HomeMy WebLinkAboutAerial Truck $10.00 non-refundable f+ obtain specifications. . $1.25 postage for mailing BID - AERIAL TRUCK BID OPENING: 11 :00 A.M. , Thursday, March 1IJ, 1996 2/29 1. Gabrielli Truck Sales Ltd., 3200 Horseblock Rd. ,Medford, NY 11763 -Michael J. Purcell 758-6200 x 913 758-6337 fax 3/4/962. Trius, Inc.,458 Johnson Ave., P.O. Box 158, Boherria, NY 11716 - Paul Mitchell 244-8600 244-8661 fax 3/6/96 3. Advanced Equipment, Inc.,75 Cedarhurst Ave., Medford,NY 11763 -RobLe. Hamilton 698-4100 696-0892 Fax 3/7/961J. Tower Ford, Inc., 124 S. Middle Neck Rd., Great Neck, NY 11021 - John D'Alessandr, 5. 6. . f"~ ~~c;,\\fFOL.r;;" '.i~.~ '.~ ,y-.;: ~> \\ .Y::O ~ . 'l Q :""-~: " N 'N C'A ::e ;; ~~ ~ \~. ~, ""'~Ol ....~<:::;, Y",.."'+ 1" . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 6, 1996 Michael J. purcell Gabrielli Truck Sales Ltd. 3200 Horseblock Road Medford, New York 11763 Dear Mr. Purcell: I have been advised that the Superintendent of Highways has take delivery of the 1997 Ford F-BOO Aerial Truck, therefore, I am returning herewith your $500.00 bid check. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure : THIS CHECK I~Q~.L~~A~}N . ._. /':.. 'Io;~ec~oo~~~=;, .;uJr/'JC ~~ ~ ,,/"',- -= r __ -- ') .'L"'- !];;, c." J-: , i -. . -- -. 0 f r7 l I. I j GABRIELLI FORD TRUCK SALES & SERVICE INC. 3200 HORSEBLOCK ROAD MEDFORD. NEW YORK 11763 -- I 1868 ~ ;~ 1 50-1008/214 :l" ":'.] 3-/ ( ~ 9'li4. ;~ ~i O' .- $ !)c!lll ", I -. ~ .- DOLLARS "' 0- . I "' .. PA'lI TO THE . . ._ 'ORDEROF 17 7, I- ~ I '"""'IV{ . 1="' .:-...., --. - - """"""Jarme Midland Bank ID :1 ..~.-. ..- ....; .r-:- I, ~K,RONKONKOMAOFFICE ~ '-"" ;1 395 PORTION ROAD _ ..........,~~_=,_______......_~~_ _~_______."L.AKE RONKONKOMA. NEW YORK '1779 ~ i '. 1nwI\J ~ ~ S' <) u T"/i-<) L ~ - ""JL ~ . - ,_.U.,.' . ...."-4....., ...., - . - .'." :1);""( '1.::' .,' r+v r-r~lU(:.D ..~.~ .~ ...) -'.'" '....~: -m'."'~"""="""'" ~m.'_ :m"~'''''_'' ...... , "".1'~~~ FOR RIO HR ,,12.A,IA-~ '\ll-N\..-"-. "'00 ~8b811' 1:0 2 ~l, ~00801: . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 21, 1996 Michael J. Purcell Gabrielli Truck Sales Ltd. 3200 Horseblock Road Medford, New York 11763 Dear Mr. Purcell: The Southold Town Board, at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1996, accepted your bid of $58,885.00 for supplying the Town of Southold will a 1997 Ford F-800 truck with aerial lift device and line body, all in accordance with the bid specifications. Thank you for submitting your bid on this proposal. Once the Superintendent of Highways has accepted delivery of this truck' your $500.00 bid check will be returned to you. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 21, 1996 Milton Schultz Tower Ford 124 South Middle Neck Road Great Neck, New York 11021 Dear Mr. Schultz: The Southold Town Board, at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1996, accepted the bid of Gabrielli Truck Sales Ltd., in the amount of $58,885.00 for supplying the Town with a 1997 Ford F-800 truck with aerial lift device and line body, all in accordance with the bid specifications. Thank you for submitting your bid on this proposal. ;:;2ery truly ours, -~ ~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk tJ . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 19. 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Gabrielli Truck Sales Ltd. , in the amount of $58,885.00 ($64,385.00, less $5.500.00 for trade of 1985 International w laerial device) for supplying the Commissioner of Public Works with a 1997 Ford F-800 truck with aerial lift device and line body, all in accordance with the bid specifications. /.J//A;/ ~~ - ~~. Te~ Southold Town Clerk March 20. 1996 - - - - - - - . . GABRIElli TRUCK SALES LTD. -- -- March 13, 1996 Town of Southold Highway Dept. Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. Dear Sirs, Please find the following Bid Proposal for your consideration: 1) 1997 Ford F-800 as per your specifications with Ariellift Device and Line Body- per attached specifications Total GVWR with 9R22.5 Tires: 24,800 Ibs. Total Bid Price is: $64,385.00 Less trade 1985lntemational wI Ariel Device: -$5,500.00 Total due: .................................................................................. $58,885.00 Frame GVWR : 30,000 Ibs. Axle GVWR: 26,500 Sincerely, ~//0 Mr. Michael J. Purcell Account Executive I-I ~ o BRONX 3333 Conner Street Bronx. N.Y. 10475 (718) 994-8300 . Fax: (718) 994-4992 ~ ~ o HICKSVlllE 880 South Oyster Bay Road Hicksville. N.Y. 11802 (516) 931-7915' Fax: (516) 822-2969 IVECO 1k o MEDFORD~ 3200 Horseblock Road Medford. N.Y. 11763 (516) 758-6200 . Fax: (516) 758-6337 . . ri ;::'l=iE, If () GABRIELLI FORD TRUCK SALES " SERVICE INC. 3200 HORSE BLOCK ROAD MEDFORD, NEW YORK 11763 ..r~~, TowN &F- ,.",-"." ORIlER OF ) i 'lT~ ,IARIHE Cl:t:::OG} -1'~.ti,''\ ,< _!..... ;ff-, V { tf-V'~ ~ BK"V.~U v./ --: \.,; R8 ~ ,,--. ......~ t. ~. '0 ~e Midland Bank ID LAK RONKONKOfolA OFFICE 3DS ATlON ROAD RONKONKOMA, NEW YORK 11779 1868 THIS CHECK IS OEUVEREO IN CONNECTION WI1lf TH ,~", 50-10081214 'oJ)," ! _r'T\~;--' Q ". :\!~ Ht'"1::t9JJt. I $--S--;;"''''--- -, ~ '. ~ ,_v ":';' .._.~ .;' """. ':'.-.,., ,..;, ::,.. ""-d ~ ~;,';.~~:;'~:~;;;. , ~f DOLLARS FOR RIO Hrt. "eJ.../ ,o,.-t.. -rtLvc.-" 11'00 ~8 E, 8 II' "1:0 2 ~.. ~008ol: 4f7~$~-' ":l:l'''2:l~ 7 -.:: " . . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM Page 1 of 8 03/13/1996 Gabrielli Truck Sales Inc. 3200 Horseb1ock Road Medford NY 11763 516-758-6200 FAX: 516-758-6337 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N.Y. 53095 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 E QUI P MEN T D ETA I L .'-"~<; _:--- ; ~ . . , , , . 'I '~" ,,J):)1:j)1:l)Y)lJHHH1;);l%IP:l'1l'B'1):':llPYl:l)lJ)lnn::l1)pmm)lPl1"'it!""'" "'l"PYl:lYl:11Fn; . . .." ~ '~:;:Hl:'J!:,:dll:.At:l;~,,,,JG:Hl:.:.{,:k:lJ,dbl!:l:..,:!:Jnl.;:{1,Z;l:I,,<:l..,::J:1,/I,I,:!:(:I,X;{1,:l:li:l:f.:t .lA.{l:0:I~:i,:Gl:H: """"""""'"'''''''''''''''''''' ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) WEIGHT DESCRIPTION FRONT REAR F800 Conventional - Diesel 0 0 AA Vehicle Type Veh Des, Truck 0 0 Veh Ser, Highway Only 0 0 Veh App, Utility Service 0 0 Terrain, 100% On Highway, City Terrain 0 0 Rd Surf, Typical Highway 0 0 " . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL . QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 Page 2 of 8 03/13/1996 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION WB Wheelbase WB=153 CA=S4 AF=39 OAL=22S Total Base Curb Weight w/Tilt Hood 6, 898 lbs; w/Alligator Hood, OAL=226; Available w/6000, 7000, or 9000 lb Front Axle, Except w/10.S SM Frame 40 Frame 18.0 SM 50,000 PSI Sgl Chan "L" Reinfor 153" WB; w/Inverted "L" Reinf; 18.0 SM at Upper Flange, 14.0 SM at Lower Flange; Avail w/6000, 7000 or 9000 lb FA Only; Max GVWR For Specific WB-Frame Combination and Warranty: On Highway: 30000 lb On-Off Highway: 30000 lb; RBM 900,000; 8.5" Web; NA w/FD-1460 Engine; NA w/LPO 30 Engine Ford FD-1060 190 HP 2500 RPM 475 lb-ft; Incl Air Cleaner Mounted Air Restriction Gauge and Spicer 14" 1-Plate Ceramic 560 lb-ft Capacity Clutch, Code 36AHOO 56 Transmission Allison AT-545 4-Speed Automatic Avail For On-Hwy Truck Appl Only & Max GVW Of 30000 lbs; Incl Steering Column Mtd Shift Control, Trans Oil Cooler & External Oil Filter; See Trans Section Of Component Info Data Book For Max GVW/GCW; NA w/Chassis Cowl w/2 Spd Axles 11111 WEIGHT FRONT REAR 4353 2545 61 63 o 0 73 19 . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL . QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 Page 3 of 8 03/13/1996 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION 11 Rear Axle 17500 lb Rockwell RS-17-145 Steel IS Available Ratios: 2.80, 2.93, 3.07, 3.21, 3.42, 3.58, 3.73, 3.91, 4.10, 4.33, 4.63, 4.88, 5.13, 5.29, 5.57, 5.86, 6.14, 6.43, 6.83, 7.17; NA w/FD-1060, 160HP Engine w/3.42 or 3.58 Ratios; Includes 15" x 6" x 3/4" Rear Brakes w/Hydraulic Brakes; Requires Optional Suspension Axle Ratio 4.63 10 Front Axle 9000 lb Front Axle w/Hydraulic Brakes; Incl TAS-55 pis; (w/o LPO: Req 18.0 SM Frame w/177-255"WB; 10.8 SM Frm w/142"-178"WB; Req 10.8 SM 110000 PSI Frame w/190-256"WB; Avail w/8500, 9000lb Capacity Susp Only; NA w/12,23K RA) w/LPO: Req 18.0 SM Frm w/all WB, Opt Taper-Leaf Susp; NA w/12000,15000, 21000,23000 lb RA 46 Front Suspension 9000 lb Capacity Multi-Leaf; For 7000 or 9000 lb FA; NA w/LPO; NA w/Taper-Leaf Rear Susp 47 Rear Suspension 19000 lb Capacity w/4500 lb Sgl Leaf Aux Multi-Leaf; Auxiliary For Load Stabilization; For 17500, 19000 or 21000 lb RA; NA w/LPO; NA w/Taper Leaf Front Suspension WEIGHT FRONT REAR o o o 166 40 o 38 o o 50 16 13 19 50 52 51 53 . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL . QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 Page 4 of 8 03/13/1996 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION Brake Hydraulic Brakes Front Disc Self-Adjusting Axle Equipment/Driveline King Pin Bushings - Bronze Differential(s) ,Main, Non-Locking Drag Link & Tie Rods, Greaseable Magnetic Traps, Rear Axle, Drain & Fill Shock Absorbers,Front Dbl Act Telescopic 1.38" Diameter Wheel Seals Front, Grease Type Wheel Seals Rear, C.R. Scot seal Unitized Wet-Type Brake Equipment Hydraulic Booster Parking Brake, Spring-Set Rear Axle Front Tire Size & Mfg Tubeless Radial 9R22.5-12 9,000 Goodyear Unisteel G159 Front Wheel Cast Spoke 22.5x7.50 1 pc Spiders Painted Black Rear Tire Size & Mfg Tubeless Radial 9R22.5-l2 Goodyear Unisteel G124 15,800 Rear Wheel Cast Spoke 22.5x7.50 1 pc Spiders Painted Black WEIGHT FRONT REAR o o o o o o o o o o o 22 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 20 44 . . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM Page 5 of 8 03/13/1996 PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION WEIGHT FRONT REAR 22 Cab Standard Interior Trim Med. Opal/Ebony o 23 Exterior Cab Equipment Grille Medium Titanium Incl Med Titanium Headlamp Doors Hood Forward Tilting Front End Incl Noise and Splash Shields and Mud Flaps Horn,Single Electric Mirrors Dual Western Delbar Stainless w/Stainless Aux Convex Running Board, Medium Titanium Tinted Glass - Side & Back Windows Windshield Clear Laminated Glass Windshield Wipers Intermittent Electric; Cab Models Only o o o o o o o o 24 Interior Cab Equipment Cigar Lighter Dash Mounted Included w/Custom Hi-Level Cab Trim Cowl Vent Left Hand, Ventilation Heater Fresh Air w/All Weather Ventilatn Radio Electronic AM/FM Stereo Electronic w/Digital Clock Feature Steering Wheel 18" Diameter Sun Visors LH & RH Padded Vinyl Bench Seat Full Width Trimmed In Vinyl w/Fixed Seat Back; w/Denver Knitted Vinyl Inserts o o o o 9 o o 26 Inst/Gauge/Switch/Wrn Dev Ammeter o I!!II o o o o o o o o o o o o 2 o o o o . . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 Page 6 of 8 03/13/1996 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION 26 Inst/Gauge/Switch/Wrn Dev (cont) Gauge Electric: Oil Pressure Gauge Electric: Coolant Temp Gauge Electric: Fuel Parking Brake Control Dash Mounted Speedometer, Electric - MPH/kmH Tachometer Electric Turn Signal Switch, Steering Column Mtd Self-Cancelling Warn Lts/Chime: Low Oil Pres Hi Water Te Low Oil Press, Low Coolant Level and High Coolant Temp 27 Electrical Auto Circuit Breakers In Lieu Of Fuses Flasher Emergency Head Lights, Two Rectangular Halogen Dual Beam Lights Cab Marker, (5 Lights) Tail Lights, Two w/Integral Stop, Turn, Backup, and License Plate Turn Signal & Side Marker Combo Lamps Front - Integral w/Headlamp Assembly 28 Alternator Alt 130 Amp Leece-Neville Internally Reg 1950 Watt 29 Batteries/Boxes/Cables Batt 2, 65 Amp 600 CCA Motorcraft Grp 24 Maintenance Free; RH Frame Rail Mounted Behind Cab WEIGHT FRONT REAR o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 11 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL . QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 Page 7 of 8 03/13/1996 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION 32 Exhaust System Horiz Muffler and Horiz Pipe RH See Exhausts/Exhaust Equip Section Of Component Info Data Book For Exhaust Installation Sketches 37 Engine Equipment Air Cleaner, Donaldson Single Stage Dry-Type Block Heater, 110V 750 Watt Phillips Avail w/FD-1060 Engine Only Fan Clutch, Eaton Oil Filter, One 1 Qt. Fleetguard LF-3349 Full Flow, Spin-On Fuel Pump, Mechanical Fuel/Water Separator Racor #460RP-1230 Heated w/Water Probe, Clear Bowl, Remote Mounted; Recommend 26BBOE Water-In-Fuel Warning Light At Additional Cost Governor, Mechanical Oil Cooler, Integral Starter, Deleo 12 Volt Throttle, Locking T-Handle Included w/Crankshaft PTO 43 Fuel Tank Steel, 50 Gal RH Step Tank NA w/Chassis Cowl, LPO or Code 32ACOO SC Paint, Solid Color Performance Red 'M WEIGHT FRONT REAR o 3 o o o 4 o o o o 44 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 20 o . . FOR D T R U C K S Time: 2:36 PM Page 8 of 8 03/13/1996 PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. PURCELL QUOTE ID: 2 NO. OF UNITS: 1 ( Price Level = 603 Model Year = 1996 Version = v2.02U.0.0 ) ( Weight in Pounds ) DESCRIPTION WEIGHT FRONT REAR 59 Chassis Equipment Bumper Front Full Width Steel - Painted Med Titanium o o FREIGHT CHARGE STANDARD WARRANTY COVERAGE 3/ i/I'! t . . NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) ~/~ (Corporate Title) (if any) Au- + f.xcc_ Bid on AERIAL TRUCK --- j MAR-ll-'9W':02 T-516 563 0899 CEN 'roposul 1l711. Page No, of Pages " ..- '~ ,- y ~~UCK EQUIPMENT INC. QUOTATION 458 Johnson Ave., P.O. BOl472. Bohemia, NY 11716 NO. 7086 (516) 563-6666 " I PROPOSAL SUBMI1"'reD TO PHONE DATE March 11 , 1996 STREET JOB NAME Town of, Southold LiftAll LAH-37-1S -...., CITY, STATE"nd ZIP CODe JOB L.QCATION Aerial Device and Line Body ARCHITECT J OATE OF PlANS J~". I Opening 3/14/96 , ;- .,.- We hereby SUbmit SpeCifiCatiOns and estimatsli tor: . Furnish and install LiftAll Aerial device meeting or exceeding all specifications ...................-....-.". ............ ........... .. ...........-.-.-.. ............... .... ............................-........ "".......~.- ........- ...................-........ ""_H' ............... ,."", .. '''''," ....,..*... as listed with Omaha Line/Service Body. ............"H.... .......,,_.... .......... ....'H"M__~.~......_._.._._..,. ............-,-.-....-.-- ..........".."" ..,....'..........._....._....H.._..H.... ..-.......... ............... .........'.H.... To include the following; ....................H..H._.. .-....................... ....... ...._.H...... .............. .................. ...................._.....H..H... .....H.._. .--............... ..........-. ................ ................... ........"........"'."."".."..,,.. 'PTO and Pump, Whelen DOT3/102A emergency lighting system. 2 Suaber grip strut ~ho~ks, back-up....a1.arm....t riang.l.......Ua..1.r....kit . ..fir,s.t. .ai.d...k1t. .safety. ,bel.t...aud.....l.anyard. ................... ..... body and aerial device painted one color to mat~h ~ab. FuU"t....Ung and.tl'.a.;l.ni.ng. . "........ ..............._..._.~.._..H.~. ....... ............................ ............-.. .......-........... .......................... Operation. parts and service manuals ... ......... ........H..H._.H........ ................................. ..................--.-.. ".H. .......... ........... ............................-...... ...................... ..........-........ I Chs...ill...t;c .b.. dl'O!>&b.~lld. to .IlQ.ham.ia,.....,New....Yor.k ! ............-............... ............-....... ..-........... ............. ......H..... .................................. ...................-..... ......_.H._.... .................._.H ........- .........- .........H.... ............................................ Price $ 34,864.00 fob Long Island Dealer . ...........,...Tl'ade.. in 1985. Tnt-e.rnat.ional with..Ae.".ia.l. .davice..."b.ased ..OR. ...illS\>Bct;.;l.on. as of .JIBI9.6.... $ 5.500.00 fob Bohemia I' me 'fOPOse hereby to furnish material and labor - oomplete in accordance with above specifications. for the sum of: Payment to be made BS follows: dollars ($ ), All material is C\.I$rlVlteed to be B& specified, All w(ll'k to be completed in a. workrPanlikt manner accordi"O 10 stanQB1d practices. My alteration or deViation from above sp.cification$ Involving extra co!rls Will be executed only upon written OfQerS, and will become sn ~ra charge over and aboVe tl'\8 estimate. All agre.m~s eontlngent upon .!likes. accident.&. ! or deiays DevOnd our control. Owner to carry fire, l()f~ and ather necessary insurance. ') ou. work... ... 'u1~ cove... by Woriun.n', Co"'ponoalkln "'8un"'8. ~ 2\rcrptaUtt af 'rapollal- The.bove prices. soecifications and conditions ;;lnt satisfactory and are hereby i1c:c:e~d. Vou are authorized to do the work as specified. f'.ilym"'it will be made as outlined abow. Date of Acceptance: '" Authoriz Signaiur ~ days, /; ....\; S)gnature Signature / CENTR!.. TRUCK EQUIPIlENT INC. .. 458 Johnson Avenue, P.O. Box 472 Bohemia, NY 11716-0472 516-563-6666 . FAX 516-563-0899 FACSIMILE COVER LETTER THIS TRANS1!1ISSION CONSISTS OF 'z., PAGES. INCLUDING THIS SHEET. PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THIS NUMBER OF SHEETS. DATE: .$/;146 /0/, er:-It(~('(' ~ ~~~4V ( , AT: ~d,~ TO: . FROM: FAXII: COMMENTS: IS F10l-FBOO-'T900 . . America's Workhorse Over the ve,ITS Ford built-tough F-Series has consistenHy been one of the best-selling Medium truck models throughout America. For 1996 the F-Series offers t11e following fea- tures and options: . A new sliding rear window. . Aerodynamic, Tilting Front End . Optional Stationary Grille . Integral Turn Signals . Interior Trim <LnG Seat Options . Butterflv Access Doors . 14,60016. Cap,lCity Front Axle . Anti-Lock BrnkeSystems for Tractor Models . Parabolic Taper-Leaf Front and RearSprings . Cut-off Front Hurnper with Flexable "Ends 1996 F-Series Features Modern Look, High Efficiency . A one-piece fiberglass tilting hood is standard and results in Improved aerodynamics. A modern grille provides better cooling and a fresh appearance. . Additional features of the tilting hood include: Large hand-hold for easier tilting; Quick-release rubber latches in moldea pockets at rear of fenders; Wide 7S-degree tilt angle a.nd splash shields that swing up and away for walk-up engine access; Easily removed hinge pins allow quick, easy hood removal; OptIonal "Butterfly" access doors are availabTe for quick check of fluid levels. . The previous alligator hood with the 1994 sheet metal design continues to be available as an option. Designed for Dollar Value Making sure you get your money's worth in the best medium truck for your application is what Ford F-Series i.s all about. Your choices include: . Single axle, straight truck, F~700 with 7.0L gasoline or LPG power and diesel powered F~800 models with GVWRs from 21,000 lbs. to 37,600 lbs. . TandemFr-900diesel models go up to 54,600 lbs. GVWR. . Tractor models with GCWR's up to 75,000 lbs. for single axles and 80,000 lbs. for tandems. . Numerous option choices which permit customers to select and create vehicfes that conform to CDL (Commercial Drivers License) requirements. Full-RangE' Job Applications There is a Ford F-Series for just about any medium duty application, including: . Agnculrure . ConstructIon . Beverage . Delivery . Municipal . Refuse . Front Frame extensions, stationary grilles and "Butterfly" access doors are also available. Sturdy Cab Construction . A one piece, compression-molded fiberglass tilt hood is standard, offering strategic rein- forcements for added durability around the grille and cowl area. . A molded one-piece grille is made from stress-absorbing composite material for added durability. . Cab Efficiency All F-Series feature a driver-oriented cab. Impor- tant instruments and controls are conveniently located to help improve driver efficiency and reduce fatigue. In addition: . . Wide-orening doors and low access height make cab entrv and exit easier. . Low step-height running boards provide sure-footing. . Optional Hy'dromount Cab Mount System is avallable for enhanced ride. . Standard 3 passenger bench seat features full foam construction. Trimmed with vinyl bolsters and breathable knit vinyl cushion and back rest inserts. . Individual Driver and individual or 2-passenger seats are also offered. . New, National Easyaire Lo-back Individual Driver and Passenger air suspension seats are optional on F-Series. These seats incorporate a built- in air pump, therefore may be installed on hydraulic brake equipped models. Chassis Durability . FramesarefabricatedfromSO,OOOorll0,OOO psi high tensile steel. . F~Series features 10.2 SMI 50,000 psi frames as standard, for greater strengtn in F 700 and F 800 models. . Optional integral front frame extensions, crankshaft driven PTO provisions. Enclosed chassis wiring, under cab battery box and horizontal muffler clear the frame rails for efficient body installation. . 14,600 lb. front axle is now available for snow plows, booms or lift bucket applications. Pick Your Engine Power F-Series mediums offer powertrain flexibility too, including: . Three Ford Gasoline Engine Selections 7.0L Economy version at 216HP 7.0L High OUtput version at 231HP wiMan. Trans./236HP wi Auto. Trans. 7.0L LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) version at 218HP . Ford FD~1060 diesel160~, 175~, 190" 21O~, 230~HP ratings . Ford FD~ 1460 diesel21O~, 225~, 250HP rat~ ings Built for Easy Maintenance . Aerodynamic fiberglass front end tilts forward 750 to provide full walk-up service access. . Easy-to-remove instrument panel provides convenient access to most electrical circuitry. . Color-coded fuses can be removed by hand. . Weather-Proof electrical connectors add integrity. Exceptional Driveability F-Series is a driver's dream. In addition every- thing is where it should be to help do the job more efficiently: = . Power steering is standard. . Generous wheel cut angles provide better maneuverability in congestea areas. . Parabolic, taper-leaf front and rear springs provide soft-ride characteristics. . Lmv cowl height, large windshield, rear and side windows and aerodynamic hood design provide good all-around visibility. . Dash-mounted, spring-set control provides fast, efficient use of rear wheel parking brakes. . Full instrumentation including micro- processor speedometer allows easy moni- toring of aIr critical vehicle systems. . Two trim levels permit the cab to be equipped as comfortably or as functionally as the application requires. . Anti-lock brake systems are available for air brake equipped models. Standard Interior Equipment . Spring-Set, Rear Wheel, Parking Brake with Dash-Mounted Push-Pull Control . Lap & Shoulder Safety Belts with 3 pt. Mounting, Center Lap Belt and Outboard Safety Belt Retractors . All Vinyl Seat Trim, Two Interior Color Choices . Ash Tray . Coat Hook . Dome Light w IDoor Courtesy Light Switches . Instrument Panel- Black . Padded Dash - Color-Keyed . Arm Rests, on Doors - Color-Keyed w Ilntegral Door Latch Handles . Floor Mat - Black Vinyl w ISpecial Heat Protection Insulation Pkg. and Scuff Platel Retainer Moldings . Dual Sun Visors ~ Padded Vinyl, Color-Keyed . Glove Box - Integral Instrument Panel- RH . Door Lock Buttons, Keyless Locking . Reversible Ignition Key . Door Panels - Color-Keyed . Deluxe Instrument Cluster . Microprocessor Electronic Speedometer provides more accuracy, reliability. . Fresh Air Heater and Defroster Standard Exterior Equipment . Dual Assist Handles . Dual Face, Fender Mounted Front Turn Signals, lncluded with Tractors and Butterfly Hoods, Optional with Tilt Hoods on Straight Trucks. . Two Rectangular Halogen Headlights with Long-Life Bulbs . Shock-Mounted Taillights with Integral Stop, Turn, Backup and License Plate Lights . Western Mirrors with Painted Auxiliary Convex Mirrors.. Painted Front Bumper with Aerodynamic Design . Electric Two-Speed Windshield Wipers and Washers . . Ford F 700 · F 800 · F1900 1996 SPECIFICATIONS,. ~ Sf +- CA- ~ .~Th,_~"__."""'OO'" , ' partial hstmg of aVailable optIons See your Ford Dealer for complete mformatIon. L _ -- - W~AL __ ___ F-700-BOO w/10,000, 12,000 & 14,600 lb. DIMENSIONS (In.) Front Axles 105" BBC w/Tilt Hood FT-900 105" BBC w/Tilt Hood . '.- -~ - ~ ,I I - we ~ -OAL DIMENSIONS (In.) F-700-800 105" BBC w/Tilt Hood we 129 141 153 171 177 189 207 225 237 255 we 142 154 178 190 196 214 238 256 WB 154 178 190 196 214 238 CA 60 72 84 102 108 120 138 156 168 186 CA 72 84 108 120 126 144 168 186 CA 84 108 120 126 144 168 AF 39 39 39 61 70 73 93 100 130 130 AF 39 43 63 75 75 75 130 130 AF 55 63 75 75 75 130 OAUl. 204 216 228 268 283 298 336 361 403 421 OAL.. 216 232 276 300 306 324 403 421 0AU0. 244 276 300 306 324 403 SINGLE-AXLE TANDEM.AXLE SPECIFICATIONS F.800 FT-900 F-700 GVW RATING (LBS.) Std./Max. 21,000/37,600 21,000/37,600 44,300/54,600 GCW RATING (LBS.). Max. 60,000 75,000 80,000 AXLES (LBS.) -FRONT Std. 6,000 6,000 12,000 Opt. 7,000,9,000,10,000,12,000,14,600 7,000,9,000,10,000,12,000.14,6000 14,600 -REAR Std. 15,000 Single Speed 15,000 Single Speed 34,000 Opt. 13-, 17.5-,19, 21,23,000 Single Speed 13-,17.5-,19-,21-,23-, *26,000 Single Speed 40,000 15-,17.5-,19,21, '22-, 23,000 Two Spel. 15-,17.5-,19-,21-, *22-, 23,000 Two Spd. * 44,000 BRAKES Std. Hyd. Disc/Drum Hyd. Disc/Drum Air Opt. HD Hyd. Rear HD Hyd. Rear HD Front Cam Air Cam FronURear Air Cam FronURead Antilock Brake System Antilock Brake System Antilock Brake System ELECTRICAL - ALTERNATOR Std. 95 amp, 1425 Watt 95 Amp, 1425 Watt 95 Amp, 1425 Watt Opt. 115Amp 100,115,130Amp 100,115,130 Amp - BATTERIES Std. 1\ 45 amn/hr. 2l 65 amo/hr. . -(2\ 65 amn/hr. Opt. (1) 71 amp./hr. (3) 65 amp./hr. - (2) 93 amp.lhr. (3) 65 ampJhr. - (2) 93 amp./hr. (3) 93 amp.lhr- (3) 93 amp.lhr. (2) or (3) 96 amp./hr.T"I" (2) or (3) 96 amp./hr.T"I" (2) 96 amp./hr. (2) 96 amp./hr. ENGINES Std. Ford Gas 7.0L Econom~216HP Ford Diesel FD-1060 160HP Ford Diesel FD-1460 210HP Opt. Ford Gas 7.0l High Output 231 HP Ford Diesel FD-1 060 - 175/190/210/230 Ford Diesel FD-14GO Hinh Outout23GHpH LPG 218HP Ford Diesel FD-14GO - 21 0/225/250HP 225/250HP CLUTCH Std. 13" 1-Plate Ceramic 14" 1-Plate Ceramic 14" 1-Plate, Ceramic Opt. 14" 2-Plate Ceramic 14" 2-Plate Ceramic TRANSMISSIONS Std. 5-Speed Direct 5-Speed Direct 5-Speed Direct Opt. 5, G-Speed Direct 5. G, 9, 10-Speed Direct G, 9, 10-Speed Direct 4, 5-Speed Automatic 4, 5., G-Speed Automatic 4, 5-Speed Automatic FRAMES Std. 10.2 SM/50,000 PSI 10.2 SM/50,000 PSI 13.3 SM/11 0,000 PSI Opt. 13.3 SM or 18.0 SM/50,000 PSI 10.8 SM,13.3 SM or 18.0 SM/SO,OOO PSI 15.9 SM or 2G.5 SM/110,000 PSI 13.3 SM 15.9 SM or 26.5 SM/110,OOO PSI 10.8 SM, 13.3 SM,15.9 SMor 26.5 SM/110,OOO PSI SUSPENSION (LBS.) . FRONT Std. 6,850 Multi-Leaf 6,850 Multi-Leaf 12,000 Multi-Leaf Opt. 7,8.5-,9-,10-,12-,13.2-, 14,GOO Multi-Leaf 7-,8.5,9,10,12-,13.2-, 14,Goo Multi-leaf 13.3, 14,GOO Multi-leaf G-, 7-, 8.5-, 9-, 10-. 12.000 Taper-Leaf G-, 7-, 8.5-, 9-, 10-, 12,000 Taper-leaf 12,000 Taper-Leaf -REAR Std. 15,000 Multi-Leaf Incl. 1-Leaf Aux. 15,000 Multi-Leaf Incl. 1-Leaf Aux. 34,000 Opt. 15-,17.5-,19-,21-,23-, 23,000t Multi-leaf 15-,17.5-,19-,21-,23-, 23t, '24,500 Multi-Leaf 34-,36-*, 38-,40,000 15-, 17.5-, 19-, 20-, 21,000 Taper-Leaf 15-, 17.5-, 19-, 20-, 21.000 Taper-Leaf *40,000 (Air Susp.) Incl. 1-Leaf, 4-Leaf or Delete '23,000 (Air Susp.) Incl. 1-Leaf, 4 Leaf or Delete TIRES Std. 9R22.5 F - 12 9R22.5 F .12 10R22.5 F - 12 Opt. (See your Ford Dealer) WHEELS Std. 22.5x6.75 Cast Spoke I 22.5x6.75 Cast Spoke I 22.5x7.50 Cast Spoke Opt. (See your Ford Dealer) . l-rl Truck Operations ~ Heavy Truck Sales and Marketing Information for this publication was correct at the time at which the material was being prepared for printing. Specifications and availability shown are subject to change without notice and Ford Motor Company assumes no liability for such changes. Vol. L-95-06 April, 1995 AOC-4I9077 Litho in U.S.A. t Low deflection. *SpecialOrder tt Cycle Power ,. w/Auto Transmission . .It. For Alligator Hood. subtract 2 inches from dimensions shown. . TO: Town of Southold Highway Department FROM: Milton Schultz Fleet Manager SUBJECT: One (1) Aerial Lift on a FORD Chassis Please be advised that TOWER FORD, INC. will be supplying a 1997 FORD F800 Chassis according to specifications with the following deviation. In order to obtaing a minimum GVW of 25,900 Ibs. it becomes necessary to upgrade the tires to a 10R22.5(F). In using the 9R22.5(F) tire the GVW is 23,380 Ibs. Since the specs calls for the 9R22.5(F) tires, I will quote both ways. The Body, Aerial Liftand Emergency Lighting will be supplied and installed by Central Equipment Co., Inc. of Bohemia, NY. All according to specifications. The cost of the delivered unit with the 10R22.5 Tires is: $ 69,928.00 TRADE 5,500.00 DELIVERED PRICE $ 64,428.00 Using 9R22.5(F) Tires, the delivered price is: $ 64,149.00 Thank you for allowing us to bid on your a~tomotive needs. \,IV\- Milton Schultz March 13, 1996 124 South Middle Neck Road' Great Neck, New York 11021 . Telephone: 516-466-6400 . Fax: 516-466-6456 . . ,~ t) Item ID: l"ard chassis General, pecijicmi.ms GfWR Font Axle R':ar Axle W heel base Cb to Axle Fr lnt Suspension Rur Suspension Engine Displacement Horsepower Transmission 25,900 lb. max. 9,000 lb. 17,500 lb. 153 inch 84 inch 3,800 lb. leaf springs 17,500 lb. Diesel / 5.9 Liter 190 hp Allison Automatic 26,500# 5.88 L AT 545 () To include the following; Power steering, Bendix ':-300 integral power steering, 21.2: 1 ratio. 18" diameter wheel. POWER STEERING: ROSS:TAS 55 20.4:1 RATIO 18" Wheel Power Brakes, Sr lit power hydral1lic with dash mounted hydraulic booster. Self adjusting. 14.75 x 1.35" front d:.sc 180.87 sq. inch 15 x 6" rear drums. Hydraulic rear spring set, parking brake. Fuel T:mk, 50 Gallon step tal Ie mounted on passenger side of cab. Frll1tte. 5G .000 psi steel.' ith inverted "L" reinforcement Electrical System, '12 Volt, 130 amp '.Itemator, liID:e 535 cca batteries. Wh!els and dres, 9R22.5 F front and'rear tubeless radials on 22.5 x 6.75 rims. Cast spoke wheels. TIRES ARE: 10R22.5 F TO MEET GVW REQUIREMENTS. 9R22.5 DO NOT MEET GVW. Inc.lukd items, Bench type vinyl ;eat, dome lamp, cigar lighter, west COast mirrors, AMIFM radio, cloc Ie, gauges, increased lngine cooling, transmission oil cooler, fueVwater separator (Racor or eql 11), Engine heater (I 0 Volt), heavy duty air cleaner, back-up alarm, triangle flair kit, first aic! at ElII !rgency Lighting, A Whelen DOT 3 102A lighting system shall be installed, a 360 strobe shall be mounted on Ie cab roof and two r ctangular strobes shall be recessed into the rear line body panel. The con rols shall be mountec on the dash of the truck. . . Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic. N.Y. 11958 RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 Sped.ficatioDS Oue (1) Aerial Device aad Ford Chassis and Line Body (Jl BUlL TIle intent of these SpccificatiODS is to desc:ribe a jm:'llated aerial. device mounted on a 1996 Ford chassis with p/a!form body. The: UDit sball be a new. Lift-All Model LAH- 37-15 or approved equal with a Omaba 132 Line Body. The followinll SDecifications are to be considered as mitlimwns and must be met or exceeded.. Item I; Aerial Device SpecificatioDS Uft-A/l LAH-37-1S Ground to Bottom ofBuclret Comfortable Working Height Reach., Maximum Reach at 28 Feet BuclcetCapacity Rotation Insulation 37 Feet 42-43 Feet 30 Feet - 4 inches 24Fwl 350 lbs Continuous and non-restricted 69kv Detailed Specifications Boom ColfStntction The lower boom shall be T x 9" =tmguIar 58.000 psi steel and shall traVel in an arc of 106 degrees. It shall travel from -5 degrees to 101 degrees. It shall have a fiberglass insert which will allow for a insulation gap of 12 inches. The upper boom shall have a 8" x g" rectangular fiberglass section with a telIsile strength of at least 50,000 psi. It shall have a minimum dielcclric qualification of 69kv to comply with ANSI 92.2. The boom movemeut shall be at least 185 degr=s. It shall offer an insulation gap of at least 10'.2". The upper aDd lower boom combine<iarticulation must be such as to allow for ~und level entry. All hinge aDd pivot points are to incorporate stress proof steel pins and are to be fined with replaceable bronze bushings. The automatic upper boom hold down shall automatically stow the upper boom in the locked position without stcIpS or clamps. Boom Lift CylintJen The upper and lower boom movements are to be controlled by double acting hydnuilic cylinders in conjunction with meehanicallinkage. Each lift cylinder is to incorporate hydraulic check valves to a:asc boom mOVCllCIlt in the cvem of hydraulic pressure fisilurc. Boom movemem using cables shall DOt be ~le. . . Aerial Specifications, CODtinUed Page 2 Hydrr1uJic Co1lln1ls The upper and lower boom. and rotation functions shall be CODtrOlled by full pressure, four way 5\1001 valve sectiODS at both the bucket location and at the pedestalleve!. The Ullper and lower control valves are to be spring return to IIe1III'a.l, providing fiIi1-safe opcratiOD. The upper and lower conuol valve sections, are to be ,Xhlilevced l1ydraulically and sbould provide flow through circuitry to m~;"",;n uniform hydraulie oil tbu}'<"..tw.o:; tmder all conditioDs. The upper control must be provide simultmeous boom movement in tbree directions by means of a one handle tril;l;'" activated conuoi. An automatic two speed throttle control shall be provided , to be activated by the one handle trigger with provisioos at the bucket to allow the opetator to turn off the two speed throttle when operating in and around confined areas. Override of upper control function shall be provided at the pedestal. The override system must be tampc:rproof hydraulic control valve to prevent accidental boom movement from the units work positiOD. It must also permit the CODtrOIs at the bucket to be overridden OD emergency situations. the override l~ must be returned to control position before controls at the bucket can be resumed.. Hydrtudics Hydraulic pom:r shall be supplied by a 1;T:tn<tm;~~;on mounted PTO with a direct mount hydraulic pump. The: PTO shaII be engage by a electric switcl1 mounted on the chassis dash. A red indicator light shall be provided to show when PTO is engaged. The system will be an open center type opeIating at 5gpm with 2,000 psi. A 17 gallon reservoir shall be mounted within the devices pedestal. Two shutotIvalves shall be provided to allow for ease of oil and filter changes. A hydraulic lilter shall be provided. Rotation Rotation of the unit sball be continuous and unrestricted in either direction and shall be provided by a hydraulic orbit motor/pc tcduccr drive. The rotation mechanism shall be driven by a spur gear with shear ball rotation bearing. Opuoton Buck4it (Pttltfomr) A 24" x 24" x 42" fiberglass bucket shall be provided . Control shall be at the bucket level and be hydraulic. The bucket shall be fully enclosed with a molded on access step to facilitate easy bucket enlIy and exit. A vinyl bucket cover shaI1 be provided. A spring loaded bucket support shall be provided. A bucket liner shall be provided. . . Aerial SpecitiCltiOIlS. C oatinued Page 3 Bllcket , Contilllled; Leveling shall be provided through the use of chain leveling system and must be dielcctrically insuIatcd with fiberglass leveling rods. A11lcvcling components must be confined within the booms. The leveling system must be independent of any ~ or gravity system and must be able to m~;ntJrin the worlc bucket in a position par.I1Icl to the grolllld in any and all upper and lower boom positions. A ladder shall be provided on the line body to provide for easy access to bucket SttlbiIity Stability for the unit sbaIl be m"inmimod through the use of a heavy dUty torsion bar mounted on the cbassis. If necessary ballast must be provided to insure stability. All testing shall be completed as per ANSI and OSHA. Included Items Chassis engine start stop. IX emergency back-up system. Gate valve on rerum line, Gate Valve on suction line, Safety Belt and lanyard, Maintenance/parts and operators manuals, hydraulic tool outlets at bucker (2 Studs), two Sauber Grip Strut wheel chocks. Paint Unit to be painted Highway Red . . r- Line Body Specifications \ Omaha Model 132-82 OR EQUAL Item II: Line Body The intent of these specification is to describe a line body to be used in conjunction with a aerial device. These are to be considered minimums and must be met or exceeded. Dimensions Overall length Overall Width Cabinet Height Cabinet Depth Floor Width 132" 94 y," 48" 18" 58 y," o General Specifications The body shall be fabricated of A40 galvannea1ed steel sheeting with the following gauges. Front Panels Top Panels Bottom Panels Rear End Panels Intermediate Panels Horizontal Compartment bottom panel Fender panel Back Panel Rub rail 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 12 gauge 16 gauge 14 gauge 12 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge The fender panel will be reinforced with a 1" structural angle wheel arch section with an add-on rubber fenderettes. The outside edge of the rub rail will have a 3/8" hem for addittional strength. Construction Doors Double panel construction of 18 ga. outer pane and 20 ga. inner A40 galvanealed steel with high impact polystyrene honeycomb stiffener. Lower interior cavity of doors treated with Ziebart formulate rust preventative. Latch - galvannea1ed paddle handles with tamper prooflocks slam action closure. They will be riveted to the doors for ease of replacement The striker plate will be two stage safety catch type and must be adjUstable and arranged to lock inside the primary seal. The seal shall be an automotive type, bulb shaped neoprene. No ~, exceptions. Flat type foam will not be acceptable. The hinge will be a full length continuous "Piano Type" 3/16" stainless steel. . . Page Two Door Construction Continued; The vertical door holders shall be spring loaded type door stays, the horizontals shall have heavy duty cables with a rubber type coating or equal. The street side shall have rubber bumpers. A master locking system shall be provided on each side with the ability to secure cabinets with a padlock Two locks to be supplied, keyed alike. Cabinet Layout Dimensions First Vertical Second Vertical Horizontal Rear Vertical Street side 29" x 48" 24" x48" 52" x 23" 27' x 48" Curbside 28" x 48" Open* 53'" x 23" 27' x 48" * The open area shall consist of two tread plate steps and on hanging stirrup type steps to allow for entry into the line body forward area. Two grab handles shall be provided Shelving The forward verticals shall have three adjustable shelves each with removable dividers. ( 6 per shelf) The curbside vertical shall be pullout types. They will be 16 ga. galvanized steel with a 2" lip, front and rear. The adjustments will be through clips on 4" centers. The horizontals shall have one mid shelf each with dividers. (10 dividers per shelf) . The street side rear vertical shall have 5 swivel hooks 2-3-2. The curbside rear vertical shall have three adjustable shelves with dividers. ( 6 per Shelf) Front Bulkhead 14 ga. A40 galvannealed steel with formed top rail with three die formed reinforcing ribs. Floor drainage is designed into lower rib at floor level. Under Structure The cross members shall be 5" structural steel. The flooring will be 3116" galvanneal tread plate steel. The entire underside and compartments shall be covered with Ziebart formulated undercoating meeting OSHA and NFDA specifications. Paint All surfaces shall be cleaned and conversion coated with high pressurelhigh temperature power wash ( Freemont Industries 608PG) or equal to allow for maximum inteHoat adhesion and added rust and corrosion protection. / . ' . . Page Three All galvanealed surfaces where grinding is required and any nongalvanealed steel that does not get undercoat protection will receive a vinyl wash primer coating ( 5-10 mil. wet build) for added rust and corrosion protection and superior paint adhesion. The exterior shall be painted with two component high solid red oxide acrylic urethane primer-sealer cured with VIe amine generator licensed through Sherwin Williams, DFT 2 mils. The interior compartments - same coating chemistry as above in white. ( Sherwin-Williams "Prime Shield SCP040C) The finaI paint shall consist of two coats of color to match the cab color. Sherwin Williams Urethane, "Sunfire" or equal. Lighting The lighting shall comply to all Federal, State and Local requirements. The stop, driving and back-up lights shall be recessed into the rear panel. Truck Lite or equal, All reflectors shall be screw-on type. Truck,Lite model 19 clearance lights shall be provided .'_._~'_'....---:':'._.C__L.-~ ___.....0-- . . . . o Item ill: Ford chassis General Specifications GVWR Front Axle Rear Axle Wheel base Cab to Axle Front Suspension Rear Suspension Engine Displacement Horsepower Transmission 25,900 lb. max. 9,000 lb. 17,500 lb. 153 inch 84 inch 3,800 lb. leaf springs 17,500 lb. Diesel 5.9 Liter 190 hp Allison Automatic To include the following; Puwer steering, Bendix C-300 integral power steering, 21.2: 1 ratio. 18" diameter wheel. () Puwer Brakes, Split power hydraulic with dash mounted hydraulic booster. Self adjusting. 14.75 x 1.35" front disc, 180.87 sq. inch 15 x 6" rear drums. Hydraulic rear spring set, parking brake. Fuel Tank, 50 Gallon step tank mounted on passenger side of cab. Frame. 50,000 psi steel, with inverted "L" reinforcement. Electrical System, 12 Volt, 130 amp alternator, three 535 cca batteries. Wheels and tires, 9R22.5 F front and rear tubeless radials on 22.5 x 6.75 rims. Cast spoke wheels. Included items, Bench type vinyl seat, dome lamp, cigar lighter, west coast mirrors, AM/FM radio, clock, gauges, increased engine cooling, transmission oil cooler, fuel/water separator (Racor or equal), Engine heater ( 110 Volt) , heavy duty air cleaner, back-up alarm, triangle flair kit, first aid kit. Emergency Lighting, A Whelen DOT 3/102A lighting system shall be installed, a 360 strobe shall be mounted on the cab roof and two rectangular strobes shall be recessed into the rear line body panel. The ~ . controls shall be mounted on the dash of the truck. . . Manuals Standard maintainance and repair manuals must be supplied for the entire unit. Any exceptions to these specifications must be listed separately. TRADE IN One (1) 1985 International with aerial device. May be inspected at the Southold Town Highway Oepartment yard by appointment between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Phone: (516) 734-5211 (516) 765-3140 . . NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) FLEET MANAGER Bid on AERIAL TRUCK --j . . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) Aerial Device and Ford Chassis and Line Body. or Equal. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall,. 53095 Main Road. Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-refundable fee (plus $1. 25 postage for mailing), between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.. Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid speci fications. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $500.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11:00 A.M.. Thursday. March 111. 1996. at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Aerial Truck". and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: February 22, 1996. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK ~ * * r--- ---~-~ VILa ~ Se-ncL b~ ol +0 Towev Ford.. Id.-+ S, mlddlc 1JeC'/c f2d- Greo..+ Oed ( iJ-J ~ IIOJ-I .M---I-n ~ JOhn ~ I A !--essa.,nclJr-Q RICII\IEI) MAR 7 IS% MIE: !:lm Sni'""'lf_ TOWER FORD, INC. GREAT NECK. NY 11021 8100 ISSUED BY: IVY 25298169-0D ,( I l " . . LEGAL NoticE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK S5: NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 ofthe General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for One (1) Aerial Device and Ford Chassis and Line Body, or Equal. Specifications may be oh- tained at the Office ofthe Town Clerk. Town of Southold. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 1197 I, upon payment of a $ I 0,00 non-re- fundable fee (plus $ 1.25 post- age for mailing), between the hours of 8:00 A,M, and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, All bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid speci- fications. The sealed bids. together with a Non-Collusive Bid Cer- tificate and bank draft or certi- fied check in the amount of $500.00, will be received by the Town Clerk. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY, until I I :00 a.m., Thursday, March 14,1996, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so, All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Aerial Truck," and subm itted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of South old is exempt. Dated: February 22, 1996 Judith T, Terrv South old Town Clerk 1 X-2/29/96( I I ) Joey Mac Lellan, being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of the TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at South old, in Suf- folk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler-Watchman once each week for ! .,.. ..... ...,. ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... .........1. ..................... weeks . .l'):;; successively, commenCing on the .................... , ,-. j:' .(', - ,'- </ d f a.., <<..'.kl 19 L .t1tay. o.......:..:..:::::::.':::.~.....'.......'.....'.... ,--,-- J)"" Sworn to b~f5l;e me this .........c?L............ day ,of ....... ... ..... .......P:~~.'.~;~.~-~~!:.:':J........................, 19Z:<s.. . ... ..... ...... ...... .~::,~.\/.;:o:~;c..:?c..'::.f.4\~..~.~:.~;:"...... Notary Public BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER NOTi\f,Y PU[:UC, Stote 01 NEVI York No. l!2f}~g46 Ql',"i:&d in Su1iolk County / Comn,ission Expires 8/31 9 b I! ---- . . STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the 23rd day of February 1996, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Legal Notice Notice to Bidders, Aerial Truck. Bid opening: 11:00 A.M., Thursday, March 14, 1996, Southold Town Clerk's Office. ~~~ , Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this UaL day of February, 1996. ~ ' tk-. j/~ [II Notary PUb~iC JOYCE M. WILKINS Notary Public, Statr. of New York No. 4952246, Suffolk Co~ Term Expires June 12. 1 1 II . . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) Aerial Device and Ford Chassis and Line Body. or Equal. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold. Town Hall. 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-refundable fee (plus $1.25 postage for mailing), between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and q:OO P.M.. Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid specifications. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $500.00, will be received by the Town Clerk. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. until 11 :00 A.M.. Thursday. March 111. 1996, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Aerial Truck". and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: February 22, 1996. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON FEBRUARY 29. 1996, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Commissioner of Public Works Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Boa.rd f I~' (It ,u 4Ij!'l ~~_ f tt1i .--clt~!$ -. . /- [-/( ;C{ 41:../ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) Aerial Device and Ford Chassis and Line Body, or Equal. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall" 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-refundable fee (plus $1.25 postage for mailing). between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid specifications. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $500.00, will be received I by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, March 1ll, 1996, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Aerial Truck", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: February 22, 1996. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK . . . PLEASE PUBLISH ON FEBRUARY 29, 1996, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorney Commissioner of Public Works Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board , . . Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic. N.Y. 11958 RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 Specifications Oae (1) Aerial Device aad Ford Chassis and Liae Body 1JI EtJ..W.. The intent of these specificatiollS is to describe a iDS.tlated aerial device mounted on a 1996 Ford chassis with pIatfonn body . The IIIIit sball bea new, Lift-All Model LAH- 31-15 or approved equal with a Omaba 132 Line Body. The followinsz soecifications are to be considered as millimwns and must be met or exceeded. Item I; Aerial Device Spedfil:ations UfMJI LAlJ-37-1S Ground to Bottom of Bucket Comfortable Working Height Reach. Maximum Reacb at 28 Feet Bucket Capacity Rolation Insulation 31 Feet 42-43 Feet 30 Feet - 4 inches 24 F\:et 350 lbs Continuous and non-restricted 69kv Detailed Specifieatioas Boom Cotutntction The lower boom shall be T" x 9" =tangular 58,000 psi sreel and shall travel in an arc of 106 degrees. It shall travel from -5 degrees to 101 degrees. It sball have a fiberglass insert which will allow for a insulation gap of 12 inches. The upper boom shall have a 8" x 8" rectangular fiberglass section with a tensile strength of at least 50,000 psi. It shall bave a minimum dieledric qualification of 69kv to comply with ANSI 92.2. The boom movemcm sball be: at least 185 degrees. It shall offer an insulation gap of at least 10'-2". The upper and lower boom combined articulation must be such as to allow for ground level entry. AIl hinge and pivot points arc to incorporate streSs proof steel pins and arc to be fitted with replaceable bronze bushings. The automatic upper boom hold down shall automatic:ally stow the upper boom in the locked position without straps or clamps. Boom Lift Cylitukn The upper and lower boom movemears arc to be controlled by double acting hydraulic cylinders in conjunctioll with mcebanical1inkage. Each lift cylinder is to incorporate hydraulic check valves to cease boom movcmcnt in the event of hydraulic: pressure fiIilurc. Boom movement nsing cables sbalI DOt be aa:qJtlIble. . . Aerial SpecificatiollJ, CODtinUed Page 2 Hydnudic Controls The upper and lower boom, and rotation functions shall be controlled by full pressure, four way spool valve sectioDS at both the bucket location and at the pedestal level. The upper and lower control valves are to be spriog return to neutral, providiog filiI-safe operation. The upper and lower COl1U'ol valve sections, are to be COlll1eCred hydraulically and should provide flow through ciIt:uitry to ,",""",in uniform hydraulie oil tt...u...,...tw" under all conditions. The upper control must be provide simultaneous boom movement in three directions by means of a one bandle trigger activated control. An automatic two speed throttle control shall be provided , to be activated by the one handle trigger with provisiOIlS at the bucket to allow the opetator to turn off the two speed throttle when operating in and around coofincd areas. Override of upper control function shall be provided at the pedestal. The override system must be tamJlClProof hydraulic control valve to prevent accidental boom movement from the units work position. It must also permit the controls at the bucket to be overridden OD emergency situations. the override lever must be rmmed to control position before controls at the bucket can be resumed. HytllwlJics Hydraulic power shall be supplied by a tpn,,",i~~ion mounted PTO with a direct mount hydraulic pump. The PTO shall be engage by a electric switeh mounted on the chassis dash. A led indicatOr light shall be provided to show wbenPTO is engaged. The system will be an open center type operating at Sgpm with 2,000 psi. A 17 gallon reservoir shall be mounted within the devices pedestal. Two shutoff valves shall be provided to allow for case of oil and tilter changes. A hydraulic filter shall be provided. Rotadon Rotation of the unit shall be continuous and unrestricted in either direction and shall be provided by a hydraulic orbit motor/gear reducer drive. The rotation mechanism sha1I be driven by a spur gear with shear ball rotation bearing. Opendon Bucket (PIllifomlj A 24" x 24" x 42" fiberglass bucket shall be provided . Control shall be at the bucket level and be hydraulic. The bucket shall be fillly enclosed with a molded on access step to fiIcilitatc easy bucket entty and exit. A vinyl bucket cover sball be provided. A spring loaded bucket support shall be provided. A buclcet liner shall be provided. . . Aerial SpecificatiOD&. Continned Page 3 Bllck<< , Conlinun; Leveling shall be provided through the use of chain leveling system and must be diclcctrically insulated with fiberglass leveling rods. All leveling components must be confined within the booms. The leveling system must be independent of any hyd.taulli: or gtaVity system and must be able to "",inmin the work bucket in a position paralIcl to the ground. in any and all upper and lower boom positions. A ladder shaH be provided on the line body to provide for easy access to bucket. SItIbiJity Stability for the unit sbal1 be mAinmi....j through the use of a bcavy duty torsion bar mounted on the chassis. If necessary ballast must be provided to insure stability. All testing shall be completed as per ANSI and OSHA. lndtcdetlltems Chassis engine start stop. DC emergem:y back-up system. Gate valve on return line. Gate Valve on suction line, Safety Belt and lanyard, Maintenance/parts and operators manuals. hydraulic tool outlets at bucket (2 Studs). two Sauber Grip Strut wheel ehoeks. Paint Unit to be painted Highway Ra:J . . r-. , I \. .I Line Body Specifications Omaha Model 132-82 OR EQUAL Item H: Line Body The intent of these specification is to describe a line body to be used in conjunction with a aerial device. These are to be considered minimums and must be met or exceeded. Dimensions OveraIllength OveraIl Width Cabinet Height Cabinet Depth Floor Width 132" 94 Y:z" 48" 18" 58 Y:z" o General Specifications The body shall be fabricated of A40 galvanneaJed steel sheeting with the fOllowing gauges. Front Panels Top Panels Bottom Panels Rear End Panels Intermediate Panels Horizontal Compartment bottom panel Fender panel Back Panel Rub rail 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 12 gauge 16 gauge 14 gauge 12 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge The fender panel wiIl be reinforced with a I" structural angle wheel arch section with an add-on rubber fenderettes. The outside edge of the rub rail will have a 3/8" hem for addittionaI strength. Construction Doors Double panel construction of 18 ga. outer pane and 20 ga. inner A40 galvanealed steel with high impact polystyrene honeycomb stiffener. Lower interior cavity of doors treated with Ziebart formulate rust preventative. Latch - galvanneaJed paddle handles with tamper proofIocks slam action closure. They wiIl be riveted to the doors for ease of replacement The striker plate wiIl be two stage safety catch type and must be adjustable and arranged to lock inside the primary seal. The seal shall be an automotive type, bulb shaped neoprene. No ,-", exceptions. Flat type foam wiIl not be acceptable. The hinge wiIl be a full length continuous "Piano Type" 3/16" stainless steel. . . . . Page Two Door Construction Continued; The vertical door holders shall be spring loaded type door stays, the horizontals shall have heavy duty cables with a rubber type coating or equal. The street side shall have rubber bumpers. A master locking system shall be provided on each side with the ability to secure cabinets with a padlock. Two locks to be supplied, keyed alike. . Cabinet Layout Dimensions First Vertical Second Vertical Horizontal Rear Vertical Street side 29" x 48" 24" x 48" 52" x 23" 27" x 48" Curbside 28" x 48" Open* 53" x 23" 27" x 48" * The open area shall consist of two tread plate steps and on hanging stirrup type steps to allow for entry into the line body forward area Two grab handles shall be provided. Shelving The forward verticals shall have three adjustable shelves each with removable dividers. ( 6 per shelf) The curbside vertical shall be pullout types. They will be 16 ga galvanized steel with a 2" lip, front and rear. The adjustments will be through clips on 4" centers. . The horizontals shall have one mid shelf each with dividers. (10 dividers per shelf) . The street side rear vertical shall have 5 swivel hooks 2-3-2. The curbside rear vertical shall have three adjustable shelves with dividers. ( 6 per Shelf) Front Bulkhead 14 ga. A40 galvannealed steel with formed top rail with three die formed reinforcing ribs. Floor drainage is designed into lower rib at floor level. UlUkr Structure The cross members shall be 5" structural steel. The flooring will be 3/16" galvanneal tread plate steel. The entire underside and compartments shall be covered with Ziebart formulated undercoating meeting OSHA and NFDA specifications. Paint All surfaces shall be cleaned and conversion coated with high pressurelhigh temperature power wash ( Freemont Industries 608PG) or equal to allow for maximum inter-coat adhesion and added rust and corrosion protection. . . . ' Page Three All galvanealed surfaces where grinding is required and any nongalvanealed steel that does not get undercoat protection will receive a vinyl wash primer coating ( 5-10 mil. wet build) for added rust and corrosion protection and superior paint adhesion. The exterior shall be painted with two component high solid red oxide acrylic urethane primer-sealer cured with VIC amine generator licensed through Sherwin Williams, DIT 2 mils. The interior compartments - same coating chemistry as above in white. ( Sherwin-Williams "Prime Shield SCP040C) The final paint shall consist of two coats of color to match the cab color. Sherwin Williams Urethane, "Sunfire" or equal. Lighting The lighting shall comply to all Federal, State and Local requirements. The stop, driving and back-up lights shall be recessed into the rear panel. Truck Lite or equal, All reflectors shall be screw-on type. Truck,Lite model 19 clearance lights shall be provided . . , ~,' () Item ID: Ford chassis General Specifications GVWR Front Axle Rear Axle Wheel base Cab to Axle Front Suspension Rear Suspension Engine Displacement Horsepower Transmission 25,900 lb. max. 9,000 lb. 17,500 lb. 153 inch 84 inch 3,800 lb. leaf springs 17,500 lb. Diesel 5.9 Liter 190 hp Allison Automatic To include the following; Power steering, Bendix C-300 integral power steering, 21.2: I ratio. 18" diameter wheel. o Power Brakes, Split power hydraulic with dash mounted hydraulic booster. Self adjusting. 14.75 x 1.35" front disc, 180.87 sq. inch 15 x 6" rear drums. Hydraulic rear spring set, parking brake. Fuel Tank, 50 Gallon step tank mounted on passenger side of cab. Frame. 50,000 psi steel, with inverted "L" reinforcement. Electrical System, 12 Volt, 130 amp alternator, three 535 cca batteries. Wheels and tires, 9R22.5 F front and rear tubeless radials on 22.5 x 6.75 rims. Cast spoke wheels. Included items, Bench type vinyl seat, dome lamp, cigar lighter, west coast mirrors, AM/FM radio, clock, gauges, increased engine cooling, transmission oil cooler, fueVwater separator (Racor or equal), Engine heater ( 110 Volt), heavy duty air cleaner, back-up alarm, triangle flair kit, first aid kit. Emergency Lighting, A Whelen DOT 3/102A lighting system shall be installed, a 360 strobe shall be mounted on the cab roof and two rectangular strobes shall be recessed into the rear line body panel. The '- . controls shall be mounted on the dash of the truck. . . Manuals Standard maintainance and repair manuals must be supplied for the entire unit. Any exceptions to these specifications must be listed separately. TRADE IN One (1) 1985 International with aerial device. May be inspected at the Southold Town Highway Oepartment yard by appointment between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Phone: (516) 734-5211 (516) 765-3140 . . NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Bid on AERIAL TRUCK . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 22, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of one (1) Aerial Device and Ford Chassis and Line Body, or equal, for the Commissioner of Public Works; said truck to be paid for equally from Street Lighting Equipment Account and Highway Equipment Account. ~.~~ -~ Judit T. Ter~ Southold Town Clerk February 23, 1996 RAYMOND L. JACOBS Commissioner . Public Works Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic. N.Y. 11958 RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY: . (516) 765-3140 (516) 734-5211 FAX (516) 765-17&J Resolved: That the Town Clerk of Southold be authorized to advertise for the Commissioner of Public Works a bid for the purchase of '2{, one (1) Aerial Device and Ford Chassis and f~d Line Body or equal to be pald for equally fro~' Street Lighting Equipment Account and Highway Equipment Account. VOTE OF THE TOWN BOARD Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilman William D. Moore Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Justice Louisa P. Evans (yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (No) (No) (No) (No) (No) (No) Dated: Town Clerk, Town of Southold