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1000-74.-4-4.7 (2)
e I SITC PL 1N — Pre submission conference jwllhin 30 days of written request) Coalplete application received (within I months Of presub. conference) — v, I'6p (cation reviewed at work session d N,k 4 (within 10 days of receipt) Applicant advised of necessary revisions ._ D (within 30 days of review) pARrl4L- Revised suhmission received !(646 r-wi )O C-M — inm. nK Lwoj tad ,agency Coordination �{ •• w SEQR , determination N6f Sum <� f�Ow T.— r6.a o REFERRED T0:CD Si ray <,ytv„y o F 7011ing Board of Appeal itis) {w ScYSvI —C� ysr n (written comments withi 0 da of request) Board of Trustees .r .q� Building Department (certification) o } Suffoll, County Department of Planning f� _ �1 nr�Do� l_.,CSR z 0 Department of Transportation -State Q, . � jx Department of Tra on - County roinro� oK Transportation oK Suffolk County Dept. ���yFiiirreCfoommi of 1le Z -- ,�o,❑ 7- Sent: _ RecciVedo RECC;IVI:D: � � ���I Draft Covenants and Restrictions�..-. PIT pants and Restrictions — --- n` oK Piled Coven Landscape plan -- — —__ Liglrtin , „ oK P plan Curb Cut approval .01 II ot apPro�1: / mrv. OK DralnQ};e 011111 ----- mr�. OK / j-o l A L / � r _.�__ in1J UK viewed by I;ngincer -J t �- 2j. OK Approval of site plan with conditions Cndorsement of site plan Certificate of Occupancy inspection ko4 rnr°J OK One year review ,/ o PLANNING BOARD MEMBE � SOFFO(,�cOGy Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,.JR. P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C Southold,New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS H 2 Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS �y • �.tC Telephone (516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. RICHARD G.WARD Date Received Date Completed PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Filing Fee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN New _Change of Use Re-use _Extension Revision of Approved Site Plan Name of Business or Site: R Ce r P/Q CE SCTM#: 1000- � /7 y' Location: S� S {l )2.j V F- �e N! Address: LA !/o l/{j�n'i'`�`s 1-4^1f-` e �� �C9/Ql'tb )5;"tjG C�1ll(/� lJ�✓Gl Jr d clu'+tt' I-wt. Name of Applicant: Neu yat Jrf' F!" Address of Applicant: y- " � 'f- L jL (ojl — &-7 3 — �s s' a 7 y-.? Telephone: Owner of Land: W��kdor✓l1 Agent or Person responsible for application: J RM at F. �a f F �.e"-s! �r�, Address: I / /fie woc !G Ct yr . ( �ur�in.�{'^ i NY f l7(03 Telephone: (e33 -7J -7 Site plans prepared by: h^42"a s License No. Address: 7 l`A4 fjelrD Cl+ i RaTl< 7 0 Z Telephone: U 3 l— 93 — J k7 ,r Page 2 Planning Board Site Plan Application APPLICANTS AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK J U f-"�a r✓being duly sworn, deposes and says that he r at &I Pwi„t y s RV^,h or=Co 'Fve•`+t'tc in the State of New York, and that he Is the swwer pf the above property, or that he is the aft A < r of the 4-( N�wyoti<cff�* Pa .casra.r fr�t�r (Title) (Specify whether l3artnershlip or Corp.) which Is hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, Including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan Infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical Improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Signed (0 Signed (Partn or Corporate Officer and Title) Sworn to me this ZOd EDWARD J. GATHMAN Notary Public, State of New York No. 02GA4882354 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires December 15,20 QL ry Public) Page 3 Planning Board Site Plan Application q, tv Total Land Area of Site acre r square feet) 00 —Zoning District uQ �� LGtND Existing Use of Site Proposed Uses on Site. Show all uses proposed and tin exisg. Indicate which building wIII have which use. If more than one use Is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area that will be reserved per use. Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure(s) oar Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure(s) Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by p{n-drws Board of Appeals- Case # & date Board of Trustees - Case # & date I-1A NY State Department of Environmental Conservation - Case # & date a Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date K Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Other will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? If so, have proper permits been obtained? Name of issuing agency Number and date of permit Issued. NO ACTION(EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION) MAYBE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY PLANNING BOARD. VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. Site Plan Applications Public Hearings Under the current site plan application procedure, the process for reviewing a site plan application is: a public hearing is not scheduled and held by the Planning Board until after, among other things, the site plan has received a stamped Health Department approval. The applicant shall now have the following options: 1. To follow the established procedure, or 02. To have the Planning Board schedule and hold a public hearing on the site plan application and have the Planning Board vote on the proposed conditional site plan prior to the applicant receiving Health Department approval subject to the following conditions: A. The applicant hereby agrees and understands that if the site plan which receives stamped-Health Department approval differs in any way from the proposed conditional site plan on which the Planning Board held a public hearing and voted on, then the Planning Board has the right and option, if the change is material to any of the issues properly before the Planning Board, to hold a public hearing on this "revised" site plan application and review its conditional approval. B. The applicant agrees not to object to a new public hearing and Planning Board review of the revised application. Applicant Agreement on Site Plans. The applicant is aware of the terms of this approval and certifies to these terms by hiss/her signature below. Re: 6-/t�i1 /)/ice SCTM#: 1000- -7Y— Y — ( - 1 `` Yl e Appli t �^ Date I(1 "8 "r r di d iY'. 1. 7 'r e Y Y7.rr;1�P1` } 9' f 1 cin:' 0 AY/1ae d aI f YA4 IS INf\RYItYY.T T"1[S Y IH: Y I f 4 .}ir ' i t 4F+. �IP i f 1P �Y � 'Iy't( ''. -- --r a O d ;>•.i�,�J�mll t�e+ �`'�rl �, i' et .�, ;c •. M I.LtRE, n 1 ` fe,l�", 4''t *' Yc'.!,., - - let ffv n( aln I nr{;. at An:110; la-le, ,ex YYfr}'s r as 4 -A riTKI ISE ".that tie sty nl the firm pNn,in mnr,dtdem a(rrn A-11ar aed htf • ntJe rondlkrura �} N��y "7fi p t'' , rm,i b� IMe tv o;the s riM.�aA•dxr heto-r'7"t adt reieau.nag tht puty,o,tier A,cmd yr!. t anx^.cgym'. ,nd altfign*ot.the;nrtyof she$MVAPart fore'.er, t L 11•rt a e ain Pick,pies:ar iarcd of Iced.mth the.brdld nse rh i p:ovana:.s tta rrnn rYb -t;e Y t n 7% +b y 14� ;'' f• jyy¢','ry ,� '� gaga be-nt arlR2 tit pe ConlC, in the Tcan of Sa!,tbDad, Couutg of iL r 4k lye' Y t4�,fu JTate at. Hnv ]nre, tiotvded and deaerl So; as follows- At a rorareto-monsslant' set !n Via $outheaateriy sine ,.id?o i sC(C .Y7) vhare he elivi'aion 11:tia be $ ad Lsad vrw or foraarly n'tkGS 9EFxt ^d.�`Ci'� �, lntersar a tx euthnast•,rly aide.. of stad.le Roed(C•R..37), rnan_ag N9 fe;{y� V. `, t e.^ca lc nth.3a 2e3rnea 00 Idautea OG aoconda Fast along said I R i .` avail nnatl divis7cu I'm 494.78 feet to a WxO `Qmant and ]aM of pa.iS �rtpf. It -,.,ye . iala.cd Ps ilr'oe= Compare; thence gouth SEi iel<reee 29 edmtea :0 Ax. ore. 14 ok+fit'h �; 7 i Meat .along,aal2 laat- anti ufted land 1J 2 06 Seat to rand roe or ° ^ormorly of Berf:ha Appleby( fgrmerlJ of Rrn7dkl); thenee fortla'4: ' 1e era 15 minutes CO ae,'otda,Woat along woe last-tantiono& 1Ari . 1 e5V92 fnet to the sotriH,,aaterly side of mit'13A B)ad (C P..fc7)gtha rg fiifJ Evt }�b7 �, alonE tha 9out"aalre�ly aide of Riddle Road4C•H.27) the rbl.luviug +.h^ee oouretetl slid dletauceaY 1) North 6.e. dJI,T'dea 111 naat 703,27 TOOL:'2) lortheaaktAY ♦loag the' aro'af s aarvs, �edrkl'K;�, • .- ` ' Yt 4 +' to ch-a heft bnv't� a rAdltu of 79 foots dlstnhae of f1H.,10 s) Aorth 56;degrees O7;mimttea-7A;soao:tda Seat. 76.38 rsomment set at tlaa point or place of bef4ttitng. a 1 Ef r �� Y w ,c 5c72 A na CT •tea oovnnts,aaeamenta,raairlctl one and rep YaUlaaa of Yar�+5�1, i ky i r ! f any. ;UBJELT to a.ry- state of:Saota An:a, -urate Sirrvej laey'",ehos. aIIA •`Ct i(K p+y 1. :UB.'HCT to taro rlartga;,es. in the at= of thr ,4WC, 00,Aral' $"d'l•00.00 al to a purah"O Ygney ssortgnga in tM SUM Of +he gecnt,: Lorain is thA game parson as the gra ttee' I b the Som4 d`%zAll 6/21/71, re.torMd 7/7,17•t in libel MU al S$ 1'r f l 1 1�' TOGETHER♦idl aG t+d94 tkla axd intereN,iL atYy.af the parts of tht fi:d tn•anr(ta ank atrMro PY1 r g�e }gt't'XY t `t nada abea,ot the above doenited PterarittY to Me center hoes thereof:TOGB' 8h w kh lha" ntttadu:ia ."v a tur ` ;'�aj5 and an aie.rstate ad nR71es of the,puty of tt, filet pan m and to,raid Pmntpa:'�J'6nSTAl'1�ANP TO .SN �5,. i f HOLD.the Pml 1,eeba(nerd me,the parry of the second pill,thr h r,or axtadanrr and germ of rhe{nny of the satNal,parr lmwer,: 'li War(.'* g etrj AND yam Pcix of the &at Parr e`mp tat the ParT•of the first pan his eot-6W irsae'emL at)tS Sb��4 tl"ti>:+, .rh..:eky dYe sae p'e^.iser hex bee,.—tiered 7n any vay whaeeveY exretn a,afo:SmW. AND the P rjci the first err,in Matphatret'N'dr$eaiaer IJ of dm Lim I rv,crri!M eels thot the pe I 1 :he Errt part an'0 I'm ix the rdrdnaam for this cmveyaeee and.and hW. the.ihm 41 Yteett3 SM nYssrtl j ,5 3 ration as a trial lmd to btopa(ied firm for the purpotr of Paying lire rna of Ar lM;W6vpn4;t atwi tMa1i aptly i,{ it , tb!'psyowtl oT the tot M the irnptorMYent befmf'rleio«arty Prr[nr tNr Ida;Tf 44 m'k fFrm r.P f ^. any cater Parr, i� The .mrd "Pauly" W he rmamred-as it it rtad"Parties"wheYtrwr the rinse elf digmGeadme aS n'4Werr !! I Neat IN W3T`eESS WHE WF,the Paley of the firm part has duly eYen:tM,hie drat fir,/iq'ardyeu krA aboat �d r k: 7rnuaemce tbt. s "C� �3✓ ^' RFR4i4Ci{Y�a•���#" SF+�7f�51Y, k ,;�� "�i �• � ,� _ iR1H5FEk�`d�yMENf"h�5�«'* '� P i h ,ryW.is i pp 'tl' •,.: .H ataWel Mp(llT7 ��.SJ� a"' ^;;t ♦ a7t ° r �� I.A. .an �"pro .-rt ?�rr/r6 tf i w Y all • � n i��t� t L a };:k:�Ge tT'3yJ°�tt!✓r�{ 'tilAtpti it iitl K k i, . 1 F'#As�o IF fg t � y e 1;y�tyY Nt, � pijg� •"utf +- i • • � �� i yyy�rtrtj`r"inl t, 1'I)t z i ' !r ' K a u ZlzY was yr e _ � �p u� wase - cONSUtTYWRIAWYERBEFORESW'NING iNL3 WSIRUYEM-iM6 MStitIIYEM SIIWLD BE USED BY UWYERS ONLY -` �„ ;�+ < r THIS INDENTURE,made the/L{ day of .Itt(ry 2000 „ VC di 1•a BETWEEN NICHOLAS ALIANO,residing at 11 Ashley Lane,Shoreham,New York 11786, TN 1 party of the Mt part,and �r MARGARETT ALUUIO,residing at 11 Ashley Lane,Shoreham,New York 11786, parry of the second part, r >= WITNESSETH,that the.parry of the first pad,in consideration of dollars paid _ by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the parry 01 the second part,the heirs or successors end assigns of me parry of the second part forever, .District: ;= 1000 ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected.situate, Section• lying and being at Peconic,in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,known and <�074.00 designated as Lots 2, _4,6 and 8 as shown on a certain map entitled."Map of Nicholas Aliano filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 8,1993 as Map Number 9417. Block: it 04.00 Lot: 004.002 = 004.004 —004.006 004.008 TOGETHER with all right,tide and interest,t any,of the parry of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof:TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises:TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the pony o' the sncond pad forever. AND the pony of the first pan,In compliance with Section 13 of the Lkn Law covenants that rue party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to.receive Such consideration as a bust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any othe- I purpose. The word"party'shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so s. IN WITNESS ie N TNE33 WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above I written. IN PRESENCE OF I. NICHOLAS ALIANO Standen N.YAT U.Farm lial Small and saw Deed,wkheul Covina l sounst Granlvle Ace-Unlrgm Acknpvlediii i� Form 3254 sts� a AII: It L n \ ;�C1.L I }a3 •pa iF''e'P}F1' .' x :i114 n x µ}}x � i _ �H•.m .i+...f r 7 L 'fix' t • SAS j f .1_ 'Y���h�LxJl{� •J�', •� 2 � 1•• �.a X !� a.i - _ Ti 1i~S\Y9v r4 ti',r' �Yj 51 tFx wF y3 '� •- o�'�y�4ry ,yq t 3 a F a 1 \ J i ' y 4a y, e r x 1�L1 R.x x v • '�,f�e ' ':rr9.y vR' x � { ' 11 � �:S n� Y )r♦e) FY fi22 f _ ILY•yi)R '8f. �S� t t � .:. • 'tan �� J A^ � t# V N t f r� sJ � eLi'� rwr, , i 9 \ " 1 I L � • • �t 7 S X J ry Al . L k A "< lz5t(j� f• + � { _y 44,,� f c n ♦ y it( ry1."`x ' i x♦+ { . NY iY S\� t���SiL�4I f yf L A µ / I A • v i�f•L A \ .31y( n . i a X � 3h. yA ry�� •. �•� F •I i e1f A�� 1`qq]ir �..2P S,yY A 125- Ruidevl,el conOan of set<. 196.0 BWmAerp F�a:elsior,Publisher,NYC 10017 Jomr/t prepared 6y the Real Poperry Section of the New York State Bar Association, Use New York State Land Tide Association, the Committee an Real Prober tr Law of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and the Committee on Real Property Law of the New York County Lawyers'Association NNARN1N'G: NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THIS FORM OF CONTRACT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE COMPLIES WITH SECTION S-702 OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATIONS LAW ("PLAIN LANGUAGE"). CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT NOTE: FIRE AND CASUALTY LOSSES AND CONDEMNATION, This contract form does not provide for what happens in the event of fire, or other casualty loss or condemnation before the title closing. Unless different pmvistun is made in this contract, Section 5.1311 of the General Obligations Law will apply. One part of that law makes a Purchaser responsible for fire and cuualp loss upon taking possession of the Premises before the title closing, Contract of Sale Contract of Sale made as of March 2001 Nick Aliano BETWEEN Address: 970 Route 25A, Miller Place, New York 11764 Social Security Number; Fed, 1. D. No(s): New York State Federation of Processors & Growers, Inc . hereinafter called "Seller" and Address: 1576 State Street, Schnectady, New York 12304 Social Security Number/ Fed. 1. D. No(s): hereinafter called "Purchaser". The parties hereby agree as follows. 1. Premises. Seller shall sell andconvey and Purchaser shall [crest at the rate of Purchase the property, together with all buildings and improve• percent per annum, in monthly rnents thereon (collectively the "Premises"). more fully described i tallments of $ which include principal, inter- on a separate page marked "Schedule A" annexed hereto and es and escrow amounts, if any, and with any balance of principal made a part hereof and also known as: ` -I-'ujlow bei due and payable on Street Address. Lots 4 . 9 (2 . 6A) & (b To the extent that any required payments are made on the 5 (2 . 7A) , County Road 48, existi g mortgage between the date hereof and Closing which reduce the unpaid principal amount thereof below the amount 'Fax Map Designation: 1000-74-4- shown 4T6� paragraph 3(b), then the balance of the price payable at TIA-'O Me Lacs Oar/y /o�4-r/ y -1 � Lj r Closing Oder paragraph 3(d) shall be increased by the amount of T ogether with Seller's ownership and rights, if any, to land lying in the paym is of principal. Seller represents and warrants that the Y g amount s own in paragraph 3(b) is substantially correct and the bed of any street or highway, opened or proposed, adjoining agrees that only the Premises to the center line thereof, includingan ri ht of e Y Payments required by the existing mortgage will Y g be made bet een the date It and Closing. Seller to any unpaid award by reason of any taking by condemna- tion and/or for any damage to the Premises by reason of thane (c) If they is a mortgagee escrow account, Seller shall assign it g to Purchaser, i it can be assigned, and in that case Purchaser shall of grade of any street or highway. Seller shall deliver at no addi• pay the amoun in the escrow account to Seller at Closing. tional cost to Purchaser. at Closing (as hereinafter defined), or (d) Seller sh II deliver to Purchaser at Closing a certificate thereafter, on demand, any documents that Purchaser may ['ea- dated not more an 30 days before Closing signedby the holder sensibly require for the conveyance of such title and the assign- of the existing ortgage, in form for recording, certifying the mein and collection of such award or damages. amount of the un aid principal, the date to which interest has 2. P\eneb rsonal Property. This sale also includes all fixtures and arti- been paid and the ounts, if any, claimed to be unpaid for prin- clof personal property now attached or appurtenant to the cipal and interest, it izing the same. Seller shall pay the fees for Ps, unless specifically excluded below. Seller represents and recording such certi I te. If the holder of the existing mortgage is wnt hat at Closing they will be paid for and owned by Seller, a bank or other institu 'on as defined in Section 274-a of the Real frnd sir of all liens and encumbrances, except any existing Property Law it may, instead of the certificate, furnish a letter mage to Which this sale may be subject. They include, but are signed by a it auth rized officer, employee or agent, dated nmited to, lumbing. heating, lighting and cooking fixtures, not more than 30 day before Closing, containing the same boom and then cabinets. mantels, door mirrors, switch information. pl and door h dware. Venetian blinds, window treatments, ( e )Seller represents and arrants that (i) Seller has delivered to shs, screens, awn s, storm windows. storm doors window Purchaser true and complet copies of the existing mortgage. the b , mail box. TV rials, weather vane, flagpole. pumps. note secured thereby and any extensions and modifications thereof, shery. fencing. outdo statuary. tool shed. dishwasher, wash- (ii) the existing mortgage is of now, and at the time of Closing inachine. clothes dryer, arbage disposal unit, range, oven, will not be, in default, and ( II) the existing mortgage does not reerator, freezer, air Condit ning equipment and installations, contain any provision that per 'ts the holder of the mortgage to wo wall carpeting and built-i not excluded below (strike out require its immediate payment in full or to change any other term inlicable items). thereof by reason of the sale or e veyance of the Premises. 5, Purchase Money Mortgage, ( lete tfinapplicable)If there is to be a purchase money mortgage s indicated in paragraph 3(c) above: (a) The purchase money note and ortgage shall be drawn Eded from this sale are furniture and hou old furnishings the attorney for Seller in the form attac ed or, if not, in the stdM- anand form adopted by the New York St e Land Title Association. Purchaser shall pay at Closing the mortg ge recording tax. record- ing fees and the attorney's fees in the amo t of for its preparation. $ (b) The purchase money note and mong ge shall also provide that it is subject and subordinate to the lien f the existing mort- gage and any extensions, modifications. repl cements or consoli- dations of the existing mortgage, provided that (i) the interest rate 3. Purchase Price. The purchase price is thereof shall not be greater than ercen P per annum and the total debt service thereunder shall not a greater than $ per annum, and (ii) if the p incipal amount thereof shall exceed the amount of principal owing and unpaid on $ 275 , 000 payable as follows: the existing mortgage at the time of placing such ne mortgage or , (a) on consolidated mortgage the excess be paid to the ho der of such the signing of this contract, by Purchaser's check payable purchase money mortgage in reduction of the princ pal thereof. to the Escrowee as hereinafter defined), subject to collection, the The purchase money mortgage shall also provide th such pay- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, to be held in escrow meat to the holder thereof shall not alter or affect a regular pursuant to paragraph 6 of this contract (the "Downpayment'): installments, if any, of principal payable [hereunder an, that the b $ a7 h p 1 O 0 holder thereof will, on demand and without charge [her or, exe- by allowance for the principal amount unpaid on the exist- cute, acknowledge and deliver anv agreement or agr ements ing mortgage on the date hereof, payment of which Purchaser further to effectuate such subordinati shall assume by joinder in the deed: $ 6. Downpayment in Esc Seller's attorney ("Escrowee") (c) by a purchase money note and mortgage from Purchaser to shall hold [he Dow men[ for Setter's account in escrow in a segregated account at Seller: $ p (d) balance at Closing in accordance with paragraph 7: ' j�r✓yT �G' $ 247 , 500 4. xisting Mortgage. (as le ha if inapplicable) If this sale is subject until Closing or sooner termination of this contract and shall. to a) age as indicated in paragraph 3(b) above: over or apply the Downpayment in accordance with the terms of ray (a) The Premises s veyed subject to the continuing this paragraph. Escrowee shall not lien of the existing mortgage, w Ic I ayable, with the Downpayment in an interest-bearinaccount ifo��heobenefit hold of' the parties. It interest is held for the benefit of the parties, it shall ins ' utional Le to which Purchaser has made such application. he paid -to the party entitled to the (Payment and the party Pure er shall receiving the interest shall pay any jn taxes thereon. Iitment f inter- est is not held for the benefit of the parties, the Downpayment (0r any other commamentltac elptedgbyepuehaser)ments of sand shauch llnfumsh shall be placed in an IOLA account or as otherwise permitted or required by law, The Social Security or Federal Identification Seller wi a copy [hereof promptly after receipt thereof. If such required begs of the parties shall be furnished to Escrowee upon pommitmen is not issued on or before the Commitment Date, then, unless Purcha has accepted a commitment that does not comply with P the requirements et forth above, Purchaser may cancel this contract by request. At Closing, the Downpayment shall be paid by Escrowee to Seller. If for any reason Closing does not occur and either art Date i Notice to ]let within 5 business dams after the Commitment gives Notice (as defined in paragraph 25) to Escrowee demanding after nejther party party Date in which cast is contract shall be deemed cancelled and there- payment of the Downpayment, Escrowee shall give prompt Notice liabilities to, the hher al awe any further rights against, or obligations or to the other party of such demand. If Escrowee does not receive Downpayment shall be pt ptly refunded [o Purchaser and except Notice of objection from such other party to the Proposed y- reason of this contract, except that the men[ within 10 business days after the giving of psuch Notice, cancellation or n if Purchaser sh accept a commitment that does not paragraph If Purchaser fails to give notice of Escrowee s hereby authorized and directed to make such pay- comply with the terms set forth a ve, then Purchaser shall be deemed meat. If Escrowee does receive such Notice of objection within such IG day period or if for any other reason Escrowee in good to have waived Purchaser's right to reel this contract and to receive a refund of the Downpayment by reas of the contingency contained in o faith shall elect not to make such payment, Escrowee shall con- this paragraph. (Delete if inapplicabn to mortgage broker registered le ) Purchaser and Seller agree ) time to hold Such amount until otherwise directed by Notice from that the submission of an applicatio the parties to this contract or a final, nonappealable judgment, pursuant to Article I2-D of the New York anking Law ("Mortgage order or decree of a court, However, Escrowee shall have the right Broker") shall constitute full compliance with t terms and conditions at any time m deposit the Downpayment and the interest thereon set forth in with the clerk of a court in the county in which the Premises are cooperation inagood faith)withfsuch Mortgage this sg nd that Purchaser's located and shall give Notice of such deposit to Seller and Pur• toker to obtains chaser, Upon such deposit or other disbursement in accordance cooperation t in goodfaith tuwohal��ndnstiiu0onal L ith Purchaser's rchas which with the terms of this paragraph, Escrowee shall be relieved and discharged of all further obligations and responsibilities hereunden er Purchaser's onapplication of Noti has ce b submitted byer t such o Seller of tage name and the prompt giving y (b) The parties acknowledge that, although Esc rowee is holding address of each Mortgage Broker to which Purchaser has bmitted the Downpayment for Seller's account, for all other purposes such an application shall constitute full compliance with the let s and Escrowee is acting solely as a stakeholder at their request and for their convenience and that Escrowee shall not be liable to either conditions set forth in paragraph 8(a)(v)and(vi)of this contract, parry for any act or omission on its part unless taken or suffered v Permitted Exceptions.The Premises are sold and shall be con- in bad faith or in willful disregard of this contract or involving veyad subject to: gross negligence on the part of Escrowee. Seller and Purchaser O Zoning and subdivision laws and, regulations, and landmark, .jointly and severall) agree to defend, indemnify and hold historic or wetlands designation, provded that they are not vio- Escrowee harmless from and against all costs, claims and expenses prp by the existing buildings and improvements erected on the (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with property or their use; the performance of Escrowee's duties hereunder, except with (b) Consents for the erection many structures on, under or ab respect to actions or omissions taken or suffered by Escrowee in ove any streets on which the Premises abut; bad faith or in willful disregard of this contract or involvinggross (c) Encroachments of stoops, areas, cellar steps, trim and corni- negligence on the part of Escrowee. g ces, if any, upon any street or highway; (c) Escrowee may act or refrain from acting in respect of an (d) Real estate taxes that are a Tien, but are not yetdue and matter referred to herein in full reliance upon and with the advice Payable; and Of counsel which may be selectedby it (including any member of (a) The other matters, if' any, including a survey exception, set its firm) and shall be fully protected in so acting or refraining from forth in a Rider attached, action upon the advice of such counsel. 10. Governmental Violations (d) Escrowee acknowledges receipt of the Downpayment by and Orders.of Seller shall comply check subject to collection and Escrowee's agreement to the prom:• with all notes or notices of violations of law or municipal sions of this paragraph by signing in the place indicated on the ordinances, orders or requirements noted or issued as of the date hereof by any governmental department having authority as to signature page of this contract. lands, housing, buildings, fire, health, environmental and labor as(counsel fore or al yi member dispute s firm as to thalldbe permitted to act he conditions affecting the Premises. The Premises shall be conveyed Downpayment or any other dispute between the parties whether free of them a[ Closing.r o$make eller shall searches furnish Purchaser hcould wdisclose authorizations necessary or not Escrowee is m possession of the Downpayment and con- these matters. tinues to act as Escrowee, (b) (Delete if inapplicable) All obligations affecting the Pre- to 7. Acceptable Funds. All money payable under this contract, Yorks inc rsuant riot the Admiini trative Code of the City of New unless otherwise specified, shall be paid by: p g payable in money shall be dis- (a) Cash. but not over $1,000.00 charged by Seller at or prior to Closing. (b) Good certified check of Purchaser drawn on or official 11. Seller's Representations. (a) Seller represents and warrants check issued by any bank, savings bank, trust company or savings to Purchaser that; and loan association having a banking office in the State of New (i) The Premises abut or have a right of access to a public York, unendorsed and payable to the order of Seller, or as Seller road; may otherwise direct upon not less than 3 business days notice (by (tt) Seller is the sole owner of the Premises and has the full telephone or otherwise) to Purchaser; right, power and authority to sell, convey and transfer the same in (c) As to money other than the purchase price payable to Seller accordance with the terms of this contract; at Closing, uncertified check of Purchaser up to the amount of (iii) Seller is not a "foreign person", as that term is defined $ Sow : and for purposes of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, Internal Revenue Code ( IRC") Section 1445, as amended, and (d) As otherwise agreed to in writing by Seller or Seller's the regulations promulgated thereunder (collectively"FIRPTA"); attorney. (iv) The Premises are not affected by any exemptions or 8. ortgage Contingency.(De/etc if inapplicable)(a)The obligations abatements of taxes; and or rchaser hereunder are conditioned upon issuance on or years, a ceplr has been known by no other name for the past ten before (the "Commit- commitment Da '•) of a Written commitment from any Institutional Lender pu uant to which such Institutional Lender agrees to make a firs mortgage loan, other than a VA, FHA or other governmental] insured loan, to Purchaser, at Purchaser's sole (b) Seller covenants and warrants that all of the representations cost and expense, $ or such lesser and warranties set forth in this contract shall be true and correct sum as Purchasers II be willing to accept, at the prevailing fixed at Closing. as rate of interest not to a eed or initial adjustable rate of(Seller's ptcovenantssise repesentations exresslet warrant esforth inthor is cothercl, none obl ga- of interest not to exceed for a term of at least tions contained in this contract shall survive Closing. years and on other custo ry commitment terms whether or not 12. Condition of Property. Purchaser acknowledges and repre- conditional upon any factor other than an appraisal satisfactory sents that Purchaser is fully aware of the physical condition and to the Institutional Lender. Fo purposes of this contract, the term state of repair of the Premises and of all other ro e "Institutional Lender" shall mea any bank, savings bank, private in this sale, based on Purchaser's own inspection and investiglatided onn banker, trust company, savings an loan association, credit union or thereof, and that Purchaser is entering into this ccetract based similar banking institution whether o anized under the laws of this solely upon such inspection and investigation and not upon any state, the United States or any other sta foreign banking corporation information, data, statements or representations, written or oral, licensed by the Superintendent of B ks of New York or the as to the physical condition, stale of repair, use, cost to operation Comptroller of the Currency to transact bu ness in New York State; or any other matter related to the Premises s the other property insurance company duly organized or license to do business in New included in the sale, given or made by Seller or its representatives, work State; mortgage banker licensed pursuant Article 12-D of the and shall accept the same r ad in their present condition and Banking Law; and any instrumentality created b the United States or state of repair, subject to reasonable use, wear, tear and natural any state with the power to make mortgage loans. urchaser shall (i) deterioration between the date hereof and the date of Closing make prompt application to an Institutional Lender such mortgage (except as otherwise set forth inParagraph 16 loan, (it) furnish accurate and complete informa ion regarding reduction in the purchase price or claim of any kind for any Purchaser and members of Purchaser's family, as require (iii (�)•without any pay all change in such condition by reason [hereof subsequent to the date tees, points and charges required in connection with such plication of this contract. and loan, (iv) pursue such application with diligence, (v) coo erase i Purchaser and its authorized representatives shall good faith with such Institutional Lender n have the right, at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice (by to obtain such coin 'talent telephone or otherwise) to and (vi) promptly give Notice to Seller of the name and address o each Closing. Seller, to inspect the Premises before 13. Insurable Title, Seller shall give Purchaser shall accept required by la wy this contract to pay such transfer and or such title as a reputable New k Title ecordin9 tax, to er with any required tax returns duly exe- Company cured and swom to, and such party shall cause any such checks shall be willing to approve and insure in accordance with its and returns to be delivered to the appropriate officer promptly standard form of title policy approved by the New York State after Closing. The obligation to pay any additional tax ordefi- Insurance Department, subject only to the matters provided for in ciency and any interest or penalties thereon shall survive Closing. this contract 18. Apportionments and Other Adjustments; Water Meter and 14. Closing, Deed and Title.(a) "Closing" means the settlement of Installment Assessments. (a) To the extent applicable, the follow. the obligations of Seller and Purchaser to each other under this mg shall be apportioned as of midnight of the day before the day contract, including the payment of the purchase price to Seller, of Closing: and the delivery to Purchaser of a (i) taxes, water charges and sewer rents, on the basis of the Bargain & sale deed w/covenants fiscal period for which assessed; 00 fuel; (iii) interest on the exist- ing mortgage; (iv) premiums on existing transferable insurance deed in proper statutory short form for record, duly executed and policies and renewals of those expiring prior to Closing; (v) vault acknowledged, so as to convey to Purchaser fee simple title to the charges; (vi) rents as and when collected. Premises, free of all encumbrances, except as otherwise herein (b) If Closing shall occur before a new tax rate is fixed, the stated. The deed shall contain a covenant by Seiler as required by apportionment of taxes shall be.upon the basis of the tax rate for subd. 5 of Section 13 of the Lien Law, the immediately preceding fiscal period applied to the latest (b) If Seller is a corporation, it shall deliver to Purchaser at the assessed valuation, time of Closing (i) a resolution of its Board of Directors authoriz- (e) If there is a water meter on the Premises, Seller shall furnish ing the sale and delivery of the deed, and 0i) a certificate by the a reading to a date not more than 30 days before Closing and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the corporation certifying such unfixed meter charge and sewer rent, if any, shall be apportioned resolution and setting forth facts showing that the transfer is in on the basis of such last reading. conformity with the requirements of Section 909 of the Business (d) If at the date of Closing the Premises are affected by an Corporation Law, The deed in such case shall contain a recital assessment which is or may become payable in annual install• sufficient to establish compliance with that Section. ments, and the first installment is then a lien, or has been paid, I5. Closing Date and Place.Closing shall take place at the office shall then for the purposes of this contract all the unpaid installments Of Seller ' s attorney Closin�e considered due and shall be paid by Seller at or prior to (e) Any errors or omissions in computing apportionments or other adjustments at Closing shall be corrected within a reason- 0v4 / Zoo/ able time following Closing. This subparagraph shall survive at 10 : 00am o'clock on or about Sec Closing. or, upon reasonable notice (by telephone or otherwise) by Far. 19. Allowance for Unpaid Taxes, etc. Seller has the option to for leridin credit Purchaser as an adjustment to the purchase price with the chaser. at the office of attorney g amount of any unpaid taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer institution rents, together with any interest and penalties thereon to a date IG. Conditions to Closin not less than five business days after Closing, provided that official lion to purchase the Premises This contractalso and Po r ha er's oboned bills therefor computed to said date are produced at Closing. upon the purchase fulfillment of the following conditions precedent 20. Use of Purchase Price to Remove Encumbrances.lf at Cie, (a) The accuracy, as of the date of Closing, of the re resenta- tog there are other liens or encumbrances that Seller is obligated tions and warranties of Seller made in this contract. P a pay or discharge, Seller may use any portion of the cash bat- (, e delivery by Seller to Purchaser of a valid and subsistingante of the purchase price to pay or discharge them, provided Seller shall simultaneously deliver to Purchaser at Closing instru- Certificate ecupancy or other required certificate of corn- pliance, or eviden none was required, covering the build- menu in recordable form and sufficient to satisfy such liens or ing(s) and all of the other is located on the roe encumbrances of record, together with the cost of recording or P P rtY filing said instruments. As an alternative Seller may depositsuffi- authorizing their use as a single wel- cient monies with the title insurance company employed by Pur- ling at the date of Closing. chaser acceptable to and required by it to assure their discharge, (c) The delivery by Seller to Purchaser of a duly executed and but only if the title insurance company will insure Purchaser's title swom affidavit (in form prescribed by law) claiming exemption of clear of the matters or insure against their enforcement out of the the sale contemplated hereby, if such be the case, under Article Premises and will insure Purchaser's Institutional Lender clear of 31-B of the Tax Law of the State of New York and the Regula• such matters. Upon notice (by telephone or otherwise), given not tions promulgated thereunder, as the same may be amended from less than 3 business days before Closing, Purchaser shall provide time to time (collectively the "Gains Tax Law'); or if such sale separate certified or official bank checks as requested to assist in shall not be exempt under the Gains Tax Law, Seller and Pur- clearing up these matters. chase agree to comply in a timely manner with the requirements of the Gains Tax Law and, at Closing, Seller shall deliver to Pur- 21. Title Examination; Seller's Inability to Convey; Limitations of chaser (i) an official return showing no tax due, or it an official Liability. (a) Purchaser shall order an examination of title in return accompanied by a certified or official bank check drawn on respect of the Premises from a title company licensed or autho- a New York State banking institution payable to the order of the rized to issue title insurance by the New York State Insurance New York State Department of Taxation and Finance in the Department or any agent for such title company promptly after amount of the tax shown to be due thereon. Seller shall (x) pay the execution of this contract or, if this contract is subject to the Promptly any additional tax that may become due under the Gains mortgage contingency set forth in paragraph 8, after a mortgage Tax Law, together with interest and penalties thereon, if any, commitment has been accepted by Purchaser. Purchaser shall which may be assessed or become due after Closing, and/or exe- cause a copy of the title report and of any additions thereto to be cute anv other documents that may be required in respect thereof, delivered to the attorney(s) for Seller promptly after receipt thereof. and (y) indemnify, defend and save Purchaser harmless from and (b)(i) If at the date of Closing Seller is unable to transfer title to against any of the foregoing and any damage, liability, cost or Purchaser in accordance with this contract, or Purchaser has other expense (including reasonable attomeys' fees) which may be suf• valid grounds for refusing to close, whether by reason of liens, fered or incurred by Purchaser by reason of the nonpayment there- encumbrances or other objections to title or otherwise (herein cul- of, The provisions of this subparagraph (c) shall survive Closing. lectively called "Defects"), other than those subject to which Pur- (d) The delivery by Seller to Purchaser of a certification stating chaser is obligated to accept title hereunder or which Purchaser that Seller is not a foreign person, which certification shall be in may have waived and other than those which Seller has herein the form then required by FIRPTA. If Seller fails to deliver the expressly agreed to remove, remedy or discharge and if Purchaser aforesaid certification or if Purchaser is not entitled under shall be unwilling to waive the same and to close title without FIRPTA to rely on such certification, Purchaser shall deduct and abatement of the purchase price, then, except as hereinafter set withhold from the purchase price a sum equal to 10% thereof (or forth, Seller shall have the right, at Seller's sole election, either to any lesser amount permitted by law) and shall at Closing remit the take such action as Seller may deem advisable to remove, remedy,withheld amount with the required forms to the Internal Revenue discharge or comply with such Defects or to cancel this contract;Service. 00 if Seller elects to take action to remove. remedy or comply with (e) The delivery of the Premises and all building(s) and improve- such Defects, Seller shall be entitled from time to time, upon Notice to Purchaser, to adjourn the date for Closing hereunder for merits comprising a pan thereof in broom clean condition, vacant and flee of leases or tenancies. together with keys to the Premises. a period or periods not exceeding 60 days in the aggregate (but not (f) All plumbing (including water supply and septic systems, if extending beyond the date upon which Purchaser's mortgage any), heating and air conditioning. if any, electrical and mechani• COntrnitma,tt, if any, shall exp re), and the date for Closing shall be i cal systems, equipment and machinery in the building(s) located adjourned to a date specified by Seller not beyond such period. If on the property and all appliances which are included in this sale for any reason whatsoever, Seller shall not have succeeded in re- being in working order as of the date of Closing. moving, remedying or complying with such Defects at the expira- (g) If the Premises are a one or two family house, delive b tion of such adjournment(s), and if Purchaser shall still be unwil- 6' y ling h waive the same and to close title without abatement of the the parties at Closing re affidavits in compliance with state and local law requirements to the effect that there is installed in the Purchase price, then either party may cancel this contract by Notice to the other given within 10 days after such adjourned date, Premises a smoke detecting alarm device or devices. (h) The delivery by the parties of any other affidavits required (ut) notwithstanding the foregoing, the existing mortgage (unless as a condition of recording the deed this sale is subject to the same) and any matter created by Seller 17. Deed Transfer and Recording Taxes.At Closing. certified or after the date hereof shall be released, discharged or otherwise Official bank checks payable to the order of the appropriate State, cured by Seller at or prior to Closing. City or County officer in the amount of any applicable transfer (c) If this contract is cancelled pursuant to its terms, other than and/or recording tax payable by reason of4he delivery or record- as a result of Purchaser's default, this contract shall terminate and ing of the deed or mortgage, if any, shall be delivered by the party obligations orel abilities against or to the to herehe eunderhor others RIDER TO CONTRACT DATED March 2001 SELLER: Nick Aliano PURCHASER: NY State Federation of Processors & Growers, Inc . PREMISES : Vacant Land, County Road 48 , Peconic, Town of Southold, SCTM 4 1000-74 —y_ Y 7 � � 'TW0 mosr '�xk.,(y /Cf_rr 1 . Subject to any state of facts an accurate survey may show provided same does not render title unmarketable; covenants, utility easements , restrictions, declarations of record, if any, Provided same do not violate existing structures or the use thereof . The violations of any covenant and restriction by the existing improvements shall not be deemed an objection to title provided the title company insuring title shall agree to insure that such improvements may remain in their present location as long as same shall stand. 2 . The Purchaser may not assign this contract without the written consent of the Seller. 3 . The down payment , is paid to Aem/ as escrow agent , and is held under the following conditions until the earlier of the following; (a) the delivery of the deed herein, or (b) such time as purchaser may be entitled to a refund thereof , or (c) such time as the Seller may become entitled thereto by reason of the default of the purchaser. At the appropriate time, as per the foregoing, said escrowee shall remit such payments to the party then entitled thereto . Said escrowee shall act with respect to such payments as a stakeholder only and without compensation and shall not be liable for the payment of any interest , court costs or expenses in any action that may be brought to recover the monies held in escrow unless the escrowee shall fail or refuse to pay over any such monies pursuant to a judgment , order or decree that shall be final beyond possibility of an appeal . b . In the event of a threatened dispute, the escrow holder may be relieved of the responsibility for the disputed amount by paying it into court . 4 . Purchaser agrees to deliver to Seller' s attorney a list of objections or violations which may appear on any proper search and examination of this title, and if any objections or violations appear on said title examination and cannot be cleared by the Seller by the time set for the closing of title, then Seller, at his option, shall be entitled to a 30 day adjournment of closing for the purpose of removing said objections or violations . Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the Seller to take any action or proceeding to cure any defects in title. 5 . If Purchaser ' s uncertified checks given at the closing are not paid by Purchaser ' s bank, Purchaser agrees to reimburse the Seller for all collection expenses including reasonable attorney fees . 6 . Purchaser represents that he has not dealt with any broker other than the broker named herein of this agreement . This representation shall survive the delivery of the deed hereunder . Purchaser agrees to indemnify the Seller against and hold the Seller harmless of and from any and all costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees ) incurred by Seller as a result of any claims raised by or damages awarded to any broker by reason of Purchaser ' s acts arising out of or in connection with this transaction other than the broker named herein. 7 . PURCHASER shall have the right at its own cost and expense to conduct a Phase I and Phase II environmental survey of the premises . Such survey shall be conducted within sixty (60) days of fully executed copies of the within contract . In the event said survey shows any environmental hazard or damage on the property, then and in that event and within (10) days of receipt of a copy of the consultant's report , the SELLER shall have the option of either agreeing to remedy said condition at its own cost and expense or terminating the within contract. by refunding the downpayment paid hereunder; and upon such refund and reimbursement the within contract shall be null and void for all purposes . If SELLER agrees to remediate said condition (or give PURCHASER a credit at closing for PURCHASER's consultant's estimated cost of remediation) PURCHASER shall be obligated to consummate the within transaction, provided that the estimated time to complete the remediation does not exceed six months . In the event that PURCHASER fails to notify SELLER of the existence of any environmental damage or hazard as a result of the aforesaid survey within sixty (60) days of receipt of fully executed contracts, then and in that event PURCHASER shall be deemed to have waived its rights pursuant to this provision. 8 . This contract is contingent upon purchaser obtaining all municipal approvals necessary to operate a child day care center on the subject property, including but not limited to a special use permit from the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals, together with such other municipal approvals as may be necessary. Purchaser agrees to make diligent application for same and seller agrees to cooperate with and support said application. Purchaser shall have six months from the date of receipt of fully executed contracts of sale in which to obtain said municipal approvals . Purchaser shall have the option to request an extension of time to obtain said approvals which Seller may in his own discretion extend. If Purchaser has not obtained said municipal approvals within the aforesaid six month 03/29/2001 11: 45 5164254 HUNTINGTON LAW *R PAGE 04 period, and seller refuses to extend the time to obtain the approvals, then seller shall be obligated to refund in full the down payment paid hereunder and the parties shall be released from any liability hereunder to each other. 9 . In the event any portion of this rider is in conflict with any other clause elsewhere contained in this agreement, then the terms of this rider shall prevai:_ . 10 . This contract shall not be binding until and unless signed by the Seller. 11 . Seller represents that he :.s not aware of any environmental hazards on the subject property, nor of any violations of any municipal laws or codes . This representation shall survive closing of title hereunder. NY State Processors & Growers, Inc . By: Maga�E s xec . Purchaser Nick Aliano, Seller - n --- -- • 9417 a FILE NO. I` 1233Q#ABS.No. I-lA�0Fz SU60lV sJry MAP MADE FC4 FlL�UCT081993 NICK"LAS ALW�O ��•. / FILED AT -. . - I \ y 0. E W, PECGNIC � Sy YVM GF SG:ITNC_:: r N.Y.* uJl COIN[F\01[CJIrG - C.JJ'UJ?SUE�`1y.119!5 5, O i rm m m Fo Lvj1 UEE- IQG�i a 5 ✓EA•�6 @ K. I � .Er uer+[[ MA:CA_N✓hfr:'AJ-5E__<'!' ('vCl< - .TY SN2^\F AK♦ CJL 0/:_.r6F:/A.__ 1vrFu _E wijrZ _vF YA`CKE A i FIC.y.rfsF FAL_LL._ I ,_� NITN IFE M X4C WC ! E - iq.l N62 _FE F E_ . _._- — TVi1CAL IAM.Jf TE . IOrROrI� , JOIWLIi IOI.M � LOI•M �� � ' 4 1 t)RY DFFXRmeg,���-"���'_"-" . i aO.lT40y_C_. TJWAi ' N iin S9nR,�"= - 3 YNOI � FANG( i4M4OI,_Ci OaIW I IYJAY•-<' -^Wb 1 VM ti'M - 30AVEL 1p JCNY _ I GOR/EL I fjL�.WEGu. wlFa-> ! �w 'TC^ .Y. Oal MN tlCri rrMJr _ CW.r4HAN I 1�prA]ry W-W Y+ - M M L nl . O _._ Z- •IAM ..w -_. JA FEIIrL. 1pl OF ]vENi.NT NC LEK•!R ]NSw C^as+.CM>'°cllf .'.(L>-] I [ER iOT`i 14 TNR JB4�VI5 N I.- TEEN i E •uf I NRYf � N P11� 1G[RLY COUI�Y EL"5_[LICE NL[fr 11A31 W"E 6lO-. l -�\F N__E nEQEEV CEQ11Fv 1M _ _ iK i � Mw i I w _N Ar EA ANo`W.T TJXE [ _ �Rllwrs EF I��. pnsLE [ tEiT_� u , i•� _ C I .a. L ML MENTNi1 w T X E . Oi AP ;nbW4 _ • -J Ip1f 6l/JW[NLIYIAD I LE<C rA\I _ .R.�. I kEV MAC zf- Llk pl A MAY 2 :1 2LUI �t Southold Torun Planning Board 0 APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCI.OSUl?g FORM Tile Town of Southold's Code of Ethics-Prohibits conflicts of l ntereat on the art of town officers and em 10 eea. The purpose of this form is I- provide information which can alert the town of possible confllcts of interest and allow it to take whatever action le neceSSary to avoid same YOUR NAME: �l= �L(`✓ILS � �,T�./C.l�S ' _ (Lagt name, first name, middle iniia ll, un Y you t applying 1n the name of someone else or otheare a i r entity, such as a company. IE so, indlcaCe the other Person's or company's name. ) NATURE. OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from p� Other t or orflclal map (IE "Other, " name the activity. ) no you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "nosiness Interest' means a business, Including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee own" more than 5% of tl:e shares. / YES NO ✓ If you answered "YES, " complete tine balan date and sign where indicated. ce of this form and Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the a and the town officer or employee. Either check thelicant) appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply) , A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant Is a corporation); n) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation) ; C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of applicant; or the D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSIITP Submitted this 01 ( day of/110'1 t-ggjj-d vl Signature__��i� ! ( Print name Tablet F /YIR. �f-�ec�..r 617.20 S EQ R Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature,yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides lguidance as arge impactoTheether forrman impact is likely talso identifies whether anbe impa considered anlbeo moderate or mit gated or reducher it is a potentially- large Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE—Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ❑ Part 1 ❑ Part 2 ❑Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information,and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ❑ A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment,there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑ C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. •A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) Date 1 PART 1—PROJECT INFORMAWN Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and maybe subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. FNAMEF A TION(T/L4 C e 's P/k c eN OF ACTION(Include Street Address, Munlcipalfly and County) o:tu.r Soutx .(r! S7y ' Y7 a y F APPLICANT/SPONSOR , 0A Sfca�i rtd nwfm. Dr BUSINESS TELEPHONE C4�t PAC 3(.fuic.l' s� �i�to cw.�✓n-r (03/) 473-76—S—:Y— S/,,, CITYIPO N 'j"IA/� •{-D N STATE ZIP CODE ti'Y /r-7y3 NAME OF OWNER Of different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE 1.L(L Ct /r' 4 NO ADDRESS (G� 970 d-rA- CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE /VI �l(eA_ Pl/1« �`-' ire DESCRIPTION OF ACTION / Gdyl. f&-cam-[ ���Ut+ o r 7 0 o u .f L(_Q.rL �'oa•1- V✓ce es-r. Na"r'Ay .f'c4,X7CA n. va-ca..uf 64-0 .c.C�j� Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed arnd undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: OUrban ❑Industrial OCommercial OResidential(suburban) Mural(non-farm) OForest OAgriculture HOther V&41 cam+ 14,Np 2. Total acreage of project area: 4 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) �.G acres * , o acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres } - S acres Other (Indicate type) 014.y 5,+, ro acres t ! acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? a. Soil drainage: GKVell drained 11"D % of site OModerately well drained % of site ❑Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? OYes ®No a. What is depth to bedrock? (in feet) 2 5. Approximate percentage of propo. cl project site with slopes: LYO-10% % 010-15% % 015% or greater % 6 Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? Dyes ETNo 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Dyes IiAo 8. What is the depth of the water table? '?-7 (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? k'es ❑No —/- 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? Oyes 9� b 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered?JJ Dyes IvJNo According to Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Oyes 121'No Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Oyes No If yes, explain 14. Does the present st� include scenic views known to be important to the community? Dyes 1dNo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name r"n^C b. Size (In acres) 77. Is the site served by existing public utilities? Oftesf a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? OYes ❑No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? KYes ❑No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? Dyes CTNO 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguou to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? OYes IINo ��/ 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? OYes LsdN0 B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project(fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor y acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 0& acres initially; 49 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped Ll , o acres. d. Length of project, in miles: (If appropriate) e. if the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed %; I. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ; proposed 31 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 10 (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately I. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure height 60 width; If/f length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? ft. 3 2. How much natural material (,e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from . site? 4 V tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? Ves ONo El N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? r "3nL?' b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Pies ❑No C. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Wes ❑No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed•from site? • acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? OYes f3�o 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition) 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of.commencement phase 1 3 _ month a year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase _ 9 month a year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? OYes ONo 8. Will blasting occur during construction? OYes ILWO 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction JZ" ; after project is complete « 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Oyes tRNo If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? OYes r9NO a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? OYes ❑No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Oyes t9No Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? OYes; o 16. Will the project generate solid waste? 9Kes ONo a. If yes, what is the amount per month '_��' tons I b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? (3'(res ONo c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? OYes QKO e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? M3 es ONo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? OYes Flo 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? OYes 13114o 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? OYes KO 13Y 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? es ONo If yes , indicate type(s) e, 12G t. 1—bh a L o 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 1 gallons/day. 24. Does project involve local, State or Federal funding? fi&s ONo NdGc i¢s� If Yes, explain k '��—��^ � "!n �Ls�1/i) r� 4 25. Approvals Required: • Submittal Type rDate '/ City, Town, Village Board 00(es ®'No �•�-='E r e City, Town, Village Planning Board dyes ❑No S,`4( /�lg� S Jyy' 0/ City, Town Zoning Board 9fes ❑No s'Pt-t`e l 4A ft S'"Jzy & City, County Health Department I? yes ❑No L" 'k " `` ra`�"' Other Local Agencies Dyes ONo Other Regional Agencies Oyes OONo State Agencies ❑Yes F-fNo Federal Agencies Dyes LINo C. Zoning and Planning Information --// 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? L7Yes ❑No If Yes, indicate decision required: � �� ❑zoning amendment ❑zoning variance 5special use permit ❑subdivision Vite plan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan ❑other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? IZ' P 0 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? ©/0 4.. What is the proposed zoning of the site? 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? Suvw" - rU 0l0 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? I3t'es ❑No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a 1/4 mile radius of proposed action? Q. 5 n,? 4tn./ ''�•-ate 1,r At AA f, 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 1/4 mile? O3 es ONo 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land; how many lots are proposed? N a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s)for the formation of sewer or water districts? OYes ft3No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? Oyes ONo rJ- u a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? 1211'�es ONo // 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? OYes HNo a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? 45fes ONo D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.. Applicant/Sponsor Name /44''y4^11t S" a &L4cecsjAr � Cl" Date s-- a (-`V Signature -�/— L. Title If the action Is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency,complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 Part 2—PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agency General Information (Read Carefully) • In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. • The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. • The impacts of each project, on each site, in each locality, will vary. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. • The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. • In identifying impacts, consider long term, short term and cumlative effects. Instructions (Read carefully) a. Answer each of the 20 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes If there will be any impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. c, If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to indicate the potential size of the Impact. If Impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2. If Impact will occur but threshold is lower than example, check column 1. d. Identifying that an Impact will be potentially large (column 2)does not mean that it Is also necessarily significant. Any large Impact must be evaluated In PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an Impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. e. If reviewer has doubt about size of the Impact then consider the Impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. I. If a potentially large Impact checked In column 2 can be mitigated by change(s)In the project to a small to moderate Impact, also check the Yes box In column 3. A No response Indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained In Part 3. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By IMPACT ON LAND Impact Impact Project Change 1. Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site? ONO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10%. • Construction on land where the depth to the water table is less than ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No 3 feet. • Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more vehicles. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No • Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or generally within ❑ O ❑Yes ❑No 3 feet of existing ground surface. • Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or involve more ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No than one phase or stage. • Excavation for mining purposes that would remove more than 1,000 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No tons of natural material (i.e., rock or soil) per year. • Construction or expansion of a sanitary landfill. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Construction in a designated floodway. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 2. Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the site?(i.e.,cliffs,dunes, geological formations, etc.)ONO OYES • Specific land forms:. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 6 +�+w man—ran 1z PROJECT I.O.NUMBER 617.21 SEOR Appendix C State Environmental Ouality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Prolect sponsor) I. APPLICANT ISPONSOR z. PROJECT NAME /YCw aAk 5fa-do FedprLa 'o OFp�r2ero� G�Ce `r /ace 0. PROJECT LOCATION: Munielo&u e,fS0,k4-G 14' County jG A. PRECISE LOCATION(str"i address and road Intersections.Prominent landmarks. etc..or Provide maol S/Ja,'�IIN:ty �.O a"-V T � r (AI" >` fc7-nr L3 S. IS PRO BED ACTION: MNerr ❑Expansion ❑MPdlrleatloNalteratlon 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT IBRIEFLY., �..(r 7+.,�T'✓�'�� ?01 L d s r- �. ,�rR s. 4TA 4f'L rl A_y •" a �+1of Lu"o 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: / Initially Y. 64, 21" y. (� acres Ultimately acres a. WIL�L PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING "NO USE RESTRICTIONS? IL p+Yes ❑NO It No.describe malty L. ;A s p e erwl ALB e pe A 0 <' f 9. WHATT15 PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OFPROJECT7"skienllal 0Industrial f61nmercial T<cullure ❑Park/ForestlOpen space ❑Diner Describe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING.NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL STAT E OR LOCAU? tIG Yef ❑No It yes.list a0endyi and PermrVaoorovals , dwN a r- So u�s hq'' zr"A PIA'K `L SPt�s( (( se 099A ".' S'ka=wlA Co ....f-y aeyaf. r/CaLlh JeL r+ ., �� r-mat+e1 ,c 11. GOES ANY A;SbrPECT OF THE ACTI.;N HAVE A CURRENTLY VAUD PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ❑Yes V+Nr. It ya:.list agency name and permlivapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMITIAPPgOyAI REQUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑Yes ®NO I CERTIFY THAT(THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY/K'N�O�WLEOGE Aotilicanusponsor name: LJ&- O- ly •f'R�C /-�{�y(� dti Blr p,-O catto.lr w oat.: 0/ SlOnalule: /5 If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a stato agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before procoeding with this assessment Town Of Southold • P.O Box 1179 • J(1! Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT Date: 03/13/02 Receipt#: 1384 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Segra Review $500.00 Check#: 1384 Total Paid: $500.00 t®,•_b Vr�i g MiAK � 4 20UY Southold Town Planning Board �/C-,9CCS —F(,qC E Name: Matthews, & Matthews 229 Main Street-suite 201 Huntington, NY 11743 Clerk ID: JOYCEW Internal ID:51107 • Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * 04/22/02 Receipt#: 411 ction(s): Subtota 1 Segra Review $250.OG Check#: 4159 Total Paid: $250.00 kit' 9 % a Grace's, Place Sctm #1000-74-4-4.7 &4.8 LYNDAB Internal ID:53304 Town Of Southold . P.O Box 1179 • Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 06/29/01 Receipt#: 1117 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $925.00 Cash#: 1117 Total Paid: $925.00 JUN 2 9 2001 �(� .• � wt3a.Fda' Name: Grace's, Place Sctm #1000-74-4-4.7 &4.8 Clerk ID: JOYCEW Intemal ID:35373 PLEASE SEE FILE #2 JOHN SKABRY T 390 Henry's Lane • Peconic, NY 11958 631-734-6786 skabrysr@aol.com Mr. Bennet Orlowski Jr. &Board Members Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold , NY 11971 May 28, 2002 Dear Mr. Orlowski &Board Members: I am opposed to the building of"Grace's Place" aka Agri-Business Child Development Center. Route 48 should remain a scenic vista. The intersection is extremely dangerous now. The development rights to the other six lots of this subdivision have been purchased by the Town Board. The sewage from 110 people cannot be handled on two lots. Too much land will be covered with asphalt. Vacant buildings are available in Town already. Plenty of room exists at the Open Door Church Day Care Center. Day laborers will be loitering for work after dropping off their children. The purchase of the development rights of the rest of the subdivision will change the site plan for this project. Increased traffic from out of Town. Peconic is already saturated with public buildings and facilities. The Master Plan calls for residential building on Ys acre lots within ''/2 mile of the hamlets. A 7,000 square foot building with parking is more than twice the footprint of building two homes on this land as it presently is zoned. This project does not belong next the RR Tracks and Industrial Zoned Property. Enclosed please find correspondence to the Southold Town Attorney, requesting that this project go back to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the reasons listed. Also please find correspondence to you my neighbor explaining my underlying reasons for opposing this project. Segregation was and still is a bad idea, for all children. 'ncerely, a D ohn Skabry 8 MAY $ 2W2 SOUthoW Town ftnehlo 80Wd F�, oA—n� VM*711 JOHN SKABRY 390 Henry's Lane • Peconic, NY 11958 631-734-6786 skabrysr@aol.com May 27,2002 Dear Neighbor: "Grace's Place"another tax and spend politicians rat hole funded by your taxes and mine.How many more working class families will be taxed out of Southold because our political machine is milking the town dry?Who pays for and who benefits from this taxpayer boondoggle? On June 10,2001 at 11:30 P.M.former Town Supervisor Frank Murphy in his capacity as a broker for Century 21 Realty,ushers through the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals a"special use permit"to locate this migrant farm workers child day care center on two lots of an eight-lot residential subdivision on Route 48,west of the Amoco Gas Station in Peconic.A windfall for his client, the application is filed under the name Aliano. That's two lots off the tax rolls,you and I get to pick up their share of the property taxes as this property will now become exempt from taxes. On May 21,2002 at the 1:00 P.M.Southold Town Board Meeting, Supervisor Josh Horton and the Town Board gave$400,000 of our Southold Town tax money to Aliano for the"development rights"to the remaining six lots of this subdivision.At this meeting four taxpayers,one from Orient,two from Southold and one from Peconic spoke against this purchase,the board unanimously approved the purchase."Concerned about the pressure to develop the remainder of this subdivision,"bordering on LIRR tracks,a four-lane 55 MPH-divided highway,industrial zoned property and a proposed migrant farm worker child care center,give me a break! Who gets to build this boondoggle,you and I, John and Mary lunch pail the taxpaying working stiff.A$1,000,000 interest free (the cheese is always free in a mouse trap)loan from you guessed it,the taxpayers.After construction we also pay for every nickel that goes into and out of that facility with tax money from you and me.You will also pay for the buses bringing the children to Peconic from throughout the County. Yes you and I pick up the tab for this boondoggle and we never get to use it,here's why.The taxpayer that fattens the wallets of our politicians will never see their children use this day care center because it will be reserved for the children of Suffolk County migrant farm workers with an income ranging from$4,00049,000. Social,cultural,ethnic&economic segregation that reminds me of earlier threes in the South.Will these children be permitted to look through the fence at my children,will my children be permitted to look back?What kind of society is our government looking for? A public day care center must be open to all families, best for the children,best for society.I want to hear the giggles and laughter of all the beautiful cultures of our society growing and learning together,not through a fence. Now the project moves to the Southold Town Planning Board awaiting final approval on June 10,2002 at 6:00 P.M.at Town Hall.. The file indicates that Frank Murphy will hand deliver the official notice of the date of the final approval hearing to Dr. Damianos,owner of Pindar Vineyards.One does not have to look far to see who will gain and who will pay. So we do the political spin and Madison Avenue produces"Grace's Place,"not"Agri-Business Child Development Center"the official name of another cradle to grave government rat hole. My beautiful hamlet of Peconic,how will you look for generations to come,how can I protect you for our children and grandchildren to enjoy as I have? Regards, lyka/ ____ --- ---> John Skabry JOHN SKABRY 390 Henry's Lane • Peconic, NY 11958 631-734-6786 skabrysr@aol.com May 27,2002 Mr.Gregory Yakaboski,Southold Town Attorney Southold Town Hall P.O.Box 1179,53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Dear Mr.Yakaboski: I would like you to investigate several discrepancies regarding the application for a Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals, Special Use Permit granted to"Grace's Place"located on Route 48 in Peconic,on June 10,2001.You may also find this application filed under"Agri-Business Child Development Center," "Aliano"or"New York State Federation of Processors and Growers." The required sign posted on the property indicated that a"Nursery School"was proposed,in fact they are building a"day care center."This sign was hidden by weeds and no sign was posted facing the LIRR tracks and right of way road"a private street"as required. Only five certified letters where mailed regarding the Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on June 10,2001.Nine certified letters where mailed to property owners regarding the Planning Board Final Hearing on May 13,2002. Appeals Board letters watt to,J.P.Krupski,BJ Realty,Damumos,Rempel&Alison Planning Board letters wan to,J.P.Krupski,BJ Realty,Damianos,Rempel,Aliano,Flo Wicks,R&S Faber,K&P Homan& Tartan Oil. No letters where sent to the LIRR. Pg.2,#17,Solid waste?a.&b,unanswered Pg.2,#20,Ambient noise levels,76 children in a playground will make quite a noise. Pg.3,414,Scenic views,applicant claimed no scenic views important to the Town,Southold Town Board just purchased development rights to the remainder of this subdivision,to protect these scenic views. Pg.5,#6,This project is not consistent with local land use. Pg.5,#11,Fire protection,location is on the outer edge of Southold Fire Dept.coverage,with 76 children and babies proposed. In addition,the recent Town Board purchase of the development rights to the remainder of this subdivision will change the site plan for both the Zoning Board of Appeals application and the Planning Board Application. The large public input at the Planning Board hearings indicates that no one was aware that this project was before the Zoning Board of Appeals last June and it is apparent that the law regarding notification was not followed then. I would like this Zoning Board of Appeals decision to be retracted,proper notification posted and mailed and Zoning Board of Appeals hearings on this proposed project reopened for the public to be heard. Time is of the essence as the Planning Board Final Hearing is scheduled for June 10,2002.Please let me know your decision. Thank you and if I can be of any assistance please contact me. Sincerely, John Skabry The News Review Online - The wn Newspaper of Riverhead To Long Island r... Page 1 of 2 P StDdes INTHENEws $1 million for farm day care By Tim Kelly RIVERHEAD - The younger children of low-income farmworkers who may spend much of their days watching television at a family friend's home will instead get a leg up on learning and receive basic health care at a new$1 million day care center recently approved by the state. The New York State Housing Finance Agency is providing a no- interest loan to Agri-Business Child Development, a Schenectady- based not-for-profit group,to construct an eight-classroom day care center, to be called Grace's Place, on Doctor's Path near Northville Turnpike. The facility,which also will provide morning and afternoon transportation, could be open in about a year. The center would serve about 76 children of farmworkers with family earnings of$4,000 to $9,000 a year. The child care would be provided without cost to income-eligible families. In this case, an agricultural employee is broadly defined to include those employed in the commercial fishing industry. "Available day care is critical to all working families," said Governor George Pataki in a press release. "This day care facility will be the first in the area to serve the special needs of children of migrant, seasonal an local farmworkers." Agri-Business Child Development is in contract to buy the Riverhead site, which would be its first such facility on Long Island, and hopes to break ground in the spring. The group has met informally with town officials but has yet to file its permit requests. Company officials also have been in contact with the Rev. Charles Coverdale,pastor of First Baptist Church,which plans to open its own 24-hour day care center in Riverhead. But since their target populations don't overlap, it's unlikely the two groups will cooperate in building a single center, said Maggie Evans,Agri- Business's executive director. She said the center would follow the same operating guidelines employed at the other day care facilities Agri-Business operates in New York state: "What our centers facilitate are healthy and safe environments for the children. To be able to serve a greater number of children is great news, it really is." http://www.timesreview.com/nrl2-23-99/stories/newsl.htm 5/15/02 The News Review Online - The I ometown Newspaper of Riverhead Town,Long Island I,_ Page 2 of 2 The center would employ about 40 people to care for children from 6 weeks to 6 years old. In business assisting farmworkers and their families for over 50 years, Agri-Business operates eight year-round and two seasonal centers in other New York state farm communities. The centers are licensed by the state Department of Social Services and operate with a mix of state and federal funding and private donations. Because of their income limits, most farmworkers are unable to provide quality day care for the children,Ms. Evans said. Many send their offspring to the homes of friends or relatives, where the lack of intellectual stimulation or assistance in crossing language barriers may put the children at an immediate disadvantage. There's no doubt a facility such as Grace's Place is needed on the East End, said Sister Margaret Smythe, director of Vida Christiana of Riverhead, which provides social services and religious guidance to the area's Spanish-speaking farm laborers. "I go into homes and see someone taking care of seven or eight children who may not even know the names of all the children," said Sr. Margaret. "Sometimes they don't even know how the 911 system works and that scares me. I'd love to see children is a secure, safe environment that's stimulating and will provide them with after-school help." All Agri-Business facilities follow federal Head Start program performance standards, said Ms. Evans. In additional to educational activities, the students will have supervised play time. They also will receive physical exams, dental checkups and age- appropriate immunizations. Grace's Place would also provide free transportation to and from the facility, said Ms. Evans. The transportation factor may define the center's service area since social services department standards limits bus trips to no more than one hour in duration. Q� back to M top stories Copyright 1999, Times/Review NewspUffs.All Rights Reserved. hnp://www.timesreview.com/nrl2-23-99/stories/newsl.htm 5/15/02 GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES FACILITIES FOR CHILDREN OF FARVORKERS Pagel of 2 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 17,1999 Governor Announces Facilities For Children Of Farm Workers State Provides Financing For Day Care Services in Riverhead Governor George E. Pataki today announced the approval of a $1 million no-interest loan for the construction of Grace's Place, an eight- classroom day care facility in Riverhead that will be owned and operated by Agri-Business Child Development, a non-profit child development organization. The center will be financed by the New York State Housing Finance Agency's(IlT'A) under it's Agency's Youth Facilities Program. "Available day care is critical to all working families," Governor Pataki said. "This day care facility will be the first in the area to serve the special needs of children of migrant, seasonal and local farm workers." County Executive Robert Gaffney said, ""I'd like to thank Governor Pataki for providing the funding necessary to create this new day care facility. The Governor realizes that the need for such facilities is growing, and we welcome Grace's Place to Suffolk County." Senator Kenneth P. LaValle said, "Agriculture on Long Island is critical to our local economy and specifically the east end. Having a day care facility available for farm laborers will ensure that children are in a safe environment and that out region maintains the workforce needed to sustain this vital industry." Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora, said, "The need for a quality day care center for farm workers has long been a priority for our area. Governor Pataki has been particularly sensitive to the farming community and to the everyday needs of the families and their children who depend on our support for a healthy and prosperous future. I commend the Governor for his foresight and committment to providing much-needed day care for this very special group of children.' HFA's loan will be used for the site acquisition and new construction of the 7,000-square-foot facility licensed to serve up to 76 children. The center will serve a target population with an estimated family income ranging from $4,00049,000. "Grace's Place will provide desperately needed day care for up to 76 children," ETA President and CEO Stephen J. Hunt said. "It is just one example of how public-private partnerships are improving the quality of life for all New Yorkers. I'm proud to have assisted this project and I commend Governor Pataki for his support." HFA Chairman Jerome M. Becker said, "Governor Patakiand the New York State Housing Finance Agency are committed to providing financing to meet the ever changing needs of the State. The project will help provide safe healthy facilities for New York's children." HFA was created as a public benefit corporation in 1960, under Article III of the Private Housing Finance Law,to finance low income housing by raising funds through the issuance of municipal securities and the making of mortgage loans to eligible borrowers. In its 39 year history,the Agency's http://www.state.ny.us/govemor/press/year99/decl7_99.htm 5/14/02 GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES FACILITIES FOR CHILDREN OF FARMI WORKERS Page 2 of 2 mandate was legislatively expanded to allow for the financing of other projects which met a variety of State needs including educational and health care facilities. Grace's Place will be located near the business center of Riverhead, centrally situated among the agricultural areas of Suffolk County. Return to the Press Releases Return to the Office of the Governor http://www.state.ny.us/govemor/press/year99/decl7_99.htm 5/14/02 The News Review Online - The ometown Newspaper of Riverhead TIS Long Island I,... Page 1 of 2 back ,es WTHENEWS Doctor's Path day care unlikely By Tim Kelly RIVERHEAD -Doctor's Path apparently won't be the"Grace's Place" daycare center's new address. After the proposed state-subsidized facility for the children of lower income farmworkers came under attack for the second time at a public hearing last week, several Town Board members said it appears unlikely that they'll approve the necessary special permit for that location. But they wouldn't rule out saying yes to an alternate location. "I would like to see the project go forward," said Councilman Jim Lull. "There'll continue to be discussions toward looking at other locations." With a$1 million no-interest loan provided by the state,the Agri- Business Child Development organization of Schenectady entered into a contract to acquire a 7.6-acre wooded parcel near Northville Turnpike. The not-for-profit group filed for permission to construct an eight-classroom building where farmworkers' children would receive educational attention and basic health care similar to that provided by local Head Start programs. The group and its supporters say such a center would provide a much-needed boost to the largely Hispanic farmworker community where day care is often nothing more than sitting in front of a neighbor's television. But during Town Board hearings on June 20 and July 5 area residents turned out in force to protest what they see as an attempt to "dump" a social services center on them. No local benefits? They argued that by serving a population that covers most of Suffolk, "Grace's Place" will provide few, if any, benefits for Riverheaders, while placing a potentially troublesome commercial enterprise in a residential area These are compelling arguments, said Councilman Phil Cardinale. "The issue isn't whether we should be helping migrants, and the issue isn't whether this is a good program," he said. "It's whether this location is appropriate." http://www.timesreview.com/nr07-13-00/stories/news2.htm 5/14/02 The News Review Online- Theimetown Newspaper of Riverhead Town'. Long Island I,_ Page 2 of 2 Mr. Cardinale can't recall a similar dispute that pits one minority group, in this case Hispanic farmworkers, against another, the African-American residents of Doctor's Path. "It seems likely that if they don't get it here,this may very well fly in another location," he said. Supervisor Bob Kozakiewicz said he can't comment on how he might vote,but added: "I do have some concerns about its location in a residential community." During the hearings Councilman Ed Densieski expressed concern over the project while Councilman Chris Kent spoke favorably about it. The town's code doesn't permit such child care facilities as a matter of right in any zoning category. Should the Agri-Business group find another location it would need to apply anew, and that would require all new hearings. Agri-Business executive director Maggie Evans said the group remains convinced that the Doctor's Path site is "ideal and if we have to, we'll start the process over. "We'll deal with whatever they come up with,yea or nay," she said. "We're still very interested in serving in the Riverhead area and we hope that comes to fruition at some point" e,h back to W tap stoeles Copyright 1999,Times/Review Newspapers.All Rights Reserved. http://www.timesreview.com/nr07-13-00/stories/news2.htm 5/14/02 51 r r^ 31605 Route 48 T Peconic,NY 11958 Th7T y May 27, 2002 Southold Planning Board Dear Chairman Orlowski, and Members of the Board, 1 am writing this letter to inform you that I am against the development projected for SCTM#1000 74-4-4.7&4.8,CR 48, in Peconic. The Agri-Business Child Development proposal LM Southold Township has Head Start programs in place that are already underutilized: State funds are available for these schools and yet the schools are not full. The proposed site is designed to house up to 75 children, which are not even presently in Southold. The Agri-Business development is going to require 30 staff members,that it will not be able to find. The Head Start and nursery programs already in place, cannot get adequate staffine. The site will be no more than a duplication of services that are offered already by our town. Where is the benefit to the community? Our community has been in need of day care services for quite some time. Ask any mom or dad that had to scramble to find a new sitter or a new placement for their young child in the past year. Yet, the center is being proposed to serve the targeted population of"children between birth and age five,who are the children of migrant laborers." The burden of statistical proof as to where the children will be coming from should be placed upon the NYS Processors and Growers Association. They may find more than 75 children in need of day care, but not one will be able to attend their facility. Is this site serving our community needs?Or will it be taking in children from Farmingville, while we continue to pass our children from sitter to sitter? Where is the benefit to the community? Our community has accepted a lot of responsibility in caring for children by accepting Cochran and Tasker Parks. We have children and families from all over enjoying these beautiful areas. The reality is that common sense went into the design and designation of these areas. The entrances to both are not on busy roads. The proposed site is to be placed next to a gas station on parcels that are between Route 48 and the Long Island Railroad. Between dodging cars entering and exiting the gas station and the cars speeding down a four lane roadway,the Agri-Business developers would like to add busses with small children on them. Where is the logic? Where is the benefit to the community? When asking the members of our community why they chose Peconic for their homestead, a common answer is its scenic beauty. The property in question-for the site had eight lots. The town has purchased the development rights to six of the Iots.This changes the site plan for the proposal.Wouldn't it have made more sense to maintain eight lots as they wcm? When: is the benefit to the community? ote that there is concern that the local laws, of both When reviewing this case, please n the Board of Appeals and the Planning+Board, regarding public hearings and-c¢rtified notification, may not have been property Sincere ,4 ly, C DGary Rempel SoutholdTown Planning Board PLANNING BOARD MEMB1 oFF01,v<0 • BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR, .ram e/y P.O. Box 1179 Chairman O Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS CA Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS • Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR, y O`. Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 14, 2002 Mr. Frank Murphy c/o Century 21 P.O. Box 2 1146 Route 25 Jamesport, NY 11947 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Grace's Place Located on CR 48, Peconic SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: A-C Dear Mr. Murphy: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, May 13, 2002: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hold open the final public hearing regarding the proposed site plan for Grace's Place Day Care Center, which was opened on May 13, 2002. The next regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting will be held on June 10, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, J Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the A-C (Agricultural Conservation) Zoning District; 4. That the application is to construct a�000 sq. ft. nursery school facility on a 4.6 acre parcel. The property is located on CR 48 in Peconic; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, May 13, 2002 at 6:15 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner's Name(s): Agri-Business Child Develop ment/Grace's Place Day Care Center Date: 4/9/02 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as�` by placing the Town's official poster notices(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remajped in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on �ff I have sent notices, by certified mail, the receipts of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the above mentioned property on .4K /. aege-a Your naiwitre.. r t S ry Address = /3 -02 Date No Public JANETY.STEWART NOTARY PU6I.IC,Sutcof NewYoc' No.$2-W334E5 WOftd M Wk Ncou�20 0 Carosiion EVM PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS ON THE DAY OF, OR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING Re: Grace's Place Day Care Center SCTM#: 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Date of Hearing: Mon. , May 13, 2002, 6: 15 p.m. w 2062 Southold Town Planning Board SLO'ON'035 335Nn Nmary O 3Nn � z L 3 ��-_ BGY SZrt3 Z !es ♦ ° � �o� � goo g48 ° N. 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Signature p Agent a ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete p Addressee Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. x omplete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A ■ Print your name and address on the reverse B. R ived b Nam to of livery .item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. so that we can return the card to you. y P ted 6Print your name and address on the reverse m err on thiscard space to the backper ofsthe mailpiece, can return the Card to you. gfront kso that we D. Is delivery address dAlerent from ttern 17 p No frillLAttach this card to the ack of the frillt Article Addressed to: If YES,�n1er delivery address below: or on the front if spac rmits. Article Addressed to: O „Q n y 3. Service Type [3 R 13 ertfied Mail ❑ ExPreye Registered E Express Receipt for Merchandise ❑ ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. '�� /1„ (� JJ73✓ I 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fea) ❑Yes 7001 1940 0004 4612 0090 4 2. Article Number (irensfer from Service 1") 102595-01-M-2509 j. Domestic Return Receipt Article Number 7D01 1940 0004 PS Form 3811.August 2001 (lrens/er/rom service le! -_.-._..,e..a.raomass Derdw: 09 No S Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Return i 3. Service Type tetl Mail ❑ Express Mail 0 Re egisgistered GTReturn Receipt for Merchandise 3. 5 ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 7 I 4. ReafnMM rx..i:..__... Yes I 2. Article Number 7001 1940 0004 4612 0144 4. I (rrensler from service label) icle Number 7[]01 1940 pp 04 4.. PS Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 hTmnsfer from service lae 1 D. Is delf9elY __.__... Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Return Re If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No 1. Article Addressed t`o��(�/ ��� 12V 7 - ZXP S. IY 3. Sepace,Type C a.'-'s J (((/// � J J� O Certified Mail ❑E ss Mail �w^'r-'^� ❑Registered eturn Reiceipt for Merchandise [ ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. F 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extre Fee) ❑Yes 7001 1940 C Article Number 2. Article NuI-w '?U01 1940 0004 4612 0151 (rmnsfer from service label) (Fmnsfer f 102595-01-M-2509 August 2001 Domeatic Return Re Domestic Return Receipt S Form 3811, g PS Form 3811,August 2Do1 sedIs U Yes T- toi .—_ __-_. -- -__ - _. L YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No P 3 Service Type �/ JJ/� Cl'�rt'rfied Mail ❑ Express Mail rV-� ❑Registered GY41urn Receipt for MwdmrKma I ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑yea 2. Aftle Number �I Misty rfromservicelabel) 70 1 1940 0004 4612 0113 Ps Form 3811,August 20dti Domestic Return Receipt 10208"14421a9' PIA G BOARD MEMBER# BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. F01,t P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Gy Southold, New York 11971-0959 o Telephone (631) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS y Z GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Verity, Principal Building Inspector From: Victor L'Eplattenier, Senior Planneq�� Re: Graces Place Day Care SCTM: 1000-74-4.7,4.8 Zone: AC Date: May 9„2002 Please review the attached for Certification. Due to an administrative oversight, the Site Plan was not sent to your office sooner. Attached is a copy of the Special Exception approved by the Board of Appeals on July 19, 2001 to allow a Nursery School in the AC zone. Please advise this office as expeditiously as possible if this meets the criteria for Certification. Thank you for you assistance in this matter. rA AITF-ALS BOARD NILn1B1 R) ' �O%VF0k1( Southold Town Hall A Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman =�� Ira:y 53095 Main Road James Dinizio, Jr. p P.O. Box 1179 j Lydia A. Tortora Southold, New York 11971-0959 Lora S. Collins � • �`� ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 George Horning '11Q� ��� Telephone (631)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2001 w� ' S Appl. No. 4969 Applicant: NYS Federation of Processors & Growers, Inc. (N. Aliano, Owner) 1/u Street Address: 31800 and 31040 C.R. 48 (a/k/a Middle Road or North Road), Peconic Zone District: A-C Agricultural-Conservation Parcel: 1000-74-4-4.7 and 4.8 Date of Public Hearing: July 12, 2001 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Applicant-N.Y.S. Federation of Processors and Growers, Inc. is the prospective purchaser of land proposing to build a Nursery School Facility. The property contains 4.5 acres with access off the southerly side of County Road 48 in Peconic, property referred to as Lots 7 and 8, combined as one lot, on the Minor Subdivision Map of N. Aliano. APPLICANT'S REQUEST/BASIS OF APPLICATION: The Applicant is requesting a Special Exception under Article III, Section 100-31, subsection B(4) of the Southold Town Zoning Code for a nursery school facility. The number of students at the Nursery School is proposed for a maximum of 76 students. Details of the layout of the site are more particularly shown on Site and Construction Plans prepared by Ricardo E. Campos dated 6-15-01, for "Grace's Place Day Care Center." All parking and screening will be determined by the Southold Town Planning Board as provided under the Zoning Code site plan regulations. STANDARDS/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: After review of the requirements set forth pursuant to Chapter 100 governing a Nursery School Use by Special Exception review, and on the basis of testimony presented and personal inspection, the Board finds: 1. Nursery schools are permitted in this A-C Agricultural-Conservation Zone District under Section 100-31B(4) of the Town Zoning Code, subject to special exception authorization of the Zoning Board of Appeals. In this review the Board determines that the proposed Nursery School Use is in harmony with the zoning ordinance and will not adversely affect the neighborhood if such requirements are met. 2. The proposed Nursery School complies with the lot size provisions of the Zoning Code. This building and facility will be located on 4.5 acres of land. In addition, the Board has reviewed the General Standards governing Special Exception uses Page 2 — Appl. No. SE-49* Grace's Place Nursery School Decision Rendered 7/19/01 set forth in Section 100-263 and finds that: A) This Nursery School will not prevent the orderly and reasonable in this Residential Zone District and adjacent districts. The adjacent property to the east are business (retail sales), and to the south and west are agricultural areas. B) This use will not prevent orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. C) The safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, and the order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. D) The use will be in harmony with and will promote the general purposes and intent of the code. E) The use is compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regarding to visibility, scale and overall appearance. F) The structures, equipment and material will be accessible for emergency protection. In making this determination, the Board has also reviewed other matters under Section 100-264, and finds that no adverse conditions will result from this authorization: A. There will be no adverse change in the character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of such district for the location of such permitted uses. B. Property values will be conserved. A Nursery School use is encouraged and allowed by Special Exception approval from the Board of Appeals. C. The location of the proposed Nursery School will not cause traffic congestion on public streets, highways and sidewalks. D. There is availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise) as a result of this use. E. The use or the materials incidental thereto will not give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot. `Page 3 - Appl. No. 5E-49690 •' Grace's Place Nursery Schon, Decision Rendered 7/19/O1 F. The use will not cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust, light, vibration or noise. G. The operation of a nursery school facility will not cause undue interference with the orderly enjoyment by the public of parking or of recreational facilities, existing or proposed by the town or by other competent governmental agencies. H. The necessity for bituminous-surfaced space for purposes of off-street parking of vehicles incidental to the use and whether such space is reasonably adequate and appropriate and can be furnished by the owner of the plot sought to be used within or adjacent to the plot wherein the use shall be located, and by approval of the Southold Town Planning Board under the site plan regulations. I. There is no evidence to show that there will be any hazard to life, limb or property because of fire, flood, erosion or panic by reason of or as a result of the use or by the building to be used, or by the accessibility of the property or structures thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus. There will not be undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot in the normal activities of a nursery school. J. The use and the building location will not cause an overcrowding of land or undue concentration of population. K. The plot area is sufficient, appropriate and adequate for this nursery school/day pre center use. L. The use to be operated is not unreasonably near to a church, school, theater, recreational area or other place of public assembly. M. The site is particularly suitable for a nursery school considering its size and character of the neighborhood. N. No evidence has been presented to show that there would be any detrimental impact to adjacent properties and land uses. O. Adequate provision has been made for the collection and disposal of storm-water runoff, sewage, refuse, solid, and liquid waste. There will be no gaseous waste generated from this project. P. The natural characteristics of the site are such that the proposed use may be introduced without undue disturbance or disruption of important natural features, systems or processes and without risk of pollution to groundwater and surface waters on and off the site. f Page 4 — Appl. No. 5E-49 Grace's Place Nursery School Decision Rendered 7/19/O1 RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Tortora, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the application, as applied for. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer (Chairman), Dinizio, Tortora, Collins. (Absent was Member Horning, of Fishers Island). This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). rard P. Goehringer Chairman 1111JED By L SOU' 1i +L ) ''C3['a'Ia DAT • C-L d3K ���°� �7U ld: 3d Town Clerk Toxn .. �—_' of aoutliold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT I.GAFF,,rEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CLARE B.BRADLEY,M.D.,MPH OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMMISSIONER (631) 852-2100 PERMIT Health Services Reference # e. ( C— D ( — G( / Project Name� � e f, -f3� r, n<5f C�, is ✓e /" tot The attached plan, when duly signed by a representative of the department, constitutes a permit to construct a water supply and/or a sewage disposal or collection system for the property as depicted The applicant should take note of any conditions of approval,which may be indicated on the plan or enclosed herein. Construction must conform with applicable standards including"Standards for Approval of Plans and Construction for Sewage Disposal Systems for Other than Single Family Residences." Omissions or lack of detail on the plan do not release the applicant from the responsibility of having the construction done in conformance with applicable standards. The permit(plan)expires three(3)years after the approval date. Any modification which may affect the proposed sewage disposal or water supply systems requires submission of a revised plan and additional fees(if applicable)for reapproval prior to construction No inspections will be performed by the department on expired permits. Permits may be renewed, extended, transferred, or revised in accordance with the procedures described in Instructions to Renew, Extend, or Transfer an Existing Permit for Other than Single Family Residences (Form WWM-018). It is the applicant's responsibility to call the department in advance to arrange inspections of the sewage disposal and/or water supply facilities prior to backfilling. These include inspections of the sewage collection and disposal systems, water supply system components and piping, and final grading as shown on the approved plans. in certain cases,inspections of the soil excavation may be required to determine the acceptability of the soils for sewage disposal systems. The department must be notified at least 48 hours in advance to schedule an inspection by calling 852-2097; and excavation inspections must aLw be confirmed by calling 852-2100 prior to 9:304m, the morning of the inspection. Final approval issued by the Department is necessary prior to the occupancy of new buildings, additions to existing buildings,or for the use of sewage disposal or water supply systems. E/L 30Hd 9499b9E9t5'ar 'WOUH bL ' rl LO-LS-adv HDRef.No.Cro - Or - ol/ Project Name Aar: 3r�', .,�1J �� �� 77 ✓z/oP^ cnr CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTED PROJECT As a condition of this permit to construct, the following items must be completed as a minimum, prior to building occupancy and use of the sewage disposal system or water supply facilities. For further information concerning this,refer to Instructions For Obtaining Final Health Department Approval Of Constructed Projects For OtherThan Single Family Residences(Form WW'M-19). ❑ Excavation inspection by the Office of Wastewater Management prior to installation of any leaching,pools to determine acceptability of soils. (Call 852-2097 to schedule an inspection and confirm. by calling 852-2100 priorto 9:30am, the morning of the inspection.) [Satisfactory inspection by Office of Wastewater Management of the sewage disposal system (Call 852-2097 to schedule an inspection.) Satisfactory inspection of the water supply system by: Office of Wastewater Management(Call 852-1.097 to schedule an inspection.) ❑ Office of Water Resources, Water Quality Unit(Call 853-2250 for inspection.) ❑ Satisfactory inspection by the Office of Pollution Control(Call 854-2502 for inspection.) ❑ Sewage treatment plant ❑ Storage tanks ❑ Other. Application for a Food Permit to the Food Control Unit(Call 852-2067 for instructions.) 1Z Four(4) prints of an As-Built plan ❑ "Tap letter" from water district iZ Certification from the licensed sewage disposal system installer ❑ "S-9 form" from Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) r❑ Sewer district approval of sewer line installation(for other than SCDPW districts) LJ Well drillers certificate L✓{ Water analysis ❑ Certification of Carbon Monoxide Alarm Installation(form WWM-075 MD) ❑ Design Professionals Certification of Constructed Works (form W WM-073,enclosed)for. ❑ Sewer lines and sewage collection system ❑ Retaining walls (approved as part of the sewage disposal system) ❑ Sewage pump station/valve chamber ❑ Sub-surface sewage disposal system ❑ Sewage treatment plant ❑ Water supply system ❑ Abandonment of Preexisting sewage disposal system and/or water supply ❑ Other: ❑ Other: n�,n„ of7 E/E 3F]Hd� " SL9B49E 9I5*DI '140213 GZ SZ: It Z0-41-218tl r COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J.GAFFNEY SUFFoLK COUNTY EXECL7rvE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CLARE B.BRADLEY,M.D..MPH OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMMISSIONER (631) 852-2100 PERMIT Health Services Reference it ` ( C— D ( —/ G( / Project Name � vli rtsf ( G.. �d Zle✓e mcnt The attached plan, when duly signed by a representative of the department, constitutes a permit to construct a water supply and/or a sewage disposal or collection system for the property as depicted The applicant should take note of any conditions of approval,which may be indicated on the plan or enclosed herein. Construction must conform with applicable standards including"Standards for Approval of Plans and Construction for Sewage Disposal Systems for Other than Single Family Residences." Omissions or lack of detail on the plan do not release the applicant from the responsibility of having the construction done in conformance with applicable standards. The permit(plan)expires three(3)years after the approval date. Any modification which may affect the proposed sewage disposal or water supply systems requires submission of a revised plan and additional fees(if applicable)for reapproval prior to construction. No inspections will be performed by the department on expired permits. Permits may be renewed extended, transferred, or revised in accordance with the procedures described in Instructions to Renew, Extend, or Transfer an Existing Permit for Other than Single Family Residences (Form V;"-018). It is the applicant's responsibility to call the department in advance to arrange inspections of the sewage disposal and/or water supply facilities prior to backfrlling. These include inspections of the sewage collection and disposal systems, water supply system components and piping, and final grading as shown on the approved plans. In certain cases,inspections of the soil excavation may be required to determine the acceptability of the soils for sewage disposal systems. The department must be notified at least 48 hours in advance to schedule an inspection by calling 852-2097; and excavation inspections must g(tQ be confirmed by calling 852-2100 prior to 9:30am, the morning of the inspection. Final approval issued by the Department is necessary prior to the occupancy of new buildings, additions to existing buildings,or for the use of sewage disposal or water supply systems. E/L 3!]tld SL 98 b9G 915 'CI1 ' WONE bL' 11 LO-41-Ndv HD Ref. No.if to- 0 r - O l l Project Name A j r; 3 r J" .,u1 c j 11e ✓z/e 10 ,c n-r CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTED PROJECT As a condition of this permit to construct, the following items must be completed as a minimum, prior to building occupancy and use of the sewage disposal system or water supply facilities. For further information concerning this,refer to Instructions For Obtaining Final Health Department Approval Of Constructed Projects For Other Than Single Family Residences(Fomm W WM-19). ❑ Excavation inspection by the Office of Wastewater Management prior to installation of any leaching ools to determine acceptability of soils. (Call 852-2097 to schedule an inspection and conprm by calling 852.2100 prior to 9:30am, the morning of the inspection.) /(Satisfactorryy inspection by Office of Wastewater Management of the sewage disposal system (Call 852-2097 to schedule an inspection.) Satisfactory inspection of the water supply system by: O'Office of Wastewater Management(Call 852-2097 to schedule an inspection.) ❑ Office of Water Resources, Water Quality Unit( Call 853-2250 for inspection.) ❑ Satisfactory inspection by the Office of Pollution Control (Call 854-2502 for inspection.) ❑ Sewage treatment plant ❑ Storage tanks ❑ Other. Application for a Food Permit to the Food Control Unit(Call 852-2067 for instructions.) Four(4) prints of an As-Built plan r❑y"Tap letter" from water district eLl Certification from the Iicensed sewage disposal system installer ❑ "S-9 form" from Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) ❑ Sewer district approval of sewer line installation(for other than SCDPW districts) Well drillers certificate NJ Water analysis ❑ Certification of Carbon Monoxide Alarm Installation(form WWM-075 MD) ❑ Design Professionals Certification of Constructed Works (form W WM-073, enclosed)for ❑ Sewer lines and sewage collection system ❑ Retaining walls (approved as part of the sewage disposal system) ❑ Sewage pump station/valve chamber ❑ Sub-surface sewage disposal system ❑ Sewage treatment plant ❑ Water supply system ❑ Abandonment of Preexisting sewage disposal system and/or water supply ❑ Other: ❑ Other: £/£ 3DYd� SG9sbs£s is :ai 'WCN-4 Grit zo-LI-adH vJ2v NELSON, POPE &. VOORHIS, LLC ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING • CONSULTINO CHARLESJ VOORHIS CEPAICP•ARTHUR J KOERBE R.P •VINCENT G UONNEL.I.V PE VICTOR BERL •JOSEPH R EPIFANIA PE•ROBERTG NELSON JR PFNPEII . PAUL M.RACZ,P.L.S. April 17, 2002 Victor L'Eplattenier Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Town of Southold, SEQRA Review Grace's Day Care,Peconic NP&V#02084 Dear Victor: Thank you for contacting NP&V for services in connection with SEQR review and the implementation of the above referenced project. The following services and fees are proposed: 1. Inspect property and area to determine environmental resources and characteristics. 2. Review Part I Environmental Assessment Form(if available). 3. Prepared Part II Environmental Assessment Form. 4. Prepare detailed environmental planning review of the subject application. Fee: $750.00 5. Review supplemental information submitted by the applicant in support of the application. 6. Prepared recommended determination of significance(if requested by Board). Fee: Time Rates Thank you for the opportunity to assist on this project. Please feel free to call should you have any questions. i:eSp:,Ctf::tt" u:.,buiittCd, Xyr ZrIes s ,P & O S,LLC � �I _ , J. this, CEP, AICP ON 18 2002 Southold Town PJf: n .Jg Board 672 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, NY 11747-21BB (631) 427-5665• FAX (631) 427-6620 1 www.neleonpope.ccm APR-17-2002 09:51 # 516 425 1257 P.01i02 p NELSON, POPE 6 VOORHIS, LLC II ENVIRCNry ENTAL • PLANNING • CONSULTING 572 WALT WF-0TN(AN ROAD, MELVILL6.NY 11747- 21BB (6313 427-0665 FAX M31) 427-5620 np�anelsonpope.00m FAX COVER SHEET To: Victor L'Eplattenier Phone: 765-18" Fax: 765-1823 From: Shana Lacey Date: April 17,2002 Re: Graces Day Care, Peconic No. of Pages: 2 (including Cover) Comments: Please feel free to call should you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Shana RP 0271R 02 09:51 516 425 1257 P.02i02 t r NELSON, POPE M VOOAHI139 LLC C N V I RO N MEN TA 1. - P LAN K IN G C ON 0 1I L T IN U IIT CHARLES J.VOORHIS,CEP.AICP•ARTNUN J.KOERBER.P.E.•VINCENT O.VONNELLY,PE VICTOR SEAT,P.E.•JOSEPN R.EPIFANIA,PE.•ROSERT C.NE00N.Jr..RE. PAUL M.RACZ,P.L.S. April 17, 2002 Victor L'Eplattenier Town of Southold Town Hall.53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold.NY 11971 Re: Town of Southold,SEQRA Review Grace's Day Care,Peconic NP&V#02084 Dear Victor: Thank you for contacting NP&V for services in connection with SEQR review and the implementation of the above referenced project. The following services and.fees are proposed: 1. Inspect property and area to determine environmental resources and characteristics. 2. Review Part I Environmental Assessment Form(if available). 3. Prepared Part lI Environmental Assessment Form 4. Prepare detailed environmental planning review of the subject application. Fee: $750.00 5. Review supplemental information submitted by the applicant in support of the application. 6. Prepared recommended determination of significance(if requested by Board). Fee: Time Rates Thank you for the opportunity to assist on this project. Please feel free to call should you have any questions. RespectfuU submitted, Z. les rrhis. ,LLC AICP 572 wALT. WKITMAN ROGO', MELVILLE, NY 11747.21 EIS C831 m 427.69136• FAX E8311 427-5920• www.npf90npppp.epm TOTAL P.02 PLANNING BOARD MEMBEO OSVFfO��C BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 o Southold, New York 11971-0959 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ua = KENNETH L.EDWARDS ,r T Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 13th day of May, 2002 on the question of the following: 6:00 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed minor subdivision for Raymond J. Akscin. The property is located on the north side of Bayview Road, 600' + east of Midland Parkway in Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-88-2-17 6:05 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The property is located at 71305 Main Road in Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-45-2-7.1 6:10 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for First Baptist Church of Cutchogue. The property is located on CR 48, 750' west of Alvah's Lane in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-101-1-14.5 6:15 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for Place Day Care Gerber.The property is located on CR 48 in Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 6:20 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for Bedell Cellars. The property is located at 36225 Main Road in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-85-2-10.2 & 10.3 and 97-1-25.1 Dated: 4/15/02 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2002 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE, THANK YOU. COPIES SENT TO: The Suffolk Times P.O. Box 1179 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Phone: (631) 765-1938 Planning Board Fax: (631) 765-3136 E-Mail: planning@southold.org ricm To: The Suffolk Times From: Valerie Scopaz/Caroi Fax: Pages: 2 Phone: Date: 4/15/02 Re: Legal Ad for 5/2/02 Edition CC: Urgent For Review Please Comment Please Reply As Requested Please print the following legal ads in the 5/2102 edition. Thanks. 5/13/02 Regular Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Raymond J. Akscin Minor Subdivision 6:05 p.m. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Site Plan 6:10 p.m. First Baptist Church of Cutchogue Site Plan 6:15 p.m. Grace's Place Day Care Center Site Plan 6:20 p.m. Bedell Cellars Site Plan Kindly acknowledge receipt by signing below and faxing cover letter back. Received by: Date: PLANNING BOARD MEMAS ��SUFFO(,�cQ • BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �,� G� P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIc Southold, New York 11971-0959 ENNE M J. EDWAR S Telephone (631) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. ?i O� Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 13th day of May, 2002 on the question of the following: 6:00 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed minor subdivision for Raymond J. Akscin. The property is located on the north side of Bayview Road, 600' + east of Midland Parkway in Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-88-2-17 6:05 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The property is located at 71305 Main Road in Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-45-2-7.1 6:10 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for First Baptist Church of Cutchogue. The property is located on CR 48, 750'west of Alvah's Lane in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-101-1-14.5 6:15 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for Grace's Place Day Care Center. The property is located on CR 48 in Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 6:20 P.M. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for Bedell Cellars. The property is located at 36225 Main Road in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-85-2-10.2 & 10.3 and 97-1-25.1 Dated: 4/15/02 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CAROL KALIN, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 15th day of April, 2002 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 5/13/02 Regular Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Public Hearing for the Minor Subdivision of Raymond J. Akscin SCTM#1000-88-2-17 6:05 p.m. Public Hearing for the Site Plan for St. Peter's Lutheran Church SCTM#1000-45-2-7.1 6:10 p.m. Public Hearing for the Site Plan for First Baptist Church of Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.5 6:15 p.m. Public Hearing for the Site Plan for Grace's Place Day Care Center SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 6:20 p.m. Public Hearing for the Site Plan for Bedell Cellars SCTM#1000-85-2-10.2 & 10.3 and 97-1-25.1 Carol Kalin Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this /3-day of / , 2002. Notary Public HELENE D. HQRNE Notary Public, State of New York No.4951364 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 22, Qe) 0 2 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: LEGAL NOTfcE COU OF SUFFCiLK) Notice of Public Hearing _ /n�,r/�,�.,rJ lC E,Ge', _ot Mattituck, in said NOTICE is HEREBY ch county, being duly swom, says that he/she is Principal PulSuant So.section 276 off the Towwnn LOW and ArttcleXXV of the code of the clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES,a weekly newspaper,pub- be �y the So,u public oaring will lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Countyof belastd by the Southold Town Planing Bowd,at the Town Hall, Main Road, Suffolk and State of New York,and that the Notice of which Soadto y of M y,200 on t Town on the the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly pub- Of the ftfllowing. , lished in said Newspaper once each week in 0i02am � -Y=d for weeks successively, commencing f, .Pe54y islocste4utthe on the day Id, of Stale of New YbdrP— tfty Tax Map Number 190Q+t�4j?C'�u . 6:05 pm Pttbttc,ifca tfte pro-. Principal Clerk posed site pf"alt-Or St`, 9"L'uth6um Church. The property is located at —7�p,Q 71305 Main.Road in Grcenport,Town Sworn to before me this%-=- of Southold,County of Suffolk,State of day of 2Q-Q� New York. Suffolk County Tax Map. Number 1000-45-2-7.1 `" 6:10 p.m. Public Hearing for the "--e^�"'`�°' �' " '"" """�-c t k_ posed site pin for First Baptist h LAURA E. BONDARCHUK Of Cutchogue. The property is 1 Notary Public, State of New York on CR 4$,750•west of Alvah's Lane " No 01 B06067958 Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County Qualified in Suffolk County of Suffolk,State of N _York. Suffolk My Commission Expires Dec.24,20_OF 6 blic Care Censer The CR 48 in Pecome, Town of Softy County of Suffolk,State of New Yoh, SuffolkCountY'Iw:Map Number 1000- 74-4-4-7&4.8 - 6:20.p:m;,PobRe"Hearing-for the pro- posed site plan for Bedell Cellars. The Property is located at 36225 Main Road in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New Ycrk�' Suffolk County Tax Map Number 100W 85-2-10.2,&10.3 and 97-.1-25.1 1 Dated:4115/02 BY ORDER OF THE SOIJTHOL TOWN PLANNING BOAR Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Chairmant 2305-ITM2 PLANNING BOARD MEMB* gUFFOJ t BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. ,�� (/y P.O. Box 1179 Chairman = Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS v- Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. �y Ol� Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 2002 Mr. Frank Murphy c/o Century 21 P.O. Box 2 1146 Route 25 Jamesport, NY 11947 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Grace's Place Located on CR 48, Peconic SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: A-C Dear Mr. Murphy: The following resolutions were adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, April 8, 2002: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, establishes itself as lead agency, and as lead agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, May 13, 2002, at 6:15 p.m. for a public hearing on the maps dated January 15, 2002. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board office, Southold town Hall. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting, proof of certified mailing, and the signed green return receipts from the certified mailings on the day of the public hearing before 4:00 p.m. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board office after the public hearing. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Ve truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman encl. PLANNING BOARD MEMBE BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. h.Z.O l/y P.O. Box 1179 Chairman p Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. .Ji ��. Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significant April 8, 2002 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Proposed site plan for Grace's Place Day Care Center SCTM#: 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Location: County Road 48, Peconic SEQR Status: Type I ( ) Unlisted N Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X) Description of Action: To construct a 7,000 sq. ft. nursery school on a 4.6 acre parcel in Peconic (Rt. 48) in an Agricultural Conservation Zone. Reasons Supporting This Determination: The applicant has received a Special Exception for a nursery school for up to 76 students in an A-C Zone. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed, and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. SEQR Negative Declaration - Page Two There has not been any correspondence received from the Department of Health Services Office in the allotted time. Therefore, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. There has not been any correspondence received from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the allotted time. Therefore, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The applicant will have to comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) and all relevant standards of water supply and sewage disposal systems. Design and flow specification, subsurface soil conditions and site plan details will have to be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). This impact is not considered significant due to the anticipated project compliance with established requirements of the SCSC and the SCDHS and the required relevant permits. For Further Information: Contact Person: Victor L'Eplattenier Address: Planning Board Telephone Number: (631)765-1938 cc: Roger Evans, DEC Stony Brook Suffolk County Dept. of Health Suffolk County Planning Commission Suffolk County Water Authority NYS Dept. of Transportation Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Building Department Applicant Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the A-C (Agricultural Conservation) Zoning District; 4. That the application is to construct a 9,000 sq. ft. nursery school facility on a 4.6 acre parcel. The property is located on CR 48 in Peconic; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, May 13, 2002 at 6:15 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner's Name(s): Agri-Business Child Development/Grace's Place Day Care Center Date: 4/9/02 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notices(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained In place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail, the receipts of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the above mentioned property on Your name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS ON THE DAY OF, OR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING Re: Grace' s Place Day Care Center SCTM#: 1000-74-4-4. 7 & 4.8 Date of Hearing: Mon. , May 13, 2002, 6: 15 p.m. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING § 58-1 Chapter 58 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING § 58-1. providing notice of public hearings. [HISTORY. Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1995 as L.L. No. 25-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing, this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon.The board or commission reviewing an application shall provide for the giving of notice: A. By causing a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. By requiring the applicant to erect the sign provided by the town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application abuts, giving notice of the application, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than ten (10) feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not lees than seven (7) days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant or his/her agent shall Me an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. C. By requiring the applicant to send notice to the owners of record of every property which 'abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street 5801 1-�-� AGRI-BUSINESS CHILD DEVELOPMENT BRACE ' S PLACE DAY CARE CENTER 1000-744497 & 498 Construction of a 9,000 sq. ft. Nursery School 4IVIONDAY — MAY 139 2002 — 6 : 15 P.M. Subnitssiote Without a Cover Letter Subject: SCTifl#. 1000- Date: 41(�1 b l Comments: r7- Enlu-�11 APR 0 9 2002 Southold Town Pi,anning Board �_ aPN-C_i5-Ll ..J_ ant M4a lT HP L-.!2,Ma T'rHEW n{_1 754 774R P. 01 Matthews & Matthews Attorneys At LAW 191 New York Avenue Huntington,New York 11743 roan n ma aw 631 673-1355 V t Y 1611 a?& 8MIA April5,2002 Fax trr 765-3136 Plaa+ir+a Dvatd Victor L'Plattenier Town of Southold Southold,New York Re- ,mane'a Place C.R. 48,Southold near Q+r nr 14MAMm! We arc counsel to the applicant for Site Plan approval and%vich to respond to ennrpma rnim.eA rrenrditte thr rncirnnmvnrni review t heli®vc there may be four(4) issue,.5 each of which I i will address separately: \\ 1. W : As comnnunica by our coma ltant, .Tooaph Bator at O Irks i1nA RarrtMccl. this!a U rn prnrocc aaith N,o.C" it-rnnnty rlanarlmrnt of Health. which has iuriediction. I uclicvc mi. Ddier item iy apake at lcngtlr with Mr. L,'Plattonier and 1 believe any COIICEta9 WECE addC099e 2. Soil: An uuuuuuuicat by uui wuaultaut,Richard Daldwin from Froude"thal & Elkowitz, we are in th process of review with the Suffolk County Department of Health 3caviucs m+d vwe witic pete suhmittlag a soil n,nnnecmcnt plan for their approval. WO will comply with all uireinents on this issue. It should be noted that the soil issue is a common condition d e to farming and that the remcdiation plan will. frilly addreaa.any and all concerns. 3. 1uvhcvlvgicalroultur rwourcw: We prcviou tud a ctago I archival search and arrhnnlnpiral m,nlry a <uhmit 1hi. tf inrludino a co merit letter from the State I x:.,w..- r.•u<.-�-..:..,OfC;.. . .1...-ti ..e:.4•.„y ..., po.wi:«o rl.:e loans Nnrn th+ K'Y wora ro jC 1rVd t0 Co.d"Gt tRis n,rvey fnr CAQIt A pu pmea for New York State Housing Finance Agency which is funding this project. 4. Department of Public Works comxncne I run ii fin local Uiat uir comment oawae wtithout knowledge of the approved curb cut and that with this kno edge no further concerns G F'N.—FJ5--02 c .. :01. 4iM rl.ITHFb;`i&M4;I THFWti PSI 754 7748 P. 02 existed, We believe that any concerns or issues you may have are fithy covered and request that the Board issue a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA which with the condition that the above referenced approvals from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services be obtained. We also request that the Board schedule a public hearing for final site plan approval for its May meeting. We are under the constraints imposed by the NYS Housing Finance Agency regarding our funding. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. if there is anything further,please advise. Ve lyyours, J Matthews I M.Cc 14r9 P'H i i HE fa"PT THEWS 631 e54 7 748 P. B3 M1 dar2a02 13:56 5190440 AGRI Bl15INEGS 06 PAGE 91/29 I t+ %tx9To b New Yark State Office of Parka, Recreation and Hlatorlc' reservation rG( Historic Preservation Flo!d Servi0a6 Bureau �S lely ronc ar.rY Peeblea Ielaro, PO Box Ieg Watarbrtl, New York 1211 19 618-x�7•S94? aar'J17atU CRRIry CMmrsstnna 'I P ' December 27,2001 I Maggie M.Evans AHCD Executive Director ; Agr.-Business Child Development 1516 State Street g Schenectady,New York 12334 1 P ' Dear Ms. Evans Re: Agri-6+71435 Child Development Day Cue Scuhol{i,Suffolk County 01PRA I Thank you for requesting the comments of the State Flist c Preservatior.Office (SIJFO). We have reviewed the project in accordance with Secticl 106 of the National Histork Preservation Act of 1966. Used upon our review,it is the SHPC's opinion that yo pptoiect will have No Effect upon cultural reseorzos in or eligible for inehision in the National, Sister of Historic Pieces. l If further correspondence is requlred regarding this proje' please be sure to refer to the OPRIT Project Review fPR1 number noted above. 'I Sincerely, 7 Ruth L.Pierpont t 1 Director RLP:cmp IIII i ri 4 An Eq:a'l.0ppenunit#AMM*J.0*Aetlen Aaan�y H^i MHT IHE'+:S -MPI IHEWS 'Al 754 �748 P. 04 0� 0a;2002 13,56 518 40 AGRI BUSINESS Cwo PAGE 01/29 III, L STAGE I ARCHIVAL SEARCH and ARCHAEO h ICAL SURVEY for AGRI•BL'SLNE5S CHILD DEVELO1PytENT PECONIC, TOWN OF SOUTHt�irD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YOIKiK , 1 it Prepared by: IIi David J. Bet7asteltt, Ph.D. Mlchael J, Lenardi, M.A. ! Darla E. Nferwin, M.A. ;I it � j The Institute for Long Island Arch'OWOW Department of Anthropolo ,�, State University of New York at 5tolp Brook Stony Brook, New York1179=64 111 I i December 2001 f, o , � I FiFr-l'—[1S—:J1 ._ =. :04 P^1 -1PTI HE.L:S:sMN TI'HEWS 661 754 7748 F. 05 U,'04/402 IM$ 54e0440 AGR: MIM1£SSI POE 03l20 c IIIABSTRACT This report presents the results of a Stage I archival sc and arehaeologioid survey for the Agri-Businsli Child Development project in Peconic, hro of Southold, 6uftlk County, New York, The cultural resource assessment was pe rmed by the Institute for Long Island Archaeology, Static University, of New York at Stony Br k. The purpose of this study ,s tc determine if the proposed construction of a day care Neil' { will adversely impact historic and;e pretistcxic remains. This required archival research an archaeological survey with iubsurface resting. Archival research (in:luding a survey of historic maps site fate searches; suggests :hat the project area witnessed limited discernable human activ other Ulan agricultural use in the pave. This assessment was confirmed by the surface and sd $urface archaeological surveys . of the parcel. A total of 68 shovel test pits was excavated in t !project area, No prehistoric artifacts or feature. were encountered during the surface and st' ace archaeological surveys Avery light scatter of possibly late nineteenth centitt�''pwd recent debris was fdentifted. This tnatenal has no research potential. In addition]no historic period features were encountered. Therefore, no further archaeological inves;IKtions are recommended. J it I � I Ills ' G !i I , j ' j ii it aPF-_F'p H,� _ 21 P,rq Mi-1TTHE L.S I',PIPTTHEWS E31 754 ,'48 P_ 06 04,04/2002 13;55 Sze 040 AGRI BUSINESS PAGE 0¢J2! II!i TABLE OF CONTEKT5 ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , , . , . . . . . . . 11 � I LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLE . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�' I . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , 1 ARCHIVAL RESEARCHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 INTRODUCTION AND METHOD . . . . . . . . . . ,�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S NATURAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY Environmental Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prahlatoric Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.I1 , . . . , , , . . . . . . . 1 Historic Peii.d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .''.! . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.i. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 N.�I. . . SUEg LRF'ACE INSPECTION AiD SURFACE SURVEY . 19 . �' 19 NG Results . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i,.l,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . .I!... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Il. . . . . . . _ . . . , . . , . . . . 22 APPENDIX A: Site File Search xesults . . . . . . . . . . . . tl-i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 APPENDIX B Excavation and Artifact Inventory . , . . , . . . , . . , . , , . . . . 40 i ; IIIIII� NI I � i iii i+Fk-e55-k± - - iu6 NM MN7"rHElCS&MH7THF_WS 631 754 7748 F. 07 041M tU2M '_8.56 818,4 4a AGRI BUSINESS CHO PAGE 05I29 I � I LIST OF FIGL'RErS AND TAB, Figure I. Map of Long Island showing the location of the +rojeet area . , 2 I Figure 2. 1956 USGS topog-sphic map, Southold, New X {r, 7.5 tslnute series (scale 3 1:24,000), showing the Imation of the project a T . • • . Figure A Archaeologica'. investigation of the Agri•Busme'4a'iChild Development property in Pecomc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 4 Figure 4. Looking south across the Agri-Business Child 1 l elopment property, which is currently a fellow field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure S. Anoayrnous 1197 Map of Southold showing the lhocation of&.0 project area in the featureless expanse between Goldsmith Inlet;and Alain Road . . . . 13 Figure 6. 1843 Mather and Smith Geological Map of Long pnd Sroren Islands. Middle Road is delineated by a dashed line, but no buildings are shown within or near the Agri-Business Child Devolopnicat pivperty , • . , , . • • • • . 14 Figure 7 187,3 Beers Aflas of Lang Island depicting seutc red farmhouses along Middle Road, although nc buildings are illustrated with n er itarnedlately adjacent to the project area - . . , . . . . . - - is figure 8. 1896 Hyde Arras of Long Island showing the loc,a�ion of the pro)ect area in PCUIniC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 16 li Figure 9 1909 Hyde Arias of Sufj°o!k Counry. The projec, area is shown as a small portion: of the Joseph ferry farm 17 }figure 10. 1930 Dolph and Stewart Arlan of Suffolk Cnuniyl!�howing The location of the project area, which was probably planted with ,I toes at this time . . . . . . 18 Table 1. Known archaeological sites within oae mile of Oc project area . . . . . . . . . 8 III ; iv � III ry,mp_�•'�, s•� _ _ t•: i�M Ft fiTTHEFdSPiGTTHE W^a 53'. ?54 7748 P. 08 Bd,'04It002� 1�:35 51eWo AGRt BUSINESS CWs P4GE 05/29 I' III pl RA'TRODUCTION This report presents the results of is Stage I archival $e dh and archaeological survey of the Agri-Business Child Development property in the hamlet o 0eeonic, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York (Figures 1 and 2). The archaeoiog c�i survey was conducted by i the Institute for Long Islam Archaeology, State University Of„ltw York at Stony Brock in November and Decernbcr 2001. The project area is located n � the intersection of Paul's Lane and County Route 48 (also known as Middle Road or No th Road), north of the Long Island Railroad tracks, and consists of two parcels of land total " approximately 4.6 acres (1.9 hcctares)(Figcre 3). ��� li The aurpose of this cultural resource assessment is to dit I ormine if new construction of a day :ate center for the children of agricu?tural workers, aloi+ith an associated piaygrautsd, parking lot, access road, and other facilities, will adversely in4act archaeological rerriAm of prehistoric or historic age. This required archival research and,en archaeological survey with subsurface'testing. The study was performed ir. accorda= wiOI the guidelines outlined in the Standards ter Cultural.Resource Investigations and the Curatioid lof Archaeo:ogical Collections issued by the New York Archaeological Council (1995). !, jl I u fI ' I WPR-0`"1-02 ,, MRiTHEWSVrgAi'THF_WS 631 754 774£f P. 09 04i041.^05i 13e56 5110449 AGRI BUSINESS PAGE 07/29 i 'I r project 2 �a r V i I �I a � 'Figure 1. Map of Long Island showing the locatio�'of the project area. 2 �, p , 17"HE.WSPN9 CTHEWS 631 'P54 7748 P. 10 u.,cc roei ia;55 5:WG440 ACRI MInESS � PAt etl/Ytl b Al li �' � •' � Fttanie .. � �� ;r ' .. pt�Jaei�ar4a II III Figure 2 M6 L:SGS topographic map, Southold, New 21,24 7.5 minute serles (scale 1:24,000), showing the locatio-a of the project area. 3 II 11 Gm Mk T THEW3&MW T THFWR b- 7l 754 i7a8 P. 11 84,.W2002 13:96 91l6440 AGRI BUSINESS PAGE 09l29 I ' I� I,II I' i Middle Road 48 .A Is ee e w ii �e o i0 I i I I I disturbed drn N o a .. we'0 0 o 0 0 —sts >E oil r 0 O 0 0 0 MI r mappny4ewm O O O O O ++ aea 0 sterile shovel test ph(a'.p) 0 . 16 as Ba meters ! ITS 0 da tea 200 bet v a•r O O —SfO O S 0 0 alas o � � 6 G 0 pC� J 3 �.912a O d I I ' bond ialan Rail Rwd li li L ! ! i I Figure 3. Archaeological investigation of the Agri-Busi=4 Child Development property in Nconic. G, I a I i t AF4-05-H2 _ . � 4 W1 PIRTTHFWSL,FI lITHEWFS 631 754 7741� P. 12 V4/64;R02 M 56 5481#aae AdR' 9USLNESS_ PAGE lr7 V 6 , 71 I ARCHIVAL RESEARCH INTRODUCTION AND M=HOP At,,evaluation of the natural end eultural history of an &Iea is essential to understanding past land use, as well as determining the likelihood of encountering prehistoric or historic atchaeologica'. sites. Hurrau groups locate Cneir aetticnients in IIII der to best take advantage of the charactensdcs of the tsatural and social landscape, Thus, wledge of a region's history and environmental features is crucial in teconstruc.ing past beh#Yior and assessing the probability of locating evidence of early activities. A search of the available published records and site file), f 11 was undertaken to determine i any previous studies had documented archaeological retrains it,.I� or in the vicinity of, the project area (Appendix A:). permwitt historical records such as�titaps, photographs, and descriptive histories were exarttined to obtain information on pat activities in the study property NATURAL 011) CULTURAL HISTORY I Environmental Setting. The Agri-Business Child Devtlbpmcnt property in Peconic is located near the north shore of Lung island, less than one mile Guth of Goldsmith Inlat and Long Island Sound (Figures 1 and 2). The nearest source of fz I i water is a kettle pond approximately 1000 feet (305 meters) to the -northeast, while s let ponds and freshwater marshes art located fartPxr north, near the shoreline (:igure 2)11 The project area is situated on _he glacial moraine of the :worth Fork of Long Island, formed r 15,ODO years ago during the retreat of the Wl5corsvumn ice sheet (Sl.kin 1"3). Topograplt ks relatively flat to gently sloping througbout most of the property, with an average eleva{ibn of 34 feet (10.4 meters) above mean sea level. Soils in the project area are dominated by Haven loam, to 2% slopes ('Warner et aI 1975:Sheet C. The Haven serie_ is characterized by deep, w idrained, medium- to coarse textured soils with low natural fertility. A typical proffl for Haven loam consists of a 5 I � i ', � ? .-. Rf9 9kr i'HF4 Je.Pi!-1l THF_W� F P54 7746 LJ.6e 51W0440 A619I BUSI✓ESS,96 I' I Ili III , Figure 4 Looking south acroaS the ,Agra-Buslaess Child A �elolxrtent property, WU1 is currently a fallow field III Prehistoric Period. The files of tae New York State 4r eunt 1riYSM), Office of Parks, Recrcation. and Historic Preservation(OPRHP), Suffolk Gounri Archaeological Assctiattorl (SC:AA, Gorua:ea and kutsch :979), and the Insti „ e for Long 15land Archaeology (ILIA) document mo known prehiatotic atohaeoi �ical sites and one site ritb both praristnric and historic, components wilhin one mile (1.6 11 ilometers) of the Agri-Business Child Dc,velcrrnem property In Peconic (Appendix A). Infnrt p ion abcut these sites is surtunarized in Table 1. The known prehistoric remains are .lustered around G &-.nith Inlet on the north shore, and Riohtnond Creek cn the south shore of the North Fork. Ai°,duItural resource study of Goldsmith Inlet Couxy Park i1oharnetnann and Schroeder 19 recovered five projectile poiau dating to the Late A:chate through Woodland period; A Toximately COW through 500 years ago) from the ground surface near the somhem erd of G }dsmith Inlet Sevet'al sites have been idermfled around Richmond Creek, but no little mfc nation has been provided oa t:v oAture of the finds (Table 1). 7 ill i 9 r , - 'Jf 11"TI ::S:MR I-rHpw. 63'. 754 7748 P. 14 94, ad,N3a9 13,5; 51004a0 Am: BU51t�5$ � PAGE 12/29 j The Suffolk County Archaeological Association Cultural sources inventory charwWrixea the entirt North Fork of Long bland as an area d"!intensive aborigirlat habitation' (GkInrAI0Z and Rutsch 1979). However, the vast rt�giity of known prehistoric sites oa the North iron:are clustered around fresh water and ticlhl creek$ and Inlets Close to the ;hore!inc. The arctaeological data suggests that inw'ior areas. i;Aro iv the Agti-13ustness Child Development properp•, witnessed less intensive prehistoric ntiii]cation than tke coast Based on the results of the site file sea-ch. along with a I onsideration (it' nearby cavironatenral feaCtres, undisturtsd pomons of the project arc4lbave a moderate sensitivity for the presence of prehistoric remains, Expected site type; include small manifestations of acticitq, such as stone tools and flakes that may represent huntit ;{fathering, or toot repair J Incidents. 'fable 1. Known archaeological sites within one mile (1.6 pmeters) of the project area. Stt [don't 'er Site Name A e Comments' h9SM 4930 ACP SCFK rehistoric villa a site oiled b Parker (1920 ,kJ0M0.0M30 R chmond prehistoric "Several Si. ," (no 5u'tber information Creek fun) provided) Al 310.000224 Goldstnith Islet prehistoric 5 proje.tile oints (Late Archaic [Lamckal CouMY Patio and historic and wood! (Adeaa, Levanna3 perbb); (GICP!site 35-1 late 1911 c. i Iuse(shell, coal.wire nail, window Lnc IxAtiv g:aas, redware, and whiteware A 10310,0oc225 GICP site 35-2 historic *,ell, 29*c dose (whlteware, coal, brick, ell bottle u lase lather A:031U.000227 G14P site 3!3 histone late 1 cc0u3V(bottle glass, stoneware, reeware, ;I DII. Baal metal frill ro nenc 410310,000230 GICP site IM historic location of IW-1906 tidal mill:building remains (sti c foundation piles, large mortise anc 1 enco timbers)and mill stones A10310.OW231 GICP site 35-5 historic early' tom c rfuse(whitaware,bottle and window gli i i, shell) I'll [ 8 iI I iTH1r4 Iqk I-THE WS E ill t. r'54 ciao P. 15 E1V4d? At3R: 9USIlll PAGE 13/29 it d 'I I' Historic Period. There are four known historic period subs snd one site with both prehi3*oric arid historic penod components located within one Mij (1.6 kilometers) of the l Al &sineis Child Development property in Peoortic (Table 1;IiAppendix A). All of these historic period deposits w'erc identified during a single cultural r ksouM survey of Goldsmith Inlet County Park (lohannemann and Schroeder 1980) The sit include the remains of A i , nlxteenth century Will grist mill, and several snail of late nineteenth through early twentiath century debris There are no State a- National l egvI of His-oric Places listed or eligible properties within or immediately adjacent to ch¢ pj*Ct Area- The hamlet of pecanic is located near the center of the Town of Southold, which in wrn occupies most of rlw North Fork of Long Island. Pcrmanetit; settlement by the English did 6 ; nett occur in eastern Suffolk County until the middle of the seventeenth century. At the time of contact, the North Fork was inhabited by the C.orchaug Ln.dians �peakets of the Mohegan- Pequot-Mantauk Algonquian language (Salwen 1978) The J:13JJ: known to the Indians as Yermesock (present-day Southold, Thompson 1839) were ceded{o the Magistrates of New 11 Haven, Connections in a series of deeds dating prior to 1640. Hy the tirre of fiuropear arrival there was little conflict$I4 local Native Americans were already weakened by disease and from raids by the mainland C?nrrecticut tribes. Wbile there was constant fear of attack, there was little actual v;oleace (BaFj�s 1874:4). and prime land and i local power quickly passed to the white settlers. There are uofPrCinl reservations or settlements recorded for Native Ani-1 on :he North Fork t er King Phillip's War in 1' 1674. However, records of slave parchl indicate that a ittut tI r of Native Americans were living in Southold during the late seventeenth century a, slaves ( ooth 1594; Satwen 1978j. There ate conflictinb reports concerning the original seti!Jement of the Town of Southold because all town records prior to 1651 are lost(Ml 1882)• However, it is generally accepted that in 1640 a gioup of Puritan settlers from ew Haven obtained a grant from James Farret to acquire eight square miles of land. By 14�5 the town included all lands ' I from Wading River to Plum Island, bounded by Long Island Spmid to the north and the t peaynic Bay on the south tNlunscll 1862 9•10). The hamlet of�l�e;;I was among the earliest offshoots of the main colony at Southold (Newsday 1598), 9 � I Ili ii FAR-NS-F^1 11 [� % P.-f ?1PTTHFWS&P1PTTHFWS ti l 754 7 4F P. 16 Bd'041i002 13:36 51e*440 AGRI BUSINESSq C PAGE 14/29 Ni ail In the early eighteenth century, the colonists establishedl't nee major eaSt•wett travel routes to connect the a rlall farming cormmutddes of Suffolk Cot tuy. Main Road (New York State Route 2<, al.ao known as Old Yings Highway) was clearea 6r cart use in 1704 (Bailey 1949 , and this road continues to serve as the *or overland Us I haportation route along the North Fork. 'Middle Road (also known as North Road, Cuinty lioute 48) was probably laid out later in the eighteenth century. Most of the early settlers of Southold were farmers, w:4 any goods produced other .bar.those needed for subsistenrx were traded to the Cetuiectic tt scuiements (Bayles 1874). Clear::tg lands for agrictlture continued throughout the sevente �3th and into the eighteenth cenwry. By 1677, the year of the first assessment roll, there w e 82 taxpayers within the entire Town of Southold. One of the crops grown was tobacco;*hich go d A blgh vI price abroad. Fishing and other water-related resources also pt�'ed a vital role in the early economy of the region. The ponds, creeks, and coves on both��_ores of the North Fork were utilized as watering stations for grazing livestock, power sourcos� for trtiIling, and as an ice resource during the winter months. The surrounding wocdlotat�shpplied timber and Abel, while the aburdarz marshes furnished salt hay as livestock fodder ant bedding. Little changed in the lifeways of the Englist,colonists �Uffalk County until the American Revo)ution. Early in the conflict Long Island attract � British attention because of the island's proximity to the major port of New York Harbor, also to Couneoticut and Rhode :stand. It, add;tion, Long Island was used as a rnloi re'truce for provisioning British troops, and the local agrarian econorap was disrupted as the Br t)sh stripped the region of food, timber, and herd aoimals (Luke and Venables 1976). Industry and water-borne trade were uverrupted with B� i}ish occupation of die Town of Southold, but life gradually returned to the earlier pattern afters 1781, Following the Revclution and into the mid-nineteenth century. the settlement the Nonh Fork proceeded slowly and was concentrated along main thoroughfarca such as ain Road and Middle Road. The railroad reached the North Fork in 1844, when the ag Island Rail Road line between Brooklyn and Greenport was completed. Auring the 60s. railroad service was interrupted by fninciat difficuhiee and the Civil War, but reg service was retuned in the 10 'ii o-3 _ -1, t I"T I'IEI .P::M P T T H E WS ',5, 7 54 , ym.c P. 17 hare4 AV2 -3t56 518jV440 AfiRI PUSINEss 04 FAuE 15,'29 Ill 370s (Flxy ea 1374), The rail=d provided an efficient meaty 6f transporting bulk cargoes such as mv"culalral produce, and thus heralded the demise of o 4sial trading and wooden shipbuilding in eastern IArg Island. New York City-bound tra n,$ originating in the Town of Souti-tild we,,-e Loaded daily with crates Arid barrels of vegetable I 'duty harvest season (Ziel and Fusser i)65 167) The ralirjad also car'.1ed a stream of sus tawr visitors to the region. T.'w shoreline conlrnucides of eastern Suffolk County flourished*,,th seasonal activity, and hotch and boarding houses were,established to meet the needs fj summer guests. Durirs rho late nineteenth cemury, Peconic hosted a sm#1i anist's colony. Irving Wiles of Neu' York Cl—'s Art Students League founded tae Peconic s volt and he and his etiloagues won several awards for their impressionist North Fo Ir landscape paintings (.ti"ewsJ:ly 199Ri. Despite the influx of surtuner tourism, the Town of$out w1d remained agriculturally based and relatively isolated thraugbcut the nineteenth century. IPP The farmsteads that lined Middle Road produced large quantities of potatoes, caul.flower,'brussels sprouts: strawberries, cranbezriea, dairy products, end egos, The stature of the local a riculttual economy changed in 1980 when the first of a number of vineyards was established ce then, more vineyards, garden nurseries, orchards, and sod farms have replaced m=y 'i otable farms (.Murphy 19901 For example, the project area was formerly planted with toes, but most recently ' operated as part of it sad farm. A survey of late eighteenth through tnid-twentieth cent maps reveals little activity other than agriculture in and around the Agri-&siness Child DetvOlopme"property in Peco,&: The 1797 Map of Southold(Figure 5) is among the e4;ear traps of the North Fork. The shoreline is drawn with a relatively high degree of accuracyh while the only man-made textures illustrated are Main Road (New York State Reute 25) aid landmark structures !schoolhouses and winitr,ills) along it, Notes on the 179' map iI(licate that 186 houses were standirig, frost along Main.Road, while "the best part of the tows �outll in part wood " This suggests that most farm tleids in the Iowa were located north of sin Road during its early nlstory. anu It IS pnss.n;e that the project area was farmed since time.. I l 11 h 'jl M"+ IHC- _.`_NPI THEWS 631 754 77.38 F'. IS 0c;ta!2r92 ;3:5E StB�aaB AGRI BUSINESS CV PAGE :6129 r. A similar land use pattern of buildings concentrated al l l Mai n Road is depleted on the 18:9 Burr Map of the County of Suffolk and the 1843 Mather }id Smith Geological Map of Lang and Staten lsiands (Figure 6). The 1843 map shows th jrtnction of Middle Road aad Peconlc Avenue Just northeast of the Agri-Business Child De ibpment property, but no buildings are depi:ted along either road, and it is likely that project area and surroundings were active farm fields during the mid-nineteenth Century, By the time Of the 1873 Beers Add of Long Island(Figt}IIre 7), the railroad was running 9nd regularly on the North Fork. more roads had been established, settlement had increased, Despite a general increase in papulation, residential developm t eotttinuod to cluster around Main Road in the hamlet of Southold, a though some Scattered llillj of rmbouses were present along Sliddie Road in the general vicinity of the project area. No stt t�ttres are shown within or immediately adjacent to the project area On the 1873 map. Tl�t 1896 Hyde Atlas of Long 1^land(Figure 8) shows a similar land use pattern. The 1409 Hyde Atta.s of Seolk County (Figure 9) shows be Agri-business Child Development property as part of a large farm owned by 7geep1lorry just west of Paul's Lane. All of the buildings associated with this farm are illustrated at tht south and of Terry's land holdings, along Main Road, while no structures arc shown wi '' or adjacent to the project area. Many of the land owner names given on the 1909 map, uding Terry and his neighbors Case, Morton, and Goldsmith, ate those of Southold' Founding families, Suggesting ,hat large farm parcels had beer,passed along through several gi?sicrattons relatively intact. This pattem had changed by the mitt-twentieth century, when p' {sh sharecroppers and their hubilies purchased their own farms (Newsday 1998). 7bls c can bt Sean on the 1930 Dolph and Stewart Atlar of Seblk County(Figure 10), where project area and surrounding farms are Owned by the ICryuski, Bauer, Hapaloski, and Cato �i families. The project area remained farmland through the end of the twentieth.century. Based on the information concerning initial settlement of conic and the historic map Ot'erview, the potentlal for the presence of sign heart historic per Pd archaeological sites wiihin..he Agri-Business Child Development property is relative y;low, Expected types of deposits dnclude scattered field debris and other remnants of air' (Mural am domestic activity. 12 Hv'e-0 ,�12 ._. : I'll Piz f YE 'Zr^:.'"-l"HEws E3) 754 7743 P. 19 B4'8ai2NN7 13.56 52Slado AGRI MINE55 CO PAGE 17/29 VI � i J ij . mwv M �. Y'•y'�.y, ICI I � Figuce i. Anonymous 17y7 64ap of Sole thold showing the to ration of the projetx area in the fevLreless exparse between Goldsmith Inlet &-J4Maw,Road. Note that aorth is at the bottom of the map. � I 13 ! t � i ,>�•-:—E± _ uni fluT THE J-°i,N aa-r HEW 631 754 77a8 P. 20 0%/0+i 20�72 23:Sb 529�440 4tifsl "INESE C� PAGE 18129 yyI uI 4 a t � {{ih. /•1 .ic• project area i OCudin, t l/ .;I �rtif�t ,3' � ii • v al V' ,� �� + � �@•, per � ��� \ , , r li A'it /' 11 ,� Figure 6 184, Mather and Smith C eolo tcn!hlan oJLon g g Sraren Islands, Middle Road ('Couety Route 48, the north edge of the pto t area) is delineated by a dished line, but no buildings are shown within or #r the Agri-Busieesa Child Development property. 14 1 ,t 47 7 mot.ft F_ 2 I 0a/2a/IP22 13:16 'S78�pa0 AGRI BUSINESS I.,f PAGE 19129 �i l"Qjact ares #. ; ,i /6.nMr1. .r/.Rd>urlr1i' JN fin, rA M ,ry "J • . ��.u�li�'i ' e f � V r N 8 S,M! r��-rr..•f. �, �. FYw� fA•//,.•l/ qlY"��M,R Rnly rip �� / 1� ,.� r 1 ,fJI lJI.11.jr��1 • Y y" ffWn4 is )VA.1" btr � pLyr RR./'rt.0 -" r�/fr+"mow*�rrl A I/ W �!< • r *y YI I J rR N.Yryd J I ' r et`rrarry �Ar:R.rAwwl �� a. N !' j� iI F;gare 7, 1873 Beers Atlas of Luny Island depicting scattere !famil.ouses along Middle Road, although rc haildiugs are illustrated %;thin } iramediately adjaCeot to tho project area .D F•k'-4:5 �. g.y 3A H'? "'N T-TF c;.%riP T-HFWS r 31 754 ,'74S P. 22 -. 4u/091288: :3:56 518 aa8 AGRI MINESti00 PAGE 28/29 projoct area a s `'� r y h ,SALsA 1� � • � rl � Fi r• ldy. A 4� ^i fA illl II Figure 8. 1896 Hyde,A!la9 gfLong Island showing iiie locatli n of the PfOjerA area in ?ecoric. xhe -Trost farmhousc on chc south sire"IF Middle Road belonged to Mrs. 7.H, Smith. 16 + I 'I _ P. 23 - �rP�'—::•'-. rl.�. N'. r y9' °iH i-IHE =::::M F'� i-'HEWS - ._ 1'S4 'i-r4S �dl93>20d: 13:56 816�448 AWI BJSINE6; C PAM 21/29 � i NO 07 4 \ \•• M• 1.y`nrnH.YI '!Jxxw ho ect ar Ij 1 i x e � R 4 TA ` r yJ N a t•" Irr.eh•• l ,, r f�• Hw Ik ND t � r. E � ` I • 1 J� 1 � r � ! kit �rP�j�� F r,...•- I II PPP I N Figure 9, 1909 Hyde Attas of Suffc k Couary. "he project a dia is shown as a sma1; portion cf the Joseph Terry farm. 17 H � I H�F-ES (-^. ,. :=M r•Or+TTHE'J=a.rvi P'�THE4JS 5A! 754 7i4:: P. 24 d4/2d✓28Q2 ;3;�6 440 AGRI BUSINESS OV PAGE 22/29 a Ij 111 w� �'r..rNilAp Yf rlrNrrl ✓•�' t3o/dern/t 11 ww "`�+ivrlrah �p(rn.6 /N/•nrI ./wrM.n r{}wYM .SI/mrn ./MSIMMr1.. .r roJeCt area W O./W Ayrq MOA& J Rwrna I drrp 4y erN�vli '1�7y J,Ait J;., r RNOosi r fan• neAMlor/rr Mir LrINr Aya1fM MM1'r/i• V 9YvoaA.. Krrw•rr NI/NAr + "ry i •R fer/Mrr# I,,r*~ " t 6/rnr dNrnW�rl '„ :. A*. iw �A K f�M mew iy I li4�st. LMW X KMK M 0/1.T MR, p y.�/l1i✓ s� RT«MBA I . ZMIyM 0 •h /YM/1�A/ XAAr/rW "m AYrrc,F(ie .a WiMnwn /H.F Kr»y � fl I F;g¢rG 10, 1930 Dolph ec d Stewart.9rlas of Su7otk Coanry s rng the Imam of the project area, which was probably planted with pa ies at this time. y y 18 I , 1 � -0 _. 7 , ," M.iT T HF ':.r!PI TH F W£: F.31 754 7T43 P. 25 84j04.2882 13:°5 n9*466 uaRl MINESS Ole PAGE 23/2s j ,II ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEAR i A two phase x::rvey design was employed to search for haeological rcmarns in the Agri-Business Child Development property in Peconle. Similai survey designs, used in other areas of Long Island, have proven successful in detecting prehi'ttiric and historic sitos i1krnstein et al. 1999; Lightfoot 1986;. The initial phase of ttha survey involved a surface reconnalssancct and inspection intended to locate large and easil f:visible retrains. The second phase entailed subsurface testing. l i FrELD r1ISPECTIO.N AND SLWACE SUR6'EX " An initial surface reconnaissance was conducted in Nov ber 2001. The entire parcel was walked Over, with special attention given to examining expstd soil for artifacts or other sLrface manifestations of past cultural activity, Vegemtion paths and topographic features which x4bt provide insight into early land use were also noted;; i Visibility is only fair throughout most of the parcel due p low volunteer vegetation (Figure 4), but good in sinail sections of bare ground. No cultu a� material other than recent debr;s ;i.e., less than tan years old) was encountered during thei trface survey. ,"SLWACE TESTING , The second phase of tare field survey consisted of the excp 'ation of shovel test pits !STPs) designed to detect the presence of cultural remains b tltl (beneath the ground surface, A mapping datum was established at a concrete monument near c northeast corner of the project area, and shovel test pits ate identified by metric grid co, Yo ates relative to this point. Small sections of the north and east property boundaries due to bance. The relnninder of t:e project area was tested utilizing a 13 by 15 meter (50 by 90 I c4t)grid (Figure 3), y A tctal of 68 sbovel test pits was excavated Shovel test a have a diameter of approximately 40 centimeters (16 inches). All shovel teat pits w dug well into the B2 subacil, typically ever 60 centimeters (24 inches) below the pre tit ground surface. The soil 19 h ' rF4-F.`� ' r.'� ••>=: APi__. MAT i-IE MA NEWS 631 754 774:1, F`_ 26 nsina;inn. 13:56 518 440 "rill, HU"11195 P j°fly from each test unit was screened through a six millimeter (1/4 h) wire mesh to aid its the identification and recovery of cultural materials. All artifacts, eld notes, and photographs generated by this survey arc curated at the Institute for Long 4irld Archaeology, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Results. The specific data recorded in the field for eacb'�shovel test pit, including informatior. on soil stratigraphy and cultural material, are presItiked in Appendix B The general cliaracteristics of the soils found in the project area axe djscussed to the Envirernnental Setting section above The topsoil layer(referred to ir. App B as the AO/Ai horizon) cor: ists of partially decomposed organic matter and dark browg ifandy or silty loam, and extends War average of four centimeters (1.6 inches) below th Ground surface. Next is the plow zone of medium brown loamy silt or card, with an avc:a depth of 32 centimeters (12.6 i inches). The plow zone is underlain by the lower subsoil (B2 �izci an orange brown loamy silt (occasionally with pebbles and gravel). The B3 sub t s tum (yellow brown sandy learn} was attained in several test pits, while one shovel test pi dbmained soil disturbed by <. MEMORY FULL N T1serrse Elkoe'ita, PmA,ut a68 rtrrens Hig6ae 1"lnou �. Freu�entka� (Ertirrrl-1��"�) Commerk, N,, Fork 117K T,h (01) -M-2222 April 4, 2002 Fdx; (611) A99-P28 VIA FACSIMILE AND OVERNIGHT CARRIER Mr. Victor L'Plattenier Planning Director Town of Southold P.O. Box Ne i l fir Southold,New York 11971 Re: Agri-Business Child Development APR 0 5 2002 Grace's Place Property County Road 48 (Middle Road) Southold Town Southold, New York Planning Board Dear Mr. L'Plattenier: Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. (F&E) has been retained by Agri-Business Child Development to provide environmental consulting services for the above-referenced property. As you are aware,during a recent Phase II Environmental Site Assessment(ESA),dieldren and arsenic were detected in surficial soil samples, collected from on-site locations,which exceeded draft soil screening levels currently under peer review by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In order to determine what remedial actions, if any, will be required for the impacted soils, a summary report was prepared and submitted to the SCDHS for its review and comment (see Attachment A). Based upon telephone conversations, the SCDHS is currently reviewing the summary report. Its initial review indicates that a Soil Management Plan(SMP)will be required to address those soils that children may come into contact with(e.g., soils located within the planned playground,etc.). The SCDHS has indicated that best efforts will be made to provide comments to F&E within two weeks(April 18,2002). F&E will submit an appropriate SMP to the SCDHS within one week of receiving same. In F&E's experience, the concentrations of dieldrin and arsenic detected in the near-surface soil samples do not pose a difficult environmental condition to address. As the contaminants are relatively immobile and generally restricted to the upper three to six inches of the soil column, a SMP including methods for handling and managing the top soil which is to be used on the site,with allowable mixing of sublayers in order to reduce overall concentrations of residual pesticides,will be effective and could be readily implemented. Again,the SMP will be prepared for, reviewed by and conducted with oversight of the SCDHS. Mr. Victor L'Plattenier April 4, 2002 Planning Director Page 2 Town of Southold Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Richard J. Baldwin, CPG Associate RJB/lm enc. cc: M. Evans J. Matthews, Esq. ATTACHMENT A FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Therese .1'16mrz, Presirien[ J68 3rternns .lem orie] 1-1 iph,rs= hn;o D. T,reur)e,AJ (Retired-19r)-1} ommeciq Ve4 1orl 1IM Tei: (651) -199.22;2 March 6, 2002 Fes: (651) -199-5928 VIA OVERNIGHT CARRIER Mr. Robert T. Seyfarth Suffolk County Department of Health Services 15 Horseblock Place Farmingville, New York 11738 Re: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment County Road 48 (Middle Road) Southold, New York Dear Mr. Seyfarth: On behalf of our client,Freudenthal&Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc. (F&E)is hereby submitting, for your review and comment,this summary of a recently completed environmental site investigation for the above-referenced property. Background The subject property is located near the intersection of Paul's Lane and County Route 48 (Middle Road) in the Hamlet of Peconic, Southold Township, Suffolk County in the State of New York (see Figure 1). According to plans provided by Ricardo E. Campos, R.A., two parcels of land totaling approximately 4.6 acres (Lots 7 and 8 of 2.0 and 2.6 acres, respectively) are to be redeveloped as a day care center for the children of agricultural workers (see Figure 2). The plans indicate that the facility will consist of a 7,000 square foot(SF)one-story building, a 7,000 SF playground area,open areas, access roads and associated parking lots. According to a Phase I ESA prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers(D&B) in May of 2001 and F&E's subsequent site inspection,the property is currently an open, plowed farm field. The subject property has most recently been utilized as a sod farm. In the past, the site had been utilized as a potato farm. The D&B Phase I ESA indicated that the estimated direction of groundwater flow was to the northeast. F&E's review of available data indicates that the groundwater flow direction in the vicinity of the site may be to the north. There was an existing test well on the property which was reportedly installed in the early 1990s in support of a subdivision application. Details regarding this test well are provided below. Mr. Robert T. Seyfarth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 2 Based uponreview ofthe Phase I ESA and F&E's experience in the vicinity of the site,the following issues of environmental concern were identified: 1. Based upon the historic agricultural use of the property,shallow soils and underlying groundwater may be impacted by pesticides, herbicides and selected metals; 2. Based upon historic use of Chilean fertilizers on the North Fork of Long Island, perchlorate (same is naturally occurring in fertilizers imported from Chile) may be present in on-site soils and groundwater; and 3. D&B postulated that the soil staining at the base of a nearby utility pole may be the result of a blown transformer which could have resulted in the release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Presently, there is not a transformer on the subject utility pole. Scope of Work Based upon the above, the following services were implemented as part of the Phase It ESA conducted by F&E: 1. Installation of one groundwater monitoring well and the collection of groundwater samples from same as well as from the existing on-site test well (designated on historic plans as TW-2); 2. Collection of four shallow soil samples from across the site to evaluate the possible presence of pesticides, herbicides, selected metals and perchlorate due to historic agricultural uses of the property. Additionally,one shallow soil sample was collected to represent background conditions; and 3. Collection of one shallow soil sample from adjacent to the utility pole to evaluate the potential presence of PCBs. Investigation Results Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling Based upon a north to northeast groundwater flow direction,well MW-3 was installed at the northern comer of Lot 8 (see Figure 2). The upper four feet of the lithologic section were dominated by gravelly and sandy silt The remainder of the sediments encountered to the terminal depth of the boring were composed of highly permeable gravelly sands. Groundwater was encountered at 29.9 feet below grade surface (bgs). Therefore, the well was completed ten feet below the water table with two-inch diameter, 0.010-inch, PVC well screen from 25 to 40 feet bgs, and the remainder of the well was completed with blank casing. Mr. Robert T. Seyfarth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 3 The annular space was filled, utilizing the tremie method, with appropriately-sized filter pack sand to two feet above the screened interval followed by two feet of membrane sand. A two-foot thick sanitary seal of hydrated bentonite was placed on top of the membrane sand followed by neat bentonite grout to the surface. The well was equipped with a locked cap and a water-tight, flush-to- grade manhole type completion. The well was developed by overpumping and surging. All drill cuttings and purge water were discharged to the ground surface in the vicinity of the well head. Existing well TW-2 was completed with two-inch diameter galvanized steel material and was equipped with a one- and one-quarter inch galvanized steel down pipe. The down pipe, attached to an ej ector mechanism,was removed from the well to allow for sampling. Upon removal of the down pipe, the depth to the bottom of the well was measured at 74.8 feet. This is consistent with information provided by Krieger Well Drillers (Krieger)who installed the well in the early 1990s. Krieger personnel indicated that the well was completed to a depth of 78.5 feet bgs with a three-foot long screened interval. Therefore, TW-2 was installed to evaluate groundwater quality conditions approximately 48 feet beneath the site. Both wells were purged, and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for chlorinated pesticides by EPA Method 8081, herbicides by EPA Method 8151, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb)by EPA Method E531.1,perchlorate by EPA Method 314.0 and RCRA metals (including barium,cadmium,chromium,arsenic,lead,selenium,silver and mercury). Additionally, the water sample collected from TW-2 was analyzed for nitrates by EPA Method E353.2(TW-2 was sampled after Krieger indicated the historic presence of nitrate in water samples collected from same). As indicated in the laboratory data sheets included in Appendix A, none of the target chlorinated pesticides, herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb), RCRA metals or perchlorate were detected in the groundwater samples collected from TW-2 or MW-3. According to Krieger, a groundwater sample collected from well TW-2 in the early 1990s contained 12 milligrams per liter(mg/1)nitrate. The groundwater sample collected as part of the current work contained 5.27 mg/1 nitrate. The analytical data indicate that the groundwater beneath the subject property both at the surface of and 48 feet below the water table is not impacted by site-related chlorinated pesticides, herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb), RCRA metals or perchlorate. The groundwater sample collected from TW-2 did contain 5.27 mg/l nitrates which is below its NYSDEC Class GA standard of 10 mg/l. This area of Long Island was identified by the NYSDEC in 1986 as an area of shallow nitrate contamination (see Figure 3). Thus, there was a shallow nitrate problem in the vicinity of the site which is likely not directly attributable to the subject property. However,it should be noted that the water may not be suitable for potable purposes considering the target population of young children. Mr. Robert T. Seyfarth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 4 Shallow Soil Evaluation In accordance with the approved scope of work, shallow soil samples(collected from the surface to six inches bgs) were collected from four locations across the property. Sample S-2 was collected from the area indicated on the plans where the playground was to be constructed. Sample S-3 was located near the front of Lot 8,while samples S-4 and S-5 were collected from representative areas in Lot 7. Both lots were flat and there were no topographically low areas where residual pesticides and herbicides would naturally accumulate. Sample S-6 was collected from a wooded parcel located approximately 1,300 feet southwest of the subject property as a background sample. Each shallow soil sample was analyzed for chlorinated pesticides by EPA Method 8081, herbicides by EPA Method 8151,organophosphorus pesticides(including aldicarb)by EPA Method E531.1,perchlorate by EPA Method 314.0 and RCRA metals. The analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and the laboratory data sheets are included in Appendix A. Herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb) and perchlorate were not detected in any of the shallow soil samples. Several pesticides were detected in the four on-site and background soil samples below potentially actionable concentrations (e.g., NYSDEC Recommended Soil Cleanup Objective (RSCO) included in the NYSDEC Technical Administrative Guidance Memorandum (TAGM) 4046: Determination of Soil Cleanup Objectives and Cleanup Levels, revised in April 1995). Dieldrin was detected in the soil samples collected from S-2, S-3 and S-4 at concentrations of 0.058, 0.15 and 0.055 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg),respectively, which are above its RSCO of 0.044 mg/kg. Additionally, endosufan sulfate was detected in the S-3 sample at 1.2 mg/kg which is above its RSCO of 1.0 mg/kg. No pesticide was detected above RSCOs in the background soil sample (S-6). Arsenic was detected at concentrations ranging from 19.1 to 45.5 mg/kg in all four of the on-site soil samples. Additionally, the background soil sample contained 68.5 mg/kg of arsenic. The S-2 soil sample also contained 0.14 mg/kg of mercury which is above its RSCO of 0.1 mg/kg but within the eastern United States range of background concentrations of 0.001 to 0.2 mg/kg. Mercury was not detected in any of the other soil samples (including the background sample). Several other RCRA metals were detected below their respective NYSDEC RSCOs from all four on-site soil samples and the background soil sample. Sample S-1 was collected from the surface to six inches bgs in a stained soil area directly adjacent to a utility pole and analyzed for PCBs by EPA Method 8082. PCBs were not detected in the sample. Mr. Robert T. Seyfarth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 5 Summary and Conclusions Environmental testing was performed at the study site to address a potential environmental concern of long-term agricultural use that included the collection and laboratory analysis of two groundwater and four soil samples from agricultural areas and one soil sample collected as representative of a background location for comparison purposes. Additionally,one soil sample collected from an area of stained soil was analyzed for PCBs. Pesticides(both chlorinated and organophosphorus),herbicides,RCRA metals and perchlorate were not detected in the groundwater samples collected from on-site monitoring wells MW-3 and TW-2. A groundwater sample collected from TW-2 in the early 1990s was reported by Krieger to contain nitrate above its NYSDEC Class GA standard. The groundwater sample collected from the well as part of this study contained 5.27 mg/1 of nitrate. The vicinity of the site has been reported by the NYSDEC to be an area where the shallow aquifer has historically been impacted by nitrates and the presence of same are likely not directly reflective of site-related impacts. While nitrate was present in the TW-2 groundwater sample below the NYSDEC Class GA standard of 10 mg/1, F&E recommends that alternative sources ofpotable drinking water(e.g.,public drinking water,installing a well deeper into the aquifer system, etc.)be evaluated to supply water to the student population. Typical residual chlorinated pesticide compounds and arsenic were present in all four of the soil samples, as is common for most agricultural or cultivated areas on Long Island. Only dieldrin (in samples S-2, S-3 and S-4) and endosufan sulfate (in sample S-3) and arsenic (in all four samples) were present above their respective NYSDEC RSCOs. The background soil sample(S-6)contained five chlorinated pesticides, all below their respective NYSDEC RSCOs. The highest concentration of arsenic (68.5 mg/kg) was detected in the background soil sample. Based upon the above, there is evidence of some environmental impact to Lots 7 and 8 of the study site primarily due to the use of agricultural-related pesticides and arsenic. Although only four shallow surface samples were collected, these parcels are and have historically been extremely uniform in appearance, topography and use. The exceedances of chlorinated pesticide compounds and arsenic are generally low and well within one order of magnitude of the allowable NYSDEC concentrations. Typically, the highest concentrations of residual pesticides and arsenic tend to be limited to the shallower soil interval and are likely to decrease substantially with increased depth below grade. Furthermore,no sampling location exhibits a total pesticide concentration of 10 mg/kg(the guidance value established by the NYSDEC). PCBs were not detected in the shallow soil sample (S-1) collected in the stained soil area adjacent to a nearby utility pole. Based upon the results of this investigation, F&E is requesting your opinion specifically as to whether remedial actions will be required by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Mr. Robert T. Seyfarth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 6 Please advise of your opinion of this matter at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. /, Richard J. Baldwin, CPG Associate RJB/th enc. cc: M. Evans J. Matthews, Esq. Table 1 Summary of Pesticides and RCRA Metals Detected and/or Elevated Above NYSDEC TAGM Recommended Soil Cleanup Objectives in Soil Samples NYSDEC TAGM Pesticides(mg/kg) S-2 S-3 S-4 S 5 9-6 EUSA BG RSCO delta-BHC NO 0.012 0.0093 0.0034 0.2 D NA 0.3 4,4'-DDD 0.026 0.13 0.065 0.079 0.014 NA 2.9 4,4'-DDE 0.27 D 0.45 D OAS D 0.16 D 0.13 D NA 2.1 4,4'-DD'I' 1.0 D 1.8 D 0.69 D 0.74 D 0.16 D NA 2.1 Dieldrin 0.058 0.15 D 0.055 0.041 ND NA 0.044 • Endosulfan 1 0.0073 0.019 0.0057 0.0056 ND NA 0.9 Endosulfan 11 0.076 0.16 D 0.053 0.046 ND NA 0.9 Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 D 1.2 D 0.3 D 0.33 D 0.0051 NA 1.0 Endrin 0.037 0.079 0,032 0.029 ND NA 0.1 4,4'-Methoxychlor ND T046 ND NO ND NA Endrin Ketone 0.019 0.043 0.015 0.015 ND NA NA NYSDEC TAGM Metals(mg/kg) S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 EUSA BG RSCO Barium 33.2 59.2 29.7 31.1 66.3 15-600 300 OR SB Chromium I8.0 32A 15.4 16.5 12.8 1.5-40 50 Arsenic 28.0 45.5 19.1 20.4 68.5 3-12 7.5 or SB Lead 17.6 35.7 21.0 14.4 91.2 200-500 400 Selenium 1.09 L87 1.05 Log 0.91 0.1-3.9 2 or SB Mercury 0.14 ND I ND ND ND 0,001-0.2 0.1 Notes: NYSDEC TAGM-Recommended Soil Cleanup Objectives, IIWR-94-4046,Revised 4/95 and other indicated documents. RSCO- Recommended Soil Cleanup Objective EUS BG- Eastern USA Background .. -< 10 mg/kg Total Pesticides ND-Analyte was not detected above method detection limit. NA -Not Available. SB -Site Background. D- Indicates that sample was diluted. Bolded values indicates detected concentration exceeded NYSDEC RSCO. t Xr C ate . ' .Pine Cresk Dunxs '- ... tBoya-Gamp)77' — J �1V �0R1 %^ r Goldsmith, ,� Inlet' "y,> �a , rir >. zn .l. "�: u •�. lj 4.. �,,.. I Jk i e Loc n Peconic i•`. _ O U ,: T H16 1 fs � -tb •�cr. ._-: ' ;oPo �7 .. �'. = oaf: f t !.. 0 5colh H�'rbnr' Pd,k� l \Z• P t G J I"' :.East Cutchogue.\: 1 ogee 3ta •n_'O - ' • eur�euEy! ao ✓ , BM .. / Cam. 1 _ - ... 1m' a � f r�IP..� •I Name: SOUTHOLD Location: 0410 02'48.3" N 072° 27' 56.3" W Date: 8/15/101 Caption: Figure 1: Site Location Map Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet opynght(G)1996, Earthvisions, Inc. Figure 2 - Site Map and Sampling Locations Key 0 Surface Soil Location 'j * Well Location Source:Ricardo E.Campos,R.A. a.myy tee>.or r rnweerr a MFvR ' ma1vE.Ae NJ.wo nae�fweyU Q] aN aaaw Y_ � P Lot 7 83 ` QS-5 QS-4 O o o Q S al$ fl A, Q YIRTf� 2 un S r i4fji uO OS-3 of Lot 8 } .•� os-2 a � I} MW-3& es vovove mvR'etsr w ,aaN r.ImRa71V t eaol mG wsa+ we,u ROUES URE(RRmRTE RORO( FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Source: Final Long Island Groundwater Management Proms. NDepartment of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water, June 1986. Site Location -� Q t C) p o 1 t I I O Q SSS� 01I M � I (J do a8 G' • Public water supply well contaminated with nitrate • OGeneral areas of shallow nitrate conlamination April 1984 No scale Provided ��UDENT��HALONSULTING GROUP, INC. Figure 3 APPENDIX A FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. U2M ems' Ac. 575&o�Holow Reed,McN83 NV 11747 j! FAX:M)4X84M NYSo 0#10a7e LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. Lab No. O107861-OO2A $ample Infarmatfon... 368 VETERANS MEM HWV li TYpe Grounmvater COMMACK, NY 11725 !! Attn To RICH BALDWIN Origin' i, Clle t ID, TW-2 I Collected 7/27/01 9:15:00 AM I' is Received :727/01 4:00:00 PM L'tl Collected By: CLIENT i9 Copies To RICHARD BALDWIN is Parameter(s) Result Units Meth u her Analyzed Mirex <0.10 P91L S alpha-BHC <0 05 8/8/Ot 12:44:00 PM Ng/L beta-BHC <0.05 Pg/L I, 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM delta-BHC <0.05 S 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM p9/L 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM gamma-BHC <0.05 p9/L Heptachlor <O.OS S 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM p9/L 1 818101 12:44:00 PM Alddn <0.05 P9/L Heptachlor epoxide 1 8/6101 12:44:00 PM Endosulfan I < 0.05 pg/L S <0.05 pg/L 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM Dielddn S d 1 8/8/01 12:44;00 PM <0.10 pg/L 5 1 8/8/01 12:44;00 PM 4,4'-ODE <0.10 pg/L Endrin S 1 818101 12:44:00 PM <0.10 pg/L Endosulfan If <0.10 pg/L S 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM 4,4'-DDD <0.70 1 8/8101 12:44:00 PM pg/L S 1 8/8101 12:44:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate <0.10 Pg/L S 4,4'-DDT 8/8/01 12t44:00 PM < 0.10 pg/L 8/8101 12:44:00 PM Methoxychlor <0.50 Pg/L Hndrin ketone <0.10 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM pg/L �1 Endrin aldehyde <0.10 9/8/01 12:44:00 PM p9/L S 1 alpha-chlordane Pg/L S 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM < 0.05 1 gamma-Chlordane <0.05 8/8101 12:44:00 PM Toxaphene <5.0 pg/L S 1 818/01 12:44:00 PM p9/L 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM 2.4-D <0.50 pg/L S 1 8/1/D1 11:20:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) <0.25 Pg/L 2,4,5-T SW 1 8/1/01 11;20:00 PM <0.25 Pg/L S 1 8/1/01 11:20:00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxide < 1.0 pg/L Aldicarb sulfone < 1.0 /L E5 8/6/01 1:15:00 PM p9 Ozamyl < 1 0 E5 8/6101 1:15:00 PM Pg/L E5 e/61011,15;00 PM Methomyl < 1 0 pg/L j' E5 8/8/01 1:15:00 PM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran < 1.0 p9/L E5 Aldicarb < 1 0 I 8/6101 1 15:00 PM pg/L E5 8/6/01 1:15:00 PM Carbofuran <1.0 Carbaryl < 1.0 Pg/L E5 8/6/01 115:00 PM E5 8/6/01 115:00 PM Arsenic < 10 p9/L Barium 0 E20 �. 8/1/01 12:50.00 PM Chromium <001 mg/L E2 8/1/0112:50:00 PM mg/L Lead E20 . 8/1/01 12:50:00 PM <5.00 Pg/L E20 8/3/01 1:03:00 PM Qualifiers: E-Veluebeove gwnnte6onrerpe o-na®,u•re•ox�um Daze Reponed 2 of I'I I 6i 39Vd II8 S2V7 WZH QFilAfl7M1aTr. �, ---- -- - V2M "US' loco � 575B(oedHdbv Rood,M4k9L-NY 11747 II 56 1)�' 0.FAX(631)4218436 NYS0011I0#10M LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL 8 ELKOWITZ,INC. Pie Information... Lab Ne. 0107861 002A pa : Groundwater 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 Attn To RICH BALDWIN I� gin: Clio" ID. TW.2 Collected 7127/01 9:15:00 AM Received :727/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By : CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameters) Rasul Units Metho l rhbar Analyzed Selenium <5.00 pg/L E2 8/1/01 12:50:00 PM Cadmium <5.00 pg/L F2 I 8/1101 12:50:00 PM Silver <0,01 mg/L E2 8/1/0112;50:00 PM Mercury <0.20 pg/L E2 8/11018:27:10 AM Nitrate as N 5.2 mmg/L E3 8/1101 6:36:43 PM I l I i i I i i i I �I i i i i i i i i I i i i OualKer$[ -Value above quan�llaaon range 0 Date Rcpormd: g 3of3 i I 9Z 39tJd SEV-1 WZH - _. 9FbRA7bQTC he sT *nm !ter !n� 112M UAJPS, loco 57513roe tlow Rat M&ria NY 11747 (531) 'FAx(1531)4a)Z4as'WSDCHIDn10476 LABORATORY RESULTS PREUDENTHAL&ELKOWIT2',INC. a pie Information... Lab No. : 0107673-001A y�e: Groundwater 368 VETERANS MEM HWY I� COMMACK,NY 11725 Attn To : RICH 13ALDWIN rgin: Client D. MW-3 I: Collected 7/23101 8:45:00 AM Received :7/23/01 4:DO:00 PM I� Collected By : CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameteds) Results Units Meth bar • � Analyzed Mirex <0.10 pg/L SW 8 I 7/26101 122;00 PM alpha-BHC <0,050 pg/L beta-BHC < SW 7/26101 1:22:00 PM < delta-BHC 0050 p� SW I� 71261011;22:00 PM 0.050 pg/L SW 7126101 1:22;00 PM gamma-BHC <0.050 pg/L 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM Heptachlor <0.050 pg/L SW 7126101 1:22:00 PM Aldrin <0.050 pg/L SW 726/01 1:22:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <0.050) pg/L SW Endosulfan 1 7126/01 1:22:0o PM < 0.0501 pg/L SW 7/26/01 1:2200 PM Cleldrin <0.10 pg/L SW 7126/01 1:22;00 PM EndrinDE <0.10 pg/L SW 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM ntlrin <0.10 pg/L SW 7126/01 1:22:00 PM Endosulfan h <0.10 pg/L 7/26101 1:22:00 PM a,4'-DDD <0.10 pg/L SW 1 7/26101 1:22:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate <0.10 pg/L SW 1 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM 4,4'-DDT <0.10 pg/L SW 1 726/01 1:22:00 PM Methoxychlor <0.50 pg/L SW I 1 7/26101 1:22:00 PM Endrin ketone <0.10 pg/L S 1 7/26/01 t22:00 PM Endrin aldehyde <0.10 pg/L SW 1 alpha-chlordane < 726/01 1:22:00 PM 0.05 pg/L SW 1 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM gamma-ChloMane <0.05 pg/L SW 1 7126101 1:22:00 PM Toxaphene <5.0 pg/L SW 1 726/01 122:00 PM 2,4-D <0.50 pg/L SW 1 7/26/01 T12:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) <025 pg/L SW 11 7/26/01 7:12:00 PM 2,4,5-T <0.25 pg/L SW 51 7126101 7;12:00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxide < 1.0 pg/L E5 7 Aldicarb sulfone < 1.0 1 7/25/01 3:15:00 PM pg/L E5 7/25/01 3:15:00 PM Oxamyl < 1.a pg/L ES Methomyl < 1.0 I' 7/25/01 315:OD PM p 3-Hydroxycarbofuran < 1.0 /L E5 77125/01 3:1&0D PM Aldicarb < 1 0 pg/L E5 7125/01 3:15:00 PM pg/L E5 7125/01 3:15:00 PM Carbofuran < 1.0 pg/L E5 (E(� 7125/01 3:15:00 PM Carbaryl < 1.0 pg/L E5 725/01 3:15:00 PM Arsenic <10.0 pg/L 727/01 1:24.00 PM Barium c 0.20 mg/L E2 7127/01 1,24:00 PM Chromium <0.01 mg/L E2 {� 7/27/01 1:24:00 PM Lead <6.00 pg/L E2 i 7127/01 1.24:00 PM Qualifiers: E-Velaa et ownWeWnranaa rJ.Gs_ll r,.0�-•i l5 rC. tp! Date Reported: a of 12 99 I' 39tJd SEV7 WZH qPbP I II H/� C l_�II • ii � 1� ��TsJ Is to o 575Bro3dHdl0w Rued,MSIVIle NY 11747 (611)I9aaom.FAx(611)4 NYSDCHIor10478 LABORATORY RESULTS I; ple Information... FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INO. Lab No. 0107673-001A p: Groundwater 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 In Attn To RICH BALDWIN . Client I - MW-3 Collected 723/01 8:46:00 AM I; Received :723/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN I: Parameter(s) Results Units Method er Analyzed Selenium <5.00 Vg/L E200 71271011:24:OO PM Cadmium <5.00 ug/L E200 i 7127101 1:24:00 PM Silver <0.01 mg/L E200 I! 7127/01 1:24:00 PM Mercury <0,20 Vg/L F245 7125/01 8:47:13 AM Ii I. c L' I: I i F II I I,. 0ualitler9: E- qusnnation ren a ��J 0-RxW Tw OIINi� Date Rcpored: I g 2 of 12 I I li 2.0 3'J17d SEVI WZH 9EbRR7b9TC r,c :c- rrara.zi�. i.,., r ems' Pit. 575B1c®dHOKaN Pbad,NA"NY 11747 (531)saayap.FAX M1)42aPA36NrsooHlDu1o47e LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. Tpla Information.-. Lan No- : 0107673-003A do: soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY I: COMMACK, NY 11725 I; Attn To RICH BALDWIN I, ril In: Client I S-2 l: Colleced 7/23/01 9:30:00 AM I,• Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By: CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Paramafar(s) Results Units Method ber Analyzed alpha-SHC < 1,0 p9/Kg-dry SW8 I 7127101 12:10100 AM alpha-BHC <39 D pg/Kg-dry SWa 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM beta-BHC <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/27/01 12:10;00 AM beta-BHC <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 8 ;;;� 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM delta-BHC <39 D pg/Kgdry SW8 7/30l01 5:54:00 PM delta-BHC <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/0112:10;00 AM gamma-BHC <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 8 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM gamma-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SWa 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM Heptachlor <39 D pg/Kg-dry SWa I 7/301015:54:00 PM Heptachlor <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/27/0112:10:00 AM Aldrin < 1.9 p9/Kg-dry SW 7127101 12:10:00 AM Aldrin <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30101 5:54:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide '39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7130101 5:54:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 727/01 12:10:00 AM Endosulfan i <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7130101 5:54:00 PM Endosulfan 1 7.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27101 12:10;OOAM Dieldrin 58 pg/Kg-dry SW 712710112:10:00AM Dieldrin <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM 4.4'-DDE 270 D pg/Kg-dry sW 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM 4,4'-DDE 220 E pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/01 12,10:00 AM Endrin 37 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/2710112:10:00 AM Endrin < 75 D pg/Kg-dry SW I' 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM Endosulfan II 76 pg/Kg-dry SW 7127/01 12:10:00 AM Endosulfan If 175 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30101 5:54:00 PM 4,4%DDD 26 pgfK9-dry SW 7/27101 12:10:00 AM 4,4'-DOD -75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM Endosultan sulfate 500 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:54:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 340 E jig/Kg-dry SW 7/27101 12:10:00 AM 4,4"-DDT 1000 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM 4,4"-DDT 490 E pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM Methoxychlor c 390 D pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/30101 5:54:00 PM Methoxychlor < 19 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27101 12:10:00 AM Endrin ketone <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130/01 5:54:00 PM Endrin ketone 19 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM Endrin aldehyde < 3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27101 12:10:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 39 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7f30/01 5:54 00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 1.9 pg/K9-dry S 11 77/27/01 12.10:00 AM Qualifiem E-vslus above wsntmwri rwge Dace Rcpov d: .' g 3of 12 II I! 39 39Cd SHtl-1 WZH I' _. _. 9Pb Rg7ba TC UZ1 4 lA[3S.0 Ace • � 575Broad HdloN Rand M4r1e W 11747 I! (631)5943040.FAK(631)42D84W NYSDOHID#10578 LABORATORY RESULTS 'ample Information... FREUDENTHAL 8 ELKOWITZ,INC. Lab No. 0107673-003A ypc: soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWV COMMACK,NY 11726 gin: Attn To RICH BALDWIN Client D. : S-2 II Collected 723/01 9:30:00 AM � Received :7123101 4:00;00 PM I: Collected By CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD SALDWIN Parameters) Results Units Method ber Analyzed gamma-Chlordane <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/301015:54:00 PM gamma-Chlordane < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 727101 12:10:00 AM Toxaphene <3900 D pg/K"ry 1. 7130/015:54:00 PM Toxaphene < 190 pg/Kg-dry SW 7127/01 12:10:00 AM 2'4-D < 11 pg/Kg-dry SW 7126/01 2:53:00 PM 2,4,5-T <6.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 2:53:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) <5.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 2:53:00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxlde <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 Il 7/28/01 10:45:00 AM Aldicarb sulfane <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 ti 7/28/0110:45:OOAM Oxamyl <2.8 jig/Kg-dry E53 728/01 10:45:00 AM Methomyl <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 f 7128/01 10:45:00 AM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 7128/0110:45t00 AM Aldicarb < 2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 11 7/28101 10:45:00 AM Carbofuran <2,8 pg/Kg-dry E53 7128/0110!45:00 AM Carbaryl <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 Iif�, 7128/01 10:45,00 AM Barium 33.2 mg/Kg-dry SW tl 7126101 12:10:00 PM Cadmium <0,57 mg/Kg-dry S 725/01 12:10:00 PM Chromium 18.0 mg/Kg-dry S 7/26/01 12:10:00 PM Arsenic 28.9 mg/Kg-dry S 7/26/01 12:10:00 PM Lead 17.6 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26101 12:10:00 PM Selenium 1_09 mg/Kg-dry SW 7126/01 12:10:00 PM Silver < 1,14 mg/Kg-dry S `) 7/28/01 12:10:00 PM Mercur y 014 mg/Kg-dry 1 7/25/01 10:12:58 AM I Percent Moisture 11.9 wt% D22 728/01 9:50:00 AM I i i Ouallfiers: E-veWe ahwe puanGlelbn range p-Raeutle te.pllution UU Dale Rcparted 'g 4of 12 ll I 60 3Bdd SSV7 WWZH 9F bR Q7fiOTC tir •ct . r.-.�_,,,,, ece 575 Broad Holwe Raid,Melyik NV 11747 i! (631)8N.3040.FAX:(631)420a4W NYSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHIAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. mple Infomlation... Lab No- 0107673-004A �pc: soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK,NY 11725 131g Attn To RICH BALDWIN IIll�rigm: : 5-3 I' Collected 72 CIIen ID.3/01 9:50:00 AM Received 7123101 4:00:00 PM Collected By : CLIENT Copies To . RICHARD BALDWIN I' I; Parameter(-) Result Units Metho ber Analyzed alpha-BHC <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 7127/0112:46:00 AM alpha-BHC <74 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM beta-BHC <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM beta-BHC <74 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM delta-BHC <74 D pg/Kgdry SW 7/30101 6:30:00 PM delta-BHC 12 pg/Kg-dry S 7/27/01 1214E:00 AM gamma-BHC <74 D pg/Kgdry SW 7130/01 df30:CO PM gamma•BHC <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Heptachlor 7/27/01 74 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Heptachlor <3.7 pg/Kgdry SW 7/27101 12:46:00 AM Aldrin <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM AldriHeptachlor <74 D Hg/Kgdry SW 7130/01 6:30:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <74 p pgMg•dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <33 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Endosulfan I <74 D pg/Kgdry SW 7/30/01 6;30:00 PM Endosulfan19 pg/Kgdry SW 1 727101 12:46:00 AM Dieldrin 150 E Pg/Kgdry SWDie 1 727/01 12:46:00 AM 44'- in 150 D jig/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM ,4' DDE 450 D pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM 4,4'-DDE 390 E pg/Kg-dry SW 7 7127/01 12:46:00 AM Endrin 79 p9/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Endrin < 140 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30101 630:00 PM Endosulfan 11 170 E pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 12:46:00 AM Endosulfah II 160 D pg/Kg•dry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM 4,4'-DDD 130 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27101 12:46:00 AM 4,4'-DOD < 140 D pg/Kg-dry SW �y6�y1 7/30/01 630:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 1200 D pg/Kgdry S t71 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 680 E pg/K9-dry SW I '1 7/27/01 12;46:00 AM 4 4'-DDT 1800 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30101 6:30:00 PM 4,4'-DDT 910 E pgftdry SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Methoxychlor <740 D jig/Kg-dry SW 1 7130/01 6.30:00 PM Methoxychlor 46 pg/Kgdry SW. 1 7/27/0112:4fi:00 AM Endrin ketone < 140 D Hg/Kg-dry 6W 1 7/30/01 6:30,00 PM Endrn ketone 43 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 727/01 12;46:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <7.2 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Endrin aldehyde < 140 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7' /Ot 6.30:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <74 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/3O/01 6:30:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <3,7 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27/01 12.46:00 AM Ouallnem E-vela--Dove ii ntiletien onge Date Reported, j 5 of 12 9T 391dd Sffdl WZH Nocbo .Crr ...- ..-r �.. - '-- i 12 A l_.A US, 14ce • 575BtoedHdlov✓Road Melville NY 11747 (631)694-=).FAX M)4318436 NYSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS I 1: FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWIT7—INC. S mple Information... Lab No. 01 O76],3_Op,r}A T Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 Attn To RICH BALDWIN ngin: CI1en ID. S-3 I� Collected 7/23/01 9:50:00 AM li Received :7123/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By: CLIENT �! Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Paramatar(s) Result Units Metho her Analyze gamma-Chlordane <74 D pg/Kg-dry SW I 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM gamma-Chlordane <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27101 12:46:00 AM Toxaphene <7400 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Toxaphene <370 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 12:46:00 AM 2.4-D <22 Ng/Kg-dry S1 7/26/013:30:00 PM 2,4,5-7 <11 W/Kg-dry SW 1 7126/01 3:30:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Sllvex) <11 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/26/01 3:30:00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxide <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 7/28101 11:46:00 AM Aldlcarb sulfone <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 7/26101 11:46:00 AM Oxamyl <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 7128/0111:46:00AM Methomyl <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 {I 7/28/0111;45;00 AM 3-Hydmxycarbofuran <5.5 pg/KgAry E5 JI 7/28/0111:46:00 AM Aldicarb <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 �' 7/28/0111:46:00 AM Carbofuran <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 7/28/01 11:46:00 AM Carharyl <5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 7/28101 11:46!00 AM Barium 59.2 mg/Kg-dry S 0A 7126/01 12.37:00 PM Cadmium < 1.09 mg/Kg-dry OA 7/26101 12,37:00 PM Chromium 32.1 mg/Kg-dry SW 0 7/26/01 1237:00 PM Arsenic 45.5 mg/Kg-dry S 0� 726101 12:37700 PM Lead 35.7 mg/Kg-dry S DI AI 7/26101 12.37.00 PM Selenium 1.87 mg/Kg-dry S GI 7/26/01 12:37:00 PM Silver <2.12 mg/K"ry OA 7/26/01 12:37:OD PM Mercury <0.20 mg/Kg-dry 1 7/25/01 10:08:24 AM Percent Moisture 54.3 wt% D 728/01 9:51:00 AM �l Qualiners: E-VsW eooveq titmbn Q-wesulR br niWllan Dace Reported 6of12 TT 39Gd SgV-1 WZH I; U21H IA[3S, Ace 575BtOWHdlou Rca�MEA/b NY 11747 (631)%M1..O' .FAX*(®i)42084%NYSDCHID1k10476 LABORATORY RESULTS J9ype Infonnatlon... FREUDENTHAL BELKOWITZ,INC- Lab No. 01 U7673-OUBA Hype Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 Attn To RICH BALDWIN I ngin: ClIer t ID. S-4 I' Collected 7/23101 10:00:00 AM Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By_. CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Ii Parameters) Reauli Units Meth . u bar Analyzed alpha-BHC <1.9 yg/Kg-dry l 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM alpha-BHC <37 D pg/Kgdry 1 7130101 7:06:00 PM beta-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 727/01122:g0AM beta-8HC <37 D P9ftdry 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM delta-BHC <37 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30101 7:06:00 PM delta-BHC 9.3 pg/Kg-dry 1 727/011:22:00 AM gamma-BHC <37 D pg/Kgdry 1 7130/01 7:06:00 PM gamma-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Heptachlor /Kg <37 D pg -dry S 1 7Y30/01 7:06:00 PM Heptachlor < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/01 1:2ZOO AM Aldan < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry S 1 727/01 1:22:00 AM Aldan <37 D pg/Kg-0dry I 1 7/30/01 7:06;00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <37 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7130/Ol 7:06:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/01 122:00 AM Endosulfan I <37 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM Endosulfan I 5.7 pg/Kgdry 1 7/27/01 1!22!00 AM Dieldnn 55 pg/Kg-dry S 11 727/01 1:22:00 AM 4,4'-Dn <72 D pglKgdry S 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM 4,4'-DDE 150 D pg/Kg-dry 11 7130101 7:06:00 PM 4,4'-DDE 140 E pg/Kgdry S 1 727101 1:22:00 AM Endrin 32 pg/Kg-dry S 1 727/01122:OD AM Endrin <72 D pg/Kgdry 1 7/30/01 7!06!00 PM Endosulfan 11 53 pg/Kgdry 1 7/27/01 122:00 AM Endosulfan II <72 D pg/K9-dry 1 7/30101 7:06:00 PM 4,4"-DDD 65 pg/Kgdry 1 7/27101 1:22!00 AM 4,4"-DDD <72 D jig/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 300 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7/30101 7:06:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 280 E pg/Kgdry S 1 7/27101 1:22:00 AM 4,4'-DDT 690 D Pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30101 7:06:00 PM 4,4'-DDT 420 E jig/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Methoxychlor <370 D jig/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM Methoxychlor < 19 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Endrin ketone <72 D pg/Kg•dry S ! 1 7130101 7:06.00 PM Endrin ketone 15 pg/Kgdry S 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <3,6 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7127/01 1:22:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <72 D pg/Kg-dry S 31 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 37 D pg/Kgdry 1 7130101 7:06:00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 1.9 pg/Kgdry S t 7/27/01 1:22!00 AM Oualifi.rs 2-Value abaoe quantila6rn range / V n-Recuirs ror pilution U Date Reported g 7of 12 7T 39-Vd Sfi17� WZH 9Et1B9Zb9TS bc::T TMM7/CT Ioa ■ ILJ�� WAS' '�C� • I? 575810WHlI Road,Md✓ille NY 11747 (631)8943D10.FAX(631)4238436 NYSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FRELIDENTHAL&ELIKOWITZ.INC. mple Information_. Lab No. 0107673-005A C son Sae VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK,NY 11725 Attn To : RICH BALDWIN i,l gin: Client D. S-4 Collected 7123/01 10;00:00 AM I' Received 7/23101 4:00:00 PM �!y Collected By : CLIENT Copies To RICHARD BALDWIN IF Parameters) Results Units Methodnlber Analyzed gamma-Chlordane <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01706:00 PM gamma-Chlordane <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW �1 727/011:22:00 AM Toxaphene <3700 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/017:06,00 PM Toxaphena < 190 pg/Kg-dry SW III 727/011:22 AM 2,4-D < 11 pg/KgAry SW 8 726/01 4:0700:00 PM 2'4,5-T <5.4 pg/Kg-dry SW n 7/2e/O1 a:07:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(SiNex) <5.4 p9/K9-dry SW 7/26101 4:07;00 PM Aldicarb sulfaxide <2.7 pgfKg-dry E53 IlIi 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM Aldicarb suHone <2.7 pg/Kg-dry E53 11 7128/01 12:46:00 PM Oxamyl <2.7 PI E53 j 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM Methomyl <2.7 pg/Kg-dry E63 712810112:46:00 PM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran <2.7 pg/Kg-dry E53 7/28101 12:46:00 PM Aldicarb <27 p9/K9-dry E53 7128/01 12:46:00 PM Carbofuran <2.7 pg/Kg-dry E53 72810112:4e:00 PM Carbaryl <2.7 p9/Kg-dry E53 ? 7126/01 12:46:00 PM Barium 29.7 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 12:46:00 PM Cadmium <0.54 mg/Kg-dry 5 7126/01 12:46:00 PM Chromium 15.4 mg/Kg-dry S 7/26101 12:46:00 PM Arsenic 19,1 mg/Kg-ory SW I 7126/01 12:46:00 PM Lead 21.0 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 12:46.00 PM Selenium 1.05 mg/Kg-dry SW 1 AI 7126/01 12:46'00 PM Silver < 1.09 mg/Kg-dry SW 7126/01 12:46:00 PM Mercury <0A0 mg/Kg-dry 7/25/01 10:10:41 AM Percent Moisture a.2 Wt% D22 I 7/28/01 9:52:00 AM I I i i I li Qualifiers: E-Valuc rm,. ..-Rcuin:o:Cl:clion Dew.Reported f12e £T S9171 WZH - RFbRL17b.QTC bC-cT Tnnit1r • • jj. N24i LAUS'n INC. 575 Brwdfi010,v Road,Mdvie NY 11747 (631)694-A .5AX(631)42D8d%NYSDCHID#1D1'79 LABORATORY RESULTS I' li triple Information... FREUDENTHAL 8,ELKOWITX,INC. Lab No. : 0107673-006A r pe: Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY II COMMACK,NY 11725 Attn To : RICH BALDWIN i; igin: Client ID. S-6 Collected 7/23/01 10:00:00 AM I. Received :7/23/01 4;00!00 PM Collected By' CLIENT jl Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameter(s) Result Units Methoti r6er Analyzed alpha-BHC <1.9 pg/KgAry SW 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM alpha-BHC <37 D jig/Kg-dry SW 1 7/301017:42:00 PM beta-BHC <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 1:58:00 AM beta-BHC <37 D pg/K9-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM delta-BHC <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/301017:42:00 PM delta-BHC 3.4 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 71271011:58:OOAM gamma-BHC <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM gamma-BHC < 1.9 p9/K9-dry SW l 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Heptachlor <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM Heptachlor <1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27101 1:58:00 AM Aldnn <1,g pg/Kory SW 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Aldan <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42,00 PM Heptachlor epoxide 437 D pg/Kg-dry S1N 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide < 1-9 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127101 1:58:00 AM Endosulfan I <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130/01 7:42:00 PM Endosulfan 1 5.6 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 t58:00 AM Dieldrin Al pg/Kg-dry S 1 7271011t58:00AM Dieldrin <73 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30101 7:42:00 PM 4A DDE 160 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM 4.4-ODE 150 E pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 1,58:00 AM Endrin 29 pg/Kg-dry S I, 1 7127/01 1:58 00 AM Endrin <73 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130101 7'.42:00 PM Endosulfan 11 46 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Endosulfan 11 <73 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM 4,4'-DDD 79 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM 4,4'-DDD <73 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 330 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7,42:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 280 E pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM 4,4'-DDT 740 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7130101 7.42:00 PM 4.4-DDT 430 E Pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27101 1:58:00 AM Methoxychlor <370 D pg/K"ry 1 7/30/01 7A T00 PM Methoxychlor <19 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27101 1:58!00 AM Endrin ketone <73 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7130/01 7:42:00 PM Endrin ketone 15 pg/Kg-dry 1 727/01 1:58:DO AM Endrin aldehyde < 3.6 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27101 1:58:00 AM Endrin aldehyde < 73 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7130/01 7:42:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <37 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/30/017:42:00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry S 1 O�77//27101 11:56.00 AM QualMers: E-Value QMVE quanlilelion range D-R&auiia iar Di;.6— I � Date Reporcd 9 9of 12 b T 39tid -. S$fJ1 WZH 9Fb Rg7bq TG hG :cr rra ra- !rr ;on 1 i2M UALS., INC. 575SMad Holi Roal,M&*NY 11747 (631)6143010.FAX(631)420,9436 NYSDOH ID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS triple Information... FREl1DENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,IN0. Lab No. 0107673-006A pe: Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11726 Attn To RICH BALDWIN igin: Clien ID. S-5 f I: Collected 723/01 10:00:0C AM Received 7/23101 4:00:00 PM Collected By: CLIENT i Copies To RICHARD BALDWIN Parameterts) Result Units Metho Mrnber Analyzed gamma-Chlordane <37 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/301017:42:00 PM gamma-Chlordane <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/011:58:00 AM Toxaphene <3700 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130101 7:42:00 PM Toxaphene < 190 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 727/01 1:58:00 AM 2,4-0 < 11 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/25/01 4:44:00 PM 2,4,5-T <5-5 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 71261014;44:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) <5.5 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/26/01 4:44:00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxide <2.8 Ng/Kg-dry E5 7/28/01 1:47:00 PM Aldicarb sulfone <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 7/78/01 1:47:00 PM Oxamyl 42.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 728/01 1:47:00 PM Methomyl <2,8 pg/Kgdry E5 7/281011;47:00 PM 3•Hydroxycarbofuran <2.8 pg/Kg•dry E5 7128/011:47:00 PM Aldicarb <2.8 Ng/Kg-dry E5 7/28/01 1:47:00 PM Carbofuran <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 71281011:47:00 PM Carbaryl <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 7128/01 1:47:00 PM Barium 31.1 mg/Kg-dry S I:0A 7126101 12:54:00 PM Cadmium <0.55 mg/Kg-dry 0 7125/01 12:54:00 PM Chromium 16.5 mg/Kgdry S 0III I 7126/01 12:54:00 PM Arsenic 20.4 mg/Kg.dry S ol4 7126101 12:54:00 PM Lead 14.4 mg/Kg-dry 0b 7/26/01 12:54:00 PM Selenium 1.08 mg/Kg-dry SW 0 7/26/01 12:54:00 PM Silver < 1,10 mg/4-dry 0 7/28101 12:54:00 PM Mercury <0.10 mg/K0•dry S 1 7/25/01 9:57:01 AM Percent Moisture 9.3 wl% D2 7/28/01 9:53:00 AM i i I I i I i i Quaifien;: E-Velue above Quanliraum range I Dam Reported' g 10 of 12 I i i I ST EDCd _ S$f11 WZH __ ___ 9EbRpl7.h9TC ■ /4 tAUJ, Aca 575Broad Hokw Roaq Mee NY 11747 I; (531)691.a' 10.FAX(631)42084WNYSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL 8 ELKOWITZ,INC. Lab No. 01 Q7673-QQ7A mple Information... pe: Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY li COMMACK, NY 11725 Attn To RICH BALDWIN igin: Client ID. : 5-6 li Collected 7/23/01 10:15:00 AM Received :7123101 4:00:00 PM Collected By: CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameter(s) Results Units Metho I ber Analyzed alpha-BHC <2.3 mg/Kg-dry SW I 727/012134:00 AM alpha-BHC <45 D pg/Kq-dry SW 7129/01 5:53:00 AM beta-SHC <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 7127101 2:34:00 AM beta-BHC <45 D jig/Kg-dry SW 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM delta-BHC 200 D pglKg-dry SW 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM delta-BHC 150 E pglKg-dry SW 7127/01 23At00 AM gamma-BHC <45 D pg/Kq-dry SW 7129/01 5:53:00 AM gamma-BHC <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/012:34;00 AM Heptachlor <45 D pg/Kgdry 1 7129/01 5:53:00 AM Heptachlor <2.3 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7727/01 2:34:00 AM Aldnn <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27101 2:34:00 AM Aldrin <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/29/015:53:00AM Heptachlor epoxide <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7129101 5:53:00 AM Heptachlor epoxide <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 727101 2:34:00 AM EndosulfanI <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7129/01 5:53:00 AM Endosulfan) <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW l� 1 7127101 2:34:00 AM Dieldrin <4.4 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/012:34:00 AM Dieldnn <88 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 71291015:53:00 AM 4,4'-DDE 130 D jig/Kg-dry SW 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM 4A'-DDE 110 E pg/Kg-dry SW 1 727101 2:34:00 AM Endrin <4.4 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/012:34:00 AM Endrin <88 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7l29/01 5:53:00 AM Endosulfan 11 <4,4 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127101 2:34:00 AM Endosulfan II <88 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/29/01 5:51:00 AM 4,4'-DDD 14 p9/K9-dry S 1 7127/012:34:00 AM 4,4-DDD <88 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7129/01 5:53:00 AM Endosulfan sulfate <88 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM Endosulfan sulfate 5.1 pg/Kgdry 1 7127101 2:34:00 AM 4,4'-DOT 160 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM a,4'-DDT 170 E pg/Kg-dry S }, 11 7/27101 2:34:00 AM Methoxychlor <450 D pg/Kgdry S ul 1 7129/015:53:DCAM Methoxychlor <23 i' pg/Kg-dry d 1 7/27/01 2:34:00 AM Endnn ketone <88 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7129/01 5:53:00 AM Endrin ketone <4,4 pg/Kg-dry S Q 1 7127101 2.34.00 AM Endnn aldehyde <4.4 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 2:34:00 AM Endrin aldehyde -88 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/29/01 5.53:00 AM alpha-Chlordane 145 0 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/291015:53:00 AM alpha-Chlordane <2.3 pg/Kg-dry S 1 727/01234.00 AM OualiaeB: E-VaLn above quenlltaaon range u-newiiu fa dil�Go� i Date Rcpom d g 11 of 12 I' 91 39td SffG1 WZH 9^c bRR7.bq TC ec [cr raa7 !r.r!en 5758roadHdbw Prod.McMbe NY 11747 (631)%4..A10.FAK(631)4208436 WSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS ple Information... 368 VETETHALRANS &ELKOWITZ,ING. Lab No. : 0107673-OO7A � p Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY I; COMMACK. NY 11725 I; Attn To : RICH BALDWIN la' Client 1 Collected 7/23101 10:15:00 AM Received :723/01 4:00:00 PM II Collected By'. CLIENT Coples To : RICHARD BALDWIN i Parameterls) Results Units Method r Analyzed gamma-Chlordane <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW8 729/015;53:00 AM gamma-Chlordane <2.3 pg/Kgdry SW8 7/271012:34:00 AM Toxaphene <4500 D pg/Kg-dry SWB 7129/015:53:00 AM Taxaphene <230 pg/Kgdry SW8 7/27/012:34:00 AM 2.4-D < 13 p9/Kg-dry SW8 726/01 5:21:00 PM 2,4,5-T 16.5 p9/Kgdry SW8 7/26/015:21,00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) <6.6 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/26101 5:21:00 PM Aldicam sulfoxide <3.3 pg/Kgdry E531 728101 2:47:00 PM Aldicarb sulfone <3.3 pg/Kgdry E531 ! 728/O1 2:47:00 PM Oxamyl <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E531 728/01 2:47:00 PM Methomyl <3.3 pg/K9dry E531 7/281012:47:00 PM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E53 7128/01 2:47:00 PM Aldicarb <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E53 7128/01 2ATOD PM Carbofuran <3.3 pg/Kg-dN E53 7/28/01 2:47:00 PM Carbaryl <3.3 p9/Kg-dry E53 7/28/01 2:47:00 PM Barium 66.3 mg/Kg-dry S I 726101 1:03:00 PM Cadmium <0.66 mg/Kg-dry SW 726101 1:n:00 PM Chromium 12.8 mg/Kg-dry, SW 7/26/01 1:03:00 PM Arsenic 68.5 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26101 1:03:00 PM Lead 912 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26101 1:03:00 PM Selenium 0.91 mg/Kg-dry SW { 7126101 1:03:00 PM Silver < 1.33 mg/Kg-dry SW I A 7/26/01 1:03:00 PM Mercury <0,13 mg/Kg-dry SW 7125/01 1024.37 AM Percent Moisture 24.7 wt% D22 7128/01 9:54:00 AM i i i I u i li pualifiara: E-value above quamnation range �`�(/�\\J G-nami¢for Giiuiron lS.V7 Dare Reported g 12 of 12 i LT 39vd S3tl1 WZH VDA "US, INC. � 5758rcedHolow Road Mek&NY 11747 (531)6949 0.FAX:(631)4208 NYSDOHID#10a78 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&eLKOWITZANC. j mple Information... Lab No. : 0107861-001A I! C soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK,NY 11726 I: Attn To RICH BALDWIN I! gin: Client D. S-1 I' Collected 727101 8:45:00 AM Received :7127/01 4:00:00 PM l Collected By, CLIENT I; Copies To : RICHARD BALOWIN Parameter(s) Results Units Meth o ber Analyzed 1 Arodor 1016 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1221 <78 pg/Kgdry S 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1232 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1242 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7131101 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1248 <38 jig/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 234:00 PM Aroclor 1254 '38 pg/Kg_dry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1280 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7131101 2:34:00 PM Percent Moisture 13.7 Wt% D 7/28101 9:55:00 AM II II I� I I i I I' I I I Quali(ntSf E-vam peeve puanNatbn range R... ror i Date Reported a1 of i i 8T 30Vd SaV-1 WZH _ 9E.bRR7hQ TC _. no •cr Aug-18-01 11:42am Prom-WNTGOIERY AN LA RATORIES 8253688324 � I! 102 P.01/04 F-114 MCWITGOMERY WATS0IY RORATORIHS a OW'*an MMOmgomary WMap America ,lu, 555 fast W.Imrt'.Aee i headea4,t4fterde 91101 Tel:626 566 6400 Fee:M56116n4 1805M LAU 11 BU S6652271 ' �i I i I; I: aboratozy Report ^ for H2M Labs, InC 57E Broad Hollow Road I' Me ville , NY 11747 Atte tion: Stuart Murrell ax; 631 420-8436 e - �1 - UG 1 5 n 1O ACCOgoy N•0n,'TCGft1E�Y MiAlSCrU � a � H D e ort#k: 83593 Proj Ma Y CONTRACT I sboratory certifies that the t at results meet all XELAC :l I Ql1ir8[iEnte unless :led ,n the comte.tcs se lien o I the Casa 2.arrative . roii I �ng the cover page re QC Report, QC Sumtnary,Data Rport. totaling 3 page [s] . , Z0 39vd S9V-I WZH _ gEb80Zb9T9 bb :bT TMM7ICT/On 11 :42 am Free-WNTGOMERY ON LAB RATORIFS 62658BB824 jT 102 P.02104 F-114 *gip) MONTGDM6RY WATSON ORATOMRS Laboratory a0ivixienotMont¢e�ry�y�gp„pmeriee Inc. �at8 666 East warm wear Report Paseaana.Ca6TOR6o 81101 #5 3 593 Tat:626589 5400 Fox:626 568 6324 I� 1800666 LA88 11 800 596 5227) I i H2M Labs, 3- Stuart Murrell les Received 575 Broad Hollow Road 1/01 Melville , Ny 11747 I repated Aaalyzed CC REE# Metes d Aaalyte Beeyl Unit, ,my ailuelac V-2 (2107310117) Sampled a 07/27/01 09:15 06/16/01 00100 140497 I C—WKB/�X214 ) orcl lozace eg/1 4.0 1 i II I: II I I I I i� I :1 i Data Re - Page 1 of 1 I £9 3�JtJd SEV-1 WZH 9£b99Z"TS bb :bT TPM7!r_T/On ` Aua 16-01 11:42am From-MONTGOIERY WA SON LA RATORIES 5251886324 • T 102 P.83/04 F-114 MONiGjA01WATSON ORATORIES Laboratory 9 Division o WK" q�oancas Inc, E%Elm Wa QC Summary Paaadana,C1 $k 8 3 5 93 Tc :07E 5BEFaxa 908 892{ 1 900 568 LASMJH2M Labs, I I Ii ;�C Ref #149497 - Percb_lorate Analysis e: 08/15/2001 2107310127 T -2 �i �I I' i' � I I'. I, I; I; I' I' gg� li9 I I QC S - Page 1 of 1 40 30vci SEIV-1 WZH _ _ 98b80Zb9LG bb :bT raa:/cT:Qn Aug-15-01 11:42am From•WNTGOWRY WATSON LAB ATORIES 6205686324 • I''-h02 P.04/04 F-114 WWWOMERY WAMIV BORATORIFS Laboratory a�1VIliaO of M11orrt04t00ry WanOn Ameneq„ nc. 555 Eaaf Whku SUAec I;• QC Report hmgtna.CoNarma 91101 #8 3 593 To 1:526 50 6a00 P4a:626563 S324 1808 568 LA IS(1800Sad 522)) I� r I' H7M Labs, Inc I; I, QC Ref #149497 ' I Pero orate I oc Aaelytle ;9 OHSkaB Aecevered Yield AS $piked ea�ie Lah 0 21 04020004 (VI tl (4) APH (R) Lcal 0.06 1'erEIIlorate 25.0 26 1 0 - ) LCa2 25.0 2> 7.0d-0 ( If 0 - 115.00 1 POrC1L10Fdt0 4.09.0 amL7( Dexehleraae S0D f 0 - 115.00 J 3.8 Y8 r4rchlarkle 76-0 29.5 10 .4 120.00 ) M= aesOhlaraEe 25.0 27.1 108. ( a - 120.Oa ) 0,74 li I: li ii i' r I: !I I. I' i �I II I! III I! I:f I: II. BDlkee vetch exceed Liming I'gad xa Bieaka rirh Doe1EiW revalca I' oel.nexia tar we and aNY ara aavieerY Y, eaeeA senceea iv paaad oa a N.9e1i0' lladerli - LCg. Q'itl es du ern ndvieery enly, valeaa ocMrvioo a H11eeLea —tsiea :_ Ex arhad. � I QC Re - Page 1 of 1 3 39tid Sffdl WZH u2 t LAI3S41� NC. 575 Broad Hollow Road PHONE: (631) 694-304 I Melville, New York 11747 II xt. 1210 FAX: (631) 420-8436 E-Mail: KAVANAGH M.COM r TO b\ FROM: KAREN E. 1 I` ANAGH COMPANY C RE: O A DATE ( S O I # OF PAGES (incl. c r sheet): CYO S TIME: ✓lil NOTE: PLEASE C !I IMMEDIATELY IF YOU DO NOT EIVE ALL PAGES FAX: .I.i r. COMMENTS: i? UL 71 I§ �I. ju li ly i n. i i Time Faxeo: ) it Sender •r I ro 10 39dd S2ti7 WZH 9F hR R7t10 TC 1r. i..., Au¢-15-91 10:24am From MONTGO ERPTSON L BORATORIES 6286686324 • T-100 P.02/06 F-ill nl Au¢ 15-0011 10:23am From-MONTGOMERY WATSON L BORATORIES 6285686324 T-099 P.01/04 F-110 �vr MoGoMERY WAl'SON goRATOMES in. �// a Oivis4n o1 MvntpvmYry Wmon America 555 Ewa Welma Stmm Fftzad. a,CaWwr4.01161 Te I:62655E 540 tan 6M 5885324 1666 566 LABS I T no MG SM1 j I i 4 I aboratory Report for CA-511) 31 SI H2M Lahs, Inc .ry 57 Broad Hollow Road Me Ville , NY 11747 yl Atte tion: Stuart Murrell ax: 631 420-6436 � f, y � I FDATEr" ID�SUt ACt;Og 114C Eta D j e Proje ma r port#k : 83593 CONTRACT ahcraLory certifies char_ rho est results m®et all Loved in the Comments section r the Case Narrative. Fol r nless ire QC Repot,QC Suttanary,Data eport, totaling 3 page [s] ver page ZO 39T/d SHti-i WZH IG Aug-15-01 10:252m Fram-I,ONTGOWRY 1�ATSON L RATORIES 6266666324 • T-1DU P'Was F-111 i; Laboratory Data Report i999999 #83526 I� I i �f x2M Labe, :Lnc Stuart Murrell lee Received 575 Broad 1follow Road ) 27/01 Melville , NY 11747 !' I arepared .1ae3 zed I'Y OC R0211 M4L!106 Acolyte R4a U111t0 MRL ➢ilucivn MW-3 (2107300027) Sampled 07/23/01 08:45 DB/10/01 0400 149299 ( CAD9G/2PA314 ) p0schlvratNo a ug/1 i 4.0 1 S-2 (2107300028) Sampled o 07/23/01 09 :30 08/15/02 00m00 148496 ( CA11A8/SPA314 I:a larchlaraty mg/Np D.04D 1 S-3 (2107300029) Sampled 0 07/23/01 09 :50 061151D1 00:00 145496 ( C1CH9/EPA314 ) Pazahlor4as � ICI I al9/k9 0.090 1 S-4 (2107300030) Sampled o 07/23/01 10r00 08/15/DS 06a00 14948C ( OU"VRM14 I Perahlarete � j;g �11 cop/NC 0.040 y S-5 (2107300031) Sampled o 07/23/01 10 :00 l OB/16/01 00.00 149456 ( CAD178/BPA914 ) !as'chicrat4 I 11a Plg/k9 0.040 1 S- 6 (2107200032) Sampled o 07/23/01 10 :15 at/15/01 0n00 149496 ( CAnNVEPA314 I: 1 Parchlvzate e+➢ j: mg/kg D,OdO 1 I, j' is is g I! I� j I I' I i, Data R rt - page 1 of 1 I E9 3�Jdd 53F17 WZH I� •Aua-15-0 1 10:25am From-MONTGOVEATSON L SORATORIES 6265686324 IT-100 P.04/05 F-111 Laboratory QC SUMMa3:-y H2M Labs, Inc j. Qc Ref #149279 - Perchlorate Analy3i te: 08/10/2001 2107300027 -3 QC Ref #149496 - Perchlorate Anal ymi te; 08/15/2001 21073000:28 -2 2107300029 -3 Ii 21073000:30 -4 2107200031 21073000:32 -5 lit is II QC 9 Page 1 of 1 SgV7 WZH Aws-15-01 10:25am From-IgNTG01fRY ijATSON L ORATORIES 8285886324 • IT-100 P.05/05 F-111 Laboratory QC Report � #83576 f P � j. H2M Labs, Inc n I I:Ir I; QC Ref #149279 Per hlorate I R� aaalyts apikad Recovered Ylald (l)spiked to (S) 71Pp (k)ap .ople Lab d 21 08020052 .00 - 0.00 1 LCB1 Perihlerate 25.0 24.3 97.2 B .00 11d.00 1 LC52 Perahlarata 25.0 24.8 99.1 Dorchloraee NO 0 86 00 - 115.00 ) 2.0 M31LR Yerchloreta 25.0 23.8 dj,2 t, p kB0 -00 - 120-00 )xamhlarae• 25.0 23.S 04.0 _dp - 120.00 ) 1.3 li QC Ref #149496 Per hlorate II I^ QC Aaalyce spiked keeavered yield (k) ., ea (k) DC81 aarchlorato k!D (k) 0.29 0.27 la4.0 �a.OD LG52 ParOhLOrate 0.25 p.a� 108.0 1 0.00 - 120.00 J 3.0 ka7S Per0h1era0e JW ka Pereblarat. 13 0.35 0.29 116.0 0_00 - 120.00 )i<9D Perasiarato 0.25 0.28 112-0 D.00 - 12p.00 ) 3.9 I;. II' I I' I! I I�. I� li I; j. I;. li I'. ,pike, wpich exceed L1Aica awl had dlaaka with peaitive result, axe high at d Criteria tar W nad Lvr ar. advice 1 hY bndesliaiaa. rY Y. hatch seaerai 1• bexd -„p, d- far dupiieataa are advisory only, total... dthatvi a epaaified io the aathod, QC rt - Page 1 of 1 l S0 39dd S9V-1 WZH II 114 04,'2n12 12;52 FAX 631 4 9 592, FREUDENrHAL & ELK f�0a1/019 1�n F— FAX TRANSMISSION s FREUDENTIIAL&ELkOWITZ CONSULTING GROGP,INC. 358 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 (631)499-2222 Fax: (631)499-5928 To: Mr. VictorL'Platteniar Date: April4,2D02 Town of Southold (631) 765-3136 ec: James Matthews, Esq. Pages: 14, including this cover sheet. (631)425-7030 Ms. Maggie Evans (518) 346.6440 From: Richard Baldwin Subject: CR 48 Southold Dear Mr. L'Plattenier, Please find the attached. Please call me with any questions you may have. 94;04 'S602 12;,i52 F.4:i 931 499 5926 FREUDENTHAL & ELK �002i014 FREI;DENTHAL & ELKOWITZ "MNSLULTING GROUP, INC. T6 1M E16-1u, P,ui4mt J6B �'ctenna llamaei.] 1'lis6we. �1up I). 1'reada!11¢, 0ietired•1594) CO3=01, Nem Tork 11735 T.I: (631) 499.2222 April 4,2002 P.z (631)449.5928 VIA);ACSMILE AND OVERNIGHT CARRIER Mr. Victo-L'Plattenier Planning Director Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Agri-Business Child Development Grace's Place Property County Road 48(Ivfrddle Road) Southold,New York Dear Mr:L'Plattertier: Freudenthai&Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc, (F&E)has been retained by Agri-Business Child Development to provide environmental consulting services for the above-referenced property. As you are aware,during arecent Phase II Environmental Site Assessment(,ESA),dieldren and arsenic were detected in sutficial soil samples, collected from on-site locations,which exceeded draft soil screening levels currently under peer review by the Suff lk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS)and United States Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA). In order to determine what remedial actions, if say, will be required for the impacted soils, a summary report was prepared and submitted to the SCDHS for its review and comment (see Attachment A). Based upon telephone conversations, the SCDHS is currently reviewing the summary report. Its initial review indicates that a Soil Management Plan(SMP)will be required to address those soils that children may come into contact with(e.g., soils located within the planned playground,etc.). The SCDHS has indicated that best efforts will be made to provide comments to F&E within two weeks(April 18,2002). ME will submit an appropriate SNIP to the SCDHS within one week of receiving same. In F&E's experience, the concentations of dieldrin and arsenic detected in the near-surface soil samples do not pose a difficult environmental condition to address. As the contaminants are relatively immobile and generally restricted to the upper three to six inches of the soil column, a SNIP including methods for handling and managing the top soil which is to be used on the site,with allowable mixing of sublayers in order to reduce overall concentrations of residual pesticides, will be effective and could be readily implemented. Again,the SMP will be prepared for,reviewed by and conducted with oversight of the SCDHS. 04 04'2002 12; )3 F. :X 631 490 5925 FREUDENTHAL & ELK Z 0001019 • • Mr. Victor L Plattenier April 4,2002 Planning Director Page 2 Town of Southold Please feel free to contact-me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, FREUDENTH L&ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP,INC. �(7 / Richard J. Baldwin, CPO Associate RJB/lm one. cc: M.Evans I Matthews,Esq. 04;:00: 2:53 Fd?; 1 4E? 5S2n FRELDENTHAL & ELK Z004/014 I I ATTACHMENT A FRE'CDENMIAL & ELKCWITZ CCN^ N -�UL1[. C GROUP, INC. 04.04.12002 12:54 F.a 031 490 5925 FREUDENTHAL & ELK 005/014 ELlKO"�Vi TZ (-'ONS !:TING TG CROUP,, INC, 1 fierce: 1,16uRd:�. �b;nnica OuF 1 rMabs ?lemarui KJ),,v ljuyo .�%, Trruornihd (ll'er.rrw199i1 -'oamaci;.�rF 1'ers 11j.J Tel: 1651! 499 22-92 Mach 6,2002 R�. (63I) a99-5928 Via OVERNIGHT CARRIER Ivlr. Robert T. Seyfarth Suffolk County Department of Health Services 15 Horseblock Place Farmingville,New York 11738 Re: Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment County Road ag (Middle Road) Southold, New York Dear Mr. Seyfatth: On behalf of our client,Freudenthai&Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc.(F&E)is hereby submitting, foryourreview and comment,this summary of arecentlycompleted environmental site investigation for the above-referenced property. Background The subject property is located near the intersection of Paul's Lane and County Route 48 (Middle Road)in the Hamiet ofPeconic. Southold Township, Suffolk County in the State of New York(see Figure 1). According to plans provided by Ricardo E. Campos, R.A., two parcels of land totaling approximatel✓4.6 acres (Lots 7 and S of 2 ) and-7 6 acres, respectively) are to be redeveloped as a day care ce_uier for the children of agricultural workers (see Figure 2), The plans indicate that the facility will consist of a 7,000 square foot(SF)one-story building,a 7,000 SF playground area,open areas, access roads and associated parking lots. According to a Phase I ESA prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers(D&B)in May of 2001 and F&r's subsequent site inspection,the property is currently an open,plowed farm field. The subject property has most recently been utilized as a sod farm. In the past, the site had been utilized as a potato farm. The D&B phase I ESA indicated that the estimated direction of groundwater flew was to the ❑ertheast. F&E's review of available data indicates that the 5 oundwater flow direction in the viciniry ofthe situ.naybe to the north. There was an existing test well on the propor y which was reportedly installed in the early 1990s in support of a subdivision application. Details regarding this test well are provided below, 4t3�OE,W�3tt 12;,74 zn:i 051 499 5 i2b FRHLDEKTEAL & ELK �1008/019 M!. Robert T. 5e,rfar y March 6,2002 Suffolk C au_.r} Departmen- of Health Services page , Based upon review of the phase I ESA and F&E's experience ir_�the vicinity of the site,the followin; slues o env==ental concern were identified- Based upon the historic a;ict:sural use ofthe property,.shallow soils and underlying groundwater may be impacted by pesticides, herbicides and selected metals; 2. Based upon historic use of Chilean fertilizers on the North Fork of Long Island, perchlorate (same is naturally occurring in fertilizers imported from Chile)may be present in on-site soils and groundwater; and D&B postulated that the soil staining at the base of a nearby utility pole may be the result of a blown transformer which could have resulted in the release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Presently, there is not a transformer on the subject utility pole. Scope of Work Basest upon the above, the followme services were implemented as part of the Phase II ESA conducted by F&E: Installation of one groundwater monitoring well and the collection of groundwater samples from same as well as from the existing on-site test well (designated on historic pL.ns as TW-2); -. COile-tlon of four s'aallow soil samples from across the site to evaluate the possible Presence of pesticides, herbicides, selected metals and perchlorate due to historic agricultural uscs of the properry. Additionally,one snallnw soil sample was collected to represent background conditions: and CAllectiOn Ofcne shallow soil sample from adjacent to the utilirvpole to evaluate the potential presence of PCBs. Investigation Results :a ell Lrstuilation and Groundwat r 5amline Eased upon a north to norLhe.st grcurdwarcr flow direction.,well MW-3 was installed at the northern coiner of Lot 3 (see Figure 2) The upper four feet of the lithologic section were dominated by aveily and sandy silt. The rema rider of the sediments encountered to the terminal depth of the boring were composed of highly permeable gravelly sands. Groundwater was encountered at 29.9 feet below grade surface (bgs). Therefore,the well was completed ten feet below the water table with two-inch diameter, 0.010-inch, PVC well screen from 25 to 40 feet bgs, and the remainder of the Weil was completed with blank casing. 04-u412UliC' 22:55 FAI 091 912 5925 FREUDENTHAL & ELK Z 007/014 Mr. Robert T, Seyfarth March.6, 2002 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 3 The annular space was filled, utilizing the tremie method,with appropriately-sized filter pack sand to two feet above the screened interval followed by-wo feet of membrane sand. A two-foot thick sanitary seal of hydrated bentonite was placed on top of the membrane sand followed by neat bentonite grout to the surface. The well was equipped with a locked cap and a water-tigk flush-to- grade manhole type completion. The well was developed by overpumpin2 and surging. All drill cuttings and purge water were discharged to the ground surface in the vicinity of the well head. Existing well TW-2 was completed with two-inch diameter galvanized steel material and was equipped with a one-and one-quarter inch galvanized steel down pipe. The down pipe,attached to atr ejector mechanism,was removed from the well to allow for sampling. Upon removal ofthe down pipe, the depth to the bottom of the well was measured at 74.8 feet This is consistent with information provided by Krieger Well Drillers(Krieger)who installed the well in the early 1990s. Krieger personnel indicated that the well was completed to a depth of78.5 feet bgs with a three-foot long screened interval, Therefore, TW-2 was installed to evaluate groundwater quality conditions approximately 48 feet beneath the site, Both wells were purged, and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for chlorinated pesticides by EPA Method 8081,herbicides by EPA Method 8 15 1, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb)by EPA Method E531.1,Perchlorate by EPA Method 314.0 and RCRA metals (including barium,cadmium,chromium,arsenic,lead,selmium,silver and mercury). Additionally, the water sample collected from TW-2 was analyzed for nitrates by EPA Method F353.2(TW-2 was sampled after Kreger indicated the historic presence of nitrate in water samples collected from sameL As indicated in the laboratory data sheets included in Appendix A. none of the target chlonnated pesticides, herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb), RCRA metals or perchlorate were detected in the ,groundwater samples collected from TW-2 or MW-3. According to Krieger, a groundwater sample collected from well T W-2 in the early 1990s contained 12 milligrams per liter(mall)nitrate. The,groundwater sample collected as part of the current work contained 5.27 myl nitrate. The analytical data indicate that the groundwater beneath the subject property both at the surface of and 48 feet below rite water table is not impacted by site-related chlorinated pesticides, herbicides, organoehosphorus pesticides (including aidicarb), RCRA metals or Perchlorate. The groundwater sample collected froth TW-2 did contain S?7 myl nitrates which is below its NYS77EC Class GA standard of i 0 mg/l. This area of Long Island was identified by the NYSDEC in 1986 as an area of shallow nitrate contamination (see Figure 3). Thus, there was a shallow nitrate problem in the vicinity o fthe site which is likely not directly attributable to he subject propertv. However,it should be noted that the water may not be suitable for potable purposes considering the target population of young chiidren. - 04,P4�^_10:: 12 3.5 P.iS. 631 499 5925 FREUDENTEAL R ELK (�Of)8/014 Mr. Robert T. Seyfatth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Departrneat of Health Services Page 4 Ski low Soil Evalua 'on In accordance:with the approved scope of work,shallow soil samples(collected from the surface to six itches bgs) were Collected from four locations across the property. Sample S-2 was collected from Jie area indicated on the plans where the playground was to be constructed. Sample S-3 was located near the front.of Lot 8,while samples S-4 and 5-5 were collected from representative areas in Lot 7. Both lots were flat and there were no topographically low areas where residual pesticides and herbicides would naturally accumulate. Sample S-6 was collected from a woodedparcel located approximately 1,300 feet southwest of the subject property as a background sample. Each shallow soil sample was analyzed for chlorinated pesticides by EPA Method 8081, herbicides by EPA Method 8151,orgauophosphorus pesticides(including aldicarb)byEPAMethodE531.1,petchlorate by EPA Method 314.0 and RCRA metals. The analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and the laboratory data sheets are included in Appendix A. Herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides(including aldicarb)and perchlorate were not detected in any of the shallow soil samples. Several pesticides were detected in the four on-site and background soil samples below potentially actionable concentrations (e.g., NYSDEC Recommended Soil Cleanup Objective (RSCO) included in the NYSDEC Technical Adrnirtisttative Guidance Memorandum (TAGM) 4046: Detennination of Soil Cleanup Objeeifves and Cleanup Levels, revised in April 1995). Dieldrin was detected in the soil samples collected from S-2,S-3 and S-4 at concentrations of 0.053, 0.15 and 0 055 milligrams per kilo yarn(mg1g),respectively, which are above its RSCO of 0,044 mg/kg. Additionally, endosufan sulfate was deteetk m the S-3 sample at 1.2 mg/'ng which is above s RSCO of 1.0 mg/k<&. No pesticide was detected above RSCOs in the backgound soil sample 5-61. Arsenic was detected at concentrations ranging from 19.1 to 45.5 mg/l<g in all four of the on-site soil sarrples. Additionally, the background soil sample contained 68.5 mgi'kg of arsenic. The S-2 soil sample also contained 0,14 mg/kg of mercury which is above its RSCO of 0.1 mg/kg but within the eastern United States range of background concentrations of 0.001 to 0.2 rng/kg- Me-cury was not detected in any of the other soil samples (including the background sample). Several other RCRA metals were detected below their respective NYSDEC RSCOs from all four on-site soil samples and Cite background soil sample. Sample S-I was collected f om the surface to six inches bgs in a stained soil area directly adjacent to a utility pole and analyzed of PCBs by EPA Method 8082. PCBs were not detected in the sample. U4:2U'72 1'L:9a FAI C-}1 429 3826 FREUDENTHAL & ELK 10009/014 Mr. Robert T. Scyfarth March 6, 2002 Suffolk County Depamnent of Health Se-vicee page 5 Summary and Conclusions Envirorur enial tesnng was oerfotmed at the studysite to address a potential environmental concern e:long-term agricultural use that included the collection and laboratory analysis of two groundwater and four soil samples from agricultural areas and one soil sample collected as representative of a background location for comparisonpurposes. Additionally,one soil sample collected from an area of stained soil was analyzed for PCBs. Pesticides(both chlorinated and organophosphoras),herbicides,RCRAmeWs andperehloratewere not detected in the groundwater samples collected from on-site monitoring wells NfW-3 and TW-2. A groundwater sample collected from TW-2 in the early 1990s was reported by Krieger to contain nitrate above its NYSDEC Class GA standard- The groundwater sample collected from the well as pan of this study contained 5?7 mgil of nitrate. The vicinity of the site has been reported by the NYSDEC to bean area where the shallow aquifer has historically been impacted by nitrates and the Presence of same are likely not directly reflective of site-related impacts. While nitrate was present in the TW-2 groundwater sample below the NYSDEC Class CA standard of 10 mg/l, F&E 'recommends that alternative sources ofpotable drinking water(e.g.,public drinldngwater,installing a well deeper into the aquifer system, etc.)be evaluated to supply water to the student population. Typical residual chlorinated pesticide compounds and arsenic were present in all four of the soil samples, as is common for most agricultural or cultivated areas on Long Island Only dieldrin (in samples S-2. S-3 and S-4) and endosufan sulfate(in sample S-3) and arsenic (in all four samples) were present above their respective NYSDECRSCOs. The background soil sample(S-6)contained five citiorinated pesticides. all below their respective NYSDEC RSCOs. The highest concentration of arsenic (66.5 mg/kg) was detected in the background soil sample. Based upon the above, there is evidence of some environmental impact to Lors 7 and 8 of the study 'site primarily due to the use of agricultural-related pesticides and arsenic. Although only four ,shallow surface samples were collected, these parcels are and have historically been extremely uniform in appearance. topography and use. The exceedanees of chlorinated pesticide compounds and arsenic are generally low and well within one order of magnitude of the allowable NYSDEC concentrations_ !Typically, the highest concentrations of residual pesticides and arsenic tend to be limited to the shallower soil mien al and are likely to decrease substantially with increased depth below grade. Furthermore,no sampiing:ocation exhibits a total pesticide concentration of 10 mg/kg(the guidance (value established by the NYSDEC), PCBs were not detected in the shallow soil sample (S-1)collected .n the stained soil area adjacent to a nearoy utiliry pole Based upon the results of this investigation, F&E is requesting your opinion specifically as to whether remedial actions will be required by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. 04 '64/2 Xj.) 1.2:sC FAI 8 g I 469 152n FRELDENTEAL & ELK 010i014 TI& Robert T. Seyfanh March 6,2002 Suffolk of Health Ser ices Page 6 Please 3CIAse of your opinion of this matter at vour earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact me Zvi h any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely. FREUDBNTHAL 8:ELKOWITZ CONSiJLTING GEOUP. jNC. Richard I Baldwin, CPG Associate RJB/th one. cc: M. Evans 1. Matthews, Esq. Tab lr I Summary of Pesticides and RCRA Metals Weehed and/or Elevated Above NYSDKC TAG Rorommended Soil Clexntip Objectives in Soil ssm[Aes rs ro tcsticideslmsk -- = _ ,SS �$ ...., U'i+1LSDECTARSCO I � 81 4 2 5-7 S-4 6 (delta-GHC ND 0.012 0,0093 0.0634 0.211 NA -0.4'-CDD 0.026 - 0.13 (1.065 0.079 0.0H NA_ _2._9 4,Ir DUE t].27 D OAS D OAS D D_16 D 0.13 D NA 2.1 --_ __- _ __-_- 4 4 DDT 1.0 D ISD 0.69 D 0"74 D 0.16 ) -- -- -... -_ -- DI� -eldrm 0.058 0.15 D 0.055 0.041 NU NA 0.044 End Ifan1 0.6073 ---0.019 0 O.0057 0056 ND NA 09 _.. -- Erdaselfmr❑ 01176 OJ6 D 0053 0.0-06 ND NA 0"9 Eedosulfan StAfale 0.5 D 1.2 D _ 0,31) 6.33 D A0051 NA 1.6 Enrbin _ 01137 0.079 0.032 0929 NI: NA D.1 {'-Merhosyddar___ ND _ 0.046 ND ND ND NA •• Lndrin Ketone _ 0 C�19 0.043 0.015 I].015 NO NA NA `. �rSDEC rkOhl m M_etals(mg+l:g) _ _ 5-2 _ S-3 S-4 S S:-: S 6 ji[ISi4'I3C3 { -R3C0_ C itanum 33.2 59.2 29.7 31.1 650 15-600 306 OR ST) z Chromium _ 18.0 _ 32A 15A 16.5 12.9 1"5-411 50 Arsenic 213.5 45.5 19.1 20.4 64i.5 3-12 7.5 or SD Y r Lend t7.6 35-7 2L0 14.4 91.2 200-500 400 g, Selenium _ 1.09 1.67 1.05 1m 0.91 0.1-3.9 2 or SR to Mercury 0.14 ND ND ND NO 0.001-0.2 0.1 x Notes- NY'F)f--C TAGM-Reeommcoded Sail Cleanup Oblccbvcs, I I W R-94-4046,Revised 405 and other mdicatel da:umcrtis- • RSCG "Recammended Soil Cleanup Objective EUS 13G-E351ern USA 82ekgraunl •s - , 10 mgikg Total Pesticides NO-Armlyle"a not derected above mallard delectien unit. HA -Nd Available. Sh-Site tlrrkgroand. l]-indicates l\al sunsple was diluted Polded cahres indiemes detected rn¢ennauon exceeded NTSDEC RSCG. 0 r- r- a U4. %'r' 20C2 1,:5- F.+ Vil 100 562,5 FREPDENTEAL & ELK 10012/014 f a Pine Cr9d { tax �P •� 4 cJs' tea.,' i \c T .. :% :r �i ✓z..r,3\� Yew+ 1 �77' I S .a v Cl ji Hill o a _ a r do tia.., �! S( rr e e Lac 4 n Peconic , l R; I �� ',i' c - avm Hi�COf�;• II ,/ Y� 0 2a °.mot >'`• .-,�>. ' � .. � _- �„"' x.�-�,,.°� i�c ee•H xrt, '"�r,�, � :r "\e r�� "" " ' IVr 1Si Name: SOUTHOLD Location: 041' 02'46.3" N 0725 27'56.3" W Date:8/15i101 Caption: Figure 1: Site Location Map 1 Scale: 1 !nch equals 2WO feet 04.04/20C2 12:`S Fa:S 6,1 4E� 51i25 FREUDErN'TH.41 & ELK W 0131014 Figure 2 - Site Map and Sampling Locations `J Surface Scil Location 44 i Sr Well Locatlon Slwni RhV&E.Gapes,RA. I C Y00 MD�Iy LY!•� ALW �M[/YY'R� NOICaY Ni4C 4M YtiY 8 0 Lot 7 pa d� QS•5 �S'1 Ct a a O j & 2 r d Lot 8 i • J 9 •Al A iGtp f FlOOi1Y O' MYT pV�19 LIi MYl'Y MM(MIYR!YY.1Y� FRET DENT'HAL & ELKOWIT'Z CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Source. Final Long Island Groundwater Manuement Program_ N NDepartment of F-Wrownental Conservation, Division of Water, hmc 19 G. I a Site Location r �l- c 1 r—r 1 0 ! O (fff 'l da 'se p R. �e m r Pvblw wuler supply wellconlaminaled with nitrate Genval ureus o1 shallax orirale tan/nnnabon Apo l 1964 H.6m1>Pm.W W FRCUDCNTIIAL & E�,KUWiT7, CONSULTfNG GROUP, 1NC. Figure 3 a 0 a Dvi rka P8 band Bartilucci S,N CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 • 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net April 4, 2002 Principals Nicholas J.Bartilucoi.P.E. Revcenl Henry J.Chlupsa.PE •^ E" D-PmsA,"' Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Thomas F Maher,P E. E_ ����.w Southold Planning Board Ruben nma,PE. V. P.O. 1179V.en T B t • . Box tl Riicharrdd;M.Wdlka Southold, NY 11971 APR 0 $ AV Steven A.Fangmann,P.E. ""p°' v Re: Agric-Business Child Development-Grace's Place Anthony Associates D&B No. 1905 Southold Plaaning Board Dennis Anthony O.Conena.P E. - Dennis F.KoeMer,P.E. Dear Mr. Orlowski: Joseph H.Marturano Kenneth J Phtuhard,PE The applicant will be installing a well on the property for water supply.1 This is Theodore S.Pytlar Jr. necessary because the public water main is over 2,000 feet from the site and Brian M.Veith.P E. would cost in excess of$80,000 to extend. In addition, the SCWA has indicated Associatesthat they do not have the capacity to serve this project. Garrett M.Byrnes,P E Rudolph F Cannavale A question has been raised by the planning staff regarding the water quality at the Joseph A.Fiorallso,P.E. site. The SCDHS did approve this subdivision on the basis of two test wells David s.Glass,PE. showing water quality meeting drinking water standards. One of the two test wells Gerald Gould,CPG (TW-2) had a nitrate value of 5.0 mg/1 (standard is 10 mg/1) in 1991. Subsequent William D.Markfin,PE. sampling of TW-2 in 2001 showed a similar value of 5.27 mg/l. No pesticides or Michael Neuberger PE other contaminants have been found. This well is practically on the site. Richard P Russell,PE. Charles J Wachsmuth PE I have reviewed the comment of the well driller contained in the Phase 11 report. Kenneth P.Weni Jr,CPG However, there is no data to substantiate the allegation. In fact, we have two similar sample results taken from the same test well almost 10 years apart. They indicate the groundwater quality to be stable and provide a comfort level for nitrates at the site. The applicant's well will be installed to 80 feet into groundwater. It will be sampled and analyzed by SCDHS for chemical and bacteriological quality. No approval will be given by SCDHS until they are satisfied that all drinking water standards are met. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, PC. Dvirka and Bartilucci "'We'AnetfNrY w'Ni, Chairman Page Two Southold Planning Board April 4, 2002 I can further assure you and the Planning Board that the applicant and myself, as a Professional Engineer, will not compromise the health and safety of the children using the facility. At the very least, we will be conservative on our approach to the facility's drinking water. This could include additional monitoring above that required by the Health Code or treatment as an added precaution if called for. Finally, I have attached the last communication from SCDHS (December 2001) indicating the only outstanding item on this application is the SEQA determination from the Town. I hope the above information will satisfy staff and the Board as to the water quality aspects of the project. Very truly yours, Joseph H. Baier, P.E. JHB/cmc Project Manager Enclosure cc: Maggie Evans Robert Burns Jim Matthews Vitor LePlattenier, Town of Southold ♦1905UHB02LTR-01.DOQR02) WWM-006(Rev. 03/01) SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK 11901 NOTICE (631) 852-2100 GMZ NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION - COMMERCIAL TO: I/777 R gt '77 PROJECT NAME: � e� ct, ed �. L/a gU2.e4'I" �t�z , 3 3 0 t"iw ++t lq �an/t REF. NO.: 6J d Il SCTM NO: / emu - 4 - C , S yd Your submission fo the referenced project has been reviewed. This office will require the following for further review and/or approval: [ ] Completed Application WWM-004 [ ] Engineering Report [ ]processing Fee $ [ ] Article 6 (Subdivision)Approval [ SEQRA Determina5on - own `1i$�r [ ] Water Qua;:ty Approval [ ] Wetlands Permit or Waiver- NYSDEC/Town [ ] Pollution Control Approval [ ] Town/Village Zoning Letter [ ] SCDPW Approval [ ] Restrictive Covenants for: [ ]Review Board Determination [ ] SPDES Application Form D/GP-95-01 [ ] P.E./R.A. Certification of Existing Sanitary System [ ] Well Water Analysis [ ] Certificate of Authorization or Disclaimer [ ] Public Water/Sewer Availability Letter [ ] INFORMATION MISSING AND/OR CORRECTIONS REQUIRED ON PLANS [ ] Suffolk County Tax Map Number [ ] Storm Drainage Structure Locations [ ] Metes and Bounds Description [ ] Gallons/Day/Acre Sewage Discharge [ ] Lot Size [ ] Key Map [ ] Sewage Disposal Design Calculations [ ] Distance to Cross Street [ ] Location/Layout of Sewage System [ ] Location, Date, &Results of Soil Borings/Test Holes [ ] Profile/Details of Sewage System [ ] Floor Plans [ ] Sewage System Invert Elevations [ ] Gross Floor Area of Building(s) [ ] Expansion Area for Leaching Pools [ ] All Surface Waters Within 300 ft. [ ] Water/Sewer Service Line Location(s) [ ] Topographical Contours (5 ft. interval) [ ] Private Well Details and Location [ ] Neighboring Wells and Sewage Systems Within [ ] Profile/Details/Location of Water Supply System 150'Of Property (or specify that there are none) [ ] Existing Building, Sewage/Water System Location(s) [ ] Signature & Seal of Design Professional [ ] [ ] 5" x 7" Clear Area for Department Approval [ ] Project does not conform to Department standards. See enclosed/previously sent Notice of Non-Conformance. [Comments e CC: :............. (� :..DATE: .. ................................... ... t.1.-..0.0.1......................... PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THIS FORM WITH ANY RESUBMISSION(S) H PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The information in this fax is intended for the named recipients only, It may contain privileged and oonfldentiei matter. I}yyoouu have received this fax in error.please notalryty Dvirka us immedlatey by a 001100 telephone call to (SIG) b and 364-9690 and retum the original to the sender by main. We will reimburse you for Postage. De not disclose the Bart1luccl jeontorts to anyone. Thank-you. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Pant Drive,Woodbury,New York, 11797.2015 516-364-9690 + Fax:516-M4-gM D&B FAX NO: (516) 364-9045 DATE: COMPANY NAME : SQ,A a id — ATTENTION: FAX NO.: G 3! - 765- 3/36 FROM: 2�2;"' SUBJECT: �cPS Pace JOB#: NO. OF PAGES: 2 (induding cover sheet) MESSAGE: F.- Nobs X. L.,. a 4-e t1d) w dl.i THANK YOU: A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. L/[ aovd S499b9139L5'OI e O?i:i f .� Lhl-bd'J-NdV WWM-006(Rev.03101) SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HE.ALI'H SEE VICES OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEiM17NT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERBEAD,NEW YORK 11901 VOTiCE. (631) 952-2100 GMz_ tT---_ NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION ATION COMMERCIAL TO: 1/th.ko. 9 A�11 4,.. PROJECT NAME a ` „i-_ , 4:d Nee.ve,L9oJ.,... C l o w P�,4" � � � 3 3 0 G.�.,� w&-?4 'Pa,h REF NO.: hJ I f 1Tv 4 SCTM NO: I v Li - - C a 8 Your submission fo the referenced project has been reviewed. This office will require the following for further review and/or approval: [ ] Completed Application WWM-004 [ I Engineering Report [ processing Fee$ [ 'Article 6(Subdivision)Approx al [vJ SEQRA Determination- own VtNffg [ ] Water Quality Approval [ I Wetlands Permit or Waiver-NYSDEC/Town [ ] Pollution Control Approval [ J Town/ViLage Zoning Letter [ ] SCDPW Approva.' [ ] Restrictive Covenants for: [ J Review Board Determination [ ] SPDES Application Form D/GP-95-01 ( ] P.E./R.A. Certification of Existing Sanitary,System [ J Well Water Analysis [ ]Certificate of Authorization or Disc Iaimer [ J Public Water/Sewer Availability Letter [ INFORMATION MISSIN AND/OR CORRECTIONS OUIRFD ON PLANS [ ] Suffolk County Tax Map Number ( ] Storm Drainage Structure Locations [ ] Metes and Bounds Description ( ] Gallons/Day/Acre Sewage Discharge [ ]Lot Size [ I Key Map [ J Sewage Disposal Design Calculation; [ ]Distance to Cross Street [ ]Location;Layout of Sewage System ( J Location,Date,&Results of Soil Borings/Test Holes [ J Profile!Details of Sewage System [ ]Floor Plans [ ] Sewage System Invert Elevations [ ]Gross Floor Area of Building(s) [ ]Expansion Area for Leaching Pooh [ ] Ali Surface Waters Within 300 ft. [ ]Water I Sewer Service Line Locations) [ J Topographical Contours(5 ft. interval) [ j Private Well Details and Location [ J Neighboring Wells and Sewage Systems Within [ ] Profile/Details!Location of Warer.Supply System 150'Of Property(or specify that there are none) [ ] Existing Building, Sewage,/Water System Location(s) [ ]Signature&Seal of Design_professional _ [ [ ] 5"x 7" Clear Area for Department Approval [ ] J [ ] Project does not conform to Department standards. See enclosed/previously sent Notice of Nor-Conformance. (Comments �y. , e� f'CBi Fwti-.raw: �i n_ /tom x a+_/i,ec, i;Y �r �n ,........... .... .. ...... .. CC: /S L �A I ._.... e �... .................: ;'HATE: Lt._a 04.L.........._ ................_ / PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THIS FORM WITH ANY RESUBMISSION(S) L/L 30va 9499t19C9t5 '0I t -14 • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • � s ROBERT J.GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 25,2002 CHARLES J. BARTHA,P.E. COMMISSIONER Town of Southold Planning Board Office 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,N. Y. 11971-0959 �t Attn: VictorL'Eplattenier ,,tin i I Re: CR 48,Middle Rd.—Graces Place Day Care Center R V 1 A L1�L SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7&4.8 Gentlemen: This Department has reviewed the above-referenced site plan. Specifically note that: This Department's acceptance of the Town as lead agency,pursuant to Part 617,Article 8 (SEQRA), in no way waives the County's rights pursuant to 239f of the General Municipal Law and Section 136 of the Highway Law. A permit from this Department will be required pursuant to Section 136 of the Highway Law for any improvements this Department deems necessary along the County right-of-way. Before a permit is issued by this Department for these improvements,documentation pursuant to Section 239f of the New York State General Municipal Law must be forwarded to us from the Town Building Department for our review and comments. Access to all lots within this subdivision should utilize this proposed driveway. A traffic assessment showing any required mitigation at the existing centerline median opening must be submitted to our office. If you have any questions,kindly contact this office at 852-4100. Very truly yours, William S. Shannon,P.E. Chief Engineer - By: M.Paul Campagno a WSSMIl'C/In Permits Engineer SUFFOLK COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 335 YAPHANK AVENUE (631)852-4010 YAPHANK,N.Y. 1 1980 ■ FAX(631)852.4150 Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender. Subject: � � Subject: SCTM#: 1000- 7 Date: FCC Comments: MAR 1 3 2002 Southold Town Planning Board gpFFO�,� PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O�� CD BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Go Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Q .F Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE �'�Qj �� Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHAR AGGIo PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 13,2002 Mr.Charles Voorhis Nelson, Pope& Voorhis 527 Walt Whitman Road Melville, New York Re: Review of Graces Place Day Care Center SCTM: 1000-74-04-4.7 &4.8 Dear Mr.Voorhis: The Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the Environmental Assessment Form, including Part D, for the above-mentioned site plan to your office for review. Also enclosed are: 1. Site Plan dated April 20,2001(Last revised 1/07/02) 2. Lead Agency Resolution dated January 15,2002 3. Phase 1 Site Assessment-May 2001 4. Water Supply Alternatives- May 2001 5. Phase H Site Assessment—August 2001 The Planning Board started the Lead Agency coordination process on January 31,2002.The $500 review fee has been paid by the applicant. A SEQR determination will be made at a future public meeting of the Planning Board upon completion of your report. Please contact this office if there are any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, �/ IctV aI tt r N�or L'Ep Senior Planner Encl. PLANNING BOARD MEMBEO o�OSUFF0j f BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. h� Gy P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C TOwn Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS H x SQ�thold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS p • .� " Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEO RICHARDD CGE IAGGLANO JR A�Qj Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 15, 2002 Mr. Frank Murphy c/o Century 21 P.O. Box 2 1146 Route 25 Jamesport, NY 11947 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Grace's Place Located on CR 48, Peconic SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: A-C Dear Mr. Murphy: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, January 14, 2002: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board start the lead agency coordination process on this unlisted action. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Ben e Orlowszr Jr. "/��0 Chairman PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �� OG Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman ti� d� P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS W Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS �, Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAA1,JR. `tC Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 200: Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: GRActS /�/.vcr (/AY CAR£ C£�vTFie Requested Action: T co. r-1X'VG 1 Vk- boa sQ, f 'V'e"xLCY111 o.l p SEQRA Classification: O Type I Unlisted �& Contact Person: y/C'Tdie C,p/,0 Cir//6i2 (631) 765-1938 a Page 2 Lead Agency Coordination Request The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: ( his agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Comments: icp -A- �6"� A Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Board of Appeals Building Department Southold Town Board Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk Cal inty Depaftment--o�� New York State Department of Transportation David Abatelli, Greenport Village Administrator Suffolk County Water Authority "Maps are enclosed for your review 14-1 G-2(J87) 7c E 617 SEQR ApeaA FR1.L g� � 'ApMA E Wr FORM Pyytt ose The full EAF is daa�fed to ID a�o�tonnts gad mea determine, in an rdtrt 1i1a7usar, who a ro1'vot or action mey be ai 3n :The gtat{op pwhcthcr�an aotiop may ba s i ri'oont 1s not aiwe tti to gnawer. F u t cite of a hcaerlect t�tat t�ry weoelve yynr eyyreabk it Also undonto%t� t�fipae w o detrztfnc 9nlRca may vo ittte of po Pnrm kq, edge c vrrpnrncnt or may 6e technics ypert in p1 rontl tnWl analysis. 1n add hen,many q' o avc know Se to nnc particular area may nvl be aware of the broader cunccm a�fecting the uratmn nano. The roll HAP is into dcd tv provideq a method whereby applicants qnd agen ias cat Ae aSsutcd that the do ermihplian ppr�vvvn as been ord Y, corimmhensive in nature, yet flcxihte ro al rrw introduction of imNtrutlran to nt a pro ect or action. Fnfl EAF'Components The Poll PAF ix oemptised of three parts. art 1: rovdea pbJec)ive data,and ipftnhtrnatiT About a liven)prolcc and its irte. ay identifying basic Project data,it assists a reviewer rn a one yars that to to place rn aria 2 tur�3. Pact 21 pocusey on idonti the rrnge of 'We it vote that maY oce (tom @ gJcef or agdon. Il�rovtdna gYtdAnve gc to�er an impact is 1(kely to bC eooxideral small to Alp¢t�4tq or wheaw.it iS patentitl1ylarga impact- c form also identifies�rhe cr an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Paa�yy 3: If impact in Pert 2 's idcniitied as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whethrx or not the Impact is actual�y important, DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-TYPE 3 AND UKL ISTY.0 AC770N3 1dratffy Me porrttfhoaes of NAP coagrkted jbr M&p�roojeect., ,,,�Lyart 1 —Part 2 ,,,,_Part 3 ir�ropoTCA If the Of1i ' cornraforde gobtrtha the (Pub 1 andZ and 3 if We and arty oilier rwsonahlj ¢cetcpprttom��in�hy�ead egemncy tyhatai� andmpondc al�rrgr¢mporlancc or sac rmpac, tt fa A. 1HII"tloa�lt6ve will siwt ificanl f Iatt(otrthcenvlr8ameirt itbL�retbxrc ire, thetclbrc. is one which be prepared. cgat vie docLnlinn wi p eot have apesii�gn Watt e t on the,envirmfmunt, It vI tgmC t t elf yt yr lll�s lti CONA� fsEntldri de nxiat suresson 111 be proms® d -- - yrc0. vt�� dp � —C.Pic acronrr cart Vroulnetrnit,tee�nga i o se @ ra t impg�ta that may_hevo a signiGwtrt mp pdve ac txtlun w Ma •A Conditioned Negallvo Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action - -----�-'---- -- - Name of Lead Agency --��-� Print or Type Name of Regpomible Ofricer in Lead Agency 'title of Respomaihlc Officer SiWrallire or Reapnnsible pincer in Lead Agency Signature orPrepurc -- ifdifferent from rospon+iblo officer) Date 1 B/Z aovi 9LBBbeC919 Cil - woad OC - 01 ZO-bZ-NVr • PART 1 •PRWECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Spousor N(yricli: '% daeu ant is designed W Iselin In detenminlri whether the action propof Ittly ham a stlniticsnl effcat qit the cl czrr)ent, Pless r Gomplcle the en ire form, harts A ihtqugh Anvwcrx to t se quesdaos will caner red as p, of the application rar approval and y be ula'ect to ILrlher nrifi�ticllt 8 c pu(Ie review. Prow any adaitfnnal Intbmratron you believe wr11 nettled to rumpetc!'" Ina h.ifi exrecte2i that completion of the full [AP will bed Fnkent on inforrution cufrcot ly avaitoblC and wL np invo ve n�w s diCs mb at investigation. m rmation requiring ouch ndoitionoll wort[ is unavailable,so indicate anti specify each instance, NAME OF ACTION l,l)('ATION OF ACFI=iu,de Street4ff sddres Munic�rpsliry and Cuunty) NAMED APPiiCANT/SPaNSOR 7— USINIMTEi.L'P110TE r/- grinerr ��i�p� �of��rt!�.>1 518'•3Y6- 64A/7 ArA)R/� 5 A jz 0TY/W STATE nP COOP. 5aOAea ry ltf YY!y 2301/ NAIAD Or-OWNER(if mffererrt) BUSINESS TPLEPHONE ADDR[-SS - --� 1)M%rRiP11ON OP�CTION C w Ge�s�ked, ., -70> 0 7q4- also om a nc oa- a app A. SI Ph)sical setting of overall project,both developed and undoalVed arras. i. Prewt land ust: _,Utban _lrolustrial _Commercial _RcAdMtial(fiubra8an) --Petal(non-farm) --Yore It _Agriculture _Other v rt e-a 4- !M z ?- Petal acreage of project area: 4.4 acres APPROXiMATIi ACRHAGF PRL313"NTLY AFI'F,R COMPLETION Weadow or Brusblend(Nor--Wc atursp acres �, K= Forested scion acres Agricultural(Includes orchards,copluxl,pasWrc,Ott.) Beres acres Wetland(Freshwater or Tidal as per Articla 24.25 of ECL) 0p'Os none Water Surface Arco acre acres Unvesutatod(Rode,earth ar alp Q, G acres 4.0 acres Roads,buildings and other paved surfacces acres D�sorts 01her(tndiatu type)�91� ,�-o•n�,�r acres O.-/ _acres 3, What is predominant soil type(R)on projcet site? a, Soil drainage: Well drcined)_Py%ofsite, Moderately well drained_____°/a of site; Pour drained _SU of site Is, If any asficulniral land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil rMp I through 4 of the NY$ Lead Cllasilicatiun System? acres (Ste I NYCRR 370), a 9/E a0va 1L13BbB£9[S •GI -N08d OE ;OL ZO-bZ-NHP 4. Are,jhere b rok outcraopkr�g on project site? Yes No a, what is t to bccLdfrrZb�cc (in Frei)-- S. Approximate percentage ofpropoaed project site with slopes: 13%orgmater ri. t.•: pfnjL•� substantial y contiguoquuss ro or contILtp a build' g, site, or district, listed on the StaW or the National tries of Ilistotic rlacesei _Yes '0 0 7. It; "cot subs, ubs 9nt(aQ 8. What lY contiguous to a site hated on the Register of Naliorwl Nautral Landmarks? risthedepptthllvVofthewatertable7 'sue, ,, (in feet)dep+ti +o w. +ew 9. ht site located over a primary.principal,or sole source aquifer? Z Yes No t O.Iin hunting•f ishing or s}tetl fishing opportunities prescnEly exist in the project anal ___Yet _k No 11-Dos project site COMM any species of plant or animal life that is identified as.thrustenod or aadangerad7 ,-Yea �L No According to ideniilyeachspecies 12.Am there any unique or Wwwal land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes,other geological formations) Yes L No Descn'be 13-IN the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation era? Yes X_No If yea,explain 14.Does the Present&kI)taclude scenic views known to be important to the community? 13.3heama within or cemtiguaus to project area_ !I o /Ie _ a Namu of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary -- 16.1.akeurds,wetland arw within or aontigieu StFce�At sm : n © ^� a Na a --- S� 17.Is the site served by existing public utilitics4 LC Yai of if Yes,does au tcieni cepaciv a w to allow connection? Z[Yoe_,No bi IrYes;will Improvements be necessary to allow ronnection? _y Yes _,_No l9Ste site to0aftl j1L ain )jllural djflrict cc�lr pursuant to Aorioulturt and Markets law,Article 5- A Sact on 3U3 a 304 _Yrea o 19.1% the site t�� a or sub q pus to a "neat Bnv nntrntal Moe designaud pursuant ter Article a IncPit L,CL,and 6 N��1� �,•_�es ��o 22g0.111 as thee ssiiittee ever been used fNor the disposal of solid or hazardous wastce? YCs _X No f. P W 1diLiMorVm sosleof yaisa project(fill in dimensions as appropriate) a Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by pmject spunsor 4. 1 _acres. b. Project acreage to be developed o• 4 acres initially: 1 fi . acres ultimately. c Project 90mage to mmaim undeveloped V,0 acres, d. Length of project,In miles — (if appropriate) e II'tl_project is an expansion,indicate percent of expansion proposed % L Number of off-street parking spaoea existing___._O ;proposed_31 - g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour qO (upun coma action of project)? h. Ifm-sidentiul:Number and type of housing units; Initially One Family Two family Multiple Family Condominium _ Ultimately L Dimension (in feet)of largest proposed structure: IF_height; ;Jae width;_&S- length. j. Linear rwt or frontage along a public thoroughll m project will occupy,is? 6 G?it. 7 6�b HDHd 9L 9e t.9C9 1S 'OI ' WOHd LC ' OL ZO-SZ-NVr 2 1low much natural graterial (i.e.,rock,earth,etc.)will be removed from the site'? lonstcubtc yarrdds, 7. Will disturbed areas be reclaimod7 -,K Yet No NIA a. it yet;Fur what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? II,. Will topsoil be ttockpiled for reclamation? k Yes —No _ c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? -X-Yes No 4. itow many acres or vegetation(trees,shrubs,ground covers)will be removed from site?All aceas. S, Will an mature futcst(ova 1pp0 years old)or other locally important vegetation He removed iq this project. __Yes X No 6. If single phase project: Aplicipatedperiodofconstruction 9 months,(including demoliticm). 7. Ifmulli•phascd: r:. 'Foul number of phases anticipated f (number). h. Anticipated date of commencement plain 1 3 nwnth'2ar-A-year(including demolition). o. Approximateeompletion date offuwlphase=month—r year. d, Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? _Yes _ No 8. Will blasting occur duringconsiruetion7 _Yes X_No 9. Number of jobs generated:during construction 3.�J_;after project is complete +:�7 , IO.Number orjobs eliminated by this project o I I.Aill project require relocation of troy projects or facilities? —Yes K No i f yea,explain, 12.1a surface liquid waste disposal"ved?^Yes X( No it. if yes.Indicate type of waste(sewage,industrial,eta)and h. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 1.1.1s subsurface liquid waste disposal involveW _X_Yea _No Typal f,, a nws�-0 1 d.Wil1 outface area of an Wol n$water body increase or decrease by proposai't-Yes X No '.fy47c,explain; )$.:a project or fury portion of project located In a 100 year flood plain? Yes,X No IO.'Will the project generate solid waste? X Yes No a. If York what is the amount per month Z 40 too b. if yos,will an existing solid waste facility be uead7 —Yes JIL No c, if yes,give name location _ d. will any wastes not go into a sewage dlspaal system or into a sanitary landfill? Ya) No if yea,explain- ^-- 17,Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? _Yes X No t. If yes,what is the anticipated rate ofdispoul? t6nt%month. n. if ycs,what is the anticipated site life? years, i8.Will project use herbicides or pentie)des7 _Yes X No i e.Will project routinely produce odors(more than we hour per day)? — Yes No 71).Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels?_,_Yes X No 2 I.Will project result in on inercale in rnergy use? Yes No lfyea,fudicstetype(s)��L!! , 116e !/irL� �{_txrW. er� 22.if water supply is from welts,indicate pumping capacity (2 _, _galloni'nitnute. 21.Total anticipated water usage per day_-70M�—gallons/day. (3ee nLm NanaGrt Rreactr,Strftnn nl. 4 e/S 30va SLF3B 69£9I5 '4I =WORN I£ 'Ot Zo-bZ-Mvr 24.1oes project involve Ltx:al,State nr Pederal funding? " Yes _No !ryes,explain Lao__'?, _ALaai., AUM NVS ZS.Approvals Required: Type Submittal Dale City,Town,Village Board Yes —No City,Town,Village Planning Board Yes _No City.Town iConing Board X Yes —No A$x City,County Health Department Yes No v✓r C4r-. a k'r Other Local Agencies Yes —No Slat:Agencies _Yes —No Other Regional Agencies _Yes —NO FedsralAgencies _ Yes _No C. ZONING AND PLANNING INFORMATION 1, Dace proposed action involve a plem sing ur zoning decision?'W Yes No It yes,indicate decision required: zoning amendment ,,,,_,zoning variance _speoid use permit ^subdivision site plan ._ -,new/revision of masts plan —resource mansgeMom plan _,,,other_-T _�- 2 What is the zoning classifiealion(s)of the site? 3. Whpt 4 the maximum poteatial development of the site if developed as,pcnnitted by the present tammg z e'Je 4, Whet is the proposed zoning of the site? S*r f - S. Whpt 4 the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed s:ontng sl.e.,e a a b. 1�_proposed actin consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ?. What r the pmdomini ml land yst�p)t d en ti g fiaattons w"",4 M1 mile radius of proposed action Q,�ric•/+Rnt — &, Jslthe proposed action compatible with adjoinitlg(sunoundhlg lead uses within it 1/4 mile? ,4Ycs 9, ii r the proposed action is the subdivision of land,how many lots are proposed? X D a. What is the minimum lot sizepropoacd? 10.Will proposed action require any autho !cafe)for the formation orsewer or water districts? Yes N, 11,W111 the proposed action create a demand for any community provided scrvices(rcercution,education, police,fire protection)? A Yes No a. If yes,is existing capacity i iffrcienl to handle projected demand? _,<Yes No 12.W`il Yt a proposed action result is the gmenrtion of tratTc significantly above present levels'!es No a. irycs, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? --ZYcs __,No S e/e Rovd 569Bbecs Is !aI - woad 7E '01 zo-bZ-Nvr D. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS AND WATER SUpFI.Y NARRATIVI REQUt%Si' d.ftech any addItIanW In=i u MY be aFedrd to k4rify yusr MoroL If lh are or ntay be any a versa I sets ygaictatts pfopaa,p nee�rac�ra sorb m�9Wa an the meseurta whiah you prop+ to trubpatc or avn' tea 1. Provide explanation of existitty site tee:,oacupency, rtruaatres, ranhary now, water use; tutmpanr to proposed see,occupancy,atruatures,a nkmy flow,weir use. 2. indicate the source of avatar Supply,ntarbat public water Alain,nearest public well (iakt,and adfaoeat Ivtvate wells(if khown). $. If public water supply is proposed, indicate the ability of dta water utility to pmvidp water algtply to the 7mitct. Pmnide setter orwater avaflobility or&&led esirlahwion orstatus of review py wrier sillily. a, irprivate water abpply is proposed,bWicate tba wep apwit5catioas,water"Illy bared on un-site water quality data. Provide SUM1 Uouaty Dtrpmkttani Of 11C011h 8ervicaa approW or detallod capimmilon oralahn of review,by awney. S. Indicate proposed water ommam9Non mmurm that will midtate fbr emtveldable adverse Impauts(1r my),Conaarvation m0tibraa should Inclade,but not be ifrahed to: a. 71te test ofdtatipn tobetmlpbutu fbrkadaep�yp b The preaprvNipa of t%tbdity active vepettdiva btrlibrs o. The comovatien orar a ft open qmx acmes d, Tfte ImpiormAts"of"I "mm atoftawater mml4ptneat practiors Ora"awaits,After atria,crttattad wirdawds em...). x. VCRIFICATTON i,mntfy that tee Inromralion provided above is true to the beet or my knowledtx., v , a rousra(4 Pruac.> �nt , Appi =nt Sponscr Name_�t,,S �#//l��f►aa D� �jlrnl�Date_.....1 ,• ;. i q- .,1L"k .!LY� _ 1ltle_ rliltara- �TQ�- ' tot pros w t� W .are a State fteaey,COONh ON Coastal Asaaataand 6 B/L H`JHd SzSebecs rear 'WC)aA Z£ '01 Z0-6Z-NHP PART D! EAF -WATER SUPPLY Agri-Business Child Development -Grace's Place-Main Road,Southold, New York I. The present site is undeveloped. The proposed Day Care Ccntcr will occupy 0.6 acres of the 4.6 acres parcel (including driveway and parking area) The occupancy will be 75 children and 25 adults. Using Suffolk County Health Department (SCDHS) standards of 7.5 gallons per capita for a day care center water case will be 750 gal/day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. 'There will be some irrigation during the spring and summer. The wastewater system is designed for the '150 gpd flow. 2. Source of water supply will be groundwater, A 10 gpm well is proposed for the site for domestic and irrigation purposes. The closest public water main is 2,000 feet east of the site. The Suffolk County Water Authority has already indicated that there are no plans to extend a water main to the site (see attached 3/2/01 letter), The nearest public well site is at Mill Road and CR48. 3. See Question 2 above. 4. The well will be 10 gpm with a minimum depth of 75 feet(d.t.w. = 35 ft. plus screen location 40 feet below g,w.t.). The water quality at the site was found to be satisfactory when two test wells were installed for the subdivision. SCDHS has approved the on-site well for construction. A satisfactory water sample must be secured before SCDHS final approval. 5. The building will utilize low water use fixtures and the landscaping will require minimum water. All storm water generated an the site (roof drain, parking lot, driveway,etc,)will be contained and recharged on-site. The above information was prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers. ♦1905TO123205.doc(A01) _l •� ••, -••••• .• ,..,.�..r.n.� n. .,anus 10 -fT om_a�_ewr State of New York Department of Transportation State Office Building 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788-5518 Thomas F. Oelerich, P.E. Joseph H. Boardman Acting Regional Director Commissioner February 11, 2002 Mr. Victor L'Eplattenier Planning Board Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Re: Grace's Place Day Care Center Middle Road, C R 48 Southold Dear Mr. L'Eplattenier: We have reviewed the Lead Agency Coordination Request for the proposed Day Care Center. We concur with the Southold Planning Board's Position that you should assume SEQR lead agency status. Suffolk County Department of Public Works should be contacted in relation to access to County Road 48 (Middle Road). Thank you for advising us of this proposal. Very truly yours, MICHAEL J. GEIGER, P.E. Planning & Program Management FEB 13 2002 Southold Town MJG:GB:jh planning Board PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS • • �gOfFO(�-c BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �� �G Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman =� y� P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS H - Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. `� Fax (631) 765-31-1 RICHARD CAGGIANO 'ygy�l dap! 36 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NuAl�r 3 2007!, Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: L1—RF4c-S �/�,ycc / 12,0 y CIPRE C£a/rER Requested Action: 7 co.vsTRvo 1` a/ 6oQ x 6XC SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I Unlisted / Contact Person: 7a,x (631) 765-1938 Page 2 Lead Agency Coordination Request The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: ( his agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) e Comments: //��/cp �j�yr �pC£lvE��1 � Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Board of Appeals Building Department Southold Town Board Suffolk County Department of Health Services New York State Department of Transportation David Abatelli, Greenport Village Administrator Suffolk County Water Authority "Maps are enclosed for your review 14-16-2(J87) 7c SEQR FULL IiNVIROh' �FORM n�wP►nort 4uV� v a rraye�T�ab roh}kefa1e'�wc wf fiau!ttl loi ttgrE o erAa k nFttonni o iawnosw ntdm eeite.�py'ar%teetod�au ltit aoiar i at��rie�a�mayi aAa>gdnfdetteis bet aage v wn acoIa�rfaar ienw o ahoftiefa lnattahci�dcaicerharn teeeb�o�npr�rm�oemaacciadnit ycein l�,M`iau nymt i onea,ien�c+n�t�ml krod a�auseodrrfgaf,Tll�eytgofcm ioot nnyo er moairerl, o a gni uanex. The full HA is into dud iv ptavid�a method whgoby applioaets and ag,e its eap be aareJ that the do}terhtinaiton oat been orderly, oomprwi enswe in nature, yet flexthtr to allnwas introduction of utf�rmalian toTlt a proect or eerier. Fntl EAF Colnpenentrt The Ibll PAP it comMsed of three parts. gat 1: >'mvrdder gbjeclive data,and ipft matien gbout a give ]unlcc and its irle. By identifying rsrc"eat eta,it fits a reviewer to Van that to a p ace m arts 2 art 3. Pert Zt gocuaes on idonti the range of po e ' that mr otxur item g proJn i or don. It proWdne g id3mce w �}rcr an irn�act isslaely t eonsidera�unali lu mggixr�M or�N 1s 71 pntentiilYyasrgo Impact. a ibcm a ao ideabfia w c fir on impac►can be mtuga or P 9: If on impact to Part 2 's identified as potentially-largq then Part 7 is used to evaluate whether or not the Lnpecl is actually important, DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-TYRE I AND VKL1>'i'fn AC11 ONS Identify rho Perdear af144P ceenpJera►J w tAh prejece: x part 1 rptt 2 rPrtt 3 U on nevieM a nyttto'rmepatdw.eaottor ��on%s EAF(Paris 1 and 2 apd 3 if a iaw) sod;wy v8trr , ■aana y(d¢eteprttdnW by the lead�rgenncanybthah�pit�the m�amgnpiotrutde anmdt�a¢mrportaner o sac tmpael, it riffs A. will n0��haveela itbmificant fltt(saaliorCthe=11nennt,itheealorc inocgative dac)bttrliou w one rW be prepared, •9.AI gh t imve a wgni tcont etfQs1 on the,enAronmtxn, 1 tlp� }igI tcsnt elTey' t Tsar s iiete_d�ah c_�aa the mitigoti mmrarea d ri m PART 3 nMarve required,(here a�varA rmu negplfva declarnflon wpl be prepared r _C.Tba project rr�y result in one or more trggecand hzlportont imtoats that may have a significant impact on the roament,therefore a posture decarstlea w ll a prepared. •A Conditioned Negallve Declaration is only valid for Unlided Actions + NameofAction - -- _. -- -- - Nsmcof Lead Agency -- T-� Print or Type Name of ResMncibie Ofricer in Lead Agency Title of Responsihlc 01TIver Sinnaluro of Rcaponsible(]fiber In Lead Agency --� Signatum r,f Prepnmr�- -- lfdiiTerent from responsible oft er) 1 B/6 a0vj SLget9£HL9 ^ai WOda 0£ 101 80-PS-NHP PART I •PROjBCTINFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor N(Yf1Cti: Thi dtreurt�ent is designed to assist fn determinlpR whether the action ropof ntay have a si ificanl efieat t)te envj n t. Pkase pompkle the ehtiTe forth Parts A th ugh Answ to rm questions vet y� eensrm rims p of the a�plicahar [a a val and ttwy �ubt'ect io fu or riri C It and blje review dPrnvi anY adi3itinnal [nforma'tion you believe will be ncnled to cort.p1ete Parts 2 iind 9 lt,i cxpccted�d COillplation of the full EAF will be V n it on infortnstiagn curtcatlr gvailuble and will v t�fw nF�w{ltldl�r mh or investigation. m lion requtrin such add�nonat work is Una ep inrlicata en0"spcei y wch instance, NA146 OF ACTION UVATION OF ACr1O�75,r'(inaluda Street ssddre .Munklealily and County) NAMU O APPU4rtNTISPONSOR 7— t DUUSINESS TFLEPHONE brr. rrrrnetr 1V;11 lop�'r�!.,T 518'•3Y6- 6r4s/7 -_ ADORAS ---- - is-y( CITY/" STATE 77P COOK. ,dry/ I290V NAME OF OWNER(If ) - 9USMESS TELEPHONE AI)ORFSS 6TY/110 STATE zip CODE t)E!"IPTION OF ACTION f /�a' .,r-),fte,�ran, _/a G/.;/e7/ .�se� Grn �� C�&n7�C�- �7vo0 sy- Iqlase Compme Snell Question-110211ta NX.fir not app a — A. SITR DESCRIPTION Ph)sicst setting of overall project,both developed and urdevcloped areas. I. Present land use: ,Urban _Industrial Cottmteroial ,_,,,,,Residential(Subraban) Rural(non-farm) __-y e;t —Agrimilttue _other e-a f /*n ? rotal acreage orproject area: -4•G acres APPROXIMATH ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Vendow or Brusbland(Non•agicuhursl) acres acres Forested agog sorts Agricultural(Includes orchards,aaopland,pasWrn.etc.I —UM acres Welland(Brashw&w or idol os per Articlta 24,25 or ECL) Soros SUMS Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegctatod(Rack,cam ar all) 44 ai= 4.o acres Roads,buildings and other paved surfaces acres O. acres CXher(rndicm type) gZa�rv"rz scree O.-/ .__acre$ .1. what is predominant soil types)on project siteT G��¢u� Du v�r.s a. Soil drainage:.Z_Well dmined/,ryr 56 ofsite; M Moderately well draimcl__OA of site, Pour"nod _%of silo b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many aorta of soil etc classified within soil group I through 4 of the NY$ Land Clamillation System? acres. (Bee I NYCRR 370). 2 9/E 3r�Hd 9L96b9E919 'O1 WONA 0E ;01 ZO-tF-NHP 4. !ore there beiironk otttti�on pfojeci site? Yes No a. What os ept to k (in feei}- 5. Approxi mate percentageof proposed project gilt with slopes: ' 0-I0'96,(W%; 10•l5Yu °/. 15%orgreater b. {.v ppraj substantial))yy wntiguqquuss to or contkit a build' g, site, or district,Meted on the Stubs or the Naitonat Registers of iiistoric Placed _Yes '0 0 7. le;PrWkot subst4 nt(ally contiguous to a site listed on the Water of National Naluml Landmarhs7 Yea JC IV0 g. What is the depth of the water table? s_ (in feet)olep i-1` -V - 9. b site located aver a printery,principal,or sole source squifet? Z-Yes No I O.Du hurting,fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _.._Yes -k No I I-Does project site eomatin any species of plant or animal life that is idenlificd as.threatened or tndangirred7 Yea X No According to identify each species 12.jkre there any unique or unusual land forms on the project dte? (i.e.,stiffs, dunes,other geological formations) Yes g No Describe 13.1% the project site presently used by the otattmtmity or neighborhood as an open space or recreation vim'? Yes .-No If yea,explain 14,Lwcs th parcgent Aite inoclnde scenic views known to be important to the community? I S.Stmems within or contiguous to project area n a tie _ a Namu of Stream and name urRiver to which it is 16,Lakes,ponds,wetland arena within or contiguous to project ores: f) o 13C a Nat4e b. Srae(1nAcres) 17.6 the site served by existing public utilities? JL Y4- w,tYa�� of If Yes,does suffscieut crpscity exist to allow connection?.y{Yes _No b) if Yes,will improvements be necessary to allow connection? -y Yes __No 1 .Vt site t led ' an ,�Itural district ce d pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law,Article 5-AA,Seet�nn 3d�att��. _Yes No 19.1% the sic)oc tom( in or sub�� 1 ongsyous to a Critical Eavi nmrnlal Anw designauA pursuant to Artiel`a 9 oY the CCL,and 6 T 617T —Yes X-No 220.pNaas thesilt ever been used 1N1w the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? Yca _X No f PhysWisaldrmm�nR and 1s�ale of project(Ill in dimensions as appropriate) A Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 4- 4 _acres. b. 11lsrject storage to be developed d, 6 toms initially: 4 . acres ultimately. c ProJcct aorYYge to remata undeveloped V�4 acres. d. Length of project,In miles: - (if appropriate) e if tlx:project is an expansion,indicate percent orexpansion proposed _ Y° f. Number of nff-tveel parking spaces existing_ © ;proposed 3 g Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour,__(upon completion erprojeci)7 h. of rcsidcrtiul:Number and type of housing units: onepamily Two family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately L 1)imerta[om(in reaq of target[proposed stroctute:_ , height; ;�eo width;_&S length. j. Einar rmt or frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is?_ ko it. 3 B/b 9JVd SL991,9c9t5.41 'bIONd tr : Ot ZO-tZ-NHP 2- 1low much natural Ratersaj (i.a,rock earth,etc.)will 1x removed from the site? long/cubic yarr�ds. 7. Will disturbed antes be reclaimed? _K Yes No NIA a. IF yes,lbr what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed??_ t•. will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? k Yes �Aa_ t. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for realaiestim? _X_Yes No 4. Itow many saret or vegetation(trees,shrubs,ground covers)will be removed from sited seros, 5. will aw mature�grest(ver 1,4 years old)or other localiy-important vegetation be removed by this 6. Ifeingle phase project: Anticipatedpcdod oftwnatruotion 4 months,(ineludina demolition). 7. If muili-phased: L. Total number of pbsses anticipated f (dumber). Is. Anticipated date of eommentYn+ent plow 1 3 rrwntIr2!p-z_year(including demolition). o. Approaimate completion date of final phase month year. d. is pbeac I functionally dapandcnt on subsequent phases? —yes _No S. Will blasting occur during eonstvuetion? _Yes .I_e No 9. Numtier of jobs generated:during construction 3�,alter project is ctmLplotc 29 . 1 O.Numtber of jobs eliminated by this project_0 i I.Will project tMuim relocation of any projects or facilities? —Yes No ifyea,explain_ 12.1R surface liquid waste disposal involved?^Yea XINO is. tf yca.indicate type of waste(sewsge,Industrial,eta.)and anrorutt Is. Name or water body into which effluent will be discharged 13.1 s subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? X-Yes —No Typo—If 14.Will surface arse ofan existing water body increase or decrease by preposat? Yes X No '.f yet;,explain: IS-is project or any portion of pmjm located in a 100 year flood plain? ._Yes X No 1(s.'Will the prof ect generate solid waste? X Yes _ No 4. if you,what is the amcgim pa mouth %,P tons 1). if yes,will an existing solid waste facility be used? —Yes -W-NO ,_ if yes,give name loeattou� — d. WI It any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or Into a sanitary land)ill? Yes K No Ifycs,explain _-- 17.Will tie project Involve the disposal of solid waste? _Yea X No e. If yes,what is the anticipated rate ofdisposel? ...._.W11SI tronth. b. if yes,what is the anticipeted site fife? yeas. 18.Will project use herbiaidet or pesticides? —Yes Na 1 o.W ill project routinrly produce odors(more than one hour per day)? _ Yes Yee �X No 21).Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels7_,_Yes _&No 21.Will projeut result loan in in enuxgy use? Yes No Ifyea,lndiotctype(%)�(Me'(�fyT rA iicr wR (C� 22.If water supply is from wells,indicate ptunping capacity 1� _....._gellorwis louse. 21.Total anticipated water usage per day_73b gallons/day. (3rr aim Narrauti Rrgarrt SrR1nADJ. 4 B/S aDva SL9Bb9E9LS '01 :1408A LE '01 ZO-bZ-NHP 24.flec9 projectin involve Lot:al.State or pedenl funding? jY_Yes _No 25.Approvais Required: Iwo submittal Hate City,Town,Village Board Yes —No City,Town,Village Planning Board Zf Yes ,,,_No p�'t.7 a City,Town 7oningAoard Yes _No A/x va"Ante• City,County Health Deparvatent 'fit Yes No v✓e 4 hC o&kr Othisr Local Agencies Yes —No Stan,Agericics _Yes _No Other Regional Agencies -Yea ^No Federal Agencies _,Yes —No C. 7MING AND PLANNING INFORMATION 1, IMca proposed action involve a pbMting or Min s _No If yea,indicate dcofsion required: _zoning amendment setting varianceitsub 'lion site plan newhctision of tnsatlx plan resoarcntb 2_ what is the zoning classiflcation(s)of the eife?1. Whitt � the rrwximum potential developmentpcd as by the present 4. Waal is the proposed zoning of the site? 5. Whgt i; the maximum potential develompent of the site if oped as ittcd by the proposed s;onmg. b. I _ prnpnsed it consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plaits? -14 es ?. What are the predominant land y�^�/y�)yp�rAn g ittaa floattana within a]/4 mile radius of proposed aehon? 91[tic Wociif.r-/� �E M�r�.imaW _ 8, 0the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 114 mile'? YYas 0 9, 1 f the proposed action is the subdivision of land,how many lots art:proposed'? � SO ._. :.What is the minimum lot sus:proposed? 10.will proposed action require srry es 1Vo autho ticn(a)for the formation of sewer or water disMda? 1 I.WIII the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services(recreation,education, police,fire protection)? A Yes No it. If yes,is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? _k Yes No 12.'Mill the proposed action result in the generation of oatric significantly above prescnt nerds? .—Yes ,A No is. lfyos, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? �Yes 5 9/9 aovd 9LB9b9£9I9 'OI WOHA 9E '01 zo-bZ-Nvr D. INFORMATIONAL DirrA1LS AIVD WATER SUPPLY NARRATIVE MQtMTr adverse f y addltiorw In4 yvu bs n�md'ti w ri yuta Cet.trffi�u sIo a nosy be Nay you ptapese toDnud or IMO AM» on,p nse sue! m sa hr maewa whiali I. I'rnwkls explanation of eneisli ft site tee y,sbudum%mnhwy flow, water oer, convert to {Posed tee Y.atrnoturss,awhery�,wskr ties. . I IAdieatc the sours of water supply,neareal public water salt,ncamst public well Itakt,nd adjetrcm Istvate wells(irkhown). 3. Irpublic water supply is proposed, indicate the ability of tla water utility to provldtt ivekY supply to the arejtrt. Provide letter or water avallablNty or Mailed explsherlon of status of review py water ' utility. d, irprime wster v4piy Is VvVit di,btdiaste the well spoeiLatkms,ware*"lily batted tm uA-sik water quality 6%. Provide SvM*CONUY DepteWwAl or HOWth Services apprnvsl or 000od Ctgr aftdm of mates of tsvlvw by epatty, S. rodisRIC propaeod water ccreervellm mmurtm that will mi laW for ormvideble advau Impacts(jr any).COnso mthm mnsums should Indude,laid nobs&Akd to: a. Ths rue of drm*01 matt plaM Ibr ianhooBso, b. The pinaetvatioo of tetMN mative vertlrtive butllrs, e. Ttte mouvatiam orexirim mm apes was d. Thu iAtltWW**Wm of"mMM"Omawaw mwove rnt pmotiaas(pat swilEs.After strip.,arcatad wedmdc eta---)- R. VERIFICATION t 0miry that ttie infomutiom provided above 6 true to tits best of my krwwhalrx. t�r OCS, Pr410G.) 1 v awdl t'[1Ll� `AG, Apt,i arWSponsorNOms_� t �f�$tandr DE GlrnJVDatr<..-...1�.ZiSJ_" ��..ry,.•.._t,�. .....,... .... . '�"Is kA�`7r,.�., �it�.� tt��Q3.nr iarl.- la:si . bl IUrh`�tsese��r ".�sVt'M1r` p4 turf we a tttah apmsyt eoptplsq tiro Canal Awrrteml 6 91L auva SL99b6£91S ;CII +WCNA ZE ;OI ZO-bZ-NHP PART D: EAF -WATER SUPPLY Agri-Business Child Development -Grace's Place-Main Road,Southold, New York 1. The present site is undeveloped. The proposed Day Care Center will occupy 0.6 acres of the 4.6 acres parcel (including driveway and parking area)- The occupancy will be 75 children and 25 adults. Using Suffolk County Health Department (SCDHS) standards of 7.5 gallons per capita for a day care center water case will be 750 gal/day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. There will be some irrigation during the spring and summer. The wastewater system is designed for the '750 gpd flow. 2. Source of water supply will be groundwater, A 10 gpm well is proposed for the site for domestic and irrigation purposes. The closest public water main is 2,000 feet east of the site. The Suffolk County Water Authority has already indicated that there are no plans to extend a water main to the site (see attached 3/2/01 letter). The nearest public well site is at Mill Road and CR48. 1111 ISee Question 2 above. '!£ f 4. The well will be 10 gpm with a minimum depth of 75 feet(d.t.w. = 35 ft. plus screen � location 40 feet below g,w.t.). The water quality at the site was found to be zsea� 7.2- satisfactory when two test wells were installed or t via on, S DHS has approvea the on-ante we or construction. A satisfactory wa er sample must be secured before SCDHS final approval. 5. The building will utilize low water use fixtures and the landscaping will require'( M minimum water. All storm water generated on the site (roof drain, parking lot, w�pna/ driveway, etc.)will be contained and recharged on-site. The above information was prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers. •1905�rOt 232GAdoc(R01) _1- oio ^J e1�l.] c/oo woCorenr wnx.I 3^ rni :.q_i.7_NNf` UL Fla Submission Without a Cover Letter Subject: A55WI� SCTM#: 1000- 9/ Date: /l �Z"- Comments: r 4w D JAN 2 5 2UUZ Southold Town PBoard 14-16-2(2J87).7c617.ailM ENViR l A� SEQR Ftli.I. g1� �QAL'�ME�� �g�� �FORM Pis se: The, full 13AF is to cants a�t�a+es determine, in an derl tm�nar, w1lreupop a cot o[aclitrn mey'be ai '7'he on of whvthcr en action ma bo s�iiimnt ie not alwfy�l ay to afwwer, �o aspeete of �y�ect flat � snnleoet�ve n� �ItttYreab>ba It is rho undantooQ � ekrmine si>;nl�cat�may hsyo fltlte�po formN r„tw1 gc o. f t�tq epvuonna�+t�ni��ttsr !� +ca esperl in anri[ongtental sndlysls. in sddj_Uon,�many w o eve e n talc may +rot lie aware of l e broader conccm a ti the Qal:a}pnpeee�A;usiInn 0 8 Insane-. The full RAP is iota ded to prov�ideg a method whWby applicants and ag ies on be wolmd that the dtttarminplian t goose as liven oedrsiy, oomptehensive in nature, yet flckib C to a1 troy introduction of tn,rtmaUan to Tit a pro"act or action. Full EAF Components-The full PAP is comprised of three parts. Bart 11 Pmvi�ea gbjt4ve data,and 1p oration About a jivenl projim and ila atte. By identifying ogre project eta,it assists a reviewer to arralyste that to t:a p ace m arty 2 and 3. Part 21 oeu on idoati the range of po bk t that rna out Itom rujcet or lion. It vt a to w ran impact is i ttly to considrre seta to mpgtc or wd+�wr it tS 11 jattmil�y largo:m�-pact. a fo-m alsodenUfies rrr„hel�an irr>Fact can be m-U�rkd or raluccd P�trt 3 1f impaaacctt to Part 2 ,s identified as potetdially4arge, then Part 3 is used to evaluale whether or notythc Lnpact is actual�y tmpotant, DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-TYPE 3 AND UNL.ISTF.D AC77ONS 1LrrrNJy ante Penises ejIL4F eawpkted Jbr tAh projeca _e ,Part 1 Yrart 2 ,,,,,_Pare 3 tyon reviewthe air! recorded on s W(Paris I and apd 3 if a isle rnd an Q-11M adtmmt(ne h ct�cot�attleri ig boot the magnitude a rmportar-c sac -11=1 R s reasena y y lea egonei OR A.'[�C ppro eat will not fiaeult t'n soy Isrge and -'maoetattt imlmet(a) and, ther�•Ibre. Is one whiclj will leo�have a significant impact on the emir8amemt, thtmtbre a negative declaration wa be prepared, Ai t� tot gq�id have ■ signi -ca--t effect on the,environmc al, 1} )1 ap( a pgni r mt effayt Ts�r tl-is Ualieted Actt�a ae flee mitigatec�tt mmsures deacribcd m PAS 3 ve n requmd tthenefae a CQNA D aagi tive declaratka will be prepared C.Tbe project r-wy -epeh in at a or more large-and hrroortenI inn s that nwy have a significant impact on 11tt vl imretm+ent, erefore a pe a false aratfna will a prepared. *A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action -- -- - --- -- - Name of Lead Agency --��-�- Print or Type Name orRespomibla Officer in t,ead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Sii-nalurc of Roapnnsiblt c?flloer!n find Agency --� Siynatutc of Prcpart� - -- If ditTrrent from responsible Meer) 1 B/Z 3`Jtld 9L 99 b9E a t S 'QI =WON3 0E '0I ZO-bZ-NVV • PART 1•PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor N(YfIC> : Thi dtxuf�cnt is designed to assist it detemfintri whether the action prop , ry have a tt iticanl efifeetqp the rnvj t. Please kte the tiro focm Parts A through Answer;to divas question will consl�er as Dart o[t o a��plicatlon or ap�rovalyou bclicvcbew�p�t cededthttor nrifipatlgtt and aubc rt view. Provide any adaitinnal (n one ion coop cte)'arts 2 iad it ex t that coa�lellon of the full 6AF will be rl tp information cunrcally available and 11 tt{tt f�yo nFw a[ttdis resga each instance. (f inlbretmtion requiring such addltiono work is unseal able,so ira7icafe cin NAME OFAC77ON Ge&-591S PCRGC- /✓/UJL Ir{ 66n +fir �� LtH'ATION OF AC1710 (include Street sddrep Municipalby and Cuuntr) r14041r .. !'R L01 )NV. , — NAME 0 APP1,15ANT/SPONSOR_---�— HUSINGSS TELEPHONE _ %3 f� /al G�ns o+ r i yU? ri. ari scar : to �r .,� .58'-3Y6- � ApDR/S7( !TAzC Sairzf STATE APt201/ _ NAME OP OWNER(if (ferent) � BUSINESS 7FLEPHONIZ AOORF.SS -` (•ITY/PO STATE zip CODE VE.kCRI 170NOPACTION C/(i�e7� .�/� Crv �f 4&Ar'Zr -7vooy- nX4'kf4e— VQ sass om ae uIICC n-locienomm.it not Applicable — A. SITE DBSCRIPTION Ph)sical setting of overall project,both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present lend use: —Urban _Industrial Commercial _Rcsidential(Subttr8an) __,Rios)(nao-farm) ,—Pare}t __-Agriculture _OSter v arc w f Total acresge ofproject arcs: sores APPROXIMAT4 ACREAGE PRES13"NTLY AFI'ER COMPLQTION Meadow or Ilmobland(War.aylcuhurd) — acres mm Forested acres acres Agricultural(includes Orchards.croplsrd,panun.dc.) acres acres Wetland(FmhwjW or Tidet us par Anicics 24.2S of ECL) sexes acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegutatad(Ruck,cards or rm) eJ G acres 40 acres Roads,buildings and other paved surfaces Buns C.C acres Other(indiatctype acres 0;- acrctt 3. What is predominant soil type(c)on project site? Oay� I Oa.",r a. Soil drainage: Weil droinedLe %of site, _Moderately well dmined__apt,of site; Pax drained _Sri of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil arc classified within soff prmp I through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 2 9/E aDVd SL99D9E919 '4I iwoma 0E '0I Z0-bZ-NVP , 4. a� ibs p It tkto batrtiok on project sC fc ff_Yes No ,o S. Approxirrmte percentage of proposed project site with slopes:�0%1/6 a0 r ti, t!:prof �"sTrb�stantial Wntiguqquuss to w cont�p a build!'r�g,site, err district,listed on the Stogy;or the Na roris�xegtsters otl iistwic PWcc . _Yes �r 7Vo 7, h_ptyjoct aubst4ttti 0 ally contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Nalwal 1.andlnasAe'1 lea R 1V S. Whalis the depth of the water table? -3- (Infeet)oiepl-I, 9. I:o site boated over a printery,principal,or sole source aquifer? Z-Yes No I O.Du hunting.fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project arcs? _..-Yea �-No 11-1]oca project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified ar ifircatened or cidangard? Yes )S No Accordingto Identity each species 12.Am thcrc any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes,other geological Pirtnations) Yea X No Ueten'be 13_la the project site presently used by the aanmunity or neighborhood as an open space or recreation a-W r,Yes .-No If yes,explain _ 14.Cures thYpresent Aite�telude scenic views known to be important to the community! ea 2L o 1 S.Strilsms within or contiguous to project area One __ a Nano of Stream and name oritiver n0 which it is tributary_________ 16,LakeN ands,wetland arena within or contiguoua to project arm 110 r1E a Narfie lZ Siar(ln Acrcs) fff qB SSG 17.Is.the site staved by existing public utilities? X Yea' / W a o l If Yes,does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection?2r,Yea _No b) If Yes.will improvements be necessary to allow connection? _;lC Yes __No 18. a site 1n�atcda'n an aan¢�tltursl district cerlj*pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Iaw,Article 5-AA,So=3a3 sna 3w _Yes Na 19.b the si a toe t�d in or subM 11 ti pus to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant Us Article g a!the ECL,end 6 N CRR 61 _Yes X_No 20.11laas thee) site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? _ Ycs JY No. PhjWneal du MKoronaa&PTxOale of d project(fill in dimtsnaiona as appropriate) a Total contiguous acrosge owned orcontroltcd byproject sponsor 4. L _acres. b Project acreage to be developed 0. 6 acres lnitisify_ ®.G . acres ultimately. c Project acresga to remain undeveloped y.0 acres, d. Length of project.in miles: — (if appropriate) e If1Tx project is an expansion,indicate percent or expansion proposed _% L Number of off-street parking spoon existing__Q _.__;proposed gg Maximum vehicular trips generated par hour VO —(upon wmplction arproject)? h. If rasidcatial:Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Pamily Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately _ J. Ihmensions(in feet)of largest proposed stnrcoae: [Jr height; ,;;t;B_ width;_Le S length. j. Linear rest or fmntage along a public thoroLofis a project will occupy it?_ 6 O:L it 3 B/b 30va SLElet-Ge3t5 '01 1N0213 IE '01 ZO-toZ-NVP 2 1low much textural qukrial(i.e.,rack,earth,etc.)will be removed Iran the site'? —1 211i re yarmds. 3. Will disturbed aurae be fectaimod? -K Yes No NIA a. If yes,for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed?_ nfy h. Will topsoil be stockpiled for molama ion? k Yea �s c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for resli mstiok? _X_Yes _No 4. 1tow many acres of vegetation(trees,shrubs,gmtlnd corers)will be removed from site?-94 acres. 3. will 4y mature West(�t_QO ymm old)or other locally-important vegetation Ix removed by this TwoJec 6. If single phase project: Anticipatlted period ofaonattvotion 4 months.(including demotititm). 7. Ifmulti-phased: r:. Peal minter of plum anticipated f (awnber). h. Anticipated date of eommenceni t plisse 1 3 mR ont} �7 year(including demolition). o. Approximate completion date of final phase=month year. d. hi phase I functionally dependent an subsequent phases? _Yes __Na S. Will blasting occur dmingconstruction? _Yes ZNo 9. Number of jobs gonotated:during construction E:after project is complete+;. I o.Number of jobs eliminated by dds project_0 1 WNW project require relocation of any projeaa or facilities? _Yes >C No If yes,explain- — 12.1 a surt'ace liquid waste disposal involved?^Yes -"0 , it, if yes,indicate type of waste(sewage,industrial,ate.)and amount h. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13.I1 subssrraca liquid waste disposal involved? -X-Yes —No Typa—V—V4A +.�!gyrr 14AVIII surface area oven existing woke body increase or decrease by pmposar? Yes X No '.f yox,explain; ]$.:a project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? Yes.X No I&Will the project generate said waste? X Yea — No :s. 1 f yo&what is the amount per month e.o toss b. !ryes,will an existing solid wank facility be used? _yes X No c. if yes,give name loostion _ J. Will my wastes not go into a sewage disposal symcm or into a unitary landl ill? _Yes JS No If'ycl,explain_ 17.Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? _Yes X No s. If yes,what is the anticipated rack of dispossi? tosslmonth. h. If yes.what is the anticipated site life? yasrs. IS.Will project use harbloides or pa lieldes?_Yes X.No 1 v,Will project routinely produce odors(more then sac haw per day)? — Yes -2L No 21).Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels?_,_Yes _) No 21.Will project result in an inarcasc is energy use? Ya No If yes,Indicate type(a)_ (�fl/ . LISe lhr( �f Zff n4;(-' 22.Irwatcr supply is from wells,indicate pumping capacity /© gallom ridintle. 2 7.Total anticipated water usage Per day_7.3D gallons/day. (see vivo Narraurr Rrgnn7t.Serlloa 0). 1 aim ands SL69tt'Sr9lS 't71 W02I.3 l£ 'mL ze-az-War 24.I MS project involve Local.State or Pederal funding? Yes —No Ifycs,eYptain_ __ /av'� e✓i NUS _ W� JS.Approvsb Required: Type Submittal Hate City.Town.Village Board Yes —No gj a I City.Town,Village Planning Board Yes —No No 5i�O pJJ City.Town Y.nrting 9wrd X Yes —No WX Va1O"CA. d �a City,County Health Department Yes _No W"sk it l tr ��0 a Other Local Agencies _Yes —No Slaty Agencies _Yes _No Odor Regional Agencies _Yes —No Fedinal Agencies _Yes _No c. 7ANING AND PLANNING INFORMATION 1, Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ) Yes _No Iryes,indicate decision requited: —twins etnsndment zonirta variance _special use perm —subdivision site plan —ncwhvAsion of maater plan T resource management plan _,,other_ 2 What is the zoning classification(s)of the Site? R-$o -- 3. Whitt the troximum poleatiat development of the site if developed as,pnmitted by the present 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? S. Whpi V the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed vonmg. b It e_proposed acdo consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plan;'! ?. What am the predominant lord(t`��/y.)and /p1}{g Iris fteations within a]/4 mile radius of proposed action?_ !JC V /IsA F�rytJ � me w. n�riQM✓ g 0 the proposed action compatible with adjoining1s"Lusting lend uses within a IA milef Yes 0 o. 1 r the proposed action is the subdivision of lend,how many lots are pnrposcd'! NO a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 1 p.Will proposed action require any authoVion(s)for the formation orsewer or water districts? es N0o 11.WIII the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services(recreation,oducation, police,fire protectionyt A Yes No a. If ycs,is existing capacity softicient to handle projected demand? _k Yes No 12.Will the proposed aotion result in the generation of tratTic significantly above present levels? _Yes —A No a. irycs, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional tropic? —ZYcs __,No 5 B/9 anva SLsebsceIS 'OI - NONA Z£ '0S Z0-6L-NHr D, IWORMAT ZONAL Dian L9 AnD WAna tilllrim NAaxAT vlt ItCWrsr vary Weh.aY uddltiami ln� pwy be n to�1J�5 >��If ae ahuiM wM i piopiex roDmthptt��w wa mmPmPen p nee nc�ms the rtlCat I, provide explatrAtion of OM MS site am agne cr,Dtruoorres maharr paw, "ter UW WXMM to prapaaed me,osaupaney,atrueturp,srtitvY 11ow.++ater wa. . 2. Indicate the tawrkk of warn Supply,ac and puhlio inter iamin,raarest public well floW,wd sdjgmM isivate wells(if luro.rrl). 3. irputtlic water supply is propospi,indicate the ability of91s warn utility to provide Suer eapply w tree 7mjo:t. Pru-1 iciter orwamr availability or detailed expisrosion of smius of review by water utility. a- If private wAkr aappty, is oropWW4 itpblsatk the wap tpOWfrAtIoSN water quality based as on-aide wafer grant data. Pmv de WOW txaaly 1>gWWNW or}iaaith sarvicas approval or dotalled C*anmlon orstahn of leview by k aaay. 9. brdicak propssod water coreamnim sameLm drat will tttitIm b for talavoldable adverse fmp' Wls(if' any),Conscrvatien 8119M as Aboald indak,but gotba kabotl to s. The uto ofdtoait oW Mliiana lbrletWocaph o, b- The praasrratiaa of twhGtgl aAtire verealtira htriprs a. 7)w o nAervaOm el'e tmilig open aptim o s s Tit•(ntplmmwst4"of ImMal"atottanatim raarerDrtateat laaatiess Ulm mal".roar taril*created wetlands em---1- R. VERIFICATION I renify that ft tafomution provided above Is true to the beet of my kmWojlft , t a. f ewes ors h"#C..11At, Avai mntlspmor Name_�JYS F��A h i,Jn D�' &(mjA ►1w..-_I1.2tSSt&-A--_ Pam !s NEW �h�y�,t� ort 2 Wide np wlth t1iM aaaeaaaaae. °eltPi ON Coastal Awr"kai e B/L a0vd SL9BL+B£BLS 'CII 'WOdd Z£ '01 Z0-6Z-NHP PART D: EAF -WATER SUPPLY Agri-Business Child Development-Grace's Place-1Mlain Road,Southold, New York 1. The present site is undeveloped. The proposed Day Care Center will occupy 0.6 acres of the 4.6 acres parcel (including driveway and parking area). The occupancy will be 75 children and 25 adults. Using Suffolk County Health Department (SCDHS) standards of 7.5 gallons per capita for a day care center water case will be 750 gal/day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. There will be some irrigation during the spring and summer. The wastewater system is designed for the. 750 gpd flow. 2. Source of water supply will be groundwater. A 10 gpm well is proposed for the site for domestic and 'irrigation purposes. The closest public water main is 2.000 feet east of the site. The Suffolk County Water Authority has already indicated that there are no plans to extend a water main to the site (see attached 3/2/01 letter). The nearest public well site is at Mill Road and CR48. 3. See Question 2 above. 4. The well will be 10 gpm with a minimum depth of 75 feet (d.t.w. = 35 ft. plus screen location 40 feet below g.w.t.). The water quality at the site was found to be satisfactory when two test wells were installed for the subdivision. SCDHS has approved the on-site well for construction. A satisfactory water sample must be secured before SCDHS final approval.. 5. The building will utilize low water use fixtures and the landscaping will require minimum water. All stoma water generated on the site (roof drain, parking ]ot, driveway, etc.)will be contained and recharged on-site. The above information was prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers. ♦1909T0123205.4oc(Ro 1) _1- B/9 3JVd szeeb9cels ;CI Ze-bZ-NVP PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. h�0 P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS to Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS O Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORRICHAITRC CIAGG o 'JR. y'f101 �`��� Fax(631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 15, 2002 Mr. Frank Murphy c/o Century 21 P.O. Box 2 1146 Route 25 Jamesport, NY 11947 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Grace's Place Located on CR 48, Peconic SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: A-C Dear Mr. Murphy: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, January 14, 2002: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board start the lead agency coordination process on this unlisted action. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Ben e Orlowszi, Jr. Chairman c DUTH D[ O ARP DIST FOGS V SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 908. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 January 13, 2002 (631) 765-4305 FAX (631) 765-5076 Chairman Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold Town Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Grace's Place, SCTM#74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Dear Chairman: The Southold Fire District has reviewed the above-mentioned map and finds adequate fire protection in the area at this time. This decision is valid for one year from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Cynthia Caprise Fire District Secretary Sc uthold Tbwn VJ Submission Without a Cover Letter �- Sender: ri2/7iJr— 1wole Subject: gre49C GE SCTAI#: 1000- 17 /7 9h Date: 1/I 1 1 0 2" Comments: cS�,TE �� 10 PLANNIN A G BOARD MEMBERS O��S1dFF0j/( BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �`t` G.y P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS H Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS WQ Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE RIT HARD IIE LATHAM O JR y�0 �� Fax(631) 765-3136 RICPLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 28, 2001 Cynthia Caprise, Secretary Southold Fire District P.O. Box 908 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Caprise: Enclosed please find one (1) site plan for Grace's Place located on CR 48, Peconic. SCCTM#74-4-4.7 & 4.8 0 The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fire- wells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. O The enclosed subdivision is being referred to you for your recommendation at to whether any firewells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. 0(� Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman y� P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS H Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS G hf Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE ICHARD CAGG O RITCHIE JR y'JJQ Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 18, 2001 Mr. Frank Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 2 Jamesport N.Y. 11947 Re: Graces Place Route 48,Peconic SCTM# 74-44.7,4.8 Dear Mr. Murphy: At its work session on December 17, 2001, the Planning Board reviewed the latest site plan revisions dated December 5'", 2001. The following changes/additions must be submitted before the Planning Board can proceed with its review: Landscaping: The approved subdivision requires 16 trees, only 15 are shown on the planting schedule, and even less on the site plan. Please revise and indicate existing trees and the proposed location and type of new trees, with their caliper.All evergreens need to be located and identified on the plan.Additionally, the Planning Board would prefer that the central median in the bus turnaround area be landscaped and shown in the planting schedule. Please clarify the surface treatment of the playground(sand, grass, paved). Lighting: All lighting needs to be shielded downward, and a maximum pole height of 14 ft. shown at appropriate locations on the plan. Site Plan Corrections: All adjacent property owners need to be indicated and correctly spelled. The Key map needs to be scaled at 1'to 100 `, and the site located in a 50011 radius. The existing AC zone must be indicated. The handicapped parking sign and logo needs to be shown. Please indicate the location of the air conditioning unit on the site plan. If you have any further questions regarding this matter,please contact this office at your convenience. l�ySincerely, Victor lattenier Senior Planner �L Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender. �� �� )�%IlyR P g Subject: (I,- WAf15 SCTM#: 1000- Date: Comments- COP/0 S Of obis d f fLEvef r/��tS Submission Without a Cover Letter Seuder: 44A Subject: &f� SCThi#: 1000- J14, 7 Date: Comments: DEC - 6 20JI Southold Town Plwning lard Submission Without a Cover Letter Set-Wer: Subject: SCTi11#: 1000- �y— z- Date: Comments: Southold Town Planning Board NOV-28-01 WED 11 :04 PN P. 01 CAMPOS STUDIOS ARCHITECTURAL ARTS & OFSIGN Ricardo E. Campos R.A. 7 Fire Island Ave.,Babylon Village,NY_ 11702 (631)893.1875 (phow&fax) FAX COVER SHEET DATE : November 27, 2001 TO : Century 21 Albertson ATTN : Frank Murphy RE : Graces Place FROM : Rkk Campos R.A. NUMBER OF.PAGES AFTER THE FAX COVER SHEET ; 2 Description of transmittal: Manfs, Cuts on site lighting poles Additional Message: Fax to :631-722-4476 N CIV-28-1_11 LJED 11 :05 P11 P. 02 T.Pc; *001TYPE A,,B,C,P C*op,1*R LIGHTING d�tAn.. Pe P[P[❑rtlddt Itl�61V kY.fIta NAB 1NFUK'A YIUN P� ` + I^"r r� u�I.-1'Ip��Q W/'111G q I %%,)Vnj HEf 5'I I t�C@YaNPXMa d01'484' yTfP1G. : fTdfi I fdtt '.*evn11a9 iIJ;glai I i I I I HAND 110�E (a PLO(Jn tF to PY at.,eta Id Iten dh D,i' '' 1- �nr��-••:-.-.._ � 'I.•3'C�ylaL:O•narfldlYa.. (' y��+•�. Ini TNid hoere10.r41Eamlrnt �np I rvo46460C(C 11a1 I �M-. I(I, I' �i` ..•�..-._ $twped haRehalnes.0 ha 1Ueia �J -n.y.. �� _ -..•.,...� -- Cwsrtem'nln6 1et-11 I. � � �_I. T IL.__._ ...�..7I��31•—..,.... — cre.rd wo rucsa::: 1.P. --•�, SpECIFlOA_TID_NS _ �.�� I 7••.A5TM GredD eree:bese Dl.c-. a••'OrPcc Dr Tenon(fpeclfii), Fr�Prk br�nta.�.•.... a...�.... I�'• 0111h A-Ml A3311 Cite 1,1 a1. 6aGPh CniteC 5 Al&d)pDlt Der ASM:A576 H=-Red `,5.�„ P'^HanCho(s aPxnt6IY� a5 on 061 W ,,m M Het wvOcr. I=Rovpl blul 5.and A"eel.;end 3a a dII o,a- end 11 Iepkwuhv New. 4.!!vnupup Yil;cw Pe'• 1+—.11 aed thraad6d uo•tlen N.Oh-Ureen e4 br ltere hOr din gt 1, giand d A.prime ASr..t A900 prarte"8'4±4e1 heah for 3ld"'pc%,4"noek far Q+ Qggipner BPlpe •1_ I ehstA5l:or blasted and[a rtted 1'belt, S.51her wldl polyffCer pCwee"'wrr' V-Grey C X.Nare �' � er Y=a:L:4 3 A, _ L . GgOFfN L16HTIN'.ti NOV-28 01 WED 11 :06 PM "-YiRL hJl Y. SD=Stiu,P 01 ClwaxprA t dlAalANd/Ai Jael faplue"e:h!'M —�� ... �_�•• a!e6id'�ionai.rsA Ueehein p. ( OMIGnta min IIplGIAJ \ ewpp.,INfronMall/OGAl11, w ¢r. .,Yung arw MOM.Vb, br w�i leFmlignR CIA i�^-••..--�_ . cumrwi. i �, —_—._.,- �� I MPR BRECKENRIDOrz `= � ...M .,n .n._..; . to-too ru hide Fra A..n Ealllam Will vale. OngRIX4 rN?uxmaylam /a161J 1{e��1rFrN.W IINHII •OaT•r"r LUMIN.teA; wf P94 1 6Jv' ramw i ._.• TlnrXr * Ya4p"' ■rwfw rCava, /IFAMXy,. ARYFI �w141 M' �I.S1t•1 gII/X.ryp.R �y�rys IAX4 F.cAaP N•4aM':• / F.11�EI Ww0.��i Oewtart/Ilrtninum IIkr� � :�`Awewrdl nr u.'m.r • RelMISp AXFh/(aAn nrl J�S� �A.a..�Awr' Sk� ObAADe-0Ilv"Inum 7dd i� r-eq,.I�.Tar IMXaNn +kMYwY • OMV I c UAdh br lv.,Ilee1 r.�o army I i 1 n4mofrq Wd b11leRPeurrA�lxatle i r-iiMn wcw I • uUlmipn mdl<3b/dk!!n I ldy!9v �n MIu1Na1 AM r.nnllovw n.ArV OPV& lQL-.1/ ndratb.a+.11.LJ. R/merahc MO@rad time /Ne fornaarrcc�y bKrtliNaAeOM/r{dA mini real rAMA FWlar na/IW 4 elKd,rk VOW Hrynmpaolw a fa c�IV M ba/nlrq ha k oil. ' dlrm,�"I TENu4 R"e"or laroNnF,YION �"` xCtt WtU; ,' tMali Rhobcv�Rel � -'_�•�.. . _.,•-„____�,,,..� __. , AiFlrl�e ''JYy��I����' ! CLIYYAYM� I aSPE0P1Rt1 q i�� r''4'II�rV/1IS m }�i�— NI�iG141 µT�KIiNYIrW e°P Sllda/It fXaTOA,am I/rIISq I1N AA Y.Y 41rN ,�IaMFM ,IgRaapA "Alan.ryry404rA"wcmlli.tl laelsu,R A"[YOAru+rlmn rren11ir1Y .M nn r...IX�N W1rM.rIY"Aua,1Aa.I..Lo/IHniu YMIJI SJµ Nn /.RA.YpX.p'A1114. 'r• • MdpN.l?aY darttla!nMW r Mjm to 'rP.rJ�.�+1Y Ir�*4'hr0.': Moony. rat 41l Ww•ar xe �AdpppeYtlntltl/N{N!I ht yryf G" ah/wa. • MIla'i741 kpt.1 ro*Isfsrn 0. a ��t-AF•flprr'� Ty'wMwq.AMa'G. ebOPtll U6htiNOu. ,a:r. y '"' � �+ R.ri�arn•. daruir.+�i''wav� rrsnp.wewrl. +w.:.. •+aaAr.rga vw.aYe. '1AI.a,..a. O•d 1 ptltsG 6d-Er=aeS 'JOILUON 'is 40GB Lf,�96L L :itpuag :AUR o3 Wd 9Z:LL :tU1IJ. F. :sa6ad (papeao�ng 3lfcA�lj �xl�n� ;,aMra�e�l h�o�gUFFO(,�co VALERIE SCOPAZ,AICP o= '.Z Telephone (631) 765-1938 TOWN PLANNER N Fax(631) 765-3136 P.O. Box 1179 O�. � �� Valerie.Scopaz@town.southold.ny.us Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 T OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Garrett Strang, Chairman, Architectural Review Committee From: Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner Date: October 31, 2001 Subject: Grace's Place SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Please review the attached revised plans and determine if they are in accordance with your recommendations. VS:ck PLANNING BOARD MEMBER O�O$UFF�(/rCD BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �`t` Gy P.O. Box 1179 Chairman .� Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS H Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS WO Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEOR RITCHIE JR y�Q! y � Fax(631) 765-3136 ICHAR CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Jamie Richter, Town Engineer FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Graces Place Route 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 &4.8 DATE: December 5, 2001 Please review the above for drainage. 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBER o�g13FFO(/(co BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. h`t` P.O. Box 1179 Chairman .� Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS O .te Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEO Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGG O PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 5, 2001 Frank J. Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 25 Jamesport,NY 11947 RE: Graces Place Route 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 &4.8 Dear Mr. Murphy, The Planning Board has received your material for review by the Architectural Review Committee. The committee requests that you provide the lettering and colors for the sign and the roof penetrations and mechanicals for their review. If you have any questions,please contact the co-chairman Garrett Strang at 765-5455 or Robert Brown at 477-9752. Qner� Site Plan Reviewer NOV-28-01. WED 11 .04 PN P. 01 • i � i CAMPOS STUDIOS ARCHITECTURAL.ARTS & DESIGN Ricardo E. Campos RA. 7 Fire Island Ave.,Babylon Village,NY. It 702 (631)893-1875 (Dbw&SX) FAX COVER SHEET DATE : November 27, 2001 TO : Century 21 Albertson AWN : Frank Murphy RE : Graces Place FROM : Rick Campos RA. NUMBER Ofr PAGES AFTER THE FAX COVER SHEET ; 2 Otscrirtlon of transmittal: Manfs, Cuts on site lighting poles Additional Message : Fax to : 631-722-44'76 NOV-28-01 WED 11 :05 PM +' T1'.1.. 'iic,l..' li9•:bH.1 .. .....�+ + O ESAIL■ • P. 02 TYPE: eATALQQ*,TYPE A,B7C1F 46COORER LIGHTING SSUSQUARC ..rrt.-+..r.......�...f,..".. .�a+......_..�......_.....--��.�..wu-J...........-war"...".....� Aljrq Te h�A'�7 Fdp OIM1ifA!SIpNAL rYFO;MZT1oN ' I McvttlnH Helphl { I rosAwmwwr I 6Or1W N4' fiTf.P rGe: S7(YL I i i I I ! mn � Imeyntlnp IP'pP,+i I I i I III I I i i I I r(ANO 110;_6 fa ettlaU tl'roO pt Yin le,14 hat dh It l` I If I '� !'Y'C.Y1N%.•Mr ndlw �•W` 5!a"7nieY.nandhpe rcrworcrrtunt Ing..Idol 1.mlm _ x M -` �I Ca �—'�--^.—•— GoiP r0alnln5 Rcrr« i� hYn4anm ��f� kompad hcrtlhd;wrar ii:llll" I _ � Cov;r rCNInIn6 rRW'I1 I_ �_ I. q I�.�_��.�.....,.�..,,.."_..= Ara„nd ruD recS;.•c.:c Lai «� S/FCIFICATIO NS PI14{3 : GJLO—�E Ay"TAa 6r1d1ereel has;:1.1 e0 a••'Or'I!uG pr Tenon fapaOlNl, M F=bcrk 8ranib rh � i wilh a37M A2pE Dail CDYrS � 61e6aHanilad a..� ... yaee.�Yw 6- AnOOr.Olt per ASVO7 A576 K-11"d �,5,_•a E •'Han2hold a;dgniply�'as on wlQl f21 alum.M flow wwI IeRoyal Elul 61 and 6"pal.,Ynd 2'a d"O�A- and 0)IOek.uhar,Num, Oupudup Ville. 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Members present were: Garrett A. Strang, Co-Chairman ,��u U Robert i. Brown, Co-Chairman �L aAHQ Herbert Adler,Jr. Landmark Preservation Committee ` 0 Herbert Ernst, Southold DEC G 6 2001 Theodore Carpluk, Southold Howard G. 1vieinke, Cutchogue Southold Town Yan Rieger, Orient Planning Board Robert Keith., iviattituck, Secretary Also present were Robert C. Kassner and Victor L'Eplattenier of the Planning Board staff, Frank Murphy; iJancy Steelman and 'Ural Talgat of Samuels & Steelman, Fred Weber of Donald Denis Architects and Kelly Breuer of the Traveller Watchman- Moved by Robert Brown and seconded by Garrett Strang, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the MINUTES of the meeting of uecember 4, 200 1 Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. BEDELL CELLARS (Main Road - Cutchogue) Moved by Herb Adler and seconded by Howard Meinke, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application with the CONDITION that the structure for the seasonal tent be removable in the winter. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. PELLEGRINI VINEYARDS (Main Road - Cutchogue) ivioved by Howard Meinke and seconded by Theodore Carpluk; it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application. 'voie of the Committee: Ayes All. GRACE'S PLACE DAY CARE CENTERt(North Road - Peconic) Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Garrett Strang, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application with the CONDITIONS that 3 or 3 1/2" casinos surround the windows; that the trim, fascias and casinos be of the same color which will be submitted for approval, that the aluminum doors be white, that mechanical vents throuah the roof be located on the East side and finished to match the color of the roof, that all mechanicals be located in the attic, that the most northerly of the exterior light posts be moved to the North side of the access road and shielded from Route 48. that the fence for the oiavoround be black vinvi with black posts, that the background color of the sign match the siding, and that catalogue cuts of the wail mounted light fixtures be submitted for approval Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. RIVERHEAD BUILDING SUPPLY (Main Road - Greenport) ivioved by Robert Brown and seconded by Theodore Carpiuk. it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application with the CONDITIONS that vegetative screening be planted in front of the air conditioning compressors. that recessed lighting be used in the soffet of the check -out canopy, that the chain link fence be of black vinyl, and that, if possible, the roil-down grill be black. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. RAPHAEL VINEYARDS (Main Road - Peconic) Moved by Garrett Strang and seconded by Robert Keith. it was RESOLVED to REQUEST the Planning Board to exercise the condition in its approval to reduce the intensity of the lighting of the entrance and parking lot that is objectionably bright from the road. Vote of the Committee Ayes Ali, I/• Robert W. Keith Secretary PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o�OSUFFO(,�co BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �`Z` Gy P.O. Box 1179 Chairman C .� Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J.CREMERS N ae Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS O r Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEO RGICHARD CAGE ANo JR. y�'Oj � Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 19, 2001 Frank J. Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 25 Jamesport, NY 11947 Re: Grace's Place Site Plan Application Route 48, Peconic SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Dear Mr. Murphy, On Tuesday October 13th, we met to discuss the Planning Board Work Session recommendations from November 5th Work Session. The following observations were made: 1. The latest site plan does not provide acceptable access for large vehicles such as buses, emergency vehicles and sanitation trucks to maneuver within the parking lot. The Planning Board is particularly concerned about safety of children in the middle of a parking lot. They recommend that some thought be given to making modifications to the parking lot layout to permit school buses to drop off and pick up children in front of the entrance. 2. The handicapped access ramp is not shown on the site plan. It is recommended that handicapped parking space be located next to a ramp, which in turn be located adjacent to a sidewalk near a door. 6 3. The access to the dumpster, as noted earlier, does not provide for adequate room for a sanitation truck to access the dumpster and back up within the parking area. 4. The landscaping was deemed to be unacceptable. The landscaping on the northern side of the site facing CR 48 needs a better screening plan to be designed, one that includes indigenous native plants that are drought resistant and provide year round screening. At the end of our meeting, you indicated to me that you would speak with the architects handling this project and ask him to address some of these changes. We have received the materials you sent for review by the Architectural Review Committee. Missing from these materials are cuts of building-mounted and parking lot lighting. Upon receipt of these lighting details, we will send them to the Architectural Review Committee. Very truly yours, Valerie Scopaz, A Town Planner VS/bd Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: Subject: Clzq CEO -p6gfE (l SCTM#: r000- Date: / 0/-- c� / Comments: /� ��✓ ��� �i �� OCT 31 ZUul :outh0" Tow- _`' lrninq Board �o�gOFfO(,�OraG VALERIE SCOPAZ,AICP y� Telephone (631) 765-1938 TOWN PLANNER y Fax (631) 765-3136 O P.O. Box 1179 ,f. �� Valerie.Scopaz@town.southold.ny.us Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Garrett Strang, Chairman, Architectural Review Committee From: Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner Date: October 31, 2001 Subject: Grace's Place SCTM#1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Please review the attached revised plans and determine if they are in accordance with your recommendations. VS:ck I/ o/ ✓S Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: > V -' . 'fl L' Subject: SCTM#: 1000- Date: Comments: ?� l �f�C ` -!�-i .0 F/ Y( l �� T% ( OPPt Fcc� vs SOUTHOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE October 18. 2001 The ARC met at Town Hall at 4:30 p.m.. Members present were: Garrett A. Strang, Co-Chairman .15� Howard G. Meinke, Cutchogue/New Suffolk Herbert Ernest, Southold Theodore Carpluk, Southold Robert Keith, Mattituck, Secretary SOUtthold Town Also attending were Frank Murphy and Ms/ Paula Radke Planning hoard Moved by Garrett Strang and seconded by Howard Meinke, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the MINUTES of the meeting of August October 11 , 2001 . Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. GRACE'S PLACE DAY CARE CENTER (North Road - Peconic) '' Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Howard Meinke,ible RESOLVED to APPROVE the DESIGN CONCEPT but to POST NE FINAL APPROVAL awaiting amended drawings to include signage suit to the new \ design; samples and colors of siding, roof, trim, and doors; location of roof `penetrations and mechanicals, cuts of building-mounted and,parking lot C lighting;and details of the fencing for the playground- It was also recommended that screen planting be used to conceal the concrete block enclosure for the dumpster. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. Robert W. Keith Secretary most northerly of the exterior light posts be moved to the North side of the access road and shielded from Route 48, that the fence for the playground be black vinyl with black posts, that the background color of the sign match the siding, and that catalogue cuts of the wail mounted light fixtures be submitted for approval Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. RIVERHEAD BUILDING SUPPLY (Main Road - Greenport) Moved by Robert Brown and seconded by Theodore Carpiuk, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application with the CONDITIONS that vegetative screening be planted in front of the air conditioning compressors, that recessed lighting be used in the soffet of the check -out canopy, that the chain link fence be of black vinyl; and that, if possible; the roll-down grill be black. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. RAPHAEL VINEYARDS (Main Road - Peconic) iviroved by Garrett Strang and seconded by Robert Keith, it was RESOLVED to REQUEST the Planning Board to exercise the condition in its aporovai to reduce the intensity of the lighting of the entrance and parking lot that is objectionably bright from the road. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. Robert W. Keith Secretary Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: Subject: SCTM#: 1000- ���,j 95M Date: �O✓-- soudkwTawa Plat�g Comments: � � ��A PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �OgUFFOr,�c BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS va Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. .f. `� Fax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 21, 2001 Frank J. Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 25 Jamesport, NY 11947 RE: Grace's Place Route 48, Peconic SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Dear Mr. Murphy, The Planning Board has received and approved the enclosed report from the Architectural review Committee. The report is being sent to you for your attention. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Iolb!;/ ssner Site Plan Reviewer Encl. Cc: Garrett Strang, Robert Brown Co-Chairs, Architectural Review Committee SOUTHOLD TOWN • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE August 14, 2001 The ARC met at Town Hall at 4:30 p.m.. Members present were: D �■ Garrett A. Strang, Co-Chairman Robert I. Brown, Co-Chairman AUG 16 2UU1 Howard G. Meinke, New Suffolk/Cutchogue Theodore Carpluk, Southold $OUtholdTbWn Herbert Ernst, Southold Sanford Hanauer, Mattituck Plarming Board Robert Keith, Mattituck, Secretary Also attending were Robert G. Kassner of the Planning Board staff, Ms. Patricia C. Moore for Hellenic Hotel, Ms. Paula Radke, Frank Murphy, and Rick Campos, R. A. for Grace's Place Day Care Center, as well as Paul Corazzini and Joseph Fischetti for the Corazinni Storage Building. Moved by Howard Meinke and seconded by Herbert Ernst, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the MINUTES of the meeting of July,26, 2001, Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. (North Road - Peconic) Preliminary Discussion The Committee made these suggestions: 90 degree rotation of the building, a different roof such as a shallow hip, placement of the,parking to the rear, siding other than stucco, windows less like a store front. The Committee asked for the following information: location of roof penetrations and,mechanicals, catalogue cuts of exterior and parking lighting and a drawing of the signage. "Oe "keith Secretary i THE DENT��1 L. - RRRO�RI 'Z CO SULTD7G GROUP, � ' o T61r ss EI kc 11 tz. }'r �lr:inrm HiJiner ]orL 11l<J l.ummne�, e» Trl: loci) -199-2222 August 15, 2001 Ms. Maggie M. Evans, CPA Executive Director Agri-Business Child Development New York State Grower's and Processor's Association, Inc. 1576 State Street Schenectady, New York 12304 Re: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment County Road 48 (Middle Road) Southold, New York Dear Ms. Evans: This report documents the findings of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) performed at the subject property by Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. (F&E) in July of 2001. Background The subject property is located near the intersection of Paul's Lane and County Route 48 (Middle Road) in the Hamlet of Peconic, Southold Township, Suffolk County in the State of New York(see Figure 1). According to plans provided by Frank J. Murphy of Century 21 - Albertson Realty, two parcels of land totaling approximately 4.6 acres(Lots 7 and 8 totaling 2.0 and 2.6 acres,respectively) are to be redeveloped as a day care center for the children of agricultural workers(see Figure 2). The plans indicate that the facility will consist of a 7,000 square foot(SF)one-story building, a 7,000 SF playground area, open areas, access roads and associated parking lots. According to a Phase I ESA prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers(D&B)in May of 2001 and F&E's site inspection,the property is currently an open,plowed farm field. The subject property has most recently been utilized as a sod farm. In the past, the site had been utilized as a potato farm. The D&B Phase I ESA indicated that the estimated direction of groundwater flow was to the northeast. F&E's review of available data indicates that the groundwater flow direction in the vicinity of the site may be to the north. There was an existing test well on the site which was reportedly installed in the early 1990s in support of subdivision application. Details regarding this test well are provided below. Ms. Maggie M. Evans, CPA August 15, 2001 Executive Director Page 2 Agri-Business Child Development New York State Grower's and Processor's Association, Inc. Based upon review of the Phase I ESA and F&E's experience in the vicinity of the site, the following issues of environmental concern were identified: 1. Based upon the historic agricultural use of the property, shallow soils and underlying groundwater may be impacted by pesticides, herbicides and selected metals; 2. Based upon historic use of Chilean fertilizers on the North Fork of Long Island, perchlorate (same is naturally occurring in fertilizers imported from Chile) may be present in on-site soils and groundwater; and 3. D&B postulated that the soil staining at the base of a nearby utility pole may be the result of a blown transformer which could have resulted in the release of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Presently, there is not a transformer on the subject utility pole. Scope of Work Based upon the above, the following services were implemented as part of the Phase II ESA conducted by F&E: 1. Installation of one groundwater monitoring well and the collection of groundwater samples from same as well as from the existing on-site test well (designated on historic plans as TW-2); 2. Collection of four shallow soil samples from across the site to evaluate the possible presence of pesticides, herbicides, selected metals and perchlorate due to historic agricultural uses of the property. Additionally, one shallow soil sample was collected to represent background conditions; and 3. Collection of one shallow soil sample from adjacent to the utility pole to evaluate the potential presence of PCBs. Ms. Maggie M. Evans, CPA August 15, 2001 Executive Director Page 3 Agri-Business Child Development New York State Grower's and Processor's Association, Inc. Investigation Results Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling Based upon a north to northeast groundwater flow direction,well MW-3 was installed at the northern comer of Lot 8 (see Figure 2). The upper four feet of the lithologic section were dominated by gravelly and sandy silt. The remainder of the sediments encountered to the terminal depth of the boring were composed of highly permeable gravelly sands. Groundwater was encountered at 29.9 feet below grade surface (bgs). Therefore, the well was completed ten feet below the water table with two-inch diameter, 0.010-inch, PVC well screen from 25 to 40 feet bgs, and the remainder of the well was completed with blank casing. The annular space was filled, utilizing the tremie method, with appropriately-sized filter pack sand to two feet above the screened interval followed by two feet of membrane sand. A two-foot thick sanitary seal of hydrated bentonite was placed on top of the membrane sand followed by neat bentonite grout to the surface. The well was equipped with a locked cap and a water-tight, flush-to-grade manhole type completion. The well was developed by overpumping and surging. All drill cuttings and purge water were discharged to the ground surface in the vicinity of the well head. Existing well TW-2 was completed with two-inch diameter galvanized steel material and was equipped with a one- and one-quarter inch galvanized steel down pipe. The down pipe, attached to an ejector mechanism,was removed from the well to allow for sampling. Upon removal of the down pipe, the depth to the bottom of the well was measured at 74.8 feet. This is consistent with information provided by Krieger Well Drillers (Krieger) who installed the well in the early 1990s. Krieger personnel indicated that the well was completed to a depth of 78.5 feet bgs with a three-foot long screened interval. Therefore, TW-2 was installed to evaluate groundwater quality conditions approximately 48 feet beneath the site. Both wells were purged, and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for chlorinated pesticides by EPA Method 8081, herbicides by EPA Method 8151, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb)by EPA Method E531.1,perchlorate by EPA Method 314.0 and RCRA metals (including barium,cadmium,chromium,arsenic,lead,selenium,silver and mercury). Additionally, the water sample collected from TW-2 was analyzed for nitrates by EPA Method E353.2(TW-2 was sampled after Krieger indicated the historic presence of nitrate in water samples collected from same). As indicated in the laboratory data sheets included in Appendix A, none of the target chlorinated pesticides, herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb), RCRA metals or perchlorate were detected in the groundwater samples collected from TW-2 or MW-3. Ms. Maggie M. Evans, CPA August 15, 2001 Executive Director Page 4 Agri-Business Child Development New York State Grower's and Processor's Association, Inc. According to Krieger, a groundwater sample collected from well TW-2 in the early 1990s contained 12 milligrams per liter(mg/1) nitrate. The groundwater sample collected as part of the current work contained 5.27 mg/l nitrate. The analytical data indicate that the groundwater beneath the subject property both at the surface of and 48 feet below the water table is not impacted by site-related chlorinated pesticides, herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides (including aldicarb), RCRA metals or perchlorate. The groundwater sample collected from TW-2 did contain 5.27 mg/1 nitrates which is below its NYSDEC Class GA standard of 10 mg/l. This area of Long Island was identified b ee E ure 3). hus, there was a shallow nitrate problem in the vicinity of the site which is likely not directly related to the subject property. However, it should be noted that the water may not be suitable for potable purposes considering the target population of young children. Shallow Soil Evaluation In accordance with the approved scope of work, shallow soil samples (collected from the surface to six inches bgs) were collected from four locations across the property. Sample S-2 was collected from the area indicated on the plans where the playground was to be constructed. Sample S-3 was located near the front of Lot 8,while samples S-4 and S-5 were collected from representative areas in Lot 7. Both lots were flat and there were no topographically low areas where residual pesticides and herbicides would naturally accumulate. Sample S-6 was collected from a wooded parcel located approximately 1,300 feet southwest of the subject property as a background sample. Each shallow soil sample was analyzed for chlorinated pesticides by EPA Method 8081, herbicides by EPA Method 8151,organophosphorus pesticides(including aldicarb)by EPA Method E531.1,perchlorate by EPA Method 314.0 and RCRA metals. The analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and the laboratory data sheets are included in Appendix A. Herbicides, organophosphorus pesticides(including aldicarb) and perchlorate were not detected in any of the shallow soil samples. Several pesticides were detected in the four on-site and background soil samples below potentially actionable concentrations (e.g., NYSDEC Recommended Soil Cleanup Objective (RSCO) included in the NYSDEC Technical Administrative Guidance Memorandum (TAGM) 4046: Determination of Soil Cleanup Objectives and Cleanup Levels, revised in April 1995). Ms. Maggie M. Evans, CPA August 15, 2001 Executive Director Page 5 Agri-Business Child Development New York State Grower's and Processor's Association, Inc. Dieldrin was detected in the soil samples collected from S-2, S-3 and S-4 at concentrations of0.058, 0.15 and 0.055 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), respectively, which are above its RSCO of 0.044 mg/kg. Additionally, endosufan sulfate was detected in the S-3 sample at 1.2 mg/kg which is above its RSCO of 1.0 mg/kg. No pesticide was detected above RSCOs in the background soil sample (S-6). Arsenic was detected at concentrations ranging from 19.1 to 45.5 mg/kg in all four of the on-site soil samples. Additionally, the background soil sample contained 68.5 mg/kg of arsenic. The S-2 soil sample also contained 0.14 mg/kg of mercury which is above its RSCO of 0.1 mg/kg but within the eastern United States range of background concentrations of 0.001 to 0.2 mg/kg. Mercury was not detected in any of the other soil samples (including the background sample). Several other RCRA metals were detected below their respective NYSDEC RSCOs from all four on-site soil samples and the background soil sample. Sample S-1 was collected from the surface to six inches bgs in a stained soil area directly adjacent to a utility pole and analyzed for PCBs by EPA Method 8082. PCBs were not detected in the sample. Summary and Conclusions Environmental testing was performed at the study site to address a potential environmental concern of long-term agricultural use that included the collection and laboratory analysis of two groundwater and four soil samples from agricultural areas and one soil sample collected as representative of a background location for comparison purposes. Additionally,one soil sample collected from an area of stained soil was analyzed for PCBs. Pesticides(both chlorinated and organophosphorus),herbicides,RCRA metals and perchlorate were not detected in the groundwater samples collected from on-site monitoring wells MW-3 and TW-2. A groundwater sample collected from TW-2 in the early 1990s was reported by Krieger to contain nitrate above its NYSDEC Class GA standard. The groundwater sample collected from the well as part of this study contained 5.27 mg/1 of nitrate. The vicinity of the site has been reported by the NYSDEC to be an area where the shallow aquifer has historically been HTIM cted b _r_.se _e of same arP r P mot reflective ofsite-related impacts f While nitrate was7deeper TW-2 groundwater sample below the NYSDEC Class GA standard of 10 mg/l, F& that alternative sources_of potable drinking water(e.g.,public drinking water,installinnt population Ms. Maggie M. Evans, CPA August 15, 2001 Executive Director Page 6 Agri-Business Child Development New York State Grower's and Processor's Association, Inc. Typical residual chlorinated pesticide compounds and arsenic were present in all four of the soil samples, as is common for most agricultural or cultivated areas on Long Island. Only dieldrin (in samples S-2, S-3 and S-4) and endosufan sulfate (in sample S-3) and arsenic (in all four samples) were present above their respective NYSDEC RSCOs. The background soil sample(S-6)contained five chlorinated pesticides, all below their respective NYSDEC RSCOs. The highest concentration of arsenic (68.5 mg/kg) was detected in the background soil sample. Based upon the above, there is evidence of some environmental impact to Lots 7 and 8 of the study site primarily due to the use of agricultural-related pesticides and arsenic. Although only four shallow surface samples were collected, these parcels are and have historically been extremely uniform in appearance, topography and use. The exceedances of chlorinated pesticide compounds and arsenic are generally low and well within one order of magnitude of the allowable NYSDEC concentrations. Typically, the highest concentrations of residual pesticides and arsenic tend to be limited to the shallower soil interval and are likely to decrease substantially with increased depth below grade. Furthermore,no sampling location exhibits a total pesticide concentration of 10 mg/kg(the guidance value established by the NYSDECI i herefore, based upon these site characteristics, it is likely that a reasonable soil management program can be developed to address the detected exceedances of residual pesticides and arsenic. This soil management program would likely include regrading of the site to reduce concentrations in areas of potential exposure routes such as the playground area. This typically includes a retesting of surface soil for residual pesticide concentrations at the time of final grading and site development at areas not under building footprints or other impervious surfaces. PCBs were not detected in the shallow soil sample (S-1) collected in the stained soil area adjacent to a nearby utility pole. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Richard J. Baldwin, CPG Project Director RJB/ba enc. F R E I'D EN T'HA,L ELKoO` °ITZ MN UL'TING GRO CP, INC, .11>� T4 -191)_9299 1711: CERTIFICATION I, Theresa Elkowitz, President of Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc., certify to Agri- Business Child Development that this Phase II ESA Report was performed diligently and in accordance with all regulatory and good management standards. To the best of the firm's knowledge and belief, the results are complete and//aceurate. l` 1 ( � Theresa Elkowitz, President ate Table I Summary of Pesticides and RCRA Metals Detected and/or Elevated Above NYSDEC TAGM Recommended Soil Cleanup Objectives in Soil Samples NYSDEC TAGM Pesticides(mg/kg) S 2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S 6 EUSA BG RSCO delta-BHC ND 0.012 0.0093 0.0034 0 2 D NA 0.3 4,4'-DDD 0.026 0.13 0.065 0.079 0.014 NA 2.9 4,4'-DDE 0.27 D 0.45 D O.15 D 0.16 D 0.13 D NA 2.1 4,4'-DDT 1.0 D L8 D 0.69 D 0.74 D 0.16 D NA 2A • Dieldrin 0.058 0.15 D 0.055 0.041 ND NA 0.044 =4.,4'-Methoxychlor 1 0.0073 0.019 0.0057 0.0056 NO NA 0.9 1 0.076 0.16 D 0.053 0.046 NO NA 0.9 ulfate 0.5 D 1.2 D 0.3 D 0,33 D 0.0051 NA 1.0 0.037 0.079 0.032 0.029 ND NA 0.1 ychlor ND 0.046 NO ND NO NA ..ne 0.019 0.043 0.015 0.015 ND NA NA NYSDEC TAGM Metals(mg/kg) 8-2 S 3 S-4 S 5 S-6 EUSA DO RSCO Barium 33.2 59.2 29.7 31.1 66.3 15-600 300 OR SB Chromium 18.0 32.1 15.4 16.5 12.8 1.5-40 50 Arsenic 28.0 45.5 19.1 20.4 68.5 3-12 7.5 or SB Lead 17.6 35.7 21.0 14.4 91.2 200-500 400 Selenium 109 1 87 105 1.08 0.91 0.1-3.9 2 or SB Mercury 0.14 1 ND I ND NO ND 0.001-0.2 0.1 Notes: NYSDEC TAGM-Recommended Soil Cleanup Objectives, S HWR-94-4046,Revised 4/95 and other indicated documents. RSCO-Recommended Soil Cleanup Objective EUS BG-Eastern USA Background "-< 10 mg/kg Total Pesticides ND-Analyte was not detected above method detection limit. NA-Not Available. SB-Site Background. D-Indicates that sample was diluted. Bolded values indicates detected concentration exceeded NYSDEC RSCO. .- IFC / ?_ L za Pine Crest' Huneti rn '' (Hoye Lxmp)--�. dy°,.6 T •Vo '' c IO N. Iz pJ V' ``1 e' yf Y to 19 -(ioZdsnI�L.1)tlb,' f'� ra _ �� S"/H�.'�. ✓l (:" v-..,J P c� ell nic e Loc n Pecarlic 1-01 OP w va $cuth htafbgr'S y 29 }max_ L "y1„AEst Cutchogue.`- s, all hogue'Sta "'^ .��.: cu�Eye�,' ao, ✓, - ' '9acreJ N rt lr p P . A A V,d i rn yy Name: SOUTHOLD Location: 041' 02'48.3" N 072° 27' 56.3" W Date: 8/15/101 Caption: Figure 1: Site Location Map Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Copyright a visions, Inc. y 1 I 1 1 � I I i I I 1 i I I I I i PROPERTY LINE — s — U _ _ - _ _ _ - h Proposed I a I y w Parking 1 < Lot S-5 Lot 7 ; O I I o S-4 I _z � O CO I ; Proposed 1 I o ; Parking �! ILot _ _ _ _ _ ' — ' — • — ' — • — ' �' — — — — Proposed 1 < ; P u 1 Day Care TW 2 0 o I Center S-3 V Building O IQ—J� Lot g Proposed 1 FO I Playgrsund I ; S-2 MW-3 1 I 1 — — — — — � . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ • — — SS--1 Key Well Location Source: Ricardo E. Campos,R.A. Site Plan, Drawing Number C-1 19 Surface Soil May 4, 2001 Location Not to scale Figure 2 Site Map and Sampling Locations FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Source: Final Long Island Groundwater Management Pro ram. N Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water, June 1986. Site Location L Q CD I Q 1 W / r O do 'd9 a I • • Public water supply well contaminated with nitrate QGeneral areas of shallow nitrate contamination April 1984 No Scale PmvidW PIZEUDENTHAL �ELKO�WITZ ONSULTING GROUP, INC. Figure 3 APPENDIX A FREUDENTHAl & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. U2M !9 1A13S, NC. ;� 575&off Fklaw Rtrrd,Mal, NY 11747 M31)6943J40.FAX(G31)43184.96 NYSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. ample Information... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY L"I"No. : 0107861-002A COMMACK, NY 11725 I, Type Groundwater Attn To RICH BALDWIN mfl9ln' Clle t ID. TW-2 II Collected 7/27/01 9-15-00 AM Received :727/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By . CLIENT L Copley To : RICHARD BALDWIN II it Parameters)Mini Result Units Meth umber Analyzad <0.10 beta-BHO <0.05 p9/L S 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM <0.05 pg/L S 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM game HC <0.05 pg/L S 818101 12:44:00 PM amma•BHC <0.05 I; 8/8/01 12;44;00 PM Heptachlor Y9/L 40.05 ugh � 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM Aldrin <0.05 1 8/8/01 17:44:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <0.05 HS/L 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM Endpsulfan pg/L <0.05 S 1 818/01 12:44:00 pM Dieldrin pg/L <0.10 S LL 1 8/8/01 12:44;00 PM 4,4'-ODE <0.10 pg/L S y 1 8/8/01 12:44;00 PM Endrin pg/L <0.10 p9/L S 1 8/8/01 12.44:00 PM 4,4 DDD dosulfan If <0.10 pg/L S 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM Endoeulf <0.10 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM 4.4'4'-DDT <0.10 pg/L sulfate pg/L S 1 8/8/01 12:44;00 PM -DDT ' Metho <0.10 pg/L S I, 1 8/8/01 12,44;00 pM Endrin ketonychlore <0.50 1 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM FndrinHndrin ketone <0.10 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM alpha- aldehyde <0.10 pg/L pg/L S 1 8/8101 12:44:00 PM alpha-chlordane <0.06 S 1 818101 12:44:00 PM gamma-Chlordane P91L S 1 <0,05 pg/L 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM Toxaphene <5.0 pg/L S 1 8/8/01 12:44:00 PM 2,4-0 <0.50 1 8/8/01 12;44:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) <0.25 Vg/L S 1 8/1/01 11:20:00 PM 2,4,5-T pg/L <0.25 1 8/1/01 11:20:00 PM p9� Aldicarb sulfoxide 7.0 S 1 8/1101 1120:00 PM < pg/L Oxamrb sulfone < 1 0 ES 8/8/01 1:15:00 PM Oxamyl pg/L E5 �� 11.0 pg/L II 8/8/01 1:15:00 PM Methomyl < 1 0 E5 8/5/01 1;15;00 PM 3-Hytlroxycarbofuran wg/L E5 < 1.0 8/ / 1 1:1500 PM pg/L < 1.0 pg/L E5 6/6/01 1:18.00 PM Aldicarb Carbofuran <1.0 4lg/L E5 8/6/01 1:15:00 PM Carbaryl < 1.0 pg2 E5 8/6/01 1:15:00 PM Arsenic < 10,0 E 8/6/01 1:15:00 PM Barium <020 pg/L E2 E2 8/1/0112:50:00 PM ChroChromium <C.01 mg/L E2 8/l/0112:50:00 PM <5.00 E2 pg/L .I 8/110112:50:00 PM E20 8/3/01 1 03:00 PM Qualifiers: E-veweaeove gwntnetion range p-Raeulle for pllvtion /U\ Daze Reported: 2 of II 61 112M "US, 1 NCe � 575BrOdH*w Rmr(MW*NY 11747 (63l)69$, a),FAX(631)4208436 NYSCOHID410M LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWIT2,INC �mple Information... Lee No. : 0107861-002A ype: Groundwatcr 368 VETERANS MGM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 Attn To RICH BALDWIN gin: Cllen ID. TW.2 Collected 727/01 9:15:00 AM Received :727/01 a:00:00 PM Collected By : CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameter(s) ResuI Units Metho her Analyzed Selenium <5.00 pg/L E2 8/1/01 12:50:00 PM Cadmium <5.00 pg/L E2 B/l/01 12:50:00 PM Silver <0.01 mg/L E2 I 8/l/0112:50:00 PM Mercury <D.20 pg/L E2 all101 8:27:10 AM Nitrate as N 5.27 mg/L E3 8/1101 6:36:43 PM I I' i i I i i I �I i i I i I I I I QpaRleS: E-VBWe Shove7uenlllatlon renyp D-RaivlK br Dilulbn Dam Rcpormd: g 3 o1 3 i I m �nw i IH2/4 LAFS� Ace 575Broad I-I.I.Roast Melvie NY 11747 (531)694, t 'FAX(631)42084W NYSDOH ID#10479 LABORATORY RESULTS I FREUDENTHAL d ELKOWIT7,INC. ehtPle Information... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY Lab No. : 01 076 7 3-0 01A .I yPe : Groundwater COMMACK, NY 11725 �I J_ Attn To ; RICH BALDWIN I, r in: Client D. : MW-3 ,. Collected 7/23/01 8:45:00 AM I, Received :723/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By: CLIENT l Copies To RICHARD BALDWIN ' Parameters) Results Units Metho rriber Analyzed Mirex c 0.10 < pg2 SW $ 7/26101 1:22:00 PM alpha-BHC 0.050 pg/L SW 9 I 7/28/01 1:22:00 PM beta-BHC <0.050 pg/L SW L i 7126/01 1;22:DC PM delta-BHC <0.050 pg/L SW 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM gamma-BHC <0.050 pg/L 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM Heptachlor <0.060 pg/L SW I 7/26101 1:22:00 PM- Aldhn <0.050 pg/L SW 7/20101 1:22:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <0.050 pg/L S 7/25/01 1:22:00 PM Endosulfsn I <0,050 pg/L SW 7126/01 1:22:00 PM Oleldnn <0.10 pg/L SW 726/01 1:22:00 PM 4,4'-ODE <0,10 pg/L SW 71261011.22:00 PM Endrin <0.10 pg/L SW 7126/01 1:22:00 PM Endosulfsn II <0.10 pg/L SW 7/26/01 1;22.00 PM 4,4'-DDD <0.10 pg/I• SW 1 7126/01 1:22:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate <0110 pg/L SW 1 7/26/01 t22:00 PM 4,4'•DDT <0.10 pg/L SW 1 7261011;22:00 PM Methoxychlor <0.50 pg/L SW 1 7/26101122:00 PM Endrin ketone <0.10 pg/L 1 726/01 1:22:00 PM Endrin aldehyde <0.10 pg/L SW 1 7126/Ot 1:22:00 PM alpha-chlordane <0105 pg/L SW 1 7126/01 1:22:00 PM gamma-Chlordane <0.05 pg/L r 1 7/26/01 1:22:00 PM Toxaphene <5.0 pg/L SW 1 726/011.22:00 PM 2.4-D <0.50 pg/L SW 1 7/26/01 7:12:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(SiMex) <0.25 pg/L 1 7120/01 7:12:00 PM 2,4,5-T <0.25 pg/L S 1 71261017:12:00 PM Altlicarb sultoxitle 41.0 pg/L E5 7/25/01 3:15:00 PM Aldicarb sulfone <1.0 pg/L E5 7/25/01 3:15:00 PM Oxamyl < 1.0 pg/L ES 7125/01 3:15:00 PM Mathomyl < 1.0 pg/L t 3-Hydroxycarbofuran c 1.0 E5 725/01 3:15t00 PM pg/L E5 7125101 3:15:00 PM Aldicarb < 1.0 pg/L E5 7125101 3:15:00 PM Carbofuran 11:1.0 pg/L E5 (E'� 725/013;15:00 PM Carbaryl < 1.0 pg/L E5 r 7/25/01 3:15:00 PM Arsenic <10.0 pg/L E2 r 7127/011:24'00 PM Barium <0,20 mil/1- E2 Chromium <0,01 7/27/011:24:00 PM mg/L EZ I 7/27/011:24:00 PM Lead <5.00 pg/L E2 7/27/01 1:24:00 PM Ouslifien;: E- g elue9Wvliurenl9Uon range p-R Results r«01 Wfion I Dam Reported: e 1 of 12 I J U2M lALS, INC. 575 Road HAW Rood,MAJile NY 11747 !' (631)694-, o FAY(631)42M43s NVSDCHI0a10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC, pie Information... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY Lab No, : 0107673-001A Groundwater COMMACK, NY 11725 I Attn To RICH BALDWIN lln' Client I MW-3 Collected 7/23/01 8:45:00 AM Received :723/01 4;00:00 PM C011ected By . CLIENT Copies To RICHARD BALDWIN Parameters) Results Units Method r Analyzed Selenium <5.00 pg/L E200 I; 7/271011:24:00 PM Cadmium <5.00 pg/L 1200 7/27/01 1:24:00 PM Silver <0,01 mg/L E200 7/27/011:24:00 PM Mercury <0,20 pg/L E245 725/01 8:47:13 AM IN i �i is I �i i is I� I� I; I, I Qualifiers: E-V-"a[ .quvnAation renpa //\ D-RswLLs W Dlluvi Date Rcponed: 2 of 12 I I; ,F12M lAI3S, INC. 575BMad HoYoN Roeo.M4h NY 11747 I; (E31)5X-9 ao,FAX(631)QO.84W NYSDOHID#1047e LABORATORY RESULTS g FREUDENTHAL& ELKOWITZ,INC. Lab No. O107873-003A p mPle Information... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY po: Soil COMMACK, NY 11725 I Attn To RICH BALDWINriln: Client I S-2 Collected 723/01930:00 AM j Received :723/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By : CLIENT - Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN C Paramefer(s) Results Units Method 'er Analyzed alpha-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM alpha-BHC <39 p pg/Kg-dry SW8 I 7/30/01 5;54:00 PM beta-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW8 I 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM beta-BHC <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW8 @ 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM delta-8HC <39 D pg/Kg-dry SWa 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM delta-BHC <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM gamma-BHC <30 D pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/30/015:54:00 PM gamachlor < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SWe 7/27101 12:10:00 AM Heptachlor <1. D pg/Kg dry SWe 7/30101 5:54:00 PM Heptachlor < 1.9 pg/K9-dry SW8 7/27/11112:10:OOAM Aldrin <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/Ol 1210:00 AM Alden <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/015:54:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide < 1.9 pg/4-dry SW 7/27/01 12:10;00 AM Endosulfan I <39 D pg/Kg-dty S 7130/01 5:54:00 PM Endosulfan I 7.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 727/0112:10:00 AM Dielddn 58 pg/Kg-dry 727/0112:10:OOAM Dieldrin <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7130/1115:54:00 PM 4,4'-ODE 270 D pg/Kg-dry S 7130/01 5:54:00 PM 4,4'-DOE 220 E pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27101 12:10:00 AM Enddn 37 pg/Kg-dry SW n Enddn <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW i, 7/27101 12:10;00 AM 7/30/Ot 5:54:00 PM Endosulfan II 76 pg/Kg-dry SW 7127/01 12:10:00 AM Endosulfan II <75 D pg/Kg-dry 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM 4,4--DDD 26 pg/K"ry S 7/2710112:10:00 AM 4,4'-DDD <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 500 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7130101 5:54:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 340 E pg/Kg-dry SW 7/27/01 12:10;00 AM 4,4"-DDT 1000 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM 4,4'-pDY 490 E pg/Kg-dry SW �1 7127101 12:10:00 AM Methoxychlor <390 D Methoxychlor < 19 P9/K9-dry SW 1 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM Enddn ketone <75 D pg/Kg-cry SW 1 7130101 5:54:00 PM Endrin ketone 19 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 12:10:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127101 12:10:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <75 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <39 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 5:54:00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 12:1 D:00 AM Ouslifien:r E-Rabe aeo6e tnellon nu nvge '\ o-aiu far,D11 onuw� U Dare Rcpomd g 3of12 I� I! RR 7�1H.J _ 575 Broad Hollow Peed,Mttvie W 11747 (631)59i i�qp.FA)((631)4aMI4X NYSDCHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL& ELKOWIT7,INC. r Lab No. 0107673-003A F Pie Infomation... 368 VETERANS MEM HWV Type : Soil COMMACK NY 11726 Attn To RICH BALDWIN Agin: Client 0. S.2 . Collected 7/23/01 9:30:00 AM P Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM I' Collected By: CLIENT Copies To RICHARD SALDWIN Parameter(s) Results Units Method Mber Analyzed gamma-Chlordane <39 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 S5a:00 PM gamma-Chlordane 11.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 7127/0112:1 D:00 AM Toxaphene <3900 D pg/Kg-dry S 7130/015:54;00 PM Toxaphene < 190 p9/Kg-dry SW 8 727ro1 12:10:00 AM 2.4-0 < 11 2 4 5•T <5 p8/K"ry"ry SW 7/26/01 2:53:00 PM .7 pgMg-dry SW 7/26/01 2:53:00 PM tvex) Aldicarb suHoxld 2.4,5-TP(SfoxIde <5.7 pg/Kg-dry S 7/26/01 2;53:00 PM <2.8 pg/K"ry E53 7/26/01 10:45:00 AM Aldicarb suRone <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 IIi 7/26/01 10:45:00 AM Oxamyl <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 1! 7/28/01 10:45:00 AM Methomyl <2,8 pg/Kg-dry E53 f I 7/28/01 10:45:00 AM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 728/0110;45:00 AM Aldicarb <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 }I 7/2810110:45:OOAM Carbofuran <2,8 pg/Kg-dry E53 I� 7/28/01 10:45:00AM Carbaryl <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E53 r 7128/0110:45;00AM Berlum 33.2 mg/Kg-dry SW Cadmium <0.57 mg/K 7/26/01 12:10:00 PM gtlry S 7126/01 12:10:00 PM Chromium 18.0 mg/Kg-dry S 726101 12:10:00 PM Arsenic 28.0 mg/Kg-dry SW 7126/01 12;10:00 PM Lead 17.6 mg/Kg-dry S 7/26/01 12:10;00 PM Selenium 1.02 mg/Kg-dry SW 7126/01 12:10:00 PM Silver <1,14 mg/Kg-dry Mercury 0.14 mg 7/28/0112:10:00 PM Mg-dry 7/25101 10:12:58 AM Percent Moisture 11.9 wt% D22 726/01 9:50:00 AM �i li i i I� Oualifiera: E-Rabe move q�enLrelbn rang• i\ o-geauns for ou„gm U Date 12eporced 4 of 12 ll H2M IA[3S, 1 NCO 575 Brad Hollow Road,MW&:NY 11747 II (6M)694-o .FA)QS31)4 NYSI)OHE)g10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,ING. Lab No. 0107673-004A mPle Information... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY 'N XPe Soil COMMACK, NY 11725 l Attn To RICH BALDWIN ,pJfigin: Caen ID. : 5-3 C Collected 723/01 9:50:00 AM i. Received ,7123101 4:00:00 PM Collected By CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameter(s) Result Units Metho ber Analyzetl alpha-BHC <3.7 Ng/Kg-dry SW alpha-BHC 727/01 12:46,00 AM c 74 D Ng/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM beta-BHC <3.7 N9/Kg-dry SW beta-BHC 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM <74 D V9/K9-0rY SW delta-BHC 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM `74 D Ng/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM delta-BHC 12 N9/Kg-dry 7/27/01 12:45:00 AM gamma-BHC <74 D N9/Kgdry SW 7130101 9:30:00 PM gam <3.3.7 Ng/Kg-dry SW 727/0112:45:00 AM Heptachlorachlor c 74 D Ng/Kg-dry SW Heptachlor <3 7 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Ng/Kg-dry SW 7127/01 12:46:00 AM Aldrin <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW Aldrin 7/27l01 1 Z:46;00 AM <74 D Ng/Kg-dry SW Heptachlor epoxide 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM <74 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <3.7 pg/Kg-dry SW EndosulfanI <74 p 7/27/01 ;30;000AM N9/Kg-0dry SW 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Endosulfan I to pg/K9-dry SW Dieldrin 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM 150 E Ng/K9-dry Sw 1 727101 12;46:00 AM Dieldrin 150 D Ng/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30101 6:30:00 PM 4,4.-DDE 450 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM 4,4'-DOE 390 E pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Endrin 79 pg/Kg-dry SW Endrin <140 D Ng 1 7/27/01 1246:00 AM /Kg-dry SW 1 7130/01 6:30:00 PM Endosulfan II 170 E Ng/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Endosulfan II 160 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM 4,4'-DDD 130 jig/Kg-dry S 1 727/Ot 12:46:00 AM 4,4'-DDD < 140 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130101 6:30:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 1200 D Ng/K"ry S 1 7/30MI 6:30:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 680 E pg/Kg-dry SW I '1 727/01 12:46:00 AM 4,4'-DDT 1800 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Methoxy 910 E pg/Kg-dry SW 1 Methoxychlor <740 p I. 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM Ng/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 6:30:00 PM Methoxychlor 46 pg/Kg-0dry Endrin ketone SW 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM < 140 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130101 6*30:00 PM Endrin ketone 43 jig/Kg-dry SW 1 Endrin aldehyde <72 7/27/0112:46:o0 AM Endrin aldehyde < 140 Pg/Kg-0dry SW 1 1 7/27/01 000 AM D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 I 7r30/01 6:3:30:0:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <74 D pg/Kgdry SW 1 7130/016:30:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <3,7 pg/Kg-dry SW it 7/27/0112:46:00 AM i Qdail0e13: E-Valve$Dove 4uan6tauon range D-Ravns br ollulion Date Reported: 5 of 12 nr . U2,44 LAuss lecw 575 Broad rolOR0 2 Mai&W 11747 (631)69W 4284W NYSDOiID#10478 I. LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWIT2,INC, _ S mple Information... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY Lab No. : 0107673-004A T e : Soil COMMACK, NY 11725 I� Atm To RICH BALDWIN I' Origin: clien 10, S-3 I' Collected 7/23/01 9:50:00 AM Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By. CLIENT �! Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN I; Pammeter(s) Result Units Metho mbar Analrz ed gamma-Chlordane <74 D pg/Kg dry I' gamma-Chlordane <3.7 SW ) 1 7/30/01 6:30.00 PM Toxaphene Vg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 12:46:00 AM <7400 p Toxaphene <370 P9/Kg-dry pg/Kg-dry SW SW f 1 7130/01 6:30:00 PM 1 2,4-0 <22 pg/Kg-dry S 727/0112t48:00 AM 2,4,5-T <11 1 7/26/01 3:30:00 PM pg/Kg-dry SW 2,4,5-TP(Sllvex) <11. ug/Kg-dry S 7/26/01 3:30:00 PM 1 7/26/01 3:30:00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxide c 55 Aldlcarb sulfone Pg/Kg-dry E5 <5.5 pg/Kg-dry 728/01 11:46:00 AM Oxamyl 728/01 11:46:00 AM c 5.5 pg/Kg-dry E5 Methomyl <5.5 728/01 11:46:00 AM 3-Hydmxycarbofuran <5.5 ug/Kg�ry E5 7/28/0111:46:00 AM Aldicarb PI E5 7/28/01 11:46:00 AM <5.5 pg/Kg-dry Carbaryl <5.5 /K E5 7126/01 11:46:00 AM Carbaryl <5.5 u9/Kg dry E5 728/01 11:46:00 AM E5 7/28101 11:46:00 AM Barium 59 2 Cadmium <1 09 m9,Kg-ddry S 0 7/26/01 12:37:00 PM Chromium 32.1 mg/Kg-dry i 0 726/01 12:37:00 PM Arsenic 45.5 mg/Kg-dry S 0 726/01 12:37:00 PM Lead 35.7 S yp0 7/26/01 12:37:00 PM 1.87 Selenium mg/Kg-drygmg/Kg-dryS IjaI 7/26/01 12:37:00 PM Silver mg/Kg-dry S 10A 726/01 12:37:00 PM <2.19 mlift-dry Mercury <0 20 mg/Kg-dry 7/26/01 12:37:00 PM 1 725101 10:08:24 AM Percent Moisture 54 3 % D 728/01 9:51:00 AM Oualiilers: E-ver.»amva quenliiarion rang. D-Resulp b Dihalion Dare Reported 6 of 12 IT -q9tm ..�. ._ .._.. 112M lA[3S, 1 • 575 Broad Hollow Roar,Mil NY 11747 (E31) O.FAX(6i1)42D84.'19NYSDCHID910478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL 8,ELKOWITZ,INC. ample Informatlon... Lab No. : 0107673-006A ype Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 Attn To RICH BALDWIN �ngin: Clio ID. S-4 Collected 72310110:00:00 AM Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN l Parameters) J�u Units Meth u� ber Analvzed alpha-BHC /F( d 727/01 1:22:00 AM alpha-BHC D pg/Kg-0ry7/30lD1 7:06:00 PM beta-BHC pg/Kq-dry S 1 727/01 1:22:00 AM beta-BHC D pg4(q-dry S7/30/Ot 7:p6:00 PM delta-BHC D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM delt -BHC pg/Kgdry S 1 7/27/011:22:00AM gamma-BHC <37 D pg/Kgdry 1 7130/017:06:00 PM gamma-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kq-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Heptachlor <37 D pVKgdry 1 7/30/Ot 7:08:00 PM Heptachlor 41.9 Pg/Kgdry S 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Aldan < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 7127/01 1:22:00 AM Aldan <37 D pg/Kg-dry �� 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide <37 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7130/01 7:06:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Endosulfan 1 <37 D pg/Kg-0ry 1 7/3C/01 7:06:00 PM Endosulfan 1 5.7 pg/Kg-dry S 1 727101 1:22:00 AM Dielddn 55 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/0' ;:22;"0 AM Dieklrin <72 D pg/Kgdry 1 7/30/01 7:08:00 PM 4,4'-DDE 150 D pgMg-dry 1 7130101 7:06:00 PM 4,4'-DDE 140 E pg/Kgdry 1 727/01 1:22:00 AM Endrin 32 pg/I(g-dry 1 727/011:22:00 AM Endrin <72 D pgft-dry 1 7/30/011 2:00 PM Endosulfan 11 53 pg/Kg-dry 1 727/011:22:00 AM Endosulfan It <72 D pg/Kg-dry t1 1 7/30101 7:06:00 PM 4,4'-DDD 65 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27101 1:22:00 AM 4,4'-ODD <72 D pg/Kgdry 1 7/30/017:08;00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 300 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/30/01 7:06:00 PM Endosulran sulfate 280 E pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/01122:00AM 4,4"-DDT 090 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7 4,4'-DDT 420 E jig/Kg-dry 7:06:00 PM ry S 1 71301 L22:00 AM Methoxychlor <370 D pg/Kg-0 01 ry S 1 7/30/01 1:22:00 PM Methoxychlor a 19 pg/Kgdry S 1 7/27/01 1:22:00 AM Endrin ketone <72 D pg/Kgdry 1 7130/01 7:06:00 PM Endrin ketone 15 pg/Kgddry S 1 7127/01 1:22:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <3.6 pg/Kg-dry S I 1 7/27/011:22:CO AM Endrin aldehyde <72 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7/30/01 7:06:CO PM alpha-Chlordane <37 ❑ pg/Kgddry S 1 7/30/017706;00 PM alpha-Chlordane < 1.9 pg/Kgdry S 1 7127/01 1:22:00 AM C ualifiars: E-v:n,eabova4uanatation rer,pe /\ D-Resmts for Dlluticn U Date Reported g 7of 12 1-1214 LAi3S. Isce • �'r 575&oadHokw Road, Md.*NY 11747 (631)%43 .FAX(631)4208436 NYSDOH ID#10478 it LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL 8 ELKOWITZ,INC. �$mple Information... Lab No. 0107673-005A Ie soil 388 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11725 I Attn To RICH BALDWIN I! dain: Client D. S.4 Collected 7123101 10;00:00 AM Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By: CLIENT - Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN I' Parameterls) Resul7Dwg/Kg-dry Metho ber Analyzetl gamma-Chlordane <37g-dry SW 7130/017:06:00 PM gammaChlordane <1.9 -dry Sw 7127/01 1:22:00 AM Toxaphene <370 SW 7Y30/Ot 7:06:00 PM Toxaphene < 19Ddry SW_ 727/01 1:22:00 AM 2,4-D <54 ry SW 7126/01 4:07:00 PM 2,4,5 T pg/Kg-dry SW 2,4,6-TP(Si vex) <5.4 72 /01 4;07:00 PM lag/Kg-dry-dry 7126/01 4;07:00 PM I; Aldicarb sulfoxide <2,7 pg/Kg-dry E53 I�II I 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM Aldicarb sulfone <2.7 pg/Kg-dryOxam E53 11 7128/01 12:46:00 PM Metho <2.7 pg/Kgdry E53 1 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM ethomyl <2.7 pg/Kg-dry E53 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran <2.7 pg/Kgdry E53 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM Aldicarb <2.7 pg/Kgdry E53 7/28/0112746:00 PM Carbofuran <2.7 pg/K9-dry E53 7/28/01 12:4g:00 pM Carbaryl <2.7 pg/Kgddry E53 7/28/01 12:46:00 PM Barium 29.7 mg/Kgdry Sw 726/01 12:46:00 PM Cadmium <0.54 mg/Kg-dry 7/26/01 12:46:00 PM Chromium 15.4 mg/Kg-dry S 726/01 12:46:00 PM Arsenic 19.1 mg/Kg-dry SW 728/01 12:46:00 PM Lead 21.0 mg/K9-dry S 726/01 12:46:00 PM Selenium 1.05 mg/Kg-dry 726/07 12:46:00 PM Silver < 1.09 mg/Kgdry 726/01 12:46:00 PM Mercury <0.10 mg/Kg-dry 725/01 10:10:41 AM Percent Moisture 8.2 Wt% D22 7/28/01 9:52:00 AM I I i II I I� III li Oualifle5: E-Value above quAnIlwut rarga 0-Raswm far DB1 l Date Reported: i e110112 li LAUJ' ' C. 5758roadHcdon Roark MRI&NY 11747 (631)694.'A10.FAX(")d2084%WSDOHE)#IO478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTNAL 8.ELKOWITX,INC. I, mple Information.., Lab No. : 0107673-006A pe: soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY , COMMACK, NY 11725 i. Attn To RICH SALDWIN il; igln: Client ID. S-6 Collected 7/23101 10:00:00 AM Received :723/01 4:00:00 PM I. Collected By : CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parameters) lResult Units Metho Mber Analyzed I; alpha-BHC pg/Kgdry SW 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM alpha-BHC D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/017:42:00 PM beta-BHC pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127101 1:58:00 AM beta-BHC D pgN-dry SW 1 7130/017:42:00 PM deRa-BHC D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/017:42:00 PM deRa-BHC . pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/011:58:OOAM gamma-BHC <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/301017:42;00 PM gamma-BHC < 1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 1:58:00 AM Heptachlor <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:a2:00 PM Heptachlor <1.9 pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27/01 1:58;00 AM Aldan <1.9 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 I 7127/01 1:58:00 AM Aldan <37 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7:42:OD PM Heptachlor epoxide 437 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/01 7:d2:00 PM Heptachlor epoxide < 1.9 pgf9dry SW 1 7/27/01 1;58:00 AM Endosulfan I <37 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/30/0 1 7:42:00 PM Endosulfan 1 5.6 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 1:58:00AM Dielddn 41 pg/Kg-dry S 1 727/011:58:00 AM 4 -DDE gd,4' in <73 D pg/Kry SW 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM ,4"-D 160 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/20/01 7:42:00 PM 4.4"-DDE 150 E pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7127/01 1;58;00 AM Endrin 29 pg/Kgdry 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Endrin <73 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 71301017:42:00 PM Endosulfan II 46 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27101 1:58:00 AM Endosulfan II <73 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM 4,4'-DDD 79 pg/Kgdry S 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM 4,4'-DDD <73 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7130101 7:42:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 330 D pg/Kg-dry 1 7/30101 7,42:00 PM Endosulfan sulfate 280 E jig/Kg-dry S 1 7127/011;58:OOAM 4,4'-DDT 740 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM 4.4"-DDT 430 E pg/Kg•dry S 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Methoxyehlor <370 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM Methoxychlor < 19 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Endrin ketone <73 D pg/Kgdry 1 7/30/01 7;42;00 PM Endrin ketone 15 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/01 1:58:DO AM Endrin aldehyde <3.6 pg/Kg-dry S 11 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <73 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM alpha-Chlordane <37 D pg/Kgdry S 1 7/30/01 7:42:00 PM alpha-Chlordane _ < 1.9 Hg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Qualifiers: E-Vclue aDovc q.a W8lbn reMe D-ReeullE for Oilutian Date Reported � g soriz A7 ' n"J ..�.. ,. Ac. • 5759arJHobN Road,Mdvk NY 11747 I.(631)694- 0 .FAX(fl31)420.94W NYSDOHID#10d78 LASOftATORY RESULTS FREUOENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. Lab No. 0907G7$-OO6A I mple Informatlon... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY Ype: Soil COMMACK, NY 11726 Attn To RICH BALDWIN �igin: Clien 10. S 5 I Collected 723/01 10:00:00 AM Received :7/23/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By. CLIENT Copies To . RICHARD BALDWIN Parameter(s) ]3700 Units Meth ber Analyzed gamma-Chlordane D pg/Kgdry 1 7/30101 7:42:00 PM gamma-Chlordane pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM Toxaphene D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7130/01 7:42:00 PM Toxaphene pg/Kgdry SW 1 7/27/01 1:58:00 AM 2,4-D pg/K"ry SW 1 7/26/01 4:44:00 PM 2,4,5-T pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7126101 4:44:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(SiNex) <5.5 pg/K9dry SW 1 726/01 4:44:00 PM Aldicarb suffoxide <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 728/01 1:47:00 PM Aldicarb sulFone <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 728/C1 1:47:00 PM Oxamyl <2.8 pg/Kgdry E5 7/28/01 t:a7:00 PM Methomyl c 2,8 pg/Kgdry E5 7/28/01 1:47:00 PM 3-Hydroxycarbofuran <2.8 pg/Kg.dry, E5 7/28/01 1:47:00 PM Aldicarb 7/28/01 Jig/Kg-dry E5 728/01 1:47:00 PM Carbofuran <2,8 pg/Kg-dry ES 728/011:47:00 PM Bar <2.8 pg/Kg-dry E5 728/011:47:00 PM Barium um 31.1 mg/Kg-dry � 01I� 726101 12:54:00 PM Cadmium <0.55 mg/Kydry 0 7k8/01 12:54:00 PM Chromium 16.5 mg/Kg-dry S 0 726/01 12:54:00 PM Arsenic 20.4 mg/Kg-dry S 0 7/26101 12:54:00 PM Lead 14.4 mg/Kgdry S 0 726/01 12:54:00 PM Selenium 1.08 mg/Kg-dry 0 7/26/01 12:54:00 PM Silver < 1,10 mg/K"ry 0 726/01 12:54:00 PM Mercury <0.10 mg/Kg-dry S 1 7125101 9:57:01 AM Percent Moisture 9.3 Wt% D2 7/28101 9:53:00 AM i i I I i I i I I Qualifiers: E-vawe above cuanl0ti n remge i\ D-nuul6 fer Dilvlion U Date Reported g 10 of 12 I I I I 9I E9vd H2M l AUS, t Ce 575Braad Hahn Road,McRae NY 11747 1 (631)%4,-X 0.FAK(631)4W8438 NYSDOHID#1t1478 LABORATORY RESULTS 2mple Information... FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. Lab No. ; 0107673-007A pe : Soil 368 VETERANS MEM HWY I COMMACK, NY 11725 j Attu To RICH BALDWIN l �igin; Client ID. : 5-8 Collected 723/01 10:15:00 AM Received 7/23/014:00:00 PM Colleaetl By: CLIENT Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN Parametens) Results Uni1s Metho Inicer Analvzed alpha-BHC <2,3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 727/012:34:00 AM alpha-BHC <45 D pg/KgCry SW 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM beta-BHC <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 7271012:34:00 AM beta-BHC <45 D lug/Kg-dry SW 729/01 5:53:00 AM delta-BHC 200 D pg/Kg-dry SW 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM delta-BHC ISO E pg/Kg-dry S 7/27/012:34:00 AM gamma-BHC <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW 729/01 5:53:00 AM gamma-BHC <2.3 p9/K9-dry SW 1 727/01 2:34:00 AM Heptachlor <46 D pg/Kgdry Sw 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM Heptachlor <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SIN 1 7/27/012:34:o0AM Aldnn <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/01 2:34:00 AM Aldrin <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM Heptachlor epoxide <45 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7129/01 5:53:00 AM Heptachlor epoxide <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 727/01 2:34:00 AM Endosulfan I <45 D pg/Kg-dry 5 1 729/01 5:53:00 AM EndosulfanI <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/27/012:34:OOAM Dieldrin <4,4 pg/Kg-dry 1 7/27/012:34:00 AM Dieldrin <88 D Poft-dry SW 1 71291015:53:00 AM 4,4'-DOE 130 D pg/Kg-dry SW 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM 4,4'-DOE 110 E pg/Kg-dry S 1 727/012:34:00 AM Endnn <4.4 pg/Kg•dry 1 727/01 2:34;OOAM Endnn <88 D pg/Kg-dry 1 729/01 5:53:00 AM Entlosulfan II <4.4 pg/Kgdry S 1 727/01 2:34:00 AM Endosulfan II <88 D pg/Kg-dry 1 729/01 5:53:00 AM 4.4'-DDD 14 jig/Kg-dry 1 7/271012;34:OOAM 4,4'-DDD <88 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM Endosulfan sudate <a8 D pg/Kgdry 5 1 7/29/01 5:53:Do AM Endosulfan sulfate 5A pg/Kg-4ry 1 727101 2:34:00 AM 4,4-DDT 160 D jig/Kg-dry 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM 4,4'-DDT 170 E pg/Kg-dry S 1 7271012:34:OOAM Melhoxychlor <450 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7129/015:53:00 AM Methoxychlor <23 pg/Kg-dry 1 7127/01 2:34:00 AM Endnn ketone <88 D pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM Endrin ketone <4A pgft-dry S Q 1 7/271012.34:00 AM Endnn aldehyde <4.4 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/27/01 2:34:00 AM Endrin aldehyde <88 0 pg/Kg-dry S 1 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM alpha-Chlordane <45 D pg/Kq-dry 5 1 7/29/015:53:00 AM alpha-Chlordane <2.3 pglKg-dry S 1 7127/012:34.00 AM Qualifiers: E-V-W aEove puaMlteaon rcnaa D-Re9ult6 for Dll oon L/J4 Date Rcpoaed: 11 of 12 li ■ 2/4 ILAQS, Ace 5756&cadi-I01on Road.McWa NY 11747 (8.31)%4-=.W(631)42084W NYSDOHID#10478 LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL& ELK0W1TZ,iNC. mpla Information... Lab No. : 0107673-007A p6: Soil 388 VETERANS MEM HWY COMMACK, NY 11726 jl Arm To : RICH BALDWIN bin; Client I S-8 Collected 7/23/01 10:15:00 AM Received :723/01 4:00:00 PM Collected By : CLIENT Copies To RICHARD BALDWIN I � Parameter(s) Results Units Moth otl �I(nlber Analyzed gamma-Chlordane <45 D p9/Kg-dry SW8 7/29/01 5:53:00 AM gamma-Chlordane <2.3 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7127/012:34:00 AM Toxaphene <4500 D jig/Kg-dry SW6 1 i 729/015:53:00 AM Toxaphene <230 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/27/012:34;0 A 0 M 2.4-D < 13 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/26/01 5t21:00 PM 2,4,5-T <6.5 pg/Kg-dry SW8- 7126/015:21:00 PM 2,4,5-TP(SINaX) <6.6 pg/Kg-dry SW8 7/261015:21;00 PM Aldicarb sulfoxide <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E531 7128/01 2:47:00 PM Altlirarb sulfone <3.3 pg/Kgdry E531 ! 7/28101 2:47:00 PM Oxamyl <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E631 71281012;47!00 PM Methomyl <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E531 7/28/01 2:47:00 PM 3-Hydroxycarbofuren <3.3 pg/Kg-dry 853 7/28/01 2:47:00 PM Aldicarb <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E53 728/01 2;47:00 PM CarboPoran <3.3 pg/Kg-dry E53 7/28/01 2:47;00 PM Carharyl <3.3 Pg/Kg-dry E53 7/28/01 2:47:00 PM Barium 66.3 mg/Kg-dry I 726/01 1:03:00 PM Cadmium <0.66 mg/Kg-dry SW 726/01 1:03TO PM Chromium 12.8 mg/Kg-dry S 7/26101 1;03:00 PM Arsenic 68.5 mg/Kg-dry SW 7126101 1:03:00 PM Lead 91.2 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 1:03!00 PM Selenium 0.91 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 1:03:00 PM Sliver < 1.33 mg/Kg-dry SW 7/26/01 1:03:00 PM Mercury <0.13 mg/Kg-dry S 7/25/0110:24:37 AM Percent Moisture 24.7 wt% D22 7/28101 9;54:00 AM I I i I! I III I Quaifief3: E.Value above gwnbu�on verge D-aasuhs br DilU)gn Dare Reported: 9 12 of 12 i i V2/4 WQS. IN. • 1I 575arad Hollvv Rm((Mule NY 117a7 I. (531)694- g .FAX;(631) NYSDOHID#10M LABORATORY RESULTS FREUDENTHAL&ELKOWITZ,INC. I mple Infomation... 368 VETERANS MEM HWY LabNo. 0107861-001A Soil COMMACK, NY 11726 Attn To RICH BALDWIN I! Ogin: Client 0. S•1 I! Collected 727/01 8:45:00 AM Received :727/01 4:00:00 PM l Collected By : CLIENT p Copies To : RICHARD BALDWIN l Pammater(s) Results Units Metho bar Analyze I ArorAGr 1016 < 38 pg/Kgdry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1221 <78 µgfKg-dry SW 7131/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1232 <38 pg/Kgdry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1242 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1248 <38 µg/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Aroclor 1254 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 2;34;00 PM Aroclor 1260 <38 pg/Kg-dry SW 7/31/01 2:34:00 PM Percent Moisture 13.7 wt% D 728/01 9:55:00 AM I I I i i i i i i I i i II i l I I I I Qualifle . E-VsW move quanmaton range D•Ree�lla irn Dilwion I Da Reported i a of Aug-16-01 11!42am From-WNTCOLERY RISTSON LA RATORIES 8263888324 • Ij 102 P.01/04 F-114 MONTGOMERY WATSON aORATORIES aDWWanOtMenTW=rYWmdoAmmica lnc 595 Easy Wako mot . POW s",CaPw j,91101 T01:826 568 5400 FNC 528 568 6U4 1800568 LAOS 11 800 566 5227) i i i �I aboratorY Report for H2M Labs, Inc 57 Broad Hollow Poad Me Ville , NY 11747 Atte tion: Stuart Murrell ax: 631 420-6436 i 1 e J� 5 fi 1N Accago qy 0 �0h'TCCt:?EaY �rr1fSCN � a � < s >3 D e ort#: 83593 Proj Ma r CONTRACT I aboratory certifies that the t 9t results meet all XET-h quiremente unless oted in the Comments section o the Case Narrative , poll ng the cover page re QC Report, QC Summary,Data R ort, totaling 3 page [s] . , 7a �nti� Aug-15-01 11 :42am From-11pNTZMERYWATSON LAB RATORIES 6265866224 T102 P.02/D4 F-114 MONTGOrdNERY WATSON ORATOmFLS Laboratory a 01M11"of Aden Womery Waodon America Inc. I Data Report gd8 Fact .CaFf S jo si Paacdcnc08 540 m1e 81126 #5 3 59 3 TaI:636 Sae e•dO Fez;625 568 8324 1 88a 565 LABS 11 NO 588 S227) tltl l H2M Labs, Inc Stuart Murrell les Received 575 Broad Hollow Road 1/01 Melville , NY 11747 CGPa[ed Anilyzrd pC AE Eq Method Aoalyte $a'yl �p Y V311t• "�+ niluCYen LV-2 (210731D117) sampled a 07/27/01 09015 NA �`/yg/Ol 80:00 1d9�9/ t C'PDftS/)tPA91a � arelrlezatq I' ' Ug/1 I 4.0! y I' n l i i i I i i i i - Aata Rep page 1 of 1 FR 7tlk1,4 _.. AUS-lE-01 11 !42am From-MONTGOMER•ATSON LA RATORIES 6268688324 • JJ 3TI102 P.03/04 F-114 MOMrGM"6 ,v WATSON eN BORATORfES Laboratory a Oinuan d A14ntgawry Woman/werica, Mc. SS fan WaIna 4lrwc ' QC SLlannary PaRld"S.C601emis 91101 #8 3 5 93 Tc I:in 588$400 Fec 626 588 8324 1800 568 LABS 14 600 566 SW) TT2M Labs, Inc I! I QC Ref #149497 - Perchlorate Analymis tel 08/15/2001 2107310117 T _2 I! F I I! I iyy II Ij I' I I I! i l I' i W I, r QC 9 - Page 1 of 1 bLl 7C1MJ 0 e Aug-IS-01 10:24am From-WNTG01£RY WATSON L ORATORIES SZOOSSE324 IT-100 P.02/05 F-111 � i I! I1: 1 I Aue-15-01 10:23am From-MONTGOMERY WATSON L BORATORIES 6ZG5686324 jT-0B3 P.01/04 F-110 MONTGOMERY VMMOM SGRATORIES •S Fv non el w Stromory We=on America Inc. 366 d. .CaW .W om Psseeena.faYbnle 11101 .� Is 1:636 566 6et16 rec AM SM$324 i 1 H56 566 LABS 11 660 666 4T11 aborstory Regort I f ' for 3 ! 3 ; i H2M Labs, Inc S7 Broad Hollow Road Me Ville , NY 11747 � I Atte tion: Stuart Murrell yI axa 631 420-8436 � I a . tI i yl I it I �DATE Oi- ISSUE ; G �N ACCOgD AUG +y MONTGO[dLP,Y �'„TSOni - -- � 114C s EHe port#: 83593 Proj N[a Y CONTRACT I ,aboraiory certifies char thQ equlrements unless at results meet all N&Lh '''• I i� toted in the Comments section r the Case Narrative. Vol ing the cover page Lre QC Report, QC SuttOnary,D gage [sl ata eport, totaling 3 " i, 7M nw, Aug-I 10:25am From-MONTGOh•VATSON L RATORIES • 626668fi324 I; (f-100 P.03/06 F-111 Laboratory I' Data Report #83526 i H2M Labe, :Lnc Stuart Murrell Rplaw Received 575 Broad follow Road } 27/01 Melville , NY 11747 !' i Prepared Analyzed OC Ra Pp Method A.wlyen Ron "1I1 B 092E Dilucipr C XW-3 (2107300027) Sampled 07/23/01 08:45 09/10/01 00:00 149373 1 CADR9/BPA319 ) p0Prhlarntn it I: -9/1 4.0 1 S-2 (2107300028) Sampled o 07/23/01 09 :30 08/19/02 00m00 ( CADWEPA319 SUesc ) ferchlobm reeo NO/19 0.040 1 S-3 (2107300029) Sampled o 07/23/01 09:50 it 08/15/01 00:00 349496 ( /il r,L MA314 1 PepihloiLOn � ' I sg/k9 0.040 1 S-4 (2107300030) Sampled o 07/23/01 10r00 I' 08/35/41 00,04 1494P9 ( QAS,4/=P3,339 7 P.rd]Aorete I' � I.� mm/1em 0.040 1 I: S-5 (2107300031) Sampled 0 07/23/01 10100 091,9401 00:00 149436 ( (AD119/8PA334 ) Pesohlosaie � I 411m/k7 0.040 1 S-6 (2107300032) Sampled o 07/23/01 10:15 II 00/15/O1 00�00 149496 ( CADUS/SFA314 I'PerchloreC9 HD I, -9/kH Cato 1 I! I� I i' II I. I' I I. I I I: is I; Ij. Data R rt page 1 of 1 li EP a�1H.-1 1 Aug15-01 10:25am From-MONTGMRY WATSON L RATORIES 8265886324 • IT-100 P.05/05 F-111 Laboratory QC Report #83526 I n, I I' I H2M Labs, IncI I:a QC Ref #149279 Per hlorate II 0c Anelyee apilmd Raevvexed Y1e14 (t) I'Lab ♦ 21 08090059 to (6) aH 8pikad aeaaple RFD (4) .00 - 0.00 1 LCffi Dorchlereta 25.0 24.2 97.2 ei J LC92 Dorehiarata .00 11II.0025.0 2414 90.2 %8LR (' 8 .00 - 115.00 ) 1.0 DorebloraGa ]ro Perchlorate 25.0 23.8 gj,2 KHn .00 - 120.00 ) Damblm-aee 25.0 23.5 rk.0 QC Ref 4149496 Per hlorate II P Qa Spalyte 9D;%ed Resavered yield (Y) to (6) LCII1 iarohlonato I RfD Ik) 0.2II 0.26 104.0 { 0.an - 120,00 ) LCIIH DarOh;atata 0.25 0.27 108.0 R. a.00 1®Yx Patdllerate r8 Pe mbUrale 0,29 0.29 1I6.0 W 0_00 - 120-�a ) man Pexnhldrete 0.29 0.28 I'" 112.0 0.00 - 120.00 13.5 I! If II. I i I� l I li Ili BPS kea which o><caed Lime. aad Ne hod alanka with Poaitivo reeuia9 are by eri cesla ar 8h )t a >N cm4•:1L-+ t =-. aau and DIIP ars edvla ry Daly, bncch Aoarxol Se ..ad w LCB. a Por daplieatea ara e4viaory only, a,vlaaa aCluavi a apaai{ied in rw_ maehed. I' QC rt - Page 1 of I 50 39t1d CAH� Inl>u _ � TO: Planning Board FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Graces Place Route 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 DATE: August 15, 2001 REQUEST Mr. Murphy wants to review the specs. For the entrance road. REVIEW The formerly approved Aliano subdivision shows one common entrance with driveways to each lot. This subdivision was originally planed as a residential development in this AC zone. A special Exception was granted for a nursery school, which will use busses to transport the children to the school. The approved plan shows a 20' wide driveway. Mr. Murphy says two busses cannot pass on this narrow road. If the road is widened it will either take area from the 50' landscaped buffer, or the lots all would have to be moved south. The approved plan would have to be amended to accommodate this change. RECOMMENDEATION. Amend the approved map to reflect moving the lots south to increase the width of the driveway(road)to 25'. �0 1 > — "Z AD Cur ll l h Ff C;: rJ� N �JI J xD F'2E'CLL 562.1� 5 m T` o d' '_'Aj"jr 4- .0'o Mo m .`qrE�: _ gi1FFEr , a, . • SCALE- l 'b1 C m m m m - 2AD '�97 A4c. !� ,a -• 120•. - - - (� ) F tar `L N _ L A ° 840E J JQ FI, _ L7'� Npg�Q �`�O•fl � cASEMWr Qa OLD BA2ti ' 16 E. N e4Fw6R SEE DFraI, FD : :u::A C - IS 0 8` «D.. I , 92 .7� r i TEs�WELL 11 t`-80..E o o 141 5 f7G'rF'ED to j _ . 1 2qp., o 0 562.t5' _ .7 aTR - 5 0 6�YF a . � 295.52 M PI BVILo 1r qC. 90 v. Cn . > O'. 7- t ti -_UI 0 WELL wa 3. 621205.E Cam' 1 �m Fn Z i 3 ,gaz_.F p 31 7G , m SYCL.15 cm EYCL.15 AO=� EXC .�ACY K�. EA,033 F. F, ,. r I, y �{ m N SO 5.F. 12�SIQ S.F. 783t= ' EYCL t5 ACCESS EXC 56P3 E55 6 ,955 S.F. O'03905A ! rrl I LC�S_'J EYCl15'A.'.ES> I S.�0�-. 'BUFFEq Iio f iu !il tll I6.1 �p, f N N y I n;/F K2UP51<I to 130Il.DING ZDNE B - GENEPAI_ BLJ51NES W 445: -_ 'o w w LU N <r w ur O u � ,' m •ll '�'! T 1 Or ---- 44 CX ���. � J �, � � � . lr IU�jpW eo d ❑: In i w -y wA w 0 ° l V Ip� l ��sc J E I L,rl Lj �pCp Ir 9 tiy:.E __ —_ QD a . U Ut I ! p M v IL l(1 I lP w iL x wl __ � I (u LO Q,r , y . � LL ( 1 r r w 61 o: m .�.�.i F W '. ( r, w w p T _ ID 4) l0 Yl L1 Z lC LL_ LL. 1 I ,3n 13 L N:GO i5 �' a/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �OgUFFO(,(�C 0 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 _� G,y Chairman 3 P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y - Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. �.fi O`� Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 3, 2001 Frank J. Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 2 Jamesport, NY 11947 RE: Grace's Place Route 48, Peconic SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: Agriculture/ Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. Murphy, The Planning Board has received and approved the enclosed report from the Architectural Review Committee. It is being sent to you for your attention. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact this office. *rl . ne Site Plan Reviewer Encl. SOUTHOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE July ,*2001, 4:30 P.M. The ARC met at Town Hall, Members present were: ., Robert I. Brown, Co-Chairman AUG 01 2001 Garrett A. Strang, Co-Chairman Herbert Ernst, Southold Southold Town Robert Keith, Mattituck; Secretary Plannln Bo�Ird Howard Meineke, Cutchogue 8 Yan Reiger, Orient Also present were Robert Kassner of the Planning Board staff and Edwin A. Tonyes of Southold Automotive. Moved by Howard Meineke and seconded by Herbert Ernst, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the MINUTES of the meeting of July 19, 2001 Vote of the Committee: Ayes All GRACE'S PLACE DAY CARE'CENITER (North Road • Peconic) Moved Yen Rieger and.seconded by Howard Meinke,'it was RESOLVED to recommend that the Planning Board DENY the application as submitted and ask for resubmission because the nature of design,- parapet walls, acrylic stucco, and length of the building - in no way follow the philosophy of the scenic by-way proposed for Route 48. Vote of the Committee: Ayes all. ZRobeVO Secretary PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��gUFFO(,(c BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman y� P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS W Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS %A.-- Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. .!i O�� Fax (631) 765-3136 RI:CHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 31, 2001 T Frank J. Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 2 Jamesport, NY 11947 RE: Grace's Place Route 48, Peconic SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: Agriculture/Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. Murphy, The Planning Board has reviewed and compared your proposed site plan with the September 13, 1993, approved major subdivision for Nicholas Aliano. The plan that you have submitted does not meet some of the requirements of the approved subdivision as follows: 1. There must be a fifty foot (50) landscaped buffer south of the property line. 2. The roads must be south of this buffer. 3. There must be a minimum of sixteen street trees as shown on the approved subdivision plan. 4. A fence is recommended to separate the playground from the railroad tracks to the south. 5. The areas of lots seven (7) and eight (8) on the site plan differ in area from the approved subdivision map. SOUTHOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE July % 2001, 4:30 P.M. The ARC met at Town Hall, Members present were: ' f Robert I. Brown, Co-Chairman AUG O 1 2001 Garrett A. Strang, Co-Chairman Herbert Ernst, Southold Southold Town Robert Keith, Mattituck, Secretary Planning Board Howard Meineke, Cutchogue Yen Reiger, Orient Also present were Robert Kassner of the Planning Board staff and Edwin A. Tonyes of Southold Automotive. Moved by Howard Meineke and seconded by Herbert Ernst, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the MINUTES of the meeting of July 19, 2001 Vote of the Committee: Ayes All SOUTHOLD AUTOMOTIVE (Main Road - Southold) Moved by Robert Brown and seconded by Howard Meinke, it was RESOLVED to decline comment after-the-fact on construction not in Gmformance with approved plans; further to add the following condition to each approval: "Deviation from approved plans without the review and approval of the Architectural Review Committee will cause recisssion of the original approval and may negatively impact securing the Certificate of Occupancy" Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. PAUL CORAZZINI STORAGE BUILDING (Albertsons Lane - Greenport) Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Herbert Ernst, it was RESOLVED, in consideration of the proximity of the building to the Main Road, to recommend that the Planning Board DENY the application and request RESUBMISSION with a more barnlike appearance, i.e. 5 x 12 roof pitch, board and batten siding, asphalt or wood shingle roof. The Committee will also need colors of the doors, window trim and roof. Vote of the Committee: Ayes all. BEDELL CELLARS WINE STORAGE BUILDING (Main Road - Cutchogue) Moved by Garrett Strang and seconded by Yan Rieger, it was RESOLVED to offer NO COMMENT on construction after-the-fact. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. GRACE'S-PI-ACE DAY CARE CARTER (North Road - Peconic) Moved Yen Rieger and seconded by Howard Meinke, it was RESOLVED to recommend that the Planning Board DENY the application as submitted and ask for resubmission because the nature of design - parapet walls, acrylic stucco, and length of the building - in no way follow the philosophy of the scenic by-way proposed for Route 48. Vote of the Committee: Ayes all. NORTH SHORE YACHT (Main Road - Mattituck) Moved by Howard Meinke and seconded by Robert Keith, it was RESOLVED to TABLE the application awaiting the requested South elevation showing both buildings to see the visual impact of the new building. The Committee will also look for a more barn-like appearance such as a 5 x 12 roof pitch and siding to match or complement the existing building. Vote of the Committee: Ayes all. WAREX TERMINAL CONVENIENCE STORE (Main Road - Mattituck) Moved by Herbert Ernst and seconded by Robert Brown, it was RESOLVED to TABLE the application to secure information about the color and material of the storefront construction, including any opaque panels and the details of the signage. The Committee recommends removal of the fluted wooden columns and continuance of the brick across the front at the height below the Cashier's window. Vote of the Committee: Ayes all. Robe U . Keith Secretary f APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS pFFO( n Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringey Chairman h� QG,y 53095 Main Road /'^r James Dinizio Jr. o P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora W T Southold, New York 11971-0959 Lora S. Collins O ZBA Fax (631)765-9064 George Horning y�JQ! �a�� Telephone (631) 765-1809 1 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2001 Appl. No. 4969 � Applicant: NYS Federation of Processors &Growers, Inc. (N. Aliano, Owner) Street Address: 31800 and 31040 C.R. 48 (alkla Middle Road or North Road), Peconic Zone District: A-C Agricultural-Conservation Parcel: 1000-74-4-4.7 and 4.8 Date of Public Hearing: July 12, 2001 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Applicant-N.Y.S. Federation of Processors and Growers, Inc. is the prospective purchaser of land proposing to build a Nursery School Facility. The property contains 4.5 acres with access off the southerly side of County Road 48 in Peconic, property referred to as Lots 7 and 8, combined as one lot, on the Minor Subdivision Map of N. Aliano. APPLICANT'S REOUEST/BASIS OF APPLICATION: The Applicant is requesting a Special Exception under Article III, Section 100-31, subsection B(4) of the Southold Town Zoning Code for a nursery school facility. The number of students at the Nursery School is proposed for a maximum of 76 students. Details of the layout of the site are more particularly shown on Site and Construction Plans prepared by Ricardo E. Campos dated 6-15-01, for "Grace's Place Day Care Center." All parking and screening will be determined by the Southold Town Planning Board as provided under the Zoning Code site plan regulations. STANDARDS/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: After review of the requirements set forth pursuant to Chapter 100 governing a Nursery School Use by Special Exception review, and on the basis of testimony presented and personal inspection, the Board finds: 1. Nursery schools are permitted in this A-C Agricultural-Conservation Zone District under Section 500-31B(4) of the Town Zoning Code, subject to special exception authorization of the Zoning Board of Appeals. In this review the Board determines that the proposed Nursery School Use is in harmony with the zoning ordinance and will not adversely affect the neighborhood if such requirements are met. 2. The proposed Nursery School complies with the lot size provisions of the Zoning Code. This building and facility will be located on 4.5 acres of land. In addition, the Board has reviewed the General Standards governing Special Exception uses Page 2 -Appl. No. SE-4969 Grace's Place Nursery School Decision Rendered 7/19/01 set forth in Section 100-263 and finds that: A) This Nursery School will not prevent the orderly and reasonable in this Residential Zone District and adjacent districts. The adjacent property to the east are business (retail sales), and to the south and west are agricultural areas. B) This use will not prevent orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. C) The safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, and the order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. D) The use will be in harmony with and will promote the general purposes and intent of the code. E) The use is compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regarding to visibility, scale and overall appearance. F) The structures, equipment and material will be accessible for emergency protection. In making this determination, the Board has also reviewed other matters under Section 100-264, and finds that no adverse conditions will result from this authorization: A. There will be no adverse change in the character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of such district for the location of such permitted uses. B. Property values will be conserved. A Nursery School use is encouraged and allowed by Special Exception approval from the Board of Appeals. C. The location of the proposed Nursery School will not cause traffic congestion on public streets, highways and sidewalks. D. There is availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise) as a result of this use. E. The use or the materials incidental thereto will not give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot. • Page :i -APPI• No, SE 4969 Grace's Place Nursery Decision Rendered 7/19/61 li ht, vibration or F. The use will not cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust, 9 noise. G. The operation of a nursery school facility will not cause undue interference with the orderly n ejoyment by the public of parking or of recreational facilities, existing or proposed by the town or by other competent governmental agencies. of vehicles appropriate and can be H. The necessity for bituminous-surfaced space for purposes of off-street parking wherein the incidental to the use and whether such space is reasonably adequate and Board under the site plan furnished by the owner of then plots sought the beu used e d Town n Planning�adjacent to the p use shall be located, and by PP roval becau how that se of regulations. use I.re There is no evidence to s there will be any hazard to life, limb or property ration fi , flood accessibility, pparatus. There will not be undue co erosion or panic by reaso I of or as a result of or structures the eontfor t econvenient entry and operation or of the property of fire and other emergency ancentration or assemblage o by the persons upon such Plot in the normal activities of a nursery school, of land or undue 3. The use and the building location will not cause an overcrowding concentration of population. K. The plot area is sufficient, appropriate and adequate for this nursery school/day care center use. e operated is not assembly, and near to a church, school,theater, recreational area L. The use to b or other place of public M. The site is particularly suitable for a nursery school considering its size and character of the neighborhood• detrimental impact to N. No evidence has been presented to show that there would be any adjacent properties and land uses. p. Adequate Provision has been made for the collection and dispos al of storm-water runoff, sewage, refuse, solid, and liquid waste. There will be no gaseous waste generated from this project. ro osed use may be introduced important natural features, systems or processes any P. The natural characteristics of the site are such that the p without undue disturbance or disruption of sur without risk of pollution to groundwater and surface waters on and off the site. 'age ' -APpI. No. 5E-4969 N Grace's Place Nursery School Decision Rendered 7/19/OS RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Tortora, it w RESOLVED, to GRANT the application, as applied for, as Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer (Chairman), Dinizio, Tortora, Collins. was Member Horning, of Fishers Island). This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). (Absent rard P. Goehringer Chairman T J�lar of 1` �uiLo1U � 13 To Bennett Orlowski,Jr The hearing for case 4969 on July 12 (Southold Zoning Board of Appeals), was a sincere disappointment. The hearings went from 8:10pm, on through 11:30pm. There was discussion, and question, debate and rebuttal, on all issues presented. The board spent over an hour and 15 minutes discussing one case, of which a good portion was spent analyzing the need to protect "bluffs." Yet, when it came time to discuss the issue of segregating children, and bussing infants and toddlers up to one hour, the board shrugged through it, with all of four(?) questions? When "Frank", as he was impolitely addressed several times, spoke about the Peconic site being a central location.....did anyone think to ask whether statistics had been collected to show where the migrant families with children ages 0 to 5 were situated? Governor Pataki's letter dated Dec. 17,1999, stated that "Grace's Place will be located near the business center of Riverhead, centrally situated among the agricultural areas of Suffolk County." If these are the families to be aided by this day care facility, did anyone bother to seek out how many of them want to send their youngsters such a great distance away on a bus? With several schools sitting vacant already (Peconic Primary, Laurel...) did anyone think to suggest that funds might better be used by renting or purchasing these facilities? Other sites for these nursery schools have made use of abandoned school buildings. This same week, an article in a local newspaper stated that the Laurel school is being looked at as a nursery school for the areas children. Does that mean the parents who can afford to pay will send their children to Laurel while lower income families in the same area will be bussed to a state-run school? Is Southold prepared to deal with the issue of segregation? Mrs. Tortora asked a question about the Riverhead site, and was simply told that there is no Riverhead site. She was most likely referring to the proposed facility that had been turned down by the town. Was this Peconic site discussed openly with the neighborhood it will affect? No, the files neglected to list the pertinent information-- the children in the area will not be eligible to go to the school, unless their families are farm workers, with incomes of $4000-$9000. The issue of bussing was never addressed in the files. The building itself was not looked into at the meeting-- will the design be suited to the homes in the area (there are several historic homes in the vicinity). The other sites in existence are so far away that perhaps the request for photos would have helped. And while Mrs.Tortora asked a relevant question about the trees and landscaping, it was laughed off as an "error" on the records. Will landscaping be provided to enhance the area? While other sites are better suited to the needs of the agricultural community, someone should question why this site was chosen. D c . SoudiWdTown Planning Board IlIW111l,lVNll :Vl.AbJrhLtJU V11AI�UIII..LL. . .,��. :.V�Id ........., The News,-IMiew back to '�%top stories KPH -,Kr-�f e INI RENEWS Doctor's Path day care unlikely By Tim Kelly R►VG,RI IEAD - Doctor's Path apparently won't be the "Grace's Place" dayeare center's new address. After fhc proposed state-subsidized tacility for the children of lower income farmworkers came under attack for the second time at a public hearing last week, several Town Board members said it appears unlikely that they'll approve the necessary special permit for that location. But they wouldn't rule out saying yes to an alternate location. "1 would like to see the project go forward," said Councilman Jim Lull. "There'll continue to be discussions toward looking at other locations." With a $1 million no-interest loan provided by the state, the Agri- Business Child Development organization of Schenectady entered into a contract to acquire a 7.6-acre wooded parcel near Northville Turnpike. The not-for-profit group filed for permission to construct an eight-classroom building where farmworkers' children would receive educational attention and basic health care similar to that provided by local I lead Start programs. The group and its supporters say such a center would provide a much-needed boost to the largely Hispanic farmworker community where day care is often nothing more than sitting in front of a neighbor's television. But during Town Board hearings on June 20 and July 5 area residents turned out in force to protest what they see as an attempt to "dump" a social services center on them. No local benefits? They argued that by serving a population that covers most of Suffolk, "Grace's Place" will provide few, if any, benefits for Riverheaders, while placing a potentially troublesome commercial enterprise, in a residential area. These arc compelling arguments, said Councilman Phil Cardinale. "The issue isn't whether we should be helping migrants, and the issue isn't whether this is a good program," he said. "It's whether http://www.timesrevicw.com/nr07-13-00/stories/news2.htm 7/20/01 tNL, ,.,P,LIA,I UI IA1V011e:Lll I UVVII, Long ISIanCi IV.. Page L of 2 tills ibcation is appropriate." Mr. Cardinale can't recall a similar dispute that pits one minority group, in this case Hispanic farmworkers, against another, the African-American residents of Doctor's Path. "It seems likely that if they don't get it here, this may very well fly in another location," he said. Supervisor Bob Kozakiewicz said he can't continent on how he might vote, but added: "I do have some concerns about its location in a residential community." During the hearings Councilman Ed Densieski expressed concern over the project while Councilman Chris Kent spoke favorably about it. The town's code doesn't permit such child care facilities as a matter of right in any zoning category. Should the Agri-Business group find another location it would need to apply anew, and that would require all new hearings. Agri-Business executive director Maggie Evans said the group remains convinced that the Doctor's Path site is "ideal and if we have to, we'll start the process over. "We'll deal with whatever they come up with, yea or nay," she said. "We're still very interested in serving in the Riverhead area and we hope that comes to fruition at some point." back to top stories Copyright 1999, Times/Review Newspapers.All Rights Reserved. littp://www.timesreview.com/nrO7-13-00/stories/news2.htm 7/20/01 �� ,u ii.i i u.� I ��x a nl•l�IU,1� ,.;: ! �1kM WUKi�I�K� Page I o1 2 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 17, 1999 Governor Announces Facilities For Children Of Farm Workers State Provides Financing For Day Care Services in Riverhead Governor George E. Pataki today announced the approval of a $1 million no-interest loan for the construction of Grace's Place, an eight- classroom day care facility in Riverhead that will be owned and operated by Agri-Business Child Development, a non-profit child development organization. The center will be financed by the New York State Housing Finance Agency's (HFA) under it's Agency's Youth Facilities Program. "Available day care is critical to all working families," Governor Pataki said. "This day care facility will be the first in the area to serve the special needs of children of migrant, seasonal and local farm workers." County Executive Robert Gaffney said, ""I'd like to thank Governor Pataki for providing the funding necessary to create this new day care facility. The Governor realizes that the need for such facilities is growing, and we welcome Grace's Place to Suffolk County." Senator Kenneth P. La Valle said, "Agriculture on Long Island is critical to our local economy and specifically the east cnd. Having a day care facility available for farm laborers will ensure that children are in a sale environment and that out region maintains the workforce needed to sustain this vital industry." Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora, said, "The need for a quality day care center for farm workers has long been a priority for our area. Governor Pataki has been particularly sensitive to the farming community and to the everyday needs of the families and their children who depend on our support fora healthy and prosperous future. 1 commend the Governor for his foresight and committment to providing much-needed day care for this very special group of children.' 1IFA's loan will be used for the site acquisition and new construction of the 7,000-square-foot facility licensed to servo up to 76 children. The center will serve a target population with an estimated family income ranging from $4,000-$9,000. "Grace's Place will provide desperately needed day care for up to 76 children," HFA President and CEO Stephen J. Hunt said. "It is just one example of how public-private partnerships are improving the quality of lite for all New Yorkers. I'm proud to have assisted this project and I commend Governor Pataki for his support." HFA Chairman .lerome M. Becker said, "Governor Pataki and the New York State Housing Finance Agency are committed to providing financing to meet the ever changing needs of the State. The project will hell, provide safe healthy facilities for New York's children." HFA was createI as a public bellefft corporation in 1960, under Article III of the Private ElauSing http://www.state.i,y.a s/governor/press/year99/dec 17.-99.htm Finance Law, to finance low income housing by raising funds through the issuance of mmnicipal securities and the making of mortgage loans to eligible borrowers. In its 39 year history, the Agency's mandate was legislatively expanded to allow for the financing of other projects which met a variety of State needs including educational and health care facilities. Grace's place v,il] be located near the business center of Riverhead, centrally situated among the agricultural areas of Suffolk County. Return to the Press Releases Return to the Office of the Governor http://www.state.ny.us/governor/press/year99/dec 17_99.htm L) fireC F16 TT3 SOUTHOLD TOWN ] ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE July 19, 2001 The ARC met at Town Hall at 4:30 p.m.. Members present were: Garrett A. Strang, Co-Chairman Robert I. Brown, Co-Chairman Howard G. Meinke, New Suffolk/Cutchogue Theodore Carpluk, Southold Robert Keith, Mattituck, Secretary Also attending were Robert G. Kassner of the Planning Board Staff and Richard Marschaen. Moved by Howard Meinke and seconded by Theodore Carpluk, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the MINUTES of the meeting of June 26, 2001. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. SOUTHOLD AUTOMOTIVE (Main Road - Southold) Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Robert Brown, it was RESOLVED to TABLE discussion of the building, completed without the dormers shown on the plan and with other changes, awaiting "as is" drawings of the completed structure. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. GRACE'S PLACE DAY CARE CE14TER (North Road - Peconic) Moved by Robert Brown and seconded by Garrett Strang, it was RESOLVED to TABLE the application pending approval of the required special exception by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Committee expresses its objection to a proposed structure bearing a resemblance to the type of strip mall structure recently made unacceptable on commercial property. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. 1670 HOUSE (North Road - Southold) Garrett Strang recused himself. Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Theodore Carpluk, it was RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of the plans as submitted. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. Robert W. Keith Secretary a +r Submission Without a Cover Letter Subject: C✓d�CES ` �e� Lill JUL 09 2M SCT)ft#: r000- 7L/- `7 V- Southold Town Planning Board Date: �/ 0 O Comments: G U�� Permit No. ...MZZ3... PERMIT UNDER SECTION 136 of ARTICLE VI of HIGHWAY LAW whereas.section 136 of Article yl of the Highway Law provides: Permits Ior work within the county road right of way.Except in connection wilh the construction.re maintenance or improvement of a county road or operations of a corporation pursuant to the provisions Of section twenty-seven of the Irensponelion corporations Is- Iwenly-one,eighty-nine,ninety-one,ninety-three,ninety-three-sand ninety-three-b of th@ rall,oad law,no person,limn,corporation or municipality shall construct or impro county road right of way an entrance or connecllon to such road,or construct within the county road right of way any works.structure or obstruction,ar anyoverhead Or crossing thereof.or lay or maintain therein underground wires or conduits or drainage.sewer or waler pipes,except In accordance with the lemma and eondillons of a work per the county superintendent or his duly de.signaled agent,notwithstanding any consent or franchise granted by any town superintendent.Or by any other municipal authority.A corporation may enter upon any country road for the purpose of widening the pavement or for any olhef purpose authorized by this sacllon,but only after securing a perm herein.Notwithstanding the[Imitations in any general or special law,every municipal corporation shall have and Is hereby given authority to deposit with the County sup@rini. sum of money or a security bond as maybe required a s s condition precedent to the granling of the permit provided In this section.The county superinlandenl shall establls governing Ohs Issuance of highway work permits.Including lh@ lees to be Charged therefor,a system of deposits of money or bonds guaranteeing the performance of requirements of Insurance to protect the Interests of the county during performance of me work pursuant to a highway work permit.With,aspect to driveway enlronc. regulations shall take Into consideration the prospective character of the development.the traffic which will be genersled by the facility within the reasona bly loresaeable lulu and frequency of access to the facility,the effect of the facility upon drainage as relsled to existing drainage systems,the extent to which such facility may Impair the at. carrying capeclly of the ex Ding counly road and any proposed Improvement thereto within the reasonably foreseeable fulure,and any standard,governing access.nonace access which have been established by fire county superintendent.Upon completion of the work within the county road right of way,aufharited by the work permit,iht Corporation,municipality,and his or Its successors In interest.shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of such work or portion of such work as set forth within 1 conditions of the work permit.An advertising sign,display or device,or any put thereof,erected in aolallon of this section shall be removed from the county road right of way or the party responsible for Its erection. The county superintendent shall make a demand by mail,to Ohs last known address of the owner,apparent owner oe party respo. erection of such advertising sign,display or device,for Its removal and.1111 Is not removed within twenty J t0)days from the dale of the mailing of such demand,the county so may remove any such advertising sign,display or device,or any pert thereof,from the county road,ighl of way.The term"counly food right of way"shall.for the purposes o mean the sniff@ width between the boundary line of all properly which has been purchased or appropriated by the county for caunly road purposes,ail properly over whiff superintendent or his predecessors has assumed Jurisdiction for county road purposed,all properly overwhieh the county superintendent has assumed jurisdiction during construction.leeonslrutllon or Improvement end ell properly which has become part of the counly road system through dedication Or use.Any person,firm or corporation section shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one thousand dollar for each day of violation,lobe recovered by the county supetimendenl. the county treasury to the credit of the County road fund Created under this article for Ihs construction,reconstruction and maintenance of county roads on the county to accordance with the provisions of this article,and may also be removed therefrom as a trespasser by Ihecounly superintendent upon petition to the county court of the cot supreme court of the stele. WHEREAS, a certain highway known as the Middle Road CR No /' has been improved and Is on the Suffolk County Road gvstem and Nicholas Aliano WHEREAS, 11 Ashley Lane, Shoreham, NY 11786 build an asphalt driveway as requests pen, P y per plans, 'Typical Sections & County Specs. On the s Middle Rd. , CR 48, 858± ' w/o Pauls Lane, hamlet of Peconic, Town of Southold. as per sketch or map attached. NOW, THEREFORE, permission Is hereby granted to said Sprinkler systems are not permitted on the County R.O.W. to do said work upon the following cr� CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1. When concrete is removed, cut concrete with concrete saw two feel outside the limits of the proposed excavation and for the lull panel width.When the cut Is made In pavement within 10 feel of the panel joint,the pavement shall be removed for full panel width from the cut on the for side of the excavation to the panel joint. 2. Backllll and thoroughly compact fill using POWER TAMPER,placing soils so that various types of soil are In same relative position as before ex.:avaling. Grade to original surface. 3. Replace pavement, sidewalkor surface same as existing:If concrete,replace using 1:1 3/4:3 1/2 mix stone mix concrete; It bituminous material, replace using same type as removed. 4. It concrete curb is removed, replace with similar curb 1:1 3/4:3 1/2 mix. S. Edge of Jacking Plls or any other excavation shall be not less than 5 feel from Edge of Pavement. No undercutting allowed In Pit. 6. Notify the Department at Yapltank 924-3451 when the work Is to begin so that an inspection can be made of the operation. This permit shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Commissioner of Public Works. .The work authorized by this permit shall be performed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner , Works or his representative. Particular attenffon is called to the necessity of thoroughly compacting the back ♦III, which will be required by the Commisc Public Works. The Commissioner of Public Works shall be given one week's notice by said applicant of the date when It intends to begin I authorized by this permit, and prompt notice of Its completion. The said applicant hereby agrees to hold the Stale, County and Town harmless on account of damages of any kind winch m during the progress of the work authorized by this permit or by reason thereof. Applicant certifies all persons concerned with actual work under this permit are duly covered by Workmen's Compensation In and the Stale, County and Town shall be held harmless on account thereof. The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the right to at any time revoke ar annul this perti ll should the said applicant fail to with the terms and conditions upon which it is granted. The applicant agrees to pay all necessary expenses Incident to supervision and inspection by reason of the granting of such p: certified by the Commissioner of Public Works, such payment to be made within len days from the rendering of the certified accc Work under this permit to be commenced within thirty days from the date of permit and continued in an expeditious manner. The applicant shall submit a detailed plan of structure to be built, will) a description of proposed method of construction. It is understood that should future changes in the alignment or grade of the highway require changes In the work cover. application and permit, the applicant shall on reasonable notice from the Commissioner of Public It make such necessary c. his own expense within the time so specified in notice. , Traffic shall be maintained by the applicant on this section of the highway while the work Is in progress and until its final car A Certified Check in the sum of S .,1,9Q9 r OQ, 7iBr}%X)068f . • • • • • • • • . payable to the County Treasurer of Suffolk L in pile as security that the highway will be restored to its original condition where disturbed at the expense of the applicant,as feposited Y 9 y he work has been completed,and the said Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to expend all or as much of such de). nay be necessary for that purpose, should the said applicant neglect or refuse to perform the work. In consideration of grantir this perrnit the undersigned accepts It subject to conditions described. a . . . . .!J . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .�. .�. k�owl,- Daile,Apphcanl Commfs crier of Public Works, Still Aliano Allano Aliano Ii IV r , Y . r s .. d `y • Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: -I z) /ftk ' " Z-e x m / Subject: SCTM#: 1000- �� — —�/ 7i� �. <f �'- •:v fi Date: 7— 3 _ o ( JUL 0 3 Aui Comments: / � � l 9'i:�:=,., aJ Ci3u;u PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS NJ Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. .fi Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 5, 2001 Frank J. Murphy Century 21 1146 Route 25 P.O. Box 2 Jamesport, NY 11947 RE: Grace's Place Route 48, Peconic SCTM# 1000-74-4-4.7 & 4.8 Zone: Agriculture/ Conservation (AC) Dear Mr. Murphy, The Planning Board has received your letter of May 24, 2001 in regard to the above project. The following additions/changes must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: ,V-7 1. Scale must be P = 20' rt, 2. Key map rr,, 3. Show zone and zone line rf� 4. Landscaping s' n 5. Show street trees 14" 6. Show utility poles, fire well and electrical service n� 7. The set back on the approved subdivision is 160' y; 8. Show any outdoor lighting by, 9. East, west, north& south elevations required. (See enclosed.lis . ly., 10. Show any proposed outdoor sign. A sketch, to scale, showing materials and color is required 11. Paving material for road and parking area, show haddicaped parking obi In addition to the above, a Special Exception is required from the Board of appeals. Permits will also be required from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works for a curb cut and a review by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact this office. Sincer , Kassn Site Plan Reviewer Encl. Information to be submitted or included with submission to Architectural Review Committee. * Site Plan. * Type of Building Construction, Occupancy, Use and Fire Separation. * Floor Plans Drawn to Scale - 1/4"=1' preferred. * Elevation Drawings to Scale of all sides of each Building, 1/4"=11preferred including the following information: Type and color of roofing - include sample. Type and color of siding - include sample. Type of windows and doors to be used, material and color of all windows and door frames - include sample. Type and color of trim material - include sample. * Type of heating/cooling equipment to be used. Show exterior locations of all equipment i .e. , heatpumps, air conditioning compressors, etc. on plans and/or elevations . * Type and locations of all roof-mounted mechanical equipment. * Type and locations of all mechanical equipment and/or- plumbing venting through roof or building sidewall . * Type, color and style of proposed masonry material for chimneys or accent walls - include samples or photos . * Details, color, type and style of any proposed ornamentation, awnings, canopies or tents. * Photos of existing buildings and/or neighboring properties from four directions of project site. * Type, Color and Design of all exterior signage, both building-mounted and free standing. Matthews & Matthews ,� Attorneys At Law 191 New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 631-673-7555 FAX: 631-425-7030 e-mail: jimmatthewslaw@aol.com CA,7tW17, James F.Matthews Patricia Loftus Matthews May 24, 2001 Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, New York Re: Grace's Place Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find application for consideration of a site plan for a project named Grace's Place, a nursery school, a 7000 square foot building proposed to be built on a 4.6 acre site as set forth in the application. We also enclose our check in the amount of$925 as the application fee, together with nine copies of the site plan, short and long form EAFs and copies of the deeds and contract of sale. We represent New York State Federation of Processors and Growers, Inc., the contract vendee. Please advise if any further materials are needed at this time. Ve ly yours, W Ivy' "sI t s 7 s . Matthews l in° 2 r 2001 JFM:cc Shcfl1®Id Town Enclosure Planning Board O ary' Fran plbertsonRealty YYY111 saeMurphy 1146 Route 25,P.O.Box 2 1 Jamesporl,New yoA(11947 1l Business(631)722.2600 Fax(631)722-4449 Voice Mail(631)436-0095 www.centu,y2laibertson.com E-Mail imurphy®century2lalbeds0n.c0m Each Ofllce Is IntlepenEmXYOxnetl AM ppereteC fl