HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-75.-4-9 . ~~ P#A:1S>N,~,,',I "'G:':~, ',B"Q"-AR,D .'1 ,~'" i",.: ,...-~ t\ ~ ~'; ~" ,..,. -< ~ TO'\V~ orSO~2ll)LD s~Ii:,.~~~1y ~;:1} . Southold. N, Y, 11971 HENRY E, RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman P'RBBBRIBU II t10RB1;JJI JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr, GEORGE RITCffiE LATHAM. Jr, William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765-1938 January 21, 1982 Mr. George Fisher Senior Building Inspector Southold Town Hall SouthOld, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Fisher: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday January 18, 1982 the following action was taken: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board deny the site plan of Joseph S. Czartosieski , located at Peconic, on the basis that the plan does not comply with site plan requirements and the re- quested scaled parking plan has not been submitted by the applicant. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD ttN\A-'-X ~. -K~ (\ . By Sus~n E. Long, sec)bt~ . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 December 18, 1981 Mr. Henry E. Raynor Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Appeals No. 2867, 2868, and 2869 Applications of Joseph S. Czartosieski Dear Henry: This is in reference to the resolution your Board made, concerning the above matter, at the November 9, 1981 meeting. This is to advise that my letter dated October 23, 1981 was not intended as a certifi- cation of a site development plan. I stated the facts of conditions existing on the premises so that you would be aware before making any decision. For me to make certification of any site development may result in a conflict since I am the complainant in a court action against the above. Very ~UlY yours, /~~ Edwar F. Hindermann Buil ing Inspector EFH:ec ",,<';:~f.:~ 'u?'--z-l' --:-.- . . -. _ -e- ____ _ _______. . /, ~~IV~~(x/L~n,- /!~~~'[-bL_~_____ ---)~~;t'-v- -;2~~ 1~~ - - - -----_____mu____ - -..-~- -i,~5Zi.f2f~-~t;;~- ~--~==_~- H!A; f' t3:c;~X--J~1~~~ry--_n - w---cIJ'-. 6<_~ _~tLy ,_"-ftrW'l______________ -. ----- - - - --- - ~ --- - -- ~---------- - ~-- ~- - ---- ---------- . - --.- ----------... ---..- ...--.--.--...-------.-_.._._______n_____ - n_.__~____________________.._____. - ------- .._-----_._~.._-~---_._~- -.. -- ._~- --- _nn n _______.__ n_____.___. ---.\ ----- --I- _ .-. l q __\l- u _.. .__._----_.~----- ----- . - -'- __..u__.___ ~_'____ -. ---.-------..---- - -------.- - . ------------------ -- -_._-- --.._~-- "",<-~, --...--..-.---,,--- -.---. - -----.-. .-"-..---- ~._----_.- . ___.___~_.M__. _.____ __n___~._."__.______._._ n___ ---_ --------.----_..__.____.n ______.. ._-_..~- -..-.--.-.---- ..------- ..---------- - ._--._~----- ~__n. __ ________ _ ______ ___ _____ -.-------.---.- ---.-----..---. - - ~ , . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR..Jr,. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765. 1938 November 13, 1981 Mr. Charles Grigonis, Chairman Board of Appeals Southold Town Hall southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Grigonis: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday November 9, 1981 the following action was taken: RESOLVED that the applicant, Joseph S. Czartosieski, appeal No. 2867, 2868, 2869 not be considered as his proposals do not comply with the Building Inspector's certification, dated October 23, 1981. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary Ene. . . :it~~?f~~.~~~\~;t~~1~~;~~.:~':1!i.;,.&b:'" .~~ . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 October 23, 1981 Mr. Henry Raynor, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Joseph S. Czartosieski, Site Development Dear Henry: Your letter of September 17, 1981 to George Fisher has come to my attention today and since George is vacationing, I will respond. This property is Zoned B-1 General Business and the area and width does not conform to Art. VII Sec. 100-71 Bulk Schedule of Zoning Ordinance. Site contains approximately 7,834 sq. feet, which is considerably short of the 30,000 sq. ft. requirement. Under this section, lot width required is 150' 0" with set back requirements as follows. Front and rear yard are 35' 0"; side yards tota150' 0", 25' 0" for each side yard. The building on property pre-existed Zoning. garage was reconstructed under a building permit, for accessory use only. The frame permitted use is The two story frame building contains an apartment on the second floor. This is a non-conforming use in this district. The first floor of this building was used by Mr. Czartosieski for his upholstery business, a permitted use, since this is the principal building on the site. Presently the property contains two uses for its non-conforming size in area and width, any additional uses would not conform to Zoning requirements. ~ indermann Housing Inspector EFH: jd Cl fJi\ . LD Southold. N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman ~lil~:>dX~s(~x JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765. 1938 October 19,1981 Mr. Richard Lark, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: Czartosieski Dear Mr. Lark: Enclosed please find correspondence from our office, regarding the appeal of Czartosieski, as requested by your secretary this morning. Sincerely, Susan E. Long, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Ene. (2) . Southold. N.Y. 11971 WE. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman ~EIlIIIDOllI ,5 WALL .~ETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. aGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. lliam F. Mullen TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 . ~ ~':t:.!,~t'~J,~:. September 17, 1981' Mr. George Fisher Sr. Building Inspector Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Fisher: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, Septembel ]4, 1981, at 7:30 p.m., the Board took the following action: On motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the site plan and parking of Czartosieski, located in Peconic, be referred to the Building Inspector for Certification. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RA~NOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD fl\J~~~~,(1. By Susan E. Long, secrer~ . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman ffiW~M:UIRC~POO~~ JAMES WALL BENNETI ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TO: Mr. Charles Grigonis Jr., Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals FROM: Southold Town Planning Board DATE: September 3, 1981 SUBJECT: Applications of Joseph S. Czartosieski Dear Mr. Grigonis: TELEPHONE 765. 1938 At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, August 31, 1981 at 7:30 p.m., it was the concensus of the Board to return the information re: Czartosieski, in order that we may fol- low the correct procedure for such action. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD \~ ~.-72~~. By Susan E. Long, sec~ry . ~ . . Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 1516) 765.1809 APPEALS BOARO MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE OOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUG LASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER JOSEPH H. SAWICKI TO: Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board FROM: Southold Town Board of Appeals RE: September 4, 1981 Appeals No. 2867, 2868 and 2869 Applications of Joseph S. Czartosieski DATE: Dear Henry: Recently, the Board of Appeals forwarded correspondence to Mr. Czartosieski dated August 14, 1981, a copy which has been provided with your office concerning applications before this Board by Mr. Czartosieski. It is our understanding that the Planning Board does not wish to entertain any requests concern- ing these applications. Mr. Czartosieski has applied to the Board of Appeals requesting a change in use of his premises located at Peconic Lane, Peconic, to include the "sales of used cars" in addition to the upholstery business. Article VII, Section 100-70B(4) of the zoning code permits "a use for used car sales" upon applications to the Board of Appeals for a Special Exception and to the Planning Board for site and parking plan approvals. The Board of Appeals believes that before it may entertain this application for a change in use, additional information is needed concerning the limit of available area for outside storage of the cars proposed for sales, and since the Planning Board must deter- mine the "...reasonable and appropriate off-street parking require- ments for...uses which do not fall within the categories listed..." in Article XI, Section 100-112A (page 10043) of the zoning code, Mr. Czartocieski was asked to obtain that information from your department. The Board of Appeals may wish to place certain condi- tions as to the limit of cars for outside storage if these appli- cations were approved, and this is why your cooperation is being requested. A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the applicant and his attorney in order that they may proceed in this matter. . . ." Page 2 Southold Town Planning Re: Appeals No. 2867, Board 2868, 2869 - Joseph S. Czartocieski Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Yours very truly, ~ Jt. 1 ~~_A': CHARLES G~~~&~IMJk' CHAIRMAN cc: Mr. Joseph S. Czartocieski Richard J. Cron, Esq. - . . . Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD. L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, JR. TERRY TUTHILL ROBERT J. DOUG LASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER August 14, 1981 Mr. Joseph S. Czartosieski 75 Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Re: Appeals No. 2867, 2868, 2869 (Used-Car Lot & Upholstering Business~s) Dear Mr. Czartosieski: After reviewing your recent appeal applications, it is the consensus of the Board that Site Plan Approval be obtained from the Southold Town Planning Board before scheduling these matters for public hearings for the following reasons: (a) The area to be utilized for used cars may affect the area required for parking; (b) Clarification of the current uses within these build- ings. A copy of this letter and your survey submitted August 6, 1981 are being forwarded to the Southold Town Planning Board. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, CG:lk cc: Mr. Henry Chairman, E. Raynor, Jr. / Planning Board CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. CHAIRMAN .....A: ( .' , i" ( . . , , .J ,- .'0) ~ "'- ~ , -......-...... \ (I ~a'" /' / / ? <:> $, ;. _"-,~;f:: "~~t~"',CIol:~ .:'011'':'' 1C' ~ ,,: .t' 's l. ,': ,)~ "T 'c-'" ~, '!;: 11.:"'" ~ ~" -~;- ..r.. ':"._ ~~.Pf r:';.I:':l,:)I, ,~' ~r ~- ~ . ~~..!:.. v.:' ".: P[~~''''':o ,:";' ~.'l.:~~_,,~ ....,: -.:.\ _~ . "i: ~'., .... ',:, h! :.":,~, ~! :; '. I '- :- ~ P f ,;..>p 1 -. "~ '.: .:.": -[:', ~," ~,_ t ". ~ - -' ~,,,,,.,, ':.. ... ... ...t ~ _: .:..' :, :,'': ... ~: ;.'- -.~, . " . ,~;.:...' ,;'. ~ .. .....; .. . t.. . '. . f '.: '.." '; ~, '.i' -" " ':",; '. --'.:.' ,et ''<l . '. ~ '. .: r ~ .:." r .., ':' \6 \I,a' e,oll J ""0 \'\ () o '2- () . , J' ,'- ".:7 Z- ,,, a\ ,.\- ,rfJ ~ ' oC} ~'O I' '?.. ',\ z " ~ o ~ .:-c...Q <':) o. .... 0 lJ\ 0,:- "'- \ ') <:> ~ '~ ~ ::;,~ -:,.::> e / I \4' ~"J r:. / / , ~\e (\~ r 0,e r'] \O( \'0" aC a'" / /)O~Q (I ~ '(' ,) o ("'> '" / \ ", \,l ~~\ I,OTE.' a :- !.~:-\'{jYENT / R EV:SIC ~s YOUNG & Yo!)r~G 400 OSTR:',hDER AVlr.JUE, Rl\'lRHEAO, rnw YORK Al.[J":N W YOU"-IG H0.... A"'O \\.'.YOLJ~G ;''''GI-f'''-~'-:''.AL L"'-;".f'[,R /..NO Lt.NQ ~,l:R\'r~c.q N.Y!'- Lie. NO.1; I''':'' \ ......8. L,L\"['CR .. Y s. ~_IC.. NO 4l:':t ~3 SIJINEY lOR: JOSEPH S. CZAR TOS/ESKI, live AT I'[CL)N.lC (~I.':,;J'""""lf LD TO: .~,::.~......'7/,";' D 5',1=1.'It.'(;5 E"t,.\'K U5:_/f[ l.','"Lt" //\'SL'!1h/W_~E C('.",.-:~.\'Y OF ~,[ i'f' rL;h~K lOWN OF sou THO I, 0 -j{---'--'------" SUFI (11 K CO., r\, Y. rJ; r.. mu----,._/r -, "" ~ '-~-c.I,,-,,~..Jlf). j1 r,~)~.. 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'l" / 5 iffP-" ,/, /' oOb. c-,~,..// Z, ,'1J1 y/ A\I '_ J( i~' "' '~~., f" '\U>., -'~ () / . r::. \" -/'.--;i> --// -,If; 'V ' ,~(fV fffr- o ~ o ~ ,,01' '00 rl~ ~q ~ e tOG -=> '" ~ ::;. '? "'0 o " '" t-' / / / (\'1 0,e \O( r: -...!J 0' \ o( / Of':-0 0- 0-,tJ (\ / / / / f':-\0 0' . "- ~ -z. \'\ '-\ 2 \..,. , 0 , 0 ~.'.o o O. "-.1.'0 ...,...-, 0_ -'-,'S:,. \ ) \':)1 ~ 0-,e AOTE.- " : ftl::;VUMENT ........ ~ ~-------- REV:S1C~'S -- ..,-_.._~..,---- --~-~-~-_._.~--_.._-- YOUNG &. YOUNG ALDEN W. YOU....G 400 O~TRAr...;cER AVlNUE. RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK :'PC~-I:~S'C.'~A'_ ,p..,""..rcq J>.....O L" NO ~Un\'r' '-,~. ,,",Y S. I IC. ~O. 1:'.1:5 HOWARD \'\'. YOUNG L""....O ~L.PVE"CR "-i,Y.S. LIe. NO. ...:::.(93 u. .___.___ __. ._____._________________._ _~____ SURVEY FOR: JOSEPH 5. CZARTOS/ESK/, /NC. AT PECOil/IC ...------.--- -.-..--------- (:'U:,rtAN rr ED TO: SC....,' J !fa,: D SA !'/IIVGS B~.~'K USUfE TITlE INSI./SANCE CCYPANY OF ',[if' YONK lOWN OF " sou T/lO/. 0 ~~Uf 1 01 K CO, 1\, y, ~C/ll E. f" ..:. c: -- By~r:~~~~/:--;~7J:frr<~--,.T---- , I ",~, ,:',c1Y31,':d7 /7.,':9 / " : ,'0 ' . ryJ7L:-''./>-;>::-~ .~~':.UfFOlk ~, /f ""'\;IIa.~ '/",~"."","" ~ ,~,'., (I':::>> i~ _ ::2 ':', 'I Q ~' . , ~ en ~,;~: ~ ~ :~i !~ \Joo: ~. - ,..." i' ~\(:::> \~~> -; ~ \, .. A. . b,,'Yh ..,.[;j~,,; \ , . ''','OJ . 'it. ->C." J. ~, "7' 1',,-, 0<:<;;:~'.:u~u..:L'- I. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 November 7, 1991 Joseph S. Czartosieski 75 peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 RE: Request for site plan waiver for Joseph S. Czartosieski Peconic Lane and Route 25 peconic Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM# 1000-75-5-9 Dear Mr. Czartosieski: The Planning Board has received your letter of November 4, 1991, requesting a waiver of site plan requirements for the above referenced property. The Board will expansion, because the review, such as services. require a site plan for this building other governmental agencies are involved the Suffork County Department of Health in Enclosed for your use is a site plan application. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~l/n?:if jJ~~.t_~_> r: /?~ Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~ Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector . . Reference: Lot no. 75.-5-9 GENERAL BUSINESS Owner: j.S. Czartosieski 75 Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 November 3.1991 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Planning Board Members; As neighbors of Mr. Joseph S. Czartosieski, 75 Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, we are delighted with the recent improvements and appearance upgrading performed on his property. . . Reference: Lot no. 75.-5-9 GENERAL BUSINESS Owner: j.S. Czartosieski 75 Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 November 3, 1991 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Planning Board Members; As neighbors of Mr. Joseph S. Czartosieski, 75 Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, we are delighted with the recent improvements and appearance upgrading performed on his property. Mr. Czartosieski has discussed with us in detail, his plans for an addition to his garage, which we believe will insure the contin- uation of neatly kept grounds. We, the undersigned, respectfully urge the Planning Board members to grant our neighbor's request in the interest of our community. Yours truly, rst Class Auto Body ~~~(,J.uwf Herbert Wells: Wells Cadillac, OIds . . Reference: Lot no. 75.-5-9 GENERAL BUSINESS Owner: ].S. Czartosieski 75 Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 November 3,1991 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Planning Board Members; As neighbors of Mr. Joseph S. Czartosieski, 75 Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York 11958, we are delighted with the recent improvements and appearance upgrading performed on his property. Mr. Czartosieski has discussed with us in detail, his plans for an addition to his garage, which we believe will insure the contin- uation of neatly kept grounds. We, the undersigned, respectfully urge the Planning Board members to grant our neighbor.s request in the interest of our community. Yours truly, ~~CJ~r Herbert Wells: Wells Cadillac, OIds 10) rn @ rn 0 W ~ ~I lJ1) NOV - 4 1991 ~ I I SOUTHOLO TOW~ ! PLANNING BOARD I \. . L'no. 75. -5-9 GENERAL BU51NE55 J.5. Czartosieskl 75 Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 November 4, 1991 -~:;~ 1~ lHOlD TOWN 1s', NING BOARD Ref erence: Owner: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman 5outhold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road 5outhold, New York 11971 Dear Planning Board Members; , Entering my i8th year in business as sole proprietor of JSCustom Upholstering, 75 Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y. and serving the home, auto, and marine upholstery needs of our 5outhold residents, I flnd it necessary to expand my storage area with a garage bay for those projects that must remain protected from the elements. Enclosed are six pocket folders, (one for each member) which contain the following: Item 1. Item 2a. j).' .'.., l f) " c.' /c. 11\;'< V' . ~I/\ / Item 3. . ,';,.., .....1 tem 4. y Item 5. / ) tem 6. Item 7. b. A Young & Young survey of my property showing a two story commercial frame building and a concrete block garage along with the proposed addition. (5cale shows 1" = 20' ) The grounds portion of same survey in the same scale with parking and landscape in color detail, explained by legend in lower left corner. An explanation and breakdown of various use square footage as light industrial, office, storage, and apartment, with code requirements of parking spaces equaling 6.9 and proving 8. Proof of conforming to set-back requirements of 3' by showing 4'3" set-back on prposed addition. An explanation of being well under the 30% lot coverage by proving a 26.7% lot coverage with addition. Floor plan for first floor of two-story frame building showing 309 SQ. ft. Of light industrial use; 113 sQ. ft. of storage; and 200 sQ. ft. of office. Floor plans for second floor of two-story frame building showing apartment. Floor plan for first floor of concrete garage accessory use building including new addition. Floor plan for second floor of concrete garage accessory use building including new addition. A letter signed by neighbors to my north, south, east, and west d. ... . . The CO on the two-story frame building designates the building use as stores, offices and apartment. That of the concrete block garage designates accessory use. Over the past three years I have upgraded the appearance of my property through such improvements as roofing, siding and paving. And most recently, I have done extensive care-taking and landscaping. The new addition will conform in appearance to the existing building. I hereby respectfully request that the planning board members waive a sight plan for this small addition to my accessory building and notify the building department of the waiver so as to expedite the issuance of a building permit enabling the completion of this project before the onset of winter. Yours truly, ~lj~L Joseph S. Czartosieski ~~RiV~- :.- :u:u -''- -'-i :~trie o:~isH+:--- -~~~~~-+-c-------~-~---~--~--~-~ --'-~ ;~MT, ~ ,-- f- ----------- ~IVlfj(T ~OOI'Y1----~~ , , , ; I, i--------;------;-----r------:-- , .:' 'I I : . +__1____ _,_~_~j___LLj-~i~-,..-- j~....--:. - -4-- I!" I I , I '!'" .0---+1- , . ' : I --"-~--+-~-~----'-----r-~--~.-:-_.J- .___.__ 'n~_ I! -LL:_~__L I ' --.---!....--- --- ------ --.- -~-7_--:___-+-- I. ---T-- c ~--I , I' " --t- --, ~j" I ~ " I ' I I I L_ Ii' : ----:----r---+- , ' , ---_.__..".__.~----.--,~ _. ---;~-~------.---- -- , i '---:---;------r- ; ; I : I . t' ' ~~r-I-:--i- !--+--f- ~~--,-- I ;! I : i ,1 I '-~-- ~-I~ '-- -- 4 ~~ _1_ [i_ ;_ ~ 11_ __;__~_ ..j_..._. I. I I ---r ~- !~ ~~-- __ ______ .---r-----.--- ._____,_____~___"._. _.__n_ , ' , ----- _._~. e./l'Tlt- - , ___i-. __;__.__._~___.~_ _ ____'-______ , , ';,.LL ,~, ' ' '----- :~w-c--'--'--~ , .~--j------r----------+-- : : ' I I r-~--T--~ " : , : I I ' i I . Ti, I I -t-'i--I- ,. .~--,._.--L--i---' H-+-+-++L~T ...L '~~r--'-- I l..-. : i ! I ~-'~-4-J-, -t-- J-- ~I-+---'--'-I' --~j-~-~~~--~---~~~ ---I _-LL.LL-Ll--LL..L i ~L1-L,--! ' I I I 1,,--", I I I , I ' I I I I -,- ++' I I !, -r-~I~, i ; rf--i-+--, '+~'--,' f--,' . Lf-'-~--i ! I I ; I I I I I I L' . L i ; I ' : " I ! I I FRTl i LLII~LI~I, ~ ~'T:--~-r ~TTti- ~=:~_ un_=-" _~_ ,_ " I' I i Ii ! I I !, I" I , ' , HI' ~'--_:' . , I I I : ! ! , t-t---~lL, , " r~fD,m~----_- -j I ...j I ~t-IC i ff.f"TfLV i I ,: -~-- --:- ~ - -- -. - , - i I 11: I I 'I I r: ': I r -- : i ~llirrL: t=f--~~- ---r~~+==- -===~+=~~~~_::_1~__~____~___ ~'I I i I . -I tiTl- ----i--r- ---;- I ~-t--:------- " I, I I' i !-;-~ ., ~ --- ';"'-r-~--I- '--'--- 1",iLH ILl++-: ,1,'.' I 'i I I ! I I I'! . , . , I H' I I I ' , ---L_~-+ : i i::' I ! I I! ; I :' ---;--- niT'---+ ~~___L r Tim!-.', 'J _In, -<I ': I ,. . I I r-r-i-!-r--- - r--r-t-- I ,; -~ --~- - -- L__ -~-l- ~ 1- - c- I I I I ':, - " I I I ' I 1 , t I . I I _-1- _1_1 I: I I :: I 11,diti' 111-1-' 'Il- ' , ''----'-- 'l 'I I II'" -r--- -,-- --- -- --,- -'T- ,- -+-+-----+--~' , ! ' 'I , 'l-r ~-~+--~--+-~--,--~I--L---~ J -_, -- --.. I 1 I ; i ! i -L, __L j_J_ ~_l~_ .~_~_ L_l- I I I ;: ' I' : ' i i i --I.---t- "---j _._~~- --r---- t... ---r--'--:---r-...- , ~-t-l=1-l=a+-=+j.,~. .~.-f~~~_ 15', IOc.'" ~ reef:: Ii,,: : : . ' I r r, I i I ; " I I t--+ - , ! ' ~-;---'---:------ _LLL-L1L~JitTj=-tLLt~t--=;=:j=L~~_~--= · -==-r-- _~__~__..J._.~...:..._.._ -"-._..,-----._..~_._- ""F"""'~-- I i --;---------,----i i . I , cLJj)~ If"l~ , , -i--- i :T~-PAf&,~~ :__ + Sf()_c.B.:L -~. I' , . . Ref erence: Lote 75.-5-9 GENERAL BUSINESS J.S. Czartosieski 75 Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 November 4, 1991 Owner: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southo ld, New York 11971 rn Dear Planning Board Members; Entering my 18th year in business as sole proprietor of JSCustom Upholstering, 75 Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y. and serving the home, auto, and marine upholstery needs of our Southold residents, I find it necessary to expand my storage area with a garage bay for those projects that must remain protected from the elements. Enclosed are six pocket folders, (one for each member) which contain the following: Item 1. A Young & Young survey of my property showing a two story commercial frame building and a concrete block garage along with the proposed addition. (Scale shows 1" = 20' ) Item 2a. The grounds portion of same survey in the same scale with parking and landscape in color detail, explained by legend in lower left corner. b. An explanation and breakdown of various use square footage as light industrial, office, storage, and apartment, with code requirements of parking spaces equaling 6.9 and proving 8. c. Proof of conforming to set-back requirements of 3' by showing 4'3" set-back on prposed addition. d. An explanation of being well under the 30% lot coverage by proving a 26.7% lot coverage with addition. Item 3. Floor plan for first floor of two-story frame building showing 309 sq. ft of light industrial use; 113 sq. ft of storage; and 200 sq. ft of office. Item 4. Floor plans for second floor of two-story frame building showing apartment Item 5. Floor plan for first floor of concrete garage accessory use building including new addition. Item 6. Floor plan for second floor of concrete garage accessory use bui Iding including new addition. Item 7. A letter signed by neighbors to my north, south, east, and west . . The CO on the two-story frame building designates the building use as stores, offices and apartment That of the concrete block garage designates accessory use. Over the past three years I have upgraded the appearance of my property through such improvements as roofing, siding and paving. And most recently, I have done extensive care-taking and landscaping. The new addition will conform in appearance to the existing building. I hereby respectfully request that the planning board members waive a sight plan for this small addition to my accessory building and notify the building department of the waiver so as to expedite the issuance of a building permit enabling the completion of this project before the onset of winter Yours truly, ~Jqy-~ Joseph 5. Czartosieski I~ ~ a,Lr,c.\d . ~o . ,\~o . . ':Jov r. \ ( ~ . '" ("") o -z.. - ("") . 00 ~ @ ~ W ~ @ NOV - 4 1991 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARO 0\ .'.t:~. .......... '" ~ 1,,, \ }::::> 'Z- '" l\.' \. " . . ,- . . _.;. ~ ~..;...,,:,,, ....:loO-_. ..... ...._...; 0" ,! ... . \ ~~,', \ fI' .~, I \ Z ;;y. '. .\ ('J,O . ~o .' ~,7 ,t. 0 . \ . 8 ~ o. \ .., j'" . U\. ~':o ."" ~ s. '~ , ,,~ '00 o\A A9 ~. \. \ . ~ '" .. '""0 o C"\ ~ i>-' . e ~OC ~6~ ~\e --( S. PA~/'(IH(;- ~UliM\t!"~ ~ ~, i-IU+IT INWSTRtlll. .. S'I~"':: I,l., . \. . OfFICE ... :JoO .. .;I,.C st'Ot<A3e... r~01~' I,; j!tPIJ~h'I.p..:r. .'...-.:. ~~( "k*A\.$ (,,'1 "';",~_. , )::0 , .' '... . ..1 ...... '_-:r:J'.".....,,-~.-.,...,...\'''_~!e.....~'~r. '~ 1:~~:j:y.,'.,h~K~:k.S?-. ~ff;~~~_.~.:<, . :/~:'-'::,~;/.:._...~,.~1,':. &;:;G\ Busl~. .cGde. al <2-~~&;:\;>ik'*".Hr.... [~ -" t:"~~..-1~:',)::!,:,,.. -' ,"'-~ " - LE"G-fN 0: ....; . . ---..:.., .", PA-ItkIN6- SPACeS - Ml'N~'~P ftttl,K,N. ---, ,&.ANftfeNW"--Y'HI'$- Illfm._ ..... . -~.I.ffi.A If-117( 1/1,," ~MS .' . .I.:' .. S'eSfItftl!S5 I, ~ ~lJSWF~ ~ e(\~ I (~ \0 o( ~o~Q <PS}D"{o Lot Ct)IJt~D~: '3'~A~ks . : eMCk/M60- ".',: ~\ I R.~\lI~&q. J.se. ha.s: Lar 7134 ~,4~ ;1(".7' BLb&~.. :1.0,/ 'I ~J' II I ..,.3 St'TI3Ado<i: g NO'TP.. fROVIf:,fb >> ~MONUMENr . J', . ~~-' REVISIONS .' , YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE, '&.YOUNG RIVER HEAD, NEW YORK .};;;' .. :\'~l~'_":) HOWARD W, YO LAHD SURVEYOR. H.y,S,'L.le. NO. 04151 " . . WGusr 20,/98 . . :~~~: '':~'J .:/;::i,.~-~~,~ ~'~~~)f:.~-':~> :~~~"., --__l. . .."-';-" . .~,,'- i-:',', }' " "(<I, ALDEN W. YOUNG PROFI!:8!110NAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, N,y,S. LI~, NO, 12B04!1 J ,.<< ,. SURVE~' OR'.:;' '/:,."t:. ';'. ' ........,,,..,.-; J' HJ..'. ....,'.._....... _ ."". "':'."" ..... y' .........1.':-'- .\#....~.. _{:."-'.-"'...}....'fj~.i >";\......:;,;~..i,.t'__, .. '.' '-', .c'-.......,,!f.'-'~':__.'.' -,c.. _ Jr:.;i,".~--1"..:;;.-~.,..~.-i...'fi '.."~_:J;.;;." ;.~._ . '.' .'. .....:........ ...... ~.'. ". '_~"' ". .. .. ..,", .. '," _~ :"'''''.l-VJ~''''., :-"1""" '-',., '.,' y. J,' '1':-," ''''''':A1:::'- 'f':: --~~-. 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OIlKlfS:TATE EDtJ,C~TION ' ~,::,: ,,_:;../,,~~~:.;~.~.:t:.;..:_,:_.-,.' -: .--~""'?;'~: <",.' .. , , 'UIlVEY MAP NOT IlEA~INO ,YOR'S INKED 'SEAL OR 3SIIALL HOT'IlE CONSIDERED .P~ ' i~J;t~:;;,ci}11~~ALi.,',Il.uN iSONfOIl<WHOM:THt ;~tD '0, HIS IlEHALF ~~~j09XE~NMENTAL ~11:!~0"1"!!~JI'TUTION LI,STEO "'THI:' ASSIONEES OF THE J;nlUl(tiARAllms 'AilE ' 8.ii~i.l1bQ.~iTl0NAL;"" ,', " ~il}iIlEQY~~~RS. " '1.,-',' ......... 0,0 , \" C;OV , \) \'\ () o -z.. - () 0\ \J\ .~ 00 o o. ~ ,,~, .CP OA ~ f()o A, ~, \ ):::> z.. \'\ c., _-.1 ':1>.....(, -0.. . -<> ~~~ ... .'" ;:;:~ I>- ...' ..~- '\ ....'.. ~'\ .. -. ,; . \ .. C>. . , ~.. . ",' ,,'" \ ' , , \ , , . , o. '. i- 10,. 'Z. ~ 00 'b ~_ '-4 0 "" o. - s.. I".. .~. . ...;, .. ..: . .. J' 0' ..... ....... o ..... ~ (.'t) ..... - -<::.. - }::> "'"0 o ~ (';) ~or} ~~\ f>.' ~\e <\i ,--{.S' e n(~ \- / \'\' I \ , 0< f O~ O~Q {\- ~ \)-\ ~ ~ NOTE: II =MONUME"NT REVISIONS YOUNG & YOUNG RIYERHEAD, NEW YORK AUGUST20.~ ; " 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE, ALDEN W. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND !IURVEYOR. N.Y.S. LI~, NO. 12B"'!1 HOWARD W. YOU LAND !IURVEYOR N,y.s, Lie. NO, "'!lBB SURVEY. FOR: JOSEPH S. AT PECON/C SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK CO., N. Y. /" = 20', DATE: MAY 31,/977" TOWN OF SCALE: '~I:' .... .' .. .:J:-vefV\ - ~ ~/b'~br! , ,,,0 C:Jov \ 0\ , "'2> \\\ o o -z.. - o .,~. .CP 0'" ~ ~o ",. ~. \ )?> "Z- \\\ . ;.~. :.:..~;..:.....:. .......;,.....:..,~: .., , n o -. ~ ~ ..... - ...c:. o~ {\ -, ~or} ~6\ ~\e --{ ~ . PJt~~6- 1eQU\et'/'f\~ ~ ~, LIG#r ""bu~IAI.. or 1\3'1'.. \.10 \. ~f:".;}()() ~ ~.O . stw~e.", 13o'n' (.3 1l/}lIlt'ffl\t)If',. ~O -to+A\.S (,. q ''P' ~ o C"'I ~ ~. /)(\i . 0'v \O( o( ~ 0 t>-Q ""'$ 30.(Q Lot C(JlJf.Fc3y;:. : 3' ~Ac);,~ : ~'IN\ {y ~v~~JJ. : . JSc. hClS: Ldr 7131.( ~n~ "'1.0.71, Bu>U, ~oq q ~ \ '('''.M'8ACk ~ Jl8f!Eso' f1tt1Jlbeb e:MONIJIENT ~t1l\ a.si~ LEG-END: PAAklN& SPACeS ~ w.1'#tJ1Up.~Pttfl;k,IN. - t.1Vfb'","~"n"" ~l"" _p . 'MwrEJe b~ WI17/ I!:ve~6lUi.l4S . .~. -~~"~~; Qt;j_. - ;,~~ - REVISIONS YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE, RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK WGlJsr 20,/98 ALDEN W. YOUNG PROl"!!:S910NAI.. ENGINE.!!:R AND I.AND SURVEYOR. N,Y.S. L.1c:. NO, 12804S HOWARD W. YO I.AND SURVEYOR N.Y.S. l.IC. NO. 04!5/ ') SURVEY FOR: JOSEPH S. CZARTOS/ESK/, /NC. ~t OF N~k- ."tfl- , '.. i-l-i ! ' i . '-,-j---l-:--c--+--'-,---,--;I IWA.!.SQ.CG):J . , I . , " ' I :' 'e4- - "..' i . . ., . I_I I I !! I " ,', ---1.- '--,---.-,-'----------+--.---~.~4_____ I ,Ii . - - I i....---1 +- .t-t--T-T--~ I I I ! I ' I I _~--.i__J~ ~ ____l.----'----_ I 1 -- -Tl : . . , I 1 I ~ I I' I,' +_...:___ I I t' i-L I 1, ; , .J -~ :---c-1 i ! -11-:- qu.~ ~~---:-- ~--,-' ~tof~: ! i-:~--,.--:---- i i , i i--+ i ! i : LJ+- ~'--- ! Il~O! ~. ~ , :, ! i......l-n=~. I +' i f I. -i"-.Jrri- 1..1' ! ' ' , ! . ; I i !' .' 'L '1' I j i ' r I !" I; . -'----j-----, ! 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