance Bond; that he will start the work as directed by the Town, he will accept, in full payment thereof as listed below: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 1 . . PROPOSAL FORM CONT. FURNISH AND SUPPLY ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION OF TREATED TIMBER BULKHEADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES WILL BE COMPLETED FOR THE STIPULATED "LUMP SUM" OF: (written in words) (written in numbers) unit prices for extras shall include the cost for materials and installation of same: PILING - (12" DiA. X 24') TIE RODS - (3/4" Galv.) DEAD MEN & BACKER PILES EACH EACH PER LINEAR FOOT (written in words) (written in words) (written in words) (written in numbers) (written in numbers) (written in numbers) And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the requirements of the Town after notice of the acceptance of said proposal shall have been deposited in the mail addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have abandoned the contract and the sum represented by the certified check accompanying this proposal shall be forfeited to the Town as Liquidated damages; otherwise the certified check shall be returned to the bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date of the receiving bids. We the undersigned, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect for a period of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this proposal or by mutual agreement may extend this time period. Signature of Bidder: Business Address: . Telephone Number: Date: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION C - 2 . . NEW YORK STATE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH BIDDER) Bidder's Certifications: A bidder will not be eligible for award of a contract under this Invitation for Bids unless such bidder has submitted as a part of its bid the following certification, which will be deemed a part of the resulting contract: BIDDER'S CERTIFICATION (Bidder) Certifies that: 1. it intends to use the following listed construction trades in the work under the contract ; and, 2. a. as to those trades set forth in the preceding paragraph one hereof for which it is eligible under Part 1 of these Bid Conditions for participation in the Nassau-Suffolk County Plan it will comply with the said County area within the scope of coverage of that Plan, those trades being: ; and/or, b. as to those trades for which it is required by these Bid Conditions to comply with Part II of these Bid Conditions, it adopts the minimum minority man- power utilization goals and the specific affirmative action steps contained in said Part II, for all construction work (both state and non-state) in the afore- mentioned area subject to these Bid Conditions, these trades being: ; and, . 3. it will obtain from each of its subcontractors and submit to the contracting or administering agency prior to the award of any subcontractor under this contract the subcontractor certification required by these Bid Conditions. (Signature of Authorized Representative of Bidder) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION D - 1 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . I AlA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we (Here insert full n;lme and address or legal title of Contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and (Here insert full n;llme and address or legal title of Surety) a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and ;Iddress or legal title of Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Dollars ($ l, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Ptincipal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid. and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the ~ent of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this day of 19 (Witness) { (Title) (Principal) (Sea/) (Witness) { (Tille) (5u,ely) (Seal) AlA DOCUMENT Al10. BID BOND. AlA l8. FEBRUARY 1970 ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 1 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. . . OFFER OF SURETY (To be Completed by Each Bidder) In the event the above Proposal is accepted and the undersigned is awarded the Contract for the work, the undersigned offers as surety for faithful performance, bond and/or bonds to protect labor and material men, the following surety: SURETY COMPANY Signed (Bidder) CERTIFICATE OF SURETY to be signed by a duly authorized official, agent or attorney of the Surety Company. In the event that the above Proposal is accepted and the contract for the work is awarded to said (Bidders Name) will execute the (Surely Company) the Surety Bonds as herein before provided. Signed: Authorized Official. Agent, or Attorney Date: IMPORTANT: THIS PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT WHEN CERTIFIED CHECK IS SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF BID BOND, OR BID MAY BE REJECTED. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION E - 1 . . TilE AMERI.CAN N S T T UTE o F ARC H TECTS ., AlA Document A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction THIS /)OOI,1/(:,'\'T flAS (,1/PORTANT LEGAl. CONSFQUENCES: COlVSUI,TAT/OI\' w'rTH IIA ATTORNEY IS ENCC)(/RACI;'j) \\"fTH R!iSPr:CT TO ITS MonIFICAT/ON 1987 EDITION TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 8. TIME 2. OWNER 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 3. CONTRACTOR 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 4. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 11. INSURANCE AND BONDS 5. SUBCONTRACTORS 12. UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 6 CONSTRUCTION BI- OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 15. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS /. CHANGES IN THE WORK 14. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT Thi~ document 11;1,<; heen approvec! and endor~cd hy tht' A.<;soci:ncd General COlllr~clor,c; or America. (:r1lwrigIH 1911, ItJl'i, [l)IR. !92C" 19~~. 19'i1. 1l)'iH, 19(11, 19(-.:'>. l':)(il. 196-, 197P. 1976.@19R"'7h\'The Americm in~tillllt'()f Arc!litec[<;, I-J,<; New )"(Irk ,\\'l'IlIIt.', N.\'\" '. \\'a.~l1ill~I()n. {).C.. 2flfl(l(1 Hqm1llllClifJIl {If tIH.: lllaterial Ill'rein tlf <;\lho;(:lIltl:rl qmll:lli(lll (Jr il<; pnl\"l<;j<llls \,'jtllllUl I\-rille!\ pt:flni.<;.<;i(JIl {If t11t: ,\1/\ \-i(llale~ lhe nl,wri~hl j:I~'" of the {Inned Slalt"" ;lnd will be .<;uhjccr \(1 k::~:JI PT().<;ccutiolls r:rn CAUTION: You should use an original AlA document which has this caution printed in red" ~ An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AlA DOCUMENT A201 . f;!:NFRAI. {(lNP1THlN-" OF THF CONTRACT FOR CONST1HiCTHlN. I'tll;R,TEENTIl EJ)[TI()N ,\1,\1, . iD IOW:- TIll'. M,IEllII,\N INST!"!"1 'TF (11' AIH:!lfTF.(TS. 1-\<; N!:\'(.....( 1IH, A\"ENl 'E, ~\'I;' \'('/\:'ilIIN(;TtlN.I)( 2!HKlh A201-1987 WARNING; Unlicen!"ed nl1nlnr.OPvinq violates U.S. coPvri~h' law!'; and is subject to leQAI prosecution. . 9.(;.6, ()9~. 12.3 9R.2. 9.93, Y.IO.I. 9. 10..; 4.2..1. In _~.2. 1 , :'1.2.2. _-\.:~ .2. ,; 12.H,.-\. 1 H. 4.2 J. 'L3.2. 4 :'1.9. A.5.1. III lA, In.2.S, 1?>.4.2. 13.7, 14.] 1.11..1_11 ',_~F~,5.7"L),9.6,11.11),~ 4.2.6, 9.R.2. 12.2.1. 1~. 'i 4.~.6. 4.3.R, 4.3.9. 8.:'.2 :'d.3. 4, 9.4. 9; 1.1.1 3.8 4.2.S. -.3.;,9.2, 1,9.6.;', 9, IO.!. 9. ](1..~_ 9.]0.4. 11 13. J.L2,4 5.10.2, ,'i.l2<i IhrouJ.!11 3. I 2.R,;,.] R..1. <1.2.7,9..1,.2. 11 .-,",.I.-j, 1:;....2, 1:'.'1 ,j 14.4..1.2, '1.3.4, ,t.-'fA. 4.5. R.,l. I. 10.! .2. 1\ <.;9. I] _,1.10 4.1 4.11 2.'1. 5.! 2.6. .+'2. <1.1.2. .i.).6. .,. 1.2. -.2.1. ~,.:Hl, -.4. 9.2. 9.,1 1. 9.H.:\.9.IO,1.910..l,,, 1,'1:;1. 1,,11.::;.2. H.2.2. l<i.2.'i . ArchHl'CI l.irnil;JlI()I1S (Jr AUlhIJr;f\" ;l!H.llkspfll1sihili/\' .:...:. ..:.. ,;.12.H. ;,11.11 ,j 1, <i.2.2. -i.2."1, .1.2.6, .-i.2.-;-, '1,1.10, <i.l,12. ,'i,2.1.~. 'i.:~.2. ':;,2.1. -.1. 9'U. 9,(l'l. 'J,(l.(; ArdlilCCI 's Addilioll;11 SCf\'itTS ;tnd EXpCll.SCS 2..i.9,R.2, 1\.".1 1 12.2.1. 12.2-i, 1;';,2, 15;..'" 1 'i.1.-i Architect's Administration of the Contract 4.2. '1,5 (i. ,U,7, <i.,i. 9.4. 9'; .,.12,6,.0l,.12.R..1 lFU..~.2.-:- ;;.1. <\. I.; ,\,2,(;. -1,2.-. .d.ll. .1.2.12. .1.2.1;. I I. \,.\ '1. i"i, (J.~. - 'l,(,. :.;H. HI.;, H.;.I. I. tlH.2, Sl,'J.1. 10.1.2. U.O::;.2. 14.2.2, l'i..H 4.2.2. .L~.9. 'U.6. 9.4.2. 9R.2. <).9.2. \), to.!. I.;') -i.L6. 4.2./. <i.l.R, 4,5,-;-, 7.'i.l. 12.1, J ~.S.2 .i.2.1 [,'-i.2.12.4..~,7 4.2.2. 4.2.5. 4.~.6. Y.4.2. 9.'5.1, Y.IO.I, 15.-; Arcl1iu:n 's Pro,Ct'l Represem:nive 4.2.10 l\rcllilecI 's Hd;llilll1ship wilh CfllHr;lClflr 1.1.2, ~.2.1. .1.2.2. ;."-.5.1',,1, .1.7,.;. 5,11. 5.12.A, ,1.12.11, 1.16. :UR. 4.2..;, 4.2.4, ,i.26. .1.2.12. '). 7:,-i. 9.A..:!. 11.~.7. 12.1. 15.'" l\rclliH:Ct'S lkblioJ1shir with SUhCflnlraCIOrs I .:I.2.<i. -1.2.6. Sl.6.5, t),6,..j. II ,.:J...- fJ..:!.2. 9.-;.1.9.10. I '1.2.2. 4,1.':;. ..j,2.~.1, 4.:~,6. 9.4.2. 9''i, 1. C),H.2. 1.).9.2. 9,10,1, 1.:J..,'j 10.1 JR 1.!J.ln,2. 10.1 'i 6.1 1 Acceptance of Nonconforming Work Acceptance of \X:ork 96.6. Access to Work Accidcm l'rc\'el1tion At-ls;mt!()1l1issiol1s ..\tk\cml:1 Addiliflll;ll ens!. Claims for Additifln:lf InspectitlOS dod Te.<;tio~. Additional Tim~. CI;J.ims for. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT Ad\TrtisellH:nl or Invit.Hion 10 Bid Aesthetic Effect. Allowances AI1.ri.c;k Insur:mcc Applications for Payment 9,H,.~. 2.'1. .1 ,.'1.,~. .~, 'i. ,\pprcl\'af~ Arbitration Architect Architect. Ddlnilinllof ArchileCI. EXlcrl! of AUlhorilY '-iii, '1.2. (1.-1. ~f,-i. ')". 9.G.~, Sl.H.2. Arcl1it{'ct'~ Apprm';lls :2 "i. ,;. -;.1, .1.10.2. Arcllilt.'Cl '" Authority 10 ReieCl Work Architect's Ctlp\Ti~iu Archilt'ct'" [kt'isifHlS. j >',2. ,j. ){'. 'f 9.2. LJ..i. (J.'i ..\rchit~'Ct's Inspt't'lifl!1.S Archilt:Cl'S IllslruCllflns Archill;Cl'.s 11l1t'rprcl:ltillll.S Architect's On-Sil(' Oh.<;t:f\':l!iOIlS A rcllll t'Cl' s ]{<.:prt.sell t;ll if lIlS ,\rCillltTI'SSi/t' \'isil,S i\sllt'Stll.S AllllrllC\'S Ft't.'s .-\t\,;lftl (lfScp:l1':ItcContraCls Award of Subcontracts and Other Contracts for Portions of the Work Basic Definitions l1idding Rt'quirC'lllt'!1IS Boiler and Machinery Insurance l'1flllds.ljt.'!1 Illlllds.l'crfl1rll\;1Ilt'c:I1lt!I';1\,llIClll 5.2 1.1 11..11 11,3.2 Y 10.1 ..1,9.11.'1 I 1.1. I 1 -, <;,2. - ; ,(),'l. 1.), Il),__~, I [ . INDEX Building Permit ,~, -;-.1 Capitalization 1 .4 Certificue of Suh.<u;lIltial Completion 9.H.2 Certificates for Payment 'i.2.5. .:1,2.9. 9.,;..~. 9.4,9.0::;,9.(,.1. 9,6,0,9.- 1. LJ.HJ. 9.10.1. 9.IO..~. 1;-1.-::'. H.1.1..1. 1"L2"j CertifiC:Hes of lnspc('\ion. Te:.~tin~ or Appf(lv~1 ~. I 2.11. I.~.':;,'-i CertifiC:Hes of In:;;ur:tnce 9.."1.2.9. J 0,2. I 1 1 ,.~ Change Orders 1.1.1. 2.'1. l. 3.A.2.4, 3.11. 4.2.,11, <-\..1, 'j,2..-\. 71,7.2,7.3.2, 8.3.t, Y.3,1.l. 910,:', 11 ,3.!.2. 11,:'.4. II ,.-\!J. 12,1.2 :".2.1 7.1 3.11,, R3,J, 10.1.3 '4.3.1 4.3,4.4,4.),6.2,5. R.."l.2, 9..~.1.2. 9.3..-\. 9.JOA. 10.14 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims 4.5.6 Claims for Additional Cost.,4.3,9, G.l.1. 10J Claims for Additional Time, 'U.9, HJ.2 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions 4.3.6 ClaimsforD;lma~t:s. .:I..1R..i..~.9,6.1I,6.2.5.R:::'.2.Sl.':;.1.2, 10.1A Cl:lims Suhfecl to Arhilr:llion. ,j:~.2. "iA.'L ,I.; 1 Cleaning Up 3.15, (I..; Commencement of Statutory Limitation Period 13.7 c.orllmcnccmeTll oflhc \X'"ork. C()ndition~ Rd:ninR If) 2.1.2. 2.2.1. .Llo.t. :':'.2.2. .~7.1. .:1,.10.1, .;.Ilo.(). .U.-::'. ".2.1. 6.2.2. R.t.2, R.2.2. 9.2. 1 I 1 J, I I "Hi. 11..1. I COll1mCllccnU.'llI of the Work. Ikfinilion of R. 1.2 C(lITlOlUl1ic;ttillll.S Facilil:t/in.'! C:(mt.,aCl t\thninislr;l\il,n Cmllplt.:liorl, COlldiliorls Ih:1;llirl~ 10 '-<1.2, l),R, 99 COMPLETION. PAYMENTS AND. Change Orders. Definilion of Changes. CHANGES IN THE WORK Claim, Definition of Claims and Disputes .:1.91. ,j.:>L =;.2.1 .-\,II.:U~.'i,.2.2.,i.2.'). 1, 9.1 O. 11..~ 'S. 12..2..2, J'l.'" I 9 4.2,9, 4__~S2. H.l 1.1-1.1,3, H,2.j, 9A.,'" Compli:mcew;thLaws 1.3,.1.6..1,7.3.15.-4.11.1Cl.2.lo.ll.l. 11..:l.. 1.11. 1.3.'S.1. 1.3.'S.2. [-16, 1<i.1.1. 1<i.2.1 ,3 (:fIllCC:I!t.d {If (inklll)wn <:<lrldilI1l11.c; '1..~.6 Cplldilions of Illc Conlr:lC! 1 1 I. I I -::' (I, I 1 Consent, Wrillell 1..1.1..~ 12.H,5.1'l.2,.i,1.2. 4..~.,4, ,~, ". 'S. 9.-'1.2. f).R.:!., 9.9.1. <) I (),2, <), IO.:'t.1 () 1,2. 1 n.l..~< 11..~.I, 11J.IA.II..~I[. I.,L 1.;.'1.2 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS Con:;;lruclion Change Directive, Definition of. Construction Change Directives J .1.1,4.2.8,7. C(lIlslruetion Schedules, Contr;lCtor:s Contingent Assignment of Subcontracts Continuing Contract Performance Contract, Definilion of CONTRACT, TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE Ctll11plCfitll\. Subst:l1l1ia! 7,.~, r 1.7.3,9.3.1 1 3 10',61 ,,:l. 5.4 4.3.4 1.1.2 Contr:lCl Athnini.<:tr:Hion Cnlllr:lCt A w;lrd and Execmion. 4..:I,7.'H.I.I.14 4.9.'4, <)" .;.-.1. 11..H).ll.<1.1 1.1,1.2. -;- .,;. 2.1.". o:,"~ 1.1.\ <i.;-I,4.<I."i..3 <1.4.4.':;.2.-'1. \2,.3,1.i.2.<1 9.1 '4.;6,41 H. 'l,.i,.i. -,2.)..~. I.'. R.2.1.fUI.lJ."', 12.1 I .1..~.) , Conditions Rel<1tin~ 10 . ,'UO. ';.2, 9.2, J1.1..-\, Contract Documents, The COlllr:ICI f)ocuments. Copie~ Furnisl1e(j :1nd List" of Clllllr;lCt Documents. Definition {)f Ctlntr:tcl Pcr!tlrlll;Jll<..:e !)urinl<" Arbitrmi(J!l Contract Sum .~ ,R, 'i 0.1..-\, '7.2. -:-.5. 9.1, y,: li.3 Contract Sum, Definition of (:<1111r:lCl Time 5.h. <1,.1.7, I. 12.2.'i, C:orllr:I(,:1 Timf.', Definition or 8.1.1 2 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 a c;f.NERAI. CON'DlTJON'~ Of TIlE CONTRACT fnR CON'STRtlCTION 4 FOllRTEF.:N'Tll EDlTJON ^!A~ . ',C\ Jlll'J-::' THF. AMF.RICAN INST1TI'TF. OF ARCHITECTS. 17~'i NE\'(' YORI\ A\-'F.N'l IE. N.\X',. \'('AS1HN(;1"(>N. DC 2000t' WARNING: Unlicensed phf'JIOcopying violAtes U.S. copyright laws And Is sub;ecl to Ie-gAl pro~ecution. . 3 3.1,6.1.2 1.1.\ 3.10,6.1.3,3.18,4.2.3. 10.,1, 1] 1.1. 14.2.1 1 11.1 CONTRACTOR Contractor. Definition of ContraClo(,c; !lid Contractor's Construction Schedules C(lntractor'~ Employee::- 3.:;.2,3.4.2., 10.2. Contractor's Liability Insurance Contractor's Rebrion...hir with Separ:l.Ie Contractor." and Owner's Forces,3.1-+.,6. 12.2.5 COlllr:1CI<lr'_" Relalion:o;hip with Suhconlf:lctors, 3.1 R.I, 3.18.2. :;.2. 5.3. <;.4. 9.6.2. 11.3./. 11.3.8. Contractor',., Relationship wilh the Architect 1.1.2,3.2., 3.3.3. ,l,.'U, 3,~,3, 3.11. 3.12.A 3.16. 3.18. 4.2.3, 4.2.'1, 4.2.6, 4.2.12,,7.;.4. 9.R.2. t l,.~.7, 12.1. l.~,'i Contr:1Cl0fS Represcntations. 1.2.2. .1S 1. 5 12.:.6.2.2. R.l.I. :J..~.3 C(llltr:lCltlr'.~ Responsihility for Th(lSe PerfonninlllheWork .~,.::',2.~.IA.4.2.::'.IO COlltr;\Clor"s He\'icw ofCuntr:lct Document~ 1.2.2. 5.2, .~,- "~ Contr;Klor's Rilithlto Stop the Work 9.7 COlllracr()r'.~ Highllo Terlllin;llt' rhe Conlr:1Cl I"i.l C(llllr:lctor'.~ SUhllliH:II.~ 5. Ill. 5, I I. 5. 12, 4.2.1. 'S .2.] . 'S .2.). ,.Hi. 9,2. 9..' I. 9.R.2. 9.9.1. 9.1fl.2. 9,IIU. 10.\.2. 114.2. I I 'i..::' Cllntr:I("lor',,; Superintendellt 5,9. 10.1.6 <;lllllr;Ktclr's Surcrvisitlll and Ctlllstructi(ll1 l'nlCetlllft.S. 1.2.'1. .-I,.-I,.~..i. ,j..! -1,. .4.2.2. 1-1.2..'. 10 1,2.2. 1.2-'i. ~.-l,I. .', 10. ~,12.7. 6.1,5. ('.2.1 erlpit'!' rtlrni.~IH;tI clf Dr:l'l\'inp:s and Specifications I J. 2.2.'S. ...:11 Corre("(ion of Work 2.3. lA. <i.2.l. 9.R.2. 9,9.1. ]2.1.2, 12.2. 15.- I..~ e(IS1. Detlnitiollof 7.:'.6.14.3.-) COS1.~ 2.4. 3.2.1 . ,~. '7.4. .~.R.2, 3. I <; ,2, 4.3.6. <i.5.1. 4.... .A.I. -).2.-;. 6.1.1. (,2..-;, fd. ~ .~.~.3, 7.5.6. ,..1.,,7. 9.-. 9R,2.9.IO.2. 11.;1.,.1.2, 11,.;,],.~.I].~A.11.3.9,,12.2.".I.'.~.14 Cutting and Patching 3.14,6.2.fi Damage 10 Construction or Owner or Separate Contf'.tctors 3.14.1. n.2A. 9S1'i, ], ]0.2.5. Ifl.3. 11.1, 11.3. 12.2.5 [)am;l~e1(llheW"nrk :U<L2.99.l.IO.!1.3 DamaRCs, Claims for. .;.IR, 4..~.9, n.I.], G.2.5. H.;.l, In.1 A J)al1la~c~ for Delay. 6.1.1. B.3.J: [):lle of Commencement of the \X!ork. Definilion of . R ] .2 /):ne (lfSubst;lnli:l1 C(Irnplt'tion, IJefinili()O Ilf _ R.] ..' Day, Definition of. R.IA Ikt'isiollS of Ihe Architect _ . 4.2.6. 4.2. '7, -I.2.1!, 4.2.12,4.2.13, 4..-\. -i.-i.!. -1.4.4. 4,'), (d. 7..'1.,.6. '7,.~.H. R.I.3. 8..~.1. 9.2. QA. 9.'.1. 9.8.2. 9.9.1. ]0.1.2. !~'5.2. ]4.2.2. 1'i.2.4 Decisions to Withhold Certification 9.S, 9.7. ! -I, 1.1.3 Defecti\'e or Nonconforming \'(Iork. Accept:mce. RejeCtion and Cllrrcction of 2..~, 2.4. .J." 5. 1. 4.2.1. "1.2.6. Q.3.5. 9.5.2, 9.R.2. 9.9.1. 10.2.5. 12. 13.7 I.:~ Defective \'(Iork. Definilion of -,,'S.) Definitions ].1,2.1.1. 3.1. .',).1. .~, 12.1. ;.12.2. ).12.-". 4, 1.1. -I..~.I. '::;,1, 6.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.3.1. ~:~.(j. 8.1.9,1. 9.R,1 Delays and Extensions ot Time <i.j.l. -l..',R.I. 4..J.,,ti.2. (1. I 1. 6.2..J.,. -.2.1, -:-'.1. ~.5.4. -..J.,'S. 7..~.H. -.~9. R.I l. B.3, 10..'.!. 1, lk'ru1es 4 ] .4, '~.,', -i..:i. 4.':;, ()2'i. (\,.".'" ."H.05.1.2 Doculllent!' :m(1 S;lrnpks at lhe Site .1.,.11 l)r:'\Yings.!)dinililll1of 11.<; I 'r:!\....in~s :uHI Specific:n;(Jlls. li.~t' :1I1t! OWllcrc;l1ip of 1.1 1. I ,i. 2.2. <::, ~. I I. <:: , DUl\' 10 Re\'ic:w COntr:ICl Doculllents :md Field CondilillllS ' 1 UfeCli\T D:lI(, lIf Insur:lIl(c R,2.2. 11.1.2 <;tHltr:1('tu:lll.i:lhilitv Insllr:lIlcc. (;(Jllnlin;/l;llll :lIltl (;{lrrcl;llillll . Emergencies 'i.), -. 10.3 Emp]oyees. COlltr:lClOr',~ ~,:..2. 3.4.2, '.R, I. .~,9. ,J,.I H.].,4.2.6, .',10.3. 11.1.1. 1~.2.1 1 Equipment. Lahor, M<lteri~ls and 1.1 J. l.l.<1. .~<l. :~,'i I, .~A,2. .1.]2.3, 3.12.7. 3.12.11, :'.I~. ),l-),l, 4.2,~, 6.2.1, 7,~.6, 9J.2. 9.:'1.3. ] 1..1. 12.2A, 14 Exectllion ;md Prowe~.~ of the Work 1.\.3. 1.2..1, .1.2, .~.4, I.,!j .~4, 4.,.1,,8, 0.2.2. - 1.~. i..1.9, 8.2, 8.3, 9.'5. 9,9,1. 10.2. l-Ll. l'U Execution, Correlation and Intent of the Contract DOCllment.~ 1.2, .~.'" I EXlcnsionsofThne 4J.I.4,i.R.7.2.1 .J,"8.~"'. ]0.5.1 F:iilureorPaymenthyContr:iC10T ~),'S,1,5.1.L2.1 ) F:lilurc of Payment hy Owner 4.1.,'. </,'7. 1'1.1 "~ F:ltllty 'IX'ork (See Defective or Nonconfonnin~ Work) Final Completion and Final Payment -i.21. '1.2.<). '1..~.2. 4,.'1.,.',11.1.1,. 11:1.'i, 12.1,.1. \.~,: Financi:ll Arr:mgcments, Owncr's. 2.2 1 Fire and Extcnded Cover;l~e Insur:1nce 11 J GENERAL PROVISIONS Governing Law (~U:lr:lnl(.'t'.~ (Set: \X';lrraIllY anti \'x':lrr:lTllies) J 1:II'~lHIOll~ M:lIt:ri;ll~ 10, I. 1ll..;.'1 IdemifiC:l1jon of ContraCI !)ocull1enls \ ,2 1 ldcnli(ic:lIillll ofStlhnllHr:KtOr.~ ;llltl Suppliers <; 2 I Indemnification. U7,3.18, LJ.IO.2, Ill.l 'I. II ~.1.2. Il..~,- Information and Services Required of the Owner., ,j .-1,,'1. (1.1 ,~. (1.1"1. (1.2.{l. l),.L2. 0,(1, \, <),(\,'1. I'H..~. '),')2. 9.] 1l.2. 11.1,. l.i,",.1. !.~5,2 Injury or Damage to Person or Property 4.3.9 Inspection.<; 3J..~. ~..~.~. ."'- 4.2.6. 'L2.9, 4.3,6, 9,4.2. 9.fU. 9.9.2, 0.10.1. I,~:; In,Qr\1ction::; to Rklders I 1.1 Instruc{ionslOthcContraclor. .~,R 1.4.2.H.:;.2 1.~.12.1.1:~.:;.2 ]nSllT:lllce, ',.".6.4, 9.1,1.lJ.H.2. }J.Y.I. 9.10.2. II Insurance, Boller and Machinery 11,3.2 Insurance, Contractor's Liability ".1 Insurance, Effective Date of R.2.2, I 1.1,2 Insurance, Loss of Use II..".) Insurance, Owner's Liability , 1.2 Insurance, Property ID.2.'i.11.3 Insurance. Slored Maletia]s 9,.-1.2. J 1..1.,.1.'1 1 13.1 INSURANCE AND BONDS lnsur:ince Companies. Consent to Pani:ll Occupancy lnsur:mce Comp::lnies. Scnlemenf wilh [ment of the Corll~lt'l Documents 11 .9.9.1. ] I..J.,.II 11~. III 1.':"~' .~. I 2..j, "U.n. "1.2.7. <1.2.12. 4.1.I,~. "'.1 Interest. 13.6 Interpretation. 1.2.',4,1 ').1. 61.2. RI.4 ]l1Ierprct:uiomi. \'x:rillcn '1.2.] 1.4.2,! 2. .:i.."o.- .I(linder ;met C{ln.~)lid:lli(m ()f Cl:lim.<; Require(! 4.:;.6 Judgment on Final Award 4-"-]. <is''l.], 4.5.7 Labor and Materials, Equipment 1 L). 1 J .6. 3.4, .".-).1. 5.H.2. '" 12.2. .' l2.3. .~, 12. ~. .J,. 12.\ 1. .'t. 15. .1." 1 <;. l . '1.2.,.6,2.1. ''''.6. ~U.2. 9..~..~. 12.2.'1. I.! Lahor D;~nll{c,<; H.."'. l L:J'\v.~ :md Regul:lI;on... I,.;. .'.6, 5,""'. .".1.". <i. I I. .i."'. 1.4,",,- 9.91. IOL2. 11.1. 11,.'. 1.'.1. I.,-i. 1.J.,.5.], 1.~.'S.2. I.H' Liemi 2.1.2. -i..">.2. .:d'S 1. R.2.2.l)..-;J, 9,](1..! Limitation on Consolidation or Joinder 4.5.5 1.illlil:lIiIJll::;. SI:llUIC!'llf l.imil:IIlOllS of Auth(lrit\. '~.2. 1.,. '1.':, -. 4.2. I n, .:i, '" ..j.:. I 2.2.(" I~.- "0.5.1. 'I 1.2, '1.':.1. -).2.2. "1.2.4. 7,1. 11..~.I(l AlA DOCUMENT A201 . GENERAL CONDITION"::: OF Tllf CONTRACT FOR c:nNSTRUCTION . FOlIR1TENTII EDITION AIA"- . ,e) I'HC TIIF AMFRlCAN IN<;T1TI'TF OF AROIITF:CTS. I-~"i NEW' YORK A\'ENt'f.. N \''':- \'('ASllIN(;"!c lN, I){:, ~lMlll(' A201-1987 3 WA.RNING: Unlicensed photocopying violales U.S. cooyrlghf laws ..nd is subiect to legal prosecution. . J.imil:ll;OIlS of Li:lbi!il\ 23, :~,2_1. ;''1,1, _"l,.:.1, ."..IZ.R, ~. I 2.11. 3.17, ),lR~ 'L2,~ 4.2- 4.212. 6.2.2, 9.4.2. 96.'1. 9.10.4. In.l.4, 10.2.':;, 11.1.2. 11.2.1, 11.~,7, [3.4,2. 13.5.2 l.imil:l1illll!' ofTimc, General 2.2.1. 2.2.4, ,~,1.1, ).7J. _.l,H.2, ,:UO. :U25. _:US.I. "".Z.\. .j,2.-:'. 4.2.] I, ,j 5.2, I 1.,.l" 4....\..i.:',(1, .j..-'llJ, 'iS4.2, 'i.2.t. 'i.2..1. <i.lA, -_,~A, jA, .4...!.. l) 'i, l)_().2. llH, l) ,t), 9 10, \1.1 _.1. I I ,_~. I. I 1.,1.2, 1 1_,1. 'i, Il.:r,(l. [.2.2.\, \2.2.2. U,'i, 15.7 1.illlil:11 illll~ (If Tillle, Spt"cific 2. \ .2. 2.2. t. 2.4. 3. 10. .1.11 , :U"i,l. 4.2.1. 'i.2.II, 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 'iJ. S.4. '7J,;. 7.3.9, 8.2. 9.2,9:".1. 9.,1.3. 9.<1.1. 9.6.1. 9.:. 9.A.2,, 11..1.6, IIJ.IO, 11.:'1.1 1,12.2.2,12.2.4. ]2.2.6. 15.7, I.j loss of Use Insurance 11.3.3 ,vl:llc:riaISl1pplier~ I..~,I,:' 12.1,, 9_~,\. 9.:'1.1.2. 9?d, 9.4.2, 9.6.';. 9.IO_.f IO.I.ln.2.,j 1.1 J. 1 J.(), 5,'\' .:'l.5, 1, j.H.2. .:U2.11. .:'l.I). .:'l.l~.l. 4.2.7, n.2.l. "';'.~_6, 9_.'1.2. 9..:1,,3. 12.2.4, 14 Means. ""ktllnd!';. Techniques, Sequences :md ProCt:d\lre~ of Cnnslnictiolll,..^,.I, 'l .2..~. .Ll. 7. 9.4.2 Minor Changes in Ihe Work 1 1. I. 'i.2,R, "1..1-7, - 1.7.4 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13 ",1(Jdincllifln.~. Ikfinlli{1ll of 1.1 I i\\odtriC:llin!ls III till' Contr:lCl 1 1.1 1 1.2. .l,."7..~, ,1.,.11, ,.1.1.2. .:i.l,l, 5.2__~..... B.:U. 9,:' Mutual Responsibility. 6.2 Nonconforming Work. Acceptance of 12.3 Nl Jl!C()flfllrming \X"III'\.;. Rcjcctillll ;lnd C( lrrccti(11l (If 2..'1. I . 'i...I,"i. 90;,.2. 9.H.2, 12. 15_7.1..:'l ~.2, 1, ~.2.2. 5.... "1.,. .1.,.-_4. _1.,,9.:'.1 1..H, 4,5. "i.2.1, 'iJ., H.2.2. 9.:i.1. to 1.2. to.2/1. ) 1.1.,1. 11..'1, 12.2.2. 12.2_,1. 1,1.,,_'1. 1,1:;, l. 1_1,:;.2, l.:i 2..1.,.2.4. .1.,':J, 1., 12.R. .1.,.12.9. .1._1. I, H.2.2. 9_,j 1. l).5.1. l)'"' 9.10, 12.2.2, \ 2.2..1. 13.3. I_~ 5.2, 14 1 ~:;. I, 13.'5.2 R.2.2 j\:!:llt'ri;lls. ,\-!;llt:rials. Il:17,:lrdll\l.~ L:zhl 11', l~qtliplllt'nl :md .1.,_lL2.'U2.,~,1.,I2.."7, NOlice 2_.1.2,'i. '\1.'i_.:iA. 9-.9.lll. U2.9 ~_I-. I).S.I, ().h I, Notice, Written .i,-i..i. .j ::;, 5.2.1, i,5. 5_4_1 10.1.2. ID.2.h. 11.1_3. 11 ,". N{llice (If Teslin~ :lIltl1nsrCCli(>nf; Notit:c lO Proceed Notices, Permits, Fees and (lhst'n':llions. An:hilect"!'; On.Site 2.2,.'1.3.7, ,".1.1. ':',.1 ().-i, 1ll..!.2 <i.2.2. '1.2.'). 'i.:H1. 9.'1.2, I.~_'i 1.2.2. .':'.2.2 9.6,6. 9.R.I, 9,9, 11.5.11 ~.2.2. -i.2.9. 'l.':'.n 9.i.2, 9.H.2, 9,1).2, 9.10,J ,U,2.4,2.'i,'U.6. \}'1.2, 95.1, (J.IO.I. I':',"i 2..~,.ll).'L.l,.-;-. '"',H.2.2.11,,~.9, 12.1. 12.2. 11.,,~.2. l,d.1 ()hscn':lli(ln!';.C(l11lrm:tor's. ( kcup;mcy ()I1-SII(: Ill,~[ll"niflns h\" lhe Archilt'ct {)ll.SiIC ()hsn\";lli(lrls ll\' lhe Arl'hill"Cl ()rdlT", W'ril1l'11 OWNER 2 < )\\"ller. Definition {If 2.1 Owner, Information and Services Required of the 2.1.2. 2.2. .j~,'i. ()_ II,,', I,>' 5_1. l-i I 1.~. 1.L1_.1., ()\\,Ill:r'sAwllorit\" ."~l.'i 1_~,..j.2..<),:;2.I.~,2.~,i.i_l, - -".1 H_2.2. ()_~I. l.l,_~.2, 11.,il. 12.2.';. I,~ i,2. 1'1.2, l.i.~.1 ()WlllT'S FiI1;l1lci;d C;IP:Illillt\' 2.2.1. l-i. J I,::; Owner's Liability Insurance 11.2 (l\\'IllT-S l.(If;SI)fl:sc InSllr:I1lCl' J I.~.~ (_ )n'lle!S Hcla!ior\ship with Suhcomr:IClflrs I 1.2, i,2.1.::;.i.I.l)().j ()\\"TlI.:r's l~i~111 10 Clrry (lut the \X'ork 2.4. 12.2,i. 142.2.2 Owner's Right to Clean Up . Owner's Right to F'ertorm Construction and to Award Separate Contracts 6.1 Owner's Right to Stop the Work 2.3, '~.,::' - Owner's Ri~hllO Sl1."pcnd the \Xiork 1<i.5 Ontncr"" Ri~ht to Tcrmill~He lhe Comran 1.1.2 Ownership and Use of Architect' 5 Drawings, Specifications and Other Documents 111.1.3,2.2.5.::;,5 Partial Occupancy or Use l),(),().9.9, II_t II Patching, Cutting and 3.14, C,.2.(l Patents. Royalties and 3.17 Payment. Applications for -'i.2.'i. 9.2. 9,3. l)..~. 9.'5.1. 9.fU. 9 I(L!. 9.1tl,.l. 9,10,4. "'14.2,4 Payment. Certificates for . 4.2.';. 4.2.9, 9.,.l,..~. 9,4.9::; 9_tl,l. 9.(>.('. ().: 1.l),H._~.9_1O.1. \) IOJ, l~_'"'. l.i,I.I..~. 1-1.2! Payment. Failure of. 4.5.:. \)S I ,.i. 9.7,9_10_2,14.1 1,.':',14.2.1,2 '+'2.1. .i.2.9. -I .~.2. ,1,1.,". 9, Ifl. 11 12. I 1.15, I I._~.'i. 12.1." I -:-.~,h,-I, 91(1.\ Il..~.t), 11.4 <i_':',.-.j.t)_."I.9_{;, 9.H,"I, ll_ ]CU, I-U;, l,i.2.,'; 9, j'i <;.:j.2, 9,i 1.1.,. 9./,_1.,. (l.(')..i. II,,~,H, I,U,I..!. 10,1 --:-.1., 6,.j, 9!O,.1.,. 11 5,9_ 11,'1 Permits, Fees and Notices. 2.2.,':', 3.7, .1.,.1.~. ,_..1,.('-'" I D.L.! PERSONS AND PROPERTY, PROTECTION OF 10 P()l\'clllorin;ucd Hiphenyl It), I Product Data, Definition of. ~ 12.2 Product Data and Samples, Shop Drawings .'\,2,- Progress and Completion .-.i.l.2. -i."..i, 8.2 Progress Payments ,i.~"i. (H. 9.6, 9H_1." l) 10.,1.,. 11.,,(i, \.'i.2_," Project, Dl'!inition of the:. 1.1.4 Project Manual, [kfinilionoflhe 1.1.7 Project ~1:mu:ll" 2.2 ::; Proiect Reprcscm:II1\'t's -i.2.ln Property Insurance PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10 Hegul:ltiom ;lnd I.:lWS 1,.1. .1.,,(1, .1.7. ).15. 4, 1.1. 1':;'';. 4.').7,10, 11.1. 1,"1.1, 15.4, 1.1.,.'i.I, 1~.I,.5.2. 1.1.,<1. I'l RejcclionofWmk :1_5,\. lkh::ascs (If'X';li\'CfS ;lnd Lie:ns. 1),111,2 lkpre:"cm:llion" I 2.2,.>'_51._~_12.-. 6.2.2. H2.1. t)5.1. 94.2.. 9':;'1, l>.H.2 1).10.1 2,lt.U 1.1.,'>. 51 1. ::;,1.2. 15,2.1 4.4, ,L~ 1.,1.,.2, .-L2.1.,. b, I _i. ().2. III lJ.9,I.lJ_111.2.9,ltU 1':l\'lllClll. Fin;11 Payment Bond, Pertormance Bond and 1':tynlt'1lls. PrrlRre!';.~ PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 1':I\"lllClllS 1(1 SuI1CCH1tr:lClIH" I'ell !'Crf(lTlll:tIlCC B(lnd :lnd P:I\'lllent'!i\lllll I{l'prt'."~'nl:llin's -U.I. 4.2.1. '1.2_10. Resolution of Claims and Disputes IkspllllSihililY for Thost' l'c:rf(lrmin~ lhe \'V'ork RC1;li1l:l~C 9,_~.J.t).6.2,9,H1.,. Revie""; of Contract Documents and Field . Conditions by Contractor .'_"';'.1.,. ," 12_- \{('\'it:n' (If C0T11r:lCIOr's Suhm;Il;11.<; hy ()Wll~r :md Art'hiltTI '1, I (), I . 1.,. I (),2,1.,. I I. ~ 12 '1.2.-. '~,2.l). ::;,2.1, ",2_~. <),2. <.)s_2 Hn';r:t;., rlf Shelp l)r:twill~S. I'rot!ul"l [):1t;1 :lnd S:ltnllles h\' <:111l!I':lt'I(ll" Rights and Remedies .i.2.(i,.U6. ,j."'i 4 A201-1987 6.3 Royalties and Patents 1.,12_i I I .2. 2 ,_~. 2_,~. \." I. .; I '; _2. i,.", 6,1. (J", - 5_1. H,~_I. 9_';1 q-. 11l_2; 10_.7" 12.2.2. 12..2 .j. 13.4. Ii 3.17 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (;ENERA1. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR G)NSTRI !CTION . !'O{1HTEENTH !-:lJITIOi\' 1\1/\'" ~ '~'I'.IH- TIIF AMFlllf:AN INSTIT!I,.!' r)f ARCIHT!'CTS_ I~~<; NEW YOllK A\-'FNllE. N\'('. \'(AS1H;-..IC"J"Oi"" 1) (' .?lllUlh W^RNING' Unlic~ns~d photocopying vlol:u~s V.S copyright laws and Is suhi~ctlo l~gal prus~cutlon. . Rules and Nolices lor Arbitration Safely of Persons Rnd Property Safety Precautions and Programs S:Hllpk~. Ddillilioll o( Samples. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples at the Site, Documents and Schedule of Values 4.5.2 10.2 .i~.U. 1.2." 10.1 J., 12.,1, ; 11.3.12, 'U,"' 3.11 9.2. (J..'l.l 5 10 ,<';dICdl,lc~. (:llIl.~lrllCli{lI1 "cP:lr:l1t" (:1 lllt r;IC1S ;ll1d (:C 1111 r:IC1! )r.~ 1.1,1.\ H2,'iI'i, -1,"..'i,(i, II ;,",12,<; ~,12. J ,'I II. 3.12, 'i.2,~ 3.13, r;, I 1. (,.2.1 9fl2. 9.10.1,1..,<; .U'i.'U.9.'l..'l.G, (jcU. () 10 l. I.'.'i 'L~_(" 12.2! 1,\') 1.1.6 I I 1,1.1.6, 1 1 '7 1.2 .j, 1.,'1,1,.11 ,~, 'i .j.2, ! 2, 2.Ci. I,J, i 2.~,.U -,tl7 III I 2. llH,l<i.1 (121,9',2. tn21.2. 11.,;,1 ,I 12.2<i <:, :.1 5 1.2.'1. ";.2..J, 12.1, .i2,J.,.'i\,:;.'i Subcontractual Aeh'ltlons 5.3, .:; ,( <),.1.,.-1.1..9<1.2. 1)(,.1,,\)(, i. 11).21, 1117. 11..1."R I,i II I.L2.1,2.I.i.5.2 '-;lIhll1i1(;II" )~ .',,2.1, ,.I, 1 fl. ,,! 1. ~,I 2 ,i.2. - S ,2, I ">,2..1,. - "(',11,2, l' ".1. I) H 2. '-' ') 1. ',l, Ill,.!., " lfl '. 111,1.2. ! 1 I,' Subrogation, Waivers of (, I 1 11.1, <;, 11.3.7 Subst::mllal Com pIe lion 'U q i ',:; 1. 1'1, I I. H 1,.\. R2.' 9.8, qq I 1211 122.2. 1.~,7 ,<;lIh<:I:tT1li;r1 Cnmpklinn. ncrtnilion of l)H J Sllh.<:ril\uillll "f Suhc{)nlr;\("lor~ 'i .2,,', <;.2.'; SllIJ<:\;lulinn o( Ihe ;\I(:l1il('("1 -i. 1...1, S\lh<:lilulhm<: I,r ~1al~ri:1l~ " 'i. I Sub'<:\lhCrlll1ra("lor. 1 )crtnition or -<;.1.2 :-llh.<:urfa('l: CClll(li\irm.<: <f....,(; Successors and Assigns 13.2 Superintendent 3.9,11l..!.,(, Supervision and Construction Procedures .2 .-:i. 3.3, .,.\. i2". 'I' i (,.1,. 62.!. - 1 ," -,' i R2 fU.l. 10. IL. I,j 'I.j I..j 'i,.j. " .; 1 1..9, 1/1.!.. <) !1I .'. l,i.2.1 (),9, I ~,lO,2.~.Jn' 2.2.2. .1 1 H."" Shop lJr:It'.'inlZ.<:. Ddinilinn I)r Shop Drawings, Product Oala and Samples Sile, Use 01 Sil('lll<:p('('linll~ 1.2.2,.)~ <;i\(' \'i<;il~, /\rchileC\ ',<: ,i,4.2.2.'UIJ.'i ....,6. '1.2.2. I} <;,1. 'I R2. ().i2. ,"pl..f'i:\lln~ptTtilll1<: :lml1'c<:ting Speclficalions, Definition of the Specifications, The SI;lllltc<:rJfUlllil:lli,H1<: SIPJlpill,-! lilt" \\":"rk S"lI'cd 1\I:llcri:ll<: .'-'t.hcolllr:l("lor, Definition Ilr SUBCONTRACTORS Sllhnllllr::lCl,,,.<:. 'J.;ork In "(Ilnl <;'IrC!1 r~lm<:e1H Ilf Survey.<: . Suspension by the Owner for Convenience 14.3 ,<';llspcrlsi1,n Ilf Ihe \X'I'l'k I. " . 'I i2. II I I ,i 1 i I, St1o.;I'cn<:ion 01 "]ennill:11 lOll of ll1e <:1 Hltr:1CI 'I ~ -. .:; ,; I 1 1'1 Taxes 3.6, - ~ (,; Termination by the Contractor 14.1 Termination by the Owner lor Cause ,,; Te'rmin:tlion nflhr ^rchil~("l ,i. I , Tcrmin:llit1f1 oflhc (.Plllr:l("1(lr l'i.2.2 TERMINA TlON OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14 Tests and Inspections ~ ~':~, ,1.2(" 'Ut1.1.1 .i.!.. I '!.2 13.5 TIME 6 Time, Delays and Extensions of .j. Ut Time Limit.<:,,SpeC'llk 1,2'i,.' 10..",11,5,1",1 'i21. .L2.1 I. 'i', 'L4. Ij.'). <;"~' 'iA, 7,.~<;, 7~9, R.2. lJ,2. 11.'.1 q~.,. q ,Lt. ~.l.(;I, 9."7, 9R.2, 9.102, I I I."', ! I.' (l.11 .\ If I I I ,.' J I, I 2.2,2. 11.2, ,j, I 2.2 h. I~ -. I i -1,.'\., 'i H',.i ,\1,.i i. ,j" I.) ,2. 0 ~ ~ Time Limits on Claims Tille tn \'{'ork UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK Uncovering of Work (InlrHt'<:I.TIl (:tJl1fljlillll~ Ilnil l'ritT<: \!.<:I:{)(I)'.lC\1llWlll<; Use 01 Site Values, Schedule of WAiver 01 Claims: Final Payment \~':liITl [If Cbilll<: by the Archilt'l."l \'\ :li1Tr of Cl:1im<; hI' 1111' Cnnlr:tClor W':lllTr o( (:laill1<: h\' 1 hl' O"'l1t'r {1. 1 fl. ~ I! ~, I I ~ <;. I I 12 12.1 111,1 'i "('. ~ \ I In 1 "7.1,'; -,',I 2.!.'i,U.!- "> 3.13, I, I I. (,2 9.2," 5 4.3.5, ,I. ".1 q III I'~ . i ,2 II 1 () ,i I I . ~ -. 1 ~. i, 2 i ,.:; ,1';.1 n '1 ~ i2 \X':lin:rnrl.ll.ll<: \'{:1I\Tr<:"rSllhr"wui'1I1 Warranty :llld \'i':lfr:Hllk~ I,' ")112 I! ,'i II ~ - 3.5, ,i .~'I 122,.!. 1 ~ - I .( q~.! 4.5.4 II; '-I:>','i,)." u :'1'. "H 2. uql \\c:lthcr !)da\'.~ When ArbitrAtion May Be Demanded \'trlnk. Ddinilj(lnl,r W:rill(.n(:,lIl<:('111 <i .:; .:;. U'2 \'I:',illl.:l1 Illlt'fl'H'l:Hi(lll<: Wrlllen Nollce '1 ~. ">.2 I. ". 'I In.!,; '1," I2.H. ,Ii 2. i! 2. 1 'I. 9H2. t]l}I. 01fl2, "Ill'. In I 2 Ill. 1 " I I ~. I. I I ..~ 1 ,i, 1 1\ 1 1 1",2. I, ,i. 2- i211i212.'1 ;- 'II.! H, ~ 12. 'I, ,j ". ,; ,j i l.l<; 1.0- 'Jln 11'1! 12,2 ,i. 13.3, I>, -:"2. Ii 2.', ,qi.,- Rll,ll.."'I,!1 122 1\~,.~I.i 2.~, 2,'1. ," .\.1, <;'1.11. f12.2,q.11 111-'>.11.\.12,21. \'(irillcn(h(in<: 5 AlA DOCUMENT A.201 . {:I'NFHAI {.( lNll!! II JN~ (lI' '1'111' (( lNTIl,\C'T rem (:( lNo.; 11"1(:'1 !/IN . I'llt'1l1 FYN"t!r !~"lTf( IN .\1,\' . 'r' I"~- Till. !I",rtlrCAN 'N<;Tt II "1'1' Ill' A1H 11l'11'('.1.<: I-~~ Nr\'C ycml-; !I\'F,NIIE, N \'i \'i'1I<:1 tlNI;I' 'N. f' C 2""01' AZU1-19B? W^RNI~IG: llnllclm!':~rl pholocnpyinq viol;J1P.~ U.S, copyrighl 1;1""" "nrll~ ~uhi~cllo h'C;!1 pro<:.....ullnn . . GENERAl, CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOil CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The CotHran n(JC11l11cnt~ con~i.<;1 of the Agreement hClwr:cn ()~vncr :l1ld COlllr:telor (ht"rein~f'er the ^ftreemenl), Condition." (If the (:(lntr:lCl (GencT:lI. Sllpplcmcnl:lry ~mcl olhcr Condition."). I )r:1\\'ings, Spc:cifiC:Hinlls, :ltklcnd:l I,<;SIII.:(1 prior 10 execution of lilt' Clllllr:1Cl, (lther c1ocufllcnl.<; listed in {Ile Agreement :1I1d r-,'lndiric:lIiolls issued ;Ifler execution of ill/: Conu:lct. ^ Modifi- cHinn ie; (1) :l written :ltllcndment lO the COlllr:K! signed by hoth p:lTfic:<i, (2) :1 Ch:lI1ge Order. L~) :l Omc;tnlCtio.... Ch:ll1gC' Dircclivc Of (II) :l \\"rillC'll order (or:l minor ch;1I1ge in the \'(fork i:-:s\red hy llle ArcllilcCI, lllll<:<;,<; spedOcllly cnUlller:llC(! ill lh<: ^Wt"l'lllcnt, rhe COll\r:1C{ {)OCl1l11Ctl!S do not indmk other documents stich :IS hiddin~ req~lire1llen1.e; (~dverti,<;cTllent or ir1\'il;lliol1 10 hid, In,''anxtiofls 10 nidder~. ,<;~mple (orms, the (:orllr:1Clor',e; bid or !1onion,<; of ;lddcml;l rcl:l1ing to biddin~ rC(111in'mclll.e;) 1.1.2 THE .CONTRACT 'l'llC C{Hllr:1Cl [)(lCtllIWlll,<; f(lrIn lhe (.(llllr:lct f(lf C(lIl.e;lnlc!i()I1 The COl1tr:wt reprcscnt,<; lhe entire ;lnd inlcgr:lted ;lgTc(,ll1en! lwl~Ten !he p:nIiC,e; hert'lO :111<1 ,<;uper,<;cdes prior r1('p.oli:11io!1'<;, lCJlrC~('nl;lli()ll.e; 01 :Igrer:mcn!s, either written or or;!!. The Con- tr:1C{ 1l1:IY he :llllCIH.lcd or I1lmlined only h'.:1 r,.,Iodilk:ltiol1, The COl)tr:l(t Documcnl'<; ,<;11:111 nor he cpnsrrlled 10 (re~IC ~ (ootr:1(- 1\1:11 rel:lliol1ship o( :lllY kind (I I hctnTcn fllc Architcct ~nd C(ln- lr:1C!(H, (2) IK'(\"\.Tcn Ihc Ch\'ner :tnd :1 ~tlhCfJl1tr:1C\(H lH Suh- "llhnllltr:1Clor or C~) her ween :1l1Y persons or {'!lIi1ics PIller rh:1I1 !he ()\\'llcr :md Conlr:K1(lr, The Architec1 sl1:111. hflt\'('\'cr. he cnli!lcd 10 pcrror1l1:1I1Ci'" :mcl (.'nforcemcnl or ohlig:llion.e; under tlK' (:!llHr:l("1 il1tcndcci Irl f;lCilil:llt' pn({lflll:l11CC (lr !he l\n:hill-CI'S dUlil','\ 1.1.3 THE WORK The !crlll P\'{,'nrl<" mC:1n.e; file cllllstruclinn ;ll1d .'icrvice~ requireu hy the Cnntr:Kt DIIOlllu:nt.'i, t\'l1c.'thcr cOlllplcled or p:lni:llh- complelcd. :lnd includes all olllt.'r l:1hor. m:J1eri;lls. equipment :llld scrvices pro\'idnl or 10 he pro\,ided hy lhe < .(Jlllr:tetnr to (ulfill the C(lnlr:lcl(}r'~ ohlig:l1ioll'<; The \,.ork rll:l" constilute rhe whole or :1 p:lrl of lhe Pl'fljcn. 1.1.4 THE PROJECT The I'mice! i,<; lhe 10t:11 C0l15truction of <:\.hicll the \'V'ork per. formed ullder rhe COlltr:lct ()nClIl1lcTlIS 1ll:'Y hc lhc \'Vholc flr:1 p:lfl :111<1 \\'hich m:I\' include c(ln~ln,ni()n lw the ()t\'ner or lw . . . "cpar:H{' ("(1l1Ir:1Clnrs 1_1.5 THE DRAWINGS 1'1lL' J)r:lwirlgs :11(.'lhc gr:lphic ;lnd pinllri:t1 p{JrIi(l11~ rlr rhe ell11- tr:1Cl !)(wU1llcllL,\. whcr<:,,'er !(lCII('cl :lI1d WI1CIlC\.('r j,<;'<;lrcd, "IHl\\'ing lht' (lc<;il~n. loCllil11l :rnd dimcnsion" I)f lhe \'{lork. W.l1cr:lily incll,ding pbllS. c!t-\':1Iilll1S, SlTlillllS, c1CI:lils. e;<:lIt'tJ. \llc~ :111(\ di:1grarllS 1.1.6 THE SPECIFICATIONS )'11(' c.;pccificlrill!l.e; :1re lh:11 rl1rrirlll of r11(' <;rmlr:1Cr !)\IC\lll1Cll1,<; ('{lllsi,<;ring or lilt' <:\'ritlell rC'qllireIl1Clll.e; f{H 1l1:11('ri~I.e;, e~}1lifl. mellI, e<lll,<;tnlclillll ,e;\,.e;tCIll,<;, st~1H1:1f(.I,<; :tlld Wf1I'kll1:111SI1il1 (In 111(" \~Iork. and perfOrlll:lllCe or rcJ;lted ~cf\'ice<; 1. 1. 7 THE PROJECT MANUAL Thc "miec! M:l11u~1 i.e; the volume \lSI1:111" as.e;('lllh1ed (or the \'{Iork which Il1:1Y include the hiddlll~ requirement.<;. ,<;;1111fllc (orms, Conditions of tile Contr:KI :IOU ~r("cHk:1linn.e; 1.2 EXECUTION. CORRELATION AND INTENT 1.2.1 TllC C;nnlr:l(t [)rKtIIl1Cllt!'i !'ih~11 he signcel h,. Illc On-ner :lnd Conlr:lClor :IS provided in Ihe AgreelllClH, 11 either thL' Owner or Contr:\Clnr or holh do not sign all Ih<:, COI1Ir:tCI Documel1ls, I,he Architect sh:lll identify such 1I1l.e;i~ned {)ocu- mcnl5 \1pon request. 1.2.2 Execution o( the Contr~cr hy the ContraC1or i.", " replc- scnt:llio/l 111:11 thc Corllra("lnr 11:1,<; visiled !he ,<;ite. become f:ul1il. i:1f with 10(:11 condition.<; under which !he \'(:'nrk is 10 hl' per- rormed ~nd correlated pcr.<;nn:11 ()bser'.~tiof1s ,,:ilh reqllire. ments or the COTllr:1ct Documents 1.2.3 The inlent of rhe Contr:1ct DOCIIll1{"nt,e; i.e; t(1 indt1(k: :111 itcms nccC's,e;:lry for the proper cxecution :lnd completion of the- \X:nrk hy the (;olllr:1Clflf The COlltr:lCl f)oClIIl1ClH,~ :If(' comple 111enl:1fY. :md wh:1l is lcqllircd hy OIlC sl1al1 he :1.e; hilldin~ :1S i( rcqtlircd h,' :111: pcrfllrlll:l.Ilc(' hy Till; COIl!r:lctor .e;!1:IIl he rC(!\lirnl (H1I~' trl!lle cx\('nl cnnsi~tclll with 11\(' C:{Hllr:1C1 !)llCll- mcnl.': :llH.l rClson;lhly inrcr:lh1c from them :IS heing ncccs';:11 \ ro prodlln: rll(' inlended rC,e;ult,<; 1.2.4 C)r~:1I1i7:Hi()fl (J( tile' ~recirrC-lli{JI1s inTO dh.isirJ!l'<;, e;e(lilJtl<; :md :Irtidc,<;. :lnd :lrr:m~cll1cnt of Dr;l\\"ill~s ,<;11;111 not c(llllrnll!lc Contr:lCtor in (lividill~ rile \'(101'1-; alllonf2: Suhcrlfltr:lC!oLe; or ill t,,<;t;lhli...hill~ tilt:" c"Xtelll o( \'(.'ork TO he perrormed hr :1.Il" rr:ltlL' 1.2.5 llllleS~ otherwl,<;e .e;T:uett in lhe- CrH1lr:K{ l)rl(:t11llcnls. worde; ",'hich h;lvc wdl-known lcchnic:ll or COl1slrllcTion indl1.e; try 11le:lIling" :lre uscd in the Contra(! [)oCllmen!.e; in :I(("ord- :lncc with ,<;\1(11 recflgni7.etl rnC:1nillF:s 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS. SPECIFICATIONS AND OTflER DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 The Dr:m'in~s, Spccirk:lli(ll1~ :lIld IHller {hKlllIlClll.<. prep:ncd ll\' Il1e Archilcct :1re in,<;tnIllK'nt~ of rhe MchiICCI'S ,",en' ice tl1roll~h <:\'l1ich fhe \'(!nrk to he excClllctl by the Con. tr:l("lllf is dc,<;crihed. '1'11(' CrJl\lr:1Clrlr 1ll:1Y H:'l:lin 111H: {"fllHr:lCl record set. Ncither the Contr;lctnf nor :111\' SUhClllllf:ICllll. Suh. .e;llhnJl11raCl(lr {Jr rn:lleri;l1 or eql1ipmen1 .':t1!lpliel' ,<;h:lI1 {Jt;\'ll III cl:1il1l :1 coprri~hl in lhe Dr:lwings, SpCcilicllions :1IHl Ptlln dOCllllH.'llIS prcp:ln;'d lw Ill': ArchhecL ;!nd unl<:.e;s otlll'f\\'iq' indicllcd the Archilecl .<:.1l;1I! he def:l11eet lhe :nlllHH o( rhcm ;lf1d t\'ill r('tain :,11 crllllllllllll:l~., ,<;t:llllfOf\' :1rl{1 lHller rcs{'f\'('(1 ril!h,~ in :ldditiol1 ro che copniRht. ^II copies or them. C'xcepl rlle Cl!lllr:ICI()r's rr:nlrd SCI. ,<;h:lll he rr'l\lrllcd (If sl,il:1hly :wClllll11nl (or In rhe Archilect. 011 l(:qll(:.e;1. upon ("(llllpk'lioll o( till' W'nrk rhe !)l:l\\'jngs, SpccinC:llifH1S ;1Il{1 nll,{'f ,111('\111WIllS prep:lrnl h\' Ihe ^rdlircCl, :ll1d ("flpic.<; lhew(l( flHl1islH'{1 r(l (l1e (.(}lncrl lrH, ;HC for os(' .e;okly ~!ilh rcspect 10 rilLe; Project They :11(" nol {{1 he ll<:.('(\ h.... lhe Confr:1C!or In :111\' c.;,r1wnrltr;ICrPI, Sllh e;llhcon1r:lC1or qr 11l:1rCl'ial pr equipmcfll <;upplk" 'l" rltllCl l'f"i {Tts flf r(lT :l(Ir,lilifl!1S In this Prnjr:Cl OIll<:.irk Ihe Sf")PC I)f 11H' 6 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT ^201 . l:nWIII\I, C()NDITl(lr~S Of .1111' D IN n~^Cl 1'011 C' IN'; r Hllf' r If H~ . rl" P)> I t:n! I 'I "-1 '11" ,r; AlA4 . 'i"1'lJ.l7 Tnt' ^~.lrJHr:,ANrNST1TlITFnr ,AI1CHl'l]'r'Ts, 1~\<;Nr.'~' YIH'~: ^\TNIlF. NW' \~'^<'llrtJl;!(l'~ I' r """~, W"nNIN(;"lnLle"n~@d !"'hn/('lCnflyinO vlnl1'lt~s U.S. cnflVrlohl ,~w<; ~nd to: "lllhi"r:ll('lI"o:J~1 "m"~r.ollon . \\\l!1\ \\"illl11111 rhe spcdnc ~\'tillt'J) cnrlscrlF or lhe ()wncl' :l11d Al'dlilCCl "j"lle (:(1111r:lClf1f, Sllhcrln(r:l(1()rS, Sllll..<:ul1C()Ilrf:l("ttlr:'. :111(1 1l1:11cri:1J or equipment ,'iupplicr.c; :11(' gr:11l1C(\ ;J limircd license 1(\ \1.<;(' ;111<1 f('product' :lpplic1hle ponions of lhe Draw. ings. SpccillcHion.c: ;md olller documents prcp:lfec! hy the Arctlilccr :tppropri;l!e 10 :llld {or 11.<;(' ill rh(" cXCC\ll;OIl of !heir \Vork under lilt' C(lnfr:1Cf r )0('1I111('11IS. All copie.c: rn:ldc under this license _,,1\:111 he:lr the S!;JIIlIOn' crJr'lni~hl notice. if :lIly, SIHIWIl 1'0 the l)r:l\\:ings. SpCCiriClli(HlS :llld olher dc)c\ulJenrs prcp:lred hI' the ArchilCCt. Suhm;Il:11 Of di<:lrihulioll In meet orlki;d regllbtor\" feCju;IC!llelUS (ll' for olher pUlpOSC:C; in con. !H.TlitJll '....itI1111is l'rr*Tl is 11(11 1(1 he (Clll_<;lrut'cl :1,<; plthfiCl(ioll in dcrog:ltiol1 of lhe Archi(ec(-,<; coPyriRhl ()I' o(her reserved ri~hl.<; 1.4 CAP IT AUZA TlON 1.4,1 T~rl11" Clpil;1Ii7,nJ in (hes(' (~cm~r:lI Cnll<.!ilirlfl<; include ilJc)"e which :1re (I) ,<;ptTificllly (Idln('d, (2) (lIe li(k::,<; ()f 1111111- Ix:rctl :1f1idc<; ;lilt! idcntified rden,"nce.'; 10 l':tr:1W:1pl1.<;, SlIhp:lr:l. gr:tpl1<; ;IIH.! C1:Hl'K',<; in {he t1or:\llnenl rJT C""l lhe lillc:c; of other doctllllel11~ published hy (h(' A1l1CriOll Instilule of ArchilCcts, 1,5 INTERPRETATION 1.5.1 111 the inlcrcS\ of hrcdry rhe (:nlllr:ICl l)oCUll1Cn{,<; [rc. {jill'l11h' n11lir l1llltlifnng word<; .<;u<:11 :1,<; ":111" ;nH''':lIl(' :md :lfli. dc.~ Sllch :1.<; "thc" and ':m,' hut lht' l':1et th:lI :ll1lodiner or ;111 :tnicle is ;lhscnl from one ,<it:llC!lIc:tU ;lIld :lppC:lr,c; in :lIlo1her IS tllll intended 10 :Iffcl.:l lhe interprct:JliOIl of either st:I1ClTICTll, ARTICLE 2 OWNER 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1,1 The C.h\"fl('r is lhc perscln or CllIilY idcllli/kd :1.<; ,"uelt in Ihe ^!-!.rCCllll'IH :llld is rel<."rH~d In throu}.!ho\1! Ihe Contract 1)( lC\Itl1('llIS :lS if Sill~tll:lr in IHlInh("r_ The lCrlll "( ),,'ner" flH.::lI1!': the ()wncr (ll (he ()~'Flt'r',,, :Hllhori".ed rcpl(.'~('nt:lIi"e 2.1.2 Tll(' (}WIlCf uplln rC:Isoll:lhlc wrillCIl rcql1t',o.;t ,<:h:11I furnish 1(1 Ill{' C:c)fllr:IClllr in \\'l'ilill~ infllrlll:llil)ll wllidl is IH.Tc,<;sary :lIH.I I"CIC\':llll for Ihe C(Jll1r:lC'or In ('\':lI\I:llc. gh-c Illltin: of Dr ~'Ilff II'C(' 111t'('l1:lnic's lit'll I i~llls Such illrt lrI11;l1ic III sh:IH illellldt':1 {'oncel SI:r(('lIll'nl oj lilt" tCtllld lqo!:ll !illt' 10 (hI..' I,ropcny 011 \\'hil'h the P\'(lin:1 j,<: )cl(":l1ed, tlsu:llIy rderred III :1.<; the ,<;il<:, :1I1(i lhl' Owner's II 11 en:<;( 1l1creill :11 the lime (If t'XI.Tlllillll or lhe ,^,!-!I'l.'l.'mem :lIld. wilhill n\'f:" <I:l"S :lfter :l1lY ch:ln,QC. illrOflll:nioll of !':lIch ch;ttlllc ill lilk. rc('nrdt..'<I or 1II1wcoak'd, 2.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 2,2,1 1"Iw (l\\-m:r sh:llI, :1l lhc reqlle.,>' or ,he c.onir:ll"ltlr, prior In exe('lninll (If Ill<.' ^greemelll :Jnd promptly from lime lo lime Iherc:tfll'l', f\lrn;sh HI (he" Confr:1("Ol' re:1.<;(lIl:lhle c\'iclt'llce lh:ll f11l:lllCi:ll :Jrr:lIlgelll(.'llI" h:lve heell m:lde to fulfill the OW1H:r'!': Ilhlig:nit)l1s under rile CrHllr:ln.(^'CJ1e' (1I,/('.o;s slIch 1'''(lsOIwhi(' c'I'lCI('If({' wen'I"I"/Iishf'rl OIl n'Cft/(>sl /11"'1/' 10 Ill(' eXf"CIIf1fJ/l (If Ihe ;1,f!1'('('melll. Ow /H"(Js/wc!Tt'(' {'O"'I'Oc!'w U'ol/Id l1ul 17(' 1'('11'III"f'rI/O e,ycellle III(-' AUr!>ClIlf'l1f IIr 10 (lln/1I1('II((' Ihr' Iriwl'_! 2.2.2 Till" (h-,'llI:r ..;11;111 furnish "urvcrs de_<;nihing pll\'sic:,j Ch:1CtClcriSlic, IC!-!:lJ lilllit:llion<; :lnd UlililY Illclli(Jm for lllc"ilc [If Ihe Ptnjen, ;1Ilt! :1 leg:l! <ll'...;cripHoll or Ille <;il(~ 2.2.3 F,x("epl for perlnils :tnd fccs \,'hich :1T{' Ill(' I'cspollsihilil\' (lllhc (,fHlIr:ln,lr l!l1der Ihe (,cllllr:lCt !),ICl1l1Wlll<;, llw ()\\'11('1 sh:dl "('(-111'(' ;11l(t f';"- Inr llCc/':.<;S;lf\' appHl\':lL<;, C:1.<;CllH.::llts, :I,<;SCS!':. . I11CIII,<; :lnd eh:u,{!c:; requitcd {or ("(In,<;tflICti(lll 11<:(: (11' (l('[_'IJ':"H\ nr IX"rtll:llWlll .<;(nl("!\!re,c; nf rflr prrm:111('lll I:kll1gC''' ill (":iSlil1~ (:wililics 2.2.4 Infol1l1:lIilll1 (H serv;u'.<; under llle ()1:\'l1cr-<; CllTlII()1 <;11:111 hI.:' rllrni_<;lwtl h\' lilt' (h\"lIcr ':\'ith n::1SIJll:1h!c 11rrl1111111l'."~<' I" :I\'nit! <lel;l\- ill orderly f1f(\grc.",<; of lll(' \'('Ink 2.2.5 ! 11111.'.':<; (lrhcr~'isc pf(l\'idnl in rll(" (:111111:1('( 1)[ H'1l11H"1l1'; Ille Cnnlt:1Clnr will 1)(' furnished. ft{T (If eh:l1~t'.<;\1l1l (r lllic: (If lh:lt\'illg<; :lIltJ Prnjcct ,..,1:11I11;11.":1<; :11(' W;l<;llll;thh- IlCII,:,"<;:lI\ 1-"1 CX('C111iOll or lilt' \'(io,k 2.2.6 TIle flIlTg{)ing :tre in :ltkJilillll tfl l)tlle! (111Iil'<; :llltl i'{',"J','1l ~ihifitit"~ of the OWllcr l'1ltllllcr:lletl herein :llldl";pr_Ti:T1h' Ihll~" in i't'SP(TI tn !\rlicle () (COll.<;trllCliOlllw OWlwr ()f h\ ~I'Jl;lI:!lI' COllll';lC'Or.<;), Anidc t) (l'aynlcoL" ;Inti C!lllll1lctinlll :mt! .'\l'1tclr: I' (fnSlIr:lIllT :111d BIlIld.<;) 2.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 2.3.1 If rhe (:clI1lr:Ktflr f:lils Icl CflrreCl Wrlt'k whit'll is IHll ill ;KClatl:mce willllhc requirelllcfHS (If 11ll' (:lHllr:IC( [)tlC\llllt'11IS ;IS r('"quired hy P:U:lgr:tph 12,2 or rer~istelltly f:lite; to 'clrry (JU( \'(/ork in :lccord:lllce witl1lhc Contr~ct DoCl III lClll.<; , lhe ()t\'t1cr, hy wriltcll order signed rer."on:llly or hy :111 :lgelll spccHic;llh' <:'(' empowered h\' rhe Owner in wrilin~, 11l;IY ()f(.fl'r rhe CllIlfr:lc- tor (0 ,,,top Il1e Work, or ;]nr portion thereof, lllltilthe (":1\IS(" for ,<;ucl1 order has heell diminmcd; hCHv("\.'er, Ihe r;s.!hl rlr Ihe Owner In ,"lOP lhe Work shaH not ,!livc risc> 10;1 dury cHlllle p:1rl or the Owncr to exercisc thi,c; ri~h! for the heneO( of rile Cnll' (r:1Cl0r or :lllY othcr per.<;ol1 or ('nlh)'. exeepl (fl Ihe ("::\1("111 requircd hy Sllt'p;lr:l}.!r:lph (;, I,~, 2.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 2.4.1 ]f lht' COlltr:lClor dd:llrlt.<; or llcgl<'cL<; 10 ClIT\' 11\11 Iht" \Xiork ill :ltTonl;lnn: with the Cnlllr:1Cr f)O("!II1l{'IlI." :lnd ":lils wilhin :1 s('ven-d:l\' period :l(ler rcceipl of 'i\Tirll.::11 noticl.:: flntn Ille ()Wllef lCl C/II1Hlll.::lHT :lnd C(Hllinuc ClnteC!i(ll\ [l(<:llt-ll dd:nlll (11' lH'gltT! with diligellce :llld pnllllprIlC<;", lilt' (h\"ll('r 1lI:1~' :1111.'1" ,<;lIch ,";l"'('n.d;I\' pl.::rjod }.!ivc tj){' (:ollll:lC!tH :1 <;('C' lilt I writ1<'1l lIotice 10 corren ."l1ell ddkiel1{'i('" ,,'i,hin ;1 ";(''.'llnt! ,<;('\'<:n-d:1\' [If:rilld If rhe COlHf;letOI' \\'irhin <;l1ch ,,('('fHl<! St"Tn- cI;IY period :tftcr (('cd!,l of ,<;ncll second nolice f:ril." HI (-(llll lllClltT :111(1 ("1111111111(' It I nlnn't :1I1Y (lclit'i('ll1"i(-';. rll(' (h\'!\('t lIl:l\' withOlll pl't'judin' 1(1 oll1n rClllctlit"" Ihe ()\\'11('1 11I:t\ 11:I\'t', C(lrrtT! sllch <kflc1cnC'ics III s\lch (";1,,(' ;111 :l]'fHI'lni:lIC (:h:lnW: chdl"r <;11:111 he i<;slIed deduCting rf()1ll p:I\'Illt"IlIS 111('11 OJ rhnClflt'T' dllt' 11le (;olllr;IClor Iht' COSI (If ("(lnI'Clil\~! such deli- cicndt'~, including Cllllllx'ns:tlion for the Arcl1iltTt'!,: :lCldititJll:tf ,<;el"\';cc," and eXpl.;"lls("." 11l:lde nen."S,<;;lry hy ,,,"ell dcf:Ulh, nc!-!ItTt or f:rilort'. Such ;lClion hy lhe.:: Owner :md ;lllllHlIll." Cl1:Il'.W't1 to the COnlr:lCl(l1' :tn;" hoth suhject 10 prior :tppro\':i1 of lhe Arehi leel If 11:t\'1l1('nl.<; thell Clf 1l1erc:lflcr title lhc (:cllltr:Ic1(lf :Irf: Illll sufficicnt (0 ("OVCI ,";111."11 :1Il10unt,,,, the (:(lFllr:l(lrll shall p:'\' rhe diffcrenn? I () I he ()WllCt ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR 3.1 DEFINITION 3.1.1 The COlHr:lt'!lH j,<; rhe person or ('tlli{\- idctniril'd :1-" "lIell ill Ill(' Agreclllt'1l1 :111d is n:fcnnl to Ihf'(lll~ll(Ju( (he (:!lIII1:1l'1 !)llt'lllTH'tlr." :1." ir "ill'~ll1:lr ill 11tllllhn 1"11(' 1{'Tlll "(:flllrr:lr.I'l!' lIlC;lnS the (,llIllr:IClflr 01 the Clllllr:ltl(lr,~ :l\rlh(lIiJ,nl rcpl'C,<:l'lll:ltiq:: AtA DOCUMENT ....,,,, . (;UJFllAI. CONlltTlONS OF 1 FIE DIN't !tACT FOil CONSTIl! I(T,nN . HlIII!TF.FNTl! F1HTlnN \ lA' "F., I'lW 111/. ^~1I:.11)( AN IN"Tll1 111' OF AIH~llITFCT", 1 ~ ~<; NF.\'(' YOHK A\'I'.NI iF. N \'(' \'('A~lllNf:-1 ()N II r .10011(; A201-1987 7 W^nNIN~.tl"Il~,.n!ll'!l'1 "h"lnr:nnvh'Q vlnl"'~!I u.s. corv,I~"llnw~ "".tl<; ""hll'r:ll('J I,.onl ".....~..r:I'llnn. . 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIDNS BY CONTRACTOR 3.2.1 rhc Cnnll:lC10J' ."klll crrcfully "!mh' ;1nd ("(lIllP;H{" lilt' C:f)nlr:1Cl [)(lCll111Clll,<; wilh (';1Ch ()ther and will, inl'(11ll1;lliclIl furnished \1," the Owner pur,c;U~lIH to :;;uhp:lrap.r:lph 22.2 :111<.1 <;11:111 ;1l (lllCT !l'[1()f{ lc) the Archjtect crtelfS. iIlClHlsistc:ncic<: (JI (Hlli,,<;in1l.<; di"co\'(;rctl Tile Crllllr:tC!O! .<:1\:11111111 hI' Ibllk In the ()\\,llcr or Arcl1itcTl ftlr d:lI11agc rcsllhillg fronl errors, illt",.ltlsi<;. (('JKit'" or flfllis.c:;ioIlS in the COI1lf';1CI l)ocumr-l1Is Ilnk':'i<: the.: COlllr:l("1or tccfl~ni7.cd .<;\1(:11 error, illCllllSi.c;lcllCY O! (Jl1lis<;ioll :1lll! klJ(H\'ingfy f:1ikd In report 11 to IlIe At<:hi1(:Tt. If lhe Clll1, lr;I(10r performs :111\" CO!l.c;trnclio!1 :lClh-j,y knowing it il1\'olves :1 t(,(()~!lizC't1 error, inconsistency or ollli.<;.<;joll in lhe' CorUr:Kt [)OCIl!nCllIS wilhout .<;tlch nOlice 111 Ihe AfC"hilccL tile C0I11r:lC- ((Ir ;:;11;111 a.<;sUIllC :lppnlpri:l!e rc.<;pon.<;ihililY (m stIch per(or- m:lll(C :md ;:;11:111 he;lr :m appfopri;ue amoullt of tile :lllrihul:Jhk (osts ror corfcninn. 3_2_2 The C:(llltr:KlOr ~11;11l l:lke field me:l.~uremenlS :lnu \'crify fidd cOlldilioll.<; ;md Sh:ll1 Glrdully <:llInp:lre "tlch ndd mC:l- SIlrCtlH:nl.<; ;lIld ("olldill0llS :1I1c1 (llber inf(lfm:lIioll knotvn 10 rllc <:lllltl':I(lllr with the COlltr;lCt 1)1)("I1IllC1HS hehlre Cll!l'llH.:nc1ng :lc(i\'itics. Errors, ;Ilcollsi.<;lencies or orni.-;-siolls discovcrcd ;:;11:111 he reponed 10 lilt' Architect :It ollce 3_2.3 The COlltr:lctor .c;h:lll perform rile \'(.'ork in :lcTDn!:H1Ce witll {lie Conlr;lCt [)oCll1l1ent.<; ;Ind ,<;Uhllli!(;II.<; :lppro\'cd pur- SU;IIH 10 P;H:lgr;lph .7... 12. 3.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 3.3.1 The Corur:lClor ,<;hall .<;upervise ;md direr! the \,\lork. Il.<;ing tile Cor1tr;lclor',<; hC~1 ~kill :md ;tttcntion TIll' Conrr;rClOI .<;1l:111 he sokh' respoll<;ihle for ;md h:lVt': CPl1Iroj ow'r ('oll.<;lruc- till!) tl lC:l 11.<; , mcrlHld.<;, tcchniqt'cs, ,<;CqtICll(TS ;rnd pn)(Tlltrres :111(1 fIll' CIJ(Hdin:Hin~;l11 pOnilJ!l,<; ()f IlK \'(/(nk under Ihe (:(111- lr:lt'l. ullle,<;s COlllr:Kt Documents ,g;\"(' (Jlher .<;pecifk 111.<;ln1<:- li(lll,<; concerning these m;lllcr<;. 3.3,2 The C[}lllr;l(tor shall he re~pon.c;ihJ<: In the (hvllt'r fm :ICt.<; :Illtl omissions of (he Conlr:tclor"s employees, Sl1h(:olllr;lctllrs :Intlthl'ir ;1!!erH~ ;1llc1 employees, :1I1d orht'r persoll.<; rcrfrJrl11ing pI lrtilJ(lS (If lht' \'(/(lrk lllldl.:r:1 ("(1l11r:K! \,-jlh llle (:(llllr:'c!llr. 3.3.3 The C.ullfr:lCtor Sh:lll nol he relk"ed or ohlig:l\iOllS ro pl.:r- f(!flll the \\'(Jrk in :l(C()rd:1T1ce will1 rhe C{llllr;ICI 1)CJ("tlllH:nts either hy ;lCli\'ilies or chilies of the AfChilet'l in rile Architect's :llJnlinislr:uioll of rhe Contr:I('I. Of' hr rC,<;IS, in.spt't"liollS or :tpprnv:lls required or performcd hy pl.:rsolls olher rh:lIl lilt' (:lllHr;IC!(Jr. 3.3.4 The Cpnlr:1ClOr ,<;h;ll1 he rcsplJl1,<;ihle fllr in.<;peclion (If 11or- Ihllts of \'('flrk ;llrc;ldy performed lImlt:r tllis COlllr:lct !O deter- Illille !h:1l ,Stich ponion,<; :Ire in proper conditio!1 10 recc;ve .'HI!)- 'icqut:!ll \'C()rk. 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 3.4_1 1 'nlcss othcrwi.se pro\'ided in the CllIHr:ll-! Dllnllllcllls, rill' (:lllllranllr ,<;11:111 pfllvide :Illd ll:IY f(lr 1;11)llf. nlatni:rls. t'qllip- 11WIlI. I<lflls. CllllSlru{"lillll t'quipllH.:nl :111(.1 1ll:1c!li!lcry, w:rll.:!, Ill':II. Iltilitics. Ir:IIlSI,ort:llion, :1l1c1 (llh<:r fadlitit.s alld ~l'r\'icl"~ !lcec<;<;:ln' r'lr pnlpcr t:xt'c\llioll and cnlllplctillll (If lilt: \'('llr\.;, whelher lenlpor:lry or permanenl :lIId \,'l1cl11l'l or lIOl illcnl"po- 1;11('(1 llr 1(1 I)l~ ill("()rpIJl':IIt:c1 ill rhl' \\!(Irk 3.4,2 The C{)I1lr:1C!(!r sl1:1I1 CIl(flrcc Slrkt discipline :lll(\ .I!(l{lc1 IllLler ;ll1Hlllg llll' (:(llHr:\Ct(lI".<; l"nlpl<'\'l,(,~ :111\1 (Ither pcrSllll.<; C:llTI'ill,l! Olll rile C(lnlr:lC! The (:rJll\l:lf:UlI <;11:111 11tH permil {,ll1ph J\'lllelll Ilf urllil per"lln.<; tll p('r.S(lll~ 11<11 .<;kilk(1 in I:l.<;ks ;t-,,"igl1t:l.1 tll Ilwll\ . 3.5 WARRANTY 3.5.1 The Cnrllr:1CI(Jr ",.';nr:1flL<; In tile (l""Il(T:llHII\ll!Jil("C: 111:11 1ll:11Cri;lls ;md (:fJt1ipmenl fUflli"lwt! 11lHkr ll1e (.Il1l1l;ICi will }"'- or J..!'lnd qll;tlil\' :11Ic111e\\' llllle,,;<; orllt.'r",'i,,(' required or l'crlllil lcd hy ll1e Cnrllr:lCl [)OC\lln("Il1.<;, 111m tlw W".Hk <;\'ill 11(" rIel from dck>:!" Ilor illhnelll ill rhe qU:llilr rnlllirn.! 01 pcr11lillt't1 :llld Ih:ll rhe ""{,rk \\'iI! ('llllffJrm \vi!h rll(' rcrplircrl1('IlI" {If IIH Ctllllr:ICl I)onllllclll<; \'{lurk !lot cflnfnrll1il!l! III Ihese r("{!lli!" mell l.<; , inchl(ling ,<;llh<;liltlli(lll,<; n(ll pHlpef'ly :11'1'!(1I"1'() :1!1(1 :1I1I111Iri71.:(I. ll1:r\' 1)(' ClJtl<;i(\(-rt'd dt'fc("\i\'c Tll(' (:r'1111:lClllt." w:ln:lIl1y (':'<("I\1dc<; rellledy (or d:lll1:lgC (II <kfccl cll,<;("d \1\ :Ihus(:', IlHl(lifiCTtiflll<; 11(11 e:,<cC\lrcd 1)\' tile Cllll1r;lClIH, ill1!Hll!WT (Ir ill.<;llnicit'nr 11lain1cl1:1l1U:, impl(lper Ill1n;llilHl, {ll 11'11111:11 we:n :H,d rt::rr ullcln r1Ofl11:11 us:tge, rr required 11\" Il1e ^rchilCct, lhe COlltractor .<;11:111 !ul't1ish s:Hisf':1Cljln' c\'idc!ln: :1," rflllw kind :HlcI ql1:1lhy flf 1ll;llcri:r1" :lnd cqllipmcnl 3.6 TAXES 3.6.1 The Cnlllr;lctor .<;11:111 r;'y ,<;:llc~, conSlll1Jer, 1I<;t: ;l1ld~~irnil:ll l:lxe,<; for !h~ \X,'ork or pPrtion~ lhereof I'fln-idee! hy Ihe Cnn- rt:tC\( lr l...tlich :11"(' It'g;IlIy cn;l("lnl ~"'H'll hid~ :11(' Ind\"nl (11 llCgOlj:lliol1.<; Cl'llduded, wllClhcr or !lO! \.t't dlcnin: or lW'll:h schedllk'cI ro go into efrcn 3.7 PERMITS. FEES AND NOTICES 3.7.1 llnlt...s.<; ()Ihcrwisc l)f(n'idecl in tilt, C(llllr;tCl [)(IUI1llt'111-" Ihc COlllr;tC1nr ,<;!l:,1I -"ccure :md P;IY fill' tilt' hundin~ pCllllil :llHI lllhn permil.<; :111(,1 Wl\TrJl11WIH:I] f('c~, li("en~c:.s :111(1 irl.<;ptTlill/l<; IllTcs<;;lry fill plllpcr c:,<('cnlioH :lnd COlllplctilltl llf IIV' \\;'1111-: which :IIT ctISlfll1l;lrih' sccurccl :If!ef exccution 111 (he (:1 JIll 1':1('1 ;llld ""hich ;Irc ll"g;llty required Whell hid-" :IH.' f('tTin'd 'If neW' li:ltil)ll,<; CtlllchHlccl 3.7_2 The C(1lllr:lC1flr sh:lil cOll1ply w;,h ;Jlltl give 110li( f'" J'equired IH' l:t'\"~, flf(lin:UlCes, ruk,<;, fcgnbtilll1.s :111(\ l:ndll! ord("t"~ of l'lIhlic aUlhorities ht:;lring on perforrn:1I1U' Df lhe \X/()rk 3.7.3 It i~ nOI tile Contr:lctor's respoll,sihilil\' !ll :1.<;cert;!il1 111:1I tile C.Olltr:lCl Df WUlnC'lllS :1f(~ in :llTnrd:llln~ ",'ith :lppliC:lhlc l:l\.\1S, ,<;I:1l\HCS, ordin:lllc~s, hllildin~ codes. :rntl rllk.<; ;1l1d wglli:1 I io1l.<; , Howcver, ir rile COlllr;tctor oh~crvcs Ih:t1 portion" of lhe <;(IIl1r;K' 1)(){'Illlle-nlS :lfe;ll \';tri:lIKe tl1(~rl'l'.'itll, rill' C:lllltr:!C!Il( ,<;h:lll promptly notify lIlt" Architecl :mc! (h\'llcr in wriling, :Illtl nCCCS'i:lry ch:lIlgc<; .<;I1:tll he ;Kcompli<;l1ed In' :tppropn;l1c Mlldificni()ll 3.7.4 rf rhl' Conlr;lClor perronns \Vork kno""ing iT to hl' ("on- rr;trr lol:m'.<;, ,__I:l\lIll'S, or(lill<lllcc~, htlildill~ codes, ;md rl.lk<; :md rqwl:lljoll,<; ",'illHltll ."lIch notice 10 lhe ArehileCl :1Ilc! OWller, thf" Contr;I("10r .<;11;111 ;t<;.<;lIIllC full respollsihili!\' for .such \'('ork ;1Ilt! Sh:ll1 hClr rhe :Illriblll:thl(' (O~r.<; 3.8 ALLOWANCES 3.8.1 Tht' Conlr;lC:lnr sl1:111 indueit' In the Cllntr;ICl SlIlI1 :111 ;lllo\\':1I1CCS St:llt'cI in lhe C0l11r;lCr f)(I("UI11Cll!.<;. Ite11ls ("(1\'('I('d In' :llIo\\':llln-"~ .-;-h:IU he supplied for <;lIcl1 :l!lI(ltlnl~ :!nd h\' snch Iwr.sons or l.nl illl's :rs I hc ()\\'llt'r Ill:,y dircc!. hill I he (:lllllf:ICl( 11 .sh:11I rUll he required ,n t'mpl()r per.sons or ('nrhi('.s :Ig:linsl whidl rile- (:(llllr;Kt()r 111:II<cs rC:l~(lIl:lhlt' (Ihjcctillll 3.8.2 {lll!t..'{S orherwisc providnl in lh~ Clllllr:llT 1){l("lllllt'IlIS .1 rn:lInial.<; ;1I1d nr\liprlH:nr uncler :11) :111( ,\\':11\("(' S11:111 l'c ,<;('lcnnll"llll1pth' h~- ,hc OWll('r to :n-(li(l ((('1:1\' in I It I' \X'orl.:; .2 :r11rl\\':lnce~ <;11:111 CCl\Tr the nlst II) lilt' (,lllllr:lt!lll III l1l:lI('ri:ll.s :1llt! eqtliprnClll dl::'!i\'("f('l! ;11 rhe silt' ;llll! ;rll rnplirnl r:I;>;I'S. 1('-"" :11)plicl1)1(' lr:ll!c tli<<Ullfl1t.": 6 A201-1967 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . t ;nJl'11 AI CO~,l)ll)( INS nr I III' n IN 1"11,\('']" !'( ,II ( I'N<; 1111 '(' n()N . I (II 'HI rrrnr I rr 'f 11111: ,\lA' . ," l'ljC lllr ^MFHH.AN IN<;Tl"!"! 'TF. ()r~IIII1tTH'T". l-t~ Nrw' Yf Ill!, ,\\"FNIIF N \~ '\.\";l!II'-Jf:'1 ('1"\- ! II !"""" WARNING: Unlic..n-ged pholoeOf'ylng vloll,tes U.S_ copvrighl !l,W!l lIInd Is subj~cllo Il"QAt pm!';f"cuHon. . .3 CorHr;1Clor's CO,"!.<; for \1l1lo;ltling ;tlld l1:tndling :11 (he ."lle. bhor, illc;I:t1l:tlioll (n<:I.<;, overhead. profit ;\11<.1 olhel' cxpen.<;('s corucmpl:llcd for .<a:llcd aJ]ow;tncc :lI1Hll1JlI.<: ,..hall be included in (he (:olllr:1<:1 Sum ;Inti llO! in the :lllo....~..:1Tlcc.<;: .4 whcTlt'\'cr co,<;!.<; :11'(: Illorl' Ih;11l or le<:<: rh:1l1 :1110\\':111('<,:,<;, (he Cfll1lr:l("1 Sum <;11:111 h(: ;lCtiu,<;lcd :wcnrdingly hy Cl1:1I1gC Order The :1lI1Pl1lll of lhe Ch:mw.' (lrclcr ,<;1,:111 fenCe! r r) 1 he difference ht't \'\:ecn ;ICI":ll ("l1<;1<; :Ill<j the :IIl(J<;\':lIl(T.<; under C!:I1I.<;e .",H2.2 :111<.1 (2) Cil:lllgC.c; in Ctlllfr;1Clor',c; ('0,<;1.<: under r:!:lllSC ,", H.2_:~ 3.9 SUPERINTENDENT 3.9.1 The CorHr;fctor c;h:lll emplor a competent superinten- den! :lIld Il<:'C{'S";1rv ~.<;.<:i.c;l:lnlS who c;h:1I1 he in ;lIlencl:mcc :11 the Pmjecl site dming perr()rlll~nce of lhe Work. The ~t1pcrillten. denl .<;h;llI rcprc,<;cfll the Contr~clor, ;1ml cornfll\lnic~ti(ln.<; given to lhe superintendent .0;11;111 be::l.<; hinding ::1.<; if ~i"cn 10 the Con. tr~Cl(lr. Il11porl~nl cOlTlrntlnic~lion,<; .<;11;111 be ronfirrned in writ. ing_ Other COl'illllunicttion,<; .<;Il:lit he .<;imil;1r1y nmfirmed on \\'rill(:ll feque.<;r in e~cll (;l.<;e. 3.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 3.10.1 rh(" Cflntr:1C1or, promplly :lfter heing :l\y:udcd lhe Con- Ir:ln, sh:tlt prepafe :md ,<;\lhrnit fOf IIle O\\"Ill'r's :lnd Afchilec"s illforlll:r!iClI1:1 C(lntf~C!(lr',<; ('(lIl<;rn,cliflrl.<;dledulc (or rhe \'(/ork. rl1e ,<;chetlule sl1;11I no! exceed lime limi\.<; cmrellt under the (:C llllr;Kt ! )()Cl1111cnt,<;. .<;11:111 he 1'('\';,<;(:d;tt :lppropri;lll' intcn'"I.<;:i.<; rcquired. hy lite condition.<; (l( the \'('ork :rl1<1 Pnljt.cf. ,<;11:111 b<: rcl:llnllo Ille enrire Projecl 1(1 lill' c..:lt'IH fequired hy the' (:011- tr:ll"l IJllctllllClllS, :1l1d sl1:111 [Ho\'id(' for c..:pnlitio\ls ;lIld pr:lcti, c:lllk e:'(t'('ll1illll (l( llll' \'(i(lfk 3_10.2 The C:rllllr:IClor ~hall prep:1H'lIlld kecp r-mrcnl. (clr lilt' Arc:hilt'C\'S :rp!lfO\':11. ;1 ,';Cl1cdllk o( suhmitt:ll.<; ,,,hich i,<; ("oordi, Jl:rretl \\'illltll(' (,llt)lr:lCrf)f-S ("(lll<;trtlc1iflll schcduk' :Intl ;11I(l\\'S Ille Arcl1itt'Cl rcr<;(lll:lhle rimc tfl r('\'i(''\\' .<;\Ihnlitlals 3.10.3 The Cl1llrr:Klor shall con(flrm III the llln<;l Il't'e'u sdlCtlulcs 3.11 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE 3.11.1 The COlllr;lCtor sh~lIl11:lilll:ljll :11 rhe c;ile for lht' Owner flllt' rt'Cflrd CI)PY {If tile [)r:l",'ings. St'cciFiCIIIClllS. :ltk1end;J. Clt:tngc Orders ;md other ModiFic:tlioll'<;. ill good order ancl In:rrkctl Cltrlt"lllh' to recofd Ch:lllge,'i aJld c;c1cctioJls rn;~de during clln.";lrUCliflll. :llld in addilioll :lpprovct! Shop Drawing.'i. Prod- on 1):11:1, S:lTl1ple',<; :Illd simil:1r required ,<;Uhlllilt;II.'i" Thcc;c ,<;h:lJl he :r\':lil:rhlc 10 lilt' Afchitect :ll1d sl1:111 he delivered IOlhc Archi- tect for ,<;lIhlllift~I\() the Owner upon complelioll (lr the Work. 3.12 SHOP DRAWINGS. PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 3.12.1 SIlO!, ))r:l\\'illgs :!n' dl:l\\'ing'i. di:lgl:lnl.'';, 'icllnhlk;s :l1ld (Hhcr d:rl:l speci:dh' pl"t'p:lred [nr lht' \'(:ork h~' the COnlr:tClOr (ll :1 SuhCOlllr:IC10f, Suh-_<;uht'otl\r:1Clor, 1l1:Jllllf:ICrtll'cr. supplier or diSlributflr III illU.'itr:llt' sOllle ppnioll of IIle.: \':ork. 3.12.2 Product D:ll:l :He.: i1hl<:lr:l1io\1s. .<;t;Iml;lrt! <;chnllllt'~, per- 1'11111:111('(' cll:rrt.c:, ill_<;trtlUiclIl<;, hnlclllll"t"<;. c1i:lgr:lI11s :Illd otller illll lOll:l1illl1 fllrlli<:hct! hy till' (:(llllr:,("I(lr III ilhl.<;lr:tl(' 111;II('fi;ll.<; fli' npliplllt'11l hlr <;(1I1IC j1(lr!lfll1 (I( tilt' \'"(Irk 3.12.3 S:1Ill!1Ic<; :If(' pln-.c:ical ex:rlllples n'hich ilIu,<:tr:Hc fll:llcri:1L.., (.'qllilHlll'llt (If t\'flrklll:mshi" :Illcl cst:lhlic;h <;I:mcl:trtl.<; 11\' \\'lticl1 till' \\:011.,; \\"ill hI: il1d,W:d 3.12.4 "hclp !)r:m'illll", I'roflllC! !):ll:l, S:I111pII.'S ;Ind .c:i1l1ibr <;\lh. Illirl;lb :11"(" IHII (:(1I11r;1('1 1)(l(-\lllll.'lllS "l"ll{' pi III I! 1<;(" III ltw;r<;uh. lllill;ll is 1(1 dCIlHln..;\r;lll.' fOf Ih(lst' IlorHnll<: or Ihe "-nrk (Of . which <;\lhlllilt:llc; ;11(' reqllin'tl tlte t\":1\ llll' (,['Jllr;l("I(\I 11fllJlll<;('S III COnll1r1l1 t(l 1IIe inrorlll:llioll ).!il'en ;Ifl(\ llle (\(-<:ign conn'pl exprc.<;<;ed ill llle Cnlllr:ln J)1l("Il11teTll,<; Ilc.'\'i~'I"\" hI' rh~' l\r("\1ill'("I i.<; c;ll1lj(Tt 10 lllc lilllil~li(lll.c: llf Sllhp:lr:IW:1pll ,i.2 - 3.12.5 Tl1(' (:(mtr:1("f{lr c;h:11l rc\'it't\'. ;111Ilfll\'(' :11](( <;llhlllit I(IIIH' Arr:llilec! Shill' !)r:l\\'illgc;, I'rcKhtn l.l:II:I, C;:1I11[1k.c: ;111(1 <;irllil;1l ,<;\Ihrnitt:ll.<; reql1ire'(J hy the COlltl:ICI I)Il!.tllll('IIl,o;, \\'ilh rc:t.<;llll :thlc prornprTlr:,<;,<; :llld in such <;eqllC'fl((' :t<; rll c;ltlse no dcl:1\- ill the \'\:.'nrk or in rhe ~cli\.itie.<; of tile ()wner fl{ (If ,C;el':II;lle (011' If:lCl(lr_<; -"uhmiuals lll:tde by {he Corllr:lnof which :Irc 11ll! reqUIred by lhe CPlltr;let \)onllll('IlI<; 111~IY he rerurned \\'ilho\lr :l(ljon 3.12.6 The Contr:l("lor sh:-zll perform 11(1 ponioll (If the WOfl..: rnll,irinR ,<;\ltHllio:ll :md fe,'iet\. (l( Shcll' l)r;l\...illg,<;, I'n,{hl( 1 J );11:1. S:Il11plcs or .<;illlil:lr SUhlllill:ll.<; ul1ril\lI(" respectivc ~;Uhllljl- t:l! h:t!'i heell :lppro\:nl hy the Architect. SlIcll W'ork .C;h:ll1 he ill arC(}f(I:lrll'C ,,'jlll :Ippnl\'etl s\lhlllil{:II.<; 3.12.7 fly :lppn)\'ing and ,<;llhl1lillin~ Shop J)r:l\\'in~c;, ProdtlCl 1):lt:t, S:lI11pkc; :llltl.<;il1lil:lr ,<;tlh1l\jlt:tl~: lhe C!llllr:lI:t'_lr rcplc"clll<; 111:11 IIII.' Contractor 11:1'<; determined :llld verified In:llcri:lh, rkkl JnC:l~llf('nlt'nrs ~nd nettl cnn.<;lruc!ion criteria rcl:rlt'd lhereto, or "ill tic, ~;Cl. :IlH,t 11:1<; ellt'ckcd :1IHI ((llll'dill:unl Ille in!(nlll:lliflll C(llll:lillCd willlin sllch ~\Ihlllirt:ll.o.; wIth III(' rcqllilt'll1l'llr~ III llll.' Work :md o( the (:onrr:lct Documen!.<; 3.12,8 The Corllr:lCror ::-hal! nol he relkn:d o( r('.<;pnll::-ihilil~ (Ill dc,'i:lIiflll'<; (IOIll l'equirelllcIll.<; of llle (:(11111':1('1 J l(lClIIll('nt'; Iw rile Archirect"::- :tppro\.:tl of Sllll]) l)r:l'\\'ing,<;. PlCldlll"l 1):11:1. ,r,;:lmpkc:: llr silllilar ,<:rlhlllill:II" 11ll1c::-.<; Il1e (~(lIHr:lnlll 11:1" <;p{'dlk:1H~' informed lhe ArchiltTr ill wlitillj.! 01 S(wlt c1ni;!tif11l :rl the Hlllc or .<;l11Jfllill:lf :lntl the An:hitn:l In<; giq'!1 "'rillt'll ;11'pl"Il\':rllcI1I1e ,'ilwdfic devi:llitltl TIle (:tllltr:1Clflr<;ll:dl rHlr lw rctievnt flf rC~I'(ln~ihililY (ClI" ernlrs 1H' (Illli~sillll<; ill Sill II'I )1':1\\ ltlg,<;, PI"IltllKt 1):11:1, S:llllplt',<; (lr ,o;imil:ll sulmlill:lls In rill' Aldl;' fl:ct',C; :lppnl\':lllhcT(.'{lr 3.12.9 The CCllllr:H'l(lr Sh;lll direct c;!,nifie :ltlCllIil!lI. ill wliling or on t('<;llhlllittnl Slu II' 1 )r:tt\"ings, I'roduct ! ):ll:I. S:mlpk.<: fll <;illlil:tr ,<;uhmi!!:IIc::, ro rcv;siOIl'<; nnwI' 111:111 Ihll~(.' I'Cq\l{"<;!nl hI Ihe Archilect 011 pn>\';oll,<; <:Uhlllill:llc; 3.12.10 Inflll"!n:ltic Illal ~Uhlllil!:JI" ul'1111 \\'Ilicll IIH' ..\rchirl'!'t j," npt c<IwC!ed In take rcs"ollshT :Inioll tl1:l\ h(.' .C;() itlelllifktl ill Ill(" (:l)lltl:l(.t j)(lCllInclll,<; 3.12.11 W/hcll prort',<;,<;ion:II certifierfioll of pcr!{lflll:lIlCt' nllf'ri:t of rn:lIcri:lls, ,<;y~It'Ill.<; or equipment i~ rt'quirn\ h~' the Contr:lct J){lUlIllCI1IS, tilt' Arcl1ilen ,<;11:111 he.: CIl\ilk',! 1(1 rel\' llpllll tilt' ;ICnlr;)t'Y :Hld COJllplctcIlC.<;.<; or .<;\lcl1 Cllcul:lIlrlll<; :lI1d (":!"tin- CUifJn<; 3.13 USE OF SITE 3.13,1 TIle UlIltr:ICI(lf ,<;11;111 ((lnl1nc ()pcr:Hilll1S :1l tll{' Sil(' Il' arc:ls pnlllittnt by 1:1"', ()rdin:ll1cC's, permils ;lI1tl II\(' r,:tllllr;1f'r [)oClJllwnl.<; :lI1d sh:lll not II11H:':t<:OIl:lhlr cnnllllhcr tl1c';ilc \':illl 1ll:"eri;t1~ or cqttipmcllt 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCIHNG 3.14_1 The (:fJnrr:l("t{lr ,<;11:111 he respflllsilllr fIll' Cllllill't, fillirll! or p:llching requifedlO ClllnplC'lc lhe \"<'-ork lH 1(1 lll:lk(' It': p;lrt," fir IOW'lller prnpelh' 3.14.2 TIlt' Cllfllr:l(tfl! :;h:1111)(11 d:llll:lge,n CIHbrlf.!t'r :ll"lt'lj"fl 01 tilt' \'('ork Ill' (ulh' or p;loi:tlly completed nltlC;lflKtiotl or rllt' ()\\"Iltr III _<;tv:rr:ltc C(llltr:1(I{lr!' hy ("\Illillf~, [1:l1l.llitl!t 'If ('II1('!' \\'i_<;{' :lllCfinl! <;H("I'. Cllll':Iructinll. or 11\' t':'<(":I\";llion Th,: (.[lnH:lf ror .<;11:111 rHll cut or olhcrwi!'it' ;l!tef c;uch C(lIIC;lrllclinll hI" 111,.- AI^ DOCUMENT ^'Ol . (;rNrlfAI ('()Nrlt"l!(IN" (lIlliI' l.flN1H,\CT !'f\ll (llN<;llll'(Tl'l,..,' r'll'1I1Fr~nlt rlll'lr'lN \1,,' . 'I'!fl-Illr,\r-..lrllrf '~:rr"<;II!I'Trrlr,!"IH'llllr( I';, 1-'~,NnX'l'I'ln;,\\'1~lI'l'._N\\: W',\';lI1NC;lrlN,ll/ !f~'lI" A201-1987 9 W^nfJr~JG: Unlir.pn"...1i ph""...r.nflViflQ vi...l~lp" U.S_ !:("Il'lv';o"l ,_" tlnli ,,, "uh'l"~f 10 Il!Qnll'l,"",,.elllinn . (hvner e)f :IS('P:lf;1l(' C(}l1lr;l~I(H except with .....ritTell CllllSClll ()( lhe (h\'l1~r :m(l of such ser:u:llc Cnl1lr:lClcH: ."lleh ('!lllsen! ..11:111 110l he UIlrC:IS0I1:1hlr withl1eld. The Contractor ...h:lIIIlO( llllrC:l- .<;()ll;lhl\' 't\'i!llhokl fr'om the Owner Of;t scp;tr;IIC (nnlr:WI0f the C(llllr;l~tors COllscrH to cllftin~ or Olhcrwisc ;lhcrill~ tho:.' \'\'nrk. 3.15 CLEANING UP 3.15.1 rile COt1tf:lCtor shall kt"cr tllc prcllIi.<:e,<; ;llld surround. in~ :lre:\ (rc(" (ro1l1 :1ccumllt~lion of W;I,<;I(: 1ll:1leri:1L" Dr ruhbish Cltl.'wcI h~' oper:1Ilol1s tlllch:r thc COlllr:lCL AI completion or rhe "<-'Ink the COlltr:lClnT .<;11:111 remove from :l1ld :1hol1\ tllC' Project t\';\."I(' m;llcrinls, mhhish, rhe COf1lT:J(lor"" l(lols, COIl,<;lr1.lcriol1 equipment. l1l:lchinery :lI1d .c;urpJw; 111:11eri:lJ.<;. 3.15.2 If the C;Onlt;lC\(lf f;lils to c1e~tIl up ~,<; pro\'ided in the COlllr~lCt f)(l(Hllll'IlIS, the Owner Ill;l" do <;0 and tl1(: cO...t rhereof .<;h~ill he charged 10 the Clllltr~e..-\()r 3.16 ACCESS TO WORK 3,16.1 TIH: C:onlr:lct()r :;11~f1 provide the Ot\.'ller :md Architect ;lccess to the \'(,'ork in prcp:1ration ~nd progress wllerever InClled 3.17 ROYALTIES ANO PATENTS 3,17,1 The Clll1tr;1('"lor ,<;h:111 P;IY :111 n1pliies :1ntl license fees. The COnlr:1Clor 511:111 defend 51.1ilS Of c1;1ims for infrin~emenl of p:llelll rig:hts ;md .<;h:1I1 hold the Owner :1nd Architect h:trlllJes,<; frol11 loss on :lCC()\lIlI thercof. hUI :;h:111 nol he respon.c;illlc for snch defense or lo,<;s t\'I1t'fl ;l p:trticul:lr ch:,<;i~ll, plOces<; or prod. tlct of:1 P;lrliClIl:lr ll1~lIH1r:lCturcr or m:lIluf:lClHrcr.<; is required by lhe C:olllr:lCt !)(lClrtlWllt:,>. l'hlwr':Ver, if the C!lIl1raClor 11:1,<; rC:1' SOil fo hdiC"'C' tilat 1he required de,..iJ;l:n, proccs.<; or prndu('l is:lll infringemenr or:1 P:l\t'IH, the C:ontr:lClnr ,<;11:111 he rec;poll,"ihk for such lo<;s lIllle,<;s .<;l.Ich inroTfl1:ttion i,e; prompt I" rurllie;hed to Ille Architect 3.18 INOEMNIFICATION 3.18,1 T!l the rtlllc~1 eXlent per/llillcd h~' I:IW, tilt" (:(lnlr:lCltlr ~h:,tl indelllllif\' :In(! hold h~rl11le.<;,e; the (hvller, ArchitcCl, Arch;- tect',~ cOIl..ultalH.'i, :llld ~J!erHs :lntl rmplo,'ct'.'i of ;IllY or thelll from :llld :Jf!~lin.c;t cl:lims, d::lITlagc5, los,'i{,s ;md expcn,<;{'.'i, inc1ud- itlj~ hut no! lilllill'tllO :Iltorn('y,c;' fel'S, ;1Ti~ing Ollt or or resllllillg trlHl' pcrfOflll:lnCC of 1 lie ""ork, pro\'idetlll1:1t .<;11('11 (1;liI11, d:lI11. :t~C, lo.<;s or cxrell.<;(, is ;Il1rihtlt:lhk 10 hodily iniun', <;ickness. diSC:1.e;(" or dC:llh, or to injury t(l or destructioll o( l:mp.ihle pror- nr,' (other rh:lt] the \'(fork ir.<;df) indllding 10.<;.<; of \1<;(' rcsulting tl1ndrolll, hut (lt1I~' ro rhe cxlCIlI C:lusct! in t\'l1olr: or in P:lrI hy ncgliW:llt ;lC1.<: or OI11i.e;sjoll,<; of the COlltr:lCtor, ;1 Stlhcflntr:lctor, ;mYOlle directh' or indirectly employed hy them or :lIlyone for whose :I("IS fhey rn:lY he li:lhle, rq,t:lTdles,<; or t\.'hrther or nOI sllch (bim, d:un:lge, l(1s.<; or ('xpcn.<;(" is (;111,"("<.1 in p::lT1 h~';I p:lny' inc..kmnifinl hercullder Such ohliJ;l::l1inll .'ih:11I nol he (on.e;lrucd 1(> IH,.'g:tlC, :Ihrklgc, or H.'(mce oIlier ri~hls 01' {lhli~:lIiot]s nf itulctlltlily whi('h t\'ould olherwise ('xis! :1<; In:l p:1Tlr or pcr,e;Ofl dcsnihcd ill tl1is 1':lr:l~r:tph." 1H 3,18.2 In cl:lims ;t~:liIlSI ;lilY 'per,<;oll or entily indC'lllllinetl lJllc1cr tllis P:1faW:1ph 5.1R. hY:ln empltlyee of tile (;tllllr:l('t(}f, ~ Sllhconrr:lclor, :TIl\'(lI1(' direct'" or inelirecll~' cmployeell1\' them or ;lIlnm(' for whnse :lcls They m~y he Ii:thle, the illelem!1ifiCI- fillll IJhli/!;llillll tmdcr this P;lr:l~r:lpl1 ,~, 1 A .e;ll:111 1l(11 ht, limilet1 hr :1 lirllTI:"illll (Ill :11ll(Hllll (Ir type (If tl;Ull:lges, CfHl'P('Il.<;:llh111 III IWlwfilS 1):I~':111k hy (II' rl'r tIle (:llllrr:l("tllr Ilr :1 Sllh((llltr:l("ltlr \111(1('1' workers" or worklllC'fl.e; ("Ol1lpCIle;:lIioll :W\.<; <Ii.<;:lhiliT}' I'ellefi! :1Ct,e; III (II her cIll1'1Il\"CC hCllcfil :leiS. 3,18.3 The llhlil!:nill/l.e; or the COlllr:l("1lll' TInder lhie; f':lr:lgr:Jph ~.II-l.<;I1:"1 l10t e:-:I('1l(11(l th('1i:1hilit\, or Ill{' Architect, lhc Archi. . t\'("t's cllne;uh:lIlts, :llld :1'-!Ctll.e; :11\(1 clllplo\"(.'('s or :tn~' 01 Ilwlll ;Hisill~ Oltt or (I) the: p1cp;lr;ni(111 or :lppm\":ll or m:lps, dt:t\\'ill.{~<:, ()f,il1il)t1S. repIH1.<;. ,"IIT\TY,<;, Ch:lIl~(" ()nlers, de~;ip,t1.e; Of ~f'tTinCI nons, or (2) the RivinR or or the r:1ilme lO Rive ditcr-til){)~ 'H in.<;In.lcti()t1s 11,. the Ar('hitect. the Archil('('t.s Ctlt1.<;ttlt:l1lts. :111',1 :l~ellls :1ntl ~mplo\"ces or :ln~' of them pr<1\'idrcl StICh giving III f:lilllre 10 ~h'r is tll(' prim:try C;lllse or the injun' or cl:1m:1W' ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 ARCHITECT 4.1.1 The Archilect is !he rer.e;{Hll;nvfulfy licC'nsed t(1 pt;1Clicc archilecTure or ;111 elHil)' 1;lt\.(I.II1)' rr:lcticin~ archilecture ide/). tHied :I.e; ,e;\lch in lh~ Agrt'cll1cm :md is rcfcm,:d tn throughout !he C:ontr:1Cl Doculnell15 :t.<; if singul~r ill numher, Thc term "Archile<:l' mC:1n,e; thl: Architect or the Architect'.<; :nllhori7.ed represctl1;nivc 4.1'.2 Dlllie.c;, re.<;pnnsihililic,'i :md limit;ltions of :ltl1horil~' or (he Architen ;t'i set fonh in th(" Cnnlr~ct DOClln1elll~ shall not h(' resrriCletl. modifkd or extended without t\'rillell COl1.<;Cllt flf the Owner, COlltr:lClOr :ll1d Architect. Consent ,<;11:111 nOI he t1me:1- SCHl:lbly withheld. 4,1.3 ]n C:I.<;(' or terlllin:llion of ernplovlllcnt or 111(" Archilect the O~,:n("r ,'>11::1.11 :1ppOir1t ;In :lrchileC! :l~:lin.<;t W]IOIll lhe Clln tr:lClor t11:lkc.e; no rC:lson:!hle ohjectioll :lIld whos(" ."t:1tll.<; under the COlllr:lcl I )OnllllCIlIS Sh;lll he that or th(' formCT :m-:hilc('l 4.1.4 ! )iSplllCS :1rising tinder Sllhp:1r:l~r:lpl1,<; 'i.1.2 :ttHl '1.1 .'l, sl1all he ~tlhicct to :lrhilr:Jlion. 4.2 ARCHITECT'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.2.1 The ArchilcCI will provide :1dfl1il1i.~lr::rlion or the COlllr:1Cl :1." dt',<;crihcd ill t!Jt' Contrnct DOCUl11CllIs. :Itlt! 1;\'ill hc tl1(' Owner's repre,<;clll:nive (I) durinR cOIl.<;tnICllflll. (2) until fin:ll p:Q'!llCllt i~ due :l1ld (,'l,) with the Owner's C(1l1nlrrcncc. Imlll timc 10 tinlc dtlrin~ Ihc correction period c1e,<;crihed ill P:lr:l' gr:lplt 12.2 The Atd,it('('! will :lttvise :llltl ('(HISlll! with the ()Wll('f, Th{' Archilc'("1 willl1:l\'c :llltl1(1ritr 10 :ICT flll!wh:,lf (It the ()~'ner onh' 1(l fhe C:'(lcn! rnn'ided in tilt' C(1lltr:l('! I)OCtltll('lll.<;. \Inll'.<;,e; (1then\-'j,<;c tll(l(tirktl hy wriften in<;tnllnent in :lc('(lrclaIKC ,\'illl ollwr pr(1\'i<;ioll,O: of tht' Cot]tr:lCt 4.2.2 Thc Archilcct will "1.e;il the ,e;ite :11 inlet\':lls :tpprnpri:llc l(l file sf;l~e or construcliollto h("C'olllt" RCfler:llh' f:lInili:lr ,,-'illl tilt" rl'Ogre,<;s :lnti qtl:llity of tile complcted Wr'ork :llld to determine' in gencr;11 if Ihe \'(:fJrk is hein~ perrormcd in :1 Ill:ln\ler indiCtl ill~ IIl:l! rhe \'(Iurk, whell cOfllrleted, ~'m he in :lCCflttl:ltlCC will1 the..' Clllllr:l("t DOClltl1elllS Ilow("ver. th(' Ar("hit~Tt will nll! Ill' required t(1 m~ke exh:lllsli\'(~ or conlimlou.<; ot].::::ile insp(T1i(1n<; {n check qtl:11ilY or Qll:Jllli!" or the \'(Inrk. (In Ill... h:l,e;i.<; of Oil ,~j1c ohscr\':ui(1Il" :1,e; :111 :ncllile:cl, the Archilccl will k(,c)1 Ille O"vncr informed of prn~rc.e;s of the \'Vorl.:. :11H!I:\'i1l '..'nde:n'!H t(l Jlll;lrd the Owner :I~:1ill,e;1 (Ierects :lnd <leficil';'llcies ;11 the \'(:IHk. 4.2.3 The Architect t\'i11 not h:l\'(" controi (H'Cr or ch:lf"~c of :1I1cf tvill lHlt I,c re<;poll,<;ihlc f()f ('(lnO:;lnlClion [11(':ln.'; rll(',ll,,(ls. Icdllliqlle~, .,>('q\Wll("(..S 11f pn){"'('(hrrcs. nf rflf ,<;:11"('-". fHf.'Clllli,Hlc; :lrHI IHllgr:lIllS ill ('(llIlWni!1I1 with l11e \\'(lrl.:. .~ill(T lll{':-;c :11(' stlklr the (:'lntl:1I.'!llr,~ rCSI)IIll...ihilily ;1,e; pnlvilk'tl in f':lr:I.W:lf)!l .-;,..:1, Tile ArclliTCC! will 1101 he- responsihl~ rrlT tilt" (:(IlHl':I('llll.~ r:tihu-r:" t(l C:1rr~' OIl! the \'(-'ork in ;1("rnrd:lIlc,:, I:\'ith tll~' (."llll:1I"' 1\I)('lItl1("lll<; TIH' ,i\rdlil('("l willlll11 h:l\'(' 01!lrrfll (\\TI"f (h;1I1~'-' lJr ;lIld will nfll h" rcslHm,<;ihie hlT ;lctS (IT ')rlli<:~i'HI.~ (ll Ill(' {:(ll) 10 A201-19S7 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . ':r:NFH,\!. U.ll"lltTHlN<; {II' 'lltf- U'NIHM:I HlR C'lNS.tlnlr'l'ltlN . !r1I'pn:nn tl Flllll' If,' AlA ~ . r/', !<"'~1 t II' M"FllICAN IN"Tllf ~'lT (11 ""If:l Itl H "I <;, 1 - ',~, NF\'C ~f lllf; ^ ~TNt '1: N \\. \~,~ q I Ir,J( ;11 'r,' I" '''''''', WAnNING: U"lle~n<;~d nhotncnnv;no vltlIJlIp.!; U.S. conyrlqI111,ltw<; l'IF1rllo: <lllbi",~' 1",1"01>1 I"r"o:....."U,," . (r:\ClOr. Sllhc()ntr~n()rs, or their ;I~enl.<; elf elllpl(lyee~. or of ;lny other persoll.<; performing port1tms of ,he Work 4.2.4 Communications Facflltating Contract Administra- tion. Except ~s Oll1er~\'is(' provided in the Contract Documents Of wilen direct COlT1llluniCllion,c; h~v(' heen .,>\wci:llly ~ulh()- ri7.nl, the (h\'IH:r :111<1 CorHr;lctof .0:;11:111 cndC:IVO( 10 communi. C::llC lhroll,gh the Architect. C()1l1ll11Ill;c;llio!ls hr :lIld tvilh the Architect',", C(l!1SUh;JIHS <;h;111 he lhHllIgh the Architcct. C:()llllllll- nic:uiOI1."i hy :lTld with SuhCOlltr;lClOr,c; :mcl m:Hcr;:11 suppliers .<;h:tll he thrnUHh the COflU:IClor. COlnl1nlllic:J\iollS hv :md ~'1(l1 <:;('p:lr:1I(' (ontr::ICtor,c; sh;tl1 he through the Owner. 4.2.5 B:1.'icU on the Architcct".'i ohserv:lIioll.<i :Inti ('\':t!ll:lliol1s of the COtllr:lClor's Appliotions for P~~'lllent, lh('" Architect ",'"ill revicl.'\." ;lll(1 (.t"r1ify the ;1t11ounIS due Iht" C(JllIr:tClor :md will i':;~l1e Ccniric;1te,<:; for P;1ymenl in ,<:;ttch :lnlClunl,<:; 4.2.6 The Archilect will 11:1\'e :nllllOrity to H~j{'("l \'(Iork which doc::; nOl conform to lhe Conll;lCt Documenls, \'{lheIH:\'cr lhe Architect ('on,<:;ider,<:; il l1t:ce,<:;,<:;:trr or :1(I\.j,<:;;1/)le for implemcllI;1. lion of the intenl of the Comr:tcl \)ocumelHs, the Archilect will h:I\'(' ;1ulhoril)' to require ;1ddilion:tl inspeclion or tc,<:;tinR of the \X:ork in K(()f(j:mce 'tvitll Subp:tr;lgr;1ph.s 1~,5,2 :md 13,5,3. \\'Il('ther or not ,<:;uch \'(lork i.s r;1hric:lIcd. ;nsl;llled or complcted, Il(ll;\"(:\'er, neither thi,<:; :t\1thority of tlie Ardlilect nor:t tlt:ci.<:;iUll rn:lde in gO(ld f:lith either to excrci.<;(' ()f nor to exercise ,~lICh :lurIHlriq' ,..;11:111 give.: rise 10:1 duty or n:sponsihilil)' of lilt: An:l1i- leel IOlhc COlllr:lC!or, Suhcontr:H,:Ior,,:;, Ill:-Heri:t! :tnd eql1ipmt'TH supplier,<;, rheir :1!!Cll!S or emplovees, or olher person,<:; perforrn- ing portion,,:; of the Work -4.2.7 Tile ArcllileC! l.'\,iIf review :1Il(! appnwe or 1:1ke other appropri~le ;1("'li0I1 upon the COnlr:1C!Or's .'illhrnitl;Jl~ ,o:;uch :1'<; Sllop J)r:I~'iIlRS, Product D:1t~ ;1n<l S;1l1lple,<;, hut only for thl:' limited purpo,<;(' of checking f(lr nmform:tllCt' wilh inforl1l:llion given :llld the de,,:;i~n concepl c:-;pre,<;scd in lhe COl1tr:lCt Docu- mCIl!.<:;. The Architcct's :1C\icHl will 1'(' 1:lk("n will1 ,':;Hell rC;I.':;()l)- ;llllc prorllprne,<;s ;1.<; tn C;lllSC !Hl del;l\' ill tile \'(/ork or in the ;tcti"itlcs of tIle Owner, Corltr:!ClOr (lr ,':;('p:lglle conlr:lctnrs, while all(lwing suHiciclll lime ill the Architect's profe,<;,<:;iot1al judgl11enlto permit :lclCqll:IIC r(~vic't\', Review nfsllCh ,<:;Uhlllitt::lls i<: not Clllldl1cted for Ihe pllrpo,<;e of dctcrmining the :Kntr:1CY :md C01llpklCnes,<:; of otl1cr dct:lil.<; such ;1S dimension,,:; :1l1c1 tju;!ntities, or for '<;UhSt:lI1li:lIing imaructions for in.c;l:1l1:ltion or perforll1:lIlct" of equipment or system,<;, ;111 of which rem:lin the re,<;pon,<;ihiliq' or the COl1lr:1Clor :1.<; required by fhe Contr:ICl [)oCllmcnt,<;, The Architects revic't\. of Ihe COIHr:lctor',<:; suhmit- t:lls ,<;h~lI not relicve the COlllractor o( Iht' ohli~;Hiom; UluJcr 1':lr:l~r:IJ1h,<:; ,~.~. 3,) :ltld ,:I" I 2. The Architect's revi(~",' ,<;h:1l1nol cOll,<;titllte :11111(0\';11 of ,':;;1felY prec:mtioll,<:; or. t1llle,<:;~ otherwise spedric;t1ly ,<:;I:l!cd hr file Archilcct, of ;my c(ln~tTllCli()n l11e:1I1,<;, llIClh(){ls, Icchlli(I\lCS, seqllelKcs (,r p((l("Cdllrcs, 'l'lle Arcllitccl'S ;lflPrcl\":ll of ;1 specific ilem ,<;11:111 1101 indiC:lle :lppro\.;11 of :1l1 ;I,<;<;l..'mhly of which lhc ;lem i~ a component 4,2.8 The Architec\ wilt prep:lrc Ch:1I1foR' Order,<; :lI1d Con,<;trllC' t ion Ch:1l1!2:e Direclh'cs, :1l1c! m:q~ :1II1h(lrize minor ch:Jllgc.s in lhl' \\/orl\ ;IS pfll\'idnl in P:!r:I!2:r:lph {,4 4.2,9 Tllc Architect will ('onduct ill:<:;pCCliol1," 10 dClermine tile d;1t(' or <I:1ICS (If SUhSI:lI11i:ll Complelioll ;Jnd Ille d:lIe of rit1:lI ((lIT1\lklioll, ,,"ill r("("(~;vc :lilt! for'i\':ml 10 l/lC O;\,l1et for tile ()".ller's rc\';(''t'" :lllc! renlnls ~'rirt('n \\':lrr:111tic~ ;lIld rel:lted dOC\llllt'llt,<:: rc(]uirf:d Iw {hc CrlTllr:\Cl ;lIld asscmhled hy the Cfllltr;1Clor, :lIld will L':;.':;\lc;I rill;ll Ceniric:llc for I';1Ylllent upon c(Hllpli:Jtlce \\'ilh rhe rC(ltlirelllents (If the (:(lIllr:lC! ])llcuIlK'm,<:; 4.2.10 If I Ill' (h\'l1er :lIld ^rchitcct :l~lCC, lhe ^r('!lileC! ".ill pro- \'idc "Ile [H Illon' proj{Tl repre'WT1I:lIhTS 1(1 :ls,<:;I:<:;1 in C:Hryil1g . Olll thl:" Arcllit('ct's responsihilities ;It the site The (llIlie:", rc,<:;p{ltlsihililit"s :md lilllil:llicll1s of ;HtlIHlrit\' ()f ,<;uch fH(lj(Tt rerre.<:enl;1t;vc,<: ,<;11:111 he:1-" ,<:;("! f(lrrh in:11l e'Xllillil III h{' i!lC(lrpfl r;1lee! in the Conlr;Jct l)pculllelHs 4.2,11 The Arcl1itcc! will interpret ;ltl(1 (\{'cidl: tll:1t1ns (Ptlc('1'Il in~~ pCrfflflTl:lllC(' lilHlc! :1tld rcqtlircrllCll1,<; (If the (:<Hllr:l('I ! )nCUI1l("IH-" on wrirWl1 requc,<;t of eill1n the ()'t\'ller or r.:Olllr;\C IClr TIH. Archirc-n.,':; rC,<;p(lll.<:,e tfl ,<:;\ICI1 r('rltlCsl~ "'ill he 111;1(1<- willl rC:I.<;ol1:'lhle pfOmpltlCS-" ;md within :l1l\' lime lirnil.<; :Igl('nl \lprlll. If tlO :IWCe-111t'flt is m:l{le ("(HHTrtling Ilw tinl(' 't\'itllill which itlterpret;ltiOtl-" reqllired of tlte' Arcl1ilc.'n <;h:111 lw fut ni.,:;hed in compli:lllcC with Illis P;lr;JW:1pl1 4,2. !llen (Iel:t\' S11:1H nOl he recngni7,nlon :tccnUlll of f:1ilure h~' tilt' ^r,hilecl tn rllf' llisl1 sHch inlerprc-r:lli()n,<:; unlil 1<; d:1\'s :lfler written T('C]\WSt ;,<; lll;1de for them 4.2_12 Inlnprel:lIiom :lml dn:;sions of the Arcl1irc{"! will hI' consistenl with tile illlclll (l( :1I1d rel<-;on:lhly inkr:lhlf' IHlll1 rll(' Cmllr:Jcl /)nCUn1('IlI.<; :1Il(t 'to..i11 he in writin~ or ;11 the ronll 'll dr;1winR<;, When tll:Jkinj;{ stlcll inlerpret:tt;olls :lnd dt'c1sioll':;, rlle Archile<:l will endc:tvor 10 ,<:;ecure r:tithful performance In' hoth Owner :tnd Cunlr:1CIOr, will not sl1(1~' p:Hti:lliry ro dll1cr :111<.1 will nor he' li:il1le ft)f restlll.<; of 1lHcrprCI:lIipll.<; 01 (kdsioll<: <:;(l rendered in gnod f:1ith, -4.2.13 The Architcct's decision." on rlla1tt:rs rc!;n'"$! 1(1 :rc-slI n:1ic dkcl ~.ilI he On:11 if ("(lOsislenr with the illlt:nt ('~prc<::~('d in the Crllllr:lct {)()Cument,<; 4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.3.1 Definition. A C1:dm i,<; ;1 delTl;llld or :J,<:;ser!iol1 h~' nil(' (I( the p:lnics se('kin?" ;1'<:; ;1 1l1;111er of ri~I1t, :tdiusllllcnl or illlerpr('- t;uiO!l of C:Olltr:J(1 tenl1~, p;'yment of money. extension of til1le or otl1er retief ~'ith re~pect r(1 the r('rrn~ of the C0I11r:KI The terlll "CI:lim" :11,<;0 indl1de~ olher di,.;pule,<; :llld m:lller.<; ill (]11('<; lion bet ween Ill(' (hvl1cr :tnd COI1IT:Ic\or ;lrising ! IUI or 11r fcl:u. in~ to lhe COlllr:JCt Cl:ltmS mU.<il be made Ily written nolice The re,<;pon,<:ihility to .<illb:<:;l:m!i~te Claim,<; .<illall re.<;t with lhe r";1rt~. nmkin!2: rll(" t ];1im, -4.3,2 Decision of Archllect. CI:lin1s,illdlldill~ 11l(l,<;e alleging :1Il error or oml,<;,<;ioll hy th(' Architect, ,<:;11:111 be rdt:rrt'cl initi:ll1y 10 the Architect for ;1ction :J.<i provided in P:lr:lgr:lph -j"l ^ dtTi. ,<:;ion by tile Architect. a,<; provided in Subp;1r:IW:1ph 'I.'iii, ,,:;h:11I be required ;I,<;:t condition precedellt 10 :Jrhitr;1li(l1l or liti!t:ttioll of ;1 Claim hetween the COlltractor :tnd Owner :1,<:; to :111 .<illCI1 m:mcrs :Irising prior 10 tIle c1:J{e nn:JII"r.lymenl is dlle, rcg:lrdlc,<;,.; ()f (') whether such m:lllers rcl:tte l(l e:-;e(ul;()ll :111(1 i")((lgn:,<;~ (If the Work or (2) llle ext('1l1 to 't\'hich the \v'ork h:1.<; heen COil)' plcled The dcci.o;ion by rhc Archilecl in resf1011s(' ro :1 Cl:Jim .<ih:JilllClI he:l conditioll prcccdClll 10 :lfhitr:llioll or lilip::llillT1 in till' c\'eI11 (I) lhe p(lsilion of ^rc!lilecl is \':1(";1111, (2) rhe AlclJilcn has tlfll rcceivcd evidence or h:t,<; f:Jilcd ro render :1 t1eci,.;ion ~'ilhin ;Iweed time limits, (~) lilt' Architcct 11;1,<:; f;tiled 10 1:lkc :lCl;on required undn Subr:Jr:tgr;1ph >4,'1.', within ,:I,{1 d:lYS ;Iflcr th{" C:l:IiIH i~ made, (It) 41 d:1rs 11:lv~ p:lsset! ;1fler lhe C1ailll h:ls been referret! 10 tile ^r("hitcel or (C;) ll1e Cl:lill1 rd:1t('~ tn ;1 fll(::chanic's li<:n, -4.3.3 Time limits on Claims. Claims hy either 11:lrl\' 1ll\ISt Ill,: m:KIc wirllin 21 t!:1\',<; :lfrcr occurrence 0' the C\Ttn ~i\'ing ri~;e 1(1 ,,:;uell C:l:rim fl!" 't'I'itl1in 2 I (1:1\',<:; :Iftcr rhe <.:l:1im:ltlr firsl rccflgt1izc.<: rile condition ~h'il1g rise 10 1l1e Cl:1illl, ~\'Ilicll('ver i<: 1;11('1 C1:1;Ill~ tlltlSI hc llI:!t!c: hy writtell 1lotice An :lddirifltl:tI 0:li111 ll1:tdc :tltn Ihe initi:IJ Cbim 11:1.<; heen ;mplnllf:ntctl h\ Ch:lIl,l!e ()ltln l;\'il! not he cnl)<;ickled IlIllc,,:;,<; slll"llllitH:d in :1 1;!1wh' m;l1H1('( A201-1987 11 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . C:FNF11At I (lNrltTt(IN<; (ll' Ttll' (:flNtl1,\r:T I'Cl~ r'(lN~Tfltl(.ll()N. !")lIlnF.nn11 f'!ltl'tflN \ t.~ ~ .'" I "~r 11 tf" \ ~lrnH ,\N IN'.; I 11'1 'TF ( 11' "tlCIlt'l Fe'! ,; I"~" NF\~. y( lR""'FN1IL I,~ \'i' , \~',\ q ItNf :!( lr-.:. !l ( !IIIKI(, WARNING: IJntle..ni"l"d pholoeopv;nl] v;ol:.les U.!;. copVrlQl111:.wo; :.nrl;!'l <l;lIhj..el 10 I..Q~1 flrO!':t'Cllllnn . 4.3.4 Continuing Contract Perlormance. P('ndin~ nll:l1 n:~o- lilt ion of:'l Cbim including ;trhilr:lti(1l1. 1111le.<:s (ltllc!"\,:jc:c :1~r('('c1 ill wrjljl1~ the COl1lr:'l("lor .<:;11;111 proceed dili~('rlll\' 'l;\'ilh fwrf'of' 1l\;mn' o( rhe (:Ol1lr:lct ;111(1 the ()\\,Iln sh:dl ("olllinll(' tll llI:'lke p:1ymcnLC: in :lCCClrd:lll("e with llle Contract !)nOllll(:lllc: 4.3.5 Waiver of Claims: Final Payment. The m:lkillR. of nn:ll p:lymCll( ,<:;11:111 cnn.c:;titllt~ ;l 1:\';1ivr:r of C:l:lim.~ hy fhe O<:\'I1(.:r except tho..,,,:" :tri'\illg from- .1 liens. Cl:tirns. .<;ecmhy interests or ('11("[1111hr:1I1((,',<; :lri,<;;- in,g Oul ll( the COnlr::lcr :tnd \!IlSCllled: .2 (:lilure of {he \'(lurk In cnrnply with the rcquirel1lcllLC:; or the COlltr;lct !)OCUIl1CIlt.<;; Of .3 terms of sp(''Ci::lJ "":1rr:1l11ics required hy Ihe CflIllr;lCl D()CU!llelllc:; 4.3.6 Claims lor Concealed or Unknown Conditions. If nln- clilion.'> :lre enC(HlIllered :11 rhe .,>ile which :lrt' (I) .<;lIh.c;urf':lCt' (Ir oll1crwi.sc cllnn:aled phy.<;iGll condiliofl!' which differ m:llcri. :lIly from lhosc incliclIcd in the Contr:rCl ()onllTlCIll,<; or (2) 11l1knll~:n pll\'~iGlI conditions o(:m ullu'<;lI~ll1:lIllre. ~....hich di(- fer rn:l1cri:dly (rnmlho!'e' nrdil1;lrily (ound 10 exist ~nd ~ellC'r~lIy reco)1l1i7.ecl ;I,'> inherent in con,'>lruction :lcti"iries o( the cl1:u:l('tcr pfovided for in lh{" Cnnlr:l('t lJoClm1t'1l1,<;. tl1("11 nOlin: h\. IlIe oh,,>crvin~ party ,<::/}:lH h{" ,Q:iven III tll(' olher p:lrly promptly hefore condition!' :lre cli<::lurhed :lnd in no ('venl l:lIer 111:111l.1 (l~y,<; ;lner fir."I obser":mce o( the conditions, The Archi- len will prnmptly irn-c.<;lig:llc .<;lIell ("on(!ititllls :m<l, if they differ Ill:neri:llh- :lIld cmse :m itH.:rc:l.<;t' or dcucl.<;c in rhe CO/lIr:lctOr"S ("(1St (Jf. (lr-lime fequired (or, peff(Hlll~llCe of :lIlY part of the \X;(lIk, will rC("(llllmend:lll nJuir:lhk :rdjllslllIl.tll lnlhc (:(1I111:rc1 SlIlll or Conlr:lCl Timc, or hOlh. If lht' Architect de-Icrmincs tl1:1I the conditions :ll the sile are not l1l;Heri~lly different from 1110,<;(, indicllecl in the COlllr~c( [")oClunents ;1nd th;11 no ch;1ngc in the Inll1.'i of the COlltr:IC! i." ;ltslified. the Architecl .<;11:111 ."(1 notify lhc {)wnc.:r :111(1 C(ll1lr;lCl{lr in \\'riI1l1g. SI:llillg (hc re:1."(Hl,<::. U:lilllS hy eilher P:lrlY in opP(lsition to _<;IICh clelerlllin:llitlll Illusr he 1ll:Ic.le ~'ilhin 21 d:l~'s ;Iller the ArchittTI 11:ls gin~n I)olice:' of the decision, If lhe Owner :111d (:lllltr:lCtor (":l1111ot :1gt'ce 011 :111 mljllStrllt"1l1 in the (Plllr:!ct SUIll or C()nlr:lCI Timc, lhe :rtljuSllnClll .<;11:1111)(' rderred to !he Architect lor in;tial <It'ler- min:l1ion, .'iuhjecr 10 further pro("eedin~.<; purStr:1Jl1 In P:lr:lgr:lph ri.'! 4.3.7 Claims lor Additional Cost. If the COl1tr:lCtor t'\.:ishes to 1l1:1kc Cl:1irn for:1I1 incrc:l.<::c llllhe COl1lr:lct -"litH, written nOlice :1.<; prm'ided herein .<;h;111 he gh'en hefore procecdinJ{ to eXeC\lle lhe \X;ork. Prior notic{" is not rcq\lired (or CI:lilll,"i rel:1ting 10 ;In cl1ler~cncy el1r.1:111~erin~ life or rropCrI \' ;Iri.<;lng \1ncle~ P:If;1. gr:lph Ill.). I( rhc COlllr:lclor hclk'\,c.'i addilioll:I' ('ost i.c; in\'ol\'ed for re:l.'>ons illcllluin~ hUI no! Jil11iled 10 (I) :t wri{tt'n i!1\(:rprcl:Hroll (rOIll the ArchileCt. (2):m order by lite Owner to SlOP the \,\'ork ~.hcre lhe COl11r:lctor ~V;I.<; nor :ll f:mlt, (.:'1):t wrir. len order filr:l minor ("h;lIl~e in the \Xiork i.<;s\lecl In' lhe i\rehi. Icet. (<i) (:rilun: of p:trrncl1l hv lhe O""ncr. (<:;) lcrlllin.:lIillll olllle Corllr:r("1 h~. the Owner, (6) O"'ner's sn<:pen.<:ion or (7) olher f(.::t."(1I1:1hle gnulIlds, C:l:lilll."hallllc filed in :lCC(lflbnce willi lIlt' P[(l("ct!l1rC cst:lhlished herein. 4.3.8 Claims lor Additional Time 4_3.8.1 I( thc COfllr:lCtor ~.i.<;lll':'<; 10 make C!;lim (or;1I1 Incre;1.<;c In Ihe CClntr:lCl Tilne. t\.TittellIHllin: :l.<; rro\"idecl herein .<;half he giq:n Tllc Contr:1Clor,<; Cl:lilll shall inclllde:1tl t',<;lim:lle of ("o."t :It)t! of IHlIh:rhk efkn of dd:ry rln pI ogres." Ilf the \'\;nrk In tile C;L"(. ,1(:1 Cfllllillllinp: dcl:r\" (Jllh. (,ne {:Iailll I." Ilc'("es_<;;lr\" II :1t!n'r<;e we:lIher c(llldi(i(lll.<; :1f(' 1l1e h:1Si.<; (or ;1 Cbilfl 111r ;ltldil iOll:11 lillK.<;\lch (:1:1in1 sh:lll Iv: dflcwnenled hy (1:11:1 . Sllh.<;t:lIlti:llillf.!. Ill:11 Wc;111wr COIHliliollS \\"('f': :tl>n(1I111:11 {pr Ill! PCli11(1 III tilll(' :1ll(1 ("(H1I(ll){lt h:I\T Iwen 1(.:r<;rlll;1111,- :111Ii(;11:llr.[1 and 111:11 \\'c:llhcr ("{11l(lill(lIlS Il:ld :111 :1(1\'("1<;(" ('f1eel (1I1 Ifl" scllnhlk'd constf\lCtit1Jl 4.3.9 Injury or Damage 10 Person or Property. Ir "jIlin fl:lrI\ to the COlltr:lct<;ll(fers in;llr)' or d:lIll:lgc 10 pcr<;on (11 [11f)I'f'rr, h('(;1l1s(' 0(:t11 :ICl Of olllis<::inn of the nlller p:lrr\', o( ;lfl\' (l( the orher p:Hty'<; emplo:.oces or :lgcnrs, Of or nrhcrs (or \\.11os(' :1("(<; ;,uch P:lrly is Iq~:llh' li:lhk, t\'rilten Dorin: of .<;Dch illjllf"i' 01 d:lIn;lgC, "".hether or not in.<;ured, ,<;h~1! he ~i\'en 10 the otlln p:lny within:1 fc~.<;{)n:lhle lime nOl cx('("edil1~ 21 (b~'.<; :lfleT fir,<;1 ohser":mce, The nOlice sh:II[ rrodde sufficienr <!r:t:lilln cll:d1!c the olher p:my 10 il1\'esli~:lI~ tlie lll:lller If;l (:l:ril1l fr,r :ldrli. tioll:!1 ('OSI or lime rcl:11cd 10 this C1:1illl is to he :l'><;cned il sll:1I1 be fik'd :IS pro\'ided ill Sl1hp~r:lgr:lrhs 'i., ~ (}f "~I ."R. 4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.4.1 The ArchileCt will re"ie~\' C1:Iims :llld 1:lkt' 1111('! lr I1Hlf(' llf I Ill' following rrc1illlin:lry :lctiOl1,<; within ten (by,s of n:(.'dpt n(:1 Cl:1iIll: (I) r~:ql1e,<;1 :ludilion:ll s\lpponing d:H:I fn1m the el:1im:mt. (2) suhmil :l schedule to the p:lftic,<; indiCHing when the Archi- lcel c:<pecI<:: {n r;Ike :1clion, (:1) rejet'! tilt" Claim in whole Of' ill P:lrI, .c;I:llln~ felSOllS (or r(:j('c!ion, (-1) fccr1llHHentl :rPI'ftl\.;!1 nr llle C1:1;1ll hy tht.' other p:Hlr or ('5) srW.W'SI :1 cOllll'rpl1li.'>f' The Arch;lect 111:1\. ~I.<;(), hill i.<; nol ohli~:ttetll{l, notif\" the .sure!\. if ~n\". of the l1:lt\1re :1l1d :HlHl\11l1 of the C:l:1illl 4.4.2 If:l Cl:lilll h:l~ h('t~ll resolved, the ArchiKCf \\.ift I'lcp:lfe! H (lhl:lin :tppHlpri:lte c1{ICl1ll1t'nt~li{)n 4.4.3 If :1 L1:lilll h:1.S 1101 heen rcsolvcd, lhe p:rrt\. 111:rldng rlw C!:tilll sll:lll. within 1('11 d:l)'~ :1f\c'r Ihe Archilects pH:lilllill:lr~ rC.<;f'on,<;c. t:lke onc or more- o( the f{lll(l~'ing :1Clj(lns: (11,Sllhl1\;1 :Iddi!inn:ll SlIpporlillg d:ll;l reqlles1<:d hy 111(' AIClliw("!. (2) Ill'ltlify lht' inili:ll Cbil1l (II" (.\) tHlIify the ArCf1ill'Ct tll:!! Ihe inili;ll c:bim .Sl:llHL<; 4.4.4 If:I 0:lll11h:1S nol heen Il'!,(ll"cd :1f!r:r \flll.<;ider:lIiol1 of lilt rorq.!oing :lnd of further ('"idencC' f'n.:selllcd In' ll1e p:lrtie<; or feque<::I('cl hy the ArchitC'ct, the ArchilC"ct ~-iII11(ltir!" lhe p:lr1k'; in \\.ri1inp. lh:l! thl' Archilect's deci."ion '.vill he Ill:lcl/" \\.il!lin SC\'ell (by_<;, which cleci~i()1l .<::h:1I1 he fin:l! :111(/ hincling on the p:lrlicS hllr suhjecl In :trhilr:nioll. Upon ~:<Jlir:llinll of .<;uch time [ll'ri(lrJ, the Ard,it!'(.t t\.-.m render t() the p:1flie<:: rhe l\r("lliteCl..~ wrillell c1ec1.<;ioll rd:lth't" III the CI:llrn, including ;lll\. ch:lngc ill lilt' Contr:lct Sum or COlllr:ICl Time or holh If !hcre is:l .<;Ul':l~ :md there :lPpCUS In he:1 po.<;,<;ihility 0(:1 Contr;J("lor.,~ dd:rult, lhe Arcbitect rn;ly, hl1l is not ohli~:ltecl to, norify the .'i\lr('1'. :lIlcl rcqlles1 rll(' snret(<:: :l.<;.'ii.sl:lIlCC in resol\'illJ,! the nmlnl\'('rs,. 4,5 ARBITRATION 4.5.1 Controversies and Claims Subject to Arbitration.^"\ contf(lVers\" (If Cl:1im :u;sing (1111 of or r('!:ltn.ll(l IIIC {~(ll1tl':lCt. or Ilw hre:lC"h (her('o(, _<;h:11I he ,<;c!lled h\' :1rhi1rmion in :1('((11- dallce wilh the C(Jl1s1rn("lion Induslry Arhilr:lt;oll Huk~<; of II\{" AIlI('riClll Arhitr:lIi(JIl A.<::S()("i:llhlll. :11)(1 ill{l~ll1Cllt IIp('rl tIlt' ;t\\":lfd rendered hy tilt, :lrhilr:Hor or :lrhitr:11flr.,> 11l:1\ he ('r1l('rnl in :111\' cnun Il:lvin~ ;\lri.<;c1iC1ioll rhereof. (':<n:pt C(lllln'\.no.;i('''' or Cl:1ims rel:llin~ rn :H'.<;lhetic erfcCl :1I1d e:<cept (11(1"(' w:rilTd :r<; pnwickcl ((lr in .SIII'p;WI12r:1ph 'i_."',) ~t1C11 ("('nlnl\'nsies ('r (:l~jlllS tlplll1 .....hich the Archilt'CI h:I<:: gh'l'll rHlIi("(' :111(1 rend(Tnl ;1 clccisioll :1~ pr(1\.iclnl in ~(lhp:rf:tgr:lph 'i_,j,ish:1fllH.: ';111110"("11(' :lrl)ilr:llirll1 tlP("l ~'rjrrf.'!l ~!cI1l:IIl(1 (If dtlln ll;ll"l\ '\lllill:lli{>IJ 111:r\' he ("(ll1l111('IH."cd 1.'..IIl'11 -i<; d:l\.s h:I\,[: 11:r""l'(1 :111('1 :r (:hilll 11as l1l'Cll relr:rw(l rl' 111(' AI'c11ilc('t :1.<; IH(l\'i(lt't1;n 1';II;lgl:II,ll cj ~ :111<1 !In decL'>IOIl 11:1.<; lwr:n rendered 12 A201-19B7 J\t^ DOCUMENT ^'201 . r:FNF.llr\l. rrl."':; llTI( 1N~ ('I' Till' , (iN r HV-'J Jrlll (_( lti."llIl" -.1 Hlf': . I'" '11! IT!..jr rl n 'I I If )]'.: "I'" . ". ")fl- nrF ,\~lF1!I(-..\1'-: rNs.IIT1-T!' 111 1\llf .1111 H- I ~ I ~ Ie; rir'~ ,! 1Hf; "\TNl '1"., r~ \I" W'Y'I II'!,: I < '''!, I" '(""", WAnNIHr" 1J"tl~.."<:.d f'h(tlnr:opyinq viol:ll..~ U_S_ COr'lyriohl t:lw!': ~nrl;" "uhf"!':1 tn 1"(Jall"'m~"r:(fUn" . 4.5.2 Rules and Notices for Arbitration. C1:lirn~ hC1Wf:'1'1l the OWller :llltl COl1tr;lCtor not rc.<;olvcd under P:tT:1gr;tph 'i.1j shall. if suhject to :uhitr:ltlon under Sllhr:lr:l~r:lrh 'i.S.l. he decided Iw :lr!litr:H;on in :lccor<.!;lllcc ,vith rhe Con,<:lructiO!1 Industry Arhjlr;1\ion Rule.,; of fhe AmcriclIl Arhitr:llion A.c;.<:.o('i:lljon cur- rently in cfre-n, unless the p:lrticc; fl11ll\1:1lly :l~rcC' f)lherwLc;c. Notice of dcm:lIld for :trhilr-:1tinn .<;11:111 he O\cd ill writing ~\,j[h the other r:1rly to the ^wecmclH het't\'ccn the O~.tlcr and Con- lr:1ClOr :lIld with tile- Americ:m Arhilr:H;on As.<ioci:llion. :mo :1 copy ,<;11:111 be filed \"\'ilh the ArchileCl. 4.5.3 Contract Perlormance During Arbilratlon. fJurin~ arhi. Ir:lIion proceedings. the Owner :md Conlr::rctor sll:1IJ comply t...:ith Suhpar:1gr:1ph 4_.~.<i 4.5.4 When Arbitration May Be Demanded. Den1dnu f()r :'Irl)i, Ir:Hion of :my Cb.irn Ol:'!Y not he rn:uje urllil the c:'Idler of (I) tile d;IIC on ~....hich Ihe Architect h~:o: rendered :J fin:'!1 written deci, "jon on the Cl:1im. (2) lhe tenth d:lY ;Jfler the p:trIic:o: h:lvc pre, .'-c1l1et! C','idcncc In the ArchiTC'CI or h:lvc heen ~i"cn rC;1~oll:lhJc opportunity to do .~o, if the Architect h;1~ rwt rendered :l final written deci:o:inn In' tll:ll d:lte, or L~) :lny of tilt' five events descrihed in Sllllp:tr;1gr;tph ,j .,\.2 4.5.4,1 \'X'hcn ;! wrifle!l ded"ion of the Architect ~t:lIes th:l! (11 lhe deei,";on i~ fill;ll hut ,"l1h;ect tn ;ubilr:uion :md (2):1 dcm~nd (or :lrhi!r:llioll of :1 (];li1ll covered hy sllch dcci~i()n mO."1 he 11l:1dc ~\'itllin .1,0 fl:1r.~ :lfler the dale Oil which tile p:lrl" Tllaking the dcm;llld recch.e:c: lhe nll:ll wriOen (k:cl~i()n, then f:lillln:: to de1ll:ln(t':lrhilr:llion within ~:Iid ~O d:,,':<:' perine! ~h:lll resuh in the Architect ',<; dcci.<;ioll henHning fin:ll :md hindin~ upon the ()wller :md Cml(f:lCtor If tile Architecl relldcr:c: ;1 dcci.<;ioll :lf1t'r :lThitr:uion pro("eed;ll~c; [,:1"<'" heen inili:lInl, ,<;uch dccic;ion 01:1Y he cntt'red :IS ("videllce, htH sl1:111110t ."l1pcrsede :trhitr:ll1lJll pro- Cl_Tding:<: ulllcs.<; Ihe decision i:<: ;l(..'n:pl:lhlt.: 10 :111 p:lnic:<: ((l1lcerned A dClll;Jll(t for :lrhitr;nion .<;11:111 be m:l<!e ~villiin the time limil.<; specified ill ~l1hp;Jr:l~r;lpll:<: ,1.5 I ;lIld ,1.').4 :md C:\;lu~e Ii ')il. I :1<; :lpplicthk, :Inti in olher Cl.<;C<; wilhin :l re:1.<;onable lime :lflcr tilt" Cl:1im 11:1.<; arisen. :lI1d in no ('venl ."h:lll il he Jll~tk :lftcr Ill(" c!:tle tVllt'll in<;litlllilln (lflq!:11 {lr (.'qUil:lhlc pr()cel.'dlng~ h:t"ed on ,<;\,1("11 Cl:lim tvollld he h:lrred Iw lhe :lppIiClhh." ,<;I:llUle of lilllif:1tion,<; :1<; delermined pllr,<;u:mt {O P:lr:l~r:lph 1.:t..7 4.5,5 limitation on ConsoUdaUon or Joinder. No :lTbilr:llion :Iri.<;ing [Jul of or rcl;lling to !ht' C:ontr:lrt !)o(tl1n~'nt.<; <;h:lll include, hy con:<:olid:1t;on or joinder or in :lilY olher m:1Ilner, the Architect, the Archilect'.<; employee:c: or cOllsu!l;lnl,<;, excerl hy n'rlttcn cOll.<;enl cOnf:lining .<;pecific reference to tile A~rec' mt'lll :lnd .<;igned Il\" the Archilt'C't, O~"'ner, Conlr:lClor :lnd ;InY \lllter per.<;OF1 or emil)" .<;{)II~ht to hc joined No :lrhilr:Hion !'i11:111 include. hy c(ln,<;olid::ltion (if joinder or in :lny olher m:lIl11er. p;lflie~ ofhtT th;m lhe Owner, COl1lr:Klor, ;l ~cpm:ll(" cnlllr;lC, 1m :\.<; c1e~crihC'd in Anicle cl :mc! other rerson:<: .<;UhSI:Il11i:llly ill\"fllq:d In :1 ("01111110n questioll of f:1("1 or l:t"" whose prcs<:ncc i,<; rt.ql1ircd if (OTllpl<:lt: rdief 1.<; 10 he :lCC(lrdcd in arhitr:uiol1. No pcr!'i()ll or entity otller th~llthe O""ller, Contr;lctor or :l,<;ep:lr:Hc ("ontr:lclor :I," d!..'..crihcd ;n Article h :<:11:111 he inclmted :1,<;:111 ori~- in:ll third p:lrf~' or ;lddilion;lllhirc! p:1r1" IO:ln :lrhilr:llioll who:<:c inler!..'.'_l or rc.<;rqn:<:ihililY i.<; in.<;I1h.<;t:tnti:ll. COIl."ellt In :lrhilr:lIiOll ill\'(lh'illg :lll :H.lditiol1:11 person (lr emilY ~h:11I not {"{m,<;lit\llc con.<;cnt to arhilr:lli(1rl of:l di:<:ptlle not c1c<;crihedlherein or wilh :1 person or emil\" 1101 ll:ltlle(1 flf de,<;crihed therein. The forc, goin~ :tgrcelllenl to :trhitr:l\c :md other :IJlreeI1H'Il/.<: In :trhHr;l\c \Yi!h:lll :ldditioll:l1 rer,<;(1n or cnlity duly Ulll.<;cllICclIO In' p:lnies Il' Ihe Agreelllent sh:lll he .<;j1(Tillc:tlly Cllfnrce:lhk.' under :1ppli. c:tlllc I:l\y in ;.Ill\, ("{)tlr! h:l\.ing jllri:<:dicli(l\) IhcrcrJf . 4.5.6 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims. A 1':lny \Y!l(l file." ::l notice of dem:md for :lrhitr:lli(111 must ;l:<:.<;crl in lite de1l1:lIld:l1l CI:li1lls then klHlwn to lll:lt P:lfly 1)1l whit'll :lrI,ilr:l. lion is rwrrllioe(\ \(l he dCIll:mded \'(lhcll:l P:lfly f:til.~ to inclllde :1 (:I:lilll Ihroul>!lll)t'~r~ight, ill;J(lveflCllfJ' 'lr ('xCl1.<;:thk. 11qtlcn, or tt'hl'n:l Cl:tilll h:1," lll;1tun::d or hecn ;1Cquirnl .<;uhSl'q\lClllh, lhc ;trhitr:lIOr or :lrhilr:llOr~ I11::lY perlll1! amendmC1l1 4.5.7 Judgment on Final Award, Tile :l\Y:lrd rcmlernl h,. The :lrbilr::llor or :1rhilr;1tor:<: ~1l:111 be fin:l!. ;lnd iudgmelll Ill:'" he entered UpOIl il in :lccord:tnce wilh :1pptiC:lhlc I:m' in :1l1y cnun h:lving jurisdiction thereof. ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1 DEFINITIONS 5.1,1 A Sulx:ontr;1Ctor i:c: :1 per!'ion or elHil\' \\'ho 11:I'S:1 direct cnnlr:lct wilh the COmr:lClOr 10 perform :l poniCln (If Ill(' W'llrk :l1 the ."ile. The lerm "Suhcontractor" ;:c: rekncd 10 Ihrllu~hflllt the COl1lr;JCl nnCUl1lelH~ :'1.<; if .<;ing\llar in numher :l11d nlC:ln.~ :1 S"hCOlllr:lctnr or :m :1l11hori7.ed repn::,,;crlt:ltin: (If lit" Sttlwrlll. n:Klor. The term "Suhcontr;IClor'. d(l('~ nOl include:l .<;ep:lr:llc cuntr:lClor or :<:\lhcontr:lctor~ of ;J .<;ep:lr:llc (ontr:IClllr 5.1.2 A S\lh.<;lIhcontr:l("\or i~ :l pcr.<:f\l1 or ('!llil\" \\'ho 11:1"; :1 direct or indirect ("onlr:1ct wilh a Sllhcfllltr:ICl(lr Il) perform :\ p(lrlinn of Ihe \'(i(lrk:1l the .<;ite. The term "SOI).<;III'("fllllr:1CI(ll' i:c: referred III thfllllgh{)lll the Clmlr:lCf 1)(l("1I111('nlS :I~ if .<;inglll:tr ill llurnbt'r :lnd llIC:lI1:C: ;1 SUh-,Qlhnll1tr:1C1(l1 O! :111 :llllhfJril.nl rcprescnl:lli1.'c of the Sllh,.<;llhclllllrm:l<lr 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK 5.2.1 1IIlIc~:<: f)th('r""i~t' ,"{:l!cd ill the COllfl;lcl I )llnll1l("Il!~ (H tile hiddil1R r("CjltireIllCnl.<;. lhe C(llllr;JClllt _ ;l~ :<:flOIl :1,<; 11I:W- ticahle ;1ftcr :lw:1rd of the COn!r:1CI, ~h:lll furni:c:h ill writing III the Owner IIHOll~h lhe Architect the n:1tlle~ ,,( pt'f<;(lll~ or ('llli, tic:<: Ondudinft those 'tvhn :lIC 10 fllrni."h m:lteri:ll.c: or equipmellt f:lhriGlled to :1 speci:11 de.<;igll) proposed 1m C:lch principal 11' l[ tion of Il1e Work. The Archilecl t'.'i11 rrolllplly reply 10 tlte (:01\ lr:lC!or in tt'ritin~ st:1lill~ whether or !lOI th~' ()~:tlf:'r or lhe Arcllilect, :tfter dlle inn:'stiR:1lioll. h:l." fe:l:C:IJ!l:thk ()!ljecli'lIl 1(1 :my :<:Udl propo.<;ed pt'f~()n or ctHily F:lilurc of the (h\'IWl or Arcl1itC"C110 rcply promptly .<;h:III con~liHl\e llo1icc 01110 rC;1....{I". :Ih!c ohjection. 5.2.2 The Crl1Hr:lctor ,<;11:111 nOI ({llllr:lCt with :1 prof'nscd pel- ."011 or enlit\, 10 ",.IHlIll the On.ncr (lr Architect h:l<: I1l:Hk ((":1, S(III:lhk :1I1d linwty r,I'ic:clillll Tllc (,flll\r:Klll\ sl1:111 11(11 tIt' rt'quired 1(1 CllIltr:lCI n'ilh :1ll~'OlW 10 n'ltol1l Ill(' (,rl!llr:IC1c1l 1,:1." Ill:Hte re:l~r)ll:tllk' '1Iljecti<lll, 5.2.3 If Ihe (lwllCT (H ArchiteCt lI:!s rC:;IS(lll:lhlc ohif"C1ilIII 11';1 per~(Jtl or cluilY propn"ed by the COIHr:lcllll, the (:rllllr:IClfll .",11:111 propo.<;t: :1I1(lll1cr to WllOllllhc ()'l;\'Iwr (H ArchilCC1 11:1:<: 1111 re:l.<;oll:lhle ohjeclion. The Contr:lCf Sum ~h:lH Iw iTlne:ls{'d 'II' dCCTc:l.<;cd hy Ihe difference in C(l~I (l('cl.<;illllnl h, ."neb dl:l11gC :llld :n1 ::tppr(lpri:IlC (:h:,np:e Order .<;11:111 he i~."llnl. ) I' I\\""{'\TI". rHl incrc:t~c in lilt" Cnnlr:\Ct SllIn sh:11I he allowed ror<;llch ch;mgc \Inlc~<; lilt' (:r 11l1f:IC1nr 1I:l~ :ICICd flrfllllfl,l~ :111(1 n....<;p,lllsi\ch ill ,<;lllullininr Il:llllt'.. :1.<: requirnl 5,2.4 "'11(' (:'lIllr;l('!'lr Sh;IIlIHll ch:1I1~C;1 ,"I!h("'lllr;I(llH. J'('J"'H1 Ilr entity PH'\'j'lu<;h' <;elected if lllr: (hYIl('T 'H AIl'/1ileC! Ilnk('<; 1l;':1.<:;{lll:II,k' (JlliC{'liIJl) 1'1 "llell CI1:l11W: AlA DOCUMENT A.201 . I;FNrllAI. (.(INI1ITH IN" (If TIll'. <:' lNlllM: r I'( \1t ((F,r; I III 'I:.t ''IN. F(lllllTFFN III F.tln !rlN .\1,,' . '~'I'''~-'llll ^,\lrnll','N1N"lT!II1Tnr^IH".!1tt!Tr~ I-V;NF\'l::Y(Jlll\^\TNITr-.'\'l: \'l:^"llnl':llll'.:.!l(' lOOPf, A201-19S7 13 W^nNI~jG; Unl;r::("n~,.f1l1ho''''''''nylng vIOI;\lr.s u.s. cnpv""'" I"",!!, ~m! I!' 'l'llhjf"r:l In Ir.C:tt pm!'1f"ClIllo-' . 5.3 SUBCONTRACTUAL RELA TlONS 5.3.1 I\r :lpprol1ri:llc :l!!rCelllClH, ,\'rlu('11 where lq!:111y required (pr qlitli",', lhe COl1lr:lctor sh;tll require (,:1el1 SuhCOlllr:1Cl0l", to Ihe extent (If the \"(.'nrk 10 he perforl11cd hy lhe ~\lh((mlr:lc'(Jr. 10 he hound to rl1(' Cnnlr:\C!or ht- 1("'1111.<; of the ContraCT \)oet!- llIl'l 11.<; , :tnd 10 :l's.'Hlll1C I(lW;lrd the COIl(r:Klof all the ohliJZ:1tioll.<i :1I1d re<;pon<;ihililie<; which the Contf;1("!or, 11\" these POc\!- ments, :r,<;,<;umes (ow;1rd the O,,;ner ;md Architect. E:1ch <;\lhcOIl- tr:lct ;1j:!fe(':mcm ,<;11:111 pre.<;("f1.'e :md pnH{'("( fhe ri~llI.<; or lile Owner :lnd Archilect under tile (Olllr;lCI Documents with r('''pcel to the \"(.'ork 10 he rer(ofmed hr the Sulxonlr:1ctor ,<;() tlla! '<;llhC()ntr;1clin~ thereof <;'I.'ill not prejudice such righl.<;, :tnd sh:111 alfo,,' \(l ttlC Sllhcontr:lctor. IIlllc~~ .';pccific:lfl\' pnwidecl (Jthcrwi~c in (he ,~llhe(Jnlr:1ct :lgrecllJent, the hCIlCnl of :111 right..;;, relllc(lic~ :mt! redrc~.<; :1~:lin,~1 lhe Contr:1Clor th:u tile Conlr;lclOr, hy the COntr:lCI Documents, I1:1S :1g;lin,<;1 the Owner, \'(/here :Iprropri:lte, the C(lfltr:eelor ,<;h:ell require e:\Ch Suhcontr:eclor lO enler into ,<;imil;u :l~recmen1.<; with SlIh-<;lIh- COlllr:lCtor,<; The C(1fllr:lctor 511:111 l1l:lke :W:lil:lhle to e:lch pro- po<;cd SuhCOnTr:1Clor, rrior to the execution of Ihe ,~uhCOnlr:lCI ;I~rcem{"nt, copie.<: or the Contr-:lCI DocurneOl.<: 10 \'\'hich tilt:' SUh{:onlr:\Ctor \..'ill ht" hound, :1I1d, upon ~""ril1en reqllc.<:t of the Suhconlr:lClor, idelHif~. 10 the Suhcolltr::lClOr term... ;Ind coneli- litH1<; of tile proposed <;uhcontr;1ct ;Igrcemenl \'\'Ilich 1n:1\' he :It \'ari;tncc witll the C{lIltr:lC( DllCUmelll.<;, Suhcontr:lcttlf.<: sl1:e11 similarly 1l1:lkc copk:.<: o( :lpplic;lhle portion.<; o( such dm:ulllefHs :l\.ail:lhle 10 their re,"ipenive propn,e;eel Suh-suheontr;lclor.<: 5.4 CONTINGENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUBCONTRACTS 5.4.1 E:lcl1 subconlr:lCl :l~reemcnr ((lr a portioll of rile \''Giork is :1ssigllcc1 hy the Contr':lClOr to the Owner rrovicleci th:ll: .1 :t~.<;i~nllH':Il! Le; crrcctive onl~' ;'ICIer lermin:tti{lll of lhe Contr:tct hy rhe Owner for ClIl,<;C pur,<:u:lIlt to P:tr,I- ~r;lph ! 'i.2 :lilt! ollly for 1110.<;(' stlhcontract :t~"~(,1llt'nt.<; which lilt (lwller :Iccqlle; lw IHllifyin~ tht' Sull(:()Il- tr:lClor in wrilill~: :111c1 ,2 :t~.<;ignrn("llt i.<; ,~llhiect to the- rrior ri~lll,<; of the .<;mel)', if :1I1\", ()hli~:lletl under hOIle! rel;uinp. to rhe Conlr:l!,:1. 5.4.2 If the \"(lork h:l.e; heen ,~tl.<;pentlt'(1 for mor{' tl1:ll1 ;'10 clay~, the Sllhconrr:IClor',e; (()tnpens:uion sl1:111 he eC!llit:lhly :tdhl."lcd. ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6.1_1 Tile (h'\'ncr re,e;l:'rVe~ rhe ri~l1t 10 perform ("{m.<:lnlctioo or <ll'<:r:uiotl,"i rd:llcd 10 rhe ProjeCT .....ith !he Owner.<; o~vn (orces, ;mc1lo :IW:lrd<;t'p:u-:lIe COlllr:KI.<; ill Cflllt1ecrioll with orlier por- tinll." (Jf tl1(' Project !II' nllwr COIl,<;lruclioll or opC'r:lIilll1,<; Oil tile sile under COl1ditione; p( the COfltr:1CI klenticll or ,<;uh,c:;t:lI'li:el1\' simil:1r r{1 the<;c indudin!Z lhose portioll." rc!:ne(l 1(1 insur:mc~ and \"\":li\'('1" o( ,<;llhrog:Jtioll. If [he Cfllltr:tCfor ("bitlis thaI dd:1\. or :tddililln:11 ("o,"ir Lc:; illvolved h('cm<:c of ~;lI("h :\{'tiol1 h~' Ihe ()Wlln, ll1e (:lllltr:lclllr<:h:llllll:lkc <:ucl1 Cl:lil11 :1.<; ptp\'idnl e1<;('- where ill Ih(' COl1rl:ICl [)n("tullelll.<; 6.1,2 \'i"hCll ,':cp:n:llC' cOlltr:lCt.<: :1Te :1.....;lIdcd for different por- tions of III(' Pr()!cC! <1r (Jrllel C()ll.<;lrlH\;(ln fll' npcr:llinns Oil the Silt' Ill(" ICI'tI1 'C()lltr:I(:I(Jr" in rhe CI,nlr:lC1 J)n("1lmcn(<; in e:I('!l C:IS(' <;1I:11! rne:tn the (:(,mraC!IH \\'Ill' f':H_'C"lIH;,c; c;l{"h ,~('J1:lr:lle' ()\\'t)cr-( .(llllt:1C!()1 i\l!I(Tlllt'TlI . 6_1.3 Tile Ot':ncr sh:lfl f1T(n"id(' for coor(\in:Hi(Jl1 or the :lC1h'i. ties of the (h\'ner",c:; (It\-n rorces :mc1 of e:lC11 "ie-p:lr:ltf:' ("I'llrr:1nOl 1:"ilh Ille \'(fork (If Ill(' (,rHllr:lCrqr, will) ,e;h:ll! ("()(lf1("r;ttt' t\'illl 1 h{'111 , The C()llrr~nor ,c;hal1 ~l:lr1icip~le ~\'ilh nlher ,~ef1:lr:l1C ("fll) tr:1('lot,e; :111(\ the ("hvtlr'r in reviewing their con<;trllclioll _~rh('d ule.~ \'-'hen direC1cd In do so The COlllr~("!()t ,.;h:11I IH:Jk(. :ltl\ revi.e;ion.<: ro thl:' COllstrU('tion ~ch('(I\1k :1ntl COfHr:1Ct SUlll deemed Ilcn:::;'<::lT\- :lf1er ~ joint rt';'\'il:"w :1llt! nlllt\l~1 :IRri"'cnWnl Th(' um,"itnrClio{l .<;clICc1ulc_<; .<;11:111 the'n cOllsti\U1e 111,:, _<;cllccllllc,e; to he used In" the- Contr:lctor, ~ef1:1r:lle conlr:lC!nf,c; :lntl rhe Owner until suhsequcntly revi~ecJ 6.1.4 Unle,<;~ otherwise f1rn"id{"c! in 111(' Cfllllr:l{"( DonunCl1ts. whe:1l the OWller perform.e; COllstructiOIl or opcr:lI;OIlS rc!:Jlcd ro rhe I'rojecl t".'ith Ihe ()~'Ilcr"_c:; own force,"i, rh1;' Owner .<:h:1J11K' deemed ((l be suhjecl t(1 the .<i:1me nbliEWI;ons :lncllO !l;lV!':' Ille "i:llne right.e; which :1prly 10 the COlltr~Clor under the Comli- lion~ of the Contr:1cl. incltIClin~, witl10tll excluding (l(!lcrs, lllo,<;l:' ,<;t~led in Anicle ,'I, tl1i,<; Article nand Article,<; 1 n. r I :lnd 12. 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.2.1 Tht:' C011lr:lCtor ,<;h:lJl :lfforcl rhe Owner :tnd .<;ep:1r:lle cnn. Ir:lCtor,<; re':lsot1:lhll:' opflorttlnilr for introductiOll :lIld storage of their ll1~terial!' :md equipment :end rerforrmmcc of their :Jcl;\.i- rit's :1I1d ."iI1:e1l connect :lIld c()orc!in:lle rhe COlltr:ICIOr"s COil- ,<:tructicm :mcl oper:ltion,<; with their."i:l~ requirl:'c! h~ tile- COlltract ()oClrlncnl!' 6.2.2 If p:1rl o( tile Contr:lclor',C:; \X/ork depend.e; (or pmJlCt ex('clIlion or rc~ult.<: upon com;trl1ctiOll or oper:lljolls h~- Ill(' Owner or :l ."iep;lr:lle cnntr:IClOr, the COlltr:lClOr .<;11:111. prior rn proceeding \\litl1 th:lt portioll of the Work, promplly report In Ihe ArchilcC't :lpparenl di~crep:1I1cje.<: or ctdcrts in such other CIlllstfuclil)11 111:11 wCluld render it un.<:uil:lhlt ((Jr sud1 pn1pel CXCCW;OI1 :md rc,<;\III."i F:lilure of tile Contraclor ,<;(l tn rqlllrt ."iI1:111 COI1."litlltC :m :ld,not"..led~lllcnt tll:ll the Ot\-t1er',<; or ,~('fl:l- f;1le nH1lr:lctl)rS' ("f)l1lpletcclllr p:1rti:aII~. Cf1nlple({~t1 ([1!1,<;1T\1('1i(!Il t"i nt :lnd proper to receive the Contr:lctor"s Work, cxccpt ;IS to defects nOI Ihen rC:I.<;on:lh1r discover:lhic 6.2.3 Co.<;ts CIlI."cd hy d{.'1:1)''<: or t,y improperh' limed :lnh'itic.<: or ddeclive construcrion .<;hall he horne hy the p:m~' rc::::ponsi. ble therdor. 6.2.4 The Ollllr:IC1ot Sll:lll promptly re1llcdy d:lfll:l~<: \\'I()I1~- fully r:all.<:nl 11" the Cnl1lr:1Clor to completcd or r:miaU\' (OI1l- rletcd ("onSIT11ction or to property of tilt' (hVller or SCP:H:IIC (olllr:1t"lor,<; ;1.<; pffwidcc! ill Suhp:n:lgr:lpl1 10,2'; 6.2.5 C1:lilll:::: :\Ild oll1er disputes :end 1l1:1l1cr,<; in question hCl\'-'('Ctl the (:1l11lr:lclOr :lnd :lSep~f:Hc contr:lctor sl1:111 he ,<;\Ih- ;ect 10 Ihe provisions of P:lr:1gr:lph " ?1 provided Ill(' ~('J1:lr:llt' corllr:rClllr 11:1S recipHlcl1 (lhfip.:llilltl-':; 6.2.6 TI1~ Owner :l1ld c:I(,:1l ,c;ep:lT:ltl:' contr:JcrOT ~1I:111 h:J\'C the ~:Hne re,"pon.c;ihilitie.<; for Cllllin~ :1m! p:llching :I~ :Ire de.<;nihnl for the Cnlllr:1C!or in P:I1:agr:lph ~.I tl 6.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP 6.3.1 Jf :I cli.~rllte ;lri<;e.<; :lmoll~ Ihe Contr:lClllf, ,<;ep:1t:IH' ((lll. lr:1ClOrs :lI1d the Owm'l :IS 10 lhe respllll."iihilit~. IIfHIt"r rhcir respective (fll1(r:ICI!'i ftH l11:1int:lining the ,m:mi<;ce; :\n(i ::::llTPHH1tl. jll~ :1f(':I free from W:ISlc lTlat("rbls :md rtlhhi,c;l1 ;IS (!('-'scrihnl ill P:1r:lgr:lph 'I 1<;. th(' Ownct 1ll:l\' ck:1tl up ;ItHI :lllnC:ll(' tIlt' (',,<;r ;rnHH"~ rl1(l<:(' i'('S!)IHl<:il)!c :1<: Ill{' Ardlilt:C1 <!t'lcnlliIW<: 1(1))(' jll<:1 14 A201-1987 AI^ DOCUMENT A201 . (:rNI'ITAI (:C)NfJIT1()N.<: (If" TlIF njf:TI1,\(-l' H'1l (',f)N<;'J!1I_":lI()r.; . rlll:!n t~FNTJt n'lllf H, AI,\' . .', l'Hl-I rlr A.\tF1UCAN tNSTll'l'TF. or AlTl:lll'1rr--' S, I -I'; rJF\\ \ "In: ^\Tr..l II". r-.: \\' 1\.\,:lnr.'(:I' 'r-: l' ( ""'f", W^nNI~JG: ll"lie"""..fi f1hnl(>(':oflvinq viClI~I..~ U.S, cOflydQh'l::Iw" Illlrt r.. "\Ihi,.~lln '''0::11 prn....eulloll. . ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.1 CHANGES 7.1.1 CI1:lIl~e.o; in the \"(/ork r1l:1\" he ~cc()lllrli~h('d ;lfln e:<('clI- linn of lhe C.:!llltr;ICL :l11d witlHl1l1 in\':llid;ninp. tile COllrr:ln, by Ch:lngc Orcin. C(l!l:strucliOIl Cll;ln~{' Direnivc or order for ;J minor ch;rn~(' ill the \'ill/Tk. .<;lIhiccr to tilt' lill1il:lllOll... Sl:lled in this Arrick "7 :lnd d.<i{'~\'her{' ill the C:onlr:ICl Doc-lImen/::;. 7.1.2 ^ (:h:1I1ge Order .<ih~/I he h:l.<;ed Oll(lIl agreefllent all)(ln~ the O\\'ller, C(lIltr:1Clor :111<1 Architect; :1 CO!1,<;lrtlClion Change Din.:ni\'c require.'i :lwcCmerll b~' the Chvllcr :111(1 Architect dnd 111:1~' Of rn:1)' not hI.: :lgrc:cd to Iw 111(" COlllr:IClor; :111 order ror:J 1111110f change in rh(' \'(.'ork 111;1\" he issu{.'d h~' lite Arcllitcl'l alnllc 7.1.3 CI1:rngt's in the \'V'ork ,<;11:ill hl' pnforlllecl llll<!er ;lppll- clhlc pnl\'i,e;iorl<; or lht' C(lIlIT~<:l [)Ocumellte;, ::tlld the COlltrac- tor .e;h:111 proceed promptly, nnles.c; otherwise provided in the Change Order, COll,e;rruction CI1;IIl~e DireCtive or order (or ;1 lllinClr ch;ltl~e in Ihe "Cork. 7.1,4 If \lJlir prices :lre ,e;t:lled in the COl1lr;1cr [)ocumenl,e; or suhsequclllly ;Igreed IIpOll, ;1I1d ir qU:1I1tilie,e; nrigin;tlly con. t~mpl;lI("tl ;lre ~() ch;mRec/ in ;1 propne;ed Ch:ltl~e Order or Con. S1rl.c[illll (:h:1I1~e l)ireClive lh;l! :.pplicllilm ()f ,<;\1('11 Ullil l)ricc~ III (!Uarllitk:s Ill' \'\:(Jrk pnlp(}Sctl will CHr."..... SUI).C;I:II11i:lf il1cquity III rhe Owner or COlllr;lclor, llle appliclhle unit prin~.$ sh:lll he {'quilahly ;ldjus[cd, 7.2 CHANGE ORDERS 7,2.1 1\ Change ()rd{:r i,e; ;1 \nillcn inS[fllllll'1l1 prep:,rcd h~' the Alcflill.Tl :lnd signed hy the ()'''!In. (:orllr;rclor and ArchiteCl, ,<.;l:rlin.~ Ihcir :lgrn:l1lell[ upon ;111 or the (ol/owing. .1 a ch:lllge in the \'Cork: .2 thc :1I110Ul1r or Ih(" :ltljusllllcnr in [Il(' COn[r:lCl SUIll, if :lll~'; :111d .3 the cxtt.'llt l)f [11(" :ldjustllH..'1l1 in llle Cnnlr;ICl Til1l(;, ir :1'n. 7.2.2 J\lclhod,e; \1.<;ed in dcterllljnill~ ;ld;wamenl.<; 10 the COl1lr:lCI S\ln\ Ill:')' indHtle Iho."{' lisled in Suhp:lr:lgraph 7,_~.:~. 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7,3.1 ^ CflllSlnll.'liotl C:hall~e Directivl' j,<; :1 wrillcfl order pre- p:ln:d hy llle Archil('ct :lnd .c;i~llcd h\' the Owner :lntl Archilt"Cl, direcling a ch:lI1ge in the \X:ork :md ,<;t;lIing:l ~roposed ";Isj~ for ad;W.Illlcnl, i( :ln~', in Ill(' COlHr:IC[ Sum or COlllr:lcr Time, or 1)(1111. Thl' ()Wtlt'f m:ly hy CIlIl.e;lructi(lll Ch:1l1~t' Dircctive, wilhfltll in\-:rlid;ning [he C:olllr;ICI, order cll:lll~e~ in [he- \'Xo-orl-; Wilhin lilt' geller:l! '';COpt' of Ihe COlllr:lt'r cOIl.c;i,<;ting o( :nldi- rions. d('iCtiflll.<; or or her revj,<;in!ls. 1111.' COlllr:ICl Slim :1Il(1 Con. Iract Time heing :ldjtl.'~led :lCt'flrt!ingh' 7.3.2 A Construction Cll:ulge Uirec!i\ll' ~h:tll he used in lhc ah.<;enn: of 101:11 :lgreement Oil the It'Trl1!'> o( ;1 Ch;ulge Order. 7.3_3 Ir the CnllslruClillll Ch:mgc I>in'c'h'l.' prn\'idc,<: (or :1Il ;ld;llslnK'nl [0 fhe COlllr:T('[ SlIlll, Ihe ~diIlSlllll:llt ."hall he h:l.<;etl l)fl (lilt' {)r tIll' fflllf1\\'ing lllcrll(lt!s: ,1 Jllllru;II :ICCcpt:1Ilce 0(:1 lump "UIll prClpl.'rly itemized :Hlt! ~upponed h~' .<:ur(kil'll[ <:llh,<:I;lIl1i:llillg d:ll:1 III per- Ill;l (T:lll1:lIiflll: ,2 Ullil Ilrin',", <::l:lfnl ill Ill(' (:cllllr;'C! I )(JCll1llClH.<:: III suh. <.:nlll('1111\. agrr:nl \111(111 . ,3 ell<:r 10 he de!cr1l1irwt! ill :1 III;lIHl('( aj!l!Td 111'1111 hI Ill{' p:Hlic.<; :llld a IlIlllllal". ;lCccpt:lhk fixed III fwr('t'!ll :lgC fee: or A ::IS provided in SUhp:H:lgr;rflh - ,1 6 7,3.4 Upon r('cdpt or :t C:ons[lllC!iol1 Ch:1Tl~{" Dirccrivc. rhc COlllr:lctor ...hall promplly rroccec! wirh rile ch:mgc in tlle \'{"ork involvcd ;llld :ldvi~e the Architect or tht' Contr:rC!()r',<: :lwe('menl (11' di,c;:I~recmen! t\'ilh the Illelho(!, i( ;In\'. jlr()\'idc(1 in th(' Con,c;frUCI;on CI1:111ge DireCl;vc ror delCflllillillg lh(' pm posed :ldillstrncnr in rhe COlllr;tcr SUIll or CIlIlrr:1C! Time. 7.3.5 ^ COllstnIC!ion Ch:lI1!2:e Oirective ,e;i.lZnl.'(llJ~. !he (:(11111':1{'- tor illdiC:ll('s the :lweemcnl or the COlllr::lClor [herctvirh, inc/ud, jn.~ adjuslment in Contr:lcr Sum :ll)d Conlracl Time or the method ror (k'.crmillinp. Ihem. Such :1~reellll'lll .<;h:11I hI.' cflee liv(' illlllle(li:lldr :llld sh:lll he rccorded a~ :1 Change Ordcr. 7.3,6 If lhe COnlr:IClf}r doe,<: nOlle,e;pol1d prolllptly nr dis;lgr('(~.<: wilh the Ill('thod for :ldjU,e;tlllclH in lilt' CPllIr:KI StUll, lhe Illethod :lIld fhe :1d;U,c;lrnclll ,e;hall he dClermined h\' the Archi. lec[ Oil Ihe ha.<ii,e; of rC:lsoll:1hle <::'xpendiIUrc.e; :md ~\'in.'!~ or th()~e pt'r(orrning tht, \X'ork :utrihul:1hlc 1(1 Ihe ch:l1lge. includ- ing, in C:lse o( an incrC:lse in the COlllr:lCt SUIll, ;1 n::1.c;ol1:thle ;lllow:lI1C(' (or (lverile:ld :lnd profit. In .<:tlch (";1.<;(:', :lrld :r1so under Cl:lllse "7"L~,". Ihe CPfllr:1C[Of ,<:11;111 keep :lll<l present. ill ,<:ueh [orm :1,<; the Architect rn:.y pre,<:nihe, ;lll ifemi7,l.'l.1 :ICC(lUlllillg Inw.ther t'\'ilh :lpprnpri:lt('<:llPPllrl'llJ! d:rr:1, l1nl('~~ nrll('rwi,,{ jll(l\'idnl illlh<.: COlli 1':1('1 1)lInmlellt~, ("(I<;'S for rht' Illlrl'()"('<: III lhi~ ,o..;uhp:lr:lgr:lf1h "7;\,(, .<;h;II] h(' Iimilcd In rhe fflllot\'illg' .1 costs n( bhor, including sod:rf<:I.TlIriry. old :Il-W ;lIId 1Illcmplo\'IllCfll in.<::\lr:lIln:. frillgc hCildil.<; n'(luirn! I,~ :lgn'ellwlll or ('lISIOIll. :lntl t\'(llk{'r~. or \\'orknwll <; <lltllpcnS;Il;(1I1 iI1SIIt:IIl{'t': ,2 CO.C;I."i '1r rn;ll<.:ri:l!s, <;llpplic<:: allt! cqUiPflll'll!. illCllld- ing ('osl flf Ir:lIlsf1(lrt:lIillll, \\'herhn illClJrI1(lI":UI'tl {I( ('(JIl.'>\IIll{'t!: .3 relllal eosl." o( 'n:Khin('IY :lIld equipmt'llt. cxcltl.<;i\'{' of h:lnd .oolc;. t\'hethcr rcnfed h011l 1h(' COllrr;l{'tOl' III olhers: .4 eOSls o( premium<:: (or:lll hond<: :lIJd in<;llr:tl1Cc. plTlllil kcs, :11111 <;:Ik'.". u.<:e or <;imH:n laxes rd:lIcd 1(1 !II(' Work; :lnd .5 ;ldditilln:ll cos!.r::: of .<:llper\'i,<;ioll :1Ilt! field orrin' pl'rSf\I1- Ill.'l directly :ll1rih\1l;rhle lo'lhe eh:lIlgc. 7.3.7 Pending final delermin:II;oll o( CO.<:1 In lhe ()W11CI", :1ll1011111.<: 1101 ill dic;rute m:IY ht' illcluded in l\ppli(,:UIOll.<: for P:lYlllelll Tht' :1I110Ullt or ern!ir to he :lllll\\Td hy lht' COlllr:rl.. ror 10 Ihe OWller ror a deleTion or ch;lIlgt' t\'hich rC,e;nlt,e; ill :r !leI dccn.::1."c in lilt.' COlllr:lC! Sum ,<:11:,11 he :lCltl:l! Ilcr ('nq :J~ CllIl- finned hr tilt' Arr!lifeCI. \'(/hen hOlh :rddilitln,<: :lIld nnli!~ ('ovcl'inR rd:lll'd \X/ork or Sl1h,e;lirurilln." :11(' illvolvcd ill ;1 ch:lIlge, Ihe ;lllow:mcc (or Il\Trhead alld profir Sh:lJl hl~ rij.!wt'r1 Illl [Ile h:r.'iis IJfll('l il1oc:,sc, i(;rnr, witll r{'specr III rh:ll ctJ:rl1J!C 7.3.8 If rhe OWllcr :tnd C(ll1tr;wlor dll IHII :II-!I'l't' I\'ith rhe :ldiu,<;tIlWIlI in COlllr:l('{ Time' or tht' method ror tk'l('rminill~ ir. lilt, :,djl1:<:IIlWl1t or Ihe mcthod :;11:1111)(' rc:fcl'led In rill.' Archi!eCt (In ck'lcr'lli'l:ltiflfl 7,3.9 \X'hCll lilt, Ot\-ner :tnd Cnnlr:1<:!or ;rJ!ln' with rhl.' tlt'l!'! Illin;ttioll 1lI;ldc h~' lilt' Architt'CI ('(lllcernillf! rhe :ldjtlSIIllCIlI<: in lht' COlltr:wr SUIll :lIld Ctl1l1r:wr Til!le, lJr lIltwn\io;c rc;lch ;rnr(T lllelll llpon lhc adjl1SIl11('nIS,e;lwh :1J!!r('IllCIH<:h:rll hi' dfnli\', illllllnli:lIdy :IlHI sh:tll lw rr-('t'f{ll:t! 1,\' prq':lr:lli("l ;llHI (''.;('( 11 rion Ilf:lIl :Ipprllpri:lle Change ()nin AlA DOCUMENT A201 . r:FNEllAl. C.11N1HTlf1N:; 0'- TIll' r(JNTlIAcr f'llll U1N.<:TrU'(:TlrlN. f'(11111TFFNTlll'llfTlI1N Ilr,\' . 'Clt'HrTI,1 '\~rl'lll(:^~'IN"lrn'IFIIF^"(:II1Tf'("r'~, 1~\<::NFWYfJllI\I\\'F.NI'r' NW \'(',\';llrNI;rr,f-,,' Ill: 2''''1'', A201-1987 15 W^n"'ING~ UnlleE'lrl!1(>d phOlncl)!"'Y1no viol"t..!,: u.s. copyrighl htw!I ~nrll!l !Iu"!..cltn I"~A' PI'O'l..eutlnn . 7.4 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.4.1 Tho:.: t\rchilcc: vvill h:1VC :lUtllnriry 10 orde~ minor ch~l11~es in tfH.: \'C()rK nOl in\"ol"ing :HJju:wlle:H in the Conrr:Kt .-;Uln or ~xlcnsi()n of the (,mlr:.JCt Time :md nor jl1c>n~iSlen{ t,...1th tile Inten! r)( lhl' C(JIlII":Ict f)(KUmeIllS Such ch;lnge.e;<;l1all he drCCiCd Iw ~vrint.:ll order :md sh:11I he 11inding nil the Ownt:f :Jnu Cull1r:IClor The Contr:lCIOr sl1~lI carry OUI such wriuen {lrdcrs nn)Illf1t1," ARTICLE B TIME 8.1 DEFlNITIONS 8.1.1 Unies.<; otherwise provided. Cuntrac:, Time Lc; the period of tjme, includjn~ ;llHllorized :ldjU::Hmcnt5. allotted in the Con- [r.le! Documents for Suhst:mtial Completion or the Work. 8.1.2 The c.tlle of commencement of the "l;'ork 15 (he d;lIc eSl:111lished in the .'\gre~ment. The d;ne Sl1dJl not he pwnponed h,' L1le failure lO :lCl of the ComrdCtor or of rcr~on.<i or emities ior whom (11C Conti-Ioor i~ responsihle. 8.1.3 The- dalc tlf SUhSI:lnti:li Compieti()l1 i~ (he d:Hc ccrtified iw lht' Architect in :lccord;tl1ce with P:lr;tjlr.lrh Sl_H. 8.1,4 The Icml 'd:l(' :l~ u:-ied in lhe CtllUr:u,:l J)11C\Ulle1\l~ ,..11:111 lllC:lll c:licndar day unk.:ss oll1(.;n\.'i~c sp(:cilk:aliy <.lcfil1cl..I. 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2.1 'i'iIIlC liTllilS slalcd in the Ctllllr:lI..:t 1)(lClIlllC!ll.'i :lre llf tile cssenc~ of tht' Contract. By cxcnuillg tile: r\1lfct'mclll the Con. lr:l{-lil!' UHlliltllS 111:1\ IIH.: (:(llHr:lct Tillle is;; rea.'i(In:lhlc pCrill(1 fIll' !)erf(Jrt11illj.:. tilt.: \'(/()fk. 8.2.2 Tile CtH11raC1or Sh:lll nOI knm....ingly. l"X(l'pl hy agree. ment or in.<;(rtIction of the Owner in ,:vrillng, pn:ll1:uun.:h' COIll' menu,: nper:l1iflnS Oil Ill(" SilC Ill' dsc\\'hcn: prior III lllc dT<:nive d:lle of in:-iur:UKt: required hy Anidt: I I 10 he illrm!ihcd h\' the C()ntr:lclOr. The datc of commencemellt of rile \,",'ork Sll;tll not he dl:lI1g<:li by tile c;tT(;Cli....e U:lI(; of 'itH..:11 ill.'iur:nu..:t.;, l ;nk-~s the d:lll: of ("omI1H:nCClllCl1t is c!il:lhli.shed hy :1 ilClIi(..'<.: 1(1 p!"()(Tl"d ~;~Tll In' Ihe ()\\,I1<:r Illc (:(llltr:I("l1 II' ,__11:111 III l(il~' lhe C h\'lltT ill wriling lUll le:-;.'i 111:111 Ilvc d:i\'s (II' IllIn'!" :lgH.:nl pt.'riot! IlefcJf(: l:ornmem.:ing tIle \'(:(jrk: to pCrlnil the limely lilin~ of m()ng.:.\gc~. Illccl1:tnic's liclls ;lnd (aller sccurity interl:.st~, 8.2.3 Tllt.. COl1lr:lctm sl1:111 pron:eLi expedi(i()t.I~ly 't"\'irI1 ;Jde. q\l:Ill: force:,> and .sh;lil :lchicvc Su/)st:Il1(j;l1 Completion ,virhin Ille COlllr:1ct Time. 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 8.3.1 If llle COlHr;IClor i~ del:lyetl:1l am' time in rro~re:<i~ of tile \'(.' llfK hy :111 :lct or ne)J:iect of tilt' (h....ner or :\rcllilect. or of :111 I...."lllplnvt:t.: of dIller, or 0(;1 sep:tr:lIc COlllf:lt't(lf (:l1lpIOYL'd lw It)e (l\\"nCf. Of Iw ch:Ul~es ordered in the \\':ork. or Iw J;lhor di.'iptHcs. I1re. unll,c;U:11 dcl:IY in dclj\'(:ries. un:l\'oid:thlc GI!it1;lltre:- (11' Illiler ("::usc.; he\'(llld tIlt: C:IJll1r:ICI(lr.s Clllll('(lj. ()I' hy dc.:l:iy :nltlillrized hy rilt: ()\\"l1er pt:nding :lrhilr;llifll1, (lr fly lllht.'r ~.::l\t:-;<-'s t\'llich the Archilecl delt.:nnlllc:-; 111:1\' :u~tih' dci:lY. 111cll Il1c (. 11111':1t.., Tinll: shall he ~~telHit..d h\' Lh:lll~e Onkr for sw.:i1 r-L"::'illll;!illc lime :~,~ llle ,.\rchilec: J1l:1\' delenl1ine. 8.3.2 Cbilll.<; rei:1l11ll.: ]0 lime sl1;llJ he Ill;ltk: in :lccnrd:lllCC with :1!lIJlit ::nie nni\-iSlf Ins, Jf !)::ragr:11l11 -' ~ 8.3,3 i'lll~ !);lr:1I..:r:11l11 " '- d(){"~ nIl] :~n.:,:.:iu<k' r('('l\"~T: (l( d:llll :1.:'-'> ">f 'It"i:l\' in' ''':~lill':- i1:1n\' untie: rll!1I.:!' '1!(\\'~<;1(1l1." {l[' ill(: 1I1li:H..:: :)IIUll11l:llIS o ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.1.1 Tile Cll1tr:lC .'iulll i.<; SI:H<:U in the Agreement :111d. inclutl, in~ :1uChorized Jtliu~tmt:nLs. Ls tile tot:d ;tll1ount r;l\':lhic h\. the: Owncr (0 the Contl'actor for rerformmKc (Jf the Work under the Contract l)oGlO1cnt.c;. 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 9.2.1 Oefore il1e I1rsl Application for P~yment, the CO!1tr;l("tor ,c;11:l1l slIhmit [() the Architect d .schedule of v;llue~ alloc:1tetl t(J \'arious p(Jnion~ of tht: \'G'ork. rrcp:lred in such form :lod SlIp- rorted by slIch d;u:l 10 ,c;uh~tdn(i:ue iL'i :lCcur:lCY a,s tile Arc!1iteG m:IY require, This schedule. unlcs.'i objected!O hy [Ile ArchitcCt. sh:tll he used ;J!> :1 h:L"is for feviewill~ the Contr:lclors Applic\- I ions fOf P:lymem, 9.3 APPUCATlONS FOR PAYMENT 9.3.1 At 1~:lSI ten tlm's hciore thr: d:lte established for e:tch progres.<; paymem, the Com..tctor sh;lil suhmit 10 rhe Architect :Ul ilemized I\ppiic:uion for P~ymenr for oper:ni(ln~ completcd in :lc:cord:lncc: ,<:\"illl the .<;chedtllc: of \':lltle.c;. Such :Jpplicl!ion sh;11I he 11(JI:lrizl:d, ir rt"quireu, :lnd supporled hy such d:ll:l c;ulls':mli;t(in~ the COlltr:1Ctor.s righl to p:lymC111 :l!> tile < )wncr or :\rchilec:! may fl"l[UiH:.'iueh a.c; ("Ol1i<:." of requisitions frnlll SUhCOllU:IC!Or.'i ant! Ill:ltL'ri:ll sllPplit..rs, :lI1d rdlecting ret:lill:1gc if provided (or elscwhen.. in {he CO!'Hr:1ct !)oCUll1eIHS Such :lpplicllillll:-i 11I:ly include rt'qtle:-ts Ii" p:lylllL'111 (Jll ;It"L"oIl1l1 of (:h:lll~C.'i in the Work wl1ich 11:1\'(: hel'1l pr(J!1L'rj" :ltltIUlr1i'.cd hy C:on.'ilrtt("\ilJll Ch:1I1gl' Dircnin..:s hUl nil! yet illdud<:<l in Cl1;lllge Ordefs SII("h :lppliCHipll.<; 111:1)' nol incltltle I'cquc:-t.'i rllr p:!y' rllL'l1I {If ;1I11(1l1l1t~ tllc: <:{l!1Ir.K!(lr d(}t.s Illl( inlcnt! ICl p:IY 1(1 ;1 :"':'(11)('1 111Ir:tClCJr (Jr 111;llt:ri;li supplicr h<"~;llIS<.: (If a disllllle (II' {Jljit:r rCISllll. 9.3.2 I ink's.'i ottlcrwi~c prcn'idcd in the COlHr:l('! I )O("tl1llL':1[S. p:ln11Cl1l." shall he m:ldc: nn ;ICCOt.lll( of m:llcri;tls antI eqllipllll"111 ddh"l'red :ll1d "uil;lhl\' slorL.t1:lt the _c;ile for <.;tlh.'icqlll"nl ill('IJr- fltlr:llioll ill tilt, \X'r/t'k. If :Ippro"l"(l ill :1l!\':1Il("l' in- 11ll" ()wnl"f". p:lY111t:1l1 ll1:ty silllii:trl\" h<..: 1ll:lde for rlI:lleri:ds :tnd eqllipllll'lH sllitahl\' Slorl"d off Iht' silC: :11 :\ loc:1tiol1 :1~n:~t111p(Jn ill \\Til1llg. P:tYIllL'l1\ for rll:ltt'ri:lis and equipment stored Oil or off the SilL" Sh:lll Ill' ccllldili..lnL'U upon cCll11plim1ct' l1y thc ClllHr:t(.'wf wilh rro(.'etlurt.-:> .':;:nisf:lcto~' [0 the Owner !n e~t:lhH."h the (hvm.:r'<; title to such m;llcri:tl,s :lm.l equipmcm or Clll1cfwise protect [he Owner's il1lcresl. and _<;11:111 includc :lpplit.':thie il1~ur:llln:, ,"Inr:lgt' :!nd tr:lI1spon:lIioll 10 rile sile for such 1l1:lIeri:ll.... :ll1d r:quipl11CllI stored off Ihe .c;ite, 9.3.3 The Contr:lt:lOr W:lrr;tl1l:<; th:l1 title to :111 Work cDverl:d i)y an r\ppiic:uiol1 for P:/\'lTlt'lll 'tvill p:Lc;.c; 10 till' Owner l1olalL"r tll;lIl llle lime of p:lymcnt. The Ctllltr:lClOr further W:lr1':lIl1.<; th:1I U!1(In ,..tlhl1liftai rJf :ltl l\ppliCllillll 1(11' I):l\'melll :111 W/tlrk IlJl' '."\'hidl <:crtif'iclles rIll' )1:1\'llle11l h:lve heen pn.:VilIUsl\' i!i.'ill('tl ;111(.1 n:I\'n1<::nr.<; rcccivcd ["rolll ll1e Owncr..hall. 10 IhL' he:-l of the Comr:ICltJr's knowiedgc. inform:lliorl :lI1d heiief. he (rLT :md de:lr of lit..ns. C!:IlIllS. ...ccurity illll:rcs[~ Of '..:ll("t1111hr:Il1L'L"." in f:l\-'Clf of thl.: C HHr:W!(J!'. SUhClll1lr:lClors. Il1:Hefl:ti --uppiiLTS. 'lr ()jllL'r per~(H1s \)1' ':l1luies l11:rkill~:1 claim by rC:lStJ1l 1)( il:(\"llll..! pnl\"idt:d !:lhof. m:ilen:Ii." ;lll<.! cqlJipmenr n.'l;ltlll~ III Ihe \,\, lrk 9.4 CERTIF1CA TES FOR PAYMENT 9.4.1 The :\r<:tliIL"("i \'.'ii!. ';\'Ililin "e','en r.i::\'.~ :lflC~ ~C'__(.:lllt li ,IIC (,illllr;lCl{lf.~ ,\I'lliic;llllJ11 :(lr !';I':lnent ...:ttnt:: !.__.'iIIC 'r ,ill" 16 A201-19S7 AlA iJOCUMENT ,\201 . ';ENER.,\i. ':r1:-':1)ITH1'.:~ 11' -:']1,' , ",",,'1('\( ';(~fl "rl'I"T!l1-r:-:-V1~ . .'1 '1 'W' i F'.:1"f! 1':)1,11,', \:..\' . ":Tlllo<-';'\lF \',IF;<I('.,\t"rN<;T:TI:~';:"lF \;U:!r:T' "':-, ';F'" 01\10; \\;':-';1'1' '~',\ \\"~'11'-.;",.:""'" " .'Jt\.n"UNG Uniicensen Cn010CODVtnOJtot;ues U,S. =oovrll~nt tInY'! "'''d io:; 'llloiec: to I~Cal OmS~ClJIlO~ . (h\'l1ef :1 C.cnificHC for P:rnl1Cl1l. \\"i,il :1 ("Opy ~(l {he Clll11r:1C lor. f()r~l1ci1 :lIl1ClU111 ;t.<i tile :\rchirec! dc!t:rmillcs is propcrh" due. (l( norif," lht' Contr:K:tor :md Owner in ""rilinp: of rhe .\rchilecl.s rC:1SCl!1S f(l( witlliHli(iing n.'niricnicJll III Whllic (If In i':lfl :1." pnlvitll'tI in Sllhp:lr:1.l.!!":q)il <l,'i, J 9.4.2 The issuance Of:l Ccnific:Hc ((l( P:lyrnenr will crm.c;(intte;1 rcpre:sell1:11ion 'r1y the :\rctlilcct to rhe O~'\.'ncr. l1:I.scd 011 the i\rchiIect"s (In.c;er.:llion::;;1( Ihe SHe :1I1U lI'le data compri.sing the Apriicl(jnn for P:1\'mem. that rhl:" \'V'ork ha's rro~ressed to tl1e !1oil1l illdiC:Hed ;mu th:IL 10 lhe he!'t of tile Arcl,jl(,~ct" s knowl- eugc. information and beiieL quality of tile Work is in ;ICCor- d:1I1u: willl the Contract Dncul1lent.c;. nlC foregOing repre.'icnw' \iOIl.<i ;trC 'iuhjeCt ({) an eV:llu:Hioll of the Work for conforrmlOC:c ',villlthe Cumr:tct Documentc; tl!)Oll Suhst,lI1ti:t1 Completion. l{) I'csui[s of subscqucnt test'i and insf'cctioos, to minor de','i:tlions I-rom the Contract Ducl.lmem~ correctable prlur 10 completlon ;lOd to ~pecitjc qu:zlificHions expresscd by the Architect. The i,<;SU:1I1CC of ::l Certificlte for Paymem 'tvm further comnilUEC :1 rcpresem;:ttioll th:1r the Comr::Ictor is emilled to ~vmem in the amount certified. However, the issu:tnce of:l C~fIific:He for P:1V- l11ClH will Ilot he ;\ rcprcscnt:Hion then the !\n:l1itcct h:i.<i (I) Illau<.: (.;Xil:IU.<ilivt" or cuminuol!." Oil-sit<: inspcr.:tions to cheCk thc qU:llilY or (lll:lntity of the \'(;ork. (21 reviewed constnle:tiOll 11H..':II1S. Illctll{)t!S. techniqucs. SCUlIelK"e.'i llr procedures. (.l,,) rc\'iewed copies of rctluishi<Jn." recejvl::d fn1Tn SUbCtl1llractt1rS and rn:llcri:ll suppliers ;md (jlhe d;lta requested by the Owne:- to ,~ubsl:1nU:1te tile Coml.lc!ors Li~l1[ to pavment or (.q) m:loe c..:x:unin:Hion lO :l<;<:CJ1;lin how ur for wh:u purpose the Comrac- lor h:l<;'llseLl 111011(.'\' pn:viousl\. paid on :ICCotHlt ofllle CUl1lr:lCl SUIll. 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 9_5.1 TIle ArelluccI may tlecide not to certify p:I~'1llcm ant! m:l\' 1:Vilhholtl:l C:crtilicllC for P:lymenl in whole: or in P:lrt..l(l lIlt.. I::Xlent rC:l.<;on:lhly ncceS.';;If\. (() prolect 1/1e O't\'ncr. if in the :\rcl1iICCI'S (Jpillf(lO the rcpre.'it:n[:ui(m:; tel tl1(:: O"t\'llcr n::quirc.'d hy Suhp:lr:llZr:lph 9.,Ll cannot he made. If [Ile Archilt:c: is ull;lble 10 certify p:lymcnt in the ;1l110Unt of rhc Applic:nion. the An.:!lill..:n ,viii l10liFy thc COfl(r::Clm and Owner:\.'i provided in ~l1hp:lr:n~r:lJ)l1 '.) "1,1 rf the C:onrr.ll.lor :1I1(t Archilel.:T C:lIl1l01 :ign.'e on ;1 ITV1.'iCti :UIlOl!Ill. IlK' I\rcllilect "':ill promptly I."Sue:l CC'nificltc lor [J:lymcnr ror 1I1C al1luun( for whicl1llle Arcilitc;ct i." :Ihlc.' 10 make such ret1rc:.<;ent:llions 10 Ihe ()'t\,'ncr. The Archi- 11..'0 111:1\' ;li~() del..'lt1<: not 10 (crlffy p:I\'me1l1 or. hCG1tI:-it.: of '''UhsCqllCllli\" discovered ('\'ic!t'llCl..: or ::;uh:-iequcnt ohscr.;tlions. m:l\' nullify llle whole or :1 p:lft of a Ccnificuc for P:lymcm prl..'\'1(lusl\" ~.'i:<;lled. to SUdl eXI('fll ;l"i m:IY he llCCC.....";Il-:. in llle '\rt.:!liICC"t'S opinloll 10 nroreCt fhe Ownr-r fmmlnss beC:lusc 0(: .1 (k.:leclivc \'(tnrk not r<::!'lH:din!: .2 third part\" cl:lims filed or n:ason;lhk l'\'ldcnce imiiC:ll- ill\.; prni"):lhle l1ling of SUl.,"ll ct:lim.'i: .oJ f:riiure or till' Contr:H.:;or (0 rn:lke p~\"rnent.c; prop- :....rh. to SuhContraClur5 ')r for i:lhor. rn:lIen;lis '.lr ~'(nl1pmc:H .4 rt::l~(JI1:lhlc ,'vilicnct: :-il:H [ht: \'\:llrk cannot be COIll- ),ielCd itw-tIH.. llllp:ri(i ~1;li:1Il(c (If I he: (:,lnlr;lC:l .'\llIn: .5 d:1Il1:lgC tfl the: ()\"\"ne; ,:lr ;lll{lliK'r C!lIl1r;I('l(lr: .6 1'c..:::SOll:lhie :,:\'ide:l1C(.' {!l:11 rile \X'nrk wiit !lOI he ("(1In- piCIl.'d wjlt,in the C(J!\{r:::.:: 'iilllc..:. :mtl Ih:u the unp:litl !l:ti;ll1u: ':\.'Ollki !lOr:l:': ;KK'OU:lle It I C( U'cr :lctU;l! ! 1f ii(ltTltl:1U:',: :..i;lm:lg<.:" r(~f :!1c :lIllKip:lIni dd:r\": 1r .7 :'('~'<'1qe:H :;l1\lII"(':n It!; tile W.(lf..:ll ;lCC'l!(::lll("C A201-1987 17 'XTlll :Il( . HlfClC: ! \(\(cllT1t.'!lT." . 9.5.2 \X.hen rile ;lhn\'l:: re:lson.<; for \V1l11hoJcling ceniflc:uion :If'l' rcmoved. cenificuiu!1 \\'ill h(,' made for ;lmr.1urH~ 11r::'.'illl1~h' '.\'itll11eiti. 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.6.1 :\fter lhe Archil,:<..:t h:i~ issuc..:t! :1 c;~rtincltc for !1;IVl1Il..'l1t. ' tile Owner Sll;tll m:lkc p:ryrnem in tile m:mnc.:r :ll1d within the time rrm'ided in thc Comr:lCt Ooci,JInent.'i. and .'ih:Jlt S(1 !loUfy lhe Archirect. 9.6.2 Tile CoO(r:tctOr sh:J1I prompdy p:lV :::1<."11 SUiKOI11r:lCtor. upon receipl of p:lymem from the Owncr. Olll of the ;lInoum paid to [he Contractor on :lccount of such Su!Jcomr:lctor'.'i por- tion of the Work. the: ~rnount 10 which 5:lid 'suhnll1tr:letor is entilled. re:l1ecting percentage.s :lCtu:JlIy rC!:lined from p:l~'mcnt.<; to the Comr;tcmr on account of .c:uch Su!Jconrr:lCtof.c; portion of the \~.ork. The Contr;tctor .'ih:;>l!. by approrri:lte agreement wilh oeM Subcontractor. require each Subcomr:lctor to m;lke payments to Suh-suocomrnctors in similar m:1nner. 9.6.3 The Architect will, on request, furnish to :l St'lbC0l1tr:1C. lor. if rr:;.cticable: iniorm:nion regarding percentages of com, r1ctiol1 or aJl10unrs ::rpplied for hy the Comr:lctor :lnd ;lction t;lkcn :Ilc..:n.'on hy (he Architcct ;lI1d Owner 011 :ICC(J{l1l1 of por- lions or the Work done by ,<;uch Suhconrr:lCtor. 9.6.4 Neither tile; Owner nor Architect 'ill;llIll:lVe :1Il ohHg:nion to p~y or to see to the p<lymcm of money to J Subcomr:lClOr except :1S m:ly otherwi.~e be required by i;nv 9.6.5 P:1'\'nlcnt [0 rn;ueri:1lsuppliers .'i1l:1!! be tre:Hcu in :l1ll:lflm:r sirnil::f to rh:u provided in SuI1p:Jragr:1phs 96.2. 9.<1.:- ;Ifltl t),(l,.i. 9.6.6 r\ Cenific:1tc for P:lymem. :1 pro~n::s."i rayment. or p:mi:ll or entire use or occup:1ncy of the Project hy rile Owner .'ihall not n111.<;iiltHC ;Icccpt;mce of \'(;ork llot in :l(cor(!:l.l1Cl' willlltK Cr.)l1tr:lC! DelCtllnent."i. 9.; FAILURE OF ~AYMENT 9.7.1 !f [he ArcllilCXt doe.'i nO{ issue:l Certificate for P:1vmelH. throt1~h no faull of the ConrrJctOr. within seven d:tvs after n:Cl::;pl of the Conlr:lCtor".'i Applic:niotl for P:l~'ment. qr if rile Owner dues nOI r:i~' the Conrr:tClor \v;thin .'ieVen d;IY.'i ;Iftc:r rhl..' d:11e es(:1biished in rhe Contr:lct [)oewncnI.<:. the ;1l1l0111H o::r- (ified tw the AfChitcct or :lw:mJcd by ;lrbltr.Hioll. Illt:1l tile COIl- [r:lCtof rll:1". llrOIl scven :lddi[ional d:IY,< writlen !lolio:: to [he Owner :::nd ArcIlitect. ,<;1011 rhe Work until p:lymCl11 of tilt" :\1l11llllll owing 11:1." i)Cl'n rcceived. The C:lfllr:rn Timt' Sh:lll he extended appropri;lIety :md the CUflIr:1C1 SUlll sl1;11l hc incrC:l."iec.l hy !he :Imount of the COntr::lctor' 'i re:lsOll:ihlc: CO.'iIS of .'illUl-(\own. tld:ty :lnu Sl;lrt-Up. Wilich sh:lll hc :It'compli.'ihcd as rmvided in Article -::-_ 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9.8.1 :-\uhS{;lmi:tl COlllpletion i.'i [hc SI:I~R' in tile progrcss ()f till' \"('ork <;\.hell rllt' \""ork or de.'ii~n:1(ed poniOll th<:reof is ~uffi- ci('"nlh. ':'omplelc 111 :Iccorcl:lnc:: <;\'itl1 lhe COl1lr:!CI Docllmcnt." so the ()wncr (':Ill occupy or ulili7.e tIle Work for it<; intc..:nclerj u.<;(" 9.8.2 \'\'hcn the COlltr:lcwr c()ll.sidcr~ ,11:lf :Ill' \Vork. or :1 por. lion lhcrl'o( whie:l' ;ilC 01,.vncr :lgrc~s to :ll...'ccpr ,"<..::par.lll'i\'. I~ <;UhSt:l/1li:llly cnllll1iCI(,'. tll~ COlltr:KlOr shall pn:p;lf(;: :lI1d"ubJllII ro rile :\rr.:ililcr..:l :1 cornprei,c..:n;<;l\.c ii."it of i{elll.' 10 he l'(Jlllpk'lni (lr ~'()rrec'l'(l. The Cnntr:1CTOf _"h:lit pron.'c..:d i1((l1llolh. 1(1 ('(Ull- DICIt.' ::l1d (orren ilems on the ii."!. F;liiurC!t) illcit1dc:m ilcm (Ill ~uch ;i."; d()l'~ nor :1Hcr tilt' res!1o!lsihiiir\' of :hc C(llllr:K~(1r 1(1 ;::")lllnit...~ ;l!i \'Cnrk ;n :JC('C1rd:tnc,? ,',..irl' ~llc '.:: llltr:K, [)\ l(U- 'nl.nt" :1tl!1 n.:C~~:{1t (l( tll<: (:mrr::Clflr ''; ii."l. :Ill' .'\rchill'Cl 1:\'itt '11::..1..' ;or', :nsnCC:1HHl II) '.Jt"It..'rnHI1c..: ';\,:i1C:llt:f :ill' \X'(Jrk "r dl',i~ AlA DOCUMENT 4.201 . ';i':>:I';.('\I, '-:'\"HltTl()N.~ nF ~Il;::' ",'''n~"c-:' ;o(l~' (~~STRI" if:" "n!;RTf.:::~T1! ~j)lTl(1", I"~ ""llfO,\II';'!' ,"il:'\'''~-' "F..I>!'II-n:......~ -'~.,:F':;..('11;.:\'.-.,.'I'.-...\ 'i'\.';il!:-.rf;';'f'~;'" "('i'(, '1VARNrNG: .Jnlicen<:ea rmOlOCOovlno VIOlat~s U.S. :ODvTl0Ml t::l~ ;'Irln is sur:Il'!!';~ to I"!]::ll ::m,s@C:Jltnn . ll;lI{"d portion thereof j.. .<;utlsl:lIlli;llIr complete II lilt" Architect'" inspection cl;sclo.c;t::.<; :mr item, whClllCl 01 not inclmk:d on rile Conlr.1CIOr"s list, which is !lot in ~ccprd;lllCC t....;rh 1 he requirelllents of the Contr:Kl f)ocuT11ents, the C(lIHCI(" lor "kIlL 11C(Of(: ;s<;u:1l1ce of the Cr':rlifk:Ilc of Suhs(:lllti;J1 C!>m- pIn inn, ((HllpICIC Of COrlCct ,<;llCI1 item UpOll llotinCUiOll h~' the Architect The ConTr:lCtor .<;h~1I then ,<;uhrnit :t (equest (or another in,<;pecti{Jll hy Ill(' Architect 10 determine SlIh<;l:lTlti;11 Completion. \'{fhcn llle \'{,'ork or dc.<;ign:lInl portion thereof is suh<;r:lIlli:lIly complete, IIH''' Architect 'n'HI prcp;lr<:' :l CCrtil1GHC of SUIlSI:lI1ti;t1 Completion t\'!lich ,<;11:111 e~:it;1hlj.<;h tl1(' <.1:11(' of Suh- ,<:;t:lIlli:ll Completion. sh;lll ~'<;I:1hH,<;h re.c;pol1:"ihililie:" of the Owner :md CCJIltr;lClOr for sccurity, Cl\;lilllcn:lI1ce, hen. I1lilitie~, d;lIll:q,~t' 10 tile \'{lmk :llld insl1r:lI1ce, ;Jnd ~h:lll fix the tilllC within which the COlltr:K1or sl1:111 rini,<;h :111 ilC:'lll.<; on Ih(" li:C:l :ICC(1Il1p:11lyill~ the CcnHiC:llc, '\Xl:1rr:1nl;c:c: required by Ihe Con- tr:1Cl 1){lUl11H.:nl." sh:1I1 n1ll11l1CIKe {Ill the d:lIe {)f Suhsl:mli:11 Completion of lilt' Work or dcsign:l!cd portion tlu,:rcof unless flllwrwist' pnl\'irlt'd ill Ihe Ccrtific;lIc (If Stlh.sl:lllti:ll CC)lI1plc. licll1 'rile (:crlifi<::ltc of Stlh...t:1llti;11 (:()Inpleti()I1 ,..h:111 he .sllh- millcd to lIlt' O~\'llcr :md Conn:lctor for their <:vrillen ~c('ep- 1:1IlCC (If rc_"poll.sihililie:c: :l.<;.<;igllct! to them in .<;uch CertiriC:1le 9.8.3 IIp"n<';l.Ihsl:IIHi:lI Cfll1lplclioll of tile \'('en!;: or dt',<;i~n:lled portioll thercof ;1IIt! UpOIl :lpplic:1tioll by lllc COrHractor and ccrtifio!iOIl hy Ihe Arcl1ilcct. the Owner sh:11I11l:1kc p:1ymcTlt, l<:flecting :ldjustlll{'l1I in rct:lin:IW':, if :lI1Y. for sIKh \X'ork or pOl" t,nll Illereof :IS pro\'jdcu in Ille Cnlllr:lCI !)oCII1nCllIS 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE 9.9,1 The O't\'llcr 1ll:1)' occupy or LIse ;lilY compleled or 11:11'- ti:tlly complcted portion of 1l1e \'(Iork ::II :1I1Y .<;I:IW' ~'l1cn ."ueh I'onion ;:<: dcsign:lled In' SCP:Ir:IIC :lgn.-'('I1lCrll \vilh lhe Clllllr:l('- toi'. provided such (lccup:mcy or use L<: consenled to Iw the in."IH<:1 :1.0:; required IlIHkr Suhp:lr:1Ar:1pI1 II ,_~.II :1l1d :nlll1orii'.cd h\' puhlic ;ltlthllritit'_<; h;J\'in~ juri.<;dioinn over Ihe \'(.'or\c Such P:lr\f:I' o("CUp:lIK\' or ll....C Ill:l)' Cl)ll1l1l('llC!':' whether or lUll Il1e p<lr1i(Hl f,<; Sllh.<;I:lllli:1I1" nlmplcle, prrwkled tlw (hvllcr :11lc1 (:(1I1rr:IC{(lr 11:1\'(' acn.'pll'(1 in wriling tile re_<;p(1l1.<;ihililit:s ;Issigned t(l c:1C1l of IhcTll ror [l;1\,IlICnts, rct:1in:lge H :1IlY, secu- rity. 1ll:lilllcn:tn("(', hell, utilities, d:lnl:lge In the \v'ork :1nd in.<;ur. :IllCC, ;md h;lve :lgrced in writing ClllH'crning lhe period for ('or- re(linn of the \'{:nrk ;lnd COlllmcnccment of w;'lIr:111lics rCtllliretl b,' llle C!lnlr;Kt [)rKllments, \'{'Ilen ttlC (;llI1tr;lCl(Jr Cllll.<;idcr,<;:1 p(lrlir)ll suhst:lIlti:llh' compkle. tht" C:onlr:1("h.)( ,..11:111 prcp:lrc :tnd .<;uhmit :1 1i~t to the Arcl1Hcct :1,<; prodded under Sl1hp:1r;l~r:lph 9.R.2, Consent of lhe COlllr:lctor to p:lr1i~1 O<.TU' p:lIlcy or u...e ,..h:"lll no! he unre:1.<;(1Il:lhly wil hhdd The ,..t:1~(' or Ihe proWe.ss of the Work sl1:1I1 he determincd hy ~'ritlell :1gree- meTlI hel'''een fhe Owner :md Contractor or, if no :Ifolrecmcnl i... re:lcl1ed, hy d('ci~i(1n of tll(, Architect. 9,9.2 ]mfllcdj:ll~h' rrior 10 ."lIcl1 p:1rti:l1 oCCUP:IlKy or t1...c, the ()n'ner, Contr:1C!or :1nd ArchitCCI<;h:lI] ;oirlll~. ino:;pecI lhe :11'(::1 10 he (l(Tl.lpit'd or [1onion of the Work 10 he used in order In t1<:lcl"lnim' :lntl record the condition of the \'(:nrk 9.9.3 llrllt'ss l)tJ1l.'rwi.<o;(' :lgrecd Ilpllrl, p:lni:l] ()CCUI):1l1('y rll 11.'1(' or;1 portion or portion." or rhe \'Xo'ork sh:tllllot ('cJIlstinlle :lCCCp. l:zncl' of \'('or" nol ('(lmplying wilh the rcqllin:mcll!.<; or 111(' (.lIIHr:Kt f)(lClIllIellls 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 9.10.1 \ Ipon rect"'ipl flf ~\'rillcn Ilolin: !11:1I the \'(;{lrk i<: re;1dy Iflr I1n:11 in<;pcclilln :l1ld :lccepl:1flCe :111<1 Il,)CHl 1('(Tipt ()f:l fin:\] t\pplic:lIlcll1 for 1':l\'llwnt. the ArchilCCI will 11rfllllpllr m:lkc . snch in.<;pl'clinn :mcJ, 't\'I1t"lllhc: ArchitcC! finds lh(' \X'or\.; :1CCC'pl. ;1hle llnd~r tIle (;(II1lr:lC! I)oOll11el1l.<; :lm! Ihe (:(11111:1(1 fldl\' ,WI rormed. the Archil("Cl will prompt!" i.<:.""e :1 nll:ll CertHk:w' for l':l\'IllCTlI st:1ting th:l! !O the h('~t of tile ArcllflC('t',~ knln\'lcdgc il1form;ll;nll :md helief. and on 11lf' h:1_<;i~ of the Arr'h;l('cr-~ (\h.<;cr\':lIiOl1s :1ntl inspeClions, the W(llk 11:1S h'xn c!lllll'ktnl ill ;!Ccord:tllG' ,,\'itll terllls :tnd conditions of tile: COfltr:1C1 {)or:\! menl,<; ;md that the- cntir(" h:II::Il1c(' found In he dne the (:( 1I11r:1(, tOI :Illd nolnl in .<;::tiel nll:ll Cenifk:lle j,,, dm: :lIld p;IY:lhle, TIll' Archilc:Tt's fin:11 Ccnilic;11(' for P:lymcnl <;\'i!I ('Pllslilllle;t fllrlhn reprc.sclll:llit)lllh:11 comlili(IJ1S lisled in SuI1p:lr:l!!r;II)11 9 II).'; :1." precedent 10 the COnlr:lClnr'S hein~ entilled to nmf p:1\'!llcnl h:lVe heen rulfilled. 9.10.2 N('ilhcr fin:ll p:1YlllCllt nor :lIly f("1ll:lining rct:linnl p('rCeJlI:l~t' .<:h:1I1 hccome dl1c until thc C0l1tr:1("10r<;uhlllil.<: 111 lilt: An'hilecl (I) :111 :!flhl:1\'it tll:ll p:"l'yroll.<;, l~jll." fllr Ill:ll('(i;11.<: ;lr1(1 equipment, ;lIld olher indchtcdm........ cnnllcclt:d \\'itl1lhc \\'(111\ for which the Owner or the Owner's 11rnpeny ll1;!!hl he r('~poll.<;ihl(' or encumhered (Ie...~ :tmounl." <;\'illlllcld 1H" O""llCr! 11:I\'e ho~n p:tid or othc"....';se s:1ti,c;fied, (2) :l ct"rlifk:1tC" ('vidcnc:. ing th:11 imllf;lnce rcqllir('(l hy the Cnntr:lCl 1)0("1l1neI11," 1(1 rcm:Jin in force :l(ler nn:11 p:1~'fllenl is currcllrh' in dfeC! and n'iIl lIO! Iw cmn:lkd or :ll1owl'd 10 expire uutil :11 le:1.<;l :1,() (bl's pricJI l;\'rinen Ilolice lI;!s hcen ~i\'cn to the ()\\'ner, (.~):1 ",rinell ~t:"e11len! th;1t fhe (:cmtr~Clor kno<;\'." or IlO suh<;t;nHi:11 reL<:O!1 lh;lt th(" in.sm:loce will not he rellcw:1bk tn Cll\'(:r the period r('quircd hy Ih(' CrHHr:lC! I)I)CUlllents, (ill ((lIl,<;enr qf ,"I!H'!\', if :my, In fin:11 p:1yment :rlld ('il. if required In- the ()'t\.Il('I'. other d:lI:1 e.sl:1hli.shing p:1ymclll or S:lli,c;f;1C!llll1 of nhli1Z:11inm. such :IS l'n'cipl.", rdc:lsc<; ;lnd ~\':Iiv('r~ of Iiells, ('1:liIllS, SCClIrtt\' ill1('w.<:I<; or enculllhr:"lllCCS :1ri.sill~ flut of lh(' Cfllllr:1CI. to the eXH'1l1 :lnd in such forlll ;IS l1l:lr he d('_<;ign:Iled h~' lhe ()",ner 1I:r Suh{'I1!1' tr:ICHH rr:fu~e_<; 10 rtlrni,<;h :1 rclc:I.<;(" or .....:Ii\"n requirnl 11\ lhl' OWllcr, Ihe Cnl1l1':Kl"r 1l1:IY fllrni~h ;1 hnllr! S:lti,,,r:Klor\' 1(1 the ()wn('( (0 indcmnify tht' Owncr ;1~;li1l.<;t sncb 1it'1I, lr ,~\1ch Iiell fell1:1ins l111.":lli.<;ficd :lflcr p:I~.mell!.<; ;Ire m:ldl'. lhe Cfllllr:lctOl ."]):111 rdund to the Owncr :111 IHllllt"\. tl1:1I !Ill: Own!'r 11\:1\' hl' ('(Impelled III P:1Y in dis(:h:lIging .<:(1('11 !ir:ll. itlchltling ;r11 1'0"1': and l'e:l.<;on:lhle a!1orn('\'s' lees 9,10.3 If. :lher Suhst:Ulli:rl Completion (If Ihe \\;qrk. fin;ll COIll' [11('lion thcreof is 1ll:1leri:ally delayed tl1ffl\l~11 no f:l1111 of 111(' COnlr:I('lor or h\' is.sIl:1IKC of Ch:lIlp;(" Order." :lffcC'ling fill:!! complelion, ;1nd fhe Ar('hilect .<;0 (Onnnm, the Owner Sh:lll upon :lppliC:Ilion h\' the c.ontr:l('!or :tnt! certificllinll h" the Ardlilt"ct. :1net ",'Hhml1 lcnnin:lting the COlltr:ICl. Ill:lkc P:l\'IlWllt of the 11:11;1I1cc (h,'': for th::ll portion of the Work fully (ornplt'ted ;tnd :1(,ccpH:d. If the rt'l1\::ljl1in~ h:1l:1nc~ for Work no. rully ((Jill, plelnl or correC1t'd is less 111:t11 rel:lin:lge stiplll;lled in llle C.OI). Ir:lc! f)OCllllll'11I~, :lnd ir honds 11:I\'e het'n fllrni."r,cd, tile wrirWI1 nm~enl III S\lrCI\' f() p;1Ylllenl (If Il1e h:II:1Il("(' duc ((II tll:11 Jlll'. lion of the \'{inrk rl1l1~' completed :1nd :HTCplt:d SI1:111 he sl1hlllit t(.(I h" the Corlfr:lC!or 10 the Architect prior 10 c"('r1ifiC:lIinll of .""ch p:IYlllent. ~tlch p:lymcnt ."h:1I1 he 1ll:1{!e under InlllS :tncl comliliclIls grH'l'rnillg nll:11 1):1Yllle'fH, excepl 111:1l il ,~Il:rll 11(11 rOIl.<;liltue:1 ~\":li...t'r of cl:lilll~ The lll:Jkill~ nf rin:ll P:I\"I)l('1\1 Sh;lll ('nn.<;tilllle:l 't\'ai\'er or cl:1illls lH" the ()'t\'llcr ;1<; flHl\'iclcd in .'\111 1':ll';lgr;lllh'I.,".'i 9.10.4 Accepl:mcc of fill:11 payment In. Ille Cnntr:1Clfl!, :1'111' Ctllllr:'C!{H (H 1ll:1l('ri:l1 .<;\!f1plier _,,11;111 ("(l!l<;lil,n(" :1 .....:li\'("I (II CI:lilllS 11\' ill:rl p:lvec cxn:pl .hosl' pr('\'ifll1<;h' 1lI:1(lf.' in <;\'Iilillg ;md idcmilkd hy tll:1l P:I\'('(" :1.<: ull"e1!lrd :11 rhe lil11(' o( fin:r1 Appliclli(lll ffH 1':I\'TlIf'nl, Such ~\":li"C1''' SII;I11 1)(" ill ;l(I!lili(111 1(' llll,' <;\,:lin'r (Icsnih('(! in Sllhp:lr:lgr:lpll ,j .~.<; 18 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT ^'Ol. <:I'NI'IlAI. (:t)NI1lTltIN\ (11 IIII' (llNTHA(:1 FfJll (f'NSTllIlr:'1'IC1Q. l"I"!IITNIIII'.IJlll'H, .-\IA 4, . P, 1'.IH-; II If' A',IFlJlI :,\N Ir~STlT! ITF r 11' ^ lIel In I.! I <;, I":' Ie, NF\V' \ I 110: ^\FN' If:. N \V . \\.~ "IIIr-.<r; t, I~, I' ,"" "I!. W^R'JING~ IJntlr.pn!'ilpd I"h010COl'lVinQ vl(llnl"'~ U.S. copvriohll"w~ ;mri I" .mhlp!':1 In Ipont pmc;,.r.llll('ln . ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 10.1.1 The C(IlHr:lClOr sl1:llJ he f(",~poll<;ihk' li)r inili:lting. tn:1II1- t:lIlllng ;md slIlxrvi<;ing ;111 ,<;;t[eIY preclIT1inn.'i :lIltl progr;tm:'i II) C01H1CC1iOIl wilh tile pcrrorm:mcc of the Contr:lCl 10.1.2 In lhe ('veil! tile COlllr:1C!n!" t,'I1CClllnlcrs 011 the sile 111:lIeri;lI n::1S{lIl:lhly helieved In he ;'l,c;I1C.c;IOS Of polychlorin:lIccI biphenyl (PCB) \.dlicl1 11;1.<; not heen rendered 11:Ifl11lc<;5. the COlltr;IClor sh;lIl irnllletJi;Jlely ,<;top \'{lprk in the :trca :1f(ected ;Inl! report the condition to the Owner :Illd Archilect in writing. rhe Work in lhe :lffccled ;1rC~ ,<;11:111 not there;tftcr 11(' resumed C:\CCpl lw tniTlen :Igrcemcllt of lhe Owner ;lnd Contr:IC!Or if in (;ICt the m:llcri:lr i,'i :1shestos Of polychlorinated hiphenyl (PCB) :Ind l1a.<; nOl he{"n rendered h:lnllle.<;.<; The \'{'ork in the :Ifrected :n(.';1 .<;h:ll1 he n."sulll("u in the :1hsellce l If ;1~I"}(.",<;to,<; or polychlori- 11:IH,:d biphenyl (PCIH, or R'hen il h:l~ heen rendered l1:1rTn!cs,'i, In' wrillell :1g:reement of lhe Owner :lIld COlllr:lClor, or In :lcc(Jrd:ll1ce with fin:11 cklerlllin:tlioll hy the Arclli'e('l Oil ,\"hicl1 :lrhilr:lliol1 11:1.<; IlO! been dCIll:lmled, or by :lrhitr:lIion IIllder Articlt' ,j 10.1.3 The CtllHr:IClor sl1:111 nil1 he requin:d pl1r.<;u:rrH to Article ~ In f1cl"fnnn \"\'i1hour COIlSClH :lllY \'('ork rd:lling to :lshc,<;tos or rllll~.t'Jlll Iril):11etl hil)llCll~'f (PCBl. 10.1.4 T(lll1(' fulk'st CXlent pcnniued hy 1:1\\", lhe ()wller ,<;11:111 indcmnify :md hold 1t:1flllh:s.<; lilt: Con'r:lCtor, Mchilf:CI, Archi- teel.<; cllnsull:mt.<; :md :1~(,'nl'<; and employee,<; of :U1y or tllem 11011\ :Illd :lg:tin.<;t cl:lim,<;, d:1ll1:I,~e,<;, losscs :tnd ex:pCIl.'H':S. inclml. in,! hut no' limited 10 :lItOrTlCVS' fees, :Iri,'iillg out of or resulting frolll pnfol1n:tllc(' of rhe W,'(frk ill the affecred :m.::1 if in (:ICI tile 1l1:lIui:l1 i." :l~hc~lf)" or pOI~Th'llrin:unl hiplwllrl (PCB) and 11:1,'> Illll hCCll n:ntkwd 11:lrtlllcs,<;. pnl\'ilk:d 111:11 ,'-;\lcll cbilll, d:llll:lgc., In<;<; or t'XpCllSC j,<:; :HlI"ihUI:lhk tll hodily in;urr, sickness. disc:l.<;e llf tlCIIIl. 01 to itl;l1r~' !o 01 d('slnwlillll of t:m,!ihk propl..'ny {(Jrher tl1:1I1 Ihe \X:nrk il<;('H) including Ips,<; of use resulting llll'rdnltll, hilt ordy 1ft III(" cOt'lIr c:t1I';cd in ",hIlI(' llf in p:lrl hy nQrliW:llt :lCI.<; or {ltl1issions of rill' ()\\'Ilcr, :lIl~'(llK dirccll~' or imlilccrly C1llplmTd hy tilt' ()\\'t1l..'r or :1IlYOI1C (or whose :Iel,<; lht' ()wl1n rl1:IY he li;lhlc, rq.!.:lrdll'~;s of \\'llcltH.'r nr not slIdl claim. d:lI11:lgC, loss or e:<pctlsl" is l';IH.'wd ill pan hy :r p:ll"iy ilHknlllilkd 11crnltlcler. SUd1llhli~:HiI11l Sh;llllHlt Ix: Ul1l::;lrllCcI III rll:g:Ilt:, :lhdd.lC, {Ir reduce {Jlller rigll!." {ll Ilhlig:ui(lll,<; tlr illdctl111ity wllich \\'(lukl olherwise e:<ist :t,<; 10:1 p:my (lr per::;on desnihnl ill Ihi." SUhp:H:I~r;lph 10.1 A. 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10,2_1 The Cotltr:lcltlr Sh:lll 1:lkC' rCI."oll:lhlc precnuiolls for s:IfCI\' of. :Illcl sl1:111 prodck r<-':1.<;oll:lhle prnll'rtioll 10 pre\'ent d:!lll:lj.!e. inlun- (lr !llSS 10: .1 Clllphl\TC.<; Oil the \,\.'ork :mtl olher person." who tll;l~' hc :lfkCl(.'{1 thereh\'; .2 lilt' Work :llld tll:llcri:ll" :1I1(] equipmelll 10 h{' locorpo- r:1Inl then:in, whether in Slor;lJ!e (Ill or off rile ,<;ile, under Clfe, cll."'(l~h' or (lllllrol of rlw Crlntr:wrnr or lhl' (:lllltr:IC!(lr's ~I1IlC(mll;I{.t{H,<; l1f S\lh-.<:;uhnJfllr:IC- 1(11.<;; :lllt! .3 OIlier properlY :11 lllc silC' Of :ll!i:IU'llt rherelll, SlIch :tS In:cs, shnlh<; 1:I,,'ns, \\':llk..;, p:I\'CIlH:llfS, 1l1:llh'\":lY,<;, <:Inlc.lllr("<; :lt1(1 lllilific<; 11111 (k'sil!Il:tt(.(f fllf renlfl\':IJ. rell)- C-;l1i(lI1 (ll" rCpb('Cl1Wlll ill !IIC ["111IfS(' clf ('I)llstnl("lil)11. . 10.2.2 The Clllltr:l("lm .<;f1:1J1 gi\'C ll{lli('c<; :md (:'Hlll)h \\'i111 :lppliC:lhk bws. orclill:mces, rules, rq~t1I:l1iolls :lnu l:ndlll ordr:T-'; of i""llh1ic :I\1thorities !1e:1ring on ,<:;:1fet~ nf pec<;olls or J)f(111CI'l\ or their rll'o'~'Uinl1 frolll d:ull:lge, inillr\' or loss 10.2.3 'j'he <:IJ11Ir;rClllf SI1:111 erect :lIlc! Jl\:lilll:lin, :t<; rnplirnl11\ cxisrill~ (ol1di!iol1s :md perforlTl;;lnce of the Cr)1ltr:l("( 1(':IS(}Il- :Ihlc .<;;Jkgll;lrds [I)r s:lfelY :lnd pr(ll("("tillll. jnclll(lill~~ P'1':liI1g (l:lIlger ,<;igns ;mtl (llher <;\';;Irnjn~.s :lg:liIlS! h:17.:lrds. f1l11l1111Ig:uillg -":lfer~' rq~\lI:lliollS :lI1d llolifyinR O\VIH,'rs :mc! users of :ldj:IlCIlI ,<;ilcS :1I1d u!i1ities 10.2.4 \'\'I1(."n u,<:;(':' l11 Sl()r:l~e ()f exrlllsives {If (lIhcr 11:IZ:1I1.hltls m:lleri:ll.<; or equipll1clll or unu::;u;ll methods >Ire tlc(eS,<;;lf\' ftlr CXCCul10n of the \\:.'ork, rht: Contr:tctor sl1:]1I exerc1.<;e Ulmn<;l (;m.' ;lnd Clrr)' on such :lcth'iti("~ under supervision of prnJ1crl~' (lu:1Iirie(! per.<;llnncl. 10,2.5 The COlltr;Je'or .<;h:lll prol1lr'-I'y r~flledy d:llll:l,gC :md I()~~ (other ltl;11l d:llll:lgf' or los... insured under property in.<;l1r:tIlCl' rcqtlirec! hr the COlltr:lct f)ocumenls) 10 prnpert\. referred III in C:1:IO.<;c.<: I tl.2.1.2 :md to,2,1..~ c;111Sed in whole or in p;ltt h~- the COlllr:lClor, :1 Sllhcotllf:lC\Or, :J Suh-suhcolllr:K'or, or :l!l\'Il11C direnly or in(Jirectly C'1ll[lloyed by ;lll)' of 'hem, Ilr hy :lll\'(l!l(' for \\rl1o.<;(:' :1("1.<; llley tll;IY he li:lhle :lnd for which the Cnntr:1Clnr is rc.splln.<;ihlc under C:l:1u-"C'.<: 10,2.1.2 :lnd 10.2.1..1, excepr d:llll:lgC' (11 loss :lttrihttt:rlllc 10 :1et." or 011l1.".<;ioI1S 01 the (h\'IH..'r or ","chitCCI or :lnyone directly or indlreclly employed hr eilher or Ihem, or hy :lt1\"(Hle for n-ho.<:;c aC!s eilhcr of them 1ll:1Y he 1i:llllc. all(1 tlot :Hltihlll;Jt)le 10 lhe f:mlt or ncgll,gcfKt' of rllt' LOntr:lcror Till.: forq~()iIlR ohli"wlions of the Conlr:1Clor ;HI: ill :ldditioll III the ClllHr:1Ctor',<; ohlig:lIiotl.<; under l':n:lgr:lpl1 .1, I H 10.2.6 The COlltr:lC!or .<;11:,11 desi~ll;lt(,:J r<"spoll~ihr(" Illelllhcr of the COlltr:lCtnr'.<; org;1ni7,;ltion :ulhe ,<;ile who,<:;e dtll\' ,<;11;111 he rile pn:\TIl11011 of :Kcidctlt.<; 1'hi.<; pcr,<;Otl ,<;11:1111)(' the COlltr:lclnr'<; "llpcrilllCn(k'nl \llllc.<;~ llrllcrwise (Ic.o.;igll:l'nl 11\' rl1(' {:lllllr:lctllr ill Wlilil1/.! IllttH.' {)"'IHT :llltl Art'llilcct 10.2.7 The COtlll:KttJt "h:11I1101 IO:ld Ot pertuil :lllY I):lrt nr 111(' constrllClioll or sil{' 10 he In;lt!cd so :1,<; III encl:llll!(T ilS s:II('I\' 10.3 EMERGENCIES 10_3.1 In:lll t~1llerg(,lH"r :rffecr ing ~:Ilel Y l)f persol1s ill 1)1'( 11 WI r\', Ihe Cnntr:lClor ,<;11:111 :1C1,;.]1 tile COlltr:lCIOr',<; disUClioll, In I'll.', \'('nr tllrc;tlcnnl (1:11ll;I1-!C, injure' flt' If)S~. Addili(1l1;11 ('{llnpC!l<;;1 HOllor ('XICI1.<;io!l (II lilliI.' cl:lilllcd hr the (.(llHr:IClol tIll :ICCll\ltll of:rn crnnJ.!cllcy<;h;l1l 11(" determined :1<; pm\'ided ill P:Ir:1gr:lpl1 .i ,\ :111(1 Arlidc 7 ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS 11,1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.1,1 The' Cntltr:l(,-Ior sh:11I purch:I.';c !mlll :ltld m;IInr;litl ill ;1 cotllp:ltl\" or cOlllp:mics 1:l\vfllll\" :nHhorizcd 1(1 do hll.<:;inec;<; ill rhe ruri:<::dinion ill whkh Il1e I'r(ljt>n is located .<;uch ill."Ul:tflCt' ;IS ,,'ill proteCt lhe C(1Il1r:lClor from c1:1itl1~ .'Wl rorth helow \\'I1ieh 11l:IY :1l'i."L' (lUI nf or n.'sull fro11l 1111.' COllrr:Klllr's Ilper:llillll,<; 11Ildcr lhe Cllll1Clf"l :111d ["or 'i'..l1ich Ihe COIHr:ll"lor r1l:!~. he Iq!:i1l1 li:lhle, wl1ether such {)p~'r;lIi(ll1<; he' lw the (:ollllaeHlI or In. :1 SUhi'Olllra("tOt or 11\' :myoll(' directly or illdirecth' cmplilycd hI ;111\' of Ihell1, III h\. :11l\'(ltlC fClr ,,'11IlSC :Ins :IIlY tll thCll1 111:1\' he li;IIlIt'. .1 cl:titlls l1IHler <:,,,prkns' III \\'1111.:111('11'<; C()1111'(,1l~;;lIjllll. di.<;:Il>ilil:. lwndit :11lcl olller ~ill1ibl cmplon_T !lend;! ;l{'t.~ ~\"llich :Ire :lppliClhk.' III rhe W:IHk III he pCrfflltllcr!: AlA DOCUMENT 1\201 . r;r:.NrTt...I r:ONf>tTIONS <)It Tltr U)NT'~^r:T FOIl CON.<;Tl/1'ClI()N. !"I)lllnf:r:NTlr F:PtlHH! ,\1'" "~Ilqfl~ Illl "~IFIlII.^NIN"n!lrlFf1f:AfH:frn1'(..t<; l-\';NF\l'Y()lll,^\.t'I'r1IF~"'W' \l'A<;fl1NI:'tr'N II' !'Wllfl, A201-19R7 19 W^qr-II~Ir.: Unll~..."..pct phOI("'~orv;nQ vlnl~tes u.s. r::nnyriahllnw.. :omt f.. ..otll"<":11(.. lpol'l' pmc;"-::lIllnn . .2 ebill!.<; ((II d:1111:1gCS 1)('(":111<;e (If hfltJih- irliur;:, OCCllP:l- ,ion:ll sicknc:s,c; Of t1iSC:ISC. or dC:-JIl1 of the Contr:wtnr's crnp!(wecs: .3 c!:lims (or cl:Hn:ll.!e.s hcc:lIl.<;c nf h(1dily injury. .sickllCss Il!' dist.::tst'. Of dC:llh or :1I1Y rCf.<;fltl (llher 11l:111 the Con- Ir:lCIIH'S clllplrJyecs: .4 claims for d:nn:1W's insured hy lIslI:,1 person:ll inior~' Ii:rhili!\- ("(lvcr:lgc which ;m: ."t\<;!;linctl (I) by :1 persoll :1:>:1 n:''lllll}(:11l ()r(Cll.'W dircnl\- (IT il1tlin.:Clly n:I:ltcd to elllployment ofo:;uch person In' lilt' COlllr:IClor, (1'r (2) lw ;I1Hllher person: .5 cl:ril11" for cl:llll:1I.!t'.S, other th:1Il 10 Il1e \'(iork itself, hecIllsc or injury 1(1 Of dCSlfllClioll of lan~ihlc prop- erl\'. includillF!, loss of liSt..' resulting tllcn..:(rom: .6 cl:1il11s for d:lm;l~H~<; heGl\I.se of h{ldily injury, dc;tlh of ~ person or property d:lln~~e ~ri~in~ out (l( (H\'ner- _<;hip, m:linten:II1CC or WK' o( ;1 mowr vehide; ~nd .7 clainls ill\'tllvill~ etUllr:KT1I:ll li:thilily in.<;llr:l1lt'C appli- Gllllc to the ComraclOf's oh[i~:lliom: under P:Ir:lgf:tph ~.I H 11,1,2 The insurallce rl.:q\lircd hy Sllhp:lf:l~r;lph 1 1.1.1 ,<;h;11I he wlillt:lI ror not les.<; th:m limilS o( li;lhility spt'ci(k'd in thl.: Con- 11":ICl 1)onl1llcllts or rcq\lircd hy 1:1,-", t..llkht'vt'r covcr:lgt' is gtt':ller. C{l\'t'r:lges, Whl.:lher 1;vritlen (111 :111 flCCllrrt'nct' or claillls'll1;ldt' 11:1,Sls, Sh;11J h(' 1lI;lilll:tined without il\lcrruption (roll' dale or commenccment o( the \\.'ork until d:ne o( fimll p:l\'lIlent :lnd tcrmin;lIinn of :my ("(l\.er:l~C required to be Ill:tin. t;lillCd arter rin:ll payment 11.1.3 Ccnilicllt's (l( \n<;ur:lI1n.' :I(ccpt:lhlc to the Owner sl1:l11 he filed with the Owner prior 10 commcrKemcnt o( tile '''''ork. These Ccrtif'ic;lIe.<; ~nd the ;nsm:mce policies required hy Ihi.<; Par:l~r:lph I I" 1 .'l1t:11l cont:lin ~ pr(lv;,S;on 11l:11 cO\ler:l~es a((orded under the policies will not he Clncelled or :-allowed 10 cxpire until:ll 1t::1SI ."'0 d:IYs" prior wrillcn nOlicc h:l~ been given ICl tilt' Owner I( :my o( the r()regoin~ insur:HKf." ("o\'er:l~('~ :lre rcquire(1 10 remain in (orce :lfter fin:11 p;tnnenl :md ~r(' re:ISOI1: ;,hly :l\.'~iblllc. ~n :lddition:t1 ccnifiGllc cvidencing. CO!1tiIlU:ttioll or ."tle!) c{)\'er;l~e ,<;hall he :::uhmillcd with the- fin:ll Application fl)1" I'~YFHcnt ;1." required \1\' ~lIhr:tr:lgr;!pl1 9_10.2. Inform:Hitll1 cOIlt:erning reduclion pr covcr:1~e .<;11:111 he rmnishetl hy tllc (:(llHr:1CI(,r with rc:t:"clI1:thlc promplncs.<; in :In:ord:IIl('(' will1lllc (;{)lllr:I('I()f.~ illform:tlil)ll :lnd helief. 11.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.2.1 .l"he Ut\,'lcr ,<;11:111 lw resp(1I1:::il1lt' 1(lr pllrdl:lsinJ.1, :lml 1ll:1int:lilling the Owner'.<; IISII:11 Ii;lhilily ill,<;'1r:IIKC. Oplion:llly, (Ill' OWller 111:1Y purch:lsc :llld rn:1illl:lin other ill.'iur:lIlt't' (()I ."If. protlTtioll :t~;lill.'lt c1:lim,<; \'\.'hich m:l)" :Iri:::e from opcr.lIiol1s under tilt: ClI,lIr:Kt. The COlllr:lclor sl1:1I1 llnf he re:::pon:::iblc Illr pllreI1:1sil)g :"ltll1l:1i11t:lil1il'l! flli.<: (lPlitJll:11 ()wllc'r..<; li:lhilil~. illSlll:lI1Ct' 11l1lt.'SS .'lpc.:cifk:1Ily rt.'qllirnl by Ihe (;lllur:\C( 1)(J(t'1l1Cllt.'l. 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11.3.1 llnk~s (I(henvi.se pro....ided. the Owncr ,<;11:111 purchase :llld 1ll:lil1l:1in, in :1 comp:1I1Y Of comp:1I1it's l:twrully :luthori7.cd tll do hu.<;int:~~ in the jur;~tlk'lion in <;\-hich the Project is !OCltCtl. pfllpt'lIy ill~lIr:l1ln..' in lilt' :Ull(lWH o( Ihe illi!i;ll Con. lr:I("1 Strlll :1." \yell :1." .<;:\Ib<;eqW:llt lll(\dilicllifln~ IherelO (or tIle ("Illirt" ".flrk :11 Ihe sill' Oil ;1 r('pbn.:I1lt'1lI ((1<;1 h:1.<;i~ wilholtl vol. lIlll:ll\' dnhlnihit,s ,~uch plllpen\. it1<;:tlr:llln..' ~I1:1n Iw lll:lill' t:lilln\. IlIlles." ()111('f\yist' pnl\'idnl "in tilt' C0I111:lt'! I )lInl1ncnt~ '11 IlTlltT\\"i,"l" :,~,("{:tI ill wrilirl~ In. :1I111t'r<;:(J11<;: :1I1t! ctl(i,ie~ \\'h\l .It',' hl'llcriri:Tli{'~ lJr oqlrh ill<;\'CI1KC. lllllil fin:1111:'Ytllt'1l111:1<;: heell 111;ldc :1" IJlll\'idcd in l':lf:l~l :tph t) 1(\ nf untillll1 Iwr"'tlll or cTllin. . {l!IH'f 111:11' tll(' (\\\llC1" )1:1<;: ;1l1 illSII!:lhk ill!(.Tr".;1 itl tIll' Il!lll'(-r!\ leqllired hy Ihi<;: !':n:lgr:qll1 11 ,,'l, (oil(' ("(\\"['1('(1. \\'ili(..l1n"t i" elrlier Thi~ in.<;tlr;l1KC' c;l1:IH illC'lu<lc illln~q<: p[ tl1(' r H\.llCl 1\1' (',ontr:IClllT, StlllC(llltr:lc!(lr.<; ;1IH\ Stlh''''III'( ('"tl:1("tllt~ III Ill'. \,.'olk 11.3.1,1 I'rop!'fIY il1.<;\tr:11l((' .<;11:111 he (Ill :111 ;,IITi"k 1)1,lin I( l! III :md slt;111 illsure :Ig~itl'<;{ the Jltril.<; of fin: :111(\ ("xlt'l1dn\ ctl\"('r:lf!l." :l11d plw."iclllos.<; nr d:l1l\:'~c including, n'ill1(llll tllq1licllil11l 01 ("(1\"(;'r:ll1.(', llldt. v:1fl(l:tli<;'I', 111:llicilllt<; tl,i<;r-Ilid. C1111:lll<;l", I:,j<;( w{lrk. tem!"(lr:llY hl,il(lil'~.'" ~Tld (!chris If:IlHIV;11 iIH.lll:lillj! (!ClIlllll!;{1I1 Ilcosi(lIw{ll)y Ctl((lI(TllH.'lll (If :l!lY :11'llli<-:1I1k' 1c!-!:11 rnltllrenlt:nts, :mt! _,,11:111 {'(l"l.:r re:tSlln:,hlc (.(Itl1P{'IIS:llil\11 f(H I\rchilect'." _"'er\'i("(.'~ :In<l CXpCIl~C_" requiled :l~ :1 rC:,l1lt 1 If ~lIdl jtl~ul"ed los~ C:OVC1:II1.C (or other peril." _",11:,11 no( 1'(' r('qllin:<\ ul\l(':::s othefwise plO\"idcd in Ih~ COrllr:l("\ ])0("\1111('11(,<; I( the ()wner cl()cs not iruend t{1 Il\lfcl1:1<;e"ucll prr1!'. crt,. in~ur:tnce Icquired Iw the COllltact ;Itld n"irlt :111 or the C(l\'cr:l~cs in tl1(' :lll1o\lnl described :lh(Jvc. llle (lWIH'l .',Il;tll .<;(l ;n(ofm Ihe \.ontr:ICI(H ;n writing rrior tn c(lnll11ellcr:nK'nl or the Work. The COTlIr:lClOr m:IY (hen effect ins\u:mrc which ~..-ill prOlect tile interest,c; o( tile Contr:lCIOr. Sullcontr:lCtllrS :uld ,c;uh. .'Hlhcotltr:Kto\'.<; in the \'(r'ork, :-and hy :lrlPTopri:lIc Clt:1I1gC Order lilt' <:(lst I!lCf{'O( .,,11:111 he r."h:lrRed 1(l the Owner. If rlV' C(Jllfr:I{"- lor is d:llll:ll1.n! hy the f:lilurc or nq!lccl of 1111.' (h\'ll(T t('l 1'111 cl1ase 01 tl,:,illl:lln inslIr:IIlt"t' :1,<; tlt:~cr;hcd :II)(J\'(.... wil1HHrt so Illlli(yil1~ tile COlltr:\("foT, lhen the 01;\'11t" _<;11:111 !If..':tr ;,11 rt';I"on ahle COSI,<; properly ;lllrihll1:thlc thercto If (he ptlJpt'r1Y in,<;ur:mcc requiles 1l1inill'\1I11 dnhl(.ti- hle,<; ;tnd sucl1 dedllctihles ;Ire idenlifled in the Clltllr~ct I)(lClI. Illelll.... Ihe Col1lr:lctor sh:lll P:lY costs not (fI\'('r(~d hecHI.<;(, nr such dcductiblc.<;. If llle Ownc'f or in.<;t\rcr incrt::lsc." tile n:quin:d minimum deductihle.<; :1ho\'(' the :ITllount.o;."o kkntHkd or ir the Owner e1ecls 10 purch:l!;~ ,hi~ inSllr:ltlCC t...ith \'OIUIl(:ln" dCflt,("- rihlt' :-aOlOllllts, Ih~ Ut\'ncr .<;hall he r(':::ponsihlc (or P:1YIlH:n( or the ;tddition:11 costs not covered beCl\ISC or surh it1crl'~~nl or ...olllnt:!ry deductible,"i I( dcduct;hlc~ :1TC not idcnlifinl ill the C(lIltr:Kt I)()(lllllcnls. 11le Owner ,<;11:111 P:l\. (I)SI.<; J)\J! ("(1\'r:rt.tI hec:1I1~(' o( deductible.'l. Ilnle.'s~ (JIller\\'i~c prrlVk1t:d in tll(' (:flll!T:IC! l)f)C\I' men!.<;, tllis properly inc;ur;tIlCC sh:,1l cover jlllrtif In.<; o( !ltc' \X'ork .<;,ored o(f the silt" :Ihcr tvrint'lI ;IPPI"(1\':11 or (he Owner :It Ill<' \.:I!tlC est:lhli<;l1cd ill tht' :lpprcl\':II, ami :11.<;(1111)rlifltlS ()( lIlt' \'(:rlll, III tr:lnsit 11.3.2 Boller and Machinery Insurance. TIH: r h\.lWl sh;,lI pnl"cl1:1:::e :lIld tlI;litl(:lin hoilt:r :antl l1l:lf.:!lillt'n. IllS\Il:lIlP: rnlllhc(1 lw lilt' (.fl1llf:lCl IXl{"tllllents fll hy \:tn. whicll"I':lI1 sPCl"ilit.:llh' Cl1\Ti' Sill'll itlSlIIt'd {Ihicets thllil'g ill<;I;llblill1l :111(1 ulltil nmll :lCCepl:tnCC hy the Owner: lhis in.<;Ul;IIlCt. sl1:111 illcllltlt' illIC1T.';tS o( tilt' Owner, \.ontr:l('IOf. Sl1hC{ll1tr:1CT()r~ :1Ilt! Suh- .,,"hnllltr:lctll1<; ill Ill(' \Xlllrk. :111(1 lhc (1\\.'1('1 ;1t1t! (:(1I1I1:'CI(11 ,<;Il:111 hl' n:lIl1f.'(1 in,slI'eds 11.3.3 Loss of U~e Insurance. The ()I:\'I1t'f. :11 Ihc On-llUS optioll, tll:lY plIfch:,-"e :111(1 mainl:lin Sl1ch ill.<;ttl:1Iln. :I~; \\"ill inSllrc llle ()1;\'ncr ;rg:lin,<;l 10."-" or use of lilt' (h"\"IH.'r.~ prllllCrl\ dtlC' If) fire or (1tl1er !l;17.;,rd.<;, h(l\'\.('vcl' clI'~ed The (1\\'11('1 w:livt:'s all ri~"dH,<; of ;\("Iion :lg:lin,<;t llle COlltr:lclor fur Ins." of 11<;(' (JI the ()wner'~ ptflpCTly, including nlll,<;C(ruellti;III()s,'W~ (I lie if I filt. fll (l(ller 11:1'/.:lr(l-" 11(J\VC\'er C:'II<;C{1 11.3.4 If tlH' C(l1l1r:lClOr rcqtlc<;:t:'> ill writi'l~ 111:lt iI1Sl11:1nn' Ir 1I ri~k~ (Hllcr tll:II1II1('<;(: tk-"crihcd herein (lI" [(H (1,llC' "'11'."("i:11 )1:'7. :lltl." he incl1lded in the propcrty ill,<;llr:llH(' l'llfic,". thc (In"nCl "tl~lI. ir rflssihle, il1Clll(lc .<;lIdl inSllr:tnCc. :U1(llllC ("11<;:t tlKl!'!]! sl1all he cll:HW-'(\ !() (1lt' C()nrr:1Clflr Il\" :lPpn11'li:ltc (:Jl:lllj!t" ( hdcr 20 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT 4201. (;FNFIlAL r:(lN,)rTI(lN" (IF I!IF (:(lNTt!M:T Hl1l (J1NSTllT1f:TI(lN' !(ll.!\ll-TNf(t l.lltTlr,ro-.. ^I..\~' """'"'I-'ll1rA~'F!1If:^NIN,<;TITl1Tr:rlr,\llC'lIIT("T'<; T-\"NFW'Y{ltO<^I'FNI\F_r~\\ \X,\';lrn~(:t'l:o.' 1'1 'r,,,,,,, WARNING: UnliCl!!'n!""d l"hOlC'lt:C'lpyinq vl()I~Ir.s U.S" ~nr,."riQh' t~W!; ~nd 1<: <:llhil"CI to ".~~t pmq~ClJjinn. . 11.3.5 If (hrrit1~ tile Projcct COll,<;lructi{Hl J)eriotl the ()"'ncr insures propertics. rC:l1 or persnn:ll or hoth. :ldjf)ining n( :ldj:l- (t'1l1 (n ll1e site hr property in-"nr~Hl(T IUHler poficic.<; .<:;c'P;!CUC frtllll (hose in.c;uring Il1e Project, Of if :l(ter fin:!1 P:l\'IllCtU prop- erly illsm:mce Ls 10 he pHl\'ic.k.t1 Oil Ih~ completed !'roicct tllrollgh :1 policy or policies other th:11l ,hose iIlS\lfill~ the Proj- ect (!tHing (he Cllll<;lruclion reriod. lh(" (1wller ,<;l1all \\':11\"<: :llJ ri.~l1r" in :lccortl:lIH.T ~';itll rhl? tcrms of Suhp:n:lp,r:lph 11_.~,_7 for d:llll:lgC.C; clllset! hr lift' or othcl' perils co\'("red hv tlli:" .<;Cp:U:llt' prnpCTl\' jn<;\lr;tIln: All .<;cp:lr:lIC polick's .-"11:111 provide this \\":lI\Tr of slIh,og:llioll by f.:nt!(lrSC1llCT11 or olhnwi~;t:. 11.3.6 lk(ore ;"Ill C'xpo::;ure to !(l.ss 1ll:IY occur, the Ch\'ncr ,C;h;llJ rile witl1 tile COlltr~Clor :t copy o( c~ch policy 111:11 indmlr.:s irl.<:ur:lllce coVcr;I~C~ required by this P:Jr:lf2:r~pll II,.). beh p(1Hc,' sh~ll cont~in ~11 gener;illy :'lpplic~hle conditions, defini- lions. c;'{c!l1.<:iflIlS :lnd endorsemcnl,c; rcl:lIed 10 thi,<: Project. Eaell policy sl1:111 COIlI:1in :I provision tll;!! Ille polic" will nOl be ClllCdled (lr :\lIcl\ved 10 cxpire unlil ~l k::ISI :\0 d:IY,c;' prior ""ril- H:n notice 11:1,'; heen gh'en 10 tile COlltr:lc!or. 11.3.7 Waivers of Subrogation, The Owner :lIld COlllr:lClor W:1i\T :rll rip:ht.<; ~g:lin.<;t (I) e:tell (){Iler :md :11l\' fl( rheir ,<:uhcon- rr:lClor,<:, .c;uh-<:l1hconlr:Ktor,<;, :1gent.<; :1I1d e'lllplfl\'{"es, c:lch o( the other, :lnd (2) the Archilect. Architt.c(s cOIl,<:uh:lIHS, ,c;cp:lr:lte ("lll1tr:lClor.<: descrihed in ^rlide eJ, H ;lilY. :lIld :111" o( their '<:l1b. ("IJI1tr:lCl0r.c;. s"h-suIKollfr:lC{or,<;. :Igellls and cmployees, (or d:lIn;J~t:.<: c1Used hy Ore or (llber perils 10 Ihc eX(('1ll CO\'t:red by prnpcrt\' insurance Oh\:lillcd pur,c;u:llll 10 this 1':lr:l~r:lph I 1.5 or <Hiler propeny in."ur;lll("e :lppliclhk tn tile \'{iork. c;'{(:cp' ."llch rigl1l." :IS they h:tvc to proc("t'ds of _"lIch in.<;ur:1Ilct' held h~- Ihe Ownt:! :lS nduci:lfY. The O<:\'ncr or Contractor, :1'<: :Jppropri:lIt::, sl1:111 r-cquirc o( rh(' Archit('ct. Architect'c; ("(ln~tll1:lIll.<;, .c;ep:1r:nc conlr:rctor." de,scrihed in Article 6, i( :lny, ;llltl tl1(' slIhcnnlr.lC- 10rs. .<:ub-.,,"h("()I1lr:lC1ors, ;l~ents :tlld cmplo\"'.'es of :IIl\' o( them. hy :lppfllpri;llt' :lwet'lllefll,<;, wrillell where 1c~:lIlr required for \":1JidilY. .c;imil;lr w:liver5 e:lch ill (~"()r of other p:nfie,,, ellllln. cr;lled herein The policies .c;I1;11I provide StIch w:lh'ers o( sllbro- g:llinn hy cndof.<:cment or othcrt\.i."c_ A ,;,':river (If .<:uhr(l~:Hiol1 ,,11:111 he erreni'T :IS 1f);1 person Dr cluil)' even lhough th:u per- Slm <If entily t\'llUld ()fllerwi."c 11:":e:t (Iuly clf indclllllificlIion, Ctlntr:1CU1:I! or oIIH.:r't\'i,c;e, did not p:ly lhe in.<:ur:lll((' prc:miun1 directly or indircnl)'. :lIld .....he-Iher or nOI the person Dr ctllity h:ld :Tn insur:1hJe inlere.<;l in the prop(,"rty cl:lln:lgcd 11.3.8 A lo,c;.<i in,c;med under Owner'.c; properly il1,C;llr:1r~CC .<;h~J1 he :ldjll.<;Icd hy the Owner :1,<; fidud:1ry :Inti Illade p':fphle to lhe OWller :\s Odtlcj:lr)' (or tile insureds, :IS their interests rn:1Y :Ippe:lr, sub;ect to requirementc; o( :lny :tppliC:lhle mong:t~ce cl:ltL"t' :1nd Cl( Suhp;lr~gr~lph Il..~_ )11, The <:lmtr:lCt<lf ,C;I':111 r:ry Sut){"orHr:1Clor<; their iUSI sllme.<: of ill.<;ur:lIKe proce'Cd.<; received ),\' llle COlllr:lClor, :mtl by :lprropri:lIl" :1gret"!1l<."nlS, written where Icg;tllv requircd (or v:llidity. .,,11:111 require SlIhcol1tr:1Ctor,c; III J11:lke p:I\'IIlCnl." In lheir S\lh-SlIhc()lltr:lcl(Jr~ in .c;imil;lr Ill:lllller 11.3_9 If n:quirc:d in t\'ritill~ hy :1 p~lIIr in intcre.<:l, the Owner :l~ fidllci;lry .<;hall, upon occurrCllce o( :11) insured lw,<;. ~i\'c hond (l1r proper perform:lIlce of Ill{" (h"llcr's duties The COSt (If required hl 1I1d<: ::;11:111 he ch:lr~L'd ;lg:1in.<;t proceeds received ,IS [i<.!uci:ln- Till' {Jwner sl1:111 deposil in :1 sep:lr:1le :l('COl,llll pro- C':eds<;1l flTCi\'('tl. which rhe (l"'llcr .<;11:111 dis!rihlllt' ill :Iccor- 1!:I1lCC with such ;lgrCClllcnr ;1.<; 111(" p:II'lie." in inlen"."r 111:1," ft':ICll, nr in :lCcorf!:1ncl:' 't\'ith ;In :lfhitr:1tion :l't\':lrtl ill 1:\"l1kl1 cast' Ihe j11r1("('(hlff.' sl1:II1 he :1'; plflvide<! in l':n:lgr:lph 'I <; If :lfll'r <;lIcll I, IS~ 11<' Iltll('fc;pe"i:ll :If!I't't'!lll'11I i,<: 1l1:HIc, rt'l'!:I<'CfllCfll lJf CI:II11- :I\!nl pIOpCr1\' "h:lIl Iw ('(l\'L'J"nl h,. appropri:ll(' (:h:1I1He ()rder . 11.3.10 The ()"'lln :1,<: fiduci:lf\' sll:zll 11:1\"(' 11('\\1'T tn :uljllq :11,,1 c;CI t Ie ;1 I(l_"<; ,vir 11 ill"Ilf("r::; IlnleSS ('11(' 11f tIlt' 11:1 rT i'.":, ;(1 ill!<'1 '.'~r c;klll ohj('ct in wriling t\'i!hin five d:1\'.<; ;1fH'r (1ITIII'I('1H",' llf Ir'<;~ tll lilt' n\\"Il('r's C;'o:r'r("1<;{' of Ihis POt\'(T il ',!lch (J1Jj('rli'1I1 l,,~' 1ll:1dc, :lrhilr:llClI~ ,<;11:111I1c chos<'1l :IS [lnll'i{kcl in l':n:tgr;I!'hi .; Thr Own('r :1." fkluci:rn' ,,,11:111. intl1:l! (":1<:C. Ill:tkc s('llktlWlll \,ilh inSUltT" in :1('(,"(1I(l:Il1cr_' with tlin'n;rlllS (,f sllch :1I11i!1:11<1(.<; 11 lli.c;trih"lillll (,I itlSltr:II1,t' prtlcecd,<: h\. :trl,ilr:llillll is IC(!l,ilnl, the :1rl1ilr:l1llrs will din.'Ct such distrih\llinn 11.3.11 l';n!i;11 < )(,("llp:1tlCY or l1SC ill :l{"(1 Hd:ttl("(. wilh ":I1;I~!t:ll'll 9l) Sh:lll IlO! comllH:nct' untit tile in:<;ur:mcc ('(lmp:lll\ (II" ("Olll- p:lIlic.<i providing property in,<;ur:HlCe h:I\'(' (-(1Il_9:'TllCd to ,~ll('h fl:mi:ll (}(:nlp:lllC~- or 11,<;( hy endorsem('nl nr (1!hert\'i~c The (lWIl('l" :me! tl1f' Cll!llr:lct()r ,<;h:11I t:1ke rC:l"<1Il:1hle ,<:1('11." If' <lhl:tit1 COII."elll of lhe ;tl<;llr:lllC(' CDlllp:lll\- (If (()tl1ll:111ics :11lrf sll:I!!, '\\'iIIUl\l1 mutu:ll ~"ril1f.'!l consent. t:lkc no ;lniol1 with rt'<;pt't't In P:llti:ll OCCllP:lflC" or IIse tl1:n would C:lIIS{' clllcell:uifJll, bp,<;(' nt l'edun ion o( insur:UlCC 11.4 PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND 11.4.1 Tht." OWller ,<;11:111 h;lV(" the ri~ht 1(1 rnluire rill: (:lHltr:\(.- lor ICl (tlrnish h<mds C(lVcrjo~ f~illt(ul pcr(Clrm:lll("(' <If ttll' (:rm. tract ~nd r;l\'lllell! of ohli~:lli()ns :Jrisillg thereWltlcr :IS c;rijltl- knee! in bitldin~ rcquiremcnl.<; or .<iPCt-if1cllly required in Ill(" COlltr:lCt DoC!nllellls 011 Ihe c1:nc of cXtTurioll nt rhe Cr)lllf":IC1 11.4.2 Upon rhe lequ('~rof:lIl\' persotl or ('Ill in' :lppC:llillg 10 he:1 pnlt'nli;zl hcncrici:ll"Y ofhollds ('o'-crillg p:tVtm:nl or ohlil!:1 li<ll'-" ari.<:ing \1t1(!('r lilt' <:rlll'r:1C!. tlH,' (:IHltr:lf-lflr ,,,J1all 1111llllPII\ furnish:1 cop" (ll lhe hlllld.~ or ,c;h:11I permil:l ('OJ'\' If' he tll:llk" ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12.1 UNCOVERING OF WORK 12.1.1 If ~ portioll of Ihe \'\;iork is ("1lI"l'n::d (nlllr:tf\' (ll Ille ,\rchilt:'("I's request or 10 requirctllenL<: spccifk:dh C'f!lJ','s<;efl ill the (:lllltr:Kt 1){lC\lItl('llI,<;. it 111l'-"t. if r('(Jlliretf in wriling h, tl1(" Archilt'ct. he uIll,:o\'ercd (or the ^1'Chilt'Cl'.<; OhSt'IT:lIilll1 :111(1 h(" rcp1:ln:d ~I the Cnllfr:lctor'.<; e:xpen.<;e \YillHl\lt c11:lIlgC ill Illl' COll!r:ICl Time 12.1.2 If:t portion Ilr the \'Fork lw.c; ht'l'll CO\'CI,-'(l which 111(" ^rdll1eCI 11:1<; fl(1! ,C;!,tTinCllh- requl'sled 1(\ ohse1'\'t' priot tf) it.<; hcinp: ("O\'t'I"('(1. the Architect rll:IY requt'st 1(1 set' ,<;11("h \'Cllrk :lIld it _<:h:11I he \1I1("(l\'t'H:d hy' Ille Conrr:I("I(l! I( stich \X-or" i" ill :1("(or<l:1o('(' o;\'ith ihe COlllr;lC! Docu!llents, ("os!.<: of UtlCO\"("f- iog ;Jnd repl:lcenwnl _,,11:111. h~' :lpprrlpri:llt' (:h:1tlg(' ()nl{'f. 1)(' dt:lrged 10 rile O'vner If such \'{fork 1.<; not in :t("Cfllt!:lIKC ,villi Ihe Cnntr:t("1 1)0C\1l11enl,<:. lhe Cnnlr:l(,.tor sl1:111 1":1\' ,C;llCh co,.;:rs unlt's.<; the conditiOIl 1:'..:t~ clllsed h~' ,hc ()"-llcr or :1 ."cp:lr:lI(" ("Olllr:lC!or ill which ('venl the Owner ,<:11:111 he respl Hl,,,ihll' f,)f p:lymenl o( ,<;ucll Co.c;!.c;. 12.2 CORRECTION OF WORK 12.2.1 The (:lllllr:I("l(/f .<:11;111 prompr'" p'Hel"! \'\o-{Irk reie('''''') hy lhl' Archilect (Ir (:Iiling III Oltl(fJrtl1 lfl tile 1nll1irenll'lll." 'If Ille (:ol1lr:1(_:t 1)11C\llllt"lHS. ,,'hcfl1t'r Ilh~n\n! 1ll'(<ll"c 01 :lIll'l Suhsl:rrui:d <:Olllplt'lil)f1 :l11d 1.\'he\hcf llr t)<ll [:thriC;l1t'ft. ill"1:r!!q] Ill' cOIllf1ktnl TIlt" Conlf:Klcu ,C;h:ltl hC:lr Cll"'"" llf C<llll'llit(~! <;l1cll rejecled \'Cork, including :tddi!ion:l! !('_"tin~ :llld ill.<;[1< r lillll," :lnct nHllpl'll_";tlioTl fllr Ihe ^rcl1itc("l<; <:{"!"I'in:s 71l1t! CX:pCllSC.<; T11:ltk' Tln't'-"~:tr\' thC'lchy 12_2.2 If ,,'irl1in (Jill' ~T:lr :Ifrcr rile d:w- (If SII!l<;\:Hl1i:i1 (:11ll11,!r- ';Iltll" lilt' \'<'Ink IH 11,:sill.Jl:llct! I"lrri'ltl lhl.'!C('r. < H :lflCl Illl.: 1.I;il{ ^I^ DOCUMENT ^201 . f:FNFllAI (.rlNtIlTlllN<; (ll" TIll" f:(lNTIl....(:-1 F(lI': (:llN"1111Il~'1!()N. n'l:t~lEnJTlI "'llTlON ,\10\ 4 . "! 1'.IJCt 111 ":'lI'lllf ,\1'1 IN_<:'!111 ''1'1- r 11' A!1f:lltTH:r<;. 17 Ie; IJl'\'\:' \'(llll\. ,\\TNI 'F.. N \\ \l-....,<;I tiN'; 1 (IN. 1\ r: lllfl{l" A201-1987 21 W^nNtNG: IInllr."n'lt>l"! Ilhnlnr.Oflvinq vlot:1tt>'lLJ.S. coPVriqhllrlW'l :<Inl"!I'l "'''hi~r.' 10 1"9"1 pm"',"cullnn. . (or (Ol11l11ctKcIlH:nl or \....~rr:lIlnc.<; ~,<:r:lhli.<:h('d undf'r ::>ub- p~lf;lgr~ph 99.1, or hy lerm~ of;1I1 :lpplic:lhle ,c:red;!! w:ur:ll1ly requirecl hy the COntr;1Cl J)oCtlmerll~. ;my (l( rhe \X1ork i~ found In h\": nor in ;lccord:l.nce with the reqtlirenl(:~n1s of the COnfr:lct [)ocuments, the COnlr:lC1or ,c;h:111 cor reef it promptly ::Ifter receipt of wr;ncn n()lin~ from the (hvncr to cl(l 'if) unless the (),\:ner 11;1,<; previously Riven tilt': CCll1tT:lCl(Jr :l written :lcc'-:p. l;mc(" or such condition Tl1is period of olle YC:U .C;h:lll he cXlemlel) with rc."pecl to ponions of \'('ork fir.'::! performed ;lfler SuhSf;mti:l1 Completion by the period of time between Suhst-;!n- 1i:11 Cpl1lplclioll :loel the :lell!';!! rerforl11:lllce or (he \'(;ork. Thi.<: ohlip.alion under 11* Stlhp;lr:l~r:lrh ] 2.2.2 sh:lJl survive ;'lCCCp- t;mce o( the \'V'ork under llle Contr:1Cl ;md lermin~rion of lhe Contr:1CI. The Owner sh:tll gh'e .<;ucl1 notice Jlromptlr After dis- covery of the concllliol1. 12.2.3 The C01llrActor ~Il:lll (elll(We from thc .c;itc portions or lhe \'(iork whidl ;m: nOI in :tccorcl;lIlce with the requiremcllt.<; Dr tilt' Contr;lct Documents :l11c1 :lre neilher corrected hy lhe COlllr:lctor nor :Kcepted hy the Owner. 12.2.4 I( Ihe Contr:1ctor fAil.o; 10 corn~c! nonconforming Work within :t re:1.<;(m:1hle lime, tile Owner nl:lY ('orreCl it in :1Ccor- d:1llce with r';lr:l~r:1ph 2.1, If the Contr:1ctor t!oc:':<; not pron:ecl with correction of .c;uch nonconformimz. \'(Iork wilhin :.l rC:l.<;on- al1le lime fixed hy writlen notice from ltH" Archilect, the Owner rl1:I~' removc it :md sTore the .c;:lh':1hle /ll:1Tcri:lI.c: or equipment :It the Contractors expen.c:e. If the Contr:1ctor doe.c; not p;", ("0'<;(.<; of <;llch remoY:11 ;lIld ,<;tor:lW..- within lell d:1Y<; :1fter ~...ril1en !lotice. the Owner mAY uron len :tddition:ll d:1\'.";' written nolicc sell .";\I(h 1l1:11eri:ll.c: :tnd equipmelll ~l :luction or:lI priv:1tc .<;:1le :Illd .<;11:111 :lCCOtllll for Ihe proceedo:: thereor, :tfler ded\1('til1~ C{l~1.<; :111<1 d:lIn:l~C.c; 11\:11 ,<;hnuld h:1\'C' heen home h~' !he Con- tr:ICllH, including cornpell.'>:uion for tllc Architecl '.<; services ,111([ expen.c;e,<; m:lde flcce.c;.";:1f)' therein' Ir .'::;uch rroceed.<: or <;:1le do no! CDV!?r ("o.o::t.c; ~\'hi("h tile C:ol1tr:tctor .<;hould h:1\'c home. the Conlr:l('t Sum shall he n:duccd I1\" the deficiency Ir r:1YIlll"IlIS then or there:lfter dut' the Conlr:Ktor :1(e nOl ,<:uflkiem 10 ("{wer .<:\lcl1 ;1l1101l11l. lhe COl1tr:I("lor .<:11:111 Jl:lY The difft-rence to the ()wller 12,2.5 The Contractor ,<;/1:111 hC:1r the COSl o( c(lrrectil1~ dC"llO\"l'd or d:ulI:t!-ted Cfll1<;(rl1ntoll. whether compleled or p:trti;ll1y nllllpkte(l, Ilf 111C ()wller In scp:lr;I\C {'(lIl\r:Kt(lr,<: cl\1."cd hy \he Contr;iClorc; correctiol] or rCIlHl\'al o( \\Iork ,,'l1ich i.'i not in :1ccoro:lIlce- 't",:ilh the requirell1(,lll.'i o( the \.011- !r:IC! J)O("\1Il1CIlI."; 12.2.6 Nothil1~ cOIl!:1lned in thi.'i P:lr:l~r:1ph 12.2 .c:h:llll.;c nm- str\lcd In c.'ll:1hli.<;h :1 period or Iirnil:nion with re.<;peCI to other ohlig:1tion,<: 't',:hich the C:Olltr;tCtor mighl h;1\'e lInder Ihe Con. Ir:Kt !)OClllllCI11.c;. E,<;tahli,'ihmellt of Ihe lime ["Jeriod of one \'C:1f as dcscrihnl ill ."luhp:lf:lgr:Jph 12.2.2 rd:ltf.'-" 0111\' tn lh(: ,<;pccifk ohlig;lIioll of llle COlllr:1ClOr 10 corrcct the \'(Iork, ;1Ilc! 11:1:<; no rcl:ttioll"hip to :~lC time within ~\-'hich fhe obli~:1'ioll 10 comfJly with the Contr:lct l)onllllcnt:<; 01:1" he- "OU~hl 10 he enforced, l10r tll the time ,,'ithin ~\'Ilich rrocecdjll~,<; ll1~r he COll1T11cncetl 10 ("<:I:1hli:<;h lilt. COl1tr:lctor" Ibhllity wirh re.<;peet to Ihe Con- lI:t('1()r." ()hli~:llioll.<; other th~n srecjfjc:1II~' to correct lhc \'hlrk. 12,3 ACCEPTANCE OF NONCONFORMING WORK 12.3.1 If lh(' OWller prefers tn :1('CCpt \'"ork ~vhich i" 11(11 in :lCcortl:mcc ",ith the requiremellls of the Contr:K! J)oclIlllerH!'. th(' ()\\"!ler 1ll;1\- do so ill.<;It'~d or rcqllirin~ il.c; n-'IlUl\.:t! ;111(.1 eor- t('("liOIl, in wl1irll else: the COlHr:1Ct SUIll will he red\1ced ;lS :tPIHClIH;:ttt' :l11(1 e<!uil;lhk:,. Such :ldill."tlllclll<;l1al! hc efrl'ct('d \\'hcl!lCf or !l(11 f"ill:ll p:l)"I11('l1t 11:1" h('cn rn:tdc . ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.1 GOVERNING LAW 13,1.1 TI1C COlllr::lCl .'ih:llJ he gfJVcrnecl h)' the !:l",' rlr Ill(" [11:1('(' whcre Iht, Proiect 1.C; l(lc~ted 13.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 13,2,1 The Owner :1m! r:nntr:1c!or res["Jccth'dr hilld lhetll. ."dvcc;, their p:1r\ncrs, SUCCC,'i."or.O::, :l,<;.<;ign,o:: :1ml leg:ll rcprc.<;Cl1t:l. livcs III thc othcr P;lrfY hereto ;lr1d tn f1:Jr\fl('r.~, Sltc("('-"~or,<:. :1.<;.'iign<; :1nd te~:11 repre,'icflt:-Jtive.c; of ~l1ch other fmrry ill rc~pe("t ro co\'en:lnl.";, ::lweerncnts :111(-' ohli!Z:1rion" (,[lIll:1ined in lh~ COil. Ir:1CI {)oCUlllcnt.o::. NeUher r:1rry In th~ (;(ltllr:lct .,,;h:l11 :1_o::,,,i~n 111(': Crllllr:lCt :1S :t t...ho!e without written con.";cnl of the other If eilhcl partr :1l1Clllrt.'i 10 make .'Iud1 :1n :1.<;,<:;gntllelll wirllfll1t ~1tch crlnSelll, lh:lt p:1ny ~h:11l n('vcnhelc~,<; r('I11:lin Iq~:"lr rc~p(lI1."il)k for :111 ohli~:llinm under lhc COlltr:lCl 13.3 WRITTEN NOTICE 13.3,1 Written llotice .,,;h:lll he deemed 10 11:1\'(" h(:"cn dlll\' served if ddivered in pcr.<;otl to lhe imlividu:11 or :1 lllr'11lher of lhe firm or cnlity or to:111 officer o( Ihe corrOr:1r;Oll for which it "":1.<; inlended. or if delivered :It nr .<;eOl I1\" rq~i,o::t('r('d or c'('rlified Ill:Til 10 fhc 1:1.<;1 h\l,<;ine,<:s :lddrc.'i" ktlllWn 10 lhe p:trl" giving lll)ti("{' 13.4 RIGHTS ANO REMEOIES 13.4,1 O\lli('.c: ::lnd ohlig:1lion,<; il11po.<;('(,\ hy rhe Cot1fr:1C; DIICll' rncllt.<; :md right."; :lIld H~Ill('tli('.<; ;1\':lil:lhle ther(,lIIHk:r ,<;11:111 he in ;Iddit;on to :lnd not :llimil;ttlon (If dutir.:'". ohlig:lIion.c;. rights :md rcmedic.<; otllerwi.o::c irnro."ed ur :1\'ail:lhle hy 1;1';\' 13.4.2 N(l :lCti()tl (l( (;lilll((' t(l :1n ll~. the ()<.\Tl('l'. :\rchil('C1 III C(lntr:lClOr <;11;111 Cllll.";tiltllC':1 \":liver Of:l right Il( (llII\' :lffl!tr.kd thclll under th(~ COIlIr:lC!. no!" ,<;/1;111 c;(tch :ICtiOtl or f;lil\lrf' III ;1('1 Cflll."tiltIlC :lppnl\':llllf (lr :lc<!tlie.<;ccl1cC in :1 hrC:lch tlwTeltIHk'I. except :1,<; rn:1Y he .<;pecificllh' ::tweed in wriling 13.5 TESTS ANO INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 rCSI,<;, in.<;flcction.c; :lIld :lppnl\';II" or port inn" of till' WIHk required hy lhe C(lIltr:1CI r)()nmlC'!lI~ (H h~' l:t\\.,<;. llnti. n;ltlcc.c:, nIle.";, rcgul:llioll.<: or order,<; of puhlic :1tlthoritics h:l\'illg illl"i.<;(\ictioll ,<;I1all he rmlde ;1{ :tn :lppropri:nc limC'_ Ulllc.c:" olhcl- wi.<;c pro\';d('d, the Colllr:1C1or ,<;11;111 m:tkl.' ;lrr:ltlgCll1('nl~ rill' Sudl le.<;t~. illSpcctiorlS ;Hlet ;lppro\':1ls \\'ilh;lIl independent ll'~l. ing l:lhor:ltory or emitf :lCccpt:thlc I() thl';' O\\'ner. or "'ith the :lpprllpri;llc j1\lhlic :ltlrl1(lrity, :Hl~l .0::11:111 hetr :111 rcl:llcd ellSl" of le,<;ls, ill."plTlhm.<; :ltl{! :11)PI"("';lI.<;. The (:lJlltr;lClll!" .<;l1all gin' llH' l\rchillT! lilllc1y notice of when ;llld where tcsts :llld in~;pcc" tioll.'> :Ire 10 he tll;I(1C ~o the Architect tll:ly (lh~cr\'c .c:llcl1 1'1'(1((.' dUIl'<: The ()",'ner sl1;11l hc;n CO."I.<: o( !(~."ts. ill.<;j1cniol1<; Ilt ;IPPf{1\':II.<; ~\'hj("h do nol hl'nH11C' wqttir1'11lClllS Ul1lit :tfll'f bid,<; :tlT rc("dvl'd or n~~oli:Hi(ln~ ("ollChtded 13.5_2 If lhe :\rchit(,\"l, O"'ncr or pulllie :1l11ho,-ilir.'.<; h;l\'ing illri.<;dinion dctcrl1llllC tll:lt pllrtinn,<: of tIle \'\;'nrk requi1c :1c1c1; li(Jtl:l1 lC~lill~_ i11Sp~Cli(1I1 or :lpprc1\':11 tHlI inctrHJed litHiC!" Slth p:lr:tgr:tl1h I_~. ';,1. lh(' Archit(,cl ,,'ill, tlp(m wrill('11 :tlttlll )!-i7:11ir1!1 fnl1ll Ill(' (h\'ncr, in~tf\l("r tile C(lrltr:IClflr t(l Ill:tk(' ;1t'r:ltlg('tllCl11~ rlH SUdl :lddirilll1:l1 Ic-',tinp.. inspeCtiot1 nr :1ppr(),';r11l\':m I.'lltil\ :1C,epl:1hlc If' Ihe ()<.\'ner. :111(\ the ('.(llltr;tCl(1r <;h:ll1 l1i,'(' rill)!'h l)(lticr' In tll(' Architect of ",-hell :l11(1 ""1)('1'(' tCSI" :tnd it1<;I"-'-lil '11." ;11'(" 10 he 1\1;1<1(" <;0 Ih<; i\rchill'('l 111;1:- oh<;("I\'(' s1Iell IlI'o('nlltl'c'; 22 A201-19S7 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . (;F~JF.R,\1. C.ON\)ITtcJNS rJr ntF r()NTRAcr F1)1l (:ONSTlll 'r: rJr'N . r'('1 'flTtT"rn t r:!)I I II 'I, At"" . q, tq~- Tltf' ..\MfIlIC"N tN,<;T1TI:TF. or AtlC1H1 rCTs, I 7~<; NfW ynl!K ,\\TNllF._ '" \\" 1t'\"lltNr: II Jr-.; I'r '1I11"" W^RNt~I(l: OnIlCI""'f"d ph.."",r.o"Vinq vlnIRIl?!; U.S. r.n!"lvriahl tRW"l nnr1 i", <:lIhi..ct t('l l"aRI prO"Il"CIIIIM) . TIle Ut\'ncr shall hem StICh costs except as provided in Sub- p:lfagr:lph 15.5..1 13.5.3 If such procedures for testing, inspection or <lpprova! tInder Subp:uagraphs 13.5.1 and 13.5.2 reveal failure of the p(Jni()Il.<; of the \Xfork to comply with requiremem~ estahlistlcd by tile Contr:tG Documents, the Contractor shall be:lf all coStS ll1:llfe nccess3ry by such failure including those of repe<lled !lrocl'dures and compensation for the Arcllitcct"s services and expenses 13.5.4 Ikquircd certificates of testing, inspectioll or appro\':11 shall. unless otherwise required by the Comracl OO(:Ul11cnts, he ."ccurnl by the Contractor and promptly delivered to the Architect 13.5.5 If the Arcllitect is 10 observe tests, inspection'i or ;lpproV:tls required by the Contract Documents. the Architect will do so promptly ;lI1d, where practicable, al the normal pl;lce of lesling. 13.5.6 Te~ts or inspections conducted pursu:mt 10 the Con- tr:lct Documen[s shall be made promptly to :lvoid unre'dSonahle dd:lY in the Work. 13.6 INTEREST 13.6.1 Payments due ancl unpaid under {he Conrract Docu. ment.<; shall he:.tr intereSl from the c!;He p:lymen! is clue al sllch r;tll' ;L<; [11e panies Tn:.t)' agree upon in writin~ or, in the :lhsence tl1ereof. :If the leg;ll r:lte prev:lilin~ from time [() lime:lI the pl;tee where tile Prolect is locued. 13.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD 13.7.1 As between the Owner and Contraclor' .1 Before Substantial Completion. As t() acts (lr f:lilures !(J ;lCl occurring prior 10 the rde...:'nl d:lIl' of Suhstan. tial Completion, :lny applicahle st:llllll' of limitations sh:tll (:ommcm."{" 10 run :md any aJlL~ed C;llL<;e of :KtiOI1 shall he deemed to have accrued in ;tIlY ;md :111 events nO( 1:lIer Ih:tn such d;lte of SubSt;ll1ti:l1 COlllplelion; .2 Between Substantial Completion and Final Certlf~ cate for Payment. As to :lcts or t:lilurcs to :lct O(,TtIr- ring suhsequent to the re!e\.:tnl d;He of Suhsl<Jmi:l1 Complelion and prior to issU;lnce of the fin;tl CenHi- c:ae for PaYl11cl1l, :Iny ;tp!1licable .c;w'llne of limit3tions shall commence w run and any ;tJle~ed cause of actioll shall be deemed to h;n'c accrued in any :lnd :all events nOl I:tter [11;111 the d:lle of issuance of tl1e fin:ll Ccrtifk::HC for Payment; and .3 After Final Certificate for Payment. As to ac\.<; or f:lilures to :lCt occurring after the re1ev;111l d:ue of issu. al1ce of the lin;tl Certificate for P:lymcm, :1I1~' appli- GJhle stalute of limi[:Hiol1s .<;h:111 commence 10 run and ;lny alleged C:luse of ;lCliol1 sl1;111 be deemed to have ;JCCfllCd in any :tnd :111 evenls not I:ncr rh:lIl the (hlle of ;IIlY :l<:t O( f:lilure to ;Ict hy the Contr:K'(Or pur.c;u;tnl lo ;1l1\' \\';lrr:lI1ly provided Ulllkr Par:tgr:lph .~,:;. tilt: date (If ;111Y c()rrccti(ll1 ()f tile \Xi()I'k ()f failure I( I C(lrrcct IhL' \'(;ork hy the COnlr;lCtor under P:lr:l~r:!ph 12..2, or the l!;J!C or :l<:tu:1I ('0l11111issioll of ;1Il\- olher ae! or f:lilllrc III perf(lrt1l ;lllY dUly or ohlig:llio!l h~' lht' C(Jlllr:lctor lll' ()\\'l1er. whichever ()CCllrs 1:'SI. . ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1.1 The Contractor ma}' terminate the Contr:Ict if the "X"ork is stopped for a period of 30 days through no act or faull of the Contractor or a Subcontractor, SUD-subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other per.<;on;<; performing rortiollS of the Work under contrdct with the Contr:J.ctor, for ;tny of ,he following reasons: .1 issuance of an order of a coun or other public author- ity having jurisdiction; .2 an act of government, such as a declar.ltion ofnation:!l emergency, m;tking material un:lvailable; .3 because the Architect has not issued a Certificate for Paymcl1t and has not notified the ContractOr of the reason for withholding certification as provided in Subpar:Igfdph 9.4.1, or bec;mse the Owner _has n01 made payment on a Certificate for Payment. wirhin the time st:lted in the Contf:lct Documents; .4 if repc::lted suspensions, delays or interruptions by the Owner ;tS described in Paragraph 14.j constitute in the ;tggregate more than Ion percent of the tot:ll nUIll- her of days scheduled for completion, or 120 days in any ;,65.d:.ty period, whichever is less: or .5 the Owner has failed to furnish to the Contractor promptly, upon tl1e COnlr.lclOr's request, reason:lblc evidence as required by SulJp:lr:l~r"rh 2.1.1_ 14.1.2 If one of the above reasons ~Xj5tS, the Contractor 111;lr. upon seven additional days' written notice ro (he Owner ;tnc1 Architect. termin::ne the Contract and recover from the O'~mer (layment for Work executed and for proven loss with respect '0 l11<1teri:lls, equipmem, (0015, and constmction equipment ;ll1d l11:lchincry, including rC;ls(m:tble overhe:ld, profit and damages. 14.1.3 If the \X,'ork is stopped for :1 period of hO d:1Y~ 111roU!-!.1I no act or f:lult of the COntr;lClOr or a SubCOnrr:lC!Or or their agents or employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work under COl1(ract \;\'jtl1 !t1C ContraClor hecallse the Owner ha<; p<.'rsiSlt'ntly f:liled to fulfill the Ov.'m:r's ohli~:lIi()llS under the C(llllr:KI l)O<:lllllL'11lS \.vith respect to lll:11lers impor- t;lnt to the f)fogress of tll(" \"lork. tIle ConrraClOr llJ:lY, upon seven addition;11 day,'; v,,'ritten nOlice (0 the Owner and lhe Architect. termimlle tile CO!1[ract :md recover fmlll the Owner as pnlvided in Suhpar:lgrapll 14.1.2. 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE 14.2.1 The Owner m:l)' [crl1ll11;ltc the COllfr:lct if tll<.: C;cmrract(,r: .1 persislently or repe~tedly refuses or fails to supply enough properly .c;killed workers or proper m:n<.:ri:lls: .2 f;lils 10 make p:lymem to SuhCOrlrr:1Ctors for lll;lleri:rls or J:lhor in accoru;mce with the respective agf(:elll~nts hetween the Contr.1clor :ll1d the Subcontr:tcfors: .3 persistently di...rq~:mj,<; I:lws, ordin:llln.'s, or rules, rc/!- tll;uino", or orders of :l puhlic :IlHhorilY h:I\'lng iuri.,,- diction: or .4 ()(h<.:rwis<." is ~tlilty ()f suhst;lIlti:l1 brc.ch cll;r pnn'isiclll of lhe (;onrr:KI Documenls. 14.2.2 \'(111en all~' (lrtll(.' :lh(lVe re:1S(1I1S exist.lhe ()wnl'l llJ)'ll1 c~nin<,':ui()l1 hy the Arc!lilcCt that sllfficiel11 cause L'xist." III ill,~. A.IA DOCUMENT A20' . (tENf.RAt, C{)Nt)IT!{)NS OF TIlE {:{lNTI{A{:T I'()N (:()NST~II(:TI()N. f'(>11InEENTII r.:I)ITl()N .\1'\" . LO:' 1')~' Till' AMERICAN INSTlTI1Tf. ()f AIH:I11TECT'i, I"~" NF.\'(- YOIIK AVENlrE. N\'('.. \'('ASltIN(;T()f',:, [) ( 2r10l1<', A201-1987 23 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyrighllaws and Is subject to legal prosecution. . lify ~\lC)l :lCripll. lIlay ~..ilh()ll! prejudice to :lIlr (lll1r:r riglHs or rern('di('~ (If the (lwner and:lflCr ~i"ill~ the COlltr:lc!fl! :lIld the C()rllr;lnor'~~l1rcry, if any. ."e"ell (bv< written lloliec. Icnll;. 1l:11e ClllflloYJIlCll1 of the COnlranor ;l1lcl m:l\',<;uhjcc..:t to :lI1y prior rights of rhe surery: .1 l;lke possession of the ...ire ;ll1d of all 1Tl;'1leri:1!.<;, equip- ment. (ools. ;llld construnion e-qu;pmcrH and rn:lChin. err thereon owned hy tile C()lllr:lclol': .2 :JCCl':'pl ;l.<;,<;ignmenl of <:uhcorlrra(ts purSU;lIl! to P;lt::!- gr:lph 'i, 4; ;lI1d .3 finish the \'X/orl< tJY whaTever rC:l.'i(J!lahle rnclhoclthe Owner m:1Y deem expedient 14.2.3 \'(llIen !tw Owner terl1lin;ues the C0I11r;lC! for one of the re;I.'>(Hl.<i sl;lled in SUhr;lfawarh 1 'i.2. J, the Ctlfllr::lctO! .'dwllIHH he entitled IP receive ftll"lher p;JylTlelll ulltil lhe Work is finished. 14.2.4 J( the unp:lirl b;JI:1I1ce o( the' COnlr;lCl Slim exceeds costs ()( finishing the Work, including cOlllpcns:nioll for the Archi- It'CI'S servjcc~ :Jnd expenses 111;l(k nece.c;s:lr~' Iherehy, such l':XCC~.c; .<;11:111 he p:lid 10 the Contr:tctor. If s\lch cO."t" exceed Ihe lInp:lid h:lI:ll1ce, lilt' CO!1lr:tctnr ,0:;11:111 pay lhe difference 10 the . ()wller. The :tIl10111H to he paid 10 the C(JIlll:l("1pr (H ()\'.'!\t't, :1.': the (;I."C Ill:l\' he. sb:dl hI." certified hy the ArchilcCI. Uf~()ll ;lPl1Ii. cllion. ;Inti this (1hli~;lli(}n (or p;lymeTl( ,<;11:111 ,<;1tr\'i\'~ lennin:"! tiOTl of the COFllr:lct 14.3 SUSPENSION BY THE OWNER FOR CONveNIENCe 14.3.1 The Owner m:lr, ".iI110\11 (';:!u.se. orcler Il1e COlltr;l(l(lI' in wrilin~ 10 suspend, dd:l\' or inlerrupt tile \"(.'Ol\': in whnk or in p:lrI for such period of liflle :IS the OWller 1ll:1\, detr"rminc 14.3.2 An :1djll.<;t1l1C!1l .<;11:111 he Illade (or illcn::I~e~ in the co.<;1 of PCI'((lrlll;1nU' o( tile C.01Hf:1CI. including profll PIl the innC:I."ct! cost or p.-.:rfotlll:mcc. C1U::;CU by .<;u~rension. ck!:IY or illlcrrllp' lion No ;ldju,c;trnent Sh:lll he lllade to Ihe extent. .1 111:1t per(orm:lllcc- i.". ~.:t." or would !l:gT heen ,<;0 S1I.<; pcmlct!. dcl:tye(1 or internlpled hy :tn(llhcr Clll.<;(' fllJ wl1irll the Conlr;lClor is re.<>po!l.<;ihle: (ll .2 Ih:11 ;1Il equitahle :ldjmtllwlll i,c; rll:ldc or denied under :Ulother rro\'i,c;ion of Ihis COlllr:lct 14.3.3 Adj\1."llllCIH,c; made in the co.'>, or perforll1:11lce 111:1\' 11:1\'(' ;! 111llltt:llly :lgrcr-d Oxcd or rercent:tge fee 24 A201-1987 AlA DOCUMENT A201 . f;l'.NFll^J. (:(lNI llTI(lrJ" 1)1' T"F (( IN !'IIM:T HlIl ('( 1N" Illl ((-r I' Ir, . 1'){ 'H1TFr.! III 1'111 I II 11': ,"^'" . 'f' I t)fI- 'J III' ,'''1''111( :^N IN"TrTI !TE (IF ^ 11(:1 111'1'('1 S. I !~~ NF\~' Y( 111" ^\Tr-JIIF.. N \~ W ,\q IlNI :'1' )roJ. 11' -'Ill "I'" W^RNING: llnll~..n!l,.rl P"O,"~"",vlno vloIA'E'!': U.S. conyrighl I",w!l ~Ilrl i<; !Ill/hl..r:II... J~Q",1 fH"....culirm. 3/87 . . SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS The following supplements modify, change, delete from or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.IA Document A 201-1987 Edition. Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph or clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that Article, paragraph, subparagraph, or clause shall remain in effect. ARTICLE 1 through ARTICLE 10 No Change ARTICLE 11 - INSURANCE AND BONDS 11.1 Contractor's Liability Insurance. 11.1.1 In the first line following the "maintain", insert the words, "in a company or companies licensed to do business in the state in which the project is located." 111.1 ADD: .7 Liability insurance shall include all major divisions of coverage and be on a comprehensive basis including: (1) Premises - Operations (2) Independent Contractors Protective. (3) Products and Completed Operations. (4) Contractual-including specified provision for the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 4.18. (5) Owned, non-owned, and hired motor vehicles. (6) Broad form coverage for property damage. 11.1.2 ADD: ... The Contractor shall furnish insurance with the following minimum limits: .1 Workers' Compensation a. Slate and Federal: Statutory b. Employer's Liability $ 100,000. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION F - 1 . . .2 Comprehensive General Liability (Including Premises - Operations; Independent Contractor's Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad form Property Damage): a. Bodily Injury: $ 1,000,000 Each Occurrence $ 1,000,000 Aggregate, Products and Completed Operations. b. Property Damage: $ 250,000 Each Occurrence $ 250,000 Aggregate c. Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period of one year after final payment and contractor shall continue to provide evidence of such coverage to the Town on an annual basis during the Aforementioned period. d. Property Damage Liability Insurance shall include Coverage for the following hazards: C (collapse), U (underground). e. Contractual Liability (Hold Harmless Coverage): f. Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $ 1,000,000 Aggregate. .3 Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): a. Bodily Injury: $ 1,000,000 Each Person $ 1,000,000 Each Accident b. Property Damage: $ 250,000 Each Occurrence ARTICLE 12 through ARTICLE 14 , No Changes END OF SECTION: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION F-2 . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE or ARCHITECTS I~-. , AlA Document AJ11 Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that III..,.. ;,....., 'ull ";1m" and ",tf..." '" l~lI!.t ,j!l~ or 1':,,,,,,...,...,,) .:IS Principal, herejnaft~r called Contractor, and, ill..." inll!"! lull mom.. ;Inri .drlr..~, or l"'l!.f ..,... ..../ '''''''yl as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto fI~..,,!, 'nU'f! f..ll .um.. and arin...., 'H 1"11.1 Ii".. of O.....n..., as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of Dollars ($ I, for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, e:'<ecutors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement d<lled IH..,.. ;n\(,'" jlll! ",1mt'. Hid,"!'" .1n,1 rll'1<:dp"on <:'If fl'oil"(tl 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by III..... .""." r,,11 ".m.. and .rlrl."" n..J"lt~r lid.. "I A,d,it.-nt which contract IS by reference nlrl:de <1 prHt hereof, ~nd 15 hereinafter r~ferred 10 -15 Ihe COr1fr,H:f. AI" OOCUMfNT A]ll . rfRf(ll<:'..I".'H~F RnNO "NI) 1.,\AOR ,\NO ",,, TfRIAI. r'\YI\\FNT 130!'o:f1 ' AlA 'l!l lfRRl);\RY \").-0 ED . rHF ,\,\.-IrRI(' \'ll/>,;<;rrn}TF (H I\RCHITFcrs 1.-1,'-; y ,\VI N \V. W"'.;lI'~.lcrf)N 0 C. loom; 1 W^n,.IlNG: U.,Ur.el1"lpd !"hl'tlnl"nrvi"Q vlnl:!lp"l u.s. co!"yrlQht ,,._ rlndl!! !;IIbl,.r.lln ,,.qAI pm"lp.l':lIl1nn . PERFORMANCE BONf NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBliGATION is such thaI. if ContractQr Sh.ll1 promptly and faithfully pprform said Contr,:)ct, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall r~m,lin in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of lime made by the Owner Whenever Contractor shall be. and declared by Owner to be in default under the Contract, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default. or shall promptly 1) Complete' the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, or 2) Obrain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with Its terms and conditions. and upon de- termination by Surety of the lowest responsible bidder, or, if the Owner elects, upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a conlract between such bidder and Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of Signed and sealed this day of defaults under the contract or contr<lcte; of com pie lion arranged under Ihle; parJgraphl sufficient funds tn P<~Y the cost of complefion less the b,ll.lnce of the contract price, bul not e:o(ceedin~, indlldin~ (Jlher emts and d.lm,l~e5 for which the SUrely may be liable hereunder. the amount set forth in rhe flr<;1 paragrJph hereof The term "balance of the contract price," il$ u'Sed in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount pay,)hle by Owner 10 ContraClor under the Contract and Jny Jmendments thereto. less the amount properly paid by Owner 10 Contractor. Any suit under rhie; bond must be in<;tiluled beiore the expiration of two (21 years from the date on which final payment under the Contract falls due. No right of action shall accrue 'on this bond to or (or rhe use of any per,;on or corporation other than the Owner named herein or Ihe heirs. executors, admlnis- tralors or successors of the Owner. 19 I 1 ("I/H.',I.I/) ISNlf (Wilnf....~' ,ri,/('/ [ rSf/wrr) (S('.,h (Wi,of'.'.') r7Jlfd AlA DOCUMENT A31t . pur OR MANCE BONO AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT SOND . AlA @ rfRKVARY I'H(I ED . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF M~CHITEC1~, 17)5 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON. O. C. 21.)l)M 2 WARNING: Unll~p.nsed photocopying viota'es U.S. copyright laws ,md t"J subject to rp.qal prosp.cullon. . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AlA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERFOR"-tANCE BONO IN fAvOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND fAITHFUL PERFORM,\NCe OF THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: thai (H~rc ;n~c" (vII n....me 'nd ~ddrc\S 01 I(',pl litl(' or Cnnlt~(lOfl as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, (Here in\,HI lull name Jnd ~dd,cu ", 1!!I;JI title of Surety! as Surety, hereinafter called Surely, are held and firmly bound unto (H"rll in\en full name ,1nd .,ridff'~\ Of legal '"le 0/ Ownert as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit of c1aimanfs as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of (He,e ,n"HI , sum equal (0 'II '.aU onc-lnU of Ihe ("....Uael ptictl Dollars 1$ ), for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated (HE'rl' in~ert full name, addr'!5S and descriplion ()f proj'!c'! 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by :H,.fe '''lcn filII "~me ~nd .dd.1.'1S rfi !~,!:.I till'! oi ,\.("il~o::ll which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AlA DOCUMENT ,\311 . r~RFORM^NCE RQND AND tABOR AND MATERIAt PAy.....tENT BONO . ~!^ @ FEBRUARY 1970 EO.. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF\RCHlTECTS. Ins N.Y. AV~.. NW, WASHINGTON. 0 C 20006 3 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violllltes U.S. copyright laws ~nd Is subject to If!qal prosecution. lAB~ AND PAYM~ MA TERIAl BOND NOW, THEREfORE. THE CONDITION Of THIS OBI teA nON is such Ihat. jf Principal shall promptly make payment 10 all claimants as hereinafter defined. (or all labor and matcridf u~ed or rea<;onably required (or U5e in the performance of the Contract, then this obligatJon ..hedl be void. otherwise it shall remain in full force dnd effect, subject, however, to the fol. Jawing condilions: 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct con- trJct with the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract. labor and material being con<;lrued to incfude that pan of waler, gas, power, light, heat. oil, gasoline, telephone service or renlal of equipment directly applicable to the Conlract. 2. The above named Principal and Surely hereby joinlly and severally agree with the Owner lhat every daimant as herein defined, who has no! been paid in full before the expiralion of a period of ninety (90) days afler the dale on which the last of such daim<ln(s work or Labor wa$ done Or performed, or materials were furnished by such claimanr, may sue on this bond for the use of such claimant. pro'jecure the suit to rinal judgment for such 'jum or $ums as may be justly due daimant. and have execution thereon. The Owner shall not be liable for the paymenl of any cosls or e:"Cpenses of any such suit. 3. No suil or actIon shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant: a) Unless clalmanl, olher than one having a direct contract with the Principal, shall have given written no lice to any Iwo of the following; Ihe Principal, the Owner, or the Surety above named, within ninety (90) days afler such claiman! did or performed the last of the work or labor, or furnished the last of the materials for which said claim is made, staling wilh substantIal Signed and sealed this day of accur<:lCY the amount claimed and the name of the parly to whom the malerials were furnished, or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such nOlice shall be served by mailing Ihe same by registered mail or certified mail, pOSlJge prepaid, in an envelope ad- dressed 10 the Principal. Owner or Surety, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the trans- action of business, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the Slate in which the aforesaid project is located. save that such service need not be made bv a public officer b) After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Principal ceased Work on said Contract, it being undersfood, however, that if any limitation em- bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law conrrolling the construction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as 10 be equal to the minimum period of limitafion permitled by such law. cl Other than in J slate court of competent jurisdiction in and for the Counlv or olher political subdivi$ion of the slate in which the Project, or any part thereof. is situated. or in the United Slales Oi..lrict Court for the district in which the Project, or any part thereof. is sit~ uated. and not elsewhere. 4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced bv and to the extent of any paymenl or payments made in good failh hereunder, inclu~jve of the payment by Surety of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record ;q~Jinst said improvemenl, whether or not claim for the amount of such lien be presented under and against this bond. 19 I (PrincipiJ/) ISl!'~ll fWi'n{'~(J (Tillp) f (SUff"'}'J !~(,Jll (W,tn("\\/ 'rit/!') AlA OOCUMfNT AJl1 . r'fJHORMANG BONO ^NO lAROW: !\NO MA TERIAl r^YMENT AOND . AlA @ f~BIW^"IY 197n ED . THE AMERI(^N !NSTITUTE or ,'RUHHCT<;. 171'; NY, AVe N_W W^SHtNCTON. D C. :lOOOf, 4 WARNING: Unlicensed pholocopyrnq violates U.S. copyright IAW!I and is subject to legal proseeutlon. . . GENERAL RELEASE (To be submitted with requisition for Final Payment) KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that (Contractor) for and in consideration of the sum of lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by: (Owner/Contracting Agency) and its successors and assigns and administrators, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of aCtion, suits, debts, dues, sum and sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, patents, extents, executions, claims and demands whatsoever in law and equity, which against the said (Owner/Contracting Agency) , and JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A., now have or which heirs, executors, or administrators hereafter can, shall, or may have, for upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents rising out of the construction, in accordance with the contract entered into between parties hereto, dated: supplements thereto. , 19 _ and any admittance or IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this agreement to be signed by its affixed and duly attested by and its corporate seal to be hereto its this day of , 19 Attest: Principal: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION G -1 . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES ATTACHMENT WAGE DETERMINATION for BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION at KLIPP PARK MANHANSET AVENUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GREEN PORT, NEW YORK 11944 NOTE: NEW YOUR STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR RATES APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. CONTACT THE N. Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FOR THE CURRENT PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION H -1 NEW~K STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NY 12240 . Schedule Type - COMPLETE 1995B Date OS/13/96 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. T/D SDUTHDLD PRC 9605127 SUFFOLK COUNTY 01 JAMES MCMAHON TOWN HALL. PO BOX 1179 Location and Type of Project PROJECT 10 #: NONE REPAIR KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD. SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 In response to your request. enclosed are schedules of the prevail ing hOurly wage rates and the prevail ing hourly supplements for the above project. together with copies of the Notice of Contract Let (PW-16) for your use. The schedules must be annexed to and form a part of the specifications for this project when 1tis advertised for bids. These schedules have been prepared and forwarded in accordance with Section 220 of the Labor Law. which provides that it shall be the duty of the fiscal officer to ascertain and determine the schedules of supplements to be provided and wages to be paid to workers. laborers and mechanics employed on public work projects. and to file such schedules with the Department having jurisdiction. The attached rates are based on the latest information available to the Department of labor, Bureau of Publ ic Work. Care should be taken to review the rates for obvious errors. It is the responsib1l ity of the PUbliC Work contractor to use the proper rate. Any corrections should be brought to the Department's attention immediately. This schedule is applicable only from July 1, 1995 through June 30. 1996. unless otherwise noted. If your project goes beyond the period covered by this determination. a new determination should be requested when this schedule expires. Note: A 19S3 AMENDMENT TD SECTIDN 220 OF THE LASOR LAW REQUIRES THE PRESERVATIDN DF DRIGINAL OR TRANSCRIPTS DF PAYROLL RECDRDS FDR THREE YEARS FRDM THE DATE DF COMPLETION OF THE WORK IN THE AWARDED CONTRACT. Very truly yours. CHET RYSEDORPH DIRECTDR NOTICE TD CONTRACTING AGENCIES: upon cancellation or completion of this project. enter the necessary information and return this page to the ALBANY OFFICE of the Bureau at the address 1 isted below: PROJECT HAS SEEN: Date Completed Date Cancelled Date postponed Unt i 1 Signature Title Contracting Agency For additional information. contact the following District Offices: St.Off.Bldg.#12Campus Albany,NY 12240 155 Main St. W. Rochester.NY 14614 175 Fulton Ave. .Hempstead NY 11550 207 Genesee St. Utica. NY 13501 65 Court St. Buffalo.NY14202 30 Wall St. Binghamton.NY13901 333E.washingtonSt.Syracuse13292 30 GlennSt. ,White PlainsNY10603 PW-200 (4-95) docm: letter1a 411PNTRACT REQUIREMENTS . Each publ ic work contract to which the State, a publ ic benefit corporation, a municipal corporation or a commission appointed pursuant to law is a party and which may involve the employment of laborers, workers or mechanics, shall comply with the requirements of Article 8 (Sections 220-223) of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days in anyone week except in the extraordinary emergencies set forth in the Labor Law or where a dispensation is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. 2. Each laborer, worker or mechanic employed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevail ing rate of wages as indicated on a the wage schedule provided by the Department, Bureau of Public Work. The prevail ing rate of wage shall be annually determined no later than thirty days prior to July 1st of each year. The prevail ing rate of wage for the period commencing July fist of such year through June thirtieth, inclusive of the following year shall be the rate of wage set forth in collective bargaining agreements for the same period, including those increases for such period which are directly ascertainable from such collective bargaining agreements. (See Sections 220.3, 220.5) 3. It shall be the duty of the department of jurisdiction to file with the fiscal officer, the classification of workers mechanics and laborers to be employed on a pub1 ic work project, together with a statement of the work to be performed by each classification. (See Section 220.3-a) 4. The contractor and every subcontractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place at the work site a s~atement of all wage rates and supplements to be paid or provided for the various classes of mechanics, workers or laborers. (See Section 220.3-a) 5. No employee shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journey- level workers in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to its work force on any job under the registered program.- Any employee who is not registered as above. shall be paid or provided the prevailing wage and supplement rate for the j,ourney level classification of work actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of registration of its program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage and supplement rates for the area of construction. prior to using any apprentices on the contract work. (See Section 220.3-e) 6. (a) No contractor, subcontractor, nor:' any person act 1 ng on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color. disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qual ified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. (See Section 220-e(a)) (b) No contractor. subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf. shall in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed, color, disabi1 ity, sex or national origin. (See Section 220-e(b)) Note: The Human Rights Law also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age. marital status or rel igion. (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of fifty dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract. (Section 220-e(c)) (d) The contrac~ ,!lay be cancelled or terminated by th'b State or municipal ity, and all moneys due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited, for a second or anysubsequent violation of the terms or conditions of the antidiscrimination sections of the contract. (See Section 220-e(d)) 7. (a) A 11 contractors or the i I" subcontractors sha 11 prev i de to their subcontractors a copy of the prevail ing wage rate schedule specified in the public work contract as well as any subsequently issued schedules. A failure to provide these schedules by a contractor or subcontractor 1s a violation of Article 8 or the Labor Law. (See Section 220-e(d)) (b) All subcontractors engaged by a public improvement contractor or its subcontractor, upon receipt of the original schedule and any subsequently issued schedules. shall provide to such contractor a verified statement attesting that the subcontractor has received the wage schedule and will payor provide the appl icable rate of wages and supplements specified therein. (See Section 220-a) PW-3 (4-95). ATTENTION.LL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. ENGAGED ON P Ie WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE INTRODUCTION: Below are the major provisions of the Labor Law covering workers on publ ic work projects. HOURS: A laborer, worker or mechanic is permitted to work on a public work project no more than eight hours a day and no more than five days in a week. except in case of extraordinary emergency such as a fire, flood or danger to 1 if a or property. You may apply to the Bureau of Publ ic Work for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular public work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for laborers, workers and mechanics employed on a public work project shall be not less than those listed in the current prevail ing rate schedule for the locality where the work is performed. If a prevailing rate schedule for the project has not been provided to the prime contractor by the department of jurisdiction (i .e.. the governmental entity awarding the publ ic work contract), or to a subcontractor by the prime contractor, the applicable schedule must be obtained from the Department of Jurisdiction, who must make written appl ication to the Bureau of Public Work, Labor Department, Building No. 12, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. The prime contractor is responsible for any underpayments of prevail ing wages or supplements by its subcontractors. PAYROLL RECORDS: Every contractor and subcontractor must keep originalS or transcripts of payroll records, showing for each person employed on publ ic work, the following: i. Name 2. Address and phone number 3. Social Securtity Number, 4. Occupational classification in which worked, 5. Hourly wage rate paid 6. Supplements provided 7. Daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification 8. Deductions made 9. Actual wages paid. When payroll records are r.equested by the Commissioner each payroll record must be affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury which means a notorized signature to that effect. Such records must be kept on the site of the work when the contractor or subcontractor does not maintain a regular place of business in New York State and the amount of the contract exceeds $25,000 All other contractors and subcontractors must within 5 days after a request produce at the work s1te the oroginal payrollS or transcripts. The original payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years from the date of completion of the project. POSTING: The current prevail ing rate schedule must be posted in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the public work project. APPRENTICES; Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates if they are not individually registered under a program or agreement registered with the Commissioner of Labor. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of its program and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification can be no greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on any jOb under the registered program. An employee 1 isted on a payroll as an apprentice, who is not registered as above, must be paid the prevailing journeyman's wage rate for that classification of work. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS: When a complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor alleging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to payor provide the prevailing wages or supplements, or when the Commissioner of Labor believes that unpaid wages or supplements may be due, payments on the publ ic work contract may be withheld from the prime contractor in a sufficient amount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and civil penalty, pending a final determination. INTEREST AND PENALTIES: If an underpayment of wages or supplements is found, interest must be added at the rate then in effect prescribed by the Superintendent of Banks pursuant to section 14-a of the banking law per annum from the date of underpayment to the date of the new payment, and may also include the imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed 25% of the amount due. DEBARMENT: When final determinations have been made against a contractor or subcontractor in two instances within a Six-year pe~iOd determining that it Willfully failed to payor provide the prevail in9 rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor will be inel igible to bid on or be awarded a publ ic work contract for a period of five years from the second final determination. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS (Co~,lnued) CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Willful violations of the Prevail ing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. DISCRIMINATION: No employee or appl icant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disabil ity or marital status. Every employer subject to the New York State Human Rights Law must conspicuously post at its offices, places of employment or employment training centers, notices furnished by the State Division of Human Rights. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing worker's compensation insurance and disabil ity benefits must post in 'a conspicuous place notices of such coverage 1n a form prescribed by the Workers' Compensation Board. Employers I iable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must conspicuously post notices furnished by the State Department of Labor. PW 19 (4-95) docm: letter2b 1 NOTICE OF. PREVAILING WAGE RATE PUBLICATIONS. APPLICABLE TO ALL COUNTIES (*) AS NOTEO ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULES PAGES. The annual determination of the prevail ing rates of wages and supplements for workers employed on publ ic work projects throughout the state will be publ ished on May 31st of each year. These new rates will be in effect July 1st thru June 30th. This new determination will supersede the original schedule or any prior issued annual determination. It is the responsibil ity of the contracting agency or its agents to provide all prevail ing rate schedules to contractors immediately upon receipt. An rate chan e from a reviousl issued determination becomes effective Jul 1st re ardless of whether the new determination has been received b the contractor. When you review the schedule for a particular occupation, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These are the dates that additional adjustments become effective. PW-202 (4795) doem: 1 etterd . . VERIFYING THE REGISTRATION APPRENTICES Certain State and Federal Laws require that apprentices must be individually registered as such in order to be paid apprenticeship rates on Publ ic Work. The New York Labor Department is the official registration agency for apprentices in New York State. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York State. Each year the apprentice training central office in Albany receives hundreds of requests from Federal and State Agencies, Contractors, and other interested parties requesting verification of individual apprentice registrations. The following information is provided in order to clarify New York State procedures. All registered apprentices in New York State are individually registered by name. address, social security number, starting date of training, and other related data. This information is computerized and is available ONLY through the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Persons wiShing to verify the apprentice registration of any individual should write to the Senior Employment Consultant, New York State Department of Labor, Job Service and Training Division, Building i2, Room 223. State Office Building Campu.s. Albany. New York. 12240. A 1 1 i nqu i r; es MUST i nc 1 ude name and soc i a 1 secur 1 ty number and wi 11 be answered in writing. The response will indicate whether or not the individual is registered, and if so, wi11 provide other pertinent information regarding the registration. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is written verification from the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprentice Training Offices outside Albany can provide conclusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof that any individual is registered in that program. Furthermore, the existence or possession of or copies of state forms are not conclusive indiv1dual as an apprentice. wa 11 et cards. i dent i f i cat i on cards proof of the registration of any PW-203 (4-95) docm: 1 etter2e . . a"~ '," . l' , i I"' II ~ . . , NEW YORK STATE DEPT. OF LABOR Bureau of Public Work State Office Building Campus Albany, NY 12240 Schedule Type TIO SOUTHOLD COMPLETE 19958 Date OB/13/96 Prevailing Rate Case No. JAMES MCMAHON TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179 SQUTHOLD NY 11971 9605127 PROJECT 10 #: NONE REPAIR KLIPP PARK BULKHEAD. SOUTHOLD 01 SUFFOLK COUNTY AGY. OF JURIS. : TOWN NAT. OF PROJECT: OTHER RECON,MAINT,REPAIR,ALT Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec.220.3a of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. Accordingly, you MUST complete ONE of these requests for EACH prime contract let immediately upon notifying a successful bidder for this Public Work project. PhotocoPY as many blank forms as required to supply one for each contractor. Return this request to the address given above o Project CANCELLED. POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated. new rates and supplements will be requested. o CONTRACT AWARDED: (check one and indicate date of first legal o Letter of Intent instrument which bound o Resolution agency to contract.) o Contract Signed Work to be done by this prime contractor: Type of Contract: CHECK APPLICABLE TYPE 8(01) General Construction 8 (02) Heating/Ventilation (04) Plumbing (05) Other o (03) Electrical Contractor Information: ALL INFORMA nON MUST BE SUPPLIED Federal Employer Identification Number: Name: Address: State: Approximate Starting Date: Zip: City: Amount of Contract Approximate Completion Date: / / Estimated Date Entire Project Will be Completed: / / CONTRACTS NOT YET AWARDED Type of Contract 8(01) General Construction (04) Plumbing Signature (Check all applicable contract types) 8(02) Heating/Ventilation (05) Other 0(03) Electrical Date pW.1611-91) . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page New Yor~. State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number------------------------__________ 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE INFORMATION The information 1 isted below is provided to assist you in the interpretation of particular requirements. for each classification of worker. contained in the attached Schedule of Prevailing Rates. HOLIDAYS ~ Paid Hal idays are days for which an 81 iglble employee receives a regular day's pay, but is not required to perform work. Note: If an employee works ona day listed as a paid holiday, this remuneration is in addition to payment of the required prevailing rate for the work actually performed. OVERTIME Overtime hol iday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on spec if i ad ho 1 i days. It is on J y requ i red where the emp 1 oyee actual ly performs work on such hol idays. The appl icable hol 1days are 1 isted under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME. The required rate of pay for these covered hol idays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section llstings for each classification. Supplemental Benefits ~articular attention should be given to the supplemental benefit requirements. Although in most cases the payment or provision of supplements is for each hour worked. some classifications require the payment or provision of supplements for each hour paid (this may include paid holidays on which no work is performed) and/or may require supplements to be paid or provided at a premium rate for premium hours worked. Effective Dates When you review the schedule for a particular trade or occupation, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column(s) of rates. These are the dates that any adjustments become effective. However. if the last date 1 isted in a particular occupation is prior to June 30 of the current year, the rate 1 isted for that time period is valid until the new annual determination takes effect on July i of that year. All contractors and subcontractors are required to pay the current prevail ing rates of wages and supplements and, if the department of jurisdiction does not provide a copy of the current annual determination on or before July 1, you should contact the Bureau of Publ ic Work for the correct information. Workers Comoensation In accordance with Section 142 of the State Finance Law. the contractor shall maintain coverage under the life of the contract for the benefit of such employees as required by the provisions of the New York State Workers Compensation Law. -Contractor to be awarded contract must provide proof of Workers' Compensation coverage prior to being allowed to begin work. -The pol icy of insurance must be issued by a company authorized to provide Workers' compensation coverage in this state. -Proof of coverage must be on form C-105.2 (certificate of wokers' compensation insurance) and must name this agency as a cert1fifcate holder. -If New York State coverage is added to an existing out of state pol icy, it can only be added to a pol icy of a company authorized to write workers' compensation coverage in this state, and the coverage must be 1 isted under item 3A of the information page. Page 2 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -The contract must maintain proof that subcontractors doing work covered under this contract secure and maintain a workers' compensation pol icy for all employees working in New York State. If you have any questions concerning the attached schedule or would 1 ike additional information, please contact the BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK at (518) 457-5589 or write to the NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT of LABOR, BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK, BUILDING 12, STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS, ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240. (7/01/93 ) OVERTIME Fol lowing is an explanation of the code{s) 1 isted in the OVERTIME section of each classification contained in the attached schedule. Additional requirements may also be listed in the OVERTIME section. A ) Time and one half of AA )Time and one half of B ) Time and one half of B1) Time and one half of and the 1st. 8 hours additional hours. ( C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( C1) Double the hourly rate after 1 and one half hours per day. ( 0 ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. ( 01) Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. ( E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. ( E1) Time and one half 1st 4 hours on Saturday double the hourly rate all additional Saturday hours. ( E2) Saturday may be used 8S a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that week due to inclement weather. ( E3) Between Nov. 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make~up day at straight time when a day is lost dur1na that weekdue to inclement weather, provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week. E4) Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that week due to inc-lement weather Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Hol idays. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Hol idays. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Hol idays. Double the hourly rate on Saturday. Oouble the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. Double the hourly rate on Saturday. Sunday and Holidays. Double the hourly rate on Sunday. Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Hal idays. Double the hourly rate on Hal idays. Two and one half times the hourly rate for Hal idays, tf worked. Triple the hourly rate for Hal idays. if worked. Four times the hourly rate for Hol idays. if worked. Incluing benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. Time and one half for benefit on all overtime hours. BENEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted the hourly rate after 7 the hourly rate after 1 the hourly rate after 8 the hourly rate for the on Saturday. Double the hours per day. and one half hours per day. hours per day. 9th. & 10th. hours Week days hourly rate for all ( ( F ( G ( H ( I ( J ( K ( L ( M ( N ( 0 ( P ( Q ( R ( S ( T ( U ( V ( W ) 1:!QlL ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 3 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number--------------------______________ 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLIDAYS Following is an explanation of the cade(s) 1 isted in the HOLIDAY section of each classification contained in the attached schedule. The Hal idays as 1 isted below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. ( 1) None. ( 2) Labor Day. e 3) Memorial Day and Labor Day. e 4) Memorial Day and July 4th. ( 5) Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. e 6) New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. e 7) Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Veterans Day. ( 8) Good Friday. ( 9) Lincoln's Birthday. ( 10 ) Washington'S Birthday. ( 11 ) Columbus Day. ( 12 ) Election Day. ( 13 ) Presidential Election Day. e 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day. e 15 ) Veteran's Day. ( 16 ) Day after Thanksgiving Day. ( 17 ) July 4th. e 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. ( 19 ) 1/2 Day before New Years Day. ( 20 ) Thanksgiving Day. ( 21 ) New Years Day. ,( 22.-l Christmas Day. ( 23 ) Day before Christmas. ( 24 ) Day before New Years Day. ( 25 ) Presidents Day. ( 26 ) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. (7/01/91) Page 4 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ---------------------------------------------------------~--------------------- ASBESTOS WORKER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 1/01/96- 12/31/95 6/30/96 Asbestos Worker....... $ 29.27 addit. $0.75 WAGES (per hour) 8/01/94- 8/01/95- 7/31/95 12/31/95 rem./abatement only... $ 19.75 $ 20.25 OVERTIME: See ( C. O. T*. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. overtime code T* appl ies to Labor Day only if worked. OVERTIME: rem./abatement: See ( B. E. J ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5. 6. 7. 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 rates. 1st 2nd 3rd 50% 60% 70% year terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's 4th 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 17.75 Same % as wages of $ 17.75 Journeyman rem & abatement $ 6.41 Listed supplements apply to !hb classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-12 BOILERMAKER ~(per hour) 9/01/94- 8/31/95 9/01/95- 8/31/96 Boi 1 ermaker. . . . . . . . . . . $ 30.33 31.35 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID:See ( 8, 16. 23. 24 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME:See ( 4, 6. 7. 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage 1 st 2nd 60% 65% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's 3rd 70% 4th 75% 5th 80% 6th 85% 7th 90% 8th 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $3.40 plus 47% of Wage Rate $3.40 plus 47% of Wage Rate Listed supplements apply to ALL classificat10ns ( X )Yes ( )No. 4-5 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 5 New Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number--------------------______________ 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Su; lding: Millwright.......... .$ 21.71 $ 28.53 OVERTIME PAY: See ( S, E2, F, R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18. '9 ) on HOLICAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8, 10, 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st. 2nd. 55% 65% 1 ) year terms at the fal lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd. 4th. 75% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman $ 19.23 $ 19.45 Appr 1st term 12.32 12.57 Appr 2nd term 13.50 13.75 Appr 3rd term 15.26 15.51 Appr 4th term 17.02 17.27 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-740 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Carpet/Resilient Floor Coverer $ 27.98 $ 28.49 OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8. E. E2, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 10. 11, 13, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st. 2nd. 40% 50% 1 ) year terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd. 4th. 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-2287 CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Piledriver........... $ 27.98 Dockbu i 1 der. . . . _ . . . . . 27.98 $ 28.49 28.49 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E, E2. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See OVERTIME: See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5,6, 10, ii, 13 )- on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 6 New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPRENTI CES , ( 1 1st. 2nd. 40% 50% ) year 3rd. 65% terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 4th. 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - See below. 8-1456 CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Marine Construction: Marine Diver..........$ Tender... . 34.05 25.56 $ 34.69 26.01 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, E2. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 10, ii, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-1456/0 CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Timberman $ 25.69 $ 26.15 OVERTIME: See ( B, E, E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDA YS , PAlO, See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 10, 11, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - See below. 8-1536h CARPENTER The following Supplemental Benefits apply to the preceding Carpenter categories and/or occupational titles unless otherwise noted. . SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITs:(per hour worked) Journeyman: Apprentices: $ 17.05 11.72 $ 17.55 11.96 Listed supplements applY- to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-nyc/supp CARPENTER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Bu i 1 di ng: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . Heavy/Highway: Carpenter........ . $ 27.74 $ 0.98 additional $ 27.79 $ 0.98 additional New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-------------_____________________ . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 7 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID:See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OV"E"RTIME: See ( 5, 6, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1 s t 2nd 40% 55% ( 1 ) 3rd 65% year terms 4th 80% at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFITS:(per hour worked) $16.44 $16.44 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 4-SUF ELEVATOR ~ (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Elevator Constructor... Helper....... . $ 31.31 23.48 Modern. & service.. 27.33 " He 1 per 20. 50 OVERTIME PAY:CONSTR. See ( C, M, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY:MODERN./SERV. See ( B, F, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 7. 11, 16) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Construction MOdern./Service $ 9.52 $ 9.37 Listed supplements apply to Ahb claSSifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-1 GLAZIER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Glazier..... .... ..... $ 25.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: 1st 2nd 35% 45% ( 1 ) 3rd 60% year terms at the following percentage of uourneyman's wage. 4th 80% Page 8 New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term $ 16.27 8.98 10.32 11.20 12.31 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1087 ELECTRICIAN Electrician.......... .. Fire Alarm............. Audio/Sound........ .... $ 30.35 30.35 30.35 $ 31.35 31. 35 31.35 5/01/97- 4/30/98 $ 32.35 32.35 32.35 ~(per hour) 5/01/95- 4/30/96 5/01/96- 4/30/97 OVERTIME PAY: See Following Note* plus ( B*. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Note*: 9th. 10th. & 11th hours of weekdays to be paid at 1 1/2 times straight time rate. All additional weekday hours double time. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 on HOLIOA Y PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See 5. 6. 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Apprentices: ( I year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th , 6th 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percents based on gross wages-others per hour) 5/01/95- 11/01/96- 11/01/97- 10/31/96 10/31/97 4/30/98 Journeyman 43.5% + 43 . 5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 1st yr 33% + 33% + 33% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 2nd yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 3rd yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 4th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 5th yr 43 . 5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 App 6th yr 43.5% + 43.5% + 43.5% + $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 4-25 Security Alarm Technician: 7/01/91- 6/30/92 Journeyman: $ 15.00 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, 5 on OVERTIME PAGE Attached HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked 17 . 1/2% + $ .10 4-25 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 9 New Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number~--------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICIAN WAGES(per hour) 5/01/95- 4/30/96 5/01/96- 4/30/97 5/01/97- 4/30/98 Lineman. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Techn i c i an. . . . . . . . _ . . . . Heavy Equip. Oper...... Truck Driver.... . . .. .. . Groundman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30.35 30.35 30.35 30.35 30.35 $ 31. 35 31.35 31.35 31.35 31. 35 $ 32.35 32.35 32.35 32.35 32.35 OVERTIME PAY; See Following Note* plus ( B*.O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Note*: 9th, 10th & 11th hours of wk weekdays to be paid at 1 1/2 times straight time rate HOLIOA YS , PAIO:See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See 5. 6. 16. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percents based on gross wages-others per hour) 5/01/95- 11 /0 1 /96- 11/01/97- 10/31/96 10/31/97 4/30/98 JOURNEYMAN 43.5%+ 43. 5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 1st yr 33%+ 33%+ 33%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 2nd yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 3rd yr 43.5%+ 43. 5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 4th yr 43.5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5% $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 5th yr 43-. 5%+ 43.5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 APP. 6th yr 43.5%+ 43. 5%+ 43.5%+ $4.30 $4.55 $4.83 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications (X)Yes ( )No. 4-251ine ELECTRICIAN Applicable to electrical maintenance of existing electrical systems including, but not 1 imited to. traffic signals and street 1 ighting. WAGES(per hour) 5/01/95- 4/30/96 Electrician $ 23.75 OVERTIME PAY: See ( S, H. P ) on OVERTIME .PAGE attached. HOLIOA YS , PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME:See ( 5. 6. 16. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 10 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPRENTICES: ( 1 1 st 2nd 3rd 40% 50% 60% year terms at the following Wage. 4th 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 32 1/2% of wage plus $2.25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No 4-25m TELECOMMUNICATION WORKER - Voice, Data, Video WAGES (per hour) B/01/94- OB/06/95- 08/04/96- 08/03/97 8/05/95 OB/03/96 08/02/97 OB/03/98 Field Tech *note* Starting 6.94 7.15 After 6 mos B.06 8.05 12 mos 9.00 9.0B 1B mos 10.04 10.23 +3.5% +3.0% 24 mos 11. 21 11.51 per hr. per hr. 30 mos 12.51 12.98 36 mos 13.96 14.61 42 mos 15.59 16.46 48 mos 17.39 1B.54 54 mos 19.42 20.B9 60 mos 22.14 23.53 Tele. Tech. Assoc. 23.40 23.53 +.3.5% +3.5% OVERTIME PAY: See (B.I,S) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: Paid See ( 5.6.7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Overtime: See ( 5.6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 19.3% of 'Nage Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications (X)Yes ( )No. NYNEX/1.b IRONWORKER Structural. . . . . . . . . . . Riggers. . . . . . . . _ . . . . - Machinery Movers..... II Erectors. . . 7/01/95- 12(31/95 $ 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 1(01/96- 6/30(96 ~(per hour) Add it. $0.75 per hour OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, 81, Q, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18, i9 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. B ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( ist. 2nd. $13.65 14.25 1/2 ) year 3rd. i4.85 terms at the 4th. 5th. 15.45 15.45 following wage. 6th. i5.45 .PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 11 New Yor~ State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number--------------------------------__ 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 28.78 21.43 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-40/361 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Reinforcing & Metal Lathing... $ 29.42 OVERTIME PAY: See C. 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PA IO, See ( 1 ) OVERTIME, See ( on HOLIDAY PAGE attached.,13) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, ( 1 1st 2nd $14.00 $17.41 year terms at the following wage rates. 3rd 4th $20.89 $24.37 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman $ 14.79 Apprentices 9.39 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-46 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96 6/30/96 Ornamental. . . . . . . . . . . Chain Link Fence..... $ 26.15 26.15 addit. $0.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 01, E*. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. *Oouble time after 7 hours on Saturday. HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: (1/2 **) year terms at the fol lowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st.. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% **Appr. indentured after 7/01/93-1st months. 6th. 95% term is 4 months, 6th term is eight SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman and Apprs. indentured prior to 7/01/93 $ 20.90 Page 12 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apprs. indentured after 7/01/93 1st term 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 17.23 17.69 18.15 19.07 19.52 20.44 Listed supplements apply toALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-580 LABORER ~(per hour) 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Building Laborer: All Classifications... . $ 21.00 $ 0.50 additional OVERTIME PAY' See ( A, E, Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS, PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. D'V'E'R'TIto1E: See ( 5. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $13.73 $ 13.73 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-66 LABORER - HEAVY/HIGHWAY Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group II 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group II 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, Power Tool, Trackmen, Landscape. Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. ~(per hour) 6/01/95 5/31/96 Heavy/Highway Laborer: Group II 1............. Group 1/ 2............. Group II 3. _ . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23.00 22.47 20.72 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. F. R. E4 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOA YS: PAIO:See ( 5. 6. 16. 26 )* on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ----- *2 hours pay for each day worked that week OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 16. 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 9.97 Listed supplements apply to Abb classifications ( x )Yes ( )No 4-1298 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 13 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number--.-..---------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASON - Sui lding WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Sui lding: Bricklayer........... . $ 30.77 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. E. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hour) terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 3rd 4th 5th (500 hrs) 70% 80% 90% 6th (500 hrs) 95% 1 s t 2nd 50% 60% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $ 14.31 $ 12.76 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications lYe. ( X )NO. 8-nydc MASON Cement Mason.......... $ 27.99 7/01/95- 6/30/96 addit. $1.36 per hr. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/94- 6/30/95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 13, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 60% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of Journeymanis 3rd. 70% 4th. 80% 5th. 90% 6th. 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS, (per hour worked) $ 13.47 Listed supplements apply to ill classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. MASON - Sui ldinQ WAGES(per hour) 1/01/95- 7/01/95- 1/01/96- 6/30/95 12/31/95 6/30/96 Sui lding: Plasterer..... ........ $ 23.00 Additional Additional $.50 per hr $.50 per hr 8-780 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 11, is, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 14 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPRENTICES:( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st term 2nd 3rd 40% 60% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman. . . . . . . . . . . $ 14.69 Apprentices......... .after 3 mos. of employment, same as journeyman. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )NO. 8-202p MASON-Bui ld1na WAGES (per hour) 1/01/95- 6/30/95 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Bui ldi ng: Mosaic & Terrazzo Worker Helper $ 27.38 26.07 Additional SOc per hr. Additional 50c per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8, 10, 11. 15, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 12.40 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-3 MASON - Buildina WAGES(per hour) 4/27/92- 4/27/93 4/28/93- 4/27/94 Bui lding: Tile Layer........ .... Additional $2.00 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 24.91 HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: wage. 1st. 2nd. 45% 50% 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 55% 4th. 60% 5th. 70% 6th. 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 12.41 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-52 ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 15 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number-------------------------------___ 9605127 SUFFOLK t9958 MASON - Buildinq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAGES(per hour) Bui lding: Tile Layer Helper & Finisher....... 5/03/93- S/02/94 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 23.70 HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10, 11, 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 10.09 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( MASON - Pointer/Caulker/Cleaner WAGES(per hour) Pointer, Cleaner,& Caulker (Mason)..... )No. 8-88 7/01/94- 6/30/96 7/01/96- 6/30/97 $ 23.18 COLA ra i se .QVERT-IME PAY: See ( 8. H HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See APPRENTICES: ( 1 at 2nd $10.00 11.50 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6. 25. 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. year 3rd 13.00 terms at 4th 15.00 wage rates. the following 5th 18.00 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st year Appr 2nd year Appr 3rd year Appr 4th year Appr 5th year $ 11.46 2.50 20% of $ 11. 46 40% of $11.46 60% of $ 11. 46 80% of $ 11 . 46 MASON - Buildina Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications (X)Yes ( )No. 8-SSw ~(per hour) 7/05/95- 1/04/96 Stone Setter.......... $ 31.96 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY: See C. D HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 18 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( S. 6, 8. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 55% 60% year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 4th. 65% 5th. 70% 6th. 80% 7th. 90% 8th. 95% Page 16 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman 1st & 2nd yr Apprs. All other Apprs $ 17.60 $ 17.16 $ 17.60 Listed supplements apply to !hh classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-84 IRONWORKER ~(per hour) 1/01/95- 6/30/95 7/01/95- 12/31/95 1/01/96- 6/30/96 Derrickman/Rigger... . $ 28.59 addit. $0.80 per hr. addit. $0.80 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS; PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES; wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 60% ( 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's 3rd. 70% 4th. 80% 5th. 90% 6th. 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 20. 10 Listed supplements apply to !hb classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-197 MASON-Buildina WAGES(per hour) 7/01/93- 12/31/93 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Bu i 1 di ng: Marble- Sawyer. Rubber & Po 1 i sher. . . . . . . . . . . . $ Ma ; ntenance. . . 13.22 add .85 per hr. no add per hr no add per hr 28.78 Marble- Cleaner....... 14.37 OVERTIME PAY: See (A.E.Q,V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: Journeymen except Cleaners and Maintenancemen receive 1/2 days pay for Labor Day. Cleaners. Maintenancemen and 1st three terms of apprentices receive ( ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. All others no paid hol idays. APPRENTICES; 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 50% 54% 59% 63% 67% 72% 76% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Sawyer/Rubber/Polisher Cleaner/Maintenance Apprentices $11. 62 $ 3.50 $ 5.43 plus wage % of $ 6.19 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )NO. 8-24 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------_____________ "'PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ... Page 17 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASON - Buildina ~(per hour) 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Sui lding: Marble Cutters & Setters.......... . $ 28.64 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: Journeymen receive 4 hours pay on Labor Day. Apprentices 1st three terms. See ( 5. 6, 8, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached plus any day following a Thursday or Sunday Hal iday. All other Apprentices, See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 8, 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 55% 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of JourneymanIs 3r-d. 65% 4th. 70% 5th. 6th. 80% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr- hour- worked) Journeyman $ 13.55 Apprentices $ 6.05 plus wage % of $ 7.50 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 MASON-Bui ldina ~(per hour 7/01/93- 12/31/93 1/01/94- 6/30/94 Marble-Rigger-s, Crane & Derrickman $ 24.82 Addit. .70 per hr-. OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: 1/2 Day for Labor Day. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $19.47 Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-20 PAINTER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/94- 3/31/95 4/01/95- 3/31/96 Brush, Paper Hanger.... $ 23. 8S Structural Steel....... 31.46 Spray. Scaffold........ 26.35 Sandb 1 ast i ng. . . . . . . . . . . 26.35 Repaint/Renovation..... 20.89* *Additional $2.00 per hr. for Hanging Scaffold. Rolling Scaffold 20' and over. Addit. $1.45 per hr. Spray. Sandblasting. and PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Page 18 New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- - - -- - ---- - -- - --- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, K ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY-Reoaint/Renovation: See ( B ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES; ( 1 ) year 1st 10.73 11.84 12.94 10.73 terms at 2nd 16.01 17.62 19.24 16.01 Brush Scaff./SB Struc.Stl. Rpt/Ren. the following 3rd 19.11 21.09 23.08 19.11 rates. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Rpt/Ren. Journeyman All other Journeyman Appr 1st year Appr all other terms $10.39 12.45 4.76 10.18 PLUMBER Listed supplements apply to !hb classifications (x)Yes ( )No. 4-1486 ~(per hour) 5/01/95- 10/31/95 Plumber............. . $ 31. 75 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. $ 32.00 $ 32.25 $ 32.50 OVERTIME PAY; See ( A, 0 11/01/95- 4/30/96 5/01/96- 10/31/96 11/01/96- 4/30/97 HOLIOAY; PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Q"\iE'R"TIME:See ( 5, 6. 15. 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentages of journeyman's wage 1st 40% 2nd 50% 3rd 65% 4th 70% 5th 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked*) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term Appr 5th term *Sunday and Hal iday $13.78 7.54 9.18 9.22 9.86 10.24 Benefits paid $ 14.13 7.94 9.56 9.56 10.19 10.55 at Double Time $14.28 8.34 9.90 9.90 10.51 10.86 rate. $14.53 8.74 10.23 10.23 10.84 11.17 STEAMF ITTER Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No 4-200 WAGES(per hour) 6/28/95- 1/02/96 $ 30.05 30.06 Steam Fitter........ -. Sprinkler Fitter. 1/03/96- 6/30/96 Additional $0.50 per hr to be allocated OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ~ Page 19 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 HOLIDAYS: PAID: See OVERTIME: ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. See ( 5. 6. 7, 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 40% 50% 65% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman: Apprentices: $ 17.84 $ 0.34 plus term % of $ 17.50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-638A STEAMF ITTER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Refrigeration. A/C. Oil Burner and Stoker Service and Installations. Limited on Refrigeration to combined compressors up to five (5) horsepower and on A/C. Heating and Air Cool ing to combined compressors up to ten (10) horsepower. Steamfitter....... . $ 20.15 OVERTIME PAY:See ( 8. E. Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 7, 11. 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: If any of the above fall on Sat.. code S applies (if worked). APPRENTICES: 1st 6ma $5.75 ( 1 ) year terms at 2nd Sma 2nd yr $9.56 $ 11. 59 the following wage. 3rd yr 4th yr $13.58 $16.46 SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year $ 7.46 6.75 6.88 7.04 7.25 Listed supplements apply to !h1 classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. ROOFER 8-6388 ~(per hour) 4/01/93- 9/30/93 Roofer/Waterproofer.. . . ..... $ 22.14 OVERTIME PAY-New Roof: See ( A. E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY-Reroof: See ( 8. E. Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 OVERTIME: See on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 5, 6, 10, 13, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 20 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B APPRENTICES: 1/2 year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Apprentices $14.58 wage% of $14.58 + $ 0.03 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes )No SHEETMETAL WORKER WAGES (per hour) 2/01/95- 8/01/95- 2/01/96- 7/31/95 1/31/96 7/31/96 Sheetmetal Worker... . $ 32.21 addit. $.60 add1t. $.65 per hr to be per hr to be allocated allocated 4-154 OVERTIME PAY: See c. O. V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6, 7, i2 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES, 1/2 year terms at the following wages. 1st. 9.67 2nd. 11.28 3rd. 12.88 4th. 14.49 5th. 16.11 6th. 17.69 7th. 19.33 8th. 22.55 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st term Appr 2nd term Appr 3rd term Appr 4th term Appr 5th term Appr 6th term Appr 7th term Appr 8th term $ 14.58 5.94 6.48 7.07 7.66 8.32 9.52 9.96 11.98 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( X )Yes ()No. 8-28 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic performing the work. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 21 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number--------------------------________ 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAMSTER-Buildina Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euel id and Turnapull type trucks. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Truck Driver (Building and Group 1................. Group 2................. Heavy/Highway) : $ 23.235 23.795 OVERTIME PAY: See 8, E, R on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAY: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 7, 11. 12 )* on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. '6'V"ER'TIME:See ( 5. 6. 7, ii, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. * must work two days in hol iday week. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Group 1.................. Group 2............... Listed supplements apply to $ 16.7625 16.8025 ALL classifications ( X lYes ( )NO 4-282nsh SHEETMETAL WORKER ~ (per hour) 11/01/94- 6/30/95 Sign Erector......... $ 23.25 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E. P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 10. 11, 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10. 11. 12, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. APPRENTICES: ( wage. 1 st 2nd 3rd 35% 40% 45% 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeymanis 4th 50% 5th 55% 6th 60% 7th 65% 8th 70% 9th 75% 10th 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman Appr 1st & 2nd yrs $ 4.83 plus $ 27.00 per day plus 20% of wage $ 4.40 plus 2% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 2.00 per day plus 18% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 4.00 per day plus 20% of wage $ 3.58 plus $ 6.00 per day plus 20% of wage Appr 3rd yr Appr 4th yr Appr 5th yr Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( X )Yes ( )No. 8-137 Page 22 New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAINTER - Strioina Hiahwav ~(per hour) 4/01/95- 3/31/96 4/01/96- 3/31/97 Painter (Striping-Highway etc.): Striping-Machine Oper. Helper........ . L i nerman. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16.92 15.14 19.59 $ 17.57 15.79 20.09 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, P, S on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLlOAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 8, 10. 11, 12, 15, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 ) on HOLlOAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 0.50 plus 24% of wage Listed supplements apply to !b1 classifications ( x )Yes ( ELECTRICIAN )No. 8-230 Tree Trjmmer (Line 4/02/95- 3/30/96 Clearance Special ist) ~(per hour) $ 17.13 OVERTIME: See ( 8, E. P. T ) on OVERTIME PAGE Attached. HOLlOAYS: PAID:See ( 5. 6, 8. 9. 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached (Must Work Day - Before) OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 8. g, 11. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 3.89 Listed supplements apply to all classifications ( x ) Yes ( ) No. 4-1049 ~PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 23 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SURVEY CREW - Buildinq WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Survey Rates-Building: Party Chief........ Instrument Man...... Rodman/Chainman,.. . $ 25.76 21.77 14.46 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 7, ii, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 7. 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 14.40* * $11.00 of above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No. 8-150b SURVEY CREW Heavv/Hiahwav WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 Survey Rates-Heavy/H1way: Party Chief. _ _...... $ 25.95 Instrument Man...... 21.49 Rodman/Chainman. . ... 19.11 OVERTIME: See ( 8, E, Q on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour-worked) $ 14.40* *$11.00 of above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No. 8-15D-N/S Page 24 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 1995B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURVEY CREW - Consultina Enaineer CONSULTING ENGINEER SURVEY Feasibil ity and prel im1nary design surveying. line and grade surveying for inspection or supervision of construction when performed under a consulting engineer agreement. WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/95- 6/30/96 7/01/96- 6/30/97 Survey Rates: Party Chief.........$ Instrument Man...... Radman/Chainman. .. . . 21.26 17.93 15.18 Addit. $0.90 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5. 6, 7. 8. 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 7, 8. 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) . $ 9.20 * $6.80 of the above amount paid at same rate as overtime. Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )NO. 8-150c CORE ORILLlNG ~(per hour) 10/17/93- 10/16/94 Core Dr ill i ng: Driller.... .... ....... He 1 per. . . . . . . . . . $ 20.235 17.725 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. See ( 5. 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 6.19 Listed supplements apply to !bh classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 POWER EQUIPMENT QPERATQR WAGES(per hour) Heavv/H1 ahwav 8/01/94- 7/31/95 Well Driller: Driller........... . Helper.... . $ 21.45 19.20 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 10, 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OVERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10. 12. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Paqe 25 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS;(per hour worked) $ 6.55*plus 10% of straight time rate *$8.05 plus 10% of straight time rate for overtime hours. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138well POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - BuildinQ BUILDING: CLASS "A":Asphalt Spreader, Backhoe Crawler, Boiler, Boring Machine. Cherry Picker (over 50 tons), Concrete pump, Crane. Derrick. Dragl ine. Dredge. Gradall, Grader, Hoist, Loading Machine (10 yds or more), Milling Machine, Pile Driver, Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural Steel/Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem, Shovel, Sideboom Tractor, Stone Spreader (Self Propelled), Tank Work, Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "8": Backhoe, 800m Truck, Bulldozer, Boring Machine/Auger, Cherrypicker, Conveyor-Multi, Dinky Locomotive. Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum), Loading Machine & Front Loader, Mulch Machine (Machine fed), Power Winches (All others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller, Hydraul ic Pump with Boring Machine, Scoop, Carryall, Scraper, Maint. Man on Tower Crane. Trenching Machine, Vermeer Cutter, Work Boat. CLASS roc II : Curb Machine. Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip_ & Well Point), Field Mechanic, Milling Machine (Small), Pulvi-Mixer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt), Vac-All, Welding/Burning, Compressor (Structural Steel & 2 or more in Battery), Concrete Finishing Machine, Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Curing Machine, Fireman, Hoist (1 Drum), Ridge Cutter, Striping MaChine, Welding Machine (Structural Steel & Pile Work). CLASS "0": Compressor (Pile, Crane, Stone Setting), Concrete Breaker/Saw Cutter, Work Lift (Walk Behind/Power Operated), Generator (Pile Work), Hydra Hammer, Hand Operated Mechanical Compactors, Pin Puller, Portable Heater, Power-Broom/Buggy/Grinders. Pumps-Single Action i to 3 inches/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm, Hand Trenching Machine, Welding Machine, Class Il E ": Batching Plant, Generator, Grinder, Mixer, Mulching Machine, Oiler, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 inches), Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler on Tower Crane, Track Tamper, Tractor, Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. WAGES(per hour) 7/0'/95- 5/31/96 Class " A "............... $ *Add $3.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" B "............... *Add $2.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" C "......... *Add $i.OO for Hazardous Waste Class 0 ............... Class "E ..... . ....... 29.25* Work 27.75* Work 26.75* Work 24.75 23.75 "Cranes Boom length over 100 foot add 150 250 350 $ 0.50 $ 0.75 $ 1.00 $ 1.50 per hour " Page 26 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDUL.E New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAYS: PAID: See ( 5, 6. 8, 9, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* *must work day before & day after, or receive 2 hours per intermittent day OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6. 8, 9, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* Apprentice Rate is $15.60 FOR 36 MONTH TERM SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 17. 29*Note *Note:OVERTIME JOURNEYMAN $13.95 -- APPRENTICE $3.35 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No 4-138 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - Heavv/Hiohwav HEAVY I HIGHWAY: CLASS "A":Asphalt Spreader. Backhoe Crawler, Boiler, Boring Machine, Cherry Picker (over 50 tons), Concrete pump, Crane, Derrick. Dragline. Dredge, Gradall, Grader. Hoist Loading Machine (10 ydS or more). Milling Machine. Pile Driver, Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural Steel/Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver. Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem. Shovel, Sideboom Tractor, Stone Spreader (Self Propel led), Tank Work, Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "B": Backhoe, Boom Truck, Bulldozer. Boring Machine/Auger, Cherrypicker. Conveyor-Multi, Dinky Locomotive. Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum), Loading Machine & Front"\' Loader , Mulch Mach.ine (Machine fed). Power Winchs (All others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller. Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine, ScooP. Carryall, Scraper, Maint. Man on Tower Crane. Trenching Machine, Vermeer Cutter, Work Boat. CLASS "C": Curb Machine. Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip. & Well Point), d Field Mechanic, Milling Machine (Small), Pulvi-Mixer. Pumps. Roller (Dirt). Vac-All, Welding/Burning. Compressor (Structural Steel & 2 or more in Battery). Concrete Finishing Machine. Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Curing Machine, Fireman, Hoist (1 Drum), Ridge Cutter. Striping Machine. Welding Machine (Structural Steel & Pile Work). CLASS "0": Compressor (Pile, Crane, Stone Setting), Concrete Breaker/Saw Cutter, Work Lift (Walk Behind, Power Operated), Generator (Pile Work). Hydra Hammer, Hand Operated Mechanical Compactors, Pin Puller, Portable Heater. Power-Broom/Buggy/Grinders. Pumps-Single Action 1 to 3 inChes/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm. Hand Trenching Machine, Welding Machine. . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 27 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 Class" E ": Batching Plant. Generator, Grinder, Mixer, Mulching Machine, Di 1ar, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 inChes). Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, 0; 1ar on Tower Crane, Track Tamper, Tractor, Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. Class F Lead Tee TV Crew. Class G Wet Out Tee. Class H Technician. WAGES ( per hour ) 7/01/95- 5/31/96 Class II A"............... $ *Add $3.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" B "............. *Add $2.00 for Hazardous Waste Class" C "............. *Add $1.00 for Hazardous Waste Class 0 . . _.... Class E ...... ....... Class F .... ......... Class G .. ........... Class H ............. *Cranes Boom length over 100 150 250 350 30.06* Work 28.05* Work. 27.05* Work. 25.05 24.05 26.70 26.20 26.20 foot add $ $ $ $ 0.50 per hour 0.75 1.00 1.50 OVERTIME PAY: See D. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIOAYS, ~ See ( 5. 6. 8, 9. 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached* *must work day before & day after,or receive 2 hrs per intermittent day OVERTIME: See ( 5, 6, 8. 9. 10, 16 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached* APPRENTICE RATE is $15.60 per hr for entire 36 month term SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) $ 17.29* NOTE *Note: OVERTIME JOURNEYMAN $13.95 -- APPRENTICE $3.35 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes )No. 4-138 MARINE CONSTRUCTION WAGES(per hour) 10/01/94- 9/30/95 10/01/95- 9/30/96 Hydraul ic Dredge: Class A: Leverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineer, Derrick Op. Chief mate on Dredge. Class C: Maint. Eng........... Mate. . ... . . . . . ... _.. . Boat Captain......... Class 0: Deckhand. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fireman, Oiler....... Shareman. . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 22.44 20.78 20.47 $ 23.35 21. 5 1 21.20 20.32 18.97 19.12 21.04 19.65 19.80 15.83 16.44 15.83 16.15 16.77 16.15 Page 28 New York State Department of Labor ----------------------------------Case Number---------------------------------- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Tug Boats: Class A: Tug Master..... Tug Chief Engineer... Class C: Tug Captain. ..... . . . . Tug Eng i neer. . Class 0: Tug Deckhand.. Dipper and Clamshell Dredges: Class A; Operator............ . E ng i neer _ . . . . . . . . . . . . Class C: Maint. Engineer.. _.... Mate................ . Boat Master, Welder,. Boat Capta in. . . . . . . . . Class D: Oi ler.. . . .. . ...... . . . Deckhand. . . . . . . _ . . . . . 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 20.00 19.49 20.71 20.19 19.12 19.12 19.80 19.80 16.03 16.36 22.83 23.76 21.22 21.97 20.32 21.04 18.97 19.65 .20.01 20.72 19.12 19.80 16.44 16.77 16.03 16.36 OVERTIME PAY: See ( S, E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: PAID: See ( S. 6, 10. 1S ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. O\lERTIME: See ( 5. 6. 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. The following SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to ALL classifications of the above HYDRAULIC. DIPPER, CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG BOATS. All Class A SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) All Class C All Class 0 $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage 4-25a . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE . Page 29 New York State Department of Labor __________________________________Case Number---------------------------------- 9605127 SUFFOLK 19958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARINE CONSTRUCTION WAGES(per hour) 10/01/94- 9/30/95 10/01/95- 9/30/96 Dr i 1 1 80a t : Class A: Eng i neer. . . . . Blaster... .... .... Dr; 11 er. . . ... . .. . . Class C: Welder/Machinist. . Class 0: Oiler/Helper.. .... Deckhand......... . $ 21.58 21.81 21.59 21. 42 19.27 15.15 $ 22.35 22.59 22.36 22.18 19.66 15.43 OVERTIME PAY: See 8, E, P, S on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLJOAY: PAID: See ( 5. 6. 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. '6V'E'R'TIME: See ( 5. 6. 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Class A $ 4.63 plus $ 4.63 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Class C $ 4.34 plus $ 4.34 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Class.D $ 4.06 plus $ 4.06 plus 8% of wage 8% of wage Listed supplements apply to ~ classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-25/3 . . STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GOVERNOR W. AVERELL HARRIMAN STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240 08/09/96 EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE A WARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK w_____________________________________________________--------------------------------------------------------------- Under Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, when two final determinations have been rendered against a contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor within any consecutive six-year period determining that such contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor has WILLFULLY failed to pay the prevailing wage and/or supplements; or when one final determination involves the falsification of payroll records or the kickback of wages and/or supplements, said contractor, subcontractor and/or its successor shall be debarred and ineligible to submit a bid on or be awarded any public work contract/sub-contract with the state, any municipal corporation or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. Contractor Number of Determ's Date of first Willful Date of last Willful Fiscal Officer (see Note) . Barred until Montour Metals, Inc. 116-North Catherine St., Montour Falls, NY (2) 9/28/90 09/24/91 DOL 09/24/96 Sloan Steel Erectors & Equip. Rental Inc. 1560 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14206 (2) 10/18/89 02/19/92 DOL 02/19/97 Great Neck Electric Co., Inc. 245 East Shore Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023 (2) 1213 1/90 04/04/92 DOL 04/04/97 Global Oceanic Enterprises POBox 99, Langhorne, PA 19047 (2) 03/29/90 09/15/92 DOL 09/15/97 G&C Construction Corp. 3706 12th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11218 (3) 09/28/90 10/06/92 DOL 10/06/97 10/16/95 DOL 10/16/00 Nelson's Lamplighters, Inc. 1811 Castle Gardens Road, Vestal, NY 13850 (2) OS/29/87 I 0/30/92 DOL 10/30/97 Owners Management & Const. Corp. 14-08 Clintonville St., Wbitestone, NY 11357 (2) 06/07/91 01/08/93 DOL o 1!08/98 LH 1 14-861 Rosenthal Contracting, Inc. R.D. 1, Box 402, Owego, NY 13827 (2) 12/07/92 01/28/93 DOL 01/28/98 Melisz Building Impvt., Inc. 49 Crescent Place, Lackawanna, NY 14218 (2) 07/24/87 01/29/93 DOL 01/29/98 Atlantic Contracting Corp. 52-09 31st PI., Long Island City, NY 11101 (2) 11/23/9.2 02/08/93 DOL 02/08/98 J.F.B. Painting & Supply, Inc. 722 West Gray Street, Elmira, NY 14901 (2) 11/28/88 02/19/93 DOL 02/19/98 Easton Industries, Inc. 3100 7th Ave., Troy, NY 12180 (2) 10/26/92 04/08/93 DOL 04/08/98 Finger Lakes Painting & Decorating 150 Lenox Road, Geneva, NY 14456 (I) 06/28/93 DOL 06/28/98 Silver Steel Erectors 494 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222 (2) 06/03/93 11/30/93 DOL 11/30/98 Environspan Safety Corp. 10 West 36th Street, New York, NY (*) (*) (*) DOL 01/25/99 Ron Kenyon & Sons Excavating 16305 Holley Rd., Holley, NY 14470 (2) 12/09/90 01/27/94 DOL 01/27/99 Gorton ConstrUction POBox 606, Norwich, NY 13815 (2) 03/19/90 01/27/94 DOL 01/27/99 Perfect Power Corporation dba Experience Electric Corp. 305-8 Knickerbocker Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716 (2) 04/11/94 04/11/94 DOL 04/11/99 . . T J S Masonry 32 Woodland Park, Rochester, NY 14610 (2) 05/05/94 05/05/94 DOL 05/05/99 Oliver Construction Engineering and Architectural Network R.R. I, Box 466, Chazy, NY 12992 (2) 05/09/94 05/09/94 DOL 05/09/99 Smith Fence Industrial, Inc. 10165 Main Street, POBox 99, Clarence, NY 14031 (2) 07/23/93 05/09/94 DOL 05/09/99 North Country Installers, Inc. and Alter ego The Locker Master, Inc. Box 33, Main Street, West Pawlet, VT 05775 (2) 01/03/94 OS/26/94 DOL OS/26/99 VRD.Decorating, Inc. 2300 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 (2) OS/26/94 OS/26/94 DOL OS/26/99 Grandview Painting Co., Inc. 2300 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 (successor to VRD) DOL OS/26/99 Castle Electrical Contractors, Inc. 1210 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14609 (2) 12/19/91 06/08/94 DOL 06/08/99 A & L Environmental Services, Inc. 1549 Fifth Avenue, Bayshore, NY 11706 (2) 12/03/93 06/22/94 DOL 06/22/99 BQE Contracting Corp. 24-38 49th Street, Astoria, NY 11103 (2) 08/ I 0/94 08/10/94 NYC 08/10/99 Will C. Kirk dba Kirk Construction POBox 9, Cleveland, NY 13042 (2) 03/06/89 08/23/94 DOL 08/23/99 John J. Billone Plumbing and Heating AKA Billone Mechanical 195 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14608 (2) 09/01/94 DOL 09/01/99 Seneca Hawk, Inc. 9138 Southwestern Blvd., Angola, NY 14006 (2) 03/23/93 09/14/94 DOL 09/14/99 Baker Development & Construction Co., Inc. 1251 Electric Ave., Lackawanna, NY 14218 (21) 09/29/94 DOL 09/29/99 Leonard L. Ogden, Inc. 795 Portland Ave., Rochester, NY 14621 (8) 10/05/94 DOL 10/05/99 ABC Tree, Shrub & Landscape Services, Inc. 192 Witmer Road, North Tonawanda, NY 14120 (2) 11/16/94 11116/94 DOL 11116/99 Mandy Electric, Inc. 14 Grand Canyon Lane, Tanglewood Hills, NY 11727 (I) 12/30/94 DOL 12/30/99 Pokerwinski Ceramic Tile 13 Juneberry Lane, Liverpool, NY 13090 (I) 12/28/95 01126/95 DOL 01126/00 Dion R. DeFedericis dba Applewood Construction Co. 860 Sherwood Court, Depew, NY 14043 (3) 02/22/95 DOL 02/22/00 Genesis General Contracting Co., Inc. 866 82nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220 (2) 02/02/95 02/02/95 DOL 02/28/00 Dendis Construction, Inc. 1164 Route 96, Waterloo, NY 13165 (2) 11104/94 03/20/95 DOL 03/21100 Christian Construction Corp. 420A E Illth Street, New York, NY 10029 798 Lake Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 (4) 03/27/95 DOL 03/27/00 Southwestern Environmental 676 Mountainview Drive, Lewiston, NY 14092 . . (2) 03/21/90 05/04/95 DOL 05/04/00 P & C Giampilis Ccntracting Cc., Inc. 62-49 30th Ave., Wccdside, NY 11377 (4) 05/05/95 DOL 05/05/00 J & A Rccfmg and Siding Cc., Inc. 394 Hasbrcuck Ave., Kingstcn, NY 12401 (2) 06/12/95 06/21/95 DOL 06/21/00 Spec "7" Management, Inc. 3857 Clcver Street, Henrietta, NY 14467 (2) 09/01/94 06/09/95 DOL 06/09/00 Iascn Building Ccnstructicn Ccrp. 174 9th Street, Brccklyn, NY 11215 (2) 12/29/93 07/18/95 DOL-NYC 07/18/00 Dimension 2 Asscciates cr Dimensicn 2 Assoc. Lawn Sprinklers 189 Ccmmack Rcad, Ccmmack, NY 11725 (2) 06/14/94 07/25/95 DOL 07/25/00 Three Diamond Mascn, Inc. P 0 Bcx 485, Farmingville, NY 11738 (2) OS/26/94 10/13/95 DOL 10/13/00 P C & J Ccntracting Cc., Inc. 33-46 55th Street, Wccdside, NY 11377 (2) 10/31/95 10/31/95 NYC 10/31/00 Lawrence K. Wccds Ccnstructicn Cc., Inc. 34-46 I 12th Street, Ccrona, NY 11368 (I) 11114/95 NYC 11114/00 AU Electric Ca., Inc. 717 Elk Street" BuffalO', NY 14210 (2) 10/03/95 10/03/95 DOL 12/04/00 Attack Asbestcs, Inc. 516-2C Industrial Lccp, Staten Island, NY 10309 (I) 12/05/95 NYC 12/05/00 Asscciates Envircnmental Services, Inc. 326 Freling Huysen Ave., Newark, NJ 07114 (I) 12/11/95 NYC 12/11/00 Shareef Enterprises, Inc. 230 Pratt Street, Buffalo, NY 14203 (1) 12/18/95 DOL 12/18/00 Black Diamond Fabricating Company POBox 252 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 (2) 01/18/96 DOL 01/18/01 Jeanne Bentivegna dba Impact Painting 120 Christian Ave., Rochester, NY 14615 (I) 01/24/96 DOL 01/24/01 OLCO Construction, Inc. 96 Morris Road, Schenectady, NY 12304 (1) 01/24/96 DOL 01/24/0 1 John M. Contro & Sons Plumbing and Heating 31 Clinton Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 (2) 12/20/95 02106/96 DOL 02/06/01 Interphase Company, Ltd. POBox 365, Marlboro, NJ 07746 (3) 04120/94 05/19/95 02109/96 DOL 02/09/01 Mega General Contracting Corp. 20-44 20th Street, Astoria, NY 11103 (I) 02/09/96 DOL 02/09/01 Allstate Specialty Services, Inc. 1087 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101 (multiple violations) 02/26/96 NYC 02/26/0 I Beatum & Cheatum Construction Corp. POBox 1246, Buffalo, NY 14240 (multiple violations) 04/03/96 DOL 04/03/0 I CBC Industries, Inc. 272-60 Grand Central Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11005 and CMK Painting & Construction Co., Inc. N 600 Hillside Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (I) 04/15/96 DOL 04/15/01 . . Hunt Construction Corp. 60 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 (2) 04/23/96 04/23/96 NYC 04/23/0 I Apex Contracting and Demolition 11-15 31st Drive, Long Island City, NY 11106 (2) 10/11191 04/30/96 NYC 04/30/01 Rocco Fischetti &' Sons Services 200 Hempstead Ave., West Hempstead, NY 11532 (6) 05/08/96 NYC 05/08/0 I Dover Accessibility Products, Inc. 6266 Hurt Road, Horn Lake, MI 38637 (multiple violations) 06/03/96 DOL 06/03/01 DME Contracting, Inc. AIkIa DME National Roofing Systems, AIkIa DMENRS, AIkIa DMENCC, AIkIa DMECA, AIkIa Titan, and Peter Chardon, and Darlene M. Edwards, AIkIa Darlene E. Chardon, and Mary Lydia Chardon AIkIa Mary 1. Restrepo 375 Verrazano Ave., Copiague, NY 11726 (3) 08/31193 07/25/94 DOL (violated debarment order) 06/06/96 DOL 06/06/01 4H Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 484 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY 11238 (I) 06/12/96 NYC 06/12/01 G.A. Contractors 139-31 Queens Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435 (1) 06/21/96 NYC 06/21101 (2) 09/29/94 DOL 09/29/99 North Shore Construction Enterprises 464 New York A venue, Huntington, NY 11743 & 139-31 Queens Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435 (1) 06/21196 NYC 06/21/01 DSR Asbestos Removal Company 89 Westbrook Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10303 (1 ) 06/28/96 NYC Gerace Contracting Corp. 2427 E. 29th Street, Suite I-H, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (I) 07/22/96 DOL 06/28/01 07/22/01 Note: (*) Pursuant to a Stipulation dated January 14, 1994 and an Order and Determination dated January 25, 1994, in lieu of a finding concerning the willfulness of any violations, the employer has voluntarily agreed to preclude itself from bidding on or being awarded any public work for a five-year period. Note: Where the Fiscal Officer is denoted "NYC," the information has been provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office, the agency issuing the determinations. Any questions regarding these listings should be addressed directly to the Comptroller. The Bureau of Public Work of the New YQrk State Department of Labor will respond in regard to listings where the Fiscal Officer is listed as "DOL." STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR . . BUREAU OF PUBliC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY. NY 12240 REQUEST FOR WAGE AND SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLES 8 AND 9 OF THE LABOR LAW Submit this form for new schedules or for determination for additional occupations. Provide all information Requested Below o PUBLIC WORK DISTRlCT OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: (CHECK ONE) o CONTRACTING AGENCY o ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERlNG FIRM I DATE A. PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT TO BE LET BY: (Enter Data Pertaining to Contracting Agency) 1. Name and complete address (number, street, city or town. zip code) 2. o N.Y. State Units 007 City 001 DOT 008 Local School District 0020GS 009 Special Local District. i.e" 003 DORMITORY AUTHORITY Fire. Sewer, Water District 004 STATE UNIVERSITY o TO Village CONSTRUCTION FUND o 11 Town 005 MENTAL HYGIENE 0'2 County FACILITIES CORP. 013 Other Non-N.Y. State 0060THER N.Y. STATE UNIT (Describe) 3. SEND REPLY TO (NAME AND ADDRESS): 4. SERVICE REQUIRED. Check appropriate box and provide project information. o New Schedule of Wages and Supplements. I APPROXIMATE BID DATE I n Additional Occupation and/or Redetermination PRC NUMBER ISSUED PREVIOUSLY FOR , OFFICE USE ONLY TELEPHONE: ( ) THIS PROJECT B. PROJECT PARTICULARS 5. Project TITLE and/or description of work to be performed. 6. Location of Project: Include contract identification number, if applicable Location on Site Route NolStreet Address Village or City Town County 7. Nature of Project. Check One B. OCCUPATION FOR PROJECT 0 1. New Building 0 Construction (Building. Heavy 0 Guards, Watchmen 0 2. Addition to Existing Structure HighwaylSewerIWater) 0 Janitors. porters, cleaners 0 3. Heavy and Highway Construction (New and Repair) 0 Tunnelling 0 Moving furniture and 0 4. New Sewer or Waterline 0 Residential equipment 0 S. Other New Construction (Explain) 0 Landscape Maintenance 0 Trash and refuse removal 0 6. Other Reconstruction, Maintenance. Repair or Alteration 0 Elevator maintenance 0 Window cleaners ~ 7. Demolition 0 Exterminators, Fumigators 0 Other (Describe) 8. Buildino Service Contract 9. Name and Title of Requester Signature I I I I I I I I OFFICE USE ONLY Locality Designations Locality Designations PW-39 <10-94) SEE OTHER SIDE FOR LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC WORK CONTRACTS STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 8 (Section 220-223) AND ARTICLE 9 (Section 230.239) OFTHE NEW YORK STATE LABOR LAW PRE V AILING RATE SCHEDULE: The Labor Law requires public work contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers or mechanics employed in the performance of a public work contract not less than the prevailing rate of wage and to provide supplements (fringe benefits) in accordance with the prevailing practices in the locahty where the work is performed. The Department of Jurisdiction awarding a public work contract MUST obtain a prevailing rate schedule from the Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor listing the hourly rates for the trades and occupations of the workers to be employed on the public work project. This schedule may be obtained by completing and forwarding the Request for Wage and Supplement Information on the reverse side hereof. The prevailing rate schedule MUST be lncluded in the specifications for the contract to be awarded and is deemed part of the public work contract. Upon tile signing of the contract, the Department of Jurisdiction MUST advise the Bureau of Public Work on a form supplied by the Bureau as to the name of the contractor to whom the contract was awarded, the date and the amount of the contract. A "Department of Jurisdiction" includes a state department agency, board or commission; a county, city, town or village; a school district, board of education or board of cooperative educational services; a sewer, water, fire, improvement and other district corporations, a public benefit corporation; and a public authority awarding a public work contract. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS FROM CONTRACTORS: When the Bureau of Public Work finds that a contractor or subcontractor on a public work project failed to payor provide the requisite prevailing wages or supplements, the Bureau is authorized by Sections 220-b and 235.2 of the Labor Law to so notify the financial officer of the Department of Jurisdiction that awarded the public work contract. Such officer MUST then withhold or cause to be withheld from any payment due the prime contractor on account of such contract the amount indicated by the Bureau of Public Work as sufficient to satisfy the unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and any civil penalty that may be assessed by the Commissioner of Labor. The withholding continues until a final determination of the underpayment by the Commissioner of Labor or by the Court in the event a legal proceeding for review of the Commissioner of Labor's determination is instituted. The Department of Jurisdiction shall comply with an order of the Commissioner of Labor or of the Court with respect to the release of the funds so withheld. . . COMPLIANCE WITH THE LABOR LAW AND OTHER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGULATIONS A. STATE REGULATIONS: 1. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable provisions of the "labor law" as amended, of the State of New York. This Contract shall be void unless applicable sections of said labor law are complied with. 2. Each and every provision of law and ciause required by law to be part of this Contract shall be deemed to be included herein and this Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and, if through mere mistake or otherwise any such provision is not included, then upon the application of either party hereto. the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such inclusion. Specifically, Section 220-E, of the Labor law, as so amended, prohibits in contracts, discrimination on account of race, creed, color, or national origin in employment of citizens upon public works. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Owner under this Contract a penalty of fIVe ($5.00) dollars for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of said paragraph, this Contract may be canceled or terminated by the Owner and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. B. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: 1. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. By the submission of this bid, the bidder, offeror, applicant, or subcontractor certifies that he does not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. He certifies further that he will not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he will not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under this control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder, offerer, applicant, or subcontractor agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in his contract As used in this certification, the term 'segregated facilities" means any wailing rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. He further agrees that (except where he has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) he will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $ 10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause; that he will retain such certifications in his files; and that he will forward the following notice to such proposed subcontractors (except where the proposed subcontractors have submitted identical certifications for specific time periods): BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J - 1 . . 2. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATIONS OF NON SEGREGATED FACILITIES. A certification of Nonsegregated Facilities must be submitted prior to the award of a subcontract exceeding $ 10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each subcontract or for all subcontracts during a period (I.e., quarterly, semiannually, or annually). NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 V.S.C. 1001. "During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. (3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11245 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, and regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (5) The contractor will fumish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. < (6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govemment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11245 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-2 . . (7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vender. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States." 3. FEDERAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN EMPLOYMENT 1-12.805.4 Reoorts and Other Required Information (a) Requirements for prime contractors and subcontractors. (1) Each agency shall require each prime contractor and each prime contractor and subcontractor shall cause its subcontractors to file annually, on or before March 31, complete and accurate reports on Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) promulgated jointly by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Plans for Progress, or on such form as may hereafter be promulgated in its place, if such prime contractor or subcontractor (I) is not exempt from the provisions of this Sub-part 1-12.8 in accordance with 1-12.804; (ii) has 50 or more employees; (Iii) is a prime contractor or first-tier subcontractor; and (iv) has a contract, sub-contract, or purchase order amounting to $ 50,000 or more, or serves as a depository of Govemment funds in any amount, or is a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agent for U.S. savings bonds and savings notes: Provided. that any subcontractor below the first tier which performs construction work at the site of construction shall be required, to file such a report if it meets the requirements in subdivisions (I), (ii), and (iv) of this paragraph (a) (1). (2) Each person required by subparagraph (1) of this paragraph to submit reports shall file such a report with the contracting or administering agency within 30 days after the award to him of a contract or subcontract, unless such person has submitted such a report within 12 months preceding the date of the award. Subsequent reports shall be submitted annually in accordance with subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, or at such other intervals as the agency or the Director may require, The agency, with the approval of the Director, may extend the time for filing any report. (3) The Director, the agency, or the applicant, on their own motions, may require a prime contractor to keep employment or other records and to furnish in the form requested, within reasonable limits, such information as the Director, agency, or the applicant deems necessary for the administration of the Order. (4) The failure to file timely, complete, and accurate reports, as required, constitutes noncompliance with the prime contractor's or subcontractor's obligations under the Equal Opportunity ciause and is a ground for the imposition by the agency, the Director, an applicant, prime contractor or sUbcontracior, of any sanction authorized by the Order and the regulations in this sub-part. Any such failure shall be reported in writing to the Director by the agency as soon as practicable after it occurs. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J - 3 . . 1-12.805.4 Reoorts and Other Required Information (b) Requirements for bidders or prospective contractors. (1 ) Each agency shall require each bidder or prospective prime contractor and proposed subcontractor, where appropriate, to state in the bid or at the outset of negotiations for the contract whether it has participated in any previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause; and, if so, whether it has filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director, an agency, or the former President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filing requirements. The statement shall be in the form of a representation by the bidder or offeror substantially as follows: "The bidder (or offeror) represents that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause herein, or the clause originally contained in section 301 of Executive Order No. 10925, or the clause contained in section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, filed all required compliance reports; and that representations indication submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors will be obtained prior to subcontract awards." (The above representation need not be submitted in connection with contracts or subcontracts which are exempt from the clause. ) When a bidder or offeror fails to execute the representation, the omission shall be considered a minor informality and the bidder or offeror shall be permitted to satisfy the requirement prior to award. (2) In any case in which a bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed subcontractor, which participated in a previous contract of subcontract subject to Executive Orders No. 10925, 11114, or 11246, has not filed a report due under the applicable filing requirements, no contract or subcontract shall be awarded, uniess such contractor submits a report covering the delinquent period or such other period specified by the agency or the Director. (3) A bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed subcontractor shall be required to submit such information as the agency or the Director requests prior to the award of the contract or subcontract. When a determination has been made to award the contract or subcontract to a specific contractor, such contractor shall be required, prior to award, or after the award, or both, to furnish such other information as the agency, the applicant, or the Director requests. ( c ) Use of reports. Reports filed pursuant to this 1-12.805.4 shall be used only in connection with the administration of the Order, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or in furtherance of the purposes of the Order and said Act. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-4 . . ( d) Acquisition of Report Forms. Standard Form 100 is available in all GSA supply depots. Copies of the form may be obtained from GSA through the contracting or administering agency. The stock number for the form is as follows: Standard Form No. Title Stock Number 100 7540-926-2049 Equal employment opportunity employer information report. 1-12.805.4 PROCUREMENT STANDARDS , A. All contracts for construction or repair shall include a prevision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kick Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). This Act provides that each Contractor shall be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person empioyed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The Grantee shall report all suspected or reported violations to the Grantor Agency, B. Where applicable, all Contracts awarded in excess of $ 2,000 for construction contracts and in excess of $ 2,500 for other contracts which involve the employment of mechanics or laborers shall include a provision for compliance with Section 103 and 107 ofthe Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 5). Under Section 103 of the Act, each Contractor shall be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work day of II hours and a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work day or work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than 1-112 times the basic Rate of pay for all hours worked in excess 8 hours in any calendar day or 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of the act is applicable to construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, ro dangerous to his health and safety as determined under construction, safety, and health standards promulgated by the Secretary of Labor. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-5 . . C. Each contract of an amount in excess of $ 2,500 awarded by a Grantee or Subgrantee shall provide that the recipient will comply with applicable regulations and standards of the Cost of Living Council in establishing wages and prices. The provision shall advise the recipient that submission of a Bid or offer or the submittal of an invoice or voucher for property, goods, or services furnished under a contract or agreement with the Grantee shall constitute a certification by him that amounts to be paid do not exceed maximum allowable levels authorized by the Cost of Living Council regulations or standards. Vioiations shall be reported to the Grantor Agency and the local Internal Revenue Service field office. D. Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $ 100,000 shall contain a provision which requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to the Grantor Agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. E. Contracts shall contain such contractual provisions or conditions which will allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contracts terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. F. All contracts, amounts for which are in excess of $ 2,500, shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the grantee including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be tenninated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. G. In all contracts for construction or facility improvement awarded in excess of $ 100,000, grantees shall observe the bonding requirements provided in Attachment B to this Circular. H. All contracts and subgrants in excess of $ 10,000 shall include provisions for compliance with Executive Order No. 11246, entitled, "Equal Employment Opportunity", as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (41 CFR, Part 60). Each contractor or subgrantee shall be required to have an affinnative action plan which declares that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, and age and which specifies goals and target dates to assure the implementation of that plan. The grantee shall establish procedures to assure compliance with this requirement by contractors or subgranlees and to assure that suspected or reported violations are promptly investigated. . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-6 . . COMPLIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR LAW Pursuant to Article 8 of the labor law, the contractor's attention is directed to the following requirements: 1. Section 220.2 which requires a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days in anyone week except in the emergencies set forth in the labor law. 2, Section 220.3 which requires a provision that each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon such public work, shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate or wages and shall be provided supplements not less than the prevailing supplements as determined by the fiscal officer. 3. Section 220.3-a also requires that the contractor and every subcontractor on public works contracts shall post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work a legible statement of all wage rates and supplements as specified in the contract to be paid or provided, as the case may be, for the various classes of mechanics, workingmen, or laborers employed on the work. 4. Section 220.3-e provides that apprentices will be permitted to work as such only when they are registered, individually, under a bona fide program registered with the New York State Department of labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to his work force on any job under the registered program. Any employee listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered as above, shall be paid the wage rate determined by the New York State Department of labor for the classification of work he actually performed, The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish wrillen evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate rations and wage rates, for the area of construction prior to using any apprentice on the contract work. 5. Section 220-e which requires provisions by which the contractor with the State or municipality agrees: (a) That in the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on behalf of such contractor or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, creed, color or nationai origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates: (b) That no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract on account of race, creed, color or national origin. (Your allention is directed to the provisions of the State law against Discrimination which also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age); ( C ) That there may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor by the State or municipality under this contract a penally of five dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract; BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-7 . . (d) That this contract may be canceled or tenminated by the Slate or municipality, and all moneys due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this section of lhe contract. 6. The aforesaid provisions of Section 220-e which covers every contract for or on behalf of the State or municipality for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equipment or supplies shall be limited to operations performed within the territorial limits of the State of New York. 7. Section 222 which requires that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents for at least six consecutive months immediately prior to lhe commencement of their employment, that persons other than citizens of the State of New York may be employed when such citizens are not available; and that if lhe requirements of Section 222 concerning preference in employment to citizens of the Slate of New York are not complied with, the contract shall be void. 8. Section 222-a which requires that if in the construction of the public work a harmful dust hazard is created for which appliances or methods for the elimination of harmful dust have been approved by the Board of Standard Appeals, such appliances or methods shall be installed and maintained and effectively operated by the contractor; and that if the provisions of Section 222-a concerning harmful dust hazards are not complied with, lhe contract shall be void. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Every State contracting agency, including Public authorities, must include in each contract paragraphs ( c) through (g) of the Standard State Contract Clauses promulgated by the Governor on September 12, 1963 and amended November 14,1963. labor classifications not appearing on the accompanying schedule of wages can be used only with the consent of the department of jurisdiction and then the rate to be paid will be given by the department of jurisdiction after being advised by the New York State Department of labor. The contractor shall make such provision for disability benefits, workmen's compensation, unemployment insurance, social security and safety code provisions as are required by law. General Regulation No.1, as issued by the Slate Commission for Human Rights, requires that each contract contains a stipulation that: "It is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto that every contractor and subcontractor engaged in the public work described in this contract shall post and maintain at each of his establishments and at all places at which the public work described hereunder is being conducted, the Notice of the State Commission for Human Rights indicating the substantive provisions of the law Against Discrimination, where complaints may be filed, and other pertinent information. Such Notice shall be posted in easily accessible and well lighted places customarily frequented by employees and applicants for . employment." The Notice may be obtained from the department having jurisdiction, or from the office of the State Commission for Human Rights in the respective area. You are requested to refer to the Bureau of Public Work all charges of discrimination in employment including discrimination because of age, race, creed, color or national origin. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION J-8 . . NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of payor other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. b. The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which ne has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the Commission of Human Rights, advising such labor union or representative of the Contractor's agreement under clauses "a." through "h." hereinafter called "non-discrimination clauses", and requesting such labor union or representative to agree in writing, whether in such collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding or otherwise, that such labor union or representative will not discriminate against any member or applicant for membership because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal membership opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not be limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. Such notice shall be given by the Contractor, and such written agreement shall be made by such labor union or representative, prior to the commencement of performances of this contract. If such a labor union or union representative fails or refuses so to agree in writing, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Commission for Human Rights of such failure or refusal. c. The Contractor will post and keep posted in conspicuous places, available to employee and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Commission for Human Rights setting forth the substance of the provision of clauses "a." and "b." and such provisions of the State's Laws against discrimination as the Commission for Human Rights shall determine. . d. The Contractor will state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, that all qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION K - 1 . . e. The Contractor will comply with the prevision of Sections 291-229 of the Executive Law and the Civil Rights Law, will furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the Commission for Human Rights under these non-discrimination clauses as such sections of the Executive Law and will, permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the Commission for Human Rights and Owner representatives counsel for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. f. This Contract may be forthwith canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the Commission of Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these non-discrimination clauses, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for future contracts made by or on behalf of the Owner/Contracting Agency until he satisfied the Commission for Human Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. Such finding shall be made by the Commission for Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the Commission have failed to achieve compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and after a verified complaint has been filed with the Commission, notice thereof has been given to the Contractor and an opportunity has been afforded him to be heard publicly before three members on the Commission. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies otherwise provided by law. g. If this Contract is canceled or terminated under clause "f." , in addition to other rights of the Owner provided in this contract upon its breach by the Contractor, the Contractor will hold the Owner Harmless against any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Owner in completing the work or in purchasing the services, material equipment, or supplies contemplated by this contract, and the Owner may withhold payments from the contractor in an amount sufficient for this purpose and recourse may be had against the surety on the performance bond if necessary. h. The Contractor will include the provisions of clauses "a.", through "g." in every subcontract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor as to operations to be performed within jurisdictional local of the Project being contracted by the Owner. The Contractor will take such action in enforcing such provisions of such subcontract or purchase as the Owner/Contracting Agency may direct, including sanctions or remedies for non- compliance. If the Contractor becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation with a sub-contractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Contraction Agency/ Owner, the Contractor shall promptly so notify the Owner's representatives/ counsel, request him to intervene and protect the interests of the Owner (Contracting Agency's jurisdictional area). BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION K-2 . '. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The contractor shall supply all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary or required to complete the work, The contractor shall fully familiarize himself with existing site conditions. The locations of all underground utilities shall be verified prior to commencing work. Damage to existing utilities shall be repaired at the contractors expense. B. The contractor may store his materials and equipment on the work site but the Town of Southold will not be responsible for damage or theft of same. C. In the event that anything reasonable, necessary or proper for the complete performance of the work to produce a first class finished job, has not been described in these specifications clearly, through oversight or palpable error, the contractor shall, notwithstanding, execute and provide all omitted works and things as if they were severally described, without extra charge and to the satisfaction of the Town's authorized representatives. D. The contractor shall be responsible for all construction facilities and temporary controls. These items would include all temporary electric, heat, telephone, water and sanitary facilities. Barricades shall be provided around all hazardous areas during construction and shall be maintained and lighted in accordance with all State and Local Code requirements. E. The contractor may submit substitutions for products specified herein, where such substitutions are allowed. Requests for substitutions shall be submitted with complete data necessary to substantiate compliance with the contract documents. All substitutions shall be approved in writing prior to being ordered, fabricated or incorporated into the work. No claims for additional costs related to substitutions will be allowed. F. The contractor is specifically advised that he shall be responsible for on-site safety in regard to his area of work and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South old and the Architect from any and all claims resulting from on-site accidents or safety conditions. . G. The contractor shall be responsible for cleaning all work related debris generated during this project in a timely fashion. All dredge spoil & debris generated at this site shall be deposited by the contractor at the Southold Town Collection Center at NO COST. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 1 . . BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. General provisions of the Contract. including General conditions and Supplementary Conditions. apply to work in this section. B. Standard Site Plan. Typical Sections & Detail drawings attached. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: All new construction shall meet the minimum requirements of the Southold Town Trustees and the New York State Dept. Of Environmental Conservation. The work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labor. material. equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all work including but not limited to the following: A). Excavation behind existing bulkheads. 1. All bulkhead areas requiring new sheathing shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 2'-0" below existing mud line. Excavation shall be in such a manner as to limit the amount of damage to the existing pavement. Any unnecessary damage to the existing pavement surface shall be replaced by the contractor at no additional cost. 2. Existing bulkhead Structures shall remain in place. The contractor shall verify the integrity of all existing Pileing. Tie Rods & Dead Man Systems during the excavation. The engineer shall be notified of all items that require replacement. Items replaced without written approval of the engineer shall be deemed as not to have been repJaced. Cost for replacement of all items shall be a unit cost for each. Damaged items due to excavations shall be replaced at the Contractors expense. B). Installation of new Sheathing. 1. Provide new 2" x 10" x 14 Foot "T & G" Treated Wood Sheathing over existing. All new sheathing shall be spiked to both top and bottom whalers. (Approximate overall length - 265 lineal Feet) BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 2 . , 1.03 1.04 . . 2. Provide new 2" x 10" "T & G" Treated Wood Sheathing over existing sheathing at each side of existing Concrete Ramp. (Approximate overall length - 65 Lineal Feet - Each Side) New sheathing shall be scribed to fit the existing ramp. (Note: The Contractor shall remove all existing lag bolts in existing sheathing after the bulkhead has been excavated.) 3. Provide Y:z" diameter x 8" Galvanized Lag Bolts at new ramp sheathing. New sheathing shall be securely anchored to existing whalers with two (2) bolts at each Whaler. (Typical 4 bolts per board) 4. Provide new 6" x 6" Treated Wood whaler at toe of new sheathing along existing concrete ramp. Anchor new whaler to all existing Pileing with 3/4" diameter galvanized bolts. (See drawing section detail sheet # 3) C). Installation of new filter fabric. 1. Provide new Poly "X" Filter Fabric over all new bulkhead sheathing. Fabric shall be continuous and extend from top of bulkhead to a minimum of two (2') feet below the existing mud line. All splices shall have a minimum overlap of two (2') feet. D). Removal of Debris. 1. All debris and dredge spoil generated from the proposed construction shall be removed by the contractor and deposited at the Southold Town Collection Center. There will be no charge for material deposited at the town facility. STANDARDS: A. All new construction shall comply with the following reference standards: 1). American Society of Civil Engineering Standard Practices. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: A. Contractor must show evidence of the following qualifications: 1). A minimum of five (5) years continuous experience in bulkhead construction. BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 3 . . 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. The contractor shall be responsible for verifying all existing conditions and limitations. The extent of clearing and the amount of required excavation shall be verified by the contractor prior to submitting his bid. B. The contractor shall be responsible for fully investigation the existing site conditions and shall be responsible for verifying all dimensions and quantities. 1.06 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Delivery, storage and handling of equipment and bulkhead materials shall be in accordance with industry standards. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS: A. The park site shall remain open during construction. The contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary safeguards to ensure safe access. B. Excavation and stockpiling of backfill material: 1). All stockpiling of excavation material shall be in an approved location immediately adjacent to the construction area. All stockpiles shall be protected with a continuous barrier of silt screen and hay bails to prevent silt from entering tidal waters. 1). No backfilling shall be permitted in freezing weather. END OF SPECIFICATIONS BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION Page 4 r , ~ . GARDNERS BAY .... w ~ -' w Z Z < C,) ~ OFWINARY HIGH WAi:R MARK "-' BEACH C GULL j POND , / 1-0 '" >:'0 ~+ EXISTING UTILITY POLE EXlSTING I 'EC 'fl ! -( EXISTING CONCR.:: I J:: RAMP . SE SECTION DEiAlL SH/:J::] 3 FOR WORK AT EACH SIDE OF RAMP '\ "- ~ ~ SEE TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION "" / ~ ;~i:r # 2 FOR PROPOSED NEW oS'. / ~ "-- ~EATHING (TYPICAL FOR 255' .1_) SITE PLAN ~ ';,,;.'!oo~~:~ EXlSTlNG --' FLOATING DOCK NOTE: THIS SITE PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A SURVEY PR:PARED BY RODERIC VAN TUYL, P.C. MARCH 31, 1981 - LINE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING RESTROOM FACILlTY PARKING LOT EXISTING BULKHEAD TO REMAIN ~ . SC.ALE: -:" = 60.0' , . ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \\~ "4- - \2- .. - :; '" '" :z = '" - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ =::: c:: 0 ;;;;;;: >- - 0 - ~ .-l = W 0 ~ z - - - I- ~ r5 :::::I ~ Z 0 0 '" ~ t; w - "- A w L.-..J z r,l :5 ~ (.l r---' Z '---' fiJ 0 I (.l w "- z o ~ t:: o f- a) W n:: Q < W u_ o_ w,," "'- 0-' c..= ~lC c.. :::: (~l t:: ~ 0 0 ;; >- l- e w ~ " ~ W ;: ;; Z < <:: c f-- t:: o c ~ c.. ::!:_~ z 0 ~ W " W '" a::: ~ '< "<: ~ " < '" c ~ " N " ~ ~ c c " " :; " '" w .. E <' '" w :; :; " ;: < <:: c a<\'l MEif-~ "'tS_~", ~ ~\ "et )0; :~ +0 .~ I ^ ;:~ ~.F \~ ~# ~ . TOP OF WHALER , "+ <;> N , "+ , <;> :.,. , "+ 'i' ;., -- I M.H.W. TOP OF WHALER M.L.W. i BED ELEVATION VARIES . . 12" DIA. x 24' LONG PRESSURE TREATED PILING AT 8'.0" O.C. 3/4" DIAMETER GALVANIZED THROUGH BOLT. EXISTING 6 x 6 PRESSURE TREATED WHALER. EXISTING GRADE 10" DIAMETER PRESSURE TREATED DEAD MEN - CONTINUOUS WITH 8" DIAMETER BACKER PILING AT 8'.0" O.C. I 1 ~ I I L 3/4" DIAMETER x 20' LONG ~ GALVANIZED TIE RODS. ~ I ' l NEW 2 x 10 x 14' T&G PRESSURE I 1 \ TREATED SHEATHING. TYPICAL ! I ! ~NSTALL OVER EXISTING SHEATHING II I NEW FILTER FABRIC. ! i I EXTEND 2'.0" MINIMUM : : I BELOW MUD LINE. I i ,I J NOTES: i I I U ALL EXPOSED BOLT CONNECTIONS SHALL BE COUNTERSUNK. ALL NEW BULKHEAD MATERIALS SUCH AS PILING, SHEATHING, WHALERS AND DEAD MEN SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED #- 20 CREOSOTE OR TREATED TO REFUSAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATION OF ALL BATTON STRIPS; GALVANIZED BOLTS, NUTS & WASHERS; NAlLS & OTHER MISCELANEOUS MATERIALS NECESSARY TO ENSURE A COMPLETE & PROPER INSTALLATION ,TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'.0" ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN 01 JL U0 &IIfGlNEERJNG DEP.utTMENT PROPOSED: BULKHEAD RESTORATION KLIPP PARK GREENPORT, NEW YORK SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING #: PECONIC LANE. PECONIC. NEW YORK 11958 2 DATE: DRAWN: JAMES A. i<lCHTER SCTM #: '000 _ 43 _ 02.07 7/9/96 SHE-: 2 at 3 . EXISTING GRADE EXCAVATION OF THIS AR"ASr"'7 NEW FILTER FABRIC I TO BE INSTALLED ; BEHIND SHEATHING I I ~. .~ I . . EXlSTING PILlNG TO REMAIN. EXISTING WHALERS & SHEATHING TO REMAIN. NEW 2 x 10 TREATED SHEATHING WITH 1/2" DIAMETER x 8" LONG GALVANIZED LAGG BOLTS: (2 EACH PER BOARD PER WHALER.) PROVIDE NEW 3/4" GALVANIZED BOLTS AT EACH EXISTING P1LlNG. COUNTERSINK AT NEW WHALER NEW 5 x 5 TREATED CONTINUOUS WHALER. ~ EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP TO REMAIN. SCRIBE NEW SHEATHING AS REQUIRED. NOTE: REMOVE EXISTING GAlV. LAGG BOLTS FROM FACE OF EXISTING SHEATHING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW WORK. SECTION DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'.<J" ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN . u JiJUU ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROPOSED: BULKHEAD RESTORATION KLIPP PARK GREENPORT, NEW YORK SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING #: 3 PECONIC LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958 DRAWN: JAMES A. RICHTER scm #: 1000 .43 _ 02 .07 DATE: 7/9/96 SHEET 3 of 3 ,j , . RAYMOND L JACOBS Commissioner . . . Public Works Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N,Y, 11958 RESOLUTIO.N BY: SECONDED BY: Commissioner of Public Works Raymond L. Jacobs requests permission to go to bid for the reconstruction and restoration of the bulkhead at Klipp Park, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York. VOTE OF THE TOWN BOARD Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilman William D. Moore Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Justice Louisa P. Evans Dated: (yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (Yes) (No) (516) 765-3140 (516) 734-5211 FAX (516) 75S-1750 1-1t Town Clerk, Town of Southold . . . . INVITATION TO BID PROJECT: BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION KLIPP PARK, MANHANSET AVE., GREENPORT, NEW YORK The Town Board of the Town of Southold will receive bids for the restoration and/or reconstruction of an existing bulkhead located at Klipp Park in accordance with the Specifications prepared by James A. Richter, R.A., South old Town Engineering Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958. Bids will be received at the office of the South old Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until: 11'00 AM , Thursday , Seotember 12. 1996. All Specifications are provided herein. A fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00), cash or check, made payable to the Town of Southold will be required for one (1) copy of the Contract Documents. There are no refunds. This invitation to bid is not an offer and shall in no way bind the Town of Southold to award a contract for performance of the project. Should the Town of Southold decide to award a contract, it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities, and to reject any or all bids, and to retain bids for 45 days from the date of receipt. The CONTRACTOR MAY NOT withdraw his bid during this period. Bid security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% will be required of each bidder. Performance bonds in the amount of 25% of the contract price shall be required of the successful bidder. Please advise if you intend to bid or not. . Dated: Auqust 20. 1996 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD By: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION A -1