HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-78.-1-10.3ii 0 ?- Tr--ST i-IOLG bAT& -F,7:.]T~,~'~r- · ',,o,~, ,,, . ,--~---~';~ ......... ~ · , ~ -~ ,. , ~ . ,.=,0,,,~. ~ %UT bIVI%t©X ~5 C} LJ 7' I-1 JTI-,OLb TOkVh-J or- ~go' %UF-F-OLiZ' CO.. N ~-\V YC)I%14 ~SC/-%LL-' l©O'-- l"' /A.~,.p 1S LL-~5 Tt4A. tq 40.000 ~.QLM-,,~L~ y-lg-bT iN ARr.-,.%, &Nb TI-IAT 15Y US pF%O/;% ACTUAL %U~-Vbb &NB, T'I-I ,"-, T %i.tO~,vb4 Ti.IU%: bi l~,©bk-F%lCI4 '¥',Xhd TU'y'L,~'~C. LiC E-N S r_-,~. ~LEEPY I-(ou~w _. (r) 5OOT~IOZ.C, ,, , - 14-,..,. ~,%ClLITIG5 ~o~ ALL LOTS ON TkllS /&~.[' CO/NFL'" .i Plauning Board -7- sember 1, 1975 prejudice. If it is rescinded it is not to the Planning Board's detriment or the developer's benefit. Mr. Cuddy left one copy of the map. Sleepy Hollow. On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Wickham, it was RESOLVED to give final approval to the map of the subdivision known as "Sleepy Hollow" owned by Leo Kwasneski located at Southold, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Raynor. Mr. Wickham signed the map. Motion was made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Moisa and carried to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 17, 1975, as amended. Increasing the filing fees for subdivisions was discussed and it was decided to check with the Town Attorney as to where it should be placed. The fees should be specified but should not be less than the cost of publica- tion. Schriever. It was the consensus of the Planning Board that the Board take action on this subdivision subject to the recommendations of the Town Attorney. Motion was made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor and carried that the meetin~ be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at lO:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on December 16, 1975. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brus,~Secretary May 16, 197!+ Gary Flanner O!sen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held May 15, 1974, the following action was taken. On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it wa S RESOLVED that approval be given the final map of plat of property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow". consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, subject to the following conditions: 1. Receipt of notice from the Town Clerk that the bond has been received. ....... 2. Receipt of letters of approval from the Town~ighway Superintendent and the Town Highway Committee as to drainage provisions. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Wickham, Moisa, Razor, Grebe and Coyle. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LESTSR M. ALB~rRTSON, COUNTY CLERK 1976 /41'. O~nmrml Lee ga~,ns, Deputy Tre~murer 5outhold Plarmtng B~mrd 0,met: Leo ~mm".t'ksl LETTER OF CORRECTION OF LETTER DATED: To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: SLI~P! HOLLO~ Was Filed, Filed Number, Abstract Number, Township, Book, Page, FEBRUARY _5, 1976 Very t~uly yours, Map ~artment Form No. 49 SO~THOLD TO~ 2~i~Ai~i~ DOARD APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION OF LAND Name of Owner(s) Address Name of Subdivider Address Tentative Name of Subdivision Final Name of Subdivision ~ Location Number of Acres 4. Pre-Application Meetin~ Number of Plots Informal Discussion and Sketch Plan Review Subdivision Classified - Major / Minor Sketch Plan - Approved __ Disapproved -- Preliminary Plat Application and 12 copies of plat received from Town Clerk - Base Fee $/~- o o Date of Official Submission to Planning Board Lapse Date of Preliminary Hearing - 45 days Preliminary Hearing Advertised Preliminary Public Hearing held Report of Superintendent of Highways Report of Town Board Highway Committee Date of Submission to County Planning Commission Date $'E~,~. /¢, I 77~ tVo~, ~, 7¢73, 8. Action of Planning Board on Preliminary Plat sent to Applicant - Approved ~-~, Disapproved ,. - 45 days after date of hearing 9. Final Plat from date of preliminary ap] Lapse date for final plat application (6 months/ Application received from Town Clerk Date of of'f$cial Submission to Planning Board Plat endorsed with Health Department approval Plat endd~sed with approval of required agencies Final Hearing, Advertised'~ Final Hearing Waived Final Hearing Held~ Action of Planning Board on Final Plat sent to Applicant - Approved __ Disapproved - 45 days after hearing or receipt of fina-~-~lat 10. Performance Bond Amount of bond %~t by Planning Board Bond in amount of $ received Bond accepted by Town Board il. Final Plat signed Lapse date for filing with County Clerk - 30 days Notice Received from County Clerk of Filing Letter from Superintendent of Highways - all improvements under Performance Bond completed Bond recommended to be released by Planning Board Bond r~eased~ by Town Board /¢,~o-7~'-I-~O,(~TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD PL'~OPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET VILLAGE .... DISTRICT SUB. LOT FORMER OWNER TYPE OF BUILDING RFTS. SEAS. ~ VL LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS CB. I MISC. Est. Mkt. Value AGE NEW Farm Tillable¢ u,1 Tillable 2, Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland Brushlana'~ House Plot Total NOEMAL BUILDING CONDITION BELOW Value Per Acre -:ABOVE Value FRONTAGE ON ROAD BULKHEAD DOCK ~xten$ion Extension Extension BreezeV~ay Foundation Basement Ext. Walls Fire Place ~2~7,~ Porch j Porch Patio ~, Interior Finish Heat R~ms 1st Flor Room~ 2nd Flor Dormer Garage Driveway J 7 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 January 28, 1981 Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. P. O. Box 247 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: The Southold Town Board at a regular meetin~ held on January 27, 1981 released the $53,000.00 bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Sleepy Hollow" located at Southold, New York. You may pick this bond up at this office at your convenience. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk CC: Leo Kwasneski Southold Town Planning Board GARY FLAN~ER OLDEN P, o. ]BOX 247 - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUC:K~ LONG ISLAND. NE:WYORK 11952 -PHONE 516 298-4844 December 16, 1980 l~e: Bleepyl~ollow Subdivision File f I13~ II tt~rsmad t~rom Leo ]~[wnsaeski that you and Jack Davisi h~e given fiJ~l approval tm tits tml~A*Ovementm in Sleeper Hollow. Accordingly, I x,~quest that you do what is me~emmm~y to mmthorize the Town .Board to x, elemme the 1Road Performance Bond. Very truly ye~o GFO/cI~ Raymomt C. Dean Supert,~tenClent c~ .~ighwaym Pec~mic, New York 11958 cci Leo l(~asnemki cci ~ T~. ~ Att~ ~ith ~i'erry INSPECTION REPORT TO: ~aymond C. Dean, Superintendent NO. Town Highway Department DATE: December 8, 1980 Southold~ New York 11971 FROM: John W. Davis COMMENTS: P.E: SLEEPY HOLIDW at SOUl,OLD (Final Inspection) Was advised by Mr. Leo Kwasneski, owner af above subdivision, December 5th that re- maining work as noted in mV report No. lhl (August 1~ 1980) was completed and that a final inspection was requested. Road end barriers are in place at the turnarounds on Sleep~ Holl~ Lane and Grissc~ Lane. All street name and stop signs have been set. Weed grow~h was removed along oavement edges at Grissom Lane. Minor irregularities in the swales have been .corrected. Pavemen~ and drainage installations are acceptable. Based on ~¥ inspection of December 8, 1980, I recommend acceptance of the work and release of the oerformance bond. C.C. Southold Tc~n Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L.M. ~thill, P.E. TO: FROM: Raymond C. Dean~ Superintendent ~own Highway Department Southold~ New York 11971 John W. Davis NO. 141 DATE: August 1, 1980 RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW at SO~RHOLD CO:~ENTS: Met ~. Leo Kwasneski at subdivision site as requested to go over remaining work. J. Grefe also present. Mr. My report No. 86 dated September 25, 1979 noted that work to be done (in bond estimate) included barrier guide rail at ends of Sleepy Hollow Lane and Grisson Lane and that the appropriate s~reet name and stop signs were to be installed. As of today the street name signs and the barrier at Sleepy Hollow Lane are in place. Mr. Kwasneski will place the barrier at the 0misscn Lane turnaround and ~ill install same as soon as he can get the material. He does have the necessary dead end and stop signs to be set. ~e heavy weed growth in swales along O~iss~n Lane ~ill be removed and some minor correctiono made in swales that have been displaced by others. When above work is completed, Mr. Kwasneski will notify me and a final inspection will be made. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Co,,~,~ttee C.C. L. M. T~thill, P.E. SOUTHOLD lO\T: ,,-, JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 July 28, 1980 Mr. T. Keenan Republic Insurance Company 129 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 Dear Mr. Keenan: I refer to my letter of July 7, 1980 concerning the bond of Leo Kwasneski and Ann Kwasneski, Bond #915530, $53,000, Sleep Hollow which you have indicated was released, and my request for information as to what authorization prompted you to release it. I have still not received a reply and our Planning Board and Town Board are anxiously awaiting an answer. The Town of Southold holds you responsible for the release of this bond and will look to you for remuneration of the costs to the Town to bring this subdivision up to specifications, as well as administrative costs to do so. May I have a prompt reply in this matter? Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk JUL 3 t 1980 .., ..,? ./ Town Clerk Southold GaRY FLANNeR OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW MAIN ~OAD · MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEW ¥OR~ [1952 - PHONE 516 July 23, 1980 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision l~ar Ray: Please be advised that I have been advised by Leo Kwasneski that he has completed all the work required in re the above captioned matter. I here- by request that a final inspection be made so that we can obtain a final resolution from the Town Board releasing the Road Performance Bond. Mr. Kwasneski would be more than happy to meet with yo~l, or your rep- reseniative when the final inspection is made, and he can b~ reached at 765-3568 to arrange for a convenient inspection date' and time. GFO/clr Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Peconic, New York 11958 Very truly yours, cc: Republic Financing Services, Inc. Att: Thomas J. Keenan cc: Leo Kwasneski JUL 2 SOUTHOLD TOWN HWY. INSPECTION REPORT No. 32 TO: Raymond C.' Dean~ Superintendent --~l~own Highway D~rtment ~ Southold, New ?ork 11971 FROM: John W. Davis COMMENTS: ~ate: Nov. 25, 197~ RE: SI.EEPY HOLLOW at Southold Corrazzini & Sons, contractors for owner, started bluestone pavement sur- facing today. Prior work, cleaning off sand and other material washed on roadway, was done on November 23rd and 24th. · Inspection of existing sealed pavement showed numerous 'small breaks, ravele, edges and a filled in utility trench. Otherwise, the pavement was acceptab 42 tons of plant mixed asphalt was u~ed to correct the pavement defieie~cie. on November 24 & 25. One load (1600 Gal.-) of RC-250 was used and covered with bluestone - (approximately 5000 S.Y.). Due to difficultly in filling the asphalt distributor at contractor's yard, work had to be suspended for remainder of day. Work will be resumed Monday next or when weather permits. There ale 124 tons of bluestone stockpiled on the project. C.C. Southold Planning Board C. C. Highway Committee C. C. L. M. Tuthill, P. E. RECEIVED NO~ 2 B ~97B BY sOUTJ~JOLD TOWN HIGHWAY D~?ARTMENT INSPEGTION REPORT No. 16 · ~0: .. DATE: P~ymond O. Dean; Superintendent Town Hisnway 'Department Southold; New York September 23, 1978 FROM: John w. Davis RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW at SO.U~tOLD COMM~N1S: As requested by Mr. Leo Kwasneski,.I inspected the curb and gutter work now under way on Willow Pond Lane at above subdivision. Forms were set to conform to existing pavement grades. To meet existing curb inlet at catch basin (low end RK slightly warped. side) form work had to be Driveway at Hartge property near the lower end of Willow Pond Lane on the left side presented a problem. This steep drive had been ramped do~n to the edge of the pavement with asphalt. TO install the curb and gutter as called fc~ would make a cut of over one foot, leaving a .steeper drive or make it necsssary to regrade same back into the owner's property. With your approval I will advise the contractor to leave out curb and gutter at this driveway~ ~hich is adjacent to the catch basin at the low end cf the street. Pavement repairs have to be made at this catch basin and can be done so that r~moff will reach the C.B. frcm the gutter. Curb and gutter was placed today on Rt. side, Lt. side will be done on Monday next. CC: S0uthold Planning Board Highway Committee L.M. qh~hill, P.E. INSPECT]ON REPORT lO R~ymond C. Dean; Superintenden% Town Highway Depar~nent $outhold; New ~ork DATE: September h, 1978 FROM: John w. Davis RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW at SOUTHOLD COMMON TS: On August 21, 1978 I made an inspection of swales and slopes at above subdivision as re- ~:ested by Grefe Contracting~ IncJ Tne swales had been graded with a straight line slope instead of a depressed section, for most of 7 ft. area to the R.O.W. line. ~he slopes were' graded, as .well as could be done due to trees a.r~ tree roots on the R.O.W. line. Aqcording to J. Grefe~ he had been told to grade the swales with the same slope as the pavement crown by a former Town inspector. I will check in+~ this, although the straight line swale might be more effective in preventing erosion at pavement edges. On Septembe? 4, 1978 I returr~d to this project for an overall look as follows: Roads Pavement area ~s in pretty good condition. Se~l coat has been placed but no bluestone surface. ~here is some raveling on the turn from Willow Pond Lane into Sleepy Hollow Lane and some breaking up on edges of Sleepy Hollow Lane. Swales The swales now are not graded to any section that would be acceptable, theM have been filled by erosion in some areas and disturbed in others by possibly.unauthorized traffic. ~he swale material is sand and unti~ some stabilization is used will continue to be dis- placed by runoff. There is no seeding shown in the bond for this subdivision. I assume the swales and slopes will not be.seeded. 'Debris Ther6 are sections along the two roads where tree branches, windrows of excavated material~ etc. have been left outside the R.O.W. There is also a pile of topsoil on approximately Lot No. 7. For appearences the R.O.W. should be cleaned up. Drainag~ The catch basins at the entrance of Willow Pond Lane are filled to the grates with sand. Other C.B~s on Sleepy Hollow Lane and at the two turnarounds are filled with sand and silt. to within 3 ft. to 5 ft. of the grates. All C.B.'s should be cleaned now before they are completely filled. ~he turnaro,md at end of Grisson Lane ponds after average rainfall. Ibis turnaround is lower than all the adjacent areas and takes runoff from them as well as Grisson Lane. ~he very heavy rains of several weeks ago flooded the turnaround, broke through a berm at the south quadrant, washing out the driveway of a private house located on lower ground - - S.E. of end of Grisson. Owner is still filling in driveway. ~he break in the berm should be repaired immediately before more heavy rain continues the washout. (pictures are avail- able from house owner.) · INSPECTION REPORT No. 10 R~ymond 0. Dean~ Superintenden% .. Town Highway Dep~rtment Southold; ,New York DATE: September h, 1~78 FROM: John w. Davis RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW at SOUTHOLD (Page 2) COMMENTS: (00N' T) Curbing · Integral curbing' should be installed at Willow Pond Lane on both sides. The profile is a 6% 'gradient and with sand swales, the curbing is very necessary. Such curb is shown in the bond for this project. C.C. Southold Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C.L.M. Tuthill, P.E. PERMIT UNDER T,HE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW I~ ARTICLE 15, (Protectioll of Water) ~ ARTlCLE25,(T~dalWetlands) ARTICLE 24, (Freshwaler Wetlands) ARTICLE 36, (Conslruction in Flood Hazard Areas) PERMIT ISSUED TO North Parrish Drive, Southold, NY 11971 LOCATION OF PROJECT (SefUon of $1ream. IJdal wetland, dam. building) Goose Creek DESCRIPTION OE PROJECT The project site is located East of Grissom Lane, West of Goose Creek and in _t~Southold, suffolk County, NY. The applicant proposes to build six homes running consecutively west of Goose Creek a~d an access road to be known as Sleepy Hollow Lane terminating in a turn-around_approximately 100' north of the West Creek-Goose Creek Junction. The petitioner also proposes to construct 8 additional homes in the same area but above 10' in elevation and thusly outside the jurisdiction of the Dept. of Environmental Conservation. COMMUNITY NAME (City, Town, Village) TOWN = The applicant claims financial hardship Southold .!. would result if permit were denied. COUNTY FIA CD&!MUNITYNO. I DAM NO' P[~ITEXPIRATION DATE Suffolk I March 31, 1978 GENFRAL 1. Th~, permillee shall file in the office uf the approprJale Regional Permil Adminislralor, a nolice of inlenlion Io commence work al [easl 48 hours in advance of the lime of commencement and shall also noilly him promp[ly in wriling ol the complelion of the work, 2. ~'he permitted work shall be subjecl Io inspection by an authorized CONDITIONS 8. That Ihe Slale of New York shall in no case be liable for any damag, or injury ID the slruclure or work herein authorized which may be caused by c result from future operations undertaken by the Slate for the conservalion o 9. That if Ihe display of lights and signals on any work hereby aulhorize scribed by Ihe Untied Stales Coast Guard shall be installed and mainlaine~ sile to its former condilion. NO claim shall be made againsl the State ol Ne,~ project. Part 500 of 6 NYCRR (Conslruclion in Flood Plain Areas having Special Flood free from flooding. 95-20-4 (9/75) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) ~I~LCONDI]IONS 16. Applicant shall be liable for any damage to adjacent waterway resulting from any phase of the permitted construction. 17. Cul-de-sac is to terminate in revised location and must not enter wetlands. Slope is to be stabilized wit}] plantings to prevent erosion. 18. Drainage system is to contain req~arge basins to minimize or eliminate overflow. 19. There is to be no disruption to ~etlands. 20. Houses are to be situated no closer than 75' from any tidal wetlands or waters. 21. Cesspool must be at least lO0'~from any tidal wetlands or waters. SPECIAL NOTE: Based upon a review of this project and a request for water quality certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500 (the "Act") public notice for which hes been duly given, the Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the applicant will comply with applicable provisions of Sections 301, 302, 306 and 307 of the Act, provided that: (1) There are no future changes in any of the following that would result in non-compliance with Sections 301, 302, 306 and 307 of the Act: (a) The project as modified herein. (b) The water quality criteria applicable to such waters, or (c) Applicable effluent limitations or other requirements; and (2) The applicable provisions of State law and regulation are complied with. PE~IT ISSUE DATE April 20,1977 %%7~ of Environmental Conservation Do wol~ ~oaa, Albany, NY 12233 Cc: D. Larkin, Corps of Engrs., file PERMIT SIGN No. i 5,?-7¢,, - O Iq (~ T'W has been issued to: ~.~o address: ~s~x ~ for:_~.co,,v~:~_, '.. ~o~ OK, under the Environmental Conservation Law, r----1 Article 15, (Protection of Water] ~"-Article 24, (Freshwater Wetlands] ~ Article 25,'`(Tidal Wetlands] [---] Article 36, (Construction in Flood Hazard Areas New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 95-20-1 Formerly EA~3 ~or New York Slate*DepOmenl of Environmenlal Conservation 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 Peler A. A. Be Commissio~ Mr. Leo Kwasneski North Parrish Drive Southold, NY 11971 April 20, 1977 RE: Permit No. TW-15276-0196 Dear Sir: Notice of a public hearing on the above permit was doly published in accordance with Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law and, having~received no objections from this Department or elsewhere, the scheduled hearing was cancelled. Enclosed is your permit. Please read all conditions carefully, with particular attention to Condition 2. If you are unable to comply with any conditinns, please contact the Local Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator immediately, lie is Daniel Larkin, NYS bepartment of Environmental Conservation, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Building &O, Stony Brook, New York 11790. · Also enclosed is a permit sign which you are to conspicuously post at the project site, protected from the weather. cc: Daniel Larkin Very truly yours, S~_a~ o~ j. Zeccolo Alternate Chief Permit Administrator LMc :SJZ :pt Encl. EDWARD ,I. BAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No....[.9.~ ..... DATE ...~..~.,...~2~ ........... TIME ................................................ WEATHER ........................................... RE: SLEEPY HOLLO~ COMMENTS: I inepected the installation of the catch basins and their interconnectin9 pipe in the vicinity of Lot 10 on Sleepy Hollow Lane. The installation was performed in a satisfactory manner. RECOMMENDATIONS: GARY FLANNEr OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW November 12, 1976 e. Sleepy Hollow Subdivi=ion Dear l~irs. Terry~ F~closed herewith please fled an Application for Wetlands Permit which le being filed in quadruplicate, and a check in the sum of $25.00 for the fllin~ fee. Very truly yours, ......... ~ ~ FL-~NNER OLSEN aFO/mrc Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Southold Tow,, Planning Board Highway Department Howard Terry Leo Kwasnesld ~1 i~ artocchia SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LI~STI~R M. ALBERT$ON, COUNTY CL, EI~K February ~, 1976 ~lr. Oe~eraJ. Lee ~aknm, Deputy Trea/ur®r Sou~hold PlainsOng Board Seuthold Bm rd of Ailealora Ou'ler'~ Leo l~wasnfk8~. To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: SL~cP! HOLLOW Was Filed, Filed Number, 8002 Abstract Number, Township, Book, Page, Very truly yours, County Clerk Map Department Form No. 49 JUDITH T. BOKEN TOWN Cr~Emc REGISTR&R OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-3783 November 10, 1975 Southold Tow~ Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on October 28, 1975: "RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board accepts the $53,000.00 bond of "Sleepy Hollow" subdivision owned and developed by Leo Kwasneski, Southold, New ~ork." Very truly yours, Judith T. Boken Towm Clerk RECEIPT TOWN of SOUTHOLD N? 15644 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ~,~ ~_~,~,,~,~.~.. ...... ~ ~../.~.~., .......... Received of ~,..:~/~.../'-.'('~'~'/"~"~:,~ ...... ; 'o' : ' " i ~~~ : : ~ : : : ~ : : : '~?, ~.~. .~.~. . ~: ................................... Distribution: Fund ALBE~T W. RI~HMnND OFF~ERK SOUTHnLD, L. I, N. Y. 119"71 September 13, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on August 27, 1974: "On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board approves the amount of $53,000.00 bond as recommended by the Southold To%rn Planning Board for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Sleepy ~ Hollow", located at Southold, New York, and owned by Leo Kwasneski. Vote of the Tow%~ Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest." Very truly yours, Judith T. Bo~en Deputy Tow~ Clerk August 27, 1974 Gary Flanner Olsen, Main Road Mattituck, New York Esq. Re: Sleepy Hollow Dear PT. Olsen: At the regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held August 26, the following action was taken. On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board the bond estimate in the amount of $53,000 prepared by Lawrence M. Tuthill on August 26, 1974 for the roads and drainage in the subdivision known as "Sleepy Hollow" owned by Leo Kwasneski and situated in Southold, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor, Coyle and Grebe. I have transmitted this information to the Town Board today. I am enclosing for your information the bond estimate as prepared by Lawrence M. Tuthill. The inspection fee, after the Town Bpard has approved the amount, will be $2,120 payable to the Southold Town Planning Board. Yours truly, Enolosure Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board August 27, 1976 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Sleepy Hollow Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a re~,~ar meeting held August 26, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mx. Grebe, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board the bond estimate in the amount of $53,000 prepared by Lawrence M. Tuthlll on August 26, 1974 for the roads and drainage in the subdivision known as "Sleepy Hollow" owned by Leo Kwasneski and situated in Southold, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor, Coyle end Grebe. Attached are a copy of the final map, road profiles and typical road section plus the detailed estimate of Mr. Tuthill. This subdivision has received the approval of the Planning Board,'the Superintendent of Highways and the Highway Committee. Yours truly, Enclosures Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town PlanningBoard NE W SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING CORP, SCHOOL HOUSE: CRE:E:K NE:W gUIrF'OCK, L. I., lq. Y. 11956 26, 1~74 Seuthold Town Plamni~g Board Main Seutheld, N Sleepy Hollow, Seuthel~ Gentlemen, My estimate for the 5end and highway inspecti,n fee for the subdivision of Sleepy Hollow, Seutheld is as fellows: Lan~ clearimg $ 2,000.00 R~ugh gra~img 2,200 cy ~ $ 1.OO/~ 2,~.00 F~ ~r~ ~,300 cye $ .~o/~ ~,~.oo S~ci~ 2,~C if$ $ 8.00~lf 8,4C'O.OO Sa~ d~i~ 500 cy ~ $ 3.0C/cy 1,~O.O0 ~te~ral c~b 400 If$ $ 6.00/~ 2,400.00 Catch ~ai~ 6 $ $ ~0.OO ea. 3,~O.OO ~a~i~ Basi~ 6 $ $ 1,~0.O0 7,~O.~ ~. ~8.~ ~ ~r · $ ~.~/~r ~,o~.oo M~mta,s~s, and ra~g 1,~O.~ ~miaiat rative cesta 4,OOO.~ ~creaae costs ever 3 year pe~ed 8~5OO.~ $ 53,000.00 R~specti~hlly submitted, ~- COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbar& Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning ~IOHN V.N. Mr.~r~', County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway August 13, 1974 Hauppauge, L. L, N. ¥. 979-2920 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Subdivision Map of Sleepy Hollow Pond Lane, Southold Dear Mr. Wickham: The proposed "Map of Sleepy Hollow" which was referred by the Southold Town Planning Board to the Suffolk County Planning Con~nission on August 8, 1974, will not be reviewed since this map had been previously reviewed on April 3, 1974. It is the policy of the Commission that unless there is a substantial material change in the design elements of a proposed plat or unless there has been a change in the law or federal, state, or county development policies, that would affect the proposed plat, it is to be returned to the referring agency with a notice that the subdivision had been previously reviewed by the Commission and that it will not be reviewed again. A copy of the Commission's report of April 4, 1974 is attached. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning RV:fp Encl: 1. Referral letter & map 2. Con~aission's report File: S-SD-74-03.1 Ron Verbarg Subdivision Revie~ction $outhold Town Planning Board SOUTHDLD, L. I., N. y. llg?l Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen: August 8, 1974 Pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed final plat to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Name of Plat.- Sleepy Hollow Hamlet or Locality - Southold, Material submitted: Proposed plat - 3 copies Profiles - 1 copy Topographical map - 1 copy Southotd Town Grading plan - 1 copy Drainage plan - 1 copy Enclosures Very truly yours, uriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board April 6. 1974 ,Aw ~,rk 11971 Pond La~'~e, Sout!-,old TLc .' :ffolk County Plnnuin~ Co-.--4~ion at its reeul~r meettnC, ;.pri! 3, 1974, revicwud ~l:~ aLove capt:ioned r::p ref~rze,i to it pursuant to Section 1333, 'Juffolk County Ch?_l'~cr. Aft~r c!u~ mtu~y and delfberatto,~, it did ta:'.~ the following action: to t~:a v~tl~'nda. V,:ry truly yours, C7: tri,',~ C. Llgd CGL: fp File: S-.5D-74-03 cci L. ?dbertmon, County Clerk August 8, 197& Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 13~, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed final plat to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Name of Plat - Sleepy Hollow M-mlet or Locality - Southold, Southold Town Material submitted: Proposed plat - 3 copies Profiles - 1 copy TopoSraphical map - I copy Gra~amg plan - & copN Drainage plan - 1 copy Very truly yours, Enclosures Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board August 5, 1974 Mr. Lawrence M. Tuthill, P.E. Inlet Lane Extension Greenport, New York l19~d~ Dear Larry: Enclosed find copy of road cross-section and the corrected road profiles for the subdivision "Sleepy Hollow". I believe I gave you a copy of the final map for the subdivision. If not, let me know and I will send one to you. I would appreciate it if you would proceed now to prepare the bond estimate in this matter. Enclosures 2 Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board TUT-NOTE GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOF~ AT i-- TO: L Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, N.Y. Att: Mrs. Brush-Secretary Re: Sleepy-Hollow File # 1232 Enclosed please find a ~opy of the roa( cross-section pursuant to the Board's request. Please advise as to the amount of the road bond-estimate when received from Larry Tuthill. SIGNED SIGNED .DATE: __ June 26, 197~ Mr. Lawrence M. Tuthill, P.E. P. 0. Box 162 Greenport, New York 11944 Dear La~y: At the regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held June 24, 1974 resolutions were passed for you to prepare bond estimates for Sleepy Hollow, Oregon View and Greenfields. If you need maps on any of these, p~ease let me know and I will forward them to you. For the subdivision Sleepy Hollow, I am enclosing the decision of the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Highway Committee. Yours truly, Enclosure Muriel Brush, Secretary July 26, 1974 Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. MainRoad Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Sleepy Hollow Dear Mr. 01sen: On April 2, 1974 I wrote you concerning the recommenda- tions of Lawrence M. Tuthill, P.E. on the above subdivision. Number 2 in the recommendations stated that the high point of grading on Willow Pond Lane should be at the deflection (90°) turn. Mr. Tuthill is ready to prepare a bond estimate as soon as we receive the road profiles corrected to show this. Mr. Dean is in agreement in this matter. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board P.S.~ The cross-section sketch of the roads was received in tkis office Ju~ly 24, 1974. F-- LJ RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent July 22, 1974 Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 The Plarming Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision Gentlemen: On June 12, 1974, the Highway Committee and I met with Gary 01sen and Leo Kwasneski at the Sleepy Hollow Subdivision site and we concur with the letter written June 12, 1974 by Gary 01sen. RCD/esg Very truly yours, Z~YMOND C. DEAN Sup' t of Highways - RECEt\ D ToWN OF SoU%HOLD CUR GARY FLANNER OLSEN June 12, 1974 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision Dear Mr. Dean: Please let this confirm that Leo Kwasneski, and I,met With you and Martin Surer and Lou Demarest ( of the Highway Committee) at the subdivision site at 9:30 a.m. this morning to review the drainage issues. Let th/s confLrm that both you and the Highway Committee agreed that curbs should be eliminated, that there should be a 36 foot paved road and two 6 foot wide depressed shoulders on each side of the road for water runoff with the low point being 6 inches below the elevation of the edge of the paved road. The other drainage provisions as set forth in Van Tuyl~s "Road ProfLle" survey, dated Dec. 7, 1973 would also be provided. A/so, the map should reflect a 100~ turnabout at the southerly end of Grissom Lane. You indicated that this matter would be taken up before the Town Board by you at the next meeting for approval. Thank you for ~our cooperation. Very GFO/mc Ray Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. cc: Leo Kwasneski 'GARY RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent June 17, 1974 Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision Gentlemen: On June 12, 1974, at the site, the Highway Committee and I reviewed the subdivision of Sleepy Hollow, Southold, New York, and approved of the drainage and road(s). Very truly yours, ~ RCD/esg ~RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't of Highways RODERICK VAN ~'UYL April 18~ 1974 Gary Flanner Ol~en~ KSq. ~tn Road ~ttit.ick, Ne~ York II952 Dear Enclosed find copies of the following: Greenfields. Reccesaendation of the Superintendent of Highways which' {~e Pla'n~lng Board determined had been co~plied with. ~Sleepy Hollow. Recomaendation of the Suf£olk County Department of Planning that this subdivision is a matter flor local determindtion. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Highways which the Planning Board indicated they wotlld discuss with Mr. Dean before their recommendation is made. Ore,on .¥1ew .Estates. Letter dated June 26, 1973 from Mr. Dean indicating that he approved of the preliminary layout. Letter from the Suffolk County Department of Planning lndicsting their recommenda- tions for the subdivision as far as County Road 27 is concerned. Yours truly, MUriel Br~sh, Secretary Bric losures $ RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent April 9, 1974 Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 The Plarming Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Highway Con=nittee and myself have reviewed the map on Sleepy Hellow located at Southold, New York and recon~nend the following recommendations: 1. Recharge basin to be in the Park and Playground area or Lot # 14. 2. 100' T~rn around on GrissomLane. 3. Lot # 1 be for Park and Playground area. 4. Recharge basin to be on Lot # 1 instead of in the roadway. 5. For better drainage, grade from the south end of Willow Pond Lane to go east along Sleepy Hollow Lane. RCD/esg Very~ truly yours, RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup ' t of Highways RECEIVED BY OWN OF OUTHOLD COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman D~reetor of Plannln~ Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway flauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 April 4, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Subdivision Map of Sleepy Hollow Pond Lane, Southold Dear Mr. Wickham: The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting, April 3, 1974, reviewed the above captioned map referred to it pursuant to Section 1333, Suffolk County Charter. After due study and deliberation, it did take the following action: Be It Resolved, that the Map of Sleepy Hollow be considered to be a matter for local determination since no county, state, or federal roads or facil- ities will be directly effected and the developer is aware of the require- ments of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation relative to the wetlands. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Charles G. Lind Subdivision Review Section CGL:fp File: S-SD-74-03 Encl: Map cc: L. Albertson, County Clerk LAWRENGE M, TUTHILL March 31, 1974 Memorandum to Mr. ~aymond Dean, Supt. of Highways ~: Subdivision - Sleepy Hollow Meeting at Site at A.M. March 25 with Mr. D~an, Judge t~rtlm Surer, Town Highway $o~ittee; Mr. Frank S. Coyle, Town Planing Beard Member and L. M. T~thill The follow-ling rec~emdatiens and co~ents were ma~e. 1. That recharge basins be ~revided in place of leachinE basins except on l~l[llow Pond ?~,e at the entrance. 2. T~at the ~igh point of gredin~ on Willow Pond Lane be at the deflection (90°turn) 3. That a turnaround be nrevided at the end of Grissom Lane. 4. That the Park and Playgr~mm~ area be mere clearly layed ont ~n the field. At the nre:~ent it ap~rears to be mostly wetlam~s. LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL March 31, 197h Memorandum to Mr. ~ond Dean, Supt. of Highways ~: Subdivisien - Sleepy Hellew Meeting at Site at A.M. March 25 wi~h Mr. D~an, Judge Martin Surer, Tewn Highway $ommittee; Mr. Frank S. Ceyle, T~wn Planing ~ard Member and L. M. Tuthill The following rec~,u~emdatiens a~ud comments were ma~e. 1. ~hat recharge basins be ~:revided in place of leaching basins except on ~llew Pend ~e at the entrance. 2. T~at the ~igh Doint of grading on lgillew pond Lane be at the deftectien (90eturn) 3. That a turnareund be orevi~ed at the end of Grissem Lane. 4. That the Park and Playgr~ area be mere clearly layed out fn the fielJ. At the ore:~ent it appreara t, be meetly w~tlauds. -- RECEIVED BY D ] TOWN ?F SOU~HOL ~ April 2, 1974 Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. ~in Road ~attituck, New York 11952 Re: Sleep~ Hollow Dear Mr. Olsen: In a memorandum dated March 31, 1974 from Lawrence Tuthill, P.E., to Raln~ond Dean, Superintendent of Highways the following recosmmendations and coments were made. 1. That recharge basins be provided in place of leaching basins except on Willow Pond Lane at the entrance. 2. That the high point of grading on Willow~ond Lane be at the de£1ection (90° turn). 3. That a turnaround be provided at the end of Grissom Lane. 4. That the park and ptayground area be more clearly layed out in the field. At the present~ it appears to be mostly wetlands. As soon as ! receive word from Mr. Dean ! will forward same to you. Yours truly~ Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board LEGAL NOTI CB Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HRREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 1st day of April~ 1974 at 7:30 ofclock in the evening of said day, on the question of the final approval of the following plat: Plat of property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: March 15, 1974. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MARCH 21, 1974, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD~ MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on March 15, 1974: The Long Island Traveler . Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Gary Flanner Olsen, ~sq. Leo Kwasneski Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia LAWRENCE: M. TLITHILL 24, 1974 Mr. ~aymond C. Dean Superintendant of Highways, Southold Town Peconic Lane Peccnic, N.Y. ~: Subdivision - Sleepy Hollow Dear Mr. Dean: I have reviewed the plans, profile and site ef the subdivision entitled Sleepy Hollow, Southold, N.Y. and make the following recommendations and comments: 1. ~hat a turnaround be provided at the end of Gr~ssom ~ane, since the roads of West C~eek F~tates are private and the connecting road to Orissom Lane has not been developed ~nto a road. 2. That recharge basins be provided in place of ~ ~ leaching basins. 3. It is noted that th~ contour lines shown on the plan dated Feb. 25, 1974 to don't agree closely with the profile dated Dec. 7, 1973. 4. There should be further invistigation into 'the drainage at Willow Pond Lane and the critical slope entrance into the Hartage P~operty on Willo~ pond Lane. ~spectifully submitted, NO'PICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant in Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Soathold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, M~*!,,' Road, Southold, New York, in s~id Town on the 1st day of Aprll,liq4 at 7:30 o'clock in the ev~day, on the question of. ~'~al of the followinl[ ~ f~~ Plat of ~y Owned by Leo Kwasnqgtf;~/~ed "Sleepy HollOW.'', ~-e~ a pui'cel of La.d ittpt in the Town of South~g ~ County, New York. Any ~~eard on the allov~ pear at tl~ ttln9 ~jga~ ~oove specified. Dated: Mar~_~_~l$, B~ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: ........ S. }.u.a..l?..C. :..D. 9.l,m~.n ........... bein9 duly Sworn, salts that ....h.e.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, ~ newspaper published ~rt Greenport, in said countw ~nd that the notice, o! which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the s~id Su[iolk Weekly Times once in each week, tor .......... .oYl~..(.], ) ........ weeks suceessiv~ly ~ommencin9 on the ............ 2.!.s5. ......... day of ...IyI.a.r'..c.h. ,<. ........ 19.7.~.. Sworn to before me this . ..3.1.s..~ .... day of ... !~a.l'..e.h. ....... : 19.7..~/.. i NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Olanning Board ~at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York,in sakt~ on the 1st day of April, 1~74/t~:30 o'clock in the eyelid, or ~ itaY, on the question og~l~approval of Pint of KwasneSki, ~ltil~[ Sleepy Hollow", eonsisim~ land situated at ~old, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Any person desiring tO be heard on the abov~ matte, r should ap- pear at file time ~ ~ce~above specified. · Dated: March 15, BY ORDI~R OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD .JOHN WICKRAM, CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK. } ss: ........ S..~l.a..~..C. :..D. ,o.l~.a..n ........... being duly Sworn, says that ....h.e.. is Printer and Publisher of ~he SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suftolk Weekly Times once in eoch week, ~or ....... o..I~?,. !~.). ...... weeks successively oommencing on tile .......... .~.l.a..~ ........... .........IVlarch 1974 d~y Sworn to before me this ....2)..~$... | ! day of ......... 1974 .... · NO~ICE OF HEARING ~N(~TICE ~ ~RF~Y,.OI~N that purst~lt t~ ~on~ ~f ~T0wn ~w~ a pu~c.~e~l~g will '~ ~ld ~ ~he' ~uth01d To~{P~g ~d at the ToWn ~i~','~ ~ad. ~uth- o1~; New ~k,~ ~d ~n on the 1st day of April, 1974 at 7:30 o'cl~k in the even~ of said day, on the question of the final approv~ ~f the follow~g plat: Plat of ~o~rty o~ed by Leo Kw~nes~, entitled "Sleepy Hollow", consisting of a parcel of land ~tuated at :~uthold, m the Town of Southold, Su~olk County. New York. Any ~rson desiring to be heard on the a~ve mater should ap~ar a~ the time and place above s~clEed Dated: M~rch 15, 1974. BY THE ORDER OF THE SOUTHO~ TOWN PLANNING BOARD 1T- 3-21 ',_*dUIXl I Y Ok bUFFOLK c ~ , ~, ~ ~- OF NEW YORK C Whitney Booth..:r, De~ng duJy sworn, soys that he ~s the Editor, of rile LONG ISLAND TRAVELER MATTiTUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ;,aper printed et Southold, in Sutfol!( County; anti tho~ the r,ol:~c o~ wh<h the onnexed is c- c, rinted cop'/, hos beer pubhshed m sa~d Long isJand Trcve[e=Mattituck Watch- na,~ once each week for ................................ week~ successively, commencing on the ........................... Jay of ...................; .................... , .................................... ? Sworn to before me this ................ day o .................... : ............. , 19 ...... Notary Public COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK1 ss: of at Illouf~old, in the I~lollthold, Suffolk county, New YOrk. Any pereon deslfh~ to be hesrd ol~ the I~bo~e matter should ~p~e~r at t~e tinge and place above' s~ecified. Dated: March I~, 19T4. BY '~ OI~DEI~ Ol· THE SOU'r~OLD TOWN PLaN Ni~O ]]OARD iT--3-21 C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a.nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- / / // main once each week for ...~.~,:.~'Z.Q,~.,...!....£...; ....... week~ successively, commencing on the .......... ;;~../.~.~,~Z.'. ............... day of ........ Sworn to before me this ..... ,~'z~. ..........day of ..... Notary ~ublte / 15, 1974 Flanne£ Olaen~ RoAd Mnttttuck, New York 11952 Re: Sleepy Hollow subdivision DeAr Mr. Olaenl TI~s is to inform ~oa that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its regular meeting on March 14, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Mo~sa, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town PlAnning Board set 7:30 p.m. Morlday~ April 1, 1974 at the Town O££1ceD Ma~n Road, Southold, New York flor a public hearing on the q~eation of final approval of plat of property owned by Leo g~aanesk~, entitled "Sleepy Hollov", conaist~ng Of a parcel off land At Southold~ New York. Vote o£ the Board= Ayes= Messrs. ~ickham, Moisa, Grebe, Raynor and Yours ~riel Brush, Secretary So~thold To~n PlAnning Board ~ted~ ~rch {5, 1974. ~.4~iea Mil~i to the i'ollowiq on March Ili, 1974~ March 13~ 1974 Mr. Charles G. Lind Subdiv£s$on Review Section Suffolk ~_.unty Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway tiauppauge, New York 11787 Re~ Sleep~ Hollow Southold S~PD #1333-D-74-O4 Dear Enclosed find copy of letter from the New York State Department of Environmental ~onservation re the above captioned matter. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Cha£-man Lee E. Koppelman D~r~etor of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Ex~utive Mr. John Wickham Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11935 Veterans 3~morMlHighway March 12, 1974 Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 724-2500 Re: Plat Name: Sleepy Hollow Location: Soothold S.C.D.P. File No.: 1333-D-74-04 Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned proposed subdivision map will be classified as an incomplete submission pendingwritten receipt from the referring agency of the applicability of the "Tidal Wetlands Act? as determined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Very truly yours, Form: SRS-73-09 Lee E. Koppelman Director of'Planning Charles G. Lind Subdivision Review Section ~e following Resolution was adopted by the Suffolk County PlenninZ Co~tisston on October 3, 1973. RESOLUTION: RESOLVED, the State of New-; York has passed an Act known as the "Tidal l.letlands Act" to protect and preserve tidal wetlands, and the said act ~ant into effect on September l, 1973, and all lands lying be~;een the one fathom line and 100 yards or ~ore, in from the ed~s of the wetlands will be directly affected by the act and subject to administrative procedures of the 1.1~ York S~ate Departnent of Environmental Conservation, and The Suffolk County Plannin~ Co~mission is required by the pro- visions of the Suffolk County Charter to revie~ ail zon~nE actions and lund subdivisions within 500 feet of the shore- line, and it is in the best interests of both the Stats and County ~o coordinate efforts pertaininE to the revie~ of proposed changes in lend use and development of the tidal wetlands, Therefore, Be It That the Suffolk County Plannln~ Co~dssion hereby amends its procedures in Informational Bulletin Ilo. S as foll~s: The Suffolk County Plaanin~ Co~ission ~111 not accept for conside~- ation nor revie~ any proposed Zoning Action, Variance, Special Perrdt or Subdivision Plat in any area affected by the ~'Tidal Uetlands Act? that is re~erred pursuant to Sections 1323 co 1333 inclusive, of the Suffolk County Charter unless the referral contains a copy of a letter from the flew York State Department of Environmental Conservation'statin~ that it has no objection to the proposed application. March 4, 1974 Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans N~aorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the Southold Town Plarming Board hereby refers the /ollowlng proposed flnal plat to the Suffolk County Planning Comtsaton: Name of Plat_ Sleepy Hollow Hamlet or Locality, S,outhold Town Southold Material submitted: Proposed plat, } copies; Grading plan,, 1 copiee; Profiles,. ~ copies; Drainage plan, i copies; Topographical map,, 1 copies. Very truly yours, Muriel Brush, Secretary March 4, 1974 Mr. Raymond Dean Superintendent o£ Highways Peconic Lane Peconlc, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Dean: Enclosed find two copies o£ topographic map and road pro£11es for the subdivision Sleep~ffHollow owned by ~wasneeki and situated at $outhold, New York. You previously gave approval to the road layout but you did not have the profiles at that time. We would appreciate your recommendation. Yours truly, Bncloeures 4 Muriel Bruah, Secretary Soutbold To~m Planning Board February 21, 1974 Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. Front Street areenport, New York 11944 Re~ Sleepy Hollow owned by Leo ~nsneski Dear l~r. Van Tuyi~ We are about ready to go to a ~inal hearing in the matter o£ the above subdivision. I can find no record o£ ever having received a topography~ road proflles~ grading plat or proposed drainage plan. ~ould you please send the ~ol~owing~ 6 paper copies of final map 3 copies of proposed grading plat 6 copies of proposed profiles of streets, roads and highways 3 copies o~ proposed drainage plan showing $00, outside perineter 6 copies of topographical map These m~y be combined on one or ~ore drawings providing the lnfor~ation, is clearly shown and detailed. I have to send these to the County Department of Plan~ing and reCeive their reco~mendations before this can go to final hearing. Yours truly~ ~riel Brush, Secretary Sout~old To~ Planning Board SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALrrH HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK ~, BUREAU OF I~NVIRONMENTAL HEALTHSI~RViC~$ ' cv-RTIFICATIoH OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION ~PLANS TO: North Parish ~r~Ye, - S~uthoZd, ~w York 11971' Thi~ certificate is issued under the pro¥isions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connection witl~ the approval of plans on 'J&Bl~l~ff'J7; '1974 ......... for your realty subdivision known as $k£EPY H~kO~ Th~ following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans. ,Location . T~I~' of' $0utha] d &' $11fq0] k' ¢oaal~ ~- Ne~. York ............................. Acres (approx,) 17;58'" No'of Lots .. '!4 ..... Size (approx.) . .421{}~.sm~a~.fa*t .... Owner intends to. 'bg] ] d' 0a'$0Ja' lo~s-aad' ~,H .ot~ars.,~t~oat :ball~ta~s; ........... ..... ::: .............. i';;: ................. ~ h ,Ts~phy ' · ~,n~l~' sl*l:~· ', '~ ..... '" ~h io Ground Wat~' - M~X:~ .. ~.~.. :. $~.. When ' I~¢;' ~ ............. ~ '~ '~"" '' i ' Me$$s -oonst~unt~d.~.a .~mm~ 4pproved J~y .the. Services and mtnteun of~ 100 ~¢eet horizontal epp~ved. ~yp~ sept,4c. each d/~veloptng I h~th~'~l' bi'' b~'" Long Island Form San. KS-2 · SCDH SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVlCI~S DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH HAUPPAUGE. NEW YORK BUREAU OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICF-~ CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS t~r'. L~o K~asneskt TO: ~orth Pavtsh Drive, Southold, ~ Yo~ 11971 This ce~ificate ~ iss~d under ~ prov~ions of the suffolk ~ty S~it~y ~e in connection ~th the ap~oval of plato on 'dafl~ '~ '~4 ......... for your realty su~ivision known as ............................ SEEEP~ · NOE~ ....................................... T~e f~wing ~ta was f~nished in connection with the subm~on of t~ p~ns. Acres (approx.) 17;$8 .... No. of Lots ... 14 ..... SNe tapprox.) . .42i~0.~a~. feet .... · Owner' in~s to.. balld'on' sore' lo~' and' sel 1 'o~e~ 'wt ~out.b~tldtn~s: ........... Tg~ phy tle sl ........................ a "~n ' ~' ' ~ ............................ ~pth to Ground Water - ~x: '~5"' ' M~: .... ~, . . When ' ~C~' 1~ .................. :G~ding [cut, or fill) '~t' t~' ~ff~t' destgn' of' s~age' dts~sal' ~aeil Jttes ~ ............ ~ confmm~ty with , - New~Ork State Department of Environmental Conservation Butldlng 40 ~ State University of New York ' Stony Brook, New York 11790 HenryL Diam~ November 30, 1973 Mr. ~ry Flanner Olden, Esa. P. O. Box 38 Main Road Mattltuck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: Re: Proposed Sleepy Hollow Subdivision in Southold, Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York Please be advised that the subdivision of property referenced above will not require a permit pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law, Article 25 or Article 15. However, future alterations to lots nos. ll, 12, 13, 14 and any others which may be within 300 feet of tidal wetlands or actually have tidal wetlands upon them will require the filing of permits under the Tidal Wetlands Act, Sincerely you?~-~ . Local P~/~ Age t DJL;i October 1, 1973 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Dean: On September 18, 1973, the Planning Board on a motion regularly moved and seconded RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant preliminary approval to Sleepy Hollow, owned by Leo Kwasneski, situated at Southold, subject to the following conditions: That the proposed roadway be named. That the problems with Glen Road be worked out with the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Highway Committee. Mr. Donald Frederick, one of the residents of the wilsberg development, said at the meeting that he owns Lot 35 which is adjacent, and that when the residents bought they bought knowing that they had private roads. He approves of the layout of the proposed subdivision but is concerned -that Glen Road will become part of the other road as, according to the map, these roads connect. We would appreciate your suggestions. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman cc: TOwn Highway Committee O~tober 1, 1973 Justice Louis Demarest Justice Martin Suter Town Highway Committee Supervisor's Office 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: On September 18, 1973, the Planning Board on a motion regularly moved and seconded RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant preliminary approval to ~leepy Ho~low_~owned by Leo Kwasneski, e~tuated at Southold, subject to the following conditions: That the proposed roadway be named. That the problems with Glen Road be worked out with the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Highway Committee. Mr. Donald Frederick, one of the residents of the Wilsberg development, said at the meeting that he owns Lot 35 which is adjacent, and that when the residents bought they bought knowing that they had private roads. He approves of the layout of the proposed subdivision but is concerned -that Glen Road will become part of the other road as, according to the map, these roads connect. . We would appreciate your suggestions. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman cc: Town Highway Superintendent RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent October 11, 1973 Tel, 765~3140 734-5211 ~he Plmm~og Board Tram of ~outimld ~outheld~ Ne~ York 11971 Gentlemen Re: 31espy l~llow Southold, New York The Town Attorney mivlsm8 the I~Lglmay Cmuctttee end nyself ti]et the proposed rnmbay end of Sleepy Hollow does not lmve & 100 ft. turn around and ~t nould he ~11eg~l for the road of West Czeek nttates (Glenn bad) to be used, /3~Ls beAng a private RC~zesE /~A~IOHD C. DIL~q ~ 't of l~Lftnmys GarY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW October 9, 1973 Re: Dart to Kwasneski Ge ntle me n: Please be advised that Van Tuyl is in the process of finishing the final map after the preliminary~.a~ing, which was held on September 18, 1973. You indicat~to ~ t~at you would advise me as to what provisions, if any/you wish~ t~ make for a turn- around area at the end of the r~ad, and I a~m awaiting your instructions so that this map~,~nd matter ca~l be~f4nalized. Ver~/truly yours, GFO/mrc Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York 11971 Att: John Wickham, Chairman O~tober 1, 1973 Justice Louis Demarest Justice Martin Suter Town Highway Committee Supervisor's Office 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: On September 18, 1973, the Planning Board on a motion regularly moved and seconded RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant preliminary approval to Sleepy Hollow, owned by Leo Kwasneski, e~tuated at Southold, subject to the following conditions: That the proposed roadway be named. That the problems with Glen Road be worked out with the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Highway Committee. Mr. Donald Frederick, one of the residents of the Wilsberg development, said at the meeting that he owns Lot 35 which is adjacent, and that when the residents bought they bought knowing that they had private roads. He approves of the layout of the proposed subdivision but is concerned -that Glen Road will become part of the other road as, according to the map, these roads connect. We would appreciate your suggestions. Very sincerely, JW:m John Wickham, Chairman cc: Town Highway Superintendent October 1, 1973 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr.*Dean: On September 18, 1973, the Planning Board on a motion regularly moved and seconded RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant preliminary approval to Sleepy Hollow, owned by Leo Kwasneski, situated at Southold, subject to the following conditions: That the proposed roadway be named. That the problems with Glen Road be worked out with the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Highway Committee. Mr. Donald Frederick, one of the residents of the Wilsberg development, said at the meeting that he owns Lot 35 which is adjacent, and that when the residents bought they bought knowing that they had private roads. He approves of the layout of the proposed subdivision but is concerned -that Glen Road will become part of the other road as, according to the map, these roads connect. We would aBpreciate your suggestions. Very sincerely, JW:mm John Wickham, Chairman cc: Town Highway Committee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Town Clerks Office Southold, N.Y. ~ Receiot N? 7911 Dote .... ~..6. ..... Received of .....~.....~~..'~..~ ......................................................................................... .... ~.~...g.~.~.~:~..~.L..~ .............................................. : ............................ ~,,oo ~o,,o~ For...~..~~ ...... ~..~_1~7. ~ ...~.....~...~. ....... .~......~..~..~..../~'..~...~ .k.~.,.: ........................ l~ee for Fee for Fee for l%e for Fee for Fee for Zoning Change Appeal to Multiple Zoning x lAppllcation [] Ordinance [] Of Zone [] Bd. of Appeals [] Residence Permit D Building Permit ~To Planni~4~ Bal. [] ~vIisc. $ ....... Check .......................... :~l ..................... Building Inspector LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearings will be h61d by the Seuthold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 18th day of September, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the question of the preliminary approval of the following plats: 1. Plat of property owned by Joseph Saland, entitled "Elijah's Lane Estates, Section I", con- sisting of a parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Santhold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point formed by the intersection of the Southerly line of Long Island Rail Road and the westerly line of Elijah's Lane and running thence from said point of beginning South 42 degrees 38' 38" E. along the westerly line of Elljah's Lane 3177.62 feet to the northerly line of the land of Maston; thence westerly and southerly along the land of Maston the following courses and distances: (1) South 53 degrees 01' 22" West 132.50 feet; (2) South 42 degrees 38' 38" East 82.50 feet to the northerly line of land of Martin Filla and running thence westerly and southerly along the land of Martin Filla the following coarses and distances: (1) South 53 degrees 01' 22" West 343.11 feet; !2) 'South 41 degrees 21' 38" East 71.47 feet to the northeast corner of land of Neville and running thence westerly and southerly along the land of Neville the following courses and distances: (1) South 56 degrees 15' 52" West 22.58 feet; (2) South 50 degrees 00' O2" West ~5.53 feet; (3) South 76 degrees 53' 22" West 49.42 feet; (4) Seu~h 21 degrees 49' 3~" East 125.00 feet to the northerly line of Main Road and running thence South 76 degrees 53' 22" West along the northerly line of Main Road 50.58 feet to the land 'now or formerly of Bergen 'and running thence northerly and westerly along the land now or formerly of Bergen the following courses and distances: (1) North 21 degrees 49' 38" West 222.97 feet (2) South 62 degrees 15' 22" West 234.55 feet to the easterly line of the land of A~nes. Grabowski and run- ning thence North 42 degrees 30' 36" West along the easterly line of land of Agnes Grabowski 00.52 feet to the southerly line of other land of Elijah's Lane Estates and running thence easterly, northerly, again easterly and 'again northerly along other land of Elijah's Lane Estates the following courses and distances: (1) North 47 ' degrees 21' 22" East 276.57 feet; (2) on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 feet for a distance of 92.32 feet; (3) North 47 degrees 21' 22" East 169.19 feet; (4) North 42 degrees 3~' 33" West 50.00 feet; (5) North 47 degrees 21' 22 East 75.38 feet (6) North 42 degrees 14' 38" West 2955.21 feet to the southerly line of Long Island Railroad and running thence North 42 degrees 11' 52' 'East along the ~antheriy lind of Long Island Rail Road 250.00 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- NING. Containing 21.930 ~cres. ~. Plat of property owned by .~orraine Hochman, entitled "Syloret Estates", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Cut- chegue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Middle Road where the same is intersected by the south- westerly end of a curve connecting the northerly side of Middle Road with the southwesteriy side of Bridge Lane; running thence along the northerly side of Middle Road South 70 degrees 36' 40" West 312.46 feet to land now or formerly of Agnes D. McGunnigle, running thence along said land North 46 degrees 23' 30" West, 2516.12 feet to land now or formerly of Society for the Propagation of the Faith; running thence along said land North 45 degrees 41' 40" East, 300.12 feet to the south- westerly side of Bridge Lane; running thence along the southwesterly side of Bridge Lane the following 3 courses and distances: (1) South 45 degrees 31' 30" East, 827.92 feet; (2) South 49 degrees 18' 00" East, 204.23 feet; (3) South 46 degrees 39' 40" East, 1554.51 feet to the northerly end of the curve first abovementioned; running thence in a general south- westerly direction along said curve bearing to the right having a radius of 65 feet a distance of 133.04 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. 3. Plat of property owned by Louis Hbdor, entitled "Oregon View Estates", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Cut- chogue, in the Town of Seuthuld, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of Middle Road (C.R. 27), which point .is southwesterly as measured along the nor- thwesterly line of said Middle Road, the northwesterly line being on a curve with a radius of 5,669.58 feet, 514.73 feet from the southwesterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the northwesterly line of said Middie Road with the southwesterly line of Depot Lane, and running thence from said point of beginning on a curve to the right with a radius of 5,669.58 feet along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road for a distance of 382.16 feet; thence South 45 degrees 32' 05" West still along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road 242.89 feet to the land now or - formerly of Pauline Mat- wieczyk; thence nor- thwesterly and southwesterly along the land now dr for- merly of Pauline Matwieczyk the following courses and distances: (1) North 50 degrees 30' 35" West 1007.33 feet; (2) South 40 degrees 56' 25" West 201.32 feet; thence South 49 degrees 38' 25" East along the lands now or for- merly of Pauline Matwieczyk and of P. Ganoarz 990.72 feet to the northwesterly line of said Middle Road; thence North 45 degrees 33' 00" West along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road 561.22 feet to the land now or for- meriy of Thomas McGun- nigle; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the land now or formerly of Thomas McGunnigle the following courses and distances: (1) North 47 degrees 52' 25" West 600.00 feet; (2) South 45 degrees 33' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NC CE ,00", West 150:27,,,?~: t0.. ~q~.e~ ' ~ilgterly line of Gnssom Lane luna now or Iormeny of' tr~ as measured b,, a ti~ Estate of J. S]m6tk, thl~tice ' South 2 degrees 49' 40" East, northwesterly northeasterly 293.44 feet; thence westerly and ag~th n0rth~dsterly ~'' akr°ss thd northerly end of along the~ land 'l~0W or for- merly of the E~tate 6f J. Simcik the foliowidg~.'courses and distances: (f) North 47 degrees 52' 25" West 660.00 feet; (2) North 45 degrees 29' 45" East ~:~ ~eet; (3) North 49 degq'~5~~ West said Griss0m Lane and along Lots 33;:34, 35 and 36, as shown on Said map, North 75 degrees 09' 3O" West, 404.81 feet; running thence along other land of Alfred E. Dart and Alice J~ Dart, his wife, North 13 degrees 51' 10" 840.90 feet40 th~[~d no.~4~ East, 787.36 feet to the point formerl]g o~ F-icner. tl~)~c¢ or place of BEGINNING. North 40 degrees 54' 45" F~ ~ Containing 17.5 acres, more along the land now or.for: or less. · - meriy of Fiener 109.53 f~t. tq, Any person desiring to be heard the land now ur fo),~n,~ly 0~i ,o~' the above matters should Alexander Domaleski; appear at the time and place thence a0utheast, or.ly..an4~, a~we specified. northeasto~;ty alang41~,~ ~ Dai'~t~: September 7, 1973 now.or formerly of Al~xandel' .... ' · BY ORDER OF THE Domaleski the foil, owing, SOUTROLDTOWN courses and,distances: (1) PLANNING BOARD South 50 degroes.30' 35" East 438.85 feet; (2t. North 38 degrees 16' 15" East 585.44 feet to the land. now or for- merly of. John Matwieczyk; thence So~th 51 degrees 43' 45" East along t, he land now or formerly of John Mat- wieczyk~1754.70 [eet to the point or place of BEGIN- NING /4. Plai of property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Seuthold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN 1TS13 BEGINNING at the southerly terminus of the westerly line of Willow Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running across the southerly end of said Willow Pond Lane, South 74 degrees 57' 30" East, 50.01 feet to land of Hurtge; running thence along said land of Hartge, South 13 degrees 51' 10" West, 200.0 feet; thence along said land of Rartge, and along land of Mifford, and along land of Edward Downs Dart, South 76 degrees 00' 50" East, 50O.0 feet; thence along land of Edward Downs Dart, North 21 degrees 18' 00" East, 263.27 feet to land of Howell; thence along said land of Howell the following 9 (1) South 64 degrees 10' 40" East, 40.0 feet; thence (2) South 54 degrees 01' 50" East, 116.5'9 feet; thence (3) South 39 degrees 02' 50" East, 324.38 feet; thence (4) South 3~ degrees 00' 10" East, 155.17 feet; thence (5) South 5 degrees 15' 10" East, 110.0 feet; thence (6) North 76 degrees 38' 20" East, 97.93 feet; thence (7) South 00 degrees 30' 30" East, 213.36 feet; thence (8) South 24 degrees 21' 50" East, 73.50 feet; thence (9) North 66 degrees 41' 30" East, 56 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek; thence southeasterly and then southerly and then southwesterly and then westerly along said high water mark, 750 feet, more or less, to Glenn Road; thence northwesterly along said Glenn Road and along LOt 27, as shown on "Map of West Creek Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3848, North 26 degrees 17' 40" West, 415 feet, more or less; thence along said Lot 27. Lots 28 and 29, and land now or formerly of Wilsberg, North 71 degrees 42' 20" West, 767.97 feet; running thence southerly along said land now or for- merly of Wilsberg and along Lot 32 as shown on said map, 300 feet, more or less, to the northerly terminus of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 } Ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, j Stuart C. Dorian says that. .he..... is Printer and Pub W~KLY TIMES, a newspaper publish county: and that the notice, of which copy, has been published in the said one once in each week, for ........... successively commencing on the .... ' eptc"'~arz ~n 73 day of 13th Sxvora to before me this ............ duy of ...... 3epte~er ..... ,~. ,~19 ..... 73 / / / Resi,ing ia Cl~s No 52 /~// My Comm;ssion'Expi~es U/eS .mo. tq no~ LEGAL NOTICE ~" West I ~d now or gstate of J. Sim~ ~o~we~terly, ~nd again dong the. l~d '~ ~r nerly of the E~te '~t J. tnd ~st~ces: (f) North 47 legrees 52' 25" West ~.~ ~t; (2) No~th :5" East ~;'~ 40.~ f~.~ t~d ~rmerl~ o[ long the land now OL~r: aerly of Fiener 1~.53 ae land now ~ f~ ,lexander Domal~ski; aence ~utheas or~eas~ ~o~ ~omaleski the ~ses and,dis~nces: (1) ~u~' ~ degre~ ~' 35" ~ast · .~ feet; (2). North 38 ~grees 16' 15" East ~.~ ~t to the ]~d now or for- erly oLJ~n Matwi~zyk; .enee ~ 51 de~ees 43' ," East ~ong ~ land now ' formerly of John Mat- ieczyk~17~.70 ~et to the dnt or place of BEGIN- lNG. Plat of pro~y owned by Kwasneski, entitled "~eepy ow", con,sting of a parcel of situated at ~thold, in the n of ~uthold, Suffolk Cowry, York, and ~ded and ri~ as follows: ~M.81 along COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, I I' ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, j Stuart~ O. Dorian being duly Sworn, says that . .h.?... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~rt Greenport, in said county; and thut the notice, of which the ~emed is u printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times one once in each week, for ............................ weeks 13 .~h successively commencing on tire ......................... 3enta~h~r 73 day of ..... :>~..../~ .~r-"~-~:~' 19 .... Sworn to before me this ... ~.,.~.rz.... ,,.,, o,. ~ ~ ,~/,~a ,-. ............................ ~- // - ~aw~r~ L,~WR£NGE TOWNSEND ........ / / / Residine in Suffolk County /~/ Clkg. No, 52-9366350 My Cornm!sMon Expires March 30. 19_~ South 43° 38' 38" East 82.50 feet to the northerly line of land nY Martin Pllla and run- ning thence westerly and southerly along the land of Martin Pilla the following courses and distances: (1) South 53° 01' 22" West 343.11 feet; (2) South 41° 21' 39' East 71.47 feet to the north- east corner of land of Neville and running thence westerly and southerly along the land of Neville the following courses and distances: (1) South 56° 15' 52'! Wes~ 22~58 fe~t; (2) South 50° 06' 02" West 35.53 feet; (3) South 76° 53' 22'~ West 49.42 feet; South 21° 49' 36" F~t 125.00 feet to 'the northerly line of Main :Road and running thence South 76° 53' 22" West along the northerly line of Main Road 50.58 feet to the land now or formerly of Ber- gen and running thence northerly and westerly along the land now or formerly cf Bergen the following courses and distances: (l/ North 2f 49' 38" West 222.97 feet; South 62 15' 22" West 234.55 feet to the easterly line of the land of Agnes Grabowski and running thence North 42° 30' 38" West along the easterly line of land of Agnes Grabow- ski 98.52 feet to the southerly line of other land of EliJah's Lane Estates and running thence easterly, northerly. again easterly and again northerly along other land of Elijah's Lane F~tates the fol- lowing courses and distances: (1) North 47" 21' 22" Fast 270.57 feet; i2) on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 feet for a distance of ~ 92.32 feet; (3) North 47* 21' 22' East 169.19 feet; (4) 42- 30' 38" West 50.00 feet; (5~ North 47 21~ 22" East 75.38 feet; 16~ North 42' 14' 38" West 2955.21 feet to the south- erly line of Long Island Rail- the southerly line of Long Island Rail Road 250.00 feet to the point or place of BE- GINNING. Containing 21.930 a parcel of land situated at Cut- chogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, and bounded and described as tGI- BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Middle sected by the southwesterly northerly side of Middle Road *with the southwesterly side of along the northerly side of now or formerly of Society for ning thence along the south- 30" East. 827.92 feet: (2) South 49 18' 00' East, 204.23 right having a radius of 69 feet a distance of 133.04 feet to the northerly side of Mid- dle Road at the noint or place of BEGINNING. Louis Hodor. entitled "Oregon View Estates". consisting of parcel of land situated at chogue, in the Town of Southo]d. Suffolk County. New York. and bounded and described ns fol- the northwesterly line of Middle Road lC. R. 27i, which point is southwes, terly as measured along the north- westerly line of said MiOdle Roa~l, the northwesterly line being on a curve with a rad- ius of 5,669.58 feet, 514.73 feet from the southwesterly term- Middle Road; thence North 45° 3 5" West along the north~ ,~eerly line of said Middle Ro~d 561.22 feet to the land now or formerly of Thomas McOunnigle; thence northwesterly and southwest- erly along the land now or formerly of Thomas McOun- nigle the following courses and distances: (1) North 47' 52' 25" West 600.00 feet; (21 South 45" 33' 05" West 150.27 feet to the land now or form- erly of the Estate of J. Sim- cik; thence northwesterly. northeasterly and again ndrthwesterly along the land now or formerly of the Esiate of J. Simcik the following courses and distances: North 47° 52' 25" West 660.00 feet; (2) North 45° 29' 45" East 669.16 feet: (3) North 49" 50' 55' West 840.90 feet to the l~/nd no~ or formerly of Pie- ncr; thence North 40° 54' 45* East along the land now or formerly of Ficner 109.53 feet to the land now or formerly of Alexander Domaleskt: thence southeasterly and northeasterly along the land now or formerly of Alexander Domaleski t h e following courses and distances: South 50° 30' 35" East 438.85 feet: (2~ North 38~ 16' 15" East 585.44 feet to the land now or formerly of John Mat- wieczyk; thence South 51~ 43' 45" East along the land or formerly of John Matwie- czyk 1754.70 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 4. Plat Gl property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun- ty, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the south- erly terminus of the westerly line of Willow Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running across the southerly end of said Willow Pond Lane, South 74' 57' 30" East, 50.01 feet to land of Hartge; run- ing thence along said land of Hartge, South 13" 51' 10" West 200.0 feet; thence along said land of I-[~a'tge, a~/d ,along land of Milfard ami along land of ~d~ard Downs Dart, South 76* 08' 50" East 500.0 feet: thence along land of Edward Downs Dart, Nm'th 21° 18' 00" East, 263.27 feet to land of Howell; thence along said land of Howell: thence along said land of Howell the following 9 courses: I1) South 64~ 10' 40" East, 40.0 feet: thence (2) South 54' 01' 50" East, 116.59 feet: thence (3) South 39° 02' 50" East, 324.38 feet: thence (4) South 38 08' 10" East, 155.17 feet: thence t5~ South 5" 18' 1O" East, 110.0 feet; thence (6) North 76~ 38' 20" East, 97.93 feet; thence (7i South 50° 30' 30" East, 213.26 feet: thence (8) South 24" 21' 50" East, 73.50 feet: thence (9) North 66~ 41' 30" East, 56 feet ,more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek: thence southeasterly and then southerly and *hen southwesterly and then west- erly along said high water mark, 750 feet, more or !ess, to Glenn Read; thence north- westerly along said Glenn Road and along Lot 27, as shown on "Map of West Creek Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3848, North 26' 17' 40" West, 415 feet, more or less; thence along said Lot 27. Lots 28 and 29, and land now or formerly of Wilsberg, North 71' 42' 20" West, 767.97 feet; running thence southerly along said land now or form- erly of Wilsberg and along Lot 32 as shown on said map, 309 feet, more or less, to the northerly terminus of the easterly line of Grissom Lane as measured by a tie line, South 2° 49' 40" East 293.44 feet; thence westerly across the northerly end of said Grissom Lane and along Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, as shown on said map, North 75° 99' 30" West, 404.81 feet; running thence along other l~nd of Alfred E. Dart and Alice J. Dart, his wife, North 13° 51' 10" East, 787.36 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- NING. Containing 17.5 acres, more or less. Any nerson desirir~ to be )F SUFFOLK NE'W YORK :. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, s~ys is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND - MA'rTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- :ed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that ff which the (~nnexed is a printed copy, has been n said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- go h week ....... wse , fomArn 'rig on the ............. ./....~ .................. worn to be{ore me this ......./~....~. ........ d~y o{ . 19..~..'~ ^D£LE PAYN£ Notary Pi 5 c Slate of New Yore Residin~ in Suffolk County No. 52'3041000 Commission fxoires March 30, 19~ old, New York, in saki Town on the 18th day of September, 1973. the preliminary approval of the Joseph sal~nd, entitled "EllJah's Lane Estates, SectlO~ r'. co~- sisttl~ of a parcel of land sit- uated at Mattltuck, in the Town of 8outhc~ Suffolk County, New York. eald hounded and described as follows: BEGINNING a~ the point fc~ned by the intersection of. the s~herly line ~f the Lon~ ~and l~tl Road and the westerly line of 'EltJah's I~ne ~ rurdlln~ thence fre~ ~ald po'mt 0f beginr~ng the west~rl~ line of EllJah's ~ 317~,62 feet to the northerly line of the land of southerly along the land of al~ dista~cee: (1) SOUth 52' 01' ~" West 1~ ieee; ¢2) the ~/orthwesterly line of Middle Road lC, R. 27), which point is southwesterly as measured along tl~e n¢~rth- westerly line of said Middle }toad, the northwesterly line being on a curve with a rad- ius of 5,669.58 feet, 514.73 feet from the southwesterly term- inus of an arc of a curve con- necting the northwesterly line of said Middle Road with the southwesterly line of Depo5 Lane, and rmming thence from said point of beginn!.ng on a curve to the right with a radius of 5,669.58 feet a- long the northwesterly line of said Middle Road for a tance of 382.18 feet; thence South 45~ 32' 05" West still along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road 242.89 feet to the land now or form- erly of Pauline Matwieczyk; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the land now or formerly of Pauline Matwieczyk the following courses and distances: (1) North 50° 30' 35" West 1007.33 feet; (2) South 40° 56' 25" West 201.32 feet: thence South 49° 38' 25" East along the lands now or formerly of Pauline Matwieczyk and of P. Ganct~rz 990.72 ~eet to the northwesterly line of said West, 404.81 feet: running thence along other land of Alfred E. Dart and Alice J Dart, his wife, North 13~ 51' 10" East, ?87.36 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appcar at the time and place above specified. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD ToWN JOHN WICI~HAM, CHAIRMAN eJoqs '~o~ulax sgB maq, q~va amoq uo~q~I~q u~a nox 'aotumns COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I ss: STATE OF NEW/ YORK FOB TH By Outdoors Flowers ~ C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says thor he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-rlTUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the cmnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..(~.....~././..._):~week~ successively, commencing on the ............... .'~. ................ ................ Sworn to before me this ....... /.,~' .......day of ................. ..~Z5~9...~.~ ADEIE PAYNE Nolary PuHJc State ,}[ New YorN Residing ,n Sulfolk County No 52-304 [GO0 Commission Expires March 30, 191~ NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, South- old, New York, in said Town on the 18th day of September, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the question of the preliminary approval of the followizlg plats: 1. Plat of property owned by Joseph Saland, entitled "Elijah's Lane Estates, Section I", con- sisting ~f a parcel of land sit- uated at IVlattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of the Long Island Rail Road and the westerIy line of 'Elijah's Lane and running thence from said point of beginning South 42° 38' 98" F along the westerly line of Elijah's Lane 31'/7.62 feet to the northerly linc of the land of Maston; thence westerly and southerly along the land of Maston the follqwing courses and distances: (1) South 59° 01' 22" West 132.59 feet; (2) South 420 33' 38" East 1t2.50 feet to the northerly line of land of Martin Filla and run- ning thence westerly and southerly along the land of Martin Fllla the following courses and distances: South 53° 01' 22" West 343.11 feet; (2) South 41° 21' 36" East 71.47 feet to the north- e~t corner of land of Neville and running thence westerly and southerly along the land' of Neville the following courses and distances: (1) South 56° 15' 52" West 22.58 feet; (2) South 50' 06' 02" West 85.53 feet; (3) South 76 53' 22" West 49.42 feel; (4~ South 21~ 49' 38" East 125.00 feet to the northerly line of Main Road and running thence South 76" 53' 22" West along the northerly line of Main Road 50.58 feet to the land now or formerly of Ber- gen and running thence northerly and westerly along the land now or formerly cf Bergen the following courses and distances: (li Nm'th 21~ 49' 38" West 22297 feet; South 62 15' 22" West 234.55 feet to fhe e~sterly line of the running thence North 42 30' 38" West along the easterly line of land of Agnes Orabow- ski 98.52 feet to the soulherly line of other land of Elijah's Lane Estales and run~ing thence easterly, northerly, again easterly and ~gain northerly along other lapd of Elijah's Lane Estates the fol- lowing courses and distances: (1) North 47 21' 22" East 276.57 feet; (2~ on a curve to the left having a radiu'; of 75.00 feet for a distance of 92.32 feet: (3~ North 47' 21' 22' East 169.19 feet; ~4) 42 38' 38" West 5000 feet; ~5~ Norlh 47 21' 22" East 75,36 West 2955,21 feet to the south- erly line of Long Island Raft- ~0" West. 251612 feet to land Middle Road; thence North 4' '13' 05" Wesl along the n, ~westerly linc of said Middle Road 561.22 feet to the land now or formerly of Thomas McGunnigle; thence northwesterly and southwest- erly along the land now or formerly of Thomas McGun- niglc the following corn-scs and distances: (1) North 47 52' 25" Wesl 60000 feet: (2~ South 45 33' 05" West 150.27 feet to thc land now or form- er]y of the Estale of J. Sim- cik: thence northwesterly. northemsterly and again northwesterly akmg the land now or formerly of the Estate of J. Simcik the following courses and distances: (1~ North 47 52' 25" West 660.00 feet; (2) North 45 29' 45" East 669.16 feet; (3) North 49 50' 55' West 840.90 feet to the land no~ or fm'merly of Ftc- ncr; thence North 40 54' 45~ East along the land now or formerly of Ficner 109.5~ feet to the land now or formerly of Alexander Domaleski: thence southemsterly and northeasterly along the land now or formerly of Alexander Domaleski t h e follawing courses and distances: (1) South 50' 30' 35" East 438.85 feet; (2~ North 36 16' 15" East 585.44 feet to the land now or formerly of John Mat- wieczyk; thence South 5F 43' 45" East along the land nm~ or formerly of John Matwie- czyk 1754.70 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 4. Plat el property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow"~ consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun- ty, New Ym'k, and bounded and desm'ibed as follows: BEGINNING at the south- erly terminus of the westerly line of Willow Pond Lane; from said point of beginnin4 ]and of Haa'tge, anld along ]and of Milford and alon4 along said land ol Howell the Creek Estates" filed in the the northerly end of said Alfred E. Dart and Alice J. Dart, his wife, North 13° ~1' 10" East, 787.36 feet to t~he point or place of BEGIN- NING. Containing 17.5 acres, ;UFFOLK W YORK /hitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, s~ys the Editor, oF THE LONG ISLAND ~ATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that rich the a,nnexed is a printed copy, has been dd Long island Traveler-Mattituck Watch~ ,wee ,or rnmencing on the .............. d....O. ................ .: .......... n tO be{ore me this ....... ~....~ ....... doy o~ .... · ...... AD61E PAYNE Nolar¥ RuN;c, R!a~e ~g New Yore Residing ,Il Sullolk Cou.ty NO. 52.3041000 Comm,ssion Expires March 30, 197~ Middle Rc,,ld South ~0 36' 40" We~t 31246 fe,t to land along said hind North 46 23' 30" West, 2516.12 feet to land land North 45' 41' 40" East, 368.12 fi'et te the southwest- west~r'ly side of Bridge Lane the following 3 eoursc~ and distances: (I~ South 45' 31' 30" East. 827.92 feet: (2~ SOllth 49 18' 00" East, 204.23 feet; ~3) South 46 39' 40" Grissom Lane and along Lots 33. 34, 35 and 36, as 6howr~n said map, North-75~ 09' 30" Wes[ 404.81 feet: running thence along other land of Alfred E. Da~t and Alice J. Dal~. hl~ wife. North 12~ '§1' 10" East, 787.36 feet to t~e point or place of BEGIN- NING. Containing 17.5 acre& more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appear at the time and place above specified. BY ORDER O1~ THE 8OUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN W~CKHAM, CHAIRM. AN 1T--9-13 ~W' u~'.uI~ s~l~ mstl~ q~I~ amotI mol u,~q~I~q u-'co noA ..~ztuums place of BEGINNING, 3. Plat of property owned by Louis Hodor, entitled "O~cgon View Estates". consisting of a parcel of land situated at Cut- ehogue, in the Town of Southold, S:iffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of Middle Road lC. R. 2~I, which point is southwesterly as llleasured along t~e north- westerly line of sa~d Middle Road, the northwesterly/ line being on a curve with ;~ rad- ius of 5,669.58 feet, 514,73 feet from the southwesterly term- gnus of an arc of a curve con- necting the northwesterly line of said Middle Road with the southwesterly line of Depot Lane, and running thence from said point of beginning on a curve to the right with a radius of 5,669.58 feet a- long the northwesterly line of said Middle Road for a tance of 382.18 feet; thence South 45° 32' 05" West stilI along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road 242.89 feet to the land now or fm'm- erly of Pauline Matwieczyk; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the land now or formerly of Pauline Matwieczyk the following courses and distances: (1) North 50° 30' 35" West 1007.33 feet; (2) South 40° 56' 25" West 201.32 feet; thence South 49° 38' 25" East along the lands now or formerly of Pauline Matwieczyk and of P. Ganc~rz 990.~2 ieet to the northwesterly line of said ,(';ml.rs,t ;o IBa; puv Sal~.blnu~s '~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOT'"E NOTICE OF HI~..,INGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public bearings will be held by the Southdld Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 18th day of September, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the question of the preliminary approval of the following plats: 1. Plat of property owned by Joseph Saland, entitled "Elijah's Lane Estates, Section I", con- sisting of a parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point formed by the intersection of the Southerly line of Long Island Rail Road and the westerly line of Elijah's Lane and running thence from said point of beginning South 42 degrees 30' 38" E. along the westerly line of Elijah's Lane 3177.62 feet to the northerly line of the land of Maston; thence westerly and southerly along the land of Maston the following coarses and distances: (1) South 53 degrees 01' 22" West 132.50 feet; (2) South 42 degrees 38' 38" East 82.50 feet to the northerly line of land of Martin Filla and running thence westerly and southerly along the land of Martin Fiila the following courses and distances: (1) SOUth 53 degrees 01~ 22" West 343.11 feet; ~2) South 41 degrees 21' 38" East 71.47 feet to the northeast corner of land of Neville and running thence westerly and southerly along the land of Neville the following courses and distances: (1) South 56 degrees 15' 52" West 22.58 feet; (2) South 50 degrees 06' 02" West 85.53 feet; (3) South 76 degrees 53' 22" West 49.42 feet; (4) South 21 degrees 49' 38" East 125.00 feet to the northerly line of Main Road and running thence South 76 degrees 53' 22" West along the northerly line of Main Road 50.56 feet to the land now or formerly of Bergen and running thence northerly and westerly along the land now or formerly of Bergen the following courses and distances: (1) North 21 degrees 49' 38" West 222.97 feet; (2) South 62 degrees 15' 22" West 234.55 feet to the i~ easterly line of the land of !Agnes Grabowski and run- ning thence North 42 degrees 30' 38" West along the easterly line of land of Agnes Grabowski 98.52 feet to the southerly line of other land of Elijah's Lane Estates and running thence easterly, northerly, again easterly and again northerly along other land of Elijah's Lane Estates the following courses and distances: (1) North 47 idegtees 21' 22" East 276.57 ~feet; (2) on a curve to the left ihaving a radius of 75.00 feet ilar a distance of 92.32 feet; (3) North 47 degrees 2i' 22" ~ast 169.19 feet; (4) North 42 ~degrees 38' 38" West 50.0~ geet; (5) North 47 degrees ' ~" East 75.36 feet; (6) North ~2 degrees 14' 38" West ~955.21 feet to the southerly iline of Long Island Railroad and running thence North 42 degrees 11'52"East along the southerly lin6 of Long Island Rail Road 250.00 feet to the ~dlnt or place of BEGIN- NING. Containing 21.930 !. Plat of property owned by rraine Hochman, entitled LEGAL NOTICE "Syinret Estates", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Cut- chogue, in the Town of Southdld, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Middle Road where the same is intersected by the south- westerly end of a curve connecting the northerly side of Middle Road with the southwesterly side of Bridge Lane; running thence along the northerly side of Middle Road South 70 degrees 36' 40" West 312.46 feet to land now or formerly of Agnes D. McGunuigle, running thence along said land North 46 degrees 23' 3O" West, 2516.12 feet to land now or formerly of Society for the Propagation of the Faith; running thence along said land North 45 degrees 41' 40" East, 366.12 feet to the south- westerly side of Bridge Lane; running thence along the southwesterly side of Bridge Lane the following 3 courses and distances: (1) South 45 degrees 31' 30" East, 827.92 feel; (2) South 49 degrees 18' 00" East, 204.23 feet; (3) South 46 degrees 39' 40" East, 1554.51 feet to the northerly end of the curve first abovementinned; running thence in a general south- westerly direction along said curve bearing to the right having a radius of 65 feet a distance of 133.04 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. 3. Plat of property owned by Louis Hodor, entitled "Oregon View Estates", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Cut- chogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of Middle Road (C.R. 27), which point is southwesterly as measured along 'the nor- thwesterly line of said Middle Road, the northwesterly line being on a curve with a radius of 5,669.58 feet, 514.73 feet from the southwesterly terminus of an arc 'of a curve connecting the northwesterly line of said Middle Road with the southwesterly line of Depot Lane, and running thence from said point of beginning on a curve to the right with a radius of 5,669.58 feet along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road for a distance of 382.18 feet; thence South 45 degrees 32' 05" West still along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road 242.89 feet to the land now or formerly of Pauline Mat- wieczyk; thence nor- thwesterly and southwesterly along the land now or for- merly of Pauline Matwieczyk the following courses and distances: (1) North 50 degrees 30' 35" West 1007.33 feet; (2) South 40 degrees 56' 25" West 201.32 feet; thence South 49 degrees 38' 25" East along the lands now or for- merly of Pauline Matwieczyk and of P. Gancarz 990.72 feet to the northwesterly line of said Middle Road; thence North 45 degrees 33' 05" West along the northwesterly line of said Middle Road 561.22 feet to the land now or for- merly of Thomas McGun- ;nlgle; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the land now or formerly of Thomas McGunnigle the following courses and distances: (1) North 47 degrees 52' 25" West 600.00 feet; (2) South 45 degrees 33' 05" West 150.27 Yeet to the land now or formerly of the Estate of J. Simclk; thence northwesterly, northeasterly and again northwesterly along the land now or for- merly of the Estate of J. Simcik the. following courses and distances: (1) North 47 degrees 52' 25" West 660.00 feet; (2} North 45 degrees 29' 45" East .'669.16 feet; (33 North 49 degrees 50~ 55" West 840.90 feet ko the land now or. formerly~ o~ A~ic~er;. thence North 40 degrees 54' 45" East along the land now or for- merly of Ficner ~,09.53 feet to the land.now or, formerly of Alexander Domaleski; thence southeasterly and unrtheast~rly along the land, now or formerly of Alexander Dom~leski the following courses and distances: (1) South 50 degrees 30' 35" East 438.85 feet; (2) North 38 degrees 16' 15" East 585.44 feet to the land now or for merly of Jo~ln Matwieczyk; thence SO~.bl degrees 43' 45" East along the land now or formerly of John Mat- wieezyk 1754.70 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- NING. 4. Plat of property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk C6unty, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southerly terminus of the westerly line of Willow Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running across the southerly end of said Willow Pond Lane, South 74 degrees 57' 30" East, 50.01 feet to land of Hartge; running thence along said land of Hartge, South 13 degrees 51' 10" West, 200.0 feet; thence along said land of Hartge, and along land of Milford, and along land of Edward Downs Dart, South 76 degrees 0~' 50" East, 500.0 feet; thence along land of Edward Downs Dart, North 21 degrees 18' 00" East, 263.27 feet to land of Howell; thence along said land of Howell the following 9 (1) South 64 degrees 10' 40" East, 40.0 feet; thence (2) South 54 degrees 01' 5O" East, 116.59 feet; thence (3) South 39 degrees 02' 50" East, 324.38 feet; thence (4) South 38 degrees 0~' 10" East, 155.17 feet; thence (5) South 5 degrees 19' 10" East, 110.0 feet; thence (6) North 76 degrees 38' 2O" East, 97.93 feet; thence (7) South 50 degrees 30' 30" East, 213.36 feet; thence (6) South 24 degrees 21' 50" East, 73.50 feet; thence (9) North 66 degrees 41' 30" East, 56 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek; thence southeasterly and then southerly and then southwesterly and then westerly along said high less, to Glenn Road; thence northwesterly along said Glenn Road and along Lot 27, as shown on "Map of West Creek Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3~48, North 26 degrees 17' 40" West, 415 feet, more or less; thence along said Lot 27. Lots 28 and 29, and land now or formerly of Wilsberg, North 71 degrees 42' 20!' West, 767.97 feet; running thence southerly along said land now or for- merly of Wilsberg and along LOt 32 as shown on said map, 300 feet, more or less, to the northerly terminus of the LEGAL b' -ICE easterly line of Grmsom Lane as measured by a tie line, ~u{h 2 degrees 49' 40" East, 293.44, feet; thence westerly across the northerly end of said'Grissom Lane and along Lot~ ~, 34, 35 and 36, as shown on said map, North 75 degrees 09' 30" West, 404~81 · feet; running thence along other land of Alfred E. Dart and Alice J. Dart, his wife, North 13 degrees 51' 10" Eaat, 785.36 feet to the point or .~ace of BEGINNING. Containing 17.5 acres, more or less, -' Any perso~ desiring to be heard on the.above matters should appear at the time and place 'above specified. Dated~ September 7, 1973 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN 1TS13 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STAT~i OF hEW YORK. ~ ss: Stuart C. Dorman he s~/s thor ....... is Printer and Pnbli WEEKLY TIMES, a newslxrPer publishe county; and that the notice, of which ti copy. has been published in the said once in each week, tar ..... .o.n.e..{.1.! successively commencing on the ..... d~/ of.. ~.P~~.~, ~,,~19.7..3.. Sworn to before me this., .1;3.t.h. .... _ September ~ '/ 73 day o! ...... I.] ...... ]../ 19 ..... J NOIA.Y PUBLIC Of Resi]ing ;n Suffolk Clks. No. 52 936 My Commissi,m Expires Marc LEGAL NOTICE ~,ret Estates", consisting of a .1 of land situated at Cut- ue, in the Town of Southold, /!k County, New York, and ted and described as EGINNING at a point on northerly side of Middle d where the same is rserted by the south- !lerly end of a curve i lecting the northerly side ]Middle Road with the hwesterly side of Bridge !~; running thence along mortherly side of Middle d South 70 degrees 36' 40" ! 312.46 feet to land now ~ormerly of Agnes D. uunigle, running thence : said land North 46 'es 23' 30" West, 2516 12 o land now or formerly Society for the agation of the Faith; ng thence along said North 45 degrees 41' 40" :F~8.12 feet to the south- ~vly side of Bridge Lane; 'i~ag thence along the twesterly side of Bridge the following 3 courses stances: (1) South 45 ,es 31' 30" East, 827 92 ~2) South 49 degrees 18' East, 204.23 feet; (3) 46 degrees 39' 40" East, 1 feet to the northerly of the curve first mentioned; running in a general south- dy direction along said bearing to the right ~ a radius of 65 feet a ce of 133.04 feet to the erly side of Middle ~t the point or place of ~NING. ~ of property owned by odor, entitled "Oregon ;tales", consisting of a land situated at Cut- the Town of Southold, New York, and and described as point on line of Road (C.R. 27), which is southwesterly as along the nor- line of said Middle he northwesterly line on a curve with a ~)f 5,669.58 feet, 514.73 ~m the southwesterly is of an arc 'of a curve lng the northwesterly aid Middle Road with ~thwesterly line of Lane, and running from said point of ~g on a curve to the th a radius of 5,669.58 ag the northwesterly lid Middle Road for a : of 3~2.18 feet; thence degrees 32' 05" West ]g the northwesterly said Middle Road et to the land now or of Pauline Mat- :; thence nor- !iy and southwesterly ~e land now or for- · Pauline Matwieczyk iowing courses and l~s: (1) North 50 :~0' 35" West 1007.33 South 40 degrees 56' 201.32 feet; thence ~degrees 38' 25" East ~' lands now or for- i Pauline Matwieczyk Gancarz 990.72 feet i)rthwesterly line of iJdie Road; thence ' iegrees 33' 05" West northwesterly line l~iiddle Road 561.22 . '~e land now or for- Thomas McGun- ence northwesterly ~westerly along the ,' or formerly of McGunalgle the '. - courses and :: (1) North 47 ,2' 25" West 600.00 -;outh 45 degrees 33' LEGAL NOTICE 05" West 150.27 ~eet to the land now or formerly of the Estate of J. Simcik; thence northwesterly, northeasterly and again northwesterly along the land now or f0r~ merly of the Estate of J. Simcik the~ following courses and distances: (1) North 47 degrees 52' 25" West 660.00 feet; (2)North 45 degrees 29' 45" East ,669.16 ~eet; North 49 degrees 50~ 55" Wesf 840.90 feet t.o the land now formerly~ of ~Fi¢~er; thence North 40 degrees 54' 45" East along the land now. or. for- merly 0f Ficner ~o9~53 feet to the land.now or, formerly of Alexander Domaleski: thence southeasterly and northeasterly along the Jand, now or formerly of Alexander Dom~leski the following courses and distances: (1) South 50 degrees 30' 35" East 438.85 feet; (2) North 38 degrees 16' 15" East 585.44 feet to the land now or for- merly of J~hn Matwieezyk; thence So~,5! degrees 43' 45" East alung the land now or formerly of John Mai wieezyk 1754.70 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- NING. 4. Plat of property owned by Leo Kwasneski, entitled "Sleepy Hollow", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Cdunty, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southerly terminus of the westerly line of Willow Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running across the southerly end of said Willow Pond Lane, South 74 degrees 57' 30" East, 50.01 feet to land of Hartge; running thence along said land of Hurtge, South 13 degrees 51' 10" West, 200.0 feet; thence along said land of Hartge, and along land of Milford, and along land of Edward Downs Dart, South 76 degrees 0~' 5q" East, 500.0 feet; thence along land of Edward Downs Dart, North 21 degrees 18' 00" East, 263.27 feet to land of Howell; thence along said land of Howell the following 9 (1) South 64 degrees 10' 40" East, 40.0 feet; thence (2) South 54 degrees 01' 50" East, 116.59 feet; thence (3) South 39 degrees O2' 50" East, 324.38 feet; thence (4) South 3S degrees 0~' 10" East, 155.17 feet; thence (5) South 5 degrees 18' 10" East, 110.0 feet; thence (6) North 76 degrees 38' 20" East, 97.93 feet; thence (7) South 5O degrees 30' 30" East, 213.36 feet; thence ($) South 24 degrees 21' 5O" East, 73.50 feet; thence (9) North 66 degrees 41' 30" East, 56 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek; thence southeasterly and then southerly and then southwesterly and then westerly along said high less, to Glenn Road; thence northwesterly along said Glenn Road and along Lot 27, as shown on "Map of West Creek Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3848, North 26 degrees 17' 40" West, 415 feet, said Lot 27. Lots 28 and 29, and land now or formerly of Wilsberg, North 71 degrees 42' 20" West, 767.97 feet; running thence southerly along said land now or for- merly of Wilsberg and along Lot 32 as shown on said map, 300 feet, more or less, to the northerly terminus of the LEGAL Iv -ICE easterly line of Gr~ssom Lane as measured by a tie line, South 2 degrees 49' 40" East, 293.44, feet; thence westerly across the northerly end of sald~Grissom Lane and along Lot§ 33, 34, 35 and 36, as shown on said map, North 75 degrees 09' 5O" West, 404.81 feet; running thence along other land of Alfred E. Dart and Alice J. Dart, his wife, North 13 degrees 51' 10" East, 78'/:36 feet to the point or ~lac~ of BEGINNING. Contathtng: 17.5 acres, more Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appear at the time and place ~nbove specified. Dated~ September 7, 1973 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN 1TS13 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ;' ss: Stuart C. Dornan ...................................... being duly Sworn, says that ....... is Printer and Publisher o! the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annex~! iS ~i printed copy, has been published in the ~id Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for one (1) weeks successively oommencing on the 13th day of ~ep~:~--e_~n~ Swam to before me this ...1.~.t?. .... _ _September ~ ,,ay 0, <.1 ....t.;/ / '::':PH LAWRENCE TOvV~'ISEND '" (/ N':r'~.'¥ PU~IC OF NEW YORK ALBE~T W. RICHMOND SOUTHI3LD, L. I, N. Y. 119"71 September 10, 1973 Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: · ransmitted herewith is Application For Approval of Plat - "Sleepy HollSw", copies of the maps, together with check covering filing fee in the amount of $140.00. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL ON PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subfiivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.)~ ~..t~.__~.mt..~.~.~ 2. The name of the subdivision is to b~---..~.~.~ ........................... 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................ ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................ ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................ ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................ as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ........................................ or as distributee ........................................................................ 5. 2he area of the land is ...\.~.'.~.~...... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at tl~e date hereof have been paid except .......... mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page .................... in original amoum of $..~..~).O..O..~...~unpaid amount $..,4~..~... held by .~..~..~..~x~'.t.~.~.~4~ ......................... :address (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page .................... in original amount of $ ................ unpaid amount $ ................ held by ........................... .......................... address ...................................................... SUFFOLK COUNTY [DEPARTMENT OF HEALYH 727-4700 ~ary Olsen, Mattttuck, N.Y. 119~2 .Dea~ Mr. Oisen: ~.ts fOr %he for ~11 lc~,s ~thi~, t~s ,:a:;~, <~ t~ :'~f;, ~i.[l be processed for ap- .,,_$ o f~ce. qh~ ,~ f RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent August 20~ 1973 Tel. 765-3140 The Planning Voard Town o£ Southold Southolds New York 11971 Gentlemen; ! have inspected the map and approve the lay-out o£ the proposed road(s) at SL~HPY HOLLiIWs Southold~ New York, A preliminary Profile was not included with the Pre- liminary gut, ii.vision Plan, RCD:esp Very truly yours~ Sup't of Highways GARY FLANNE:R OLSEN COUN~gLLOR AT LAW August 21, 1973 Re: Major Subdivision Sleepy Hollow Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith please find 12 copies of the proposed subdivision making the changes your board recommended. I am also enclosing a copy of a letter from the Suffolk County Health Dept. dated August 20, 1973 approving the test holes and wells. I have requested Raymond Dean to approve the road layout. Pleaseadvise if you find everything in order to schedule a pr~ary public hearing. If so I will submit the Application and~,~ / Very truly encls.gf°/mc Southold Town Planning Board Southold, N.Y. cc: Rensselaer Terry, Esq. 97.93 ~met; ff~at, 73.~0 ~eaC; the~m ~mt, ~5 feet,. ~e thence ~ut~st~ly m~ th~ ~ly axoni seid !~:,i ,~. u~- :'o~-. ~ly of ~tl~bmr~ a~ alo~ ~C 32 11 a~ ~n smi~ ~p, ,ior~,- Z..~ ,~e.;;,,~ O~ ,~t~teo ~0 I~m Welt, ~,~l ] ~ or :,~,:~,:,~, -~ ~rnnl,n ~ 4 ,,, ~ ,,H ~: ~'~,~e~, ~ th, ~nt~ li~ ~r~f. and al~ ~. m~ ~m ~ any ~ award. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) LEO KWASNESKI, being duly sworn deposes and states: 1. That I reside at North Parish Drive, Southold, New York, and I am the applicant in re the subdivision known as "Sleepy Hollow" at Southold, N.Y. 2. That I submit this afidavit of ~nership in support of my application lot a major subdivision approval pending before the Southold Town Planr~ing I oard. ~o That I will be the sole owner of the 17 1/2 acres which are the subject aatter of my subdivision application and said premises are presently ,wried by Alfred E. Dart and Alice J. Dart of Main Bay View Road~ Southold, ~ew York. I am under a Contract of Sale to p~rchase the subject premises. STAT~ OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On ~he day of personally came 19 , before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. STATE O$ NEW YO~K, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came 19 to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. WITHOUT COVENANT AGAINST G~ANToR's ACTS TITL~ No. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN TO Recorded At Request of The Title Guarantee Company RETU~I BY MAIL TO: Distributed by THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPA3~Y Zip No. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY, THIS INDENTURE, made the BETWF-F-N day of [=EO KWASNESKI, residing at (no number) North Parish Drive, Southold, New York party of the first part, and party o~ the second part, W.~oI'I~[E.~-I i~ that the party of the first part, in c~d~on of t~ do~s ~d o~ ~e m~e~ ~d by ~ ~rty of the s~nd ~, d~s hereby ~t ~d ~ ~to the ~ of the ~nd ~, ~e h~rs or succors ~d assi~ of ~e ~ of the ~nd ~ for~er, A~ ~t ~ain plot, pi~ or ~l,of ~nd, ~ ~e ~s ~d~rov~ theban e~ ~te, 1~ md ~ng~ at Soumosa, Tom or aou~no~a, ~urrolK uoumy, l~ew XOrK, known and designated as Lot ~ on a certain map entitled "~ap of Sleepy Ho~ow", Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk Co~iy, New York, s~vey completed by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. and filed in the Office of the C1 erk of the County of Suffolk on under map No. TOGETHER with the right to use the r~ads within the subdivision for access to and from the said lot. SUBJECT to covenants, easements and restrictions of record. roa~'~~::~i~:~ TOGETHER wnh the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part torever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the cm~sideration [or this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be apDied first for the purpose of lmying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense o£ this indenture so requires. IN ~ WI'IF.J~OF, the party o£ the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. Loo Kwasneski V ~ '70 vW' Ira' ~ 'f' () V~rl't'~at : t0'~$'' lit ROAD Pt~-O,=II-£'5 ",SLEEPY .I-~OttO'"' ,~OUTIdOt..D.~ h ,b LOT, S~ LOT · .~4 's~,~J~r~[-R~ LOT - ~2~ '%.; (;% /. V~'~ .~q LOT. L~T-~7 L L. ~ LJ T l-! 0 L_ b ~Ui=F-OLI4 CO., I~I~-%/ YOI~I4 '~iCAL. L- "' I00~-- t' C)%, ~,J~-J"~ A, h4b b[..-VL-/LC)[=E-,b I~¥': SI-£EPy I-lo~-ow (T] ,~OUTHOLD - ~y US P~O/;% ,XCTLIAL. %U~V~-Y~ CO/~FLB-T~-~ ~j C~ LJ'TI-i 0 L. r~ TO\UN r-L ~ V,L'x.T i 0 N , r.:>-,:/ X©l ~__ L:- E:_- i LJ'TI-I 0 ~UF-F-OLiZ CO., I'q r_-\v' 'YO~14 b % Ot.J T 14c'p LI~ OF' ~'C/'NL=L- · I0©'= Ir' 6, Fl b bL-V SC)UTI4C: L.:,.t:,, .., ~E-~.V "/o.r~l,( Wr- I.li'-RE. iSY cr--I'~TI,P¥ ]'146,T MO LOT 0,'-.,1 T,-. ~- //kA,,~ I% LL-%5 TI.lA. iq 4o, ooo %<]lUM~g- PI:.-[.-T \V~TM Ti.ir= TE-ST I-IOLE- bATA, N-~ I .Ne "2 ,OUT,40 L~ TO,vN, puz,~,M, ~4c~ ,O,~,r~, il HENRY E. RAYNOR. 3r.. Chairman ~'AME$ WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, 27. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. Nilliam F. Mullen, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 TO: Ed Hindermann FROM: Henry E. Raynor, Jr. DATE: February 16, 1982 RE: Sleepy Hollow subdivision The dotted lines at the end of Grissom Lane reflect a turn-a-round area. This area should not affect the set back from the road for the construction of a home. The final map of this subdivision was approved. October 1, 1975 and the bond was released October, 1980. tlOveldmr 15, 1979 ~r. &~rs. Lor Emmm~ Parbh Dz~ve SouthoXd, I~Y 11971 S/I~ Sleepy llollo~ ~mt..hold, NY ~r~eeee.~ ~Lb~ o~ mrre~Mudeum w rumived frou tim Tram o~ 9maclml4 cat, ton for thio heed to hoXd thb eampawy ee Surmty free from all Xeem, oeetm or ozpenee that ~taht erXoe. Siueer~y, TJIC:~g ee: a~ry S. hyuor,$r. Robert E. r~T~I~EDMkTL ~185283 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E, GORDON SAr~IE$ WALL BENNETT ORLOWSK[, GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-1938 November 9, 1979 Mr. Thomas J. Keenan Republic Financial Services, 129 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 Inc. Dear Mr. Keenan: I am writing in reference to Bond No. 915530 of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kwasneski for the subdivision known as "sleepy Hollow". The bond has not been released because the work has not been completed. I enclose inspection report #86 and inspection report #95. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLAA~ING BOARD By Muriel Tolman INSPECTION REPORT To: Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board No. 95 Date: November 5, 1979 RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW at SOUTHOLD COMMENTS: Made an inspection at above subdivision to find out if remaining work as noted in Report No. 86, dated September 25, 1979, had been done. Remaining work has not been accomplished. Report No. 86 still. holds. C.C. R. C. Dean, Hwy. Supt. C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L. M. Tuthill, P.E. $OUTHOLD TOWN HWY. Republic Financial Services, Inc. REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY VANGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BLUE RIDGE ~NSURANCE COMPANY November 1, 1979 Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 RE: Bond No. 915530 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kwasneski S/D Sleepy Hollow Gentlemen: We enclose copies of correspondence we have received relating to this bond. We would like to know why the bond hasn't been released. Would you furnish a list of the uncompleted items so that we can understand what has to be done to get the bond cancelled. May we hear from you. TJK:ag s J. Keenan cc: Leo Kwasneski Robert E. Commins "In Business Since 1903" N.Y.S.E. Symbol RFS Eastern Depar men · 129 Fulton Street · New York, NY 10038 · (212 ) 349-3200 INSURANCE 515 ROCKAWAY AVENUE -- POST OFFICE SOX 39 "ALLEY STREAM, NEW YORK 11582 10/26/79 129 Fulton St. New York, N. Y. 10038 RE: Leo Kwasneski Bond #915530 ATT: Tom Keenan Dear Mr. Keenan:: We have been advised by Leo Kwasneski that all work has be~n completed on this sub division and has been unsuccessfull in obtaining a release from the Town of Southold. He has suffered a serious illness and has lost all strength in dealing with the town and refuses ot proceed any further. Please send a letter to the town requesting the return of the bond. Thank you. Very truly yours, /.(~ ~ ~'c ........ Robert E. Cummins REC/fc Republic Financial Town Engineer' Off£ce of The T own Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Bond No. glg~O _ Bond Amount 5~;nnn_oo _ Principal LEO & ANN KWASNESKI Services, Inc. October 3, 1977 Date of' Bond~__ For Map of _ $1..py Hollow__ Obligee_ .... TQ~W~___O_F SQUTHOLD. NEW YORK Address This Company is surety on the bond described above. As such surety, we are vitally interested in securing the prope~/~swers to the qugstions below. We would appreciate it, if you would/~9~plete the blanks provided and return the report. _.~! .y ~ Bon~i~g Secretary Has bonded work been satisfactorily completed? / / / What was date of final acceptance? What percentage of work has been done?_ When is final approval anticipated?__ / .. ~' ~- ~ /.<_//'. . t.,~,~ , ~//' . Eastern Deoartmen! - 129 Fulton Streel ,- New York, NY 10038 (212} 349-3~00 ~ INSPECTION R.EPOR T Henry E. Raynor, Jr.~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Board No. 86 Date: September 25, 1979 RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW at SOUTHOLD Reference is made to your letter of September 13, 1979. Toe meeting of November, 1978 mentioned in the attached letter'from Grefe Indus- tries, Inc., was not a final inspection for the subdivision. It was for the grading work, swales, dr&image structures, etc., done by the Grefe company. I made an inspection of this project on September 25, 1979. The swsles and ~ shoulders at present are not in good condi+~on. There has been erosion and displacement by others in these'areas. C.B.'s (cleaned in 1978) are now partially filled. There is some debris within the R.O.W. limits. The swsle areas have always been a problem due to the 7 f~, width between the 36 ft. pave- merit and.the R.O.W. with adjacent lots being above or below the road profiles. Other work to be done (in bond estimate) includes instsllation of barrier guide rail at ends of Sleepy Hollow Lane, Griss~n Lane and the appropriate street name and stop signs. O. Ce C.C. C.'C. R. C. Dean, Hwy. Supt. Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill~ P.E. SOUTHOLD 'I'OWN HWY. Pi D HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. ~ Chm. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Bennett 0rlowski, Jr. George Ritchie Latham, Jr o 5outhold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 September 13, 1979 Mr. John W. Davis Sterling Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed please find question on the specifications being met for "Sleepy Hollow" properties by Mr. Jack Grefe. Would you please do a field inspection to see if there are any deficiencies concerning this subdivision at your earliestconvenience. Yours truly, HER/mt Copies to Jack Grefe Leo Kwasneski HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD GREFE INDUSTRIES INC. COX LANE -- CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 (516) 734-5083 Sept. 5 1979 Town of Southold Planning Board F~ain Rd. Southold, N.Y. 11971 Att: FLr. Henry Haynor He: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision Dear Sir: In November 1978 F~r. Leo Kwasneski and I met with Mr. Jack Davis for final inspection of above mentioned location. It was our understanding that all the requirements met to his satisfaction. In order for Grefe Industries to receive final payment from Mr. Leo Kwaskneski we need a letter stating that the final inspection was approved. Thanking you in advance, I remain Very truly your~ HENRY E. RAYNOR, .Ir. ~ Chin. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold. N.Y. 11971 July 3, 1979 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Mr. Leo Kwasneski Parish Drive Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Kwasneski:: Section 277 of Town Law states in part. "Such performance bond shall run for a term to be fixed by the planning board, but in no case for a longer term than three years, provided, however, that the term of such performance bond may be extended by the planning board with consent of the parties thereto." The time has expired with regard to your subdivision and as a result your bond is in jeopardy of default with the Town of Southold. Please advise the Town Clerk and the Planning Board of your disposition of this problem. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOV~ PLANNING BOARD HER/mb Copies to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Robert Tasker, Town Attorney James F. Homan, Deputy Supervisor Bonding Company INACTION REPORT 33 TO: Raymond C. Dean~ Su_j~erintendent T~wn Highway Depar~tment Southold, New York '11971 FROM: John W. Davis COMMENTS: D'ate: Nov. 29, 1978 SLEEPY HOLLOW AT SOUTHOLD Bluestone pavement surfacing for above subdivision was completed today. Approximately 5000 S.Y. was done on November 25th (See report No. 32). Total area covered, all streets and turnarounds on November 25th and 29th, 10,308 S.Y. Total RC-250 used, loads at 1600 gal., 1400 gal. and 700 gal., a'total of 3700 gal. for a yield of 0.358 gal./S.Y.. 129 tons of bluestone used, 124 tons from stockpil'e and 5 tons brought in to complete work. Stone course was rolled with an 8 ton roller. C. C. Southold Planning Board C. C. Highway Committee C. C. L. M. Tuthill, P. E. RECEIVED OEg 1 - 1978 ~y SOUTHOLD TC'V/ ~ HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT EDWARD .I. BABE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No,..~ 7..6 ...... DATE ........ 0U~..37....~.-~ .......... TIME ................................................ WEATHER ........................................... COMMENTS: On Ouly 5 and 6 I witnessed the application of the seal coat to the roads in this subdivision. The road surface was smooth g~aded and ~olled p~io~ to appli- cation of the seal coat. The leaching basin inlets were surrounded with asphalt apron to p=evant e=osion and the d~iveway into the Harge ~esidence was asphalted to the p~opert¥ line. The develope~ has ibstalled a ~etaining wall along the Ha~ge p~ope=t¥. The applic;ation of the seal coat was pe~fo=med in accordance. with the Town Highway Specification and is approved. The Eetain- in9 wall was inetalled satisfactorily and is app=oved. RECOMMENDATIONS: EDWARD .I. BABE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT Southold, N.Y. TIME ................................................ WEATHER ........................................... RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW COMMENTS: The road bed in this subdivision was pulvermixed in the fall .of 1977. The seal coat should have been applied by this time. Because no seal coat has been 'applied the surface of the road is disintegrating. The seal coat must be applied within the next three weeks or the road will have to be re-pulvermixed. In my Report #250 of April 3, 1978 I cited the corrective action that must be performed at the Harge's property. This corrective action must be accomplished immediately. RECOMMENDATIONS: EDWARD ,I. 'B~.I~E ' PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No..ZS0 ...... Town Highway Department Southold, N.Y. TIME ................................................ WEATHER ................................... i ....... RE: SLEEPY HOLLOW COMMENTS: I inspected the roads in this subdivision and have determined that the following items must be accomplished, The berm of pulvermixed material along the road edge must be removed. 5 The turn-around at the end of Sleepy Hollow lane must be regraded to remove the large depressions and to insure drainage of water away from the creek and towards the catch basins at the entrance to the turn-around. The catch basins at the end of Grissom Lane must be surrounded by an asphalt apron to prevent erosion. This aprom should be 10 feet in diameter. e The catch basins on Sleepy Hollow Lane must be surrounded by an asphalt apron. This apron should extendL out for 5 feet on either side of the inlet and foom the inlet to the paved road surface. The entrance to the Harges' driveway must be paved with asphalt. A timber retaining wall 2 feet high must be built to retain the Harges' property behind the catch basin that is adjacent to the Harge property. EDWARD ,.I. BAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT TO: ...Reymr.,.~d..C.,..ne,~r~.,..~iup:l;~, .... 5outhold~ N.Y. TIME ................................................ WEATHER ........................................... RE: Sleepy Hollo,,, COMMENTS: The road base ha~ cured a sufficient period of time and is ready for the seal coat. Prior to sealing some minor grading must be accomplished. After grading the base must be rolled. The swales are nc~t in satisfactory condition, They heed extensive widening and grading, in some areas additional~ tress must be removed. The catch basins located in the s~alss must be surrounded with an apron of asphalt to prevent washout off the RECOMMENDATIONS: Republic Financial Services, Inc. REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY VANGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BLUE RIDGE INSURANCE COMPANY October 3, 1977 TOwn Engineer Office of The ¶~ own Clerk Town of Southo]Ld Main Road Southold, New York 11871 Bond No. 91~0 Bond Amount Principal LEO & ANN KWASNNSKI Date of Bond For Map of !0,/6/75 0bligee T0~_ ~; OF SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK address This Company is surety on the bond described above. As such surety, we are vitally interested in securing the proper answers to the questions below. We would appreciate it, if you would complete the blanks provided and return the report. Thank you. Sincerely, Mrs. Ja~es Bonding Secretary Has bonded work been satisfactorily completed? What was date of final acceptance?._ What percentage of work has been done? · When is final approval anticipated? ~ ~ ~ / Remarks: BY: Eastern Depadment · 129 Fulton Street · New York, NY 10038 · (212) 349-3200 EDWARD ,I. BAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT Sauthol~$ ~.y. DATE ..... TIME ................................................ WEATHER ........................................... RE: Sle ,e. ~.y. Hollow COMMENTS: On Saturdav~ October 10 and Monday~ October 12 I ut[nessed the pulvermixino ope~atlone, The ~ork uae per?o~med in a satisfactory manne~. The p=ooer amount o? oil cas blended into the road baee and ~ulve~mixinq was performed un~il ~he mix[ute was uniform throughout, RECOMMENDATIONS: I EDWARD J. BAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT Southsld, ~.¥. DATE Dctober 1, 1977 TIME WEATHER ..... . ........... RE: 51sepW Hollow COMMENTS: On August 28, September 1, September 12, and Octobez i I !napected the roads to ascertain if the paving could commence. ~l~prova! to pave could not be qiven. The turn-a=ounds at the and of Grissom Lane and $1eepv Hollow Lane had not been shaped properlv. At this time, the zoad pavinq contractor ~ther th~n the gradin~ contractor is shaping the turn-arounds 'th the p~eper configuration. The catch basins at the entrance to the ~ubdtviston have been in- stalled as well as their cast iron curb inlets. The integral curbing at thesa ca~ch basins has not b~en installed. - ' RECOMMENDATIONS: NOV 10 1971, 765-19~8 July 6, 1977 Gary Flanner 01sen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held June 27, 1977. WHEREAS, the Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 24, 1977 recommended a drawing back of the turnaround on Sleepy Hollow Lane in the subdivision entitled "Sleepy Hollow at Southold" in order to comply with the Southold Town Wetland Ordinances and WHEREAS, approval has been obtained from Martin Surer and Louis M. Demarest of the Soutbold Town Highway Committee and Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Hlghwayss and WHEREAS, a permit has been issued by the New York State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservations and WHEREAS, an Affidavit of Correction dated June 27, 1977 has been filed in the office of the Planning Board and has been or will be filed in the office of the Suffolk County Clerks NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approves the relocation of the turnaround as contained in the Affidavit of Correction~ and the other changes made by said Affidavit of Correction are approved. Yours truly, Copy to Mr. Leo Kwasneski Muriel Brush, Secretary EDWARD ,I. BABE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT DATE .~U.~...~...~ ................ TIME ................................................ WEATHER ........................................... RE: Sleepy Hollow COMMENTS: I inspecte~ this subdivision on May 2, May 16, May26, Dune 15, an8 July 1. The rough grade of Grissom Lane was found to be lower than necessary in relation to the adjoining land. The contractor was instructed to raise the grade of the road approximately one foot from Station 2+60 to the end of the road. The contractor was advised to remove all loam and humus from the swale area. This has not been fully complied with. The turn-around at the end of Sleepy Hollow Lane has been reshaped but I cannot ascertain that it conforms to the boundaries as defined in the Affadavit of Correction of Oune 2?, 1977 filed by Roderick Van Tuyl. The grads of this turn-around is not satisfactory. RECOMMENDATIONS: All remainin9 loam and humus must be removed from swale areas. Finish regrading Grissom Lane and construct turn-around at and of Griseom Lane. Grade the turn-around:at the end of Sleepy Hollow Lane so that it slopes towards the entrance to the turn-around. A total S~pe of one foot from ex,rems boundary to entrance will be sufficient. Install catch and leaching basins at entrance to turn-around. Gary FLANNER OlSeN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O. BOX 38 · MAIN ROAD . MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 · PRON/E 516 ~98-4844 June 27, 1977 Re: Sleepy-Hollow Leo Kwasneski Dear Muriel: Enclosed please find the following: 1. original letter from Martin Surer and Louis M. Dernarest as members of the Highway Committee approving the relocation of the turn-around; 2. copy of revised Certificate of Correction of Roderick Van Tuyl dated June 27, 1977, which foomatehas been approved by the Suffolk County Clerk's Office and which I will have filed; 3. copy of Per--it from the Department of Environmental Conservation dated April 20, 1977. You have in your file a letter from Raymond Dean dated May 18, 1977 agreeing with the relocation of the turn-around. Accordingly, your file should now be complete. Pleasesubrnit the enclosed tothe Planning Board at tonights meeting and confirm that all is now in order since we expect to close title to one of the lots this week. Best regards. ~ Very truly// /'f ~-- GARY ~I~4~NER OLSEN GFO/mc /? encls. ~ Southold Town Planning Board Southold, N.Y. cc: Mr. Kwasneski SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY COMMITTEE June 24, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Street Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision Dear Sirs: The Town Board Highway Committee has reviewed the relocation of Sleepy Hollow Lane in the above subdivision and has no objection to such relocation provided that the same is done in accordance with the affidavit of Roderick VanTuyl sworn to on February 24, 1977. Yours very truly, M~f~h Surer "~ 'I~ ouisXi~. Demare s¥' -~ IN P~ S"JBDIYiSION MAP OF SLEF~T HOLLOW, Town of S~%d~ New ~.~., f~ed ~ ~fo~ Co~ ~e~k'e O~ce on ~ ~p NO. ~A~ 0F ~W YO~ ) 8.3. oo~ oF ~ ) ~ ~ m ~ed ~d 3~yor ~ ~ State ef N~ Yo~ a% ~, ~en~r%, New ~t the fl~ of Roderiok V~ ~1, P.O. p~d a ~eion ~p of ~ prope~y b~o~ to ~o 1~%~ ~ ~he T~n of Southold, New York, w~eh ~i~sion ~ ~ ~$~y HO~$ ~ s~d ~U~Slon ~e app~ved by t~ P~: ~ of mhe To~ of Southold ~ by of He~th of ~olk Co~ty, ~ ~s ~~ filed ~ ~fo~ Co~ty Clerk's Office as ~p No. 6351 $ ~t ou said ~ the deponent l~s been au~huriz~ ~y said P~ ~ of t~ To~ of Southold to ~e the fol~o~ oo~o%ions ~ 1. ~e ~a ad dist~eo def~ lh~ ~outh~sterly potion of t~ ~.$~ ~ as "Sleepy No~ow ~e" shoed ~ad fo~ Be~--~g at the point of c~e of the no~heasterly ]~-% of ~d ~w~ adjoi~ lot No. 11 ~o~m on said f~ed ~, ~ ~ S. 26° 17' 40' E. - 395.67 feets thence N. 01' E. - 50.99 feets ~ence S. 26° 17' 40' E.-~0o .0 feets ~n~ S. 75° 01' W. - 101.95 feets t~e N. 26° 17' 40" W. - ~.67 feet to %he poLut of ~ of the soutnwemter~ ~d ~' adJoin~ lo~ Mo. 8 sho~ on said ~uthe~ter~ l~ee of lot No. 14 sh~ on ~d adJoi:~; ~aid hif~Lwuy, sho~ld read as fol.~ows. filed in ~affolk 0ounty ~le~k"e Office on Ol,' ~ Fo]ix ) the P~ ~ of the T~ of ~u~lt 0o~ ~erkt. ~ioe aa ~p NOe ~1 ~t ~ ~d ~p t~ ~t ~ ~ of the T~ of ~u$~ ~P, ~ ~ 8. 26° 17' ~" Z. - 01' ~ - ~.~ f~t; t~ 8. 26e 17' ~.~? f~t te t~ ~t of c~e of ~, ~ ~ ~ diet.cee defiM~ e~te2,~ l~es of lot No. 14 ~h~ the ~t of ~$ersect~on of the No.'s 13 & 14 ~th the ~rtheasterly line ~ ~ S. 2~° ~7' 40" ~, - 80,0 feet; the~oe ~. 75° 01' ]. - 50.99 feet; thenoe ~e 26° 17' 40 feet to =he westerly corner of "Reserved Park a~d 1~~ shown OZL said map. Thia ~ffidavit is made therefore to enable Lee~e~ Ne Alberteon, .~h~folk 0ounty Clerk, to oorre~c this in hie office as Map No. 6~5~, and the pz~nted oo~ in bO~d volu~s now en file in hie ol~f~ in ~ ~ ~he correo2ing facts herein~bove set for~ 3worn to before me this day of February 1977 GARY FLANNEr OLSEN COUNSELLOR At LAW P. O. BOX 38 ' MAIN ROAD · MATTITUCF~, LONg ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 · PHONE 516 298-4844 June 23, 1977 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision File # 1232 Dear Murieh Enclosed herewith please find a photocopy of an Affidavit of Correc- tion, prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl, which will be filed in the Suf- folk County Clerk's Office to place the public on cation of the tnrnaround, which I am sending to GFO/clr Eric, Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 no~ff~e of the relo- Attention: Muriel Brush RAYMOND C, DEAN Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 May 18, 1977 Planning Board. Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: Re: Sleepy Hollow I agree ~th the recommendation of the Planning Board meeting of January 24, 1977 for a drawing back of the turn- around of "Sleepy Hollow" subdivision. Very truly yours, ~AYMOND C. DEAN Sup ' t of Highways cc: Gary Flanner 01sen, Esq. 765-1938 May 9, 1977 Superintendent of Highways Justice Martin Surer, Highway Committee Justice Louis Demarest, Highway Committee Gentlemen: On March 8, 1977, I forwarded to you a copy of the map~, of the amen%e~L~around for the "Sleepy Hollow" subd~n. The Planning Board had passed a resolution requesting your comments and recommendations. The Planning Board approves of the amended Dlan. The Planning Board asked me to write you and again request same. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary New York State Deparlmenl of Environmenlal Conservation · 50wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 April 20, 1977 Peter A. Mr. Leo Kwasneski North Parrish Drive Southold, NY 11971 RE: Permit No. 114-15276-0196 Dear Sir: Notice of a public hearing on ,l~,..~bove permit was duly published in accordance with Article 25 ~f ~, Environmental Conservation Law and, having received no ,'l,]ections from this DeparLn~nt or elsewhere the scheduled hearinE was cancelled. ' Enclosed is your permit:. Please read all conditions caref,~llv with particular atteetion to Condition 2. If 5'~"' are rulable to comply wit~ any conditinns, please contact the Local Iici,il 14etland~ Permit Administrator immediately, lie is Daniel l,arkin, L"I; i)ep,Irl[l~Cll[ ,,f t:nv{ron,.,?~lal ('onser,,ation, State University of New York at Stony i/rook. Itui ldin~ aO, S[o[ly ]/rook, ~,e%. York 11790. · at the project site, protected from the weather. Allernate Ch:c~ Permit Administrator cc: Daniel Larkiu LMC:SjZ:pt gncl. No. 15Z74, - 0 Iq (~ TW issued to: GOe,S F_.. the Environmental' Conservation Law, Article 75, jProtection of Waterl Article 24, !FreshWater Wctlands~ Article 2-5. (TidaJ Wettandsj Article 36, {ConstrUction. in Flood Hazard Areas) #~,York_S~at~- £~p~r~tieE~ ,/ PERMIT Leo Kwasneski - ~ESS'"6F PEIt. i~T Ef North Parrish Drive, Southold, NY 11971 Goose Creek [~$CliPT~O~-~OI[Cf' The-pr-oj~ct site is located Fast of Grisso~ ~ane, West of Goose C'~ek and in th, Town of Southold, S__u_f_fo_l_k_ Co_u_nt_y, NY. The a~R_lic~n_t~p-r°~°ses to build six homes running West of Goose Creek and a~l acces~ road to be knoWn as Sleepy Hollow Lane Creek Junction. .~ _.'_.-: in &_~Lcn-a-r°-u-nd- a-~Pp-r-°-ximat ........ in the same area but above 10' ~1~ 100' .n__o. rth of the¢o~secutively West Creek-Goose The petitioner also proposes to construct 8 additional homes ~n ~l~_v~t]nn an~ thusly t-Q~t~e- _th_9 jurisdiction of th~__D~_~'_.-°f Environmental Conservation. would result if permit we_r_e _den~ed. __ Southold suffolk .............. GE n r R ^'1. ( ~P~DIIlGNS March 17. 1~. 19. 20. 21. Applicant shall Le I] ~l ~ ~c>r any damage to adjacent waterway resulting from a~y Cul-de-sac is to terml.,ai iL revised location and' must not enter wetlands. Slope is to be stabilizefl wi!h ~ !.~; ~ ~ to prevent erosion. Drainage system is to ;:onL~h recharge basins to mznimize or eliminate overflow. There is to be nc disruption to wet~and_. Houses are to be situated no ~loser than 75' from any tidal wetlands or waters. Cesspool must be at least 100' from aRy tidal wetlands or waters. SPECIAL NOTE: 1972, Publi: l,,~w 02-500 (the "A~t") Act, previded that: '~' (~) Cc: D. Larkin, Corps of ~ngrs., lilt i i,ept. ~f };~,,,i ~onmental Conse~vi March 8, 1977 Gary Flanner 01sen, Esq. Main Road Mattit~ack, New York 11952 Dear Mr. 01san: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held February 28, 1977. RESOLVED to refer the map showing the amended turnaround for Sleep2 Hollow subdivision to the Highway Superintendent and the T~wnBoard Highway Co~ait+~e for their comments and recommendations. have this day transmitted copies of same to the appr~priate people. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secre2ary GARY FlaNneR OLSEN COUNSELLOF~ AT LAW P~ O. BOX 38 · MAIN ROAD · MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 , F3HONE 516 298-z3844 March 1, 1977 Re: Leo Kwasneski - Sleepy Hollow Subdivision File # 1232 Dear Muriel: Enclosed herewith please find three copies of the map of Sleepy Hollow, showing the relocation of the turn around area of Sleepy PI~llow Lane, which turn around area has been approved by Roy Haje of the Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation. Please note that Lot Number 14 will now have 43, 700 square feet. A ~ertificate of Correction will. be filled with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office to reflect the change. I am also enclosing herewith three copies of the road profile amended February 4, 1977, showing the relocation of the turn around. tn order to make my file complete, I would appreciate a letter from your office approving the relocation of the trun around. Best regards. GFO/clr Eric. Very tru~ Muriel Brush % Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 CC.' Leo Kwasneski North Parish Drive ~outhold, New York 11971 Gary ~:-LANNER OLSeN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O, BOX 38 · MAIN ROAD · MATTITUCK, LONO ISLAND, NEW YORK 1195~ . RHONE 516 ~98-4844 February 7, 1977 Re: Sleepy Hollow Subdivision File # 1232 Gentlemen: Thank you for your letter of January 31, 1977, in which you resolved to permit the drawing back of the turnaround on Sleepy Hollow Lane in order to comply with the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance. I am enclosing herewith four copies of the map prepared by Roderick Van Tuyt showing where the turnaround would be located and showing the dimensions of Lot # 14, which will now have a total of 43,700 square feet. May I request that you obtain a letter from the Superintendent of Highways and the Highway approving the new location of the turnaround GFO/mrc encl. Co~l~itiee ar~o t~at the file will be complete. Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Leo Kwasneski March 8, 1977 Superintendent of Highways Town Highway Committee Gentlemen: I am enclosing map of subdivision "Sleepy Hollow". The Southold Town Planning Board passed the following resolution at a regular meeting held February 28, 1977. RESOLVED to refer the map showing the amended turnaround for "Sleepy Hollow" subdivision to the Highway Superintendent and the Town Board Highway Committee for their comments and recommendations. The following resolution was passed on January 2~, 1977 RESOLVED to recommend a drawing back of the turnaround on Sleepy Hollow Lane in the subdivision entitled "Sleepy Hollow at Southol~" as requeste~ by the ~eveloper in order to comply with the Southold Town Wetland Ordinance. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary January 31, 1977 Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Sleepy Hollow Dear Gary: The following action wes taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 24, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend a drawing back of the turnaround on Sleepy Hollow Lane in the subdivision entitled "Sleepy Hollow at Southold" as requested by the developer in order to comply with the Southold Town Wetland Ordinance. The Town Board stated in their minutes of January 25, 1977, that a decision would be made at the February 7th meeting, in reference to the wetlands hearing. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board January 25, 1977 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 119~ Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 2~, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend a drawing back of the turnaround on Sleepy Hollow Lane in the subdivision entitled "Sleepy Hollow at Southold" as requested by the developer in order to comply with the Southold Town Wetland Ordinance. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board GARY FLANNER OLSEN 1977 Leo Kw~sneski - Sleepy Hollow Subdivision File # 1232 Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith please find e proposed revision to the turn srouud area of Sleepy Hollow Lane in re the shove captioned subdivision. D~- pit. the fact that this is s, approved rasp. which has b. ee, fl~e~iot~h of~e ~..,,,l~, ~r, untv Clerk's Office, in an effort to expedite the comp . ~-~'~ ~ 1.4me. my client has indicated s willingness to co?.tru~t ~'~[r~ e~ound as revised. The revision was mede after ooesaltia~ with a repress-relive of the New York State Department of Environ- mental Conser~it ion sad has been discussed with members of the Ple~ata~r Board. Since the new turn around would not be constructed as originally approved, no wetinad, would be affected. Please indi- cate your approval in writing of the proposed revision so that the necessary papers can be filed ~rth the Suffolk County ClerkTM Office. emending the map. Very truly yours. GFO/clr Southold Town Board % ~lbert Mertucehia. Supervisor 4~1 7th Street Greenport. Ne~ York I 1944 cc: Southold Town pinn..dngBo~rd Main Road $outhold. New York 11971 cc~ Southuld Town Superintendent of Highways Peeonie Lane Peeonie. New York 11958 ~NER OLSEN Telephone 516 - '/65-3783 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUI'HOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY December 7, 1976 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: The Board of Southold Town Trustees have examined the Wetland Application No. 27 submitted by Leo Kwasneski for permission to construct turn-around at Sleep Hollow Lane as approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. Although this matter does not come under our jurisdiction, we feel that a wetland should not be filled for a turn-around on a road. However, the damage is done and it cannot be corrected. · he fault is not with the owner of the property, but it is with the boards who issued the approval for this. We feel that there has been an error on the part of the Town; having approved a plan which permits the highway and turn- around to cover a wetland area. The same effect could have been established by having the turn-around stop at the ed~ of the meadow rather than proceed to the highwater mark. Respectfully submit_ted, A lv~a~h ~B .~an Board of Southold Town Trustees ABG/bn Approved Disapproved L/ -~ ~-~,c~ . ~ ~ . .. -- -- ................................... ~,.~ ...... .~. ........ .~..~...,..~., .............................................................. Exorening Bod ~1, . ,~ , ~ ........... ....... ..... . Signature of Chairman · ~ .:...~..,. ......................................................... APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the TOwn of Southold, Suffalk County, blew York, for the ~suar~ce ufo permit pursuant to the L~ws, Ordinances and Regulations govern- ing the Coastal and Interior' Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Amos of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to ~c~`n~"~L~c~t~`~e~e~1~-w~D~e~-~~~~~ Bubdivision which has been approved by the Southold Towa Planning Board ................ ~n~.filed*~n~tt~e~`u~k~C~um5r~C1e~`~e~a~e~`~`~e~t~ec~pp~va~s~ Location of property for whk:h permit wanted~-~S~u~th~-d~f~f~f~W~e~t~C~r~e~e~k~a~n~d~C~9~e~ Creek. Home address of perreit applicant if different from oforeS~id location ...................... , ....................... (no number) North Par~sh Drive, Southold, New York 11971 ¢~k, Sa~ ar Ha~or fr~tm~ ~pe~ ....... ..W..~..~..t....C.~.~.k....a..q.d......C~...~.%C..~SS.~ .............................. EDWARD J. BAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT Southold, N.Y. DATE ......... TIME 10 AH Fair WEATHER ........................................... COMMENTS: The catch basins, leaching basins, and interconnecting pipes located at the end of Grissom Lane and at the entrance to the sub-division on Wil~nw Pond Lane have b,sen installed properly. They are founded on clean sand and gravel. At present thev are covered over to prevent filling with silt. The swa~e areas were inspected by making borings at 50 foot intervals. The composition of the soil is in some locations loam, some locations sand and humus, and in most locations sand and loam. This layer of sand and loam varies in death to a maximum of 18 inches and is founded on clean sand. The other catch a~cl leaching basins shown on the map have not been installed. RECOMMENDATIONS: The loam areas and the sand and humus areas should be stripped and filled with clean sand. The sand and loam areas should be dug out along with approximately two feet of underlying sand, mixed, and put back into place. AFFIDAVIT ()F ('ORt{E('J'ION IN RE S~ BI)IVtSi()'W M\P SLEEPY HOI.LOW, TOWN t.)F SOUTHOLD. Ni~ ~ORK, PROPERTY OF L[~;O K~'ASNESKI, SURI EYED BY R~ERICK VAN TUVL. P. (:.. FILED IN TI]+: StrFV'O[K COUNT CLERK'S OFFICE ON FEBRUAR~ ~. 1976. AS MAP NUMBE}~ 6 ;51. This Affidavit of Correctio;~ made the2?th day of' June, 1977, Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C.. havm~ a place of business at (no nurrv),ri Front Street, Greenport. Pown of Sou]hold, Suffolk County, New '~ W I T N E S S ~'.' '[' 1I : WHEREAS, RODERiCK VAN 'I'~YL. ~,big duly s~o"~l, states that he is a liceused Land Su:,.ey, m irt ~he S'a~e )' N-v 5o~ License Number 25626, am] has h~s 91a~ ,, o~ busines, a* Fro'< Main, Greenport. New Youk; and WHEREAS, the firm ol ROI)EI~('K \ \N TU\L. P.t;., p:-pa a ceftin subdivision map of real p. op,.~ .... h~,,~j:~g (, Lk:() }xWAS'~ located in the To~-n of Sou]hold, New 5o k, ,shir~h sm),t v~S, ): ~ kn,).:'~ :, Sleepy Hollow; that said subdivisic:r~ wa~ ~u,;)r'r~x,-'t b: h~' P:,q' ~i~ of the To,vn of Southold and by the I% l~:~rtmer~r (~ H,,-~ '~ ,~? St. fi ,: ( and was re~dlarly file(] [n Suffolk (,~ nlx C]~,ra~ C ~s Mai 6351 on February 4, 1976; Board of the, Town 'b* s~;d P NOW, T ' ' ' ); .... HEREi~ORI, ROI [R~(K VAX P['~ . i' ,., h' , ::, that th,- following coprt~ ~i,ms at',.: ':. )e. ,p ~d , -:::ti ~ nl .'. WH}:REAS the b-a:ungs a,,, d sta~ ,-,es de : '} i:,or~ on of the },igh'&':ly ShOA;; :t~ ~* ~ ]{(~]~c~'X' ].~ih~ '"-~ map as ~ollows: l!n~ of said highvav cm saSd filed ,165.67 feet; ~O tb~ r,: r}irlar",' line of sad highway adjoining lo* No. 8 as shown on said map. NOW said bearings and distances defint~ag the southeasterly portio~ o~ the highway known as "Sleepy Hollow Lane" are corrected to read as follows: '.BEGINNING AT the point of a curv~ of the north- easterly line of said highway adjoining Lot No, 11 as shown on said filed map, and running south 26° 17~ 40" east 395.67 feet; thence north 75° 01~ .east 50.99 feet; thence south 26v 17~ 40" east 225.0 feet the ordinar'y high water mark of West Creek; thence aiot~}_ sa~d ordinary high water mark north 85© 5~ ~0" mest 115.94 feet to Glenn Road; thence north 26© 17~ 40" west 572.01 feet to the pmnt of a cu:'~, of the southwesterly line of said highway adlotnin~ Lot No. 8 shown on said map. 2. WHEREAS, no provisio~ was mad~ on the filed map that the wetlands at the end of "Sleepy HoLlow Lan could ne, be filled, NOW, accordingly, said omission is correcU d so as to place a notation on the map that ~he following land a the end of "Sle~'py Hollow Lane" is "Not to be Filled": of beginning ~ tb~ ~'~];owin~ -ourses an~ dis~a~ces f~om the ~inL of ~n~,~-~ec~on of th~ boundary hse beiween ~ts No. ]~ and 14 w~th th~· r~ortheasterly line of ~eepy Hollow l~:~: (1) ~uth ~$o ]7, 40" east 80.0 feet; (2) North 7~°01~ east 50.99 feet; (3)~uth 2Su 17: 40" ess~ 100.0 fee*; from s~d point o~ be~n~ runnin~ ~henc~~ south 26© 17~ ,t0"east 1~5.0 .'eet to the ordinar3 hi~ water mark of West Creek; running thence al~]g the high water mark ,,f 'A~est Creek nor'th 85© 531 40" r~ning thc, nec ~,o: ~h 75© 0l~ oast 10].98 feet to the point of ptace o¢ BEGINNING. 3. WHLR1, '.. t~.- pr-+,sent beartnga and disi~uac~s deiqn!ng the ~thwesterly and south~ ,,at,fly lines of Lot No. 14 m;~l es follows'.- BEGINNING at a point of intersection of the brmndary line between Lots No. 13 and Ii with the southcasterly line of Sl6't~py Hollow I_~aM~, :~nd lqlnning thence qouth 26017'40" es.~t 150o0 feet; runnina thence north 6~°42'20'' east ,50.0 feet to the westerly corner 0~ "t-e-~d paris and play,round" shown on said maI~ NOW. THEREFORE° said southwesterly and southeasterly lines of Lot No. 14 ere corr+,,:.ted to read as follows: BEGINNING at the po~' of intersecttoiq of the boundary line between Ix>ts No. 13 a~ 14 ~th '~ northeasterly line of Sl(,epy Hollow ~ne i~d ~ning thence :qc,~th 26°I 7'40" east ~.0 :f~t; ~hence north 75'~ql' ~ast 50.9~ feet; theno ~th 26°17~40'' ea~t qO. 0 fe( t to th~· westerly co~ of "re~erveG park and playground" a8 s~ on e~d map. IN WITNESS W}II';RFX)t.'0 ',hi, .',ffi,!a,:il is ~ a,,:~ th~xr~ffor to enat'~le ~ter M. A~ert~on. Suffotk ('o ,~,t ' ~ t.r'k. * , o:~?, t this ~na[, :m file In ~s office as klap. No. 6351, :-:r~d d~( ?ri,~ ,. ,,,p~. :~ th~-re,,~ and l,oumi h~n~ve set forth. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUI~TY OF SUFFOLK) O~ the 27tlrlay of June, 1977, b~,fore me pets{really came RODERICI< VAN TUYL, P.C. ~ ~la~ ~ to be the individual described in and ~ c, executed the fore~ i~S~lerit~ arad ackr~owledged that he exec~lted saline. Notary ~loLL. Ow